#it gets a little bit gorey. Just a little bit.
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Twisted Wonderland Boys x Fem Reader in their respective Fairytales (Series)
(Idia's Part)
Previous part (Kalim)
A/n: Out of every housewarden, I felt like sobbing writing Idia's cause of how fluffy he is, I love him so much. Content Warning: This Fic will be tagged as 16+ since it is a bit suggestive along with mentions of Gorey themes (Azul), it’s very vague. I haven’t finished Book 6 and Book 7 because I’m stuck in Tartarus, but they’re not done here yet. Potential Inaccuracy in Indian Tradition, Indian and Greek clothing, if ever you see inaccuracy about it, please let me know, I only did a bit of research about it. The reason for potential OOC was cause I mixed both the classic Villains with the personalities of our beloved boys. You have a child with Kalim here!
First Batch would be: Riddle, Leona, Azul
Second Batch would be: Kalim, Idia, Malleus
List of Villains interconnecting with each character:
Kalim = The sultan Idia = Hades ─────❅───── Idia: The underworld has always been Idia’s little comfort zone, although at first, he didn’t want to rule it, due to how depressing it gets sometimes, but along with his brother Ortho who takes care of “outside” activities, aka meetings with those overbearing gods and goddesses who think they’re better than anyone, he didn’t mind the work as long as it’s with him. So far, his duties were all just about guiding souls into whatever the fuck they want or are allowed to go, honestly if they all became lost souls, he wouldn’t give a flying damn.
One day, however, an odd discrepancy appeared in the calculations of souls being accepted—an unregistered soul had entered the narrative. Concerned, he strolled toward the portal of Tartarus to investigate. When he peered inside, a sudden flash of blinding light erupted, disorienting him. Before he could react, a heavy force slammed into his body, causing him to stumble.
“What the!” he grunted, feeling a heavy body on top of him, he rubbed his head, opening his eyes, adjusting to the sudden light-to-darkness transition.
You stirred, finding your hands pinning him down. His eyes widened in shock as he pushed you off, scrambling backward so quickly that he hit his back on the wall with a loud slam.
“What In the world?!” he screeched, his hair glowing brightly meaning he was incredibly nervous, while you seemed to be lost, standing up, you pat away the dust off your outfit, taking notice of Idia who still was pressed on the wall.
“Idia?” you went closer to him, he looked like an angry kitten, glaring at you at first but the moment you got closer he stiffens up, pushing his hands to protect himself from you.
“Stay back! You anomaly!” he shouted that it echoed around the empty room, you were taken aback, “Idia, it’s me.” you said, eyebrows knitting in frustration.
“H-how do you know my name?” he asked, looking at you confusedly, were you sent by his other brother who he doesn’t even think of one, Zeus? You look kind of angelic so there’s a suspicion.
“Idia, you’re my boyfriend” Wow point blank you decided to kill him with those words, boyfriend his ass, what boyfriend, all he knows is that he prefers to be single than have a lover, also he wants to add that you are way out of his league, there’s no way you like him that way, and this is the first time you met him, was there a camera around here? The edited laughter? Where is it? He’s waiting for that to come.
Realizing that he was overthinking again, you snapped your fingers catching his attention; stating your name you tried to see if you got any reaction, but nothing. He really didn’t remember you.
You were going to be saddened by this, if it weren’t for the fact that the tips of his hairs had a slight pink on it meaning was still a chance for you to get your boyfriend back.
Okay, you two might be misunderstanding things, while Idia was observant, he can’t think straight when he’s in front of someone, his black and blue robe being a perfect cover for himself, he even had a hoodie knitted for him to cover his hair with.
You noticed that he was taller than before, raising your eyebrow, you grabbed his arm, which made him freeze up, looking at you like you just harassed him, his sweat drops. “What?”
“Since when did you get taller?” you asked, he slides your hand off of his arm, rubbing it a bit, “I don’t know?” he answered confusedly, before waving his hand dismissively, “No more questions, I’m bringing you back to Zeus” he grumbled, his stupid brother playing pranks on him again.
“What? Zeus?” you walked faster to catch up on him when he started speedwalking away, “Y’know, God of Olympus?” he said, weirded out why you didn’t know Zeus, everyone knows him.
“Wait, Zeus as in the God from long ago?” you asked further, which made Idia stop his tracks, turning to look at you, his figure looming, he looked like a grim reaper when he stands with you before, but now it’s more evident.
“What do you mean long ago?” he asked as bewildered as you are, why are you acting this way anyways? Anomaly that popped out of nowhere and almost giving him a concussion and right now you’re giving him a migraine, what’s next huh? brain aneurysm?   
“Are you not my Idia?” you frowned, looking at him closer, he exhibited a different style, he was taller, slightly shorter hair, bluish skin instead of pale.
“Your” Idia? What does that mean?
The more you open your mouth the more questions pop out, sighing he decided to cover your mouth with his hand. “Please… just shut up for a minute”
Okay, first theory! You’re not from around here, I mean you just got spat out like trash by the Tartarus and suddenly proclaiming that he’s your boyfriend, he feels bad for you, your standard is in hell if you’re dating him, you’re pretty too, a disrespect to your face really.
Second theory, which he’s leaning on more, you’re a spy sent by his brother Zeus; to make him fall for you and you break his heart and upload it to magicam or something.
If you think he’s self-deprecating too much, please, he’s just being realistic with the situation.
“First off, I am not yours” he clarified, lifting his hands as if he’s surrendering to you. “I never met you in my whole life, you’re cute but no”
Rejected by your own boyfriend, you wanted to pinch his cheeks for it, you were going to be hurt by this, but the thing is, the way he acts reminded you of the first stages of your relationship with him, he wasn’t the best with it.
“Okay,” you said, being short with him, for some reason that made him feel bad, scratching the back of his neck, he wanted to hold your cheek or hand to comfort you, an odd feeling.
“Sorry- I mean if you want to, I can act like your boyfriend or something” he murmured, his voice gradually decreasing to the point you barely heard the last words.
“It’s fine Idia, no need” not wanting to force him into that kind of thing, however, you noticed that his little fire hair started to fizzle out, panicking a bit you touched his hand, holding it, “wait I mean, okay, sure we can act”
Phew, that got his fire back up, lucky you. “Okay…” he said awkwardly coughing as he uses his tech to call for Ortho. “Ortho, can you come here?”
Ortho was impressively fast with going back to the underworld, looking the same except his clothes or rather his cyborg parts looked Greek like, it explains why you were wearing a tunic.
“Scan her” Idia said, using his eyes to signal ortho who to scan, in which Ortho grins brightly. “Okay!”
You stayed still as Ortho used his eyes to scan you, it was something that came natural for you, especially since your Ortho does that often.
“So?” Idia asked, leaning on the wall, Ortho shook his head, looking conflicted. “Nope, she doesn’t have any data around Ancient Greece, or anywhere”
“Huh” he didn’t seem surprised. “Are you sure about this?” he asked, patting Ortho’s head. “Yeah! I did another scan but there’s no indication of her presence anywhere.
So, you really were just transported by Tartarus to Ancient Greece, connecting the dots, that means Idia here is…
Noticing you staring at him in deep thought He smiles a bit, you looked funny thinking like that, pouty and all. “Since you’re really not from here, my name is Idia, God of the Underworld, and this is Ortho, my brother.” Ortho waves at you enthusiastically and he was genuinely surprised that his brother introduced him instead of himself.
“I know” you hummed, crossing your arms. “I told you already, we’re dating- “
Idia tried to cover your mouth before you spout that out but failed as Ortho’s eyes widens. “You’re dating my brother in the other world?! You mean there’s another version of us in your world?”
Oh dear, you’re in it now.
Ortho basically asked you plenty of questions, already happy that his brother pulled someone like you, you were gorgeous!
Idia was a bit happy you got along with his brother, he sometimes feels bad that he keeps Ortho in such a depressing place instead of being a normal kid outside and playing.
Also he can’t help but get flustered whenever you randomly get physically affectionate with him, he’s been trying to find a way to get you back in your world, but it’s proving to be difficult since Tartarus maybe his domain, but it’s a system that’s entirely independent from him, think of it as the pity system in his gacha games, even if you hit enough 80 pulls, it doesn’t guarantee the limited character you want.
But, as long as he can, Idia tries to make sure every time he hangs out with you is worthwhile, it’s the first time he made effort to spend time with someone, when he’s off work, he finds himself going to the guest room, asking if you wanted to come eat with him and Ortho, or sometimes, you end up in his room, playing a two-player game with him.
Ever since you came into his life, he started going out of his room more, back then he usually just… does his work and go to his room. That’s all Now he’s trying to go outside more, especially when Ortho told him that to get you back faster was by “thinking outside the box” which just meant that he should go touch some grass and let the gears in his brain think of a solution.
He didn’t really know when he fell for you, but he noticed it when you were outside with him, in the largest field that had nothing but nature around. The outfit that Ortho lend you fits your palette so perfectly, it almost made him want to take a picture.
You were admiring the view while glancing around, picking up flowers.
Confused with what you were doing he walked to you. “Hey what-“ getting cut off as you shove a bouquet of flowers on his chest, a ribbon clumsily wrapped around the stems of the flowers.
“For you” you said, smiling, making his heart skip a bit, he accepted the gift as Ortho called out for you, giving him a glance before you grab his collar, pulling him down to kiss his cheek before walking away.
That got his hair to burn bright pink, shaking from the adrenaline, he coughed awkwardly, hopefully, Ortho didn’t see what you did.
Well, he’s having a hard time finding a way to send you back home, so… it might take a while.
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snobgoblin · 2 years
had a dream last night that a snake got hurt really bad and its been bothering me all day
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so i doodled her all healed up and now I feel better
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meowhara · 7 months
Mafia!Miguel O'Hara x Fem Bunny Hybrid!Reader
tw : Death, violence, mention of rape, abuse, a little bit gorey
synopsis : He welcomes you into his home but at what cost?
author's note : Fun fact I already wrote a 3k+ words sequel about Miguel being a totally adorable sweetheart for the reader. But do I like it? Nah, violence is so much better. Sorry if this took me a while, I've been busy af
𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓸𝓷𝓮, 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓽𝔀𝓸, 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮
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Your eyes flutters open as you wake up from the longest sleep you had in a while. A massive migraine hit you hard like a brick, you winces in pain as you sit back up instead of laying on your back. It took you a while for your vision to focus until you're able to see your surroundings.
Glancing around the unfamiliar room with dim light, you're amazed by how well furnished and luxurious it is. The dirty and ugly clothes that you were wearing are gone. Replaced by a clean pair of shorts and shirt that's clearly too big for you.
The thought of your terrifying captor floods back to your mind. You look around the room for your captor. The room is oddly quiet, thank god no one is here in this room with you.
Escape is the only thing that echoes in your mind as you thought of the worst possible thing to happen if you try to escape. You never met him before, you didn't even know his name. Possibilities of things that he might be planning to do to you frightens you. What if he sell you away? Or worse, what if he is going to do what your dead master wanted him to do to you?
Your eyes are locked at the door across the room, you wonder if it's locked. But it won't hurt to try and open it right? Just when you tried to crawl off the bed, you realizes how numb your legs are. "No no, what is wrong with my legs?" Whispering to no other than yourself, you wish for your legs to somehow fix itself so it wouldn't be sore anymore.
Miracle had never happened to you before so there's no time to sob and hope anything would get any better soon. Using the neatest nightstand as your support to stand up is your only choice to push yourself back on your feet. But your legs wouldn't move at all making you fall from the bed, knocking the nightstand off including a vase that was sitting on it. It fell directly to the floor and shattered into pieces.
You panicked from how loud you're being, a loud shattering noise followed by an even louder thud can be heard from the spot you're sitting now helplessly on the floor.
Less than a second later you can hear loud and firm footsteps rushing towards the room you're in. Your breath quickens as you tried to stand back up and run but you can't, your legs still wouldn't move an inch.
The door swung open followed by Miguel, panting from how fast he ran towards the room you're in right after he heard something shattered on the floor. He looked at you with his hand still resting on the doorknob then walks towards you. Your body shakes in fear as you looks up at him with your bunny ears flat back.
He let out a low chuckle as he hovers over you, "Running away already, little one? Hmmm?" He tilts his head to the side, waiting for you to say anything. Instead of replying to his question you try and crawls away from him which obviously pissed him off, "Pathetic." He hisses at you before he lift you easily off the floor and throws you back to the bed, earning a loud yelping noise from you. He tugs on your leg, giving it a tight grip. "You know if you keep this behavior up, I might just break your legs permanently so you can't escape me at all. You don't want that do you?"
Eyes widened from his words, your gaze are now focused at your numb legs. Is he the reason why you can't walk at all? What if you can't walk anymore because of him? Tears escapes your eyes as the thoughts fills your mind. "No... Please... Not my legs." You said while sobbing, hoping that he wouldn't do such a cruel thing to you.
The second he saw you crying because of him, he lets go of your leg and took a step away. Pinching on the bridge of his nose and closes his eyes to calm himself down, he starts talking to you with a softer tone. "Look I'm sorry I scared you okay? You pissed me off every single time you try to run away from me." He looks back at you only to find you sobbing over your numb legs. A remorseful sigh escaped his mouth before he walks back over to you and start massaging your legs, making you flinched in fear from his sudden affection towards you. "It's just the drug, it hasn't warn off yet that's why your legs feels numb. Soon it'll go back to normal, trust me little one." He said before he lets your legs go then strokes your head gently, trying to calm you down.
"R— really?" You asked in between sobs. He nods and wipes your tears away with his thumbs. "I know how scared you are but please just go back to sleep, you need to rest." Shaking your head, you refuses to go back to sleep. "I don't want to."
"Why not? Is there anything wrong? It's just—" A loud growling noise from your stomach interrupts the conversation. He raised his eyebrow at you, "That's it? You're hungry?" Your face flushed red from embarrassment as you nods. He walks towards the door, "Fine, let's feed you something." He paused and looks back at you, wondering why you're still sitting on the bed. You look at him before looking back at your legs. "Right, you can't walk."
His hand find it's way under your knees and the other one behind your back before he lift you up from the bed. Carrying you isn't the hardest part, to be gentle and to not scare you off is. He carries you towards the dining room as you glances around his house, amazed. You've never been anywhere like his mansion before. Expensive paintings are hanging on the walls and other elegant decorations sits perfectly taken care of under his roof. How much money does he usually make starts to make you wonder. Countless of his men walks around the house, either just to chill and relax or working on something he asked them to do.
Multiple tall pillars stands firm up to the ceiling and the floor are made by fine and expensive marbles. Massive windows that are four times taller than you are covered with massive silver curtains, opened wide to allow sunlight in. "I can see that you enjoying the inside of my mansion." He said with so much pride before the two of you enters the dining room. He sat you down on one of the chair on the long ends of the table in the dining room.
The dining room is also luxurious and well furnished as well. With the long dining table in the middle of the room with at least a dozen of chairs to sit on. Multiple crystal chandeliers are hanging from the ceiling to lit up the entire room with some candelabras to decorate the table with candles lighting up on it. A fire place at one end of the room and a large expensive painting hanging on the other.
He sat down at the other end of the table, an arm chair prepared especially for the host or the hostess of the house. One of his servant poured him a glass of fine wine for him before walking over to your direction and did the same for you. He sips the wine right away and waits for you to do so, "Go on, try it." You look over to him nervously before taking the glass slowly with your hand and took a sip. Your bunny ears flinches from the taste of it, it's not like it tastes bad or anything it's just that you're not used to drink anything alcoholic before.
He secretly love the way you react towards the absurd taste of wine that you just tried for the first time. "Do you like it?" He asked before he took another sip, enjoying the taste of it. He has his own expensive and rare alcoholic drinks collection that he would pour for himself whenever he feel stressed and whenever he needs to relax.
"I... I like it."
"You do? Good. Pour her another glass."
"No need! I— I mean..."
You're looking for an excuse so you don't have to drink another drop of that weird redish liquid as he raised his eyebrow at you from the end of the table.
"Don't you think giving a little thing like her something alcoholic then forcing her to like it is a little bit too much, Miguel?" A lady with short brown hair waltz into the dinning room with a black shade heart framed glasses rested on her head. She walks closer to you and cupped your cheek with her hand, "Didn't know you have a thing for adorable being like her." She turn your head from side to side to get a better look of your face before touching one of your bunny ears. You flinched and whimpers from her touch, "She's sensitive huh? Are you into those fucked up kinks where you get to own one of these expensive living toys?" She teased him then let your face go but she set her eyes on you, still wondering how did a sweet thing like you ended up with such a dangerous person like him.
He let out an aggressive huff, he seems unfazed by her endless personal and frontal questions. She turned to look at him to annoy him even more, "So, have you two fu—"
"Lyla!" He roared, his voice is loud and clear across the massive dinning room. Lyla didn't flinch from Miguel's roar instead she gave him a mocking smile, "Is that a no, or...?" She paused and looks over to your direction only to find you trembling badly in your seat with your bunny ears and eyes down to avoid any eye contact. She can tell that you're very uncomfortable and scared of Miguel. Concerned by your behavior, she wants to pity you but she knew very well that she couldn't help you to find any way out to escape from him. When Miguel wanted something he'll do anything within his power to achieve it for himself and when possessiveness got the better of him, he will rip anyone into shreds if they dare to touch anything that belongs to him. Unfortunately in this case, you belongs to him.
"Forget it." She walks out from the dinning room, Miguel let out a loud sigh then taking a deep breath to calm himself down. His eyes are now focused back on you while you shift uncomfortably in your seat. No matter how much you tried you still can't understand his intention towards you.
It felt like eternity before one of his servant walks out from the kitchen with two plates of steak prepared and cooked by his professional chef that he hired to cook for his daily meals. Meaty products are not your first choice when it comes to food, it's not like your body is able to digest it anyway. So to have a whole ass steak in front of you isn't very appetizing for you. "You told me that you're hungry so stop being an ungrateful brat and eat your food." His insult made you gulp, hesitating whether to eat it or not.
"I don't think you should eat that, hun." You look up to see Lyla, "What the hell are you up to now?" He groans while rubbing his temple. She replaced the plate of steak with a bowl with varieties of fruit inside. You can feel your mouth water as you look at the cut up fruit in awe.
"Bunnies don't eat meat, you know?" She sneered at Miguel and sat down beside you to watch you eat. With a happy smile on your face, you start munching on the bowl of fruit that Lyla gave you. Miguel opens his mouth to complain but closed it back right away. He could feel like there's something wrong with him, somehow that smile of yours made his heart flutter. He never felt like this before, could something as simple as someone's smile can really make him happy? He thought to himself. The thought itself makes him wants to own you even more, to keep you here by his side forever.
He finishes his meal before standing up and left without saying anything to the both of you. Lyla shrugged, thinking that he's just pissed about the whole situation. You finished your meal a little while after him and after that Lyla help to escort you back to your room.
Hours later you woke up to some loud noises from the first floor of Miguel's mansion. This time, you're able to get up on your own feet. Curiosity got the better of you as you walks towards the bedroom door. To your surprise it opens right away with none of his men in front of your door. The whole mansion is suddenly quiet, you took it as an opportunity to run away. So you walk out from your bedroom and walks down the stairs until you reach the first floor.
His mansion is too big for you to figure out any exit, so you ended up wandering down the hall with lots of doors to your left and right. Your sensitive bunny ears fliches and stood straight up when you heard footsteps walking towards your direction so you rushed to hide inside of one of the room in that hall. You hurried to enter a random room then close the door as quiet as you can. The room you're in is pitch black with no window for sunlight to enter.
"Who the hell are you working for?!" You can hear Miguel shouting in anger from the other side of the door. The door slammed open before Miguel threw a man you've never met before into the room you're in. "You won't tell me? Fine. I'll make you tell me everything I wanted to know." You hid behind a pile of boxes as you watch the man struggling to even defend himself from Miguel's brutal force against him.
He signalled his second in command to tie the poor man on a chair before he began torturing him. Blow after blow landed on the man's face, leaving noticeable bruises that'll need weeks to recover. He winces in pain as he try to endure the physical abuse Miguel is giving to him, shutting himself up in order to protect what ever kind of information Miguel wanted to possess from him. "You're a strong one huh?" Miguel scoffed before he took a knife and carved the word "traitor" on the man's forehead, making him grunts in pain as the blood trails down from his forehead. You sat there covering your mouth with your palm with eyes wide, horrified by how cruel Miguel treats the stranger in front of you.
