#but like. if I press post and the connection is slow there is a 80% chance of the post disappearing and never being seen again
loredwy · 1 year
"Tumblr, dont delete my posts if my connection is slow" challenge
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dimalink · 1 year
Undercover Break – in case of videogame release
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This day has come! A glorious day! Day of game release! I am very happy about to release my game! This is a very big event for me. In main, game was planned as retro game, like I B M PC MS DOS, or MSX2+, something like this. But for modern systems. Game is about patrol policeman. In a genre of racing with shooting. It is my such a theme.
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Of course, I am, being enthusiast and a dreamer, already have a big plan in my mind about lots of continues for this game. But I will not say about the things that are only in letters. Just try to tell that there are ideas about to continue. About the idea that it is interesting for me to continue this game. I had even idea to connect with some USA musician from 80s.
And it can be a game like this also, one day. It was ideas about to add in game 2d part with shooting, like action games. Policeman walks with sidescroll view and shoot enemies. It was ideas to continue this title. It is about to make better some points. For example, to change algorithm of road. And in my code all events are connected with the road logic.
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So, this will affect most hard logics and a lot of them. But this will require a better skill. Because, of there are some difficulties with programming. And it is all goes slow, sometimes. And also, because of hard points also, I can make a pause in development. So, that’s why, some powerful ideas I let to the future.
I will tell in a short about release title. It is a retro racing with shooting. It is made with interest towards 80s, vhs. You are a patrol policeman. You are riding like a racing game from point A to point B. And you patrol the road. You need to destroy bandits and chase street racers. You need to shoot enemies and to avoid city traffic.
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You also have a turbine for speed up. Count that you are go in a patrol by the road. You have 13 missions. So, I already have written about a game itself in another articles. And, also, you can find lots of text about a game, at my website, about what it is and how to play it.
So, game is dedicated to action movies about policeman. Movies from 80s. Retro computers like Zx Spectrum. And 80s itself.
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And at last, because of it is a release post. I can tell a littler about development process. Development was measured. It was some pause. In result, about a year of development. So, at first vision game planned to be simpler, than it become in result. So, during development it was added some cool features. Just like turbine and speed up.
Indicator of nearest streetracer. Also, a graphics was updated with ideas to make it better. It was added more details. So, at first, time I give some time for a thing called game play. So how it is playing. I test a game by myself. And, I setup different things. In a way to let it be more interesting to play. So, during development looks like I make a better some components of the game, according to initial plan.
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So, how to describe game development process in a short way? I draw a lot, compose a music, think about gameplay, test gameplay, and 90 percent – all powers go to programming. So main deal is a programming.
So, yes, I can to draw a better graphics, to add more graphics. Or to put some time into a gameplay setting. But I decide no to do these. So, I have at the very first time some level of game. And I get this level in result. So, main problems were in programming.
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So, for example, I have idea of some base part of the game in programming code. But at the end, I get the idea that it needs to be fully re written. So, development – it is mainly about programming. 9 out 10 – it is about programming.
So, a special theme, not only a retro. It is about vhs records. I have several vhs records. At the point of interest. So, theme of Vhs also existed in this game.
Videogame a little made like Taito Chase HQ. In a vision, that you have some car that you need to chase and destroy. And here you have indicator of nearest streetracer. So, press Z to see it.
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Game interface a little looks like Highway Star. But here we have some another indication. There are typical for every racing game, like score and speed. First level in game - it is night city. So, I remember that in Highway Star I like a lot second level. But it is another kind of city. And there is more deep night.
By pressing ESC you get the pause. And not a simple pause, but with game statistics. With information about what you need to do to complete a level. So, here, there is amount of destroyed bandits and streetracers. Amount of check points. How many of checkpoints you need to pass. So, during the gameplay, you can easy to do a pause. Take some time. And check about track information.
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By the way, game is made in a retro style. Just like Nes, for example. So, there is no saves here. But there is a pause. So, you can complete a level. And made a pause. After this – go next, and so on.
Title screen looks a little funny. It is made based on Duke Nukem 1,2. It is a cool funny game, by the way. Two first Dukes. It is 2d.
Music in game is made with synthesizers. It is electronic. In style of 80s. Rhythm tracks. If you have tired from music, then music and sound you can make lower, or turn off. It is a cycled rhythm tracks.
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Only one moment, that I don’t complete. I planned this game for GameJolt and Itchio. And it is made in a best way. And I planned to set a game with a small price. 1 dollar. So, give me 1 dollar, dude. But, sorry, that at the game release, system PayPal for me don’t work. I wait a while. And make a decision to make a game free. It is not a big deal. So, if PayPal will available after some time, then I go back to idea to set 1 dollar price for this videogame.
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And, in everything else, that was planned, everything is done. 100 precents. And there is thing for upgrade. One moment, about programming part. So, I will need to start a programming from zero again next time. Because, I get the ideas that some things need to be done another way.
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But it is a normal thing. And so, in result, I can recommend this title for everyone who is a fan of 80s, who have nostalgia about that time, about computers of 80s like Spectrum, MS DOS, MSX, Vhs cassettes! I am a fan of NES game system for myself. So, I can recommend d this game also for fans of 8 bit game. You can play it!
 Undercover Break - retro arcade racing game with shooting. Game page - http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/games/undercoverbreak/index_eng.html
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bakatenshii · 3 years
my baby.. your tags... on the genshin tag post asfkjasfjkaskj
first off: my fat fingers cannot handle mobile games and ive always loved using controllers, i dont actually use keyboard and mouse a lot when i play pc games LOL im sure if i felt bougie enough i would buy those add-on controllers for your phone to make it like a switch LMAO but i also hate feeling my phone heat up so much playing genshin faskjfakj
secondly: yes please put your dps characters above 60 HAHAHA i mean if you have the resources!! supports you can def keep lower, enough that youve unlocked the talents that might be useful?!!
finally: yes build ningguang!!! i used to think she was so slow but i have her at c6 (by accident) with decent enough artifacts and a 5star weapon, thats why i started using her so much ;w; and her with zhongli and their geo resonance.. chefs kiss
anny I akajaoajaokaoam ok first, I feel that. I can’t actually see half my screen when I play but I feel like I’ve got it ~memorized~ ya know HAHA BUT ALSO I JUST THINK MY BRAINS TOO DUMB TO PROCESS LIKE, pressing keys in accordance to actions on screen rather than just smushing my finger into it tho (but i know my best friend connected her ps4 controller to her ipad and does it like that)
I am a resource hoarder before I’m a women omdaojao razor is 80/90!! and most od my main team are 70/80 like zhongli, qiqi, yanfei n kaeya, but besides them, everyone else for abyss is like.. 40-60 HAHAJAJAKAJQO just because Im so stingy with resources and I dont like my XP books to fall under 250 (;ꏿ︿ꏿ)
&& i will be sliding in ur dms to ask for ur ningguang build I want my queen to get the treatment she deserves <3
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itsmaddienotmaddy · 4 years
Alright. US v. Haiti for Olympic Qualifying. I’m adding my two cents to this mess.
Naeher, Sauerbrunn, Dahlkemper. They didn’t have to do much, which was to be expected. Still solid though!! Alyssa did look HELLA confused on the called back corner goal because, UM, WHOMST WAS COVERING FAR POST?? 
Miss Kelley, being smiley and starting was huge. I’m rooting for those dumb ole ankles of hers. Her first touch was off, but with the field conditions and the fact that this is her first game back since August, NOT BAD. The chemistry between her and Williams was super off, their timing and anticipation of where the other would go, etc. That will come with time. But she made some bomb ass crosses and was killing winning headers in the back. AND she made it 80 minutes. Which obviously, she has the stamina for it, but it was a risky move!
Crystal freaking Dunn. Love her so. Her passes were off, like a lot of the team. But her work rate is so insane. If she lost it, she was getting it back. She had some really good crosses too.
Sonnett got to come in too, which, YAY. Slide tackle was, meh, but I TOO got called for a slide this week soooo.. I’m not out here judging that. She did well for limited time in the waning minutes.
Midfield? Never heard of her. 
Jokes aside, everyone was off, but midfield in the first half was practically nonexistent.  I don’t know if Haiti was just covering well or Julie, Sam, and Rose weren’t getting in position to receive. Whatever it was, balls not working through midfield was the biggest problem.  Not used to seeing that. (I did enjoy seeing those three get SPICY though. Sam Mewis future in wrestling??) I would have liked to see Lindsey come in earlier since it was such a hot mess. Glad she came in regardless, AND DID SO WELL AND SCORED WITH HER BIG HEAD. To quote a gushing Sonnett, “Lindsey Horan is so good.” I’m assuming Andi will get minutes next game too, excited to see what she does!
Carli... scored... eventually. Lol, I’m not going to pretend like she’s my favorite player ever, but I can respect that she is really fucking good. Tonight, her shots were off. I know it. Yall know it. Carli ALSO KNOWS IT. She stuck with it and ended up getting a goal anyway. She’s tenacious and I’LL TAKE IT.
Lynn Williams losing a shoe and assisting a goal is so chaotic. GOOD FOR HER. She did pretty well despite having trouble connecting. It’s too evident that she hasn’t played with the group enough. I also think she has a hard time slowing herself down sometimes and relies on her speed more than anything else. I want to see her slow it tf down for a second and get technical. 
Pinoe. changed. the. game. The vibe changed when she got in and she made shit happen. Her services were *chefs kiss* and unrelated to soccer, SHE LOOKED REALLY PRETTY Sorry not sorry
And I saved Christen for last because... PLAYER OF THE MATCH, NUMBER ONE GOAL SCORER, ACTUAL ANGEL Pressy. She was the ONLY one in the first half who had all her shit together. She put passes at feet. She had her head up, she looked to switch the field, she went back on defense, she held the ball and drove forward when necessary, she took SHOTS. The reason she was subbed first was because she likely tweaked her ankle. We don’t deserve Christen Press but I am fucking stoked we have her anyways. 
Also. I miss Tobin. 
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terramythos · 3 years
TerraMythos 2021 Reading Challenge - Book 3 of 26
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Title: Acceptance (The Southern Reach #3) (2014) - REREAD
Author: Jeff VanderMeer
Genre/Tags: Horror, Science Fiction, Ecological Horror, Cosmic Horror, Weird, First-Person, Second-Person, Third-Person, Unreliable Narrator, Female Protagonists, LGBT Protagonist
Rating: 10/10
Date Began: 1/11/2021
Date Finished: 1/20/2021
Area X, a self-aware wilderness along the coast, has existed for decades behind a mysterious border. The landscape itself annihilates humans and repurposes them for its own ends. Hundreds of people have died attempting to uncover its secrets. But no one has yet discovered its origins or true purpose.
Now, Area X has spread past its former borders, perhaps to the entire world. Acceptance follows several key figures through the history of Area X, and their attempts to fight against an impossible threat.  
You feel numb and you feel broken, but there’s a strange relief mixed in with the regret: to come such a long way, to come to a halt here, without knowing how it will turn out, and yet... to rest. To come to rest. Finally. All your plans back at the Southern Reach, the agonizing and constant fear of failure or worse, the price of that... all of it leaking out into the sand beside you in gritty red pearls. 
Full review, major spoilers, and content warning(s) under the cut.
Content warnings for the book: Extreme body horror, altered states of mind, and psychological manipulation, including hypnosis. Several characters lose their sanity, and you see it happen in real time from their perspective. Intentional self-harm/mutilation as a plot point. Some violence and gore. There are brief references to animal abuse and terminal cancer. Not many happy endings in this one.  
This review contains major series spoilers. It’s also super long, as the book covers a lot of material. 
Acceptance is the most narratively ambitious book in the Southern Reach trilogy. While Annihilation and Authority feature a single protagonist/perspective, this one has four rotating POVs and one guest narrator partway through the book. It also covers a broader timeline than previous entries, from the origins of Area X 30-ish years ago to the ongoing present-day apocalypse. Acceptance is one of the few books I've read that utilizes first-, second-, AND third-person narration in a single volume, adopting whichever one makes the most sense for the character and their situation
While this sounds complicated, it's basically just a way to tell four different stories at the same time. VanderMeer also uses each storyline to address the major questions of the series. How did Area X come to be? What happened to the biologist? What was the former director of the Southern Reach trying to accomplish? And perhaps most pressing-- what is the fate of the world now that Area X has spread? Not everything is resolved, but it's definitely a conclusion.
The stories have some unifying connections, containing similar themes and callbacks/references to each other. However, for the purposes of this review I will be looking at each story and protagonist individually.
First up is Saul Evans the lighthouse keeper. He's been mentioned before, but never in much detail. Going in, we know a few things-- (1) he knew the director/Cynthia when she was a child and (2) something happened to him that turned him into the Crawler, the eldritch creature which writes the sermon on the walls of the tower in Area X. In Acceptance, we learn he's a former preacher who had a crisis of faith and left his old life, taking up the role of lighthouse keeper on the forgotten coast. It's implied this is partially due to him realizing he's gay and fleeing the resulting homophobic fallout. His past vocation explains the elevated, sermonic language of the words in the tower.
From the onset Saul is an intensely likeable character. He's trying to build a happier and more genuine life for himself. This part probably takes place during the 70s or 80s, but he's cautiously optimistic about his new life with a local fisherman named Charlie. He also forms an unlikely friendship with Gloria (aka Cynthia), a local kid who loves exploring the coast. However, he is tormented by the "Séance and Science Brigade", a shady organization that investigates/worships(?) paranormal phenomena. They sabotage the lighthouse beacon, which we learned in Authority is a marvelous piece of technology with a mysterious history. Shortly after, Saul accidentally absorbs a fragment of the beacon into himself, and shit goes downhill real fast.
While the catalyst of Area X may seem a little weird, the reader can piece together that part of the beacon has extraterrestrial origins, and Saul unintentionally activates part of it. The gradual shift from a normal life to something deeply unsettling has its appeal. I especially like seeing his logs/journal entries and how they devolve as proto-Area X overtakes his mind. The disturbing bar scene near the end is great as well. We know going in that this story has a bad ending (from a human perspective), but learning specifics about Saul as a person gives this more impact. Saul's is a sad tale of a man who wants to make a better life for himself and gets screwed over by bad luck.
Cynthia/Gloria/the former director is the next perspective character. In Annihilation she serves as the antagonist, but in Authority we learn it isn't that simple. She had ulterior motives, handpicking the biologist for the expedition in order to use her as a weapon against Area X. And, of course, we learn she was the little girl in that old picture of Saul, which means she probably grew up there before the border came down. 
This part opens with Cynthia/Gloria's death as "the psychologist" in Annihilation, but told from her perspective. From there, the pacing is a little slow, in similar style to Authority. We learn how Cynthia lived her daily life, how she infiltrated the Southern Reach, and her interpersonal relationships with Grace, Whitby, and Lowry. However, her storyline ramps up when detailing Area X and the lead up to twelfth expedition. Lots of old scenes/dynamics from Annihilation hit different with the new context. Especially interesting is the interview between Cynthia and the biologist; turns out there was a lot more context that the biologist obscured in her story. On some level we already knew she was an unreliable narrator, but it's fun to have it pop up again in a different book entirely.
I admire how VanderMeer makes someone who comes off as a throwaway villain into the one of the most complex, important characters in the series. This part is also really cool as it's written in second-person perspective, and the story justification for this (Area X examining her memories) is neat. While I like Cynthia's characterization in this part, the additional bits in Saul's story and his interactions with Gloria add helpful context and emotional impact. The end of the book being her letter to Saul is so damn sad.
The third main storyline follows Control and Ghost Bird in the "current" timeline-- exploring Area X in the immediate fallout of Authority. I love this part for several reasons. The contrast between the two leads and how they perceive themselves, Area X, and the current situation is great. Control is very much losing control, feeling "the brightness" taking over (a callback to Annihilation). Meanwhile, Ghost Bird is in her element, seeing and experiencing things the regular human characters do not. There's the sense that she's truly something "new" in terms of both humanity and Area X.
We also learn a ton of stuff about Area X that is hinted in earlier volumes but confirmed in Acceptance. (MAJOR SPOILERS) The first is that Area X isn't on Earth at all; something briefly hinted at in Annihilation, when the biologist doesn't recognize the stars in the sky.  Instead it mimics Earth, or something representative of it. The second big thing is that time works differently here. The uncanny state of decay noted in earlier books isn't actually a direct result of Area X. It's just the passage of time, because way more time passes in Area X compared to the "real" world.
