#he was whining about wanting mashed potatoes so I said
cozycryptidcorner · 7 months
I am the Bitch who puts other people’s boyfriends to work lmao he’s currently bent over the trash can carefully peeling potatoes
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luveline · 10 months
Hi there! I hope your day’s been going well :)
Could you maybe write something with Spencer where Reader faints? Feel free to ignore this if you’re not up for it!!
thank u for ur request! fem!reader, 1.6k
"It's so hot," you say, startled. The lobby of the hotel had been blissfully air-conditioned. The difference hits you immediately. 
"Don't worry about blazers or professional attire," Hotch says, though he quickly amends, "within reason."
You take off your jacket and follow the herd of the BAU into the black SUVs. The SUVs are even hotter than the outdoors, blistering ovens of heat that have you feeling nauseous instantaneously. Spencer rubs your arm with the back of his hand swiftly —it's a friendly touch to say he's here, but it's quick to prevent any unnecessary added heat. 
It's August in Texas, 107 degrees Fahrenheit. Emily smells distinctly of sunscreen from the front passenger seat. Derek, behind the wheel, looks hot around the collar. Spencer looks as though he wishes he'd had a haircut before he came, chin length curls tucked tight behind his ears. 
Despite this, none of them complain beyond the general whine every now and then. You try very hard to shut up and focus on the case with them, but as the day goes on, bumping you from hot car to hot crime scene (with all inclusive smells of gore!), you feel wobbly on your feet. 
"Spence?" you ask, sitting in a hard-backed chair in the police precinct. 
"Yeah?" He doesn't look away from the geographical profile he's building. You're supposed to be helping, but your notes are half-hearted, likely useless. "What?" 
"Do you have any water?" 
He pushes a pin into the left of the map and grabs a ruler. "No, sorry. There's a staff room by the bullpen, the secretary said to help ourselves. Actually, she said to 'go ham.'"
"Okay. I'll be right back. And I'll be more helpful." 
"You're plenty helpful," he murmurs, leaning down to follow the line of his rules with a pencil. 
You don't feel helpful, you feel awful. Head heavy, eyes aching, every step sends a jolt through your teeth and jaw, your skull like a mashed potato. You know you're a poor sight with sweat wetting your hair and a crawling sensation between your legs and the fabric of your pants. 
Letting yourself into the staff room, you're unsurprised to find a bone dry water cooler and a crate of water bottles with only one remaining. Spencer needs a drink too, and he has a thing about germs. You frown at the water bottle as though that might duplicate it, but when it doesn't, you're forced to take it and put it under your arm. You look around for a mug to at least have some tap water no matter how ill-advised that may be. They're all dirtied in the sink and on tables. Fuck. 
Spencer is super, super lovely to you. You wonder sometimes if he might ask you out, or at least want to, but most of the time you're sure it's just a little extra friendliness because he knows how it feels to be the youngest on the team, how patronised or lonely it gets. And the weight of trying to prove yourself every mission, it's almost as heavy as your head. 
"Hey," Spencer says as you open the conference room door. "I think I've worked something out. Could you call Garcia for me? I've got dry-erase marker on my hands." 
"Got this for you," you say, offering him the bottle. He takes it without looking. 
"Thanks. Are you feeling any better? I know you can be sensitive to the heat." 
"Maybe we can get portable fans on the FBI budget next year," you say wistfully, pushing a chair in at the table. You lean on it to grab the phone in the middle of a sea of papers and cases and jackets, black spots popping up in your vision. "My head's rushing." 
"Hey, guys," Emily says, sounding strangely chipper as she and Hotch trudge in. Her hair is in a tight ponytail away from her face. 
You try to greet them and end up hanging your head. 
"Y/N," Spencer chokes, alarmed.
You slump forward over the chair, desperate to keep your footing and failing. Your shin knocks into the chair and your hands grasp at the top of it, but you can't hold yourself up any longer, knocking your face into the chair as you collapse. A cheap tent in a strong breeze, you fall with little more than a weak sigh. 
You're hurting a lot when you come to, blinking like your lashes have been brushed with glue. The lights have been turned off, and a blissful chill soaks your hairline. Someone presses a water bottle to your lips and lifts your head. You drink half the contents in three gulps and get laid down again with the utmost care. 
"She's coming around," Hotch says. 
Your neck aches propped over a leg. Two deft hands hold your head still. 
"Don't move too much," Spencer says, his voice odd. You blink as his face moves into view upside down. "An EMT is on the way, okay? You passed out." 
You can't find your voice. Spencer strokes your cheek with his thumb, says, "Hey, can you hear me? Let's hear your voice. Talk to me." 
"You don't sound like yourself," you say hoarsely, each word tenuous. You wince at the bruising heat that radiates from your nose with each word. 
"I'm worried about you," Spencer admits. "It makes it hard to stay objective." 
"No, you sound funny." 
"I'm worried," he repeats. His smile is strained. 
"She's okay," Hotch says. 
You realise Emily's got your hand in hers when she squeezes it. "Have you had anything to drink today?" she asks you, fondly incredulous. 
"No, she hasn't, and I didn't say anything about it. I'm an idiot. I'm so sorry, Y/N," Spencer says. 
"Y/N's responsible for her own preservation, Reid. And it's been a tough case, with the heat. Let's not blame anyone for anything." You press your chin to your chest to see Hotch's anxious frown. "We will be having a discussion about this later." 
You turn your face into Spencer's thigh. "Oh." 
"Don't close your eyes," Hotch says. He employs a firm, boss-like tone that has you rushing to follow orders. "You hit your head." 
"I don't feel well," you complain, wanting to close your eyes.
"Considering your behaviour," Spencer says, one of his hands trailing down your face, neck, and collar, where he rests it genially, "you likely have a mild to moderate concussion. And you're dehydrated, so you'll be feeling the effects more severely."
"Why haven't you been drinking?" Emily asks. 
"I just…" You blink sluggishly. "I don't know… We don't take anything that isn't coffee with us places and…" You lean your cheek into Spencer's hand, not quite connecting that it's his hand, or that you're laying on the precinct floor. "They only had one bottle in the staff room." 
"Why didn't you drink it?" Spencer asks softly. 
"I knew you hadn't had anything to drink, either." 
"We could've shared," he says, sounding genuinely confused. 
"You don't like sharing stuff like that. Germs." 
Spencer's voice is barely above a whisper, "I wouldn't care about your germs, Y/N. They're your germs." 
You don't have time to ask him what he means, but you've ample time to think about it on loop when the EMT arrives. He props you up, checking you over thoroughly, shining a light in your eyes and deeming you concussed.
"You don't have to see a doctor," the EMT advises. "But we're happy to take you to the hospital if that's what you want." 
"Yes," Spencer says, as you say, "No." 
Spencer puts a hand on your shoulder blade. It is an extremely forward move on his part, so unlike him that you recognise how odd it is despite your foggy mind. "She should go." 
"She fainted, Spencer," Emily says. 
"Exactly! So she should go to the hospital and–"
"I didn't break anything," you say, waving a shaky hand at the small but concerned crowd of people you've attracted. 
"Luckily," the EMT says. "Drink plenty of water and take it easy. Don't be afraid to call again if you feel worse." 
Hotch walks the EMT out, needing to take a phone call. Emily goes with him, promising to return with a dry shirt for you to wear now that yours has been soaked at the collar by the water they'd been cooling you down with while you were unconscious. 
Spencer settles practically knee to knee with you in two of the uncomfortable chairs, his assessing gaze frankly perturbing. 
"You'd share germs with me?" you ask. 
Spencer's hand leaps across the gap to yours where it rests on your knee. His eyes, brown and sweet, have all the light of a blinding smile as his lips quirk into something more sheepish. "If it stopped you from fainting, yeah. And even if it didn't, I'd be stupid to care about germs when I…" 
You breathe out slowly. "When you what?" 
"Well," he says, looking down at your hands. "I guess I just wouldn't mind your germs, that's all." 
If he's saying what you think he's saying, he's doing it in the most Spencer Reid way possible. Concussed, your charisma fails you. You've no wit to tease him with. 
You fold your hand around his. "Thanks for catching me," you say gently. 
He squeezes your fingers clumsily. "You're welcome. But it was actually mostly Emily." 
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lilghostiequinni · 16 days
Not Strawberry
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Main Masterlist Lando Masterlist
Pairing: ginger!female oc x Lando Norris
Warnings: Fluffy
Summary: She's been in London the last few years, doing long-distance with her boyfriend in Monaco, but when she's finally able to move in with him, people are shocked to learn Lando Norris has had a long time girlfriend.
Requested: NO / yes
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Max had convinced Lando to stream tonight, weeks ago, before Lando knew his girlfriend was going to be moving in, and now, he's regretting it.
Max had met Rowan more than a few times during the relationship, and while he would have allowed Lando to not join the stream, a couple of other streamers were going to be on tonight, all of which Lando had promised to be there.
So, here Lando is getting ready to stream and also not wanting to let his girlfriend go.
"But baby, I don't want to," Lando whines to his girlfriend as he pushes his head into her neck.
"You are the one that promised, and you knew I was moving in this week," Rowan points out to her boyfriend as she runs her fingers through his curls.
Lando groans as he pulls away, whining the whole time to his stream room.
"I'll make dinner as you do," Ro calls after the groaning Brit.
She hears a faint okay from the room as Lando leaves the door open just a crack so he can hear if his girlfriend needs him.
In the kitchen, Rowan picks up her tablet, logs into Twitch, and turns on Lando's stream as she moves around the kitchen, getting everything she needs to make their dinner, which is Traditional Swedish Meatballs with mashed potatoes and roasted carrots and some dessert, which is Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte, or Black Forest Gateaux.
Also, she had been craving her mom's homemade cinnamon rolls, which she stole the recipe for before moving to Monaco.
Lando also made the request for cheesecake as he was bragging to Max about and she was going to make it happen.
She was bored and didn't just want to stand around and wait for Lando to be done.
She was watching the stream as she made the meatballs for dinner.
"Baby, that smells so good," Lando calls out as she gets them frying in the pan.
Rowan smiles at her boyfriend as she watches the chat of his stream go crazy about learning the rumors about Lando having a girlfriend.
Lando realizes what he said and that he didn't mute his mic as he did, and Rowan chuckles at the driver but not entirely loud enough to hear her.
"Yeah, I have a girlfriend and have for the last 5 years, but she was just now able to move to Monaco because of personal reasons. I will not tell you at this moment," Lando reveals as he continues to play with his friends.
"Max, does he really have a girlfriend, or is he just playing?" One of the other gamers asked the driver's best friend.
"Yeah, he does, and she's got some great red hair," Max answers.
The other streamer stopped for a second and looked at the camera, "Is she a natural red or like box die?"
"She's naturally a ginger. She's currently cooking because that's like her favorite thing to do aside from writing her novels," Lando says, still playing the game.
Rowan stands in the kitchen and for the life of her, cannot open the jar of condensed milk.
"Lando," She starts as she knocks on the door of the 'stream' room.
Lando stands and goes to the door and sees his girlfriend with her sad face and an unopened jar of condensed milk; Lando chuckles and grabs the jar and opens it for the girl, then she kisses his cheek and walks back to the kitchen.
Lando goes back to his stream, and the comment is going crazy about why he stopped in the middle of a round to go to the door.
"My girlfriend couldn't open a jar, and I just helped her; it wasn't long. It's fine," It may seem a little snippy, but he doesn't want a big deal made out of something he does for her because he just wants to help.
Lando stays on the stream for a little while longer before Rowan knocks again and says that dinner is done, to which he nods and tells the guys he has to go
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Another thing that Lando promised is that while the two go to England to get a few more of Rowan's things, while Lando does some work at McLaren.
Another thing he wanted out of not yet wanting to share his girlfriend with the world, even if he does have to do so for her books.
Lando sits in the car and rests his head on the headrest, "Do we really have to do this?"
"Yes baby, you promised Max," Rowan says to him.
Lando looks at her and takes a moment before getting out of the car and then walks over to her side and opens the car door.
Rowan got out as Max came over, and he pulled the ginger into a hug.
"Ready?" He questions when he pulls away.
"No, I don't want to share," Lando whines as he pulls Rowan to him, and she tucks herself under his arm.
Max chuckles at the answer he got from Lando, and the two follow mate to where they are shooting the video.
"This your girlfriend?" One of the Quadrant members asks when they see the three.
"I thought she was going to be strawberry or box red, not actual ginger," A different member says.
"Not strawberry. Full, natural ginger," Rowan says as they get done speaking.
Lando chuckles at his girlfriend; he can't remember how many times she's said the same line whenever people see her hair color.
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A/N: I would like to point out that I don't do Twitch, so let me know if I got something wrong. So, I have a quick question for those being tagged; what other drivers would you like to be tagged in that I have. There's Carlos, Max, Oscar, & Charles. What about F1 ships?
Tags: @poppyflower-22 @samantha-chicago @barcelonaloverf1life @tallrock35 @hellothere9597
If you want to be removed from a tag list, let me know so I don't keep tagging you. If you are striked through, I don't know if you want to be tagged, but just let me know if you want me to continue or stop
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dwindlinghaze · 1 year
Hello! Soo I was wondering if I could request a RemusxReader oneshot/blurb with this scenario. Hear me out:
Reader openly talking to the girls about her crush on Remus she as had for years and just being so casual talking about how much she likes him and thinks he's amazing and hot, and how much she loves him (practically me simping for Rem) and she isn't embarrassed cuz she's known Lily and Marlene for years and they're used to talk like that and tease each other kindly (they usually do it to Lily). But they don't know that Remus and the boys are "accidentally" listening to their conversation.
Lmk what you think! Thankyou ly, byebye <3
moon river
(remus lupin x reader)
contents : fluff, the marauders being nosy af and eavesdropping, bad writing and not proofread :(
a/n : hello anon!!! ty so so much for the request and im so so sorry for taking so long in writing it. but hey i am here and im at your service ;) i rly hope u like this and it fulfilled what you asked for ☁️☁️
  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
"[y/n] are you free tonight? or does loverboy has to take you away before midnight?" marlene said, linking your arms together as you two walked inside the common room.
"yes... why?"
"charms assignment that you need me to help you with?"
"ah fine," you eyes slowly averted to the smile of none other that remus lupin. your mind goes fuzzy all of a sudden. he was joking and laughing with james in front of the fireplace. "he looks so happy today," you whispered to yourself, smiling.
"aww, you care about his happiness! just make out already," marlene said, wiggling her thick brows.
"that's one step beyond. not ethical," you shook your head in a mocking manner. "where's lily by the way? is she up here already?"
marlene shrugged as she opened the door to the dormitory, letting the warm air hit both of their faces.
later that night, you were helping marlene out on the charms essay and let's just say... it wasn't going as planned.
"marl, it's not how it is. you have to read the whole thing first then make your own summary about it so professor flitwick won't accuse you of plagiarism."
"but there's too many! why isn't there a charms to shorten paragraphs," she whined like a child on the sidewalk when their moms didn't get ice cream.
"liliana, help me over here. marl doesn't want to read,"
"i doing my eye mask, can't stand up," she reasoned stupidly.
"eye masks stick to your under eyes. yes you can stand up without them falling off. i wish remus was here, he can probably summarise four pages in just two minutes, he's incredibly smart," you closed your little tired eyes.
"if remus was here, he wont be teaching me anything, he would be too busy with you," marlene scoffed, although she is teasing.
"that's right," lily agreed. "remember this morning when [y/n] dropped mashed potatoes on his head? he didn't even blame her! he was blushing."
"also in dada, didn't you see remus was basically mumbling a mantra to be partnered up with [y/n], that's so sweet," marlene continued in a teasing voice, her charms assignment completely tossed of to the side.
you think to yourself, a conversation about remus late at night is way more interesting than charms. so you didn't budge. "aw yea he did, i saw," you cheeks turned crimson as you smile.
"isn't he just so... beautiful? i never look at anyone- except for my barbie dolls when i was five- this way. he is just right in every way."
"mhmmm keep going my love," marlene replied, after noticing a slight crack in the door with the marauders behind it. they were appalled when marlene saw them but marlene stays quiet, sending a wink their way.
at first, they were up here because james wanted to return lily's hair clip in which the boy slyly stole during class for this moment. but the others insisted to go up to see her reaction for some reason.
remus wouldn't complain though. he got to hear what the girl he loves for so much has to say bout him when he's not around.
your back was facing the door with your legs crossed over your chest and you hugging them. "his face may be pretty, but i think his heart is way prettier. for god's sake he holds my hand when i was anxious for that history presentation! he knows my needs so well."
"yes, that's so kind of him," lily urged for you to continue so she can tease you about it the next morning in front of remus lupin.
"and the best part is, remus respects women! he treats me like how i treat the girls and women around me. that's the hottest thing a guy could ever do," you dazed out, burying your face in between your kneecaps.
"ugh we love a respectful king, don't we girls!" marlene said purposely loud so remus can hear the conversation wide and clear from the door. his eyes were basically making heart eyes at the back of your head, his smile is like he had just won a contest and to hide that would be so dishonest.
"i told you to get her on a date sooner, she is the one!" sirius nudged remus rather harshly, but he was too focused on you.
"but what i don't like about him is the fact that he thinks he's not worthy of anything. he is. he deserves the biggest apology and happiness there ever was. he is like a moon river. i would roll my ship at night just to see the sparkles that he got. my huckleberry friend."
