#give us this ship pleaseeeee
tetraduals · 11 days
nintendo ds collection 5/27/24
my collection has updated and so heres a new post! in order of date obtained
1. galaxy edition new 3ds xl
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my oldest ds, not counting the red one that got lost when i was like 9. im trying to ease it into retirement, because its been working hard for a long time and it has some physical wear + performance issues. ill fix it up soon, once i have time to give it the care it needs.
2. black ds lite
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given to me by a friend (hi gingi!!!!!!) just a few weeks ago. i got a flashcart for it and ive put pokemon platinum + white on said cart, but im a bit scared to use it extensively until i can fix the hinge (which is a bit of a process unfortunately. might talk about that in a different post)
3. red original 3ds
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3. as ive said, this isnt mine, its going to a friend but i wanted to include it because. well. isnt it pretty?? incredibly charming, i hope to get my own o3ds soon
4. blue + black 3dsxl
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4. my newest ds! ive been testing it out since i got it (saturday) and it runs beautifully. ive grown attached very quickly honestly, its so beautiful :( its really made me rethink my new 3ds bias
*i did also purchase a dsi, but i ended up cancelling the order before it shipped because i needed my money back. hopefully this summer ill be able to get one, though!*
thanks for reading! pleaseeeee feel free to ask me questions about any of these consoles i would be more than happy to talk about them :-) or send name recommendations if you want!!
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zoeyslament · 8 months
RtC artists. Hi. So I am whatever the opposite of an artist is. An art fucker upper, probably.
If anyone needs something to draw, I have some little prompts. If you use one can you pleaseeeee tag me or rb here? I wanna see your stuff :]
-Ricky with his cats! Give the kitties names and tell us about them too!
-A favourite ship on a date (bonus points for Nischa, Perfectdolls, and Sugarspace cause those are my favourites)
-SIBLING DYNAMICS, please! I am an absolute sucker for the choir having a love-hate relationship with each other.
-THE CHOIR IN COZY JAMMIES. I need to see them at a sleepover please and thank you!!
-V I R G I L. I would like art of the snazzy rat please!!
If any of you have ideas rb and add them. If you draw one istg I will love you forever and probably eat your art /pos
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lightwise · 9 months
Ahsoka Episode 4 Spoilers/Thoughts
This was...a big one, to say the least.
Also note to self do NOT open tumblr while in the middle of watching an episode or you will be spoiled for that epic ending *sobs* oh well...
2/2 Star Wars characters repairing ship wiring on their back...v nice
Sabine, you realize none of you would be in this position if you hadn't squirreled away with the map in your tower...jus sayin...
"Can I count on you?" Yeah I'm gonna say that's a no...
Sabine loading her blasters is super cool but also giving me flashbacks to trying to reload staple gun or nail gun cartridges and hoping you don't launch them into your face in the process
Natasha plays Sabine's nervous energy very well and Rosario is showing Ahsoka's own unease, reserve, but also very caring concern, extremely well. I really wish we could see the history between these two--animated in between series anyone??
I wonder why Dave doesn't bring up the fact that Ahsoka owes Ezra her life. It's only focused on what Ezra means to Sabine, but he means a lot to Ahsoka too.
Huyang's lil hands on hips...you can tell he's a full practical build here.
Speaking of...I REALLY want to know if the practical robot was used for this fight scene, or if they switched to someone in a costume/CGI. It seems like the HK droids are people/CGI but I could be wrong about that. Either way, go Huyang go!
It's always a treat to see Mandos and Jedi fighting styles together. And Sabine's Wonder Woman vambrace block was great.
Ahsoka's white lightsabers are so stunning in live action.
"May I make one request of you both?" LISTEN TO HUYANG. HE KNOWS WHAT'S UP. "Stay together." And WHAT ARE THEY NOT GONNA DO SMH
"Mom, how come I have to do what I'm told and you don't" lmao
Jacen is so spunky and I'm so glad Dave is having him be a full part of the series.
Carson Teva my man! And Brendan!
"Faith? I lost that a long time ago" Baylon's backstory pleaseeeee. Who was his master. How far did he get in training. Was he knighted? Did he have a padawan pre-order 66? Where was he during the war? Where was he during Order 66? When did he walk away, and what did he walk away to? What are his goals now? How did he find Shin/why did he want to train her? We desperately need a comic or a book here Lucasfilm
The graphics for the countdown clock (and the droids manning them) are super cool
Shin dear lord can you be any more dramatic
Sabine and Shin running off like rabid wolves while Ahsoka is just like, oh please, do I really have to deal with this right now
Ahsoka > any inquisitor, dead or alive, magic or real, anytime, any place, any age LOL
Ugh the parallels to Obi-Wan and Maul are impeccable.
So I totally knew Marrok would be a nobody/throwaway character but a nightsister necromancer ghost??? Did not see that coming at all. Eerie
Shin seems honestly disturbed by seeing Marrok fall. I wonder if the body that was used was someone she knew or had a connection to.
The lightsaber usage in this show is so interesting and such a unique blend of samurai techniques, OT trilogy techniques, and more realistic stabbing and swiping and slicing motions. I love the choreography and cinematography of Shin and Sabine going at it as well as how the trees and landscape are used in their fight.
Looks like Shin got her dramatics from her master. Sitting there with his hood up for effect lol
Definitely getting flashbacks to Ahsoka's sass in her fight with Maul in TCW.
Baylon's textured armor is so incredible. I want to see him leading a 13th century cavalcade
Can he read people's minds? Or does he do in depth research like Thrawn does so he knows the weak points of his opponents?
“One must destroy in order to create.” No. You are incorrect sir. One must die. One must morph, must change, in order to create. But that is different than destroying.
Again with the one saber. It's such an odd choice for Ahsoka to do that, and it honestly feels like an excuse for Baylon to be able to overpower her later. I don't quite like it.
It is very interesting how Baylon views Ahsoka, and tells her that her legacy is death and broken promises. What exactly does he think her legacy is? Because that is Anakin's legacy, not hers (at least through Rebels). What has happened since then?
He looks so sad, honestly.
There's way too much leaving oneself open to attack in this episode.
The fight scene definitely looks slowed down a little, and it's a little clunky, but man Baylon is brutal with his saber. Again why is Ahsoka not using both of hers to combat is strength??
Either there's a trailer shot that never made it into this fight, or Baylon and Ahsoka fight again. I'm missing where she kicks back against one of those tall rocks and flips over. That was such a cool shot.
I honestly can't believe Shin was able to block the whistling birds lol. That would be an intense hit to the face. Also I love how much of the shots and sparks in these shows are practical. It makes it feel so much more real.
The map burning Ahsoka is wild. It makes sense but very unfortunate.
Hot damn Ahsoka! She definitely was tapping into some anger there. In real life that hit to the back of the head should have seriously injured Shin. Filoni is really being gritty and brutal with the fights in this show, they're raw and dirty in ways that the trilogies were not.
Aaaaaand while I know Ahsoka isn't dead yet (there's no way Filoni would kill off the title character halfway through a first season) holy cow that was heartwrenching
Baylon is a master manipulator. He makes Maul look like a babbling teenager. And yet he doesn't seem to derive any twisted pleasure from it. He just is doing what he thinks he needs to do.
I'm sorry Ahsoka had WHAT to do with Sabine's family dying???? In the Purge??? Ugh geez that's awful.
Gah DAMN it Sabine!! C'mon girl!! Bad decision, bad decision!
I would have loved to see Obi-Wan face off against Baylon. The quiet patience and calm strength...too much for one room
He is just not done digging at Ahsoka is he. Again, master manipulator, but why?
Huyang's little magnifying glass!
Dave definitely nailed the lighting in this show. Even if the volume is still apparent in some shots, the lighting is finally dialed in and soft and realistic and atmospheric. That shot of Baylon after decimating the map is epic.
Yeahhh, Hera, ya'll might want to skedaddle right quick before you get....oh, too late....
"Mom? I've got a bad feeling." Me too kid, me too.
"Lady Wren, Lady Tano" *sobbing* Hera make sure Huyang makes it back pls
This transition.