"After all this time I thought you're one of my most loyal men. But you're nothing but a worthless son of a bitch." Miguel spat on him, venom dripping from his words like how he mean it. "Just tell me your boss's name or I'll make the next seconds of your life a living hell." The man let out a low chuckle from Miguel's threat. "You can torture me all you want, I'm not going to tell you anything."
Miguel slapped him hard across the face, "Give me some acid." His second in command gave him a bucketful of acid and makes the tied up man struggles even more against the rope as he's looking at him in panic. "No—!" He protests. With a sadistic smirk, Miguel poured some of the acid to the man's legs. It melted through his pants before it directly melts his skin. He screams as he felt the agonizing pain on both of his legs.
Just before Miguel continue to torture him one of his subordinate walked into the room and start whispering something to him, telling him about the man's personal information including everything Miguel wanted to know about him in detail. A smirk creeps up to Miguel's face by the time his subordinate is done talking to him. "I see... Your boss was such a cunning man wasn't he? Sending a spy like you into my territory. Guess I won't be needing you anymore." He said coldly towards the tied up man before he pours the rest of the acid all over his body.
His skin burns and melts from the strong acid, melting through his clothes until there's nothing left but his bare flesh to see. Some of his bones are even able to be seen due to the absence of his flesh, melted by the acid. He kept screaming and screaming, begging Miguel to let him go. Your eyes went wide with fear and shock before looking away from the poor man as he screams in agony and pain. The smell of his burning flesh fills the room, making your stomach turn in disgust as you try to not vomit from it.
Pressing your bunny ears down against your head to muffle his screams, you ran out from the room instinctively with tears running down from your eyes. You kept running faster and faster without any clue where you're going until you accidentally bumped into one of Miguel's subordinate. Your small body crashed against his, making you fall backwards from the impact. "Woah, what are you going sweetheart?" He grabbed your wrist to help you to get back on your own feet.
A loud bang echoes from across the hallway, from the room Miguel was in. In a heartbeat, all the screams the man let out stopped. Your breath quickens even more. Miguel killed him, he killed that poor man. "Are you okay?" Without thinking you kicked him right at his groin with your strong hybrid legs, his grip loosened up on you as he groans in pain from how hard you kicked him. You pulled your hands away from him then ran past him towards the front door until you reached the road outside of Miguel's residence. "Hey get back here!" He shouted, catching the other's attention towards you.
One of them rushed to tell Miguel about your escape. Miguel's eyes went wide and his eyebrows furrows in anger when he heard you had left. "She what?! Go after her you idiots!" His men obeyed right away, they ran towards their car to go after you and drove off. Miguel does the same thing, turning his car engine on so he can have you back in his hands.
On the other side, you're running with bare feet on the side of the road. The road is empty without any sign of anyone at all. It turns out that Miguel's mansion was in the middle of nowhere, with a forest of endless trees surrounding it.
Multiple roars of engine can be heard from the distance behind you. You knew that they're coming after you just a second after you succeeded to break free and run away. You can't give up now since you've went this far against Miguel. Who knows what kind of punishment awaits you back at his mansion, what kind of pain will he inflict on you to teach you your lesson after trying to run away from him. The fear that runs in your mind is the only think that gave you the strength to keep running through the endless forest.
But what could a small bunny do against a big strong predator like him? Their car tires made some screeching noises from how hard they hit the breaks. Multiple men got out from their car and ran way faster than you, blocking your way ahead. Miguel was the last one to arrive. He stormed out from his car, slammed his car door out of rage. He stormed towards you and grabbed a fistful of your hair just when you're trying to avoid him, he drags you back into his car. "No! Let me go!" You pries on his tight grip of your hair but he's way stronger than you. He overpowered you easily and held you down in the backseat of his own car while he ordered his men to drive him back to his mansion.
"I'm very disappointed at you, little one." He growls in your ear, trapping both of your wrists in one of his massive hand and his other free hand kept a tight grip of your hair to stop you from fighting back. You sobs uncontrollably, unable to form any words out from your mouth. His mansion came into view, "I swear I'll make you regret running away from me." He continues.
The car stops, he opened the car door and kept dragging you by your hair with his subordinates following him from behind.
"Leave us, I'll take care of her."
"I'm sorry! Let me go, I'm begging you. I promise I won't runaway again!"
"Should've thought of that before you ran away from me. But you're too dumb to even think of that, aren't you?"
He brings you with him downstairs, towards what seems like a strong metal door. "What are we doing here?"
"To teach you how to behave like a good girl."
He said with a cold tone and opens the heavy door and forces you to go inside it with him. The room is dark but you can feel your feet brushing against some heavy chains of metal. He lets go of your hair and wraps his hand around your shoulder. "Sit down on the floor and be quiet, you hear me?." He ordered, waiting for you to obey his words.
You knew that he wanted you to stay here in this room as a punishment but you can't bear getting isolated just like how you did in the past. So you bit his hand that was sitting on your shoulder, hard enough for him to let go of you before running full speed towards the metal door and trying your best to push it open. The door won't even budge, it stood there tall and strong, it didn't even move a millimeter despite your effort to open it. "Was it so hard for you to just listen to me and obey?!"
He grabbed your upper arm and slammed you against the wall, knocking the air out of your lungs before putting you on chokehold and lifting your body off of the ground with his hand. "I've been very patient with you since this morning. But you've been nothing but trouble, behaving like a brat! No wonder why he treated you so badly! He should've raped you to death!" He yelled right at your face, still keeping his tight grip of your neck. You try to fight back trying to claw his hand off of you. But with no avail, his grip got even tighter.
You continue to cry as you struggles to breathe, you couldn't believe he just said that to you. Reminding you about your dead master and blamed you for all that had happened in the past. All you wanted was freedom. But these people did nothing but stole that away from you. Your body felt weak in his hand from lack of oxygen. He finally lets go of you, our body slumped weakly on the floor. You chough heavily, trying to catch some air back into your lungs. Endless tears streams out from your eyes.
He kneels before you and gripped your chin roughly to get a good look of your face. "I saved you from the world because I know how weak you are against them. One second you're out there and you might be their little plaything until the rest of your life. Think about that the next time you try to runaway from me." He took a metal collar linked with chains, connected to the wall behind you and locks it around your neck.
He stood up. Leaving your body slumped on the ground with cold concrete underneath. "Behave. Next time it will be more than just a chained collar."
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spookykoolkat · 10 months
always mine, forever - e.m.
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pairing: eddie munson x plus size!reader
summary: hosting a movie night for you and all of your friends was the least stressful part of it all. the thing that worried you the most was how you were going to function with eddie the freak munson sleeping downstairs, the man you'd crushed on for the longest. what happens when eddie is the last one awake after everyone's gone to bed?
warnings: MDNI!!!!!! 18+ ONLY! minors r not welcome! (eddie is 20, reader is 19), mentions of mutual pining, harmless flirting, talks of body image, oral sex (f receiving), foreplay (fingering), p in v, unprotected sex, creampie/breeding, dirty talk, long buildup (lots of words.), virgin!reader, just filth and a bit of fluff? ENJOY!!!
You agreed to being the host for movie night slash sleepover, so as you got everything ready for the group of teenagers spending the night in your home, you managed to pull out sheets, blankets and pillows for everyone to choose from. it was just going to be the older teens, the kids were sleeping over at Max's house, and in the morning we all decided to meet there to go out on the town together.
It was nice, having a small family consisting of everyone who witnessed the monstrosities that happened over the last four years. It was going to be you, Nancy, Jonathan, Steve, Argyle, Robin, and Eddie, bunched up in a house that only held two long couches and a blow up bed. You warned everyone it might be tight but compared to everyone else's living spaces, it was the ideal sleepover spot.
You were honestly a little nervous having everyone here tonight, specifically Eddie. It wasn't like there was an obvious attraction between you two, hell you felt closer to everyone else but Eddie. He tried though, he did whatever it took to at least get a word out to you, or to acknowledge however he could. You knew who Eddie was, and frankly your aesthetic clashes hard with his.
Though you loved punk bands, you were more into the goth scene, but you listened to everything. You enjoyed creepy things, gorey movies, but you also had a bubbly side to you that usually overpowered everything else. While you drank and smoked, you didn't do it as much as everyone else and they never pressured you either. You or Robin would end up as the designated drivers, posing as the mothers of the group. You didn't like to not feel like yourself, so only on occasion did you smoke or drink.
Everyone respected it, including Eddie, which you enjoyed. he enjoyed the different aesthetics everyone had, but took a peculiar interest in yours. He kind of studied you, especially since you weren't someone who he would talk to under any other circumstance.
The beauty of the horrors that happened in Hawkins brought people together, even the oddest of combinations.
But Eddie. You knew how Eddie was even before you guys talked. He was one of the outcasts that truly didn't give a fuck that he was the outcast.
He took pride in that, and also didn't fight the generational cycle of being classified as a fuck up. He was a douchebag to everyone else, including your friends, except for you.
You heard the asshole comments that would come out of his mouth, his smart ass retorts, his sarcasm, but he never did that with you. You sort of started feeling something for him during the end of freshman year. You would secretly go to the area he and his friends would play, just to listen to the music. You were too nervous to be the girl that walks up to anyone first, let alone Eddie.
He intimidated you honestly, the rings and the metal music, his punk rock aesthetic. You had every reason to believe there was no way he'd even look your way, he didn't see like the type to love all types of women. You kept telling yourself that nobody truly liked fat girls, no one really finds us attractive. There's no way Eddie Munson would even look at you as anything more than a mere friend, or even friend of a friend.
But he did.
Eddie couldn't risk the truth when you first came into the group, he couldn't risk anyone knowing that he'd been crushing on you since freshman year. It was like clockwork, Eddie never failed to fall so hard for someone who didn't even look his way.
But he saw you, and the things that drew you to him was the fact that you dressed as you pleased, spoke how you wanted, and that it seemed to him you didn't know he existed. What was your issue? He would think to himself every time he thought maybe he'd catch you looking at him at least once.
Eddie felt he could not be a man without seeing your beauty. That any man who overlooked you was simply not a man, but a boy. The high school girls who made fun of your weight, the boys who snickered close enough for you to hear, just so you know that they think you look ridiculous, he saw everything, and he absolutely hated it.
He couldn't even fathom how anyone could take a look at you and decide you were ugly because of your weight. Or ugly in general. Eddie wanted to force them to see you, to see what everyone was missing out on, what he was missing out on.
"Maybe get some clothes that fit, fat ass." Basketball players, football players, the jocks, hell even the nerds.
"You're just mad cause you can't make it past the cheeks, asshole," you would retort. It didn't bother you the way it bothered Eddie.
It caused him to feel this certain rage, that someone could be so comfortable commenting on someone's body, but especially yours. He thought you were perfect. Eddie genuinely believed you could do no wrong, even if you hurt him a million times and more.
As you set up the DVDs on your TV mantle, you heard the doorbell ringing and it made you glance at the clock. 5:00PM. You walked over to the door, opening it to see Nancy and Robin, smiling widely with their overnight bags in hand and plastic bags, insinuating they brought snacks or goodies for their small get together.
You greeted them with tight hugs, complimenting their looks and inviting them inside.
"Are we the only ones here?" Nancy asked and you nodded with your lips pressed into a thin line and she shook her head.
"Of course we are Nance, they're boys. Always a littleeeee bit behind." Robin said as she set her bags down on the couch, keeping her plastic bag and going into the kitchen, you and Nance following her.
"What'd ya bring me?" You said smiling, as you sat on the barstool in front of your kitchen island, Nancy on your side and Robin across from you.
"Well, I figured Ed would bring the weed so I brought booze. And sprite because well, you're a little princess who shall not be tainted by us, the bad influences." Robin said sarcastically, giving a playful smile to let you know she's just joking.
"Shut up Robin, I can get crazy if I wanted to." You rolled your eyes, grabbing one of the large bottles to examine.
"You? Get crazy?" Nance raised her eyebrows at you with a small smile, as in 'oh please.' You just smacked your lips and rolled your eyes.
"Yes! I can, watch." You say, almost like a bet to the girls.
"You don't have to, we're just joking." Robin replied, taking the bottle from you again.
"Well, I want to. I'm not driving and it's a Friday night." You replied, deciding to let loose a little tonight.
Before you could continue the conversation, the doorbell rings again followed by consistent obnoxious knocking. It's definitely the guys, so you go to open up the door and is greeted by 4 men, all taller than you, with dumb boyish grins on their faces. Eddie, being one of them is the first one to speak.
"Girl's night!!"
All the guys pour in and go to greet Nancy and Robin after greeting you, Eddie only pulling you in by the waist and hugging you. Robin eyed you from across the room.
"So, what's on the agenda tonight?" Steve asked, holding onto Nancy's waist as every starts situating themselves in the kitchen.
You watch as Eddie sits at the kitchen island and pulls out a tin lunchbox, unhooking it and taking out the bud, rolling papers, gar wraps, and lighters.
"Look, the pothead came prepared!" Robin joked, Eddie rolling his eyes at her.
"You know, I prefer to be referred to as a business man. I prioritize my clients, but friends come first! Plus, if it wasn't for everybody would be smoking dog shit in a rolling paper." He said proudly, not even looking at his fingers grinding the weed apart.
"No grinder man?" Argyle asked, almost tsking at him.
"What the hell is a grinder?" Nancy asked and looked at you. You just shrugged your shoulders and shook your head. You had no idea, or any knowledge behind marijuana.
"Not when I was born and blessed with nature's grinder," Eddie remarked, shimmying his fingers at him and smiling behind them.
"Anyways," You said, looking towards everyone.
"I'm thinking we can just watch movies, drink, smoke, play games—honestly I don't care we can do whatever." You said and they all agreed, smiling.
The playful banter continued, and it sparked more conversation amongst the group but you really weren't paying attention. You look over to Eddie to see his focused and kind of hunched over his work. You decided to walk over to him and sit down next to him, giving him a smile as he glanced up at you quickly.
"Whatchya doin'?" You sang in a tune, nodding your head towards the materials he has.
"Creating art," he exasperated, starting to sprinkle the green herb into something that looks like a small brown rectangle.
"Can I watch?" You ask, resting your chin on your knuckles.
"Making me a little nervous sweetheart, think I got performance anxiety," He said after seemingly poking a hole through the cigar wrap he was using.
"You? Eddie Munson? Performance anxiety?" You asked, pausing with every question.
"I can be.....how I am, and still be a bit shy when a pretty girl watches me do something I've done for years. Can't help it," He said shrugging. He was hoping that maybe by dropping hints you'd start to notice him more. But you did notice him. Always.
He started to tear small pieces of another cigar wrap and patching the hole up, acting as a surgeon.
You acknowledged all of his little tid-bits, his quirks, how his eyebrow sometimes twitches when he's focused or how when he's a little zoned out, his mouth hangs open slightly. You adored everything about the man sitting next to you and still for some reason you could not admit it, not even to Nancy or Robin.
"Didn't you have a band? It was like," You furrowed your eyebrows, digging for the memory of his music he played in during freshman year.
You tried to use it as a point of him being ridiculous for insinuating you make him nervous. Eddie looked up to you curiously before licking the wrap to seal it, and he couldn't even believe you knew he played music. He swore you never acknowledged him, or saw him how he saw you. He would walk by you on purpose, cutting corners to see you come out of class so he'd be in the hall the same time as you, and nothing.
What he didn't know was you stole small glances of him enough to not get caught. It was like you knew exactly when he was going to snap his head around to see who's eyes he felt on him, and you just pretended to act as if you weren't looking in his direction.
You listened to his conversations occasionally when he was loud enough, and believe he was loud.
When you looked back at him to finally prove you remembered the name, your mind went blank seeing him looking at you licking the blunt to finally smoke. He was just so attractive, so sexy, everything about his hands to his tattoos to his face, he was everything to you and he didn't know. You have always wanted to tell him, you constantly told yourself that the worst he'd do is reject you.
"It was, uh, Corroded Coffin, no? " You said slowly, and he sat back up from his crouched position, setting the blunt on the table.
"Yes. Yes it was. And still is! We perform still, small gigs but it's more than enough for me right now." He said proudly, beginning to roll again but with a white paper.
"What's the difference between them? Why is that one like paper?" You asked, nodding towards his paraphernalia scattered on your counter.
"Well you see," He starts, leaning into you while picking both the paper and the pre-rolled blunt.
"This one, it's actually a cigar. But, when you split that cigar and remove the contents of said cigar, also called the 'guts' of the cigar, you have something like this," and removes the blunt from the spotlight, raising the paper to glorify its presence.
"But, this is just paper. Made for things like weed or tobacco, but you roll regular tobacco in this paper it's just a cigarette. Roll your weed in this paper, it's a joint." He teaches, and you actually listen.
You truly weren't the most amazing student, you're getting by in high school, a solid B/C student. But, listening to Eddie just now you learned the difference between two things pertaining to something you don't even really do. You just loved to listen to Eddie talk, especially about things he loves and is passionate about.
Every tangent he went on, every venting episode he's had, every weird conversation about things that could or could not exist—you listened. You were fascinated by his words, his way of speaking, it was possible you could listen to his voice for hours.
"I see, so is the one used with the cigar also tobacco?" You asked, picking it up yourself from his fingers and examining it.
"Mmm, yeah it's a tobacco leaf that is used to smoke tobacco. But someone got creative and freaky and decided to try something else. You know, I always wanted to try to smoke out of like a plant. That'd be cool." He said, and you smiled and laughed a little as he bumped you with his shoulder.
"Now give it back before you hurt yourself." He jokes, taking it from you and you roll your eyes.
"Whatever, I'm a big girl I can handle myself." You rolled your eyes and rested your forearms on the cold marble slab.
"I'm sure you can sweetheart."
You just smiled, and bumped him back decided to sit and watch him roll this next one. Everyone sort of made their way around the house, everyone doing their own thing or settling in before everyone starts to drink and relax.
"Hey, can we order pizza?"
-- ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ --
It was 8pm by the time everyone settled down into the couches, picking A Nightmare On Elm Street to watch, two blunts being passed around as well as red solo cups on each person. Everyone was chatting, laughing, and overall feeling really good being all together in each others presence. Nancy and Steve sat in a pair, as well as Jonathan and Argyle, leaving you, Eddie and Robin on the other couch.
You sat on the side of the couch where the armrest was, Eddie sitting next to you, and Robin decided to sit in front of the couch rather than on the couch after the first death in the movie. You smiled at her childlike position, almost sitting directly in front of the TV. You got passed the blunt from Argyle, him saying something about how tight this strain of weed was, not really registering gin your head because to you, weed was weed.
"Blue dream, never heard of it?" A voice came from next to you as you breathed in the smoke, the THC coating your lungs.
"I thought it was just weed," You choked out, finally exhaling and pulling another drag, respecting the rules of the rotation.
Eddie watched as you inhaled the second puff, passing it to him and he grabbed it from between your fingers, lingering a little to graze your skin. Everyone already got comfortable, everyone sitting in their respective PJs. You, sitting in a pair of fluffy shorts with a black tank top, still tight and still making your tits sit pretty without a bra.
Eddie didn't go without noticing, especially when the room is dark and the only light is emulating from the TV and small lights hanging above it.
Eddie hit the blunt twice, passing it to Robin who reaches back to grab it.
"Let Eddie do his marijuana 101 class, again," he said, scooting a little closer with his blanket.
Now you noticed him, his long hair and his wide brown eyes that still seemed wide even after being high. Your eyes on the otherhand feel lazy, low and dazed, still searching his face for new features you never noticed. Like his small moles peppered in weird places, a small light one placed right on the cupids bow of his lip.
"A weed strain is basically just a classification of the plant's makeup. So what makes weed, weed. It's like when animals breed, if an animal bred with another species. If that makes sense. Honestly, I'm kind of stoned out of my mind so. Just know every strain is different, and I talk a lotttt when I'm high, so." He summed up, feeling a little embarrassed about his whispered rambling. Everyone else was glued onto the TV screen, the score of the movie louder than the two of you.
"Mm, so you're a weed know -it-all?" You teased, your legs bent sideways to get more comfortable into the couch.