"isn't that enough to confirm that [y/n] loves you back, remus?" marlene shouted, her vision straight to the door.
your eyes widened in panic as your blood rushed into your cheeks. was remus hearing all of this? oh no freaking way- he can't be!
the door swung open, revealing the marauders who were standing with their jaws on the floor.
"i'm going out," lily spoke up, slipping out the door with james running after her like a lost puppy.
"you better do something," marlene winked at remus as she pushed him inside the room. remus nodded numbly, processing on what just happened. marlene was already dragging sirius down to give their friends privacy.
"hey, can i come in?"
"gosh i'm so sorry you heard all of that! you don't understand how embarrassing it is for me right now. i wish to disappear!" you scrunched your face, mortified by what his reactions may be.
"listen, uh, what you said were- it really makes me happy that you think of me that way because... so do i! i've been scared to say anything because i just- wasn't sure if you like me that way or not..."
"well, you heard it... what am i going to do now," you whispered the last part under your breath.
lucky for remus, he's got super hearing powers due to his lycanthropy so he heard that as clear as the sky is blue. "we can do what girlfriend and boyfriend do," remus answered shyly, playing with the end of your blanket that dropped from your bed.
"excuse me ma'am, you haven't asked me for dinner yet and now we're girlfriend and boyfriend?" you said in a joking manner to ease the tension out.
"okay let's do baby steps. come here, m'love, want to hold my girl," he opened his arms with his eyes closed. does he even know how cute he is right now?
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darklcy · 8 months
𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐞.
‣ requsted by @ipromiseimnotthirsty : hello! if your requests are open, would you write robin x reader smut where reader has been teasing robin all day until she snaps? maybe they’ve been in public/with other people/in class all day and then they get home? thank you!!
‣ robin buckley x f! reader | stranger things mastelist | 1.5k words | 18+ MDNI, heavy petting, skin on skin, sexual tension, swearing, reader has boobas, college au, no use of y/n, fingering, make out sesh
‣ this is actually one of the first times i've ever written smut so i hope i did you justice adfafawe sorry this one took so long! enjoy my luvs
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Something must’ve been in the air today, she thinks.
Surely that’s why her skin flared red, insides grinding like an engine, knee bouncing beneath her desk anxiously while trying to find a rhythm with the pencil in her grip. Professor Smith’s lecture faded quiet, the woman pointing to an assignment on the board that was to be finished come Monday morning. Robin slouched further into her chair.
…A shoe trails the inside of her calf. 
Her eyes close while her lips tighten. Nudging it away, she ignores the playful scoff behind her. 
Quit it.
The shoe lightly pokes her back, the tip of a canvas converse tapping into her corduroy pants. Smith and the chalkboard mesh together in a blur, a sweaty induced blur with Robin’s only focus being the damn girl behind her. The same damn girl who’s been riling up her nerves the whole class period.
The tip of a finger twirls around a strand of Robin’s bob, a phantom sensation of pulling on her scalp before the tension releases. Something’s gotta be in the air today.
The lunch line was annoyingly long today. Her weight shifts from feet to feet as her shoulder leans against the wall, awaiting her turn to enter the school cafe and order some overpriced food the campus provides. Not her usual choice, but waking up late damned her to forget packing a sack lunch. A student with a plastic tray walks by. Salisbury steak and mashed potatoes. Her nose twitches.
A sharp pinch to her side jolts her awake.
Of course it’s you. Robin’s hand flies to her chest.
“My god, you scared me.”
“Good, I was trying to.”
Do you even know what you’re doing or is it just a state of oblivion?
“What’s for lunch today?”
“Uhh, steak and mashed potatoes.”
She watches you contemplate. 
“Hm. I’ll save you a spot.”
Your hand caresses her shoulder, but as you depart, trails down her arm before releasing at her wrist. Goosebumps stem up from her fingertips, unable to do anything else except watch you prance away to an empty table, joining a couple other classmates, and sure enough, placing your bag to the seat right next to yours.
You smile in greeting like it was just a regular day. It was almost mocking her. Her freckles could feel the heat underneath her pores. 
Someone taps her shoulder. “Can you move up.”
— Last period of the day. Thank god.
She’d just about had it with you and your damn mannerisms. It’s never riled her up like this before, but surely there’s something in the air, with how much she wants to just-
“Wanna hangout today?”
You two hangout every day, yet you still ask. She hops in your passenger seat and leans her cheek against her palm, strategically moving her knees a bit away from you. Your hand still finds its way to her knee.
You commuted to class everyday, seeing how you only lived a couple blocks down the road. Robin doesn’t complain, her roommate wasn’t really her favorite person to hangout with anyways. Most days it was just awkward silence and greetings. 
“You won’t believe what happened in chem. Jason Carver messed up on the lab, and made a huge mess. His face was so fucking funny, he kept whining about how his sweater was ruined.”
You shake your head with laughter. Robin doesn’t react.
“Rob? You listening? I just said Jason Carver made an ass of himself and you’re like not responding.”
She raises her head when you squeeze her knee twice.
“Oh, yeah. No, that’s funny.”
You scoff. “I love your enthusiasm.”
Robin’s tongue rolls the inside of her mouth, her face returning to its rest against her palm. 
The familiar neighborhood streets fade in, your car slowing to a park, when Robin finally breaks. Her hands pull you into her immediately, her torso leaning over the gear shift to reach you better. She feels you smile against her, your hands gripping her hair and tugging gently. 
“You’ve been driving me crazy all fucking day.”
Robin groans into your mouth while taking a swoop of air, only to dive back into you again.
“I was trying to.”
She wants to ruin you. She wants to take you here and now. She wants you to shut the fuck up.
Your lips taste so sweet. The gasps and whines she drives out of you she immediately drinks in. She’s so lost in you that the roll of your bodies hitting the horn startle you both apart with a jolt.
Robin swears as you burst out laughing. She glares down at you, but surrenders at your expression, your face squinting with giggles and smiles. She adores you. With a sigh, she bends down to steal another kiss. 
“Let’s go inside.”
You hum. “Good idea.”
Robin starts immediately where you left off. The second you two enter your room, she grabs hold of you again, not wasting any time to place her mouth on yours. She feels you hold onto her waist, gently rubbing your fingers against her sides. Robin bites your lip when you pinch her.
“You don’t know when to quit, do you?”
The back of your knees buckle against your bed, allowing Robin to fully settle herself on top. 
She hates how you pop the ‘p.’
This way is much better, she finds. No damn gear shift or car horn to drive you apart now. This way she can feel you entirely, your warmth, your breath, your soft skin. Her knee glides up to rest between your legs, smiling when you stutter, your fingers desperately grabbing onto her. Robin rubs herself up and down, her weight and position making you two hungry for more, kisses growing deeper and deeper. Who needs to breathe air when she could just live here, in your body, in your affection?
She feels her shirt rise with her movements, to which she momentarily pauses to sit up and rid herself of the damn thing. You take this chance to follow her, exposing more of yourself to her and quickly meeting her lips again. Your fingers trail up and down her shoulder blades, her spine, her nape. Your nails become your new eyes, wanting to memorize every single freckle and pore of Robin’s skin down to the minute detail. Robin was so beautiful. Her freckles were probably your favorite thing about her. If you could, you’d kiss every single one. You started with her collarbones, then her shoulders, your teeth gently biting her in between.
Robin’s arms encased around your shoulders, starting to mess with the back of your wired bra before snapping it off. She moved lower to embrace your breasts with her tongue, each lick and kiss quickening your breaths. With a pop, Robin moves to the other, her tongue swirling around the bud before wrapping her mouth around it entirely. 
“You know..”
Robin peers up at you through her eyelashes, her lips still working on your left breast.
“If I’d known messing with you would get you like this… I would’ve done it a lot sooner.”
You gasp when her teeth bites your nipple.
“Shut up.”
Robin’s tongue licks into your mouth greedily, shutting you up in the best way. You find the latch hooking her bra together and eagerly rip it off, your fingers grabbing at her while her mouth occupies itself with yours. Robin leans on her right elbow while her left hand redirects yours to the hem of her jeans, letting out a hum when they dip inside and find where she needs you most. 
She’s so warm and slick with heat, you find no trouble slipping in a finger inside, curling rhythmically and slowly. Robin moans against you, breaking apart from you to your neck, letting herself rest there while you get her ready. It’s not long before you slip in another finger, even allowing her to grind down against you to rid some of the ache. 
She practically whines when your fingers leave her.
“Take this thing off.”
She obeys instantly. Her jeans fall heavy to the floor and you’re back at it, her heat missing the two seconds you weren’t inside her.
Her moans and whines could sustain you forever. It feels so good to make her feel good, you could probably reach your limit right here and now just drunk off her pleasure. Three fingers in now, pumping in and out, in and out. She’s close, you can feel it. It’s almost amusing how her cool exterior dumbs down to whimpers the moment someone touches her. 
“I’m getting, I’m,”
You leave a lingering kiss on her cheek, while Robin’s eyes clenched shut, her walls closing down on your fingers as she lets go. Her moans are euphoric and beautiful, and being this close you can feel them all around you, surrounding your five senses, and you find yourself starting to moan with her, too.
Her body collapses onto you, her sweaty cheek meeting the crook of your neck while your slick covered fingers come up to your lips to be licked clean. Robin can hear you hum at the sensation, annoyingly popping your fingers like a cartoon character after finishing a gourmet meal.
“You taste so sweet, Rob.”
You can’t hold back your grin as she groans into your skin.
“God, shut up.”
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satansapostle6 · 5 months
Kids | Rodrick Heffley
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Rodrick Heffley becomes obsessed when he finally meets his thirty-five year old band mate, Bill Walter’s, younger sister.
Warnings: Mature themes/language. Drug use. Sexual content. Violence.
“The Perks of Being A Disappointment”
“Meet the Fuckers”
Rodrick was so nervous for his parents to meet Sara as his girlfriend for the first time, he had to change his shirt a second time because he sweat through it. Greg certainly wasn’t making the whole situation any easier on him, so he had to cope on his own.
“Mom! Have you seen my tie?!”
Greg looked out into the hallway at his older brother in confusion.
“Why do you need your tie?” Susan questioned. “You do know, you’re not the one meeting us, right?”
“Mom, will you just tell me where my tie is?” Rodrick whined, running around frantically.
“I don’t know, honey, I have to finish up dinner.”
Sara arrived at the Heffley house for dinner about a half hour later. Too nervous to allow her to speak to either of his parents right off the bat, Rodrick ran towards the front door once she texted him saying she’d arrived.
“Thank God you’re here early,” he sighed.
“What the fuck are you wearing?” Sara demanded, stepping over the threshold.
“I was thinking the same thing,” Greg remarked as he came down the stairs.
She had showed up to the house wearing jeans and a black, long sleeved sweater that was both simple and conservative. Rodrick noticed she had even gone through the trouble of removing all of her makeup, still managing to draw attention even with just her thin, fluffy brows, long lashes, and septum piercing.
“What, you don’t like it?” Rodrick’s eyes widened in a panic.
“No, baby, I love it.”
Realizing just how worried he’d been this entire time, Sara took his face in her hands, lightly kissing his lips.
“Wait, so you two really are dating?” Greg stated.
“Yeah,” Sara nodded, waiting for it to sink in.
“Is he paying you, or something?”
“Fuck off! I’m trying to have a conversation with my girlfriend,” Rodrick growled.
“Rodrick! Language!” Susan Heffley appeared from around the corner, taking a moment to realize Sara had arrived. “Sara. Hi,” she said in embarrassment, looking flustered.
“Hi, Mrs. Heffley,” Sara greeted her amiably.
“Dinner will be ready soon… You kids just stick around,” the woman smiled awkwardly.
“Did you need any help in the kitchen?” Sara asked politely. “I can help you with whatever you need,” she said hopefully, trying to form a bond with her boyfriend’s mother.
“Um… That’s very sweet of you, honey, but I think I’m okay,” Susan smiled.
“Sure, no problem,” Sara responded, awkwardly smoothing back her shoulder-length blonde hair.
“Food will be ready in a minute. Rodrick, set the table.”
Rodrick turned back to his girlfriend, letting her follow along as he grabbed utensils for the table. Eventually, the rest of the Heffley family gathered around the table as Susan set the food on the table. Sara sat beside Rodrick, feeling him reach for her hand, feeling nervous as he watched his family settle in, hoping they wouldn’t completely embarrass him.
“Mmm. The mashed potatoes are really good, Mrs. Heffley,” Sara commended.
“Thank you,” she smiled as she ate.
Eventually, the conversation between Sara and Rodrick and the adults came to another natural lull.
“Say, how’s your Mom doing, Sara?” Frank spoke up, anxious about the silence. “I heard she left her job at the bank a while back. How long was she there, like, thirty years?” he asked, impressed.
“Yeah, like thirty, thirty-one years,” Sara nodded, “Randy wanted her to work from home,” she cleared her throat, not expecting the topic to affect her.
“Randy… That’s your stepfather?” he recalled.
“Yeah,” Sara tried to force a smile to hide her bitterness.
“What?” Frank asked curiously, not meaning anything by it. “He’s not a nice guy?”
“Dad…” Rodrick warned.
“Rodrick, he’s only asking a question,” Susan sighed, “Isn’t that what you wanted?”
Rodrick scowled, about to mouth off before Sara wrapped a hand gently around his bicep, trying to pacify him.
“It’s fine, uh, Randy’s… He’s my brother’s dad,” Sara tried to find a way to be positive.
“You know, being a step-parent isn’t easy,” Susan pointed out, unnecessarily contrarian. “I’ve covered that in my column.”
“What do you know about step-parenting?” Greg interjected, before earning a pointed glare from his father.
“My friend’s husband is good friends with Randy Sharpe. He’s a very pleasant man,” Susan offered.
“Have you even met him?!” Rodrick asked impatiently.
“Rodrick. It’s fine,” Sara brushed it off, already uncomfortable and overstimulated.
“You should appreciate him,” Susan offered, “I’m sure he makes a lot of sacrifices for your family.”
In spite of what she felt on the inside, Sara just nodded, her face twisted with discomfort.
“Appreciate that asshole? Really?” Rodrick felt offended at the idea. “The same douchebag that made her mom give up a good job just so she could do his dishes?!”
“Rodrick, I said it’s fine,” Sara gritted her teeth.
He just looked at her, a mixture of rage and anguish on his face as he realized a scene wasn’t what she wanted. Every bone in his body told him that retaliating was the right way to stand up for her, but he went against his better instincts in an attempt to respect her wishes.
“This is going well, huh, guys?” Greg remarked with a smile on his face, amusing no one.
“Mommy! Juice!” Manny interrupted, as Susan immediately turned to tend to him.
“So, Sara, do you have any plans for after high school?” Frank redirected the table conversation.
“Uh, not exactly,” Sara thought, “I just kinda need to keep working… I thought I’d stay at the restaurant until I can find a good apprenticeship.”
“Apprenticeship?” Frank looked at her with curiosity. “What kind of an apprenticeship?”
“At a tattoo shop,” she told him. “I’ve been working on a portfolio.”
“You’re… planning on doing tattoos for a living?” he asked her, having to adjust to the idea.
“Yeah,” she nodded with a smile.
“She’s really good, Dad,” Rodrick piped up, “Like, really good. It’s the best art I’ve ever seen.”
“Okay,” Frank murmured emptily, eyes far away as he tried to process.
“Rodrick, you also think Beavis and Butt-Head is the best show you’ve ever seen,” Susan reminded him.
“It is!” he shouted defensively.
“So Sara, do you have a backup plan?” Mrs. Heffley asked. “I mean, in case things don’t pan out?”
“Yeah, I have my job at the restaurant… I could probably make manager soon enough. Those positions open up pretty often, and I’ve been there a while, and I do some of the same work now,” Sara replied.
“You’re not… going to college?” Susan asked, looking as if she were about to have a small aneurysm.
“Well, I… I know I probably should, but I don’t really do well in school environments. I have ADHD. I’m better at just… being paid to do things,” she said more softly.
“I can understand that,” Frank chuckled, looking at his wife to find a dissatisfied scowl on her face. “I mean… College is good. It’s the way to go,” he corrected himself quickly.
“You really don’t think you can try, just… focusing a little harder?” Susan asked her thoughtfully.
“ADHD kind of defeats that purpose,” Sara thought.
“You can’t confine yourself to these labels, honey… I mean, for years, Rodrick’s teachers have been telling me he’s got ADHD, but with proper time management and structure, he could do well in his classes,” she informed her. “ADHD, anxiety… These are just tactics, to get people to turn to shortcuts and medication instead of actually helping themselves.”
Sara just stared at her blankly, at a complete loss for words. She figured it was like she almost got to the right conclusion, but took a sharp left. Sara glanced over at Rodrick trying to gauge how he was doing and now, he was still completely silent, just staring down at his lap.
“I, uh… I don’t know, Mrs. Heffley, I just don’t think school is good for me,” she tried to phrase her words as delicately as possible.
“How can school not be good for you?” Susan Heffley asked her. “A bachelor’s degree, at the very least, can help you get jobs you’d never be able to get without one.”
“Mom, she could become the manager of her restaurant soon enough if she wanted to. And her mom became assistant manager at the bank without a college degree,” Rodrick recited, remembering every detail about her life that Sara had given him.
“Yeah, but I mean, is that what you want?” Susan asked her. “To become a bank teller at eighteen, and never leave?”
Sara tried to contain the way her words started to actually sting. She’d heard a lot growing up, about her family and family history. She’d been looked down upon by a lot of people, but never before had it actually mattered to her. Knowing she needed to get out before she said or did something she regretted, Sara slammed her fork down on her plate, letting it clatter loudly as she stormed off.
