#but that's how i started looking through the 'recently updated' or 'new series' sections of manga sites
genericpuff · 3 months
Okay, what the FUCK is Inklore?
My ULO pals and I have been deliberating on this one since it was announced. "Inklore", the brand new imprint from Random House Worlds - which is, in and of itself, an imprint of Penguin Random House - and Rachel Smythe Presents, an in-house program of sorts that's dedicated to graphic novels, specifically those that "tell updated, romantic versions of classic stories and mythologies, and caters to readers looking for bingeable, relationship-driven stories with a distinct visual voice."
Basically it's exactly how it sounds - they're creating an imprint for works like Lore Olympus, and using Rachel as the leading lady.
But let's dig a little deeper. Because the more I searched on Inklore, Rachel Smythe Presents, and Random House Worlds, the more it started to paint a picture of what's really going on here.
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I talked about this in my recent analysis of LO's pacing problems, but Inklore launching in Spring 2024 conveniently lines up with what would seem like a reasonable end point for LO. Rachel's always lined up LO's episodes with real life dates and holidays - even when it's been at her comic's own expense - and while we've kept our minds open to the possibility that it could end later than Spring, there's no denying at this point that LO itself is dragging itself out, which gives me stronger reason to believe it's just trying to make it to March, specifically March 20th, which is the first day of Spring in the northern hemisphere. Because of this, our best predictions right now is that LO's series finale will either release on FP or unlock for free readers on either the 16th or 23rd of March (if it unlocks for free on either of those dates, that means we can expect the series to end behind the FP paywall on either April 6th or 13th, assuming they're aren't any more hiatuses, but at this point I doubt there will be.)
Moving on, let's look at the actual Inklore site-
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Already you can get the vibe of what kind of work they're looking for through their imprint. This is for people like Rachel. Now, I'm definitely not going to rag on anyone's tastes, I myself am a weeb of epic proportions, but considering you're about to see what's really the highlight of this site, you'll get what I mean when I say this isn't for people like Rachel, this is for people like Rachel. Specifically Rachel.
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Inklore seems to be just an imprint specifically for Rachel Smythe Presents, with a couple extra series tacked on to give off the impression of it being more credible than it is. It means the whole site can be dedicated to it, rather than having it shoved in haphazardly alongside Penguin Random House's other works. You'll see what I mean in a second, but let's magnify those questions real quick, shall we?
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As soon as I saw the "we are not accepting unsolicited pitches for Rachel Smythe Presents", it dawned on me that Rachel's own fans don't know how imprints work. Why do I say that? Look no further than the comment sections on her announcement posts for RSP (which I'm abbreviating, but I assure you, it stands for "Rachel Sex Party"- /j)
Of course, there are plenty of "congratulations" comments and "please do xyz myth", in which case, please, don't let her touch more myths I beg you-
But then there are also the odd comments of people asking how to get involved themselves. People who are just, by all accounts, regular people on the Internet.
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But wait, how do you get involved? Thankfully there's a handy URL in that FAQ telling us how.
And holy shit, it's hilarious.
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Guys, it's so easy to get into Rachel Smythe Presents! All you have to do is finish a manuscript, find an agent who's willing to work with a new unpublished author (and hope that they're not a scammer), get your manuscript prepared for publishing and submitted to editors, and then hopefully land a book deal! Wasn't that so easy?? Thanks for demystifying the process, Penguin Random House!
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Listen, okay, there's something to be said about how difficult it is to navigate the publishing world. While some of those difficulties are for good reason - to ensure that not just any piece of crap thrown on paper can get published - many more are rooted in privilege, racial gatekeeping, and sexism. It is still an industry being run by a lot of nasty old fucks who take full advantage of people desperate enough to get their book published.
All that aside, it's kind of hilarious - in a sad kind of way - to see fans of this comic assume that this project and its opportunities were ever made for them. It wasn't. It wasn't made for the Canvas creators, it wasn't made for the Wattpad writers, it wasn't made for the people who work in the medium that Rachel started out in to get where she is today. It was made for the people who are already 3 of the 4 steps into Penguin Random House's "helpful" guide on publishing. It was made for the Cait Corrains and the wannabe Rick Riordans.
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At best, Inklore is simply a home that's been manufactured for Lore Olympus after it's done on Webtoons. It may remain on the WT platform forever - or maybe not - but Inklore gives it a way to be seen and acknowledged outside of its niche. Because, despite Webtoons attempting to make Lore Olympus a global phenomenon, it really hasn't sold well in other countries, especially those where it was translated which people from those countries have stated it's not translated well at all.
It goes to show that much of LO's claim to fame was manufactured within North America by Webtoons itself, and Inklore is just another one of those manufactured attempts.
Still don't believe me? Still think I'm wearing too much tinfoil?
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There are still only two series that Inklore has to show for itself - and remember, it launches in two months - and of course the ones leading that charge are every single volume of LO, even the ones that aren't "new and upcoming" anymore.
And then there's their Instagram, which is just more of the same-
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(wonder if they ever found a Marketing Manager? Not exactly the role you want to be left empty leading up to a launch, oop-)
But wait, doesn't that site layout look a little... off? Almost cheap, maybe? Am I being too harsh-
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Oop, nope, it's the exact same template used for the LoreOlympusBooks.com website.
Wait a minute, what about the imprint that Inklore is attached to? Random House Worlds?
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... Uhhuh. I'm not entirely convinced that Lore Olympus is in any way on the same level as fucking Star Wars but to the average onlooker, this would make Lore Olympus seem pretty big and important simply on the virtue of it sitting smack dab in the middle of a grid of massive franchises.
So I'll bite, where do these buttons go? They all lead to external sites selling books and merchandise (except for the Marvel Studios one, which hilariously doesn't have a URL attached, so that button goes nowhere LMAO)
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... Oh. It's that layout again.
Not all of them have the same layout, mind you, but it seems to be the default layout for sites they just haven't buffed up yet. It would explain why the Star Wars and D&D sites are a lot more robust in their designs, while others just link back to Penguin Random House:
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Now the Minecraft one does look better at first glance, but it's still just the same template as the LO site, with a slightly different layout, but working off the same design philosophy, like they just spent a few extra hours dragging things around and spiffying them up in a site editor.
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So it seems a lot of the default sites are working off the same CSS stylesheets, which doesn't exactly look good for LO and Inklore's online identity.
But hey, it's gotta mean something that LO is sitting alongside such franchises as Star Wars, Marvel, Magic the Gathering, and Minecraft, right? These are some of the biggest franchises on the planet, and while LO does make a lot of money, it's still nowhere near the billions that these franchises generate every single year.
And that's what I would be saying, if I hadn't noticed the specific products that Random House Worlds was selling - all easily churned out merch, from cookbooks to spin-off titles, which aren't exactly the main draw for these franchises, simply stocking stuffers or otherwise fun gimmicks to try out.
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(I actually own the Dungeons and Dragons tarot deck. It's shit. They don't actually tell you the suit of the cards, JUST the numbers, so you have to flip through the book and match up the pictures on the cards with the pictures in the book just to figure out if it's Cups, Pentacles, Wands, or Swords, which I'm sure you can figure out, if you're a tarot reader, is very inconvenient and doesn't make for a good card reading experience)
Point is, Random House Worlds seems to mostly be an imprint dedicated solely to the cheaper products and books they can make to pump up a franchise's merch count. Even the Critical Role site doesn't offer the campaign books, those are published by their own personal imprint Darrington Press and are offered on their main - and much better designed - site:
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Instead it's selling printed versions of interviews and... mad libs.
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Not made or even really endorsed by the Critical Role cast, because if they were, they'd be on the main site, where the good shit is.
Random House Worlds is, at least judging off what I've found here, the "trick the parents into buying it" imprint. It's simply there for parents to see, go "my kid watches / plays that!" and then buy a Beholder puzzle which their kid will undoubtedly start and then never finish and eventually throw out half-finished after all the pieces have been lost. It's the cheap merch money generating machine, with works written by people who were simply paid to write it, and not people actually involved in the larger franchises.
And this is the imprint that Inklore and Rachel Smythe Presents is going to be an extension of.
At best, Inklore will likely just be a home for Rachel's work post-Webtoons, with maybe the odd success outside of it. At worst, it comes across as nothing more than an ego project, another artificial attempt to place Rachel and LO on the same playing field as Marvel, Minecraft, Star Wars, and Dungeons & Dragons through the only means that they can - an imprint that specializes in off-brand books, which they're truly counting on people just seeing the logos and going "wow those are big franchises!" and associating LO with that status simply by affiliation - without it having anywhere near the actual level of prestige, household influence, or brand recognition.
Its readership is dying out, its stats dropping, and worst of all, the vast majority of people - of which its a very small amount - who have heard about LO without being a Webtoons user themselves have heard how infamous it is in its bad writing and poor art direction.
It has nowhere to go but down, and if you were hoping to be a part of Rachel Smythe Presents, then all I can suggest to you is to go through the very simple process of finishing your manuscript, finding an agent, finding an editor, and then (hopefully) landing a book deal with the 'esteemed' Inklore.
Good luck! ヽ(・∀・)ノ
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daystarvoyage · 5 days
Glad fandoms are calling out the toxicity in fandoms, hey everyone back in action for a long wait.
Hello, Everyone, It's Kyoko Cane Of Daystar Voyage Giving You A Quick Update of what's been going on,
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I have been off Tumblr for a while due to situations in fandoms, & Life, if you don't know yes I am a blogger and content creator who does cosplay & creates art, I also focus a channel on animation, Family entertainment & Fandom Topics With Some variety.
But I am back now gonna try to make this a short message cut into three parts cause I have to start packing for Momocon, now that's the introduction out the way let's get on to these parts on the sections from future videos, calling out show flaws and my love for all animation & why you should give it praise,
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1. Very Proud of People calling out Fandom Discourse on Shipping & toxic problematic stuff, way to go
when animation got through the good times of the golden age of animation 80s & '90s through my times experiencing it myself, i do love people have a natural conversation about their favorite shows and fiction & nonfiction works, it felt really organic to see others commend me for talking about things out without hiding behind a electronics, seeing growth in positive ways,
I for one watch any new shows that are lighthearted in its comedy story & world-building with good writing that excels and few who have a lot to learn from them. (Example Disneys Kiff Big City Greens Amphibia & Haileys On It) Along With light-hearted anime shojo & Josei to be exact, have really put me into a comforting mode and have made me look at a perspective of what characters have to offer.
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however, that's not without its negatives.
The 2000s & 2020s later with the uprising of the cost of living, and jobs declining it really did take a toll on people's mindset without a safe space to have open-minded discussions due to toxic fandoms on the internet propelling popular media. (escapism etc)
though our love of media contorts and distorts in many ways that's not without negatives
i have suffered a lot from a recent fandom the Owl House recently,
Oh forgot to mention one part the fanfics are coming out great for the Owl House movie fanfic and short story I have to make for the Witterbane Origins so they are cooking in the oven as we speak Release coming soon
now you are wondering why I brought this series to light.
well we know things have become problematic with its fandom from shipping, writing & character exposures, I for one have been scammed in this fandom cause i wanted a specific ship (lunter) keychain & i was placated & gaslighted into thinking i got a finished product, unfortunately, it wasn't preserved properly & Toxic nonfactors who hide behind a character who wish they'll give them time of day. SEE AT THE BOTTOM BELOW
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Yes there’s proof and FACTs THE FANDOM CANT TAKE A LOGICAL REASON AND CALL OUT THE WRITING AT TIMES., so I’ll be discussing that soon in a future video, cause nothing stopping me
Up above pics 👆 this is a prime example of how fandom has become toxicity from characters being defined by their sexuality, TV tropes not properly executed in good ways, and today's culture following suit of creators compromising the show to the audience's liking (do to fandoms)
be it Racism, Poc Representation compromised & white favoritism & supremacy. There are times the show shows bad writing & and of course shipping discourse just to make up these flaws however it doesn't save them, cause this shows fandom needs a wake-up call so ill be roasting & giving reasonable and logical critiques 247.
That is all for number 1 and I'm proud of the fandoms talking about the owl house flaws in the show
, we as fans of past present of future animated lovers should have been giving this content and I'm not bashing the owl house but waking up people to how yall act as a whole, from yall bullying other creators from new upcoming Disney shows too which is not ok, so much to say but ima save for future videos
2. Future Videos will not stop me from talking & ranting on issues be it unscripted or scripted to get my feelings out.
ill will be getting back on camera for soon with the many topics on my polls from past posts here and will be discussing my favorite genres Shojo & Josei on how the Western audience perceives it as compared to back in the day
It's been such a great way to use Tumblr to open my mind to others who agree knowing I don't have a big following.
( cause you know people all act the same on social media who lack creativity or originality)
Ill be using my channel to create content to understand my world as a genderqueer person and to know that everyone needs to bring out a confident you and speak your mind on terms & causes that matter cause where all on this earth and where all the same if we open our minds.
3. Your all Welcome to message me afternoons only (don't go too far on boundaries) Yes fanfics are in the oven, & will be doing photos at momocon cosplays YES ILL BE MAKING ENTERTAINING SHORTS and have a blessed starry day.
Last segment right now im doing better however will be going to the doctor when I can, Also Advise people to have a life outside of fandom.
I use art as a way to create and diffuse from bullying on social media cause I am single and looking for love does play a part cause as a black person, where seen as scum Not desirable, and just nothing and unpretty.
but I for one say otherwise, cause I'm defined by my heart of gold and jolly disposition, airing out my stress with art and content.
So make sure to check out my Latest videos on channel daystar voyage.
so I leave to yall for a while I may post often about other content when I have time and an update on the amity video coming up but shorts will be out in the meantime thank you so much.
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feathersnek · 1 year
What We Know So Far About Recollections Gameplay
UPDATE: This post was made before Recollections released! We know a lot more now, and some of this info is just all I had to go off of from streams!
(usual grain of salt disclaimer, but this time +the fact that we were seeing in development gameplay and menus)
Recent Liveletter info: Part 1 -Other new mechanics & QA | Part 2 - Recollections Story Info
Recollections will be a separate gameplay mode entirely!
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It will feature new mechanics and an all new original story! Keep in mind the premise of this is an Ex Dungeon akin to mainline Tales. So don't expect the usual format or a standard story "arc." Ix and Mileena are still our protagonists and will be featured both here and in continued events, but their main story is complete!
A Complete Battle System Overhaul!
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(Only in Recollections mode. The usual battle system is available in the normal content)
The battle system has been reworked into a 3D space! You can now use quickstep to dodge enemies, a new AG system has been implemented to facilitate long combos that can continue for a long time if you dodge with good timing! (More below the cut!)
