#i think the set up for this paper is stupid though and i *will* bitch about it
camellia-thea · 7 months
don't want to study. don't want to do exam. i must do both.
0 notes
seeingivy · 4 months
speak now
actor!eren x f!reader
**part of my method acting series
songs mentioned: the greatest by lana del ray and speak now by taylor swift! (minor mentions: daylight and forever winter by taylor swift)
previous part linked here
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There’s something strange about showing Eren around an elementary school. Or strange about being around Eren at all. 
There’s an overarching hunch, a quiet fear that parrots in your mind whenever you’re with him, stuck in those quiet pockets of time that you feel like he can see right through you, that every secret thought ricocheting in your mind is one that he’s entirely cognizant of - and that he hates it for it.
It almost fills you with disgust. How badly you want to be around him all the time, to be able to read him the way you’re positive that he can read you, just so that you can know what he’s thinking. 
Is he upset with the way you reacted? Does he know how grateful you are towards him? Is he consoled by the fact that he’s fully forgiven? Does he care?
Does he think about you as much as you think about him? 
The elementary school makes it worse. Almost emotional. Because it’s the fact that even though it’s not your school, it’s exactly how you remember it - so nostalgic that it’s nauseating. Though the colors are less vibrant, almost too dull this time around. The desks are comically small, when they used to be so expansive that you could barely reach the front corners. 
“Did you ever collect Box-Tops?” you ask Eren. 
He looks at you, face wrinkled in confusion as he shrugs. And the second his eyes lock with yours, you quickly swallow down your gulp of shame - at the lost, almost pinched look in his eyes - as he quickly averts his eyes. 
Does he hate you for bringing it up? Does he want to berate you for rubbing in the fact that he had no semblance of a normal childhood? 
You take the little jar, the little cardboard slips secured in the glass, as you hold it up to him. 
“These are Box-Tops. They’re usually on the top of cereal boxes and granola bars and stuff. You can collect them and bring them to class and whoever gets the most in your grade usually gets a pizza party. It’s a charity-type thing where they get more funds for things like arts programs at your school by turning them into the foundation.” you murmur, placing the little jar in his hands. 
“You can’t just…fund the schools properly?” Eren asks, wrinkling his nose. 
“Are you crazy, Eren? Why would they ever do that?” you respond, voice dripping with sarcasm.
Eren smiles.  
“Figures. D’you ever win?” 
“Win what?” 
“The pizza party.” 
“Oh, maybe once or twice. They usually only buy two pizzas so you get a comically small slice so that it’s enough to go around for everyone. And I had Falco and Colt to share with - we had to split all the Box Tops we collected evenly between the three of us so I always felt lame turning like three or four in.” you state. 
Does he think your complaint is stupid? That you should be grateful that you even got to experience it in the first place? 
“What if there was an even number?” 
“Rock paper scissors. Then Falco started crying when he lost, so we ended up giving it to him anyway.” you state. 
“Very on brand.” 
Eren smiles - brightly this time - as he sets the jar back onto the top of the filing cabinets and the two of you continue to awkwardly pace around the room. Eren’s overwhelmed with the memory - of Falco sobbing at his first Canadian Christmas when he was asked what he was thankful for - and the consistency makes him warm.
There’s something unsettling about the room - about how foreign it is to him. There’s a weird echo panging in Eren’s chest, somewhat caused by how longingly you seem to be looking at every little detail of the room. Running your hand over the hardwood desks, picking up the box of crayons, almost frowning at the pictures.
The thoughts that run through Eren’s mind are almost paralyzing, that he can barely keep his beating heart collected in his chest, and more awkwardly, that you know and are choosing to ignore it for civility sake. 
Are you going to leave him when the show ends? Would you have left him if you lived a different life too?
Are you never going to end up together?
“Did you ever see Falco and Colt? When you were at school? S’that like a thing that happened?” Eren asks, poking around each of the little flyers on the bulletin board.
“Ah. Not really. Though sometimes when I was going to art class and Falco was going to computers or something, we’d kind of pass each other. We’d always be really excited to see each other. When we saw Colt, he always pretended like he didn’t even know who we were.” you state. 
Eren can't stop the thoughts.
Do you hate him for bringing up a life that was robbed from you? The security of a school, of a quiet life because he selfishly picked you to be at his side? 
Eren hums in response, as you head over to the last wall - the one left untouched by your inspecting eyes - as you fight the urge to smile. There’s little pictures of each of the students, Teddy right towards the top with a big toothy smile on his face. You point it out to Eren as you catch it before him, memorizing the soft look that spreads over his face when he finally catches light of it. 
“You ever see Zeke?” you ask. 
“Well, we technically watched a movie with him in it? So, that counts?” Eren shrugs. 
“That’s right. Having your own parents and your brother as your source material must be so crazy.”
The thought that follows your comment nauseates Eren.
Are you trying to point out how different you are, so much so that you’ll never be able to be together? 
“I can imagine exactly how you would be in elementary school.” Eren states, slinging his arm around your shoulder and bringing his face nearly flush with yours. 
“Oh yeah?” you ask.
“You’d be like…this girl.” 
You inspect the picture, rolling your eyes at the cop-out answer. Each of the little pictures is labeled with their hobbies or their interests, and naturally, Eren’s picked the girl who says she wants to be a songwriter. 
“You’re funny.” you respond, sarcastically. 
“S’nothing funny about it.” Eren responds. 
“You’d be like…this one. He seems like the type of kid who would pull on a girl's pigtails, which according to Mikasa, is something that you actually did.” 
Eren’s going to kill Jean. 
“That’s just how you get a girl's attention.” Eren responds. 
“Is that right? Had something you wanted to tell Mikasa really badly?” you smile. 
Eren’s almost embarrassed that you know. That he feels the need to defend himself, to prove his devotion to you even though there would be no reason for him to do that. 
“Ugh. Who told you?” Eren asks. 
You can’t help but laugh. 
“I can’t remember. Maybe Jean?” 
“It was two days!” Eren whines. 
You’re not sure how the topic came up, but Jean humbled you very fast when you claimed that you were the first person that Eren ever liked. Apparently you weren’t because Eren had sported a two day crush on Mikasa when they were younger, before he ever met you, which left you embarrassed - but also ready to tease him to oblivion. 
“Eremika…” you state. 
Eren clamps his hand over your mouth, as you quickly shove him off. 
“Shut up.” Eren states. 
“It’s funny! Mikasa’s getting married and you’re stuck at a five-year old’s piano concert. With seats all the way in the back, mind you.” 
Eren rolls his eyes, as he leans back and sits on top of one of the desks. You follow suit, ignoring the little creak, as your legs swing over the top of the desk. 
“What was your signature move in elementary school for the boys?” 
“Was I supposed to have game as a seven year old?” 
Eren scoffs. 
“Well, we can’t all be talented.” Eren teases. 
“I hardly qualify hair pulling as a game. That’s an annoying way to get attention.” 
Eren smiles, leaning forward and curling his hands around a lock of your hair, before he lightly tugs. His face is so close to yours that you can make out the tiniest wrinkles in his skin, marked around his eyes. 
“Annoyed?” Eren teases, his voice barely a whisper. 
You shake your head, ever so slightly. A jarring movement feels too loud, like he’ll move away at the smallest of breaths, like a deer in the woods. 
“Down to my very core.” you respond. 
Eren smiles, the wrinkles even more pronounced, as you almost lean your forehead against his, skin ghosting each others. The thoughts are racing at this point, so fast that Eren can barely feel his breaths. 
Is he ever going to be in love with someone who isn’t you? 
“I feel the need to clarify. It was two days.” Eren states. 
“Two days of hopeless pining.” 
“Nothing compared to the three years of it that I did with you.” 
You roll your eyes, cheeks burning. 
He knows. It's written all over your face.
“Nothing compares to a puppy-love childhood crush.” you state. 
“That’s where you’re wrong. I get the whole innocence of the puppy-love thing, but nothing pales comparison to the intensity of a teenage dream.” Eren states. 
Eren watches your eyes waver and feels his throat constrict. 
You know. It's written all over his face.
Thankfully for him, and less so for you, Sukuna ruins the movement. His shouting from the doorway breaks that quiet bubble, quickly pulling you both farther away from each other. 
“What the hell are you guys doing? It’s starting in five minutes.” 
You and Eren settle into your seats at the back, right by the door, as the lights dim in the little auditorium. They’re a warm golden, the smell of fresh paint tickling your nostrils.
Sitting all the way in the back has you and Eren weaving your heads around all the people crowded in front of you, the tiny cell phone lights illuminating each row. 
You catch sight of Lana and Sukuna are aggressively gesturing at Teddy on the stage from their cushy seats in the front row at your left - Sukuna trying to get him to smile for a picture while Lana tries to signal to him to fix his untied shoelaces. The coddling makes your heart burn.  
Eren digs into his coat pocket and pulls out a little camcorder that he hands to you. 
“For?” you ask. 
“Can you record it for me? I just…want to watch him in real time.” 
You smile. 
“Of course, I can.” you murmur, taking the little camera from him and flipping it open in your hands. 
“Don’t record the other kids. I don’t give a fuck.” Eren states. 
“Who knew you felt so passionately about kindergarten piano concert etiquette?” you jeer. 
“You would be shocked. Lana’s basically out of storage by the time she gets to Teddy.” Eren groans. 
You roll your eyes. 
“I think it’s sweet.” 
Eren wonders if there’s anything you can’t find the good in. His wavering suspicion is that it’s him - that you’re the worst thing he’s ever seen. So tainted that there’s barely any semblance of light left in him. 
Eren’s hanging onto the end of your words, wanting to hear the spiral of thoughts running through your mind. Your affinity to look towards the positive, to soak up all the good, to point out all the love in the room - it was something he found himself chasing even though he knew he was barely half deserving of it. 
“I just mean…when I was younger, my mom would tell me that my friend’s mom recorded me singing too and then sent it to her. And I was always really touched that they saw me and didn’t think god, it’s another kid I have to sit through. Like no, that’s Y/N! That’s my daughter’s friend.” 
Eren deflates. He figures that it comes so naturally for you - seeing the good - because he thinks the law of attraction is real; that like attracts like, that people find what’s similar to them. And that he always seems to be the antithesis to it. 
He’s always the exception to your rule. 
“And some parents are late. They’re running here from work, or…or they were late because they had another kid to take care of first and…and it still makes the kid feel special, even if they don’t know it.” you whisper. 
You twist the camera around in your hands as Eren gives you a lopsided smile, an underlying sentiment you can’t really place mirrored in his features. You’d memorize his expression just to agonize about it later, in the safe confines of your room, but your train of thought is cut off by a tapping on your shoulder. 
It’s a little girl - with dark skin and braided hair - barely the age of seven. Her little legs can’t even reach the tan colored floor, her sparkly purple shoes glittering in the dim light. 
“Hi.” she states. 
Eren leans over, a cautious arm on the small of your back, as you lean your head closer to hers and whisper. 
“Hi. Is something wrong?” you whisper. 
“Our dresses are matching colors.” she states. 
You look down - the white flowers printed on your dress matching her frilly pleats. It’s an painfully relieving breath, as you give her a smile. 
“My name’s Y/N. It’s really nice to meet you.” 
“Y/N? Like the pop artist?” 
You freeze, freezing cold ice shooting down your spine. 
“I wish my mom named me after someone cool. My name’s Grace. It was my grandma’s name.” 
You can barely muster out a response, Eren’s fingertips at your side squeezing shaking the shock out of your mind. 
“I’m sure your grandma was pretty cool.” you respond, barely registering the words as they leave your lips. 
“I mean, yeah. She was old. But no one’s as cool as Y/N L/N.” she responds, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. 
You can see Eren smiling out of your peripheral vision, giving a polite nod to the parents seated at her side, who’ve now caught onto the fact that their daughter is talking to a complete stranger. Eren’s quick to diffuse the situation, holding out a hand to them. 
“I’m Eren. This is Y/N. We’re here for Teddy. Curly blonde hair, big brown eyes?” 
“Yeah. Yeah, that’s right. I’m sorry…did you say your name was Y/N?” 
You give them a sheepish smile, bringing your hands to the coarse skin above your elbows and pinching. 
“That’s right.” 
“Our daughter’s a really big fan.” they state. 
You smile, looking back down at her dark eyes, this time wide in shock. 
“Is that right?” you ask, trying to give her the warmest smile you can. 
Her parents lean down closer to her ears, the overwhelming sense of a flowery perfume taking over your senses, as you watch them talk to her, softly. 
“Okay. Ask her nicely, okay?” they ask. 
Grace gives them an obedient nod, before turning to you and puffing her chest out to you. 
“Can I have a hug?” 
“Oh. You…you want a hug?” 
“Please? It’ll be quick.” she asks, her little voice shrill with a hopeful tone. 
There’s a soft sense of elation that spreads through you, your cheeks warm at such an innocent request, as you can barely stop your arms from shaking. You open up your arms to her, as she nearly jumps into your embrace, and you squeeze her little frame as tightly as you can. The smell of strawberries wafts off her hair, accompanied by a soft giggling sound in your ear that nearly brings tears to your eyes. 
You look up to find her parents, an awkward pinched smile in their eyes, as you give them a polite smile. 
“I promise, I’ll take a picture with her after the show, okay? And if I forget, please come find me and remind me.” 
The relief is apparent in their faces - their sickeningly grateful smiles over something as simple as a picture - as you let go and she settles back into the seat next to you. 
You have to settle for recording Teddy with one hand, a deathlike grip in the camera, only because Grace refuses to let go of your other hand for the rest of the show. 
Eren’s surprisingly really good with kids. Or really, not surprisingly at all, because you were finding it hard to identify something that Eren was really bad at. Because even the mistakes he did make were so painfully endearing, so warmly thoughtful that you could barely accost him for it. 
He's making jokes with all the kids - participating in their rock paper scissors contests, playing pranks on their parents, and stealing cookies for them when people aren't looking.
You guys are the last ones to leave the school. But it’s only because Eren’s so enthralled with talking to all the passing people - taking pictures, signing napkins, and making phone calls to all their loved ones - that it makes your chest swell. 
The narrowed eyes still make you nervous, an underlying feeling of inadequacy - of embarrassment for hiding out for so long - is all but nauseating, something Sukuna picks up on right after Eren. 
He lets Lana take the lead on the pictures and mingling with all the parents, apparently something that was Sukuna’s forté, as he keeps his arm linked with yours, backs cold against the cement wall.  
“You know, you can go make your rounds with Lana. I don’t want to ruin your son’s piano concert for you.” you state. 
“This shit is overrated.” 
You smile. 
“You’re lying.” you state. 
Sukuna looks over at you, brown eyes fixed on yours, as you watch a smile curl on his face. It’s almost boyish - and it’s the first time that you’re acutely aware of the fact that Sukuna’s probably the youngest one here - living a life so vastly different from yours. 
“I am lying.” Sukuna states. 
“Do you like it here, Sukuna?” you whisper. 
“I’m better at this than I was at the whole - award show, celebrity world thing. People here are really easily impressed.” 
“Is that right?” 
“I handed a woman a lemonade earlier and she said God bless you. Over a fucking lemonade.” 
“That’s just basic human decency, sweetheart. Were you raised by wolves?” you ask. 
Sukuna scoffs. 
“Basically.” he responds. 
You hum in response, watching Lana crouch on the ground and press her cheek to Teddy’s as Eren quickly snaps the picture for them. 
“Can I ask you a question?” Sukuna asks. 
“Is me saying no going to stop you?” you ask. 
“Probably not.” 
“Proceed.” you respond. 
“So, what did you really do for two years? And don’t give me the same shitty bullshit as last time. I want to know what it was that you did.” he responds, tone unrelenting. 
You pause, mulling over the question. You knew it would come soon enough, the utter bleakness of it all, but you suppose it's like ripping off a bandaid. That it'll become softer to talk about after you do it so many times.
“It’s not pretty.” you respond. 
“I’ve always thought you were really ugly. It’s hardly a difference for me.” 
“Lovely. In a world of boys, you really are a gentleman, Sukuna.” 
He grins, nursing the glass of lemonade in his hand. 
“To be a woman is to perform. Now, tell.” Sukuna responds.
The truth of the matter is that there’s nothing to tell. Because you didn’t do anything. 
“I got home from doing the interview and spent the entire week with Falco and Colt. I-I basically didn’t let them leave my side. Falco slept with me at night, Colt basically watched over me like a hawk.” 
It’s a crashing plate, worried eyes, and an embarrassingly debilitating loss. 
“And then Falco came into my room one day and told me that The Lucky One sold more vinyls than all of my other albums combined, in one week.” you state. 
“Non-fluff shit prevails. I’ve been telling you.” 
“I didn’t approve of that album being distributed as vinyl. For physical sales - at all. It wasn’t about the money or the records or- or any of that. And when Falco told me, I-” 
Sukuna looks over, at the lump in your throat. He knows the feeling too well - the sweaty skin, the heavy tongue, and slips his hand into yours at his side. 
“I broke his phone.” you state. 
“I took it from his hands and I smashed it. Then my own too. That’s partially why I never called you guys. I didn’t exactly memorize your numbers and I wasn’t in a position where I was going to just ask for them back.” you state. 
“Not like you would have called anyways.” Sukuna states.
“I only knew Mikasa was having an engagement party because she sent me a physical invitation. Only knew Marco died because of the news. I-I barely knew what any of them were doing when I was gone, still.”  
You bite your tongue, the tiniest metallic taste enveloping your mouth, as you pull the now warm, puffed up flesh away from your teeth. 
“I knew that if I came back, it would mean I would be sucked back into it. What’s your response going to be, hint at it with this song, come back like this and…I’d rather lock myself in my house then do that again. I love songwriting, but not enough to sacrifice my dignity. I enjoyed my career but it drained the life out of me.” 
Sukuna’s lip twitches. You choose to ignore it for the time being. 
“I took up different hobbies. Got a sewing machine, made sourdough from scratch, I even learned flower arranging. But, I could tell that I must have seemed like I was off my rocker or something. My parents and my brothers never really left my side, I could tell that they were always worrying about me, and-and I hated that because-”  
Sukuna stops you before you get too choked up, now standing in front of you, his back blocking the sight of you from any of the people milling around the courtyard. 
“I know that’s a shitty answer. That I should have been doing something worthwhile. But, but- I was fucking tired. I was done doing all this and I can’t exactly…be a functioning member of society or something. I can barely stand here without people giving me a second look or trying to get a discreet picture.” you whisper. 
“I just wanted to know. I’m not giving you shit for it.” he whispers. 
You frown. 
“You aren’t. But maybe you should.” 
You look over his shoulder, at Eren squishing Teddy’s cheeks with his fingers as Lana takes a picture of them - far too close to barely even get the two of them in it together. 
“He fought for me when I wasn’t even here anymore. I was moping in my house, breaking plates whenever I got frustrated, and he was still moving forward.” you murmur. 
Sukuna pauses. 
“Y/N. Don’t do that. I need you to be so careful with what the fuck you do after you leave here.” 
The sense of urgency in his voice catches you off guard. 
“Y/N. It won’t happen if you’re careless. You cannot wallow in your own pity about this, I need you to tread lightly, okay?” 
“What won’t happen?” 
Sukuna glares at you.
“You and him. You could spend years pointing fingers at each other, who didn’t do what. You won’t get him back if you stay there when he’s moved forward.” 
“I don’t want him.” you whisper. 
You barely believe it when it comes out of your mouth. 
“You disgust me, Y/N.” he states. 
“You’ve always had such a way with words.” 
“And you’ve always had a lack of critical thinking. Why wouldn’t you want him?” 
“Why would he want me?” 
“He just does. The same way you just do.” 
You swallow hard. 
“Fine. Be a fucking idiot for all I care. If you do ever knock some sense into that thick fucking skull of yours, just be careful. Eren knows that he has to prove he cares about you for you to come back to him. You need to know that he barely thinks he’s deserving of anything from you, so much so, that he won’t ever make the move.” 
Sukuna doesn’t mince his words. You wish he could have you through every important decision of your life just so you wouldn’t stumble and fall as much as you did. 
“Eren’s called the shots since you were fifteen. You’re going to have to call all the next ones. And for the love of god, really. I’m so tired of that fucking freeloader showing up whenever he pleases. And you look really ugly when you look sad, so just do it right please.”  
You smile. 
“Are you insinuating I’m pretty when I don’t look sad?” 
“I hope you fall off a bridge and never recover.” Sukuna responds. 
The sniffling cues Eren onto the fact that you’re crying. The air pressure of the plane is overwhelming in his ears, almost so loud that he misses it, but he counts himself lucky that you’ve always been an obscenely loud crier. He peeks his head over the division over your seats and reaches forward to poke your head. 
“Hey. You okay?” he asks. 
You give him a meek nod. You know for a fact that he doesn’t believe it for one second. 
“Can I come over there for a second? I don’t want to talk from so far away.” Eren asks. 
“Isn’t that like…illegal? Two people in one seat.” you murmur. 
“This is first class, the seat is basically a bed. And there’s no laws in the air.” 
You frown. 
