#as well as people who have a lot of pain around being prevented from being open about their identity as it relates to using
ghouljams · 8 months
Okok idk if you’ve done anything for könig for the medieval au but I can think of no better role for him than the royal executioner. Given a wide berth by all as he is technically forgiven for his job of killing, but beheading a bound prisoner is hardly the stuff of legend, it doesn’t inspire the same awe in folk. König helplessly enamored with a soft maiden reader and well aware of the blood on his hands so he skulks after her, a looming shadow she can’t seem to shake.
I know there's another writer who has an executioner König that I fucking adore, which has made me hesitant to write him in that role. However it's such a good fit for him. My sister is very upset that I made König a hunter and not an executioner, and I have another ask about König being a king put up for our lovely Princess's hand in marriage(Ghost's big mad about that, ahhhh act 2).
But yeah I like König being big and scary, gotta keep the nasty boy nasty. So I'm gonna write something for executioner König
It started so simply, so plainly, that it could hardly even be called unremarkable. Forgettable, was perhaps the better word. König is sure you must have forgotten it, at least.
Executions are an exact science. If you can call it that. There is a certain way that things must be done to ensure that death has been achieved. Rule one: No drinking on the job, not after last time. Rule two: Always aim for the center of the neck, severing the spinal column ensure the pain doesn't last past what is needed. Rule three: Do not hesitate, self explanatory. Rule four: There will always be a lot of blood, it's best to get out of the way quickly once the ax has hit its mark.
König had been washing his hands of said blood in one of the water spouts around town, when he first saw you. Your eyes wide with fear at the sight of him. You looked like the sunset, something painted by the hands of God himself, so soft and radiant as you turned and fled. He looked after you a moment longer than it took you to disappear around the corner before going back to his grim work. He stripped off his mask to rinse the blood from that as well.
This was treated with wax, the blood and water sliding from it much easier than it did his calloused hands. He could never get all the blood off on his first attempt. Maybe he should wear gloves, but he could never feel the ax as well and leather stained. He ran one short fingernail under another to clean the congealing blood out and stopped. König turned to look down at you, your hands clasped together tightly, your eyes still sparkling with fright.
You held your hand out to him, and he tilt his head to look down at it curiously. The familiar scent and off-white color of soap, just a little piece of it resting on your palm. He was careful taking it from you, shaking the water off his hand before plucking it from your palm. Despite his best efforts to prevent you the displeasure a small puddle of red tinged water formed where the soap previously sat.
"Thank you," He mumbled, turning back to his work so he didn't have to see you wipe your hand off.
"I'm sorry," You told him, in so unfamiliar a tone he didn't think he'd ever heard one like it. Pity was something he was used to, executioners were often looked on with some form of it, but this- this wasn't pity. He turned to ask what you were sorry for, but you were already gone. Quick on your feet. Like a little rabbit.
You're jumpy like a rabbit too. Cute. Actually that part might be on him. You may have forgotten your kindness --did you forget? he hopes you didn't-- but König certainly didn't. He's keeping an eye on you. Moving unseen isn't exactly König's strong suit, but he can do it with the right motivation. Motivation like following you around town. He just wants to see you. Wants to see you smile and laugh and hear your sweet voice. Wants to see you interact with normal people without fear in your eyes.
He has to be careful though, the last few times you noticed him you tensed up. Breath held and hands clenched like that might prevent him from seeing you. Sweet scared little thing. Was it the blood on his hands that scared you? The violence he enacted? Was it his size, his strength, the heat of his gaze? Do you imagine his hands on your soft skin like he does?
Well, maybe not like he does. Your imagination is likely less... appreciative than his, more violent. Too bad.
That's exactly why he has to steal these glimpses of you. He doesn't want to frighten you, although you are beautiful even when you look on his in fear. You're so much more without him. To think music could ever sound as sweet as your laughter, that the sun could ever shine as bright as your smile. He tips his head to watch you, a wonder of divine creation, terribly kind in your every movement.
You crouch to help an older woman pick up a basket of heavy produce, wave off her thanks with a smile and settle the goods on a nearby stall. You pull a child out of the way of a cart, and wave at the driver without a speck of malice. Your kindness is rewarded in turn, an extra few apples for your coin, a warm slice of fresh bread for your walk, people stop you to chat with friendly smiles and kind words.
And yet. And yet he never sees you with anyone. Never sees you walking arm in arm with a friend or a lover, even a parent. You're alone in your crowd of kind acquaintances.
He can't follow you when you leave town. There aren't enough places to hide, not enough corners to stay shadowed behind. That doesn't stop him from watching you as you walk down the road. You don't go far, just far enough to find a comfortable place on the stone wall lining one side of the dirt path. You settle your shopping basket on the ground beside your feet and finally look back at him.
König's breath seizes in his chest. You're still so tense as you stare at him, as you unclench one of your tight fists and pat the wall next to you. He glances behind him to see if there's perhaps a friend of yours he'd missed. No, when he looks back you're still staring just as fiercely determined at him as you had been.
He's cautious with his approach, nervous as the way your eyes track his, your head tipping to accommodate his height the closer he gets. Until he's stood in front of you, your wide eyes still blinking up at him. You pat the wall again, wordlessly asking for his company.
"Are you hungry?" You ask when before he's barely sat down. König pauses, watches you bend to pull an apple from your basket. "You've been following me all day, you must be." You pull a knife from your pocket to slice the fruit and König holds out his hand.
"Let me," He tells you. You hesitate, staring at his -clean, he swears they're clean, he'll never dirty yours again- hands. You settle the apple in his rough palm and offer him the knife. König shakes his head, and grips the apple between his hands, twisting it sharply to break it neatly in half. He offers you one.
"Thank you," You offer him half of a smile, take the offered half and bite into it. Clean enough to touch your lips, König thinks. Or maybe you just don't care about the stains. "It's lovely out isn't it?" You make quiet conversation.
"You are," He breathes, and you bite your lip, your smile blossoming around your best intentions to stop it.
Maybe you were alone for him, to give him the space to get close to you. A rabbit baiting the big bad wolf.
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teresajoan · 3 months
Astrology: How trauma affects communication via Mercury
Warning - Content may be triggering. Reach out to those who love you and medical professionals when you need.
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Aries Mercury - They grew up in a loud atmosphere, with lots of yelling. Possibly had one “leader” or “dictator” in their childhood home that they felt they had to obey. They grow up believing that they need to communicate quickly and loudly or else they risk never being heard. For people who felt they were not allowed to play loudly as children, play is healing later in life.
Taurus Mercury - Someone else always came before them. They had to learn to be patient and wait for their turn to speak. Their survival was determined by your ability to cooperate and choose the right alliances. They saw that trusting the wrong person could be detrimental to their wellbeing. Keeping their language neutral and friendly was most palatable for their parents. Music, singing, and healing the throat chakra is healing for these people.
Gemini Mercury - If they were smart enough, they would be praised. When things got too much, they learnt that they could throw themselves in books and mysterious. Their parents or the adults around them had different communication styles, so they had to learn to pick up different styles of communication in order to get their needs met. They also learnt that looking good and pleasing to the eye would help them relate better to others. At its worst, Gemini mercury learnt to use information in exchange for power or leverage, such as gossiping and rumour spreading. Humour is healing for these people.
Cancer Mercury - It’s hard for them to process and move on from what happened, so speaking about it can feel very real and present in their body. It’s often on the mind, and as a result, they limit their communication. When they do speak, they can overwhelm others with the amount that comes out. Learning to be ok with their own voice and narrative above what others say is healing. Also , drink water.
Leo Mercury - As a child, the communication around them was excessive and over the top. They learnt that to avoid punishments or drama, it is best to take control of the situation and shut it down quickly. Others couldn’t always be there to care for them, so they had to become hyper self-sufficient. You had to learn things by themselves, and as a result, they don’t do well in group settings such as class rooms, unless they’re in charge. They’re better at grasping attention from men than women or gender diverse people. They may have strived for their fathers attention from a very young age. Letting their fire out via creativity is healing.
Virgo Mercury - Every move they made was criticised and resulted in punishments. To survive, they needed to absorb this style of thinking for themselves and those they love. They think that if they’re hyper aware, they can prevent anything bad from ever happening again. There are a lot of thoughts and concerns directed at their body. Healing their mind and their body simultaneously is paramount. This is why the physical work required with animals can be so healing for them. Also - eat well.
Libra Pisces - Criticised for making mistakes or not appearing as others thought they should, they learnt to cover up their mistakes and insecurities by pretending everything is fine. They’ll do better than fine, they’ll speak a whole PR performance about how fine everything is... Allow them space to be imperfect. Finding the beauty in their mistakes is healing.
Scorpio Mercury - Defiant and secretive, the trauma is in the eyes. They can not take back all that they have seen, but they’ve also been taught to hide it. They may avoid eye contact in an attempt to avoid an argument. Their eye contact is intense when they want others to hear their pain. They didn’t have strong parental figures, so they learnt to be independent and in control of themselves. Growing up, people around them weren’t always truthful or honest. This has left them with a feeling of always seeking the truth. They were led to believe that their emotions were too much for others. However, these intense emotions never leave them, they just learn to hide or redirect intense thoughts in secretive ways. Self compassion is the key to healing.
Sagittarius Mercury - Naturally intelligent, they received more attention and praise at school than at home. They aim big and far away as a way to avoid addressing the present situation. As a result they don’t address the repressed hurt that pushed them to run away or towards that thing so far away. The more they heal from the past, the bigger the future truly becomes.
Capricorn Mercury - Their parents were practical and analytical. They were put to work at a young age, either around the house or in a family business. Their parents weren’t emotionally open or affectionate, as a result their tone of voice is blunt and controlled. Ruled by Saturn, the planet of fear, there was a sense of fear at a primary age when they were first learning to speak. Working in what they love is healing and where they find joy. Also - move them bones.
Aquarius Mercury - Their language can somethings sounds strange or unusual, such as a lisp, a stutter, mumbling, or jumbles words. They detached from their voice when they detached from their body as a way to survive. Now they swing between detachment via humour and avoidance, and to re-experiencing the emotions in a flash. The more they analyse everything outside of them the better, it avoids turning the analysing inwards on themselves. Escaping into nature is healing and helps to quieten the mind, in order for the bigger issues to be healed.
Pisces Mercury - The dissociation struggle is real. Difficulty listening and following along with others that are speaking. Due to fearing that they may say the wrong thing, they learnt that it’s better to give vague, indirect responses. They learnt that it was better to be able to back peddle than say something blunt that can’t be taken back. The freedom to experience self expression is healing. The more that comes out of them, the more internal space to absorb new information and communication clearly.
*Consider Pluto/Saturn in Air Houses or Pluto/Saturn aspecting Mercury and/or Air houses.
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merriclo · 10 months
I want to know your LU headcanons!
ohHO i will absolutely tell you tysm for asking!! i’ve been wanting to talk abt them for ages but just never got around to it ig ahjdkcka
Time’s actually like 32 and is just really committed to the bit of being ancient
Sky is horrific at making new friends. he grew up with the same small group of people, so he never learned how to make friends with complete strangers because there simply wasn’t the need to. so, when he first starts traveling with the chain, he makes little wooden charms for them because he isn’t entirely sure how else to get close with them. Zelda always enjoyed his woodcarvings, so maybe they will too??
as a result, the entire chain has little trinkets made by Sky. on Legend’s bag there’s charms hanging off the straps, and Twilight wears his as necklaces (both because it looks cool as fuck and it helps the shadow crystal stand out less). yes Wind has specifically commissioned him to make something for Aryll
yeah yeah bunny Legend but consider: the mermaid suit (which I like to think is more of a curse bc get fished pink man <3) giving him some marine animal qualities as well. no matter what tho that bitch is an Ariel kinnie, they’re collecting all the shiny shit they can find
Sky is obsessed with doing puzzles the Right and Proper way, meanwhile Wild cheeses absolutely everything he can
Wind believes in all of those classic pirate superstitions
the witches in Legend’s era adore him. Grandma Syrup dotes on him, Maple is like a teasing older sister, and Irene is like a teasing younger sister. this is where he learned most of his magic skills from, and he takes all potentially enchanted or cursed items to them to check out. he’ll never admit it, but Legend finds lots of comfort in all of them, as they’re one of the few people who’ve stayed in his life this long.
