#dere’s main asks
weird-dere · 5 months
hi!!! if it's okay for me to ask, if you and ichigo were to design christmas toppers, either together or separately, what would they look like?
Hello, dearest <3333333.
I hope you have been well uwu. And I hope you know you are very beloved 🫶🏾🩷. You make me smile every time i see you on the dash 😚💋.
And to confirm, no one has asked me this question yet!! :3
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Ichigo’s Topper:
I think Ichigo’s topper would probably be something more shiny or glittery.
Methinks he would probably stick with a more classic design like some kind of star. Leaning toward the kind with more than just five points. I just think he would want his to be a pointy little thing lol.
I could see him picking either silver, gold, or like a glittery transparent glass, but he’s probably most keen on gold
I think he’d put some sort of Halo around the star too. Not like the kind of halo that looks like a ring over an angels head, but more like a colorful sphere forming an aura around the star. Sort of like in religious mosaics/paintings and such? What color or colors he would choose for that is anyone guess tbh 👀.
Ichi is also wanting his to be double sided, so it can be looked at from either side of the tree/whatever angle.
Twyla’s Topper:
My topper would probably be something more plush n probably have a lot of white
I’m thinking i would try to make a topper look really cute :3. Like there is probably going to be some tule or some see-through type fabric involved to make a sort of cloud like thing. And I think a bow or maybe multiple might be involved!
I’m thinking in the center of this cloud like mass of fabric will be something smol n cute. Maybe like a little puppy or a chibi santa or smth. Ooh! Or maybe even little representations of me n him together!!
Mine is likely to be one sided bc the focal point is prolly something i won’t be trying to replicate on a two sided thing lol
Also i do like the idea of somehow getting lighting in mine that changes colors. Cus i think it’s pretty and brings a little life to all the white <3.
Our Mutual Topper:
A topper we create together I think would try to in some ways encompass both concepts
I think the base of this one would be a star shape, but it would be a five pointed star and a bit more rounded than sharp.
It would either be gold or yellow and i think maybe just below it would be like a white ribbon with a little sparkle
The star would be very large, so there would be room for little drawings or carvings in it of swirls and cute things uwu
Maybe with just a regular yellowish white light in the middle of the star? 👀
And this one would also be double sided :3
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Thank you so much for asking, lovely! :DDDD
What do you think you and Izuku’s tree toppers would look like? Separately or together? OwO
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strwbrymlkshake · 1 year
I don't think I've ever been in a relationship this healthy before I don't know what to do 💀
#mine#🎸#DUDE my feelings are so weird like i cant even describe them cause theyre all over the place. im hoping someone sees this and sends me an#ask or something with advice if this is even gonna make sense. because i am so confused lmfao#First of all im always expecting something to go wrong so i feel like it might be the absence of Problems thats throwing me off#But he reassures me all the time and genuinely cares about me? in regards to my last post we talked about it and he comforted me#i feel like im kind of in an emotional limbo where im still processing everything. my yan moments make appearances more than my dere#i feel so cringe saying that as a native english speaker. well im here to express my feelings not to be judged <3#but i definitely FEEL the jealousy more. like i exhibit both equally but im more emotional in a bad way than a good way#but its not cause of anything hes doing at all! hes perfect?! i dont know how to handle it!! i only know how to be jealous#at least if im mean im not as likely to get hurt and thats why im afraid to feel lovey things as much??? im making myself sound like#a bastard but ive just been feeling more anxiety and getting worried about Relationship Stuff and that kills the vibes#but he doesnt even mind he doesnt treat my problems like a burden. he isnt sick of them he doesnt abandon me. he loves me and i am still so#bewildered? like. hes the nicest guy ive ever dated. ill gush about new people i meet but they do have flaws. i just dont acknowledge them#because im so blinded by idolization. but for this one ive thought everything out i have PONDERED for so long and he really is just such a#good person. how? WHY?? he has not done anything wrong and its just my mental illness that causes ALL the problems. but he wants to#BE there and comfort me. what the fuck my brain is like short circuiting. people this nice exist? he doesnt want to use me??#and ofc this is all in the romantic sense. i still have friends that i value very much but this post is focused on romance#watch me say all this then he does something horrible. <-SEE IM SO NEGATIVE i expect things to go wrong#my main problem is im confused about my feelings they feel very tangled and muddled. im happy of course but i feel like the part of me that#feels romantic happiness/genuine satisfaction is all fucked up and broken. but he doesnt mind that im this way 🥲 WHY#HE ASSURES ME EVERYTHINGS OKAY he is there for me he cares about me but i cant wrap my head around it! im. this is so weird#one of my goals is to be less focused on being insane and actually get things done. w all my relationships i have a time blur thing#where i feel like time passes differently even more than it does for me. im just thinking so much bruh#right i think i was gonna go about getting adderall because of the everything all the time. im feeling numb but also#literally every emotion all at once. and it consumes me and my waking thoughts. i guess it was easier to ignore before?
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basu-shokikita · 4 months
Dethentines 2024 Day 4
College AU or forced proximity
Happy Sunday, I finished this entry a few minutes ago! It was a no brainer between these two tropes, making the boys suffer is ALWAYS morally right. And I got a little carried away so this one is closer to a fic than a drabble. 🌸
Skwistok being stupid and flustered, go!
