#beauty and the beast vibe up here
the-blind-geisha · 6 months
You're the Inspiration - Chapter 6
The peaceful image of Rosalina stared the king in the face upon his return. That was the only one he cared about. But he couldn't just talk to her in his mansion. He had to be in another dimension of his own creation.
That way, he could at least have most of the power on his side to prevent her from dodging his questions.
Even if he was wearing himself thin with how often he was using the magic crown, he conjured up a portal that would take them both to the ghost dimension. It was a world he had complete dominion over, so her chances of escaping were minimal.
The world had nothing but darkness, dotted with a few hovering windows that silhouetted the background. Beyond them was the galaxy that he knew she so loved. Underneath them both was a marble flooring composed of sharp designs.
The painting began to ripple at the center as he pulled her from the prison he had placed her within only to swiftly slam down a large birdcage in its place, trapping her once more. Coming to her senses, Rosalina sighed as the boo, larger than usual thanks to the powers surrounding him, laughed at her predicament.
“After all this time, and this is the way you wish to go about things?” She lounged on her side, not allowing him an ounce of her fear to feast upon.
“In the past few hours, I have treated you far better than you have me,” he hissed in anger.
“Indulge me, Your Majesty,” Rosalina sighed. “What have I done to wrong you so?”
Chapter 6
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sleepanonymous · 7 months
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reitziluz · 1 year
saw a poem that largely didn't resonate and reblogging with that kind of a disclaimer is rude
"I know where I end now."
hit too hard not to share
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sinner-as-saint · 2 months
meaner than my demons
Dark!Bucky x Avenger!Reader au 
Run-through: You wake up in a manor in the middle of nowhere with no recollection of how you got there. All you remember is that you and Bucky were out on a mission, and then nothing. Bucky…? This wasn’t his doing, was it? What you didn’t know was that Bucky, of all people, had all the reasons to become the bad guy. To avenge himself, what was done to him, and all that was mercilessly taken from him. Nobody knew just how close he’d gotten to just giving into the twisted temptations that beckoned him over. All he needed was a slight nudge, a purpose – and you gave him that unknowingly. So he went, and he dragged you over to the darkness with him. 
Themes: angst, dark!bucky, kidnapping, sort of beauty and the beast vibes, mentions of bucky’s traumatic past as the winter soldier, smut, fluff, praise kink, HEA but slightly ambiguous ending ;) 
a/n: the angst is strong with this one. Also, I was merely experimenting with this character so take nothing too seriously <3 ily (p.s: this is long, grab a snack)
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There’s a minotaur in the middle of the maze. 
That sentence echoed in your head as you slowly blinked your eyes open. Your vision was blurry, your head spun even as you laid down looking up at the shiny, intricate chandelier above the canopy bed you were currently in. 
You focused on the bizarrely alluring chandelier, blinking as you tried to bring your vision back to normal, trying to get your head to stop spinning. 
It felt like you were waking up after a night of heavy drinking. Slowly, as if not trusting your body, you sat up on the comfy bed. 
There’s a minotaur in the middle of the maze. 
There was that damn sentence again. What the fuck is even that? Where did it come from? You squinted as you looked around, feeling a throbbing headache forming. Nevermind the strange sentence, where were you was the real question here. How did you end up in this bed? 
Panicking you quickly assessed your body. You were still in your mission gear, except none of your guns were in their holsters. Other than that, everything felt fine. You weren’t hurt anywhere, except for a pain at the back of your neck. You moved your head, trying to figure out what the cause of the pain was, but other than some sore muscles, nothing hurt. 
You carefully sat on the edge of the bed, planting your boots on the ground and looking around. Judging by the light coming in through the ridiculously large georgian windows, it looked like it was well into the evening. And the room was… beautiful in a gothic, dark way. 
Apart from the fireplace within which was lit a small fire, and the golden scones on the walls and the chandelier above the bed, everything else was dark. The walls were dark green, the large canopy bed was all-black with dark grey bedding, the high ceiling was covered in detailed moulding. Dark, wooden coffee table and bookshelves, black leather upholstered sofas, a huge chest drawer in the corner. 
If you were kidnapped, you thought, you’d likely be in some dark room with no windows – like a dungeon. Not in a properly furnished, clean bedroom. 
You frowned as you tried to go back, trying to figure out how you got here. You got up from the bed and approached the windows, looking out. For a moment you were mesmerised by the view outside. From this window, you could see the sprawling wings of the house on either side of you. A manor, then, not a house. 
Situated at the foot of hills which rose behind the manor, partially shrouded in dense fog. Some countryside, then? You tucked that information away as you scanned the area even more. The manor it seemed was surrounded by thick woods. The hills, the fog, the dark green woods, it all seemed like it was a scene out of a mysterious, dangerous novel. The silence, the secrecy… 
You looked further around and noticed a walled garden not too far to the right, and to the complete left a… huge hedge maze. You could only see part of it but– 
There’s a minotaur in the middle of the maze…? 
The memory came flooding into your brain, and you almost lost your balance for a moment. 
You had been hiking up these hills for days. But a mission was a mission, correct? You looked behind you and noticed Bucky frowning in deep thought. 
“Are you sure about this?” You asked your good friend. You and Bucky had been paired together for many missions recently, all of them successful. You two made a great team. He wasn’t much of a talker, and you enjoyed silence and solitude. 
“Yeah,” He mumbled, coming to a stop beside you. “I received solid intel about a house just beyond these woods. The owner deals in illegal substances,” He added in his usual, dark-humoured, self-deprecating tone, “the kind that can create worse creatures than super soldiers.” 
“Hey!” You tapped him on the chest playfully, disapproving of his joke. Still you said, “I, for one, am glad they made you.” You added to his weird humour, “I get a good friend and a perfect bodyguard all in one.” 
Bucky gave you a rare smile. It made him look boyish and young, and… handsome. You looked away quickly. It always did something to you, that smile. It was a useless little crush you’d been nurturing since that day – months ago – when Bucky took a bullet to his shoulder to save you during a crossfire. 
“You can stay here if you want,” Bucky suggested, “I’ll go take a look and come back.” 
“No,” You reached into your backpack and pulled out two fancy binoculars, handing one to him, “We just need to get on top of this hill, and then we’ll keep an eye on the house and its ground for a while,” You explained as you began hiking up the hill again, Bucky following you loyally like he had this whole time, “And then we’ll make a plan. Okay?” 
“Yes, ma’am.” 
Getting on top of the hill was no big deal. The hike was easy and the hill was high enough that you had a clear vision of the manor and its grounds even with thick woods between the hill and the manor. 
You let out a gasp the moment you looked through the binoculars. Bucky beside you did the same thing, not gasping at the beauty of it all though. Then again, few things impressed Bucky. You supposed this luxurious, gothic manor and its elegant grounds weren’t on the list. 
“Whoever this is should be ashamed that they’re using this beautiful place for something so dark.” You whispered, looking and taking in the details of the manor. It looked enchanting in the morning light. 
“You like it?” 
“Bucky, one would have to be an absolute idiot to not appreciate the beauty of this place. No neighbours, no one to bother you. Just foggy hills, dense woods and… ooh!” You exclaimed with genuine happiness, forgetting for a moment that you were here on a mission and not sightseeing. “Bucky! There’s a maze!” 
You couldn’t look away. You zoomed as much as you could, trying to take in the details. “Yes, an actual maze and it’s huge!” You had the biggest smile on your face. “Oh this is a dream, and… oh look! There’s a minotaur in the middle of the maze!” 
Bucky let out a chuckle. “How cliché.” 
You kept watching, letting your guard completely down for a moment. You didn’t see Bucky approaching, you didn’t notice the shift, not until it was too late. 
“I’m sorry, doll.” 
That was the last thing you heard before feeling a burning sensation at the back of your neck, and then darkness and the warmth of Bucky’s chest as he held you to keep you from falling on the ground. 
Why would he do that? You didn’t do anything. You were breathing heavily now, looking around for a way out. These windows didn’t open, and the door must be– 
It opened right as you stared at it, and in walked Bucky. Dressed differently. He wasn’t in his usual mission gear. No leather jackets, no gun holsters, not even his knives. Just a casual shirt, and comfy trousers. Like this was normal. Like he was at home. 
Your eyes widened as this started to make a little more sense. But you didn’t dare think about it properly. He wouldn’t… right? He was your friend. You two had fought together for years. He was one of the good guys… right? 
He shut the door behind him as he stepped further into the room. “I came as fast as I could when they told me you were beginning to wake up.” He said a little sheepishly. 
What? But most importantly, “Who’s ‘they’?” You asked, trying your best to put all your training into practice and keeping your calm. 
“My housekeepers.” He answered like it was the most obvious thing. 
You noted the way he avoided your eyes, the way he kept flexing his metal hand. Bucky was slightly nervous. 
You took a step back, pressing against the cold windows. “What is going on? What is this place? Did you…” Your voice cracked as you asked, “Did you drug me?” 
“You wouldn’t come willingly.” He answered, staring deeply at the fireplace as he approached it and placed his metal hand on the mantle above. “And you wouldn’t be willing to listen to me.” 
Your heart pounded. What was he talking about? “This place, this house is… yours?” 
Bucky nodded. 
“And there is no guy dealing in dangerous substances, is there?” You figured this was a trap and you walked right into it. 
“No.” He answered truthfully. “There isn’t. This is my home. Well, one of them.” 
“Bucky,” You whispered, cautiously. Afraid. Wary. His home? Since when? “Why?”
He finally looked at you. The soft fire in the fireplace lit one side of his face and hid the other side in shadows. Fitting, you thought, despite it all. “You don’t have to be afraid of me.” He said, almost like he was offended that you would think so. “I would never hurt you, doll.” 
“I want the truth, Buck.” You stared deep into his familiar blue eyes, trying to find your friend in there. And he was there, but he was behind a dark smoke screen. “Please.” 
Bucky sighed. “Take a seat.” He said softly, settling down on one of the many sofas scattered around the spacious room. 
You didn’t. You remained there by the windows, like the distance between you and him would save you from the dangers you weren’t aware of yet. 
He sighed again, “Fine, be difficult then.” He got up, and began walking towards you. 
You panicked, remaining frozen in place for a moment. But by the time you moved to get away from him, he was too close. You went to run away but his metal hand firmly around your wrist stopped you. 
“I won’t hurt you.” He repeated, pulling you close until you hit his chest, then wrapped his other arms around you. “Believe me,” He said. 
You shook your head as you looked into his eyes, the hidden darkness in them. “What happened to you?” You whispered, “Why are you doing this?” 
He frowned as if you were the one being ridiculous. “Don’t you see? This place is perfect for us.”
For us? 
You noted the strange haze in his captivating eyes. Something was different about him. 
“What?” You blinked, ignoring the many questions you had. “Bucky, our friends, they need us.” You tried reasoning, though in vain, “We need to go back. And keep fighting–” 
“Back to what?” He argued, cutting you off. “Fight for who?” 
“The innocent people, Buck. The ones who are constant victims of our enemies, and–,” 
“I was a victim too.” He said, silencing you at once with a dark tone. “No one fought for me.” 
He rarely ever brought up HYDRA, so this was new territory to you. You approached it carefully, softening your voice as you said, “Steve did.” 
Bucky surprised you by scoffing carelessly. Dropping his voice he said, “And yet, all I ever was to him in the end was disposable.” 
That shut you up. 
For a moment you felt a fraction of the pain he felt. You always empathised with him, even before you started nurturing that little crush you had on him. “But you have the chance now, Buck.” You tried reasoning, calmly and no longer resisting his grip on your wrist. “Let’s go back, and fight so no one ever has to suffer like you did.” 
The finality in his tone made you shiver. “So what? You’re gonna keep me captive here and we’re gonna let the bad people win?” 
Bucky sighed. “They already won. Don’t you see the state of this world?” 
You flinched. “That’s your goal then? To punish the world and everyone in it?” 
“Punish it?” He scoffed. “No. I want to see it try and fend for itself. Or watch it die trying.” 
“Bucky…” You didn’t recognise the man you were looking at. “We can make a difference, no matter how minor. We’re the good guys, remember?” 
He let go of your hand, turned to face the windows pensively. “I’m done being good.” 
You remained frozen in place, assessing the situation quickly. He had his back to you, so he was confident you wouldn’t hurt him. He had shut the door on his way in but never locked it. That must mean even if you got past the door, he must’ve made sure you wouldn’t make it out of this house. 
But you couldn’t leave, could you? You believed him when he said he wouldn’t hurt you. You wouldn’t leave him here like this. Bucky was hurting, and he was acting this way because of that. But the house? Why bring you here? Why drug you? What did he want?  
“Bucky,” You said after taking a deep breath. “You’re my friend, we’ve fought together for years. You rescued me so many times. You took a bullet for me. I know you’re good.” 
He shook his head, looking out the window. “I’ve been good, all my life. I was good when I followed Steve and believed in what he stood for. I was good when I was captured, and forced to be a killing machine. I was good, deep down I know I was still good, even when they wiped my mind each time and made me perform however they wanted.” 
You flinched, your heart sinking with each word that came out of his mouth. 
He continued, as if numb to it all. 
“I was desperately good even when I found myself stuck in a wrong, superhuman body. I was good even when everyone around me expected me to get over it and keep fighting like a good little soldier.” He finally turned to you and said, “I’m done, now. What did it ever give me?” 
His words hit harder than a punch to the face. “Buck…” You almost comforted him, because there was still your dear friend, broken. But wrong. So wrong to believe there weren't still good things to fight for. “You have people who care for you.” 
“Do I?” His tone was mocking. And you didn’t dare reply, so he continued. “I’ve been used in experiments that had no ethical limits. I’ve been a weapon, a commodity. I’ve been a mindless soldier. I’ve been stuck in the body of a murderer. I’ve been a throwaway friend. No one ever cared.” 
“I do.” 
Bucky was quiet. His shoulders moving just a little as he breathed deeply. 
You continued. “And Sam does. And so do all of our friends.” You argued, trying to find something, anything to prove a point, “I mean, all of Wakanda believed in you when they helped you.” 
“They did.” He almost smiled in gratitude. “But they never trusted me.” He sounded genuinely sad. “I remained a weapon.” He looked down at his shiny metal arm and added, “So easily dismantled.” 
Was this really how you would lose him? To the darkness in his head? Your heart pounded as you looked at him. Standing proud and tall, looking out the window as the darkening evening made the room even dimmer. The last logs in the fireplace cracked. And Bucky was still so beautiful standing by the window, but broken. Like a tortured and grim lord of the manor. 
“It doesn’t have to be like this, Buck.” You took a step back when he turned to face you. 
“No, it doesn’t.” He agreed, weirdly. Then added, “I don’t want to fight anymore. I don’t care about the rest of the world, I’m done being a good little soldier. I just want to be a man.” He took a few more steps until he was right in front of you. His handsome face so close to yours. “And be with the woman I want, in our own quiet little paradise.” His hand reached out to gently stroke your cheek. His metal hand found itself on your waist, tugging you closer gently. “Isn’t this perfect, doll? Hmm?” 
You were so surprised that you didn’t even properly register the meaning behind his words until you replayed it in your head a few times. “You… what?”  
“You know,” He smirked, fingers now tracing your parted lips. “At first I wondered what was taking you so long to realise. I’m not very good at being subtle with my feelings, you see. But you never caught on.” His smirk widened. “And then I found out why in the best way possible.” 
You were afraid to ask for some reasons. “Why?” You whispered. 
Bucky leaned in, brushing the cold tip of his nose against your cheek, and said, “Because you like me too, and you were too busy hiding your own feelings that you didn’t pay attention to mine. Wanna know how I know?” He chuckled, “I heard you whispering my name under your breath as you touched yourself. Too many times to count.” 
You gasped in surprise, unable to move. 
“Well,” He said, “That’s a figure of speech, of course I know exactly how many times. I kept count.” He continued, loving the way you began squirming in embarrassment. “It’s the metal hand, isn’t it? It turns you on?” He chuckled. 
“You…” You finally found your voice and stumbled on your words, “You had no right.” 
He laughed, pulling away to look at you. “To listen to you moaning my name? Not my fault you’re so loud to my very, very sensitive ears.” He teased. 
He was so close. His chest, so warm. His arms around you, so perfect that you almost forgot all about the conversation you had before all this. 
You stepped away, and out of his embrace. Taking a deep breath, you tried to focus on the important thing here. “What do you want, Bucky?” 
He shrugged, “Well right now I want us to have dinner, it’s getting late and you haven’t eaten all day.” 
You sighed. “Then? When I want to leave, you’ll stop me?” 
Bucky was so very still. It was inhuman. Then again, he was not exactly just a regular guy. “If I wanted you trapped here you would have woken up tied to the bed, doll.” 
“So I can walk away from here if I want?” You asked. No. That would be too easy. Wouldn’t it? 
“You could.” 
Another trap, you figured. For the first time since this absurd evening started, you straightened your back and faced Bucky with a little less fear, and embarrassment. “You won’t win, Bucky. Not like this.” 
He gave you a handsome, smug grin and said, “We’ll talk about all that later. Now, do what you need to do, freshen up,” He pointed at the door in the corner of the bedroom, the bathroom you assumed, “And join me for dinner downstairs.” He leaned in and too casually kissed your forehead. “Don’t keep me waiting, doll.” 
And he left. Leaving you even more confused than when you didn’t have any answers. 
You thought about it as you reluctantly made your way into the bathroom which was just as dark and luxurious as the rest of the bedroom. Dark green walls, a large white and gold tub, mouldings on the ceiling matching the bedroom, large gilded mirrors and sinks. A spacious shower booth, with fancy faucets and shower heads. 
You checked the many cabinets and found everything one could need. The skin care products looked inviting but first of all, you needed a hot shower. You grabbed a neatly folded bathrobe and some body wash products and stepped into the booth. 
Then you spent your time thinking about everything. What did you know as of now? That Bucky owned this place, it was his home. That Bucky was done fighting, he had plans to say ‘fuck it all’ and retire. That he liked you back? Fine, he did. He wanted you to stay here with him? And never fight again? That was a whole other thing you had to worry about. But first, how to get out of here? 
Also how did Bucky afford this place? Had he always been filthy rich? 
What was the endgame here? And if he managed to keep you here, would any of your friends come looking for you? No one even knew where you were, that’s how much you trusted Bucky. The moment he brought this fake mission up you agreed to come with him immediately. Alright, your little crush had had an influence on your decision making but still. 
Could you trust Bucky now? It felt foolish to admit, but yes. Yes you could. Bucky would never hurt you. 
So you got out of the shower, with more questions and made your way back to the room and found neatly folded clothes on the bed. Soft, comfy, casual clothes. You put them on and took a deep breath before you stepped out of the room. 
As you made your way down one of the two ornate staircases, you hoped you’d find Bucky again somewhere down here. Meanwhile you couldn’t help but admire his home. It was… hauntingly beautiful. It was more dark than lit. Rich colours: dark green, dark red, black. Gilded picture frames along the hallways, large foyer, high ceilings, carved designs on almost all the furniture. Everything screamed luxury, expensive taste, old money, and like a home out of another era. An older era. 
You couldn’t see any of the housekeepers, but you soon found Bucky sitting at the head of a ridiculously fancy dining table in the dining room. 
“There you are,” He said, placing his wine glass down, “I was beginning to think you must be trying to get away.” He teased. 
You rolled your eyes and then quickly took in the room. Just as spacious as the rest of the house. A fireplace in a corner, tall arched windows, dark red curtains which allowed just the briefest amount of moonlight to come in. The room was well lit, and you couldn’t miss the grand chandelier above the adorned table and chairs. 
Sitting at the head of that table, Bucky reminded you of a bored prince – surrounded by unexplainable luxury which suited him too well. 
You took a seat at the other end of the table, facing Bucky fully. He noted your tactic and smirked. Then you said, “I didn't know you were rich.” Because surely super soldiers aren’t getting paid this much. 
He shrugged like it was no big deal, “I’m over a century old, doll. I would be an absolute idiot if I didn’t amass a fortune that could last me a couple more lifetimes.” 
You also noted the way he used your own words against you, but kept quiet. “Right. But how exactly?” 
He explained. “A lot of the people I was asked to... get rid of for HYDRA were influential people. Rich, wealthy, borderline royalty. And they would always try to bribe me just to be spared. They offered me everything I wanted if I let them go.” 
He sighed, almost in annoyance of the memories. 
He continued, “I couldn't let them go of course, but they always revealed all their secrets during their last moments.” His stare was distant. “And after the job was done, whatever they left behind, whatever they offered, locations of their hidden wealth and riches, it was all mine for the taking.” He added, “And since I was a good little machine, HYDRA never looked too deep into what I did as long as I got the job done.” 
Everytime Bucky opened up about his past, you realised that there was so much about him that you didn’t know. “That’s a lot of secrets.” 
“And this manor? It’s one of the secrets left behind by someone you got rid of as well?” 
“No,” He said, “This was built from the ground up. Decades ago.” 
Decades. Again, another reminder of how many lives he had lived in the past century. It was almost fascinating. You opened your mouth to ask another question, but the door behind Bucky – which you hadn’t noticed earlier – opened and in walked two ladies with full trays in their hands. One of the trays filled with food, including a glass of wine, was brought over to you. 
You eyed the tray for a moment before you sent a questioning glare at Bucky. 
“What? Is it a surprise that I know what you like?” There was that smug grin again on his handsome face. 
Hunger won over confusion and anger, so you took a bite out of some food before you asked, “How did you put up such a good façade? For so long?” Hiding all of this couldn’t have been easy, right? 
“I didn't.” He answered. “I thought a broken soldier was what I needed to be, all I could ever be.” He smiled, “Then I met you and for the first time, I craved a simpler life. One where we could have nothing but time to do what we wanted, and no longer have to partake in fights that aren't ours.” 
You genuinely wanted to know, so you asked softly, “Is this truly what you want, Buck? To sit here and say to hell with the world outside?” 
“Isn’t it peaceful?” He questioned, “No meetings, or briefings. No country out to get us, no enemies out to kill us.” 
You remained quiet. For a little while, you both ate in silence. You could feel Bucky’s eyes on each one of your movements. He kept quiet though, and then you asked, “Why is no one out to get you? Given who you are and who you used to be, one would assume you’d have the most enemies out there.” 
“I have friends in all the right places.” He answered. 
You frowned. “What does that mean?” 
He smirked, “Now, I can’t give away all my secrets, can I?” He said as he stood up, wiping the corners of his mouth with a napkin. “I have some things I need to do, you’ll find your way back to your room?” 
You nodded, though suspicious at the sudden freedom. 
He whispered a quick ‘good night’ and left. Which made you frown in confusion because why would he leave you here? When you could easily walk out? Was he expecting you to try and escape? Was he hoping you would? 
You got up from the table, and carefully walked out of the dining room, stepping into the hallway. You didn’t take the time to admire the scones on the walls, the paintings, anything. All you saw was the foyer and beyond which was the grand entrance of the manor. 
Even from the inside you could see the foggy air outside. The fog swirling around like smoke. It looked cold out. Even if you made a run for it, you would be sick and frozen by morning. 
You stood there for a moment, steps away from the foyer. There were no cameras, that was the first thing you looked for in the house. None of the housekeepers could be seen, you realised they made themselves scarce. 
You should’ve taken the staircase and gone back up to the bedroom. Maybe you’d question Bucky tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow he’d listen. But the front doors looked tempting. And that part of your brain which always went seeking trouble, the part that always pushed you into doing bold things, that part made you move towards the doors. 
Chances were that Bucky was watching, and you almost wanted him to see. To see that you couldn’t be kept here. So you went for it. You waited for some kind of alarm to go off as you turned the door knob and pulled open the door, stepping a foot out and then the other. But no alarm came. 
The fog messed with your vision, you couldn’t see further than the white marble steps. It was cold and you had no extra layers on. This was stupid. And yet, you took a few more steps down the marble stairs which led to what you assumed would be the front yard. 
You were about five steps down before you stopped. There was the silhouette of a male figure standing at the bottom of the stairs, engulfed by the fog. The moonlight made him look like a dark villain. Yet the shiny metal arm gave him away. “I thought you said I could walk away.” You tested the waters. 
“I did say you could.” He took a step up the stairs, “I didn’t say I would let you get too far.” 
You scoffed, trying your hardest to hide how you shivered in the cold night. The fog was all around you by now. All you could see was the faint outline of Bucky and the white stairs. 
“Get back inside,” He ordered. “It’s cold out.” 
“I won’t let you make a prisoner out of me.” 
“That’s not my goal here.” He sounded reassuring. 
“Then let me go.” 
“You know I can’t do that, doll.” He took another step, getting closer. You could tell by his stance that he was ready for it, should you want to fight your way out of here. 
And you did. You went for it. 
First a punch, then a kick. It was hard to keep your balance on marble stairs, but you did your best, just like when you two used to spar while training. 
You gave it your all, you tried your hardest to get him off his feet and on the ground and possibly make a run for it, but he anticipated each punch, each kick. You put up a decent fight for a few minutes, grunting at each failed punch and kick. 
“I don’t want to hurt you!” He growled, blocking yet another one of your punches. 
You didn’t stop, you kept trying until it hurt. Until he managed to have you pinned to the ground, your back hurting against the marble stairs, metal hand around your throat, his muscular body straddling yours right there on the cool marble stairs, the edge of the steps digging into your skin, making you hiss in pain. 
“Let go!” You spat bitterly at him, looking up and finding him glaring down at you. His breath fogged against the cold air. 
Bucky chuckled. “You forgot you trained you, doll? Hmm? You forgot who taught you everything you know about combat?” Bucky smirked as he leaned down. His face was directly above yours, his nose touching yours. “Do you know how many times I’ve had to walk away all hard after sparring with you?” He leaned just a little closer so his mouth hovered over yours. “It turned you on too, didn’t it? I could smell it then. And I can smell it now.” 
That did it. You managed to find enough energy to push him off of you, you were on him the moment his body hit the marble floor, straddling him and pinning him to the ground by the throat just like he did you. You could tell the edges of the stairs were digging into his back too by the way he hissed. But you didn’t let go.
“Enough.” You tightened your grip around his throat. “I won’t play this little game with you.” You breathed heavily, exhausted by now, “You want to stay here and pretend to be some tortured, gothic lord of the manor? Fine! Go ahead. But let me go.” 
“You don’t want to go.” He whispered, confidently. He just laid there, under you. Arms limp by his sides even though you knew too well that he could flip you around at any moment he wanted. 
“Oh yeah? Is that what you think?” 
He smirked. It annoyed you how handsome he was. “I know. If you so desperately wanted to get out of here then by now you would’ve used the knife you snuck into your pocket from the dinner table.” He chuckled. “Can’t do it, can you?” 
Damn him. And here you thought you were being slick. You didn’t realise his hands had moved, no longer limp on his sides but now on your legs, fingers reaching for the crease of your thighs, rubbing your skin through the thin PJ pants you wore. 
You gasped when his metal hand found its way between your parted legs, caressing you through the layers of clothing you wore. “Don’t you see?” He said, cold fingers moving along your waistband, “I’m doing this for us.” His fingers slipped into your pants, making you gasp even louder as you felt him touching you. 
Your face burned as you thought about how many times you’d dreamt of this moment. How many times had you pretended it was his hand touching you. But it was never in these circumstances. Never had you thought it would happen on marble stairs, surrounded by dense fog, in some mysterious manor. 
“Bucky,” You whispered, feeling his fingers slowly separating your wet folds, inspecting your slit before he slid one, then a second metal finger into you. 
“Yes, baby?” His other hand wandered all over your body as you straddled him, reaching up to cup your face. His thumb traced the shape of your mouth while his two metal fingers slid so perfectly in and out of you, making you ride his fingers just briefly to chase the feeling of them against you. “Doesn’t it feel good? Hmm?” He thrust his fingers deeper into you, his metal thumb gently rubbing your clit, “Does it feel better than your fantasies?” 
Damn him. 
You couldn’t help but grind against his hand, wanting more and more. You didn’t care about anything right now, all that mattered was how good it felt. How much, much better than your fantasies it was. But you wouldn’t tell him all that. 
He didn’t need to be told. He could see it. The way you moved your hips, the way you bit your lower lip to hold back your moans and whimpers, the way you clenched around his fingers. “Come for me, doll.” He whispered, feeling your grip loosen around his throat. “Come all over my fingers like a good girl.” 
You hated how quickly you came, grinding against his hand and riding his fingers like a desperate woman. The cold, the fog, your knees digging into the hard marble, none of it mattered as you came, panting and trying your hardest to catch your breath. 
“We should head back inside,” He said, catching you just in time as you were about to collapse on top of the stairs, cradling you carefully. “Don’t want you to catch a cold.” 
Two days later, Bucky asked you during breakfast if you wanted to see the walled garden. 
The two of you hadn’t talked much these past two days. You only saw Bucky at meal times, and kept to yourself mostly. The weather had been mostly rainy as well, even thunderstorms at night. It suited the foggy environment really well. 
Neither you nor Bucky brought up that night you two fucked. You crossed paths with him these past two days in the dining room, the hallways, and the main living room, but you didn’t say a word to each other. It was painfully awkward. 
You didn’t hate what happened. You just didn’t understand. You didn’t understand him, nor this situation. None of it. How can Bucky just switch like that? How did he manage to hide all this? What else could he be hiding? 
And this morning, now that the rain had temporarily disappeared and a soft sun was shining, when he offered to show you around the walled garden, it felt like he was extending a peaceful hand. So you agreed immediately. You could use some fresh air. Plus, you figured, you and Bucky would have to talk at some point. 
So by mid-morning, you followed him out into the yard. The walled garden was closeby, and it was one of the most beautiful things you’d ever seen. It was huge. The landscaping was incredible, you could tell a lot of care went into it. 
This is...," You couldn’t come up with the right words. 
There was a pond in the middle. The four stone walls were covered with vines and the tiniest little flowers. The entrance was a moon gate, the entire thing was filled with brick pathways, a small section was dedicated to herbs, but most of the space was occupied by well trimmed hedges and bushes. 
"Beautiful, isn’t it?" He looked around, as if trying to see what it looks like from the eyes of someone seeing it for the first time. "I spend a lot of my time here." He sounded so calm as he said it. Like it brought him genuine happiness. 
"It's so peaceful here." 
You could hear the birds in the nearby trees. You could feel the breeze. The sweet smell of the flowers and slightly stronger scent of the herbs. The cool, damp ground while the smell of the rain lingered. The lush green vines surrounding the walls of the garden. It was more peaceful than it was breathtakingly beautiful. 
