#i need my friend to read it asap so we can talk about it without me spoiling it bc. hhghhhh
holytrickster · 3 months
i just finished an education in malice finally even though I was putting it off bc I didn't want to be done and.aHHH I need to go bury my face in a pillow and SCREAM because WHAT!!! (in a good way. in a wtf way too)
0 notes
allur1ngs · 6 months
✮ succumb (to me) ✮
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TW: small angst to fluff, smut (dom & top!bada, sub & bottom !reader, kinda rough & angry sex, strap usage–r!receiving, oral–r!receiving, reader sucks on bada’s strap bcs i say so, teasing, strap referred to as a cock, bada is the giver in this scenario, doesn’t rlly receive, sorry…) + aftercare, delulu bada, once again LOTS of protective!bada, cold!bada, frustrated!bada, jealous!bada, petty!bada, bada having SERIOUS beef w your bodyguard, lusher being an instigator, reader being oblivious once again but its okay because we love her, jealous!reader, hyo being stuck in the middle of it all… justice for her fr, ngl the descriptions in this one are more spicy so… beware ? allusions to homophobia if you squint, the picture to the farthest right is purely for aesthetics and not meant to represent reader’s skin tone or body type!! and a surprise character that you may know~
SUMMARY: jealousy is man’s most evil, and easiest sin to yield to. bada struggles to keep herself from falling into its clutches, and succumbing to her greatest temptation, you.
WC: 14.5k… i promised myself this one would be shorter but i’m weak
A/N: find more information about this au on my masterlist! once again, i’m sure there are MANY mistakes throughout this fic, so please ignore them as best as you can--i'll edit this asap. also this isn't the first kiss or first i love you, consider this fic as a "what if" like slightly canon divergent. i want to make a separate fic about the official first kiss and first i love you!!
DISCLAIMER: all characteristics portrayed are purely speculation and fiction, they are not meant to reflect bada, team bebe, or anyone else’s actual character, values, or attitudes. please keep this in mind!!
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Orange sunlight pours through the black-tinted windows in Bada’s office, casting a warm glow onto words that blur into blots of ink against white paper. Bada's tired eyes squint, attempting to make out the last sentence of the form in front of her. But no matter how hard she glares and huffs, the blots don’t unify into words.
“Ugh,” she groans, pushing away the form out of frustration. “I need a break.”
“You think so?” Lusher pops up behind the office door, having quietly opened it while Bada was focused on her paperwork.
“Yes, Lusher, I need a break,” Bada pinches the bridge of her nose, sighing out of her nose. “But I have a feeling I won’t be able to, now that you’re here.”
“Those are some harsh words for someone who brought you a gift,” Lusher says cheekily. She approaches Bada, opening her once-closed fist to reveal a pair of black-framed glasses. “Tada!”
Bada lets out a breath, muttering a thank you before grabbing her glasses and putting them on. Immediately, she feels the world come into focus, and the words on the form she pushed away are now crisp and uniform. “Much better.”
“What would you do without me?” Lusher jokes.
“I’d probably be much more productive.” Bada takes ahold of her gold-trimmed fountain pen and sets another stack of papers in front of her.
“What happened to taking a break?” Lusher pouts. “You’re going to go blind if you continue to push your eyes this much.”
“Well, thanks to you, I have my glasses, so I won’t go blind,” Bada says without looking up from the paper she’s signing.
“That’s not how it works,” Lusher huffs.
Bada stops writing, placing her fountain pen down and lifting her gaze up to stare at Lusher dead in the eyes. “What do you want?”
“I want to talk to you.” Lusher plops down on the couch in the corner of the room. “We never get to talk like friends anymore.”
“I’m busy,” Bada says gruffly.
“You’re always busy,” Lusher complains. Bada doesn’t respond, instead, she picks up her pen again and starts reading the paper in front of her. “Fine,” Lusher folds her arms across her chest, “I’ll just talk aloud.”
Again, Bada ignores her subordinate, shuffling to the next paper and beginning to scan the words.
Lusher takes no offense, already used to her friend’s cold and serious behavior; in fact, it’s something she admires in her. And, she also knows that despite how her boss outwardly acts, Bada does care about her and listens to what she has to say.
“Minah and I took care of that job yesterday.” She comments, her eyes moving to the tinted window in Bada’s office. “It was very easy. U-Ram is getting sloppy.” Lusher waits to see if Bada will respond, but she doesn’t, so the second-in-command continues. “His branch of Seoul should be easy to take over. And if he doesn’t want to give it up, Tatter, Minah, and I can visit him.”
Silence fills the room, making Lusher pout again. She wants to get at least some sort of reaction out of Bada, but she remains steadfast in focusing on her work. Lusher thinks to herself, for a moment, wondering what else she could bring up to her boss that might spark up some form of conversation.
Suddenly, a lightbulb goes off in her mind, making her eyes light up and her lips curve upward in a mischievous smile. There’s one thing she can use. One thing–or more like one person–that always breaks through Bada’s icy attitude.
“So, how have things between you and unnie been going?” Lusher asks innocently.
Bada’s writing pauses, “We’re doing fine.” She mumbles before continuing to scribble furiously.
Bingo, Lusher thinks, trying to hide how her smile grows. “That’s good, I’m glad. I was worried after the incident with Seong, your relationship would be on the rocks. But it seems like it brought you two closer together.”
Bada keeps her eyes fixed on the document below her, “Yes. Our friendship has become much stronger.”
“Friendship.” Lusher snorts.
“What’s so funny?” Bada cuts in, tone hard.
“You and unnie aren’t friends.”
“We are.” Bada insists. “I enjoy her company, and she enjoys my company. We’re friends.”
“Bada, you and unnie have done everything in a traditional relationship other than have sex.” Lusher deadpans.
Bada’s hand fumbles with her fountain pen out of shock, her eyes snapping up to meet Lusher’s figure casually lounging on the couch. “Lee Seoyoung,” She says firmly. “remember your place, and don’t speak about my fiancée in such a way.”
“I don’t mean it in an offensive way.” Lusher shrugs, not affected by Bada using her full name. “I’m just pointing out that you two aren’t friends. Or if you are, you’re incredibly touchy friends.”
Bada scoffs, removing her gaze from Lusher. “We’re just friends. End of story.”
“If you say so,” Lusher concedes, resting her head against the headrest of the couch. “But now that I think about it, I wonder how unnie keeps herself satisfied.”
Bada looks up once again, her expression showing clear confusion. “What are you talking about?”
Lusher smirks to herself, sitting up. “Well, unnie’s been with you for about two and a half months now, right? Don’t you think she’d begin to feel…” she trails off, trying to find a less brash way of expressing her thoughts. “lonely for companionship? For some… skinship?”
Bada’s eyes widen only a fraction, the wheels in her mind slowly turning. “I greet her in the morning with hugs and a peck on the cheek.”
“Boss, you have to realize that not all of us are as composed and able to be abstinent for long periods of time like you are.”
“What are you implying?” Bada says incredulously. “That she’s–” she cuts herself off, becoming physically sick at the thought of someone else touching you, caressing you, giving you pleasure, and seeing you in ways she hasn’t.
“I’m not implying anything.” Lusher holds her hands up in defense.
Bada glares at Lusher, countless thoughts running through her mind as her heart races in her chest. “And if she were to be… engaging in such activities, who do you think she’d find company in?”
Lusher looks up, thinking deeply and seriously about Bada’s question. “I would have to say… Hyo. They’ve become quite close.” She answers honestly. “But don’t take this too seriously, Boss. Unnie isn’t that type of woman.”
But it’s much too late. Internally, Bada’s already beginning to spiral, remembering every interaction between you and Hyo she’s witnessed. There’s no way you’re interested in her… right? She may follow you around every minute of every day, but that’s not enough to make you fall in love with her, right? It’s not enough to make you yearn for her touch while Bada remains shut in her office, reviewing documents and signing papers…
“Bada…” Lusher trails off, noticing how her friend’s eyes become cloudy in thought. “I’m serious, don’t read too much into it. I was just joking around.”
“I’m not reading into it,” Bada responds after a beat. “My fiancée is her own woman, and what she does in her free time is none of my business. As long as she’s safe and happy, I’m content.”
Lusher frowns deeply, shaking her head. “But—”
“Don’t worry about it; I’m fine.” Bada holds up a hand to stop Lusher from continuing. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I want to finish this pile of papers before nightfall.”
Lusher looks between Bada and her work, unsure if she’s convinced that her friend wasn’t overthinking her joking comment. Eventually, she decides not to disturb Bada anymore, taking her leave and remaining oblivious to the chain of events she would unwittingly cause.
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Like an unrelenting plague, Lusher’s words echo in Bada’s mind for the rest of the day, night, and the next day that follows. She tries to stay on task and finish her paperwork, but no matter how hard she tries, her mind will play cruel tricks on her, showing her images of your sweaty body sliding against Hyo’s, a smirk painted across her face as she services you with unrivaled pleasure.
Bada bangs her fist against her desk, dragging her chair back violently as she groans, running her fingers through her hair in frustration. If she can’t focus on her work, she might as well see what you’re up to and maybe spend some time with you. Not because she wants to observe your interactions with Hyo—no, not at all. She misses you, is all. In a friendly way, of course.
Leaving her office looking tired and disgruntled, Bada bumps into Soweon in her search for you. She asks her youngest subordinate if she knows where you are, to which she says yes, pointing in the direction of the terrace where the infinity pool lies. Bada says a quick thank you before fast walking in your direction, a prickle of nervousness building in her stomach, something she isn’t used to.
Stepping onto the terrace, Bada’s right hand busies itself by loosening her tie, noticing how tight it suddenly felt when her eyes find a sight that makes the nervousness in her stomach wash away, and instead, be replaced by a burning heat.
Your lower half is submerged in water while your upper half is arched into the warm afternoon air, water droplets falling from your throat and dipping down between your breasts as you hoist yourself out of the pool. In front of you, Hyo is holding out a white towel with one hand and grabbing onto yours in the other, helping you out of the pool.
There’s nothing particularly abnormal or intimate about the interaction, but it’s your bathing suit that makes Bada’s breath hitch, and the simmering fire burning within her spread. It’s a black ensemble, elegant, and compliments your figure to implausible lengths, that Bada wonders if it was handmade to make you look as divine as possible.
But your beautiful visage is overridden by Lusher’s words once again ringing in her mind.
Bada’s legs move before she can even think, rushing her over to where Hyo’s holding out the towel for you. She grabs it from her without a second thought, standing directly in front of her and taking your hand in hers, so Hyo’s unable to see you fully emerge from the pool.
“Bada?” You say, your eyes lighting up at the sight of her. “What are you doing here?”
“I decided to take a break.” She lies through her teeth, briefly checking behind her to see Hyo giving her a slightly confused look before she steps back, allowing her boss to take care of you instead. “Here,” Bada mumbles, wrapping the warm towel around your figure with haste and pulling you into her side.
The action makes butterflies flutter in your belly, and a shy smile overtake your lips. “Thank you.” You say softly, taking the chance to discreetly snuggle into Bada’s warmth.
“You’re welcome.” Bada nods, glancing at Hyo from the corner of her eye every few seconds. “So, is this where you’ve been all day?”
“Mostly,” you admit. “I haven’t swum much recently, and the sun was warm today, so I thought I’d cool off a bit in the water.”
“I see.” Bada nods. “And your bathing suit…” she trails off.
“What? Do you like it?” You ask innocently, unraveling the towel to give her another look at the piece.
Bada's eyes widen as she quickly wraps you in the towel again, feeling her body warm at the sight of yours. "Yes, yes, it looks very good on you," she hurries out. "But isn't it a little... inappropriate for Hyo to see you like this?"
"What do you mean?" You give Bada a confused look. "She sees me like this all the time."
Bada struggles to keep her composure as her thoughts start to race, and her hands instinctively curl into fists. "She does?"
"Yeah, I go swimming pretty often," you say casually, starting to walk toward the terrace exit. Bada follows, keeping you tucked into her side, and sending glares Hyo's way. You glance at your fiancée, noticing the black frames on her nose. "You're wearing your glasses again." Reaching up, you gently touch the side of them.
"Oh, yes," she mumbles. "I forgot I had them on."
"Bada, you need to stop pushing yourself so much." You pout.
Your fiancée smiles lightly, "You know, Lusher said the same thing."
"Because we're right." You insist. "You're lucky you don't have to wear those glasses every day."
"I won't let it get that bad."
You give her an unconvinced look, crossing your arms. "I'm holding you to that, you know."
"Oh?" Bada smirks. "And what will you do if I slip up?"
"I'll start visiting you every other hour to bother you until you take a break." You say playfully.
"Well, we can't have that, can we?" Bada banters back.
"Hmm, I don't know, I think you'd enjoy it." You mimic a thoughtful expression, making Bada laugh.
"I'd more than enjoy it." She admits, disguising her sincerity with a joking tone.
Slowing your pace, you find the door to your bedroom right ahead, which surprises you. You must have been so enraptured in your conversation with Bada that you didn't realize your legs were taking you back to your bedroom out of instinct.
Parting from Bada reluctantly, you stare at her with glittering eyes as you shift on your feet. "Thank you for coming to see me. I like spending time with you, even if it's only for a little."
Bada swears you’re trying to kill her, because why are you so sweet and lovely? All her life, Bada's dealt with ruthless businessmen, deceitful allies, and those who used her for personal gain. But you... you get genuine satisfaction out of simply seeing her. And she can't deny that she feels the same way.
"You're welcome," Bada says softly, rubbing her hand up and down your arm out of instinct. She doesn't realize the effect her touch has on you, but she sees the way you smile down at the floor. "You can visit me anytime, by the way. I wasn't lying before when I said I would enjoy you coming to see me." She admits brazenly.
"Okay then, I will." A brief pause of silence envelops you two before you turn to look back at your bedroom door. "I'm going to go take a shower. I'll see you later?"
"Of course," Bada nods. She steps forward to open the door for you, watching you head in before closing it behind you with one last small goodbye. She stays still for a moment, staring at the spot where you’d just been, lost in thought. When she finally recollects herself, she pushes her glasses farther up her nose and turns on her feet, about to head in the direction of her office. But upon beginning her stride, she is met with Hyo’s figure standing a few feet away. 
“Have a good afternoon, Boss,” she says calmly.
Bada’s mood plummets in an instant, her expression souring at Hyo’s flippant demeanor. She gives a low hum in response before continuing down the hall toward her office. 
That instance was only the mildest out of three that led up to Bada’s eventual break.
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Instance number two occurred while Bada was hard at work. She’d been on a call, about to seal the deal on an important partnership between her and one of the lead car manufacturers in Seoul.
“I’m sure there are ways we can both benefit from this endeavor.” Bada’s voice projects into her work phone.
“There’s no doubt in my mind that you’re correct,” Nam-Su answers on the other line. “But I feel there are some logistical points that still need to be addressed.”
“By all means, ask me anything.” Bada walks around her office, making sure to remain attentive while Nam-Su speaks. If she manages to close this deal, her entire facility will have a steady supply of fortified and modified cars, perfect for jobs.
“Very well, my main issue stems from…” Nam-Su begins to rant, leaving Bada to simply hum in the background while considering his deal. Surprisingly, he had many valid and insightful questions–though she should have expected that from him. Nam-Su was always described as a cunning businessman–when he wasn’t telling jokes in the workplace. Still, Bada manages to reel Nam-Su in with her impeccable rhetoric, and persuasive offers. 
It seems like she’s just about to close the deal when a noise causes her to pause her pacing. She looks up from the floor, squinting with a confused expression to her right, where she thought she heard the noise come from. Her eyes find the window that oversees the large garden right outside her office, locking on the fountain immediately. Assuming that to be the origin of the noise, she turns away, tuning back into her conversation with Nam-Su, who’s now ranting about his breakfast for some reason.
“That’s quite interesting, Mr. Im, but going back to the deal, how often and at what speed are you normally able to create heavily modified cars?”
“Ah yes, usually it takes around–”
The noise cuts in again, making Bada’s head whip toward the window again, this time sure that she heard it. She steps closer to the window, once again squinting in hopes of finding the source. But this time, she does. And she almost wishes she didn’t.
Bada sees you first, twirling into view in a beautiful and elegant sundress, looking like a goddess among the flowers in the garden. You’re laughing boisterously–which Bada realizes was the noise she heard, the sound muffled because of the glass barrier–at something just out of her view. You move to sit on the edge of the fountain, kicking your feet up a bit and revealing the creamy skin of your leg. Bada’s lips curl into a soft smile out of instinct, the sight of you so happy and carefree so pure that she can’t focus on a word Nam-Su is saying.
But just like always, Bada’s never able to fully admire you in peace, because another figure emerges, a black blob disturbing the color and sanctity of the garden. It’s Hyo, of course, dressed in her usual black suit and dark sunglasses. However, one thing stands out to Bada.
Hyo’s smiling.
And not just a simple, small smile, no–she’s smiling widely, borderline laughing with you as she stands in front of you, saying something that makes you give her a cheeky look.
Then she sees it.
Atop Hyo’s head is a ring of baby’s breath flowers woven together to make a crown. And similarly, sitting on yours is a colorful combination of peonies.
Bada's left hand tightens into a fist as she stares at you both, laughing and giggling like schoolgirls with crushes on each other. What was going on between you two? Where did this sudden air of intimacy come from? Has it always been there? Had Bada just been too wrapped up in her work to realize you and Hyo were becoming suspiciously close?
Either way it doesn’t matter, because all Bada can think about is how badly she wants to be standing there in Hyo’s place, admiring you up close, and laughing alongside you without a care in the world. She so badly yearns to be the only one you allow to hear your melodious giggles or share intimate moments with. (So caught up in her own jealousy, Bada doesn’t even realize her thoughts are continuing to stray away from friendship, and farther into romance.)
Bada’s eyes narrow to slits, glaring at Hyo’s every micromovement and scrutinizing it. She briefly considers leaving the office to interrupt, but before she can, she notices you freeze in your spot. A second passes before your eyes meet Hyo’s and become wide. Tiny droplets of water begin to rain down from the sky in steady streams, dotting your dress and deepening its color. You stand up in a hurry, your smile remaining on your lips as you hold your hands above your head, trying to shield yourself from the rain.
Hyo looks up at the sky and says something Bada’s unable to hear, but she sees you motion towards entering the mansion again and feels a wave of relief flood through her body. The world must be on her side. Clearly, it despised the sight of you and Hyo together as well, if the heavy downpour was any indication.
And yet… Hyo takes a step to the side, grabbing something out of Bada’s view before she walks closer to you, revealing an umbrella. Your smile only widens, unheard words falling from your mouth as you sit down on the edge of the fountain again, this time with Hyo sitting next to you. Bada’s eyes switch to cold in an instant, and she bites her lip in frustration. But of course, it seems the universe wants to torture her more, because you start to shiver, the dewy rain on your dress most likely giving you a chill. Because of that you unconsciously lean heavier into Hyo’s side, until you give in and press yourself against her arm, shaking like a leaf.
The simple action makes Bada’s entire body light on fire, a deep-seated jealousy rearing its ugly head as her teeth dig further into her lips, the force so strong that if she didn’t stop, she’d end up breaking the skin of her lip.
In the garden, it seems Hyo has finally noticed your shivering, because she breaks away for a brief moment to tug off her suit jacket before draping it around your shoulders, and bringing you into her side again, nodding when you mutter something to her.
Bada’s hand tightens around her work phone with impossible force, a droplet of blood falling from her lip as she stares at you both through the tinted window of her office while you speak to each other, completely oblivious to Bada’s gaze, or her anger. 
“...Ms. Lee, are you alright?” Nam-Su’s voice breaks through the ringing in Bada’s ear, his tone a mesh between mild worry and genuine confusion at her prolonged silence.
“I’m great, Mr. Im,” she lies through her teeth, the glass screen of her phone cracking under the pressure of her hands.
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The last instance, and the one that managed to finally break through Bada’s facade comes the night of Nam-Su’s ball. 
Having successfully sealed the partnership between them despite her distraction, the cheerful man sent Bada an invitation the day after, proposing to throw a celebratory ball. He not only invited her, but Bebe too, and made sure to include a plus one ticket–having heard the rumors of you through the grapevine.
Although Bada doesn’t normally enjoy social events, she realizes it’s an opportunity to spend more intimate time with you, and jumps at the chance. She asks you to go as her plus one, to which you immediately accept.
Now, on the night of the ball, Bada looks at herself in the floor-length mirror in her room. Her eyes run down her figure multiple times, looking closely for any imperfections; wrinkles in her dress shirt, the position of her tie, or a stain on her customized suit. She finds none, but does one last check before leaving her bedroom in search of you.
You–much like Bada had once been–are picking over your appearance nervously while endless thoughts pass through your mind. 
Tonight is a very important milestone in your relationship with Bada. Not only will you be making your public debut as her fiancée, as well as meeting multiple of her allied gangs, but this is also your first time attending a ball with incredibly high-profile socialites from all over South Korea. Disappointing their expectations of you or embarrassing yourself is not an option. Everything must be perfect for both your sake, and Bada’s. 
As if hearing your thoughts, a light rapping against your door alerts you of Bada’s presence. “Are you ready?”
“Yes!” You answer hurriedly, gathering your bag and rushing to exit. You step out of your bedroom with a nervous smile, turning to face Bada once you’ve closed the door behind you. 
