#i just want a new daily life arc with all the new characters tbh
mocamagical · 4 months
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How can i not love them together. They're like two purple parallel lines, i just want to see what their dynamic would be! They're both kind of loners but like, in totally different ways. Like Chrome will get to lunch, Tsuna will ask if anything interesting happened today (basic polite small talk), she'll say not really. Hibari bursts through the door like dodging him was an arrogant slight against him, Tsuna can't deal.
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waheelawhisperer · 2 years
Not really an open ask either but If you were to crossover two of your interests/fandom what two would you pick and how do you think it would go?
I have a whole bunch of answers for this one tbh, really interesting question. Let's start with the one I already did: RWBY x Arknights.
I feel like there are actually a lot of similarities between the two, maybe more than there seem at first glance. In both RWBY and Arknights, humanity faces threats to its survival from all angles, and yet that often takes a backseat to the awful, horrible, terrible things people do to other people who are just a little bit different. Immortal beings play with the fate of nations. Elite warriors with special weaponry and powers stand against the darkness, carrying the hopes of the masses upon their shoulders.
Even the weapons and powers are easily translated between franchises. Bagpipe's gunlance or Nearl's swordspear wouldn't be out of place on Remnant, and the various Arts could easily correspond to a character's unique Semblance. While the average power level seems to be higher on Terra than it is on Remnant, the difference isn't so extreme that a little bit of rebalancing couldn't address that to keep everyone competitive.
RWBY x Bloodborne is also one I think would be really cool. RWBY actually feels to me like a lighter and softer hybrid of Bloodborne and Attack on Titan (yes, I'm well aware of Attack on Titan's... issues... but I wasn't back when I started watching it, back when it was the hot new anime series everyone was raving about). You have the AoT setup with humanity pinned within a small number of safe territories, surrounded on all sides by ravenous, unreasoning beasts bent on their destruction; you have the protagonists who do battle with those mysterious foes on behalf of humanity; you have the starting arc where the protagonists are accepted into a training program and learn about the world before something horrible changes the plotline; and you have the ancient evil behind the enemies that changes the context of the series and shows you that there's more going on than you thought.
As for Bloodborne, both series share fancy, intricate trick weapons that transform to allow their users to adapt to changing battlefield conditions; bestial foes that the protagonists hunt; eldritch gods unable to relate to the human experience who are either outright malicious or trying and failing to be kind because they can't relate to their supplicants well enough to truly understand their needs and desires; and a strange old man who serves as a mentor figure and is much more than he seems at first glance. Bloodborne really does feel like a darker, edgier RWBY set in London as seen through a Japanese cultural lens.
Bloodborne x Arknights is cool for a similar reason. 40% of the events are just Lowlight's Soulsborne fanfiction at this point, might as well go all the way. There's no shortage of strangeness on Terra to tie into Bloodborne lore, and Originium has some interesting parallels with the Scourge of Beasts. We also have the whole "maybe this source of knowledge and power isn't as benign as it seems and we shouldn't base our whole society on it, but by the time we've figured that out, it's so heavily integrated into daily life that we can't decouple the two" issue show up in both pieces of media.
Arknights x Fate Grand Order because I want to see how the Doctor and the FGO protagonist react to each other. They're very different characters with very different experiences that I think could nonetheless find common ground based on the way they've engaged with the horrors of war. Also, I want to see all the people with crushes on their respective protagonists argue over which one's better.
RWBY x Mass Effect solely because I want to see what happens when Yang meets a krogan.
Mass Effect x Starcraft: While I'm pretty much done with anything Blizzard at this point, I used to be really into Starcraft and it's similar to Mass Effect in a lot of ways, and I want to see how the various factions respond to each other.
I would love to see Godzilla x Gamera at some point. I used to be really into giant monster movies (which was a considerable source of parental suffering) and these are two of the real big, successful Japanese franchises. On the same note, I would probably die of happiness if we got a Godzilla/Pacific Rim crossover.
RWBY x Fate and Fate x Bloodborne/Elden Ring solely because I find it really interesting to think about which characters fit into which Servant containers. Feel free to ask me about that if you want.
RWBY x Hololive because Calliope Mori's video for Unalive literally looks like it could be the full version of a RWBY opening or a character trailer. Also, every vtuber has a unique design and some kind of power that could probably translate to RWBY with a little tweaking. Honestly, I just want to see Kanata arm wrestle Hazel with her gorilla strength.
Arknights x Hololive: Half the vtubers are animal people at this point. The crossover writes itself. Too bad Coco acknowledged that Taiwan exists, so now they can't do anything with China, ever.
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crimsonheart01 · 2 years
Since we are now halfway through the year what has been your fave movie and tv series you’ve watched? You can pick more than one!
My sweet, sweet anon. I promise I haven't been ignoring you. I've been sitting on this ask for a while now because I needed to think.
Since you didn't specify if they needed to be new or not here's what's been on my watchlist lately:
Chocolat. I adore this movie. I don't like candy and don't really have a sweet tooth, but chocolate is my go-to when I have a hankering. A whole movie about my favourite sweet? Yes, please! Juliette Binoche in this movie is to die for. I aspire to Vianne Rocher. She's a force to be reckoned with but walks through her everyday life with kindness. She's observant and takes her time to get to know the people around her. However, instead of using the information she finds with malice she chooses to help others (and guess their favourite chocolate). She stays true to herself, her beliefs, and her morals even in the face of adversity. She enters every situation with kindness regardless of how she's being perceived. And, she doesn't come off as a Mary Sue like a lot of women get written off as. She has faults, and she makes mistakes, and you get to see them. Everything about her is exceptional. Come on! How could I ask for more? I watch this movie at least once a month, if not more. Not to mention that I also am determined to dress similarly to Vianne in this movie. I just need to find myself a quaint French town to live in first.
Looking past the glaring issues of the latest season, Stranger Things is definitely one of my favourites. I'm an absolute fraidy-cat. I can't watch this show at night by myself. I need my husband to watch it with me, or I binge it during daylight. Regardless of all that, I think overall, this show is really great. From the soundtrack to the originality of the story. I love the progression and the antics. While this latest season was a lot mellower in terms of the comedic aspect, I do adore the daily lives of the kiddos in this show and watching them grow in real-time. The intricacies of all the relationships is also amazing. Plus, the characterizations of the people in general. The actors themselves brought these characters to life, and I'm better for it. I honestly can't pick a favourite from the bunch because they all have a special place in my heart.
Honourable mentions:
I tried getting into Euphoria. I liked it but never made it past episode 3.
I enjoyed Eternals (Drukkari 4 Life).
WandaVision & Loki
The Book of Boba Fett. I know it gets heat because the last couple of episodes are Mando heavy, but altogether I really liked the show.
Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. This was alright. I loved Wanda's story arc but tbh as a major MCU film, it was a bit lacklustre. I didn't really care about Dr. Strange in it at all.
Sailor Moon Crystal (I got my oldest hooked on this by accident and now we're watching it together)
On my To Be Watched List:
I've seen and heard great things about Ms. Marvel, but tbh I'm MCU'd out right now.
Top Boy. I loved the original British series, and my husband watched the Netflix season of 2019 and liked it, but I never got around to it. Now that there's another season, I'm considering it. I'm worried, though, because I don't care for Drake, and I know he's the executive producer on this revival. It's said that he's just bankrolling it, but anything associated with Drake I tend to ignore.
Yellowjackets. I don't know much about this one besides that a lot of people have liked it. I'll maybe get around to watching it.
The Boys. The first season was great, but I just haven't felt the pull to watch the subsequent seasons. I want to, I just can't focus on it long enough to actually sit through an episode. I miss Frenchie!
Finally, new content for Atlanta! I can't wait to dive back into this series all over again and then catch up with the newest season.
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inkovert · 3 years
So in an earlier post I said I was going to participate in NanoWriMo this year for the first time. I've always wanted to participate but I either chickened out at the last second, decided I was too busy to do it, or couldn't come up with an idea for what to write because I've literally only had one WIP idea ever :)
In my attempts to try and figure out how to prep for nano in a way that was best for me, I decided to make this post to organize my thoughts with realizations I've had, goals I wanna set for myself and any other miscellaneous things.
I realize that the main reason I want to do nano is because I don't know how to plan a novel and I want to discover what my method looks like. My wip SCIF is a character-driven story and all I really knew to a good enough degree (that may be an exaggeration) when I first started writing it was who my MC was. Everything else I've figured out along the way through several rewrites. I really just let my characters guide the story and followed silently behind, every so often figuring out conflicts that would be good to throw a wrench in their lives along the way. Essentially, this means I don't know how to come up with or follow a plot structure. I'm sure SCIF follows a loose enough plot structure without me realizing, but even now I couldn't tell you what the true climax or falling action of the story was because I was more just writing in conflicts that would help the character's change or develop in certain ways. The reason this poses an issue is because for my nano project I'm trying to write a more plot-driven story (with some character-driven elements). But I find myself overwhelmed because I don't even know where to start. I've read a ton of posts about different plot structures, how to outline plot arcs, etc etc, but that doesn't really help when I can't think of events to fill those different points with. I've really only figured things out up until the inciting incident of this story idea and everything else is just...blank after that. It's a lot easier for me to come up with characters, their wants, their needs, their backstory. So much harder to come up with plot. And I think part of that may be because the world that this story takes place in hasn't been really developed....which leads me to my next realization.
I don't know how to worldbuild for my life. Another reason why writing a contemporary character-driven story has stifled my writing abilities. Everything took place in our present-day world. I didn't have to think about developing new cultures or religions or magical creatures. A lot of people find that fun but I find it quite terrifying? I just feel like I don't have the imagination for it. And I know that I don't have to write in a genre I'm not comfortable with, but I do want to expand my horizons. And I am excited about my nano project idea because I've had it on the back burner for almost a year, but it wouldn't work in a contemporary genre/setting. It was imagined for an other-worldly setting. The worldbuilding aspect was precisely why I never actually set out to write it, it was just too much of a hurdle. So there in lies the issue. I've considered writing an urban fantasy to mitigate the large leap from contemporary to pure fantasy, but tbh I still don't know if that would work with the idea either. So yeah, this is just making me realize a lot of my deficiencies and has me feeling a little overwhelmed.
I've decided that the preptober prompts won't work for me because there's just a lot I need to figure out about my story beforehand that I don't think the prompts will help with. I may refer to them from time to time, but I think I need to just do a lot of brainstorming. Do I know where to start with that? Not in the slightest 🙃 but we're going to try our best.
I'm going to trim down my daily word count for nano to 750 words a day. If I go over that, great. But I think 1600+ words a day would be too overwhelming for my first nano. I think 750 is a more realistic goal for me.
I'm going to try to figure out some aspect of my story each day, and I want to make daily or weekly posts about my personal prepping. As of now I don't think I will be following any specific guides because either they're too generic or too specific for me.
Find some nano friends to help keep me motivated 😅 if you read to the end of this post (bless you) and would like to be buddies, let me know :^)
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averykedavra · 3 years
joan - what do you wish the series would cover next, or what kind of turn would you want to see it take?
!! okay this is a really fun question. ‘cause i’ve thought about this a lot. timeline-wise, I only got really involved with the fandom around the release of ATHD, and ever since then i’ve really enjoyed imagining the “next” events of the series. sometimes theories, sometimes just AUs, but it’s always fun!
and see, there are tons of things i’d love to explore in the context of canon. like sides switching from light to dark, or a side shutting themselves off, or serious backstory elements like the formation of roman and remus. tons of stuff that’d be super cool to think about.
but they’re not stuff i’d actually want in canon necessarily, you know? and they’re mostly not stuff i’d ever expect canon to actually do. so here’s a little incomplete list of things i’d love to actually see in the series, and which I think are (semi)-plausible:
1. Roman’s arc. had to add this one. I’m pretty sure it’s coming up after PoF (and it better) and I am so, so excited. roman’s been a slow-boiling pot of emotional turmoil for a while now and I just wanna see it spill over!
and look. don’t get me wrong, i love the pintroverts so much, but—yeah, i really wanna see thomas and nico go through a rough patch. thomas, and by extension roman, are pinning so many expectations on nico. they’re emotionally unready and using nico like a way to redeem themselves and feel better, instead of confronting their own issues. not to say the relationship can’t work out, but i can figure there’ll be some bumps on the road.
and possible failure with nico would be a great catalyst for roman’s full breakdown. he’s got everything riding on this guy! he calls nico “a chance at happiness”! and he’s the romantic side, he wants this to work out, so thomas will trust him again. and if it fails, it’ll break roman into tiny, tiny pieces.
plus, i know the season finale is probably going to be a two-parter, like with virgil’s episode? and i don’t know if i actually want roman to duck out, but i am really excited for some parallels to virgil’s arc. acceptance instead of redemption, being more than your function, every side being valued, and virgil and roman continuing to become closer together. if i do not get a remix of “you make us better” but virgil to roman, i will riot /j
2. Logan’s arc. then following roman, our braincell boy! logan is another steaming pile of issues who’s been repressing for far too long. i want to see him admit he has feelings. i want to see him cry. maybe this is the angst demon in me, but come on, he deserves it.
an aspect of logan that’s really fascinating to me is his relation to thomas’ own self-image and needs. logan defines himself by his use to thomas—he has the least belief in himself as a separate entity. and he’s felt sidelined for a long time, possibly ever since thomas became a youtube.
i think it’d be super interesting to see more of how their dynamic was before thomas made the career switch, how logan feels about it, and how his “lack of feelings” is an extension of his refusal to acknowledge his own personhood. he doesn’t let himself want or feel—and he’s actually kinda similar to roman in that regard. roman and logan are narrative foils in a lot of ways. which would make it kinda cool if their arcs were somewhat consecutive—logan helps roman value himself, and roman returns the favor.
oh, and i’d love it if virgil and logan could come full circle, too? virgil comforts logan during the whole thing, maybe even talking to him about cognitive distortions or using techniques logan taught him to destress. they’re really good friends and i wanna see more of that.