Contrary to what you'd expect, AG actually *increases* with each move made and the goal is to *decrease* it by dodging well or holding still in order to keep attacking! But watch out! If the percentage gets too high from too many combos without decreasing AG, your character will get overwhelmed and become dazed!
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Battles are structured in (timed?) waves! The goal is to defeat the boss at the end for Recollections items to unlock story and character equipment unlocks!
Relive Key Moments and collect Recollection orbs!
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A look at the navigation menu! The first series set to release is Rays, Phantasia, Destiny 1 & 2, and Eternia!
In order to unlock a series you need to gather the required amount of Illusion Lamps:
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Here is an example from the showcase.
The green line under the middle lamp tells you how many Illusion Lamps you need to unlock the series you've selected. (In this case Rays needs 6) Bottom right corner has Memorial rank (here its zero) and under that is the number of lamps you have. Top right is a ui view changer(?) Under Rays there you can see series rank and Recollection Orbs for the selected title
These little fellas are Recollection Orbs:
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You earn them through quests and missions!
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5 quests are randomly chosen per day (per series?), and you can challenge them and clear missions to collect the orbs.
If you want to challenge the quests more than 5 times per day (from what I can tell, per quest! That's 20 times (maybe)! *unless this was only for showcase idk) you have to use dias.
They will refresh your times per day for free though of course. (Think of it like AP, but a different style!)
The memory orbs are pretty generous. You get 3 for defeating a boss, a certain amount for series missions, and then you can earn more from overall accumulative missions. Such as highest score and other conditions.
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When you collect enough Recollection Orbs, the Series Rank for the series you're on increases! When Series Rank levels up, you can choose a random enhancement for that series' characters! This will help you clear more quests and raise the rank even higher! (This likely only applies for Recollections mode)
This will potentially include MAs. Unclear how MAs work in the new mode, but your character starts from scratch with their equipment and it must be unlocked! (more info in a section below)
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And of course this also unlocks chapters to relive classic story snippets surrounding the character's MA illustration memory! Each series will have a different amount of total chapters to unlock.
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Raise Memorial Rank by Raising Series Ranks to View Main Story!
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As you collect Series Ranks, the overall Memorial Rank will increase, unlocking the main Recollections story parts. Unique battles for this story await! (Unknown what these battles will be, but they sound like they'll be a big deal)
Play With the Series Characters and Unlock Their Moves and Auto Chain!
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Each series will only allow party members of that series to be used. You will (potentially*) not start with all of your equipment! It must be unlocked!
*Unclear if this applies in general or only for auto chain. Also unclear how MAs come into play. We'll have to see when it's out.
In order to unlock artes, you must clear quests by defeating the boss! Each time you do this, your lead character unlocks a random arte from their pool.
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As you gain more Artes, you can set them to the new Auto Chain feature! Set whatever order you want, but going from low rarity > high rarity has bonuses!
In battle, you hold down on the screen to transition to Auto Chain, where your character will cycle through up to 4 set moves while you hold the screen! This chain can be broken to return to standard swipe-style artes at any time. This allows a max of 8 artes in battle at a time!
And that's all I know so far! We'll find out if there are any changes from the showcase version and more details when Recollections releases in April!
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Interview with The Path Podcast (Full written responses)
(Note: The interview itself will be different, since mod myne represented both mods on the podcast. However, this includes our full feelings on the questions that were provided to us.)
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Who are you and how did you end up walking the path of a "warrior u" writer/comic creator?
Myne: I go by worldismyne for fandom related pursuits.
I'd like to clarify that Aisha Thani is the creator of Warrior U. Just like multiple people have written for Stan Lee's creations, I'm just a writer who's received permission from the creator to distribute and monetize works within her universe.
I've been in the WU fandom since 2014; at that time Aisha made the comic, ran an in character ask blog, a concept art blog and the main blog. I can only imagine how much work that was. A hard drive crash killed about 6 or so pages of Ambrosia, the last story arch she was working on; three weeks worth of updates up and gone. I watched writer’s block take hold and kill my favorite series in real time. Having to go back and redo work she’d already done had given her time to look at it and go ‘I can’t post this, this is awful’, but by then all of us were waiting for the next update for over a month, she couldn’t go back and rewrite the entire arch. It didn’t help that this was the origin story for a fan favorite character, so there was all this pressure to make it perfect. Instead, after about six artists made fan comics to feed the hungry fandom… she announced the end. The website, the blogs, one by one they all ran into issues and got shut down. Hundreds of pieces of art and story concepts just… lost. Once the comics were rereleased on gumroad, that was it, the fandom slowly died. Before this project, the last time the creator posted new content was in 2017. Then in the middle of the pandemic, out of nowhere I get 70+ notifications from Coffee reblogging the pieces of art I had saved from the old blog, including drafts from the unfinished issues. 
Coffee: well, i go by coffee online, im 20 years old and when im not working on my various personal projects i work part-time. i was introduced to warrior u WAYY back in the day (i think i was like 9-ish?) by my brother who found out about it through some unknown and mysterious ways. back then i had very limited internet access (meaning i could only visit sites that could be loaded by the internet app on my nintendo dsi), so i pieced together a bit of a plot from what i could find on google images. i wasnt able to fully read the comic until i was 13 (i had to BEG my mom to pay for the pdfs lol), but it had kinda always existed in the back of my mind ever since i was introduced to it. i decided a little over a year ago to start out the tumblr blog because i had recently read through the comic again and was really sad about just how hard it is (or i guess WAS now) to find a lot of things related to the comic. as the name of the blog suggests, its original purpose was to preserve/archive warrior u stuff so it could be more accessable to your average internet user who might not wanna go digging through internet archives. it was originally for official content EXCLUSIVELY, but myne talked me into also including fan-made content (and im glad he did, its WAY harder to find some fan content than i remember it being just a few years ago). its kinda hard to tell how good of a job it does at BEING that archive, but i like to think it could be useful to someone out there.
i had toyed with the idea of finishing the last official story arc- ambrosia- near the beginning of the blogs lifespan, but i knew that it was too big of a project for me to do myself. i didnt wanna dissapoint people by leaving the ALREADY unfinished arc STILL unfinished. i had written in the "about" section of the blog that the dream was a full fandom revival, but i didnt actually expect that to happen. when myne joined the blog we eventually started playing with the idea of finishing ambro. i forget how exactly we officially decided we would do it, but we did! at some point near the beginning of ambro, we had also decided we were gonna write our own fan-arcs and post those too, and the rest is history!
What was it about warrior u that made you say "this is it. i need to make more content of this."
Coffee: honestly? i think it was just how much i enjoy introducing people to the comic. i already make tons of fan content on my own time, so that wasnt really the crazy part. i had shown a couple of my mutuals the comic after i re-read it, and the feeling of seeing other people actually talk about and even make ART of warrior u was absolutely surreal. i guess thats what happens when you just silently admire a dead fandom for years LMAO! another big part of it was HOW the comic ended. after taking a hiatus, the creator ended the comic mid-arc because creating it just wasnt enjoyable anymore, and thats obviously completely fair. however, the arc it ENDED on was elaborating on the backstory of one of (if not THE) most popular characters at the time (and my personal favorite), so i had always wished that the issue could have been finished. its kinda hard to put into words, but finishing ambrosia was like a love letter to the comic and its creator to me. as flawed as the plot of that arc may be (and as unsatisfied with it as the creator was, at least back then) i still felt like it deserved to be finished. it was like fixing an old toy from your childhood, i felt like we were taking care of the comic in a way, giving it the love it deserves. maybe thats just my tendency to personify objects and get overly attached to them coming through, but hey thats how it is sometimes LMAO
Myne: When the comic was still on hiatus after the harddrive crash, some people had asked Aisha if she wanted to hand the series over to other artists to help her. She said she wouldn’t even know where to begin that process or if she’d wanted to do it. I would have offered then, but my skills as an artist and a writer weren’t nearly as strong. I held onto the drafts thinking, one day I’d do it. 
Myne: After Coffee and I started talking I realized, I can do it now. I know what kind of style of pens were used, and I whipped up a page, just the line art and sent to Coffee as a thank you. I thought, it isn’t much, and it’ll take me forever to color everything, but if there’s one person willing to read it, I’ll try. When I explained how difficult it’d be for me to color, he offered to do it for me. Suddenly a page that would take a month for just me to do on my own took 3 days.
Myne: Something, that seemed like a monumental task became a realistic goal. We were able to find, restore, and edit 45 pages within a few months. I’m still amazed we were able to do weekly updates without missing a day. Coffee asked if I’d ever be willing to write fan issues while we were working, not realizing I was the author of the longest fics in the series. Of course I said yes. Seeing Warrior U get finished, even through fan creation, was something I’d wanted to see for years.
You're from Az right, how is the webcomic weeb culture over there as opposed to california?
Myne: Idk about much about Cali, I've noticed the cons are more... professional? Where as Arizona cons have more of a fanclub vibe. Most panels are hosted by your fellow nerds rather than sony or production companies. I will say, that it's become more common and widespread in the last ten years, with multiple anime specific events year round. Back when I was a kid, I'd get made fun of for drawing 'japanese' people all the time.... it was pokemon fanart... Where as nowadays, I feel the average kid recognizes most big name titles thanks to hulu and such. 
What are your favorite anime/manga/webcomics and do any inspire your work?
Coffee: not really an anime, manga, or webcomic, but ive always been super inspired by the "scott pilgrim" series. when i was in middle school i was SUPER into it, reading all the behind the scenes stuff i could find. it even made me look into "comic illustrator" as a career option, but i also did the same thing with "game designer" and "animator" so yknow. as for webcomics, the only one i ever really got into was homestuck. side note- the overlap of oldschool homestuck fans and warrior u fans is FASCINATING to me. my current theory is that all these tumblr kids were looking for other webcomics to read while homestuck was on one of its MANY hiatuses(?) and so a bunch of them flocked to warrior u! theres tons of homestuck crossover content and references in fan art on our blog (some of the art styles also look homestuck-ajacent) so its at least clear that a lot of fans back then were also really into homestuck. ANYWAYS other than that i havent really read many other webcomics tbh? weird considering i MAKE one now but what can i say, im more of a Gamer than anything lol. as for anime, my favorite is easily keroro gunso (or sgt. frog if youre using the dub name)! its another thing i discovered when i was young (this time i was like 8) and have just never gotten over. theres a lot of Questionable stuff in it (prime example is an adult alien being madly in love with a 14 year old girl) but if i dont look at canon its not real so i love it anyways <3.i honestly dont know how many people really know about it since the western fanbase is so small, but its like HUGE in japan (or at least it was at one point, the titular keroro has a cameo in lucky star as a keychian) and the manga is still running to this day iirc. it was created by mine yoshizaki and the basic premise is that a platoon of frog-like aliens come to earth to take it over but they really suck at it. they begin living with humans and from there its kind of a mix between a slice-of-life and monster-of-the-week anime. i cant really say anything in depth about the manga because ive only read the first 5 issues of it, which are basically the same as the anime (fake fan smh), but ive heard that it gets more mature and serious than the anime does (which i guess is bound to happen when it goes on for so long). also the manga has some ecchi moments and blood used for slapstick purposes so if anyone wants to check it out just keep that in mind lol.
Myne: Obviously Warrior U. I'm a bit of a visual novel fiend, so Danganronpa is a series I've found a lot of inspiration from over the years. More recently  Though for the comic, I draw mostly from late 80s / early 90s high fantasy. Things like Labyrinth and Robinhood: Men in Tights. Honestly anytime I get stuck trying to come up with a gag, I look to Mel Brooks. 
So in continuing someone else's work, do you feel a sense of pressure to be just as good as the original?
Coffee: i definitely felt that way when it came to ambrosia, but i feel a lot less pressure when it comes to our upcoming issues. i wrote and made thumbnails for a few small scenes in ambro and i was SO SCARED of those scenes being noticably worse than the rest of the issue. i know the original creator has seen our version of ambro and those scenes by extention, but i dont know her exact thoughts on them. im satisfied with them but theres probably always gonna be that kinda star-struck stage feeling at the thought of the creator reading the scenes i wrote. its like getting stage fright. for our upcoming issues i dont feel as much pressure because theyre fully fan-written. our comics arent official in any sense of the word and theyre basically just fanfiction with extra steps, so its not nearly as stressful as trying to tie together an "official" story. there definitely WOULD be that pressure if we were ever given the rights to warrior u or something (which i dont want to happen) because then it WOULD be official yknow? also if the creator decides to keep up with what we post ill feel a bit more pressure, but i get the feeling that she wants to distance herself from warrior u a bit so im not sure how likely that would be.
Myne:  I do. Partially because, the fan content we’re making is completely free while the original series is purchasable on gumroad. So there’s a chance that some people may start with what we’re working on, then go backwards to the original.  I'm hyper aware of the tonal shift that's about to happen, no matter how much I try, I can't perfectly emulate someone else's writing style. The best I can do is capture the spirit of it. I just keep repeating "it doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be". It's a little harder taking that advice now that it's my scripts we're turning into issues. There is some freedom in knowing the series was never meant to be perfect though.
What drove you to writing the longest fanfiction for the series and how did it feel to be recognized and promoted by the original creator?
Myne: When I was younger, I would write fanfic instead of paying attention in class, and I really wanted a full story about the leads getting together. Knowing that the creator was reading every fanfic at the time added more fuel to the fire. I had a guaranteed audience, the audience. I was so grateful that she recommended it to other fans. That fic was 25k, I've written about 100 K in the last year to help maintain interest in addition to new pages to the comic. To that I blame hyperfixation and hiatus brain. You have to be the biggest fan of the thing you're making.
So i see the that most of your work including the webcomic Warrior U is on tumblr why did u choose to promote om tumblr as opposed to other webcomic outlets like webtoons, mangadex etc?
Coffee: the answer to this one is actually pretty simple; i already had a warrior u blog and tumblr is the social media/blogging site that im most familiar with! we have recently started using comicfury and tapas, but that was entirely mynes idea. im personally pretty content with just hanging out in my little corner of the internet so any attempts to expand or get the word out is mostly (if not entirely) mynes doing LOL!
Myne: It's interesting you bring up those two actually. Webtoons recently come under fire for being pretty crummy to it's indie comics, particularly if you write in any genre other than romance. Mangadex is a pirating website, so most of the comics there are fan translations rather than uploads from the creators : they had a pretty bad data breach a few years back too. At first we only had permission from the creator to upload on tumblr. Once we got permission to move forward with the fanmade run, we branched out to tapas and comicfury. They seemed like the best options for the genre and style we write in. Even still, we see about double the growth in readership on tumblr as opposed to the other outlets, and I think that's mostly because the blog updates daily, even though we only publish one page a week.
