#cinder is slay
mxshmxsh · 27 days
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Memes I made that I didn’t bother posting until now pt 1
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nyaskitten · 3 months
( referring to one of your renlog’s tags I saw )
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These ones!
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howlingday · 7 months
Nora: Well, aren't you going to describe our steamy, passionate, rrrrromantic kiss?
Cinder: (Sighs, Sarcasticly) You lean in and you kiss him.
Ruby: Aaaaand?
Cinder: And he reciprocates. Enthusiastically. You kiss. It's done. Are you happy now?
Nora: Come on now, this is the big moment! You can do better than that~!
Cinder: Rrrgh! FINE! (As quickly as she can) You and the prince lock eyes and stare deep into each other's soils with all the roaring emotion that comes from letting what was once hatred turn into pure and unbridled "passion".
Ruby: Are you making fun of us?
Cinder: And then... (Sighs, Reads in passion) each of you close your eyes and kiss. Words can describe neither the nuclear fire nor the oceanic depth of your connection.
Blake: Please. I think she actually likes romances.
Cinder: If the world itself wasn't about to end, historians would document this very moment for the rest of time. Musicians would write era defining ballads and all the great artists in the world would expend their entire lifetimes trying to merely capture the spark you hold right now.
Nora: Doesn't matter if she does or doesn't! This is the good stuff!
Cinder: I'm aware of my skills.
Ruby: She is making fun of us!
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paintedplum7 · 5 months
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IM HAVING SO MUCH FUN (Im never writing in Wingdings again)
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kirisclangen · 5 months
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They/she, 84 moons, nonbinary
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gingerale2017 · 1 year
Morning Haze
Fluff without a plot Words: 2k Pairing: Cinder Linh x Kai Fandom: The Lunar Chronicles Setting: A couple years after Stars Above Warnings: None Ao3 Link <3
Cinder was having trouble keeping her eyes open. The more she read about the new regulations on Public Hover Transportation, the more her eyelids felt inclined to close and never open up again. But she read on and barely managed to understand the basic changes the company made. Each blink became tortuous enough that she threw her port across the bed and chose to read the article in her mind, eyes closed.
It wasn’t much better. She realized that it wasn’t her eyes protesting the absence of sleep, but it was her brain refusing to think.
‘This is important’ Torin had said when he sent a the article to her and Kai earlier, ‘PHT hasn’t changed their rules since it was made back when Kai’s grandfather ruled. They have made many changes unofficially since then but now they needed to make an official document on how they would behave toward those who don’t follow their protocal. Recent technology, I believe, is their stated cause. Along with security purposes.”
‘So it contains their responce to people who don’t use the Bio-Lock?” Kai asked, though he knew the answer.
“Yes, but it’s mostly focused on Lunars. They are worried about one of the unlocked Lunars manipulating and hijacking a public hover.”
Of course it’s about Lunars, Cinder remembered thinking. Ever since Garan’s invention came out into the world, every major company changed something about themselves. As Queen, she had to read each article since it regarded her subjects (and each one always gave her a headache).
She thought she’d seen the last of those papers when her reign ended but they keep popping up again. Most of them had already changed their rules when the Bio-Lock was first introduced, except for a few like PHT, but they were minor companies and she didn’t need to read them.
The articles she read before were all the same and easier to understand. But this article had her reading and re-reading each sentence so it made sense. It might be the lack of sleep and how this day would never end, but she just couldn’t read this paper.
“Are you awake, love?” Cinder's eyes flew open immediately.
Kai had been inspecting her face for who knows how long. His fingers lingered on her elbow and she wondered if she was tracing her arms. He had a habit of tracing her figure while she slept and sometimes she’d wake up to it (she usually enjoyed it).
He smiled, a question on his lips, and brought her port up to her face, “Might I ask why your port is on the ground?”
His hair was wet from his recent shower, smelling like soap. It was something about this state that she liked very much and--stars, how she loved it. He was so close to her face she could barely focus.
Cinder smiled back, “I didn’t mean to throw it that far.”