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“Whats happens?” Toki asked, his eyes seeing nothing but darkness.
“Eughhhh….”  Skwisgaar replied, not too far away from him, but Toki couldn’t see where. “Where…ams we?” He sounded confused. 
Toki blinked, trying to remember what went down…
Charles had given them specific instructions. Go to the dungeons, don’t speak to anyone, deliver the package and get back to the main levels. And don’t play around the traps, especially do not play with the traps. They were not made for playing. 
Toki dragged Skwisgaar with him, because he was bored and Skwisgaar was bored too though he probably would never admit it. And everything was going smoothly, until Skwisgaar thought it would be funny to start shoving Toki when they were close to those mysterious holes in the ground. Because he was an idiot and wanted to see Toki fall, no matter how many times Toki told him to stop it. Until Toki stumbled and held onto Skwisgaar out of reflex as he fell.
And then everything was black.
“Ah!” He let out a shout of realization. “You dildos, Skwisgaar! I tolds you to stops wif de pushings!”
“Ja, and dens you fells and-” There was a thud, most likely Skwisgaar impacting against something. “What de hells?”
“I tries to moves and-” Another thud. “I hits against somethingks. Where ams we?”
“I don’t knows!” Toki said with exasperation. “I can’ts even sees! Does you have a lampterns?”
“Toki, why woulds I carries an lants in my owns houses?” Skwisgaar asked, with that tone like Toki had said something incredibly stupid. 
“Wells, you shoulds!” Toki started feeling around. It’s not like he hadn’t spent his childhood in dark places, it just so happened that he wasn’t used to this one. Okay, so he was lying down and there was something hard all under him. He knocked it. Wood most definitely.
Then, he stretched his arm to see how far it went but, before too long, he hit a corner that went upwards, and then another corner that went to the left and above him. If he could reach it with his fingertips that meant it was small. When Toki stretched his left arm, he almost immediately came across something soft, fabric?
Toki kept fondling the unknown texture against his palm. “What ams this?”
“Dats…woulks be mines ass, Toke.” Skwisgaar said in a low tone and Toki jolted so hard he felt his head knock against the wood.
“Wh-Why ams yous ass soes close to mes!” He screeched, pulling his arm away in a frenzy. “What ams wrongs wif yous?!”
“I tolds you I tries to-” Skwisgaar knocked hard against something. “Odins! Dere ams no goddamns spaces in dis plasckes!”
“We needs light!” Toki exclaimed with desperation. “Looks for lights!”
“Okeys, okeys…” Judging by the awkward taps he was hearing, Skwisgaar was searching. Eventually, he stopped. “I thinks I founds somethingks.”
“Ja…” There was a click and a flash, red light blinding them. Toki instantly covered his face and closed his eyes. After a while, he opened them and it took a while to process the sight. 
And when it did, it was the opposite of reassuring.
They were stuck in some sort of enclosed space, with Skwisgaar on top of him, his head facing Toki’s feet and his crotch hovering over Toki’s chest and his legs resting on the sides of Toki’s head. There was hardly any space to move away from each other.
“What de fucks…” He let out in abject horror.
“Eugh…” Skwisgaar tried to look back, clearly not quite aware yet of what Toki was seeing. “Dis why I couldnts moves earliers.” He tried to back away and Toki saw his ass fastly approaching his face.
“Waits, Skwisgaar!” He raised his hand but stopped inches away from touching his bandmate’s behind. “Don’s move…yous ass is…ams closes to mes right nows…”
“Oh.” Skwisgaar said almost unemotionally. After a pause, he added. “Ams it like de sixty nines-”
There was some rustling and Toki glimpsed at Skwisgaar moving his head, most likely to confirm the information. ““...Fucks.”
“Nows what?”
Toki tried to think. All things taken in account, he had the better position. Skwisgaar was propped on his arms and legs, there was no way he was going to be able to stay like that for a long time. And when he gave in…
The image that popped in Toki’s mind was so obscene that he had to physically shake off his head. “Tries movings soes we ams facing each others…faces.”
There was a short-lived silence. “Why don’ts you moves?” Skwisgaar sounded irritated.
“Because ams de ones betweens de woods-walls and yous?!” Toki huffed in disbelief. To demonstrate his point, he lifted his knee and it impacted against Skwisgaar’s shoulder. 
“Augh!” Skwisgaar groaned in pain and weakly punched Toki’s calf. 
“Sees? I can’ts even moves!”
Grumbling, Skwisgaar began the process of changing positions. He twisted his body to the side before burying his head in his chest and moving to the right. Clumsily, his legs followed, not without Skwisgaar’s boot rubbing against Toki’s face.
Skwisgaar ignored him and continued, purposefully sinking his elbow into Toki’s chest as he moved. Annoyed, Toki grabbed him by the wrists to move him faster. 
“Don’ts touch!” Skwisgaar complained, running his hands over Toki’s face like a child. 
“Yous-” Toki slapped Skwisgaar’s hands with his own. “Yous de ones touchings!”
