joannapetitioner · 25 days
What do you do when people accuse you of being “dark”?
The world around us is full of awful stuff.
We need to be talking to each other all the time.
We need to be growing our connections with each other.
How are we supposed to do that if we’re not allowed to talk about everything?
Maybe people accuse you of being dark because they’re scared of their own shadows.
We need to acknowledge the dark parts of our lives so that we can recognize the Light.
You are Brave when you face the darkness out loud.
Music credits:
GotMoBluez 120 Am.wav by BaDoink -- https://freesound.org/s/575020/ -- License: Creative Commons 0
Video credits:
Debendra Das:  https://www.pexels.com/@debphotography/  - https://www.instagram.com/_debs_photography/  - _debs_photography  -  https://www.facebook.com/capturedbydebendra
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joannapetitioner · 10 days
the word itself—
has come to mean different things to different people,
as many words do.
It doesn't just mean always being stiff and composed.
It means a belief in oneself,
that one is worthy of the best.
Dignity means that what I have to say is important,
and I will say it when it's important for me to say it.
Dignity really means that I deserve the best treatment I can receive.
And that I have the responsibility to give the best treatment I can to other people.
― Maya Angelou, Handle with Care: A Conversation with Maya Angelou
Music credits:
progression1 custom durations by wkalmar -- https://freesound.org/s/733646/ -- License: Attribution NonCommercial 4.0
Video credits:
Alexarian Chavan  -  https://www.pexels.com/@alexarian/  -  @ alexarian369  - 
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joannapetitioner · 14 days
What are actual controversial things?
It should not be controversial for us to be able to talk out loud –
about the full range of everything that happens around us –
about all the things that impact our daily lives.
Enough with the hatemongering –
Enough with throwing labels around to shut any person down.
Let's have Meaningful Exchanges with each other –
even around topics that may make us feel uncomfortable –
so that we all become better equipped to fully confront the #WholeTruth –
about where we are each living and –
what it means for all of us to be alive together in our Shared World.
Asking questions to seek Understanding is part of being a Loving Being in this world.
May we all meet each other with Mutual Dignity all the time.
#WeNeedEachOther.  #BeClearAboutThat.
Music credits:
Arabesques by Vrymaa -- https://freesound.org/s/732051/ -- License: Creative Commons 0
Video credits:
Pavel Danilyuk  -  https://www.pexels.com/@pavel-danilyuk/  -  @rocketmann_team  - https://www.instagram.com/rocketmann_team/
Rahul Chaturvedi  -  https://www.pexels.com/@rahul-chaturvedi-1951720/
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joannapetitioner · 19 days
It's time for #AllOfUs to realize the #WholeTruth.
Enormous amounts of our money gets funneled into warmongering (#FeedUsAtHomeFirst), courts/policing/jailing (#EndMassCriminalization), and so-called “education” and “training.” 
Do we all think that they’re so stupid and innocently unknowing that they don't have any clue what they're doing?
Are we that naive and stupid?
They know what they’re doing.
This is how it works and has always worked.
It's a giant sausage factory moneymaking machine.
The problem is that it's unsustainable and
a giant economic sinkhole and
more and more white people with some level of economic comfort are being sucked in and
also being stripped of their resources to feed the beastly machine and
so they're running out of literal "human resources."
That is the #RootCause.
That is the real actual problem and
we need to stop with all these little distracting messages that just serve to keep us stuck in the mass delusion around it all.
Bell Sound and Harmonica Music credits:
Ping.wav by MATRIXXX_ -- https://freesound.org/s/444918/ -- License: Creative Commons 0
Amazing grace on harmonica by JD_Brick_Productions -- https://freesound.org/s/570796/ -- License: Creative Commons 0
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joannapetitioner · 1 month
There is no “why” for dragons sitting on hoarded piles of rubies. 
They just are.  They’re dragons. 
They own the caves they sit in.  They have all the rubies. 
They stole those rubies from us. 
Now, they’re sitting on piles of them as they hoard them away from the rest of us. 
So what do we do? 
We do what we can. 
We shine the light into those caves.  We say, I see you.  You’re a dragon. 
You stole those rubies. 
It’s wrong of you to sit on those hoarded piles. 
We demand that you give us back our rubies.
Music credits:
240224_2639_FR_Chinese_dragon_dance_short by kevp888 -- https://freesound.org/s/725086/ -- License: Attribution 4.0
Video credits:
Stock footage provided by Freepik, downloaded from www.videvo.net. 
Stock video from www.vidsplay.com.
Anna Nekrashevich from:  https://www.pexels.com/@anna-nekrashevich/
https://www.annpoan.com/ - @ann.poan - https://www.instagram.com/ann.poan/
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joannapetitioner · 1 month
Are we all just monsters?
Maybe— what we really are is just wild things roaming.
What if there are so many real monsters that we can’t always clearly see them?
What if it’s because they wear our clothes that they rip from our bodies?
It’s okay to see the monsters for what they are.
Monsters can acknowledge the wounds they inflict.