Do you have any plans on creating your own webcomic/manga?
Coffee: yes and no. i sometimes draw small fan comics and id like to make more polished and "finished" ones in the future, but nothing with any kind of overarching plot, at least not in the near future. i have a very hard time making original content for whatever reason. i DO have one (1) personal project that is completely original, but i plan on making a game with that. then again i have NO idea what im doing with that project anymore so who knows, maybe one day i WILL decide to turn it into a comic! only time will tell…
Myne: I have a visual novel I'm working on. It's about teen super villains that have to go to reform school. Think teen titans meets gifted kid burnout. The game's been in development hell since our first alpha build and writing about apocalyptic civil unrest wasn't as fun as it was pre 2020. We're about 200k into the draft for the full game and we're having to switch engines, which means cutting a bunch of features, but we're slowly getting there. If that fails, I'll try adapting the story into a comic.
To those people who will see this and decide to strut down the path of comic creation what is some advice you can give them?
Coffee: i think the most HELPFUL advice i could give would be this: you dont have to do everything by yourself. i personally have taken tons of inspiration from indie artists/game designers/etc. some prime examples of this are daisuke amaya aka pixel (who created cave story) and toby fox (who created undertale and deltarune), who both made incredible pieces of art that were defining to me as a person when i discovered them either entirely alone or almost entirely alone. you hear stories all the time of these great pieces of art being made by one or two people, and ive always wanted to be like that. as a result ive alwasy had a hard time reaching out for help when it comes to my art, feeling like if i cant do it all alone that itll never be as good as it could be. as a result though, all this mindset does is keep things from actually getting done and needlessly stress you out. NONE of the warrior u comics would exist if i had never gotten help from myne, and the blog would have probably gone inactive a LONG time ago too. i think thats the biggest lesson ive learned from this whole thing personally. theres absolutely no shame in working with a team of people if thats what needs to happen to see a project be realized.
Myne:  One, try not to put more than 8 panels on a page, that's helped me a bunch with page layout. And two, find someone you can show your work to. That can be a friend, a mutual online, a family member; as long as you have that one person asking "what happens next" you can keep writing. The stories/comics I have that are the longest are because of that. 
What inspires your art and what would u say you consider your style to be?
Myne: Invader Zim, Danganronpa, and Pacthesis have heavily influenced my art style. (pacthesis made a series of free dating sims on deviant art). I've always considered my art style to be pretty shoujo manga, but lately some of my pieces have been labeled too western for weeb spaces.
What advise can you give the next person who wants to draw art and share it with the world?
Coffee: i give the same advice to everyone i meet that says theyre thinking of making art in any form, and i mean it from the bottom of my heart: DO IT! im so in love with art of all kinds and the process of creating it, and i think that getting into any creative hobby is nothing but a good thing and i deeply believe that everyone should do it. whether you wanna draw, write, make music, develop games, sculpt, knit, etc, do it! quality doesnt matter at all, you can make the most technically awful thing in the world but as long as you enjoyed the process of creating it then it still has value. dont be nervous about your art being good enough. if you dont want to share it then you arent obligated to! i dont share like 90% of the stuff that i make but i still create art almost every single day! recently my qpp (queerplatonic partner) has gotten into drawing and im SO happy for them. they primarily use mspaint and a mouse to draw and their art is SO adorable and i love it so much, and im not just saying that because i love them. it doesnt matter what skill level you start at or what tools you have, you can always start making art. and dont compare the art that you make to others art, which i know from experience is a VERY easy trap to fall into. i dont have as much to say about that point because im not as passionate about it but uhhh yeah :3
Myne: Social media algorithms are not going to make you happy; no matter how well you play the game and low engagement does not mean you're a bad artist. If you keep posting and talking to other artists, you'll find your audience.
So at wonder con where we met ylu were cosplaying power from chainsaw man with a group of girls who were cosplaying other chainsaw characters. Do you girls normally group up and cosplay and if so how did you get into it?
Myne:  I was born into cosplay. My parents were gamers and cosplayers, and I started picking my own characters to cosplay when I was 14. I started getting more into it in college when I could find other people to cosplay with, it wasn't until this year I started aiming for photoshoots. I tend to be in at least one large group cosplay a con, and bring a different costume every day.
What was your favorite cosplay you've done?
Myne: It's a toss up between Persona 5 Joker and Alluring Secret Rin. Those were the ones I put the most work in that still hold up. Though I'm currently working on Eris from the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, and that may overtake them.
Have you ever thought to cosplay someone from Warrior U?
Myne:  I do actually! I've cosplayed as the main character Finn a few times. I really like taking simplified designs from comics/cartoons and turning them into heavily detailed looks. '
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Where do you see warrior u being in 5 years from now?
Coffee: man, honestly if were STILL working on this project 5 years from now that would be CRAZY. this is already the longest ive worked on a single project before, along with being the most ive ever gotten DONE for a project, so thinking about what it could be like in 5 years is like. WOW. by that point we would have archived most (if not ALL) of the older stuff we could find, so our blog would probably just be new pages and fan interaction if were still going! the dream is still for a full fandom revival, and weve already got a small active fanbase (of like 5 people but still) so who knows, maybe that dream will be a reality?
Myne: We have at least 3 years worth of story drafted and lined up, and even more outlined. So ideally still updating. By then, we'll have some physical releases of the finished arcs that we've written available for purchase online and at select events. The creator has said she has no interest in making physical releases of the original run. I'd love for that to change, but I respect her decision and I won't press the matter. I'm just grateful we have permission to sell anything we make using her characters. 
If you could go back in time 5 years, what advice would you give yourself?
Coffee: 15 and 16 were ROUGH ages for me tbh. i wont get into it because its super personal, but i was struggling with a lot and just generally not having a very good time. i think the best advice i could give to myself would just be that like. things will eventually get better. no matter how dark or hopeless things may be, theres always a silver lining and a light at the end of the tunnel. now if 15 year old me would have taken that to heart is a whole DIFFERENT question, but thats what i would say. 16 was like right before i (finally) started getting treatment for my mental health, so i think considering everything thats what i would say.
Myne: So many bad things happened during those five years, but… I wish I knew what burnout felt like, so I could recognize it. I have this tendency to put my self worth into “how much have you done today”, so once I started working full time and my father passed,  I couldn’t recognize that I was physically and emotionally exhausted some days and needed rest, so I’d just punish myself mentally for not being more motivated. You shouldn’t need permission to rest, and I felt like I had to. It’s healthy to ‘nothing’ sometimes, especially if you’re dealing with things you have no control over.
Coffee: thank you for interviewing myne and i for your podcast :D!! its absolutely wild to think that ive done anything interview-worthy and yet here we are! for anyone thats interested in the comic because of this, i also emplore you to go check out the creators current comic "si3lah" (pronounced like si-ayn-lah i think? the 3 is a stand-in for an arabic letter) on gumroad! it deserves way more attention than it currently has and you should 100% go support the original creator if you like the stuff we do (wink wink).
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snidergrant34 · 1 year
What is the Goal of this site?
In other places on the net
Outlook dot com email address is [my username]
Who are you?
I'm InvisibleUp, but you can call me Viz. I'm your local ghost internet. OOOoooOOoo~...
I'm not really into the spooky sort of stuff. I'd like to be a nice, caring person. Above all, I want to make people as happy as they can be. I'm not trying to be rude, or unpopular or demeaning. I hope you don't feel bad even if you're having a rough day. You can always sit back and read about Sonic, AOL, or whatever. A friend of mine once said to me that I was "a breath of fresh air" I'll consider that an invitation to let the spring breeze that blows through your sails.
IRL I'm not bald and I'm alive. I am actually a young woman with a curly reddish-reddish tresses. I'm currently pursuing electrical engineering at the college. I'm focusing on embedded device development, and I've worked on interesting things like space satellites , and overhauling a department's entire report generation system, among other things.
I'm a huge fan of retro tech (everything's so much more interesting with constraints) and indie games, riding my bike through nature trails, public transportation, and Sonic the Hedgehog. That said I'm always up for trying new things. Who knows? Perhaps I'll discover a new thing I like. That's always a lot of fun.
What is the purpose of this site?
It's mostly a place for people to post random thoughts. It is possible to break it down into broad categories.
The Articles section, the earliest one with regular content, is where I try and provide explanations and/or gush about topics that I am interested in or things I'm working on. It's not updated frequently because it's difficult to come up with fresh content.
The most recent sections include the Hacking Notes which include notes and tools for changing older video games as well as the Projects, which is a list of more substantial work I did that stand on their own a little and the Doodles are where I attempt to be creative and express myself.
Any favorite games/webcomics/whatever?
I'm not exactly video gamer. While I do occasionally play them I don't consider myself a gamer. I think that the whole medium is neat, what people can do with it as well as the emotions and experiences they can convey and how they use what they have to their advantage. Some games that I'm enjoying at the moment or in the past are Night in the Woods, deltarune, Tetris Attack, a majority of the Sonic series and Minecraft.
For movies my top picks are Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Forrest Gump, About Time, and Kiki's Delivery Service. I like my stories to feature lots of solid character interactions, more so than a flashy plot. 886.lv
My musical preferences are... unusual. My music tastes were influenced by SoundCloud YouTube, SoundCloud, and old videogames. My favorites are either earworms that have an excellent bassline (I love 80's Jpop and 00's alternative) or instrumental pieces that allow you to feel the music and not just listen to it. (stuff like Fleetwood Mac, Styx, Blue Album-era Beatles and Pink Floyd.)
What's the deal with the username?
Surprisingly, this is an unintentional short story. I was watching a Mario gaming marathon to raise money for charity (by the now defunct group ExtraLives led by MonotoneTim, who is a pretty cool guy) and I needed an username for the chat. I thought, "You know what's awesome?" The Boo mushroom from Super Mario Galaxy, which can make you appear invisible. So after a solid 15 seconds of thinking about it, I entered "InvisibleUp" and decided to stick with it. (In retrospect, I would have preferred a word that had fewer syllables.)
And the ghostsona?
I started out for years with a logo that looked vaguely like a ghost from Pac-Man. I really wanted a unique profile pic, so I made one. That being said, a few years later I decided that it kinda sucked. I felt a need to have an actual kind of human face to represent my posts instead of just some weird abstract logo thing. I wanted to have a more personal presence on the 'net than I had let myself have before. So, I came up with Inviz.
It's possible that she was inspired by Napstablook from Undertale and Vivian from Paper Mario TTYD. I could have drawn myself as a human, however I wanted to try my hand in creating a character. And I'm obligated to keep up the ghost theme, don't you think? I'm also a little too private about my privacy to reveal my face.
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spygong28 · 2 years
Getting My Men's Chino Shorts with 6 Inch Inseam To Work
Pants are (still) having a minute. We've acquired a brand new gamer happening up at the leading of this organization.". A appearance at how much of Vancouver Canucks defenseman Josh Harding's video game will vary: Kids participate in along with the same thoughts Jamaica global winger Ryan McDonagh says he wishes to help make his very first NHL begin this time Ryan McDonagh was drafted through the Rangers in the 2nd sphere when he was 13. Over the previous handful of years, TikTok has gone a number of arounds debating the best inseam duration — five ins to reveal more lower leg against seven ins to cover even more but still hit an above-the-knee delightful location. The very most remarkable argument of the new show revolves around a brand new product — an indestructible "TekTok Kool Aid" tee shirt — which has been unveiled at E3 last week. The shirt comes in black, white colored, and pink. But after final year’s “thigh man” summer months, anything goes in 2022. The players seem to be to be starting to move their body weight around a lot better, it seems to be now, and, in carrying out so, possess the possibility to show that they care concerning the game. After the end of the season, however, there will be some video games where the most significant names are taking their weight off. And they are going to come back more powerful and more powerful prior to the end. Look around and you’ll locate an abundance of options from nylon material to jeans to chinos to suit shorts (hello, Thom Browne!). There are actually additionally a few different different colors mixes and designs in enhancement to the main brand names. These are some of my beloved collection. I love the method every time goes. I'm glad I was certainly there because it provides people the possibility to reveal their emotions and I like the brand new products. I wish even more to be located. I’ve also viewed double-knee pants, adding still more disorder to the pants arena. ‪"‬>… Listening to a familiar voice contacted out, Weiss nodded firmly before nodding back the second opportunity to the blonde who was holding up a single pair of pantyhose. ‪"Please… I've never been more bewildered concerning it," she stammered as her lips quirked a little. To make an effort to find some path among the free of cost for all, we talked along with 21 sophisticated fellas concerning the shorts they really want to use this year. Here are some of their predictions, created by The American. 1. I favor to use two sets at a opportunity Why aren't you holding an extra pair of belts for summer season? That's sort of the difficult component. For me, that's one foot of summertime. Best nylon material shorts Patagonia Baggies have been a Schemer favorite for a although now. A quick look at the B&K B&K website discloses their full-length closet that features our most total array of shorts or boots, as properly as the most recent clothes styles. We will be updating our assortment of pants and boots upcoming year with a special selection that includes this assortment of shorts and boots on the B&K website. I wrote about them in a Strategist Haul almost two years earlier, and former elderly editor Anthony Rotunno likewise recommended them. Right now in his brand-new task as an editorial content producer, he leads a team of writers and is co-writing a new account for Vox.com. "We've seen thus little concerning each other's job," states Rotunno. "We're working on that stuff so we're fired up about how terrific and interesting it is. While at a look, the Baggies may appear like a simple set of pants, they’re created coming from quick-drying nylon and have a net liner and “drain-and-dry screen sections” inside the pockets — Patagonia states they’re “made for use in and out of the water.” They are also one of the leading choice in our overview to the incredibly best swim boots. And they really have additional manner cred than you could expect. The series's style could possibly be anything coming from an sophisticated saggy baggy, classic or slightly eccentric, but I'm beginning to assume that the majority of folks actually pay out attention to the information… I suspect I'm a kind of lady: (You recognize, where women definitely receive to make a decision what to put on. Don't acquire me wrong: you simply can't find the point of putting on something without receiving ecstatic. Baggies “have come to be something of a summertime staple,” points out picture expert Patrick Kenger. The brand-new modern technology permits gamers to effortlessly swipe through brand-new structures by pressing a switch and the player can after that look around the map utilizing their cam. "We've viewed therefore a lot of excellent apps get to the end of their valuable lives currently," he mentions. The technology might incorporate a significant level on top of the traditional way of performing graphic control.