“Eren. Laws still exist in the air. They’re just local.” 
Eren smiles. 
“Well, aren’t you a little genius? Scooch over.” 
You shift on the seat, pulling your blanket closer to you as Eren very precariously makes his way over to your seat, the two of you almost cramped in the small space. It’s almost funny how there’s barely any room, your foreheads pressed together from the lack of space. 
“Hey.” he whispers. 
“What’s wrong, Margaret?” 
You shake your head. His hands are warm on your sides. 
“Come on. Tell me. I’m really good at fixing problems.” 
“I know.” 
Eren can’t place what the tone is in your voice - but it comes out all strained and raspy - that it rubs him the wrong way. 
“I didn’t mean it in a bad way.” you clarify. 
“Which way do you mean it?” Eren asks. 
You sigh. 
“I mean. You handled everything considerably well, even if it wasn’t easier for you. You…you waited until I was ready to hear it, until I asked to be told your side of the story. And you put it all together, wrapped in a perfect bow with that documentary, and then took me to see Lana and Sukuna too because you knew I’d want to.” you mumble. 
“Wrapped in a ribbon. Who the fuck calls it a bow?” 
You roll your eyes, earning you a laugh from Eren that’s so loud it makes you laugh too. You reach forward to clamp your fingers over his mouth, muffling the loud sound, as you shush him loudly. 
Eren pauses. 
“I’m glad it worked. And I had a lot of time to think. You don’t have as much, but…we’ll help you. With whatever you want to do.” Eren states. 
You give him a nod, unsatisfied with the answer. 
“What were you thinking?” Eren asks. 
You fish out the little slip of your pocket, nearly smushing your face into his in the process, and place the little paper in his hand. 
“This is…Satoru Gojo’s phone number?” Eren asks. 
“Yeah. I got it from Sukuna.” 
“For what purpose?” 
You pause. 
“I’m going to bury Scott Clarkson into the ground.” 
Eren’s caught off by the answer. 
“You’re what?” 
“What answer were you expecting?” 
“I’m not mad at it. I was just thinking more…I want to write music again. I’m not a quitter.” 
You frown. 
“I thought about that. But it hasn’t exactly worked for me like that. I even tried when I was at the beach but I came up with nothing. But that’s not relevant, I don’t need to write music to end him.” 
“I mean, yeah, I guess. But it’s better that way. Using exactly what they tried to take away from you to get back at them.” Eren responds. 
You smile. 
“You’ll help me?” 
Eren rolls his eyes. 
“I’m pretty sure I made it clear that I’d do anything for you. Even this. Especially this.” 
You smile. You reach forward, placing a hand on his shoulder and squeezing hard. 
“Thank you. And I get what you’re saying about the music, but it just isn’t happening, so we’ll have to think of something else.” 
“I have an idea. When we get back to set, okay? I think it’ll help.” Eren states. 
You nod. 
“Okay. I trust you.” you respond. 
The sentiment sends a shiver down Eren’s spine. 
“I don’t know how it’ll go. I can’t promise that it’ll work out the way we want it.” Eren clarifies. 
You smile. 
“I was trusting you to help me get back into songwriting, not into bringing him down. I’m talking about help into being…myself again.” 
Eren’s eyes flicker, down to your lips, and then back up to your eyes. You almost swear that you imagined it. 
“Do you think I’m different?” you ask. 
You pale. 
“Do you hate me for it?” you ask. 
Eren shakes his head. 
“I like you better like this.” he whispers.
Eren reaches forward, tucking the loose hairs back behind your ear, before his warm fingers are secured around the nape of your neck. He does it a second time, looks at your lips, and this time you swear the corners of his mouth are twitching too. 
“You weren’t very confident when I met you, almost like you didn’t think you were cut out to do this. Unsure of why you even had a place in the room. Then you went so far away from me, worked yourself so hard, that I barely remember you even smiling at any of us anymore. You were angry, then you were heartbroken, and apparently you broke a lot of plates when you weren’t with any of us?” 
You roll your eyes. 
“I’m going to kill Falco.” 
“Colt.” Eren corrects. 
You scoff. 
“No way. Eren, he kind of hates you.” 
“Kind of? Colt was ready to punch me in the face when he first got to set. Rightfully so.” Eren responds. 
“It’s actually not rightfully so. He didn’t even know what you did.” you state. 
Eren pauses. 
“I know. He got here and asked me first thing what it was I did to you. Then he wanted to punch me in the face when I told him.” 
You shrug. You can tell that Eren’s waiting for an explanation - green eyes looking at you expectantly as you give him a nod. 
“It felt wrong to talk to him about it. Falco knew you a little bit better, but even for him…they would just start bad mouthing you just to make me feel good. But that would just make me feel worse because…I don’t get it. Hating someone just because things went wrong.”  
You crack your knuckles. 
“It’s like Ricky. I can badmouth him. He was horrible. He’s a bad person and he literally left me out there to rot just to embarrass me. He did it to Lana, to Teddy. You…I just thought you didn’t like me. I couldn’t really fault you for how you felt. And I loved you. I don't get off on talking shit about you when you were my entire world.” 
Eren smiles. 
“You had every right to badmouth me.” 
“But that’s the thing. I just didn’t want to. Even if things ended badly, you still made me really happy. We still did this entire thing together and-” 
“We’ll finish it together.” 
You smile, giving him a nod.
“You know when you’re in a relationship and you feel like you get to see a different side of that person? Because you’re so close?” Eren asks.
“That’s how you came back to us. Feeling close again. A fresh slate, back to what drew us all to you in the first place. So many things in this industry, in this job are so fake. I mean our job is to literally pretend. You are an overwhelmingly genuine person. Even more so now. You are different. We’re all going to love you for it.” Eren states. 
For someone who’s so convinced he’s horrible with words, Eren always seems to have the perfect ones for you. 
“Will you leave if things go south?” you ask. 
“Then we can do this. I’m positive.” you state. 
“What makes you so sure?” 
You squeeze Eren's hand three times.
“I don’t have anything to lose, Eren.” 
When you get back to set the following morning, you don’t miss Connie very loudly whispering with Eren behind you. You’re positive Jean and Mikasa are eavesdropping just as much as you are, their eyes fixed a little too hard waiting for Eren’s response. 
Did you guys kiss?
No, Connie, am I crazy?  
It makes your heart sink a little bit, but you ignore it as Eren comes up at your side, giving you a bright smile. He reaches for the little glass jar to your left and gives you a wink before he calls for everyone’s attention. 
“First things first, Falco. Good job on press. That was one of the funniest fucking interviews I’ve seen in my life.” 
Falco laughs, as you turn your head to the side, pretending to do a little bow as everyone pats him on the back, and you look at Mikasa. 
“What did I miss?” 
Mikasa smiles, pulling up the video at your side. 
“Levi’s direction was to not answer any questions about you. Naturally, that was all they asked about so we all decided to coordinate our answers and basically say that we didn’t know you.” Mikasa states. 
“It sounds stupid, but it was so funny. Some of them started actually believing it. And Falco took it so far, he started pretending like he wasn’t even related to you.” 
Mikasa hands you the phone as you play the video, barely containing your laughter at how stupid the video is. Falco’s so confident in his words, so self-assured that it’s making Gabi burst out into laughter, and obviously messes with the interviewer so bad that they can’t even continue. 
It makes you happier than it should - their first experience being so overwhelmingly positive.
“And we all wore ribbons in our hair, which didn’t help matters anyway.” Mikasa states. 
“Levi’s a menace. He’s milking this so much.” you state. 
“That was actually my idea.” 
“Oh. I didn’t mean-” 
“I know. I just want you coming back to be a big deal. It’s not an easy thing for you to do. You’re going to get every bit of hype for it.” 
You smile, reaching forward to link arms with her, as Eren makes a booing sound. 
“Are you done? Can I talk now?” 
You shove Eren. 
“Stop being rude.” 
“I’m not being rude. You guys interrupted me.” 
“Why were you talking before us? That’s so inconsiderate of you.” Mikasa states. 
You laugh as Eren rolls his eyes, handing each of them a tiny white slip and a marker, before he takes his spot next to you and gives you a big smile. 
“Y/N is going to write a song. Multiple actually. I want you to write down ideas for her and she’s going to pull one out every morning and read it to us. Then she has to play whatever she came up with, even if it was only one line, at the end of that day.” Eren states. 
“Eren.” you start.
“No buts. You guys know the drill.” 
You watch as everyone follows his instructions, excitedly whispering to each other as their pens move, and you look over at Eren. He drops his own slip into the cup, the first one, with his name neatly looped on the outside as he gives you a smile. 
“I’m not going to be able to write anything.” you state. 
“Well, you heard the rules. You’ll have to write something.” 
He shakes his head, handing you his journal, opening it to the marked page as you flip through the sheets. 
“I did this a while back, when I was getting back into it. It helps a lot more than you think. And you can ask the person who gave you the slip for help if you really need it, but that person only.” 
You take the book for him, watching everyone give you excited smiles as the cup fills up just as fast, and flip though the pages. 
“write a song about me and sukuna” And underneath, the lyrics to a song called Daylight. 
“write a song about connie’s one year anniversary of being sober” with Levi’s distinct handwriting and the lyrics to a song called Forever Winter scribbled messily on the page. 
And the last one makes your throat bob in your chest. 
“write a song about y/n”
You read over the lyrics, pressing your fingers against the ink, as you fervently read the lyrics. 
We didn't know that we had it all But nobody warns you before the fall Don't leave, I just need a wake-up call
I'm facing the greatest The greatest loss of them all The culture is lit and I had a ball I guess I'm signing off after all
You look up at him, his attention drawn away as he shuffles the cup in his hand to mix up the slips and then holds the cup out to you. Everyone’s watching, waiting for you to pull a piece, as you set the book down, and give them all a meek nod. 
There’s a resounding sound of cheers, and an obscene amount of screaming from Connie and Sasha, as you close your eyes and pull out the first paper. You open up the little slip, floored by how random the request is. 
“Write a song about upstaging someone's wedding. Connie.” you state. 
A resounding smack fills the room - as you look over to find Jean hitting Connie. 
“I told you not to put that in.” Jean yells.
“What? It’s funny! Eren said random stuff helps with this.” Connie defends. 
“Dumbass. You just had to write something about ruining a wedding?” Jean grates. 
“Who the fuck said it was about you, you egomaniac?” Sasha asks, reaching forward to flick his forehead. 
“Who else is getting married, dumbass?” Jean responds. 
“Why are you so mad? You’re clearly projecting your own personal issues.” Connie states, as Jean and Sasha follow him out of the room, their shouts filling up the quiet air. 
Eren turns to you, a bright smile on his face. You want to smack him.
“I’ll see you tonight. Fully written song and all.” Eren states, lightly shoving you as he walks past. 
You groan, leaning your head on Mikasa’s shoulder, as you hand her the little slip. 
“Eren’s so fucking annoying sometimes. How am I supposed to write a song about this?” you complain. 
“You’ll think of something. You’re amazing.” Mikasa states. 
“I um…actually got you something. And I had something I wanted to ask.” 
You took Sukuna’s words seriously. And had every intention to make amends. 
“Really?” she asks. 
“Yeah. It’s a keychain.”
You pull it out, the little penguin charm hanging off the end, as she takes it into her hands. It makes your heart swell - the way she carefully turns it over in her fingers, the excited smile on her face. 
“Thank you so much, Y/N.” 
“It’s kind of stupid but…it’s blue? Like something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue?” you state. 
Mikasa’s smile gets wider, her shoulders relaxing as she reaches forward to give you a hug. 
“Thank you. I love it.” 
“It’s just a penguin.” you murmur. 
“Maybe to someone else. But I haven’t forgotten that we watched Happy Feet at midnight the day we were supposed to film the Colossal Titan reveal and almost missed shooting that day.” she states. 
You can barely contain your elation this time. That Mikasa remembers the memory just as well as you do. You both laugh for a second before you muster the courage to ask. 
“Listen. I want to ask something but I don’t want to overstep so know that you can say no.” you state. 
“I know that we have our own rooms, but I wanted to ask if you wanted to share again? Colt and Porco always snore and…and you have your entire life to share a room with Jean but only a few more months to share one with me?” you mumble, voice nearly shaking. 
Mikasa brings her hands to your shoulders, squeezing hard as she can barely contain your smile. 
“Really? You really want to share with me?” she asks. 
“Are you crazy? You’re like the best roommate I’ve ever had.”
“No, really. Falco kicks, Colt smells, Porco snores, and Eren’s nothing compared to you. You're like a princess compared to them.” 
Mikasa smiles. 
“Deal. Lets go switch the signs - to their rightful places - right now.” 
“What if Jean disagrees?” you ask. 
Mikasa rolls her eyes. 
“He can choke for all I care.” Mikasa states, linking her arm in with yours as you both pound up the stairs right to the hallway. 
You take the marker, scribbling out Mikasa and Jean’s names (and Connie’s comments underneath) as you hand her the marker to do the honors. You both admire the little sign together, arms wrapped around each other, as Eren, Connie, and Jean join you two. 
“What the fuck?” Jean asks. 
You smile at him. 
“Sorry. Not your room anymore.” you respond. 
“One could argue that it was never really yours in the first place, Jean.” Mikasa states. 
“Dude, you guys are so annoying.” Jean states. 
“Did you just call your fiance, dude?” Eren asks, earning him a shove from Jean. 
Connie comes up at Mikasa’s side, taking the marker from her hands, and adding his signature comment to finish off the new sign. You look over at him and smile, tugging him into your hug with Mikasa - as you all admire the door. 
And underneath, Connie’s lopsided handwriting: 
You understand why everyone was crowding you and Eren when they thought you were going to kiss in season two. It’s because you got to set early to make sure you got a good seat for Falco and Gabi’s love confession - so excited that you could barely eat your lunch.
You can’t help but watch them a few feet away from you, nervously kicking their legs on their chairs, as your notebook lays forgotten in front of you.
There’s a group of shitty lyrics on the page, so embarrassing that you shut the page as Eren approaches and takes the seat next to you and Mikasa. 
“I wasn’t going to read them, silly goose.” Eren states, lightly shoving you as you tuck the book under your ankles. 
“Good. I’d kill you before you tried.” 
“Wow. Standing up weddings has you that mad?” 
“The opposite actually.” you state. 
Eren rolls his eyes as he scooches closer to you, halfheartedly shaking Levi’s hand as he passes. You look over to Falco and Gabi again - the two of them increasingly nervous, Gabi more so for some reason, as you lean over and whisper into Eren's ear.  
“Ten bucks this pushes their real love confession ten years into the future.” you state.  
“Think about it. We had to kiss and it pushed things back basically a year and a half because we got all flustered and confused. Falco’s doing a whole bit, they’re going to be nervous about this for years.” you state. 
Eren rolls his eyes, reaching forward to elbow you in the side. 
“I’m right! The same thing happened with Hange and Levi.” you defends. 
“Rookie mistake, Y/N. Do I know your little brother better than you? He’s not half as pussy as you or Levi.” 
“Touché, asshole. If he likes her so bad, why hasn’t he said it yet?” you respond. 
“He’s a romantic. He’s waiting for the right time.” Eren responds. 
You look over at the two of them, splitting a box of Tic-Tacs, as Levi walks back to his cues and sets up the cameras. 
“Think about it. In a relationship, you’re either a Hange or a Levi. You’re either a Jean or a Mikasa. Falco’s obviously more like Mikasa and Levi. And Gabi’s like Jean and Hange. She has to make the move.” 
“You’ve got it all wrong. Gabi’s the Levi and Falco’s the Hange.” Eren responds, nearly offended at your statement. 
“Are you an idiot?” 
“Watch. I’ll prove it to you.” 
Eren pushes up off the floor, dragging Niccolo along with him, as they two of them approach Gabi and Falco. You’re not sure what they’re whispering - but you can tell that Falco and Gabi are flustered by the premise - and Eren and Niccolo are far too elated as Eren walks back over to you, this time with Niccolo in tow. 
“Hi Nico.” 
“Hi Y/N.” 
You look over at Eren, glaring at him, as he gives you a sheepish shrug. 
“Okay, guys. We’re going to start rolling. Falco, Gabi, you ready?” 
“Yeah.” they respond in unison, giving each other a little fist bump as they take their seats on the floor. 
“Was no one going to ask me? I’m in this scene too.” Colt complains, earning a fit of laughter from the crew. 
Everyone quiets down as the lights dim on the set, the group of you hunching forward, trying to contain your smiles as you look at each other. It’s only then that you’re reminded of how good Falco and Gabi are at acting, the painstaking agony in their voice almost making you shiver. 
“I helped make the attack on Liberio happen. I met a wounded soldier at that hospital, and without knowing it was Eren Jaeger, I sent letters from him to his allies using the mailboxes outside the zone.” Falco starts. 
Mikasa leans over to look at Eren, mouthing the words “fucking bastard” as you try to contain your laughs. Levi gives the four of you a warning glance, as you muster out an apologetic smile. 
“A lot of people died in Liberio. So….it’s my fault that Udo and Zofia died.” Falco finishes. 
“I see…” Gabi responds. 
Falco swallows hard, a pink blush on his cheeks, as you all excitedly smile. 
“Also, I love you. I didn’t want you to inherit the Armored Titan. That’s why I became a warrior candidate. So…so that we could get married…and be happy forever.” 
Gabi’s as red as a tomato. You almost feel bad for teasing the two of them so hard but it’s so endearing it makes your heart squeeze. 
“I wanted you to live a long life!” Falco shouts. 
“What are you saying?” Gabi responds. 
“I might turn into a Titan at any moment. I just wanted to get it all out there before I’m gone for good.” 
It's silent - leave for Gabi's tears before she quickly stands up. You watch as Gabi aggressively wrestles with Falco, pulling off the little black band secured around his waist, before she throws it on the ground, her chest heaving.
You sincerely hope Levi campaigns for them to win an award for this one. 
Levi calls cut, as Hange runs up to the two of them, excitedly cheering them both on as they avert their gaze from each other. Eren’s quick to jump up, grabbing you by the wrist as he pulls you up to the group of them, a devious smirk on his face. 
Niccolo’s quick to join his side, the two of them crossing their arms over their chest and smirking at Falco, as he sighs. 
“Really, guys?” Falco asks.
“Really. You agreed to it, little dude.” Eren states. 
Falco rolls his eyes, nervously eyeing Gabi - who is excitedly jumping up and down in front of a very unamused Levi - before he walks over to her and plants a big kiss on her cheek. The group of you all gasp, Gabi’s skin burning red, as Falco runs away, claiming he needs to go to the bathroom. 
Niccolo and Eren are fist bumping at your side and Eren’s turns to you, irritatingly positioned with his hands on his hips, as he smiles at you. 
“Told you so.” Eren states.
“What the hell did that prove?” 
“It’s simple. I asked Falco if he wanted to play a game of Truth or Dare. Then, I asked him to kiss his favorite person on the cast on the cheek after the scene was over. Told him to run right up to you and do it since I knew for a fact you’re his favorite.” 
“Eren, you little-” 
“Falco is most definitely the Hange or the Jean of the relationship. Would even go as far to argue that he might even be the boldest.” Eren states. 
You groan, the two of you walking past Gabi and Falco near the snack table, a sizable distance away from each other and nearly sweating in the presence of each other. You and Eren shoot them a thumbs up, and Eren continues to gloat all the way back to the house. 
At the end of the workday, Eren’s gathered everyone in the main room in a big crowd, doing nothing to help your nerves, as you give them all a smile and loop the guitar strap over your shoulder and sit on the bench. 
“Okay. Repeat the request, Y/N.” Eren guides, the group of them all giving you warm smiles. 
Mikasa and Sasha blow you a kiss, Porco and Connie with overenthusiastic thumbs up, and Eren’s smile pushing you on. 
“Right. The request was ‘write a song about standing up a wedding’ and it was from Connie.” you state. 
You swallow hard as you shut the book and place it under the bench and start strumming on the guitar to warm up. 
“Be nice to me guys. I called this one Speak Now.” 
I am not the kind of girl Who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion But you are not the kind of boy Who should be marrying the wrong girl
There’s a resounding sound of cheers, Connie and Mikasa clapping along with the sound as everyone else follows suit. You can feel your head pounding, your voice slightly shaking as you continue on and the guitar strings uncomfortably burning your fingers. 
I sneak in and see your friends And her snotty little family all dressed in pastel And she is yelling at a bridesmaid Somewhere back inside a room Wearing a gown shaped like a pastry 
Mikasa scoffs. 
“Are you trying to tell me something?” 
Everyone laughs, including you, as you shake your head and blow her a kiss before continuing. She makes the little gesture at you - like she’s catching the kiss in the air and tucking it into her pocket. You can feel Jean rolling his eyes at your side. 
Don't say yes, run away now I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door Don't wait, or say a single vow You need to hear me out And they said, "Speak now"
The rest of the song goes relatively smoothly, the excitement from the group of them making your heart soar, that block in your throat dissolve.