Upon making eye contact with her, you immediately notice that she’s not in her usual black suit. Instead, she’s wearing an overall–looking suit jacket, one that somehow makes her even more attractive. She’s also wearing a ring on the middle finger of her right hand, as well as another on the knuckle of her thumb, which makes you swoon. Bada Lee is the most attractive woman you’ve ever seen.
While you appraise Bada’s appearance, your fiancée takes the chance to appraise you, but is struck with a bolt of shock at your choice of clothing. A ravishing, floor-length black dress with boning along the top adorns your figure, and pushes up the tops of your smooth breasts, displaying them, while a large slit begins along the side of it. It allows Bada to see the garter that holds up your mesh nylons–she feels herself gulp every moment her eyes instinctively dip down to look at your breasts or thigh.
 The dress is paired with lace gloves, and the necklace Bada had given you.
Each element paired together decorates your body like beautiful embellishments, creating the vision of perfection in Bada’s eyes.
Her jaw drops out of surprise and astonishment, but once her mind catches up, various thoughts start to form. They start relatively innocent, “She’s so beautiful.” But then they start to stray, “Everyone at the ball will see her.” Until slowly, apprehension builds in her stomach. “I don’t want others to see her like this.”
“Bada?” Your voice brings your fiancée out of her spiraling thoughts. “Should we get going?”
“Oh, yes.” She clears her throat awkwardly, trying to fight the heat that she feels forming in her cheeks. “Sorry, I was–” She stutters. “You look absolutely stunning.”
You laugh bashfully to yourself. “Thank you. You look amazing as well.”
Bada simply smiles back at you, still recovering from your radiance as she holds out her arm. You take it without hesitating, falling in line with her as you both start walking away from your bedroom and toward the stairs to the first level of the mansion. Hyo follows after you as always, keeping her footsteps light while you and Bada engage in conversation.
“When did you buy this dress?”
“I ordered it a few days ago.” You respond. “I wanted to have a more appropriate dress for the occasion.”
“Well, nobody will be able to keep their eyes off of you,” Bada says confidently, beginning the descent down the stairs, holding onto you tight and making sure to help you balance on your heels.
“You think so?”
“I know so.” Bada takes the last step down the stairs first, turning to hold onto your waist as she guides you off the stairs.
“Are we the last to leave?” You ask, noticing the lack of Bebe members.
“Lusher and the rest of the girls left earlier.” Bada nods. “I had them scope out the venue to ensure it’s safe for you.”
“But aren’t all the attendees allies?”
“Yes, so they say.” Bada moves toward the entrance of the mansion, pushing the doors open to reveal her sports car already parked in the cobble-stone driveway. “But after everything you’ve experienced recently, I don’t want to take any risks.”
Bada’s words take you back to the Seong incident, and how terrified you’d been, trapped in her hideout. Your lips curl downwards in a frown, your eyes falling to the floor in thought.
Bada notices the shift in your demeanor, and immediately pauses, turning to face you with a gentle and determined expression. “You don’t have to worry about that happening again. All of Bebe will be paying close attention to you the whole night, and I as well. We won’t let anything happen to you.”
You shake your head, “I’m not scared. I trust you.”
Trust. A bond Bada never thought she’d be able to make again since her mother died. And yet, with you, everything comes naturally and easily.
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The car ride to Nam-Su’s is relatively long. You find yourself cycling through many conversations with Bada, ranging from what you did this week, to what she did. Eventually, the conversation strays back to the ball.
“So just how influential are the socialites attending?” You ask.
“Hmm, well in terms of power and connections,” Bada begins, “I outrank all of them.” 
“Really?” You awe. 
“Yes,” Bada nods. “But it’s still very important to make a good impression. They may not have as much influence on me, but making enemies out of them could be detrimental.”
“Right, of course.” You clasp your hands together tightly, hoping the pressure will alleviate some of the nerves building in the pit of your stomach.
“What’s on your mind?” Bada questions softly.
You glance at her and sigh, “I guess I’m just a little worried I’ll say or do something wrong. I’m not used to being around extremely important men and women.”
“You don’t need to be nervous.” Bada grabs your hands and parts them, weaving your fingers together. “You’ll do great.”
“I don’t know–”
“Hey,” She tugs gently on your woven hands, making you turn to face her. “just be yourself. If you do that, they’ll all love you.”
The car comes to a stop just as Bada’s words fade into the open air, driving your focus away from her briefly and to the window instead. Outside, there are already a few paparazzi gathered around the car, their cameras positioned upward, as they wait with baited breath for you to exit.
“Paparazzi.” You breathe.
“They don’t usually show up like this.” Bada frowns, taking her phone out and typing quickly. “Don’t worry, I’ve got it handled.”
Right as she finishes her sentence, all of Bebe walks out of Nam-Su’s mansion onto the driveway. Lusher and Tatter take the lead pushing the paparazzi away from your car, while the rest of the girls focus on creating a walkway for you both to use.
“Hyo,” Bada says firmly.
“Yes, Boss,” your bodyguard answers quickly, fully parking the car and exiting it. She moves to stand next to your side of the car, but doesn’t open your door, because Bada has already left the car and circled around toward you, opening the door for you.
She holds her hand out for you to take as you slide your exposed thigh out of the car, holding onto her as you move to stand up. Immediately, flashes from the paparazzi’s cameras start to bombard you, but thankfully Bada quickly adjusts her position so she’s standing directly in front of you, blocking the lights from blinding you.
Bebe also jumps into action, hollering at the paparazzi who become overeager and start yelling at you to show your face, or for Bada to move out of the way.
“Hey, who do you think you’re talking to?” Lusher asks loudly, her face scrunched up in disgust.
“Have some respect!” Minah adds, stepping closer to a paparazzo and making him back away. 
Bada remains unbothered by the yelling behind her, already used to the demanding nature of having a public life. “Are you okay?”
You take in a deep breath as you stare at Bada, before putting on a confident expression. “Yes.”
“Remember, just be yourself.” She whispers, linking her fingers with yours again. You from your joint hands to Bada, your eyes going wide as you glance at the paparazzi a few feet away, worried they’d see the display of affection. “Don’t worry,” Bada assures you, “they already know. They can’t do anything about it.”
Reinvigorating yourself, you nod firmly, signaling to her that you’re finally ready. Bada nods back, stepping aside so that you’re now shoulder to shoulder as you begin your stride toward the entrance to Nam-Su’s mansion. The paparazzi start to go crazy, snapping photo after photo of you two, but through the noise and the chaos you hold your head high, wanting to make Bada proud.
Behind you both, Hyo and Bebe do crowd control, surprised at the amount of paparazzi that have begun to slowly trickle in, solely focused on snatching an exclusive photo of you to plaster on headlines tomorrow. “Influential Socialite Bada Lee has found her partner?”
You try to dispel all negative thoughts as you stop in front of the entrance, Bada reaching into her left pocket to retrieve her invitation, and handing it to the man standing by the door. He barely takes a look at it before giving you both a bright smile, and motioning for you both to enter.
You look at Bada from the corner of your eye with an amused expression, which she mirrors. “Famous, are we?”
“What could have given you that impression?” Bada says playfully, guiding you further into the main hall.
You have to admit, Nam-Su really had taken no prisoners when it came to decorating his home. A large chandelier dangles low in the center of the room, glittering diamonds falling from the prongs like teardrops, and casting a low, beige light across the room. Tables hug the sides of the walls, with flowers tumbling out of their boxes atop of them, and adjacent to trays of small, Michelin star foods. Everything is beautiful, including the guests.
“Look who it is!” An excited voice reaches your ears, making you turn in that direction out of instinct. A woman with blonde hair, a bright smile, and a mature look heads in your direction. She’s wearing a low cut dusty pink dress that compliments her curves excellently. 
“Ohh, Kirsten!” Bada says excitedly, switching to English to greet her friend. She meets her halfway and gives her a friendly hug, before pulling away. “I didn’t know you were back in Korea."
“I have some business to oversee here before we’re back to Australia and the States.” The woman, Kirsten replies. Her eyes drift away from Bada for a split second, finding yours instead. Her smile immediately widens, noticing how your arm is looped with Bada. “And who is this pretty lady? I love your dress, by the way.”
“Oh, yes,” Bada turns to look at you, showing a genuine enthusiasm at the thought of introducing you to her friend. “Kirsten, this is my fiancée,” she mutters your name while you step forward, a friendly smile adorning your lips as you shake hands with the older woman. 
“Hello,” you greet her in perfect English, watching as her smile doubles in size. “Thank you, I love your dress as well.”
Bada speaks up again, gesturing to her friend, “This is Kirsten, she handles foreign affairs and runs her own group in Australia. We’ve been business partners and friends for a while now.”
“Hold on,” Kirsten cuts in, mimicking an offended expression. “I’m still surprised by the fiancée comment. Why didn’t you tell me you got engaged, Bada?” She acts like a mother scolding her younger daughter, making your smile widen and a small laugh fall from your lips.
“I was trying to keep it under wraps.” Bada says sheepishly. “I’m sorry.”
“You can make up for it by inviting me and the girls to the wedding as honored guests.” Kirsten remarks proudly.
“Ah, of course.” Bada nods, smiling widely. “Where are Audrey and Latrice, by the way?”
“Oh, it’s just me this time.” Kirsten clarifies. “They’re both still in Australia, handling things there while I’m here.”
“How often do you come to visit Korea?” You cut in, interested to learn more about her.
“I only really come when I’m needed.” She answers. “No offense, I love it here, but I get homesick very easily.”
“Oh, I would too.” You agree.
“Australia is my favorite place to be.” Kirsten says while making a heart shape with her hand, mimicking a thoughtful expression. Her youthful attitude makes your nerves slowly edd away as you laugh along with her. “Also, can I just say, your English is amazing.”
“Thank you so much.” You place a hand on your chest, the compliment making you smile.
“Of course, of course.” Kirsten takes hold of your hands, swaying them in a playful manner. “Bada, I think you really struck gold here.” She winks in your direction while looking at Bada.
“Yes, I really did.” Your finacée answers earnestly. All the while you and Kirsten were speaking, she’d been watching you silently, admiring the way you interacted with one of her close friends so naturally. If anything, she felt this proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that you were meant to be a part of her life.
“Ah, Ms. Lee!” Nam-Su’s voice interjects into the conversation. He stands a few feet away, his wife on his arm as he waves you and Bada over.
“Well,” Kirsten starts, “I’ll let you two go. It was wonderful meeting you!” She steps forward to give you a hug, surprising you, but you immediately reciprocate, already feeling comfortable around her.
“Thank you, I enjoyed meeting you as well!” You respond. Kirsten breaks away from the hug, muttering a goodbye to Bada as well before leaving to speak to another guest. You watch her leave for a second, then turn to face Bada. “She’s very sweet.”
“She is, isn’t she?” Your finacée takes your hand again, guiding you in Nam-Su’s direction.
“When did you two meet?”
Bada hums lightly, thinking. “I believe she’d just turned twenty, and I was around my mid twenties.”
“She’s younger than you?” You stare at her with wide, and shocked irises.
“Yes, she’s closer to your age than mine.” Bada nods. “Are you surprised?”
You nod, “She has a very mature look.”
“She does. But don’t feel bad, a lot of people think Kirsten is older than she really is.” Bada slows her pace as you both near Nam-Su, and switches to a more professional demeanor.
“Ms. Lee,” Nam-Su greets Bada again. He then turns to you, “and…”
“This is my finacée,” Bada introduces you to her business partner.
“Ah, I believe I’ve met your parents.” Nam-Su nods. “I see they’ve done well, you are a beautiful young woman.”
“Thank you so much.” You say politely, slightly bowing your head out of respect.
You, Bada, Nam-Su, and occasionally his wife, all engage in a comfortable, and friendly conversation. From this, you learn Nam-Su is a surprisingly carefree man, cutting into the conversation with random anecdotes and jokes. You end up enjoying yourself more than you expected to, but somewhere down the line, the conversation strays to Nam-Su and Bada’s deal, leaving you and the man’s wife out of the loop.
You tap on Bada’s arm lightly, diverting her attention away from Nam-Su to you. “I think I’m going to get a drink from the refreshment table.”
“Oh, sure.” She nods, giving your hand an encouraging squeeze.
“If you’ll excuse me.” You say to Nam-Su and his wife, gesturing toward the table across the room with champagne flutes and appetizers.
“Be my guest.” Nam-Su smiles.
You break away from the group, walking  toward the refreshments while letting out a deep breath. Although everything’s been going well so far, you still feel mildly stressed, constantly checking your posture and making sure to remember proper etiquette. Reaching the table, you grab a champagne flute, holding it up to your lips and taking a small sip. The bubbly alcohol runs down your throat with a mild burn, the taste sharp, but also sweet.
“You’re looking a little bit tense over there.” A voice comes from beside you, making you turn away quickly and cover your mouth in surprise. “Oh come on, do I look that old to you?” Hyo raises an eyebrow at you, crossing her arms across her chest.
“No, no.” You answer quickly, turning to face Hyo with wide eyes. But when you finally stand face-to-face with her, you’re surprised to make eye contact with hazel eyes, the black sunglasses she wears nowhere to be seen. “You’re not wearing your sunglasses…”
“Did you really think I’d wear them at this kind of event?” Hyo scoffs lightheartedly.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you without them before.” You mutter, completely ignoring her question. “Oh, and about before, I don’t think you’re old, you just startled me.”
“Well at least you’re being careful.” Hyo shrugs. “Really sparing no expense on formality, huh?”
“This,” you gesture at the ballroom. “Is important to Bada.”
Hyo hums lightly, “It is for you as well.”
“Not as much as her.” You say softly. “Most of the people here have known her much longer than I have. I need to make a good impression.”
Hyo frowns at your words, placing her hand on your back and patting it lightly. “You need to loosen up, kid. Have some fun.”
“I’m trying.” You sigh. “But it’s hard to when all I can think about is the fact that I have to turn away from everyone to drink.”
Hyo laughs at your words, which makes a subtle smile form on your lips. “Well you don’t have to for Bebe, the Boss, or me.”
“You guys are the only exception.” You admit. Silence falls between you two for a few minutes while you continue to take small sips of your champagne, and Hyo turns to face the crowd of partygoers, watching them closely.
“Hey,” your bodyguard suddenly speaks up.
“Why don’t I take some pictures of you?” She makes a camera gesture with her hands, a playful look on her face.
“Pictures?” You glance around you with a hesitant expression. “Isn’t that inappropriate?”
“Come on, it’ll just be a few. You look cute, don’t you want to post them to social media?” Hyo insists. When you still give her a worried look, she sighs. “I’ll be fast, just give me your phone.”
You reluctantly hand her your phone, which she quickly taps into the camera app, taking a step back so she gets your entire dress and body in the frame.
“Okay,” she drags out the y in the word, “give me a sexy pose.”
You let out a deep breath before positioning yourself comfortably, and switching to a more alluring expression.
Hyo gives a hum of approval. “That’s good, maybe just turn to the side more.”
You do as she asks, the pose accentuating your nylon-covered thigh. 
“Perfect, stay right there.” She holds up a hand before tapping on your phone, and taking the picture. “Okay, another pose.”
You shift around a bit, now growing more confident as you stare into the camera intensely.
“Ohh, that one’s nice.” Hyo mumbles under her breath. “And, last one. Make this one cute.”
You immediately smile, changing your posture to be more youthful and relaxed. Hyo taps one last time on your phone before passing it back to you, muttering compliments. You glance at the photos, surprised by how good they came out. Your figure stands out amidst the partygoers behind you, the low light highlighting your features and giving you a subtle glow.
Truthfully, you look amazing.
“Wow.” You mutter.
“My picture taking skills are out of this world.” Hyo banters. You roll your eyes at her playfully, nudging her shoulder. “I’m kidding kid, you look good.” She looks over your shoulder at the pictures again, nodding. “You should post them.”
You contemplate it for a second before doing as she says. Opening Instagram, you make a new post with all three pictures, simply captioning them with a champagne emoji.
Time passes by relatively fast after that, women and men from across the room approaching you to make conversation and introduce themselves. You greet them all timidly but politely, Hyo moving to stand off to the side, silently remaining vigilant as you slowly begin to loosen up further, even making some friends with the women who compliment your dress.
However, across the room, Bada leans against the wall while holding a glass of champagne in her right hand, alone. After you left, Nam-Su only spoke to her a bit longer before breaking off to speak to other guests. It was then that Bada realized you’d been gone for a while, and turned to look for you, only to see Hyo standing next to you, taking pictures of you.
Like clockwork, that venomous and sickening feeling of jealousy bubbles at the surface, making Bada’s expression immediately sour, and her gaze lock onto you both. She waited for Hyo to stop taking pictures of you so she could approach you, but just as soon as she did, other women started to gather around you, their voices just barely reaching Bada’s ears across the room, but she was able to make out every compliment they hurtled your way. And while Hyo fell back into her role as a bodyguard, that didn’t stop other women–and eventually men, from circling you and talking your ear off.
You stand in the center of it, looking shy and a bit reserved, but it seems that only makes them swoon even more. Like a new blooming flower amidst a garden of plain roses, you stand out like a beautiful jewel.
It makes Bada sick to her stomach. She has to watch from afar as their eyes stray from your eyes, dipping down to your breasts or your thigh, their gaze caressing every feature of yours like predators.
She only lasts a few minutes like that before she pushes off the wall, about to interrupt and make it clear to the crowd around you that you’re already spoke for–that you’re hers, and they will never be able to lay their hands on you like they desire to–when a loud voice stops her.
“Bada!” The voice says excitedly.
Bada turns to face the source, mentally cursing herself for not moving faster when she sees who it is. “Raong.” She says with a light sigh.
“I can’t believe I didn’t see you before! How long have you been here?” Raong attaches herself to Bada without a care in the world, missing how the older woman tries to avoid the touch.
Raong is the daughter of Dong-Geun, one of Bada’s oldest business partners. A while back, when he caught word of Bada being rumored to take over her deceased father’s gang, he’d offered one of his sons up as a potential suitor, trying to make her family. But of course, Bada immediately denied. Though she didn’t explain why at the time, Dong-Geun later found out it was because she wasn’t looking for male suitors.
Since then, he’d begun shoving his daughter at Bada, practically begging her to marry Raong. Bada refused once again, this time because she wasn’t looking for a spouse at the time–or ever. At least, that’s what she believed back then.
Eventually, after years of bothering her, Dong-Geun gave up, realizing it was better to keep Bada as a business partner rather than distance her from him by pushing his daughter onto her day after day.
But it seemed Raong never got the memo. Because although she only spoke to Bada a few times at most, she somehow managed to develop a puppy crush on the (much) older woman. She never left Bada alone at events, becoming a nuisance like no other and making Bada hesitant to make public appearances.
“I arrived about an hour ago.” Bada replies in a monotone voice.
“Really? That’s so long ago.” Raong says, making her eyes go wide in an attempt to look cute. Something that fails miserably.
Bada says nothing in response, instead lifting her glass of champagne up to her lips, about to take a sip of it when Raong suddenly grabs it.
“You really shouldn’t be drinking so much!” She pouts. “It’s bad for your health.”
“It’s champagne.” Bada deadpans, already feeling the soul being sucked out of her.
Raong smiles cheekily, glancing between the alcohol and Bada. “You’re right.” She lifts the glass up to her lips, placing them directly onto the spot Bada had hers on, and takes a big gulp of the drink. She pulls away with a proud look, holding the glass up for Bada to take. “Here.”
“No thank you.” Bada immediately answers, her face stone cold. “I’d rather get a new one.”
For some reason, her comment makes Raong laugh loudly–incredibly loud–to the point that other guests turn their heads in her direction, their expressions showing a mix between shock and disapproval.
“Bada, there’s no need to act so shy.” Raong says, completely oblivious to the negative attention she’s garnered. “We may be in public, but everyone knows that we’re the most attractive couple here.”
“Couple?” Bada scoffs. “Where did you get that from?” Out of instinct, her eyes move from Raong’s figure to search for yours. And when she does, a revelation like no other dawns upon her.
You’re standing in the middle of a circle of men and women like before, but instead of speaking to them, your eyes are solely focused on Bada–no, focused on Raong, who clings to her like a needy girlfriend. Your expression shows nothing but absolute discomfort and anger, a look Bada’s never seen you wear before.
You’re jealous. She realizes, the thought echoing in her head over and over again and making a strange, satisfied feeling build in her gut. You must be feeling like she’d been for the past few days while watching you and Hyo interact–full of resentment and annoyance at the woman touching her.
Then, another thought comes to mind. Will she act upon her jealousy if I push her more?
Bada knows she shouldn’t be this petty. As the older woman in the relationship, and the one more emotionally mature, she should put a stop to Raong’s advances, walk up to you, and whisk you away, ridding both of your sour feelings so you can enjoy the night together free from inhibition.
But the more sinful part of Bada wants you to fully understand how she’s felt the past few days–the turmoil and envy that comes from seeing someone you care about fall into the arms of someone else.
Unfortunately for you, Bada will almost always succumb to sin.
“Come on Bada, I know you feel something for me.” Raong pushes herself against the older woman’s arm, trying to make her breasts pop, and look enticing.
Although Bada feels nothing at the action, she plays along. “You’re right, I do.” She says in a low voice looking down to stare directly into Raong’s eyes.
Bada’s behavior even surprises her, the younger girl gapes for a bit before quickly switching back to her piss-poor attempt at being seductive. “I’m so glad you’ve finally realized we’re meant for each other.” Her voice pitches upwards, trying to do an aegyo voice.
