#holly & brimstone
dansnaturepictures · 1 year
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20th May 2023: Magdalen Hill 
Photos taken in this set here are of: 1. A Common Carpet moth, a pleasant and well coloured new moth for me to see flitting around. 2. A marvellous Marsh Fritillary which I was overjoyed to see flitting through the grass like a shining jewel. These are such mesmerising, splendidly coloured and super attractive dainty fritillaries that I always feel so honoured to see. It was amazing to see a handful of them to add the species to my butterfly year list, and it’s the first time I’ve ever seen them here being only the third place I’ve seen them after Martin Down and Bentley Wood so it was a great feeling to see them here. 3. Small Blue butterfly, a very pleasing and charming one to see as always the ones we saw also my first of the year today. 4, 5, 7, 9 and 10. Views at this lovely spot. 6. Bird’s-foot trefoil which glowed well in the sun. 8. Slow worm. 
In a mega day of lepidoptera and insects generally we had some fantastic late moments on the walk seeing my first Large White and Painted Lady butterflies of the year too, two species I had hoped to see soon taking me to twenty two species seen this year. Orange Tip, Red Admiral, Peacock, more Holly Blues today, Dingy Skipper, Small Heath and Brimstone were also brilliant to see in my highest amount of butterfly species seen in a day thus far in 2023. My first Mother Shipton of the year, Silver Y and an endothenia species were other good moths to see. Broad-bodied Chaser, lace wings, hoverflies and lizard here today too were good to see. Bird wise I got cracking views of female Blackcap with it’s exquisite brown head and soaring Red Kite a good one for this reserve, with Carrion Crow seen well too. My first horseshoe vetch of the year, common vetch, kidney vetch, smashing common rock-rose, alluring oxeye daisies, forget-me-not, more ragged robin in the Winchester area this week, cow parsley, cowslips still going, periwinkle, crane’s-bill and plantain were plant highlights. It was good to see oilseed rape covered yellow fields on the way here and whilst here. 
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slverblood · 5 months
Did you ever notice how in the Bible, when ever God needed to punish someone, or make an example, or whenever God needed a killing, he sent an angel? Did you ever wonder what a creature like that must be like? A whole existence spent praising your God, but always with one wing dipped in blood. Would you ever really want to see an angel?
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carpe-astrae · 5 months
WIP introduction - Holly & Brimstone
Finally introducing my novel-in-progress! I don't have many writer friends so I'd love to be able to share it here and get feedback if anyone's interested :3
Raisa has always known what she wants, and that is power. As a practitioner of outlawed witchcraft in a country whose people have been marred by stark class divisions, she desires the power to alter the world around her - and will stop at nothing to get it. But ambition has a price and one person's judgement is rarely the entire truth, as she will discover when she provokes a god's vengeance and finds herself in the midst of a plot that threatens to topple the entire nation of Vasila. Raisa's fate and that of all Vasila's people are now one and the same, ordained for doom, and she must trust in both a misfit group of allies and her own gifts in order to change it.
Genres: fantasy, YA, LGBTQ+
Themes/Tropes: morally gray main characters and villains, found family, fairy tale/folklore retelling, friends to lovers, strong platonic relationships, queer main characters
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first (current) draft on ao3
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balkanradfem · 4 months
I went to the forest today. It's the warmest we had this year, and I needed to get more soil for my baby plants.
Few minutes in, I realized that the heel of my sock has developed a hole, and my foot was now chafing against the rubber boot I was walking in. Which is mortifying, it meant by the time I'd be home, I would have a wound on my heel.
But then I thought, wait a minute, I'm a woman in the forest, I have to be more resourceful than that. So I started grabbing moss and shoving it inside of my sock, in order to make a soft protective layer on my heel. It didn't work exactly as I hoped, the moss didn't stay where I put it, but I kept putting in more and it immobilized the boot so it couldn't chafe against me.
I also forgot to take the moss out of my sock, so I am the rare tumblr user to be actively touching moss while blogging.
I saw a lot of butterflies in the forest! Over 20 of them, it made me wonder if they accidentally got born too soon. Most of them were plain yellow ones, and they would not let me take a picture, no matter how many I followed, they never land. This orange one was patient enough to let me snap a pic!
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I wonder what they're all eating in the forest, there was about 5 crocuses I found, but other than that, no flowers! There are dandelions and daisies outside the forest though, so possibly they're finding those.
I looked up the orange butterfly, and it's named Vanessa Atlanta, and they're cool to be out during winter! They can hibernate, migrate, they are happy to feed on nettle and dead nettle, and that's available in winter as well. Relieved to know that she's safe!
It was a bit harder to figure out the yellow butterfly, but it's most likely a common brimstone, and they can also hibernate and feed on evergreen foliage during winter. They even feed on holly!
I also found a cool ass birch tree:
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I have recorded in my brain that birches are medicinal for something, forgot for what, but the point is, now I know where to find a birch, so when I connect it all together I will benefit from this knowledge. I think the bark is great for starting fires.
The forest I go in is super versatile! At first I thought it was just beech-chestnut-hornbeam, but then I discovered there's a good amount of oaks as well, and now there's birches too. That is very healthy for a forest! Forests that only have one or two types of tree are susceptible to pests and diseases, these trees can support each other.
If you've read my other post, you know I found some abandoned plant cuttings, that I suspect might be bayleaf; that is still under questioning, maybe it's bayleaf, maybe it's something poisonous. The point is that I maybe found something to eat :).
Here's the crocuses I saw! They've only come out, it's the first warm and sunny day of 2024.
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id-rather-be-home · 2 months
What do you think Ted thinks about gay people? He’s obviously conservative, but he doesn’t strike me as a particularly politically involved Republican. I feel like he’s too unmotivated for that lol. He’s very Milquetoast Suburban Dad™️.
Also, the Wheelers don’t seem to be very religiously motivated either. This is not to say that Ted would think gay people are “normal,” or that he wouldn’t be homophobic, but do you agree that it wouldn’t be in a fire and brimstone way?
Ted seems like more of a cultural conservative to me who votes Reagan because things are “good” under him, and there’s no reason to think any differently. Maybe he turns on the radio occasionally, but it’s not like there is FoxNews and evangelical preachers constantly in the Wheeler home. Is it possible he cares more about the economy than about social issues?
How do you think he would feel about having a gay son? Is it possible he already suspects it? Or suspected it at some point?
Also it’s hard to get a read on if Ted loves his kids. He obviously doesn’t really show it, but does he feel it? I feel like he at least loves Holly.
you really read my mind with this analysis on ted, anon!
i am absolutely obsessed with the wheeler family dynamic and how stereotypical it is of an 80s family
i cannot imagine ted wheeler being a fire and brimstone type of homophobe. is he homophobic? almost certainly, but i don't think it's due to deep seeded religious views. like you mentioned i think it's mostly because it's just not what is typical or 'normal'. i'm inclined to believe that ted doesn't extend much thought to gay people until it's brought under his attention by maybe discussion of the AIDS crisis or his son being gay
and, yeah, i'd say ted probably cares more about the economy than social issues. it's just so difficult to imagine ted extending the energy to care about social issues either way or hating a specific group of people - he's genuinely just kind of indifferent it seems
as for mike... i feel like ted might suspect something. he's made too many comments throughout the seasons for me to think otherwise, especially when he's like "our son with a girl?" of course that could have been him in disbelief over a girl liking mike because he's nerdy and not popular in any sense of the word, but with every other context clue about mike's sexuality in the show it just makes you wonder
i don't think that ted would be the type of homophobic parent to threaten to kick mike out of the house or become abusive (*cough* lonnie the son of a bitch *cough*). but i do think he'd tell mike to keep his sexuality and especially his relationship with will behind closed doors, and it'd be a subject not really talked about. ted likely wouldn't approve simply because it's not what is 'normal' and he might make some passing comments to mike that make his opinion known, but i can't see it becoming overly aggressive. i really believe ted would just rather not talk about it or acknowledge it at all instead - an out of sight, out of mind mentality
and i do think he loves his kids, actually. he's just a very stereotypical 80s dad that doesn't show it well at all. he probably assumes he's showing his love by providing them with a good house and food on the table. to him fathers aren't the ones who deal with the emotional stuff, that's up to the mother. he's no doubt even worse with mike about showing affection because it would be even more awkward for him to be open and vulnerable with his son rather than his daughters, and that of course is caused by misogyny and rigid gender roles/expectations
i am interested to hear what anyone else thinks about this!
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thenightling · 11 months
Herbs and spices for protection
Okay. Due to the negative reaction Disney's new Haunted Mansion movie is getting for depicting the use of burning white sage to try to drive away evil spirits, I am going list some other herbs and spices used for warding away evil.
I am aware that using sage isn't a strictly indigenous practice when it comes to driving away negativity and evil spirits but there is a complex history of the last seventy years of illegally over-harvesting white sage because of its use in Neo-Pagan, Druid, Wiccan, and West African, and Haitian cleansing rituals. And there have been shortages of white sage among people who consider it a sacred plant.
So in the spirit of responsibility here are other herbs and spices used for warding away evil.
1. Salt.
An old superstition goes that if you spill salt, you are welcoming evil spirits or demons. This is because in many European traditions salt is a protection ward against evil so to spill it is to disregard its power and protection. To counter spilling it, and to gain some good luck against the forces of evil, you sprinkle a little of the salt over your left shoulder (the sinister side) to drive away demons and evil spirits.