Sasha’s trapped Niccolo in her arms and has been aggressively swinging him around for the past minute, Porco and Gabi locking their fingers together to do a little swing dance, and Hange, Armin, and Eren bobbing their heads in unison at the side. 
The group of them all give you a deafening sound of applause when you finish, aggressive hugs and kisses being placed on your cheeks as they all applaud you - claiming your brilliance - as you feel your cheeks burn with excitement. 
Eren’s the last one to approach you, an almost too satisfied with himself smile on his face for the second time today, as you give him your most peachy smile. 
“Like it?” you ask.
“Loved it. You’ve still got it.” Eren states. 
“You know it.” 
“Can I give you one note?” Eren asks.
“The last verse. You have to change it.” 
“What? Why?” you ask. 
“It’s a good repeat. But I’m more curious…did the guy from the song leave the altar for her?” 
You nod, giving him a smile, as you reach for the book, and gesture for him to sit next to you on the bench. You quickly jumble the lyrics onto the page, nearly misspelling half of the words, before you hand it to him for inspection. 
And you'll say, "Let's run away now" I'll meet you when I'm out of my tux at the back door Baby, I didn't say my vows So glad you were around When they said, "Speak now"
"Always a sucker for a happy ending. It's perfect." Eren states.
He gives you a glimmering smile, making your heart skip a beat as his hand brushes against yours. Eren pulls out the little slip from earlier today, taping it right above the lyrics.
He gives you a last pinch of the cheek before pushing off the bench, leaving your entire body burning at his praise. 
“That’s my girl. I didn’t doubt you for even a second.”
You pause.
He turns back, eyebrows raised.
"Ask me who my favorite person on set is."
"Ask me."
"Why would I-"
"Can you just do it?"
Eren turns back, hands at his side.
"Who's your favorite person on set?" Eren asks.
You walk up to his side, standing on your tip toes to press a kiss into the softness of his cheek. You hope that he understands - that you're overwhelmingly thankful for him. For the documentary, the days in Seattle, and the lifeline he always throws you. That you'll always be indebted to him.
"It's you." you whisper.
Eren's cheeks are pink.
"Is that right?" Eren asks, the tone in his voice teasing.
"Don't push your luck." you state.
"Wouldn't dream of it." Eren responds, as he gives you one last cheek pinch before leaving you alone with the piano.
Singing the song, strumming the guitar - it's almost like stretching an old muscle, flexing out the soreness. You're so excited that you reach for the cup on top of the piano to start writing the next one right away. But when your read the slip, you feel your mouth go dry.
you love someone with your entire being, and all they do is tolerate it
And at the bottom, a name scribbled in messy handwriting
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next part linked here
an: OK GUYS. WE'RE IN THE ENDGAME NOW!!! sorry its kind of boring but we die like men
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313 notes · View notes
probably-writing-x · 1 year
Curtains Closed
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Warnings: Heartbreaking angst I’m so sorry, cursing but I think that’s everything
Author’s Note: I am so sorry this is so sad fhskghs but i loved writing this request !! Please send me any more that you may be thinking of and I’ll do my best
The set is bustling by the time you get there, crew and cast dotted around everywhere all preparing to film and refilm scenes. This was the first time that you’d been able to make the visit, and yet Drew had been filming here for at least a month. It was a new film he was working on, but with you filming recently too, it felt like your paths just weren’t crossing.
“Hey (Y/N)!” One of the assistants smiles when she sees you, “His trailer is just over there.”
You thank her and turn in the direction of Drew’s trailer, where his character’s name is printed on a sheet of paper in the window. You knock and wait, almost nervously, for the door to open. You always felt nervous when you went weeks without seeing him properly, even a year into your relationship, that hadn’t changed.
It takes a few seconds before he comes to the door, swinging it open exaggeratively. His hair is messy and his top splashed with patches of water, a grin on his face.
“Hey baby!” Drew grins, though the moment stops quickly when he’s shot at with another spray of water, “You bitch!”
Your heart feels like it sinks for just a second, enough for you to notice. He hadn’t thought to kiss you when he saw you, not even reach out and wrap you in his arms.
“Sorry, sorry, come in,” He encourages, stepping out of the way for you to step through.
In the trailer, he’s joined by his costar, who you knew was called Emily. She was a beautiful girl, being a model before she’d become an actress, and she played his love interest in the film.
“Hey, you must be (Y/N) right?” Emily grins, holding a water gun in her hand that is still pointed at Drew.
“Yeah, it’s nice to meet you Emily.”
She doesn’t respond to you, instead squealing as Drew shoots her back, spraying her hair on either side of her face.
“So, how’s filming going?” You ask, sitting on the sofa across from Emily.
When Drew sits down, he takes the seat next to her.
“It’s good,” Drew nods, “We finished pretty early today, always easy doing scenes with Emily, you know?”
“Yeah, of course,” Emily grins, “We’re like a dream team on set.”
Your words seem to fail you, and you’re not sure why your chest feels so tight. This was stupid, right? They worked together, they were friends, it was good that Drew was working with someone that he got on well with. But that’s how it was when you two first got together, and part of you felt a sinking feeling that your instincts hadn’t failed you here.
“So where were you thinking of going tonight?” Drew asks, kicking his feet up onto the coffee table between the two couches.
You swallow the lump in your throat to respond but Emily cuts in quickly.
“Ooh why don’t you go to that Thai place we went to?” She suggests, and you’re sure that she has shuffled closer to Drew on the sofa.
“Yeah, we could do, it was so good,” Drew nods, “Me and Em went last week, I don’t think I’ve ever eaten so much in my life.”
The lump is back in your throat, “Yeah, sure, whatever you fancy.”
That night, you and Drew decided to order food in instead of going out, after you’d told him that you didn’t feel well. He’d eaten three slices of your pizza when you told him that you couldn’t finish it. And he had believed you when you told him there was nothing else that was wrong.
You were both in the kitchen now, washing up the plates you’d used for your food.
“So, Emily seems nice,” You nod, dragging the kitchen towel over your plate.
“Yeah, she’s great, right?” Drew smiles, “We just have such a laugh on set, genuinely I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so much.”
You felt like you could cry in that moment, not just from that comment but from the way his eyes seemed so bright when he spoke about her, the way you felt like his eyes hadn’t been on yours as much as normal.
He hands you the last plate and shakes his hands off into the water, taking one side of the towel in your hands to dry his off.
“Hey,” He takes it out of your hands and sets it down, wrapping his arms around your waist, “It’s good to properly see you again.”
You force yourself to smile, setting a hand on his chest.
“I mean it, I feel like we’ve both been way too busy recently,” He nods, “It’s good for us to have days like this.”
You still can’t force your body to bring out any words, just looking at the boy in front of you like you’d never seen him before.
“Hey?” Drew dips his tall figure down to try and catch your eyes, “This is good, right?”
“Yeah, yeah, of course,” You smile and he kisses your cheek, releasing his arms from around you.
Your heart feels heavy and empty all at once, your mind running a thousand thoughts and thinking of nothing at all. When he walks off to disappear into the lounge, you feel like a part of you disappears with him.
That night, you both get ready for bed like you normally do. You brush your teeth together and he goes into the bedroom whilst you’re washing your face. It’s all the routine that you’re used to, and when you shut off the ensuite light, he’s already sat propped up against the headboard, scrolling through his phone. You’re still wearing one of his tops to bed, another piece of normality that it felt comforting to keep.
“Drew, can I ask you something?” You ask cautiously, hovering by the side of the bed like you’re worried about getting in.
“Sure, what is it?” He shuts off his phone screen and puts it on the bedside table.
“Do you think things are still the same between us when we don’t see each other as much? You know, like when we’re both so busy?”
You watch the way his face drops a little, “What are you talking about?”
“I mean… we’ve just both been so busy recently.”
“Yeah, and we make it work,” He continues, “We still text, we call, and it’s only been a few weeks, we’ve done worse.”
You drag a hand through your hair, pulling out one of the tangles to distract yourself, “I don’t-“
“What is this (Y/N)?” He shakes his head, “Is there something you need to tell me?”
“I just,” You take a deep breath, if you don’t say it now you never will, “I saw you with Emily today and I-“
“This is about Emily?” He sits up straighter, “Are you kidding?”
“Why didn’t you tell me that you two went to dinner together?”
His words fail him and it’s like you can see the confidence crumble just a little, “I don’t-“
“Is it because you knew that it would look weird? For you two to just be going out together?” You continue, a new sense of confidence fuelling your words, “If you didn’t think it was weird, you would’ve told me. We talk everyday Drew. What excuse did you come out with?Or did you just hope that I wouldn’t ask?”
“I just told you I was going out with the cast, it was last Friday,” He admits, as if he’s just been caught in the act completely.
Your heart sinks, “So you lied to me.”
“I didn’t lie to you, I mean, it wasn’t like that,” He scrambles, standing up now so that both of you were on either side of the bed now, too much and too little space between you all at once, “I just knew how you’d think it looked, and we hadn’t seen each other in a couple of weeks, and you were busy with work, and I just didn’t want you to worry.”
“So I’m busy working, and you’re out on dates with a girl I hadn’t even met before?!”
“No, no, no, don’t be like that!” He seems more aggressive now, “It wasn’t a fucking date, okay? We’re friends.”
“Friends? Because she’s just so funny, and you’re fighting in your trailer, and you’re sat next to her, and you’re doing everything with her?”
“I’m sat next to her?” He half-laughs, “So you’re noting down where I sit now?”
“But it’s not just that, is it, Drew? I haven’t seen you in weeks and you didn’t even care! It could’ve been anyone walking through the door and you’d have had the same reaction! It’s like I was fucking interrupting!” You are waving your arms around as you speak, the way Drew knew you only did when you were getting angrier.
“You weren’t fucking interrupting,” He shakes his head, “But if you don’t trust me in that then maybe this is more of an issue than just Emily. What else, (Y/N)?”
You look at him there, his features darkened by the lack of light in your bedroom. He’s more toned than ever for this role, the muscles of his abs dipping in and out of his stomach and casting small shadows over his torso, his arms larger and his shoulders broader. If you looked for long enough, it felt like he was completely different. But his eyes were still yours, in the way they creased when you made him laugh, and the way his dimples hooked either side of his lips when he saw you happy. But this time it felt tainted, your mind overloading with thoughts of him giving the same eyes, the same smile, the same dimples to her.
“I don’t know if I can do this, Drew,” You whisper the words, uncertain of how they’ll sit in the air between you.
“What does that mean?” He shakes his head, the fury in him settling down into worry.
You’re silent, complete silence between the two of you.
“Let’s just go to bed, okay? We’re just tired,” Drew states, convincing himself along with you, “We’re not thinking straight, this isn’t us. Let’s just go to sleep, and we’ll wake up, and we’ll be fine, okay?”
You don’t reply.
“I’m sorry for raising my voice, okay?”
“Okay,” You croak out, your eyes threatening to spill unforgiving tears.
He takes a deep breath and gets back into bed, pulling down the sheets on your side. You follow suit, climbing in beside him and pulling the sheets high up over you as if a shield from the argument that still lingered in the air. Drew dips an arm beneath your back and pulls you into him, another piece of normality he seemed reluctant to give up. His body is warm but it feels too warm beneath your skin, burning into you just a little. His chest rises and falls but it’s not in the same rhythm, his heart slowing down as yours still felt like it was racing.
Eventually, you’re sure that he has fallen asleep, and you stay awake for far too much time after, your eyes staring at the closed curtains on the other side of the room, willing for the light to come through.
The following morning, you’re awake before he is, though you’re sure that you hadn’t had more than a couple of hours sleep the night before.
It’s cold in the apartment, like an air of the inevitable had settled over everything that the two of you had. When Drew wakes up, you’re sat with your feet and knees tucked up to you on the sofa, your hands around yourself.
“Morning,” He says, his voice still sleepy and thick, joggers hanging low on his hips, forcing the V-line of his torso to poke out.
You look up and offer him a small smile, the biggest that your lack of energy can muster.
“Did you sleep okay?”
He regrets the question almost as soon as it is said, as if he’d just asked you the worst thing possible in the moment. Instead, he walks over the short distance to you and sits down, close to you on the sofa like he wants to draw you into him.
“Listen, (Y/N),” He begins, “I know things aren’t ideal. We’re both busy, we’re working in different places, different hours, and it’s not going to end any time soon. But we can make this work, okay? We can change things. I’m going to tell you everything, I’m not going to lie to you, I’ll make sure I have more days off and I can come and visit you, and we can facetime more instead of just calling,” He pauses to take a breath, “We can fight for this (Y/N).”
“I don’t know how much longer I can just keep fighting, Drew,” Your voice is croaky, threatening to break.
“But this is us, baby, we can’t lose this,” He sits himself closer to you, though avoiding contact like he is afraid you’ll shatter in front of his eyes.
“Drew, listen,” You let yourself breathe for a moment, “This has worked for us, it has. We’ve always made it work. But, right now, it doesn’t feel like that anymore. We’re in different places, and this time it was only weeks, next time it might be a couple of months. You’ll go on press for the film, I’ll be here. I don’t know how much we can keep doing that.”
“We can try, can’t we?”
“I’ve never seen you with anyone and felt the way I did yesterday, I saw you with Emily and I felt like a completely different person, like I was this jealous and overthinking version of myself, and I don’t want to be that. I don’t want to see you after weeks and just argue with you,” You’re speaking through tears that you are fighting back, “This isn’t us, you said it last night. But if we stay together now, this is what we’re going to be, and I don’t want you to be someone I end up hating.”
Drew’s silent, staring at you like he’s hoping he’ll wake up from a nightmare.
“So I think we need to break up,” You choke through the words, though they feel cold as they leave your lips.
“(Y/N) please,” He whispers, tears spilling over his eyelashes.
“I can’t fight for this anymore Drew,” You shake your head and your tears fall too now, staining your cheeks as they do.
He moves forward and grips your hands, pulling them into the middle of his larger palms and bringing them to his lips. You drop your head forward and press your forehead to his. His tears drop down and mix with yours over your tangle of hands, neither of you wanting to move as if moving would solidify what had just been finalised already.
“I’m never not going to love you, (Y/N).”
You nod against his chest, “Then you’ll go, and I’ll stay, and we’ll find our way back.”
(((Adding a normal people reference so that you don’t all hate me for breaking your hearts xoxo)))
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strawberrystepmom · 6 months
malevolent enterprise ch. 2
ceo au series. sukuna and yuji are brothers. gojo x f!reader are endgame but this is backstory/lead up. reader has hair that can be swept off of their face. reader is a lawyer (ive taken creative liberties bc i am not a real lawyer so take it up with god if u find an issue) and has an established platonic relationship with sukuna and has an ex boyfriend that is an oc named shigeo. cw drug and alcohol mentions. wc 1.8k.
masterlist coming soon but in the meantime, ch. 1 can be found here
divider thanks to @/cafekitsune ♡
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“Forgot I paid you to stand around, ---.”
Hearing Sukuna use a shortened version of your full name, you roll your eyes and pull your glasses off of your face, holding them between your thumb and index finger. Meeting his gaze with an indignant look of your own, you toss the pen you’re holding with your other hand down on the desk in front of you and groan in frustration. 
You’re only standing in his office because you've been reviewing contract abstracts for hours and could use a break before your brain starts to turn to mush given his absolutely archaic NDA demands that would never be upheld in court. 
“Am I not allowed to pace? Is that one of the workplace rules you’ve set we all have to follow, King Ryomen?”
He appreciates your sharp wit if nothing else so he chuckles, walking around you to plop down behind the heaviest and most ornate looking desk you’ve seen in a modern office. 
Truly fit for a man who sees himself as a king. 
“Can I make all of you start calling me that? Will HR have an issue?”
You scoff and shake your head. 
“Yes. I have a funny feeling they would indeed take issue with you demanding your employees call you king.”
Placing your glasses back on the bridge of your nose, you sweep back a few tendrils of hair that have fallen in front of your face and sigh, raking your fingers through the top of your overgrown layers. You’ve been too busy lately to even get a trim, late nights spent at the revenge motivated Ryomen Enterprises preventing you from doing much but provide general counsel, as your position and official title state. 
You left one incredibly oppressive job for another and you don’t quite regret hitching your wagon to Sukuna but you aren’t proud of it either, especially putting your own goal of having your own firm on hold to do it. 
Leaving the Zen’in firm seemed intelligent three months ago after Naoya was named partner instead of you, the tireless hours you put into the blockbuster Miyamoto v. DTK, Inc. wrongful termination suit, the first of its kind in the country, meaning ultimately nothing when it comes to family ties and misogyny. 
You handed your resignation to Naobito the next day who received it with a knowing smirk, glad to see one less bitch too big for her skirt suit step aside. Two months later Sukuna reached out to you and you assumed you’d be stupid to pass up a comfortable and lucrative in-house counsel position in a well funded company everyone had just started buzzing about. 
It also helps that the founder of said company is someone you’ve known for long enough you have seen him shuffle through several life phases. 
Needless to say the job hasn’t been what you expected it to be since saying yes though, sifting through a bankers box full of Manila envelopes, muttering aloud about all the shit you need to get done and the severe lack of hours in the day. 
“The journalist hasn’t sent back her NDA yet,” you remark and he hums. He knows exactly the pretty little pink haired thing you’re mentioning and he smirks thinking about how easily he pulled her apart in a penthouse suite 8 blocks away a few nights ago but his attention is drawn back to the present when you slam a stack of papers in front of him. 
“Your brother’s company doesn’t even have in-house counsel.”
Sukuna arches a brow, sitting back in his chair and slamming his feet on the desk. You don’t even jump, perhaps too used to his antics after only a couple months of working for him. It’s not like he was a stranger to start with, the senior you helped through your sophomore Contracts course remembering you fondly for your plucky demeanor and willingness to fight when necessary. 
You simply remember him as a smooth talking asshole who charmed you into doing his coursework successfully but he signs your checks so you keep your assessments of his character to yourself as often as possible. 
“How do you know what’s going on at Yuji’s company? Are you a mole?”
A snort is your response and you toss him a glance from over your glasses, one he knows means he’s treading in dangerous territory. Tossing down one of the near bursting envelopes in your hand, you pick up your phone and grimace at the text lighting up the screen. 
Toge: maki wants 2 eat w u at some point this millennium - her words
Rolling your eyes, you text back and Sukuna watches with a grin, wondering what in the world could have you so irritated on your phone. 
“That’s not Gojo is it?”
You scoff again and add nothing further, continuing to focus on your phone despite the second last message Toge sent you containing a link to a headline showing off the man just mentioned wining and dining a pretty dark haired woman across the world last night. 
Quickly, you type a reply to Toge’s message to send the bubble with the news article further out of your periphery.
You: are you guys together? where are you?
“It’s my assistant reminding me to eat since I don’t get a spare second to do it working for you,” you finally remark, locking your phone with a wince. 
You try to pretend you’re too good to be affected by the latest news of Satoru’s careless public hookups but you did lock yourself in the executive bathroom to cry at your own reflection for 45 minutes earlier so you opt for silence rather than digging the hole any deeper. 
Why you care in the first place is beyond you, the two of you only ever orbiting around one another, no serious groundwork for anything beyond neutrality laid. You can’t help who you’re attracted to, though, and while there’s no use in lamenting that you’re nobody to the man you can at least sit down and dye your hair a shade darker to pretend he’d be interested next time you get the chance. 
Sukuna pulls you out of the hole your mind is in, swinging back and forth in his chair, making it squeal with each quarter turn and further annoying you.  
“When’s the last time you went out and did anything besides look at paperwork and smoke with the window cracked? You look like shit.”
The expression on your face is priceless, shifting to glare at your boss while he snickers to himself and shrugs, knuckles wrapped around his opposite bicep. 
“Yuji’s party is the last time I went out.”
Well over a month ago. Sukuna whistles lowly, still shifting idly in his chair. 
“I’m just saying maybe you need more than just a bite to eat to feel better. Text your ex or something, didn’t he just get surgery? He’s probably at home.”
The mention of Shigeo, baseball star, makes you exhale as loudly as possible and throw down another envelope. He’s the last person you want to hear about, given you broke his heart just over six months ago, admitting you didn’t see yourself marrying him when he asked about a shared future for the two of you. He’s sweet, he’s wonderful, he’s a good man but he isn’t your forever man and finally, anger makes your face flush and feel warm, your boss successfully making his way under your skin.
“Don’t you have illicit substances to snort out of someone’s asshole?” You look away and mutter under your breath, much to the amusement of the man watching each irritated step you take. “What are you even doing here anyway? It’s after hours.”
Sukuna takes his feet off of the desk and leans forward on his elbows, sucking his teeth. He isn’t sure why he’s here, actually. Perhaps he’s partied out and tired of hosting giggling girls with nothing better to do than hang on his every word or maybe he wants to look over his kingdom without prying eyes judging his every mood. Both of these are a little true but above all, part of him holds the tiniest bit of fondness for you. At least enough that he’s concerned you’re overworking yourself. 
“Go out tonight. All this shit will be here tomorrow and I’m sure I’ll give you even more to deal with by the time the sun is up again.”
You sigh and look down at your phone, screen lighting up as another message from your personal assistant comes through. 