The result only causes a nails-on chalkboard effect, almost making Bada wince and break her facade. But before she can, she quickly glances at you. You’re still staring at her, your expression now much further into the territory of anger, before you shift your gaze somewhere else hastily, trying to make it seem like you hadn’t been glaring at her and Raong.
“I’m sorry it’s taken me this long.” Bada turns back to Raong, playing the act up by tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear.
The action makes you gasp across the room, daggers physically puncturing your heart.
Bada hears the sound, and has to stop herself from smirking too widely. Yes, finally you understand how it feels.
Raong swoons at Bada’s display, turning away from her with blushing cheeks and giggling loudly.
“Hey, Boss!” Lusher suddenly appears on Bada’s other side, trying to look casual as she glances between Raong and her friend. “What are you doing?”
“What do you mean?” Bada says casually.
“I mean, why are you all over,” she lowers her voice to a whisper to say the next word, “the pest!”
“I’m not all over her, I’m simply being polite.” Bada mutters back, discreetly glancing at you yet again.
“Yeah, right. When have you ever been polite to her?” Lusher catches her straying gaze, finding you on the other side of it. Immediately, it all clicks in her mind. “If this is about what I said a few days ago–”
“Shouldn’t you be keeping a lookout right now?” Bada cuts her off sharply.
“Boss…” Lusher says in a disapproving tone. Her friend doesn’t budge, instead turning her back toward her and speaking to Raong again. Sensing the conversation is over, Lusher walks away with a pit of guilt burning in her stomach, seeing you struggle to hide your emotions as Bada pretends to fawn over the younger woman beside her.
“What’s going on?” Kirsten stops at Lusher’s side, her eyebrows dipping downward as she observes Bada’s strange behavior.
“I think I might have caused this.” Lusher admits, hanging her head in shame.
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If someone were to ask you how you were feeling at the moment, the best word to describe it would be "out-of-body."
You truly feel like you’re watching the events in front of you unfold as an omnipotent being. Your eyes are able to take in every movement of both Bada and the girl on her arm to the finest detail, which proves to be a cruel form of torture.
Why is this happening? You find yourself questioning over and over again in your mind. Why is Bada acting this way? Why is she allowing that woman to touch her? And why does it look like she enjoys it?
You swear you feel bile form in your throat with every touch they exchange, and although there’s nothing more that you want to do than to run away in shame, you physically can’t. You’re rooted to the floor like a statue, cursed to watch your fiancée flirt with another woman.
Perhaps this is your fault for being so naive. Did you really think that Bada would remain loyal to you when your engagement had been a business deal from the start? When she so firmly stated that she’d never fall in love with you? How could you have believe that she felt something for you when she touched you so gently, smiled at you, and made you laugh?
Had Bada been secretly having affairs with women from the start? Had she touched them like she did, you? Did she mutter to them how beautiful they looked? Did she undress them with her eyes?
…How could you be so stupid–so young and stupid.
But the worst is yet to come.
You watch in slow motion as the woman beside Bada shifts on her feet, putting all her weight onto her tippy toes as she reaches up to place a kiss on your fiancée’s lips. They’re just about to touch–
“Alright kid, let’s go.” Hyo steps in front of you, blocking your view of Bada and the woman. She grabs onto your arm in a hurry, taking off her jacket and placing it on top of your head to shield you from any straying gazes as she fast-walks you out of the Nam-Su’s mansion, barely managing to tell Lusher that she’s taking you home before you’re out of the door, the only evidence of your attendance the droplets of small tears dotting the floor.
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The entire car ride is dead silent, Hyo’s lips sealed tight into lines, and not a single sound coming from you in the backseat that she has to check every few minutes on you to make sure you’re still there.
You are, but your head is down, her suit jacket blocking her view of you as you fight back waves of tears building in your eyes.
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“Bada, I have to tell you the truth, I’ve always been in love with you…” The second those words left Raong’s lips, and she began leaning upward in an attempt to kiss her, Bada knew she went too far.
She immediately breaks away from Raong’s hold, the disgusted face she’d been trying to hold back for so long surfacing in an instant. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“What do you mean?” Raong still keeps her voice artificially high, trying to get closer to Bada again. “Are you too shy to do it in public? Should we go somewhere private–”
“I will be going nowhere with you.” Bada interrupts in a stern voice, straightening out her suit. “I’m engaged.”
Raong’s smile finally drops, a sour look crossing her face. “So you really did propose to another woman.” She glances from the floor to Bada again, mustering up another embarrassing “sexy” look. “But it’s fine, she doesn’t have to know.”
Bada scowls at the younger woman. “I mean this in the most polite way possible,” she watches as Raong starts to frown, “I would never choose you, or any other woman over my fiancée. She is the only woman I will ever touch, or kiss.”
Raong stands in front of Bada, frozen and humiliated beyond belief.
“I suggest you stop making advances toward me, if you know what’s good for you.” Bada finally says the words she’s been wanting to for years now, and it’s like a weight has been lifted off of her shoulders. She leaves Raong standing there without a second thought, heading in your direction before she stops, realizing you’re not there anymore.
Her eyebrows furrow, an immediate spike of worry hitting her heart as she searches for Lusher through the crowd of partygoers. 
When she finds her friend, she walks as quickly as possible towards her. “Where did she go?” Bada says, looking from one side of the room to the other in a frenetic manner.
Lusher glances at Kirsten who stands next to her, hesitating before answering. “Hyo took her home…”
Bada’s eyes narrow to slits in milliseconds. “Lusher, I’m taking your car.”
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The Lee mansion feels eerily quiet when Bada enters, the lights reflecting off the white marble flooring, casting an ominous glow as she ascends the stairs.
Although she knows the mess she’s caused is purely her own fault, a part of her wants to deny it. She wants to call it retribution for all the mental torment she’s experienced over the past few days.
She wants to call it that, but she knows she can’t.
Standing in front of your door, Bada’s eyes find Hyo’s figure with ease. Your bodyguard is wearing her classic sunglasses again, but this time she doesn’t greet her superior. She doesn’t even acknowledge her presence, simply stands there, her lips in a firm line with her arms crossed against her chest.
Bada briefly considers speaking with Hyo, but eventually decides against it, knowing she should check on you first, before anything else. Her hand reaches up to knock on the wood of your door, the sound echoing through the hallway as she retracts her fist.
She waits there for about three minutes with no response before pushing the door open and entering your bedroom.
Most of the lights have been turned off, just one raining down a small amount of light and illuminating the room. Bada closes the door behind her, the guilt that had already been brewing in her stomach doubling when she notices you’re not in bed, but sitting in front of your vanity with your dress still on, staring at your reflection with an emotionless expression.
Bada mutters your name, stopping a few feet away from you. “I knocked on your door, did you hear me?”
You don’t respond, only continue to stare at your reflection, completely disregarding her presence.
Bada frowns at you, clearly disappointed by your silence. “You shouldn’t have left so suddenly. I was worried about you.” This time, she sees something shift in your eyes, but still, you remain quiet and stock still. Bada huffs, becoming increasingly frustrated as she gets closer to you, stopping right by your side. “Is that Hyo’s jacket?” She gestures to your bodyguard’s suit that’s strewn across your shoulders.
This time when you don’t answer her, Bada finally snaps, releasing the tension that’d been brewing in her for so long.
“Would you say something to me?” She says, the words coming out much harsher than she intended them to.
Your lips stay stuck together for a minute before they finally part. “What do you want me to say, Bada?” Your voice sounds an equal mix of tired, and uncharacteristically cold. “You made yourself perfectly clear at the ball.”
Your fiancée stares at you from through the reflection of the mirror, trying to lock eyes with you. “Why are you acting this way?”
“Why am I acting this way?” You scoff, rolling your eyes. “You shouldn’t ask such obvious questions.”
“I’m asking because I don’t know.” She lies through her teeth. She does know, and despite that she continues to push you, wanting to hear you say the words, “I’m jealous.”
“You know, if you wanted to fool around with other women, the least you could do was take it somewhere private where I wouldn’t have to see.” You shoot back, tone bordering on venomous.
“I wasn’t fooling around with her.” Bada denies firmly. “And you’re one to talk.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” You finally look away from the mirror, turning to face Bada with a furious expression.
“Hyo took you home.” Your fiancée lists. “You’re wearing her jacket. She took photos of you while we were at a public event. You’ve been spending a lot of time with her.”
“Oh please, spare me, Bada Lee,” you interrupt, your voice rising. “She’s my bodyguard! And I don’t touch her like you touched that woman. I haven’t kissed her–”
“I didn’t kiss Raong,” Bada interjects.
“I spend so much time with her because all you do is work all day!” You continue ranting. “I have never once disrespected you like you just did to me thirty minutes ago.”
“It’s not like that–” Bada tries to explain herself, but now that you’re speaking, you can’t stop.
“I know you said that you would never fall in love with me, but what the fuck?” You exclaim. “How could you just kiss her in front of all of those people when you introduced me as your fiancée?”
“I didn’t kiss her.” Bada reiterates, feeling her patience wear thin.
“Some of the guests know my parents!” You’re bordering on tears once again. “Can you imagine what they’ll think when they hear that my future wife kissed another woman in front of the most influential people in South Korea?”
“God damn it–” Bada steps forward, her frustration finally getting the better of her as she grabs you by the waist, pulling you flush against her body, forcing you to look into her eyes. "I never kissed Raong," she says again, her voice full of force. "I would never kiss her. I would never kiss a woman that isn't you."
Silence falls heavily across the room, your expression shifting from anger, to confusion, then to surprise.
“If you believe there is another woman out there that I would rather press my lips against, you’re crazy.” She whispers.
You stare into Bada’s eyes, completely taken aback by the sudden turn of events before your eyes slip downwards, to where her lips are.
Bada does the same, although she takes it a step further, bringing her thumb up to press onto your bottom lip, watching the plush skin accommodate for the pressure she applies.
“I want you,” she mutters inches away from your lips. “I’ve wanted you from the moment I met you.”
As if an invisible string had been snapped, both you and Bada surge forward, placing your lips against each other with unrestrained passion. Bada’s right hand grabs onto the side of your face, tilting your head backward as you two move in synch, completely lost in the taste of each other. She pulls you in even closer to the point that your chests knock against each other with every labored breath, the desire between you two so strong that you can’t help but moan.
Bada hears the sound and feels a pulse go straight to her cunt, the build-up to this simple kiss being so long that she can’t help but revel in it. She bites down on your lip and the second you part your lips to gasp, she slips her tongue into your mouth.
Your teeth clash in a heated dance, your tongues caressing each others as Bada turns you around so your back is toward the direction of your bed, walking you backward quickly so that you fall onto it, your body laid out on the cushion like a fallen angel. She follows you onto the bed, keeping herself above you with a single hand as she continues to kiss you deeply, a small string of saliva falling from your lips because of your sloppiness.
Bada’s other hand busies itself by grabbing onto your exposed thigh and hiking it against her hip, pushing her thigh between the gap of yours. Finally she pulls away, both of you panting loudly into the open air of the room. “Fuck.” Bada curses. “I’ve been wanting to do that for so long.”
Your arms wrap around her shoulders, wanting to kiss her again because of her confession.
“I bet you’ve wanted to too, huh?” She smirks, leaning down to just barely graze her lips against yours, not quite giving you what you want. “That’s why you got so jealous when you thought I kissed Raong, right?”
You huff at Bada’s words, hearing that woman’s name you frustrates you.
“Oh, are you mad?” She taunts you, laughing. “Yeah, you’re really mad aren’t you?” The hand that’d been stationed on your thigh moves under the fabric of your dress and inwards, towards your hot and sticky pussy. “You’re mad because you imagined me touching her like this, didn’t you?” Her fingers ghost against the material of your underwear, already finding a wet patch forming at the bottom of it.
Bada smirks widely. She’s got you right where she wants you.
“Did you imagine me touching her through her panties?” Bada’s fingers move up and down the wet patch, making it grow with every passing second.
You bite your lip, trying hard to suppress your moans at the feeling of your finacée’s long fingers touching you where you need her most.
“Did you imagine me playing with her pussy and making her moan like a whore?” Bada nudges her nose with yours, enjoying every second of your withering composure. “Huh? Are you going to say something?”
You shake your head, wanting to deny the fact that you indeed had imagined all those things in your blind fit of jealousy, which only made you spiral further.
“No?” Bada whispers in a higher-pitched voice, trying to mimic you.
You don’t respond.
“Say something.” She demands, her voice dropping and her eyes narrowing into a glare. It lacks any real hatred or heat but does burn with sexual desire. “Say something or I’ll leave you here wet and panting bitch in heat.”
You finally release your lip, completely believing that she’d leave you like this. “No, please,” you whimper quietly.
“Ah, she speaks.” Bada smiles, continuing to circle your clit with her fingers, now applying more pressure. “Now tell me, did you imagine any of those things I described to you?”
Again you grow quiet, embarrassment flooding your veins.
Bada’s smile drops in an instant. “What did I say?” She withdraws her hand from your clit, moving it back toward your thigh.
“Wait–” you cry out, looking completely in anguish. “I did! I did!”
Bada hums in approval, placing her fingers against your underwear again. “Which one?”
“I–” The words die on your tongue, the small pressure that Bada’s applying to you making your sensitive body go haywire.
“Which one?” She says again firmly.
“The–the last one!”
“Oh baby,” Bada pouts mockingly, “that’s not good enough. Tell me exactly which one.”
“I imagined you playing with her pussy.” You admit, feeling more shame in that moment than you ever had before.
“Good job, babe.” She praises you. “You finally got the words out. Should I give you a reward?”
“Yes, please,” you practically beg.
“Well since you asked so nicely,” Bada looks at you through hooded eyes, smirking. She pulls away the material of your panties and inserts her finger, your hot, wet walls sucking her in compliantly.
"Bada!" You all but scream, your legs jerking in pleasure.
"You're so wet," Your finacée whispers, hearing the sheer amount of slickness your body produces. "Is this all for me?"
"All for you, Bada." You immediately reply, tears beginning to build in your eyes.
"Good." Pumping her finger agonizingly slow, Bada flips the fabric of your dress up so she can watch your pussy open and close, beating against her finger in a fast rhythm.
"Bada–" You whine, closing your eyes and trying to move against her long, firm finger. "Touch me more, please."
"Yeah? You want more?" Bada says, continuing her slow pace.
"Yes." You cry.
"But do you think you deserve it?" She asks, glancing between your wrecked pussy to your face, which is beautifully expressive.
“I don’t kn–” you hesitate, “yes, I do.”
“I don’t know.” Bada cocks her head to the side, staring at you deeply. “You spoke to me very rudely just moments before.” She makes a thoughtful expression before looking down at you again. “I think you should apologize.”
“I’m sorry–” you begin, but she cuts you off immediately.
“You should apologize for wearing this dress to the ball.” Bada insists. “For looking so fucking sexy and letting everyone eye fuck you while I had to stand there and watch.”
“I’m s–”
“Apologize for making me think you and Hyo were fooling around behind my back.”
At this point you’re so far gone and dizzy, you don’t even fully register what she’s saying, only that you’re desperate for her to touch you more.
“I’m sorry for everything, Bada.” You say through heaving breaths.
Your fiancée gives you a satisfied smile. “I accept your apology, baby.”
Wasting no more time, Bada dives in with an almost inhumane speed, placing her mouth against you, and letting her tongue part your pussy lips as she drives it straight into you. She's rewarded with another loud, pornographic moan as she begins to slurp your juices up, volatile sounds coming from her mouth, and your slick pussy.
Bada’s nose presses against your clit in a dreadfully delicious way, stimulating it and making your legs shake around her head.
“Bada!” You chant her name like a prayer, feeling insane amounts of pleasure you never thought you’d experience in your lifetime.
She mumbles something back, the words lost against the skin of your pussy as she moves her tongue in and out of you faster, adjusting her grip around your thighs so she presses even more of your weight onto her.
Bada pulls away with a heaving breath, her chest rising and falling at a concerning speed. But she doesn't stop, she never does, and before you know it she's diving back in, licking and sucking on your pearly-shaped clit, giving you dizzying pleasure.
She flicks her tongue a few more times, dragging her lips and pressing them firmly down until she's driving her tongue back into your pussy, and moving her tongue around your walls, sucking up all the wetness you produce.
And there's tons of it—some of it is dripping down Bada’s chin in a nasty combination with her spit, the murky substance stickily beading down until it drops onto her clavicle.
"Oh fuck," you moan, your head being thrown back with your mounting pleasure. Although it felt like she’d just started, you already feel an orgasm building in the depths of your stomach. "I think I'm gonna cum!"
Briefly popping off your pussy, Bada's raspy voice speaks up. "Do it. Drench me baby, fucking cream all over my face."
Your world goes white for a long moment, your fiancée’s chants egging you on, telling you to just let the pleasure consume you. So you let it happen, you let your pussy throb and release its slick all over Bada’s face.
Quiteness follows your orgasm, but the buzzing in your ears doesn't leave you alone, nor does your bride-to-be.
“Oh baby,” Bada’s head backs away from your body, the lower half of her face absolutely drenched in your cum. She licks her lips, savoring every droplet of your essence, “you taste like a fucking dream.”
“Bada.” You whine, her words making your pussy go hot again. “Don’t say things like that.”
“What? You don’t want me to tell you how pretty your pussy is?” She leans over your face again, wiping your cum off her face with her fingers and licking it after. “Don’t want me to tell you that I could die a happy woman between your legs?”
You wrap your legs around Bada’s waist, pulling her in closer so you can give her a kiss. She lets you, thankfully, and on her tongue you can taste yourself, which makes you moan.
When she pulls away she’s wearing a much more tender look, like your kiss had brought her back from a trance. “I’m not done with you yet.” She whispers, bringing her hands down to grope your tits through the fabric of your dress.
Although it’s late and you’re already tired, you still nod at her, slipping into a submissive state yet again.
Bada smiles at you before completely getting off of the bed, making you stare up at the ceiling in confusion. You prop yourself up on your elbows to see what she’s doing, and what you see is nothing short of heavenly.
Bada’s stripped herself of her tie, her customized suit jacket, and is now only in a white dress shirt–but not for long. She chucks off the wrinkled shirt, revealing the black sports bra she was wearing under, and… a pair of muscled arms and abs?
You shouldn’t be surprised, really. Naturally, as the leader of a mafia group, she’s required to stay relatively lean and strong, yet every divot and curve of her muscles makes you want to jump her bones even more.
Bada doesn’t even realize you’re staring, she’s much too busy taking off her pants, now only in her sports bra and her boxers, with something else in her hand. She looks up then, finding you practically gaping at her, making her smirk.
“Already have you star-struck and I haven’t even started yet.” She chuckles, taking the thing in her hand and placing it closer to the ground so she can step through it.
It’s then your eyes focus in on it, realizing that–oh.
A long, girthy black strap sits across Bada’s pelvis. Your eyes widen, your heart racing a the monstrous length and girth of her strap, as well as the texture and ridges on it. You weren't just going to be fucked, you were going to be absolutely destroyed.
“When did you–” your voice dies out, completely lost for words.
“I made a stop to my bedroom before coming here,” Bada answers easily. “Call it wishful thinking, but I felt I’d need it.” She grabs a bottle of lube from the pocket of her dress pants, about to apply some to her cock when she sees movement out of her peripheral and stops.
Absolutely mesmerized, you crawl over to Bada, the material of your dress slightly pulled up so she can trace the curve of your plump ass.
Reaching out an excited hand, you grasp the base of her cock, and open your lips wide before placing them on the mushroom head of her strap.
Immediately Bada drops the lube, her head dropping down in awe to watch you lick and suck on her cock, her jaw falling open. "Fuck." She grabs your head softly, helping you move up and down, her eyes rolling shut. For a second Bada feels like the strap attached to her really is her cock, and that she can feel your plump lips move against it, bringing her unbridled pleasure.
Your slobber drips all the way down her strap and wets her grey boxers, the material turning a damp shade darker. Bada pulls you down her cock gently, trying to avoid gagging you too harshly, but she can't deny the jolt in her cunt when she hears you struggle to take the inches, a slight choking sound murmuring against the black plastic.
"You like that, don’t you?" Bada finally gathers her bearings enough to speak again.
Your eyes glisten with tears as you nod, moving off of her cock to gasp out a breath. "Please, can't wait any longer."
"Okay, baby." Bada nods, giving into your wants easily and moving on top of you again. "I’m going to make you feel so good, honey." Taking her slick cock, she gently guides it to your pussy. "Open wide."
You immediately comply and spread your legs as wide as you can, watching with parted and panting breaths how your fiancée finally nudges the head of her cock into your pussy.
Slick and wide, her cock splits your pussy open only with its mushroom head inserted, making you let out a debauched and loud moan, the sound reverberating against the walls and filling every pore in the room.
"Shit." Bada curses, feeling herself come to a stop with how hard you're clenching down on her strap. "You've gotta relax, pretty. You're very tight."
Huffing, you attempt to relax your muscles, and slowly but surely, she’s able to nudge in another inch or two before you start clenching down hard again. Her thumb comes up to your clit and rubs it gently, making your eyes close and another moan slip from your lips.
"C'mon babe, take a nice deep breath in and relax." Bada guides you, rubbing your clit with slightly more force, and at a faster speed.
"Okay." You choke out, taking in a long and shaky breath.
