#and the thing is i would have been like oh its just showing how watts' future ISNT ever gonna be w children/jackwatts breakup bec they
thefringespod · 27 days
Its #AudioDramaSunday somewhere so we're going to do a late post!
Starting things off with episode 7.5 of @tellnotalespod where Leanne once again breaks my heart 💜 The way Leanne writes people talking about their queer experiences will always gut me, they're so wonderfully done
Up next, early release for @souloperatorpod episode 8. I sent @totcoc0a a 4.5 minute long voice message after that one. Do with that what you will
@camlannpod episode 7 did irreparable damage to me <3 I listened to it after having emotional damage dealt by TNT and SO which made it hurt 10 times worse. The reveal about Dai was *so* well done but also Ella Watts I'm shaking you (affectionate)
@woebegonepod episode 153 also did emotional damage to me. This was a great week for dealing emotional damage to Pine! 153 was one part fun and funny and one part me grasping at my chest going "Oh gods" over and over again. It was great! Easily in my top 10 eps
This week saw the triumphant return of @thesiltverses ! The twists and turns of this episode were phenomenal and I cannot believe how much it made me root for Shrue. Just 10/10 writing and Sarah Griffin went above and beyond with their performance
The Magnus Protocol also returned this week and gods was it something. The statement itself was absolutely enthralling but the plot bits outside the statement have been rattling in my brain. Mr. Bonzo has a license to kill. I will live in fear forever
@audistorium released a new episode on their patreon which was read by the incredible @madd-vo! I cant wait for public release so I can scream about it. Lemon wrote a 10 minute long episode that has wormed its way into my brain forever
Speaking of Lemon, he also made a heartfelt and tear inducing video which has been released on the Audistorium socials. I'm so lucky to get to know Lemon and to see this show he's building, he's so kind and the way he's building his community is incredible
Here on the Fringes, I have recorded the first draft of the Q&A! It was very long and rambley so I am going to be giving it a listen and then possibly recording some bits to be better answers, but expect that coming soon!
And over on @forgedbondspod we have 11 episodes left to write! I'm so excited to write this final arc of the show and share it with my cast. Speaking of my cast, I've gotten some more recordings in for the first half of the show and gods yall they're so fucking good
If you would like to support the Fringes and Forged Bonds and whatever else I make next, you can do so at patreon.com/PineTreePods! And if you have suggestions for content you would like to see on patreon, please let me know!
That's all for this week! I'm looking forward to what lies ahead and can't wait to share stuff with yall
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writingwithfolklore · 2 years
Funny Film Terms
                One of the funniest (and most annoying) things about the film world is that the industry has nicknamed everything. I’m talking from tennis balls to lights to stands, almost everything has its own film industry nickname, and some of them are kind of a lot of fun.
                So I’ve put together a list of my favourite terms to help you develop your film language for writing (or even just impress some people at a party).
Apple Box – A small box used to raise stands, tripods, or other equipment up a few inches. There’s the apple (full size), half apple (half the size of the full), quarter apple (quarter the size of the full), and a pancake which is the smallest. Usually there’s a ton of these on set, because we use them for just about everything. I’ve been on a set that’s made a bed out of apple boxes and a few blankets.
Baby – There’s a baby light, which is the smallest Fresnel light at 1000 watts, or a baby stand which is a small stand, and lastly the baby plate which is a small plate that can be screwed into walls, floors, ceilings, to mount lights and other equipment. We saw small equipment and immediately went “a baby!!” I guess.
Back lot – Essentially a fake street or set, typically in a studio where scenes can be filmed that still look real but the crew has more control over what it looks like than if they filmed on location. Typically everything found on a back lot (from trees, to streetlamps, to storefronts, to doors) is all fake. Not joking. Even a cinderblock on the ground is made out of foam. The more you know!
Banana – This one is a funny thing to hear on set. It’s essentially an actor movement where they’re walking in a curved line (to hide how small a space is or get around a hidden piece of equipment) but to the camera it looks like they’re walking straight. It’s a good way to get them to where they need to be without revealing the truth of the set.
Bible – A document that includes basically everything you need to know about characters, story arcs, plots, and any other key elements in a show so the writers, producers, and directors can refer to it during shooting—especially important given most shows don’t keep the same directors/writers throughout, and there’s a new director per episode, so keeping everything consistent is made much easier using a bible.
Biz – I don’t know anyone who actually uses this term for the “movie business” but we learned it. Typically people just call it “the industry” which is appropriately ominous.
Bogie – Essentially something in the shot that’s not meant to be. Usually a pedestrian or a vehicle that’s accidentally wandered onto a set.
C-47 – Literally just a clothespin
Circus – The area where trucks, trailers, tents, etc. are set up during filming.
Dead Cat – The fuzzy/foam thing that goes over the mic is actually (and I’m not kidding) called a dead cat. I’m not sure why, but essentially it just lessens wind noise and improves sound quality when recording actors. Oh, and the small version? That’s called a dead kitten.
Horse Opera: Old term for a western movie.
Quacker Clamp – A type of clamp that looks a bit like a duck’s bill. Used for holding onto something thicker like a ledge/counter/pipe.
Smiley’s - Stands that hold light or other equipment often have long arms—when the arm sticks out at a level humans could walk into, we put tennis balls on the ends to protect eyes and skin and such. These tennis balls are called Smiley’s because they have a hole cut into them that looks like a smile.
Walla – Crowd background noise that’s quiet and you can’t really make out any words. Called ‘walla’ because that’s sort of what it sounds like, just a bunch of people quietly going, “walla walla walla walla…”
                There’s so, so much more I wish I could share it all with you guys but this post would literally be like 5000+ words long so I have to call it here. Any terms surprise you, or do you know of any notable ones that I missed? Let me know!
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strqyr · 2 months
I don't disagree with the mystery angle, but as a hypothetical (because I can't deicide which I like better), what do you think of having the mystery as is in show (ie. we know who, don't know what), then building that into who can be trusted? Like, going into mistral and atlas, yes we know who the big bads are now, but who are the pawns this time? Is that person just scared and caged because of Beacon, or because they're working for Salem? Having the audience losing trust alongside the mains
i think this was pretty much what they did with in V7. iirc the writers said the volume's theme would be "trust", which got the audience suspecting just about, well. any one of the new characters we were introduced to, and even some of the old ones; i vividly remember one of the big things after 7.2 being whether ironwood hugging qrow was genuine or if he did that to place a tiny microphone or something like that on his cape lol
and ya know, it was fun time! every new character could have been a double agent, or somehow compromised—watts is in mantle with near full control of its systems, who's to say he couldn't be listening in and scouring through video footage to find something, anything to help with their task?—so who do you trust?
of course, that lack of trust became the main issue between the Good Guys™, there were no surprises in terms of characters working for salem, but still, it worked well, and it kept people on their toes.
in contrast, they gave lionheart working for salem pretty much immediately, which is like. 50/50 for me because on one hand, building up those trust issues, not just in the characters but for the audience as well, already from the mistral arc would have been great... but there were no other characters to suspect besides lionheart, so the difference is hardly there.
but yeah, the "who is working for salem and who is not?" is absolutely an angle i've been thinking about a lot lately; mostly in a sense whether it would work or not if salem—and thus the rest of her followers—would not have been revealed when they were; that if emerald's illusion had been the first time the audience "sees" salem, where most of the information we get of her is from what other characters say about her, then the lost fable, and only then we see salem in present day during 'so that's how it is'. that way tyrian, hazel, and watts would be brand new characters with yet unknown alliances, with some revealing their standing earlier like tyrian, while for watts and hazel it would take a little bit more time.
like, taking watts as an example: he's just some guy who spends time with lionheart. maybe he passes by team rnjr at some point, has a short interaction with them, all cordial and so, because they'd be less likely to recognize him as someone who's supposed to be, ya know. dead. the main point is, everything seems normal about him; there's really no reason to suspect him as someone working for this salem everyone is talking about... and then he shows up with cinder at the branwen tribe's camp and uh-oh, who can you really trust? how deep does salem's network of followers actually go?
of course, these are choices were you win some, you lose some. it all comes down to what you want to focus on; keep salem and her followers hidden for a little bit longer, and you potentially lose the time spend building salem and cinder's dynamic—though this could be changed by simply not revealing salem's other followers while keeping the scenes with just salem and cinder around—but gain the extra layer of mystery and the build-up to "who can you actually trust?"
...rambling aside, yeah, not revealing the kingdom specific pawns immediately upfront could be a fun route to take, absolutely.
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neon-green-reagent · 1 year
Horror Books/Stories I Wish Would Just Get Adapted Already
I know everyone likes to act like TONS of adaptations get made these days, because it's one of the few things Hollywood will do. But honestly most of those are remakes of stories that have already been adapted at least once if not multiple times. I'm talking about stuff that is still out there without an adaptation of any kind. AND IT'S A CRIME. In no particular order... (Oh, and obviously I highly recommend all of these books.)
The Long Walk by Stephen King (writing as Richard Bachman) : Proper King fans are already with me here. This one has been in development hell for a while now. Hollywood knows this would be good. It just needs to actually happen. It wouldn't even need much of a budget. Just get some young actors with some talent and let the snappy dialogue speak for itself.
Duma Key by Stephen King : Promise this is the last King I'll mention. But considering they're out there making meh versions of Pet Sematary and The Stand, I'd love to see this one instead. But good, of course. It's a fantastic premise with strong characters, and no one has even considered it. Genuinely my favorite King novel that never made it to screen.
The Red Tree by Caitlin R. Kiernan : This book was a mindfuck. It would be absolutely perfect for a filmmaker who wants to get experimental. That kind of horror is hot right now, so it would be the perfect time to try it. Also, gay. Good and gay, and more representation never hurts.
I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream by Harlan Ellison : We made a video game out of this but not a film? The problem here being that Ellison hated adaptations and the Hollywood machine, so I'm not sure what kind of legal stuff he put in place to protect his work from attempts after his death. But if it was possible, this is one of the most brutal stories put to paper. It deserves a shot.
The Cipher by Kathe Koja : Another mindfuck. I can already imagine the super intriguing trailer showing the characters discovering the hole in their apartment building and the weird things it does. It's a story that's simple and effective and could benefit from a director that knows how to build tension.
The Store by Bentley Little : I love this not-so-subtle takedown of Walmart. And now that The Consultant is out (and good, just a sidenote), can we get some more Little adaptations? If so, this would be a great one to play around with. Even if they changed some of the weirder elements, the central message is what make this so great. It also has this fantastically shocking and awful reveal that would freak out audiences so intensely.
Coldheart Canyon by Clive Barker : This demands an adaptation by its very nature. It's a love letter to old Hollywood and excess. Give it that touch of old glamour with Barker's trademark body horror, and you've got yourself a hit.
Dracula In Love by John Shirley : Warning: This book is FUCKED. It's fucking weird and should come with about twenty trigger warnings attached. But. There's been a huge renewed interest in Dracula, and a big, splattery, fucked up, absolutely not okay version might get some traction. I mean, I'd watch it for sure.
Usher's Passing by Robert McCammon : I could've picked a lot by McCammon, but I think this would be an easy sell. It's a weird, twisted retelling of "The Fall of the House of Usher" with some extra pizazz to it. That's familiar territory, as the story has been adapted countless times, but the fresh take could add new life to it.
Blindsight by Peter Watts : Hard science fiction with a lot of horror to it, and we know I love that sort of thing. The right director could give this some Alien/Event Horizon vibes, really draw that aesthetic out. And emphasize the true horror of the situation these characters are in. It could be a severely weird, good time.
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bridgyrose · 2 years
Watts is tired of clearing Cinder’s mind and he is very busy so he decides to give her a pill that increases her feelings for Ruby and Weiss by 11 so she has no choice but to deal with her feelings
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(Since I ended up with two asks for it, I guess I can do these together)
“You want me to do what?” 
Cinder winced as she heard Watts yell at her once more over her scroll. “Salem told you to help me with this part of the plan no matter what, right? I just need you to clear my head again of those thoughts of Ruby and Weiss-” 
“Why cant you just deal with that… little crush you have on your own?” Watts let out a sigh and sat his scroll down as he started to work on another project. “I’ve already done this twice and those feelings keep coming back. Which means either those feelings are deeply rooted into you, or no matter how many times you forget the two of them, you’ll keep finding those feelings for them. If you’re having that much trouble concentrating on your half of things, then maybe we should have Salem pull you out.” 
“No!” Cinder paused for a moment and regained her composure. “I cant be pulled away from here. I can make this work.” 
“Then deal with your crush on your own.” 
“I dont know how!” 
“For the love of…” Watts pinched the bridge of his nose and took a few breaths. “Fine, you want my help? Then I’ll help you. I know someone in Vale who will be willing to take care of your little problem. You just need to bring yourself and those two to him.” 
“And where will I meet him?” 
“I’ll give you all the details when I have things ready.” 
Cinder let out a heavy sigh as the call ended and she leaned against the wall. She had been hoping that once again he could clear her mind and remove these feelings that she had for those two distractions, but part of her realized that maybe he was right. The best way to nip this in the bud would be to deal with it on her own 
“Cinder! Cinder!” 
Cinder groaned and pressed her fist into the wall as she heard Ruby’s voice. This was the absolute last thing she wanted. Her heart started to thump in her chest as she tried to keep herself composed and attempted to keep her blush from showing. “Ruby…” 
“I’m glad you’re alright.” Ruby rushed over, a smile plastered to her face. “With the way you ran off, I thought I did something wrong.” 
“Dont worry, its not you, its me.” Not a complete lie. “Though, I think I need to spend a little time away from you. Again, its not you, I’ve just been… distracted and being around you isnt exactly helping.” 
“Oh… okay, though, I was hoping that maybe you and your team would like to join the rest of my team and team JNPR out in town? Just as a bonding exercise and to maybe get to know you guys a bit better.” Ruby’s cheeks reddened as she started to play with her finger and rocked on her heels. “I’m sure you guys already have a lot of friends, but since you’re still new to the area and visiting, we figured it’d be nice to help you guys get a little more comfortable around here.” 