Wild’s a pretty good medic!! during his adventure, he very quickly realized how dangerous infection is, so they learned about a lot of home remedies and medicinal herbs, as well as how to tend to a wound from other travelers at stables and inns. he didn’t really get a choice in learning, considering how he probably got stung or bit by painful insects or accidentally brushed up against painful plants a lot during the early days of their adventure, and thus showed up to stables covered in rashes and hives and such, causing every decent person in the area to flock to them and try to help. their Hyrule is very sweet, okay?
they’re not the only one who’s well acquainted with medicinal herbs, though! while I think all of them would have a basic understanding, Time, Hyrule, Warriors, and Wind would know a lot. dw i’m elaborating
Time quite literally grew up in the forest, was raised by a tree, and had actual forest spirits for siblings—he knows his plants. he and Saria would peel willow bark and collect dandelions together
I like to think that Hyrule being half-fae makes him very sensitive to all magic-based auras, including that of plants, so they’re very good at picking out the healing herbs, even if they’re not quite sure what they’re called
listen ok hear me out about Warriors. young Time was appalled that he knew jackshit about nature and forcefully taught him. also, before modern medicine, medicinal plants were used all the fucking time on the battle field. yarrow, an herb that stops bleeding and prevents infection, is called soldiers’ woundwort because of this. i mention this because he was probably concerned about the health and safety of his troops, so he learned what the medics were doing and using.
Wind grew up on a small, tight-knit island, realistically they would’ve had to have learned how to use the things around them to their fullest advantage. that being said, his knowledge is sort of useless outside of his own era, aside from what he was taught in the war. ok i’m done talking about medicinal herbs now i promise sorry it’s a hobby of mine ahhsjdka
Legend’s terrified of dogs. in Link’s Awakening, the dogs are literally balls on chains with huge mouths full of sharp teeth (basically just Chain Chomps). if you want to get angsty with it: it comes from guard dogs being sent after him on his first adventure. he became a lot less scared to more he spent time with BowBow (the ball and chain dog) but, when he woke up, he got the belief that he could only be safe around a dog in his dreams. he’s pretty damn uncomfortable around Wolfie at first, but after lots of time and learning to trust Twilight, he’s able to slowly overcome his fear. sort of. mostly just with Wolfie. he still hates staying at stables in Wild’s Hyrule.
if Wild doesn’t want to explain/source something he’ll just say it came to him via divine intervention. Sky believes it every single time
I was thinking about Legend’s story a while ago and realized it was kind of similar to Joan of Arc’s so take that as you will. idk if this even counts as a headcanon but i’m putting it here
Warriors and Twilight are really close friends because they both understand the struggles of wrangling dirt worshipping nature freaks. anytime Twilight (lovingly) complains about Wild, Wars will counter with whatever asinine feral child antics young Time got up to and suddenly Twi will feel very blessed and lucky
whenever Four sees someone with their hair in a high ponytail he subconsciously thinks they’re very smart and respectable because Dot always wears her hair in a high ponytail
Hyrule is completely fine with not sleeping on a bedroll. they like the dirt, actually. let them sleep in the dirt.
Legend uses apples in his red potions, both to increase their potency and to make them taste better. he also learned how to enchant apples to be healing on their own so sometimes when someone’s hurt he’ll just shove an apple in their face
uhh so ik this is a lot but this isn’t even close to of all my headcanons so yeah there’s that lmao
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chiefdirector · 4 months
Returning | Tim Bradford | The Rookie
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine
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“Asking you not to speak with her would be pointless, wouldn’t it,” (Y/N) asked as she shoved some of the clothes Tim had brought to the hospital back into the duffel bag. She was waiting to be discharged, despite having a gunshot wound, the bullet didn’t cause a lot of damage, leaving her with a lot of motion and not a lot of reason to stay at the hospital any longer. 
“You would do the same,” Tim pointed out, passing her a charging cord to pack, “you have done the same.”
“That’s different.”
(Y/N) stopped packing and turned to face her husband. Since she had awoken in the hospital, the pair of them had a silent understanding that they did not need to discuss the details of what and why she had been off the grid for the last two years. “Because Regina threatened the people I care about, she threatened you. Now, she’s reaching for scraps; trying to cause damage wherever she can.”
“But there is a chance that she has information that could prevent this from happening to someone else. We have to do this. I have to.”
“I know.” (Y/N) looked down, toying with her hands. “Just promise me you will be careful. She knows a lot about you, us, and she won’t be afraid to use it. She will lie to you about me. Promise you won’t believe her.”
Tim moved to cup (Y/N)‘s cheek and tilted her head up so he would look her in the eye. “I know you, baby. There is nothing that she could say that would make me doubt you. I promise you that.”
It was strange, being back at the Mid-Wilshire station. Seeing all of the hustle and bustle of the officers going around their daily business. As she and Tim walked through the station, they received a number of looks from happy and relieved to just plain strange. It was to be expected though, Tim had told her just how big the operation was to find her, both when she vanished and the bust recently. 
For a long time (Y/N) never thought she would be back here. Of all the places she had been since her discharge, this was the most jarring. When they had gone back to their home, (Y/N) thought that she might find it strange, that she may feel like she doesn’t belong but it was the opposite. She felt like she had never left. 
Tim had gone back to the house to change a few times during her hospital stay, and in those few fleeting hours, he had ensured that she would have everything she would need. All of her belongings were where she had left them, as if she had only gone away for the day. The act nearly brought (Y/N) to tears, but she managed to blink them away; however, being back at the station, she didn’t think that she would be able to have such self control again. 
Tim was guiding her through the station, her hand in his, as they moved through the crowds towards the interrogation room. He didn’t stop for anyone, he had always been good at telling when (Y/N) was feeling emotional. It was as if he could sense her sadness before she could, initially he found it weird that he could read her so well, but it was moments like this when she wasn’t forthcoming with how she was feeling or what was bothering her. 
Stopping outside the interrogation room, Tim gently dropped her hand, allowing her to go into the observation room next door. Despite the department’s reluctance to let her back so soon, (Y/N) insisted on being there, she knew how Regina worked and operated, she had been a victim to her games and lies. She said that she could potentially provide insight that nobody else could, but that was not why she wanted to be there. She wanted, needed even, to see the woman who had caused her so much pain, grief, and anguish in chains. If she was to ever move on, (Y/N) had to start by seeing Regina Diaz in custody.
(Y/N) moved towards the observation room door before turning back to face Tim. She looked at him for a moment, watching his movements as he also paused outside the interrogation room. She smiled softly before mouthing I love you.
I love you too. He replied.
(Y/N) stayed in the observation room for what felt like a day but was in fact only just under an hour. She heard the conversation between Regina and Tim but she absorbed none of it. She felt like a stranger in her own body as she watched the two talk. Instead, she fiddled with her wedding ring, just counting the agonisingly long seconds until they were done. People had filtered in and out of the room, some to watch the verbal battle between Tim and Diaz, others came to see how (Y/N) was doing, to see if she was adjusting well. 
They asked about her time undercover, and why she had stayed away. She answered them all the same. “It was for the better.” 
The only person who had refuted that statement was Wade Grey. He had come just after Smitty had left, two coffees in hand from them to talk over. (Y/N) cracked a small smile as she looked down at the mugs he held. One was a WORLD'S BEST BOSS mug (Y/N) had given Grey on her first Christmas she spent working at Mid-Wilshire, and the other was a mug from a gift set Luna and Wade had gotten her for a birthday. It was her favourite despite the chips in the pink glaze adorning the outside.
Like Tim, Grey had an easy time seeing through the emotional facade that (Y/N) put up, now more so than ever. He never spoke to others on why he was so protective of her, but he was the reason she had joined the police force.
She was only seventeen when he was called out to her family’s apartment. He had responded to a call of a burglary. He did not have enough evidence to make an arrest, the case got passed over to the detectives, but there was something about the girl who held her mother as she cried that stayed with him. Soon enough, he took her under his wing, and she became like a second daughter to him, so much so he had walked her down the aisle at her wedding. They worked hard to keep their work relationship professional, but he helped her when he could, he was the one who spoke to the sergeant in charge of the detectives to help her get a leg up in her career. 
He knew her too well sometimes, but in moments like this, he was glad he could.
“Here, I brought you a coffee, thought you could use it,” He held the cup out to her, and took a sip of his own. “I’m sorry I didn’t come see you sooner.”
“It’s fine, Wade, honestly. I know you have been busy with everything.”
He breathed out a laugh, “You can say that again.”
(Y/N) looked over to the man, the familiarity of being back in the station with him and watching Tim work felt comfortably familiar. “How is it going? The case that is.”
“Slow. We have charged all of Diaz’s employees that we could fine, most are reoffenders so their chances of an easy sentence is low. We have also charged Ms. Diaz, she will never see the light of day again if I have anything to do with it, but she offered information that could be valuable. But I was hoping that we wouldn’t have to.”
“What are you saying?”
“What do you know about your case worker, Kade Sullivan?”
Part Nine | Part Eleven
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
Tags: @xceafh @kmc1989 @buba424 @salty0cracker @iamasimpingh0e
Tags are open, just need to ask:)
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sutxdreamwalker · 4 months
How the remaining Sarentu would react to a human on time of the month
Summary: So I thought how the Sarentu characters would react to a human on there time of the month. This is based around a thing I read about the Sully kids and Reef trio reacting to a human having a time of the month. I figured this would be a little funny and wholesome!
A/n: this is about that time of the month, sillies being sillies, wholesome stuff, platonic, but implied romance
It was a normal day at the resistance HQ, most of the humans were outside, studying the plants that have appeared thanks to the destruction of RDA sites that were causing pollution.
Y/n was laying on some blankets and pillows reading a book, there wasn’t that many people around the main area except for them and the remaining Sarentu na’vi.
They got along pretty well, after all they were all around the same age. But Nor was the oldest out of all of them.
Anyway, while Y/n was laying down, Teylan was tinkering with some gadget, Nor was in his own world of thought, Ri’nela and the Sarentu we’re having a conversation.
It was nice and calm, nothing being interrupted. Until a shot of a pain went there Y/n which made them drop there book and hug the lower half of there body with a groan of agony “AH!”.
That made the na’vi in the room draw there attention to the human. “Y/n! Are you ok?” Teylan said as he ran to them and kneeled down bedside them.
The others stoped what they were doing and went over to the area too. “I’m fine..just, going threw something” Y/n said standing up still having there arms wrapped around them with a look of pain.
When they stood up Teylan noticed something on the blanket they were just sitting one, it was stained red, by the sight of it he knew it was a blood stain.
“Oh my goodness! Your bleeding!” He screamed in panic and Y/n looked down and now had a look of embarrassment and panic.
“Their what?!” The other na’vi yelled, Ri’nela looked over the human to see exactly where there bleeding. “Guys! Guys! It’s ok!” The human tried to calm them down while slowly dying mentally inside.
“No it’s not ok! Your bleeding! and by the looks of it it’s a lot!” Nor exclaimed in worry. “It’s all fine! Really!” Y/n yelled trying to make them stop worrying but they wouldn’t.
“Your bleeding from your lower area!” Ri’nela said now seeing where the blood was coming from. The other three na’vi had confused and slightly embarrassed looks but went back to panicking.
“W-Why are they bleeding from there?” Teylan said sounding pretty frightened for them. “I-It’s…” Y/n tried to explain but couldn’t find the right words.
“I’ll find something to stop the bleeding!” Nor said getting up trying to find something to help.
“Hurry! Their bleeding out a lot!” The sarentu exclaimed. “I’ll radio the others for help!” Teylan said touching the com on his neck “Teylan no!” Y/n yelled.
“There is nothing around here to prevent the bleeding!” Nor yelled from a distance “improvise then!” The sarentu yelled.
“Hello? Priya! Come here quickly! Y/n’s bleeding from her lower area!” Teylan yelled in to the mic. From the other side of the com Priya just stood there and looked at Anqa who heard the panic na’vi and they just bursted out laughing.
“Why are you laughing?!” Teylan cried and just hung up “oh my god..” Y/n was mostly shaking at this point.
Nor was heard coming back “Ok, I couldn’t find anything that seemed that would help but how about this?” He held up a mop “a thing that can absorb the blood..on a stick”.
Y/n just wanted to die, not literally but more like disappear to get out of this awkward situation. They knew their friends were trying to help but they just didn’t understand that they were making the situation insane and awkward.
“What is going here? What’s with all the yelling?” The sound of So’lek’s voice was heard and Y/n thought this was about to get more worse.
“So’lek! Y/n’s bleeding!” The sarentu yelled and So’lek just looked at the group and with a confused blank expression.
“Disgusting, I mean, it’s not like their dying or anything” is all he said “what?!” The group exclaimed. So’lek looked at Y/n “just let them explain, your making them uncomfortable with your panicking”.
He walked out at all eyes were now on Y/n “are we making you uncomfortable?” Teylan asked with a sad look. Y/n looked at all there friends sad and worried expressions “I..no, um, yes?-” they sighed “just, let me do this thing first, and I’ll explain everything, just wait here” they said and walked out to another are of the base.
“We messed up” Teylan frowned looking down, his ears pinned down. “We didn’t mean too” Nor mumbled sitting down “I’m sure Y/n has a good explanation, and we can talk it all out” Ri’nela spoke in a soft tone.
After a while Y/n came back wearing some sweatpants as the group looked towards them but didn’t get up to give them space.
