#if you love one you gotta love the others let's be fr
sweetlittlenamjoon · 3 days
ZB1 as caregivers! ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
SFW interaction only please!!!
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Hanbin 🐹💞
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is either fully goofball mode or fully serious leader mode no inbetween
very firm on meal and bed times
will meow at you unprompted
best of both worlds
fr tho the vocal stimming back and forth is very good and very silly
reads you to sleep qwq
acts like he's not fully engrossed in all of your shows
"but wait- the episode is ending? just like that?"
he calls you little one a lot
co-cares with hao
Jiwoong 🐈🦋
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sweetest, lovey-dovey boy ever
constantly has you in his lap or holding his hand or snuggling
likes to just ambiently braid your hair
bought a bunch of little clippies to keep your hair out of your face and to decorate
always asking if you ate
(and sneaking you snacks behind hanbin's back)
will let you put stickers on his face if he gets to pick which ones
calls you every petname under the sun, bro whips out the schnookums from time to time
fixes your blankets when you're asleep and gives you a smooch on the forehead
Hao 🦝🎻
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he was so nervous at first
really REALLY didn't want to mess up while you're regressed
but he's gotten a lot more comfy
dramatic as,,, we've all seen the baby cloud ep where he pretends he's dying so the babies will pay attention to him
that but everyday
making up for lost time
is always on your side even if you're wrong bc its funny
like,,, sassy aunt energy??
buys you little gifts at the dollar store
colouring together!!
he colours with you to destress uwu
calls you sweetheart and dear and stuff like that
Matthew 🦊🎧
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can always tell right away when you're regressed
like he'll just stand up mid sentence and bring you a stuffie and a blanket
has a list of all your stuffies and their names and things you tell him about them
always so giddy when you use a cg title for him
picks you up and spins
especially when youre tired
gotta put those muscles to use somehow
tries very hard to cook for you but isn't very good qwq
is always fighting hanbin tooth and nail to let you go play in the mud
sweetest boy tho fr very huggy
Taerae 🐥🎸
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he'd be so awkward at first poor boy T^T
always speaks in full sentences never baby talks
(around the other boys)
(dont tell on him he'll get embarrassed)
lets you play with his smaller model cars
cuts up fruit for you and puts little character picks in them
hair ruffler 100%
calls you dumb nicknames like "buckaroo"
"whatcha got there, buckaroo?"
co-cares with others a lot
mostly just sits near you and keeps you company :)
Ricky 🐱🍓
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he's a little stupid /lh /lovingly
so he's been hanging out with you for so long regressed and he just didn't think about it
like you just go baby mode sometimes idk
but when one of the other boys tells him he goes full cutie patootie mode
like literally just watches you do things
cat blinks
always helps out with things even if you fully can do them
"I'll get that! it's too high up for you, sweetheart."
my love, honey, sweetheart
will share his smoothies with you and noone else
he's very pookie is what im saying
Gyuvin 🐶🥭
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we've all seen the baby cloud episode, yes?
absolute sweetest boy in the whole universe
also a fruit cutter-upper
him and taerae bicker about who gets to bring you fruit this time
always holds your hand when youre walking
the airplane where they lift you with their feet
baby talk KING
can understand you even at your most regressed
calls you stuff like kiddo and buddy
will slip in the occasional sweet nickname if youre being extra cute tho
Gunwook 🐶🐷
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now this is a silly goober!!
loves to play little games with you like peekaboo
points to stuff and asks what colour it is or points to animals and asks what noise they make
little claps when you get it right
he WILL be picking you up and spinning you around
no choice
playdates at the park uwu
pushes you on the swings and waits for you at the bottom of the slide
and then you get popsicles at the store :)
calls you bub or baby
Yujin 🐰⚽️
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this is your brother now
if you're older than him he still calls you noona/hyung when you're regressed
he gets nervous qwq
doing your little worksheets next to him doing his homework
plays mario kart with you and even lets you win sometimes
you two are in total kahoots when it comes to annoying the older boys tho
devious little plans
makes pillow forts with you and does not allow anyone without snacks in
watching shows on his phone together
buncha cuties
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juneviews · 1 year
tbh I’ve never felt more betrayed than when I learned p’nuchie didn’t like sean as a character lmaooooo... to this day I choose to believe she was trolling bc HOW??? he’s literally the main fucking character & a pathetic king, I don’t understand how anyone could not adore him
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So was anyone going to tell me Faust is a bigger menace than EVERYONE in the game put together or like. Was I supposed to play the Impossible Choices event (Vincent and Charles ver) myself. I LOVE that he's the definition of: 'being smarter doesn't make me more mature or helpful, it just makes my inherent lust for chaos/entropy all the more unstoppable' This shit FUCKS
I think this is the first time I've ever seen a character make Shakespeare's life a living hell and the latter didn't expect/see it coming, that was AMAZING. Mf was out here like "What the hell??? You lot don't make me suffer I make YOU suffer. Let a man obsess IN PRIVACY" and then nobody cared. Peak comedic interaction, no notes everyone pack it up
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sunspinecity · 11 months
i havent wanted to comment on the sandsurge drama bc i think it's insane but like. anyone who says that staff "isn't very communicative" has never played another petsite in their life. Turn back time spend 3 years on neopets and then we'll talk about communication bro..
like there is literally an entire Dev Status Sidebar that shows you what they're saying about whats going on that they update pretty regularly and they do dev updates + stay in contact with their playerbase and closely watch their reactions to updates to see where they messed up and what can be improved on. Like what on planet earth are you talking about. genuinely
the only agreement i will give to communication issue is that the wording on aeq's post regarding the fact that it would be a gem breed took me 7 tries and i still dont get it bc it reads to me as "2nd breed will be treasure, 3rd will be gems"?? which is obv not true. I genuinely can't see what ppl mean by this being a confirmation. but thats not a communication issue it is a Confusing Wording issue. don't complain about communication unless you've played literally any other petsite bc i guarantee you this level of transparency and care you will find in very few other places.
