#jikook writing
gimmethatagustd · 5 months
take what's yours | pjm + jjk
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To secure his rightful place as next in line to the throne, Jimin must marry the neighboring kingdom's youngest heir, Jungkook. Jimin is prepared for his kingdom's invasive marriage traditions, including the need to prove that the marriage has been consummated. Unfortunately, Jungkook is not.
○ Pairing: Prince!Jimin x Prince!Jungkook
○ Rating: Explicit/18+
○ Genre: Pistilverse, royalty, arranged marriage, strangers to lovers, vaguely historical, angst, smut, (fluff?)
○ 5 / 100 Drabble Challenge (Pistilverse)
○ Word Count: 3,660
○ Warnings: This is literally just emotional smut, Stamen!Jimin x Pistil!Jungkook, it's like fuck or die but instead of death they'd both be exiled from their communities RIP, loss of virginity, anal fingering, anal sex, crying during sex, it's actually very soft
○ Notes: Hello I'm back again with more Pistilverse 😌 and a drabble that's too long, of course. This is my brand atp. As usual, I added a glossary to the end of this post for those of you who are unfamiliar with the concept~
○ Post Date: January 18, 2024
○ Masterlist | Send me ur thots
○ What was Jai listening to? DIE 4 YOU - DEAN
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Jungkook runs his fingertips along the edge of the mahogany desk in Jimin’s chambers, opposite the large bed where Jungkook’s night dressings lie out for him. The clothes are made of sheer white lace like a fisherman’s net meant to snatch him and string him up on a line to be picked at. He took one look at them and was overcome with a panic so severe that he felt as though he couldn’t breathe.
The thick leather-bound books and messy parchment scattered across Jimin’s mahogany desk call to Jungkook, though even the friendly book spines and elegant ink scrawls pierce Jungkook’s heaving lungs.
A marriage of alliance.
The words stare at him, inked in his father’s handwriting many moons ago, in a letter addressed to the king whose land meets the sea and whose stamen son was said to be more beautiful than anyone in the seven kingdoms combined.
They were right, the rumors.
Not once has Jungkook dared look Jimin in the eyes, too consumed with embarrassment and fear. If asked, the poor prince wouldn’t be able to recount a single detail of his wedding ceremony other than the little pieces of gold that adorned his and Jimin’s shoes, for his eyes never lifted from the floor all day.
“Prince Jungkook,” a voice calls from the bedroom’s entrance.
Snatching his hand back, Jungkook spins around to meet the stern gaze of a stamen guard, one of many he has seen stationed around the palace. This one is different than the guards who escorted Jungkook to Jimin’s bedroom after the last wedding guest left for the night. 
Jungkook’s stomach rumbles as if reminding him that he should regret not eating during the reception. Nerves still twist Jungkook’s insides too tightly to force food into his system.
“Yes?” Jungkook asks, hardly able to raise his voice above a whisper.
“You must be examined for marks before changing for our Highness.” As he speaks, there’s a mean shine to the guard’s eyes, something dark that makes fear unfurl in Jungkook’s chest.
“I have already done the examination,” Jungkook explains. He shuffles backward, taking small half-steps that he hopes aren’t noticeable to the guard. “It was part of the marriage stipulations, that I arrive to the Prince unblemished. And I have.”
“That examination occurred many days ago.”
Jungkook can’t hold back the look of disgust that muddles his soft features. “Are you insinuating that I would… defile myself mere days before I am to be wed?”
Anger flashes across the previously stoic guard’s face. As Jungkook’s waist hits the desk, preventing him from moving any further from the guard, he wonders if it’s appropriate for the guard to speak to his new prince or if this kingdom’s people genuinely hate him as much as he feared they would.
“You mountain dwellers are not known for your honesty,” the guard sneers. He steps toward Jungkook, posed to grab him when the bedroom’s double doors fling out.
Even in his night clothes, Prince Jimin is ethereal. Fire dances in his eyes from the many candles decorating the room, casting shadows on the downturn of his mouth. His white robe flutters behind him as he advances on the guard like one of God’s angels on the Day of Reckoning.
Something is terrifying about an unarmed man willing to move aggressively toward one who has a sword hanging on his hip. Does Jimin own a sword? Jungkook assumes so as a prince. Then again, Jungkook was never taught to use one himself.
“Sochun,” Jimin crowds the guard, his jaw pulled taunt and sharp enough to cut, “Get out of my sight before I have you stripped before the court.”
Jungkook watches with his trembling hands clasped behind his back as the stamen guard rolls his shoulders. Sochun steps into the hall with the little dignity he has left, slamming it shut behind him. Jungkook doesn’t exhale until Jimin bolts the doors.
Instinctually, Jungkook flinches when Jimin turns toward him.
“Did he touch you?” Jimin asks softly, the anger in his face settling into something gentler. If Jungkook were naive, he would think Jimin cared.
“Good,” Jimin nods, his gaze never leaving Jungkook’s face despite Jungkook’s wish that he would look away. “If anyone ever touches you, you must tell me. Immediately.”
Jungkook takes a deep breath and whispers, “Yes, Prince Jimin.”
“Please, no need for titles. We are wed, Jungkook. It is silly to use such words in the privacy of our bedroom.”
Jungkook doesn’t want to be a we or an our with Jimin.
Leaning against the desk, Jungkook isn’t sure how to respond. He supposes there’s nothing to respond to; he has no say in this. His father made that abundantly clear, as did the rest of the sea kingdom’s court. It will be long before Jungkook becomes accustomed to the contempt in the King’s eyes when he looks at him.
Jungkook may have been used for an alliance that promises his safety, but it certainly doesn’t promise kindness.
“You haven’t changed.” Jimin holds the silk pajamas. He lets the fabric slip through his fingers, gliding between his hands like water. “You must be uncomfortable in those ceremonial clothes.”
It’s true; the robes are uncomfortable. The fabric is heavy and scratchy. Since the wedding was abrupt, the seamstresses didn’t have time to tailor the clothing to Jungkook’s body appropriately. It sits on his shoulders oddly and makes him feel smaller than he is.
But taking them off would mean accepting the inevitable, and Jungkook isn’t ready.
“I'll turn around?” A small smile curves Jimin’s plump lips. Jungkook only has a moment to appreciate the playful look before Jimin spins around to face the opposite side of the room.
For a moment, Jungkook doesn’t move. Jimin must know because he chuckles lightly and taps his fingers against his thighs.
“I swear I will not peek, Jungkook-ah.”
Quickly, Jungkook snatches the clothing from the bed and works on undoing the ridiculous number of buttons and little clasps keeping his ceremonial clothing together. A little voice inside his head reminds him that it doesn’t matter if Jimin peeks; Jungkook is putting these clothes on only for Jimin to remove them whenever he pleases. And then, once they have consummated their marriage, Jungkook will have to show the royal court Jimin’s flower adorning his body.
It upsets Jungkook, knowing something so personal will be taken from him and made public — not to mention how embarrassing it will be for everyone to know that they had sex.
“I’m done,” Jungkook states simply once his ceremonial clothing is folded and placed atop the trunk in the corner of the room. He hasn’t had the chance to unpack. It feels strange to think that his personal items must be placed amongst those of a stranger.
Jimin’s dark eyes sweep over Jungkook’s body much like the guard’s had, but his gaze isn’t as intimidating as Jungkook once thought. Jimin has kind eyes like he’s appraising Jungkook to make sure he’s comfortable, rather than ogle his body — even though he could. 
Without needing to see a reflection of himself, Jungkook knows he looks good, the sheer material leaving little to the imagination while cloaking him in something soft and alluring. A mystery within arm’s reach.
“May I help you remove your jewelry? It’ll get in the way, and you’ll want to keep it nice,” Jimin offers.
Turning around, Jungkook stands rigid at the end of the bed as Jimin approaches him from behind.
“I wish you to know that I am sorry,” Jimin’s breath tickles the back of Jungkook’s neck just like his fingers do as he unclasps the gold necklace. “It may seem as though none of this bothers me, but I have spent my entire life preparing for this day. You… you have not, and for that, I am sorry.”
“You frighten me,” Jungkook whispers once Jimin has stepped back, putting distance between them again.
“I know.”
“I’ve never done this before.”
Jimin knows this; they all know this. If Jungkook wasn’t a virgin, the flowers of the stamens he’d slept with would be scattered across the beautiful marking of tree branches that creep up his spine like a snake with dozens of heads. But Jungkook is a virgin pistil, so his tree is barren, unmarked, and unblemished. Fit for the grand prince, the heir to the throne, who deserves nothing less than an innocent virgin.
“I have,” Jimin admits freely. He sits on the edge of the bed. Jungkook tries not to look at the thick thighs revealed when his silk shorts ride up. “Are you disappointed?”
Is there a correct answer? Jungkook isn’t sure. He frowns and stares down at the fluffy blanket tucked around the mattress.
“There are other pistils with the Prince’s flower adorning their bodies?” The question is polite but judgmental.
Rather than be upset, Jimin tosses his head back with laughter. It’s giddy, almost giggly, and nothing like the harsh prince Jungkook was taught to assume Jimin was.
“I have enjoyed time with other stamens,” Jimin explains with an amused smile. He leans back on his palms so he can look up at Jungkook. “Thus, no gold roses to worry about leaving behind.”
Despite himself, Jungkook looks over Jimin’s body, suddenly wondering where his pretty flower marking may be. Perhaps the gold rose is on his ribs or his chest? Jungkook’s gaze drops lower, and he lets himself wonder if it’s on the soft inside of his thigh.
“Are you curious?”
Blushing, Jungkook looks away. “I suppose there is no use in being curious if I’m to find out…”
Taking Jungkook’s hand, Jimin gently coaxes him to stand between Jimin's knees at the edge of the bed. Everything about Jimin is gentle, even when his tone is painted with playfulness, and his eyes sparkle with mischief. Jungkook finds those qualities comforting and must remind himself that Jimin has no say in this, either. They are both bound to each other by force. 
Jimin could be rough with him and demand that Jungkook submit to his will because this is his kingdom, and Jungkook is merely a pawn in a twisted political game. Instead, Jimin touches Jungkook kindly. He runs his fingers along Jungkook’s jaw and tickles the underside of his chin until Jungkook has to duck his head in embarrassment.
“I want this to be enjoyable for you, as much as it can be,” Jimin lifts Jungkook’s chin so they can stare into each other’s eyes again. “And after tonight, if you wish to never speak to me again, I will respect that. I can get you your own wing of the palace and your own servants. Whatever it is that you desire, I will make it happen for you, okay?”
Such thoughtfulness is nearly too much for Jungkook to comprehend. How is it possible for Jimin to be this kind? Should Jungkook even trust him?
Breath caught in his throat, Jungkook only nods. Despite how quiet Jungkook is, Jimin seems to understand him. He gives Jungkook a small smile and hesitantly places his hands on Jungkook’s waist.
“Would you feel more comfortable if you kept your robe on?”
Jungkook hadn’t thought much about this moment, too afraid of giving himself to a stranger to want to consider what it would be like.
“I don’t know what I like. I won’t do well,” Jungkook admits, shame burning his cheeks. He was required to keep himself pure, but knowing Jimin has experience makes Jungkook feel inadequate.
“I will guide you.” Jimin squeezes Jungkook’s waist and pulls him closer. He tilts his head back to look up at him. “You are gorgeous, Jungkook-ah. You’re already more pleasing to me than you can imagine.”