The human sat down were they were once sitting and took a breath “ok, you definitely have questions” they said as the nodded.
“Ok, so, once a month I bleed from my, you know, and it’s normal, it means I am not pregnant yet” Y/n explained.
“What? So someone’s been trying to get you pregnant?” Teylan asked “is it Nor?” The sarentu whispered “no!” Nor yelled.
Y/n only blushed a little “no, no, no, I’m not with Nor, and I don’t need to pregnant when I go thew this”.
“So, it’s how your humans reproduce?” Ri’nela asked “yes, it helps, cause after my menstruation I can get pregnant, if I want”.
“And I feel cramps during this time, which is a pain” they wrapped their arms around there waist.
“Is there anyway to stop the pain?” Teylan asked “yes, a heat pad, but I can’t really find any”.
“So how long is this gonna last?” Nor asked “for about a week” Y/n replied “any think we can do to help till then?” Teylan tilted his head.
“Since you guys are so big, maybe you could try and be my personal heat pad by cuddling me?” Y/n had a bit of a pleasing look in her eye.
“Of course!” Teylan smiled as his tail wagged and everyone else chuckled.
“Come on guys, cuddle pile” the sarentu said as they laid down around Y/n. Teylan wrapped his arms around them, being a big spoon, a really big spoon.
Nor laid next to Y/n but kept his distance, Ri’nela laid at the near the emergency of the blasted and pillow but was still comfy while the sarentu cuddled up in a bunch of pillows in a corner of the pile.
Everyone was comfy and started to slowly fall asleep being all nice and warm in each other’s presence.
Teylan put his hand on Y/n’s stomach to give them warmth for the cramps. The human put there hands over his with a soft smile on there face.
They looked at Nor with the same expression and he smiled back.
Y/n eventually fell asleep, the only thing they were feeling was the warmth from Teylan and his soft low purring.
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azaleaniath · 1 year
Request is here
3 is one too much
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warnings: 3some, oral, sex, degradation kink, anal, voyeurism, orgasm denial, jealousy, fingering, blood, pain, hate fuck, a lot of fucking actually, aged up to 20
NSFW MDNI | 3.3k words
As Ao'nung had asked of him, Neteyam obediently waited for his lover in his marui in the late evening. He had asked to meet him here after he was done with some business. Olo'eyktan duty probably, Neteyam thought to himself, remembering his mate's words. Ao'nung had mentioned he'd want to try something new and that he had a surprise for him. The way his blue eyes had lightened up made the slim man very excited. His cheeky grin widening at his words had made him flustered, but that didn't stop him from being all curious.
From other warriors he had heard that sometimes they tie up their partners to have full access to their restricted body, or that they covered their eyes with a cloth so that they would have to focus on hearing and feeling. He brainstormed all in ideas in his head, trying to figure out what Ao'nung would come up with as his excitement was building up further. Not just mentally, but also physically.
Maybe Ao'nung would like to come back home and see Neteyam all naked already? Or even pre-stretching himself? No, maybe that wouldn't pair up well with whatever he had in mind for tonight. So he continued to wait, sitting on Ao'nungs mat while nervously fumbling with the beads on his collar. It didn't take long until he heard footsteps coming closer, causing the man to look up with a bright smile as his eyes fell onto his mate. But before Ao'nung could say something, that happy smile dropped right away after seeing someone peak out from behind him.
"Teyam, this is-"
"I know who this is." Neteyam quickly interfered coldly as you stepped next to the future olo'eyktan, waving at the omaticaya with a smile. So that was his surprise? He could feel the jealousy within him boiling up immediately.
"I thought we wanted to have some fun tonight?" Neteyam asked, ears tilted flat to his skull. He hoped you'd get the hint, but Ao'nung lead you in nonetheless, sitting down with Neteyam and him.
"You're right."
"Then what is she doing here?" he asked, holding the end of his tail to prevent it from whipping around in jealousy. Both men looked at you, Ao'nungs gaze a lot softer than Neteyam's. You only smiled as the metkayina decided to speak up for you.
"I thought it would be a nice change? And if we like it, i don't know, make it a regular thing? We could just see where it goes."
Neteyam was utterly hurt first, but he decided to keep this hidden as good as possible.
Was he not good enough? Was Ao'nung getting tired of him? Had he done something wrong? He out of all people should know that Neteyam could get possessive and that he wanted Ao'nung all for himself, but who was he to deny his partner any wish?
"If that's what you want..." Neteyam mumbled, eyes still fixating on you. You were a childhood friend of Ao'nung, there had always been some kind of tension, which made the omaticaya already jealous. He knew that Ao'nung wasn't a virgin anymore when he got into his relationship with him but having you join them somehow pissed him off.
"We can try, I'm sure it will be fun." Ao'nung answered, and Neteyam decided to get right into it before you could. "Well, I've been missing you all day, I could barely wait for you to take me." he muttered, verbally reserving his boyfriend for himself.
You could only sit and watch as Neteyam basically mounted his partner to block you from him in any way. Not that the sight didn't turn you on, but you couldn't help feeling a bit left out as they started to make out in front of you.
A bit hesitant at first, you didn't know what to do. Never before had you joined a couple in bed, so you couldn't help but be awkward at the start. Yet it only lasted until Ao'nung pulled you closer with one hand. Neteyam kept grinding himself on his lap, deepening the kiss. One of Ao'nungs hands rested on your thighs, kneading their way in between them.
You could only mewl as Ao'nung massaged you through the already wet patch of your loincloth. Watching these two men in front of you getting each other off like this was truly a blessed sigh. Neteyam didn't even try to hide his bulge as his lips once more clashed against the other boys ones.
Ao'nung broke the kiss and leaned back against the floor smirking as he watched how Neteyam was grinding himself against his hardening cock.
In order not to cut you out, Ao'nung tilted his head to look at you, tugging on the bit of fabric that was covering your slippery cunt.
"Get undressed." he ordered from you and Neteyam, getting his own loincloth off with the help of his boyfriend.
You quickly followed his order, getting rid of the annoying piece of clothing that separated you from his hand. The cold air hit your private parts, even more intense due to the wet slick that your whole was already smeared with. Once the clothes were gone, Neteyam wasted no time to kneel in front of his boyfriend and get his lips onto Ao'nungs hard member, eagerly licking up and down his shaft. The metkayina only hummed in satisfaction, gesturing you to come closer.
"Sit on my face, y/n." he chuckled, much to Neteyam's disliking. His hands helped getting you into place, arms wrapping around your thighs as soon as you were hovering over his wide smirk. Without a warning he lapped his congue against your folds, pressing you down onto his greedy mouth. He could not just smell your arousal but also feel it and taste it. Your sweet slick only turned him on even more, causing him to buck into lover's mouth. You mewled loudly as his tongue explored your insides, feasting on your cunt like a hungry animal. Your eyes fell shut in pleasure as the man beneath you moaned against your core while focusing on your clit again. Ao'nung sucked the sensitive nub into his mouth, rolling it between his smeared lips and continued eating you out as if he was starving.
Neteyam's ears twitched at every one of your moans, knowing it was his boyfriend that made you feel so heavenly.
You rocked your hips into his face as he rhythmically circled your clit with his tongue, sending vibrations through your core with his moans and hums against your cunt.
It didn't take you long until you already felt your high approach from Ao'nungs tongue only.
"Yes yes yes, don't stop! I'm so close already-" you moaned in pleasure, twisting your hard nipples with two fingers. Your clouded head fell back as Ao'nung sucked your clit just perfectly, making your hips stutter with every lap of his tongue. Just a little bit more and-
"My turn." Neteyam growled, releasing Ao'nungs hard cock with a loud pop before unpleasantly yanking you off of his boyfriends face. You whined at the loss of friction, feeling your orgasm wash away as Neteyam decided to kneel in front of you now, his ass high up in the air and back arched.
"I'll take care of her, ma yawne. Come, play with me instead."
And he didn't have to tell his boyfriend twice. Soon, Ao'nung kneeled behind him, smacking his plump cheeks loudly before spreading them to spit onto Neteyam's puckering hole.
The omaticaya divided your legs, glaring at you dangerously before lowering his face down on you. You whimpered as you could feel his breath on your soaked core, but he soon got his mouth onto your wet slit. His lips and tongue were a lot more lazy, but as he decided to graze your clit with his fangs you whined, unable to part pain from pleasure.
One of your hands sank into Neteyam's braids, unsure if you wanted to push him into you further or pull him away from your core. He too couldn't help but moan against your pussy as he felt his boyfriend's fingers starting to stretch him.
You arched your back off the ground whimpering as his teeth once more grazed your most sensitive nerves.
Biting onto your lower lips you bucked underneath Neteyam's torture. He made you feel that you were not welcomed by him, and you weren't.
"Just- just use your fingers, please." you breathed out, hoping it would be a bit more pleasant. Neteyam's eyes met yours, sending death glares right at you. There was a chill running down your back as he supported himself on one hand, the other one quickly reaching out to your wet folds.
"Gonna make her feel good, huh?" Aonung grinned, leaning down onto Neteyam's back and kissing his spine passionately. Yet he only grunted as an answer before pushing two of his slender fingers deep into you at once. You couldn't help but cry out as he curled his fingers in your tight cunt, nails scratching at your wet insides. He would put you in your place, making sure you'd be too sore to sleep with his boyfriend by torturing you and milking him completely dry before he could even get his hands on you.
You whined as Neteyam's fingers stretched you out painfully, much more rough than Ao'nung did with him. It did hurt but yet it somehow turn you on to get touched like this. You'd probably been so touch-starved that you didn't care about how he touched you. All that mattered was that Neteyam touched you, and by eywa did he do that. His digits reached deeper that you could ever do by yourself. You clawed at his wrist, moaning loudly as his fingers pumped in and out of your tighness, scissoring them fiercely.
"Fuck- Neteyam..." you moaned, hearing him giving in to his own pleasure as Ao'nung lined up his hard cock, sinking so far into his mate that his pelvis hit his plump asscheeks.
He ignored your vocals completely, only focusing on his own body.
"You're so tight for me, fucking hell..." Ao'nung cursed. His head fell back as Neteyam easted no time and fucked himself on his boyfriends cock eagerly.
"Mhh, you feel so good..." the darker skinned male mumbled, the corners of his lips curling up into a lewd grin. Neteyam couldn't say he hated that you watched them. Actually, he liked the idea of that.
You could only imagine how great it must feel to have Ao'nung pounding into you, rutting himself deeper with every thrust just as he did with Neteyam. He didn't stop abusing your tight pussy with his slim yet long fingers, hitting your soft spot over and over again. He had you moan out his name in pain and pleasure as another finger stretched you out while you played with your breasts again. As you felt yourself getting closer once more, you caught yourself bucking against his rough paced thrusts. Even if he'd never admit it, he enjoyed to see you like this, wanting to get layed so badly as well but only getting penetrated by his fingers instead. He was somewhat disgusted and yet so turned on by your arousal.
His fingers cramped inside of you from time to time due to his partner's deep thrusts. You twitched in discomfort and he noticed, as well as the red streams that mixed with the slick around his fingers as he continued to satisfy you, if one could even call it that.
"Please- give me a break..." you breathed out in a shaky voice, feeling a stinging pain between your legs. As Neteyam pulled out, his visage twisted into a victorious grin, wiping his fingers on your thighs. He also didn't fail to notice the red liquid under his sharp nails and his nostrils quickly picked up the scent of your blood, even if it was just such a little amount.
"Hmm, Ao'nung, I don't think y/n can take it anymore. Poor girl is already fucked out" he hissed as his mate clawed into his hips, still pounding into him.
"What a shame-" Ao'nung cursed, his pelvis continuously slapping against Neteyam's flesh. Without a warning he released his semen inside of his mate, trying to catch his breath as he rode out his own orgasm.
"You filled me up so much~" Neteyam cooed in pleasure as Ao'nung pulled out.
"Hmm", Ao'nung grinned, "you took me so well, pretty boy." He gave back before his blue eyes landed on you. Once he noticed the blood on your thighs his eyes widened.
"No wonder she needs a break, skxawng! You've hurt her! I'll get some fresh water."
And with that, Ao'nung quickly dressed himself and left, giving a scolding slap onto the back of his mate's head before disappearing.
Now that you were alone with Neteyam, he instantly tried to regain his strength to charge at you, pushing you down onto the floor. You sucked in a sharp breath, eyes ripped open as his face was merely an inch from yours.
"Listen carefully y/n. Ao'nung is my boyfriend. My mate, you get that?" His tone was dangerously threatening and so were his eyes. You gulped loudly, trying to avoid his death glare.
"You should've never come here!" he hissed but you could barely hear it as your heart was pounding up to your ears.
Neteyam looked down at you, furious eyes fixating on your core.
You tried to press your thighs together, hiding your core from his watchful eyes, but his hands held quickly held your knees apart.