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I've come to the conclusion that when it comes to new characters I have the same attitude as a poorly socialized dog. I swear every time new content comes around and we get the news of new characters my instant reaction is to just. Dislike them. Hope they have little to no importance in the plot. Even when the design looks nice and the characters seem interesting. They're taking screen time away from my faves and my heart tells me to Bite
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yoharrysaidshe · 25 days
#i know two schizophrenic people and one of them being literally the worst person i've ever met and in my life is kinda wild to think about#the other person i love her i really do and i wish i had the energy to help her rn but i don't#i'm at a breaking point#like yall don't and will never understand mental illness until you see how severely it affects the person and everyone aroun them#like this shit is UGLY relationship destroying life ruining pathogen type beat i hate it here so bad#like the quality of life is abysmal#i wonder how it is to not have to deal with it must be heaven on earth#sorry just wanted to vent and this is kind of barely coherent#thoughts#also the resources to help ppl like this are practically nonexistent and this country needs to burn#at every turn it's been apathetic beaucracy and incompetency#if you don't have monu they said fuck you and die#we gotta burn this place#and honestly it just feels like a bunch of judgement for not draling with the circumstances better sympathetic condolences#and glad-that's-not-me's#really sucks to be us energy fr rn ://#all or our youth is passing us by and its just... beyond our control#mum's wailing in her room in utter despair bc mentally ill sister got evicted bc she's been swiping ppl's packages from their front doors#for months#really wanna d1e#i love the former person this i mainly about (sister) but most days if not every day i hate her is the god's honest truth#but also i get why she's here and how she's got there and relate to a lot of her hatred of everyone and everything including herself but ya#there's too much there#and i'm not strong enough for forgiveness and neither is she#so she's on the streets god knows where with a fucking dog and she's gonna appear tomorrow morning again and ofc we'll let her in#sigh#my sobriety was kinda nice for the last 7 months it lasted
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suiana · 5 months
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(yandere! prison warden x gn! inmate reader) (FYI idk how the law works ok so DON'T come after my ass) (im the type of lawyer that gets ur sentence increased instead of decreased fr💀💀)
"can i kiss you?"
"dude, i literally threatened to kill you."
he stares at you with a raised eyebrow, pouting slightly as he leans against the bars of your prison cell. you choose to ignore him, instead opting to play with the plastic fork from your lunch tray.
damn it, you should've known better than to be caught. now you're stuck in this lame ass prison with this warden you don't even like.
curse that stupid lawyer who got your sentenced increased from fifty years to life imprisonment. dude sucked at his job and still got paid 💀
for some context, you were in prison for tax evasion, fraud, and multiple cyber crimes you shall not name. you got caught by accident and now you were here. sentenced to life imprisonment in jail. in a private cell.
you know, it isn't even half that bad as compared to some other crimes others have committed! so you haven't a slightest clue as to why you were placed in a private cell with no one to keep you company!
i mean, you did try befriending your warden but he turned out to be delusional and turned out to be one of the people you scammed. love-scammed, to be specific. which is why he might've been delusional...
"baby why'd you have to leave me? i was so sad..."
see? this is what you mean! he seriously didn't get the hint that he was scammed! even when you told him straight to his face that you never did actually love him!
god damn it. now you have to hear his yapping 24/7. you're starting to think that he might've been the one to report you. i mean, isn't it a little too convenient? he's a prison warden, you've got a private cell-
"hey! are you seriously not paying attention to me?!"
he hits the prison bars lightly to attract your attention. thankfully, it did. or else he might've thrown another tantrum. and you did not have the mental capacity to handle it. come on! if he did it would've been his third tantrum of the week! and it's only monday!
you cock your head at him, rolling your eyes as you acknowledge his presence. your annoying prison warden instantly lights up at the small gesture. oh well, at least he's in love with you to the point where even you acknowledging him makes him happy...
"babe! you've gotta stop ignoring me! it makes me sad..."
"i don't actually care."
damn it, maybe you should've just bribed the judge to let you have a death sentence instead.
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midnightwriter21 · 3 months
jjk hcs: the jjk boys as boyfriends
characters: yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro, yuta okkotsu
warnings: none (i think?)