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“They’re the best duration, happen in various colour choices, and it’s an eye-catching rate point.” Past Strategist factor Chris Black is another fan. Black has presently been chose to continue the campaign, along with an also much more special meeting with Steve, as effectively as a Q&A with Steve. Right here's the job interview along with Steve, as uploaded to our Facebook Page. Q: Why on earth are you taking on Hillary? Baggies happen in numerous colors and designs,as well as five- and seven-inch inseams. The following will definitely offer you the upper-body body weight of your circumference and upper arms to develop a strong, all-natural position that will definitely secure you and the remainder of your physical body for maximum support. Along with this elevation, you will definitely receive many of your girth and arm span, producing it challenging to fall over, or relocate or exist standard. Greatest splurge-worthy nylon material shorts If you choose a relaxed fit along with an ever-so-slightly longer inseam than the five-inch Baggies, fashion photographer Christopher Fenimore suggests these Stone Island Compass Patch shorts, which have a 5.5-inch inseam and an flexible waist. http://mystyleweekly.com/ makes for an perfect set for this bright, sharp summer season months, while you're checking out at the Television.
0 notes
hua-fei-hua · 4 years
0: i didn't know you liked spy x family!
i do!!! i’m an absolute sucker for a good shoujo romance, so i’ve been on this ride since chapter two came out!!! :D
#asks#i found it via a popular tumblr post that became popular when chapter two came out#so i'm guessing that's how a lot of people found the manga#but that's how i started looking through the 'recently updated' or 'new series' sections of manga sites#bc i wanted to find more hidden gems like those#and boy have i found a few hidden gems#but the problem with the hidden manga gems is that uhhhh they rarely update bc scanlators have very little demand for them ;w;#it's not like with hidden gem fanfics where you can comment on a chapter or leave a kudos or smth to let the author know people are out the#what i'm saying is someone please translate the next chapter of shiori experience ;___;#it's weird but like really really good!!!#another series i never talk about it actually a korean manhwa called survive as the hero's wife#and every single manga/manhwa abt a girl reincarnating into the villain of an otome game#WANTS what survive as the hero's wife has#and the art improvement is just??? so fucking good??? like it was good from the start#but every chapter that comes out i stop and go 'god that is so beautifully drawn'#the scanlators are looking for typesetters and i've been thinking of joining for a while but#i'd rather join a scanlation group that scanned things from chinese or japanese y'feel?#bc i'm not interested in learning korean to the point where it'd be better than my chinese or japanese#and i'm sure i'd pick some up along the way of being part of a scanlation group#but like damn i just really admire the hella fucking good scanlation work lunalotusscans does like it is some GOURMET SHIT RIGHT THERE#anonymous
0 notes
insanityclause · 2 years
Here’s the Radio Times article - from Lexis,Nexis so no pictures
THEIR FINEST; Ahead of the Baftas, RT celebrates the stars of last year's biggest hits who have a lot more to look forward to in 2022…
Export Citation
Radio Times
May 3, 2022
Edition 1, National Edition
Copyright 2022 Immediate Media Company Ltd All Rights Reserved
Section: FEATURES; Pg. 8,9
Length: 679 words
The actor talks Shakespearean supervillains and mythical sea serpents
"I'M WORRIED I'm going into the red zone on the Pretention-o- Meter here… But why would a human being decide to portray other people for a living? It's a question I ask myself all the time," says Tom Hiddleston, reflecting on his two decades as an actor.
"The one thing I do know," he continues, "is that I identified something when I was younger - that sometimes I'd watch actors and feel like my experience was being articulated on my behalf; it made me feel less alone in the world.
"Genuinely. I remember thinking: 'Wow. How does that person I've never met know how that feels?'
"That's the thing that matters, that we connect with each other and feel less alone in the world… Maybe." He bursts out laughing.
Hiddleston, 41, is relieved to be back home in England, having spent lockdown in Atlanta, where he had been filming Loki. He didn't want to put his cocker spaniel, Bobby, through quarantine while coronavirus was raging ("There was so much uncertainty about every aspect of life, I thought, 'Let's stay where we are.'") and stayed sane by strolling to the park and scanning the BBC for updates. "I reflected a lot. I read a lot. I tried to hold fast to what is
good, as they say."
One of the things he held fast to was his relationship with the actor Zawe Ashton, to whom he is now engaged. (The news slipped out when her engagement ring was spotted on the Film Baftas red carpet earlier this year.) The pair got to know one another while co-starring in a production of Harold Pinter's Betrayal, back in 2019.
He also immersed himself in research for his mischievous Marvel villain, who was given his own Disney+ series last year. Loki started
life one afternoon in 2008, when Hiddleston jumped into Kenneth Branagh's dressing room at Wyndham's Theatre in London and attacked him with a water cooler. The pair were appearing in Chekhov's play Ivanov, and Branagh had just been announced as director of the new Marvel movie, Thor. Hiddleston thought it would be fun to pretend the water cooler was a battle axe. Branagh decided there and then to cast him as Loki, God of Mischief and brother of Thor.
"This is going to sound really w**ky, but because Kenneth and I are both such lovers of Shakespeare, we made Loki out of Shakespearean characters," Hiddleston told me when I first interviewed him at the beginning of his journey through the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
When we talk again on a spring morning in 2022, he is firmly established as a fan favourite following the Shakespearean supervillain's six-part series (another is due to follow). "It's been 12 to 13 years now, which is one of the most surprising things in my whole life," he says.
He has since filmed a sumptuous six-part adaptation of Sarah Perry's bestselling novel The Essex Serpent for Apple TV+. It's set in 1893 in a coastal community in the marshes of east Essex, where a mythical sea serpent is said to have returned.
Recently widowed amateur naturalist Cora Seaborne (Claire Danes) heads to the coast, her head filled with the theories of Charles Darwin, hoping to find a "living fossil". But
her presence unnerves the locals - including Hiddleston's character, Will Ransome, the local vicar who is desperately trying to contain the anxieties of his parishioners while undergoing a crisis of faith himself. "It was funny making it during this time because it's about uncertainty," says Hiddleston. "How, if you don't have the answers, the imagination can rush in to fill the void."
The series is an all-round, highclass treat. Creepy, too. And filming it sounds like a literal blast. "We had days on set where we'd be walking along the marshes, keeping an eye on the time so the tide didn't come and wash us away, and the wind would come in across the North Sea… You'd be saying: 'Can someone please turn offthe wind?!'
"But it was good for atmosphere," he concludes. Before adding with a mischievous grin - "Anything unpredictable is always good on
The Essex Serpent will be available on Apple TV+ from Friday 13 May
nb - Thanks @stuffstuff1757. I've also posted it separately.
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shinescape · 3 years
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Act Normal
Idol Jaehyun x Reader
note: anon, hope you like how this turned out. Enjoy the read <3
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Multiple notifications rang from your phone as you busily typed on your laptop. Working from home was heaven at one point but now it’s just pure torture.
You tried to ignore the non stop ringing from your phone but it was hard when you saw it flashed from the corner of your eye.
After sending the last email to your colleague, you took your phone and scroll through the notification, eyes widened at every single one of it. Jaehyun was on the Vlive App and you without a second thought signed in to the app on your laptop.
There he was with two other NCT members, Mark and Jungwoo. You noticed his face lit up when you sent in a waving hand emoji. Honestly, you didn’t expect him to see since there were tons of comments coming in at once but he did.
Jaehyun then looked up into the camera and waved which caught the younger members off guard. “Who are you waving at?”
“I’m just greeting the ones that just came in. Hi, did you miss me?” Jaehyun spoke with a smile plastered on his face. The comments were quick to flood with replies and heart emojis.
You almost forgot how famous he was these days. You had a feeling he wouldn't notice your comment but you sent it anyway.
-I miss you a lot. I hope you’re doing well-
You listened to Mark who was updating about their recent photoshoot and wished he could share the photos but instead asked everyone to anticipate for it’s official release.
Jungwoo was nodding at the side and you saw Jaehyun smiling all by himself as he scrolled through the comments on another phone. He was literally in his own little world. You wondered if he saw your comment and tried again.
The work you had was left aside as you were admiring how handsome your lover was looking at the moment. Even rejecting text messages from your work group chat to solely focus on Jaehyun.
-I stopped focusing on my work for you Jaehyun.-
-Looking handsome as always-
You watched as he silently read all the comments and smiled to himself. Jungwoo who had another phone in his hand was reading the comment section as well and noticed that the fans were asking about Jaehyun who hadn't said much since they started.
“Jaehyun, what have you been up to these days?” “Jaehyun, please say something. It's been ages since you came on live.” Jungwoo read out loud and patted Jaehyun’s arm telling him to say something to the fans.
“These days I’ve been working out, catching up on some series” He stopped and tried to recall what else he did.
“Oh, I also went out to eat sushi with y/n last week.” Mark instantly turned to Jaehyun who froze and tried to look nonchalant at what he just said.
You on the other hand freaked out as well. “Jaehyun, you actually slipped my name out like that?” You covered your face behind your hand and peeked through the gaps of your fingers as you read the new posted comments.
Jungwoo, who was fast to act, started changing the topic. “Aren’t you curious about me, Czennies?” he pouted to the camera and saw the number of hearts shoot up instantly.
But the comment about what Jaehyun said didn’t die down. It was so rare of him to slip up like that and you really hoped he wouldn’t get any serious punishment due to that.
-Who is y/n?-
-did i heard it wrong, he said y/n right?-
“y/n is a friend of mine. We just went out to eat, nothing more.” Jaehyun finally explained after seeing so many comments asking who you were.
He looked straight ahead and nodded a bit before conversing back with Mark and Jungwoo. It was most probably their manager or a staff member.
You guessed that they were told to not read the comments anymore and were starting to wrap things up. “Alright everyone, that's all from us. I hope we can talk more often in the future. Again, thank you for watching. We love you!” Mark said as all three of them waved goodbye to the camera and the screen turned black.
Feeling worried, you texted Jaehyun that instant. As you waited for a reply, you went on twitter and as expected his name was trending.
Things don't get easy especially with fans who recorded the whole session as there were multiple clips of him mentioning your name.
You hoped that this won’t affect him badly since it has been awhile since he showed up on the streaming app. Your phone rang a specific tone and you knew it was Jaehyun.
-I’m sorry that happened. It’s probably cause I miss you a lot.-
-Jaehyun, you don’t have to apologise. I miss you a lot too.-
Both of you converse longer than usual and he for the tenth time assured you that the company won’t punish him severely or anything despite it might be a serious issue. Jaehyun was really glad that you were understanding and didn’t get upset with him like most people would.
He knew the fans would try to dig information about you but you told him that it won’t be that easy. “I’m just a regular person who happens to date Jaehyun from NCT. Don’t worry about me, okay?” He recalled the exact words you told him when you first started dating.
-Can I have dinner at your place?-
You had to reread his text a couple of times before replying. “Are you sure?” you murmured to yourself as you typed back.
-the company didn’t say I can’t visit my lover. Wait for me, love-
You had the biggest grin on your face as you read his message. Every single day you fell for him like it was the first time. It didn’t help that he knew just what to say and make your heart flutter every single time without fail.
Both of you may not meet up and spend time like regular couples but it was more than enough to know that you understand each other and try to make things work.
He would do his best to text or call during his free time and you would try to not get worked up when his schedule got too hectic and forgot to reply back after a week or so.
It’s tough but you knew what you were getting yourself into and so did Jaehyun. If you love each other, what’s a little bit of sacrifice, right?
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mrsmaybank · 3 years
My Little Sun - Spencer Reid x Reader
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“Can you imagine it?” I started, “A little girl who looks just like you? I’d be in so much trouble.”                  
She giggled, “Absolutely whipped.”                       
A/N: It came out fast!!! I had lowk already started it, so that’s why this update came so quickly. Please don’t expect them all to come this fast LMAO. I usually write slow as fuck. Anyway, I really hope you guys like this part so I can maybe just maybe turn this into a mini series. Please lmk if you guys like :) 
I paced the bullpen as the team spoke to Penelope. The shock of her pregnancy was starting to wear off, and now I could think more clearly. How could she? What was she thinking? 
Recently, I’d found myself thinking about it more, a baby her and a mini-me. A family of my own, with the love of my life. It was exciting and like a lovesick fool it made my stomach fuzzy. But she wasn’t ready and I couldn’t do that to her. So how could she do it to herself? She hadn’t finished school, hadn’t started her career. She could barely take care of herself! I wasn’t mad, absolutely not. Just disappointed at her self-sabotage and the fact she’d made the decision completely without me. I couldn’t think about it for long though, because I was swiftly reminded by my surroundings that right now, there was a chance I’d lose her, our child and any children we wanted to have in the future. That was the priority. 
“Garcia, check her credit card records, we need to see where she last was.” Hotch said. 
“Uhm, okay,” Penelope took a deep breath while clicking away, “Let’s see. Her last purchase was last night, 6:49 at a CVS Pharmacy, oh--” 
“What Garcia?” Hotch asked. 
“She was um, picking up her monthly case of birth control.” 
JJ broke the silence, “Spence…” she started towards me. 
I breathed a sigh of relief, “Thank god.” 
“Thank god?” Morgan questioned. 
“She’s 23.” I wiped my face, “Whole life ahead of her.” The team understood what I was trying to say. Rossi’s hand fell on my shoulder, giving it a squeeze. 
“So why would she tell Brook she was?” Garcia asked. 
“I uh, I..I don’t know.” I spat out. I really had no idea.  
“Think Reid.” Rossi told me. “You guys ever talk about kids or pregnancy?”
“She might be trying to send us a message,” Emily added. 
I thought back to the last time we discussed starting a family. 
We were surrounded by timeless pieces of art and history, and yet the true masterpiece was still her. She was always beautiful to me, a perfect being, truly. But today, something about the way she looked today specifically, made her look like the kind of beauty you see in a painting. Had she been a painting, her creator must have been skilled. Each stroke of his brush creating every divine curve of her face and body to produce a work of magnificent art, one that I so proudly hung on the walls of my heart. 
I remember exactly what she wore, and how it felt to take it all off. The painter had an eye for color. Her denim skirt, the length or lack thereof making me embarrassingly wary, was blue like the Mediterranean Sea, complementing the pigment of the skin of her legs. A white button down made of silk, not worn properly, of course. Too many buttons were left open at the top, as to draw attention to the gold adorned on her chest, but in the spell of temptation she procured to cast upon me, my eyes wandered to admire territories of her body they shouldn’t have. Not in public, at least. The buttons at the bottom were left untouched as well, revealing the soft skin of her stomach. She looked like an angel, but of course, went out of her way to instead be my temptress.