Toge: den, just sat down. ordered you vodka soda.
“Fine but let your little pink princess know that if her NDA isn’t in by next week I’m going to sit there and watch you two fuck to make sure nothing gets out.”
Sukuna hums, brows raised. 
“I always knew you were a freak.” You roll your eyes and he chuckles, standing up from his chair and letting it roll back far enough it bumps against the glass floor to ceiling window behind it. “You’re one of those girls who wears really sexy underwear but never lets anyone see them, right?”
Tucking documents into a box, you snarl. He’s not 
flirting, he's making nasty observations as he is known to do. He has known you for long enough he feels extremely comfortable doing so and you can hardly argue with him. Who cares even if he is right? You’re a grown woman with a lucrative career and life, if you wanna wear 50,000 yen silk panties that’s your business.
“That’s more than enough out of you.” Another document tucked and you approach Sukuna, looking up at him with your mouth in a line. “I’ll be in by 10 tomorrow. Don’t fuck my night up.”
He nods, holding his hands up in a gesture of mild surrender. 
“I’m serious about the NDA too. I’ll meet with her if you want but I won’t promise to be nice about it.”
Your boss scoffs but smirks.
“You’re always too nice, that's why you don’t have it yet but I’ll talk to her.”
Nodding, you acquiesce, uninterested in arguing while you tie your coat closed. Your phone lights up again and you look down at the message with a groan.
Toge: ice melting…👎🏻
“I mean it, Sukuna Itadori. I do not want to hear a single report of bad behavior in the morning.”
The only person allowed to still call him his family name is you and you turn on your heel, stilettos clacking across the marble floor with each step. 
“Whatever you say, boss.”
His sly remark makes you toss another look over your shoulder while opening the office door but the buzz of your phone catches your attention instead. 
Maki: If you aren’t here in 15 I’m dragging you out of that building myself.
Knowing she means it, you stiffen and rush to leave. 
“No drama, Sukuna!” 
You shout over your shoulder and he chuckles, opening his own phone and scrolling to the contact for the pretty little pink princess he hopes to have back between his jaws tonight. 
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xhoess · 4 days
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Rivals in the Spotlight
Yunho!dancer × fem!bod singer
Y/N is a passionate singer determined to secure a scholarship, often feeling overshadowed at her performing arts school by Yunho, a confident and popular dancer, dreams of becoming a professional dancer while managing the pressure from his family's legacy. When they are cast as the leads in the school's musical, their well-known rivalry escalates, leading to strong disagreements in during the rehearsals. Will they get over their little rivalry and put up a good show?
Wc: I think around 4k
Genre: enemies to lovers, smut, fluff
It is 8 am, and I am currently riding the bus to school. Today is the day I find out who will get the leads in the new school play. I don’t know a lot of people who are participating, but I definitely know one person: Jeong Yunho. That son of a bitch always knows how to get on my nerves, especially when I’m already in my worst mood.
I feel stupid writing this down, but I’ve been doing this for so long that I feel the need to keep this stupid diary updated. Even though it’s 40 percent me complaining about Yunho, it still is a good way to express myself, I think? I look out the bus window as the familiar scenery of my neighborhood blurs past. My thoughts keep circling back to the audition. What if I actually get the lead? What if Yunho gets it too?
As I walk into the school, I feel eyes burning into my back. That only means one thing: the names are out. My heart races as I rush to the performing arts hallway. A group of people is gathering around a piece of paper on the wall. Yunho is there too. Of course.
I push through the crowd, my palms sweating. I quickly find myself standing in front of the paper, and now I get why people have been staring. Me and Yunho need to play the two leads in the play. The worst part is that we need to play a couple. I play Alice, the female lead and yunho plays Jay the male lead.
"No fucking way... I thought you would be a background singer or something," Yunho says, standing next to me, also staring at the paper.
"Shut up, Yunho. You’re as tall as a tree, might as well play one," I snap before walking away.
The rest of the day, I try my best to avoid talking to people and head straight home after school. My best friend Rina calls me as soon as I get home.
"Can you believe this?" I vent, flopping onto my bed. "Of all people, I have to play opposite Yunho. This is a nightmare."
"Maybe you can be so miserable to him that he’ll quit," Rina suggests.
"I wish," I sigh. "But he’s way too competitive to just quit."
The next morning, I wake up with a knot in my stomach. I can't avoid Yunho forever. Rehearsals start today. I arrive at the auditorium early, hoping to get a moment alone before the chaos begins. The large, empty space feels oddly comforting. I stand on the stage, looking out at the rows of empty seats, trying to imagine myself performing without wanting to throw up.
Suddenly, I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around to see Yunho walking towards me, his usual smirk replaced with a more serious expression.
"Hey," he says, surprisingly without a hint of sarcasm. "We need to talk."
I cross my arms defensively. "About what?"
"Look, I know we don't get along, but we have to make this work for the play's sake. It’s important to both of us, right?" His voice is calm, almost sincere.
I’m taken aback by his change in tone. "Yeah, I guess."
"Let’s just try to keep it professional," Yunho suggests. "We can hate each other offstage, but when we’re up here, we need to be convincing."
I nod, still wary. "Fine. But don’t think this means I’m going to make it easy for you."
He chuckles. "Wouldn’t expect anything less."
The sun is setting, casting long shadows through the tall windows of the rehearsal room. Once everyone is ready for rehearsal we start. Because this is the first rehearsal we only needed to learn the first few pages.
I see yunho get in character and that reminded me that we are going to be lovers in the end of the play.
"Okay everyone, get in place for the first scene" the director said.
I stand across from yunho and did some last warming up.
"3.. 2.. 1.... and go!"
"Alice did you hear what happened" yunho says.
The rehearsals go on for a little more, but I keep forgetting a few words in some sentences. I can feel the tension growing.
"Buy Jay, you never know what happens when you say no" I say, I realize the sentence is wrong. And yunho does too.
"You're impossible, you know that?" Yunho snaps, slamming his script onto a nearby table. "Do you even care about this play?"
I cross my arms, matching his glare. "Of course I care! But you’re not the director, Yunho. Stop acting like you know everything and let's just continue"
He steps closer, his eyes blazing with frustration. "Someone has to take charge when you keep messing up your lines!"
My fists clench at my sides. "I wouldn’t mess up if you weren’t constantly trying to outdo everyone. This isn’t a solo performance, Yunho. It’s a team effort."
Yunho scoffs, throwing his hands up in exasperation. "You just can’t handle that I’m better at this than you."
"Better?" I laugh bitterly. "Your ego is so big, I’m surprised you can fit through the door."
He narrows his eyes, his jaw tightening. "At least I put in the effort. All you do is complain and act like a victim."
My blood boils, and I take a step forward, refusing to back down. "You think you’re so perfect, don’t you? Always criticizing everyone else to make yourself look good."
"Maybe if you spent less time whining and more time practicing, we wouldn’t have these problems," he shoots back.
I feel my face flush with anger. "You’re such a jerk, Yunho. No wonder no one likes working with you."
For a moment, there’s silence, the words hanging heavily in the air. Yunho’s expression falters slightly, a flicker of hurt crossing his face before it hardens again.
"You don’t know anything about me," he says quietly, his voice trembling with barely controlled rage. "You’re so wrapped up in your own little world, you can’t see past your own nose."
I open my mouth to retort, but the words catch in my throat. We stand there, breathing heavily, the room suddenly feeling too small, too stifling.
Finally, Yunho breaks the silence, his voice cold. "If you can’t handle this, maybe you should quit."
I swallow hard, the lump in my throat making it difficult to speak. "Maybe I will," I manage to say, my voice shaking. "At least then I wouldn’t have to deal with you."
We stare at each other for a moment longer before I turn on my heel and storm out of the room, slamming the door behind me. My heart is pounding, a mix of anger and something else I can’t quite name. As I walk down the empty hallway, I can’t help but wonder if things will ever get better between us.
Yunho is left there standing, regretting some words he said.
The cool evening air hits my face as I storm out of the auditorium, my anger still simmering beneath the surface. I find a bench near the entrance and collapse onto it, trying to catch my breath. The sky is tinged with the pinks and purples of twilight, but I’m too wrapped up in my thoughts to appreciate the beauty.
"Why does he have to be such a jerk?" I mutter to myself, kicking a small pebble with my shoe.
My phone buzzes in my pocket. It’s a message from Rina.
**Rina:** Hey, how did rehearsal go? Any updates?
I hesitate before replying, not sure how to put my frustration into words.
**Me:** It was a disaster. Yunho and I had a huge fight. Again.
Her response is almost immediate.
**Rina:** Ugh, that sucks. Want to talk about it?
**Me:** Maybe later. I just need to cool down right now.
**Rina:** Okay, just remember, you’re amazing and you can handle this. Don’t let him get to you.
I smile slightly at her words, feeling a bit better. Rina always knows how to make me feel better.
The next day:
The cafeteria is buzzing with activity as I navigate my way through the crowd, holding my lunch tray. I spot Rina at our usual table and make my way over, sliding into the seat across from her.
"Hey," she says, giving me a sympathetic look. "You look exhausted."
I sigh, poking at my food. "Didn’t sleep much. Just kept thinking about everything that happened."
She nods, taking a bite of her sandwich. "Yunho really knows how to push your buttons, huh?"
"Yeah," I agree, feeling the frustration bubble up again. "I don’t get it. One minute he’s trying to be all professional, and the next he’s tearing me down."
"Maybe he’s just stressed," Rina suggests. "This play is a big deal for everyone."
"Maybe," I concede, but it doesn’t make me feel any better. "But it’s like he enjoys making me miserable."
Before Rina can respond, I hear a familiar voice behind me.
"Can we talk?"
I turn to see Yunho standing there, looking unusually serious. Rina raises an eyebrow, but I nod, getting up from the table. We move to a quieter corner of the cafeteria.
"What do you want, Yunho?" I ask, crossing my arms defensively.
He sighs, running a hand through his hair. "Look, about yesterday... I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for things to get so heated."
I blink, taken aback. This is not the Yunho I’m used to. "You’re... apologizing?"
"Yeah," he says, looking genuinely uncomfortable. "I’ve been thinking about what you said, and you’re right. I’ve been acting like a jerk."
I stare at him, trying to process this unexpected turn of events. "Why the sudden change of heart?"
He shrugs, looking away. "I guess I realized that we’re stuck with each other for this play, and if we keep fighting, it’s going to ruin everything. For both of us."
His words make sense, but it’s hard to let go of the anger so quickly. "So, what do you suggest?"
"Truce?" he offers, holding out his hand. "Let’s try to make this work. For the sake of the play."
I hesitate for a moment before shaking his hand. "Truce."
At the Rehearsal Room, Late Afternoon:
Back in the rehearsal room, there’s a noticeable shift in the atmosphere. Yunho and I still have our differences, but we’re making an effort to be civil. Our scenes start to flow better, the tension easing with each passing day.
One evening, after a particularly grueling rehearsal, I find myself sitting on the edge of the stage next to Yunho. We’re both exhausted but there’s a sense of accomplishment in the air.
"You know," I say, breaking the comfortable silence, "I never thought I’d say this, but we’re actually doing pretty well."
Yunho smiles, a genuine one this time. "Yeah, who would’ve thought?"
This new feeling was brewing in my chest, it wasn't hatred, it was far from that.
"You know I never meant to be harsh the other day" yunho says, looking down at his shoes that are hanging off the side of the stage.
"Its okay, I said some mean stuff to you too." You lift your shoulders a little while saying. "I really need this play to go well so I can have a higher chance of getting a scholarship. That's why I was getting pissed off by you" I say.
"My parents always expect the best of me, just because they were the best in their days doesn't mean I am. I guess that's why I got so angry at you for saying I wasn't a team player." Yunho sighs ".. I really try to be but sometimes my parents just get into my head and make me forget this is not a contest"
I frown at his story, it's sad that he can't express his passion the way he wants.
I stand up and hold my hand out for yunho. He looks up confused but grabs it, I pull him up and say "you need to enjoy this yunho, talk to your parents about it. It is your life and it should be fun while you're here" I say with a soft voice, not realizing that our hands are still together.
He suddenly pulls me into a hug which caught me off guard. "Thank you y/n. You're not so bad after all" I hear him whisper.
The morning of the play:
"Ahh! How are you feeling? Today’s the day!" Rina exclaims, practically bouncing with excitement as she walks next to me.
I can’t help but smile at her enthusiasm. "I’m feeling really good about all this. Not only will this improve my chances of getting a scholarship, but it’s also helped Yunho and me forgive each other."
We turn a corner, and my heart skips a beat when I see Yunho standing there, talking to one of his friends. I’m about to wave when I catch his words.
"I don't know, man. She is so annoying. I can't handle it any longer. I'm happy this act is all over after tonight."
His words hit me like a punch to the gut. Tears well up in my eyes. How could he say that after everything we’ve been through? After the connection we shared the other night?
Rina notices my change in demeanor immediately. "What’s wrong?"
I swallow hard, trying to keep my voice steady. "I just heard Yunho saying he can't stand me and he's glad this is all over after tonight."
Rina's eyes widen in shock, then narrow in anger. "What? That can’t be right. That son of a bitch"
I nod, biting my lip to keep from crying. "I don’t know if I can go through with this tonight, acting like everything is fine. This play has done nothing but be stressfull, I'm done"
Rina takes my hand, her grip firm and comforting. "Listen, I know this hurts, but quitting now isn’t the answer. You’ve worked too hard to let this ruin it. Just hold on a little longer, don't say or do anything you will regret later" she said "I'll be right back just don't do anything okay?"
I nod, trying to take comfort in her words, but the ache in my chest remains. I steal another glance at Yunho, who’s laughing at something his friend said
Later that day in the school's hallway:
“That jerk,” she mutters, clenching her fists. “I can’t believe he said that about you after everything you two have been through.”
I shrug, trying to act indifferent, but the hurt is clear in my eyes. “It’s fine, Rina. Let’s just get through tonight.”
“No, it’s not fine,” she snaps, standing up abruptly.
Before I can stop her, Rina storms across the hallway, heading straight for Yunho. My heart races, and I quickly follow her, catching snippets of her angry muttering.
“Rina, wait!” I call out, but she’s already reached Yunho and his group.
“Hey, Yunho!” Rina’s voice cuts through the chatter, silencing the group. Yunho looks up, surprised.
“Rina? What’s up?”
“What’s up?” she repeats, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “I’ll tell you what’s up. How dare you talk about Y/N like that behind her back?”
Yunho’s brows furrow in confusion. “What are you talking about?”
“Don’t play dumb,” Rina spits, crossing her arms. “Y/N heard you this morning, calling her annoying and saying you’re glad this is all over after tonight. How could you, after everything you two have been through?”
Yunho’s face pales, realization dawning on him. “Wait, that’s not what I—”
“Oh, save it!” Rina cuts him off, her anger palpable. “She thought you were friends, that you understood each other. But you’re just a two-faced jerk!”
By now, a small crowd has gathered, watching the confrontation unfold. I feel my cheeks burn with embarrassment and hurt, but I don’t stop Rina. She’s saying everything I wish I had the courage to say.
“Rina, please,” Yunho tries again, his voice pleading. “You’ve got it all wrong. I wasn’t talking about Y/N like that.”
“Then who were you talking about?” Rina demands, her eyes blazing.
Yunho takes a deep breath, looking around at the crowd before focusing on Rina. “I was talking about the director, I was talking to my friend about how I’ve been feeling overwhelmed by her, she has been on my toes the last few rehearsals. And plus if I had to say something mean to y/n I would just say it to hee face, I've done it the last few years.”
Rina’s anger falters, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her face "Oh, well this is awkward" she said while laughing awkwardly.
That evening:
A buzz of excitement fills the air as students, teachers, and parents take their seats in the auditorium. Backstage, the cast is a whirlwind of activity, making final adjustments to costumes and props. My heart pounds in my chest, a mix of nerves and exhilaration. I peek through the curtain and see the audience settling in. This is it. Months of hard work, late nights, and overcoming differences have led to this moment.
Yunho stands next to me, adjusting his costume. He looks at me and smiles, a warm, genuine smile that sends a flutter through my stomach. "You ready?"
I nod, trying to steady my breath. "Ready as I'll ever be."
The romance scene is next up —the moment where our characters, after a series of misunderstandings and conflicts, finally confess their love. The lines have become second nature, but tonight, something feels different. There's an electricity in the air, a deeper connection that wasn’t there during rehearsals.
As Yunho and I move through our lines, the world around us fades away. It's just the two of us on stage, our characters’ emotions mirroring our own unspoken feelings. Yunho steps closer, his character's confession blending seamlessly with his own emotions.
"I've been thinking a lot about us," he says, his voice steady but filled with emotion. "And I realized something important. I can't imagine my life without you."
My heart races as I respond, my own feelings bubbling to the surface. "I feel the same way. You’ve challenged me, pushed me, and made me better. I’ve never felt this way before."
Yunho takes my hand, and the touch sends a spark through me. He looks into my eyes, and for a moment, it’s as if time stands still. "I love you," he says, I know it's just his character speaking. But it's feels a little too real.
Tears well up in my eyes, and I whisper, "I love you too."
The curtain falls, and the audience erupts into applause. We take our bows, the adrenaline still coursing through our veins. Backstage, the cast congratulates each other, but all I can think about is Yunho.
I find him in a quiet corner, away from the chaos. He looks up as I approach, a soft smile on his face "hey"
"Hey" I reply
"That was... incredible" He says, stepping closer.
I could smell his perfume, he was standing so close. It made My heart beat a lot faster. "It really was..."
He looks down and meet my eyes, we don't say anything but we both feel what's about to come. "Would you like to go somewhere private..?" He asks, his voice low.
I nod, "I would like that"
He grabs my hand and we walk towards the drama room. The place where it all began. The room is quiet and dark, the only source of light is the moonlight that is shining through the tall windows.
Yunho closes the door behind us, and the click of the lock seems to tighten the tension even more. We stand there for a moment, just looking at each other in silence.
He moves closer, his hand moving away a piece of my hair.
His lips meet mine, it starts of soft but quickly deepens. His arms wrap around me, pulling me closer until there is no more space left between us.
We pull away, stading there breathlessly. And yunhos eyes search mine. A silent question hanging in the air. I nod, giving him my answer without him having to ask it.
He leads me to the small couch in to corner of the room, we sink down on soft cushions, his hands move gently over the curves of my body. I lay one of my hands on his bicep, he tenses up under my touch and his muscles tighten.
Yunho reconnects the kiss again, this time it's with hunger and passion. He slowly slides his hand under my shirt, cupping one of my breasts. The warmth of his hand tingling on my skin.
I gasp when he pulls my shirt over my head and throws it on the floor. Exposing me to the cool air. He lowers his head and starts to kiss me all over my body "you're so beautiful" He murmurs against my skin.
I blush, my hands start to unbutton his shirt revealing his chest. He shrugs himself out of the fabric and I move my hands over his skin.
We're now left in our underwear, Yunho's hand moves down, his fingers teasing the edge of my panties before slipping under the material. When his finger enters me, a groan escapes my lips, muffled by our kiss.
He takes my reaction as encouragement, adding another finger and moving in and out in a steady movement. The sensation of his fingers moving in and out of me sends waves of pleasure through my body, and I arch my back, pressing closer to him.
"Yunho," I whisper, my voice breathy and filled with need.
He breaks the kiss, his eyes locking onto mine, dark with desire. "Does this feel good?" he asks, his voice husky.
"Yes," I moan, my hands gripping his shoulders for support.
Yunho's free hand trails up my side, his touch light and teasing. He kisses a path down my neck, his lips leaving a burning trail on my skin. As his fingers continue their rhythm, he takes one of my nipples into his mouth, his tongue swirling around it. The combined sensations are almost too much, and I gasp, my fingers digging into his shoulders.
"Yunho, I need you," I manage to say between ragged breaths.
He looks up at me, his expression a mix of tenderness and desire. "I need you too," he whispers.
With a final, lingering kiss, he pulls his fingers out and helps me out of the last of our clothing. We pause for a moment, just taking in the sight of each other, the intimacy of the moment deepening our connection.
Yunho gently lays me back on the couch, positioning himself above me. He takes a condom from his wallet, and with a quick, practiced motion, he rolls it on. His eyes meet mine, seeking one last confirmation.
I nod, my heart pounding with a mix of nerves and anticipation. "I'm ready."
He aligns himself with me, and as he slowly enters, we both gasp at the sensation. He moves with care, giving us both time to adjust. Once he’s fully inside, he pauses, our foreheads touching as we share a moment of stillness
Yunho starts to move, it's slow at first but once I wrapped my legs around his waist he couldn't hold back any longer. A groan escaped from his lips and he fastened his pace.
His hands roam over my body, caressing and teasing, driving me closer to the edge. I can feel the tension building, the knot tightening inside of me.
"Yunho I'm close" I whisper against his neck.
"Me too" He says, his voice strained with his pleasure.
The sound of our breathing is getting heavier and faster. With a final trust I feel a wave of pleasure wash over me, yunho throws his head back when he feels my juices spilling over his cock. That is enough to send him over the edge too. Our moans filling the silent room.
