#depression advice
sunrisethoughts02 · 6 months
hey just a little reminder — sometimes when you’re in survival mode, living day by day is literally all you can do. it’s all you have space for. and then when you have the space and time and release to slowly start to come out of survival mode, you have to re-learn how to live with the future in mind. learning from your past. making your future self proud. doing things your future self will thank you for. and I don’t see a lot of people talking about how TERRIFYING that is. but it is. it’s really, really scary to plan and learn what healthy self discipline looks like and how to greet every version of yourself. and so if that’s you today — I’m very proud of you. there’s nothing shameful about relearning something. you’re doing so well! I’m so glad you got this far <3
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ohfallingdisco · 1 year
my friends with depression: keep your birthday cards. i am begging you. i have mine in a drawer and when i start to feel especially worthless, i read through them and there’s my lost grandpa saying i love you, my favorite aunt’s funny cards, my parents actually writing heartfelt things, and doodles from friends from all throughout my life, usually with something innocent like “you’re cool, like your style.”
keep your birthday cards.
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spidergrotto · 3 months
question what do you do after high school if you have no passion or will to live and also aren’t good at school and overall are just a walking zombie? university and college? or do i just like yk poof and say peace out
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notesbynataly · 2 months
Trying to stay positive but I need to find solutions for being productive despite the bouts of depression ...
More than just going outside.
Any advice?
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eloquentmoon · 15 days
hi hi i could do with some help and idk how else to say this but literally how do i cope with being unbearably depressed 🧍🏻‍♀️
i can't talk to people irl about this so i am trying this idk - but like i get my ass up everyday and i work, i try and keep busy and distracted by life or my hobbies (it's hard though, because i don't enjoy anything atm), when things feel real bad i take the day an hour at a time...i eat, i shower, i take my meds, i drink water, i exercise, i socialise...and yet im still crying every 2 mins and feel like i cannot ever breathe and feel like i have stones in my pockets and i am just in so much emotional pain. i genuinely just don't care about anything right now, everything feels pointless and broken. and i feel like maybe the worst person in the world because i have all i need to thrive and i just can't and like im insanely ungrateful and like maybe i shouldn't have ever existed in the first place? i am such a fucking burden it's insane
y'all i have worked so hard to recover and heal. i don't drink or take drugs. i don't smoke or vape anymore. i eat healthy. i am in a healthy relationship. i have friends. i have a good job. i enjoy what i enjoy until my anguish sucks the joy away.
i am miserable
what else can i even do????? im doing everything right and i feel so wrong
genuinely asking what more can i do to feel better. ive done most therapies and on meds that have settled me. like what the fuck else can i even do at this point
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“You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop.”
- Rumi
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sarojnip · 3 months
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mycptsdstory · 2 years
Depression symptoms, that no one talks about;
Resisting help or treatment
Physical pain (to a point you feel like you need a wheel chair)
Social withdrawal
Can't control bladder
Can't control bowel movements
Stomach problems
Physical pain that you can't explain to your doctor/your doctor can't explain where the pain comes from
Lack of sex drive
Or having sex more, to fill that void
Lower pain threshold
Lower immunity (more likely to get sick easier)
High blood pressure
Cancelling plans with friends
Pushing people away (same as isolation and social withdrawal)
Trying to make as little as an impression as possible
Incapability of long-term thinking
Food doesn't taste right
Being paranoid that all your loved ones hate you
Forgetting everything
Being angry at people for literally breathing
The lack of interest or disassociation while your hanging out with people
Loss of interest in the things you love to do
Feeling overwhelmed by everything and everyone
Scared of notifications
The cloudiness you have over all of your thoughts
Finding different ways to cause yourself pain without making visible marks
Memory problems
Loss of identity
Feeling you were someone else
Extreme self hatred
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veilfires · 2 months
I read so much advice for dealing with depression and not a single one of them mentions making a Down Bad Bag (depression bag) so I’m going to make a guide here because it’s been the most helpful thing I’ve ever done. The thing about a Down Bad Bag is that you have to build it when you have a bit more energy (so this won’t help if you’re currently having a depressive episode but it WILL help as prep for future ones).
What’s a Down Bad Bag?
Simple! It’s a bag full of things that will help you take care of yourself when you can’t get out of bed. I highly suggest keeping it by your bedside- it’s saved my life I’m pretty sure.