Oh boy
I know what's coming bc I got on tumblr too early but OH MAN
ahhhh it's so gorgeous
it's here, it's finally here and it's BEAUTIFUL (The World Between Worlds, who did you think I was talking about, Anakin? ;)
"Hello Snips" I can't I truly can't
"I didn't expect to see you so soon" so is she dead? Dying? Disassociating while drowning? Dave if you kill Ahsoka off in this show I will never forgive you
She is in shock omg look at him she is reunited with her brother, her master, her friend!!
Welp I have no idea what to do with myself until next week and we find out what's going on here. I swear if that's not the real Anakin I will be beside myself.
Let's get ready for flashbacks folks. What an episode.
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misswoozi · 10 months
pls give us hcs on mina and the public vib PLEASEEEEE IM BEGGING
if you're begging, how could I possibly refuse? 🩷
100% Mina's idea
she'd want to walk around someplace semi-public (like a city street) where there's people but nobody's actually paying any attention to her or her partner and she'd definitely be wearing a mask to be as inconspicuous as possible but yeah she's very into the concept of being quiet/proving what a good poker face she is
none of my existing Mina ships really fit here (bc I don't think Momo or Jeongyeon would be THAT into the idea and I don't think Yeonjun or Soobin would be bold enough either) but I think we all know that any one of them would be able to be Convinced by Mina 😭
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27emailsicantsend · 2 years
Season 3 Episode 4 Thoughts
BI ASHLYN BI ASHLYN BI ASHLYN… (possibly lesbian?? We’ll see)
All of you who called Maddox being gay… you were so, so right
Oh honey, Carlos, your straight dar is so, so very broken. Not only were you wrong about Maddox, but like the stuff about her dating her brother 😭😭 that was painful to listen to
I am by no means, a p*rtwell, but I will give credit where credits is due: I actually really liked the LIAOD duet. Their voices sounded nice together and I enjoyed the beginning with the stripped down piano part. I don’t know that we’ve heard Gina do more of a single instrumental song yet, so hearing her raw voice was beautiful!
My poor baby Kourtney. That hurts my heart seeing her so anxious. Her mom actually gave some pretty sound advice. Removing the “shoulds”… feeling how you should feel? We’ve got removing cognitive distortions and validating emotions. Made my heart happy 🥲
Jet was so angsty and for what 😭😂
Gina was so so cute this episode. She was literally glowing?? Like you could just tell how happy she was and the scene when she helped Kourtney made my heart soft 🥲 I just love seeing her in her happy era compared to last season. It’s a fresh, much needed thing
Along those lines… Ricky is in his happy era?? Well… for the most part. He did walk out a couple times when he was jealous 😬 but like the last few episodes and stuff he just seemed so content with himself and life for the first time in forever? (Pun intended… maybe that’s his and Gina’s song because they have both been THROUGH IT lol). He got his Corbin hug 🥹 and he just seemed like he was just trying his best to make the most of his situation at camp… I think EJ started to get in his head a lot
But also the 80’s villain line from Corbin? 🤣😭😭 comedy GOLD. Who wouldn’t laugh at that?? Lmaooo
Ok again, not a p*rtwell, but I want to make something clear about this next point: I’m not saying this because I’m a rina. I genuinely ship EJ and Val. Or at least am starting too. Val called him out that he’s been having deep, girlfriend talks with her. It’s so easy for him to open up with her. When he is with Gina everything is stiff? Tense? Lack of chemistry? But with Val it seems so easy between them. Like they’ve known each other forever. And she’s in college which is just a bonus on top
It’s interesting we’re addressing Kourt’s anxiety so much but EJ’s feels really brushed over? Like he has no one giving him those pep talks. Instead his dad is putting undue pressure on him. Why is his dad so keen on pushing him? It makes me sad. I think it would be cool to see Kourt use the advice from her mom and give EJ similar advice. They both could use it
I’m not a huge fan of the song “fabulous”. It’s my least favorite from the movies but it was fun watching Carlos and Kourt sing it. Very Ryan and Sharpay of them which they’ve been giving a lot this season 😂
I am not sure I even counted this correctly but there were at LEAST 6 or 7 stolen glances, for sure 1 per scene between Ricky and Gina
I can’t even tell you how many times I rewound this episode to see every stolen glance. Someone make a gifset pleaseeeee
I also didn’t expect EJ to say out of pocket things right out the gate like that. Like I knew there would be some contention between the two (predicted it last episode thought rambles) but wowww he was VERY quick to jump on Ricky
And I don’t say that as EJ slander. I think he is under a LOT of stress and doesn’t know how to cope. With his relationship kind of falling under it makes sense he might be lashing. He’s not being nice, but it’s also understandable.
But also, I don’t ~love~ that he was mad at Ricky and Gina being gone because he had every opportunity to go and blew up at them last episode. He did take some accountability for this thought which was good
Also Ricky jumping at the chance to sing LIAOD and the show intentionally said, “NO THIS SONG IS FOR EJ AND GINA TO SING”. It’s literally leaving us no hints at this point that they are not the couple of this show. Like it is very intentional they’re showing EJ as hans in this situation and that he had to be the one to sing it with Gina. But also very cute mr bowen that you wanted to sing about love with her 🥹
Speaking of… isn’t there a rickyxgina duet coming this season possibly? Just saying. We might want to compare the two 😉
I have said it 1000x and I will say it 1000 more: STAGING IS EVERYTHING. They take and retake these scenes so they have to make sure ever prop, placement… everything is exactly where it should be. Notice who seems to be in the middle in multiple ways in the staging? Mr Bowen himself. The movie night was the biggest one screaming it. Like he could have sat anywhere and he sat right in the middle 😭😭😭
Also all of Ricky’s compliments to Gina and him defending her to Jet 😭😭 he is such a protective almost boyfriend I love it sm
AND OMG JET CALLING HIM OUT???? Yeah jet was me and every other rina in that scene 😂 but also, I feel like the “you don’t know the whole story” was set up for more 👀 so then what is the whole story Ricky? Anything to do with another flashback?? With chocolates? Hmmmmmmm???? ����🤨📸
(This also fits my Ricky is Hans and Jet is Sven for their “off stage” symbolic characters because Sven called out Kristoff in the movie with sus looks and stuff. He really understood Kristoff in a way no one else- but Anna- did. They’re just this cute friend duo that I love)
Also can I just point out Gina’s laugh in the wishlist part? That was the most GENUINE laugh I heard from any season from her. She just sounded so happy 🥲
RINA HELD HANDS…. AGAIN??? Their parallels do be unmatched to any other couple in the show
I have no idea what kind of drama EJ is going to stir up but I’m SURE it has to do with this triangle for the show. He said it took courage to make something big happen? It just feels like a very Hans thing to say. Oh P*W you are so bones I’m sorry 😭 because Gina said she can’t deal with liars and she was VERY clear. Soooo EJ’s washed
But ALSO SHE CANT DEAL WITH LIARS AND RICKY WALKS OUT??? What is he lying about?? Feelings???? Chocolates????? I mean it makes sense if he did because of Nini a little but I still feel like he would have no reason to lie unless there was more feelings behind why he delivered those to Gina. If he was doing it as a friendly gesture he might have even asked Nini to help? So yeahhhh boy you gonna get caught. But this lie feels… different somehow? Like maybe Gina might get upset but they weren’t dating and things were weird so it kind of makes sense why Ricky didn’t say anything. But he did make her feel stupid so she has every right to be mad? Idk the chocolates conversation could go a LOT of ways if (when) it happens
So yeah… I know that one tik toker who saw the episodes prior said that this episode would have rinas on a “rollercoaster” but I actually don’t feel shaken at ALL. In fact, rina endgame just feels even more solidified. Have I told you guys I love this season yet? Because I LOVE this season
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golden-songbird · 2 years
widely accepted fanon roman things that i hate and am vetoing right now:
1) “roman is big and broad and muscular because he fights in the imagination and he’s brawny because of that.”
no wrong incorrect. first of all, not every athletic person is muscular, like i’m super athletic and i’m a beanpole with almost no muscle. second of all, it’s just an annoying cliche 😭 the brawny meathead? we’ve seen it before a million times!! give me a beanpole roman who looks all delicate but can lift up your mom and an entire refrigerator. or give me a roman who just is delicate and weak, but is still a brave prince who fights and wins battles because of his wit and his speed!! roman doesn’t always have to be a brawny meathead!