"You just need to get fucked like the little slut you are, huh? Such a pathetic needy bitch, coming in here, thinking you could have my boyfriend's cock."
His words only caused you to feel even hotter, your clit starting to throb as you imagined what he could possibly be up to.
Neteyam chuckled lowly, that wicked smirk from earlier returned to his visage as he stroked his still hard member a few times, his free hand clasping around the soft flesh of your thigh.
"You could never have him. Never give him what I can, do you understand?"
Though you could only stare down at the wet noises he caused as he slapped his length against your slit a few times. A whimper left your lips, which seemed to only get him angry again.
"You little whore, I asked you something!" He growled, his voice loud enough to get through your clouded mind.
"Yes what??"
"Yes, I understand!" you moaned as Neteyam plunged his cock in between your wet folds. He pushed himself all the way into your clenching pussy, his grunting was almost feral. The way he easily stretched you out completely already made you lose your mind.
"Good, finally got some fucking behavior!"
Your eyes rolled back as he left you no time to get used to the way he filled you, instantly starting to pound into your tight, wet pussy.
"Look at me!" he demanded and his hands repositioned themselves. One held onto your hips, the other one gathered a bunch of your hair, pulling  you up to his lap. "You can't just come in here and think you'd get a free fuck. Work for it, or are you really just a useless slut?"
Now that you were on top of him, you started grinding yourself on his cock. He threatened to hit into your womb in this position, but eywa, did it feel good.
"I-I'm not, skxawng!" you breathed out, felling how Neteyam's strong hand pushed you down onto his throbbing cock.
"Then work for it!"
Since your legs were already shaking you had anything but an easy time bouncing on him. Both of your arms were hanging around his neck for support. God, how much he hated you for being so pathetic, grinding on him with all your heart and soul and still not being near anything he'd call worthy.
"And to think Ao'nung would want you, huh, he'd get so bored of you, and so am I."
With that he pushed you back onto the floor, rutting himself inside your dripping cunt. Every thrust included him hitting your sweet spot, over and over and over. He leaned over you, rocking his cock inside of you like an animal in heat.
He could feel his balls tighten as he fucked you so deep you couldn't bring out any words anymore, just inaudible mumbled and moans.
"Getting all drunk on my cock, huh? Thought so, you're so fucking easy and basic. No wonder you interfere in to my perfect relationship, nobody fucking wants you."
He let himself go at whatever pace he pleased, having no mercy with your already aching core. But as much as it hurt, it felt so damn great.
"What do you think would be a good punishment for your disgusting cunt, hm? Denying you another orgasm?"
You only whimpered loudly, shaking your head weakly. It was easy to tell that you were so damn close, but so was he.
"Did i fuck your brains out already? What a weak pussy... Maybe I should just breed you like the desperate cumslut you are? Would you like that, getting pregnant by your interest's mate?"
Your eyes shot open at his words and you tried to push him away, but he had seriously fucked out all your strength already.
"You can't do that!"
His nails were piercing into your flesh as he spoke up again. "Then stay away from me and Ao'nung, am I clear? Otherwise I'll stuff your needy pussy until you get pregnant next time, you get that?"
"Yes, yes! I understand!" You could barely breathe at the rough and fast rythm, thighs shaking and legs cramping.
His hands held your hips in place as he rocked into you a few more times, pulling out of you at the last possible second before he'd fill you up with his cum. Instead he denied you another climax and covered your entire body with the sticky substance.
In frustration you cried out, hoping he'd come back at you to finish you off, but he didn't.
"Get out of here and never come back." Neteyam growled once he caught his breath, reaching out for your stained loincloth to throw it at you. He only shook his head as you scrambled up your belongings and crawled away, whining like a hurt animal. In the cover of the dark night he soon left the marui as well, only to take a quick swim in the ocean right in front of his boyfriends home. He washed himself, trying to get your scent off of his skin as far as possible.
Once Ao'nung returned, he looked at him in confusion.
"Where's y/n?" he asked after quickly peeking into his empfy home.
"She left. Said it wasn't for her, didn't like the idea."
In confusion, he watched his naked boyfriend rub his body in the moonlight, washing away all motives from his dark blue skin.
"What changed her mind?"
Neteyam turned his back on him, knowing he couldn't lie without his ears flushing.
"She said you're a happy man to have me and didn't want to interfere. Something among those lines 'you're all Ao'nung needs. He shouldn't touch anyone else'."
The metkayina lost himself in his thoughts for some time as he stared at his picture perfect boyfriend in front of him. Neteyam was indeed perfect for him and nobody could ever compete with that. A soft smile crawled up on his zoned out face.
"Hmm... I guess she's right."
🏷️list:@luvlykrispy @zatarias-pandora @vviolaswrld @yeosxxx @lilgurlbeoncrack @philiasoul @itszzmoon @simp4ff @itsnotme02 @et-j-art @lovekeeho @mayhemories @cavvedin @ducks118 @lov3rluna
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shini--chan · 17 days
Woah a hetalia blog in 2020 and a Yan one at that??? The world has BLESSED US! Could I please request Germany (and Russia If that's okay. Seprate not together) stalking and kidnapping their love interest?
Yandere Hetalia - Germany, Russia (Cat in the bag)
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Ludwig would be so befuddled by his own feelings at first, that it would take some time for him to get back on track. In the meantime, he'd do everything he can to drown out the emotions that are causing him so much agony. It could be through work, household chores, dozens of personal projects (if you want to prevent a terrible future for yourself, it would be in your best interest to help him run away from his feelings.) Though, in the end, that won't be enough, and he'll eventually find himself scrolling through all your social media profiles. 
The more he ignored it, the stronger the urge became. It left him jittery, unable to focus. Ludwig already was reading the same paragraph for the third time, since the meaning behind the words never stuck. He wasn't even by the last sentence when the words began to blur due to overpowering thoughts of you. You, who he didn't want to think about due to the urges and desires the mere notion of you invoked. 
Slamming the laptop closed, damned be the deadline, he then snatched up his phone. Instagram was opened in a second and within a few clicks, he had your profile. He found himself hypnotised by the photos of you on display. There was one of the older ones that was a favourite of his, one where the light of a setting sun caught your features just right. 
Ludwig opened it, and leaned onto the table until he was half lying on it, the phone upright in front of his face. Far too close as well and he would have chided any other person doing it. Almost reverently, he traced the outlines of your face, exactly like he did with icons of the Virgin Mary in another life, when he had still been Holy Rome. 
He wouldn't be sure on how to approach you, so he would take the stereotypical dating ideas like going to the cinema together, or to an amusement park. Would be formal to the point it would be painful, but would loosen up as the evening progresses. 
It would only make him more obsessed with you and he would start following you around, and interrogating people about you. Not stalking, this is researching, is what he would tell himself. With you being so precious to him, he just needs to make sure that he caters to your needs and doesn't hurt you by accident. That would be all. His own curiosity and obsession with you would play absolutely no role in this, absolutely not sir. 
Most of the stalking would take place via social media, with him creating various sock-puppet accounts. Ludwig would go to great lengths to make sure you don't connect all of them to him - like showing different writing styles and personalities, and sometimes even feigning not knowing certain languages. The purpose of these accounts would be to watch you, and also engage with you on different topics and from differing standpoints in some cases. The anonymity the internet grants would be a boon here. 
Aside from that, he would also track you a lot. Germany would use this to "coincidently" run into when you are out and about and then invite himself to whatever you are doing. You'll find him joining the same clubs that you are a member of, if he isn't in them already. Often, he would come across as overbearing. 
The kidnapping would spout from the selfish desire to have you all to himself. He would be aghast by his own thought processes, and suppress it. Suppress it until it would come bubbling back to the surface stronger than before. He would find a whole host of justifications for his criminal actions - that he is allowed to be selfish, that the individualistic culture of Western society promotes his actions. 
Still, he would be filled with guilt and so apologetic for breaking in and knocking you unconscious. Law enforcement would have a very hard time finding you and Ludwig wouldn't really be inclined to release you. 
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In Ivan's case, it would start very tame. The stalking would begin during the process of getting to know you and stem from suspicions of you not being forthcoming. During the first meetings you'd have, he'd inquire about your dislikes and likes, what you like to do in your free time, your opinions on certain matters. If you let him, he'll take you on long walks and converse with you about literature and philosophy until the sun sets and rises again. Though, there would alway be the nagging doubt about the truthfulness of your statements, something that would only be amplified should you show fear in any form. 
Thus, he would stalk you to find out how honest you are with him. Part of this wouldn't even be really following you around or watching you undress. In part, it would consist of going through your collection of books, investigating your taste in art and music, reading any journals you keep and checking what clubs you attend. To get an even better grasp on your personality, he would also look into who you are befriended with, as well as your relations with family members, and do background checks on all of them. 
The apartment you lived in could tolerate a good cleaning, in Ivan's humble opinion. It wasn't like you lived in a pig sty, leaving dirty clothes and rotten food lying around. Rather, it was the sort of "dirty" of a person that didn't have the time to wipe down the surfaces. 
Ivan couldn't help but grimace as he eyed the book shelf. There was a layer of dust on the free spaces and even on top of a few books, thus preventing him from actually taking out the one or the other and skim reading through a few pages. Leaving traces wouldn't do - if you couldn't relax in your own living space, then you'd start hiding behaviours. He'd just have to learn more about the books at home and through the internet. 
Home. It was a cosy little home that you had established for yourself here, but it was nothing compared to what he would give you once your relationship was more "official". First, he had to ascertain how honest you were being with him. So far, so good, you had been truthful with him - but it was possible to speak nothing but the truth and still be dishonest and devious. 
Turning on his heel, he headed to your small bedroom. A book was on your nightstand, just waiting for him to pick it up and flip through. Which is what he did.
Finally, he would also watch you. Some people talk or mutter to themselves when they are alone, and he would like to hear what you say when you think that nobody is watching. Also, humans do such fascinating things when they are sure that they are alone - what will you do? What bad habits will he have to exorcise out of you? Do you eat healthy, or does he have to help you along? Any addictions that he can use against you?
Should he determine that you aren't honest with him, then he'll be furious. Ivan would then make it his mission to teach you the value of honesty, do matter how damaging his lessons may be. Best if you learn quickly, or he'll make you as paranoid and distrusting as himself. 
As for kidnapping - it would only happen if you are in danger. The thing is, Ivan would regard you as fragile. Additionally, he would be very aware that his view on danger is very skewed, so he'd seek to compensate for it. In reality, he would be overcompensating. This would all be for your own safety and nothing you say would be able to convince him otherwise. 
He would even be gentle during the whole process, preferably luring you away. Maybe you go on holiday with him and never return to your home. Maybe you stay a night at his place and wake up to find you can't leave. Should you be resistant and avoid him, he'll of course have to resort to other means - sleeping pills in your food or drink, or snatching you off the street in the middle of the night. 
You were so peaceful when you were asleep. Knock out drops being the cause of your slumber didn't change that - you even had a small smile as he lifted you up in your chair. As luck would have it, you had tipped forward when the substance had kicked in, and face-planted in your take away. 
Your face was full of sauce and there were even bits of food in your hair, but Ivan was still of the opinion that you looked downright angelic. Of course, it was love and passion speaking on his side that tended to give people a different outlook. 
Carefully, he gathered you in his arms and lifted you up. There was a small bunch of people gathered outside of your apartment, curious as to what all the commotion was about. As was ever the case when an ambulance arrived to pick somebody up. In total, it was the perfect alibi, because who would suspect a paramedic of being involved in a kidnapping?
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borderline-corner · 17 days
As someone with BPD, I'd just like to try to clear some things up.
People with BPD do/are:
DO have trouble regulating their emotions and their impulses
DO struggle with healthy relationships and attachments to others
DO have an intense fear of abandonment and will do whatever it takes to avoid being abandoned
DO have an unstable sense of self and their identity
DO suffer from chronic self-harming and/or suicidal behaviours
DO experience feelings of emptiness or hollowness
DO have erratic moods and emotions that can change drastically from moment to moment
DO frequently engage in impulsive behaviours
ARE able to feel real love towards other people
ARE able to be treated
ARE able to live happy, well-rounded lives
ARE able to form healthy relationships
DO deserve respect
DO deserve support
DO deserve love
People with BPD do/are not:
DO NOT act the way they do for attention (the self-destructive behaviours people with BPD sometimes engage in stems from a need to cope with our emotions and thoughts, not out of attention-seeking)
ARE NOT intentionally or maliciously manipulative (manipulative behaviour is pre-planned and intentional. People with BPD engage in their behaviours as a reaction to their intense emotions. While we may act in ways that attempt to control how others behave, we are typically doing so to try to ease or prevent our own emotional pain, not to hurt others.)