In late nineteenth century occultism it was common practice to use a circle of salt to defuse curses and negative energy. A circle of salt was believed to protect against dark magick and evil spirits.
in Disney's Hocus Pocus the evil Witches' magick could not pass through the circle of salt that surrounded Alison to protect her from their magick. In Hocus Pocus 2 The evil Witches could be trapped within a circle of salt until someone broke the circle.
Salt was also used in Haitian tradition to ward away and cure zombism. Zombies in Haitian lore were not reanimated corpses out to eat your brains. They were the victims of a curse which was often attributed to blow fish poisoning that made the victim appear to be dead but they were actually temporarily paralyzed. The victim was revived and enslaved by the shaman.
According to Haitian folk beliefs a fistful of salt shoved into a zombie's mouth could cure him and free him from the dark power. 2. Cinnamon.
Cinnamon is supposed to be very lucky and is often used in Neo Pagan and Wiccan cleansing rituals. It's scent can counteract brimstone (Sulfur) so it is supposed to be able to counter the forces of evil. Cinnamon is believed to be able to ward off negativity and invite good luck. It is used in cleansing rituals to drive away evil. (It's also very good for your health in moderate amounts.) When ingested cinnamon also is supposed to ease discomfort during menstruation. And its scent is supposed to have a calming effect.
3. Garlic.
This is one everyone seems to know from the movies. According to Eastern European tradition, garlic wards away vampires. The reason for this might stem from the fact that garlic can actually help with blood ailments and even help rebuild blood after a bout of blood loss and anemia. Many Eastern European and Italian dishes contain garlic.
4. Roses.
Roses (particularly wild roses) are supposed to be able to ward off vampires. This comes up in the novel Dracula, the 90s Dracula: The series, and in the 1988 film Fright Night: Part 2. It's also hinted at (but not very well) in the 1992 film Bram Stoker's Dracula. Wild roses, when placed on a vampire's grave, are supposed to be able to prevent a vampire from being able to rise. It is supposed to be as effective as garlic as a weapon against vampires.
Rose petals also were able to burn Mephistopheles in Goethe's Faust part 2. So roses are sometimes believed to protect against demons and demonic power. The angels that came to collect Faust, and save him from Mephisto, were armed with roses and it worked.
Roses are sacred to the Virgin Mary according to some Catholic folk traditions. They represent femininity and maternal protection.
5. Certain woods:
Hawthorne, Yew, Holly, white birch, oak, Cedar, and Mistletoe, are the preferred wood types for staking vampires. Certain types of wood, like Hawthorne and Holly, are supposed to be sacred and can ward off evil. Mistletoe is toxic and can harm certain entities in Norse lore.
6. Wolfsbane
Wolfsbane, also known as aconite, or Monks Hood, is supposed to work to ward off vampires and werewolves. Warning: This is a very toxic plant to ANYTHING that ingests it. Do not handle if you have open sores or cuts an do not try to grow it if you have pets or small children. There is no antidote for wolfsbane poisoning. I do not recommend using it.
7. Lamb's blood
I do not actually recommend this one but I thought I should mention it since the next thing on the list is the semi-modern substitute for it. Note: All use of blood in magick, even for protection, can be dangerous. This one isn't actually a herb or spice but I felt it was worth mentioning. Lamb's blood is supposed to be able to ward against demons or fallen angels if applied to doors or drawn in a protective circle around someone. This does NOT mean you should kill a lamb to obtain the blood. You can easily get lamb myoglobin (the "blood" in muscle tissue) from grocery store lambchops. In magical practices there is no difference between myoglobin and blood. This is another one I don't really recommend. It comes from old Hebrew beliefs.
Lamb's blood worked to keep out Azrael, the Angel of Death, in the Passover story, and it was used in Neil Gaiman's The Sandman by Thessaly to protect Lyta Hall by drawing a circle of lamb's blood around her. This also came up in the Canadian TV series Forever Knight. Some lore states that blood from a black lamb is especially powerful.
8. Sacramental wine.
Blessed wine has the same effect in warding as lamb's blood and it's much more humane and vegetarian. Both blessed wine and lamb's blood have been used in exorcisms to drive away demons but over the last few centuries sacramental wine is preferred. This has come up in Forever Knight.
9. Holy water or blessed water.
Many Christian denominations and Wiccans use blessed water for healing and protection. Sprinkled in doorways and windows it is believed to be able to help keep out evil. It helps with cleansing and healing.
10. Moly AKA the Snowdrop flower.
In Greek lore this herb can protect you against magick and even weaken magical beings.
11. Angelica (plant). Burning the leaves of an Angelica plant is supposed to lift curses and the root of the Angelica plant can be used to ward off evil. You see Angelica leaves used to lift a curse in Hocus Pocus 2 to free the good teen witches from the evil witch, Winifred Sanderson's trap.
12. Vervain (Also known as Verbena).
This herb is supposed to be able to protect against the hypnotic powers of vampires and promote good luck and relaxation. It is used in The Vampire Diaries.
13. White chalk.
White chalk is supposed to be able to protect against evil (and sometimes works against ants too). lines of white chalk in doorways and window sills or drawn in a circle around someone you mean to protect are supposed to keep you safe from evil. You see this in the 90s film adaptation of A little Princess.
14. Frankincense. This was always considered to be lucky but it was deemed sacred in a lot of Christian folk beliefs after it became associated with the gifts from the magi to Jesus.
15. Myrrh. Same as above.
16. Rowan. Rowan is supposed to be very powerful in protection charms.
Anne Rice named her Mayfair witch protagonist after the plant.
In Wiccan beliefs, a five pointed star (Pentacle) made of Rowan twigs, and secured (tied) at its points with red thread or red ribbon is supposed to protect against all harm, negativity, black magick, and evil forces. It is a very positive protection charm. It is a Scottish folk belief that black magick cannot be used against someone who has Rowan somewhere in their home.
17. Apples. Apples are considered very lucky in Norse and Greek lore.
18. Chamomile.
Chamomile is supposed to relax muscles, reduce inflammation and promote positivity.
19. Peppermint.
All mint is supposed to promote positivity and soothe. Peppermint, in particular, is supposed to help with digestive ailments. It is very good as a tea.
20. Pumpkin or Turnips. A turnip or pumpkin carved into a traditional jack-o-lantern, and lit, is supposed to ward off wandering spirits at night. This stems from the Irish folktale of Stingy Jack. Turnips were originally used in the earliest Irish Jack-o-lanterns but it was discovered that pumpkins were easier to carve and supposedly just as effective as the turnip. Today Pumpkins are more commonly used, particularly in the USA. The original Jack-o-lanterns were not just for Halloween night. Keeping a Jack-o-lantern lit all Halloween night is supposed to be very lucky. It's bad luck and invites spirits into your home to blow out a jack-o-lantern before midnight. It is a powerful protection ward against spirits and supernatural threats. A lit white candle is also supposed to help purify against negative energy and evil spirits. Fire is an ancient multi-cultural weapon against evil spirits. In many ancient beliefs fire would drive away evil entities or weaken malicious spirits.
21. Palo Santo Palo Santo, when burnt, is supposed to drive away evil. It is also believed to amplify positive emotions and courage. This is a common belief in Ecuador. 22. Clover. A shamrock and especially four leaf clover are protective symbols and are supposed to offer good luck according to Irish tradition.
23. Mugwort. Mugwort has multiple uses in old magical practices. When burnt it is supposed to banish evil spirits. And similar to Poppy flowers, mugwort is supposed to be sacred in its use in dream based magical practices. 24. Poppy plant. The poppy plant has a dubious reputation for some of its uses but the flower is sacred to Morpheus, the lord of dreams, in Neo Greco-Roman Paganism. In Eastern European folklore poppy seeds (a pile of them on the floor) is supposed to serve as a distraction to keep a vampire from feeding on you as you sleep. Grain, Mustard seeds, or rice can also be used in the same way. A rope with many knots in it can also distract vampires because traditionally they have traits we would today call OCD and the vampire would feel compelled to unravel the knots. 25. Paprika. Not very common but apparently in at least one story it works against vampires. 26. Dried chilies. According to this superstition, supposedly if you suspect someone has cast a hex or The Evil eye on you, if you touch that person with three dried chilies and then burn the chilies and there is no pungent odor, it means the person cursed you. 27. Cayenne Pepper Scattering Cayenne Pepper around a home is supposed to break evil spells. This is a common practice in New Orleans. 28. Honorable mentions: Juniper, Rosemary, Bay leaves, Thyme, St. John's wort, Rue, Hyssop, and Lavender. Rule of thumb, if it has a nice fragrance that's often some culture somewhere that believes it will protect against evil. Also if something can keep away ants it usually is believed to be able to keep away evil.