He leaned in closer very slowly. Everything is always slow with him. It both excited and irritated her. “Then why was it thrown?”
“I got tired of reading on a screen so I read in my mind.” Her voice got lower the closer he came, “But the writers of that paper are so repetitive and boring.”
Kai lowered the port on her lap and gradually dragged his fingers across her stomach to rest on her waist. His other hand moved up from her elbow, up her arm, shoulder, collarbone, cheek, then dropped parallel to his other hand. All the while he kept coming closer and closer until he was teasing her with his lips.
Cinder’s heart did circus acts in her chest. Her tiredness miraculously vanished and her eyes could only focus on his perfect, beautiful lips. Lips that have tasted hers more times than her cyborg brain could count. Lips that could sway crowds and speak sweet nothings in her ears. Lips that she has met with her own almost every day. Lips that she would rather drink sewage water than live without.
Kai crept on top of her, taking his time while pretending to not notice the way he was driving her crazy. Cinder wanted to grab and kiss him but she (miraculously) forced herself to be patient.
“What were you reading?” he murmured softly, heading towards her neck.
“You know. The PHT article.” She said, careful to not let her words tremble.
“What part?”
“Uh,” she summoned the article back, “Note 37.”
“Mmm,” Kai’s nose grazed her cheek, then jaw, “The part about Lunars?”
“All of them are about Lunars. But yes.”
She could feel his smile on her skin, “Would you mind reading it to me?”
She sighed, “Note 37: Lunar citizens who do not observe the laws on-,” he finally kissed her neck, “using new technology, specifically the” another kiss, “Bioelectricity Lock-” kiss, “will be asked” kiss, “to leave the public hover-” kiss, “and to not” kiss, “access public transportation-” kiss going upwards, “until they install-” kiss on her jaw, “the lock and show-” kiss on her cheek, “proven records” kiss on the corner of her lips, “of the necessary procedure.”
“Force will be used if someone refuses to leave the public hover, then the hover will trigger an alarm that will notify the nearest Police Station,” he added just as he reached her lips. Still smiling, he tried to pull away but Cinder grabbed his shirt and kissed him.
She kissed him hurriedly, unlike his careful, cautious touches. She was impatient and hasty, digging her fingers in his hair.
They kissed until Kai pulled away with a large grin on his face. Then, he rolled off of her but still held her waist, and dug his face in her neck. He didn’t do anything, just rested there while they caught their breath.
He pulled Cinder closer until she was facing him and pecked her cheek and went up to her lips then her temple. Just like magic, her drowsiness returned and she huddled closer, feeling safe and relaxed in his arms. Not too long after, she fell into a much needed sleep.
Kai watched his wife’s body rise and fall. Cinder slept peacefully and deeply. She usually woke up before him (probably due to her internal alarm) and never slept enough.
Recently, Kai had been making sure she had. He would drag himself to bed earlier than usual and drag Cinder along with him.
Proven just last night, this method works.
In the mornings, he would do anything possible to keep her from waking up. If she woke up, he would convince her to not get out of bed yet via whispers in her ear. That either relaxed her or tensed her. It was a 50/50 shot.
This morning, there was no need for whispers or hugs. She slept for such a long time that it was bordering on ‘oversleeping’.
Now, Kai had to wake her up before someone would come looking for them.
He started to stroke her hair, smoothing the fly-aways and curling strands on his finger. Cinder slept facing Kai, her lips upturned just a tiny bit as if she were having a good dream. He wished she was.
He loved her hair, he loved touching it, he loved combing it, he loved pulling it, he loved styling it, he loved everything about it. More he loved her skin, face, lips, eyes, hands, legs, feet, nose, etc. He loved everything about her.
Cinder began to wake, her face twitching slightly. She opened her beautiful brown eyes, covered in a morning haze. She smiled when she saw Kai staring at her. Her lips were touched by magic. She looked ethereal in this sun, absolutely wonderful. He couldn’t believe that she was his, forever tied together, even now after their marriage. Though, it didn’t feel like it would go away in an instant anymore. Now, they could their time loving each other,
“Good morning, my love.” He murmured, kissing her forehead.