ARE NOT dangerous or violent (people with BPD are much more likely to hurt themselves than others)
HAVE NOT all experienced childhood trauma (many people with BPD have experienced childhood trauma, but many have not. Childhood trauma is a risk factor, not a cause.)
ARE NOT all AFAB (while a larger percentage of those diagnosed with BPD are assigned female at birth, many of those who are assigned male at birth also suffer from BPD, and some evidence shows that it may be more equally distributed among both sexes)
ARE NOT untreatable (there are lots of treatment options available! DBT is the most common, but there are many other options as well.)
ARE NOT all abusers (abuse is not linked to any one mental illness. People with BPD may struggle to form healthy relationships and this can lead to abusive dynamics, however ANYONE can be abusive regardless of their mental health.)
ARE NOT all the same (BPD is a spectrum and it affects all of us a little bit differently. Not everyone is going to experience it exactly the same as someone else, and it's important to recognize that we're all individuals.)
ARE NOT rare (BPD is actually pretty common. It's estimated that around 1-2% of the population are diagnosed BPD. That's around 156,000,000 people, and that's not even counting those who are undiagnosed.)
ARE NOT horrible, unfeeling monsters (we are literally just people)
ARE NOT unworthy of love (EVERYONE is worthy and deserving of love)
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reachartwork · 2 months
[private please, if thats alright] i used to follow you for your ai stuff back in 2021/22 when things were first kicking off (actually i thought you'd quit because of all the scandal lol) and the models and output were a lot 'sloppier' and kinda illegible but as far as i can see the stuff you're working on now is clearer looking and more coherent, so i was wondering - do you have any thoughts on the 'aesthetics' of AI and what specifically brings it unique merits and strengths as an art tool? for example i personally find a lot of modern ai art to be boring and soulless looking because it has neither stylistic interest (compared to the blatant 'inhumanity' of older models) nor a human person making base-to-base decisions about what it looks like, but i also havent been really paying too much attention to the AI scene except when it comes up in images searches. also, sorry if its not a question you want to answer, but do you do any more traditional styles of art as well? i find my art sensibilities are really effected by the mediums i work with so i would love to know if you have any similar experiences wrt ai and non ai works. thank you!
this is a side account so i can't answer privately, but, that being said;
i actually agree! for general purpose arting i preferred the secret horses style of total illegibility, and my main goal in my secret projects is to be able to reorganize around that style but with sharper, crisper lines and higher resolutions. part of why the whole "secret horses" style of ai medium fell through the cracks was because a: diffusion models were significantly faster and b: diffusion models scale upwards significantly better - they can produce higher resolutions and perform upscaling, which CLIP + VQGAN (the old method that made all the jank we all used to love) can't really do.
i think people whose sole interest in ai is making shitty advertisement images, or giant anime boobs, or some other lowest common denomenator slop, like... okay. you do you, the saying is "90% of everything is shit" for a reason, but obviously i think that's incredibly boring. i think the reason we see a lot of it is because a: the Good Artists who use AI are still effectively social pariahs, particularly on twitter and tumblr, just via dint of their medium, and b: ai puts art making in the hands of EVERYONE and it turns out not everyone has good taste (see: 90% of everything is shit), so you just see a lot more shit by volume.
anyway in terms of "traditional art" i am an author (READ CHUM) and a bassist, although i haven't been in a band in many years as my arthritis prevents me from playing for very long or very well anymore. if you mean traditional art as in like... paint and easel, or pen and paper, the answer is no. i've never had the ability to comfortably grasp anything with my hands even before the arthritis happened and now i lack not only the fine motor skills for it but also the pain threshold. i do like legos though, and i'd love to start making lego dioramas.
thanks for asking :)
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doggoboigaugau · 1 year
Stray dog (Part 3)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 4 / Part 5
Pairings: Ghost x Soap x Male Reader
Long story short: my old acc got terminated for no reason so I'm reposting all this💀👍
Summary: Soap invited Male Reader to join Ghost and his favorite documentaries about dinosaur fossils :D (Ghost very loves dinosaurs y'all cannot tell me otherwise).
Word count: 1950
Warnings: Nothing. It's all fluff this time.
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You lost track of time and ended up stopping only when your whole body screamed at you to rest. Looking up from the training gears, you realized that there was no one left in the room. It was a habit of you to ignore everyone and everything surrounding you when it is not necessary, or maybe it’s more like a coping mechanism, since this little tricky skill prevented you from taking in redundant information, such as a close group of men joking around with each other.
This very common sight in the military and especially in the training ground always succeeded in rendering you uncomfortable, and a vague but stingy feeling prevails over your chest, sometimes so badly that it even made breathing difficult.
No matter how hard you tried to brush it aside, dismissing it as something trivial and irrelevant, you knew damn well the cause of it: You once wished to belong to a group of friends that were so close that you all would spend time doing everything together, going on mission, training, drinking, and getting drunk together at the bar. Obviously, it had never happened. It never would, judging from how every time it was only you who got left behind, drowning yourself in overpriced alcohol and your own overwhelming emotions.
It was pitch black outside as you left the training centre. You dragged your fatigued body back to the base of your Task Force, but surprisingly, in contrast to your current physical state, your mind felt empty for now. In a good way. No burdening streams of thoughts, not a single fuck given about how others saw you. You felt kind of free.
‘Guess it’s a good point for not being around people.’ On your sweat-strained face drew a genuine smile. Some people would think that it was weird to smile over something like this, not having any close people around you and just spending your entire day loitering around, doing something you considered to be productive but by no means enjoyable. To them, you were not living a life. You were only surviving through it.
Not that you would complain though. Nor were you in the position to be able to complain about it.
Your blurred vision and the dull pain in your chest reminded you that you hadn’t eaten anything since lunch, which was almost 10 hours ago. Slowly making your way to the kitchen, you decided to turn a blind eye to the kitchen sink and approached the fridge, hoping that they’d be kind enough to leave you some leftovers.
What greeted you in the fridge confounded you as you looked at a carefully prepared dish wrapped in aluminum foil with a sticky pink note on top of it.
‘want to call ya 4 dinner earlier but ya seem to enjoy the training a lot. plz eat this when ya done with the training~’ was written on the piece of paper together with a little ugly and distorted heart shape, which made you chuckle. It was not difficult to guess who left this for you. You shook your head in amusement while putting the dish into the microwave oven.
Sitting down at the empty table in the dimly lit dining room, you slowly enjoyed the meal that Soap had saved for you. Then again, amid the quiet atmosphere that was free of any stimulations, your mind began to do the thing that it excelled in, drifting away. Your unusually calm thoughts appeared like a grainy film rolling before your eyes, replaying every delightful moment that you had shared with the Scottish and other team members, like when you, Soap, Gaz, and Roach pulled a whole prank on Price during your team’s vacation while Ghost sat behind and watched with amusement in his eyes. Or when you and Roach hid one of Price’s hats unknowing that it was a piece of memorabilia of his old teammate, and as result, making that poor old dad all stressed out finding it everywhere. Or when Price decided to catch you two and make you face the consequences of your actions that time and you were so scared that you never run that fast out of battle before. Or when you had no choice but to hide behind Ghost as he was watching his favorite boring documentaries, and he looked down at you obviously contemplating whether he should help you or not as you tried to convince him with your big puppy eyes. Or when you disobeyed Price’s orders to turn back and save Soap when he fell into the enemy’s trap and was pushed into the corner.
You laughed to yourself at this point, remembering vividly what a mess that time was. You two almost blindly fired your guns at the swarm of enemies circling you. As you barely escaped, Soap cursed very loudly in Scottish while his hand threw bombs toward your enemies. It was a mission that you would never forget, a piece of memory that you’d take to the grave, not only because of how badly injured you were and the prolonged period of time you had to spend in the hospital, but also because of how Soap looked at you. After that near-death experience, whenever your eyes and his met, his eyes evidently softened, and you enjoyed every little second of it. It made you feel like, eventually, you were special to someone, like you weren’t just anybody, but someone unique that was closely linked to a hardly forgettable remembrance. It raised your hope–something that you had thought to never regain, since at least when you died, there would still be one person who would keep the image of you inside one of their billion fragments of memory.
Of course, after the certain mission, both you and Soap were heavily reprimanded by Kate and Price, you for the obvious reason of disobeying orders, and Soap for his stupid addiction to blowing things up, which worsened you two’s already horrendous injuries because at the time of the explosion you were still too close to the spot.
“What are you smiling about?” You jumped at the sudden voice that broke the room’s silence.
Soap laughed at your reaction, “Why are you so tense?” He sat down, being so near to you that your thighs touched each other. He threw his big muscular arm over your shoulder, grinning broadly, “Temme, what is so fun that you smile like that?”
“It’s nothing.” You blushed at how close you two were, silently praying that the light of the room was too feeble for him to notice.
He pinched your face, causing you to grimace, “I don’t believe ya. It’s so rare to see ya smile so cutely like this. Must have some special reason.”
Definitely you could not tell him that you were thinking of the team, and especially him, so you decided to keep silent and enjoy your meal. Maintaining eye contact was like torture to you, so your eyes were just glued to the plate until you finished. Therefore, you also missed his eyes, along with how he looked at you.
From Soap’s point of view, all that he could see at that moment was how lovely his boy was. The way his big puppy eyes widened when he suddenly talked. The way his body which was athletic but so slender when compared to Soap’s trembled slightly as he jumped. How the faint blush quickly deepened and then spread from his handsome adorable face to his delicate neck. The nice and warm feeling that Soap’s fingers felt when he pinched the boy’s cheek. And also how his long eyelashes shadowed his eyes as he looked down at his plate of food. It was so lovely that Soap volunteered to be trapped in this moment forever.
As you’d done eating and washing the dish, you came back into the dining room and saw Soap still sitting there.
The Scot chuckled at your expression, “What is that face, Y/n? Are you that annoyed because I’m still here?”
You unknowingly pouted, which only made you look even cuter in his eyes, “No.”
“Ghost is watching his stupid boring documentaries again. Wanna join?”
“You came here from the TV room?”
“Yeah. Now do you come or not?”
You scoffed, “Are you inviting me nicely or just gonna coerce me into it anyway?”
Soap didn’t reply, just amusingly shrugged his shoulders.
“Fine, I’ll come.”
“That’s my boy!” The older man approached you, then threw his arm over your shoulder again. Judging from how you barely kept up with his pace in this awkward position, he definitely coerced you into this by all means.
When you two arrived, the light in the TV room was turned off, and the only source of light left was the TV screen. Ghost was sitting on the sofa alone, eyes glued to the screen that was playing some kind of dinosaur fossils, while Price was sleeping in his favorite spot–the single couch. You swiftly looked around to see if Gaz and Roach were here or not, only to find the two idiots hugging each other on the carpet, drooling and snoring loudly.
Ghost turned his head to look at you and Soap as you were literally pushed into the room by the Scot. His out-of-nowhere eagerness strangely made you laugh.
“Daddy chill.” You jokingly said and sat down beside Ghost, completely overlooking how Soap’s flippant expressions froze for brief seconds.
“Finished your dinner?” Ghost suddenly spoke up.
You were taken aback simply because the masked man hardly ever cared what others were doing with their life outside of missions, particularly for some trivial things like taking care of your daily needs.
“Y-yes, Sir!”
Soap burst into laughter, so hard that he fell to your side, hugging his belly.
“LMAO! What was that, Y/n??? You’re scared of Ghost that much???”
“What? What???” You frowned in confusion. You were even more confused when you heard a soft chuckle from the masked man that was sitting on your left.
“Why are you two laughing? There’s nothing funny!”
“It is funny! Do you see how you shudder like a puppy under Ghost’s glare? I wish I had recorded it!”
“Gosh! I hate you Soap!” You growled under your breath as you launched your whole body into him while Soap was still barely able to put himself together from his stupid sense of humor.
You two soon began to fight each other, giggling like two mischievous kids, completely forgetting that there was Ghost right next to you, who probably got accidental punches and kicks continuously by the unaware manchildren. However, the masked man was not mad at you two for disturbing him from enjoying his favorite show at all; instead, he often stole glances at you two with pure delight in his eyes. Seeing you finally being able to relax among the team was a sight that he wanted to witness all his life. It would take more time for you to pull down the walls you had built around yourself and let them come inside, but for now, this was already enough.
After a while, the giggling and fighting noises abated. You were sleeping soundly, face on Soap’s broad chest and arms around his waist. Soap’s eyes softened as he looked at how peaceful you were at the moment, before looking up to meet Ghost’s. The two men stayed in their position, didn’t move an inch, until Soap fell his eyelids become heavier and fell asleep as well, and Ghost turned off the TV, thereby extinguishing the only source of light in the room. He rested his head on your lower back, slowly drifting off.
To be continued...