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leanstooneside · 2 months
Perpetually chasing after some new bauble (INCENSER)
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celestriahq · 5 months
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* 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐝 ! welcome to the city of celestria, lennox snowsong, hollis nightmark + annikia covenwell. star please have your account turned in within 48 hours and don't forget to check out the checklist + follow everyone on the blogroll. the following are now taken : jamie blackley, adeline rudolph, bailey bass + ivy snowsong's husband wc
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⋆ jamie blackley, 152, cisgender man, he/him — did you see lennox snowsong walking down main street ? the tabloids say that the fae (court of air) is known to be perceptive and jealous, but who knows if that’s true. the prince/archivist seems to fit the vibe of a precarious stack of books + a cup of tea going cold ⁑ ooc star, 30, est, she/her (ivy snowsong's romantic/antagonistic connection)
⋆ adeline rudolph, 148, cisgender woman, she/her — did you see hollis nightmark walking down main street ? the tabloids say that the daemonaki is known to be passionate and irresponsible, but who knows if that’s true. the hostess at brimstone bar & bistro seems to fit the vibe of smeared red lipstick + rose petals floating in a warm bath ⁑ ooc star
⋆ bailey bass, 21, cisgender woman, she/her — did you see annkia covenwell walking down main street ? the tabloids say that the human is known to be curious and manipulative, but who knows if that’s true. the stockgirl at whisperwind apothecary seems to fit the vibe of wicker basket of freshly picked herbs + fingertips stained with ink ⁑ ooc star
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writer59january13 · 6 months
Yuletide pageant merry go round
Panoply of mystical elements of holly day style
breathe prez sense frostily exhaled aired
per millennia athwart
(this terrestrial spaceship planet Earth)
two plus seventeen carousel rides resonated
veritable pantheon of pagan rituals
and quirky superstitions lit
(akin to a lit Christmas tree)
starry eyed imagination
as catalyst viz Homo Sapiens
furrowed stern brow of forehead
aft stemmed whilst Santa oft puzzling
(allocating suitable gifts)
inducing him to tug thought generating beard
pondering, whence agents provocateurs
receive just desserts
fueled hodge podge, mish mashed, helter skelter
eclectic December twenty fifth
encompassing tens of thousands previous generations
bred despacito fixtures via paganism,
Manichaeism, Jainism, et cetera
ancient brutish credos, ethos, faiths
brewed nebulous concoction
within mindset of early mankind
loose confection, confederation, conglomeration
indiscriminately torquing, vetting, whetting
disparate constituent beliefs
contagion wrought spirit paradigm
inculcating oral tradition Madonna and child
occupying high chair
whereat superstitions birthed patchwork
comprising divergent ensemble heralding
tender petsmart impact, where world wide web populated
with sacrificial pacification sans deity
via oblation, immolation, flagellation appeasing Dominatrix
borrow wing, vis a vis amalgamated viz Roman sol invictus
wrought fiery brimstone tempting those who dared
assert contrary fledgling jambalaya outlook
provoking regally supreme sacerdotal wiseman
punishing opposing incorporating
novel modus operandi explaining sacrilegious worship
such heretics pitched headlong
into fiendish frothing furnace
forcing obeisance toward primitive popular
identified, honored, glorified father figure
expressing devotion re:
decking the halls of the mountain king,
whence boughs of Juniper sprigs contriving wreaths
sanctifying twisted brambles via sprinkling angel dust
(actually cremated remains of malefactors
stripped of habiliments) during bleak winter
unwittingly interweaving nascent (futuristic)
formally codified bona fied religions
unknowingly, tacitly, silently rendering
quintessential premises obliging
layperson to foreswear locally rooted secular treatises
trounced, trumpeted unction voided
wishy washy antithetical blind faith coalescing edicts
over course of time became established
Greco-Roman imposed group think
disallowing cynics,
diametrically emerging fanatics, skeptics
who (if he/she did not recant
recalcitrant recommended recourse
faced torture amidst throng of madding crowd
as entertainment and forewarning gall
asper those who held steadfast dissimilar views
taught since birth, when citizenry reared
as just a little drummer boy/ girl pipsqueak
taught to stay the course (sans straight and true)
bound without freedom to express contrary aspects
of ways and whyfores, which accepted traditions controlled each green day
and silent night, wherefore unimaginable ogres
lined straying hip cats
eventually ensnared within warpath,
whence law of the land lend scimitar to smite
any mortal man, woman or child with flaming torches
licking the heretical body electric,
while defiant individuals
left to burn into decimated
charcoal blackened, ashen corpse.
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kathyprior4200 · 7 months
Heavenly Boss S2 E4: "Happy Carolers"
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The sky was a vibrant green in The Halo of Diligence. Businessmen and women with angel wings flew from building to building, always busy. Beaver angels were repairing buildings and worker bees were giving out divine nectar to the denizens. There were hospitals everywhere and the sheep workers were prudent to ensure all the needs of their clients were met. One hospital made of white marble was called “Goode To Shews,” and was run by angel sheep and cherubs. Diligence was busy like New York City but without the crime, congestion, and stress. The majority of denizens seemed happy, productive and alert.
“Hello,” said a female voice to a beaver doctor wearing a hospital gown. Their figures were briefly shadowed as they talked in one of the hospital rooms. “Have you seen my brother anywhere?”
“No, I haven’t,” the beaver replied, stepping into the light. He wore a white doctor’s coat with a green cross logo with a halo on top of it. His nametag read “Doctor Woodchuck.” A white halo was over his head, and he had small angel wings behind him. He held a wooden clipboard and took notes with a wooden pencil. He had brown fur on his face and body, two long buckteeth, and a beaver tail. One monocle was over his eye.
“I haven’t seen him in so long, I miss him.”
“Well, I hope you find him soon,” said Doctor Woodchuck. “He might be in another Halo. Also, I appreciate you coming in for your regular appointments. It’s always great to see you.”
“I’ll keep looking. Thank you,” said the tall female figure. They waved goodbye and the female darted off into the distance.
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Back in the Humility Halo, Docile strolled into the office, bright and clean and ready to work.
“Who’s the new client?” Docile asked.
Tirred and Timmid stared at a tall new angel with long white hair with a red streak in it. He had white wings, a gray face, and wore a black shirt and white pants. His belly revealed red lava inside him. He had a dark blue necklace that looked like part of a yin-yang symbol. His eyes glowed blue.
“Apologies for the strange appearance. I used to be a choir teacher back on Earth,” he said. “We were all going on a field trip to see a volcano. After taking a selfie with the kids, one of the kids climbed over the rusted railing. I managed to rescue him, but…the railing broke apart and I fell into the volcano in the process. Another teacher tried to help me in vain…his name is Timmy. Timmy is a big no-drugs advocate and a fellow Christian. Though I do know some Christians who do drugs on the side…not pretty. Anyway, I arrived here in Heaven and now I guess I’m immune to lava, ironically.”
Docile smiled. “You’re not afraid of volcanos anymore?”
“Goodness yes, I’m still scared of them!” he exclaimed. “But yes, if I have to go into lava, I can. I’ve gotten so many requests to create lava cannons and brimstone bombs to use against the demons, but going to Hell is the last thing I want to do. I’m a singer, not a fighter!”
“Interesting,” said Docile. “I’ll be glad to help on this mission.”
“Say, Docile,” Timmid mentioned, “Don’t you think we should do the mission this time, just me and Tirred? There’s been news about an elf working around in Diligence and Earth.”
Docile raised his eyebrows. “Yeah?”
“…and she seems to be looking for you. Seems desperate to find you.”
Timmid mentioned to the elf’s Gracebook profile on Docile’s blue laptop with a golden apple logo. An ad was off to the side that showed two smiling angels for “Chastinder: find your perfect spouse without sin and drama: sign up today!” “Adonai Ad-Block, blocks all irrelevant ads 99% of the time! (Save for Evangelical 1% “Spread the Good News! Accept Jesus as your savior here and now and stay in Heaven! Support us and you won’t have to worry about Hell or Earth! Afterlife’s good!”)
The profile showed: “Holly Wata. Currently looking for work! Previous experience in a choir (performer). Experience: Singing, Advocate against sex and drugs, Performing, Pastor Apprenticeship, Bible study, Religion study.”
“I…um…think she’s fine on her own,” Docile added nervously.
“Are you two related?” Tirred asked.
“Yeah, you said you had a sister, right?” Timmid asked.
“Haven’t seen her in a while,” Docile said with a shrug.
“Why don’t you go see her? Take some time off,” Timmid suggested.
Docile stepped back. “I don’t think I should, I have a client to help, and we need the cashflow. The client needs help to let his living family members know he’s okay...”
“We’ll take care of that!” Timmid beamed. “Right, Tirred?”
Tirred shrugged, unenthused about going back to Earth. “Sure, I guess.”
“Go see your sister,” Timmid encouraged her boss. “We’ll take it from here.”
Docile sighed as Timmid and Tirred went off with the client out of the room. Sunna was fast asleep on a chair, with catnip sprinkled on the table.
After talking with the client, Timmid presented a bulletin board to Tirred who rolled his eyes. It showed various places on Earth, different church locations, maps, and the like.
“This is a bit much, Timmid,” he said.
“This is our first mission on our own, so we need to be prepared. Don’t forget our human disguises.”
“Right,” Tirred grumbled. “Wouldn’t want someone like you being fawned over by a bunch of camp kids while I’m left in the dust.”
Timmid raised her eyebrows. “Huh? What’s that supposed to mean?!”
“Let me remind you, Tir, that we are still not fully back together. And we are going caroling, not camping. So be on your best behavior, or you’ll see both our butts being fired.”
“Fine,” Tirred crossed his arms and smoothed out his angel wings. “Let’s get it over with. But no distractions this time! Being around mortals makes me gag.”
“You don’t hear God or Jesus saying that,” Timmid glared. “Now let’s go, we have a lot of work to do.”
No one noticed Docile reading a Bible passage in his office…and him accidentally falling through a portal to a wintery scene on Earth below…
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With the help of a crystal from Uriel, the two elves found themselves in a winter wonderland somewhere on Earth. The city lights and lamps glowed in the snowy night and a bridge led the way to a forest with some cabins. Families in cabins and houses were happily chatting with hot chocolate in mugs while kids built snowmen in front yards.
Tirred had his human disguise with short black hair, white skin and a heavy green jacket and black long pants. Timmid wore a red jacket, a Santa hat and a purple jacket, pantyhose, and a white dress underneath. Her curly hair was white, matching her disguised white skin.