“Oh, well…” The look in his eyes makes Jungkook’s stomach flip. “Okay.”
With a light chuckle, Jimin reaches up to run his thumb along Jungkook’s bottom lip. He hums in satisfaction when Jungkook licks his lips after, the tip of his tongue brushing against Jimin’s thumb.
“Have you been kissed, Jungkook-ah?”
Jungkook shakes his head.
“Will you sit with me so I may kiss you?”
With butterflies in his stomach and a heart on the verge of cardiac arrest, Jungkook slowly gets on the bed with his legs crossed to face Jimin. He always imagined his first kiss would be sweet and soft, something innocent with someone he loves and who loves him. Most of those things aren’t true now, but there’s no denying that Jimin is soft as he cradles Jungkook’s face and presses his lips to Jungkook’s.
What is a chaste kiss quickly deepens and becomes more passionate, Jimin showing Jungkook how to suck and bite bottom lips and wrestle tongues. 
Jungkook feels heat spread through his limbs. He grabs Jimin’s robe and squeezes the fabric in his fist to steady himself when he begins to tremble.
“Are you alright?” Jimin asks against Jungkook’s lips.
“Can’t breathe,” Jungkook gasps as Jimin slowly guides him flat on his back.
He sinks into the fluffy blanket and stares wide-eyed at Jimin, who hovers over him, his legs spreading Jungkook’s thighs open and his hands pressed on either side of Jungkook’s head.
Jimin runs his fingers down Jungkook’s torso, flicking the folds of his robe to the side to expose the smooth skin underneath. The tips of tree branches creep around Jungkook’s sides, and Jimin’s hand slips beneath his robe to trace what part of his tree he can see. The light touches make Jungkook suck his stomach in as he tries not to squirm.
“You’re very pretty.”
People have told Jungkook this before, but it feels different coming from Jimin. Perhaps it’s because Jimin is commenting on his naked body, not just his face or how stylish he looks in fine clothes.
“Thank you,” is what Jungkook assumes is the proper response. It makes Jimin laugh, though he doesn’t know why.
“Can I touch you, here?” Jimin’s fingers play at Jungkook’s hipbone.
Too embarrassed to look down where he’s already half-hard just from a bit of kissing, Jungkook squeezes his eyes shut and consents with a whimpery whisper.
“This part of you is pretty, too.” Jimin’s voice deepens, sounding rougher than it had. Jungkook feels his cock twitch in his hand when Jimin squeezes it, swiping his thumb along the head to smear the wetness there.
This time, Jungkook can’t thank him. He’s too overwhelmed by the pleasure of having someone else touch him where even Jungkook rarely touches.
“I’m going to get lubricant, okay?”
A gentle kiss on Jungkook’s abdomen makes his eyes fly open. When they adjust to the dim lighting, he sees Jimin reach for an ornate bottle on a shelf near the bed. He has shed his silk shorts and robe and is now fully naked. It makes Jungkook’s cheeks heat up to compare Jimin’s nakedness to the half-dressed state Jungkook is in.
Now that Jungkook can look at Jimin properly, he notices the cluster of gold roses decorating Jimin’s ribs on his right side. They're a delicate contrast to the dark tattoos scattered all over Jimin’s body, most words in the language of his people— one Jungkook is unfamiliar with. The gold roses are pretty, and Jungkook finds a tiny part of himself giddy at the knowledge that he’ll soon have those gold roses on his body, too.
“Do you like them?” Jimin asks with a cheeky grin, having noticed Jungkook staring.
Unable to lie, Jungkook merely nods.
“They’re pretty.”
Jungkook’s heart feels like it will break his ribs as Jimin returns to kneel between his legs. A virgin, yes, but Jungkook knows what the lubricant is for.
“Talk to me, Jungkook-ah. Tell me what you’re thinking,” Jimin asks with a firm hand slipped under the small of Jungkook’s back to lift his hips. 
Jungkook lets him slide a small pillow beneath him and realizes he’s likely making this difficult for Jimin if he’s not actively participating in what they’re about to do.
“I’m nervous,” Jungkook admits, searching for the words to explain how he feels while Jimin pours the lubricant on his fingers. “And I don’t know what to do. I want to do well, but I don’t… I don’t know.”
Holding the back of Jungkook’s thigh, Jimin pushes one of his legs up slightly, giving him more room to reach between his thighs.
“You don’t need to do anything,” Jimin says softly as he rubs Jungkook’s rim. When Jungkook jerks away, Jimin waits a moment before touching him again, slower this time. “I’ll take care of you.”
“Ookay,” Jungkook lets out a deep sigh when Jimin presses his finger past his rim.
It feels strange but not terrible. Jungkook finds it easy to relax his body as Jimin adds a second finger, and then a third, because he has been given permission to not worry about performing well or pleasing Jimin. It seems that Jimin is perfectly fine working his fingers inside Jungkook, massaging his walls and finding a spot where he rubs until Jungkook’s leg kicks uncontrollably, and Jungkook feels like he may die.
“Tell me if it hurts,” Jimin whispers against Jungkook’s throat as he trails kisses down his torso to distract from the press of his cock against his rim once Jungkook is stretched enough.
Jungkook thought it would be unbearable, but Jimin’s kindness makes up for the momentary pain. He wraps his arms around Jimin’s shoulders when Jimin leans down to kiss him. The fit is tight; Jimin is only halfway in, and Jungkook already struggles not to tense his body.
“You were so worried, my prince, but you’re doing well,” Jimin sucks a little mark at the corner of Jungkook’s jaw and doesn’t complain when Jungkook digs his nails into his back. “Just a little more.”
When Jimin bottoms out, Jungkook locks his legs around his hips to keep him in place. The feeling is almost too much, too full and foreign.
“Can you wait, please?” Jungkook’s voice cracks as fat tears slip down his rosy cheeks. 
He does his best not to hiccup or heave into Jimin’s neck, just keeps his eyes squeezed shut and pants with a stuffy nose and a headache blooming in the middle of his forehead. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. Jungkook was supposed to fall in love.
“Jungkook-ah,” Jimin calls to him. He swipes his thumbs across Jungkook’s cheeks, wiping away his tears as best he can. “Have I hurt you?”
“No, it feels good. That’s not,” Jungkook pauses as a sob rips through him, “That’s not why I’m crying. I just, I didn’t think this would happen to me like this.”
“Oh, baby,” Jimin wraps his arms around Jungkook and holds him tightly against his body. The movement makes his cock press against Jungkook’s prostate, and Jungkook moans through his tears, which makes him cry even more.
“I’m sorry I’m crying,” he sniffles once his body feels as though it’s run out. “It isn’t your fault. If anything, I am thankful it was you. Others wouldn’t be so kind to me. I don’t understand why you are so kind.”
With a long sigh, Jimin nuzzles his face into the crook of Jungkook’s neck. They both smell of sweat and sex, but it’s comforting to have Jimin close, a warm, solid body to hold onto.
“You deserve kindness, Jungkook. It is the very least I can provide you.”
Jungkook knows Jimin is right, but he can’t sort through the feelings turning his brain to soup and making his heart flutter somewhere in his stomach. He and Jimin are both victims of royal duty.
“Thank you,” Jungkook says softly, turning his head to kiss Jimin’s temple.
“You do not need to thank me, my prince.” As simple as it is, the little nickname makes Jungkook feel warm. “Would you like to stop and try again in the morning?”
Right. Because they must do this before the court calls for them.
Taking a deep breath, Jungkook relaxes his body until he’s no longer squeezing Jimin so tightly.
“We can keep going. It was nice.”
“Okay. If you want to stop, tell me. We can go at your pace.”
Giving Jungkook a light peck on the lips, Jimin rolls his hips. The thrusts are slow and shallow, with just enough movement to get both of them adequately aroused again and for Jungkook’s body to grow accustomed to the stretch.
There are no declarations of love or screams of pleasure. Perhaps one day, Jungkook thinks, as he watches how beautiful Jimin looks as he thrusts into him. It feels good; Jungkook’s moans and whimpers are evidence of that, but it’s still strange for him to be doing this for the first time with someone he doesn’t know.
“You feel good, my prince,” Jimin murmurs in Jungkook’s ear, sending shivers down Jungkook’s spine.
“Go harder,” Jungkook moans, his fingers finding Jimin’s hair to twist.
It doesn’t take long before Jungkook feels the build-up of pleasure ready to snap and spill over. Unlike anything he’s felt before, it builds from inside him, shooting sparks of pleasure through his cock and in the pit of his stomach. He cries out, unsure how to get where he needs to be.
“Jimin,” he whimpers, “Jimin, Jimin.”
“It’s okay,” Jimin reaches between their bodies to jerk Jungkook’s cock, “Just breathe.”
Jimin cums right before Jungkook does. Jungkook feels it, not only inside of him but across his back, as Jimin’s gold roses bloom on his barren branches. The thought crosses his mind that he’ll look pretty in the morning with the mark of a royal prince on his body, proof that he has Jimin to care for him.
And, perhaps, love him.
When they come down from their highs, with rosy cheeks and bitten lips, Jungkook watches Jimin prepare a damp cloth to clean him of lube and cum, and he thinks perhaps one day he could love Jimin, too. 
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(Borrowed from here and revised to fit my fic)
Pistilverse AU - A South Korean fanfic trope wherein almost all humans experience an “awakening” during puberty that assigns them into one of two botanically-inspired groups: Pistils and Stamens. These groups are denoted by marks on the person’s body, similar to tattoos.
Pistil and Stamens - Pistils develop a mark of a barren tree that appears along their spine after their awakening, while stamens develop a flower somewhere on their body after their awakening.
Awakening - The moment a flower or tree appears on a person’s body, signifying their status as a pistil or stamen. You could look at it as a coming-of-age moment in a person’s life. These are typically painful for pistils. A pistil might experience more than one awakening if their tree becomes too full of flowers.
Marks/Marking - When a pistil sleeps with a stamen, the stamen’s flower blooms on the pistil’s tree branches. The number of flowers a pistil has is proportional to that of the stamens they had sex with. In this fic, pistils with many flowers are considered promiscuous and experience slut shaming based on religion.
Marked - The term used to describe a pistil who has received a stamen’s flower on their body.
Disclaimer: All my writing is fictional and for entertainment purposes only. None of these characters are meant to actually represent the real people mentioned in the stories. 
All rights reserved © @gimmethatagustd​ - Do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my writing. Do not use my writing for any AI purposes whatsoever. Do not use my fics for anything aside from reading and commenting on them. My fics will only be posted on this Tumblr and on AO3 (gimmethatagustd & daddytaehyungie). Request an AO3 account here. 
@jooniesxbby @taegeum
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livrere-green · 2 months
I need to know your opinions on this one!
24 notes · View notes
ask-serendipity-sky · 11 months
Jimin's article written by a fan...
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On March 24, Jimin released “Like Crazy” (with no features). "Like Crazy" didn't need a feature.
Outside of his work with BTS, Jimin’s highest-charting Hot 100 hit as a solo artist was “Set Me Free pt. 2,” his own song, at number 30.
There were a lot of noteworthy new songs coming out the Friday “Like Crazy” was released, including “Eyes Closed” by Ed Sheeran, “Spice Marley” by Spice and “Don't Play With It Remix” by Lola Brooke ft. Latto and Yung Miami. Not only that, but songs like “Flowers” (Miley Cyrus), “Last Night” (Morgan Wallen), “Kill Bill” (Sza) and “Die For You” (The Weeknd and Ariana Grande) continued to dominate streaming charts. With all that in mind, let’s take a closer look at how “Like Crazy” performed in its first week. The chart data for the seven days following March 24 was reflected in the Billboard chart dated April 04.