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mvltisstuff · 10 months
Evan Buckley & female reader - reader ends up collapsing in her home and there is a building fire where she lives and due to this she ends up in hospital severely injured due to hitting her head after collapsing; buck finds her barely breathing and panics, he tries saving her and ends up being there for her on the way to the hospital.
so much angst, fluff.
fallen - e.b
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summary: request
evan buckley x reader
gif from pinterest i don’t own it
a/n: warning for talk about anxiety medications, i wanted to include this as it’s something i’ve struggled with myself, hope you enjoy <3
y/n hadn’t told buck about her new medications she’s been taking to combat everything in her life. she almost felt embarrassed to say that she had to take meds to battle her anxiety. she thought she could do it on her own, and maybe she could eventually, but she needed help for now. buck was the toughest guy she had ever been with, the most loving and caring boyfriend. he was an ideal lover to have, and she cherished him. however, she was still scared he would be disappointed in her. she didn’t want him to think less of her now.
all medication comes with side effects, but y/n never really thought anything of it. the drowsiness, the dizziness, was all something she thought of as temporary. so, she continued pushing through it at home and at work. she felt like she had a lot to do, and couldn’t waste any time with worrying more about herself. she practiced other methods of calming her anxiety as well because the brain needs more than a few chemicals.
she’d been at home one night alone, buck was supposed to come over when he got off his 24-hour shift. he’d be tired, and she would be there with open arms for him to be held in. she was standing in her kitchen, trying to distract herself from the effects of the new medicine she was taking. she was wobbly and fatigued, but she finished up everything she was supposed to finish. distractions never work, as it couldn’t have prevented her from the black and white sparkles in her eyes that formed from her exhaustion.
“118, this is dispatch requesting an additional unit to 723 spring hill boulevard,” the staticky voice came through bobby’s radio. the team had already been on their way back after another call, but another duty called. bucks heart paused as he heard the address come through. he knew it all too well, being there almost all the time.
“wait, what? did they say spring hill?” he panics.
“yeah, why?” hen questions.
“isn’t that-“
“y/n’s apartment building,” buck speaks, trying to mentally prepare himself for anything the world might throw his way.
bucks been through a lot, from childhood to working with the LAFD. nothing compares to the fear he’s feeling as he sees the thick clouds of smoke and flame rise out of the building.
“buck, eddie, get in there and line those hoses up, hen, chim, start evacuating as many people as you can and anyone who needs medical attention, bring them to the white tent,” bobby demands, pulling out bags and supplies of gear out as buck grabs a hose and sprints into the burning building.
her body felt frozen, like she couldn’t move. the alarms had been going off, but they somehow sounded distant and foggy in her mind. y/n lay on the floor, feeling a throbbing pain in her head as she saw the rusty red liquid on the floor around her. she wanted so badly to get up, but the impact her head made with the surface made it near impossible.
buck had done his job, watching other firefighters with their hoses to take down the embers that were consuming the building. he didn’t care if she’d been evacuated already, he forced himself to make sure she was ok. he rapidly piled up the stairs and kicked her door open, only to be confronted with eerie darkness and smoke. “y/n?” he yelled. “y/n!”
he gazed around the room, searching for any signs of her she could, because the floor seemed untouched. “y/n! are you in here?”
he thought he was hallucinating when he saw her shoes in the corner of his eye, connected to her legs on the floor. he bolted over, making contact with her unconscious body on the floor. he wanted to be dreaming, he wanted a fucked up nightmare in his mind, but it was nothing but reality.
she was surrounded by blood, too much to be safe. the corner of her kitchen island had small patches of blood on it, a few of her belongings had fallen next to her. she was slumped on her side, and buck was alarmed at the lack of movement from her chest. “y/n! oh my god,” he flipped her over to see a huge gash on her head, warm blood seeping out. she bashed her head hard on the counter, and he figured she was knocked out cold from the impact.
his fingers landed on the side of her neck, flicking her soft locks out of the way. her pulse was thready, almost nonexistent. he slipped her into his arms, shuffling down the stairs and out of the building when he was confronted with the rest of his coworkers. “guys! hey!”
“buck!” chim runs over with a stretcher, placing her on. “what the hell happened?”
“she hit her head, she must’ve passed out and probably has smoke inhalation,” he says, breathless as he watches hen connect a portable machine to her. chimney climbed up, not hesitating to perform CPR on her frail body. buck watched in horror, tears in his eyes and shaking hands. he climbed into the ambulance with her, gripping her unresponsive hand. the whole ride to the hospital was filled with chaos in his brain, frantically awaiting the moment where she would be saved. her gentle eyes flutter open, squinting at the fast shakes of the aid car. she was connected to several different tubes and wires, she looks around, desperately trying to land on buck, knowing he’d be there.
“hey, y/n,” he speaks over the deafening sirens above them. “it’s ok, you fell and hit your head, but you’re gonna be ok, baby, i swear.”
she peels the oxygen mask off her face. “i-i’m sorry, buck.”
“for what? you don’t have to be sorry for anything.”
“i tried to ignore it, i was so embarrassed for you to find out,” she peeps out, leaving a confused man sitting beside her.
“what? what do you mean?” the ambulance comes to a stop, the back doors are pulled open and her stretcher is wheeled out. her eyes are starting to droop again, the tiredness beginning to take over again as buck watches them take her away from his hold. he just wants to be with her, to hold her hand, and maybe even for someone to hold his.
y/n underwent several tests and scans for a brain injury, but nothing seemed as bad as it looked. the blood on the floor was permanently engraved in bucks head, not being able to shake the sight. the thought of walking in on the love of his life dead, not being able to be saved, stung his heart. thankfully, her tests came back clean, showing a near healthy brain containing a severe concussion from the impact.
buck sat beside her on the bed, ash on his skin and in his messy hair. he was afraid to even touch her, looking at her sleeping figure with a piece of gauze around her head. earlier, he wanted nothing but to hold her, but he was petrified of hurting her even more. flashes of her limp body in his arms and her dangling arms were like a tv screen in front of his eyes. his heart beat for her, even when hers couldn’t handle the pressure.
her room was dim, the lights turned low to prevent any more discomfort to her head. the only sounds that were heard was the light inhales from y/n, and the murmuring of nurses outside.
buck had been told it was her new medicine that caused her to faint. it clicked in his mind that that was what she felt the need to apologize for. even more puzzlement flew through his thoughts. no one ever needs to feel bad that they need help. not everyone has the means in them do to it alone, and that’s ok. he knew she struggled with anxiety, but he wanted to be able to help her if she was having such a hard time. he wants to be there for her.
her head was pounding when her eyes opened softly. the dimmed room wasn’t enough, almost any sight causing an extreme ache. her vision cleared, and she slowly but madly darted her eyes around the room. they instantly landed on her boyfriends, feeling immediate relief he was there. she’d been so alone the last few weeks, and him being there made it feel like the entire earth was on her side. she moved her fingers in a desire that his hand would be in his, but it was empty. his elbows were on his knees and his eyes were red and bothered.
“hey,” he said after noticing her disturbed expression. “you’re ok, you just hit your head. your building caught on fire, but everyone’s ok.”
she mumbled a few words that were inaudible, before clearing her head and trying again. “i remember you found me.”
“always, i’ll always find you.”
“buck, i’m s-“
“no, listen,” he begins. “do not ever try and apologize for something that’s not your fault. i know you’re taking medicine, but that doesn’t make me love you any less. you are the strongest person i have ever known, and you’ll stay that way for the rest of our lives. my heart has your name written all over it, y/n.”
“i love you, buck,” she replies in a hushed tone. “more than anything.”
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gavisuntiedboot · 1 year
Hello, if your taking requests at the moments I have one that I’d love to see though it may be a little difficult!
Gavi and the reader (an actor) are dating but are in different counties due to the reader going aboard to film a new show! The young couple decide to go on an Instagram live together to hang out & a lot of fans join!
Hello and welcome to a new series I’m calling “boot on the bus”, where I see how much I can write of an ask on my bus ride home. Whatever state it is at at the end of my ride, I post! (Also so sorry to this anon who sent me this req literally months ago)
[incoming call]: pablito ❤️😡
“Amor!! Finally!!”
“Pablo, why are you making an international call right now?”
“I can afford it. You have three seconds to explain to me why you haven’t been answering a single one of my FaceTime calls. I’ve been worried and, more importantly, bored out of my mind!”
You laughed lightly and relaxed back into the plush cushions of the hotel couch. You had forgotten that the last time you were out of Spain for filming was before you had met Gavi. Being on a successful HBO original came with a lot of perks, but also a lot of pain, both physical and emotional. You had joined the royal drama “Heavenly Bodies” in the middle of its first season, instantly being thrown into a love triangle between the two male leads. Viewers ate it up, creating theories and art (and ofc fan fiction) about you and your costars, foaming at the mouth to know what would happen next. The high demand lead to your current situation, where you were cooling off in a high hotel room overlooking Dubai, listening to your boyfriends complaints 2 months earlier than scheduled.
“I haven’t gotten any of them, Pablito. FaceTime is blocked here.”
You heard a loud scoff over the phone.
“If you are too busy to talk just say that, princesa. How could FaceTime be blocked in Dubai? That makes no sense!”
“Google it.” You retorted, laying back on the couch and cracking open a cold soda. You heard yells of “Ale! Google this for me!”, followed by a long pause.
“Oh wow. It is blocked.”
“See!” You yelled into the receiver, causing Gavi to complain about his sensitive eardrums. You sat back down, continuing what would probably be a very expensive phone call with your boyfriend. As you two talked, he sighed loudly, and you heard his body hit the couch.
“I miss seeing your face, princesa. Don’t get me wrong I love the sound of your voice, but it’s just different. Is there no way we can video call?”
You could basically hear the pout and puppy dog eyes in Gavi’s voice, and it made your heart swell. He was so enamored by you, so taken by the way you looked and spoke and laugh, that all he wanted was to once again cup your face in his hands and pull you in close enough to share his breathing space.
“Well, we could always just go on live together.”
“Like do a live stream. On instagram or something. We would both be calling but there would just be other people there.”
Gavi paused once again, playing around with the idea in his mind.
“But what if I… want to say “not appropriate in front of people” stuff?”
“That’s what Snapchat is for.”
His laugh resounded through the phone, and you couldn’t help the large smile that squinted your eyes and filled out your cheeks.
“Okay, Vamos, let’s do it.”
You got onto instagram and started a live, inviting Gavi to join. Every one of your 10.5 million followers who has their notifications on started to pour in, the messages of “I love you 😍” and “hi from Brazil 🇧🇷” flying at unreadable speeds. Gavi’s end connected a second later, and the fans went mental. Gavi was beaming like the sun when the line connected, finally able to see your face again.
“Hello again, Amor. I missed that pretty smile.”
Your fans and Gavi’s were now in the chat trying to prevent a mass cardiac arrest incident.
gavi3096: nobody let Madrid see this they’ll know how to make him soft
Ynandgavicloset2: the way he calls her amor time to take a nap on an electrical wire in the rain
You weren’t reading any of it thought. You were staring at Gavi who was staring at you, the two of you making idle conversation about your trip and your show and his upcoming matches. He looked at you with so much love and affection that it made you blush, turning you into a much more shy and cuddly mess than people were used to. The sexy and strong power couple were now just a bunch of teenagers giggling and kicking their feet on instagram live. A strand of hair fell in your face, and Gavi reached out to his phone before remembering he couldn’t sweep it from your eyes on a different continent.
“Princesa, from now on, no filming on location unless I can come.”
“Why Pablito? Can’t live without me?” You teased, expecting a sharp reaction.
“Correct. Im literally itching and shaking from withdrawal. I love you and miss you come back faster.”
The chat got so overwhelmed they crashed the live.
Hey guys! Hope y’all enjoyed this little imagine. Ik not everybody wants super long works, but I don’t know how to write fast or short so then things sit in my inbox forever. So here’s to length variation!! Love y’all, time to take a nap.
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centaurianthropology · 11 months
Ashton and Silence
One of the things that has fascinated me this campaign is how ready-built Ashton is to be a leader, but how Taliesin plays low charisma to constantly stop them from being one.  Ashton has great ideas, and tends to be one of the two most grounded members of the group.   He has excellent moral intelligence (far better than they’ll admit), and one-on-one Ashton excels at talking people down from their worst points.  
But they also are in constant pain, and they’ve spent their entire life being told that they’re worthless as anything other than a slab of muscle.  So they silence themselves.  And the more unfamiliar the environment or the more people around them, the more they clam up.
Last episode was one of the best examples I’ve seen yet.  Ashton was almost entirely silent this episode.  He admitted to hating camping, likely to do with the chronic pain, but also to do with the unfamiliar environment.  Ashton is a city barbarian through and through, and they thrive in cities.  They are far more confident in cities, even when they don’t know them as well as Jrusar or Bassuras.  But the wilderness?  On an unknown continent?  He’s already on the wrong foot.