2) “roman is going to have a villain arc where he becomes pride.”
no get that away from me right now. okay here’s the thing: roman is the LAST side who would be doing this. he values the others’ opinions of him so much, that if anything, he would be changing himself to be as GOOD as possible so he can be seen as something other than the scapegoat. if he “magically became evil”, that would further prove the point that he’s a horrible creativity, which is NOT the message that roman wants to send whatsoever. i swear when people say this it feels like we aren’t even watching the same series. also, pride is not a bad thing!!! pride is a good thing, and literally half the second season of sanders sides has been trying to teach us that liking yourself believe it or not, IS NOT A BAD THING TO DO. liking yourself is totally cool and chill and awesome and good!!
3) “roman is bisexual and he’s dating my female oc.”
KILL IT WITH FIRE. okay here’s the thing, i’m not gonna be biphobic and say that roman couldn’t possibly be bi, you do you with headcanons even though i personally strongly disagree with that headcanon. but the fact that people make him bi just to ship him with girls when thomas is EXPLICITLY GAY sends shivers down my spine. if you want your oc to be with a dude, give her to the millions and billions of straight and bi dudes that are all over the internet in OTHER MEDIA. let roman be mlm representation pleaseeeee.
4) “roman is the most masculine side and he’s super manly and tough and he wears the suit at the wedding and blah blah blah”
first of all, heteronormative much? gay relationships don’t have one guy who’s “the girl” and one guy who’s “the boy” that’s not how that works. second of all, roman is obviously super feminine!!! he bodied that skirt trend and clearly was the most enthusiastic about it. he loves expressing himself through traditionally feminine things, and he just is a naturally feminine person!!! don’t erase that beautiful part of roman just to fit him into a stupid box. please!!!
i am making a part two to this most likely cuz as the irl filipino version of roman, there are some things that i just gotta clear up.
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thecourtjester12 · 7 months
Asks FAQ page!!!
This page will explain rules for asks and what can be asked and some other potentially questions y'all may have! More may be added as they become needed!!!
Rules for Asks
NO NSFW content, please keep all asks SFW, I may, MAY occasionally be open to slightly suggestive asks nothing extreme tho, generally just...not comfy with NSFW anything, so no explicit NSFW asks please
Please no swearing/cussing or insulting phrases/words, I'm not a big fan of such language and would appreciate it if you didn't use such things in asks, (I admit I use Bloody a lot and...technically swearing...but...most people in North America don't...see it as swearing) tho feel free to be creative and use silly words instead ex. darn, shoot, stars, fiddlesticks, fudge, funk, you get the idea. I'll allow a pass to words like bloody, stupid, hell.
No spamming please, multiple asks are more then ok but if I don't get back to your ask quickly I may be busy/working on it/overwhelmed/stuck on rest so pleaseeeeeeee, please, please be patient with me
No racist, homophobic, transphobic, a-phobic, ableist, content or anything that could be hurtful to others please!!!
Also no p*dophiles, groomers, discourse, SA, drug-usage, harassment, Pro-ship, etc, none of that stuff, pleaseeee DNI.
What kind of things can you ask?
You can ask for sneak peaks and progress on wips writing or drawing and I MAY give a sneak peak or tell ya without showing depending on spoilers
Ask what I'm currently working on
Ask questions about my Au's!
Au questions can be anything about the characters, (Smoon, glams, the stars, handlers/managers, etc) world building, easter eggs, etc, some may be written answers some may be given doods or considered too...spoilery to answer! But questions will NOT be answered by the charas unless specifically listed (such as lil mini comics of chara interactions within canon or mayhaps holiday based things that may be an alt pocket uni outside canon)
Suggestive asks are...fine, but keep it SFW nothing explicit pleaseeee, also these may take longer to answer (depends on my current level of comfort with that kinda thing, sometimes fine, sometimes NOPE) and will be tagged #cwsuggestive
Ask me questions, just keep em SFW please!!! (may not answer if it's too personal tho)
If you want to ask the chara's directly I have an ask Series for JDCAU Sun and Moon on my A03 and unless it says asks are closed, always need more asks for that lil series! :3 Link to that: Ask Smooooooooonnnnnnnnn
Is fanart/fanfics/gifts based on/inspired by your Au's ok?
Yes! I am ABSOLUTELY ok with fanart of my Au's and stories, same goes for fanfics/gift fics of my Au's just please, please, PLEASE tag me (and for A03 tag my A03 under the inspired by thingy pls) and tag using the Au tag and #courtjesterfanart or #courjesterfanfic Just PLEASE keep it SFW, no NSFW or Suggestive content, and pleaseeeee no shippy stuff for charas i list as aroace and/or platonic in their dynamics >~<
But I would LOVE to see what y'all make!!!!
Would you do NSFW content?
No. I'm not comfy with NSFW stuff, even suggestive stuff is very....iffy. So stuff like NSFW and general explicit content be it drawings or writing is just...not for me. I have to take Life drawing classes and that is...enough suffering usually T^T
So once again PLEASE no NSFW asks or fanart or fanfics/giftfics based on my au's please!!!
What pronouns do you use/what gendered terms are you ok with?
They/them, She/her AND Ey/em/eir! Feel free to use them interchangeably, and I'm cool with feminine gendered terms (just...not ma'am pls...ick) and I LOVEEEEE gender neutral terms, If i ever end up having any nieces/nephews/niblings imma be their Aunkle Jester!!! >: D
Please no Masc terms, I'm not a man and don't feel comfy being called one
And side note I use words like cute, pretty, handsome, charming and even beautiful neutrally, like, gender doesn't matter anyone can be ANY of these things!!! (Of course I won't use a term if it makes someone uncomfy to be called it >-<)
Go to asks!
Question the Jester!
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girinma · 1 year
thoughts on avatar 2: avatar for dads (i have many because its 3 hours long)
tldr NO MORE PLOT i want three hours of walking around and looking at fantasy nature. lets go to riven.
nothing like pocahontas 2. 0/5 stars.
story is bad as expected but i had to see it. HOWEVER maybe it is nostalgia talking but i remember the 1st one looking absolutely incredible but this one... i think a marvel film looks similar now. like there were some scenes that were obviously showing off and better than anything else, buuuut it wasnt the whole thing. i did see it in 3d and i did get a headache during but i cannot tell if it was the film or just my fucked up reactions to barometric pressure.
HIGHLY recommend going in not remembering anything from the first one because then youre just like wtf the blue people dont have five fingers??? how many do they have??? PANDORA IS A MOON???
creature design was so fantastic, exactly why i came. dunkleosteus shark, turtle whale, many fun worms. so good. that being said it was really funny that the corals at night were doing the coral fluorescence under UV. 
water looked good, particularly when it was overcast and raining. but like not much to say there.
they made the sea people maori????? hello???? call me a hater but go farther with your alien cultures. i dotn know why i was surprised. 
i vividly remember from avatar 1 that after watching my parents were discussing the parallels in the narrative that i didnt even notice and really taught me about like. critically viewing film. but the parallels here were kinda funny. the whaling ship is whale shaped (which is so fucking obvious when it rolls over and they have water coming through cracks like its blowholes). whaling guy getting his arm ripped off by the whale whose flipper he cut.
the entire movie is a dad movie for dads. its all about dads. sick of dads by the end. do something else. 
i dont understand the whole arc with the human kid because like. he seems to be found family at the start but then at the end they act like its a revelation?!?!? what the fuck????
glad the marines are still bad. hooah.
many questions about how the blue people work. why do the sea tribes and forest tribes speak the same language but have physically different adaptations. what. i think their head tails should be prehensile.
IT WAS SOOOO FUNNY when they killed the oldest son because the whole time i was like “they literally gave him no character wtf” and then when he died i wasnt sad it was just “oooooooh thats why they wrote him so poorly”
they really named the main son character noah while giving the other son a more alien name. shcoking.
i was so mad this movie had the same villain as the first and i was SOO mad when they saved him only to have him be the villain in the next one. BOOOOOO give us a better villain. i was like :O when he got choked to “death” and it just ruined it.
felt weird that the very beginning didnt really show any of the rest of the tribe except the family???? like i get that they dont care about fleshing out anyone but pleaseeeee
mechs were great i like the crabs one the best. the whole whale hunt scene was good, had good emotions. there was chinese or kanji on one of the machines and im unsure if that is because its supposed to be blade runner on earth or just because its a whaling ship????
ok. the plot. why are they chasing him down. hes just one guy. with one tribe. why did they add that the earth is dying. what is the point. why is anything happening. why did they even go to the sea people.
i havent been to disney avatar world but i do think its even weirder now. i dont think disney people should be allowed to go to pandora.