"Something like that." he said, his tone not really lighthearted anymore. He was too distracted watching you. Maybe it was the weed, but he truly couldn't focus on anything but you.
The conversation ends there, leaving you to focus back on the screen as Freddy attacks again. But as Eddie scopes out the room, the only people even awake at this moment was you, Eddie, Argyle and Nancy.
Robin ended up falling asleep on the floor after you all finished the first blunt, Steve is laid up on Nancy as she bats her eyes open, visibly fighting her sleep, and Argyle is still puffing clouds as the second blunt starts to get smaller and smaller.
The room is smokey, a little claustrophobic but not noticeable through your high, and Argyle passes it back to you so you can take another two hits from it. While you smoke, your mind starts to drift to think about the guy sitting next to you in his guitar printed pajama pants and black t-shirt, his usual silver chain sitting on his sternum.
You were able to see most of him through your peripheral vision, his hands resting on his own lap, his chest rising and falling, and the way his legs are spread while he's slumped against the cushion now.
You thought about you and him being the only people in the room, crawling on top of him and letting your ass press against him. You wanted him in the dirtiest ways right now and you felt the weed and little bit of alcohol you drank in your system. You felt incredibly needy for him, thinking of sinful thoughts while he's right next to you. You felt crazy, almost silly, you wanted to laugh at yourself.
"You okay, sweetheart?" He whispered lowly, weed and vodka on his breath, still not enough to make you repulsed. You didn't notice you were completely staring at his lips and jaw, not until you shook your head slightly and smiled.
"Yeah, m' sorry, got distracted.": You confessed, shifting your legs to lay across his lap. You needed some sort of contact, you didn't care what it was. You knew it would never go further than this, so you're allowed to dwell in it a little more.
"I need to stretch, you don't mind?" Like he'd say yes.
"Not at all, stretch as you please ma'am." He grinned, placing his arms to rest on your shins as he passed the blunt in Nancys direction, when she decided to tap out. Eddie reached and handed it to Argyle, letting him finish whatever was left.
"Yo dudes... I'm.. stonedddd." Argyle whispered and laughed, making you giggle at his tolerance as if him and Eddie didn't have the highest tolerance of the group.
"Me too," You agreed, looking at Eddie who smiled with squinted eyes, nodding in agreement.
"I need to take a wazz. Be right back," Argyle said, getting him from his sat position next to Jonathan's sleeping figure and goig to the restroom.
You glanced over at Nancy, and sure enough she's passed out, leaning against Steve under a blanket. It was just you and Eddie. but no words were said. Your body wasn't facing the TV anymore, instead your body faced Eddie since your legs laid on his.
"You feel okay?" He asked, his large, warm hand going to rub your leg, squeezing occasionally. You almost squirmed, his touch sent a sense of energy through you, straight to your core.
"Yeah, yeah, I am. What about you? My legs aren't too heavy for you?" You teased, resting your head against the couch cushion next to you.
"Mm, you could never be too heavy for me sweetheart. Bet I could lift you up and carry you where you needed to go." He said, squeezing your calf. Eddie tip toed around you, never exposing his truth to you or anyone, but everyone saw it. Nancy saw, Robin saw, hell even the guys saw how crazy Eddie was for you.
"I wouldn't be so confident about that. I weigh waaaay more than Chrissy Cunningham, sir. The girls you've been with were easy to pick up, I might be a bit of a challenge." You teased, and you felt his hand inch up towards the thickness of your bare thighs. You didn't know how to tell him to stop unless he wanted you on top of him.
"I"m Eddie Munson, sweet girl. I never shy away from a challenge, even though picking you up wouldn't be a challenge for me." The real challenge was picking you up and not holding you against a wall so he can slide in and out of you.
"How did you know I slept with Chrissy? That was like, sophomore year." He asked, genuinely curious.
Because of social statuses, Chrissy wanted to put it to the side, she said some things just weren't meant for other peoples eyes. But it didn't stop her from coming around Eddie in public, it just made Eddie more weary about sleeping with her. He felt better with her as his friend rather than fuck buddy simply because, Chrissy wasn't his type. Physically yes, but emotionally, no. He thought she was gorgeous, but he couldn't keep his attention her, or any other girl for that matter.
There was only you.
"I think I paid more attention to you than you did me. I know I was like, in the shadows and shit, so I don't blame you for like, not noticing me. But yeah, I saw her hanging around you a lot and then well, word gets around in the girls' bathroom." You confessed, your eyes still on his as his hand rested on your thigh, closer to your knee.
"And what was this word that was getting around, hm?" he asked, moving one hand to run through his hair.
"That you and Chrissy were like, a thing. Or that you guys hooked up a lot. Things of that nature." You admitted, looking down at your fingers then glancing back at him.
There was a pause of silence, and you started to feel like maybe you overstepped. Who are you to comment on his sex life? You're just friends!
"I did notice you." he said, moving his body to lean into you more, scooting closer to you on the couch with your legs still on top of his thighs.
"You don't have to lie Eddie, if it wasn't for Nancy I don't think we'd even be talking right now." You said, noticing his close proximity now.
Before he could reply, Argyle comes out of the restroom yawning, the room still completely dark so you couldn't see Eddie staring at you intently.
"I'm soo sleepy my dudes, I think I'm gonna hit the sack." He said and you move your legs from Eddie's lap and stand up so they can all start to rearrange themselves. Everyone slowly starts to wake up, still stoned, but now passing each other pillows and blankets. Eddie on the other hand, is stuck.
"I will see you guys in the morning, I'll be in my room if anyone needs me. Goodnight," you said and they all lazily murmured goodnight in unison.
You could just feel Eddie's eyes burning into your back, until you disappear upstairs and enter your room. You practically throw yourself against the bed, immediately shutting your eyes and squeezing your legs. You inhale and exhale, then remove your shorts to get comfortable and crawling inside your blankets.
Eddie, was forced to sleep on the floor with Jonathan and Argyle. Steve and Nancy took the couch with the ottoman so they could both fit, and Robin refused to sleep on the floor so she took the other couch. But as everyone around him fell back asleep, Eddie's eyes stayed open.
He couldn't stop thinking about you, he couldn't stop thinking about the fact that he wanted you more than anything, even just to be next to. He would never do anything to make you uncomfortable, he would never overstep, all he needed was to even be in your presence and he's completely satisfied.
But an hour went by. Then two hours, and then three. By the time Eddie started to feel his bladder fill up, it was one in the morning and still not a wink of sleep.
He knew that the only restroom there was is the one two doors from your room, upstairs. So he forced himself to get up, and trudge upstairs, past your room and into the restroom but the minute he walked in, the urge to pee was gone. He was too distracted, looking at himself in the mirror wondering if he should act on his impulses or not.
"It's not like you two never shared a bed before." He whispered to himself, looking back at the time you two had to bunk together at Will's house. But, at the time feelings and emotions weren't the focus.
He shook himself out of it, breathed in and out, and told himself it's just two friends sleeping in the same bed, if you even said yes.
A knock woke you out of your sleep, your eyes still squinted, the weed somehow hitting harder after a few hours of sleep.
"Mmm, who is it?" Your voice strained, sleep coating it making it hard for Eddie to hear.
"Uh, it's Eddie." He whispered yelled and you kind of got more alert, but didn't stop yourself from telling him to come in. The only light in the room after he shut the door behind him was the pink lava lamp on your bedside table. You saw him in pink through the blurriness of your vision, you sitting up on your elbow to see him.
"I, uh, couldn't sleep. Floor's uncomfortable. You think I can crash with you?" He asked, his hands behind his back. You didn't really think about it, you weren't uncomfortable or anything. You knew he was your friend and you thought you knew that there was no attraction on his end.
"Yeah, but um, I don't have shorts on so, just.. yeah." You were just too sleepy to explain yourself, hoping he'd get the hint that if he wasn't okay with it you weren't going to put them on, and he can leave.
"Don't mind me. Live your truth," He whispered, smiling and going to the other side of the bed to lift the sheets and crawl in with you. Your bed was pretty big, but you were a bigger girl so you could kinda feel the heat of his body against you.
Eddie faced your back, his head now against your pillows, in your bed, and he was in love with the smell. You smelled of coconuts and some kind of floral fragrance, and he basked in it the entire time he laid next to you.
"Are you awake?" He poked you and you sighed
"Yes Edward, I am awake." You moaned.
What could he possibly want right now? It's not that you were annoyed, you just wanted to go to sleep as fast as possible so you would forget you had Eddie fucking Munson in your bed.
"What's your favorite band?" he asked and you smiled to yourself, his randomness was also something that never failed to make you smile.
"Guess." You told him, knowing he probably wouldn't know, but it'd be worth a try.
But he knew, he knew exactly what your favorite band. He would listen to the songs that came out of your walk-man since you played it loud enough to hear.
"Sisters of Mercy." He said in a sure voice, and you were taken aback.
No one truly knew your music taste, you weren't one to play the music when you had guests over or friends to hang out with. He practically left you speechless, and you then thought about what else he knew about you that you don't remember mentioning to him. There was a small silence, something you took for granted as you tried to wonder how he knew. Almost like reading your mind and noticing your body shifting, he spoke.
"I noticed you." He said, moving his hands to rest under his cheek. He just kept his eyes on your back, taking advantage of the fact that your eyes weren't on him.
"What?" You said confused, more awake than ever now. Your eyes were almost popping out of your head the way you stared down the wall across from you.
"You said I didn't notice you and that I was lying. But I did notice you. I don't know how you never knew but I had the biggest fucking crush on you for like, ever. Maybe even since middle school. Which is kind of weird since we never talked? But, you were just like, woah," He said, his heart beating against the wall of his chest. It all spilled out like word vomit, he couldn't stop but also didn't want to stop.
"You're just so fucking pretty. Like do you understand how gorgeous you are? Not just to me but to everyone with a fucking brain?" This one was foreign to you, you were so frozen that Eddie was actually telling you that you were gorgeous. You kind of forgot how to breathe, especially with being able to just feel his presence next to you.
"Eds.. You don't actually like me do you? Like, I really didn't think that was ever even an option to consider." You insisted but he just kind of laughed it off behind you.
"I've liked you for a long time sweetheart, you're perfect to me. I really just want to shrink you so I can carry you in my pocket with me everywhere. I never not want to be around you. I only ever feel alive, or real when you look at me."
Eddie needed you to know now and spoke in a more serious manner, before he lives until he's 95 thinking about what could've been if he had went into your room to confess to you. He knew it was a big reach to assume you'd be receptive and feel the same way, but who was Eddie Munson without his lack of shame?
"Me too." You whispered, now Eddie was the frozen one.
"What was that?" He asked. He needed the clarification before he exploded, because if you meant what he thinks you meant, he didn't know what he'd do.
"I've liked you too. I think about you a lot honestly," You bit your lip and gripped your pillow, shifting your body. You could practically hear your heartbeat in the silence of the room.
"What?" He asked again, so you said it again.
"Eddie, I like you too. I want you too, and have for a while." Still facing the wall you just wait to hear his voice again.
"You, want me?" He whispered, lowly this time and you started to blush. Grateful he wasn't looking at you, you let yourself get a bit embarrassed. Confessing you've wanted him, thee Eddie Munson who could pretty much have whoever he wanted.
"I've wanted you forever. I was actually jealous of Chrissy. I kind of thought you'd never really go for someone who looked like me, so I kinda just kept my head down around you. It seemed like you always had someone to entertain yourself with and the someone in question were always like, skinny girls. Or fit girls. I didn't think, I don't know I feel like you saw me as more of one of the guys or something." You rambled and waited for his response. There was just silence, and you knew maybe he wasn't serious like you were. You had just confessed to wanting him and he wasn't saying anything.
Until you felt him scoot closer, and putting his hand at the curve of your waist. His hand caressed your side, feeling and almost massaging at your rolls and moving his hand to go towards your stomach.
"You don't have shit to be jealous about Chrissy. Size doesn't matter to me, I think you're fucking sexy. I'd rather see you dance around in that little cheer outfit, I'd rather see you in my bed," He said without a trace of goofiness.
He was serious, and he was starting to get hot and bothered by touching you. He gets closer and practically presses himself against you, his hands and fingers moving over your bare thighs to your side, to your stomach.
He was gripping and massaging and feeling all of you and you loved it. You even started to put your arm over his, letting it follow his as he feels your body under his touch. His hand covered a lot and he was able to grip almost all of you everywhere, and he was taking pleasure in having you this close to him, all to himself.
"I'd choose you a thousand times over. You don't know how bad I've fucking craved to see you, all of you. How I wished to be the asshole you were kissing in the hallways, how I've wanted to feel you like this for years." He kept going, tugging at your panties as you started to move your hips to grind into his hardening cock, and he groaned softly.
"Eddie, please. I, I need you. Want you inside, please," You whimpered and he moaned at the feeling of your ass rubbing into him, squeezing your side and putting his chin on your shoulder to see your tits from that angle. He wanted to see your face, to see your entire body, but for right now he can wait.
"You are so precious, baby. Look at you, grinding into me, who are you right now?" He breathed against your neck, his hand starting to move under your shirt and towards your panties.
"Do you want me like this, princess?" He asked you, tapping closer and closer to your mound.
"Yes, Eddie, I fucking want it please, please," You begged him, moving your legs and hips to try to get closer to his fingers.
"These panties are so cute baby, these polka dots?" He teased, moving your panties down enough with one hand to access your wet core.
You felt a little embarrassed at your granny panties but he loved them. Anything you were in, he loved. You could be wearing a prison jumpsuit and he'd think you were gorgeous, and innocent.
"Mmph, if I knew you were going to confess your love to me and start touching me, I would've wore different ones," You admitted, rushing to get your sentence out because before you know it his fingers were indulging in your wetness, feeling how warm you were and how fat your cunt was, coating his fingers before slowly rubbing your nub that he found easily. He loved every part of you, and feeling how you felt on his fingers, he knew he was going to be obsessed with you.
"Is that right? You have 'fuck me' panties hm?" He taunted and moved his fingers faster as you moved against his body and rubbed against his boner even more.
"Ed-Eddie, you, fuuck oh my god, how- fuck what the fuck," You moaned, trying to moan quietly so no one wakes up and remembers in the morning.
"I kind of like these though. Not kind of, I like them a lot." He confessed and watched you as you whined and squirmed against his body, against his fingers.
"Love the way your ass looks in these, just so fucking sexy,"
"You feel, s-so good. Don't stop, please," You said in a breathy moan, and honestly he almost painted his boxers with his cum.
"You are going to drive me fucking crazy like this, baby," He groaned against your neck and you started to feel your orgasm creep up on you the minute he pushes two of his thick, tattooed fingers inside of your dripping hole.
"Oh fuck, look at you, you're doing so good for me taking my fingers like that. You are so fucking intoxicating, princess." He groaned as you felt him push his pelvis into the cheek of your ass.
"You see what you do to me? You make me go feral," He said and you decided to take the hand that was gripping Eddie's wrist, and reach behind you to find your way into his pants, grabbing his hard on and gently stroking, making him start to blank out.
Eddie actually seems to forget everything around him but you, and loses every thought he ever hand as he feels your wrap try to grip him firmly so your hand could be fully grasping it. But without ever seeing Eddie's cock, you can just feel how big it was. He wasn't just big, he was thick and you were admittedly scared.
"Wait, Eds, I-" The minute you said wait his hand stopped, leaving your core and instead going to your side as he lifted himself up to see you fully. You rolled onto your back after taking your hand away from him and he searched your face worriedly.
"Are you okay? Did I do too much? I'm sorry I-" He started to apologize and you just wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down, meeting your lips with his.
The minute your lips touch you know in your gut you'd never be able to kiss anyone else and have it feel the same as it does right now. Maybe you really were in love with him because you'd never felt like this before.
"No, you didn't do anything wrong. I want more, and i want you, it's just," You hesitated, wondering if the words that were going to come out of your mouth were going to scare him into not going further.
"You can talk to me, baby. I just told you how much I've always thought about you and looked at you which is borderline stalking. I'll listen." He pokes fun, his hand resting on top of your stomach.
The blankets were practically thrown off when Eddie decided to take your panties to your mid thigh, so now you lie there with your panties pulled back up and your tank top now showing your midriff.
"I'm, technically I'm like, a virgin." You confessed and his eyes went wide involuntarily, which made you cringe. You knew it'd be weird. Almost 19, graduating high school very soon, and not as much as a single guy fingering you ever.
"Like, fully? You've never done anything?" He asked, not a lick of judgement on his tongue.
"No, just, I mean I've obviously touched myself before," You begin and he opens his mouth.
"Obviously," He teased, like he was able to tell. You slapped his chest and laughed, shaking your head.
"Shut up," You said and continued, "I've just never let anyone go that far with me, and trust me there was never much of a line of guys to choose from either." You said and his hand went up to your face, touching your cheek and moving your frizzy hair from your face.
"We don't have to do anything you don't want to do." He reassured and you rested your hand against his, looking into his eyes.
"It's not that. I really want to. Like really, especially with you. Only if you're okay with being my first." You said and he almost looked shocked.
You were really asking him if he'd be okay taking your virginity, as if he'd ever say no. Anyone else, he'd say no. Too much emotional baggage for both parties honestly, he felt. But you, here you were just after riding his fingers, in a pair of panties and a thin measly tank top, saying you want him to be your first.
"If I'm okay with it? Only if you're okay with it, and only if this isn't a one time thing. Because I think I'm already obsessed with you and actually seeing you with someone else after this is going to send me to the psych ward." He said seriously, tapping your cheek with his pointer finger.
You loved it. You love the fact that there was this mutual attraction and mutual pining, but it made your core throb knowing he really only wanted you. That he'd lose his mind seeing you with someone else.
You don't answer him, instead you take his fingers from your cheek with your hand, grabbing the same two that were inside of you and teased them around your lips, your tongue poking out to act as if your lips were around his cock.
He couldn't believe what he was watching, how you swirled your tongue around his finger tips and ended up coating them with your spit, sucking on them and licking.
"You, you're-" He tried to spit out but nothing. His head was fucking empty except for this image burned into his mind, and he felt your teeth graze his knuckles as you took them from your mouth.
"I don't know how else to say it, Eddie. I need you." He wasted absolutely no time, diving down to your chest to kiss over your neck and collarbones. He ends up crawling on top of you and spreading your legs open with his knees so he can get between your legs.
"So that means no one's ever eaten this pretty pussy out before?" He asked against your chest, moving his hands up your shirt to your breasts that look absolutely mouth watering when you're on your back. And in general. Eddie just really loved boobs.
"No, I've never let anyone." You responded as he lifted your shirt up releasing your boobs from their confinement and enjoying the way they looked under this pink glow in the room.
"You want me to baby? Cus I reaaaally want to. Like reaaaally, reaaaaaally want to," He said as he brought his face closer to yours.
"I want you to eat me out, please Eddie." You begged in a whisper against his lips. You felt yourself clenching on nothing, still wet from having his fingers inside of you.
"Thank God," He breathed and started to kiss down your boobs, pushing them together with his hands and sucking gently on the skin around your nipples.
"You are so fucking sexy. I'm, fuck you are just, mmpfh," He grunted as he smothered his face in your chest, motor-boating you as you ran your fingers through you hair.
He plays with your tits for a bit, pinching and flicking and sucking your nipple until he makes his way down your stomach. He leaves kisses down every inch of you, gripping you and your stomach as he made his way down between your legs.
"I thought about you, um, like that a lot. I wanted to know how your lips felt on me." You confessed as you stuffed pillows behind your back so you're sitting up a little to see him. He almost felt his cock grow harder after you said that, making him rub gently against the bed.
"Yeah? My sweet girl thinkin' of me eating this pretty ass pussy, thinkin' of my tongue all over you? Is that right?" He asked as he rubbed his pointer finger over the wet spot on your panties, caressing your mound and the outline of your lips.
"I, yes fuck, yes I was. I always thought of, of how you'd feel inside me. I would-" You stopped yourself from saying too much as he continued to rub against your clothed pussy.
"Would what, baby?" He asked, moving his finger to the edge of your panties and running over the fat of your thigh.
"I, I would touch myself. To you." You confessed and Eddie almost fainted. He genuinely felt light headed as he started to picture you in this bed, your hand between those pretty pussy lips and dipping inside your heat.
"In this bed?" He asked, moving his head to kiss and nibble on your inner thigh.
"Yes, here, right here."
