#june soft layouts
jaexiyu · 2 months
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⠀ ⠀ ꒰ঌ in case your up late, don’t wait ໒꒱⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ @yeritos
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myminazinha · 25 days
◜ ཐིཋྀ ◝ June e Rutricha ( atrizes ) locks .
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chaey2k · 1 year
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   🚲  ﹒   ⁺   ◌   ◍   ♡
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haeriinwjns · 7 months
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      ꈍᵕꈍ 🐾  ◠  ♡
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      ꈍᵕꈍ 👜  ◠  ♡
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if i want it, i got it 🤭🤭
have "that b!tch" mentality bc u are the "it person" everyone wants to be !! now own it and keep on pampering urself bc u deserve it.
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won4ver · 2 months
✈︎ a cherry for my cherry
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“you’re sweeter than cherry” - sweeter than drugs, april june
pairing : bf!jake x fem!reader
warnings + genre : suggestive. kissing. lowercase intended.
wc : 0.87
a/n : haven’t posted in a while… i finally found time to write (it’s literally passed midnight, only free time i have i swear) anyways i know i literally just released another fic about cherries but jake literally gives cherry? like imo if he were a fruit he’d def be a cherry (maybe sunghoon too? but he gives more like blackberry or coconut) also i’m trying a new layout(ish?) adding the divider after a few sentences rather than before.
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growing up jake was never a fan of cherries.
“is it yummy?” jake cooed at you, his eyes never strayed away from the cherry tucked between your lips, his imagination never ending.
he didn’t wait for your reply before he responded for you, grabbing your chin and forcing your head to nod up and down.
“well, i think that it would only taste so much sweeter from your lips” his fingers gently pressed on your cheeks, forcing your lips open with a quiet pop.
he delicately pulled it out from between your teeth, his breath catching in his chest as he watched the colour smudge across your lips, painting you red with his desires.
he leaned his lower body against yours, his leg parting your legs even further. his chain gently rocked against your chest as his heap swooped down, his lips connecting with yours.
jake groaned into you as the nectar met his taste buds, his eyes squeezing closed tighter as his movements fastened. his lips sucked yours, a messy kiss as he attempted to steal all leftover juice from your mouth.
the second he no longer tasted the fruit on your lips he pulled away, his lips swollen as his cheeks flushed the same colour of the cherry.
“or maybe your skin” he looked at the marks littering your chest, some a little too faded for his liking. a quiet gasp left your lips as the cold sensation spread down your neck, stopping as it reached a familiar spot on your neck. jake’s favourite spot to mark you.
jake’s breathing audibly fastened as the cherry’s colour transferred onto your skin. the colour contrasting, almost highlighting your faded purple spot.
“it’s so pretty” your lower body throbbed at your boyfriend's purr, your need for him only growing as the seconds passed. you felt him everywhere, everywhere except for the place you longed for him the most.
“please” you didn’t know exactly what you were begging for, but jake seemed to understand perfectly.
your body arched into his chest as his lips attached to your neck, the cherry held between two of his fingers as his lips sucked a third mark.
a soft sigh of approval left his lips, the vibrations spreading across your body. “i was right” he trailed off, lifting the cherry back onto your skin, dragging it to the right.
“you taste-“ his tongue followed the red trail, lips ghosting across your skin until he reached the next fading spot, “-so good”
a soft moan left your lips as jake gently nipped at the spot he just finished remarking, his lips pulling into a mischievous grin at your addicting reaction.
jake made a whole show of slightly pulling away, removing his lower body from yours. his eyes meet yours as he moves to straddle you, his knees pressing against your hips as he lowers himself onto the top of your thighs.
He maintained eye contact as he raised the cherry near his face, barely opening his mouth as he pressed the cherry against his lips. both your arousal and confusion grew as jake just rested the bitten part of the cherry against his lips, making no move to eat it.
the juice began dripping down his bottom lip, red streaks staining his skin as it travelled down at a constant slow speed. jake still did nothing but sit there, the cherry against his lips as he stared down at you with an unfamiliar look.
your jaw dropped as he finally reacted, his tongue gently poking out to lick a small part of it, his nose scrunching up in disdain.
he pulled the fruit away in disgust, his eyes teasingly squinting at you. “it doesn’t taste good unless it comes from you” he broke your staring contest as he looked down at your buttoned lace blouse, head slightly tilting to the side as he pretended to think.
“and i'd hate to ruin such a pretty shirt” he fake pouted at you, acting as if he’s disappointed. “i guess i’ll just have to remove it”
he placed the stem between his teeth, using one hand to undo the buttons, and the other to push your hair out of your face.
you went to aid jake with removing your blouse but froze on the spot the moment a tsk left his mouth. he only had to shake his head once before you relaxed your body, head resting against his pillow as you allowed him to unclothe you.
your shift was soon discarded on the ground, a garment that will soon be used as a reminder of what jake did to you.
