#i missed seeing them go on immortal songs and perform!!
koishua · 14 days
growing up on diff kpop gens with my younger sister this is wild bc her le sserafim/nwjns/illit/kiof was my snsd/aoa/apink/girls' day/exid/gfriend/rv :( 4th/5th gen vs 2nd/3rd gen have CRAZY different energies it's fascinating
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hollygl125 · 3 months
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On taking a risk:
I love these two. Sara Sidle and Gil Grissom. Jorja Fox and William Petersen. I love them both. I love them all. (If you’re following this blog, this probably doesn’t come as a surprise to you.)
I love these two moments. I love these moments for Sara Sidle and Gil Grissom. I love these performances by Jorja Fox and William Petersen.
In discussing the new song for which she co-wrote the lyrics, Jorja Fox said (slightly cleaned up by me), “It’s worth taking a risk to get to love someone and be loved.” In “Girls Gone Wilder,” (CSI, 15x05), Sara Sidle says, “I mean, to be with somebody who really gets you, who loves you for who you are—I don’t know. I think it’s worth the risk.” In A History of My Brief Body, Billy Ray-Belcourt (a writer and academic from the Driftpile Cree Nation) writes, “To love someone is firstly to confess: I’m prepared to be devastated by you.”
And I love these two moments because, to me, they both really show that risk—the risk of devastation, of being devastated by someone.
Based on what we see in the first scene, I’ve always believed Sara didn’t know Grissom was coming to the rainforest for her. Maybe after his initial non-answer answer he believed she deserved such a sweeping gesture; maybe he believed she’d be less likely to reject him in person. But he goes after her. During his trek through the rainforest, he’s eager to find her. Then finally he does, and, in that moment when he stands there, before she turns around, I think there is anticipation but also clear awareness of that risk.
For years he feared he might put everything that was comfortable in his life at risk for Sara only to have her ultimately reject him. It’s a risk that, in “Butterflied” (CSI, 04x12), he initially described himself as having been unable to take. But now, here, he’s really done it: he has given up his job and everything comfortable and safe, and he still risks Sara’s rejection. But now he knows—he knows that the risk is worthwhile—it’s a risk he is willing to take, because he knows what it is to love and to be loved by Sara.
In the second scene, I also think Grissom does not know that Sara is coming after him. She looks a bit worried when she gets out of the cab and scans the marina for him, she hurries down the ramp, but then she looks pretty calm as she’s walking down the dock to him. He has, after all, just declared (albeit not directly to her) his love for her, that she’s been his best friend, that she’s restored his faith in the human being, that he’ll miss her for the rest of his life. So our girl should be pretty confident in her endeavour. But, then again, the man did divorce her, and she’s just 100% given up her new job (if you use the deleted scenes as your headcanon, which JF would have to have been doing at the time) to come after him.
So she looks pretty calm heading down the dock, but then there’s that moment where she’s standing in front of him, waiting for him to do something—your move, buddy. And she does this little intake of breath at the end, and I feel like that’s the moment where you really feel how much she is putting her heart out there; she is risking everything, like he has done before. It’s that little intake of breath that seems to jar him into movement. But it’s in that moment that I really feel how much she is willing to put herself at risk for this man, how she is willing to risk her heart—but, of course, this is Sara, so I think she has always been willing to risk everything for this man.
At different times in the series (Sara in “Girls Gone Wilder” and Grissom in “Immortality”), both Sara and Grissom speak of love and their relationship with the other in a manner that shows they both thought their relationship was worth the risk even when they thought it didn’t have a happy ending. (Cue the tears.)
@addictedtostorytelling has some relatively short meta on that subject, and you should probably go read it if you want to feel weepy for a bit.
In chapter 13 of my current fic, I let the characters themselves discuss the same. (I’ll probably leave you less weepy. I just went back to look at that chapter, and honestly I made myself a little weepy. I’m pretty much non-stop tears and anxiety, though, so you probably shouldn’t let me be your gauge.)
The events that necessitated the events of “Immortality” should never have happened; they were a complete betrayal, and I will never think otherwise. But I do love the parallels that were created in the end: both characters giving up what had become a very comfortable existence for a chance—a chance—at happiness—a chance (no guarantee, still the risk of rejection) to go off on an adventure with the one they love. They are both willing to risk that utter devastation, and I love it, and I love them.
So, yes, I love these two and their story, and I love these performances.
Also, GSR Day is tomorrow (except it’s actually today—February 9—because I always end up posting things after midnight). Since this is nothing but the first of my completely made-up GSR holidays, I will probably do nothing but reblog my first GSR Day post and post a completely unrelated GIF-set and maybe re-read my “how they met” fic. Actually, now that I think about that last one, I’m kind of excited for it. So happy almost-GSR Day. Did I mention I love these two? 😉
(I have to add that, according to Zuiker, they did not have much time or money to shoot “Immortality,” and it definitely shows in the lighting on Jorja Fox’s face in parts of that final scene. So, for the second gif: it’s not me doing odd things; it’s the source material.)
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jakey-beefed-it · 6 months
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Unleash the Archers was SO FUCKING GOOD you guys
So their two most recent albums, Apex and Abyss, have been very very good. In my opinion, Apex is excellent and Abyss is downright transcendent, but both are awesome. Their earlier stuff is a lot more hit and miss.
So imagine how pleased I was when the majority of their setlist was drawn from those two albums!
(Very. Very, very pleased)
So first off, my only complaint was that the sound quality wasn't what it should've been. It was better than it had been for the other bands, but there were still some issues with clarity that a better venue would've handled.
The band was amazing. Every aspect, fantastic. I knew the singer and the lead guitarist were both good, but seeing them live, I have a better appreciation for how good. The singer being able to maintain her full vocal power and range the whole night was fucking mind-blowing. Her voice was a little hoarse when talking to the crowd at the end, but where it counted (the songs) she stayed awesome.
The guitarists had some fun noodling around between songs (especially when the lead guitarist needed to change out his guitar due to a technical issue), playing funky riffs and just having a good time. And while performing they had some fun choreographed things, too. Since the rhythm guitarist doesn't do any vocals, he got to jump around the stage more than the other two, and he made the most of that hahah.
I could go on and on about how kick ass they were because holy fuck, but man. Man. That was fucking awesome.
Ash really enjoyed them too, to the point where she asked me to send her some of their songs to listen to (with better mixing hahah), so that's a huge win in my book. Also I kept infodumping about the story with the Matriarch and the Immortal and all that between songs but she's still contented to remain married to me so that's a plus.
Yeah man. Yeah. I went into the show feeling exhausted and with a sore back and feet, and that only got worse as we stood around in the merch line and watching the other bands. (they were fine. They were potentially better than fine, in that I'm going to look them up and listen to them with better sound mixing to give them another shot) And i've been in a weird mixed state mentally the past week or so, where I have very negative thoughts picking at me all the time, so I was having a hard time even dragging myself to the show in the first place. But I did, because I knew I would enjoy it. And while I'm hardly cured, this shit will come back strong some other time, the adrenaline from the drums and the endorphins from the show as a whole have at least temporarily blown the bad vibes straight out of my head.
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angelofrainfrogs · 9 days
Going Back: Ch. 22
~Coauthored by @zeitghest~
Fandom(s): Five Nights At Freddy’s: Security Breach
Description: Things are looking up for Gregory. After putting the soul of a formerly-immortal killer to rest, he and his new family can finally begin their lives anew. Sure, Gregory might have been cursed with mysterious Remnant in exchange for being involved in this mess—not to mention his caretakers consist of sentient robots and ghosts… But there’s no doubt that the bond they share is unbreakable. They love him, and he in turn. 
All in all, life is finally starting to go right for once. 
…Unfortunately, true peace is a hard-won battle. There are other things to contend with besides William’s decrepit soul, and Gregory will learn that his role in the lives of the Aftons and Emilys is far greater than anyone could’ve imagined. 
Rating: T
Read on Ao3
Michael perked up when he heard the music, turning into the camera feed of the main stage just in time to see Freddy grab the mic with an ostentatious twirl. He might look human now, but he still had the programmed moves of his ursine counterpart. The guard smiled, elbows on the desk and resting his chin on the back of his hands. It was like watching a TV show, only he knew all the performers on a personal basis. He made sure to check the other feeds, mainly the Daycare to keep an eye on Ennard and co., but tonight all seemed quiet except for the performance filling the place with life.
Gregory had stopped his search for a moment. In the corridors he swore he could hear them now—the Glamrocks were playing! It was a cover of a song from the 80s, his only exposure to the scene being through the set list itself, as well as Mike and Charlie’s recent influence. If he didn’t hurry, he and his friends might miss the chance for a private show, plus the debut of Foxy, the Pirate Drummer.
Looking inside a trashcan, Gregory found nothing. Did everyone just up and disappear?! He knew they did that as ghosts, but this was getting silly for how long he’d been searching. It almost made Gregory paranoid as he looked for everyone. What if they were waiting to scare him?
A shiver of fear briefly ran down his spine. He wasn’t afraid of Evan and Hannah, but everyone else had a love of tormenting their once-skittish friend. Especially Cassidy…
Humming along to the music, Gregory sung lyrics he happened to remember sporadically while searching high and low for his buddies before calling out through the empty atrium. “COME ON! I need a hint, guys!”
Evan was peering down at Gregory from a hanging light fixture. Lying flat against the top surface, it was near-impossible to see him against the harsh glare unless one looked really close. He'd watched his brother pass back and forth underneath him a few times, and when Gregory finally called out in frustration Evan decided to end some of his torment.
“Look up...,” his soft voice called as Evan peered down with a grin; the only things visible were his face and his fingertips where they gripped the edge of the light.
Just hearing that meek tone that seemed to echo miles above Gregory’s head made the boy jump slightly, the hairs on his neck and the back of his arms standing to attention as he quickly glanced upwards. Upon seeing the top of his brother’s head, Gregory began to laugh. These guys weren’t playing fair in the slightest.
“Dude, how would I even see you up there?! I can’t fly!” he chuckled, stretching his arms up and out to exacerbate how impossible it was for him to reach. “So not fair…”
“Soooorry,” Evan replied as he floated down with a bright grin. Looking idly around the room, Evan tried to remember the directions he’d seen the others run off in. “I think everyone’s still around here. They might be hiding in a closest… I dunno exactly where though.” His gaze drifted towards the direction of the main stage where the upbeat music could he heard. “Hey… is the band playing right now?!”
“That’s why I’m trying to find everyone! The band’s practicing,” Gregory said, opening a nearby closet at Evan’s suggestion to find nothing notable. Cleaning supplies and buckets, but no ghosts. Gregory narrowed his eyes, vision raking the darkness as he shut the closet and started for the storage room besides it.
“Of course everyone’s spread out,” he sighed, hoping they could find all their friends before practice was over. The sound of Gregory’s footsteps and the door swinging open echoed in shelf covered room. This must be where they keep all of the seasonal merchandise—plushies and thematic items like water bottles and shirts lined the racks.
“Ooh, I really want to see the band!” Evan continued scanning the area with a bright smile. “Let’s split up... I might be able to track down some of the others faster.”
Not that Gregory wasn't a good seeker in his own right—it's just that everyone but Liz currently had supernatural abilities that allowed them to fly and disappear at will. Evan just happened to find a tough place for Gregory to see, but he made sure his brother could technically find him if he looked hard enough. The others, though... they were probably playing dirty.
Up in the second floor of the vast mall, Lizzie and Cassidy were messing around in Roxy's Salon. With Elizabeth sat in a chair, Cassidy had gone through the trouble of altering her friends hair to Liz’s specifications: two pigtails with a bow decorating each one, then teasing out the ends for her.
Evan and Gregory found the twins, but having no luck on ground level for any of the girls, on a hunch the ghost rushed to the salon to find two of them in the middle of Liz's transformation. Popping up behind his sister, Evan put his hands on her shoulders and leaned into whisper in her ear.
“Boo!” He giggled when Liz jumped, then quickly backed up before he could face the wrath of her or Cassidy. “Hey, how come Hannah and I are the only ones actually playing?! Cain and Quinn gave up in the arcade and you guys are... getting makeovers?”
Cassidy knew they were going to face the ire of those still playing the game. With Evan stepping up and playfully challenging them for their shared decision to leave, she laughed heartily.
“You guys stayed to play?! Gregory was gone for-like-EVER!” Turning the salon chair around for Liz to escape, Cassidy leaned on it as she looked to Evan. “We got bored. Plus we’ve had the same look for like… 40 years now. We thought ‘why the hell not?’”
Cassidy found changing her hair permanently was impossible, but she had better luck experimenting with cosmetics. Though she found that going incorporeal phased the make up right off her face again, she batted her now heavy looking eyelashes at Evan while speaking. Elizabeth, meanwhile, was joyfully enamored with the volume of her hair. She played with it in the mirror until it sat just right, then hopped up from the salon chair.
“What do you think? If you say we look like clowns, I’m hitting you,” Lizzie warned in a cheery tone.
Evan opened his mouth to speak before closing it rapidly, pretending like Liz took the words right out of his mouth. In reality, he couldn't care less whether they caked on pounds of makeup or not. To Evan, they'd always be his older sister and dear friend no matter how uncannily doll-like they appeared.
“You look... cool, I guess,” he said with a noncommittal shrug. Honestly, he was surprised Cassidy could open her eyes with the amount of mascara coating her lashes... though he smartly kept that comment to himself.
“Anyway—” Evan perked up, grabbing Lizzie's hand and trying to drag her off the chair. There was a notable air of excitement in his voice now. “—I came to get you because we're all meeting up to watch the band practice! Everyone else is probably already at the stage by now, so let's go!”
“Oh my god! What are we waiting for?!” Cassidy gasped, leaning over to pull Liz away from her ministrations in the mirror. With a hard yank, Liz was lifted in the air, held underneath her arms as Cassidy floated her friend to get there as fast as possible.
While Elizabeth wasn’t a fan of floating at all, she figured that she owed Cassidy for doing her hair so nicely—they certainly looked concert-ready.
Hannah had been located hiding out in the backrooms, squeezed into a locker. Mention of the live show pulled her from her spot and she rushed to the stage with Gregory at her heels. Joining Cain and Quin in the front row, Gregory snickered at how the twins immediately began dancing as if no one was watching.
“Jesus, it’s a two man mosh-pit,” Gregory remarked, seeing how little Cain and Quinn cared. Though when he came closer, the twins pulled him into their little group to dance violently with them.
Evan decided to help his sister by carrying her legs, and with the combined effort of him and Cassidy they made it to the stage in no time. As they set Lizzie down next to Hannah—who was giggling at the boys' frantic dancing—the current song ended with one final, righteous chord.
“Well, well—hello, everyone!” Freddy said, clutching his microphone as he centered himself on stage. His smile was as inexhaustible as his energy—thank god for robotic bodies, for he'd be sweating up a storm if he was human. However, his face remained clear of anything save for his bright expression.
“It seems we have gathered a little crowd tonight for our impromptu performance!” Sparing a glance over his shoulder, he looked to the Glamrocks with his enthusiastic grin. “I think that means we must give our special guests a show they will never forget!”
Bonnie was moving on queue in the sound-booth, centering the stage lights and bringing the colored filters down. At Freddy’s mention of a special performance, Foxy smacked his symbols to rile up the crowd. Cassidy leaned over and shook Hannah by the shoulders, needing something to reflect her excitement off of.
“FOXY’S ON DRUMS!” she gushed. It might be a surprise to many, but Cassidy was once a super-fan of Freddy Fazbear Entertainment. Only after her horrific murder did she begin her smear campaign.
Who could blame her, though?
Recently Cassidy had been a little more optimistic, her mood changing with the freedom from oppression her soul finally felt. Her murderer was gone—body and digital copy of his soul. Cassidy could feel content to enjoy the characters once more.
With Roxy and Foxy leading with a beat and an intro on the keys, the Glamrocks got back into the song line up. For the others, finally getting to see the show that they were robbed of the night they had disappeared had been fulfilling. Cain and Quinn had only stopped dancing briefly, yet Gregory had already worked up a sweat from moshing with the brothers. Despite barely being able to compete with the ghost’s endurance, Gregory kept moving to keep up. The drawbacks to being human still, he supposed—but he supposed he couldn't totally complain.
Michael couldn't help himself. With such a rousing performance gracing the Pizzaplex, there was no way he was going to sit in this stuffy office and watch from a tiny monitor. Besides, he needed to do some rounds anyway. This was a performance he didn't think anyone should miss, if they could help it.
First, he stopped by the Daycare. The play area was lit up but Sun was nowhere to be found, meaning that Moon was still watching over a slumbering Sam in the theater. However, as Michael waltzed straight through the wooden doors he saw a few others seated around the little table, partaking in the “tea party” from earlier.
“Oh wow, I didn't get an invite?” Michael griped with a playful roll of his eyes. Charlie had joined in on the fun now, seated between Mari and Ennard—whose disconcerting eyes were tracking Michael intently, of course. “Thanks a lot, guys...”
With Mari distracted by the lecture that Charlie had been in the middle of, Ennard was the first to perk up at Mike’s entrance. Only when Ennard straightened and scooted over at the tiny table, silently inviting Michael to come and sit with them did Mari start bouncing in her seat.
“Hey, Mikey! Are you here to help Charlie?” she asked.