My affinity for her beauty aside, the wide eyes in delight at the museum artifacts and careful attention to my commentary were what made our excursion wonderful. The feeling of her smaller hand in mine, and the giggles and the teasing “You’re way too nerdy to be so stupid hot Dr. Reid.” made it absolutely perfect. 
In exchange for her listening so attentively to my historical facts and stories, I took her for ice cream. She insisted we ate it on the greens of Lincoln Park. Who was I to deny her that? What came next--I expected. She’d devoured it. Made a mess of strawberry ice cream on her white shirt. 
“It was the wind!” She insisted as the first of many drips of ice cream fell down her chin. 
“No it was not!” I argued back while wiping it, “You just never learned how to eat ice cream properly.” I gently removed the cone from her hands and into mine, taking an overzealous bite. “This, lovey, is how you eat ice cream.” 
“Give it back, you...you dickass!” She snorted. We laughed like two lovesick teenagers. 
“Dickass?” I asked, eyes watery from laughter. 
“Yeah dickass, give me back my damn ice cream.” I took another bite, “Stop! You’re eating it all!” She pouted. Pouts were unfortunately my weakness and I handed it back to her. However, in her rush, the pink scoop had fallen directly on her blouse. 
“Way to prove my point,” I started to take off my cardigan, “You want dickass’s sweater?” 
She wanted to be mad but couldn’t contain the wince of a smile. “Please.” 
We carefully removed her shirt from under while simultaneously putting the cardigan in its place. 
“Spence don’t let me flash! There’s kids and judgmental old ladies here!” 
I laughed and shushed her, “I know, I know.” I moved all the fabrics quickly and it was done. Her sticky pink shirt was replaced with my soft sweater. “There.” 
“My hero,” She kissed me, “Truly.”
She leaned back on our picnic blanket on her shoulders as we observed our fellow park goers. “So many kids.”  
I nodded my head in agreement. “Yeah…” 
“We should bring our kids here one day.” she said, instantly breaking my haze from the crowd so I could only see her. 
I smiled again at the thought, “Yeah, and tell them how their mom is the world's clumsiest ice cream eater.”
She looked at me with disdain before shoving her shoulder into mine. “Shut up.” 
“Can you imagine it?” I started, “A little girl who looks just like you? I’d be in so much trouble.” 
She giggled, “Absolutely whipped.” 
I toppled her so we were laying down, facing each other. She kissed me hard, and my hands went to the sides of her face, only pulling back to say “I can’t wait for it, you know. My two little girls.” 
She smiled, “But I’ll always be your favorite right?” she asked sarcastically. 
I laughed, “Oh of course. Always.” 
“I’ll have a big ol’ belly, you know.” I nodded, “You’d still be perfect.” 
“We’d have to go to the mall, buy me a shitload of new clothes. Do ya know how dirty malls are Spence?” I winced at the thought of thousands of strangers bacteria on every surface and she laughed, “Got ya.” I shook my head, “Nope! I uh, I’ll just bring hand sanitizers and uh, to the Maternity section we’ll go.” 
“Non-stop Panda express eating.” I nodded again, “I’ll be non-stop Panda Express buying, then.” She smiled so hard her nose scrunched. 
“I love you Spencer.” 
“I love you too. I am so in love with you.” 
“Yeah but it was trivial.” I said. 
“Maybe not,” Hotch argued, “Was anything mentioned specifically?” 
“A name she liked?” Prentiss added, “Maybe a craving she thought she might have? Anything at all?” 
I nodded, “Not a food, but a fast food place. Panda Express.” I doubted that would be helpful. 
“It’s a stretch but, Garcia, check for any dilapidated buildings within 10 miles of a Panda Express.” 
“Yes sir,” She typed away and then said, “No, guys. I’m sorry. All of our Panda Express’s are in pristine malls or new developments.” 
“Mall!” I shouted, “She said we’d have to go to the mall! She knows I hate the mall.” 
Morgan pointed at us, “The tiles in that room look like they could be from some 80’s Bloomingdales.” 
“Garcia-” I said. 
“Already on it.” 
The pregnancy ruse was either going to get me killed, or save my life. It was a moment of panic and I just wanted to throw her off. I know it did, but in what direction? 
She was still crying, her demeanor with me was still laced with bitter animosity, but she was calmer now. 
“How long have you known?” Brook asked, the contents of her flask now empty and her words slurred. 
“I found out yesterday.” I lied through my teeth. 
She shrugged her shoulders, “Had you guys talked about it?” 
“Vaguely.” I admitted. 
“What’d Spencer want? Boy or girl?” I debated on whether or not to say, and she caught on. “Don’t fucking lie.” She stated harshly. 
“Girl.” I breathed out. “He wants a girl.” 
“What do you want?” she asked. 
“I don’t care.” I said. That was true. 
“How come?” 
“I just want to start a family with him. Don’t really care about the gender…” That was true as well. 
“Oh.” she nodded her head, “Why’d he want a girl?” It was strange, her  genuine curiosity. It freaked me out, but my alternative was being stabbed. I chose to just answer her questions, regardless of how much I really did not want to.  
“He liked the idea of a little girl who looked like me.” 
She winced, eyes tearing up further. “Right.” I was beginning to realize her feelings were very real. 
“You really like him, don’t you?” I asked. I knew I shouldn’t have but I couldn’t help it. My head was still looking for an answer as to how she could be driven to do something like this. 
She clasped her hands together, her anger returning.  “Don’t fucking start. You know nothing of what I feel for Spencer.” She came up closer and tugged at my hair, “Fucking nothing.” 
“Okay,” I grimaced at the pain from the force at which she pulled my hair, “I-I’m sorry.” 
She let go, “You should be. You really, really fucking should be.” She sat back down, pensive for a while. I wish I knew what she was thinking about. 
My heart had not stopped it’s fast pace ridden with anxiety since I gained full awareness of my situation, but now, it felt like it was going to burst through my chest. Was she planning on just killing me now? 
My anticipation ceased when she got up and brought back the camera with her again. “Hello BAU. There has been a change in plans. Your beloved,” The words reeked of sarcasm, “Y/N here, will be returned eventually. . She’s gonna be fine. However, it is now in everybody best interest if this video feed was cut out. Sorry.” She said before mouthing, “No I’m not.” She shut the camera off. 
She turned to me, “I hate you. Fucking despise you.” Figures. 
“But I would never hurt Spencer. Or his child. Even if it is being carried by a whore like you.” 
She began to pace once more, “You’re obviously a mistake on his part. You clearly tricked him with sex and...no just sex I think. You're not really smart enough to be capable of anything else. Regardless, he’s probably already thinking about abortions or adoption. There’s no way in hell a man like him could ever want to start a family with a girl like you.” She shook her head, “Absolutely not.” 
I could only nod my head at her delusions. This woman was so far up her ass. 
She pinched my cheeks together with her cold hands, “You tried to trap him. How’d that go for you?” 
I was silent.
“I asked you a fucking question!” She held my face impossibly tighter. 
“Poorly.” I got out, “Poorly.” 
“In 9 months, I’ll help you deliver your baby. And then, you can go.” Brook backed away and let go of her tight grip on my face. “I’m keeping the kid. Raising it.” She smiled, “I’ll be the mother Spencer’s child will deserve. And then-” A giggle creepily reminiscent of a schoolgirl’s left her throat, “He’ll love me!” 
Brooks intention had twisted from wanting to murder and torture me as revenge for “taking” Spencer, to a now twisted maternal desire for his (hypothetical) child. But if Spencer and his team couldn’t find me before the time I was supposed to be showing, I was fucked. Utterly fucked. 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Taglist: @britishspidey
(Let me know to be added)
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letstalkloz · 2 years
Order of Play: Timeline Order
New fan wondering where the hell to start in a series that's been going on for 36 years, or a long time fan looking for a fun way to play through the games? While I'd argue there's no wrong way to get into The Legend of Zelda franchise, I'm going to break down a few ways I'd suggest playing through the games, starting with the confusing, yet still fun timeline order.
What's so confusing about timeline order you ask? Most veteran Zelda players understand- the story of the games does not go in release order, and after the fourth game in the timeline, Ocarina of Time, the timeline splits into 3 different paths. If you're following timeline order, you can pick and choose how you want to handle the split, but I'll go over some suggestions for the smoothest story order.
Buckle up, we've got 19 main titles to get through, and even a few spinoffs.
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The first 4 games are pretty easy to follow. To follow timeline order, start with Skyward Sword, either the 2011 version on the Wii, or the recent HD remake on the Switch that dropped in 2021 (I'd recommend the Switch copy personally due to better motion controls, as well as the ability to turn off motion controls all together).
The Minish Cap comes next, which you can get a physical copy on the Game Boy Advance or a digital copy off of the Wii U e-shop (Warning- Wii U e-shop does close in March 2023 so get it while you still can- or emulate it if you're able to). Sticking with Game Boy Advance games, Four Swords comes next in the timeline. I did say that the first four games are pretty straight forward, but Four Swords is a little odd. For the Game Boy Advance version, you'd have to purchase A Link to the Past with the Four Swords game attached to it (it was a two games in one cartridge situation). The downside to playing the GBA version though is it does require you to play it as a multiplayer, so unless you have a friend with the game too, and a link cable, you won’t be able to play. There was a digital version available on the 3DS e-shop that allowed for single player use, however it is no longer available there. Again, I'd suggest emulating, or even in this case just watching a play through of Four Swords, since it is harder to get your hands on compared to other games in the franchise.
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The last game in the starting timeline section is the one that breaks it all: Ocarina of Time. Considered by many as the best game in the series, Ocarina of Time is thankfully available on multiple platforms, including the N64, the Wii U e-shop (until March 2023), and the Switch N64 Online package. For those who prefer updated graphics and controls, there is even a remake of the game for the 3DS. However, since this is where the timeline splits, I'm going to suggest something a little weird: Play Ocarina of Time, and when you get to the final boss fight against Ganondorf, die. Save the game, let him kill Link, and then set the controller down. Now pick up A Link to the Past, the first game in the Defeated Hero timeline.
Yes, you heard that right, the Defeated Hero timeline. Nintendo created a timeline where the hero, Link, fails. Get comfy here, because the Defeated Hero timeline has the most games in it.
After A Link to the Past (which is available on the SNES, Game Boy Advance, Wii U and 3DS e-shops until March 2023, and the Switch's SNES Online membership) things stay confusing. The official timeline can't decide if Link's Awakening or the Oracle games comes next. It doesn't matter that much in all honesty, so I'd suggest playing them in whatever order you can get them. Link's Awakening might be the easiest to get ahold of, since it was recently remade for the Switch, but it is also available on the original Game Boy and Game Boy Color, as well as the 3DS e-shop (until March 2023). Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages are also available for the Game Boy Color, but I'd suggest buying them on the 3DS e-shop while you still can (March 2023).
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I hope you enjoyed A Link to the Past, because you'll be returning to that version of Hyrule for the next game, in the timeline, A Link Between Worlds. This is not a direct sequel though. The story takes place 100 years after A Link to the Past, with a different Link and Princess Zelda. Available on the 3DS, this game is pretty easy compared to other games in the Defeated Hero timeline, so consider this a nice break. Well, this and Triforce Heroes, the next game in the timeline, and another 3DS title.
Right towards the end of the Defeated Hero timeline, you're finally at the first game released: The Legend of Zelda. Available on the NES, the Wii U digital e-shop, the 3DS digital e-shop (both until, you guessed it, March 2023), and the Switch's NES Online membership, this game is not hard to get a copy of. Be careful not to name yourself Zelda though, unless you want to do the second quest which is notably much harder. Still not as difficult as the last game on the Defeated Hero timeline.
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Zelda II: The Adventure of Link is easily the hardest game in the franchise, and is more of a side-scroller than a top-down perspective adventure. Available on all of the same systems as the original Legend of Zelda, Zelda II is easy to get your hands on, but not as easy to complete (I cannot tell you how many times I died playing through the first dungeon alone).
Remember how I said to die in Ocarina of Time? Boot that game back up and kick Ganon's ass. Beating Ocarina of Time splits the timeline again, and spoilers for a 24 year old game, but Zelda sending Link back in time creates a timeline where he continues his life as a child, and one where the hero no longer exists, due to him being sent back in time.
Confused yet? There's a reason why I said things can be confusing playing in timeline order.
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We're going to follow the child timeline next, since the next game in that order follows the same Link from Ocarina of Time. The first game in the child timeline is Majora's Mask, which is available on all of the same consoles as Ocarina of Time, including it's own 3DS remake. Only thing is, if you're going to play it on the N64, you will need the expansion pack for the console itself in order to play.
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The second game in the child timeline takes place about 100 years after the events of Majora's Mask. The only main series T-rated Legend of Zelda title so far, Twilight Princess. Duel released on the GameCube and Wii back in 2006, and then released again as an HD remake in 2016 for the Wii U, Twilight Princess continues with the darker story themes introduced in Majora's Mask. For all of my fellow left-handed people out there, I highly recommend either the GameCube or the Wii U version over the Wii (I struggled with the right-handed motion controls the Wii forced me to use, but have been doing much better with the left-handed Wii U combat).
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The last game in the child timeline is Four Swords Adventures. Available only on the GameCube, this game is another difficult one to get your hands on if you don't own a GameCube or Wii, so if possible, I'd suggest emulating it, watching a playthrough, or even picking up the two-part Four Swords manga as a solid substitute. I will say though, Four Swords Adventures is one of my favorite Legend of Zelda games gameplay wise, so if you have a system to do so, I highly suggest playing through it.
Remember that timeline Link abandoned after Zelda sent him back in time at the end of Ocarina of Time? If you're wondering how it's doing without a hero, let me be the first to tell you that all of Hyrule is now underwater in the forgotten Adult timeline.
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Wind Waker sends Link on a journey on the Great Sea, sailing around on a boat to explore the islands that still exist after Hyrule flooded. Available on the GameCube, and also released as an HD remake on the Wii U, this cartoon style game had mixed reactions at the time of it's release, but has since grown into a classic Legend of Zelda title that earned itself a direct sequel: Phantom Hourglass. Available on the DS and the Wii U e-shop (you already know what I'm going to say- until March 2023), this is actually one game I'd recommend getting the DS version of if possible for my left-handed folks. The Wii U digital copy is cheaper, but all of the screen options that focus on using the stylus are for right-handed people.
My same advice goes for those needing a copy of the final game in the adult timeline, Spirit Tracks. Just like Phantom Hourglass, this game is available on both the DS and the Wii U e-shop (until March 2023). However, the DS copy of this game usually runs higher than Phantom Hourglass, so I'd suggest getting the Wii U version if money if your main worry and just adapting to the screen setup (That's what I'm doing because I'm a broke college student, and it's working fine).