Its owner looked no less breathtaking. Dressed in simple dark trousers and a dark green sweater, he looked every bit the master of these grounds. He looked so different now, compared to the Bucky you used to know. 
"We should talk, Buck." You looked down, playing with the fabric of your soft sweater. 
"Yes," He agreed. "You've been ignoring me." He accused. 
You couldn’t look up at him, not even when he stepped closer. “Not ignoring you, I just… it’s hard to understand you, Bucky.” You explained. “One moment you were someone I knew for years, a constant in my life and now you’re… I don’t know this new you.” 
He remained quiet, listening. 
You continued. “Plus you talk about us living here like it was the plan all along.” 
“Wasn’t it?” He said, clenching his jaw then unclenching it. You hated how much you liked that. “Finding peace and a home. Wasn’t that the end goal? Or did you plan to sacrifice yourself in combat?” 
“Our job is to fight, Buck. We–” 
“Who said that?” He argued. “Haven’t we fought enough? Haven’t we given enough?” 
You sighed, looking away at the pond like it would have some answers. Then you said, “We can’t just live out here, away from everyone, leave the world to burn and pretend that this isn’t selfish, Buck.” 
Bucky shrugged, “Why? Nobody batted an eye when Stark did it.” 
“It was different for him.” You said, taking a few steps to reach the nearest rose bush. It had no flowers but you admired it all the same. “He had a family, a kid. He was a married man.” 
Bucky scoffed, “That’s it? That’s what it’ll take, then? I can marry you and give you a child.” He sounded partially playful. And it made you roll your eyes. 
“Shut up, Buck.” 
He chuckled. For a moment it sounded like the many bickerings you two always had as friends. For a moment all of this felt normal, comfortable. 
But it couldn’t be, could it? 
“You’re gonna have to let me go at some point.” 
“No.” He answered, sounding sure of himself as he pulled you into his arms. “I won’t let you go back and fight till it kills you. All so you can protect a world or its people who won’t even care that you died for them.” 
“That’s not your choice to make.” You looked up at him, unable to help yourself as you looked down at his soft lips, wondering what they tasted like. 
“It is.” He argued, leaning in so his mouth brushed against yours. “We could live normal lives, away from all that. Just you and me. We could travel, see whatever little beauty is left in this world. And just be free. Be us.” 
You pushed him away even though all you wanted was to be close to him. “And then what?” You asked, “We’ll be together forever? I have a couple more decades at best. I’m human, remember that.” 
He shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets and said, “You could change that.” 
You frowned. “What does that mean?” 
Nothing could’ve prepared you for what he said next. “I have vials of the serum used on me. Not all of it was destroyed over the years.” He sent a curious look your way. “Maybe if you–,” 
You shook your head, rushing past him and almost running back into the house. “You’re insane, Bucky Barnes!” 
Bucky ran after you, “Wait, I didn’t mean it like that, baby. I didn’t mean right now!” 
“No!” You stopped and turned to face him, pointing a finger at his face. “After all that you told me the other night, about being trapped in an alien body and all, now you suggest that you’ll have me take the serum just so you can live out this sick, twisted fantasy you created of us in your head?” 
Bucky stepped closer to you, reaching out with his metal arm and pulling you closer to him. “I’m saying you’d have the choice. I would never force you. And you know that.” 
You were quiet for a moment, breathing heavily as you stared into his deep blue eyes. You didn’t know why, maybe it was the stress of these past few days and this conversation you two had just had, but your eyes burned as you began tearing up. “What happened to you, Buck?” Your voice cracked as you asked. 
You closed your eyes, letting the tears fall down your cheeks. You felt his face getting closer and closer until he pressed his forehead against yours, both his arms circling around you. 
“I’m sorry,” He said, “I shouldn’t have said that. I… I don’t know how to keep you close to me.” 
You didn’t say anything. You just let him hold you, while you felt that inner turmoil growing. 
You ignored Bucky again for the next week or so. You stopped showing up to join him for meals, so he resorted to having your food sent up to your room for you. In that week of silent treatment, you’d began talking to the lovely ladies who worked in his home. 
The oldest of the two was the most affectionate, and she always brought you extra servings of your favourite desserts. Which you had been ignoring. 
One night as she brought your dinner in she said, “He hasn’t been eating well either, you know?” 
You pretended you didn’t care. So you didn’t say anything. 
The kind lady spoke again, “He’s not bad at heart.” 
You couldn’t help but ask, “How long have you known him?” 
She smiled fondly, “Decades. I came looking for work when the house was being built. I’m from the nearby town, you see? And my family… Well, they disowned me after I had a child out of wedlock. I had nowhere to go. But James took me in.” She chuckled, “Of course, I’ve grown old since.” 
But he remained the same. 
She continued, “He’s always been kind. A little cold, maybe. But he’s kind.” She paused and added, “And he’s lonely. He’s trapped, you see? In a world he should’ve never been in. Companionship, perhaps, would make this a little more bearable for him.” 
“It’s not so easy to give up what he’s asking me to. He’s asking me to give up everything, to leave it all behind.” Granted there wasn’t much to leave in the first place. You had no family, and the only friends you had were the ones you fought alongside with. 
She carefully reached out and touched your cheek. The warmth of her hand made you smile faintly. “We all make sacrifices for love, don’t we?” 
You sighed, “I think he’s hurt, and confused.” 
She laughed quietly, “Oh James is many things, confused isn’t one of them.” 
You frowned. “Do you not see that he’s wrong?” You sounded unsure of yourself for a moment there. 
“For choosing to live his life how he wants to? For wanting a better life for you? No.” 
Fine then. “What about how he’s keeping me here?” 
She smiled again. “You know, he always talks about you since the day you two first met years ago. And he always told me how brilliant you were, how strong and brave you were in combat. How well you did in training and how easily you took down men twice the size of you.” She smiled proudly, even though she’d just met you. “And you know what I think?” She paused, “I think if you really wanted to leave, you would’ve fought your way out of here already.” Then before she left your bedroom she added, “Don’t underestimate how much that man loves you.” 
You didn’t sleep all night because you kept replaying that conversation in your head. Over and over again. Were you here, truly, on your own volition after all? Did you subconsciously want this over the violence? 
The next morning, Bucky was surprised to find you making your way into his library. He watched quietly how you paused at the doorway, wide-eyed and startled. 
“You have a library.” 
It sounded less awe-struck and more like an accusation. Like how dare he have a whole ass library and not show it to you earlier? Bucky saw a glimpse of the normal you, and he couldn’t help but smile. This was a gift after a whole week of you ignoring him and him pretending like he wasn’t walking around sulking. “Did you lose your way or did you mean to ruin your streak of giving me the silent treatment?” 
He smirked when you glared at him. 
Damn, his smirk. The way it lit up his handsome face… it had been too long since you’d come. And given he had admitted to having heard you masturbate before, you didn’t dare do it under his own roof. So it was safe to say that you were, maybe, just a little touch-starved and needy. 
And him looking this good early in the morning was not helping. Tight black t-shirt, and soft, grey PJ pants. How dare he look this good while you were barely able to make sense of all that was happening? 
“We should talk. Properly. No fighting, no arguing.” You said. 
Bucky nodded, leaning against a nearby bookshelf. “What about?” 
You took a deep breath, “I think I know why I haven’t fought my way out of here yet. Because let’s face it, I could kick your ass if I really wanted to.” 
He raised an eyebrow. “Oh?” 
You took a few steps around the room, eyeing the many shelves. It was a grand, two-level library. With ornate metal stairs that led to the top level. It would take a couple of lifetimes to read all the books here. Or maybe just one long super soldier lifetime. 
“Because I’m curious.” You admitted. “You were simply my friend before. But–” 
He added pompously, “One you have a crush on.” 
You ignored that, for now. “But now you’re… someone I don’t know. It’s hard to– it feels different. You feel different. And I can’t help it, but I want to know more. About this life you’re choosing to live. How is it so easy for you to make that choice without any guilt? I want to know.” 
Bucky took a moment to process, then asked, “Are you giving me a chance?” 
“I’m tired of being angry at you for kidnapping me.” You said, sighing. He opened his mouth to argue but you raised a hand to stop him. “I don’t agree with the way you did things, how you’re keeping me here, but I… I miss you, Buck. I miss us.” 
Well, since you were having an honest conversation, Bucky felt comfortable to ask, “Do you still like me?” There was a rare vulnerability in his tone. 
You allowed yourself to take a step closer to the shelf he was leaning against. Inching closer to him you murmured, “I would’ve stabbed you that very first night if I didn’t.” 
He smiled. You smiled back. 
Things were gradually getting back to normal after that. Well, about as normal as things can get when you’re forbidden from leaving the grounds of your friend’s manor. 
You’d missed your usual morning runs, so you resumed going on runs in the mornings. The grounds were more vast than you thought, it took you days to finally map out the entire place. All except the maze. You always ran by it, or around it, never daring to go inside it. Not yet. 
After your runs, and a quick shower, you’d always join Bucky for breakfast. Over time, you learned so much about him and the life he had here. It wasn’t just this magnificent home he owned, but numerous farms and multiple businesses in the small town nearby. 
Your ‘relationship’ with him changed as well. While the two of you didn’t have sex again, the tension was beginning to get too much to ignore. Quick kisses in the mornings, and lingering kisses at night. Oftentimes you were tempted to ask Bucky to spend the night with you, but you thought it’d be best to wait. After all, this was all so new. 
For the first time in years, you were actually contemplating leaving the ‘superhero’ duties behind and choosing yourself. It was hard not to constantly taste the guilt whenever you found yourself so close to giving into Bucky, and choosing what he was offering. 
“Do you really have the serum?” 
You asked one morning, while the two of you chose to have breakfast in the library. It was a rainy morning, and the library had massive windows so Bucky suggested you spend the morning there, knowing how much you liked it when it rained. 
You agreed. Who would say no to breakfast, good books, and a rainy morning? 
Then you got curious, and asked about the serum. 
Bucky nodded. “I managed to get my hands on a few vials.” 
Your eyes widened. “A few? How the hell did you do that?” 
Bucky had a humourless smile on his face. “They tended to give me some freedom whenever I took part in their…more peculiar experiments.” 
You were quick to say, “We don’t have to talk about it if–,” 
He cut you off and explained nonetheless, “They were trying to see if they could create a new generation of super soldiers naturally.” 
You wanted so much to place a comforting hand on his shoulder. Not out of pity, no. Just to remind him of how strong he is and how far he’s come. How he didn’t deserve all that he went through. 
“I had the chance, and I just took some of the vials and hid them out here.” 
“Can I ask why?” 
He kept that same humourless smile. “Out of desperation I guess. I secretly hoped that one day someone might want to be with me. And if needed, I could keep them with me for longer than their human life would naturally allow.” 
“Oh, Buck.” 
You couldn’t help yourself then. You stood up, walked around the small coffee table and sat on the arm of the sofa Bucky was currently sat on. Behind him, rain hit the window mercilessly as you wrapped your arms around him, pulling him into you. 
He leaned into the hug for a moment, before pulling onto his lap then properly hugging you. He shoved his face into your neck, just breathing. His arms around you were not letting you go anytime soon. 
“I need you.” He murmured against your neck, beginning to lightly kiss your skin. “Please,” He whispered. 
The desire in his voice couldn’t go unnoticed, and you were barely able to hold back either so you quickly straddled him properly. Thankfully the dress you’d chosen for today allowed you to move comfortably. 
Bucky hands were eager, touching you everywhere he could, greedy for more. He grabbed you by the hips and pressed you down, onto his prominent erection. He watched how you whimpered, how your hands found themselves under the tight fabric of his shirt, pressing against his chest, feeling him.
Bucky smirked when he felt your hands moving down his chest, further down until you were rapidly undoing his pants and freeing his throbbing cock. He caught the way you whimpered under your breath at the sight of him, then you went on to wrap your hand around him, slowly stroking him, making him throw his head back and groan under his breath. “Fuck, that feels good, baby. That’s it, keep going.” 
You leaned in close to him again, “I want you,” you whispered against his lips and then pressed your mouth to his. You slipped your tongue past his lips and slowly stroked the top of his mouth, unable to pretend any longer. 
He growled into your mouth, into the kiss as his hands rubbed up and down your sides lovingly. “Take me then. I’m all yours.” 
You didn’t waste any more time. You pulled away from the kiss briefly, lifting your lower body off his. Bucky helped by pulling your thin underwear to the side – both too impatient to properly take your clothes off – and he watched how you slowly lowered yourself down on his cock. 
Your body resisted just a little to fit him inside, but then he pulled you down till you sank down on him completely, both of you moaning at the feeling. 
Bucky grabbed your hips in place and gently thrust his hips up and you moaned wantonly as you felt him fill you up. “Fuck, baby… such a good girl for me.” 
You whimpered as the tip of his cock reached sensitive places you never knew existed. You took a good look at the man beneath you. He was beyond beautiful. Lips parted, breathing heavily. It gave you a warm rush to see him this worked up knowing you were the reason why. 
You moved faster then, impaling yourself down on his cock. You whimpered shamelessly as you felt him filling you up completely each time, feeling him reach deeper into you with each thrust. His metal hand slipped between the two of you and found your clit, he rubbed it lazily. 
“This little cunt was made for me, wasn’t it?” He groaned, looking up to watch how you frowned in pleasure. “All for me…”  
You leaned down to kiss him, biting down and tugging at his bottom lip while you sped up, and his cock stretched you out each time he filled you up. “You feel so good,” You mumbled. 
Bucky pulled your warm body closer to his. Your lips brushed against his each time you moved up and down his cock. “You’re mine.” He said. “You hear me?” 
You nodded, feeling him stretch you out as you stared into his eyes. Bucky held you at your waist and rhythmically thrust his hips up each time to match your movements. Brows furrowing and panting while you rode his cock. 
“Tell me you’re mine.” He panted against your cheek, kissing the side of your face and gripping your jaw with his hand. “Tell me you’re mine to fuck, to love, and care for. Tell me.” 
“All yours…” You didn’t slow down as you felt your orgasm wash over you, and he kept thrusting his hips up into you as your eyes rolled back and you moaned out loud as you came, hard, feeling your walls squeezing and clenching around him as you came undone. You panted and leaned forward, pushing your face into his neck to catch your breath. 
Bucky came right after you, his warm load spilling inside of you, filling you up as he wrapped his arms around you and pressed your trembling body closer to him. 
You laid your head on his shoulder, catching your breath, as you thought of a lot of things. The main one being, you didn’t hate this at all. You wouldn’t mind if this was your daily life. Maybe it was the post-sex brain but, this felt so right and you didn’t ever want to leave this moment. 
It was hard keeping your hands to yourselves for the following days. You and Bucky began sleeping in the same bed. 
On days when the weather was good, Bucky would take you out and show you around the little town. It was cosy and perfect, and had the best bakeries in the world. Then he would take you to the many farms he owned, and you saw genuine happiness on his face. Like this calm life was indeed all he wanted. 
And time just flew by. You no longer kept track of days. 
One evening, Bucky asked, “Have you been in the maze yet?” 
You linked your elbow to his as the two of you made your way downstairs, and said, “Not yet. It looks… I don’t know, intimidating. And it’s huge, I worry I’ll get lost.” 
Bucky chuckled. “Want me to take you?” 
“Right now? But it’s getting dark.” 
“Come,” He led you to the front door, crossing the foyer, “It’s prettier at night anyway.” 
It was dark out, but there were golden lights placed all around the tall hedge maze. It wasn’t too lit up but just enough to create the right ambiance and allow one to roam around comfortably. It was colder inside, you realised as you held onto Bucky’s hand and let him guide you deeper and deeper inside. 
The fog was beginning to float around, settling just above the ground the deeper you went inside the maze. You shivered, despite the coat Bucky insisted you wore before stepping out of the house. 
“Don’t be scared, baby.” Bucky reassured you as he wrapped his arm tighter around you. “I’m right here.” 
The maze wasn’t creepy by any means. Like everything else on these grounds, it was hauntingly beautiful. Timeless. Like it knows too much, like it was alive and it remembered. It was inviting, even as you went deeper and deeper until you reached the middle. And faced the gigantic water fountain, in the middle of which, placed on a stone pedestal was the minotaur statue. 
It felt alive too. Like he was waiting for a command to move. 
The middle area was spacious, tidy and beautiful. With alcoves, benches, bird feeders, and brick pathways. And in the dark, with fog swirling around, it looked like a scene from a movie. 
Bucky stood back and let you take it all in. He watched how you slowly walked around the fountain, admiring the intricate details, admiring the statue. 
Then you asked, “Why the minotaur?” You stopped at the other side of the fountain, watching Bucky through the soft streams of water that fell. 
Bucky smiled. “For dramatics, mostly. I like the myth.” 
You chuckled. “I see.” 
Bucky shoved his hands into his coat pockets and asked, “You ever wonder what truly happened to the maidens that were sent into the minotaur’s maze?” 
“They were never seen again. He either ate or killed them according to the myths.” You answered. 
He nodded, “Or maybe he didn’t hurt them. Maybe they just never wanted to leave.” 
Ah. So he was speaking in riddles again. “Like how you don’t want me to ever leave?” 
“You won’t.” He sounded too sure, yet again. 
“You sound very sure.” You watched him carefully. 
Bucky smiled, “You forget that I know you, doll. Better than you know yourself.” He paused, then added, “You find comfort in the darkness too.” 
Bucky remained on the other side of the fountain as he spoke, the fog swirling around him almost like he ordered it to. “You think I don’t know you have trouble sleeping? That the nightmares bother you too? Of all the missions we’ve been on, the people we’ve had to kill for some greater good? Cities we demolished? Houses and families we tore apart? All in the name of being altruistic heroes?” 
Suddenly you had trouble breathing. 
Bucky continued, this time walking around the fountain and slowly getting closer to you, “That’s why you like running, isn’t it? You pretend you’re running from it all. You pretend you’re free. That you can finally escape it all and put an end to it. You run till your legs get numb, till your lungs burn. Till each breath hurts. So it can finally feel like well-deserved punishment.” 
“Stop.” You audibly gasped for air this time, as your eyes began watering. You no longer felt the cold. No longer felt the dampness of the fog. Nothing, but the ache in your chest. 
“I’ve been there, doll. No matter what you do, it doesn’t go away. The guilt doesn’t go away. Not until you stop and walk away from that life.” 
“Bucky, please…” You turned around, not able to face him anymore as the tears fell down your cheeks. You heard him getting closer. You felt his warmth against your back as he placed his arms around you, pulling you in. 
“Maybe that’s why the maidens never left the maze.” He said. “Maybe they realised that his darkness was better than the cruel world who reduced their pure hearts and souls to being mere sacrifices.” 
The night had gotten colder somehow. The wind had picked up, like it was about to rain. The fog clinging to the hedges was thicker now. 
“Stay with me.” He whispered into your ear. “It’s chaos out there. Stay here with me.” 
You sniffled quietly. “I’m scared, Buck.” 
The rain came then. Light drizzle, then slowly getting heavier. Bucky pulled you to the nearest alcove and kept you safe and warm between the stone wall and his muscular body, sheltering you from the rain. 
“I’m here.” He reassured you. 
“I’m scared.” You repeated, holding onto him like he was the only thing you’d ever hold. 
Bucky pressed his lips against your forehead, “I know, baby. I know.” He murmured. “But I see you. You'll never have to pretend with me. I know you’re tired, of fighting, of being good and getting nothing in return. It’s okay to stop, baby. We’ll never have to fight or kill again.” He sounded hopeful. “We’ll be happy here.” So hopeful, and pure that it hurt. “I’m here, doll. It’s okay.” 
You couldn’t help but kiss him. Bucky kissed you back ferociously, like he’d held back all those times before, but now he no longer could. His hands wandered, pulling your dress up quickly as he knelt in front of you before you could even process it. 
He pressed his lips to your inner thighs, kissing you wherever he could as his fingers lowered your underwear down to your ankles. You stepped out of it as his mouth got closer and closer to your dripping core. 
“Bucky…” You sighed, as you felt his breath against your wet folds. You couldn’t help but slide your fingers into his soft hair, as he brought his mouth over to your clit, sucking on it hard enough to make you squirm in pleasure, your back digging into the stone wall of the alcove. 
His tongue slid up and down your folds, teasing your entrance, occasionally flicking your clit. “So fucking good,” He whispered, hands caressing and groping your thighs as he ate you out. His tongue slowly circled your throbbing clit. 
He parted your legs further as he slowly brought a metal finger up to your clit, watching it sliding agonisingly slowly down your slit, parting your wet folds.
You shivered under his cold touch, then bit your lip to refrain from moaning too loudly. You sighed, then gasped audibly as he slid a metal finger inside you, stroking your walls gently while he placed his mouth back on your clit. “Please…” You begged, wanting more.
Lips brushing against your wetness he asked, “Will you promise to stay here with me? Forever?” He growled as you kept whining and squirming under his addicting touch, “Answer me.” 
“Yes…” You whispered, breathless and wanting. “Yes, I will.” You moaned. 
He smirked against your wet skin before standing back up, enjoying the way you whined in protest. “You’re mine.” He said. 
You whined again, “Bucky, please…”
He chuckled and undid his pants before picking you up and kissing you deeply as he pinned you to the wall. Your legs wrapped around his waist and his cock briefly brushed against your wet folds, making you shiver at the brief contact. 
You couldn’t take the teasing anymore. Moaning into the kiss you said, “Bucky please,” You begged, “I need you. I need you… please.” You whispered. 
Bucky kissed down your neck, peppering it with kisses as he aligned his throbbing tip with your entrance. Slowly, he pushed himself into you. His fingers digging into your skin as he held you by your hips, and yours holding on to his shoulders as he filled you up nicely. 
“This is all you wanted? Hmm?” He groaned, moving just the slightest bit. “You’re so perfect, baby.” 
He held you up against him as he sped up into you. He dipped his head into the crook of your neck and mumbled, “You’ll always be mine.” He growled, “And we’ll be happy forever here.” 
Behind him, just beyond the shelter of the alcove, the rain was getting heavier. Louder. But with your heartbeats echoing in your ears you could barely focus on it. 
You whined just a little louder this time and his mouth soon found yours again. He nibbled on your bottom lip and you let out shaky breaths as he kept fucking into you relentlessly, earning more and more moans out of you each time his cock stroked your walls perfectly. 
Bucky nibbled on the skin under your ear and you lost it. Your thoughts became cloudy and all you could focus on was his body and his cock inside of you. 
You whimpered, “Can I please come?” 
“Go on, baby.” He mumbled softly against your skin while he fucked you like an animal, “Come all over my cock,” He spoke, fucking you harder and deeper. 
Your throbbing clit rubbed against his pelvic bone each time he buried himself completely in you and it was hard to even think coherently.
He quickened his pace, whispering, “Mine… ” in your ear as he pounded into you as fast as he could, your back slamming into the stone wall with each thrust.
You could hear the sounds of your skin slapping against each other over the heavy rain. Your legs started to shake around him as he quickened his pace, now pounding into you mercilessly.
“Come for me, doll.” 
You couldn’t hold back anymore. So, you came undone around his cock, whining and whimpering. Walls clenching around him, nails scratching down his neck and a strained moan escaping your mouth as you came hard. More tears streaming down your face. 
He came right after you did, cock throbbing against your pulsating walls, moaning into your ear when he felt your walls clenching violently around him. 
He didn’t pull out immediately. He just kept his cock carefully buried in you. He relished your warmth and leaned in to kiss you again, passionately, much more gentle than before. “I’ve got you,” He murmured. “You’re safe with me.”
The epiphany of it all made you unable to stand on your two feet for too long. You briefly remembered Bucky carrying you all the way out of the maze, into the house and up the stairs. 
You fully came back to your own body only after Bucky had submerged you in a warm bath. With him seated behind you and caressing your spent body. 
“Are you okay, doll?” 
You nodded, sitting with your back to his chest. “I’m okay.” You whispered.
Bucky’s hand rubbed your back in a soothing way that had you sighing in bliss. Then he said, “I’ll take you somewhere nice tomorrow.” 
You smiled with your eyes closed, leaning into his touch. “Where?” 
“It’s a surprise.” 
“How many more secrets have you kept from me?” 
He chuckled. “Enough that it would take you a lifetime to uncover them all.” 
“You have a lot of faith in the durability of this relationship.” You teased. 
“Hmm, I do.” He sighed as he left soft kisses all over the side of your face. Outside the rain was getting harsh and loud again. But here, everything was warm and perfect. “You can’t run from me.” He teased. 
Couldn’t you? You sighed. Did you even want to anymore?
Maybe you would end up finding comfort in the darkness with him. In the familiarity of his arms. In the warmth of his touch and smiles. Hell, maybe you’d be willing to take the serum one day. But all that for later, being here was all that mattered right now. 
You leaned your head back onto his shoulder, back pressing against his chest as you let him hold you. 
A lifetime… yeah that didn’t sound too bad. 
Bucky kissed your forehead as you leaned your head back, resting it on his shoulder. Safe, satisfied, and in his arms. He often dreamed of this. He kissed your forehead again as he smiled. He knew what you must be thinking about. He could almost hear it. 
He knew you were having a slight hard time accepting all this, choosing it. The guilt would go away in time. He would do whatever it takes to help you adjust to your new life. And everything would be perfect then. 
There was a small voice in his head that told him that he shouldn’t ignore the possibility that this could be a ruse. That you were playing along, trying to earn his trust, waiting for him to have his guard down so you could run from here. 
Bucky smirked as he leaned his head back against the edge of the tub, his arms firm around you as you both soaked in the last few moments of the warm water before it got cold. 
He wasn’t stupid, and you were a very smart woman, so of course he’d thought about that possibility. And though he knew the chances of this being true were very slim, he couldn’t just sit and wait. Could he? That’s why he took all the precautions he could beforehand. 
He made sure, even if you were to leave him and run back to what used to be your ‘normal’ lives, that there was nothing left for you to go back to.
There was no one left. Another secret of his, tucked away. 
But he would always be here for you. Bucky turned his head and kissed your forehead again. He vowed to love you enough that, like the maidens in the myths, you’d never want to leave his maze either. 
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redwineandtarot · 11 months
in your eyes...(what do your eyes tell?)
hi! i'm back at posting finally! today's pac was inspired by the weeknd's song "in your eyes". like the title we'll get a look at what people see when they look in your eyes. take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. i would love to hear your feedbacks <3
🕯️my youtube subliminal channel🕯️ (new!)
Disclaimer: My readings do NOT replace any professional advice. Use your own judgment while making decisions. You have your own free will. Take everything I say light-heartedly. All of my readings are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES.
pick a pile
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pile 1-2-3
i do not own any of these pictures
pile 1
People see someone pure at first glance. Also they see, almost, a childish joy. You may have doll-like eyes(do not have to) or just a doll-like gaze. But behind this soft and pure look, if someone looks deeply inside your eyes they can see the warrior inside you. You may have a pure look to your eyes but you also have lots of passion and spark inside them. I don't know how to explain but this soft look of your eyes does not give the impression of you being a weak person. (I know that being soft does not equal to being weak but some people think this way unfortunately.)
Your inner light shows up in your eyes. People sense that you are quite comfortable in yourself and with your life. Your eyes may also calm people. Whatever happens, you always have this calm look. 
Also a lot of creative spark shows up here. Maybe people notice how your eyes light up when you speak about (let's say you're a musician) music. They sense your passion through your eyes.
I also feel renewed reading your pile. You probably give this feeling to people with your eyes. 
You may feel things deeply. And this shows up in your eyes. Your eyes may be very expressive. Like whatever you feel it shows up in your eyes. Even if you try to control your facial expressions. 
I don't know how this can be but people see that you're a mystic person. Like you are highly intuitive. And to people this shows up in your eyes. From your eyes you give this “I trust the universe” type of calmness. Some people also think this mindset helps you be bold and calm at the same time. They also see lots of potential in your eyes.
Your eyes also give people belle (from the beauty and the beast) vibes.
these energies/placements may be prominent in your birth chart: leo x2, taurus; 10th house, 4th house, 3rd house ; south node, mercury, north node
thank you for reading <3
pile 2
Pile 2, my dear, are you ok? How have you been? I really get a heavy energy from your cards. You may be going through a tough time right now. If you need, please contact someone for help. Spirit also says there’s no need to rush. You do not need to be at a certain point in life at a certain time.
But back to the main topic. You may be an introvert. Or maybe just for this period of time you have decided to go on a hermit mode. To be frank, people see the pain in your eyes. The people who know you from the past know that you are this king/queen that has belief in themselves. That’s why they are shocked and worried. You may be going through a tough time. I don't know how long this has been going this way, pile 2. But I just want to give you a big warm hug.
You may sacrifice yourself for others a lot. You have that self-sacrificing feel to you.
These times people may be focused on the agony in your eyes. However if I were to describe other times, I would say they see royalty in your eyes. The unshakable self-confidence. Knowing that living your best life is your birthright. 
People also see wittines in your eyes. You probably are a very smart person (This smartness can be about various things btw). But also you have this look that gives people the sense that you carry deep wisdom. And a look that makes people think you are firm in what you believe in and not afraid to express yourself.
these energies/placements may be prominent in your birth chart: libra, sagittarius, cancer; 1st house, 7th house x2 ; mercury, uranus, moon
thank you for reading <3
pile 3
You are mysterious, pile 3. When people look into your eyes they get puzzled. At the same time they dwell in. I strongly sense scorpio-pluto energy from you. Actually not just me, people can see the chaos in your eyes too. You are not afraid of transformation. And probably you go through big ones a lot in your life. You are not afraid of what other people deem as dark. And have this really intense gaze to you. You really captivate people. 
People can see the loyalty in your eyes. They think you are loyal to the ones you hold close to your heart. Ride or di3 type of thing. You have this reliable look to you. Especially for your inner circle.  However people also see that you are not afraid to leave something if it does not serve you anymore. Also that your intuition plays a big role in this. Like people think you have this knowing/intuition whether a situation/person is good for you or not.
All this while people also may think that you focus too much on material things. Some romantic partners may only see lust in your eyes. And that's why they may feel bad if they want an emotional connection. And your partners probably get addicted to your eyes. To the point where they think “I don't want to look at anyone's eyes but pile3’s”. 
Your close circle can also see the joy in your eyes when something makes your soul light up. 
You also have this wise look. You may have a lot of knowledge about dark arts or you may be on the left hand path. While most of the people cannot see this, they still sense you have some knowledge that is far(?) to them. 