The guest narrator/story is told within the Control/Ghost Bird storyline. The two meet up with Grace, who has managed to survive the Area X attack on the Southern Reach. She took shelter on the mysterious northern island and discovered an old journal written by... the biologist from Annihilation, which details what happened to her over the last THIRTY YEARS (yeah, the time thing) until she finally decided to give into Area X.
This section is sobering and sad; basically a glimpse at how the biologist's isolation slowly made her go mad. She finds an owl (hello cover) that she believes is her husband post Area X conversion and the two live together for decades. When it dies, the biologist loses the will to keep fighting Area X. It's ambiguous if the owl really is her husband, or if she's just projecting, but her heartbreak at the end is probably the strongest emotion she shows in the series. But what is interesting about this part is it confirms a cool detail. Injury and pain can halt the progression of "the brightness" within someone. Which is how the biologist managed to survive 30 years, how Grace survived what turns out to be 3 years, and so on. Even more interesting, when someone DOES finally succumb after warding off the brightness this way, they turn into something more strange and alien. Hence the moaning creature, and Saul/the Crawler. It's also probably why some creatures have incongruencies, like the dolphins with human eyes.
The biologist? She transformed into a giant, oceanic eldritch abomination COVERED in eyes. Just primo aesthetic. We get to see her from both Ghost Bird and Control's perspectives. Ghost Bird feels solidarity and a sort of euphoria meeting her alternate self. Control... basically breaks in the face of something like that, full cosmic horror style. Again, the contrast here is really appealing to me.
Both of their story arcs end in a way that is narratively satisfying, though the ending is open. The future seems hopeful in a bittersweet way, but presumably Area X has destroyed humanity as we know it. Whether that's a good or bad thing depends on your perspective and is a central thesis of the series.
So, I said I'd discuss how this series approaches aliens. While there's an appeal to anthropomorphic alien species one can talk to and communicate with, I think an "unknowable" perspective is more realistic. After all, who's to say alien life formed under similar conditions or has any resemblance to our own? The extraterrestrial element in The Southern Reach is very much this type. But it's a fine line to walk in fiction, because handwaving the weird alien stuff as impossible to comprehend (and thus conveniently ducking any responsibility for explaining it) is lazy writing when done wrong.
The thing I find interesting about this series is the human characters understand lots of the what of the alien elements, but not the why. For example, Area X transforms humans into various plants and animals. We know it instills a sense of "brightness" in humans exposed for too long, which encourages assimilation into itself. Humans infected in this way, even if horrified or resistant, have thoughts of this being inevitable, even a good thing. The biologist takes samples in Annihilation and finds several plants and animals have human cells. Control logically knows what Area X does to people, but he is ultimately helpless to resist the process when he experiences it firsthand.
As for the why of it all... we don't really know! There's multiple ideas presented throughout the story. Ghost Bird probably gets closest to the "truth"; that Area X is part of a machine organism from a dead alien civilization, and that it has a bizarre effect on Earth's biology based on its now defunct programming. Other worlds would have their own Area Xes based on this idea, as it's implied the Earth version is just one piece of many. But it's worth noting that Ghost Bird is a creation of Area X and sees things differently than the other characters. Unreliable narration is ironically consistent through the series. So it's hard to say if this is true or not; perhaps it's silly to think any explanation would be understandable to a human mind. Obsession with finding the answer is a recurring theme that drives characters insane. I think this is an interesting compromise when discussing the unknowable; to have some facts and theories but not necessarily a concrete answer. 
If I have a criticism for this book, it's the role of the "Séance and Science Brigade", especially in Saul's storyline. While they're set up earlier in the series, we only really see them in this book. Our limited perspective via Saul leaves a lot of ambiguity as to their purpose, function, and goals. There's an implication that Control's family influenced the organization's decision to sabotage the beacon and create Area X. But I consider the subplot with Control's mom/grandfather to be one of the weaker ones in the series, and this book didn't help. The S&SB comes off as campy and ineffectual, which is perhaps intentional? But since they're narratively the fanatics who caused Area X to happen, I really wish they felt more sinister and impactful. There's some attempt to make them scary, but it's not very convincing when compared to Area X. Kind of like a Saturday morning cartoon villain vs the unknowable cosmic horror of the universe. This is a nitpick, though.
While rereading the series, I discovered there's a planned fourth book which may or may not star a minor character from Saul's story. I'm interested to see what else there is to explore about Area X and the Southern Reach. As it stands, I still really like this series. Between the horror and general weirdness, it's not for everyone, but it sure does appeal to me. I think this is one of those series that you'll either adore or hate. Obviously I recommend it.
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korpuskat · 4 years
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Another ask originally for my self-insert blog, but it’s extensive enough it gets a post here as well. (18+ below cut)
❤️ - Kissing Headcanons
Poor baby is so starved for affection, but it will still take him ages for him to be comfortable with kisses anywhere near his face.
Neck and hands are safest, forehead can be iffy depending on how aggressive his skin is being.
Don’t kiss the mask directly if he hasn’t shown you his face.
Seriously, don’t, he’ll cry. Or rather he’ll storm off to the basement and lock the door and you won’t see him for quite a while.
He’ll only let you kiss him through the mask once he’s taken it off around you and he’s sure you won’t be repulsed by him.
Without the mask, he always starts off shy and scared that this time you’ll flinch. When you don’t he can’t keep his mouth off you, he’ll smother you in messy, unpracticed kisses.
🧡 - Affection Headcanons
Looooooves physical touch as a love language (seriously, this boy is so touch-starved, please hold him), but also likes to give gifts when he can find something which really depends on how the family hunting trips have been going.
The ultimate display of affection with you is him taking off his mask. He’s worn masks since he was a child, that trauma is deeply rooted. He doesn’t even take it off at home around his family. If he trusts you enough to take it off– mind you this could take months of cultivating a relationship– he’s just over, either you’re better than anything he could ever dream of, let alone hope for, or you’re just like everyone else.
Talking!! Thomas can talk, it’s just usually unpleasant for him. Thomas’s condition alone gives him a hypernasality to his voice (too much air escapes from his nose), but even moreso, his scars and deterioration can make the actual act of talking uncomfortable. He won’t say much- he wouldn’t be super talkative even without his scars– but seeing how his voice makes your face light up makes him want to do it more.
💛 - Domestic Headcanons
Literally just likes to be around you all the time? If he’s doing his leatherwork, he’d love for you to just sit in the room with him.
He isn’t fond of reading- and with his mottled relationship to school I don’t think he got a lot of time to learn– but he loves for you to read to him. Even if he isn’t entirely following what you’re saying, he’s enthralled by the sound of your voice.
Wants about 80 kids and that’s lowballing it. If you don’t want kids? Good luck.
💚 - Holiday Headcanons
The Hewitts are incredibly poor, but Thomas still loves Christmas. Luda Mae makes cookies and knits what gifts she can, the whole family meets up and spends the day together (which goes about as well as expected).
Again, Thomas loves to give gifts, he’ll be picking through travelers’ belongings all year to save his favorites for Christmas.
They really go all out on the Christmas roast. Tommy’ll be looking for that perfect meat cut for quite a while in advance, even if he has to freeze it.
💙 - AU/Crossover Headcanons
If Thomas didn’t have a skin condition, his personality wouldn’t be all that different. I think he’d still be very withdrawn and quiet due to his unaltered home life (I will stand by my HC that Charlie is an asshole even before becoming Hoyt)
But, that said, I think he might be stable enough and have enough outside positivity in his life to not be compelled to murder. After all, Thomas’s most deep-set trauma is that people judge, fear, and bully him based on his appearance.
(It would not solve the apprehension have about his fucking size or broody personality or mildly violent tendencies)
💜 - NSFW Headcanons (oops this is long)
Actually, Thomas would probably be ready to have sex fairly soon. But bless him, Tommy is kind of a romantic and would rather know you really wanted him and he’d have to work up to taking his mask off first.
He wants you very early into the relationship and if you’re both desperate enough he might allow for grinding before he takes his mask off.
Once he takes the mask off, it’s maximum two days before he wants to go all the way.
Thomas is big. Perhaps only a little above average in length, but deceptively thick, even relative to his size. Even his fingers are thick.
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Thankfully, Thomas is incredibly giving. You’ve made him so incredibly happy and if he can bask in him making you happy, he absolutely fucking will.
Due to the scars and deformities of his face, it takes him a while before he can be both emotionally and physically comfortable going down. But once he is comfortable? Hold on for dear life. You’ll have to fight to get him out from between your thighs
It will take a hot minute for Thomas to realize he won’t break you but if you can convince him to use just a little of that pent-up aggression in the bedroom? oh boy. He loves pinning your wrists and making you feel small under him, but be sure to kiss him lots afterwards so he knows you like it too.
He’s okay with quick and rough or slow and sensual, but either way it’s going to be intimate. Thomas needs that emotional connection, wants to know you’re enjoying being with him.
🖤 - Dark or Angsty Headcanons
It only takes on traveler fighting back. There’s no doctor out in the middle of nowhere, no EMTs to save you.
And Thomas will hold you, press his big hand against your wounds. Though his mask you’ll see his wide, fearful eyes and he knows there’s nothing he can do.
If you reach for his mask he’ll pull it off, frantically shifting between trying to murmur soft, soothing things, kissing your face, and staring, disbelieving into your eyes.
‘Love you.’ He says- his voice is already ruined and strange with his scars and nose, but as his throat tightens it wobbles into truly unintelligible sniffling. ‘Love you, love you, always.’
You kiss him, touch his face- assure him that it’s not his fault.
But when you’re quiet, when you stop leaning into his touch and your eyes go far off and vacant, Thomas Hewitt dies with you.
🤍 - Pure, Fluffy Headcanons
He’s pretty warm, but I think he likes to cuddle with soft things so blanket thief. But if you’re around, you’ll do.
Can, will, and has stolen your stuffed animals so he can hold them
If he wakes up first (which is likely; the Hewitts are a good, industrious family of farmers so they’re likely up before dawn), he’ll spend quite a while just watching you sleep. He’s absolutely fascinated with and humbled by how you can be so relaxed and open with him.
🤎 - Random Headcanons
Luda Mae taught him to sew. He’s skilled enough he could make clothes or toys, but is somewhat embarrassed about being skilled in a feminine hobby-- but he will mend his own clothes, but he prefers his mama do it. Her stitches are still neater than his since he usually works with leather.
Secretly loves radio dramas, but doesn’t care much for trying to commandeer the radio from Hoyt or Luda.
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itsbuckysworld · 4 years
Merry Heist-mas
Secret Agent!AU
in which Bucky’s heist– I mean, intel retrieval mission, is unexpectedly hijacked by the always lovely, never not witty Y/N, his fiercest rival agent.
Agent!bucky x Agent!Fem!reader
3K words
I was literally was laying in bed when the random thought of HEISTmas instead of CHRISTmas crossed my head and i was like ok i have to write something with that title before the year is over so legit this was born because i just had to use that title for something, anything. 
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gifs are not mine.
The satisfying crunch under the weight of Bucky’s tactical boots was like music to his ears. The harsh of the winter was always good for these types of missions. No self-respecting bad guy would have too many a guard outside braving the cold, which meant that Bucky seemed to be the only armored bulky man with a red nose lurking around the stylish building.
Easy, perhaps too easy, but for the moment being Bucky wouldn’t question it. He had spent too many days in the shadows studying just the structure of the building, and if he could avoid having to switchblade his way in, my, would he take that.
Like a choreography he swiftly made his way up the side of the intimidating wall, making it to the modern-looking glass ceiling with a smirk and without a sweat. He shook the snowflakes from his hair and turtleneck, disposing of the scarf. If he had it his way, the room that awaited him would be toasty warm.
A nice pop and the glass window was open, and with a tug he had secured the metal hook around the framing, sliding his body down the rope like any good James Bond would. Movies didn’t get that part too wrong.
Soft feet landed without trouble. The room dark and musky. Moonlight cascaded in, dressing the floors in shapes from the statues littered around the room. Just another museum that hid some bad guy’s lab in its depths and Bucky would unveil its secrets.
He took in the art around him as he ventured further in. A long red curtain framed a huge painting on the wall of some renaissance ball, and some random vase exhibit was decorated with Christmas lights that blinked on and off. There were mistletoes on almost every door.
Bucky searched down the halls, trying to spot any obvious entrances to whatever secret lair was hidden behind the walls of the space. He eventually found it. A large painting of some castle was slightly askew.
He squeezed his way in through the small gap that opened as he moved the painting aside. Funny, they forgot the mistletoe on this little entrance. 
The walls were now covered with some steel plates, bolted shut and secure, surely hiding webs of wiring. This part of the building was suddenly cooler, blue-ish lights illuminated his path, and his silent steps echoed, the clank of cold metal under his heel. 
It took him a second to decipher where the slight beeping was coming from, as he made his way down corridors with his back pressed to the walls. He peeked over each corner, a hand securely resting over the knife that was hidden in a pocket at his hip, next to another pocket that held a taser. Silent but deadly. 
One last turn down a darker hallway and he had reached it, the computer center. He approached it while looking back. With no one behind him, this would be so simple. He kneeled down and opened one of the lower pockets of his pants, retrieving some nifty device Sam had given him prior to the mission. It was a little box with a display of 6 numbers, connected to a bunch of cables with different sized connections. He found the one that seemed to fit the side of the keypad by the door and with a simple click of a button and a turn to the wheel on the side of the box, the display showed four zeros and the door hissed as it slid over allowing Bucky entrance. 
“I’m in” he jokingly muttered under his breath. 
A row of lights and buttons and keyboards sat in the middle of the room, overviewed by an array of monitors that displayed the different areas of the museum. Blind spots, guards on their post – luckily all of them on a different path than the one Bucky used to sneak in and would use to eventually sneak out – and covering every angle of any precious piece. 
He swiftly typed on the keyboard, thanking the heavens Natasha had spent so much time explaining to him how to hack these simple systems. He would have never made it to the level he was at had it not been for her helping him finish his all-around agent training. An agent who can’t hack easily should not be in the field for these types of missions, and that would be a bummer since these are sometimes his favorites.
A click here and a click there, a blue loading bar showing up on the screen, and now all he had to do was wait. 
Bucky’s mind wandered for a brief moment as he spun around once on the chair behind the control station. He thought about what he would have for dinner when he eventually left the place with a USB filled with delicious intel. If he wasn’t too tired, maybe he could make his famous lasagna for him and – he noticed a black blur on one of the monitors.
Eyes squinted, trying to catch a better glimpse of the lump through the greenish hue of the screen. It looked like a body. And he felt the edge of a knife pressed to his temple. Nerve endings all over his body lit up. He’d been caught? But how– Oh... Oh.
Bucky scoffed and chuckled darkly. His tongue found a home in his cheek. 
Much like the silence outside and the lack of guards inside on his way to the secret room, something was amiss, and Bucky had had a long month of non-stop missions, so his tired brain hadn’t made any connections or even worried about piecing things together, but now? Now, as he could actually feel the presence behind him and the cold tip of a knife to his head, it all made perfect sense. 
“Merry Christmas, Barnes” Bucky smirked at the sound of the very familiar voice, and immediately after the confirmation of his suspicions, his body relaxed back into the chair. 
“Nice of you to join me, Sticky” The nickname made him receive a growl in response, just like always, just like old times. 
“You mean nice of you to join me –“ with force, she spun him around, a hand resting on the back of the chair as she leaned in over him, looking at him straight to the eyes, knife now used as a pointer and poked slightly to his chest with every other word – “Where are your manners, Barnes? What would your Ma’ say if she learned you reaped the fruit of my hard labor taking these guys out and didn’t even say thanks” Her tone was mocking, but Bucky had to ask himself when wasn’t it. 
Another chuckle escaped his lips, and Bucky found himself raising his hands in an apologetic sign. His eyes flickered towards the screen. Transfer at 80%
“My bad. Thank you, my dear, where would I be without you?”
She took a step back and pocketed her knife. Bucky took this moment to eye her up and down. She was wearing the leather tactical suit this time around, he always wondered if it was more comfortable than the other two designs he’d seen her wear before – the dark camouflage one with belts over the chest was his favorite. Admitting to this to her had earned him more than a handful of glares and punches to his shoulder in previous occasions – but he wouldn’t complain. After all, it allowed her to take out all the bad guys and clear him plenty of space. She harrumphed with crossed arms.
“You’d be dead, that’s for sure. Which doesn’t sound half bad” Sitting in front of her in that power stance – oof, what a sight. Bucky couldn’t help but smirk. She scoffed and kicked his shin lightly, knowing exactly what he was thinking.
“Aw come on, Stick, you’d miss me, admit it” 90%, just a little longer. Not that holding banter with Y/N was any hard task. 