AN: if there’s anymore boyfriend hcs that you’d like to see lmk!! read gojo & nanami as boyfriends HERE
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oh girl i am JEALOUS
he can be a little air headed at times but he’s the sweetest bf ever
i say he’s air headed but he’s actually very attentive
you get half an inch trimmed off your hair?
he notices immediately
“babe your hair looks great!”
notices everything about you actually
from your favorite color
to the brand of PENS you prefer to use
who tf notices the brand of pens people use?!?
yuji does
yk the tiktoks of boys picking entire BUSHES of flowers for their girlfriends
that’s him.
he straight up rips a whole bush out of the ground from the front of jujutsu high to give to you
principal yaga was not amused
gojo was tho
he’s so proud that your his girl fr
oh and he’s gotta hella pet names for you too
they’re all super basic
babe, sweetheart, cutie, etc.
he flirts w u like y’all aren’t together
awful pickup lines and everything
“do you have a mirror in ur pants? cause i can see myself in them.”
if u don’t think he’s the cutest then u can go argue with the wall bye
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he has me in a chokehold
at the beginning of y’all’s relationship he’s awkward as fuck
but he eases up pretty quickly
veryyyyyy private with y’all’s relationship
if you somehow get him to hold your hand in public let alone give you a kiss?!?
girl count ur blessings fr
and it’s not bc he’s embarrassed of your relationship or anything no ma’am
it’s bc he would NEVER hear the end of it from gojo, nobara, and yuji
valid excuse
but when you two are alone?
oh girl it’s like he’s glued to you
when i say clingy? i mean it
king of nap time!!
he’s kidnapping u, bring you to his dorm room, dropping u on the bed, and laying completely on top of you
swear it’s his solution to everything
ur tired? it’s nap time
sad abt something? it’s nap time
a curse beat ur ass? it’s nap time
gojo is being annoying? it’s nap time
nap time cures everything ong
he’s not too crazy w the pet names
in private he’ll call you babe
in public you’re lucky if he adds a -chan to ur name lol
he’s so pretty boy
also can we appreciate his gorgeous luscious eyelashes?
no? okay
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i would give my first born to make him feel happy, safe, and loved
he’s so baby
he’s the type of bf that no matter how long y’all have been dating he still gets flustered over you
y’all been together for an hour? he’s blushing when you give him a kiss on the cheek
y’all been together for a week? he’s blushing when you give him a kiss on the cheek
y’all been together for a year? he’s BLUSHING WHEN YOU GIVE HIM A KISS ON THE CHEEK
which is so incredibly endearing and innocent
but don’t get me wrong
mess with this man too much?
oh he’ll snap
he has the patience of a saint. but when it runs out?
oh ur in for it miss gurl
teasing him a lil too much tryna make him flustered
when he finally snaps he is switching that dynamic up real quick
now he’s the one smirking and feeling all smug while you’re the one with the bright red face
yuta’s love for you is very intense
now don’t start thinking HE is intense cause no
i mean yuta loves you so much that he might just crawl up inside ur body and live there
that type of intense
you occupy his mind 99.9% of the time
he’s on a mission and has time to stroll through the mall
“oh y/n would like that” aND HE’S BUYING IT
he’s chit chatting with inumaki and panda
best believe he finds a way to bring you up in conversation
“oh! that reminds me y/n said something the other day about…”
he is the softest ever when it comes to pet names
sweetheart, my love, princess, etc.
i’m so soft for him he deserve the world
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sooshihu · 2 months
charles leclerc x reader ~ instagram au
prompt: the great looking driver we all know and love creates controversy with his new and surprisingly young girlfriend
warnings: age gap
january 5 2024
yourusername shared a story
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yourbestfriend liked your story
user liked your story
charles_leclerc started following you
charles_leclerc liked your story
user liked your story
user liked your story
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liked by user, user and others
wagsf1 !charles leclerc has been spotted with an unknown girl outside of a club in monaco!
after this picture was taken he allegedly drove off in his new ferrari with the girl
user she does look like his type that’s for sure
user im sorry WHAT
user mr leclerc going younger and younger i see
user didn’t he like break up with his girlfriend like 3 weeks ago?😭
user our fav walking red flag🥰
user oh to be her…
and 457 more
february 2 2024
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liked by yourbestfriend, charles_leclerc and others
yourusername 💦☀️🌊🤍
yourbestfriend 😍
user @charles_leclerc mr hitting on fresh 18s that you?🥰
user that’s deff charles’ yacht
user my guess is she’s going after his money to pay off those student loans
yourusername how did you know🤭
and 54 more
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liked by user, user and others
f1gossip charles leclerc with his supposed new and very young girlfriend😉 let us know your view on this couple!
user still think she’s after the money
user why you all hating we don’t know anything about her yet💀
user fr like calm down😭
user she can’t be mature enough for him she’s just a kid
user he wouldn’t be with her if she wasn’t
user i saw her instagram she doesn’t look like the bitch yall make her out to be just saying
and 374 more
april 2 2024
yourusername added a story
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charles_leclerc liked your story
charles_leclerc replied to your story:
je t'aime, magnifique❤️ (i love you, gorgeous)
april 25 2024
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liked by charles_leclerc and others
yourusername joy of missing out 🤍 enjoy the little moments you share with only yourself
charles_leclerc 🤍
user it’s over he commented a heart on her post they’re offcial😔
user am i the only one who LOVES her vibe?😍
user deff not! she seems like a very nice and humble person to me i don’t know why she was getting so much hate
user “she’s just 18 blah blah blah” it’s not your relationship leave her alone
yourusername i love you
user the age gap is kinda wild tho
user hair care routine??
may 3 2024
charles_leclerc added a story
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user liked your story
user liked your story
yourusername replied to your story: ❤️
yourusername replied to your story: ❤️
yourusername replied to your story: ❤️
yourusername replied to your story: ❤️❤️❤️
yourusername added a story
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may 19 2024
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liked by charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc and others
yourusername haters be hating because they don’t wake up next to charles leclerc like i do
charles_leclerc wouldn’t want it any other way🤭
user do you see his smile? and yall still think she can’t make him happy cause she’s ‘too young’💀
user Something About You - Eyedress, Dent May ~ 0:44
user the amount of things i’d do to wake up next to either of them is concerning
user every book girlie dreaming about their age gap trope
and 487 others
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liked by yourusername, scuderiaferrari and others
charles_leclerc she’s gotta pay off those student loans somehow, am i right?