You have a luxurious gaze. You ooze self confidence and self contentment. Also from your eyes people may think you can know the future somehow.
these energies/placements may be prominent in your birth chart: sagittarius, cancer, aries; 12th house, 10th house, 8th house; saturn, pluto, jupiter
thank you for reading <3
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frenchkisstheabyss · 3 days
♡ Sympathy for the Devil ♡
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♡ Pairings: mobster!boyfriend!jimin x chubby!fem!reader
♡ Genre: mafia au/angst/smut
♡ Summary: After an arguement with your boyfriend, you set out to get back at him by bringing a date to the restaurant he frequents on a night you know he'll be there. It's a dangerous game, toying with another human life to get your way, but you do love danger, don't you? You wouldn't be looking to make a killer jealous if you didn't.
♡ Word Count: 3.2k
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♡ Warnings: appearance of other members (non romantic), dom Jimin w/ switch vibes sprinkled in, unprotected sex, vaginal penetration, rough sex, clit teasing, marking (hickeys), pet names (baby), you're feral for each other, fingering (f receiving), spanking, you give him a lil slap, choking, bathroom sex, possessiveness, jealousy, you're both kinda psychotic, implied murder, & that's it for the list of wholesome things in this fic.
♡ A/N: I'm such a sucker for mafia movies so I have the biggest soft spot for mafia fics. I want to thank @anyamaris for reading this first and encouraging me along the way when I was struggling with writer's block. Idk what I'd do without my #1 cheerleader for my dom Jimin agenda ❤️
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Some of the prettiest animals in nature are simultaneously the deadliest. Park Jimin is no exception...
It’s impossible not to be enchanted by him. His face is a heavenly mixture of handsomeness and beauty. The cadence of his voice is like a song you can’t quite get out of your head and just when you think you have it’s back again. It’s all enough to make a girl blind to the blood on his hands.
Falling in love with him made the rest of the world all fuzzy. It blurred out everything. Not just the money laundering or the drug trafficking. To love him, to be loved by him, makes everything else feel like background noise. You've never touched a hard drug in your life but, the way he makes you feel, he must qualify as one. 
That’s why you’re here doing the dumbest shit you’ve ever done in your life.
Arguments are inevitable in relationships. But arguments when you’re dating a mob guy? They’re different beasts entirely and it’s a bitch to tame them. Your last argument with Jimin led to you packing a bag and running off to your best friend’s place. In the beginning you never had to question if you came before everything else. You were special to him—at least you thought you were—and he’d stop anything to be with you.
But lately that hasn’t been the case. He’s been replacing his presence in your life with gifts, thinking he can make up for missed dates and lonely nights with designer bags. Maybe the other girlfriends are content with cuddling up to some ugly mink coat in place of their man but you aren’t one of them. 
He just can’t seem to get that through his thick skull so you’ve set out to make him. If the death stare he’s giving you across this bustling restaurant is any indication of how your plan’s going, it’s working like a charm. You spent hours styling your hair just the way he likes it. Elegant and sleek, marrying beautifully with the softness of your face.
Your manicured nails are painted a translucent blue that deepens the slightest bit when the light hits it a certain way. The dress you’re wearing accentuates your curves in all the places he loves which, let’s be honest, is everywhere. And your heels, the heels, somehow makes your ass look more perfect than it already is. All of this and you’re sitting at a table having dinner with another man. 
You spot Namjoon throwing an arm around Jimin’s shoulder, no doubt leaning in to give him one of his infamous pep talks. "Don’t worry about her” he’s surely saying, “It’s not worth it, man. See, sometimes love is just…” Joon goes on, doing his best to keep his younger brother from doing something stupid but Jimin’s hardly listening. How can he when his blood’s boiling hot enough to eat its way through his flesh?
Every Sunday night the brothers and their girlfriends come here for dinner. The owners, a sweet elderly couple, love them as if they were their own and give them the biggest table no matter how packed it is. This is the one night they get to pretend they’re a normal family. It’s tradition and you don’t fuck with tradition. Everyone knows that. You know that. 
“The thing a lot of women don’t understand is that men by nature aren’t monogamous” your date rambles between messy bites of dinner. The man’s not ugly by any means but god is he a pig, in more ways than one. Not that you’re complaining. It’s why you had your best friend set you up with him. Whoever you bought here was no doubt being led to slaughter. Who better than a pig?
A chill runs through you at the ruthlessness of your own thoughts, wiping the smile from your face. Looking up, Jimin captures you in his gaze, the death glare replaced with a look of childlike amusement. It’s as if the smile had fled from your face to find its new home on his, taunting you from afar. What’s he smiling for? You’re not foolish enough to think it’s for anything good. 
“I was thinking, it’s kinda loud in here. Wanna go to my place?” your date asks, his poor attempt at getting laid tonight falling on deaf ears.
Jimin stands up, slipping out of his suit jacket as he does so. Rolling up the sleeves of his pressed dress shirt, he leans to whisper something in Yoongi’s ear. Yoongi pours him a shot and he knocks it back like it’s nothing. The rest of the table watches on, concerned but doing their best to carry on dinner as usual. Their collective heart rate increases but none more than yours.
Maybe you hadn’t really thought this one out. Noticing the color drain from your face, your date reaches out to touch your hand. “Don’t!” you snap, jumping up from your seat. “I’m sorry. I just need a second.”  Jimin’s halfway across the dining room when you flee toward the bathroom, nearly knocking into some poor innocent waiter in the process. 
Navigating your way through the halls, you scramble to find a way out. You’ll tell the guy you’re sick. That’s it. Say you’re not feeling too well, must be the food or something, and send him on his way. Pretend this never happened.
“Beautiful dress, darling” an older woman smiles as she leaves the bathroom. You dash in before the door closes behind her, peeking your head back out to avoid being rude. “Thank you!” you shout after her, quickly shutting the door and hurrying to the sink to splash some water on your face.
“Snap out of it” you whisper, flicking specks of icy water at the makeup you worked tirelessly to apply. “Maybe…maybe he won’t do anything, right? We’re in public. He wouldn’t—” You force a weak, pained smile at the girl staring back at you in the mirror. “Who are you kidding?” you groan, burying your face in your hands, “He’s gonna kill him.”
“But you knew that already, didn’t you?” sighs a voice that is distinctively not yours. Your hands drop from your face and there Jimin is, standing in the doorway with that same smile on. The one he’d so brutally ripped from your face. And here you are, shivering like a child too afraid of the monster under the bed to make a run for it. 
In all your panic you could’ve sworn you locked the door when, in fact, you’d done no such thing. If he’d knocked you would’ve had to open it anyway—you’ve never been great at saying no to him—but at least you would’ve given yourself a fighting chance. Nothing to stress your pretty little head about. Jimin steps in, easing the door closed, and you hear a sharp click. It’s locked now.
The heels of his black Louboutin shoes tap against the polished tile as he approaches the sink. Your heart jumps with each tap, the sound growing unbearably louder the closer he gets. Jimin brings his arms around your waist, holding you as only lovers do, “You want me to hurt him, don’t you? Want me to break every bone in his body to show you how much I love you?” His full lips brush against your neck, soft tongue running along the surface of your skin like the head of a match ready to light up with dazzling flames.
Your eyes are glued to the mirror, watching helplessly as his hands skate up and down your body, fingertips ghosting your most sensitive areas. His touch is a truth serum, forcing you to betray yourself and lay your motives bare. “You protect the things you love, Jimin. I only wanted to know if I was still one of them. Even if that meant…” you shudder at the thought. “We get what we want by any means. That’s what you taught me, isn’t it?” 
Jimin grins, locking eyes with your reflection as he inches your dress up to reveal your pillowy thighs. “Aah but you already have me. I let you throw your little tantrum but I’ll never let you go. You know that.” His fingers dip between the warmth of your thighs, teasing your clit through your panties.
“So why?” he whispers, his other hand coming up to lovingly stroke your neck, “Why would you try to embarrass me?”
You part your lips to speak but your words are forced back down by the sudden pressure applied to your windpipe by his hand. All that escapes are broken words and hushed gasps for air. The light abandons his eyes, that boyish charm he so effortlessly wields burning to ash as you squirm in his grip. You kick your legs to get free but it only serves to give him the room he needs to tear your panties to the side, the pads of his fingertips dripping with your arousal as they glide through your folds.
He loosens his grip on your neck and you manage to rasp out “Mmm…sorry…didn’t mean” before you’re plunged back into silence. Curling his fingers against your entrance, he sinks one into your core. A single digit pumping into needy walls that are already clenching in anticipation of the next one. Snatching your head back, he kisses you like he hates you. Hates you so much that he loves you. Loves you so much that he hates you. A cycle, endless and all consuming, that neither of you can break from.
“Prove it to me” he demands between your lips, plunging another finger into you, “Bend over and show me how sorry you are.” Your back arches, bringing your soft ass flush against his bulge. You press back into him, feeling his cock twitch against your ass each time his fingers slam into your core. Jimin sneaks a glimpse at the mirror to watch the way your body jiggles from the motion. Thighs trembling, tits rocking in sync with the harsh movements of his wrist.
“Fuck, you’re so pretty, baby.” Jimin slips his hand away from your neck, drenched fingers abandoning your pussy to apply sharp, wet slaps to your ass.
Spinning around to face him, you land an equally sharp slap across his face, “Choke me like that again and I’ll rip your head off.”
If the burning of your palm is any indication, you know you hit him hard but he’s unphased. He's actually smiling, licking his lips at you like you’re the most delicious thing in this restaurant. He sweeps you off of your feet, setting you down on the sink, “So. Fucking. Pretty.”
The marble’s even colder against your bottom than it was your hands but you don’t give a shit. Jimin’s tongue’s down your throat as he pushes your dress up, ripping away what was left of your panties. That’s the only thing you give a shit about. 
“Jimin!” you giggle, tugging at the zipper on his pants, “You’re gonna make me fall.”
Hooking his arms behind your knees, he spreads your legs, pushing them to your chest. “Don’t worry, baby. I won’t let you fall.”
“Promise?” you pout, fingertips tracing the veins along his length.
They pulse and twitch as he raises his hips, dragging the underside of his cock between your folds. “I promise. I won’t—aah, shit, baby” he moans, his cock glazed in your arousal without having even been inside of you yet. “I didn’t know you missed me that much.” 
You grab onto his shirt, the cotton knotted in your fists as you bask in the feeling of the head brushing your clit. “I did. Missed you so much” you mewl, guiding him to your entrance. Jimin peppers your cheeks with kisses, pushing into you. Filling you. Claiming you.  “I, mmphh, missed, fuck, missed you too” he confesses, each word emphasized by thrusts that have you wanting to climb every wall in this bathroom.
When it comes to women Jimin’s told more lies than he can remember but never with you. He misses you and he means it, misses you so much that it hurts. Not just because you take his cock so well, somehow managing to look majestic when you’re being fucked up against this mirror. But because he feels incomplete without you.
Before you all he knew was violence and greed, constantly chasing power that would never be enough. Always needing more. He often wondered how much money it would take, how many buried enemies, to fill the emptiness that’s haunted him for as long as he can remember. And then you came along—the girl whose eyes twinkle as she stares up at him, your entire body calling out his name—and he had his answer.
All he needed to cure that emptiness, rid him of the nagging feeling that something’s missing, was you. But men like him have an image to maintain. In this world people come to know you for things, fear you for them, and you can’t let them think you’re soft. Not for a second. Not if you want to get what you want. “We get what we want by any means”. That is what he told you but nothing’s worth having if it’s by way of losing you. 
Dragging you to the edge of the sink, heart thumping out of his chest from how tightly you’re clenching, he whispers into your open mouth, “Come home. I’m in hell without you. Everything’s so…so empty. Just say you’ll come back to me. Say it.”
“I-I’ll come back home. Fuck, I’ll go the moon if you want me to” you pant, watery eyes sending mascara streaming down your cheeks. You tug harder at his shirt, sending a button or two clinking into the mirror. He’s in you so deep, hitting every spot like only he knows how, that you’re ready to explode. Implode? One or the other. Maybe both.
Jimin laughs, his tongue grazing yours, “You wanna go to the moon, baby? Hold onto me. I’ll take you.”
Knowing better than to doubt him, you throw your arms over his shoulders and hold on like your life depends on it. The sink creaks beneath you as he fucks harder into a pussy that just won’t stop leaking for him. You lose control of your body. All of it belongs to him, as it should. You make no attempts at denying yourself the ultimate satisfaction when it hits. Your lips crash together as you climax, your moans, bordering on screams, pouring onto his tongue.
He eagerly devours them, returning some of his own as your walls spasm wildly, milking the cum from his swollen tip. Your cunt wants every drop of it and he’s determined to give it to you. Fill you up until it’s dripping out of you, making your thighs warm and sticky with his seed. Your body gives out and he tucks an arm behind you, sticking to his promise not to let you fall.
Staring up at the ceiling, you’re sure you see space, stars twinkling before your eyes as you float there, completely weightless. Jimin’s lips meet your heaving chest, suckling at your silky skin to leave hickeys along your collarbone.
“Mine. All mine” he repeats, “Love you so much.” 
You run your fingers through his hair as he marks you, letting yourself get lost in the moment. “I love you too.” 
“Excuse me, sir. You’re holding up the bathroom” a comically high pitched voice says, tapping at the bathroom door. Jimin drags himself upright, knowing the voice too well. “You okay?” he asks, shuffling to make you both look presentable. He tries to fix your dress but there’s no use, he’s stretched it out more than he has you.
“Baby, it’s fine” you giggle, shooing him away, “I got it.” 
Jimin unlocks the door, snatching it open to reveal precisely who you both expected. “Thank god!” Jungkook cheers, rushing into the bathroom and over to the toilet. “Whose idea was it to have one bathroom here, man? I’ve had to piss for like—” Reading the look on Jimin’s face, he follows his gaze over to the sink where you sit buzzed off of the afterglow with your tattered panties at your feet.
Jungkook grins, looking you both up and down, “Safe to say you two are having a good night, huh?”
Jimin hits Jungkook in the back of the head, walking over to help you down from the sink. He holds you close to him, kissing you as he steers you towards the door. “Is it done?” Jimin asks over his shoulder but you don’t hear Jungkook’s response. It’s drowned out by the symphony of sounds that assault you as you venture back out into the restaurant, Jimin’s arms still holding you tight. Scanning the restaurant you spot the table you were at with your date but now there’s another couple there. 
“Long time no see!” Jin says, jumping up to hug you. His girlfriend follows behind, hugging you like she hasn’t seen you in years. “Come sit with me” she insists, noticing your disheveled appearance, “I’ll fix you right up. I have everything in my purse.” You settle into the chair beside her and she goes straight to work cleaning the mascara from your face.
Jimin sits beside you, an arm draped over the back of your chair, and watches attentively as you get your makeup done. “Nice to have you back” Taehyung smiles, pulling something from under the table and passing it to you. Jimin sets them down before you—your jacket and your purse. You’d forgotten them at the table when you fled to the bathroom.
“Uh, thanks, I—” you stutter, cut off by Hoseok’s sudden reappearance at the end of the table. You’d seen him earlier but hadn’t noticed his seat was empty when you returned. He tries to play it off, hide it behind a smile, but he’s out of breath, utterly exhausted from something. The men glance around the table at each other. It’s a silent conversation you know you shouldn’t be in on. 
“Jimin” you whisper, when you’re sure you aren’t interrupting, “Where’s…” 
Jimin casually pours you both a drink, presenting you with a glass of wine. “Where’s who?” 
“The guy that I was…”
“The guy that you were what, baby?” he asks, brow crinkling as he feigns ignorance. “You’ve been here with me all night, haven’t you?” He turns to the rest of the table who all seem to share his collective memory loss. “Hasn’t she?” 
“Been here all night.”
“See? Now enjoy your drink and finish getting your makeup done” he coos, kissing you on the cheek.
Just like that, everyone resumes their conversations like it’s any other Sunday night dinner. You take a sip of your wine, the post-orgasm haze finally lifts from your brain, and all of the pieces come together in your mind. You shake the truth away, opting instead for the constructed reality necessary to pretend you just didn’t get a man killed.
What date? What guy? You’ve been here all night with Jimin. The man you came here with. The man you’ll leave here with. The man you love too much to ever run away from again. Unless, of course, you want to raise the homicide rate.
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signedmio · 4 months
Hi 👋
I saw your requests were open again! If you're up for it, would you do a fluff oneshot for Husk x reader?
Iike maybe they're hosting a ball and the Hazbin crew has to get all dressed up and the reader dances with Husk.
Kinda got inspo from the ballroom scene from Beauty and the beast.
If not, it's totally cool and I look forward to what you put out next! 😊
the timing is funny considering i’m doing the musical for beauty and the beast rn haha anyway this is so cute, and husk is my boo, so ofc i’ll do this for you!!
this gives off the vibes of one of my hazbin hotel oc’s so bad, so i’m sorry if the reader is a little more, detailed(?) than most of my previous works😭
i had so many inspo pics for each characters fits, so i put links to pics on the side for some of them, hope that it’s not too jarring haha
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“I’m not too good at this…”
Husk x Reader
Warnings: Fem!Reader (i’m so sorry to my male or other identifying readers😭), Swearing, S1 Finale Spoilers, Chaggie (Charlie x Vaggie), Pentious x Cherri (idfk their ship name), platonic Rosie and Alastor
You checked your appearance in the mirror attached to your vanity one last time, you fluffed out your hair, which Charlie had been so generous to curl for you, and fixed up the edges of your lip gloss.
Ever since the hotel had been rebuilt, a lot more traction came along with it, and Charlie and Alastor insisted on hosting an ‘opening ball’ sort of thing for the reopening for the new hotel.
You dusted off your glittery, rose gold dress one last time (which for reference, looked like this), admiring the gems placed in your hair one last time, before hurrying out of your room, and down into the lobby, which was redecorated for this special occasion.
You see Charlie and immediately go to hug her, even though you got ready with her, as well as Vaggie, this is the first time you really got to soak in her appearance. Her hair was up in a French braid, it suited her oddly well, as for the dress? Her dress was very, well, her — it was princess-y, had some lace, but was a bright pink (which looked similar to this)
“Hey girl!” you said excitedly, as you pulled her to you, you could feel her smile softly in the crook of your neck, you pull back and grin at her, your hands rest on the sides of her arms briefly as she grins back at you, “You look awesome!” You said, she really did, she was very naturally pretty, there wasn’t an ounce of makeup on her face other than a few subtle coats of mascara, which you only noticed due to the lack of distance between you both. “Me? Pfff, stop. Look at you!” She says, giving a bashful giggle, more people begin to fill in, and music starts blaring, you both turn over to see Cherri over at the DJ booth — the guy Charlie had paid had gotten a bit too…high before the gig, so Cherri was a last minute decision.
“I should go, there’s a lot of, important people here I need to talk to, we need to catch up though!” Charlie said with a small chuckle, “Sure thing!” You reply before you begin walking around to find your next victim who’s going to listen to you talk their ear off until you get bored.
As you walk, you see a lot of folks that you wouldn’t expect to see, Rosie and Alastor are talking, Mimzy’s banging it out on the dance floor, and even Velvette decided to show up (the other two Vee’s weren’t invited for…clear reasons).
You see that Cherri took a break from DJing, as Alastor used some of his magic from his new and improved cane to have it do it on its own, after Adam snapped the last one in half.
Cherri’s chatting with Angel and Pentious, who which you never thought would come down for this after being redeemed, and excitedly you go up to them.
“Pen, Angel, Cherri!” You shout out as you approach them, “Hello, my friend, I haven’t ssseen you ssssince the battle! Quite the time, hehe!” Pentious said, giving you a side hug, which was a lot more awkward than you both would’ve liked.
“Heya, bitch!” Cherri said, nudging ya softly, as Angel gives you a small nod of acknowledgement.
“So, Pentious, how are things up in Heaven?” You asked curiously, a bit louder than you would’ve like, having to yell over the blaring music.
“Sssssplendid! I get back rubs every day!” He exclaimed. Odd. But that’s Sir Pentious for you.
Cherri and Pentious go off to have their own conversation, not wanting to third wheel, you more so turn your attention to Angel, who is looking quite bad ass. “Loving the look, Ange!”
He smirks, “You’re rocking your fit too, toots.” he says back, giving you a toothy grin. He had a baby pink blazer on, with a matching crop top underneath that pronounced his fluff, with matching pants and black heeled boots (like this.)
“You seen Husk anywhere?” He asked, glancing around the darkly-lit lobby for the grumpy cat. “Actually, now that I think about it, no, I don’t think I have. Why?” You said, beginning to go back into your memory to remember if you saw him last.
“Jus’ cuz, I know how you look at eachother, it’d be like a little romantic moment. Swaying on the dance floor, holding eachother, eh?” Angel said with a soft, playful grin, nudging your arm.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You say, a soft grin playing on your lips, yes, you do know what he’s talking about, a little too well.
“Sureeee…” He says, a knowing smile on his face, his head turns slightly. “There ‘e is.” He points to the far end of the room.
Husk is there, his shooing Niffty off as Vaggie goes to take her, a bottle in his hands.
“Go get ‘em, tiger!” Angel says, pushing you over.
“Hey.” You smile, Husk looks at you, a small smile tugging at his lips. “Hey, whatcha up to?”
“Not much, just trying to make a point to talk to everyone.” You say, chuckling softly.
His smile remains, before looking away, and then back at you, a…discombobulated look on his face. “Ey, I’m not too great this, ain’t done this shit since I was alive.” He starts, chuckling softly, “But, er…” He holds out his paw to you, a loving, affection smile on his face that tugs at your heartstrings, “Will you, have a dance with me?”
You grin widely, before taking his paw, “Yeah.. I will.”
As you both approach the dance floor, the music begins to slow down, as people take their partners in their arms and hold them close, cherishing a romantic moment.
Husk pulls you in by the waist with one paw, the other hand holding your own, as you both begin to sway.
You look around, too flustered to look at Husk, you smile at the sight of all the lovely pairs.
Cherri’s with Pentious, as he’s tripping over her as she chuckles softly in his embrace, Rosie and Al are sharing a lovely moment as friends, talking amongst themselves, and Vaggie and Charlie are holding eachother close, closing the gap to share an intimate kiss.
Your eyes skim over Husk, it was the first real time you’d seen him in, actual clothes…
He wore black trousers, with a fitted white buttoned shirt, with a red tie and suspenders.
Hesitation was written all over Husks face, you’d never seen him in such a state, he sighed before speaking, “Look, I’ve never been into all this,” he said, gesturing to the scenery before you both. “But quite frankly, my heart beats for you, and I’d really like to work something out for us.” He stated, a soft and… nervous(?) smile tugged at the ends of his lips.
“I’d… really like that.”
Before you both know it, the ball ends, and Husk takes you up to your room, you’re both slightly tipsy, giggling at simply the presence of eachother, Husk stops at your door.
He looks at you before pecking your forehead, smiling proudly to both himself, and you, “Sweet dreams, doll, I’ll see you in the morning.”
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terras-domain · 7 months
Rev It Up, Baby!
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Characters: Jung Eunbi (Eunha)
Tags: teasing, thighs, car porn, street racing, male reader x gg idol, slight plotted smut, mechanic y/n, sex in and outside of car (if that makes sense lololol)
Words: 3813
Note from author: Halloooo! terra here. Been a while, this one is from a fren's request (well they just want eunha tbh) but THE CAR PART is basically y/n (you, YES YOU) tuning up her car for a street race she'll be doing and the reward, is ummm well...you can guess it,right? ANYWAYS ENJOYYYY (hopefully..?)
Reader's POV
"Boss...business hasn't been rolling today. Think we should call it a day a bit sooner?" Ken, one of my workers started to complain, the boredom was clearly making the guys at the workshop gloomy. "Fuck no Ken. We gotta business to run, so go jerk off or something if you're that bored kiddo" a puff from my cigarette flew in the air, disappearing in seconds. The kid's not wrong, we haven't had some serious customer coming in today, or even in a few weeks. Just some boring ass family sedans and some basic repair shit, nothing too fancy so far. But that all change when a loud rev roars towards the workshop. "My~ hello sexy"
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Loud roaring fills up the workshop, making me throw the cig in my ashtray. "Ken! Your entertainment is here!" I smirked looking around the big boy shining in the dusty workspace. "Alright man, welcome welcome. How can I-" My words got caught in my throat the moment I saw the driver step out of the door. Thought it'd be some rich old bastard; but the smoking hot chick coming out looks nothing like the image I had in mind. "And I thought the car was sexy~" One of the boys cracked a chuckle. The car now looks like junk compared to the lady standing in front of me, pretty face, thick body and not to mention the shorts showing off those thick thighs. "Well hello beautiful~ welcome to the shop" I smirked, lighting up a second cig as the pretty girl walked over to me, while she does so it's obvious how thick she was judging by how those legs were jiggling.
"Did daddy buy you the cute ride you got here?" puffing out another wave of smoke, I looked around the car while she still remained quiet. After a few more glances on the car, my focus was still on her. "You know it's dangerous for a pretty girl such as yourself to be driving a beast like this you know?" I grinned, putting away the cigarette away from her as I tower over her cute figure, looking down at the cutie in front. "I'm a racer," she finally let out her voice, if I were to be honest I'd bust a load there and then on another day from how hot she is, but I gotta play it cool in front of this chick. "Oh really~! Well I'm sure you're a great racer ain't you, Miss...." I gave a long pause, giggling to tease her so called racing abilities. "Eunha. And don't act cocky, dirty hands. I'm not some whore for you~ I'm here to mod this car." Eunha clicked her tongue, clearly a bit annoyed, but fuck do I care. The more annoyed she looks, the cuter; I like that. "Oh really? Where you going so fast? Walmart?" I chuckled, making the tiny Eunha lose her patience and turn her face bright red. "I'm here to make Lloyd eat my dust!"
The laughter, the teasing, everything stopped. All eyes were on Eunha, almost choked by the ludicrous words coming out of her mouth. "That Lloyd? That dude's crazy dangerous y'know?" Bob, the old head in the office started talking, the teasy and all-jokes vibe suddenly blew away from the room. "I know. The more reasons to kick his ass." The cutie's little words attracts me more, love me a strong woman. "Well then missy, what do you need?" I asked, throwing the cig to the floor, stepping on it to extinguish the smoke. "I need it to be faster." Hearing her replies only makes me smirk as i moved towards the black beast parked in the garage. A little smack on Eunha's cute butt made her squeak, making me laugh a bit as I shifted my focus to the guys. "Time to get to work, boys!"
The car is honestly pretty much in great condition. There's not many that needs to be fixed, just things to upgrade. The spark plug of the car needs some changes, a change of exhaust which thankfully Eunha brought for us so it's no issue for us to wait too long to order a new one. One thing left is the engine, we gotta tune it up to get that Acura a winning chance. "This is a problem." I puffed after a deep breath. Honda engines in general isn't really the best, especially if it's for a car back in 1992, but oh well. If that hottie wants to win, might as well do it with a sick ride. "Why didn't you change the chassis?" Eunha asked. I mean, I don't blame her for asking, but clearly if she wants to race this car against a bastard like Lloyd, she needs a car that can take a beating. "Well sweetheart, if you wanna live long enough to win that race, this car gotta make sure it didn't trip over itself in the middle of the road." I shook my head while I approached her, grabbing a hand towel to clean my dirty hands, I need to lead her to my office.
"Imma keep this to you straight cutie," I paused, looking at Eunha, looking at her adorable cheeks when she looks serious, it made me smile. "Your chances of winning are slim if you keep this engine. You know the type of guy Lloyd is known for. He'd kill to win" I went fully clear to her, clearly makes her a bit frustrated. "Well...tell me what I gotta do." She answered short, this bitch sure is persistent. "Well, I first need to know how serious you are in this." I inched closer, grabbing her shoulder, waiting for her nodding response which she did immediately. "Well your engine needs some work, some mods actually. And the money...well I'm pretty sure you know how that goes. But that's not all" I paused looking up and down. "You clearly don't know what you're doing...telling me to change a car chassis when going against a road killer~" A sighed as Eunha finally got her needed reality check, it's almost impossible to win if she relies 100% on her knowledge, which clearly not enough.
"Tell me what I need to do then." She persists on further, she sure is confident on doing this. "Well first of all, you need a co-pilot. Someone who knows how to drive." I suggested, inching closer as our shoulders now touch, I think we both know where we're leading. "And I know a person who could teach you a thing or two" I chuckled, with Eunha slightly pushing me away only for me to hold her hand so I kept my distance close, our faces just a finger apart. "Men sure are greedy." She sighed after whimpered, trying to break free. "Relax, we're partners anyways. You need to trust your co-pilot Eunha." Those were my last words before my lips reached hers, which I can feel a reply coming. Glad to know my hard work is paying off. "You aren't a bad kisser aren't you" a soft chuckle escaped my mouth when I pulled away, looking at her soft pale face blushing. "I just did it cuz we're partners" She replied, her chest pumping from the rush of emotions. Holding her hand and intertwining them together, I inched for another kiss. "Just follow my lead, your co-pilot got this~"
Her smaller body makes it easy for me to lift her on my office desk, resting her body on the solid wood while I kept my lips glued to hers. My hands travel to her shorts, aiming to play her mind a bit more, just to ease her up. With one hand I easily unbutton her shorts, pulling them down to her ankles, revealing her soft cotton panties, hiding her most prized treasure, a little circle soaking in the middle. "Clearly you're enjoying this~" my fingers pulled her panties to the side, revealing her lower lips soaking wet, pretty in pink. A slight touch with my index finger makes her whimper, she sure is sensitive. "Awww~ I love that sound. I want more" I circle around the entrance of her pussy, slowly inserting it inside. "Ngaaah~ y/n!" A little scream lets out of her mouth which I immediately cover with my free hand. "We don't want the boys to hear you do you?" She shook her hand, knowing we're both on the same page. Now in control, I started putting another finger in, pushing in and out of her tight pussy. Her hands forming knuckles to endure the pleasure she's receiving, my hand covering her steamy moans, I finally pulled my fingers out just to switch with my hard shaft inside her.