3. Janus becoming part of the group. i have so many feelings about janus. he’s poised to join the gang and start helping thomas from the inside, but his acceptance is still conditional, fragile, and fragmented. roman loathes him, logan resents him, and virgil has a history with him. and janus is gonna have to try and get through all that.
i already love his dynamic with patton, i really want them to be friends. i think a logan and janus debate would be fucking fantastic. i am begging for roman and janus to talk things out. and i really, really want to see virgil and janus become friends again.
but maybe what i’m most interested in is janus himself, and his relationship to thomas. i still love interpreting the “is that fair to him” line as referencing janus’ complex and difficult role as the keeper of all lies. he’s still hiding an orange side from us, probably, and he’s trying to keep everything stable.
what happens if he slips up? what happens if he gets close to patton and starts having new priorities? how did that affect his relationship with virgil? i want to really explore janus’ character and motivations.
and also janus and remus content. give it. this is an order.
4. Remus. Literally anything remus. Please I’m starving, I just want to see my trash boy, when will he return from the war?
Seriously, though, I’d love more remus. his thoughts on nico. his motivation, his daily life, his relationship with janus and the other sides. i think he could really be great friends with all of them if he was given time to settle, and my intruality heart says he deserves to be chaotic besties with patton.
and! and his relationship with roman!! i really wanna see them grow closer and be bros, while working through the deep complexities of their issues with one another. because right now roman has so many projections of remus as his worst enemy and the epitome of everything he doesn’t wanna be, and remus just…doesn’t care about all that. that’s so interesting!!
remus is just such a refreshing character in so many ways. he’s so blunt and open and honest, he doesn’t hide or repress anything, and that’d be so much fun to explore! plop him in the middle of the other sides and see how long it takes for stuff to explode. i wanna see him break the status quo just because he can.
5. Patton’s arc. oh, you thought his character development was done? not even close. he learned a lot from moving on, but pof proved he still has a long way to go. and tbh I think he’s in a really precarious position right now.
yeah, he’s finally opening up to janus and the others. but he’s also very vulnerable, very unsure, and very ready to throw himself out of the picture if thomas needs him to. he asked if janus thought patton was just bad for thomas, and he seemed ready to take that advice and leave thomas be.
which is. concerning. and I think as patton learns to pull back and let thomas--and everyone--stand on their own without him smothering them, as he learns to have faith in others and not feel pressured to fix everything himself, he needs to work on his own self-worth, too.
patton, like a lot of the sides, is separating himself from his function. and that’s gonna be painful and messy and probably include a lot of backsliding. i wanna see him talk to the others, really talk to them, and get the support from his friends he needs! and that includes:
6. virgil continuing to support his friends. virgil has been doing great character-development-wise, but again, he has far to go! and what I want to see more of is stuff like FWSA. him beginning to truly support his friends in the way they’ve supported him.
his friendships with roman and logan are so sweet and I wanna see more of that. please. and I wanna see him bond with remus and janus again, and most of all, I want patton and virgil to really sit down and talk about stuff. they’ve been going through it for a while and I want them to talk.
the sad part, of course, is that post-pof they’re probably in an even worse place. there’s a reason patton didn’t show up in FWSA even when matters of the heart were involved. they’re on thin ice around each other, and throwing janus and roman into it will just make everything more complicated.
but I believe in them! they’re good friends, and I think if they try, they can work through it and learn more about each other.
7. bonding between the dark and light sides. basically already covered this one but guys. i want everyone to bond. i want logan and remus sharing cool facts. i want janus and virgil being snarky best friends. i want patton and remus teaming up to make stuff happen, and janus calling logan out on his repression, and virgil and remus listening to mcr and just. them, okay? them. glad we had this talk.
8. a breaking down of the dark sides and light sides altogether. i don’t necessarily mean anyone becomes a dark side (although it’s such a fun idea.) I mean really digging into the morality and formation of the “sides”, and eventually dismantling them.
the dark and light sides aren’t good and evil. they’re sides that thomas wants around, that are useful, and sides he doesn’t. and as janus becomes wanted at the table, and as patton and roman pull away and become less useful, it’ll be interesting to see how those dynamics shift.
the issue of identity is really at the heart of sanders sides. how much of you is you, and how much of it is what others want? are you beholden to others’ expectations, and how do you find personal worth? what defines you--by what measure is a man? how does a person change and grow? can they? or are they always, at the core, what they began as?
these questions obviously don’t have simple answers, but they’re stuff I wanna see talked about. i want to see the difficulty of even finding the line between selfishness and selflessness when you exist to serve another self. actions can be selfish and selfless all at once, a mass of contradictions that’s anything but black and white. and I wanna see more of that.
an idea I toy with sometimes is having a brief, or not so brief, reversal of dark sides and light sides. remus and janus, and maybe virgil, become more listened to. and roman, patton, and logan become the sides in the background. i dunno if it would actually happen, but I think it’d be interesting to consider--because once again, it’s about use versus value and wants versus needs.
if thomas wants a side, will they stick around? what about if he only wants to want them? what if he wants them as a friend but doesn’t need their function? what if they don’t think he wants them? what if any number of things?
i want to see discussion and deconstruction of the sides as a whole. i want to see them really dig deep into their purpose and formation. i want everything laid bare. and then finally, I want:
9. thomas ends the series by letting go of the sides. i am such a fucking sucker for bittersweet open endings like that. it wouldn’t be a full erasure of the sides, they’d still exist in the mind palace, probably hanging out and having movie nights and being a family. but they wouldn’t talk to thomas anymore.
i think it could be a really profound note about not only letting go of parts of your life and moving forward, but how c!thomas should work to stand on his own. yes, the sides are parts of him, but he’s more than the combination of their input. he’s his own person. he’s real. and I think he needs to work on being more self-reliant, in the moment, and start to discover his identity not in pieces, but as a whole.
the sides weren't bad for him. not in the slightest. they’ve helped him understand and come to terms with any number of things. but sometimes people grow and move forward, and they have to say goodbye to some parts of their life. that’s a fact. and with the ongoing theme of moving on and chasing the future, i think thomas would reasonably do that--end the series with a goodbye.
10. and...orange side. i’ve talked a lot about my ideas for the orange side, but suffice it to say, i’m looking forward to them. whoever they end up being.
so yeah, that’s a very long post about my ideas that isn’t half as long as it could be dhfgsjhs i’ve considered writing something like a canon divergence AU, or just rambling on tumblr, but for now that’s what I got. and this is all to say, hire me, sanders sides writing team /j
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sarahjtv · 3 years
BNHA Chapter 308 Spoiler Thoughts: Beat His Ass, Young Midoriya!
Chapter leaks are out!  Full chapter hasn’t been revealed yet (and take what I say with a grain of salt until the official translations come out), but I think I have a pretty good idea of what’s going on.  Nothing super heavy, but it’s an action-packed chapter that shows us how much of a badass Deku has become since he left UA and went all vigilante on us.  So, let’s do this:
Before we get into the chapter, I need to mention our mangaka, Kohei Horikoshi-sensei’s comment this week.  He’s basically apologizing for taking a break last week, calling himself a “small-fry”, and promising to pick himself up.  Horikoshi deserved a break last week and he is by no means a “small-fry” for creating one of the best and most popular pieces of fiction in the last few years.  I hope that he knows that and that he shouldn’t blame himself for taking a break.  
So, the chapter picks up right where we left off!  Deku and Muscular’s battle begins and Muscular recognizes Deku’s voice.  He says that he’s been waiting for this moment as everyone else he’s faced have been weaklings compared to Deku.  As far as we know, Deku has been the only one to even beat Muscular by himself.  It took over 100% of his strength to do so, but Deku did manage to kick Muscular’s ass.  It makes sense why he’d want a rematch.
I need to take a moment here to talk about how awesome Deku looks in his Vigilante costume (as I’ve decided to call it).  The tattered clothing really works for him and the dark sclera around his eye adds to the effect.   Again, I love that he’s finally putting the bunny hood and metal mask to use.  I mean, he used them before, but not as a real part of his daily costume.  He looks almost like a completely different person with them on.  I’d be scared of Deku tbh.  
As the fight continues, he gives the injured Yo Shindo to his GF, Tatami.  Tatami can’t see Deku’s costume because of the smoke surrounding him, but she does kind of recognize his voice from somewhere.  I do wonder if Tatami’s going to put the pieces together and find out that the vigilante is Izuku Midoriya.  And I wonder if she’s going to get the word about his actions spreading and if that will reach our UA kids.  Or the news stations will, that might happen too.  
Speaking of smoke, DEKU UNLOCKED THE 6TH OFA USER’S QUIRK!  The 6th user is the Tobio Kageyama-looking dude with the long collar (He’s cute btw 😳!) and his name is “En” which translated to smoke.  His Quirk is Smokescreen which explains the smoke surrounding Deku at the end of the last chapter.  Deku is using the Quirk too much, so he needs to calm down a bit and use each Quirk individually.  There’s actually quite a bit that Deku could use with a Quirk like Smoakscreen: He could hide himself for a sneak attack, he could use it as a distraction, use it if he needs to retreat, etc.  My mind immediately went to Pokémon (because of course it did) and how Team Rocket would constantly use moves like Smoakscreen and Haze to either distract Ash and Co. to confuse them or use a sneak attack, or run away from the protagonist.  It’s another support-type Quirk, but it’s a damn good one if used right. 
Edit: There’s a panel that shows the scale of how much Smokescreen Deku used and it’s A LOT.  Like, the smoke is covering several streets and it goes to the top of some buildings.  It’s hard for really anyone to see anything.  Deku’s really trying to keep himself in the shadows, I suppose.
To use all his Quirks well, En suggests that Deku think of each Quirk like a support tool.  So, Float is a jetpack, Black Whip is a long string of rope, Danger Sense is a radio, and Smoakscreen is a flare or some kind of smoke grenade (I don’t know the specific name).  This is a really good way of thinking for Deku since he’s been using object-focused metaphors for OFA before.  Remember the “Egg in The Microwave” and the “Turntable in The Microwave”?  Similar to that!
Edit: Fan-scans are out.  It seem like Deku is actively talking to En here as if he’s a little voice in his head guiding him on what to do.  My guess is that after his coma talk with the OFA Holders, Deku can now talk to the vestiges consciously.  He doesn’t need to enter a dream-like state to interact with him; it’s just a thing he can do willingly.
So, Deku uses each Quirk individually and finally ties Muscular down with Black Whip.  I can’t describe it, but it’s so cool to see Deku in action here absolutely folding Muscular.  He really has improved since their last fight. There’s one panel that has a close up of Deku’s masked face and he looks so damn cool!  I’m so tempted to color it when the official translations come out.
Deku is asking Muscular where AFO and Shigaraki are, but Muscular doesn’t know.  He also asks why Muscular is doing what he’s doing, but Muscular just responds that there is only blood and battle in his heart and  he doesn’t want to live a life where he regrets not fulfilling that (his name is revealed to be Gouto Imasuji btw.  Don’t know the translation behind that, but I assume it has to do with his Quirk and his violent personality).  So, this confirms that Deku is actively looking for Shigaraki and AFO.  He’s not just saving people left and right, but he is actively looking for the big bad on his own.  I can’t see that ending well without help unfortunately.  Deku’s also trying to reason with Muscular to see if there’s a different path for him similar to his fight with Gentle and LaBrava.  He’s really going for the “Save People’s Hearts” route and I can understand why.  That’s Deku’s character at its core.  It’s why he wants to try to save Shigaraki despite everything.  If there is a different path for a villain, then Deku will try to lead them to it.  Unfortunately, villains like Muscular don’t always have that path.  