We collapse together, yunho holds me close. His breath warm against my skin as we come down from the high.
"I think I like you y/n" yunho said, pressing a soft kiss against my forehead.
"I like you too yunho" I whisper back.
We lie there for a little longer, wrapped in each other's arms. And that's when I realized that this moment was the beginning of something beautiful.
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ohdeerfully · 2 months
hii! i just read everything you've posted and am obsessed. can you possibly write an alastor x fallen angel!reader? i would just love to see the interactions! -🐈‍⬛ anon
HIII 🐈‍⬛ im sorry this took one hundred thousand days to write. but at least its fairly long!!!!!! 4k words
honestly i cant imagine alastor warming up to an angel very quickly, like he would probably haaate reader for a long time before being like "actually u know what <3"
though that being said this can definitely be read as a platonic story since theres no romance (though maybe ill write a romantic fallen!reader someday)
anyway hope u enjoy!! mwah!
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Welcome to Hell
alastor x reader TW: heavy descriptions of gore WITH the reader, reader is heavily wounded, alastors a dick, cursing obviously, thats it i think join my discord!
PLS READ: im putting the story immediately under a read more because it jumps really quickly into gore, so if ur uncomfy with that please dont read on!
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“Hey, bitch,” A dangerously whispered voice spoke in your ear after you shooed away a small demon, sending all the warning bells in your body ringing. You stood and braced yourself to run, but—
The sensation of bone and arteries being savagely torn from your shoulder blades sent flaming, white hot pain through your body, setting every nerve ablaze and prompting a scream of agony through your lips. Your throat quickly became sore with the intensity of your cries as you crumpled over yourself, tightening your arms around yourself in a useless attempt at comforting the pain away.
Knife-like sensations rolled through your body, leaving you struggling to catch your breath and see through tears. You lifted your gaze from your trembling, bloody-gold hand onto the two who stood above you, one looking down with a twisted smirk and the other a disgusted sneer. The man still held your ripped wings between his claws. You could barely hear the ambience of terrified screaming that surrounded you through the heartbeat in your ears.
“Angels like you sicken me,” Lute said, chin tilted up in superiority. “You don’t even deserve that title.” She brought a foot up and then down onto your shoulder, shoving you onto your chest. The movement made you scream as another flash of pain ignited in your back. You balled your hands into fists, pulling them against your chest as you pressed your forehead against the hot ground, trying to catch your breath once again.
You sat, hunched, for what felt like hours. Maybe it was hours, as when you finally came to your senses the atmosphere was eerily silent. Adam and Lute were long gone. You only heard the faint noise of cannibalistic demons tearing apart bodies, and the occasional rustle of trash or paper being thrown in the wind across a deserted street. The recognition made you sit up—oh, shit, too fast. Your vision practically vanished as your head became light. You tried to catch yourself with your hands before you fell backwards, but considering the nature of your wound; ripped flesh directly over your shoulder blades… your elbows buckled at the intense sting.
I’m so fucking stupid, you cursed yourself as you contemplated your situation, deciding that it would be better to not try to stand up and walk around right now. Honestly, you’d be surprised if bloodloss didn’t kill you, considering the glistening puddle that had formed around you. You had managed to slowly scoot into a somewhat secluded corner and rested your head against the brick wall. Uncomfortable, but all things considered… it might as well be a five star hotel bed to you. Your eyes shut.
“Come on—...never know-”
“If you think— unpredictable—”
The two things you noticed when you came to were a broken conversation and an uncomfortable prickling sensation on your skin. You struggled to crack open your eyes, dried blood nearly pasting your left eye together. When you finally managed, you still had trouble focusing.
Two blurry, tall demons stood in front of you. Despite the fact they were demons, it felt considerably less imposing than the two that were in front of you earlier that day—was it still the same day? Still, you were on high alert and grabbed for where you thought you had left your weapon. You palmed at empty concrete. You cursed both at the lack of your tool for self defense and at the fact the two noticed you were now conscious.
“I do hope you don’t mind,” An amused bark of laughter erupted from the taller of the two, which forced your gaze back towards them. “We confiscated your little prong for our safety.” You blinked rapidly, squinting slightly till you could finally focus your eyes and actually get a good look at them. Surely enough, your trusty spear was held tightly between red claws.
To your right was an oddly friendly looking girl with blond hair and the reddest cheeks you had ever seen, who stood with a slight bend at the hip and hands on her knees as she peered down at you. Her brows were turned up and furrowed with what you guessed was worry, although the thought was shocking considering… the circumstances, you mused gravely when another rush of throbbing pain coursed through your body, reminding you of the giant wound on your back. You hadn’t noticed yourself wince, but the woman in front of you did, what with the way her hand shot forward as if wanting to help you. She paused, unsure.
You turned your head to the voice, taking in the demon next to her. He was just a bit taller, and incredibly… red. Red coat, red hair, red eyes… a little excessive, maybe—though, it didn’t really matter what you thought of his fashion choices, because the overwhelming and ominous feeling of dread ensnared your thoughts. He bent at the hip in a similar manner to the girl next to him, though the movement seemed somehow much less natural. The ever-present radio noise in the air increased in volume as his face inched closer. Meeting his gaze seemed to cause your mind to fill with a buzzing emptiness, prickling your entire being and causing your skin to tickle with goosebumps. Although you’ve never met him before, you knew by aura alone the power he held, especially over you in this situation. It was frankly obvious that he knew, too, for he stood with practiced leisure, leaning his weight onto his cane with one hand as he fidgeted curiously with your spear in the other. You immediately switched your gaze towards the friendlier of the two, who still seemed to be fighting a mental war, her still outstretched hand twitching as she considered her next move.
With a brief, sideways look towards her companion, she smiled gently and outstretched her hand in your direction. You eyed it suspiciously, gaze flicking between her and her hand. She had to have ulterior motives, right? Maybe she was just leading you somewhere where you could be finished off. Or something. Adam always insisted that the demons were far to “fucking stupid” to know how to hurt, let alone kill an angel, but that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t resort to various strange experiments and tests. They were demons, after all. In Hell.
Though, you had to admit to yourself with a sigh, at this point, I’m not any different than them. You figured “fallen angel” could even be a worse title than demon, because how horrible of a being do you have to be to fall from holy stature? Was saving the life of a demon, a child, at that, so evil?
It wasn’t worth thinking about, you decided. You were here. In Hell. Fuck.
You raised an embarrassingly trembling hand and cautiously received her own, and fought yourself to keep from ripping away as her slender fingers wrapped over yours. You were watching her movements sharply, nearly flinching when her black manicured nails glinted as they caught a light. Even still, her expression regarded you with so much undeserved compassion, a softness in the subtle curve of her eye, that you let your shoulders relax. She pulled you gingerly to your feet, and caught you against her steady shoulder when you nearly fell.
“I’m Charlie, by the way,” She said. Although she seemed hesitant earlier, every minute that passed seemed to confirm some unknown idea in her head as she slowly grew more vibrant and excited. Even still, she remained otherwise calm and gentle, her body holding strong to support nearly your full weight. She shot a look at the other demon.
“Oh! I apologize for my manners,” You weren’t even lookin at him—his voice alone sent a weird feeling down your back. You turned to look. “Alastor! A pleasure to meet you my dear, quite a pleasure!”
You finally turned to look, and noticed he didn’t hold his hand out, but rather the blunt end of your spear. When you reached to grab it, maybe to yank it away from him—not that you had any intention of fighting back at this point—you found that he still held a vice-like grip to it. When your fingers closed around the stick, he merely shook it, as if the weapon was an extension of his own hand. You weren’t really sure whether or not to take it as an insult.
Charlie seemed indifferent to Alastor’s antics, and you started a bit when she seemed unable to control herself any longer, and began blabbering about some hotel and some plan she had. She spoke with such a furious speed that you wondered if anybody could decode her words. She paused, suddenly, to take in a long breath, but the other demon interrupted her before she could begin again.
“Charlie, while I love watching you try so desperately, I’m not sure beings of their ilk are fit for your idea.”
Ilk? Sure, you understood him holding caution to your presence, considering you were an angel, but come on! Circumstances have changed for you! You opened your mouth, planning to make some retort (that you had not yet planned out) but Charlie quickly beat you to it.
“No! Alastor, come on, I know they’re… was one of them, but that gives them all the more reason to want to follow my plan… right..?” She looked down at you, where you still leaned heavily on her shoulder as the three of you slowly walked down the street. You honestly weren’t sure what they were talking about—you barely managed to catch a single word she rattled about earlier. You gave a weak shrug and a nod, just to be agreeable.
Alastor only gave a dismissive ‘hmm’ in return, and picked up his pace to walk in front of Charlie and you. In fact, he kept his pace and just continued walking away, down the sidewalk, around a corner, and gone. Personally, you didn’t mind. The air was noticeably lighter without his presence.
Charlie sighed in defeat, but didn’t mention it. She seemed accustomed to his behavior. You silently expressed your sorrows for her; even if he was nicer than he appeared, which you doubted heavily, he was likely still an exhausting guy to be around. 
The walk was long and unbearably painful for you, each labored step sending pulses of sore pain through your body, and your back occasionally exploding in needles that would halt you in your tracks. Charlie was incredibly patient, and you couldn’t even begin to word how thankful you were for her. Being one of two demons you had encountered since falling, you began wondering what else was in store for you down here for what you assumed may be the rest of your eternity.
You didn’t have long to ponder, as it seemed enough time passed since the extermination for demons to start their usual routines. And man, what routines they had. If you weren’t in imminent danger, you would find the scene almost comically chaotic. There were projectiles smashing through windows, sending shards everywhere, and fires erupting from said windows. Your eye caught the glinting of weapons in the hands of various demons, which some were… actively using to stab another demon. And, of course, when bodies fell there were at least two pit-eyed cannibalistic creatures that would descend on the corpse like starved dogs. You clung close to Charlie, who seemed unnervingly calm in the situation. Surprisingly, even with the lack of a weapon or any means of self-defense, nothing came at you.
Seeming to sense your unease, she looked at you with a calming smile. “Charming, huh?” She joked lightly. She grimaced slightly at the sound of a scream being cut short by a loud bang. “It’s not usually… this bad. They’re just worked up after extermination. That’s when the crazies hit.”
Yeah, you silently mocked. Yeah, starting fires and murdering people is being ‘worked up.’ Cool. You only nodded in response, not really finding anything nice to say. And, honestly, anything you said would probably seem hypocritical given the fact you were an exterminator mere hours ago. Luckily for you, she seemed content enough at that. She started to talk again about where she was taking you, a bit slower this time, obviously half focused on keeping you supported.
“So, my Hotel kind of just started, and Alastor is in the process of making a commercial to get some attention. I think he said it would be done today.”
You nodded wordlessly. Part of you felt a little guilty, not having much to say despite Charlie’s efforts to welcome you and take care of you, especially compared to her constant rambling. She didn’t seem to notice, though.
She re-explained her whole idea, undeniably proud of her plan. Sinners working on themselves to get redeemed? To leave Hell and climb those glittering steps to Heaven?
Absolutely unheard of.
Maybe it was your internal biases talking, but you could not imagine the possibility. If it was possible, why hadn’t somebody showed up at the gates from Hell before? You held back a roll of your eyes, feigning support and interest to the best of your ability.
After an achingly long journey, you finally reached the stone path that led to a rather plain, but tall building. It looked sleek and well built, but you couldn’t help but notice the tacky blinking lightbulbs that formed arrow shapes towards the entrance and the huge, spelled out name of the hotel. 
Hazbin Hotel.
You stifled a laugh as you looked up at the signage.
“Well! We’re here!” Charlie announced, brandishing her arm forward and sweeping it in a ‘viola’ motion. Your eyes traveled over the expanse of the property, noticing how many windows lined every wall. Were there that many demons here?
You were answered nearly immediately when Charlie opened the door to the hotel and you found yourself in a nearly empty lobby. It was kind of sad, honestly. There was a cat-like bartender and a long-limbed pink demon splayed across the couch, but other than that…
The demon next to you scratched the back of her head, and gave you a light smile. She jerked her head towards the door as if inviting you, but to be fair you didn’t really have any choice but to go wherever she led you.
“Ooh, fresh meat,” The pink-ish demon with a striped top shot upright, eyeing you wryly with a cocked brow. He stood and took long strides forward, one pair of arms on his hips and the other crossed under his rather… voluptuous chest. 
“Eyes up here, toots,” He snapped a finger, but when you met his eyes you could tell he was all jokes. You gave him a tight smile in response.
You heard the sound of quick steps and an already aggravated looking face appeared from the upper level, quickly descending the steps. You felt an ice-cold feeling of familiarity when you saw a gray-skinned, white haired angel—or, well, fallen angel at this point—stop in front of you. She apparently felt a similar feeling, though her response was much more rapidly aggressive. With a narrowed eye and tense shoulders, she manifested an angelic spear and held it at the ready. You tried to remove yourself from Charlie’s hold, desperate to be able to defend yourself even in your sorry state, but her protective grip held you fast against herself. You struggled only for a moment, but the exhaustion coursing through every vein stopped you. Man was she strong.
“What is someone like them doing here,” The other questioned in a hiss, her lips curled in a sneer. She eyed you up and down suspiciously, likely analyzing your capacity of harming anybody in the room. Admittedly you couldn’t blame her caution. 
When your lips parted, planning to shoot an accusatory in retort, the tip of her spear shot to your lips, effectively shutting you up. There was a look in her eye, behind the rage and caution, that you somehow recognized as a silent plea. A plea for what? To stay quiet? Not state the obvious recognition you two shared? Did the others somehow not know she was an angel? Whatever it was, you obliged and swallowed a lump in your throat.
“Vaggie, please,” Charlie spoke in a tumble, rushing her free hand to press the point of ‘Vaggie’s weapon away from your face. “She’s practically one of us now. Don’t go threatening my new guests every time they walk through the door! We can’t scare them away…”
“Angels aren’t guests Charlie,” Vaggie’s voice seemed strained as she held pinched fingers on the bridge of her nose. “We literally just had an extermination.”
“I know,” Charlie pressed, the tone of her voice conveying some sort of desperate ‘just go with it and calm down.’ “But… obviously she was an outcast, unwanted by Heaven. Just like us, right?” 
You furrowed your brows and looked at her through the corner of your eye, but decided not to fight for your dignity. She wasn’t even wrong.
Vaggie seemed easily defeated by Charlie’s words, yielding quickly to her words and putting her spear away. You briefly wondered where your own was. Charlie gave Vaggie a thankful smile, a light kiss on the cheek—to which the angel blushed—and led you carefully into a nearby room. 
It seemed to be some type of medical room, and Charlie quickly got to work dragging a warm rag over the dried blood that left streaks down your skin. You grabbed her wrist, and she looked up at you, a little confused.
“I can wash myself, I’m not that useless,” You argued, using your other hand to pull at the rag.
“But, you can barely—” 
“Charlie,” You said, more stern than you meant to, which you immediately regretted after the taken aback expression on her face. Considering you barely spoke a word since meeting her, it was no wonder she seemed surprised at your sudden brash tone. You tried to speak more gently. “Please, just let me wash myself off. I’ll need your help dressing my wounds, anyway, it’s the least I could do.”
She pondered for a moment, but nodded, smiled, and left you to it. She left the room with a quick ‘call me when you’re’ done, closing the door with a gentle click. You sighed, finally enjoying a moment of privacy. You looked at yourself in the mirror, a sick feeling churning in your stomach.
It was still you, staring back, but it somehow at the same time wasn’t. Golden streaks tainted your gray skin, crusts of blood still grabbing at the corners of your eye and matting your hair. You briefly brushed a hand through the strands, but promptly gave up after your fingers caught on multiple knots. You’d have to wash it out.
For now you focused on just wiping the blood and grime off of your skin, especially around the wounds. You were incredibly tender when you reached your back, elbow bent awkwardly over your face as you tried to reach the marred flesh. You tried positioning your arm under your armpit, hoping for a better angle, but it was still no use. Even when you managed to get close to the wound, every touch sent stinging pain down your back. On top of all that, you could barely see where you were dragging the damp cloth, neck struggling to crane enough to look in the mirror.
The door opened suddenly, and with it a sense of impending doom and static sensations encased you. You froze, eyes darting towards the entrance. Even though you knew exactly who would stand there, you still couldn’t help the sick surprise that twisted your gut.
Alastor stood in the entrance, eyes half open and brows raised as he examined you bent in so many awkward ways. 
“How’s our new vulture doing,” He asked suddenly, eyes lighting up in an overly cheerful manner. He entered the room without much invitation, circling you. You felt like prey being stalked and toyed with by a wolf. Your eyes diligently followed until he took up a spot behind you. “Charlie got caught up in something, so she asked me to help you.”
You watched him in the mirror as he looked down at the torn flesh of your back, his long, clawed finger tapping at his chin while his other hand thrummed against the head of his cane.
“A ghastly sight you are,” He commented, meeting your gaze in the mirror. His hand pointed down at your back. “That wound of yours is rather unpleasant, too.”
You frowned and opened your mouth to shoot something back, though you didn’t know if you wanted to throw curses or insults back at him. Any words you may have said died on your tongue as the look in his eyes darkened, and his smile curled impossibly higher, more sinister. 
He leaned down, positioning his head just next to yours, still meeting your eyes in the mirror. Every inch of proximity caused the prickling on your skin to increase, and the static in your ears to grow louder.
“Let’s patch you up, then!” He straightened himself out, walking towards a cabinet and quickly grabbing various tools from different shelves. “While I’m not in the business of playing doctor to someone like you, I can’t deny the Princess.” His voice seemed all too cheery for the rude words he spoke, and that smile on his face never faltered. You briefly thought about him referring to Charlie as “princess,” but quickly dismissed it. You’d think about it later—right now, you had to be ready to make a run for it in case that feeling of doom that loomed over you came to fruition.
Alastor approached you again with a small tray of medical supplies, and pulled thin gloves over his hands with a brief snap, saying something about the importance of being sanitary, but part of you wondered if he was just making more jabs at you regarding his disdain for angels.
Surprisingly he seemed to know what he was doing, working quickly with different types of wipes and stitches and gauze. He was being rougher than likely necessary, pretending to accidentally poke a claw into your open wound and pressing his tools far too firm against your sore skin. You bore it with gritted teeth and narrowed eyes, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of putting you through a miserably painful half hour. 
After it was finally over you drew out a long sigh and watched as he discarded the gloves and washed his hands. And washed his hands. And washed his hands. And… still he’s washing his hands. You began to wish you counted the seconds.
He turned to you after finally finishing up, shaking water off his hands. He didn’t seem to recognize that he was flicking droplets directly on you. If you weren’t in such a weak state and absolutely terrified of him, you probably would’ve made some effort to stop him, but now… you opted to let him get away with it. For now.
“Now, if that’s all…” He turned, waving a hand at you dismissively. “I’d prefer you keep out of my business from here on.”
No fucking problem, you agreed to yourself. He didn’t even have to ask. You couldn’t imagine bearing to be around him unless absolutely necessary. Though, in an effort to maintain pleasantries…
“Thanks, though,” You called, not trying to hide the hint of dislike in your tone. Your words made him stop, hand just barely hovering over the knob to the door. After a brief moment, his head turned slightly, just enough for him to look at you out of the corner of his eye.
Although it was brief, you saw a glint of what you assumed was malice in his eye as his lips twitched and curled, momentarily revealing the black of his gums. His face quickly returned to his regular facade of cheer. He opened the door, not saying anything in return, and quickly took his leave, slamming the door behind him.
You drug your hands down your eyes, looking at yourself once again in the mirror. Cleaner now, but still rough. You thought deeply about what your future here would be like, especially around Alastor. If he was truly Charlie’s right-hand-man, you doubted avoiding him would be easy, despite how desperately you wanted to.
Yeah. This is Hell.
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thebiggerbear · 7 days
WIP Wednesday - 5/29/24 - Beau Arlen x Reader
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A/N: Oh wow, I haven't done one of these in a while, but I've still been a busy bee behind the scenes. This is from another short series for Beau x Female Reader that I've been working on since, sheesh, July 29th of last year (don't judge me lol). It's another project I really love with my whole heart because it's allowing me to go to places with Beau and this world that I haven't gone to before and explore some...things about his character that we got a glimpse of in the show. Without giving too much away, this is going to be a bit darker than my average Beau story. I will start posting this very soon. I took out any specific spoilers. This takes place a bit after season 3. All unbeta'd.
Warnings: mentions of domestic violence; injury/blood; a split second of violence
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Please do not do any of the above. Thank you for your understanding.
dividers by @firefly-graphics
Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187
Beau Taglist: @deans-spinster-witch; @birdiellie; @heartlessdelusions; @nancymcl; @illicithallways; @muhahaha303
Jensen Taglist: @samanddeaninatrenchcoat
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You and Poppernak had responded to a domestic disturbance call and the husband was obviously at least twice past the legal limit for blood alcohol. Seeing his wife’s rapidly blackening eye, you talked her into pressing charges to at least get him out of the house for the night, if not for longer. When you went to arrest him, he pulled a knife on you and you saw it just in time. As you moved away, dodging his blows, thankfully Poppernak snuck up behind him and knocked him to the ground. You both then tackled him and forced him to drop the knife. Once he was in handcuffs, Poppernak radioed for backup and a bus. 