Tirred snickered. “If you took that jacket off, you’d look like a washed-out bride. ‘Tammy!’”
“Shut up, ‘Tiren’,” she retorted with his fake name. “We have to focus. Where would we find a singing group where the client and the teacher would be?”
Tirred shrugged. “How about that one?”
Tirred pointed to a nearby sign that read “LuvDaLawd Choir Performance Tonight!”
Tirred beamed. “Convenient, isn’t it? Let’s go!”
“Wait!” said Timmid. “Shouldn’t we just ask around so we know where the performance is? Or at least take some time to enjoy the view?”
“We can enjoy the view after our mission is done,” Tirred said. “You said we needed to focus...and I just pointed out the fastest way there.”
Timmid sighed. “Fine, we’ll do it your way.” As she followed him, she pleaded, “Can we at least stop by the bakery for some angel food cake…?”
“Right, heh, heh, sorry.”
The disguised elves wandered through the snowy streets, eying toys displayed in store windows and candy cane decorations by the trees.
“Look, there it is!” said Timmid. Up ahead was a tall church building with spires jutting the cloudy night sky. A “LuvDaLawd” sign was placed near the double doors. Stained glass windows in the building showed Jesus, angels, a shepherd, a white dove, and other beautiful art. They headed inside and spotted a children’s choir. They were dressed in white, holding candles and singing “Glory to the Newborn King.” Timmid and Tirred happily and respectfully watched on brown wooden benches with groups of parents.
After several more songs, the children bowed, and the parents politely clapped.
“Docile would love this,” Timmid smiled.
“Yeah, I guess,” Tirred said, standing up. “But aren’t we supposed to be looking for his sister or whatever?”
“Yeah, and also find anyone connected to our client to comfort, like that teacher he told us about.”
“That’s a lot for one mission. We don’t even know what he looks like.”
“Could it be that one?” Timmid asked.
They spotted a man with wild white hair and glasses. “Excuse me, sir,” Timmid asked, walking up to him. “Do you happen to know anyone by the name of…erm…”
“Huh?” the man asked puzzled.
Tirred turned to the puzzled Timmid and hissed. “I can’t believe you don’t know our client’s name!”
“Shouldn’t you have asked him that?” Timmid asked.
“I thought he would tell us!” Tirred scowled. “Now he’s just gonna be known as the aquatic demon sinner counselor client…”
“Uh, I think you mean the seraphim angel saint teacher client,” Timmid chided. “Seriously, for someone who hates demons, your mind sure goes a lot to them. Plus, your names are a mouth full.”
“That’s not what I meant, and you know it.”
“I’m surprised that you don’t take field trips to Hell.”
“I’d only do it to bash their brains out,” Tirred barred his teeth.
“Unpopular opinion, I’d think Heaven would be a lot better without the Exorcists and all this violence, going against ‘thou shalt not kill…’”
“Again, we kill them for good reason. I’ve had these petty arguments with you before and I’m sick of it. Now stop being such a whiny wallflower wimp and help me talk to the…”
 Tirred and Timmid paused as the man stared at them wide-eyed, blowing out a puff of marijuana smoke from a pipe. He fiddled with his bow tie on his suit. Some of the other teachers were glaring at him.
The man then coughed out loud and chuckled nervously. “Well, it seems you lovebirds have a lot to talk about…but I think I’d better get going. Lots of drugs…erm…hugs to give out, ya know!”
He fiddled with his glasses and scurried away.
Timmid’s face brightened. “Wait, sir, what’s your name?!”
The man didn’t answer and vanished.
“Weird Waldo is his name,” a blond lady teacher mentioned. “Pissog” was scribbled over her name tag and a nearby kid snickered with a marker in his hand. The lady continued. “At least that’s his nickname. He loves Jesus like the rest of us, but thanks to his family, he’s been addicted to pot for a while. Surprised he didn’t get caught. One teacher was secretly gay and when we found out, he got kicked out. I heard one of the kids had an unusually close relationship with one of the pasters here…don’t know much else since the paster’s still here and the kid is not.”
Tirred and Timmid glanced uneasily at one of the well-dressed men leading a sermon in the background.
“I just remembered the teacher’s name,” Timmid brightened and looked at Tirred. “Jimmy! Do you know if he’s around?”
The lady shrugged. “Haven’t had anyone named Jimmy here.”
Timmid looked downcast. “Great, now we’ll have to look at another caroling camp.”
Tirred got straight to the point. “You have any teachers fall from a cliff on field trips recently?”
The lady looked teary-eyed. “Oh yes, last week when that one guy rescued that kid, but fell off the canyons in the process. I was with another class nearby when it happened. Another teacher was the hero’s good friend…Timmy was his name, I believe.”
“Where is he?”
“Try the courtyard. He often helps with protests there.”
“Oh, thank you!” Timmid said. The lady smiled and strolled away. The two elves walked through the church, their footsteps echoing.
Tirred smirked. “You thought his name was Jimmy? Who’s stupid now?”
Timmid elbowed him. “Shut it!”
They arrived at the courtyard, but no one was there.
“What a bust,” grumbled Tirred. “Now what do we do?”
“The only thing left to do in a time like this,” Timmid sighed and then winked.
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Much to Tirred’s protest, they found themselves building snowmen, drinking hot chocolate, and signing carols off-key for several days. Timmid giggled as Tirred “volunteered” to teach the kids various notes during choir practice.
“Now this is an awesome mission!” Timmid laughed as she fired snowball after snowball to Tirred’s face.
“Don’t make me call Docile,” he shivered, shaking off the snow. “He’s not gonna be happy about this. In fact, I’m going off to protest against sin on the street.”
“Have it your way,” Timmid said. “I’ll just stay here and earn more favor from these churchgoers.”
Tirred wandered off, trying not to slip on the icy sidewalk. He slipped anyway and crashed right into…
“What the? Sir?!”
Docile had walked right into him and both fell in a heap in the snow. Tirred and Docile transformed back into their elf selves.
“What are you doing here?!” Tirred asked.
“Fell through a hole after praying that I wouldn’t have to see her again…”
“Who?” Tirred asked.
“The one who’s searching for me…who’s super annoying, even though I still love her.”
“What have you been doing all this time?”
“Working at a nearby soup kitchen and trying to stay warm,” Docile replied. “And looking for a Bible to get back.”
“Well, Timmid and I are still trying to find the teacher.”
“We better hurry, it’s freezing out here.”
Timmid raced over to catch up, also turning back into her elf form. “There you are, Tirred. Just got done with the final choir performance. They all loved me when I joined in, it’s a shame you weren’t there to complain about it. Oh, hello Docile!”
“You got here fast,” Tirred said. “How did you know where I was?”
“I could hear your grumpy thoughts from far away.”
“I know we’re angels but stop reading people’s minds!” Tirred barked. “I was on my way to the ‘LuvDaLawd’ protest.”
“You don’t have to look far, because there it is,” said Docile, pointing.
Up ahead, they saw a bunch of people holding up signs that read, “Just say no to drugs!” “Lust is the greatest sin!” “Let Jesus Save You!” “The Devil Does Drugs…God Stays Pure.” “No Pork!” “There are plenty of vices in Hell!” “Read This Sign! I Can’t Think of Anything To Say, But If You Are Reading This, It’s Never Too Late to Help Me With Your Donation. $”
Docile then spotted two people at the front of the crowd. One was the teacher, Timmy, who had tried to rescue the angel client. He was dressed in long blue jeans, a white sweater with a gold cross on it and had black short sleek hair. He was holding up a sign in his hands that read “LuvDaLawd, Prove Your Goodness to God!”
Then Docile spotted the tall woman next to him, and his eyes widened. She had white skin, light blue eyes, long blonde hair in ponytails and was wearing a watch with a Uriel crystal in it. She wore a long dress with teal and blue stripes on it, and white furry tall boots. In the street, she was burning a pile of heroin and drugs, while also tossing in adult novels, which were being handed to her by the teacher. The crowd cheered as the so-called banned books crumbled and fizzled in the flames.
Docile gasped…there was no mistaking the white family mark on her forehead that also matched the one on Docile.
“HOLLY!” Docile called.
The woman turned around and smiled in surprise. “DOCILE?!”
“That’s your sister, isn’t it?” Tirred asked.
“Yep,” Docile sighed.
“Oh, my twin brother!” Holly Wata raced toward him with a hug. Docile flinched. “It’s been too long! I’ve been looking everywhere for you. I searched much of Diligence but then figured you were near E.L.F. You weren’t there, but by then, it was time for me to head to Earth.”
“Earth?” Docile asked, stepping back. “How are you allowed to go to Earth?”
Holly brushed her blonde hair back. “You know how in Hell, succubi and incubi can travel to Earth thanks to magical crystals from Asmodeus? How Asmodeus allows them to come up to Earth to spread drugs, lust, and other sins in an attempt to bring more humans to Hell? Yeah, we angels do not like the thought of those filthy beings taking over Earth and especially not Heaven. So, Uriel, archangel of the Chasity Halo formed a group of angels of many species, including elves and cherubs to help counter that spread. Thanks to these Uriel crystals, we come up here to spread the Good News, and warn humans about the dangers of drugs and sex. Timmy is a human that works for me.”
“I helped fund the abstinence classes for schools,” Timmy smiled. “Still seems to work…mostly…”
Docile groaned out loud. “Holly, I’ve told you before. I know you have good intentions of wanting to make the world a better place. But your methods seem a little extreme.”