Edit: Actually, you know what, how in the world did Deku know Muscular’s real name?  Did he see it on the news somewhere?  Did he do some research and manage to look it up?  Does he have someone to give him intel?  I mean, unless Muscular’s name was broadcast out there, his real name is some very specific information Deku got a hold of.  
Finally, as he remembers Shigaraki and Kota (the small boy Deku saved back in the Forest Training Camp), Deku runs towards Muscular with full speed and finishes him with one powerful punch!  Deku speeds past Muscular as we finally see his face again under the mask (Badass Deku🥵)!  One Punch Man has left the chat, my dudes.  For real, though, if Muscular really is defeated, it’s amazing how flawlessly Deku beat him.  Deku used every Quirk well and efficiently to dodge Muscular's attacks and pin him down so he could get a clean hit in.  Everything was calculated and executed perfectly.  This is not the Deku we knew back in the Training Camp Arc.    
Edit: Ok, it was explained that Shindo’s Vibration actually did effect Muscular’s Quirk.  Then tendons in his muscles were pulled and were starting to unravel.  That’s what made an opening for Deku to get a good hit in.  I think it would’ve been hard for Deku to knock Muscular out with one punch if that opening wouldn’t have been made.  So, Shindo wasn’t entirely useless.  
And that’s it from what I can gather!  Damn good action-packed chapter! A+ art and writing from Horikoshi once again!  This man just keeps bringing us 🔥.  I’m so glad to see Deku fight like the badass he’s meant to be.  I wish it didn’t have to take a war and several near-death experiences to get here, but Shonen gotta Shonen.  He knocked the lights out of Muscular, I almost feel sorry for him.  He got his ass kicked by the same kid twice in less than a year.  You should’ve stayed in Tartarus, my dude.  Really, all prisoners should’ve stayed in Tartarus.  If Deku can defeat Muscular, then none of them stand a chance against him now.  I can only assume Deku’s going to go after everyone who was associated with the LOV to find Shigaraki and AFO at this point.  Thankfully, we don’t have a break next week.  Will En teach Deku how to play volleyball?!?  I’m kidding!  I do want to know what our UA kids are doing, especially Bakugo, Shoto, and Uraraka.  This would be a good time to transition to them.  Like, they can see Muscular’s capture on the local news, put the pieces together, and go after Deku.  Or we could just keep focusing on Deku’s vigilante adventures, that works too!  
Me @ Deku:
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blushing-titan · 3 years
The snk chapter 139 that will be published with the volume will have new pages = 100 page chapter. What do you think he'll add? And would it even fix the terrible ending? I don't think it will change anything, really, unless they scrap the ending completely. EM is still very...no. I honestly think Mikasa was going to end up with Jean. Jean had a crush on her at the beginning and more recently he was looking a dark haired girl holding a baby = I think Mikasa and Jean was going to have a baby too in the 'three year' skip but it was changed. I see a lot of people claiming about the couple "Mikasa never showed any romantic feelings towards him" when that could be said the same for Eren never showing any feelings towards her, but they're oddly more happier with the incest reactment couple.
Hello anon 😄 So I've heard - tbh, I find it really hard to be excited over the added pages (...or anything snk-related, at this point). I agree with what you said - in my opinion it would be very hard (...or even borderline impossible) to somehow "fix" the ending without scraping it completely, since most of the problems I see with it come from lack of proper developement in the previous chapters. If I were to come up with what may be added...perhaps some more info on the visions Eren sent to others, or maybe little bits and pieces of the characters' daily lives after all this mess (...perhaps showing Mikasa doing anything not related to Eren, as a damage control after the 139 backlash 😅). I'm sure of one thing - it definitely won't be anything plot-changing.
As for Jeankasa - I used to be a huge fan of this ship. I hoped that Mikasa's character arc would revolve around her reflecting on, and coming to terms with how unhealthy and unbalanced her relationship with Eren is. Furthermore, I wanted to see her start thinking about herself and build deeper, healthier relationships with other characters as well. I hoped that, at some point, she and Jean would get closer. After the last chapter, I feel like my views have changed - I think Jean deserves something much better than being someone's second choice, especially after all these years. He generally cared about Mikasa and showed it over and over, but in the end, she never returned his feelings - and that's fine and normal, she didn't have to. I believe Jean will definitely find someone who will love him, and with whom he'll be able to achieve his dream of having a family and peaceful life.
I fully agree, though - in my opinion, Eren was absolutely done dirty (...and so was Mikasa). In the end, he was suddenly forced into reciprocating Mikasa's feelings, despite never showing any romantic interest in her. That's just not how it works, and I'm not surprised at the amount of fans being mad about it (...me included).
Thank you very much for writing and sharing your thoughts! 😄 Here's a flower for you 🌼
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Update: Future plans for this blog
tbh, “plans” is a generous term to describe my ideas for this blog.
Anyways, hello. This blog has been on hiatus and only posts RRFF announcements every week.
Now I’m making an update post to talk about this blog and stuff.
First and foremost, I am no longer going to watch Rainbow Quest, which means it will be harder for me to create content for this blog
Ok, so I have been behind on Rainbow Quest every since the beginning of Season 2. The last episode I have seen was the Time Loop episode.
And well, now I’m probably seasons behind.
And usually, when I am so behind, I get extremely discouraged to catch up on the series and don’t bother trying to binge watch it.
(This is why I never watch any TV shows that friends recommend me if said TV show has 4+ seasons, lol)
While deciding not to watch RQ anymore takes stress away from me, it also cuts me off from any new canon material. This will make it pretty difficult for me to create fanart and posts about RQ if I no longer know what’s going on. Of course, I can always figure out the canon from just listening to whatever the fandom talks about, but summaries aren’t the same as actually watching the content so it probably won’t help me with creating RQ fan-content or discussion (imo).
Secondly, I’m still busy, so I don’t know when I’ll get back to daily posts anyways.
...Yeah. Real life has been busy.
But don’t worry, ISSQ’s still got you covered with daily posts. And I try to post once a week on my RRFF side-content book, Memory’s Meme Hour
Thirdly, because I’m running out of canon material to work on, I have no idea what I should post once I take this blog out of hiatus
If I stop watching RQ, then I’ll have to stop making reaction, theory, and discussion posts on my blog.
I know I can still work on Miteposts, Reality Steve experience Earth posts, and headcanons. And some random thoughts or skits I have about SS or RQ.
And since I spent a good portion of my freetime on RRFF, I might increase the number of posts related to RRFF or writing. But I’m unsure if anyone would be interested in that.
Here’s a list of potential post ideas or big projects I’d like to work on once I have more time:
Mite Steve AU (I’ve actually been working on it more during my hiatus and I’ve made a lot of progress with its main plot! Unfortunately, most of the content I’ve made for it will only be revealed when I start working on the actual fic (if I get to that point), but I might sprinkle in some non-spoilery content on this blog.)
RQ!Mite Steve AU (now, since I’m behind on RQ, I might have to end this AU or make it an extreme AU that doesn’t follow canon at all)
Blue Straggler AU: I’ve actually been planning to write a oneshot for this AU! It would be my first attempt at writing horror, so I will have to do a lot of planning and prepwork to figure out how to write a decent horror story. I plan to make this AU even more terrifying and depressing 8)
Reverse Rewrite AU: Ok, so behind-the-scenes, I’ve actually been working on a Rainbow Quest AU where I rewrite the Reverse Steve arc to address some of the issues I have with it! Originally, I was waiting to catch up with the series so I can expand this rewrite AU and see how the changes I made would impact the future seasons of RQ. However, now that I’m permanently behind on RQ, I’m now unsure if I should finish the Rewrite AU. Can I finish this AU when I barely know what’s going on in RQ anymore? Or would anyone be ok if I still post this AU, as long as I keep the rewrites limited to the Reverse Arc and not talk about anything after that?
Posts about random Steve Saga AUs I’ve created: basically these would be mini-AUs that I can quickly describe in one post, like my Good!Memory Steve AU. These AUs will be free-to-use for anyone who wants to use these ideas.
RQ Fanart/character designs: There’s a lot of fanart ideas I have for the first and second season of RQ that I haven’t drawn yet. (ex: the basic colored Steves, my designs of Rainbow, Galaxy, Time, Elemental, and Void). I may not be able to do anything beyond season 2, but I can still provide fanart of the first two seasons.
Alright, with all of my updates out of the way, I will be going back to radio silence on this blog until the next RRFF update.
So, for the time being, I’d really appreciate it if you reply to this post telling me which post types/listed future projects you would like to see me post more about if the blog returns from hiatus!
Thank you and take care!
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loudestcloud · 3 years
Sure, my favourite style is shounen anime but contrary to what it may look like by my account, I don't have a full out favourite anime. However, I do have favorite episodes, openings and ending so I wanna talk about them really fast! in order of what ones I most remember before rewatching them while writing this.
Stop!! Hibari-kun!!: Probably 6th episode, "Aah! Romeo and Juliet" and this anime only has one Opening and ending so I obviously have to say those
The opening and ending for these get stuck in my head a lot and the line 'Just think of it as God's prank' is fucking iconic. I do the little dance sometimes when I'm alone cos it's just funny to do. The ending has pictures explaining who's in love with who and that's perfect cos sometimes I get lost but both are just amazingly good jams. Oh yeah, and the fact Hibari sings her owns theme songs in the anime sometimes is fucking wonderful!!
I watched this 2 days ago and I'm only on Episode 13 but it was so cute and dramatic that it'll probably stay that way forever. I also find the zombie gag very funny, Suzume was perfect and i also heavily appreciate Tsugumi apologising for hitting Hibari-kun in anger cos it's not something I expect from a 80s anime. Guess it shouldn't really be supirse given the main girl is trans and that's the show lol but still it was nice. It can 100% be watched obits own without much context too. All you need to know is it's a Yakuza family and the boy isn't related to them tbh.
Boku No Hero Academia: Opening 'Polaris', episode 64 "The Scoop on U.A. Class 1-A" and ending 'Shout Baby'
Opening 'Polaris' because it's got all the best people in it plus is just a good song.
This episode is just a recap and I get that it's filler and you can skip it but why would you when it's such a grate episode!? It's domestic and a good was to open up the world
Ending 'Shout Baby' because Oboro. I love those photos a lot and I'm obsessed with when animes show photo montages and that also happens in EP 64.
For One Piece my Pre!Openings is 'Brand new world' and my Post! Opening is 'We go!', episode 384, "Brook's Hard Struggle - The Difficult Path of Becoming a True Comrade?" and ending 'Eternal pose'.
Opening Brand new word is just sooooo cute and the water looks amazing. It's also got almost ever character I can name without stopping in. it's just missing Brook cos it's in the Enies Lobby arc and 'We go' because it has the spinny Gol, Shanks Luffy bit but it's also just very enjoyable for me cos it makes me bounce and stim. I like the fast visuals too n how the sunny zooms off on beat. Plus, it has 3 character cards each for each character 🥰
This is characters arcs flow is interpreted by Foxy filler you can skip but shouldn't cos it's fun. Brook is trying his god damm best in this one, okay? It's just very domestic and is a a nice look into what daily life is like for the crew. No government, no other pirates in the way just the freedom that they asked and worked hard for. It also shows Brooks understandable anxiety at being on a new craw for the first time in, what 50 years? To top it all off, it opens with Brook being grateful for his life while playing a higher key binks sake, a lot of Laboon talk then ends with calm violin playing as the world stops around them is so beautiful. Also the opening has the Gol.d Rodger speach! What's also very funny to me is out of 1000 episodes to chose from my 2nd & 3rd favorite? 380 & 381 🥺. 380 is just party time bb!! But 381 had my favourite scene in n that Brook and Zoro at the graves with Zoro smiling and giving a little laugh. It also has the Ace foreshadowing with the card so that always catches me off guard when I'm just here to have a good time. I waited litrally years to see One Piece and I waited so long to see Brook and I think it's the reason all my favourite episodes are 100% Brook center 🖤🤍
Ending 'Eternal pose' cos you get to see them get closer over time and all the outfit changes but I also really like 'Memories' and 'Tsuki to taiyou' cos it's nostalgic . The endings where so cute, I miss them a lot and the fact a lot of them are Robin themed is also aborable.
Fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood Opening 'Golden Time Lover', Episode 44 "Revving at Full Throttle" and ending 'Shunkan Sentimental'
Opening 'Golden Time Lover'. It's a good song but visually I like the flowers n the end of it when he doesn't hit them cos it's life 🥺 It's also the opening for the episodes my siblings sat n watched with us they are their dvds after all.
This ones my favourite tho I only remembered half without rewatching it. It's the episode with Al and 'Mr Ho' getting to talk and bond but when I rewatch it I remember that it's also the episode with Edward choking a guy by smashing his arm into a wall and this
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Also ✨Greed's emotions✨
Ending 'Shunkan Sentimental' because who didn't love that one!? It's so good I get confused it's not an opening!! I love when it sneaks in on the episodes words too that so fuckin cool! It's super fact and zoomy in parts too. I love the character cards too and it's got the obligatory characters jumping in the sky bit as well as looping quite nicely
I love them all dearly but I do have a lot of problems with One Piece, BNHA and Stop!! Hibari-kun! so I feel kinda gross putting one of them at the top and I don't feel like I really lost myself in FMA:B the way I wanted too so that's also feels wrong. So, I just stay with this system cos it's easier for me 💚
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jimlingss · 4 years
Thank you, everyone, for your words of encouragement. In this short amount of time, I’ve been absolutely overwhelmed with messages of support. I want to reassure you all that I’m by no means as hurt as some of you think, or at least not after so much kindness. I’ve always encouraged all kinds of feedback!! From compliments to constructive criticism. And I’m (supposedly) an Adult™, so I can definitely take someone’s opinion.
Regardless, thank you to everyone who reached out to me. I want to respond to each and everyone of you under this post so I don’t flood other people’s dashes.
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Anonymous said: about the anon who said your fics lack emotion, hmm i wouldn't quite agree tbh, i remember reading tears of a villian and deadass crying, it hurt me so much!! also, in "fall in hatred" their feeling are so well portrayed and i could understand why they acted a certain way! to conlclude, there is always some space for constructive criticism but your stories, are to me, something very attentively built and created, it's apparent that you completely enjoy writing, I can feel your enthusiasm!!
--to that anon; pls don't get this wrong way but it's just the way I see it and I've read quite a lot till now
nah deadass crying isn’t good enough anymore, anon. You have to be keening and violently sobbing until you’re brought into the ER for my fics to be considered to have emotion. lol I’m only kidding, thank you for the message.
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peachiest-hun said: To that anon who said your work lacked emotions, I beg to differ! I have read Jungle Park so many times I know at exactly which chapter when the heavy angst starts happening and I read those parts when I just want to have a good cry (I still cry every. single. time)! Also Head Over Heels to Hell, The Colour of Our Voices, Love So Shallow (because I so relate with OC), and many more have given me the FEELS (happy and sad ones). 1/2
So what I'm trying to say is that Jimlingss is doing a great job in her craft. She does deliver emotions in her work and the reason I love it so much is that it's SUBTLE and not completely in your face. Sometimes emotions that are subtle and they hit you slowly, but powerfully it hurts even more for me. On another note, I'm loving Sugar and Coffee. In times of darkness which are often these days, I have something to look forward to every week to keep me motivated. So thank you Jimlinggs! 2./2
Istg Jungle Park is one of the most unexpectedly beloved fics on my blog but I love it hahaha I can’t believe you’ve read it to the point of knowing what chapter is what though. that’s an honour. There’s definitely stories of mine that are less subtle than others, but I’m glad that you enjoy the latter of them too :’) Thank you.
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Anonymous said: This is my first time ever leaving a message on someone’s tumblr, but I just felt that I HAD to after reading that anon’s comment about your stories lacking emotion. I wholly disagree (in the nicest way possible, not throwing any shade at anyone). I’ve read all of your fics (for the past two years) and I look forward to when you release new material (the highlight of my Mondays right now after I come home from working at a clinic). Your stories have really lifted my mood during this pandemics an
Anonymous said: Sorry for that long tangent. Don’t even know if I made sense. You don’t have to respond to any of this, but you deserve to hear some positive words as well.
Oh my god. Did I just take your tumblr-message virginity? asdfghjkl I’m kidding. but thank you for reaching out to me. I can’t believe you’ve been around for such a long time and that I’m a part of your Monday routine :’) 
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Anonymous said: OK that ask about "constructive criticism" was def imo RUDE. You don't just anonymously go into someone's asks and bluntly tell an author that their fics "lack emotion". That is not the way to encourage someone to improve and continue to work hard. That's just flat out mean. That person clearly doesn't care about your feelings or the fact that you write and share your stories for FREE for us to enjoy. I love your stories and appreciate what you've shared with us. Thank you for your hard work ❤️
I like to give the benefit of the doubt to anons and anyone sending me a message online in general. God knows there were times I meant well but it was received wrongly. But anyway, my mind was more boggled than I was hurt, that’s one thing for sure.
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joonie-mono said: + it was called love so shallow which genuinely made me see myself in a character, but my point was that your writing has a specific feel to it, it's made me laugh and cry (His Name personally killed me :] ) and that's my opinion. You and your writing are amazing and I'm sorry but that anon was just so wrong.
oof bringing out the evidence. be my attorney please.
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Anonymous said: As someone who has read your entire masterlist (and going through it again) i will have to wholeheartedly disagree with that anon. The way you portray SO many emotions in your fics is *chefs kiss* and I honestly thought that the ones that “lack emotion” were meant to be that way, with an open ending, the idea that their love just started, soo.... yeah, I’ll have to disagree.
There are definitely stories of mine that are a bit looser on romance. Such as Kitchen Romance, The President’s Son, The Heiress’ Son, Arcadia, etc. But I have a loooot of fics that are quite emphasized in either despair/sadness or cute fluff.
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ladyartemesia said: ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I am here to disrespectfully disagree with anon who probably doesn’t write effing ANYTHING and has no idea what it takes to produce the content you do. I have followed for months and I’m still not through your masterlist BECAUSE reading your stories is a bloomin EMOTIONAL EVENT. When I read Brass and Strings, I LOST A WHOLE DAY. Like I was so into it, my DAY was gone. Anon is prolly salty there isn’t more smut I guess. That’s whatever for them. (Part 1)
It’s subtle, deep, meaningful, and incredible and you’re one of my favorite authors. I can’t FOR A SECOND let that comment go cause it’s RIDICULOUS. You’re literally so gifted. You don’t need to change a thing. Every artist, no matter their medium, should continue to improve. So in that sense I wish you all the growth in the world as you work towards the perfection of your craft. BUT SERIOUSLY you’re an incredible writer. That anon is loony. I’m so sorry you had to even read those crazy words.
As I answer these messages, it’s starting to feel like I’m the third party mediator of a dispute and all y’all are just HAMMERING it to this anon, LOL. I’m not sure if the anon is necessarily requesting for more smut but if they are, they might be happy this Friday (*COUGH spoiler for those actually reading my responses)
Anyway, you’re too kind. thank you. I am definitely not as hurt as I was earlier.
((and tbh you’re hilarious, you’re actually making me laugh irl))
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krystle1990 said: Woah!! Ok first that Anon is absolutely crazy. I literally stalk your page for new work being put out! I probably blow up your notifications daily. I've never been disappointed in any of your work. You always give a heads up if it will take time for the characters to realize their feelings which I absolutely love. It always leaves me ready for the next part and I am glued to my phone with every update. You're amazing and I can't wait to see how you grow with your work. 💜😘
ASDFGHJKL PLEASEEE if it’s someone who’s worried about blowing up notifications, it’s me. To those who have notifications on I sincerely can’t fathom how often I blow up people’s phones. I digress, I always give out warnings to keep people patient since I know slow burn can be excruciating haha thank you for the message.
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kigurumu said: Also just want to add that saying you have good intentions or "don't mean to be mean" does not cancel out whatever offensive thing you just said. IT WILL STILL RUDE. Not saying all negative feedback is bad. Criticism can be hard to take no matter how it's phrased, but telling a writer to be more like another writer is like telling them their style isn't good enough which is NOT helpful. Your writing is your own. If the anon wants to read fics that are like gukyi's, they can read gukyi's fics 🙄
Also I've been waiting until Sugar and Coffee is done so I can binge it all at once but avoiding spoilers from all the asks is so hard haha! I keep seeing all these good things about it and I'm SO tempted to just read it now but I've already waited this long so I don't wanna give up kfnrjrofvjskdh guess I'll reread your other fics in the meantime
The message was fine on its own but I think dragging in another writer at the end was definitely not ok. When will comparing writers end. But regardless, gukyi and I are cool with one another - i mean we wrote 100k together so it’s gonna have to take a reverse Zuko arc for us to be on bad terms lol
Anyway, oooh you’re one of those bingers. Can’t say I blame you cause I love binging myself, so it’s understandable for readers to wait till the series is over. and since you were so kind in following up your original message with two more and expressing so much appreciation for me :’), I’ll let you know that the finale of Sugar and Coffee will be posted by July 20th! by then, the entire series will be completed. 
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Anonymous said: Tbh i think that neither you nor that anon is wrong. Some people like it more romanticised and cheesy, some people dont. I believe that your stories are more on the realistic side of life. People (whom your characters represent) cant always be cheesy and passionate for love, there are other things in life! Maybe you're just the type who's too realistic for any hopeless romantic things like i am and it's fine. Not all writers can write dramatic romance
Tbh, I agree. It’s a matter of opinion and there’s no one wrong in the fight of opinions. As I’ve said many times on my blog, the cringe factor varies between person to person. What someone might think is fluffy is absolutely cringey to another. What someone might think is a good amount of fluff is not enough for someone else. I’ve written a lot. And I’ve made sure to add lots of variations between the amount of romance in my stories. Indeed, some are definitely more subtle and “realistic” while others are completely cheesy and makes me gag from the amount of sugar in it lol I just think the anon should take a look at more of my stories before coming up with such a conclusive opinion.
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Anonymous said: I’ve been reading your fics for over a year now and religiously follow updates every week. Why? Because they make me feel something whether it be joy from fluff or grief from angst. I’ll remember a story of yours months after I first read it and return to it just to feel those emotions again. I understand that emotional responses are usually subjective but I think that anon needs to read your works again, because they sure are missing out.
I replied to that anon that they should check out more of my fics and then come back to tell me if they haven’t changed their minds, so I don’t know if they’re missing out or not lol
I don’t expect my stories to elicit emotional responses or fanatic feedback for everyone. God knows there’s been other people’s writing styles that just didn’t resonate with me no matter how hard I tried to read their stories. But all I ask is that people try. It’s fine if you give up halfway but at least try reading. That’s fair to ask, right?
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Were I to have an insane and unrealistic amount of power over at Marvel I’d re-organize the Spider-Man relevant trades. I share the belief that the hurdle to new readers isn’t so much that there is a long history so much as a history spread all over the place. Wanting to read Spider-Man isn’t simple even if you do have the time and patience to read 50 years worth of comics. You need to know WHICH comics and WHAT ORDER to read them in. And the latter has a multiple choice answer!
This is part of why USM was so strong in it’s early days. 1 title, no satellites, no spin-offs. All you needed to do was pick up issue #1 or trade volume 1 and read sequentially from there. Not just easy to follow but easy to catch up and thus allow readership to grow.
Thus I propose that we simply organize the Spider-Man brand into a series of sequential trades. Functionally these will be like the Deadpool Classic trades, but with multiple trades following the various characters of the Spider-Verse. Want to read just about Peter Parker, you pick up his trades. But want to read just about Miles or Venom? The trades will have you covered going across their respective histories in the in-universe reading order.
In other words you need not worry about whether story arc A in ASM happens before story arc B in Spec and where Guest appearance C fits in. The trades would sort it all out for you. You’d just pick up any volume and read cover to cover, with tiny subplot pages and text inserted where relevant to clarify things. E.g. if there were 2 three part stories happening at the same time, you don’t want to interrupt that, so you’d just print one then have some text saying ‘the following three issues take place during the events of the ASM #X-Z’.
Additionally, in order to not make things unnecessarily confusing I’d omit retroactive stories like Untold Tales of Spider-Man, Symbiote Spider-Man, etc from these trades. My rationale is that not only would these spoil certain things but more significantly as time goes by people will inevitably write more retroactive stories meaning the trades would need to be constantly amended.
Instead I’d simply make a ‘Companion’ trade series reprinting such stories in publication order with a few notes explaining where they take place relative to the original issues. E.g. you’d pick up ‘Peter Parker: Spider-Man Classic Companion Volume 1’ and before you read Untold Tales of Spider-Man #1 a note would inform you it happens after ASM #3 or whatever.