Cinder felt her heart start to beat a little faster at the prospect of getting closer to Ruby and Weiss. But that was all wrong. Ruby was much younger than her, younger than everyone else at the school. Plus there was the fact that she was her rival, whether she knew it or not. And Weiss… Weiss was everything she hated. She was from Atlas, she was part of the elite that looked down upon anyone who wasnt like her… 
And yet, whenever she saw the two, they were getting along… mostly. Even behind the teasing, there was genuine care between them, care that she hadnt felt ever since that fateful day with the Madame. Ever since Rhodes had told her she’d be running, that is all she had done until she was found by Salem. 
And now, here she was, standing in front of Ruby, who genuinely wanted to get to know her. Who genuinely wanted to be her friend, and she still had no clue how to deal with the influx of emotions swirling around her. “That… would be great but I-” 
A chime on her scroll interrupted her and a small sigh of relief washed over her as she looked over the message from Watts to meet his contact at a warehouse near the docks. 
“-I think that maybe we can go somewhere alone. Just… you, me, and Weiss.” 
Ruby paused. “R-really?” 
Cinder nodded and took Ruby’s arm and started to drag her off. “I have a lot of social anxiety and dont do well with a large crowd. But if I go with you and Weiss to somewhere less busy, like say the docks, then maybe we can get to know each other.” 
“But why the docks?” 
“Because its less busy!” Cinder let go of Ruby’s arm and started to rush off. “Just meet me at the docks and I’ll explain everything there! And make sure Weiss is with you!” 
Ruby slowly nodded, her confusion still building. “Y-yeah, sure. I can… I can do that.” 
“Great! I’ll see you there in an hour!” 
Cinder tapped her foot as she looked at her scroll, cursing to herself. “Of course Ruby’s late…” With a heavy sigh she looked up as she heard a rush of air followed by a swirl of rose petals. “About time you show up.” 
“Sorry we’re late, I had to-” 
“-she got lost,” Weiss interrupted as she started to straighten out her skirt. “Though she wont admit it because she grew up here.” 
“I didnt get lost, just… turned around.” Ruby sighed. “Look, Vale’s a big city and I’m almost always here at night. Its different to come out this way when its actually light out.” 
“We were here not even a month ago with Blake!” 
Cinder pinched the bridge of her nose as she listened. I cant believe Roman has been stopped by them twice now. “It doesnt matter why you’re late, you’re here now. So we can start hanging out.” 
Ruby nodded a smile starting to show. “Then what did you have in mind?” 
“I was thinking we could go somewhere more private,” Cinder said as she started to head to the warehouse. “Somewhere we wont be interrupted.” 
Ruby and Weiss looked at each other and shrugged as they followed. Once they entered the warehouse behind Cinder, they paused at the empty building. Weiss groaned and finally spoke. 
“And what exactly were we supposed to do here?” 
“I had the same question,” Cinder muttered to herself as she walked in. She looked around for any sign of Watts’ contact as she moved deeper. “I was told this place was still active and that we’d have no problem-” 
Cinder paused as a small ball dropped from the ceiling and exploded into a black mist. She quickly covered her mouth as she looked over to Ruby and Weiss, eyes wide as she watched them cough and drop to the ground. She moved back a couple steps and stopped once she felt herself run into someone and turned around. “T-Tyrian?!” 
“Our dear doctor Watts told me that you were having a problem and since I was… in the area, I figured I’d lend a hand.” Tyrian quickly went behind Cinder and pried her hand off her mouth. “Sweet dreams, Cinder. I’ll make sure you’re awake once you’re needed.” 
Cinder started to cough as her eyes watered and her lungs filled up with the black mist. Her eyelids grew heavy as she breathed more in, and it wasnt long until she lost consciousness and finally dropped to the ground, hearing Tyrian’s laugh as the last thing before her senses faded. 
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richardsphere · 1 year
Rwby Catchup Slogblog V8E11 
Just 4 more episodes after this one before i’ll be officially Up-to-date and able to decide if the shows overall trajectory is actually headed in a direction that might, one-day-hypothetically allow the characters to have fun again. (current prospects: Unlikely. I mean they went to a fairytail world with a literal country made of cake and didnt have so much as a single bit of fun or whimsy along the way.) So the mantle refugees fled into a mine underground didnt they? Is the river of liquid grimm still coming or did that just spontaneously stop existing after it spewed out a couple-dozen diggy boys? That thing was strangely anticlimactic for being an entire river of evil. ------ Dog boy finally does a betrayal (Winter saves his life by pretending she isnt). It seems that only 1 of the Aces is going to do the betrayal after all. (i was really gunning for Hariet) ------ And Ruby summarises my sentiments on the shows tone perfectly “we are in the same place as yesterday, arguing over nothing as the innocents all die”.  No amount of speeches about how “we must keep hope/there is still hope” can keep me invested in this worlds future when every victory the team has had has been either “bypass an obstacle to reach a destination” or “succeed at preventing an atrocity, only for it not to matter because imediatly have another enemy show up to cause the atrocity anyway”. (eg: Saving Haven didnt actually matter, they dont have any hunters in that place anymore and the amity broadcast just caused a world-wide grimmspike panic so Mistral is no more) ------- Nora calls out the guy whose soul gives him the power to “remove emotions” on how he doesnt like dealing with emotions.  Jaune puts a Do Not Disturb sign on the door on the way out of the room So Nora calls Ren out on how he doesnt need to do things on his own and needs to stick to the team. Then imediatly says “Im going to have to go Solo Nora for a while to find myself” which is a bit odd. Like i get the point but its just a bit. ------ Qrow and Robin point at an elevator (its probably the Traitorsquad) --- Ruby comes to conclusions about the Hound and her Mom. The theory is well founded but the fact the show is open and up front about it implies to me she’s wrong and its somehow worse.  there is a suspicion in my back-of-mind that I might’ve counted the number of seats at Salems table right after all, but that would probably feel terribly contrived as a twist. Yang talks about the importance of hope as a need to keep going. Ruby stresses the reality that hope is nothing but lies disguised as maybe’s. Penny’s awake again, nora does the Part of You speech again. Jaune Boosts her Aura to fight the virus because souls trump the limitations of the physical body in this univere. (betting this wont matter in the long run anyway because she’s going to give into Ironwoods Ultimatum) Ah emerald is doing the Zuko-style “I am trying to give a hopefull speech, but also i cant stop kicking my own ass during it”. I like it Ozpin does a speech. Second mentioning of Alex’s story. Oh no Ruby has a plan to save.help penny, and it involves the vault (and implicitly, the Spear in the vault).  --- Ruby calls James. Watts and Cinder are listening in, Neo is meeting them (the lamp is not visibly on her person. So either she didnt bring it or she can suddenly disguise the lamp when she couldnt before).
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danielmaslany · 3 years
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Daniel Maslany as Detective Watts in Murdoch Mysteries 15x04 - Blood on the Tracks
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drawinganchors · 2 years
A little Vexleth drabble requested by @juskru inspired by this video.
Vex parked her Jeep just outside of Keyleth’s little cottage. She looked over at the pretty half-elf. Keyleth was staring determinately at the dashboard, her ears and cheeks had turned almost the same shade as her hair.
God, she was cute.  
“Thank you…for letting me come with you today. I know your brother talked you into it, but…I just…I had a lot of fun with you today.” Keyleth said, fiddling with her ends of her red strands.  
Vex blew out a long breath. “Having you there today wasn’t…the worst thing ever. I’m actually…a little impressed with how you handled yourself.”
Keyleth bit her lip, trying to tamp down a huge grin and all Vex could think was how badly she wanted that to be her teeth on that lip.  
Before she could talk herself out of it, Vex leaned over the center consul, tilted the redhead's face towards her and pressed her mouth to Keyleth’s, soft and sure.  
The kiss only lasted a second, but it felt like eternity and yet all together still over too quickly. Vex sat back in her seat, enjoying the sight of Keyleth flustered and completely speechless. She liked having this effect on the girl. She was just glad that the pigment of her skin did show a bush as easily as Keyleth’s did.  
Keyleth was still staring at her, mouth slightly agape. Oh no. Had she gone too far? Had she misread Keyleth’s signals? Had she-
She wasn’t even sure at which point Keyleth had climbed over the gear shift. One moment she was motionless in the passenger seat and the next she was straddling Vex’s lap. Keyleth’s hands cupped either side of her face as she captured Vex’s lips in her own.  
The kiss was not nearly as gentle as she would have expected it to be. It was like the breaking of a storm, all of this energy that had been pent up with nowhere to go. Keyleth’s tongue traces her mouth as she pushes Vex back against her seat, deepening the kiss the moment Vex opens her mouth.  
Vex uses what little presence of mind she has left to slip her hands around Keyleth’s waist, pulling her as tightly against her body as she can manage in the small awkward space.  
For several moments, there is nothing but the sound of ragged breathing and mouths working. Vex is so distracted by the adorable little sounds of satisfaction that Keyleth is making that she almost forgets to keep kiss her back. Keyleth finally just breaks the kiss and repositions Vex’s head to give her a better angle to press her mouth against her neck.  
Without her permission, Vex’s mouth lets out a low, soft moan. She wants to care. She wants to reach out and grab the moan and pull it back in before Keyleth can hear it, but Keyleth is sucking at that place just behind her jaw that she likes and suddenly all of her blood has left her brain and rushed straight between her legs. She arches up, trying to pull Keyleth so tightly against her that she loses where she starts and the other girl begins. She never wants this to end. She wants-
Young, Dumb, and Broke starts playing her phone.  
She fully intends on letting it go to voicemail, but Keyleth sighs as sits up straight. “That’s probably your cue. I should go too. My grandmother will be waiting on me.” She opens Vex’s door and slides out of the jeep, almost tripping on the seatbelt along the way.  
Vex, still dumbfounded, can’t help the fond smile that finds its way to her face.  
Keyleth twirls her hair nervously as she collects herself, her nervousness returning as if her hadn’t just stuck her tongue down Vex’s throat.  
“I really did have a nice time today you know.” Keyleth smiles up at her hesitantly. “Maybe we can do this again sometime?”  
Vex nods. At least, she hopes she does. Her brain is still trying to process what just happened. She must have nodded because Keyleth shoots her one of her insufferable trademarked 1000-watt smiles. Vex would do anything to make her smile like that again.  
Keyleth waves cheerfully as Vex shifts the jeep into gear and drives away. This girl was gonna be trouble.
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highdramas · 3 years
your song, vol. 1 | rockstar!bucky
rockstar!bucky barnes x fem!reader, some slight peter parker x reader in later parts (unrequited)
word count: 2429
warnings: references to sex, language, references to drug and alcohol use in later parts, age gap, slow burn-ish
summary: it’s not summer without you. or, that’s what your favorite rockstar always says. it’s all happening.
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it is the summer of 1978, and everyone calls you rhiannon, and it has never occurred to you to mind.
really, it was sort of nice. rhiannon is a daredevil. rhiannon goes on tour with bands. rhiannon inspires songs and reads tarot and knows how to light up a room with a smile. rhiannon gets asked if she’s, like, the rhiannon. the rhiannon who rings like a bell through the night.
you’re not. but you’re not going to tell them that.
and, sure, you know that you’re capable of all of these things-- but it’s different when they’re calling you rhiannon.
it’s different when he is calling you rhiannon.
you’ve become somewhat of a myth in the california rock ‘n roll scene. groupies have flocked to you-- and you have somewhat rejected the term. found it degrading, the way that rock stars and fans spoke about groupies. it had been your personal mission during the summer of 1977 to change the way that men in rock spoke about women.
the summer that you met bucky barnes.
really, it wasn’t bucky that you had set your eyes on initially. initially, you’d shown up with his friend, steve rogers, the drummer. you and your group of band aids (you were still coining the name) had an in backstage and the second you had seen steve, you were a bit smitten. he wasn’t your typical rockstar. there was something kind about him, something genuine. he looked at you less like he wanted to fuck you and more like he wanted to know you.
it wasn’t until later that you met bucky. later, once you set out on tour with them.
when you found out that steve had a girl back home and he was simply being kind to you, it had reminded you of your mission. your mission to show all of these men what exactly women had to contribute to music and its existing scene-- and that it was more than being a side piece. more than being a fun distraction on the road.
that was the moment that you swore you would not fall in love with a rockstar.
the hotel you all had checked into was absolutely lavish. it was extravagant and beautiful, high ceilings and marbled floors and the shiniest doorknobs that you’ve ever seen. it’s 3:30 in the morning and the girls-- america and kate being your favorite of the whole bunch-- are out with the guys at the bar. you’re sure that they’re requesting brooklyn songs-- later on, you’d give bucky shit for suggesting that their band name should just be brooklyn. you give steve even more shit for going along with it.
after the revelation with steve, normally, you’d be in the mood to party. but you feel like shit and you fell asleep wrong on the bus and your neck is killing you. you don’t want to be a vibe killer, so you tell the girls to go on without you and maybe you’ll catch up with them later.
instead, at some point, you pad down to the pool. there is one lone figure sitting by an illuminated neon sign. it’s only when you’re within feet that you realize that it’s bucky.
of all of the members of brooklyn, you’d gotten to know bucky the least in the past week that you’ve been on the road with them. steve, sam, and natasha were all nice-- nicer than nice. steve and sam especially, but you knew why.
natasha is nice-- direct and passionate about what she does. and what she does is sing. you always said that brooklyn would be nothing if it wasn’t for nat’s husky vocals and insane songwriting.
then there’s bucky. the guitarist.
kate has been touring with brooklyn awhile now-- went with them on the europe leg. now she’s with their manager, clint, and she seems to know all the gossip. when you asked what was up with bucky-- why he was so quiet, why he didn’t like to party with the others, kate had given you that thousand watt smile and said-- “alright, don’t tell anyone about this, ‘specially buck, but he’s sober. couple years now, from what i hear. it’s real hard for him, being on the road.”
then, your mouth had made a slight o, you had nodded your head, and kate shone like the light she is before dashing off to find clint.
you’re brought back to that conversation now, seeing him hunched over on a reclining chair. you see that he is hugging his legs, smoking a cigarette. a bottle of root beer sits beside him on the ground.
your feet are working before your brain is, and before you know it, you’re standing before him. if he notices your presence, he doesn’t act like it.
