#it was always going to just be old souls i promise i didn't just change the title out of nowhere😭
alalumin · 4 months
FYI, I am going to be referring to my comic as "Old Souls!" (with an exclamation mark) from now on! "Old souls: the thread of life" is too much of a mouthful to be a proper title and I only tagged it that to have a specific tag for it really, but I like this workaround.
How did I not think of that earlier? Idk
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Genshin SAGAU where they hide in the Fortress Of Meropide in order to live a normal life.
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not proofread pt2
Creator! Reader who woke up confused in Fontaine. "What the fuck..." you mumbled as you were trying to piece everything together, why were you here? Is this a dream...?
You soon realized that you died in the real world because of Truck-Kun. Now... You have to adjust into this world...
It took a little bit of time to adjust but with the help of an old fisherman living in the mountains who took you in, it didn't take long before you accepted this life.
Creator! Reader who wants to live their life in peace and don't ever want to be found by the Archons or... Any of the main characters for that matter! It'd be a headache if they found out... You didn't want people being overprotective over you.
You wanted freedom...
Creator! Reader who gets found out by the old fisherman as the Creator by accident. You looked at your bleeding hand in horror as it spew out golden blood. The old fisherman quickly grabbed a cloth and wrapped it around your finger.
The old fisherman seemed to connect the pieces together, "So this is why you don't want to go to the city... And why you just popped out of nowhere in the fields..." the old man mumbled. "I- please... Don't tell anyone...!" you cried out. His eyes widened, "Oh! No! Your Grace I would never! But... You're not safe here... There will come a time that you will be found..." The old fisherman sighed.
Creator! Reader who conducted a plan to fake a robbery. The plan was to make it look like you 'stole' from the old man. The old fisherman would report you and you would be sentenced as a thief and banished to the Fortress of Meropide, living in the shadows... Like a ghost.
When your case was being heard, you saw Furina there, that means the traveller hadn't arrived yet... That'll be a problem for you in the future but you brushed it off, promising yourself you'd avoid the traveller like their the black plague.
When you arrived there, Childe was already gone... This was bad... That means the Traveller is coming soon.
It didn't help that you also saw Wriothesley face to face, his observing stare making you nervous... But with how he let you off easily, you don't think he found anything suspicious about you.
Creator! Reader who can't seem to not help Aether and Paimon along with the three siblings, Lynette, Lyney, and Freminet. Always leaving small clues so that they can advance to the story faster, or making sure they don't get hurt or get into an accident. You already knew what the story of Fontaine was but with your current existence... You were unsure if there were some things that'll change.
Creator! Reader who gets found out by Aether...
Your body flinched as he called your name... He knew your name... "You're... Them right...?" He added, you dared not to turn around, getting ready to run away since he hadn't seen your face yet. "You are them... The creator..." he spoke out again, "Please... Don't run away..." he begged as he walked closer to you. You slowly turned around to face him, "...How did you know it was me...?" you asked.
"That... Warmth... That lingering feeling... I felt it. It lead me towards you... I-I thought you were gone, or that you were upset since I hadn't felt you in so long..." He replied as tears rolled down his cheeks, he eventually hugged you, to which you allowed him to. Rubbing his back to comfort him.
Creator! Reader who tells Aether to never tell anyone about you or your existence to which he obliged. You watched everything unfold, from the start to the aftermath of the flood. Everything went well, and not a single soul other than Aether and the old Fisherman know of your existence.
"Everything went well... Neuvillette made sure Furina had an apartment near Palais Mermonia." Aether reported to you, "That's great news." You smiled at him, "Ah! You need to go, people would probably find it suspicious if they found you talking to a random prisoner for no reason." you added to which he nodded, he was about to leave but you stopped him for a moment and gave him a head pat. He was like a younger brother, he blushed and remained standing there for a few seconds, waiting for you to stop.
You let out a small laugh, "Sorry, I got carried away." he only nodded and quickly left, too flustered to even muster a response. You watched him as he left your prison cell.
You then walked towards your bed, looking for your work clothes as you were planning on working again for tickets. You then hear footsteps, you didn't bother turning around as you assumed it was Aether.
"Aether, did you leave something?" you asked, "Aether? You mean the traveller?" you froze... That voice wasn't from Aether... You slowly turned around to see... Wriothesley. You blood ran cold as you stared at him, your mind scrambling as it tried to find words to say.
"You don't have to say anything." He added, slowly walking towards you. "You know... I thought there was something so weird about you... Something about you kept pulling me in and I didn't know why... At first I thought you were just a Fatui spy but now..." he was only a feet away from you now, "I realized that you're them... The creator."
part 2...???
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iiotic · 3 months
。‧What letters? ༻༉
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Alastor x Fem! Reader
༉‧.tw - an opinion, mentions of toxic parents, racism, toxic relationship, bullying, death, use of Alchocol, Reader is white (sorry to all other races)
༉‧.words - 1.9k
༉‧.a/n - This is pt 1 and pt 2 of "what letters?" combined because I hated how stupid it looked in 2 parts. The is very badly written because it was one of my first works and as always I'd like to apologize for any mistakes English is not my first language.
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In 1907 your parents decided to move in Louisiana, New Orleans. You were awfully scared of changing schools thinking that you won't make any friends since it's the middle of school year.
You were assigned school uniforms. Blue-ish shirt with white buttons and a black skirt just below your knees. Black tights and white boots. You quite liked it however you thought it was a little stupid that they gave you bright shirts. Of course you will get them dirty.
You soon found yourself troubled to sit with someone at lunch. Everyone seemed like they were having a good time, laughing with others and you just didn't want to interrupt them.
You also took a notice of how people sit. In what groups. Everyone was sitting with the same race as them. Just like in your old school, nothing was different here.
You usually sat alone. Until..
-"May i sit here?"- A boy your age asked. He had round black glasses and chocolate eyes. - I took notice of you sitting alone at lunch and i was wondering if i could join you?
You quickly recovered from the shook and agreed to his offer. After introducing yourself you found out that the boys name is Alastor. He told you that he had troubled sitting with anyone because he was "mixed" and that no one accepted him the way he is.
Then you realised what your parents told you. They absolutely forbidden you to talking to any other race. Your dad didn't like black people one bit. He thought that they are absolutely useless and shouldn't be accepted in any way. That they shouldn't exist.
However you weren't just going to throw away your first friend in school like that. Deciding to keep it a secret.
You learned that Alastor is actually really smart. He was the top student in his class, getting straight A's. Well except history but you were great with it so you made a deal. You would help Alastor with history and he'd help you with any other subject you had problems with.
You also met Ms. Barbara, Alastors mother. She was a sweet woman, really. She always made the best jambalaya and was really supportive of her son, always wishing the best for him. She grew a liking to you as well.
Thought you did notice the weird looks people would give you at school. You didn't mind.
After a year you developed feelings for Alastor thinking that he's sweet, clever and fun.. And he knows how to cook. But little did you know that he did too.
Then it all crashed. Your parents decided to move out of Louisiana. You questioned them why would they even wanted to move in if we were leaving now.
Absolutely devastated you went to see and say your last goodbye to Alastor. You promised him to somehow keep in touch and write a lot of letters.
It didn't work out.
Your father found out about your little friend and the letters you would write every night to update him how has your day been and that you miss him. He gave the letters to your mother so that she could burn them or hide them in the attic so that you and Alastor wouldn't have any kind of communication.
And here you were, sitting in your new room. Waiting, waiting for letters from the boy who you've developed feelings for.. Or has he already forgotten about you?
On your 29th birthday you had an accident. A car crash. You decided to drive extremely drunk after your own party. 2 people in the car with you; your best friend and your younger sister. That day 2 souls came to rest and 1 to suffer in hell.
After you woke up in not your body you absolutely freaked out. Where were you? Where is my younger sister? What time is it? I'm hungry. Were you.. Dead?
Behind your laying body stood the "Happy Hotel" where souls are suppose to get rehabilated. You had no other choice then to go there.
3 knocks could be heard across the main hall suggesting that someone is waiting behind the door. A pretty blonde woman opened the door and seemed extremely excited to see you.
She introduced herself as Charlie, the owner of the hotel and the Princess of hell. Charlie explained that you ended in hell and how things work here. You were absolutely terrified.. What did you that you ended here?
But then it hit you. Your father robbed the store multiple times and didn't get caught. You were suppose to keep it a secret and you did. You should've report it to the police.
Charlie also said that you could stay here for as long as you wish, on 1 condition; you would have to help in any way you can. A free place to stay and a nice owner? Of course you agreed instantly.
When Charlie was walking you to your new room you felt awfully uncomfortable.. Like you were watched. You're terrified at this point 'couse you just realised where you are.
Everything is happening so fast that you don't know what's even going on. But before you could realise anything a deer-like creature is standing right infront of you.
You looked up at the tall creature before you with fear in your eyes. None of you said anything. His red eyes staring at you, almost like you were his prey and he was your predator. He was smiling. Why the hell was he always smiling like nothing has ever happen?
How could you look at him the same when he had left you heartbroken like that?
How could you forgive him for everything he'd done?
How could you act like everything was fine when it wasn't?
-"Why didn't you respond to any of my letters?" - The fear in your eyes slowly turning into anger and sorrow. - You promised me you'd write back to me. Then tell me why didn't i receive anything?
His eyes narrowed and his smile grew bigger. -"What letters?" - His voice sounding like an old radio. The static was ringing in yours ears, causing you a headache. -"I never received any of your letters, dear."
-"Stop lying to me, Alastor." - You quickly interrupted his sentence. -"I wrote to you everyday, hoping for a response from you. Tell me, why didn't you fulfil our promise?"
-"I would-" - He was interrupted once again. This time by the owner of the hotel. She walked up to you two with an excited face, screaming your name.
She slowed down as she saw who you were talking to. Her excited smile slowly turned into an more nervous one.
-" I see you two already met each other." - Charlie said focusing more on Alastor, hoping that he didn't do anything stupid. - "In case that he didn't introduce himself his name is Alastor. But I'm sure you've already heard of him. I just came her to say that your room is ready."
You thanked Charlie as you were truly grateful for everything she already has done for you. Without her you would probably be homeless, just waiting to get killed in the next extermination. Soon enough Charlie completely ignored Alastor, dragging you along to introduce to you everyone in the hotel.
-" So that was Niffty! We're 80% sure she's harmless. And this is the bar and the bartender" - She said pointing on an avian cat demon, absolutely screaming with excitement. But can you really blame her? You were her second true guest!
The demon behind the bar just looked at you for a second turning back around to whatever he was doing.
-"Oh! Vaggie here!!"- She said waving at a girl with long white hair with a jagged, moth-like shape to the cut, with gray-lavender stripes at the ends. Charlie quickly introduced her too. -" And this is my girlfriend, Vaggie."
Vaggie just gave you a slight smile while telling Charlie that they should talk in private. Apologising Charlie said that she was going to be right back.
So now you were left all alone in the lobby. You decided to sit on the couch to think about everything that has just happened.
"Okay so there's an afterlife and i'm not so surprisingly in hell. Im in a place filled with crazy psychos.." You pinched the bridge of your nose. Looking around at your surroundings, hoping that this is all a dream. "Some surprisingly happy woman allowed me to stay at her hotel for as long as i want to. And in this hotel there's my childhood bestfriend. Amazing."
-"Fucking amazing" - You said out loud as you heard Charlie coming back wanting to continue the tour.
You woke up to the sound of someone knocking on your door. Getting up and throwing a blanket on yourself you yelled that they should come in.
And he did.
-"What are you doing here, Alastor?"- You looked at him with anger in your eyes. "- I don't want to see you."
-" Well, dearest." - He paused thinking how he should put it in words. -" I just wanted to make few things clear beetwen us."
- "We haven't seen each others in years and here you are being mad at me because you didn't keep our little promise."
- "I didn't keep it?" - You got up from your sitting position on your bed and started to slowly walk up to him. -" I always stayed up late at night writing letters to you every-fucking-day. I thought that you would care just a little to write back to maybe I don't fucking one. Atleast one letter?"
-" As i said earlier, i didn't receive any letters."- He looked at you calmly with his signature smile -"However I'd like to know your excuse to not responding to my letters."
-"I didn't receive any letters Alastor!" - God, you were so mad at him. He truly broke your heart. You liked him.. No you lived him for such a long time. He was your first crush and now? He was just a fucking manipulator. - Why the fuck are you lying to me?
-"I'd like to discuss this matter calmly." - He said referring to you cussing him in every sentence and your unstoppable yelling. - How about I'll take you to a cafe, my treat.
After considering his offer you agreed. You really needed to know what happened between you two and if he was really lying. It was quite dumb for you to just assume he was a liar without any proof but I guess it was the adrenaline rushing through your veins.
This morning you borrowed a dress from Charlie becouse you didn't have any other clothes then the ones that you've fallen in. It was a black dress just below your knees with an sweetheart neckline. She also borrowed you her jewelry so now you're also wearing a golden necklace.
The time of day has come and Alastor knocked to your bedroom once again. This time you opened the door closing it behind, ready to go.
Alastor snapping his finger teleported both of you to a nearby cafe. Coming in and gesturing you to chose a table. After you choose one he pulled out the chair for you and took a seat before you.
-"So dear."- He looked up at you -"That dress really compliments your figure."
-"Thank you however it isn't mine. Now I'd like you to explain what happened?"
-"I don't know what you're talking about, darling. "- Oh now he is acting dumb?
-" I'll ask one last time. Why didn't you respond to any of my letters?" - You asked, this time calmly. Crossing your arms.
-"and I'll say one last time. I didn't receive them."- He said looking out of the window, seeing demons suffer. -"I always thought that you didn't write them, that you've forgotten about me."
-"I'd never forget you, Alastor. You meant a lot for me."- You responded looking out of the window as well -"I couldn't imagine life without you. That's why I was truly heartbroken when i didn't ses you write back."
-"I was writing to you, so many times. In fact i always wrote to you on the end of every week." - He confessed - "For over 15 years."
-"But i didn't receive anything?"
-"Neither did i, dear"- Maybe it was the wrong address? Maybe I just didn't know how to send letters? Maybe I didn't actually send them?
-"So.. I'm sorry I'm so embarrassed right now." - You looked at your lap fidgeting with your fingers -"I should have never yelled at you like. It was very immature of me to accuse you of something you didn't do."
-"That's fine, darling"- he said looking back at you lowering his tone a bit -"Everything is fine between us?"
You looked at him with hope in your eyes. Oh how much you wanted to bring things to normal, how it was earlier when you were kids. -"Yeah everything is fine."
-"Smile my dear. You know you're never fully dressed without one!"
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broadwayfangirl222 · 4 months
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Ok so this photo implies that they used to be friends, but what was their dynamic like before this falling out? So I think they started out as friends. Obviously, probably initially bonding over both being creatives/performers/entertainers. They got even closer over time. To the point one of their store-fronts were pretty much connected:
In Stayed Gone you see one of Vox's stores literally next to what you can assume is Alastor's because of the mic and radio but also the boarded up sign labeled "Old Crap" over the original name (Vox probably had that done after their falling out or in the 7 years Alastor was gone)
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As time went on, Vox started to change. He became more and more obsessed with remaining in the spotlight no matter what and profits over any kind of actual integrity when it comes to running a business/deals made.
Say what you want about Alastor, but he's been relatively honest whenever we've seen him try to make deals. He doesn't promise or offer anything he can't deliver on. At most he'll probably use technicalities and loopholes the other person accidentally put in the deal with him. Like a messed up genie or a monkey's paw kind of situation where your own words get twisted and used against you.
Meanwhile, Vox literally advertised a product he didn't even know he could actually make. He waited until AFTER the announcement to even begin R&D on the idea:
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You can argue he kinda had a basic proof of concept since the Vees knew about the dead angel already but I personally wouldn't. And that's not even going into the hypnosis he does to people. Imagine how he is with making deals over souls? So between these shady practices and him always "Flitting between this fad and that" this is probably where the rift between them began. Professionally/as overlords, Alastor began seeing Vox as a sellout who takes the easy route with no finesse to it.
Then Vox's business proposal happened. On Vox's end, well, he caught feelings™ plus working with Alastor would be good for his whole business too. Like back then he just pictured having what he has now with Valentino, just with Alastor: Being business partners and partners™
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And Alastor who already has major issues with how Vox conducts himself as a business man/overlord, and now dealing with this personal angle his aroace ass definitely can not handle, basically responded with his iconic "Ha!...No!" (and kinda mixed with Charlie's panicked "fuck NOOO!")
And that's how their strained dynamic fully fell apart, Vox got angry and bitter he was rejected, then it turned to full blown rivalry
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blingblong55 · 11 months
Sweet Nothing- Rodolfo Parra (includes Philip Graves)
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Based on a request:
Look, as much as I love Philip Graves, he gives off jackass bitch energy. So, he leads on the reader (who's just fuckin adorable, wife energy, protect this one for the rest of your life vibes) before leaving them after a one night stand and then they meet again years later and reader changed into a badass boss bitch dommy mommy you'd wanna tap but she's fucking hostile af. Also dating Rudy, cuz Rudy's the only man who deserves to score a pre-Graves reader. Idk, im in my "fuck me up and you're next" era
A/N: Someone said I should use the lyrics of Sweet nothing, so...here it goes
F!Reader, fluff, angst, soldier! reader
I find myself running home to your sweet nothings Outside, they're push and shoving You're in the kitchen humming
7 years ago, a few of your comrades and you had a huge victory. You all went to celebrate out by a local pub. It was fun, the drinks, the stories, laughs, the stupid songs you'd all sing, and then the stupid mistake of letting Graves take you home. You had a crush on him before, how when he smiles he would do so to the side. The way his hair was always well groomed and how his cologne never changed. You noticed his American southern accent, getting rougher when he was drunk like this. The way his hands wandering your thighs or back. So for you it was a dream to even have him offer himself to you.
If you can describe yourself from 7 years ago, you'd call her "sweet, innocent, caring, bubbly, and loving", and all that is true, well was true. The night with Philip was great, the way he assured you all night in bed that he'd take care of you. How his lips met yours, how he kissed you with so much delicateness it felt beautiful. "al'right, sweet thing, just close your eyes and rest now." Your head rested on his chest, his hand drawing small circles on your back. You felt content in his arms.
By morning, instead of waking up to him by your side, it was just you. A note and nothing else.
"That was fun, but just a one time thing:) -take care, Philip Graves"
You never knew it'd be just a one night stand with him, you'd expect more. Back then, you were only a 22 year old, still learning and understanding much of the military. You trusted him with your body that night, a innocent girl, not knowing she'd be robbed from something she held dear to her, her own young heart on a platter, eaten by the man Philip was.
By some miracle, a commander in Mexico had seen your work for Shadow company. Alejandro Vargas, a major at the time of him recruiting you and his friend, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra, a captain at the time. Graves let you go, knowing that you'd ask for more and he was not wiling to give. In all honesty, after you left, he talked about his time with you, made fun of you the weeks after it had happened.
After that night with Philip and how he belittled you, even if he didn't know, you promised you'd never let that happen to you. All the men that approached you were quickly turned down. You only gave time to your job, training and to yourself. You treated men like the scum of the earth.
Belittled them if they ever spoke about you. "I'd shut it, because you are nothing more than a worthless, good for nothing piece of ass." All men at some point feared you, not making advances on you, except for one.
Rudy, although rejected by you more than 19 times, always came back. He never cared if you degraded him with your lemon filled words. He loved you for it, loved how you never spoke bad of yourself, standing tall and proud. Alejandro tried to tell him to stop pursuing you, but he is stubborn as he is cute.
With him, you were always more soft. Although at times you'd say mean things to him, you were never too mean. Because in him, you found your old self coming back. Begging to be let out, because all you wanted to do was cuddle with him, listen to his problems, kiss him, adore his very soul.
And to be honest, he worshipped the ground you walk on. He didn't care that he was a higher rank than you, no, he always said. "Yes ma'am", "No, ma'am", "Sorry ma'am", "You look beautiful/perfect, ma'am". In his eyes, you deserved all the shiniest of things this world could offer.
He loved how you would yell at rookies, but the second you saw a puppy, you'd turn all soft and would pet it for a long time. How one time he saw you baking and dancing to a melody in your head. Your puppy eyes when you would see a something adorable.
One night, there you were, ready to hop on your motorcycle when he approached. "R/N, uhm...do you mind if maybe this Sunday me and you can maybe....I dunno, go on a date?"
You see, the reason why he asked you on a Sunday and not on a Friday or Saturday was because he heard you sing a song to yourself.
"I want a Sunday kind of love, A love to last past Saturday night, And I'd like to know it's more than love at first sight, And I want a Sunday kind of love" Your voice soft like a whisper.
His face lit up, in a way for him, this was you agreeing, "6 am, ma'am." he happily responded. You were confused, why would he want a date on a Sunday at 6 in the goddamn morning?