According to Billboard, “FACE” and "Like Crazy" massed 10 million streams and sold 234,000 units on the week of its release. According to Oricon, "FACE" recorded 222,120 sales on the first day, making it the 3rd album with the biggest first day sales. Jimin earned the BIGGEST First Week sales for a Korean album by a Korean Soloist in Oricon History. Immediately after its release on March 24, Jimin’s album made Hanteo history by being the first to surpass 1 million first-day sales of an album by a Korean soloist, despite the unclear issues that arose that day and the sales that were deleted. Even though the cd single of "Like Crazy" has not been restocked after 4 months, the sales it pulled from full album sales and digital sales were impressive. Although most were not counted after week 2 because fans were not informed of the rule changes Billboard had made to its chart. By the end of the first week, the song had been streamed nearly 22 million times and sold 234,000 album equivalent units in the US. With those 234,000 sales—the second highest of any song for the week—thrown on top of all its streaming figures, “Like Crazy” climbed to the top spot on the Hot 100. 
The song’s performance on the charts is noteworthy, but what is particularly impressive is its extensive streaming numbers, especially worldwide. On Spotify, “Like Crazy ” swiftly rose to number one on Worldwide iTunes Chart, Worldwide iTunes Song, European iTunes, and Japan's Line Music. "Like Crazy" also topped Spotify’s Daily Top Global Songs chart and Jimin was the first Korean soloist to do so. "Like Crazy (English Version)” also debuted at no. 2 on the daily Global Top Songs chart with 6.6 million streams. Out of the 7 tracks, 6 of them took up the top 6 positions on the Oricon Daily Digital Ranking, showing how much the album had been anticipated. The album also dominated the Worldwide Apple Music Album Chart and all songs were top sellers in Digital Music New Release, Digital Music Best Seller, International New Release, and International Best Seller in Amazon Music USA. According to Melon, "Like Crazy" in its first day, peaked at #8 and maintained the position in the chart. After 24 hours, "Like Crazy" obtained almost 3 million streams on Melon. Even after months have passed by, the song continues to be streamed over 2.5 million times every day. So far, the song has been no.1 in 111 countries, setting the record for the most no.1 on iTunes in 2023.
It's pointless to compare "Like Crazy" to other Western Songs or Korean song because there is nothing like "Like Crazy". It is one of a kind.
The song is written in Korean and there is also an English version that should be combined but hasn't been despite other artists having theirs combined, this marks an even more historic debut for an Asian artist, and the fact that it had only 0.6m of radio airplay is reflecting that significance. A sultry club synth pop song was the last thing I was expecting among solo discographies of BTS members. But the fact that this song has become one of the biggest K-pop hits is beyong exciting. As K-pop continues to explore new themes and approaches, the bold move of “Like Crazy” and its early and ongoing success may serve as inspiration for the next generation of K-pop artists, even his own company, to take similar courageous steps.
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
Slytherin Jimin strikes again? (Joking)
So Jimin guest starred on Beat Coin today and one of the set ups was water tanks wherein the cast got soaked any time Jimin said or did something secretly "forbidden."
I sat there watching our normally very considerate, self-controlled It Boy continually touch his hair, KNOWING it was forbidden and would launch one of the cast members catapulting into the deep end of the pool.
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Jimin did this, like, I dunno, it felt like 20 times. It was INSANE. It was ENDLESS. At one point Jimin actually told the guy it would save time just to stay in the water. And I'm thinking to myself: "how scatterbrained is Jimin that he can't remember not to touch his hair?"
And then I realized who that man is....
It's Cho Seaho (Jo Seho). The entertainer who insulted young Jungkook for bringing hamburgers to set once, claiming JK brought cheap leftovers... and later he bowed and apologized to our golden maknae.
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Apparently all's forgiven and JK even hangs out with Seho sometimes...
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But Jimin?
I'm not so sure Jimin forgot a damned thing. Not the hamburgers. Not the hair. LOL.
Even so, it seemed like everyone on set genuinely got along well and had respect for one another, and so it was all in good fun.
Maybe I'm overthinking it. It's not like our sweet innocent Mochi would ever avenge Jungkook in such a petty way, right?
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lesbiansloveseokjin · 3 months
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day 105/548 of jungkook's military service
this selca was posted on 150423 with the caption:
Please wait just a bit more hehe
(trans cr: Mary @ bts-trans)
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Looks like our Kookie is keeping his promise to ARMYs Pretty thing _ChimChim
(trans cr: Mary @ bts-trans)
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cypherpt2supremacy · 4 months
So jikook drabble based on this????
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Thank you so much for this request, babes. Enjoyed writing it!
Jimin hasn’t set eyes on Jungkook since the night of their wedding reception. The younger chaebol could hardly wait to make his escape from the brand-new luxurious penthouse that was gifted to them by Jimin’s father. When they had gotten back to the penthouse, dressed in stunning suits, they had barely exchanged a word.
There had been a lot Jimin wanted to get off his chest but he had instead swallowed every single word. He’d perched on the edge of the bed, and watched as Jungkook opened a suitcase and filled it up with all the new clothes that had come with the penthouse.
“Where will you go from here?” Jimin had asked, picking at his nails.
There was something about looking at Jungkook at the moment that proved overwhelming. He could feel his throat closing up, and there was no way he was going to let himself shed a single tear in front of the younger.
“I’ll be staying with a friend until I sort myself out.” Jungkook hadn’t thrown a glance his way either.
But then Jungkook rarely looked at Jimin at all. The elder was used to it. The pain of it wasn’t something that clawed at his insides. It was more of an echo that lingered and haunted him long after Jungkook was gone.
“I could return to my apartment,” Jimin suggested airily. “You could stay here instead. And I could just pretend to live here. Our fathers won’t be happy to learn we aren’t co-habiting so soon after the wedding.”
“Yeah, they can go fuck themselves,” Jungkook said, tone dripping with vitriol. “I did what they wanted. Married you. Now they can get off my dick. I don’t owe them a single thing.”
Again, Jimin swallowed all the words clawing at his throat.
“Very well, then. I will cover for both of us as best as I can.”
“Yeah, it’s what you’ve done best so, I trust you’d do a good job this time.”
As Jungkook stood in the hallway, his suitcase at his feet, he turned around and looked at Jimin, really looked at him. Jimin can’t remember the last time Jungkook looked at him. And he was struck then by how pretty Jungkook looked. Jimin was shocked to discover he forgot sometimes.
But right now, dressed all in black, with his hair styled back from his face, shirt open and silver chain glinting, he was the man of Jimin’s dreams.
The boy he has been in love with since he was ten.
All grown.
“They gifted us this camera today,” Jimin said softly, holding it up. “Can I take a picture of you?”
“Knock yourself out.”
Jimin hurried and snapped one before Jungkook changed his mind.
For the next one month, Jimin spent his nights after work, curled up in his sofa, drinking red wine and staring at the picture of his estranged husband that he’d snapped on their wedding night.
He wasn’t sure how to describe what was going on. He couldn’t say it was a healthy coping mechanism. It was definitely a hyperfixation, a degree of delusion and escapism. He wanted to believe that the Jungkook who’d stared at the camera loved him back just as much, didn’t marry him out of obligation and would return to him any day now.
Could be any day.
Jimin didn’t see Jungkook again until a year later. In the meantime, Jungkook had asked his permission to discreetly date around. Jimin had granted it, and he had lived in constant fear Jungkook would call one day and ask for a divorce.
But that call never came.
Jungkook did walk through his door, one day, however.
He returned, empty-handed, but there was a certain look in his eyes. A look Jimin knew so well but hasn’t seen on Jungkook since he was eight.
That little boy always looked at Jimin as though he was in awe of his existence, he looked at Jimin as though he hung the moon and stars and he trailed after him everywhere. He was Jimin’s shadow, and also his greatest joy.
“Jimin hyung,” Jungkook said, gaze earnest, tone as soft as the sea breeze on a Busan beach.
Jungkook hasn’t used the honorific since he was eight. Jimin felt his heart cave in on itself and then he was running towards him. He opened his arms and Jungkook collapsed in his hold, sobbing into his neck as though his entire world had come crumbling down.
“It’s okay,” Jimin said, running soothing hands down his back. “It’s fine. Hyung is here. Kook, I’m not going anywhere. Ever.”
It took sometime but Jungkook did calm down. When he finally untangled himself from Jimin’s embrace, he said the words that Jimin has been yearning to hear his whole life, “I’m ready to talk.”
Jimin nodded and led him over to the sofa. As Jungkook sat down, his gaze fell on his polaroid picture that Jimin had taken on their wedding night a year ago and a half empty bottle of red wine.
He didn’t ask Jimin about it and the elder couldn’t have been more grateful.
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alphabetuser · 22 days
okay guys but hear me out
a ship between a divorce lawyer and a wedding planner
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depressedhouseplant · 1 month
🔞 Just Fucking Write - Day 107 🔞
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Prompt: Sirens
Tags: Blow jobs, mythical creatures
A/N: Here you go Jikookers. Vminnies don’t get to have all the fun
Jungkook never thought he’d meet a siren, much less be caught by one. Yet here he was on a rocky beach with a beautiful naked man spread in front of him.
“Come on, beautiful. Don’t you want a taste?” his light blue hair fell a little in his eyes as he swirled what looked like precome around the tip. Except it looked more runny, almost like water.
“Yeah, yeah I do,” he swallowed hard. The siren propped his back up on a rock and spread his legs. His cock was almost glowing and larger than any human he'd ever seen. Jimin grazed his finger under Jungkook’s chin.
“Let’s see what you can do,” his eyes were golden like a fire burning on the beach at night. As if he were in a trance, Jungkook tilted his head down and wrapped his lips around the siren’s dick. It was a stretch even for his mouth. It was also oddly hot. Jimin brushed Jungkook’s wet hair back.
“That’s it, pretty. You can take it,” he pushed Jungkook’s head down a bit causing him to gag. God, his cock was huge. But he wanted it. Jungkook started to swell up in his own pants. He put his hands on Jimin’s thighs and moved his lips down a bit more. He rolled his tongue around the underside, getting acclimated to the heat. It wasn’t hot per se, but it was warm. Jungkook flattened his tongue and laved up the length that was in his mouth. Jimin groaned for the first time.
“Good boy,” he breathed, entwining his fingers in Jungkook’s hair and pressing his head down again. The human gagged again, his jaw stretched to its limit. He was drooling obscenely down Jimin’s ethereal cock with barely half of it in his mouth. Jungkook started sucking ferociously.
“Fuck, that’s it. That’s it, human,” Jimin moaned, pulling on Jungkook’s hair. He pushed him down again, but this time Jungkook relaxed his throat. Jimin forced Jungkook’s mouth down to the hilt. He could barely breathe, but fuck he wanted this. He needed this. He needed to make this beautiful creature come. Jungkook dug his fingers into Jimin’s thighs and probably would’ve drawn blood if he were human. The siren was making all kinds of filthy comments and obscene noises as Jungkook licked and sucked. Jimin reached down with his other hand and put it loosely on Jungkook’s neck to feel his cock moving in Jungkook’s throat.