“Yous startedks!”Skwisgaar was now shoving his fingers inside Toki’s mouth.
“Youghh…busheds me!” Toki retaliated by digging his digits into Skwisgaar’s nose. 
“Eugh- Yous mades me falls!”
Slaps and kicks were delivered everywhere, Toki wasn’t even looking what he was punching against, just that it was Skwisgaar’s body. They groaned and cursed and were certainly going to stay frantically hitting each other for an indefinite time until they heard a weird noise in the distance.
Skwisgaar went still. “W-Whats was dats?” 
“I don’t knows…” Toki couldn’t hear it anymore. He wondered how deep they were, if maybe there weren’t monsters in the vicinity. He swallowed heavily. “Maybes we shouldn’ts makes noises for nows.”
Skwisgaar nodded in agreement. “Ja.”
As they stared at one another in silence, Toki realized that maybe his suggestion was foul. They were so close to each other now that Toki could see Skwisgaar’s pearly sweat forming on his forehead, could feel his hot breath on his face and his chest pressed against Toki’s.
“Eugh…” Skwisgaar seemed to notice as well and he shifted his body, to decrease the physical closeness, to no avail. There was no space to move to, one of his knees resting between Toki’s legs. “Dis ams…”
If anything, Toki was glad the light was red because then Skwisgaar wouldn’t notice his flushed cheeks. “M-Maybes turns off de lights?” He suggested, thinking it would be less uncomfortably intimate if they didn’t have to gaze at each other’s faces. 
“Ja, good ideas.” Skwisgaar accepted and his foot began searching for the switch. His eyes strayed away from Toki, frowning deeply and biting down his bottom in concentration and Toki briefly wondered if that’s how Skwisgaar looked in bed before rejecting the thought in a panic.
“Ah!” Skwisgaar looked at Toki victorious and Toki wished it had been in any situation but this one. “I finds it!” And like that, the last thing Toki saw was Skwisgaar sticking his tongue out with his eyes rolled back before they were plunged into darkness again.
Fuck his life, seriously.
There was another noise and the space trembled and Skwisgaar just fell on top of Toki, no longer propping himself up with his limbs. “What da fucks ams goingks on?” Skwisgaar asked, the fear prevalent in his voice.
“Oh, Gods…” Toki said, just as scared. He had been so busy thinking about the space they were in, how cramped it was, that he had forgotten to think about how the hell were they going to leave. “Ams we goings to-” The space shook violently and he instinctively clung to Skwisgaar. “Oh, Gods!”
“Fucks…” Skwisgaar whispered, his face buried in Toki’s shoulder. “Fucks, fucks, fucks…”
“I don’ts wants to dies…” Toki said, his eyes watering.
“I don’ts wants to dies eide- uh, Toki?” Skwisgaar suddenly lifted his head. 
“W-Whats?” Toki’s voice was shaky.
“Ams you…Ams you hards right nows?”
“Whats?!” Toki let go of Skwisgaar. “No, ams no-” The space shook again and he was back at hugging Skwisgaar in fear. “Ahhh!!” He screamed like a child.
“Ahhhh!” Skwisgaar echoed him as the shaking grew worse and worse.
Toki closed his eyes, preparing himself for the end. His life was flashing before his eyes when…
“Toki?” A familiar voice called him. “Skwisgaar?”
Toki opened his eyes. “Was dats…?”
“Toki? Skwisgaar? Just answer if you’re there, boys!”
“Ams dat…?” Skwisgaar trailed off. 
“Alright, they’re not here.” Charles said. “Let’s keep looking.”
Panicked, Toki and Skwisgaar yelled at the same time.
“Helps us!”
“We ams downs here!”
“Quicks, dere ams bigs monsters whats gonsa eats us!”
“Helps us!
Toki and Skwisgaar looked down in shame as their manager scolded them in his office.  Apparently, while messing around, they had fallen into one of the torture traps designed for…Dethklok’s enemies. It was a slow asphyxiation kind of deal, coupled with potential decrease in temperature and eventual crushing. They would’ve certainly suffered a slow and excruciating death if Charles hadn’t realized they were taking too long to come back.
The most embarrassing part was, though, when the Klokateers rescued them and Toki discovered Skwisgaar hadn’t been lying about his you-know-what being awake. Really awake. Nobody referred to it, but still. 
While glancing down at his own groin, Toki decided two things. He was never asking Charles for stuff to do ever again. And he was especially never bringing Skwisgaar with him again.
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mziroe · 10 months
pudding character analysis!
I'm not gonna lie right now, Charlotte Pudding is one of my favourite characters. I know, I know, she’s an antagonist. Sorta? Personally I think she falls under this dere type, mayadere. Basically it’s a character that used to be an antagonist, but switched sides after falling in love.
I don’t know, I just love when teenage girls behave like teenage girls. One of the reasons why I enjoyed her character was honestly because of our closeness in ages. I was the same age as her while i was watching whole cake island, which is 16 if you didn’t know. It honestly just felt like she represented all of teenage girlhood or at least my experiences with it.