So what would these trade series be exactly?
Something like this:
1.       Peter Parker: Spider-Man Classic: Simply every Peter Parker appearance or relevant comic book. ASM, Spec, New Avengers, Secret Wars, guest appearances, everything!
2.       Mary Jane Classic: Same thing for Mary Jane, albeit to save some time we could simply reprint the MJ relevant pages from various comics as there would be little need to reprint a whole Spidey adventure she just cameos in. The info text could simply give you context for each appearance before we got to meatier stories. I’d employ this method for all of the following whenever relevant.
3.       Black Cat Classic: Obviously this would include her solo minis but also and team appearances like in Heroes for Hire.
4.       Daily Bugle Classic: It occurred to me there were several stories focussing upon a lot of the supporting cast that didn’t feature Spider-Man himself. That aside people love the supporting cast so I figured some trades chronicling their exploits would make sense. For this trade series it’d focus upon J. Jonah Jameson first and foremost but also Betty Brant, Joe Robertson, Ben Urich, etc
5.       The Many Loves of Spider-Man Classic: Same idea but with the Spidey girlfriends who don’t have that many appearances to their name. The main focus would be Gwen Stacy because for good or ill she’s a character who people are interested in. But you could also throw in appearances from Deb Whitman, Carlie, etc.
6.       Spider-Man’s Tangled Web: TBH I couldn’t figure out a good name for this one, but essentially this would be about Peter’s friends who aren’t superheroes, Bugle employees or girlfriends of his. This would include Flash Thompson (pre-Venom), Liz Allan, Randy Robertson, possibly Glory Grant although she’d also fit in with the Bugle trades I guess. Throw in the Tangled web issues and your good to go!
7.       Clone Classic: As you might expect this would chronicles Ben Reilly and Kaine’s exploits, but also for good measure ALL the clearly clone related stories. So we’re talking appearances involving Miles Warren and Gwen’s clone too. Although I guess the latter could fit in ‘the Many Loves of Spider-Man’ trades.
8.       Spider-Man’s Amazing Friends Classic: All of the superhero friends Spider-Man has who are closely associated with him and have had off and on titles over the years. Prowler, Silver Sable, Rocket Racer, Sandman (when he reformed), Jackpot, Alpha, Will O’ Wisp, etc
9.       Goblins Classic: I thought of doing a trade purely about the Osborns but this seemed more logical. It’d cover every appearance of the Goblin related characters. We’re talking Norman Osborn, Harry Osborn, Bart Hamilton, Roderick Kingsley, Ned Leeds, Jason Macendale, Phil Urich, Green Goblin V, Hobgoblin from Bendis’ Secret War, Gabriel+Sarah Stacy, Lily Hollister and whoever else will become a Goblin
10.   Doctor Octopus Classic: Speaks for itself, and yeah it’d include his clones from Superior onwards too.
11.   Symbiotes Classic: I thought of having this be about all the symbiotes OTHER than Venom and Carnage but having 3 sets of trades for symbiotes seemed ridiculous. This would cover every symbiote (Venom, Carnage, Hybrid, Scream, Toxin, Mania, Sleeper, etc) along with major hosts of theirs. Eddie Brock, Cletus Kasady, Mac Gargan, Flash Thompson, Andi Benton, etc
12.   Sinister Six Classic. Maybe you couldn’t call these guys A-listers strictly speaking but these would be the real famous Spider-Man villains who haen’t already been mentioned. We’re talking the Vultures, Electros, Kravens, Mysterios, Chameleon, all the really classic costumed Spidey bad guys you could think of with the exception of some of the folks I’m gonna name below
13.   The Many Foes of Spider-Man Classic: This would chiefly chronicle the stories about the characters from Deadly/Lethal/Superior Foes of Spider-Man, most importantly Boomerang, Beetle and Shocker
14.   Spider Women Classic: All the 616 centric Spider Ladies. Jessica Drew, Julia Carpenter, Mattie Franklin, Cindy Moon, Anya Corazon, maybe even throw Madame Web in there for good measure. I think it makes sense to consolidate them together into a trade series as their publication histories meant they were usually passing the baton onto one another.
15.   Miles Morales: Spider-Man Classic: Guess who this is about. Obviously this would include his appearances in Champions, Avengers, etc
16.   Gwen Stacy: Ghost Spider Classic: Every Spider-Gwen/Ghost Spider/Earh-65 Gwen appearanceD
17.   Spider-Ham Classic: You get the picture. Although I’d also add in versions of Spider-Ham that are from different Earths as well
18.   Spider-Man 2099 Classic: We’re actually already doing these in real life, but I’d want them to include every version of Miguel too and brief appearances across other titles
19.   Ultimate Spider-Man Classic: Obviously the same deal for Ultimate Peter Parker, but I’d also include Ultimate Jessica Drew as well
20.   Web of Spider-Verse: A trade series that reprints in publication order every other AU Spider-People out there. All the What Ifs, the Earth X stuff, House of M, X-Men: Forever, 1602, Noir, India, Peni Parker, Fairy Tales and of course Web Warriors
21.   Spider-Girl Classic: We’re already doing this one too. Just wish it’d come out faster!
22.   Spider-Man: Japan Classic: ALL the Japanese Spider-Man stories. Every appearance of Supaidaman from Spider-Verse and beyond. Every appearance of Spider-Man J, Mangaverse Spider-Man, Spidey Fake Red and most controversially Spider-Man: The Manga (deffo gonna have to put a mature readers disclaimer on those ones.
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bi-dazai · 4 years
ok my bsd predictions for major plot points in the future
If dazai were to be killed off in bsd, chuuya would probably be killed with him in a final act of coded symbiosis.
Tbh tho that's such a major thing that it probably wouldn't happen until when the manga is finishing up so
Chuuya will either become the PM Boss or he'll join the ADA.
So chuuya is strongly suggested in two ways for his future which is HM INTERESTING. So the way that Mori clearly recruits him not just for his ability but for his leadership skills, plus the how chuuya has been developing those skills, is something I was thinking about a lot in S3. Mori is very clearly not happy with Dazai being the heir, even though he was the best choice. Dazai would have probably killed Mori and taken his place by the time he was 20 if odasaku hadn't died. Chuuya has loyalty to the mafia plus the fighting and leadership abilities. He's also got a certain obedience and controllability that if Mori was to step aside and not die he would like. Also something ppl forget is that chuuya is actually good at negotiation and staying calm under pressure, it's suggested that dazai particularly triggers his anger because dazai is an annoying shit who seems to be in canon attached to him whenever they're in the same room.
HOWEVER. Now I don't think I've ever said this on this blog despite me constantly thinking about it but Fukuzawa's ability is the perfect thing for Chuuya, as it has the possibility of actually reigning in corruption. If chuuya joined the ADA he would actually be able to use corruption's ability of throwing black holes without losing control of himself. Arguably that would also get rid of the need for dazai's intervention although it's been established that skk were thought of as a perfect fighting duo for a year before corruption even first manifested in a fight, so I don't think this would kill skk. And chuuya joining the ADA would mean that he and dazai have to interact on the daily. It also means that the mafia is left without any clear heir. People have vouched for kouyou in this situation but I think it's clear that kouyou is being forced to be in the mafia, she's given up on leaving and doesn't want to be there actively.
I don't think the second outcome is very possible plotwise for a few reasons. These are all totally writer's arguments so appeals to logic and plot aren't exactly going to work here, but as a writer myself these are the planning issues that stick out extremely badly if we get chuuya to defect:
- it would have to take something extremely major to get chuuya to leave the loyalty of the mafia
- chuuya becomes even more OP. asagiri kafka has said that though he really likes chuuya (as evidenced by the amount of goddamn times chuuya comes up in the novels), he avoids putting him in the manga because chuuya is extremely overpowered. If he and dazai were logically paired together for each issue every arc would be solved far too quickly for things like character development, or like...story...to take place. This is why chuuya is constantly sidelined. You have to actively make it so that chuuya isn't on people's minds constantly, or get him out of the picture immediately, so that your narrative can actually develop. Chuuya is honestly a mistake in a writing sense. But he's a strong character and he and dazai were written in tandem to each other so he's absolutely unremovable. A character like chuuya NEEDS to exist. So the way chuuya has been toned down is Corruption. Chuuya's ability by itself is just...incredibly powerful. He's virtually indestructible. However Corruption, the ultimate form, is shown to actively kill chuuya. The only times we've seen corruption used is cthulu, shibusawa, and shibusawa big dragon, all extreme threats. So chuuya's life when he's pulled out as the deus ex machina is tied to dazai. This makes chuuya's unchecked OP a little less unchecked and a little less OP. Chuuya is actually a fantastic example of why you CAN have OP characters, you just have to write them a certain way.
However in writing them a certain way, the most stupid thing you could do for your narratives would be to bring corruption under control, and to bring chuuya into the group of protagonists. you have to find excuses in every problem to why chuuya can't just come out and handle this himself, like you were before but now dazai's absence isn't an issue PLUS your readers are paying more attention to chuuya because he's around all the time.
So yeah, chuuya being in the ADA would be a bad choice narrative wise unless it was for like...one arc or smth. Chuuya becoming the next boss of the port mafia is wayyyyy more likely to me. I don't think chuuya would like it but he's really the most obvious choice
Dostoyevsky/rat arc is going to be mega arc/s.
one of the exciting things abt this series is that I have no idea how long this conflict with the rats will go on for. At first I thought it would be an occasional and ongoing plotline that is explored not as one big set arc but interspersed with other non-rat arcs. However by the way it's going it looks like we have two options, either 1) the rat issue is being dealt with across one mega-arc or 2) rat issues will still be dealt with like I thought, interspersed, but each time they pop up it will be a mega-arc like it has been so far. I genuinely don't know how this will be resolved, and I'm actually kind of wondering if the characters will finally leave kanagawa prefecture and maybe head to Russia to defeat the rats. I think this could be a good start to travelling the characters to settings outside yokohama.
Agatha Christie is going to be matched up to Ranpo.
Like Dostoyevsky is dazai's foil because their works IRL were similar in tone, Agatha Christie and Ranpo match up in that way perfectly. We've already met the trick foil (we thought he would be, but he wasn't) for Ranpo in Poe (IRL Poe actually did write mystery at times, and his works do contain elements of suspense and unknown). Ranpo is clearly going through hell in this arc which makes me feel like he's going to start being a much more major character in the future.
Agatha Christie and Edogawa Ranpo's works both fit in the mystery genre and were both alive irl around the same time. They both played historic roles in developing the mystery genre of their language's literature and are pretty well-known in non-literature circles because mystery often has a pulp, mass-consumable aspect to it. It was actually surprising to me that they were made into characters considering the other characters are named after authors of much "higher grade" Literature, as in Literature capital L. Mystery authors especially like Agatha Christie don't fit that bill, but they've played a central role in developing the fiction industry so I don't find it odd. Plus there's a bit of a debate what counts as Literature and every person has different opinions. Mine differs to asagiri kafka's which evidently seems to be that if the author has had a significant impact on the literary field then their works become Literature, thus they become 文豪 (Literary masters), thus they become a bsd character. I think that's fair, even if it isn't what I would personally say Literature is. This is par for the course tho lol, p sure any person who is into Literature will have a different thing to say about what gets that capital L.
But yeah, I think Ranpo and Christie are clearly going to be each others foils.
Christie is going to be cold. Like. COLD.
Dostoyevsky is more obvious evil, it shows on the surface. But Christie will have a polite veneer, a charm to her. We've seen her in a shot, and she sits tall, she enjoys tea, she dresses expensively and lives in colourful rooms. But she had no hesitation to destroy Yokohama if a situation wasn't dealt with within half an hour in the cruelest way possible. Christie was actively ready to incinerate Yokohama alive, that was her first instinct when contacted for help. Christie very clearly has a lack of care for the lives of others, OR she wants to destroy Yokohama in particular. However considering this is the goal of Dostoyevsky and Christie will probably be the next major villain after Dostoyevsky, repeating that goal and motivation is pretty boring and not very bungou stray dogs.
The order of the clock tower will not come to yokohama first.
The Guild were the ones to come to yokohama and threaten it up close. The order of the clock tower was a major threat to yokohama from across the continent. That's terrifying. The ADA/Mafia will have to work proactively
The end of the clock tower will have major repercussions.
The order of the clock tower seems to have its claws in everything and has a tight maintenance of leadership and control over almost every gifted organisation we've met. The Order seems to literally keep order. But they've clearly got a goal with sending the guild and the rats after the book. If the order is destroyed then certain aspects of gifted society slip loose and create new problems. This will probably be the creator of an arc or two after the order arc is over.