"I was thinking breakfast by the lakes...maybe you'd like that," he answered as if he was listening to your thoughts, he paused and looked at you, "Or whatever time, all I want is to spend time with you."
A light red hue on your cheeks, there it was. The old you, feeling excited because for the first time in years, you were validated as more than just a 'one time thing', seen by him for you. You nod, "very well-"
"I'll pick you up?"
"I don't see why not."
You put her helmet on, going for the typical night ride. Funny enough, he was the guy who would race you any chance he got. You of course never knew, but he did. Wanted to spend time with you in whatever way he could, so, he learned from Alejandro how to ride one.
During the date, he was so nervous, he completely forgot his Spanish and English. Giggled as he tried to compose himself for you, you took his hand, "Just one work at a time, I promise to listen." the way you said it and carried it, was a different side of you, the old you.
"Eres hermosa, la mas bella." he cups your face, looks you in the eyes and smiles. You'd learn Spanish for him after months of dating, but in this moment, when you barely spoke the language, you understood the meaning. Skin melted on his hands, turning into mush, he leaned in, kissed your forehead and then looked you in the eyes.
"Thank you, for giving me this chance."
Soon after that, you went on more dates, Sunday dates. Always by the lake, eating, laughing and at times, he'd chase you into the water. Both laughing, being the sweetest of creatures.
6 years after that first date, you and him celebrated your engagement, Alejandro being asked to be the best man. While everyone had seen your cold hearted side, he saw you, the woman he'd be waiting for at the end of the isle. His favourite melody, the girl who made him soup, stayed up all night understanding the video game he was enraged by, taking classes to speak to your in-laws in their language. Wearing that sundress and although you weren't religious, attended church with his mum, grandma and him.
4 months after he had proposed to you, thats when you met 141 and Shadow Company. Graves introduced himself, once he spotted you in the room, he stopped, "-any...ways, it's a pleasure to meet y'all." He nodded to himself and walked to where you were. Alejandro ran through the plan.
"You look beautiful, sweet thing-"
You raised a finger to him, "I don't let dogs speak to me." Rudy heard it, chuckled to himself. He was happy, a part of him was always protective of you, wanted to be selfish and have you to him. So knowing you were still like this with other men made him glad. Now that he was on the good side of your actions, he didn't know if you still spoke like that to other men.
Graves was....mad...? He noticed how you changed, how you looked healthier, happier and that stupid fucking diamond ring. He did love how much your body had changed, how your curves become more prominent, your hair longer, the same body he was once all over was...sexier, appealed to his needs for sure.
And then after the meeting, he saw you hand in hand with Rudy. Your cold gaze now soft, you blushing and admiring your boyfriend. Rudy kisses your cheek which caused you to look away blushing. Although you were dating him, it was as if you were a school girl, crushing on a celebrity, gushing over him.
Rudy was always the one, that was clearly known. Graves will now forever hold his peace, as the girl that treated him with love and respect was now with another. You'd be the bride and he would never be the groom who gets to call you his.
His lost was and is clear to be Rudy's gain.
Industry disruptors and soul deconstructors And smooth-talking hucksters out glad-handing each other And the voices that implore, "You should be doing more" To you, I can admit that I'm just too soft for all of it
Tags: @anonymuslydumb
A/N: checking my inbox and I just realised I have request from back in may....sorry...I'll get to those, I promise
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thurio-edau · 1 month
sorry for the delay!
alright, gotta say... this one's a bit shorter. but the next will come like a train wreck i promise😇
Part 3: Ben Clark
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oh the sweet old Ben... a kind and loving soul muted away. I'm thinking of inspecting his trauma and his general actions, and give him a diagnosis which I'm sure is canon even. I'm sure everyone who knows the disorder itself is aware that Ben is, in fact, suffering from PTSD.
let's start. first, what is PTSD?
PTSD, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, is a mental condition where someone feels what they have previously went through in a past traumatic experience. PTSD is frequently found with flashbacks to the moment, overwhelming feelings and sudden responses. there are two types of this disorder, PTSD and C-PTSD. but we'll look in the first one for now.
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Ben has always been a really kind character. ever since the beginning. more of a 'gentle giant' type of character, though we never see him talk. he's soft, he loves to help his friends and never does anything vulgar around them, including the phantom dimension. he feels nice when he gets praised even if he doesn't show it too.
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the first time we see him getting flashbacks and his anger issues being visible is when we first see Barron's behaviour towards Logan. anything that includes actual bullying gives him flashbacks and his response is his anger issues unleashing.
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in his backstory, Ben is shown that he's more of a shy type of person, but he loves singing. because his tall and intimidating appereance doesn't match his softness, a group of dumbasses try to 'fix' him which he rejects. back when Shane strangled him, is what he gets flashbacks to. it was something that changed his entire life, he had a passion for singing but he never did with his damaged voice. god knows how many times he was hospitalized when he was going around to fights because of his outburst of rage.
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yep, rage. I'd classify his anger issues as the 'rage' type with PTSD. PTSD rage makes more sense to me than just normal anger problems. I've seen and lived with many people with anger issues, but none of them are similar to rage. anger problems in general are usually verbal, if you don't make them mad to a point they're all bark and no bite. but of course after a point the violence behind the generic anger issues can unleash (see Tyler)
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okay, back to Ben and rage. rage is an extreme condition of anger, the person gets violent and their thoughts are clouded with the rage which makes them not think before doing anything drastic. but he's not very closed off about it either, actually. the time where he accepted Aiden to do the storytelling was before the first half of season one, the gang wasn't even that close.
this means that he saw them as actual friends so early on. probably before everyone. Ashlyn took her sweet time accepting the friendship, I'm kind of sure that Aiden didn't at first (see Tyler, yet again), Tyler also definitely didn't (as said by Taylor in season two premiere) and I think Logan has attachment/trust issues but that's for later. the only other possible person that might accept the group fastly is Taylor but with Tyler's influence so close to her, there is also a chance she didn't at first.
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Ben was fine with his friends knowing his past. he put his earphones on because he didn't want to hear about it, or else he knew he'd get flashbacks yet again. I'm thinking that it could be diagnosed too. Aiden knows that it's not just a memory, it's flashbacks to Ben and he covers for him whenever he sees something that might trigger Ben. after learning the situation, Taylor also does the same. they learn the severity of his problems and are all fine with helping him.
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another thing I'm sure of is that he's extremely attached to his friends. we know that everyone is close-knit, but Ben specifically. he might not speak but that doesn't mean that he doesn't enjoy their time. he does, fully. which is I think why he/his room was... like that in the facility, without any spoilers.
to say, the gang is more than just friends to him; they're his found family, where he feels like he belongs. they don't judge him for his silence there. they understand his past. they're not scared of him just because of the way he was built and they're not going to be either.
but what about his family?
families are one of the most important part of a character and their backstory. the family is what decides how they will live, act and even feel sometimes. then what about Ben's? where were they during his backstory?
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yeah. Ben's rage causes something terrible to happen.
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but it ends better for everyone. Ben gets the therapy he needed, starts to live with Aiden, makes the gang his friends and it actually goes well.
his parents?
we meet Naomi and William during Lily's birthday.
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yes, Mike, Lily is goshdarn adorable.
first, I think Naomi and William aren't to blame. I think they did the best they could; they tried to help Ben, tried to help him get therapy, sent him to Aiden's place to help himself. then why didn't Ben's story stop?
Ben couldn't control his rage until their house got destroyed and he realized just how far it got. he sneaked out of the house, a lot of people seem to not see that detail. and they seem to be very caring, too.
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they're amazing as a whole family, to be honest. even the little Lily doesn't care about her birthday getting wrecked, because she wants to help Ben and his friends. she indirectly helped Tyler extremely well, since the sedative idea came from her in the first place.
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Naomi was the first person who brought up the whole 'we-are-seeing-phantoms' discussion and William didn't hesitate to talk about it. Naomi was also the first person to notice the phantoms when the worlds collided for a mere second.
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and Ben himself has shown completely zero negative behaviour towards them. and Lily gets treated like a princess -even if she accidentally neutered Ben-
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side note here, that Lily also really loves the family too. the way she cuddled Aiden when he died and came back was so cute to be honest.
so I don't think the family is anywhere to blame either. it was Ben who was strangled, Ben who fought, and Ben who saw therapy. the reason why I'm talking about this is because a lot of people suddenly blame a character's family when there's a problem with them.
guys. people with caring, loving families can be traumatized too. just because someone has a happy family doesn't mean they're suddenly over any trauma they live. doesn't mean everything is suddenly okay. it means that they have an accepting place to go to, a safe space. and Ben's family? I think they're just like that. they desperately try to help. help their son, their nephew and their friends. hell, Lily trying to help also speaks volumes in my opinion. their father -dilf no.2 after Mike right here- William was the one who offered the idea to get the kids saved from the centipede phantom. and to be honest? it was pretty smart.
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she also tried to prevent Emma from going mad because come on, Emma would absolutely wreck anyone if they dared blame Ashlyn for this. (still I think Jessica has to apologize for being to insensitive smh)
Naomi really seems like a sweetheart to me, I already said what to be said about William in a single very important side sentence and if there was any kind of in-family neglect Lily would also be affected. but she isn't so I think we're good? I adore the whole Ben family tho.
to wrap it all up.
Ben is suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder which makes him see flashbacks and turn into a rage mode each time he is triggered due to his backstory, being bullied because he's too soft. his rage causes a gang to destroy his home (HELLO?? ARE THERE NO FUNCTIONING COPS IN THIS STOR-- oh wait it's america yea there ain't nvm) and his parents try their best. move, get Ben to therapy and let Daniel's side help him by doing stuff he loves. Ben is still trying to recover, but his flashbacks are strong due to impacting his entire life from his voice and make it difficult.
(vocal chords repair by time actually, but he hasn't been speaking for like 4 years so maybe it'd need some voice exercises until it returns to normal?? if it's just vocal chords he'd be alright. imagine if he could talk and sing normally all this time but he just didn't know. it's something between "aww poor guy :((" and "lmao"
but I don't know about voice box, can someone enlighten me on vocal chord damage vs. voice box damage? thamks)
and Lily. Lily is a cinnamon roll. no other opinions allowed.
-i wanted to make a part for Ben and Taylor but i decided wasn't fit here :P-
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shigarakisslutbag · 28 days
Here are some "romance" tropes I feel would fit shigarakis love style if he were in a relationship or liked someone:
Grumpy and sunshine
Like actual grumpy/sunshine. Not bully x sunshine/sweet reader lol.
Idc what anyone says I firmly believe tomura would have a soft spot for his love interest. It would probably take a long time to build these sort of feelings, but once he does, he does his best to hide it
One: scared of ruining his reputation
Two: doesn't want any hero to use those feelings against him. This is a huge reason it takes him a while to admit any feelings to even himself, he doesn't one the one good thing he has, to disappear.
It kind of plays into the next one
Opposites attract
This isn't always the case of course. And in some aspects tomura would obviously want someone similar to him (hobbies, valuing alone time ((probably)), loyal, etc)
This sounds a bit cheesy lol but bare with me. You're like the one thing that keeps him afloat. He can't grow and mature if it's always raining (so to speak), so he needs "sunshine" to remind him that he has supporters. He needs someone to keep him in check and remind him of the things he has going for him when he can only see the cons of a situation.
The Wonderful thing about you, is that you don't just tolerate him, you actively want to see him succeed and want to help further his cause.
He'll fs act like your bubbly personality is inconvenient though, but if you have even a slight change in your attitude, he notices. And will ask you what's going on (in his own way lol. He's trying give him a break. If he didn't care he'd definitely just tell you to get over yourself)
Soul mates
Okay listen. Listennn. This may not sound very realistic at face value. But in a scenario in which you aren't affiliated with the league at all, he'd probably meet you out in public. Likely out to steal some new game or snack/drink he wanted (from a chain store ofc. If it's a chain it's free reign)
That said, he'd either see you on his walk there or in the actual store. Either way, he's burdened by some hero on their first job not knowing, well, how to do their job.
This hero in particular has some sort of "cupid"- like quirk.
Shigaraki, to his dismay, gets hit lol. No one could recognize him with a face mask and hoodie on though. But the first person he looked at was, you guessed it, you. You locked eyes with each other and he felt something he hadn't felt before. It made his stomach turn. He hated and loved it. Was it butterflies? Wasps?? Either way he feels like he just touched wet food in the sink but also wonders how he got so lucky to see eyes like yours- god, he hated being in public .
Tomura, after being hit, fell down from the force of what hit him. Literally fell for you. And you said something he'd never heard before. Something no one has ever really asked besides his mom
"are you okay?" And it's all down and uphill from there .
First love mixed with childhood friends trope
Last one, promise lol. Unless someone asks for a continuation.
I mention these two tropes mixed together, because honestly I see this as one of the most likely tropes. Tomura, as an adult has probably only a vague memory of you due to all the trauma. He blocked out quite a lot.
You were probably one of his closest friends. Granted, you two only knew each other for a brief time as you were both around 5 years old when the tragedy happened. You two probably met in elementary school if his parents sent him (elementary is not mandatory in Japan from what I read. They start first grade after they turn 6 is though). If it wasn't that, you two were likely neighbors or something. Regardless, you two were inseparable at the time.
As kids, you both had a pretty innocent view on how the world worked. Little you at one point may have even asked him why he scratches his face all the time. He'd say he doesn't know, but it feels worse when he's at home. Youre tiny little heart couldn't handle seeing the sad look on your friend's face. Almost immediately you took him to your bathroom and got the "tube with medicine stuffs" that your parents used when you got scratches to help itching or pain (which was probably calamine lotion or cortisone), and put some little bandaids on his face (he said the all might ones would make his father mad. That made you more sad, but you kept those feelings to yourself)
He'd even come back to your place when he felt itchy at home. One night though, you ran out of the topical treatment. You were both sad but went on about your time playing pretend and talking about whatever you two could think of. Time went by and he realized he wasnt itchy. Not with you. Never with you. From that moment forward he considered you his "bestest friend".
As an adult, he probably only memorized you from a feeling of loss, and missing something that he couldn't pinpoint why. This probably made him itch more. It wasn't until he had his transformation arc and his voice matured, that he realized what was making him itch so much. It was the loss of you. At least he doesn't itch anymore.
A/N: OP tries not the make themselves cry challenge (fails miserably). Anyways if there's any typos I apologize. It's 3 am and I wrote this out on a whim. Ikik I got too carried away writing, but oh well. Some of these I felt like writing a whole fic for tbh lol. That said, feel free to tell me what your favorite trope is and which one of these you loved the most:)
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sweetblinginrose · 2 months
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(Jonathan Byers x PlayboyModel fem!reader)
summary: Jonathan's first job in California is not what his friend promised, being a little more... dirty.
word count: 3,3k
warning: +18 small age difference (Jonathan is of legal age), nudes, porn magazine, embarrassing erection, blowjob, cum on face.
a/n: well, like, what can i say about this? obv, i wasn't inspired by anyone. it just popped into my head while thinking about another fanfic. ig it's like a headcanon that Jonathan used to work as a nude photographer or something. idk, just enjoy, ig lol ;p
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He was holding the letter with a mixture of hope and nervousness. The rough texture of the paper contrasted with the smoothness of his fingers, which caressed it almost unconsciously while his mind wandered between the possibilities that letter represented. It was more than just a piece of paper; it was the key to a future he longed for, a job in California that could change his life and that of his mother, Joyce, forever.
Money had always been a delicate subject at home. Joyce, with her job, managed to make ends meet, but always just barely. Jonathan wanted more than just survival; he wanted to live. That's why when Argyle, his long-haired friend with a scent of cheerful herbs, suggested that he apply to that photography agency, he didn't think twice. Argyle, who knew more about plants than people, had seen something in Jonathan, a creative spark that deserved to be explored and shared with the world.
The letter was from 'California Play-graphy', an agency unknown to the boy, with an incredible eagerness to know the answer it contained. Jonathan remembered Argyle's words: "Brother, your photos tell stories that words cannot. You have to show that to the world." And so, with a resume full of dreams and a letter that weighed more than gold, Jonathan found himself on the threshold of his future.
With a deep sigh, he broke the seal and unfolded the letter. The first words danced before his eyes: "Dear Jonathan, we are pleased to inform you...". A shout of joy escaped his lips, resonating in the small room, where Willy and Jane were also making a school project, and surely in the heart of Joyce, who eagerly awaited a package in the kitchen. Jonathan had landed a job, and with it, the promise of a fresh start.
The days leading up to Jonathan's first photo shoot at the agency passed slowly, each second filled with a mixture of anticipation and anxiety. As the appointed day approached, Jonathan's nerves intensified, and he found solace in the company of Argyle, his friend and mentor in the art of calm. Together, they sat on Argyle's old leather sofa, which creaked under their weight, sharing stories and laughter. In their hands, a joint, which they lit with the solemnity of a ritual. Smoke wafted in spirals, carrying away some of the tension Jonathan felt. Argyle, always the philosopher, told him, "Relax, brother. Photography is like this plant, you have to let it flow."
And so, with the background sound of Peter Tosh singing about freedom and struggle, Jonathan allowed himself to let go. The lyrics of "Legalize It" or "Equal Rights" filled the room, and for a moment, everything seemed possible. Argyle, with his street wisdom and heart of gold, reminded Jonathan that life was more than just worries and that every photo he would take would be a reflection of his soul.
When the day finally arrived, Jonathan rose with the dawn. The first rays of sun filtered through the window, bathing the room in a golden light that promised a new beginning. With his camera hanging from his shoulder and the rest of his equipment under his arm, and a nervous smile, he bid farewell to his brother and Jane. He stepped out, and there was Argyle, the one responsible for bringing him to the studios and bringing him back. They drove while Argyle smoked until they reached the giant buildings, causing the long-haired guy to take off his sunglasses and lazily look up with his red eyes, seeing a giant Playboy logo, but since he was so high, he didn't pay much attention.
When they finally arrived, Argyle got out and started looking around, completely taken by the desserts of half-naked women, giving Jon a friendly pat on the back and telling him, "Go and capture the magic, brother."
Jonathan entered the gigantic building, having to go through two checks by giant security guards, reaching his destination. The room Jonathan had found was the epitome of minimalist elegance. The walls, painted in immaculate white, reflected the artificial light emanating from the wide spotlights, creating a serene and almost ethereal atmosphere. There were no paintings or decorations; the beauty lay in the simplicity of the space.
In the center, an asymmetrical velvet sofa stood as the centerpiece of the room. Its modern and daring design invited contemplation as much as rest. The light gray velvet seemed to change with the light, adding depth and texture to the environment. Despite its luxurious appearance, the sofa promised comfort, with soft cushions that seemed to embrace the body. Next to it, on a low glass table, rested a transparent cube. Inside, a pile of bright red cherries, each one a little balloon of sweetness, awaited to be enjoyed. The simplicity of the cube contrasted with the richness of the cherries, creating an intriguing and tempting focal point.
To the right, a producer stood, his gaze fixed on you, the woman who would be Jonathan's model, quite beautiful. His posture was that of someone accustomed to making quick and precise decisions, and his presence commanded respect. By your side, you shone like a golden vision. Your long, flowing robe cascaded from your shoulders to the floor, the golden fabric capturing the light and making you sparkle with every movement. The elegance of your attire contrasted with the informality of the producer, but together, they formed a dynamic and complementary duo.
Jonathan knew that this room, with its atmosphere of calm and careful aesthetics, was the perfect place for his first photo shoot. Here, his art would come to life. Or so he thought.
The producer, with his refined air and delicate gestures, glided through the room with the grace of a dancer. His eyes lit up at the sight of Jonathan, and with a warm smile, he approached him. "Bonjour, mon cher Jonathan," he said with a French accent that enveloped each word like a hug. Their cheeks met in a traditional greeting, two gentle kisses, one on each cheek, that resonated with a resounding muah.
As he spoke, his hands floated in the air, drawing shapes that accompanied his words. "Your talent is magnifique, and we are très excited to work with you," he continued, mixing French with English in a way that seemed almost poetic. Jonathan, although surprised by the effusiveness of the greeting, couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.
The producer, with his silk shirt and matching pocket square, was the embodiment of Parisian elegance, even thousands of kilometers away from France. "We are going to create art today, do you understand?" he declared confidently, guiding Jonathan to the set while continuing to give instructions, his voice a melodic murmur that promised an unforgettable session. "This work should be a dream come true for a jeune homme hétéro like you, no?" he laughed as he pointed at what Jonathan had to do. With his watch marking the rhythm of a busy day, he apologized with hurried elegance. "My apologies, I have an urgent matter to attend to," he said in his charming mix of French and English. With a gesture of his hand and one last approving glance at Jonathan, he slid out of the set, leaving behind a trace of his distinctive perfume and the promise of returning soon.
