#here are some faves
frnkiebby · 28 days
Hey, I've had a bad week and I really need something to cheer me up. Do you think you could send some frimages to make me happier? Thank you 🥰
i totally get that, and i absolutely can~🎃
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jajanvm-imbi · 11 months
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Jaja lol they're iconic for a reason
(I wanted to make my own version of this post but with more pairings lmao)
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cosmicrhetoric · 16 days
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carpe jugulum / small gods / lords and ladies / night watch
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I genuinely think it is a rite of passage for a Pokemon fan to champion a Pokemon that is unpopular, uncool, or 'weak'.
For some, it comes quickly. A child sees Gulpin and thinks it's the funniest thing ever. For some, it's trying something new. The competitive battler who just starts messing around, picks up a Pachirisu, and leads it to victory against impossible stakes. For some, it's an accident. The Nuzlocker who got way too attached to an early game friend who refused to die, and grieved for their friend and comrade when their time came. For some, it's defiance. The person who kinda likes Raichu and will defend it from the slings and arrows of all others. For some, it's just comfortably growing up and realising you don't have to justify liking something, just that it makes you happy.
It's easy to be drawn to the crowd favourites. And why not? They can be powerful fighters, cute merch, fanart-bait, they have a je ne sais quoi that draws the eye. And that's still fine! I'm not going to tell anyone they're a bad person for liking Charizard, or Mewtwo, or Gengar, or Pikachu. They're popular for a reason. But there is a kind of zen, a state of enlightenment of sorts, in finding a funky little guy who isn't very good and isn't very popular but makes you smile, and you go out of your way to find them and raise them and maybe even never evolve them, despite them being a damp squib in actual battles.
One of my favourite Pokemon ever is Swinub. Swinub is not a strong Pokemon. In fact, statistically, it's one of the weakest. Swinub has 5 weaknesses, including all 3 starter types. It doesn't learn many coverage moves, and it's abilities are not very exciting either. But I love this little piglet. It's round and soft! It digs up hot springs with its nose! You never see its eyes! I just think it's neat.
It's an important thing, I think, to find a Pokemon you like just for you. Not because it makes you better than 'the normies', but because it makes you appreciate the Pokemon you do meet, not for their battling prowess, but for how much you just want to be around them. When I see @good-pokemon-center-reviews frankly doing the lord's work in sharing people who are just so happy to have their little guys, I see starry-eyed children relishing in the wonder the Pokemon world is meant to bring. Genuine, earnest joy at a plushy Croagunk will always be more real to me that any Smogon tier chart. That guy gets it. The guy being a dick on Pokemon showdown with a team of 5 Zacians and a Mega Rayquaza for spice does not.
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artofalassa · 10 months
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Here comes the Sun, doo doo doo doo~
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sorry if you’ve already been asked, but what’s your favorite FNaF game?
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I’m a “Pizza Simulator” truther, it’s just the best one, though I’ll be honest “Help wanted 2” has really risen through the ranks for me, its probably my second favourite (that might update if the DLC pops off)
Sister location and FNAF 2 are close behind, they were OG faves
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jiniekook · 4 months
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teethcake · 1 year
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Mmm mullet woowoo 🫶
Bonus (semi nsfw):
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suddenly-frankenstein · 5 months
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a bunch of Louis/Jacob Anderson portraits i did last year because i was unable to stop
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art--harridan · 8 months
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[Image description: A digital painting of Jack Goodman from An American Werewolf in London. It shows his face and the top of his shoulders. He's staring off into the distance with a slight smile. His neck is ripped ragged, comprised solely of exposed viscera. The wounds stretch up onto his face, mostly destroying his left cheek. It travels up in two raw lines across his face. Some of his jacket is torn and bloodied too. Jack is mostly drawn with greens and yellows with reds primarily coming from the gore. There's a light blue shirt shoulder in the bottom left corner. Over it, in a dark yellow, there's silhouettes of Jack and David walking. The shoulder looks like a path behind them. The background is mauve, coloured in with scratchy lines.]
Inktober - Day 3 (Path)
Movie - An American Werewolf in London (John Landis, 1981)
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s735 · 7 months
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I started reading MTMTE
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krispytin · 7 months
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graves doodle dump 🦅
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dangans-ur-ronpas · 4 months
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the trio redesigns or something idk
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saryasy · 9 months
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my bbc ghosts s05 countdown: favorite moments
Lovely, isn't it? I was just thinking, it ought to be dull and commonplace, the same sunrise over the same house in the same tiny piece of England every day for 200 years. But it is beautiful. I traveled miles and was unchanged when I could have been here and…transported. It's no fault of the sun if the eye sees not its beauty.
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kimorasimz · 15 days
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Anais's favorite person is finally back from his business trip.
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ashipiko · 2 months
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