I will be honest first though, I went into WCI knowing that Pudding was lying throughout the whole time she was nice (it is difficult to keep away from spoilers i suppose). I was prepared to hate her, truly I was. I was surprised though, when slowly I started to identify with her more and more. Honestly, I couldn't help but fall in love at first sight, despite knowing of her lies and deception. A child of an Emperor, how could she be so sweet to the strawhats?
Of course then her true nature was revealed when she shot Reiju, and started telling her about how evil she truly is.of course this is the part i begin to dislike her, the way she spoke about Sanji broke my heart, especially with him standing outside. (i also loved the scene of him under the rain, tears in his eyes as he tries to light his cigarette again. Trying to revive the flames of the love he thought she had for him, only to realise it was futile as she didn’t love him in the first place, y’know, cause the fire can’t be lit under the rain.)
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But after this line in chapter 902, ‘No one will ever fall in love with me. I’m a hideous, monstrous freak.’ It was heartbreaking to me because it was a realisation that everything she said about Sanji was a reflection of how she felt about herself. It’s common for a girl like Pudding, who’s been told time and time again that she was hideous and horrifyingly ugly because of her third eye to have a coping mechanism, especially one of projecting. 
See, Pudding is an extremely confused girl. I cannot blame her for it, look who she has as a mother, Big Mom. She calls herself Big Mom’s favourite (if i can find the screenshot i’ll put it here) yet ever since young she was ridiculed and put down by her because of her third eye, even asking her to grow out her bangs to cover it up. This is detrimental for a girl’s self-esteem, especially coming from a mother figure, someone you are supposed to look up to and respect. See how she is being both put down (Big Mom says no one will love her because of her looks) and complimented (yet she is her favourite child) at the same time? Any little girl will become like Pudding when put through this psychological turmoil.
It is no wonder all she does is want to impress her mother, seeking her validation and love in every corner. Pudding has it drilled in her mind that she is unlovable, what else can she do but chase after that sliver of what seemed like love from her mother by lying by becoming rude and basically being a bitch? She will never get it from her mother though, with Big Mom merely seeing her as an important tool as with her awakened ability, she is able to read poneglyphs. (this is just a personal thought but i think her learning how to act and lie flawlessly is to be favoured by her mother as she has yet to awaken her ability. If she does not have any ability at all, why should her mother ‘love’ her?) It's a complicated emotion, to both love someone yet dislike them for how they’ve treated you, especially if they are of your own blood.
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Thus these two main reasons cause her to spiral out of control. Pudding had lost herself, in all the intricate lies and personas that she plays, to the point she doesn’t know who she is anymore. This is honestly really common, especially in teenage girls, or maybe I've seen it with myself. Painting yourself in a different light because you hate who you are due to your flaws, in hopes that it will make you feel better. In doing so, you lose yourself entirely, forgetting who you even are.
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Even when she switches over to the strawhat’s side she is seen to have this extreme shift in character, from being mean to Sanji then to being absolutely lovestruck by him. This is the most glaring evidence of how messed up she had become from her mother’s brainwashing. She questions herself, why does she even say mean things to someone she feels so dearly towards? It has integrated so well to her personality that she is unable to switch back to whatever she considers her true persona– the ‘mean’, the ‘sweet’ and the ‘vulnerable’ all mixed up in one person. Anyways, Pudding was honestly a refreshing yet realistic character I was able to relate to. The small faucets of her personality, the motivations behind her character was very eye opening to read. In learning about her, I felt I was learning more about myself, so to speak.
Pudding is a character riddled with self-esteem and self-image problems that stem from an unhealthy relationship with her mother and bullying. To combat that, she becomes rude and ‘evil’ to earn her mother’s praise as well as protect her heart in some sense. It is a story that most girls can relate to, the real life ups and downs of complex teenage feelings all rolled into one character. That is exactly why I love her, because she represents the honest troubles of growing up.
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rebeltigera · 5 months
Can you give us more information about V!Wukong? I'm interested in that AU actually but i barely could find any if that's alright.
Also I'm wondering about V!Wukong au Macaque, is V!Wukong kinda like a yandere for Macaque or something?
U couldn't find anything from me about it because I drew him literally once for fun and nothing more
There are some loose concept I create with my friend about this au but it's purely for fun and I won't be doing much out of the au itself.
The main thing however I can say for sure is that Wukong simps for Mac. However he's not yandere, tsundere or any other dere. Ugh . I hate this concept
V!Wukong is a concept of "what if" category , where he snapped finally , after killing mac ( I think he didn't died either way but it was breaking point for wukong) and whole jttw and all the compassion and all that shit turned into full rage and fury ending up in killing companions. ( Don't ask me about Buddha's reaction , we say he just ignored it all, he got better stuff to do) , u can say he turned demon.
Wukong try to repair shit he broke with poor scared Mac , which duh won't be easy. Hah.