“You really think being passive about these issues will stop the demons from influencing mortal’s minds?” Holly asked, folding her arms. “No one is doing anything to stop them and that is why I must continue the mission. As a matter of fact…”
She stepped closer. “I’m surprised you didn’t join me much earlier.” Docile gulped.
Timmid seethed. “Hey, lady! That’s my boss. He’s been very busy coming to Earth as well to…”
“Save humans from early death and demons?” Holly asked. “Yes, I know about that. But the thing is…heading to Earth to do such dirty work? That’s usually for the cherubs and it is very risky without human disguises.”
“I use mine all the time…” Docile began.
“You may try and save all the humans you can, but with demons still leading people to suicide and possession and so many vices, the cycle will never end. The only way to truly slow down the madness is to shine the light of righteousness at the source. Once more humans are aware of the sins and the demons and choose to stop, the demons won’t have any leverage. More humans will be protected by the Lord’s grace…at least the worthy ones…and those demons will leave Earth alone…especially after Judgment Day is over with.”
“That’s not for another eternity,” Timmid mentioned.
“No! It could happen at any time!” Holly remarked. “Jesus needs to know that many people can be redeemed, the more the better. We angels are here to help speed up the process.”
“I like your thinking!” Tirred exclaimed, but then added, “Still, it would be much better to fight the demons outright. Maybe send the Exorcists to Earth as well as Hell?”
There was an intense silence. Even the protestors stopped in the snow in confusion. “Look at their stupid alien elf costumes,” one of them muttered. “They’re green Vulcans!”
“HEAVEN’S NO!” cried Holly and Docile at the same time. “You know how bloodthirsty those things are?!”
Docile and Holly looked at each other. “Jinx!” Holly laughed as Docile rolled his eyes. She laughed more before turning serious again.
“Please, Docile, I need your help. You have great choir and performance skills like me, but you’re also a great leader. I know you don’t like any pressure, like when Dad wanted you to be an Exorcist, but I promise, this will be different. No violence, no sadness, none of that. You will empower the humans with your words and gradually eliminate sin one day at a time. I am lucky to be able to have this decent work, and I’ll be even luckier to have you by my side. I don’t want you gone for so long again.”
“So, what do you think?” she asked. “Are you ready to make a difference in the world?”
Docile lowered his head, feeling guilty about upsetting his sister. He looked at his employees. Holly was his family, but at the same time, Docile had found a new family. There was a strange feeling inside that told him that ruthless violence or dogmatic propaganda were not real solutions against the demonic threats. Not that he wanted to befriend any demons…but perhaps…demons could be redeemed in their own way? Why hadn’t God stopped them already? With a snap of His fingers, the demons could just disappear. But why allow them to exist…why allow sin to grip the minds of mortals and immortals alike? And was sin completely bad…or perhaps it could be modified to better fit the needs of all the parties?
Docile gazed at the loud demanding protest ahead of him and saw that it was just adding fuel to the fire, literally. Flames rose as more books and adult sex toys were added to the burning pile. A kid screamed and cried as a red-devil teddy bear was snatched away from him by Timmy. The toy was tossed into the inferno, plastic eyes melting. A gay lesbian couple sobbed in the background as a framed picture of them was tossed into the fire, too.
Docile thought about what his mother had said when he was little, his mother who had very different beliefs than many denizens of Heaven: “Sometimes the ugliest meanest monster needs the most love. And sometimes the brightest angel can be a master of deception.” Docile could almost see his mother’s face in the flames.
“I think…” Docile began, gathering courage. “I think you need to stop.”
Holly raised her eyebrow. “What?”
“This…this is all wrong. Instead of just reminding people to follow Jesus and be good, your crew is policing and punishing people for undesirable behavior. You really think berating people for being gay or unmarried or liking porn in private will change anything?”
“Those sins must be eliminated,” Holly said. “No marriage equals no happy families for kids. Look at all the women in careers and more children being neglected. Society will crumble.”
“And unhappy marriages or forced marriages mean broken families and dead kids,” Docile countered. “You’re eliminating natural love.”
“God’s love is the only love that matters. I’m also steering people away from unconventional and toxic sex,” she said. “More porn leads to more abuse and death. And this makes demons all the more powerful.”
“I hate porn as much as you do, but sex is a natural instinct,” Docile said, fist raised. “Teens need to be taught how to do it safely and children already know about it. You can’t try to avoid something that will happen to most everyone.”
“People cannot control their primal instincts. The only proper way is with a married couple for procreation. The demons latch onto everything else.”
“So, I guess humanity needs to die out since no one can do sex right.”
“You have no morals, brother.”
“And you have no compassion for mortals. You claim to want to save them, but you don’t know how complex they are. You don’t even warn people of gun dangers!”
 “You don’t understand mortals, either. Perhaps it’s time for you to learn that saving mortals is not all fun and games. And we still need guns for protection.”
“So criminals can keep shooting children? Why aren’t we burning guns in your pile?!”
Holly was at a loss for words. “Um…I-I guess so we can shoot those who would dare burn the Bible?”
“You sound like Dad in a bad mood,” Docile shook his head. “There’s a good reason why I decided to not see you all this time.”
Holly gasped. “You…you deliberately wanted to stay away from me?!”
In a flash of light, Holly Wata turned into her true elf form: dark teal green skin, pointy elf ears, blue/teal eyes, bald like Docile, white angel wings on her back and a halo over her head. Black scar lines decorated her arms. Tears fell from her eyes. “W-why can’t we just get along and spend time like when we were kids? I can’t believe you!”
“You don’t believe me anymore? Well, believe this!” Docile cried, pulling out his staff. A jet of holy water shot out from his staff, dowsing the fire. The protestors started to boo.
Holly tried to slap the staff from her brother’s hands. “No, I will not let you sabotage my job!”
Tirred growled. “I like your work but keep your hands off my boss!”
“Actually,” Tirred continued, “I think it’s time to tell Timmy that the person he tried to save is happy and safe in Heaven.”
“Oh, thank Jesus,” Timmy sighed with relief.
“Timmid, could you go with Timmy and tell our client’s family that he’s okay?”
“Yes, sir,” Timmid smiled.
“Hey, I’m the sir here!” Docile glared at Tirred.
“I just wanna get this mission done.”
Timmid grabbed onto Timmy and teleported away.
Holly pulled out her staff and shot a sphere of light that spread around the area. The crowd walked safely away as if nothing were happening. They ripped their jackets off, revealing their usual work clothes. Docile and Tirred clashed staffs with Holly, who was more than a match for both of them. Holly flipped into the air, sending blasts of light at the duo. Tirred and Docile dodged the attacks, moving toward her on either side. She jumped onto both of their staffs before ascending into the air. She twirled around, sending the blasts of light from Docile’s staff back at them.
Docile dodged the blasts again.
Before long, Timmid and Timmy returned in a flash of light. “We’re back,” she said. “Timmy managed to find the family and I blessed them.”
“Good work, Timmid,” Tirred began before he was knocked into the air by Holly. Timmid caught him.
“Enough of this, Holly!” Docile brushed off his work suit. “I don’t want to fight you!”
Holly looked at Timmy and he lifted up his sign again. This time it said, “Last chance, Docile.”
Docile seethed and shook his head. He walked over to Timmy. “Please do something else with your life. You don’t have to tell other people what to think.”
Holly clicked her tongue sadly. “Have it your way, brother. I’ll just send you back home so I can get back to work.”
She let out angelic vocals that caused many humans to smile and sway in delight. Light glowed around her in the air and a golden beam light appeared from her staff.
“Watch out, sir!” Tirred yelled, pushing Docile aside. The light flew from her staff, heading right to where Docile was before…
The beam hit Timmy as if it were in slow motion. Timmy gasped as his body turned into a brilliant golden light, his physical features disappearing. He then faded as his soul traveled to Heaven, the now blank sign remaining behind on the ground. The elves stood breathlessly still.
“Yeshua’s Holy Backside!” Holly swore in anger and sobs. “Thanks a lot, Docile! Now I need a new job! I can’t believe I just…”
Docile help up his hands. “It was just an accident! I know we haven’t always gotten along, but I won’t let you get banished to Hell!”
“You’d better not!”
“On the bright side, the teachers are now back together in a peaceful world. But now it means we’ll have to come back and give Timmy’s family comfort,” said Timmid.
Tirred groaned. “Can we save that for tomorrow?”
“As far as anyone else knows,” Timmid began, “Timmy was walking in the woods and got eaten by a bear. I’ll relay the news tomorrow.”
“You should’ve stuck with me,” Holly pleaded to Docile. “You just left with no call, no note…please let me help you…let’s catch up, amend things…”
“Just because I’m your brother doesn’t mean I want to help you in your toxic propaganda,” Docile said coldly. “If you keep bothering me like this…then, I never wanna see you, ever!”
More somber silence.
Holly created a light circular portal back to Diligence in Heaven with her crystal, a deep glare at Docile. “The next time you wanna ruin my plans, Docile…don’t!” Holly disappeared as the portal closed.
Docile sighed and Tirred and Timmid lowered their heads.
“That was pretty harsh, sir,” Tirred mentioned.
“It had to be done,” Docile said. “Thank you guys for the help.”
“How are we going to get back without a Bible?” Tirred asked.
His question was answered as Holly tossed a Bible onto his head from above, through a light portal.
“Ow!” he spat.
“Let’s go,” said Docile. He recited a passage, and they were soon out of the snow and back in their clean E.L.F. office. Sunna was fast asleep on the table. She soon woke up. “Hello, everyone, did I miss anything? Why are you guys covered in snow?”