PETTY PETTY point but when the chieftess of the water tribe is talking to her spirit whale she is doing space sign language with subtitles, no spoken dialogue, but shes mouthing the words in english?? that should have been in fantasy language.
so like.... they didn’t have avatars in this one? like its just lab blue people, normal blue people, and humans. theres like 2 scenes with avatars. why did they name it avatar. there arent avatars. you forgot the avatars. 
james cameron said put those blue bitches in the titanic. that being said it was fantastic visually.
i HOPE that they have sigourney weaver voicing a teen because it is the original consciousness of sigourney weaver (like how the reborn marine colonel or whatever the fuck his title is sounds like the original) because it is weird. weirder because of the romantic hints between her and spider. maybe cameron is just giving her the check here but i hope they have a reason for it.
the sea tribe home was just riven man. myst guys get their asses.
im just. can you imagine an actually good story set in the avatar world. 
will i watch the next one? yes. im simple. 
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maivalkov · 3 years
Maiva we need a Engspa Christmas one-shot and you know it! hahaha PD: I think the headcanon where they live is completely accurate XD Could you give us some Christmas headcanons? Like for Engspa and Nedport, and then PENS (pleaseeeee)
I know we need an EngSpa and a NedPort one-shot because who would I be if I forgot one of my ships at Christmas. :D
As for headcanons, I guess I'll narrow it down to Christmas day itself!
EngSpa: Errrm probably a typical chaotic scene on Christmas day in the kitchen? Toni would really appreciate some help but listen Arthur has the Midas touch except everything turns to ash and then Toni remembers precisely why Arthur sticks to laying the table and behaving quietly in the living room. They'll always cuddle up later on and uh, enjoy the holiday spirit. 👀
NedPort: Not quite as disastrous, surprisingly, because both men agree systems should be a thing on such a day. Port runs one side of the kitchen, Ned gets the other, dinner's on time the kitchen is gleaming and then, much like EngSpa, it's a case of winding down and making the most of one another's company. PENS: Take the chaos, take the order, smash them together and see what you get. Port and Toni will most likely engage in a silly fight somewhere during the cooking, and threaten one another with utensils but when everything's said and done, all four don their matching PJs (because why not look like a unit, am I right) and bang out the Monopoly to learn why they tell themselves every. Single. Year: do not play Monopoly at Christmas. Jk they have a great time.
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nanami-haruka1 · 3 years
Archon's Temptation cw: none :) Genre: Fluff. Ship: Childe x Zhongli. AU: Spirited Away. AN: this is my first time writing a fic be nice. Word count: 1,133 words ~START~ Maybe it was the people, or the lack of any, but i had a strange feeling, Almost like there were people all around me but i couldn't see them. I had come across this strange town on the way to the top of a mountain with Teucer, he insisted we go and check it out but now i lost him and i doubt i could find him in such a big place like this, he said he wanted to go home but then he ran off. I hope i can find him before the sun goes down. I searched everywhere, up and down, in small areas and even behind the food stalls, but still, i had no luck in finding my little brother. I called out for him but was only met with a brisk wind and silence, actually, it was too silent, where was everybody?. The sun is going down now, i better go down to the city below and search for him, maybe he's there. If only there was a way out, i could've sworn there was never a mote here! it's..rising? I don't think i can get out of here, can i? I should go check for another exit!! Well that didn't last long, all around the run-down city is a rising mote, "Teucer in the name of the Archons where are you?.." I said out loud to myself, i hope my little brother is okay wherever he is. It was a horrible idea deciding to come here, if only i knew that before. Before i knew it i heard small little footsteps, "hello? is anyone there? Teucer is that you??" I said hopefully loud enough for whatever was there to hear me, but when i found the source of the footsteps i was very, very surprised, it was not in fact my little brother but..i actually don't have any idea what it is to be honest, its so cute though! it kinda looks like a baby dragon, but who knows it could be dangerous. The small Dragon-looking thing turned to face me and when met with my eyes promptly jumped on me and sat on my shoulder like some kind of bird, "Uh..Hi there, you..um, i seriously have no idea what you are, why are you on me?".....Silence, i should've known better, yeah right like animals could talk, on the bright side it is super cute though, and it doesn't wanna leave, guess i have a baby dragon now. It was odd how the little creature seemed to like me so much, "Guess i should give you a name, Hmmm" I looked at it and it shook its head at me, it lifted its head up showing a small ribbon with a little circular plate that said the name Zhongli, "So, your name is Zhongli huh? that's pretty cute." And i began my search for Teucer again, but it was cold, colder than i expected it to be, so much so in fact that i contemplated going inside the main building of this place. I looked at the small dragon on my shoulder, or i thought i did, by the time i had looked at my shoulder Zhongli had already been trotting towards the gate doors of the main building, i would've been mad if not for the absolute adorableness i was seeing, you know when cats do that cute little walk? yeah that just got soo much better, i didn't wanna go inside the building but i didn't wanna lose Zhongli so i warily followed behind him. We both stopped in front of the gate of the main building and when given a slight nudge it opened followed by a creaking noise that boomed through the whole city, soon after the sound of crying became apparent, it sounded far but i wouldn't miss a single chance to find my brother, i ran to find the source of the noise, and to my relief it was Teucer. I rushed over to him and hugged him tightly, "Teucer where have you been? i've been trying to find you for the past two hours!!" "i'm sorry!..there was...these scary monsters!" he said in a scared tone, hiccing and sobbing, i dried his tears and hugged him just one more time, "Come on now Teucer, lets go home now." And with that we were off. I hadn't noticed Zhongli had stayed behind until he jumped right back on my shoulder, Teucer seemed so happy, "Brother, brother!! thats a baby dragon
your shoulder! can we keep him, pleaseeeee?" his eyes shined in anticipation, "What? oh, you mean Zhongli? no, i don't think we can keep him." "What? but he's so cute, just look at him!" Teucer grabbed zhongli and held him up close to me, making a deeper voice pretending the dragon was talking "please let me stay with you bi- ahem, Childe" Then he looked back up at me and stared, and he wouldn't respond to me until i agreed to let us keep Zhongli. Once we arrived home we prepared a small bed and some food for Zhongli, he seemed to enjoy the area a lot, and after he had finished eating he went right to bed, he did seem tired, must be from living in a city where nobody lived, poor guy. I pat him on the head then went out on business duties. I came back later than i had expected, i hoped Teucer wouldn't be mad at me in the morning, i promised to give him something he really wanted. Though when i had come back Zhongli was nowhere to be found, i looked everywhere for him but i couldn't find him, until i looked outside, i found...a person?! He kind of looked like Zhongli, horns and the same color scheme. It seemed i was too loud because he looked over at me, but after recognizing me sighed and went back to watching the sky, "Who are you?!" it was a dumb question but it was the only thing i could think of saying, he stayed silent for a couple seconds "You dont recognize me? I thought you would. Its me, Zhongli." his voice was calm, and smooth. He left me absolutely dumbfounded, he was beautiful. ~Timeskip~ It was a nice night, me and Zhongli were sitting on the steps of our house, just enjoying the quietness and tranquility, then came the sunrise, "Shit..Zhongli i'm so sorry, i have to get ready for work now." i felt guilty, "No worries darling, i'll be home when you get back" he always made me smile. I went and got ready then left per usual. I think if it wasn't for Teucer getting lost i wouldn't have met the love of my life. ~END~
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idk-maybe-i-did-it · 4 years
Help me!
I need help coming up with pet-names that I can use for future fics.
If you have any ideas you can drop them in my ask box or comment on this post or something idrc. But if you can, pleaseeeeeeeeee pretttyyyy pleaseeeee help.
I’ll write you a one-shot or something or give you a ship and drabbleeeeeeeeeee or somethinggg
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b0n-chann · 4 years
My follow up to prompt 131! If you haven’t read that one yet I highly suggest you do, as this follows up directly after 131 ends. Pleaseeeee enjoy! Again, thank you @sentimental-ghost for requesting that prompt because it seriously gave birth to this mini series. 😘😘😘
To Love and Protect (part 2)
Part 1? Part 2? I’m still deciding but I guess it’s a follow up so we’ll call it part 2.