Bucky and Y/N go way back. She became a field agent around the same time he did, and the agencies that hired them are rivals in almost every sense, making them coincide in more than a hundred missions. 
At first, it was annoying, not only did Bucky had to worry about the bad guys, but he also had to race Y/N for the same objective more often than not. Although he couldn’t lie, the competition was probably the most fun his job offered. It was fun to keep up the action, to have an extra challenge, someone to one-up. And on the off chances when their objectives weren’t the same, it wasn’t hard to team up with her. And they made a very, very good team. 
100%. Her eyes glanced towards the screen in a flash, before they lay upon him again. She smiled at him. Bucky leaned forward, his hands placed calmly over the armrests as he returned her grin. Game on. 
“Well, I assume you’re also here for the intel...”
“It’s a shock you became an agent with such slow deducting skills, Barnes” Y/N rested her body against the console, half sitting up on it while she unsheathed her knife once more and flipped it around in her able fingers. 
“Slow, maybe…” Bucky paused, letting silence and suspense linger.
In a swift motion, he was on his feet, using the force to hop over her body and, anticipating her flip to meet him, he put his hands up, blocking the down slash of her knife and expertly slapping it out of her hand. He reached to the side and yanked the USB out of the console, but before he could turn around and leave, Y/N had ducked down and with a side sweeping kick, she had made him tumble down on his knees, the USB rattled out of his hands and sliding away from them. 
It took Bucky a beat longer than Y/N to be up on his feet and on the run towards the small memory stick. She had swooped it up before he could, and Bucky did the first thing he could think of and lunged at her. 
The two of them rolled on the cold metal floor, bodies fighting to be on top, hands squeezing to try and pry the USB off the winning hand. At some point in the struggle when Y/N held onto the device, Bucky had taken out his knife, but before he could do any harm, Y/N had his arm twisted behind his frame, causing him to drop the blade. Bucky bent down, flipping Y/N over his body and pushing her away from him, making her drop the pen-drive. It clattered as it slid away from them.
Pause. Bucky and Y/N looked towards the USB, watching it slide away. Bucky’s hair flipped over his face as his head flipped back to look at Y/N. Their eyes met, and another smile was shared between the rivals. 
Almost as if rehearsed they sprung into action. Bucky was sliding on his knees before Y/N could register it and he held onto the USB expertly. Once up on his feet, it was another sparring match for the history books. A punch here, a slap blocked there, kicks and pushes, grunts and tricks. 
Losing the upper hand, Bucky reached around Y/N’s body to try and grab the little stick, but she held it out of his reach. The resemblance to kids fighting over the TV remote was too much not to cause a chuckle to escape Y/N’s lips. 
A deafening alarm surprised the two, and their heads turned towards the closed doors to the hall they were in, approaching footsteps echoing in the distance. With a quick glance around the room, the pair of agents realized the havoc they had unleashed upon the room of valuable art with their fighting antics. 
“Oops,” Y/N said comically “seems I didn’t get all of them”
Bucky used the moment to slap the USB out of her hands and into his, pocketing it in a compartment of his suit on his chest, before she could act. Y/N growled but didn’t attack him. It wasn’t the time. The alarm continued to blare. 
Surviving first, sparring with Bucky later. 
The two split to avoid gunshots as the doors opened, revealing the guards. Whether they liked it or not, it was time to work together if they wanted to get out alive. Bucky sprinted towards them, grabbing random vases from the exhibit and chucking them the guards’ way. As they focused on him, it gave Y/N time to run around and knock out two of them from behind. 
Bucky held onto that red curtain from before and swung himself, kicking a non-suspecting guard in the head and rendering him useless for probably a week. 
More footsteps approached and both Bucky and Y/N took off in the same direction Bucky had come in. It wasn’t time to sit back and knock out every guard that came their way. No matter how good of a team they made together, they weren’t that amazing that they could take on who knows how many guards were headed their way, alone and without heavy weaponry.
They entered the room that Bucky had first entered when he infiltrated the museum and together they tried to close the heavy double doors as bad guys approached. Before closing them completely, almost like mirrored images, Bucky and Y/N pulled out their reserve knives, chucking them at the guards that were closest. With a loud bang, the doors were closed and the two of them pushed a statue in front of it. That should do it for about... 6 minutes they reckon, enough to let them escape. 
“Second knife huh?” He said, huffing and puffing from the exertion. Y/N gave him a smile, holding onto her side and trying to recover her breath. 
“I guess I should thank you for not using yours until now” Y/N sighed, pushing back her hair as she approached the rope Bucky had left after his entrance. The perfect getaway. She tugged on it, testing its hold. 
“Likewise” Bucky’s hand was over hers on the rope as he stepped closer to her frame. She looked up at him with soft eyes and a shy smile. He really liked it whenever she looked at him like so. Turned him into mush. But that was always, really. 
“Believe it not Barnes, I don’t actually want you dead. How boring would my life be?” Bucky smiled at that. She shook her hand from underneath his and placed it on the nape of his neck. Standing on her tippy toes she pressed her lips to his. Bucky sighed, melting into the kiss and the familiar embrace. Her hands wrapped around his frame as the kiss deepened. Able fingers dancing over his shoulders and chest, clutching all they could as his hands worked to push her closer into his frame. 
He separated from her with a grin, feeling empty the second she was an inch away “You’d miss me too much, admit it” His lips caressed hers as he spoke, a hand on her chin, keeping her close to him and with her face arched to his. His long lashes kissed his cheeks, and she loved looking at him, admiring his features up close like this. It gave her more butterflies than her first-ever field mission.
Biting her lip to suppress a lovesick smile, she nuzzled her nose to his. She didn’t see herself ever tiring of kissing him. Thank heavens for these types of missions. Stepping back, she hooked the rope to an electric piece on her belt that would rise her up the cable automatically. 
“I’d miss you too much.” she said, blowing him a kiss. She started swiftly lifting away. Bucky held onto her hand for as long as he could, letting her go up and escape the museum first, eyes too busy taking her in. She gave him a wink. When she was a whole body away from him she spun a little stick around her finger. “Oh, and thanks for the intel, babe”
Bucky’s eyes widened when he made out what she was flipping around, a hand immediately shooting up to the pocket at his chest. Empty. 
“...You- Wow, Sticky, what would your ma’ say, stealing from a man like that” Bucky tsked, shaking his head in mock disappointment. Y/N chuckled, head thrown back and everything. Bucky’s smile only widened. He loved making her laugh, probably just as much as he loved her. 
“Oh hush, she did teach me how to share, y’know?”
“Does that mean I get to see you later?” This made her snort. 
“Dork.” Y/N had reached the top and climbed up and over the metal edge of the ceiling, taking her time moving the glass cover out of the way so Bucky could get out quickly and just have to slide it right back in. No sign of them ever being there… Well, other than the obvious. 
“See you at home, sweetheart” He couldn’t really see it but he knew she had winked at him at his words.
“Merry Christmas, Buck” He heard her say before her figure disappeared into the night as she made her silent escape. 
Bucky remained there, looking up after her with a stupid grin across his face. They really did make a great team in every sense of the word. He bit down on his lip, hands placed on his hips. How had he gotten so lucky to have found her? 
He thinks maybe he has to give credit to their agencies for being such fierce rivals that they would go out of their way to put their best agents against each other in missions. He just loved thinking back to when their banter started, all those years when they were fighting each other over targets and their obvious sexual tension. 
And then the first time they worked together to achieve their different objectives, rather than trying to beat the other –
A loud bang brought Bucky out of his thoughts. His eyes flickered to the door, noticing the statue that was keeping the guards out had moved, and the doors were slowly being opened. Soon someone would be able to sneak through the gap. 
Right. Escaping first, seeing your fiance later, Barnes. 
Sorry for such a long piece, hope that’s ok!
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this piece and my little Agents. 
Please, remember that feedback is literally what feeds a writer’s motivation to continue posting their pieces, and it takes two seconds. I read every reblog, reply, tag, and you can always message me or drop anything in my inbox – feedback or whatever else really. I’m open to talking, always.
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babyhader · 4 years
Closest I’ve Come to Perfection
Snapshots from Richie and Eddie’s life together Post-It, as told by Eddie’s clothes. Extreme fluff and a little cheeky at times. 2.7k words. Ao3 link in bio.
The suit. The polo. The sweatpants. The shorts. Richie’s t-shirt. +1 more.
The Suit.
The suit comes first. The shoulders are dusted with drops of rain that haven’t yet absorbed, and the dark grey color matches the clouds outside. Eddie would never own an ill-fitted suit, but something about the way he stands on Richie’s doorstep looks like he's drowning in it, about to disappear completely into the fabric. Richie doesn’t have much time to take in the sad sight before Eddie launches at him, throwing his arms around his neck. Richie latches on too, burying his face in the soft curls at nape of Eddie’s neck and guiding them into the living room without letting go.
They sink into the couch tangled together. All the texts and calls and hopeful thoughts finally at peace where they hold onto each other. Richie hates the stiffness of the suit jacket, he doesn’t need another layer separating him from the man he loves. He moves his hands underneath it and feels the warmth radiating from Eddie through his thinner button-up.
“You’re really here, Eds,” Richie breathes in his scent and pulls tighter.
“Yeah, and I’m not going anywhere so you better get used to it.” Eddie quips.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this,” Richie sneaks his hand down to cheekily tap Eddie’s butt. Eddie jumps against him and smacks his arm as he pulls away.
“Maybe I shouldn’t live with you, Trashmouth,” Eddie says, but his cheeks flush and his eyes flutter in a way that tells Richie he loves it.
The room smells like rain and is glowing yellow, light from the amber lamp in the corner and the moonlight filtering through the watery window. Their arms secure around the other and their eyes only inches apart, it seems like their whole lives have led them here. Even the years they forgot about each other, the years they didn’t understand themselves, they were supposed to end up together the whole time.
They both lean in the small distance and meet in a soft kiss. Richie feels like he’s 15 again, like he could cry, like he never wants to stop. They both breath into the kiss and Eddie slips his hand up to cradle Richie’s face, thumbing over the rough stubble. It’s strange and enticing to kiss a man, noticing the hard lines of his face and the strength radiating off of him. Eddie feels stupid for never realizing this is what he really wanted, but then again, he wouldn’t have wanted it if it wasn’t with Richie.
Richie opens his mouth to deepen the kiss and all chill from the storm outside leaves Eddie’s body. He arches up into the taller man and hums in content.
Eddie has suits to hang and toiletries to arrange, but that can all wait.
The Polo
Richie knows that Eddie is a thousand times more put-together than he is. His hair is always in place, he moisturizes, he works out regularly. But he didn’t expect Eddie’s entire wardrobe to be comprised of polo shirts. The first weekend they spend together they go to a movie on Saturday- cue the baby blue polo. The farmer’s market on Sunday- a lovely coral polo. And when they arrive home to spend a whole afternoon lounging around together? The polos stay on.
“Are you comfortable?” asks Richie as they settle in to watch the latest episode of Dateline.
“Perfectly,” Eddie hums from his place tucked under Richie’s arm.
“No,” Richie shifts. “I mean, like your clothes dude. You really want to relax in khakis and a collared shirt?” Eddie swivels his head to give him a look.
“Fuck you, dude. Not all of us wear what could be considered pajamas all fucking day.”
“You love that I’m like a walking blanket, my little Eddiekins,” Richie coos and brings him closer. Eddie struggles to break free but eventually slumps against him.
“If you call me that again I’ll burn all your clothes,” Eddie says with no real bite. Richie smiles and shuts his mouth before pressing play.
The Sweatpants
Eddie hasn’t brought up his affinity towards a more formal wardrobe since their last conversation. He isn’t uncomfortable per se, but he knows it might stem from some unhealthy thoughts. Crisp clothes are clean, clean clothes mean you have your shit together, put-together people like their life.The longer he lives with Richie the more he notices that thinking is flawed. He had a life before, but he never liked it until now.
Richie is so free, open, and sometimes clueless in a way that Eddie finds intoxicating. He will talk to anyone and make them laugh, he’ll suddenly start a game of tag on their nightly walk, he will wear two different shoes to the grocery store and tell everyone about it.
Eddie loves him. They both know that, but Eddie isn't the best at expressing it at certain times. He doesn’t want to keep his walls up around Richie, physically or emotionally. As mad as it makes him to admit that Richie has a point, he agrees his wardrobe is a good, practical place to start opening up to the fullest.
Richie has been at a pitch meeting all day, which probably means it went well and he is bouncing script ideas off other writers. Eddie figures it is the perfect time to head to Target, grab a few new clothing items, and some ingredients for dinner.
A soft 80's ballad is drifting through the house when Richie opens the door. He’s high off creative energy and excited to tell Eddie about all of their ideas. The house smells vaguely Italian and his shoulders loosen at the warm atmosphere. Richie can't get over how lucky he is to share his life with someone, and that someone is actually Eddie.
He shuffles to the kitchen and stops dead in his tracks. Eddie is stood by the stove in a haze of steam as he stirs their dinner, which is not an uncommon sight. However, tonight is different because he is clothed in baggy sweatpants that grip his small waist and bunch around his ankles, paired only with a soft grey t-shirt. He looks like the physical embodiment of cuddling and Richie wants to sob.
He closes the space between them and wraps Eddie up from behind.
Eddie giggles, swaying slightly to the music in his arms, “Hi, hope you’re hungry I’m making chicken piccata with pasta.”
Richie responds by pulling the neck of his t-shirt to the side and kissing his neck and collar bone, nipping lightly. “I’m starving,” He says, voice low.
Eddie spins slowly in his grip and walks him away from the stove, back pressed into the island counter.
“If you wait just five minutes the food will be ready,” Eddie says casually, but his eyes tease something else.
“You look like you had a relaxing day,” Richie brings his thumbs up to rub at the fleece-like material.
“You like?” Eddie says twisting his hips around to give more of a view. “I thought I’d take your advice and get something less businessman-casual.”
“My Eds, taking my advice?” Richie acts shocked, “I have to text everyone! It’ll say: you’ll never guess who figured out what comfortable clothes are. Now I have this hot guy walking around in grey sweats and I can see the outline of his perfect di-“
“Hey!” Eddie swats his arm. “Sweatpants aren’t sexual, dumbass. You better not be texting them about my dick.”
“Don’t worry, I only tell Bev about that stuff…but she does probably tell Ben, and then he probably tells everyone else.” Richie gives a bright, apologetic smile and shrug. Eddie just stares at him exasperated.
“Fine, I won’t make them sexual, but I will need you on the couch and ready to cuddle for the rest of the night as soon as we finish eating.”
“Fine,” Eddie pecks his lips and turns around to dish up the food.
The Shorts
They’ve fallen into a wonderfully domestic routine. On weekdays they wake up, Eddie heads out for his morning run while Richie makes breakfast, then they both head off to work with a parting kiss. More times than not, Eddie will get home first in the evening and cook dinner.
Then on weekends, they spend every second together typically in bed or out exploring. It isn’t all easy, two 40-year-old men suddenly living very different lives. One still overcoming neuroses and emotional hang-ups, and the other accepting who he is in the public eye. But they grow together and learn to lean on those close to you.
Richie’s favorite part of growing with Eddie is seeing him come out of his shell. He is no longer just polite to everyone, but welcoming, laid back and easy to laugh. Richie knows his own life is better off by miles with Eddie in it. He’s learned how to communicate what he wants without always be the ‘yes’ man, and that if you stretch in the mornings you don’t have chronic back pain.
So yes, it has been months of growth, and bliss, and learning about the other. Now it’s nearing summer and they will have to turn the air conditioning on soon to ward off the California heat.
Richie is busy chopping onions and peppers for their omelets, intermittently sipping on his coffee, as he waits for Eddie to get back from his run. It's Friday morning and he’d had a slow start, not even getting out of bed until he heard the door shut behind Eddie. It had been a long week for both of them, but Eddie never wavers in his dedication to running. Richie is constantly impressed as he can barely open his eyes that early in the morning.
He hears the door slam shut behind him signaling Eddie’s return. Heavy breathing and snippets of a song come sweeping in from the hallway. Richie knows Eddie is stretching and still listening to his workout playlist. He’d helped Eddie make it, ensuring he was missing the motivation that comes only from early 2000’s rap.
He walks out to let Eddie know breakfast is almost ready, but his feet freeze in the archway. Eddie is wearing shorts, like short-shorts.