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Three timeline splits and 18 out of the 19 main series games down and I can hear you all asking "But Rose, where is Breath of the Wild?" It's here at the end of every timeline. I'm not kidding, Nintendo couldn't figure out where it fit, so they threw it at the end of every timeline. Honestly though, saving Breath of the Wild for last is probably the best if you're trying to get into The Legend of Zelda franchise, since it is so different gameplay wise to any other Zelda game. It's available on both the Wii U and the Switch (I've played it on both, apart from some slight lagging issues in puddles on the Wii U version, both work really well).
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I mentioned two spins offs, and those are Hyrule Warriors and Hyrule Warriors 2: Age of Calamity. For Hyrule Warriors, I would suggest getting the Definitive Edition, since it includes everything from both the Wii U and 3DS versions of the game (available on the Switch). Based on the collection of characters in the game, if you decide to play it, I would save it until either before or after Breath of the Wild, since characters from all three timelines do appear in it. As for Age of Calamity, it does serve as a non-canon prequel to Breath of the Wild. Even though it technically takes place before Breath of the Wild, save it for last so you can fully appreciate your time with the characters in the game.
Okay, 21 games down, and a million left off. The big question is, do I recommend playing the games this way? Short answer: No. Long answer: It's complicated (just like the timeline).
Timeline order can be a fun and creative way to sit down and work your way through the games, and as a long time Legend of Zelda fan with access to every game in this lineup, I would consider going through the games like this. However, if you are new to the franchise, or don't have easy access to every game, or get stuck on one that's too difficult (looking at you Zelda II), then this way can make it feel like you have to complete a game, or wait until you buy one of the harder to find games before continuing on to the next one. While Skyward Sword is a decent starting game (more on that later), it's not the game I'd suggest to people first.
Well now you're probably wondering why you read through all of that just for me to tell you not to do everything I outlined. My goal here is to present different ways of plaything through the games. If you're like me and care more about lore and story over gameplay, then timeline order could work for you! But everyone is different, and if I'm trying to convince as many people as I can to play through the games, I would not suggest timeline order.
So what order do I suggest? Good question, with an answer that'll come in another long ass post sometime in the near future.
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ickymichi · 3 years
𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝.
a tendou satori x reader series.
✟ there’s always been the one rule every person who’s been in a band knows not to break, never mess around with your band mates. but Satori was sick of the groupies, sick of catching the bra’s and panties that were flung at him every night. he just wanted the one thing he couldn’t have.
✟ warnings: swearing, eventual smut, eventual angst(?), drug use, inappropriate themes, comedy.
✟ things to know: band au!, some timeskip careers mentioned, slow updates.
✟ if you’d like to be added to the taglist just send an ask! <3
✟ word count: 1.8k
✟ note: first actual chapter of this series! it’s nothing big but obviously i wanted to get something written for this series! but i hope you enjoy my dears! reblogs are greatly appreciated <3
all contents belongs to k1ttykawa 2021. please do not repost or modify on this or any other platform.
𝟎𝟎𝟐:. 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲𝐜𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬
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The bright lights and screams from the small crowd in the underground venue was what brings you back down from the high you’re always on whenever you sit on the small bouncing stool behind the drum set on stages every second or third night. You heard Semi thanking everyone for coming and whatever shit he always says. Once you seen him bow and Tendou go to pick up the collection of bra’s and panties thrown on stage, you raised a hand and threw one of the drumsticks into the crowd, your own way of saying goodbye before making your way offstage. Semi and Tendou’s tall frames following behind, the same order as always.
The sweat was pouring out of you, tonight being more of a wilder one than the usual calm sets you’ve been having in bars or party’s recently. they were easy money, but they got boring after just a few hours. so all three of you were in desperate need of a night like tonight.
Turning the corner of the small, dark corridor to your dressing room for tonight you were met with the stench of weed, 3 different girls on the beat up leather couch, a rolled joint in one of the girls hands and white lines on a tray to the others left. Like always, you went straight to the showers to get the scent of sweat and fake smoke of you.
You really don’t know when but the cropped black tank top you had on was ripped down one side but your usual headband you sported every show was missing and it now became you new priority to track it down. “Satori! Where the fuck is my headband?” you stomped back out to see the wanted man desperately trying to pull the tight leather pants down his lanky legs. His head was whipped up to at the sound of your annoyed voice and then quickly darted his eyes over to the blonde that had previously rolled the joints and was now fawning over semi and his revealed tattoos. “oi” was all you muttered out behind her and holding out your empty hand—also noting some of your rings were gone. She turned her head to you with a scowl covering her features, which also revealed your missing accessory that caused your distress. “that’s her bandana and she’s quite obviously looking for it back,” Tendou quipped in making every one bar the girl laugh. After time, she untied it from the back and forcefully placed it back in your hand. Dramatically you held your arm, acting as if she pained you, tendou again laughing with you.
Finally you were able to hop into the shower and quickly get your self freshened and rub the accesses makeup off your eyes that was already smudged from your constant wiping, trying to stop the sweat dripping from your hairline.
“(y/n)!! please help me out of these, semisemi just keeps fucking laughing!” the peace and quiet you had was quickly interrupted by Tendou’s loud whining. “how the fuck am I not supposed to laugh when your walking around with them swinging around your ankles and your dick hanging out?” “what, Its out?!”
The large door separating the bathroom from the connected dressing room swung open and revealed Satori with his leathers pooled at his ankles and— surprising his dick not actually ‘hanging out’. “please help me sugartits, they’re fucking stuck even with my skinny ankles,” he hopped onto the counter and held his legs up for you to guide them off him. “well for starters, take your fucking shoes off!, and also I swear i saw these in the women’s section of some online store?” jokingly you shouted at him and moved to untie the doc martin’s around his feet. “yeah? You probably did, stole them from that chick that wouldn’t stop hanging off me last month,” both of you laughing at his silliness and falling into a comfortable silence.
The only noise was the voices off the others in the separate room and a recognisable Mötley Crüe song shaking the floor from the stage.
“what you think of tonight then?” the silence being broken by Satori like usual. “uhhh, it was definitely something but yeah, it was fun. Its nice to have a night like that every now and then, specially since we’ve just been in bars doing the same covers for the past two weeks. What about you huh?” he hummed, a noise of agreement showing he was listening, a habit you grew to learn. “I guess it was good fun yeah, although I didn’t appreciate nearly getting hit with a dildo within the first two songs. But I agree, it’s nice to do our own shit and not covers in a bar with a bunch of middle age boring shits. I think we’ve another show that’ll probably be like this again on Saturday.”
Saturday, today was Thursday so you’ve a nice day or two to just lie around, the other probably filled with travelling and setting up.
After about 10 minutes you had unlaced both his boots and chucked them onto the floor and not too long later his ‘borrowed’ pants joined them. “thanks chicken, lifesaver as always,” he pulled you into an embrace with one arm before leaving to find his spare clothes in the other room. He did always have the weirdest nicknames.
The night bled into the early hours of the morning, Semi and Tendou both getting their share of the girls there while you kicked your feet up, sparking up a conversation and passing the joints with your friend Taichi who was also your ‘manager’, he wasn’t really he just acted like it when venues would ask important questions and tagged along for the free show and nights at different clubs.
He was also the one who suggested you start moving to the motel down the street for the night before the venue boots you all out. Quickly you agreed, not fancying seeing any more glimpses of your friends and strangers body parts. Obviously the girls whined to the boys, asking if they could come, saying it’s dangerous for girls to walk home alone at night, “sorry ladies, but we’ll be sharing a bed tonight and I don’t fancy getting an unwanted facial on a Thursday night,” you butted into their persuasive conversation by wrapping an arm around the boys from the back of the couch and giving a friendly smile.
By the time you all got your equipment packed away and into the van it was nearing 4:30 in the morning and you, quite literally we’re going to fall into the bed. It wasn’t the nicest of places but you were just spending tonight and the next two there, unless you decided to go out after the shows and find some rando’s condo to spend the night in. All three of you pushed your way into the small room trying to get the edges of the double bed. And it wasn’t easy trying to squeeze through two 6’2 lean men, resulting in you again stuck in the middle of them staring at the blank roof, desperately waiting for the sun to rise so you could find some place to get food and away from the mess of limbs under the covers.
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When you did wake up it felt like you’d only slept for two hours, when in reality it had been about 10. The afternoon sun melting through the old curtains and falling into your pillow. As you moved to see what had finally woke you from the deep sleep you saw Semi at the small table, his guitar resting on his knees and his worn, nimble fingers scribbling words on his notebook he kept for when lyrics would come to him.
“mornin’ early bird,” all you could let out was a groan, your mind still coming to its senses. “there’s food n’ shit there Satori went out to get it, we was the first up, surprisingly,” he breathed out the last remark before moving to pick up the red pencil and get back to writing lyrics before they left his head.
The food that Tendou got was still warm so he must’ve of been up long before you anyway. “where is he?” “beats me, probably wandering round like always,” quickly he responded and took the pic from between his teeth and started strumming a tune while humming, what you were guessing, was the lyrics on the page.
Letting your curiosity get the better of you, you pulled your phone from where it was connected to the wall by the charger and found Satori’s contact and pressed the call icon, moving away from the sound of Eita and his guitar you went to go outside and sit on the bench outside your rooms window.
“hello, hello,” his ever cheerful voice filled the speakers of your phone that was wedged between your shoulder and ear. “hey, I was just calling to see where you are that’s all,” you piped up when he went quiet, tutting when you realised you were out of cigarettes. “oh you know, just out sightseeing ‘tis all,” “cool cool, well i’m going to the store now you need anything?” he hummed into the phone, indicating that he was thinking of something he needed. “just cigs I guess and get me that drink I like while there, i’ll pay you later,” bidding him goodbye as the small shop on the corner came into view you slipped your phone into your sweatpants pocket and walked to the back where they kept the energy drinks.
Exiting the shop with everything you needed you walked to make your way back till you saw a familiar head of red locks across the street and quickly, but quietly made your way to his figure.
Sneaking up behind him and wrapping your arms around his middle, feeling his ribs press into your arms, something you’ve noted recently. He sucked air into his lungs and jumped slightly before laughing with you. “here you go your highness,” was how you greeted him and chucked him his requested items. “thanks muffincake, i’ll pay you back later I swear,” you scoffed and shook his offer off, suggesting you stroll around the city until Semi called either of you to ‘get your sorry asses back to the room’.
Your stroll progressed into a very long walk and by the time Satori suggested you head back with an arm around your shoulder it was already dark, the night life staring to come out of hiding. eyeing a club across the street you thought might be a good shout to visit in case you three got bored tonight, making a mental note of its location.
“Didn’t Semisemi say we need to go over the set list again cause, someone, messed up last night,” a sing-song voice dragged you out of your club browsing and brought a scowl to your face. “excuse me, you’re the one who told me we were doing ‘nasty’ after the interlude, prick,” he pulled his chin up and started to ‘think’ about your accusation before loudly dubbing it false; “nope, I don’t recall doing such a thing. I could never, but if it boots your already sky high ego then, of course I did my dearest apologies baby cakes,” “do you ever shut up,” “when i’m face first in pus-” “Don’t even!”
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t a g l i s t: @evan-rose @elianetsantana @weebintheinternet @kuroos-roosterhead
please lmk if i missed you if your not there! <3
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Major Updates to My Weird Idea (that includes my Nightside OCs)
Go check my previous post on this - HERE
This is mainly an update for @schizoauthoress , @the--blackdahlia , @spacelizardtrashboys , @enigmaticandunstable and @piratewithvigor and I personally think @nattinngrst might like this.
I went on a trip to the beach yesterday with my parents and my older brother (who I bored and annoyed with this idea and you'll see some of his influence in this here post)
Anything written in italics is meant to be taken as a joke as you read through this wall of text, sending good vibes as always, hope y'all are doing well.
The show is set in Canadian, Texas (real place: Wikipedia). I'm thinking of this show starting in the mid-to-late 90s (1996/1997).
I've managed to do several things with that weird sitcom idea, so, where to start, how about with the three potential titles:
1 - Neighbourhood Watch
2 - First Call
3 - First Round (Which my brother likes)
Here are some options for bar names, starting with the Cop bar:
1 - The Donut Hole
2 - The Roasted Hog (which my big bro suggested)
3 - The Sherriff's Outpost
And the Biker Bar:
1 - The Handlebar Inn
2 - The Steel Horse Saloon
3 - The Rebel Room
Next on the list of updates: Cast additions, character roles and (Finally after 2 days) Names for Everyone!!
I'll start with the Cop Bar's owner & staff:
Rosalina Asturias 'Rosa' (Played by Billie Martinez) an employee of the local cop bar. Didn't grow up in the town, moved here for work.
Violet Croft (Played by Eli Herne) an employee. Grew up in town, never left, has the hots for one of the guys in the local police.
Sunshine Crawford 'Sunny' (Played by Holly Di Antonio) an employee. Grew up in town, left for college and came back.
Roscoe Power 'Ross' (Played by Jimmy Hart) the loudmouth who owns the bar, grew up in town, used to be a car salesman.
Olesya Pavlovsky 'Olivia' (Played by Penelope Voronin) an employee who grew up in town and has immigrant parents, goes by 'Olivia' because she would rather you don't f*** up her actual name.
Winona Vance (Played by Sam Griffin Silver) an employee who moved here from New York, for unknown reasons, and doesn't really understand the small town, everyone knows everyone lifestyle.
Lavender Whittemore (Played by Victoria Lucifarian) an employee who grew up in England but moved to live in America, settled in Canadian, Texas due to her love of westerns.
Next: The Local Police Squad:
Sergeant Valentine Gautier 'Val' (Played by Bret Hart) recently promoted before the series begins but still on patrol duty, watches over his younger brother.
Corporal Buck Morris 'Buckshot' (Played by Davey Boy Smith) the gun loving corporal of the squad and the only one to have both 'work' and 'home' guns.
Captain Napoleon Cooper 'Crazy Cooper' / 'Captain Crazy' (Played by Jim Neidhart) the police captain, recently reassigned to Canadian, Texas as there were rumours abut him which interfered with his work in his previous location.
Officer Duke Gautier (Played by Owen Hart) the young, recently recruited brother of Sgt Gautier, often put on patrol alone to ensure less arguments, but always checked on by his brother.
Next: The Biker Bar's Staff:
Ozzy Rains (Played by Charles Wright) A biker and member of the staff who grew up just outside of town but loves his fellow staff members like family.
Brock Martel (Played by Henry Godwin) a biker and member of the staff who grew up on a local ranch and loves beer, football and the current Mayor's down-to-Earth style.