“Mom! What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Rodrick jumped up in anger.
“Rodrick!” Frank yelled at him.
“Why would you say something like that?! All of it! All night, all you’ve done is be rude, and mean to Sara. What the fuck did she do to you?!” he scoffed. “She made an effort, the kind of thing you go crazy for! She was nice to you, and she went out of her way to forgive you every time you said some bullshit! Maybe Sara’s not the one who’s bad for me!” Rodrick shouted, running off after her.
Mortified, Susan looked at her husband, unsure of what to do. Despite not appreciating the outburst, Frank Heffley still saw exactly why Rodrick and Sara were both upset.
Rodrick anxiously searched the house, inside and out, for Sara, not sure where she would go. He initially thought she might’ve gone out for a smoke, but instead, he found her alone in his bedroom, sitting on his bed as she wrapped her arms around herself, looking broken.
“Hey, baby,” Rodrick said worriedly, putting his arm around her as he tried to make her feel less cold and alone, “Are you okay?”
Sara held back her tears as best as she could, breath shaky as she spoke.
“I… I tried so hard to make her like me. And I never do that with people,” she shook her head at the idea. “I thought it would work…”
“I’m so sorry,” Rodrick apologized, feeling guilty, “I really didn’t think she’d actually treat you like that, I thought she’d see how sweet you are, and how smart you are…”
“That never seems to be enough,” she murmured, understanding the bitter irony.
“No, no, baby…” Rodrick desperately tried to find a way to comfort her, holding her head against his shoulder to try and make her feel better. “You’re more than enough. You’re perfect,” he promised her.
“It doesn’t matter. People never seem to think so,” Sara scoffed, “They don’t want to. It doesn’t matter what I do; people just want to hate me.”
“Then they’re stupid,” Rodrick didn’t miss a beat, “Even if they’re my mom.”
“Rodrick, honey?” Susan rushed into the room.
Sara didn’t look up as Rodrick glanced at her in anger.
“Mom! Haven’t you done enough?!” he yelled. “This whole time, all you’ve done is find new ways to insult Sara! Even though she’s been nothing but nice to you, even when you didn’t deserve it!”
“Rodrick, Sara…” she said quietly. “I came to apologize.”
“I don’t want your apology!” Sara exclaimed frustratedly, finally breaking her silence. “I don’t wanna hear it anymore! I don’t wanna sit here and take your pity any more than I want the insults. I get it. You don’t like me, you don’t like my lifestyle. You don’t have to. If you wanna just never talk to each other again, we can just do that.”
“No, honey, I don’t want that,” Susan promised her. “I wanna get to know the girl my son’s dating.”
“Well, it seems like the more you know, the less you like about me.”
“No, that’s not true,” Susan said, clearly distraught. “I didn’t mean all those things I said… I just… I don’t know, I’ve never seen someone understand Rodrick the way you do,” sighed in defeat.
“So what, you thought you’d push me away?” Sara guessed.
“No… I just… I thought if I could find something wrong with you, then the way you help Rodrick wouldn’t mean anything,” Susan admitted.
“Wait, you think she helps me?” Rodrick demanded, shocked to find that she actually recognized that.
“Yes. I do,” she insisted. “I think Sara gives you a sense of self worth, and motivates you to do things. You haven’t even known each other all that long, but I think Sara’s actually a good influence on you. You seem happier, and more awake.”
Both of them were left silent, for different reasons.
“Sara, what I said to you was rude, and unforgivable. I understand if you can’t find it in you to forgive me, I wouldn’t either,” Susan reasoned. “But… I really want you to know you shouldn’t listen to what I said. I’m sorry for what I said about you, and your family. Those were inexcusable things to say to another person.”
“Yeah,” Sara admitted, her voice somewhat hoarse.
After the full apology, she found that she no longer really cared about what had been said.
“I don’t care about it anymore,” she decided. “It’s fine.”
“No, it’s not,” Susan said earnestly. “If you want to scream at me, I completely understand.”
“No. I don’t,” Sara stated. “I just… hope you know that Rodrick’s the person you should be apologizing to,” she reminded her.
Susan looked up at her oldest son, realizing the damage that had been inflicted, that night, and even before that.
“Oh, Rodrick… I’m sorry. You were trying to do a nice thing, a really nice thing, for us, and… your girlfriend, and I wish I could’ve been more mindful of that,” she sighed. “I know I probably don’t deserve to be… but I’m really proud of you, and who you’ve become. Trying to get us all to be polite, when we meet your new girlfriend? That’s a very mature thing to do.”
“It’s… It’s okay, Mom,” Rodrick decided, feeling bad for his mother as Sara squeezed his hand to offer him security.
“Okay,” she said in surprise, not expecting to be forgiven, “Why don’t I… give you two some privacy? You’re both welcome to come back down whenever you’re ready, but Sara, if you just want to leave, without saying goodbye to any of us, I totally understand. Door stays open, though.”
Susan disappeared downstairs, as Rodrick flopped down on his bed, arms behind his head as Sara gently nuzzled into the space beside him, her head resting on his chest.
“Why are all families like this?” Rodrick sighed exhaustedly.
“I don’t know. But, if you have one that’s actually willing to apologize, you’re not totally fucked,” she supplied.
“You know I care about you?” Rodrick said suddenly, as the tears burned his eyes. “Like, so much?”
“Hey, I know,” she promised him, hurt by how worked up he seemed. “I feel the exact same way about you.”
“But, I hate when anyone does anything to you,” he professed, “I wanna punch someone in the face any time you don’t have the best day ever. You deserve everything, so much more than I got.”
“But I could never want anything more than you’ve got,” she reminded him. “I like the way you care for me. And only you.”
“Really?” he asked, knowing she could have a million better boyfriends if she wanted.
“You’re the one I wanna be with. First thing in the morning, last thing before I go to sleep,” she promised.
“Come here,” he sighed, snaking his arm around her frame as he held her close, never to let go. “One day…. I’m gonna be famous, and you’re gonna be a princess. For real.”
“Okay,” Sara agreed, closing her eyes dreamily.
“I mean it. I’ll be able to buy you anything and everything. I don’t even know what I could buy you… But I’ll buy it all.”
“I think you’re starting to take up space in my heart,” Sara admitted.
“I think I’d rather trust you to keep both of ours safe.”
French Inhale
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sarahmadpeople · 1 year
Family Dinner
Summary: Halstead’s sister thought that this time, family dinner would be peaceful but boy was she wrong.
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Hailey Upton, Will Halstead x Halstead!Reader, Jay Halstead x Halstead!Reader
Characters: Halstead!Sister Reader (OFC), Dad Halstead, Will Halstead, Jay Halstead, Hailey Upton, Jay’s daughter (OFC)
Tags: light angst, fluff, brother love, family dynamics
Warnings: none
Word count: 1101
Disclaimer: i don’t own any of the characters and this is purely fiction but based on true event ✌🏼
a/n: first chicago med fic although i’ve been watching the series since forever,, jay and hailey have a daughter in here (they deserve so much),, sorry for any mistakes and hope you enjoy this short fic ~~
There’s no Halstead family dinner that’s uneventful and that includes tonight. Everyone’s here at dad’s home for our weekly dinner. Will was the one who insisted on having dinners like this to spend time together after dad’s narrow escape from death in the apartment fire (and to watch dad’s diet once in a while, not that Will would admit that).
Dad’s seated at one end of the table and Will at the other end while Jay and Hailey sat at one side of the table and Alina and I sat at the other side of the table. Alina is my niece, Jay’s and Hailey’s daughter, who’s turning 8 years old in a few months.
Our plates were all loaded up with food that Will and I cooked since we’re in-charge of dinner tonight.
“The mashed potatoes are so good! I’m guessing Evie cooked it?” Jay said, in between mouthfuls of mashed potatoes. I laughed, “That’s right, big brother, and it’s mom’s recipe so can’t go wrong.”
There’s a pause of silence after I mentioned mom but that’s normal, we all miss her. Trying to cheer the moment, Hailey complimented the pasta that everybody knew Will made because it was his go-to dish to cook (and his most famous in the family). Dinner resumed and everyone made small talks with each other.
“I want to eat bread with nutella,” whined Alina and I glanced over to see that her dinner was already half-eaten. “Go and take the bread and nutella from the kitchen,” I instructed and Alina smiled cheerfully, skipping to the kitchen and back to the dining table with said items.
I helped Alina to spread the nutella on the bread and continued eating my dinner. Not even 5 minutes later, Alina called out to me, “I want more,” so I said, “You can do it yourself, Alina”. I pushed the bread and nutella to her. I was about to continue eating when dad voiced out, “Why can’t you just do it for her? She wants to eat it.”
Before I could even answer, he continued, “Sometimes, I think that you don’t like Alina. The way you treat her at times is just uncalled for.” I looked at dad, was he being serious? Was he really going to talk about this during dinner? Granted I’m not the kind of aunt who’s lovey dovey with their niece but that doesn’t mean I don’t love her. I’m rough with her because she’s like my younger sister who can tolerate and even return that treatment to me. It was like your typical sister siblings behaviour. Regardless, it was a mutual agreement that we don’t upset each other while eating and dad being dad, went straight to break it.
“Dad, Evie’s in the middle of eating, she hasn’t eaten since lunch and was busy the whole evening, besides, Alina’s old enough to spread the nutella on her own.” I heard Will saying. I felt myself shut down, which usually happens when I’m upset.
“Yeah dad, Alina can do it herself, don’t be mad,” Hailey started before turning to me and apologised, “Sorry Evie”. I shook my head and smiled (more like grimaced) at her, whispering a short “it’s okay”. Then, before Alina could reach the bread, I took it and made one for her. My eyes got teary and I knew if I talked I’d cry so I whispered to her, asking if she wanted more. Alina nodded so I made another piece for her.
I went silent the entire dinner. Having lost appetite after what happened, I ate slowly and ended up picking half of what’s left on my plate. I felt Will nudging my leg from under the table and I looked up to see the concern in his eyes. I smiled and continued picking at my food.
One by one, everybody finished their dinner and I carried my own plate together with what’s left on the dining table to the kitchen. Tonight, it was also mine and Will’s turn to clear the dishes and clean the kitchen. So while the two of us were in the kitchen, the rest were in the living room watching tv.
“I’m sorry about dad. He shouldn’t have said that, especially when we’re eating.” Will said, starting what he hoped to be a conversation that I honestly was not in the mood for. I shrugged and replied, “Whatever, not the first time and i’m sure it’s not gonna be the last. Let’s just clear all these so we can go home.” My tone giving Will no room to retort or continue the conversation. So we cleaned in silence and soon dad’s kitchen was back to its original state, clean and tidy.
‘Hey dad, I’m gonna go home first. See ya around,” I didn’t bother to wait for any replies before heading out the front door.
“Evie!” I heard Jay called out and stopped. I felt Jay approaching before he entered my line of sight. “I want to apologise for dinner, about Alina and Dad. I know you love my daughter, no doubt about that. It’s not fair for dad to say that to you, after what you’ve done for Alina ever since she was a baby. I’m not excusing him but it’s not like you don’t know him, right. Please don’t let this be our last family dinner.” Jay said.
I scoffed because yeah, I know what dad is like, but I thought he could’ve at least spared my dignity over dinner. “Don’t worry big brother, I’m not gonna disappear just because of tonight. I’ve faced worst than this, and I’m sorry too about Alina, I could’ve just prepared more than one piece of bread and no drama would occur. It's my fault too.”
Jay laughed and shook his head, “Don’t blame yourself, we’re Halstead, what’s life without drama,” he paused, then continued, “Okay, not gonna keep you here any longer than you’d want, so see ya around kiddo, and wait for Will, you live with him,” Jay ruffled my hair and went back in. Seconds after, Will was rushing out of the house.
“You’re so impatient, lil sis, left me high and dry in there to explain to dad why we’re rushing back home,” I heard Will and rolled my eyes. As Will turned the car engine on, he looked at me and said, “Dad said he’s sorry for what he said just now,”
I nodded. I looked at the house dad stayed and thought about the people inside and knew that I wouldn’t change this family for anything, even with the baggage it comes with.
thankss for reading!! ❤️
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imekitty · 8 days
Star Error XVI
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15
Star investigates Danny’s glowing freckles.
At lunchtime, Star sat with the A-Listers but could not stop herself from stealing glances at Fenton as he chatted with his friends at their own lunch table.
"Star, you down?" asked Kwan.
Star jolted and turned her face to him. "Hmm? What?"
"We're making plans for this weekend." Dash stuffed the rest of his burger into his mouth, not bothering to swallow it all before he spoke again. "And we are not going to invite Fentnerd, so if all you want to do is keep staring at him, you're gonna have to do that on your own."
"I'm not staring at him!" said Star, her eyes involuntarily darting in Fenton's direction.
Dash batted his eyes. "You're totally hypnotized by his pretty freckles."
"They're not pretty, they just glow!" whined Star.
Dash snorted. "Whatever."
"I can still get all the cheerleaders together to get back at him for humiliating you, you know," said Paulina. "Just say the word."
"He didn't humiliate me!" bleated Star.
"But he must've broken your heart," said Paulina. "Why else would you keep looking at him?"
Star shook her head and tried to think fast. "I'm only looking at him because—um—" She glanced at Fenton again, hoping to get an idea. "Because—Falluca asked me to tell Fenton that he needs to sign up for more tutoring."
"Then go." Dash used one hand to shoo her away. "Go have a nice chat with your lover boy about tutoring."
Star stuck out her bottom lip and tilted up her chin. "I will! I mean, he's not my—but I will talk to him. About tutoring. That's all. Because it'll look good on my college application."
"Yeah, that's the reason," laughed Dash.
Star glowered at him, but she could feel the heat in her cheeks. "It is!"
She jumped up from the table and left in a huff, stomping over to Fenton, who stopped talking the moment he saw her approach. Manson and Foley were also watching her.
"Hi?" said Fenton, one eyebrow quirked.
Star was at a sudden loss for words as she looked back at him. His puzzled expression was just so cute and she had not been prepared for it.
Shut up, how could she possibly think he was cute!
She shook her head and regained her composure, putting on a wily smile as she took a very deliberate seat to Fenton's right. "Heya, Fenton."
"Hey, Star!" said Foley brightly from across the table. Beside him, Manson narrowed beady eyes at her.
"Hey," said Star flatly, waving a hand in Foley's direction more to dismiss him than to greet him. She then sweetened her tone and propped her elbows on the table, clasping her hands under her chin. "So, Fenton, what are you up to?"
Fenton eyed her warily before gesturing to the lunch tray in front of him. "Eating?"
Star wrinkled her nose at the mashed potatoes and crispy chicken covered with gravy on his tray. "Ah, yes. I can see that."
"Do you need something, Star?" asked Fenton.
Star glanced at the A-List table. The A-Listers were all turned in their seats, watching her.
"As a matter of fact, yes." Star cleared her throat. "Mr. Falluca asked me to ask you why you haven't signed up for tutoring lately."
Fenton squinted one eye. "Why doesn't he just ask me himself? He's my math teacher, I see him literally every day."
"Uh, well—" Star shrugged. "He thinks I'd be better at persuading you to sign up again."
"Because we used to date?"
"Yea—no!" Star growled. "We weren't dating!"
"Then why do you care if I sign up for tutoring again?"
"I don't!" snapped Star. "I'm just asking for Falluca. It's part of my responsibilities as a math tutor."
"So do you want me to sign up for tutoring with you?" asked Fenton.
Star blushed and flicked a dismissive hand. "It doesn't have to be me. It can be any of the math tutors."
"But do you want it to be you?" cut in Foley.
Star shot Foley a nasty glare, but then she tried to relax and laugh it off. "Look, all I'm saying is, we all know that this guy—" Star elbowed Fenton just below his ribs, the same area as Phantom's injury. "—needs all the help he can get when it comes to math."
Fenton grunted and stiffened, seemingly trying to pretend that it didn't hurt at all. Star hid a smirk by scrunching her mouth into an innocent pout.
"Oh, do I now?" said Fenton through clenched teeth, his lips curved into a strained smile.
"Well, sure!" said Star. "I mean, you don't want to fail math, do you?"
"Wait, are you failing math, Danny?" asked Manson with a frown.
"Not last time I checked," said Fenton.
"Well, maybe not now," said Star, "but a lot can happen before the end of the year!"
"A lot like what?" Fenton's eyes lidded.
"You know." Star shrugged with her palms raised. "Things just come up, right? Things that distract you. Family, hobbies…" She paused, turning her head just enough to give him a side-eye. "Ghost fighting."
Fenton stayed completely still, but his eyes widened just enough that Star noticed. Foley and Manson exchanged glances that appeared quite nervous.
"Ghost fighting?" echoed Fenton.
"Yeah," said Star. "Ghost fighting's pretty big in your family, isn't it?"
"Uh…yeah," said Fenton. "My parents are into it."
"But aren't you too?" asked Star, twirling a lock of her hair. "I remember that whole thing with the pirate ghosts that took all our parents."
She also remembered just how good Fenton looked in that tight orange jumpsuit that perfectly accentuated his—
"I mean, you seemed to know what you were doing," squeaked Star, trying her best to banish the image from her head.
"But it's not a hobby for Danny or anything," said Foley.
"Yeah, he just naturally picks up on ghost-hunting tricks from his parents," said Manson.
"Is that so?" Star simpered. "Well, considering his grades, it's good to hear he's a natural at something. Right, Fenton?"