His mind flies back to childhood memories and awakenings connected with the shorts. The secret touches and quick wit he'd use as a way to diminish certain thoughts. These ones are different, maroon with black pipping along the edges. It is also different because Eddies thighs are muscular, tight from running and dewy with sweat as Eddie bends to touch his toes. The defined line of muscle runs up and up until it meets the soft curve of his butt. Richie hasn’t seen this much upper thigh since- well, last night when they were naked- but framed by the small piece of clothing is tempting in an entirely different way. They are slightly paler than the rest of his legs and Richie wants to bite them.
“Hey,” Eddie straightens up and extracts an earbud, “breakfast ready?” He smiles.
“Y-yeah,” Richie breathes out. Eddie becoming more comfortable in his own skin may be the best thing that happened to him and the thing that kills him.
Richie’s T-shirt
Richie is ecstatic during the car ride back to their house. He’d been gone on a short tour around a few select locations on the east coast. They both figured two weeks would be nothing, filled with texts and phone sex, they would get through it just fine. That was wrong - it was rough. Richie had always hated empty hotel rooms, but now that he could compare it to sharing a bed with Eddie they were unbearable.
Eddie wasn’t much better off. He had their dog, Atari, to cuddle and accompany him on walks, but he sensed the dog missed Richie just as much as he did. He found himself walking around the house wearing nothing but Richie’s t-shirts. It started as a way to comfort himself, but quickly devolved into horny thoughts or ideas of how Richie would joke about the dumb slogan printed on the front.
That’s how he found himself on Saturday afternoon, sitting on the couch as he waits for Richie. The fan blowing stagnant air around the living room like it’s waiting for things to liven-up too. He’s in an old Pink Floyd band tee. It’s faded black with an inch hole showing through the neck line. It is long enough to cover him to mid-thigh and one side hangs lower since the broad shoulders sit loosely on him.
He hears keys jingle behind the door and immediately gets up to meet Richie. Richie doesn’t hesitate to throw his bag down by the door and smile wide as he opens his arms for Eddie. Eddie jumps into them, pressing kisses across his face, airport germs be damned.
“Next time I’ll come with you- it’s not like I don’t have the vacation days saved up.”
“Please do, baby. I missed you so mu- is that my shirt?” Richie pulls back slightly to look across Eddie’s chest.
“Yeah, it’s comfy and still kinda smelled like you- mmph!” Eddie's last thought muffled as Richie crashes their lips together. He puts his hands on the smaller man’s waist and pushes him backwards until he is crowded against the wall. Richie seems to tower over him, even taller with shoes on while Eddie is stood with bare legs and feet.
Both of Richie’s hands spread across the sides of Eddie’s thighs and slide upwards, bringing the shirt with them. Each inch just reveals more skin and Richie feels his eyes go dark.
“You’re not wearing anything underneath this?” He asks, his voice going soft and dry.
“No, I’m not,” Eddie breaths, innocent eyes locking with Richie’s gaze.
Richie wastes no time and hoists him up. Eddie’s legs wrap around him tightly as they kiss, effortless and eager, on the short walk to their bedroom.
The (new) Suit
It is a deep navy blue, perfectly tailored. Eddie had run his hands over it a million times and loved the silky feeling under his calloused hands. Bev helped him pick it out, telling him blue would pair beautifully with his tan skin, and black would be better suited to Richie’s.
They are both adorned with matching baby pink boutonnieres. Richie’s tie came off sometime between the ceremony and the toasts.
The dance floor is filled with family and friends making fools of themselves. Clumsy limbs are illuminated by fairy lights strung high above their heads and the disco ball spinning from the DJ stand. Richie keeps twirling Eddie unaware of how dizzy he feels. Eddie finally pushes Stan in to be the victim of the next spin, laughing at his unamused look.
His cheeks burn from smiling at everyone around him. He’d gotten the love of his life, after all this time and all the struggle, they’d found each other.
The music changes to a slower tune and he drifts back over to Richie, taking his hand and starting to sway to the gentle rhythm. Richie grips his suit jacket and rests his head against Eddie’s. It is more like a hug than a dance, but they can’t care less, wrapped around each other in their own world.
“Have I told you that you look really amazing tonight?” Richie whispers.
“Yeah, Rich, you told me that like six times already.” Eddie smiles.
“I just need everyone to know how hot my husband is,” Richie rubs his hand over the smooth material covering Eddie’s back, “lookin' like a Men’s Warehouse model in this suit.”
“I wouldn’t go that far,” Eddie exhales and pauses for a moment, “Do you remember the night I showed up in my old work suit, all wet from the rain?”
“Of course.” Richie perks up at the memory.  
“I-I was so scared and excited. I was terrified of loving you but us not being able to fit into each other’s lives. I couldn’t lose you again.”
Richie squeezes him tighter, “Well, you’re in luck because I’m pretty sure we just signed some legally binding documents that make it impossible to lose me.” His voice sounds teasing and close to breaking at the same time.
“I’m just trying to say that it wasn’t much more than a year ago, but I feel so different now. I'm so much happier and comfortable because of you," Eddie closes his eyes and lets his head fall on Richie's shoulder, "I love you so much, I’m going to love you forever.”
“I love you too, Eds. I love you with my whole heart.”
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officialotakudome · 3 years
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Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory Review
Step up to the beat in the latest spinoff from the Kingdom Hearts series; Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory. Following the events of Kingdom Hearts III: REmind, the game has Kairi going into her own heart in an attempt to find Sora who supposedly sacrificed his life for hers at the end of the events in Kingdom Hearts III. Kairi now in a deep sleep must retrace her memories as she searches for Sora’s own heart.
Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory is a 2020 rhythm action game, it is developed by Square Enix Creative & Indieszero, it is published by Square Enix. It is currently available on Playstation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One.
Editor’s Note: Near complete to complete spoilers for Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory may be present within this review. Slight spoilers for Kingdom Hearts III and Kingdom Hearts III: REmind may also be present within this review.
Kingdom Hearts changes the tune of battle in Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory.
In what honestly only felt like natural progression, Kingdom Hearts finally has a rhythm game. The music featured in Kingdom Hearts has (pun intended) always been one of it’s most memorable elements. It sort of feels like this should have been done ages ago, but the same could be said with a Kingdom Hearts fighting game. Which coincidentally was the original plan for Dissidia Final Fantasy, yes it was initially meant to be a Kingdom Hearts spinoff, but Tetsuya Nomura felt uncomfortable seeing Disney characters legit fighting each other. Eventually, Nomura would be more comfortable exploring Kingdom Hearts into different genres and even gave a Dissidia inspired mode to Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days. And as many probably expected, it should come to no surprise that Kingdom Hearts as a rhythm is an almost effortless adaptation.
Play out the much beloved Kingdom Hearts OST in ‘Melody of Memory’.
THE GOOD: Taking place after REmind, Sora sacrifices his heart & thus his life for Kairi’s own revival having been killed by Xehanort prior to their victory over him. Kairi goes into a slumber Ansem the Wise who’s being aided by a few of the Nobodies that recovered their hearts at the end of Kingdom Hearts III. As she sleeps Kairi enters her own heart in order to investigate clues into finding Sora through memories of herself and Sora. There she encounters an illusion of Xehanort who nearly takes over her before she’s protected by the remnants of Sora’s heart proving he may still be alive somewhere. Kairi (being controlled by Sora) defeats Xehanort and as a reward the latter helps Kairi by reminding her of her childhood. Kairi awakens and tells Ansem about her findings and Xehanort’s “other side” clue. This is apparently a fictional world existing outside of their own reality according to Ansem. Kairi & Riku learn about a girl from Other Side who can currently be found in Final World, after Fairy Godmother takes them to the girl. Riku tells her of his dream of Shibuya who determines that it’s a city from her home world Quadratum. Riku opens a portal to Quadratum to continue the search for Sora as Kairi returns to their reality to finish her keyblade training now guided by Master Aqua. Yen Sin tasks Donald & Goofy to tell their friends of the current situation & Mickey to Scala ad Caelum to investigate the revived ancient Keyblade Masters & their possible connection to Quadratum.
For the first time in series history Kairi takes over as lead protagonist (sort of).
Kairi being the focus of the story is a nice change of past, feels like we’ve delved plenty into the individual stories of Sora, Riku, King Mickey, and the BBS crew. While she’s not exactly 100% playable (which is a bit of a ball buster) she’s clearly the main star of about 80% of the game’s plot. It’s mostly about her attempting to revive Sora, but we do get more backstory into her past which is always neat. I think Kairi is one of the weakest characters in terms of development despite her popularity and the fact that people have wanted to see her wield a keyblade for several years. A full on 2.8 like experience with Kairi training under Aqua would be a neat parallel to the actual 2.8 that featured a playable Aqua traversing the World of Darkness prior to the ending of Kingdom Hearts 1. The combat is like any other rhythm. The goal is to time the on-screen button commands within the limit to press said button command. In ‘Memory of Melody’ this is representing in the shape of basic & advanced Kingdom Hearts attack animations towards Heartless and Nobody enemies. The more difficult the command prompt, the more unique the attack. The main object is to reach a high enough score with level ranking increasing to move on to the next world. The leveling is actually required for the next world to be unlocked which at times can feel like a bit of a grind, but it also adds on to the practice necessary for these games. Sora and co. have a health bar and if you miss the timing on a button command this can lead to hp dipping with an empty health bar obviously meaning game over.
Rhythm combat is an unsurprising fit for Kingdom Hearts in Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory.
There are boss fights in certain stages which sort of changes things up a bit and they each include their own boss track. Disney characters also have their own worlds with their respective characters being playable, but these are expectedly not the focus of the game as it’s based within Kairi’s memories. Multiple characters throughout the core cast can be unlocked, though the Disney characters are mostly locked to their respective worlds. These worlds have unique sound and button commands for added difficulty and variety. King Mickey acts as a support character for healing and it also has summons. Clearing objectives per stage unlock new songs from the 140+ song catalog. There’s some co-op featured like getting the highest score, facing off against AI in three out of fives, and best 2 out of 3 that has unique features such as moves to stop your opponent from scoring. The Switch version (which is being reviewed) features a Battle Royale mode supporting up to eight players.
Believe or not ‘Memory of Melody’ features a leveling system.
THE BAD: This game is (depending on how you see it) surprisingly hard. Like crazy difficult small mistakes and poorly timed presses come frequently. This can lead to a hair pulling marathon of low level scores and low level scores means slow leveling & perhaps more importantly slower progress because you have to be a certain level for certain doors leading into new worlds. At the same time though you have to commend Square for keeping the rhythm game aesthetic authentic. These games have a history of being extremely difficult often taking a ton of practice to get the hang of (my time spent with Guitar Hero & Rocksmith still haunts me). The story is kind of sort only taking a few hours to complete depending on how much trouble you have, but it is a spinoff rhythm so don’t come in expecting a huge game because of that reason. Granted you’ll get more hours if you complete everything but if you’re only chasing the story it’s roughly about 8-10 hours. Apparently completing the game can take upwards of 60 hours depending one individual experience so there’s that to look forward. Unfortunately, outside of the initial theme and end credits no new songs specifically for the game were developed.
Play as multiple characters in the new musical based battlefield.OVERALL THOUGHTS: Kingdom Hearts: Memory of Melody in some ways is a typical Kingdom Hearts spinoff, but in a lot of ways Square Enix really went a fair bit of distance to provide a unique KH playthrough something that’s also typical of the spinoffs (which is a good thing). It’s disappointing that this is probably the only game, to my knowledge that doesn’t feature music exclusive at the time of release to it. However, it’s possible that an original score of sorts was in the works but COViID-19 got in the way before the finalization of these songs coming into production was possible. As it stands though, for what feels like a much lower budgeted title compared to past spinoffs ‘Melody of Memory’ stands on it’s own as a good side game with follow-up storytelling that connects to the future of the series. And it takes Kingdom Hearts’ into it’s rightful place in the realm of rhythm games. I’m especially impressed with the game’s performance as a series first on the Nintendo Switch. Hopefully this entices Square to at least port Kingdom Hearts 1.5, 2.5, and 2.8 over to the hybrid console in the very near future.
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causepound10-blog · 4 years
The Cryo sphere.
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Massage therapy the skin of your bottom and also legs with an exfoliating glove or a cellulite brush. Putting on compression clothes for as well long and too often can limit our blood flow, meaning cellulite is most likely to show up. Complete fat dairy products like cream, butter as well as cheese are high in saturated fats as well as are harder for your body to break down. They're fine as an every so often reward, however avoid consuming them too consistently if you can.
Can you do HIFU after Botox?
Please avoid botox/filler 4 weeks ahead of your HIFU treatment.
Excess weight doesn't help, as the more fat you have the more it pushes through the sub-dermal frameworks. So healthier diets plus exercise lower your threat of getting cellulite. Cellulite is a term used to define the lumpy and also uneven appearance of skin caused by fat down payments that are just below the skin. Prevent smoking as well as alcohol both create contaminants in the body, and also alcohol has lots of sugar. It slows down manufacturing of collagen in the skin (so it's an excellent way to cut creases and cellulite).
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As a result of its distinctly created transducer system customers often really feel minimal discomfort during the treatment.
Extremely rarely one may experience small redness for a couple of hrs after the therapy as well as swelling or tingling in the treatment area for as much as a couple of weeks.
Ultraformer III has actually been called the comfy alternative to surgery as well as Ultherapy.
Clients may experience skin inflammation for a few days after the session.
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In guys they adhere to a criss cross pattern, that makes this much less most likely,' says Shotter. One concept is that oestrogen can motivate your body to create even more fat. So a discrepancy in between oestrogen as well as testosterone degrees typically causes cellulite. It's estimated that regarding 90% of females will experience cellulite at some stage in their lives. Although there's absolutely nothing wrong with it, many females need to know just how to remove cellulite. Daily supplements consisting of grape seed essence, zinc and also vitamin C to enhance collagen development and reduce the look of cellulite. Not precisely, yet there are things you can do to lower cellulite - some are noted above.
Utilize a body brush at the very least three times a week and then rub among thebest cellulite creamsinto your skin after that. ' This can originate from genetic variables linked to speed up of metabolic process, circulation of fat under the skin and ethnicity,' she includes. ' In ladies the connective cells bands are set up up and down, allowing for fat to come to be separated in the pockets in between.
Workout will not do away with cellulite completely however it will certainly assist you drop weight, obtain your blood moving and tone points up-- which all help eliminate that orange-peel look. Cellulite is frequently triggered by contaminants which decrease skin elasticity and also slow down blood circulation-- so consume plenty of brightly coloured fruit as well as veg. Due to the fact that they have one of the most anti-oxidants, which aid our bodies to drop contaminants. Prior to you turn your shower on, or get in the bath, gently move a dry body brush around-- start from your ankles as well as constantly brush towards your heart. This will provide your blood circulation a wonderful boost as well as assistance get rid of toxins.
Can you exercise after HIFU treatment?
Although HIFU is a non-invasive treatment with zero downtime, vigorous exercise and heavy lifting is not recommended immediately after treatment. During exercise, the body heats up and perspires, which can be uncomfortable for your tender skin at this time.
full advantage has actually seen a wonderful rise in the ask for non-surgical body sculpting over the previous few years. What makes the Onda special when contrasted to standard superhigh frequency systems (regularity array 0.1-- 40 MHz) and also fat freezing gadgets, is they down payment power mostly on the skin surface. This implies they stop working to permeate deep into the body to treat fat, but they also run the risk of pain, extreme heating of the skin and damages to the skin's surface area. This is not the case with the Onda, being furnished withSmart Handpieces, its action is deep as well as targeted, without harmful close-by skin. The majority of the Coolwaves ™ energy influences the much deeper layers of fat, which is warmed much more swiftly than the skin (about 80% of the thermal result). As a result, when the Coolwaves ™ pass through the body, especially the upper body, abdomen as well as upper legs.
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Coolsculpting Fat Freezing prior To as Well As After.
Dr Khan, Co-Founder of the Harley Street Skin Facility has actually been impressed with the Onda. Dr Khan in 2004 came to be a full time cosmetic Doctor and that exact same year with his wife Lesley they unlocked of the Harley Road Skin Center. Dr Khan has actually committed more than a years, integrating technological skill as well as aesthetic vision to both turn around the indicators of aging as well as preserve existing youth. He has accomplished this through pioneering and also using specialist non-invasive treatments developed specifically to maintain the cosmetic surgeon's knife away. The center has a wide range of experience, seeing in between people a year.
Just remember 87% of females in the UK remain in the same boat as you - in addition to males suffering from the very same issue. There's absolutely nothing wrong with cellulite, however if you wish to minimize it there's a few things you can do. A full treatment may not be possible, however there are means to reduce it.