Still smiling, she stretched her arms out and looped them around his neck, “Good morning.” She yawned and shut her eyes again.
Kai pulled her closer so her head could rest on his chest. She sighed deeply and stilled for so long that he began to wonder if she fell asleep again.
Instead, she spoke, “I slept a full six hours. My system is telling me to keep it up to be healthy,” he could feel her face scrunch up, “I can’t remember the last time I did that.”
“How was it?”
“Very nice.” Her fingers slowly traced the length of the back of his neck, occasionally curling around strands of his hair, “I dreamt.”
“Oh really?” he asked.
“Yes. About us,” she smiled then with her eyes still closed.
“A good dream I hope,” it was more of a question. Sometimes, more often at the start of their relationship, she would whimper and twitch in her sleep. Sometimes she woke up in sweat and sobs. It hurt Kai to see her get hurt even by her own mind. He would hold her and kiss and remind her that he was here. That he would take care of her and love her until he can no longer breathe. His deepest confessions of love for her were admitted while she was unconscious and hurting. He’s revealed many of them since their wedding though.
“Yes. A very good dream.” She whispered.
Cinder opened her eyes, “Spending our day together. But we weren’t rulers of a country. We were normal and maybe the only people in the world,” she paused, frowning, “I don’t remember anyone else.”
“What did we do?”
“Mmh, kiss, talk, eat, talk, kiss, kiss, and more kissing,” she leaned in as if she was going to kiss his neck. Stars, he hoped so, “I liked that part.”
“I’m sure you did. I’m a good kisser, even in your dreams,” he smirked.
“How would you know? You’re not in them.”
“Intuition, my love.”
She humphed, “You’re just cocky.”
“If I’m ‘just cocky’, then why do you like it so much?” If only she could blush.
Her fingers froze in his hair. She pulled slightly back so she could see him and made a failed attempt at an annoyed face. It was very endearing.
“Because you’re my husband. I don’t think we would be married if I didn’t like it.”
“So you married me for my kissing skills?”
She rolled her eyes, “Yes, Kai.”
“Wowwww Cinder, I didn’t know I married someone so superficial,” he teased.
“Pay more attention.”
“I didn't know you only liked my kisses!” he exaggerated as she slowly pulled him closer, hands still in his hair.
“Among other things,” Cinder muttered while slightly biting her lip. He couldn’t help but stare at the nibble wanting to do that himself. This habit of hers was something he loved since the very day he met her. More often than not she didn’t realize she was doing it but when she did notice she would use it to tease him. And it drove him crazy every single time.
He wondered if she was doing it on purpose right now, in fact.
He pondered just grabbing her and kissing her or playing the waiting game. Meanwhile, her fingers, her beautiful miracle-working fingers, provoked something inside him. The need to kiss her (anywhere, everywhere) grew with the twist or pull of his hair, and when they swirled around his bare neck.
He stared at her as she reached his chest and then up his shirt. She leaned towards him, her hand in his hair tightening and digging itself deeper. Her mouth touched his neck.
Cinder kissed him gently, while he held her waist and brought her as close as he possibly could. He sighed pleasantly.
This was one of Kai’s favorite parts of married life. Waking up holding her every morning, kissing her temple, watching her sleep (if he was lucky enough to wake up before her). He loved it. It was peaceful and relaxing. Full of admiration and coziness. He felt like they were regular people here, waking up in the same bed as regular couples do. Like her dream. He never thought of meetings or the upcoming events of that day in these moments. Only Cinder. But she was the one who always brought it up.
As if on cue, she pulled away from him, her brow furrowed.
“What’s up?” he asked in a lazy tone.
She sighed, “Ugh. We have a meeting on the PHT article today and I can’t remember anything.” Sadly, she pulled her hand away from his chest. What a drag. He liked the feeling.