(last pic is me proudly taking all of the pics above)
user charles simping for yn is so real omg
user love how they’re making fun of the gold digger rumours😭
user charles.jpg when?
user i just know it would be full of yn pls
scuderiaferrari after the loans are payed off we suggest buying her a ferrari of her own 👀
user the unseriousness of their hard launch captions are highlights of my day
user she’s living our dream fr
user can’t decide if i wanna be him or her
and 1,592 others
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love-toxin · 2 months
(cw: yandere, noncon, drugging, kidnapping, daddyfication)
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i think i need to be fr and acknowledge how i can't stop thinking about getting kidnapped by Gallagher and being his lil babydoll...
get all dressed up and drink all the fancy cocktails he mixes cuz it's easier to manhandle someone when they're drunk. being dragged to and from the bar day and night because, despite being his captive, he doesn't mind showing you off since he's sure he can train you not to break under any questioning from nosy busybodies.
he names a cocktail after you, all bright and cheerful with a mix of your favourite colours, but a sip of it proves too sour for you to handle. it's not even bittersweet, just a burning, acidic taste that bites your tongue all the way down to your throat as Gallagher watches you drink it. you've gotta drink at least one a day, per his rules. as strong as it is, it never tastes enough of alcohol for it to give you any serenity.
on the other hand, he doesn't really drink when he's around you. after he puts you to bed or when he's alone, sure, he'll have a couple dreamjoys--but aside from that, he keeps as sober as he can be when he has his pretty thing to look after.
he's kinda like a dad, you realize. he likes it. it's weird, but it becomes overly comfortable; he enjoys feeding you and eats better when he's got to make sure you're full and eating good. he still skimps on sleep often but he'll cuddle you when he slides into bed next to you. he spends so much time worrying after you that you might end up calling him 'dad' or 'daddy' by accident, and he'll encourage it to stick without thinking. he praises you and punishes you in equal measure, one with kisses and sex and the other with alcohol, restraints, and....more sex. for a middle-aged guy, he's got quite the hunger for getting rough in bed, but maybe that's just because of you.
after a while, when you're sufficiently brainwashed after so much gaslighting and manipulation, you might get jealous or worried that Gallagher's gonna find someone else if you're bad. that maybe daddy's love isn't unconditional like he said if you misbehave too much. that's one of the only thoughts he doesn't let fester in you--you can worry about being well-behaved, or if he's gonna let you have dessert after dinner, but not whether he loves you or not. that won't ever change. why would he put so much effort into training you keeping up your good behavior just to lie and cheat on you? that doesn't make any sense. daddy still loves you even when you're bad.
cause daddy isn't all that great of a guy, either. in fact, he's pretty much an unhinged, perverse psycho. but maybe you've forgotten that now, and all the better for him.
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edwardslvrr · 2 months
OLD MONEY CODED 𐙚 carlos sainz
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౨ৎ carlos sainz x reader
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the one where carlos and his wife are the media’s favourite couple on the grid
taglist if you'd like to be added to my taglist, message me privately or comment on this post
warning this is all fake and just for fun, no hate to any of the people mentioned. Just a reminder that this is pure for entertainment хохо
main masterlist 𐙚 carlos masterlist
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౨ৎ f1fan twitter
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౨ৎ yourinstagram no location
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liked by carlossainz55 and 194.693 others
yourinstagram enjoying the winter break
view all 1936 comments
username why isn’t this my life
username valid question
username i love you two so much together!
username they’re just perfect for each other it’s actually painful
yourbestfriend weird, seems like my invite got lost
yourinstagram weird, seems like i didn’t send you one
username please yn just one chance
username hope carlos can fight fr
username man is obsessed w her, i think he will fight
౨ৎ yourinstagram posted on their stories
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౨ৎ f1fan twitter
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౨ৎ messages carlos/yn
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have you been posting thirst traps again?
yes, gotta give the people what they want
ah yes, and people want to see my back?
correction, your back muscles*
how did i even end up here
well you had an amazing best friend, fell in love, got on one knee, married her and now you’re here
and i don’t regret a thing
౨ৎ carlossainz55 no location
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liked by yourinstagram and 989.628 others
carlossainz55 enjoying the break, can’t wait to get back in the car! ❤️
view all 1937 comments
username what a thirst trap 😮‍💨
username fr said if yn can post thirst traps of me, i can just post them myself too
username what a good looking man, i am screaming
username yn can you fight?
yourinstagram yes and i will
username fair enough
username hottest couple tbf
username the way i’m giggling and kicking my feet over here
landonorris lost another driver to the shirtless picture 😔
username george russell who?
username now you
yourinstagram let him do this, he looks incredible and i’m happy
౨ৎ yourinstagram & carlossainz55 posted on their stories
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౨ৎ f1fan twitter
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taglist - @louvrepool @italyrryx @buendiabebeta @janeholt3 @privatemythss @lightdragonrayne @namgification @aquangxl @sammyam @americanbluebirdrb @nxrrislando
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stxneflxwers · 3 months
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⋯⁂ summary. you've gotten your hands on him - now it's his turn to submit.