“got one to spare?”
that’s when he finally glances up at you. his face is mostly unreadable-- furrowed brows and a set jaw, long brunette hair that almost brushes his shoulders. he is quite handsome. he’s the kind of man that you think is built for moments like these-- sitting by pools, pink neon radiating off his face. the kind of handsome that is a little bit intimidating. not like steve, who is all softness and warm smiles.
you sink onto the pool chair beside bucky as he nods. he passes you a cigarette and you pop it between your lips. bucky’s zippo seems to come out of nowhere, and you watch as the end begins to burn, and you take your first drag of your first cigarette.
a coughing fit ensues. naturally. you hold it awkwardly between the fingers of your right hand and you cover your mouth with your left, hacking up your lungs. bucky’s brows furrow and it’s then, and only then, when the faintest hint of a smirk drags onto his features. “you alright?” his hand moves to your back and rubs in circles, pats it lightly, until you’re bleary eyed and looking over at him with a loud laugh.
it was natural after that.
where bucky was, it was safe to assume that you weren’t far behind. but it wasn’t like that. if anyone asked who you were with, you wore a proud expression and said with little hesitation, “myself.”
each time, bucky glanced between you and whatever sorry schmuck was in your path, and he shrugged his shoulders. “you heard her.”
things were easy with bucky. you had laid the ground rules that night, on the pool chaise. you had straightened your shoulders and you said, “i made the vow not to fall in love with anyone this summer.”
bucky had raised an eyebrow at you and watched as you took his root beer and took a long pull, his eyes fixating onto yours. “funny, so did i.”
the summer of 1977 was a dream.
but you had to wake up.
when you’re not rhiannon, you’re… you. you’re a student at oxford university on a full ride scholarship, studying political science, eventually law. you want to be the first woman president. you have bigger dreams and aspirations than being a band aid.
but you don’t mind slipping into your dream state between the months of may and september. you don’t mind one bit.
on the last night of tour, in nashville, you and bucky had spent the whole night in his room. you talked and you laughed, you laid together and you talked about school and he talked about recording the next album. you said how you wished you could be there for it, and he said how he’d like to see oxford.
that’s another thing about dreams.
when you’re in them, you can nearly believe that they can exist in the real world. but they can’t.
you and bucky had toed a very thin line for a long time. and you tumbled off of it together that night.
when you said your goodbyes in the airport the next morning, everyone else around as well, it seemed to suck any of the intimacy out of the room. you told him then that you always hated airports-- they reminded you of goodbyes.
bucky had shrugged, and said, “they remind me of hellos.”
you hugged. he kissed the corner of your mouth, the closest thing to an outright public display of affection as you two would get. and you left. you went back to real life.
but now, it is 1978. and it is the summer before your senior year of college, and you are backstage at the bee gees at the forum. and brooklyn is opening.
of course you knew that you would see him. he had written you letters over the course of the past year, like a gentleman. you’d tucked them away in your hat box and wrote back about your studies and your roommates. and at the end of the last letter you sent, you wrote: hope you wrote that song about me. xx
you didn’t tell him you were going on the road this summer. you’d been in touch with kate and met up in beverly hills with her. she told you about how she and clint had moved in together in new york and you sipped coffee and went with her as she shopped at places that were far out of your budget. and then you’d met up with clint and he got you your pass.
and now you’re here, with a packed duffel.
it’s a wonder you haven’t run into him yet. there’s a part of you that hopes he doesn’t know-- that he’s going to come out here and see you and that the air is going to be knocked from him as he takes in the visage of you.
beginning to grow anxious, you throw yourself into a chair backstage in a huff. a boy who must be around your age is sitting on the arm of it, and looks down at you curiously. “you alright?”
“never better,” you say and inspect your nail. “you seen the band?”
“who, bee gees? nah, haven’t had a chance--”
“no. brooklyn.”
“oh.” he goes quiet and nods his head. “i got a chance to talk to ‘em just now. i’m trying to do a piece on them.”
your jaw slacks a bit and you nod your head. “oh.” a journalist. of course he is. “how exciting for you.”
“yeah, it’ll be my first real piece. i’ve written some stuff for my college paper, but nothing like this. i can’t believe i even got in. i met this girl gwen and she found me a pass.”
“gwen’s a real keeper,” you say and you wink. your words are honest. you like gwen. “what’s your name, kid?”
“peter parker.”
you stick your hand out. “nice to meet you, peter parker.”
he shakes it and he raises his eyebrows at you, as if waiting for an introduction on your end. “and you are…” he finally begins.
“that’s rhiannon.”
the voice jars you. you don’t dare look behind you, but you already know who it is. you feel large hands on your shoulders and it takes every ounce of pride and self worth inside of you not to let your body erupt into shivers. “she’s the heart of brooklyn.”
a scoff passes your lips and you tip your head back, and you’re not disappointed by what you see. you never are. “you’re always so dramatic,” you coo. your attention shifts back to peter, but your skin is buzzing where bucky touches you, and you have nearly ten months worth of time to catch up on with him. “it was nice meeting you, peter parker.”
subtlety is not your strong suit, and peter must gather that, because he scrambles to get his things and scurry off. you give a slight wave and make a mental note that you’d like to get to know him if he sticks around. “nice kid,” you say.
“don’t want to talk about him.”
you can’t help yourself now. a giddy squeal bursts from your lips and you turn and you fling yourself at him. you’re all arms and legs flailing, clutching to him, and he holds you just as tight. there’s that sort of husky, low laugh that leaves him, and you remember it from that night that you wanted to impress him by smoking a cigarette. “hey, rhi.”
“hi,” your voice is muffled in his neck. you don’t care who’s watching, you don’t care what they whisper— for the first time, you don’t care if they assume you’re going to go back to bucky’s room and fuck him stupid. you care that he’s here. that’s bigger than your pride.
“didn’t tell me you’d be comin’. had to hear from kate.”
“yeah, well...” you pull back and look up at him, hands resting on his shoulders. his find your hips and pull you in. “i wanted to surprise you. am i a happy surprise?”
bucky is the kind of person who thinks before he speaks, but also, you believe that he thinks before he emotes. there’s a beat before he’s licking his lips, nodding his head. “nah. it’s gonna be such a drag having my girl on the road with me.”
my girl.
you squint at him and push him away right in his chest, and he gapes, rubbing it and feigning hurt. “don’t pull that,” you point at him. “same rules as last summer, alright? we— we went over this.”
exasperated, bucky sighs, head lolling to the side. “yes ma’am.”
ten months ago bucky told you he was in love with you.
ten months ago bucky told you he’d follow you all over the world.
ten months ago you agreed that it was a horrible idea, and that your friendship was too vital, too real, too special to risk messing it up.
ten months later, you’re hoping you won’t regret this decision.
you can see the disappointment in his face. gently, you touch the side of his face and you smile a bit. “in another life.” those were the words you had said to him, all those nights ago.
bucky’s face breaks your heart over and over again. he gives you that gentle but sad look-- the look of a man who has what he wants right within arms reach, but knows that he cannot fully grasp. knows that he cannot fully keep.
“i’ll have you any way you want me,” is all he finally says. “‘s not summer without you.”
you’d made a promise to him that night. you had told him you weren’t going to fall in love with anyone in the summer of 1977.
but it is the summer of 1978. and this is the story of how you fall in love with bucky barnes.
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aspoonofsugar · 3 years
Emerald + Mercury = Cinder
The episodes Beginning of the End and Midnight can be seen as complementary.
Both share a similar structure with the first part telling Cinder’s story and the second part showing how past events are influencing the present. At the same time, they show the links among Cinder, Emerald and Mercury and explore their changing dynamic.
In Beginning of the End it is shown how they came together and we reach the climax of their cooperation. The Fall of Beacon is when the trio is at its strongest. It is only because of their coordination and teamwork that the plan succeeds. In Midnight instead we are shown the beginning of their separation.
For different reasons (fears and wishes) both Mercury and Emerald are about to leave Cinder. Mercury already has and it is probable Emerald will soon.
The two episodes also give us two opposite and complementary visions of Cinder.
In Beginning of the End, we have the way Cinder wants to appear:
Cinder: (stepping forward slowly, glass anklet shifting with her footsteps) I've already told you. And I don't like repeating myself.
Salem: I would like to think I have shown a great deal of patience over my many years walking Remnant. But I do hate repeating myself.
Mercury: Is this how you treat a patient? (Emerald reaches over and twists the screwdriver in his leg, causing him to wince) Ah, too tight!
Cinder: Enough. Our Mercury put on a wonderful show. He was quite brave.
Salem: Do you find such malignance necessary?
Watts: I apologize, ma'am. I'm not particularly fond of failure.
Salem: Then I see no reason for your cruelty towards young Cinder. She's become our Fall Maiden, destroyed Beacon Tower, and most importantly, killed dear Ozpin. So I'm curious, to what failures are you referring?
In Midnight we see who she really is. Moreover, it becomes more and more clear that her imitation of Salem is different from the original:
Salem: I will tell you when and where you are needed.
Cinder: Both of you, get out. I’ll let you know when you’re needed next.
Mercury: Yeah about that, Salem’s got other plans for me. I’m not gonna be taking orders from you anymore.
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Why is this being shown through her interactions with Emerald and Mercury? Why are they important for Cinder’s character?
First of all, Mercury and Emerald are Cinder’s kids, at least narratively speaking:
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Roman: Oh, look! She sent the kids again! This is turning out just like the divorce!
Roman calls them so when they first appear and later on several characters refer to them as kids in relation to Cinder.
Raven (about Emerald and Mercury): Two children you've tricked into following you.
Tyrian: (chuckles as he slowly walks toward Emerald) Careful, little girl. Cinder isn't here to protect you anymore.
Tyrian (mocking Mercury): Oh yes, the world is mean, and I'm a big, bad man now just like the others.
Salem (to Emerald): Speak, child.
In short, they are meant to be the last link in a chain of abuse that starts with Salem, goes on with Cinder and finally arrives to them.
At the same time, as the title says Mercury + Emerald = Cinder because they are nothing more than parts of Cinder herself, both in their backgrounds and in their personalities.
Cinder: Follow me, and you'll never be hungry again.
Cinder: It's... an emptiness. It burns. Like hunger. I like it.
In Beginning of the End Emerald and Cinder are shown to share a hunger motif.
Emerald is presented as a street rat who survives through stealing. She is poor and starved, so she accepts Cinder’s offer to be taken care of and to be given food. That said, it is clear that other than food what Emerald is truly starving for is love:
Emerald: I just... (sighs) Cinder was the only family I ever had. She cared about me, taught me things...
I'm the one Who rose out of filth and was loved by no-one
Similarly, Cinder too is shown to be hungry. More specifically, she is hungry for power:
Cinder: I want to be powerful.
It is meaningful that in the episode where Cinder tells Emerald she won’t have to starve anymore, she herself is starving. This contradiction conveys the tragedy of Cinder’s character aka a traumatized girl taking in a kid similar to her and becoming like her past parental figures.
As a matter of fact Emerald and Cinder’s first meeting has parallels with Cinder meeting both Madame and Rhodes.
When Cinder meets Madame she asks for food, but is negated it:
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And she is later shown to have survived through leftovers.
In contrast, food is the first thing Cinder offers Emerald, who she recognizes as a girl who has survived in poverty, like her.
In their first meeting, Cinder also treats Emerald pretty much like Rhodes treated her. Both discover a young girl, who has just committed a theft and confront her. However, instead of punishing the girl, they both offer to be the girl’s mentor and become her idol.
As a matter of fact both Cinder and Emerald are shown to idolize their saviors to the point that both girls try to look like them by changing their hair/clothes:
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So, it would superficially seem that Cinder is acting like Rhodes and in the opposite way of Madame. However, the reality is far more complex. Deep down, Cinder is acting like her adoptive mother because she is targeting a girl and thinking about how she can weaponize her. At the same time, there is a key difference between her behaviour and Rhodes’s. Rhodes had Cinder give the sword back, while Cinder never stopped Emerald from stealing. If anything, she encouraged her criminal activities changing her from a thief to a terrorist. In other words, Cinder radicalized Emerald.
This is once again linked to the motif of hunger both girls share:
Cinder: You Atlas elites are all the same! You think hoarding power means you'll have it forever, but it just makes the rest of us hungrier.
Cinder’s trauma is rooted in the unfairness of the world. She was made to starve simply because she was born in the wrong situation and society completely failed her.
What is more, when Rhodes refuses Cinder as well, she too refuses his vision of the world. Rhodes, pretty much like the Prince of the original fairy-tale, offers Cinder a way to social-climb. In the fairy-tale, Cinderella marries the prince and so becomes a princess in the end. Here, Rhodes is telling Cinder she can reach her own castle. Cinder can escape her misery and reach Atlas. However, this is seen as a lie by Cinder the moment he attacks her.
So, Cinder giving food to an orphan like her and trying to destroy the current order are both coherent with the idea that the world is unjust and needs to be changed. However, Cinder is using the same problems she criticizes to her advantage. What is more, she is exasperating them in order to fulfill her personal agenda, which is only about herself and her self-image.
Let’s see now, what do our two young thieves steal? What are they “hungry” for?
a) Emerald steals a ring:
Salesman: A beautiful ring... for a beautiful woman.
Interestingly, the ring itself might be a reference to the original story of Aladdin, which is apparently Emerald’s allusion.
In the original story Aladdin meets two jinns. The first one is in a ring and Aladdin uses it to save himself and to escape with the magic lamp, where a stronger jinn is. So it makes sense for Emerald to steal a ring (something she wishes) just to meet a woman that promises her she can have more (her personal jinn aka someone that can realize Emerald’s dreams).
Why does Emerald steal the ring?
It is possible she just wants to sell it in order to buy some food, but I like the idea that she steals it also because she wants some beauty (”a beautiful ring for a beautiful woman”) in the harsh and horrible world she lives in (“filth”).
b) Cinder steals a sword:
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Like in Emerald’s case, the object of Cinder’s theft can be seen as part of her fairy-tale’s allusion.
As a matter of fact, in Cinder’s adaptation of Cinderella the swords are nothing, but her glass slippers.