“We're learning how to be human! It’s a lot to take in, if we're honest,” Ennard admitted, though there were noticeable changes in them already. Their speech was less stilted, as though all the personalities in their head finally agreed on who the speaker should be with only one voice box to use.
Either that, or Charlie had made significant progress with her lessons. She put a hand on Ennard’s shoulder and squeezed. Although she wasn’t a huge fan of Ennard, she figured working with them was better than working against the former clown.
“But you’re doing really well,” she encouraged, “The both of you are! Come and sit with us, Mike.”
Mari had already been making strides towards blending in with humans, but Michael was admittedly surprised at how much Ennard seemed to have taken in already. They were still unnerving, of course—though Michael had a feeling their fixed, near-unbroken gaze would stay on him forever. But they did sound a little better...
“Maybe later; I actually came to get you guys,” the guard went on, rolling his eyes at how the lanky android perked up even more. “Yes, that includes you, Ennard. The band’s practicing and I figured you’d all want to see! The kids already formed a mini-mosh pit by the stage.” He spared a glance towards the Daycare theater. “Think Sam would want to come, or should we let him live in dreamland a little longer?”
Mari slammed her palms down to the table, rattling their tea cups and the soda they used for tea. “I’m there! I’ll go get Moon!”
She didn’t wait for an answer. Being quite a fan of music, she jumped up and ran across the tiny table just to leap off it in search of her other friend.
“Everyone’s at a concert? That sounds like fun—I’ve never been to a concert before!” Ennard remarked, standing now and offering Charlie a hand.
When she took the assistance, she gave Ennard’s palm a squeeze. “Oh, it’s fun! You’ll enjoy it for sure.”
Sometimes Charlie felt a little held hostage by Ennard’s affection, though was empathetic towards them as they laced their fingers between hers. Since merging with their friends, Ennard had been very lonely. The more they interacted with everyone, the more acclimated Charlie could see them getting.
“Yeah! Go wake Sammy. I bet he’d love to mosh,” Charlie laughed with Mike, remembering Sammy’s love for concerts well. It was apparent in the theme of the Pizzaplex after all.
“On it—Mari, wait up!” Michael called with a laugh, rushing after the little android as she made a mad dash for the theater. It didn’t take long for them to find Sam snoring away in a fluffy pile of blankets and pillows. Moon was lingering nearby, his red eyes glowing bright in the darkness. By the time Michael reached the group Moon was already nodding enthusiastically at his friend’s request.
“Oh, yes, of course we’d love to see the band play!” the Daycare attendant was replying with a bit of wistfulness in his tone. “I can’t remember the last time we saw a live performance on stage…”
“I’ll wake up Sam, if you want to bring out Sun and meet us by the Daycare entrance,” Michael suggested. “Not that we don’t want to hang out, Moon, but I think it’s too bright for you…”
“It usually is; I don’t mind, ehehe.” Taking Mari’s hand, he led her towards the exit. “See you two in a minute!”
“Sam? Hey, buddy, we’ve got something cool to show you!” Michael said softly as the pair exited, gently judging his old friend’s shoulder. “We’re taking you to see the band up and running!”
Sam was in his perfect little dream world. Charlie found it strange, whenever he wasn't awake that her brother seemed just a little more youthful. The stress of life and everyday business would put lines in his waking face, but this looked more like the young punk that used to hang around her living room, terrorizing her along with Michael... She would gently nudge him along with her friend, getting him to finally sit up and open his eyes.
“Huh? The band's really practicing right now…?” Sam asked, sounding out of it. It made him feel leagues better knowing that they were all still getting along after their reprogramming. “I just need a second to wake up...”
“Charlie?” Michael raised an eyebrow towards his friend, and as one they grabbed Sam under each arm and hoisted him to his feet. After letting him get his bearings, Michael was sure to keep a tight hold on him as they led him out into the Daycare proper.
It’d been so long since the Marionette heard the bands at Freddy's play. Just the thought of standing there, a part of the crowd and not as a separate fixture brought her butterflies. Ennard struggled to keep up with the small android, her energy outmatching their relaxed pace and causing them to bend in an effort to stay attached to her hand.
Michael couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of Mari tugging her two much taller companions along as if they were nothing but air. Ennard was doing pretty well in the new body, all things considered. By the time they reached the stage Sam had been let go, as he'd found the energy to move by himself. The kids were still in an excited huddle, though there seemed to be less moshing going on in favor of just... jumping up and down from sheer joy.
“More guests!” Freddy announced as the group approached. The band was taking a second to reset, making sure all instruments were still in tune and lining up the next batch of songs in their heads. They'd already finished one set, though due to an uproarious cheer for an encore decided to go through a whole second performance just for their special party. At the sight of a very unexpected friend heading towards them, Freddy let out a little gasp and waved. “Sun! Oh, I am so glad you could join us!”
“Me too!” the lanky animatronic responded, practically trembling with excitement. The last time he'd been out of the Daycare for good reasons had been quite a while ago, so this was quite a treat. Usually he was simply too busy during the day to even fathom stepping away, and at night there wasn't much happening to warrant him leaving the comfort of his little rainbow palace. However, with all the new friends he'd made Sun had a feeling he'd be doing a lot more exploring nowadays.
Since those strange malfunctions had been taken care of, Sam would be more than happy to allow Sun a little bit of leeway with where he spent his time while the Daycare was closed. After all, even artificial intelligence needed socialization and new perspectives.
During the brief break, Chica strummed and plucked at her strings quickly to show off for the newbies in the crowd.
“Now it's really a concert!” Roxy exclaimed, her voice picking up on Freddy's microphone while everyone convened. In the crowd, Gregory found Michael and gave his brother a light shove to get his attention.
“Hey!” Gregory huffed, a little sweaty from all his dancing, truly looking the part of an exhausted concert hooligan. “Do you know how to mosh?”
Charlie answered for Michael out of sheer shock. “Do you know who you're talking to? I've never seen another dude take so many flying elbows in the concert pits.”
She laughed, Samuel joining in on the shared memory of the sketchy music festivals that used to travel throughout Utah back in the days.
“Give me a little credit, kid!” Michael griped in mock offense, sidling his way to the front. When he found the perfect place he cupped his hands around his mouth and stared up at the stage, transported back to the happy days when he’d heckle the band for the hell of it.
“Please tell me you’ve got some more 80s classics in that lineup!” he called, and when Freddy turned his gaze upon him it felt like he truly saw the boy Michael used to be. Fresh-faced and eager, Mike would be at the front of the crowd with his best friends, jamming out to rock songs without a care in the world.
“Of course!” Freddy replied, and Michael’s responding smile could rival the sun. Glancing up to the sound booth, Freddy gave their temporary DJ a tentative thumbs-up. “Bonnie, are we ready to go?”
“Ladies and gentlemen, the Pizzaplex is proud to present…” All the way up in the sound booth, Bonnie leaned into a microphone and led up the suspense. Then he brought down the house lights to focus on the stage, queueing Freddy and the band. “The Glamrocks!”
It was easy to get all the kids riled up—even Charlie and Sam seemed ripe with excitable energy as they crowded around the front with the kids. Thus ensued the best concert that Charlie had ever seen at a Fazbear venue. The lineup were classics, songs that Charlie forgot she’d obsessed over back in the day, now here to be stuck in Gregory’s head for weeks at a time—just the way his adoptive siblings suffered after shows.
Tonight served to be Gregory’s first real concert, and he’d been glad to spend time with all the friends he made so far. Besides, how many people could brag that their dad was in a popular band?
Freddy didn’t want this show to end. But, as he was far too familiar with, all good things eventually came to a close. Much too soon the band was striking the final cord, and Freddy slid to the front of the stage on his knees like the rockstar he was meant to be, mic held high over his head as he belted out the last note of their epic performance. As his vocals faded, the stage lights were shut off briefly. Backed by the rousing cheer of the crowd, Freddy stood and ushered his bandmates—his wonderful, wonderful friends—to the front of the stage with him. When the lights came back on they were poised to take their bow.
“Thank you for coming out tonight!” Freddy yelled to the crowd, smiling so wide it hurt. “And, from the bottom of my heart—” His gaze drifted over the crowd to settle on Gregory, Michael, Charlie, and Sam in turn. “—thank you for everything!”
With the most dramatic of flairs, Bonnie directed the softer beams of light to the family in front. They illuminated Charlie, who’d been holding a tired Gregory up. The kid battling to enjoy the last of his dad’s show raised his fist in solidarity as Charlie jostled him by jumping at Freddy’s thanks. With Michael and Sam beside her still completely jazzed from the concert, the ghost kids from the crowd roared into applause. There was a few excitable strums from Chica, Foxy hitting his symbols as his ego inflated from the wild screaming coming from their small audience.
“You’ve been a great crowd!” Roxy shouted before Bonnie turned down the stage lights, now lifting the house ones again.
Ennard’s first concert was spent hanging around Evan and most of the kids. Surprisingly enough, Elizabeth was compliant to their presence today—though they wouldn’t want to overstay their welcome and ruin the vibe that was going on. Near the back of the crowd, it was easy for Ennard to rejoin Mari and Sun as soon as the lights flicked back on.
“That was a doozy of a show, Fredbear! You still got it!” Bonnie called with a surprised laugh from the sound booth before beginning his descent back down to the stage.
“Thank you, Bon!” Freddy called with a grateful wave, hopping off stage with the others. Feeling an exhilaration he didn’t know was possible, he made a beeline straight for his family and immediately scooped Gregory into his arms. Still wearing an inexhaustible grin, Freddy murmured in his tired son’s ear: “What did you think, superstar?!”
Gregory perked up like a freshly watered flower once Freddy got ahold of him. With arms squeezed tight around his dad’s shoulders, he exclaimed: “You’re amazing!”
Once again, Freddy proved exactly why he was Gregory’s favorite character out of the Glamrocks. Was it possible to be starstruck by family? Gregory wasn’t sure, but if so that’s definitely what he was feeling. To get rid of the irrational butterflies, he joked: “Could I get your autograph, Mister Fazbear?”
While the other kids were enamored with the Glamrocks, Evan had his eye on a different set of robots. Michael saw his brother start moving towards the trio hanging back, and after giving Freddy’s shoulder a firm squeeze and reiterating how amazing the band was, Michael trailed after him.
“I’m glad Mikey grabbed you guys in time!” the little ghost said brightly, grabbing one of Mari’s and Ennard’s hands without hesitation. Now that Ennard looked more presentable, Evan had no fear expressing his favor of the robot’s company. Lightly swinging their arms, Evan remarked: “That was like… the coolest show ever!”
Evan having sought out both Ennard and Mari brought huge grins to their faces. While Mari’s wild hair suggested she was head-banging nearly the whole show, Ennard still looked fairly pristine. They gently squeezed Evan’s hand and agreed: “I’ve never seen a show quite like it! Even Funtime Foxy couldn’t compete…”
“I kinda wish I’d been able to see one of your old shows,” Evan admitted, and he meant it—aside from the whole “potential for children to get captured after the performance” thing, of course. Keeping this in the back of his mind, Evan tugged Ennard more insistently to keep their attention. “But you look awesome now! And I bet you could still perform if you wanted to.”
“You’ve still got the programming in there,” Michael remarked with a shrug. Admittedly, he already felt much better letting Ennard interact with people in this new form. “Who knows, maybe Sam can find you a little stage and you could… do magic tricks or something.”
He was trying, at least. They had to give him credit for that.
“Ooh, yeah!” Evan agreed, jumping on the idea. “And Mari can be your assistant!”
Ennard cast the optimistic ghosts a sideways grin. In this new body, they were becoming more confident again. As a whole, finally, the amalgamation felt like they came to an agreement.
“A magician? Me?” They laughed scratching the back of their head at Sun’s compliment. “I guess I can do a lot of things I couldn’t before, huh?”
The possibilities of this new lease on life seemed endless now. With their terrible creator gone, things were looking so much brighter. But then they caught something from the corner of their eye: the familiar shade of Elizabeth looming just far enough away. She didn’t look quite ready to join them with Ennard around.
She couldn’t be angry with them; not right now. She could tell Ennard and her brothers were having fun without her. Defeated, Lizzie turned from the group and pretended to be interested in the way the band packed up the equipment on the stage.
“Deal—” Mari agreed with a peal of bell-like laughter at the thought of being Ennard’s assistant. “—just promise not to really saw me in half! Okay?”
“Oh, they won’t,” Michael both assured and warned with narrowed eyes.
While Michael bonded with his sibling and friends, Monty had noticed Liz meandering over to his side of the stage. Slinging his guitar off for a moment, he crouched down to her level with a wide grin.
“Hey, lil’ lady!” he greeted, tail swaying across the floor with the aftershocks of their enthusiastic performance. “Sooo what’d you think?! Best show you’ve ever seen, right?”
Across the floor, Freddy was finalizing plans with Sam and the others.
“So Gregory and I will stop by your office first thing tomorrow night so we can port over my old profile,” he reiterated to make sure everyone was on the same page. “That way, Freddy can have as much time as possible for a ‘test run…' Does that work for you, superstar?” He glanced down at his son still held loosely in his arms. “You can play with your friends the rest of the night after we complete this task.”
“I'd appreciate it if Freddy 2.0 could run a rudimentary scan on Gregory, too,” Sam interjected. “Just to make sure all his systems are working fine! He’s been offline for a while, after all.”
Sam glanced to Gregory, looking for the okay from the young ward of the Pizzaplex. The boy shrugged, knowing he’d already be helping with the data transfer. It wouldn’t be any trouble to hang around new Freddy and make sure all his child safety features worked.
“That’s fine with me, Sammy,” he confirmed. Then, a bit more shyly, Gregory asked: “So… The Pizzaplex is going to be full of people again soon?”
Sam looked a little surprised. Reading Gregory’s expression made him think the kid was hoping to have the place all to himself for a little while longer. If only Sam could do that for him. But there were bills to pay, parties to throw… Sam couldn’t hold off on his investments anymore.
“Of course. The show has to go on, doesn’t it?” he replied with a gentle understanding. “You still get unlimited access, Gregory. But think of all the friends you’ll make here!”
“Friends can be made at your own pace,” Freddy reassured, seeing the anxiety wash over Gregory’s face like a wave. “But I must admit, it will be wonderful to have the Pizzaplex back in action.”
It’d been far too long since Freddy was able to enjoy his “job” without worrying what was going to happen to his friends when 12 am hit. And with Bonnie back in commission now, as well as the addition of everyone’s favorite pirate fox, the reopening was sure to be a roaring success.
“Hey guys,” Michael said as he stepped over to his little family unit. With a smile, he slung his arms around Charlie and Sammy’s shoulders. “You plotting stuff without me again?”
“Dang, just when we thought that we got rid of you,” Sam remarked with a roll of his eyes, the remnants of his sarcastic teenage self-shining through as he ran off the nostalgic high. 
Charlie laughed at her brother's joke, resting her head against Mike's shoulder with a playful lilt in her voice. “Don't worry Mike, we totally weren't planning on pushing you in the hotel pool later.”
“Oh, fantastic,” Michael griped with a roll of his eyes, then looked to the redhead imploringly. “At least you’re on my side, right, Freddy? You wouldn’t let them plot against me, would you?”
“…I cannot say one way or the other,” Freddy replied cryptically, a playful smile twitching up the corners of his mouth.
“Oh my god…” Michael pressed his hands to the side of his face in mock horror. “I can’t believe they already corrupted you—poor, innocent Fredbear…”
Freddy chuckled and gave Mike’s hair an amiable ruffle. They all knew full well Michael could take a good prank as well as he could dish one out.
“Anyway—” the guard checked his phone before looking to Sam. “—my shift’s almost over, boss-man. Need anything else before I close up for the night?”
Sam relaxed an arm around Michael's shoulder as his friend spoke. Anything that Sam needed could wait until tomorrow; Gregory certainly looked about ready to go back to the hotel for some shut-eye.
“Just do me a favor and get home safe, alright?” Sam asked. “Text me when you get to the hotel. And maybe after your first paychecks we'll see about getting you guys a real place to stay…”
While rent could be plenty expensive, it certainly wasn't as expensive as the nightly room service charges Sam had been getting. 
“We'll definitely text you,” Charlie agreed, eyes widening at the prospect of their little family getting a place of their own. She reached over, quickly hugging her brother with a caring grip around his back and squishing Michael in the embrace by proxy. “Get some sleep before opening, please.”
“Thank you, Sam,” Freddy said as he leaned himself and Gregory into the hug as well.
“Oof—yeah, you’re a real lifesaver when you aren’t crushing me!” Mike remarked, trying to wriggle free. After a moment he was granted a chance to escape, which he’d use to walk to the stage and call up: “Hey everyone, we’re heading out for the night! Say your goodbyes now before Gregory passes out!”
After basking in the attentions of the Glamrocks, Liz stood to the edge of the stage and waved goodbye to Gregory along with the band, who waved and blew kisses to their adoring audience with a dramatic flair. Before the other kids could convince them to do an encore, they came over one by one wishing them a good morning and that they’d all see Gregory and his family tomorrow. Ennard came by to gently pat Gregory’s hair, lifting Mari up to say her own personal goodbyes.