⋯⁂ a/n. short and sweet, barely edited, etc. brain is on some bullshit fr
⋯⁂ characters. zhongli. neuvillette. alhaitham. afab reader (neutral prns).
⋯⁂ cw. men getting pegged WOO YEAH!!!! each character will have their own individual tags prior to the writing. all lowercase.
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cw. mating press. mild edging. masturbation.
"dearest, please... ah—" zhongli moans - rather pathetically, too. "let me... let me... hng—" he grunts, hips wiggling to meet your own with each thrust, but it's proving to be difficult as you suddenly push his tense thighs to his chest.
"sorry - what was that, cutie?" you mock lightly, a wicked grin on your face as you pound into his tight ass, "you gotta speak up." you coo as your pace slows down significantly and your spare hand flicks one of his hard, reddened nipples.
"agh," he groans, "s-stop tormenting me...!" his head throws back, exposing his neck for you to attack with nibbles and kisses. "mmh! beloved!" he whimpers when you do exactly that, one of his hands moving to gently grab the back of your head. "faster - harder, p-please...!"
he sounds so desperate. you can't help but finally grant his wish after hearing so much of his begging over the past hour.
"your wish is my command, pretty boy." you give him one hard thrust, causing him to hiss in a mix of pain and pleasure, "but, i do have a little request..."
"touch yourself as i fuck you." you command, grabbing his hand on your head to wrap it around his own thick cock.
"mmh... so naughty..." he rasps. "a-alright, i will...do so - ah!" he breathily yells your name and his eyes roll back as you immediately pick up the pace and ferocity of your thrusts.
"what a good boy you are."
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cw. doggy style/from behind. you show him 0 mercy. he cries a lil bit (but it's outta pleasure i swear).
neuvillette pants - each breath hard and ragged. his hips are forced still by your command and your tightened grip on his narrow hips. his face digs into his folded arms, muffling some - but nowhere near all - of his whiny, desperate moans.
"enjoying this, neuvi?" you whisper into his red, flushed ear - double-checking, you understand that your pace may be overwhelming for him.
"j-just dandy!" he moans, eyes tearing up and rolled back as he tries to keep up with you.
"aw, gonna cry? so sweet..." you murmur, "what if i went faster?" you tease, knowing he's quickly already turned into a babbling mess of a man.
"mhm!" he hardly responds as his hands move to grab the pearly white sheets beneath him, nearly tearing them to shreds.
"hehe, you poor thing..." you snicker.
the moment you pick up the pace, he's already cumming all over those poor sheets...
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cw. riding. alhaitham a bit of a tsundere. spanking (like once lol.)
alhaitham refuses to give you the pleasure - the honor - of getting to hear him moan. and he also refuses to admit how good he feels right now. you've teased him far too much tonight, so now he's restricting a bit of your freedom as he rides the hell out of your strap.
and then you give his plush ass a nice whack with your hand. he groans loud and clear at last.
"good. give me more of that, you lazybutt." you insult light-heartedly, but you mean it with all the love in the world.
"ngh!" he groans again as he shifts position into a more comfortable one, riding you faster and harder than before. "n-not as lazy as you - especially right now—!" he retorts with a broken voice.
you slip a hand around his torso.
"what are you doing - ah!" he thrashes a little bit when your hand grasps his cock tightly before pumping it at an impossible pace.
"so sassy... do you need another lesson to learn?" you mock (lovingly).
"you are the one who needs a lesson—mmh!" he moans - high-pitched and whiny when you massage his balls with your other hand, causing him to cum right away...causing it to hit his chest and a bit of his face.
"oh? what was that?" you grin behind him.
he pants heavy and loud, unable to respond. for now, that is.
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h4m1lt0ns · 10 months
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ pairing ︴carlos sainz jr x y/n y/l/n
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ genre ︴social media au
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ summary ﹔carlos is down bad for his girlfriend and he won’t stop showing it.
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ face claim ﹔dina denoire
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ warnings ﹕none, fluff
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♡ liked by carlossainz55, charles_leclerc and 1,394,291 others.
y/n me and my baby in spain 🏝
tagged: carlossainz55
carlossainz55 oh my god
carlossainz55 oh wow you’re gorgeous
carlossainz55 😍😍😍
carlossainz55 mine mine mine
username carlos don’t like or comment the second y/n posts challenge GO
➜ carlossainz55 no one will hype my girl up before me
➜ username “my girl” 😭😭
➜ username i want what they have
username MOTHER ???
username FOURTH PHOTO 🧎🏽‍♀️🧎🏽‍♀️🧎🏽‍♀️🧎🏽‍♀️🧎🏽‍♀️🧎🏽‍♀️
username I WANT YOU SO BAD Y/N
username stop playing y/n the kids miss you babe
username COME HOME BAE 😩
➜ username you can bring your boy🤮boyfr🤮boyfriend🤮 with you
username y/n in glasses is my religion 🧎🏽‍♀️🧎🏽‍♀️
➜ carlossainz55 me too
➜ carlossainz55 that photo is actually my lock screen and home screen
username me and my husband aren’t even that serious y/n 😍
carlossainz55 okay stop looking at my girlfriend guys
username 🤩🤩🤩
username HOW ARE YOU REAL ??????