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With my thick cock now fully inside you, i start to slowly thrust, pushing and pulling at a slow tempo as my new partner, Eunha, whimpers and muffles her moan as her voice is suppressed with my hand, the other hand holding her in place by grabbing her tight waste. The guys at this point are already starting to work on the car, they know Eunha will agree with my terms and modify the engine. Besides, it was her only shot of winning. But the car is probably the last thing in her mind right now. With my shaft in her tight pussy, her eyes looks dazed, almost as if she's drunk. Her moans were just getting louder as I gradually picked up a pace. My cock just got stiffer and more sensitive, getting close to climax. "Nghhh~ Eunha, I wanna cum." I moved my hand away from her mouth, just to let her respond and tell me where she wants it. "Nghhh~ just cum inside y/n~ I can't have your cum on display....so just do it in me~" she bit her lower lip, hoping her moans didn't attract the attention of the workers, my workers as they tune up the car. After a few more thrusts, I finally couldn't hold it any longer. "C-cummiiiiing~" I grunted, trying not to moan too loud, with the help of Eunha's small hand covering my mouth it did indeed help me not to make a scene with my moans as I filled her up with cum. The two of our moans were luckily synced with a loud noise coming from the work, so we didn't cause any of us getting caught. "So...hopefully we'll work well, partner~" I sighed, smiled as I ended with a smile.
A few days pass, filled with work to mod the car and also some 'team bonding' time, but we finally got to the race, revving up to the venue. The car felt much lighter, yet still easy to drive as Eunha looked confident on the wheel. "Someone looking pumped!" Being on the passenger seat I can see her smile, not a sweet one, more like a determined one. Just hope she realizes the dangerous guy she's up against. The crowd was cheering for her, praising the crazy ride she brought roaring through the night life of the road. All that attention began to fade away as the person everyone was waiting for finally drove in. A mean and intimidating rev fills the night air, lights flashing as if a high beam was put on the back of Eunha's Acura, mocking her. we both looked back, knowing who's here. "Well welcome to the game Eunha. Here's your challenge." I sighed, looking a bit shaky as the big and bad Ford GT LMT 2022 driving in.
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As Lloyd's mirror slides down, the arrogant young adult smirks, looking up and down. "This better be worth my time, slut" A teasy smooch came from him which clearly made Eunha's heart filled with disgust. "You know he's a road killer right?" I tapped on her thighs, giving her a call to reality so she doesn't get too caught up in the mood. Yes, Lloyd is notorious for road killing, crashing into his opponents or forcing them into difficult spots which are impossible to get out of a serious accident, sometimes even lethal situations. I figured this was the reason Eunha wanted to beat her, as a humbling statement for this jackass. Personally, I don't give a fuck about Lloyd's behavior as long as they don't harm people I care, but now since I'm in the same car that Lloyd might kill, I have to care. Plus, can't risk losing a cute bunny like Eunha to an asshole that has the attitude of a 10 year old. After aligning our cars, the crowd cheers, hyped for the race. "Hey cutie! Try not to kiss my ass okay? I'm not into that weird shit, unless it's your face~" Lloyd's torment kept coming, but Eunha didn't care. She even let the window down, letting all of Lloyd's words come into her ears but not her mind. She seems locked in.
The race gets closer to it's beginning. Ready. Revving sounds roars as smoke fills the back of the two monster cars. Set. The two racer stops talking, both Eunha and Lloyd lift their windows up, ready for the final call. Go. As the call goes, tires screeching fills the ear lobes of the audience, silencing the crowd for a second only to make them cheer louder as they lift off, both Eunha and Lloyd are now off, starting the race. " Now just like I told you Eunha. Keep your distance bunny" I let out a little reminder, and important one if we both want to stay alive. Of course the futuristic Ford was on the lead from the get go, but it's a long 20km race, this is just the beginning. Eunha's Acura got an advantage with a smaller body frame, which made it easier to slide between traffic. The road has a lot of sharp turns so Eunha has to be careful with her speed, not to go too much and keep control.
A race will never be a safe race if it's Lloyd we're up against. His constant brake checking and closing in to Eunha whenever they're side to side is surely dangerous, making Eunha scared and hit the brakes, getting a bit too far behind half way through the race. "Fuck!" The stressed out Eunha shouted as she had to pick up pace to catch up, she's starting to lose focus. "Relax, we're still in the game cutie." A soft finger flick snaps her out, making Eunha look at me. We both smirked as she stepped on the gas and caught up with Lloyd. We were approaching a sharp slope, so we need to be extra careful not to cause some serious damage to the car and ourselves.
In the sharp turn, Lloyd fucked up, taking a turn too early resulting his car to drift a bit to the far end of the roadside. It gave a tight chance for Eunha's smaller car to slide in and cut past him. "Fuuuckk yeaah!" Eunha cheered as the road got back in a straight line, a wide smile appears on her face and beaming at me. "Cool down bunny~ we're not done yet." I sighed and pat her head as she kept on the drive, dashing through traffic to lose Lloyd off her tail. But with the horsepower of the Ford beast, it's nearly impossible, Lloyd caught up just moments after. With his car literally behind her, Lloyd's infamous behavior starts to reveal. Speeding up while tailgating Eunha's Acura, running over her and trying to knock her out, the scariest part of Lloyd's dangerous race driving. Panic rises, Eunha trying her best to keep the wheels steady but Lloyd's relentless driving, hitting the tail of her ride makes everything so scary. "Hang in there Eunha" I pat on her soft thighs, letting her calm down and wait for a moment to break free. And there was the moment we both hoped for, a truck right in front of us. We went to tailgate the truck which Lloyd didn't realise because well, either he was too busy trying to destroy Eunha's car or he's just pure stupid. Once we were close enough, we made sure to wait for a moment where Lloyd's Ford GT to ram up Eunha. When he did, Eunha swiftly took a sharp turn to switch lanes, forcing Lloyd to hit the truck. "Noooo!" The shocked Lloyd was terrified, having to run over the slow moving truck and crashed, not serious enough to immediately eliminate him from the race, but enough to buy us some time away from that asshole. Victory is now in Eunha's hands. Didn't take long before the Acura reached the finish line, Eunha won.
Eunha kept driving, trying to slow down. As the meter slowly goes down bit by bit, it finally reached zero as we stopped at an empty parking lot. "I won....I actually won..." Eunha muttered her words, her eyes looking at the steering wheel, still in shock and couldn't believe the outcome. She won, and that realisation soon hits as she screams out and hugs me. "WE WOOOOONNN!" Her soft cheeks touches mine, rubbing our faces as we hugged. Before we even noticed, the emotions, the adrenaline, every single drop of chemical clicked in. That satisfaction of victory turned into lust, and we have each other to fulfill it. Eunha's lips reached mine and before we knew it, we're already making out and enjoying each other, our tongues battling as we hold each other. I grabbed her tight waist as I moved her on top of me after leaning my seat lower so we can both fit on one seat.
With Eunha on top of me, I could feel her thick thighs pressing on me. It felt so smooth as she was wearing short jeans. As she leans her body on mine, our lips meet again. Feeling our kiss connecting our two bodies, I hugged her tight, holding her as we enjoy each other's mouth, tasting each other. "Y/n, I need you~" Eunha plead, and I could never say no to her. I opened the door and helped her off, kneeling on the floor. "Wait, Eunha." I took off my jacket and put them on the floor to make it less uncomfortable for her to be kneeling on the tarred floor. She grabbed my pants and guided them down to my ankles, pulling out my shaft that sprung out, pointing to Eunha's cute face.
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With the cute little bunny on her knees, level with my cock, there's only one thing coming for her. Her mouth starts to open wide, taking my cock and slide it slowly inside her mouth as I feel her soft mouth slowly taking my length, with her plump lips enveloping my shaft. It felt like heaven and back, making me throw my head back as she slowly bobbed her head, slurping the taste of my cock slowly. As a source of motivation, I pat her scalp, encouraging her to go deeper. "Fuuuck yes Eunha pleaseee...go deeper oh my god!" Her lips, her mouth, my tip poking her throat, everything about this felt so good I need to do my best to contain myself just so I don't cum too soon. My words backfire as she only doubles her efforts, making it harder for me to last even though I try, holding it in before eventually, she pulls out and smirks and spits on my cock to make it wetter than it already is.
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It was feeling so good, but there's no way we're stopping there. I stepped out of the car and guided Eunha to be putting her hands on the door, bending over. I need those thick thighs sandwiching my cock so bad. Holding her hips I slowly guided my cock between her soft meaty thighs. "Mmmh your cock is so wet~. Fuuuck it feels good~" Eunha bit her lips, feeling me thrust back and forth slowly as I moaned, being out public late at night in a parking lot like this, it's so risky yet so good, I love it. Her hands on the winning Acura as I kept on thrusting back and forth, moving my hips swayed and my face glued to hers, kissing her cute puffy cheeks. My hands got bored too and wanted some actions, travelling towards Eunha's soft upper body, groping them softly which made the bunny whimper. "Mmmmh~ yeaah y/n just like that~ oh god~" the cold breeze of the night didn't help settle down the mood either. it just made us more and more lustful, feeling the need to express our emotions physically out in the open on the car.
We both couldn't take it any longer. The expressions we were making made it clear we want to fuck. And we'll do just that. Holding Eunha's tight body, I carried her as I laid her on the back seat, her legs exposed out in the open while her upper body is in the car. I quickly align my cock with her entrance and thrust it in as fast as I could, the wetness of my cock surely helped. "Fuuuck~ y/n! It's so fucking goood!" Eunha screamed out as we're alone, we don't need to hold back, we just let out all that bottled up lust and excitement over the win. "Eunha...you're so tight~ fuck I'll fuck you all day if I could" I grunted as I started going back to a fast pace holding her legs as I piston my cock in and out of her, feeling her tight pussy wrapping my shaft, denying me to pull out. With each thrust getting closer to my climax, I just held her tight while grunting as I stared into her lustful eyes. "Fuuuck Eunha, I wanna cum for you so bad~" I grunted, my hips barely moving because I don't want to cum just yet. "Fuuuck~ just cum in me y/n. Fill me up~!" Eunha ordered, and what she wants is what I'll give. A few more deep thrusts and my load couldn't be held back anyore, I just let it all out and shoot every load of it inside her. "Cu-cummiiiiing~!" I exclaimed as I held her tight, hugging her tight waist as my cock spurts cum deep in her pussy, covering her insides while Eunha screams in pleasure and fills her tight pussy receiving every single drop of cum, leaving my balls emptied.
Both exhausted, we got in the car and cuddled, laying on the car's back seat, huffing and puffing to catch our breathe. "What a mess" Eunha broke the silence, ending up with both of us kissing whilst we cuddled, trying to cool down and relax. "Congratulations on your win, partner." I had to say it, she fully deserved it so a congratulations is much deserved. But I'm pretty sure what happened here was a congrats gift in her books~
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bits-and-babs · 1 year
This is only the first of what I hope will not be too many, but here we go! 🗝 Joel Miller + Country cowbow aesthetic. Because why not?! <3
CountryCowboy!Joel Miller x f!Reader
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word count: 1.1k
warnings: soft af, made my heart ache, playful flirting, literally such southern stereotypes written by an English Woman. Dry humping. 18+ ya nasties!
summary: Retired Rodeo-Cowboy Joel Miller settles down on his ranch with his number one fan.
joel masterlist I| main masterlist |I follower celebration I| ask |I
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“They’re more hassle than they’re worth, y’know?”
A smile pulls at the edges of your mouth the moment his complaints reach your ears. His gruff voice drips with sarcasm, but you keep your eyes on the horses that prance around the paddock. They lift their hooves with synchronised grace, performing a dance as they clopped across the dried soil.
“That may be,” you muse, brushing your palms over the planks of wood that contained the mares. They’re beautiful beasts, their coats shining beneath the sunshine that the rim of your Stetson shields your face from. “But they’re mighty fine.”
The mocking southern accent you respond with has Joel pushing his elbow into your side.
“Hey!” You burst into a fit of giggles, the laughter bubbling from your throat before you’re able to suppress it. When you look up, Joel’s face is flat, that typical ‘Clint Eastwood Stand-off’ vibe that he always emanates, but his eyes betray him. There’s amusement swirling in his deep tan-leather irises.
Joel rests his palms on the wood, too, casting his gaze over the field. He’s handsome like this, you think, the dying gilded sunshine painting his face golden. It’s clearly crawled under his skin, cheeks glowing a subtle pink with sunburn and making the greys of his beard starker amongst the brown. His matching salt and pepper hair is windswept from working all day in the summer breeze.
It’s ridiculous, you think. All these years together, travelling to rodeos and spending most of your time hiding behind your fingers when he wrestled steers, you still felt the butterflies erupt in your stomach when you looked at him. He’d since hung up his bulldogging boots, ‘far too old to be wrangling bullocks’, and had taken up a much quieter life breeding horses for racing.
“You know,” Joel smirks, not bothering to look at you when he teases you, “You’re always talkin’ ‘bout how pretty they are but spend all your time lookin’ at me.”
“Shut up,” you scoff, tearing your eyes away from him and folding your arms across your chest with an indignant huff. The rumbles of a chuckle reach your ears, and you can feel your cheeks heat up.
“It ain’t so bad, you know,” he speaks softly, trying to ease your embarrassment, “It’s nice to know an old man’s still got it.”
You can’t stay mad at him for very long. That southern charm that effortlessly and unknowingly bleeds through each word works its way between your ribs and lassoes your heart with such ease. Again, you find yourself smiling, turning to look at him again. He’s unable to smother the grin that’s threatening to stretch across his lips, the edges of his mouth twitching.
“You’re not an old man,” you promise, reaching your hand across the small space between you. You hook your finger under the metal of his belt buckle and pull him towards you with a grin. He arches a brow at you pointedly, and you shrug with a grin. “Mhm, okay, maybe you’re a little old.”
“Oh yeah?” He smirks, watching you smooth your hands over his hips and waist.
“The kind of old that makes a man even more handsome,” you promise him, unable to look him in the eyes and choosing instead to drag your eyes over the tanned skin that glistens with sweat just beyond the collar of his flannel, “You age like whiskey, Joel.”
“Jack Daniels or Southern Comfort?” He asks, and you can feel his gaze dancing across your face, burning into your mouth and tracing your lips.
“Mhmm…” you hum softly, finally braving his stare and looking up at him. His eyes are dark with a rich need, hungering for your lips on his. “Redbreast.”
He can’t stand it anymore, you think, leaning down suddenly to press his lips to yours. They’re slightly dry from the heat, and you can taste the salt of his sweat. His body heards you against the fence, his work-worn hands dragging over your thighs and hips with a delicious hum that pools arousal between your thighs.
“Joel,” you breathe into his mouth. It comes out a little more desperate than you’d like, a little needier, but Joel doesn’t complain. His hands are hoisting you up, settled just beneath your ass, so your legs wrap around him.
“These fuckin’ jeans,” he huffs, frustrated when he lightly slaps your ass. Again, you’re laughing, knowing he hates them. They hug your figure just right, too tricky to get off in a hurry. “Just gonna have to make do, aren’t I?”
You’re unable to question him, to ask what he means, because he’s immediately grinding his hips against your own in a way that adds just the right amount of pressure to your clit through the seam of your jeans. Fuck, he’s rock hard beneath you, clearly turned on by your ridiculous teasing and the way you melted at the sight of him.
He swallows your moans with heated kisses, tongue dragging against your own. Fuck, his hands are squeezing at the flesh of your ass through the denim, enjoying the handfuls he steals.
It’s deliberate. The slow, heavy arcs of his hips when he grinds into you, focusing all the pressure on your clit with expertise only he could offer. He’d mapped out your body after all these years, the peaks and troughs of your structure memorised like the landscape of his ranch. Joel knew every pleasure point of your body, how to work them to his advantage and to your detriment.
“Fuck,” you whine softly, feeling him smirk into your shared kiss. Leaning your head back, you sigh when he pulls his lips across your jugular, pressing open-mouthed kisses against your pulse.
“Kiss your mother with that mouth, Darlin’?” He questions you, and you answer with a pointed, open-palm slap against his shoulder. He chuckles again, but responds with another heavy drag of his hips.
“Ohfu-“ you choke out, tears welling in your eyes. He just ruins you, just picks you apart and puts you together again so that all you can think about is the throbbing arousal that shoots up your spine.
“You gonna give it to me, Darlin’? Come on, Sugar. Come on,” he whispers to you, that gravelly tone sparking something honey-sweet inside of you. It’s not the lighting crack that he usually produces. No, it pours through you like molasses, slow and rolling and dripping between your thighs. A soft, drawn-out moan of Joel’s name pushes its way from your lips, and he praises you as your thighs squeeze him tight.
“Mhmm, Good Girl,” he hums, planting kisses along your jaw with a grin. “Don’t think I’ll have to work hard to wrangle you into bed, will I?”
He doesn’t.
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emilykaldwen · 3 months
Fic Recs!
I decided to grab a few fics that I was recently introduced to as well as fics I haven't seen get a lot of traction in the space. This is just a personal list that I wanted to share!
@corporalicent's Rhaenicent Fics at AO3 - Cata is a beast when it comes to writing this ship (as well as other fandoms!) and has some really creative AUs out there: I mean come on: Nun!Rhaenyra and Novice!Alicent? We're here for that!
@lullaebies GenderSwapped!Green Kids AU Protector of the Realm on AO3 - So Helaena is now the only *son* of Viserys and Alicent, and Aegon/Aemond/Daeron were born girls. How intriguing is that! They are on a break for right now but go give that fic a look! Not to mention they write Aegon III/Jaehaera content that I just think is chef's kiss.
@dragonsoftheeast Firebender!Targaryen/No Dragons Dance AU Fire Made Flesh on AO3 - Um Hi, Helaena being the one to lose the eye? Actual good political matches. Unparralelled usage of High Valyrian and Valyrian Culture world building???? Sign me the fuck up! Dote is an amazing crafter of such a unique and fantastic canon divergence and I am constantly surprised more people aren't squealing about this amazing story that packs in so many twists and turns and is truly so thoughtful.
@theothermaidoftarth writing some Baela/Daeron and is currently working on Nettles/Cregan check out Song for Evermore on AO3 - Rare Pairs are a precious thing in any fandom and my girl is killing it with some fascinating ideas and utterly fantastic characterizations. We love IC AUs!
@gwenllian-in-the-abbey is leading the Baela/Aegon ship with her solo fic All Kings Are Beautiful on AO3, an 'Aegon was named heir' AU, as well as her other co-written work - Gwen's work reads like a historical fiction novel and that's really my favorite kind of thing. I haven't been able to read everything she's done but man, the nuance! The stakes! the ideas! She brings what I love to call an Old School A Song of Ice and Fire fic vibe to HotD space and I mean this with the highest of praise.
@selfproclaimedunicorn is writing Sins of the Father on AO3 because what if Rhea and Daemon actually had some kids but things still went sideways? - HELLO! MISA? Misa's talent for burying her fingers into every character we see and pulling out all the bits and bobs that make them tick? Is just.. I want to write this well when I grow up. The way she has seamlessly altered canon to the point where I'll see gifsets of scenes and go 'Where are Yorick and Ella?'. Also she has an Alicent x OC fic, and I would lay my life down for Aldreda Farwynd, my tall seal mommy.
@mimikoflamemaker is writing Daemon centric OC fic the False Dragon on AO3 - I haven't been able to dive into this yet but have talked fic and plotting with Justine. Their passion for the source is palpable and her creative ideas deserve to reach more people! Vaerra and Elyas are fascinating OCs with intriguing connections that you do not want to miss!
@jotterjots / @bronzefuryfic is also writing a 'What if Daemon and Rhea had a daughter' AU, Bronze Fury both on tumblr and AO3 - JJ is a real one and I always enjoy her insights. I actually had NO IDEA! that she was writing fic but from what I've read, it looks fantastic!
@acrossthesestars is writing Haunt Me, an Aemond War Bride AU that has me by the throat on AO3 - It's not a list without mentioning this amazing fic that's almost to the finish line. Alex's command of conflict and characterization where characters are allowed to be imperfect is something more of us need to dive into! We love a byronic lead in Aemond where all his edges and issues are fully acknowledged, a wily and fantastic female lead in Wylla Karstark, and just an overall amazing AU where these characters are clawing for their happy ending.
@branwendaughterofllyr is writing a 'What if Vizzy and Daemon's youngest brother lives and has a daughter' AU, A poison Tree on AO3 - I haven't been able to dig into this yet but it's just such a fascinating and original concept to make this Dance make a little more sense, and bring more high stakes. She's a long time ASOIAF writer who is passionate about the source material and here to show you what this world can be. Do go check her work out!
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thoughtsforsoob · 3 months
places in Tokyo that they take you to :)
a/n: idk if y’all can tell but i visited Tokyo, Japan not so long ago and absolutely fell in love with it. it was such a beautiful experience and I hope that if you ever do go, you have fun too. please don’t skip out on it and make time to visit it if you can! this may be a little specific but i know this is self-indulgent. please let me know what you think of it !!!
team planets! i see him liking how artsy and pretty it is. he loves seeing you enjoy the different exhibits and takes so many pictures of you there. he whines when he has to take off his shoes for the water experience part (which is so beautiful btw). he whines because he knows you’re gonna tell him to “put his damn dogs away”. i think his favorite part of the flower room because he loves how you look among all the flowers. Says some corny ass shit like “yeah, they’re pretty but not prettier than you.”
Tokyo Disneyland! He is a total nerd so he would love this place. He makes you get up super duper early and rewards you with coffee (tullys tho omggg). You guys arrived early enough and are there for rope drop. He even dresses up all nice for the day. He buys the both of you matching character hats. He totally insists on porky and slinky hats (he begs to be porky so you let him). He loves getting on all the ride but his favorite was beauty and the beast. he loves the attention to detail. he even gives you a little kiss while the ending scene is happing and def makes you blush. Don’t even get him started on the parades. He watches every single one of them. Especially the last light show. He holds you close to his side and wraps his jacket around you. The whole moment just feels so sweet and romantic and he lives for it.
harajuku enjoyer for sure. he loves all of the clothing shops, shoe stores and everything else. He for sure goes into all of the stores and tries on a million things and has you give your opinion. Don’t worry, after all of that shopping, he’ll make sure to get you a treat! He’ll fill you both up on Okinawa ice cream, cheesy 10 yen coins and plenty of coffee!! I feel like he’d also take you to music stores. You both comb through the many floors of Tower Records and find your favorite albums. Also..what’s harajuku without a photo booth session :)) he makes you take one of those silly ones that make you look like a doll. Silly gyu
sensō-ji! I feel like he really appreciative of older places and places that make for pretty pictures. he def makes you both put on kimonos for the whole experience (don’t be like me and def watch your step when walking in these narrow shops…aka: don’t skip down the stairs 😜) he loves the whole touristy vibe and he hopes you do to. He obviously also stops at all the food stalls and buys you and him treats to try. HE also takes a pretty picture with you in front of the temple…one where he even kisses your cheek. He is in that good of a mood omg. You two also do fortunes at the temple and you both get bad luck :(((( sorry I don’t make the rules
huening kai
snoopy museum for sure. Yeah ik this place is technically in yokohama but like…idc :) anyways, huening gives snoopy lover vibes so he would def love to bring you here. he loves looking at all of memorabilia with you and if you’re a snoopy enthusiast also, he asks you questions and makes comments. he def begs you to take a pic with him by the giant snoopy in the middle of the room. he keeps it in his wallet forever. he also loves the stuffed snoopies so you get matching ones!
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festivalsofmargot · 1 year
You Are a Memory {Sebastian Sallow x GN!Reader}
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Starts after Sebastian’s questline and goes until the two of you are in your 7th year, aged up to 18+. Sebastian has just killed his uncle, and it finally dawns on the two of you how far down the dark path you’ve gone. You aren’t good for one another, and it’s time you let each other go. 
Could be a standalone, but if you’d like some extra background on yours and Sebastian’s relationship, feel free to read these first: Pining in Potions Class, Pretty Thoughts, and Selfless. (I like to write a non house specific reader, but Gall of a Gryffindor can work too if any of you Gryffindors out there want that little extra).
Word Count: ~ 5,400 😬 whoopsies
Warnings: Kissing, Angst, Sex (first time making love, gender neutral so not crazy explicit smut level, characters are aged 18+)
Author’s Note:  Listen listen listen listen… it’s not that I don’t like you guys. I just wanna make you pretty cry a bit, okay? You and Seb have been too happy together in my short stories and I’m ready to be the drama and add a little spice. This is my first attempt at a sex scene and a gender neutral one at that. I’m happy with how it turned out, but I’ll keep pushing myself to write better. Enjoy everybody, hope you’re having a good day 😊
Songs (if interested, bonus songs because it’s a long one today, pop them on and join my sad vibes):
You Are a Memory - Message to Bears
In This Shirt - The Irrepressibles
Exit Music (For A Film) - Radiohead
September 15, 2017: Cassini - The Grand Finale - Sleeping At Last
Light - Sleeping At Last
Falling Colour - Vanbur
You finally left the room of requirement after having spent a good amount of your Saturday there. The magical beasts you saved were always excellent company, even in a time as dark as this. When Deek had excused himself for the night, it was then you realized you should probably get to bed yourself.
You silently cursed when you saw how dark and empty the halls were. It was difficult to keep track of time with the vivariums and Deek’s room ambience enchantments. No question you were well passed curfew. Though, a detention was the least of your worries at the moment.
You heard your name called from somewhere in the darkness. You gasped and turned quickly to see Sebastian pushing himself off the wall he was leaning against.
“Sebastian? What are you doing here?” The two of you hadn’t spoken since he ran from the cave. You hadn’t sought him out when you returned to the castle. You let him have his space, and heaven knows you needed it too.
“I needed to see you.” He said, not meeting your eyes.
“How long have you been waiting? I’m so sorry, if I had known -”
“It’s alright. I... needed the time to think about what I was going to say to you.”
Noticing the room of requirement’s door was still there, you pulled him back in with you. “Let’s talk in here.”
Sebastian’s eyes roamed the room. He would have been in awe at the beauty of it all. But the image of his dead uncle and the heartbroken look on Anne’s face took away any levity the room could have given him.
With Sebastian’s hand still in yours, you guided him to a nearby couch which had been your favorite spot aside from the beast vivariums, though you had a feeling it wouldn’t be any longer after your conversation that night. You sat and gently tugged at his hand for him to sit down with you.
Releasing your hand, he leaned forward, elbows on his knees. He looked down at the floor, and you waited for him to speak first. You didn’t want to rush him.
“How did things go so wrong?” He buried his face in his hands, his voice faltering. “I didn’t mean it. I didn’t mean to -” 
Hearing his distress, you placed your hand on his back, rubbing up and down.
He took a shaky breath to right himself. He then grabbed your hand that was rubbing his back and held it in his lap. He rubbed a thumb across your skin and stared at the lines that graced your palm. “We need to end this.”
Your breath hitched in your throat and tears stung at your eyes. You also knew the two of you were heading this direction, but to hear one of you actually say it out loud still broke something in you. “I know.” You whispered.
Sebastian shot a hand up to cover his eyes, desperately trying to stop tears of his own from falling. His shoulders began to shake with silent sobs.
You leaned forward, wrapping your arms around his waist, resting your cheek against his back. “I know.” You said again, still with no conviction. “I’m just as tempted by the dark arts as you are, Sebastian. If we stay together, I'm afraid we’ll cause even more damage.”
“I don’t want this.” He choked through his tears.
You held him tighter, the tears finally falling down your cheeks. You breathed in his scent once more, taking in everything you could of him before he would leave that night. “Neither do I.”
He gently tugged at your arms to get you to release him. He stood to his feet and made his way to leave. You knew you should let him go, but you jumped up from the couch and called for him just as he was going to open the door. “Sebastian!”
His fingers hovered over the handle, he turned slightly to look at you. He waited for you to continue, but you could only stare at him, eyes sparkling with tears. 
Digging his heels into the ground, he closed the distance between the two of you in only a few steps. He took your face in his hands and crashed his lips onto yours. You met him with just as much need and grabbed at the fabric covering his chest to keep him close. The both of you whimpered at the despair in your kiss, cheeks wet with tears. This was the end of it and there was no running from the pain.
Before you knew it, Sebastian left your embrace, speeding out of the room. Once the door shut behind him, you collapsed to the floor and allowed your sobs to consume you.
The remaining days of your fifth year went by the slowest. Each day you weren’t working with Professor Fig on your ancient magic and going through the keepers’ trials, you struggled to fill your time. Poppy was finally taking it easy after you had helped her with the centaurs. And Natty was still recovering from your fight with Harlow. Her mother had a closer eye on her than ever before, so spending time with her away from the castle wasn’t happening.
Every time you saw Sebastian, you did everything you could to keep your distance and avoid looking his way. At first you tried to sneak glances, but you found it hurt too much, and it only tempted you to run back into his arms. 
“Maybe we were too rash. Maybe we can be better together.” You envisioned yourself saying to him, but you knew it wouldn’t be true. It was made clear every time you left the castle and ran into poachers. They made it difficult to stray from your dark path. Seeing what they had done to so many animals, you were nowhere near done with the cruciatus curse. You weren’t good for Sebastian, you needed to accept that and let him heal. He could be better, and he would be.
You don’t know how you made it out alive against Rookwood and Ranrok, yet there you were. You shifted uncomfortably in your bed in the hospital wing of Hogwarts. Aside from some deep gashes that needed stitching, a ton of bruising, and a sprained ankle, you had managed to make it out all right. But Professor Fig hadn’t, and it weighed on you heavily.
Word spread fast about how you fought alongside the professors to defend the school.  All your friends had come to see you - well - almost all of them. Even some people you didn’t know very well came to check in. 
When Ominis came in to the hospital wing, you felt yourself go stiff. Along with leaving Sebastian behind, you left Ominis as well. You panicked at the thought of facing him. If you had never entered their lives, Sebastian might not have been able to dive so deep into the dark arts. He might have listened to his closest friend and the whole mess wouldn’t have happened.
“How are you?” Ominis asked as he pulled up a chair by your bedside.
“A little roughed up, I suppose. And you?” You were afraid to ask, because the conversation could so easily move towards Sebastian.
“I’m well thank you. And a little roughed up? From what I hear you sound like you belong in this hospital bed for the remainder of the year.”
You began to laugh but then hissed in pain, grabbing at your side. “Well, I can’t really disagree with you there, can I?”
He gave a soft chuckle, and then he fell quiet. The look on his face made it seem like he was debating his next words. “Look, I heard what happened between you and Sebastian.”
“Ominis, please -”
“Let me finish. I heard what happened between the two of you but I’m still here for you. That day you took on the cruciatus curse for him, I knew you’d proven yourself to be a true friend. I understand why the two of you are no longer speaking, and as much as I’m sure it hurts, I agree it’s what’s best for the both of you. Please know, you don’t have to be a stranger when it comes to me.”