What do I put in my Down Bad Bag?
Baby wipes. If you’re depressed, all the steps involved with showering are likely too much, but not showering makes you feel worse. Baby wipes can be used while lying down in bed under your clothes and, if you can’t do your whole body, you can do the critical areas.
Granola bars, clusters, small snacks that will keep. You need to eat and I’ve found that granola balls/clusters are the easiest to eat in bed. They also have a good ratio of “energy provided” to “amount eaten”.
Disposable travel toothbrush. They make toothbrushes with toothpaste for airplane travel that don’t require any water. You can literally bust open a pack and do this in bed, no spitting required.
Water bottles. I cannot tell you how much my inability to drink water was related to my inability to get up. Having a few bottles of water in the bag meant I wasn’t spending my downswing dehydrated. It also helps with the next bullet
Meds. Any meds you have to take should be in this bag unless they need to be refrigerated/specifically stored. If you also have ADHD too like me, this also helps you remember where you put the damn things.
Favorite something. This can be anything, but having something in the bag that brings me joy even if I can’t feel it right now just… is comforting.
There are going to be days when you can’t do any or all of these activities and that’s okay, but having this stuff on hand can provide a way of taking care of yourself without expending energy you don’t have. Restocking my bag when I’m feeling slightly better has genuinely improved the quality of my life when I’m not okay at all, and I’m just hoping it can help someone else.
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sunrisethoughts02 · 10 months
And the most important thing to remember is that you have time. Time to discover new people and new projects and new places; time to heal from your past and your wounds. You might feel like you’re getting nothing done and nothing is happening, but you have time to discover your soul. It will happen for you <3
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pussyandpastries · 2 months
i hate days where my depression and adhd are bad because not only do i have no motivation to do work i also have no motivation to do things i actually enjoy
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enby-goth-mommy · 5 months
Everyone should know that even though your dead inside its ok to look it too, Makeup? Screw it, let people see you haven't slept in a week, who TF cares about what we look like anymore.
You do apparently.
Lets change that...
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themostfinalofpams · 6 months
What do y’all do when nothing that normally makes you happy works? I’ll get excited to do something until I’m actually doing it and then I’d rather do anything else.
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When God is moving you toward a new consciousness, you need to recognize the winds of change at once, move with them instead of clinging to what is already gone.
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doctorwalrider · 6 months
Most people think asking for help is a sign of weakness and would never bring themselves to do it, but it’s actually not it’s a sign of strength. And honestly a window to earn mass respect too. How? I’ll break it down for ya
Asking for help:
Asking. For help.
Most people’s reaction: Gross I’d rather fucking cut off my left foot.
Reality: if you don’t ask you don’t get. If you’re trying to move a huge ass piece of furniture what are you gonna try move it yourself, end up throwing your back out and aging yourself 50+ years? Or are you gonna ask someone to help you and get it done with zero injury?
Yes if you’re struggling and you need help and someone to talk to don’t be afraid to ask someone. No it’s not weak at all in fact it’s a badass thing to do
Are you gonna live your life in suffering and misery or talk to someone who can then actually help you get back to your life?
Life is a party bros. Live it up. Ask for help. Be brave. Get the assistance you need. The people that you shouldn’t have any association with at all period are the ones who think you’re weak for asking for help. The ones you truly want in your life with think it’s fucking badass to admit you need and are gonna actively obtain that help.
Understand that and believe that
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thethoguhts · 6 months
Stop seeking external validation from others and be happy by yourself
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I’m still working through this myself. Here are a few things that are helping me:
Get professional help like therapy
Do a daily “I did well” list- list out 3 things you did well today
Look for things you like about yourself and remind yourself of them. For me, I think I’m kind to my cats, and I am proud of my music tastes
Try to make decisions on your own without seeking other’s validation. Even the smallest thing like a choice of meal or which thing to buy. Try just not asking anyone for their opinion. You’ll learn to trust yourself more and know that no matter what your decision is it’ll all be ok.
As sucky as this is, experience new and difficult situations. You’ll come out remembering having overcome them and feel immensely proud of yourself. For me one of it was giving a presentation in my department and having to improvise on the spot. When it happened I felt so nervous but after that I felt really proud of myself.
Know that you are your best supporter. You live with yourself and you will die with yourself. Be your best friend.
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