This is made clear later on when Rhodes (both the Prince and the Fairy Godmother) gives Cinder the first sword. It is meant to be a prize on his part. He is showing Cinder she does not need to steal it anymore because she has gained it. Moreover,  weapons are said to be extensions of a person by Ruby, so it makes sense that the slipper of the original Cinderella becomes a sword in this version. It fits the personality of our Cinder, a fiery young girl, who wants to become a huntress.
Finally, since Cinder’s story uses both inversion and deconstruction when adapting the fairy-tale, it is interesting that in the end the Prince refuses to give Cinder the other sword (slipper) and Cinder takes it by force:
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In this way, Cinder goes back to stealing, which was what Rhodes had originally tried to avoid.
Why does Cinder steal the sword in the first place?
She steals something to defend herself with and to hurt her tormentors. Violence is rooted in Cinder’s first theft.
In short, Emerald wants something beautiful, while Cinder wants something powerful.
This difference is coherent with their respective semblances since Emerald creates illusions, while Cinder is able to overheat objects, so that she can create explosions and manipulate their shape. Both powers are representative of their user’s flaw and coping mechanism.
Emerald is a person who has reacted to her traumatic life by chasing illusory dreams of warmth and love. She tricks others and is tricked because she refuses to dispel her self-delusions.
Cinder is instead a person, who has been molded through violence just like the glass statues in the hotel. She is forced to endure until she can’t take it anymore and she explodes:
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She herself is the Glass Unicorn, which shatters like Cinder’s innocence when too much pressure is added. Not only that, but Cinder too has started molding others to her will. She has been grooming both Emerald and Mercury for her own ego. This is why the name Scorching Caress fits her so well. It is because behind every act of care it is hidden an act of manipulation. And this happens because Cinder too has been treated utilitaristically and the only kind of love she experienced (Rhodes’s) was a “weak” love Cinder ended up perceiving as fake.
In short, Emerald and Cinder have different coping mechanisms and aim for different things. However, this does not mean that one is better or worse than the other. Their main difference is that right now Emerald is more in touch with her own needs and wishes. Ironically, the delusional girl has never lost sight of what she truly wants.
Emerald wants a family. She has been looking for it in the wrong places and she has been pursuing it in the wrong ways. However, Emerald has never forgotten what she is truly after and she is starting to realize she won’t have it, until she stays on Salem’s side:
Salem: It's important not to lose sight of what drives us: Love, justice, reverence... but the moment you put your desires before my own... they will be lost to you. This isn't a threat, this is simply the truth. The path to your desires is only found... through me.
Tyrian: Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh. I want to tell you both a little secret. Your question is all wrong. (laughs)
Emerald: What?
Tyrian: "What do you want from this?" Children, please, if you're not loving what you're doing, then you're in the wrong field.
Salem promises to fulfill Emerald’s wishes, but Tyrian has already told her that pursuing a wish while working for Salem is useless. Emerald is starting to realize it and this is why she will probably leave.
Cinder has instead forgotten what she originally wanted:
Cinder: Like you? You can do whatever you want, go wherever you want.
Cinder’s original wish was to be free and also to be loved, like Emerald:
You're no good I hope you know That your life is of no use And the truth is that No one's ever loved you
However, her being failed by the adults has twisted her wish into a desire for power.
This difference is well conveyed by Cinder and Emerald’s respective line in Beginning of the End:
Cinder: Follow me, and you'll never be hungry again.
Emerald: Thank you...
Cinder: The Huntsman severed the connection before it was complete. (pause) Yes. It's... an emptiness. It burns. Like hunger. I like it. (pause) Yes. I will claim what is ours. (pause) Thank you.
Emerald thanks Cinder because she won’t have to be hungry anymore, while Cinder thanks Salem because she is able to feel a hunger she likes.
This fits well with Cinder’s last words to the Madame:
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Cinder: You’re right. Without you I am nothing. But because of you, I am everything.
Emerald does not want to be hungry, while Cinder has been tricked into thinking that being hungry is the only way she can become not even “everything”, but just “something”.
Cinder: Because of you, I am everything.
Mercury: So I got strong, but I never got it back! I've had to work harder than anyone to get where I am.
Cinder’s way of thinking is very similar to Mercury’s. Not only have they both endured their parents’ violence, but they have tried to give this violence meaning. It is because of Madame that Cinder has become “everything” and it is because of Marcus that Mercury has become “strong”. They must believe that it was not all for nothing and that the pain they felt made them stronger instead of weaker.
This is why Cinder thinks that deep down her “hunger” is good. It is because it drives her, but she ignores that it blinds her too.
This is why Mercury keeps going back to his father:
Mercury: Bad hair, used a scythe, and smelled like my dad after a long day. It was him.
Mercury: My dad always said... "if you need to know a city, ask the rats."
He mentions Marcus here and there and uses his teachings to solve problems. That is because those teachings must have some value, right? If they don’t, then Mercury’s life means nothing.
The nature of Cinder and Mercury’s foiling is clear in their first meeting:
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Like in Emerald’s case, Cinder finding Mercury calls back a moment of her past.
In particular, it parallels the murder of her adoptive family and Rhodes discovering it. Mercury, just like young Cinder, has just killed an abusive parent and is confronted by a person after the fact.
Once again, Cinder seems to act differently from the adults that let her down. Rhodes was horrified and attacked her, while Cinder praises Mercury and has him join her group.
However, she is deep down acting as Rhodes did. As a matter of fact what truly hurt Cinder about Rhodes’s reaction is that he convinced her that she is irredeemable.
The whole scene plays with the Cinderella’s allusion and inverts it:
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The clock strikes midnight and just like in the fairy-tale, the magic is over. In Cinderella, the protagonist goes back to her true self and runs away not to be seen. However, in the end, the prince recognizes her through her slipper (a symbol of her innate beauty and kindness) and marries her despite her humble condition.
In Cinder’s story, midnight is when she reveals a part of herself to Rhodes. She shows all the anger and violence she has been repressing. Cinder is not a “good victim” like the Cinderella of the fairy-tale and Rhodes can’t accept it. Not only that, but he negates Cinder’s dream to be free:
Rhodes: You can run, but you’re going to be running for the rest of your life.
Cinder: I won’t have to run now.
Rhodes: That’s all you’ll ever do.
This shatters Cinder’s hopes and self-perception. She internalizes that she will have to live in opposition to society because she is somehow “a bad person”. She is not a huntress (a princess), but a nobody who’ll have to use violence to survive. And she starts doing it immediately. As the song that starts playing implies, she has been awaken from the “fragile lies in bones”. However, this “truth has broken her soul in two”. This wound is still there and it has influenced, among other things, her reaction to Mercury.
When Cinder meets Mercury, she associates him to his father three times:
Cinder:  And you're his son. We saw your fight from the treeline. He's taught you well.
Mercury: Guess so.
Cinder: What's your name?
Mercury: Mercury.
Cinder: Mercury... Tell me, are you anything like your father?
In this way, she strengthens the connection Mercury tried to cut by killing Marcus. She is indirectly convincing him that he can’t be different from his father:
Tyrian: All you ever learned was pain and violence, and now you're too afraid to leave it. Such a tragedy.
Tyrian spells it out clearly for both Mercury and the audience. The only reason Mercury joined Cinder and is now working for Salem is that he is scared. Not only is he scared for his own survival, but he is scared about failing to be anything else than what his father taught him.
Cinder is deep down scared too by Salem and her group:
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However, she too, like Mercury, has given up on being anything different than a criminal. She puts up a strong demeanor, but is actually really frail. She is like glass that has been bended through heat (violence) and can easily shatter.
Both Mercury and Cinder are two violent victims. This duality is kind of conveyed also through their names and colors.
“Cinder” is something that has only partially burnt. They tried to reduce her to ashes, but failed and a part of Cinder is still burning. This is why her main colors are black and red. She is black because she was burnt. She is red because she can burn. She was both hurt and has hurted others.
Similarly, “mercury” is a silver/gray metal and this is Mercury’s main color. This choice gains a possible deeper meaning when one considers that his aura is white and that his surname is Black. His aura can be seen as Mercury’s nature, while the surname “Black” is a symbol of the “nurture” he received. Mixing these two factors made so that Mercury turned out like he is (a gray character).
So, Cinder and Mercury have been shaped by their abuse and this is clearly visible on their bodies as well:
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Cinder keeps the scar on her neck hidden, while Mercury has chosen to weaponize his missing legs.
It is telling that Mercury made of his own mechanical legs his weapon and that he mostly uses kicks to fight. It is another detail that shows how he is reducing both himself and his trauma to weapons he can use.
Cinder too shows how frail her sense of self is through weapons. It is not by chance that her current weapons are made of glass. In her backstory her swords were a symbol of her true self and of who she could become. Right now, they are nothing, but glass imitations of that ideal.
In short, Cinder and Mercury are both victims and murderers and they needed to have both sides of themselves accepted by their mentors.
However, Rhodes and Cinder failed to do so. They both refused the victimhood of the child in front of them, but they did so in opposite ways.
On one hand Rhodes refused Cinder’s violence and its reasons. He ignored his feelings of affection for the girl and steeled himself, so that he could fight her.
On the other hand Cinder gladly accepted Mercury’s violence and groomed him (Scorching caress), so that he would completely embrace it too.
The difference between Rhodes and Cinder lies in them having different reactions to the violence perpetrated by a child. However, they both fail to address the child’s pain. Rhodes does so because his vision is too black and white. Cinder does so because she is not even able to address her own pain.
However, both Cinder and Mercury need to address their own victimhood. Still, they refuse to do so because it would mean to accept their vulnerability. It is easier to convince themselves that they are the strong and violent ones. They are the ones others are scared of:
Mercury: We're the guys you should be afraid of.
But it is precisely because of this refusal that they are currently caught in dynamics similar to the ones they escaped:
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Salem and Tyrian are nothing, but more dangerous versions of Madame and Marcus.
Salem treats Cinder as a pawn, rather than a person. She strips her of her personhood and agency and punishes her violently.
Tyrian is a killer, who enjoys his job like Marcus. He keeps invading Mercury’s personal space and threathens him. Moreover, his own semblance is similar to Marcus’s. It might not steal people’s semblances, but it still messes with their auras (with their very souls).
Cinder and Mercury struggle to recognize their own situations because to do so they must accept they are still stuck in their horrible childhoods:
Mercury: You may not like it here without Cinder, but I think I'm right where I'm supposed to be!
Cinder: I don’t serve anyone. And you wouldn’t either, if you were built that way.
However, this refusal is confusing them about what their true needs and wishes are:
Cinder: I want to be strong. I want to be feared. I want to be powerful.
Mercury: So what's in it for me?
In Beginning of the End both characters receive a line where they express some kind of wish.
As stated above, Cinder’s wish is not her original one, but a twisted version because she thinks she can’t reach her true desire.
When it comes to Mercury, he is not even sure of what he really wants. This is made clear even later on:
Emerald: I mean, there has to be something you want from this, right?
Mercury: Salem's promised us everything. We win this thing for her, we'll be top dogs in her new world. What more do you want?
He says Salem will give him all he wants, but he still fails to answer Emerald’s question. What is it that he wants?
He wants “everything” Cinder can offer him and later on “everything” Salem offers him. However, this is just another way to say he’ll take anything he is given, be it even something as basic as survival:
Mercury: Look, even if what he said was true, we can’t stop Salem. You told me yourself, Hazel tried. He failed and he got in line. Big guy’s not going to pick fights he can’t win, and neither should we.
This is because Mercury is so scared and hurt he can’t even start to think about what he wants.
Similarly, he goes back to a fatalistic vision of the world:
Mercury: Just made sense.
Emerald: It made sense?
Mercury: All my life, my father trained me to be a killer, an assassin like him. And then moments after I killed him, you two showed up looking for someone with my exact skills. Just felt like it was meant to be.
Let’s highlight that Cinder does the same:
Pyrrha: Do you believe in destiny?
Cinder: Yes.
Cinder: You know, Neo, someone once asked me if I believed in destiny. And I'm happy to say I still do.
Both Mercury and Cinder have convinced themselves that there is a “destiny” written for them and that they must play that role (the role of an assassin, the role of the Maiden). However, in this way they are just chaining themselves and accepting to Do As They Are Told by adults and mentor figures, who do not really care about them.
I'm the one That was born in a nightmare a murderer's son Got no gun But I gleam like a blade and I'm harder than iron I'm the one Who rose out of filth and was loved by no-one Delusion I'll steal til your blind and defeat you from inside your mind
I'm the one That was ripped from the earth and exposed to the sun Overrun By the hate and the beatings defiled by a father I'm the one I'll race with your eyes and you'll never outrun Illusions Will conquer your mind and will make you fulfill my design
Mercury and Emerald’s song says several things about them.
First of all, it conveys the idea of two kids that feel let down by the world and have decided to retaliate. They mock their opponents and praise their respective abilities. However, it is clear from the verses above that it is just a mask to hide their pain.
This fits with them appearing for the first time in Best Day Ever where Ozpin says this:
Ozpin: And they will be, but right now they're still children. So why not let them play the part? After all, it isn't a role they'll have forever.
Differently from out protagonists (at the time), Emerald and Mercury are not playing the part of kids, but they are acting as big bad thugs to prove themselves to the people around them.
Secondly, the song is useful to explore Emerald and Mercury’s foiling.
I'm the one Who rose out of filth and was loved by no-one Delusion I'll steal til your blind and defeat you from inside your mind
I'm the one That was ripped from the earth and exposed to the sun Overrun By the hate and the beatings defiled by a father
Emerald was never given love, while Mercury was given hate:
Mercury: I'm sorry you didn't have a mommy that loved you, but I had a father who hated me!
This difference is at the root of their different personalities.
On one hand Emerald attaches herself to the care Cinder gives her and takes it as the most love she’ll ever receive.
On the other hand Mercury is just content with not receiving hate and violence from the people around him.
Emerald is more open about her connections with others, while Mercury is more disillusioned. She is strongly driven by them, while Mercury is too scared to fully embrace them.
Emerald has clear wishes, but she is deluding herself about them. Mercury has fears that do not let him realize what he wants.