She elbowed him in the side again, this time a tad harder. Fenton's body bent with the force, a strangled sound coming from his throat held in only by his tightly pressed lips.
"I wouldn't say I'm a natural," breathed out Fenton, his voice crackly and tight.
"You're so modest," purred Star, lightly smacking his shoulder.
Manson made a face, poking her tongue out just a little through her teeth. "Okay, so are you done here now? All you wanted was to tell Danny he should sign up for tutoring again?"
"Will you?" asked Star, looking at Fenton.
"Do you want me to?" asked Fenton, sincerity in his sky blue eyes. His tousled hair seemed to float around his ears and over his forehead, looking so tuggable and soft.
Star felt warmth blooming in her cheeks as her eyes roamed his face, the thick shape of each eyebrow, the sharp jut of his nose, the sweet color of his lips—
Star forced herself to laugh, flipping her hair over her shoulder. "Hey, I don't really care. It's your math grade on the line, not mine."
Star elbowed him again, even harder than before. Fenton yelped and jumped up from the table, cradling his side with one hand as he backed away from her. He froze, then laughed, dropping his hand.
"Okay, well, maybe I'll see what's open," said Fenton, his lips twitching into a tense smile.
He stared at her, and she stared back. The image of Fenton in that tight orange jumpsuit popped up in her head again. He and Phantom had such similar physiques, but it just couldn't be, could it?
"You, uh—" Star cleared her throat. "I still get to ask you one last question, right?"
Fenton's expression turned serious. "Yes," he said softly. "Did you want to ask it now?"
Star breathed in, her lungs shaking with a feeling she didn't quite understand.
And then she heard snickering from the A-List table behind her. Her face and neck burned as she shook her head.
"Uh—no, I gotta go," said Star. "Later, geeks."
She stood and headed for the cafeteria exit, too embarrassed to return to her friends.
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
I Know What I Want (Eddie x Fem!Reader)
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Warnings: smut central here, minors DNI. Lil bit of juvenile delinquency. Language, some angst, oral (f receiving), piv. Eddie’s a lil bit of a sub here.
WC: 1.6k
Graduation is tomorrow, and you have just one thing left to do: have sex with Eddie “The Freak” Munson.
It was actually Eddie’s idea to make a graduation bucket list. Now that he was actually graduating, of course, he wanted to cause as much trouble beforehand as possible. So far, he’d spray painted a pentagram on O’Donnell’s car and superglued Click’s papers to her desk. His final mission was to flip off Principal Higgins just as he grabbed his diploma.
“Higgins is gonna flip a shit!” he’d said almost giddily. 
Your own graduation bucket list had been less scandalous for the most part. The most delinquent thing you’d done was hide a math test answer key so your teacher had to calculate everything by hand again. Meanwhile, Eddie was trying to find the best way to start a food fight.
He’s scanning the cafeteria, bowl of mashed potatoes in hand, ready to aim for Jason Carver’s stupid head. You pulled him back into his seat.
“Eddie, what are you doing?”
“Come on, Y/N. Don’t be such a party pooper!” he whines.
You sigh impatiently. “You’re going to get caught, especially if you start with Carver. Hell, even if it wasn’t you, Carver would say it was.”
Eddie laughs. “You think they’d really suspend me on the last day of school?”
“No, but they can stop you from walking at graduation, and I am not sitting through that boring-ass ceremony alone.”
He rolls his eyes but put the mashed potatoes down. “Fine,” he mutters. He’s even hotter when he was frustrated, his brows knitting together and his lips coming together in a pout. He wrings his ring-clad hands, strong and calloused from playing guitar. You would do anything, anything, to have those hands wrapped around your pretty little throat. 
Which brought you to the final item on your graduation bucket list: sex with Eddie Munson in the back of his van. On school property. Potentially wrecking years of friendship.
“I have an idea,” you say quickly before you can lose your nerve. He looks up at you expectantly. “Let’s have lunch in your van.”
“In my van?” he repeats. “Why would we do that?”
Now it’s your turn to roll your eyes. “Less talking, more walking, Munson. You got your keys?”
He pats his right pocket. “Yes, ma’am.”
Without thinking, you grab his hand in your own and lead him to the parking lot. Someone wolf whistles and you feel pink seeping into your cheeks, but you push forward.
“So, tell me why you wanna eat out here instead of in the cafeteria?” Eddie questions. You contemplate coming up with some lame excuse about needing fresh air, but you shake it away. You’re not backing down.
“I don’t,” you state. “I want to have sex with you in your van.” You cross your arms over your chest, slightly pushing up your breasts. 
Eddie takes a step back and lets out a surprised laugh. “Ha, very funny.”
“I’m serious. It’s the last thing left on my graduation bucket list.” You fish into your pocket for the list. The only thing not yet crossed out is van sex with Eddie in the parking lot.
“Holy shit,” he says under his breath. “won’t this, like, make things weird? Ruin the friendship or whatever?”
“I don’t know. Maybe.” you shrug. “So what if it does? I’m going off to college in the fall, you’ll be here working with your uncle.”
“The lady makes a good point,” Eddie says to himself. “Well, sweetheart, this wasn’t on my graduation bucket list, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think about it.” He hooks one finger onto the belt loop of your skirt, pulling you closer. You can feel him start to stiffen under his jeans.
“So, that’s a yes?”
“Oh, it’s an abso-fuckin-lutely,” he growls, pushing you up against the van with his body and presses his lips to yours. His tongue flicks over yours, making you moan against him. You bring your hand to the back of his neck, pushing yourself onto tip-toes.
“Didn’t know you were such a good kisser, Princess,” he groans into you. 
“Should’ve kissed me sooner then, Munson.”
He snakes a hand under your shirt, toying with the lace bra you’re wearing. He starts to pull the shirt over your head when you stop him.
“Eddie!” you hiss. “Not out here!”
“Oh, right,” he laughs mischievously. “No one gets to see your tits but me.”
With that, he flings open the back doors of his van. He pushes up the seats and ushers you inside. “After you, sweetheart.”
His chivalry ends there. As soon as he’s closed the doors, he pulls you on top of him, leaving you straddling his hard cock while he nearly rips off your shirt. With one swift move, he removes your bra and throws his head back.
“Are you...fucking...kidding me?” he says, grabbing one breast in each hand. He sits up and starts kissing them, flicking his tongue over your nipples. He bites and sucks, leaving a hickey in his wake, then goes to the next one and repeats. “Gotta mark my territory.”
You feel yourself growing wetter, but you’re far from finished. “You know,” you whisper, “this is supposed to be my bucket list item, but you’re having the most fun right now.”
“And what would be fun for you?”
You pull him up and take off his Hellfire shirt. His chest is dusted with hair. You steady yourself on it as you kiss his neck with soft, unassuming pecks, until you bite him.
He takes a sharp breath in and you smile. “That’s pretty damn fun for me.” you say.
“Fuck, Y/N,” Eddie groans. “Sounds like you wanna take control.”
You don’t say anything in response, just unzip his jeans and pull his dick from his boxers. He shuffles his pants off as you pump his cock.
“Y/N...w-want you to s-suck it,” he stutters.
You laugh. “Want it? No, Eddie, I think you need it.”
He whimpers. You get down and lick his precum, eliciting another little whine. The tip of your tongue grazes from the base of his cock to the head. 
“Here’s the thing, Eds,” you tease, “I feel like you haven’t earned getting sucked off. You played with my tits a little? Not going to cut it.” You sit back up and he goes to put a hand around his length, but you stop him.
“No, no. This is for me, Eddie. You’re going to get me off, and if you do a good job, I’ll blow you. Got it?”
“Y-yes,” he manages. He pushes up your skirt and moves your panties over, inserting one finger into your wet cunt. 
“See, Eddie? See how wet I am for you? All you have to do is make me cum, and I’ll return the favor.” You didn’t know where this confidence came from, but you were high on it.
Eddie slips another finger into you, pumping them as you grind against him. “W-wait,” he says suddenly. He lifts you from his crotch and places you on the van floor. Pulling off your skirt and panties, he trails kisses up your thighs until he reaches your pussy.
“There ya go, Eddie. You know what to do now, don’t you?” 
“Mhm.” He pushes his tongue against your clit, swirling and flicking until your legs shake. You can see a smile stretch across his face before you throw your head back, bucking your hips into him. You feel the coil start to snap, and your legs tighten around him.
“Cum for me, baby. W-wanna make you cum, just like you asked.”
With that, your orgasm takes over and you moan loud enough for anyone to hear. Eddie doesn’t stop eating your pussy until he’s sure you’re finished.
“H-Holy shit, Munson. You definitely earned that blowjob.” You go to wrap your lips around his dick, but he shakes his head.
“N-not gonna be able to hold b-back, Y/N,” he whimpers. “Need to be inside your wet pussy.”
He pumps himself a few times as you reach into your bag to pull out a condom. Eddie raises his eyebrows in surprise.
“The goal was to get laid, not get pregnant,” you respond.
He nods dumbly, as if he wants to say something, but stops.
“What is it?” you question.
“Nothin’. Just think we’d make cute kids, is all.”
You laugh. “Let me get my degree first and then we’ll talk.”
That seems to be enough for him. He takes his time entering you, not out of hesitation, but to make sure you’re ready. This is your bucket list, after all.
He’s so big inside of you, filling you up as he thrusts in and out. One hand cups your ass, while the other plays with your clit.
“Eddie?” you start to ask, then remember that you’re in charge. “Eddie,” you say this time with more authority. “I need you to choke me while you fuck me.”
Eddie’s eyes roll back. “You’re fuckin’ killing me, sweetheart,” but he obliges, removing the hand from your ass. His fingers tighten around your neck, just the right amount of pressure. His rings dig into you with each thrust.
“Y/N...I can’t hold out much longer,” he says. But it’s fine, because neither can you. Your walls clench around him as you moan out again, yelling his name. He bucks up into you one last time as he cums hard.
Climbing off of you, he crashes next to your own naked fucked out body, exhausted.
“Hey, um, did you have anything on that list about fucking me during the summer?”
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dreaming-of-lu · 1 year
I'm on day four post wisdom tooth extraction, and minimal solid food sucks. Do you think Hyrule would be able to heal my mouth, because I'm basically living off of yogurt, cottage cheese, and tomato soup. 😭
Sending good vibes your way!
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"Dis honeshly shucks," you really hated this. After your wisdom teeth removal, coming out of the anesthesia was embarrassing enough when one of your boyfriend's friends had recorded the entirety of your 'drunken' state where you swore the sky was coming down and thought that Legend was an actual lizard. Your boyfriend thought it was adorable; however, you don't share the same view; but you let him have it. What makes things worse, though, is you are being reduced to soft food.
You are "lovingly forced" by your doctor to eat nothing but soft food consisting of yogurt, mashed potatoes, tomato soup, applesauce, and all that is considered fluid-like. To not upset your still-healing mouth, Hyrule was strict about and on the dot about not wanting to have you deal with an infection nor rip open the stitches after all that was said and done. He made himself your designated home nurse, checking up on you and distracting you from the pain with ice packs when he couldn't use his magic on some days.
"I know, plum, just one more week, and you'll be able to eat solid food again." Hyrule placed his hands against your cheeks, watching with a faint smile as you sighed happily into them, nuzzling while pressing a tiny kiss on his palm.
"It feelsh like torchture," you whine, "I wants it to hurry up!"
"As much as I would love to heal them completely, I rather not just to be safe, and besides, you got me keeping them cool right now." Hyrule hums and presses a kiss against your nose.
"I know," you faux pout, "I'm schpoiled rotten by chu." Resting your forehead against his own, noses brushing back and forth in sweet harmony.
"You're the only one I spoil," Hyrule giggles, cheeks becoming flush and his ears flapping a little.
"Damn 'ight, I'm de only one to be schpoiled. The schame goes for chu."
"I feel so loved."
"De schame can be schaid by me."
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jessysapphireblue · 6 months
One Piece Advent Calender Door 24
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Door 24: Christmas Eve
Morning dawned at the Cabin, everyone awake, some still sleepy but the others mostly awake. “So is it Christmas?”, asked Chopper. “No, tomorrow. Today is Christmas eve. The day before the actual feast”, explained Robin. “Perhaps we should go to the Sunny. I fetch us some nice warm breakfast there”, admitted Sanji.
“One ham sandwich for me”, Luffy raised his arm happily sanji and Nami smirking with his back to him before they walked out. Nami brought the key back and you all went to town.
“WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!”, Usopp screamed as he saw the sheer mass op people. “Christmas Eve. Today the last things are gonna be bought, stuff picked up and then they all go home, spending time with their friends and family”, you admitted with a soft smile. “Christmas is crazy”, admitted Zoro with a loud yawn. “Just like us, so it´s perfect”, you admitted and Jinbe, Brook and Luffy laughed.
Once back on the Sunny, you helped Sanji prepare breakfast before you all st down. “Now, dig in”, the cook said as ”...where is the meat?”, asked Luffy. “Today is no meat”, said Nami. ”...what do you mean?” “As we stated yesterday today gives no meat. At all”, smirked Sanji. The color from Luffy drained as he collapsed on the table, sliding off his chair to the ground. “A bit drastic, don´t you think?”, admitted Usopp.
“my meat...I want my precious meat” “Tomorrow”, said Sanji. “So what will we eat tonight?”, asked Zoro. “Fish”, you smiled and Usopp looked happy. “Fish, really?!” “Yes” “With a super burger!” “Also no burger. Contains meat”, said Nami and the Cyborg was all stiff. “Like nothing at all?!” “Nothing at all”
Nami and Sanji clearly enjoyed the torture of the crew. “What about dessert?”, asked Chopper. “Well, I´ve never seen or heard of a dessert with meat so-” The doctor breathed out, which made you chuckle. “Luffy, come on and eat”, you said. “MA MEAT!”, he began to whine. “Yohohoho, Luffy-san is depressed” “You survive one day without meat”, admitted Sanji. “Je, pls. Meat”, Luffy robbed to you, his head now in your lap, looking so broken at you.
You inhaled and looked forward, contine to eat. “JE! Look at me! Don´t you care if I die!? I thought you love me!!!” “I do, hun”, you looked at him and were meet with THE MOST KICKED PUPPY EYES. “NO!”, Nami used her staff to smack Luffy from your lap.
At the end, he ate the stuff, still sad about his non meat. You helped Sanji in the kitchen, preparing most of the stuff for tomorrow, as well for tonight. While everyone got something else to do, Luffy rested on your bed, along with Soma, Looking at your wish list. “No meat...I won´t survive today” Your dragon nudged him, giving him a few licks on his cheek that made him smile. “Thanks!”, he beamed. ”...So HUNGRY!!!!”, he whined out, holding his growling stomach. looking at him, Soma took off.
You soon came with a big bowl into your room, his stomach sounded like it was dieing. “I heard you´re hungry” “YES! I demand my meat!” He said and you sat next to his legs. “Well, I have no meat but food” Directly he sat up and looked at the bowl. “What is this?” “toasted bread cubes with butter. You can have all if you want” “JE!”, hugging your waist, you laughed. “You still love me!” “Of course I do. I always do. So, you want-” It was taken from your grasp and Luffy began to munch on them, a content smile on his lips.
Evening soon arrived and the table was fully decked with stuff, from fish to mashed potatoes, cabbage and different little things to snack on. And as Sanji sat down, all began to take food, eating and smiling, and even Soma ate with you. “This feels like a real family gathering”, admitted Franky. “Yes, it does”, you smiled and saw how Luffy ate so much, you were sure he would burst. “The fish is nice”, smiled Usopp happily. “I like the peaches!”, beamed Chopper. “All this stuff is nice!”, smiled Franky.
It was just after dinner, the sun long gone and all of you went outside, faint music was heard from the town, and you all just admired the scenery, snowflakes softly falling around the ship. “What is that?”, asked Zoro and motioned with his head under the tree. “Why, chistmas presents” “PRESENTS?!”, Luffy, Chopper and Usopp leaped to them. “TOMORROW!” Nami and Sanji kicked them hardly while the rest laughed. “So...can I have meat?”, Luffy asked you, arms around your waist and you sighed with a smile. “Ha~ Fine. I make you something” He beamed brightly, tugging you away from the others.
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braveclementine · 4 days
Chapter 16
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Warnings: 18+ readers only, mentions of sexual actions
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC: Elizabeth Y/L/N (created so you don't get Y/N and Y/S/N consistently mixed up. I do not condone any copying of this.
BUCKY HAD GOTTEN THERE JUST IN TIME, watching as Elizabeth headed away from the training room, her back to him. He wondered where exactly she was going, as she wasn't heading towards the elevators.
She was humming something under her breath which sounded a lot like 'London Bridge' but he wasn't certain. He was going to call out to her when he watched her lift a hand, pulling her hair out of the tight bun she'd put it in.
He watched as the hair cascaded down her shoulders. She tossed it over her shoulder in an uncaring gesture and it fell all the way down to the back of her knees.
His mind immediately leaped. He could picture wrapping his hands in it, jerking her head back to face him as Steve ate her out, eyes wide and innocent, her hands tied behind her back. The hair, he could almost feel it between his fingers and he shut his mouth and stopped walking, nearly groaning aloud at his thoughts.
He quickly backed away, nearly running from her now, though she never turned to realize anyone had been watching her.
He kept it all bottled up until he managed to get down to Steve and his room. He shut the door behind him quickly, sliding down with his back against it. "Shit." He cursed, slamming his metal fist against the floor.