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
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“Miss, we will be landing in Nevarro shortly. Shall we look for the Razor Crest?” IG-11 asks you, not looking up from his position. Although he is a droid, you found his presence helpful and even comforting during your time on the ship.
“Yes. Head towards the outskirts of town, I’m sure they would have landed there.”
“Of course.”
In the next few minutes, the rocky terrain of the planet comes into view. IG pilots the small ship, slowing down to look for the Crest.
“There,” you point out, catching the gleam of the ship in the light. The droid turns slightly and you feel the ship begin it’s descent. Your heart skips a beat, wondering if Din was still there, but know that more than likely, he and the group were already in the city.
You exit the ship and are welcomed by the dry heat of the planet. The desert plains never suited you, the sand and wind always too rough on your skin but you reveled in the heat. Everything had felt too cold since Din left, and feeling something, anything, was a welcome change. The droid follows closely behind you.
“It appears that the ship is empty,” the droid speculates, unable to detect any life forces within the confines of the vessel. “However, I do believe my master did not make it.” You look at him in alarm, and follow his gaze out to the desert. You notice a form on the ground; at quick glance you would have thought it was a pile of rubble but as you squint harder, you realize that it was indeed Kuiil. You run over quickly and drop to the ground next to him.
“Kuiil!” You gasp as you turn the ugnaught over and shake him. No response. “Kuiil!” Still nothing.
“Miss, I do not detect a heartbeat coming from him. I do believe he has passed.” A quiet voice comes from the droid. You know that he’s a droid but his voice is reserved, sad almost.
You did not know the ugnaught well but he seemed trustworthy, and Din must have thought highly enough of him to ask him to join him. Another pang hits your heart as you think this, as you remember his last words to you. You sigh and give Kuill’s hand one last squeeze.
“Let’s get him back onto the ship for now,” you tell IG-11 as you stand up. The droid quickly picks him up as you make your way to the Razor Crest. He places Kuiil in the storage area and you take one last look at the ugnaught, noticing a comms bracelet on him. You take it from him as you try to analyze the situation.
“Do you think he had the child with him?” You ask the droid. What other reason would Kuiil have to return back to the ship without anyone else? Your heart drops, realizing that if that is the case, the Empire would have the kid.
“It is a possibility. I believe we should look for the child to ensure his safety. I am a nursedroid, and am designed to protect.”
You stifle a laugh at his statement. You get up and peruse the weapons case before settling on a few blasters.
“Of course,” you say as you toss one to the droid.
You and IG-11 head towards the city, deciding that if the child was indeed taken, that would be the best place to look. The sun beat down on you as you both tread through the desert sea and you are grateful that you had taken off your extra layers back at the ship. IG-11 signals for you to stop.
“I sense three life forces directly ahead of us, Miss.”
“I can sense the child is close. Maybe he’s one of them?” You contemplate, not realizing what you had just said.
“How do you know the child is there?”
Oh, kriff.
“I...don’t really know, but I’ve always been able to sense when he’s close by.” You shrug, telling the droid just enough. The only person that knows about your connection to the child is Din. “Are you able to tell if he’s there?” You ask to try and distract IG.
“I have been programmed to recognize each of your signatures, the shock trooper included.” Kuiil thought of everything. “I will approach the group first. In the event that they are hostile, I will dispose of them quickly. Please stand by for back up.” IG-11 leaves little room for you to argue. Just as you are about to start, he interrupts you. “Miss, please, I am required to not only keep the baby safe, but you as well. This is the best option. Please, stay behind me.” If he was concerned about your ability, he did not make it known.
You can only sigh in response. “Okay, let’s go then.”
Two storm troopers come into view as you and IG-11 walk over the last dune. You sigh in relief as you see the child with them but instantly your blood boils as you watch one of the storm troopers hits him. IG-11 steps forward and makes your presence known to them.
“Stop that.” The storm troopers quickly draw their blasters on the both of you.
“Identify yourselves!”
“I am IG-11. I am this child’s nurse and this is his mother. I require that you remand him to us immediately.”
One of the troopers laughs. “A nurse droid? I thought it was a hunter. Aren’t IGs usually hunters?
“Yeah, well, evidently this one’s a nurse. And you sure she’s his mother? They don’t look alike at all.” You roll your eyes to yourself. These two were exceptionally chatty. You just hoped they were as lousy a shot as storm troopers are rumored to be.
“I’m sorry, nurse, but you’re gonna have to get out of here.” The first storm trooper shoots at IG as the droid walks closer but misses horribly.
“Are you denying my request?” IG asks.
“No,” the first storm trooper says. “I’m telling you to get out of here.” He walks up to IG, his blaster still aiming at him. IG makes quick work of this, however, and grabs the storm troopers arm and twists it in the other direction before flipping him over, effectively knocking him out. You cringe, hearing the bones in the storm trooper’s arm crack.
“Hey!” You hear the other one cry. Before you can even lift your blaster up, IG grabs him by then helmet and slams him into the ground. Twice. You remind yourself never to piss off the droid. You quickly make your way over to the speeder with the child and open up the bag. He blinks up at you and recognition fills his eyes as he coos excitedly at you, his little arms raised, begging to be picked up.
You are eager to oblige him. “Hi there, little one,” you say as you pick him up. You touch his ear affectionately in greeting. He coos at you and you laugh as he pats his hands on your face in greeting. He keeps his hands in place and a vision forms in your head; he and Kuiil are riding on a blurrg with the Razor Crest in the distance. You can hear Din’s concerned voice calling out to Kuiil multiple times. You see this playing out in the position of the child and before you can reach the ship it feels like you’re falling and everything fades to black and brought back to the present.
“Are you alright, Miss?” You hear IG ask but his voice seems so far away. You shake your head as if to clear your vision and you see the child looking up at you expectantly. Was that the child showing you what happened? You know that you both have a connection, but this is the first time you have experienced anything like this.
“I’m...I’m okay,” you reply. You try not to think about what just happened but realize that if Kuiil and the child were riding back to the ship that something must have happened to Din and Cara. You look over to see IG inspecting the speeders.
“Are you comfortable riding this on your own?”
“I can manage.”
“Very good, Miss.” The droid walks over to you and takes the child from you, strapping him to his front. “I will protect the child for now, I am unsure of how many hostiles we will encounter if we make our way into town.” You nod in agreement; it’s a smart decision and his metal body would offer more protection than you could.
You walk over to the speeder and inspect it, everything appearing to be intact. You haven’t driven one since before you met Din and the idea of being on one again excites you. You get on and turn on the engine, the speeder revving to life. IG follows suit and you both take off towards Nevarro City.
As you travel through the desert you hear the comms bracket crackle to life.
“Kuiil! Do you copy.” Din’s frantic voice comes over. Your heart leaps into your throat. “Kuiil!”
You speed up next to IG, the child babbling excitedly in front of him. You can hear him through your own communicator and you realize the child must have one too.
“Kuiil has been terminated.”
“What did you do?” You hear Din’s voice, scathing. Before IG can respond you answer.
“Coming to save your sorry asses.”
“...You came.”
“Is that all you have to say to me?”
“What are you doing here?” Din asks, effectively ignoring your question. This time it’s IG who answers.
“Performing my base function. To nurse and protect.” With that you and the droid speed up your pace.
Din’s heart pounded in his chest as he hears your voice. You were supposed to be far away from here. You were supposed to be safe.
“Guess your little plan backfired,” Cara says from the front of the cantina as she looks out to the army outside.
“Don’t get me started.”
“I’m just saying, did you really think she’d take that lying down? Do you even know her? Hell, I knew she’d come back here to kick your ass and I can’t wait to see her do it.” She really couldn’t. When Din walked into the Crest without you and told her that they were leaving, Cara had been dumbfounded. It took Cara most of the way to Nevarro to get him to tell her what happened, and when he did, she punched him. Hard. She tells herself that she did it for you to justify it.
“Look, can we figure out what we’re gonna do to get out of here?” Karga says from the bar as he downs a drink and then another in rapid succession. Just as Din begins to say something they watch as all the troopers turn their heads towards the edge of town. And that’s when they hear it. Blaster shots.