"Let me take these off for you baby," he said grabbing the hem of your panties and dragging them down. You lift your hips up and let him slide them off, opening your legs again do his face is right in front of your pussy. He honestly loved the hair you had, his hands going to tug in it.
"M' sorry, I haven't shaved in a bit," You confessed, looking down at him between your legs as his eyes looked up.
"You think I care baby? Love this shit, you're so fucking perfect. I bet you taste better than you look," He groaned as immediately moved his hand to take two fingers and spread your heat to expose your clit and hole.
"Look at this, fuck I'm trying not to bust right now, you are soaked. It's all for me angel?" He asked, rubbing his fingers along your slit and you're almost sat up with your knees bent, so your tits are pushed together and kind of in your face as you squirm and moan
"All for you Eddie, please. You make me so fucking wet," You confessed and threw your head back when his tongue laid flat on your clit.
"Fuck, Eddie oh my god," you moaned, leaning back more to push your mound into his face and he noticed. He let you push up to suffocate him with your pussy. He pulled away with a large breath.
"Don't be shy, baby. You want me to eat you out? Make me do it, ride my face if you want to, push my head into this pretty pussy. I will die by this fucking pussy, princess." He growled, looking into your eyes as you whimpered and nodded.
He smiled, kissing your inner thigh before going back to licking and suck at your clit before entering his two fingers.
You don't hold back with your moans, or the force your putting into grinding your cunt into his face.
"Baby, please please don't stop, fu-fuck it feels so good please," You cried, his eyes never leaving yours as he slurps and licks all your juices.
He was in heaven, there was nothing that could compare to watching you losing your mind over his tongue. He wanted you to feel good, to feel sexy, to feel loved. He needed you to know there was no one he'd rather do this with.
He just kept going, pumping his fingers in and out slowly, kissing over your pussy lips just to go back to licking you from your clit to your hole. Eddie kept lapping at your hole as he finger fucked you, then went up to your clit with his tongue and used his other hand to rub your clit and lick at the same time.
"Eddie, baby, I think you're gon-gonna make me cum," you said, placing your hands on either side of his head as he watched your eyebrows furrow and eyes fight to stay open so you could watch him as you cum.
You were a mess at this point, your pussy was glistening under the pink glow, your juices were all over his lips and chin, leaking down your ass.
"Give it to me baby, let me watch you cum on my fingers," he said after he pulled away, moving to rub your clit and finger you at the same time.
"I'm cumming, fuck fuck fuck, Eddieee," You cried out as you dragged his name. The pressure in your lower stomach reached its hilt, making you clench and arch your body as you came undone. You tried to close your legs to press your thighs together except Eddie held them open as he watched you tremble and your legs shake.
"Oh baby, I could watch you all fucking day, every day. My pretty girl, all fucking mine," he said, licking up your cum as you flinch from the sensitivity.
"All yours?" You asked in a breath, and he removed himself from between your legs to stand up.
He stands on your side of the bed and undresses himself, removing his shirt to show his inked skin and your eyes followed his tattooed fingers to his pajama pants, pulling both his pants and boxers down.
Your eyes were glued on his cock, at a loss for words seeing it bob up and down being freed from his clothes. The tip even looked red in this lighting, and you could see a bit of precum coat it. You admired the veins and the length, the way it jerked and how thick he was. You didn't know if you'd be able to take all of him for your first time, but seeing him stand there naked made you even more wet, feeling that same horniness all over again.
You sat up and reached towards him after getting on your knees, and you pull him down on the bed, making your way to straddle his hips with your bare cunt against his shaft.
"Fuck, princess what are you doing?" He asked, grabbing a pillow to put behind his head so he could see you straddling him and slowly moving your hips against him to coat his cock in your wetness.
"I want it like this, wanna take my time," You moaned, kind of nervous to put your hands on his chest to hold up your weight, so you just took your shirt off and kind of rested your hands on your thighs as you grined into him a bit. He just watched as you basically took control.
"Get comfortable baby, put your hands on my chest," He said, almost reading your mind.
"I'm too heavy Eds, I'll literally break your sternum." You joked and he squeezed your bare hips harshly.
"I wasn't asking, pretty girl. Now let me see how you want me, show me," He encouraged, softly smacking your ass as you reluctantly placed your hands on his chest, but not before running over all of his tattoos and his abdomen.
"You're so pretty, Eds. I love looking at you." You murmured, kind of sitting on his cock now. You traced the lines of the different tattoos, then leaned down and started kissing them one by one.
"Fuck, you're gonna kill me, sweetheart," He said as he gripped your bare ass tighter, trying to contain himself as he feels your wetness against him. He couldn't accept the fact that you were naked on top of him, that he was able to move and grope your tits as they rested at their natural position, that he could see all of you.
"Can I put it inside?" You asked, moving your hands to his chest and situating your body further up so you can maneuver and slide him inside of you.
You noticed how your stomach kind of touch his even though you were far from leaning against him, realizing now you're bare naked on top of him, as he is bare naked below you. You weren't self conscious, just very aware of everything but didn't let it stop you. You wanted him and you were going to have him.
"You can do whatever you want with me baby, I'd do anything you tell me to do." He said, watching as you lifted yourself up and grabbed his cock, stifling a groan, and pressing your tip against your hole.
"Will it hurt?" You asked, feeling the pressure and tightness as his tip teased you.
"We don't have to do it like this baby, you can be my pillow princess and I'll do all the work," He said. He wanted you to relax and have nothing to worry about, not wanting to overwork yourself when he can make you feel equally as good without you making yourself uncomfortable.
"No. This is how I want it. Wanna feel you fill me up like this." You said and leaned on your hands that were on his chest, and slowly started to sink onto him. He was going in and out of consciousness practically, hearing you talk like this was so foreign to him but he wanted more of it.
He felt like he was disassociating, you were so enchanting on top of him, so attention grabbing—he was having a hard time trying to focus on your moans when he's watching the way all of you in your glory.
Inch after inch you felt that fullness you craved, making your eyes shut and your mouth hang open as Eddie takes it in. The confidence you had with being on top made him wonder what else you liked, what else you've always wanted to try, anything you've thought about. He wanted to know it all.
He can't even form a single word. Never in his life had he felt someone so wet, so tight, and all for him. He was going to ruin you and you fucking knew it, he wanted to live in this moment forever with you. He wanted to rewatch you sink onto him for the very first time ever. Eddie forced himself to stay still as you took your time adjusting to his length and girth, heavy breathing and panting as you stopped half way.
He let you do what you needed to do, and enjoyed the scene as you rested your hands against his chest and took in a deep, shaky breath.
"I, I just need a minute," You said with your voice wavering, holding yourself still for a few seconds then starting to move your hips up and down slowly on his shaft.
"Fuck, fuuuuck, are you kidding me," Eddie breathed as he watched you slowly ride him, his eyes focused on the way your tits hung in his face and how your pussy was engulfing his cock like a vacuum sealer. His hands went to grope your tits, playing with your nipples as you bounced on him. He just knew your body almost immediately, and you didn't even know it was possible to want him even more.
He loved the way your tummy looked, how your hips looked in this position, the way your thighs tensed under his touch as you rode. Every curve, every roll, every stretch mark he drank it in. You were so plush, so full, and he was in love.
"I, oh my god," You moaned, getting used to the size and the twinge of pain as you tried to speedup the movement, only stopping half way. You knew it'd be too much to try right now, you wanted to feel him stretch you out without too much pain.
"Wait, fuck, wait," He hissed and squeezed your hips, throwing his head back as you wait.
"Are you okay?" You asked and he looked at you with an almost angry look.
"I, I was gonna cum. You're just, fuck, you could tell me you think I'm sexy and I'd cum." He said and smiled. You waited and he finally gave you the greenlight, and this time you decide to sink onto him completely. You needed to feel all of him, to feel him reach your cervix, to feel what it's like to not be a virgin anymore. And you needed Eddie to be the one to experience all of it with you.
"I think you're so sexy, Eddie," you teased as you sunk down on him again, watching him grab your body and tits.
"Oh fuck, Eddie, fuck you're so big," You moaned, sitting completely on him as he hissed and watched as his cock disappeared inside of you.
Another thing he loved was your mouth, and the dirty things you'd tell him while he was inside of you. Eddie was so surprised you wanted him bare, raw, he didn't even know if you were on birth control or had any condoms. But he didn't care.
He felt all of you, he felt you clench and squeeze your walls as you softly bounced on his cock, and he felt himself getting near his release for the second time. But he could only watch you bounce on him for so long before he bends his knees and pushes you to his chest so that your bare chest is against his, and wraps his arms around your waist.
"Let me make you feel good, baby. Let me take what's mine. You're all fucking mine." He repeated in your ear as he began to thrust inside you repeatedly at a steady pace, rough but careful, something that makes you start to feel your build up again. He wanted to remind you that you were his and he was yours, and will always be that way.
"M' yours Eddie, please, I'm yours," you sobbed into his shoulder, feeling him stretch you out and reach inside your guts. It was almost a little painful as he fucked into you from the bottom, but you soon began to love it because it was Eddie.
Eddie was making you feel this way, you made Eddie feel that way, everything about this made you want to keep it for yourself forever. You loved how he held you right now, you loved the way he fit inside you and how he made you feel so sexy being filled up by him. You were unable to even acknowledge your reality, it was just you and him in this moment and that's all that mattered for you.
Eddie wasn't holding back anymore like he did. He simply couldn't, not with feeling how tight and how needy you were for him, how your cries sounded in the silence of your room. He wanted to ruin you but wanted to love you. He felt he could do both, so he did.
"Eddie, Eddie fuck oh my god you feel so fucking good," You cried out and he spanked you.
"Yeah? Fuck baby, this pussy was made just for me. Been my missing piece," He said as the sweat built up on his forehead.
His moans were loud and deep, he groaned every time you clenched your walls as he fucked into you. You couldn't describe the sounds the two of you made together, it was pure pornography. You loved the way Eddie was so vocal with you, you could cum to his voice if you wanted to, and before you'd never even imagine him talking dirty with you.
"You're gonna make me fucking cum, sweetheart." He admitted, hooking his arms under your thighs and lifting his hips up, fucking into you like that so you're limp and fulling depending on him to hold you up.
"Mm, fuck, fuck fuck Eddie, I'm cumming for you, I'm gonna cum," You pleaded, your vision blurring as you felt that rubber band snap inside of you, forcing you to release and cum all over his cock as he kept thrusting inside of you chasing his high.
"Where do you want me to cum, sweet girl?" He asked as he felt your cunt squeeze him, refusing to let him go.
"In me, inside, fill me please, pretty fucking please," You cried as you rode out your high, but the way he kept fucking you even after you cried had you whining and moaning louder than you wanted to be, so you moved your head and bit down on Eddie's shoulder.
"Oh fuck," He groaned, the feeling of your teeth sunken into his skin as he was about to cum made him have an out of body experience, him thrusting a few more times as he painted your walls white while your hips stuttered against his.
Your teeth stay clamped onto his shoulder, his arms resting you back to your original position, his cock still buried inside you and your tits pressed into his chest. Eddie had his head thrown back as he tried to catch his breath, and he was undoubtedly aware that he was still resting inside you as you finally decided to release your bite and press your cheek against his shoulder.
"You bit me?" He asked, his hands resting on your back as he moved them to caress your skin. He rubbed over your back, your rolls, and the top of your ass as his chest hummed against your body.
"Sorry," You said shyly.
"I felt it was better than waking the whole house up," You finished and he chuckled, your body moving with his.
"Don't apologize. Apparently it's a very big turn on from me now, but I think only when you do it. Makes me feel like I did a good job, like I said I get performance anxiety with you," He joked and you smiled against his chest.
"Thank you. I don't think my first time could've been any better," You murmured. You felt your sleepiness creep up on you again and felt almost defeated by it because you didn't even bother to move after laying on top of him.
"Next time, I'm on top." He said and you moved to lift your head so you could look at his pretty face. It was a bit sweaty, but still in a daze of sex and pleasure.
"Whatever you want, I just want to be the only one you're on top of." You said and he stretched his neck to see your face.
"Always, baby. You're mine now, I'm literally never letting you go." He said and kissed the top of your head as you moved your head back to lay on his chest and listen to his heartbeat.
That's how the two of you fell asleep—naked, you laying on top of him, and in your bed, hoping that this turns into more than you say it is.
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yoo whats up i have a request for you, poly ghostface x male reader who has quite the similar personality to stu, but the reader is a metalhead, especially into death metal. he has like hella long hair and a massive cd stash (maybe even a pot stash too..) i dont really mind if it takes place before or during the kills, but billy & stu are like highly intrigued by all of the gorey album covers + shirts and how he's a bit gore obsessed. thanks my dude
Billy Loomis x Stu Macher x male reader
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I haven’t written for these two in a while, sorry it took a while for me to answer this request lmao.
-          Now in the beginning the three of you probably weren’t friends, maybe you were Stus friend since you have such similar personalities, and that you are kinda an outsider being a metalhead in a town like Woodsboro.
-          There is definingly a lot who looks down on you for how you dress, how long your hair is, or your interest in the darker things like horror movies, dark cd covers, etc.
-          But as you get closet to Stu by extension you get closer to Billy, and in the beginning, Billy would just put up with being around you, since he and Stu are most likely already dating, and Stu seems to really like you.
-          Then they visit your place and see just how cool your room is, with your huge collection of CDs, band t-shirts, posters and alike. Billy would immediately be interested in your CDs with darker covers, if I remember correctly there’s even covers out there with real bodies on them, so if you had those Billy would find them very cool.
 -          So, you end up close to both of them, and as time passes it develops into more. It would probably be Stu who fell for you first, and at some point, Billy reluctantly admits he’s fallen for you too.
-          You would not pick up on any of their attempts at flirting since your kinda daft at times, but that’s okay, they like that about you. They would start out more subtle with their flirting, at least Billy would, I don’t think Stu has a subtle bone in his body when it comes to people he likes.
-          When you just think they’re extra friendly no matter how much they try to give you hints, cuz it’s the 90s so just telling a guy you like em probably isn’t that easy, even though Billy and Stu are already together, they both wanna bang their heads against the wall.
-          I could imagine it finally clicking one night when the three of you are smoking together, using the stuff you have, so your all kinda high, and I get the feeling Stu is the giddy giggly kind, whilst Billy is more the calm and thinking kinda high.
-          You would be laying with your lap in Stu’s lap as he plays with your hair, the guy talking about how pretty it is and asking what kinda soap you use to get it this soft.
-          Then at some point Stu would just look at you and state that he really wants to kiss you, and since you are also high and have had feelings for the two you jokingly tell him to go for it.
 -          Stu being well, Stu, leans down and kisses you. You kiss him back just as enthusiastically, arms thrown around his neck and pulling him down till Stu is also bent in half cuz your still in his lap.
-          Billy just sits and watches as you go from kissing to full on making out, and before the three of you know it, you’re sitting in Stu’s lap and his hands are up your shirt. At some point Billy scoots his way over, pushes your hair to the side and kisses your neck.
-          Pulling back from the kiss, Stu confesses in a very Stu kinda way, aka he just says, “I love you man, I wanna be your boyfriend” and you just say you love him too, and Billy. Billy just chuckles a little and says he loves you guys too, and the rest is history.
-          The three of you wouldn’t be out to the public about being together, seeing as Billy and Stu weren’t out before, but you get “friendlier” aka you start hanging out with them more between classes, you wrap an arm around each other or lean against one another, those kinda things,
 -          When the killings happen, you are one of the top suspects, because you are an outsider and weirdo to the townspeople. You end up having a good alibi though, having been at work in the record and CD shop in town.
-          It doesn’t stop the rumors though and people look down on you even more than usual, but Billy and Stu stay.
-          I have a feeling you would discover they were the killers, and right when they worry about having to kill you or you freaking out, you just give them a lazy grin and ask to join.
-          They fall in love with you even more and now there are three ghostfaces, I could see you listening to music when killing too, which Billy tells you not to do, but Stu will sit beside you and listen to it too between killings.
-          A night of massacres always ends up with the three back at one of your guys places, cuddling and maybe smoking and maybe more If you are all in the mood.
-          You end up converting them to like your kind of music, so Billy and Stu can regularly be caught borrowing CDs from your collection, or adding more of their own when they find some you don’t already have.
-          You’re a group of murder boyfriends who are all stupidly sweet on each other, and Billy has the braincell for the most part, but he loves you guys anyways.
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panda-writes-kpop · 3 months
Demon! Dreamcatcher - Giving You A Helping Hand
a/n: i wrote this to help me with my dami b-day fic... so spoilers for that, perhaps? (this has nothing to do with the fic, i just had brain rot from my own idea... and wrote this instead of the fic 🤦‍♀️) I'll get back to requests and that fic eventually, I hope. 🫠
tw: lots of blood and gore for headcannons, demon eats human, the same human gets brutally murdered again and again, my opinions about what sin each girl represents, someone spits on a dead body, lots of death, DC are murder wives (literally)
♡ Masterlist ♡
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Prompt - okay, this was pathetic. You couldn't even fight off one person who sent a right hook into your jaw. You didn't want to call her since she'll probably kill the person in front of you, but they started it by pulling out a switchblade.
Yeah, pleasantries went out the door a long time ago. Fuck, this was a bad idea.
Yet you still summon your girlfriend to your side.
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• Your girlfriend didn't have the most elegant summoning pose - she was in the middle of biting an invisible dish.
JiU - Demon of Gluttony
• Annoyed, she turns to you before smiling and going to greet you...
• -before she notices the small cut on your face.
• Her head snaps to the other direction, noticing the other person who looks terrified at Minji's sudden change in demeanor.
• "I've always wondered what human meat tastes like."
• She lunges and tackles the person to the ground, and you close your eyes as blood and guts fly everywhere
• Not a bit of human flesh lands on you before Minji calls your name.
• You open your eyes to see her wiping her face of blood (as if her clothes and hands aren't soaked in the color red).
SuA - Demon of Pride
• "C'mon, my dear, I've still got leftovers back in hell. Shall we enjoy them together?"
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• She's happy you called her - why wouldn't you call the best demon girlfriend to assist you?
• Oh, someone's bothering you? SuA simply opens a portal to hell behind the person and nonchalantly flings them into the portal.
• "Don't worry, babe, I won't touch them. Cerberus will tear them to pieces. :)"
• You forget how terrifying (and hot) she is at times.
• SuA, without dropping her smile, approaches you and gently places her hand on your cheek.
• With a bit of mischievous demon magic, the cut on your face is healed without a scar to be seen.
• She grabs your hand and drags you to a nearby bar.
Siyeon - Demon of Lust
• "Let's go have fun and forget about that miserable person, baby. Doesn't that sound like a much better way to end the night?"
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• Your girlfriend drips charisma as she appears in a brilliant display of pink smoke.
• Her eyes glance between the two of you as a wicked smile appears on her face.
• "Well, what do we have here?"
• Siyeon corners your opponent and pins them to a wall with one of her hands as the other strokes their face.
• "You're going to regret ever touching them, you wretched little thing." Her voice drips venom as your attacker's face changes from pleasure to fear.
• The darkness of the night hides the gorey scene as Siyeon, in a brutal display of power, rips every body part from the other person.
• Once she's done, with a snap of her fingers, the blood on her, the ground, and the cut on your face are completely gone.
Handong - Demon of Wrath
• "Now we can enjoy the night together without any disturbances, right?"
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• There's no warning after you summon Handong. She simply goes into attack mode after spotting the other person.
• They scream in terror and pain, but she simply scoffs at them
• "Should've thought about that before you punched them, huh?"
• Of course she knows about that, your girlfriend knows about every time someone wrongs you so she can correct things in your favor.
• With nothing but her hands, she's literally ripped them to shreds in what must be a world record.
• "Didn't even put up a fight." She rolls her eyes before landing another punch to their body. "Tsk, what a shame."
• You're the one who has to pull her off of them, with a gentle reminder that the other person was dead a long time ago.
• "I want to make sure that there's no chance that resurrection can happen, my dear." She hisses before spitting on the body.
Yoohyeon - Demon of Greed
• She's not always like this, you swear.
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• "Hey, I was busy planning another bank robbery that would be totally foolproof! What are you-"
• She pauses as she looks at you and then the other person.
• "Well, you'll work as bait for Cerberus so SuA doesn't interfere in my plans."