It hit you how much you had missed Ominis as well. “Thank you.”
“I'm afraid I have to get going now, I snuck away from Sebastian to check in on you. I feel I’ve constantly had to talk him out of coming to visit the second he heard what happened.”
You nodded your head, “It’s best he doesn’t come. I think I’d fall out of this bed and crawl right into his arms if he had.”
“I thought the same.” He stood up from his chair. “Now get some rest. I can grab something for you from Honeydukes later.”
“Chocolate Frogs, I’m begging you.” Just as you were starting to cheer up, the thought of Hogsmeade reminded you of Rookwood, and what he had told you before he tried to kill you. “Ominis, wait. There’s something you and Sebastian need to know about Anne.”
Sebastian couldn’t stand it. Though he knew full well Ominis was right about how he shouldn’t go to visit you, it had gotten to a point where he wasn’t able to sleep without having seen how you were doing with his own eyes. 
Sneaking out of his dorm, he made his way to the hospital wing. He crept in, cloaked with the disillusionment spell and stood at the entrance. Eyes searching, it didn’t take long to spot you. You seemed to be the only student admitted.
He tiptoed over as not to wake you. When he reached you, his heart crumpled at the sight. A majority of your body was covered by the blanket, but from the skin he could see on your neck and face, you were riddled with bruising and stitches. Without thinking, he brushed his fingers along your cheek. 
You let out a soft moan and Sebastian yanked back his hand, panicked he had woken you. But you went quiet again, the only sound escaping you was your breathing. He should have listened to Ominis, seeing you again like that had pulled him right back in. He needed to get out of there.
Just as he as he turned to leave, you mumbled, “Sebastian?”
He looked back fearfully, thinking he was caught. But you were still sound asleep as you murmured his name. He ached to kneel before your bedside and grab your hand. He wanted to kiss it over and over, reassuring you saying, “I’m here. I’m here. Everything’s alright now.” But he couldn’t, and before he could fight himself on it any longer, he forced his feet to move one in front of the other until he was back in his dorm.
It was the beginning of your seventh year at Hogwarts when the Triwizard Tournament was announced to take place. It sounded like just the thing you needed to get through your last year.
You don’t know how you made it through your sixth year, it wasn’t nearly as eventful as your fifth had been. Though you were thankful everything seemed to be going a lot smoother in the world and your friends were safe, you were still uneasy with all the free time you had. You busied yourself up in the room of requirement if you weren’t with Poppy or Natty, and would stay just late enough to make it back right before curfew.
Though it was impossible to not see Sebastian, you did everything you could to minimize the chances. By the end of the year, you had found a good routine to get you through the rest of your time at Hogwarts. And adding this tournament on top of it could really help you thrive.
You fiddled with the folded up parchment that had your name written on it as you stood in the crowd around the Goblet of Fire. You were standing side by side with Natty who was also going to put her name in, the two of you waited for your turn to walk up. It was interesting watching all the Beauxbaton Academy and Durmstrang Institute students put their name in. They all looked so confident, and with such athletic builds, you couldn’t believe some of them were only 18 years old like you were.
After Natty placed her name in, you clapped along with everyone else and threw in a special holler just for her. Then it was your turn. As you were about to let the parchment fall in and be swallowed up by the flames, you looked out to the cheering crowd and locked eyes with Sebastian. Out of everyone around you, how did you manage to spot him? Dropping your name in, the crowd erupted in applause. You bowed your head and smiled as you left the circle.
When you returned to your position amongst the crowd, you tried to shake the image of his face from your mind. The way he was looking at you when you entered your name into the fire, it was almost as if he was crushed to see you do so. But you immediately dismissed the thought. It was dark in there and the only light source came from the Goblet, you couldn’t have possibly gotten a good read on his reaction. You two were no longer in each other’s lives and it’s been that way for a while. Get over yourself. He wouldn’t care what you did any more.
“You? But... why?” Was all Sebastian could ask his best friend. Ominis had just informed him he was the one taking you to The Yule Ball. Sebastian had known you were going with someone after overhearing you turn down a Durmstrang student, apologizing and explaining you already had a date. He had been in a dreadful mood ever since. But his sour mood turned perplexed at Ominis’ announcement.
“Honestly? Because I’m afraid of what you’d do to anyone else who did. Also, it looks good for a Gaunt to be going to the ball with the Hogwarts champion, if I’m not going to be the champion myself. Got my family off my back somewhat.”
Sebastian sighed. “Ominis, you didn’t need to trouble yourself. I’m fine now. We’re fine. We haven’t spoken in who knows how long. The two of you should go with people you -” have an interest in. He finished in his head, unable to say the words aloud without feeling sick.
Though he’d hate to admit it, Sebastian was filled with immense relief Ominis was the one taking you to the ball. He had seen the rather large amount of people who had approached you, and he wanted to shoo off each one of them. But he had no right, he needed to let you live your life. After all, it would have been highly hypocritical of him considering he had said yes to going with Amelie Dupont, the champion for Beauxbatons Academy.
Sebastian and Ominis waited side by side at the bottom of the stairs for their dates. He was hoping with every fiber in his body that you would walk down those stairs before Amelie did, because he knew he wouldn’t be able to resist watching you come down with undivided attention. And that would be horribly rude of him with his date at his arm already.
But of course, Amelie arrived first. He shouldn’t have expected any different knowing how you were. Always off doing something until the last minute.
With Amelie’s arm linked in his, all champions and their dates stood, lined in formation to enter the ballroom, except one.
“Ah Mr. Gaunt, here is your date now.”
Sebastian shot his gaze to the stairs at Professor Weasley’s words and went stiff. In that moment, he could have sworn his heart stopped. You were breathtaking. He had never seen you in such formal attire. For some reason, feeling foolish about it then, he had expected you to be dressed in some variation of the Hogwarts uniform. It had been all he’d seen you in for the passed year and a half.
“So sorry I’m late.” You called down as you descended the steps, watching your step as you did so as not to trip in your new fancy shoes. You were still breaking them in and weren’t the most confident. When you looked up your eyes met Sebastian’s, and the way he was looking at you had your insides twisting.
Sebastian swallowed thickly when you looked his way, and for a brief moment he let himself live in the fantasy that you were walking down the stairs to meet him. Time slowed down and memories began popping up all at once in his brain: the first time you met, the both of you trying to hide your laughter at Garreth’s nonsense in potions class, your first kiss in the library, all your sneaky pecks to his cheek, and even the times he’d rest his head on your lap as the two of you laid in the grass under the sun.
“Alright you two, join the line here.” His thoughts were interrupted at Professor’s Weasley’s voice. You took Ominis’ arm and got in the back of the line. Sebastian made himself face forward, awaiting further instruction.
“You look very handsome, Ominis.” He heard you whisper to his best friend.
“Thank you, I’m sure you look wonderful yourself.” You and Ominis cackled.
Walking out in front of everyone and doing the traditional first dance was all a blur. Sebastian hadn’t been able to compose himself after he saw you coming down the stairs.
Once the dance was over, he excused himself from Amelie and went to the washroom. He leaned against the sink, trying to steady his breathing. How could he have ever thought he was over you? You still meant as much to him then as you had when you parted ways in the room of requirement. He was extra thankful Ominis had been your date, if anyone else had been and he had to watch you link arms with them he didn’t think his heart could take it.
Once he returned to the ball, his eyes landed on you and Ominis on the dance floor. You were talking and laughing with him easily, seeming to not have a care in the world.
Do I have even the slightest effect on you anymore? Sebastian wondered as he watched from afar. He thought back to when you put your name in the Goblet of Fire. Your eyes had met his and he silently pleaded with you not to go through with it, people died in this tournament. Though he knew you were capable, having to watch you be put in harm’s way and he wouldn’t be able to help had him petrified. But you dropped it in and turned away, proud to have your name in the running. When your name was chosen from the Goblet, because of course it was, the terror and misery that went through him was paralyzing. Ominis had to help keep him steady the rest of that day.
He had a sick hope he made you hurt at least a little having come with Amelie. But you were the one on the dance floor, happy as can be, not the one trying to keep it together in the washroom like he had just been.
Sebastian went and found Amelie. He apologized and asked her for another dance.
The night went by decently enough for Sebastian. Amelie was beautiful and talkative, so when the two of them weren’t dancing, they were surrounded by a group of people asking her an abundance of questions. He was thankful she took the reins in conversation because he wasn’t in a socializing mood. Every now and then he took glances your way, not once did he catch your eye.
It was nearing the end of the night and Amelie had asked if he wanted to go back to the dance floor. He looked out and saw you and Ominis were back out there already.
“I - I apologize, I promised a friend a dance and it’s slipped my mind ‘til now.”
Amelie nodded with a smile and went back to speaking with a few Durmstrang students who were eager for her attention.
Before he knew it, he was making his way over to you and Ominis. When he reached the two of you on the dance floor, he held out a hand towards you.
Your laughing and dancing ceased.
“May I cut in?” Sebastian asked, gaze on you unflinching.
Your insides began buzzing with nerves. The thought of your first time interacting with Sebastian again through a dance was nearly too much to handle.
“Go ahead.” Ominis said with a smile as he released you, his approval taking you by surprise. “I need a rest anyhow.” Before you could protest, he was gone, leaving you and Sebastian alone.
You tentatively grabbed his hand and he pulled you into a dance. This being your first time speaking and touching after nearly two years, you didn’t think you would be able to look him in the eyes. But that was the only place you could look.
The two of you didn’t speak, it seemed you didn’t need to. Over the course of your dance, the two of you moved in closer, dismissing the official waltz stance you were supposed to be in. Your arms found their way around his shoulders and his around your waist. He leaned his head against yours as you slowly swayed from side to side.
You had fought so hard to distance yourself from him, and all it took was one dance to pull you back in. You never wanted to let go. Because as soon as you let go, he would be gone from your life again. The way he was holding onto you made you believe he had the same worry. You breathed in his scent like you used to do when you were this close. You hummed and pulled him closer, he still used the same cologne you loved.
Sebastian closed his eyes, imagining it was just the two of you in your own little world. He relished every second of this dance with you. Having you back in his arms felt right, like this was where you were always supposed to be.
“Excusez-moi? Sebastian, I’m getting tired. Would you like to walk me back to the dorms?” Amelie hiccupped, seeming to have had some drinks other students snuck in.
His eyes shot open and you tried to pull away quickly, but he grabbed your hand with a strong hold so you wouldn’t get too far. As the two of you looked at Amelie, you shook your hand from his grasp and cleared your throat. “Of course he would! Appreciate you letting me steal him away for a quick dance. Always great to catch up with an old friend. Goodnight, you two.”
Sebastian watched as you escaped to Ominis’ side, your vanishing warmth making him feel empty. He couldn’t do this. He couldn’t leave things there and not speak to you for another year and a half. Dancing with you and holding you close would never have been enough to hold him over.
“You’ll have to guide me.” Amelie giggled, linking her arm in his. “This castle is a maze.”
“It can be. Would you excuse me one moment?” He slipped from Amelie’s grasp and ran to your side. He touched your elbow and your attention was back on him.
Your eyes widened at the gall Sebastian had to leave Amelie’s side. You already felt terrible she had to witness the two of you dancing the way you were, but truth be told she was probably too sozzled to notice. “Sebastian, you can’t just -”
“Meet me in the undercroft, I’ll be there shortly.”
“I can’t, I -” You gestured weakly to Ominis who was aware of everything that was happening.
“Please.” The rigor in his voice made it clear he wasn’t asking, then he returned to Amelie’s side.
You looked to Ominis, dumbstruck at Sebastian’s actions. “Ominis, you need to speak with him. Get him back to his senses.”
But Ominis only shook his head, “Meet with him.”
After all this time, you found yourself in the undercroft again. While you waited for Sebastian, you looked around, nostalgia washing over you. You found your way next to a wooden table covered in markings you hadn’t remembered seeing. Sebastian’s, Ominis’, and Anne’s names were all over, along with some carvings of stick figures. One of the carvings was a heart with yours and Sebastian’s initials. You rubbed your hand over your chest in hopes to slow down your rapid pulse. Then you ran your fingers over it.
His heart ached as he watched you. “I did that when you were recovering in the hospital wing. I was a mess.”
You startled slightly at his voice.
“A few weeks after we... well...” He looked down, kicking the dirt at his feet, wanting to change the subject. “We haven’t bumped into each other down here since fifth year, have we? How often do you come these days?” He asked, looking back up to you.
“Oh, I... I haven’t been in here since fifth year.”
“You haven’t?” A large part of him hurt at the thought of you leaving the undercroft behind.
You shook your head, eyes continuing to roam around the room. “No. This place was always yours, Ominis’, and Anne’s. Never mine.”
“I tried to make it yours too.”
You met his dispirited gaze, and you didn’t know how to respond. You turned away and began meandering around. “What is this about, Sebastian?” You hoped he would get on with it, this whole night had been torture. Watching him dance with Amelie and barely leave her side, you were thankful you had Ominis to lean on.
He took a step towards you. “I want to be in your life again.” He blurted.
Your heart picked up its pace again and you froze. It was exactly what you wanted to hear, but as much as you wanted to run and jump into his arms, you kept yourself in place. It wasn’t what was best for him.
“I want us again.” He said, taking another step towards you.
“Sebastian.” You sighed.
“Believe me when I say I’ve changed.” He began desperately. “I have no more temptations with the dark arts. Just ask Ominis! He’ll tell you how far I’ve come. I’m better now.”
You swallowed thickly in your throat. “But I’m not.” You confessed, barely above a whisper. You released a shaky breath and met his stare. “I am so proud to hear you’ve come far. Truly, I am. But I am still no good for you.” You glanced away from him then, unable to say it to his face. “I still use the unforgiveable curses... all the time.” You went tense at the admission, “These poachers Poppy and I come across, they conjure up something so monstrous in me, I -” You stopped yourself, not eager to explain further.
“I can help you.” He was by your side then. “I brought you into the dark arts. I can help get you out. My hatred for Ranrok’s loyalists? I was able to overcome that too.” He took your hand and pressed it to his chest. “You don’t know how far I’d go for this. I’m so in love with you it hurts. I can’t stand to see you and act like I don’t know you anymore.”
You shook your head at the overwhelming nature of it all, an unsteady exhale left your lips. The look on your face told him you were considering his words, and he couldn’t help but hold his breath. “Sebastian, if I pull you back to the dark arts, I’ll never forgive myself.”
“You won’t.” He brought the back of your hand to his lips. “I mean it when I say I’ve changed. Have a little confidence in me, will you?”
You bit your lip, and thought through everything that could go wrong if you went back to him. But him telling you he was in love with you had taken away all your resolve. All the warnings you usually chided yourself with were falling flat, not being at all effective like they used to be even just a moment ago. You nodded your head. “Okay.”
“Okay?” His eyes went wide, unable to believe it.
“Okay. And I love you too. So much, Sebastian.”
Sebastian picked you up and swung you in his arms, causing a boisterous laugh to spring out from inside you. He set you down and brought one hand up to cup your cheek, smashing his lips against yours. Being able to be with you like this again had him bursting at the seams with joy.
You kissed him back with just as much fervor. Your hands shot up to his hair and you gripped his locks between your fingers. He backed you up until you hit the wooden table you were looking at earlier. Without taking his lips off of yours he hoisted you up and positioned himself between your legs. He licked at your bottom lip and you opened your mouth partly for him to taste more of you. You let out a whimper, then you felt him press his front against yours. You gasped at the sudden feel of it and he made himself stop kissing you.
“I’m sorry.” He said breathlessly, forehead pressed to yours. “We don’t have to. I just couldn’t help myself. You just -” He buried his face into your neck and sighed, “Every time I see you, I go mad. I’ve missed you all this time and to finally have you here in my arms -”
You began to unbutton his shirt with delicate fingers. He pulled back and looked you into your eyes. 
“A - Are you sure?”
You smiled at him and nodded your head, continuing to undo his buttons. He helped you shakily yet eagerly. Then he began to help you undress, covering you in comforting kisses as he did so. It was nerve-racking, undressing in front of each other for the first time. But you weren’t with just anyone in that moment, you were with Sebastian, and he was with you. The two of you were hopeful for the future, but in that moment neither of you cared what happened from then on. The two of you were ready, and you wanted be each other’s first. 
You moved to the floor together, laying on your clothes, he covered your body with his. He leaned down to kiss you, his chest pressing against yours, and the feel of his skin was electrifying. You could feel his hardness pressed against you as you continued to hold each other, taking your time exploring one another in a way no one else had.
He shivered as you touched him, sighing your name against your lips. He dragged his fingers from your neck, lightly touching down your body, passed your waist, until he placed his hand between your thighs.
And right then, with the urgent need about to burst from both your cores, you knew there was no other place in the world you'd rather be. This ache you felt for each other left no room for doubt, this couldn’t have happened with anyone else, you were made for one another. You both were on the brink with each other’s touches, clueless how it could possibly feel better than it already had. 
“I’m ready.” You whimpered.
Sebastian, eyes clouded with desire, nodded his head. You both adjusted until you fit each other perfectly, starting slow to get the hang of it, and eventually losing yourselves in one another in a tangle of limbs. You covered each other with kisses, licks, and even some bites as the need to melt into each other grew more and more. In those moments together, as your breaths and moans echoed throughout the undercroft, the only temptation presenting itself was each other, and it was pure bliss.
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youremyheaven · 9 months
Beauty & the Beast: The Path of Venus (Vedic Astrology Analysis) 🌸🔥
Beauty & the Beast is essentially a "bad boy meets good girl" esque story, although that is oversimplifying things.
Love is a transformative tool and it is true love that lets both individuals transform. the Beast turns into a prince and Beauty understands the true nature of beauty, which is not shallow or superficial.
the reason, beauty is said to be in the eye of the beholder is that, when you look at someone or something with love, it becomes beautiful to you. Their character and essence transcend their physical form; beauty becomes a sentiment that is deeply felt; its profound and moving, like the beauty of nature or of ancient monuments; its beauty that is beyond the mundane; such as perfectly symmetrical features or adhering to every "trend".
Yun Hyongkeun, the esteemed artist once said, "True sorrow is connected to true beauty"
He had Purvashada Moon and Venus in UBP (Venus exalts in the sign of Pisces)
Here's an excerpt from an interview:
“What is a beautiful thing? It’s associated with the humanity’s inner world. To live most beautifully means to survive after experiencing extreme suffering and hardship,” Yun said. 
imo, this is a very Venusian sentiment; Claire Nakti in her video had mentioned how Venusians are "externally splendorous but internally corrosive"
this is to say that these natives create beauty, are drawn to beauty and perhaps are physically beautiful but more often than not, it does not come from a place of ease or comfort. just like how the beautiful lotus blooms in the mud, Venusians create beauty in the midst of chaos and ugliness.
Fun fact: Namjoon has a song called Yun dedicated to the artist which paraphrases this sentiment as "true beauty is true sadness". Namjoon himself has Purvaphalguni sun so it makes sense why he feels connected to this sentiment.
something that is truly beautiful affects us deeply. be it certain people or certain places, it almost makes us melancholy. now why does beauty make us sad?
innately, we understand that beauty, like life, is ephemeral and being in the presence of it, triggers our own sense of life/time passing and mortality. everything and everyone one must die; including the beautiful things and its almost painful to accept that.
now we must first understand that there is nothing shallow or superficial about beauty. Belle does not love the Beast DESPITE his ugliness but perhaps because of it. she finds him intriguing, his character, and his essence all appeal to her. if she were repulsed by him truly, she would not have wanted to marry him. although she was put off by him initially, she warmed to him after that, if that weren't the case, this story wouldn't progress the way it does.
in Claire Nakti's video about Venusian men, she mentioned how Venus's influence gives these men "true masculinity" but they're also often not considered conventionally physically attractive. She cited Pete Davidson & Travis Scott as examples and how what's appealing/sexy/magnetic about them has to do with how they carry themselves, their personality, their vibe, etc
so, we understand that Beauty & the Beast is not about a young woman who in her kindness and generosity, agrees to marry a Beast; she is attracted to him; but what makes him attractive to her is his essence, his nature etc
Now that we've established that, let's look at the story of Psyche & Eros; there are many parallels between this tale from Greek mythology and Beauty & the Beast
like all tales, this too, is a spiritual and philosophical allegory
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i will quickly sum it up:
Psyche was a princess famed for her beauty, so much so that it made Aphrodite (Goddess of love & beauty, equivalent to Venus) jealous. She decided to send her own son, Eros (aka Cupid) to shoot Psyche with his arrows of love, to force her to fall in love with a hideous Beast. Much to her dismay, Eros himself fell in love with Psyche and decided to marry her.
now remember that Psyche is a mortal and Eros is a God. This union is not easy. back in her kingdom, people are in mourning because according to them, she's marrying a winged beast. after a while, she's with Eros at their abode, living a life of marital bliss, however, Eros can only visit her at night and she is commanded to never set her eyes on him. so she literally has no idea who or what he is.
one night after her sisters convince her that her new husband is a ghastly and terrifying beast, she decides to take a look at him. however Eros wakes up and realizes that she betrayed him and loses his trust in her and subsequently abandons her.
Psyche has to face several trials and tribulations before she can redeem herself and unite with Eros again; this time in the presence of all Gods, including Aphrodite, they get married, she ascends to the status of a Goddess and later on they have a child, Hedone, Goddess of Pleasure.
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Psyche is the Greek word for "soul" or "mind", curiously, its also Greek for "butterfly" or "moth"
Eros means "love" and "desire"
Hedone means "pleasure"
Aphrodite is associated with love, lust, beauty, pleasure, passion, procreation and prosperity.
This is essentially a love story. Psyche is the personification of the soul, which innately longs to unite with the object of its desire. Like all mortals, Psyche despite finding it, does not trust it or understand it. It is only when she loses what she had, that she realizes how precious it was. Psyche must undergo a painful process of self-realization and undertake several trials in order to redeem herself and prove worthy of Eros.
Desire is the source of everything and Eros is the first god to have come into existence; he is self-formed. it is desire that got Psyche into this mess but its love that will get her out of it.
Thus, the quest for love finds its end in the union between soul/mind and love/desire; together they create pleasure (literally)
looking at it as an allegory, the trials that Psyche undertook were necessary because they led to her growth and development as a person. if you're familiar with Carl Jung, you will recognise this as the process of individuation.
Jung saw it as the process of self-realization, the discovery, and experience of meaning and purpose in life; the means by which one finds oneself and becomes who one really is. It depends upon the interplay and synthesis of opposites e.g. conscious and unconscious, personal and collective, psyche and soma, divine and human, life and death. (link to the article)
the story is one of Psyche's transformation; she leaves behind her kingdom to marry a complete stranger she has never seen and is later abandoned by him, then must strive to redeem herself and win him back. metamorphosis is synonymous with butterflies and Psyche is symbolised by butterfly wings.
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so what does this story tell us? Psyche was a renowned beauty who harbored doubts that her new husband was a ghastly beast. but it is she who goes on an arduous and challenging journey to win back the man she feared was a beast, not the other way around.
the soul evolves, matures, and develops, and comes to unite with their love/desire and that creates pleasure. this is essentially a Venusian story.
Venus concerns itself with love & beauty and the story of Psyche & Eros, or its fairy-tale rendition, Beauty & the Beast both explore these themes.
in the same video, Claire also mentioned how Venusian influence often manifests as ugliness in men, but they are also said to possess "true masculinity" the kind that women deeply desire.
Venus creates elitism; Venusians attract each other but Venus being a corrosive planet means they have to prove worthy of each other's company.
the Venusian nakshatras are : Bharani, Purvaphalguni & Purvashada
also, keep in mind that Venus exalts in the sign of Pisces
its interesting that all 3 Venusian nakshatras are Ugra nakshatras that are "cruel" in nature, assigning the native qualities like fierceness, a tendency to be torturous and cruel. the gem associated with Venus is the diamond; they are beautiful stones that come into being after being subject to immensely straining conditions of heat & pressure. this is imo, very telling of the nature of Venusian natives. they endure so much suffering in order to create the beauty that others know them for.
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one of the earliest screen adaptations of Beauty & the Beast is Cocteau's 1943 adaptation, in which Josette Day plays Belle.
She has Venus & Ketu in Purvaphalguni
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Penelope (2006) is a gender reversed retelling of Beauty & the Beast and it stars Christina Ricci who is Purvashada moon
James McAvoy has an exalted Venus in Pisces (UBP) which is a placement signifying ultimate devotion to the lover, its interesting how in this story he's the one who must help Penelope ("the Beast") break the spell she's under. the whole thing is sooo Pisces coded ngl
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Emilie de Ravin plays Belle in Once Upon A Time, she has Moon and mercury in Purvashada
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Kristin Kreuk, Purvashada sun played the Belle based character in the tv series, Beauty & the Beast
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in 1997's Beautician & the Beast, Fran Drescher plays a Belle inspired character. She has Ketu in Bharani
Jane Eyre is considered by many to be loosely based on Beauty & the Beast.
To begin with, Charlotte Bronte who authored Jane Eyre, was Purvaphalguni rising with an exalted Venus in Pisces (UBP)
As such we'll look at the actors who have played Lady Jane in its film & TV adaptations.
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Zelah Clarke played Lady Jane in the 1983 miniseries Jane Eyre. She is Bharani moon
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Ruth Wilson who played Jane Eyre in the 2006 tv series, has Purvaphalguni moon
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Sussanah York who played Jane Eyre in the 1970 adaptation has Purvashada sun, Purvaphalguni moon with Ketu in Bharani
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A Court of Thorns & Roses, is a highly popular fantasy novel that is a retelling of Beauty & the Beast. its author, Sarah J Maas has an exalted Venus in Revati as her amatyakaraka
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Anthony Trollope’s Ayala’s Angel features a heroine who rejects the honourable Colonel Stubbs because of his appearance and ugly surname, until she is persuaded by events that he is “the real Angel of Light” she has been seeking all along.
Trollope has Ketu in Purvashada
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The Tiger's Bride is a post-modern retelling of the Beauty & the Beast. its written by Angela Carter who has Sun & Moon in Bharani.
The Beast must learn to express his heart and mind to become worth loving. He has his own journey of growth, acceptance and forgiveness.
It’s a pattern echoed in many Jane Austen novels, including Pride & Prejudice in which the proud, rich Mr Darcy must reveal his true goodness to win the witty and sharp Elizabeth Bennet.
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in its perhaps most famous adaptation, Liz is played by Keira Knightley who has an exalted Venus in Revati, with Mars & Rahu in Bharani
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in another adaptation of the same, the Liz character is played by Aishwarya Rai who is Purvashada moon.
to an extent, Marianne's character arc in Sense & Sensibility, also by Jane Austen is very similar. she initially falls for the handsome, young and ultimately found to be shitty John Willoughby and later realises her love for & marries Colonel Brandon, who is much older and an amputee but who truly cares for & loves her.
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the 2011 movie From Prada to Nada is a retelling of Sense & Sensibility. it stars Alexa PenVega as Marianne. She has Ketu in Purvaphalguni
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the 2000 Indian adaptation, titled Kandukondein Kandukondein stars Aishwarya Rai in the Marianne equivalent character. She has Purvashada Moon
Beauty & the Beast focuses on Belle’s awakening to the Beast’s virtue rather than the Beast experiencing a change. it is a story about the path of a Venusian woman.
it is a quintessential Venusian tale about the union of two equals. true to Venusian nature, they have to undergo several trials and tribulations before this becomes possible.
Thus when the body (the beast) unites with the soul (beauty) it creates pleasure and harmony, thereby fulfilling all the promises of Venus.
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fangirltothefullest · 5 months
Can I ask a question? I like your sanders sides a lot and you give them a lot of personality in their designs! How do you make them like that? Or I guess I mean, what inspires you to make them the way that you do? I want to draw the sides but I'm not sure how to start other than their canon designs!
Oh my goodness I LOVE this question! For me, it's all about the feelings you get when you see them and the vibes I want to express. The Sides embody, to me, more than an aesthetic it should also encompass personality, role, and intention. In other words, I match their aesthetics to their function and the intent of what I feel like Thomas originally intended for them for their first short videos before they were actual sides.
Let us pick Roman, because even though people say he's not, he tends to be everyone's favourite to reblog fro me because he's pretty.
So I started by drawing him exactly as he was and to me he felt flat- in the show he's exactly as he should be but I am an artist and to me he feels more than what he looks like- it's dreamy, it's romantic, it's like he's giving childhood favouritre Disney Prince vibes, you know?
Inspiration 1: Prince Phillip
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Hands down the biggest inspiration comes from him because he IS my favourite disney prince. Just looks a the hair swoop and the eyelashes- perfect. So I went ok my favourite Disney Prince is Phillip, let's start here. Before the CGI movies, there was such a romantic feeling about classic Disney princess movies and I've always loved the romantic feeling of Sleeping Beauty. The backgrounds are stunning, the way she's animated makes my bi ass give heart eyes and I loved that he was the only prince at the time who had a personality (until Beast but that's a whole other can of worms because he started out as an asshole/grumpy). I feel like modern Disney movies miss a lot of the romantic dreamy feeling of the older 2d movies because there was such care into the painted backgrounds being LESS realistic and more a fabulous idea of what a background should be and AHA! MORE INSPIRATION~! Let's make Roman a fabulous romantic idea of what a prince should be!
Inspiration 2: Faerietale Knights in Shining Armour
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Our ideas of medieval knights are nothing like actual knights which are more reminiscent of hired military and enforcers. Our ideas of faerietale knights in shining armour are brave knights who would go off to kill a dragon to show their devotion to the one they love. Sword fighting heroes- is that not Roman if not an idealized romantic "royal knight wants to win the heart of the love with courageous deeds, acts of chivalry, selfless devotion" etc. Prince Phillip is a good model of this. Defeats a dragon and true love's kiss saves the day. A perfect romantic dream isn't it? Realistic? No of course not, but Roman isn't realistic he's creativity and romance which absolutely ignores practicality for the dream.
So we have this culmination of dreamy romantic disney prince and faerietale influence.
Now it's about aesthetics- Roman is reds and golds and whites, all royal colours typically associated with bravery, lineage, and strength and purity etc.
Inspiration 3: Media referencing
So let's find some movie or media equivalence I can reference. They came mostly in the forms of Narnia and Once Upon a Time.
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So some aesthetic inspirations for belts and textures, missing the epaulets.... so to military garb!