This difference stems from the different nature of their traumas. Who was never given anything accepts whatever they are offered, while who received pain thinks even nothing is better than more pain.
Still, we are currently seeing an inversion of this dynamic. Emerald’s wishes and their not overlapping with reality are making her doubtful. Mercury’s fear and survival instinct are making him refuse the truth:
Mercury: And all of this is pointless, anyway. Salem’s not ending the world.
In the end, facing one’s own feelings, being them wishes:
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Or fears:
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Is still better than repressing them, even if it might be painful.
I'm the one That was born in a nightmare a murderer's son Got no gun But I gleam like a blade and I'm harder than iron
I'm the one I'll race with your eyes and you'll never outrun Illusions Will conquer your mind and will make you fulfill my design
The song I’m the One has four key verses. In the first two ones both characters tell a little of their past and then discuss their abilities, while in the other two Mercury mostly talks about his past and emphasizes it, while Emerald highlights her semblance more.
This ends up foreshadowing the importance of Emerald’s semblance and Mercury’s lack of one (”got no gun”).
Emerald’s semblance is important on different levels. As stated above, it perfectly embodies Emerald’s flaw:
Mercury: You're in denial.
And it is linked to unconscious aspects, like wishes and fears. Finally, it is a semblance linked to trickery and lies and these are among the causes of The Fall of Beacon:
Cinder:  Our Kingdoms are on the brink of war, yet we, the citizens, are left in the dark.
It is not by chance that this semblance specifically has been so instrumental in Cinder’s plan, after all.
Similarly, Mercury’s lack of a semblance is one of his defining traits:
Mercury: He never went easy on me! Every day of training was a beating. And when I unlocked my Semblance, he stole it with his!
Ironically, this would make for an excellent narrative objective for Mercury’s character. However, he is so sure his semblance can’t be taken back that he has completely given up on it. This even if he is clearly bitter about having had a part of himself stolen.
The key aspect here may be that Mercury has failed to get his semblance back through his father’s teachings:
Mercury: He told me I could have it back when I was strong. So I got strong, but I never got it back!
And he is now considering it lost forever. It is possible that the path to find his ability again is instead another one altogether.
That said, while Cinder mostly used Emerald’s semblance in her plan, she also made great use of Mercury’s skill and of the peculiar nature of his body:
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The first step in her plan, after all, uses both Emerald’s semblance and Mercury’s prostethic legs to spread negative emotions. This tendency continues in PvP where Emerald uses her semblance and Mercury, unhurt because of his legs, prevents Ruby from interrupting the fight.
In short, Emerald mostly relies on her semblance, while Mercury mostly relies on his legs and fighting prowess.
This detail adds to the idea that Emerald and Mercury have been acting as a unit and have been complementing each other. Emerald acts as the “soul” and Mercury as the “body”.
The soul is one’s personal essence (like the semblance). It is where (once again) wishes reside. The body is what protects the soul and is animated by instincts and self-survival.
They complement each other. This complementarity is shown in Emerald and Mercury’s fights.
In the Vytal festival, Mercury takes on both Coco and Yatsuhashi for a short while, so that Emerald can size her chance to fight Coco at her own terms (and she wins by using her semblance).
In the Battle of Heaven, Emerald uses her semblance to help Mercury fight and, in a sense, she compensates for his lack of one:
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This perfect complementarity used to make them strong, but right now it is clear that it has become limitating:
Blake: When you’ve been at someone’s side for so long, after a while they become a part of you. But that’s just it, they’re only a part of you. Don’t forget about the rest.
 This is why they are currently being separated by the narrative.
On one hand Emerald must learn not to be so emotionally dependant from others and must make her own choices. This is also why her using the lamp might be meaningful:
Qrow: This last great creation would be given the power to both create and destroy. It would be given the gift of knowledge, so that it could learn about itself and the world around it. And most importantly, it would be given the power to choose, to have free will to take everything it had learned and decide which path to follow - the path of light or the path of darkness.
The whole point of the relics (and of the journey we are going through) is to learn about the world, about creation and destruction, so that in the end a choice can be made.
This is why the first relic we saw is the relic of knowledge. Now, Emerald is a character that has been dependant on others, so that she could realize her wishes. Aladdin itself is a story about a character depending on a Jinn to make his dreams come true. However, it is possible Emerald’s arc will be different and it will be about gaining the knowledge to act and realize one’s wishes.
On the other hand Mercury must face himself and learn what he really wants. He must start living instead of simply surviving. In a sense, he must take the soul his father stole back.
Mercury quoting Marcus: "This is a crutch!" "This makes you weak!"
Marcus was wrong. One’s individuality (semblance) does not make them weak. If anything, Marcus’s abuse of Mercury made him need a literal crutch (since he lost his legs) and the boy is still hiding behind this violence to avoid any real choice about himself. This is what prevents him from becoming strong:
Yang: You might be powerful, but that doesn't make you strong.
Raven: Who do you think you are, lecturing me?! Standing there, shaking like a scared little girl?!
Yang: Yeah, I'm scared. But I'm still standing here!
His connection with Emerald might still play a role in this. After all, Mercury is, among other things, the god of thieves and this allusion has been played with by making him protective of Emerald (whose surname means “thief”). It might be used in a deeper and more meaningful way later on.
Emerald and Mercury must grow because if they don’t, they’ll end up as their dark foils:
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Both Hazel and Emerald ended up joining Salem out of a feeling of love that was twisted. Emerald joined Salem because of her loyalty to Cinder, who is using her. Hazel joined Salem because of the death of his sister that he blames on Ozpin. Their semblances are even symbolic of their respective flaws since Emerald is caught up in her own delusions, while Hazel is unable to properly grieve, so he can’t “feel pain” on more than just the physical level.
Both Mercury and Tyrian are assassins and Tyrian is who Mercury might become if he truly chooses to live only to kill and does not find a different goal.
It is also telling that both Emerald and Mercury are currently put in similar circumstances as their two foils. As a matter of fact Mercury is leaving with Tytian, while Emerald and Hazel have been given the password to use the lamp and must choose what to make of this information.
At the same time, Emerald and Mercury have also some traits of respectively Tyrian and Hazel as well.
Emerald is fiercely loyal to Cinder like Tyrian is to Salem:
Tyrian: So devoted to someone so incompetent.
Hazel wanted to protect Gretchen (and is still acting on these unfulfilled feelings of protectiveness) like Mercury is trying to protect Emerald. Moreover, Gretchen and (probably) Emerald’s choice was/will be to fight an enemy that can’t be beaten, going against Hazel and Mercury’s wishes.
All in all, Emerald and Mercury have had interesting interactions with both Hazel and Tyrian that can be (ironically) seen as two incomplete and flawed mentor figures.
On one hand Hazel has been acting as a protector of sorts. He carried Emerald when she lost consciousness after the Battle of Heaven and he tried to protect both Emerald and Mercury from Salem’s rage after their failure.
On the other hand Tyrian is seen tormenting the two kids whenever he gets the chance. That said, he ironically ends up spelling out for them truths the two must face:
Tyrian: Do what makes you happy children... please? I'm begging you...
Tyrian: Of course she is! You’re surprised? Salem is destruction incarnate! Our mistress wishes to see the end of it all! There is no ideal more beautiful.
In short, some kind of interesting foiling seems to have been set-up for the four of them and it will be interesting to see if/how it develops.
In a sense, when the clock stroke midnight it was the beginning of Cinder’s end because she entered a spiral she has not been able to stop since then. Not only that, but she has dragged other people in that same spirals and those people are now struggling against it, just like her.
At the same time, midnight signals the end of illusions and that may be a fitting description for where we are in the story so far.
Ruby has just announced the existence of Salem to the world, Emerald is uncovering several truths about Salem, Cinder and herself and the Ace Ops are being forced to face their emotions. Of course, when some illusions end, new ones appear. However, it is clear we are in a pivotal moment, which will hopefully lead to some changes.
Similarly, Cinder, Mercury and Emerald will probably go their own ways soon and it will be interesting to see how their paths will foil and where they will meet again.
As for now, it seems that because of Emerald’s allusion to Aladdin, she might use the last question to Jinn. If so, she will probably aquire knowledge and wisdom (emeralds are the stones of wisdom apparently).
Mercury will probably spiral a little bit as for now, but I wonder if he will receive some pivotal focus in the Vacuo’s volumes. Other than him going there with Tyrian, there is also the fact that it would make what is currently just a juxtaposition with Penny (thank you, @hamliet​ for noticing) a more interesting foiling.
Penny is an artificial human, a creation who was given life because her father loved her so much that he sacrificed a part of his aura for her... twice. She is at the centre of the theme of creation and it represents the good sides of it. She is a creation with a soul, a child, the fruit of parental love. It is because of the love she received that she is willing to protect creation:
Penny: That is not… I choose to fight for people who care about me.
Penny’s arc is about self-actualization. She struggles to be her own person outside her role, her purpose and even her parent. However, even if she has been objectified and keeps being objectified, she has also been given affection and this is why she fights.
Mercury is her opposite. He was the target of his father’s violence. Marcus not only stole his legs (while Pietro built Penny a body), but even a part of his soul (while Pietro gave Penny a part of his). He taught Mercury hate and violence and this is why he is currently helping a witch to destroy the world. Because of this, it would be interesting for such a character to receive focus on the volumes about destruction.
Finally, Cinder, as the Fall Maiden, is linked to the theme of choice. This has already been explored a little bit in her being obessed by destiny, as said above. However, the theme of choice is one which must still be fully explored.
In particular, there are several references to choice and destiny when it comes to Cinder’s foil aka Pyrrha:
Cinder (about Pyrrha): Hmm... People assume that she's fated for victory, when she's really taking fate into her own hands.
Cinder: It's unfortunate you were promised a power that was never truly yours.
Pyrrha: When I think of destiny, I don't think of a predetermined fate you can't escape. But rather... some sort of final goal, something you work towards your entire life.
Red-Haired Woman: She understood that she had a responsibility... to try. I don't think she would regret her choice, because a Huntress would understand that there really wasn't a choice to make. And a Huntress is what she always wanted to be.
Pyrrha’s arc is about making a choice. She must choose if she wants to become a Maiden. She struggles, but in the end she accepts this responsibilty. She embraces her idea of destiny and tries to be a Maiden even without powers.
Cinder’s idea of destiny is not fully explored. In a sense, just like Pyrrha, she has taken destiny in her own hands. However, she also seems to use the idea of destiny to nurture her self-image as the Chosen One and as the Worthy One.
At the same time, Pyrrha’s choice led to her tragic death. Not only that, but in the end her death accomplished little. Even Ruby activating her silver eyes has more to do with her wish to protect life, rather than with death. Why is that so? It is probably because Pyrrha’s choice was made without knowledge. She had been explained only a fragment of the truth, while the whole point is that one should learn, meet creation and destruction and then make a choice. This is why we have yet to meet the relic of choice.
My guess is that the theme of choice will mostly be explored through Cinder’s character, who will be asked to choose her destiny in the end.
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justcallmenikki7 · 4 years
BTS Reaction To: The Times They Show Emotion
Summary: being born into the mafia world, all they know is that having emotions is weak. In the underworld they are known for being inhuman because of the lack of emotions they show. But no one knows that whenever you are with him, love is all they feel.
Warnings: mafia au, the boys are literally emotionless but not?, the boys not understanding feelings but are trying their best for you, FLUFFFF, reader doubting herself, reader just being a cutie in general
W.C.: 3k
Notes: a huge thanks to @minniepetals for the help on jungkooks, namjoons, and jimins parts along with @saturnmoon-night​  for helping me with the title! I love you both!
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“Princess…” Seokjin sighed, trying to not sound too harsh with you, but he just wants you to listen.
Waving him off, you gave him a scoff, “Jinnie, I know what I am doing, so hush.”
Not being used to the nickname still, Seokjin could not deny though how his heart makes this weird fluttering feeling whenever you call him ‘Jinni.’ “Do you though?” He asked, not meaning for his remark to come out rudely, and he cannot help but feel sad at your frown you unconsciously made.
“Yes, Jin, I do. It hurts that you have such lack of faith in me,” you teased, not knowing that your teasing made Seokjin feel bad.
“You know that I didn’t mean that, I’m sorry. I’ll buy you the new iPhone 12 when it comes out to make it up.” Seokjin bribed, knowing that in the underworld, bribery is the go-to source when it comes to taking over land, gangs. Presidents. But what he does not know is that you understand that he is not good with being sentimental and that him admitting that he is not good with words and that bribing you is not the go to when it comes to you. You do not care about his money or his power, all you care about is him and his health, happiness, wellbeing – him!
So, with a heavy sigh, you put down the spatula and made your way towards him. Wrapping your arms around his waist, you stood up on your tiptoes and pecked his lips. “I know that you did not mean for your words to come out like that, you should know that by now, Jinnie,” you cooed, confusing the mafia leader.
“But you were upset, and I just wanted to make you happy…” Seokjin replied dumbly.
“You make me happy. I don’t need anything fancy; I just want you, silly.”
For the first time in your six-month relationship, it dawned on Seokjin that you are here to stay. That he does not need money to make you happy, he just needs to be making you happy by being himself.
To sum up Min Yoongi in one word would be detached. All Yoongi has known is survival. In order to survive you have to kill, lie, use, and make sure that you are bloodlust. In his dictionary there is no ‘love’ ‘trust’ ‘happiness.’ It all comes down to at the end of the day is survival. That is why he is the deadliest mafia boss in the underworld.
But somehow, in some sort of weird way you came crashing into his life, and it has left Yoongi confused because he likes you. From the start, he was attracted to you, and he wanted more of what you radiated which is happiness – something that Yoongi is unfamiliar with. And you know that. You know that Yoongi is unusual. Truthfully when he told you to “learn how to fucking walk, dumbass,” when you ran into him on the Seoul streets, there was something that made you fall for him. You find it ironic how you ran into him a second time at a grocery store, but you could not be any happier because it led you to where you are now – five months into an interesting relationship.
You know that Yoongi is detached because of his lifestyle, that he is not good with emotions, but actions speak louder.