Gregory had once been hard-pressed once to let the animatronics and others wrangle him into hugs—now he’d progressed to the point of allowing the Marionette to nuzzle the side of his head with affection. Farewells complete, they begun for their egress of the building. The sound of that hotel bed was calling his name, and Gregory could no longer refuse sleep as he quietly fell unconscious in Freddy’s arms once more. Another successful, fun night well-spent.
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klugami · 1 year
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The Magic of Love (and also money. A lot of money.)
Painter!Klug and Singer!Amitie go on a carnival date in this one! Because the last carnival date fic I did did so well guys I’m cheating the system.
“Would you stop hovering over the canvas, Amitie?”
Klug shooed away his friend, who’s head basically obscured his work. The two of them had spent quite some time in the empty performance center. Klug was a young man around 16 years
old, as both parties were, and chose to pursue a life of art.
And Amitie? Amitie was one of his childhood friend’s, who chose to become the city’s Premiere Idol. The dream was one that she pursued to the bitter end, even if it meant no success.
Today was the first time she’s got an audience that wasn’t just her old teacher, after all. Even if right now, that audience member is focused more on the chairs.
Klug held up the canvas to compare it to the seats that sat before them. Satisfied, he put the canvas next to him, and let out a relieved sigh. “Whew.. all that’s left is to let the colors dry for the final time, and then it’s off to the museum.”
“Museum?” Amitie asked, confused. The one museum she’s heard of usually only has art exhibits for old pieces. Like, really old pieces! “Why are you going to the Museum, Klug? Do you work there, too?”
Unbelievable, Klug thought! Wasn’t it obvious? He turned his head away from her, unable to bring himself to see such a thoughtless girl. “Couldn’t you gather it yourself? This portrait of a stage audience radiates classical energy! I suppose that children of future generations would wish to look upon it!”
He got up, and spun around, eager to explain. “Oh, to be a world-renowned artist in my time? Well, you want to be a pop-star or whatever it is that you said, you wouldn’t understand, but I wish to become timeless!”
He explained, enthusiastically. “No, I wouldn’t mind being a nobody artist for now.. but to surpass Death itself via immortality in art form? Oh, Amitie.. Amitie, Amitie, Amitie! For such, I would give up my right arm!”
Amitie watched as Klug sat back down. She didn’t really get any of it. “If, uhm, that makes you happy, then I guess that’s fine!” She assured, cluelessly. “But- like, well—“
Amitie tugged at her hat, unsure of what she wanted to say. “Why— no, when is that painting going to be finished?” She asked, forgetting what she wanted to say. “I bet you wanna go back to the Primp District. After all, gotta go back to your job, ahaha!”
The way Amitie acted was strange, but Klug figured this might just be something from the time they spent apart. “Of course I do!” He told her, returning to his usual hard-to-crack manner. “Then you can continue practicing your little dances, and I can do what I have to do! Let’s go, posthaste!”
“Okie Dokie!”
The two walked out the performance center, only to see a crowd of people walking by— so crowded, they could hardly see in front of them. Many chattered about their jobs, while some discussed the latest in the news.
Including that red-haired drill-haired girl from earlier, who ran into Amitie. “Ack!” The redhead yelped, as she stepped back after the impact. “Ow…ow, ow.. sorry about that! I’m in a rush! I’m looking for the source of this di-SAS-trous voice! You know, sounds something like- AHH LALALA?”
Amitie frowned, the sound annoying her. “Well- I don’t think I’ve heard anything like that. Why? Does it matter to you? Are you a police officer like Raffina?” She asked, her eyes swelling with wonder.
“Ando, Ringo! Reporter, rather!” The redhead introduced, holding up a copy of the latest news. “I thought that the song that was sung would’ve led me to some sort of mysterious entity! ‘I don’t believe it!! The Anti-Siren of the Performance Hall!’ What a title, is it not?”
Pouting, Amitie threw her head down. “Aww! I just missed them, then! That would’ve been so cool to see!” She moaned, on the verge of sniffles. “I guess that wouldn’t have helped my show, though.”
Klug read the paper in front of him, and then held Amitie’s head up to have her read it too. “A circus, huh?” He read out loud. “Ringo, what is this about? You don’t think…”
Rolling the paper back up and putting it in her bag, Ringo pointed to her left. “It’s a big spectacle indeed! A carnival came, and there’s a circus that travels with it!” She affirmed. “It’s something everyone looks forward to, and it leaves in the morning tomorrow! If I were you, I’d go there!”
“A carnival! That would be so fun! Klug, do you wanna go, or do you wanna go back to the train?” Amitie asked him, mustering her puppy eyes— she naturally doesn’t have the money for anything, so she’d have to rely on Klug.
Klug stammered, then sputtered, then resigned to his fate. “Ah- I- erhm- that’s a- well see— sure, sure we can go! If that’s what you really want, and if you twist my arm any further it’ll break!” He spat, grabbing Amitie’s wrist. “Ringo! We thank you kindly for the information.”
As the two ran off, Ringo was left in the dust. “Anytime! … and they’re gone…. Maguro! We gotta go look elsewhere!”
While it was advertised as “Seri-nity Circus Comes to Suzuran!!”, it appeared that it came with a carnival. In bright lights read colorful signs, with advertisements. Many rides adorned the place, and you could hardly tell that there was a proper circus in there.
“20 Silver Coins for 20 tickets… 40 silver coins for 50…” Klug read on the paper near the ticket booth. He took a glance at the amusement that surrounds them, then back at Amitie. “How much time are we going to spend here?”
Amitie looked around, and then decided. “I think.. well, I don’t want to hold you up, so let’s just get 50 tickets. A lot of rides are 4, so it’ll be enough for the both of us to get on a few!” She suggested
40 Silver Coins poorer, the two were now free to roam the place… Carnivals actually are a source of nostalgia for Amitie— she went to one with Sig many years ago. Oh, how little they were! How they were given pocket change to go check out all the games, and how she never won the ball toss..
Speaking of which, there are plenty of carnival games— one of which advertised a cute, large plushie of a mascot creature of sorts— some yellow rabbit?
“Oh! Klug, look!” She called, grabbing his arm and pointing. “We should play that— I want to try to win the plushie, isn’t it the cutest thing? I mean, I’m not the best at ring toss!”
Operating the machine was a young man who looked to be having a bit of a nap. After being tapped, he seemed to wake up. “Oh! You’ve caught me in— so, you want to play the ring toss game? That’s a four ticket game!”
As Klug began to hand over the tickets, he made the connection. “Aren’t you the guy who did the work on the— nevermind. Give me the rings.” He cut himself off, as he took the 3 rings, and began to plan out where he was going to throw.
“So, the rules of the game are—“ He stopped to move out of the way as Klug threw one of the rings. “Hey! No— oh, it made it— but! You have to make all three—“ Another ring lands, annoying the game runner. “Would you stop playing for a second so I can explain to you the—“
The third ring lands neatly around a peg.
The gamerunner facepalms in frustration. “You might’ve won this round, young man.. but if you don’t listen, you’ll end up losing an important game! And then you’ll be missing your tickets with nothing to show for it!” He foretold, before signaling for Klug to come closer to the counter, as if to tell a secret.
“And that’s not a good thing to do when you’re courting a lady.” The gamerunner whispered, gesturing towards Amitie, who was trying to reach for the yellow rabbit plush. “Did you bring her with you? You should win some more prizes to make her happy.”
Klug rolled his eyes, and looked at Amitie, as the signal intended. Come here? With her? By technicality, sure, but he wouldn’t go as far to, say, courting. Nevermind that he could easily find himself lost in looking at her, as if she was as captivating as.. Well, still.
He went over to help Amitie with the plush, bringing it down to her delight. “You’re not going to make us play more of these are you?” He asked flatly, not wanting to have no hands to carry with. “Can’t you be normal and come here for what we’ve intended: The circus?”
“Oh! Yes, yes yes yes!” Amitie jumped up and down, holding her plushie tightly. “I want to see how they put on shows in Suzuran! Back when I was younger, well, I guess you remember, but I went to carnivals a lot, but they only rarely had clowns!!”
As she droned on, (“‘Get real!’ I thought!”) The Circus’ big tent came closer and closer, and a sign outside even read “Welcome to the Seri-nity Circus!”
Amitie looked back at Klug, who was following behind her slowly. “It’s 5 silver coins per person!” She told him. “You don’t suppose you have more of them, right? Ahaha…”
Klug wanted to get angry, but couldn’t bother, so he grabbed 10 silver coins and paid when the time came. It was after that, that he got frustrated. “Amitie, if you want to do stuff like this, you should really keep a wallet. I shouldn’t have to pay for you!”
Amitie pressed her fingers together, bashful. “You could say that I’m forgetful!” She giggled, as they went to find a seat as the show was being prepared. It took a while to find the ones that were actually meant for them, but when they did, it had an okay view of the stage.
“Have you been to a circus performance, Klug?” Amitie asked, shortly before the lights cut out.
Klug wanted to answer, but the focus was now on the show— a blue haired girl waved for attention, but when the applause roared through the tent, she meekly held her ears until it dimmed down.
“Attention, please! I— we, we want to thank you all for coming to tonight’s goodbye show!” The blue haired girl announced, smiling. “I am Serilly, but today is about the show.. Ladies and gentlemen..! The first act!”
The sound of rushing water filled the tent, as a splash crashed onto the stage! As the water dissipated, Serilly appeared to have vanished with it! In her place stood a fish— no, a man in a fish costume? No, that’s a fish— a Fish who did fancy tricks, including that of leaping to great heights, aerial flips, and eventually picking up one of the crowd to perform with.
The crowd member seemed very pleased with the fish, as they both did moves that defied logic, to moderate applause! Everyone seemed happy!
“Klug, Klug! It looks like they’re going to— oh! They’re gone!” Amitie reacted, taking hold of Klug’s hand to squeeze in shock and excitement. “What do you think is going to happen next?”
Klug couldn’t keep with Amitie’s excitement, which was impossible to do even on the best of days. He didn’t know what was going to happen next, nor could he make a prediction. The show itself, though, was fun.
“And now..• Serilly called from offstage. “I’d like everyone to meet my latest recruit, if they want to, that is!” While the words sounded sarcastic, her tone felt extremely apologetic, as the next act came on stage, with greetings that sounded calming and elegant.
“Is that Arle?!” Amitie called out, as the actress got atop a round, bouncy ball.
The actress sure sounded like Arle, but one couldn’t see her face. As she rolled atop the ball, she did all sorts of tricks, including that of abandoning the ball, spins, handstands, and more! When she hopped off for good, the ball rolled offstage, as the clown bowed, and waved towards the crowd.
“Please, remain seated as I prepare the rest of the acts!” Serilly requested, as the lights came on.
It was at this time that Klug realized that Amitie was still holding his hand. In his heart, he was screaming at the top of his lungs. But in reality, he scrunched up his face, as if disgusted.
“Do you feel sick?” She frowned, worried. “We can go home if you want to—“
Klug shook his head, as he couldn’t figure out what words to say— how could he?! His mind is invaded with all sorts of terrible thoughts! Terrible, terrible!
Amitie looked at her hand, still grasping onto Klug’s. She decided to let go, not really needing to hold on to it anymore. Quiet! The show begins again.
Serilly is back in center stage, skipping her waves. “Everyone..!” She yelped. “We’re going to have to address a warning..! The audience will get wet, so please turn off your gadgets and doodads!”
After about a few seconds, the audience was doused in water. While everyone was rightfully annoyed, some dared to open their eyes. This glimpse into the sea rewarded them with fascinating, beautiful creatures that could be in the palms of their hands.
As the torrent cleared out, everyone coughed, and sputtered. Klug even got out of his chair to immediately run outdoors, in a panic. “Oh no! No no no! Oh no no no!!” He shrieked, watching his soaked sketchbook lose quality instantly!
Amitie followed, extremely concerned. “Gee, what’s wrong? You seem- oh! Your notebook!” She tried to fan it with her hands, even if the effort was a token one more than anything.
He looked at her with a look of annoyance. “Of course— tch! What a ripoff. The effects were cool, but not at the cost of my art..” He comments as he simply sucked it up and held his notebook out from then on.
“Ooh! Ooh! I know just how to dry it off! We should check out the roller coaster! It goes super high and super fast so it’ll get the wind on your sheets!” Amitie suggested, already practically dragging the poor boy with her.
This time, it was Amitie who paid the 24 tickets for the ride. (must be popular!) The coaster itself looked as though it warped around the whole district! Amitie couldn’t wait— this beats trains, for sure!
“Are you sure this is safe?!” Klug screeched, his fingers anxiously tapping against the guard rail. “My- my- my- my papers! They could fall out! Amitie!”
Amitie helped to hold on to the notebook with one arm, as Klug was too paranoid to focus completely. “I’m pretty sure the death rate of this one is relatively low!” She reassured him, excited for the thing to go off.
In a flash, the thing accelerated. At first, it was dark, with lanterns illuminating the tunnels, before the Steam City was in full view again, but just barely, as they were facing upwards.
Klug was SHAKING in his hat. He could NOT do this?! How was Amitie able to keep calm? This is a terrifying state to be in! He tried to focus on Amitie instead of the fact that he was on his possibly last ride as a mortal, but as the first drop came, he couldn’t focus.
Screaming, crying, there was nothing really enjoyable about the roller coaster. Why would there be? They are AWFUL! And they should not EXIST.
As they got off, Klug stumbled about for a bit of time, before Amitie had to catch him before he hit the ground.. “How embarrassing…” He thought, “Having to be saved by a girl who would trip at any other time..”
Amitie could only giggle, unfaltered by insults. “Well, I guess you want to go back now! We’re running out of tickets! At least I’ve won this cute plushie…. Oh, and it’s a shame that your papers were wet—“
“I think it’s about time we head back to Primp— I don’t think I wish to linger here any longer.” Klug requested. To that, both agreed, with minimal silliness. As such, they went to the train station, with what little money they had.
Ringo (the girl with the newspaper.) was there, seemingly conducting an interview. She saw Klug and Amitie walk over, and was (seemingly) interested in what they did. “Oh, you two! So you’re leaving already? How was the C-A-R-N-I-V-A-L? ♪”
Klug prepared to speak, to say that Amitie had an amazing time, that it was subpar for someone of his intellect, but Amitie spoke first. “It was fun, but Klug here didn’t have so much fun! Thank you for telling us, though! It feels like we got closer!” She grinned, to Klug’s embarrassment.
“Oh! I see. I see…” Ringo said inquisitively. “Hm… Maguro! Get this!”
The purple haired boy pushed the camera closer to the pair’s face. It appears that this one is “Maguro.”
“‘Tenderness! The Carnival is grounds for Love?!’ … mm, that doesn’t sound like a good headline, does it? Well, it seems like a good article, however! Can you tell me your favorite rides? Tell me, tell me, T-E-L-L M-E!!”
Klug frowned, upset at the title. He couldn’t express WHY, since Amitie was just… was… just.. whatever! He grabbed her hand and ran past the two reporters, staring downwards the whole time to avoid contact.
The train hissed, and the two had gotten onboard. It wasn’t too long ago that they'd been on the train, and it would be a while. A perfect opportunity to speak.
“Actually.” Amitie began, turning back to sit properly instead, her face facing towards Klug. “Why.. why DO you paint stuff like exhaust pipes? I know you said you like the idea of immor-lation or whatever, but— why stuff like that?!”
Klug thought about the answer. In his head, it was simple: he enjoyed the way it looked. He liked painting buildings and skies and clock towers. But, such a childish answer— it isn’t right! A wrong answer to a hypothetical question!
“I..I have a vast appreciation for the life I live, and seek to preserve it for the future…” Hemurmured, thinking of an answer. “Yeah.. that sounds about right! You should’ve guessed that, after all!”
Amitie sighed, and continued looking out the window. “I guess… I just thought there might’ve been something of a— well? I don’t know..” She replied sadly. “I think— I was asking more about.. well— uhm..”
Amitie felt tears well up in her little eyes. “Actually, forget it. It’s- it’s all fine! How about we talk about something else? Like- uhm— if we could— hang out again! I missed you! I missed seeing you.. I missed— I missed—“
Friendship is so difficult to maintain. No, Amitie was difficult to maintain. A girl who is so easily cheered up is the same girl who is so easily heartbroken.
What word could he say? What was the right course of action? His mind and his pride were at war, between what he wanted to do and what he wanted to do— they weren’t the same, at all!
His selfish desires had peaked, as he took Amitie’s hands, the act calling for her eyes to lock onto his. “We.. we can go to the restaurant then! If that’s what you want, then, we can go! But! You’ll have to pay!”
Amitie was going to cry. This did NOT make it any better. Forcing a smile, she shut her eyes to blink away tears. “.. yeah! Yeah, that could be fun! Tomorrow!”
She took her hand back to wipe away the remaining tears, but when she finished, she and Klug stared at each other, their eyes thoughtless and wide.
It felt as if the air between them grew thinner, and the train went silent, and if the world became more beautiful.. and more beautiful.. but then, the train halted, which made them practically jump back.
“Primp Station— everyone off!”
As they got off the train, not a word was said until the split in their paths to head home. Even as she walked home, Amitie didn’t know what to think. What COULD she think?
It’s been so long. Quite so long. Even if they’ve been friends for a short time, Amitie remembered the group quite well.
How they would celebrate holidays, and study together. How every time one of them was messed with, the rest came to support them.