And then they go to the village, and before they know it things are spiraling.  It turns out this place was a powderkeg waiting to blow, with two factions that are, at least from appearance, both highly suspect.  The Vasselheim faction are clearly outsiders come here to impose their culture on the locals, taking too much from their land, bleeding their farms dry for distant tribute, and recently sending more and more armed thugs and more religious oppression.  Add to that the Flameguide being clearly an asshole who won’t listen to reason (very classic lawful stupid paladin, and I agree with Emily, likely a Conquest Paladin, some of the worst to deal with), and the Dawnfather folks are clearly assholes who aren’t wanted there.
But though the townsfolk in general seem sympathetic and just want to live free and worship as they will, their charismatic leader also seems to be full-on with Ruby Vanguard ideology.  She wants to tear the gods down, mistaking gods who are behind a divine gate and can’t interact with humans without a great deal of faith, with the corrupt religious institutions that sprung up around them.  But at the same time she gives a distinct feeling of hating those institutions because she’s not them.  She flat-out said that she didn’t want to stop with the town.  She wanted her own elemental worship to take over the world.
It’s a great set-up, because the townsfolk just want to be free, so they’re throwing in their lot with someone who has grand and terrible ambitions.  It’s Ludinus writ small, and playing out on an intimate scale.
And the team wasn’t really given any choice.  Once they were exploring the options, they were already sort of stuck with the elementalists.  And they mostly just want to prevent casualties, but the people in charge of those potential casualties have no care for the people who could die.  They see only glory and their own faith.
Orym spoke up, because that’s what Orym does.  But Orym’s confidence has been shaken, and there was little to no way he was going to manage to sway two fanatics.  Denise sort-of spoke up, as did Laudna, both trying but both also failing.  Bor’Dor and Prism were both basically on the side of ‘let’s fuck up the gods, whoo!’ from the off, Bor’Dor because he doesn’t really know what’s going on, and Prism out of academic bitterness.  In another life, she would have been hard-core Rube Vanguard fairly easily.
And then there’s Ashton, silent in the back, deeply uncomfortable, surrounded by an elementalist group that feels a lot like a cult with a charismatic leader.  How much must he be associating this with the Hishari?  Does it have any connection?  Some remnant faction?  Are they fighting on the side of his nightmares?
But they say nothing.  They stay silent.  They are barely noticed, despite being a big rock person in an elemental-worshipping town.  People should be all over them in fascination, but they aren’t, because Ashton has practically vanished.  They needed to speak up.  They needed to stand with Orym to try to de-escalate things, but instead they are sneaking in the background.  Why?  Lack of confidence.  Self-loathing.  Fear.  This is where Asthon’s low charisma springs from: they will never trust themselves to do the right thing, to say the right words, to really step up and be counted.  So they hide, and things crumble.
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shslbunnylover · 4 months
hii!! i love your fics so much. i was hoping it isn’t too late to request a fluffmas fic with melissa x reader. where the reader has never had a good time during the holidays and it’s their first christmas together so melissa decides to make it as special as possible. they go to mels family for christmas and when they get home mel makes the reader feel as special as possible
★★★𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙝𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙠 𝙢𝙤𝙫𝙞𝙚★★★
Character: Melissa Schemmenti
Summary: See ask above!
Requester: Anonymous
Taglist: @inlovewithgreta @lilfartbox1 (Message me to be a part of the taglist until I get a page set up!!)
Trigger warnings (DL, DI): Mentions of family fighting and seasonal depression
Genre: Fluff
A/n: I added my on little touch to this, hope you like it anon!
Word count: 2.7k
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You were a lot like Jacob. Not in the way that you were incredibly corny or attempted to use the language of your students as a way to relate to them, but rather in your opinions on the holidays. The holidays never meant more to you than family chaos and winter depression, and that idea had been ingrained into your head since the day you first saw the light of the world.
You enjoyed the lights and songs, they were always beautiful in your eyes, but the beauty they brought was always overshadowed by the pain and depression that Christmas and everything around it brought. Whenever people asked why you were a Grinch, you'd just say that 'Christmas was a commercialized holiday with traditions taken from Pagan rituals who were later demonized for those same things'. You tried to find so many things wrong with Christmas so you didn't have to admit that your family was the reason you never enjoyed the holidays. However, once you had moved to Philidelphia and started as a teacher at Abbott Elementary, you quickly realized that almost everyone felt the exact opposite about the quote-on-quote "Most Magical Time of the Year".
Janine was always chipper, so the Christmas spirit was bound to flow into her like the snow into the hand turkey's she used to prevent it from entering the classroom. Barbara was a devout Christian, meaning Christmas meant a lot to her along with it being her favorite holiday of the year. Ava loved the sexy Santa dresses and the incredibly suggestive songs played throughout December (and let's be honest, half of November if you went to any retail store). Gregory was neutral, as he always was, but he liked the movies. Jacob was just like you when it came to this whole season of magic and love and for roughly the same reasons. Melissa, well she adored the holiday season, even if she didn't show it. The only way you found out about the redhead's adoration for Christmas was after you began dating her.
She explained everything to you, her holiday party with Barbara, her dinner with her family, the special things she did with her students, and so many more things that left you completely shocked.
You simply didn't understand, and you wondered how someone could love a season filled with nothing but depression and fighting. It didn't make sense when everyone around you was talking about their holiday plans with family and they seemed excited.
So, when you were sitting in the teachers' lounge a couple of days before winter break, you were unusually silent as you sat next to your girlfriend.
"So, Y/n, what are you doing for the holidays?" Janine asked with her usual bright smile.
You hummed, looking up from your barely-drank coffee with tired eyes.
"I'm not doing anything, I'm gonna stay home," You muttered.
"You're not coming over for dinner hon?" Melissa perked up, her neutral expression into one of concern.
"No, I'm not one for all the family stuff..." You replied, looking down at the beverage in your hand, your focus going towards the patterns made by the creamer on the top.
"But Christmas is time to be with friends and family!" Janine tried to protest, only to be shot a scolding look by Barbara.
"If they don't want to do that, then they don't have to," Barbara spoke. "But, dear, are you alright? You have been down these past few days,"
"And I've said I'm fine," You rolled your eyes, missing the sharp and quizzical look your girlfriend was sending you.
"Can we just talk about literally anything else?" You sighed, mustering up the energy to take a sip of your drink.
"Yeah, I agree," Jacob said before talking about some sort of new movie coming out.
But Melissa wasn't about to let this go. She was fine with you not coming for dinner, but she wasn't fine with you being miserable.
"Babe, can you tell me what is going on with you?" Melissa asked gently, placing her hand on your thigh while her other held the steering wheel.
You weren't technically living together, as you still had your place, but you preferred to be at your girlfriend's house rather than your little apartment, after all, it didn't feel like home there anymore.
"I..." You began, looking out the window to see all the passing trees and cars. "I don't know,"
"You're never like this. I'm not mad at you at all. I'm just concerned," Your girlfriend squeezed your thigh softly to reassure you.
"...Look, my family just fought a lot during the holidays, so I don't like it that much," You confessed, leaning your head against the cold glass.
"Oh," The woman next to you spoke, her eyes focused on the road while her brain tried to comfort you in the best way possible. "I understand that, but there's so much more to the holidays than fighting,"
"I just...I just don't believe you, I want to, but I can't," You replied.
There was silence in the car for a couple of minutes as Melissa thought deeply, finally speaking up after an idea came to mind.
"How about I show you?"
"What?" You snapped your head to look at her.
"How about I show you that the holidays are enjoyable?" She repeated, clarifying what she had said.
"I-I don't know..."
"Look," Melissa said, parking her car in her driveway before turning to face you. "You give me till the end of the year to prove to you that Christmas is a good time, deal?" She smirked, holding out her hand.
You paused for a moment, staring at her hand with a nervous expression prominent on your face.
"And if you don't convince me?" You asked.
"I'll leave you alone, but there will always be a spot open at the table, so you have nothing to lose," The older woman replied. "Now, do we have a deal?"
You sighed, nodding in defeat before shaking your girlfriend's hand.
"You've got less than two weeks, Mel," You warned her, trying to hide that you were secretly grateful to your partner for caring so much about you.
"It's no problem, I can do it," She winked, kissing your hand, fully aware of your gratitude.
A couple of days later, you were sat by the Christmas tree, holding a simple family photo ornament in your hand, your thumb wiping off the occasional pine needle that had fallen onto it.
"Whatcha doin' hon?" Melissa asked with a smug smile, leaning over your sitting frame, blocking the light from your view and causing you to look up at your redhead girlfriend.
"Just looking at the ornament, are you sure your family doesn't fight?" You sighed, letting go of the decoration and allowing it to rest on the tree branch.
"Except for me and Kristin-Marie, no one does really. Every fight is clearly all in good fun," She assured you.
"So...no one walks out?" You asked.
"No, nobody walks out, cucciola," The woman standing above you chuckled. "Me and Kristin-Marie may not get along that well, but we kinda enjoy all that fighting. After Janine invited her over here, we got back to talking,"
You grimaced at the memory, laughing at how pissed off Melissa was at Janine the day after.
"Alright, I'll believe you, for now," You stood up, kissing her softly.
"You better, 'cause we Schemmenti's are known for our persuasion," She smirked.
You rolled your eyes, laying your head on her shoulder, already feeling your heart softening its harsh feelings towards the holidays.
"Say, do you wanna watch a Christmas movie? You can pick," Melissa asked you, wrapping her arms around you to embrace you tighter.
You nodded.
"I like Miracle on 34th Street, maybe that one?" You blushed, pulling your head from your girlfriend's clavicle.
Melissa smiled softly at your rosy cheeissing you on your temple.
"Of course, hon. You can put it on, and I'll head go make us some hot chocolate?" She suggested, walking into the kitchen and leaving you to prepare the movie.
You nodded, sitting down on her couch (that no longer had plastic thanks to you) and grabbing the remote, typing in the name of the movie.
When Melissa finally returned with two mugs of hot chocolate and a bowl of cinnamon sugar popcorn, you were pretty much dumbfounded.
"Holy cow Mel! This is so good!!" You beamed, taking a sip of the hot drink she had made before popping a couple of pieces of popcorn in your mouth.
"Thanks, babe," Your girlfriend sighed at the taste of her cocoa, wrapping her arm around you, her eyes focusing on the movie.
When Christmas day finally rolled around, you were impressed by just how many of Melissa's family members were at her mom's house for Christmas, and everyone seemed to get along (Except Kristin-Marie and Melissa, of course). The whole family seemed to absolutely adore you, and you felt...welcome.
You didn't even need to introduce yourself as you walked in the door, as everyone knew practically everything about you.
Teresa, Melissa's mom, immediately took you into the kitchen and asked you what your favorites of the array of food were so she could make more. John, Melissa's dad, gave you a gruff handshake and asked you if you liked football, which started a whole conversation about Melissa's early days of being a football fan. Kristin-Marie was standoffish, looking at you with a glare the entire time as Melissa had warned you about. Her infamous cousin Vinny was playful and tackled you with a hug in his large frame when he saw you enter the door with his favorite cousin. Her other younger cousins simply flocked around you asking you questions about you, and Melissa's older cousins quickly started sharing embarrassing stories about your girlfriend (You had to duck when she tried to punch them).
You walked into the dining room, helping set out the cutlery and plates to hopefully get some stress off Teresa's back.
"Oh dear, they're so much better than that pig you would bring," Melissa's mother laughed once you were out of the room.
"I told you that you'd like Y/n, Ma," Melissa sighed, stuffing her hands in her pockets with a smile.
You peeked out from the doorway connecting the kitchen and dining room, eavesdropping on the conversation when you heard your name mentioned.
'What are they talking about? Did I make a bad impression?' You worriedly thought, your heart rate picking up.
"Well, you were right. Only one thing, they seem so nervous, did you tell 'em that we were gonna sacrifice them?" Teresa snickered, taking a sip from the tiny bottle of prosecco you brought her.
"I've got a bet with them that I can make the holidays enjoyable, since it never was for them," Your girlfriend explained. "You should have seen Y/n a couple of days ago, they were miserable. I'm glad I got them to enjoy the season more than they used to,"
You smiled softly, your eyes brimming with tears that you quickly wiped away.
"Were you talking about me?" You asked, walking towards Melissa and her mother.
"Yeah hon, my mom loves you," She smirked. "I told you there was nothing to worry about,"
"You've got good taste in alcohol Y/n," Teresa laughed, finishing off the miniature bottle.
"I'm glad you think so, Melissa said it was your favorite, so I got you the new flavor they came out with. I can get you a bigger bottle if you'd like!" You beamed.
"That won't be necessary, I'll get my own," Your mother-in-law waved off your gesture.
You chuckled, beginning to talk about all the stories Melissa told you about her chaotic family, while Melissa slipped away to go be with her younger cousins, a soft smile on her face at the sight of you being so happy.