The elves shook off the remaining snow on their heads. “Don’t ask,” said Docile. He manifested a white mug of hot chocolate with his staff (which read “2ND BEST BOSS 2 GOD”) and took a sip.
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dansnaturepictures · 10 months
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07/08/23-Home and Lakeside
Pictures in this set taken today are of: 1. Bee on fleabane in the sun at Lakeside. 2. Geraniums against the welcome blue sky this evening. 3, 5, 8, 9 and 10. Views at Lakeside on my lunch time and brief evening walks today. It was great to see so much of the sun at Lakeside and home, especially this evening it felt powerful to be out after a day working, the wind gently brushing against me and the summer heat on my back invigorated me. 4. A Greylag Goose at Lakeside this evening. 6. Purple loosestrife. 7. Holly Blue on the rose bush in the front garden, after seeing one at the entrance to Lakeside at the start of the walk I was thrilled to see this one in the front garden at the end of my walk. It was thrilling to watch this mini blue butterfly flit around, delicate with complex markings and bold colours. It was a joy to see it open its wings, one of my best ever from home butterfly moments.
In the post Big Butterfly Count days - I'd get so used to noting down butterfly species and numbers on my phone for 15 minutes of the walks - I still saw a fair few with Red Admiral, Gatekeeper, Small White, Speckled Wood, Brown Argus and my first dazzling Brimstone for a little bit all great to see at Lakeside. I imagine they'll do well in the sun this week. And seeing Migrant Hawker briefly again and my first Lakeside male red Common Darter of the year reminded me that we're into the mid-late summer days when species like these become regulars. Bird wise I enjoyed some lovely Great Crested Grebe action with intimate views and hearing and seeing a chick beg for food and Moorhen, Lesser Black-backed Gulls again, Black-headed Gulls, Canada Geese, gorgeous House Martin skimming the water, Woodpigeon, Magpie, Jackdaw and dashing Carrion Crow were good to see. St. John's-wort, scarlet pimpernel, self heal, spear thistle, hemp agrimony, great willowherb, ragwort, water mint, red valerian, red bartsia and dark mullein were key plants to see at Lakeside with hawthorn berries and a lovely red mossy rose gall my first Lakeside one of the year nice to see. Woodpigeon, Collared Dove, House Sparrows including immersed in the buddleia which was a plant I liked seeing today, Goldfinch including young and Starlings were good to see at home.
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aclickbaittitle · 2 years
A study of the friendships in Brimstone Valley Mall
If you are like me, you probably stalk follow your favorite podcasts in Instagram, and if so, you’ll know that we are getting a season 2, baby! And in celebration of that I want to talk about one key factor that made the podcast so special.
Philia love; The second type of Greek love. Is the reciprocal quality of love you feel for a friend. It’s about showing loyalty to your friends, sacrificing for them as well as sharing your emotions with them.
Author C.S. Lewis wrote that Philia “has the least commerce with our nerves; there is nothing throaty about it” but BVM (Brimstone Valley Mall) is here to prove him wrong. Philia or platonic love can cause as much ruckus as any other.
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[Image ID: Two disembodied hands one pink and one dark brown making a pink promise]
From Belzagor undying (and possibly misplaced) loyalty in Hornblas, Misroch’s desire to be seen as an equally valuable member of the gang as him, to Trainee’s and Xaphan’s longing to be part of a group. This podcast shows us different kinds of friendships, and how mess up can they be while still having beauty in them.
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[ID: Misroch crossing their arms with a frown on their face, next to it a quote that says: “I probably wouldn’t put you in the fryer if you passed out]
Of all the things the first episode “Where the hell are you?” pulls off, I think that at the end of the day these 30 minutes are theirs (and Belzagor’s of course).
Belzagor comes to the Wiener’s world and Misroch is quick to tell Trainee that even if they have NO clients whatsoever that their friend can come here and have anything free of charge. This immediately sets up the fact that the love language of the Demon is food (which is also mine). One of the most notable scenes for Misroch’s character in relation to the gang is in episode 8 “Attention Port Authority Bus Terminal”, when we hear Misroch list the separate snacks they brought for their friends.
Food was also the first common ground Misroch found between themselves and Xaphan.
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[ID: Belzagor with one hand on her hip and in the other a screwdriver next to a quote that says: “I’d share my dumpster booze with you, valentine]
There is no question Belzagor isn’t a good friend -most of all to Hornblas-. Her second line is literally expressing how much she likes him, which when put against emotionally constipated Misroch and their ex-boyfriend Asmoraius, is for lack of another word BIG. She is the most concerned on finding Hornblas and cares a lot about his mental wellbeing, understanding the rough patch his being going through.
In that same episode she shares her Holly water with Misroch who had been not that nice with her, and then says, “Love you too Misnis”.
Is Belz love language words of affirmation? Possibly.
One for my favorite scene and the one that probably get birth to the Xaphan/Belzagor ship. Is in episode 9 “Happy Y2K, Part 1”. Xaphan has return to the too small too hot Boiling room of Hell and Belzagor is here to come rescue her.
Xaphan, curse her innocent soul, thought the gang would not come to rescue her and that she was all alone again, and her comes Belzagor and casually reassures her that she is important to the gang and that people need her. For Xaphan this might be the sweetest thing someone has done for her, and so she said “Belzagor...I owe you-”. But Belzagor, as being just a good friend for the sake of it and as with her friendship with Misroch is based on slushie just says, “A slushie? Yeah, you do.”
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[ID: Asmoraius blowing a kiss with a text that says: “valentine, I’d ________ and we could_________ so much.]
Asmoraius did not only serve us the only and very sweet romantic storyline of an angel and a demon (which we are all suckers for), him and Misroch also show us that ex-partners can be friends.
One of the most beautiful scenes and that stay with me in this podcast was on episode 8 “Attention Port Authority Bus Terminal” when him and Misroch are the only ones awake on the trip to Hell. As a Misroch kinnie it was so gratifying to hear how the lust demon reassures them that their friends like them the same as “Perfect Hornblas”.
We also discover that he is very observant, and that maybe if him and Belzagor don’t have as many interactions, you can see he cares about her and vice versa because he pays attention to what he likes.
Additionally, in episode 3 “Moral Kombat” Asmoraius is the only one that doesn’t threat Xaphan as a nuisance the first time he sees her (yeah, he ditches her for his romantic interest, but not before explaining the rules of the world to her and stating is a solo adventure). He answers her questions, he motivates her to earn her first sin coin and seems genuinely impressed with how well she did.
He boosts her confidence in the same way that he did Misroch’s and Trainee in episode 4 “Don’t call me darling.”
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[ID: Xaphan with a hand in the air, appearing to be waving and next to it a text that says: “Valentine, I’d let you be in my band if I was in the band.]
I think she has one of the most tragic backstories on this whole podcast, alone with nothing more to do than stoke the flames of hell, she didn’t any experience to learn about friendship, or anything at all, really.
Then when she firsts meets the gang, they are reluctant to have it, understandably so since she is “Hornblas’ replacement” and the idea of a member of your friend group being replace is not one you take lightly.
For me Xaphan’s journey is about coming into her own through the different things that the band gave her: an obsession with wieners, a lesson on how to make people sin and (at the end) words of affirmation that she is more than the “stoker of the belos of hell”.
To conclude
C.S. Lewis wrote: “To the Ancients, Friendship seemed the happiest and most fully human of all loves; the crown of life and the school of virtue. The modern world, in comparison, ignores it.” -he also went to say friendship was unnatural because you can breed without it which is cow poop.
I think one of the things that makes this podcast so great is how at is core is the story of a friendship, how it started, its problems and how it is changing into something different and probably better. In a story about human-eating demons Brimstone Valley Mall reminded us of what The Ancients (whoever they are) already knew: platonic love is the most fully human.
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Image Credit:
#2,3,4,5 https://misnis.tumblr.com/post/643199691865096192/i-am-a-leetel-late-but-happy-valentines-everyone
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weeinterpreter · 3 years
nypd (not your personal demon).
[Part 1] [Part 3]
The air in the small room was heavy with the smell of brimstone and incense. Holly frowned, but completed the chalk sign on the floor.
"This is crazy, Mulch. Why can't we just go trick-or-treating?"
Mulch stuck his piece of chalk behind his ear.
"Because this is way cooler, duh! We can still get sweets once we have a freaking demon as our pet."
Rolling her eyes, Holly sat on the floor, crossing her legs.
"If it works," she murmured.
"Of course, it'll work. The old man with the long beard said that the book,"–he held up the thick tome–"was genuine. Why would he try to trick me?"
Holly made a face. "You really want me to list you the reasons someone would trick you?"
Mulch ignored his friend, stepping out of his own chalk circle, walking around the bigger he had drawn on the floor. His latest obsession with the supernatural worried Holly. She was used to Mulch getting some mad ideas in his head. She had accepted his failed entrepreneur business of selling gorgonzola sandwiches to tourists in the city, tolerating the smell of old feet in the flat for almost half a year. Or the time when he bred crayfish in the bathtub? She had endured that, too. This? Was simply creepy. But perhaps, if this experiment failed, they could worry about how to pay their rent again.
Mulch had finished his inspection of the sigil on the floor and stepped back into his own circle.
"Remember what you have to say?" he asked with an excited grin.
Holly suppressed a sigh. "Obey my will, demon. Your will belongs to me. Yadda, yadda, yadda."
"No, not that last–"
"I know! Just start, will you?"
Mulch murmured something under his breath before reciting the words printed on the page. 