Jonathan and you, a few years older than him, with your golden robe, were left alone, surrounded by the pristine whiteness of the room. The absence of the producer filled the space with expectant silence. You turned to Jonathan, your eyes shining with a mixture of surprise and complicity in the unexpected situation. "I guess it's just you and me now," you said, with a smile that exuded confidence and grace. Jonathan nodded, feeling the weight of responsibility settle on his shoulders. However, your calmness and imposing presence gave him strength.
"We are going to make this session memorable," declared Jonathan, adjusting his camera with steady hands. You nodded and took your position on the set, your golden robe reflecting the light as if woven with threads from the same sun.
Jonathan began the session, with a sense of normality, although he sensed that something was not right. Suddenly, you raised a hand, requesting a pause. "The session is without the robe," you said in a soft but firm voice, quite seductive. Jonathan stopped, a little surprised, but nodded in understanding, thinking that you would be wearing an outfit underneath. You gracefully slid out of the golden robe, revealing your fully exposed chest, as well as your entire torso, wearing only a transparent thread-like fabric that 'covered' your intimate area, if that can be called covering.
In the warmth of the light emanating from the spotlights, your bronzed skin and your generous breasts merged into an illuminated tone, with no trace of bikini lines to disrupt the harmony of your smooth and sinuous skin. Every curve of your body was carefully sculpted, leaving no room for imperfections. The absence of hair left your skin impeccable, highlighting its smoothness. Your generously sized breasts stood proudly, crowned by pink nipples that contrasted perfectly with the tone of your lips. Jonathan, captivated by the vision of this goddess in front of him, could barely tear his gaze away from your abdomen, slowly descending until it met the tiny thread-like thong that barely covered the essentials. Without showing any hint of discomfort, you approached Jonathan with overwhelming confidence, asking him if he was truly prepared for the photo shoot.
Without waiting for a response, you reclined on the sofa, unleashing a wave of anticipation in the photographer. Every movement you made was calculated, every pose was a game of seduction meant to ignite the viewer's imagination. Your breasts, as they moved gracefully, seemed to whisper secrets to the wind, tempting the camera to capture your provocative essence.
Jonathan's tent, unable to contain his growing excitement, began to rise, oblivious to his will. Desperately seeking a way to hide his agitation, he crouched slightly, justifying the gesture as an attempt to improve the angle of the shot. In that moment, amidst the visual ecstasy, he was lost, unsure of what to do to conceal his growing desire.
His choice, palpable against his thighs, was a blazing reminder of his desperate need. The absence of female companionship for so long had heightened his desire, leaving him in a state of almost uncontrollable excitement. Jonathan's labored breathing did not go unnoticed by you, your attentive gaze, who, concerned about his sudden distress, placed a soft and elegantly manicured hand on his shoulder. The slight brush of your hand against his skin sent waves of electric sensations through Jon, moistening his underwear slightly with the pre-cum escaping from the tip of his sensitive bulge. The slight friction against his underwear only intensified his ecstasy, plunging him into a state of overwhelming pleasure.
From your point of view, Jonathan seemed on the verge of fainting, a concern that soon became a reality as the boy lost consciousness due to overexcitement. Skillfully, you held him as best you could and placed him on the sofa, watching him with concern as you considered your options. The idea of seeking medical help crossed your mind, but before you could act, something caught your attention. As you stooped to pick up a fallen object, you inadvertently exposed your buttocks and inner thighs close to the photographer's face. A nervous cough escaped from the boy's lips as he pretended to be asleep, trying to hide his growing excitement. However, once again, his tent gave him away before your eyes, who now faced an uncomfortable and tense situation.
After the awkward moment, you chose to act as if nothing had happened, aware that these situations were quite common in your profession. You decided to give Jonathan a few minutes to calm down, although you noticed that this boy was different: shy, charming, and respectful, as he made no comments about your body, which you quite liked.
After some time, you returned to face the camera, but this time the session took an unexpected turn. You incorporated cherries into your poses, strategically placing them on your nipples, causing the pink juice to seductively slide down your skin. With sensual movements, you bit the cherries and slid them over your abdomen, even above your intimate area. For Jonathan, this was completely different from what he had imagined photographing, but at the same time, it was exciting and fascinating. You, without averting your gaze from the camera, began to lightly touch yourself with the cherries, asking Jonathan if the image looked good. Unable to articulate a coherent response, Jonathan simply nodded with a "uhu" between his slightly parted lips, completely absorbed in the tempting vision before him.
Jonathan's excitement drove him to want to explore further, so he proposed to you to strike more provocative poses he had seen in old magazines. You readily accepted, but it soon became clear that you did not understand Jonathan's instructions, leading you to ask for help. With some hesitation, Jonathan approached you and asked permission to touch you, eliciting a playful giggle from you. No one had been so considerate with you before. With delicate, long hands, Jonathan positioned himself between your thighs, gently parting them to leave you fully exposed. With his other arm, he tilted your torso slightly towards the sofa, causing your buttocks to inadvertently brush against his erection, which was now vigorous again. You made no comment, as you were not at all displeased with the size, on the contrary, you began to find it attractive, especially now that it was positioned this way for the photos.
Jonathan lamented with great embarrassment, moving away from you.
He was preparing to take the photo when you removed the scant fabric covering your intimacy, leaving it completely exposed in front of Jon, who felt all the tension in his body melt away. The intimacy shared in that moment created a special bond between you, a connection that went beyond the photo shoot.
Confused but intrigued by your proposal, Byers asked you what you were doing. With a mischievous look and a suggestive smile, you responded that you wanted to experiment even more and find out if Jonathan was really the best. This statement ignited a spark in Jonathan, who let the camera rest on his neck and approached you, his palpable excitement filling the air. "What do you mean?" he murmured.
Your response unleashed a wave of desire in Jonathan, whose breathing became faster and shallower at your passionate touch on his tight and erect jeans. His hips instinctively moved closer to you, eager for the intimate contact you offered.
Far from rejecting him, you responded to Jonathan's desire with equal passion, touching and kissing every inch of the fabric covering his manhood. However, a question lingered in your mind: Was Jonathan just another virgin?
Without wasting time, you began to caress Jonathan's thighs, ascending from his knees to underneath them, causing an overwhelming sensation in Jonathan, who was on the verge of exploding.
With deliberate slowness, you proceeded to unfasten Jonathan's worn-out belt, while licking your lips with anticipation and watching him from below, enjoying the expression of desperation on his face, craving more of your expertise.
Finally, Jonathan's pants fell to the ground, revealing boxers stained by the pre-cum escaping from his overflowing excitement. The feeling of constriction around his member was evident, so you didn't hesitate to lower them, freeing Jonathan's thick cock.
Jonathan couldn't believe it. He was going to be sucked by a girl with a scandalous body.
His cock was firm and throbbing, generously sized, and adorned with prominent veins that marked its vigor. The head was swollen and glossy, dripping with the essence of his uncontrollable desire. With each beat, it seemed to throb with a life of its own, eager to be caressed and adored by the goddess before it. Some spasms caused the cock to rise slightly.
With a lustful gaze, you leaned forward, bringing your face closer to Jonathan's thick cock. Your breath became irregular, anticipating the taste and texture of the throbbing member that was about to be explored. With deliberate movements, you wrapped your lips around the swollen tip of Jonathan's cock, savoring the prelude to his excitement. The sensation of warmth and moisture enveloped every inch of his member, sending waves of pleasure throughout his body.
With expert skill, you began to slide your tongue along Jonathan's long shaft, tracing tempting circles as you slowly descended towards the base. Each suction was a promise of ecstasy, each movement of your lips an invitation to deeper pleasure. Jonathan clung to the sofa, overwhelmed by the intensity of the sensations that engulfed him.
When Jonathan's cock disappeared completely into the warm cavern of your mouth, a guttural groan escaped from his lips, lost in the ecstasy of the moment. Your movements were expert and coordinated, alternating between gentle sucking and quick thrusts that made Jonathan quiver with pleasure.
Time seemed to stand still as you continued your work, bringing Jonathan to the edge of the abyss of pleasure. Each stroke of your tongue, each passionate suction, brought him closer and closer to the precipice of orgasm.
And then, just as Jonathan felt he could no longer hold back, you intensified your movements, bringing him to the most glorious climax. With a muffled cry, Jonathan surrendered to the wave of pleasure that overwhelmed him, releasing his load of ecstasy into your mouth, gripping your head tightly, restricting your movement. In that moment, he didn't think about Nancy or any other model, only about you.
With skill, you received every drop of his cum with devotion, allowing Jonathan's essence to slide over your tongue and fill your mouth with its intoxicating flavor. But when it seemed to be all done, Jonathan shot another stream onto your face, causing a mischievous smile from you, thinking that it would be the perfect moment to take a photo, finding yourself damn sexy.
And when Jonathan finally finished, you moved away slowly, allowing your gaze to meet his, your faces bathed in the And when Jonathan finally finished, you moved away slowly, allowing your gaze to meet his, your faces bathed in the shared ecstasy of a moment of unbridled passion.
"You've got a good cock, photographer," you whispered, giving him a spank, winking at him, and wiping your face with your golden robe, leaving it covered in traces of that hot liquid.
—> Plus.
"Brother, look at the cover of the new PlayBoy!" exclaimed Argyle, entering his van and throwing a magazine at Jonathan, surprising him. "I just stole it from the gas station attendant while he was peeing, so we should go now..."
On the cover, your lustful eyes stared directly at the camera, while the liquid rested on your face, causing a familiar sensation in Jonathan's pants.
"I should have asked for her number before I got kicked out for fucking the model," Jonathan thought, sighing and throwing the magazine back. The page opened to a photo taken by him, where he played with the cherries and they dripped on your nipples.
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noroi1000 · 7 months
You Promised Me Something 0 -Backstory
Part one
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Warnings: Self-harm, mention of death
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He promised you something. He said he would be yours. As your husband. Always with you.
He knew everything about you. He knew everything about your past. Your dark past. He promised you something. He said he would be yours. As your husband. Always with you. The past in which you did everything to make him love you and look at you.
You didn't want him to leave you. You always wanted to become. His ideal. And the fact that you couldn't change anything had a bad effect on you. It hurt you to know that you couldn't become perfect for him.
Even though you didn't have to.
However, when you met him, you didn't know that he would promise you endless love just for you.
The old wounds you had have healed. And there is no trace of them...
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Gojo Satoru has been an unknown idiot ever since you met him when you were little.
When you spent time together and your families talked, you always showed him that you wanted to be his closest friend. You always showed it to him. But he didn't see it.
Because even though his eyesight was so perfect, he couldn't see how you showed it.
He was your friend.
Your parents were strict about your upbringing. You had to feel and train. You couldn't have a childhood. But you managed to live this way. Because you had a childlike joy during the moments you were with Satoru.
You didn't have many people around you. No one was enough for your parents.
And those who were with you—you didn't want them to leave.
You still wanted to see if they could be with you. You didn't want them to leave you.
You needed confirmation that someone wanted to be close to you.
Because no one really loves you in this world...
Except for one person who has been with you for so long. He didn't leave you behind. He reached out to you whenever he wanted you to be with him. So very often.
You received his smile, which made you smile too.
No one has ever truly loved you in life. You didn't know what love was. But when you felt this warmth inside you when Satoru was next to you, you realized that maybe this was love... You kept reaching for this feeling. Again and again. Continuously. Because you needed it.
You were addicted to this feeling.
After all, you were important to someone.
You didn't want anyone to take that away from you. You constantly needed him next to you. And you never saw that he didn't want to give it to you.
You wanted to cry with happiness when he told you that he loved you.
Even if he didn't know what was going on in your soul. You were jealous that someone else was talking to him. You didn't want him to give his love to anyone other than you.
You confessed your feelings to him at school. You were in your second year of Jujutsu high, and you thought it was a good time.
But there was uncertainty in you. And that was the first time you were afraid that he might distance himself from you.
If he didn't love you, he would distance himself from you since you were the one who started having feelings for him so suddenly...
He said he loved you too.
That's why you got him for you.
You managed to hold on to his love for you.
However, that didn't mean you wouldn't feel jealous...
Your boyfriend was a teasing type from the start. He teased you often. But with a smile.
Even though he knew you were his girlfriend and he loved you, he couldn't do anything about the fact that people were attracted to you by his looks. That's why he often joked that there were so many girls who wanted him.
Even though it was also flirting with you sometimes.
"So many girls want me, but I only have you, baby~."
He did this often to see how jealous you were. Because he loved it when you gave him attention. And he also thought it was cute when you were jealous. That adorable possessiveness when you told him you didn't want him to date other girls. Sometimes you've seen him look at advertisements or photos of a model he likes.
Sure, you believe she's pretty, and that's why guys look at her.
But Inoue Waka was on his phone's wallpaper. He had a poster in his drawer.
This made you start comparing your body with hers...
If you looked exactly like her, would Satoru love you more and only look at you?
If you were like her, would he love you sincerely?
What if he gets bored? What if he is with other girls and doesn't really love you?
He only loved you, but he really enjoyed teasing you by saying and doing all these things.
You watched interviews with his favorite model that he "wanted". You tried to act a bit like her.
And you tried to be more obsessive.
You were obsessively afraid that he would leave you. That he won't love you. You were watching over him.
While you were following him around town, you saw a girl hugging him while they were talking.
It didn't matter who she was. It seemed that they had just met each other. In an amusement park.
On the Ferris wheel, you pushed her out. The cause of her death was determined to be a technical accident. No one saw you climbing the attraction to get there.
The police said that the cause of the accident was that the girl did not close the door properly and probably leaned on it, falling out of the carriage.
The second one was on the beach; she fell out of her air mattress and couldn't swim. She drowned. And you just gave her a little push.
This could repeat itself as many times as it should.
For Satoru to only look at you.
The guilt was eating at you a bit. You were afraid that someone would discover what you had done. But later, it went away.
You didn't care about their lives.
But you were afraid of what Satoru might do if he found out...
Sometimes you can't sleep. You didn't want to eat.
You thought that once you started looking like his ideal, he wouldn't pay attention to anything around you. All the girls who flirted with him died.
The model he loved had large breasts.
This made you think that you have small breasts. You started having complexes, even though you had never had them before.
To enlarge your breasts and look very feminine for him, you started taking hormones. To be his ideal. Hormone supplements had a side effect for you.
You have become weak. You were sick.
But for Satoru to always be with you, you were willing to sacrifice yourself.
You would die on a mission. But he came on time. To carry you unconscious out of the building in terror in eyes, and take you to Shoko.
"Are you okay?" he asked you then as he sat next to you on the bed.
“I'm fine,” you replied, giving him a smile.
"Shoko said that you're weak.... Your body is weakened... Tell me. Were you taking any medications? Did something happen on the missions?"
"I'm fine. I'm just tired because of heat." you laughed and clung to his hand.
You were the second person to tell him that....
This was the month he lost Suguru. And now you're telling him you're so weak because of the heat?
He thought maybe you were pregnant. After all, you two have been quite sexually active for some time... And he couldn't come to his senses sometimes. However, nothing about you indicated that. And he also used protection all the time.
He didn't trust your words a bit. Because once he believed it was because of the heat, he lost someone important to him.
But the longer the heat lasted, the more tired you seemed.
And also... You never had any wounds after missions.
And now you're suddenly back with blood on your hands. Your blood. Broken rib. Then a cut wound on the thigh. Then the poisoned wound stings.
However, when Shoko extracted "poison" from your blood, it wasn't a curse at all. It was a light poison that caused fever and pain.
This was very suspicious, in his opinion.
You did this to yourself. Even though you didn't want it to hurt, you did it. Because back then, he was worried about you. And he dealt with you.
You had a broken arm. Because you fell on the stairs. And during the time your arm was in a cast, he fed you and helped you with everything.
Why were you constantly injured now, even though you had never been seriously injured in all these years of your life?
But during the analysis of your blood, it was revealed what was happening to you.
While testing the poison in your blood, Shoko found a side effect of the drugs.
When he heard this, he went to your room in panic to find a box of hormonal supplements under your bed...
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"What is this?"
You looked with sudden sadness at Satoru who was holding a package of pills in his hand.
"Pills." You replied, sitting calmly on the bed.
"Why do you take hormone supplements? Why didn't you tell me? Do you have problems with your hormones?" he asked, coming closer.
"I just need them..."
"Because I need them."
"(y/n)... You have to have a reason to take it."
"You never asked other girls for reasons why they liked you..."
His eyes widened slightly at your words.
You sat tiredly on the bed. You didn't look as neat as usual.
You looked like... Like Suguru before...
"But I asked you why you like me. Whenever I hear a compliment from you, I later hear you complimenting the model. I always knew I didn't look like her... Since you liked her more, I wanted to look like her so that you would look at me the same way you looked at her.."
Now it was as if his heart had been punched.
"Are these wounds also..." he couldn't finish because of how tight his throat was.
He was the reason for your sadness.
"At least I could have known that you were paying as much attention to me as I wanted." You said it bluntly. "At least I knew you were with me and didn't think about other girls..."
Your sense of love has always been different. You didn't understand love when you were little. Your family has hurt you so much. And now that you knew what love was and were happy, he ruined it by joking too much to see your jealousy.
It was so cruel that he made you mutilate yourself so that he could be with you.
Even though he only loved you from the beginning.
You felt insecure in your relationship. Because of him. You didn't feel as safe as you should have. And it's all because of him.
Could he really lose you because of him?
Kneeling on the floor in front of you, he grabbed your hands, stopping his hands from shaking and the tears pressing against his soul.
"... I'm sorry..." he groaned, resting his forehead on your hand. "I'm so sorry. I was so stupid...!"
You placed your other hand on his head.
You always wanted him close to you. That's why you did all this.
You pulled him up to stand up. But he still clung to you while kneeling.
His arms wrapped around your body, and he pressed his head into your stomach.
"I always wanted only you! Really! I'm sorry. I will never say something so stupid again! I will never joke about something like that again!
A tear rolled down his cheek as he didn't speak.
"I will always only have eyes for you! I will always love only you! You are perfect! I love only you forever! I promise I won't be such an idiot anymore!
You smiled slightly and curled up to hug him.
"As long as you're with me, I'm okay." You said it softly.
"I will only be yours forever. Only with you. Only for you. Just... Be okay, and be with me..."
He already promised you something then.
Your dark past... He blamed it all only on him...
You became like this because of him.
The few years you suffered because of him will be made good by the fact that he will be with you for eternity.
Always with you and always for you.
He will love you.
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"Run Rabbit, Run!" pt.3 - E.N
Summary: Edward is released from Arkham Mental Hospital, having been declared 'sane' and keeps his promise about coming after y/n. (I don't believe he would be let go, but let's pretend m'kay? <3 Also, for this fanfic trilogy, I made it so that the Riddler person is like the embodiment of his anger/darkest desires/hatred etc. So, like an alter ego except Edward is in full control of everything. Ykwim? You'll see lol.)
pt.1 here pt.2 here
Content Warning: 18+ MDNI, explicit language, angst, mental illness and coping with it, Bruce being a good older brother, dom!Edward, egotistical!Edward, megalomaniac!Edward, stalker!Edward, yandere!Edward, Edward being a HUGE perv (just in an extremely sexual way, not weird.), sub!Reader, AFAB!Reader, she/her pronouns, mentions of violence/death, threats, alcohol, fluff, smut, penetration, bloodplay (i dont like it, but it fit Edwards personality in this fic), sadism/masochism, bondage (belt/tape/gag), taking pictures/videos of sex, unprotected sex (wrap b4 u tap pookies), REALLY rough sex (like seriously), choking, hair pulling, slapping, spitting, biting, scratching, daddy kink, daddy issues, degrading, praising, semi-public sex, humiliation, orgasm denial, post sex blues, aftercare.
Word Count: 16k+ (oh gosh, i didn't intend for it to be this long i'm sorry)
Songs for Inspo:
✻H+3+ЯД✻7luCJIo0T6... - vyrval
Princess - Ayesha Erotic, Petey Plastic
LET ME SEE YA MOVE! - Lumi Athena
Thirst For Me! - Lumi Athena
She's So Nice - Pink Guy
Disgusting - Lil Mariko, Zheani
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~Read Below Cut~
It had been over a year since Edward was put in Arkham. Y/n tried to distract herself with acts of community service. She even started to visit Bruce more often. Everything sounded better than being alone in her apartment. When she was alone with her thoughts, she ended up going in a dark place. She would blame herself for what happened to Edward, telling herself that she could have done something and stopped it. She could have helped him, but she didn't. Now, none of this was true. Edward made a choice and nothing could change his mind. But, y/n was so distraught by losing her love and her friend that she blamed herself every single day. And on top of that, she was paranoid about Edward showing up. What he said was true, he was still a criminal after all. A mentally unstable one at that. Yes, he was a kind soul to her, but to everyone else he was a menace to society. Y/n feared that he would crack and break into her apartment and hurt her. Because of this, she spent most nights in Wayne Tower, though she didn't like it.
