#asexual Virgil and Logan
logically-asexual · 1 year
happy asexuality day to them
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Complete Me (Please)
Summary: Roman has been waiting his whole life to meet his soulmate.  Okay, yes, he can already hear Logan's voice in his head that their wouldn't be a way to wait less than your whole life to meet your soulmate, but the point stands that Roman has been waiting longer than is assumed normal.  And he isn't going to say that hasn't been hard on him.  But that doesn't really matter, because he knows the minute he meets his soulmate everything is going to click into place and all of his problems will disappear.
Or at least, that was supposed to happen.
Everything, Roman knew, would work out once he met his soulmate.
That was how love worked.  That was how life worked.  That’s what everyone had always told him.  His parents had met in high school and fallen in love just like they were supposed to.  His best friend Logan had met Patton and they’d fallen in love just like they were supposed to.  Even his brother had fallen in love with Janus just like he was supposed to.  And they were all so much happier afterwards.  Granted, they’d all been doing okay beforehand, and Roman was… oh, but that didn’t matter!  Roman didn’t have to worry!  Because one day he’d meet Virgil Storm and then he’d be totally fine!  Because that was how it worked!
Until then, he’d just ignore the disappointed looks from his parents when he went home for the holidays, as if expecting him to somehow control when he met his soulmate.  He’d ignore the worried looks from his brother and his friends, as if they thought he could do something to make life move faster, to make his life start already.  He’d ignore the looks he got every time he explained to someone that yes, he was graduating college this year, and no, he hadn’t met his soulmate yet.
He’d ignore it all and he’d be fine.   Because it was only a matter of time, and then he’d actually be fine.  Then he’d have his soulmate, and everything would be okay.
Unfortunately, whether that day came next week or next decade, he couldn’t spend all the time in between focusing on it.  He had classes to pass, careers to build, and bills to pay.  The last thing on that list was why he was here.
He’d gotten the job as something that would pay those bills until he hopefully got his first acting job.  (His prospects there, at least, were looking much more promising than his prospects in his love life.  He had auditions coming up in a few months for roles he could do in his sleep.)  Selling coffee wasn’t exactly the dream, but he could be friendly and he could sell things and he could run a cash register.  Besides, it was temporary.  Just like being single.
On his first day, he was handed his apron and nametag and directed towards the person who was going to train him, who for some reason was not wearing a name tag and leaning on his elbow behind the counter and looked like he’d rather be anywhere else in existence.
Even so, Roman put on his best smile and walked over to him.  “Hello!  I’m Roman!  May I ask who has the honor of training me on this lovely Tuesday?”
The person turned a gaze on Roman that had about all the grace of a feral raccoon, and then turned back towards the counter.  “We open in fifteen minutes,” he said.  “Talk to me when that happens.”
“Oh, well, I mean I think I should probably know some of what to do before that happens?” Roman said, rubbing the back of his neck.
The person groaned, and pushed himself up to a standing position.  “Fine,” he said.  “Listen closely, I won’t be repeating this.  Regular coffee cups are over there, coffee is in those huge-ass heater things, we sell mugs for fifteen bucks, yes that’s overpriced but you can’t say that to the customers, all of the creams are over there including whipped cream and other toppings for shitty fancy crap that doesn’t even count as coffee, all the prices are on the wall behind me, it’s your first day so I’m making you do all the hard chores.”  With that, he flopped back down onto his elbow.  “If you have questions, keep ‘em to yourself.”
“Uh, what’s your name?” Roman asked, feeling a little offended.
“What did I just say?” the person snapped, glaring up at him.  “I intentionally don’t wear a name tag so people don’t know my name, why would I then tell you upon asking?”
“Because it’s polite?”
The person blew a raspberry.  “I just sell coffee to customers, and we’re just coworkers, no one involved in those interactions needs to know my name.”
“Okay then, you’re rude,” Roman said, rolling his eyes and moving away to look for everything the person had pointed out.  Coffee cups, giant heater-looking things that held coffee, creams, prices that he’d have to work on memorizing.  He had no idea where the mugs they apparently sold for too-high prices were.  Maybe he’d ask someone else.
Roman gave the person at the counter a distasteful look.  Anyone else would do, really.
A little while later, the person went up and flipped the sign around to open, then moved back behind the counter.
No one was there immediately, but it didn’t take long for people to start trickling through the doors, and as soon as they did, Emo Feral Raccoon Person immediately turned into a completely different person.
“Hi, what can I get you today?” he asked, putting on a pleasant smile that almost gave Roman whiplash.
He’d been instructed to watch for a little while to get a feel for how things worked, so he watched as Emo Man helped the first couple people in line, then he moved to try helping the next person at the other register.
“Hi, what can I get you?” he asked.  Naturally, the customer rambled off a list of things that all somehow went into one coffee, and Roman immediately felt in over his head.
Thankfully, it seemed Emo Man wasn’t a completely horrible person, because he headed over to the register the second the customer started talking.
“Sorry sir, it’s his first day, so I’ll be helping out a little bit,” he said.  “Can you run through that one more time?”
The customer, looking irritated, did so, and then Roman followed Emo Man as he made the coffee, taking note of everything while he did, and then turned to face the next customer as soon as he finished.
Thankfully, this person just ordered a black coffee, which Roman was able to take care of.
He fell into a groove eventually, and while Emo Man had to help with an occasional complicated order, Roman felt he did pretty well for his first day.
The coffee shop didn’t close until 9:00 that night, meaning since this was just a training shift for Roman, someone was going to relieve him around lunchtime.  But about half an hour before that happened the manager Carol appeared from the back during a time the store was empty.
She tapped Emo Man on the shoulder.  “Virgil, take the trash bags out, would you?” she asked, and suddenly Roman couldn’t breathe.
“Wait a second,” he said, and both of them turned to face him.  “Your name is Virgil?”
Virgil glared at Carol.  “See now why’d you have to let him know that?”
“No, no, I—” Roman waved his hands.  “Virgil Storm?”
Virgil got a very suspicious look on his face.  “Who’s asking?”
Roman reached for his shirt and pulled his sleeve up, revealing his wrist.  “Uh.  Roman Prince?”
Both Virgil and Carol’s eyes widened, and a second later Carol clapped her hands together, starting to smile.  “Oh!  Never mind about the trash bags Virgil, you can take your fifteen minute break now!”
“Oh, no,” Virgil said instantly, turning towards the trash cans.  “Those things are overflowing, let me handle them.”
“Virgil,” Carol said, giving him a strained smile.  “You can take your fifteen minute break now.”
“I don’t want to take my fifteen minute break, Carol,” Virgil said, giving just as strained a smile back.
“Well, I simply insist,” Carol said, widening her smile.  “Virgil, show Roman where the break area is please.”
“But I don’t—” Virgil groaned and looked up at the ceiling.  “If someone’s up there after all, now would be a perfect time to strike me down.”
“Uh… did I do something wrong?” Roman asked hesitantly, trying to shove down the massive pile of nerves this whole interaction was bringing.
“Nope,” Virgil said, sounding very done.  “Let’s go to the break area, hurray…”
Roman’s hands started shaking a little as he followed Virgil.
They headed to a spot in the back that had some falling apart chairs and table, and Virgil sank into one, crossing his arms.
“Look,” he said, giving Roman a very done stare.  “I appreciate that the universe is trying to hand me a gift wrapped relationship or whatever, but I’m not looking for a partner right now.”
Roman’s hands were definitely shaking.  He swallowed.  “What?”
“I mean I just…” Virgil ran his hands through his hair.  “I don’t know you very well, dude.  And no offense, but it doesn’t really seem like we have a ton in common.”  He gestured between his outfit of all black and Roman’s bright red shirt and light blue jeans.
“I…” Roman’s mouth felt dry all of a sudden.  “But… but we’re soulmates.”
“So?” Virgil flopped back in his chair.  “That means I owe you something?”
“But—” Roman next breath came in wheezy, and suddenly he was finding it really difficult to stand.
It took Virgil a second, but he seemed to notice this, and he turned widening eyes up to Roman.
“Wait.  Oh, holy shit.  Are you okay?”
Roman put a hand to his chest, trying to breathe past the strangled feeling now building up in his chest.
“I don’t… understand,” Roman wheezed out, sinking into a chair.  “That’s not how this… how it works.”
“I…” Virgil held his hands up, not seeming like he knew quite what to do.  “Uh… fuck.  Dude, I don’t… I don’t know you, man.  It’s nothing personal.  I don’t… I just don’t want to date anyone.  It’s nothing against you, I… shit.  Okay, okay, come here.”  He grabbed Roman’s hands and started tapping out a rhythm on them.  “Can you breathe to that pattern?  You really shouldn’t be gasping this much dude, it’s not good.”
Roman tried to do just that, but it was a little difficult when his world was sitting in front of him and telling him that he didn’t want him.  Virgil was supposed to make everything okay.  What was he supposed to do if Virgil didn’t make everything okay?
“Roman, hey.”  Virgil snapped his fingers in front of his eyes.  “Can you hear me?”
He definitely couldn’t, and a second later Virgil disappeared, which didn’t help with anything.  What were his parents going to say?  What were Logan and Patton and Janus and Remus going to say?  What was he supposed to do now?
A second later he felt a shock of cold on his forehead, and he managed to pull back to see Virgil holding an ice cube out in front of him and looking more than a little guilty.
Virgil held the ice cube out to Roman, who took it and pressed it to his forehead, trying to focus in on that until he could slow his breathing and lean back in the chair.
“Okay, so… I could have done that way better,” Virgil said weakly.  “I… shit, I’m sorry.”
Roman shook his head.  “I don’t understand,” he said.  “I don’t understand, you’re my soulmate.”
Virgil looked away uncomfortably and rubbed the back of his neck.  “I… I don’t want a soulmate,” he said hesitantly, and Roman’s world fell out from under his feet again.
“You… but why?” he asked.
“Dude, I just… it doesn’t sound like something that would make me happy,” Virgil said.
“It doesn’t…” Roman trailed off weakly.  He leaned forward to lean his elbows on his knees as he tried to process that.
“Look,” Virgil said, shifting on his feet.  “I’m sorry.  I… I think I need to go get back to work.  You can stay until my friend Remy gets here to take over for you.  I’ll let Carol know.  I won’t tell her about the… yeah.”
And with that, Virgil walked away and left Roman’s world to crumble around him.
Janus and Remus were both playing video games when Roman got home.  He lived with them for right now, because it was way more expensive if you didn’t room with your soulmates, but Roman hadn’t met…
“Hey Ro!” Remus called without looking as Roman shut the door after him.  “How’s the job?”
Roman looked over at the couch.  Janus and Remus had moved his blankets, and turned the futon back into a couch so they could play video games.  They’d erased Roman’s presence just like that.  Was that what everyone else was going to do now too?  Was that what his parents were going to do?  Was Logan going to find a new best friend, one who was actually worth something?  Was Remus going to find a new brother, one who wouldn’t be sleeping on his couch forever because no one else wanted him?
“Ro?” Remus said, starting to glance back over, and Roman realized he hadn’t said anything for a good ten seconds.
“Oh, yeah,” he said, trying to inject some emotion into his voice that wasn’t despair.  “Yeah it’s… good.  I’m just tired.  I’m gonna go lay down for a bit.”
“Oh, okay, cool!” Remus called.  “You can use our room!  We might grab dinner out later, I’ll let you know if we do.”
“Okay,” Roman said, desperately hoping that they wouldn’t.
He went back to Remus and Janus’ room and curled up miserably under their covers.  He’d dreamed of the day that he’d get to move into a place of his own with his soulmate.  Now… what was he going to do now?
Virgil didn’t want him.  Virgil, his saving grace, the one who was supposed to make everything okay.  Okay with his parents, okay with his brother, okay with his friends, okay with him.  What in the world did a life for Roman Prince mean without Virgil Storm?
Was he going to have to couchsurf with his brother forever, and watch him and Janus live the life he wanted to have with his soulmate?  Was he going to continue to be a huge disappointment to Mom and Dad, who had always placed such importance on soulmates?  Was he going to have to be alone, forever?
Roman pulled out his phone, trying to quiet the rushing thoughts in his head, and looked up “Help my soulmate doesn’t want me.”
Results that came up ranged from support groups, to therapists, to advice articles, but the overall advice was generally, horrifyingly, the same: If your soulmate doesn’t want you, you can’t force it.
Many articles also talked about things working themselves out in time, but even those started by saying there often wasn’t much you could do.  The only places Roman saw people saying there was something you could do were people essentially advocating for manipulation and abuse, with more flowery and disguised terms.  For obvious reasons, Roman wasn’t going to do that.
But that meant it was sounding suspiciously like he was going to be… alone.  Alone.  How was he supposed to deal with that?
A knock sounded on the door, and immediately Roman’s brain shouted at him that right now he was going to deal with it by telling no one.
“Roman?” Remus called.
“Yeah?” Roman called back, putting on his practiced fake smile and the customer service voice he’d spent the morning developing.
“I think we’re just gonna grab some fast food, come talk about what you want, okay?”
“On my way!” Roman called brightly, heading towards the door as Remus started back towards the kitchen.
Fake it till you make it wasn’t a terrible start.
Virgil seemed understandably uncomfortable when Roman came into work again the next day.  Roman gave him the best smile he could muster and walked up to lean against the other counter, trying to seem as casual as possible.
“Hey,” Virgil said, doing the vocal equivalent of shooting finger guns.  “How… how are you?”
“I’m ready to help some customers!” Roman said with probably the fakest smile to ever exist.
Predictably, Virgil winced.  “Hey, look, I really am sorry about yesterday.  It was kind of shitty of me to not consider that you were probably expecting—”
“Oh, water under the bridge,” Roman said, waving his hand dismissively.
“Are you sure?  You don’t really have panic attacks about stuff that’s water under the bridge the day after.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Roman said, clenching his hands tightly on the counter.  “Besides, we’re opening soon and I still have a ton of questions about how things work around here.”
Virgil bit his lip, still looking unsure, but he nodded.  “Okay.  Uh, shoot.”
Roman managed to fill the rest of the time before they opened with questions about how various things worked, and it had the effect of not letting Virgil talk about the whole “crushing Roman’s entire hopes and dreams” situation that happened yesterday, as well as meaning that by the time the doors opened, Roman actually did feel like he had a handle for what to do.  That was probably good, because tomorrow started his actual shifts, which would be much longer and come with one of those dreaded fifteen minute breaks.
Roman, after a little while, managed to lose himself in the work throughout the day, and by the time he left again, he’d at least gone most of the shift without thinking about Virgil.
As soon as he left, however, all of the thoughts came rushing back, and he knew for a fact he couldn’t go home and see his brother’s perfect soulmate story right now.
He pulled out his phone and called Logan, who answered after his usual two rings.
“Roman, you’re off work I presume?” Logan asked.
“Yep!  Want to do something just the two of us like old times before you met Patton?”
“I… suppose?” Logan said.  “What would you like to do?”
“Let’s go to the planetarium,” Roman said, because that would distract Logan enough that he wouldn’t ask Roman what was wrong.
Sure enough, Logan immediately agreed, and started talking much faster and more excitedly as Roman made his way to the car.  In another couple minutes, they were both on their way, and since Roman was much closer, he was free to have his breakdown in the car once he got there and make sure he still looked presentable before Logan showed up.
He let himself space out to the sound of his best friend’s excited voice as they walked through the planetarium, and really only managed to not get lost because he was hanging off of Logan’s arm the whole time.  His distraction plan worked, though, and Logan never once asked him what was wrong.
Roman was probably hoping a bit too far to think he wouldn’t notice something though.  He just had a different way of calling attention to things.
“Roman,” Logan said as they were leaving, and Roman glanced back at him.
“I appreciate this,” Logan said with a smile.  “This was a nice surprise.  I hope you know how much I enjoy spending time with you, whether we’re doing something, or,” he raised an eyebrow slightly.  “Just talking.”
Roman nodded weakly.  “Thanks, Pocket Protector.  I’ll keep that in mind.”
Logan nodded again, and they both headed their separate ways.  Roman pulled out his phone to get directions back home, because he could never quite remember the way, and winced when he saw five missed calls from Remus.
He hadn’t told him where he was going, had he?
Roman hit “call back” and held the phone up to his ear.  Remus answered on the first ring.
“Hey Re,” Roman said weakly.
“Where the hell are you?” Remus asked.  “I thought you were coming back home!”
“I just went with Logan to the planetarium,” Roman said, holding up his hand, though Remus couldn’t see it.  “Sorry, I forgot to tell you.”