Holly had to give it to the book's author, they really had put some effort into making it sound authentic. The words Mulch intoned sounded demonic, a lot of guttural syllables and harsh endings. If this had been the real deal, she'd be terrified.
Mulch finished his spell and waited. Nothing happened.
"See?" Holly said. "Told you–"
"Wait, wait. Look!"
Holly glanced to the larger circle, her eyes growing bigger by the second as she watched the runes on the floor glowing. Two glimmering eyes appeared out of thin air.
"Who is summoning me?"
Gasping for breath, Holly stammered, but Mulch jumped in. "Ha, demon, we are not stupid and tell you our names. We have summoned you to do our bidding."
A mouth filled with a row of sparkling white teeth appeared underneath those piercing eyes. "Very well, master. You have summoned a demon. Well done. But you can't make me do anything without knowing my–"
"Obey me, Artemis, foul demon of the Irish Bog!"
The demon ground his teeth, the sound like nails on a chalkboard. The rest of the demon appeared, its form that of a puny teenager in an expensive suit, hair gelled back. Truly an otherworldly apparition.
"What do you want, imbecile?"
Mulch shot Holly a triumphant look as if to say, "See? Told you."
"Right, Arty," Mulch said, "I want you to rob a bank."
"What?!" Holly shouted. "You promised me not to do anything illegal."
"And I am not. Arty will."
The demon grinned. "Is that all?"
"No." Mulch shook his head, pulling out a piece of paper, reading it out loud.
"I want you to rob the Royal Bank on King's Street without getting caught and without making it known by spoken word, written or otherwise indicated that we sent you. You will only steal real uncounted banknotes and bring them safely back to this place with no detours, and again letting no one known by spoken word, written or otherwise indicated what you are carrying."
Holly kept staring at her friend, but the demon's face darkened by the second. He tsked and vanished in a green cloud of smoke. Mulch closed the tome and gave Holly a thumbs up.
"Told you I'd take care of it. Now we wait and be billionaires in about ten minutes."
Holly wasn't convinced. It sounded too good to be true.
She would be right.
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, January 4
XANDER: And I have no idea what Riley and Mrs. Riley's wedding was like. ANYA: Well, you haven't shut up about them. XANDER: Well, they have a great marriage! And it bummed Buffy out, but I can see it. And Anya ... I really have no clue what their wedding was like. ANYA: So our wedding... is not our marriage. XANDER: Separate things. One fills me with a dread akin to public speaking engagements. ANYA: And that would be the wedding. XANDER: Which will be over soon. ANYA: But our marriage... XANDER: That lasts forever.
~~Buffy Season 6 Episode #115: "As You Were"~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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fright night (Willow/Tara, T) by displayheartcode
Independent 38 - Hell for Leather (Ensemble, G) by Aadler
A Much Needed Reminder (Angelus/Spike, M) by Gabriel_Is_My_Guardian_Angel89
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Books And Brimstone (Giles/Reader, unrated) by multifandomfix
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Absence makes the heart grow fonder (whatever that means) Ch. 1-4/4 (COMPLETE) (Buffy/Giles, E) by rip24
A Trip To The Mountain Ch. 1 (Robin Wood, T, SG1 xover) by Rod
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Landed, Chapter 17 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Holly
You Learn, Chapter 17 (Buffy/Spike, E) by bramcrackers
Someting To Sing About Take Two (Reprise), Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, T) by Kyzaiah
The Tiger is Out, Chapter 62 (Buffy/Spike, M) by Cosmic Tuesdays
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Darkest Before the Dawn Ch. 35 (Dawn, T, LotR xover) by Luna
It's Not Easy Fearing Green. Ch. 1 (Willow, G, Muppets xover) by Sithicus
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The Ring Talks Ch. 1 (Buffy/Spike, E) by myrabeth
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Artwork:Rupert Giles fandragon () by clouds-of-wings
Artwork:BTVS “Every Outfit” “the Puppet Show” Xx () by whatshisfaceblogs
Artwork:“Huh?” (Buffy) by prophecygirl1996
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the other very funny thing about lover’s walk by july-19th-club
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-random thought that i’m sure the rest of the fandom realized ages ago by oveliagirlhaditright
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uraniaswrld · 3 years
"rosemary can substitute any herb!” no. but here's a list of common intentions and lots of common plants that correspond!
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stress relief/ inner peace/ calmness: lavender, benzoin, rose, chamomile, lemon balm, passion flower, bayberry, meadowsweet, lily of the valley
money/ wealth/ abundance: peppermint (or any mint), cashew, flax seed, buckwheat, clove, almond, honeysuckle, chamomile, acacia, cinnamon, basil, alfalfa, calamus, blackberry, allspice, olive, bergamot, cabbage, peas, mistletoe, dill, cedar, moss, pineapple, echinacea, grape, chestnut, maple (yes, incl. syrup!), nutmeg, potato, sesame, orange (peel, juice, oil, dried etc.), patchouli (big strega energy), sassafras, onion
happiness/ contentment: azalea, cherry, banyan, pollen, beech, anise, geranium, lily, quince, hawthorn, rose, saffron
luck/ good fortune: allspice, dragon’s blood, bayberry, aloe, cabbage, bluebell, marigold, ash, poppy seeds, acorn, bamboo, ginger, agar agar, dill, blue violet, calamus, clover (duh), quince, buckeye, pineapple, cotton, daffodil, persimmon, holly, cinnamon, daisy, heather, star anise, dandelion (roots especially), hyacinth, moss, lilac, maple, nutmeg, parsley, mustard seed, straw, peony, shallots
protection: acorn, henna, catnip, bay leaves, ginger, chives, carnation, bamboo, cumin, peony, aloe, radish, leek, blueberry, onion, corn, barley, dragon’s blood, curry, anise, cinnamon, witch hazel, salt, basil, cilantro, rhubarb, thistle, marjoram, bergamot, cactus, black pepper, frankincense, chia, dill, clove, eucalyptus, lettuce, juniper, garlic, lime, sunflower
cleansing/ purification: lemon, cayenne, mesquite, grapefruit, fern, barberry, citronella, lavender, salt, frankincense, sage, pine, bay leaf, garlic, vervain, birch, dandelion leaves, lime, rosemary
love (platonic and romantic, excl. self-love): lily, catnip, henna, beet, rose, coriander, saffron, pansy, laurel, marigold, carrot, radish, meadowsweet, hibiscus, poppy seeds, sugar, brazil nut, pear, chili pepper, damiana (big strega vibes again), lavender, apple, tomato, raspberry leaf, primrose, jasmine, lettuce, olive
fertility: myrtle, lily, carrot, banana, pomegranate, cucumber, fig, hay, mistletoe, cabbage, celery, apple, daffodil, grape, oak, peach, olive, wheat
self love/ beauty: citronella, burdock, ginseng, catnip, rose, orange, avocado, primrose, cinquefoil, musk
baneful/ defensive: chicory, jezebel root, brimstone, guinea pepper 
NOTES:  1. DO  UR OWN RESEARCH!!! all of these have slightly different purposes (i.e. lavender is good for attracting specifically a man/ masc energy in a love spell, some happiness herbs are for “happiness through marriage” so just make sure u know what the herb is for). ALSO, try to find 2 other sources agreeing with this info before using it as fact, my notes in my grimoire, while fact-checked, are not infallible.
2. i don’t know all of this off the top of my head lol. i feel like that’s an important thing to say bc a lot of people make lists like this and imply that they just know it. i don’t! and most people don’t! it takes a lot of time and effort and focus to memorize this much information, and i, a girl who once put on one shoe then ate lunch and forgot to put the other one on, do not have that focus. these are notes from both my online notes, my BOS and grimoire, and a few online books. 
3. again, fact check all of this. please.
4. if something on here is blatantly incorrect, please (nicely) correct me! i do not want to be spreading misinformation and i’m making this list as a cheat-sheet/ jumping off point for people DOING THEIR OWN RESEARCH (and to combat the notion that rosemary corresponds to every intention because that is simply not true).
5. this is not a comprehensive list.
6. let me know if y’all want a part two, and if so what other categories you want (uncrossing, psychic awareness, sleep etc.)
10. i love u all, thank you for being here, and thank u all my new followers :)) i know i sound aggressive but i’m truly thankful for y’all and i just want to keep y’all safe.
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vvitchy-things · 5 years
Herb List - WIP
I’m updating this with the names of the plants and adding the meanings as I have time, don’t worry.