“I’m close. I’m so fucking close. My come...is...hot...so...be prepared,” Jimin breathed. Jungkook couldn’t reply. He simply sucked it all down when Jimin came straight down his throat into his stomach. It was about the temperature of hot tea. Not painful, but definitely not normal. Just when he felt like he was going to suffocate, Jimin finished and pulled Jungkook’s head completely off his cock. His eyes had turned almost blue like a fire burning too hot. Jungkook rubbed his jaw.
“That’s the best a human’s ever sucked me off,” he breathed.
“You’re welcome…?” Jungkook replied, cracking his jaw.
“As a reward, I’m going to fuck you senseless later,” the siren grinned seductively. If Jungkook hadn’t already been sitting, his knees would’ve gone weak.
“You’re beautiful,” Jungkook kissed him.
“I know,” Jimin replied.
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kittywritesfics · 1 year
and the spring day came at last
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🐶puppy hybrid!jungkook x gangster!jimin
🏷️ in which mob boss jimin is seeking companionship and shelter hybrid jungkook has lost hope of ever finding a good home.
❗️references to gang violence perpetrated by jimin; hybrid mistreatment, specifically use of shock collars, though NOT perpetrated by jimin; hurt 'n' sad puppy boy koo but he eventually gets love ‘n’ care i promise <3
Romance always bloomed with the cherry blossoms, and Jimin was determined not to spend another spring alone.
It was difficult finding true companionship as a businessman who ran the underside of Seoul’s economy, but there truly was nothing that money could not buy and Jimin had long-since earned wealth in excess. Though expensive, a hybrid would be the perfect companion as they technically could never leave him and would be grateful for whatever shred of affection he managed to show.
When it came down to it, there really was no way Jimin could've gotten his hybrid anywhere other than Seoul's Second Chances. While he could easily adopt the rarest and best-trained breeds, there was something undeniably cruel to him about leaving sentient beings to wither away with the dying hope of being rehoused. Even he, with his bloody hands and cold reputation, could recognize that.
So there he was, the only customer in the huge shelter that opened after-hours for the CEO. Most of the hybrids were fast asleep in their tiny, cell-like rooms, but sniffling on the other side of door forty-three had him pausing. This was the only room without a window for potential adopters to peek through, and there was a strange red tag tied around the handle. This door had more locks secured to the outside than even the exotics' a few aisles back.
Jimin stopped walking.
"Oh! Mr. Park, sir, he’s nothing to consider. I can wake up some of the other hybrids if you'd like?" The owner said, noticing where his attention had drifted. The owner was human just as Jimin, but something about him was strongly reminiscent of a weasel. "We have some very well behaved Main Coons and Labradors just down the hall. Domestics are perfect for first-time owners."
If anything, his vague dissuasion had Jimin only further interested in what, who, lied beyond this door. Visions of a grizzly the size of Namjoon or a pit viper more poisonous than Yoongi flashed before his eyes, and he felt the intrigue growing.
"Tell me about this one," He ordered, pointing a ringed finger toward the mysterious door number forty-three.
The owner squirmed, obviously not liking where the conversation was headed.
"He’s a mutt, sir. A dog with no distinguishing characteristics other than his hostility. He’s a biter and will never be rehomed because of it. A very bad boy all around. We're keeping him here until the President finally passes the bill to put down dangerous hybrids. Now, if you'd like me to wake up—"
Jimin was a man who enjoyed challenges, and being denied one so blatantly did not sit well with him, nor did the clear lack of a second chance this unnamed hybrid was given. Wasn't that this shelter's whole brand? So what if the mutt was vicious; wasn't it their job to train it out of him?
Besides, maybe Jimin could make do with a mean beast of a hybrid. Most of his dealings were.... Less than savory and not exactly above board, so perhaps a guard dog would be the perfect replacement for Hoseok. He'd grown tired of seeing his good friend laying his life on the line for him everyday.
"I want to see this one," he said, an air of finality in his voice.
This was the tone he used when making offers no one could refuse, and the owner seemed to realize that. He nodded without another word, pulling a set of keys from his belt and a small remote out of his pocket. As he began unlocking an unnerving amount of bolts, the owner passed the remote to Jimin.
"You can press the red button for three seconds if he tries to bite, Mr. Park. I advise against any sudden movements or close contact, and there shouldn't be a problem. Knock when you're ready to come out," he explained quickly, as if he was ready for Jimin to take a look at the mutt and move on to a real sale.
What a prick. If he wasn't inches from the nameless, faceless hybrid that had captured his attention by reputation alone, Jimin would've decked him. That was saying something: the CEO didn't like to get his hands dirty; his rings were too expensive to bloody up. As soon as the heavy metal door creaked open, Jimin couldn't resist going inside, curiosity at an all time high.
Whatever he was expecting, it wasn't this.
The owner had shut him in with the supposed wild beast, but Jimin merely felt like he was in Namjoon's bedroom. It was monk-like with no decor or personal items like he'd seen in other rooms, but books were stacked high against the wall. His eyes caught on a few titles atop the piles, and he was confused to see the most boring assortment of texts possible. It was as if the hybrid's collection was intentionally devoid of anything that could be pleasurable or stimulating.
Other than the books, there was only a single mattress on the floor, so flat it was barely inches from the ground. Atop the mattress was the supposed aggressive, hopeless, bloodthirsty biter.
Two furry ears flopped across a tangled mess of dark hair, just visible from where the majority of the hybrid was cocooned in one of the standard issue blankets he'd noticed in every room. Large doe eyes peeked out at Jimin from a gap in the fabric, and the dark pools were sadder than any he'd ever seen before. Something like alarm and fear swirled within them, and as Jimin stepped further into the room, the blanket tightened around the small form perched atop the mattress. He looked like a child, a pup, and a terrified one at that.
"Hello," Jimin said evenly, allowing a rare ounce of kindness to warm his tone.
The hybrid made no move to speak, and, acting on impulse, Jimin sat down directly on the floor. His Brioni suit trousers had never touched anything as grimy as the cold tile of this hybrid's cell, but the act of ease was one made instinctively. Perhaps the little thing wouldn't tremor so violently if he wasn't being towered over.
"My name is Park Jimin, and I'm looking for a friend to come home with me," he explained politely when the silence had stretched too long.
The smile on his face was a foreign thing, but he knew from his mother's cooing that it made him look much softer. So he simply beamed at the unidentifiable mass on the bed, refusing to speak another word until the hybrid did. His intentions had to become clear when the room grew uncomfortably silent and he didn't move to break it.
The hybrid shuffled slightly, peering down at him with mistrust and a little bit of what looked like awe. Finally, a very timid voice sung out from beneath the bundles of fabric.
"Bad dogs can’t have friends, sir," he said, the words spoken in such a way that Jimin knew he was repeating something he'd been told before, maybe many times. The hurt tenor in his voice sent a pang straight through Jimin's heart of ice.
Jimin got the sense that this puppy wanted a friend very, very much.
At this, the smile Jimin had painted on his face dimmed. Ever so gently, he asked, "And why do you think you're a bad dog, hm? You sound rather polite to me."
The hybrid's eyes left him for the first time, peering down shamefully at the floor. For a moment, Jimin thought he wouldn't answer. They both knew he had been told about the hybrid’s history of biting, but for some reason, Jimin wanted to hear it from the pup himself. Someone so quiet and shy couldn't be a vicious creature like he'd been made out to be. It just wasn't adding up.
"Only bad dogs bite their owners," the dog mumbled softly, hastily adding, "sir" to the end of his confession.
Surprise jolted through Jimin's chest as he realized tears were rapidly welling up in the puppy’s dark eyes. Living with the brand of a bad dog was killing him, that much was obvious. Jimin could practically hear his heart break as he spoke. The man's instincts were rarely wrong, and Jimin's were telling him that this hybrid was a very good boy indeed.
"Why did you bite your owner?" He asked softly, trying his best to avoid sounding judgmental.
Though most of his face was still covered, Jimin could hear the pout in his voice as he said, "He pressed the button too much, sir."
Jimin didn't understand until the hybrid’s eyes flicked at the remote loosely held between his fingers, looking away quickly after like the sight alone hurt him. Still, Jimin didn't know what his words or the remote meant. He said as much, and the pup hesitated for a very long time. Those big eyes looked over every inch of his face for a few stretched moments before apparently finding what he was hoping for. What it was, Jimin hadn't a clue.
Jimin had seen men get their brains blown out more times than he cared to think about, but nothing had ever disturbed him more than the sight revealed to him when the hybrid unraveled himself from the blanket. The fabric pooled around his hips to unveil an oversized jumper drowning tense shoulders and clenched fists, but what really got his attention was the heavy black collar fastened around the pup’s slender throat. Unlike the other collars he'd seen on hybrids, this one had a small box on the side, and Jimin assumed it was responsible for the violently red and purple ring burned into the hybrid’s pale skin.
Jimin dropped the remote like it burned his fingers, and the hybrid flinched at the sound of it clattering against the floor.
They'd put an electric shocking collar on this little puppy boy, a device that was rarely used for the most feral of predators. If Jimin were anyone else, he would be sick or maybe cry. But he was Park Jimin, and all he wanted to do was burn down the world. Maybe he would, after his hybrid was safely holed up in his penthouse suite, far from any danger that could ever befall him again. Yes, that sounded like a grand idea; coming home to the sweet pup after tearing apart everyone who had ever mistreated a defenseless thing like him.
"I think I see now," he said quietly, and he did. He saw it all quite clearly. "You've been very polite when speaking to me, and I can see it in your eyes that you're a good puppy. It's your previous owner who was bad, and the man who runs this shelter is bad, too. Is that right? I don't think you have it in you to be a bad dog, baby."
He was right, of course, and, almost in disbelief, the hybrid affirmed his words with an eager nod. His black ears flapped with the movement and Jimin was hopelessly endeared. More tears spilled down the pup’s cheeks as he looked at Jimin like he was an angel sent from heavens he'd almost started to believe weren't real. How could the sheltered hybrid know that sitting before him was the devil himself? But from the way this puppy boy regarded Jimin, nothing could make him believe the actual, ugly truth.
The longer he stared, those tears turned into tiny rivulets trickling down his red cheeks. Jimin fought the urge to wipe them away, suspecting that he’d never let the poor thing go when they finally touched.
"Do you want to come home with me? You'll never have to wear a collar like that again. All you'll have to do is be the good puppy I know you are," Jimin said softly, almost crooning at the hybrid. "I'll take the best care of you. You'll be so happy and safe, forever."
Jimin was saying the words quite clearly, but they were foreign in his voice. Never before had he spoken so warmly to anyone, let alone a hybrid he'd met minutes ago. The fury he felt at the realization of these circumstances had given way to something strange and much more terrifying. An overwhelming sense of affection had gripped his heart when the boy nodded so desperately at his first question. He'd been treated so poorly, so unfairly, and yet he could still look with eyes that twinkled like stars; he looked that way at Jimin.
Yes, Jimin was determined for this to work out, and he always got what he wanted.
"Yes, sir, please. Please wanna go with you," he answered so quietly it was a mere whisper. The response was nearly drowned out by the sound of dull thumping just behind him, and as Jimin stood, he saw the long black tail wagging with excitement. It nearly sent him back to the floor, knees threatening to give out.
Fondness for the sweet little thing warmed his body so genuinely that it came as a shock. In the span of one short conversation, this hybrid had melted the icy shield around his heart and wiggled his way in. If he didn't step outside to get a grip on himself right then, Jimin knew he would do something irrational like sweep the puppy into a hug and murmur promises of all the good things to come.