All the birthdays they STILL spent, and how Klug stopped showing up after he announced that he would be beginning “the rest of his life!” as he put it.
And, now?
Now he is doing that— he has money! He’s still hotheaded, and he’s still kind of mean, but.. it was.. kind of.. cute? Ohh! She can’t think that! That’s so weird! That’s her friend!
Amitie can’t even imagine the beginning of it, or even if what she thinks is true! No, that’s a lie. She believes wholeheartedly that, at some point, that Klug became ‘cute’, and that means she must feel something.
But feeling stuff is icky! Especially if it’s someone you’ve known for so long! What if she says that?! What if he knew before? Would he have said everything still? Was she acting differently?!
All those times, all those things she did.. the hands, the giggling, the— oh no! She was acting differently! It’s so obvious! It has to be!
Amitie wanted to cry, but she was too old to be crying. Not again. She can’t be so childish, if she’s going to be like this. She knows she has to confront it, even if it’s difficult.
But all she wants is to go back to normalcy.
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sulphurofftheclock · 2 years
I am so mad, I just had an AMAZING dream
The beginning is irrelevant, but by the time I got to this part, I was in a really bad mood. I was tired, I was hungry, and I was this close to throwing a fit.
I was walking with my mom, talking about where to go eat, and she brought up that her and her friend were going to a screening of Turning Red. She asked if I wanted to come.
Of course I said yes. My mood brightened instantly.
I bounced along as we walked down this super long road (it's a real road that leads to a pizza place near where I live), talking to some people who I recognized from school, when we got to the theatre.
I bought myself a ticket at the booth outside, and stepped in.
The lobby was very bright, and had an almost bathhouse water green tint to the ceiling lights. The floors were carpeted, and the entrance to each theatre had a glass entryway.
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Like that.
At this point, an employee was supposed to lead us to our theatre, but I didn't need them.
Because standing in the glass entryway of the theatre in back right corner?
Was 4*Town.
I completely froze.
First and foremost, they were holograms. The looked exactly like how they looked in the movie.
Second, they were posing, moving, whispering to each other, doing things that they never did in the movie. This was entirely new content, new angles, new frames to analyze.
Third, they were beautiful.
Maybe I'm biased, but Jesse was stunning. He had almost a glow to him, I had such a hard time looking away. They were all gorgeous though. I took a couple moments to comprehend what I was looking at.
I yanked my phone out to get pictures, because seriously, how could I not? This was new 4*Town content, and not only did I want it immortalized in my phone's camera role, but I also wanted to share it.
Before I could get any photos, they turned around and walked into the theatre. I followed them, completely abandoning my mom and her friend.
They all disappeared except for Robaire, who walked down this stage that was in front of the screen. I finally got some pictures, and I kid you not thought "tumblr is gonna love these, I'm really out here getting us new content 💪" like I was some kind of content-retrieving hero.
Robaire watched as people filed in, and then he spoke. He said actual words.
I remember thinking, "They really hired Jordan Fisher to speak a few extra lines for this event?"
They turned his hologram off, and I tasked myself with scrolling through the photos I'd just taken to make sure I had usuable ones.
Some music kicked in, but I didn't pay much attention until someone started singing.
I look up, and there's Jordan Fisher.
My mom and her friend were talking very loudly (they'd just found their seats), so I shushed them, because holy shit Jordan Fisher is in front of us and he's singing.
Now, I feel the need to say that this dream was incredibly realistic. This part of the dream took place in the evening, but the whole dream was the length of a day, so to me, it felt like I was just living my life. It was cohesive. Every once and a while I have dreams where, somewhere in the duration, I'll think to myself "I can't believe this is happening to me, I'm so glad I'm not dreaming," and then I wake up and I get really disappointed.
That was pretty much exactly what I was thinking when I looked up and saw Jordan Fisher on that stage. I was baffled that he came to this tiny Turning Red viewing party in my (frankly) small town. I was even more baffled that he was performing.
And the performances went on. First Jordan Fisher, then Ross and Maia did Gotta Be Me from Teen Beach 2, Jennie from Blackpink did a song I'd never heard, and Hop Along, Queen Ansleis did Bruno is Orange.
The whole time, I had my phone out to film. The whole time, I grew more and more excited to watch the actual movie.
I grew more and more excited to see what else was going to be done with the hologram technology they used earlier too. I was disappointed I'd missed out on getting pictures of the other members, so I was hoping they'd be the final act before the movie. After every act, I waited to hear the beginning of Nobody Like U.
And then I woke up. No movie screening. No performances. No new photos of 4*Town.
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scarlet-ancunin · 2 years
OMG can I please have a Desire x Fem Reader, I had this thought that Desire and the rest of their siblings went to this fancy ball in the waking world, and Desire and the reader share a moment dancing and it draws the attention of everyone. like something really full of fluff and romance THank you sooo much, I love your stories
I have the perfect song for this while doing this fic. I really enjoyed this because i have imagines where Desire can have sentimental moments.
Please listen to this while reading: Daylight and the Sun
Warnings: none, gifs shown are their movements but not the outfit they are wearing
Dancing With Desire
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It took some convincing from Y/n and her new friend Death to get Morpheus to come to this elaborate ball in the waking world saying he needed a break. It did sound nice to Morpheus and he decided to treat Lucienne to come along.
Death however, was the only one that knew Y/n was the main part of the elaborate ball. And she was very excited to be a part of this. But, Y/n never told her that she would be asking someone to join her.
Desire and Y/n has been together for some time now, it was a very strong experience for them and you because you both grew to love each other. Sure you both can sometimes feel a strong desire to be close to the other, but that doesn't change the fact that you both made sure the other was okay and that bond and trust grew.
So when you informed Desire first of the ball theybwas thrilled. "I want you to dance with me desire for this one and we can announce it then that we are together" you smiled brightly when they agreed. Since then you and Desire did nothing but practice and each time you did it oddly drew you closer..
As the mortals came in unbeknownst to everyone that immortals was there as well taking the seats with each of their names the shocking part was even destiny was there sitting between Death and Despair, while Morpheus sat between Hobs and Lucienne on the other side bringing him as a surprise for Morpheus. Only Delirium and Destruction was missing.
Desire sat down in the chair beside the empty one being for Y/n. Desire being the way theybwere started trouble with Dream and grins when he glares calming down because Death chuckles rolling her eyes "you two really needy help" she said before telling them to quiet down when you spoke about starting this event with a duet dance.
Everyone's eyes locked on Desire who stood up and walked up the mini steps and towards Y/n taking a light bow before taking her hand when the music slowly started. As the music started you both moved gracefully through the music as if you was one with it
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It was such a meaningful movement that it drew everyone's attention, the siblings were all surprised, Hobs trying not to cry watching them dance. But the passion with each step as Desire twirls you slowly before dipping you and turning slowly before pulling you closer and holding you close. Their eyes widen slightly seeing a single tear run down your cheek he wipes it away gently with the rhythm of the music.
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With each movement both Desire and Y/n felt that same feeling when they was practicing. That drive that longing picked you up spinning you softly placing you down and into dip. As they did this you posed perfectly, back arched slightly, feet pointed and hands posed until you place your hand on their cheek "i love you" you said for only them to hear.
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The siblings was amazed by this "this....is beautiful" Lucienne said Death agreeing with the librarian. Even Morpheus was absorbed into the performance by his younger sibling and his friend. Destiny and Hobs was still in awe watching.
As the song ended doing one final movement before Desire spins you to which you let go spinning still before free falling back. They catch you gracefully dragging you slightly to lay on the floor as they was now over you and leaning down closer to which you both share a passionate kiss "i love you to". The lights dimming on you both when the song ends.
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As the applause erupted around the room people even standing you both left the stage since they made it dark. Once the lights turned on the servers started giving everyone their meals. Desire and Y/n came to the table to which Y/n giggles at all there shocked expression "yea we are dating, for a while now. And it was thebbest decision ever." You said proudly closing your eyes as Desire kissed you on the cheek.
When you both was walking home you spotted a bon fire and Desire followed you there "one more dance Love" you asked to which they agreed "of course my love" this fire represented the burning passion they felt for each other as they grew closer with each dance.
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And there you have it. I have to be honest i enjoyed this one very much I hope you did as well anon and others. I hope i do more of these hehe. Let me know any request you desire~
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m-m--tv · 1 year
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Album cover taken from YoutubeMusic
Background pictures taken from reddit [1] [2] [3]
“It’s our time, we’re different, we like special things | Oh what a good time | I’m good, worrying about me is a waste of time | No reply after reading the DM you sent | That’s my answer (That’s my style)”
(english translation taken from colorcodedlyrics.com)
Ok, so first things first… this is my first album review in a looong long time, how exciting (and intimidating… kinda) ! If i’m not just de-rusting, I guess I am sort of debuting too, albeit today’s feature already debuted and this is another kind of debut for them but yeah you get the point.
Anyways, enough about me, and more about the feature in question, because it’s quite a heavy hitter ! If you’ve paid any attention to kpop lately, you might have heard of IVE – PAKs flying everywhere, broken records all across the board, enough albums sold to build a bridge across the sea and a handful of very strong songs to their name. What a year. Which made I’ve IVE (yeah), their first full-length project (and a full album at that !!!) all the more exciting; I mean, I really don’t consider myself an IVE stan (...yet?), even though I either really liked or LOVED everything they had released so far, but I can’t deny that I was impatiently waiting for April 10th to come – if only because, don’t lie, the thought of one of the leading girl groups of our times releasing their first album after an unbroken until now string of singles would at least slightly pique the interest of anyone. Well, it’s finally here, so what now ?
One of my main questions when this was announced was; just what sound exactly would they go for ? If ELEVEN, LOVE DIVE and After LIKE were all united in being excellent upbeat goodness, I wouldn’t really say they were cohesive sonically. And the answer is… honestly, a little bit of each ! But more precisely, I’ve IVE seems to follow in the girlboss crush (?) footsteps of After LIKE b-side My Satisfaction – somewhat of a surprise, but ultimately quite a pleasant one for sure. I maintain that My Satisfaction far outclassed After LIKE and was very close to being their best song and look at us now
I was actually a bit afraid of what the final result would be at first, especially after hearing the highlight medley. What I had heard was undeniably good, but not necessarily up my alley – to give you an example that stays within the kpop sphere, my heart is usually with the likes of T-ARA’s (immortal banger) Bo Beep Bo Beep. But I thought, well, it’s just a highlight medley… they have not missed so far… people said the songs they performed at the fanmeet were great (someone called NOT YOUR GIRL a Sistar song which DEFINITELY had me listening)… it’s IVE… surely an album tied to these insane concept photos won't miss… let’s wait and see. And I was right !! Because ultimately, I’ve IVE stands as an extremely enjoyable record !
The sound they went for here is very in-line with (what I perceive to be) their chic, elegant, cool girl concept; I’d say for the most part (mostly the b-sides) it’s very soft and never really in-your-face, quite easy to listen to with a nice flow, but at the same time it’s still really cool and commands your attention just by existing and doing it pretty much flawlessly. I’d compare it to silk. It straddles the line between cool and vibey & catchy and engaging perfectly; which I have to give it credit for, because like I said it’s usually really not the type of sound I'm fully into. I also think a lot of songs that go for it can easily fall in the trap of trying to be a ‘soft bop’ so hard that they end up feeling bland / boring / sanitized and turn into the musical equivalent of watching white paint dry. But here, it’s executed perfectly, from the subtle groove of Lips to the spacey synth touches of Cherish and many more. It’s also one more thing that works in the album’s favor, because as it’s located perfectly at those crossroads – for exemple, it’s both music to get ready to for a night out and music to actually live that night out to –, it’s a very versatile album that you’ll be more likely to run back to in different situations, and as such it’s always a strong player no matter where or what.
Part of why it works so well is that even though pretty much every song exists in that sonic universe, with super smooth modern beats and arrangements that feel minimal without ever becoming too sparse, they all have a different enough energy and goal that they try to achieve. You have the funk and playfulness of Lips & Kitsch, the calm and stillness of Cherish & Heroine, the subtle emotions of Mine & Shine With Me, the edgier sounds of Blue Blood, the super boppy joy and sass of NOT YOUR GIRL & I AM, and not only does it differentiates every track while also keeping the experience fresh without ever having to uproot the listener, it also helps the whole package come together into a strong album that at least touches every mark of what a typical album should be. Chill bops, boppier bops, more emotional bops, you have it all with no stark tonal shift; so as a self-contained work, I’ve IVE covers every ground it needs to in order to confidently stand tall while also keeping enough strengths redistributed in certain areas to add just that bit of charm that makes it shine. 
There is sort of an outlier here however, and that is track 7, Hypnosis; one hell of an outlier too, and one that I'm gonna have to give the spotlight to for a bit because whew. From the very beginning with those disorienting and rattling electric synths, you know you’re in for a treat, and the song is quick to confirm that. It’s almost the antithesis of the album, in a way; whereas I’ve IVE is elegant and subtle, Hypnosis is twisted and almost crooked in a way, with dissonants and irregular instruments crawling around the floor of a beat that ultimately proves itself to be SO addictive, contrasting with the soft and dreamy voices of the girls like a solar eclipse. Hypnosis takes the formula of the album and twists it inside out, resulting in this sort of shadow twin that feels like an occult experiment gone wrong in the best possible way. On 1st listen, it reminded me a lot of something I’d hear in the gym of Ecruteak City in Pokemon Gold, mostly because of those electric synths that have a very GameBoy Color quality to them, and god knows that hit me straight in the heart. If you feel bored by I’ve IVE "playing it too safe", then at least try this one, because it’s certainly experimental and genuinely such a great song like oh my god… no subtlety here, just a fever nightmare that won’t let you escape.
…Back to the album now. If this sound palette works so well here, it has to be said, it’s because the production is EXCELLENT. It’s clean, tight, professional and straight to the point, like a shiny, deep-cleaned high end kitchen. Good tools make for great work if used correctly, and the group was armed with nothing but quality here. But what I really like about it, and what lifts I’ve IVE higher, is that it’s littered with a bunch of sparkly flourishes that add the finishing touch to already strong songs. The kazoo in Kitsch, the violin-like strings in the Blue Blood post-chorus, the smooth piano and strings in the background of Cherish, the guitar slowly emerging in Mine for exemple; all are insanely neat little details that add so much to their respective song and truly take them there. In fact, I’d say that they make the softer songs like Lips & Cherish win over their more energetic peers such as I AM & NOT YOUR GIRL because that’s where they’re easier to pick up on and also where they work excellently, making use of the minimal landscapes to place themselves just where they need to and give the songs very pleasant depth – once again, that’s one of the ways in which I’ve IVE avoids the pitfalls of boringness, and that’s by knowing exactly how to mix its ingredients with the perfect amount of pop-up-y flavor to leave a mark. It’s not just “yeah make it as unoffensive as possible” minimalism, it’s minimalism where every little piece is perfectly arranged with the others and completed by that one touch which seals the deal. Their producers did amazing work, for sure, and it gave us such a treat to Listen™ to.
I do wish the songs themselves were a bit longer though – they’re already all pretty much great, but some would still hugely benefit from something like a longer bridge, an actual bridge, a post chorus, another verse… I’m thinking of Blue Blood in particular, it’s a good bop and serves as a great intro but it would blossom so beautifully if it was extended just a bit. Hypnosis also kind of suffers from this, but that one is so impressive that I kind of forget it’s very short lol, yet imagine if it was longer??? The 11-tracks length is perfect because the album doesn’t ever overstay its welcome while also having enough room to expand and do everything it needs to – you can’t take away from I’ve IVE that it’s an extremely concise experience, and that’s sort of a good thing. But I really think that effect would have been kept had the songs been given more time, so it’s a shame that a lot of them are pretty short, usually stopping at around 3 minutes. For all the things I love about it, I guess that’s the big drawback of the streaming era. In that way, it clearly works, because while writing this I went through the album like twice and I didn’t intend to do so at all but I just didn’t notice that it was looped lol, so here are the extra streams in question – but part of that does lie in the fact that like I said, I’ve IVE is an easy listen.
For a first full-length album, I’ve IVE was definitely a great start. It’s very approachable and appeals to a wide audience, but it’s not satisfied by just doing the bare minimum and sacrificing all individuality to reach as many people as possible. Instead, the album pulls out the tricks it has up its sleeve at perfect times to climb up to the next levels on this flawless model walk it’s taking – all without ever breaking a sweat. You can tell there was effort put into this and that they weren’t just like “oh yeah who cares this will sell anyways”. I’ve IVE invites the audience to get into its groove very smoothly, but it never babies them or insults their intelligence by giving them pleasing mind-numbness, instead opting to serve precisely-crafted offerings with that ‘connoisseur’ feel that they know will be genuinely appreciated. The end result is without a doubt a high quality product. Even if IVE’s concept is a match-made in heaven with the sound of the album – i honestly think this was the perfect road to take for them –, it’s still one that any group would be honored to have to its name. They landed on the ground strutting, and wherever it goes from there, this stop has not shown a single sign of wavering flames; if anything, they’re only getting higher thanks to a perpetually-refined craft.