username favourite wag 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
➜ username carlos is the wag here let’s be real
username i want you so bad
lilymhe i miss you wifey 🥺
➜ y/n i miss you too wifey 🤞🏽❤️
➜ carlossainz55 what the fuck
➜ carlossainz55 excuse me lily what is this
➜ lilymhe you’re excused, sainz.
username drop ur vroom vroom bf baby i can drive too
username god i need u sO BAD
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♡ liked by carlossainz55, pierregasly and 993,779 more.
y/n everywhere we went has been so pretty i love it here 🥹🤍
carlossainz55 BEAUTIFUL.
carlossainz55 my pretty baby 😮‍💨
carlossainz everywhere is pretty because you make it pretty
username the fact that she’ll never be mine is 💔💔💔💔
username you gotta be the most beautiful woman alive
➜ carlossainz55 she 100% is
username miss y/l/n 😩😩😩
username carlos will always look like a normal regular citizen when y/n is around
➜ username REALLLL
username curly hair y/n can spit in my face and i’ll say do it again
liked by carlossainz55
charles_leclerc come home the kids miss you
➜ y/n kIDS? 😟
➜ landonorris me and charles are kids 🥲
username i’ll do whatever u say miss y/n pls one 1 (☝🏽) chance
username carlos i’m in love with ur girlfriend
➜ carlossainz55 me too
username y/n’s breathtaking and he’s just there
➜ carlossainz55 true
username can carlos fight question mark
username i’m so normal abt you 😁 (i’m not).
username i’ll let her slam me against the wall i’m not kidding
liked by carlossainz55
username she’s so fine it’s not okay
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♡ liked by y/n, pierregasly, danielricciardo and 2,104,284 others.
carlossainz55 date night with my darling angel 🥂🖤🕯
username DARLING ANGEL 😭😭😭
y/n i love you to death
➜ carlossainz55 i love YOU to death
landonorris parents 🗣
➜ y/n my son 🗣
username favourite couple fr fr
username carlos is obsessed and honestly same
➜ username shit i’d be obsessed too if y/n was my gf
username I WANT WHAT THEY HAVE 😩😩😩
username carlos how does it feel to have the most angelic gf in the world 🎤
➜ carlossainz55 seriously best feeling in the world 🖤🖤
francisca.cgomes I WANT MY WIFE BACK CARLOS
➜ carlossainz55 I REFUUUSEEEE SHE’S MINE
username she’s 😭 so 😭 pretty 😭
username i dont know if i wanna be carlos or y/n
➜ username real 🥲
username i want someone to love me as much as carlos loves y/n
username THEM 🗣🗣🗣
charles_leclerc mama y papa
➜ y/n my other son 🗣
username get married already 🙄
liked by carlossainz55
username 🖤🖤🖤
scuderiaferrari we too are obsessed with y/n 🤩❤️
➜ username admin is so real
username god me when 🧎🏽‍♀️
2K notes · View notes
plutolovesyou · 3 months
i have this stupid idea in my head and it won't leave- ugh ok imagine this. y'know how in those rom-coms there's a moment where the main characters partner will throw rocks at the mc's window to get their attention. and then crawl inside the mc's room after almost dying climbing up by the nearby tree, scaling the roof tiles and almost tripping. i can't unsee some type of modern!ellie doing exactly that.... imagine her cutie self scurrying around your yard to find little tiny pebbles that won't scratch the glass and pelting them, all you hear is clink, clink, clink. then you open your window like "girl what??" and she stares up at you on the second floor asking if you two can chat, "please lemme in?" such a cutie. IMAGINE SHE BRINGS HER GUITAR TO SERENADE YOU AS WELL. oh gosh and then climbing up. you wouldn't even be able to watch, lest she slips and splats on the ground. and she almost does, being adorably klutzy, fingers slipping as she hoists herself up the branches, then balances across your roof and almost dies once more. and she makes it yayyy!! you cannot resist opening the window to let her in, partly because she's so silly, and partly because you didn't want her to slip and die leaving. however!! it is also nighttime and y'all gotta be quiet, whatever it is you may be doing once she's successfully made the journey. DO I WRITE THIS FR??? months ago i used to write these little ideas and never take them anywhere but i dunno....maybe i'll twist something outta this one eventually, unlike the other few oops. but like i really do love this idea- just might make something with it one day we shall see heheh...
edit: i wrote it here you go
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tsireyqs · 1 year
bae we fr need the stepdad jake fic!!!
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dancing with our hands tied.
pairings: stepdad! jake sully x reader
warnings: smut (18+), a tiny little bit of degradation, vaginal fingering, age gap, dilf! jake!!!!, dark content, & stepcest. please please heed these warnings, my loves!