She feels you loosen a bit, and again she takes the chance to slide her cock further inside you, and she's finally able to slip it all in. She breathes out a long, drawn-out curse when all she's able to see of the black plastic is the small sliver of the base.
"There you go." Bada pulls her hand up to your thighs, squishing their flesh in her grip and rubbing soothing circles into them.
Your pussy clenches at your finacée’s raspy praise, a strangled whine leaving your lips. "Bada—"
"Shhh," Bada moves forward, even able to push slightly more of the strap into you as she reaches over to give you a sweet kiss, shushing your loud cries. "I've got you. Promised I was gonna make you feel good, remember?"
"Mhmm." You hum, your eyes sparkling.
"I'm not going to let my wife down." Bada keeps to her promise and begins moving, her strap slowly pulling out of your wet pussy, then firmly coming back in and making your back arch.
"Holy shit." You awe, your mouth falling open. She hadn't even started yet. Bada then begins to pick up her pace slowly, pulling and pushing through your pussy's walls, the base of her strap slapping against your lower lips and making loud sounds fill the room.
"Damn it," Bada curses, her eyes drinking in the sight of you. Plump lips parted open, eyebrows furrowed in pleasure, your dress falling so that your tits are spilling out and bouncing in kind with her harsh thrusts.
Leaning forward, Bada takes a nipple into her mouth, her unoccupied hand grabbing and caressing the other, her eyes falling closed at the feeling of your tit in her mouth. Fuck, if she knew she could have had you like this long ago, she wouldn’t have waited so long.
But in a weird way, the wait made it even more satisfying, made the sounds of your pornographic moans even more sweet to Bada’s ears. 
"Bada!" There's not a single thought in your mind anymore, the space being occupied by the woman who is thrusting into your pussy at a dizzying speed, and covering your tits in her spit. The woman who swore she would never fall in love with you. The woman who’d risked her life to save you from kidnappers. Your fiancée.
Bada's mouth leaves your nipple with an obscene pop, the flesh around it slightly bruised a darker color from her sucking. "Does that feel good baby?"
"It feels so good." You almost scream, your eyes now opening to see Bada’s frantic thrusts, and how sweat is starting to form on the arches of her brows. "You're so good."
Bada closes her eyes, your words going straight to her cunt. "It's about to get a whole lot better." She leans forward again, this time grabbing your legs and folding them up, then pushing them as far as they can into your chest, giving her uninhibited access to your pussy.
You're seeing stars, you're sure of it. Bada's cock is lodged so deep in you, you swear you feel her in your stomach, your eyes widening to the size of saucers. She pounds into you at an incomparable speed, wet, sloshy sounds squirting from your pussy, making a beautiful melody with your moans, and Bada’s low groans.
A ring of cream begins to form around the base of her strap, the milky white substance catching her attention and making her teeth grit painfully against each other. "Are you close?"
"Yes, yes! Don't—don't stop!" You cry out,  your bedroom ceiling moving in your vision with every thrust of her strap.
Bada's breath catches, feeling the stimulation of her strap rubbing and pushing against her cunt build up into an orgasm. "Fuck, me too." She dips down to give you a purely tongue kiss before pulling away, panting. "Cum. Fucking cum, honey. Cum all over me."
And you do. Your mind goes blank and you let out your loudest, most obscene moan and cum on Bada's cock.
She follows close behind, letting out a low and drawn-out groan, cumming in her boxers.
Your body becomes liquid against your sheets, the only sound in the now quiet room being your staggered breath, and your fiancée’s panting.
Kissing your ankle, Bada gently unfolds your legs, making sure to be careful as she lays them back against her bedsheets and slowly pulls some of her strap out of you. You wince a bit and let out a choked whine, which she quickly silences with a sweet kiss and mumbled praises.
"It's alright, honey. You're good, you're with me." Eventually, Bada's able to fully usher her cock out of your still-tight walls and take off her harness, throwing her strap into some random, unimportant corner of the room. "Great job. You were so good, my love."
"Bada." You croak without thought.
"Yeah, honey?" Bada coos, caressing your cheek with her rough thumb.
"I'm tired."
“I know, sweet girl.” She mumbles, placing her forehead against your own. “Catch your breath, okay? I’ll clean you up. You don’t have to do anything.” Staying there for only a few more seconds, Bada sits up and walks to your bathroom, grabbing a towel and running it under some water before returning to you. She gently parts your legs, shushing any hisses of pain that leave your lips as she cleans you up, and helps you out of your tight dress.
Once you’re rid of your clothing, she moves to sit next to you.
“How are you feeling now?” She asks, staring down at you with nothing but love in her eyes.
“Sore.” You admit.
“Already?” Bada looks down at your legs, frowning. “Here,” She places her large hand on your thigh, slowly kneading your flesh in soothing circles, making you let out small, blissful sighs. “Does this help?”
“Yes.” You nod, smiling at her before closing your eyes. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, honey.” A comfortable silence settles into the air between you two before your finacée breaks it. “About before,” she suddenly begins, her voice low and remorseful. “I’m sorry for what I did.”
You stare at her quietly, then speak up. “Why did you do it?”
Bada looks down at your body and sighs. “I wanted you to understand how I felt.”
“What do you mean?”
She shifts her gaze to your eyes. “I’ve been jealous of you and Hyo for days now.”
“Hyo?” You say incredulously. “Wait, is this about her taking me home? Because she only did that to stop me from seeing you and that woman kiss.”
“It’s not just because of that.” Bada shakes her head. “You two have gotten very close recently, and I didn’t know how to feel about it.” She closes her eyes, reaching deep within her to find the right words. “I guess I felt envious because she can spend all her day with you, while I’m constrained to my limited free time to see you.”
Slowly, the wheels in your cogs start to turn, and suddenly everything makes sense. “Bada, Hyo is like an older sister to me.” You tell her. “I don’t see her in that way.”
Your fiancée opens her eyes, staring at you with a mildly surprised look. “Really?”
“Yes, really.” You nod.
“Oh, I see.” Bada moves her hands to your other thigh, starting to massage it. “I don’t see Raong in any romantic light either, by the way. I’ve been trying to get her off my back for years.”
“Well, clearly she doesn’t understand.” You huff.
The action is so cute, Bada can’t help but laugh. “Believe me, she understands now.” When you give her a confused look, she elaborates. “When she tried to kiss me, I told her I had a fiancée.”
Bada’s words make you smile shyly, butterflies dancing in your tummy.
“And…” She trails off, a soft smile also finding her lips. “I told her that I’m in love with my fiancée, and I would never so much as think about devoting myself to anyone other than her.”
The l word that falls from Bada’s lips makes your eyes grow impossibly wide, and your lips part in astonishment. She watches it all, never shifting her expression away from being loving.
“Bada…” you trail off, tears in your eyes. “I love you too.”
Gazing into the other’s eyes, you meet halfway in a sweet kiss, one that seals your love, and commitment to each other. 
“You are my everything,” Bada mumbles against your lips. “I will always succumb to you.”
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@aericrys, @somerandomtinyperson, @bluebada, @dallaji, @luvjanexx, @hyejuwu, @diana-rose-25, @jjlovesbada, @cephox, @prilux, @youknow1234, @fae-the-wanderer, @mightymyo, @aein-tings
(if your name is crossed out i wasn't able to to tag you)
want to join the taglist? send me a message or comment saying you'd like to be on it, and i'll add you!
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kikikigrah · 1 month
unlikely duo
lando norris x singer!yn
summary: following y/n, an international superstar, invited by mclaren to attend the monaco gp. after that, it’s all go from there with a certain no.4 driver.
faceclaim: jazmyn makenna!
yourusername posted
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liked by mclaren, landonorris, and 1,392,902 others.
yourusername omggg! thank you so much for having me @ mclaren this has been a life long dream. the little girl in me is sooo happy, and i had THEEEEE most fun! mclaren girl until i die. 🥹
mclaren Guys shut up, y/n y/l/n is officially a part of the papaya fam! 🧡
liked by yourusername
—> user2 wdym girl y/n has been saying she was a fan of f1 since before you could talk 😭
user3 do we think she’s a lando girlie or an oscar girlie?
—> landonorris Obviously Lando.
—> user5 Lando being messy as usual. 😭
f1 Was y/n here for us or were we here for her?
user6 she’s really doing every side quest to avoid dropping a new album.
user8 lando’s comment… let him cook.
—> user9 So true give y/n a good man for once.
—> user10 y’all are MADDD weird, they literally just met y/n went to ONE race.
—> user11 @ user10 they’ve been following each other wayyy before she went to this race.
—> user12 I’m here for it.
f1wagupdates posted
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f1wagupdates International music sensation y/n y/l/n was spotted in a club in Monaco with Lando Norris. The two were reportedly seen both arriving and leaving together.
—> user 13 Can you be right about a P1 for Lando next?
user14 how is she casually in a club in monaco without being swarmed with people this can’t be her 😭
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landonorris uploaded a photo to their story
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yourusername posted
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Liked by landonorris and 1,003,893 others
yourusername monacoooo baby, best week of my life!!!! will be back asap <3
—> user16 y/nDO IS REALLL!!!
—> user18 @ user17 just a normal day in monaco 😭😭😭😭
madisonbeer come back to LA girl i miss u 🥹
—> yourusername ily bby see u soon!
—> user19 y/nson stronger than y/ndo could EVER BE!
liked by yourusername
liked by madisonbeer
landonorris I’ll show you around next time?
—> yourusername if you’re driving!
—> user22 why are we being gaslighted rn.
user23 drop the album queen!
y/n_updates posted
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liked by carlossainz55, and 973,893 others.
y/n_updates Y/n spotted last night in her current home city of LA getting cosy with Formula One driver Lando Norris who just drove in the Canadian Grand Prix. The two have been interacting on social media, and have been rumoured to be dating since they first met.
Y/n has not been involved with anyone romantically since her whirlwind romance with the rising star Jacob Elordi last year. Elordi is believed to be the mystery man she was referring to in her hit song ‘ballad of broken promises’.
Read more about the singer and her supposed new flame through the link in our bio.
user25 omg his outfit… girlfriend effect at its finest. 🙏
—> user26 still had to keep the cap though 💀
user27 jacob elordi to lando norris… they couldn’t be more different from each other 😭
—> user28 that’s what i was thinking, the height is the first thing!
—> user29 mother has amazing taste 😩
—> user30 @ user29 ik u didn’t just say that having listened to ballad of broken promises 💀💀
user34 omg my girl has a man 🥹 i am so so happy for her if they are official
user35 Am i the only one who has never heard of Lando 😭
—> user36 UMM YES 💀
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yourusername posted
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liked by madisonbeer, landonorris, and 2,389,683 others.
yourusername i am super excited to announce that my new single ‘high-heeled sweetheart’, ft my bestest friend @ madisonbeer , will be coming out next friday! i had so much fun making this track, and i’m sooo super proud of it. thank u to all the beautiful ppl out there who keep making this dream of mine possible. i just want to hug each and every one of you. <33
and a special thank you to @ landonorris for taking the beautiful photo i now get to use as the cover. you’re incredible! :)
—> user39 i fucking love the cover but it’s so risqué, they are 100% dating.
—> user40 THE :) FACE OH I AM SICK!
madisonbeer my ANGEL!! I loved finally working with you
—> yourusername thank you for being here with me every step of the way madi
mclaren We will be streaming as soon as it comes out. 🧡
liked by yourusername
user41 the way she still hasn’t adressed the dating rumours, queen shit.
—> user42 she don’t need to, the pics are confirmation enough. 😭
landonorris y/n called me incredible, #winning.
—> yourusername lando norris noticed ME #winning.
iamrebeccad Will be listening on Friday! So happy for you ✨
—> yourusername i absolutely adore you 🥹
—> user46 oh theyre locked in.
122 notes · View notes
makeste · 1 year
hey guys, so I’ve finished reading BnHA 342 which was a delight to read, but my reaction post is very, very long and will take some time to edit, so in the meantime I’ve decided to make a separate post just to talk about this one character interaction which I am absolutely obsessed with!
let’s see how long of an analysis I can make about this ONE, SINGLE JOKING REMARK THAT KACCHAN MADE COMPLETELY OFFHANDEDLY.
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1. so first off, let’s just cut straight to the heart of the matter: this. is. friendship. no more denial. no more HAH, NO WAY, OF COURSE WE AREN’T FRIENDS NOW WALK BEHIND ME!!! the Kacchan who was too embarrassed and too chuuni to admit that he was friends with Shouto died at Jakku. and the Kacchan who’s been running the show ever since then is someone who openly worries about Shouto (asking about him immediately after waking up in the hospital), unabashedly provides him with emotional support (hand on the shoulder when class 1-A confronted Endeavor), and hangs out with him in his room because he doesn’t want Shouto to be going through all this shit alone.
2. speaking as someone whose own #1 love language is using humor to try and relax people and make them feel comfortable and safe and welcomed and at ease, the fact that Katsuki used a joke as his chosen method of support here brought me SO MUCH JOY I can barely even begin to express it. and it’s not even the first time he’s done this! never forget that one time after Kamino where class 1-A was all bummed after Aizawa told them off for coming to save him, and so he grabbed Kaminari and dragged him into the bushes and made him activate his derp mode in order to ease the tension! and also to distract them so he could quietly pay Kirishima back for the night vision goggles, because that is his OTHER love language (cold hard cash!! nah lol I’m referring to the act of physically, tangibly paying him back; showing his gratitude not just with words but with actions), but yeah. 
my point is, for someone who always seems to be so angry and serious, Kacchan has a sharp sense of humor that he apparently just keeps tucked away under wraps, and dusts off only for rare special occasions like these, and I absolutely LOVE it and I need it to happen WAY MORE OFTEN. there is a very real possibility of me making a compilation post of every single time Kacchan has made a joke and/or actually laughed about something, just because I’m that desperate to know more about this expertly dry wit of his now.
3. getting back to his friendship with Shouto, this next talking point is the one that’s already been done to death (because you know I went and looked up all those 342 tumblr reactions and metas after I read this chapter because I needed to soak up that analysis asap), but nonetheless this post would not be complete without it! so this is very obviously a commentary on the fact that Shouto’s favorite food is cold soba! a fact which is known to every single citizen of the world! in fact this joke even takes that last part into account, since it relies on that fact being common knowledge in order to stick the landing! in a way it’s partially a friendly little dig at Shouto for making his favorite food such an important part of his personality! like, “hmm, so what would be the worst case scenario for Touya. well obviously it would be him liking something other than soba, since we all know that’s a deal-breaker.” basically this joke derives a good 60% of its humor from the fact that Shouto just loves soba THAT damn much. and Kacchan is obviously WELL aware of this fact because, as we all know, he and Shouto are actually best friends.
4. quick side note, this is also a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it callback to chapter 164, which featured this hilarious interchange between Shouto and his OTHER best friend.
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thus adding the additional meta layer that Shouto actually does canonically consider people who like udon to be FUNDAMENTALLY INCOMPATIBLE WITH HIM AS PEOPLE lmao. and Katsuki knows this because he was listening in on that whole conversation and bitching about the two of them being total weirdos! but ALSO he was apparently filing notes away in the back of his big hero brain because he loves Todo actually, so yeah. love it when a scene in a newer chapter retroactively makes a scene from an old chapter even better.
5. lest you worry that Kacchan is back to his OLD VILLAINOUS BULLYING WAYS by poking fun at poor sweet innocent Shouto here, let’s now talk about the ways in which this joke is also a sick burn on Touya! because that of course is the other 40% of the joke! if Shouto’s favorite food is soba, then OBVIOUSLY Touya’s favorite food is going to be the complete opposite of that, because Touya is the worst! just the absolute worst. man fuck that guy!
so there are a couple of additional layers to this part. the first is that Katsuki is very much aware of the delicate balance that needs to be struck here. because he genuinely, unironically DOES know Shouto pretty damn well by now, and so he understands how conflicted Shouto is about his brother. and because he’s a good friend, he’s supportive of Shouto’s desire to somehow redeem Touya if at all possible. and so instead of going all in on how Touya is a founding member of the final villains club WHO BRAGGED ABOUT KILLING THIRTY PEOPLE and who also KIDNAPPED HIM THAT ONE TIME, the worst thing that Kacchan accuses him of here is... having a different favorite food than Shouto. this is basically the gentlest, mildest “fuck that guy” that anyone could have possibly given here.
and then the second bonus layer is that Katsuki is very clearly taking Shouto’s side here. that’s the only possible way for this joke to land. the humor works because Katsuki takes the mundane accusation of liking hot udon, and twists it into a sick fucking burn, because ONLY AN UNHINGED LUNATIC WOULD DARE TO LIKE SUCH A COMPLETELY OPPOSITE FOOD FROM COLD SOBA, THE BELOVED FAVORITE FOOD OF TODOROKI SHOUTO. in other words, if you don’t like Todoroki Shouto’s favorite food, then FUCK YOU! Team Soba all the way! so yeah, it has that connotation too, which is actually very sweet.
6. last but not least, I just want to take a moment to gush about how this was all just perfectly executed and timed. Shouto sets him up for it, and Kacchan pounces on the opportunity without hesitation and delivers the perfect response, which immediately relieves some of the quiet tension in the room, and honest to god actually makes Shouto laugh.
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sort of! that was a chuckle at least! it counts!! anyways the point is, Katsuki read the room perfectly and understood that Shouto was trying to lighten the mood and didn’t want to have a heavy conversation about all of his feelings right now (which is something that Katsuki understands very well), so he followed Shouto’s lead and met him at that level, while still managing to communicate (1) “I know how conflicted you are about all of this”, (2) “I’ve got your back”, and most importantly, (3) “we are friends, and I care about you and support you in all things, you big soba loving freak.” it’s affectionate, it’s heartwarming, and it’s genuinely funny as hell.
anyway so yeah, that’s my RIDICULOUSLY, UNJUSTIFIABLY LONG post about what has instantly become one of my all time favorite little throwaway BnHA moments, right up there with the legendary “hey Kacchan!” scene. Kacchan being friends with people. Shouto getting some much-deserved love. Iida and Kirishima being there too, and presumably smiling and taking notes and maybe one day they can tell their children about this. that’s what it’s all about folks.
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mischivana · 5 months
Hi, I know that you are new but can you do prompt #2 when Jason Grace say this to the reader to confessed his love. SORRY ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE
I Think I Might Be Falling in Love With You
Jason Grace x Fem!Reader
Authors Note: hiiiii sorry this took so long!!! holidays have been hectic and I haven't had anytime at all to do anything. Semester finals are also next week so any other request will also be delayed until then so please be patient, I'll try to get things written asap!!
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Jason Grace was a confusing person. Despite the fact that I'd known him for years in the legion, sometimes it felt like he was a total stranger. When he came back after his disappearance it was like I was looking at a new person even though he was the exact same before he left.
Currently, I was hunched over a table in the New Rome University library with him sat across from me. We were studying for midterms and he was helping me understand one of my worst subjects: Ancient Greek History.
Yes, we had won a war with them and yes some of our best friends were Greek but that didn't mean I knew their history as well as they did.
"Don't- don't laugh at me!" I said playfully as I watched him chuckle at me. I'd gotten an answer wrong and he laughed at me playfully. "It's not funny Jace! I'm gonna fail my midterm!" I said with another laugh.
"I'm not laughing- I'm not!" He said defensively, throwing up his hands playfully. "It's just-" He started again, tilting his head and looking at me "we've gone over Epictetus so many times now" he said, exaggerating his tiredness.
"can we stop....please?" I said with playfully pleading eyes. we've already been here for three hours and I was exhausted. We had a mini-starring contest before he let out a sigh. "Fine...it's getting pretty late anyway so-" he said, I looked out the windows and it was already dark.
"wanna stop to get food before heading back?" he said as he watched me put my stuff away. He threw his own bag over his right shoulder and got up. "Sure...there's that new Chinese place down the street from yours and Percy's apartment?" I suggested zipping up my own bag.
"Nah, I'm not in the mood for Chinese . Plus, it's Percy and Annabeth's weekly movie night so I can't go back for another 2 hours at least" He said as he checked the time on his phone. I was about to put my bag on my shoulder when he reached to grab it instead.
"Here, let me" he said grabbing my bag by its top handle in his left hand. "No- Jason you don't have to I can carry my own bag" I said as we started to walk slowly. "No, I don't mind. It's not like I can't handle it" he said as we continued to walk towards the front of the library.
He wasn't wrong about what he said. He was New Romes most trained soldier and was built like Michelangelo sculpted him out of marble. We started to walk on the side-walk towards me and Annabeth's apartment.
"what about that pizza shop next to your apartment building?" He said as we walked down the stairs. "We go there all the time Jason" I said playfully. "Yeah that's because they make really freaking good pizza" he replied without missing a beat.
"fine." I said dramatically with a laugh. We continued to walk to the pizza place on the corner next to the apartment building, talking miscellaneously until we reached the place. We ordered and sat down at a small two seater next to the widow and waited.
"I still don't understand, why was Nico upset when Will forced him into the infirmary?" he asked me confused. "Because Nico still doesn't understand that sleep is a basic human need" I said with a giggle. "right..." he said, confusion still in his voice. I just laughed again.
He looked at me with a certain look. One that I don't think he knew he was making. I couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was. Jason's emotions were hard to decode. He was a very hard person to read. He also had a hard time expressing his emotions. Like I said, he's a confusing person.