Like now for example:
You decided to be a somewhat normal couple for once – much to Yoongi’s dismay – and go grocery shopping. You are extremely allergic to peanuts, but you love barbeque foods – especially when it has barbeque sauce all over it. What you did not know is that this certain sauce has peanuts in it, but Yoongi knew it did.
“No, not that sauce.” Yoongi stepped in, snatching the bottle of sauce out of your hand.
“What, why? I want to try it when I make ribs tonight.” You asked, trying to snatch the bottle back from his hand.
“Because it has peanuts in it and you’re allergic to them, that’s why.” Yoongi replied coldly, grabbing a sauce that you know that you have not tried that does not have peanuts in it. “Use this instead.” And at that, Yoongi ushered your love-struck form away from the sauces and to the cereal aisle, not knowing that he has now completely stolen your heart.
Anyone who knows Hoseok knows that he does not like annoying people. He loathes people who are constantly asking him questions, bugging him, or just even breathing. Being a mafia leader is rough due to his short temper.
He just never thought that he would fall for someone who has a hyper personality and is constantly. You are the only person that he can stand and not shoot for being annoying. (Yes, Hoseok has shot a person because they were breathing too loud).
“Pleaseee?” You begged, plopping yourself in your boyfriend’s lap, giving him the puppy eyes while he works at his desk.
To an outsider, a person would think that Hoseok is about to blow a fuse. But to you, you can see the amusement in his eyes at your begging. “No.” Hoseok stated, voice harsh, something that he is trying to work on. Thankfully, you know that he is not meaning to be harsh with you.
“Why not? This is unfair!” You exaggerated, laying your head on his chest, finding comfort in the warmth and beat of his heart. “All I want is a puppy! That’s not much!”
“That means that another thing will be in here that will annoy me, and I already have you to deal with.” He bluntly stated, not realizing the impact of his words had on you.
“Oh, yeah…” you replied, getting up off of his lap, wanting to give him space.
Confused, “Where are you going?” Hosoek asked.
“The dishes need to be done, so I’m going to get them washed.” You lied lamely, wanting to give your boyfriend space.
“I have maids for a reason, jagi. Now, don’t lie to me and tell me what’s wrong.” Hoseok demanded, turning in his chair to face you with his interrogation look.
“I just don’t want to annoy you anymore; you’re working on work.” You spoke softly, looking down at your hands so you do not have to face him.
Not hearing Hoseok getting up from his chair, you jumped in surprise when he hugged you, his right hand softly pressing your head to his chest. “You’re my favorite annoyance, sunshine.” And by his simple, rare sentimental statement, your eyes stung with tears and your heart fluttered in your chest. You know that Jung Hoseok is bad with feelings and how bad he is at being kind, but the smallest and rarest times that he is always reminds you that he does, indeed, love you.
The first time you met Kim Namjoon, your first impression was that he is strategic. Everything the tall male did was based off strategy and observation – it was like he is playing chess. Namjoon can admit that he plays life like it is a game of chess because of how every decision he makes will have a result that can either create chaos or peace. He told you that on your guys first date when you brought up your first impression of him.
The thing is, Namjoon is very serious – to serious sometimes that it makes you wonder if he knows any jokes. Sadly, he said that jokes are childish – to which you pouted and hung your head like a kick puppy. That did not mean you are going to give up on this! So, researching for other funny jokes and puns, you began this daily routine where you would ask him a joke or pull a pun on him. You could tell that each day Namjoon became even more impress with them, and that even a tiny twitch of his lips would happen, telling you that he is wanting to crack a smile or even laugh!
With this new founded joke, you could not wait until tomorrow to pull this joke. You have this feeling that this joke would give you the smile that you have forever been waiting for.
Knocking on Namjoon’s office door, you heard his deep baritone voice say ‘come in’ you carefully made your way into your boyfriend’s office, a huge grin covering your face. A knowing look made its way onto Namjoon’s face, a tell-tale sign that he knew what was about to go down.
“Hey, Joonie!” You asked excitedly.
“Yes, my love?” He replied, putting down the manila envelope, taking his glasses off and laying back in his chair, hands behind his head, ready for the joke that was about to come.
“What’s the difference between a well-dressed man on a bike and a poorly dressed man a unicycle?” You asked, trying to not start laughing.
You could see the twitch of Namjoon’s lips, giving you confidence that today will be the day. “What is it?” He asked.
“ATTIRE!” You screeched happily, slapping your knee from laughter, not being able to control your laughter. You made sure to keep an eye on your boyfriend, praying that he will give you some sort of reaction – and he did!
Dancing on his face was a small smile, his head shaking in disbelief. The joy and happiness that took over your body had you beaming a hundred-watt smile, finally being able to get a reaction out of your boyfriend. “Yes! You smiled! I made you smile, I made you smile! Ah-ha!” You cheered, dancing out of your boyfriend’s office, not noticing the fond and loving look your husband is giving you.
“You always make me smile, my love.” He muttered, not wiping the smile away from his face as he went back to work.
“What if I mess up?” You asked, doubting yourself for this biggest moment of your life. Looking down at your boyfriend of seven months helping tie the strings of your ballet shoes, you waited for his reply, already knowing it is going to be a scolding.
“Jagia, you are not going to mess up, so stop doubting yourself and start believing in yourself,” Jimin scolded, giving you a glare from the floor. “If you want me to, I can bribe the workers to let me stand to the side of the stage and watch you perform if that helps you feel better.” He offered, causing your heart to flutter at his offer and at how caring he is being right now. It is not that he is not caring, he is just not good with these kinds of situations.
“Yes! If you want too, I don’t want to seem like I am being a baby…” You replied, hoping that you are not acting weak to your mafia boyfriend.
“You’re not being a baby, Y/N. Now, go get in line, you are about to go on.” He said, tapping your calf in reassurance.
“You’ll be there, right?”
“Of course.”
Backstage, everyone was in shock to see the mafia leader, or the best hacker in the world, standing to the side of the stage, watching you with a mesmerized look. They all knew that you were dating the most dangerous person in the world, they just did not know that he would show up to support you. Truthfully, they all thought that Jimin was just dating you for sex, little did they know is that he is dating you because he loves you and wants to protect you.
Some of the girls could not deny how jealous they are of you due to how handsome, and in awe Jimin was of you by your performance. Even though his expression is blank, his eyes told a different story and that story is love. Once the song ended the lights went out, they heard your feet tapping against the stage floor and your excited squeal escaping you as you tackled your boyfriend in a hug.
“I didn’t mess up! I didn’t mess up!” They heard you yell, proud and happiness evident in your tone.
“I told you, jagia. I told you.” Jimin replied. “I would never lie to you.”
Your face was pressed up against the window, eyes wide and mouth shaped into an ‘awe’ shape, taken away by how beautiful the outfit that was hanging up in the Maurices display area. Always have preferred Vigos jeans over a lot of higher named bran jeans, you desperately wanted to get the jeans and the flannel that was on the mannequin as display.
“Vigoss is not that good of a brand,” you heard Taehyung state from behind you, taking away the excitement you were feeling just before.
“Yeah, you’re right…” you replied, stepping away from the glass. “I just thought the outfit was cute, though.”
The emotions that passed Taehyung’s eyes were hidden from you since his glasses were on his face. Knowing that he put you down with his emotionless remark, Taehyung began to panic. “Come on,” Taehyung ushered, pulling you into the shop, confusing you with his actions. Walking up to the first worker in the store, “I’d like a dressing room for my girlfriend and every Vigoss jeans in the size 22 with the outfit that is on the mannequin closest to the door.” Your boyfriend ordered, walking you to the first dressing room that is opened.
Not even five minutes later, a worker named Ashley came to you with jeans, shorts, and capris in your size. Giving her a thankful smile and a small ‘sorry,’ she only give you smile back and reassurance.
“Let me know what else you need help with!” She said, giving you a warm smile before she turned away.
While you tried on every pair of pants that Ashley brought you, you walked out to the big mirror that gave you a good look at every angle, blushing each time that Taehyung watched you with a serious look. Finally deciding on two pair of pants, not wanting to spend too much, Taehyung sighed and walked into the dressing room that showed the pile of pants that you wanted to get but decided to not too.
“What are you doing?” You asked shocked as he picked up the pile of pants.
“You left these behind?” He stated obviously.
“Yeah, because it’ll be expensive. I’m fine with these two,” you said, shaking the two pair of pants in your hand to prove your point.
“You looked beautiful in all of these and you’re getting them.” He left no room to talk, not realizing the effect of his words that he had on you.
The sound of your humming filled your boyfriend’s office as you put together a bouquet of flowers while your boyfriend read through files at his desk. You do not mind working in your boyfriends office, but you never understood why he started having you work in here with him instead of your own office beside his. Never questioning his actions, you got comfortable in your small area and worked. Little did you know that your presence brought your boyfriend comfort.
Getting stuck on an idea for a customers request, you looked up to see what your boyfriend was doing, it was as if a light bulb went off. Grabbing some flowers, you made your way towards your Jungkook, a small smile evident on your face. Making yourself comfortable behind him, you carefully put the headband over his head, earning a questioning look from your boyfriend when he turned his head to look at you. Smiling brightly at him, he shrugged his shoulders and allowed you to do as you pleased. Once the headband was situated, you began to place the small flowers around his head, tucking them securely into the headband so they would not fall out.
You continued this for the next thirty minutes, finally finishing with a triumph smile. Walking back over to your little station, you began to work on the order that had you stumped, now knowing what you wanted to do with it, happy that Jungkook allowed you to do as you pleased. Working on the request, you heard Jungkook grumble in annoyance.
“What’s going on?” You asked him, looking up from your design.
“Namjoon needs help with something, I’ll be back,” Jungkook explained, coming over to you to kiss the side of your head.
As you went to ask if he was going to take off the flower crown, he already walked out of his office. Shrugging, you went back to work.
As Jungkook walked down his hallway, he began to give his workers a weird look when they began to giggle and smile at him, confused as to why they are not bowing to him. Walking pass the mirror that was hung on the wall in the opened area, he caught a glimpse at the flowers on his head. Realizing that this is the reason why his workers smiling at him, he shook his head with a small smile of his own.
“The things I do for you, princess. They things I do for you,” he whispered, not making any move to remove the flowers from the top of his head.
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
Ya know with the staff of creation and atlas' soul transfer technology they could have just made ozpin a new body 😔 he could have been returned to us
Right?? Okay, buckle up because I'm going to rant about all the lost potential here.
At this point in time, Volumes 7-8, we've entered a period of the show in which the current material feels pretty disconnected from the first three seasons. In particular, some in the fandom have criticized the lack of continuity, becoming frustrated as more and more seemingly significant plot points are dropped. What would perhaps not fix this ongoing issue completely, but at least demonstrate that the writers are attempting to treat the material they introduce seriously? Bringing back the soul transfer machine.
This machine just happens to be the product of the Kingdom they've just entered, an experiment green lit by the general who, in the second episode, shows them complete trust and gives them access to everything.
Ironwood is also really really really interested in seeing Ozpin again. Like, literally down on his knees eager.
Even if there was only one machine that is now inaccessible at Beacon, outside of Watts inventing the Paladins, Pietro - via RWBY logic - seems to have created everything else of significance in Atlas. His knowledge encompasses creating new life (oh hey there, knowledge about messing with souls to create Penny), huntsmen weaponry, and communication towers, to name just a few. Surely he could create another machine in the months the group is hanging out? Give the guy something legit to do.
Speaking of things to do, the fandom is pretty split on Jaune. Half are in the "Omg I'm sick of him getting so much focus" camp, but the other half is in the "Omg please give him something to do that's not making bad jokes." Guess who was the only surviving member to witness the initial transfer? Jaune! I mean yeah, Ozpin survived too in a sense, but the group isn't currently talking to him, so. Maybe have Jaune recall the experiment he saw, prompted by Ironwood wondering what happened to his attempts to save Amber and make Pyrrha the next Maiden. Remember, most characters only have partial info about what happened at Beacon and how all that horror went down. Time for an update.
Speaking of Ozpin himself, at his point we're a whole volume past the original Jinn fight and... nothing has happened! Absolutely nothing. The group drove him away, ignored him at the farm, ignored him in Argus (despite needing him to cross the border), ignored him in the airship (despite him just saving three of their lives), and continues to ignore him in Atlas (despite lying to Ironwood about what happened to him. Oh, and also keeping the secrets they were mad about). Wouldn't it be great if that just, you know, didn't happen? If even one member of the group gave a damn about the reconciliation the show thinks they're invested in? A plot in which they try to help Ozpin get his own body back would be a fantastic way to help everyone work through their anger and hypocritical choices.
Especially since no one actually knows yet if the transfer will even work, given that Pyrrha's was never completed. Does the group hate Ozpin enough to let him go through a super risky experiment? Do they care enough to say no, don't chance it? How do they feel about Pyrrha agreeing to it first? Is Oscar willing to take that risk to get his life back, or has he actually accepted the merge? Maybe the show could actually explain the merge to establish whether Oscar will actually disappear, like he claims in Volume 6? What's Ozpin's self-sacrificial nature going to prioritize: not endangering Oscar, or giving Oscar his autonomy back?
We've had over three volumes now of Oscar grappling with the merge as a personal conflict. This could be its resolution! This could be the group's way back to forgiving Ozpin. This could be Ozpin's way of realizing the group did him dirty and forgiving them too. This could be the beginning of Oscar actually coming into his own as a fighter and soon to be young adult, not just an Ozpin 2.0. This could a huge step forward in the war, not just representing humanity's advancement against everything the Gods left for them to deal with, but also a huge step for Ozpin personally, the first time he's able to "beat" the curse he was saddled with. All he needs is a new body and, wouldn't you know, they're in the Kingdom known for its cybernetics, which includes a 100% metal girl in their midst.
This could have been a fantastic story about embracing accommodations and difference, not the insulting storyline we got.