Chuuya's backstory is linked to Dazai's.
Chuuya was used by the military and experimented on until he could contain a god of destruction, after which he went haywire, blasted a huge crater in yokohama, and became a feral child.
Dazai was...we don't know. The furthest back we can tell is that some time in his early teens he was taken in by Mori. Before that he was apparently wandering around trying to find some kind of emotion, something to make him feel. He eventually found that with the violence and adrenaline rush of the mafia.
Now I don't think that dazai is a psychopath. It's easy to say he is with the way he seems to talk about the hole in his heart and the absence and emptiness. However dazai very very clearly cares. He cares about odasaku, he cares about atsushi, he cares about the ADA, and he even cares about chuuya (this is not my shipper brain talking, I am literally talking about canon). Dazai very clearly CARES. He isn't a psychopath.
My belief is that dazai is the most clear argument for my case that the series is about mental illness and self worth. Dazai very clearly has a major depressive disorder.
I also think that dazai is extremely traumatised. Obviously he's traumatised by being in the mafia at 15 and by odasaku's death, but I also think dazai may have been traumatised even before then.
Atsushi is dazai's mentee, the half of shin soukoku. He's shown to have childhood trauma. Akutagawa also has childhood trauma. Chuuya has childhood trauma. This may be a coincidence but almost every main character in this series has some form of early trauma.
Dazai IRL was not called Dazai Osamu. Dazai Osamu is actually a very sad name but Dazai's birth name is Tsushima Shuuji. IRL dazai/Tsushima was the son of a rich family that lived in Aomori prefecture (which is very rural lol). Dazai had an absent father and a sick mother and wasnt raised by his parents but rather by servants and his aunt. His father died when he was young (not that he got very old) and his life was plagued by constantly running off with girls, getting his allowance cut for being a marxist, and, yes, suicide attempts.
So my ideas for how this may translate into bsd dazai is this:
- dazai ran away from home when he was young
- dazai never had a good parental figure
- dazai is from a rich family in a rural area very far away. Like for those who don't know Aomori is at the northern tip of Honshū, just below Hokkaido. Yokohama is just south of Tokyo. The region in between is mostly forest and smaller cities. Most of Japan's (major) cities are cloistered around Tokyo and Kyoto and Fukuoka which are towards the south. So dazai is a country boy who has wandered japan after running away from home.
- dazai's real name is Tsushima Shuuji and there's a personal reason he's distanced himself from that. This one im not sure about but yeah
- thus follows that why would dazai be so fucked up if he isn't a psychopath and he did come from a rich family? Dazai to me reads that something major happened. In shin skk it's clear that atsushi and alutagawa share a past of abuse at the hands of parental figures and loneliness. With all the similarities and parallels drawn between the characters in skk and shin skk it seems logical to me that chuuya's past of torture may be similar to Dazai's in a way. It would be disappointing to me if dazai's past was covered and it didn't in some way affect him. The clearest parallel between skk is that they both lacked parental figures most if not their entire lives.
There's also this comment that dazai makes when the head of atsushi's orphanage dies. It's that relationships with fathers are messy and even if they were terrible it's natural to cry. This seems like bsd dazai may share irl dazai's father's death early in his life. It's hinted therefore that dazai's father was either abusive or neglectful and died when dazai was younger.
Anyway this went longer than I thought it would but I invest far too much brain time into bsd so it's gotta seep out at some point lol
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galladerocksgamer · 4 years
I saw several other blogs passing this around and it looked fun so I decided I’d give it a shot and see if I can’t spread it around to some others to do too!
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions!  Don’t look at them first. Then tag some people.
Gravity Falls
BoJack Horseman
My Hero Academia
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Who is your favorite character in 2?
Wow I’ve never really stopped to consider this one that hard before.  My gut reaction is to say Todd because he is simply wonderful.  But Diane is definitely up there too, she’s a character that I really connected to in ways I didn’t expect.  Princess Carolyn is in the running too, her series-long character arc was one of the most heartbreaking and heartwarming.  I’m not sure I can pick one fave, I just love the development of these three.
Who is your least favorite character in 1? 
Uh geez I’m not sure I really have a LEAST favorite, I can’t think of anyone that I particularly dislike.  I mean sure there are characters that I dislike because they’re jerks, like Filbrick or Preston or (duh) Bill, but in terms of like disliking them as a character?  I’m probably gonna say Priscilla Northwest, she’s as much of a rich jerk as her husband but is a lot less entertaining.  Or maybe Gabe Bensen, he’s the least amusing of Mabel’s various love interests to me.
What is your favorite episode of 4? 
A House Divided.  Just ... no contest, it’s A House Divided.  Haven’t seen much else that just stops my dang heart like the ending of that episode.  It just HURTS OKAY.  In all the best ways.  Jimhunters and Unbecoming are very close seconds.
What is your favorite season of 5? 
Overall I think it’s gotta be Season 3.  There’s a lot that I love in Season 2 especially, but on the whole Season 3 just has so much going for it.  There’s some fantastic character development and new moral issues explored within the Fire Nation itself.  There’s the invasion, Zuko joining the Gaang and having various life-changing adventures, the Boiling Rock, the freaking Ember Island Players, and of course one of the absolute best series finales in television. So yeah, it’s gotta be Season 3.
Who is your favorite couple in 3? 
Tbh I don’t really have that many ships for MHA (probably in the minority on that one).  There’s really only two couples I’m particularly into, and that’s Mirio/Amajiki and Yaoyorozu/Jiro.  Mirio is just so supportive of Amajiki and they’re just cute and GAH they’re fantastic.  And Yaoyorozu and Jiro, I think it was the first movie that got me attached to them, they’re just super cute too.  They’re both just pure adorable pairs, I love them.
What is your favorite episode of 1? 
Once again, no contest, because Not What He Seems is just, like, my favorite episode of literally anything ever.  It’s just SO GOOD.  The culmination of so much story and theory, the animation, the music, the tension of the climax, the ending reveal.  It’s just.  The best.  Gosh.  Weirdmageddon 3 is definitely close, the best finale in animation imo, but just absolutely nothing beats Not What He Seems.
What is your favorite episode of 5? 
Okay now this one is actually tough.  I’m probably gonna say Zuko Alone, it’s just brimming with heartwarming and heartbreaking material, between Zuko’s childhood flashbacks and his touching - and tragic - present story.  The Tales of Ba Sing Se is the other top candidate, of course it has the tearjerker Iroh story that is probably my favorite thing in the whole series, but I also love, well, the whole thing.  The Katara/Toph and Zuko stories are so sweet and pure, the Sokka story is hilarious, and the Momo story is also dang sad.  The Blind Bandit, Sokka’s Master, and The Southern Raiders are also personal favorites.
what is your favorite season of 2? 
I am surprised I have a definitive answer for this because the whole series is so transcendentally great, but I do in fact have an answer, and it is Season 4.  It’s my favorite story arc of the series, with BoJack for once not having a special project to center his life on, still reeling from what happened to Sarah Lynn, and having Hollyhock and Beatrice rather suddenly entering his daily life.  It’s about the closest we ever see to BoJack having some semblance of a family life.  The whole storyline of Hollyhock and Beatrice is just fantastic, and it’s the start of the real meat of Todd and Princess Carolyn’s character arcs too - and ends with the setup for Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter finally breaking their destructive cycle.  Plus it’s got my two favorite episodes of the entire series - The Old Sugarman Place and Stupid Piece of Sh*t.  Also Time’s Arrow is definitely top 10, maybe even top 5.  Also also love Hooray! Todd Episode!  And Thoughts and Prayers.  And Ruthie.  Yeah seriously no contest it is my favorite season.
How long have you watched 1? 
I started watching Gravity Falls really near the beginning.  The first episode I watched was The Inconveniencing, the fifth episode overall, and after that I was immediately intrigued and went back and watched the first four.  After that, I watched the whole series as it went.
How did you become interested in 3? 
I don’t tend to watch a lot of anime, and my experience with shounen before MHA was touch-and-go.  Like I’m a big fan of Fairy Tail and to a lesser extent Dragon Ball but I’m still heavily critical of both and would have a hard time recommending them without a heavy disclaimer.  So it was something I’d considered before but never really took the plunge into watching until, funnily enough, my anime-adverse girlfriend decided to check it out.  She’s significantly less anime-invested than me (well, she used to be at least) but lo and behold, we both wound up obsessed with it.  Color me surprised that this series wasn’t being overhyped and didn’t come with the glaring flaws of every other shounen I’ve watched.  So now this is definitely my big interest of the moment, and I am grateful to have it.
Who is your favorite actor in 4? 
Anton Yelchin, he just brought so much heart and emotion to Jim.  He’s a big part of the reason that Unbecoming just snaps my heart in two, my gosh.  As for comedic delivery, Kelsey Grammer absolutely kills it as Blinky, not that I’d expect any less from him.  He just has so many lines that completely crack me up and that’s largely because of his delightfully hammy delivery.
Which do you prefer: 1, 2, or 5? 
Oh my gosh they are literally my three favorite pieces of media in existence.  But it’s Gravity Falls.  Like I would just roll over and die without any of these three but it’s not debatable, the absolute #1 in my heart is Gravity Falls.
If you could be anyone from 4, who would it be? 
Probably Toby?  I think I’d be good in the “well-meaning dorky disaster-prone best friend” role.
Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? 
Theoretically, maybe?  Magical troll warriors team up with superheroes to fight a wizard supervillian.  It could happen.
Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?
Hmm, not sure I have a good answer to this one.  I’ll just say Manly Dan and Tyler.  It’s not exactly an ODD pick because we see them together quite a few times and honestly they always look like a dang couple, but we never really see what their INTERACTION is like, so it’s kinda difficult to judge exactly how that relationship does/would work.  But I think it’s a nice one to think about.
Overall, which show has the best storyline: 3 or 5?
Oof.  Probably gonna have to say AtLA on this one, if only because MHA isn’t exactly that focused on a super-condensed story at this point?  Its progress tends to come through more world-building and character development than major plot beats, though it certainly has that too.  So yeah I’ll say AtLA.
Which has better theme music: 2 or 4? 
Oh absolutely BoJack, it’s one of my favorite theme songs.
Okay, I’m only gonna actually tag @immaplatypus for this, but if you see this and want to do it then absolutely go right ahead and do it!  I’ve had fun seeing some other people doing these and would love to see even more going forward.
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advernia · 4 years
around june of last year, i decided to revive my writing blog as one of the many potential stress-relief methods i could think of.... i didn’t think i’d be able to keep it active for long since work + family duties keep me preoccupied most of the time, but eyyy!!! so far i haven’t lost the motivation to keep going back to this blog, and i even managed to keep it afloat for half a year!!! amazing!!! (•̀o•́)ง
and now here we are halfway through 2020!!! it’s waaaay overdue but here’s a big T H A N K  Y O U  V E R Y  M U C H ! ! ! to everyone and anyone who dropped by this blog last year + all them likes, comments, reblogs...... please know that i’m still i n c r e d i b l y grateful for the support & interest in the content i’ve posted up!!!! tbh my activity’s still hella sporadic so it’s really amazing for me that i even gained new followers.... i’m very honored to have all of you stick around my blog despite my irregularity!!!!!!!! (༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ)
it’s also overdue, but i slowly managed and finally cleaned up the blog like i’ve been meaning to do + changed the blog name to match my ao3 handle for consistency!!! i make no promises to be super active... but i’m sure that i still want to continue writing & keep this blog alive!!!! 
again, thank you all for your time + reading my works!!!!!!  ∩( ´∀` )∩ work commentary on the rest of my works last year follows under the cut!
oct 1 // hero’s journey
a drabble on blanc + oliver about the alices... now that i think of it, calling the first alice first alice is kinda funny considering that alice is really her name... or is it? 
i do hope blanc’s route talks about her a bit, haha! i mean, i wish cybird remembers that they’ve been dropping the occasional background tidbits about her... like for example, her pocketwatch (that she gave to blanc eventually) having a magic crystal engraved into it.... her potentially leaving a fucking globe in the black army’s possession (like... wow... u fell with that thing????????)....
plus, i just find it interesting that she was remembered by cradle as a heck of a troublemaker lol! it also makes you wonder who among the main cast met her, blanc aside... though it’s not stated when exactly she fell into cradle, so maybe only blanc had the opportunity of meeting her...
so does blanc speak of her fondly bc she’s a woman, or is there something else??? has he been frequently visiting the land of reason pre-game??? has he found the first alice’s antique shop / met her again??? does he still try to figure out the reason why there’s a magic crystal engraved into the first alice’s pocketwatch????? hmmmmm......