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' When oestrogen begins to reduce as well as we age, receptors in blood vessels as well as thighs are lost which results in decreased circulation. With lowered hifu Luton... see less oxygen and nourishment to that area, as well as with that we see a reduction in collagen production. Fat cells likewise begin ending up being larger, which creates them to stick out via the collagen as well as become what we know to be cellulite,' she adds.
How long does swelling last after HIFU?
Swelling is common to experience up to two weeks after the procedure. Yet, many bounce back after a few days.
These items typically make claims such as to "enhance the circulation, making cellulite a thing of the past". Cellulite can be unattractive and also awkward for those impacted. It is most usual in blog post pubescent females with the cellulite being most visible on the thigh and also butts area. The reasons for cellulite are unidentified; however it is believed to result from a combination of hormonal agents, genes, diet and lifestyle. Massages enhance the flow and also stimulate the lymph circulation.
Does HIFU work on stomach?
HIFU is ideal for body contouring post pregnancy tummy, abdomen fat, bingo wings, thighs and under the buttocks; for a non-surgical bum lifting effect. It can even tighten the skin on the knees and arms, helping to improve the 'crepey' look.
When Skin labels Can Be an Issue.
95% of women have a type of cellulite someplace on their body. Soft Cellulite-- this kind of cellulite is not excruciating; it expands mainly on the hips and upper thighs. Cellulite results from excess fat, lack of physical activity and also a diet also rich. This is a totally fat-related problem; to do away with it you ought to reduce weight by transforming your diet regimen or taking on a slendering program. It is believed that strenuous massage therapy helps to enhance blood circulation, eliminating toxic substances as well as reducing excess liquid in cellulite heavy areas. Fairly simply, cellulite is an aesthetic problem triggered by fatty deposits that create beneath the skin. ' Therapies that aid to separate the coarse bands, enhance skin laxity as well as minimize fat cells will have the most significant result, particularly if integrated.
Around 80-90% of us have cellulite, so if you have it, you're not by any type of ways alone. It's triggered by a collection of fat that presses into the skin's top layer, which is what considers that dimpled, orange peel appearance.
How many HIFU treatments are needed?
How Many HIFU Sessions Will I Need? The majority of clients only need one treatment; however, some may benefit from more than one treatment. This depends on how much laxity they have and their body's own biological response to the ultrasound and collagen-building process.
This was very interesting as, prior to the research, we doubted that there would be any type of obvious result in any way simply by using any anti-cellulite hosiery. Eight people were recruited for the study, in between the ages of with the mean age of 44. The addition requirements stated that all patients should have visible cellulite of Grade 2 or higher. The patient was to have a stable weight for the past 3 months and additionally not to be undertaking any various other anti-cellulite treatments. Lately the market has seen the intro of various 'anti-cellulite' stockings making use of compression as well as a combination of other features such as caffeine or 'micro-massage ridge modern technology'.
Nonetheless, do not consume too much water as this might result in swelling below the cellulite - 1.5 litres a day is plenty. When it pertains to the best workouts for getting rid of cellulite, cardio is vital. That's because the tougher you function as well as the higher you obtain your heart rate, the more fat you'll shed. The activity is thought to enhance blood circulation and also lymphatic drain, so trying this for a couple of weeks will certainly not just get rid of completely dry skin, but you'll see a genuine effect on those dimples also. But whilst you might not be able to avoid getting it to begin with, there are numerous points you can try to minimize it and improve the appearance of your skin long-term.
There's additionally centella asiatica leaf essence, ruscus aculeatus root as well as lemon peel essence, which, in theory, tone and also tighten the skin. Applying a good anti-cellulite cream twice a day will assist to minimize cellulite. The effects have actually likewise shown to persist for a minimum of 4 weeks after the last use of the stockings.
This is a non-invasive device for decreasing body fat as well as fibrous cellulite. Body brushing regularly massage therapy and also excellent scrubs support circulation. ' Daily body cleaning, brushing in the direction in the direction of your heart, or a strong-handed massage on the upper legs will raise fat diffusion if done on a regular basis.
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It creates apoptosis of adipose cells assisting to remove them, while also promoting cellular metabolic procedures and also collagen production. The aspects defined over add to a lot of the aesthetic worries that included cellulite. If a service might both combat the fat that pushes skin out and also renew the fibrous bands that draw the skin in, then cellulite can be very effectively taken care of. Considerable clinical evidence wraps up that 80-90% of grown-up women deal with cellulite in their life time.
Is HIFU facial painful?
In general, the evidence suggests that a HIFU facial has few side effects, although some people may experience pain and discomfort right after the procedure. The South Korean study concluded that there were no serious side effects of the treatment, although some participants reported: swelling. numbness.
Hair treatments.
' It's more usual in ladies than males because the fibrous bands of their connective tissue do not go across over as much to provide assistance under the skin. Keep reading for responses-- plus, our edit of the very best comforting, skin-loving items that might help to soft-pedal its look. " Cellulite is triggered by tiny connective tissue filaments that secure the skin to the underlying cells as well as have fat in between", describes plastic surgeon Dr Nick Rhodes. " These filaments can pull down on the skin's bottom and produce dimples." This tropical-smelling cream is powered by guarana, a native Amazonian plant that is among one of the most powerful types of high levels of caffeine in the world. High levels of caffeine enhances blood circulation to the afflicted area and also aids the body dropped fat cells. When you apply your cellulite cream, make certain to massage it in to enhance flow as well as decrease extreme amounts of liquid in locations that contain cellulite.
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etherealwaifgoddess · 5 years
What He Wants (Pt. 18)
Main Characters: Bucky Barnes x Enhanced Reader
Summary:  On going series of Bucky getting his shit together and falling in love with you.
Warnings/ Content: LEMONSSSS! Finally! 
Word Count: 2062
Author’s Note: Hello lovelies! Well, our boy survived the trip to Target and now it’s time to really settle in. We’ve had our two main characters dancing around each other for 17 chapters and I think I’ve drug things on enough... it’s time for some lemons. Please know I am grinning ear to ear as I post this because even though it’s just a small lemon, I really love it. Prepare yourselves lovelies.... Bucky Barnes is a talker. 
If you missed the first few parts, you can read them here: 1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
XOXO - Ash
What He Wants, Pt. 18
Back at your apartment Bucky stares at his bags on the bed while you put away groceries in the kitchen. He’s not used to this domesticity, having to share space with someone. He doesn’t know how to do this and the thought that he wants to learn frightens him a little. Looking at all the things he picked up it feels like he’s rebuilt himself a brand new life here with you. Bucky knows he’s overthinking it but he can’t stop himself. You find him in there some time later, lost in thought. You press a hand to his arm, getting his attention. Bucky starts a little and looks at you, lost and waiting for you to help steer him in the right direction. “I don’t…. I don’t know how to do this.” he says motioning towards the piles of stuff on the bed. 
“Me neither.” you tell him honestly, “But I want to figure it out, with you.”
Bucky pulls you against him, burying his face in your neck. “Me too.” he says whisper soft against your skin. 
And together you do. Slowly you start moving your belongings around to make room for his. It’s surprising how easily his things fit in around yours and your heart softens at the sight of his toothbrush sitting next to yours. He has his own dresser drawers for his clothes, his shampoo and soap have their own shelf in the shower, and he even pulled out the picture of him and Steve from his duffle to put on his nightstand. 
You never expected to have this in your life. Your ability makes it hard to connect with people in a normal way and you were always slightly on edge, not knowing if or when you’d be called out for another mission. It makes sense, you muse to yourself, that only someone involved in this life would be able to fit into yours. He knows you are retired now but you wonder if he will be called away at any moment. He’s made no indication that he plans to take another job anytime soon but there’s always that risk, especially for an Avenger. 
You find Bucky taking a few tentative steps across the living room without the crutch and you marvel at how quickly he’s healed from such an intense injury. The grin on his face when he sees you makes your heart skip a beat, he’s happy, genuinely happy. In your little apartment out in the middle of nowhere Pennsylvania, with you. You decide that it doesn’t matter if you are rushing things, you want him in your world. Regardless of how long he stays or how wrecked your heart might get in the process, it’s going to be worth it. 
“How’s it feel?” you ask him.
Bucky takes a few more steps until he’s back to the sofa, “Not too bad. Still sore but it’s manageable.” 
“Good. I’m still amazed by how quickly you heal.” You join him on the sofa and reach for your book but Bucky pulls you against him so you’re laying against his chest across his lap. “Whoa, careful, I’m heavy.” you protest.
Bucky quirks an eyebrow at you, “You are not too heavy to sit on top of me. Super soldier, remember?” 
“I know, but still. I’m not exactly a tiny woman.” 
“Mouse, you are at least a foot shorter than me.” 
You groan, he’s intentionally taking your words wrong. “Bucky, you know what I mean.”
“Nope, not at all. You are absolutely perfect sitting here on top of me. I could toss you like a baseball if I needed to.” 
“Yeah, okay.” you roll your eyes at him. 
“Are you doubting my super strength, doll? Because I’ll have you know Steve once stopped a helicopter from taking off with his bare hands. And between you and me, I’ve always been stronger than Steve.” Bucky’s smile fades with a subtle sadness brought on by the thought of his friend but he doesn’t seem to be dwelling on it.
“Braggart.” you tease him. 
“You know it.” His grin returns and he reaches for the remote to flip on the television. “So tell me, mouse, what should we not watch this afternoon?” 
You laugh at Bucky’s cockiness and help him select a movie to put on. He likes sci-fi movies and you settle for a classic from the 80’s he’s never seen. Bucky was right about not watching the movie, you only last twenty minutes until his hands trailing across your body become too distracting. He’s an incredible tease and you squirm in his lap at the light contact of his fingers brushing across your sides. Bucky wraps his metal arm around your waist and uses his right arm to roll you both over so you’re lying on the sofa, under him. You can’t stop how your breathing quickens with him over top of you. He’s a wall of pure muscle and is throwing off body heat like a furnace. 
Bucky runs his right hand from your hip up to your breast and you tremble under his touch, a little gasp escaping your throat as he runs his thumb right across your nipple. His eyes are burning with lust when he dips his mouth down to trail kisses from the tops of your breasts that peek out of your shirt, up your throat. You moan lightly when his mouth sucks against a particularly sensitive spot on your neck and Bucky’s hips grind against your thighs instinctively at the sound. His pulls back, breathing as heavy as you are now, “Those noises are killin’ me, doll.” he says with a groan.
“I’m sorry.” you blurt out. 
Bucky chuckles, “Don’t be, it’s just makin’ it hard for me to take this slow. I don’t wanna rush you, doll.” 
“You’re not. I want…” you trail off and blush. He’s so close to your face, his body plastered against yours. It’s intensely intimate in a way you’ve never experienced before. 
Bucky’s grin is cheshire, “What do you want, mouse?” 
“Whatever you’ll give me.” you tell him honestly. 
“Oh, mouse, I want to give you all sorts of things. But we don’t have to rush. Do you know what I want?”
You shake your head quickly, very interested in where his mind is going.  
 “I want… your name.” Bucky peppers your chest and throat with small kisses, “Your real name, mouse. So I know what to call out later when I come.” 
You are certain you’ve blushed yourself into a deep shade of scarlet that’s never been seen before. You remind yourself to breath as you maintain eye contact with him. His eyes never waiver, he just waits patiently for your answer. You give him your name and his eyes close for a moment like he’s savoring it. He says it a few times as he kisses you deeply, testing the feel of it across his lips. You don’t think you’ve ever heard it said so passionately before and it makes your toes curl. 
“You tell me to stop if I go too far, okay? I just wanna feel you, mouse, make you feel good.” Bucky says, and you nod. You know he’d respect you and stop if you asked and it helps you relax a little as his right hand slips inside your jeans. He toys with the waistband of your panties, running two fingers between them and your skin. You try not to squirm but find it almost impossible. Bucky loves watching your face as he touches you, even though he’s sure it unnerves you a little. Your eyes are so expressive and he loves seeing you react to him. He brings his hand over top your panties first, cupping you and stroking you gently. Your body jerks beneath him involuntarily and you gasp. 
“Doin’ okay, doll?” he asks as he toys with the waistband of your panties again. His Brooklyn accent thickens as he loses himself to his arousal and you love the rough sound of it. You nod, unable to form real words as you pant beneath him. Bucky finally ventures underneath your panties and strokes your naked sex with his long fingers. He groans as he parts your folds and feels how slick you already are. “Oh, doll. You are so perfect. Oh, jests. So wet for me already.” He continues running his fingers across the sensitive area before dipping just the tip of one finger inside you. “Fuck.” he groans again. “You okay with this?” he asks and you nod again. “Oh, thank you, doll. I’ll make you feel so good, I promise.” His tone is caught between relief, reverence, and desperation, and it makes you smile so wide your cheeks ache. 
You note to yourself with amusement that Bucky Barnes is quite the talker when he’s riled up. He can’t seem to keep quiet and you are starting to find you enjoy it. You thought you hated dirty talk but Bucky’s endless stream-of-consciousness rambling is turning you on even more than you already were. You’re broken out of your thoughts when Bucky plunges two long, thick fingers inside you, curling them upwards once fully inside. Your body rocks beneath him, overwhelmed at the sensation. He moves them in and out gently, curling as he goes and you feel like you’re going to combust from the pleasure. Bucky adjusts his hand so the heel of his palm is rubbing against your clit as he thrust his fingers. You shake uncontrollably and turn your head to the side, unable to contain yourself. You can feel Bucky’s hard length against your thigh as he grinds against you in rhythm with the movement of his hand. He’s rock solid and even between both of your jeans you can feel how long and wide he is. Every so often his body trembles too and you think he must be working himself as well while he brings you closer and closer to your release.
Bucky continues to kiss your throat and the tops of your breasts as his hand works your sex. “Go ahead, sweetheart, let yourself go. I want to feel you come around my fingers.” he coaxes you and you’re teetering on the brink of an orgasm. Your breaths are rapid and shallow, you can’t control the gasps and moans which are constant now as he gets you right on the edge of where he wants you. Your hips thrust back against his hand, increasing the pressure of him against your thigh as well. He grunts and speeds up his motions. “Come on, sweetheart. Come for me.” he all but begs. You grip your hands onto his shoulders and cry out his name as the orgasm wracks your body. You writhe against him as he draws out the orgasm longer than you thought possible and you hear him groan loudly, “Oh fuck. Fuck, doll. Oh…” his body shudders and he gasps out your name as he goes rigid for a moment and collapses, barely stopping to support himself in time so he doesn’t crush you. 
After a moment of catching his breath he gently slips his fingers out of you and brings them up to his mouth. With a deviant smile he pops them in his mouth, savoring the taste of you on his fingers. “You’re so sweet, doll. Like honey.” he tells you. 
You turn your head to the side again, avoiding his gaze. “Bucky…” you whine his name, it’s slightly embarrassing and you blush hard.
“Alright, alright.” he complies and pulls himself off of you to sit upright on the sofa. You sit up next to him, a satisfied grin on your face. He shifts uncomfortably and you notice the large, wet, stain all down the left leg of his jeans. 
“Oh.” is all you manage to say and you know you’re staring. 
Bucky chuckles at your reaction, “What can I say, doll. You got me all worked up too.”  He stands, testing his weight on his right leg before he takes a step with his crutch. “I’m gonna go clean up if you want to pick a new movie. Maybe one we’ll actually watch.” 
“I was going to start lunch first.” you tell him.
“Good thinking, mouse. We got all that lunch meat today if you wanna make sandwiches.”
“Okay” you nod and Bucky heads off to the bedroom.
Tag List Lovelies: @my-current-fandom-is @blacklightguidesnic @amazonianbeauty@ladyemofhousestark@abswritesfandoms@rupestria
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otomechuchu · 5 years
Personal walkthrough/how to play - Love and Producer EN (Mr Love Queen’s Choice)
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Here’s my personal walkthrough/how to play, Love and Producer EN (Mr Love Queen’s Choice)
This is my first attempt to write a “How to Play” guide, so it’s a little messy and all over the place. I tried to make it sound connected and divide it into sections, but it could need some cleanup. It would be nice to add pictures to make this look less like a big block of text, but we’ll see. Maybe I’ll change it later...
I have played this since it launched in China back in 2017!
*Will/might update, but it’s kinda finished* <-- I realize some things feel “normal” to me, but might be confusing to others, so I’ll try to explain them step by step when I get the time!
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Before I start, I would like to point out that although there are a lot of functions and things to do, it’s not as intimidating as it seems. It looks intimidating at first glance, but if you take your time instead of rush through the game, it will be easier. I would like to point out that the mechanics are very much like Love Nikki (another Chinese game also by Elex). It has almost all the same functions, plus a few extra. So if you already play Love Nikki (or played it before), then that will help a lot.