IG arrives in the square first, blasters blazing as he jumps off his speeder and uses it to crash into several troopers at the side of the cantina. He continues his assault as you follow shortly behind, providing cover. As you speed by the droid, he grabs you off of the bike by the leg and arm, surprising you as you are turned sideways, parallel to the ground, and watch your own speeder crash into another squad of storm troopers. However, your surprise is short lived as you continue to shoot down more enemies as IG turns you in the air before placing you down behind him.
“Nice moves, IG!” You say between blasts, trying to run for cover. The line of troopers was never ending.
“It helps that you are very compact, Miss.” More troopers go down. IG turns his upper body towards you to protect the child. If it wasn’t such a dire moment you would have laughed; the look on his little green face is of pure delight. The droid begins to move, forcing you backwards and towards a few stacked crates you can use for cover.
“Was that a joke?!”
The three in the cantina watch as you and IG continue your assault at the Empire.
“I’m telling you Mando, if you’re really set on leaving her tell me now because I love her,” Cara says as she watches the droid spins you around as you shoot down troopers. Din doesn’t respond, he eyes still transfixed on you. All he can think of is getting to you.
“Cover me!” He says as he runs towards the cantina entrance. The door opens and he shoots a trooper before kicking another to the ground but all he can see is you. He tries to make his way closer but is caught off guard by two shadow stormtroopers. While he tries to disarm one, another rushes him from his other side and throws him to the ground. Din recovers quickly but before he can counter, a blaster shot disposes of the trooper quickly. Din looks up to see you, your arm extended.
He reaches for you and you pull him up. “You’re here, Beautiful.” His nickname for you slips from his lips. He watches as your expression goes from shock to pure rage as you punch a storm trooper and throw him into another two.
“You. Do. Not. Get. To. Call. Me. That.” You say as you shoot another trooper behind him. Din looks at you in amazement. You are beautiful and terrifying and he’s has never wanted to kiss you more even if he knows he’s risking a shot to the beskar. You both hear IG fall to the ground and notice that backup troopers are arriving. Din looks over your shoulder and walks past you, his gloved hand giving yours a squeeze. You realize he’s going for the E-web and cover him while he lifts it off its base. He swings it around and takes down trooper after trooper as you watch in awe at his strength. You always thought that he was capable but watching him now, he looked invincible.
A loud blast near the cantina catches your attention as they blow up the door and you grab another blaster off the ground and run off before Din has a chance to stop you. You slowly edge your way through the cantina door, guessing that Cara is in there providing cover fire. The storm troopers have their backs to you looking through the large room and you use this to your advantage. You shoot two in quick succession before ducking behind a table to take cover. You take a deep breath, listening for a pause in blaster shots before popping up quickly to take out two more. You move your aim over to the last trooper who has his own blaster aimed at you and before you can shoot, the shadow trooper crumples to the ground, Cara standing behind him with her own blaster trained on him.
“Gods, am I glad to see you,” she rushes over to you and clasps your shoulder. You return the gesture in greeting. You both quickly make your way back to the windows of the cantina to provide more cover just in time to watch Din attempt to swing the E-web around towards Moff Gideon. But he’s not quick enough. You look on in horror as the Moff shoots the case of artillery next to Din, causing a large explosion, sending the Mandalorian flying back off his feet. The blood drains from your face when you realize he isn’t getting up and you try to rush out to him but Cara stops you.
“Wait! Let me go get him.”
“Cara, please! I need to, please,” you say, barely forming a coherent sentence.
She looks at your, her gaze softening just slightly. “Do you think you can haul the tin can back in here?” You know you probably couldn’t without using that which you realize you shouldn’t because of the Empire. They were already after the kid, and if they realized you had similar abilities, it would be impossible to hide. “I’m not saying he’s a goner but you need to stay in here and stay safe for the kid and for him. Cover for me, I’ll bring him to you, okay?” You nod as she runs outside. You take down enemy after enemy as you watch Cara lift Din by his shoulder plates and begins to drag him back towards the Cantina. Rage fills you as you continue to shoot down trooper after trooper; and you enjoy the feeling of hatred and power as it consumes you.
“Hey!” Cara yells, placing a hand on the top of your blaster. You stop and whip your head in her direction; eyed wide and chest heaving with adrenaline. She holds her hands up in front of her as a sign of peace. “There you are,” she says in a quieter voice. You look around seeing IG with the child tucked safely in his pack, and the man you saw on the holocom, Greef Karga. Your eyes finally land on Din and you rush to him, collapsing before him.
“Din...” you say softly. You place your hands in his and squeeze. A sigh of relief escapes you when you feel a soft squeeze back.
“Hi, Beautiful,” he wheezes. You wince at how labored his breathing is. “Sorry, I know you told me not to call you that, but old habits die hard.”
“It’s fine. You’re fine,” you say, trying to reassure yourself more than him. You can barely focus on anything else besides the man in front of you. You barely register that IG is attempting to remove the grating from the wall.
Din presses a glove hand against your cheek and the familiar smell of leather and blaster residue brings you a small comfort. You feel his thumb stroke your cheekbone slightly.
“I’m not going to make it.”
“Don’t say that, you’re fine. We’re gonna get you out of here.” He gently takes your other hand and places it at the base of his head. You feel something warm and sticky, and your hand shakes as you bring it back to inspect. Blood.
“I can fix you right up but...but I have to...” you begin to say, your hands slowly inching towards his helmet. He stops your advance with his own.
“You know I can’t.”
“But, Din...”
“This is the way.”
You bite back your tears. You want to rip his helmet off of him and tell him he’s stupid. You want to scream and ask him if the creed is more important to him than you and the child. More than anything you want to fall into his arms and tell him you love him.
“You have to know, I lied about everything before I left.” His hand finds your face again and you lean into him once more. “I never wanted to leave you. You...you’re everything to me.” You don’t even realize you’re crying until you feel him wipe your tears away. “Beautiful, you had to have known.” You shake your head in disbelief. You feel a pull at the back of your shirt and see the child behind you. As you turn he scrambles up into your lap, looking up between you and the Mandalorian.
“No,” you say. “You’re not allowed to do that. You’re not allowed to say things like that when you won’t let me save you.” You’re body is shaking at this point as you hold onto the child tighter. A blast of fire interrupts you as the cantina door bursts open. A flame trooper steps in through the flames and another pass of fire comes through, the force of its heat throwing you and the child against the Mandalorian. For the briefest moment fear strikes your heart but an immediate calm washes over you and once again you find yourself in a trancelike state. It feels almost like a dream as you watch your hand and the child’s hand raise up in sync as you see the flames comes so close to you before time seems to stop. You exhale and everything comes crashing back as a huge wave of energy is pushed away from you and the child. The fire is forced the other direction, sending the trooper and flames flying out of the cantina. You blink a few times and look down at the child who is looking back at you.
“What in the world was that??” Karga asks but the droid is quick to silence him. Even Cara looks alarmed but keeps quiet as she watches the three of you.
“You had to know...that was why I didn’t want you to be here.” Din says with some effort. “I needed to keep you safe. And I knew you wouldn’t let me go without you.”
“I’m so mad at you still,” you say lamely.
“I know, Beautiful, but let this be my apology.” Din yanks a chain off his neck and presses it into your hand. “Bring this to the covert. Tell them it’s from me. Tell them you and the kid are my family and they’ll protect you.”
Your heart throbs when he says it. “I can’t leave you.”
“You have to. I’ll hold them off long enough for you to escape. Please, let me do this.”
He places his hand behind your head and brings your forehead down to touch his helmet.
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
Said at the same time and you can almost laugh at the irony. Here is a man you thought incapable of loving and being loved, yet so thoughtful and fierce in his loyalty. He wouldn’t let you stay, this was his final act of love for you and for the child.
“Miss, I will stay with the Mandalorian. Escape and protect the child. You are his mother,” IG says as he kicks the grate open. He comes to you with the empty sack, placing the child in it before returning him to you. “Many hostiles are making their way to us, our time is limited.”
You look to Din once more and he nods. You touch your forehead to his helmet one more time before taking his hand and pressing a kiss to his knuckles. The child coos, his hands reaching out for him.
“Sorry, baby,” he says as he touches the child’s ear. “Can’t go along with you this time.” He shifts his gaze to you and watches as your tears fall.
“I know,” you say with a watery smile, “good bounty hunters aren’t supposed to cry.” You squeeze his hand once more as you get up and look to the droid.