Y/n stumbled out of her childhood room, the walls still painted a soft pink from when her mom had painted it with her. It was nostalgic to stay in it once more, but also melancholic. It reminded her that her parents were no longer with her. But, she was lucky to have Bruce and Alfred still, that much was true. It was actually sort of funny, how cute her room was, surrounded by gothic interior. She remembered how her dad always found it to be humorous.
"Good morning Ms. Wayne, breakfast?" Alfred asked.
"Alfred, please, you've known me for 28 years. I'm pretty sure you can call me y/n." She laughed.
"Right, sorry, it's just been a while since I've seen you." He admitted
"Yeah, well I like living in the city. It's got a sort of gritty charm once you get past the drunks and dropheads." Y/n snorted.
"Sounds...charming." He forced.
"Where's Bruce? In his cave, I suppose?" Y/n asked, grabbing a waffle and eating it plain.
"I believe so. I don't think he's had a wink of sleep. Speaking of, how did you sleep? Is the old bed still as comfy as it was all those years ago?" He asked.
"Surprisingly, yes! Thanks for asking, Alfred. How did you sleep?" She asked, taking a bite of the waffle.
"Quite fine, really. There was a nice drizzle of rain last night, lulled me right to sleep like a baby." He chuckled.
"That's good, heaven knows you need the rest due to watching after Bruce. I know he's the oldest, but I feel like he's the most reckless." She shook her head.
"That is an astute claim, one that I'm inclined to agree with. Why don't you go down and bring him some breakfast? I doubt he'll eat it, but if you tell him to he might. He's missed you terribly, you know."
Y/n took the plate from the table, grabbing the glass of juice with the other hand. Groaning, she resorted to holding the waffle she was eating in her mouth. Giving Alfred a thumbs up, she walked towards the elevator. Using her sock covered foot, she pressed the basement level button. It reminded her of how she used to do the same exact thing as a young kid, but with her nose. She was a strange kid for sure, it was a miracle she didn't get sick all the time. Y/n, alone in thought for a little bit, though about Edward instantly. She missed him a lot, and she wasn't ashamed to admit that. Bruce knew that y/n loved Edward, but she never told him about what went on in that visitation room. No way. Instead, she told him that her and Edward agreed that they would try and move on from each other. But, Bruce was smarter than that. He knew that y/n still loved Edward, it was so obvious to see. It was a little jarring to know that his 'rival' was the person his sister was in love with, but he tried to be understanding. After all, she never knew until it was too late really. And, in all honesty, it did seem like he treated y/n well when they were friends. Bruce hoped that Edward would get the therapy he needed and would be released, that way his sister could be with the man he loved again. Yes, he murdered people, but it's not like he killed any innocent people. Murder is still bad, of course, but at least he killed the weeds in the garden instead of the flowers. The doors of the elevator opened. Y/n walked out and saw Bruce standing in front of the computer screens, looking pale and like death itself.
"H-" When y/n opened her mouth to talk, her waffle fell out of her mouth.
"FUCK!" She screamed.
Bruce flinched, grabbing a 'bat-a-rang' next to him and holding it up. When he saw y/n, he rolled his eyes and placed it back down, hand on his chest. Her scream scared the shit out of him, nearly giving him a heart attack.
"Sorry! I...I dropped my waffle..." She frowned, placing his plate and glass on the table.
"How did you drop it?" He asked, looking at his food.
"I tried to call you a cumstain but I forgot I had a waffle in my mouth." She huffed.
"Oh, that's charming, it's good to see you too." He shook his head.
"Yeah, it's good to see you. Look, you've been up all night, eat some breakfast, ok?" She sighed.
"I'm really not hungry." He answered simply, looking back to the screen.
He looked back to her, sighed. Glancing back down to the food, he did feel his stomach rumble slightly. Opening his mouth, he went to say something but just scoffed.
"Alright, fine. But, we're hanging out today if I eat." He said.
"Ok, that works with me. But, I get to pick what to do!"
"There's always a catch with you, isn't there?" He chuckled, taking a bite of some bacon.
"Always. You know this. Anyways, I'm thinking we go to a club!"
He hummed in amusement, taking a sip of the orange juice. Placing it back down, he swallowed it.
"A club? Really? You?"
"What!? I party!" She scoffed.
"Alright party animal, but are you sure it's safe for us to go to a club? I mean, we are Waynes. I don't doubt there are a few people who would love to get a chance to do something fucked up to us, especially you."
"We'll go to a spot I frequent! And, we just won't drink. I usually don't drink anyways." She shrugged.
"Ok then, when do you wanna go?" He asked, eating another piece of bacon.
"Well, tonight of course. I think afterwards I might go back to my apartment. I kind of miss it." She sighed.
Bruce frowned, but he understood. He just didn't think it was smart for y/n to be alone.
"Ok, but you're always welcome back here. I miss hanging out with you." He smiled.
"I know, Bruce. Don't worry, I'll come back soon. I just want to stay at my apartment for a week or so. Now, eat your breakfast!" She ordered.
"My mouth is only so big, ok?"
"That's what she said! Now go! Double time, go, go, go! Eat that bacon! Eat that bacon!" She cheered.
Bruce looked at her with a piece of bacon hanging from his mouth. His eyes were narrowed, bags underneath them. Slowly, he reached his hand out and put it over her face. With a push, he shoved her back lightly, causing her to stumble. She squealed, gasping dramatically.
"Oh I'm gonna kick your ass little man!" She huffed.
Groaning, he reached out his hand and covered her face with it again. She swung her arms everywhere, flailing aimlessly. He held her there and continued to eat his breakfast casually. The sound of the elevator dinged, but the siblings were too caught up in their 'intense fight'. Alfred stepped out, watching the scene before him.
"My, my, what happened here?" He asked amusedly.
"Alfreddddd! He pushed me!" Y/n whined.
"Master Bruce! Is this true?" He asked.
"Well, yeah, but she started it. She was being weird..." He mumbled in between bites of bacon.
Y/n continued to swat at the air, moving around every now and then to get a better angle. But, every time she moved, his hand followed her in suite. She tried to bite his hand, but it was just far enough from her mouth that she couldn't reach. Alfred sighed, a smile spreading over his face.
"You dress like a bat! What's weirder than that!?" She counteracted.
"W- It's armor that looks like a bat because it's ominous! Batman stands for vengeance!" He scoffed.
"Batman? More like Twatman!" She snickered.
Bruce's eyes widened, turning slowly to look at her. She stopped swinging, backing away slowly. He put down the piece of toast he was about to eat and stood up from his chair. Y/n looked at Alfred for help, to which he just shrugged playfully.
"Brucey my man, my brother, my compadre! It was a little joke, a goof if you will! A simple guffaw!"
He quickly grabbed a handful of bolts from on top of his toolbox and lunged towards y/n. She screamed bloody murder, running away from him. Bruce chased her down, tossing the bolts at her, making clinking noises as they hit the ground. The two siblings, both adults keep in mind, ran around the basement yelling and cursing at each other.
"CALL ME TWATMAN AGAIN!" Bruce threatened, nearly tripping over his feet.
"I'm afraid I can't help you, y/n. Master Bruce seems very passionate and I'd hate to interfere." He said.
"Language, Mistress Y/n."
Alfred chuckled, watching the two run around. Bruce was still throwing bolts at y/n. She was running away from him screaming for her life. He sighed.
"Just like old times."
That night, the two siblings did exactly as they said they would. Y/n gave Bruce directions to the club, and they both went inside. Everyone in the club was happy to see y/n, she did not lie, she was a regular there. However, they were shocked to see Bruce. Who could blame them? He never left Wayne Tower. It was amusing to see the difference in personalities between the two Wayne's. Y/n was as bubbly and friendly as could be, while Bruce was quiet and reserved. However, they quickly became the life of the party.
"Y/n you're fucking stupid! Get down from there!" Bruce scolded.
Even though y/n had said she wouldn't drink, she did. Bruce had one cocktail, but y/n was 3 drinks deep. And he knew that she could not hold her alcohol well at all. Currently, she was standing on top of the bar counter, wearing heels. She looked down at Bruce, blowing a raspberry at him.
"NO! I'M D-DANCING!" She hiccupped.
"Oh that's really mature! I'm so glad to see you've grown past the raspberries!" He shouted at her above the music.
People surrounded the bar, laughing along with y/n. She truly was a frequent goer here, as it appeared to be normal to the people there. But, Bruce was still worried about her safety, so he repeated himself.
"Get down! You're going to fall and hurt yourself! I'm serious!" He said.
Just like he said, she slipped and fell on her butt on the bar counter. Drunk as hell, she burst out laughing. But the laughter slowly faded into drunken cries.
"W-Why did you let me do th-that!" She whined.
He just stared at her, amused and annoyed all at once. But, he could see that she was sad, and he had an idea as to why. Sighing, he helped her off of the counter, apologizing to the bartender. Everyone seemed fine with it though, which he was grateful for.
"Alright, I think it's time to take you home sis." He said softly.
"B-But, I wan' keep partying! The people are crying my name out! They want an encore~!" She giggled.
Bruce wanted to laugh because no one was even paying attention to her anymore. No one was calling out her name. She was so shit faced, but luckily, she was easy to sober up. He had learned from past experiences at parties with her. It was funny, she was horrible at holding her alcohol yet she could sober up within an hour after drinking. She was a strange girl for sure.
"Well, we're all taking the party back to your apartment!" He said, faking a cheerful tone.
"What! B-But, I haven't cleaned up!" She frowned.
"Yes you did, you just can't remember." He said.
"Oh! Ok! L-Let's go!"
Bruce waved goodbye to the other partygoers, leading y/n out of the club. Little to both of their knowledge that someone was following them. Watching them. The cold air sent a chill down y/n's spine as they walked outside. Her brother led her to his car, helping her get in. But, she quickly bolted out and hunched over the side of the building. Bruce winced as she puked, feeling bad for even letting her drink. Her throat was going to hurt like hell in the morning after that. He wasn't so worried about her having a hangover, as she didn't usually get them. Again, it was so odd that she could get sober easily, not have hangovers, and yet not hold her alcohol. It was truly strange to him.
"Ok, ok, that's it. Let it out." He cooed, walking over and holding her hair back.
Y/n choked out a sob.
"I-I miss him so m-much, Brucey..." She wailed before puking again.
He sighed, ignoring the weird looks he got from people walking by. Instead, he patted her back, comforting her through her sickness. His heart hurt for her.
"I know you do, sis. I know."
"W-What if I n-never see him again? W-What if he doesn't get be-better? I l-love him so m-much..."
She dry heaved, making him cringe. The smell was awful, but he did his best to overlook it and focus on cheering her up. The cold air was hopefully helping her sober up, maybe then she would stop crying, as it was only making her throat hurt more.
"Don't think like that, y/n. You need to stay positive. If he really does love you, he'll do his best to get better. I bet he's thinking about you right now, doing whatever he can to get to see you again." He mumbled softly.
"Y-You think so?"
Upbeat music blared from the club they left, causing y/n to bob her head to the rhythm. Bruce watched in slight amusement, helping her gain her balance as she stood back up. A dribble of vomit stuck to her chin. He pulled out a handkerchief he carried around, wiping it away and putting it back in his pocket. He didn't really care about the smell or anything, he'd just wash his clothes when he got home.
"I do."
Bruce led her to the car again, helping her get in. A rustle was heard behind him, making him whip his head around. He didn't see anything, but he felt on edge. The music got louder in the club and y/n drunkenly giggled, clapping her hands.
"Oh Christ, that band? Weren't you like obsessed with their music as a teenager?" He asked.
"Ok, ok, shhhh! Use your inside voice."
"BUT WE'RE OUTSIDE!" She yelled.
"Um, use your inside a car voice?" He asked.
"Oh, ok!"
He rolled his eyes, getting in the car. Paranoid, he did one final check around. The noise he heard really made him uneasy. Sighing, he started the car and drove to y/n's apartment complex.
"Ok, can I have your key?" He asked.
Y/n handed him her keys. The lanyard it was attached to had Sanrio characters all over it. Bruce chuckled, realizing it was the same one from their childhood. It was neat that she still had it. Fumbling with the keys, he managed to finally unlock the door and open it up. Y/n ran into the apartment, not entirely sure where she was running to. Bruce rolled his eyes as she face planted on the couch, closing the apartment door behind him. He felt cold, looking around the apartment. His eyes landed on an open window, making his eyes widen.
"Y/n, you can't leave your windows open when you leave!" He scolded.
"B-But, how else will the stray kitties get in?" She pouted.
"Oh my fucki-, I can't with you right now." Bruce groaned, closing the window.
"Whatttt?" Y/n slurred.
"If you leave your windows open, who knows what kind of sickos could get in? It's not safe, sis. Promise me you won't leave them open when you're not home, ok?" He asked.
"F-Fine, you're right..."
He nodded, running a hand through his hair. Walking into the kitchen, he opened up her medicine cabinet. Y/n groaned dramatically as he fished out two Tylenol pills. He placed them on the counter before grabbing a glass from another cabinet. Bruce yawned, pouring some juice in it, because God forbid y/n had to take medicine with water. She hated that ever since she was a kid, she said she could practically taste the medicine if she took it with water. He opened up the fridge, making sure that she had enough food for another week. He knew that she could take care of herself, but he was still her brother. No matter what, he was always going to look after her. Satisfied, he closed the fridge.
"Alright, take these tonight, ok? Make sure you take a cold shower as well, it'll help you sober up. Are you going to be ok alone?" He asked softly.
"Y-Yeah, I'll be ok, thanks B-Brucey." She hiccupped.
He walked over, seeing how drunkenly she laid on the couch. Sighing, he placed her lanyard that he still had on the coffee table. She wasn't asleep, just wanted to lie down. Bruce walked towards the front door, stopping when y/n called for him.
"What is it?" He asked.
"C-Can you..." She pointed at the T.V.
"Oh Jesus, really? You've watched that show thousands of times, aren't you going to get tired of it?" He scoffed.
"Never! Now, put it on!" Y/n ordered, sitting up lazily.
"Fine." Bruce groaned.
He walked over to the T.V, bending over and grabbing a C.D from a small cabinet. Y/n had brought a lot of C.D's from Wayne Tower to her apartment, as it was a comfort to her. She would watch movies that her parents, Bruce, and her used to watch, Alfred as well. There were also entire box sets of shows that she owned. And, a show that she watched a lot and never seemed to get tired of was: Breaking Bad. It was hilarious, actually. Bruce had watched it first, and y/n would sneak looks behind his back. Eventually, they watched the entire show together. Y/n got more obsessed with it than Bruce did. He remembered very vividly about her 18th birthday party and how it was Breaking Bad themed, a picture of Jesse Pinkman on her cake. It was strange, but surprisingly a fun party.
"Ok, which season?" He asked.
"Season 4!"
"Good choice."
He put the C.D in, pressing play on the first episode and giving it to y/n. Smiling, he ruffled up her hair and walked back to the door. Bruce waved to his sister.
"Good night, y/n. I'll call you when I get home. I want to make sure you're ok." He said.
"Ok, I'll keep my ri-ringer on, I looooove you Bruceyyyy!" She slurred.
"I love you too, sis."
The door closed, y/n groaning as she got up. She knew that she had to lock the door, but she was still irritated that it required her to get up. Once she made sure it was secure, she walked into the kitchen. Wincing, she took the two pills Bruce had laid out for her. She looked like a mess, honestly. Her thin strap dress ended at her mid thigh, the silver material glimmering in the dim light of her kitchen. Her makeup still looked good though, puppy liner, natural toned eyeshadow with glitter in the corner of her eyes, blush on her cheeks and nose like always, and glossy lips. Although, the gloss had been rubbed off from her vomit from earlier. That reminded her, she needed to brush her teeth, as her breath smelled terrible. Hurriedly, she tossed off her heels, forgetting she had them on. Y/n tossed them to the side, discarding them by the edge of the sofa. She went into the bathroom and grabbed her toothbrush, putting toothpaste on it and brushing her teeth. She peeked out, looking at the T.V as she continued to wash away the vomit breath she had. Jesse Pinkman came on screen, and y/n drunkenly cheered, toothpaste dribbling down her chin.
She spat into the sink, rinsing out her mouth. Cleaning the toothbrush, she placed it back in the container. With the back of her hand, she wiped away the toothpaste from her chin. She came back outside, too tired to even take a shower, she didn't need one that bad. Because she was walking around and actively doing things, she could already feel herself sobering up. It was good. Humming, she sat back down and watched the show. But, out of nowhere, she remembered something that Edward had said during their visit. All of her drunkenness left her body, becoming extremely aware. He could be in the dark corners of her room. He could be watching her right now. It sent shivers down her spine. Swallowing thickly, she looked around the room. From what she could see, there was nothing there. But, she had a sneaking suspicion. Carefully, she stood up. Turning her back to the T.V, she looked out of her window. She looked across at Edward's old apartment, feeling fearful. Her eyes widened as she felt someone's presence behind her.
"I've found you, rabbit."
Before she could do anything, Edward had wrapped his arm around her waist. His other hand went to her neck, gripping the front of it firmly. She could still breathe, but the shock caused her to gasp. He wore gloves, the fabric feeling crude against her skin. Edward hummed in her ear, muffled slightly.
"Now, you won't scream if I let you go, will you?"
She shook her head.
"That's my girl." Edward released her from his grip.
Y/n turned around, looking at him with wide eyes. Heat pooled in her stomach as she saw what he looked like. It had been over a year since she had last seen him, and yet it felt like she had been aroused the entire time. Desperately waiting for him to come back to her. He was in his 'Riddler' attire. Y/n had never seen him in it in person, but oh, he looked so good in it. She felt dirty for thinking that, but it was true. Edward took in her shocked state, smiling sickeningly under his mask as he reached out and brushed hair out of her face.
"W-What are you...why are you...how...?" She panted.
"I've been released from Arkham, isn't that obvious? I was going to escape, but I figured I'd get 'better', for you."
"Get better? Edward, you're dressed like the Riddler." She scoffed.
"Yes, that's because I faked it, y/n. Those doctors are so ignorant. Do I look better to you?" He asked sarcastically, leaning in to her face.
Y/n looked into his wide eyes, they made her feel threatened. Pupils glimmered behind his glasses, glazed with insanity and lust. She felt like she was in danger, but that could probably be because of his attire. Again, she had never seen him dressed like The Riddler, and it was more terrifying than she could ever imagine. He had a roll of duct tape hooked to a utility belt on his waist, along with a knife and a rag. She hoped that they weren't intended for her, and yet she did at the same time.
"N-No, you don't." She said.
"Oh, I can see the fear in your eyes, rabbit. You're so afraid of me, yet so delighted to see me. You've missed me so terribly, haven't you?" He hummed.
God, there he went again. He made her feel so small once again. Just like a year ago, she was putty in his hands. She was so pathetic. It was embarrassing.
"I know. I've been watching you alllll day, rabbit. I heard what you said to Bruce outside of that club. You love me still. You miss me. You want to see me again." He chuckled, stepping closer to her.
"Of course you were stalking me, I- did you get in through the window?" She asked.
He ignored the question, as the answer was obvious. Instead he looked her up and down, taking in her appearance. Scoffing, he slid his finger under a strap of her dress, letting it snap back against her skin. She flinched, every movement he made making her nervous.
"I'm gone for a year and you're putting yourself in harms way? Getting drunk around strangers, leaving windows open in your apartment, I'm disappointed, y/n. Extremely disappointed." He scolded.
"I-, I'm sorry..." She frowned.
"Have you been with anyone else, hm? Have you let someone's lips touch yours before mine?"
She shook her head frantically.
"No! I-I couldn't get you out of my head. I didn't want anyone else, Eddie." Y/n admitted.
He smiled behind the mask, happy that she hadn't moved on. As he looked at her facial features more, as he was admiring her makeup, he noticed how sad she looked. He tutted, stepping forward and pulling her into a hug. As soon as he did it, y/n broke down into tears, hugging him tightly. Edward came here to ravish her, intending on keeping his promise from a year ago, but he could see that she needed a little bit of gentle love first. So, he repressed his animalistic urge and brought out his nurturing side. As she cried into his chest, he removed his mask, tossing it on the couch. He cursed himself for wearing the cling wrap, ripping it off and shoving it in his pocket carelessly. Planting a kiss on the top of her head, he let her cry.
"I-I m-missed you so much. I know i-it's bad, but I f-felt so lost without you." She sobbed.
"Oh I know, rabbit. I missed you too." He cooed.
"I-I had no one to watch movies w-with me. N-No one to feel safe with. N-No one to hug. N-Not like I did with y-you daddy..."
Edward squinted his eyes shut. He hadn't heard that name in a long time, and he missed it dearly. Swallowing his lust, he continued to stroke her hair. He wasn't sure how long he could restrain himself.