NOTE:  After progressing to a certain point, you will unlock more features. That means, not everything is unlocked when you start, so it’s not too overwhelming.
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First, what is the “point” of the game?
You (main character), 22 years old, takes over your fathers TV production company and you wish to produce amazing TV shows. It’s not doing well and the sponsor is pulling out. Along the way, you get the help from four men (love interests): a 28 years old CEO named Li Zeyan (Victor), a 24 years old police officer/agent named Bai Qi (Gavin), a 26 years old scientist named Xu Mo (Lucien), and a 22 years old idol named Zhou Qiluo (Kiro).
Ok, so even though the game is Chinese and released by the original Chinese company, the English version does not include the original Chinese voices! It’s dubbed into English. But once you start playing, you can download a Japanese voice pack? Makes no sense. So here’s a list of what the characters are named:
Li Zeyan - Victor - Zen Bai Qi - Gavin - Haku Xu Mo - Lucien - Shimon Zhou Qiluo - Kiro - Kira
In addition to the main story, you have “side stories” (kinda) for each guy. These happen by going on “City Walks” where you help people or do other types of missions. This will make the love interest like you more, and will result in more “Dates.” These “Dates” are dates/romantic scenarios with him. You need certain cards as well. NOTE: There are different types of “City X”, look further down the page.
As for the main story, you have to do “Shoots”, as in you shoot episodes of your show. This is where “Karma” (cards) come in. You collect cards and other items to advance. You want to make successful TV shows, and getting good cards is the way to go. These are ranked as N (normal), NH, R (rare), SR (super rare), and SSR (the most rare and best). These cards can be evolved, star up, and lvl up. As for the story, you can go back and re-read/watch the story any time you want. See “Missions & Rewards” for more information.
Cards, called Karma, are your units to do everything in the game. You use them to “fight” and progress throughout the story. 
Collecting cards can be done through different ways, but the “easiest” way is by paying real money. I’m not saying you have to pay money! You can easily play the whole game for free. I’m just saying it’s nice to support things you love, right? You can also pay a monthly subscription fee, it’s $3,99 USD (30 yuan). Other than that you can get them through the gacha (Wish Tree), special events, or merging Shards together.
These cards has a lot of functions. You need to level them up to make them stronger. Every 10 lvl will give the chance to Star Up that card, giving it bonus stats. When reaching the cap, you can Evolve the card, increasing the lvl cap and changing the appearance of the card. 
Then there are “Experts” you can hire for your company to finish quests. You get these by either reading the main story or by exchanging “Medals” in the “Talent Market.” These can be upgraded with coins/gold (free in-game currency), and will up the score of your company, which is useful in “Shoots.”
All “Shoots” and “Footage” will be rated with 1-3 crowns (3 being the best). You will always have the chance to re-do to get a better score, or all the crowns if you didn’t get them all on the first try. When you succeed one, also have a chance to receive special items. These also costs stamina (hearts) to do, which are replenished as time goes by. Doing one once costs 5 stamina. Also note that they got “Keywords” or “Strengths” on the description. Selecting Experts with those Keywords, or cards with those Strengths, will up your success. This will also give your cards exp. Rewards are items to star up cards.
This will unlock after Chapter X (forgot which). This is just like the normal Shoots, except they’re harder and give “better” rewards. These rewards are items to evolve cards. Each has a limit of 3 per day. In terms of Love Nikki, “Elite” is the same as Princess Stage. These are more difficult but will give greater rewards. Each costs 8 stamina.
Footage is like Shoots and Elite. It has a cap of 10 but will regenerate one every hour. Each stage has a max of 3 and there are 6 parts so far. Doing these will give Shards as rewards. 
Sometimes you get “Shards” and when you have enough shards, you can combine them into a card. These Shards can be obtained when doing “Footage” or from the gacha. “Footage” has a limit of 3 per day. However you use Film, not Stamina, and that has a max of 10. It regenerates every hour.
After progressing to a certain point, you will unlock more features.
When reaching Chapter 3, you will be able to do “Training.” Once you finish training a Card, you receive rewards and lvl up. You can also Train your company stats. 
Shards are given from “Footage” or from “Wish Tree” (gacha). You can combine them into a card (Karma) for gold (free in-game currency). 
R card = 15k gold
SR card = 30k gold
SSR card = 60k gold
When you have a certain number of shards, you can combine them into a card (Karma). Combining them costs Gold (free in-game currency). Here are the requirements:
R card - 30 shards - 15k gold
SR card - 50 shards - 30k gold
SSR card - 80 shards - 60 gold
Then there’s the Phone. You can call, send messages, and post on social media or comment. Doing these things will increase intimacy with the love interests. Remember to check your phone often to see if there are new posts on social media or text messages. Phone calls will be notified. You do not have to be awake at specific times to receive these and you can open them whenever you want without them disappearing. 
The “Wishing Tree” is the gacha. There are two types of gachas, the “Gem Karma” and “Gold Karma.” The Gem one is free once every 48 hours and will cost Gems otherwise (Gems cost real money). The Gold one is free once every 24 hours and will cost Gold otherwise. Also, each time you do one, you will get  “Heart Petal” (think of it as a shard) and when you have enough, you can combine them into a “Flower”, which can be exchanged for limited cards.
Sometimes you get more than one of a card, or you simply don’t care for it. When this happens, you can “shred” it. Basically, you can exchange it for Memory Stardust, which is used to Evolve cards. Just press the Karma Pass button (it’s yellow).
Achievements give you daily rewards for completing specific requirements daily.
Just like Love Nikki, you will also recieve free Stamina twice a day, at 12-14 and 18-20. This is either 30 or 60 Stamina! And like all mobile games, there are daily login rewards.
Lastly, there’s the “Box Office Contest” and “Achievement.” The “Box Office Contest” is like a PvP where you “fight” other players and receive medals. There are 5 free tries every day. The next day you will receive a gift depending on how high you ranked.
You need to finish ch X to unlock this (I forgot which). This is a minigame that depends on your 3 strongest cards (Karma). You pick 3 (they will be by default, so if you get stronger cards later, you need to switch them out manually), and they will give a combined score. When “News” pop up, you go to investigate and “help” people. You get 3 questions and you click one of three choices for each. This can be re-done unlimited times, so don’t worry if you answer wrong. Between each question you have to tap the screen as quick as possible (repeatedly, think of a gauge bar, where each tap will fill it). As you finish more and more of these “News”, you lvl up your detective? skill and receive items as you progress. As your level up in detective skill, you can unlock even more experts, get better rewards, and you can use more than just 3 cards. 
You need to finish ch X to unlock this (I forgot which).
Events happen often enough. In the beginning of English release, it might be slow, but it should pick up over time. During events, you can get free SR cards and maybe SSR cards if you’re lucky. Events vary in content and are done differently. Some can be limited Wish Tree cards, some can be collect items from doing Shoots, or from doing Strolls, etc. or other things. It really depends on the event.
You need to finish ch X to unlock this (I forgot which). 
In order to Evolve a card, you need a certain amount of items, Memory Stardust, and gold. Here are the amounts: 
R card - 30k gold
SR card - 60K gold
SSR card - 120k gold
Your avatar walks around meeting the love interests and other citizens, helping people or having mini scenes with him. Helping people will increase his fondness of you (intimacy), which lets you go on dates more often. It also gives you bonus rewards and items. No need to rush with this, it refreshes once a week. 
Challenge 24 other players around your lvl/strength. Each stage will give rewards. When clearing at least 12 stages, you can quick clear, meaning you can skip X number of stages but still get the rewards from these. Doing this will not weaken your cards either, making it possible to clear stages that were too hard. You can only Quick Clear a specific amount, at max it’s 16 stages or 18 stages (VIP). Any more than this you have to fight manually. 
These battles are done by using 1-3 cards that are at least lvl 20. Look at the requirements (card strengths) to know what cards you should use. Doing these battles will “damage” your cards, meaning their strengths will decrease. When reaching 0 strength they will be 100% damaged and can no longer fight. 
You can reset this once every day, doing so will put you back on Stage 1, and all rewards you didn’t claim will disappear. 
VIP Supply (Monthly Subscription)
Pretty cheap, it costs the same as a cup of coffe. For $3,99 USD every month, you get this:  - 30 gems every day, lasts 30 days.  - double rewards on the login card - 20 max stamina increase - 50% extra exp  - 300 gems instantly
So far only chapter 1-10 are out in English, so this doesn’t exist yet.
So far only chapter 1-10 are out in English, so this doesn’t exist yet.
So far only chapter 1-10 are out in English, so this doesn’t exist yet.
So far only chapter 1-10 are out in English, so this doesn’t exist yet.
So far only chapter 1-10 are out in English, so this doesn’t exist yet.
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oneofyatosfollowers · 5 years
Noragami/Wall-E AU
The air was a visible mustard brown with dirt particles and other debris mixed in. It gave the natural sunlight a dull glow, just enough to illuminate the hunks of useless metal that orbited the planet. On the planet, similar junk made up mountains, piled high against windmills and phone poles. Lose paper and plastic bags caught against the skeletons of old sky scrapers that have long-since collapsed into more rubble. Everything old, rusted, and abandoned; covered in the same brown dust that seemed to make up the planet itself.
On the outskirts of the city, the trash dunes were much smaller. Pressed into compact squares and piled into neater cubes. Pathways between these heaps curved and stretched on for miles, the darker shade of brown the dirt made showing which were the most traveled on. Traveling at a relaxed pace, an object made it's way through the cubes with practiced ease, not even glancing at it's surroundings. Old 80s music echoed from the object, traveling without any clash.
The speaker was a small, bright pink electronic, plugged into another machine. This machine was imbedded into a creature that was once human, but now a cyborg of ancient technology, made only to clean up the leftovers of man-kind's time on Earth. As he traveled, a short breeze or two ruffled his black hair, greasily pulled back into a short pony tail. The pink iPod was shoved into the pocket of a light brown fullbody coverall. One of many small nicknacks in one of many pockets. The jean fabric more than wore down, but with every rip stitched back together almost seamlessly. On his right breast pocket, the name 'Yato' was stitched in black, below the title 'Wall-E'.
The trash cleaner made his way to the nearest non-compacted trash pile and took a deep breath through his oxygen mask. Sitting down the small cooler he carried, Yato reached above his shoulder to grab hold of a lean metal handle, his brain send the signal for object to unlock. The metal clasps embedded in his back fell open and the flatted compactor came lose. He brought it to the front of him and set it on the ground. Opposite to the handle was a folded steel box that would click into shape. In the middle was a heaver iron square that molded into the handle. Once set up, all the cyborg had to do was gather as much trash as can fit in the hollow box bring the handle- with the lid- on top and press down. After the trash was in a neat square, the Wall-E would yank the handle up and let the cube roll out before placing it next to the billions of others.
This jostling woke up a small cockroach, who peaked outside a soup can to see what the ruckus was. At the sight of the cyborg, the insect squeaked and made her way over to the pile that only grew as the years went by. She made her way up the piles without much effort and sat herself on the new block. At the sound of her squeak the trash-collector turned with a wide smile.
"Stray!" he exclaimed cheerfully, "You're awake! Goodmorning!"
At his words, the cockroach let out an annoyed shriek. Yato recoiled but never ceased smiling.
"Sorry. Nora. There is that better?" Yato reached a hand out to her waiting for her to climb on. Nora flicked her antenna and crawled on slowly, with her nose in the air.
"I don't know why you like the japansese way better," he said as she settled on his shoulder, "though I guess Nora is more of a name." he mumbled the last part. Grinning at her when she chirped in agreement.
To his left, something shiny caught his eye. Making his way over to it, Yato moved aside some old newspapers and found a trash can lid. He held it up and watched as the sunlight shone even brighter against the silver disk. Yato's blue eyes didn't look away as he moved the light to different parts of the lid.
"Pretty cool, huh? Rare to find something not rusted." He said, walking back to where he left the cooler and placing it with the other treasures found earlier that day. On his shoulder, Nora's head made the movement of rolling her eyes. Yato contiuned back down the path that winded around a skyscraper made of the trash-cubes. Nora faithfully on his shoulder. He made his way past the abandoned super store, its food long since degraded and any other item caked in dust. Some of the hallow gram advertisements flickered on and off, their color long since dulled and the music coming out slow and deep. One sign stood out to him, just for a moment, the sign posted across the globe long long ago. "Become a Wall-E and save the world! Be taken care of and live for ETERNITY!"
Yato remembers his father, a biotechnical engineer who lost all faith in mankind. Who chose to stay far away from the rest of humanity- here on Earth- but remained human. He remembers being the first sucessful Wall-E test subject of his father's design. Outliving his creator and all the other Wall-E volunteers who later realized money is irrelevant as a cyborg without a government.
Nora made a soft noise and Yato gave her a small smile- covered by the oxygen mask- and continued on his way, his footsteps echoing in the empty city.
When they made it to the train tracks, Yato looked both ways out of habit, then made his way north. Walking down the tracks, Yato stood above 'The Graveyard'. A place where Wall-Es that forever stopped working were laid. Most of their organic bodies have eroded away, leaving behind their inorganic parts. The young woman he helped lay down decades ago, was a special friend to Yato. the last of the Wall-Es. Except for himself. Yato took a deep breath in, his filter has become more and more worn down by the particles.
The stairs creaked as Yato padded down them, dirt falling in an avalanche to the ground below. He silently and carefully weaved among the older remains, looking to take only what he needed. One mask looked hardly touched, so he pocketed his old one and quickly exchanged the new. It wasn't as if he lungs needed clean oxygen, but the filtration is what kept him going so long in the first place. The owner of this one, either ignored it in favor of their new 'immortality', or no longer wanted to live forever.
By now Yato had reached the old transit staion. Large bridges connected to tall stair cases that hovered over empty terminals, deep enough to fit a blue whale and long enough to fit the Empire State building. Twelve of these ports were lined up for this station, all empty without waiting for return. More advertisements flickered into action as the Wall-E went by. Nora hissed at the reassurance the audio gave as it showed family deals for the Outer Space Luxury Cruise Liner. Pictures of Yato's former colleges compressing the trash in the local dump flashed by in a promise for the humans to return to a better home.
As he walked through more advertisements popped up, one for the main cruise: "Heaven's Sun"- mostly just called Heaven-which would hold the majority of the upper class and the worker-bots like Yato, as well as the very first space branch military. It held promise of the best food, comfort, and entertainment out of all the other cruises. Heaven's Sun is lead in this flocks departure, with a captain and cyborg copilot.
Yato stared again at the picture as the advertisement kept glitching. The promise was for five years. It was well past that. Of course the planet wasn't cleaned up yet, so of course they weren't back. But Yato hasn't heard word from Heaven asking for an update, or if they were even coming back. Or even if they were still out there.
On his shoulder, Nora buzzed. Yato didn't look at her.
"Did I ever tell you my dad designed the copilot after he worked on me?"
Nora didn't answer. He had, many, many times. The two had long since run out of new things to talk about, other than Yato's dreams or things Nora found. The copilot stared back with glowing red eyes and a small smile, his hair a light brown color, it matched the dust that littered the atmosphere.
By the time Yato made it home, it was dusk. He lived in an old massive semi-trailer, modified to open only at the pull of a lever. The inside was also modified to have rotating shelves, in order to neatly hold all of Yato's findings and necessities. Odd shiny nicknacks tied together with string hung from the ceiling, along side Christmas lights and posters. The lamps and lights all connected flickered on once Yato flicked up a hanging switch.
Once the door was closed and the air filter was on, Yato tugged off the mask letting out a large sigh, hanging it up on a hook. He then took off his ascot and hung that up too, before letting his hair fall out of its tie. He then set down his cooler of goodies and opened it. First came the trash lid, which he placed with the other shinnies. Next came some Capybara land keychains- each wearing different color overalls and a crown- which went with the other small Capybara toys. He continued emptying the box, a lighter with other lighters, a glass bottle, a pink scarf.
He had a movie playing in the background, often playing it when he got ready for work in the morning but it was finished by the usual clock-out time. But today he had called it quits early, so the movie was on the final scene. The lady capybara and the man capybara having successfully made it to an island together, after a harrowing journey. Yato crept closer with shiny eyes. They sang a beautiful song of love, having made it through together because of it and now never having to be alone.
Yato numbly took out his iPod and hit record, placing it next to the TV's speaker. His eyes never leaving the screen. He watched them sing while gazing into each other's eyes, their hands held between them, twining together seamlessly. When they leaned in for a kiss, Yato's eyes got even bigger and his heart did a bittersweet dance.
