#believe in miracles
ranjith11 · 6 months
MY GOD ALWAYS MAKES A NEW WAY | Inspirational and Motivational Videos | graceful growth motivation
In this captivating video, we delve deep into the extraordinary journey of MY GOD ALWAYS MAKES A NEW WAY. Discover the ultimate transformation and the power behind it. Prepare to be amazed by the incredible stories and secrets unveiled in this must-watch presentation.
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weirdcrazy · 7 months
A journey of Self Discovery
In the hustle and bustle of life, it's easy to lose sight of who we truly are. We often find ourselves entangled in the expectations and opinions of others, forgetting our own dreams and desires. But it's time to pause, reflect, and embark on a journey of self-discovery, because, in the end, the most important validation comes from within.
Choosing Your Own Path
Life is a journey, and it's ours to navigate. We must take the reins and steer in the direction that resonates with our hearts. It's crucial to ask ourselves: What do we truly want, deep down inside? The answer to this question should guide our decisions.
Breaking Free from the Cycle
The cycle of seeking validation from others is a never-ending one. First, it's our parents with their high hopes, then our spouse, and even our children. But amidst all these expectations, what about our own dreams and expectations for ourselves? We must carve out our path and prioritize our aspirations.
Believe in Miracles
Life can be full of surprises and unexpected twists. Believing in the possibility of miracles can provide us with the optimism and resilience we need to face challenges head-on. But remember, honesty with oneself is key. Avoid self-deception, for it can hinder your personal growth.
Fill Yourself with Knowledge
Knowledge is a powerful tool for self-discovery. Take the time to learn and grow. It's not just about physical strength or material wealth; a strong mind is equally important. Dedicate yourself to continuous learning and self-improvement.
Facing Your Dark Moments
Sometimes, we all have moments we're not proud of. These moments might haunt us, causing embarrassment and shame. However, facing these darker aspects of ourselves is essential for growth. Confronting our mistakes and overcoming them is where true strength lies.
Breaking Free from Societal Norms
Society often imposes norms and expectations upon us, urging us to conform. But we are not puppets; we are human beings with unique dreams and aspirations. It's time to break free from societal constraints and live life on our terms. This doesn't mean indulging in harmful behaviors but rather aligning our choices with our authentic selves.
Life is too short to live it solely for the approval of others. It's time to embark on a journey of self-discovery, prioritizing our dreams and aspirations. Remember, change is a part of life, and it starts with embracing our true selves. Let's be the architects of our destinies, charting a course that truly makes us happy.
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harmonyhealinghub · 7 months
The Paradox of Faith: Embracing the Unseen
Shaina Tranquilino
September 20, 2023
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Faith has been a constant source of inspiration, comfort, and strength for people across cultures and throughout history. It is an intangible force that often defies logic, rooted in the belief that there is something beyond what our physical senses can perceive. In Hebrews 11:1, we find a profound definition of faith: "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." This verse encapsulates the paradoxical nature of faith - it requires confidence despite uncertainty and assurance despite invisibility. So, let us explore this concept further and delve into how faith can shape our lives.
Believing in the Unseen:
The notion of embracing something unseen might seem counterintuitive to some. Our modern society places great emphasis on tangible evidence and empirical data to validate beliefs. However, faith challenges us to look beyond what meets the eye and trust in something greater than ourselves.
Faith allows us to envision possibilities before they materialize. It encourages us to hold onto hope even when circumstances may appear bleak. Just as a seed buried beneath the soil holds within it the potential for growth and blossoming into a magnificent plant, faith enables us to nurture dreams, aspirations, and goals until they come to fruition.
Finding Strength in Uncertainty:
Life is riddled with uncertainties; we face countless situations where outcomes are unpredictable or beyond our control. During these moments, faith becomes an anchor that steadies our hearts amidst turbulence. It grants us confidence when everything around us suggests doubt or despair.
In times of adversity or personal struggle, faith provides solace by assuring us that there is a purpose behind every challenge we encounter. By recognizing that life's difficulties serve as opportunities for growth, learning, and resilience-building, faith enables us to navigate through storms with unwavering determination.
The Journey Toward Spiritual Growth:
Faith is not a stagnant state of mind; rather, it is an ever-evolving journey toward spiritual growth. It involves cultivating trust in the unseen and nurturing a relationship with something greater than ourselves.
Through faith, we are encouraged to seek answers beyond what our limited understanding can grasp. This pursuit often leads us to explore philosophical questions about the meaning of life, the existence of a divine being, or our place in the universe. While these queries may remain unanswered, faith provides us with the assurance that there is wisdom in embracing uncertainty and finding peace within the search itself.
In a world driven by skepticism and empirical evidence, faith stands as a powerful force that fuels our dreams, strengthens our resolve during challenging times, and guides us on our journey towards self-discovery. Hebrews 11:1 beautifully encapsulates this concept - faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.
By embracing the paradoxical nature of faith, we open ourselves up to infinite possibilities and find solace in knowing that there is purpose even in the midst of uncertainty. So let us hold onto faith as we navigate through life's trials and tribulations, for it has the potential to transform our perspective and grant us profound inner strength.
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subcoolture · 2 years
I do believe in God. I believe in Magic. How could I not believe in Magic when we are made of it? And therefore, I believe in miracles. Life wouldn’t make sense without it. Just look within and I can assure you you will find meaning and all the answers.
—   Léia Katràud
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poetictouch · 1 year
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Believe in miracles and cures and healing wells.
~ Seamus Heaney
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angelbubble · 2 months
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Little Jason tries really-really-really hard to not disappoint Bruce, but he doesn't know that Bruce standards after Dick look like:
Nor chewing on the plaster (please)
Don't bark on stray dogs (if possible)
Don't set the mansion on fire (optional)
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k3llyyyyyy · 1 year
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True Crime is out. Daily Ghost Stories are in.
It's a new year.
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happytakes · 1 year
2022.12.27 | This holiday season, it is time to let go and release the things that don't align with your energy anymore, including relationships and ties that don't serve your their purpose or those that only cause you stress and anxiety.
Everything is energy, so whatever you let go is not lost. By releasing these energies, you allow the Universe to transmute them into something better that could be of better use to someone else somewhere. It also opens up more space for you to receive more of what is good for you.
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brushstrokes-art · 1 year
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au where pit’s a trans girl who hasn’t figured it out yet and then the mirror of truth speedruns dp’s transition. and nothing else changes.
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goldengenprint · 1 year
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Reminders: believe in the impossible. You can have anything/ everything you want.
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cockworkangels · 6 months
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happy brother i have no idea what that means monday
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yes i have personal & intimate reasons for my own (lack of) religious/supernatural beliefs, but it's not dishonest to admit: i am also an atheist bc at no point in my life have i, after completing a slightly unpleasant task, been witness to an angel/imp/sprite/devil/entity-of-any-kind manifesting in all their glory to offer me a pat on the head and a little plastic baggy of crackers (by way of encouragement/reward).
call me childish but in my heart of hearts i cannot truly participate in a belief system that tolerates such negligence
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whaliiwatching · 2 months
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gay people judging you
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mutiny-huyutiny · 4 months
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clarakovsky brootp save me
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violetdisasterzone · 7 months
this was posted on svsss japan's official twt account this morning in celebration of Shen Qingqiu's birthday
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