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tsunderedetector · 23 days
@septiccoffeefreak . His main love language is words of affirmation and he craves it all the time but if you actually compliment him he goes "NOOOOO STOPPP AA 🙈🫣 NOOOOO 😳 DON'T COMPLIMENT ME SBSNSJANSND OH NOOOOOOO I CAN'T TAKE THE ATTENTION OH NO" and hides behind his hands or looks away but secretly?? he LOVES the attention he is so excited
If it helps then he keysmashes a lot and uses anime blush reaction gifs like this ⬇️
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Other info that might help is that:
1) He never wants to tell anyone anything. He would literally be starving to death and not ask you for a sandwich he seems to think sharing info about his personality or likes/dislikes and especially his feelings will actually get him killed like a sniper is waiting around the corner for him to open up about his childhood
2) He gets embarrassed when I try to flirt with him but if I stop for a while he gets really really sad and just waits around for me to hit on him or call him pretty again like a sad, sad puppy looking at you with sad sad eyes
3) He dresses edgy (like all black or neutrals. Tho sometimes also beige) and likes horror, crystals, incense, metal and emo music. He like the spooks and he like dark places and gloomy weather
4) He wears big sweaters to hide. And also is an introvert and hides. And just hides in general. He's a hiding creature he seems to become distressed if he cannot hide
Please help he's my husband so I love him very much and want to keep him healthy. He is very happy and healthy right now from what I can tell but I know that the care instructions for tsunderes are different from other types of deres and just general shyness so I want to make sure I am giving him the best environment possible for his enrichment. Thank u so much
beep beep
This one is kinda hard! He seems like a tsundere with a little bit of teredere, and tsun-aho!
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jacks-genders · 10 months
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Hello, hello! And hi! (lmao)
I'm Salem, but you can call me Jack as well! This is @dead-dog-dont-eat's (aka main blog) aesthetic-turned-MOGAI/Liom blog! I'll still reblog aesthetic-themed stuff, but I mostly using this blog for gender stuff.
signal boost: @mogai-sunflowers @begendered-queer @genderstarbucks @kiruliom
Click below to learn more:
For some info: I'm a non-passing trans boy whose mostly nonbinary + a buncha other genders that represent me, but mostly masc, neu and fem are main ones. I'm also on the aroace spectrum, non-monogamous, and a queer butch-leaning futch non/alterhuman.
I mostly go by all masculine and neutral pronouns, and I prefer not to be addressed using she/her and feminine-based pronouns. I also don't use a DNI and I just block anyone who makes me uncomfortable. I don't need tone tags but I use them for those who have trouble reading tone.
Types I'll do...
-Charic genders
Kenochoric genders
-Nameic genders
Moodboards (NOT stimboards)*
Genders under the gore/blood/horror/aesthetic umbrella
(asterisk (*) means extra info)
*for moodboards, PLEASE send me a picture of the gender or link to it. You may have the option for a specific theme(s).
**I'm multi-fandom on my main blog. I'm okay with doing genders for fandoms I'm not a part of, but my boundaries are limited to Disney, Harry Potter, and most of Marvel (except for Spiderman, Deadpool, Venom and Ghostrider).
***I mostly don't do gender systems because they are too complex and frustrate the living HELL out of me. But I'm okay with doing genderloser and genderfreak (by @/begendered-mogai/begendered-queer) along with genderguro and genderanalog (both are my terms).
I have no limit to any number of requests you send me per ask, but PLEASE do not make them TOO too long.
Things you can request gender wise...
Autumn/Fall and Winter (this includes Halloween and Christmas)
Aesthetics (related to your liking)
Masc/Neu/Fem and Boy/Enby/Girl
Gay, lesbian, bi/pan, aro/ace, etc.
Neurodivergence and/or autism
Yandere + dere/gire tropes (I reclaim the trope)
Analog Horror and Liminal Space
Dark-related terms
Anything you like!!
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this blog!
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manybcdthings · 4 months
school house
cas grimm and rineike visser @dxrkenedheights
Despite several days passing since Cas lost any influence over his sister's training, he was still no closer to acceptance. His only minuscule satisfaction came from the knowledge that Loki Jansen played no role in her instruction. Cas descended into his usual brooding silence, casting a dark cloud over his head and those in his vicinity. Assuming he was alone in the schoolhouse, he sat to eat at the table, allowing himself to sit with a myriad of tormenting thoughts. The solitude was interrupted by footsteps from the main doors, and Cas lifted his gaze to Rineike entering. She was another thought that tormented him, the distance between them growing more after their mutual withdrawal, and then growing more by her desire for Esje to train. He offered a slow, bowing nod out of respect for her arrival, sinking into his seat as he observed her. "Har du og broren din renset navnene deres?" he asked about the swirling whispers of accusations. "Det er tydelig at de ikke kjenner deg så godt. Den som tror du slipper soldatene fri."
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weird-dere-writes · 7 months
Rings are gorgeous btw
(Rings referenced in this ask from this post)
It was a normal day, tbh. No fancy dinner, no pretty views, no bath with roses, no going out for a date or anything.
We had just gotten back from a fantastic week of traveling owo. All the views, wonderful food, and experiencing new things with him happened then :3. In fact, the whole trip was something he surprised me with!
On this day, we were resting to recoup. Absolutely chilling without much plans to go outside. We are just being cozy comfy and spending time doing mundane things. Watching TV, playing games, perhaps ordering in, wearing pajamas and all uwu.