“You okay?”
You glanced at your bloodied shirt sleeve. “Yeah, I think so. Just a scratch.”
Poppernak shook his head. “Doesn’t matter. You’re getting that checked out.” He pulled a bandana from his pocket and placed it against your arm, urging you to keep it there and steadily apply pressure.
You rolled your eyes but didn’t argue. Usually, you would have but the wife was watching you and you knew what you had to do. Without realizing it, the stupid son of a bitch had just given the justice system the perfect reason to keep him from going back home right away, even if his wife changed her mind regarding the charges. Now, he had assaulted an officer, so you had even more reason not to resist the full process of reporting and medical follow up.    
So here you were, in the ER, waiting on the nurse to finish up so you could get out of here.
“There. All set.” She snapped her gloves off and threw them in the trash.
“Thanks.” You carefully slipped your injured arm into the sleeve of your jacket. 
The woman held up a sheet of paper. “Now, here are the care instructions. You’ll need to—”
You took the form from her and gave her a reassuring smile. “I appreciate it but I already know the drill. Not my first rodeo.” You slipped the other arm into your jacket and shrugged into it, wincing at the slight jab of pain.
“Okay,” she replied in a singsong voice, obviously assuming you were that type of patient. “You go home and get some rest now, you hear?” 
She was gone before you could roll your eyes at her fake cheeriness. You pulled out your phone, about to text Poppernak that you were ready for pickup, when a young male nurse strolled in. “Oh, good. I’m glad I caught you.”
“I was discharged so…” You held up the paper in your hand as proof. No way were they keeping you any longer. You had a job to get back to, though you had a feeling you would be arguing with Beau not that long from now about you being able to complete your shift.
“Oh, I know. Dr. Strickland wants to see you quickly before you leave.”
Dammit, just when you were about to get out of here. “Do I have to?”
He gave you a look. “If Dr. Strickland is asking to see you, it’s probably best if you hear what she has to say.”
“Fine,” you groaned. “Where is her office?”
“Down the hall, make two lefts, then a right, first door on the left,” he directed as he began to clean up where you had just been sitting.
“That’s not confusing at all,” you muttered under your breath as you left the room. Much to your surprise a few minutes later, his directions had been spot on.
The door was open and you rapped on it, sticking your head in. Dr. Strickland glanced up from her desk and gave you a smile. “Deputy Y/L/N. I’m so glad Ryan caught you before you left. Please, close the door and have a seat.”
“Okay…” You did as she asked, plopping down into the open chair facing her. “Everything okay? My insurance should cover all of this, I’m pretty sure.”
Dr. Strickland waved a hand in dismissal. “This isn’t about that. If it were, you’d be sitting in the Billing Office instead.” She chuckled at her own joke.
Right. You had already had a rough few days; you weren’t really in the mood for jokes or being polite for politeness' sake, so you cut right to the chase. “What’s up, doc? Why did you need to see me?”
The older woman typed something up on her computer. “When you were brought in, even though it wasn’t a deep cut, I ran your blood work just as a precaution. In case a tetanus booster was needed.”
“I remember.” You weren’t afraid of needles but you weren’t exactly a fan so anytime one came near you, you made sure to look away until they were done doing whatever it was they were going to do with it. 
“Well,” Dr. Strickland glanced over her glasses at you. “We found something.” She swung her gaze back to her computer, continuing to type. 
Your heart dropped into your stomach. You should have fucking known. Ever since you’d come up here to Helena at Beau’s insistence, everything had been wrong. Why wouldn’t they find something in your blood work on top of everything else? “What did you find?” You nearly whispered.
The doctor’s eyes snapped to you and she gave you a reassuring smile. “Oh, nothing like that. Don’t worry.” She hit a button and the printer started up. She then folded her hands on her desk, patiently waiting for the paper to finish printing. “You’re pregnant.”
There was a ringing in your ears and you began to feel light-headed. There was no way you heard her right. “I’m sorry…what?”
“You’re pregnant,” she repeated, picking up the paper as it spit out from the printer. “Here is a copy of your test results.” She offered it to you and for a moment, you considered not taking it. There was no way; she must have made a mistake. Perhaps your results got mixed up with someone else’s.
“That’s impossible.”
Her brows furrowed in confusion. “Actually, it’s quite possible. A blood test is ninety-nine percent more accurate than urine tests. It’s hard to know exactly how far along you are without a proper examination but the results don’t lie. You’re pregnant.”
The ringing and light-headedness got worse, so much so that you barely heard her telling you that you needed to make an appointment with your OB-GYN to start prenatal care and get your first ultrasound to determine how far along you were in your pregnancy. Pregnancy? What the hell was she talking about? There was no way you could be pregnant...no fucking way. Not the moment that you had finally put your foot down with Beau — oh God. Fucking…Beau!
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A/N: Please let me know what you think. 👉👈
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olichat-reads · 2 years
Just a little more
ProHero!Bakugou x ProHero!reader
Summary: Bakugou Katsuki always pushed you on to do just a little more, to keep going when you're backed into a corner, even if he isn't around.
Words: 1544
A/n: This has been in my drafts for way too long & honestly, I don't think I can do any better with whatever writing experience i have atm. So it is what it is (・人・) Um, reader has a forcefield (?) quirk. I have no idea how to describe the setting if you can't tell lmao.
God fucking dammit.
You yelped as you took a hit from the villain currently attacking you, catapulting you into the air. You managed to conjure up a forcefield before the villain managed to land another hit on you.
Fuck. It was just your luck to be assigned to this area, seemingly at the end of the world- further away than the rest of your team. Alone. Because this place was supposed to be a safe zone but nooooo- stupid villain just had to have a hideout here of all places. Had to be the stronger assholes too. There was no way you could intercept them on your own. Goddamit.
You've barely managed to call for backup before your device got smashed. Your day certainly was going wonderfully. Now all you could do was buy time while you did your best to not die.
You shrieked in surprise as you narrowly dodged another blast that would've sent you yeeting. Again. Taking cover, you did your best to catch your breath, panting. Your stamina wasn't bad but you've been stalling for a while now & were getting tired. But you needed to hold on a little more.
Just a little more.
"Katsuuu, I'm tired," you whined childishly. You cheek was smushed against the table as you felt your brain disintegrate from all the equations you've been facing for the past 2 hours.
Beside you, your boyfriend only glanced at your defeated form, his hands steadily typing away on his laptop. He huffed out a laugh with a small smirk on his face.
That riled you up.
"Are you laughing at my demise, you jerk??" You snarled at him, albeit with no venom in your voice, whipping your head off of the table with, to your disdain, the darn assignment sheet stuck to your face.
Well, if he wasn't laughing before, he was definitely laughing now. You could only glare at your boyfriend who burst out cackling like a witch as he watched you rip the paper from your cheek that was heating up from embarassment.
"My last two braincells are on the verge of accepting death with this assignment & you laugh at me. So rude," you huffed childishly. Collecting himself, Bakugou paused his typing to lazily loll his head to the side & look at you.
"Don't do it then."
"Don't do the assignment."
"I can't do that," you frowned.
"Exactly," the asshole grinned at you so wide his teeth showed. "So, quit bitching about it & get to work, pipsqueak."
You made an indignant sound.
"So mean," you mumbled but picked up your pencil again nontheless to resume your torture.
The two of you continued your work in silence, Bakugou subtly checking on your homework every once in a while, pointing out your mistakes. He was focused on his own work too but under the table, his foot nudged yours every now & then, oddly encouraging you on as you painstakingly went through the problems.
Upon reaching the last two questions, you let out a tired sigh, your boyfriend's ears perking up at the sound. Seemingly done with his essay, he shuts his laptop & scoots over closer to your side to hook his chin over your shoulder, peering down at your notebook filled with your frantic scribbles of the equations that you swore would be the death of you. Bakugou hummed approvingly as his eyes scanned over your work. You felt the rumble of it against your back, the contact easing your tense body slightly.
"How much more?"
"Just a little more."
"Thats right. Just a little more then you can die peacefully."
You whacked him on the head with your textbook with faux offense on your face. You didn't last long though, eventually couldn't help but join his ugly cackles that filled the room.
Speaking of cackles, apparently, not everyone could pull it off in a way that looks as good as boyfriend did. You could barely hold back from rolling your eyes at the villain's annoying laughter that rang through the valley. You wished you could land a hit hard enough to get her to shut the fuck up.
Oh, but only it were that easy.
That was all that you could get out before you were flung across the field, taking a direct hit of the villain's quirk, body slamming against a boulder before you sagged onto the ground.
Shit. Everything hurt.
"Quit being so dramatic, dumbass," he retorts with an eye roll & a hint of a smirk tugging on his lips.
The two of you were training together, your demon of a boyfriend showing you absolutely no mercy. Throwing you around like a ragdoll.
You glared at the sight your sweaty boyfriend's back, watching the muscles flex as he chugged down some water while you struggled to catch your own breath like a dying fish out of water.
Bakugou put the bottle down to stretch those buldging muscles, more sweat dripping down his body.
Sexy demon. Fuck him.
Bakugou's head turning at the thud of your body plopping down on the training mat, your limbs spread out like a starfish with one arm dramatically thrown over your face. Shaking his head at your antics, he sauntered over to squat by your head.
"We don't both need to be ridiculously big, strong & sexy in this relationship, y'know," you spoke as though you felt his presence by you while still maintaining your oh-woe-is-me dying pose. "I'm happy to be the potato to my greek god of a boyfriend who can protect me forever."
Bakugou snorted at that.
"Get up, loser. Just a little more then we'll go get that ice cream you can't stop yapping about," he said with amusement laced in his gruff voice, nudging your side gently.
Slowly, you moved your arm to look up at him curiously, considering the bribe he offered. "Really? No take backs?"
"No take backs," he promised. "Now, come on. Get up."
Get up.
Bakugou's voice rang in your ear, so clearly you could almost see his vermillion eyes you love so much urging you on. The sound of approaching footsteps barely registering on the back of your mind.
It hurts, you tried to reason with those eyes. It hurts, Katsu. But he did not waver. Bakugou never wavered.
I know.
But just a little more.
Get up.
Mustering whatever strength you had left, you managed to push your body off of the ground just in time to dodge a blast of the villain quirk in your direction. Generating a forcefield for the next blast that came thundering your way before your body plopped onto the ground once again.
You couldn't run anymore. You barely had any energy left to keep your barrier up but that was all you could do now. You felt your hero outfit stick to your skin, soaking in blood from your wounds.
God. It hurts.
Little whimpers managed to escape your lips despite you clamping them shut.
"Hurts, baby?" Your boyfriend asked from where he kneeled between your legs as you sat on the toilet to clean your wounds. His vermillion eyes staring up at your face scrunched up in pain hands balled into fists at your side.
Any other day, you'd grace him with a deadpan expression as a silent 'are you seriously asking me this right now??' or a sarcastic remark that would earn you a harsh flick on the forehead, making you squeal out in pain. Apparently, he only agrees with 'ask stupid questions, get stupid answers' when he's not the one asking. Asshole.
But with your current predicament, you could only nod your head as your big wet eyes meet his.
"How'd such a crybaby like you even made it into the hero course, hm?" He asked lightheartedly, no venom in his voice. His hands reached out to yours, fisted so tight your nails were digging into your palm from the pain. Gently, he pried open your death grip, calloused thumbs massaging the indents you left in your skin, pressing soft kisses to the inside of your palm, feeling you tense body slowly relax under his touch.
"It hurts bad, Katsu," you sniffed.
"I know, baby," he replied, the low timbre of his voice steady & soothing you. He moved you hands into his hair where your hands instinctively moved on their own. You always loved how soft his hair felt between your fingers despite its prickly porcupine appearance. It was a gesture of comfort for the both of you.
"You can hold on to me, yeah? Just a little more then we're done."
Thats right.
Just a little more.
Just a little more then you're done. Help will come. He will come. A little more & you'll get to see those pretty red eyes again. Hear his voice again. God you missed him.
A little more & you'll be back in your apartment with your boyfriend. He'll patch you up & cook you that ridiculously amazing curry he wouldn't share the recipe of & let you hide away in his chest as he holds you in bed to keep the nightmares away.
You can go back home. Home to him. God, you wanted to go home so badly.
You just needed to hold on a little more.
Just a little more.
Then you heard your forcefield crack.
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invisibleraven · 9 months
"Not sure if the banner was already obvious enough, but I would like to ask you to be my date." for Willie/anyone, because chaos
Willie could credit himself at being pretty good when it came to reading people. Case in point, when the end of the school year grew closer and closer, and Alex started getting grumpy and fidgety, Willie knew something was up.
More than this is exam jitters-because Alex's school related anxieties just had him pop an extra Ativan by now. Not a worry about the future, as the band was signed for a three album deal, and were set to do a mini California tour come the summer before they did their first album.
No, his mood took a definite change when the posters for the prom started popping up.
Willie had no real wish to go to prom. Sure, he liked dances just as much as the next gay guy, and with Alex as his boyfriend, they could cut a rug with the best of them. But it was such a stupid, heteronormative tradition, and Willie was definitely counter culture. Sure, the school was 100% okay with queer couples going-heck they were even letting Julie bring both her boyfriends as her dates, which made Reggie beam with giddy joy, and even though Luke rolled his eyes, Willie knew he was super excited as well.
But he wasn't sure how Alex felt. So he poked at Reggie for some insight.
"Dude, what do you mean?" Reggie asked. "Alex has been dreaming about dancing at his prom with his boyfriend since he first saw Pretty In Pink. And The Prom. And the third High School Musical movie, even though he bitched about them making the choreographer character straight."
"That was super stupid," Willie admitted. "So you think he want me to ask him?" Reggie shot him a look at that. "Okay, stupid question. You don't think he wants some big promposal right?"
"Have you met Alex?" Reggie asked. "No, he'd die. But maybe... make an effort and do something special, just for you."
That Willie could do. Sure, prom was stupid, dumb, and lame. But Willie could do a night of stupid, dumb, and lame for Alex. Especially to fulfill a dream he thought he'd never get. His parents had crushed so many of Alex's hopes, so the last Willie could do was give him a magical night he had been told over and over again he never would.
But how to ask?
Well, amongst Willie's numerous talents, he was pretty decent at art. So grabbing a ton of paper, his beloved spray cans, and an unoccupied Molina family garage (thanks to Julie clearing it out once she heard his plan) he got to work.
It was a couple hours later that Alex showed up. "Okay, I'm here, Reggie said I had to come out here because you needed me. Even though we both agreed to no make outs in the studio after last time."
Willie snickered as he greeted Alex at the door. "I know hot dog. Just-look."
Alex looked up and saw a bright pink banner there, covered in glitter and in Willie's messy cursive and blocks of rainbow colour, was one word; Prom?
Alex turned to Willie who gave him a mega-watt smile. "Not sure if the banner was already obvious enough, but I would like to ask you to be my date."
"But you hate stuff like prom!" Alex said.
Willie shrugged. "But you love it, and Reggie told me you've been dreaming of prom since you saw Pretty in Pink."
"Fucking Reginald," Alex grumbled.
Willie guided Alex's face to his. "Hey, no. He was being a good bro, and wanted to make sure your dream came true. So what do you say? You wanna go to prom with me?"
"No?" Willie asked, confused and a little heartbroken.
"No," Alex repeated, shaking his head. "You'd be miserable the whole time, and then I wouldn't have fun. So I'd rather stay in, watch movies. We can put on some music and dance around the living room at your house, have our own prom."
"But your dreams..."
"You're more important," Alex replied with a shrug.
"That's why I asked you!" Willie said, laughing. "Because you getting this one thing you never thought you'd get was more important to me than me hating this shit!"
They both started laughing at that, collapsing onto the couch, holding one another. Finally, wiping their eyes, Willie looked at Alex. "I kind of want to go now, just to prove you wrong, that I'd have fun."
"Really?" Alex asked.
"Just for like, a few dances, sure," Willie relented. "Unless you'd rather stay in."
"Uh uh, you said we're going, no backsies," Alex replied, kissing his nose.
"Figures," Willie said, but he was smiling. Sure, prom was never going to rank high on his list of activities he was looking forward to-but Alex's smile made it all worth it.
Plus, Willie admitted on prom night, as they swayed across the floor, Alex looked damn good in his pink tux.
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nekomacheercaptain · 2 years
Floral rings
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I got inspired by this tweet and thought "Hey, do you know whose language I think gift giving is? Kid", so this is the result of that (also the rings are absolutely beautiful, I would love if he made them for me)
Word count: 0,7K
Kid was trying to eat his lunch when he saw you gasp and awe down at your magazine as your fingers swiftly turned each page. What caught his attention was the sound of a pen circling something on paper, and he left his food on the plate before standing behind you, a shadow being cast over you.
“Whatchu doin’?” he mumbled above you as you continued looking at the pages with stars in your eyes at each reveal of the beautiful floral rings displayed on the pages.
“Hi babe,” you welcomed him with less enthusiasm than usual, too engrossed in your magazine, and he felt himself clench his jaw ever so slightly, “contemplating buying some of these rings, aren’t they pretty!” your voice now happy and engaged as you raised the magazine for him to see.
He yanked it from your hands, turning through the pages too rough for your liking while scoffing, “that’s just a waste of money,” he looked down at you before putting the magazine in his pocket, seeing your jaw drop in offense.
“Kid what the fuck? I was looking at that!” you yelled at him, but to no avail. He just dismissed you with his hand before he walked towards his workshop, hoping he didn’t press the magazine too hard into his pocket. You looked at the neglected food he left on the table, cursing at your stupid boyfriend who had single-handedly ruined your mood in a couple of seconds.
Kid spent the remainder of the day away from you in his workshop, and you had complained all you needed to Killer, who always set aside some time of his day to listen to you bitch about your captain and boyfriend. If he was lucky you did it while he was making food, killing two birds with one stone. 
When you laid in bed, ready to fall asleep, the red-head decided to show up, waking you up. And you noticed this was too much for you.
“Y/n, babe, look at-”
“No, that’s enough, I was just about to fall asleep, you can’t wake me up for some bullshit reason, Kid,” you spat out as you squinted at him.
“The hell? I didn’t even wake you up,” he yelled at you defensively, and you turned around, forcing him to talk to your back.
“Whatever, just let me sleep already,” you muttered, trying to fall asleep again. 
He scoffed, “You don’t wanna see what I’ve made for you? I know you’ll love it,” his cocky voice annoyed you more, but you didn’t budge. So he grabbed your hand, causing you to turn around again, seeing him trying to place something on your finger.
“Kid what the-” you yelled, but your jaw fell in a loud gasp when you saw the material wrapped around your finger. Your other hand went to cover your mouth in disbelief as a wide smile replaced your earlier frown.
“What the hell, Kid, you made this?” you felt tears build up in your eyes, never looking away from the beautiful floral ring now decorating your hand, admiring the details of the flower and petals becoming shook at how it fits like a glove on your ring finger.
“Told ya it was a waste of money,” he smirked, easing his eyebrow arrogantly at you, making you sigh in defeat.
“You could have just asked for the magazine though, if you were going to make it for me anyway,” you punched his bicep lightly, “I wasn’t done looking”.
He didn’t say anything but a small smile was painting his lips as he saw you gushing over the ring, your hand moving in all angles to allow you to admire all of it.
“It fits me perfectly! You had quite the guess on my size,” you remarked as you laughed, not knowing he fully well knew exactly what your ring size was, a mold of each of your fingers a living proof of this laying on his workbench for future reasons, but he would never tell you that.
You cupped his face with your hands before planting a loving kiss on his lips which he happily obliged, before you kissed his cheek, “thank you, babe, it’s absolutely breathtaking”.
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mamamittens · 11 months
Guide You Home
Sabo X OC
Warnings: Uh, canonical slavery mentions, arson, and kissing.
Hope the wait wasn't too bad for you @sab0ace
Word Count: 2,645
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Sabo felt like his skin was going to crawl right off of his body. Being in another fancy manor at a party, smoozing with guests and pretending like this was paradise—it itched. He set his jaw firmly to refrain from cursing out the vapid old man who’d held him in dry, polite conversation for the past fifteen minutes. He hadn’t wanted to approach this mission like this but Koala insisted on a low profile.
His partner was having the time of her life pretending to be as vapid and shallow as a puddle in the desert. Meanwhile, Sabo had nearly set the curtains on fire in a fit of fury at least three times. But he’d play nice. For now.
Everything about this made his head hurt though and he could only imagine what kind of repressed memories he had of places like this.
Sabo wrinkled his nose and looked around the room in boredom.
“Apologies, Sir Barkley, but I need to attend to some… matters.” Sabo excused himself swiftly before heading to the restrooms. Just beyond it was the offices where, with any luck, the papers he needs are in. Once he grabs those he can signal to Koala and they can leave this stifling party.