"What's wrong?" Bucky's eyes snapped open and he was on his feet in an instant before he realized it was Steve.
Bucky relaxed, making his way over to flop dramatically on his face on the comfortable bed that felt something like a marshmallow. "Itriedtotalktoherbutgotdistractedbyherhair." He mumbled into the thick comforter.
"Pardon?" Steve asked, sounding amused.
Bucky propped his chin up on the bed. "I went to talk to Elizabeth. And then she let her hair down. God Steve, it's so long and beautiful. And all my thoughts went straight to my pants, but I couldn't talk to her because I don't want her thinking that the only reason I'm introducing myself is because I want her like that."
He let his face fall back onto the bed, turning it this time though so that his cheek rested on the bedspread. "I hate my gutter brain."
"What'd you do with the hair?" Steve asked in a deep tone that always sent shivers up and down Bucky's spine. "What'd you do to her?"
Bucky closed his eyes. "I used it to tie her own hands together behind her back. And then I used it to make her look back at me while you ate her out."
Steve kissed his forehead. "You really do have a gutter brain, don't you? Well, maybe you can talk to her after dinner. Or hell, how about you help her make dinner?"
"I can't cook." Bucky whined.
Steve chuckled. "You can attempt at least. Don't be a baby."
"Anyways." Bucky sighed, sitting up completely. "I thought you were going up to Y/N's?"
"I was. She was fast asleep." Steve admitted. "So I just put her book on the bedside table and tucked her under the covers. I didn't want to stay though in case she didn't want me to. You can't exactly get consent from a sleeping person."
"She invited you up." Bucky pointed out.
"Yes, but that was when she was awake." Steve countered.
"Mr. Barnes-Rogers, Miss Y/L/N wants everyone to know that she'll have dinner done in about forty-five minutes." F.R.I.D.A.Y. said. "She is alone at the moment Sergeant Barnes."
Steve laughed as Bucky glared up at the AI. Bucky sighed, looking at Steve, "How do I look?"
Steve grinned, sauntering over to him. He pushed him back against the wall before dropping to his knees. "You still got a little problem here." Steve said as he pulled his length out of his jeans. "Let me take care of you."
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
ELIZABETH WENT ABOUT THE KITCHEN, moving like clockwork as she boiled corn on the cob, whipped up mashed potatoes, cooked sausage, and put out small trays of crackers, cheese, salami, pepperoni, green olives, black olives, banana peppers, and pickled beets.
She wasn't used to everything being so easy. Instead of making her own cheese and butter, it was just at the store for her to buy. And there were so many cheese flavors. Salami and Pepperoni were not foreign to her, but her and her father always waited to make the more difficult meat around Christmas and New Years.
It unnerved her. She knew that not everyone lived on farms, and now she saw why. Why would you spend so much time in the sun, sweating in the summer, killing animals to make your own food when you could just buy it in the store?
She felt entirely naked without the farm. Like she had been taken out of a fantasy and shoved into a reality. They had never wasted a scrap of food on the farm. You didn't waste anything when you to grow and make it all. But the others, they thought nothing if they didn't eat something, sliding it off into the garbage.
But did that make her a bad person for thinking about them like that? Or maybe she was just the one out of touch. It made her shake. Insecurities slipped in all the time now.
Y/N was much better at this than she was. Y/N had fit in with her clothes and her attitude. Everyone here seemed to love her.
God, if only she could be like-
She nearly jumped, spinning to see Bucky there. "B-Bucky." She stammered, heart pounding painfully against her chest. "You scared me."
"Sorry." He said, moving farther into the kitchen. "I- I wanted to introduce myself."
Elizabeth gave him a puzzled look. "I know who you are."
"I mean, properly." Bucky said, looking uncertain. "Steve and I, we held back because of Sam. Sam was so excited to meet you and Steve and I. . . we didn't want him to be put to the side because you preferred us or something like that. So we kept our distance."
"Oh." Elizabeth blinked. "I wouldn't have-"
"We didn't know what you were like." Bucky said. "But I realize now, that you probably thought we didn't like you. And I'm sorry about that."
"Oh." Elizabeth said again, quickly turning back to the stove to flip the sausages. She flipped the switch back down to low, putting the lid on. She turned off the boiling pans, grabbing a strainer from the cupboard. "It's alright."
Bucky watched appreciatively of how neatly she moved through the kitchen. She'd only been her for a day and she already looked comfortable and at home. His eyes kept drifting to where her hair brushed against the hollows of the back of her knees.
Then again, she had pretty much stocked the entire kitchen herself. He was totally thinking about food and the kitchen. Totally.
Bucky moved next to her, keeping a little distance. He held his hand out lowly. "I'm James."
Elizabeth smiled, touching his hand the tattoos starting to bleed out and turn black and white. "Elizabeth. But you knew that."
She dropped her hand first, turning back to the stove.
"Do you want some help?" He asked.
"It would be nice to know how many people are eating tonight." Elizabeth said. "The numbers change all the time."
"Well, you can count on Steve, Sam, Y/N, Rhodey, Natasha, Wanda, Pietro when he gets back from his mission with Makkari, Pepper, Bruce, Loki, Thor, Hogun, myself, and you. Tony and Stephen are wild cards about whether they're going to emerge from their hiding spots or not."
"Do they not sleep?" Elizabeth asked with a slight frown. "It doesn't seem healthy." She handed him a stack of cloth napkins. He was surprised, wondering where she'd gotten them from. He'd only ever used paper ones that they threw away after every meal.
"I think Tony gets sleep every 70 hours." Bucky commented. "He's been sleeping just a little more since Y/N got here since she usually drags him to bed with her and Stephen every so often. Gets Stephen out of the library too."
Elizabeth just nodded. She still wasn't sure how she felt about her sister sleeping before she was married. It wasn't really any of her business, she knew that, but at the same time, they'd been brought up by the same parents. So why didn't Y/N had a firm belief in God and the desire to hold her virginity until she was married?
She said nothing about any of that though. Like she had thought, it wasn't really any of her business.
Bucky grabbed a stack of plastic plates and Elizabeth made a tsking notes. "Glass plates Buck."
"Glass? Okay, why?" He asked as he exchanged the plastic plates for the glass ones, handing the stack to her. She put it down on the counter next to her to start putting the food on it.
"You always use glass plates when you're serving hot food." Elizabeth explained. "Otherwise, sometimes the plastic can melt into your food and that's not good. You also want to avoid Teflon. It can be cancer causing."
"Interesting, I'll keep that in mind." Bucky said as he watched her put the plates on the table in random spots. Everything seemed to have even portions so she hadn't favored anyone.
"Elizabeth!" Sam yelled, barreling into the room. Elizabeth grinned, letting him scoop her up into a huge hug. "What'd you make for dinner doll?"
"Hot sausages." She said with a grin.
He kissed the tip of her nose. "Like me."
Elizabeth giggled and turned away from him to finish up with the plates. Sam winked at Bucky. "Fancy seeing you here Buckaroo."
Bucky rolled his eyes. "I was introducing myself."
Sam nodded, giving him a slightly colder look. "That's good." He nuzzled into Elizabeth's neck and Elizabeth giggled, but pushed him away. "Sam, let me cook. You can kiss me later."
"Sounds good." Sam murmured, backing away to sit down.
"Alright," Elizabeth said, putting the last plate down. "Dinners done."
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
"MISS Y/L/N? MISS Y/L/N?" F.R.I.D.A.Y.S voice was what woke you from a deep sleep. You gazed around the room sleepily. You noticed that your Manga had been placed aside on the table, the lights turned off, and you had been tucked under the covers. Steve must've come and visited like he'd promised but you'd been asleep.
"I'm awake F.R.I.D.A.Y." You grumbled, rolling over a little, hugging your pillow.
"Dinner is ready."
"Make sure to try and get Tony out of the lab and Stephen out of the library." You muttered.
"I'll try Miss Y/L/N."
You slipped out of bed, padding over to the huge wardrobe to find something to wear. Throwing on one of your favorite outfits, you brushed your hair back and then re-did your makeup. You checked yourself in the mirror and deemed yourself fine and then headed out of your room.
You stretched as you stepped into the elevator. As you got closer to the kitchen, the familiar smells of hot sausage, homemade mashed potatoes, and corn on the cob wafted through your nasal passages. You smiled. It was your favorite meal that your family made.
According to your father, it was a difficult dish to make so you only had it a couple times a year. But it was always followed by lots of little vegetables and fruits, then your mother or Elizabeth would have some sort of pie waiting.
Elizabeth hated pie but you loved it and she would make it just for you if you asked. You'd tried eating some of the pies from the grocery stores, but it just didn't taste the same.
You wondered if she had made a pie today as well.
No, she probably wouldn't have remembered that little detail. But that was alright.
You weren't the last one to join the group. Steve, Bruce, Nat, Tony, and Clint still weren't there. Everyone else though was seated around the table, already passing food around and chattering excitedly.
"Hey doll." Bucky said, kissing your cheek as you sat down next to him.
"Hey Buck. Where's Steve?"
"He should be coming." Bucky said with a slight smirk. "I think he had to take a shower though."
"Damn, should've joined him." You sighed.
"After dinner." Bucky chuckled.
Like before, Elizabeth was between Sam and Hogun. Loki and Wanda seemed to be hanging on her every word as she spoke quietly. It seemed they were talking about books or something boring like that.
At that moment, the elevator doors opened once more and everyone but Clint headed inside.
"Where's Clint?" You asked as Nat sat down next to you. Bruce was immediately swept into the book conversation. Elizabeth still got breathless when Bruce was around her. Sometimes, you wondered why she hadn't gone to college.
"Fury asked him to go on a mission with Maria." Natasha replied casually. "They should be back in three days if everything goes smoothly."
"Is it dangerous?" You asked, already feeling an uncomfortable pain at the idea of Clint dying on a mission.
"It shouldn't be." Nat said. "It's an empty facility. But we- well Fury- thinks that there might be some information that wasn't taken out when TYPHON abandoned the facility. It's not just Maria and Clint, those are just the two that you know."
"TYPHON?" You asked.
"Means father of monsters. They're basically HYDRA but less covert. TYPHON isn't shy about SHIELD knowing who is part of the organization. The woman that taught you how to make coffee was one of them. They're not necessarily dangerous. Most of their members don't really do anything. But the heads are obsessed with the idea of superheroes. Creating superheroes to be specific. I suppose they're only a bad group because they've tried stealing Tony and Bruce's data and they've broken into the Sanctorum a couple of times to invade Kamar Taj."
"They want to create superheroes?" You asked slowly. "Is this a bad thing?"
"Maybe. You can't really create superheroes." Nat said, frowning slightly. "I mean, Steve was created, but he was a good person at heart. Bucky on the other hand, while he was a good person, he was a brainwashed weapon of HYDRAs. It's hard knowing what TYPHON would do if they were able to give people powers."
"And of course," Stephen joined into the conversation with the two of you. "Then there would be the question of why some people are allowed to be given superpowers, but others aren't. And then what if the powers can be transferred on to their children? It would create quite a divide between those with superpowers and those without them."
"Like in UnOrdinary." You muttered, thinking aloud.
"Exactly." Natasha said though Stephen looked confused.
"It's a Webtoon, like a comic." You said to Stephen to relieve his confusion. "Every person in society has a superpower, but some are more powerful or more useful than others. It creates castes and the powers are abused by those who are more powerful than others."
Stephen gave a slow, thoughtful nod. "I think I understand that bit."
"Do you think a person could really be given a superpower?" You asked Stephen.
"Sure." He said. "I don't think that they'll be successful for a very long time. I mean, the super soldier serum was made by the same person and they killed him. You see what happened when Bruce attempted to make it. And there were others who did the same as Bruce and died. Nat here also has a version of the serum. Wanda and Vision were given powers from the stone. And Thor and Loki are Gods so they get powers from there. Pietro, I think is one of the few that probably have a power that is. . . hmm. I mean, his speed is still influenced from the stone, but it's one of those powers that most people think about when they think about superpowers. And with me, all my magic comes from this ring." Stephen said, flipping his slingring between his fingers.
"Anyways, Fury is hoping that they'll find something that can tell Tony, Bruce, or Stephen how far they are from making superheroes or if they are close at all. He loves knowing about incoming threats." Nat finished.
It was a fascinating conversation, giving you time to mull over what sort of superpower you'd want. Probably something cool like shooting fireballs out of your hands or lasers out of your eyes. Then you'd be one of the best superheroes.
"Here." Elizabeth's voice was soft, but you knew she was talking to you anyways because you could smell it first. She was smiling, blushing a little as she pushed over a piece of Y/F/F pie. [Your Favorite Flavor]
"Thanks lil sis." You said, taking the pie before she passed other pieces around. Now, you were completely home.
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Treat Me Like a Fool [Part One]
Fandom: RPF, American Actor, Music RPF
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader
Characters: Elvis Presley, Female Reader, Original Male Characters, Original Female Characters, Vernon Presley, Gladys Presley
Word Count: 4728 of 7935 // Rating: Teen and Up
Summary:  Treat me like a fool, treat me mean and cruel but love me
Tags/ Warnings: My Writing, Austin!Elvis, Elvis Fic, Elvis Fluff, Elvis Presley, Reader Fic, Song Fic, Admitting Feelings, Kisses, Love, Young Love, Best Friends, Girl Next Door, Boy Next Door, Neighbours, Lauderdale Courts, 1950s, Dating, Dances,
Notes: This was not originally based off of a song but young elvis falling for the girl next door screams this
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‘Mama,’ she said, as she loitered at the kitchen door trying to work up the nerve to ask her something.  ‘Take those veggies and that mash potato through to the dinner table Y/N,’ her mother, Helen, said pointing at the ceramic dishes on the countertop. Y/N’s tone seemed not to have grabbed her attention but she knew it was better not to ignore her request so she grabbed a potholder off of the counter and took the warm dishes through to the dining room. The apartment was small so the living area incorporated both the couches and tv set as well as a small dining table in the back of the room. As she placed the items on the table her brother and daddy, who were both watching the football intently, looked up. 
‘Supper’s up,’ she said with a smile, placing the pots down on the middle of the table. They moved to sit at the table in their usual spots as Helen came in with a large dish. ‘What’s for dinner mama?’ Y/N’s brother, Jimmy, said as he sat down in his usual spot. ‘Your favourite baby,’ Helen said smiling as she lay a chicken pot pie on the table. Y/N grumbled inwardly. She liked chicken pot pie but it was by no means her favourite and given the fact they had only had it a few days ago she wasn’t looking forward to it. But she wanted her mama on her side tonight so she figured keeping her mouth shut was the best way to go.  ‘It looks lovely hon,’ said a gruff voice. George, Y/N’s dad. He quickly reached out to grab a large spoon to start dissecting the pie.  ‘Grace George,’ her mama said with warning. Her daddy sighed and sat back offering his hand out to her and then to her brother. She took it and offered hers out to her mother as she started saying grace. As soon as her mama finished her daddy’s hands left theirs and started back on the pie.
She watched as they ladened their plates and tucked in, barely leaving enough room to breathe between mouthfuls let alone speak to anyone. Her mama filled up her plate too and started to eat though it was a lot more restrained and elegant than across the table. Y/N followed her lead though she wasn’t hungry much, as she was trying to work up the nerve to ask her question and the sight of food on her plate suddenly left her with no appetite. 
She pushed food around her plate, taking a little forkful here and there as conversation started around the table. Mama asked the boys about their day at the garage and they filled her in on everything that had happened. Jimmy even told her about a girl he had come in this afternoon and that he had asked her on a date. As he spoke Y/N could feel a scowl forming on her face. She envied him. He could date any girl he wanted. Do whatever he pleased and talk about it at dinner without a care in the world. And her stomach was in knots just thinking about asking her parents if she could go to a school dance. Jimmy whined on but her mama was no longer listening as her eyes started burning into her daughter’s young face. Y/N looked up and caught the woman looking at her. 
‘Something wrong with my cooking Y/N?’ she asked, her gaze dropping to her plate.  ‘No mama,’ Y/N said, ‘just not that hungry.’  ‘Well we don’t waste food around here,’ she said, taking a sip of her drink.  ‘Don’t worry Helen,’ George said with his mouth full, ‘it’ll get eaten. I’m sure Jimmy and me can see to it if she doesn’t feel like it.’  ‘Thanks daddy,’ Y/N said.  ‘No problem,’ he said, ‘how come you ain’t hungry? Not on no fancy diet or nothing are you?’  ‘No daddy,’ Y/N said, ‘actually…it’s because I wanted to talk to you about something…’ ‘Oh?’ Helen said.  ‘Yeah,’ Y/N said, heaving an unsteady sigh, ‘it’s about school.’ ‘You’re not in trouble are you?’ her mama asked suspiciously. ‘No of course not,’ Y/N said quickly.  ‘Your grades are okay?’ she continued.  ‘Yes mama,’ Y/N said looking at her, ‘it’s about a dance…’ ‘A dance?’ George asked. Y/N turned her head to look at him and nodded, ‘yeah daddy. School’s having a winter formal and I was wondering if I could go?’