Remus sighed, part irritated and part relieved.  “Ro, we were waiting for you here.”
“What?  Waiting for me?  Why?”
“Just get back here, dummy,” Remus said, and hung up.
Roman gave the phone a curious look, but went to navigate to directions, and got home about half an hour later.
He wasn’t sure what he was expecting to see when he walked in, but it definitely wasn’t Janus and Remus both sitting at the dining area table with a huge cake that read “Congrats On The New Job Dummy!”
“What…” Roman said, giving them both baffled looks.  “I started yesterday.”
“Yeah, but this was your last training day, right?” Remus said with a grin.  “So we got you a cake to celebrate your shift into seven hour shifts with not enough time to rest or sit down!”
Roman blinked at the cake for a minute, and Remus and Janus both smiled at him and picked it up to display it a little.
“Oh,” Roman said, swallowing past a lump in his throat.  “Okay.”
He walked forward before either Remus or Janus could ask about the tone of his voice and plastered a giant smile on his face.  “Thanks, guys,” he said, and at least he really meant that part.  “This means a lot.”
“Course, dummy,” Remus said, leaning forward and ruffling his hair.  “You know we’re proud of you, right?”
Roman swallowed past a bigger lump in his throat and widened his smile.
“I’ll go get a large sharp knife now!” Remus called happily, and started for the kitchen.
“Oh lord,” Roman muttered.
“I think I should supervise that,” Janus said with a smirk at Roman.  “But good job, Roman.”
“Thanks Janus,” Roman said with a smaller smile up at him.
Janus picked up the cake and headed into the kitchen with Remus to get a knife, and Roman pulled out his phone again to avoid focusing on all the emotions rushing through him right now.  He could deal with them later.
Unfortunately, it seemed Logan wasn’t going to let that be the case, because on his phone was a text from him.
 Logan: I had quite a bit of fun with you today Roman.  I hope we can do that again sometime.  You are an enjoyable person to spend time with.
 Roman set his phone down, called that he was going to the bathroom, and vanished down the hall.
As soon as he made it to the bathroom, he shut and locked the door.  He managed to make his way over to the toilet and sit down on top of it before he started sobbing quietly into his hands.
Okay.  Maybe he’d been a little wrong.
Maybe he wouldn’t be alone alone.
Next time, it felt a little easier to talk to Virgil.  And now that it didn’t feel quite so raw, Roman really did have questions for him.  So, when there was a break between customers and they were restocking supplies, Roman glanced over and called, “Virgil?”
Virgil glanced back at him.  “Yeah?”
“Can I… can I ask why you don’t want a soulmate?”
Virgil immediately looked away uncomfortably.
“You don’t have to answer,” Roman said quickly, despite how desperate he was to know.
“It’s really that big of a deal?” Virgil asked, looking hesitantly back over at him.  “It’s really that big of a deal to just… not be looking for a partner right now?”
“Right now?” Roman asked, and suddenly he could see a wall go up in Virgil’s eyes.
“Hey,” he said immediately, leaning away.  “Don’t count on it.”
Roman bit his lip and looked away.  “But why?” he asked.
“Because I don’t like the idea that I owe so much to someone I barely know,” Virgil said.  “I don’t like the idea of changing my life for someone who isn’t me.  Before I know if we’re compatible, before I know how they’ll treat me, before I know if I like them as a person.”
“But…” Roman shook his head in confusion.  “We’re soulmates.”
“So doesn’t all of that stuff kind of… work itself out?”
Virgil’s gaze darkened.  “Says who?”
Roman blinked in surprise.  He didn’t know how to answer that.
Before he could even try, the bell rang, and Virgil turned around to help the customer that came through the door.
And Roman wasn’t sure why, but he found himself unable to stop thinking about what Virgil said.  Did he really not believe that they’d be compatible, or that he’d like Roman as a person, or… that Roman would treat him well?
Was that the issue?  Because he would treat Virgil well.  He’d been dreaming about having a soulmate his whole life, of course he’d treat Virgil well.  When they both got off at around 3:00, Roman brought this up to Virgil.
“You know,” he said, as they both started towards the staff parking lot.  “If you’re worried about how I’m going to treat you, I can assure you—”
“Ugh, no, oh my god!” Virgil groaned, throwing his hands up.  “See, this?  This is what drives me crazy.  You focused on that reason?  I’m not worried that you wouldn’t treat me well.  I’m honestly far more worried about whether or not we’d be compatible.”
“But…” Roman gave him a baffled look.  “We’re soulmates.”
“I. Don’t. Know. You,” Virgil said firmly.  “The fact that we’re soulmates does not automatically mean we’re going to work out.”
“Of course it does,” Roman said in confusion.
“Really?  You don’t know stories about people whose relationships with their soulmates fell apart?  You don’t know people who were soulmates with someone that just did not make sense for them?  You don’t know someone who was treated badly by their soulmate?  And that’s not my main point, so don’t focus on that again,” Virgil snapped as Roman opened his mouth.
“My point is,” he said as he reached his car.  “Having a universe stamp of approval does not mean people don’t have to put in work to make relationships work.  Ask yourself this.  Do you really care about who I am as a person, or do you just know I’m your soulmate?”
Roman stared at him.  “What?”
“See you tomorrow,” Virgil said, and climbed into his car.
Roman walked over to his car too, but he sat in it and didn’t leave for a while.
What… what did he know about Virgil?  He knew he worked in a coffee shop.  He knew he could be a little rude.  He knew he was Roman’s soulmate.  And… and…
Roman’s eyes widened.  That was it.
Oh, Roman didn’t like that feeling at all.
“I’m an actor,” Roman said, during a pause the next day.
Virgil looked over at him.  “What?”
“I’m an actor,” Roman said.  “I have a few auditions coming in a couple months.  I want to act.”
Virgil stared at him.  “Good for you?”
“What do you want to do?”
Virgil narrowed his eyes suspiciously.  “Why?”
“Because… you said I didn’t know anything about you,” Roman admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.  “And you were right.  So I’m trying to amend that.”
Virgil narrowed his eyes further.  “I’m not going to date you, Roman.”
Roman winced.  “I… I know,” he said, though the idea hurt badly to admit.  “That’s not why I’m asking.”
Virgil didn’t look like he quite believed him, but after a second, he said, “I’m a songwriter.”
Roman lit up.  “You’re a poet?”
“What?  No, I— I mean, I guess technically.  But that’s not exactly how I’d describe it.  Besides,”  He closed the box of creams he was restocking and gestured around them.  “Doesn’t really pay that well.”
“Neither does having an acting degree,” Roman said with a small smile, and Virgil snorted.
The bell jingled, and Roman turned to help the customer coming in while Virgil put the creams away.
It was the part of the day when things slowed down, meaning no one came in after that customer left and Roman could turn back to Virgil.
“What are the chances I could hear one of your songs?” he asked.
“About as high as the chances of getting a date,” Virgil said, patting Roman on the shoulder as he walked past to start another batch of coffee.
Roman winced again, though thankfully Virgil didn’t see it that time.  That still stung.  But it wasn’t… it wasn’t Virgil’s fault.  Roman would get over it eventually.
And in the meantime, that didn’t mean he couldn’t still enjoy Virgil’s company as a friend and have that be good too.  Because once Roman started asking, it turns out there were a ton of great things about Virgil.
“Wait. A. Second,” Roman said, slamming his hands down on the counter one day, as soon as the last customer in line left and he recognized what Virgil was humming.  “Is that Poor Unfortunate Souls?”
“What?  No,” Virgil said immediately, turning away from Roman.
“It is.  Oh my god, it is!  Virgil, that sounds so good!”
“I was humming dude, it didn’t sound that good,” Virgil muttered, ducking his head down.
“Except it did though!” Roman said, clapping his hands together.  “And now since you’ve brought it up totally intentionally, we’re going to talk Disney!”
“You like Disney?” Virgil asked, glancing over at him.
“I’m a gay man trying to work in theatre, Virgil, I don’t know why you’re surprised.”
“Well, I— oh, shut up.”
“But I’m guessing your tone of voice means that you like Disney too, so go on then.”  Roman leaned his hand onto his chin.  “Favorite movie, favorite villain, favorite song.”
“The Black Cauldron, Ursula, and Sally’s Song.”
“Sally’s Song?”
“It counts!  And that movie was sick!”
“Hm, I can’t deny that,” Roman admitted with a shrug.
“Alright, your turn then,” Virgil said, crossing his arms.
“I can’t choose amongst any of my darling babies!” Roman said, pressing a hand to his chest.
“What?  Dude, unfair, you made me pick!”
“Hey!” called a voice from the back, and both Virgil and Roman winced and turned around.
“You don’t get paid to stand around and talk,” Carol said with her hands on her hips.  “Back to work, both of you.”
Both of them did turn back around, but as Virgil was about to start over to the fridge, he leaned over to Roman and hissed “Cheater.”
Roman gasped in offense and spun around, but Virgil was already gone.
“Evanescence?  Really?” Roman asked, wrinkling his nose slightly.
“Hey, don’t judge it before you try it,” Virgil said, writing down the amount of cups they had left on the inventory sheet.  The shop wasn’t technically closed, but they closed in five minutes, and the place was already dead, so they’d started inventory, and had gotten to talking about music while they did so.
“Besides, most of what you listen to is musicals,” Virgil said.
“I’m an actor.”
“Your point being?”
“That you’re an angsty teenager trapped in an adult’s body,” Roman said.
“Why thank you,” Virgil said, smirking over at him.  “Now go count the stir sticks.”
Roman stuck his tongue out but went to do just that.
“Besides,” Virgil said, and Roman perked up to listen.  “Too much mainstream music is about soulmates.”
Roman tensed slightly, but kept moving as normally as he could.  “What’s so wrong with that?”
“Nothing, I guess,” Virgil said, though it somehow sounded like he was wrinkling his nose.  “It’s just… everywhere.  You’re telling me you don’t notice?”
“I… like soulmate songs,” Roman said, setting the first pile of stir sticks aside.  “I think they’re sweet.”
“Some of them are alright,” Virgil said.  “But then there’s ones that talk about soulmates completing each other, and being two parts of a whole, and just… ugh.”
“What’s wrong with that?” Roman asked curiously, glancing over at Virgil.
“I’m supposed to wait for someone else to make me complete?” Virgil asked, turning and leaning back against the counter.  “Fuck that noise.  I don’t want to wait for someone else to start living my life.”
Roman suddenly couldn’t breathe quite right.  “You… but you don’t have to do that, though,” he said weakly.
“No, but that’s why I hate those songs,” Virgil said, rolling his eyes.  “I’m enough all by myself, thank you very much.”
Roman blinked, and now he couldn’t breathe for a very different reason.  “You really think that?” he asked.
Virgil raised an eyebrow, and Roman immediately backtracked.
“No, that’s not— I don’t mean I’m questioning you,” he said.  “I just mean… that’s kind of… cool.”
“Uh.  Thanks, I guess,” Virgil said, turning back around.  “I mean, I’m not saying I have super high self esteem, or something like that.  Lord knows I don’t.  But… I don’t need someone else to be a whole, complete person.”
Roman blinked again, looking down at the floor.  “Yeah?” he asked.
“What, you think I need you in order to be complete?” Virgil asked, shooting a smirk over his shoulder.
Roman laughed at the idea.  “Definitely not,” he said with a small grin, and Virgil grinned back.
There was a stretch of silence, and Roman turned back around.
“You don’t need me to be complete either, you know,” Virgil said, and Roman went still.
“That goes both ways,” Virgil said.
“Yeah,” Roman muttered, gathering up the stir sticks.
“Hey, I mean it, dummy,” Virgil said, walking suddenly up alongside him, and causing Roman to look over.  “You had a life before you met me.  That life is not any less real or important because I wasn’t in it.”
Roman looked at him for a second, but didn’t say anything, and eventually, Virgil turned away.
“Why are soulmates so important to you anyway?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” Roman said quietly.  He almost said that they were important to everyone.  But then… that wasn’t true.  They weren’t important to Virgil.  And that wasn’t… why they were important to him.  They were important to him because… because of the disappointment in his parents eyes.  Because of the worry in his friends’ and his brother’s.
“My brother has his soulmate,” he said.  “My best friend has his soulmate.  I just have… no one.”
“No, you have your brother and your best friend,” Virgil said, giving him a look.  “They count.”
“Not to my parents,” Roman said with a light chuckle.
“Then your parents fucking suck,” Virgil said, and Roman coughed in surprise.
“What?  They do.  Your worth doesn’t depend on whether or not you have a soulmate.”
Roman stopped and leaned back against the counter.  “No one’s ever told me that before,” he said quietly.
“Well it’s about time someone did then,” Virgil said.
Roman looked up and saw real sympathy in his eyes.  He bit his lip.  “I really like you Virgil,” he said, and when Virgil tensed, he continued.
“Not as a soulmate,” he said, and Virgil relaxed.  “I just mean… you’re… good.”
“I’m good?” Virgil asked, smirking.
“Shut up, you just dropped like six existential questions on me, you can’t expect my words to work!” Roman exclaimed, and Virgil laughed.
“Well, you’re good too, Roman,” Virgil said, and his eyes were sparkling a little bit, and Roman smiled at him, his chest feeling warm.
This… was not what he’d expected having a soulmate to be.  But the part of him that wasn’t aching kind of liked this better.
Remus and him weren’t really the type to talk about deep things.  Roman could count on one hand the times that it had happened, in all honesty.  Which is why it was understandable Remus gave him a baffled look when Roman asked him over breakfast that Saturday why he was dating Janus.
Or maybe that was the fact that to him, the question might not be so deep.  Roman was beginning to realize it wasn’t common for people to think about why they dated their soulmates.
This second assumption was proven right a second later when Remus said, “Uh, cause he’s my soulmate?  You feeling okay, Ro?”
“No, that’s not exactly what I meant,” Roman said, but now he was realizing he didn’t know how to ask what he really wanted to hear an answer to.
Had conversations about soulmates used to be this difficult?  Or was this just Virgil’s fault?
“What do you mean then?” Remus asked, still looking baffled.
Roman thought for a minute, then hesitantly asked, “What do you like about Janus?”
Remus’ eyes lit up, and at least he didn’t look confused anymore.  “Oh, he’s witty, and he’s sarcastic, and he’s caring in his own super weird way, and he’s weird, and he likes being weird, and he likes that I’m weird!  And he knows exactly how to make me laugh, and he knows all my favorite foods, and he’s fucking gorgeous.  And he’s also really good at sex—”
“Okay, I did not need that last bit, Remus!” Roman exclaimed, and Remus cackled.
“But honestly, what don’t I like about Janus?” he said, leaning over onto his elbow, with a slightly dreamy smile, and Roman couldn’t help but smile too at how happy he looked.
“Do you think you work well together?” he asked.
But that didn’t work, because now Remus just gave another look of confusion.  “Well, yeah,” he said.  “We’re soulmates.”
Roman’s displeasure must have shown on his face, because now Remus just looked even more confused.  “What did I say wrong?”
“I… I don’t know, exactly,” Roman said.  “I just… did you only start dating Janus because he was your soulmate?”
Remus blinked.  “Are you looking for another reason?”
Roman sat back in his chair.  “I… I think I might be,” he said, but more to himself than to Remus.  “I mean, Remus… would you still love Janus even if he wasn’t your soulmate?”
“Uh, yeah,” Remus said.  “Duh.”
“But you only started dating him because he was your soulmate.”
“Yeah, and?”
“You’re certain you would have still fallen for him, would have still noticed him, without your soulmarks?”
“I… I don’t know.  I don’t like that question.”
Roman gave a short laugh.  “You and me both,” he muttered.
Remus stared at him.  “What does that mean?”
“Nothing.  I’m just thinking about a lot of things for the first time,” Roman said, standing up.
“Don’t worry about it,” Roman said, waving Remus off and heading over towards the futon.  “Just something a coworker asked me the other day.”
“You’re thinking about this stuff because of a coworker?” Remus asked.
Roman turned back around, biting his lip.  “A friend,” he amended, because it felt right, and explaining to Remus everything that was going on felt like way too much effort at this point.
That didn’t mean he was done, though.  And this time, when he pulled out his phone to text Logan, he asked the same question with intention.
 Roman: Hey Logan, why did you start dating Patton?
 There was a moment before Logan responded, and when he did, it was what Roman expected, but not exactly what he wanted to hear.
 Logan: Because he is my soulmate.  I’m sorry, I think I’m a little confused by this question, Roman.  Is that what you meant to ask?