"I think I might falling in love with you"
I froze when he said that. it was so sudden. I wasn't expecting it. It threw me for a loop. I looked at him keeping my smile but with a slightly more confused look. "...what...?" I said gently.
He looked at me with a simple but puzzled look, almost of longing. "I...I'm not very...good at...this" he said quietly looking at me with the same expression. "I...I don't know if Im doing this right or if this is even what I'm feeling but...yeah... I think I might be falling in love with you" he said with an expression of longing.
"it's just that, whenever I'm with you...I feel complete" he started speaking again. "your smile always makes me happy and your laugh somehow makes me the happiest I've ever been" he continued. I smiled at him wider.
I looked in his eyes with the same expression. "I think...I think I might feel the same way" I said gently as I laid my hand over his on the table. He smiled at me and I smiled at him. We sat in a comfortable silence, just enjoying each others presence until the pizza came. We started to eat and continued to talk miscellaneously, smiling abut what juts happened.
By the time we got back to the apartment Percy had texted Jason letting him know that Annabeth had fallen asleep and would be staying over. We stopped in front of the apartment door and smiled at each other.
"well uhm...I'll meet you at the library to study tomorrow? Same time?" I said cheerfully, looking up at him. "uh..yeah!... yeah that sounds- that sounds good" He said with the same tone, his cheeky smile warming my heart as always.
We stood in silence for a moment longer before I carefully approached him. I stood on my tiptoes and gently kissed his cheek. I pulled away and smiled while grabbing my bag from him and unlocking my door "goodnight, Jason..." I paused as I opened the door.
I looked at him again, he had blush across his face and a small grin. "Y'know...we could have our own movie night? Cause Annie is sleeping over at your place with Percy..." I said quietly, looking at him with a small smile, a gentle blush across my face.
He looked at me with the same loving expression. "yeah...yeah I'd like that" he said gently. He walked up to me in the doorway and we looked at each other lovingly. we both knew what we were thinking but we didn't have to say it.
he gently leaned down and kissed me, I kissed back and held his hands at his sides. Yeah...I think we might have fallen in love with each other.
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Hiiiiii, again Im so sorry this took SO long to get out. I hope you like it!
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alreadyblondenow · 2 years
Can we fix it?
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Johnny x Female reader
Genre: Breakup, Fluff, smut, slight angst
WARNINGS: Unprotected sex which is not advisable in real life situation, mentions of alcohol, drunk Johnny, cursing. Sorry if ever I left anything out.
TMI: This is for the readers who still comes back here and reading my old stories. Honestly I want to write and make time for it again and just like this fic, I want to fix my time hahaha forgive me though. But thank you for your support until now! How are you guys loving ‘2 Baddies’? I bought 6 albums this era, for sure I’ll buy more but I’m saving up to see NCT Dream and WayV next month. So, I think I’ll support 127 more during repack! I hope everyone is loving the album and has been streaming. Let’s give 127 wins huhu also im just uploading this thru phone so it might be jambled :(( sorry
“We need you here asap— he keeps smashing things” Jaehyun spoke through the phone as you hear Johnny at the background trying to get the phone from Jaehyun, shouting your name.
It’s been only weeks since you and Johnny broke up. He didn’t take it too well obviously, and you can’t believe you’re on your way to his place to take care of him. As soon as you arrived at his place, you went to the kitchen to heat something up for Johnny. And soon as you showed yourself to his friends, they were all relieved but Johnny was feeling… guilty, disgusted by himself and honestly all he wanted to do is hug you so tight.
You were purposely not answering every message he sent, not answering his calls, everything. You tried your best to avoid him. So now… you’re like a ghost. It almost felt like the first time he saw you. Your first date. A beautiful night. But now… the night was still beautiful because he finally saw you after the breakup but, he’s so broken right now.
“You can all go— sorry,” Johnny said, trying to get up from his couch while being mindful of the shattered wine glass on the floor. Successfully, you caught Johnny struggling to walk straight heading his room after you see Jaehyun and the other on their way out. You were quick to grab Johnny’s waist and helped him towards his bed.
He’s quiet now.
But he’s looking at your every move.
“We were fine. Why did you leave me like that” he started. Still in his drunken state. He leaned forward and rest his forehead on yours, all you can do is soothe his back and close your eyes.
“Wasn’t I your perfect man? How can you ruin us like that— we were fine” he cried out again. This time theres tears in his eyes and he was whimpering, blaming himself and trying to keep you closer to him even more.
You on the other hand, continue to gently try your best to sober him up. You used to have moments like this back in the past, moments that involves sweet talking, planning what to have for breakfast the next day, or how many rounds can you guys do for tonight’s love making. But now it’s just crying and wishing that you could go back in time.
“I wasn’t okay all the time Johnny, you have to understand that I can’t pull you down with me”
“What are you talking about—“
“You’re too good for me Johnny.
“What does that even mean? You’re the one who’s too good for me”
“No Johnny. Shut up you don’t know—“ you were getting really frustrated.
“No. You shut up. You didn’t even let me have a say in this. You just left me while I was still fighting and longing for us. I get it you’re not perfect, but I don’t need perfect too. I’m not perfect too, but when did I ever pushed you away? When did I ever stopped being a better version of myself?— I thought you love me”
He continued crying and whimpering.
You continued to listen and miss him even though you’re holding him. And you agree, everything he said is true and to be honest you’re already regretting that you left and made your lives miserable. It has been… nothing but dark skies ever since you left him.
Maybe all you need is talk. Talk it out. You never gave him a chance to convince you to stay.
“Fuck it— life continues without you. Fucking leave, that’s where you’re good at”
He pushed you away lightly, careful not to hurt you physically but the heartbreak that you’re feeling right now hurts even more.
As you close the door gently and proceed to cleaning up the mess he did, you remember how beautiful your relationship was with Johnny and you managed to ruin it and burn all the bridges down in a matter of weeks. You went inside again his room to take care of him, putting a clean shirt and managing to clean him up. It’s the least you could do.
What you didn’t expect was soft kisses on your neck from Johnny while you change his clothes. You missed the feeling of his lips. But what will happen to whats left in your relationship if you give in? You certainly didn’t want to be fuck buddies with him if that’s where he’s going. What you have… or what you had, was way more special just to go down this road.
“I need you to stop” you said calmly when you already felt Johnny’s big hand inside your shirt, cupping your boobs. He was humiliated once again, removed his hand before he left a soft kiss on your temple. He’s sorry and he’s already forgiven. Always.
And when the morning comes, regret was the first things that came into Johnny’s head. He was aware of what happened last night. What he said and what he did. But he didn’t expect to see you sleeping uncomfortably on his couch, freezing.
Of course you felt his presence in an instant. You’ve been craving for it. “Sorry I passed out, I was waiting for the sun to come out” You said with a warm smile, hoping that things between you two cooled down from last night.
“Well the sun is out. You can go now” he said coldly. He didn’t know why. He just felt the urge to be cold towards you this morning.
“O-okay. Thank you” you rambled and clumsily gathered your stuff. Heart broken as you help yourself out of his house. You never thought that Johnny would push you away like that… it must’ve hurt him too when you did the same thing to him.
Days went by and you two continue to miss each other.
You wanted to get back together, but you were scared that he will push you away again. And you can’t handle it anymore. Johnny on the other hand, was giving moving on a shot… because he thought this is really what you wanted.
But then again, the alcohol was just like magnet for the both of you. You received yet another emergency call from Jaehyun, telling you to go to this bar because Johnny needs you and has been asking for you non-stop.
“Can I pass this one out?” You asked Jaehyun through the phone.
“I believe no, the manager of the bar is already mad. Please Y/n, just this one time we’ll never bother you again”
Of course you went to the given address and looked for Johnny. There you saw him sleeping soundly outside the said bar and your heart was breaking as you watch him mumble that he’s tired and lost.
“Hi… Johnny, it’s me. I need you to take my arm—“ you said when you finally approached him.
“You’re not supposed to be here. Who called you? Jaehyun? Fuck him. He should know that I’m not your responsibility anymore, leave Y/n” he gently pushed you away. Again. And that’s it. You knew you couldn’t handle experiencing this again.
Of course you stepped back. But you watched him from behind, followed him every step of the way until he reaches his house. He forgot where he put his keys and if he’s totally being honest right now, he’s about to throw up from too much walking. When you decided to take it from there and offered to open his door, he didn’t stopped you because all he wanted to do is run towards his sink. But life had other plans for him because by the time you finally opened the door, he tried running inside but ended up tripping and you were quick to catch him. Making him throw up on your clothes.
You then realized how fucked up he is right now. Johnny is not usually like this. He’s never a handful and he never forgets to handle his own problems.
“This is all because of you” is all he can say.
And that completely broke your heart.
When things cooled down and you finally got the chance to clean yourself up. You were crying while you think over and over again what Johnny said. You told yourself. This it. This is exactly why you broke up with him. One last cry and you will be totally out of his life.
Of course Johnny felt bad while watching you clean yourself while crying. He was having second thoughts about saying he’s sorry but what he said is the ugly truth. Either way he did not hesitate to hand you clean clothes and tried comforting you the best way he could. “I should be the one crying— stay for the night, the bed is yours”
But you couldn’t stand it anymore. You did not look at him while you try and make yourself decent again. You even ignored the clothes he gave you. “I’ll be fine. Good night Johnny” you said weakly and head towards the door.
Frustration hit Johnny again. And this time when you were just about to leave, you wish that he will stop you. Please stop me. You secretly wish, tears running down your cheeks.
And in an instant you felt him hug you from behind. Immediately hugging you oh so tight that you couldn’t breathe but you love the feeling of it. “You can leave tomorrow. Just stay for the night” Johnny said. He knew that by the time he watch you leave again, he will regret not stopping you just like the night you broke up with him.
Given that you cant get away from his tight embrace, you assured him that you wont leave and sleep here at his place. He slowly gave you some space and head towards the bathroom again and handed you the clothes for the second time before he says ‘good night’
Heading towards his room with your heart beating so fast, you changed your clothes, with only his shirt on and your panties. You sat on his bed for hours and hours, thinking about the future. If this is the last night you’re going to be together like this. Apart and broken. Or you can go outside and fix it. Either way, you’re not sleeping.
But just as you were about to stand up from your comfort… Johnny opened the door and walked towards you, sitting in front of you and reached for your hand immediately. You didn’t stopped him.
“I don’t want to fight. I don’t want to talk for hours and hours. I love you and I want you to stay. Not just for tonight though,” he was close to tearing up but he was stopping himself, “H-hug me if you feel the same” he said weakly, his grip tightened wishing you would pull him in for that hug.
And so you did. And you didn’t just hugged him. You immediately kissed him lovingly and said your sorry for ruining your relationship. He shut you up with a heated kiss, feeling his soft touch all over you. Hearing the words, “let’s never hurt each other again” and “I don’t want to hear the word ‘sorry’ from now on” and immediately made you giggle when you felt his lips on your neck, kissing you down until you’re comfortably under his huge frame. Feeling his hands all over your body, slowly running it up and down. Even his touch felt so good and warm that you missed him already when he pull away to remove his clothes.
It almost felt like it was your first time with him again when you were watching him remove your clothes. Every touch, every kiss and every sound you hear from him makes you tingle and your nipples hard. Of course he saw it, he smirked and teased it, making you whine and grab his shoulders but he didn’t stop. He flattened his tongue and gently flipped the tip on your nipple, making you close your legs and became sensitive. Johnny loved your reaction and to be honest he just missed doing this to you so he pulled you up and made you sit on him, making him hug you with both arms, and let you grind on his hard cock, making it wet with your pussy juices.
He licked your nipples softly, making you weak and melt with his feathery touch on your back, sucking and biting it gently when he wanted to hear you. Ending his teasing with lots of kisses on your chest all the way up your lips until you two fell on the mattress again.
“Want to make me harder?” He asked sweetly, lips beside your ears, nibbling it until you say stop and switch places. Johnny spread his legs very wide and you did not hesitate to lick his long and thick cock. The only cock you love and made you cum so any times already. You gave him head for a few minutes, playing with tip and watching him stop himself from cumming.
“By the way you can’t cum inside me tonight, you might get me pregnant—“
“What’s this torture I thought were okay?” Johnny pouted with lidded eyes. He wanted to fuck your mouth so bad but tonight is not the right time to be filthy. “But can we fuck raw?” He made you stop sucking him and pulling you to an embrace, cleaning your face his hand and switching places with you again.
“Of course we can fuck raw, what are you? A stranger?” You let out a small laugh and kissed your boyfriend’s lips. You knew the moment you placed your lips on his, he will immediately line his cock in your entrance and slowly thrust in.
Smoothly and slowly. Johnny is fucking you now, making you crazy and dizzy with his cock, making you moan and ask for more. He was bigger than ever, you thought that he will rip you even though he was going slowly. Bodies on bodies, he fucked you even slower and deeper, he was moaning the whole time with furrowed brows and when you came and tried closing your legs, he stopped them from closing and started kissing you hungrily. Feeling his whole weight on you, slowly fucking you open until you didn’t have a choice but to cum while he was still fucking you and still catching his orgasm. Slowly.
It’s crazy how no one moved fast but you two were tired and sweaty as you both catch your breaths. Of course Johnny came outside and was quick to grab a tissue. You laugh and helped him clean up, spreading kisses all over his body until you’re both covered with his thick blanket, both very naked beneath it.
You’ve never been this close before. Tonight was just very different.
“Do you want to live with me?”
He said out of nowhere while you were playing with his hands.
“What? Where did that came from?” You asked and came closer.
“I don’t want to see you leaving my place again. I swear Y/n— I’ll go crazy” he caged you with his long legs, and made you laugh again. He was still hard but he didn’t want to go another round, he was just happy and excited again for the future, he told you.
“Thanks for fixing us, for us.” You looked him in the eye and rolled on top of him so you could have a good look at him. “Yes I would like to move in with you,” you smiled and placed a kiss on his soft lips which formed a smile.
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hydrangea-mon-amor · 1 year
Visit me, will you?
Yandere! Male OC x reader
Trigger warning! Yandere behavior, obsessive behaviors, non consensual touch, forced relationship, forced proximity, Murder (message me privately if you feel I need to add more)
Side note — if you read the trigger warning and still were triggered by the content (or any that I’ve wrote) please message me ASAP and tell me about it. This goes for all of my works, but I do not mean harm writing these stories and the content of my blog are dark and heavy. I DO NOT condone this behavior and if any of you see yourself in a situation like this I urge you to seek help.
AUTHORS NOTE: please everyone if you see yourself in a situation even slightly like this I urge you to seek help and assistance. There are actual creeps out in the world that pretend to be kind and good but really just leech off of you. And with a closing note, I do note condone any of the obsessive behavior in this fic! There is a distinct line of fantasy and reality and this work is pure FANTASY.
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Summary! Your boyfriend has a game tomorrow and coerced you agree to come. The next day at school your friends had enough of your constant absence and forces you to hang out with them. You ultimately agree because in truth: this is what you needed, a day with them and not your boyfriend. You did not expect your boyfriend to get wind of this and the fallout that ensues.
Your uncomfortable.
You try to lay steadily in your stalkers boyfriends bed, but with how tightly his hands are wrapped against you, you can’t find it in yourself to continue. It doesn’t help with the fact that he’s sloppily giving kisses to your neck.
“Hey, could we maybe switch positions?” You try to urge, but it only had the opposite effect. His hold on you tightens and he leans in closer to you.
“I like this position baby.” You adamantly cringe at the pet name.
“Will you come to my game tomorrow baby?”
You know you can’t say no, the last time you did your boyfriend got so upset he cried for two straight hours begging you on his knees to reconsider. Claiming that if you didn’t come you didn’t love him anymore.
“Sure, I’ll see if my schedule—“
He tightens his hold.
You can barely breathe.
“You will come, won’t you?” He asks in a sweet tone but you know the true meaning.
“I-yes I’ll come.” His hold loosens and he continues coddling you.
You pray that he’ll let you go in a couple of hours. Because even that is a blessing from him.
✎……. ✎……. ✎……. ✎……. ✎……
The day of the game your at lunch at your boyfriends table. Which If your honest is just the popular kids all together. You try not to make eye contact with your boyfriends ex-girlfriend Valery. Her family is said to be really famous doctors with a hospital in your city. You don’t think she gives two fucks about you because honestly, she looked happier.
You would be too if you weren’t here.
“So Jaydee excited for the game?” Oscar, one of his best buds asks.
“Of course man, especially since I got my amazing boyfriend/girlfriend to come watch. You’ll cheer for us right honey?” You nod sheepishly. You can see his friends laugh.
“Nah, they made you their bitch man. You can’t go two seconds without talking to them.”
“Or fucking them.” Jaydee adds. You jab him at the shoulder. A silent plea to stop whatever he was doing.
“Aww look, you are embarrassed. Come on sweet cheeks, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” He kisses you lightly on the head.
You want to decapitate him.
“Anyways,” Valery is the one to switch topics, and deep down your glad it’s her. “On the topic of the game, when is it going to be held?”
“8:00 pm, and our coach is deciding to be an ass about it. He’s making us practice until then. Can you believe that? Almost six hours of practicing?” Some of his teammates share in his complaint. You’re not sure what to expect when he turns to look at you. “Will you watch me at practice? I’ll make sure to put in my all if you’re there. You know how happy I get.”
“So happy your broke a kids leg from the adrenaline.” You say under your breathe. But it doesn’t go unnoticed. But you know the real reason. Jaydee, your boyfriend, decided to break his leg because he noticed him looking at you and smiling. It wasn’t even more than one glance but in your boyfriends eyes it must have been thousands. He got away with it because for 1. He’s the quarter back and 2. Everyone in his team loves him. Especially is coach. You don’t think they know that he did it on purpose, and your not sure if you do.
“Oh yeah! I remember that day, Tyler had it coming if I’m honest.” Oscar gloats.
“Tyler definitely had it coming that day.” Jaydee adds not a second later.
Tired of this you decide to make a last ditched effort to leave. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom.” You inform.
“Okay, guys I’ll be right back I’m going to walk them off.” He gets up from his seat and readies himself to walk with you.
“That won’t be needed.” You tell him.
“Jaydee, I know where the school bathroom is, I’ll be just fine. You don’t have to loom over me like a helicopter. It’s not like I’m going to go anywhere.” You stare at him, he stares at you.
“Come on man, just let them go. What’s the worse that could happen?”
“A lot.” He says under his breath.
“What was that?” Valery questions.
“Nothing.” He looks at you again, leans into you, making it look as if he’s going to kiss your cheek. “Let me go with you baby. You know how crazy I get if I can’t have you side by side with me. You don’t want let’s say Oscar to be my next blood bag would you? Let me come with you and nothing bad will happen.” He whispers in your ear. Softly touching your cheek with his hand.
“And if I don’t?” You whisper back, curling your fists.
“You wouldn’t want to know what happens. Trust me.” He leans out, holding your hand and smiling at you. His friends look expectant of an answer.
“On second thought,” it’s torture for you to say these words, “I think I would like to have Jaydee with me.”
“Really! Thank you honey I knew you wouldn’t upset me!” He pulls you into a soul crushing embrace. Swinging you side to side, you decide to just deal with it.
His friends grimace, “okay we get it you two love and fuck each other all the time! Get a room will you, wouldn’t want to disturb your momentum.”
“Aye aye coach.” Your boyfriend replies. His voice muffled from his face being smushed into the crook of your neck. You can’t believe how you got yourself into this situation in the first place.
You can’t deal with this so you simply take the lead and start walking, your boyfriend trailing after you like a lost puppy. Once he catches up to you he snakes his hand around you waist and kisses you on the head.
“Let’s take the long way.”
“Because then I can be with you longer.”
Of course, you think.
“Jaydee, I’ll be quick.” His lips turn into a pout. “Jaydee.”
“Babyyyyy” he whines.
“Jaydee, like I said I will be quick. Stop acting like a baby and wait.” You try to pry his hands away from you but he doesn’t budge.
“I’m only a baby for you.”
“Clearly” you mutter to yourself. You try not to let his sometime cringe behavior get to you but goodness is it hard.
From the corner of the hallway two girls emerge and once they notice the lean build of your boyfriend they come rushing down. You silently thank whatever god you believe in, thinking that this is what will give you leeway to leave. You know the girls well. In the past they were known to have massive crushes on your boyfriend and you’re thankful that their obsession over him isn’t over. It gives you hope that he’d leave you for one of them which would mean that you would finally be free.
Jaydee’s hold on you tightens.
Of course with their not so secretive crush your boyfriend would surely hear wind of this. You know how many times he’s vented to you about them, the many times he complained about them to you. But you had hope. You hoped he would like them one day and stop caging you in like a bird.
“Hello ladies.” He greets. A practiced smile on his face. Then they both lean in to give him a hug, even surprising you. You assumed the gesture caught him off guard because he then lets you go. You don’t waste this opportunity and bolt to the nearest restroom. Letting him deal with the two girls.
However, when you get inside the bathroom you notice the silhouette of two familiar students. Your heart rate picks up. When was the last time you hung out with them? When was the last time you hanged out with your own friends? Your hand instinctively reaches for the doorknob but you can’t bring it in yourself to leave. You can’t bring it in yourself to leave the people that were with you since day one. And if things couldn’t get worse their gaze fallows yours. Now you all stand there, unblinking and unmoving. Unable to do anything expect just take in the others presence.