"Good. I'd like that very much," Jimin said sincerely, understating just how overwhelming his want was. "And no more calling me sir, please. I'm your Jiminie, and you're my good puppy. Do you have another name you want me to call you?”
The puppy wiggled a little bit at the praise and said shyly, “My name’s Jungkookie, b-but I like it lots when—when you call me ‘good puppy.’”
The admission sent a pretty pink blush rising up to the pup’s cheeks, and Jimin hummed in satisfaction.
“Well, good puppy, pick out your favorite books; we're going home."
Jimin's promises were golden and even more rare because he never broke them. The hybrid smiled so brightly it nearly stole his breath, the utter joy emanating from him so pure and all because of him. Yes, they would stay like this forever. He was sure of it.
The shelter owner had quaked earlier at Jimin's no nonsense tone, but this low, ever so calm register was the one he truly should be afraid of. When Jimin grew unnervingly quiet, it was because he was beside himself with rage. This was the side of him that ran Seoul's underground with an iron fist and empty conscience. This was the man who ordered death and destruction like it was Sunday brunch. As he stood in the disorganized clutter of Second Chance's main office, Jimin was moments away from doing just that.
"I don't give a fuck about your bullshit sealed history policy. You'll give me the name of her previous owner, and you'll do it right goddamn now before I really grow impatient. You're lucky I haven’t had your neck snapped for putting that ugly fucking shocking contraption on her," Jimin seethed, monstrous anger biting in every syllable.
The last time he’d been this angry, his gang had laid siege over every outfit south of the Han; it was the start of Park Jimin’s terrible reign. The owner seemed to realize then that he was in grave danger.
Jimin had lied, though. The owner was already dead, and he had been since the moment Jimin laid eyes on his pup in that atrocious collar. The only reason the owner still breathed was because he was the only one here to take care of the hybrids for the night. Hoseok was under orders to see him disposed of the minute employees arrived the next morning; he'd texted the situation to his enforcer right after leaving his pup. Hoseok sent question mark emojis at the delay in wiping out the man who had mistreated the hybrid, but Jimin had his reasons. The thought of other creatures like his sweet boy left all alone broke the heart Jimin just remembered he had, so the owner would live for a few more hours.
But there was no reality in which he went unpunished for locking that shock collar on Park Jimin’s hybrid.
"Sir, I'm so sorry, sir. I'll get the file now. You have to understand, he nearly took off three of his fingers. We had to use precautions. Please don't–"
Jimin turned before he finished, not wanting to waste another moment with the scum. As he left the office, he called over his shoulder for the man to deliver the file to his driver. Hoseok would get a good look at him then, the man he’d make disappear in a few short hours. It was a familiar dance for his head enforcer; there wasn’t a hit that Jimin fulfilled without Hoseok having a hand in it.
The walk back to door number forty-three was relatively short, but Jimin appreciated the moment of silence to process this night.
When he entered Second Chances, he had prepared to leave with a tough companion to share his life with. Now, for the first time in a long time, he couldn't think straight because of a pretty face with doe eyes that looked at him like he hung the moon and each star. The thought of coming home to a place that wasn't empty and soulless delighted him more than he cared to admit, and if the puppy kept up the clear admiration he felt for the man, Jimin knew the ache that had grown like mold in his chest these past few years would heal very quickly.
Jimin would be better than he was before with something as sweet as Jungkookie in his life. It felt like spring had arrived in earnest for Jimin after years of cold winter, the gentle caress of affection an unfamiliar and welcome sensation in his heart.
hi!!! so here’s this… it’s a preview draft of one of the misc works I’ve had written for a long time and just decided to post. this is just the first part as sort of a drabble teaser… I’m going to post the full thing to ao3 eventually if y’all want to read the rest! lmk what you think via the message option.. I’m very curious 🙈
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oceanviewsong · 8 months
Feels so Familiar
Looking for a gay, pagan, Halloween Hallmark movie that's actually fanfiction? Of course you are!!
Witch!JK Cat Hybrid JM Seasonal Cliches Fluff & Pining Strangers to Lovers 52k & Complete
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prett1ed · 2 years
teacher’s pet jikook au 🔞
cw teacher/student rs, dark/dead dove elements, boypussy, implied murder, dubcon/noncon, reverse cuckolding?
if i pass this quiz will you give me your babies? / don’t call me crazy / you love me but you won’t come save me / you got a wife and kids, you see them daily
i know i’m young, but my mind is well beyond my years / i knew this wouldn’t last but fuck you, don’t you leave me here / teacher’s pet / if i’m so special, why am i secret?
jungkook’s happily married with one kid, jimin’s his star student who maybe (definitely) has some issues at home and throws himself into school
the high he gets from topping every class dulls eventually. he feels emptier than before, but lucky for him, jeon seonsaengnim has always been attentive and caring. the best teacher he has, by far.
jimin latches onto him after jungkook catches him crying in the classroom after school. his focus pivots from scoring the highest to scoring his teacher.
jimin essentially guilts him/emotionally manipulates him into a kiss, which blossoms into something more
jungkook is fully aware what jimin is trying to do, but fuck. he’s always been a sucker for thick lips and fat asses.
how can he say no when jimin is staring up at him, puppy eyes shining and toned body pressed up against him as he croons, “ssaem…please?”
how can he say no to tight teenage pussy?
they start a sexual relationship but jimin gets way too deep into it — gets possessive and oversteps his boundaries, generally acts crazy and obsessed and like he thinks they’re in an actual relationship
jungkook eventually breaks it off for fear that jimin’s developing feelings (he already has, it’s too late)
jimin takes it much better than he’d expected — nods, sheds a tear or two, asks for a final hug before leaving — and jungkook eventually chooses to believe that they’re fine. everything’s fine. jimin acts normal in school and everything is back how it should be.
jungkook comes home one night to find his wife tied up to a chair in their bedroom, gagged and screaming
the door slams shut behind him.
he turns to see jimin, wearing a set of his wife’s lingerie, holding a knife, and grinning wider than he’s ever seen him. there’s a manic light in his eyes that jungkook’s only ever seen in fleeting glimpses.
“i know you said we were over,” he says, pouting. he’s gripping the knife so hard his knuckles are white. “but you know i fuck better than that old, loose bitch there.”
jimin ties jungkook up too and rides him, right in front of his crying wife, and milks him completely dry — forces him to forgo a condom for the first time, so mrs jeon can watch as her husband’s cum drips out of jimin’s swollen eighteen y/o cunt
(jimin realises later on that the only thing preventing him and jungkook from being together is his wife, and decides to get rid of her accordingly. jungkook won’t have use for her anyway.)
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gimmethatagustd · 7 months
don't go insane | pjm + jjk
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Jungkook's friends warned him not to go looking for Thirteen, Seoul's most prolific "pleasure dealer."
↳ pairing: incubus!jimin x human!jungkook
↳ rating/genre: BTS | 18+ | strangers to lovers | fantasy | angst | smut
↳ wc/date: 3.9k | November 2023
↳ warnings: idk if this is dead dove or just shitty but maybe don't read this if you're sensitive to problematic characters, alcohol, strip club, jimin is sort of a drug dealer, humans who have sex with incubi can become addicted, codependency, dry humping, shower masturbation, unprotected anal sex, anal sex without prep, painful sex (but consensual aside from the whole addiction thing???), blood, pain kink, degradation, humiliation, jungkook has issues i'm ngl, jimin also has issues sdhkfjs
↳ notes: this was written for @irishhorse-blog for the halloween drabbles (ik i'm late but halloween is a lifestyle, not a season) who was interested in jikook! this probs went in a totally different direction than you'd ever imagine 💀 idk what i was thinking while writing this, as usual. pls don't @ me jhsdkfjs bye🦇 unfortunately, i couldn't figure out who the original person was who made the jimin edit so shout out to them, whoever they are
↳ masterlist / taglist
↳ what was jai listening to? don't go insane - dpr ian
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The bouncer looks over Jungkook’s ID for too long. He shines his mini flashlight at the plastic and watches how the shimmery symbols reflect in the light as if to say, I’m real, please believe me, and Jungkook watches with clammy palms splayed against the sides of his thighs. The denim of his jeans soaks up the moisture as he subtly rubs his hands along the seams like it matters if he’s sweaty. No one will be shaking hands with him tonight, and if everything goes according to plan, he’ll be sweaty for another reason. 
That is, if he actually makes it inside the club before it closes. 
His ID is real, but Jungkook has an “angel-baby face,” as Hoseok calls it. It doesn’t matter that he has hole-punched his face to slip silver rings wherever he can. According to his roommate, round cheeks and eyes pulled straight from a Disney movie are enough to slam Jungkook face-first into the land of perpetual childhood. 
“Alright,” the bouncer reluctantly shoves Jungkook’s ID back into his hands and motions toward the door with his flashlight. 
Jungkook hears one of the clubbers behind him groan, “Fucking finally,” but he’s too giddy to pay them any mind. He tries to keep calm as he slips through the doors, focusing on walking purposefully rather than skipping with anticipation. 
He’s getting way too ahead of himself. A plan is in place, and Jungkook is determined to follow it. Straying from the plan, well, he doesn’t want to think about what that might mean for him. 
For a strip club, Ego is far less seedy than Jungkook anticipated. The club is dark enough to give patrons a false sense of anonymity necessary for men to comfortably sit back in black satin chairs and let their tongues hang out of their mouths as male dancers gyrate in front of their faces. There are patrons of other genders, as well, but Jungkook thinks the men are the most afraid. They take their pleasure in the dark because it’s safe. Only the occasional strobe light of pink and gold casting a sugary glow across everyone’s faces breaks the facade, and even then, the effects are minute.  
Jungkook thinks he has gathered this much about the club and its patrons by the time he eases into a barstool and sips on his overly-priced cosmopolitan. It’s the only fancy alcoholic beverage he knows of that isn’t dark liquor. 
If this were a regular night out with Hoseok and his other friends, Jungkook would be throwing back tequila shots or sipping on a vodka cran. Rather than wear a nice black buttoned shirt and slacks, Jungkook would be sporting baggy cargo pants and an oversized t-shirt.  
The thought that this isn’t just one of his regular Saturday nights reminds Jungkook that he should be nervous. And, fuck, he is. The back of his neck is hot, and a sweaty imprint is left behind when he lifts his hand from the black marble bar counter. It fades eventually, but it’s there. 
He tells himself as he flags down the bartender that after one more drink, he’ll be ready. He can’t get too drunk; he needs his wits about him. 
In the end, Jungkook is lucky that he’s only on his second drink, or else he wouldn’t have noticed the very thing he came to the bar to find. 
Behind the bartender’s ear, half obscured by his mint green hair, is a small tattoo of an inverted pentagram with a dagger running through the middle. Jungkook’s heart kicks up in his chest, practically launching him over the counter. Three words are all he needs to speak. Three words. Three words. Three words. 
“Um,” Jungkook begins, hearing the insecurity bleeding through his tone.
“Would you like another drink, sir?” the bartender asks with a raised eyebrow and an airiness to his voice that catches Jungkook off guard. 
Three words, three words, three words, it’s only three words. 
Swallowing thickly, Jungkook straightens his posture and looks the incubus dead in the eyes as he says, “I summon Thirteen.” 