 Roman huffed and flopped back on the couch.  He was starting to really dislike this.  Why was it that this was bothering him so much all of a sudden?  If he and Virgil had started dating the moment they met, Roman would likely have given the exact same response— that he started dating Virgil because he was his soulmate.  But now that felt like a problem, and no one else saw it as such, and he didn’t even understand why it felt like that to him.
But then again… maybe there was a way to bring them all on this confusing journey with him?
 Roman: Can you and Patton come over here?  I have something to tell you all.
It was just before lunch that everyone managed to get there, and they all seemed awake enough to talk (even Janus, though he was largely the reason it took a while).  They all sat at the kitchen table, and Roman looked out at all of them and tried to figure out where to start.
“So,” he said.  “On my first day at work, I met Virgil.”
Immediately everyone’s faces brightened, and Roman realized he definitely shouldn’t have stared it that way.
“No, wait,” he said, holding up his hands.  “This isn’t a good thing.  Or— or it is, it definitely is, but it’s also not, and it’s also confusing, and also I’m starting to think soulmates aren’t exactly all they’re claimed to be.  Oh, but no offense to you guys!  I’m not talking about you guys I’m just talking about… I don’t know what I’m talking about.  But it’s weird and it’s confusing and also I think this is ultimately going to be a good thing and… yeah.”
Everyone was staring at him in bafflement, and Roman couldn’t exactly blame them.
“Uh, okay, let me start over,” he said.
“Please do,” Janus said.
“So uh… Virgil doesn’t want to date me.”
Everyone’s eyes snapped open in shock.
“What?” Remus said, looking almost angry.  “That’s ridiculous!  You’re you, you’re totally worth it!”
“Remus, he’s not required to date me,” Roman said, crossing his arms.
“But why wouldn’t he want to?” Patton asked in confusion.  “You’re soulmates.”
“Yeah,” Roman said, looking up thoughtfully.  “Yeah, we are.  And I think I’m starting to realize that doesn’t… that doesn’t have to mean anything.”
Now everyone just looked confused again.  God, why did this have to be so hard?
“No, just listen,” Roman said.  “I… I’ve been wanting to meet Virgil like he’s an oasis in a desert.  I thought meeting him was going to fix all of my problems and my life would just fall into place.  But that’s… not fair.  That’s too much to put on Virgil, not when he doesn’t know me.  And even if he did know me!  I can’t expect someone else to solve all my problems for me.”
“But… you’re soulmates,” Patton said again.
“We are, but…” Roman struggled for the words for a second.  Eventually, he turned to face Remus.  “Look, you said you think I’m worth it, right?  Worth what exactly?”
Remus blinked.  “Uh, I don’t know.  Worth dating?  Worth trying for?”
“But that still requires the trying part,” Roman said.
Remus nodded slowly.  “So… you and Virgil are going to start dating later?”
“No,” Roman said, shaking his head.  “Because trying doesn’t automatically mean succeeding.  And Virgil doesn’t want to date me.  And I’m not going to force him.”
“But you want to date him,” Janus said.  “Don’t you?”
“I…” Roman hesitated.  His automatic response was yes, but for some reason that didn’t feel right.  “I do… but I don’t… I don’t know.  I don’t understand it all either.  Look, I just…”  He sighed.
After a second, he looked back around at everyone.  “Did you… did you guys care about me less before I met Virgil?”
“What?  No, that’s ridiculous,” Remus said, and everyone else nodded in agreement.
“Really?  Because I think I kinda did.”
Logan’s eyes widened.  “What?  Roman—”
“I mean, you know what Mom and Dad are like,” Roman said, glancing at Remus.  “And you all—” he gestured around— “have each other.  I think I was holding onto Virgil like an ideal of that, and not really… trying to care about myself in the meantime.”
“Roman,” Patton said in concern, jumping up and moving around the table so he could wrap his arms around him.
Roman squeezed him back, but then pulled back as something else clicked in his head.  “And that was part of the problem,” he said, looking around.  “I didn’t want to date Virgil.  I wanted to date my soulmate.”
Now everyone looked confused again.
“Roman, Virgil is your soulmate,” Logan said.
“Yes, but I wanted to date the ideal, remember?” Roman said.  “I wanted what a soulmate would give to me.  Mom and Dad’s respect, and all the happiness you guys have.  I didn’t actually care about getting to know Virgil.”
“And… now?” Janus asked hesitantly.
Roman smiled widely.  “Now he’s a friend that I really like,” Roman said.  “And that… well, I think that will be good enough for me.  Not now, it still kind of… it still kind of aches.  But I think it will be.”
Patton leaned in and wrapped his arms around him again.  “We do not need you to be dating Virgil in order to love you,” he murmured to Roman.
Roman reached out and squeezed him back.  After a second, Remus joined the hug from the other side, and then Logan, and then Janus.
“I’m sorry I didn’t realize that’s how you were feeling, Ro-bro,” Remus said into his shoulder.  “You know Mom and Dad are just stupid sometimes, right?”
“Well… no,” Roman admitted.  “But I’m getting there.”
“Okay,” Remus said, squeezing him tighter.
“Ack, Remus, you’re squeezing my throat,” Roman wheezed.
“Choking is how I show love.”
“Can we move to the couch?”
“Absolutely, I call a movie night!” Patton called.
“It’s 11AM,” Janus said, raising an eyebrow.
“Movie morning, then,” Patton said, waving his hand dismissively.
“I’ll make some popcorn then,” Logan said, adjusting his glasses as he stood up.  “I’ll meet you all there.”
“Roman, you get to choose the movie!” Patton called, grabbing Roman by the arm and dragging him towards the futon.
“He’ll just pick something Disney,” Remus groaned as he followed him.
“Yes, and you love me for it,” Roman said with a grin at him.
And as they all settled down on the futon, and Roman pulled up Frozen, he found himself wondering how he ever thought he needed a faceless soulmate to fix these already amazing relationships.
It took a while, but Roman did start feeling better about himself.  It came with a lot of validation from his friends, which now included Virgil, and skipping going home for the holidays, using work as an excuse.
He had gotten some paying roles, including some of the ones he’d been trying for when he first started working at the coffee shop, but he was still working there for a number of reasons.
One of them was money, because the roles he’d gotten weren’t enough to support him full time, and the other was… Virgil.  Because the universe was cruel, and the moment he’d decided he was okay, really okay, with not dating His Soulmate, he’d realized that now he just kind of really, really wanted to date Virgil.
And that was just unfair.
In all honesty, it wasn’t a huge problem.  He’d meant it when he said being friends with Virgil would be good enough for him.  Because friendship with Virgil was amazing.  He was clever and snarky and arguing with him (respectfully) was actually really fun.  When they’d started hanging out outside of work, they’d discovered that they could find common ground in enjoying going to shows, even if Virgil didn’t love acting in them like Roman did.
“I am a techie or an audience member, and don’t you forget it,” he said.
Roman also discovered that he could enjoy going to concerts with Virgil, yes, even Evanescence ones.  It was just fun.  Really, really fun.
They actually did still talk about soulmates from time to time, but now it was closer to the lines of friendly debates and complaining (because yes, once Roman started paying attention, there really were way too many soulmate songs).  They almost never brought up the fact that they were soulmates anymore.  It didn’t seem important.
Roman had noticed Virgil giving him strange looks from time to time, but he hadn’t thought much of it.  There had usually been some other kind of context he could attribute it to.  And he knew by this point that if it was something really important, they’d talk about it.
…And they ended up doing just that.
It finally came up one night when they had a closing shift together and were doing inventory in the coffee shop.
Roman was humming one of Virgil’s songs that he’d finally been allowed to listen to, and he wasn’t really paying a ton of attention as he was moving from task to task.  This unfortunately meant that as he finished dumping out the coffee and set the now empty containers aside, he turned and ran right into Virgil, who was holding an armful of coffee cups.
“Shit,” Virgil said, ducking down to pick them all up.
“Sorry Virgil,” Roman said, doing the same.  They each gathered up half of the pile, but then when they moved to stand up, they ended up standing inches from each other, practically nose to nose.
And Virgil made just about the most adorable squeak Roman had ever heard and ducked away from him.
Well, then.  What was that?
“Virgil?” Roman asked, following him over to the other side of the room where the coffee cups were kept.  “Virgil, are you alright?”
“I’m fine,” Virgil said, his voice sounding much higher in pitch than it usually did.
“Are you sure, because you—”
“Roman,” Virgil snapped, unfortunately turning around and ending up right up against Roman’s nose again.
“I—” Virgil said weakly.  “I just—”
Roman started to grin.  “Virgil,” he said, adding a slight tease to his tone.  “You know, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re acting like you have a cru—”
“Don’t,” Virgil snapped.  “Don’t say it.”
“Say what?” Roman asked innocently.  “Crush?  Say that you’re acting like you’ve got a little crush on m—”
“Roman,” Virgil said, burying his hands in his hair, which is when Roman realized they were shaking.
“Woah, hang on,” Roman said, putting his armful of cups down and pulling Virgil’s hands down from his hair.  “Virgil, are you okay?”
“No!” Virgil snapped.  “I’m not okay!  I’m a fucking hypocrite, Roman!”
He turned and stormed over to the break area, then sank into a chair and buried his head in his hands.
Roman blinked at him for a second, before slowly walking over.  “And why exactly are you a hypocrite?” he asked.
“I talk so much,” Virgil said, dragging his hands through his hair.  “I talk so much about how you shouldn’t date your soulmate just because the universe shoves them at you!  But it’s just talk!  It’s just talk because then the universe shoved you at me and I just fucking—”  He buried his head in his hands again.  “I’m just such a fucking hypocrite,” he mumbled.
“Virgil,” Roman said, smiling a little despite himself.  “You’re not a hypocrite.”
“No?  Because I think it would be really great to date you, Roman!” Virgil said, looking up at him.  “That’s what I think!  I think I like you and I think I’d like to date you!  And I gave you so much grief about that when we first met, and I was just slow to get with the program, I guess!”
“Hey, woah,” Roman said, sitting down across from Virgil.  “I am so glad we did not date when we first met.  I was not in the right place for that, Virgil.”
Virgil grumbled something unintelligible.
“Virgil,” Roman said.  “Can I ask you something?”
Virgil pulled his head up.  “What?”
“Do you want to date me because I’m your soulmate?”
“What?” Virgil wrinkled his nose.  “No.  It’s cause you’re Roman, dummy.  You’re smart and you’re creative and you’re talented and you’re sweet and—”
Roman raised an eyebrow, and Virgil swallowed.
“Yes, oh,” Roman said with a slightly teasing smile.  “Besides, Virgil, the freedom to not date your soulmate doesn’t mean much if you’re not also free to date your soulmate if you want to.”
“I just— I told myself for my whole life I wasn’t going to do that,” Virgil muttered.
“Well, I told myself for my whole life that I was,” Roman said with a shrug.  “Your turn.”
Virgil snorted.  “Asshole.”
“Aww, you know you love me.”
Virgil laughed again, and looked hopefully up at Roman.  “You— what does that all mean then?”
“It means I think I’d really like to be yours,” Roman said, leaning closer.  “Not your soulmate.  Just your Roman.”
Virgil’s eyes were shining.  “I think I’d really like to be your Virgil too,” he said, leaning in.  He looked unsure for another second.  “And if the world thinks we’re just doing this because we’re soulmates?”
“Then the world is being just as stupid as it always is,” Roman said, rolling his eyes.  “We don’t have to let it dictate what we do.”
Virgil started smiling.  “Okay,” he said.  “Would you kiss me then?”
“With pleasure,” Roman crooned, and he leaned in and cupped the side of Virgil’s face.
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Happy pride month!!
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Holy that's a lot of tags (fixed it because I used the wrong flag for one of them)
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asksuccubussides · 5 months
What if you were an asexual succubus, wouldn't that be fucked up or what
Chapter 10
Masterpost of chapters
When a demon is speaking in their native language (Demon) the text looks like this
11 days since Remus was cast out of hell
Virgil had been sitting on pins and needles ever since he'd gotten the string of texts from Janus talking about what an absolute buffoon asshole motherfucker of a muppet sod Remus was. When the door to their dorm opened and Janus came in it felt like he could finally breathe for the first time in over an hour.
"If you say I told you so I will jump out of that window" Janus said before Virgil even had a chance to open his mouth.
From head to toe Janus was dripping wet with his clothes smelling musty and his nose red from the cold. He yanked a bathrobe and some warm clothes from the drawer before turning to leave again.
"I'm retreating into the shower"
While his roomate was gone Virgil put on some warm water for tea, mostly to keep his hands busy. Personally he only ever drank energy drinks so the only reason he kept buying tea bags and honey was because he knew Janus liked it. He spun around on the desk chair while waiting for him to get back. getting back into bed wasn't even on his mind.
Finally Janus came back but all he did was quietly put his wet clothes against the radiator to dry them before rolling onto his bed with his face against the wall and his arms tightly wrapped around himself. Virgil pushed the chair to scoot closer to the bed.
"So like is this one of the times where I should summon a spectre to haunt him or?"
"Oh yeah throw the next worst Bond movie onto him. That'll work great" Janus muttered back.
"You know I meant ghost!....So Cryptid then? Monster of the black lagoon? A gremlin?"
"He already is one!"
"Sure. Okay dude are you just planning on moping and whining all evening-"
"YES! Yes I am! I love moping and I adore whining! They're some of my favorite activities to do ever in the whole universe!"
Virgil crossed his arms against the back of chair and let out a long sigh while sinking his head aginst his arms "You know I'm sorry about saying that uh whole thing earlier right?"
"Oh please Viv Do remind me of exactly what you're apologizing for and add some extra groveling while you're at it"
He let out another sigh "I'm sorry for like saying you chose to have energy to hang with Remus but not to like go to class or buy groceries or something. I know you can't control your energy! Or your pain levels! Or anything like that! I knooow. I was just being a bitch"
"Yes you were!" Janus turned around to face his friend.
"Alright so what happened then?"
"Nothing! He just decided to ask me about my scar right when we were about to- about to" Janus waved his hand around in the air "Which is such a normal and nice thing to do! Nothing wrong with that!" Virgil swung side to side with the chair while waiting for his friend to continue. Jan nervously scratched at his nails "Iit's such an enjoyable feeling to just know that he's laughing about me right about now"
He looked to Virgil as if searching for if his friend would agree with him or not. To his surprise his friend moved away from the chair to sit down beside him on the bed and with some hesitation Virgil held out his arms to embrace him.
Normally Janus wasn't much of a hugger but it had been such a long time since Virgil last accepted any physical touch from him, aside from to calm him during panic attacks, that he hugged his friend like it was a single drop of water in a vast desert. He let his head lean against his friend's shoulder and closed his eyes as he pressed his fingers tightly against his back.
Virgil counted the seconds as they embraced. He hoped Janus didn't notice as he angled his face so he could ever so carefully breathe in the smell of the other man as a few strands curls tickled his nose. He moved his arms closer around Janus' back and lingered on the feeling of his chest touching his.
"People are just shitty Jan. It's like Paramore said, Everyone is a bad guy!"
"Ah yes the very famous Paramore lyric"
"It's from their latest album okay" Virgil moved back from the hug and held his hands against Janus' shoulders at an arms length "....Sometimes when the anxiety is all over me I just blurt shit out...Maybe..." On the inside Virgil was kicking at himself for showing Remus some grace but if he could make his friend feel any better it might be worth it "Maybe he was just anxious over uhm whatver you were doing and just shat some random sentence out"
"Hmm maybe" Janus replied without really speaking directly to him, more like a musing out into the air.
"Alright now we forget about that twat and we can watch the new scream film"
"Karma's a very nice lady and she knows I've done nothing wrong ever" Janus continued while smiling to himself.
"That's right"
"And shes's going to make sure Remus gets a brick thrown through his window any night now"
"Sure dude!"
"And that he slips in the shower"
"He would have been lucky to even breathe the same air as me"
Virgil tried to playfully dunk his fist against Janus' shoulder but instead his hand slipped and he awkwardly butted his fingers against the other man's neck "Okay let's not go that far. Why do we have to bring up uhhh romantic stuff. Why? Who nee- I mean. We're- We are living the nice bachelor life right? College yaaaayyy" He said it in the least energetic way possible "Just two dudes hanging out. No uh dates needed right!?"
Though Janus' expression didn't change one bit he silently thought he'd made his (sadly straight) friend uncomfortable by talking about his date with Remus too much. He mimicked the dunking of his fist against Virgil's neck before patting him on the shoulder.