on another note, it would be hilarious if cybird pulls a peter pan 2......... since we can’t pull off a mother-daughter relationship like wendy & jane’s, what if alice the second is somehow actually related to the first alice?? and while she’s completely different from her predecessor, blanc finds himself falling for alice the second........ just like he fell for the first alice? drama!
that’s just a random thought but kidding aside, i do hope blanc’s route is hella interesting bc i think he’s our mr. exposition for knowing more about cradle itself lol
oct 1 // fair (?) ladies & phony (?) enchanters
a result of going manic a few days after seeing harr’s trailer + route release.... ahaHAHA I’M STILL WILLING TO PLAY UR ROUTE IN JP HARR (if i actually had time to sit down and translate gET REKT)
i liked writing these drabbles and i think they’re cute but tbh they did nothing to ease my curiosity about harr’s route.... if anything else, it became even w o r s e  haha........................
if i think of blanc to have a cradle-centric route, i do hope harr’s route is magic tower-centric! naturally it will be since he’s got history there, but i hope a lot of my questions about the magic tower will be answered.....
will harr’s perspective of the magic tower be in the eyes of a test subject or a disciple???? he was scouted by the magic tower, but it wasn’t stated what he was doing exactly..... going by hints + loki’s & zero’s routes, it’s more of him being a disciple, so there’s bound to be guilt.......
hopefully alice’s characterization in his route is good + we get a fun group dynamic with loki!!! their potential.... the most(?) notorious criminal of cradle, a sought after test subject, and that one girl who nullifies all magic; a renegade trio lurking around the forbidden forest.... what an odd bunch!
oct 4 // god is a five minute hymn
a religious themed fic with lancelot & alice - tbh i don’t even know why religion was the first thing that came into mind when liz and i were talking about cultural differences, lol.
on that note though! i personally like thinking that if ever cradle had a semblance of a religion, it would be polytheistic & nature-centric, and not strictly practiced - the stratocracy of both territories i’d like to think makes it harder for religion to have a voice, much less have one that is practiced by the general population. the only thing general about it is that the religion centers or has magic crystals as an important factor... or something. yeah.
that aside, i think i specifically chose lancelot in this piece for the sole reason that his canonically stated lack of common sense, in my opinion, gives him the curiosity of a child sometimes - there’s no sense of malice or doubt, just the pure innocence of wanting to know something....... religion does that to kids, especially when introduced to it at first.
rereading the fic makes me think of the instances where when faced with dire or unsettling situations, people turn to faith as a life line.... well, i’m not sure if i had that subconsciously in mind when writing alice, but that does give a spin to it....
oct 6 // flow like the river nile
a spontaneous red army-centric fic! it certainly turned out better than i expected... i liked the formatting i used for this one!
if cybird can give us more about the pre-game suitors it would be great, tbh! and while the stuff about them in school is interesting, i’d like to see more about when they assumed their positions + combat scenes! the neutrals are special cases, but knowing more about their living conditions + daily lives is also a treat...
i was thinking of adding one last snippet about lancelot in the eyes of the reds, but i scrapped it out and switched it to alice & lancelot’s conversation about duty - it could’ve worked better if i stuck to using the what is your duty? question, but i scrapped it eventually too. ah well. it does look good enough as it is. 
oct 7 // seeking out phantoms
a mandatory(???) odd one out aka content that’s not ikerev, haha! i missed fe:a all of a sudden...
i never got around to writing properly for this fandom tho, what a shame - i’ve got some bits of pieces in my drafts that looked interesting and easy enough to pick up, and this was one of them.
robin investigating more of their plegian heritage could’ve been a good subplot tbh... i still wish there was something like a paralogue or dlc about it, bc honestly the valm arc goes a bit slow until you get to the future past revelations. ah well.
and gaius bc first husband for the win.... not like i actually had the guts to marry anyone else in my other save files lololol
nov 7 // push me off a bridge (to catch me as i fall)
my longest project of 2019, holy shit! i didn’t know i still had it in me to write something past 10k... i need more of that motivation + energy....
there’s nothing much to say about this since i blabbed about everything in the post-reading notes, but as much as i fought myself to get this done, i really enjoyed writing a long fic again! hopefully i can get myself to write another one this year...
nov 18 // beloved, beloved, let me be clear
18 sentences on zero & alice + macross frontier references! man, when i really got to the point about the earrings i was thinking of sheryl a lot....
kept it in sentences cause i didn’t have enough time to put up a decent ficlet! but i really wanted to get my screaming out of my system....... i used to do sentences + three word sentences challenges before, and doing one again was pretty fun!
but really.... zero’s route kept me happy for days???? their buildup + dynamic was something i was totally w e a k for, no joke..... thank gods the collection event was going on, bc i really made good use of my stocked chapter tickets lolol!
i was especially excited come the ball scene, and that cg..... a h a h a.... i need more of those pretty cgs where i can see alice’s face + costume change....... 
nov 20 // coloring inside the lines
jonah + alice + makeup!!!! tbh this was really fun, i enjoyed writing this one - if i remember, this was a fic that i managed to continuously work on the day i thought it up!
jonah may not be my best boy but tbh i find writing him very easy - i guess it’s because i’m very fond of characters like him!!! those uptight nobles who are as prideful as hell but can definitely live up to their name + are more capable than their bragging suggests... idk if there’s a general trope name for these doods, but i especially like analyzing their motivations + convictions!!!
i liked how i ended it, but i apparently i made an actual ending that’s now a snippet in my drafts - jonah & alice head to the ball, and somewhere along some bystanders’ flow of conversation someone drops a comment about jonah’s lips looking... quite more luscious than usual, lolol. so t h i r s t y. upon hearing this, alice can’t seem to stop smiling for some reason..... 
nov 27 // blue fields, verdant skies
a practice drabble set centric on a ray/alice development that i liked so much i made it into a series - plus, it’s black army content and honestly i need to write more of them! my red army bias is showing whoooooops
it’s a feudal + arranged marriage au, with the latter... being quite spontaneous. it’s those types of marriages where neither have even met - not even once - only to face each other come the wedding... so it’s a given that audiences from both parties are rather curious how this will turn out.
since i had the theme of fate in mind, ray was the automatic pick for the male lead. the rest of the black army is a given and for kicks, i added dean and dalim! i actually want to write about them + mousse, but since i’m still unsure on their characterizations i’ve been holding them off.... but i gave in anyway.....
alice is again named for word count convenience purposes since it’s in actual 100 words aka drabble form! i have planned scenes + an ending already in mind, but going there is pretty hard bc.... i still have to write the scenes in between + resist temptation to expand further on other scenes, haha....
initially i was planning to keep it updated here as well, but any more updates of this are on ao3 instead! the formatting looks better there instead of my blog tbh, and it also gives it a sort of muted tone to the story that works with me!
this is also the 31st fic in this blog, marking an end of the challenge liz bestowed to me lolol - since i brought this blog back to life around june, i was dared that by the end of the year, i should’ve posted more than 15 fics to add up to the initial 15 i had already posted before, thus the numbers on my fics back then.... now that i actually succeeded, i can stop counting lololol!!!! tho hopefully i can still be pretty active this year....
dec 22 // duck, duck, bullet
oliver & fenrir on guns... this probably wins as the most spontaneous idea i had on my head - tbh, i wasn’t even sure where i was going with it at first! but i’m sure i was suddenly thinking about that one detective conan movie.... then it became kid!oliver with a gun.....
i wonder if he tests the bullets at night, when he’s in adult form.... then again, kid!oliver with a gun still works.... say that because he’s a genius inventor, he made some models to serve as his shooting targets.... but another thought that amuses me more is.... blanc does the bullet testing for him!?
lololol i already thought about blanc being oliver’s live target, but i also find blanc with a gun very interesting.......... i mean, blanc certainly doesn’t look like he can fight, but who knows??? i mean, mousse is the former ace of hearts, but i still can’t imagine him fighting..... appearances can be deceiving....
the two aside, i wonder how fenrir even met oliver and got him working on his bullets........ was it through blanc or other connections???? how long have they been seller and buyer???? does anyone else commission anything from oliver?????? hmmmm.....
dec 23 // terms of surrender
i’ve been told by liz + luci + other friends that i needed to practice writing more.... cheesy fluff. i’m not sure if this sirius/alice piece counts, lol. in fact, i think it’s my definition of fluff i see here - and it translates to not exactly fluffy at all!
tho if you want me to be honest about it - when i write suitor/alice stuff, how alice was characterized in the suitor’s route is still my basis for how i’ll write her, and sirius’ alice................ haha......... i think she’s the alice that’s honestly easy to write but i choose to avoid.......... 
i don’t dislike the sirius/alice dynamic per se, tho. i do find it cute, especially if cybird stops emphasizing the issue of maturity in the relationship on alice’s side. i understand - i really do - that it’s a potential issue in the relationship, but...... that’s not the only problem you can possibly have as time passes, right?????
on another note, it’s funny that only sirius gets to be harped about the maturity due to age difference issue - setting aside blanc, who heavens know how old he is, lancelot’s 29 and since alice is presumed to be around ray + fenrir’s age, you could say that she’s 24 or even 23 to be safe.... so that makes a 5 / 6 years difference but it’s never brought up, lol. but i guess it’s because unlike lancelot, the black army’s been making sirius’ age a running gag....
anyway, this piece is pretty decent! i was thinking of something along the lines of mornings between a “married couple”.... there were two scenarios i had in mind, and i opted to write this one out first.... maybe i’ll have the second one posted up here another day.
dec 28 // a chain of black thrones
pre-game!sirius & ray and bc i was thinking a lot about the previous chosen, the former jack of spades!!! i wonder if the armies have a set age for retirement lolol... it would be awesome if there was still a chosen who’s already past his 50s or something, haha!
since sirius was constantly badgered to take on the role of king, i was also wondering about how long the black army was ‘king-less’... i mean, if the tension between both armies was really as great as they say, having no king puts the black army at a precarious position... i also thought that ‘nah, maybe there was a king or something but maybe the black army didn’t like him or something so they insisted that sirius take it instead’ but sirius’ 1st anniv. epilogue says otherwise - there really was a period that the black army had no king, wow. how the heck did they deal with that???? surely the red army saw this as a display of vulnerability....
can the black army’s chosen choose to leave their posts when they feel like it??? when they’re defeated by a challenger, what happens to them - a demotion, or do they serve under the ‘new’ chosen??? does the black army’s chosen change constantly because of their meritocracy + challenger system??? like, how do they deal with that, and do they announce their changes in chosen each council meeting??? each new question just snowballed my curiosity, whoops...
there were so many angles i thought of but i decided to settle for addressing the king-less state of the black army... through the eyes of a veteran who’s probably served many kings throughout his time of service as part of the black army’s chosen.
i gave this jack of spades character a name, actually - garret folner. maybe someday i’ll write him again, bc i actually enjoyed thinking about the present + past chosen interactions - maybe i’d think about that for the red army, but this time i find the black army’s side more interesting for this situation.
dec 29 // steadfast tin soldier
a zero/alice piece for zeroweek - i was about to post pt. 1 as a standalone, but then i just thought about how.... zero bought alice a gown.... but never got to dance with her at the day of the ball..... so i rushed to add pt. 2 haha!
with the addition of pt. 2 it looks cut short tho - i did think of putting a scene in between, but no good ideas came into mind bc i was too fascinated with the dancing scene... i swear at some point i will find myself writing a fic or a part of a fic that’s a dance scene for the rest of the ikerev suitors + alice....
this is the kind of fluff i live for, actually... i’m totally fine with the steamy content cybird throws during events + bonus stories, but if i were to be honest i say.... where’s my non-sexual intimacy????? the simple, wholesome stuff?????????????????
man, i feel hilarious for typing that out..... but well, i guess it’s a matter of different strokes for different folks, lol!
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tanittann · 4 years
A piece of my mind( or soul )
First: excuse my awful english writing but after thinking about it and before continuing posting my stuff, I want to share a bit of my view about the Hoenn’s dorks (?) Because I don’t want people to follow me and get the wrong idea and, lastly, I feel like I’m hiding something. I usually only talk about this sensitive subject with people close to me but here’s the thing: people are following me and I really want to follow back but there’s a big, big problem for me doing so.
Warning!: My own point of view. Talking about my memories.
A brief summary: I didn’t like ORAS, at all. That’s the mere reason I picked up a pencil back on 2016 and started drawing because I knew the RuSa that I’ve been seen since 2007 wasn’t coming back to my daily life. I stopped looking at fanart of them and only read a bit of fanfics that I consider worth of reading.