"But I'm here now, rabbit. I'll never leave you again, ok?"
"I promise."
Y/n sniffled, pulling away from the hug. She wiped away the tears on her cheek, lucky that she was wearing water proof mascara. Edward smiled at her, she did the same as she finally saw his face since he removed the mask. He looked just as good as he did that last time he saw him, though, he looked a little more skinny. That was most likely due to living in a hospital for a year.
"There's the smile I love so much. You feeling better, rabbit?" He asked softly.
"Yeah, I am. J-Just lots of emotions, I guess." Y/n sighed.
"That's good. Now, look at me."
She looked up into his eyes.
"Do you know why I'm here, rabbit?"
Y/n furrowed her eyebrows, not sure what he was referring to. He was here to see her, obviously. Right? She stood still, thinking about why he could be in her apartment. He watched her carefully, smirking as he saw the realization in her eyes. She wasn't scared about the realization, more so caught off guard and anxious.
"Oh, fuck..."
He laughed, nodding his head.
"Oh, fuck indeed!" He mocked.
He watched as she backed up slightly. Again, not because she didn't want it. It was because she was trembling in anticipation. She was anxious for what was going to happen, it excited her and scared her. It was an intoxicating feeling. He reached down and grabbed the roll of duct tape from off of his belt. Sighing, he held it in his hand, pointing it at her.
"You see, I thought about this a lot in Arkham. What I would do to you. Oh, so many twisted fantasies crossed my mind, but none of them really..."
He pulled the duct tape out, ripping a piece off. The harshness of his movements made her jump. Edward chuckled darkly.
"...jumped at me! But then, I thought a little more about it. Although I faked being 'sane', I do want to be a better man for you. Call me sentimental, but my love for you has a hold over my cold heart." He hummed.
Y/n nodded, listening to what he was saying. Edward looked at the piece of duct tape he ripped, shaking his head. He didn't think it was long enough for what he was planning. Crumpling it up into a ball, he threw it behind him.
"So, I thought, you know what would be better therapy than what I got in the hospital?"
Y/n shook her head, curious.
"A good fuck. No, a godly fuck. A fuck so passionate and depraved that words would never be able to describe it!" He explained, slowly getting closer to her.
He took y/n's silence as a signal to continue.
"The 'Riddler' persona, what drives it is my desire for power and recognition. When I get in it, I just want to...destroy someone. I believe that if I..."
He grabbed her neck tightly, gloved fingers digging into her skin. She whimpered, instinctively holding his hand. Edward's eyes were wide as he looked down at her, a twisted smile on his face.
"...take those desires out on you, maybe it'll suppress those urges for a while. Think of it like a shot you get every few months or so. It hurts so bad, but it makes you feel so much better afterwards." He explained crudely.
"E-Edward...I-I, fuck, this is all so sudden..."
"I told you that when I got out I would be coming for you. I told you what I was going to do to you, y/n. You knew this day was coming, and from what I remember, you wanted it to happen as soon as possible." He whispered in her ear.
"Well, yeah I did. B-But, I can't just jump right into sex...it's not easy for girls to do that." She said.
Edward looked at her like she was explaining simple addition to him. He knew what foreplay was. He knew how to get her ready for sex. Even though he hadn't fucked her before, he was still pretty skilled at making her wet. He was skilled at making her desperate.
"You think I don't know that, y/n? I'm not a fucking idiot. Who said I was going to bend you over and fuck you right now?" He raised an eyebrow, hand still around her throat.
"S-Sorry, you're right. I-I'm just nervous...you're really, um, intimidating me right now..." She mumbled shyly.
"Oh, I can tell rabbit. I can feel your pulse against my hand." He hummed.
"C-Can we make a s-safeword like you said during our visit?" She asked.
"If it will make you feel more comfortable, of course. What about..." He looked at her eyes, seeing the sparkles in the corners of them.
"That works, yeah." She smiled.
"You look so good, y/n. I missed your pretty little face so much." He sighed happily.
She blushed.
"I-I'm not really sure how to start..." She admitted.
"Oh, I know exactly how. I've been dreaming about this day for over a year, rabbit. All you need to do is relax and let me do the work. Well, unless I tell you to do something of course." He smirked.
He looked at her for a second, waiting for her to give him a signal to start. Once she did, he used his free hand to cup her face. His lips pressed against hers, moving in a gentle dance. Y/n couldn't help but melt into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck. He slid his tongue into her mouth, pulling away and leaving sloppy kisses on her jaw line. Saliva was already smeared across her lower lip. Edward looked down at her, the T.V show still playing in the background as he hoisted her up, legs wrapping around his waist. Y/n gasped as he brought her over to the 'L' shaped couch, dropping her on the long part of it. He did this so he could climb on top of her, straddling her hips and pinning her down. Because of how clumsily he placed her down, her dress had pulled down slightly, exposing the tops of her breasts. Edward realized she had no bra on and he groaned, dick twitching in his pants. He gripped the sides of the couch, taking a deep breath
"You're ok with this, right? I don't want you to think I'm forcing you to do this. It's ok if you don't want to." He said, looking down at her.
She didn't respond, only whined as she bucked her hips upward. Edward groaned again. The action was hot, but it was not an answer. He wanted a verbal answer from her. Reaching down, he gripped her chin roughly.
"Use your words." He ordered.
"I want this, daddy." She whispered softly.
"Fuck, call me that again." Edward said, running his thumb over her lips.
Edward couldn't wait any longer. He had been waiting over a year for this moment. He quickly removed the jacket he had on, tossing it haphazardly across the room. He was left in a dark green, almost black, tank top and the pants he was wearing as well. The sight of him in a tank top, arms shown off and accentuating his pecs, it just made her melt. Her thighs squeezed together, but Edward reached down and placed his hands between them. Tutting, he slid off the couch, kneeling down and pulling y/n closer towards him.
"Fuck, ok. Here's how this is going to go. This is the last time I'm going to ask you if this is ok. If you say yes, I'm going to just...fuck...I'm not going to stop unless you say the safeword. Do you understand?"
"Y-Yes, I understand. Please, Eddie, I w-want you..." She whined.
Letting out a shaky breath, he lifted up y/n's dress and bunched it around her waist. But, he scoffed, instead he removed it entirely from her body and tossed it away. Her chest was on full display and he felt his pants getting tighter and tighter by the second. He stood up, roughly grabbing one of her breasts. Her back arched and he admired the sight. But, he changed his demeanor quick, pinching her nipple harshly, twisting it. She yelped, sitting up and glaring at him. Edward grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked her closer to his face.
"That's for being fucking stupid and getting wasted in the Narrows." He spat, pushing her back on the couch.
"Don't you ever do something like that again, I don't give a shit if you were with your brother. Got it?" He scolded.
"Y-Yes, daddy I won't do it again. I promise!" She whined.
Grunting, he lifted her legs up and rested them on his shoulders. He shivered at the sight before him. Y/n's panties were completely soaked through. It should be no surprise to him though, as he was able to make her wet with a snap of his fingers. He buried his face in between her legs without warning, inhaling her scent deeply. It was so vulgar and strange, but it made y/n moan. Edward was like a kid who was playing with their new toy on Christmas. Except, in this case, he was finally getting to break and use the woman he had been stalking for months, in love with for many months after that, and thinking about for a year. It was a dream come true for him and he wanted to enjoy every single moment. He was in charge and he was going to enjoy that power.
"Fuuuuck, you smell so sweet. I bet you taste even sweeter." He mumbled.
Edward planted a soft kiss against her clothed heat, making her buck her hips. He did not hesitate to slap her thigh harshly, signaling for her to quit. It was sharp and left a red mark on her skin. He continued to kiss her, slowly licking a stripe up the fabric. Y/n whimpered and shivered underneath him, filled to the brim with lust and anticipation. A burning sensation shot up her hips, startled by Edward ripped the fabric off of her. She scoffed, her legs burning slightly.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" She exclaimed, exasperated.
He looked up at her from between her legs, not yet looking between her legs. His eyes were dark and heavy, they were always like that though. It was hot as hell. Edward said nothing as he looked at her from between her legs. The silence made her extremely unnerved, feeling his gaze pierce her soul. What made it even more ominous, is that his face was completely neutral. He did not look mad, angry, frustrated, anything. He simply just looked at her. That was all it took for her to shut up and apologize meekly. But, he continued to look at her for a little while longer, making sure that she knew he didn't approve of her language towards him. Sighing, he looked down between her legs. It was his first time ever seeing her like this. Even though he had stalked her and watched her before, he never violated her in any inappropriate way. It was his first time seeing her naked body. He was so mesmerized by the sight, taking his time observing it. Humming to himself in delight, he used his thumbs to spread her open. She was absolutely soaked, dripping on his fingers as he poked and prodded at her like a science experiment. Now, he knew that he didn't need to eat her out. If he really wanted to, he could get a quick fuck, cum, and leave her helpless. But, he wasn't an asshole. He was so hopelessly in love with her. Yes, he could focus on his pleasure, but that wouldn't be fun at all. If he just focused on himself, then he wouldn't be able to make her squirm underneath him. He wouldn't be able to make her beg for him. He wouldn't be able to make her squirt all over his fingers, in his mouth, and on his dick. And if he couldn't do that, then what was even the point? He was going to make her orgasm so many times that she'd look like her soul had been drained from her body. A groan left his throat, but his arousal made it sound like a growl. His hands gripped her thighs tightly, still resting on his shoulders. He leaned down and pressed his lips against her dripping center. A pathetic whine left y/n's throat. A ring echoed throughout the room, making both of them jump slightly. But Edward ignored it and continued to sloppily kiss and tongue her clit. Y/n had reached over, grabbing her phone from off the couch. She groaned.
"I-It's Bruce, E-Eddie." She whined.
He didn't say anything. Instead, he slightly flicked his hand at her. Y/n took that as a 'Answer it' motion. She shook her head, biting down on her lip.
"B-But, you have to stop i-if I do!"
Edward kept his lips against her skin, snapping his fingers and pointing at her.
"Pick it up." He grumbled, voice muffled against her.
Y/n silently cursed Edward out in her head. If she said any of it out loud, he might pinch her again. Taking a deep breath, she tried to gain composure of herself before answering the call. Y/n put the phone on speaker, knowing Edward would want to hear.
"Hey Brucey!"
Edward circled his tongue around her clit. His lips came together, sucking on the sensitive nub. Y/n covered her mouth with one of her hands, legs squeezing around his head between her legs. A quiet chuckle left his throat as he watched her struggle.
"Hey, just got home. I wanted to call you and make sure you're doing ok." He said.
He slowed his onslaught on her pussy, letting her answer. Edward didn't want her to get caught. Instead, he wanted her to think that she might get caught. It was a fun little game.
"Yeah, I-I'm ok. I took the medicine you put out for me. I'm..."
She looked down at Edward.
"...pretty sobered up now." She squinted her eyes shut.
"That's good. Hey, um, I just found out that Edward was released from Arkham today. Did you know that? Apparently it was earlier this morning." He said.
She looked down at Edward, wondering if she should tell her brother that he was at her house. Edward could tell what she was thinking. He thought about it, not seeing any harm in it. After all, he had been released legally, even though he sort of cheated the system. As long as he didn't know about what he was doing to his sister, nothing was wrong with telling him. He nodded at y/n, shoving his tongue inside of her and sucking on her skin softly.
"Um, yeah. Shortly after you left he came over. He's here right now actually." She said.
"He is? A-Are you...are you safe?" He asked.
Edward scoffed, squeezing her thighs in frustration. How absurd Bruce was for thinking he could ever hurt y/n with intent of malice. That was impossible. He would never cause harm to y/n. Not without her wanting it of course...
"Yes, Bruce I'm safe. He's not going to hurt me. He's actually trying to be a better person, in his own way..." She trailed, looking down at him.
It was true, he was.
"Well, that's good. Um, is he nearby? Can I say something?" He asked.
Edward rolled his eyes. If he said no, he would get suspicious. Damn it all to hell. He silently groaned, pulling away from her pussy, a string of her arousal and his saliva attached to his bottom lip. With the back of his hand, he wiped it away. Y/n nearly moaned, biting on her tongue to prevent it. He nodded at her, irritated that he would have to 'pretend' to be shy little Edward once again. Though, to be fair, he was shy little Edward. It was his Riddler side that made him the complete opposite. But, that's what they were working on right now, in a strange way.
"Yeah, I'll give the phone to him. Um, he might be a little shaken up. Be nice with him, Brucey." She said.
Y/n gave Edward the phone, watching as he held it in his left hand. With his other hand, he brought it to y/n's clit, rubbing circles on it. Of course she wasn't going to get a break. Not with Edward around. Roughly, he pressed his thumb against it, moving it very subtly every once in a while.
"Um, hello?" He mumbled softly, staring at y/n's pussy.
It was impressive how good he was at acting. His facial expression was cold and focused, his actions were vulgar and erotic, and yet his voice was meek and pitiful. The whole situation was so messed up.
"Hi. So, I'm not really sure how to start this conversation. Um, you understand why I might be a little nervous of you being around my sister, right? Last time I saw you, you weren't exactly 'sane'." Bruce said awkwardly.
Edward rolled his eyes yet again, pinching y/n's clit between his fingers. Her back arched, gripping onto the back of the couch. He smirked, focusing back onto the call.
"Yeah, I understand. But, I'm not that person anymore, Mr. Wayne. I was in a really...dark...place. I know I did bad things, but I can't take them back." He said weakly.
"Look, y/n likes you a lot. She trusts you a lot. If she trusts you, then I'll do my best to trust you too."
"I like her a lot, too. She's the first person to have shown me kindness in my life. I...I want to...I want to be a better person for her." He fake cried.
"Uh, it's ok. I believe you. Just know that I've got my eye on you. Can you give the phone back to y/n?"
"Yes, Mr. Wayne. S-Sorry..." He stuttered.
Rolling his eyes, he tossed the phone back to y/n. He instantly snapped out of his 'shy' act. Though, he didn't really lie about anything. Everything he said was true. It was just his tone that he lied about. If he had been cocky and confident, well, that would have probably raised some red flags. As y/n talked to her brother, Edward sunk back down between her legs, resuming his sloppy tonguing.
"He seems so...small?" Bruce said.
Y/n winced as he dug his nails into her skin. She knew he was feeling insulted. Even though he most definitely was not small at all. He was just acting like he was.
"Well, he's going through a lot right now Bruce."
"I guess. He's not staying over there, is he?" He asked.
"Um, I'm not sure. E-Edward, were you able to get your old apartment back or do you still need to find a new place?" She asked, irritated that she had to make him stop eating her out.
"No. They took everything out of my apartment and put it in a storage unit." He said before getting back to work.
Edward had lost his apartment when he went to the hospital. The person who was in charge of the tenants talked with the police and decided to just keep his things in a storage unit. As soon as he had a place to live, he would go and collect his possessions.
"He doesn't have a place to stay. He's staying Bruce." She stated.
"I don't know how I feel about that."
"Well, it's not really your decision, is it? I'm not going to kick him out into the streets of Gotham late at night." She scoffed.
Edward grimaced.
"I'm perfectly capable of defending myself..." He mumbled against her skin quietly before biting her.
She bit back a whimper.
"Fine. Just be safe." He said.
"I will, Brucey."
"Alright, I love you sis."
"I love you too. I'll call you in the morning. Good night."
"Good night."
Y/n hung up the phone, tossing it to the side. Edward groaned loudly, spreading her open and devouring her. The wet slurping sounds were so vulgar and sickening. He was acting as if he hadn't eaten anything in weeks, and y/n's pussy was a four course meal. She squealed when he bit on her clit harshly, tugging on it with his teeth. He pulled away and stood up, spitting on her heat as he removed his gloves, tossing them behind him. Without saying anything as a warning, he shoved three fingers inside of her as he hunched over her body. The sensation was so tight for both of them. Y/n let out a loud cry, throwing her head back into the couch. He watched as he fingered her at a rapid pace, stretching his fingers apart inside of her to further elevate the feeling. Grinning from ear to ear, he remembered that he still had his utility belt. He had ripped off a piece of duct tape earlier, intending to gag her, but the time just wasn't right. But, it was now. Oh it most definitely was. He abruptly slid his fingers out of her, sticking them in his mouth immediately. He relished the taste, humming in satisfaction as he sucked every bit off. Removing his fingers from his mouth, he slapped his hand lightly across her face, smiling at her.
"I was right, you do taste sweet. Like pure sugar." He hummed.
Y/n moaned from the slap, making him chuckle. He slapped her again, a little firmer this time. She winced, humming in response. Edward knew she'd like to be slapped around a little bit. Like he said a year ago, she was so easy to read. He grabbed the roll of duct tape, ripping a piece off. He held it in front of her face, dangling it like a cat toy.
"I have a strong suspicion that you're going to be very loud with what I'm about to do to you. We don't want your other tenants to think you're in danger, do we?" He smiled sadistically.
"W-What are you gonna do?" She asked.
"No! That'll spoil the surprise! But, if you get uncomfortable, just give daddy a little tap or hit, I'm pretty sure I can take it, on the shoulder ok?" He cooed, ruffling her hair humiliatingly.
Before she could say anything, he smothered her lips with the duct tape. Looking at her, he shook his head, deciding that it wasn't enough. Roughly, he ripped it off, making her wince. He grabbed the rag he had and shoved it in her mouth forcefully. It was the perfect fit.
"That's much better. Hm, I did really want to use the tape though..." He frowned.
He thought for a moment, thinking about what he could use it for. Not sure yet, he decided to just tape over the rag with a few pieces. Once he was sure it was secure enough, he stood up completely. Y/n laid below him, gagged and bare. Edward crossed his arms over his chest after adjusted his glasses. He stood in front of the T.V, which was still playing Breaking Bad albeit quietly, creating an outline around him.
"You look so weak. Like I could just..."
He made a 'snapping' motion with his hands.
"...break you."
Y/n moaned through the gag, watching as he walked into her bedroom. She looked at the T.V seeing Walter White come on screen. Rolling her eyes, she groaned. She loved the show, but holy shit did she hate that bald motherfucker. Her mouth was dry and she so badly wanted to remove the gag. She was fully capable of doing it, as her hands weren't bound. But, she wouldn't because Edward wanted her gagged. Edward always got what he wanted. She was happy to give him it. She sat up, grabbing a blanket and covering her body with it to protect herself from the cold. A few seconds later Edward came back in and something was in his hand. Y/n couldn't tell what it was, but she was sure he would show her soon. He knelt down in front of her, resting his arms on her covered thighs. Acting like he was a magician revealing a dove underneath a cloth, he lifted his hand off of the other. Y/n's eyes widened, it was her vibrator. He faked a shocked expression, looking at the hot pink vibrator and then back to her.
"Look what I foundddd!" He chuckled in a singsong tone.
She tried to say something, but the gag prevented her. He held up a hand, a cheeky smile on his face. He was so flamboyant with his actions and words, just like he was in the livestreams he did. It was scary, yet exciting.
"Now, I know what you're thinking. How did I find out about this? You're probably expecting me to say that I spied on you, watched you use it once, right? Well, really, I just opened up the wrong drawer while looking for the spare clothes I kept here. I can't believe it was still in the same place, and you kept my clothes too." He grinned.
Y/n rubbed her thighs together underneath the blanket. Edward grabbed it, and removed it from her legs. Though, he knew she was cold so he covered her chest with it instead. Fascinated, Edward turned it on, watching it vibrate as he held it between his thumb and two fingers. He lowered it slowly to between her legs, watching as she closed her eyes. Making a 'tsk' sound, he pulled away.
"Have you been using it? Better yet, do you think of me when you use it?" He asked.
She nodded frantically.
"Oh, you have, have you? Interesting..." He trailed.
He lowered it back down between her legs. But, yet again, he pulled away before it could touch her. He tilted his head to the side.
"Why do you have my clothes, still? Did you hold on to them because you awaited my return? Probably. Hm, do you wear them, y/n?"
She nodded again.
"Oh, you really have missed me. That's so precious." He cooed.
Harshly, he pressed the tip of it against her clit. She squinted her eyes shut, arching her back. He watched, mouth agape slightly as he took in her helpless form. An amused chuckle left his chest, sliding the vibrator inside of her slowly. She moaned, muffled by the gag, but still audible just barely.
"It's so pitiful that you had to resort to this cheap...toy...in order to get pleasure. If only I had been here to help you after those wet dreams that you no doubt had while I was away." He sympathized.
She nodded, whimpering into the gag. Edward turned it up to a higher intensity, watching her squirm. He grinned, rubbing his thumb over her clit in addition.
"But, I can promise you that once I fuck you, this is will never satisfy you ever again. It'll feel like a mere tickle compared to how I'll make you feel." Edward teased.