Vincent Gore 'Vinnie' (Played by Kane) the owner's son and a known fire loving 'freak' often protected by his surrogate family, the bar staff, Vinnie knows no better than 'ooh, cool looking fire' and must be restrained or have his hands swatted away to stop him burning himself trying to touch campfires.
Raven Knight (Played by Kirby Roussimoff) the only female staff member, but also the girl who does all the tough jobs when needed, has a side business of making and selling artwork, such as portraits to locals, has designed some of the bar staff's tattoos.
Harlow Gore (Played by Paul Bearer) the owner of the bar and a loving father to his son, took Murphy (Undertaker) under his wing when they first met and also treats him, and the rest of staff, like family.
Hunter King (Played by Phineas Godwin) Brock's cousin and a member of staff, taught Raven how to shoot a shotgun and his father owns a local tattoo parlour.
Sequoia Reed (Played by Rikishi) an employee and Frankie's (Yokozuna) cousin, also a surrogate cousin to Raven, having been best friends since childhood. Reed loves his job and his staff family and will defend both at any cost.
Lupe Zapatero (Played by Savio Vega) an employee at the bar and possibly the shortest member of staff, towered over by the tallest staff members but is not any less of a fighter because of his size, a former mechanic who loves nothing more than taking things apart and putting them back together while listening to metal / rock.
Murphy Graves (Played By The Undertaker) Manager of the biker bar and an excellent member of staff, has an outlaw rules vibe, as in he would say to the police "Your jurisdiction ends when you walk in my bar." Very protective of the staff, and the owner.
Frankie Wolf (Played by Yokozuna) the most relaxed and laid-back of the staff, Frankie would prefer to be in the kitchen making potential 'Culinary Masterpieces' as he would call them. Sequoia and Raven's (surrogate) cousin, views his staff mates as family.
Next: The Local Band (Named: Exoskeleton Samurai)/College Students
Quinn Thorn (Played by Jeff Hardy) the bassist to Ros' (Lita) vocals / lead Guitar and older brother Garth's (Matt) Drums, a face paint enthusiast and an English major in college who never seems to find time to study, but always has time to date somehow.
Roz Jerome (Played by Lita) the vocals and lead guitar for the band and an art major who actually studies, dating Garth (Matt) and met Quinn through him. Roz also studies Spanish and French.
Garth Thorn (Played by Matt Hardy) Quinn's older brother and the band's drummer, a major in psychology and a horror movie lover, Roz' boyfriend and almost totally devoted to her, even at the cost of his college work.
Next: The Local Townsfolk of Note:
Mayor Robert Sweet (Played by Jim Duggan) rarely seen, but apparently a good man with good ideas, helps out in volunteer projects and absolutely loves the town. Trying his hardest and people know this, and they love him. (did I meme correctly?)
Rusty Jarvis (Played by Mick Foley) the local hippie who has never left town, somehow managing to know both everything and nothing at the same town. (Very Dude Love with hints of Cactus Jack and Mankind) Does know how to fight when he needs to.
Redd Wayne (Played by 'Sycho' Sid Vicious/Justice) the local baseball/softball star, helps out at the local school/college teaching sports and likes Raven's artwork, he watches her draw when he can, runs the local little league & minor league baseball/softball games.
Earl Black (Played by Steve Austin) the most often seen regular at the biker bar, absolutely loves both the bar and the town, a hardworking guy who has befriended the entire staff (including Harlow and Vinnie) of the biker bar.
Lex Aston (Played by The Rock) a local struggling actor, teaching an acting class to pay the bills and an absolute ladies man, and for that reason he goes to the cop bar, to try and pick up one of the bartenders who works there, often favouring Rosa as she will jokingly flirt back.
Finally (for this section): The Degenerates and Their Benefactors:
Reign Yates (Played by Billy Gunn) Leon's (Road Dogg) best friend, often the getaway driver for the group and a scout for locations, often getting all the info on a place before telling Matty (H.H.H) and Dell (HBK). Often leaves town with Leon to get the heat off them. (and make out in secret)
Zelda Hooper (Played by Chyna) the only female degenerate but possibly the toughest, has a rap sheet as big as her arms, not to be trusted when around the other degenerates as she is usually the actual brains of the operation.
Matty Battle (Played by Hunter Hearst Helmsley) the co-leader of the degenerates, often protected by Zelda or Mark (Kevin Nash). does most of the talking but has the piss taken of him for his looks often by either other degenerates or locals who don't care for the degenerates.
Romeo Colombera (Played by Mike Rotundo/I.R.S) the right hand man of the mysterious benefactor, and often the lawyer for the degenerates as well as a taskmaster for them, telling them what the boss wants done and by what date.
Mark Rake (Played by Kevin Nash/Diesel) the tallest degenerate with a rap sheet as long as his leg, a former bouncer at a now closed nightclub, alongside best friend (and possibly boyfriend) Galo (Scott Hall) and now a bodyguard (when needed) for Matty and Dell (HBK, also boyfriends).
Leon Rose (Played by Road Dogg) best friend of Reign and a scout for the group alongside him. Has found every possible way to piss off other townsfolk and often in the most fights because of it, always on the police's radar for one thing or another and constantly leaving town because of it.
Galo Villalobos (Played by Scott Hall/Razor Ramon) the only (supposedly) Latino degenerate, raised in Canadian, Texas but his parents are from Cuba, Galo is a former nightclub bouncer (alongside Mark) Galo is known (for his ability to give minus fucks) as the most relaxed member of the group.
Dell Pain (Played by Shawn Michaels/HBK) the co-leader alongside Matty, a known flirt with people regardless of gender or sexuality, just to piss them off on some occasions. Dell grew up in town, knowing it like the back of his hand.
Giles Rennell (Played by Ted DiBiase) the mysterious benefactor of the group, bailing them out if needed, he stumbled across the group after seeing a police bulletin and decided to use them to cause enough chaos to guarantee a chance in the next mayoral election.
Zac Noel (Played by X-Pac) the shortest and youngest degenerate, Zac is often treated as the child of the group, being taught how to get away with crimes and trick the police into just letting him go by clerical error and tomfoolery.
Next on my list of updates: Season 1's episode list, episode titles, episode synopses, some spoilers, and the revolving door idea a bit further explained.
Series running order:
Biker bar episode
Cops on Patrol episode
Band/College Students episode
Cop bar episode (yes these are different)
Degenerates episode
(last episode of each season/series only) town meeting/town get-together (E.X: town hall meetings, the town getting together for a sports game or barbeque or restaurant opening)
1x01: Insert Coin to Start: The pilot episode of the series sees the local biker bar of Canadian, Texas installing two, brand new, arcade machines. After leaving for the night, the team finds the bar broken into and both machines missing with no evidence or possible suspects to the robbery. The team finds the machines relatively undamaged in an alleyway nearby. By the end of the episode there's still no suspects. B plot includes an argument between father and son, Harlow and Vincent which ends when Murphy gets involved.
1x02: Hot Pursuit: Newly instated chief of police Chief Cooper [Neidhart] makes changes to the patrol teams before tasking them with looking for any persons involved with (1x01)'s robbery and break-in, leading to a high speed chase later in the episode. B plot includes the squad coming to grips with the new, and much crazier, police chief.
1x03: Making Noise: Local band Exoskeleton Samurai [Team Extreme] are writing new music late at night while Roz [Lita] tries to study for a class the following day but, during a moment of quiet, they hear a break in a couple of doors down and attempt to see who it is. The group get a glimpse of Zac Noel [X-Pac] and Mark Rake [Nash] but not a full glimpse. Now aware of the local degenerates, the band try and forget about it and focus on their own lives until their apartment gets broken into when they're not there.
1x04: Donuts & Beer: The new cop bar opens on the other side of town, serving mainly (both savoury and sweet) bagels and donuts as well as beer (on tap and bottled), the fact it's slightly more risqué gets (both good and bad) attention on the place. Winona Vance [Sam] gets in a fight with Zac Noel [X-Pac] as she's locking up. Winona [Sam] being put in the hospital with a broken arm makes the rest of [Cop Bar]'s staff double down on getting justice for the near break-in.
1x05: Dirty Work: The first episode from the degenerates perspective. The degenerates are just causing general problems for the town without reason because it's fun' but it's quickly losing their interest as the heat on them rises. The end of the episode has Matty Battle [Triple H] receiving a call from 'Mister R' [DiBiase] offering him a deal.
1x06: Blue & Black: A brawl breaks out at [Biker Bar] following whispers that the people who broke in are in the building. The bikers who work at the bar threaten to hurt anyone who works for the rival bar if they try and mess with business while in the biker bar.
1x07: Captain Crazy: A rumour that the current captain was moved location and promoted to smooth over allegations that he may not be fully sane, Officer Duke Gautier [Owen] is determined to find the truth while Sergeant Valentine Gautier [Bret] and Corporal Buck Morris [Davey Boy] are determined to keep the peace and catch the local degenerates.
1x08: Broken Strings: following an argument with an ex girlfriend Quinn Thorn [Jeff] finds his guitar smashed and has to work odd jobs to buy another one (starting a potential series c plot). Garth Thorn [Matt] ends up in a fight with Galo Villalobos [Hall] which ends when Roz Jerome [Lita] smashes a table leg over the back of Galo's [Scott's] head, knocking him out and giving him over to the police.
1x09: Badges & Bottle Tops: Captain Cooper [Neidhart] stops by [cop bar] to talk with owner Roscoe Power [Jimmy Hart]. Meanwhile the Gautier boys [Owen & Bret] interrogate Galo Villalobos [Scott Hall] about what the degenerates are doing and why, getting no information about the mysterious benefactor over than he pays them a lot of money depending on what they do.
1x10: Paid off: The mysterious benefactor 'Mister R' [DiBiase] pays Galo's [Scott's] bail, getting him free for a while but side-lining him too. The benefactor remains hidden in shadow but Matty & Dell [Triple H & HBK] have a meeting with him to discuss money and the next job.
1x11: Written in Ink: the tattooed bikers on the staff encourage regular customer Earl Black [Austin] to get a skull tattoo on his back and even take him with them to the tattoo parlour they frequent, finding it to be burned to the ground with a 'freaks get lost' sign planted in the wreckage. Murphy Graves [Undertaker] dismisses the rumours that the arsonist is the fire fascinated Vincent Gore [Kane] and even gives him an alibi when the cops come looking for answers, putting blame on someone in town who knows about Vinnie's [Kane's] love of fire, which is nearly every person in town.
1x12: Sergeant Heartbreaker: Sergeant Gautier [Bret] is accused of flirting with the staff at [Cop bar] leading to a paid two day leave to get heat off of him while he's ordered to remain at home. Officer Gautier [Owen] and Corporal Morris [Davey Boy] are put on patrol together, leading to a high speed chase of Reign Yates, Leon Rose & Zelda Hooper [Gunn, Road Dogg & Chyna] after witnessing a mugging, assault and graffiti from the trio, the cops eventually lose them down a back road on private Giles Rennell's [DiBiase's] land they would need a warrant for.
1x13: Failing Grade: Quinn's [Jeff's] lack of sleep leads to him getting a fail on an test forcing him to do the semester again. Enraged by this Quinn [Jeff] considers leaving the school but is encouraged to continue following Garth [Matt] ending up in hospital following [1x12]'s assault and mugging on Garth & Roz [Matt & Lita].
1x14: Microphones & Megaphones: [cop bar]'s owner Roscoe Power [Jimmy Hart] installs a stage for local acts in the bar, leading to Violet Croft [Eli] performing later that episode (the closing of the episode into the credits) and the night before the first performance the bar is covered in graffiti, leading to a massive clean up effort from the staff and local volunteers (like Mick Foley & The Rock).
1x15: Trench Warfare: Romeo Colombera [IRS] the benefactor's [DiBiase's] right hand man and go-to lawyer gives the degenerates an list of jobs, run the police chief out of town by the end of the year, run the bikers out of town, and ensure that 'Mister R' [DiBiase] the benefactor wins the next mayoral election.
1x16: Fuelling Up: after closing up [biker bar] Raven Knight [Kirby] narrowly avoids being burned by her motorbike exploding in a ball of fire. Her boss, Harlow Gore [Bearer] tells her to take the week off, leading to her coming into the bar and sitting at the back of the bar, sketching the regular customers and having a long conversation with local sports star Redd Wayne [Sid].
1x17: Brothers in Arms: Together: the Gautier brothers [Bret & Owen] are put on patrol together leading to the arrest of Zelda, Matty & Dell [Chyna, Triple H & HBK] before the trio are bailed out, the brothers interrogate Dell Pain [HBK] (leading to a very 'basic instinct'-esque scene with Shawn in assless chaps and boxer briefs) who gives them no information on their behaviour and why they are doing the things they've done.
1x18: Night Time Fun: the band attends a college party, unknowingly with Zac Noel [X-Pac] also in attendance, leading to the trio being high and drunk and the Thorn brothers [Matt & Jeff] end up in a fight, almost being thrown out of college entirely for their actions the next morning.
1x19: Head or Hart: Violet Croft [Eli] and (officer) Duke Gautier [Owen] meet properly for the first time on a blind date, leading to them walking through the streets of Canadian, Texas at night. The date is quickly ended after Duke [Owen] spots Leon Rose [Road Dogg] spray painting [cop bar] and gives chase after handing Violet [Eli] his number.
1x20: Grunt Work: The degenerates have a group meeting about how to sabotage the town meeting, leading to Rennell [DiBiase] coming out of the shadows to lead the degenerates in a coordinated attack on the town hall. Leading to the degenerates waiting until the town meeting to begin the next day.
1x21: Town Meeting: Mayor Robert Sweet [Duggan] conducts a town meeting, leading to everyone airing their grievances with the degenerates recent spree of activity. At the end of the meeting, paint bombs hidden above the townsfolk go off all at once, covering everyone in bright, almost neon, green paint.
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hey-its-kay-streams · 3 years
HKP's Unsolicited Review of Pioneers of Olive Town
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The review will be in parts, including; Characters, plot, mechanics, graphics. Each section will get a score out of 10 and a (hopefully) short commentary.
Intro! I've played a few farm Sim games since stumbling across Harvest Moon, back when it was still ported under that title, as a teen. I had no idea what it was or how it worked but when I was looking for a new game to play, the title caught my interest and the rest is history. The Story of Seasons franchise is pretty extensive and I've enjoyed all the ones I've played over the years. At time of writing I have sunk over 600 hours into Stardew Valley and the announcement of a new Story of Seasons, not a remake, had me excited to get back to the series that had lured me into its universe of crops and companionship in the past.