• She snaps her fingers and the other person disappears, but you swear you can hear them scream in the background as you talk to Yooh.
• "They'll have a quick death, I promise!" She squeezes your hands as you nod and agree.
• In her hand, she offers you a bandaid. When you go to grab it, however, she snatches the bandaid away from your grasp.
• "Let me do it, babe!" She whines before opening up the bandaid. "It's the least I can do."
Dami - Demon of Envy
• She's awfully cute for a terrifying, murderous demon.
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• She has a less flashier entrance than the other demons, and a less visible response to the other person.
• Her way of handling things is much less brutal. She simply places both of her hands on the person before gently pushing them against the wall.
• Their eye color changes to orange before running off while muttering on about coveting things or people (you can't really tell).
• Dami's attention turns to you as she wipes away any bruises, marks, or blood with the touch of her hand.
• "Are you alright, my dear?"
• Once you've fully reassure her that you're okay, you ask her why she didn't murder the other person in front of you.
• "I know that violence will scare you away, and that's the last thing I want. You shouldn’t be scared of me, darling."
Gahyeon - Demon of Sloth
• For someone who was created to be an incarnate version of envy, she sure doesn't show it off a lot.
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• You've summoned her to you, but she's sleeping while standing up.
• So much for getting help from the demon representing sloth. You should probably know better at this point.
• When your attacker tries to approach you with the knife, Gahyeon holds out her arm and catches the other person's arm.
• She then proceeded to harshly throw them into a wall, giving them a quick death with a lot of head trauma.
• Without waking up, she sleep walks over to you. (How does she not fall over her own feet?)
• "There's something on your cheek." She mumbles in her sleep as you touch your face. "You should fix that."
• Thanks, Gahyeon, that's really helpful.
• "I'm going back to bed and I need a pillow." She says before pulling you into her arms. "You're coming with me."
• You can't break out of her grasp as she sinks into the ground, but you give up and accept your fate. That's simply how your girlfriend is.
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vampyrgoff · 9 months
Hey lovely 🖤 Requesting a Nsfw alphabet for my stinky roadkill boyfriend Lester (if you don't mind!).
I swear to God I've read every single Lester centric thing here and I'm STARVED for content. Plus I really enjoyed the way you wrote Vincent's!
NSFW Alphabet: Lester Sinclair
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lester sinclair x reader
contains— nsfw!MDNI, semi-pervy Lester?, sub!Lester (sorry to my Dom!Lester loves ppl out there), dom!reader, virgin!Lester, experienced!reader, lil bit of a mommy kink lol, somno👀, foot job? also not proofread lol
requests— open! send anything! check my page for who I write for!
vampyr’s note— IM SO HAPPY! THIS IS MY FIRST REQUEST EVER? I noticed that there is a MAJOR shortage of fics/headcanons/anything really of Lester. i hope this helps that Lester Sinclair thirst be quenched<3 And thanks for liking how I wrote Vincent<3! That makes me so happy that people are enjoying it. AS ALWAYS: REBLOGS ARE APPRECIATED <3 Overall thanks for requesting! and I hope you like it<3
(let me know if I should make a taglist and if you'd like to be on a future potential taglist)
gif isn't mine! here's the link to vincent's <3
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Lester probably is pretty clueless when it comes to aftercare let's be honest. He's probably gonna ask what you need from him and that he'll do whatever you tell him to. But once he gets the hang of things, he's always gonna cuddle you and call you all types of cute names.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He possibly can't choose between what body part of yours is his favorite. He definitely loves every aspect of you, I def think even though in the movie he was staring at Carly's chest, he's an ass man kinda like Bo lol He loves your butt, what can I say.
When you first met, you were on a camping trip with 'friends' or so you thought. They left you and your broken-down car to go see some stupid game of the season. You felt hopeless and wandered around the woods, looking for anyone to help you before stumbling on the roadkill pile. You felt your stomach turn and twist with disgust. The smell was unbearable as you looked at all the deer heads and bodies rotting away in a large pile. The Louisiana heat, already unbearable, made the rotting smell more pungent.
What made you stop in your tracks was, near the gorey pile, you see a smartphone. The screen was cracked and the phone was dirty, but you couldn't help but recognize the phone as one of your friends. You bent over inspecting the phone until you heard an unfamiliar voice from behind you. "Well isn't this a nice view, Jonesy?"
You turned around and were greeted by a cute petite man and his dog. The dog sniffed at your legs and such and the man gave you a warm smile that made you feel a teensy bit better about the situation you were currently in. "Hi! I'm (y/n)! I'm so glad I'm not alone in these woods." you say in relief. The man smiles at you, a cute little cheeky grin. "Name's Lester! And tha's Jonesy. Ya seem lost, sweet pea." His voice was dripped with concern and cute little worried eyes. You had so many questions and you were too tired to even think of any until you remembered the broken smartphone of your friend. You turned your back to Lester and grabbed the phone. While your back was turned to him all he could see was your ass. MAN! He admired the slight peak of your underwear and began blushing a bit. It's been a while since a pretty young thing like you came along, so forgive him for being so pervy.
Ever since that day, Lester knew what his physical fave thing about you was. This man will watch you help Bo at the gas station and his eyes are just watching your ass move.
When you guys cuddle at night, he'll bashfully grab two handfuls of your ass. He'll knead at the skin and kiss your face and neck. He knows how wet you get from such a simple gesture but he loves seeing you squirm under his touch, especially when he does it with such a cute boyish innocence.
His favorite body part on himself is probably his hands aswell. I headcanon (I have a Lester headcanon thing coming up so look out for that&lt;;3) that he's good at carving things in a woodshop way. Vincent is not the only one that has an amazing talent. I think Les' is way more hidden but nonetheless, he loves how he can skin a buck, and carve a beautiful thing out of wood/bone.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
This lovely gentleman is scared to cum in your mouth. He's already a stinky boy but he's scared that he'll taste too bitter for you. He also is scared to cum in your mouth out of respect. He feels as though it's so demeaning but you convince him that it's okay for him to do so. Although it takes him some warming up to do when it comes to shooting loads into your mouth, trust me, when he starts to get comfy with doing it, it's his favorite thing in the entire world. He loves how you look at him through your lashes while you lick every drop of him up.
He loves to feel in control for those little few moments before you eventually put him back into his place by overstimulating his senses. When it comes to you and your cum, he's such a slut for it, yall. He loves seeing you cream all over his cock. He'll look at you in awe when he sees you bouncing on his dick and there's a whole bunch of cum dripping out of you. His adorable eyes will be half-lidded and his hands squeezing and rubbing at your thighs while he whimpers and groans your name a few times. "Oh, sweet pea, I love when 'yer pretty cunt squeezes me like this." He's a messy boy alright, but he loves when you make him a mess.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Les constantly thinks about domming you all the time. Although it seems as though he won't get close to doing that, he thinks about it all the time. He thinks about making you scream for him but he's such a gentleman and a sub to do so. He likes the idea of you taking control so that he doesn't ever do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Another virgin boy. His experience is only with himself. I think this is why he's not into domming you just yet until you guys are together for longer. He's never had to take the lead in anything, he's the baby... and he sure as hell acts like it. The first time you guys do anything remotely sexual, you have to guide him.
This poor baby is so clueless in the bedroom that you had to teach him how to finger you AND eat you out. You had to shape him into the little munch he is today.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
I don't know if you can truly say that this is a position but this man is the best at pussy eating, with that being said... sit on his face <3 He doesn't care about how big or small you are... sit on that mf face.
As a plus-size girl, I get being scared but NOOOO this boy loves your plushy thighs around his head. He grips them so hard and needily, needing your cunt as close as possible, as he laps at your folds and sucks on your clit. He loves tonguing your hole as you pull on his hair every so often.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He can be humorous and giddy. This man lives for cute little moments with you. He'll get really flustered and make joke to lighten things before he becomes so embarrassed and red that he won't be able to speak.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I don't think its a forest down there but I'm sure he trims the hair on his own.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Oh, this lovebug is SO romantic. He kisses your cunt and thanks you for letting him even near your cunt before he devours you. He'll kiss and suck on your thighs when you let him eat you out.
If you've had such a long day of distracting guests and stuff, he'll have you lay down naked on the bed and kiss you all over. He'll kiss your legs and feet, will kiss your thighs, inner thighs, and will kiss your pretty stomach and chest. It definitely gets you going though when he acts this way for foreplay.
While you sit on his cock and bounce, he'll say cute things that egg you on, "Honeydew... my cock-- I think I needa' cum, sweet pea--", "More, please mama!", "yer so pretty, darlin', how'd i get so lucky?"
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
This baby lovesss jerking off. It's the best way for him to get rid of his anger, his horniness and well it helps him relax. I think he's such a sweetheart about being horny a lot. To him, he sees it is quite bothersome to constantly ask for sex, so this'll be his best option. He always says "My momma raised me righ', I will never make you uncomfortable on purpose, sweet pea." so don't expect him to constantly ask you to fuck... cause he will not give in babes, he will very much mind his business and wait for you to come to him. But if you ask, I think he'd tell you that he wants to do things but I don't see him outright saying it.
I think the first time you caught him masturbating was quite interesting...
You caught the cutie in his room jerking off. Your (used) panties stuffed in his mouth so that he wouldn't make any noise at all. You couldn't help but admire him in all his subby glory. You were standing at the door for a long while. He was jerking his cock, nice and slow, the muscles on his tummy contracting as he went over his sensitive head when all of a sudden you spoke up. "Keep going, Les."
His head snapped towards you and you felt your lust growing deep within you. You closed the door from behind you and stepped closer to the bed. Slowly making your way to sit on your knees next to him on the bed. His eyes were still wide with shock when you grabbed your panties from his mouth. "Why'd ya stop, Les?" you said, giving him such a coy and teasing smile.
He bucked his hips up into his hand and played with his tip with the other. He looked clueless on how to really pleasure himself. It was so cute to you though. So you def helped him out, without touching him of course. You instructed him to stroke his cock slowly as he watched you play with your breasts and roll your nipples between your fingers. Watching you made him so feral, and you knew it.
You let him watch you play with your clit through your panties. You also let him watch you toy with your hole through your panties as well. He went soooo crazy over that though, you were staring at his dick while it twitched in excitement.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Collaring: This boy loves being your little lap dog. He loves when you're riding him and pulling on a leash connected to his collar. He gets so loud and whiny. He also likes collaring you babes! But I think he’d go all out for it. It’d say something like “Honeydew” on it or any other name you liked to be called. When you’re collared, his heart swells and he think you look so adorable. He’d even get a tag on the collar that says “Lester Sinclair’s property”
Somno: This boy is such a people pleaser and that doesn't exclude you, he'll wake up horny asf and he'll look over at you in just a t-shirt and he'll feel his heart RACING. He's gonna pull up that t-shirt slowly and get to work at your folds. He starts off with small cute kitten licks at your clit; watching you stir your sleep and shift a bit at the feeling. He'll slowly put your legs on his shoulders and lick up the juices that start to build up. He feels like it's wrong to take advantage of you, with his cheeks pink and rosy with slight embarrassment, but he loves the idea of you waking up and seeing him as such a good needy boy. On the other hand... he doesn't mind if you wake up and feel the need to want him too. He loves the idea of him waking up, already breaking a sweat, and seeing you perched on top of him with his cock deep inside you. DUDEEE he'd love it. He'd be so surprised too, his cheeks all pink and his heart racing. He'd def have these low whines and whimpers that would come out of him.
Breeding: Now... I saw a comment on my Vincent post from @iwhat saying that every Southerner has a breeding kink. AND YOU KNOW WHAT- anyways this baby is very scared of getting you pregnant at first okayyyyy. Like he's terrified. Especially if you've never brought up wanting kids. Like this man will always pull out whenever he can. But once you tell him that you want his cum in you, he's so ready to give you his all. This poor baby LIVES off of praise and your validation so he'll do whatever he can to give you his cum. He wants kids and he wants you to bear them, so when he's bucking his hips up into you while you have your hand resting at his throat, he's gonna slam into that cervix of yours so desperately, almost like his in a trance, almost like he's pussydrunk. He loves the thought of you being pregnant with his offspring and he loves the thought that he's doing WAY better than his brothers too. He's mostly happy that he basically found a spouse before Bo could
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
In his or on his truck. 100%. He'll deep clean the back and add bedding to it. Just so that he could fuck you under the stars. Or for you to dom him under the stars. Whatever works. I'm sure you love watching his heaving chest go up and down as you rub his cock through your folds. He also loves when you guys lure visitors together, cause that means this brave little man is gonna get some rewarding head from you inside the truck.
On a different note, he has a little spot in the woods where he has a hammock set up and a little blanketed area for you guys when you want to get out of town. It has fairy lights and all. It was a gift he brought to you as a "thanks-for-loving-me-and-not-leaving-me-even-though-our-family-is-crazy" gift. After your romantic picnic, when he was cleaning everything up, you told him to leave it. And he sure did. It's your favorite place to go since it takes your mind off of everything.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Oh, this baby probs gets turned on by everything. I think it's your thighs and cleavage. This man could stare at your thighs in the blazing heat all day. He loves when you wear your shorts all around town. When you ride with him to get more buck he'll slyly stare at your thighs and his mouth will JUST water.
He'll rest his calloused hand on your thigh and knead at the supple skin. "Yer' skin's so beautiful, honeydew." He'll say lowly with a small smile on his face, as he leans into you and kisses your cheek. Of course, his hands will never stop groping your thigh, he loves the way it ripples.
Other times, you guys will sit in the house and watch a bit of TV with Jonesy. You'll lay down on the couch with your legs over his and he'll definitely look over and just play with your thighs. How could he not... you're sitting there in his flannel and your little shorts. All he could think is leaving cute love bites all over them. He'll lean his body down to kiss your thighs, earning a cute little giggle from you, and the sound goes straight to his cock, his cock twitching slightly at the fact that you're enjoying his affection. Noticing his hard cock on your legs, your face lights up with joy at the thought of teasing this cutie about his obsession with your thighs.
You look at him and whine about your thighs aching and how you need them soothed. He'll get so excited and will want you to sit on his lap with your legs spread apart so that he could just pay EXTRA attention to your thighs and you'll watch him knead at your skin in admiration. He loves the skin that surrounds your cunt. You stop his hands and snake his cock out of his jeans and let it spring out. You smirk and wrap your thighs around it; ignoring his cute whines, "Fuck my thighs, pretty boy."
This man loves your thighs so much.. don't even question it
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Lester seems like the type where not much bothers him. He’s good with knives and stuff but I don’t think he’d use them on you… at all. like again he’s good at carving stuff out of wood but like if you were to tell him to cut you this man will 100% say no. He also will say no to degrading you. Even if you like it, this man will go out of his way to only praise you. He’s a soft dom <3
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Oh, yall know this baby loves receiving. He just won't admit it. (this doesn't mean he doesn't also love giving) But he's obsessed with getting the life sucked out of him. This cutie is so timid when it's his turn for oral. Once your lips are on him, you'll need to gag this man if you think he can be quiet. His tip is very sensitive so when you tease him with small kitten licks on his red pulsing tip, expect him to be whimpering your name like a prayer...
You pull his jeans down along with his briefs and watch his cock spring and hit his stomach as he lays down, a small groan erupting from the back of his throat, "y/n-sweetheart... please." he'll whine out. And all you can do is smirk and smile at his cute plea. "I haven't touched you yet, Les. Good things come to those who simply... wait," you say while licking a long strip of the underside of his cock, beads of sweat already pricking his hairline. A low groan comes from him and he's already resting his hands on your thighs that are on either side of his torso. "y/n, please... I jus' wanna feel you... and make you feel goo-" His sentence was interrupted by another whine coming from him, this time being that you were kitten licking his pre-cumming tip. "y/n please-"
"ah-ah-ah, address me right, baby..." you say softly yet assertively. Your hand already sliding up to his throat, his bod already tensing. “mommy… please”
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He’ll do whatever you tell him. If you’re riding him and tell him to fuck up into you while you swivel your hips on him, he’ll do it in a heartbeat. If you need him to slow down his needy thrusts to tease him, he’ll do it in a heartbeat. He’s your little toy to play with <3
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He likes quickies but he also doesn’t like them. At the end of the day though… this man is a service top and will do whatever he can to keep you happy. Quickies wouldn’t be too often but I think they happen here and there. I can see you pulling him into a nearby closet and just pressing your ass on his crotch. He’d get so flustered, hands already flying to your sides, running low down to your hips and pulling your lower half flush against him. He’s quite easy to turn on so just a little moment like this could get him going completely.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He only would like to experiment if it’s you who brings it up. He’s creative with his hands and can get pretty crafty but when it comes to your guys’ sex life… I think he’s too nervous to even bring anything up. I think he’d love some sex in the forest but he’s never gonna tell you that, because he’s afraid of you thinking he’s weird :(
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Don’t hate me but this baby can’t last too long. He loves edging and loves when you take control and edge his orgasm for a few hours. But don’t expect him to last awhile once he’s inside you. Poor baby could probably cum from just cockwarming.
He gets sensitive after 2 rounds, small traces on the vein of his cock will get him crying. He’ll start begging once you lick all around his tip.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
A small cockring for him. he’s so baby that he’d probably get really jealous of your toys, if you have any. If you’re feeling horny and he’s not around, give him a call instead. He’s totally talk you through an orgasm rather than you use a dildo.
You had to convince him to try out the cockring though. He had NO idea what it is and wtf it’s supposed to stimulate on him. But once he see your pleading eyes, he TRULY can’t say no to you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He isn’t much of a tease, he’s a service top after all. He does things unintentionally that can be seen as teasing though. Like when you guys are on the couch with Jonesy, he’ll trace his calloused fingers along your soft inner thighs. That shit drives you wild though, for sure.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He whimpers idc. This man whimpers and he’s loud. His whimpers have a bit of vocal fry but it’s so cute and charming coming from him <3.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Secretly wants you to peg him. idc you can’t tell me otherwise, if not pegging him he would love to try anal with you.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
i think he’s pretty average maybe a bit thicker than average. carpet matches the drapes for sure. his tip is bright pink idc
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He’s always horny and yea touch starved as fuck too. BUT he won’t tell you. You’ll just have to catch him when his bulge is causing him some slight discomfort.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
this baby is so spoiled, once he gets the ass he’s been begging for this mf starts to fall asleep. It’s okay you guys take turns being the pillow prince/princess. he gets all soft and falls asleep near your stomach holding you tightly by your ass. Fondling it as he drifts off. he’s so cute but he falls asleep wayyyy too fast lol.
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Transformers Bayverse Autobots x Human reader (Crush and Confession Headcanons Part 2)
"How would they react to themselves crushing on a human? And how would they confess?"
Characters: Bayverse Bumblebee, Sideswipe, Hound, Hot rod, Crosshairs.
A/N: I made a part 2 since I promised it💞, I'm so sorry that this took so long for me to do, my motivation was aft and I had a lot of schoolwork to do😭🤧.
And an anonymous person said that they would love to see more Bee x Reader content. I don't find their ideal bad, so I went along with it, and to the Anon who says that they want more Bee Content. Hope this won't disappoint I didn't know what continuity you wanted, so I went with Bayverse when Bumblebee didn't get back his voice yet, hope you'll understand, and as I said in my other Bay Autobots x Human Reader post, they might seem OOC because I haven't watched the movies for a long time. GIFs do not belong to me credits go to the original creators. (Some of them were found on Google)
This is the first part of this post if you are interested read:
Warnings: I suppose Potential Movie Spoilers from 1-5, Cursing, Mention of Violence/Fighting but nothing too detailed or Gorey, Death, and, Getting in Trouble, Some parts for others may look short-, Teasing/Flirting, Jealousy, Kissing,  Miscommunication or Awkward Situations (On Hot Rod's Part), Injuries, Crack, Fluff, and, Angst.
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•When the young scout finds himself gaining a crush on you, he's in denial, but at the same time, he feels willing to ask you out.
•But he'll mostly lean on the part where he refuses to acknowledge his feelings for you.
•The reason why is that, being betrayed and hunted down by humans, and having other disturbing events he doesn't want to remember, gave him slight trust issues.
•You might take might advantage of his status, You won't feel the same way, You might not want to hang out with him anymore, You might hurt him or worse, betray him and leave him to have experimented on by humans who hunt them down...