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rough bark digs into your back as you lean into the tree. jake trailing open-mouthed kisses down your neck, sucking a bruise into your pulse point as he goes down. lower and lower until his lips seal around your nipple, his thumb swirling around the other and you whine. catching your nipple in between his teeth, he bites down harshly before growling into your breasts. “keep quiet, girl.”
the bark leaves scratches along your back as you squirm under his touch. you knew your mother would question the marks tainting your skin, but you didn’t care. not when jake’s fingers dip in between your folds, gathering your arousal to circle your clit. your hands thread into his hair, clenching your legs together instinctively. 
jake’s rough hands force your legs apart, his blunt nails leaving crescent shaped marks into the fleshy part of your thighs. “you gotta keep those pretty legs open for me, babygirl,” his voice is muffled against your tummy. he kisses right below your belly button, sucking marks into your skin as he reaches the spot right above your clit.
your fingers dig into his scalp and you cry, “please, daddy. need you so bad it hurts,”
jake drops down to his knees, hiking one of your legs over his shoulder. “my pretty girl’s so desperate for her daddy, huh? what do you need, sweetheart?” his head dips his lower, licking a broad stripe to your pussy and he groans against your heat at the taste of you. “my mouth?” he leaves trails of kisses to your thighs, his middle and ring finger prodding at your entrance. “or my fingers?” his slick-coated digits slip into you by the joints. he chuckles into your thigh when you tugs at his locks. “there ya’ go, need to get this pretty little pussy ready for my cock.”
your head lulls back into the tree as jake curls his fingers to you, his thumb rubbing languid circles into your clit. he stares up at you through his lashes and his pupils dilate when he watches your chest heave up and down. your teeth bite down on your lower lip hard to conceal your whines as his fingers slip in and out of your cunt so deliciously. 
he abruptly pulls his fingers out of you when he feels you clench around him, your tail wrapping around his forearm to keep him against you. jake reaches up, his large hand wrapping around the circumference of your throat and he squeezes just enough to make you gasp. you couldn’t help the whine that escapes your lips when you feel the sudden emptiness. 
“stupid girl, what did i say about being quiet? you’re gonna get us caught,” he hisses. his head tilts when your small hands wrap around his wrist, and he tsks, “you’d like that, huh? bet you’d love for everyone to see how filthy you are-- letting your daddy play with your pussy. what would your mother think? her precious daughter actin’ like a fuckin’ slut. imagine how disappointed she’ll be.”
your skin burns under his touch when he hefts you up to his waist, your ankles crossing at the small of his back as you wrap your legs around him. your hips roll into him and you mewl when you feel his length slip in between your folds, the head of his cock catching your clit as he teases you.
jake’s grip is harsh on your hips and his fangs scrape against your pulse point. “stay still,” his voice is clipped. your wrists fit into one of his hands as he grabs them and pins them above your head. “be good, little girl. or else you get nothing.”
nothing could have prepared you for the way he pistons his hips into you. all the air escapes your lungs as he barely gives you time to adjust to his cock and you squeal, your legs clenching tighter around his hips. his other hand finds its way back to your throat and he squeezes lightly as he fucks into you. the feeling of his balls hitting your ass at every thrust makes your pussy flutter around his length. “fuck, daddy. you’re so deep,” you babble out.
your eyes roll to the back of your head when you feel the tip of his cock kiss your cervix. he was practically rearranging your insides at this point,  moving so deep inside your cunt. “just needed to be stuffed, huh? so full of daddy’s cock, takin’ it so fuckin’ well,” he sinks his canines into your throat in between praises, “m’gonna cum in this sweet cunt, babygirl.”
jake’s hands cradle your face, making you look him in the eyes. the feeling was entirely too much. his hips move faster allowing his cock to drill into you. his hand keeps a bruising grip as he keeps your hands pinned above you. and the look in his eyes makes you squirm. 
he tips your head down, forcing you to look down to where your bodies connect. the sight of your slick coating his pelvis and your inner thighs causes a shiver to roll down your spine. jake laughs when you jolt under him, “look at that, girl. watch as i fill you up with my cum.”
his words send you over the edge, the coil in your tummy diminishing as his cock paints your insides. your breath is erratic when you feel his fangs bite down on your collarbone. jake rocks his hips slowly into you now, your lids slid shut to savor the feeling of him inside you. your arms wrap around his shoulders loosely as he releases your wrists and you pant into his neck.
jake rubs soothing circles into your back when he gently pulls out of you, ignoring the whine that falls from your lips. his lips place a kiss on your sternum and he glides his fingers in between your legs. he gathers the cum that oozes out of you and pushes them back into your cunt, hooking his fingers into your sweet spot. your nails dig into his shoulder, “s’too much…”
“i know, sweet girl,” he hushes your cries and lets his thumb rub gently at your clit. “but i’m not quite done with ya’ yet.”
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42spideys · 1 year
TEDDY BEAR — e-42!miles morales x m!reader
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synopsis: some miles hc’s about him dating a cute chubby boy and how he is with him!
pairing: earth 42 miles morales x male reader, earth 42 miles morales x black male reader
tags: m.reader, fluff, slightly suggestive, possessive miles, really intense love from miles
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when you and miles got together it was a shock to everyone, especially you. you weren’t the most talkative person, ridiculously shy, but he still found himself drawn to you.
you were the cute chubby boy that he sat next to, he liked to sneak glances at you. enjoying who your cheeks puffed out when you were confused on a question, his favorite is when you give his arm a small tap and try to ask for help. he always teases you when this happens, he can’t help himself, you’re just to cute :((
you pouted at the math equation in front of you, you tried 16 different ways to solve it until you finally gave up. you glanced over to your seat partner, miles, he always made your face heat up. you chewed on your bottom lip, trying to hype yourself up to ask him for help in a way that was comfortable for you. you tapped his arm with a shaky hand, he tilted his head towards you with hooded eyes filled with boredom.
you almost forgot what you wanted to ask him, the way the sun bounced off his body, making him glow almost like an angel. everything about him was perfect to you, his eyes, his nose, his lips…you felt yourself get lost.