I start binging a show I really like and he's watching with me. At some point Ichi gets eepy. Says he's gonna go take a nap in our room. He knows I'm really into this show now, so he tells me to keep watching and that he can always catch up later. I ask him if he's sure and he insists, so I do. I'm there for the next few hours watching while he sets his plan in motion in the bedroom.
After finishing the first season of this show, I'm getting up from the couch, stretching and going to the kitchen for a drink and to get out some condiments. I had ordered our dinner to be delivered a little while ago. And it should be here soon.
This is when Ichi calls me from our room. I call back and he says he needs me in there for a sec.
I open our door and peek in and don't see him, before fully coming in and looking around with a "where are you?"
And then my eyes fall on the bulletin board/calendar above our desk. Attached to it are a bunch of candid photos of me from our trip that I never even knew he took. They were all beautiful, and it had my heart swelling. There's a sticky note in the middle of them that reads "down here sunshine" (sunshine being his main pet name for me) with an arrow pointing down to the desk.
And following that arrow down I see an envelope with a pink wax seal of a cherry blossom. It's sitting between two (fake) water lillies, and there's a few chocolates strewn about.
Slowly I take the letter and open it, tears springing in my eyes already after the first few lines. By the end of the most heartfelt letter I had ever read, detailing everything he loved about me and how much I had changed his life, I was a sniffling wet cheeked mess.
I set the letter down and turn around to look for him, seeing him leaning against the doorway to our en suite bathroom (where he was hiding when I came in).
He smiles softly when he sees the way I look at him.
I can't help but ask in the tiniest voice if he really meant all that in the letter.
And his smile grows with a bit of a knowing chuckle as he makes his way toward me, telling me of course he does.
He comes and holds my hands and tells me I'm everything to him.
"And there's something else..."
He lets go and takes a step back before kneeling on one knee before my very eyes and I am releasing the sobs I was holding in as I read that letter with an "Oh my god."
He tells me he really is his happiest with me and that he couldn't imagine a life going forward without me before pulling out the black box and opening it to showcase this ring:
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"Would you do me the honor of being my wife? Will you marry me?"
And of course I am absolutely saying yes with my whole DDD chest, snotty nosed and all lol.
He puts the ring on me then we are embracing.
And after I've calmed down a little and have gotten cleaned up, he also lets me know he ordered us dessert too, to celebrate. One of these strawberry pizzas (I've heard they're so good from a place nearby irl but haven't gotten a chance to try one yet rip).
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Seeing it once it was delivered almost had me crying again <3333333
He is truly the best man, lover, fiancé, and hubby ever 🥺🩷🩷🩷🩷
And he showed me that again when we made love that night 🫶🏾.
Thank you for asking Kitten! Writing this made me so so so happy 🥹💜💜💜💜💜.
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weird-dere · 27 days
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Hello bby!! :DDDDD
I am kissing u uwu :3 💋💋💋💋
I hope life has been kind to you, beloved 🥺🥰🌸☀️
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mayullla · 5 months
I’m so glad you liked what I sent in again for the Three Wishes part 2 (genie yandere)! I really like that I was able to help you cause your writing talent is way too good. (And as a fellow artist…I get what it’s like to be in a roadblock and the frustration that comes with it).
I actually really love reading more unusual or less well known fairy tales and mythology, so I could always send some more your way so you don’t have to do any research. (You can be lazy! Yay!) Though if you’re up for that, I think it’d be easier if I just messaged you privately instead of going back and forth with anon asks (if that’s comfortable with you of course).
I also like Reader’s “suffering” too in yandere stories. I always like stereotypical HEA, but my version of “suffering” is more so that the yandere wins (and Reader doesn’t die either or is heavily abused to the point where death is the better option. I hate where there is no heavy “dere” in yanderes, cause if it’s just “yan,” it’s just an abusive piece of shit).
That’s absolutely understandably about not wanting to focus on the Prince, I was just throwing it out there in case you wanted to make him a new important OC. And changing the Prince into a different profession also is perfectly fine. (Heck in the original story, pretty much the main reason the Prince was out and about was because he was scholarly-like. Having a deep and wide fascination with all the world had to offer. The dude really just wanted to go on an adventure and learn more).
And I’m glad 6.e. made your heart explode with delight! (I also have a guilty pleasure of thinking about all the fucked up things yanderes can do to their lover/others).
Do whatever you feel comfortable ask if you wanna stay anon or dms~ If you are thinking about spam this blog doesn't get many to to be fair. But yeah it is probably more comfortable in dms.
But just a heads up I personally don't know when I would actually start posting here again just yet. While I am slowly getting back to writing rn but I am taking the chance to write some longer stuff or more personal (deranged really) without pressuring myself to post like one or two fics every week. (also started another hobby of journalling soo) If you don't mind just exchanging ideas and stories then yeah~ ^^
Another reason why I dont want to deal with tags, hashtags and proofreading
But yeahhh hmm I deff placed a few readers in a "better death than this" while also adding to it that the reader in my head still has a fear of death but no real bad abuse???? I THINK- lmao Ehh I guess it is more so I love the idea of yanderes having control over where the reader is I guess, so controlling the area where they are, or maybe the controlling the mind or movements, or arranged marriages :p All my wips that i am working on currently is just that right now. Either one or a mix of them.