•But at the same time, Bumblebee feels willing to tell you, his crush on you. He wants to ask Optimus for advice but he knows that he's strict and will forbid it.
•And Primus, Bee doesn't want to receive Prime's disappointed look at him, it would feel horrible. He respected Optimus for years and he has done the same thing.
•However, keeping his feelings to himself won't help. You need to know how he feels, besides if Bee hides his crush well, it won't be a good thing to experience if he ever decides to pretend that he doesn't like you.
•Since he doesn't have his voice with him, Bumblebee would use sweet lovesongs to tell you how he feels. Are you surprised by this? Well, not really, you've seen how a bit obvious his intentions are of courting you.
•Eitherways you're happy with him, and you accept his confession. Making the young bot very happy. If he was in his Mass Displacement or Holoform, he'd carry you and do a little spin out of joy.
•While still being careful to not hurt you. Spending time together is just having fun. For example, if a favorite song of both of yours plays, you both dance cheerfully. And if he's using Holoform or Mass Displacement he'd hold you, he'd say how much he loves you and swears to protect you with all his life. <3
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•To be honest, he's a flirt or a tease, he's a bit of a player just for fun, but with no intentions to hurt someone However, when he gains feelings for someone and their genuine? Sideswipe gets flustered.
•He just gives me those vibes where the cocky character says they'd make their love interest fall for them first, but instead they're the ones who fall for their love interest first-
•Sideswipe still haves his cocky attitude with him, but really when he's with you, it slightly becomes clear how he likes you-
•This mech had so many attempts to ask you out, but it just ends up with him being too shy and flustered to tell you. One time, he got very angry with himself that he tried to demolish the wall-🤦‍♀️
•And you know that it didn't end well for him...Sideswipe dented his pede pretty badly which caused him to have an injury where he couldn't walk properly. He also came up with some scrappy excuse to Ratchet for his actions, but the medic just sighed, already knowing what was going on.
•But, let's just say after some time he finally has the courage to ask you out. While he admits his feelings for you, the bot had a bit of Energon-blush on his faceplates, and he slightly stutters his words.
•Are you shocked? Just like Bumblebee, you're not very surprised. After seeing his attempts to try to tell you his feelings, it looked quite clear of Sideswipe's intentions.
•When you accept his confession, he's more than surprised, he wasn't expecting you to look back, but is very glad that you didn't reject him! Sideswipe would feel embarrassed if you did decline his offer.
•On how you spend time together, is sometimes getting into silly shenanigans. You guys would get into trouble together, something like badly cropped photos of Lennox around the base, and it's almost everywhere-
•Of course, you both are going to be scolded for pranking around the area, you two are in trouble together. But hey, it's better to be with someone you love when you do silly things. <3 (Hopefully Lennox doesn't get too upset from seeing unflattering pictures of him :/)
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•Um, now this is unexpected to find out...Hound won't be all shy and flustered or be in so much denial of his emotions for you. He'd just be a bit taken back of himself when he finds out about his crush on you.
•He'd still be the same mech around you though, you don't see him being nervous or flustered when he talks to you. But, he does feel a warm feeling in his spark when you laugh at his jokes.
•Hound is not one for adoring or complimenting one's looks, but seeing you smile or being happy makes him feel secure that you're safe from harm and danger. Also, he's always the first one to save you from getting hurt when he fights his enemies.
•One day, Izabella noticed how protective he is over you. So when she gets the chance to talk to him, she asks Hound.
•"Hey Hound!" She calls out to him, the Green mech then looks at the young girl and says "Oh hey kid, anything ya need?" Hound talks "No not really, but I do have a question!" Izabella answers "Then, go ahead I guess." "Alright, so do you have a crush on (Name)?"
•When Izabella asks him that question, his optics slightly widen. He'd look away for a while then he'd grumble in reply, "Well, maybe." Izabella just then happily encourages him to tell his feelings for you, after hearing Hound's statement.
•As time passes, Hound tells you his confession. He admits he's not the best sparkmate out there for you but is willing to be with you. Are you taken back by this? Hell yeah, you are-
•He was able to keep his composure with you, and now he tells you that he wants to ask you out. You're more than stunned- And when you accept his offer, he'd just let out a small chuckle of relief and would just gently carry you on his servo to hold you, with your permission.
•I'd say how you two spend time together is maybe training to defend yourself or teaching you how to use some weapons or how to create them. On the other hand, you'd just talk to each other.
•While he'd just pulling a few jokes randomly- But you're still happy to chat together, being in company together already makes you both grateful. <3
Hot Rod;
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•Oh, now he is a flustered mess. As much as he tries to be a suave smooth-talking gentlemech, he miserably fails in doing so.
•When he realizes that he gained romantic feelings for you, his playful personality somehow falters. In summary, he becomes such a dork.
•I know that he makes up good pick-up lines to try and woo you, but they end up seeming awkward and strange, and his words would be fumbled in the end.
•Poor Hot Rod is not getting help from anyone. Cogman has a good day, he will just watch things and how they'll play out, he sees this as prime entertainment for himself. Sir Burton is no better, he also sees this as amusement at what's happening to Hot Rod, he'd even hold back and hide his giggles when he sees him try to impress you, but ends up failing.
•Hot Rod starts to act a little out of character, he seems almost shy to even talk to you. And when you ask a simple "Are you ok?" Or "Is everything alright?"
•Ha, he's a bit flustered about how you're concerned for him, he'll even answer nervously, which is only going to make things more complicated for the both of you. 
•Once he gets the opportunity to tell you his feelings, he'll try to be all relaxed and be a gentlemech. But when he confesses, his words end up being stuttered.
•You weren't very stunned to find that out, seeing him act all, nervous and how he tries to get with you, made things clear.
•He feels relieved after you accept his confession, he was all pent-up and stressed with his feelings, so it was hard for him to tell you, but thank Primus it's already done.
•You and Hot Rod would spend time together on fancy dates. When he uses his holoform or Mass Displacement, he'll act like a gentleman. He'd be the type to be the one who'd open the door and treat you like a princess, just for you. Or just have a peaceful picnic date, he'd even get you your favorite flowers as a gift. <3
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•Oh my goodness, we have another tsundere- He's in great denial. He'd hide his feelings with his normal cocky act especially when he's with you.
•He pretends to not care about you. But Primus he really does. Crosshairs would even be jealous if you're being a bit too close with another mech beside him. Yep, he's this jealous.
•Since he pretends to not care, he'd just scoff and would be "Whatever." but deep inside he feels jealousy. Especially if you're with Bumblebee or Drift.
•Crosshairs would be the type to show off his skills towards you to get your attention on him while being a flirt.
•He's not a fan of humans, and won't be the best guardian for a human if he was assigned to protect one. However, when it comes to you, he's so protective. It even looks like he has special treatment only for you- Which kinda causes Cade to be annoyed since we saw how he acts on TF4-.
•But again, since he's not accepting the fact that he loves you. The other Autobots would have to be the ones to confess their feelings for you. Another way how he'll confess his crush on you himself is when you face a situation where you almost die.
•And at that moment he'd tell you right there how he likes no, loves you. He then promises to be stronger to protect you. Despite his teasing nature, he can be sweet.
•You're very astounded by his confession and how at times he can be, thoughtful. But you feel contented with his confession and you accept. It caused Crosshairs to be shocked but he'd hide it by with flirting you and being a teasing mech. But really, he feels good that you like him as well.
•When you both have free time together, Crosshairs would drive you around while he lets you play your favorite music. Or you two would annoy Drift- It's a thing you've both done since you were friends.
•He doesn't admit but, he loves it when you guys cuddle. Though, he'd be so clingy and would give you lots of kisses. And no he does not give a single scrap if he has to do something, this mech not leaving you. What an afthole, but he's yours. <3
@t-annuki @justabigass-simp @blackgirlfandomwriter
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
I have a really upsetting fic idea. ALSO TW for Suicide Attempt (but it's not actually a suicide but the Young Just Us and Batfam don't know that) sooooo, if you uhm don't feel up to checking on this, you can just ignore it!!!!!!!! Please!
After saving Bruce from the timestream, Tim is slowly becoming distant from the Batfamily. They notice, but no one had the courage (except Alfred because he's just awesome like that) to reach out, using having to deal with other things first as an excuse. Besides, Tim looked fine. He even said that he was hanging out with someone in his civilian life, and he looked hapoy about it.
Kon tries to reach out, even Bart tries to have a conversation with Tim. Cassie invites Tim on outings. Tim was... not behaving weirdly, but he was making death jokes more often. They thought it was Jason's influence. But the death jokes also become a bit more worrying, a bit more gorey. They tell him so, asking if he's doing okay, if he needs to talk to someone. Tim smiles at them and hugs them, telling them hoe thankful he was to have them and that he's never been happier. Of course, that causes alarm bells to ring in their minds.
Kon tries to tell Dick about this. He was brushed off. He tried to tell Steph. She said she'll check up on him regularly but also says that Tim was fine. Kon even tries to reach out to Jason. JASON! And HE seems to be the only one concerned! Jason says he'll talk to Tim, and talk to Alfred because Jason isn't as emotionally equipped for all this but he does want the Little Bird to be okay.
And then, one day, Kon hears Tim's heartbeat stop. He flies out of the Kents' house while sobbing, a small resignation in his chest but also denial because he knew, HE KNEW, that with how Tim was behaving, there was a chance that Tim might... Might...
He goes to Tim's Nest near Crime Alley, but he couldn't find him there. He goes to Tim's other safehouses, goes to high places, explores alleys, but he couldn't find Tim anywhere.
As long as there wasn't a body, Kon wasn't going to lose hope that Tim might be alive.
So, finally, he gives up, calls for Bart and Cassie for help, and then goes to the Wayne Manor to talk to Alfred. The old butler invited Kon in, and Kon began telling him everything thatvwas going on, his fears of Tim being dead, and his hope that Tim might still be alive. That maybe he was in some place where his super hearing couldn't hear through, or his supervision couldn't see.
Batman and Robin (Kon was a bit bitter for Tim), enters the kitchen, and Alfred relays everything Kon has told him.
No expression was on Damian's face, but Bruce absolutely crumples.
"He's not dead," said Bruce, clenching his fists and stomping away, probably to the batcave. "He couldn't be!"
But the Batcomputer couldn't track Tim's vitals.
But it did track where he had last been. Tim was at the top of Wayne Tower, standing at the very ledge. Bruce tried to look for video feeds. And when he found some, he began raging and cursing the security guards most likely sleeping on the job. Tim would never drug someone to his benefit. Lies and deception? Yes. And, he had always been sneaky.
Bruce played the video, and he could see and watch Tim... Talking? He was talking to himself, but the video feed was too grainy. Bruce knows that the security cameras were state of the art, always constantly upgraded to make sure he would get quality videos to look through. Did Tim know this? Why didn't the security guards report this?
But Bruce didn't have time to think of other things anymore, because Tim was falling.
Tim didn't look scared, he looked excited for some reason, even through the grainy quality. He was laughing, he didn't have any gear on him, he was nearing the ground.
And the video feed cuts there, turning black. Alfred was in the background, walking up to Bruce's chair with a hand on his chest, having just finished a call with various batfamily members to check on the scene while he and Bruce and the young Kon watched Tim dive off the roof.
Bruce was searching for more feeds, but it was just the same. Oracle says that everything in WE during that time of Tim's fall turned off. But that's not what Bruce wanted to know. He couldn't bring his hands to see the next part after the blackout. He couldn't move his shaking hands to press play after the blackout.
"Bruce," Kon spoke softly. "I didn't see any blood around WE. This was minutes after I couldn't hear his heartbeat."
"B," Dick's voice echoed throughout the cave. "There's nothing here. I can't find Tim anywhere."
Where could Tim have gone?
a few months ago, days after returning from the time stream...
There was this interesting guy, you see. He was looking around with a Camera in his hand, taking pictures of Gotham's buildings/architecture.
Except, he was taking the pictures... Wrong. "How can you expect to take good pictures like that?" asked Tim, because he's an asshole like that.
The guy turns to him, raising a brow. Then, he chuckled holding the camera out. "How do you take them, then?"
Tim took the camera, made a grand show of how to position himself, how to adjust the lenses, and then took a picture of the man who might be a bit younger than him from how youthful he looked, which was accentuated from the orange sunset behind him shining like a halo behind his head, the gotham architectures looking like arches welcoming the man into the city, gargoyle statues paused in their roars, cars lined up in a solemn procession, and people faced towards Danny almost in an excited bow. Tim didn't know how he managed to capture such good timing for all this, but this has to be one of his best captures yet.
He hands the camera back proudly, and the man whistles appreciatively. "You're right, you do have the right to insult me, oh great photographer."
Tim blushes. "Can you send me a copy of that picture?" he asks instead of retorting. Then, he opens his wallet to bring out his business card, writing at the back with the pen he brought out to write one of his active emails (and phone number).
"I'm Tim, by the way," he said.
The man took the card, chuckling when he found Tim's initials for his last name. "Timothy Jackson D.W.?"
Tim shrugged. This man doesn't seem to know him, and he's not gonna change that.
"Well, D.W.," said the man, holding a hand out, "I'm Daniel William F."
Tim raised a brow. "Shall I call you First D.W.?"
"Please, call me Danny."
Tim smirked. "Only if you call me, Tim."
Danny smirked back. "Nah. Last D.W. kinda fits you."
"It's a mouthful, moreso than Timothy."
"It drives you crazy, I think it's worth it."
It all felt surreal. He was bantering easily with a... Well, he wasn't a stranger anymore. But, it felt nice.
More banters and conversations ended up with Tim inviting him for coffee, and then the two of them having a caffeine drinking contest (much to the horror of many staff and patrons), and then to Tim asking when Danny was free, landing another outing together, and they meet, and then there's another outing, and another, and another, and...
Tim had never felt so happy. So calm. So peaceful. Danny felt the same.
And then, Danny said, "I have a secret I want to share... I mean, since we're far away from what makes this dangerous, I just thought that I should come clean with you before I ask if we could... Y'know... Take this relationship to the next level?"
Tim trusts Danny. So, he readies himself to listen. And he listens to Danny's story.
He lives in a whole other dimension, where he fights ghosts on a daily basis as a ghost himself. That he came visiting other dimensions as a way to cope and escape his life in the other world sometimes. He has a family and friends, he's scared of his parents but he loves them, he went through various heartbreaks, but still managed to push through.
"If you want to run away, you can," he said.
But Tim hugs him, hugs him and kisses him. Danny kisses back.
"I love you," he said.
They kiss some more.
But you see...
When Danny said that he wanted to go bring Tim to meet his sister, Tim, in his sleep-deprived mind that makes the most horrible and dumbest choices known to man, blurted out that he wanted to sky dive from the roof of WE, and then fall into the portal and into Danny's bed. It sounded great, it sounded fun. Danny was all for it, as long as Danny is holding on to Tim while they fell. But keeping up invisibilIty while also trying to keep a portal open sucks so much power, so, Tim tells him not to bother with Tim. This was such a horrible idea, Danny made sure to keep up the ghostly interference with the cameras. He'll make sure to return Tim by morning, and he really cannot have people noticing Tim about to fall to his death.
Danny's aura lulls some people still within WE to sleep. And then, they jump.
The portal shuts all electricity off in WE, which awakens a whole bunch of people, but not fast enough to see a portal momentarily open and close.
Danny and Tim were laughing as they land on Danny's bed. It was still day time in Danny's world, so he and Tim naps for a little while.
Then, when Tim is more rested and more rational, they meet Jazz.
But it's when he's drinking coffee does Tim's eyes snap open.
And that's how Danny found out Tim's secret identity.
[The portal caused WE to lose electricity because Danny was using a whole bunch of energy trying to keep Tim alive, trying to protect Tim from turning liminal, half-ghost, and whatever else could happen from being even slightly affected by the ghost zone]
Danny didn't have enough energy to return Tim, so now Tim was inwardly panicking what will happen once he returns.
But then, Dani suggests to just let Tim be liminal, that way Tim doesn't need to explain. He can just say that he couldn't remember, and his heartbeat won't even be telling them anything because it'll be slowed.
Tim could see the logic-not-logic of it. Except, he feels bad--nope, no he doesn't. The less people knows about other worlds, the better. Bruce just got back, Tim has added some stress towards him for being an idiot and doing that stunt, and he might as well just...
"Will it hurt?"
"Well, since you're being infected, it's like catching a stomach bug. So, you'll probably be miserably out of it for a week or two."
A day before Danny and Tim heads back, Tim gets the authentic experience of eating the Fenton's infected by ectoplasm food. Usually, you'd avoid it. But, well, Tim needed to do this no matter hoe much Danny says that he literally didn't need to do that, oh ancients, babe.
But, Danny's friends are liminal, Jazz is liminal, the Fenton parents are liminal eithout even knowing it.
Tim wants this.
And Tim eats.
It's only when Danny has laid Tim in his bed does Tim finally starts feeling the effects. His body starts sweating, and his head starts feeling foggy. His stomach wasn't aching, but it felt really numb.
Danny, invisible, shushes quietly into Tim's ear. And then disappears when Tim's door opens.
Bruce? Why does Bruce sound like that?
They bring Tim into the medbay, taking blood samples to check if he's really Tim.
And he is.
But then they see something in his blood.
"It's... similar to the Lazarus..."
Tim will take the knowledge about this to his grave... Afterlife... When he fades...
Because Jason will definitely kill him for being stupid. Tim was feeling stupid.
And he was crying.
"It's okay, Tim..."
He doesn't deserve that kind voice. Tim feels like a fake. He shouldn't have done that. He shouldn't have.
Because he's only going to get worse from here. Jason and Damian would be able to tell how Tim's body was dying, or better yet, getting closer with death.
But Tim won't be dying once the transition is done.
He'll be liminal. He'll be in the middle.
And he was so stupid about it, and none of his family members will know about it and--
"You don't have to tell them about my world, Tim," said Danny. "I'll tell them that I had you swallow some of this... Lazarus water or whatever."
"I did it willingly," whispered Tim, knowing that Damian could hear him either way, evem if he couldn't hear Danny. "I willingly ate it. It's not your fault. Let me own up to it..."
Damian thinks Tim was talking to him.
He relays the message to the others.
Aaaaaaand I'm now out of ideas of what else could happen. I just wanted some Tim Drake whump-not-whump. What Tim did was not cool, not his best ideas, and was probably out of character, and if someone could do this better (more heartwrenching and angsty), PLEASE. DO IT. I just want the Batfam and Tim to suffer.
Anon this is a masterpiece holy shit. Like truly and genuinely this is incredible.
I can’t add anything onto this cause I know if I start writing I simply won’t stop and my carpal tunnel will not vibe with that.
If anyone else wants to add onto this I beg of you to do so because the angst potential is just so positively delicious.
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Twisted Wonderland Boys x Fem Reader in their respective Fairytales (Series)
(Kalim's Part)
Previous part (Azul)
A/n: I forgot to add Vil omg, I'll write about him along with Malleus, I just wanted this out cause I enjoyed writing this so much, and I couldn't wait to post it! I hope you all like it! Kalim here is based on the Sultan in Aladdin so not the villain, but I didn't want to leave him out. Content Warning: This Fic will be tagged as 16+ since it is a bit suggestive along with mentions of Gorey themes (Azul), it’s very vague. I haven’t finished Book 6 and Book 7 because I’m stuck in Tartarus, but they’re not done here yet. Potential Inaccuracy in Indian Tradition, Indian and Greek clothing, if ever you see inaccuracy about it, please let me know, I only did a bit of research about it. The reason for potential OOC was cause I mixed both the classic Villains with the personalities of our beloved boys. You have a child with Kalim here!
First Batch would be: Riddle, Leona, Azul
Second Batch would be: Kalim, Idia, Malleus
List of Villains interconnecting with each character:
Kalim = The sultan Idia = Hades
─────❅───── Kalim: You didn’t know why you were sitting down on an extravagant throne, a dozen of people looking upfront and bowing to your presence when you awoke, feeling a gentle touch on your face, you stirred up from your slumber, looking at your side. Seeing Kalim in the flesh except, he looked more mature than your Kalim.
“My love are you feeling alright?” he traces his fingers lightly on your cheeks, careful not to smudge the makeup you were wearing, you didn’t pull away, but you kept staring at him, admiring his adorning features, earrings twinkling under the light, showing real gold on it, Kamar bands knotted gracefully around him, he looked the same except he seemed more kingly than your little boyfriend.