"Ssssure, let's watch whatever Scream film you want to show me so badly"
At about the same time on the other side of town Remus staggered out of a club toilet stall and gave way to let the human he'd fed off pass by him and leave. He continued to stumble forward towards the bathroom sink and leant over it but crossed his hands over his mouth to stop himself from puking since he knew he couldn't waste it. He swallowed the puke back before smashing the bathroom mirror with his tail and chuckled when a random bystander got startled by the sound.
He stumbled out from the bathroom and pushed warm bodies away from him to try and get out of the club. If he stayed any longer he would start arguing to himself that since he'd already been punished for trying to eat a human once he could surely try once again.
A presence beckoned him halfway across the crowd and when he looked up he saw the top of a pair of blue horns peak over the heads of the humans. The hair on Remus' arms raised at the sight of a fellow demon and he began to swat humans away with his tail to get across the room. As he got closer he became sure it wasn't any succubi he recognised but damn any succubi at all was Amazing news!!
Remus grabbed onto the fellow demon and let up into a wide grin to which the succubi let up into a smile and held their hand against his shoulder with the same warmth as a bus driver waving to a fellow bus driver has. They took a quick look at him but their eyes stayed at the white patch of his hair as their smile slowly died out on.
"E- Excuse me but I'm working" The succubi spat out while beginning to back away from him.
All Remus could do was hold onto them even harder as his mind raced for a way to communicate. Some piece of paper nearby he could write on maybe. Maybe he could write in the dirt outside.
"I really have to go"
His nails started to dig into their skin. If he could just get them to open a door home!
"I don't want a white hair to touch me....Please"
In desperation he started to gesture to his mouth before trying to mimick the motion of writing. He even tried signing in hope of the tiny chance that the succubi would somehow understand.
The succubi swatted at his head with their hands to try and get him away "You're a Patton! I don't want to get in trouble for helping a Patton! Fucking traitor!"
Remus grip around the succubi's shoulders crumbled the second he was called a Patton. His legs felt weak and his hands shook as he watched the stranger turn and expand their wings so they could fly away as soon as they got out of the door.
The club music continued to blare into his eyes but he couldn't hear any of it. A Patton. A Patton. A Patton.
His eyes pierced onto the nearest human he could see and tore the bottle out of their hands to throw it at the wall. As the glass shattered onto the floor he tried to scream but as usual not a single sound came.
12 days since Remus was cast out of hell
"You are looking unwell" Logan commented at the end of his english lesson.
The two demons were sitting in the tiny office Logan was using as a substitute teacher. It was where he held the private lessons to the succubi. The instructions Remus had gotten for today was to memorize some verbs but at this point he'd gotten so bored he'd started to eat the paper.
The succubi spat out the paper and wrote in the saliva slicken mess 'Fed last night'.
"As far as I am aware we are supposed to look and feel rejuvinated after feeding, though I suppose just as some humans become sleepy after a feast and some energetic we are the same"
'Im just kinda fucked up'.
"Nobody is 'fucked up'. We are all different variations of functioning" He eyed the clock on the wall and began to shuffle his papers together "It has been an hour. I will see you in two days. Same time"
The older man abruptly stood up from his desk but he didn't even get to the door before Remus had wrapped himself around Logan's leg. He was sitting on the floor with his arms tightly crossed around his leg like a little kid.
Logan looked down at him "You can not keep doing this at the end of every lesson. You are well aware i have my own private life outside of this that I would like to spend my non working hours on"
Remus shook his head and only let go with one of his arms so he could gesture in the air the motion of writing.
"Do you have something productive to say?"
He nodded violently.
After prying the succubi away from his leg Logan gave him a paper and pen and waited patienly by the door for him to finish writing. Remus scribbled down a description of what he and Janus had done on the date before ending it with 'Can I kill him now?'
After skimming the text Logan gave him an unimpressed look "People typically have more intense physical touch than this during sport games. I doubt this is hardly enough to be deemed a sin" He sighed but let his expression ease a little as he saw Remus shrink in on himself "But it was a good first attempt. If you keep working on it you will surely see results"
16 days
Remus had been living in the corners of the library ever since he came to earth. When the janitor closed he simply hung to the ceiling by his tail until everything was dark and quiet. He waited and hoped to catch Janus either studying or working but up until now he'd had no luck.
Butterflies filled his stomach as he saw the librarian ending their shift and being replaced by Janus. He had to excitedly tap his feet into the ground to keep himself from immediately running and pouncing on him. The demon watched from a distance as Janus paid half a mind to pretending to look busy by the front desk. The human had dark bags under his eyes and he was still wearing the same skirt he had had on the date. When only a few people were around Remus went forward while grinning ear to ear.
"Jannie!!" His voice had gone hoarse from being unable to speak for a several days.
The human only looked up to give him an annoyed glance "I am already having bad back pain today, I dont need a headache as well"
"I was-"
"I am working" He interrupted "Unless you need help in some librarian way you can't talk to me"
Remus kept his eyes on Janus the entire time as he backed up to the nearest bookshelf, grabbed a random book and procedded to tear out a page before stuffing the paper into his mouth. He went back up to the desk and slid the book towards the human,
"Hi I would like to report a fucked up book!" Remus' cheeks were still stuffed with paper as he muffled it out.
Janus let out a long sigh "It's not a burn scar, it's discolored skin grafts. Yes it's real. No I was not born with it nor did I do it to myself. And yes I do still have partial feeling in that half of my face so do not try to poke at me to check if I will react" He listed it off as if he had said it so many times it was planned "There. All of the information you would want, now you can leave and stop pestering me"
"Im working. Here let me show you" Janus tapped his finger into the desk "That was a dot. The end of the conversation. Bye! Have the most wonderful day! I hope you find succes in breaking both your legs!"
A small line had been created behind Remus and from what Logan had told him jobs were important to humans as well so for today he backed away.
17 days
Sleep hadn't come easy to Janus in a long time now but lately his thoughts consistently wandering to Remus didn't help. While tossing and turning all he could think about was the fuzzy hair creating a trail up his stomach, the way his arms had moved when he had taken his tank top of and most of all those damn shorts!
Somewhere at the back of his mind the instant shift in Remus' eyes as soon as the began to touch him replayed but it was hard to focus on it among all of the other impressions to rememeber.
After tossing and turning some more he finally decided to get up and go to the bathroom so he could touch himself without the fear of waking Virgil. Little did he know that Virgil had been laying awake just the same and as soon as Janus left the room he got up and moved to Janus' bed.
Virgil pushed his face into his roomate's pillow and took in the warmth that had been left.
19 days
It was nearing two o clock in the night when Remus sensed someone else in the library. He hid in his usual corner until he heard the person settling down by a table. His tail started to wag when he caught a faint whiff of the cologne Janus liked to wear though he decided to wait for a bit until sneaking forward since he didnt want to make it seem like he was stalking Jan.
Waiting even 15 minutes was like torture for Remus and not even the type of torture he would enjoy!!! After using up his entire supply of attention span he let himself drop down from the ceiling and inched forward to get a better view of Janus from behind the bookshelves.
The human was sitting by his usual table facing away from where the demon was hiding. Remus smiled to himself over how smart his human was. Though the demon soon noticed the way Janus' shoulders were shaking. He moved a little closer and heard a muffled cry.
The light from the computer was illuminating Janus' face making the rest of him look enveloped in shadow. unless Remus moved to the other side of the room he couldnt read his expression but he could just about make out what was written on the laptop. He'd seen similar pages open on Logan's computer sometime, someting about grading classes. Though it sort of looked like the page of Janus' computer was different from how the usual grading looked.
Every part of Remus' body urged for him to go forward and hold Janus but he knew in his mind this was one of those times him disturbing and being his annoying self was to be avoided. He silently stayed in the shadows until Janus had dried his tears and left.
23 days
"No! No! Put- put those back!" Virgil's words were twisting over each other to get out leaving a stuttering mess on his tongue "Stop packing your shit up! You're not moving! We're not moving! WHa- Why-"
"Sure Vivzy let me just put this fake candle from tesco back on this desk and everything will stay the exact same"
"Why didn't you tell me dude! 4 days! You've known for 4 fucking days! Just throwing a big life shitsurprise in my face so I can- I-"
Virgil's eyes stagnated and stayed staring unblinkingly at some spot in the air as his entire body crumpled in on itself. His shoulders bending inwards and his hands going up to his chest to drag the zipper of his hoodie up and down.
"Nononono" Janus let out in a single breathe. He reached his hands out and cupped Virgil's cheeks to make his friend face him. His eyes stayed unfocused looking right through him but it was better than staring at the air. "Long breathes Viv, long breathes"
He carefully took Virgil's hand in his and moved it against the pulse on his neck. He kept his breathing slow and gentle and waited for Virgil's eyes to focus on his.
"I've been trying to see if the collegeboard would let me keep living here and therefore I didn't want to tell you immediately incase everything would work out. Stressing out for no good doesn't help anyone does it now" Janus said while rubbing his thumb up and down Virgil's cheek "I failed my philosophy class Vivzy. It wasnt even close. Obviously that was my most dreaded least favorite not at all loved subject! If I couldnt even pass that I...I am not sure it is worth it to keep trying to get a deegree. I simply don't think my brain is built for the school system"
Virgil struggled between forcibly calm breathing to get out a few words "Your brain isn't wrong. You're smart"
He sighed softly "I know. I know. Such an insightful little nugget of wisdom. Sorry, couldn't stop the sarcasm. If everyone tells me i'm sssoo smart and that I have such a bright future in academics and I'm so bloody gifted and yet I can't function in this system what reason is there to not leave the system"
"You..can't leave me"
"Viiivzyy. Cmon now. Yes the moment I move I become legally unable to keep contact with any college student"
"But I live here and you're my roomate can't they-"
"Obviously i would neeeever ask that as my first thing. They told me that if I decide to drop out I have to move out in a month"
Virgil took a deep breathe "I can still study even if i have take the trolly every morning. We can look for an apartment together. We can live together! We're basically already doing that!"
"It won't be as cheap as here"
"Do they let you keep working as a help librarian?"
"great. And without the studies you have more time to work. And I can take more night shifts. We'll split the rent. Live in some shit place"
"Who abducted my Virgil and replaced you with someone just a tad bit optimistic" Janus said while letting go of his friend as he felt his breathing slow down and stagnate like normal "We can shoot a few shots to keep the rent low"
"No. JAN you cant bring up doing crimes! You know how fucking anxious even the thought makes me!"
"Do a few drugs"
"Publicly indecieve ourself even"
"Do my most favorite activity: tax evasion!"
"I'll do an ouija board seance and tell on your parents!"
Janus let up into a snort "Aww Vivzy, I could never leave you. We're like....BRothers!"
The other man's face went as pale as a sheet and it felt like his brain had just dropped to his stomach. Until Janus clapped his hands together and laughed so hard he had to turn away.
"Your face! Hah! I knew you would hate such a cheesy line!" He pretended to wipe away a tear "Ah nothing like some good comedy to cheer you up"
"..Right yea...It was too cheesy....That's why I reacted" Virgil hoped his blushing wasn't visible. He rolled his eyes "But I'm not helping you pack! That's what you get for stressing me out like that!"
"Aww no packing for lil ol me????"
"None of this furniture is ours. Im pretty sure you can handle putting all of those bottles of face creams in a box without breaking your arms"
Janus held his hands up and did an overly extra pout "You never know!"
Virgil let out a deep breathe before punching his friend in the shoulder "You asshole! You really fucked me up with thinking you were going to leave! Dont do that! Dude!!"
He continued to pout "Would playing boyfriend and girlfriend help? Like when were little? Cheer you uuuupp?"
"Shut up! You keep packing and I'll start looking for cheap rentals" Virgil was quiet for a minute before hesitantly asking "...So you are dropping out? For sure? Just like making extra sure here dude"
"Really sure?"
"...Okay then...Im glad or something dude I guess"
25 days
Remus arrived late to his lesson with Logan and didn't even bother to sit down before sliding a poster onto the desk right in front of the older demon. It was a poster showing all of the plays the local theather troupe was going to put on within the next 2 months.
"I understand that you are lonely but I can not say in honest that I have any particular interest in plays" Logan replied.
He shook his head and moved to write on the closest paper but Logan waved his hand to stop him.
"Could you try signing it to me? When I told my husband we couldn't communicate he thought it was a brilliant idea to learn sign language so therefore ever since I have been practicing"
Remus dumbed his signing down a lot and moved his hands slower than usual to help his teacher to understand 'My human loves theatre. Date idea. you understand. Need help which theatre I should invite human to?'
He gave Logan a look to see if he'd understood and in response Logan put on his reading glasses and skimmed the poster once more.
"Am I understanding it correctly as you intending to hear explanations of the plays plots from me so you can decide which to ask the person out on?"
The demon's tail wagged as he nodded.
"Well I might not be the most knowledgable on this particular topic however I am knowledgable in general and I unlike you have acess to google, in other words sure"
30 days
"Whos afraid of Virginia Woolf!" Remus exclaimed at the same time as he slammed a poster on to the front desk of the library.
Janus glanced at the poster before clapping with the least energy possible "Wow. Congratulations on learning how to read"
Once more Remus had gotten all jittery when he had seen Janus starting his shift at the library. This time he had already prepared a damaged book he'd found in one of the shelves so he would have a reason to talk to the human and he'd made sure to wait until all of the most impending work had been done. His human's shoulders had slumped as he worked like he was exhausted just from existing and his eyelids were dropping down threatening to close any second now.
Remus furrowed his eyebrows together and pointed at the poster again.
"In case you're genuinly asking I for one am not afraid of Ms. Woolf because she has been dead for quite some time now and I am quite sure I could easily defend myself against a rotting corpse. A remarkable cool death though. Anyhow, I am working. Goodbye"
Janus took ahold of a cart with a few large bookstacks on top and started walking around shelf to shelf and placing the books into the correct order. It only made Remus walk beside him instead.
"You like plays! I remember! You said so! I asked teacher Logan about it and I think you would like it!! it has uhh lying and trickery and deceiving! And it has Wolf in the title. Logan said my name means wolf" He had a stupid smile on his face as he said it.
"Really, I thought your name meant that you're the less interesting twin" Janus muttered back while continuing to put up books without looking at the other man.
Remus pressed his face up against the bookcase to try and get Janus to look at him "If I did something wrong you gotta say it! I am literally stupid!!! If you looked at my papers my gender marker would be write as idiot!"
In response Janus pushed the cart directly into Remus' abdomen so he was forced to move back "Oh great! Play the idiot card, What a classic! Are you planning on having me recite all of it so you can laugh about it. How sweet. Would love to go into every detail but I have to go and get an axe to chop your dick off with"
"Hah! Jokes on you! I would like that!"
"Actually I was lying. I can't afford an axe. Just this cart" He pushed the cart right into Remus' stomach again.
Remus grabbed onto the side of the cart to not fall over "If I did something say something! Was it- Did I suck at kissing? At sex? At driving? Everything??"
"Sweetie it's because you killed my beloved pet hamster"
"Wha- Noooo. I think I would remember that- Oh you were being sarcastic..." Remus replayed everything he could remember from the date as he continued to walk close behind his human. All of a sudden it was like a lightning bolt from the sky hit his head and he spat out "Was it cause I asked bout your face?"
Instead of a reply he simply got a glare.
"OooooOOh. OoooooOOOOOHHHHH. JANNIE! I didn't even think that has possibility to be the thing I did wrong! I had forgotten! I-"
"Don't even"
With another cart slam Remus was pushed out of the way and Janus continued down the shelf. The demon could feel his body turning cold down to his bones and he gulped back bile as sweet as heaven.
"DON'T YOU THINK I FEEL LONELY TOO!?" Remus yelled out.
Janus stopped and scowled at him for a moment before moving close to him and pressing a finger against his lip "Are you insane!?" He whispered "We're in a library you stupid muppet!"
Remus pushed his finger away and continued in a hushed tone "I haven't seen my brother or my friends in a month! YOU! You're the only fucker I have right now. Do you really think I'd give all that up for for some stupid fucking lie!? To insult you? For what? Tell me ONE thing that you think is worth jokes about that I am not more worse about!"
To both of theirs surprise tears welled up in Remus' eyes. Ever since getting cast out he'd been trying to hold them back and even now he fought to keep them from rolling down his cheek.
"You-" His voice cracked "You're the only one I have Jannie. Do you want a sorry 'cause I didnt think. I said stupid shit cause my brain is snot during sex and I hadn't noticed your scar until I was smooch drooling all over your cheek!"
Janus let out a scoff "You hadn't seen the scar covering half of my face until just then, well what a coincidence darling!"