Jungkook doesn’t know why he does it. There are so many reasons why he shouldn’t. Hoseok laid them all out for him before Jungkook ran off to Ego with his phone on Do Not Disturb and his heart in his throat. 
For starters, it’s illegal. 
Jungkook gets nervous about simply returning his past-due library books. How would he survive jail? Or even if he doesn’t go to jail, he’ll at least get a hefty fine thrown at him and a mark on his record. That’s enough to make him want to start crying just thinking about it.
Then there are the dangers, which explains why this is so illegal. 
Jungkook doesn’t believe in it– he thinks it’s all discriminatory rumors and exaggerations. Incubus or not, they’re just a person. How could sex with a person be dangerous? Sure, there’s the supposed high, but Jungkook just can’t see how it’s possible to become addicted to a person. 
Take the vampire blood epidemic currently sweeping the nation. Jungkook understands that. Humans ingesting vampire blood for the hallucinatory high that comes with it, that type of addiction makes sense; it’s consumable, tangible. 
To be addicted to a person sounds fake. 
For a brief moment, as the mint-haired bartender leads Jungkook through a series of backdoors marked “EMPLOYEES ONLY,” Jungkook thinks perhaps Thirteen is fake, too. Maybe this mint-haired bartender is going to kill him for being fool enough to believe in Thirteen. 
All the horror stories Hoseok fed him earlier come bubbling up his throat like acid, images of people with sunken faces and cracked lips hovering around clubs, not unlike Ego, fingers shaking for a fix they can’t get anywhere else. 
It’s illegal for incubi to feed off of humans. Incubi can only feed from other immortals; humans’ souls are far too fragile. Jungkook is a human, but he’d never consider himself fragile. He has grit despite how his hands shake.  
“What’s your name, kid?” 
The bartender’s question jerks Jungkook out of his spiraling thoughts. It takes Jungkook a deep inhale before he finds the ability to speak, and by that point, the two men have stopped in front of a plain black door with the number 13 embossed in gold in Jungkook’s sightline. 
“J-Jungkook,” he answers, belatedly realizing he should have given a fake name.
With a curt nod, the bartender turns to the black door and knocks on it three times in quick succession. 
From the other side of the door comes a low voice speaking a language Jungkook doesn’t understand. The lock clicks and the sound makes Jungkook realize he can’t hear the loud music from the front of the club. Just how far back is he? 
“Come on,” the bartender orders gruffly. 
Stumbling forward, Jungkook tries to recover, but his confidence wavers once he peers through the cigar smoke weighing heavily in the air. 
It’s a private lounge, perhaps one of those VIP rooms where more than just a routine lapdance occurs behind closed doors. Jungkook wouldn’t know; he doesn’t have the money for that type of thing. 
Through the smoke, a man reclines on a red velvet couch with one arm draped over the back and his muscular thighs spread open. Dressed in a slate grey suit with a tastefully patterned tie snug at the base of a throat covered in thorny tattoos, he looks nothing like Jungkook had pictured. 
Pleasure dealers are said to be dirty and seductive villains who lurk in the shadows and lure you in with a promise of a good time. Thirteen is sophisticated and intimidating, with a sharp jawline and high cheekbones. His eyes, black and ringed an ethereal blue, pierce into Jungkook. Something about him is suffocating, with one look capable of stealing the air out of Jungkook’s lungs like a violent intrusion. 
The hand not gripping the back of the couch rests on his left thigh, palm facing upward. At the subtle flick of Thirteen’s middle finger, the bartender shoves Jungkook roughly into the room. The room, he hadn’t noticed, his entire body drawn toward Thirteen. 
“Sir,” the bartender bows at the waist. “Jungkook has summoned you.” 
Thirteen’s thick lips curl into a smirk that sends a rush of trepidation through Jungkook’s bones. Stony, yet with the slightest glint of amusement, Thirteen’s eyes shift from the bartender to Jungkook. 
“Is that so?”
Jungkook’s next swallow is slimy, like a slug inching down his throat. It reminds him of the time Hoseok hexed him with a case of vomiting slugs after seeing the spell in a movie. 
Unable to speak, Jungkook simply nods. 
Thirteen leans forward to rest his forearms on his thighs with his hands loosely clasped between his spread knees. “To what do I owe the pleasure, Jungkook-ssi?” 
Thirteen hisses Jungkook’s name, and Jungkook feels as though he’s being squeezed, Thirteen somehow wrapping around his body like a serpent despite sitting across the room. Warmth spreads across Jungkook’s cheeks and down the back of his neck. The room is stifling, but Thirteen’s gaze makes his chest feel cold. 
“Pleasure,” Jungkook finds his voice enough to whisper the word right back. “I seek pleasure.” 
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Thirteen has a piercing just below his plush bottom lip, a tiny silver ball that matches the location of the little chocolate mole beneath Jungkook’s bottom lip. Jungkook wonders what the silver ball would feel like if he licked it. He’s horrified by the thought. 
“Did you not come to beg me for pleasure, Jungkook?” Thirteen’s breath is hot against Jungkook’s neck. 
If Jungkook turns his head to the side, he can line his lips with Thirteen’s, make them overlap, and pry them open with the tip of his tongue. The thought assaults his mind.
Thirteen digs his fingers into Jungkook’s hair and yanks his head back to force their eyes to meet. 
“Stop fighting me and fucking beg for it,” Thirteen growls. 
“Please,” Jungkook whispers. He squeezes Thirteen’s shoulders, straight and thick with muscle Jungkook wouldn’t expect from such a polished appearance. Even the thickness of Thirteen’s thighs beneath Jungkook is surprising. 
Sitting in Thirteen’s lap, Jungkook feels small. 
“Are you sure you want this, human?” Thirteen spits the question, “Because it doesn’t sound like it.”
Thirteen is cruel. His lips curl into a smirk that’s just as attractive as it is mean. His grip on Jungkook’s waist is bruising and nearly painful, but Jungkook likes it. Usually, he doesn’t. Usually, Jungkook wants to be taken care of gently. He likes soft love, soft touches, soft fucking. Whatever this strange desire to be ruined is, it’s not normal. He yearns for it. His body aches as his mind reels. 
Own me, take me, ruin me. 
A sick mantra clouds Jungkook’s brain. He tries to blink it away, but the more he struggles against this strange pull, the foggier his head becomes. 
“I-I want it,” Jungkook squeezes his eyes shut as a sudden wave of pleasure strikes him in the gut. It’s hot and wet, like lava rolling under his skin, from his chest down between his legs, where his cock is painfully hard in his slacks. 
“Want what?” Thirteen mocks Jungkook’s inability to speak. 
Jungkook can’t stop himself. He ruts against Thirteen’s body, rocking into him to get as much friction as possible. It shouldn’t be so hot, shouldn’t be hurling Jungkook toward an orgasm so quickly, but he feels like his entire body is pulsing. 
“Y-Your cock.”
Never in his life has Jungkook ever wailed, but he does now. He sobs with his entire body, back concaving and face buried into the crook of Thirteen’s neck when he cums. 
It shouldn’t have been so easy. Aside from pulling Jungkook’s hair and letting him sit in his lap, Thirteen never even touched Jungkook. Yet he came, the force of his orgasm making him tremble like an addict going through withdrawal. 
“Good things come to those who wait, little Jungkookie,” Thirteen murmurs in his ear. 
A sharp contrast to his earlier behavior, Thirteen runs his fingers through Jungkook’s hair, smoothing out the strands he’d disturbed when he tugged on them so harshly. The action is confusing, though Jungkook’s brain is mush inside his head. 
Jungkook tilts his head back to look Thirteen in the eyes. His eyes cross and waver, unable to focus on Thirteen’s face despite being right in front of him. Sleep, or something like it, tugs at Jungkook’s eyelids. His eyes flutter rapidly as the room spins. 
“You taste exquisite,” Thirteen sounds pleased when he speaks. Jungkook doesn’t understand. 
Jungkook is falling. His eyes are closed, and his fingers stretch into the empty air, searching, no longer holding onto Thirteen’s muscular body. The darkness that sucks him up is cold, like the feeling in his chest when Thirteen looked at him for the first time. It seeps into his bones until Jungkook’s entire body trembles. 
Jungkook is falling, and there is no one down below to catch him.
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Jungkook wakes up in his bedroom to the sound of Hoseok singing. His heart beats painfully in his chest. The rhythm is irregular, skipping a few beats or pumping so slowly that Jungkook panics, wondering if it may stop altogether. By now, the sensation shouldn’t be alarming; he’s been having these nightmares for weeks.
Every morning, he wakes like the living dead, sitting up abruptly with his fingers clawing at his chest and his mouth hanging open as he gasps for air that somehow chokes him when it goes down. 
Falling, always falling. 
It takes many minutes before Jungkook is calm enough to get out of bed. His knees are weak as he slowly creeps around his bedroom, searching for clothes that aren’t soaked with sweat. Laundry piles up wherever it can; Jungkook can’t remember the last time he cleaned anything in his apartment. He sifts through the piles as he flips through the catalog of dreams in his head. 
Hoseok keeps telling him to go to the doctor. Insomnia isn’t anything to be ashamed of, his roommate insists. Plenty of people suffer from nightmares – or worse. 
Jungkook knows all this. 
The thing is, the cause of Jungkook’s insomnia isn’t the mystery Hoseok thinks it is. 
Dark eyes stare at Jungkook from the bathroom mirror. The skin beneath them is puffy and purpling, so swollen that the bags wrinkle the tops of his cheeks. He tries smiling at himself in the mirror, and the black in his eyes remains empty, still murky waters. 
Turning on the shower gets more difficult every day. Jungkook's hands shake so hard that he struggles to grip the knob tightly enough to twist it. He can’t ask Hoseok for help. Sleep deprivation can only explain away so much. 
Jungkook keeps the water cold. He shivers beneath the stream pelting his skin, and clenches his teeth to stop them from chattering. The temperature never chases away the need that eats at his insides. His body burns with it. The cold water and the heat of his need create a tornado inside Jungkook’s mind, uprooting every sane thought until all he can focus on is the arousal stirring in his stomach. 
For an hour, Jungkook jerks off under cold water and can’t reach an orgasm. He rubs his skin raw until tears and snot mix with shower water. It hurts his body, and the aching thing inside his chest that he thinks is his soul. 
Why can’t he get rid of this need? 
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A rough hand shakes Jungkook’s shoulder. His head slips from where it rests on his forearm and smacks the surface of his desk. 
“What! What?” Jungkook flings his head back, reeling from the sharp pain stabbing his forehead. “What’s happening?” 
Taehyung gives him a sad smile as he crosses his arms against his chest. “It’s after five.” 
Jungkook blinks and looks around at the empty desks surrounding them. “Oh.” 
“Come on, get up.” Taehyung cups his hand under Jungkook’s armpit and hoists him to his feet. “A couple of the guys are going to that new club, Id?” 
Jungkook’s heart is thunderous, like a feral animal locked in a cage. He clears his throat before correcting his coworker, “Ego.” 
Taehyung snaps his fingers. “That’s it. I was close enough. Weird Freudian shit.” 
Jungkook is mostly silent on the subway while Taehyung babbles about the newest office gossip Jungkook has managed to sleep through – again. Hoseok says it’s insomnia; Taehyung thinks it’s narcolepsy. 
Jungkook knows it’s Thirteen. 
The headache that has made a permanent home nestled in the folds of Jungkook’s brain spikes as the two men wait patiently for the bouncer to check their IDs. Well, Taehyung is patient. Jungkook is sweating through the armpits of his work shirt. 