Hypnosis 9.5
Next Page 9.5
Shine With Me 9.4
Cherish 9.3
Lips 9.2
Blue Blood 9.2
Kitsch 9.2
I AM 9.2
Mine 9.1
Heroine 8.8
Note: 9.3
Average: 9.2
…Now about me and this blog… as you know, this is my very first review, so this feels relevant to say here, but I’ll admit – allow me to be a bit dramatic – this is kind of a scary experience ?? I really don’t know what I’m doing and I’m still trying to tune this into something with a nice structure and good commentary and a strong footing that I don’t think I have found yet and I don’t even know if I’m just gonna lose interest after a week or keep it running for a month or two or a year who knows??? Certainly not me. So yeah it’s a bit shaky for now. But I guess I'll just keep walking until I get the hang of things ? (I haven’t even figured out Tumblr yet😭) So… until then, look forward to it !! (and I promise i won’t be pesky like that every single time lol, keep watching and you’ll see!)
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voice-of-anarchy · 1 year
ARCH ENEMY's MICHAEL AMOTT Pays Tribute To DARK ANGEL's JIM DURKIN: 'Nicest Guy In Thrash? I Think So'
ARCH ENEMY's Michael Amott has paid tribute to DARK ANGEL guitarist Jim Durkin, who died this past Wednesday (March 8) at the age of 58.
Earlier today (Saturday, March 11),Amott took to his Instagram to share a photo of Durkin, and he included the following message: "Nicest guy in Thrash? I think so… I have fond memories of hanging with Jim and his lovely wife Annie. Food and (much needed) showers at their house during the slightly rough-and-tumble days of ARCH ENEMY tours back in the early 2000's. He had a big heart, that's for sure.
"One night after an LA show he stormed backstage and excitedly told us he'd had a lengthy conversation with John Sykes, a guitarist we both admired, on the balcony while we played. How cool.
"Jim always remained a fan, a kind and humble dude with a great taste in Metal music and guitar.
"58 is way too young to go.
"Thanks for the mighty DARK ANGEL, and most of all for being you! Safe travels Jim! "
Jim's passing was confirmed by his wife Annie on his Facebook page on Friday (March 10). She wrote: "With a broken and heavy heart, I want to share that the love of my life, my best friend and husband, Jimmy, passed away Wednesday morning. He was not alone as I was with him along with a few close friends until the end. He will be truly missed and no one can ever replace the love I have for him. May he rest in peace.
"Ever Thine, Ever Mine, Ever Ours……. My Immortal Beloved. I will see you again."
A short time later, DARK ANGEL also issued a statement on Durkin's passing, writing: "We in the DARK ANGEL Family are deeply saddened and crushed today with the news of our brother and founder Jimmy Durkin passing away Wednesday morning.
"We would like to thank his fans for their continuous loyalty and support. We will come out with a full statement very soon. We ask that you please respect the family's privacy while we mourn the loss of this great man."
An original member of DARK ANGEL, Durkin played on the band's first three albums — 1985's "We Have Arrived", 1986's "Darkness Descends" and 1989's "Leave Scars" — before departing the group in 1989. He was part of DARK ANGEL's lineup when the band reformed in 2013, and had been playing with them ever since.
Durkin had been sitting out some of DARK ANGEL's recent gigs. He was replaced at the shows by drummer Gene Hoglan's wife Laura Christine.
DARK ANGEL, which has been touring intermittently since reforming a decade ago, is scheduled to perform its legendary album "Darkness Descends" in its entirety at three special concerts next month at the Teragram Ballroom in Los Angeles, California.
For much of the last few years, Durkin and his bandmates had been working on material for a new studio album.
DARK ANGEL's first CD since 1991's "Time Does Not Heal" was supposed to feature the lineup that has performed sporadic live shows since reuniting in 2013: Hoglan, Durkin, Eric Meyer (guitar),Ron Rinehart (vocals) and Michael Gonzalez (bass).
In February 2022, Hoglan said during a Twitch livestream from his home that he and his DARK ANGEL bandmates were "in the process" of making a new album. "I have a lot of work ahead of me, and so does Jim Durkin," Gene said. "He's been sending over songs, riffs, stuff like that, [which has been] super exciting. We're all of the same mindset of making this just the most absolutely kick-ass DARK ANGEL record that we can."
DARK ANGEL released two albums with Don Doty on vocals — the aforementioned "We Have Arrived" and "Darkness Descends" — before he exited the group and was replaced by Rinehart (after a brief stint with Jim Drabos in 1987). The band issued two more studio LPs — "Leave Scars" and "Time Does Not Heal" — before calling it quits in 1992.
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billconrad · 2 months
The Title is Everything
     A title tells the reader, viewer, or listener what they will encounter, but it is also the first line of marketing. “Shogun” is bold, simple, mysterious, and telling. It begs a reader to open the book. “Star Wars” is overwhelming, scientific, and poignant. Perhaps the best movie title. “Thriller” is sexy, scary, and intelligent. It may be the best song title of all time.
    Sometimes, the title is the only thing going for a book. Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey are astounding titles hiding awful works. The Road is a splendid book with a mediocre title. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is the perfect title for the perfect book.
    How do I come up with my book titles? My first step is to list the appropriate words. For example, I would research nautical and water terms if the book is about a ship. A thesaurus is helpful in this area. Next, I will list action, related, and exciting words. Now, I spend a few days connecting them and brainstorming. Remember, there are no wrong answers at this stage. A fantastic resource with existing book titles and title generators like:
    I stop when I have approximately 100 titles because any more would be redundant. I made preliminary titles for my first book, Interviewing Immortality, about a 500-year-old woman (Grace) who forces a disgraced author to interview her.
Surviving Grace Finding Grace Saving Grace Stepping Towards Immortality Grace the Immortal Interviewing an Immortal Experiencing Immortality Gruesome Grace Guts and Grace Recording the Harvest Selected Selected for Harvest You Will Do Gracefully Immortal
A Graceful Interview A Step Towards Immortality (obscure song with this title) A Grave Misfortune Deadly Biography The Author and the Immortal The Forever Interview Authoring Immortality The Immortal Grace Forever Grace (book with this title) Biography of an Immortal (book and article with this title) Learning to be Immortal A Step Toward Immortality How to Interview an Immortal (I liked the movie How to Train Your Dragon)
    The next step is to search the titles for existing works. (You can see the results on my above list.) I eliminate it if I find another work with that exact title or a near miss. Note: A book titled, “Interviewing for Immortality” came out after I published.
    Next, I put all my titles into Excel in a single column. (Alright, truth. I am such a geek that I started my crazy process in Excel, but I wanted to sound cool by using the word “list.”) Then, I add two more columns with follow-on titles in the same theme. Why am I thinking about future junk? How about “The Last Dance.” How can you follow that? “The Last Dance Two” “The Last-Last Dance” “Last Dance the Next Generation” Lame.
    Locating titles of other works and doing the future title process limits the choices to around ten. We must pick one (and the following books in the series).
    Remember during the decision process that the title is the most essential advertising tool. This means it should be bold, exciting, sexy, daunting, and, most of all, intriguing. Should it contain a bit of humor or a pun? Perhaps. Should it be misspelled? “The Wrekked Ship.” Should it be tropical to gain maximum buzz? “The Weakest Link in Dieting” Errrr, I would avoid those two practices.
    When I am convinced I have enough strong titles, I rank them as Low, Med, or High. Of course, you can use a scale of 1-5, A-F, or Yes/No. I also share my titles with friends and ask for feedback. As I am narrowing down my list, I sometimes (out of earshot) verbally criticize the title. I find some exciting inspiration there. Ultimately, the title I settle on is the least objectionable.
    Why don’t I try to fall in love with a title? Love is an emotional response, and the love for the title will come later. My process is to treat the title as a business with employees. Either an employee performs, or they get fired. Marketing is cutthroat.
    For my first book, I settled on Interviewing Immortality, followed by Finding Immortality and Saving Immortality (in editing). I believe the word “immortality” is bold and transitions into different titles, yet it is not overused in other titles.
     Will my series succeed? Only time will tell. (I made an immortality joke.)
    You’re the best -Bill
    March 16, 2024
    Hey book lovers, I published four. Please check them out:
    Interviewing Immortality. A dramatic first-person psychological thriller that weaves a tale of intrigue, suspense, and self-confrontation.
    Pushed to the Edge of Survival. A drama, romance, and science fiction story about two unlikely people surviving a shipwreck and living with the consequences.
    Cable Ties. A slow-burn political thriller that reflects the realities of modern intelligence, law enforcement, department cooperation, and international politics.
    Saving Immortality. Continuing in the first-person psychological thriller genre, James Kimble searches for his former captor to answer his life’s questions.
    These books are available in soft-cover on Amazon and eBook format everywhere.
0 notes
thomacrumbs · 3 years
vincit qui se vincit.
various boys (albedo, diluc, aether, xiao, childe, gorou, kazuha, thoma) x gn! reader. fantasy! au. blurbs, mostly fluff. nouns used: sorcerer (childe) & witch (kazuha) w/ gender neutral pronouns. ♡s & ↻s appreciated!
notes: i brainrotted. i was listening to joy's album while writing this ^^
the great alchemist albedo is just a myth, or so people think. cursed to live forever as a spirit bound to a teapot by a witch, he sits, bored out of his mind, on the shelves of a dingy antique shop. until one day, against the warnings of the antique shop owner, who warns of bad luck & misfortune, you purchase the quaint teapot & rescues him from his prison. he clatters menacingly on your countertop, only to be ignored by you for days on end before you finally lift the lid off the teapot, releasing his spirit into the realm of the living (its not as bad as it sounds. he is neither threatening nor scary). he doesn't have the heart to tell the human he's grown quite fond of that he's slowly disappearing.
diluc ragvindr.
the ludi harpstum is a festival of wine & song, celebrating the long history of the city of mondstadt, filled with games & song. this year, it seems like the knights of favonius has gone all out with their preparations, even calling in the famed circus of performers that has travelled every corner of teyvat, wowing people with daring flips mid-air, disappearing limbs & tight-rope on the thinnest of threads. the music & laughter of children is so loud that you could hear it from the windows of the dawn winery. an unwilling diluc is dragged against his will to at least view the once in a lifetime circus act, only to be charmed by the cute magic performer who winks at him from the stage as poker cards fly into the air. suddenly he finds himself going to bed thinking about them and wakes up in cold sweat wanting to talk to them. but, the ludi harpstum is only 15 days, can he catch you before you slip through his fingers?
yeah. maybe you shouldn't have tried to summon a guardian angel, but to be fair your friend put you up to this. now this blonde biblically inaccurate angel is bound to you by contract, and you have another headache to worry about alongside your minimum wage job, messy apartment and the neighbour from next door who keeps taking your flour. not to mention his constant rambling about his sister who you've unceremoniously torn him away from, and suddenly you're repeating this entire ritual, because you cannot say no to those eyes (and maybe you did want to impress him, what about it?) it didn't work, but he doesn't seem that peeved, especially when he settles on your bed after you've fallen into deep sleep, pressing a kiss to your forehead and affectionally calling you cute. he is your guardian angel, at the end of the day.
you're the famed dragon rider in the skies of liyue. the winner of several races, competitions & illustrated celebrity in the devoted dragon owner scene. afterall, you ride the only remaining off-spring of morax, a gift from the emperor himself. you boast that no one else could tame your dragon except for you, and for a long while, this seems true. it blows curling flames at anyone who dares come close & curls it spiked tail protectively around you to ward off any unsavoury people. that is, until an unknown melody that carries over the wind calls your dragon down from the skies, and suddenly you are hurtling through the skies at insane speeds.
he came to liyue for one reason only (two, actually, but morax is dead now, so no boxing him), to challenge the great sorcerer branded by the archons. he's heard about their miracles from a young age, the ability to call down thunder from the skies, resurrecting the dead, moving the entire earth with a simple flick. the only obstacle in his way is that this sorcerer is near unidentifiable, with not even a name to put to a face. imagine his shock when the very sorcerer saves him from certain death, and he finds out they're not an old man hobbling around with a cane, but a young person around his age. oops can't fight if you're too distracted by how good your opponent looks. damn they look good kicking my ass i should do this more often.
his dog has had enough of his single shit, crying into an empty bowl of icecream after watching the notebook, wailing about how he "wishes that were him". the animal whisperer who likes hanging around the local dog park is very surprised when they hear a yapping dog bark that his owner needs a significant other stat, he's desperate and alone, applications open please help my mess of an owner. but hey, you aren't complaining, he's pretty cute, and you find it cute that he tries to stop his tail from wagging whenever he sees you.
kazuha kaedehara.
from a young age, he's heard of the immortal witch that hides in their cottage in the thick of the dark forest nears the borders of inazuma. and nothing stops him from pounding on the door of the run down cottage, not even the animate vines that snap at him and trees that uproot themselves to stop him from advancing further. afterall, an immortal being must know the answer to bringing back someone from the dead, right? he near sobs when they tell him that it's impossible, the dead have to stay dead. he doesn't understand at first, but the witch is kinder than he expected, helping him through the memories, painful & happy. but he doesn't miss the flit of pain behind their eyes whenever he talks about losing someone, afterall, time is cruel to all.
thoma thinks he's being seduced. afterall, isn't that what sirens do? sing of a pretty future, the numbers to win the future lottery. even though thoma has never won the lottery with their numbers, he stills himself entranced & walks down to the beach everyday to listen to them talk & sing, sitting on the edge of the rock as cold water clashes with his temperature that naturally runs high. finally, he gets the courage to confront them- he doesn't want to fall in love because of magic, that's not right. only to be met with a confused look, you're a half human half mermaid, not a siren. thoma fucking dies of embarrassment when he realises that he was simply in love all along.
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genshin-obsessed · 3 years
Masterlist | Men
Hello hello! Here is my masterlist for all my fics! I’ll update it as I go, so whenever I post a new fic it’ll show up here, so feel free to check back often! Banners are made by me; the characters were taken off google though! They’re basic, but you love them because it has your husband on it.
Masterlist for the women - HERE
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You Get Injured! - You get injured on the job, what’s his reaction?
Proposals! - How he proposes to you!
You Die! - You die in front of him, how does he handle it?
When You Cry - How he comforts you when he sees you crying.
Spending Valentine’s Day with Him - How he handles Valentine’s day!
The Chase - You were so close to your destination, but then he caught you.
Lupical - You and Aether finally meet Razor’s lupical!
Immortal - He has no idea you’re immortal, not until he sees a spear through your torso!
Taste of Pocky - You have a crush on him and he returns your feelings. You two play the pocky game to “confess”.
Sleepless in Teyvat - You have insomnia. How does your boyfriend help you?
Older Sibling!Reader - You’re their older sibling. What’s your relationship like?
Otherworldly - You’re a demon from another world, what’s your relationship like?
Kisses - Steamy makeout with Aether (Male!Reader)
Cuddles - How he cuddles you
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Where He Likes to Kiss You -  He loves kissing you! But what’s their favorite spot?
When Someone Flirts with You - Someone’s bothering you and he comes to your rescue!
You Get Injured! - You get injured on the job, what’s his reaction?
Proposals! - How he proposes to you!
You Die! - You die in front of him, how does he handle it?
When You Cry - How he comforts you when he sees you crying.
Spending Valentine’s Day with Him - How he handles Valentine’s day!
Voice - You’re extremely shy and never talk. This makes him him think you’re mute, but what’s his reaction when he hears you speak for the first time?
Witty - You’re so shy and non confrontational, your boyfriend isn’t ready for when you fight back with words!
Come Home To Me - You were supposed to be gone on a simple commission, something that would’ve taken only a day. So, what happened and why aren’t you home?
sister!Reader hcs - How do your big brothers handle you?
Captive - One day he snapped and now he won’t let you go. So there’s only one way for you to be free | YANDERE WARNING
Family - You and Kaeya get into such a bad argument you break up. Shortly after, you find out you’re pregnant and during the winter festival in Mondstat you take your child for a visit. You didn’t expect to run into Kaeya again though.
Sleepless in Teyvat - You have insomnia. How does your boyfriend help you?
Birthday Gift - It’ s Kaeya’s birthday and you’re planning on confessing!
Pretty Poison - Your friend is in love with your boyfriend and someone taunts her, giving her a poison dagger to take you out.
Harbinger!Reader hcs - How does your relationship fare with you being the Fatui Harbinger?
Sweet Crimson Blood - He’s a vampire who doesn’t like to drink blood often. Unfortunately, that leads him to lose control and your blood just smells so sweet, he can’t help it.
Happy Birthday - It’s your birthday! How does your man help you celebrate it?
Otherworldly - You’re a demon from another world, what’s your relationship like?
Motherly - You work at an orphanage where the children have taken to calling you mom. Well, your boyfriend overhears today.
Manipulation - Toxin (my oc) has turned you against your boyfriend and demands you kill him or yourself. 
Signora!Reader - He reacts to you, Signora 2.0.
Sleeping (y/n) - He reacts to you passing out from exhaustion. At least you’re finally getting some rest.
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Where He Likes to Kiss You -  He loves kissing you! But what’s their favorite spot?
When Someone Flirts with You - Someone’s bothering you and he comes to your rescue!
You Get Injured! - You get injured on the job, what’s his reaction?
Proposals! - How he proposes to you!
You Die! - You die in front of him, how does he handle it?
When You Cry - How he comforts you when he sees you crying.
Spending Valentine’s Day with Him - How he handles Valentine’s day!
The God Who Fell in Love - Venti’s known you for a while but you’ve never met him. He somehow fell in love but the only way he can express it is writing a song which manages to find its way to you.