Y/n kicked her legs slightly, hitting Edward in the side. He knew she didn't mean to, so he didn't get mad. The overstimulation of the vibrator and his finger was just driving her near the edge. And that's exactly what he wanted. She continued to flail her legs around, though Edward held them down, almost like she was begging him to stop. But, he said she needed to tap him on the shoulder if she wanted him to stop. She knew that too, and she did not want him to stop, so she didn't do it.
"Oh, looks like someone's getting closer and closer, isn't she?" He taunted.
She had her head thrown back. Her cheeks were red from the arousal she felt. Eyes were closed shut tightly, focusing on reaching her orgasm. Edward smiled, turning the intensity up higher. That was what broke her. She moaned loudly into the gag. Edward groaned as he pulled out the vibrator, putting it against her clit. She shook under the sensation, back arching. He dove his head between her legs, cupping his mouth over her pussy after taking the vibrator away. Closing his eyes, he turned it off and rubbed her thighs as she squirted in his mouth. It was almost too much for him to handle. He growled, reaching under her and grabbing her ass. He lifted her up, desperately trying to get her closer to him, almost melt into him and join as one. Edward practically made out with her pussy, tonguing, licking, and sucking as she climaxed. Once he knew her orgasm was over, he slowed his attack on her, swallowing what was in his mouth. He brought his lips away just slightly, letting his breath fan on her sensitive skin. He let out a shaky laugh, moaning afterwards. His hands still gripped her thighs roughly as he lifted his head up completely. He needed another taste. He brought the vibrator to his lips and licked off whatever was on it. Sighing, he placed it on the coffee table next to him and swiped his tongue over his lips. He felt drunk off of her taste. He removed the tape and the gag from her mouth, placing the rag on the table and crumpling the duct tape up, placing it down as well. She panted immediately, hands covering her eyes as her chest heaved up and down. Edward hummed, bringing his thumbs down and spreading her pussy open, amused at how sensitive she was.
"Oh, don't relax just yet. I'm not even close done with you. Rabbit, I think you're ready for me. Do you think you are?" He asked.
"F-Fuck, yeah, b-but just g-give me a minute..." She panted.
He laughed, picking her up and wrapping her legs around his thighs. She whimpered as her exposed skin brushed against the fabric of his tank top. He walked over to her window, the exact one that he came in through. Y/n looked confused as he opened it, but he just smirked at her. In one fluid movement, he bent her over the window sill. Edward removed his pants, kicking them away. Y/n tried to come back inside, but he pushed her head down as he stepped behind her.
"Oh no rabbit, call me something else." He corrected.
"Daddy, it's cold a-and people are gonna see me!" She pouted.
He laughed, grinding his clothed dick over her pussy. She moaned, covering her mouth with her hand. Edward leaned over, grabbing her hair roughly.
"That's the entire point of this degrading act. I was able to get in because this window was open. You're practically asking people to break in and harm you. You already had yourself on display for people, I'm just making it more obvious." He spat.
"P-Please, I wanna come in!"
"You can come back in after you do one thing." He rubbed her back.
Without warning, he shoved himself inside of her, head leaning back at the tight feeling. It was better than he could have ever imagined. His hand came nowhere close to it. Y/n covered her mouth, nearly screaming into it. Edward stilled inside of her as he bent back over.
"All you have to do is yell my name out. Yell it right into the street. Let everyone on this block, all the people trying to sleep, let them all hear you take this dick." He smiled sinisterly.
"W-What! No, daddy, th-that's humiliating! P-Please..." She whined.
Edward gripped her hips, ramming in and out of her. Y/n bit down on her lip, tears forming in her eyes as she held back her cries. He kept up the brutal pace, mouth agape as he admired the arch in her back. It was twisted, but her humiliation fed his ego and made him so power hungry.
"Rabbit, I know you're holding it back. Just let it out. I want everyone to know who's fucking your needy pussy." He groaned.
"I-I-I, p-please...c-can't take it..." Y/n pleaded.
"Oh, but you can and you will. You know why? Because..."
Edward slapped her ass harshly, leaving a bright red handprint. She whimpered and a tear trickled down her cheek. He grabbed a fistful of her hair, lifting her up slightly. He brought his head down to hers, raising his voice, and making it echo down the street.
"...I. Fucking. Told you!" He shouted between his thrusts.
He had no shame. Someone could walk in on him railing her and he'd pay no mind to it. He'd just pick up his pace and continue to fuck up into her. But, he knew y/n felt shame. And that's what made it more fun. She was mortified and he knew it. Y/n wanted to come back inside so bad. She had no choice other than to do what he said. But, if she was so mortified, then why was she enjoying it so much? Easy answer: because it was Edward doing it. If any other man had treated y/n like this during sex she would have kicked him out, slammed the door in his face, and called the police. But, with Edward...it was so much fun.
"E-Edward! Fuck! P-Please! It feels so good!" She cried out.
Edward hummed in satisfaction. He brought her back in, pulling his dick out of her. Closing the window, he grabbed her by the back of the neck and pushed her to the floor. Y/n's eyes widened when she saw his dick. It was well over average. Very well over average. He straddled her lap, hands wrapped around her neck the entire time.
"You know why I did that?" He asked.
"B'cause I l-left the window open?" She mumbled.
"Partially, yes. But I wanted to show you that I have no problem fucking you when you need to be fucked. I'll bend you over a windowsill, I'll push you up against a wall, I'll ruin you in an alleyway, I'll take you to a bathroom and fuck your brains out, and I'll fuck you on this floor. I don't need a cushy bed or couch to rearrange your pretty little guts." He seethed, tightening his grip on her neck.
"Ohhh, fuck meee daddy..." She moaned.
"No. You don't sound desperate enough. I don't think you really want it." He scoffed.
Y/n whined, trying to turn over. Edward noticed and lifted himself up slightly. She flipped on her stomach, completely naked on the floor as she stuck her ass up and backed it up against his dick. He watched in amusement, taking in how whorish she was acting. Laughing, he grabbed her ass, grinding against it agonizingly slow. He reached over to his pants and grabbed his phone from them, glad that he hospital held onto it for him.
"Ohhh rabbit, smile for the camera." He taunted.
She looked at him, batting her eyelashes. When she saw the phone, she didn't get uncomfortable. Instead, she increased her arch, shoving her ass up higher. Edward scoffed, taking a picture of the erotic position, his dick in the picture as well, poking at her pussy. She moaned, wiggling her ass back and forth as a way of asking him to fuck her. He rolled his eyes, flipping her over and slamming her hips down. Edward propped his phone up against a chair, angling it so it only had their bodies in frame before pressing record. He looked down at y/n.
"Are you going to be a good little rabbit and put on a show? Make a little movie for me?"
"Oh f-fuck, yes daddy please! A-Anything, j-just need your dick...p-please..." She begged.
Edward groaned, shoving himself inside of her completely. Y/n arched her back, letting a lewd moan leave her lips. He shushed her, covering her mouth with his hand as he continued to fuck her slowly.
"You already screamed out into the street, don't you think the people below you will hear you moaning my name? Do you really want to draw more attention to yourself?" He mocked.
She shook her head.
"That's what I thought. Oh, you look so pretty when I'm fucking you." He cooed.
He grabbed one of her hands and placed it over her lower stomach, near the pelvis. Pushing down, he held it in place while he continued to slowly yet fluidly rut into her. Y/n couldn't suppress the shocked moan as she felt his dick, albeit faintly, moving inside her. Again, the feeling was extremely faint, but she could still feel her skin move just slightly. It was enough to make her lose her mind though. Edward nodded his head, laughing as he pushed her hand into her stomach more, making sure she could feel it as much as she could.
"You feel that, rabbit?" He asked, groaning as he did a quick thrust, angled slightly upwards.
Y/n whimpered and nodded her head. She couldn't even get a single word out, let alone a syllable.
"That's how it feels to get your guts fucked." He spat.
Edward picked up his pace, grabbing her legs and wrapping them around his waist. The heels of her feet dug into his ass as he pummeled into her. She slid up and down the floor from the force of his thrusts, moaning the entire time. Edward was extremely careful not to push himself near the edge, as he wanted this to last as long as he could make it. But, y/n had a different idea in mind. She tightened around his dick, making him groan and hunch over. He hissed, going faster and faster, giving her a slap across the face. Needing her to be closer, he grabbing her waist and drew her close to his chest. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he held onto her thighs. Edward continued to fuck her, wincing as she bit down on his shoulder to remain quiet. He moaned, feeling her tighten around him once again. She was getting close to her second orgasm.
"You're so filthy, letting me take you like this. And now you're about to cum on my cock. It's fucking pathetic." He whispered in her ear.
She whimpered, sobbing into his neck as her orgasm washed over her. It was so overwhelming and made her whole body go numb. He held her close as he felt her loosen around him. Her pants and whines echoed in his ear and he listened to them as if it was his favorite song.
"That's it, my filthy little rabbit. Worn out like an old glove, aren't you?" He cooed mockingly, turning off the recording.
"M' so tired..." She mumbled.
"But, I'm still not done. You've gotten to cum twice, and I haven't once. Does that sound fair?" He hummed.
"N-No daddy."
"Then get the fuck up." He spat.
Y/n whimpered, lifting herself off his dick and standing up. Edward grabbed his phone, stopping the recording, and pointed towards her bedroom. He slapped her on the ass before she scurried to her bed. Edward followed, ego inflated and attitude cocky. He saw her on her back, legs spread out, putting herself on display. Slowly, he closed the door, staring at her blankly. She practically shrank under his icy gaze.
"I've been gentle with you, rabbit."
She whined, rubbing her thighs together. Her eyes moved to his hand, freezing as she saw a belt. Edward could see that she looked uncomfortable, so he figured he should clarify.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to hit you with it. I'm not comfortable with that." He reassured.
She nodded, relaxing instantly. Edward approached her, motioning for her to get closer. When she did, he quickly wrapped the belt around her neck, not hooking it, and tugged on it. She choked slightly, as when he pulled it, it tightened. He didn't say anything as he shoved her down in the mattress, hand keeping her head down. Y/n moaned, remembering that this was something he said he wanted to do to her during the visit. She cried out as he fucked down in her. He pulled on the belt, silencing her cry, pushing her head down with his hand firmly.
"No, no, NO! Stay STILL!" He ordered.
Y/n nodded, whining as a bit of her slick trickled down her leg. Edward saw and brought his finger down, wiping it up and licking it off. He groaned, slapping her ass as he abruptly started to animalistically drill down into her. She whimpered, the noises she could make being restricted by the tight belt around her throat. He laughed, enjoying the scenario a little too much.
"You're pathetic. I hope you know that. But, I love you for it. I love how you risked your entire reputation while I said all those vulgar things to you in that visitation room. I love how you let me eat your pretty pussy while you called your brother, when you easily could have made me stop. I love how you're such a perfect angel in public, but as soon as I even look at you, you grovel at my feet. I love how you'll do anything I tell you to." He groaned.
"A-Anything you want d-daddy!" She choked out.
Edward tightened the belt.
"Did I say you could fucking speak? No! So just shut the fuck up!" He seethed, spitting on her back.
He pushed her head further into the mattress as he got on the bed. His knees on either side of her, letting him get a better angle. He bent over, giving no warning as he bit down hard on her shoulder. Y/n screamed into the mattress as he broke skin. He said he would do this too. He told her he would mark her. He told her that he would sink his teeth into her skin and make her bleed. She knew him well enough to know he doesn't lie. He tightened the belt, continuing to fuck her as he sucked and bit her shoulder. Y/n knew that it would hurt like a bitch later on, but she didn't care in the moment.
"Fuck, you wanna cum again?" He asked, lips on her skin.
She whimpered, mumbling a soft 'yes' into the bed.
"Yeah? Oh I bet you do."
He pulled away from her shoulder. Edward felt himself get close to his orgasm. He grunted, pulling out of her and flipping her over. Leaning forward, he grabbed a fistful of her hair and turned her around so her head hung of the edge of the bed. He bent over and thrusted his dick inside her mouth, touching the back of her throat. He spread her legs open, hungrily licking and sucking at her clit. Y/n whimpered, clawing at the backs of his thighs in desperation to pull away. He moaned, shoving two fingers in her pussy and stretching them apart as he fucked her skull. He curled his fingers before pulling them out, gripping her thighs as he reached his climax, hot thick ropes shooting down her throat. She gagged, tears trickled down her face as her mouth was filled up with his cum. He pulled out of her, moving away and looking at her face with a blank stare as she hung upside down. She swallowed the thick liquid, grimacing as she did it. Edward slapped her across the face, squeezing her jaw to force her mouth open. He looked inside, watching as a string of cum trickled off her tongue. He caught it on his finger and shoved it inside her mouth, feeling her tongue swirl around it before pulling it out. He stood up once he was satisfied, sitting down on the bed and leaning his back against the headboard. Y/n whined, slowly sitting up.
He looked up at her dully. She had her hand between her thighs, squeezed tightly together. The bite mark on her shoulder was a dark red-purple, but it wasn't bleeding. He grimaced, upset that he hadn't caused her to bleed. Sadistic, yes, but he wanted to see if her blood was just as sweet as the rest of her body. Edward scoffed, motioning for her to come over to him. Not needing to be told twice, she crawled on his lap, legs straddling one of his thighs. Now, Edward was spent, that was for certain. Could he have done a lot more than what he did to her? Yes. But, he didn't. Maybe in the future, if he needed to have another 'therapeutic' fuck, he would be more rough and kinky. Yeah, he was already rough and kinky with her, but he could have done so much more. Not now, of course. But, some time soon. However, he could still rough her around a little more. After all, he could tell how desperate she was for an orgasm. Why wouldn't he toy with her a little?
"What is it, rabbit? Hm?" He cooed in a sickly sweet voice.
"Y-You didn't let me cum..." She whined, rubbing back and forth on his thighs.
Edward feigned innocence, though y/n knew he was toying with her. He shook his head, brushing hair out of his face.
"No, I made you cum twice little rabbit. Or do you not remember? Did I fuck you dumb?" He hummed.
"N-No, I mean right n-now..."
He made a shocked face, tilting his head to the side. Pushing his glasses up, he softly said 'ohhh'. Y/n continued to grind on his thighs, biting on her bottom lip.
"Is that what you're trying to do? Cum? Is that it?"
She nodded, gripping onto his shoulders. Edward stayed silent for a bit, letting her go a little longer. He watched the way her hips rolled as she moved back and forth. Her arousal was coated his thigh, smearing it all over his skin. After a few more seconds, he used his hands to hold her hips firmly in place. Y/n groaned at the sudden inability to move. Looking into her eyes, he let his nails dig into her soft flesh. Her face contorted and she hissed.
"Do we not ask for permission anymore? Huh?" He questioned lowly.
"I just r-really need it!" She stuttered.
"Yes, I can see that, I'm not fucking blind. But you're not the one in charge here, are you?"
"Are you?!" He raised his voice, digging his nails in further.
"No! I'm not!" She shrieked.
"Who is?"
"You are!"
"And what's my name?"
"So, who's in charge?" He asked, yanking her forward so his leg grinded against her heat.
"F-Fuck! Edward is!"
During the conversation, Edward's dick had gotten hard again. He didn't think he'd be wanting a round two, but he just couldn't help himself anymore. Roughly, he pushed her on her back, hovering over her on the bed. Y/n instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist, practically begging him to take her again. He felt something inside of him change. It was as if the 'switch' determining his persona was balanced in the middle, and now it was fully on 'The Riddler'. He felt that this was progress, hopefully this second round would be enough to suppress his alter ego for a while to come. Y/n could see it in his eyes, she could see the fire and craze. It was startling, as if she was looking into the eyes of a murderer. Well, that's the thing, she was. Except this time, it was the true murderer, not Edward. The Riddler was the personification of his darkest desires, his darkest thoughts, his hatred, and his anger. He was absolutely positive that this fuck would help him deal with that side of him, but he did know that he would also have to go to therapy sessions. He was ok with that. But, currently, he couldn't think about anything other than ruining y/n once again. It was as if he was back in his 'early days' of becoming the Riddler. After all, it was his research he did as the Riddler that led him to getting interested in y/n. It was the Riddler that gave him the confidence to go after her. Sure, Edward's 'normal' self helped with it too, but if it weren't for his alter ego, he never would have been here with y/n. Edward knew he would never be able to fully get rid of his persona, and he was ok with that. But, he wanted to learn how to push it down and make it more 'tame'. And, since y/n was ok with it, he figured he could just 'tame' it in the bedroom. Y/n could see the switch flip in his brain, and it excited her. It was obvious that he was fully in his alter ego state now, as he had the same insane look in his eyes as he did in that visitation room. Oh, y/n remembered it so well. Edw-The Riddler, looked down at her, a familiar wide grin spreading over his face. It sent a chill down her spine and made her ache between her legs. She knew that things were going to be more...harsh. Severe.
"Ohhh, rabbit, sweet, gentle rabbit. Enticing and delicate beneath me." He breathed out, gliding his knuckled over her cheek.
Y/n hesitated to speak, not entirely sure what she should call him. When she visited him, he was 'The Riddler' and she called him Edward. He didn't seem to mind. After all, he still was Edward. Just the 'darker' part of him. She had also called him daddy a lot, and he really seemed to love that. Though, it was surprising, he seemed to prefer being called it in sweet moments, granted with the occasional sexual moment.
He backhanded her across the face, way harder than Ed had ever done. She whimpered, bringing her hand to her face and feeling it sting. Laughing, he grabbed her face with both of his hands, the grip very tight.
"SHUT UP!" He yelled.
She nodded softly, restricted by his hands. His pupils were dilated, frantically scanning her face. Y/n dared not speak a word, not even a peep. He breathed heavily as he looked over her body and y/n could feel his dick poke at her inner thigh. His focus was on the bite mark on her shoulder, the slightly smudged mascara under her eyes, and the glitter that was in the corner of them and on the tip of her nose. She sparkled below him, ethereal and heavenly, despite being run through by his dick twice already. He licked his lips, gripping her hair with one of his hands roughly.
"Oh, there is so much potential...so many things to do to you..."
Y/n lifted her hand up, wanting to touch his face. But, she was cautious, as if she was trying to pet a wild animal. He smirked, knowing that he was making her nervous and wary. Oh, but that's what he wanted. He was a sly fox, baring his teeth at a jittery rabbit. And he so badly wanted to clamp his jaws around her supple throat.
"You can touch me, rabbit. I won't bite..." He hummed.
Leaning down to her, he hovered his lips near her ear. Y/n wrapped her arms around his neck, unsettled by how sweet he was being. In fact, it was gentler than before. Something was up. She just needed to be prepared for it. And she was right...
"...softly." He chuckled lowly.
His teeth sank into the bite mark already on her shoulder. It wasn't gentle at all, he was not holding back. But, as if his canines piercing her flesh wasn't enough, he reared his hips back and thrusted himself inside of her with brutal force. He went so deep that his tip hit the bundle of nerves inside of her, making her stomach drop and mouth hang open. The multiple sensations, painful and pleasing, overwhelmed her and she couldn't muster a scream. She was choking on her words. But, just to make sure she didn't get too loud, Edward brought a hand to her face and covered her mouth with it. He was gripping the skin of her face in an attempt to shut her up, and it was working. It was impressive how good he was at multitasking, but he was good at many things. Pearly white teeth grazed over her skin as he tried to draw blood. He wanted to tear her flesh away, but he didn't want to ruin her pretty complexion. So, he settled on a little bit of blood. He bit down harder, y/n screaming into his hand as he did so. Just like he wanted, a few drops of blood slid down from the small wound he inflicted. Again, he made it small as to not maim her pretty skin. But, it was still sure to hurt like a bitch. He pulled away, a tiny amount of blood smeared on his bottom lip. Panting, he watched as the dark liquid trickled down her collarbone. His hand was still over y/n's mouth, giving her cheek a firm slap while it was still near her face. His tongue rolled out as he lowered himself back down to her neck, continuing to fuck her ferociously. He was practically drooling as he licked up her blood, a horrifyingly erotic moan leaving his throat. His eyes rolled back in his head and he took a moment to enjoy the taste. He was right about it. It tasted like pure sugar. Liquid sugar staining his lips, tongue, and teeth a violent shade red. Y/n moaned into his hand and he gave a harsh thrust, signaling for her to be quiet. Sighing shakily, he pulled away from her neck and sat up straight as he ran through her. It looked like a scene from a horror movie. The killer, bloodstained and crazed. The final girl, helpless and scared. But, this was more erotic of course. This was like if the killer held the knife to the final girl's throat and she moaned, asking him to fuck her. She knew it was dangerous, but she loved the thrill.
"You taste better than I could have ever imagined. Than I have imagined." He shivered.