“Promise me you’ll bring him, IG.”
“You have my word, miss.”
With a quick nod of your head you bring the child up closer to you as you enter the darkness of the sewers. You feel your chest ache with each step further you take away from the Mandalorian, your heart left bleeding next to him.
Tag list:
@momc95 @electricprincess888 @maia-hocane @lamnothome @highonsoundwaves @tedpicklez @renreypoe @mabelleen @cryptkeepersoul @holamor @mando-vibes @lustriix @katialvi @spookyold-saintjm
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guardianofweirdness · 4 years
Soooo I wanted to do this!’
If y’all talk to me, you can just call me E.
How did you get into rotbtd?
I think it was after I found out about Jelsa (which I do not ship). There was content on that that I kept seeing (I had just watched ROTG for the first time and I was in LOVE) so all the Jack Frost stuff online was either jelsa or the big four. And once I saw it... never looked back. 😊
What made you stay/come back?
I never left this fandom once, and it makes me so sad that it’s so small and practically dead at this point. LET ROTBTD LIVE!!!!
Out of the four movies, which one is your favorite?
If I had a gun to my head, I’d probably say how to train your dragon. But that’s only if I had a gun to my head... in any other life scenario, they are all equal. 😉
Dreamworks dragons or Rapunzel’s tangled adventure?
Dreamworks dragons. Not even a question. I grew up watching that.
Which one do you prefer they make a sequel of, Brave or Rise of the guardians?
Rise of the guardians. I feel like brave had a pretty tied up ending, but rise of the guardians had so much more storyline potential! (Also we’d get more jack 😏)
OTP is Jarida, but I also love jackunzel. And BrOTP? Merida and hiccup. Those two 🥰🥰
Favorite character(s)?
Jack freaking frost. ❄️
Favorite AU’s?
🎵 Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy-woggy Hogwarts, teach us something pleaseeeee 🎵
Pick one! favorite B4 house placement in Hogwarts AU? Or favorite B4 nation/bending headcanons in ATLA AU?
Hiccup: Ravenclaw
Merida: Gryffindor
Jack: Slytherin
Rapunzel: Hufflepuff
I feel like jack is a Hufflepuff but Rapunzel beats him out for it so he’s just slytherin for now
Pick one! Since this is 2020, any hot takes you want to give us? What old fanon tropes have you enjoyed to this day?
I love the friendship trope/sibling dynamic.
What was the last rotbtd fic you read?
I can’t remember, but I’ve been super into this Walt academy comic that’s a bunch of Disney characters in college together. Highly recommend it, you won’t wanna put it down @welcometowaltacademy
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weasleylangs · 3 years
congrats love!!! 🥺
🦈can i get a ship with a boy Please?
im 5’4, brown shoulder length hair with bangs, blue eyes, fair skin - some people say I have a baby face. I’m a gryffindor.
Some people say that at the first glance I look like a mean girl, and some say that I look really innocent and pure- there is no in between haha. I like to do things out of my comfort zone. I’m a positive person. I’m always trying to make people around me comfortable. I’m loyal, really determined when I put my mind to sth and I think I give good advices. I’m interested in true crime cases, makeup, skincare, healthy lifestyle-exercising. I’m in theater class. I get fascinated about almost everything. I can be overdramatic, I’m overreacting and overthinking a lot. Also I get easily stressed and distracted. Since I used to be shy, I feel like I cant completely change that part of me, so I catch myself faking confidence a lot. Also I romanticize almost everything in my life. Though I’m open for people. when it comes to romantic relationships I have some trust issues.
Thank you!!!! Hope it wasn’t too long. Once again congrats and I wish you lots of success😚
hihih thank you so much!!!
i think im going to ship you with oliver! you both give me similar vibes- both super loyal, positive people with an interest in healthy lifestyle-exercising but also the overdramaticness (oliver is so dramatic in the books pleaseeeee). you’d be the best girlfriend supporting him at all his quidditch matches too in his spare quidditch jersey aaaaa :’) i think because oliver is so outgoing, it’d balance your shyness too and he’d help you come out of your shell!
come join my 500 follower sleepover!
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lovely-teeztaetae · 4 years
@strarrynighttone Heyyyy 💖💖First of all I want to say that I just love your writing 🥺💓it's just sooooo gooooooooood 💞and I wanted to ask if it's not to late to ask ship with Ateez pleaseeeee 👀🥺
Sooo I am 20 years old college student. I am 5'8 and have hourglass figure and have oval face. My hair is long dirty blond and eyes are green and pale skin type . I am INFP ✌🏻. Pansexual and proud. My zodiac is Leo 🌟.Oooo and I am hufflepuff 💛.Oh help me for describing myself bc I really bad at that, but let's gooo. Soooo I am really crazy from time to time. One moment I could be hyper active, happy other I am just depressed and anxious🙄. Oh I also really like caramel latte and most of the coffees and I like experiment making them... Welp I like cooking and I am decent at that. I also have resting poker face like my friends sometimes say that I scream bloody serial killer from that expression. I also give out good advices here and there, but never can't give advice to myself and follow it also I have really good sixth sense. I love my cat and dog sooooo much, but also love all animals. I really like to look out for make up at new looks out there. I love dancing 💃🏼 and I also like reading different kind of genres. When I meet new people I am really shy and reserved, because I don't really know that person and don't know what I can say and what I can't. With my friends and my family I am just crazy, playful, dirty minded, weird humour, dark jokes and all that jazz. I don't really intimate skin ship first, but if other person intimates it I will almost never turn it down . I love to cuddle and I think it's only times when I make first move. Also I sometimes can be whinny, and I cry easily when watching sad movies, but I don't really like crying in front others bc of my problems sooo I prefer to cry it out alone when listening to music. I am always ready to fight others if they insult or make people that are preciuos to me sad. But I don't really like to fight with people I love so I almost always comeback with apology and joke in hand (my mom just loves them). Most of the time I like wearing jeans and jumpers or blouses with jacket and sneakers or high-heeled boots and just on rare occasions I wear dresses and skirts, but I love fashion grungy style or vintage kind of styles. I love beaches and my dream is to live near one. I prefer night walks because I love to go star gazing.Most of the things I do almost always depends on my mood soooooo every time it's different things that I like to dooo like go out and put all night walk or just staying and reading and going to the club to dance. I think that's all I could get I think 😔
And again loveeeeee your blog ❤️❤️❤️💖💞💓 it's amazing and your are amazing hooooman💝
P. S sorry if there are any mistakes 🙏🏻🥺
It’s definitely not too late!
And with you, I see a lot of similarities with myself if I may :3
AND thank you so much for supporting me so much! It really does warm my heart to always get your notifications! :)
Okay, I now, with you, I see you as a very fun loving and kind person.
You’re creative, and can be an open book once you really get to know someone and are comfortable!
And sooooo, drumroll please ☺️
You gottttttttttt,,,,,,,,,
♡ Song Mingi ♡
Tumblr media
WHAAAAAAA MINGI, your fellow LEO! (Which can be VERY sassy at times!)
So, I paired you with our lovely big baby because both of you seem to be very entertaining!
And your shy demeanour gave Mingi an easy interest in you!
He liked how different you were from him, and how when you all talked, you’d give back snarky replies.
From the first time you two met Mingi knew you were gonna be one HECK of a person, but little did he know what it would blossom into~
While you’re the sweet and caring person, Mingi is the straight forward one. Which makes you guys the perfect duo 🥺
You’re both cute and cuddly, and so people assume your guys relationship is super cuddly and sweet.
But when you guys are alone, it isn’t always necessarily like that, there’s much more than what meets the eye.~
♡ FIRE ♡
- song ; ‘Glamazon’ RuPaul -
- ( Reason behind song ) -
This song was chosen because I feel like it can be a representation of how Mingi sees Y/n sometimes! And it is a very over the top concept which I love~
~ Le fluffy ~
“Alright, what color next?” I asked Mingi while subconsciously wiping the makeup brush onto my already stained shirt.
“Hmm, what goes with green and black?” He asked looking into the small mirror.
“Nothing.” I simply stated with a small smile.
He studied the pallete closely before landing on a bright red color in the top corner.
“Oh, try this one!” He said excitedly.
I looked up at him with loving eyes and gave him a small smile before studying the color.