Acacia - meditation
Acacia (Gum Arabic) - friendship, love, protection, psychic abilities, wisdom
Aconite (Wolfsbane/Monkshood) - invisibility, protection, spirit work
Acorn - courage, fertility, luck, manifestation/power
Adam & Eve Root - 
Adder’s Tongue - 
African Violet
Agar-Agar - attraction
Agrimony - 
Ague - 
Alder - 
Alkanet - 
Allspice - money drawing, business success
Allspice (Pimento)
Almond - 
Aloe - cleansing
Althea Root - 
Amaranth - 
Amber - 
Ambergris - 
Anise - 
Anise Seeds - 
Angelica - attraction, cleansing/purification, cursing, divination, energy, healing, meditation, protection, spell-breaking, success, wisdom
Apple - 
Apricot - 
Arnica Flowers - 
Arrow Root - 
Ash - 
Asafoetida - 
Aspen - 
Avocado - 
Azalea - 
Bachelor’s Buttons - 
Balm of Gilead  - 
Balm of Gilead Tears - 
Balsam - 
Bamboo - 
Banana - 
Banyan - 
Barley - 
Basil - peace & happiness
Bat’s Head Root
Bay Laurel
Bay Leaves - protection
Bayberry - 
Beans - 
Bee Pollen
Beech - 
Beef - 
Beet - 
Beetroot - 
Belladonna - 
Belladonna (Nightshade) - 
Benzoin - 
Bergamot - 
Betel Nut - 
Bilberry Bark (Huckleberry) - 
Bindweed - 
Birch - 
Bistort - 
Black Cohosh - 
Black Haw - 
Black Haw (Devil’s Shoestring)
Black Pepper - 
Black Salt - 
Black Walnut - 
Blackberry - 
Blackberry Root - 
Bladderwrack - 
Bladderwrack (Kelp) - 
Blessed Thistle - 
Blessed Thistle (Holy Thistle) - 
Bloodroot - 
Blowball - 
Blue Cohosh - 
Blue Violet - 
Bluebell - 
Bluebery - 
Boneset - 
Borage (Starflower) - 
Brimstone (Sulfur Powder) - 
Broccoli - 
Broom - 
Brussel Sprouts - 
Buckeye (Horse Chestnut) - 
Buckthorn - 
Buckwheat - 
Burdock - 
Butcher’s Broom - 
Cabbage - 
Cactus - 
Calamus - 
Calendula - 
Calendula Flower - 
Camphor - 
Caraway - 
Cardamom - 
Carnation - 
Carob - 
Carrot - 
Cascara - 
Cascara Sagrada - 
Cashew - 
Cassia - 
Catnip - 
Cauliflower - 
Cayenne Pepper - 
Cedar - 
Celandine - 
Celery - 
Celery/Celery Seed - 
Centaury - 
Chamomile - luck, cleansing
Cherry - 
Cherry Bark - 
Chervil - 
Chestnut - 
Chia - 
Chickweed - 
Chicory - 
Chili Pepper - 
Chili Powder - 
Chives - 
Chrysanthemum - 
Cilantro - 
Cinnamon - 
Cinquefoil - 
Citronella - 
Clary Sage - 
Clove - 
Clover - friendship & health
Cloves - 
Club Moss - 
Coconut - 
Coffee - 
Coltsfoot - 
Columbine - 
Comfrey - 
Copal - 
Coriander - 
Corn - 
Cotton - 
Cowslip - 
Cramp Bark - 
Cranberry - 
Crowfoot - 
Cucumber - 
Culver’s Root - 
Cumin - 
Curry - 
Cyclamen - 
Cypress - 
Daffodil - 
Daisy - 
Damiana - passion
Dandelion - psychic, second sight
Dandelion Leaf - 
Dandelion Leaf/Root - 
Dandelion Root - 
Dates - 
Datura - 
Deer’s Tongue - 
Devil’s Bit - 
Devil’s Bone Root - 
Devil’s Claw - 
Dill - 
Dittany - 
Dittany of Crete - 
Dogbane - 
Dogwood - 
Dragon’s Blood - 
Ebony - 
Echinacea - 
Egg - 
Eggplant - 
Elder - 
Elecampane - 
Elm - 
Endives - 
Eucalyptus - 
Evening Primrose - 
Eyebright - 
False Unicorn Root - 
Fennel - 
Fenugreek - 
Fern - 
Feverfew - 
Fig - 
Figwort - 
Fish - 
Flax - 
Flax Seed - 
Fleabane - 
Foxglove - 
Frangipani - 
Frankincense - 
Fumitory - 
Fumitory (Earth Smoke) - 
Galangal - 
Galangal Root - 
Gardenia - 
Garlic - 
Gentian - 
Geranium - 
Ginger - 
Ginkgo Biloba - 
Ginseng - 
Goldenrod - 
Goldenseal - 
Goosegrass - 
Gorse - 
Grains - 
Grapefruit - 
Grapes - 
Green Pepper - 
Guava - 
Ham - 
Hawthorn - 
Hay - 
Hazel - 
Hazelnut - 
Heather - 
Heliotrope - 
Hemlock - 
Henbane - 
Henna - 
Hibiscus - 
Hickory - 
High John the Conqueror - 
Holly - 
Holy Thistle - 
Honey - 
Honeydew - 
Honeysuckle - 
Hops - 
Horehound - 
Horseradish - 
Huckleberry - 
Hyacinth - 
Hydrangea - 
Hyssop - 
Indian Paintbrush - 
Iris - 
Iris Root - 
Iris Root (Orris Root) - 
Irish Moss - 
Ivy - 
Jasmine - 
Jezebel Root - 
Job’s Tears - 
Juniper - 
Kava Kava - 
Kelp - 
Kiwi - 
Knotweed - 
Kola Nut - 
Kumquat - 
Lady Slipper - 
Lady’s Matle - 
Larch - 
Larkspur - 
Laurel - 
Lavender - passion, sleep
Leek - 
Lemon - 
Lemon Balm - 
Lemon Verbena - 
Lemon Verbena (Vervain) - 
Lemongrass - 
Lettuce - 
Licorice - 
Lily - 
Lily of the Valley - 
Lime - 
Linden - 
Liverwort - 
Lobelia - 
Lotus - 
Lotus Root - 
Lovage - 
Lucky Hand - 
Lucky Hand (Orchid Root) - 
Lucky Hand Root (Orchid Root) - 
Mace - 
Magnolia - 
Magnolia Flowers - 
Maidenhair - 
Maidenhair Flowers - 
Mandarin - 
Mandrake - 
Mango - 
Maple - 
Marigold - 
Marjoram - 
Marshmallow - 
Marshmallow Root - 
Mastic - 
Meadowsweet - 
Melon - 
Mesquite - 
Milk Thistle - 
Mimosa - 
Mint - 
Mistletoe - 
Moonwort - 
Morning Glory - 
Moss - 
Motherwort - 
Mugwort - psychics
Mulberry - 
Mullein - 
Mushrooms - 
Musk - 
Mustard - 
Mustard Seed - 
Myrrh - 
Myrtle - 
Narcissus - 
Nectarine - 
Nutmeg - good luck
Nuts - 
Oak - 
Oak Moss - 
Oats - 
Oatstraw - 
Oleander - 
Olive - 
Olive Leaf - 
Onion - 
Orange - 
Orange Blossom (Neroli) - 
Orchid - 
Oregano - 
Orris Root - 
Orris Root Powder - 
Palm - 
Pansy - 
Papaya - 
Paprika - 
Papyrus - 
Parsley - 
Passion Flower - 
Passion Fruit - 
Patchouli - 
Pea - 
Peach - 
Peanut - 
Pear - 
Peat Moss - 
Pecan - 
Pennyroyal - 
Peony - 
Peppermint - 
Periwinkle - 
Persimmon - 
Pikaki - 
Pimpernel - 
Pine - 
Pine Nut - 
Pineapple - 
Plantain - 
Plum - 
Plumeria - 
Pokeroot - 
Pokeweed - 
Pomegranate - 
Poppy - 
Poppy Seed - 
Pork - 
Potato - 
Prickly Ash Bark - 
Prune - 
Pumpkin Seed - 
Quassia - 
Quince - 
Radish - 
Ragweed - 
Raisins - 
Raspberry - 
Raspberry Leaf - 
Red Clover - 
Red Pepper - 
Red Willow Bark - 
Rhubarb - 
Rice - 
Rose - 
Rose Hips - 
Rosemary - powerful guardian
Rose Petals - love, romance, good luck for endeavors of the heart
Rowan - 
Rue - 
Rye - 
Safflower - 
Saffron - 
Sage - 
Sagebrush - 
Sandalwood - 
Sasparilla - 
Sassafras - 
Saw Palmetto - 
Sea Salt - 
Sesame - 
Sesame Seed - 
Shave Grass - 
Sheep Sorrel - 
Skullcap - 
Skunk Cabbage - 
Slippery Elm - 
Snakeroot - 
Snapdragon - 
Solomon’s Seal - 
Solomon’s Seal Root - 
Southern Wood - 
Sow Thistle - 
Spanish Moss - 
Spearmint - 
Spiderwort - 
Spinach - 
Squaw Vine - 
Squill - 
Squill Root - 
St. John’s Wort - 
Star Anise - 
Stinging Nettle - 
Strawflower - 
Strawberry - 
Sugarcane - 
Sumac - 
Summer Savory - 
Sunflower - 
Sweet Bugle - 
Sweet Pea - 
Sweetgrass - 
Sycamore - 
Tangerine - 
Tansy - 
Taragon - 
Tea Leaves - 
Thistle - 
Thyme - luck, peace & prosperity
Toadflax - 
Tobacco - 
Tomato - 
Tonka Bean - 
Tormentil - 
True Unicorn Root - 
Tuberose - 
Turmeric - 
Turnip - 
Uva Ursi - 
Valerian - 
Vanilla - 
Venus Fly Trap - 
Vetiver - 
Vinegar - 
Violet - 
Walnut - 
Watercress - 
Wheat - 
White Willow Bark - 
Wild Cherry Bark - 
Willow - 
Wintergreen - 
Wisteria - 
Witch Hazel - 
Witches Burr - 
Witches Grass (Dog Grass) - 
Wood Aloe - 
Wood Betony - 
Woodruff - 
Wormwood (Absinthe) - 
Yams - 
Yarrow - 
Yarrow Flower - 
Yellow Dock - 
Yellow Pepper - 
Yerba Mate - 
Yerba Santa - 
Yew - 
Ylang Ylang - 
Yohimbe Bark - 
Yucca - 
« »•« »•« »
Created: 10/01/2019
Last Updated: 10/03/2019
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