There was silence for a moment. Her parents seemed to be having a telepathic conversation before finally George looked back at her and said, ‘sure baby. You can go to this dance if you want to.’ ‘Good because I do!’ Y/N said excitedly, ‘but there’s just one more thing I gotta ask.’ ‘Oh?’ her mama said, raising her eyebrow. Y/N nodded at her. ‘I was wondering if maybe I could get a new dress?’ the young girl said quietly, her heart dropping as she heard both of her parents sighs, ‘I know it’s only just been my birthday and Christmas is a way off but it’s really important. Me and the girls were talking and they’re all getting new dresses. We even looked in some of the shops on the way back from school-’ ‘I don’t know Y/N,’ Helen sighed.  ‘Please mama,’ Y/N begged.  ‘Your mama’s right baby,’ George said with a sad smile, ‘I mean do you really need another new dress? What about that one you got at Easter? You looked real pretty in that.’  ‘But all my friends have seen me in that daddy. And an easter church dress isn’t really the same style as a dress for a dance,’ Y/N said. Jimmy scoffed, ‘yeah how’s she supposed to get boys to dance with her if everything’s covered up? Her personality?’ ‘Shut up!’ she snapped, kicking Jimmy in the shin under the table.  ‘Like you’re not wanting a new dress to impress that meat head jock you like,’ Jimmy said, making his sister go beet red.  ‘I do not!’ she whined. ‘Enough!’ Helen said, looking at them both with fury in her eyes. Both kids immediately fell silent. Jimmy went back to eating but Y/N was awaiting an answer.  ‘Look, darling,’ George started causing whatever hope she had to immediately disappear. His large blue eyes were watching his daughter sadly as he plastered a sympathetic smile on his face, ‘it’s not that we don’t wanna buy you a new dress. We want to, we do, it’s just not an option right now.’ ‘Yeah honey,’ Helen said, placing a reassuring hand on Y/N’s arm, ‘maybe we could refashion one of your old ones. I’m sure if we looked at a few patterns we could knock something up on my old sewing machine.’ 
Y/N looked between them both and forced a smile. She didn’t want to sound ungrateful. After all, she knew rationally she could probably go without a new dress but why should she? All her friends were going to have nice new frocks to wear and she was going to be stuck in something old. Like always. She knew they would if they could. Which hurt even more.
‘Yeah maybe,’ Y/N said with a fake smile at her mama. She felt the pair of them share a glance with one another but she was no longer watching them. Her gaze had dropped to her plate and she forced a few forkfuls of food down trying to ignore the disappointment in her stomach. The rest of dinner went off without any more incident and once they were done Helen asked her brother to do the dishes with her rather than Y/N which she was thankful for. 
Y/N wanted to sulk for a little bit. Wallow in pity for herself which she wouldn’t be able to do if she sat in the living room with her daddy who was back watching TV as soon as he had left the table. And if she went and sat in the bedroom that she shared with Jimmy she risked him coming and bothering her just for the fun of it. So, whilst her mama and Jimmy washed dishes in the kitchen and her daddy watched the TV she slipped out of the apartment and down to the front of the building. When she got outside the sun was low in the sky threatening to dip behind the horizon very soon. Fortunately, it wasn’t that cold and there was no one around so she was free to take a seat on the steps leading up to the apartment watching the world go by. 
She didn’t know how long she had been sitting there, lost in her own thoughts, but she was pulled back to reality as she heard the familiar chug of a truck’s engine approach the apartment block. She looked up and watched as a familiar figure hopped out of the cab of the truck, guitar in hand. Her neighbour, Elvis. They had been friends since the Presleys had moved into the apartments years ago. Well, he was more friends with her brother as they were the same age but seeing as she wasn’t that much younger and her parents insisted that she didn’t go anywhere by herself when she was younger she had always tagged along. She liked Elvis. He was nice. Funny too. And he seemed to be the only boy she didn’t get all shy around well apart from her brother but unlike him, Elvis seemed to actually like having her around. 
As he walked up the path he seemed lost in his own head, as always, but once he spotted her his face broke into a smile. Y/N smiled back though she was still wallowing a little. He stopped in front of her and said, ‘hey, what are you doing out here? It’s freezing.’ ‘I’m not cold,’ she shrugged. Elvis raised his eyebrows as he placed his guitar against the stone wall and took a seat next to her. ‘Budge up,’ he said, sitting down so that their bodies were touching. Y/N had to admit, she hadn’t realised how chilly it had gotten until his warm leg was pressed up against her thinly covered one.  ‘Got enough room there Presley?’ she chuckled at how close he was.  ‘Need to leave some room if folks wanna come in and out,’ he said, ‘I mean what if ol’ Miss Jackson comes out she’ll be bad-mouthing us all over the building.’  ‘Ol’ Miss Jackson doesn’t come out past mid-July. You know that right?’ she chuckled, nudging him with her shoulder. The pair caught each other’s eye for a moment and then looked out towards the street.    ‘So, what are you actually doing out here?’ Elvis asked after a moment. Y/N looked at him confused before he added, ‘come on, I know you well enough to know that if you’re out here somethings bothering you.’  ‘It’s nothing,’ Y/N said but Elvis’ bright blue eyes narrowed and she could feel the words being pulled out of her, ‘it’s not a big deal.’  ‘What is it?’ he asked. Y/N could hear the genuine concern in his voice. All of a sudden her worries seemed trivial. Silly. ‘It’s about a dance… a school dance,’ she said quickly, ‘I’m going, well, I was going to go but I can’t now.’ ‘Why not?’ he asked.  ‘It’s really not a big deal,’ Y/N said but Elvis looked at her asking for her to continue, ‘I’ve got nothing to wear.’ Elvis chuckled a little as she continued hurriedly, ‘and I know it sounds silly. It’s ridiculous I know that. It’s just that all my friends are going and they’re already talking about how their parents are going to buy them brand-new dresses. I mean my friend Martha’s daddy literally gave her his chequebook and told her to go and buy whatever she wanted!’ she said before going quiet for a moment, ‘I’m just sick of being the only one who can’t y’know? The only one who has to wear her Easter church dress when they’re all looking like a million bucks.’
Elvis nodded and threw her a sympathetic smile. He knew what she meant. He was lucky. His record was selling and he was getting chances to play all over which meant he had more money in his back pocket than ever before, but he had been in her shoes. He’d been the kid in class with no money, jealous of his friends and classmates who did. He placed a hand on her knee and smiled, ‘it’s not silly. I get it.’ ‘I’m just tired of it, you know?’ she said. He nodded before saying with a smile, ‘at least you look good in that Easter dress.’ ‘Oh don’t remind me,’ she chuckled, ‘mama even talked about knocking something up on her sewing machine though I think we’d have to blow all the dust off of it first.’ ‘Maybe my mama can knit you something,’ he chuckled.  ‘Oh yeah?’ she giggled, ‘maybe something with a nice bonnet to match.’  ‘Or some booties,’ he added. 
The pair giggled for a moment, their laughter echoing into the silent night air. As silence fell between them Y/N became acutely aware that Elvis’ hand was still on her knee though he seemed to notice it at the same time and removed it, fiddling with the material on the knee of his own trousers. Y/N cleared her throat hoping to divert attention off the slight awkwardness and said, ‘so how come you’re so late back? I thought you only worked till 6 today.’ ‘What?’ he asked before his mind seemed to catch up, ‘oh, I headed to the studio for a couple of hours after I clocked off.’ ‘Yeah?’ she asked. Elvis nodded.  ‘Yeah, me and the boys penned a new song a few days ago so we decided to have a run at it,’ he said, ‘it sounds good.’ ‘Well if it’s anything like your last record I’m sure it’ll be great,’ she said with a soft smile.  ‘Yeah? You liked it?’ he asked. Y/N nodded, ‘yeah, it’s real good. Your voice is amazing though I knew that already.’ ‘Thanks,’ he said, dropping his gaze. Though his record was selling off the charts he still hadn’t gotten used to all the good press and compliments he had been getting. ‘I think half your record sales can be attributed to my homeroom class alone,’ she giggled.  ‘Yeah?’ ‘All the girls are tripping over themselves,’ she said, ‘they can’t believe I’m friends with the great Elvis Presley.’ ‘Hey, maybe we can sell signed records at your school to get you a new dress?’ he chuckled.  ‘Probably get more cash with a kissing booth,’ Y/N laughed. Elvis did too though it didn’t meet his eyes.   When they stopped Y/N felt a shiver run through her body. The sun had fully disappeared whilst they had been sitting there and now she was feeling the chill in the air. She swayed into his shoulder as she said, ‘I better go back inside. I’m getting a lil chilly.’ ‘Do you want my jacket?’ Elvis said, moving to slide his jacket off his shoulders. He didn’t want to go inside just yet. ‘Nah, it’s okay,’ she said standing up. Elvis felt the cold too now that her body was no longer pressed at his side keeping him warm. She offered a hand out for him to stand up, ‘come on. We both better get inside or Miss Jackson won’t be the only one we gotta worry about.’   ‘Okay,’ he said, taking her hand and standing up, grabbing his guitar and swinging it around his shoulder, ‘I’ll walk you up.’ ‘Won’t your mama be expecting you?’ she asked as they made their way back into the building. ‘Nah, I called her from the studio. She’s only expecting me back later,’ he said. They chatted a little as they made their way up the stairs and down the corridor to her home. ‘Thank you,’ she said once they reached her front door and she turned to find him behind her.  ‘No problem,’ he said, though his smile disappeared and he dropped his gaze to his shoes.  ‘What?’ she asked.  ‘Nothing,’ he said, looking up at her through his thick lashes. She nodded and turned to open the door before she heard him say her name, capturing her attention again, ‘Y/N?’  ‘Yeah?’ she asked. He looked properly at her now, his confidence growing. ‘I think you should go to that dance,’ he said.  ‘Elvis,’ she grumbled but he continued.  ‘I know, I know, you ain’t got a new dress or nothing but you never know,’ he said, ‘you might enjoy it.’ ‘I guess,’ she said chewing on her lip, ‘I’ll think about it.’  ‘Good,’ he said, smiling a little, ‘besides, won’t your date be upset?’ ‘Night Elvis,’ she said rolling her eyes. ‘Good night,’ Elvis said watching as she dipped behind the door which closed in his face a moment later. Elvis lingered for a moment before he turned to head home. As he did he couldn’t help but notice she hadn’t answered his question. 
✵✵✵   ‘I fold,’ Jimmy grumbled as he threw his cards on the table. Elvis smirked, looking at his hand before throwing another penny into the pot, ‘I raise. Daddy?’  ‘I’ll call,’ Vernon said, eyeing his son. ‘Billy?’ Elvis asked, looking at his cousin across the table who seemed to be sweating buckets. Billy had never been good at poker; Elvis however could always keep his cool. Never let them know how good his hand was.  ‘Erm,’ Billy said, shuffling his cards in his hand as if they were going to change the more he moved them about.  ‘Come on Bill,’ Jimmy said, ‘we ain’t got all day.’  Elvis and Jimmy chuckled but before they could say anything more there was noise from the front door. Their attention wasn’t diverted though as they were having far too much fun making Billy squirm.  ‘I’ll get it shall I?’ Gladys said, appearing at the living room door which only attracted their attention for a moment. ‘What do you reckon daddy?’ Elvis said, ‘think he’s got us on the ropes?’ ‘Not a cat in hell’s chance,’ Vernon smirked. Billy swallowed thickly and said, ‘um call.’
There was a wincing hiss around the room which made the younger boy fidget a little in his chair. They were winding him up and he was falling for it. Elvis started to say something but his attention was caught as his mother reappeared in the room with a guest, Y/N. 
‘They’re in here. Playing poker,’ she said, her tone dripping with disapproval as she looked at the boys at the table. Gladys hovered by the kitchen door watching as Y/N made her way into the room.  ‘Hey Y/N,’ Vernon said.  ‘Hi,’ she replied.  ‘What are you doing here?’ Jimmy asked, watching his sister with narrowed eyes.  ‘I need you to drive me to the movies,’ Y/N said as she stood behind the spare chair next to Billy who seemed to have relaxed a little now there was a distraction.  ‘What?’ Jimmy scoffed, ‘no way.’  ‘Mama said you have to,’ she said simply. Elvis watched the pair of them with a sigh. They were often like this, being so close in age and so different meant they were often at loggerheads and he could feel an argument building. But as Y/N folded her arm across her chest and he took a moment to look at her. She was wearing a simple yellow dress and white cardigan over the top, due to the autumn chill in the air, and her hair was wrapped up on her head with a neat white scarf. 
‘This is bullshit,’ Jimmy said, throwing his cards down onto the table.  ‘Language!’ Gladys said from the corner of the room.  ‘He’s sorry mama,’ Elvis said, elbowing his friend in the side.  ‘Why can’t daddy drive you?’ Jimmy said. ‘I don’t know,’ she said cockily, ‘why don’t you go and ask him? I’m sure that will go down a treat.’  ‘Ugh, can’t you take the bus? We’re in the middle of a game,’ Jimmy said.  ‘James Y/L/N,’ Gladys said, coming into the room, ‘I know you did not just suggest that your sister take the bus all the way across town at night.’  ‘She’s right man,’ Elvis said disapprovingly, ‘who knows what creeps are out there.’ ‘She’ll be on a bus full of people,’ Jimmy reasoned. Elvis sighed.  ‘I’ll take you,’ Elvis said, putting his cards down.  ‘No you won’t,’ Y/N said shifting her weight from one foot to another, ‘mama said he has to, so he has to.’  ‘Fine,’ Jimmy grumbled, ‘can we at least finish the game?’ 
Y/N sighed looking at her brother before she grabbed the back of the chair she was standing behind and slid down onto it. Elvis threw her a small smile as the game started again. She sat there patiently for a while before she got bored and headed into the kitchen to chat with Gladys. Finally, the game wrapped up and as Jimmy tidied the cards away Elvis rose from his chair, scraped the change he’d won into his pocket, and headed to the kitchen to tell Y/N they were ready to head out.
‘And I’m sure they’ve got a sale on at Sears,’ Gladys said as she stood washing plates in the sink.  ‘Yeah, my friend mentioned that but I don’t think they’re as cheap as they make out,’ Y/N said. She was resting against the countertop watching the older woman but her eyes fell on Elvis as he entered.  ‘Hey,’ he said, ‘we’re ready to go whenever you are.’ ‘You’re going too boobie?’ Gladys said, pausing her activity for a moment.  ‘Yeah,’ Elvis said, ‘uh, Billy’s gonna stay here but I’m gonna go out with ‘em.’ ‘Okay,’ Gladys said with a small smile.  ‘I mean someone might have to prise them both apart if they start fighting again,’ Elvis chuckled.  ‘Are you coming to referee or hold me back?’ she laughed. Elvis chuckled and rolled his eyes heading back into the living room.  ‘Drive careful! And Y/N think about that sale!’ Gladys said as Y/N followed him. By the time they got to the door Jimmy joined them and all three of them headed out into the corridors and down the building’s stairs. He was still grumbling as they did so but Elvis was ignoring him and decided to talk to Y/N instead.   ‘What sale?’ Elvis said. ‘Oh nothing she was just telling me about a dress sale,’ she said as they headed down the building’s stairs.  ‘For the dance?’ Elvis said.  ‘Yeah,’ Y/N said. They were at the car now and the conversation broke for a moment as Y/N slid into the car and Elvis headed around the other side to the driver’s seat. Jimmy climbed into the cab and sat beside his sister, trapping her between both of the men.    ‘Are you going?’ Elvis asked, as the car sparked to life and they set off on their journey. ‘I don’t know,’ she said, ‘I mean it’s tomorrow night so I doubt it.’ ‘She’s still grumbling about that stupid dress,’ Jimmy said earning himself a sharp dig in the ribs from his sister.  ‘I am not,’ she snapped, ‘besides like I told Elvis I don’t even know if I’m going yet.’  ‘It’s just a dress Y/N,’ Jimmy said. ‘So you’ve got your eye on one?’ Elvis said, his eyes flicking from the road for a second and he smiled as her face lit up.  ‘Oh, Elvis it’s so pretty. I saw it after school the other day in Goldsmith’s,’ she gushed, ‘blue ruffled lace and everything-’  ‘EP doesn’t care about a dress,’ Jimmy said but she ignored him. ‘My friend made me try it on and it looked so good… then I saw the price tag,’ she said. ‘Yeah, all that money to impress that meat head,’ Jimmy mumbled.  ‘Meat head?’ Elvis asked. He tried to sound neutral but his tone had an icy edge to it that he didn’t plan for.  ‘Yeah, that jock Bobby Hudson,’ Jimmy said, ‘been calling our house day and night.’ ‘That right?’ Elvis said his gaze never leaving the road. Y/N could feel heat creeping up her neck onto her cheeks though she didn’t know why.  ‘He’s just a friend,’ she lied though her mind flashed with the question of why.
She didn’t need to. She could date him if that was what she wanted. It was true that Bobby had asked her to the dance, though it was after she had found out she didn’t have anything to wear so she had said no but he kept trying to change her mind. Much to her parents’ annoyance, he had rung the house numerous times just to speak to her. She liked him; he was popular, good-looking, and funny, but Jimmy was right, he was a bit of a meathead. Football was his thing 8and when it came to talking about much else he was at a loss. Which meant their conversations were very boring. Yet he kept trying. So, as a way to try and placate him she agreed to go to the movies with him. She hoped one date was enough to satiate his appetite. 
The car fell silent for a moment, the only noise was the chatter of the radio, so Y/N reached out and started fiddling with the radio trying to get a station playing music. Elvis watched her fingers as they twiddled with the knob trying to get reception. He didn’t know why but he felt as if his stomach was lead-lined. Fortunately, Jimmy picked up the slack and started wittering on about Billy being a wreck at the table allowing the tension to melt away. By the time they pulled up opposite the movies Elvis’ stomach seemed to have gone back to normal.  He parked the car and then opened his door and slid out, offering a hand to Y/N as she clambered over his side of the cab and out into the street. Jimmy stayed put. 