Inspiration 4: Russian royals
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Let's face it no one does embellishments like this any more <3
Inspiration 5: Lions
Roman's colours being red gold and white give me lion inspiration too so I looked up royal lion iconography as well (which ended up with a lot of lion king in the search because this was before AI but like.... it's not incorrect and the wavy flowy mane acted like hair. If Hamlet with lions is inspiring then use it, right? that have some AMAZING lion king-style artists on deviantart to get inspired by, it's a whole thing, mad respect) But ANYWAYS it gave me some cool stuff to be inspired by too.
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Inspiration 6: Classic Golden Age Hollysood Leading Ladies (Note that this isn't femme fatales, because for Janus I used femme fatales as inspiration)
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I knew that I just HAD to give Roman that Marilyn Monroe beauty mark, yes he paints it on every day yes it's in the same spot every day yes it's necessary.
Ultimately this culminated in a checklist of things that I wanted for him:
He must give the feeling of Prince Phillip in disney prince style
I wanted him to have flowey hair that makes him look softer and romantic and can be pulled up into a ponytail if necessary.
Must have a beauty mark and eyelashes that go on for ages reminiscent of old hollywood ladies, and let's throw in nail polish too.
I wanted him to have an outfit that would be his original but embellished to hell that can be like Narnia or OUaT in terms of texture and added stuff. It needed more gold, 100% needed epaulets (the shoulder things with the dangly rstuff), and it needed a belt where a sword could be attached. Danglies not always necessary, but look really good when done and is reminiscent of old fashioned military garb and Russian royalty.
He needed to look like he's used to wearing this outfit every single day and going out of his way to do so.
Ended up with this:
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So yeah that's how I got to his design!
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squishycheekanon · 1 year
Hear me out: Prince! Techno with a Beauty and the Beast vibe 👀👀
Prince!Techno x reader
Fantasy reality
Okay it’s done, finally. I have proof read this like ten times so I’m an idiot if there’s any mistakes😂
Warnings: 18+, we are a cold bitch to begin with, slow burn, smut, NSFW, murder, blood, there will be character descriptions in here that match the time it’s set so if you don’t have long hair just imagine ;), fantasy cultural differences, plus GOT references, this shit it long, this is probably not what you asked for but it’s what my mind came up with.
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Winter is coming, that you were sure of. Too many people shivered in the streets, too much coal and wood was being burnt to save from the nasty chill of winter. Although you didn’t mind it. Taking a stroll through your now frozen gardens had given you the most pleasure you’d felt in months. Ever since your father promised you to the Prince of Rinesdale.
Your guards heavy footsteps thumbed behind you as you walked, their metal armour creaking when they moved. The sound made you sigh as your leather gloved hand plucked a black rose from one of your many rose bushes. Your long wavy yet partly braided hair blew in the cold wind leading one of your guards to speak up, “My lady it is far to cold to be out here, your father wouldn’t like it.”
“Then it’s a good think he isn’t here, Ser Ren.” Your sharply formed words make the guard step back into line with the other three, his eyes however stay on your figure examining the dark black cloak you wore over your dark black dress, your hair falling down your back. They linger for a moment before they’re torn away by your brothers new bride.
“Sister!” You internally groan at the sound of your new sister in law, her happy and giddy energy making your stomach churn as she links her arm with yours making you drop your rose.
“I heard about your marriage to the Prince! How amazing!” She squealed like a little girl coming to stand in front of you stomping your black petals into the ground.
“Amazing? How so?” Your tone is harsh and maybe you should have tried to soften it for the halfwit but you can’t find it in yourself to do so.
“Well it’s the Prince which means you’ll get to be Queen one day.” She giggled smiling a little too much, “and that would be very exciting for you.” her hand reaches up to push a piece of hair behind your ear but you catch her wrist in a tight grip before she can.
“If you ever call me sister again, I’ll have you drawn and quartered.” The words scare her but your cold eyes are what’s making the girl shake in your hold, she whimpers and soon she’s gone.
“My lady I don’t think that was wise.” Ser Ren mumbles once again a little closer to you than you both know he should be. You whip around your eyes blazing with wildfire, the ruthless dangerous guard steps back as if burned.
“You are not here to tell me what you think, you are here to guard me.” You spit through gritted teeth trying to control your anger, the same anger that’s been bubbling since summer last, since the announcement. Any little thing threatening it to bubble over and you’re not the only one who notices.
“You’ve not been the same since the announcement of your betrothal My lady.” The bald and rather plump priest speaks walking slowly beside you, his devotion to your father clear in his voice. The only reason he’s here is because your father ordered it.
“No? Gosh how strange that I’m not happy about being sold like a piece of meat by the man who’s supposed to love me.” You scoff looking around the cold gardens.
“You know your father loves you very much, he’s only doing what he thinks is best.” The priest speaks but all you hear is your father’s voice ringing in your ears.
“Oh yes? Then where is he? Why isn’t he here? Oh that’s right, he’s forging the alliance with the Blades and I’m to be the prize of it all, like a succulent pig at a feast. May as well stick the apple in my mouth now.” You rant watching the older man smile slightly.
“There’s so much of your mother in you.” He smiled softly, fondness in his eyes.
“I asked you never to speak about her with me.” Your voice is suddenly small and you feel it too. Small and weak when your weakness is suddenly brought to light once more.
Your mother The first lady Draygon. Stark black hair, wonderful figure, beauty screamed from her. It was a tragedy when she was murdered, your father destroyed the men who did it. Her statue resides in the crypt that runs below your cold home and you visit it every chance you get.
“I apologise Lady Draygon, you won’t hear me speak of it again. I must get back to the temple soon, I have only come to inform you that your departure will be tomorrow at dawn. Good day my lady and safe travels.” The priest leaves before you can argue knowing that was what was coming.
“My lady-“
“Oh stick a sock in it Ren.” You grunt marching off trying to ignore the quickened sound of those footsteps until your wooden door is slammed right in their faces. A place they can’t enter. A place that is entirely your own, you revel in it for tomorrow you’re certain you’ll never have anything like it again.
Your goodbye from your brother wasn’t much, though you suppose after threatening his wife it was what it ought to have been. The carriage ride then the boat ride then the other carriage ride was tedious and far too long in your opinion. You were bored and a bored Lady Draygon was never a good thing.
You heard the rustle and bustle of life, people making a fuss as your carriage came to a stop outside the Gold Keep, your guard helping you step out. The city of Rinesdale was very large, built with sturdy stone and brick. The castle was the biggest building here you’d noticed, your cold eyes purposely ignoring the group of people that stood in front of it. Royals.
Your midnight coloured dress stood out amongst the bright reds and yellows and oranges that plagued the city. It was a statement along with how you wore your hair regardless if your handmaiden had advised you otherwise. You wore it in the Northern way, where you were from, where you were now was the South and you would not conform to their ways despite being betrothed to a southerner.
“Lady Draygon what an honour it is to have you with us.” The Queen was the first to speak after you climbed the steps and curtsied to the southern royals.
“The honour is mine, Your Grace.” You smile but you’re one hundred percent sure she can tell it’s fake.
“You were only a babe the last time I saw you.” The kings accent is strong and it makes a real smile pull at your lips, the same accent as your mother had.
“I’ve grown since then your majesty.” I joke and he lets out a hearty chuckle, it’s deep and comes from his chest making his round belly shake.
“Indeed you have my dear, come and meet your betrothed.” He smiles his voice turning slightly serious as he eyes my four guards behind me, respecting them with a nod.
“Lady Draygon, this is Prince Techno, the fourth Blade to sit on the Silver throne, a knight of the white realm and my son.” The king’s chest swells with pride when Techno steps forward grabbing your hand and kissing the back of it. The feel of his lips against your skin has shivers running down your spine.
Only when he stands do you manage to get a real good look at him and by the gods he was gorgeous. A true Prince if you ever saw one, his long wavy pink hair with braids in it was a little like yours but styled the southern way. His ruby eyes, his sharp face, pale skin. He was big too, he almost looked a little too big to be a royal, more like a kings guard or knight, someone who’s sees regular action. Even through his belted tunic, breeches and royal coat you could tell he was all muscle. You were just hoping that he was brains too.
“My lady, may I say you are beautiful.” The prince’s monotone voice has a need beginning to grind inside you that you’ve never felt before.
“I think you just did.” You quip pulling your hand away from his touch and turning to the king. “If you please your Majesty, might I see my father?” You try to be as polite as you can speaking over the crowd that cheering in the background.
“He did not tell you child? He left for Fell yesterday.” The king said with a small frown that seemed to be contagious for all the Blades now wore it even the two little princesses that stood next to Techno, his sisters.
“No, he didn’t tell me a thing.” You push a tight smile onto your face, it didn’t stay there for long at all. You know why your father didn’t tell you he was returning from where you’d just come from, he didn’t want to deal with your wrath. It said so in the letter that was left in your new quarters.
“Well fuck.” You grunt sitting down on your bed and scrunching up the letter in your hand, the chambers were nice enough but you didn’t take much time to examine them. You knew you’d be moving rooms once you’re married anyway so it hardly mattered what it looked like.
The sound of a knock at your door had you standing to attention, “yes?”
“It’s Prince Techno my lady.” The deep voice echoed in the hallway.
“Come in.” You sigh trying to force yourself to sound even remotely happy. The door opens and Ser Ren gives you a look but you give a subtle shake of your head, you knew how to protect yourself if anything happened and with that the door shut.
Techno looked almost like he didn’t know what to do with himself, the awkwardness in the air was pungent. “I apologise if I interrupted anything.” He said gesturing to the scrunched up parchment in your hand.
“It’s quite alright my Lord, I had already finished reading it when you knocked.” You cleared your throat placing the paper on your bed.
“It must be odd coming here.” He smiled but it didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“Yes, it’s um rather warm compared to what im used to.” You reply.
“Do you miss it?” He asked an underlining hopefulness in his voice, hoping for you to say no but he knows you won’t.
“Yes. I do, very much. Why are you here may I ask?” You snap and although it’s a little too subtle for others to pick up on, he does.
“You are to be my wife soon, I suppose I wanted to get to know the woman who I’m going to spend the rest of my life with.” He answered searching your face for any feeling and coming up empty.
“I’m sure there’s plenty of time for that.” You don’t smile this time having had enough of those pleasantries. “Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to get ready for dinner.” He looks a little shocked at your answer but nods and leaves you.
You were cold he had assessed, certainly suited Fell but now you were here in Rinesdale and you were to be his Queen one day. How was he to break through your tough exterior? How was he to tame the beast inside you? Only time would tell but he hoped he could do it.
Seeing how his mother was walked all over by his father while said father got drunk, ate too much and fucked too many whores. He didn’t want to be like that, he didn’t want his marriage to be like that. He was determined it wouldn’t be, but by the gods how was he supposed to tell you of his own beast? He was sure that your father had not told you of what he became once a month on the nights of the red moon.
No, right now getting to know you and wooing you were far more important than anything else. He would deal with his family line’s secret after you’d fallen in love with him. It was the safest option.
The feast they called dinner went by deathly slow, dancing, drinking and eating was enjoyed by everyone. Everyone in the castle showing signs of merriment, the king a little too much in your opinion.
You were all too happy to leave. You excused yourself to the bathroom and soon after found yourself in the gardens. They weren’t frozen nor did they sprout your beautiful black roses but they seemed nice enough under the stars.
Your stroll was soon interrupted by none other than the man you had been promised to. “I saw you slip out and wondered where you had gone.” He explained when you asked him why he wasn’t at the feast.
You nodded taking his arm when he offered it to once more walk. You noticed he seemed on edge and truth be told he was. He was getting agitated for the blood moon would soon be upon him. His father told him a few years ago that there were several things he could do leading up to the time but they were all vulgar and he refused them. He didn’t want to get drunk or fuck or kill. So he didn’t.
“Are you alright My Lord?” You asked blinking up at him, your cautious eyes watching him carefully. The creaking of heavy metal behind you gave you a reassurance that you were safe calming your beating heart.
“Yes I’m quite alright just a bit too much to drink I think, and please call me Techno.” He confessed with a guilty smile that made you giggle.
“Most men feel guilty for more than having too much to drink.” You smile, maybe you had had too much to drink too?
“I’m glad to be one of the few that feel guilty for less.” He smirks giving your hand a gently squeeze. You both continued to walk around the gardens until you became tired, Techno escorted you to your chambers and bid you goodnight.
“My Lord? Where are you going?” You asked seeing the king and the kings guard all on horses outside the Gold Keep. You had become more familiar with the castle in the past two months you’d been there.
“Ah my lady, a hunting trip. We shall be back tomorrow. I’ll bring you back a present.” Techno winked, his masculine spiced scent making you light headed yet you managed a goodbye.
“Until tomorrow then my Lord.” You smiled softly, watching his face soften significantly.
“Until tomorrow my lady.” He kissed your knuckles before jumping on his horse and galloping away.
Tomorrow was such a long time you had concluded as you tossed and turned the night away under the red moonlight but when it came Techno was true to his word. His clothes were a little torn and bloodied but he brought you back some soft pelts of whatever animal he had clearly hunted.
The same pelts that now graced your bed and kept you warm now that the temperature had dropped a little signalling that Winter had arrived in Rinesdale. There was no snow but it was colder for certain, making all the women wear long sleeved dresses and the men adorning their cloaks a little longer.
You had remained wearing dark colours the entire time you were in Rinesdale, a detail the Queen certainly hadn’t missed. “Do you intend on wearing those darknesses forever?” She asked, her tone a little too harsh and her words a little too slurred to assume she was sober. A golden goblet in her hand as she stared at you from across the dinner table where you and Techno and all his family sat eating.
“They are colours that remind me of home.” You replied with a smile trying to make her see you came in peace. The past month her kindness to you had dulled.
“This is your home now. You should-“
“She can wear whatever she’d like mother, leave it alone.” Techno grunted shutting the Queen down.
“I meant no offence-“
“No harm done my lady.” Techno looked at you with all seriousness his hand gripping yours to stroke his thumb over your skin. The rest of the dinner was tense, you received hateful glances from the Queen while the king got drunk and started to flirt with one of the maids at that point Techno gripped your hand once more and dragged you away.
You walked arm in arm around the large castle sometimes talking, sometimes not but either way you felt soothed and peaceful. You both stopped at a small balcony sitting down on a bench so you could overlook the city.
“Your guard follows you everywhere.” Techno chuckles glancing at Ser Ren, “most ladies have handmaidens instead.” He jokes his large fingers entwining with yours.
“What good is a handmaiden if my life is in danger?” You replied with a little laugh, “I’ve know Ser Ren since I was a child, he protected my older brother and when I was born he swore to protect me.”
“Well I’m glad you’ll have someone to protect you when I’m not around.” He said pushing some hair behind your ear making you turn to face him, your eyes meet and your entranced just as much as he is.
“My Lord.” You sigh not being able to look away as he leans in closer and closer until your lips are barely touching.
“How many times must I ask you to call me Techno?” He breathes smashing his lips on yours stealing a moan from your throat and swallowing it hoping to treasure it forever. It’s intoxicating and perfect all at once. To feel so satisfied and unsatisfied at the same time, both of your hands scramble for purchase on each other’s bodies.
His arm hooks around your waist pulling you carelessly close, his other hand tangling in your hair while yours grip at his royal coat, clawing at the material. You feel it as he deepens the kiss, feel the ice around your heart melting and seven hells it feels so good. Feels good to be held and kissed and caressed by a man.
His lips suck on your own, his mouth hot and unforgiving as he continues to kiss you until your head is swirling and you know your cunt is soaked. If this is what just a kiss can do you’d love to see what else he can achieve.
“My Prince, my lady. A Lord Grytion to see you.” The words from Ser Ren have you pulling apart panting, breathing each other’s air. Even when the Lord comes onto the balcony with you Techno doesn’t let you go, doesn’t tear his eyes away from your face even when you blink up at the man you think you recognise.
He bows before he begins to speak, “My Prince, Lady Draygon, I’ve simply come to give you my best wishes on your marriage. I hope you two are very happy together.”
Even as the man speaks Techno doesn’t look away, his large hand coming up to stroke his thumb against your cheek, “You can tell my mother that if she wishes to spy on me and my betrothed then she should send someone I don’t know is her spy.” Techno grunts red eyes darting all around your face even though you’re looking at the man who clears his throat bows and leave without another word.
“Where were we?” He grins, it’s cheeky and cocky but it makes you giggle and lean back into his eyes warm embrace, lips slotting against his once more. He can’t stop the groan that escapes him at finally feeling you against him, so pretty and all for him.
Another week passed by and you find yourself in the gardens once more, Techno being the one who led you here this time. You are pleasantly surprised by what the Prince is wearing today, his toned and large body graced with black. Your colours, Fell colours. If you didn’t know any better you would call him Lord Draygon.
“What is that?” You ask gesturing to whatever he was holding on a red velvet pillow, it was an odd shape and covered with a yellow cloth.
“It’s a gift.” He smiled sitting beside you under the gazebo, wood being entwined and tangled with vines and flowers. You frown your gaze flickering to his face then back to the object, he chuckles pulling the yellow sheet away. What’s underneath makes your mouth open, breath picking up at the pure beauty.
A rose standing on it’s own underneath a glass dome.
“It’s gorgeous.” You smile, fingers itching to touch it.
“It’s yours my lady.” He hands the pillow to you letting you take it from him, but it’s so fragile you feel scared to hold it making you place it on the table in front of you.
“I also have some news.” He grimaces when your happy eyes turn cold and stick to him like glue.
“What news?” You ask, an eyebrow raising when he stands walking towards the stone balcony, one that overlooks the large ocean surrounding Rinesdale.
“We will be wed next week, my father just informed me.” He speaks so softly watching your reaction cautiously. Honestly your feelings are conflicted, you are really starting to feel something for Techno but you’re not sure that you want to be married. Not like you have a say in the matter however.
“Alright.” You smile but it’s a little forced as you push yourself from your chair and move next to him. Techno picks up on it instantly, his fingers coming up to push hair behind your ear and cup your cheek. Your eyes meeting his rubies.
“I promise you, I will do everything in my power to make you feel loved, cherished and wanted. I will protect you and put you and any children we may have first in every decision I make. I will be yours just as you will be mine. No other woman will ever so much as kiss me. No one but you my lady, my love, my future Queen.” His sincerity shone in his eyes, it made the last little bit of ice melt away but you tried to grip onto it as hard as you could for the continued feeling of safety.
“I Thankyou for the promises you are making to me my lor- Techno. And I in no way want to seem rude or harsh to you but I can only believe your promises when I see that they are upheld.” You speak slowly and carefully as not to upset him.
“I understand, you don’t have to believe me now. I will spend the rest of our days proving it to you my sweet sweet girl.” His last words are whispered against the skin of your cheek before he pressed his lips to yours. They capture all of your happy sighs and moans before moving down to caress your neck.
“Techno.” You gasp so softly and he swears it’s the most precious thing he’s ever heard. He wants to devote all his time to making you gasp his name again just like that. His teeth rake over the tender spot where your neck and shoulders meet and you can’t stop your knees from buckling thank the gods for Techno holding you up.
It’s at that moment when he feels your body give in so he’s the only thing supporting you, when he hears you moan so fucking sexily, that’s when he knows he’s going to ruin you for any other man. He wants to be the only man in the entire world who can satisfy your needs. You will never even be able to think about going to anyone else, because of him.
But all good things and thoughts must come to an end, “My lady, your Father has just arrived.” Ser Ren calls to you and Techno feels your body become tense. He pulls back from your neck to stare into your eyes.
“Everything alright my lady?” He asks frowning a little.
“Yes, I just haven’t seen my father in a while and as much as I can handle him, I never know what mood he’s going to be in.” You laughed making him laugh too.
Techno escorts you to the front of the Gold Keep where your Father greets you with a smile after greeting the royal family. “I’ll catch up with you later my darling daughter.” He says before he and the king walk away together. They’d been friends for many years.
The Queen leaves the front with her daughters not looking best pleased, this was going to be an entertaining week that was for sure.
The feast that was held that night was glorious but once again it was too many people, too much wine and food and noise and the king flirting. “Want to leave?” Techno grumbles in your ear his golden cloak making him look so handsome.
“Gods yes please.” You groan missing the way his eyes light up when he takes your hand and leads you away from all the noise. The lanterns are lit creating the perfect ambiance for another leisurely stroll arm in arm except this one you’re a little buzzed from the tonight’s fruity wine.
“Techno.” Your voice is a little lighter but you’re fully aware of everything going on around you especially when he turns to you.
“Yes my love?” The new term of endearment has your cheeks heating up and your thighs quivering.
“Will you do something for me?” You ask just as you turn round a corner that’s a little darker than all the rest.
“Anything.” He replies not expecting you to grip onto his gold and red patterned cloak and pull him against you, your back pressed against the cold stone castle wall. Out of the corner of your eye you see Ser Ren with his back to you both on the look out for if someone comes by.
“Kiss me.” It’s not a request anymore, it’s a demand from lover to lover, from wife to husband, from Queen to King.
It brings a grin to his face, the Prince flashing his pearly whites before he brings your body against his kissing you passionately. Your thoughts were a mess as both of his hands grip onto your hips making sure they’re flush against his, he wants you to feel how much he wants you not that you can through your dress.
“Touch me.” You surprise yourself as well as Techno when you say those words, you conclude that you maybe have said them a little too loud due to the quick creak of metal armour.
“My lady I don’t think, we shouldn’t until we’re married.” Techno tries his hardest to grasp onto what’s left of his self control but one look in your needy eyes and he’s done.
Techno leans in leaving open mouthed kisses down your neck and your breathing starts to pick up, your hands gripping his cloak for an anchor while you moan. A hand that’s slow and hesitant hikes up the skirt of your dress gently and makes its way in between your legs, thick knuckles glide through your wet folds rubbing over the small nub.
The ambience and desire making everything heightened. His touch felt hotter. His kisses softer. His hold tighter. You felt as though you were going to burst from the passion. Basic primal instinct taking over, causing you to ignore the fact you were in a dark corner of the Gold Keep with your guard just meters away from you. You wanted him.
And that’s all that mattered. Moans slipped from your mouth, to which he covered it with his free hand. You pressed your head back against the wall as he slipped his fingers inside you, pumping slow and careful his rubies staring down at you with nothing but pure hunger.
“That’s it, just take it my Queen.” He groans, only loud enough for you to hear with his lips pressed against the shell of your ear while he continues to ruin you with his fingers. It’s the first time a man has ever touched you like this and fuck it feels so good. So good you sob against his hand hips bucking for him to faster and he does.
His fingers move quicker and skilfully, a question tugging in the back of your mind that you push away for now. Right now you’re feeling too much to think, your body burning with need for the orgasm to wash over you.
“Your Grace there are people coming this way, I suggest you hurry up or stop your little transgression.” Ser Ren says making your eyes fling open, you’d forgotten he was there. And for some reason his words make you clench around Techno’s fingers that curl in a come here motion until your eyes roll back and your cumming all over them.
“Come back to me sweet thing, there you go.” Techno coos softly until your eyes flutter open, blinking up at him, watching him remove his fingers from you only to put them against his lips, sinfully licking them clean with a groan at how you tasted. “Our wedding night will certainly be a night to remember my beautiful woman.”
And as if you and time couldn’t wait any longer your wedding day was here, the bells ringing signally to all those in Rinesdale that today would be the day the Prince gets married.
“Don’t be nervous my lady, the Prince is half in love with you already.” Your handmaiden comments receiving a frown from you from where you stood on a little podium. She being knelt by your feet straightening your hem.
“I’m not nervous. A Lady of Draygon doesn’t get nervous.” You snap making her nod quickly as she got up to tighten your corset. It was probably the tightest it has ever been in your entire life, making your waist singe and your hips puff out. She brought the last layer of the dress, helping you slip it on over your under dress. It was a gorgeous dark white, you could even compare it to a light grey or silver.
She helped you clip your long veil into your half braided hair, the other parts of it falling down your body in curls. Your gaze never left the mirror you stood in front of, you felt truly like a royal, truly like the princess you’ll become.
“Your mother would have loved to be here.” Your father says with a sad smile his hands cupping your cheeks as you wait outside the large doors that lead inside the Gold Keep.
“I miss her.” You blink away the tears that threaten to ruin your happiness.
“I do too.” He mutters kissing your cheek, it’s then that the big doors open and the music begins to play. Your father links your arm with his and soon you’re walking your way down the steps and down the isle.
You notice your brother and his wife who looks swollen with his child and give them a nod. The Queen is glaring at you, but you suppose that it’s understandable, next week Techno and you are supposed to be pronounced King and Queen. The idea makes you nervous but not as nervous as you feel when you finally look up at your husband to be.
His beautiful long hair braided all southern like, his brown breeches, a beautiful gold and black over coat that was graced with a cloak. His red eyes were sparkling with want as they gazed over you, a smile pulling at his lips.
“You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection.” The priest says making Techno un attach his cloak and cover your shoulders with it before taking your hand in his.
“Your Grace, Your Grace, my lords, my ladies, we stand here in the sight of gods and men to witness the union of man and wife.” The priest speaks loud and his voice booms while he ties the ribbon of one around your hands that are holding one another.
“Let it be known that The Lady of the house Draygon and The Lord of the house Blade are one heart, one flesh, one soul, cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder.”
“With this kiss, I pledge my love.” Techno announces letting all in the crowd know before his lips land on yours, taking them for himself. It’s quick and chaste especially compared to the other night but enough to stir up the gentle claps of congratulations.
It was truly a grand celebration, nobles and royals from all over came to celebrate and feast. The Gold Keep was loud with happiness coursing through it, nothing compared to what you were feeling.
“Are you happy my love?” Techno asks the back of his knuckles caressing your heated cheeks.
“Yes, I actually am.” You smile brightly at him and in turn he smiles back just as happy.
“Time for the bedding ceremony!” The drunk king shouted a whore on his arm as he did so, “men help the new princess remove-“
“Enough!” Techno’s deep voice is the loudest you’ve ever heard it, his knuckles turning white while he glared at his father, from where he’s stood up next to you. “There will be no bedding ceremony.” Techno grunts into the silence not even looking around to see all the shocked people at his outburst.
No, instead his eyes land on you sitting in your chair next to him. He extends his hand for you and immediately you take it letting him guide you out of your chair. What he does next is definitely the surprise, Techno takes you in his arms holding you bridal style as he carries you out of the throne room.
You glance over his shoulder your eyes temporarily taking in Ser Ren in all his black metallic glory before they look ahead seeing your destination. Techno’s room. Now your room.
He kicks open the door and carries you across the threshold dropping you onto the bed making you giggle. “Keep the halls clear my good ser.” Techno says to Ser Ren with a smirk before closing the door and latching it to lock it.
It’s quick and hurried but your husband helps you with your dress, pulling at the strings of the corset and pushing at the layers until there’s nothing left. Not a single stitch on you.
Techno’s hands slide up your body cupping your breasts, his thumbs tweaking and rubbing your nipples. You whimper loving the feeling of his hands on you, it’s new and it’s euphoric. Just to be touched, showered with pure want and love. You only have to blink before you’re on your four poster bed splayed out for the hungry prince in front of you.
Soon enough he’s ridding himself of his clothes, letting you admire his striking body. His arm muscles rippling as he grips the top of the bed frame leaning forward towering over you. Your new husband sliding down to his knees before he pulls you to the end of the bed.
He grunts his thick long index finger taps on your clit, your hips jerking when he does, sensitive with need.
His head lulls to the side, his cheek smushing against the inside of your thigh “You’re absolutely gorgeous wife.” He sighs, the tip of his finger spelling out his name on your bundle of nerves. His piercing eyes meet yours and your breath gets caught in your throat, the lust swirling in his dark eyes is so enticing.
A silent ‘fuck yes’ paints itself on his face, his brow furrowed in pure amazement at the sight of your glistening pussy.
Your clit pulses erratically anticipating his next move. It’s quick and it makes you jump but then you’re whining into the air, because how can you not when he’s sucking you into his mouth like a starved man. Your body burns with pleasure but it’s oh so delicious his tongue working wonders on your cunt.
“Please Tec-“ he pulls off you with a soft pop stopping your begging. His lips smack together as his eyes leave yours once more, the pad of his thumb sliding through your folds. He grunts leaning forward pressing his nose against you with a sharp inhale.
Techno looks up his crimson eyes finding yours at the exact moment his mouth latches onto you once more. It feels so good it hurts, the heat from his mouth has you twisting and squirming.
You sob, your body starting to shake when he pushes two ring adorned fingers inside you, the cold metal making you gasp. They rub along your velvety walls bringing a new wave of pleasure, the feeling builds becoming more intense with every thrust.
His tongue laps at your clit while he searches and searches until you squeal “There it is”, he finds exactly what he was looking for striking the spot over and over again watching your back arch off the bed. Curses slipping out when you gush all over his hand just like he knew you would.
You excepted him to move away, to release you from his torturous mouth but he doesn’t. The Prince stays, the tip of his tongue flicking against you, the sensitivity pulling whines and whimpers from you.
You think it was three, no four definitely four orgasms heck you lost count after the first. Your body tired but fuck do you need his cock more then anything. You lay on your side gripping the sheets so tightly as Techno slides in behind you, his arms pulling you taut against him and you mewl.
“I know sweet girl I know you just have to let me in is all, nothing more.” He strokes your hair moving it out the way so he can press his cheek to yours, it’s so intimate and sweet. And yet when he lifts up your left leg, bending it at the knee so he can slip his ridged veiny shaft inside your tight cunt. You feel the sweet sweet burn of the orgasmic stretch that is so new but so good.
You just about manage to make out your wedding gown discarded on the floor before your vision blurs and tears streak down your cheeks meeting the dried ones that had already fallen earlier with your over sensitivity. He feels so fucking good, with each thrust you’re pushed closer to the edge.
Your moans and his mixing together in the late evening air, his pace building dramatically, becoming more and more intense the longer he fucks you. It’s brutish, rough and bare. Yet loving and gentle at the same time. “I will love you til the last petal falls, sweet girl.” He groans thrusting in and out of you so fucking delicately it has you crying. “And that rose will never wilt.” He hums in your ear kissing your cheek.
“Yes right there don’t stop!” You don’t care how loud you’re being, you don’t care who hears you, especially not when his swollen tip glides over the spot inside you, your body goes still and you can’t do anything except let it happen.
And you do, you let the tsunami of pleasure crash into you almost painfully, it pumps through your viens absolutely demolishing what’s left of your energy. You’re barely awake when warmth blooms inside you a deep groan rumbling against your cheek, the rose beside your bed in the glass dome long forgotten.