“Hyunwoo said this place is a strip club at night but a pretty standard bar during happy hour,” Taehyung explains because he thinks Jungkook has never been here before. “The duality of it all, right?” 
The mint-haired bartender looks at Jungkook with a blank expression, void of any hint of recognition. Jungkook isn’t sure if he should be grateful or offended as he sits with the rest of his coworkers at the bar. They all sip dark liquor that burns the back of Jungkook’s throat, reminding him that this was never really his scene. 
He pretends to care about their idle conversation, laughs at all the right moments, and sucks on ice cubes to keep his mouth busy. The bartender doesn’t look him in the eyes when he gets Jungkook a second round, but all Jungkook looks at is the pentagram etched into his skin. 
Taehyung’s fingers tickle Jungkook’s elbow, forcing him to look away from the bar. 
“I’m gonna take a piss and then probably get outta here,” Taehyung announces. Two hours have passed, but Jungkook wouldn’t know. 
The moment Taehyung leaves, Jungkook turns to the mint-haired bartender. The bartender stands off to the side to wipe down glasses and organize the alcohol bottles. His eyebrows furrow when Jungkook clears his throat to get his attention. 
“I summon Thirteen,” Jungkook speaks confidently this time, even though he has to sit with his hands clasped between his thighs to keep them from shaking. 
“He’s busy.” 
Jungkook swallows thickly. “What?”
“Thirteen is busy. He cannot be summoned tonight.” 
Anger flares in Jungkook’s chest, heating his face and neck. “What the fuck do you mean he’s busy?” 
The mint-haired bartender rests his forearm on the counter and leans close enough for Jungkook to see the flecks of red in his irises. When he speaks, he shows the unnatural points of his canines. 
“You better watch your tone with me, kid. Wouldn’t want to get blacklisted, would you? ‘Cause I can make it where no dealer in Seoul will do so much as look in your direction. Got it?”
Shame makes Jungkook want to be stubborn and refuse, but his desperation wins. He ducks his head and nods, aware of the fear rolling off him and realizing he doesn’t care. He doesn’t want just any dealer; he wants Thirteen. But he just wants to experience it once to have him fully. That’s all. Only once. Then his curiosity will be satisfied, and he can stop having dreams about the moment Thirteen takes him, finally takes him all the way, touches him, kisses him, tastes–
“You coming?” 
Jungkook startles when Taehyung appears at his side once again. 
“Uh,” Jungkook eyes the mint-haired bartender, but he’s no longer looking at him, “Yeah, yeah, I’m ready to go.”
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Jungkook returns the following day. 
No Thirteen. 
Jungkook returns the day after that. 
No Thirteen. 
Jungkook shivers and shakes through a week. 
No Thirteen. 
More weeks pass, more tremors and nightmares stack up against Jungkook’s withering sanity. 
No Thirteen.
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“Please,” Jungkook begs with a sob muffled by the carpet. 
He presses his face into the floor, cheek squished in a way that will leave marks on his skin. Jungkook took up the position as a sign of submission that his body naturally fell into without any thought. It should be embarrassing how quickly he sank to his knees in front of Thirteen. 
For months, he’s been plagued by the creature in his dreams. For months, all he has thought about is being taken, owned, ruined. He wants to feel full, to be desired. He wants to know, for the curiosity to be satisfied, the way he knows Thirteen could satisfy him. 
Only Thirteen. 
“Please, what?” 
Claws dig into the back of Jungkook’s neck, piercing the muscle and hooking into it so deeply that Jungkook can’t move. He feels blood trickle down his shoulders and pool in his collarbones, but the pain never comes. 
All he feels is need. 
“Please fuck me,” Jungkook whimpers. “I’ve waited. I’ve been good; I came back. I waited for you.” 
Thirteen scoffs as he releases Jungkook’s neck, only to dig his claws into the mess of his hair and yank him backward. Jungkook is pulled onto his knees with his head tilted backward to stare at Thirteen, who hovers above him with a biting, upside-down grin. 
“Is that supposed to flatter me, Jungkook-ah? Am I supposed to care that you came sniveling at my door every day for months?” Thirteen twists Jungkook’s hair so tightly in his fist that Jungkook feels strands pull from his head. “Begging for me like a bitch in heat, weren’t you? Desperate for cock and to be praised?” 
Each harsh word feels like another claw stabbed into soft flesh. Thirteen’s jeering hurts more than the wounds he digs into Jungkook’s skin, but he can’t stop himself from groveling. His mind is no longer his own. He is desperate. So, so desperate. 
“I’m going to die,” Jungkook gasps when Thirteen roughly pushes him to the floor. Hot tears flow like lava down his plump cheeks. “I’ll die.” 
“No, you won’t.” 
“I will,” Jungkook sobs. “I will. I feel it, I will.” 
Thirteen’s claws rip into Jungkook’s jeans, shredding the denim until there’s nothing left but tattered scraps of fabric wrapped around his waist. The air is cold against his bare skin, and he realizes belatedly that his briefs are mutilated, too. 
“I decide whether you live or die, Jungkook-ah,” Thirteen whispers against the curve of Jungkook’s ear. Jungkook feels the tip of Thirteen’s cock press against his hole while Thirteen’s clawed hand grabs the meat of his cheek to spread him open. “Now shut up and have your reward for being so patient.” 
Pain speers Jungkook’s body, sinking so far deep that he swears it creates fissures in his soul. Something horrible rips through Jungkook’s eardrums; it’s animalistic and wild. It’s his own scream, he realizes with a raw throat, that fizzles into whimpers with every rock of Thirteen’s hips. 
It hurts getting fucked by an incubus, but Jungkook should have known that. It’s the pain that makes the pleasure so addicting, the feeling of having one’s soul devoured at the same time one's body is satisfied beyond their wildest fantasies. Thirteen fucks into Jungkook with his body, but he tears into his soul with his mind. 
Drained, Jungkook wonders if this is how he’ll die. 
“Is this what you wanted?” Thirteen hisses. His voice takes on a slurred, gravelly sound that makes Jungkook’s skin prickle. It’s demonic, otherworldly. 
“Y-Yes,” Jungkook hiccups, and it’s true. 
The skin of his cheek and knees is rubbed raw from being thrust against the carpet, and snot clogs his nostrils from how much he’s crying. When Thirteen twists his hair between his claws and tugs, Jungkook’s orgasm punches him in the chest, leaving him heaving as Thirteen fucks him into overstimulation to the point that he can’t breathe. 
This is exactly what he wanted.
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all rights reserved © gimmethatagustd on tumblr & AO3
do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my work
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moonleeai · 1 year
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Bangtanstrology Writing Event hosted by @ 𝚑𝚒𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚒𝚗𝚎 of @bangtanwhq
My Big 3 are: ​​☼ Aquarius - Members - JiKook ☾ Pieces - Where they meet- Walking on Campus ↑ Leo - Cliche Trope - Strangers to Lovers
🟠 Pairing: Jimin x Jungkook
🟠 AU/Genre: Pistilverse AU / Strangers to Lovers / Almost Romeo and Juliet
🟠 Rating: MA
🟠 WC: 2,404
🟠 Warnings: Oral - Sexual activity
🟠 Tags/Inclusions: tattoo tracing~the smell of books~praise~pistilverse ~oral~late night karaoke~body worship~longtime pining~soulmate
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Fic Notes:
°°°"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same."-- Emily Brontë
°°°Jimin- Bonded Pistil; If he sleeps with another Stamen, the poison spreads through their blood and they die of poisoning within three days.
°°°Jungkook- Stamen; Stamens who have sex with a bonded Pistil will also die of poisoning, but Jungkook doesn't know he's an anti-stamen with healing power
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🖤Thank you @rec-me-bts for another beautiful banner! I truly appreciate you always making time to help me out!
🖤Thank you, Sara and Jasz @downbad4yoongi for betaing!! I love how you both always hype me up!
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Jimin has seen him before around campus, a beautiful man hidden under dark baggy clothes and a bucket hat. Jimin imagined he was built like a Greek God under those layers but never approached him, just admired from afar. Years ago, Jimin was tricked into sleeping with a venom stamen. When he asked about the flower, the venom stamen said it wasn’t poisonous, a lie. Jimin didn’t know a pretty flower could be deadly at the time, drawn in by the beautiful sleeve of color and fragrant perfume. When the flowers bloomed along his spine on the barren branch, he felt the sting for days; thankfully, it wasn’t excruciating. But he was left with the pain of one-sided love, and the memory was forever branded on his back as a bonded pistil. The memory was enough to scare Jimin away from connecting with anyone else, knowing that sleeping with anyone else would activate the poison in his blood and end his life.
For months, he kept his distance from Jungkook, walking mindlessly together with their friend group to and from classes. The campus landscape easily kept Jimin from staring, sidewalks lined with flourishing flowers. No one knew Jimin was dreaming of Jungkook’s touch, imagining running his fingers along his pale skin, pressing their lips together, looking into those doe eyes while Jungkook's body hovered over him. He wants to worship Jungkook and be his one and only lover. Deep down, Jimin can feel a gravitational pull toward Jungkook, but he fights it, knowing nothing can come of it. Jimin missed being touched and always dreamed of having a life-long partner, but his past endeavors tore that away from him.
Jimin grabs a coffee and makes his way to his normal spot at the campus library to work on his final dissertation. He takes a deep breath through his nose, breathing in the familiar earthy scents mixed with musk and hints of vanilla. Today, there's another scent that he has only smelled outside. It's delicately sweet and floral with a muted citrus-orange. And, as it danced its way through his nostrils, a sexy depth evoked erotic thoughts. Jimin was dizzy from the scent and closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling that was taking over his senses. His body reacted with a tingling flutter surrounding his heart and a deep desire in his belly. His cock twitched with arousal, bringing him back to reality. He looks around to find the source of the scent but only hears a door closing in the distance.
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A month later, the semester is over, and Jimin is unwinding at a local bar with friends when he smells the floral orange again. His eyes wander, looking for the source again. In a crowd of men, he spots a forearm with a flame-orange tiger lily with black spots on the petals, the mark of a stamen. The lively color is hypnotizing. Jimin's eyes roam the rest of the individual, starting from the bottom, clad in chunky high-top black boots and relaxed-fit black pants bloused into them. The man's shirt is also black, with a thick silver chain necklace draping over the shirt collar. A shiny lip piercing sits on plush lips that he thinks he may have seen before. Jimin's gaze meets the man's, and they both shyly smile before Jungkook looks away. Jimin's heart flutters, and he battles the arousal growing between his legs. He admires Jungkook like a pretty painting for a few more seconds before turning away. Jimin feels the gravitational pull toward Jungkook again, but he fights it, knowing nothing can come of it.
A few moments pass, and the orange floral scent gets stronger, almost knocking Jimin off his feet. He takes a deep breath before there's a tap on his shoulder. Like a deer in headlights, he's slightly looking up into those doe eyes he's been daydreaming about. Jungkook's lips are moving, but Jimin hears nothing. He watches as Jungkook's lips draw up on just one side then his tongue probes at his lip piercing. Jimin briefly widens his eyes, frantically realizing he's just staring.
"I'm sorry, what was that?"
"I'm Jungkook. What's your name?"
"Ah. Jimin. Nice to meet you, Jungkook." Jimin silently says the pretty man’s name a few more times as if engraving it into his brain.