‘Want me to walk you in?’ he asked as they stood by the cab of the truck, Y/N smoothing out her wrinkled dress.  ‘No it’s okay,’ she said looking across the road, ‘my friend’s here.’  Elvis’ gaze followed where her head faced and he spotted a guy standing outside the movies looking up and down his side of the street clearly waiting for someone, ‘you’re going to the movies with hi8m?’  ‘Yeah,’ she said nonchalantly. ‘Oh,’ he said, ‘like a date?’ ‘No, well maybe,’ she said looking at him again, ‘it’s complicated.’ ‘How?’ he asked, feeling that leaden feeling coming back stronger by the second.  ‘He asked me to the dance. I said no. He kept asking so I compromised,’ she shrugged, ‘I figured the movies was enough like a date to keep him happy and not too much that he’d think of giving me a ring.’ ‘Oh,’ Elvis said, that leaden feeling now back and in full swing. He didn’t know why but the thought of someone asking her to the dance bugged him. And it bugged him even more that even after turning the guy down she’d chosen to go out with him separately. Did she like him? He was pulled out of his thoughts as she spoke, ‘I’ve gotta run. Thanks for the ride.’  ‘No problem,’ he said, ‘you need us to pick you up? ‘No, it’s okay. I’ve got something arranged,’ she replied, and then she was gone making her way across the street as Elvis watched her go. He watched as she greeted the guy across the street warmly, leaning in to give him a quick hug before the pair of them disappeared into the theatre. He slid back into the cab of the truck, slamming the door shut a little louder than intended.    ‘Jeez EP you nearly took that door off its hinges,’ Jimmy said, jumping in his seat. ‘Sorry man,’ Elvis said as he turned on the ignition, ‘my hand slipped.’  ‘Well, now that that’s done, what do you wanna do? I mean we can head home and have another game or something,’ Jimmy pondered as they started weaving through the streets of Memphis.  ‘I need a drink,’ Elvis said.
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captain039 · 2 years
Stuck in a cell
Alpha Jim hopper x omega!reader
Warnings: AOB, heat/ruts, smut, semi-public place, daddy kink, praise kink, swearing, age gap, torture, first time
Just finished stranger things season four.
My heart…. I just-
Anyway I’m horny for jim hopper with a gun or flame thrower….
Watching him in that explosion was shattering, you didn’t moved from your position, crying out in agony before the Russian army got you.
It was difficult being stuck in a prison cell surrounded by men, horrid, stinky, disgusting men. You were dressed like them, stank like them too if it weren’t for your omega scent keeping you in some sanity of smelling sort of ok. You were to weak to fight, to weak to change anything. Hopper- hopper was gone.
You felt like your whole heart had been taken out, stabbed, squished and shatter then placed back in only too keep you alive. You felt like a puppet, just being dragged and worked, fed shitty food.
Then your heat hit. It didn’t even register that it would come eventually, no suppressants provided, just mashed potato and some cooked meat that tasted like dog food. You were moved the day it hit, dragged around like a doll till his scent hit you. You were thrown in a cell, hopper right in front of you staring at you in shock and disbelief.
“Hopper” you muttered mind not believing what your eyes were seeing.
You never told him how you felt, the secret stupid crush that never left.
“Jim?” You muttered as he crashed into you in a hug. You shuddered and withered, sobs escaping your mouth as you clutched to him.
“Enjoy your bitch” a guard spat and Hopper growled making you shuddered.
“You’re alive” you cried pulling back, keeping him at arms distance.
“God-“ you groaned holding your stomach.
“I watched-“ you couldn’t finish your sentences, emotions going haywire, mind fuzzy.
“I’m not exactly in good condition” you muttered feeling sick.
“I think a cell is not good place to be” you swallowed hoping you wouldn’t puke.
“At least you smell good” you were babbling at the worse time.
“Do I?“ he strained a chuckle.
“Mhm” you muttered gripping the bars.
“You smell-“ he took a deep breath pupils going big.
“Like shit” you muttered.
“Like sweet omega” he muttered backing away making you whine.
“I’m sorry” you cried again, banging your head against the bars softly.
“I don’t even know why they brought me here” you scoffed.
“Hey assholes!” You yelled, Hopper quickly covering your mouth. You mumbled against his hand before huffing.
“Jesus you’re still a pain” he muttered and you grinned. Coming off suppressants was not going well, you’ve been on them ever since your first heat and never had one since despite what the doctors said. You felt drunk, drugged, whatever your mind was not there.
“You love me” you giggled and he sighed eyes worried. Cramps hit you again and you brought your knees to your chest.
“I now see why my doctor said not to stay on the suppressants the whole time” you mumbled.
“Jesus kid- you’ve never had a heat?” He asked.
“One” you shrugged and he cursed.
“Not a kid” you grumbled afterwards.
“Douche bag” you added again smiling to yourself.
“Why’d they bring me here? They know I’m connected to you somehow?” You asked.
“They want answers” he said and you frowned.
“Bout what? About how we saved the damn world, dumbasses” you rolled your eyes feeling your underwear damp. You flushed furiously sitting so you were on your knees, but avoiding the ground.
“So they brought me to break the big bad alpha” you said.
“Are they stupid?” You asked and he hushed you. A guard bashed the cell making you jump and Hopper grab you quickly. Hopper was panting as the guard yelled angrily. More guards appeared, unlocking the door. You froze as did Hopper, his hold on your tightening as you were taken away. You cried and screamed as Hopper fought and was knocked out. You were knocked out to a sharp pain before darkness.
You awoke groggily, feeling overly cold. Your eyes were droopy and you felt like you were hit by a truck.
“Y/n!” You heard Hopper yelling and guards yelling making you groan. You laid on your side the floor freezing despite the bed roll under you. You noticed layers had been stripped of you also, leaving your in underwear only. You shivered, hot and cold flushes going over you. You were shaking horrible soon, hearing Jim yell.
You were struggling, trying to find warmth, we’re they going to kill you from hypothermia in heat? Sick bastards. The guards eventually left and Jim’s calls died down. You were chattering your teeth, rubbing your arms over your body before the door opened again. You didn’t hear Jim either making you worried.
“Here-“ the man wrapped a jacket around you and you shuddered.
“You need to finish her heat, you don’t have long” you were carried to Hoppers cell, his arms going around you quickly making you sigh in his warmth.
“Hey- hey come on open your eyes” he said and you just groaned opening them slowly.
“There you go” he whispered placing you in his lap, chest to chest, head on his shoulder.
“Who was that?” You asked.
“Inside friend” he said and you hummed.
“We’re going to get out of here ok?” He spoke softly and all you could do was nod.
“No- no eyes open” he said and you whined but kept them open.
“He said- finish my heat? How do you even do that?” You muttered mind still not thinking properly. Hopper tensed under you making you frown and lift your head.
“An alpha would have to knot you, it’ll stop your heat” he said face embarrassed.
“I thought nothing could, once it starts it stays till a week or whatever” you plonked your head back down on his shoulder.
“Oh the guards will be pissed if they come in” you mumbled.
“You’re warm” you whispered snuggling in, nose against his scent gland.
“Smell good” you mumbled nosing his neck gently a content sigh leaving your lips.
“When I thought you ‘died’ I felt like I did too, like someone squished my heart and only left it there to keep it beating and pump blood through me so I’d stay alive, I never even got to tell you I have a crush on you” you spoke without thought.
“Crush? Seems childish, I’ve never been in love though, I feel like it’d feel like this though” you whispered.
“But you were big alpha of our little pack of superhero’s, I was just a runt following” you frowned slightly, with everything that had happened, you wondered how you even kept living.
“You weren’t a runt” he muttered.
“That’s all you got?” You scoffed lightly with a smile.
“No” he mumbled a sigh leaving his lips.
“Maybe I’ll die here in a cell” you said.
“You’re not dying” he said clearly and sternly.
“Ok big bad alpha” the nick name you accidentally gave him a while ago stuck, even El called him that. You sighed feeling warmth in your body again, your blood pumping quickly with need. You held a hand over your stomach as it began to cramp again. Your underwear was either damp or still cold, you couldn’t tell. Hopper was tense under you, taking small breaths.
“Alpha” you mumbled feeling him flinch. You went to climb off his lap, you were probably affecting him too much. He held on tighter though tugging you back, it made you whine, you didn’t know what was worse, being cold on the floor or overly hot against him. Your hands wiggled under his shirt and rested in his stomach, he’d lost a lot of weight from lack of diet and hard work. You sighed at the contact of skin on skin letting your hands roam around before snaking them around his back. You froze though as did he, jagged lines were under your fingers, wherever you moved them, there was more clusters of lines.
“What did they do to you?” You asked suddenly shrugging off his coat and shirt. Your eyes watered at the marks on him, they tortured him. You wanted to kill the bastards, a seething hate for whoever hurt your alpha. You struggled with your words realising you had just taken off his upper half.
“I didn’t-“ you gulped reaching for his shirt when his hand caught your wrist.
“Why’d they do this?” You whispered tracing the scars on his shoulders.
“How dare they-“ you snarled and be chuckled lightly.
“I wouldn’t break” he said, like it did any justice.
“I’ll kill them myself” you said before groaning in pain.
“You’re in no shape to kill a man, besides, I wouldn’t let you” he had a light smile on his face. You reached up, fingers tracing his cheek, his beard, suddenly so transfixed by it. You heard chatter outside and froze, you realise the guards would soon question, burst in, take you away from him. You whimpered at that, fear flooding through you as you watched the door.
“Hey, eyes on me” two fingers moved your head so you looked to him.
“They’re gonna seperate us!” You cried quietly his hand cupping your neck, thumb stroking your jaw.
“They won’t” he said and you glared.
“They will! Hopper I’m not a child! I know-“ you froze and went silent as lips pressed against yours. You sagged a soft moan leaving your lips as you clutched his shoulders.
“Let’s deal with the heat first” he muttered sending heat straight to your core. You nodded too eagerly chasing his lips as he pulled back. Gods you’ve wanted this for years, for him to just fuck you. You began to panic though what the hell do you do? Sure porn helped, but this was very, very, different.
“Alpha I haven’t-“ you flushed furiously and he stopped.
“You’ve never had sex?” He asked and you nodded. His hands on your sides faltered and you felt more tears in your eyes.
“Please just stop this though” you said going to kiss him again.
“Sweetheart” he trailed off and you hung your head.
“Baby girl I-“ he sighed and the pet names sent you wolf.
“Please” you begged.
“Your first time should be after a nice dinner with a much younger hot date, in a nice bed- not with some old alpha in a dirty cell” his words made you cry, you didn’t want a younger hot date you wanted him. Yes a bed would be nice, build up, making love instead of being in this situation. You leant against his shoulder letting your tear drops hit his chest.
“I want you though, I always have” you whispered and you heard him take a sharp breath.
“Maybe I’ve got a lot of issues ok I-“ you held your stomach again.
“I don’t know if I’ll be in control” he muttered and you shivered in delight.
“Then don’t” you muttered lifting your head. His eyes went dark and you felt a gush of slick, he took a deep breath before kissing you roughly, tugging you closer. You were sitting on his thighs, now you could feel how hard he was through the pants he wore.
“It may hurt” he said and you just ignored him, kissing him deeply, a little all over the place. His fingers slipped under your underwear, sliding his fingers through your folds. You broke the kiss with a broken moan, head heavy. You rested your forehead on his shoulder as he moved his fingers around, feeling how wet you were. You bit the back of your hand as his fingers slipped in all too easily, he let out a soft groan, music to your ears. He added a second finger easily, you could feel the stretch, his fingers much thicker than yours. Your hips rocked against him, soft pants leaving you.
“Feel good?” He whispered and you nodded furiously. His voice was husky making your stomach clench. He slipped on a third and you bit your lip, a small hiss leaving your lips. He leant his head against yours hushing you gently as he slowly moved his fingers. You could feel yourself clenching around him, your stomach was in knots, this felt so different than doing it by yourself. You undid his pants, lifting your head and he shuffled a bit so you could move them down more. He made a come here motion and you buckled again letting out a sharp breath. He did it again and you let out a cry slash moan.
“Please” you muttered hands shaking too much to move his boxers. He chuckled and you wanted to glare at him. His fingers left and you shuddered a groan leaving you. He gently moved you back to sit on his thighs while he moved down his underwear and pants. You stared as his cock came free, aching hard. You gulped slightly not sure what to do.
“Do you want to touch?” He asked voice deep and husky. You nodded quickly as his hand wrapped around himself and coated his cock with your slick. The sight made you hang your mouth open, hands twitching.
He grabbed your hand, wrapping it around him with his hand on top. He guided your movements, slow up and down. He let go, lying his hand on your hip, gripping the flesh as you pumped his cock. His head leaned back as you experimented with movement, speed and pressure. He groaned when you swiped your thumb over the tip and you whined. He kissed you roughly bringing you closer again, cock trapped between your body’s. you rested your hands on his chest as he lifted you to your knees and lined himself up. You leant your forehead against his breathing heavily.
“Ready?” He asked and you nodded slowly sinking yourself. You bit your lip, tears in the corner of your eyes. He cupped your cheek, hushing you, telling you how good you were doing.
“So good, such a good omega” he praised and you relaxed. You stopped feeling full already and the sting was a bit much.
“Take a breath” he mumbled and you did. He kissed the corner of your eyes, stopped the tears before you moved again.
You finally felt your butt hit his thighs and struggled to breath.
“If it’s too much stop” he said and you shook your head. You were gripping his shoulders tightly, trying to control your breathing. He groaned softly resting his head against yours as you moved your hips slightly. You whimpered legs weak, it was a bit much. His arms wrapped around you, holding you close as he hushed you.
“You’re doing so well” he muttered kissing your forehead. You gained a little confidence, slightly lifting your hips and sitting back down. You shuddered at the feeling and continued the movement. You panted loudly forehead against Hoppers. He was groaning quietly every time you moved, he was gripping your hip tightly, like he was holding back. You were thankful for him letting you set the pace. The sting left, but the fullness didn’t, you could feel the pleasure building up as you quickened. He met your movements with thrusts and you whined. You wrapped your arms around his neck legs aching horribly.
“My legs” you mumbled and he helped you, he held you up, moving his hips instead and you moaned. He set a pace and you panted with each thrust, soft whined leaving you every now and then. He quickened and your back arched. He growled lowly, making you whimper and bare your neck without thinking. His lips attached to your neck, sucking and scraping his teeth.
“I have to knot you” he muttered and you nodded. He snarled continuing his quick pace before you could feel him inflate. You whimpered at the change and quick panic flooded through you.
“I’ve got you” he said fingers rubbing against your clit. You cried as you came his knot slipping in and locking place. You saw him bite the back of his hand a sadness going through. You trembled though body going limp as he kept you upright.
“You’re alright” he whispered running a hand up and down your back.
“Such a good omega” he praised and you warmed. You closed your eyes leaning against his chest, you couldn’t move, didn’t want too. You heard yelling outside making you mumbled. Someone came in though, the card that let you out.
“Done?” He asked and Hopper growled keeping you shielded.
“Good” the man said and left making you relax. You moved slightly feeling him tug, you whined loudly and he hushed you.
“Don’t move” he said and you nodded eyes closing.
“The guards?” You asked weakly.
“They won’t come for a while” he answered and you nodded.
“Good” you muttered hearing Hopper chuckle lightly.
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screechthemighty · 1 year
I meant to have this up yesterday, but my brain was turned to mashed potatoes by the Celebrations, so...happy boxing day, I guess. xD AO3 link as usual in a reblog!
will you greet the daylight looming? part 2/6 - spring
(ragnarok spoilers throughout)
The snow cleared slowly. It made the winter seem longer than usual, but spring’s arrival was undeniable. Most mornings, Kratos woke up to sunrises no longer obscured by clouds and temperatures no longer so freezing that his fingertips went numb. He could walk without forcing his way through knee-deep snow. Rivers and lakes began to thaw.
And, one day, the flowers began to bloom again.
“Well, isn’t that lovely!” Mimir said. “When was the last time we saw flowers in Midgard?”
Not since Faye died. It seemed like much longer. Three years in the life of a god was usually nothing, but it had been a very strained three years. Kratos carefully touched the newly unfurled petals. He knew these flowers. Faye would dry them and brew them in a tea whenever he had headaches. Kratos never complained, of course, but she always seemed to know anyway.
You’re so tense, love. Were you carved from stone back in Greece?
His hand fell away from the flowers. Kratos surveyed the area, making note of the landmarks. He would return when they had matured.
It would be cruel to uproot them so soon.
Skepi and Svanna adjusted quickly to their brother’s growth, accepting him back as if he’d never been gone. Fortunately, Fenrir had also learned to adjust; otherwise, their attempts at roughhousing would have far greater consequences.
“Don’t look at me like that,” Kratos said. Speki continued to look at him like that, a soft pleading whine coming from her. “You chose to battle a stronger enemy. Win or lose on your own merit.”
Speki huffed and trotted back. Savanna still struggled, growling and tugging on the end of a large branch. Fenrir held the other end. It looked like a twig in his mouth. He didn’t move at all, save for the slight wagging of his tail.
“He could go a little easy on them,” Agrboda noted with a smile, “but I think he likes being the strongest one again.”