Playful - You’re his playful girlfriend! How well does he handle it?
Voice - You’re extremely shy and never talk. This makes him him think you’re mute, but what’s his reaction when he hears you speak for the first time?
Melancholy - He knew that you would be leaving him one day... yet he still fell in love. That doesn’t mean you’re going to stay.
Captive - One day he snapped and now he won’t let you go. So there’s only one way for you to be free | YANDERE WARNING
Witty - You’re so shy and non confrontational, your boyfriend isn’t ready for when you fight back with words
Habits - You have a habit of randomly playing with your hair and outfit. You have no idea how much he adores it.
Immortal - He has no idea you’re immortal, not until he sees a spear through your torso!
Together - He knew that you would be leaving him one day, yet he still fell in love. This time, he won’t give up and he won’t let you leave him.
Taste of Pocky - You have a crush on him and he returns your feelings. You two play the pocky game to “confess”.
Zhongli x Reader x Venti - Relationship hcs 
Sleepless in Teyvat - You have insomnia. How does your boyfriend help you?
Susceptible - You’re emotionally sensitive and he didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. So here’s his attempt at making it up.
The Accident - He accidentally hurts you with his powers. How does he make it up? What’s the aftermath?
Naivete - Venti dealing with you, his extremely naive partner.
Softest of Skins - How he reacts to your super soft skin.
Cuddles - How he cuddles you
Motherly - You’re more like a mother than girlfriend since he’s a bit childish.
Comfort - How Venti comforts you.
Missing - You get kidnapped on your way to your date.
Only Yours - Summary: No matter what Venti does, he can never forget you. So every day, he reminds you that he’s yours for eternity.
Sleeping (y/n) - He reacts to you passing out from exhaustion. At least you’re finally getting some rest.
Broken Flower - Venti belonged to you, until Lumine came into the picture. After slowly drifting apart, you find yourself in danger and he’s not there to save you.
Wisps - Venti sees you playing with wind wisps one day and can’t help but want to join!
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Where He Likes to Kiss You -  He loves kissing you! But what’s their favorite spot?
When Someone Flirts with You - Someone’s bothering you and he comes to your rescue!
You Get Injured! - You get injured on the job, what’s his reaction?
You Die! - You die in front of him, how does he handle it?
Proposals! - How he proposes to you!
When You Cry - How he comforts you when he sees you crying.
Spending Valentine’s Day with Him - How he handles Valentine’s day!
Cute - You and Diluc see a couple of performers and you make a comment. You definitely didn’t expect what he replied with.
Harbinger!Diluc x Reader - Diluc as a harbinger
Come Home To Me - You were supposed to be gone on a simple commission, something that would’ve taken only a day. So, what happened and why aren’t you home?
Meant To Be - He asks you for help raising a child that looks a lot like you two and keeps calling you mommy and daddy.
sister!Reader hcs - How do your big brothers handle you?
Captive - One day he snapped and now he won’t let you go. So there’s only one way for you to be free | YANDERE WARNING
Witty - You’re so shy and non confrontational, your boyfriend isn’t ready for when you fight back with words
Immortal - He has no idea you’re immortal, not until he sees a spear through your torso!
Sleepless in Teyvat - You have insomnia. How does your boyfriend help you?
Poisoned by Toxin - Toxin attempts to poison you, how does your boyfriend save you?
Rescue You - No matter what Diluc does, he can’t keep you safe. Now you’ve been taken and he won’t stop until he has you back in his arms.
Too Late - He’s been your best friend for years and you’ve never had the heart to confess. After taking a fatal hit in battle, you can’t help but confess.
Pretty Poison - Your friend is in love with your boyfriend and someone taunts her, giving her a poison dagger to take you out.
Harbinger!Reader hcs - How does your relationship fare with you being the Fatui Harbinger?
Susceptible - You’re emotionally sensitive and he didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. So here’s his attempt at making it up.
Happy Birthday - It’s your birthday! How does your man help you celebrate it?
Otherworldly - You’re a demon from another world, what’s your relationship like?
Manipulation - Toxin (my oc) has turned you against your boyfriend and demands you kill him or yourself.
Anxiety - He helps you through your anxiety attacks.
Softest of Skins - How he reacts to your super soft skin.
Signora!Reader - He reacts to you, Signora 2.0.
Sleeping (y/n) - He reacts to you passing out from exhaustion. At least you’re finally getting some rest.
Act of “Mercy” - You’ve always felt insecure next to your amazing boyfriend and Toxin finally takes advantage of it. She offers you a way out, a cure to all your problems.
Kabedon - He kabedons you.
Don’t Need You - You and Diluc had a wonderful relationship, until she came along. Now, he’s forgotten you.
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Where He Likes to Kiss You -  He loves kissing you! But what’s their favorite spot?
When Someone Flirts with You - Someone’s bothering you and he comes to your rescue!
Spending Valentine’s Day with Him - How he handles Valentine’s day!
You Get Injured! - You get injured on the job, what’s his reaction?
Proposals! - How he proposes to you! 
You Die! - You die in front of him, how does he handle it?
Lupical - You and Aether finally meet Razor’s lupical!
Taste of Pocky - You have a crush on him and he returns your feelings. You two play the pocky game to “confess”.
Sleepless in Teyvat - You have insomnia. How does your boyfriend help you?
Harbinger!Reader hcs - How does your relationship fare with you being the Fatui Harbinger?
Older Sibling!Reader - You’re their older sibling. What’s your relationship like?
The Accident - He accidentally hurts you with his powers. How does he make it up? What’s the aftermath?
Cuddles - How he cuddles you
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Where He Likes to Kiss You -  He loves kissing you! But what’s their favorite spot?
When Someone Flirts with You - Someone’s bothering you and he comes to your rescue!
You Get Injured! - You get injured on the job, what’s his reaction?
Proposals! - How he proposes to you!
You Die! - You die in front of him, how does he handle it?
When You Cry - How he comforts you when he sees you crying.
Spending Valentine’s Day with Him - How he handles Valentine’s day!
Flowers - You want to go collect qingxin flowers with Xiao, but he’s worried because of the height at which they grow.
Serenade - He finds out you can sing! What’s his reaction?
Captive - One day he snapped and now he won’t let you go. So there’s only one way for you to be free | YANDERE WARNING
Poisoned by Toxin - Toxin attempts to poison you, how does your boyfriend save you?
Something New - You and Xiao have been together for two years, but it doesn’t feel like it, ever since Lumine came along. You finally decide it’s over since he’s found something new.
Follow You - Xiao doesn’t realize he’s in love, but he does know that he wants you to stay safe. 
Harbinger!Reader hcs - How does your relationship fare with you being the Fatui Harbinger?
Happy Birthday - It’s your birthday! How does your man help you celebrate it?
Relationship Hcs - What’s it like dating Xiao?
Softest of Skins - How he reacts to your super soft skin.
Follow You - A girl who’s in love with your boyfriend spreads lies about you, hoping he’ll leave you for her. But he trusts you no matter what.
For All Eternity - Xiao pledges himself to you for eternity, swearing that he’ll follow you anywhere you go. Even in your next life.
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Where He Likes to Kiss You -  He loves kissing you! But what’s their favorite spot?
When Someone Flirts with You - Someone’s bothering you and he comes to your rescue!
You Get Injured! - You get injured on the job, what’s his reaction?
Proposals! - How he proposes to you!
You Die! - You die in front of him, how does he handle it?
Spending Valentine’s Day with Him - How he handles Valentine’s day!
Kisses -  You and Xingqiu are really good friends and you were 100% he didn’t reciprocate your romantic feelings, but turns out, you were wrong.
Playful - You’re his playful girlfriend! How well does he handle it?
Voice - You’re extremely shy and never talk. This makes him him think you’re mute, but what’s his reaction when he hears you speak for the first time?
Picnic Confessions - You’re best friends with Xiangling and Xingqiu’s best friend’s with Chongyun. Both Xiangling and Chongyun realize you and Xingqiu are in love with each other, but you two just won’t confess. So they decide to help.
Follow You - A girl who’s in love with your boyfriend spreads lies about you, hoping he’ll leave you for her. But he trusts you no matter what.
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When Someone Flirts with You - Someone’s bothering you and he comes to your rescue!
You Get Injured! - You get injured on the job, what’s his reaction? 
Proposals! - How he proposes to you!
You Die! - You die in front of him, how does he handle it?
When You Cry - How he comforts you when he sees you crying.
Spending Valentine’s Day with Him - How he handles Valentine’s day!
Serenade - He finds out you can sing! What’s his reaction?
Melancholy - He knew that you would be leaving him one day... yet he still fell in love. That doesn’t mean you’re going to stay.
Meant To Be - He asks you for help raising a child that looks a lot like you two and keeps calling you mommy and daddy.
Habits - You have a habit of randomly playing with your hair and outfit. You have no idea how much he adores it.
Together - He knew that you would be leaving him one day, yet he still fell in love. This time, he won’t give up and he won’t let you leave him.
Hold on to me - Childe takes you on an iceskating date... you can’t iceskate. 
Lumine x Reader x Childe - Relationship hcs
Cooking Date - Childe and Lumine cook Liyue dishes for you, but also fight over you.
Poisoned by Toxin - Toxin attempts to poison you, how does your boyfriend save you?
Too Late - He’s been your best friend for years and you’ve never had the heart to confess. After taking a fatal hit in battle, you can’t help but confess.
Fearless - Childe and Lumine found out you’ve been kidnapped. They tear apart every single camp until they find you... but you don’t need them.
Pretty Poison - Your friend is in love with your boyfriend and someone taunts her, giving her a poison dagger to take you out.
Ultimatum - He was so careful, he was always safe, checking to see if he was being followed. But they found you and now they demanded you be killed... by him?
Happy Birthday - It’s your birthday! How does your man help you celebrate it?
Teasing - Teucer teases Childe about his relationship with you.
Otherworldly - You’re a demon from another world, what’s your relationship like?
Motherly - You work at an orphanage where the children have taken to calling you mom. Well, your boyfriend overhears today.
Softest of Skins - How he reacts to your super soft skin.
7th Sense - He can tell your in danger and thankfully, he gets there just in time to save you.
Signora!Reader - He reacts to you, Signora 2.0.
Sleeping (y/n) - He reacts to you passing out from exhaustion. At least you’re finally getting some rest.
Kabedon - He kabedons you.
Crazy and Sweet - One minute you’re overly motherly, the next you’re a blood thirsty monster.
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Where He Likes to Kiss You -  He loves kissing you! But what’s their favorite spot? 
When Someone Flirts with You - Someone’s bothering you and he comes to your rescue!
You Get Injured! - You get injured on the job, what’s his reaction?
Proposals! - How he proposes to you! 
When You Cry - How he comforts you when he sees you crying.
Spending Valentine’s Day with Him - How he handles Valentine’s day!
Voice - You’re extremely shy and never talk. This makes him him think you’re mute, but what’s his reaction when he hears you speak for the first time? 
Witty - You’re so shy and non confrontational, your boyfriend isn’t ready for when you fight back with words
Habits - You have a habit of randomly playing with your hair and outfit. You have no idea how much he adores it.
Zhongli x Reader x Venti - Relationship hcs
Insecurity - Zhongli attracts attention every time you two go out. You can’t handle it anymore and he finds you as you fall apart.
Poisoned by Toxin - Toxin attempts to poison you, how does your boyfriend save you?
Zhongli x Reader x Lumine - Relationship hcs
Too Late - He’s been your best friend for years and you’ve never had the heart to confess. After taking a fatal hit in battle, you can’t help but confess.
Pretty Poison - Your friend is in love with your boyfriend and someone taunts her, giving her a poison dagger to take you out.
Sweet Crimson Blood - He’s a vampire who doesn’t like to drink blood often. Unfortunately, that leads him to lose control and your blood just smells so sweet, he can’t help it.
Save You - You’ve trapped yourself inside your mind and you don’t want to let anyone in. Well, Zhongli won’t let you do that to yourself.
Changes - You and Lumine just don’t seem to be Zhongli’s type since he’s so proper and all. Well, apparently, you’ve rubbed off on him.
My Dragon - You’ve been curious about Zhongli’s dragon form and he finally shows you.
My (f/n) - Zhongli loves and cherishes you above all else. One day, you’re snatched away from him and the world turns black for him. Yet somehow, a thousand years later, he sees you again.
7th Sense - He can tell your in danger and thankfully, he gets there just in time to save you.
Celebration - It’s Zhongli birthday and you just found out. Now you have to plan a celebration for him!
Act of “Mercy” - You’ve always felt insecure next to your amazing boyfriend and Toxin finally takes advantage of it. She offers you a way out, a cure to all your problems.
Kabedon - He kabedons you.
Crazy and Sweet - One minute you’re overly motherly, the next you’re a blood thirsty monster. 
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Ultimatum - He was so careful, he was always safe, checking to see if he was being followed. But they found you and now they demanded you be killed... by him?
Chocolates - After being in love with Scaramouche for as long as you have, you decide to confess. Terrified, you offer him some chocolates, all in hopes you might make an impression on him.
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Ice Cream Kisses - Chongyun takes you on a cute little ice cream date!
The Accident - He accidentally hurts you with his powers. How does he make it up? What’s the aftermath?
Jealousy - You spend a little too much time with Razor and Chongyun can’t help but get jealous.
Spending Valentine’s Day with Him - How he handles Valentine’s day!
When You Cry - How he comforts you when he sees you crying.
Spending Valentine’s Day with Him - How he handles Valentine’s day!
Act of “Mercy” - You’ve always felt insecure next to your amazing boyfriend and Toxin finally takes advantage of it. She offers you a way out, a cure to all your problems.
Kabedon - He kabedons you.
Lumine x Reader x Childe - Relationship hcs
Zhongli x Reader x Venti - Relationship hcs
Cooking Date - Childe and Lumine cook Liyue dishes for you, but also fight over you.
Zhongli x Reader x Lumine - Relationship hcs
Fearless - Childe and Lumine found out you’ve been kidnapped. They tear apart every single camp until they find you... but you don’t need them.
Changes - You and Lumine just don’t seem to be Zhongli’s type since he’s so proper and all. Well, apparently, you’ve rubbed off on him.
Sibling Reader for Diona & Klee
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alittlebitmaybe · 3 years
comme un écho
AKA whoops i talked to @yoursummerfrost about orpheus and eurydice and then tripped and fell on this very weird ficlet that is only sort of what i meant it to be. uh oh. (title lifted from “it’s never over (oh orpheus)” by arcade fire because i’m incredibly literal sometimes)
warnings: off-screen major character death
The mage had told him to perform the ritual in a field of wildflowers.
“Plenty of life,” she said.
Jaskier had asked, “For what?”
“To feed it,” she said, and did not elaborate.
And as he follows her instructions, surrounded by blooming weeds and swaying grasses, he sees that she was right. As the herbs and other unmentionables in the bowl burn, scorching the wooden sides, the green around him darkens to black. He feels the magic tugging at his energy and resists it. The ruin spreads from his epicenter, cursing the very dirt on which he kneels. A slow but inexorable exchange, and Jaskier thinks it fair. Geralt had watered the earth with his blood and now the earth must give back.
“You’re out of your depth, bard,” the mage had said as he turned to leave, her lips pursed. Was she amused or disapproving? Jaskier didn’t care, nor, he suspected, did she. Her pockets were full, and his own empty.
He hefted the lute higher on his back, clutched at the strap across his chest.
“And yet,” he said.
“He will not come easily,” she said.
“He never did,” Jaskier replied.
The flame in the bowl burns out with a flare of noxious smoke that stings Jaskier’s eyes, makes him cough. The world hums. It’s a tune of his own, as of yet unsung, plucked from his consciousness. It reaches out to him and burrows under his skin. Pulling. He follows it.
Between two gnarled, ancient trees, in the arch of their overlapping branches (Which belongs to which? Where does one stop and the other begin? If one was broken, would the other suffer for it?) the air shimmers.
The tune fades and in its place is a whisper saying, Come.
The stairs spiral downward for hours, days. Jaskier’s legs do not ache and he does not hunger, but it is ever so quiet. He takes the lute from his back and plays every song he’s ever composed in Geralt’s honor. Maybe Geralt can hear them. Maybe he will know Jaskier is on his way.
“Get ready, Witcher,” Jaskier says to the darkness. “Gather your underworldly things. You won’t be coming back any time soon. I can promise you that.”
And he says, “I’m sorry that you were alone. I’m sorry that I was too late.”
And he says, when the darkness presses upon him, when it seems the stairs will never end, “I don’t know when I began to love you, but it has been long enough that I don’t know how not to.”
And he says, “I’ve done this for you. You deserve to have a better life. You deserve to live.”
And he takes one more step and trips, for there is no stair where he expected there to be one. He taps the toe of his boot against the ground. It’s solid. He lifts his hand in front of his own face and it is invisible. There is no breeze, no sound, no smells, no light. There’s nothing down here.
In the face of such vastness, Jaskier is insignificant. He is nothing. You are nothing. You are less than a flea clinging to the fur of a great beast. You will be mine. You will become a part of me. You will cease. You will be forgotten.
“Hold on now,” Jaskier says, head whipping around. “Who’s there?”
I am everything that has been. I await everything that is. I anticipate what will be. I am.