He barely made it five steps into the lavish office before he heard stomping feet trampling towards his location. Thinking fast, Sabo spotted a low cupboard where the carpet was immaculate—definitely empty and not used often. He crammed himself in without complaint, or at least not vocal complaint, and breathed softly. His back didn’t appreciate the tight quarters but it’d be better than the ringing his ears would receive if he messed up the mission because of carelessness.
The cupboard doors weren’t quite aligned properly, allowing Sabo a slim view into the room as the owner of the estate stormed into the room. Tossing a young lady so hard her side slammed into the desk nearly across the room. She cried out and sank to the floor, clutching her hip as she turned towards the man.
“Useless!” He hissed. “Utterly fucking useless! Not even worth the price I paid for you—you stupid, blind bitch!” He spat as the young woman cried softly, posture curling in shame. Sabo caught a glimpse of a collar around her throat. One of the cheaper ones, not set to explode or anything quite so drastic, but a slave collar nonetheless.
Ah. Sabo’s least favorite type of noble. He should have known. Cheap bastards.
His to-do list for the evening just gained a new objective in lieu of setting the whole place on fire.
The man continued to berate the young woman for some time before he grew hoarse and stormed out in a fit. Locking the door behind him. If the man wasn’t the host and clearly lacking the time to beat the young lady as he wished to, Sabo imagines he’d have to break the mission along with the man’s legs. Luckily, he didn’t need to.
With a sigh of relief that spooked the poor, frazzled young lady, Sabo removed himself from the cupboard.
“Well… he seems pleasant.” Sabo joked lightly, walking over to her side to help her stand. “Are you alright?” She sniffled, wiping at her eyes and brushing back her pale blond hair.
“…yes, sir. I-I’m alright.” Sabo grimaced at the weak, meek voice.
“None of that ‘sir’ nonsense with me, sweetheart. I’m not exactly an esteemed guest here.” Sabo grinned, noting that she seemed frazzled but otherwise unharmed. Her eyes hidden behind a thick fringe of bangs. “I need to pick up some papers, but after that, how do you feel about getting out of here?”
She paused, tipping her head up with a soft, vulnerable expression of hope.
Her hand drifted to the slim collar of cheap metal.
“I-I can’t…” Sabo carefully pulled away her hand and ran his fingers along the delicate column of her throat. Dipping his thumbs between flesh and metal before shattering it with ease. He tossed the metal to the floor with a pleased hum.
“I don’t know… you seem pretty free to me.” Sabo declared teasingly, her hand clutching where the metal used to rest in disbelief. She swallowed hard and smiled in disbelief.
“W-What did you need to get…?” She asked softly, clutching her maid’s dress anxiously.
“Some papers for the RA.” Sabo declared, not worried about ruining the mission in the slightest since he fully intended to take her with him. She perked up.
“Oh! Did you check behind that painting? Lord Minnop had me tend to the squeaky hinges and spent ages talking about the secret papers he kept there.” She piped up helpfully. Sabo snorted.
“Of course he did.” Sabo derided, looking towards the large… painting of the man himself. Somehow, he was disappointed but not surprised. The safe wasn’t even locked.
Ah. His most hated type of noble.
A stupid cheap bastard.
Still, it did mean he wouldn’t be stuck at this party for much longer. Sabo glanced at the ornate windows with the plush, thick curtains and grinned.
“…Ready to bounce, my lady?” Sabo asked with more feeling than he’d had all night, offering his hand with a gentle brush of his fingers along her wrist so she’d know what he was offering.
She beamed, smile lovely and wide.
“Of course!”
Sabo’s chosen signal of the night? Setting that ostentatious office on fire like he’d wanted to do to the ballroom all night.
Koala would get what he meant. She was good like that.
Unfortunately, not even his new lady friend’s presence could save him from the earful he got when Koala managed to leave the party, expensive dress lightly burned.
If he knew that she’d maliciously demand he take vacation time, he would have found a less destructive way to signal to her that he got the papers and it was time to go. It was worth it to give Luna freedom, but still... She’d been trying to settle into a place within the Revolutionary Army, no easy feat for someone totally blind. But her sweet demeanor was quite refreshing within the organization. Given time, Sabo knew she’d find her place.
Dragon stared down at Sabo with a look in his eyes that quietly asked him why he seemed allergic to vacations and not setting places on fire.
Sabo stared back with a look that said he didn’t have the slightest idea what Dragon was implying. Dragon, predictably, didn’t buy it at all.
“A month.” Dragon narrowed his eyes, glaring down at Sabo as the room grew tense.
“A week.” Sabo hissed defiantly.
“Three months.” Sabo’s eyes widened and he gawked.
“No! Absolutely not!” Sabo couldn’t just disappear from the RA for that long!
“I’ll make it six!” Dragon threatened.
“Six! Six!” Sabo threw up his hands. “What do I even do with three!?”
Dragon’s lips quirked in a smirk.
“Relax.” Dragon responded dryly. Sabo shuddered at the thought. “Luna.” Sabo whipped his head towards the door as Luna shuffled in cautiously.
“Yes, Dragon?” She asked with a cute tilt of her head.
“Please accompany Sabo to ensure he actually relaxes on his vacation… four months.” Sabo dismissed the elated feeling in his stomach as he sputtered with indignation.
“Four!? Four!? Dragon!” Sabo whined though he didn’t fight as Luna playfully dragged him out of the room to get ready for his volun-told vacation time.
“C’mon! You heard the boss, Sabo!” Luna declared with a laugh as she shoved him into his room to pack. “Don’t take too long or I’ll get Koala to tie you up and toss you onto the ship with nothing~!” Luna giggled before running off, presumably to pack her own things. Now that she wasn’t dragging him along, it started to crash onto him that he was actually doing this.
Going on vacation with the cute girl he nearly ruined a mission to make smile.
“Ack!” Sabo grimaced, paling as he realized he needed to hurry up before Koala came in and did the honors herself without Luna asking. She absolutely would hog-tie him with nothing to take on this ‘vacation’.
The island where Sabo and Luna were essentially abandoned on for the next four months had all the basic essentials and a small beachfront cabin. If memory served, it usually was meant to help agents lay low after difficult missions or when their undercover missions had been compromised.
The wooded area was populated with local wildlife he would’ve been able to handle in his sleep as a child, so he really didn’t have anything to worry about… just him and Luna alone. For four months.
“So this is where we’re staying, huh? Sounds peaceful.” Luna commented, walking out onto the front porch as Sabo glared at the ship Koala had personally used to dump them here.
“Yeah, sorry you have to look after me—” Sabo choked upon seeing Luna. Pale skin draped in a sheer kimono that swayed around her hips. Soft pink bikini and sandals indicating she intended to spend time on the beach. She was beautiful and Sabo flushed with embarrassment that he was too busy being a sourpuss to realize that this was also her vacation. “S-Sunscreen! Do you need some sunscreen? I’ll get some—and change!” Sabo sputtered, aware of how very overdressed he was still, Luna’s soft laughter following him into the cabin.
Sabo tossed away his clothes and shoved his legs into a pair of swim trunks, plucking the specialty sunscreen for the two of them out of the bag Koala packed. He looked into the food supply to see what they were working with and found it surprisingly packed with good food. Treats and even ice cream stored in the freezer. Sabo picked a pair of popsicles and went outside.
Luna was standing a few feet away from the porch, bare feet digging into the sand as she faced the ocean. Breeze gently ruffling her clothing and hair. She turned towards him as he approached, footsteps noisy in the relative calm.
Sabo smiled as he came to a stop, grabbing her hand to gently deposit the wooden stick between her fingers.
“Here. Something to enjoy while I make sure neither of us burn in the sun.” Sabo said before shoving the blue frozen treat into his mouth before he shoved his foot clear down his throat. Luna hummed and carefully tapped her hand over the blue ice. Once she found the top she started to lick and nibble carefully as Sabo applied lotion onto his hands.
He was respectful and gentle as he rubbed it over her back and shoulders. Her soft skin warm under his slightly chilled hands.
Sabo took out the popsicle.
“Do you want to take care of the rest?” Sabo asked holding up the bottle of sun lotion. Luna smiled and nodded, removing the popsicle to show her blue lips and tongue.
“Thank you, do you need help with your back? I can’t see but I think I can manage that.” Luna offered. Sabo swallowed hard, nearly biting off half his frozen treat as the sun beat down over them.
“S-Sure!” Sabo watched as she briskly applied the lotion over her soft body, his face heating up as his teeth hit the wooden stick at the center with a jarring click. He barely noted that it tasted like cotton candy despite nearly eating the whole thing already.
Luna politely polished off her own treat before biting down onto the stick with a grin, pouring a generous amount of lotion onto her hands and carefully reaching towards him.
Her hands met his chest with cold smears of white as she worked to carefully apply it over his body. His heart thudding against his ribcage as her small hands worked over his physique. He felt hot and like a total freak enjoying her touch as much as he was.
“You know… I’ve been wondering what this place looks like.” Luna commented softly as Sabo dutifully turned around to let her apply more lotion to his back, kneeling slightly to assist in their height differences.
Sabo looked out at the forest and cabin.
“Well, it’s not a very big island. We could probably walk across the whole thing in a day.” Sabo realized that she didn’t have any reference for any of it and felt like an idiot. “The beach is… pale gold. I stretches around the entire island and makes the forest look lush and thick next to it. The sea is really calm right now, deep blue stretching out to meet the bright horizon with barely any waves but what crests the sand… it’s beautiful.” Sabo looked over his shoulder, but his eyes were on Luna. Shaded by the sun that curved around her soft face and wonderous smile. Hidden eyes peaking through blond hair.
“What about you? Are you beautiful?” Luna asked softly, hands curled over his shoulders. Lotion thoroughly applied already but she didn’t remove her hands, merely ran them over his tensed muscles. “You feel… strong. And tall.”
Sabo gave a cocky, crooked grin.
“Well, I’ve heard that I’m handsome.” Sabo teasingly crowed, slowly turning to face Luna, his hands settling on her waist. “I’m not very tan. Maybe just a few shades warmer than the sand. Blond hair and blue eyes… I have a scar on one side of my face. A burn… it doesn’t hurt anymore but it’s still more pink than tan.” Sabo breathed out as she reached up his bare chest and traced his features for herself. Fingertips dragging over his thick neck and sharp jawline. Thumbs sweeping over the outline of his refined nose and cheekbones.
Delicately tracing the ridges of his burn and the shape of his eyes. Teasingly tapping the shell of his ear and brushing back his curly hair as she drifted down his features again. Sabo didn’t even realize he was leaning forward, popsicle sticks dropping into the sand at their feet. Her fingers pressed against his lips, his breath ghosting over her delicate skin as he found himself without breath.
His thoughts screeching to a halt as she tipped up her chin and stood up on her tiptoes. Soft, plush lips brushing over his in a teasing press. The faint taste of sugar chased by a flick of his tongue before she spun away with a laugh, dancing towards the waves with her skin flushed with warmth and sunlight.
Sabo jerked towards her by instinct, palms cold where they had been cradling soft curves.
Sabo grinned, running after her with much more quiet footfalls as her thin legs were splashed in the surf.
She screamed in delight as he picked her up, spinning her around before holding her against his chest. Her legs wrapping around his waist as he held her up with one arm under her ass. The other gently guiding her down for another kiss. Deep and wet, the sweetness on her tongue making his knees give out as he collapsed backwards into the wet sand. Water cresting over her back as she gasped breathlessly.
Sabo parted her lips eagerly, eating up her moan as cold ocean water crashed over them. Thick tongue brushing over hers as he chased the lingering taste of artificial sweetener. It took another cold wave to let her pull back, panting for air as he looked up at her with a strangled laugh.
She was soaked, hair tangling in blond sheets around them as he pushed it back with a grin. Ignoring the cold water tickling his ears as she laughed, leaning down to kiss him again. Her warm body pressed onto his as the water crashed over them again and again. The sensation lost to him in favor of soft skin and sweet lips.
Perhaps four months isn’t long enough to appreciate this…
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kid-at-showfall · 11 months
Transcript of New Recording 2
[Begin transcript]
[Footsteps echoing]
A: Stupid—fucking—asshole—son of a bitch. I need a stronger word than fuck.
[Silence. Time: 20 seconds]
A: I’m going to, uh. I don't know. I think I’m gonna punch him. Yeah.
[Footsteps continue]
A: I don’t know why I’m here. Cause like, I know I went back, cause I remember walking in the parking lot. But everything after that is…
[Silence. Time: 6 seconds.]
A: I don't want to think about that actually, cause it hurts. My head hurts.
A: I want Edgar, or the Rat—Lylah? I was reading through Marvin’s blog—fuck, I’d take even Marv at this point.
[Choked sound.]
A: I wanna go home. I want—I don't want Mom or Dad or Christina or Mary or Solomon. [Voice becomes distorted.] I wanna go home but I don’t know where home is.
[Sounds of crying. Time: 3 minutes.]
[Footsteps and crying. Time: 15 minutes.]
A: What's—
[Silence. Time: 30 seconds]
A: Who are you?
[Silence. Time: 15 seconds]
[Voice is quiet, volume adjusted accordingly.]
L(?): …Andrew?
A: Yeah. Wa—How do you know my name?
L(?): ..Alive? How- you’re, alive?
A: Uh… yes?
L(?): ..How? Thought- Heard, you were dead-
A: I don't know.
[Sound of clanging on metal as if by an impact, followed by several footsteps] 
A: Are you okay?
[Several footsteps on metal, before abruptly stopping] 
A: Uh—hi—you're really bitching close, did you know that?
[Silence. Time: 7 seconds]
L(?): … Real. You’re real. Alive- you are.  
A: Uh—yeah. Sure are. 
A: Are you the Rat? Cause like, your mask, and you talk like them too. Wait, are you a boy or a girl?
L(?): … Don’t know much, you. 
A: …what?
L(?): Stupid questions best left unasked. Unanswered, too. 
[Silence. Time: 3 seconds.]
A: Okay.
L(?): .. Injured, are you? Okay? 
A: I wanna go home.
L(?): Not helpful. Answer. . Please?
A: I have scrapes on my knees, and my arms, cause some of the vents are really small.
L(?): ..Okay. Helpful, that time. . . . Need to come, with me. . please. Not safe, not now, not here, not for you. 
A: Uh… okay. Where are we going?
L(?): Nest. Safety. Hideout. Safer, for a child. Shouldn’t be out here alone. 
A: Ok—wait. How do I know you’re not lying to me? 
L(?): Not so dumb, you are. .. Don’t have a reason to lie. 
L(?): Don’t have to come, you. Can stay, on your own. Wouldn’t be so, happy about it, me, but, not forcing. 
[Silence. Time: 6 seconds.]
A: Fine, but I’m walking behind you.
L(?): Wouldn’t know the way anyway. Not more than me can navigate as easily, tried to teach and listen he didn’t do. 
A: He?
L(?): … Know that name, you do. Heard you I did. You know who. 
A: Marvin motherfucker.
L(?): .. Bad tongue, you have. For a child. 
A: He called me a poser! And he's trying to blow everybody up!
L(?): …
[Silence. Time: 12 seconds]
L(?): ..Don’t know what they’ll do. Don’t want to find out. 
A: I’m gonna punch him.
L(?): … Just follow now. 
A: Fine.
[Silence. Time: 10 seconds]
[Shifting of fabric followed by footsteps on metal]
A: How old are you?
L(?): ..Don’t know. Couldn’t say. 
A: Oh, uh. When were you born?
[Silence. Time: 4 seconds]
L(?): …Nineteen ninety..eight? Hard to remember, what the paper said. If true it was. 
A: Well, I think, uhh… you should be twenty-five.
[One set of the footsteps stops abruptly] 
L(?): … The year. What is it?
A: Twenty-twenty-three. Oh, god, are you like Edgar?
L(?): …Guess so. The paper, the file. Said I was twenty three, if me it really was. 
A: The file? Like… your work papers?
L(?): Don’t know what, quite. ‘Staff file’, it said. Marvin, he found it. 
A: Marvin found it… do you know how old Marvin is? How—how old were you when you got here?
[Footsteps on metal resume]
L(?): . . . Remember- I. Can’t remember. 
[Silence. Time: 8 seconds.]
A: I’m thirteen. My birthday was the seventh.
L(?): Good for you. … Young, you are. God. 
A: Yeah. Yeah…
L(?): Shouldn’t be here—Shouldn’t be. .  alone.  
A: I know. My family is on a show, though, and the last time I saw… them… I…
L(?): …Died. Or, nearly. 
A: No, no, please, I don’t, I can’t—
[Nonverbal input detected: Gasp.]
A: Please don’t talk about it, please.
L(?): ..Alright. 
[Silence. Time: 34 seconds]
A: I don’t think I have a family anymore. Uhm. I don’t… I don’t know… where I’ll go. I don’t like being here, but I don’t know where I’m supposed to go. Dad and Mom had friends, but I don’t like them.
[Nonverbal input detected: Shudder.]
A: I don’t like them.
[Silence. Time: 22 seconds.]
A: I don’t really know what I’m supposed to do now. I mean, I guess I could find work? Do you think anyone would hire me? ‘Cause I’m not working here. Maybe Denny’s would?
[Silence. Time: 12 seconds.]
A: I don’t know.
[Silence. Time: 24 minutes.]
[Sounds of footsteps on metal, followed by a low creaking sound.]
L(?): Here. 
A: Woo… you had better not have lied to me.
L(?): Careful. A fall, there is. 
[Shifting, followed by a muffled thud on concrete.]
A: Woah—
[A muffled thud on concrete.]
A: Ow.
[Silence. Time: 3 seconds.]
A: This… this place looks pretty neat, actually.
L(?): A word, that is, to describe it. Cozy, I’d use, ‘not ideal but made mine’ maybe.
A: It does look cozy, yeah. How come nobody’s been able to find it?
L(?): Hidden well, it is. There, the only way in. Not a real room, or intentional maybe, it is, hidden behind the walls by accident, I think. 
A: Oh. How’d you find it?
L(?): Luck. Blind stumbling, though, some may call it. 
A: Okay. Uhh, do you have water or ointment or something? Some of my scrapes are swollen and they really hurt. (andrew got infected! Yippee /not fun for him lol) (L)
L(?): ..Here. Come here. 
[Footsteps followed by the shifting of something plastic.]
L(?): Sit. 
A: Uh, okay. 
[Footsteps followed by rustle of plastic and a click of presumably a lid.]
L(?): Don’t move. Hurt it will, but infection- bad way to die it is. 
[Something rustling in plastic, followed by a low bubbly hiss.] 
[Nonverbal input detected: Hum.]
A: What is that?
L(?): Peroxide. Will clean it. Don’t move. 
A: Hydrogen peroxide?
L(?):Yes. Kills things, bacteria, viruses. 
A: Oh, cool. My mom used hydrogen peroxide once, because I had a really big scrape that ran from my ankle to my knee. I fell off a really big rock while taking a photo, she was so mad.
[Nonverbal input detected: Laugh.]
L(?): …Doesn’t sound.. Pleasant. 
A: I was okay! She was just mad, madder than she usually gets. Not the maddest she’d ever been, but she hates… hated… whenever something got in the way of a photo shoot.
L(?): … Unpleasant, she sounds. . ..Photo shoot, was her concern? Not you? Her son?
A: It was late, and it was supposed to be the cover image for the YouTube video.
L(?): Hurt, you were, seriously. And- mad was her response? That’s. Not right. Not good.
A: I was fine, it just hurt really bad. She always got upset when something didn’t go her way. Mad, yeah, but…
[Silence. Time: 4 seconds.]
A: I don’t know.
L(?): Bad. Bad, she sounds. A kid, you are. She- Not right. That’s, not right. 
[Crinkling of plastic, followed by a tear of paper, presumably a paper towel.] 
A: Maybe? I don’t know—I mean, I am her kid, but—but—no, no, can’t think about that that’s bad. Bad. Bad.
L(?): A kid, you are. Her kid. Shouldn’t- be treated, that way. Bad, it is. To any kid. Your own, especially. 
A: May—maybe. I don’t, want to think about this. It hurts.
[Voice becomes distorted.]
A: It hurts. I don’t want—don’t want—her. What if, I, I can’t—no. No, no, no.
L(?): …No maybe. No question, just bad it is. 
[A sound of shifting through paper, followed by a low ripping sound.]
L(?): Don’t move. Painful, bandaids are, to take off. 
A: Okay.
L(?): …Deserve better. You do. 
A: … Maybe.
L(?): …No maybes.
[The sound of paper, followed by a low ripping sound.]
(not quite sure where to go next, cause andrew’s trying very hard not to cry or think in general)
L(?): .. How long.. Been here, again, you have. How long?
A: A few weeks, I think. Maybe a month.
L(?): Came back, you did. Why?
A: …I was looking for my family.
L(?): .. Didn’t.. Work out, for you. Only reason?
A: I was also upset at Marvin and kinda wanted to punch him in the face. Dumb, yeah, but… I was so mad I didn’t really think it through.