The movie then faded to black and showed the names of humans that created it. He sighed again and clicked the television off, taking his iPod as he did so. Walking back towards the the door he opened it again, placing the mask back on as he did so. He then plopped down on the ramp and began shaking out his cooler, feeling the wind shift as he did.
Yato looked up as he dusted the box, and himself, off. The smog clearing so that the stars could be visible. It filled Yato with the same wispy feeling the movie did, so he pressed play on his new recording. It echoed off of the small round speaker just under his chin, filling his bones with the melody. That was until is mainframe sent an alert through it. The song cut out as the alarm blared though the night. His blue eyes quickly flickered back and forth, numbers and words flashing through his parifial.
His vision went red when he focused to the front of him, the words 'Weather Alert' and 'Danger' flashing. A massive dust cloud was barrelling towards his home at an alarming rate. This wasn't common, but it wasn't unheard of. Regardless, Yato quickly got back inside, calling Nora as he did so, and shut the door before any dirt could get in.
He wouldn't be able to go out for a while so, it was time to hit the sack. Yato gave Nora some food, eating some dry ramen as well, then made his way to the bare mattress in the far corner next to the TV. He flopped down and threw the blanket haphazardly over himself, ordering his system to set an alarm for the morning, then go into sleep mode. Yato was asleep instantly.
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jemmafitzsimmons · 5 years
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you’re never just a phone call away - a fitzsimmons fic
Summary: Post season five. As Jemma struggles through the unbearable wait on the Zephyr before reuniting with Fitz in space, she discovers a message of hope hidden away on his phone.
read below or on AO3!
Compared to the agonizing six months it took for the stars to align with a path that would lead her to Fitz, two weeks left of quiet space travel should have seemed like nothing. Yet without the urgency of studying star charts, picking apart Deke’s handy navigational device, and praying this other version of her other half was still safe in his slumber, Jemma found the wait nearly as unbearable. It wasn’t easy keeping herself busy on the Zephyr, not when the scarce members of the team accompanying her on this journey were giving her space, even if that was the last thing she wanted at the moment. That’s what it had been like on the base through her search for him – a helping hand here and there, but for the most part, they kept their distance as her outbursts of frustration grew more frequent. Now, with the seemingly impossible puzzle of finding his location miraculously solved, they could only slowly travel to this designated point B, the distance between her two homes – the Lighthouse, and wherever he was – a daring but achievable feat for their newly modified spacecraft.
Daisy was busy going over intel as she prepared for the worst, since none of them knew what they’d discover once they arrived at Enoch’s ship. For all they knew, the Confederacy could have taken control of the craft, and they were walking into a trap. Piper was keeping Davis company in the cockpit, the flight through space grueling despite the endless view of the universe. And Deke was in his bunk making lists. His new favorite pastime, he kept a small notepad of things he didn’t understand about Earth and hoped to ask his team members whenever he got the chance.
Which left Jemma in the lab, the only place she felt remotely comfortable. Slumped in her chair, she sat in silence with the only other occupants in the small room: a cup of tea long forgotten, a hoodie of Fitz's draped over her shoulders, and his phone.
She held the device between her thumb and index finger, letting it slide through her fingertips as she rotated it against her lap. She’d only dared to turn it on once months ago when she checked for any data he may have stored about Enoch’s ship or the cryo freeze chamber. But, alas, there was none. After that single venture, she’d hidden it away with the rest of his belongings packed neatly in his suitcase.
She didn’t know what compelled her to seek the phone out now. Maybe it was because it was one of the only objects he’d had with him after he’d broken out of that awful military prison. Her own phone had been her lifeline on Maveth, the mere image of him sparking hope buried deep inside her, his smile and the idea of seeing him again bringing it back up to the surface. The thought of how much this small capsule of their previous lives may have given him hope when he needed it most provided her a bit of that same comfort as she sat and waited. But still, she didn’t unlock it.
Even through their boundless friendship and then romantic relationship, they’d kept certain boundaries in terms of privacy, so they never thought to look at each other’s phones unless given permission by the other. Not that they had much to hide since they shared almost everything – new discoveries, mission updates, and blissful memories captured along the way. But there was something stirring within her now that urged her to look, to sneak a glance at what he kept under lock and key, even from her eyes.
After hitting the home button, she typed in the familiar code and the screen lit up, revealing his home screen wallpaper. She sucked in a quick breath. Thankfully, it was only a photo of her taken shortly after they’d gotten together, but it was still a lot to take in. Things were simpler back then. Less devastating.
Closing her eyes, she placed the phone on the desk and dragged her hand down her face. Maybe it wasn’t the brightest idea in the world to bring these feelings of longing back to the surface at a time like this. If seeing an old photo of herself brought about this reaction, she could only imagine how she'd feel from seeing photos of the two of them together.
But two weeks was still a long wait. She missed him. And there was nothing better for her to do at the moment.
Returning to the phone, she restricted herself to only look through their older photos, ones of memories he would still remember. Besides these familiar ones, she half-hoped to find a few shots she’d never seen before, just as she snuck photos of him whenever possible despite his protests. Pleasantly surprised, she discovered there were actually a few he’d taken years ago that he’d managed to keep just to himself, even a couple more recent ones from their time at the Grand Canyon. It wasn’t the Seychelles, but Jemma remembered feeling overjoyed to get away for a while, just the two of them discovering the euphoria of being open about their shared feelings. Other photos were of her in various places in the Playground, moments she remembered as completely ordinary, but he somehow found something worthy of capturing.
Once she reached the end of the collection before the photos moved into moments that she would have to savor by herself, smiling and laughing for once in such a long time as she was transported back to so many cherished memories of theirs, she returned to the previous page of his photos app, letting herself indulge a bit longer. With a swipe of her thumb, she noticed a separate folder of videos she’d never noticed before. A few were terribly old – random moments from the Academy and on the Bus – but the most recent one she couldn’t recall, the black image not revealing the video’s contents.
Without thinking, she tapped it and then hit the play button. The picture was muffled for a few seconds with a bit of movement before the subject finally revealed himself, sitting on the floor of what looked like the Lighthouse.
“Hi, Jemma.”
Letting out a small gasp, she paused the video straightaway and then pressed her lips firmly together, staring into Fitz’s eyes as he looked back at her.
It was the missing piece of his life that she never witnessed – the time between her being snatched away without a trace from the diner and the moment she turned over her shoulder and found herself overcome from the revelation of Kasius’s latest guest of honor. He’d told her details of that story, of how Hunter broke him out and how they managed to track down Enoch. But she could never bring herself to truly picture him during that time, to imagine his state of mind as he struggled through their separation of space and time.
Through a slow breath, Jemma steadied herself enough to rummage through a desk drawer and found a cord to connect his phone to her monitor, needing to see his face in more detail than a three by five-inch screen allowed. When the video loaded and his face filled the larger screen, Jemma’s mouth curved into a small smile. He looked just as he had when they’re reunited in space the first time, his hair and beard grown out more than usual, but still effortlessly himself. But he wasn’t wearing that smug look he’d put on around the Kree to play his part as a space marauder. Instead, his expression was softer, still a bit lost and overwhelmed as it always seemed to be, but determined nonetheless.
Scooting forward in her chair, she rested her chin on her hand to watch. And with a tap of the spacebar, the video resumed.
“I just…” he started, no longer looking into the lens. “I’m not used to talking like this, to a camera, to you. We haven’t had a proper conversation in a while. And I don’t know when that’s gonna happen. I hope soon. I mean,” he let out a brief chuckle, “not technically soon 'cause I’m about to freeze myself and sleep for… 80 years or so.”
Jemma’s smile widened as she took him in, thinking back to that last memory at the diner, her heart aching as he talked of taking the long way to the future as if it were just another mission and not the most extraordinary thing he’d ever do.
He stayed silent for a moment and shifted his gaze to his lap, Jemma watching with quiet concern as his expression grew more solemn. She moved to prop her head against her hand as she waited.
“It always comes down to something like this, doesn’t it?” he mumbled softly after some time. “You’re never just a phone call away,” he said, waving his hand in the phone’s direction, “it’s always something else, some other dimension or reality or something out of this world. I guess I just wanted to record something just in…”
He paused, and when he pulled in his lips, Jemma did the same. He couldn’t finish the sentence, but he didn’t need to. Just in case we are truly cursed.
He shook his head, seeming to collect himself before continuing in a more determined tone. “I don’t know what I’m getting into, is all. All I know is that I’m coming for you. All of you. And I don’t have any idea how I’m going to find you or what we’re up against, but I promise I’m going to do everything I can to save you.”
In the background of the video, Jemma could hear a bit of movement far off somewhere. She could recognize the Lighthouse, but not his exact location.
Fitz looked off to the side before returning his attention back to his phone. “I gotta say goodbye to Hunter soon,” he said, his voice a bit lower than before. “He doesn’t know yet what I’m about to do. I guess I should have mentioned that before how Hunter got me out of prison, helped me figure out what happened after you guys disappeared.”
In a strange bit of fate, he shifted to lean against a case next to him, his head now resting against his hand as he created a mirror image of Jemma as she watched him. And for a moment, she forgot that it was pre-recorded video and not the two of them simply speaking with each other in real time.
“I wish I could see you right now,” he said, his voice pained, “to know that you’re okay.”
Jemma mouthed the words “me too,” struggling to take in a breath.
“But freezing myself is the best chance I have,” he went on. “Enoch said he’s gonna make sure nothing happens to me, and I trust him, even if he took you guys in the first place.” He stopped to wipe his eyes before letting out a deep sigh, taking another moment before returning his gaze to the camera.
Jemma swallowed the lump in her throat.
“You’re the one always giving me hope,” he finally said, “so I guess this is me doing that for you. I’m always gonna come back to you. No matter what.”
She choked back a small sob then, holding it in as long as possible to not miss a single word.
Fitz exhaled, and with a tilt of his head, he smiled. “I love you, and I… I can’t wait to see you again. Bye, Jemma.”
The video froze on the image of him moving to stop the recording, so she was left with that same sad smile, another mirror image of her as she looked on him with quiet content. If only he knew then the path they would follow before they found each other again. It worried her endlessly to think of how he would come to terms with everything he missed and everything they lost along the way. Yet here he was giving her hope, and that was somehow all she needed to know things would be okay.
Even as he was about to travel to the future without a clue as to what he would discover when he arrived, he knew he would find his way back to her. And he did. So just as he’d recorded a video for her like she’d done so long ago on that lonely planet for him, she would be sure to find him too.
Pressing her fingertips to her lips, Jemma reached forward and touched his cheek on the screen, whispering, “I’ll be there soon.”  
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wolvesdevour · 5 years
How Not to Write Gay Stories
I’m very torn between writing two different posts and there’s a chance these may combine, so we’ll see how this goes. There are two topics that are in my mind a fair amount: gay fetishism by women authors (both in fanfic & professional writing), and how to translate fanfic writing skills to professional writing (and how it can fail). Miraculously, perhaps, the book I just read, How (Not) To Ask a Boy to Prom by SJ Goslee is a fairly good example of both of these. 
The problem with addressing gay fetishism among women authors is that when is it fetishistic versus well-meaning? It’s hard for me to say why the originators of gay slash fic wrote the way they did, but its hard to miss that when fanfic especially grew prominent, over 80% of writers were women. In Star Trek fandom, the first gay slash fic was published by a woman in 1974: A Fragment Out of Time. By 1973, 90% of ST fan writers were women. 
To clear the air a little: women writers can write good gay stories. One of series I am currently read, The Realm of the Elderlings by Robin Hobb, includes many gay men, some of which are centered POVs. I will not say she is a perfect author, but I deeply enjoy how she writes men. For a good portion of the series, she shows a man growing up: he starts as a young boy, and we see how the men around him teach him to be a man. A very good portion of the lessons stray away from toxic masculinity. He is still taught to be a man, and there are certain “this is a manly trait” aspects (although when she features women as forefront POV, she often includes very similar lessons: ultimately nothing is exclusive to one’s sex, but society is what it is and they may learn lessons differently or overcome different hurdles).
She addresses writing gay men in this interview: Here’s the thing - when I meet a person, their gender identity is most often not the most important thing about them. If we become friends, it’s not because my first impulse is, “I will be friends with you because you’re female.” I mean, there’s a lot of women I can’t stand. There’s a lot of men that I absolutely can spend hours talking to. There are a lot of people on the whole gender spectrum and whether I become friends with them or not has nothing to do with that, so when I am writing these characters, although in some ways gender can influence a plot - for instance, if you want the prince and the princess to get married and live happily ever after in a medieval setting, gender is going to influence that - but for the most part, gender is not much more important than who has blue eyes. What’s more important is who is a skilled navigator, who is tough enough to survive a bad situation, who can think on their feet and find the creative solution to a problem they haven’t encountered before, and that’s got nothing to do with gender. So it was not that I said, “Gee, I will write a book with gay characters.” It was, I’m writing a book, this character has stepped out onto the stage, he’s told me about him- or herself, and this is who they are. As I said: I’m not here to say that women cannot write gay stories. But there is also gay fetishism. I am both a gay man and a trans man; I get a lot of “OMG, you’ll love this!” and cis or straight people presenting me with things that appear inclusive or caring. I personally don’t find memes like “Steve Rogers is a transwoman!”** or whatever amusing. Am I, say, happy to see that Loki is canonically not straight nor cisgender? Yes. I love that. (Does that potentially make Victor von Doom not straight, uh, I like to think so.) I like reading LGBT+ stories, but a good portion of them may not interest me, especially if the writer isn’t part of that demographic and has a tendency to post a lot of art, writing, or discuss a lot of how hot, cute, or general appealing it is that a character or couple are LGBT. That creeps me out. I’m not alone. Very not alone. Absolutely not alone. Here’s another post, this time by a woman that I appreciate:
The worst thing,” one gay friend said, “is that [women in the slash community] aren’t listening to me. You’re not listening when I tell you that you’re being hurtful.”
What I find especially difficult to convey is the nuances to when women write gay men versus when men do. I’ve been trying to collect “gay stories written by gay men” although due to publishing bias, this can be very difficult: As a queer, trans reader, I looked forward to seeing myself in their pages. But I was surprised to find that some LGBTQ-focused stories were reflecting not me, but a straight person’s imagination of me. [Link 1]
The current transman story I like is seen in Early Riser by Jasper Fforde. The character utterly blindsided me in a great way: he never appeared “omg trans” until it was forced to come to light. I appreciate him as well, as a character, because in a harsh survival world, he is a man who survives well. I especially see a lot of “transmen are soft uwu such boi” and I despise this. I did not survive everything in my life to be diminished to pastels and cute/sweet and childish-boyish characteristics.  Similarly, as a gay man, I am not there to be pretty, to serve as a fashion guru for straight people, to be soft and pretty and welcoming. And that’s not how gay men write themselves. This isn’t how transmen write themselves. As a writer, I struggled a lot on how to depict trans characters, and my largest lesson (and I certainly hope to published one day, but who knows) is that I never saw good examples of myself because most typically they are written by straight, cis women.  So what is so wrong with Goslee’s How (Not) To Ask A Boy to Prom? (There will absolutely be spoilers.) The main character is a teen boy who has long hair, loves succulents aggressively, loves narwhals, and has no male friends. His school is supportive of gay men: a very popular football player is gay and has supportive friends, another gay teen (who becomes his boyfriend) has very supportive friends. For some reason, this gay teen is incapable to do anything for himself. He loves art, doesn’t do sports, doesn’t really connect with his foster parents, and seems overly attached to his sister. He is effectively a very flat and “soft” person. Some guys are, of course. Some gay guys are more art, less sports. But the other men? Si & Bern? They’re equally soft. Si is described as soft, beautiful, kind, sweet. He has zero personality. He is described the same way, every time, and is overly described as soft, all men are soft, it’s like they bathe in fabric softener. Bern, the “bad boy” is barely... That. He is supposed to be gruff to the main character, but for the good portion, he is like the main character (Nolan), and Si. They are all the same person, ultimately. 