“You’re Death,” Jaskier realizes, perhaps belatedly.
There is no such thing. I have no name. I have no need of it.
“That’s okay,” Jaskier says. “I don’t give a rat’s arse who or what you are.” His heart thumps arrhythmically, and sweat drips from his brow. He swipes it off on his sleeve. He is far under water. His lungs fill. He ignores it, swallows. Throws back his shoulders. “I’m here for Geralt of Rivia.”
There is no Geralt of Rivia.
You are insolent.
“I’ve been told.”
You will be mine.
“Perhaps.” Jaskier licks his lips, an unbreakable habit. “But I will live on.”
You will not.
He laughs a little, despite himself, a nervous little giggle that he stifles as quickly as he can, clearing his throat. “On the contrary, I am an artist. I shan’t die as long as my art lives. And art does not die.”
Art? Art is not living. I have no use of it.
“Exactly,” he says. “Yes, precisely. It does not live or die. It simply is. Whatever you—whatever you are, being of, ah, all-ness…or what have you—whatever you are, whatever comprises you, you have none of art. You have no music, no stories, none at all. You will always lack it.”
There is a thoughtful pause.
I desire it.
“I can give it to you. Did you hear? I played my whole way down.”
I heard.
“Did you enjoy it? Three words or less.”
It was pleasing.
Jaskier exhales. “That’s actually a decent review, as these things go. I’m glad. I mean, would you like more? I could write you a song. Got a decent hand at improv, me. Won’t take a moment.”
A song. For me?
“Yes,” Jaskier promises, feeling the weight of it as it passes over his tongue, “a song, only for you. I shall never play it again. Well, um, on one condition.”
You want Geralt of Rivia.
“Oh, you were paying attention. Smart one, you are, Your…um, Majesty.”
I can retrieve him. If I am careful. He is me. I am him.
“Truly, I understand. His loss, for me, was…” Jaskier struggles for adequate words. “Irreconcilable. But you will always have the memory of your song to take his place.”
You sang of him.
“I do. Rather habitually. Every day of my life, in fact.”
“You sound like him already. So, whaddaya say?”
Play for me.
He plays, and every note that vibrates out from his lute, every note that leaves his mouth disappears from his mind. It is absorbed from him upon conception. He doesn’t know what the last measure was, nor what the next will be. He does not know what key or time signature his song is in, but he knows it’s a song. And that is all he promised.
It ends, and Jaskier does not notice. Possibly his jaw hangs open stupidly for minutes after it is over. He closes it.
“Was, um, was that…”
Yes. I will give you your reward.
“You will?” Jaskier asks, surprised despite himself.
I will release Geralt of Rivia, for you have given me something in return. And I will regain him, as I will gain you. We will meet again, bard.
“I—How do—”
You will walk forward. You will ascend, and he will follow. Until he emerges above, he is still a part of me. You may not look upon him, as you may not look upon me. You must not look back.
“How will I know he is there?”
He will follow.
“How will I know it is him?”
You must have faith.
“How—” Jaskier chokes now, tears welling up. He is glad no one can see. “Will he be—himself?”
Entirely. Once he emerges.
“Thank you,” Jaskier whispers.
It is time. Walk forward. In three paces, you shall begin to ascend. Be well, bard.
Jaskier climbs. The stairs remember his tread, the shape of his feet. It’s easy.
There are footsteps behind him. Are they Geralt’s? Do they match the way he shifts his weight, the deliberate heel-toe steps that Jaskier has been hearing for decades? He’s not sure.
Jaskier is afraid. More afraid than ever before. There could be anything back there. Anything at all. He must not look.
But he is not forbidden to talk.
“Geralt?” he says, tentatively. “Geralt, is that you?”
A grunt. “It’s me, Jaskier.”
And it is, thank the gods, it is. “Sounds like you,” he says, voice carefully measured, lest he sob in relief.
Silence. Four, five more stairs. They will not end. When will they end?
“How’ve you been, Witcher? It’s good to hear you again, my friend.”
“Where are we?”
“Well, who’s to say,” Jaskier says lightly. “Tell me, what do you last remember?”
“Bleeding out in a forest. I couldn’t get up. I waited to die. I…died. I died, didn’t I, Jaskier?”
Jaskier chooses to take that as rhetorical, and does not answer.
“Anything else?”
“Not until now. Is this a dream?”
“To my knowledge, no, Geralt, it is not. I pray that this is not a dream.”
“Then where—?”
Jaskier picks up his foot, sets it down. One stair at a time. There have been hundreds, there will be more. Is that light above? No, a trick of his eyes. He is still blind.
“Not to worry. We’ll soon be outside. It’s a beautiful day, you know. Big blue sky. Everything in bloom. Your favorite time of the year. We’ll have to do some foraging, stock up for potions. I have your things, of course, but I don’t know the shelf life of your concoctions.”
“A quarter year.”
“Ah, might have to make fresh, then.”
But no, it is growing brighter. Jaskier can see the faint silhouettes of his hands, the edges of the stairs to come. If he were to turn back he might be able to see the gleam of Geralt’s eyes, but he mustn’t.
Why mustn’t he? Oh, yes, the warning. He—can’t look back. He must not—
“Jaskier,” Geralt says again. “I’m dead.”
“You are, Geralt, yes, is that what you would like to hear?” Jaskier says, a little hysterically. “But you won’t be for much longer, if we just keep going.”
“Where are you taking me?”
“Where? Where?” His pitch climbs with the staircase. Around and around. Dizzying. So many circles. “Above, Geralt. Back home, of course.”
Jaskier has to stop himself from whirling around. “Good gods, you ask me why? I follow you for decades, I immortalize you in song, and the witcher asks me why.” He draws in a great lungful of air, releases it. “I love you, you great idiot. I have loved you.”
The response comes, so softly, a mere rumble, “I know. That’s why I asked.”
The stairs are made of warped stone. He can see that now. They are well worn, dipping in the centers. It can’t be far. “Please, Geralt, we’re almost there.”
“You haven’t answered me. Why you would do this.”
“I was supposed to let you rot, huh? I was meant to live on as if it was fine? As if nothing was missing?”
“Yes,” says Geralt. “You didn’t ask me if I wanted to come back.”
“Of course you did. Of course you do.”
“I don’t,” says Geralt.
Jaskier stops, and behind him the second set of footsteps also halts.
“It was peaceful. It was my time.”
“It wasn’t,” Jaskier whispers. “Don’t tell me that.”
“Look at me.”
“I can’t.”
There is a touch to the small of his back, a gust of air across the nape of his neck. So familiar. He aches.
“Jaskier.” A strong hand closes around his wrist. He doesn’t look down at it, not even a glance. “The world doesn’t need me anymore.”
“What about the monsters? The wars?”
“There is Yennefer, and Ciri, and Eskel and the rest. There will always be someone.”
With dread creeping through his limbs, Jaskier says, “You’re telling me you don’t want to come back. Is that right?”
He can almost hear the creaking of the intertwined, ancient trees above. It is just a few more steps.
“You can’t tell me that, not when I—”
Arms come around him, and he shuts his eyes. “Jaskier, I would rather have done what I have done and no more, than continue on and overstay my welcome. I would rather have my peace.”
“What if I need you?” Jaskier breathes.
“I am with you.”
“You weren’t.”
Geralt’s hand comes to rest over his heart. It is not cold nor hot through Jaskier’s doublet. It simply isn’t much of anything at all. There, but insubstantial. It trails its way up his jaw, traces over his bottom lip. “You forget,” Geralt says, “that I am in your words. That I will live on. Isn’t that what you said? Art does not die.”
“You heard.”
“I must have.”
“That’s not fair.” Jaskier sniffles, knowing full well he sounds like a child. “I came all this way. I have always followed you. What am I supposed to do now?”
“Whatever you wish.”
“I will sing of you until I can’t any longer, to anyone who will listen, and to many who will not.”
A smile, pressed to his ear. “I can think of no better way to be loved.”
Something nags at Jaskier, and he can’t say what. He is surrounded by a body he knows as well as his own, yet it’s not right. Why?
The body releases him. It says, “Look at me, Jaskier. That’s all you have to do.”
“You’re not Geralt, are you,” he says with trepidation, eyes still squeezed tight. “Are you? Don’t lie.”
He breathes in. Opens his eyes. Grips the lute strap in both hands. Turns.
Silvered hair, sad golden eyes, a sharp nose, wispy around the edges.
“Geralt,” he whispers, reaching out even as the form dissipates. Called back to the bottom of the stairwell.
“Thank you, Jaskier,” it says, and then it is gone.
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bookofmirth · 3 years
Hi! I’m an Elriel, but I have a totally legitimate question that I’m hoping you’ll clear up for me!
So if you don’t think Gwyn is a lightsinger (which I’m pretty sure you don’t and that’s totally your prerogative), why do you think Sarah invests so much time and specific, descriptive language into depicting Gwyn a certain way and especially when she’s singing? Just that there’s mentions of Nesta feeling entranced, of Gwyn glowing (which is repeated a bunch) etc.
Is it just that you think Gwyn has autumn court powers, or that she really is just THAT good at singing 😅?
Looking forward to reading your answer, thanks for taking the time!
Hi! Sorry this took a few days, I knew I was going to write a long response and I was doing a readathon last weekend. 🥰 Also I hope the fandom isn’t getting you down. 😬
Short answer - Nesta really likes music and most of the main characters glow at some point in the series. Sometimes we can read the story at face value, especially since sjm tends to use the same metaphors and descriptions across multiple contexts. Occam’s razor tells us that the simplest explanation of things is usually the right one, and I think that really needs to be applied to a lot of the readings of this series because sjm is Not That Deep.
Longer answer:
I think the Nesta and Gwyn singing thing is easily explained by the fact that Nesta stans music in general. It’s something huge that we learned about her in acosf - she used music in much the same way that she used alcohol and sex, and if you listen to a choir or chanting irl, it’s mesmerizing. It’s beautiful. The main difference re: music, alcohol, and sex, is that Nesta has always loved music (and dancing) and so that’s why the gift Cassian got her was so great. It was personal to her as a character.
Here are some examples of Nesta’s connection to music (in multiple contexts, not just in relation to Gwyn) (also the word music is used 81 times):
Sex, music, and drink she’d learned this past year - all of it helped.
That thing deep in Nesta stirred, but she ignored it, pushed it down as best she could without the distraction of music or sex or wine.
“Yes,” Elain said. “She was trained in dance from a very young age. She loves it, and music. Not in the way I enjoy a waltz or gavotte, but in the way that performers make an art of it. Nesta could bring an entire ballroom to a halt when she danced with someone.”
But what Feyre does with paint, that’s what Nesta did with music and dance.
(Nesta to Gwyn) “It’s a long story, and not one worth telling, but through it all, I picked taverns and pleasure halls to frequent because of the music. I’ve always loved music.”
(same scene) “The drinking, the males, I don’t miss any of it. But the music... that I miss.”
And then Gwyn invites Nesta to come listen to the singing. Occam’s razor = Gwyn saw that her friend was in pain and missed something that she loved, and offered her a chance to experience it again. It’s after this that Nesta ends up unintentionally scrying to find the harp, and it makes sense that music is what would help her with that because she uses it to forget her anxieties (see: the first two quotes above).
I was going to do a full meta on the use of the word “glow” in acosf, but when I did a search in my ebook it came up 64 times 💀 Some examples, and I tried to vary the uses I found:
immortal glow radiating from Elain’s fair skin
Amren’s eyes glowed, a remnant of the power that once burned inside her
Rhys’s violet eyes glowed
his siphons glowing
Gwyn’s hair seemed to glow brighter with her song
“do you know that your eyes glow when your power rises to the surface?” (Cassian to Nesta)
Elain had been glowing the next morning
Gwyn lowered her hands, noted the lack of glowing power in Nesta’s eyes, and sighed in relief.
And inch by inch, fresh steel glowed - truly glowed, like moonlight lay within the metal
Her eyes practically glowed in the dimness (Nesta)
No grey fire glowed in her eyes (also Nesta)
His grin was brighter than the glowing siphon (Cassian)
One small lantern glowed, faintly illuminating
Nesta seemed to glow with the attention
Eris’ eyes gleamed with wanton desire, as he drank in Nesta’s smile, the glow about her
And as a side note, in acowar (I believe? someone correct me if I’m wrong) Lucien’s hair is also described as glowing when he gets upset. I think it’s when he and Feyre are escaping the Spring Court.
Another side note, Feyre, Nesta, and Elain are all described as glowing during and after sex.
So what I get from this, in this mini meta, is that “glow” is used in two ways: 
to show that something is going on with fae powers, 
or as literal description of light
While yes, Gwyn is described as glowing, the word is used most often to describe Nesta’s eyes glowing, although Lucien, Rhys, Amren, Elain, Cassian, and Feyre all glow at some point as well, and more than once. That alone points to it being maybe about fae power, but if we were to say that Gwyn glowing = lightsinger, then what does it mean when all these other characters glow? 
Occam’s razor = Nesta is super into music, nearly all the characters glow when their powers are acting up.
The idea of lightsingers is cool, especially if it were used to complement or contrast shadowsingers. But then their description in acosf is.... creepy af. And there isn’t any description of glowing (or singing!) as being inherent to their power. I don’t think anyone has ever suggested that Azriel, as a shadowsinger, tortures his victims with... song? Or lures them with song? 
My main thing with analysis of certain words or phrases is that they need to be applied across the board. If we’re going to say that use of a word is super important in one context, then it should be looked at in all contexts. That’s when it becomes a theme, and so looking at the word (or phrase, or idea) across contexts can tell us what the theme is. For example, discussion of Az’s shadows should include every instance of them being described for the full picture to emerge. I think there are other examples that make people think Gwyn is a lightsinger but glowing and music aren’t enough because when looking at the broader context and use of those words 1) there is way more evidence to show that Nesta was being influenced not by Gwyn’s “power” but more by her own preference for music, and 2) If we’re going to say glowing is a lightsinger thing then almost everyone in the books is a lightsinger.
I hope this makes sense! Sorry this got long, I like to cover all my bases. 
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lovesanmotion · 3 years
yandere!fanboy!ateez reacts: s/o writing a song about them
This is: requested | I guess....the yandere!ateez as fanboys are a success from what I can see. I only uploaded them without thinking. Also, don’t hesitate to blow up my request box! I’m jobless like Hongjoong, Yeosang and Wooyoung. Also, to the sender who requested this, thank you so much for appreciating my blog and writing! 
Lyrics I placed in order:  Love Battery - LOONA (Immortal Songs)  Shadow - F(x)  Going Crazy - Secret Jieun ft. BAP Yongguk Peekaboo - Red Velvet Shampoo - After School Babe - Hyuna Into You - Yuri Love Foolish - TWICE 
“Even if you are not handsome, I like it. Even if you’re not buff, I like it. You are just for me, to me, you are the best.” 
Hongjoong stood among the crowd with a foolish smile painted on his lips. His hands placed on top of his chest as he listens to your new song that you are performing at your comeback concert. 
“Hold me one more time. Hold me tightly until I burst. Love’s effect must be fading. I need you.” 
A soft sigh escapes his lips dramatically. Lovestuck as he watches the love of his life sing a song about him and how she constantly needed his touch or else she’d die from his lack of attention on her. 
“Fill me with love. Love battery has drained. I can’t live without you, I really can’t live without you. You are my battery.” 
He clutches his chest tightly, his heart beating loudly inside. He didn’t cared how wild the others were cheering for your comeback stage, all that matters to him is that this song was made for him. Just for him. Normally he would promote your songs by requesting them on radio stations, but he hesitated on the idea of promoting it. This was his song. And only he gets the full rights to enjoy it. The others are just listening to it, he thought that you were kind enough to let everyone hear the song you made especially for him. 
“To me, you are everything. I like you so much, I totally like you. My only love, there’s no other, my love. You are the best.” 
As the comeback concert ended, everyone inside the concert hall talked about how your comeback song is a hit and promised to get you another music show win. The others gushed how you must be in love that you wrote a song about affection. 
Hongjoong could only chuckle to himself as he walks out of the venue, hands filled with your individual merchandise and a wallet almost empty after emptying the shelves of your concert goods. 
“Stupid fools think that the song is for them when in fact the song is about me. Me! Only me! Why would Y/N ever notice all of you when a whole me exists?” Hongjoong thought to himself as he walked alone late that night. 
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“Everyday, I secretly chase after your footsteps. I’m always careful so you won’t notice. No one says it but our date has started, our own date.” 
Click click! Seonghwa focuses his camera on a different angle before taking another shot of you. Click click! 
“Where are you going? Step by step, I follow you. Without a word you lead me. Step by step, did you notice me? I have nowhere to hide anymore.” 
Yesterday, Starlight made a comeback and today, they are performing their comeback song at a radio station. For this comeback, Starlight’s Y/N participated in the song writing, having been credited two songs in the mini album. She partook writing the comeback song! 
“When the sun rises, I walk in sync and together with you. I am really really into you. When the moon rises, you fall asleep in my arms. I really really like you.” 
Seonghwa’s parents had been praising him for landing a wonderful job in the corporate world. When in reality, he was only hired by a fellow sasaeng that gave him much flexible work hours so he could still manage to slip out of his work and follow your every footstep in the country or out. He was being paid fairly well even when all he did was just to follow you around.
