#i love gym friends
90ekz · 1 year
katsuki in the gym is so distracting to everyone.
it’s not like he’s one of those annoying guys who grunts really loudly while lifting or slams his weights down, no.
he’s actually pleasant, always making sure to not purposefully disturb anyone and cleaning his machines off after use.
and it’s not like he dresses overtly sexy or anything. he just… draws attention, naturally.
katsuki can walk in the weight room with sweats and a tank top, and the whole room will pause and stare like he’s naked or sumn. it confuses him sometimes, but being the lil shit he is, it probably boosts his ego.
i’m a firm believer that he’s a cardio guy, though.
when people see his impeccable form and ridiculous speed, they just can’t help but stare. hell, even the front desk worker gets stumbled over her words just saying hello.
after one of his sessions, katsuki remembered that he needed to renew his membership, and he did so.
lemme tell you, that poor girl didn’t hear a word that came out of his mouth but “membership”. how could she? he was wet with sweat, sweats hanging low, and tank top sticking to his sculpted body.
he raised an eyebrow when she didn’t respond to a question.
“you sick or somethin’?”
sir this entire gym wants to fuck you. you are a distraction to everyone LMFAO
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ghostorbz · 8 days
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I bought nasb today
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stuckinapril · 3 months
It’s never overstated to me when people are like “work out bc it makes you feel better” bc it literally does. I think what I used to get hung up on is making the perfect schedule / wanting to know what I was doing right away. But it’s also okay to flounder at first and experiment w things and figure out what works for you and your body. The important thing is you’re starting out bc your body really will thank you for it later down the line. You cannot keep pushing it off it will add up
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yache-berries · 1 year
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pokémon really gave us passionate aging artists and Symbolism in their newest games, didn't they...
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qprstobin · 1 year
Maybe it's just the jock in me, but I think about Steddie going to the gym soooo much. For a lot of different reasons lmao. Part of it is that I think it's a great place for Eddie to thirst and be confused at how homoerotic so many of the rituals around the gym are, but also because there's a lot of humor in Eddie going to the gym.
He has a lot of energy, and we know he has some muscle, likely just from day to day activity, mechanics, band equipment, etc. He seems like he would enjoy being outdoors, and hiking or exploring. Something that is a work out but doesn't feel like one if you do it right. Despite all that, he absolutely has the vibe of someone who hated gym class (which, same), and probably would claim to hate working out/doing physical activity.
I just know that when Steve finally convinces him to go to the gym with him, Eddie would be SO MAD at how much he loves it and how great it makes him feel. He is absolutely that post that is like "you mean regular exercise is good for you and makes you feel good???? is good for your mental health??"
He feels lied to, he feels cheated. Maybe he should've expected this, now that he's dating a jock, but he thought that his jock was an exception. He hates jocks. What is happening to him.
Of course part of it is just that it's not gym class, which is not good at catering to any demographic other than "generally athletic and doing a school sport". Another part is that Steve is very big on making sure he doesn't hurt himself, and making sure that why he lifts and shit are at the level he is actually at. Steve would not allow him to overwork himself. He likes that he looks after him and likes that they are able to do something together that aligns with Steve's interests and not the nerd herd's.
It becomes a great way for them to spend time together in public, and it's extra fun when Robin comes along, or when they manage convince one of the others to join them.
The funniest part would be how much his friends would heckle him for it though. It's all affectionate, but Gareth every practice makes a joke about how he knows how Luke Skywalker feels, now that his "father" has betrayed him. Lucas is smug every time he shows up for a session with Steve, and Eddie is there too. it takes a lot for Eddie to remind himself he can't fight a toddler.
(He refuses to admit that he knows Lucas would win.)
The worst though, as @starsvs brought up, is that Steve would look at Eddie, who loves the outdoors, is good at staying hydrated for dnd/the band, and is now working out regularly? And go "babe I think you're a jock now" and Eddie would lose. his. shit.
Eddie genuinely takes a moment to consider if this is what is going to cause him to dump his boyfriend, because he better take that slander back right the fuck now. Eddie? A jock? The very antithesis of everything he stands for? The sheer dramatics that statement causes is enough to keep Steve laughing for weeks. Eddie would grumble and bitch for days, laying on the floor complaining about him!! being called a jock!!! Wayne is just calmly sipping his coffee and watching his boy go on and on, because its certainly more entertaining than anything on day time tv.
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apnourry · 2 months
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tired asf workouts tho
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cncity · 1 month
which one are u watching
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larrylimericks · 1 year
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A selfie shot in a gym mirror, Fast gone but H couldn’t be clearer: An Up All Night flex (Fetus Larry on pecs!), There’s naur one who holds 1D dearer.
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lordofruin · 7 months
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pokemon masters main story interlude: colourized
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jinajay · 9 months
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peachy-doodles · 10 months
If you insist on drawing I will give a suggestion. I love ozone and kinda curious what ingo's reaction to their existence would be dksnsk
I hope your arm stops hurting soon 🥺
i know i told you in the discord ill be okay but KHGKGS ILL BE OKAY !!! ty again tho for the request mwah am sending you platonic kisses because i love drawing my silley guy <3
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he would be sooo confused skghgkhs like... this guy is familiar but also not? why does he feel a familial bond with a total stranger who hes never met before but also feels like hes spent his entire life with? why does their existence feel incredibly interesting but also incredibly heartbreaking at the same time? like... what is going on here mane....
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they'd work it out tho. ozone is like a weird half brother/cousin/uncle who you only see at christmas or something. sometimes super friendly but also sometimes super distant because even tho his twin is part of the fusion larry just. does not know him or how to act around him so its a very touch and go situation sgkhgkhs :]
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jombenz · 5 months
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my character bunny! i made her ages ago </3 shes not technically a mk oc and existed before i got into mk but honestly i think i could shoehorn her into any universe because i love her dearly
ill do a proper ref sheet of her later im very lazy rn
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stuckinapril · 5 months
It just clicked for me that I’m going to be all-consumingly devoted to intensive studying for the next month. I’ve been more ambivalent since the year started, bc I honestly miss my friends and want to pursue a lot of hobbies I’ve been dying to pick up, but I want nothing more than to ace an upcoming test that will genuinely determine so much of the trajectory of my life. I’ve already been studying pretty consistently for it, but now I’m actually letting go of my expectations for other things while this is going on. Putting all this pressure on myself has done nothing but slow me down. Like my brain is actually shifting into study camp mode. It’ll be back to waking up at 4 am, studying for 8 hours a day minimum, crunching flash cards w my morning drink/on the treadmill, getting so much done before noon, and not feeling guilty if other areas of my life suffer a little bit. Nothing outside of this matters.
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pinkie-pinkeroni · 1 year
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the gym leaders of paldea!!!!
i love these guys so muuuchh they’re so cool!!!! my faves r katy, brassius, n ryme 💖 (feel free to tell me urs hehe) enjoy!!!
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thearchertheprey · 1 year
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all my friends were making cherens so i made a cheren. his degrees are in education and child development and he has a MA in special ed. and i love him
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apnourry · 9 months
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nap thoughts. head sleeby.
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