A kiss to the top of your head and you’re out like a light unaware of the large hand rubbing at your tummy, the sky completely dark now, unaware of the thoughts bubbling in Techno’s head as he watches your chest slowly rise and fall. It lulls him to sleep, pulls him into a world that is entirely his own.
Neither of you aware of the red tint the moon was starting to have.
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makelemonade · 1 year
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐌𝐞𝐧 𝐱 F!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐬 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐬
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Summary: I think the title speaks for itself but basically what movie you and the Genshin men are in
Characters/Relations; Diluc, Childe, Cyno, Kazuha, Alhaitham x F!Reader
Warnings: SWEARING, LOTS OF IT, mentions of blood, rude moms, death, swords, fights, creepy men, gaslighting, guilt tripping, manipulation, tighnari is literally all the animal sidekicks in these, these are not fully sccurate to the movies more like 97% is accurate but wtv
under the cut!!
support me on kofi <3 link is on master list!
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❥Diluc: Beauty and the Beast (Live Version)
♫“𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞’𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝. 𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐞���𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐮𝐧𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝. 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐡𝐞’𝐬 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐨 𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞, 𝐈 𝐰𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐈 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞.”
- cmon he radiates major beast vibes
- so I had the live version in mind for this but its hardly any different from the og other than the songs and extra characters
- the casting would be
-Alice as the enchantress who cursed Diluc
-Lumière as Venti
-Cogsworth as Aether
-Mrs. Potts as Jean
-Chip as Klee
-Kaeya as Gaston
-LeFou as Rosaria
-it’s kinda like dawn winery is the ‘castle’ so imagine it as that just larger and mondstadt is the town that forgot all abt the castle in the woods
-so we all know how the story goes; The Prince aka Diluc is cursed with shit by an enchantress (Alice) for being selfish and is turned into a beast while everyone else is turned into random stuff you’d find in a home and then there’s a rose and if sm1 falls in love with Diluc before the last petal falls then everyone is set free.
-Gaston, or Kaeya in this, wants to marry Belle aka you, but you don’t like him despite how hot he is and then one day your father leaves for the market but gets lost and finds the castle, the beast captures him for staying in the dawn winery and then you switch places with him yeah yeah and fall in love
-Diluc genuinely radiates beast vibes especially given the fact how cold he is at first towards you
-like Diluc is not a nice person at all at the start. He’s rude, has no feelings, is cold hearted.
-it’s only when he realizes that the rose only has like 7 petals left he decided he needs to do something.
-but at the same time who could ever love him? He was a selfish monster.
-however when you escaped the castle and attacked by wolves, he knew leaving you out there to die was horrible so he saved you; getting hurt during it.
-you were contemplating on escaping and leaving him here to die, but you weren’t a monster like him and got him to stand up, taking him back to the castle and treating him
-from then on he was forever in your thanks
-it’s one day when he’s in bed, healing, he hears you reciting something familiar.
“Romeo and Juliet?” He asks with a scoff, turning to look at you.
“You know Shakespeare?” You ask, eyes lighting up a bit as you refused to believe someone like him actually reads.
When he nods, you scoff in shock with a laugh. “Do you like it? Do you have any favourite works?”
“None. Most of his works revolve around yucky smucky romance. I have way better books to read.”
“Oh really? Like what?”
- he has a whole fucking library in the dawn winery and when he takes you to it your shocked.
-in your town you’ve ready every single book but not one from his library.
-when he asks if you like it you scoff, claiming you “love it!”
-so he gives you the whole library.
-it’s then on all his old workers and friends notice how close you two have gotten. They’d find you reading a book to him as he’d try to sleep
-there would be snow fights out in the garden, him winning since his larger hands could make a very much larger snowball than yours
-I think we all get the point; then Gaston or Kaeya comes blah blah he dies
-the last petal falls and you’re like fuck but then you kiss him and OH EM GEE ALICE IS THERE AND TURNS HIM BACK TO A MAN
-he’s hot asf you realize with his red hair andnwjdnjwdnkwdjiwnekwke
-he’s such a good dancer even as a beast oh my god
-other than that we know the story, but you’ve changed him for the better and freed everyone of the castle and have everyone their memories back.
-most importantly, you saved him and now he could marry you.
Childe; Anastasia
“Now shoulders back and stand up tall and do not walk, but try to float!”
“I feel a little foolish am I floating?”
“Like a sinking boat.”
-He and dimitri both have red hair okay it matches
-well Dimitri had chestnut brown hair but CHESTNUT ID CLOSE TO GINGER
-totally not because snezhnaya is based off of Russia too
-idk even without his snezhnayan background or the chestnut hair he still gives me major Dimitri vibes
-so the story of Anastasia is ur a lil princess living with ur amazing family in snezhnya (russia). Childe is one of the kitchen boys and helpers, and admired Princess Y/N from afar constantly. However, one day during a ball, your castle and homeland is attacked by a wizard, killing your parents in the process. All that’s left of the Royal family is you and your grandma, Childe helping the both of you escape but is attacked in the process.
-running to a train to escape, your grandma makes it on first but you can’t catch up and grandma leaves without you blah blah she cries she misses you
-you gain a concussion or wtv and amnesia takes its place to you, now living In Liyue. after like a decade, Dimitri (Childe) and Vladmir (Pantalone) find out the grandmother is tryna find you and will reward whoever finds you. The two con men hold auditions to pretend to be princess Y/N, and then they see you, someone who looks JUST like princess Y/N and decide that you would pretend to be her.
-on the travel to paris, you get closer with Dimitri and on the travel, the wizard that called your family is trying to kill YOU so now your falling in love while someone is trying to kill you all while realizing who you are
-anyway so the casting
-dimitri as Childe obv
-Pantalone as Vladmir (his best bud)
-it makes sense because the both of them care abt money a lot so
-anyway I can just imagine you and Childe with that enemies to lovers and slow pining
-yk how he betrays the traveller in the game
-in the movie Dimitri SORTA betrays Anastasia cuz he wants the money for the reward
-but in this case, CHILDE, decides he jo longer wants the money and just wants YOU.
-Just ugh imagine you walking down the stairs in a gown and Childe can’t stop looking at you ajdnjendiejf
-like he acc has JAWS DROP
-literal drool running down his chin
-it’s not an official ballroom dance hut you two practice your dancing skills on a boat and your constantly stepping on his toes but he can’t get mad and he smiles at your giggles
-Pantalone notices and gives the idea to Childe that maybe instead of the money, he should just have you
-but Childe isn’t worthy of love, he’s a con man, and he needs the money.
-that is until he sees you walk in with that gown and LO AND BEHOLD HE IS IN LOVE LADIES
-you’re at an opera waiting for the chance to speak with ur grandmama and when Childe notices how nervous you are he just
“Everything’s gonna be fine.” He whispered, taking ahold of your fidgeting hand, his lips barely glazing over the knuckles covered by your white glove. he doesn’t make any move to let go through the whole opera.
- however once you realized he was only using you for the money, you get into a large fight with him and end up slapping him
-in the next few days once ur finally home and found your grandma, she invited Childe to table the money
“No money is worth of my love for her.”
so he doesn’t acc say that in the movie but I’m adding it here because he NEVER TOOK THE MONEY.
-a few days later at a ball in celebration for having you back,
-ur grandma tells you that Childe never took the money despite your thoughts and he realized he was speaking the truth; that at first he did this for the money, but then he wanted to do it for you.
-Childe is there and honestly I’m not even gonna explain the fight but the wizard drowns and dies yayayayyaa
-he checks to make sure you’re okay and you’re not hurt after his ass saved u from the wizard multiple times and once he realizes that you’re okay and it’s over, he just smashes his lips against yours, so happy he finally has you.
-eventually you leave with Pantalone and Childe, going to travel the world once it was realized the princess life wasn’t suit for you.
-maybe it will soon, but now, you wanted to have all the time with Childe.
Cyno; Aladdin
“𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝. 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐬𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐝. 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬, 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞?”
-no shirt,
-both have some sort of animal love (Aladdin’s monkey and how cyno is lowkey in love with tighnari ANYWAY)
-he’s a respectful man
- he may be the general mahamatra but in another life he’s Aladdin, the hot thief. Completely opposite of what he actually is (except the hot part)
-so I’ll be worried if some of y’all don’t know the movie but I’m explaining it either way
-so aladdin aka Cyno is our lil village thief and you are the princess with a overprotective father who never lets you leave the castle.
-one day Cyno is up to his thieving yet on this same day you decide to escape the castle woohoo!
“Morning ladies!”
“Getting into trouble a little early today, aren’t we Cyno?” Nilou chuckled, her and Dehya looking at Cyno with a horrible disguise on.
“It’s only trouble if you’re caught!”
ur not rlly street smart since you’ve been cooped up in the castle so you take an apple to give to a kid who was eyeing it and you don’t even realize it’s sm1 selling it
“You better have a way of paying for that.” The man said, voice rough. “No one steals from my shop.”
“I’m sorry sir I don’t have any money-“
“I’m really sorry! I had no idea! I promise I’ll go to the king and get money!” You pleaded, trying to squirm away from the seller who had a harsh grip on your wrist.
“Do you know what the penalty is for stealing?!.” He yelled, his hand on your wrist pushing it down onto a surface and his free hand pulling out his sword that somehow came out of nowhere.
Just as you were about to scream, a random young man grabbed his hand. “Thank you kind sir I’m so glad you found her!” He smiled at the man before turning to you with a glare. “I’ve been looking all over for you!”
“What are you doing?” You whispered as he slowly pushed you away.
“Play along.” He whispered back
“You know her?” The man asked, forcing the two of you to stop inching away.
Cyno frowned and turned to the man. “Sadly, yes.” He let out an exaggerated sad sigh. “She is my sister. She’s a little crazy!”
The man didn’t take his words for the truth and grabbed him by the shoulders. “She said she knew the king!”
Cyno only chuckled, pushing the man’s hands off of him. “She thinks the king is the fox.”
He pointed down to a small fox- his pet fox.
Your eyes widened, quickly catching the idea as you bowed down to his fox friend. “Oh wise king!”
The fox was confused asf but he took the pride.
-you run together and you thank him but then GUARDS CHASE CYNO AND HE GETS ARRESTED WHATTTT but with your authority as princess you command to let him go and he’s free!
-he meets jafar (casting will be seen soon) and jafar takes him to some temple claiming he’ll pay him or some shit if he goes In and takes a certain bottle or wtv
-guys I’m iffy on this part of the story so dont bully me if I’m off
-cyno tricked him and NEVER GRABBED THE BOTTLE
-it takes cyno a while to realize while trapped in the temple that the bottle is acc a wish bottle
-he just randomly rubs it and POOF genie pops out and he wishes to get out the temple yayyy
-then he wishes to become a prince for all the money and also does it because he’s like in love with you despite seeing u once but you can only marry a prince
-jafar tries to frame cyno of corrupting the king blah blah jafar is evil then there’s a fight save the day smooch yeah
-okay onto casting
-the genie as KAVEHHHH
-they’re so similar if you think about it
-abu or the monkey friend as tighnari but he’s a little fox in this
-jafar as Azar (IT RHYMES)
-okay so cyno comes on a whole ass elephant claiming to be a prince and you can’t deny that he’s a lil fine
-you somehow don’t recognize the prince is the very man who saved you
-however ever since your first interaction with cyno In thé kingdom he has NOT STOPPD THINKNG AHT YOU
-before he wished to become a prince he was telling kaveh all about you
“There’s this girl. She’s smart and fun and-“
“And pretty?”
“Beautiful! She’s got the eyes and this hair- and her smile!”
-so yeah he’s vv much in love despite a one time interaction
-but love at first sight is real to him OKAY
-so to try and marry you he wishes to be a prince yet you don’t know the prince tryna marry you that you currently dislike is the MAN WHO SAVED YOU FORM THAT STREET VENDOR
-it’s not until one day when cyno has some RANDOM MAGIC CARPET flying while he’s on your balcony and he invites to take you around the world
-however on your balcony he notices your…pet
“You have a pet….tiger?”
-you realized once you finally got a good look at him and his hat was off that it was the same man who saved you in the streets.
-this is the one of first times you actually get to be away from the castle and it’s perfect because you’re FLYING on something and because it’s with him.
-let me tell you he gets jealous easily tho
-like he HATES the fact you had other suitors eyeing you up and shit like your his but not officially smh
-so final battle everhone is captured yeah yeah and azar wants to be king but to do so you must agree to marry him and ofc ur like hell no
-the thing is jafar is now in possession of the wish thing or wtv so now kaveh our lovely genie must grant all his wishes
-he’s about to wish for you to fall in love with him but Kaveh says he can’t do that then they get into an argument yeah yeah
-it’s not until you see cyno is free and tryna save you but you need to distract azar.
-so your idiotic self decides to seduce azar.
“I never realized how…incredibly handsome you are.”
-kaveh’s jaw LITERALLY DROPPED and azar shut it for him
“Oh really? Go on.”
absolutely disgusting cuz he’s just ew
“You’re tall…dark, well dressed…”
-kaveh is like genuinely disgusted at the scene in front of him
-but then he hears a sound and turns and ITS CYNO
-he almost screamed his name but cyno had to cover his mouth
-when Kaveh tells cyno he’s under Azar’s command he tries to get the wish bottle or wtv
-so you have to keep TALKING and lil sexy moves to distract azar
-cyno was also disgusted and he hated it sm but to save you he had to deal with it
“And what about that street rat?” Azar asked with a smirk.
You smirked back, walking closer to him and wrapping your arms around his neck. “What street rat?”
-cyno knew u weren’t serious but UGH he hated this
-however azars lil evil sidekick pet or wtv sees cyno and is abt to scream but then FOX TIGHNARI TO THE RESCUE
-however he did make a nose and just when azar was turning his head, you immediately put your hand at the back, forcing him to look at you and you smashed your lips against his
-he forgot abt his whole plan for a second when he watched it all
-he lowk wished he was azar
-even tighnari stopped fighting and just stared shocked and kaveh’s jaw dropped
-once it’s over cyno uses his final wish to free kaveh and Azar takes his place and now Azar is LONG GONEEEE
-however since kaveh is no longer the genie, all of cyno’s wishes are gone and he is no longer a prince and can’t marry you
-he changes the law so you can marry cyno and he’s so happy he SPINS YOU AROUND AND KISSES YOU AJENFJEJJFS
-anyways you guys get married blah blah you’re finally free to make your own choices and both so so happy
Kazuha; Tangled.
“𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐬𝐡𝐞’𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭. 𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐬𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞, 𝐬𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰. 𝐈𝐟 𝐬𝐡𝐞’𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞, 𝐢𝐭’𝐬 𝐜𝐫𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫, 𝐈'𝐦 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐈'𝐦 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐨.“
-cmon they’re both wanted and hot as fuck
-both have some amazing way with words
-so to explain the tangled story since I’m a lil scared some of y’all don’t know.
-if you guys have never watched tangled go watch it pls
-so for quick summary your born a princess obv but some crazy lady steals you as a baby and takes you far far away because apparently the mom ate a magic flower and the magic in the flower came to YOU
-so for the crazy lady who took you, she only did because she needs the magic to continue living
-so because you were literally 1 year old you think crazy lady is your mother as she takes you to a far far away tower and traps you there for almost 2 decades
-you’re hair is like 30 metres long somehow
-oh yeah the magic is in your hair and if you cut it the magic is gone so!!
-anyway one day ur mom is out blah blah and it’s your birthday blah blah and on your birthday there are these floating lanterns at the palace and you REALLY WANNA GO but ofc crazy mama says no
-but then some random hot guy comes through the tower window and because he’s a stranger and you’ve never seen anyone besides your mom you hit him with a pan and he goes unconscious
-he wakes up tied to a chair by YOUR HAIR.
“Uh, I’m sorry, is this hair?”
-you ask him what he wants and tbh I don’t remember the story but you make him take you to the lanterns or lights or wtv and he’s like yk what? Sure
-okay so he stole a crown from the palace
-and he found your tower to hide in it and when he went unconscious you stole the bag that had the crown
-so you say if he wants it back he has to take you and he’s like bet
-the dude can only stare as you go through a whole episode of feeling grass for the first time in your life but also regretting leaving your tower because your mom will be so mad when you get back but at the same time you’re finally free yet-
-this happens for an hour.
-eventually he has to reassure you he’ll bring you back
-uhm thing is he tried to steal the crown from you though so he was gonna send you to a tavern filled with scary men and lowk leave you there
-ofc though since you’re so cute all the scary men in the tavern start doing karaoke with you
-I got a dream she’s got a dream dududududuudd
-Kazuha grabs your hand and goes into this like hidden tunnel under the tavern and there’s like this whole fight scene thing
-you guys get trapped in a cave that’s blocked and there’s water coming in
-Kazuha CANT find a way out cuz it’s too dark
-that also glows…
-Kazuha is the definition of WTF when u just start singing a lullaby or wtv and ur hair starts GLOWING?
-nevertheless he’s able to see and he finds a way out of the cave
-however that night you didn’t know your mama was currently looking for you…
-and there were 2 people Kazuha pissed off (two random men I don’t have names) who he actually stole the crown with and then ran away from them
-you also forgot you left the crown
-in the tower
-with your mom
-she suggests revenge on Kazuha and boy did the two men smile at that
-that night Kazuha had a large gash in his palm from getting you guys out the cave and you ofc have to use your hair to heal it
“You’re being strangely cryptic as you wrap your…magic hair around my injured hand.”
He winces when you grip onto his wrist too tight snd you grimace. “Sorry! Just…don’t freak out please?”
-for you he didn’t
-once u sing ur lullaby he tries his best not to freak out he stares at his now completely healed hand with large eyes and thinks that something is gonna happen to him
-btw you’re both in a forest around a fire cuz it’s obv ur not gonna make it to the kingdom that day and have nowhere to sleep but you’re ofc gonna go tomorrow
-you guys open up to each other last night and Kazuha was shocked that he felt so relieved to open up to someone he met just 18 hours ago
-when he leaves to get firewood though…
“How did you find me?!” You ask, sputtering as your mom pulls you into a hug.
“I just listened to the sound of complete and utter betrayal and followed it! We’re going home, now.” Her soft and sarcastic voice turned into a harsh one as she gripped your wrist, trying to make you follow her.
You fought back. “What? Mom, you don’t understand- I’ve been on this Incredible journey and I’ve seen and learned so much! I even met someone…” you whispered the last sentence with a smile.
She scoffed before the sarcastic voice came back. “Yes, the wanted man. I’m so proud! Now come on.” It quickly turned harsh again and she pulled your wrist but you kept your ground.
“I think…I think he likes me!”
“Likes you? Please Y/N that’s demented!”
“But mother I-“
“This is why you never should’ve left! This romance you think is not real. It proves you’re too naive for this world. You think he likes you? Look at you! He’s not even impressed.” She stood a few feet away, arms out as if she was expecting you to hug her. “Don’t be a dummy, come with mummy. Mother knows bes-“
She stares at you bewildered. “No? I see what this is now. Oh Y/N knows best! She’s so mature now! If you really believe he likes you, go ahead and give him this!” She pulls out the bag that had the crown in it.
Your eyes widened. “How did you even-?”
She holds the crown out, cutting you off. “This is why he’s here! Don’t let him deceive you, give the crown to him then you’ll see.”
“I will.”
“Trust me, dear.” She did a quick snap. “That’s how fast he’ll leave you. I won’t say I told you so, because apparently Y/N knows best! So if he’s such a dream boat, put him too the test.”
“Mother, wait-“
“If he’s lying, don’t come crying. Your mother always knows best.” And in an instant, she’s disappeared into the night fog, and you can only stare in shock.
You overhear Kazuha coming back and you quickly hide the crown in the bag and then hide the bag behind a nearby tree
“Are you all right?” Kazuha asks, looking at your back as you were turned away from him.
You out on a fake smile, instantly turning. “Yep! Just lost in thought.”
He doesn’t suspect anhtning and nods, going on about whatever topic, and you constantly find yourself glancing back at the tree
-you both go to sleep later and he’s such a gentlemen he gets you smth comfy to put your head on and he takes a rock.
-such a gentleman ugh
-when he wakes up
-there’s a gigantic castle tanuki guard growling right above him and he realizes he’s fucked
-you wake up to screaming and somehow this TANUKI is DRAGGING Kazuha across the ground since his boot was in its foot
-you went to grab Kazuha’s hand, pulling on it and you obv win but the tanuki ends up taking Kazuha’s boot
-you tell the tanuki to sit and then call her a good girl and her baby tail starts wagging as if it’s an actual dog and Kazuha can only be like what the fuck
“You must be so tired from chasing this bad guy for days!” You say in a baby voice, scratching the Tanuki’s head and she nods.
“She’s a bad tanuki! Bad!”
“She’s just a big sweetheart!” You look at the dollar, smiling at the name. “Aren’t you Sayu?”
She, despite being a tanuki who shouldn’t understand anything, is currently nodding her head.
“Look, today is the biggest day of my life- it’s my birthday. And you can’t take Kazuha because he’s taking me to see the lights and it’s all I ever wanted to see! So, can you please not drag him to the castle and get him arrested?”
The tanuki somehow scoffed
“Just for 24 hours then you can chase each other to your hearts contents, okay?” You ask, watching as the animal and the full on adult glare at each other.
Kazuha scoffs along with the Tanuki huffing. “Fine.” He puts his hand out and Sayu hesitantly SOMEHOW shakes it, but makes no move to let go.
You walk away when you hear the kingdom bells, signalling the festival is gonna start, and when you walk away you don’t even realize or see the Tanuki punch Kazuha in the chest.
-so you’re both finally in the kingdom and of course you’re both hiding but now he feels like he kinda needs to make sure you’re okay because he was just gonna leave you there but you kinda saved him when running away from the guards
-also the tanuki is now glaring at him and watching his every move so he can’t leave you
-you also saved him when the scary men in the tavern tried to kill them but then you hit one of with your famous pan and karaoke starts
-he did originally plan to do that but after last night he lowk started liking you and realized you were too sweet and he wanted to make your special day happy
-each time you two- well three now- walk by a poster with his drawn out face, he grabs it and crumples it. Only so no one knows it’s him and because they made his nose look HIDEOUS on it
-when he crumples it he hears the tanuki/ sayu/ yell and he just throws it at her.
-then she throws it back
-you had to yell at them to stop
-so the only concern is your hair as a bunch of people step on it and it’s a VERY crowded kingdom
-he grabs handfuls of it so no one steps on it and no one gets suspicious
-town square though there’s 4 little girls who literally LIGHT UP at the sight of your hair and they braid pieces of it then braid it again so it stays short
-short is down to your feet btw
-when Kazuha looks he has to admit your really fucking pretty
-like he can stop staring and he’s finally out of it when the tanuki is SMIRKING at him and laughing her ass off
-he grabs a nearby flower and puts it right above your ear
-he’s a thief so he steals SOME snacks for you guys and he might buy a gift
-he even buys you a cloth of the kingdom symbol- a sun.
-^ keep that in mind guys
-he realizes he lowkey likes you despite knowing u for one day??
-but you’re so interesting and beautiful and he won’t say it’s love but there’s def smth he has for you
-when he’s abt to buy you guys some stuff you notice on the wall surrounding the castle there is an old painting
-it’s the queen and king and they’re holding a baby
-and it lowkey looks like you?
“It’s for the lost princess.” A little girl said, putting a flower down beside the wall and you realized there were multiple flowers everywhere.
-the eyes, the hair…everything
-she looks just like you!
-but you hear a band go by and you start following them and after Kazuha bought your shit he turns around and he’s like “where the fuck is she”
-he sees you dancing with a little boy and then you start to gather in more people to dance
-you encourage him to come dance and he says no but then Sayu pushes him
-sadly he can’t dance with you as multiple people take his arm and twirl around with him :(
-he really liked seeing you dance though
-not ballroom dancing but more of that jumpey old time dancing
-he wants to do whatever YOU want to do but you guys do have to hide a few times when guards walk by but your always giggling your asses off
-the man takes you to the public library and shows you books you’ve never read before after constantly rereading books in your tower
-the two of you end up dancing again for hours like all the way until sunset and he FINALLY gets the chance to dance with you
-he’s jumping and twirling with you and then you’re pushed together by the locals and you’re really close and he’s holding onto you and ughwkfnwkndns
-but before anything can happen someone yells “to the boats!” and you realize the sun is starting to come down, MEANING THE LANTERNS ARE COMING!!
-he literally grabbed your hand and ran you over to a boat before everyone could score one
-while he’s pushing the boat away from the dock, Sayu is on it glaring at him, as if telling him not to do anything and he only smiles
-he ends up throwing a bag of apples and she stares hesitantly at them then him
“I bought them!” He yelled, and Sayu instantly started eating the apples.
“Most of them.” He chuckled, and Sayu glared again at him again.
“Where are we going?” You asked
“It’s the best day of your life. I figured you should have the best view for the best day.” He smiled.
-he takes you all the way to a spot on the ocean near the castle that was on the edge of the cliff
-it wasn’t too near that all you could see was that but the shape was for sure visible
-he noticed you’re off again and when he asks if your okay, you admit your terrified
-you explain that you’ve been looking forward to these lights for so many years after seeing them from your tower, dreaming about what it might feel like when those lights rise in the sky, but what if it’s not everything you dreamed to be?
-he can only stare at you, reassure you that it will be amazing
”but what if it is amazing? Then what will I do?”
“You find a new dream.” He shrugs. “That’s the good part, I guess.”
-little do you know in the castle your dad is crying because he can’t see his baby and he’s so sad because he genuinely thinks your dead
-his first daughter is gone :(
-acc ur about to make out with a thief on a boat but wtv
-the king and queen are always the first to let their lanterns float, and once everyone sees the lanterns they let their own go
-you always thought it was a festival, which it was, but in reality it was a tribute to the dead princess AKA YOU but your not even dead you just don’t know
-ur a lil dumb cuz how do you think it’s normal every year on your birthday there’s these lanterns and then you see the LOST ORINCESS BABY painting which looks JUST LIKE YOU
-also keep in mind on every lantern there is a sun symbol on it
-the sun symbol is a necklace your dad also has
-I’m sorry I love the dad sm when he started crying in the movie I wanted to cry
-back to you
-you notice the light reflection in the water and when you look up, all the lanterns start to fly up all across the kingdom and far into the water
-when you saw the light you started SCRAMBLING on the boat and you almost tipped the whole boat over and were prob gonna drown again but wtv
-now comes in that song if you wanna go listen to it it’s called “I see the light” or some shit go listen to it with the video it’s so good ugh
-^ onky if you’ve never watched it or just feel like watching it again
-Kazuha looks at you, illuminated by the lanterns and how you look up at them
-you turn to look at him and he’s holding two lanterns, one for you and one for him
-he claims he got it as a gift for you and you sit back down in front of him
-you pull the bag out of NOWHERE don’t ask it’s some magic type shit, saying you should’ve given it to him before blah blah
“I should’ve given it to you before but I was just…” You paused, letting out a sigh. “I was just scared. And the thing is, I’m not scared anymore. Do you get what I mean?”
He smiles, putting his hand in the bag, but not to grab it, and instead pushes it down into your lap, showing he doesn’t want it anymore. “‘Im starting to.”
-all those days he’s chased down daydreams or living in a blur- all that time he never truly saw things the way they were
-but now you’re here, just watching the lanterns with the most beautiful eyes
-now you’re here and suddenly he knows
-if you’re here, it’s crystal clear, he’s where he’s meant to go.
-he like holds onto your hand
-it’s warm, real and bright, and everything with you is like the world has somehow shifted
-all at once, everything is different, now that the both of you see each other clearly.
-he puts a loose strand of hair behind your ear and he cups your cheek but then smth happens
-he’s about to kiss you but on the main land he notices the two men he stole the crown with
-he looks back at the bag and he takes you back to the mainland, he leaves you on the boat with the bag and claims he has something to take care of
-you just nod, believing him because you’re literally in love
-he feels so bad for lying but he just doesn’t want you to get hurt :(
-he keeps claiming he’ll be back as he walks away, and you tell yourself it’s alright
-so away from your sight he meets up with the two men and they’re GLARING at him while one is sharpening a dagger
-we’ll call him dumbo 1
-he throws the bag to them and he’s about to leave but then he doesn’t notice dumbo 2 is right behind him and he bumps into him
“Leaving again huh? Kaedehara?” Dumbo 1 chuckled, standing up from the rock he was sitting on.
He turned back to look at him. “What?”
“We heard you found something more valuable than a crown.” He said, walking towards him until they wereface to face.
“We want her instead.”
-okay back to you
-you’re starting to get worried because he’s been gone for a while
-but then you notice the shape of a man in the fog and you’re happy!’
“I was starting to think you ran off with the crown and left me!”
-however behind the one man instead came a second, and you realized that was NOT Kazuha
-panic started to settle In you
“He did.” One of the men said.
“What? No- he wouldn’t!”
“See for yourself.” The other smirked, and he pointed to the sea.
You stared confused but walked closer to the water, only to see Kazuha leaving on a boat with the bag.
“Kazuha!” You yelled, but he didn’t look back.
One of the men circled you, touching your braid. “A fair trade. A crown for the girl with the magic hair.”
You gasped
“How much do you think someone would pay to stay young and healthy forever. That’s what your hair does, correct?” The other said.
“No, no!” You started to back away, pleading the men after one of them pulled a dagger out with those large backs people usually…bag you with.
You started running, losing sight of the two, but your braid gets caught onto a branch and you struggle to let it go.
However, you hear sounds of grunts and struggles and you hear you mothers voice. “Y/N!?”
“Mother?” You ran back to the spot once your braid was free, to see the two men passed out on the ground and your mother standing beneath them.
-she starts to claim she was so worried, literally on the verge of tears
-you start crying and run into her arms and when you ask how she knew where you were she said she followed you
-she tells you to leave but you find yourself looking back at the boat Kazuha was on, trying not to cry
-you turn back ti see your mom staring at you with her arms out, and you can’t help but run into her arms and cry, claiming she was right the whole time
-however little did you know it was all fake.