Bloom might be a good comparison to How (Not) To Ask a Boy to Prom. This is written by a man (Kevin Pancetta) and illustrated by a woman (Savanna Ganucheau). I don’t like the character design. Most of the gay men I showed it to asked if at one of the guys (or both) are women. But it is a story about a frustrated kid who wants to move out of his small town to Baltimore (okay: as a Marylander who grew up in a very small town and eventually moved to Baltimore, I kinda.... Get this), but meets another man who is older, but not creepily too old for him, and its a romance & vague coming of age story. If you grew up in a small city as LGBT+, it’s hard to find your sense of self. You miss out a lot on life; I think Ari reflects that: he wants to be himself.  A lot of this enters into my point 2: The problem of being a fanfic writer, or the pitfalls of translating fanfic writing skills to professional writing. Nolan is not a person; he has no strong characteristics. We’re told he likes narwhals and succulents, he is a foster child, he’s gay, and I have trouble quantifying him the way I do Ari because he’s so devoid of personality. Si is probably the least developed character at all, as the “perfect, Apollo-esque gay football player.” Bern is maybe the most developed, going from gruff-mean guy to gay softy--a motorcycling math nerd.  The problems with fanfic writing is that it is based on knowing characters. As fanfic writers, we don’t have to nail down reality, because there’s a whole piece devoted to who they are. We��re just filling in those blanks. The author seems to primarily be a Teen Wolf fanfic writer (her bio lists “werewolves,” but her tumblr blog is very devoted to Teen Wolf, so well). This brings up another creepy pitfall, which is beyond slash fic writing, there is the aspect of word usage. If you’ve been following my vague live-reading, I’ve been posting about the massive references to “puppy” and other trends. It is creepy to read out of context. 
It seems, according to reviews, that Goslee has trouble with this in her other book, Whatever: or how junior high became totally f$@ked. She has a stream of consciousness that doesn’t explain the main character’s thoughts or the world very well. In fanfic writing, this would end up being a slow burn. “Oh, but are they really going to date?” etc. In How Not, Nolan fake-dates Bern, and googles this concept, finding fanfic works. This gets weird for me, because it’s supposed to be an inside joke, I guess? “Hey teeny nerds: fanfics” but most gay men I know have a difficult relationship with fanfic and with fan community due to fetishism. We get pressed out of spaces a fair amount because of it. (One link above, the Mary Sue one, discusses how women do this.) Of course, this is meant to be a cute, happy book, right? Alright, it’s a cute, upbeat story. Except we don’t get a very good baseline for the world. Bern & Si’s friends are supportive. We get a form of negativity from Bern’s mother, who wishes he’d date his ex-gf, I think? (Bern is bisexual.) Or maybe just date women. So is there homophobia in this world or not? We aren’t given a good sense how Nolan’s parents feel that he is gay? It seems to wholly not discuss his foster parents barring “they are aggressively competitive, Tom makes crazy food concoctions and Marla talks to him about dating Bern.” As a whole, the parents are extremely unimportant other than they provide a home and food. Are they unusual for the area? (And knowing PA, that state can have some major issues.) Or is it common in this world? Is there a reason to not hand-hold? Do they every worry about homophobia when outside school? Do the teachers say shit? There is a lot to consider. The world-building is deeply lacking. Beyond the lack of world, we get a lot of fanfic trope writing. A lot of this I’ve seen from people on my dash who are Teen Wolf fans. I used to like the show & follow TW blogs; I’m not a massive fanfic reader (*ahem* a lot of gay fetishism), but I have read it. For series like TW, you may see what I consider “animalistic tropes;” such as tackling, growling, etc. There is a lot of this. A lot of people are tackling each other to the ground, growling, and there’s this weird moment when Bern grabs the nape of Nolan’s neck that while some men do this, it felt very strange in the moment, particularly aggressively? Because the author openly admits to writing werewolf fanfic, it feels like that is what it is. For authors who write both fanfic and seek to write professionally, this is a consideration. For a gay reader, it’s really weird for a guy to grab another guy’s “nape of the neck” affectionately. (As someone who has worked around large predators, albeit primarily felids, grabbing the neck is a sexual behavior, but that just makes this weirder.) Anyways, it really struck out as weird; just very very weird. Bern is mentioned to not be into PDA (which later in the book, they do it a fair amount it seems, that is also very weird? this happens a fair amount). 
Another part is that there is a lot of use of the word puppy. It is frequents so often that I’d have to stop reading because it was grossing me out. It sounds like that author is into puppy play. This isn’t to kink shame, but this is a YA novel and she writes werewolf fanfic. It starts seemingly, albeit weirdly innocuous with moments like “Bern was smooth and graceful while I was still growing out of my puppy paws” and “She tilted her head like a puppy” and “I followed him up the stairs like a puppy.” But it keeps happening. Then people start growling at each other and it just... Gets a very specific note. Mixed in with how smooth and hairless and Adonis-like the teens are written, especially by an adult woman fan, it feels... Well... It makes my skin crawl. I’m not saying that the author means to. I’m really not trying to be like ‘Hey, guys, sexual predator?” I really, really want to address that that is not my intention. My intention is that this compounds on itself. In the links about how the slash side of fandom can make gay men uncomfortable: this is the perfect example.  I’ve been to events with fans and found myself, barring maybe my fiance, to be the only gay man there. If I’m shipping two characters, such as when I went to a TAZ photoshoot, and my fiance and I are the only gay cosplayers, and almost the only men period, whereas a lot of women are screaming about how cute Taako is, that gets uncomfortable. It’s not about this one fandom. It’s all fandoms. Every single one has had this fetishization problem. It’s why I never entered the Lord of the Rings fandom. I was in middle school and found “my first” fandom, only to see all of the fanfic about Sam/Frodo ships and it grossed me out. As a teen boy, it creeped me out, that all these men had to be sexual to each other, and as I only came across women shipping men, it made it more and more ostracizing.  Maybe I should have addressed this earlier, but: Not all fetishization is sexual. It can be romantic, too. How (Not) to Ask a Boy to Prom’s relationships are about a teen boy who doesn’t want to date or go to prom. His sister makes him ask out Si, the big popular gay guy. Nolan/the author mocks the GSA (gay-straight alliance) club. While there are problems with some GSAs*, the author, a seemingly straight woman, is mocking an LGBT+ space. There is a chance she is bisexual; I haven’t managed to find otherwise, and that’s how this will appear to many people, as she has a husband. I will also note: a bisexual woman’s experience will differ from a gay man’s experience, and sometimes LGBT+ folks need to not speak for/over each other.  Nolan ends up fake-dating Bern due to a mistake, and there’s a bit of problem I have, with how for a good portion of the book, these gay teens “need to FAKE date”. Worse to me, is that Nolan, upon realizing he likes Bern, breaks up with him and ends up sleeping (non-sexually) in a bed with his sister, deciding to go to prom together. For a straight/cis-presenting women to write this, it’s... Got a lot of different baggage to it. Especially with how idealistic (but not for gay men) she writes the characters, it gets worse and worse. It makes the gay character seem just a little less gay. His relationship with his sister is odd. It’s not “cool” to really hang out with your sister at school; I know, I had a step sister & brother. We were all roughly the same age. If these two went to prom together in the real world? They would be mocked. Also, it really makes Nolan appear not actually gay. As a gay writer, I would have him, if not go at all, go stag. The message here is: it’s better to be straight than gay and without a boyfriend. Hence how it becomes fetishistic: Nolan’s sister, both of which are older teens (around 17-18 or so) sleep together in a bed. It may not be “coded as sexual” but it is ignorant of the history that “maybe gay men can be fixed.” They even dance at prom. This is one step below asking your mother to prom. She is still his sister. It creates a narrative that he, out of the blue, dumps his boyfriend to then sleep/cuddle with his sister and they go to prom. Again, this is seen more in fanfic: we often, especially with adopted siblings, see closeness that can become romantic or sexual. I have a fair amount of friends who are adopted and this trope style is infinitely horrifying to them. It makes them feel like that society doesn’t view them as actually family. It is also a real problem: adopted family members (especially kids) have been abused by their adopted family, as if “it’s okay, they’re not actually biologically family.”
While he does eventually get back together with Bern, it’s after prom that he does this. I don’t even know why Bern accepts him. Nolan has been truly awful to this guy. Goslee doesn’t seem to understand how tenuous gay men’s statuses are. This can be held against Nolan, if not for the simple creepy fact that he sleeps and goes to prom with his sister, that he goes to prom with a woman, he may get a lot of “But are you really gay?” comments. Especially because Nolan dates only one man before going to prom with his sister (and is the one to dump his boyfriend, who he was fake-dating).
Is there more on this I could write? Yes. I probably could, but I also have to get ready to go to a movie with my fiance. So uh... Maybe there will be a part 2? We’ll see. _______ *I personally was forced out of my college’s GSA because the group was actually gay/bisexual people having orgies. So, yea, there’s some problems with certain LGBT+ spaces and being actually open to LGBT+ folks. It was also extremely transphobic and ace-phobic.  **My point with this for clarification is that: I don’t want to be bribed with “lol this person is LGBT+ cuuuute!?” headcanon or otherwise. I am fine with that form of headcanoning, or AUs, but the idea of playing with gender identity and pulling it off as cute, especially by cis or straight people is skeevy and at best, ignorant, at worst, fetishistic.  Link List: LGBT Exploitation in Fandom: we are not here for your entertainment
Fetishizing Homosexuality
gbpt boys’ ask about women readers of mlm stories
The Mary Sue’s On The Fetishization of Gay Men by Women in the Slash Community
Why Are So Many Gay Romances Written By Straight Women?
The Lack of Published Gay YA by Gay Authors? Let’s Talk About It
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tohbi-isi · 6 years
Preventing Movements from Being Overlooked in the Age of Activism
Contemporary social movements have a higher chance of fading into the background now more than ever. Benjamin Sáenz, a professor at the University of Texas at El Paso, says “There is no [Chicano] movement per se. That doesn’t mean there is nothing happening” (Guerrero, 61). This holds true for many modern-day movements where people have the Internet to aid in spreading information faster than traditional methods. It’s easy to be forgotten when activists can be branded far-left SJWs (social justice warriors) as a tactic to ignore the message. The racists that many of today’s movements are fighting against can have entire pages taken down after false reports of hate speech. In a country founded on the beliefs of the white, Christian majority we often see the issues that stick are what these people are in direct opposition with – black vs white, gay vs straight, rich vs poor, Christian vs savage. Movements like Black Lives Matter see huge success because they are right – there’s an issue that needs to be addressed – but also because this country thrives on the continued white against black narrative that raises white inhabitants higher on their pedestals. While all social movements of the future have to worry about whether the public regards their goals as positive or negative, it is especially the movements of smaller groups that are vulnerable to being left behind. In addition to the fading of news that inevitably happens with a 24-hour global news cycle, active erasure now occurs with a few clicks.
Because I am not Black, Mexican, or Asian it isn’t my place to speak on the movements of those groups beyond observations of them. I can, however, speak to the many movements of my people. Okla Chahta ohoyo hapia hoke. I am a proud woman from the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma. All through school I had teachers ask me if I knew that Native Americans made up just 1-2% of the entire United States population. It was hurtful to always be stared at as if I belonged in some sort of museum, and pushed me to look deeper into the needs of Indian Country as a whole. Issues my tribe doesn’t face, others do; and where there is trouble, there is generally a movement to change the cause for a better outcome. Since the very first colony settled on these lands in 1492, Indigenous peoples have been at risk for becoming one of these aforementioned forgotten groups.
Diminishing the power of those who make up today’s 566+ federally recognized tribes was the goal from day one and that’s obvious when you look at our numbers in the broad population. Even so, this has not stopped the fires burning among us. Every day we fight for a different facet of the erasure and oppression we face: Standing Rock, Bears Ears, Mauna Kea, Native mascots, tribal sovereignty, missing and murdered Indigenous women. The goal is to start these movements and prevent them from disappearing before anything can be accomplished. But how can we ensure that when even movements like that of Colin Kaepernick – who had the attention and support of millions of football fans – can be warped and forced out of the spotlight?
Journalist Jacqueline Keeler, of Navajo and Dakota decent, spoke briefly with me on the issue of staying relevant and being heard. Much of her beliefs appear to lie in the idea that our strength manifests in numbers.
I think that it’s not going to be easy and this is not the natural course of things. The exertion of sovereignty [and] something which I really advocate for: an Indigenous tribal government. I think that we need to organize politically because we’re talking about political rights, you know? Our safety, our security, our identity is only going to be protected politically. All of this is permeable as long as we are not politically strong, so we need to strengthen ourselves politically. Obviously we are talking about several hundred different nations, but we are stronger together and we have more at stake in common than we do apart.
Strengthening ourselves politically is an important idea to consider because tribal sovereignty is already ignored in day to day life. We need leaders who aren’t afraid to assert their power, and from there we need to work together to get our best into the U.S. government. Politics are at a turning point where things will either improve for those experiencing injustice or history will repeat itself.
National headlines detailing Standing Rock Reservation and the protection of sacred sites that were desecrated for the Dakota Access Pipeline proves that this idea of strength in unification is on the right track. Standing Rock is shared by Yanktonai Dakota, Hunkpapa Lakota, and Sihasapa Lakota. People from these tribes united and rallied for help in protecting their lands and burial grounds that were being threatened. Tribe after tribe sent letters of support and representatives to aid in the work that was happening up north. I sent packages of supplies to the very first wave of protectors in April 2016 while urging my tribal leaders to pen their support and send help. I observed Linda Black Elk, of the Standing Rock Sioux, use her background in Ethnobotany as an EMT for the protectors. I watched as needed roles were filled and veterans showed up to stand on the front lines following Trump’s executive order that reversed Obama’s protections. Although the pipeline has been completed, the events at Standing Rock are an inspiring example of strength in numbers. If we can come together and turn the public’s attention to the injustices we face, we can come together and work from inside the corrupt system that holds us down.
A Lakota youth advocate, Megan Red Shirt-Shaw, has worked admissions at multiple universities and is using her experience to work on a project designed to connect Natives pursuing their Ph.D. with mentors in their desired field. This came to mind when reading about Sáenz and Guerrero discussing how “Many of the young leaders of yesterday went to school and are now our doctors, lawyers, educators, and writers” (Guerrero, 61). If wielding our collective power to change societal tradition is key to the social movements of the future, avenues to and participation in academia is necessary. Education will be the foot in the door for minorities in politics; without which nothing will change about the lack of diversity in our representatives. The statistics for politicians in the United States proves that the diversity of the country is not reflected. In 2015 I read a Washington Post article titled “The new Congress is 80 percent white, 80 percent male and 92 percent Christian” that went on to detail the exact numbers of the 114th Congress. This country is not in a crisis where our population of women is severely lacking in numbers, so why is it that our government doesn’t more accurately reflect the diversity of the current population? Activism taking center stage in conversations across these lands means more youth are likely to actively pursue higher education and get involved in politics. As these numbers rise there is higher potential for the government to accurately represent this nation’s inhabitants.
By working together toward the ultimate power of representation we will eventually be able to reinvent the foundation of this country without a radical anarchy. And that’s how it should be done – slowly and with enough thought that everyone can benefit – otherwise we run the risk of someone being left out or these lands being damaged further. “Critics will rightly contend that co-management is not an ideal status for tribes. We are indigenous to the land and by right should have complete authority. But the political reality is that we don’t” (Curley, 72). I don’t believe there is a need to speak of something as severe as overthrowing and abolishing the government while minorities are at such a clear disadvantage. Though a nice fantasy to dwell in, a slow trickle into spaces that don’t currently have their doors open to us will be much easier.
While it is less than ideal to have to work so much harder than those currently in power just for the chance to enter their stadium, it’s worth it when we look at the cause. The root of any social movement examined corresponds with lack of power and that’s why we must focus on taking back said power and distributing it where deserved. Without that we will only see movements grow silent and fade out like the Chicano movement and the water protectors at Standing Rock. Movements visible to those who are involved, but otherwise unseen. We can choose to let the media pit us against other movements, break us from the inside, and turn onlookers against us or we can cease to feed that monster and focus on feeding ourselves. The majority will look away when comfortable and it is in those moments that we can choose to stay down where they want us or build up.
Works Cited Bump, Phillip. “The New Congress is 80 Percent White, 80 Percent Male, and 92 Percent Christian.” Washington Post. 5 January 2017. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the- fix/wp/2015/01/05/the-new-congress-is-80-percent-white-80-percent-male-and-92- percent-christian. January 2017.
Curley, Andrew. “Some Thoughts on a Long-Term Strategy for Bears Ears.” In Edge of Morning: Native Voices Speak for the Bears Ears, (pp. 66-73). Jacqueline Keeler. Salt Lake City, Utah: Torrey House Press. May 2017.
Guerrero, Salvador. “The Chicano Movement – Alive and Evolving.” In English One Reader, (pp. 61-62). Charles Brown. (Original work published 2011)
PROMPT: to be added. Blog & posts under construction/revision.
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