“Day by day, we resemble each other more and more. Your laughter and tears, I know it all. Don’t be scared, were a fate tied by the sun, its our destiny to be together.” 
As the performance ended, the girls sat back down on their seats and the interview rolled in. Fansites can only hang outside of the studio, and of course, Seonghwa is up close, nearest to Y/N. 
“Congratulations to Starlight! This is their third comeback and the song is really catchy!” The MC remarked. 
“It’s sounds like a summer song! I heard Y/N took part in the production?” The second MC asked, the cameras then turned to face Y/N. Y/N who was flustered, nodded her head. “Yes” 
“Can you tell us the story behind the song? Your fans are dying to know the meaning behind such a good song.” The first MC says. 
Y/N held the microphone in her head, smiling, she explained: “This is a true to life song. I made a song about a guy who was really handsome and captured my heart. We were always going in the same direction and one time, his hand brushed into mine. And I felt so happy by the small connection.” Y/N chuckles. 
When Seonghwa heard about it, he lowered his camera and stared at Y/N. The song was about him. He remembered how he would spend his vacant period at work to follow Y/N when they were shooting an ad around Namsan because of the newly built skywalk. His hand brushed on hers when they were buying food at the convenient store. Seonghwa was so moved by the explanation that he felt like his feelings grew more for you. 
“My sunshine likes getting attention. My attention. That’s right, my sunshine, bathe in my attention only. ” 
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“It’s not love, this isn’t love. It’s just your obsession. Wherever, Whatever I do. It’s frightening. The you who watches me.”
Yunho watched as Y/N practices for her upcoming comeback stage at The Show next week. He admired how she dare approached a bold and mature comeback. And he was so happy to see this new side of his girl. However, he felt like he needed to be more protective of her since she was going for a more risque concept. 
“Have you gone crazy? Why are you like this? Please just leave me alone now. Seeing you is suffocating. Please disappear from my sight.” 
Yunho stood behind the cameras as he watches Y/N and the featured artist practice. He heard a few staffs make a comment about how the featured artist looks like him. And maybe how you might’ve fallen in love with him. Yunho’s feeling swelled when he heard of those comments. In fact, he was so happy that he heard it from them. But you on the other hand, why do you still deny your feelings for him? Why was it so hard for you to be up front and honest with what you feel? Is it because he works as your manager? You’re in the same company as he is? And that you kept insisting to be professional? At this point, Yunho would resign if that was the case. If he can’t have you because of his line of work, he would be more than pleased to resign and be in your arms everyday. 
“Get lost. Just back off. I really can’t breathe. Wherever I go, wherever I am. It’s frightening. The you who follows me.” 
Yunho managed to lift the debts off his family. After paying the debts, he was able to even buy a new home for them around Gangnam area. His parents hesitated on the idea at first since owning a land in Gangnam costs way more than renting, Yunho told them not to worry. Not to worry since he is being paid royalty in his job. After that, he was able to spoil you with luxurious gifts and live with you in your apartment. More like forced himself into your home. 
“This ain’t right, this isn’t love. It just hurts me, don’t be like this. I loved you. But I don’t now. Erase me from your memory.” 
And when the song was released, Yunho was all up for promoting it. He made everyone he know listen to the song in various streaming platforms and watch the MV as well. Whether you would like it or not, Yunho is here to stay in your life. Permanently. 
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“Peekaboo! This is new, is this love? All my friends yell at me, they say I have a problem. I’m fine fine fine fine fine fine.” 
A small painted Yeosang lips as his eyes followed you on stage. He watched you as you danced in a tight red dress. That was his gift for you last Christmas to be exact. The designer brand didn’t really put it out for sale. They only made one and had it up for auction. It was a dress that accentuated your curves and complimented your skin. Yeosang won the auction and had it included in your next comeback. 
“Tag you’re it! It’ll be fun! I’ll include you here. Til the moon hangs on the jungle gym, let’s play” 
Since Yeosang is someone who holds a high position in the company, he made a proposal to be your sponsor. At first, your members didn’t like the idea since sponsors have a bad reputation attached to it. But you were naive and still proceeded with the sponsorship. You thought it would go bad, but Yeosang made you feel comfortable in his home and gave you all the fame that you wanted. Never did he once ask anything that was against your morals. 
“Peekaboo! It’s strange, you’re different. I stop this game and I look at you again. I’m not a fraid, because I just felt that a new story will begin” 
Your members were still cautious about Yeosang orbitting around you. There was something about him that they could not lay a finger on. Scared that they would find their contracts terminated the following day. But seeing you happy, they felt like they needed to stop. As long as you are happy, they are happy. Yeosang included. 
“Don’t worry, my love. You’re safe with me. Anyone who accuses you will come to me first.” 
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It was 9pm when you made a surprise V live alone in the recording room of your company building. San was actually nearby, he was hid inside the convenient store where he bumped into you before. 
“Hello everyone! Have you all eaten? I missed you alot.” He watches his Y/N pout in the screen. His heart raced a bit, 
“I ate already, my love. Don’t worry.” San responds, as if it was only him that you were talking to. 
“I made a new song and I’m in the recording room. Apparently, I was given permission to spoil the song for you!” Y/N happily takes her phone and draws it closer to the company phone of where she is doing her live. 
“I wanna be shampoo Trickling down your hair I wanna embrace you With my strong fragrance  I will wrap around your entire body With white foam  So even the mirrors can’t see you I will cover you  So no one can have you You won’t ever get rid of my scent” 
“That’s all the spoil for now.” Y/N stops the recording and turns the camera to her face again. She leaned her face closer and read a few comments about how would the fans think. 
“What is your inspiration behind this song?” She read aloud. She leaned back in her seat with her lips pursed. “In all honesty, I met a male fan last week. I actually bumped into him and I was able to smell his perfume and...” Y/N paused. “He smelled so good that...was it possible to fall in love just by smelling their perfume?” Y/N chuckles softly. 
San had his eyes wide. The song was about him. He felt like bursting from his seat but he refrained himself from doing so. 
“I hope he isn’t a weird fan. I also have a fan who constantly bothers me even at the late hours. It’s bothering me. And I hope the person stops soon.” Y/N said. Double jackpot! He got mentioned twice by you. He couldn’t wait until the song releases, he was already booking train station platforms in honor for the release of your song. 
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Was it possible to fall in love with just a touch? Ever since the incident at the Incheon Airport, your company has become stricter and hired more bodyguards when it comes to outside activities. From what you heard, VS Media is even rewriting their rules when it comes to fan and idol gift giving. 
“Come on, let me play some more. Why treat babies gently, I cannot count on you, my age. You’ve walked in any magic. I am the one for you. Everyday I wake up. This is mine.” 
Ever since the incident at the airport, you slightly became uncomfortable with the idea of leaving the dorm. Despite your feelings, rest assured that your members were always there for you. 
“I am not sleeping today. I remember my eyes. I’m not sleeping.”
It’s been a month since you stepped foot inside the airport again, things were going okay. You were able to walk inside and through the gates without any problem. The fans still following your footsteps, you tried to loosen up yourself a bit - smiling and waving at them. Nothing could go wrong. 
Until, you saw a figure from your peripheral vision. You turned your head to take a look, but no one was there. Strange. As you and your group were able to board the plane, you took a seat near the window and pulled out your lyrics notebook. Flipping through the pages, you stopped at an unfinished work. The unfinished work is your solo song used as an outro for Starlight’s upcoming full album. 
“Babe babe babe in your eyes. Babe babe babe in your hand. My appearance is babe babe babe babe. I want to hear it again.”
“Are you writing a song?” You were startled with the question. You turned your head and didn’t noticed how a man with a mask and cap sat besides you already. 
“Yes I am” You spoke softly. “Can I read it?” the man besides you asked. 
You hesitantly gave him the notebook, the man took it and read through the lyrics. 
“I like how you composed the song. It’s still in its raw form too. You’re a genius.” The man complimented. You smiled and thanked him for the compliment. The next thing you knew shocked you. 
The man placed a hand on your knee, his other free hand removed his mask and cap. Song Mingi. At that moment, you couldn’t process what was happening. All you knew was that your mind kept telling you to tell at least your members. But your body started heating up at his touch. 
“Did you miss me?” 
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Wooyoung had disguised himself as the photographer for your album. The night before it came, he worked on creating his fake ID and borrowed a spare camera to use for the production. 
“At that smile that sees my eyes. For me, the whole world is bathed in light. Hold my hands and I close my eyes. I hope this time stops here.”
Wooyoung’s breath almost took away as he saw you in black under shorts and wrinkled and almost unbuttoned white button down. He didn’t know what the concept was but his eyes were already feasting on your body, not ever feeling full. 
“Fall in love more deeply, you and I. Let’s fall in deeply, you and I together. The one thing that I want. You seep into me, you spread inside of me.” 
“Ms Y/N taking the bold move of doing her first sexy concept.” Y/N’s manager teased her. Wooyoung knew everyone who was on set. Him, Y/N, Y/N’s manager, stylist, make up artist and a few production crew that wasn’t part of VS Media. 
“What’s the story behind this concept?” Y/N’s manager asked, Wooyoung could only stare in awe at Y/N. Never did he see this side of her. He always knew of Y/N as the sweet and bubbly girl in soft concepts. But of course, Wooyoung love to break the types. 
“I actually like to search my name on the internet. And I came across fanfics of myself.” Y/N chuckles. Oh that sweet sound that made Wooyoung’s heart beat fast. The audio recorders can never outdo it. 
“There is a certain blog that possibly does a lot. That blog posts photos of me, writes fanfics and posts my schedules too. He’s doing god works for my other fans.” Y/N chuckles. As the production of the photoshoot started, Wooyoung did his best to capture the real beauty of this side of Y/N. 
“What a hardworking fan. What’s the name of the blog?” 
Wooyoung’s eyes widens as he heard the name of his blog. His blog inspired you to make a song....about him? 
“Filling my whole heart. With you, I feel my heart. Fall in love more deeply, you and I. Let’s fall in deeply, you and I together.” 
“The way that person writes really amazes me. I’d like to get to know the person.” Y/N explains. His mind fell into a spiral. Part of him wanted the song to be released already but there was also a part of him that wanted the song to be released for him only. 
“Wish will soon become tomorrow. Today is more heart fluttering than yesterday. I want to go together with you. Closer to the place where my dream reaches.”
The bonus thing about what Wooyoung did today is that as a photographer, he was able to keep some of the photos. Running away even with some. 
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Jongho fell in line for the release of your album. He was actually second in line as he was actually camping outside of the building of your company. 
“Everyday I called out your name, about a thousand times, about ten million times Before you finally heard it Cut and rewind, why can’t you be mine? Ooh the one who spins my head like this It’s you, just running running running around you  My repeatedly-midnight promise  I don’t know what to do”
Jongho, who had his arms crossed over his chest, looked up and down to turn around where that song was coming from. He hasn’t heard of this song but he knew that was your voice.
“Crazy love!  I love you, love you, hate, foolish Crazy love!  I love you Make me feel so high Love!  I love you, love you, hate, foolish Crazy love!  I hate you Make me so bad It’s weird, the more I fall for you I’m sorry, I’ll hate you I don’t know, I can’t explain this I’m trapped in a labyrinth of strange emotions”
The whole room was adorned with your own merchandise and on the TV display was actually an MV of your b side. Jongho took a basket and grabbed a handful of your limited and regular version of your albums, along with a packet of your photocards and a griptok. 
As he was in line to pay for his orders, in which his basket was filled as he actually bought more of your items. You made a sudden appearance into the room. For Jongho, he felt as if the room got brighter when you suddenly stepped inside. When it was his turn to pay for his items, the people behind the counter were amazed at how many he was able to fit into his basket. 
Tapping his feet impatiently, he wanted to be able to greet you before you left the room. When his bag was handed to him, he immediately took it and sped walk towards your direction, talking to a few. 
He felt as if the gods were with him. As he drew closer to you, the ones you were talking to left and it just you and him now. 
“Hello Y/N!” Jongho greeted. You turned to him happily. “Hello!” 
“I really really like this song of yours!” He gushed happily. “Can you tell me about it?” 
You nodded happily. “The song is actually about someone who makes me feel happy, the idea of love in a dangerous way? The idea send me thrills.” You chuckled. Jongho felt ecstatic. Beyond the moon even. You wrote a song about him! 
That afternoon when he got home, he made sure that everyone in Seoul would be able to hear the song that you made. It was for him so he had full brag rights to do so. 
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It’s soft anon again ♥️ I am in the mood to HURT tonight can I get some geraskier or eskel/jasiker breaking up and then finding each other again and falling back in love? ♥️
Hey... sooo... it’s not exactly “tonight” anymore... but I did finally get around to this...
5 months later
I also didn’t exactly follow the prompt to a T but it’s Jaskier/Eskel and there’s a bad fight and a hopeful ending? I hope you like it <3 <3 <3 <3
It hurt.
It hurt so fucking much.
Jaskier had always questioned it when people claimed that their mental anguish could manifest physically but now, sitting on the floor of his room, he could feel the ache in his chest. He hadn’t known he could miss someone as much as he did in that moment, but he was convinced that losing a limb would be less jarring.
And that's what he was feeling, the phantom pain of losing the man whom he thought he would live the rest of his days with. The man he loved more than he thought was possible.
But he had fucked up.
Jaskier hadn’t thought that… well honestly, he just hadn’t thought. He acted, like so many times before, without thinking, and this time it really bit him in the ass.
He had assumed, and you know what they say about that, that Eskel would appreciate the song. He knew how Eskel felt about the Curse of the Black Sun, how much he resented the treatment of those girls. It was a tragedy but Jaskier had made sure not to write it like one, instead focusing on the crime of not treating those poor girls like they deserved. It was meant to be a song for Eskel to remember her by. Or at least, for him to remember what she could have been. Should have been.
That wasn’t how Eskel had taken it.
Jaskier knew that Diedre still haunted Eskel’s memories, that he regretted how the situation played out. He wished that he had been better, done better. Protected her before the damage could be done. But Jaskier didn’t want to Eskel to feel like he was to blame, because he wasn’t. Their society had failed Diedre long before Eskel had been forced to make the hard decision he had been forced to.
Jaskier had hoped that the song would touch Eskel, maybe bring some closure even. But instead, Eskel grew paler before his eyes. His jaw was clenched, his shoulders tense. He was glaring, not at Jaskier, but just… off into the distance. After the performance, Jaskier could practically feel waves of anger rolling off the normally calm witcher.
“Eskel?” he asked softly, unsure of what to do.
The blow up that ensued was not once Jaskier had expected and certainly not one he was prepared to handle. It had ended with Jaskier on his knees, crying, trying to apologize, as Eskel walked out of the door, saying that Jaskier could never make up for this.
And that was the last time Jaskier had seen the witcher.
And now, now he ached. His entire body just ached something fierce and Jaskier didn’t know what to do about it. He was hoping he would be able to find the witcher, to apologize one last time. To make sure that Eskel knew he shredded the pages of song and burned them, made sure they would never again be sung.
He didn’t know that it would be a breach of privacy, he hadn’t meant for it to be. Jaskier just heard a story that deserved telling. A person that deserved to live on in song.
Eskel heard his private shame being immortalized in song.
Jaskier never would have thought of it that way, he simply wanted to honor Eskel’s strength, his child surprise who hadn’t been given the right chances, who had been cursed from birth and judged by a world who hated those that were different.
But Eskel heard his inability to protect the girl and his inability to protect himself.
So here Jaskier was, feeling hollow and empty, aching to the core, hiding in his room at another inn, trying to find the strength to go down and perform before he ran out of money. He eyed the jug of ale sitting on the small table by his bed, he had been telling himself he wouldn’t drink his sorrows away, not anymore. It never ended up well and he always suffered more for it.
But maybe, just tonight…
A soft knock on the door pulled Jaskier from his internal debate.
He padded across the room softly, unsure of who would be bothering him. Hopefully it wasn’t the innkeep demanding more payment or someone accusing him of something he hadn’t done.
Opening the door just a crack, Jaskier gasped. Thoughts were flying through his head as he tried to think of what to say, but all he could do was stare at the man in front of him. Eskel
Jaskier’s grip on the door lessened and he let go, allowing the door to swing wide. Eskel took it as an invitation, stepping in the room and closing the door behind him. Jaskier followed his movements curiously, still shocked by what he was seeing.
Eskel cleared his throat, “You crossed a line. You do that a lot and I’ve let it go on for too long without telling you. I know you don’t do it intentionally; I know you don’t mean harm. I should have spoken up sooner before this happened and pushed me too far. For that, I’m sorry. But we need to establish some boundaries.”
Jaskier nodded.
“Okay then, I think we should talk.”
“I would like that.” Jaskier’s chest still ached, but hopefully they could talk and, together, they could heal.
Check out my masterlist!
 Tag list: @stinastar​​​ @feraljaskier​​​ @bastardofmothman​​​ @hailhailsatan​​​ @moonysrz​​​ @its-onions​​​ @elliestormfound​​​ @dapandapod​​​             @jaskierswolf​​​ @fontegagrilledcheese​​​ @negativenuggetz​​ @veritasrose​​ @feral-jaskier​​ @kozkaboi​​ @kueble​​ @llamasdumpsterfire​​ @selectivegeekwithstandards​​ @dani-dandelino
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