“Y/n?” One of them calls, almost like a question. Their voice soft and sweet and so completely welcoming. It takes everything in you to not cry. You can’t understand how they are still so sympathetic to you.
“Hello…guys.” You are sheepish and you wish to curl into a ball. You remember the countless times you rejected their offers to hang out in favor of Jaydee. The guilt crashes down onto you like a wave and it almost drowns you.
“It’s been a while.” Your other friend says.
“It has, hasn’t it?” You agree.
The air is still for a while, none of you say anything for a protracted moment. Until your friend can’t handle it anymore and bluntly blurts out:
“Hang out with us. Come to the movies or something, play video games with us or fuck it take a walk with us just spend some time with your friends. Ever since you got a boyfriend seven months ago you been ignoring us like the plague, rejecting invites, blowing off our calls, ditching us—“
“And it’s been torture ever since!” You blurted.
“Y/n…” you seem to realize of what you just said.
“Never mind forget I said anything.” You turn to leave when you feel a hand clasping around yours.
“Movies at 8:00pm. Take it or leave it. But please take it.” You stare at them. They just had to pick the time that syncs with your boyfriends game.
“I’ll…think about it.” Your friends shake their head.
“No Y/n, you are coming.”
“No if’s or buts you’re hanging out with us and that is final. No more screwing us off in favor for you dipshit of a boyfriend.”
“I—okay fine. I’ll come.” You turn your back with your friends smiling off their victory.
You step outside the bathroom your boyfriend waiting patiently. His feet tapping against the floor tiles, arms crossed and a ticked off expression.
“Those two bitches tried to get my number.” He states. Tugging you into his embrace. “You know how hard I had to try to get them off of me, how many time I had to remind them that I was already taken and belonged to someone else? That i belonged to you. But nooo, they wouldn’t let up and I just got so mad that I guess I kind of lost it.” He chuckles bitterly. But you start to get scared, and rightly so.
“Jaydee…what did you do?”
“Don’t worry about it baby, let’s go to class yeah? The bell is going to ring in a few minutes.”
The school day ends with Jaydee walking you to your locker. His arms on your shoulder matching your pace. When you first started dating him you thought it was cute but now you’re just revolted by it. But you don’t attempt to break up with him anymore, not after what happened the last time.
“Come to my practice in preparation for the game yeah?”
“Jaydee about that, I’m actually busy. Sorry but I can’t come.” His face drops.
“But…why? Was it something I did, why won’t you come?” You scan the area, grateful no one is in the hall you two are in.
“It’s nothing you did I just have plans.” He seems to prick up from this.
“Plans? With who? Where? Why? Why are you ditching me baby? I thought you loved me, I thought you loved us!” He’s getting more desperate now. Both of his hands on your shoulders, gripping you like he’ll die if he won’t. “I-I’ll get you anything you want! N-new shoes? I’ll just get my sister to buy it for you, she’ll understand. I-I promise! Please just come! C-come cheer me on! And then when the game is over we can go back to my house and play a movie and c-cuddle! Y’know, like what we always do!”
“Jaydee we always go to your house.”
“I don’t care you like it better, and it’s bigger.”
“Never thought you were the materialistic type.”
“Course not, my type is you.” You may have fallen for that if you actually loved him.
“Jaydee, I’m not going to be able to make it.” You try to say for the last time. He looks as if he is contemplating.
“Fine.” You’re shocked.
“Really?” He nods his head.
“Consider it a reward. You’ve been good since…the last time.” He’s referring to the time you tried to break up with him and leave. Like he would let you do that twice. “But,” he moves to hold your hands “you will come to my game. Promise me you will.” You clench your fists. Damn your friends, couldn’t have they pick a different time to watch the movie?
“Jaydee I’m sorry but—“
“Promise. Say that you will. I need to hear it, I need to hear you say that you’ll come. I think I’ll die If I don’t. You don’t want me to hurt myself would you baby? Of course you won’t, you love me! You wouldn’t want to the future father of your kids hurt because of you, now would you? But even then, if I did hurt because of you, I’d still love you. With. Every. Fiber. Of. My. Being.“ the worst part is, you don’t doubt him one bit.
“And If I don’t?”
“Then you won’t like the aftermath of what happens.” His attention is driven elsewhere when he notices his coach waving him over. “Have to go now sweet cheeks, meet you at my game?” You shakily nod. “See? That’s the angel I know.” He presses a kiss to your cheek before jogging off.
Do you listen to him and go to his practice to then sit through his game? No, you decide to listen to your friends and hang out with them instead.
✎……. ✎……. ✎……. ✎……. ✎……
You arrive to your house late into night, a smile widely spread across your cheeks. You’ve forgotten how fun it was to be with your own people instead of trying to fit into a friend group that you don’t belong in.
The whole time you were out not once have you used your friends. That is for two reason, 1. You didn’t want text messages disturbing your time with your friends and 2. You specifically didn’t want Jaydee’s texts filling your messages. Undoubtedly Sues that he would be inconceivably mad and irritated.
However when you decide to go to the bathroom you hear a ding on your phone. You decide that it’s time you finally check what’s been going on, but when you do you feel your heart sink.
JAYDEE AKA MONSTER: baby where are you? I don’t see you amongst the crowd.
JAYDEE AKA MONSTER: baby you said you’d come, why can’t I see you? Are you running late.
JAYDEE AKA MONSTER: sweet cheeks please respond I’m getting worried, I’ve asked everyone on my team if they saw you they say they haven’t.
JAYDEE AKA MONSTER: honey our game is going to start in a few minutes if I don’t see your face in the crowd I’m going to be upset. You don’t want me to be upset would you?
JAYDEE AKA MONSTER: why won’t you answer me!
But none of these messages could amount to the absolute fear you feel from the last one.
JAYDEE AKA MONSTER: wow honey, I can’t believe this. Valery told me everything.
Delivered 10:17pm.
You fucked up. You know you fucked up. You look at your phone again, this time three little dots pop up making you aware that Jaydee has definitely seen that you’ve read his messages and he still has one last thing to say.
JAYDEE AKA MONSTER: Y/n, if you don’t want to be punished more than I intend to then I suggest you walk to my place now.
You don’t question him one bit.
When you get to his front porch you knock on Jaydee’s door five times. A few minutes later his sister opens the door, the famous model Dante.
“It’s you.”
“It’s me.” You’re sheepish. Dante looks behind her.
“You should get in before things get worse for you, Jaydee is not happy.” She leans back into her house and holds the door while you walk inside.
You forgot how mentally deranged his whole family is. You remember hearing a rumor in the news that Dante herself kidnapped someone. You don’t have the guts to ask her personally though.
“He’s in the basement.” Dante tells you, a popsicle in her mouth.
“Oh uh, thank you.”
“You won’t thank me after what you’ll see. That’s for sure.” You try not to let her words get to you but you also don’t take her lightly.
You’ve been to Jaydee’s house multiple times before, times where you were actually proud to call him yours. When this house felt like a second home, and you actually loved him.
You tiptoe until you get to the door that leads to the basement. Already you smell a metallic stench.
This isn’t good.
“Jaydee? I’m here! Please—please don’t do anything so rash.” Your voice is meek. Actually, you don’t think your voice had enough volume to it to be heard by anyone. You tiptoed quietly until you’ve reached the bottom. You wait a few minutes, and you don’t see the presence of anyone in here. But the metallic stench reeks the air and fills your nostrils. You can hardly bare it.
You whip your head around.
“J-Jaydee? Is that you?” You can’t help but stutter. Your boyfriend is covered from head to tow in blood. His face is smeared in red and his clothes drenched. There is a steel knife in his hand, that too coated in blood.
He pouts.
“What? You’re saying you don’t remember your own boyfriend? Aww baby you’re so silly. If I didn’t love you the way I did, I think I would have gotten offended. Could thing I’m not though, right?” You stare at his blood soaked body and knife.
“Jaydee I don’t think this is—“
“Come come! I have something to show you.” He doesn’t give you time to speak, already he is tugging onto your arm. You use your free hand to clog your nose. He leads you to a cleared out space in the basement. For the hundredth time in this relationship your heart drops.
“Tada! Do you like my present?” In two tied chairs sat two people bound in ropes. Their eyes are gouged out of the sockets, layers of skin skinned off and in some areas burnt. Their bones are cracked in odd angles and pieces of muscle sliced from their bodies. If it weren’t for their clothes you’re not sure you would know who they were and the significance of them.
They were you friends. And Jaydee had just killed them. Tears prick at the sides of your eyes, how can you even begin to comprehend this? And worst of all, how can Jaydee look at you like this was your fault? A smile ear to ear plastered on his face. He finally drops the knife and in its place he reaches for you. He pulls you into his embrace, the blood on him now coating onto you. “Your reaction is enough to show me this was an adequate way to punish you. It’s okay, this is all you have to go through tonight. I promise I won’t make you feel like a burden in our relationship anymore.”
You’re too caught up in your emotions that you haven’t even realized you’ve said that out loud. “That’s why you decided to not be with me today isn’t it? I give other girls and guys too much of an idea don’t I? That’s why you’ve decided to hang out with those…hindrances, because I wasn’t giving you enough attention right? Don’t you understand baby? I had to do this, I had to get rid of them. This is a testament to my love for you, don’t you get it? This was all for you.”
“But this wasn’t even about other people—“
He squeezes you tighter.
“Don’t you get it baby? I don't give a fuck about all the other girls, I've rejected them, all of them. You know why? Because I want you. The only person I need, really need is you. I love you darling.”
You cry bitterly into his shoulder.
“Oh, I almost for got to tell you. I have a final game next week, it’s supposed to close this season. Visit me, will you?”
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kaus-quietis · 11 months
Lav's All-smiles Problem-solving Roooooundtable ch108 edition!
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Welcome, welcome! To Lav's BSD ch108 discussion! Delivered to you via my funky dove Eliott, acting as my mystic messenger. These are random thoughts I had after reading this brilliant chapter, which, writing-wise, made the best possible use of Fedya's character, expanding it even more without even betraying his backstory. Maybe a backstory isn't needed after all, just look at how much FUN he is right now. I am in BLISS
Putting aside the fact that he is literally carrying the plot at this point, come sit with me, I make you a delicious Chinese black tea with rose petals and casually share my thoughts. Hello there, dearest Kat, yes, "where is Lav when you need her?", I am here, I offer you a hug, and to all my friends here who share the sentiment, I hug you too.
A. Before you say ANYTHING about "oh but? maybe Fedya is telling the half-truth? or a half-lie? what if his ability really is the evil one?", my brothers and sisters in Christ, listen to yourself. This man functions almost on a meta-level of character consciousness: he changed his facial expression and aura so convincingly, his tone, his speech, his posture, even the shade of his eyes, fooling not only Sigma, but the readers as well. We are used to characters changing the shade of their eyes when they change mental states or have certain (new) decisions in mind, we as a community are so used to this, all it took was one panel from the Conjurer doing this trick for so many of us to actually believe him and start, yet again, to spiral down the "what if he is good but his ability is evil? what if he is two entities? what if?" rollercoaster. This is so amusing to me, and in a meta-sense must be amusing to Fedya too. While speculation can bloom again based on this, I wouldn't be putting too much effort into reading into his lines here. I take it as a trick. It worked splendidly, almost like it attacked the fandom's major concerns and theories about his character and weaponized them against everyone. That's a meta-kind of tomfoolery. Trolling, if you will. I LOVE that Asagiri made him bamboozle every reader like this. His character so far goes into the best direction, it cultivates and expands his traits and skills in the best way. But let's pretend Fedya really is telling a half-truth there, which is there being an opposition between him and his ability. I talked about this in my essay (see pinned post), there really seems to be a divergence at the core of his character, but it manifests subtly, not like what we saw in ch108. Then again, not even on that can we arrive at any conclusive statements, because if we remember that, of course, "crime and punishment are close friends", it could well be that he and his ability are partners, and you bet I imagine they would BOTH indulge in peak tomfoolery like this together, if that meant one of them switching in and the other out for a sec. Remember, dear souls: aside from his "higher mission", abstract as it still is lore-wise, Fedya's keyword is "fun" or "entertainment", repeatedly. And oh he himself is even more fun now~
B. if Fedya would have wanted to mortally wound Sigma, he'd have chosen a more suitable place to stab him; it looks like a abdominal, lower quadrant, lateral stab, a deliberate choice, I would say, that technically avoids critical, most vascular organs (kidney and spleen for example) and main veins/arteries. I am no doctor, but from what I gathered, Sigma won't bleed out fast at all, and if untreated might get a deadly infection in a longer time (not counting the possibility of septic shock if we assume the knife penetrated and heavily opened an intestine). Sigma needs a medic asap (our queen Yosano when?), but will likely be conscious and quite able to move around and whatnot. Like I argued in my essay, Fedya most likely does not want to kill Sigma, or anybody for that matter, because keeping everyone alive to fulfill various roles and see how their will tosses them in all kinds of directions is more fun for him, more entertaining, but also more useful. He is a long-term strategist, like Dazai. "Our beloved monsters" ❤
C. Fedya evidently exerts some serious mental torment on Sigma, by making him stand by his choices, his will, just like he always desired. The flip side is that Fedya takes his time, or should I say gifts Sigma his time, in which he teaches him the full lesson of what Sigma wants. The responsibility that comes with acting on your own, the terror of facing the consequences when choosing on your own: right now, to Sigma, this freedom is terror. But Fedya is never a one-dimensional character. It's most probable he calculated and devised strategies for both possibilities (a. Sigma with rekindled determination touches him; b. Sigma backpedals on what he decided and does not touch him). The irony is that both scenarios are an affirmation of Sigma's will, because, while the first decision can be seen like foolish bravery, the second one can also be seen as wise self-preservation, if the circumstances so demand it. BSD is not a black-and-white series, diving head-first into danger is not its definition of bravery or heroism. BSD was always about measured decisions, ones the characters take upon themselves willingly. It may be time Sigma does that too, in his own way, and Fedya wants to see that. Why? Well, my guess is because it's fascinating to watch humans grow, and Fedya lives for the entertainment that comes with it. It is actually more interesting if we remember his line from ch42 (“People can be so simple… They truly believe they are thinking for themselves. (…) They don’t want to think they’re being led by the nose”): the pattern is, Fedya puts others under harsh circumstances, and then, under pressure, lets go of them, waiting for their free decision, the true test and expression of their hearts, so to say (which could make a superb discussion if we make a parallel between Kunikida and Sigma, since essentially what happened to Kunikida is happening now to Sigma, except Kunikida did indeed break down, but thanks to healthy support from his comrades he slowly regained his sense of self, and stronger than ever at that time, however… Sigma is alone, isn't he? but what if he needs to be in order to finally get a hold of his own self?). Anyway, how much of that expression is free, or how much is guided or manipulated, is a debate in itself, since it implies relating the freedom to the individual vs relating the freedom to the external factors and possibilites.
D. I do need to underline, just like Fedya also underlined it: Sigma already made his decision, right there when he still tried to get the gun before getting kicked in the face. Fedya moved on to the next step: testing how strong Sigma's will is when an actual chance to act appears. Sigma already accepted the physical pain, but how will he face the mental anguish? That is more Fedya's territory, a "specialist" of breaking people by simply knowing them thoroughly and choosing the right words. But now we gained new info: even in close combat, apparently, Fedya is not to be underestimated. That was a rather strong kick, anyway. But more importantly, he completely turned the tables in a situation where he would be in a total disadvantage. * chef's kiss * that was very bungou stray dogs of him.
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 1 year
Also I’m gonna be honest I kinda forgot about the request I made since it’s been awhile but when I saw this omg it was so worth the wait! You’re amazing 4402 <3
ah thanks 🖋! super glad you enjoyed it. it’s been a long time coming i’m sorry it took so long you forgot LMAOOOO
real talk sending asks on anon is so hard. you lose track of what you sent so easily. i almost wish this was a main blog just so i could say hey without inserting my full url at the end like a dork
this fic was such a Project with a capital P that there were so many scenes and little bits i thought of writing, but eventually scrapped for brevity even though we all know that’s not my strong suit. here’s a list of some of my notes under the read more because of spoilers, most of them are more recent because they’re fresher in my memory lol.
for clarity’s sake here’s how i hc it when i write about these characters being vtubers: the models on screen are a more polished or stylized lookalike of the person behind the screen, but without some of the details of the real person. so basically while vtuber!ike looks like how we all know him, the ike you interact with during the off-collab also has blue-tipped hair and gold earrings that match his glasses chain, but doesn’t wear the same thing daily, shows a full range of emotion, and has, ya kno, pores and freckles and all that instead of anime skin. they’re identical but in different art styles lol. (obligatory disclaimer that i’ve always written for the characters and not the real people working for nijisanji, and that we do not encourage unhealthy parasocial relationships here)
i wanted to hone in on the friends-to-lovers dynamic as much as possible by establishing friend moments before the actual meat of the romance during the off-collab. same with establishing pen and paper as a common in-universe ship. i’m a believer that including these scenes only strengthens the dynamic between mc and li, even if they aren’t necessarily about them interacting!
in the same way i wanted to establish the comfort of being in love with your best friend just as much as the worry. the outlast scene is really tense but i wanted to write it so the dialogue there could apply to anyone comparing themselves to others. same with the last two scenes. one of the elements i love most in hurt/comfort is that they can be like little affirmations even when the reader is completely different from the insert. reader and ike have a million different insecurities about themselves but they rarely see what the other is so worried about because it’s just another part to love. and when they do see it, they’re still there for each other even if it’s as simple as a weird photo or as big as pining
while we’re at it SHOUT OUT TO AIA, MIKA AND ALBAN FOR BEING THE REALEST MFS EVER i loved writing those three interacting with reader. they’re so funny sometimes. and when they’re not, they also serve as great sober advice. they all have different ways of getting you there—aia is the “soft” one but encourages you to get out of your comfort zone when she sees an easy way in and out, alban is the one that tells it to you straight and gives godly advice because of it, and because she’s close with both you and ike, mika does a lot of work behind the scenes encouraging you both. but at the end of the day no matter what your love life looks like, those three are there asap if you need them, regardless if they’re online or in-person
in the meanwhile vox, nina, and mika serve as ike’s close circle of friends and i think that’s beautiful lmao. i didn’t make those four’s relationship that explicit but i like to think of it as a family dynamic of sorts. vox and nina are the patient parent figures while mika is a younger sister type, and all of them also hype ike up like how aia, mika and alban hype you up
and speaking of vox i wanted to include him referring to ike as his work husband, and maybe a more serious one-on-one advice/shovel talk with reader about ike. this was one of those things that was tricky to place in the order of scenes, so it was eventually scrapped
honestly i think this fic is more about the power of friendship than the power of love lmao. it’s a love letter to friends that would drop everything for you regardless if they see you romantically or not, just as well to friends that want you to get every bit of happiness you deserve
you can probably tell how much of this fic is ruled by close friendships down to the kiss scene. reader is pretty clumsy with their feelings, and ike is even worse (though reader never notices because they’re so worried about themselves). i have this hc that for his first kisses, ike would always ask before he goes in, but if it weren’t for that this would’ve been one of those mutual go-for-it wordless kisses, you know what i mean? where everything feels right and even righter when you realize the other person is also leaning in
ESPECIALLY WHEN READER BUMPS IKE’S GLASSESSSSSSSS one of my favorite things in fic is when it’s not always picture perfect and people mess up! and then roll with it! things happen irl including being clumsy but those things tend to be the parts that make things special. i said what i said about reader and ike always being there for each other even when they’re insecure and i meant it. especially because the happiness is so contagious that reader smiles before kissing back and how they both take a laugh break before kissing even more
ren’s ukulele is also a personal touch. it’s not a very grand feeling to just zone out with your friends while one of them plays music, but it is one that i hope everyone experiences once. it really is comfortable, and if you have a friend that’s a bit of a smartass like ren? it gets funny too
when this fic was in development around early april if i remember correctly, ren did a karaoke stream with iris, which was the moment i realized that was the perfect song to describe the fic. i mention a bunch of other songs but iris is the “theme song”. it’s romantic and pretty and intimate, but with an ukulele and nina casually singing along, it fits the comfortable vibe well
wannabe by the spice girls was chosen for the recognizable goofy factor alone. i mentioned motionless in white, my first story and spiritbox mostly because i’ve heard ike mention them before on stream, but spiritbox gets a special shoutout here because i’m pretty sure they’re one of the only ike band recommendations i actually like (talluh too if you include the two songs i’ve listened to). toxicity gets mentioned because, uh… i was watching gavis bettel’s birthday karaoke when that happened and he was too blasted to do system of a down but that just stuck with me. i also have to admit i never actually listened to the emo holy trinity and only knew one mcr song from guitar hero but luckily it’s recognizable and it’s in a wide enough range that i think most people could sing it. ahhh i wish writing lyrics in fic wasn’t so clunky! i have such a picture in my mind of how reader and ike would sing the breakdown and onward
vox singing george strait is pure self-indulgence and i am begging us all to imagine handsome from the cowboy asmr singing christmas cookies. i have been thinking about this since october 2022
the final bonus scene is a neat bow to explain the important parts of the off-collab as well as ike’s real feelings. after all, the fic was written with limited pov and one of the major sources of tension is that ike’s feelings aren’t explicitly stated until the second confession (and the high-stress q&a stream). i wanted it to be so reflective and fond that it feels like a victory lap, and reaffirm what reader and ike’s relationship actually means to him even though he struggles with articulating it out loud
that final scene also had the most ideas that ended up scrapped. this includes but is not limited to: ike telling chat about the cafe with reader but without admitting it was a date, alban teasing ike in the chat, reader teasing ike in the chat, confirming that uki and ren going cafe-hopping was actually so they could playfully gossip about the sexual tension in this airbnb, actual descriptions of the photos reader took, confirming that ike or reader stole the other’s shirt (ike is a smaller guy so i wanted to keep it ambiguous for any reader body types), redirecting to reader’s stream, ike and alban actually talking about why alban knows so much (and him giving ike a shovel talk), and maybe most tragic of all; a forum-style text post scene where the delulu fans get it right for once and guess that reader and ike are in a secret relationship
i might write the delulu fan forum fic one day for fun but if i do then i’m going to call this little series “the pliskinverse” unironically and im that is not a fate i want to impose upon anyone
the word ~ verisimilitude ~ recently entered my vocabulary from a review of the candle cove creepypasta. it basically means when fiction seems authentic, like how a kind character would have polite manners or how an evil villain would laugh completely different than the hero. you could say an ooc fanfic would lack verisimilitude for example. anyways i bring this up because that creepypasta is formatted like a forum thread with distinct personalities between the posters... just like how i wanted the chatters to come across! i don't think it's subtle but i did write them all with different personalities and interests in mind. maybe for fun you can look through them and figure out what team they all play for, even though i'm awful at coming up with fake usernames
it’s really obvious that one of my favorite tropes is shovel talks isn’t it
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canirove · 2 years
Meu Amor | Chapter 19
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"Is everything ok?"