Wild things can also heal however they like.
It’s okay to keep licking your wounds out in the wild as you keep roaming.
It’s okay to walk around emotionally unclothed.
Vulnerability defies monsters.
Music credits:
Dreamy Tenor Uke by jmmada -- https://freesound.org/s/727411/ -- License: Attribution NonCommercial 4.0
Video credits:
Tom Fisk from:  https://www.pexels.com/@tomfisk/
Lachlan Ross from:  https://www.pexels.com/@lachlan-ross/
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joannapetitioner · 1 month
And then—  there’s the concept of “a free, fair, and unbiased” judiciary. 
That’s what they toss around like solid gold confetti all the time
as if it just rains down upon us all in a celebratory fashion. 
There are some actual attorneys out there who do bravely confront the “elephant in the room” out loud;
about how increasing masses of us have our lives wrecked by judges who nowhere near live up to this hypnotizing ideal. 
It’s actually all arbitrary too. 
People get all excited about certain actual “legal principles” when they learn that they exist. 
“Judicial bias” is one of those. 
It’s also one of the biggest mindf**ks there is in the American legal system. 
Of course, judges are biased. 
Every single human being alive is biased. 
We’d like to say that they don’t know what they’re saying or doing sometimes. 
But, they do. 
Music credits:
Kevin Luce / kevp888 - VOC_230610-2267_FR_MarchingBand.wav by kevp888 -- https://freesound.org/s/690695/ -- License: Attribution 4.0
Video credits:
Anna Nekrashevich from:  https://www.pexels.com/@anna-nekrashevich/
https://www.annpoan.com/ - @ ann.poan - https://www.instagram.com/ann.poan/
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joannapetitioner · 2 months
They keep us terrorized by using negative space. 
We need to take up the full force of our Positive Space. 
We need to be framing things about how we deserve to Live. 
We need to step outside functioning constantly in the mode of pain avoidance. 
That’s where the ostrich comes in. 
The ostrich is not sticking her head under the sand to avoid.
The ostrich is defending and protecting.
The ostrich is aware. 
The ostrich builds a nest where her eggs - her offspring - her babies are protected underneath the sand.
Then she puts her own head down there to keep her babies comforted and protected.
While at the same time, the ostrich is able to remain aware of everything that’s going on around her.
Be Aware like an Ostrich. 
Music credits:
The calm theme by BloodPixelHero –  https://freesound.org/s/518917/
-- License: Attribution 4.0
Video credits:
Magda Ehlers – from: https://www.pexels.com/@magda-ehlers-pexels/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdUKSVdrwwJRssD2LRVYQtQ https://www.instagram.com/magda_ehlers_photography/
Roman Odintsov - from:  https://www.pexels.com/@roman-odintsov/ https://www.instagram.com/romaodintsow/ - https://www.facebook.com/rodintsow/
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joannapetitioner · 2 months
If you were going into war with only the things you have tattooed on your body—
would you survive?
I only have scars tattooed on my body.
They stick with me Faithfully.
They've Evolved from bleeding injuries.
They Bravely face it all with me on the frontlines of my Life.
Music is "Keychains" Sample by wave_former -- https://freesound.org/s/725436/
Video credits:
Amar Preciado
@amarpreciado https://www.tiktok.com/@amarpreciado
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joannapetitioner · 2 months
What are some safeguards to be sure you can retire with ease as a single woman?
Overhaul the global economic system entirely.
Make it a crime to be a wealth hoarder.
Excise dominator culture.
End the fetishizing of violence from our Shared Existence.
Bring People in from the streets.
That's the answer.
It's simple like that.
Music is “Cinematic Violin Uplifting Music” by Luis Humanoide.  https://www.youtube.com/c/LuisHumanoide  https://open.spotify.com/artist/5a62vInNhpp2DYAbvzytdF
Video credits:  
Ian Panelo - from:  https://www.pexels.com/@ian-panelo/
Roman Odintsov - from:  https://www.pexels.com/@roman-odintsov/
https://www.instagram.com/romaodintsow/ - https://www.facebook.com/rodintsow/
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joannapetitioner · 4 months
Being “triggered” is not the same as being “offended.”  
You choose what you are offended by and that is your responsibility.  
Real triggers live in your body and they are not your responsibility.
They are a result of trauma that is inflicted on us directly or indirectly by someone else or by an experience.
What is our responsibility is getting to know ourselves and healing and better understanding and equipping ourselves for when our triggers happen.
Because triggers happen.
We do not create nor activate real triggers independently.
Most important though— is forgiving your own self for having normal natural reactions to triggering experiences.
Music is “Door To Unreality” by @audiocoffeemusic1 - https://www.tiktok.com/@audiocoffeemusic1 / (https://www.audiocoffee.net/)
Video credits:
alexey_valeev  - https://www.instagram.com/alexey_valeev/ - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuewAN3qV_6m7kJJtYNceRA
DPMediaGroup  - https://www.dpmediagroup.com/  - https://www.youtube.com/user/dpmediagroup
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