“focus, guapo, what did you tap me for,hm?” you felt your face burn in embarrassment, you slid the piece of paper towards miles with a pout, pointing at the question you were fighting for you life for.
cute. you were always really, really cute.
he follows you around the school, kinda like a bodyguard. you were happy to have him for company, he knew that you didn’t talk unless you either wanted to or had to, so when you guys were together he would do all the talking for you.
he is so protective over you even before you guys get together, glaring at people when they look at you funny, outright pulling you away from situations he finds weird.
and he’s so so jealous…
you could be in a one sided conversation with another student, giving small “mhms!” once and awhile, miles literally wrapped an arm around your shoulders and just walked away with you.
when you whine at him he’ll just give you a “she was talkin to you funny, don’t fall for that, rey.” you groaned a fake annoyance at him before giggling at his small pout.
and when you guys finally get together
he is going CRAZY
spoiling you with art of you, buying you your favorite snacks, little stuffed animals, cute collectibles, and so much more.
you’re his prince and he has to treat you like so! he won’t have it any other way >:(
“miles!? what the hell, you shouldn’t have gotten me this stuff! how much was-“ miles silenced you with a soft kiss to your lips, you whined at the contact. miles pulled away from your wet puffy lips with a smirk, “i’ll buy you whatever i want, you deserve it and so much more, so take it before i tackle yo ass.” you took the large bear and roses from miles arms, your face practically burning off.
miles was all giddy inside, he loved seeing you squirm and get flustered whenever he bought you practically anything. you weren’t used to getting gifts in the slightest, you barley got anything for your birthday and christmas, not that your parent didn’t care about you. money was just really really tight, miles knew that, that’s why he made it his mission to spoil you like you deserved to be spoiled!!
don’t let him catch you being insecure about yourself or saying anything mean about yourself, he will fr go off in disbelief
you’ll mutter something about, “i hate my tummy…i really gotta stop eating.” think miles wouldn’t hear that, but erm…
he absolutely did and damn near broke his neck trying to turn towards you, his face twisted in confusion
what do you mean by that?? who said you could say that about yourself??? do you want your ass beat or something?? (lovingly of course)
“the fuck did you just say?” miles glared at you, making you instantly shrink into yourself. you picked at your fingers, looking away from miles burning glare, “i said,” you heard him get up from his desk and walk over to you. he took your chubby face in his hand and made you look up at him, you instantly melted in his touch. “what did you say, hm? you talkin’ bad about my favorite boy?” “…i said i don’t like my tummy.” you mumbled, you heard miles give a laugh he only did when he was either about to fight or say something absolutely outrageous.
he sucked his teeth before pushing your back on the bed, he lifted your hoodie to expose your tummy, this made you shiver and pout at him. “miles! what are you-“
kiss kiss kiss!
you start giggling as miles continues to kiss and bite your tummy, you tried to pull him away by his braids but he just bit you even harder leaving teeth marks. after he was done with his tummy attack he hovered above you, his gold chain you gifted him for his birthday dangling perfectly above you. “don’t let me catch you saying some dumb shit like that ever again, or i’ll find other ways to keep that pretty lil head of yours straight.” he cooed.
“miles, technically i cant do that because-“
“i will kick you out of my house.”
at first he really didn’t like physical affection, but after you guys made it official he would go crazy if he didn’t get to touch you at least 10 times a day
constantly having his hands or body on your or near you
coming behind you in the halls to wrap his arms around your midsection while getting his head in a nice and comfy position in the crook of your neck, holding your hands and locking pinkies with you, biting your cheeks when he got bored
always kneading your cute chubby tummy like a cat whenever he got the chance
he also loves your neck, like that’s top three on his list of favorite body parts on you. perfect place to leave hickeys and bites :3
“hold still, i’m not done.” miles has been sucking and biting your neck for what seems like hours, your neck was throbbing with pain, you still didn’t even know why he was so intense about giving you these marks. “miles, what the hell are you even doing?” you whimpered into miles ear, he grunted in accomplishment and had a huge smirk on his face. “give me my phone, let me show you my masterpiece.”
you handed him his phone in pure confusion, you rubbed at your sore neck with a pout. “jeez, my neck hurts.” miles chuckled at your complaining, “you could’ve told me to stop at any time, rey.” he unlocked his phone to go to his camera, he placed his hand under your jaw, lifting it upwards to the left. he made sure his hand was in the shot, the whole time he was taking pictures he had a smirk on his face.
“let me see what you’ve been torturing my neck for the past ten minutes for, please.” miles rolled over next to you and handed you his phone, “only because you asked so nicely.” as soon as you saw the pictures you thought you were gonna pass out, miles had somehow sucked his initials in your neck with a bite mark under it. you covered your face in embarrassment, quickly shoving your face in miles chest. “i cant stand you, how am i supposed to walk around with this?” you peaked up at miles who was still just smirking “that’s the point, i want everyone to know that you’re mine and mine alone.”
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