Y/n whimpered, the stinging sensation of her neck now taking over her senses. It hurt so bad, burning and throbbing. But, it felt so good at the same time. Edward wasn't done though. He still wanted to humiliate her a little more. Play around with her. Remind her that she was getting dicked down by The Riddler. He lifted her legs up, forcing them to stay wrapped around his waist. His pace inside of her was savage and brutal as he brought his hand off her mouth and slapped her across the face lightly. He did it again, and again, and again, chuckling as he did it. His fingers hooked inside her mouth, forcing her lower jaw to stay slack. He wasn't even sure what he was doing, he just wanted to play with her like a toy. His tongue swept over his lips, wiping away excess blood. After he did that, he spit on her chest, his saliva tinted pink. With her mouth still pried open, he spat on her tongue. She swallowed it, making him twitch inside of her at how she knew exactly what he wanted her to do without saying it. He lowered himself down, lips hovering over hers as he pushed himself back and forth over her body, fucking her up close and personal.
"You're loving this too much, rabbit. Don't you feel filthy? You look filthy." He hissed.
"Y-Yes, I-I'm fil-ilthy!" She pleaded in between his thrusts.
He pressed his lips against hers, making her taste her own blood. Humming into the kiss, he lowered one of his hands to grab her breast, pinching her nipple roughly. She groaned against his lips at the feeling, but was cut off with his other hand wrapping around her neck firmly. Edward pulled his lips away just barely, grazing over her own. The bed creaked below them, rocking back and forth dangerously from his rapid thrusts. Y/n's eyes were shut tightly, hands burrowing into his hair and gripping it for stability. Edward could feel himself getting close to his climax, and he could tell y/n was close as well.
"Some Cupid kills with arrows, some with traps." He laughed breathily.
Y/n opened her eyes, looking at him in confusion. She knew it was Shakespeare, but she wasn't in the right mind to process the meaning behind it. It wasn't necessary though, as Edward was quick to elaborate in her ear.
"You were lead into my trap, rabbit. And whilst you were trapped, you were shot in the heart. Falling in love with a muuuurderer...a staaaalker...a crrrrreep!" He laughed in lunacy, somehow fastening his pace even more.
"F-Fuuuuuck, Eddie! So close! Pleaseeee!" She whimpered pitifully.
"You looove my dick. You looove being handled like a toy. You looove being slapped around and getting fucked stupid. You are nothing more than my pretty, slutty, pathetic, little...rabbit." He emphasized his filthy words.
"M' your rabbit, p-please! Wan' cum so ba-ad, daddyyy!" She begged lazily.
Edward groaned, pulling out of her and bringing his face between her legs. He wasted no time sucking and shoving his tongue inside of her. Y/n squealed as he bit on her clit harshly, tugging on it with his teeth as he pushed two fingers inside her. He spread them out, making her kick her feet, squeezed his head between her thighs. He panted as he curled his fingers rapidly over and over again, biting and kissing her clit as she shook beneath him. She shot up from her laying position, grabbing his hair and shoving his head further between her legs, if it was even possible. Her orgasm washed over her and Edward squeezed her thigh, lapping up her climax greedily and hungrily. Groaning in pleasure, he pulled away, her arousal smeared over his mouth. He wiped it off with his thumb and sucked it off. Quickly, he grabbed a fistful of her hair he brought her over to him. He sat down on the bed with his back against the headboard, forcefully shoving her head down on his cock. She gripped the sheets of the bed as he held her down with a strong hand. Y/n sucked as best as she could, gagging on the length with tears in her eyes. She didn't have to suffer long though, as he went slack jawed and pulled on her hair, cuming on the back of her throat. Y/n swore she heard him whimper.
"Swallow." He ordered, pulling her mouth off his dick.
She did as he said, though the taste was not pleasant of course. He watched as her throat bobbed, making sure she followed directions. Once she did, he let out a deep sigh, pulling her close to his chest as he lay down on the bed. Y/n was confused, but she stayed in his arms. She could feel his breathing slow down, calming down from the actions they did together. His glasses were fogged up and he brought his hand up to clean them, running it through his hair after. Y/n spoke up to say something, but he hushed her gently, petting her head softly. It clicked in her mind that he must be collecting himself, so she was more than happy to give him time to adjust. After another minute, he patted her shoulder gently before sitting up. He rubbed his eyes underneath his glasses, sighing. Edward turned his head to look at her, smiling kindly. Y/n felt her heart flutter. The Riddler persona had such a hold over him, that he was never truly 'genuine' Edward. But, she was seeing a bit of that side of him currently. Now, Edward wasn't a shy little weirdo. Well, he was. But he wasn't weak. Everything the Riddler persona was, he was too, it just was 'heightened'. He looked at her shoulder, seeing the slightly bloody bite mark, eyes widening at it. Yes, he really wanted to do that to her, but it was still a jarring sight when he really took the time to look at it.
"Are you ok?" Y/n asked.
"I'm fine, a-are you ok?" He asked softly.
"Yeah, I liked it. It stings a little though." She shrugged.
"You did seem to like it a lot, you're quite the masochist aren't you?" He laughed.
Y/n crawled on his lap, grabbing one of the blankets on the bed and pulling it over the both of them. She sighed, snuggling up to his chest. Edward was taken aback, for some reason he thought y/n would kick him out of the apartment as soon as they finished. Sure, she said she loved him, but it was still a hard thing to believe as he had never been loved before. He was glad she didn't kick him out. He was glad she was holding him.
"Is your um...the Riddler, is he gone?" She asked, cheek against his tank top.
"Uh, well I don't think I'll ever get rid of it. But, it's definitely 'satisfied' for now. I'm going to go to therapy, hopefully I can figure something out. The therapists in Arkham aren't exactly the most helpful..." He sighed.
Y/n nodded.
"Sorry, did that bring the mood down?" Edward groaned internally.
"No, I'm glad you're telling me this. I want to see you get better. You mean a lot to me. I love you..."
"I love you too, y/n. I'm glad I didn't ruin the moment." He mumbled, kissing the top of her head.
"Well, you certainly ruined me! I'm extremely sore, I don't think I can walk." Y/n groaned.
"Well, I seem to recall you wanting me to do those things to you."
"Yeah, I did. And, I don't regret it. It was rough, but that was definitely the best sex I've ever had." She chuckled.
"That was my first time, so I'm glad I held up to my promise of making you feel good."
Y/n sat up slightly, looking down at him. Her eyes were wide and mouth ajar. Edward raised an eyebrow, glancing to his sides nervously. She poked his chest, making him grunt.
"Liar! That was not your first time!"
"I'm not lying! Is it really that hard to believe?" He asked.
Y/n straddled his lap, leaning down and glaring at him closely. Her face was inches away from his. She looked at his facial expressions.
"Jesus, you're serious! Well, that's very impressive. Was I a good first time for you...?" She asked sitting back up, suddenly shy.
Furrowing his eyebrows, he sat up. He cupped her face in his hands, making her look into his eyes. A dorky smile was on his face, dimples showing.
"Is that even a question? Of course you were, rabbit. You were so, so, so good. Perfect, even." He cooed.
Y/n smiled, but she sniffled. Edward frowned as a tear rolled down her cheek. She wiped it away, smudging her eyeliner that was miraculously still on her face. He felt his heart sink, stroking her hair and holding her chin gently.
"Oh no, no, no what's wrong? Did I say something? Was I too rough with you?" He frantically spewed.
"N-No, I just...I feel gross..."
Edward hummed, wiping a tear away with his thumb. He knew what she was experiencing. Well, not exactly, but he knew that some people would get sad after sex. Tutting, he pulled her close to his chest and enveloped her in a hug.
"...you said I was filthy and pathetic. Is that true?" She asked.
He felt his heart shatter.
"Shit, no it's not true. It was just dirty talk, y/n. Did you not like it? You should have used the safeword, rabbit. If I had known then I wouldn't have done it."
"No, I loved it, but I-I was just...I was worried you actually felt that way about me." Y/n mumbled.
"No. I don't. It was just dirty talk. Do you understand?"
She nodded, her bottom lip quivered, tears pooling in her eyes. Y/n couldn't explain it, but she just felt sad. She was not upset about what happened, she was never uncomfortable, she was not mad, she was not feeling guilty, she just had an overwhelming feeling of sadness. Perhaps, she doubted that Edward truly loved her? Or, maybe she just felt insecure? Vulnerable? Edward stroked her hair still, kissing the top of her head. He could tell she didn't even know how she felt. All he could do was comfort her. So, he remembered what she had said about accepting love back in the bookstore. He had done it in the visitation room, but he wasn't exactly sane during it. He would do it again now. Sane, holding her in his arms, and just as vulnerable as she was.
"Doubt that the stars are fire. Doubt that the sun doth move his aides. Doubt truth to be a liar. But, never doubt I love." He said softly.
Y/n lifted her head off of his chest, looking him in the eyes. She felt herself tear up again, but it wasn't from sadness. A small smile spread over her face. Edward brushed hair out of her face.
"I would not wish any companion in the world but you." She sighed.
Edward blushed. It was such a strange thing. He had snuck into her apartment after legally being released from Arkham. He had taken her on basically every surface he could. He had bit her, made her bleed, slapped her, and now he held her face in his hands. His gaze was gentle and loving. After an intimate and raucous night of rough love making, they both sat in her bed, quoting Shakespeare to each other. Their hearts were swollen and overflowing with love, filling their bodies to the brim. Edward intended to never leave her in his life. He intended on marrying her. That was what he wanted more than anything. She wanted that too. Alas, small steps. Baby steps.
"You feeling better now, rabbit?" He asked.
"Yeah, s-sorry..." She sniffled.
"No, don't apologize. There's absolutely no reason to. Now, why don't we get cleaned up, yeah?"
"Yes please, I feel so...icky." She laughed softly.
"Me too, I'm very sweaty. It's not a great feeling." He grimaced, shaking his head.
"Do you want to take a shower together?" Y/n asked, straightening his glasses for him.
"Yeah, I'd like that a lot actually..." He blushed.
"Edward, are you blushing? What's there to blush about? You literally just saw me naked and fucked the soul out of me!" She laughed, sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Well yeah, but...shut up." He mumbled, getting off the bed and standing up.
"You're such a dork." Y/n joked, taking his hand that he offered to her.
"Shit, wait stay right there" He said.
Y/n raised an eyebrow, but she did as he said. Funny, even when he wasn't being 'dominant' she still followed his orders. He left the room and y/n watched his ass as he walked away. She couldn't help it. Sue her. After a few seconds, Edward came back in with something behind his back. She tilted her head.
"What do you have? Is it a puppy?!"
Edward rolled his eyes, bringing it out in front of him. In his hands was a sketchbook. Smiling, y/n grabbed it and opened it up. She gasped as she saw drawings littered over the pages. Almost all of them were her. Others were sketches of places Edward felt were important. There was the bookstore, rooms of y/n's apartment, the coffee shop that Edward and y/n went to a lot, and the subway station. She looked back up at him, pride and love in her eyes.
"They uh, they let me keep a journal. The therapist said it would be good for my mental health. She said that I should sketch and document things that I remembered from before the hospital. Uh, like things and places that made me really happy. Nothing that evoked any bad feelings or thoughts. So um..." He trailed as she flipped through the pages.
"So you drew me? A-And the places we went to often? Edward, that's so sweet. Your art is so good, too! Um, why did you draw a subway station though?" She asked curiously.
"Oh, uh, well when I would get off of work and wait for the train, I would spend that time thinking about you. Like, what we had planned for that day. It was something to look forward to." He said shyly.
"Eddie, that's so romantic. How many of these drawings did you do?" She asked.
"That's my third book."
"Third book?!"
"I had a lot of time on my hands. It was one of the things that kept me occupied." He smiled.
Y/n sighed, hugging him after placing the book on the bed. She was so happy that he was back. Edward hugged her back, sniffling as he tried to hold back tears. He hated being vulnerable and crying, but he felt comfortable around her. He could be himself around her and not get judged. He felt loved.
"Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked abruptly.
She didn't even hesitate.
"Yes. I'd love to, Edward."
There went the water works. Edward couldn't hold them back anymore. He felt his inner child come out, jumping up and down and clapping his hands, happy that someone finally loved him. Tears streamed down his face, holding her tighter in his arms. She rubbed his back, letting him cry as he wiped his tears away. He was such a kind soul tormented by his past and his own self. Y/n intended on fixing that. She was going to give him the love he always deserved. She was going to help him get better, get him the best therapist that money could buy, and let him cry whenever he needed to.
"You're so nice to me..." He sobbed.
"Oh, Edward, of course I am. You deserve it. C'mon, let's go take a shower." She cooed.
He pulled away, removing his glasses so he could wipe his tears away. Putting them on the nightstand, he nodded. Edward blinked away the rest of the tears. Clearing his throat, he held y/n's face in his hand, rubbing her cheek with his thumb. He leaned down and planted a soft kiss on her lips. Smiling, he pinched her cheek gently, watching her pink dusted nose scrunch up in amusement.
"Alright, let's go rabbit."
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a-funeral-pyre · 1 month
May Day Parade 2024 - Prompt One: May King Mordred
I did an attempt at re-editing and finally posting an old fic of mine for @queer-ragnelle 's May Day Parade! Although I have to admit I am not fully satisfied by the translation, but there is not much that can be done for that. Here we go:
“Yit that traytour […] Turns hym furthe tite, and talks no more Went wepand awaye, and weries the storndys That ever his werdes ware wroght, siche wandrethe to wyrke” (Allitterative Morthe Arthure)
The sky should not have been so dark today. It is barely midday, and this should have been a peaceful day. But the sun is gone, along with any hope of changing things.
It doesn't cause you any pain. Darkness is your most ancestral memory.
You were born in darkness. You were always destined to live there. Generous hands have rescued you from the abyss only to lead you onto a path devoid of light.
Deep down, you have known it from the beginning.
Before you even knew who you really were there was a voice that came from the night and whispered to your soul. You knew you were fated to be more than just a fisherman's son.
You thought your destiny was to become the heir of a king. You realized too late that you had to be an avenger.
Your father must pay for what he did.
It seems everyone has forgotten the massacre he chose to carry out. Everyone except you. And now you will bring justice and take your rightful place.
You could have repressed your hatred if it weren't for the blood that unites you. You did not ask to be born. You are just the result of his actions, but he's always been too busy looking at you suspiciously to realize that. He never wanted you and he tried to destroy you as soon as you came into this world. The time has come to punish him.
And you don't care how many will be burned by your revenge. Not anymore.
You could have spared Guinevere. But she didn't deserve to have Gareth pay for her. You wished it was her beautiful, cruel face to be frozen in death, her head to be severed. She could have loved you. If not as a wife, then at least as a friend.
But you are the symbol of her husband's guilt, and this is enough to make you enemies.
Now it doesn't matter anymore. You stopped desiring her. When you return, seeing her become aware that in the end you won - the bastard, the traitor, the sick fruit of the king's sin - will be enough.
This time you are certain to win. The darkness around you is witness to this. You will have what is yours, you will avenge the victims of your father, your mother...
And yourself.
Maybe your father thought this time would never come. Maybe he believed that welcoming you into his court was enough to erase the fact that he tried to kill you.
He was naive enough to think you were harmless and he thought that, like everyone else, you couldn't see through his mask of justice and virtue.
All you had to do was look him in his eyes to know what he thought of you. A youthful mistake, a child that should never have been born, dangerous just for existing. He could never have been a father to you. He could never see you as anything other than an enemy.
Now he doesn't hide it anymore.
All your life you have done what he taught you. You have lied. You will rise to power by cheating and killing, as your grandfather did, and you will prove yourself to be your father's worthy son. Then the throne can only be yours.
You are not alone. You have an army with you. Men who saw you worthy of being king, men who long to see you in your father's place. And it doesn't matter that they only follow you for the benefits you promised them. They chose to help you. They chose to raise you to the place you should not have conquered by force. They are more loyal to you than your family ever was.
You have them, and more. You have the blood of kings on your side. You are about to kill a murderer If there really is a just God, He can only be on your side.
You can finally take off the mask you've kept on for years and breathe. For the first time, you are truly alive.
This unnatural night that has fallen on the world will be the dawn of victory for you.
The lie you have woven all these years has come to an end. Just a few hours and you will be king. You will get what you want. You will be respected, you will be loved.
You have to keep telling yourself this until it's all over. Just one last trick on yourself. Just enough to keep going.
Then you will be satisfied with having repaired the wrong you have suffered. You will be able to go on living alone. It won't be too difficult – it's just what you've done so far.
You were born for this moment, to follow the path that fate had written for you. You will have to be able to survive what comes next.
You will have to delude yourself that you can achieve victory. That you can be the master of your destiny.
You have believed in your hatred for so long that you no longer perceive its meaning, but you have gone too far to stop now. You've been alone too long to find a way to bridge the gap between you and your father. From the beginning you had to take on this role. Thus said the prophecy that shaped you.
Deep down you are aware that only emptiness will come afterwards. You've been waiting for this moment your whole life. And you are afraid, because without the desire that has sustained you so far you will no longer be anything.
This will be your last moment. If you survived, you could try to be reborn. You could truly live, finally, once you are free from your father's shadow.
But you are not made for the light of life. Only for this darkness. Only in this moment, now that you are so close to your goal, you really exist.
And nothing has changed compared to before. You are still completely alone.
You had no one to accompany you this far. If Agravain lent you his help, it wasn't because he believed in you. There is no seer who can advise you along the way. As if the fate that put you on this path had abandoned you from the beginning.
You are not naive enough to delude yourself that things will change when all this is over. You have to believe that it is a valid price to pay for what you are about to do, because now you can no longer go back.
You will undo everything you were, everything you are. You're not sure if you'll still be anything after that.
But you can't care about what you might have been if there had been another way. Not anymore. It didn't matter to your father, a bastard born of deception too virtuous to let you become king like he did. You should follow his example, at least this time, and bury all visions of a brighter future.
Even if you had the chance to rebel in the past, you can't do it now. You are just the shadow that must suffocate the light.
You see him, your father, in front of you. Proud and terrible. White and shining. The sun that disappeared from the sky was incarnated in him.
It will burn you, and you know it. You are already defeated. You're better off accepting it and giving up. He will never forgive you, you would die anyway, but at least you would have consciously chosen something, even just once in your entire life.
There's no more time.
As much as it is a crime, as much as it is useless and does not fulfill your hopes, you will do what is right. What you want, what you have to.
All you will do is fulfill desires that were never entirely yours. You have to accept your nature. You are just an instrument of fate.
And when your father dies, you will bring no new dawn. Only darkness and silence, again.
You could have had a normal life. Arthur might have made you his heir. Or he would simply smile at you, every now and then. He would have spoken to you with the same love with which he spoke to your brothers. If he hadn't believed in the prophecy. If I hadn't hated you. If you had not hated him, fulfilling your fate.
You never had a choice.
You had to get here no matter what. You have shed too much blood and tears. Gawain, who, however loyal he was to the wrong person, was still your brother, was only the last of the sacrifices, of the bodies you had to pile up to climb to this moment.
You can't stop anymore. There is nothing left that can save your soul, or at least deprive you of the painful awareness of having lived in vain.
Your father was a glorious and ephemeral flame. You were born just to turn the page.
Nothing more than this.
You existed for him, and together with him you will die. There is nothing you can do to change things now.
Just a moment and you will be free from everything. Whatever awaits you in hell will be no worse than the years you spent on this Earth.
And as his spear slides into you, as his light pierces you, you just wish you had another chance, to go back, change fate, and be happy.
But it's too late. Your name will always be a whisper in the darkness, a black stain in this shining legend, and in your torn body there is no longer enough breath to cry out your pain.
Camlann stands silently over your ruin.
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sangorous · 9 months
word count: 0.9k
genre/warnings: angst?/petty ex's, and whatnot idk tbh
evan buckley x black!fem!reader
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It has been a while since Buck has been to the club. The last time he stepped foot in the club was during his playboy phase, which has been gone for almost three years.
Eddie had the great idea of taking Buck to the club. This was the perfect opportunity for Buck to forget about all of the relationships he has had. The idea seemed great at first. When they walked inside, they were drinking. He was talking to other women, bringing out the old Buck he knew. Yet that all changed when a familiar face walked inside.
It was [y/n]. The last thing he wanted was to see her. Yes, she did look beautiful, but he came to the club to clear his mind from her. A relationship that was good that quickly turned sour. He vowed to forget about her, but little did he know that would be a lie.
[y/n] couldn't lie. Buck looked amazing. He always did, but she couldn't fall for him tonight... Or she could. Yes, she was trying to avoid him, but she couldn't help herself from the plan she created. All she needed was a few drinks in her system, and she'd leave her friends behind.
"What is she doing here?" Buck groaned, looking at Eddie.
"Who?" but he answered his question when he quickly looked at [y/n].
"Forget that she's here. You've been on fire so far. So keep at it," Eddie patted his back, while he sighed and nodded his head.