“Hmm.” Kratos supposed he could understand. Fenrir’s illness had taken much from him. He had not been as attached to the wolf at the time, but it had still been troubling to watch his decline. The strength of this new form must have been welcome after so long spent ill. As he watched, Fenrir lifted his head slightly, leaving Svanna dangling off the ground. “Thank you for bringing him.”
“It’s no problem. He misses it here. He even misses you sometimes.”
“Sometimes?” Kratos raised an eyebrow. “What’s he been saying about me?”
“Nothing, technically. They don’t really talk, it’s more like…”
“Impressions. Atreus told me.” His chest still ached sometimes when he spoke of his son. Worry born of love. That would never go away, he knew, no matter how much he believed his Atreus could handle the journey. “What is his impression, then?”
“You’re cranky. But when he got sick you’d give him extra table scraps.”
Angrboda grinned. “So he wasn’t exaggerating that part?”
“He needed to keep his energy up.”
“Uh-huh.” She put her hands on her hips and examined him carefully. “You’re really not that scary, you know.”
Kratos huffed quietly. “You’re only the second person to say that.”
“Really? In how long?”
“However long you think and make it longer.” The branch broke; Svanna tumbled to the ground with her half, then promptly ran off with it, yipping excitedly around the mouthful of wood. “Are you well?”
He was hesitant to ask. They had not known each other long, and he did not want to seem as if he were fretting. She was clearly a competent young woman. But he had been to the Ironwood. He had seen how she lived. Angrboda’s isolation was familiar in a way he didn’t like. Despite himself…Kratos worried.
“I’m doing okay. It feels…different in Jotunheim.” She leaned over to pet Svanna as the wolf trotted over. “It was never that cold in the Ironwood, but…I can tell, somehow.” She met Kratos’s eyes. “Are you okay?”
That was a fair question. “It has been quiet. I am…adjusting. But…”
He stopped, a strange feeling settling in his chest. Angrboda nodded. “Yeah, I miss him, too. I mean…” She ducked her head. “I know, I didn’t know him as long…I don’t want to sound like…”
“I understand.” You could forge strong connections in a short amount of time. Kratos knew that better than most. “Do you know where he may have gone?”
Angrboda shook her head. “He’s got a lot of options. I know some went east. Some west. Anywhere they could go to get away from this.” She hesitated. “It is…safe here now, right?”
Safe was probably the wrong word. There would always be dangers–draugr, wild animals, the evil or the opportunistic. Jotunheim lay mostly in ruin; rebuilding would take some time. And he didn’t know how many of the Aesir still held a grudge against the giants.
But their two greatest threats were gone. And if any others did arise, he felt honor-bound to protect them. For their sakes, for Faye’s. For his son’s.
“It is,” he said. “It will be.”
Angrboda relaxed. For a moment, she looked much more her age: a young woman who did not have the full weight of prophecy on her shoulders.
The world did not feel so heavy on his shoulders, either.
He saw more of Thrúd than he’d anticipated.
The deaths of most other major Aesir left her mother Sif as leader. Týr, the true Týr, could have perhaps taken up the mantle, but expressed no interest in doing so. Kratos could not say he blamed the man for that.
He'd expected Thrúd to spend more time at her mother's side, but she still seemed determined to join the ranks of the reformed Valkyries. Whenever there was trouble with draugr or Hel-walkers, he found her there.
And the draugr and Hel-walkers had still been causing a lot of trouble.
"They just don't stop coming," Thrúd said irately. She kicked over one of the bodies, watching as it dissolved into frost. "Every time we find a hole down there, they just move on to another one."
Kratos grunted. “They are determined. You can always find an escape if you look hard enough.”
“You sound like you’ve got experience with that.”
Thrúd stared expectantly. Kratos was used to that look by now. Many people tried to pry the story of his past out of him. He did not always feel inclined to answer. He liked Thrúd well enough, but she was not exactly in his confidence. So he stayed silent, instead scanning the surroundings for more Hel-Walkers. Thrúd gave up with a quiet sigh. “I’m gonna let the others know. They’re trying to see if there’s like…a pattern to it. Anything that helps. Hey, this isn’t weird, is it?”
Thrúd held up Mjölnir. “This. Since…you know…”
He had a feeling she only meant because my father tried to kill you with it, twice. Perhaps she’d thought to ask because of Atreus and Faye, because of what they were. Because of what that hammer had done.
For a moment, the Blades strapped to his back felt warmer, as if the flames were starting to spark. He ignored the feeling. “No,” he said. “It is not.”
Some weapons had complicated histories. Some vile things still had use…perhaps even use for good.
But as Thrúd gave him a relieved smile and flew off, he thought of Vanaheim. The crater left in the wake of a battle.
How strong Faye’s hatred must have been to fuel that kind of rage.
“You are being entirely too calm about this.”
“That’s what I keep saying!” Mimir said. “Three times before he’s done this! Not even a bloody flinch!”
“I can leave you at home if you are so concerned,” Kratos interrupted.
“I’m not concerned for myself.”
Kratos glanced Freya’s way. She didn’t seem concerned so much as surprised. Kratos wasn’t sure what to say. Helheim was a comparatively easier afterlife to escape, at least in his experience. Stating so would probably not make his companions less alarmed by his calm. So, he ignored the statement and opened the travel gate.
The action was mundane, but it felt heavy, mournful. The feeling was familiar to him now; he felt the same when he used the spear, or looked at the brand on Leviathan. All reminders of two friends lost.
Do not dwell on it. Focus.
“The Valkyries are sure of the locations?” he asked as they traveled along the world tree.
“Very.” Freya carefully scanned their surroundings. There weren’t many threats on this part of the tree, but Nidhogg’s offspring had become more active as the Fimbulwinter thawed. Ratatoskr insisted they were “only playing,” but their play tended to involve biting. They were not as gentle as the wolves when they played. “Same plan as always. You keep them distracted, I’ll close the rifts. This should slow them down for a while.”
Kratos grunted. They were very efficient by now. It was…comforting, he realized. Of course, he had not been truly alone since he’d met Faye, but the circle of people Kratos knew he could trust had been very, very small since he’d moved north. He was a long way off from his days as a soldier, a member of a syssitia, someone who was surrounded by competent men whom he could trust without hesitation.
And he’d missed it. He hadn’t realized how much until the fragile spring grew stronger. Once, he might have convinced himself the feeling was relief that tasks would actually get done and that he was no longer surrounded by squabbling, empty-headed fools. (He might have regretted how things had gone in Greece, but he stood by that assessment of Olympus.)
But there was no reason to lie to himself. He missed the companionship. Freya and Mimir were good comrades. They were part of the reason he was so calm about returning to Helheim.
He would not be attempting to leave alone, and that was a great comfort.
“Something on your mind?” Freya asked.
“Nothing burdensome,” Kratos said. He felt a sudden urge to thank her, though it was tempered by the knowledge that doing so might start a conversation he wasn’t ready for. Their doorway had appeared, anyway. Now was not the time. Later, he thought. “Are you ready?”
Freya drew her bow and nodded. The gesture was quickly followed by a smirk. “Age before beauty?” she said.
“How old are you, anyway?” Mimir asked as they stepped into the frozen wastes of Helheim.
“How old do you think?”
Kratos huffed a quiet laugh. “Well?”
“I think I’ll keep that one to myself, brother.”
That was also fair.
It was one of his rare quiet days. Kratos focused on repairing the garden. It had long gone fallow over the Fimbulwinter. It would be good to see it productive again. The whining of the wolves alerted him to someone approaching. He thought it would be Angrboda, but instead…
“Need a hand with that?”
It took Kratos a moment to remember the blond’s name. Skjöldr. Midgardian boy, formerly a resident of Asgard. Atreus’s friend, about the same age. Kratos knew of him, but he didn’t come by as much as Agrboda, or even Thrúd. “I have it,” Kratos said. “Atreus…Loki is not back yet.”
“No, I didn’t think so. I…” Skjöldr moved towards the gate, then hesitated as the wolves stared him down. “...uh.”
“They are friendly.” Though he knew they likely didn’t look friendly. “Speki. Svanna. Here.”
The wolves stood and walked to Kratos’s side, fixing their attention on him. Skjöldr came in through the gate, keeping a respectful distance but seeming more relaxed now. “I wanted to talk to you,” he said finally. “I…I need to learn to fight.”
Kratos raised an eyebrow. He wasn’t sure what surprised him more–the fact that the boy hadn’t learned even the basics by his age, or the fact that he was coming to Kratos. “Why?”
“It’s…” Skjöldr gestured around him. “Midgard is great, and we’ve been doing okay, don’t get me wrong. But in Asgard…we were safe there, you know? Even on the other side of the wall, Odin kept a lot of dangers away from us. That’s really all I’ve known. Now I’m here, and there’s a lot of things that can hurt us. I want to be able to keep everyone safe.”
Kratos understood. It was another way Odin kept them reliant on Asgard. Why leave, when the world outside was so dangerous and they had no way to defend themselves? Why teach their children to defend themselves when that might encourage them to explore, to potentially learn some uncomfortable truths?
“It will not be easy,” Kratos warned.
“Oh, I know! I know. I’m ready. I’ll do whatever it takes.”
“Hmm.” Kratos might be more doubtful if the boy’s eagerness were not so…honest. “Is there anyone else?”
“A few of the others. They’re just, uh…”
Skjöldr hesitated. “They’re afraid of me,” Kratos guessed.
“A little bit, yeah.”
Kratos huffed, amused. He was not trying to be threatening, not anymore, but if this kept people away from him…he would not complain. “Come.”
Skjöldr’s face lit up in recognition that his request was being honored. He quickly looked confused. “Where are we…?”
“We start now. You will need practice weapons. We need wood.” He set aside his garden tools and nodded outside of the garden. “You will carry it.”
Nothing like hauling lumber to build up your strength. And if Skjöldr made it through without complaint, Kratos had a feeling he’d be fine.
“Just the spear heads?”
“They can make the rest. It is good to learn.” It was still so strange seeing someone else at the forge. Lúnda was competent, agreeable, but still unfamiliar. In some ways, she was the sharpest reminder of what they’d lost. Kratos tried not to dwell on it, knowing that it was unfair to her, but the thought lingered. “Have you seen Sindri?”
It felt wrong to ask. The dwarf was mourning. He had made it clear that he wanted his space. Kratos had been trying to respect that, but he worried. He was familiar with the pain Sindri was feeling. He remembered how the loss of Deimos had plagued him twice over, each time painful in its own way.
He remembered what it had nearly driven him to do.
“I was hoping you had,” Lúnda admitted. “He stopped coming to Nidavellir a while ago, and every time I’ve been by the house, he hasn’t been there. Or he’s been hiding.”
Kratos nodded. “I…haven’t been in some time,” he admitted. He was busy trying to rebuild his home in the Wildwoods, helping seal the holes to Helheim, and training Skjöldr and the others. It did not help that Sindri’s presence lingered in the corners of the building, watching him from the upper level that Kratos could not access, revealing itself in the lingering smell of damp wood and soap. It didn’t feel right to be there anymore. It felt intrusive.
And, if Kratos was being honest with himself, he could not stand to see the judgment and rage in Sindri’s eyes again. It was selfish of him, he knew, but he could not bear it.
“I just wish I knew what to do,” Lúnda sighed. She started sorting through some scraps of metal, moving as if she needed to keep her hands busy but didn’t really care what she was doing. “I know, there’s nothing I can do, but…I wish there was.”
Kratos understood. She could mend any damaged piece of armor or weapon that Kratos gave her, but she could not soothe a friend’s grief. And that grief was nothing Kratos could fight and kill. If Sindri wished for someone to help him bear it, he had to ask.
He did not like to consider what would happen if Sindri never asked. What dark paths he might fall down. He may not have had the same capabilities for violence that Kratos had, but that did not mean Kratos wanted that for him. He should know peace.
Life was rarely so kind.
“He knows we are here,” Kratos said. “If he wishes for our help…”
He couldn’t finish the thought. Lúnda glanced at him with understanding. “Yeah,” she said. Then, with a shake of her head, “I can get those spear heads. Just as long as you promise me they won’t use them for anything stupid.”
“They will be well supervised. And most of them are still intimidated by me.”
“You’re not gonna do anything to make that better, are you?”
“Respect for one’s teacher is healthy.”
“That’s a ‘no.’”
Kratos held back a smile. “Correct.”
Lúnda didn’t bother holding her smile back. “Don’t rely on that too much. Sooner or later they’re gonna realize you’re a big softie.”
“That is a lie and I hope you will not repeat it.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it, honey.” She winked at him. Once, he would have considered that gesture far too familiar.
Now, he couldn’t say he minded.
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riarozelle · 1 year
Bitch, what’s for dinner?
This one shot is based off a tik tok, it’s linked further down
Sergeant Marcus Van Dam is my OC that is dating Captain John Price
This is a YPTP AU type thing
Warnings: Fluff, Soap being a brat, flirting, kissing, hickeys  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Marc puttered about the kitchen, dodging his and John’s black cat Brick and their black Newfie Splash, he and the rest of the 141 were on leave for New Years.  Unfortunately they all decided to visit and annoy the ever loving shit out of him and John.
 Out of the corner of his eye, Marc spotted Gaz reaching towards the cooling rack that held the cookies that he and his brother, Steven, made earlier that day.
 He swatted the Brits hand away, “Oi! Out of the kitchen!” he huffed already shoving the twenty-nine year old out.
 “Come on, I’m hungry!” he whined, digging his feet into the tile, unsuccessfully staying in the kitchen.
 “I’ll let ya’ll know when the foods done.” Marc was able to shove the older out and into the living room, Gaz nearly knocking down Alex who caught him.
 “Whoa! You good?” Alex asked as he helped Gaz balance himself.
 “Birdie won’t let me have a cookie.” Gaz pouted.
 Alex chuckled, “Hey B, could I have some carrot sticks?” he asked.
 Marc nodded, “Sure, baby carrots or no?”
 “Yeah, baby carrots are good.”
 “WHAT! How come he gets to snack on something and not me!?” Gaz gawked.
 “That’s cause Al asked, you tried to sneak into the kitchen, besides those cookies were still cooling down.” Marc explained, grabbing a small paper plate, putting a handful of baby carrots onto it and handing the plate to Alex.
 “Thank you.” Alex chirped before planting a kiss on Marc’s cheek.
 “Yep yep.” Marc replied, kissing Alex on the cheek.
 “Argh! That’s so unfair!” Gaz whined before plopping down beside Kate on the couch and sulking.
 “Life’s unfair!” Marc called before going back into the kitchen and continuing to make dinner.
 Out in the living room, Soap was scrolling through Tik Tok and came across a video.
He decided to be a little shit and showed John before daring him to basically recreate the video with Marc.
 “Now why would I do that?” John asked, folding his arms.
 “I’ll give you fifty bucks.” Soap offered.
 John shook his head, “No.” he denied.
 “How about this, if Birdie reacts negatively, you can punch me afterwards, or he can punch me.” Soap suggested.
 John sighed, “Fine, but if he cries it’s your head.” He warned as he stood up from the armchair.
 Soap grinned, he followed after the Captain, pulling up Tik Tok, he was going to record it.
 Marc looked up to see the two enter, “You aren’t getting any cookies boys.” He said stirring the mashed potatoes.
 Soap held the phone up and gave a thumbs up to John, the older took in a breath before saying the line.
 “Bitch, what’s for dinner?”
 Marc looked up at his partner with a hurt expression, “Mashed potatoes.” He said softly.
 John immediately felt bad, he quickly hugged the shorter, “I’m so sorry, Soap dared me to, if I do something like every again, I want you to slap the shit out of me for even considering to do that.” He said kissing his lover on the head.
 Marc sniffled before glaring at Soap who lowered his phone slightly to give a sheepish smile, “For the vine?” he tried.
 “Gaz! You can have a cookie as long as you punch Soap!” Marc called.
 There was the sound of rapid footsteps as Gaz ran into the kitchen, punched Soap in the gut before snatching a cookie and going back into the living room.
 Soap wheezed as he hunched over, “I deserved that.” He coughed, rubbing his stomach.
 “Yes you did, now go out to the living room.” John ordered.
 Soap slunk out of the kitchen, going to Ghost to get loved on.
 John looked down at Marc, “Will you forgive me?”
 “I don’t know, I might need some help.” The shorter said with a smile.
 John chuckled, “No problem Love.” He picked up Marc, setting him on the counter, the two kissed, whispering sweet nothings to each other.
 At one point Alex entered, pausing at the sight, “Please don’t fuck each other near the food.” He pleaded, his nose wrinkled at the thought.
 Marc snickered as he kissed John on the nose, “Don’t worry, we’re just kissing.” He assured, hopping down from the counter.
 Alex grabbed a can of coke from the fridge, “Uh huh, when is the food gonna be ready?” he asked, popping the tab.
 Marc rolled his eyes, “It’ll be done in a few minutes, now everyone out!” he demanded.
 “Even me?” John asked pulling his lover into his chest.
 Marc huffed, “Even you now scat!” he gently shoved the taller to the doorway.
 “Alright alright, but first,” John kissed Marc and proceeded to leave a bright red hickey on his neck.
 Marc moaned softly, John smiled, smug and pleased with the reaction he pulled from the shorter.
 Marc not one to back down from a challenge grabbed John by the front of his shirt, keeping him down to his height, he left a hickey on his lovers neck, bright red and very visible.
 “You cheeky little shit.” John chuckled, he kissed his partner before leaving the kitchen, and being met with whistles as everyone in the living room could clearly see the hickey.
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