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bloodydollies · 7 months
𝑵𝒐𝒘 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈: 𝑻𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒔 - 𝑮𝒆𝒎 𝑪𝒍𝒖𝒃
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Who I am:
Name: Sebastian, Felix, Elliot, Victor/Victoria. Kin names and Self Insert names are also acceptable, but expect me to respond as such. Other acceptable names.
Pronouns: it/he/they/dae/star. blood/knife/guts/demon/dark. yan/yans. yan/dere/yandere. Delusion/delusional. Delulu/delulus. Puppet/doll/thing/bjd. Kit/kitsune/fox. 🔪/🩸/❤️/🫀/🥩/🍫/🍨. Other acceptable pronouns.
I am proship and 🌈🍓. Com-c. I also use the terms: wolfqueer, cloudqueer, foxqueer (rq ver), warqueer, kandiqueer, bunnyqueer.
I am the host of a system. Other headmates may post here occasionally.
This is not just a selfship blog; this will also be where I talk about my paras and IDs, and where I yandere post.
Significant labels: genderfluid, multigender, 🌐🇯🇵, kitsune irl. Aspec bi/omni. I may add a term hoard later.
Kin list.
I am delusional. Please do not attempt to reality check me in any form. I encourage you to encourage my delusions; I find the sensation comforting. Delusion list.
I am not always comfortable with sharing my F/Os. F/O list, with emoji tags, sorted by which ones I am willing to share and which ones I am not. If you send me asks about those I am uncomfortable with sharing, and imply at all that you share attraction to them, you run the risk of a very hostile response. I am extremely possessive over them. However, I do enjoy the feeling of that possessive rush. Be warned, though. I will not be kind.
A masterlist of my S/Is will be linked here.
Regression intro.
Main blog is @gearbox-dollhouse.
#dolly.txt - original textposts
#dolly.img - original image posts
#dolly.mail - asks
#dolly.reblog - reblogs
#dolly.rambles - rambles
#dolly.imagines - f/o imagines
#dolly.writing - writing drabbles and the like
#dolly.misc - miscellaneous posts
#dolly.vent - vent tag
#dolly.irl - faceclaims
#dolly.nsfw - nsfw posts
#dolly.universe - manifestation-related posts
#momther.exe - talking about my relationship with the universe
#self.exe - S/I intro posts
#mirror.exe additional S/I related stuff
#friemd.exe - reblogs, asks, conversations etc that happen with my friends/mutuals
#viridianvampire.exe - @vivi-selfships moot tag because Vivi my beloved
#hitokaotouto.exe - @belovedqueer moot tag
#jaybird.exe - @teddy-is-fuckigntired moot tag
#cieldarling.exe, #sarahdear.exe, and #mysterysweetheart.exe - tags for my yanderes that I'm manifesting, may be added to or changed
#childhoodfriends.doc - tag for yandere manifesting progress/tips/tracking for reassurance
More moot tags will be added.
Tagging will stay consistent for other headmates, but they will replace 'dolly' with their names. In the case of an f/o takeover event, posts made by f/os will also be tagged like so, but with their emoji instead of 'dolly'.
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𝑵𝒐𝒘 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈: 𝑯𝒆𝒚 𝑩𝒖𝒏𝒏𝒚 - 𝑩𝒖𝒈𝒔
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petitelepus · 4 days
Okay, I have been resting a little and I think I'm ready to open the Requests and Matches again! I will be writing about Demon Slayers only for now, but let's see what happens!
Let's go over some basic rules that I wish everyone checks before requesting anything! Also, if something is unclear to you, feel free to contact me or just ask.
What kind of things do I write about?
Yandere and other Deres
Different AUs (Kimetsu AcademyAU, Zombie ApocalypseAU, MonsterMusumeAU, ETC)
What I WON’T write about!
Hate against gender, people, race, sexuality, or religion
Then there are the Matches! Here are the Matchup Rules!
Normal - Love is pure and so cute
Yandere - They just love you SO much
Omegaverse - Who is your Alpha, Beta, or Omega
Monsters - Monster Musume AU
Tell me and be clear about what you want
Let me know if you specifically want a Human match or a Demon match. Otherwise, I will go with my guts and find you a match, no matter their status.
You can tell me your Horoscope if you feel like it represents you well, but for now, I’m leaving Myers Briggs results OUT!
I also don’t know anything about Sun and Moon horoscopes so let’s stick to that normal one for now, okay?
If you want Omegaverse Match, tell me what you want, like, are you looking for an Alpha or Omega, and if you see yourself as Alpha, Beta, or Omega
I want to hear from you about what kind of human or demon you feel you are
Romance and sexuality are fine, I won’t judge and I’m very open
If you want multiple matches, like Normal and Yandere together, I can do that if you stay with the word limit
ONE rule I really hope you all stick to is that the word limit to request is 200 words! I know it may sound short, but I need info that you feel represents you the most
I can do both SFW and NSFW but you have to be over 18 for naughty ones, this is something I won’t discuss.