Or! Bring Ambrosius in. Give him a database's worth of info about the human body and let him get creative. RWBY could have easily gone in either direction, especially since there's no limit to how many times Ambrosius can create things. Hell, you can even have both routes back to back. Have them open the vault to put the Lamp in (please let them be smart again) and use the Staff then, setting up how it works nearly two volumes before they need it again and giving Ozpin his body - the vessel they'll use with the transfer machine. Then, when they need to escape, it becomes a personal dilemma: will they use the Staff and "kill" Ozpin, or risk everyone by denying them an escape route? Well, of course they can't risk an entire Kingdom for one guy - which Ozpin wouldn't want anyway - so that's when they turn to a synthetic body, using the machine a second time with, perhaps, some disastrous consequences for the end-arc drama. Sorry you only had a flesh body for a couple months, Ozpin, but a metal one is better than your soul flying off to some random person again. Or, of course, you could just have the group pull some trick that ensures Ambrosius can't erase Ozpin's body when they make their next creation. Idk what that would be, but considering Penny's loophole didn't make any sense either, we're considering low bars here.
(And, as a shipping side note, any new body would erase concerns regarding a future rosegarden relationship. Fans are free to ship whatever they like in fandom spaces, but if RT actually means for those cute Ruby-Oscar moments to read as a romance setup, they've got to disconnect our boy from Ruby's thousand year old headmaster.)
We could have gotten him back!! By Volume 7 Ozpin has spent as much time in Oscar's body as he had in his own. The merge was by no means rushed. It was a problem, Oscar (sort of) dealt with it, and now they've found a solution. Give Ozpin a new body, one that perhaps comes with some limitations due to the transfer (another easy way to keep him from being OP compared to the rest of the cast. What does the transfer do to magic users?). Add some repercussions, for him and Oscar both, even if it's just dealing with the permanent separation. Who is Oscar to the group now that he's no longer housing their most powerful fighter? He needs to gain confidence in what he brings to the team. Not Ozpin's knowledge, not Ozpin's magic, him. How does Ozpin deal with being the only one in his own head after generations of sharing? How freeing is that? How lonely? This is the guy who believes (and has been shown multiple times recently) that everyone will abandon him and now suddenly the one person who has to stay with him - whoever he's merged with - is gone too. Hello, emotional crisis. How does having Ozpin there, now literally made up of Atlas tech, change the dynamic with Ironwood, the lies told, the secrets, the fear that takes hold? Ozpin was a symbol, but now he's changed, not just physically, but emotionally too as he works through another death, the loss of Beacon, being Oscar, the group turning on him, and now a body all his own. Does having him back reinvigorate the group, or make things more strained? How does this change the group's perspective on their leadership, their long-term goals, and Salem's arrival?
AHHHHH there's so much lost potential here.
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A Match Set
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Pairing: Benny Watts x Reader
Summary: After meeting one night in New York, you and Benny Watts are drawn to each other. As you go through different experiences with one another, you grow closer until it finally gets to be too much for Benny.
Word Count: 1890
Warnings: none
Notes: aye this is my first fic because there is a serious lack of benny watts fics and i had to change that for myself. this will probably be multiple chapters that can be read separately.
It was your first art gallery, and you were both anxious and overjoyed to see people surveying your work. You had put so many hours into each piece and all kinds of people had poured in to look. It was a well known gallery, but the variety still surprised you. You looked around and saw some interesting characters, but your interest was piqued when your eyes fell upon a particular cowboy.
He was inspecting one of your favorite paintings which had chess pieces as the subject. The pieces merely served as part of a metaphor in your art, as the game and all its complexities had never really been your thing. As you looked closer at the man you realized that, not only had his outfit sparked your interest, but he seemed familiar too. Out of curiosity, you walked over and stood next to him.
“What are your thoughts?” You asked, motioning towards the painting.
His initial expression showed surprise that you were talking to him, but he recovered quickly, saying, “It’s good. I think the artist has talent.” You felt a bit of pride hearing that. You opened your mouth to say thanks, but you decided not to reveal yourself. You wanted him to give his honest opinion without fear of offending you.
“So do you like chess?” He nodded to the painting. Hearing this you made the connection as to why you remembered seeing him before. Your father owned a little bookshop back home and you were looking into chess for the same painting you were discussing right now. You had seen this cowboy on the back of one of those books, but you hadn’t given it another thought, never actually expecting to meet him. You decided not to reveal this information either and continued with the conversation.
“I can play a modest game. You?”
“I can play a modest game.” He had a small smile as he shrugged.
“Your first lie.” You said smirking back.
He looked confused but curious, so you explained about your research, your fathers bookshop, the whole story. He puffed up a bit after hearing that, looking impressed that you knew who he was.
“What’s your name?” He asked, still curious.
“Y/n” you replied.
“Nice name. I’m Benny, but you already seem to know who I am. On the other hand I don’t know anything about you.” He reached out his hand to shake yours.
“You walk in here with a black trench coat but you make me out to be the mysterious one,” you smirked as you took his hand. He chuckled a bit, and after your introduction, you asked why he was here.
“My friend knows the artist actually. She told us we had to see her work before going out.” You hummed as you thought about what to say, but he interjected.
“I don’t usually do this, and I’m not sure why I’m doing this now, but maybe you’d consider coffee with me. I won’t tell anymore lies” he joked.
You laughed a little, mildly shocked. “you’re not sure why? That’s flattering” you teased.
“Not what I meant-“ but before you could come to a conclusion on his sudden offer, you heard an excited french accent.
“Y/n! Im so proud! You finally got to show off all that talent!” Your friend Cleo ran up to you and wrapped her arms around you. You hadn’t seen her since you lived in France for a few months and you had missed her. You left for France after you realized you weren’t really needed at home, so you dedicated yourself to trying to soak up some culture. She looked gorgeous like you remembered, fitting for a model. You continued your reunion embrace for a moment before she waved her arms to the men and woman behind her. She introduced the friends she had brought to your show as Arthur, Hilton, and Annette, who all smiled at you. Cleo paused to turn to the cowboy saying, “I see you’ve already met Benny.”
“Yeah we met,” he said, “but I didn’t know this was your work. I would’ve told you how impressed I am.” Your cheeks turned a light pink at the praise.
“Look at Benny, impressed with someone besides himself for once.”Cleo poked fun and the group let out a laugh.
“Hey I’m not a narcissist or anything, don’t listen to Cleo,” Benny made excuses to you, only mildly offended.
“Sure you aren’t. I have nothing against narcissists,” you jokingly assured him. This answer didn’t comfort the man who had essentially just asked you on a date.
You and Cleo continued to catch up and you talked more with her friends as well. Benny just stood next to you, and you caught him glancing at you once or twice, but you just ignored it. Eventually you agreed to go out for drinks with the group, walking with them to a bar a couple blocks down called Hal’s.
You all squeezed into a booth while Arthur went off to get drinks. You sat on the outside, watching the people out on the floor next to you giggling and dancing. Having a couple of drinks beforehand must’ve contributed to the large amount of people out there, you thought. Arthur eventually announced his return by laying a tray of drinks in the middle of the table.
You were all conversing and sipping on your drinks when Annette decided she wanted to dance. Cleo agreed enthusiastically, but the rest of us refused. She suggested we all take shots to make it easier, but once again we tried to turn her down. she pleaded, “come on guys, it’s a Saturday night, and you can’t possible lose something from it. Have a little bit of fun with me!”
We relented, having a feeling that she wasn’t going to give up any time soon. She gave a little clap and handed out the shots. You knocked yours back with everyone else and grimaced at the bitter taste. Shaking it off, you slid out of the booth so the others could get out. You moved back into your spot after they all made their way to the throng of people. You decided you would join them later, but you liked to observe first. You looked over and the only two left were you and Benny. You slid over to him, not wanting to sit awkwardly on the other end like he wasn’t there.
“I bet you five bucks that lady is bored out of her mind.” He pointed to a blonde on a date across the bar, “Either she’s an alcoholic or she’s trying to tune out baldie.” You looked at the woman and saw she was surrounded by empty glasses while the man in front of her seemed like he was boasting endlessly. You both started making observations about the various people in the bar. Most of them were snarky comments that you whispered into each other’s ears, giggling, but you also created imaginary lives for them, guessing who they were and how they got here. After sharing a couple laughs, you sighed and reached a comfortable lull before Benny brought up what you knew was coming.
“So have you thought about my earlier question?” He eyed you seriously all of a sudden, but you didn’t feel any pressure. He seemed the type of confident where he thought you would say yes, but he could recover if you said no.
You weighed in your impression of him. He was cute, with fluffy hair and nice eyes that were a kind of chocolate color. He was funny and you he seemed intelligent (I mean he had to be, he played competitive chess). Albeit his trench coat and hat were a bit eccentric, but that wasn’t a bad thing, in fact you found it attractive.
“So have you?” He asked again, leaning his head in.
“Oh uh” you hadn’t realized while you were thinking that you had zoned out looking at him. Clearing your throat you said, “I’m free for coffee.” You stopped, “But you have to wear the hat.”
“Wouldn’t leave home without it” he winked.
Suddenly you were shoved against him as your tipsy friends barreled back into the booth.
“We should probably join them” you said as you moved off him, pushing one of the leftover drinks towards him. He nodded and you both drank some more just to get on the same level as your friends.
“You two haven’t even danced! I saw you whispering. Too busy flirting?” Annette smiled as she slurred a few of her words. You just looked down, cheeks pink, leaving Benny to respond.
“How were you watching us when you were dancing with that guy, the one who looks like he’s only ever kissed his mother.”
“No, I’m sure he’s kissed other people! I mean he did seem young but...” Annette looked over to the guy she dragged to dance with her earlier. He stood sheepishly in the corner, looking like he hadn’t outgrown his baby fat yet, and was definitely not a city type. “He’s just shy!” She defended, but me and Benny just looked at each other, falling into giggles. You figured out that night that Annette was one of those drunks who got a little childish, but she was sweet.
You would’ve been content to keep hanging out with Benny, if it hadn’t been for Cleo who grabbed your hand and pulled you out to the dance floor. You looked back at Benny, but gave in and allowed her to twirl you into the crowd. You were having a good time with Cleo, Hilton and Arthur dancing on either side of her. You were soon out of breath, but didn’t mind, enjoying it all.
You had moved to the city a couple months ago, but hadn’t had time to make friends, focusing on your work and setting up your apartment. You missed having company, people who were fun and interesting.
You continued to move to the beat of the song until you bumped into someone. You looked back to see Benny smiling next to you. You smiled back and let him in to the little circle you and your friends had created. You felt a little warm, not from the dancing, but from being close to him.
After fifteen minutes you were all tired and made your way to the booth to gather all your things up and pay the bill. You walked out of the bar and into the chilly night air, grateful for the residual body heat that came from all the dancing. You hugged Cleo and your new friends goodbye as took turns getting into taxis and headed towards their homes. Hilton offered to wave you down a taxi too, but you declined, explaining that your home wasn’t a far walk. He shrugged and gave you another hug before climbing into the yellow car. Once again it was just you and Benny.
“Just the two of us again huh?” He spoke, and he definitely didn’t sound turned off by the idea.
“Fate I guess.”
“Sure” he said casually.
“Do you not believe in fate?” You asked. You weren’t a firm believer in the idea but something in his tone made you curious.
“I’ve had this debate before I think. I’m not sure, but I’d like to figure it out. How about you?” He said. You imagined him having a lot of debates. You had just met him, but he seemed to fall into the intellectual category. They always kept things interesting, and frequently offered new perspectives.
“I mean everything’s gotta mean something, there has to be a purpose. I just don’t know if we make our own purpose or if we’re given a purpose; fate.” You mused, not meaning to get existential. He didn’t seem to mind.
“You seem like the type to want to figure things out too.” He said ‘too’. So you and him both liked to do that. You added that to the growing list of things you liked about him.
“I guess I am.” He had a pleased look on his face and you just shrugged as you started to say goodbye.
“Wait” he grabbed your arm, “I heard you say you didn’t live far, I could walk you.” Before you could protest he told you, “it wouldn’t be a big deal, I heard you tell Hilton where you lived, we’re in the same direction.”
You agreed, finding yourself wanting to talk to him more. He offered you his arm casually and you laughed to yourself a little at the gesture, taking it anyway. You walked down the sidewalk, talking and laughing. You felt comfortable as you felt like you leveled with him. It seemed like too short of a walk as you suddenly found yourself at the door of your apartment building.
“Guess this is goodnight.” Benny said as you both stood on the sidewalk.
“What about coffee?” You asked.
“Glad you remembered. I’ll pick you up at twelve tomorrow, we can make it lunch. I’ll pick you up.” He said it decidedly, like it was just a fact. Something you noticed he did often.
“Ok then. Lunch. Tomorrow. Am I forgetting anything?” You said as you stepped halfway into the doorway.
“If you are we can figure that out later. I’ll see you.” He waved with a slight smile.
You waved back and smiled in return, watching him walk away before closing the door. You sped up to your apartment, letting yourself finally feel the excitement and anticipation of going out. You stripped off your clothing as soon as you got in and flopped on your bed, feeling sort of giddy. You felt like you and Benny were connected, though you had barely met him. As you laid down you smiled to yourself, looking forward to tomorrow.