“Kalim?” you murmured, moving your hand, wanting to touch his hand which he took notice before smiling, he traced his fingers on yours. “You fell asleep during our daughter’s birthday” he clarified, suddenly confused why you looked surprised.
“Daughter?” you asked, the sari that adorned your figure, jewelry around your clothing as you stood up, hands squeezing a bit of your flesh in attempts to keep yourself calm in a stressful situation, Kalim took notice as he stood up with you, placing his hand on your waist and drawing you closer. "Ladies and gentlemen," he captured the attention of each guest, you two look like the perfect couple in each of family member there, "my wife seems to be feeling a bit under the weather. Please continue to enjoy the party! we'll be back shortly. “With that, he signaled the band to start playing music.
“My love, what’s wrong?” he asked gently, letting you go as you looked at him, you were confused and lost, where are you? Why do you have a daughter, wait YOUR daughter with Kalim right?
“Kalim” you fidget a bit, “Are we married?” you ask, your fingernails look really tempting to bite right now.
"Of course," he said almost immediately. "We got married on your 20th birthday." Cupping your cheeks, he pulled you closer and gave you a gentle kiss.  “Our daughter will get candidates from different families, you arranged it a few hours ago” he continued, when you kissed him back he felt relieved, you’ve been acting weird ever since you woke up from your sudden nap.
“I…” Feeling conflicted, Kalim couldn’t help but worry, He pulled away giving you a bit of space “If you want, we can cancel the candidates for now,” while that was frowned upon due to the disrespect, he’s not the one to force your kid with him to marry, although he would be happy if she found a lover and get married.
You had an inkling of what happened, vaguely remembering that potion you and Deuce created and exploded on your face, with the timeline, your first guess was it was the future, but you were younger/older than he indicated.
“We can take a break and rest,” Kalim kissed your hand, “I don’t want the guests to see you in such a state,”
Despite this Kalim potentially not being your Kalim, he was sweet. In your real world, he could be overbearing at times, but he always tried to improve and not treat you like a servant. This older version of Kalim seemed to have successfully overcome that habit, putting your needs first before his own desires.
"I’m fine” You showed a bit of affection by kissing his cheek, which made his heart beat faster, it was a gesture you often do with him that got him all flustered. “We should go back, I don’t want our daughter to feel abandoned there,” you said jokingly, making Kalim chuckle.
“She’s doing great honestly, she got your face and my personality” referencing to his extrovertedness when he was younger, and he still is, just more tamed.
You wouldn’t mind this dream of yours, after all, Kalim was still the same, the only downside was the sudden shove from being a commoner to a Rani, but it was a change you’re willing to adjust for… till you get back to your world, hopefully.
(Idia's Part) ─────❅───── A/n: here you go! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა @wisteriarose214
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ticklishraspberries · 10 months
Ren Faire (Eddie/Steve)
Summary: Steve, Eddie, and Robin go to a Renaissance Fair and see some interesting demonstrations. (This fic is for my lovely friend @gigglyrambles!! I literally just pulled this whole plot out of my ass and wrote it in one sitting, so I really hope you like it, LOL. Also, shoutout to @wordstrings because I know she has written something similar for Our Flag Means Death, I hope you don't mind me taking inspiration!!)
Steve isn’t sure how he ended up being dragged along to a Renaissance Fair with none other than Robin and Eddie, but he found it hard to say no to either of their puppy dog eyes and incessant begging.
His outfit is simple, consisting of a white, long-sleeved shirt with laces at the neckline, tight brown pants, and brown boots. He feels only a little bit ridiculous, but after seeing what his friends are wearing, he supposes he isn’t the weirdest looking one.
Eddie is decked out in black, an intricately detailed top with ruffles and buttons. A fake sword sits in a holder on his waist. Robin has gone for a more masculine look, a cloak over her shoulders and a bow and arrow in her hand.
“Screw historical accuracy,” she’d said.
“The fact that you’re a girl isn’t the problem, it’s that you couldn’t hit a moving target with an arrow to save your life,” Eddie had teased, and Robin had elbowed him in the ribs, making Steve laugh.
Now that they’ve arrived, Steve has relaxed a bit. He used to feel out of place whenever he attended events that he wouldn’t have been caught dead at in high school. Corroded Coffin concerts, DnD campaigns, and that one time he drove Eddie and Robin to the nearest gay bar in Indiana. It had definitely been more awkward sober, and before he realized that he’s bisexual, and could have totally had more fun if he’d been aware of and okay with that information at the time.
He’s sort of glad he wasn’t, though, because kissing Eddie Munson during a childish game of truth or dare was a much funnier way to have your queer awakening, and dating Eddie Munson is way more fun than hooking up with random guys in a bar.
“They have really good beer here,” Eddie comments, to which Steve holds up his car keys and jingles them. No medieval mead is going to keep him from being the designated driver.
“I can drive us home,” Robin says, absolutely joking, but Steve still gives her a horrified look and makes a show of sliding his keys back into his pocket, patting the denim for safe keeping. She sticks her tongue out at him, and he flicks her cheek.
Eddie does end up getting some beer, and Steve allows himself a few sips. They’ll be here for at least a few hours, he’ll surely sober up by then. He also samples the gigantic turkey leg that Eddie gets, and Robin wrinkles her nose in disgust at the messy nature of the food.
As they walk around, Steve finds himself getting into the spirit more than he had expected. They eat, watch musical performances, and shop at the little stalls set up by various vendors. Eddie buys a few rings for himself, and buys a handmade mug for Uncle Wayne. Robin indulges in candles and soaps, and even dares to see a fortune teller.
“She said that I’ll meet my future husband soon,” she says, giggling. “Clearly she’s a fraud, or she’d know I’m not interested.”
When Robin runs off to find a bathroom, somehow, Eddie and Steve end up standing around a demonstration about medieval punishments and torture, which Steve expects to be gruesome, and quickly finds he would rather hear gritty, gorey details than stand her and watch this happen.
A pretty girl, probably around their age, is locked into a pair of wooden stocks, and—
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” Steve mutters, pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers.
Eddie looks absolutely delighted as he leans in close. “What’s wrong, Stevie? The demonstration isn’t bothering you, is it?” he asks. His cheeks are flushed, too. A few months ago, Eddie would probably be the one stuttering and staring at the ground right now, but ever since he introduced this little world to Steve, he’s gained a confidence about it that only comes out when he gets to tease Steve into oblivion.
“Shut up.”
“You shut up, I’m trying to watch. Maybe I can get some pointers from these guys.”
‘These guys’ refers to the two men who have started tickling the girl’s trapped feet, and frantic giggles fill the air and make Steve’s stomach flip.
“Oh, she’s handling this better than you would,” Eddie continues to tease. “I’d already be called every insult under the sun if you couldn’t kick me instead.”
“I will kick you right now,” Steve threatens. It’s a complete lie. He’s frozen to the spot on the grass, torn between watching and focusing on the grass. Everyone else in the crowd is behaving like this is so normal, no big deal, just a silly show.
One of the men has moved behind the girl to tickle her ribs, her arms secured above her head. Steve crosses his arms over his chest, subconsciously protecting his own sensitive spots, like just watching her could tickle him, too.
“You love that spot,” Eddie coos. “You make the cutest sounds when I tickle you there.”
“I’m gonna fuckin’ kill you,” Steve grits out.
“Sure you will, sweetheart. Can it wait ‘til after I’ve made you cry real pretty for me?”
Just then, Robin appears at his side. “This looks like my worst nightmare,” she says. “I hope this girl is getting paid well.”
Steve makes a noise of agreement, but can’t bring himself to look over. Eddie Munson is going to be the fucking death of him. Thankfully, Robin is immediately bored of the display and drags them off to explore. Eddie subtly gives Steve’s side a quick pinch as he walks past him, and Steve suddenly can’t wait to go home.
“You are a fucking menace,” Steve accuses the moment they’ve made it through the door.
His parents aren’t home, Robin was dropped off back at her house, and now, Steve is alone with Eddie for the first time all day, and he refuses to voice how excited he is for whatever Eddie’s got planned.
But Eddie just grins, tugging off the more elaborate pieces of his costume, leaving himself in socks, boxers, and a white t-shirt. He makes his way to the kitchen, comes back with two cans of beer, sits on the couch like he isn’t ignoring the clear tension in the room.
Steve gapes at him for a minute before joining him on the couch, kicking off his boots and taking a beer as well. Maybe Eddie’s changed his mind…Maybe he just isn’t the mood, and Steve isn’t going to pressure him into anything.
But…Well, he has a sneaking suspicion that isn’t the case at all.
“If you’re waiting for me to ask, it’s not gonna happen,” he says.
“Ask for what?” Eddie tilts his head curiously, but there’s a glint in his eye that proves Steve’s theory.
“Nothing,” Steve replies, playing along. “All that talk back there just made me think you had a plan for when we got home. But if you’re not interested, that’s fine too.”
“Did you want me to have a plan?”
Steve huffs. “Maybe. But if you don’t, then let’s forget about it.”
“Oh, c’mon baby,” Eddie says, throwing an arm around Steve’s shoulders and pulling him close. “All you’ve gotta do is ask if you want it so bad.”
His cheeks burn. Stubborn as ever, he shakes his head.
Eddie sighs with exaggerated disappointment. “If you insist. I guess I’ll just keep my hands to myself tonight…”
“Good,” Steve says, and turns the television on.
It takes two beers and a stupid scene in a film to break him. It’s a quick, barely there tickle, but the character’s laugh makes Steve perk up like a dog hearing a doorbell ring.
“Fine,” he says.
“What’s fine?” Eddie asks.
“Just fucking tickle me, you dick.”
Eddie grins and wastes no time, lunging across the couch and pinning Steve to the cushions.
“I knew you’d crack eventually, sweetheart,” he teases. “Sorry we don’t have quite the same set up, but I’ll hold you down real nice, okay?”
Steve is already grinning. He can’t help it, he’s so lovestruck by his boyfriend and desperate to laugh his head off. And laugh he does when Eddie goes straight for his ribs, scratching at the dips between each little bone.
“There’s that pretty sound,” he says, pressing a kiss to Steve’s jaw that is both sweet and ticklish under the current circumstance.
The stupid shirt with the laces is pulled over his head and discarded on the floor, and Eddie pins Steve’s wrists and tells him to stay still before exploring each ticklish spot on his torso, making him shriek and cackle and snort like a fool.
He doesn’t stay still for very long, arms shooting down to his sides when Eddie attacks his belly with blunt fingernails, and Eddie scolds him but doesn’t stop.
As he squirms on the couch, giggling like mad, he wonders if they sell some of those bondage contraptions there. He thinks that they should go back to the Ren Faire sometime. 
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seravphs · 1 year
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When you took the job, you knew working the night shift at your local convenience store would be boring. That’s fine; you’re here to make enough to pay rent, not to smile for strangers who don’t care anyways.The appearance of a stranger who seems to have a lot to hide is tantalizing bait to your boredom, but you can’t give in. That is, if you have a choice at all.
wc — 3k
tags — mafia au but not really, implied but never addressed, is he or isn’t he, Gojo is Weird, blood, guns, this is not meant to be a serious gorey fic, its just a fun little way for me to branch out and stretch those writing muscles 
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They don’t pay you enough to keep guns under the counters, but it’s cheaper to teach you to shoot then it is to pay for security cameras. It would be cheaper not to show you to protect yourself at all, actually, but you’re the sixth cashier they’ve burned through in as many weeks. Even in a town as down as this one is, rumors spread fast. 
The wages are shit, but it’s all you’ve got, and college is expensive for a degree as useless as yours is. Four months away from becoming a junior, and you’ve only held unpaid internships and this position as a cashier at a dirty, old convenience store on the wrong side of the train tracks. 
You think the owner is hiding something, or maybe that’s just wishful thinking for a job as boring as this one. People come and go, make rude comments, pick up beer and slide you IDs you weren’t trained to check. It’s quiet enough to convince you to let down your guard, then your fingers brush the cold metal underneath the register and you remember the long line of unnamed, unknown girls who came before you. 
This is the bad side of town, and you’re stuck here for at least three months, two weeks, and five days more. Lucky you. 
At least the work is easy. It’s so far out that management can get away with the grime on the walls and pulsing, fluorescent blue lighting that gives you headaches. Even though they’re supposedly focused on keeping costs low and profits high as possible, the air con is always on blast. 
There are no regulars here, not until him - the one customer you get past 3:00 am. The witching hour, if you believed in that sort of the thing. 
You’ve taken to calling him ghost, your stranger. He’s just like one - as faded and pale as a memory, hard to discern between reality and the imaginary. 
You had just thought he was another one of your kind, a student down on hard luck and keeping ungodly hours. This town would do that to you - strip you of any shimmer in your irises from before you came here and beat you into the ground. There was a little bit of sympathy for him, then. Sometimes you offered him a piece of candy in the bowl by your left hand. 
He never took it. Just as well, it probably wasn’t safe to eat. 
The bell on the door rings. On instinct, you lift your head, your hand going back to the comforting holster underneath the counter. It’s just him, however - piercing blue eyes hidden behind dark sunglasses and bone white hair. At first, you thought he was just high constantly, cause no one needs sunglasses when the moon is already rising in the sky, but the one time you caught him looking, the whites of his eyes had been clearer than milk. 
The temperature shifts subtly when he comes in. It’s hot outside. Summer nights in July always feel disgusting. This town can’t pay for maintenance, so during the day, the asphalt cracks under the sun. Heat waves shimmer off the concrete side walks. It’s cooler at night, but not by much. When your tall, mysterious stranger comes in, he always brings the heat in with him, even if only for a moment. The thermometer’s red line goes up a few degrees. 
He has a routine, like a clockwork doll. Heads for the back first, pulling the strings of his black hoodie down as he makes a beeline for the fridge. You think he might be diabetic as you ring up his order: same old, same old. Sugary blue pop, a packet of fruit chews, five hour energy. Something new, this time. You’ve never seen him grab actual food before, though this should barely count. You add the chips to his total. The money’s in your hand before you can ask for it. 
Strange man. 
Strange men are preferable to scary men, however. Customers come and go, often silent, always in and out like they were never here, but every so often, someone comes in who’s clearly looking for trouble. 
And sometimes, there’s someone who’s so clearly dangerous it stops your heart. 
He’s wearing a balaclava. It’s a trend now, you try to convince yourself. It’s fashionable. 
No one cares about fashion in this town (no one but your ghost, that is).They’re too focused on staying alive. The balaclava wearing man is clad in all black. But the bad news is that he’s coming towards you with a plastic bag in one hand and a flash of silver in the other. The knife twirls over his fingers, over and over, rhythmic and steady like he knows how to use it. 
You grip the holster of the gun. To be honest, although you were trained, you’re not sure you can do it. It’s only a comfort, like a child’s favorite blanket. 
He thrusts the bag on the counter. “All the cash you have, bitch. Hurry up.” 
You’re just a part-timer. You’re not risking your life for a dumb convenience store. Right as your hands move to unlock the cash register, however, the door rings again. 
It’s him. 
Black hoodie (a new one, with white and blue lettering down the arms), black oval sunglasses, hair bleached brighter than the corona of the sun. Warm air blows into the store, a miniature heatwave. 
He doesn’t notice the man who’s currently hustling you for all the money in the store, but the man notices him. 
“Get lost, kid! We’re busy here.” 
He looks up, surprised. Then he ambles closer, as casual as if it’s a normal day, picking up his usual on the way: a packet of chips, blue pop, candy. 
“Nah,” he says, voice calm and cheery. A lunatic, then. “I’m busy.” 
“Do you understand what’s going on here?” The potential thief looks like he might be preparing to do something you’ll all regret. You wonder if you could use the gun to save someone else’s life. You don’t think so. 
Your ghost let’s his sunglasses slip down his face. His eyes, as they always are in the rare instances he’s let you see them, are startling and preternaturally blue. 
The man jumps. He seems confused, vacillating between fear and disbelief. It’s as if he recognizes him, just by the eyes alone.
“What don’t you get? Scram.” His blue eyes flash with restrained heat. “I’m not a patient man.“
Still, he hesitates. You wouldn’t. The words don’t seem like an empty threat. 
Casually, your ghost throws his items on the counter for you to bag, pushing the man aside. In one motion, he has the knife. “I’m keeping this as a reward for my generosity. You have five seconds before I decide to take your spleen with it.” 
The man with the balaclava looks at his eyes again, flicking between them and his white hair in fear before he comes to a decision. He bolts out of the store. You understand the sentiment a little. When you first met your ghost, with his hair like hoarfrost and eyes like the summer sky, you had felt the strangeness of him shake you too, as if something about him was fundamentally at odds with the world. 
Your ghost snaps you out of your frozen stupor when he gestures for you to get on with checking his purchases out. This time, as he throws down his bills, you catch the flash of a shiny watch on his wrist, inked sleeves. His arms writhe with patterns of dragons and koi fish, characters for honor and glory and strength. He has money that people would kill for in this town.
He raises an eyebrow when he catches you looking at the symbols of the kind of wealth that shouldn’t exist this close to the outskirts of nothing. You guys didn’t even have a train that came reliably most days, the tracks scattered with litter and graffiti.
He’s cocky. The way few can afford to be. Real arrogance too, not borrowed, the kind that can make threats at the blink of an eye because they can follow through on them. 
“Are you in the fucking mafia?” You ask in disbelief, remembering only too late that the two of you are strangers. 
All of the fantastical stories you’ve made up in your head to explain away his strange appearance and late nights are just that: fantasies. Idle fairytales to pass the time. Ways to make your job less boring, soothe the ache of being a washed up nobody in your shithole of a hometown. 
You are suddenly very aware of the presence of danger, the hair rising on your arms as your body reacts like an animal. 
“That doesn’t sound like a thank you to me.” 
His voice is slightly higher than you’d expect from someone in the mafia. For some reason, you’ve always imagined mafiosos would have a deep baritone, but his is smoother, even if it has a rasp to it, like he smokes as a hobby. You’ve never seen him pick up cigarettes. 
Even more dangerously, you can feel the thread of attraction between you two, pulling taut. You want to know more, desperately, even when you’ve seen him threaten to gut a man as calmly as he picks out what flavor of pop he wants. 
There’s no room for risk when you live here. All the perilous thrills you could want are already imbedded in your daily life. There’s nothing left for any more. 
“That doesn’t sound like an answer to me,” you retort. 
You shouldn’t be so comfortable with him - you aren’t, really, you’re aware of the fact that you two are technically strangers but if he wanted to hurt you, he could’ve done so already. 
He laughs. Blatantly. A snickering kind of laugh, one that’s clearly directed at you, not with you. 
“No,” he says, between wheezing for breath. “Not mafia. What, you read too much manga or something? I’m just an insomniac. Oh, that means I have trouble-“
“I know what that means!” You snap, humiliated, warmth burning on your cheeks. 
Sue you for wanting a little excitement in this boring job, boring town, boring life. You were an idiot for thinking this lunatic could be the one to provide it. 
He taps his cold bottle of pop to your forehead as he leaves, making you flinch. “You’re a weird girl,” he says. “I like you.” 
I like you. 
I like you. 
I like you. 
The words run through your head relentlessly, little greyhounds with too much energy yapping at all hours of the day. A little chorus of “I like you”s at all hours, making you replay the moment over. Stuck. 
This town drives you mad. You haven’t had anything to love in a while in this cold, deserted place. It must be why you’re fixated on him. You’re imagining the obsession because you miss the feeling. The heart is a muscle like any other - it grows atrophied with disuse. 
That doesn’t stop you from looking forward to seeing him again. 
The next time your beautiful stranger walks in, he’s with a friend. That’s how you learn his name. His buddy looks like even more of a delinquent than he is - gauges, tattoos, piercings, all of it. 
He’s gentler, though, more soft-spoken. Voice like a running stream, smile as soft as warm butter. This is the first time you’ve seen your ghost laugh, when too-many-piercings-to-count cracks some joke by the ice cream freezer. He catches you looking, long black hair flipping over his shoulder as his head whips around to face you. Ghost hasn’t noticed. He gives you a smile, but something about it feels wrong. You avert your eyes, and the boys are in the next aisle, hidden from view, a moment later. 