"OKAy Okay I have not gouged eyes out yet! I did see but-" The argument, or rather, arguments he had had with his brother suddenly came to the surface of his mind and he took a deep breathe. He crossed his arms to form an X "Break time. I am not thinking clearly..I do not want to be mad and spew shit. Can I breathe for few seconds and explain then?"
The human was taken aback by it but nodded eventually. He leant up on his toes to wipe a tear away from Remus cheek "It's time for my break anyhow. Fancy a cup of tea?....You bastard" He added that last part to not give any impression of friendliness.
The demon trailed behind into the worker's tiny break room. Since Janus was alone on his current shift the two of them were the only ones in there. Remus sat down by a table and gathered himself while the other man made some tea.
"Honey or milk in it?" He asked over his shoulder.
"Salt and poison thanks"
" Of Courssse"
He sat the cups down on the table "Finished with breathing for a few seconds" Janus asked half sarcastically.
"Uhh yeahh. So you uhm I didn't do anything wrong except asking bout your face?"
"You did also ask it right when we were about to have gay sex so that was also very much appreciated" Janus had been hung up on the dead look in Remus eyes as soon as it started to become intimate but he didn't want to bring it up in case it was some sort of sore spot. He wasn't completely heartless after all.
"....Bad timing?...." He genuinly asked.
"Noooo. Perfect timing. No notes!"
"Ougghghg ouch. I did see your face when we meet but didnt think of it. Thinked as much about Virgils pimples when I saw him for first time. I only thought about your face because the uhm Texture...." he searched for the right word while snapping his fingers "The uhh feeling? The feeling of your skin was so new and cool and other good words-"
"I will actually throw you out the window if you even try to imply my scar makes me beautiful somehow. I am unbeliviable hot and beautiful" He said it in a completely neutral tone "And my scar does not add or subtract to that in any way. It's simply a part of my face. The only idiots who make a fuss about it are other people"
"No. No. Jan. Feeling! Cool feeling! I wanna like lick your face or rub me fingies to it. I don't think it is a whole thing"
Janus pretended to check his nails while still wearing gloves.
"My best friend" Remus continued but stopped as he didn't know how to explain the way having white hair made Remy...different "My best friend has similar stuff. That's why I know sign!" He remembered the incident at the club, the way the other succubi had looked at him the moment they'd seen the white spot of his hair "Have you met me?? Not like I am uhhh non demented either. And I got a bunch of scars too! Look!!"
Without any hesitation he pulled up his shirt to show off the scattered scars he had around his waist. He started to point at them one at a time.
"This one I got 'cause my brother stabbed me with a for-"
"Wow yeah great idea to have a whole strip show while there are cameras in here" Janus interrupted.
"OH! Not to mention my ass! One time my anus ripped and now-" Remus turned around and moved to pull his pants down but Janus grabbed his wrists in panic to stop him.
"I am not losing my job because of an idiot shaped like a person!"
The demon searched his face for any hint of laughter or even a spark of joy but despite his attempt the human still looked just as miserable.
Remus tightly took Janus' hand in his and pressed his forehead against his skin as he closed his eyes. His lips quivered as he spoke.
"I- I don't know what to do if you don't forgive me"
Janus looked at him in silence for at least a full minute during which Remus didn't let go of his hand even for a second. He held onto him so hard his nails turned pale white.
"....Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf...Is actually one of my favorite plays..."
The demon looked up to see the slightest of smiles on Janus' lips. The human leant forward and sweeped a piece of loose hair behind Remus' ear. Janus hadn't realized just how frail he looked until he'd seen him with his slightly sunken cheeks and eyebags deep enough to store a closet on the verge of tears. Suddenly it had seemed so silly to think he would have been playing him for a fool when Jan could barely imagine how much he'd lost to get here.
"JAANNNIIIEEE" Remus let up into a wail while climbing on the table to lump him into a tight hug.
"Yeah yeah. There there dear" He patted him aimleesly on the back.
"You won't leave me?"
"Why is everyone I know so obsessed with me leaving them all of a sudden, but yes sure I will go see the amateur rendition of the play with you" His smile widened "If you'll do something for me"
Remus perked up "MUrder!? Poison!! Guioltine making!?"
"Darling, You are not at all concerningly easy to convince"
"Anything Janny boy!"
"I wasn't even requesting you to do anything for me!"
"I¨ll kill them! And their little dog too!"
"Whos them?" Janus shook his head and rolled his eyes at the same time which is a high level of bitchery "Nevermind. Remind me to take everything you say with a cold glass of salt"
Remus looked at him with wide bordering on puppy dog eyes and a stupid grin which made Janus want nothing more than to caress his equally stupid cheeks and press a kiss to his equally brain dead nose. Instead he settled for playfully running his finger along the demon's chin.
"Darling I have just the idea for what you'll do for me"
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suddenly feels a need for aro ace sides
Logan gets really bored when romance happens in stories, and he tends to skip over these passages when it happens. Also doesn't care about sex.
Roman is still very passionate about romance, and would actually like to be in a relationship with the right person
Remus doesn't care about romance in the slightest, but sex? yeah that's the fun stuff. Just ask, and he'll be up for it with literally anyone
Patton likes the idea of romance, but from away. He does not want to be in a relationship, although if someone he's close to asked, he may consider it. Sex repulsed.
Virgil does not care about sex. For romance, he'll say he doesn't care, but actually he likes some stuff, when they're well written
Janus is romance repulsed; he also doesn't really care about sex, but doesn't mind it, so if you're lucky and not someone he knows too much, he might say yes
Also all of them roll their eyes/yell at couples that happen for no other reasons than "we can't leave a lead relationshipless!"
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anxiouslyfred · 11 months
Public Consummation
For @sanders-sides-a-spec-weekk prompt Pirates
Summary: Logan's father has arranged a marriage for him, and is insisting on public consummation of it. He is not going to go along with that so climbs aboard a pirate ship when the town is attacked.
Public consummation.
Logan was seriously beginning to detest that phrase far more than everything else he was being pushed into.
Honestly, even if he hadn't been happy with the idea, he had at least intended to go through with the absurd arrangement his parents had forced on him before they mentioned that phrase.
A public consummation to prove he and his wife are fully married in the eyes of the church, oh and the law as well. Watched and judged by his parents, a priest and it was beginning to sound like any nobility or townsfolk of local influence who wished to watch.
If there was ever a suggestion that should send everyone running for an escape route, Logan thought he was quite rational to say that public consummation would be that suggestion.
He, for one, was definitely going to escape it, he just needed to decide upon how.
Illness had already been ruled out. It might delay the marriage but both his family and his potential spouse's were too set on the marriage to cancel it now.
Logan was very willing to simply run away, but without his own coach, the escape wouldn't last for long before he'd be apprehended and pushed into the marriage likely far quicker than planned in order to avoid further attempts of escape. Regardless he had already packed what wealth he could into bags along with as many clothes as could go missing from his wardrobe without notice being made by anyone other than the servants.
It had been gratifying for his father's servants to find ways to mention their support of his plans to avoid the marriage and public consummation to him in the week he first packed, but none of them had known or offered ways for the initial escape to be made.
The pirates attack was unexpected.
There hadn't been one on the town in a decade or more. Everyone thought they were targetting the towns fully on the sea shore now, wealthier from their fishing and trade routes than a town more inland along the river.
And it was an opportunity that even if Logan hadn't immediately decided to take, he was going to. His father's servants decided that immediately by already bringing him his bags before he'd taken two steps into the house with the news of the attack.
Given most of the pirates were attacking the town, Logan had no trouble in climbing aboard the ship and exploring. Partly he was wondering if he should hide the amount he'd brought with him, or if revealing it might get the crew to let him join them, but mostly he wanted to appear as if he was already part of the crew when they returned. For that he had assumed he'd need the right style of clothes or something.
“You're not my crew. Trying to blow up my ship while everyone's gone, are you?” A sword appeared at Logan's neck, soon revealed to be held by, presumably, the ship's captain, as he turned to face the body behind him.
“That would be counter productive when I'm trying to escape being forced to fuck, especially forced to fuck for others observation.” Logan rapidly explains. “Whether as a stow away or a crew member, I was hoping to vanish from the town on this ship.”
The sword was lowered, and the captain circled around him again. “You don't want sex, just say so. Rules of consent. There's no need to become a pirate just to manage that.” He stated, questioning now and still suspicious.
He couldn't suppress the laugh from his wish things could be as simple as the pirate described. “Pardon me for laughing, Captain, but surely you know that for nobles that isn't always the way the world works.” Logan raised an eyebrow, gesturing back to the area of town he'd lived his entire life.
“It's Virgil. If you aren't some official trying to take me prisoner you can forget the formalities. They make my skin crawl.” The captain stated. “And no, I hadn't realised this town is as backwards as that. Is it like arranged marriage, or just forced prostitution or something?”
“Arranged marriage with forced public consummation. I'd have avoided consummation at all but gone along with the marriage if that had been an option.” Logan explained.
Virgil looked him over again, before grabbing a second sword hung on his back. “Is this a no sex ever at all situation for you, or a 'I hate the woman I'm being forced to marry' situation?”
“The former.” Logan stated, taking the blade when it was offered to him.
“Beat me in a spar, and you can stay. That stuff can be stored in my quarters in case you decide piracy isn't for you later on.” Virgil stated before attacking.
The fight was quick, faster than the usual fights Logan faced, but he managed to win. If he hadn't decided to ignore the normal duelling rules, he probably wouldn't have, but given Virgil wasn't either he felt no shame in using the ropes around the ship to entangle the captain and win.
Virgil was laughing as he was tugged free of the ropes. “Yeah, you'll do fine around the more rowdy of the crew. Welcome to being a pirate, Lord no name.”
“Logan and I'm not a lord, just an heir about to be declared kidnapped or killed in a pirates attack on his town.” He grinned, returning the sword, and pulling the rapier from his bags. “I did bring my own weapon you know.”
“I'd think you a fool if you hadn't.”
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poettheythem · 2 years
Dates with an aromantic
@aro-sides-week supper Excited to be apart of this. This is an idea I’ve had in min for a while
aro sides: Roman and Logan
Summary: Virgil is trying to set up his two friends but they have something different in mind
Before the chapter starts I should mention that Virgil does not know Roman and Logan are aro. They aren’t necessarily in the closet but they don’t care enough to come out. Also Roman jokes that he’s gay a lot because he is aesthetically attracted to men and also says his sexuality is asexual and doesn’t go into more detail . Also Roman uses they/them pronouns and has a prosthetic leg(I love the Roman doesn't have legs joke too much and it’s now apart of my fics ok)
tw: food, one joke about sex(sex is never said though)
”I’m just saying he is one of the hottest men alive, Roman shouted to Virgil from the couch. Virgil walked over bring the bowl of popcorn with him He sat down next to Patton giving him a small peck on the cheek
“well if you want to date him so much be my guest” Roman laughed before shoving a handful of popcorn into their mouth
”as if. My standards are beyond his capabilities” they said through the popcorn
”chew it don’t spew it” Roman stuck their tongue out at Virgil which was pretty gross with half chewed food on it
”Come on kiddos, stop fighting,” Patton finally said, interrupting his two roommates. “we are ending this food war and starting our Disney Marathon or I will turn this car around” Virgil pouted at his boyfriend “fine but its official I’m getting this heaven a boyfriend if it kills me”
Roman leaned back against the couch “good luck Nightmare at the museum.”
”ouch not your best princey” Roman shrugged as Patton started Lion King
***** Virgil flipped down on his bed “All I’m saying Logan is one date.” he heard Logan sigh through the other end of the phone
”And what I’m saying is that I need to study. Medical school isn’t easy, you know. I’m far too busy for ‘one date’ as you put it”
”Come on, they're cool people. Worst comes to worst you meet my roommate“
”you understand you could just invite me over to your apartment, correct?”
“No. cause then Patton will make me clean my room”
”Virgil clean your room”
”You aren’t my dad. But that’s not the point. One date, this Saturday.”
”They’ll pay for dinner”
Virgil laughed and hung up the phone. Now all he needed to do was convince Roman to go. It should be easy considering they’re the biggest romantic of all time.
Actually in hindsight he should have asked Roman first. But hindsight is 20 20 and we all know 20 20 sucked.
Virgil knocked on Romans door and walked. Roman was sitting on their bed surrounded by papers and textbooks, their prosthetic leg sitting on the ground next to them to make more room for the papers.
”So. Roman you free this Saturday?” Roman looked up from their textbook
”What do you mean by free? Like movie night free or waiting in line for the newest marvel movie tickets you want to see but don’t want to wait in line for free?”
”Fine. I have a date set up for you.“
Roman shrugged “meh”
”MEH! Come on, it's one date with one of my friends. He and Pat share a couple of classes. you’ll like him”
Roman let out a sigh “I guess. What time and where?”
”Virgil yes”
”My beautiful asexual ass would like to know the time and location of this date you are setting me up for.“ Roman said shoving Virgil to the floor
”Oh shush your ass isn’t that good.“
”I’d beg to differ”
Roman smoothed their red button down and checked to see if their pronoun necklace was facing the right way before pushing open the door to the restaurant. They walked up to the receptionist who luckily didn’t look to be too busy. “Hello I’m here for a reservation under Roman”
”Oh, the other member of your party just arrived a few minutes ago. I’ll show you to your table”
Roman followed her down the rows of tables ‘God they’re already here. Good first impression to show up late’
They arrived at the table and Roman saw a man in a navy blue button down and tie already seated. Roman thanked the receptionist before sitting down.
”Hello there my marvelous friend. My name is Roman they/them and might I ask who I am in the presents of?”
“Well that was unnecessarily dramatic. But my name is Logan he/him please.“
”Well hello there Logan. Have you had a chance to look over the menu yet or have you been anxiously waiting upon my arrival“
Logan let out a small snort “I just sat down before you arrived. Though there isn't much to the menu. It is an Olive Garden after all”
”Really? That’s your only response?”
“What they have good breadsticks”
Once they ordered their food(and ate breadsticks) Roman settled down for a moment. They looked Logan in the eye and took a deep breath
”Hey so I know you really came on this with the intention for a date, and Virgil probably said I’d be all gung ho for it-“
”When have you ever heard Virgil say ’gung ho’ before“
”That’s besides the point. What I need to tell you is that. I’m aromantic. And asexual. So this date can’t really go much further in the direction you probably want and I’m sorry for not saying any-“
Logan slammed his hands down on the table making everyone around him jump “THANK GOD! I thought I was going to have to come out to YOU saying that I was asexual aromantic. And you are quite dramatic I was not exactly looking forward to it”
Roman looked taken aback before they started laughing. Logan looked very confused and said “What’s so funny”
”Nothing, it's just. It’s just Virgil setting up two ace/aros on a DATE!”
Logan started laughing too now “To be fair I never told him” he said between giggles
“NETHER DID I!!!” The two broke into even more laughter. Roman whipped their eyes and sat up
“Well we might as well make the best of it. I mean, what's a new friend?”
”What’s a new friend?” Logan tilted his head to the side
”What… I mean like What’s bad about a new friend. Did you seriously not know what I meant?”
”Yes I am very serious. Necktie”
Roman gave a small laugh “Yup I think we’ll be friends just fine”
Roman and Logan finished their dinners and Roman paid so at least Virgil was right about one thing. Roman also suggested they go for a nice walk in the park afterwards because while he is aromantic he is a romantic.(Bu-dum-Ching) Roman grabbed Logans hand and started swinging it dramatically back and forth
”What are you doing Roman”
”I’m flinging us into the sun. I’m just going to swing you back and forth before we rocket into outer space“
”As much as I’d love to go to space I think I might want a space suit with me”
”Finnnneeee. I won’t propel you to Alpha Centauri today” Roman whined still swinging theirs and Logan's arms
“Quite specific“
”Hey, you're not allowed to be the only nerd here. I like space too!”
”If you insist”
the two walked around the park and Roman did eventually let Logan have control of his arm again before Logan noticed Roman limping slightly
“Roman, are you alright? You seem to be limping”
”Huh. Oh yah my legs are just bothering me a little bit. I knew I shouldn’t have worn heels” Logan looked down at Romans high heeled red boots
”I do suppose they look a bit impractical for a walk. To be completely honest with you I was considering wearing my best skirt today though I do not love sitting at dinners in it. It’s quite annoying having to watch how you sit all the time”
”I know. Especially cause I can never sit straight” Roman winked at Logan who rolled his eyes at them.