L(?): A kid, you are. Impulsive, too. Shouldn’t have been alone, or done that. But, can’t change it now. 
A: I know. I… I know.
L(?): … Apologies, he owes, Marvin. 
A: He’s a fucking idiot.
L(?): … Understatement. Sorry, he is, I hope. … If still alive, he is, when I find him. 
A: He’d better be. I need to punch him in the face.
L(?): One step, at a time. 
[Crinkling plastic, followed by shifting and a soft thud] 
A: Thanks.
[Sound of plastic twisting and water flowing.]
A: So… what are we doing next?
[Nonverbal input registered: Sigh.]
L(?): You, stay. Here. Me, …keep looking. Eventually.
[Shifting of fabric, followed by a muffled drop onto cloth.] 
L(?): For now.. Don’t know. Rest, maybe.
A: Your… nevermind. I’m tired, I’m gonna take a nap.
[Shifting of fabric.]
L(?): Face, going to say were you? Tell you later, maybe, I will. 
[Shifting, followed by several footsteps, then a thump of fabric against something.] 
L(?): Take. Can spare blankets, not picky about it. 
A: Thank you.
[Shifting of fabric.]
A: Shit, my phone’s been on this whole time.
[End transcript.]
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cherrypieships · 1 year
valentine’s day
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A/N: unfortunately for you bitches i am now enjoying posting fic on here. here’s a valentines day one
Ship: Davey x Pepper (s/i)
Summary: modern au! Davey asks Pepper to be his Valentine
The seasonal aisle in Target is sensory overload in the best way. Davey ponders this as he turns over a box of heart shaped candies in his palm. The pinks and reds and glitter-pasted surfaces are overwhelming as he browses through the three stretching aisles of shelving, looking for the perfect little gift. 
Days ago, he’d asked Pepper what she’d like for Valentine’s Day and, being Pepper, she’d waved the question off. He wasn’t stupid though, it was her favorite holiday, and she was getting a gift come hell or high water. He’d been browsing her Etsy likes for about an hour before making the realization- he hadn’t even asked her to be his Valentine yet. And that had set his scheme in motion. 
Now he stands in the seasonal aisles debating whether she’d prefer chocolates or a stuffed animal.
Eventually he gives up and decides on both- a plush orange cat holding a pink heart that says ‘you’re purr-fect’ in its mouth, and a heart-shaped box of Russell Stovers wrapped in glossy red cellophane- and moves on to the cards. There’s funny ones, and sentimental ones, and ones with pretty artwork on the front, but nothing really screams Pepper to him.
Stumped, he decides to mosey up to the checkout and make a card with whatever printer paper and markers they have lying around at home. Which is probably just her stash of colorful sharpies for scrapbooking. 
The girl behind the cash register eyes him as he places the items on the belt. “Cute cat,” she remarks, sliding its tag past the scanner.
He blinks, looks around quickly, and then realizes he is, in fact, buying a stuffed animal. “Oh,” he says, “thank you. He looks like our cat at home.” He lifts his phone, the clear-backed case proudly displaying a polaroid of Pepper, her face smushed affectionately against Mango’s own.
The cashier grins, tilting her head to see the picture better. “Oh, wow, yeah. Cute!” She slips the little creature into a plastic bag, his whiskers peeking out over the top. Good, he thinks, he can breathe. It takes a moment to notice what a silly, irrational thought it is, and he wonders briefly what posessed him before he realizes- it’s something Pepper would say. 
He turns the phone in his palm, takes his own look at the picture.  It sends a trickle of warmth up his cheeks, the thought of returning home to his little family, and he makes haste of paying for his purchases.
The next destination is a flower shop near their shared apartment. Checking his watch, he’s making good time- he has an hour and a half before she even gets out of work. He slips into the store.
The cool New York air gives way to a warm, humid climate when he slides in the door. The smell in the shop is clean and sweet, all roses and lilacs and hydrangeas. It washes over his face in a gentle welcome, and he makes his way towards the large-headed pink peonies tucked into the corner. After working up the courage, he manages to stop stroking the silken petals and ask the florist to cut a bouquet together.
It ends up even prettier than he’d expected, with fluffy peonies cushioned by baby’s breath and paired with cream-colored roses. The thick green stems are wrapped in brown paper and tied, at his request, with a red embroidery string. They perfume the small space of his car the whole way home. 
He takes the stairs up to their apartment two at a time, target bag slung over his elbow and flowers tucked firmly in his palm. It isn’t until he’s already keyed his way in and toed off his shoes that he realizes there’s music floating in from the kitchen. It takes him a few bars to place the song- you squeeze my hand three times in the back of the taxi, I can tell that it’s gonna be a long road…
He’s both elated and saddened to hear the dulcet tones of his girlfriend’s voice singing along. Of course he’s happy she’s home, out of work early and ready to start the rest of the evening together. On the other hand, he’d really been banking on a surprise for her.
Mango curls around his ankles, mewing indignantly when she is not given immediate pets. Always the pushover, Davey grants her a scratch behind the ears. “Hi, honey. Where’s mama, huh?” He coos.
The orange tabby knocks her face against his shin in lieu of another answer, and shimmies off to her perch amongst the couch cushions. He snorts at her antics, and trudges his way into the kitchen just as Pepper turns around, a whirlwind of inky ringlet curls and vanilla fragrance. Her eyes are wide as she catches sight of him. “Oh, hi! You’re home!” She sounds a little panicked. 
Nevertheless, a grin curls over his face. “Hi, angel,” he says, a kiss to her lips. It’s then that he notices the smear of vanilla frosting on the apple of her cheek. He thumbs it away. “You’re home early.”
Red dusts her cheeks. “I… wanted to surprise you,” she admits, finally taking a step to the side, and there, on the counter, is a dozen misshapen cupcakes. They’re red velvet, his favorite, smeared messily with poppy-pink frosting and adorned with edible pearls. Seven of them spell out ‘B-E M-I-N-E-?’ in white icing. It’s a little silly, and a lot endearing, and he’s so overwhelmed with the visible effort she’s put into it that he can’t stop himself from throwing the target bag and flowers onto the counter and sweeping her up into a kiss.
She shrieks, delighted, and kisses him back, messy and vanilla-flavored. “I was gonna-” he interrupts her with another kiss. “Ask you to be my Valentine! But you ruined the surprise!” Davey would feel bad if she sounded at all disappointed. But she doesn’t.
He pulls away, scooping the flowers up again. “I was goin’ to ask you, baby, I was gonna set these up all nice for you.” He hands them to her, revels in her little gasp before pulling out the chocolates and, best of all, the mini-Mango. 
Pepper buries her nose in the flowers, moving from the peonies to the roses and back again. When she looks up, her bottom lip is pushed out, and she clutches the little cat to her chest. “Oh my god, you’re the best,” she says.
Though he can feel his cheeks heat, he waves her off. “You’re the best.”
When he leans down to kiss her again, he’s stopped with a manicured finger to his lips. “Wait, is that a yes?” She poses, brows furrowed as if she’s really, actually concerned he’s gonna say no. They’ve been dating for years.
He rolls his eyes. “Yes, angel. I’ll be your Valentine.”
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characternerdocs · 1 year
Tagged by: @icybreaths
Name: Eri Lorewright, you can refer to me as either! (or Eeri, like Eerie, Lol)
Star Sign: Cancer ♋
Height: 5' 7
Middle name: [REDACTED] cause I’m uncomfy revealing it as it’s really gendered, and I’d like to be a non-binary enigma.
Put your itunes/spotify/youtube on shuffle. What are the first 6 songs that popped up?
This is Home - Cavetown
Lonely Dance- Set it Off
Everything at Once - Lenka
Bubblegum Bitch - Marinana & the Diamonds
Poison Within from Headless 
Kill the Beast by Aurelio Voltaire
Ever had a poem or song written about you: Not that I am aware
When was the last time you played air guitar: Prolly a week, two weeks ago. And most definitely to Pick up the Pace by The Play Plays
Who is your celebrity crush?: Less of a crush, more gender envy for Scott Shpeley. He is the singer in the Play Plays and plays Edgar Allan in Catalyst’s musical Nevermore
What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?: Velcro, the hate the ripping sound. It makes my spin itchy. I love the sound of keys hitting against one another
Do you believe in ghosts?: Yes, though I don’t feel like I have any legit experiences. Others that I know have some stories. Other than that though I think building I work in is haunted. I repeatedly have the feeling someone was walked into the room while my back’s to the door, but when I look, no one is there.
How about aliens: Yeah, I figure if we can exist on our planet, why can’t other life exist on another planet?
Do you drive?: Yes, and once I was even licensed to drive a forklift!
If so have you ever crashed: Thankfully not.
What was the last book you read?: The Drowning Girls, it’s actually a play though by Beth Graham and Daniela Vlaskalic
Do you like the smell of gasoline: Eeh... sorta?
What was the last movie you saw?: 7 Women and a Murder
What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?: I don’t know. Mostly it’s all minor stupid things. Like once I crushed a cone incense with my thumb only to find it had just burned out and severely burn my finger. I was trying to declog the dermal we use at work to 3-hole punch paper when it slipped and I punched a perfect circle into my index and thumb.
Do you have any obsessions right now?: Yes, It’s the Nevermore musical. I Love EVERYTHING ABOUT IT! I cannot rationally explain it. but the costumes and props being made primary out of masking tape, sticks, and landscaping fabric give Catalyst’s production such a unique and darkly quirky feel. It’s a part fact, part fiction telling of Edgar Allan Poe’s life birth to death, using lines and themes from his own stories and poems as the lyrics and lines. Which as a life time Poe fan myself is a fun little easter egg hunt to identify what is being referenced. The music is SO powerful, it just rattles round in my head all the time now, especially Dream within a Dream.  The setup and narrative style of the show had once of the best pay off I could have imagined; no spoilers but it was great. The cast is FANTASTIC! I love Scott Shpeley and I want to be his version of Poe, because honestly Nevermore’s Poe is just Goth boy Heath and I love that. But also I love Beth Graham, who yes wrote the play the Drowning Girls, but she is super funny and a great character actor. She plays three roles in Nevermore, including Fanny Allan, who I love, best mom. But Beth Graham does a great job of giving all three of her characters distinct voices. Love love love. The amount of love and creativity that has gone into this show is incredible. And I know that my passion and love for this show is crossing the line into unhinged, but E. A. Poe said it best, “I was never really insane except upon occasions when my heart was touched.”    
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abbatoirablaze · 1 year
At Door's Death, Chapter 4
Word Count:  1.5k
Warnings: sexual situations, threats with a knife, mentions of a gun, threats with a gun.
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“Son of a bitch.” Dean growled, pulling out his gun, “God damn it, what are you doing here?”
“Dean,” Sam sighed getting between me and his brother, “come on…put the gun down.  I know you remember Dahlia, right?”
“How could I forget?” he growled, “the stupid bitch is a demon.  She nearly killed Hannah.”
Dean nodded, “When Hannah turned 14.  Bobby let dad and I take her to Texas for a Poltergeist.  Turns out this bitch set a demon trap.”
“Nice to see you again Dean,” I muttered, “I got the S.O.S from one of your dad’s burners.  Gave me Sam’s address…I tried contacting him, but the line is dead now.”
“Dahlia is that true?”
I shook my head, “no.  I’m not a demon you ignoramus.  Your dad knows what I am.  If I didn’t use you guys as bait though, Houston would be a demon hell hole, so you’re welcome.  And anyways I wouldn’t have killed your beloved Hannah.  I don’t want to face the wrath of an angry Dean.”
“Dean put your gun down,” Sammy groaned, easily accepting my answer, “come on!”  
“Not a chance.”
“Do you want to find Hannah?” I asked, “your dad said something about that on the message too.”
“What do you know?” he asked, lowering the gun.
“Hannah has a fresh trail on yellow eyes.  Didn’t tell anyone.  Your dad found a pre-cog who told him she’s heading West.  Do you want to go before she gets herself killed, or are we just gonna stand here?”
Dean seemed to weigh his options, “I still don’t trust you, but if dad called you…”
“He did.”
“Seems like dad really needs us then, Sammy…” Dean said, “especially if he called her!”
“What was he hunting?” Sam asked with a sigh.
Dean ignored the question and turned to me, “Wait, he sent you a message?  He hasn’t even called me.  He’s missing.”
I nodded, “I’m a hunter too, Dean.  If you weren’t with him he probably figured you were busy doing your own job.  Figures he’d call me.  He probably figured he could count on me more, anyways.”
He shrugged off the comment, “thought he stopped talking to you when you and Sammy left.”
“We both knew I’d protect Sammy when you two couldn’t,” I said, playing my hand, “Guess he needed me to help you two asses.”
He sighed and led us around the car.  Both of them went to the trunk, and Dean held the compartment open with the shotgun, “Let’s see.  Where the hell did I put that thing?”
“So when dad left why didn’t you go with him?”
“I was working my own gig,” he said shortly, “this voodoo thing down in New Orleans.”
“Dad let you go on a hunting trip by yourself?”
“I’m 26 dude,” Dean said in a sassy demeanor.  He turned his attention back to a folder and pulled out some papers, “all right.  Here we go.  So dad was checking out this two-lane blacktop just outside of Jericho California.  About a month ago this guy-they found his car but he’d vanished.  Completely M.I.A”
“So maybe he was kidnapped,” Sam said trying to reason. 
“Yeah, well here’s another one in April.  Another one in December 04, 03, 98, 92—10 of them over the past 20 years—all men.  All same 5 mile stretch of road.”
“The timeline…” I said, “it’s getting closer.”
He shut the folder and turned towards me.  “Exactly.  Started happening more and more so dad went to go dig around.  That was about three weeks ago.  I hadn’t heard from him since.  Which is bad enough, and then I get this voice mail yesterday.” 
He pulled out a recorder.  It sounded distorted, but it was John, “Dean.  Something is starting to happen.  Hannah’s here.  I think it’s serious.  I need to try and figure out what’s going on.”  It began to break up, almost like he hit a hot spot where EVP would have distorted it, but it came back, “be very careful Dean.  We’re all in danger.”
“You know there’s EVP on that.”
“Not bad, Sammy,” Dean said, smirking, “it’s kind of like riding a bike isn’t it?  All right.  I slowed the message down and ran it through a Gold wave.  Took out the hiss and this is what I got.”
Dean replayed the message and it was the voice of a woman whispering, “I can never go home.”
“Never go home,” Sam said.  Dean gave a half smirk before dropping the recorder into the trunk and closing it.
“You know in almost two years I have never bothered you, never asked you for a thing,” Dean said, guilting Sam into it, “It’s sad I even have to convince you, when Dahlia, someone who isn’t even technically blood is willing to help dad and you won’t.”
“I care about him D-“
“Wait…weren’t you the hot chick from the bar dressed as a cop earlier?”
I rolled my eyes and nodded as his grin got wider.  He leaned against the Impala.
“You know, if we had a little extra time, I’d ask you to cuff me.”
“Oh, I thought I was a demon.”
“I could always take one for the team.”
“And what would Hannah think?” I asked smugly, batting my lashes at him.  He looked as if he were genuinely weighing the options of sleeping with me and having to explain it to the 18 year old he had a crush on.  I rolled my eyes and looked at Sam, “Sam.  It’s obvious your dad needs our help.  Please?  Don’t leave me alone with…him.  You know that the job won’t kill him, I will.”
Sam sighed and looked at the apartment, before looking directly at me, “all right.  I’ll go.  I’ll help you find him.  But I have to get back first thing Monday.  Just wait here.”
“What’s first thing Monday?”
Sam turned around, “I have an interview.”
“What, a job interview?” Dean asked, “Skip it.”
“It’s a law school interview,” Sam said, squaring off against his brother, “and it’s my whole future on a plate.”
“Law school?”
“So we got a deal or not?”
Dean nodded, “Deal.”
Sam told us to wait by the car and that he’d be back in a few minutes.  Dean kept throwing half assed compliments to me, but when I didn’t respond he muttered something about me being a bitch.
 “Oh Dean,” I said, walking over to him.  I placed my hands on either side of his jacket and leaned against him, “this is me being nice to you.”
“What did I ever do to you, huh?”
I leaned against him and felt his hands grip at my hips.  He pulled me so that all of my weight was against him.  I braced myself on the Impala.  I leaned towards him, my nose brushing his.  He was getting caught up in the fantasies in his head, “remember when I was 14 and you were 19.”
He shook his head and tried to kiss me.  I let our lips brush before moving up to the shell of his ear, “well I remember a very eager, Dean Winchester, who happened to break me and my boyfriend up…because  ‘girls are a distraction to a hunter.’ Hmm?” 
“Why would I say something stupid like that?” He asked, eyes closed, leaning even closer so that our lips were almost touching.   
“Because I was dating Sammy, and you didn’t like that,” I said, opening my eyes.  I had pulled out my dagger and aimed it at his jeans, “which is hilarious because you’ve been pining after a girl who’s been a minor as of a few weeks ago for years.”
“Son of a bitch,” he growled, “are you freaking kidding me right now?”
I shook my head and looked him dead in the eyes, “you ever, and I mean ever, fuck me over again…well let’s just say you won’t ever get to bang Hannah you pathetic man whore.”
He smirked, “I never fucked you over sweetheart.  Kissing is a 2-way street.  You kissed me back.  There is some part of you that wanted me, even though you were dating Sammy.”
“I had a weakness for you Winchester men…and I was young and stupid,” I said, poking him with the knife a little.  He sunk back against the Impala, “I see you for the grease ball that you are.”
“Dahlia?” Sam asked.  I looked over to Sam, “Dahlia what are you doing?”
“Nothing,” I said, backing away from Dean, “Just a friendly conversation.”
“Friendly with Dean like when we dated?”
I rolled my eyes, and bit my lip, “it’s not like that, Sam.”
“Sure,” he said, throwing his duffel in the back seat, “You okay with sitting in the back?  Or did you and Dean want some privacy while we drove to Jericho?”
I frowned, “Sammy.”
“Oh,” Dean smiled, “this brings up memories.”
“Shut up and drive,” I growled, crawling into the back seat while Sam and Dean got in the front!”
“Alright Miss. Daisy.  Cool it.”
Chapter 5
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vanosslirious · 1 year
BBS Dialogue Prompts #214
BBS Dialogue Prompts & Sentence Starter: [ 7 ]
I hate my career, I should’ve been a doctor.
Oh, not you, preferably, not you.
I swear it was over here.
I see the body.
Piss off, bro, go home.
I think we might just need to kill him.
Nevermind, they blew up the city.
I’ll bulldoze you…
I still want to commit a war crime, can we still do that?
Hey, is that heli coming towards me, or should I worry about that?
Homeboy just punched me twice, he deserved that.
They just let that happen.
I’m gonna flip a coin whether we win this or not.
Yeah, are you implying that?
I guess this is what fate wanted though.
Let’s go make the decision right this time.
Okay, I got my costume.
I’m about to find out.
We expect too much of them.
Alright, everyone, rock, paper, scissors.
Hey, look, the traps set up.
What the fuck was that?
How do I check how many I have.
Let's run him down!
Get out of my friend's car!
Absolutely fucking baited!
Good thing you heard the ghost.
Okay, they won't see you, nice.
He's...no...no...he's enjoying this way to much ma—and I'm the annoying one? Are you fucking kidding me?
What is that smell, clean up in here, bro.
I’m gonna eat my table.
I ain't allowed to drive the boat.
Who are we killing?
Taking a long time there.
You’re decision was stupid.
Yay, it worked out.
What do you mean, we all have the same amount of cards!
His fucking car's op.
You’re a bad friend.
If you know your star sign, I want to kill you…
That is 100% my fault.
We're good, I knew there would be another one.
Are we still looking for another bomb?
Okay, my shit useless?
What the fuck did I do, I'm just sitting here.
I'm gonna hold onto that.
I'm gonna need that later.
No fucking way.
That line was fucking cringe.
I'm flipped.
I’m gonna skip everyone.
Why the fuck did I do this?
You just used it.
I don’t think it matters.
How do you drive this thing?
Fucking help me!
Don’t shoot me in the face.
What the fuck am I wearing?
Do you think I can jump to you?
Eyes on the road, mother fucker.
You killed him, you literally killed him.
Can you break that?
I literally just gave you six.
Don't waste your ammo, you might need it.
I didn't even have the chance to read the instructions.
Wait, why didn't you play that earlier?
Who do I want?
I like how that sounds.
You finally got the 50?
No, this is cringe.
I used them all up.
I do not care.
It is what it is.
I'm stressed, I'm fucking stressed.
I'm impressed that bike made it this far, I gotta be honest.
I'm nowhere near the ground!
I already hate this.
Let's just put this down and get the game started.
I didn't feel like it.
Where's that confidence at, bitch?
If they can't follow along, let them fucking behind.
They need to fucking learn to walk if they're going to run.
You could've grabbed more.
Should we high five?
I wasn't fully ready, so I smacked my mic.
I'm actually so horny thinking about that.
It was actually almost not beneficial.
You fool, you absolute fool.
You guys, I just realized, they're making it a competition so we work harder for less pay.
We have to revolt.
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