Characters. 4 of 10
One of the best parts of farming sims is getting to know the townspeople, falling for one of the designated love interests, and starting a family of your own. Story of Seasons has changed how it handles the dating mechanics over the years, recently allowing for same-sex unions, and eliminating rival marriages. PoOT tries to strike a balance between concurrent Town romances and singles, ready to mingle. It does not do it well.
I have not gotten married in FoMT yet because I honestly like all the love interests and while I have favorites, the more I play, I find it harder to commit. In comparison, PoOT's selection feels depressingly flat. As I met the people who lived in Olive Town, I was intrigued by what seemed to be a bigger selection of singles than normal. Imagine my confusion when I realized that a lot of the people I found interesting were townies, and thus, not available to possibly date.
There is some appeal to some of the singles occasionally. A lot of it, for the bachelors is negated by the perception that the townies are also eligible. There are so many pale, blond townies that they just kinda… fade into one another. They all have hints of personality, nothing substantial but the potential I can see makes it so much worse that the game fails to clear the bar.
Damon has a bad boy aesthetic, Emilio is a relaxed but attentive big brother figure, Iori is foriegn and formal, Jack is easygoing and quirky, Ralph is… quiet, I guess he’s supposed to come off as silent but reliable and they don’t get there.
Bridget is family orientated, Blair is the perky waitress, Lihn is demure but friendly, Laura is a capable and amiable guide, Reina is sociable and dedicated to her job.
Lars is dating Beth, very cute background relationship, his eccentricity is tempered by her steadfastness. Jacopo has hints of something with Jeanne but she apparently moved to Olive Town because Karina did, so who knows.
Gifting is disgustingly empty. There are no disliked gifts, I can give everyone the same rock and gain friendship. There are liked and loved gifts and fortunately, reaching 2 hearts with a person gives you a definitive like but, why bother when you have plenty of rocks?
Plot. 5.5 of 10
It’s a familiar tale by now: new farmer taking over a dilapidated farm and you know nothing about doing it. Good times. Local mayor wants to utilize your outsider's perspective to help revitalize and/or save the town. After Stardew Valley, I have no sympathy for ineffective mayors, though Victor seems to be a better one, overall. Our character, Farmer, is just a yes man in this case; Victor has ideas and plenty of invested townies but our opinion is the one that gives him the confidence to follow through. While every plot event asks for 3 items from Farmer, we only have to contribute 1. It's both disconcerting and refreshing to not be the sole implied reliable person in a community.
I can't justify a full 6 out of 10 for plot but it's comparatively solid for an otherwise uninteresting game.
Mechanics. 2 of 10
After the July maker update, I was excited to get back to the game, hoping to find more balanced gameplay. I was disappointed. Don’t get me wrong, the maker update was an improvement but not enough. Makers remain needlessly large, off puttingly slow and each maker has a limit to how many can be placed. Sure, I no longer need to babysit my rows of machines to change out materials one by one and finished products stack but it’s still incredibly inconvenient to use. The crafting menu is clunky and poorly designed. It seems to just unlock as I level up skills but there’s no way to sort to find diys by type or by name. To top it off, there’s no real incentive to make things. Sure , it's nice to be able to make gifts for people but crafted items can end up selling for less than the individual materials making the extra searching and button pressing seem wasteful.
I don’t understand it. Not at all. I thought maybe I accidentally skipped a cutscene or pop up explanation, even checking the guide in the bookshelf. There was nothing. I never eat at the cafe or diner, outside of cutscenes, because I have no idea what the point is. There’s a fullness meter, apparently. And there is no clear indication of how food affects your health. Over it, TBH. I leave food to the sprites.
It sucks, fullstop. It’s limited to 12 to 15 storage boxes, same huge size as the makers. The boxes on special areas count toward the limit. Personal inventory is expandable but I still find my inventory filling up during daily gathering, making me run back and forth to put stuff away. Between animals, crops, harvesting and stocking makers, I rarely make it to town which leaves me less interested in getting to know the people who live there. Hovering over an item in storage to box menus gives you no information beyond the item name. When looking for spring seeds, I have to take everything out, and view it within my bag to see what's in season and then go back into the box to put away the excess.
Again, the mechanics escape me. There's no clear explanation of how quality works and it is not intuitive at all. If not for dedicated YouTubers and guide sites I would not have learned that I need to make seeds from grown crops to get quality higher than whatever my field maxes out at. The only reason I have to buy seeds once unlocking the seed maker is because the maker is very slow.
Once you plant something, there's no way of knowing what it was until it sprouts, at the very least. There's no map indicator or pop-up when you pass over the item. I like the random varieties that can occur; giant crops, different shapes. I always feel like I should hold onto them, but there's not much redeeming benefit done because of it.
One thing I actually like. Shows store hours and villager locations, thank the Harvest Goddess. While I rarely use it, I appreciate having it, should I want to track someone down for a birthday gift or something.
The first two mines are okay. The third mine, once you get to orichalcum levels, have the most annoying baddies, mole creatures, with an AOE impact and further static electricity. The 1 room areas with 3 baddies are the things of nightmares, rage-inducing, even. Screw that hydroculture plant.
They changed the sprite game up. Why? I can't tell you. Instead of the familiar elf-like creatures, we get egg-like creatures that act as interaction points to fluffy lint balls that we encounter while working on the farm.
Graphics. 4 of 10
I feel like this is the type of game that would be acceptable on the DS line. We have passed that moment in time. Animations are limited, designs are clunky, there is a lot of cosmetic empty space, the dlc areas make the realization of that worse. All wander room, nothing to hold your attention unless you like fishing. The limited voice acting is not necessary, it comes off as synthetic, artificial. Character portraits would have gone a long way to add personality, the perspective of characters emoting in game isn't bad, however, it's just... lacking. I think the flatness of the game overshadows what little charm it has.
Overall. 3 of 10
In conclusion, I'm over this game. If it wasn't a gift from a friend who knew I was excited for it, I wouldn't have bothered finishing the first year. I admit, I'm actually quite disappointed. Right now, I'm not interested in playing further, or even getting married. I feel compelled to at least max all the skills but, I honestly don't see a point.
Here's hoping for a major overhaul update soon. The scores average out to 3.875 out of 10 but I can't bear to give it higher than a 3. In the meanwhile, I'm going back to FoMT, Stardew, and Portia.
If you enjoy the game, please feel free to let me know what you like about it. I’d love to know, honestly, where your favorite parts are.
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kimberly-spirits13 · 4 years
Right Hand Man (Loyal to the End) Pt. 9 (Final Part 😢)
Pairing: Damian Wayne x reader
Synopsis: You were like Talia’s daughter. The only thing was that you weren’t and instead, you had grown up in the foster care system and at a young age were taken by and personally trained by Talia. Along the way, you meet Damian and the two of you start to work side by side and eventually, after some time become closer and closer. However, when disaster in the league strikes, you face balancing an old, forgotten life as a normal child and the burden of right hand to the demon heir.
Note: I know that this is long and that there are a good number of time skips, but I didn’t want to make this into a series and just wanted it as a long fic because .... well because I can lol
Also, I didn’t want to have Damian so young in this so just go with it. I’m thinking maybe early 15 or almost 16 at the most. Idk I just don’t like writing for young Dami.
Warnings: mentions of blood, injury, almost dying, pit madness, angst 
Word Count:1285
Masterlist for Series
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After Alfred removed the pipe that was in your stomach you started bleeding heavily. No one was ready for it and the amount of blood made it hard to work. Damian looked over and saw you bleeding out on the table and went into panic mode. He jumped up and started looking through your belt for something.
        “Damian- what are you...” Your eyes went wide as he pulled out a small glass of liquid, “You’re not going to do what I think you will are you?” You groaned.
        Talia had allowed you to have a vile of the pit just in case something happened and you needed to use it on Damian. If it was injected, it would be stronger so you always carried the proper supplies for it.
        “Pennyworth, a moment?” Damian pulled him to the side once you weren’t totally bleeding out, “She’s going to die isn’t she?”
        “Master Damian I- yes, she will die if something else isn’t done. I do not know what can be done.”
        Damian sighed, “We have to inject this into her, where ever the wound is. It’s a vile of the water from the pit. She has it to use for me, but, she needs it now.” “I’ll hold her down.”
        “Why ever would you have to...” Alfred thought about it before a long look came over his face, “I understand. Right away then.”
        Damian walked to you carefully, knowing you had an idea of what was to happen.
        “Dames, please don’t.” You whimpered.
        “Beloved, I know you hate it but it has to be done. I’ll be right here for you the entire time, you won’t be alone this time, I promise.” He said taking your hand in his, “Just let Pennyworth do this quickly and it’ll be over faster.”
        “Damian no!” You started crying, “Please not this, just let me die, please!”
        “Y/N, no you have to just listen to me. I’m right here, the entire time.” Damian said after Alfred put a hand on his shoulder.
        He pulled you to his chest close and held your hand as Alfred injected you with the stuff. Damian knew it would work, he just didn’t really know about what would happen to you after that. The issue of the pit’s madness might not be one here, however no one was entirely sure what an injection of it would do. He knew shortly after though.
        You screamed and cried into his shoulder almost not being able to breathe.
        “Make it stop please!” You begged, “It hurts, please!”
        “Beloved I’m right here.” He said, “I’m not leaving you.” A few minutes had passed and he knew from past experience that you’d be back in just a second. That didn’t make it easier. As you came off of the hallucinations and pain, you were silent. The silence was the worst part. It was like after all of that, you went into autopilot now just trying to figure out where you were and how to get topside. The sudden mental change was all too familiar but instead of waking up alone and in a cavern illuminated by the light of the pit, you woke under florescent lights that had been dimmed and a figure holding you tightly after Alfred had left. Your hands immediately found his hair and with the comfort and familiarity, your heart rate dropped to something normal instead of rushed.
        “Dami?” You blinked a few times, “Is it over yet?”
        “Yes beloved.” He said looking up, eyes puffy with tears in his eyes, “I’m sorry beloved, I just, I can’t... I don’t know what would happen if I didn’t have you with me.”
        “It’s okay Damian. It really is this time.” You sat up clutching your side some, “Doesn’t mean it won’t hurt for a little bit though.”
        “Here, let me help you.” Damian helped walk you upstairs to his room and wash your hair. With the number of wounds you had to have dressed and cleaned, you didn’t need a shower, just the rubble and dirt out of your hair. He pulled up a stool in front of the sink and held your head up and he washed the hair.
        You didn’t really know what to do or say, so instead you just sat back and let him take the lead for once. After drying your hair enough, you went and sat on his bed, him sitting behind you. He took sections of your hair and started braiding them over and over again.
        “I thought I was going to lose you Y/N.” He said, “You’re so stubborn.”
        You scoffed, “You’re one to talk demon.”
        “That is true General.” He remarked, “What you did was truly remarkable though.”         “I had to do it Damian. She was around the same age I was when I was brought to the league.” You said.
        “You should’ve seen the look on the mother’s face when I brought her back. She was so happy to see her.”
        “Well, at least if anything happened, a family would not have been lost tonight.”
        Damian didn’t respond, you knew he couldn’t because while he knew you were right, it pained him to think of you leaving him.
        It was a few days later, your wound was healing rapidly probably just to leave a scar and sun was finally shining onto Gotham. Damian was out with the guys not of his own free will though. You were sure that when he got back there would be a ranting session about the dramatics of it all. Alfred had a day off right now and the rest of the family was gone. For the time, it was just you in the large house left alone to roam around as long as you wanted. With that silence and peace however, was an interruption. A knock at the door came and when you went to check, nothing was there but for a parcel sealed in wax addressed to you.
        You looked around knowing it was Talia’s writing and nodded before walking back inside and heading for your bedroom. Once sitting at your desk, you opened it up with the small knife you kept on you. Unraveling the letter that was set atop the actual package, you read it.
General Y/N,         I send this letter as an update to the league. Nothing has changed as the last one has arrived to your doorstep but for the slow process of filing through recruits once more. The attack was assisted by an inside source which is now being handled as seen fit. As for you, I have heard the news of your recent relationship with my son. I give you my blessing to continue, seeing as I have anticipated this for an extended amount of time. I also write this as a thank you for your recent near sacrifice. You have lived to my expectations dramatically and I see you were the right fit for this position. As such, I have obtained a second vile of the pit and sent it to you as a token of my gratitude.         Sincerely,         Talia al Ghul
      You smiled reading the letter before in code writing the important parts down in a leather journal you kept locked in a trick door on the third drawer of your desk. With the actual letter, you burned it in the fireplace which was already going. And with the ashes of the letter, you knew that this was the start of something new. You watched the rest of the letter disappear into the rest of the ashes and then headed outside for a walk in the sun, letting go of all of your issues for even a few moments of serenity.
GUYYSS I’m so sad that the series is over 😭! I loved writing this series so much and I really hope you guys enjoyed it too! I’m planning on making some headcannons and spin off one shots for it that I’ve thought up of and I wanna play more on the singing part cause I’ve developed more for it. Anyways... I’m starting a new series or smt I think cause I miss this series like Algebra misses its x
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leatafandom · 3 years
Writer Updates
Since I have a few stories waiting for an update, mainly my Sabriel fics, and a few (ha, a few) writing projects currently I'm bouncing back and forth from I wanted to put up a general update. So while I am actively working on my SPN fanfictions and WIPs I'm really not focused right now. My brain is engulfed in comics, cartoons, Legos and science projects because it's May vacation here and that's what my son and I do when he's off. We're cool people.
However, I do have updates! If your interested please look below the cut for updates on my incomplete posted works and current fanfiction projects. As a general side note, if you are ever looking for a recent fic update just search my blog for #writer update
The new chapter seven of Learn does have a title Hello, Dean. The chapter will be more Dean ordinate, and probably why I'm struggling with being happy with it. Not that the Sabriel is lost but that it's more focused on Dean finding his place now that he's back topside.
Jumpsuits chapter fourteen is still coming. I love this sweet angsty baby but she takes time, as usual. Since I'm currently writing a long section that will be broken into three it's taking a bit. However once one is posted I'm intending to have all three parts completed so there should be a window of time where it actual gets regularly updated.
Dark Chocolate Cherry Cordial or as @brattyangel69 and I call it, our DCC Series. We are making this into a series if you are interested. I don’t think we’re planning on posting anything until a part is done. In my head I feel like we’ll finish a section and then post with regular updates and then on to the next part of the series until we feel like its done. I really just have to be in the mood to write some smutty dark Sam and Loki cause the plot is there its just the muses. 
I am participating in the May Trope Challenge 2021! I have randomly started going through the days that called to me and actually drafted a couple. I’m not sure how many I will finish or for which ships they will be in but I will at least have three! I’m super surprised and super excited. 
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