“Neither can I. But it seems you have the advantage, my love.” He twirled a lock of her hair, “Unlike our unremarkable brains that have to memorize, you get to pull it up on will.”
Cinder rolled her eyes, “Stop complaining."
"What? I was simply noting how awesome my wife's brain is."
"You're so corny." She pushed him off of her and rolled off the bed.
"Yes, but you secretly love it." He sat up, "Admit it."
She walked over to the foot of the bed, "It wouldn't be much of a secret if I did." Then she disappeared inside their giant bathroom to get ready for the day.
Kai plumped back down with a large smile on his face. Good stars, how did he end up here, with her? How did he land someone so perfect? Yes, they had their arguments. Yes, they annoyed each other sometimes. But their relationship felt like a gift from the universe itself. In a different reality, he would have been married to Levana, or some other girl from a good family without even ever meeting Cinder. He could have died without ever knowing her. But he did meet her at the stall that day and he did fall in love with her. She fell in love back. The situation was and is perfect.
As the morning haze painted his features, he contemplated his life and future with Cinder. He was excited about more mornings and late afternoons with her. To convince her to go to sleep and to wake her up. To kiss her every day to their heart's content. They had time, plenty of time, and he planned to not waste any of it.
If only this morning haze lasted forever.
A/N: I'm backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk (no promises)
Tagging: @just2bubbly @cinderswrench @cindersassasin @greenalmond @the-wee-woo-royal @deprivedmusicaljunkie @crescentchat @notjacinclay @wheresmymom-imlost @salt-warrior @rapunzelfromthemoon @briggycat @impossiblesuitcase @kaider-is-my-otp (these are for my kaider ONLY fics so please ask if you want to be tagged or removed <;3)
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gamesline · 2 months
The Triple-i Initiative Round-up
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What’s a "Triple-i Initiative"? What sorts of games get announced at one of them? Rougelikes, apparently. Here’s a rundown of what was shown at the first Triple-i Showcase. Read the full article
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squipedmew · 1 year
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love my terrible wife who wants to kill me so bad
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a-chaotic-dumbass · 1 year
alr the book got my on board the kai and cinder ship u convinced me
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mgbee · 2 years
Calling Femmes Who Game and Read!
Hi! I’m Bee,
My friend Rose and I created a safe space on discord for femmes to discuss books, game, listen to music, and watch movies. We are looking for kind hearted, and friendly faces to get to know! 
Our interests include: Valorant, Stardew Valley, Nikke St. Crowe, Taylor Swift, The Inheritance Games, The Lunar Chronicles, Deftones, Weyes Blood, Sarah J Maas, Slime Rancher, Animal Crossing, Game of thrones, Jackbox, and sorcery of thorns, 
If you have any interests that align with this, click the link below!!! we would love to have you <3
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lithicality · 1 month
Let's Talk About The Triple I Initiative
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So a while ago I said something about how this year was going to be great for gaming, and wow was I right. Despite the obviously intentional Silksong bait, last week's Triple I Initiative stream was really exciting, and even without funny bug game, I think there's still plenty to look forward to.
First things first, Slay the Spire 2. Of all the games I was expecting, this was not one of them. The first Slay the Spire is what I would consider a flawless game, so the idea of a sequel is very exciting. I do wonder how different this game will be from its predecessor, since a lot of the gameplay we saw looks very similar to the first one. Although given the quality of the first Slay the Spire game, more of the same is still bound to be fantastic.
Next up, Gestalt: Steam & Cinder has an official release date now! (it's May 21st). Despite being aware of this game for a while, I don't actually know a whole lot about it, but what I saw in the release date trailer last week looked really interesting and very castlevania-esque.
Last but not least, 33 Immortals is an intriguing co-op roguelike from the team that made Spiritfarer. It's designed for 33 players, who all work together in an experience the developers compare to MMO raids. I can already tell that the amount of game night/discord call shenanigans this game will create will be unmatched.
These were just my personal highlights, but if there's something cool that I didn't mention, I'd love to chat about it!