ALSO, I will NOT be breaking apart Mitsuri and Obanai, you will get either both or neither
THE SAME goes for Tengen and his wives. It's all of them or none of them
If you are confused or something isn’t clear then feel free to ask me for more info, I don’t bite and I like to think that I’m pretty nice.
Also, I must ask from you guys if you would be okay if my chapters, for example for my Hantengu story wouldn't be as long as they have been?
The main reason I started to stress about writing so badly was because I was nervous that I wouldn't be able to fill the 3 000 words I had set for each chapter...
But let's see if I learn to be a little more merciful towards myself. So, without further delay, let's get the Box open!
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merrhea39 · 1 month
Trans-Masc Dominik ch 5-1
At 8 AM on the dot Dominik was awoken by a call on his phone he didn’t even check to see who it was. “H-hello?” Dominik’s voice was groggy and a bit deep. “Oy hey dere mate I was wonderin’ if ya wanted to hit the gym before we fly.” It was the familiar Irish voice of Finn on the other side. “W-what? I-I just got up… a-and I have my flight in like… 3 hours… I should pack…” As Dominik speaks he hears giggles definitely coming from Rhea. “Ha Dom Dom your voice is much deeper right now we could tell you just got up mate.” The somewhat mocking voice of Rhea said with a chuckle. “Whatever, I don't have time.” Dominik said, getting up. “Also don’t get too mad at us with what we’re gonna do tonight ‘kay?” Rhea said hanging up the phone right after not giving him a chance to respond. “Tonight? What are they going to do tonight?” Dom sighs to himself as he gets packed and ready for his flight.
Dominik and Rey made it safely to the arena in houston that night and Dominik took notice that Edge had a promo that night but more importantly that his father and him had a main event match against the Uso’s for the undisputed tag team championships, one half being the smackdown tag team championships that he had held with Rey last year before being taken from them by the two brothers. Dominik and Rey watched the short promo Edge had while getting ready together, but Rey was a bit quiet as he watched Edge talk. “You okay Papa?” Dominik asked his father. “Yeah, just thinking about this match coming up. We gotta win this.” Rey said a bit dejected as he gets his mask just right on his head. A camera and an interviewer come in to ask them some questions. “Excuse me, Rey, Dom, great to see you guys and congratulations on your victory over The Judgment Day at Summerslam, but how have you managed to shift that focus and preparation ahead to tonight's tag title match against the Uso’s?” Kevin the interviewer asked putting the mic in front of Rey not Dominik, because of course he did. “Kevin that shifting is that fact that The Judgment Day are now in our rear view, but now they must deal with Edge. Now Edge and I go way back, and they have no idea what a savage Edge can be. In fact Edge and I were once tag team champions, now you know that’s a bond that lasts forever, that’s why I can’t thank Edge enough for helping Dom and me avenge our pride como familia. As far as tonight goes, we are about 1 thing, defeating the Uso’s and becoming the undisputed WWE tag team champions in Houston viva!” Before Rey can finish, Dom grabs the mic and finishes for him. “Mi raza!”
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blackstarmylove · 1 year
Requests are Open! (Please read the rules!)
I want to try something different this time for requests. Hope you lovely people support me! 💖 I will not accept regular requests!
🌸 Requests will close on 6/4 (11:59 PM EST).
How to send in a "Word Game" request:
⭐ Choose a character ⭐ Pick three words ⭐ Mention gn or fem MC ⭐ Add in relationship status if you like ⭐ Label n.sfw/sfw. Sfw will be default.
Example: Kei with fem!mc. Flower, rain, laugh. (sfw)
🌸 (Masterlist/To-Do list and “Will not write for” undercut)
🌸 Main Masterlist/To-Do list here.
🌸 Requests not following rules will be deleted! If you think tumblr ate your request, then feel free to ask me or send the request in again. (Check Coming Soon section to see if I got your request.)
🌸 Words will not write for:
Yandere (or any deres)
Pregnancy & birth related anything/breeding
MILF/DILF (related terms)
Abuse (mental and physical, related words) - trauma comfort is okay.
OC names
MC like (character name)
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lancermylove · 1 year
Requests are Open! (Please read the rules!)
I want to try something different for the requests this time! Hope you lovely people support me! 💖 I will not accept regular requests!
🌸 Requests will close on 6/9 (11:59 PM EST).
How to send in a "Word Game" request:
⭐ Choose a character ⭐ Pick three words ⭐ Mention gn or fem MC ⭐ Add in relationship status if you like ⭐ Label n.sfw/sfw. Sfw will be default.
Example: Lucifer with fem!mc. Stars, crying, kiss. (sfw)
🌸 (Masterlist/To-Do list and “Will not write for” undercut)
🌸 Main Masterlist/To-Do list here.
🌸 Requests not following rules will be deleted! If you think tumblr ate your request, then feel free to ask me or send the request in again. (Check Coming Soon section to see if I got your request.)
🌸 Words will not write for:
Yandere (or any deres)
Pregnancy & birth related anything/breeding, children/child
MILF/DILF (related terms)
Abuse (mental and physical, related words) - trauma comfort is okay.
OC names
MC like (character)
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