"Nice to meet you too, Jimin. Wanna get outta here?" Jimin's heart stops, and the air from his lungs is expelled.
"I--I can't. It's not a good idea." Not only is Jimin afraid of connecting with another, he’s also not the only one who would be affected. Stamens who have sex with a bonded pistil will also die of the poisoning. Jimin could never take Jungkook's pretty being from the earth.
"I was just thinking some karaoke would be fun...and I could use some company."
"I really wish I cou--"
"What if I beg?" Jungkook reaches for Jimin's hand, circling his thumb along his paper-thin skin and sending chills over Jimin's body.
"Only if you promise karaoke only."
"As you wish." Jungkook pulls Jimin behind him as he darts for the door. Jimin brushes his hair back, smiling from ear to ear. They reach a motorcycle parked on the corner, and Jungkook hands him a full-face helmet. He doesn't think twice before putting it on and jumping on the bike behind Jungkook. Jungkook grabs Jimin's arms and wraps them around his waist. Jimin inhales the scent as if it's the last time he may ever smell it again. Jungkook leans forward and takes off carefully, blurring the city lights surrounding them.
When they arrive at an apartment complex and remove their helmets, Jungkook notices Jimin's confused expression.
"I guess I should've said karaoke at my place?"
"Probably, yeah. Look, I want to get to know you– I do– I just can't."
"Relax, Jimin; it’s just singing," Jungkook smirks and grabs Jimin's hand again, leading the way into his apartment. It's clean, almost empty, but cozy at the same time. Jungkook flicks a small lamp on, casting a faux galaxy throughout the room on the walls and ceiling. He grabs two beers from his fridge and guides Jimin to sit on his couch. Jimin can't take his eyes off Jungkook as he watches his every movement, only tearing his eyes away to look at the TV and song choices. He doesn't need the beer; Jungkook’s scent makes him tipsy enough.
"It's almost 1 AM, you sure this is okay with your neighbors?"
"Yeah, I do it all the time. We can sing our hearts out, and no one will care." Jimin nods and they pick a song.
One song leads to many. An hour later, they are close enough that Jimin can feel the warmth radiating from Jungkook's body. He stopped singing just a song ago, wanting to bask in the angelic vocals coming from Jungkook. He leans into him with a shiver, hoping to steal some of his heat and glances down at the glowing tiger lily. His hand gravitates to it and traces the outline of the flower. Each swoop of his finger sends butterflies through Jungkook’s veins. Jungkook stutters, bringing Jimin out of his trance.
"Ss–sorry. It's just...beautiful." Jimin says while looking admirably into Jungkook's eyes.
Jungkook puts the mic down and lets the soft R&B play in the background. He angles his body toward Jimin, takes his chin in his hand, and leans into a kiss. But, before their lips meet, Jimin turns his head, and Jungkook’s lips fall onto his cheek.
“Jungkook,” Jimin whispers.
“Mmm,” Jungkook moans, “I want to hear you call my name endlessly.”
“I’m bonded.” Jimin blurts breathlessly, nervous from the anticipation of a torturous fate and the overwhelming intoxication of arousal.
Jungkook lightly pulls Jimin’s face back to focus on him. “We can kiss, can’t we?”
Jimin leans in, pressing his lips ragingly into Jungkook’s. His body melts into Jungkook when his hands wrap around his torso, strongly gripping his sides. Jungkook sucks Jimin’s bottom lip into his mouth and swallows the mewl that escapes from Jimin’s mouth. The kiss is passionate and too hot; the room feels as though it’s a hundred degrees warmer. Jimin tugs at the hem of Jungkook’s shirt as their tongues swipe across each other. They pause only long enough to remove their shirts and for Jimin to confirm that Jungkook is built like a Greek God. Jimin traces the lines of Jungkook’s chiseled chest and prominent abs. Jungkook kisses down Jimin’s neck, slurping loudly as he sucks feverishly. Jimin alternates between hisses and pants at the sensitivity. The flowers on his back are inflamed, but he doesn’t care; Jungkook is still making him feel euphoric.
“Jimin,” Jungkook rasps between kisses, his chest heaving. Jimin whines, sending Jungkook into a frenzy. He lifts Jimin onto his lap and attacks his nipples, nipping and sucking, licking and soothing. Jungkook pulls his face away and watches as Jimin’s face twists in discomfort. He shifts, reaching up to kiss Jimin’s lips again. “Your lips.” mwah “They’re like marshmallows.” mwah “Soft.” mwah “So sweet.”
Jungkook’s hands slowly start to undo Jimin’s pants, exposing the top of his briefs. He dips a finger into the band, testing Jimin’s willingness. Then continues with his honey-laced words. “Your voice,” mwah, “Enchanting.” Mwah, “Your skin, supple and silky.” Jimin rises on his knees, allowing Jungkook to pull his pants down over his peachy bottom, then sits to the side to pull them all the way off.
“You next,” Jimin pleads, and Jungkook happily obliges, standing to remove his pants swiftly.
“Stand,” Jungkook demands, pulling Jimin into him. Jimin gasps as Jungkook pushes his tongue into Jimin’s mouth, grabbing fistfuls of ass. Jungkook’s hardened cock is outlined in his magenta briefs, resting against Jimin’s stomach.
“I c–can’t,” Jimin shakily lets out.
“I can,” Jungkook palms Jimin’s length, eliciting a whimper. “Your body,” mwah. “It’s so beautiful.” Mwah, “I need to feel you, all of you.” Mwah.
“When you say my name, it flows through my body like moonshine, electrifying every inch of my body,” Jungkook breathes as he lowers to his knees, leaving a trail of kisses along Jimin’s v-line. He pulls the briefs down Jimin’s ripped legs and frees his leaking cock. Jungkook’s tongue darts out against his lip piercing, the cool touch of metal chilling the tip of his hot tongue.
Jungkook reaches out and squeezes Jimin’s throbbing shaft, his own arousal pooling in his lower stomach. Jimin is powerless against Jungkook’s touch, paralyzed in anticipation. Jungkook brings his lips to Jimin’s cockhead and licks slowly, twirling his tongue around the top.
“More. Please, Jungkook.”
Jungkook smiles and licks a long stripe from Jimin’s balls to the foreskin, then places gentle kisses along the shaft. Jimin giggles, squirms under the tickle, and places his hands in Jungkook’s hair, pulling him off. Jungkook looks into Jimin’s eyes and opens his mouth wide, ready for his mouth to be stuffed. Jimin grips Jungkook’s hair tighter and pulls his eager mouth toward his leaking length. Jungkook slowly lowers his mouth, swallowing Jimin whole. Jimin gasps as the tip of his cock hits the back of Jungkook’s throat. His throat is tight and so warm.
“You take me so well,” Jimin says while petting Jungkook’s head. Jungkook’s nose is almost touching Jimin’s pubis, and his eyes are focused on Jimin’s. “So. Pretty,” Jimin praises while pushing his cock further down. Jungkook’s eyes well with tears before spilling down his cheeks, and Jimin wipes over his cheekbone before pulling out. A string of spit connecting Jungkook’s lips to Jimin’s cock.
“Jungkook, your mouth is…it’s sinful.”
Jungkook eagerly shoves Jimin’s cock back down his throat, bobbing his head up and down. He focuses on the tip while stroking his shaft, basking in the coos coming from Jimin. He sinks his mouth as far as he can, swallowing on the descent, and stares up at Jimin, who has his head tilted back. Jungkook moans at the visual as Jimin’s body shakes.
“I’m cum– Jungkook, I’m cumming.” Jungkook swallows every drop proudly. Jimin runs his thumb over Jungkook’s lips and then pulls at his chin for him to stand, crashing their lips and tongues together. Jungkook leads Jimin to his bedroom to seal their fate.
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Laying next to each other, hands caressing each other’s skin, Jungkook confesses, “I must admit, I’ve seen you a few times. But there was a feeling I’ve never had, and I was scared to approach you.”
“A feeling?”
“Like we were fated…kind of? The closer you were, the more attraction I felt. I feel so deeply connected with you right now; it’s hard to breathe. If this is our first and last time together, I’m happy.”
As Jungkook finishes speaking, Jimin writhes in pain, stronger than he’s felt before. They both assume it’s the poison igniting through his veins. He curls into a fetal position, exposing his back to Jungkook. Jungkook quickly sits up and places his hand on him, trying to soothe Jimin’s pain as tears stream down his cheeks, wishing he could do more for him. Jimin stops and gasps for air, inhaling deeply and then coughing.
“Jimin! Your flowers!”
“Yeah, they—”
“No! They-- they’re disappearing!”
“What?!” Jimin rolls onto his stomach so that Jungkook can get a better view.
“They’re fading, but—” Jungkook watches as the watermelon-pink centers fade into the salmon-colored edges until they are completely gone, something else appearing and occupying the place.
“But what?!” Jimin doesn’t understand. The poison should be killing him, but instead, he’s floaty, a type of high that has him on cloud nine.
“Tiger lilies…”
“Jungkook! Please--”
“My flower…it—it’s replacing the azaleas.” Jungkook’s hands trace over the tiger lilies appearing on Jimin’s back, like magic before his eyes. As each pink flower vanishes, a bright orange one blossoms.
“Replacing? Like…like…”
“Like I—I’m an anti-stamen?” Jungkook whispers, not completely sure if he understands it all fully.
“Anti-stamen. So, you cured me?” Jimin sits up abruptly and feels a tingle along his hip. He looks and watches as a bouquet of snow-white flowers with sunny yellow centers blooms along his hip bone. When an anti-stamen cures a poisoned calyx, the healed becomes a stamen. “You cured me!”
Jimin tightly hugs Jungkook as they cry in each other’s arms and succumb to their fate. Jimin feels their hearts beating together, adding to the joyous event of two calyx souls being joined as one.
🖤thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed! 🖤
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ask-serendipity-sky · 10 months
“Who the 'very least think he's gay' lol he can be bi or pan. One day he can dump Jimin and go for a girl. You will never know”
Anon, he is PARK MF JIMIN. He can get any guy or girl with one snap of his finger. Wth is wrong with these ppl, always portraying Jimin as if he should be grateful if JK deems to date him 🙄
Like please, have you looked at Jimin. He has the looks, the personality and the best freaking heart. Anyone would consider them lucky to have Jimin in their lives let alone be his partner.
Please stop thinking as if JK is the biggest catch of the century and he can dump Jimin whenever he wants. As if Jimin can’t dump him. These ppl annoy me so much. Jimin deserves to he loved and cherished because he is a freaking awesome human being. He is no one’s charity case. Gtfoh
Thank you.
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merigoldaround · 6 months
Feeling kind of loveless
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friends to lovers
it's a tiny thing (1,7k words)
Jungkook's night out takes a surprising turn.
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When they said the baby star candy was jealous of Taemin i was like hum no, why would he?like no. I thought jimin was putty in Jk hands. Than come Taemin through the door and jimin is a giggling blushing mess. I too would be Jealous of him cause why on earth. Taemin you can’t be beautiful and sexy and make jimin feel beautiful, praising him and lifting him and screaming about him whenever. Taemin
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If Jungkook would still have his way and would do wlives like before in the middle of the night or at the crack of dawn, I bet he would have tried to summon Jimin with all his powers. He wouldn't channel his energy into being jealous over Taemin, but into getting his Jiminie hyung into his bed. One way or another, no matter what, whatever it takes.
P.S. the Key meme 😂 I'll save that for later
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