“We ll, it goes with your hair.~” I cooed, pulling up his hair and causing him to let out a small laugh.
Now just where to put it? I thought in my head, seeing as one eye was a neon green and the other a glittery black.
“You could do one of those cut creases.” He stated pointing towards the center of his eye.
“How do you know what that is and even I don’t?” I teased, putting some pigment onto the brush. I’d of course heard of it before, but never tried it for myself.
“I have no idea how I do that though hang on-“ I grabbed my phone but he quickly stopped me.
“No no! I can teach you and show you how to.”
“Alright.” I said with a cheeky smile, setting my phone right back down where it was.
“Ohh this one next!” I exclaimed pointing towards the glittery blue shade.
Mingi looked at me with small eyes and began to apply the color to my eyelid.
And now, here we were, with random colors now spread all throughout our eyelids and cheeks.
Mingi decided that what he would do is put makeup on my eye to teach me, and I’d just follow along and mimick what he did to me.
And now, we both looked a mess, with both of our shirts stained with colors we didn’t even remembering using, and streaks we didn’t even remember creating.
“I must say, you look very handsome.” I teased, cooing his now that now also had red on it.
“You too~.” He cooed back.
“But beautiful! Not handsome!” He exclaimed, widening his tiny eyes.
“Awe so so cute~.” My free eye twinkled at him as my other one was getting lightly patted on with the brush.
And his eyes twinkled right back at me with a wide smile.
“Soo Y/n, I lost my key again so I’m gonna-” San and Yeosang walked through the door with multiple snacks I’m hand and stopped upon seeing us on my living room floor in the mess of makeup.
“Wow.” San said with squinted eyes, and I started to feel bad. We were all supposed to meet at the movies later tonight, but Yeosang and San decided to come over to the house to finish a series Mingi and I had started a while ago, as we only had four episodes left in the season.
“Oh gosh, sorry we-“
“And you didn’t invite us?” He asked with a painful look.
“My eyes are literally huge, I’d be able to fit twice as much as Mingi.” Yeosang joked, setting the food down and having a seat next to us, followed by San’s equally as eager self.
Well, this ought to be fun.
I hope you enjoyed this ship! And again I am so sorry it took a while :(
If you would like me to fix or change anything with it just let me know! :)
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guildedlily6 · 4 years
could you do a finn x poe from star wars? maybe some fluff or angst or something. pleaseeeee
Finn x Poe Dameron One-Shot
Summary: When sent on a Resistance mission to get something for Leia, Finn and Poe get separated, resulting in Poe getting injured.  Once back on the base planet, Finn discovers his feelings for Poe.
Author’s Note: This is kinda trash, so I’m sorry to who submitted this.  Also this is just a one-shot because I have no ideas for a storyline that this could possibly develop into.  To the people who don’t ship stormpilot, just ignore this and pretend it doesn’t exist.
Word Count: 1,107
Warnings: angst, smut, a lil bit of fluff.
I continue to run through the strange woods.  
Where could he have gone?  We need to get out of here!
The mission was to land on the planet, get what Leia needed, and then leave as quickly as we could.
However, the inhabitants of this planet decided to make this difficult.  Poe and I got split up and now I can’t find him.
I race through the woods, whipping my head around wildly, scanning the multicolored trees.
Should I leave him behind?  No!  I can’t do that and I would never do that.  What if he found the others and now everyone’s looking for me?
I hear a scream from somewhere in the distance.
My feet pound against the ground and my heart rate picks up.  I reach the edge of a clearing and hide behind a thick, blue tree.
Peeking my head around the tree, I see Poe lying on the ground.  The aliens- I forgot their name- are retreating back into the woods, some injured from what I would guess was Poe’s blaster.  I feel admiration for a moment before panic settles in.
I wait until the coast is fully clear before darting out into the middle of the clearing to where Poe has collapsed on the ground.
I gently shake him.  “Poe?  Poe, are you okay?  We have to get out of here.”  I pause and look at the timer on my wrist.  “There’s fifteen minutes before the fighter jets are supposed to leave.”
I examine his torso.  There’s some sort of deep gash going across his ribs, the skin around it an angry red.  Blood is flowing from it freely.  I remember Rey telling me something about putting pressure on wounds.
I take off my jacket- Poe’s jacket, actually- and carefully press it down onto the gash.  Poe groans in pain.
“The fighter jets… they’re too far away….is my jet okay?” Poe asks, ever concerned about his precious fighter jet.
“Your jet is fine.  Can you walk?”  Without waiting for an answer, I grab his hand and pull him to his feet, putting his arm around my shoulders.
We walk as quickly as we can, Poe pressing his old jacket into his side.  I try to mask my worry.
Are we going to make it?  Is Poe going to make it?  What if they’ve already left without us?  No, they can’t leave without Poe, he’s the best pilot in all of the Resistance.
A few minutes after hastily making our way through the strange woods, I feel Poe starting to go limp beside me.
“Hey, just stay awake, okay?  We’ll make it back to the fighter jets and be alright, and you’ll be fine and okay and perfectly safe and-”
“Sounds like… you’re trying… to convince yourself… more than me,” Poe breathes out the last words before falling unconscious.
His limp weight brings us both down to the ground.
No no no no, this isn’t happening.  How much time has passed?  I look at my wrist timer.  Five minutes left.
I hastily get up and drag Poe up with me.  His hand is no longer holding his wound.  He has little time before-
Stop it.
Stumbling through the trees, I make it back to the fighter jets just in time to see their engines firing up.  I wave my free arm wildly in the air in hopes they’ll see us.
“Finn!  What happened to Poe?  Is he alright?”  One of the pilots leans out of their jet, looking concerned.
“Poe’s hurt.  I don’t know how to fly his jet,” I say, but honestly I couldn’t care less about Poe’s jet.  All that matters is that Poe is okay.
“It’s alright, just get in my jet,” the pilot offers, opening up the latch.  She reaches out and grabs Poe, heaving him up into the jet.  I climb in after Poe is safely inside the jet.
I sit beside Poe the whole way back to our base planet.  I can’t help but think of what I would’ve done if I hadn’t found Poe.
How come I’ve never felt this way for Rey?  Sure, I’ve been worried about her before, but this is a different feeling.
__________(Time skip)__________
“I’m sure he’ll be fine, Poe,” Rey says, giving me a reassuring smile before leaving the medical room.
I look back down at a sleeping Poe, who’s lying on a make-shift medical cot the Resistance base has.  It’s been three hours since we left the alien planet.  Logically, Poe is probably still asleep because of the painkiller stuff he was given, but my mind continues to run through hundreds of other scenarios that include Poe not waking up.
Poe shifts on the cot and slowly opens his eyes.  “Finn?”
I immediately lean in closer.  “How do you feel?  Do you remember what happened?”
“I’m peachy-keen, Finn.  Never been better,” he says, but his wince when he tries to sit up says otherwise.
Impulsively, I put one hand on his shoulder and one on his back to try and support him.
Poe looks at me.  “I’m fine, Finn, really.”
A beat of silence goes by as we lock eyes.
“I just… Uh I guess I was just worried about you,” I explain, breaking our eye contact.
“You saved me, Finn,” Poe states, still looking at me.
“Yeah… Um…”  I scratch the back of my neck awkwardly.
Suddenly he wraps his arms around the back of my neck and kisses me.
To say at the least, I’m taken aback.
Everything makes sense now.  The pure panic at the thought of losing him.  Randomly staring at his lips.  The weird feeling in my stomach when we accidentally brush against each other.
I kiss back, harder.  It heats up and Poe seems to disregard his wound.
Then the door opens.
“Finn, Leia says you should-” Rey freezes in the middle of her sentence.  Poe and I break apart, startled.  “...get some sleep,” she finishes.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t know you would walk in like that-” I jump in to try and break the awkwardness, but I get interrupted.
“No, no, it’s fine.  I just didn’t know you two were together already.  I mean, it was kind of obvious, but-”  She pauses and takes a deep breath.  “I’m just going to go now,” she says before swiftly exiting the room and shutting the door.
“Finn, I’m sorry.  If you don’t… you know…”  Finn looks at me, apologetic.
“What?  I don’t think I realized it before, but…”  My eyes move to meet his once again.
“Say less,” he breathes, his usual confidence evident again.  Our lips connect again.
Hope at least some of you enjoyed this.  Thanks for reading!
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