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richardsphere · 1 year
RWBY Catchup Slogblog V8E10: The one in which Ironwood, actually has a point for once
“I dont give a DAMN about Jaques Schnee”  Cool, this is the first sensible thing i can remember this guy saying. ---- Bad news the cane is apparently the equivalent of a nuke. (this is bad news because nukes are one-time use items and now “on the table” as far as the narrative is concerned. This means the enemy can have the Scepter make a Cane and nuke things if they get the cane while bypassing the “one item at a time” restriction because, i dont need the old nuke after it went off). Also the existence of nuke-type weaponry in this story is just generally an uncomfortable level of powercreep. Even if it turns out to be a one-time use item that still means there is no way for the story to de-escalate back to a sensible scale. So Grimm in the inner city were vaperised, but the people who were carrying the bomb into the whales mouth are fine. (maybe the cane is like Ruby’s Eyes and only affects grimm?) Marrow asks a good question: which characters were still inside the whale? Quick headcount: Salem (immortal) Oscar (presumably alive, i dont think ozpin would make a nuke that destroys its wielder, if only because it would mean more fetchquests to return the nuke-cane) and Hazel certainly. Mercury and Tyrian are off to Vacuo so they’re safe. Watts and Cinder are prisonbreak-buddies Neo seems to have made it out just in time but was definitly in the blast radius. It feels like im missing someone? Wasnt there one more seat at Salems table at the castle? It just feels like im forgetting someone? so in summary: Nuked the enemy base, but it does nothing to affect the overall scores. ----- Team Badguy sucks at communication apparently. “she’s on a set path now”, thats weird, do the baddies know the location of the vault? as in have coordinates for its exact location within Atlas? It feels like the virus should only work if they had like verry specific instructions and im fairly certain that the exact location is like, super-duper-top-secret so its weird that they’d know it to the level needed to code a virus to go exactly there. (just think of the PeanutbutterSandwich test for ref.) Arthur sure likes dangling over ledges. Maybe this time they’ll actually get dropped. Arthur manages to rage her into sparing him somehow? I dont really buy her pulling him closer as a response in this scene, it feels weird for her to acknowledge he’s somewhat right about her. on a related note, wasnt she initially protrayed as this master manipulator playing Beacon for Fools and now she’s portrayed as a fire-themed brainless brute.  -------- Ah so we do only get the explanation about how the cane works after the cane gets used. I’ll be honest i thought it’d just been something i forgot about. (it stores kinetic energy.) Most of the power has been used but at least some remains. Gut feeling tells me the fact its charged by kinetic energy will be significant somehow (maybe ties in with Harriet Speedsemblance for a rapid mini-charge if she’s still on the road to defection) ------- Oh happy suprise, the subwaytunnel refugees arent dead yet. (reminder, this entire ordeal started with burrowing grimm so this is a legitimate suprise with how long the battle feels to have been going) also just now noticed the atlas flag-thing has a spear on it. ----- And James finally stops pretending he didnt snap years ago. Winter is clearly realising that oops turns out my surrogate Dad is about as trustworthy as OG dad. Neo is still Neo. Just noticed, Blake is still wearing the eyeshadow/eyeliner/mascara/some other form of eye-based makeup that I dont understand from the party she attended the day before the election. Have events really happened that much more quickly then i thought that she’d still be wearing that? And of course the show doesnt even have time to give the characters a reunion before it drops another gutpunch that i can barely feel with how numb and bruised i am from the plot. But at least Em’s on the good side now, that should technically count for some form of "win” on the heroes side.
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the-fiction-witch · 3 years
Control P15
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I went and got the door as y/n went to make some coffee I opened the door letting Wisse and Luke into the apartment the three of us muttering about this and that as they headed inside "Hu, benny?" Wisse asks
"who's the fat old braud?"
instantly I smirked a little trying not to laugh as she turned around and looked like she was about to murder him "You have a will right Wisse?"
"Yeah why?"
"Becuase... she is gonna kill you" I smirked going to sort the chessboard up
"Come here you little!" she yelped going to try and grab him but I up an arm around her and lifted her off the floor enough she couldn't get out my grip "No benny let me at him!" she complained till I put her down
"Boys, Y/n y/l/n I'm sure you've met before" I told them
"Ohh yeah, Hi y/n" Luke smiled getting himself a seat at the table
"Hu, I didn't recognise you, sorry y/n" wisse smiled "What uhh... what is she doing here?"
"I live here" she argued
"lives here? Ooooooohhh Benny got a girlfriend" Luke laughs
"Yes. I did"
"I... I don't have a response to a yes as an answer"
"so shut up"
"You guys actually a couple then?"
"Yep, very happily" Y/n smiled
"Extremely happily" I smiled giving her a kiss
"Lucky dick got the cute girlfriend" Luke sighed
"cute fience" I corrected
"Really? your gonna hitch yourself to him?" Wisse laughed
"Hey!" I complained
"Well, I suppose I have to" she giggled stroking her baby bump
"what!" Luke laughed excitedly
"can you guys not tell?" she laughed
"Awwwwww there's gonna be a tiny baby!" Luke smiled
"why!" wisse complained "why would you let him procreate? I thought we all collectively agreed to not let his genetics get anywhere else?"
".... when did you agree that?" I complained
"Like six Christmas' ago" luke shrugged
"well it's a bit late for that, he's due next month" she smiled
"she" I corrected
"He" she giggled
"Now we playing or not?" Luke asked
"Course, you rest up you need anything you ask okay," I told her so she nodded going to read her book on the chair
I sat playing with the guys a good while, y/n kept out of it mostly reading her chess books on the chair, she would bring drinks and food whenever we needed it even if all of us told her no she should rest baby but she did it anyways, it was getting late and she was getting tried I could tell as she was watching a game her little eyes would sometimes flutter shut, her head sometimes would droop but whenever I blew her a kiss she'd perk up again for a moment or two. "I think it's bed time for mummy. You boys have fun" she smiled as she slowly pushed herself up stroking her bump "Okay, we'll be quiet, you rest up alright" I told her taking her hand "I will" she smiled "Sleep well y/n" wisse smiled "Rest that tiny human growing in your person oven y/n" luke laughed She gave my head a kiss before she slowly walked into the bedroom getting ready for bed I focused on the game for a good while but I couldn't take my eyes off her, the door to our bedroom open just a crack just enough I could still see her, laid on our bed, her head on the pillow, the gentle orange light casgading across her, her hair all over the place, her face so peaceful and sireen, her little nightie holding her so tight where she was growing so much, her book open on her page it fallen on the duvet her hand still holding it the other on the pillow, I rested my head on my hand just watching her sleep so peacefully her bump rising and falling in the covers "Dude I think benny's broke I just checked him." Wisse says "Not broke. He's got a pregnant wifey it's gonna be a distraction. I mean look I can wave a hand in his Face and nothing" luke laughed "Benny? You in there man or have you shut up shop tonight?" "Hu? Ohh sorry guys" I sighed "I think I think I need to turn in too. And I can't leave her all alone she can't sleep without me" I smiled "well finish up another time maybe once baby comes" "Alright, see you around" wisse laughed we all said our goodbyes and they both left so I shut up and went climbing into bed with her "You didn't have to Benny, I could have waited till you-" "Shhhh. You where sleepy. I should have kicked them out hours ago so you could sleep." "But chess-" "Shhh, sleep. You and our baby are more important" "Nothing is more important then chess to you" "You are. And so's baby." I told her "I have to take care of my girls. Besides I was tried too and you know I can't sleep without you either" "Okay Benny if your sure" "Of course I'm sure little lady, now you rest that tummy shouldn't be long now till baby comes"
I woke up softly and gently "Uuummmm good morning little lady, and my sweet little baby" I smiled trying to cuddle her but something was wrong. The bed felt wet. Her body was shaking. Her hand in mine in a death like grip, "Benny! Something's wrong!" She yelled "What! What's wrong!" I asked quickly waking up seeing her she was panicked, sweaty, in alot of pain the sun not even up yet "I think baby's coming" "Baby's coming! Are uhh are you sure?" "I don't know, I couldn't sleep because of my tummy and then I had an accident and now it won't- aaahhhhhh!" "Okay... Okay... Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh pack the bag! I think right? Yes! Pack!" I said trying to remember what the hell I was gonna do getting out the bed and starting to pack her back "what was I meant to pack?" "BENNY!" "I'm sorry y/n I forget" "It's on the list in the fridge. Now hurry up!" She yelled turning to sit on the edge of the bed, I grabbed the list and packed he's a quick bag getting myself dress too "Right next uhh we need to get you to the hospital, but I don't think an ambulance is really worth it, then again I get stuck in traffic, what I'd the car breaka down I can't deliver a baby! What if the ambulance has to stop for baby to be born and then our kiss born in an ambulance? Do I have everything, did you want anything before we go little lady? A drink, some food? A shower? Do your hair maybe?" "Benny... There is currently what feels like a human being with a watermelon sized head trying to force its way out of my Virgina, Get your skinny ass in that car and take me to a fucking doctor now!" "Okay, okay." I nodded realizing how panicked I was I helped her up and out into the car with her bag, I quickly locked up and by the time I got back she was screaming "okay it's all gonna be okay, just try not to focus on the pain" I reassured her "Easy for you to say!" "Right let's get baby to the doctor" "Now!" She screamed putting my car into drive for me almost making us hit a lamppost "Y/n I understand your in-" "BENNY! DRIVE THE FUCKING CAR!" She screamed "Or I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL SHOVE EVER CHESS PIECE YOU OWN UP YOUR ASS!" "Yes dear" I gulped quickly getting the car going
I dropped y/n off and the nurses happily took her, I went and got parked and rushed into the office they directed me to the little seating area where a few other men sat waiting "But I - I promised her I'd be with her" "Sorry we can't allow it she's a six thirteen" "Six thirteen what does that mean?" "I'm sure the doctor will explain later sir please take a seat" I sighed and went taking a seat waiting till one of the other men spoke up "Hey? First?" "Yeah." I answered "It never gets easier kid" he laughs coming to sit in the chair beside me "I just... I wanna be with her you know make sure she's okay" "Hey, she's a fucking lot stronger then you think she is" he laughs "this is our fourth. I always worry about her. At the end she always tells me not to worry" he laughs "Yeah, she's a strong one. I know she is" I smiled "do you know what a six thirteen is?" "Yeah," "Please. I just wanna know" "It means there's been a complication, and everyone non essential has to be kept out for safety" "Something's wrong?" "It could be something small, like breach, or backwards or anything like that" he shurgs "or a c section. They class that as a six thirteen" "Oh God." "Relax it's probably nothing" he says "my boy was a six thirteen. Came out backwards the stupid boy" "Well I guess it's just a waiting game" "Pretty much kid" We sat chatting about this and that for a few hours or so it was getting late now, or early. Not sure which to class or as but everyone would peek up whenever a nurse came around the corner and just as the sun began to peak over the windows a nurse came "Watts?" "Yes!" "Follow me please" she says I nodded and followed her to a little room but she didn't open the door, "baby is born. Happy and healthy. Mummy's doing fine if a little stressed we'll start getting sorted to get her home congratulations" she smiled before she headed off, I was excited happily opening the door to the little hospital room the blinds open letting the sweet purple, orange and gold of the sunrise flood the room, and there on the bed was y/n sat up a little shaken her hair a mess, a smile on her face with a job I'd never seen before, and in her arms wrapped up in a little yellow blanket was a tiny little baby only moments old. The baby was giggling ever so softly as y/n stroked the baby's skin I'd never seen something so beautiful I wanted to cry "Hello y/n" "Hello Benny" she smiled "come" she smiled patting the little chair beside the bed, I smiled going over and sitting with her both of them bathed in the rays of the sunrise "You okay?" "Ummmm. Tried" "I can guess so" I laughed "they wouldn't let me in" "They said because of things I forget what they said but she's happy and healthy" "She?" "She. Benny meet your daughter" she smiled letting me see the cute little squishy face of our little girl, she was so cute and beautiful I almost cried "A daughter. I have a daughter. Hi little one, uhh nice to meet you" I smiled shaking her tiny hand "God damn it Benny, you don't have to introduce yourself to her" "She doesn't know who I am yet, I'm just being a gentleman about it" I said giving her little head a kiss which made her giggle more "are you okay?" "Fine Benny" she laughed so I gave her a kiss too "she has her daddies." "She does. But I'm sure she'll grow up and be as beautiful as her mummy" "In sure she will. Thought if any names for her?" "I get to name her?" "Umm you won. You where right about it being a girl. You can name her" she smiled I looked at our little girl thinking of all the girls names I knew many of them I didn't want to use as I'd slept with girls named that and that would be a werid thing but the more I looked at her the more ideas went quickly though my mind until, I saw the sun just shimmer a little the rays of gold, purple and red across the room from the sun as it rose and it casgading across her little face "Aurora" I smiled "Aurora. I like it" she smiled "I think it suits her" "It does. Little aurora" "Little aurora watts" "Aurora y/l/n. Not your wife yet Benny" "You would be if someone would get the wedding sorted and let me marry her already" I laughed "I know, but maybe aurora watts so she gets used to it" "Good, she was like this close to being named scillian you know that right?" "I know I'm surprised it's not chess related or are you saving that for any boys" "Kinda, plus not alot of chessy girls names" "That and scillian is our sex safe word" "Yeah that too" I laughed "so you ready to get aurora home?" "Very ready Benny"
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Mmm okay, I see you typically do [character] x reader headcanons, and I was wondering if you do others as well? Bc I have this hc where the main group of station house 4 (Murdoch, Julia, George, Brackenreid and Watts) are all slightly…. inhuman. They are still human, of course, but there’s something odd about them. Since he was a kid, for example, Murdoch would get these insanely accurate intuitions that go beyond just being observant, and when Julia tends to someone’s injury they seem to heal faster than they would with anyone else, and George has a way with words, both written and spoken, such that he can convince almost anyone of anything (no matter how unreasonable) if he really puts his mind to it. Bullets and knives leave Brackenreid slightly grazed when he probably ought to be dead, and Watts would never admit it out loud, but he’s sure he’s seen the restless ghosts of victims they’ve uncovered wandering around the bullpen.
Of course those are only my own thoughts about what “powers” they’d have. I’ve been mulling this idea over for a while and I’d be really interested in hearing your take on it!
oh my god, this is so frickin cool!!! yeah recently I've been writing more just general hcs so I'll totally give you my take on this:)
first of all, all of these sound so accurate and I really enjoyed reading this. I especially love the Watts one, because its something that once I read it and imagined it it just fit so well with Watts, if you get what I'm saying lol. K the Brackenreid one is also really cool because ya he almost died in that one ep, but nooooo he was okay thankfully. George and Julia's are super neat I think, because again like the Watts one just fits so well with their character. The Murdoch one hands down is soooo fitting and would be a cool plot for a show along with all the other characters.
I can just imagine them telling each other for the first time and they're like "you have a power too???".
I feel if Henry didn't have a power he'd feel left out/jealous, BUT his bro George would try and make him feel as included as he could.
You know I think everyone would be pretty chill about it in the station house, but idk if they'd like tell the public ya know, they might think they're a lil crazy.
Watts would somehow slip up and tell Milo, but he’s real chill about it and finds it fascinating. 
Overall this would be a real cool thing to have and would almost bring everyone together and closer:).
This was such a cool thing to think about!! Thank you so much for sending it in, If you have anymore hcs or want to add on more to this please send 'em in!!
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