“Hey,” Ghost says, his smile genuine. “Fancy seeing you again.” 
“You know her?” His friend questions. “I’m so sorry. Gojo’s such a pain in the ass, isn’t he?” 
You smile faintly. Something about his friend is terrifying. His eyes seem dead inside, pure black tar, sticky traps. 
Ghost shoves him. “Back off. You’re the annoying one, she’s so much more spunky when it’s just me.” 
You’re so focused on trying to keep yourself out of danger you don’t even realize the tidbit of information you have until you’re in the grocery store after your shift. As you’re picking out produce you realize - now you know his name. 
This town and it’s stupid transit system has you waiting in the biting cold for hours. Your groceries are heavy and the bus petulantly refuses to come. 
A motorcycle roars in the distance, dying to a purr as it stops in front of you. 
“Hi, stranger,” says your beautiful ghost. “You want a ride?” 
“Are you stalking me?” You blurt out. 
Gojo wrinkles his nose, offended. “Who’d have time to stalk you? You can just say you don’t want the ride.” 
“Wait!” This is a bad idea. This is a very bad idea. This is the worst idea you’ve had in a long time. You should listen to your mother when she tells you not to be reckless. “No, I do. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.” 
His lips curve into a brilliant smile. “I was just teasing. C’mere.” 
He pulls a helmet out of nowhere - it’s clearly not for him, because his white hair is messy and windswept. He buckles it under your chin carefully. Under further consideration, he shucks off his black leather jacket and tucks it around you. 
“Trust me,” he says. “It gets cold when you’re riding. You’re going to hold on tight, right?” 
You wrap your arms around his waist. 
“Nope,” he says, taking your hands and pulling you closer so you’re pressed right up against his back. You can feel the warmth of his skin through the thin fabric of his shirt. “You’re going to fall off like that. Address?” 
He doesn’t just drop you off, he carries your groceries inside for you and makes you laugh as he helps unpack them. 
Too late, you realize you might’ve given your address to a mafioso. Just because Gojo says he isn’t, doesn’t mean it’s true. He’s just hard to resist. You’ve always been weak for beautiful things, starved of it in this concrete city. 
That’s when the flowers start showing up. 
Did you mention you were weak to the beautiful things? 
Massive bouquets of riotous color, flowers that aren’t even in season, that cost a fortune to ship. 
Maybe it’s payment for his absence, because Gojo hasn’t shown up for the past week. The flowers keep coming - lilies with creamy white petals, extravagantly expensive roses, massive hothouse orchids. The flowers don’t compare to him. 
It’s bad, but you’re addicted. He gives you a thrill like nothing else. 
The next time you see Gojo, you hear him first. You’re closing another shift where you haven’t seen him and heading out the back door when you hear a noise like a wounded animal. A soft hiss of air escaping through clenched teeth.
“Gojo!” You gasp. He’s leaning against the bottom of the stairs, chain smoking and clutching his side. Red spills between his fingers, staining his normal white shirts a startling rust. 
“Hey, stranger. Fancy seeing you here.” 
“This is no time for your little jokes! Let me see that, oh my god-“
“Hey, hey,” he soothes. “No need to fret, it’s not serious.” 
“You’re going to bleed out.”
“Nah. I know what that looks like.” 
“Just- stay here, okay?”
“Not going anywhere, princess.” He smiles up at you, still fatally charming as his life bleeds out of his side. “You going to take care of me?”
“Against my better judgement, yes.” 
Hauling out the massive first aid kit your boss keeps in the bathroom cabinets is a bit of an ordeal, but nothing compared to pulling Gojo’s shirt up and seeing the slash in his side. 
“Worse than it looks.” 
Well, at least he’s right about that. It doesn’t look like he needs stitches, but he’ll need to be very, very careful for the next few days. You dig through the kit for salve, bandages, and wipes. Gently, you set to work cleaning, then bandaging. 
His head tips back, revealing the column of his throat, as he moans in pain. There’s a tattoo right between his collarbones, a stylized eye. Watchful. “Hurts,” he says. 
“Serves you right, you big baby. Besides, isn’t this supposed to be nothing for you?”
“I’m not a mafioso,” he says with a smile. 
You eye him disbelievingly as you pack his wound. 
“There, all better.”
“Not quite.”
“What now?”
“Doesn’t a kiss fix everything?”
You know he’s expecting you to push him away, so just to be contrary, you lean in and gently peck the bandage covering his side. 
His hand snakes his way into your hair and gently brings you back up, face to face with him. “Bad girl. You know that’s not what I meant.” 
And then he’s kissing you like you’re his nicotine. He tastes like smoke and ash - not particularly enjoyable, but the more time you spent licking his bad habits from his mouth, the more you’re staring to enjoy them. Gojo is everything that’s wrong for you - secondhand delinquency, but he’s such a good kisser. He pulls away and mouthes down your neck, leaving bruising kisses all over your carotid artery. 
“Pretty thing,” he murmurs against your neck. “Wanna take you home.” 
You think he might be delirious and check him for a fever. “Don’t be ridiculous.” 
“I’m serious,” he whines, forehead against your shoulder now. “Want you all to myself. Don’t want share with the convenience store anymore.” 
He’s in no state to go anywhere, by the way he’s babbling. Just this once, you let him come with you. 
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The streets are quiet these days. Maybe they can smell the spilled blood on the doorstep, a warning flag to anyone who comes into the convenience store. Or maybe the man who waits for you outside is the warning. 
“Anything interesting happen while I was gone?” 
He’s come to pick you up again, black helmet already outstretched to you. 
“No. You have anything to do with that?”
He smiles and leans in to brush his lips against your temple. “Everyone knows you’re off limits. You’re mine.” 
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total-drama-brainrot · 3 months
i found ur "p!Noah singing "The Red Means I Love You"" idea interesting and i absolutely love the concept of Chris asking for a song and Noah just jumping to the front with the most maniac grin on his face, and nobody stops him cause they're too afraid to so they just let the guy have his solo LMAO but i have to ask, if he did sing this song, given its a song to be directed at a singular person [or multiple people, if he goes around and singles out one person at a time], who would the person he sings it to be? or would he just sing it to sing it? [imagining him forming a kick-line at some point and cackling]
See I've always had a hard time envisioning Noah willfully singing for any reason- and that applies to all Noahs- save for maybe spite, monetary compensation and/or dedication to The Bit (and even then, I really doubt canon Noah would be committed enough to a joke to 'humiliate himself' by singing). He does sing along to the compulsary songs in canon, though he's not a frequent voice amongst the regular performers.
But p!Noah is pretty much all about committing himself fully to The Bit, so he'd probably jump at the chance to have his own solo song if said solo song was something along the lines of "The Red Means I Love You", or "I Can't Decide", or anything that's gruesome/gorey enough to cause discomfort to his competitors. Bonus points if he gets to demonstrate what he's singing!
As for who he's singing to? ... I have no idea.
I'm a bit (a lot) of a multishipper, and I usually leave my AUs fairly vague when it comes to what romances it'll include (if any) unless said romance plays an integral part in the whole concept of the AU itself. In the case of the Psycho Noah AU, I haven't really put much thought into how relationships would work- let alone which ship would be 'canon' to the AU.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is; it's up to the reader themself to fill in the blanks with their preferred Noah ship!
Saying that, having Noah sing an inherently romantic (if a little violent/fucked up) song without actually dedicating it to anyone is. Really funny. Maybe he's singing to the audience themselves, as yet another way to tease/toy with them?
(And the idea of him somehow roping the others into a kickline is hilarious, though I have no idea how he'd manage it. Not that I doubt he could.)
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chimerahyperfix · 21 days
CW: Graphic depictions of violence, lots of Death and Gore, Psychological horror for like 3 lines, mentions of drowning. Please read the tags and take caution. This one's more than a little visceral.
The King is here.
You walk through crowded halls of rushing Housemaidens getting into defensive positioning. It's like fighting a wave in the ocean, hard to push through the crowd. You make do anyways, curling through paths you normally wouldn't take.
It's a big deal to everyone but you, at this point. This is the big event, the big fight; to you it's simply where time loops back. Just another day, y'know? You've done it over and over, and you'll probably keep doing it anyways.
It's odd, pushing through the crowd. Everyone is going one way and you are going another. Rushing versus strolling. Your hands are in the pockets of your lab coat. You're practically whistling, for crab's sake!
You simply cannot be bothered this loop. It's a failure from the start: you crabbed up making the bomb, which means you're crabbed from the very beginning. You climbed up the Favor Tree and wedged yourself between the braches for a few hours to pass the time, because looping back would be too much of an inconvenience, and you could just wait until the tears started spawning in the house to go back. The birds had a good time at least, one starting to craft a nest next to you.
You ghosted throughout the day, and now its go time. Everyone else is prepared and ready to fight for time itself, and here you are just. Walking. Realistically you're searching for a tear to stop it all before it starts, but luck isn't on your side this loop.
You can hear it, hear it-- the horrors. All the screams of those unfortunate enough to cross the King's path and fight back. It would be easier, for them, to just bow back and let themselves be frozen-- but no one wants to be frozen, because that's having choice itself stolen from you, a cage of ice to lock yourself in forever. It's just as bad as being dead. Stagnant and eternally screaming.
So they march to their deaths.
The King does not take kindly to the Housemaidens fighting back. Some loops, the House isn't prepared for his attack. Those loops are the nice ones, the less gorey ones. Less dead and more frozen bodies, because no one was prepared to brawl with the monster. He can just... swoop on through and take the House without more than a handful of casualties. This loop is one of the bad ones, because your fellow housemaidens were all prepared. You always think your prepared, too, to see the outcome, but you never truly are.
You turn into the main hall, and freeze still.
No matter how many loops you go through, the carnage always gets to you. There's a nasty, overpowering smell of iron in the air and big dark stains painting the walls, the floors and the roof. Bits and pieces of mashed guts and viscera. There were people in this hallway, once.
Not anymore.
It makes you sick to your stomach like every other time. Just the thought of it. There were people here and now there's only parts of them left. Just ten minutes ago or so, there were people here.
There were people here.
The gore goes in a trail down the hall. Paints practically everything-- including frozen people, if you look down the hall. All frozen with shock and absolute horror on their faces. You recognize some of them.
You try not to think about it.
You push on. Try to ignore the way the blood seeps into your shoes very fabric so they become damp. Try to ignore the fact you're trailing someone's very life behind you now with bloody shoe prints.
There are still no tears.
Plan B, then. The King himself.
You hate going against the King. It always ends terribly with you in agony. But that's the only option left right now, so you chase him down on his little path carved from the blood of the innocent. You find him quickly, too- just down the hall.
He stops before you can get too close. The smell in the air is overpowering, the sharp tang of blood and the burning sensation of the sugar.
"Burning one." He says to you. You're not sure where he pulled that one from: the nickname was something different at some point, but you've long forgotten what it was. Maybe it's the smell of burnt, rotting sugar or maybe it's the potions that burnt your throat. You're not sure anymore.
He just... stands there. Turns around and looks at you. You can feel the dead expression you're pulling as you stare back. Blood glints on his armor, shining and the worst sight in the world and all the same kinda beautiful in its own way? Like the lightless gore is the night sky itself, sparkling with little dots. Makes you feel sick just thinking that.
"How have you done it?" He asks. He asks it every time the two of you face off, the same five words. How. A inquiry. Something you have done, you shouldn't have, and he knows it.
You... think you've gotten it, now. Your hypothesis: How you wished. It's not something you were supposed to do. You did something different something WRONG, and it did something to time itself, tearing a hole in the fabric of space. It's wrong. It's wrong, and you know it and so does the King.
He stares in your direction. You think? Despite his hands, blood-stained as they are, not being infront of his face, the mop of hair is still in the way. You can feel the glare still. Enraged. Daggers in your side.
"I don't know." It's the truth.
"You don't know?"
"I don't remember."
The King goes silent. It's odd, having an actual conversation with him. Even if it was a tiny exchange, it still throws you off. He's willing to talk, even if just a question. He's never really talked to you-- or anyone, to your knowledge-- before.
"Ouuuuhhhh... of course you don't." He wails. It sounds like nails on a chalkboard to you. "You shouldn't have been able too, oohhh... not at all..."
He raises a fist up. It sparkles like the night sky, dark dripping from between his fingers. There's still someone's remains painted on them. Preemptively you brace and throw your arms up in an attempt to block.
It's a different thing that hits you. A new attack. A giant open palm slams into your chest, and you go flying backwards into the wall. The world turns to slow motion as something in you SNAPS. Crunches. Your bones shatter and explode with the force and speed, shooting little shards of agony everywhere.
It hurts. It HURTS. Pain rips through your entire body, and you realise you've started to scream when your chest begins to hurt. Blood splatters onto your glasses, blotting out your vision.
You look up at the King. How'd you get on the floor? How are you breathing, with no lungs? You can see fragments of bone stuck between the metal of his armor.
"Let this be a lesson to you, Burning one."
Metal clinks, and your vision swims-- dots in the corners, figures blur. Blood drips down into your left eye and paints half of your vision a dark shade. Nothing but pain.
Make it stop. Make it stop, make it stop make it stop-- it hurts, it hurts it hurts it hurts.
Simply stop thinking. Just for a moment.
So your brain can catch up! Yeah, sure. That's a good enough excuse.
Just. Pain. You are pain incarnate, and that's all you will be until you die slowly and loop back.
Blink,, and
The King. Is gone. You can hear him leaving, loud stomping footsteps dissapearing down a bloodstained trail, and you just stare.
How lucky, HOW LUCKY of you to be left alive this time. Like this isn't a fate worse than death. You gasp for air, and realise all you have left is blood filling your lungs.
It hurts. You want it to end, now. It's hard to see, over the blood and spots dancing across your eyes, but you see them; tears, floating around you. A quick out. You reach out, and the pain in you flares alive, ripping and tearing you apart. You feel like your flesh is going to peel off.
Your fingers brush into one of the tears, and you sob as the ice rolls down your arm and consumes you. It feels a hundred times better than what you were feeling before.
You freeze in time-- and luckily theres no nightmare you have to endure, you just wake back up at your desk. You spend a good chunk of the morning curled up in the bathroom getting sick, because, wow! That's the worst one yet! It's curled into your very being, the feeling of breaking your bones like rock candy, the feeling of drowning in blood.
You just... have to do it better this time, or... something. Hope is fading away into background static. You can't... do this anymore. It hurts too much. You want it to stop. Please make it stop.
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
I am literally so deeply in love with Host, also I am so glad I found your account I can never find good yandere content that's not extremely gorey towards the reader. If you could, could you do some NSFW or just slightly NSFW with Host. If you can't then anything with him please.
Show Host Oc Nsfw headcannons (Mdni 18+)
• Not usually one to delve into carnal desires; that all changes for Host when he gets his hands on you.
• Gets off more on pleasing you more than anything else. You’re still the star of the show on or off stage, and he’ll make sure you know it. Pretty skilled with his fingers, despite your body being the first human one he’s ravaged. When he actually opens up his mouth, you’ll come to find he has a rather eager friend waiting to come to aid. Multiple – to be in fact. The taste of you on his tongues is one he easily grows keen to.. Well endowed in the nether region as well, but can change to your liking. 
• Favorite positions are cowgirl and missionary. Anything where he’s able to “see” the full range of your expressions as he finds out what makes you tick. 
• Finds a dominating partner… amusing. Something about a borderline eldritch entity submitting to fragile thing like yourself just tickles him in some way. But you’re no average thing, and he wants to allow you to indulge in your every wish. 
• Enjoys a loud partner. The only thing more rousing than the applause of a crowd is the sounds you make within a confined space. Makes a little game out of seeing how long you can hold them in. Has fun regardless of how you express yourself in bed, but there are occasions where he’ll try to make you more verbal in the act. Possessive at times and just wants to hear that you’re his.
• “Does it feel good? You’ll have to speak up and let me know, dear.” 
• Into light bondage. Your wrists look marvelous wrapped in his silky tie. 
• Not above fucking you on stage. Leaning against his desk, one arm gripping your waist; showing you off to the crowd below – all whole holding his microphone up to your panting lips. Teasing the audience with something he’ll never let any of them have; letting them know that at the end of the day you’re his alone.
• “Breath nice and steady, Y/n. Your adoring fans want to witness it all.”
• On a somewhat lighter note, he’ll find it fun to tease you in front of everyone instead. Brushing his hand down your spine as you give announcements, whispering about how good he’ll reward you for being such a fantastic co-host. Having you walk onstage right after a private session; face flushed and the product of your love making dripping down your legs.
• “Goodness, folks! Our precious co-host looks a bit under the weather. Is everything alright?~”
• Stamina lasts for however long you do, and however you like it. Long hours of gentle love, quick heats of hot passion – or vice versa. Aftercare is not bad. Praising you for taking him so well and massaging any knots I’m your muscles after getting you cleaned up.
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triptychofvoids · 7 months
Autistic medic gives me life ❤❤. Any random hcs for him? /nf /pos
of course! autistic medic is canon to me
ive already talked a bit about him being autistic before so a few of these maybe be things ive already mentioned but ill say them anyway
this is already obvious to everyone already but his special interests are surgery and medicine! anything medical really. hes also very interested in anatomy and pigeons (specifically pigeons. he probably couldnt tell you a lot about parrots for example, but if you want 100 facts about doves then hes your guy). and of course hed have a bunch of other hobbies and interests but those are the big ones
hes more prone to shutdown than he is to meltdown. not that meltdowns would never happen, theyre just more rare. usually a shutdown would come first and on the occasion hes pushed past that then a meltdown would follow, and after a meltdown then hed have a second even worse shutdown. thankfully situations like these are rare
like ive said (and drawn) before his main stims are rocking, hand flapping, echolalia, tensing up and hand wringing, and biting. a few other less obvious/not as common that he has are sparkly/flashy visual stims, he also loves both feeling and seeing anything gorey, he likes petting his birds, certain noises would be very pleasant to him like his doves cooing or coins clinking together and the sounds of the mediguns. hed love the smell of coffee and isopropyl. hed have a few others stims too but theyd be more rare and very situational like hitting himself or toe walking.
hes weird about his gloves and his coat. as in he would put them on for a specific reason but once he gets used to having them on he would absolutely hate taking them off. he has to keep them on for the rest of the day no matter what. and vice versa, if hes not wearing his gloves or coat then he cant just?? randomly put them on?? no no its all or nothing theyre either going on for combat and then staying on for the rest of the day or not at all
hes very excitable and loves to talk and if hes engaged in a conversation or excited about something then his voice will gradually get louder and louder and he'll keep interrupting or talking over people. he wont even notice it until someone points it out to him
you cant take him to the store because hes going to touch everything and then very quickly regret it when hes suddenly overcome with the overwhelming soul crushing need to wash his hands and theres no sink around. its so over :[
bad at left vs right and identifying north, south, east, and west. nothing else to say here, its not that he gets lost easily, he can find his way around just fine its just that hes awful at directions
very strict about his routines and lists. he cannot stand it if he makes plans and they get postponed or canceled. he hates it if he makes a list of things to get and then cant get everything on the list exactly correct. hes actually more than willing to do things on impulse in the moment but only if hes already mentally planned to do that or if it doesnt interfere with something else he has going on
hes very blunt and direct. he says exactly what hes thinking and answers questions very honestly and directly. people often find him to be rude for this but he doesnt get why. speaking of him being seen as rude, he used to get in trouble for always rolling his eyes or talking back to people because for the longest time he didnt realize that trying to stretch your eyes or avoid eye contact or staring could all somehow be considered 'rolling' your eyes. or rude. and talking back... isnt that how a conversation works? hes never been very good at knowing when he is or isnt supposed to reply to statements.
ive said it before but i will say it again. he has little to no empathy. every autistic person is different of course and not all autistics have low empathy, but im tired of low enpathy being seen as a bad trait. im tired of people with low empathy (autistic or otherwise) being seen as evil and uncaring. having low empathy doesnt make you a bad person. he has very low empathy and often struggles to connect with and understand others. he frequently will have the wrong emotion for the situation and may sometimes come off as uncaring when he is not as sad about something as they are, etc etc etc but he is not some horrible evil monster for it and i do not want to see anyone saying that because its just completely incorrect. hope this helps
anyway!!!! theres some autistic medic!!!! i hope you like him as much as i do!!!!
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