”How about we go back to your apartment so you can take off your heels. I’ve been meaning to have Virgil show it to me anyways“
”That sounds like an incredible idea. Though I think Patton and Virgil are out on a date right now so we might not see them”
”That’s alright. Roman no you just let go!” Roman grabbed hold of Logan’s arm and started swinging it back and forth again dragging Logan to their apartment laughing.
Turns out Patton and Virgil had come back from their date by the time Roman and Logan made it to the apartment.
”Hey there did you two hit it off” Virgil asked smugly leaning against the door to the kitchen.
“Why yes. I have already courted the Price of Logic as mine and we shall together rule the 9 realms” Roman said as they dramatically walked to the couch
”I did not agree to this” Logan said being dragged with them as Roman had STILL not let go of his hand.
“But you did agree to come to the apartment. Where's Patton?” Roman asked turning to see Virgil
”The kitchen. He was about to make some popcorn for a movie night if you guys want some.“
”Why gladly”
”Ok princess a little over the top there”
”I too would like to participate in a movie night“ Logan chimed in.
“Yay. This shall be one of the greatest movie nights of all time.“
”Whatever you say Roman,” Virgil said, not looking up from his phone. Just then Patton walked in from the kitchen holding a large bowl of popcorn
”Logan Roman, your back! How’d it goooooo”
”How about we explain the date after the movie. Now give me the popcorn!!!” Roman laughed half diving for the popcorn in Patton's hands. Patton laughed, handing Roman the bowl. “Do you guys also want some water?”
”I would appreciate some water if you don’t mind showing me where the kitchen is” Logan said standing up
”Roman did you not show Logan around!” Patton chastised
“Hey we just got in! And also in my defense I worse heels today I don’t want to walk around anymore”
”Its fine. I’ll give you a tour while Roman takes off his heels and Virgil takes off his binder!” Patton said walking Logan to the kitchen. Virgil looked up from his phone with a pout
”But I have like an hour left!” Virgil tried to protest but Patton had already. Patton showed Logan to the kitchen and started grabbing two glasses filling them with water “Here’s the kitchen. And then that door right there leads to the bathroom if you need it. And ummmm I guess down the hall are all of our rooms which have our names on the door. I don’t really know how I expected this to take long. We live in a college apartment”
Just then Logan heard shouting from the living room.
Patton sighed “every time” Logan walked into the living room with his glass of water only to stumble back letting out an oddly robotic scream.
Romand was standing on one leg holding what to Logan looked like a large metal pole over their heads while Virgil jumped over the couch to get away from them. Roman turned around and looked at Logan
”Patton give you the tour?” Logan weekly nodded “Great now. VIRGIL GO TAKE IT OFF”
”VIRGIL! Come on, you need to take it off.” Patton sighed.
”Fine” Virgil jumped down from the couch before walking to his room
Roman looked over at Logan still frozen in shock in the doorway “You ok Logan” Roman lowered their leg from above their head
”What the fuck” Logan whispered
Roman looked confused for a second before looking down at the leg still in their hands “ohhhh. I don’t think I mentioned the prosthetic”
”I was more confused by the chasing Virgil around with it”
”It happens a lot. You get used to it” Patton said pushing past Logan and handing Roman a glass of water “Just be glad you haven’t walked in on them crawling on the floor in the middle of the night”
”what…” Logan trailed off
”IT WAS ONE TIME AND NOW I TURN THE LIGHTS ON” Roman shouted sitting on the edge of the couch. Virgil finally walked back in the room and the four settled down to watch a movie.
Logan got up to the door after the movie finished “Thank you again for having me. I had a fun time tonight“
Virgil smiled from the couch, “You two going to go on another date any time soon?”
”No” Roman and Logan said in unison
”What but you said you had a great time together! Logan came to the apartment!” Virgil shouted standing up
”Oh yeah we forgot again. We’re both aro '' Roman said with a shrug. Logan smiled and opened the door
”Good night. I hope to see you soon” before walking out
Virgil stood in silence for a few seconds before shouting “YOU DIDN'T TELL ME”
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too-much-yike · 11 months
virgil is definitely an asexual that loves to make the most diabolical sex jokes (second to remus ofc) at the most random moments. if there’s a chance to make a sex joke and it won’t affect the mood negatively, he will take it.
virgil: *hits his head on smth*
logan: are you okay? how’s ur head?
virgil: i’ve been told it’s pretty good. wanna try? (literally has never seen anyone else’s private parts and is scared to ever have sex)
and ofc he’s gotta flirt w logan using his sex jokes even tho logan is also asexual
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meandmacats · 20 days
Some sides head cannons, but it’s super obvious who my favorite side is:
Both Remus and Roman glow, but Roman is more of a Disney fairy magic way and Remus is closer to bioluminescent like deep sea creatures
The imagination is not physically split into Remus’ and Roman’s sided, but rather just a collection of both of their creations in a space too big for either to largely effect the other
Remus is a big softie when he’s not being gross
Roman is asexual
Remus is aromantic
Roman and remus have literal twin telepathy
Roman has a black streak(mirroring Remus’ white steak)
Roman can get burnout, but Remus can’t despite them both being creativity(Roman is used as the main creativity)
When in burnout, Roman runs a fever and attempting to interact with any creative pursuits immediately chars it
Roman’s role of Ego is under the Sigmund Froid definition where it is a representation of the self rather than just self worth
Remus played Undertale and first played a true pacifist route where he attacked each monster until they were ready to spare(he loved the amalgamations)
Patton actually can’t cook(not for lack of effort)
Roman is trying to learn more Romance languages
Remus knows German
Janus knows ASL
Logan has always had issues with Pattons black and white thinking, but decided to ignore it
Remus is ferally protective
Janus can smell lies the same way snakes smell(sticking out tongue) so he doesn’t do it often
Repressing Remus is like punching an inflatable punching bag
Janus actually can’t think of lies. He encourages it, but he doesn’t actually come up with the excuses
Janus only knows psychology for lying, he doesn’t know any for the other sides
Intrusive thoughts warn the body of danger and can help keep the shot alert. When this is revealed to the other sides, Remus tries to be as obnoxious and aggressive with the intrusive thoughts as possible to try to convince them otherwise
There is actually a difference in abilities between dark and light sides
Dark sides abilities are:
see no evil-tunnel vision from Remus
hear no evil- Virgil’s voice thing(known to over rule all other sides in input)
speak no evil-Janus silence(literally hiding things from Thomas he doesn’t want to know)
Roman can speak to and understand animals in the Imagination like a Disney Prince
Remus is really good with animals
Roman and Logan bond over rhymes, poetry, and word-play
Logan can cook, but he can’t experiment with cooking
Roman can cook, but he struggles to actually follow the instructions
Remus can “cook,” but it’s not “food”
Janus can cook for himself and no one else
Virgil is to anxious to cook most days, occasionally finds baking relaxing
Patton can bake
Roman and Remus are closer than they present themselves to the others
Roman gets ego bruises
Remus gets antsy if he doesn’t harass Thomas
Roman is a much better actor than he lets on
Roman intentionally played characters badly in Can Lying be Good? because he knew that Thomas would not be able to handle true immersion into the scene
Logan is naturally ambidextrous
Roman learned to be ambidextrous
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howam-i-theparent · 10 months
Logan headcanons!
second one to “form”, as curiosity tho, not logic (You know how babies try to eat everything trying to figure out what it is? That was Logan)
latter was renamed to “Brain” when Thomas started to do more long term learning/memory stuff
Has a library of all of Thomas’s memories in the mindscape, and each night while Thomas is dreaming, organizes it into “long term”, “short term” and “discard”, for any memories that are unnecessary.
Their library is open to all of the sides, Patton uses it to look through old memories (stored like scrap books/photo albums) for nostalgia. Roman + Remus use it to pick out bits and pieces for dream Ideas. Virgil sometimes looks through the most recent memories (or sometimes really old ones), and causes Thomas to get less sleep, Logan tries to calm Virgil down with more realistic views on the events, or tries to navigate Virgil to less important mistakes to fret over so any major things can be ignored for the time being.
Agender/Aromantic/Asexual/Autistic (me? Projecting? Never), and does not understand why they would ever need to follow any of the “normal” ways of doing things, they are a side after all, not an actual human, but will try to be a near perfect reflection of Thomas, in the mentality of “I am a part of Thomas, so I need to be as close to Thomas as possible”
They/Them pronouns (but allows Roman and Remus to come up with some neopronouns to use for them (they are allowed to veto anything they don’t like tho))
Knows how to walk in heels that would make Barbie herself trip (no one knows how they are able to do this (maybe not even themself))
Their main goal in life is “Making Thomas as efficient as possible without causing burnout” for this reason, they try to maintain healthy relationships with all of the other sides, so things can run as smoothly as possible.
With Patton, they usually bake together, but not cooking. (Baking is an exact form, cooking is more “try and see what happens”, therefore baking is like chemistry, something Logan can understand)
With Roman, they usually work on scripts together, but if no work is needed to be worked on, they both share Mythology stories (Roman likes the story parts, Logan I’d fascinated with how they used those myths to explain natural phenomena)
With Virgil, they are quite content with just sitting in the same room and vibing (Logan usually does research/read, and Virgil is usually napping w/ headphones in, or scrolling through memes)
With Janus, they will have “debates” about real-world going on’s, and possibilities of how Thomas would need to respond. (They usually just bounce off of each-other with similar ideas, there is not much disagreement most times)
With Remus, Remus is very willing test subject for more of Logan’s more “dark” curiosity’s, mostly human experiments and explosions (Remus would try to make real to life simulations in the imagination, in cording to Logan’s instructions)
Logan actually recognizes that empathy is needed to make a solid and logical argument, but is trying to help Thomas understand that he should not allow every single decision to be overwhelmed with emotion.
Logan struggles with regulation of emotions themself, where most may think that they do not care about something, they actually care very much, and has trouble expressing that. But also, sometimes they will have an outburst of emotions, which leave the others confused because “why was such a small thing, such a big deal?” (Logan feels immensely bad afterwards and tried to avoid the problem/topic)
The other sides do recognize that Logan feels very passionate about some things, and try not to interfere (Crofters for one, but will also allow them to talk about their special interests (stars/space) when Logan finally does get around to talking about it)
Doesn’t watch a lot of TV (not because “it rots your brain”, they just find that most action/romance/emotion driven plot to be frustrating) but they will watch documentaries for hours, and forget other things around them if the documentary is not interrupted in some way. (The others were very concerned about them when they watched the entirety of Planet Earth in one sitting)
They can feel all of the injuries that Thomas gets, to the full extent, but is not affected by “imaginary” injuries (The Remus episode, do I need to say more?)
Sometimes just needs to be alone for a bit, just being in their room, reading, doing research, working, watching documentaries, sleeping ect.
Tries to follow the “perfect” sleep schedule, as an example for Thomas, but gets easily wrapped up in work or a book, and that causes them to stay up latter than they intended.
Their favorite comfort food is of course crofters, but also enjoys goldfish, orange popsicles, and cantaloupe.
Their unicorn onesie was a gift from Patton that slowly turned into a comfort object, they sleep in it every night when it’s not too hot (will turn up the air conditioning and fans in their room, just to be able to sleep in it), and will get frustrated when they can’t wear it to bed (curse the Florida weather)
When the sides started making small changes to their appearances, they got a bit taller, and their hair got darker, as well as their eyes turning a dark blue color. (They use contact lenses while filming, and the perspective+ lighting causes the other changes to not be that noticeable)
Also has a light blanket at the foot of their bed that is navy blue with different constellations with their names on it.
That’s all for now, may or may not do more latter
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logically-asexual · 1 year
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oliversdumbshit · 3 months
Which fic should I make???
(Ill probs make all of them, just which one i should make first)
Option 1: Remus is asexual and is making out with Janus when he's like, "shit, i dont think i like sexual stuff" (itll be really short, itll mostly be like just ace rep with a character that is really suggestive)
Option 2: Logan is a mindreader with aphantasia, and Roman is a daydreamer. Logan is amazed by his ability to create such gorgeous ideas in his mind. (might do this with Remus, but honestly hed probably be freaked out more than anything)
Option 3: logan and Virgil live together in a cottage in a very, very cold and snowy place. This little puppy arrives at their doorstep, and they just HAVE to adopt her, right? I mean, at least, according to Virgil.
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mogai-headcanons · 10 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Roman Sanders from Sanders Sides is a gay princegender genderbladed gender creative nonbinary person with ADHD who uses he/him, they/them, and prin/prins pronouns, and prince is dating Janus and Patton!
Virgil Sanders is an autistic bi gay demisexual nonbinary autigender anxiegender gendervoid genderpunk person who uses they/them, xe/xem, vam/vamp, and rot/rots pronouns, and xe're dating Patton, Logan, and Rhea!
Patton Sanders is an autistic gay genderfluid pastelgender laughgender rainbowgender fragaric person with ADHD who uses she/her, he/him, they/them, and any happy-themed and non-themed neopronouns, and she's dating Virgil and Roman and in a QPR with Logan!
Logan Sanders is an autistic gay asexual transfeminine botgender bitgender robogender technogender person who uses she/her, they/them, and it/its pronouns, and she's dating Virgil, Janus, and Rhea and in a QPR with Patton!
Janus Sanders is a transfeminine agender snakegender yellowgender liegender person who uses they/them and it/its pronouns, and it's dating Rhea, Logan, and Roman!
Rhea Sanders is a transfeminine intrusic greengender ratgender turigirl who uses she/her, they/them, it/its, and rat/rats pronouns, and rat's dating Janus, Logan, and Virgil!
dni link
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virglsweb · 7 months
Virgil: Virgil/Virge, transmasc, they/them, gay, 20 (but he looks 17. Don't ask)
Roman: Roman/Romey (cuz he roams the forest, idk.) he/him, transmasc, 21 (looks 24), asexual and also mlm gay
Remus: Remus (his nicknames are made up on the spot and never kept) he/they, genderqueer also 21 but looks 32, aroace but gay
Janus: Janus/Dee/Jan/Deceit, she/him, 25 (looks 22), doesn't think anyone deserves his blessing
Logan: Logan (he didn't stick to the nicknames he got), he/him, cis, ...22 years, 8 months, 10 days, 17 hours, and 4 minutes old, asexual, but doesn't believe in romance, though he shook off his crushes in the past.
Patton: Patton/Pat/Patrick Star, Agender but doesn't mind it if you accidentally use He/Him, 25, gay but prefers dogs over actual love.
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asksuccubussides · 3 months
What if you were an asexual succubus, wouldn't that be fucked up or what Chapter 12
Masterpost of chapters
When supernaturals speak in their native language it looks like this
Logan blared at the younger demon from the brim of his chunky glasses before he took them off to clean the glass with the blue cloth he kept in his chest pocket.
"It has been 37 days if my counting is correct, and it is" Remus looked up from the english homework he'd been doing as Logan spoke "That is an unusually long time for a job like this to drag on for. Is it the killing you are having trouble with? You remember I told you to come to me once you had seduced him, do you not? I can offer assistance"
The younger demon mimicked stabbing before doing a thumbs up. 'Killing fine' He wrote on the paper with 4 exclamation points to be extra clear.
"I see" Logan checked the glasses before putting them on again. He scratched the end of his thumb against a spot in his greying beard ".....Remus, Do you experience sexual attractation?"
The blood in the tips of Remus' fingers turned cold. Was it meant as a warning, a threat or a simple question to see if he was so obviously bad for the job that they could send him up to heaven and replace him with someone else and also probably send Roman up to heaven as well while they were at it and it would be his fault and-
Remus nodded and gave a double thumbs up while smiling so brightly he could be put as the poster child for sexual attraction.
"Well then. I suppose I'll see you in a few days if you have nothing more to add" Logan stayed sitting for a few moments after saying it as if he was waiting for the other demon to do something but eventually he got up, took his bag and left.
Soon after he had left Remus noticed blood dripping down from his nose.
39 days since Remus was cast out of hell
"Aw, look these are all of my saved vip bracelets because I am such a popular starlet" Janus showed Remus a bundle of flimsy and aging paper bracelets held together in a jar together with some other knick knacks. He snickered at the genuine look of curiosity on the demon's face "I could pretend to take your nose and you would believe it, you absolute stupid collection of tiny brain cells"
Remus moved his arm casually around Janus' shoulder to get a better look of the bracelets "What!? Not vip thingie!? Bracelet for ritual then?"
"Well.....Perhaps if you look at it from a very specific angle" Remus sneezed at how close the word angle was to angel.
They were sitting on the floor of Janus' dorm room, sorting out the things to keep and things to discard before the imminent move to the new apartment. With one of the paper bracelets held between his fingers Jan waved it towards Virgil who had been laying in his bed looking at youtube videos and halfheartedly sorting his clothes into a box. He moved one side of his headphones off his ear while giving them an annoyed look.