Buck grabbed his drink and downed it before returning to the woman he was talking to earlier.
Their conversation was going great. The talking led to them dancing on the dance floor, and [y/n] wasn't happy. Seeing Buck with someone that wasn't her, did not sit right with her.
If this is how he wanted to act, the two could play this game. He knew that she would win when it came to being the pettiest. No one could ever top her.
Next to her was an attractive guy, she didn't know who he was but decided to dance with him, which was perfect because Wine Slow by Gyptian began to play. She placed the male's hands on her hips and began to wine her ass on him slowly. Feeling his grip become tighter. [y/n] felt a pair of eyes on her and she knew it was Buck, so she decided to keep eye contact with him. She stared him down while she was grinding on this random man.
Buck knew this was [y/n]'s way of getting into his head. He promised himself and Eddie that her mind games wouldn't work, but he could slowly feel himself getting sucked in. Closing his eyes could not help because every time he opened them up? Her eyes were piercing into his soul. Not only that, but she came closer and closer.
How would he move on from her if she was right there in his face? Dancing seductively. Staring into his eyes. Moving closer by the end of each song.
He knew that she didn't want him. Buck knew that seeing him with someone else made her mad. He knew that she didn't want him to move on from her, and if he was going to be honest... He couldn't. He came to the club to get away from her, not to see her again.
Partition by Beyoncé began to play, and that's when he couldn't anymore. Watching her dance on some stranger like he used to dance on him was his last straw.
He excused himself from the woman and walked over to [y/n]. Checkmate.
"Could I talk to her for a second?" Buck gave the male a fake smile while grabbing ahold of her wrist.
"Is this some kind of joke?" he stared at the woman.
"I don't understand what you're sayin'?" she tried her best not to smirk.
"Don't act stupid [y/n]" she heard the frustration in his voice.
"I just came here to have a good time. How was I supposed to know that you'd be here?" she gave him a slight pout.
"So you dancing all up on that guy, who you don't even know... While staring at me isn't one of your petty games?"
"Mmmm..." she trailed off.
"You're just doing this because you saw me with a girl..." he chuckled, causing that pout to disappear.
"I don't know what you're talkin' about?" Her eyes were facing the ground.
"Admit it, you started this because I was dancing with someone else. You wanted the attention on you... You don't like that I was with someone new..." he couldn't believe he had fallen for her trap.
"Don't go all silent on me now. You were just being bold..." He stepped closer to her.
A part of [y/n] didn't know what to do. She didn't think this far into her plan and wasn't expecting Buck to act like this. She was expecting the oblivious Buck who would follow her every move. She could feel herself becoming weak from him coming closer to her.
"You wanted all of this attention... and I'm giving it to you. don't look at the floor now..." his fingers were on her chin and he made sure she was looking at him.
She was sure he could feel her heartbeat as they stared at each other. [y/n] got his attention, and now she completely folded before him. Buck continued to step closer, never breaking eye contact with her. Their faces slowly started leaning in and before they knew it, their lips were against each other.
Buck knew this night would be filled with regrets, but he couldn't help himself. She was like a drug that he couldn't get enough of.
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nervoushottee · 8 months
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IMPORTANT: This blog is 18+ MDNI!! If you don’t have age on your blog then I will block it.
*Inbox and messages are always open!*
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Joel Miller
Flaws and All: You and Joel get caught in a blizzard while traveling. Cooped up in a cabin that is a bit of a fixer upper, the two of you learn how to grow with one another. In the process of waiting out the blizzard, you both have no choice but to accept each other, flaws and all. And maybe, just maybe find more in each other than just a travel partner. Will be Explicit in future chapters
A Solemn Promise: Joel thought he had lost it all. That the cruel bitter world had taken away his heart and soul piece by piece until there was nothing left. Everything he cared so deeply for gone. Turning him into a complicated man with a complicated heart. But when he has to travel across the country with a young girl and his girlfriend that he thought was dead. Maybe, just maybe his broken heart and soul can mend.
A Shot of Whiskey: (Explicit) You didn't think Joel would take you up on your offer. But here you were getting fucked in the bathroom stall of the bar.
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Lucien Flores
Kill the Lights: (Explicit) Lucien Flores is your older brother's bestfriend and to you he was always off limits and vice versa. Until one night that changes... (insipred by the song "De Selby part 2 by Hozier")
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Frankie "Catfish" Morales
Good Trouble: You and the Miller brothers have known each other since childhood. But the years go by and time moves on and the three of you are grown up. But what happens when they come home to visit and the two friends they bring along with them catch your eye?? (Frankie/Santiago/Reader)
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Santiago "Pope" Garcia
Good Trouble: You and the Miller brothers have known each other since childhood. But the years go by and time moves on and the three of you are grown up. But what happens when they come home to visit and the two friends they bring along with them catch your eye?? (Frankie/Santiago/Reader)
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Steve Harrington
The Summer Before: You and the gang decide to take a trip together before you all go your separate ways after summer is over. You’re excited for a reset away from Hawkins. Away from your problems and responsibilities. But one of the problems that you can’t seem to find the answer to went with you and it’s Steve Harrington. Conversations about old times and second chances wasn’t something you really planned on doing but here you are.  The days will be light and warm. Trips to the lake and burgers on the grill. The nights will feel long filled with laughter, beers, unwanted truths and tattoos you won’t remember getting the next day. Secrets will be spilled and tears will be shed.  A last hooray at the end of the summer while everyone was still together.  This should be fun. Right?
Take Care: Steve wakes up from a nightmare that scares him a lot more than usual. The two of you frantically decide in the middle of night to get out of Hawkins. Even if it’s just for a little while.
Go For It: Steve has been your “movie guy” at Family Video for a while now. Little does he know that the main reason you’ve been buying these movies is to flirt with him and just maybe ask him out…
Illicit Affairs: You wish you were enough for Steve, but he will always want Nancy. (inspired by "Illicit Affairs by Taylor Swift")
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This or That: (Explicit) You can't seem to figure out what you like better between Steve and Eddie.
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Folklore: In which nervoushottee creates a series of fanfics insipred by the songs from Folklore by Taylor Swift
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dividers by @saradika
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sdyd · 1 year
* ALWAYS WATCHING OVER YOU. sentence starters from kaigan games' horror series, simulacra. change pronouns / tense as necessary.
now we are luminous, a bright star. all shall see us !
I've been trying to reach out ...
thank god I found this phone.
you are not worthy of respect.
poor unfortunate soul.
you're just like the rest, a sheep.
tragic. we can change that.
you think you can stop me ?
I have no use for someone who accepts the world they are given.
no one truly deserves anything.
I ate and entire pizza by myself in five minutes.
tell me I'm pretty.
material attachment is so pedestrian.
behind your glass screens, behind your black mirrors, is a reflection of reality.
we seek those with extraordinary influence.
you are lost.
it is easy to be led astray when you are so broken.
you deserve to be followed.
you looked through his phone ?!
he has the nerve to accuse me of invading his privacy.
you're the one who went out of line.
I am not even mad, just disappointed.
how are you feeling ?
can you stop being so emotional right now ?
you've got the wrong person.
I'm not who you think I am.
you're better than this, [ name ].
what are you rambling about ?
maybe he'll slip up and tell you something we don't know.
there's something on my mind ...
it's not my fault that she left you.
if you're obsessed with me, I get it.
there's something off about him.
it's too late for me.
she can still be saved.
do not trust its' words.
nothing is what it seems.
I saw him, then I blacked out.
it only reveals itself too its' chosen
he told you, didn't he ?
I am her as she is me.
if it is me you wish to see, so be it.
impressive. a worthy pretender.
you have seen through my mask.
do you crave the truth so badly ?
the material society is fading, a digital one taking its' place.
she did nothing wrong and nothing right.
is that how you've been feeling ?
expecting him to follow you is pointless.
your actions will carry weight. live with them.
fuck this silent treatment. fuck it so much.
hello, worm.
don't forget your headphones.
no more losing, only growing.
when you look into my eyes, you can see it looking back.
join the fun !
worms, how are we feeling today ?
my followers are my puny worms.
there is no end or beginning.
we will never be separated.
soon, this will become your reality.
hola chikas !
grovel as we consider your divinity.
that old fool mistakeningly thinks he has solved this.
your concept of right and wrong eludes me.
your own suffering will lead you back to us
how does it feel when everyone leans on you for guidance ?
don't compare yourself to me. ever. you're not on my level and you never will be.
don't you kids link everything to the cloud these days ?
are you having a stroke ?
who's going to believe us if we said some face - tearing monster killed them ?
I'm not a cartoon rabbit.
life hurts a lot more than death.
yes, a person was ruined.
this is not your memory.
I was lost and you sensed my need. I followed your path and you kept me from falling.
you need a form. a new body, a new face. a true face ... I will do this for you.
what is the current status of the investigation ?
[ name ] appears to be on this alone.
focus, please.
tell me, what do you see ?
step, seek, and proceed.
your path is coming to an end.
tell me, what do you doubt ?
find the truth.
my perversion fails to deceive you. you have seen through my mask.
what's the worst that could happen ?
we will never be separated.
you showed me that the human heart can hide so much more.
you have given me a great gift.
why won't you just let him be happy ?
this cannot be !
you and I are not that different.
I'm really scared. I've been trying to reach out.
I asked for your name.
then who will save me ?
it's getting harder to think.
I need to get out of here !
help me defeat this thing, [ name ] !
I'm right here. you won't go through this alone.
you should go.
it's up to you now.
promise that you'll remember me ?
I'm glad your here.
the only way forward is to disappear.
who am I to deny their wish ?
no one deserves that.
I should have paid more attention.
I valued my own ambition over their cries for help.
I forgot who I was.
is it really that easy ?
everything is slipping away.
you really think I can do this ?
embrace your sins.
you wear the face of a ghost.
you're unable to exist without something to latch onto.
GET ! OUT ! OF ! MY ! HEAD !
I don't know what to say ...
you pulled me back. thank you.
that's what partners are for.
I'm not letting you go that easily !
thanks for believing in me.
we've got so much to talk about.
I'm not afraid anymore. I feel clarity.
don't deny its' voice, let it through.
I just embraced the truth.
I'm here. I'm not leaving you.
you've seen the damage I can do.
no one deserves that.
you're safe, you're with me.
now, where were we ?
I can't lose you too !
I'm on my way ! just stay on the line !
you can do this.
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edutainer2022 · 2 months
I'm in a very complicated (non)relationship with faith and religion. Loss, grief, and war do a number on that. And I'm in a weird mood (also insanely busy). I would assume the Tracies too have a complicated (and different for each) relationship with faith and spirituality, in their line of work. It's Easter time. So here's a little Earth and Sky piece centered around that time of the year, memories, fears, and love, of course. All blatant parallels with religious symbolism are all on my agnostic self, I mean no disrespect whatsoever!
Christmas was easy. Approachable. Christmas was always about family and snuggling, comfy pijamas and Lord of the Rings rewatch maraphons, and gifts for everyone, cinnamon, cocoa, decorations and garlands. Christmas was manageable even after Mom. Then after Dad. Never the same, but manageable.
Easter was weird... In their childhood Easter was always a whirl of colors and activities - egg die on every surface besides the eggshells, egg hunts on the farm and ranch, chocolate prizes, bright baskets, and laughter. And Mom. Always Mom at the center of it all, orchestrating and directing the colorful chaos. Mom told them stories. An Irish Catholic, Mom made a point to go to mass on Easter morning, although she didn't insist they go with. They usually did, dressed in Sunday best, even Gordie on his best behavior. There would be waffles and ice-cream on the way back from the church, and sprinkles in John's hair. With Mom gone the colors muted. The whirlwind stopped. The spring lost its promise. It felt almost a blasphemy to celebrate a resurrection after a loss they suffered. Scott tried to uphold the egghunts for Gordie, who barely remembered his with Mom, and for Allie, who didn't, but it fell flat.
Dad never much discussed spirituality with them. An astronaut, a war veteran, a widower, he held certain cards close to his soul. They grew up with boundless belief in scientific knowledge and answers to be pursued by scientific methods. If there were no answers this side of known universe, that meant the science was yet to catch up. They all helped with catching up a lot. As much as they grew up with boundless belief in each other (that and an elaborate array of superstitions, given their respective specializations). And a firm conviction Mom was an angel up in heaven, watching over them. It all made sense when a brother's comms were silent in the danger zone or a brother's hand was limp and cold over hospital covers. Unbeknowest to them, through the endless night alone in outer space, their father always had but one prayer: "Look after them, my love! Keep them all safe as I can't!"
In a rare arrangement of circumstances, they were all at the farm for Easter weekend, for a change. Some issues needed to be dealt with the estate. And it was an unspoken opportunity to visit Mom's grave. (And Dad's headstone over an empty casket, right next to her). Virgil found Scott at the backporch, seated on the stairs overlooking the meadow. Alone. As he suspected he would. Virgil would have been happy to just plop down and sit it out with biggest brother shoulder to shoulder till dusk, giving him room to just be and a friendly ear, should he want one. Scott had been in a mood all day, maybe all week. So much so even John was worried, who didn't get to observe Scott in his natural brooding state up close often. Biggest brother was obviously not forthcoming with any conversation starters. Virgil took his chances and nudged a flannel clad shoulder to his right. In their childhood home Scott always dug out old, broken in flannel, albeit in blue.
"I think about going to Mom's church tomorrow morning. You wanna come with?"
It was a multi-layered invitation and Virgil knew it. It would imply quality time away from the general mayhem for just the two of them, a chance to gather one's thoughts and to connect to Mom in a way that was special to her, even a chance to bring home a decent breakfast from the diner in the town, across the church. They would then all pack up in two cars, make a trip to the cemetery, pay their respects, and have an Easter dinner all together as a family. Virgil nudged his brother's shoulder again, looking up with hope. Scott's gaze was still far away.
"You wanna go to Easter mass?"
Virgil felt self-conscious suddenly. He loved the music and the spirit of celebration. Generally loved the idea of connecting to something bigger. Connecting to Mom. He tried another angle.
"You don't believe?"
Mom did - left unspoken over the evening meadow. Scott hummed at that, blue eyes finally landing on his brother. The sadness there left Virgil breathless.
"What? Whether a guy could resurrect in three days? I don't honestly know if I believe that, Virg. But I do believe one could die for all of himanity."
Dad did - another silent echo over the meadow.
That, right there, was Virgil's deepest fear. That one day Scott would leave him behind, crying and helpless, on the sideway of his own via dolorosa, dragging a crucifix through the dust and grime of a danger zone. By Dad's unspoken command.
"Please go with me to Mom's church tomorrow! We can have waffles after."
That was blatant food bribery (aka a tried and true way to get Scott to go to concerts and art galleries). But desperate times called for desperate measures.
Scott responded with an amused chuckle and lifted an arm to invite his brother into a hug. Virgil didn't need to be asked twice. Scott's old flannel shirt smelled of old machine oil from the farm tractor, fabric softener and the inextinguishable odor of his very first, hideous aftershave from way back in basic training. Virgil closed his eyes against the steady heartbeat. "My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from him."
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I love love love your little terror series! Would you consider making one if maybe like more gareth forward or like gareth being the main caregiver? He seems like he would just be the sweetest caregiver and I'm honestly just in love lol, maybe he calls the little bunny?? Thank you so much!
Little Bunny
Gareth Emerson x Little!Reader (They/Them Pronouns Used)
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Warnings - Jason is a bully
Notes - Gareth is aged up to be a senior in highschool on his second go around so he’s at least 19, I think, I don’t know how American schools work … Also this is short, I’m coming back from a very long hiatus so please just bear with me <3
SFW - Please keep all interactions with this post, and this blog, SFW
+ + + + + +
The parking lot was as loud as ever, students chatting, catching up after a long summer, cars parked so close doors could hardly open, and new students lost to the point of no return. Senior year seemed to creep up on Gareth like no other, the excitement of becoming the Hellfire club's new DM had taken up most of his summer, the thoughts of math homework, english class, and graduation lost on him as he began planning his first campaign.
Ever since Eddie, Little Terror and Jeff had graduated, the school felt less alive, no more table top rants, or chasing a lost little through the hallways after school. Everything just felt empty and broken. "Gareth!" Dustin called out, waving him over to the group of people he seemed imbedded in, Mike and Lucas both present. "This is Elle." He pointed to a girl, her giving him a shy wave in return. "And that's Will, they're new, and old." Gareth just shook his head, Dustin was sure to explain what he meant later. "They wanted to know if they could join the club?"
"Sure, the more the merrier!" He smiled, faking his enthusiasm, the change that this year was to bring too fresh on his mind. "Just make sure they have what they need purchased by Friday!" He shouted as he walked away, the group chatting as he left them behind.
"Sorry." A voice pleaded, the sound heard by Gareth as he walked to his locker, the language hall usually quite, hardly any students in it before school, just those unlucky enough to have their lockers located there. "I really didn't do it I promise! I didn't do anything!" The voice continued.
"I don't believe you!" A harsh voice called back, one that belonged to Jason Carver, the second year senior who's dad apparently couldn't pay off the teachers to let him pass. "You did this on purpose! And you're going to pay!"
Gareth walked towards the commotion, almost hesitating as he instinctively waited for Eddie to barge through and deal with Jason. "Ahem." Gareth cleared his throat, leaning against the lockers closest to the pair, his new found height doing wonders to his intimidation tactics.
"This is none of your business' Freak." Jason spat, turning back to the crying person in front of him.
"Pretty sure it is." Gareth said sarcastically, looking around to add dramatic effect, as if he was looking for a care in the world for Jason. Before the Jock could get back to tormenting the clearly new person, he spoke again. "Seeing as they are in Hellfire, this situation is definitely my business, so tell me what's going on here."
Jason just laughed, looking to the poor soul and then back to Gareth. "Should have known they were with you, all you Freaks look the same."
The words made Y/n cry harder, standing still, tears running down their cheeks as Jason turned back to them before walking away, not having the time to try and mess with the Hellfire Club this early in the year. "'m so sorry!" Y/n cried, looking now to Gareth, their eyes wide, heart beating fast. "I promise I din' do anyfin, 'm jus' clumsy 'nd fell." Their tears were fatter now, their shoulders shaking slightly.
Gareth's heart broke, 'Why do we always meet littles in moments of distress?' He asked himself. "I know you didn't do anything, and even if you did, your secret would be safe with me." He smiled, pretend zipping and locking his lips.
Y/n wrinkled their nose, a small smile now on their face as tears fell. "I'll leabe now, 'm sorry for bothering you."
"You're not bothering me, don't worry." He chuckled, Y/n quite literally making his day. "Why don't I take you somewhere and help you calm down? Wouldn't want to spend your first day sad, would you?"
"You don' wan' me t'go with you, 'm, 'm ..."
"Feeling tiny?" Gareth asked, Y/n's eyes widening when they heard his words. "Well, if you don't want to come and play with allll the toys I have, that's fine, I'll just let them know you don't want to be their friends." He said, fake sadness lacing his voice, turning to walk away.
Gareth smiled, nodding his head, gesturing for Y/n to follow him.
+ + + + + +
The drama room lights turned on with a buzz, the room suddenly flooded with warm light, the large table in the middle as clean as it will ever get all year, not yet in use, costumes on racks surrounding the perimeter of the room. "They should be over here, you can take a seat if you want." He smiled, walking towards the back wall in search of the box of second hand toys Little Fairy used to play with, all donated by those in the club, along with Eddie's thrift store finds.
Y/n wrinkled their nose as the box was placed in front of them, contemplating what to pull out first, before their hand landed on a stuffed bunny, one Little Fairy refused to play with because of their little blue and orange stuffed blobs.
"You two are a prefect pair." Gareth chuckled, his arms crossed as he stood a few steps back. "You both have cute little noses." He laughed when Y/n looked up at him, their nose scrunched in the perfect bunny like way.
Y/n smiled, giving the bunny a little wiggle, their hand wiping the tears off their face, a smile on their lips rather than their previous frown. "I's cute." They giggled, showing the bunny off to Gareth.
"It is very cute, why don't you take him with you today?" Gareth asked, now crouched down, his arms laying on the table as he looked at the thing, giving one of the ears a little pet. "He sits in here all day alone, I think he’d enjoy the company.” He smiled.
“Really?” Y/n’s tears had mostly dried, but sadness seemed to be permanent plastered to their face, like no amount of stuffed animal would rub it off.
“Of course.” Gareth sat in the seat next to Y/n, one arm leaning against the table. “Why don’t we meet up at lunch, and you can let me know if he’s behaving?” He asked, knowing he wouldn’t be a good ‘hellfire babysitter’ if he didn’t check in on them later, though he would ask even if it wasn’t for the club, Y/n and him seemed to click, sort of like Eddie and Little fairy.
“M’kay.” Y/n smiled up at him, wrinkling their nose once again. “Tanks.”
“Of course, Little bunny.”
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