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zehecatl · 2 months
unironically, the two games i'm most excited for from the triple I showcase is Undermine 2 and Cat Quest 3
like. the two games circa no one actually cares about. because of course that would be what i'd be interested it LMAO
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i-hear-a-sound · 1 year
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Up next: Cylinder Fall!
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eerna · 4 months
what makes Cinder such a compelling 2012 not-like-other-girls protagonist is that she is surrounded by Other Girls, and she loves them. Iko and Peony are the most stereotypical teenage girls obsessed with pretty clothes and boys and pop culture and she would die for either of them in a heartbeat. Iko rolls in with makeup smeared all over her plastic face and Cinder is like "ayy girl slay!". she knows that she is JUST like other girls in all the ways that matter.
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anthurak · 2 months
Hey, so we all understand that ANY serious RWBY theory that has Jaune getting some kind of cool powerup or weapon or a badass fight scene or killing one of the big bads like Cinder or Salem or literally any other fantasy-hero/power-fantasy staple is effectively dead on arrival, right?
Because it runs counter to one of the fundamental qualities of Jaune’s character: that he is a massive SUBVERSION of the whole ‘fantasy hero protagonist’ archetype. That a CORE aspect of Jaune’s character arc across the show has been all about abandoning any desire to be some idealized ‘Fantasy Hero’ who’s super special and always saving the day and defeating evil, and instead growing in an ‘Every-Man Hero’. Someone who isn’t all that special or strong but is nonetheless committed to helping those in need.
I mean just compare Jaune in Atlas during Volume 7/8 to Jaune in the Ever After during Volume 9: During their time in Atlas, we see Jaune not trying to be ‘The Hero’, instead he’s part of a group, following someone else’s lead and focusing on helping and supporting his friends and anyone else he can. While his friends are off slaying monsters and fighting the bad guys, Jaune is escorting kids to school or evacuating civilians or just carrying a friend or three. And it’s clear that in this role, Jaune flourishes. Emotionally and psychologically, Jaune is the best he’s been in the entire show! To the point where even in the depths of Salem’s ominous Grimm Whale of Doom, Ren’s empathic senses see Jaune as a pure, bright spot of positivity.
Then Volume 9 let Jaune try to be a cool, badass legendary hero in the form of The Rusted Knight. A single, solitary hero at the center of everything who fights monsters and helps everyone.
And it utterly DESTROYED HIM.
At this point I think the show has made it pretty clear where Jaune’s character is going, and just as clear where it ISN’T going.
If anything, rather than Jaune getting some kind of powerup, I think it’s far more likely we’ll see the opposite.
You know the theories that Jaune will wind up being integral to any plans to revive Penny? That Pietro will reveal/confirm that he doesn’t have enough aura to reactivate Penny, or is prepared to sacrifice his life in order to bring is daughter back one more time; only for Jaune to step in and volunteer his aura as the catalyst to bring Penny back.
Well consider how (re)activating Penny permanently stunted Pietro’s aura. I think it’s pretty easy to imagine much the same happening to Jaune.
Specifically, what if reviving Penny costs Jaune his uniquely strong and quick-regenerating aura reserves? As in, the very things that have helped him to be a capable fighter? To the point where Jaune’s aura might now be not much stronger than that of a normal, untrained civilian.
Basically, what if Jaune doesn’t sacrifice his life to bring Penny back as Pietro might have done, but rather sacrifices his strength and even ability to be a HUNTSMAN?
Honestly, I think this would be the perfect conclusion to Jaune’s character arc; the idea that things like martial strength and the ability to slay monsters and fight bad guys are actually so unnecessary and even counter to who he really is as a person that Jaune can just give up those things without issue whatsoever (remember that he would STILL have his semblance that allows him to empower others).
Perhaps even to the point of admitting that he never really needed to BE a huntsman in the first place.
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gingerale2017 · 1 year
do you guys ever just suddenly have flashbacks to when cinder kissed kai at the ball in front of everyone as an attempt to prevent him from proposing and he just stands there and does nothing and says “wha-”?
cause i do.
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