"I mean, when I heard that story about Vinny I think I couldn't walk from how hard I was laughing!" You giggled, covering your mouth to hold in more laughter.
"He was a weird kid, but we love him," Teresa chuckled, gesturing to the table once she was finished. "It's around dinner time, you wanna get a seat?"
You nodded, cheerfully making your way to sit next to Melissa, leaning your head on her shoulder.
"They're much better than Joe, he wasn't as happy when he talked to us about Melissa, there is something different about this one," Melissa's aunt Chloe walked up to Teresa.
"Definitely, I'm glad we got to increase their holiday spirit and give them a family, they deserve it for how happy they've made my daughter," The older blonde hummed, taking a seat at the table after finishing the conversation with her sister.
"Thank you so much for inviting me Miss Schemmenti," You smiled, hugging your mother-in-law. "The food was absolutely delicious, and your house is gorgeous!" You praised her, looking at your girlfriend before back at Teresa.
"Oh hon, call me Teresa, you're so sweet," The older woman placed her hand over her heart. "I'm glad someone as wonderful as you are with my daughter,"
You practically melted how kind she was and you were surprised you weren't crying.
"She means the world to me," You looked at Melissa, kissing her cheek. "Thank you again for inviting me,"
Teresa smiled, waving you two off as you walked to your car.
"So, how do you like the holidays hon?" Melissa sported a knowing grin.
"I love them, Mel...You did it, somehow," You sighed, looking up and laughing softly.
Your girlfriend chuckled, starting the car and driving out of the neighborhood, noticing how your eyes were locked on all of the Christmas lights and decorations unlike before.
"What if I told you that when we got home, I'd have something that'd make you love the holidays even more?" The redhead next to you spoke after around ten minutes of comfortable silence, squeezing your thigh to get your attention back on her.
"Oh really? What if I told you I didn't believe you?" You smirked, moving your body to face her.
"You didn't believe me a couple of days ago, now look where that got ya," Melissa teased as you pulled into the driveway at her house.
"Whatever," You rolled your eyes, a shit-eating grin still on your lips.
"Now come on, I have a surprise for you," The older woman urged you to go inside.
When you finally entered the house, you noticed the living room was much tidier, but nothing looked out of place except for a couple of non-flame sugar cookie candles being lit, making the whole house smell like a calm bakery.
"You cleaned! I was gonna do that!" You laughed.
"No hon, that's not the surprise, go lay down on your stomach," Melissa instructed you, kissing your forehead before going to the bathroom and bringing back a basket.
"What's that for Mel?" You asked, your speech slightly muffled by the pillow your face was lying on.
"You had a busy night, I thought I'd help you relax," Your girlfriend chuckled.
Her soft yet strong hands lifted your shirt, applying lotion to themselves before rubbing your back thoroughly. You hummed in contentment, melting further into the couch, your eyes hooding from the sudden feeling.
"Thank you, my love. You really didn't have to do this," You mumbled, letting out an occasional moan whenever she hit a sensitive spot on your back.
"It's no problem hon," She bent down to kiss the top of your head, smiling as your body relaxed under her touch. "I'm just glad I got you to enjoy this time of year as much as I do,"
If you enjoyed reading this, don't forget to like, reblog and comment! Thank you and you are loved <3
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malereader-inserts · 1 year
Spite Goes A Long Way
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairing: BAU Team & Male!Reader Summary: Everything you do is through spite, you look at death and give him a middle finger. Word Count: 1,379 A/n: I apologise if this is not as good as it should be.
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GIF by reidamancy
You have no idea how you ended up here. Well, you do, somewhat. Your memory at the moment was fuzzy and incoherent, one moment you were with your team and the next thing you were coughing up blood, bruised in multiple places, and you swear you've got a few broken ribs.
Oh, and you were no longer with your team.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
There was a lot going on even if you weren't doing much other than bleeding out profusely. You're an FBI agent, you know you're not going to die even with your injuries, and you live off spite - there are times you should have died and yet you still pull through.
There were a lot of gunshots around you, you kept your head down as you tried to crawl closer somewhere else, despite being in a lot of pain. From what you can gather in your condition, you were at the wrong place at the wrong time. You were held hostage in a library, and you remember that you were sent there to collect information by yourself - after all, no one actually targets a library, so everyone in your team thought it was okay for one person to go.
But, here you were, with many terrified people. Your heart sank as you could see some kids clinging to their parents, at least you were here you thought. The suspects quickly figured out you were part of the FBI team and focused on you primarily.
There were no casualties and you were thankful for that, even if that meant you had to take the brute of their violence.
There was a gun showdown, and the suspects (there were five of them) were too busy gunning down the police that were outside, there was a fair assumption that your team were out there as well.
That was your moment, you groan quietly as you manage to get yourself on your feet, crouched down, you quickly moved as you could try to see if there was a back door.
No luck.
This was an old library with a hidden archive room, this place was locked down to prevent anyone from stealing anything. There was the main entrance and the back entrance was down in the basement, your best bet was the main entrance to get people out or create your own exit.
You noticed that the suspects brought multiple bombs with them, now you had to figure out how to get a bomb to a section that, hopefully, people won't mind destroying.
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"He's in there," Morgan says, well, more like shouts over from behind the car, "He has to be!"
"I hope he's okay," Emily shouts back, unable to see you, but her focus at the moment was trying to get the suspects.
JJ scoffs and shakes her head, "We are talking about (Y/n)! The guy who refuses to die in any situation."
"But, one day it'll catch up to him," Hotch reminds the team, even knowing you - you weren't invincible, "I just hope it isn't today."
Suddenly, there was a bang on the side of the library, causing everyone outside to duck behind cover. The shooting from the inside ceases for a minute or two before it starts up again, but this time it's only three of them shooting at them.
"Emily, Morgan with me!" Hotch called out as he looked at his other team members, who nodded at him to go.
The three of them start moving towards the open entrance, noticing how people started to run out into safety. Noticing that there were police officers taking initiative by meeting them halfway and bringing them to safety.
But, there was no sight of you, and that worried them.
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You managed to headbutt one of the suspects, whose job was to keep an eye on you after creating an exit for people. They underestimated you, despite bleeding out from some stab wounds, broken ribs and mostly now a concussion, you were still in fighting ability.
You knock the man unconscious, and as you take a step forward, your knees buckled under you. And suddenly, you feel everything. You were running on pure adrenaline and when you needed it the most, your body betrays you as you found yourself on all fours.
You gasped, feeling your chest burn with every harsh breath. You were panicking and your chest was not getting any better with each breath. You started to hyperventilate, coughing and spitting out blood onto the floor, your vision starting the blur and your mind was convincing you that this was the end of you.
Your head snaps up at your name, and you choke on your breathing before letting out a slow heavy exhale, with that you push yourself up and crash against the wall. But, at least you were up from the floor.
Where are they? I can't see them, but you can most definitely hear them. Unless you were just imagining them, you blink a few times trying to clear your vision before sliding yourself up the wall, to your full height. You placed one hand against the wall, and the other on a stab wound that managed to break free from your homemade bandages from your flannel.
You pushed yourself off the wall as you walked out of the room and into the corridor of the basement. There you see three figures running at you, you bare a smile to see who it was.
"Oh, thank god," Emily expressed relief as she immediately hugs you, not caring about the blood, before pulling away to examine you.
Hotch placed a hand on your shoulder, casting your eyes to him, there was relief in his eyes despite the rest of his face not expressing as such.
“Now, I know what you’re thinking: that’s a substantial amount of blood, are you okay? And I’d like to assure you that I am perfectly fine.”
Hotch raised an eyebrow at you, his hand on your shoulder keeping you upright, “Your hands are shaking, you’re wheezing, and I’m pretty sure you’re going to pass out."
“Well. You’re observant. But I’m fine.”
Morgan was going to comment but suddenly there was another bang down the hallway, indicating that was your signal to leave quickly.
“Can you run?” Morgan asked, knowing full well that you were stubborn and did not want to be carried by him, even at a time when you could be dying.
“I can limp quickly.”
"Better than nothing."
Emily throws your arm over her as you leaned on her as support, limping quickly down the hallway. Morgan is on your six whilst Hotch is in front, you don't know if you managed to get everyone out successfully but you hope you did.
"Have we ever told you that you're borderline crazy?" Emily asked, laughing at you to chuckle - at least you still had some of your spirit left.
"I'm very much aware, but that's what you love about me."
"You give me high blood pressure," Hotch comments from the front as you grin, "I might have to start charging you my hospital bill."
"He jokes!" You exclaimed before laughing, "Man, if I die, at least I got to hear a joke from Hotch."
"I'm sorry sir," You shut up immediately as Morgan and Emily snorted at the quick response, it was like watching a kid getting scowled at by their father.
The four of you managed to get out from the back, Emily reassuring you that you were almost with everyone else. As you get closer to the shooting, you cannot help but flinched as they immediately wave down any paramedic to you.
"How is he?" Rossi asked, as Hotch and Morgan returned, Emily decided to stay with you whilst you were getting tended.
"Exactly how you think he is," Morgan says as Rossi cracks a smile at that.
"You know, I gotta know how he does it," Spencer says, ducking in the cover, hoping that the battle of shooting would cease soon.
"Does what?" JJ loudly asked.
"How he looks at the face of death and spits on him," Spencer replies, looking at his team with a smirk, "His ability to not die is extraordinary."
"That's (Y/n) for you."
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voidandabyssal · 5 months
Headcanons of the undertale,underfell horrortale,and underswap boys with a fallen angel reader?
Reader has scars on her back from them being ripped out.
At first he's concerned for you, he's worried that whoever gave you those scars could come back. When you reveal your wings were ripped off he gets even more worried, unlike humans, most Monsters wouldn't survive such an attack so to see the reminder of an attack like that worries him. He starts to research ways to give you your wings back and ways to prevent whoever ripped them off from coming around again.
He also asks a lot of questions, some probably inapropirate. But he means well, he's just very curious about this 'God' figure and if you were an angel old enough to have lived through the creation of the unvirse, oh boy, does he have questions.
When Papyrus first sees the scars its only a glimpse. Your shirt or dress slipping down enough for him to see the start of the scars. He doesn't say anything, he doesn't want to make you upset or bring up any bad memories.
When your scars flair up in pain he's there. Even if you don't tell him about your wings, or your past, he doesn't demand anything. He's just upset you were hurt so badly at some point.
Papyrus is willing to help with the pain whenever, you need medicine? He's running to the cabinet, you need a back rub? Gloves off right then and there, he doesn't care, he just wants you happy and healthy
He first sees your scares after you first sleep together, when you turn over to rest they catch his eye. "Who the hell did this to ya?!" he would growl out, demanding the name of the perpatrator, of course he couldn't just go and throw hands with God (he wishes he could though) so instead he focuses on making you feel protected.
For a while afterwards he's extra touchy if anyone in the Underground, aside from his brother, gets near you.
He calms down after a while, though his protective streak does flair up everytime your scars ache
he's throwing hands with God rn, you can't stop him. Knock knock pearly gates, he's coming your way.
No but seriously, he offers to.
He also starts training you, you and him go out every day in order to practise fighting. You're pretty weak at first, unused to not being able to fly away from danger but you start improving pretty quickly.
Soon you're the power couple everyone wishes they were
quiet concern at first, he tries not to pry but his curiosity eventually gets the better of him. When you reveal to him what happened he insists on training you, unlike Edge, his training is less offensive and more defensive and (assuming because you're a fallen angel you have magic) he also trains you to heal better.
He's always trying to keep you away from your insecuritys, whether it's about your beauty "your scars are so cool! They make you look even more beautiful!" to the shame "You stood up for yourself! Not many people can do that, you should be proud!" and the pain "Here, this should help with the phantom pains"
Stretch is the type to quietly comfort you, he doesn't ask questions and he doesn't pry. He knows what it's like to have to keep secrets. He makes sure other people don't see or know about the scars if your uncomfortable with people knowing about them.
He's similar to Blue in that he'll try and raise your spirits, but he do it in a more subtle way. If he notices your upset, he'll grab your favourite sweet on the way home, or he'll suggest doing your favourite activity. Most likely though he'll just drag you into a sleepy cuddle.
He doesn't actually think much of it. Horrific scars and injurys are pretty common for Monsters. He doesn't bring it up much, but he doesn't let you bring it down either. Like how you don't let him talk badly about his own injury.
Overall, it's not a big deal to him, he doesn't care that your backs all messed up, so what? so's his head. He'll defend you against anyone who insults you over your scars as well.
Crooks winces everytime he sees the scars. He's a nurse so he can absolutely tell what sorta damage that injury must have caused. He helps take care of you when flare ups happen and because he's a trained nurse he can actually get more heavy painkillers than anyone else could.
He also helps with physical therapy He knows it hurts, but if you get through it you'll get better!
Soon with the help of Crooks you're able to do things you haven't done in years!
hope you liked!
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