"Viv-darling, Look"
"Ouugh. I knew packing would lead to nostalgia shit"
Finally Jan turned back to the demon to explain, the demon who had started to rock back and forth on the balls of his feet while pressing his knees to his chest like an excited gargoyle.
"They're all of the hospital bracelets I got when I was younger" Janus explained. All of the information that was usually placed on a hospital bracelet were impossible to read as the entire thing had been covered with skulls and lightning bolts drawn in black and purple along with text written in by marker "Vivzie would make them look like concert bracelets or more accurately what a child thought concert bracelets were. Very cool concerts of course. Right Viv"
Virgil had his head stuffed inside one of the halfpacked boxes "Yeah. Yeah. I got my matching ones here somewhere. Can't be arsed to find them"
"His are just paper. Not exclusive hospital ones like miiinnnee" Janus said to Remus to which the demon booed in agreement. "Let's see which cool concerts we were apparently going to"
He picked a random bracelet and held it for the demon to read. Jan looped his finger around Remus' choker and pulled him closer to get his focus but really it was just because he enjoyed pulling him around.
The demon squinted and read aloud "Av- Avrel Laevinge"
Janus fake gasped "What a cool and outrageous artist"
"Hey! We were like 7! It's not like I came out the bloody womb knowing who My chem was! And don't disrespect Avril's legacy!"
"He's so cute when he gets annoyed, innit?" Janus teased to which Remus nodded along.
Virgil rolled his eyes before moving out of bed "Whatever. I'm taking a silly little mental health walk so you two can smosh and shag it out"
"We don't smoosh! And we certaintly don't shag!" Janus put his hand over his heart to look offended "We're packing! Obviously!"
"Yeah! I'm packing huge penis!" Remus added with full confidence which only made Virgil leave the room even faster.
As the door closed Janus grabbed both ends of Remus' mustache and gently shook his head around while murmuring "Darling you are so stupid" Before pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose.
It made the demon happily wag his tail around and for the first time he wished he could show Janus it. He wished he could show him how intensely red his horns glowed whenever the two of them got close and he wished he could tell him how his mouth watered every time he thought of tasting him.
"Anyhow, you can be a dear and fold all of my sweaters into that box while I sit here and be pretty"
Remus did a stupid little grin "If I get anotha kith"
"Oooh you're really trying it aren't you mister. Weren't you the one who agreed to do what I say for forever" Janus teased before kissing him on the cheek "There there darling. Now do what I said"
"Yess sir ma'am!!"
In the time leading up to their date to pride Remus found himself in a routine. He had completely lost the ability to sleep at this point because of recurring dreams containing his brother plaguing his mind every time he tried to so close his eyes. Instead he spent his time hiding out in the library creating little lumps of garbage art and looking at horror films. His by now daily nosebleeds were a great resource because it meant he could plaster weird blood snot onto his garbage art!
The delight of his day was when Janus come in for work and he got to tell him about the latest film he'd seen during his lunch break.
Some days Janus invited him over for dinner at the dorm and sometimes he stayed to watch movies together with him and Virgil afterwards. Whenever it was a horror movie Virgil would spill out every trivia he could think of while blaring at Remus in an attempt to show that he was much cooler and every time Janus invited Remus to share a blanket with him it looked like a blood vessel was about to pop in Virgil's forehead.
Neither of the roomates had the funds to afford a moving service so for the two days before the actual move Remus helped them carry boxes on the bus from the college to their new apartment. It was a tiny one room apartment technically meant for one person but they had managed to press in a bunk bed along with a desk, the tiniest of sofas and a dinner table. The biggest loss was honestly the lack of wall space for Virgil's many posters and Janus having had to restort to putting drawers under the bed to fit all of his clothes.
Remus' vision had started to fill with dark spots as he put down the last box on the floor of the new apartment and laughed at the pang of hunger filling his stomach. (He'd gotten a nosebleed on the bus on the way here. Emile always told him with a worried look that that was a sign of nutritional deficiencies).
"Vivzie says he'll pick up some groceries and then come here" Janus said while checking his phone.
The demon lifted his shirt up to wipe a few pearls of sweat away from his forehead so he could lick the sweat off his shirt. Yummy. When he looked back up Janus was right about to poke him between the ribs.
"You're stronger than you look" Jan murmured while Remus wheezed from the sudden blow to his ribs.
"Ah! That felt fun! Do that again!" He sounded like a delighted balloon on it's way to deflation when Jan poked him again.
With the wheezing he barely even heard Janus letting out a big long sigh as he looked around the apartment before stretching his arms out "It is ssssuch a horrible no good at all feeling to finally be almost done with this whole moving process. Hopefully Vivzie is going to have less bouts of stressing his hair out now. And" He spun around and pulled in Remus' collar to make him bend down so they were eye to eye. "You can come over for dinner on Saturday night. Viv has a night shift. Sounds good?"
"I got nothing else to do! I can come...Hehe..cum"
Remus took two of Janus' dreadlocks in his hand and held them up in the air to make a sort of heart shape "Hey Jannie look" The demon lit up like the sun when he saw the other man smile and quickly pulled him into a bear hug making Jan's face get pressed right into his chest "You're the only light in my life right now Janus"
As he spoke the last sentence in his native language he realized it was the first time he had said the other man's name in his natural accent. It felt like a lighting bolt had been struck down upon his head making his skin sizzle and burn away as he heard himself say it.
"What did you say?" Janus' voice was muffled from still being pressed against man tits.
"I wish I could kill you without making you disappe-"
He was cut off by the sound of Janus' phone ringing. He quickly backed out of the hug and took the call while turning his face away. After a few seconds of muffled words he placed his hand against Remus' shoulder and pushed for him to turn to the exit.
"I have to leg it but I suppose I'll see you on Saturday" Janus held the phone away from his head while saying it.
"Wha- Whu-"
"Viv's having a panic attack, I have to go" He was practically pushing the demon out the door.
(Janus found his friend a few minutes later in a panicked state of trying to appear norma while pacing back and forth behind the supermarket. He let Virgil's words of worry spill out over him, about how it had been too many people, how it was stupid he couldn't grocery shop alone, how it was simple for normal people. Before Jan placed Virgil's hand to his neck so he could feel the pulse of the blood pumping in Jan's neck against the tips of fingers. It was the best way to keep him in the present and to remind him they were both alive and well.
He stayed and waited until Virgil had stopped shaking. Just like he had yesterday when Virgil became overwhelmed by talking to the landlord and the day before that when the prospect of packing up the last things was too much and just like he would tomorrow morning when he will wake up to Virgil hyperventilating because of the dead bird laying outside their door. He would let his friend hear the steady rhytmn of his heart until he was okay again every time).
44 days since Remus was cast out of hell
Remus started to cough from the sickingly sweet smell that followed Virgilbefore he even had had the chance to hear the emo's dragging footsteps come towards him. Instead of turning around to greet him the demon skipped back to the most gruesome scene of the movie he was watching so when Viv came up to him he would be grossed out.
The demon grinned as he felt a tap against his shoulder before hearing a groan of disgust. He spun around in his chair just as Viv was about to start speaking to catch him off guard.
"Hiii Virginnn" He felt a lump in his throat that made it harder to breathe as soon as he said it.
In response Virgil crossed his arms in a supposed attempt to look more intimidating though it didn't do much against the way he stood with his shoulders slumped and back crooked like a shrimp making him appear way tinier than he actually was. His bangs falling in front of his eyes so that he constantly had to readjust them to see properly didn't help either.
"I know you're coming over tomorrow 'cause everything Janus knows eventually comes around to me knowing-"
"Is Jannie not like constant lying though" Remus interrupted.
"Not to me. Though if that's your impression of him maybe your relationship is kinda fraught and fucked up" Virgil stopped for a moment as if he was trying to remember what he had practiced to say beforehand "Look, I think you're uhh dodgy as all hell and uh yeah I wanted to talk to you but" He glanced around the other people in the library "In a less crowded place"
"As all of Hell!?" He pouted and fluttered his eyelids "You proooomiiiseeee I'm as dodgy as ALL of hell! That's so sweet!! OH! AH! VIrgin! I'd love to!!"
The demon jumped up from his seat and threw his arm tightly around Virgil's shoulders. He pressed the man close to his side and shook him lightly around while beggining to walk.
"Dude, Aren't you going to turn the computer off-"
"SO WHERE YOU WANNA GO?! To the CEMTARY!? To the CLUB! To the CORONER! Another place starting with C!? To a CUNT!?"
His smile widened when he saw the emo's cheeks begin to light up bright red from blushing "Can you quiet down"
Virgil hurried his steps to get out of the library with the demon continuing to hang on. Remus even got up on the tips of his toes as he walked so he could rub his chin against the top of Virgil's head which made the emo swat him away like a fly before pulling his hood up. He saw the disabled restroom right outside of the library and bolted for it.
As soon as the two of them had gotten into the spacious for a restroom but still quite small room Virgil pushed the other man away from himself and turned to lock the door behind them.
"OOOOoohHHHhh! For someone named Virgin you a lot more forward horny than I think! Public bathroom,,,,At school!! Is this some kink-"
"SHut up! Shut up! You don't know me and you certaintly don't know Janus! You come into our lives and prance around for like a month and suddenly you think you're as bloody tight as ever with him!?"
Virgil took a step towards the demon "Dude, When are you going to leave?"
"Why should I?" Remus shot right back.
"'Cause you will! Eventually! I can tell you that you're just here to hurt him-"
"What do you even study? I mean you are busy often, what do you do" The demon interrupted making the other man get caught of guard.
"Not like- Dude You don't have to know that- I was saying-"
"I bet it is some nerd shit like computer tapping"
"It's a vocational program! I'm studying building and shit! I like keeping my hands busy to not feel anxious, okay! I got a truck certificate!" Virgil shook his head and took a deep breathe "You're just taking the piss out on me! I'm not stupid! I can tell! This isn't what the conversation is about!"
"The conversation is about human skeleton"
"NO! Oh god you are stupid! I don't understand what Jannie sees in you"
"He sees I'm stupid" Remus replied with a smile shining of blind self confidence.
Virgil took another step closer making the demon naturally lean back to avoid him making his back touch against the wall. The man moved close to him and held his finger up to the demon's neck while etching his eyes into his.
"You're going to hurt him!" He practically hissed you "And I won't let you!"
"....How would I?....Describe it.. Will it be with a knife or a suffocation or what"
The demon expected some sort of blabber from the human about how he was going to hurt Janus emotionally or perhaps by leaving or something similarly metaphorical. Instead Virgil kept his wide staring eyes locked into his and pushed his finger into Remus' chest.
"I can't tell you that. But you will"
Remus tried to come up with a response but he couldn't. Instead he let up into a raspy laugh as he grabbed lightly around the other man's hand and forced it away from his chest.
"Are you trying to seem threatening. Genuine question. I can't tell"
A wrinkle of annoyance appeared besides Virgil's mouth as he let up into some sort of growl which Remus took as a yes.
"You bad at it! BAD! Here, Daddy Remus will teach"
"I don't-"
With a hard push right into Virgil's spine he was forced to straighten his back making his bones let out a groaning crack before Remus grabbed ahold of his shoulders and pushed them back just as hard.
"Yeaaah Puff your chest out! Daydream a picture of big proud bird! Puff puff!"
The demon caressed his finger under Virgil's chin for a moment before pushing his face up as well followed by flicking his bangs back with his long boney fingers so Viv's eyes became fully visible. Remus had expected an annoying cold blue eye color but in actuallity he had quite a dull average kind of brown. He licked the tips of his fingers before moving them against Virgil's eyesbrows so they were properly furrowed in rage.
"HAH! Now you look much scary. And to finish here I will show you"
Remus pressed his back against the wall before setting Virgil's hands on the collar of his shirt. He gave a cocky smile while waving his finger towards him.
"Come on Virgin boy. REally puSH! With ANGER! Make it seem like you're killing me!"
He pulled Virgil closer to himself to make his grip near his neck stronger.
"Push me into the wall till my back breaks!!"
Without any warning Virgil pushed forward and kissed the demon so hard it knocked the back of his head again the wall.
For a moment Virgil's hand flew up to grasp at Remus' hair as he stared wide eyed at the human. A wave of lust of massive size was forced down his throat all at once making it impossible to gasp for air. It filled his mouth so tightly it felt as if it would all spill out if he even moved.
But it was only for a second and then Virgil's eyes flew just as wide open as the demon's and his gaze flickered between their forced together lips and a spot right above Remus' hair before he broke from the kiss and backed as far away as he could.
"I- I am- I'm sorry" He stuttered as he desperately wiped away at his lips with the back of his hoodie sleeve. A slideshow of expressions all passed upon his face in the matter of a second.
"That was the horniest kiss I've ever had" The demon mumbled to himself.
As Remus sucked in a hasty breath he could feel some of the lust spill out between his lips and dribble down his chin as the saliva from the other man dried on his skin. He shook his head and looked up to see Virgil pacing back and forth while his fingers constantly ran up and down his long bangs.
"I get that for humans- uhh humans in this country coming out is like big thing" Remus said while trying to look friendly "But you coulda just told me you liked guys and cock and ba-"
The scream was so loud Remus could swear the mirror shook ever so slightly. Virgil's expression had stagnated on a vile snear.
"Buddy I'm-"
"THIS IS EXACTLY THE TYPE OF SHIT YOU'D DO TO JANUS! AND- AND I WOULD NEVER! I- I WOULD-" Virgil scrambled for words as his body trembled. His chin tensed up making it clear he was holding back tears "YOU'RE DISGUSTING AND-"
"I sure am"
"Apparently you won't come out for him uhuhuh" Remus let up into a snort to himself but his chuckles died out when Virgil started to cry "Woah uhhh man dude. Dude? You like saying dude. Dude uh I mean that kiss uhh clearly you got a lot of like shit and fuck pented up. Have you tried uh jerking off. I dunno. Do you need a napkin or do you want to snot into my shir-"
"Heyyy just 'cause I'm planning on killing the guy doesn't mean you have to insult my face! hehe that was a joke. Very joke!"
With his adrenaline pumping Virgil moved to unlock the door but missed several times before his shaking hands actually reached the doorhandle. He cast one last look back at the demon and hissed out "You better not show up at the apartment tomorrow!!"
The day after Remus showed up at the apartment just a bit after the time he and Janus had planned because he had been stealing another car in preparation for driving his human friend into town to go to the pride even. Virgil would have already left for his night shift by the time he got there and he didn't really take the emo's threats seriously anyway. In a way he even appreciated it because that kiss had been so jampacked with lust despite not being an inherently sexual act that he was pretty sure he would be able to survive for a few more days without having to feed off of a human.
"Here we are, my dear disgusting little lump of muscle tissue, first day of june. Happy pride"
Janus held up his glass of wine and let it clink together with his date's before Remus dunked the whole glass back like it was a shot. For dinner Jan had pulled together his collective knowledge of cooking and managed to make pasta with some cold brocolii and the cheapest fish he could find at the local store.
"Obligatory mention that I looove rainbow capitalism and all it stands for, Of courssssseee. I just love society and its devilish systems and how no one can truly be free from it and I just have to buy an overpriced piece of..."
Janus went on for another couple minutes of sarcastically licking boot to which Remus listened but didn't understand most of it "This is really good" He said as a fish bone got stuck between his teeth.
"Well thank you"
They hadn't yet had time to buy chairs for the apartment so the two of them had to cram together on the couch after having dragged the dinner table right next to it. The demon was sitting like a goblin while Janus was tapping his feet so hard the table was in a constant state of slight vibration.
"Y'know" Remus continued with his cheeks filled with pasta "Where I'm from we not really come out. Not real necessary but I and my brother been to pride before because lots of fucking and sucking-"
Janus choked on his wine.
"-So are we sucking or fucking first tomorrow?"
Janus coughed so hard some of the wine went up into his nose. "You know what, I was actually meaning to tell you something after we saw that lovely rendition of Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf but I seemed to have forgotten" He swiftly changed the subject "Me and Virgil didn't just move for a change of scenery. It was actually because I have dropped out of university"
Remus choked on the pasta he'd been slurping and coughed it up onto his plate before not to discreetly chugging the gunk into his mouth again.
"But you're so smart!" He exclaimed with a mouth full of gunk.
"But it made me miserable! Besides we all know Universities and higher learning in general are old structures built on racism and sexism. I mean I heard Cambridge didn't even have a black society until 2005, that's younger than I am!"