"My agent just texted me. He wants to talk. Asap."
"At this time in the night?"
We are out for dinner with Taylor and Charlie, who are free from the little one for the first time since she was born. Grandparents, what would we do without them.
"Yep. I'm going outside to call him, I'll be back in a minute" Rúben says as he leaves the table.
"Did something happen?" Taylor asks.
"His agent wanted to talk. It seemed serious."
"Could it be something about his career? What if PSG or Real Madrid have asked about him?" Charlie asks.
A few minutes later, Rúben comes back, his face letting us know that something bad has definitely happened.
"What is it, Rúben?" I ask, holding his hand when he sits down. Or when he lets himself fall on the chair. He is always composed, especially in public, and seeing him like this is making me worry a lot more.
"We... Someone... Urgh" he says, clearly distressed. "The Daily Mail is publishing an article about us tomorrow."
"They are doing what?" I say, definitely raising my voice, the people around us giving me a disapproving look.
"Someone has apparently sold them the story, and they have photos."
"But... How? Have you been followed or something?" Taylor asks.
"I don't know. I don't think so" Rúben says.
"Can we stop them from publishing it?" I ask.
"No, we can't. My agent said that depending on what they have and share on that article, we can ask them to take it down and then maybe sue them. But right now, there is nothing we can do. We should be grateful that they warned us about it."
"Yeah, but they did it when you can't do anything to stop them" Charlie says.
"So... That's it, then? We just wait until they share our relationship with the world? Without our consent?" I say, trying not to cry. This is not right. We should be the ones choosing when to be public if that's what we want to do.
"I'm afraid so" Rúben says, kissing my hand and trying to make me relax. But I can't. I am so angry.
That night I barely sleep. I'm constantly turning and twisting in bed, thinking about what the Daily Mail could have about us, and who could have sold it. Rúben is as restless as I am, and even though he stays still, I can feel that he is awake, his body tense. Just what he needed before a Champions League game next week.
At one point we must have fallen sleep, exhaustion taking over us. When we hear his phone ring, we both instantly wake up.
"Hey" Rúben says, answering it. "No, not yet. Yes. I see. Ok. What now? Ok, we will. Thank you."
"So?" I ask. "Is it bad?"
"Whoever sold the story, got photos and videos from your Instagram from these past months, like from Christmas with our families or during the summer."
"Then I have a mole among the people who follow me?"
"Looks like it. Any idea who could it be?"
"I don't know, I'll have to check. What does the article say?"
"He sent me the link. Do you want to read it? Maybe there is a detail that will tell us who did all this."
“And?” Rúben asks once I’ve finished.
“Whoever sent them this, did proper research, matching my stories and posts with where you were at the time. But there is something else… let me read it again.”
“What is it? Why are you opening your eyes like that?”
“I think I know who it was.”
“Yep. They mention that we’ve been together since the beginning of last year, maybe a bit earlier. Besides Taylor, Charlie and Rebecca, there is only one person who could know about us already seeing each other.”
"You are not worth of your position, and the sooner you realize it and step aside so those who truly deserve it have a chance, the better. If you don't do it, I'll do it myself. And trust me, none of your friends will be able to help you.”
Hugo. His threat. He did it. He has indeed managed to do something that could ruin my career. Fuck.
“I can’t believe that little shit did it” Taylor says when I share my suspicions with her.
“We don’t know for sure, but it’s more than likely that it was him.”
“And just because Marc is now working with you?”
“I guess that’s one of the reasons. But you know that since I started working at Sky, he’s been trying to take me on a date. Looks like seeing me happy and with someone like Rúben, was the last straw.”
“That’s so… pathetic. What are you gonna do now? Are you gonna sue the Daily Mail?”
“Rúben’s lawyers are working on it. The fact that all the photos come from a private account may help us. But I don’t know… I don’t know.”
“Hey, if you need to cry or scream at someone… You know I’m here for you” Taylor says, moving to sit next to me.
“I know. Thank you” I say, giving her a hug.
“How was it at the office today?”
“All eyes were on me, and I heard some people whispering. But while I was in the bathroom a couple of girls said congratulations, and that if one day you come to pick me up from work, I should let them know.”
“That’s… I don’t know how to feel about it” Rúben laughs.
“I guess” he says, laughing again.
“How are things over there?”
“I spoke with your friend Pep today. He wanted to know how I was feeling and if I needed anything, even some time off.”
“What did you say?”
“That it wasn’t a pleasant feeling to have your private relationship being made public by the press, but that I was ok.”
“Are you?”
“I am. You?”
“Yeah. Still angry, but I’m ok.”
A week after the article was published, my boss asks me to meet her at her office.
“Please, take a sit” she says. “How are you feeling?”
“Good. A bit tired after the trip to Liverpool because of all the delays, but good.”
“And on your personal life? Is everything alright after that article was posted?”
“We are ok. The lawyers are taking care of it.”
“Good, good. That article is the main reason why I asked you to come here today” she says. Shit. Did Hugo get what he wanted? Are they firing me for dating a football player? “I’ve spoken with “the people upstairs”, and we all want you to know that we are by your side.”
“You… what?”
“We support you. No one should have their personal life exposed like that. Not when it clearly is being kept private. Upstairs they wanted you to know that if you need legal support, our lawyers will help with anything you may need. And if anyone here at the office bullies you or mistreats you in any way, know that you can report them. We would not allow that behavior.”
“That’s… That’s very kind of you. Thank you very much.”
“You are one of our best young journalists, you’ve proven it since you arrived here. You have such a bright future ahead of you. And yes, you are dating a football player. But that hasn’t changed anything regarding your work. You’ve kept being professional, giving the best of yourself. You both have, to be honest. I watched again the interview you had with Dias before this article came out, and no one could have suspected anything. So as long as that continues, which I’m confident it will, your personal life is yours and no one else’s.”
“So you are not firing me?” I dare to ask.
“Of course not! You don’t have to worry about anything.”
“Thank you” I say, the heavy weight I had on my chest starting to disappear.
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misslavenderlady · 1 year
The Boys Who Wouldn’t Grow Up - Chapter 19
Summary: After witnessing the horrors his former friends have committed, David is desperate to be human again and end this nightmare. Thankfully, he has a friend who wants to fix things just as badly as he does.
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WARNINGS FOR THIS CHAPTER: There are major plot reveals in this, so please read my previous chapters if you haven't or need a refresher. This has themes of manipulation, use of powers on someone against their will, torture, mental/emotional abuse, talk of murder/killing
Credit to news.com.au and conventionallstars.com for pics
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Getting a proper night's sleep was not working out well for Marko. Not only was he worried about what was going on with his brother and where he was right now, but he couldn't stop thinking about the interaction he had with Lucy before she left for the night. Something about that woman had rubbed him the wrong way and the scary changes David was experiencing made him wonder if this was an entirely new problem he had to be cautious about.    If Lucy truly was a problem in the making, then dealing with her dating his father would have to be dealt with later. A loud thump came from his bedroom window, rattling the glass and startling him into jumping out of his bed. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness he could finally see what had caused such a noise.    David was staring back at him from the outside, eyes wide and frantic and forehead dripping with sweat. It was an absolute miracle that Marko didn’t scream from the shock of such a sight. Not wasting a second he threw the covers off his body and sprinted over to the window to let his brother inside. He couldn’t risk having him fly off into the sky without any control of his powers again.   “Finally! I’ve been totally freaking out all night. I was hoping you’d get home ASAP,” Marko scolded his older brother while lifting the window open. “Holy shit, you look like you’ve seen a ghost”   David shook his head as he climbed into the bedroom, firmly planting his feet on the ground so he wouldn’t have to do any more flying.
  “No, I saw a vampire,” he clarified, voice shaking. “Four of them, actually”
  Now it was Marko’s turn to look freaked out. He ushered David further into his room, pulling up the chair from his desk so he could sit down. David looked more than grateful for the seat, exhaustion settling in from all of the stress he’d just gone through. He wanted to collapse to the ground and just shut his eyes. Never wake up again.    But he couldn’t. Even if he wanted to every time he shut his eyes he saw those images of death and brutality in his head. All those young faces twisting in looks of utter terror as they were slaughtered left and right. When he didn’t see that, David was taunted by the sinister smiles of Michael and his brothers. Their massive fangs stained with innocent blood.   David didn’t even have to say anything for Marko to understand the gravity of the situation. He’d never seen his brother so broken and scared in his life. It was best to be careful. Patient. Just stay by his side and help to fix this mess.   “David, listen to me,” Marko spoke softly, kneeling down by his brother. “My friends and I can help you. I know you’re scared, but they know what they’re doing. Just tell me who these vampires were and we can take them down. Maybe if we kill the right one you’ll go back to normal and we can put this mess behind us!”   The idea of his little brother going after those bloodsuckers didn’t make David feel any better. Marko was still human and vulnerable. If Michael had been so ruthless with those kids, he’d be even worse with someone David was close to.    Before he could even get a word out there was a third voice. One calling to them from outside. 
  “David! David, are you there?!”
  The two boys shared a glance at one another. Marko looked confused but David made it very clear he knew exactly who that voice belonged to. He pushed himself out of the chair and ran over to the window, sticking his head out to see the person calling him from below.    Maria. Dark curls moved in the wind and a shawl tightly wrapped around her frame.   “Oh thank God! David, please can I come in? I have to talk and I don’t have much time”   David opened his mouth to speak, but a hand quickly slapped in front of it. Marko wasn’t about to let a monster in their house if she was one of the vampires that his brother had interacted with.   “No goddamn way! You’re not hurting my family!” he snapped at her before dragging his brother back into the room. He didn’t get far as David elbowed him in the ribs so he’d let go.    “She’s not like them, Marko! Don’t talk to her that way!” David scolded him. Although he was about to turn around and call out to her again, he got quite the surprise when he saw her in Marko’s room, just standing a few feet away from them. A look of pure guilt was spread across her face, no doubt from entering their home without permission.   Although David looked at her with affection, Marko quite had the opposite expression. He moved in adrenaline-fueled haste, throwing open the drawer of his desk and getting out the gift that his grandmother had been smart to give him the other knife. Pushing David out of the way, he held up the naval dirk, positioning himself in a fight stance just as Dwayne and Paul had shown him before.   “Get away from my brother you she-witch!” he scowled at her. Maria’s eyes widened and her hands lifted in a surrender-like gesture.    “Goddamnit, Marko, calm down!” David snapped. A hand grabbed at the back of Marko’s t-shirt, tugging backward to send the curly-haired boy falling back onto the bed. He still held the knife in his hand but was looking far less confident and brave now.   Seeing David act in her defense put Maria in a far more calm state. She lowered her hands and stayed where she was, not wanting to startle Marko anymore. David kept his eyes on her as he reached out to her, pulling her in close so she knew he still trusted her. Even though things had gone so wrong, he still had his faith in her.
“I know what you are, Maria. What I am,” he said. “I saw it for myself. Michael and the others…they….fuck th-they killed a bunch of kids. Barely out of high school…I…”   Maria put a hand on his cheek, letting him soften and relax into her touch. Everything was getting so intense and he had never felt more scared of the future in his entire life. The look in her eyes told him she understood.   “It’s my fault, David,” she whispered. “That night….at the concert…I was supposed to kill you and complete my transformation”   Tears were welling up, glistening over her dark brown eyes. David could see the faded remains of his reflection in them. It was a painful reminder of what was happening to him.   “I couldn’t do it. I was so hungry, yet I knew in my heart I couldn’t kill you. Anyone, really. You were so kind and wonderful, I knew from the moment we danced together I couldn’t let Michael make me into a monster. You gave me hope, David. That meant the world to me”   “Yeah, but you’re still one of them!!” Marko snapped, sitting up on his bed. He shut his mouth again when David looked over his shoulder for a moment to glare at him.   “Later on Michael said the plans changed. He wanted you to join the Lost Boys. That’s why he invited you to hang out on the boardwalk. I know he seemed kind and friendly, but he just wanted to make himself look better…”
  That truly confused David. He had assumed the meetup with the boys was a pure coincidence. He had felt so lucky to see Maria again and when the others met up he assumed it was to see her. That special night was just a way to manipulate him?   “You’re kidding me…”   “I….D-David…it’s not just that…”
  Tears were slipping past her lashes now, falling down her cheeks as the guilt got stronger. It was absolutely breaking David’s heart and lowering Marko’s confidence that she was a monster like the others. Neither one of them had seen someone so vulnerable in their lives.   “Michael…he…he’s starving me…” she explained. “He won’t let me eat any human food. That’s why I had an empty plate at dinner the other night. He’s trying to push me to make my first kill”   That was why Maria felt so frail when he held her in his arms! Why she was so somber during their dinner. What kind of sadistic fuck starved someone so proudly?   “I have to sneak drinks from the bottle he gave you during the daytime when he’s asleep. It’s the only thing keeping me alive. Keeping me half-human like you”
  “The bottle…” he repeated. “So it wasn’t wine I drank. It was-”   “Blood,” Maria finished, confirming his worst fears. “Michael’s blood”
  If David wasn’t already disgusted by Michael’s actions, he certainly was now. It was all making sense to him. He was so sick and tired and turning more and more into a monster with these powers. Seeing the woman he cared about suffer at his hand made it even worse.    “What happens if you try to leave or get actual food?” David asked her. Both of his hands were on each side of her face, gently moving the tears away. He was scared he’d break her with just the wrong touch.   Maria’s frown worsened as she gave her answer.   “He tortures me,” she whimpered.   Now even Marko was concerned about her. The blade slipped out of his hand and he stood up once again to stand by his brother. Right at that moment, David looked like he was preparing to strangle Michael with his bare hands.   “It’s one of h-his powers…he’ll g-get inside your h-head..and…and he’ll say things…m-make you do things…he’ll put your l-life at risk just so you’ll give in…”   Her crying was morphing into sobbing now. Maria moved in closer to David, clutching onto him as tightly as possible as huge drops of tears stained the front of his shirt. It was so clear to him that she had been holding back all of these feelings for far too long now.    He was truly worried about her, but her words made him think about something he had experienced too.   “Maria..” he spoke softly. “When Michael does that to you, does it feel like he’s speaking in your brain? Like you can feel him pulling you in to listen and do something?”   “Yes, that’s exactly what it feels like”
  It felt like a bomb had been dropped on David. A devastating explosion that scattered in his mind as he thought back to every time he felt that pull from the sound of Michael's voice alone.
The alleyway. The backyard. The drop over the ocean. The drink.   The train.
  Michael hadn’t saved him that night. He was the one who pulled him onto the tracks in the first place. Putting him in danger and then swooping in at the last second to play the hero.    Michael manipulated every single experience David had since the moment he arrived in Santa Carla. Making him do things he’d never do. Open up about his pain and struggles only to use them to his advantage. Trying to take him away from his own family. And the worst of all, murdering innocent kids no older than David himself.    All this time he thought he owed Michael as a friend for saving him at his worst moment. Now he truly saw him for what he was.    Evil.    He didn’t have to express his realizations for Maria to understand what pain he was feeling. She simply held him tighter, not daring to let go. Marko added to the comfort, placing a hand on David’s back to show his support.   “That night at dinner I tried to use my own powers,” she explained. “I thought if I scared you away with something horrifying you’d run off and stay away from Michael. But I’m only half a vampire and my hunger is making me weak. I couldn’t keep the illusion for more than a few seconds”   So that’s why he saw all that blood and gore when they all ate together! It wasn’t him going crazy, she had been trying to save him. To see her feel such failure for her attempt only hurt his heart more.   “Maria…fuck, I’m so sorry…” was all David managed to say.    “Me too,” Marko added. He had a look of guilt now, regretting the threats he made earlier. “I shouldn’t have acted like that. I just wanted to help save my brother”   She nodded, a soft, understanding smile on her face. Though her expression was sweet, her eyes still showed a great sense of sadness.    “I do too. Becoming what I am was a big mistake. I want to go back to being human and live my life again. The only problem is that there’s one way we can do that being what we are…”   The brothers gave each other a look. Even if they didn’t have to say the obvious answer, it was David who spoke it out loud.  
“We have to kill Michael, don’t we?”
  “Yes,” Maria answered. “But I don’t know if I can even ask that of you. Michael is far from innocent, but taking another life is not an easy thing to do. Even with my hunger growing stronger the idea scares me…”   David didn’t have the right words for such a thing. He swore he wouldn’t become like the monster Michael truly was, but there really wasn’t a choice here. They didn’t just have to become human again, they had to save all the other innocent lives of Santa Carla before they became the next meal for the vampire family.    “But maybe it��s for the best that I face my fears and take him on myself. I can’t let Michael manipulate me any longer, and I certainly can’t let him hurt you,” Maria sighed. She slipped out of David’s embrace and put a hand onto the ledge of the window. “David, whatever happens, please know that I care about you. I truly can’t thank you enough for being there for me”   “Maria,” David started. He didn’t get to finish his sentence. She silenced him with a soft kiss, squeezing his hand in comfort as she did so. He remembered how icy her touch was the night they met. Even though he was just as cold now, he longed to make her warm again. Human again.   It wasn’t until the whipping of the winds from outside the window hit his skin that he realized she was gone. Out into the night sky once again. David’s heart hammered in his chest, fearing the worst for her.    “David, listen to me,” Marko said, interrupting his thoughts. “She’s not going to have to do this alone. Tomorrow when the sun’s up I’m gonna get Dwayne and Paul. We’re gonna be the ones to take down this bastard”   “Are you insane?! I saw these guys tear bodies apart like they were tissue paper! I’m not letting you go out there and get yourself killed”   “And I’m not letting you fight this battle on your own!” the younger boy insisted. He grabbed hold of David’s shoulders, holding him in place. “You’re not alone in this, David. You never were alone. Let me help you with this, please. Just get your sleep when the morning comes. My friends and I are going to take care of this vampire problem and save you and Maria”   As much as David hated to admit it, he really couldn’t do this by himself. He truly was terrified of what Michael was and what he himself would become if he gave into the thirst growing within. If Marko truly had a way to help take Michael down, then David would have to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. 
  “I’m gonna save you. I promise”   For the first time all night, David was able to smile again. A small, tired smile, but a smile nonetheless. How could he possibly doubt his own family?
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sleepymarmot · 5 months
Vertigo (1958)
[Watched on August 28th]
Please enjoy a liveblog of me watching this classic completely blind and having An Experience. (But only if you’ve seen it yourself, because this is one of the films that work much better when you know nothing in advance.)
The first scene between the man and the woman was the height of “as you know”. They just talk and talk in exposition while I spend several minutes trying to figure out whether they’re a couple or father and daughter.
I decided to watch this film right now because I know it was brought up in Laura Mulvey’s article about male gaze and wanted to read it without getting spoiled, and I don’t know what exactly she said about it, but I immediately noticed how the man is filmed “objectively” but the woman is shown through his eyes, following his line of sight.
Glad I know nothing about the plot because I’m genuinely intrigued.
Has she really not noticed an extremely obvious trail even once?
Oh my god I misread the dates on the headstone as the 20th century instead of the 19th and kept thinking Carlotta died just before the events of the movie. Well, this makes more sense now!
Really pretty shots with the Golden Gate Bridge.
My late grandmother must have looked a lot like the main character when she was young… They were probably born around the same time, she wears her hair in a similar way to what I remember...
Bro I know she’s the other main character and the two of you are probably going to have at least some romantic tension, but why are you grabbing her hand like that, she’s married to your friend…
I am hoping more and more that we’ll get a recap of the entire film from her POV at some point. Like her hiding in the hotel room when he came in to check, or listening in to his conversation with her husband on the phone.
This black-and-white outfit slaps
I’m glad I know nothing about this movie because I genuinely have no idea whether it’s going to be supernatural or not
I didn’t expect her to die so soon. There’s 45 minutes left! So what now? Has the husband been driving her mad to take possession of the inheritance? Is the film going to be about him from now on?