-your mother originally payed the men if they could act like they were actually going to take you so she could bring you back home so she could live
-idk if I mentioned but your hair keeps her alive wtv
-Kazuha was on the boat, but he was actually tied and the two men pushed the boat to make sure it would go to the docks of the kingdom
-he wakes up when the boats hit the docks and he’s yelling out your name and doesn’t realize the current predicament
-the crown is tied to his hand
-the 2 ken wanted their revenge so they decided to put him in and the mother paid em for it
-while he’s being arrested, sayu could only watch with concern
-even while hes being arrested HES still yelling your name
-sayu looks back at the island you were both previously on and now she’s worried as fuck
-so the next day he’s in the dungeon blah blah and then the guards take him to get executed
-that same day for you, you’re back in the tower and your mom let the braids out and all the flowers too
-even the one Kazuha put in your hair
-but you don’t say anything, frowning the whole time
-the girl kinda guilt trips you, saying she tried to warn you and you’re just too naive for this selfish world and then she leaves you in your room alone
-you look at the cloth Kazuha gave you which was crumpled up in your hands and you just stare at the sun symbol on it
-you lay down onto your bed, looking at the ceiling
-but then you realize that all these years trapped in a tower, you’ve painted and drawn on every wall and ceiling of the tower
-you’ve drawn stuff you’ve never seen before but was always in the back of your head
-such as the kingdoms sun symbol
-you look back at the cliff then back at the ceiling anf sit up, trying to get a better look at it
-you have this like hallucination where every sun symbol starts to glow on the ceiling
-and then you get this vision back to the painting on the wall and realize
-your the lost princess
-okay back to Kazuha
-while the guards are walking him through the dungeons he noticed the SAME TWO MEN
-he runs from the guards and grips onto the collar of one of them, yelling and asking where the hell are you
-the one that was grabbed claimed he didn’t know and that some old lady arrested them and shit
-before he could ask the guards grab him again
-you walk out the room and ask your mom if uour thé lost princess
-she tells you don’t be ridiculous but your not having it
-but you know the truth and yell “I’m the lost princess!”
-she only stared at you with large eyes before she glared
“Everything I did was to protect you.”
You pushed her, walking down the stairs away from her. Your pushed caused her to fall into a mirror, all the pieces shattering underneath her. “For the last two decades I’ve been forced to hide away from the world, but I should’ve been hiding from you!”
“And where would you even go?!” She scoffed. “He won’t be there for you. That criminal is to be hanged for his crimes.”
Your eyes widened with a gasp, and she tries to comfort you but you grab her wrist tightly. “No. You were wrong about the world. Wrong about me! And I will NEVER let you use my hair AGAIN!”
“You want me to be the bad guy? Fine. I’ll be the bad guy.”
-right when they’re about to take Kazuha into the room where he’s gonna get hanged
-all the doors suddenly close around them
-the main guard just scoffed, banging on the door. “What’s the meaning of this!”
-the little shuttle piece on the door opened with a slide, and Kazuha’s eyes widened to see one of the men from the tavern where you sang karaoke with them
-“what’s the password?”
-“that’s not it!”
-“not even close!”
-“you have three seconds!”
-when he starts counting down he doesn’t even realize all the doors that were previously locked suddenly opened at the rest of the men from the tavern grabbed the guards holding Kazuha
-the men from the tavern are the crux ppl btw
-the main guard looks back and he’s like wtf but then BEIDOU THE OWNER IF THE TAVERN AKA BEST LADY smacks him with a frying pan and sends him to the ground unconscious
-who knew frying pans were such an efficient way to make someone go unconscious?
-more guards come running in and Beidou grabs Kazuha’s hand, rushing him out while the others distracted the guards
-once out, a horde of guards are running towards him and he’s like oh shit
-Beidou picks him up and placed him onto something, telling him instructions
“Head down, arms in, knees apart.”
He repeated her words with every motion, but then looked at her confused “knees apart?”
Beidou only smirks and he doesn’t even realize he’s on some sort of catapult until one of the larger crux members jumps down onto the other side and Kazuha goes FLYING
The guards only stare
-he ends up landing on SAYU
-somehow she can carry him?
-he literally thanked Sayu for bringing the guards and then Sayu JUMOS OFF THR DUNGEON WALLS and there’s this whole scene of a TANUKI running like a horse thays jumping off of roof tops and then Sayu brings him to your tower
-don’t ask how she knows where it is idk
-he starts calling you, yelling your name. “Y/N! Let down your hair!”
-yes they use your hair to get into the tower don’t ask
-when you don’t respond he starts climbing the walls and then he hears the window open and he’s like oh my god!!
-ur hair comes out he climbs it yeah yeah and goes I to the tower
-“Y/N! I thought I’d never see you again!” However, his words are cut short when he sees you tied up, tape over your mouth and your trying to yell something
-he stares shocked and then he feels this horrible pain and your mom STABBED HIM FROM BEHIND and he falls to the ground bleeding out yeah yeah
-you try to go towards him but your ‘mom’ is holding onto a chain forcing you to her
-yes a chain.
-don’t ask.
-she wants to take you far away so no one ever finds you again
-the tape falls off your mouth and you yell. “No! I won’t stop, and I will never stop trying to get away from you!” You panted. “But I will go with you if you let me heal him. Please?”
His eyes widened, all while groaning and trying to stop the blood. “Y/N! No!”
-she ends up agreeing and unchains you, but then chains Kazuha do he doesn’t get any ideas of following you
-you immediately ran to him, eyes widening at the blood
-I’m realizing out of all the Disney scenes I’ve wrote this is the only fight scene I’m actualky writing
“Y/N. You can’t do this.” He panted. “I can’t let you die with her.
“But if you do, then you will die.” You whispered with a frown, cupping his cheek. “Hey. It’s gonna be alright.”
“Y/N.” He whispered, his chained hand coming to cup your cheek as he leaned closer, but what you didn’t realize is that he had grabbed a broken shard from the mirror you pushed your mother into, and he reached behind and immediately cut your hair
Your mom screamed and your eyes widened, your hair colour going a tad bit darker than it used to be. The now cut hair did the same thing.
The mother was screaming and she realized that all the affects your magic had on her was starting to ware off/ she was becoming old. Her hands went pale and slender, as if she was a zombie.
And then she faded into dust.
You couldn’t care less.
“Kazuha!” You yell, shaking him as his eyes started to close. You brought his hand to your hair, reciting the lullaby but nothing happened.
“Hey.” He whispered. “You were my new dream.” He said weakly.
You chuckled sadly. “And you were mine.”
With that, he smiled, and let out a final exhale as he went limp in your arms.
-you started BALLING your eyes out right there and then; reciting the lullaby over and over again for anything , but there was never anything and he stayed dead.
-you were sobbing over him, a tear falling into his cheek.
-the tear started to glow and then his wound started to glow and he was STARTING TO HEAL?!
-the glow slowly faded and with it going away, HE CANE BACK TO LIFR WITH A LARHE ASS GASP
-ofc after dying the first thing he said is your name
“Have I ever told you I got a think for H/C?” He asked, looking at the darker colour of your previous hair shade.
You chuckled and immediately wrapped your arms around him, now sitting on his thigh.
He hugged you tight and before he knows it, your smashing your lips against his.
-okay I’m gonna be quick with this now
-so he takes you back to the castle and then guard runs into your real parents room, claiming you were found
-they instantly start RUNNING to a balcony and see you with Kazuha
-anyway there’s a reunion, hugs tears blah blah whatever would happen after 2 decades of not seeing each other.
-Kazuha onky smiled over the whole thing and then YOUR MOM PULLED HIM INTO THE HUG
-the kingdom rejoiced for their lost princess had returned and the party lasted for a week
-Kazuha hardly remmebered anything that happened
-the crux members eventually had their dreams come true and got jobs in the kingdom
-thanks to Sayu, crime disappeared overnight ad bf so did most of the apples
-at last you were home and finally had a real family and you were a princess worth waiting for
-everh now and then whenever your out Kazuha woullf take the crown off your head and hide it but you always knew and he’d place it back on your head with a giggle
-a few years later he finally placed a ring on that finger and you lived happily ever after
-he also had all charges dropped against him too so he was no longer a thief!
-off topic fun fact; Originally instead of Kazuha it was gonna be Kaeya but then I acc thought of Kaeya as thé prince from the Swan Princess so I’ll have him in another post
Alhaitham; Frozen
-so we all know frozen is focused on Elsa but for the love story we’re focusing on just you
-so for this you will choose who you want your older sister to be
-whoever has a Cryo vision or a lady u wanna choose and make them have ice powers but wtv
-so basically the story starts out with 8 year old you waking up your sister 10 year old sister
-and your bored
-she tells you to go back to sleep but then you ask if she wants to build a snowman.
-sister has ice powers yayaya she can also make snow
-one day while your jumping shes making snow pillars but you go to fast and she slips on ice and accidentally uses her ice powers and hits your head
-you pass out and she’s crying calling your parents
-they take you to a small area away from the kingdom and.
-it’s mushrooms.
-you know nahida’s mushroom besties or the ones we see around sumeru thay pop up and disappear
-yeah those r the trolls from frozen
-nahida is human but she lives with them
-she tells ur dad that you need to forget your sister if you wanna live because if she hits you again you can die
-she replaces all memories of sister creating snow or ice and replaced them with natural snow and ice and the two of you together so the fun stays
-no one can know of her magic so all do the staff was reduced in the castle, the gates and windows were always closed, and Elsa has NEVER been outside since
-so basically for the next decade your sister doesn’t talk to you, and your always outside your door asking her if she wants to go in the snow and build a snowman but she tells you to go away
-however during this decade her powers got stronger
-it’s not until your 18 when your parents leave for a trip over seas
-sadly their ship goes down and they die
-your sisyer doesn’t even show up to the funeral
-so three years later your sister is finally of age to become queen and it’s coronation day!
-all the gates open and you’re finally outside
-what if you meet your future lover at the coronation?
-well one thing for sure you met someone you liked but not at coronation…
-you almost fall into a boat but someone catches you however he falls on top of you
-your both apologizing and then he finally introduced himself
“I’m prince Childe of Snezhnaya!”
-of course you bump into a prince
-even though ur a princess but wtv
-you end up running cuz you gots go to the coronation and you see him later though
-this is the first time you’ve ever actually seen your sister in the last decade and also the first time you’ve talked to her
-it’s vv awkward but you start bonding over chocolate
-eventually some random asks you to dance and he’s so bad at dancing that your sister is cackling while watching
-eventually sm1 else takes your hand and it’s Childe!! he twirls you around and shit yk the usual ballroom dancing
-okay fast forward somehow you two fell in love don’t ask
-like you do tell each other everything and he reveals he has 10 siblings and he’s the youngest
-4 sisters and 6 brothers
-he asks if you’ll marry him despite knowing each other for 5 hours and your like oh my god yes!!!!
-when you ask your sister for permission she’s like no cuz SHES SMART
-you get mad and cause a scene and you grab your hand and you pull her glove off accidentally
-she loses control and ice magic goes woosh
-fast forward she runs away
-I’m acc so tired and wanna get this post done with I’m sorry if this is rushed but it’s short cuz the main focus isn’t even supposed to be you
-your sister runs away and with her magic she causes an eternal winter IN THE MIDDLE OF SUMMER.
-you chase after her into the woods and little do you know after her whole “let it go” episode she created a whole castle out of ICE.
-I still wonder what she slept on.
-uhm so you leave prince Childe in charge of the king on of sumeru while you find your sister
-your horse runs away from you cuz bro knows he don’t want this bs rn
-your literally in a dress which makes this sm worse because now it’s like Snezhnaya and there’s sm it goes up to your knees
-you do find a shop though in the middle of nowhere at night and ask if they have any winter shit
-the owner points you to their collection and there’s just the stuff you need so yay!
-just when your about to buy it, someone walks in covered in snow and good lord he’s tall.
-he walks up to you and mumbled something but you can hardly hear with the mask over his face
“Huh?” You asked.
He leaned in closer, “behind you.”
You looked behind you to see carrots on the table where the owner was and quickly apologized, moving for him.
He grabbed the carrots then moved to grab a rope and pick axe.
“Where’s all this snow coming from?” The worker, Cyno, asked, looking at the man covered in snow.
“The North mountain.” He responded, placing down the stuff on the table.
“North mountain.” You whispered to yourself.
“That’ll be 40.” Cyno said.
The man scoffed. “40? No 10.”
“Apologies, but 10 is a big problem.”
“You wanna talk about problems? I sell ice for a living.” He pointed to a window and you saw a large sled with a bunch of ice on it.
You winced. “Not the best job.”
He glared at you and you shut your mouth, but only for a second until you started asking questions about the mountain and what he saw. “Did it seem magical?”
His glare stayed but he removed his mask to speak clearer. “Yes. Now back up while I deal with this crook here.”
“Crook?” Cyno repeated, standing up, and the man realized he was fucked- especially when he was thrown out of the shop.
-you ended up buying his stuff for him, and when he asked why, you told him to bring you up the North mountain
-and because you were kind enough ti buy his stuff after being thrown out, he decided to take you
-he owns a pet moose named tighnari.
-it’s funny how all the pet side kicks are named Tighnari in this post
-so while you’re on the sled thingy or whatever, he’s asking you what made the queen go all crazy
“So uh tell me. What made the queen go all ice crazy?” He asked, letting Tighnari guide the sled mobile.
You chuckled yet grimaced. “Uh..it was all my fault. I got engaged but she’d only just freak out because I met him that same day. And she said she wouldn’t bless the marriage and-“
“Wait,” he cut you off, blinking before continuing. “You got engaged to someone you just met on that day?”
“Yeah! Anyway I got mad and then she got mad and then-“
He turned his body to look at you, still confused. “Hang on! You mean to tell me you got engaged to someone you JUST met THAT DAY?”
“Yes! Pay attention. But the thing is she ALWAYS had the gloves on and I thought it was a thing about dirt!”
“Didn’t your parents ever warn you about strangers?!”
You blinked, before slowly letting out a “Yes” as you scooted away from him.
He just trolled his eyes
“But Childe is not a stranger!”
“Childe?!” He burst out laughing. “That’s an Incredulous name. If he’s not a stranger, what’s his last name?”
“….of Snezhnaya.”
He scoffed. “Favourite food?”
“….Raw fish.”
“Good lord- you’re marrying a man who eats raw fish as his favourite food? How in the world are you a princess!?”
“Best friends name?”
“HAH I KNOW THIS ONE! Scaramouche!”
“Snezhnaya’a got some weird names.” He chuckled with a shake of his head. “Eye colour?”
“Foot size?”
“Foot size doesn’t matter!”
“Have you had a meal with him yet? What if you hate the way he eats? What if you hate the way he picks his nose?”
“Picks his nose?!” You repeated, bewildered.
“And eats it.”
“Excuse me sir he is a prince!”
The man only smirked before looking away with a shrug. “All men do it.”
“Ew! Look it doesn’t matter! It’s true love.”
“Doesn’t sound like true love.” The shit eating grin on his face never left.
“What are You some sort of love expert?” You scoffed.
“No, but I have friends who are.”
“You havé friends who are love experts? I’m not buying it.” You didn’t notice the way the sled came to a stop and Tighnari was looking around frantically along with the man.
“Stop talking.”
“Nonono I’d like to meet-“ you were cut off with his hand over your mouth.
“Shh.” He stood up, holding a lantern up to get a better look around. He turned, squinting into a certain area of the woods and then wolves started to show.
“Shit.” He breathed out before immediately yelling at Tighnari to move.
“What is it?” You asked, fear speaking in you.
“Wolves.” He spoke while lighting a torch.
“What do i do?”
“Nothing.” He threw the now lit up torch at the wolves. “Just don’t get eaten.”
“But I wanna help!”
“Why not?”
“Because I don’t trust your judgement.”
You let out the most exaggerated gasp. “Excuse me?”
He pushed you back a bit to kick a wolf that caught up. “Who marries a man they just met?!”
“It’s called true love!” You yelled, grabbing a random ukulele from the back of the sled and swinging it over his head to hit a wolf that jumped up.
“Woah!” He smirked, before a wolf bit onto his boot and dragged him off the sled but he quickly grabbed a rope that was tied to it.
“If i die my name is Alhaitham for my funeral!” He yelled.
You grabbed a wooden stick to light up, turning it into a torch before you lit up something random at the back of the sled. “Al, duck!”
“It’s ALHAITHAM!” He yelled, but did as you said when he saw you throw whatever the hell was in your hands that was on fire
He started to climb the rope back onto the sled. “You almost killed me!”
“But I didn’t!”
His eyes widened and you turned to see a cliff coming up.
“Jump Tighnari!”
“You don’t tell him what to do, I do!” He spoke while grabbing you, practically man handling you as he threw you onto Tighnari. Just as the cliff came up, he cut the rope connecting his moose firmed to the sled, prioritizing your safety over his as he jumped off the sled and PRAYED he would make it.
-he gripped onto the edge of the cliff, looking down to see his sweet sled on fire.
-he just bought that!
-he started to slip but you grabbed his hand and pulled him back up
-you promised you’d buy him a new one later
-you also told him you understand if he doesn’t wanna help you anymore and you started to leave
-in full honestly Alhaitham coukd care less if you died in the woods
-but you promised a new sled and if you die he won’t get it so he does follow after you
- anyway you spend the whole night tryna get through the woods and the whole time you just hoped your sister would be able to remove this eternal winter
-in the morning you start to realize how beautiful the snow and the hanging ice looks
“Who knew winter could be so beautiful?”
You and Alhaitham both looked at each other confused when you heard a new voice, and for a second then both of you thought it was Tighnari talking.
“It’s so fun! There should be some colour! Like crimson or yellow- actually yellow is just bad.” The voice became louder with each word and suddenly standing between the two of you was a talking snowman.
You screamed, immediately kicking it and it’s head flew off and landed in Alhaitham’s arms. “You’re creepy.” He said, throwing it back to you but then you threw it back to him and the continuation of it.
The body started walking towards you and you threw the head at it, sending it into the snow.
He stood up, his head upside down. “What am I looking at? Why are you hanging like bats?”
You inched your way closer to it, fixing it’s head.
“Oh thank you! Now I’m perfect.”
“Almost,” You chuckled, realizing this was a harmless snowman. You looked through Alhaitham’s bag before grabbing a carrot, making its nose.
“Okay, let’s start this thing over, hi everyone, I’m Kaveh!”
“You creep me out.” Alhaitham chuckled, kneeling down to his level.
You blinked. “Kaveh?”
“That’s right! Kaveh!”
“And you are…?”
“Who’s the funky looking donkey over there?” He turned to Tighnari and Alhaitham standing beside each other- well moose tighnari.
“That’s Tighnari!”
“And who’s the moose?”
Alhaitham glared and you burst out into laughter. “…Tighnari.”
“Got it!” He screamed when Tighnari tried to eat his carrot nose.
“Kaveh.” You called and he turned to you.
“Did S/N build you?”
“Yeah, Why?” He asked, not caring that Alhaitham pulled out his stick arm, analyzing it.
“Do you know where she is?”
“Yeah, Why?”
“Can you take us to her?”
“Yeah, Why!”
“We need her to bring back summer.” Alhaitham spoke for you, putting the arm back into Kaveh’s snow body.
Kaveh let out a squeak. “I love summer! The sun, and how hot it is!”
“Really?” Alhaitham grinned. “I guess you don’t have much experience with heat.”
“Nope! But sometimes I like to close my eyes and imagine.
Suddenly, he started singing and dancing and you and Alhaitham just stared.
“My snow up against the gorgeous sand probably getting a good old tan in SUMMERRR~~”
Alhaitham crossed his arms over his chest, smirking. “I’m gonna tell him.”
You gasped, hitting him. “Don’t you dare!”
“Somebody’s gotta tell him!”
-so he’s supposed to melt in summer and ofc Alhaitham wants to ruin his dream of summer
-back in sumeru kingdom Childe finds your horse running back but your not on it and he thinks you’re in danger
-so he sets out with his guards to find you
-anyway back to you
-Alhaitham is asking you what your gonna say to your sister and you reveal you had no idea
-kaveh goes on about how sweet your sister is and he doesn’t even realize he’s walking right into an icicle
-“oh look, I’ve been Impaled.”
-your all faced with a cliff and you try climbing it but Alhaitham Is telling you that your gonna kill yourself
-like anywhere you put your foot down he’ll say “I wouldn’t put it there!” And HE IS ALWAYS RIGHT
-then kaveh finds an ice staircase and you jump off, Alhaitham catching you in his hands
-he could only smile as you ran off
-“holy shit.” The two of you breathed out, looking at the castle
-“now THAT is ice. I think I might cry.”
-sadly Tighnari cannot climb the stairs because of his hooves
-at the door if the castle your hesitant and kaveh kept telling you to knock but your scared and he’s like “does she not know how to knock?”
-but the door opened automatically so wtv
“You probably shouldn’t come in.” You told him and he whined.
“What? Why not! It’s a palace of ice!”
“Last time I brought a guy she caused an eternal winter.”
“Good point.”
“You too, Kaveh.”
-making your way into the castle your like holy shir begause it’s all ICE but it’s so beautiful
-your lwokey slipping a lot too
-your sister comes out and is like why tf r u here
-and your just complimenting the ice castle and you apologize for everything that happened
-she tells you it’s alright and you should leave because you belong in Suneru
“Actually about that…” you trailed off, but then you heard Kaveh running in.
“Kaveh?” Your sisters eyes widened.
“We built him when we were kids, remember?” You asked.
“Yeah, I do…”
“We were so close, S/N. We can be like that again if you come back to Sumeru.”
“I’m sorry, but I can’t.” She shook her head; remembering the last time you were close. “You need to leave.”
-she tells you to go enjoy the summer of sumeru while you chase after her
-plus without her the gates are open and she’s free
-you tell her Sumeru is in deep, deep, deep, deep snow
-“yeah you set off an eternal winter.”
-“I’m sure you can remove it!”
-with all the stress on her she shoots her ice and it HITS YOU
-Alhaitham overheard everything and he comes running in
-he encourages you to leave and when your like no your sister creates a whole ICE MONSTER and it grabs the two of you and sends you flying down the stairs
“It is not nice to throw people!” You yelled, forming a snowball in your hands.
“Woah woah woah!” He grabbed you. “Calm down and relax Icy pants. Leave the snow man be.”
“Alright.” You sighed and he let you go, but the moment he did you immediately threw the snowball at the large snow and ice man.
-oh no
-oh no
-oh nononono
-it’s the smallest impact but he GROWLS and starts chasing after you two
-you both end up sliding away but once your far and hes still chasing, a 200foot drop cliff pops up
-he gets rope out of now where and wraps it around your waist before tying the other side to the pickaxe and sticking it into the snow and you both jump off
-you both forgot about Kaveh but he ends up jumping off the cliff and he’s fine
-“DONT COME BACK.” IT growled and threw you guys down
-thankfully there’s like metres of snow so it was lke landing on a pillow
-Alhaitham put his hands under our arms and pulled you out of the snow and you thanked him, both of you smiling
-you asked him how his head was and he said he had a thick skull
“I don’t have a skull.” Kaveh said.
-then he asked how your hair was
-he realized it was because you were struck with your sisters magic and then you asked if it looked bad
“You hesitated.” Kaveh spoke.
“No! Y/N you need help. I’ll bring you to my friends.”
“The love experts?”
-so he acc brings you to the mushrooms you went to as a kid but you don’t know since you don’t remember
“Meet my family!” Alhaitham chuckled, walking in a field of mushrooms.
You blinked.
“He’s crazy.” Kaveh whispered, looking at how Alhaitham talked to mushrooms in the ground. “I’ll distract him while you run.”
He walks up to a mushroom and pets it. “It’s nice to meet you!” He turned and whispered ahain. “Because I love you Y/N, you NEED to run. WHY ARENT YOU RUNNING?!”
“I’m gonna go.” You said.
Alhaitham groaned. “Wait!”
However, the ground started to shake and before you know it the mushrooms are coming out the ground and becoming slightly larger and they start TALKING.
“ALHAITHAM IS HOME!” They all screamed.
-he’s asking where sm1 named nahida is while all the mushrooms start talking to him
-you just laughed, and it caught attention of all of them as they turned and blinked
-“he brought a girl!” One of them yelled before everyone repeated “A GIRL!”
-they all leaned down and someone pushed you as you rolled over all of them and they threw you into his arms
-he told you to just roll with it
-get it
-one of them is literally analyzing you and says “she’s perfect for our Alhaitham!”
-you both realized they thought you were together and the both of you start explaining that’s not how it is
-one asks you what the issue is with him
-is it the clumpy way he walks
-or the grumpy way he talks
-or the weirdly shaped boots he had?
-but you’ll never meet a fella who’s as sensitive and sweet!
-he’s a bit of a fixer upper, a bunch of flaws, and his best friends with a moose
-they tell you that you can fix him with love!
-is it the way that he runs scared?
-or how he’s socially impaired?
-or that half the time he tinkles in the wood?
-you did not need to know that.
-your only laughing while they list a bunch of reasons
-he tells them you’re engaged to some else and they don’t believe it
-one of them says “SHE HAS NO RING!”
-one of the other mushrooms are just giving you advice on love and it’s so weird but you love it
-he turns around and he literally says “woah”
-it’s not until one of the mushrooms starts to speak when you both realize what’s happening
-“do you, Y/N, take Alhaitham to be your truthfully wedded-“
“Wait what?”
“Your getting married.”
-suddenly you let out a wince and fall, your body turning as cold as ice as another strand of hair turns white
-when you fall he’s holding you in his ice and the commotion sends nahida running over
-she checks over you and says your life is in danger because there is ice in your heart
-if not removed, you’ll turn into ice.
-when Alhaitham asks if she can remove it she says no and that only an act of true love can solve it
-Alhaitham dattes crying you and he holds you while Tighnari takes him to Sumeru, saying you need to kiss Childe
-little did you know Childe is currently hunting down your sister
-she almost kills him but wtv
-someone tried to shoot her and somehow she went unconscious idk how to explain it but she wakes up back in Sumeru but she’s chained up
-like there’s protective shit over her hands so she can’t use her magic
-she’s in a dungeon in sumeru
-okay back to you guys
-omg he’s holding you while your both on tighnari who’s jumping his way to the kingdom and when Alhaitham hears you shiver he takes his hat off and puts it on you and it’s so cute
-he carries you into the castle and when your asking if he’s okay he tells you “not to worry about him”
-once the gates to the castle open he tells the workers who take you to get prince Childe and then Alhaitham walks away sad because literally did you know he was kinda sad cuz he liked you
-but your engaged so he can’t do anything
-your taken into a room with Childe and your like “kiss me”
-and he’s like “what?!”
-you explain the whole thing to him and how your sister struck you and shit and you’ll die if there is no act of true love towards you
-he carries you over to a couch by the fireplace, tryna warm you up
-“only an act of true love can save me.”
Childe’s eyes lit up. “True love’s kiss!” His hand slowly caressed your cheek then moved down to your chicken to grab it, leaning towards you.
He went in slowly, almost torturing you.
“Oh Y/N.” He smirked, “if only if there was someone out there who actually loved you.”
- he explains he’s 11th in line for the thrown of his kingdom and he wants to be king
-so he thought marrying you would make him king here
-but now that your about to die and your sister refuses to be queen
-he can now lie and say you put him in charge and he’ll be king
-The betrayal-
-he starts to take out all the fire in the room, all while degrading you and saying how pathetic it was to wanna marry him after one day
-he grabs water and takes out the fire in the room, making you go cold
-he says he’s gonna kill Elsa yeah yeah wtv
-he locks you in the room and your hair has fully turned white now and your close to dying
-Childe walks into a room, faking his sadness and saying your DEAD.
-Now that he’s in charge he says your sister committed treason and his sentence is death
-meanwhile Alhaitham is waking away but a sudden ice storm surrounds the kingdom and he’s SPRINTING BACK
-your sister managed to escape before the guards came to grab her so now it’s a whole new problem
-he unlocks the door and lights the fireplace and your yelling at him to get away because he’s MELTING
-he helps you over to the fireplace to keep you warm all while you tell him what happened
-kaveh said he won’t leave until you find another act of love
“Love is putting someone else’s needs in front of theirs instead of their own. Like how Alhaitham brought you back to Childe and left.”
-and you realized that ALHAITHAM DID DO THAY
-“your so dumb.” Kaveh said.
-suddenly a window bursts open and he goes to look outside when he closes it
-“man I guess Alhaitham doesn’t love you enough to leave you behind.”
-you make Kaveh help you up even though your dying
-you said you love Alhaitham and you NEED HIM TO LIVE
-so he’s pushing you all the way outside but the storm is causing the whole castle to freeze and ice isn’t good for you because then you’ll die
-meanwhile your sister is out running but the blizzard is so strong she can’t see anything
-thankfully you and Kaveh end up escaping and your running to find Alhaitham and yelling his name
-your sister runs into Childe and he lies and says your dead and she breaks down crying because she knows it’s her fault
-during all of this your hands are starting to turn into literal ice
-like it was actual ice.
-your hair is full on ice now but Alhaitham hears you and is running
-during your sisters break down the blizzard immediately ends and it’s easier for Alhaitham to find you
-he’s running all the way towards you but then you turn to see Childe with a sword about to hit your sister
-and you run in front of her right when he’s about to slash her BUT YOU TURN INTO ICE
-your dead now btw
-ice = dead
-your sister is holding you crying her eyes out
-nahida said ACT OF LOVE
-she never said true loves kiss
-love will thaw the ice and because of this the winter starts to go away like SUMMER IS BACK IN SUMERU WOOO!!
-somehow you guys end up on a boat when the winter goes away
“This has gotta be the best day of my life…and probably my last.”
-Sister gives him a little snow cloud above him so he never melts so we good
-Childe is on the boat and he’s like oh fuck
-Alhaitham MARCHES his way over but you stop him and YOU PUNCH CHILDE OFF THE BOAT WOOO
-all the ambassadors cheer you on!
-Childe gets arrested thankfully woo!!!!
-all the kings and ambassadors are leaving a few days later
-and also a few days later your running around with Alhaitham and you have a blindfold around him
-you said it was a gift
-when you removed the blindfold it’s a NEW SLED
-you did promise him a new one
“Do you like it?” You ask, fidgeting with your fingers, nervous he’d hate it.
“Like it?” He repeated with a scoff, before placing his hands on your waist and picking you up, spinning you around. “I love it! I could kiss you!”
He freezes when he realizes what he said and places you down. “I mean I’d like too, I uh- can I- can you- can we-?”
You cut him off with a kiss on the cheek and smile. “We may.” You say before he wraps his arms around you again and pressed his lips against yours, you wrapping your arms around his neck.
-no you don’t marry Alhaitham you prob will like in the next few years
-I’m too fuckinf lazy to write the second movie
-anyways hope you guys liked this!!! Next post idk who I’ll have but I did plan on having Kaeya and Ayato so
-but yeah you all live happily ever after!
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