"But you're" The demon waved his fork around while searching for words "You're so smart! You're like made for school and learning and shit! If you were made for something you gotta do it!"
"I don't have to do anything. Ever. Except maybe breathe if I care to do so"
"But like...Y'know if a guy don't get scared when seeing dead people he's kinda made for being dead person guy-"
"A mortician?"
"YeS! A mormon! And it's kinda" Remus kept waving his fork around as his forehead became more and more wrinkled "There is this story from my home but uhh I have never told it in english so..." He trailed off.
"It's hard to translate, innit?" The demon nodded to which Janus put his elbows on the table and let his head rest against the palms of his hand "Take your time. We have a whole wine bottle to go through"
Remus played with the pasta left on his plate while thinking of how to formulate it until the pasta had been molded into a tiny little blob "So everyone is molded to be good at shit but this guy Patton-"
Janus let up into a snort "Is he the bad guy?"
"Yeah uh sorta"
He laughed "Of course, what a asshole name"
"Yeah and Patton was good at his shit but got bored or something and" He smoshed the pasta blob with his fork "And went against what he was molded to do Y'know? He ate people and uhhh like was a total traitor to his like home!"
Janus mouth dropped at the sudden inclusion of cannibalism in this otherwise quite normal sounding tale. ".....And then...??"
"Then he never got caught! But he's totally bad! Traitor bitch! And that proves is wrong to uhhhh not do what you are literally made for"
"Darling that doesn't make the slightest bit of sense"
Remus was reminded that he and Janus were truly different species. He would never be able to explain to him that he had literally been created to fullfill certain human's desire to fuck twins and that something must have gone wrong with him in particular.
The demon shrugged "Life is misery anyway. Screaming and bLOOD all over. So if you're made for something you do it even if it is misery. You get?"
Janus leant back in his seat and sipped from his wine glass "Frankly? No. I am simply not built to lift a single finger if I do not proper want to. The bloody queen could be dying in front of me and I would be able to stop it by the click of a button and if I didnt feel arsed to do it, which I dont, I wouldnt do it.....And that's how she died. Cheers!"
They clinked their glasses together and Remus downed his like a shot once again before tapping his fingers against the empty glass.
"....But you have to, if you're made for it" He finally said.
"Dear now you're going into the nature vs nurture debate and whether we have free will or not and those have bloody decades of discussions around it which I would soooo loathe to discuss for the next hour....But we also have dishes to clean. Feel like killing two stones with one bird darling?"
Naturally Remus had never really washed dishes before since if he ate he didn't bother with utensils and such but he tried to mimic his human friend's behavior the best he could while trying not to get distracted by all the wonderful gross leftover food bits. The sink was so small his hip touched against Jan's as the human scrubbed a plate while going on about philosophers. The situation felt like such a human thing to do it nearly felt traitorious to do it.
He wondered if Patton ever washed a dish. He had been wondering more and more often if Patton had done the things he was doing. If Patton ever drank wine together with the human or the angel that he ended up murdering, fucking or eating in the end (whichever version of the story one prefered).
"I wanna do dishes with you again sometime" Remus mumbled to which Janus let out a chuckle.
"Sure dear. Your imagination is really running wild about our future with that one innit"
"I'm letting my imagination go away on thinking of how to kill with this fork!" Remus quickly changed the subject "I could shove it up someones ass or gouge out eyeball or use it with a hammer to crack up skull like fragile egg!"
Janus put the last plate away before turning to Remus and putting a hand against his hip "I've noticed you like to threaten with ass shoving as a form of murder. How exactly do you think that would go about killing a person?"
"Easy. Object pops hole in rectum. Bleeding. Dies of bleeding"
"...I....I didn't actually expect an anatomically plausible response"
Remus shrugged "I love corpses" He was close to falling away into daydreams of his days of going into morgues and staring at cut up bodies before he shook his head and added "I mean I love watching corpses on film. Documentaries. Innit?"
He snorted "Say innit again"
Janus pressed a kiss to Remus' cheek and murmured "It sounds so cute in your accent"
The demon shone up into such a bright smile even his mustache turned upwards at the ends.
The human wiped his hands off before going back to the couch and waving Remus over so naturally he rolled over the couchseat to land next to him.
"I think you will find this very fascinating" Janus said to which Remus' eyes widened as he immediately thought he was about to be shown the human's dick and balls.
Instead Janus pulled the back of his sweater up so the lower part of his spine showed and motioned for Remus to touch him. The demon let his fingers run along the spine and felt the other man shudder slightly as he slid his hand up under his sweater.
The spine was crooked in a way Remus had never felt before. As soon as he realized how different it was he couldn't help but run his hand up and down until he heard Janus let up into a laugh.
Remus moved his arms around Janus' waist and leaned his chin against his date's shoulder "You're right. That was fascinating"
Janus angled his head so he could nuzzle the side of his face against Remus' while smiling "It's not scoliosis but the doctor said it was similar damage as scoliosis caused by the car crash. The doctor said that by every medical notion I should have died or at least gotten an sci. My spine should have broken apart, not crook she said"
"You got mad in car last time we talked about car crash" The demon had the tone of a sad puppy as he mumbled it.
"Well that time you brought it up at a very rude time, this time I bring it up. There is a difference dear" Janus smiled as he added "They said I was a medical miracle"
As soon as Remus got permission to be excited about it he started to literally vibrate as he snuggled closer to Jan "You're my medical mystery!" He let his hands go under the other man's shirt again and gently squeezed his love handles "Honk honk" He kept vibrating "ALSO DO YOU HAVE XRAY?"
"Photos?" Remus nodded so hard it made Jan's head shake along "I do"
"Hot. Can I see sometime??"
Remus squeezed him around the waist and rocked side to side. Janus let his hand play along the other man's choker to keep him close before moving the collar of his own shirt to the side so the demon could press kisses to the nape of his neck.
"If you got scolioshit you should think prehand about positions and pain before fucking" Remus threw out absentmindedly.
"And how do you know that darling" Janus asked, assuming he was just bullshitting.
"You not think I ever fucked a person with bad back? It's all uuughhhh and aaaaaggghhhh if they start having pain mid fuck and then I leave and throw trash food onto random strangers on the street or something fun like that"
The human quietly assumed Remus was attempting his own strange way of flirting and replied "That is genuenly a good input darling. You're right, we should pre-try positions. Communication is key during sex after all or at least I have read that at several places"
Janus moved to stand up before sitting down again. He parsed his lips to speak and then closed them again before moving his hands so they hung in the air but after a few seconds he laid them back in his lap and started to drag on a loose thread in his sweater. His eyes wandered between Remus and the thread. Remus stared back at him for a few moments before his brain kicked into motion and he had the thought to do something but he wasn't quite sure of what.
"I never do before stuff" Remus admitted "Just fuck and then go"
Slowly but surely Janus cracked up into a smile "Oh wow. Dear you somehow keep suprirising me with how totally inexperienced you seem to be in anything and everything that isn't literally sitcking your penis into something"
"Hey now. I am skilled. Sometimes I am person getting penis stuck in. And also I have knowledge in putting tongue on pussey"
"What an array of talents"
Remus let up into one of his high pitched chainsaw like laughs before kissing his date on the nose. He stood up and waited for Janus to stand alongside him and when the human did he scrunched his nose and smiled. Both of their movements were slow and searching, and the demon noticed his date hesitating just a bit before bending over the dinner table to which he let his hand lay against the end of Jan's slightly arched back.
"I don't think this is quite it" Janus said as he turned back around so he sat on the table instead "At least not for my first time"
"Makes sense"
Janus pulled the demon closer by the choker so he stood between his legs and leant his hands against the table by his sides. Their chests where an inch from touching as Remus suggested.
"Which madman rides dick during his first time having sex"
"On fours? Woof woof?"
"Dear I wear fancy gloves 50% of the time, Do i seem like the type to do doggy"
"That always gives sore afterwards. Lots of stretching. But great name! great marketing!"
"Really rolls off the tongue" Jan agreed.
Remus poked at Jan's chest to make him lay down with his back against the table so he could bury his right between those sweet human man tits while Jan tried to hike his leg around his waist. The demon trailed kisses from his chest, past his neck and to his cheeks.
"Like this?"
"Oh gosh it is definitely not like laying down makes every one of my one thousand chins appear" Jan complained while trying to shift his face so he didn't get a double chin to which the demon blew a rapsberry right against his chin. It made him laugh which naturally rubbed off onto Remus "Laying like this does make my back hurt a little" Jan got out between a bout of laughter.
"Maybe the bed work better?"
"You are truly using every single one of your brain cells tonight huh darling"
"Rubbing them together like car batteries! Yes yes yes!"
Remus held out his hand to help his date up from the table like a gentleman and let his human lead him to the bed by his choker. When the demon immediately hit his head against the upper bunk bed he barely even felt the sting against his forehead because he was so focused hearing his human's cackle like a corny movie villain.
"I think I quite like you Remus" He said as he laid down on his back with a pillow under the lower end of his spine to help avoid any pain.
"I like you too" He sat between his human's thighs and let his hand touch against the curve of his waist as he looked him up and down "But I do not think you're stretchy enough to get leg up on my shoulder which I think what men usually do in this position"
Janus let out the most dramatic gasp he could muster "HUH!? ME!? LIL PRETTY ME!? You're accusing me of being bent out of shape, ugly, broke and not flexible!?!? You're a foul man!"
"Only like 2 of those things"
"RUDE! You're misjudging my gay credentials. I'll show you Mister!" His snarky self couldn't help but add "This is the hottest dirty talk anyone has ever had in the history of mankind"
"Show me then"
A pitiful attempt was made by Janus to lift his leg up so his knee was bent over his date's shoulder but it just made the zipper on his pants drag open. Remus offered to help lift but he was quickly denied as the other man sat up and began to drag his pants off.
"Of course it was today of all days I decided to wear my faboulous pants instead of one of my wonderful skirts" He muttered to himself while Remus sat watching grinning like a fool.
"Is that tiny snakes on your boxers?"
"Noooo. Obviously not. They're weirdly colored wormssss. Of course they are snakes! And they look fantastic on me!"
"They sure do!"
With the pants thrown aside the two men tried again with Remus holding Janus' leg up slightly to help but every time they got close one of them burst up into laughter which made the other start to laugh and they had to start over again.
"Don't blame me if you pull a muscle"
"I'll make you pull a muscle in you-"
"I was going to say pull a muscle in your tongue" Janus said as he pressed his hand against the back of Remus' head to pull him closer "So you can shut up and be a good boy for once" His tone had suck a teasing tone it made Remus giggle a little.
The bare skin of Jan's thigh touched his and the sensation made a chill run up his back at the same time as Jan let the light hand against the back of his head turn into him grabbing a bit of the demon's hair and playfully twirling it around his finger. Remus put his hands on either side of Janus' head to hold himself from falling completely onto him, with him so far being able to feel the other man's sweater rub against his chest.
With him pressed closer Janus managed to hike his leg up over Remus' shoulder which made them both let up into playful cheers before he helped him get his other leg up.
"This is definitely not stretching muscles I didnt know I had and you were not right in any way" jan snarked out. "But it feels good"
"I know me stuff"
He felt his human's hand wander up and down his back as he pressed his face to the nape of Jan's neck and kissed his collar bone. A hot breathe touched against Remus ear as Janus murmured "I'm so hard for you"
The stupidity of the situation wasn't lost on Remus but he genuinely hadn't seen the situation as sexual up until that moment. It had been all fun joking around and touching in ways some might consider sexual but it hadn't bothered him as long as he didn't have to feel that horrible feeling of feeding.
His blood ran cold and a distant ringing sounded inside of his ears. Everything around him turned ever so slightly blurry as his eyes went out of focus and his thoughts started to wander off to distant gore filled daydreams to distract himself.
The lust tasted just like Janus, that was the worst part of it. It wasn't something Remus could ever explain to a non succubus but the lust filling his mouth tasted like cheeky smiles, lemons and little lies and it made it even harder to swallow.
Somewhere far away his shirt was being pulled off and maybe Janus said something to him but he couldn't comprehend any of it. It just kept filling his mouth and oh god this was it, it would happen and then he would have to choke the life out of his human and wait for hell to let him in again and he had to do it because Roman was all alone in hell and fuck now he was thinking of his brother while he was about to have sex and he wasn't sure where his hand was and his skin was too tight around his flesh and he didn't even know when his human's birthday was so he would never know what would be written on his gravestone and Virgil would be the one to find his dead body but that was better than him seeing Roman's dead body and-
And a brief knock came from the entrance before the door opened and Virgil stepped into the apartment with his jacket slung over his shoulder and his headphones on.
The lust stopped dripping down his throat but Remus was only half aware as Janus as scrambled to sit up and pull the bed cover across his lap. The demon stayed sitting still as his eyes got stuck on some spot on the pillow and even though he wanted to look elsewhere it was as if his muscles weren't listening to him.
"---visade sig work didn't need mig. Kollegan kom and took my shift" The words coming from Virgil's mouth turned to nonsense in Remus' ears.
"-Remus was simply helpen mig strech. Bad spine och allt det" Janus responded and Remus started to feel nauseous but he wouldn't let himself throw up since he knew he needed the food.
His shorts were still on and Janus was still wearing his sweater so they couldn't have gotten that far. Maybe he had just overreacted to some silly touching. Silly him.
"You've eaten dinner?"
"Yeah. I'll just go to bed I think" The conversation continued while Virgil kept sneaking hateful glares at the demon.
Eventually Virgil left to get changed for bed and Janus moved to sit beside his date and gently wrap an arm around his waist. Feeling the pressure of another's touch made his dissociation disparse ever so slightly.
"Very homophobic of the universe to stop us from making gorgeous love" Jan muttered with a slight smile "During pride no less! It would have been so perfect if I lost the made up concept of virginity on the first day of Pride, but alas there is nothing wrong with doing that on the second day"
The human turned to his date expecting to see some smile but instead he saw that same dead eyed look he had seen during their car date. When he didn't get any answer Janus continued.
"Darling, Did you..." He searched for the right word "Enjoy everything we did today..?"
The notion that someone was speaking to him finally got through to Remus and he blinked rapidly to try and get back some control over his body before nodding.
"Okay dear, I simply wanted to make sure" Janus waited a bit before asking "Would you like to watch a movie or cuddle or something of that sort or would you rather immediately go to sleep. Don't worry about disturbing the grumpy hisser, we have headphones that connect!"
The demon nodded again and Janus gave a confused look to the unclear answer just as Virgil came out from the bathroom dressed in skeleton themed sweatpants and t-shirt.
Janus leaned in to whisper to his date "Excuse my french but it's totally not like I have to have some.. let's say..alone time now after our uhh time together got cut short so how about you think of what movie to watch while I do that" He stood up but quickly added "As you know I am definitely ssssuch a sucker for gore and horror sssso totally feel free to pick something horrible like that!"
The only reason Remus noticed him leaving was that the pressure from his arm being around suddenly disappeared. He could make out that Virgil had stopped to say something to him and he could quite easily guess that the tone of his voice was like poison dripping of his tongue but he wasn't sure what exact type of threat or insult the emo was trying to throw at him and before he had time to figure it out Viv had already climbed up to the top part of the bunk bed.
By the time Janus got back he had had enough time so he could hear Virgil tapping away on his computer right above him and his eyes were focused enough he could make out the way his human's cheeks were flushed redder than before. He'd also changed into a fancy silk pyjamas and put his hair in a bonnet.
His human cupped his chin and pulled his face close to whisper "I may or may not have just had the best alone time I've ever had because of you" Before pressing a kiss to his cheek.
Remus mustered a "nICE"
Janus studied his expression before deciding to ignore the movie "Do you wish to cuddle until we fall asleep?"
"Yesss please"
"Atta boy, that's what i like to hear"
The two men spooned up under the covers and for a long while Janus whispered facts about old broadway divas to him until it was replaced by his soft snores. At every slight movement Remus made Janus would murmur in his sleep which he found adorable.
With his eyes closed and mouth slightly agape he looked so unassuming but something warm stirred in the pit of the demon's stomach as he silently watched him. His eyes wandered across the scarred side of his face and took in ever little uneven detail. He noticed how his human's bottom lip was a slightly lighter shade of brown than his top lip and the question of whether that made his lips feel differently entered his mind. He wished he could test the question out.
Tomorrow, he told himself, tomorrow he would seduce and kill his human. Tomorrow. They would have the whole day to themself at the Pride event. Tomorrow. And then he would see his brother and friends again. Tomorrow. And then he would never see Janus again.
Despite everything Remus slept better that night than he had for months.
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