Damn, the effects in this dream sequence did NOT age well
I like how the film draw attention to the 50s pretty women looking indistinguishable. I kept wondering whether Midge and Madeleine were played by the same actress!
Huh, I suspected that she threw a fake body, but didn’t think she wasn’t alone!
Oh, so the dead body wasn’t fake, the living one was.
The film really shifted POVs, and not in a way I expected. Now we know what she’s thinking but have no idea what the fuck he is.
Oh I bet there’s class commentary on this too. I can see where the gender commentary is. I thought the perfect alluring image of upper class white femininity, mysterious and vulnerable, was just a patriarchal cinema convention, but it’s actually constructed even within the fictional universe! What a pity, to know that a man does not want a real you, only a mirage designed to be as stereotypically attractive as possible. “If I let you change me, will that do it? If I do what you tell me, will you love me?” “Yes. Yes.” “All right. All right, then, I’ll do it. I don’t care anymore about me.”
Either he has figured it out and is trying to set up a trap for the murdering husband, or he’s oblivious and poor Judy needs to grab her IDs and run far far away asap
Like, I have to be fair to the dude. From his perspective, he found a woman who is somehow an exact copy of an innocent who’s been murdered by a ghost. He’s living in a fairytale now, as far as he’s concerned she might as well be some magical changeling and if he believes enough he can bring his beloved back or something.
It’s amazing how makeup can change a face — she’s a great beauty as Madeleine and barely noticeable in Judy’s garish facepaint
Oh no is he going to push her into the bay now
“One final thing I have to do.” Nooo motherfucker
“And then, I’ll be free of the past.” Noooo
Oh he’s not pushing her into the water, he’s pushing her off the top floor
Can she push him off instead? Please Mr Hitchcock
Noo why did she kill herself at the last second??
What? That’s the end? He didn’t even jump after her?
Well this was a great movie until literally the last minute. RIP
Why are women so in love with this below average guy anyway???
Rating: between 8 and 9, I think.
[End of liveblog]
Full disclosure: I am publishing this “review” months after watching the film itself, because after reading Mulvey’s “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema” I fell into a research rabbit hole, got my hands onto a bunch of academic writing on the film, and didn’t want to post my thoughts on the film until I went through it all, in case my future self wanted to make this movie review double as literature review.
I read “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema” immediately after watching the film (fighting for my life throughout the psychoanalytical sections, and skipping the paragraphs about the films I haven’t seen yet). Turns out, the analysis of Vertigo takes up only two and a half paragraphs, but it spoils everything so I’m glad I watched the film first. These paragraphs are, of course, quite insightful, except for one weird part where the author describes Judy’s acquiescence to Scottie’s demands as “exhibitionism” and “masochism”. I hope these words had very different connotations half a century ago, because this sounds like downright victim-blaming to me. The current day meaning of these words would imply that Judy enjoyed what was happening, and she made it very clear that she didn’t.
Another essay, “‘The look,’ narrativity, and the female spectator in Vertigo”, written by Karen Hollinger more than a decade later, is a more thorough analysis of this film alone that takes into account the shifts in POV I mentioned in the liveblog above, but to my disappointment, it also describes Judy’s attempts to mollify Scottie as “masochistic”. For the sake of my own sanity, I’m going to assume that word really meant something else in old academic writing.
“The Critic as Consumer: Film Study in the University, Vertigo, and the Film Canon” by Virginia Wright Wexman is a much more grounded essay: it does away with psychoanalysis and talks about the film in the context of its production, which was pretty informative, as well as provides the class commentary I wished for in the liveblog. It was enjoyable to read an analysis based on the material realities of the world that actually exist, and not on someone’s fever dreams. This might be my first dive into this corner of academia, and I was unpleasantly surprised to see people spend so much effort on a methodology that seemed so obviously inadequate to me.
I went through 5+ more articles in addition to the ones I named above, but that reading had diminishing returns. The more I read, the more familiar with the material I became, and the less interesting it was to read other people’s analysis, especially because I kept disagreeing with it. Broadening my horizons in this way was pretty fun and I don’t exactly regret it, but the process wasn’t a great use of my time and energy, and actively demotivated me from watching more films because after months and months I still wasn’t done with this one.
Here’s something I learned from one of the articles: there doesn’t seem to be a singular canonical explanation for whether Judy fell accidentally or jumped to her death on purpose. The initial screenplay, which I found online, indicates it was an accident; Kim Novak herself said in an interview that it was suicide. Not only did Hitchcock not show what happened, he didn’t seem to bother to either inform the actress of his interpretation or come up with one at all. That's how little he, and therefore the film itself, cared about the main female character. Nothing matters but the man and his trauma. Scottie’s storyline is concluded poetically regardless of the reason why Judy falls, but Judy’s own storyline is literally dropped as if it was never there.
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ok let's start SNW episode 2
wait I need already a second, that little Una's backstory
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dishonorable dismissal????! how dare y- the fuuck 'they are greatful for your service', yeah but we will kick you to the curb because we're scared of you and your people, fucking starfleet, Una is one of the best starfleet officer ever you don't dishonorably dismiss her just 'cause you're racist.
this is a good deal, wHaT??! where??!!!
who the hell is this himbo subpar lawyer? did he just pass the space-bar test??! give her a damn good one! Pike hurry up with the ivy league lawyer, she's trapped in the worse law&order episode ever right now!! oooh the lawyer is an illyrian, hell yeah now we're talking!! I already love her!
ooooh what happened between this Neera and Una?! interestiiiing, *please let her be an ex girlfriend*
this whole interaction between them have me like 👀 👀 what on illyrian earth happened between them?!
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now I want a full story of Neera and Una 300k thanks
'I'll tell the opposing counsel their deal is rejected' HELL YEAH
'that plea deal was her best shot,' oh no honey Neera is her best shot, gurl watch and learn, fight the laws that are unjust.
20 YEARS?? the fuck?! look, Neera has the best bluff face in the universe or she got it, her face is like 'bring it on bitches I'm ready, instead Una is like 'wha 👁️👄👁️'
'are you being funny? you were never funny' sdfghjkjfdfghjkjhgfdfghjk fun's funeral old friend knows it too 😂 I love these two together I need to know more about their backstory gimmeeee
I love La'an silently seething, frothing at her mouth about to snap if she can't find the one who snitched on her Una! she's like
WHeRE IS iT??!! that asshole...
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jesus Batel is kind of a horrible counselor tho technically speaking, why you screaming that loud 'objection' gurl?! I can hear youuu, she needs to binge watch some law and order and take notes.
look at all these pompous people act so affronted when being called out as racist lol I love Neera she demolished them lol
'an affinity for gilbert and sullivan musicals' I fucking knew it Spock would said that sdfghjklkjhfdsdfghjk
I like the fact that Batel wants to fail tho lol I give you that gurl (lol when she was forgetting to object) I like you better
oh sweet La'an 🥹 'Counselor, I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for Una' 😭😭 Una is family 😭❤
excuse me but Neera and La'an exchange was absolutely amazing and important, La'an needed to hear that, I love Neera. And La'an utter relief of finding out she was not the one who unintentionally caused Una's identity leak was wow such a good scene my poor bb was so scared to have been the one 😭
Una backstory is heartbreaking and you could see that she wanted to explain it to Neera too and apologizing and she did, Neera's voice was breaking a bit too. These two give me emotions I love their interactions so much.
lol that admiral calling her toxic was funny, because she's literally the opposite of toxic as an illyrian since she can heal herself and others by exposure lol
Batel reading that starfleet code that practically saved Una and laughing and be like, I lost!
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Damn I love Neera and how she speaks, I was like omg she is asking for asylum and bitch it's working, she saved Una and made a damn good point
*whistle* 'First Officer on deck'
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I'm sorry but that prolonged hand holding 👀 *cough cough* I wanna know more here, I need Neera back ASAP I love her so much already
her little moment with La'an I cry 'welcome home, it wasn't the same without you' 🥹 these two that are not huggers or extroverts find their way of telling each other how they feel, they're family.
commander Chin Riley is back bitches!! the brain cell holder is back everything is gonna be ok
after all these roller-coaster emotions I propose an Enterprise Bingo match again just to raise the spirits and have F U N
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Trans Kael bits and pieces in a modern AU teehee
"Bro if you don't come like asap we're going without you"
"Hal, father is in my room, wait like 2 fucking seconds"
"Then tell him you need to run away from him real quick with your 3 boyfriends and to go fuck himself"
"What? We already drank a bit before going"
"Well you gotta talk to your daddy first don't you"
"Omfg its starting to rain good sir"
"Stand in the rain then, it won't kill you 😉"
"I love you too Kael!!!!"
"All I'm saying is you should start acting like an adult for once, darling..."
"I am an adult..." He was laying on his bed, looking in his phone, completely disinterested in whatever Anasterian was telling him.
"You sure are, in age atleast... But not in the way you act. Especially not recently."
"Belore, dad, will you just leave it? I'm trying, oh my gods..."
"All I'm saying is that you should be more responsible... I don't want to be worried about you running around, possibly coming back home pregnant or worse!"
"DAD??? Will you just cut it?"
"I get worried! And I don't want you ruining the image of our company..."
"Blah blah blah, epic, cool... you leaving?"
"Stop talking to me in that tone, young lady!"
Kael stopped in his tracks, sat up on the bed. "Will you just leave? I don't feel great..." He frowned at his father.
"What is it? Keelia, you know you can talk to me, honey..."
He got up and walked over to his father. "Please, leave me alone for two seconds!"
Anasterian sighed and walked out of the room. "Alright..."
Kael closed the door behind him and went to get ready for the night out.
He put on his binder and quickly put together an outfit for the day.
He wasn't feeling particularly confident in the look to be honest. He might've been feeling cocky and rude today, but the second the way he looked came into question? All that smugness goes out the window.
Kael blinked behind the mansion to the usual spot, with his friends already waiting for him, two of them absolutely drenched in rain while Rommath was the only one under an umbrella.
"Just hi? The fuck, man?" Halduron hugged him.
"OH MY BELORE YOU'RE SO COLD!" Kael pulled back and playfully punched him in the shoulder. "How very dare you, sir..."
"Are we going?" Rommath said, looking up from his phone. "You look handsome, Kael..." He stated dryly.
"Thank you, you do as well..." He smiled at him.
"I think we should go before your dad notices you left..." Lor'themar chuckled. "And we really need some fire magic over here..."
"Rom could've dried your clothes already-"
"Why would I do that? They should've brought umbrellas..." Rommath rolled his eyes.
"Rommie..." Kael giggled.
"Ughhhhh... You act like you aren't the stronger one of us..." He said, slowly walking away from the house.
When they got to the bar (and dried Lor and Hal's clothes) they sat down at a booth in the corner. Immediatelly ordering some drinks to start with.
"How was your day, by the way? You were at home, right, Kael?" Lor'themar started, taking a sip.
"Oh yeah... I didn't have any classes in uni today so I just... Read a book and shit..." He smiled, also sipping on his drink.
"I will never understand... NEVER... How you can read books for fun..." Halduron joined in.
"That's because you're fucking dyslexic, Hal..." Rommath chuckled.
"Hey! That hurt! It's true but it hurt!" Hal was laughing his ass off trying not to spill his drink.
"And what did you guys do?" Kael asked.
"Well I went to class and later, Hal, Sylvanas and I went to archery practice..." He shrugged. "But nothing very eventful happened..."
"I went to class, to work and then I had a job interview for my summer job-" Rommath started.
"Belore dammit, Rommath, you have no chill." Halduron said.
"What? I would be bored just sitting at home like someone..." He smirked and looked over at Kael.
"I don't sit at home willingly! I just can't do a lot of shit because father would be worried sick..."
"And... why do you care if he's worried or not? You are an adult, Kael..." Rommath shook his head.
"I wouldn't care if he didn't make me feel so bad about it... He shouldn't even worry about me going out with friends every once in a while but noooo I have to sneak out like a sixteen year old..."
"I mean you do act like a sixteen year old sometimes... But that's not important..." Rommath took a sip of his drink. "You are constantly worrying about him worrying about you... that's not healthy for either of you..."
"I know... But me not being out to him is also not the healthiest situation now, is it?" Kael cringed at the thought. "He still sees me as his little... girl..."
"Ugh... What did he say this time, hon?" Rom moved one of his hands to Kael's knee and looked into his eyes. "You okay?"
"Of course I'm okay... I'm used to it by this point. He just called me a young lady again. Like using my deadname isn't bad already. But- he doesn't know so it's- so it's fine I guess..."
"It's not fine if you feel hurt by it... Even if he doesn't know..."
"Belore, Rom, can we just drink in peace without talking about my identity crisis?"
They sat there for a while, drinking their little cocktails, talking, when Hal had the genius thought of doing shots. And Kael had an even more genius idea of making it a competition between the two.
Kael was feeling more than just tipsy when he felt a slight tap on his shoulder. He turned around and froze.
"Keelia, what did I tell you-?"
"Dad, I-" Suddenly he felt as if his whole stomach turned.
"You what? I don't understand what you're trying to do by constantly acting like a-"
"Dad, I don't feel too good..."
"Oh my belore, sweetie..." Anasterian brushed back his hair.
"I mean-" And in a second or two, his stomach chose to leave the conversation right onto a pair Anasterian's expensive shoes.
He didn't remember much of last night when he got up on his bed in the morning with a raging headache. He was still wearing his binder and god did it feel like it was crushing his ribs after so long.
He slowly sat up and looked over at the side table with a piece of paper, a pill and a glass of water placed on it.
Kael reached for the paper, picking it up and reading the text on it.
"Don't do that again and call me if you need anything
Kael chuckled.
"I love you, dad."
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justtluffythings · 1 year
“Fine, Dora! I can have one more butterbeer, but then I really need to get going. Charlie’s going to kill me if I’m late one more time.”
Tonks chuckled as she ignored Veronica’s eye rolling and ushered Madam Rosmerta over to their table. Just then, Athena came flying into the pub through an open window and landed on Veronica’s arm that had been resting on the table. “What is it, pretty girl? You have a note for me?” Athena extended her leg out to her in response, and Veronica carefully removed the parchment. Her eyes widened as she read it.
“What is it, Veronica? Who’s it from?”
“Emily. She wants to have an emergency Quidditch meeting right now to talk about something urgent. She wants us at the pitch ASAP.” Veronica sighed heavily as she rubbed a hand down her face. “What am I going to do with Charlie? I don’t have time to go down to the lake to tell him.”
“Shouldn’t he be finishing up Quidditch practice right about now?”
Veronica’s eyes widened in realization. “Yes, of course! If I leave now, I can probably catch him leaving the change rooms. Can you do me a favor?”
“Depends what it is,” Tonks chuckled.
“Can you keep Charlie company until I’m done with practice? I don’t know how long this meeting is going to be. It could be 10 minutes but it also could be 3 hours. You never know with Emily. And I don’t want Charlie to be alone doing nothing on a Saturday afternoon.”
Tonks shrugged. “Sure, why not? Tell him to come find me here.”
“Thank you!” Veronica quickly pulled her friend in for a hug, before rushing out of the pub. “I’ll see you later!” She yelled over her shoulder as she ran out the door.
Minutes later, Veronica arrived outside the Quidditch pitch, breathing heavily from running all the way there. Just then, Charlie came out of the change rooms laughing about something with a few of his teammates. Once he saw her, he grinned and jogged over to her without another word to them. Veronica watched as his teammates rolled their eyes playfully and laughed at his antics before they walked away.
“What’s the matter, love? Am I late?”
“No, no. You’re fine, but we have an emergency Quidditch meeting that just came up. I wanted to make sure I caught you before you left.”
“Oh okay, no worries. You don’t know how long it’ll be, I suppose?”
“No, I don’t even know what it’s about. But I asked Tonks if she would keep you company until I’m done, so she’s waiting at the Three Broomsticks. I can come get you when the meeting’s over.”
“Okay, no problem. You didn’t have to do that Ronnie, I could have waited for you by the lake, but thank you. I’ll be there when you’re done.”
“Singer, hurry it up! Let’s go!” Veronica looked over to find Emily standing at the entrance to the change rooms tapping impatiently at the empty spot on her wrist where a watch would typically be worn.
“I’m coming! Alright Charlie, I’ll see you later.” Charlie gave her a quick hug before she was practically ripped away by her teammates.
“Don’t worry, Weasley!” Emily yelled. “I’ll get her back to you ASAP.” 
Charlie chuckled before making his way down the path towards Hogsmeade.
* * *
“So what’s going on, Em? What’s the emergency?”
“Maribelle, I think you should be the one to tell them.”
Veronica turned her concerned gaze to the Ravenclaw Seeker. “Everything okay, Mar?”
“Oh yeah, I’m fine. It’s just… I won’t be playing Quidditch with you lot for a while.” Gasps could be heard around the room as the team looked around at each other.
“What? Why?”
“Well… Unfortunately, my marks in Charms and Transfiguration aren’t where they should be, so Flitwick is taking me off the team until I improve them.”
Before the team had a chance to protest, Emily interjected. “But don’t worry! We’re working on getting her marks up, and she’ll be back on the team before you know it. But, until then, our reserve Seeker, Walker Mathis, will be taking her place. I know he’s only a second year, but you all saw him at tryouts, he’s good. Not to mention, Veronica was a second year when she joined the team, and she was amazing, so we can’t judge players by their age.” The team nodded enthusiastically as Veronica blushed at the compliment. “Now, Walker is actually waiting for us on the pitch, and I want us to have a quick practice with him so that we can adjust to the change in our lineup. It’s a big one, but we’ll get through it, and like I said, it won’t last long because Maribelle is going to get her situation sorted ASAP, and she’ll be back playing with us in no time. So, let’s go.”
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lee-etc · 1 year
1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25 for end of the year ask? (https://www.tumblr.com/lee-and-other-things/703710398467244032/end-of-the-year-asks)
This is gonna be a long post, so answers are under the cut! Thanks for the ask :)
1. Song of the year?
No End Summer by Toshiki Kadomatsu. It's become one of my all-time favourites.
4. Movie of the year?
My Own Private Idaho (1991). Just a really solid film, but I'm also thankful to it for introducing me to the song by the B-52's, which is a bop.
jk. it's Goncharov (1973)
5. TV show of the year?
I literally can't live without Mob Psycho 100. I re-watched it again before s3 and it's just. So amazing.
HOWEVER, I have to hand this one to Our Flag Means Death, because it came out this year and I also love that show so so much.
6. Episode of tv or webisode that defined the year for you?
Okay we are going to do a top 3 because you need to know which tv shows are changing my brain chemistry .
No. 3
What We Do in the Shadows S04 E04 · The Night Market
any wwdits ep that has guillermo in a trench coat can, and does, kill me. and then with the swords? i literally died
No. 2
Hannibal S01 E01 · Aperitif
i began re-watching hannibal for like the millionth time and i think that if i watch this episode again i will become fully rabid
And lastly... No. 1
Link Click S01 E01 · Emma
made the mistake of having a cold one before watching so i was a bit tipsy and more susceptible to like, everything that happened. i was sitting down while watching this episode but i still needed to go and sit down again. idk how i am going to survive the rest of this show
8. Game of the year?
Sonic Adventure DX, surprisingly. I played a demo version of it when I was younger, and this year I remembered really enjoying it, so I got the full game on steam and started playing sonic again! I'm not much of a gamer but if there's a game that I really like or really want to play then I'm likely to make an exception for it.
Playing the game again was fun, I actually really liked the graphics, and the music was on another level. Emerald coast will always be nostalgic for me, I think.
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(A prediction for next year: I was lucky enough to buy Disco Elysium during the sale period, and I can't wait to start playing it asap)
10. Something that made you cry this year?
(′д` )…彡…彡
11. Something you want to do again next year?
Started clubbing this year. I think I'd like to go a few times next year as well. The dancing is really fun !
12. Talk about a new friend you made this year
Skipping this one for personal privacy reasons, hope you don't mind :)
14. Favorite book you read this year?
For physical manga - Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou: Deluxe Edition 1. I loved how relaxing a read it was.
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For digital manga - The Summer Hikaru Died by Mokumoku Ren. When people say that Japanese manga is loud they are talking about THIS story specifically
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For webcomics - Thank You For Viewing by bubblu . Lovely art, lovely story, lovely characters. Can't wait for the next update.
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For physical books (non-fiction) - The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. A uniquely challenging and introspective read disguised as an easy-to-read non-fiction book.
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For physical books (fiction) - An Absolutely Remarkable Thing and A Beautifully Foolish Endeavour by Hank Green. I read one after the other, and I can't pick a favourite. Both of them were everything I want from a sci-fi story, though.
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For webnovels - It's Definitely Not All Mary Poppins by writerkid101. I love queer found family stories sm
And lastly, fanfiction - paprika by snapdragonsuplex. It's the excellent writing and ghibli vibes for me
19. What’re you excited about for next year?
Living by myself in one of the most well-known cities in the world???? Still hasn't hit me just yet
20. What’s something you learned this year?
I can look good in dresses, but I do not like wearing them much. I'd still like to try wearing maxi skirts though.
22. Favorite place you visited this year?
Went on the Orange River (specifically the part of the river that's on the border between SA and Namibia) for a school trip. Capsizing sucks but the views and the experience were just extraordinary.
23. If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?
YES, YOU ARE TRANSGENDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lmao good luck with that
25. Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one
One of my best friends and I made two monstergirls whilst playing around with picrews. here's a really quick drawing i did of them together... they are gay and in love <3
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