What I’ll draw:
-Future RuSa and more pokeverse related things but NOT gonna use ORAS clothes. I feel bad for it.
Now the long version of the summary:
I stopped browsing pixiv or searching for stuff because I was really afraid of seeing ORAS portrait of them and get even more depressed for it. My big problem with ORAS is Sapphire, because she is my fav Pokespe girl and character in general, getting more violent and........lovestruck out of nowhere, I’m not talking about her girlish side, no, her girlish side was show on the main arc and was perfectly balanced (she loves cute things and people tend to forget about it) but  what I’m talking about is that...fangirl’s side and  yes, I’m not Kusaka, maybe his target for Sapphire was..that? Being the romance interest? I don’t know but what shocked more was the fact the fandom was starting to seeing her as a jealousy yandere and there is were I gave up, I fucking gave up looking at the fandom.(I also hate the Sapphire from the artbook with the yandere pose) But then if people, IF Kusaka always wanted that kind of Sapphire I’m no one to change that. It’s my fault, think Sapphire was or a tomboy or a bit tsuntsun. I was wrong and that’s fine. I spent ( wasted tbh) years fighting ORAS back but there’s no need anymore. ORAS exist. I dislike it with all my soul. But maybe what I ended up falling in love was one the fandom representation of their relationship so (Because I’ve read FOR ALMOST 13 YEARS SOOOOOOOOOOOOO many RuSa fics in different languages and let me tell you, the way people interpret them is so random sometimes but that’s not the point here) But I decided I’m going to draw tsun-tsun Sapphire and Kusaka can come here telling me she isn’t one and will still drawing it so you don’t even fight me on that. ORAS couldn’t change my point of view a stupid ask won’t either. Because that’s what makes my happy for so many years and enjoyed reading and seeing fanart of it.
Well this is getting long, I feel a bit better letting it all out, but a last thing: I won’t stop. The only thing that can make me stop drawing them is health problems till then I’ll keep drawing my vision.So don’t expect ORAS representation here, I just like Sapphire with a cute bow because I think it fits her and maybe I wanted to get over my fears but not more oras’ clothing here I draw less and my energy drain if the art is with them wearing it.
Also about my art being “ empty”, I’ve sucked at drawing since I was a child, but even so I drew pokemon I loved that little bird Torchic so bad  ( I begged so bad for Pokemon Sapphire even my mom was surprised,  it was also my first Pokemon’s game I owned  ( I played Blue and Silver on my cousin gameboy). I picked the pencil back for my own, I don’t love drawing as a hobby. So I’m sorry my art will be never be something worth of them but I’ll keep drawing them I’m the only one that can bring my vision to life. And I won’t yield to anyone or any obstacle. I’m a passionate little piece of shit and if there’s something I’m not sorry for is all I’ve learned from my dorks. My R/S arc’s dorks. I’m still a long way to not cry talking about this and how Sapphire new side hurts me but it’s my own fault for believing and creating a different future for them that Kusaka didn’t see.
-If you read all of this, thank you.
-If you don’t want to follow me, it’s fine I undertsand and respect ( and envy tbh) people liking ORAS.
-If you want to laugh at me with an ask,that’s fine, but it’s a stupid thing to do, forget about me and mind your own business.
-If you want to talk about how ORAS wasn’t that bad, just stop, I know it’s my own vision what I’m drawing and I know the wrong here is me, not Kusaka or anyone who loves ORAS. In fact, I would like to love ORAS, talk and draw about it and enjoy with people like I did years ago sharing pokespe to everyone I knew. But then if I loved it maybe I wouldn’t be drawing right now. The irony.
I cried so much with this I’m an emotional piece of shit haha. I miss the old times orz But I’ll keep my head up and  moving forward. 
I'm sure I’m forgetting a lot of points but the main point is Sapphire. I love my wild, tsuntsun at times,  ball of energy and romantic fighting bird and I’ll forever love her.
A old chibi wip for reading all of this:
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flying-elliska · 5 years
S3 Rewatch - Episode 2 - Vendredi 19h34 “Surprenant” 
I really was looking forward to see if I could write anything new about this scene and like ...of course I can, I could write a whole ass essay about it. So here goes. (it’s a long one sorry lmao)
The first few seconds set the scene perfectly. The scratchy white noise of the vinyl after it’s done ; the low golden lighting, the smoke Eliott blows in the air, the sated expressions on their faces - that feeling of perfect contentment you get when you are perfectly at ease being with someone, even in silence. Lazy afternoons where time just seems to disappear, the feeling of being high, skipping your obligations, taking time for yourself - makes the clip feel somehow nostalgic, timeless and expectant all at once. Something has happened in the time between last clip and now, because they’re suddenly much more comfortable with each other. The tension is of a different kind now. The short moment where they turn their heads towards each other feels almost too intimate to witness - we’ve never seen Lucas like that before, so comfortable, letting go of outside pressure. Then he gets up to change the music and vinyl is a great prop to use because it’s so tactile, as is the piano - the fact that Lucas is touching Eliott’s instruments is both a shorthand for their newfound closeness and umm...a bold move lmao not to mention the obvious connotation. (He doesn’t even put the vinyl back in its jacket that heathen...can’t see Eliott too bothered lmao). 
I laughed out loud at Eliott’s “I don’t want to impress you” because that is both a big fat lie and sort of true in the sense that he doesn’t want to intimidate Lucas but still wants him to think Eliott’s cool (and the two previous sentences were sort of a boast, still.) Beethoven and Star Wars feels like a very Eliott type of mix. Fur Elise is a sad but beautiful piece, that the compositor apparently dedicated to a female friend he proposed to but turned him down (?) That fits with Eliott’s tendency for pessimism and melancholy. On the other hand the Star Wars theme is playful and hopeful and geeky ; I looked up how it sounds on the piano and it’s absolutely adorable, like it was made to be a Porg lullaby. The way Eliott talks about it, slightly ironic (plus the Star Wars theme is pretty simple and Fur Elise is often played by dabblers) makes it sound like he probably taught himself a few pieces on a piano that was already in the house, as a party trick. I see Eliott appreciating this type of music, but maybe not having the persistence and discipline that getting actually good at classical demands. (And I don’t see his parents being around to push him either.) Maybe he tried and gave up or figured it wasn’t for him, which would give his admiration for Lucas’ playing a new dimension, like he knows how hard it is and brings him something he doesn’t have (but alright, I’m reaching a bit here). 
Lucas plays a few notes and Eliott teases him again about also having a triangle if he wants. Is he trying to find his bearings again after not having played for a while ? Is he also teasing ? Is he nervous, careful ? We can see him nod ever so slightly once he gets it and starts to play faster, like he’s happy to come back to this piece. The actual piece of piano by RIOPY starts fast right from the beginning but I like that they start slower here ; the whole piece is a beautiful metaphor for their relationship - starts hesitant and slow, withholding, and then the notes become deeper and the passion moves in all at once and it’s like he almost can’t contain it ? But you can also hear the effort it takes ?  The emotion is just perfect for the story and I am so impressed at Axel learning it from scratch. I wonder in what context Lucas learned it. With the title and the emotion behind it, was he dreaming of having someone to adress it to ? 
Then we have, for a brief moment, Eliott’s perspective as he sits up with a look of disbelief, amazement and then enthusiasm. And how fitting is it, really, that the first time we ever get his worldview is the exact moment he falls in love. Plus the perspective crossing adds to the impression of connection of the moment. And the way Lucas is framed from Eliott’s perspective - the light behind him gives him a halo. We go on this whole emotional journey in a few seconds with Eliott, falling in love with Lucas too. First it’s pure surprise as his eyes zoom in, like he’s just automatically drawn to get closer, to pay attention, cutting through the haze (of weed, but also his life). Then it’s awe as he just lets himself realize how amazing this boy he’s developped a crush on really is, and for a few seconds he looks almost fragile, almost like it’s too much. Then finally he smiles and it’s just the joy of the music and Lucas sharing it with him. Maxence just absolutely nails this crucial moment (and also this is the prettiest he is all season tbh fight me ; how fitting. Eliott is a ‘lover of life’ - love would make him the most beautiful, too.)
Why does this moment feel so special apart from how well it’s acted and filmed ? Well, from what we’ve seen so far from Lucas, it’s unexpected. We know that he’s clever, that he can be very manipulative, that he’s repressing his sexuality, and that he’s got trouble at home, that he’s closed off and trying very hard to pretend to be “normal”. Apart from that, there isn’t much to set him apart from the average teenage boy who likes to go out and drink beer with his mates and say slightly insulting stuff about girls and try a little too hard to be cool. So far, we can all empathize with him, but we don’t know that much positive stuff about him, to be honest. The piano scene is the first clue of how much there truly is under the surface. It’s a step away from the macho player image he’s careful to cultivate ; it’s a sign that he does have somewhat of an artistic, sensitive temperament. It’s the first revelation about him that feels wholly positive, unburdened by shame, and yet highlights how fake his closed off daily demeanour is. It’s a clue that he’s not only repressing the fact that he’s gay but a whole world of emotions, how caring and sensitive he can be - because of how rough life has been for him the past few years - social clichés, the pressure, the stuff with his family disintegrating, the homophobic jokes around him for not being masculine enough or liking ‘gay music’, how lonely and confused he must be. This season, in short, is not only about Lucas accepting he’s gay, but about himself opening up and growing into his own person, someone both strong and compassionate, bold and sensitive, defining himself beyond clichés or the heritage of his asshole father, stepping beyond his insecurities, to become his own man. That’s what the piano scene represents and why it will always be god tier.  Oh and also : it’s an offering for Eliott. He’s taking a chance here, too, and the joke he makes when he’s done...it’s almost he’s expecting to be mocked so he does it himself. I would bet that his piece of shit father probably said something about piano being too effeminate at least once. That’s kind of heartbreaking. It’s also a clue to how safe he must feel with Eliott, or at least how strongly he wants to, well, impress him to take that risk. He’s seen Eliott’s drawings and he wants to say hey me too I can be artsy !!! And his intuition is so spot on. We know Eliott’s been making drawings about them already, that he’s a romantic daydreaming about finding love stronger than fear. He’s a pessimist because of his condition and yet he really wants to believe that his emotions can be valid (that’s a key part of his arc in the season) and he can find love. So then he met Lucas ; it must have felt like love at first sight but he must also have told himself, what if this is fake, what if it’s just a random obsession, what if what if, he doesn’t even know him, what if he’s a crappy person, etc. So to discover that Lucas is actually so brilliant, and that they can connect over art, that they share this sensitivity about beauty and meaning, about wanting life to be more, and that Lucas is brave enough to reach out, and just the amount of feeling in that short piece...it must have felt so validating, and like destiny, too (we know it’s a word he will use for Lucas later). I think this is probably when Eliott really started to believe that Lucas could be his Polaris story. It’s already a ‘you’re not alone’ moment, too. 
So that scene is absolutely key in both their story arcs and their relationship. But it’s not over !  There is an awkward moment moment after Lucas is done because it feels like he’s given too much, too soon - but Eliott catches him like in a trust fall, he says yes, this meant something, it was amazing, it was surprising and I like surprising people - like I said, Eliott wanting to surprise people to test them and loving to be surprised in turn says so much about him as a character. And then the touch at the door, how did Lucas and we with him not collectively die on the spot. Because that was absolutely unambiguously a mark of interest. Love the idea that Eliott is trying not to kiss him but I also feel like he felt kind of bad for kicking Lucas out and he wanted him to know he was really interested and it was not just a buddy hang because like...in that particular context that’s just not something you do with a buddy aahhahaha. Love how the shot is framed with Eliott standing in the dark, Lucas in the light, and Lucas’ little shocked smile when the door closes. 
And then drama. Chloé is such an overdramatic teen, god - a guy she’s talked to twice stands her up and she’s like “men are trash” hgdfhgd...But it is an apt parallel with Eliott kissing Lucille. It is such a slap in the face after the earlier intensity but also like. Eliott is such a dumbass in that moment, how did he not see Lucas standing there ? To me, it means that in his head, Lucas and Lucille really are separated - Lucille is his safety net and he kisses her a little bit without thinking, automatically. The whole Lucas thing is in another world, scary and thrilling and uncertain and so he doesn’t want to give up his safety net yet. It’s ...not super healthy tbh. It’s kind of a pattern with him, of not being honest out of fear and i don’t like it, but at the same time, coming from his perspective, it is somewhat understandable. He just lives with a different set of stakes. I’m not excusing it, but yeah. Poor Lucas though. 
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