“that’s better, isn’t it?” a sly smirk kissed his lips as the cherry returned to his hands, hovering over your neck hii la
for a moment before he changed its route.
“now i can touch you anywhere” you nearly flinched as the fruit touched your navel, a new blushed path beginning.
“a cherry for my cherry” his hot breath blew against your sensitive skin, goosebumps sprouting along your arms. “only mine”
your head flew back as his lips once again pressed against you. only this time, he knew exactly where this next path would lead.
but now, he’s never loved them more.
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entomolog-t · 8 months
Bite Me - Chapter 10
What is this? Highschool musical?
June stress cleans, and Aedes stresses.
Pumped out another promptober prompt!! Glipse
Taglist: @smallsday @ratcatcher0325 @not-a-space-alien @bittykimmy13 @naive-bias
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Previous Chapter : Chapter 9
Next Chapter: Chapter 11
Word count: 2520
CW: Mentions of blood, Adult language, mild depictions of anxiety
As if a passenger in her own mind, June watches her actions playing out before her as her mind hums, buzzing with thoughts of the night- thoughts of Aedes. The shock of realization, the way he moved both too fast and too rigid. She remembers his voice, silky smooth and deep- how it cracked as he begged her to stop. She grimaces as she remembers the fear so clear on his face- and how deeply she desired it. 
As her hands numbly move from task to task her thoughts seem to ebb and flow- at times, however briefly, placated by the monotony of cleaning. At first it was easy- she made her bed, picked up discarded clothing, and straightened the various contents of her desk. Yet, as her room became more and more tidy, she became desperate to find more tasks to occupy her mind. 
She rearranged her plants, switching their positions from her desk to the shelves to the window sill. 
Play with me, my human
She optimized the layout of her room, moving her laundry basket right beside her dresser to keep things thematically consistent- to find a logical flow. Or so she told herself. There had to be some reason- some excuse to think about anything other than him. 
Indulge your delusion
His words seemed to echo in her mind and June found herself craving more stimulating tasks to busy herself- to quiet her mind. To quiet him. 
So she continued on. The guitar should go near the desk, not the stand mirror.  The rug looks better at the side of the bed, not the foot of it.  Maybe the bed should face the other way? 
June sighs. 
This was getting ridiculous. 
Looking at the space in front of her, her room was as meticulously kept as it had ever been. Immaculate by her standards, and yet the thoughts of him persisted. Her lips drew into a tight line. How could they not? Everything about the night was so far beyond her realm of normalcy she hadn’t even initially believed it herself. 
Even now she found herself full of questions and doubts. The reality she was apparently living in felt inconsistent with the reality she’d always known. Why was he so small? How could vampires exist- what even constituted a vampire? Was he immortal? Or was he just some guy who drank blood? Two lines of thought thrashed against one another, competing for her attention. Logic, alight with curiosity, demanded answers, while the more empathetic part of her wanted a conclusion- needed an apology to be heard, a way to show him she was sorry.
Each question seemed to compete for her attention, growing louder and more desperate as she shoved them to the back of her mind while simultaneously shoving book after book back into her bookcase. Though she meandered about in silence her thoughts were loud. Unbelievably so- as if they were drowning out all actual sound. Her mind was loud- but she could be louder. 
A song, gentle and familiar, starts to form on her tongue. 
I fall to pieces
Each time I see you again
The notes felt smooth in a way it was hard to describe. Smooth in a way that seemed to soften the sharpness in her mind, as if the softness of the song could dull the edge of her emotions. The melody a soothing balm on her agitated mind. 
I fall to pieces
How can I be just your friend?
The tangle of thoughts that constricted around her mind seemed to relax, coming undone as though the song pulled just the right thread to untangle the mass, pulling the thoughts further and further from her, as if sending them floating away on her melody. 
You want me to act like we've never kissed
And yet, for as placating as it was… something felt off. June couldn't shake the thought that something was amiss- an unsettling undercurrent lingered just beneath the shallow tranquility of the song. A particular unease seemed to creep at the edges of her mind. Not a foreboding dread, but instead something lighter, almost like deja vu, as if it was something she should have known- The feeling of forgetting something but not being sure what; The feeling of pulling a loose thread only to unravel a crucial stitch…
You want me to forget 
Pretend we've never met
As she sang she felt as thoughts, abstract and formless, seemed to shift in the back of her mind. As if the words of her song had breathed life into something dormant lurking in her subconscious. The words were familiar, yet not, taking on an enigmatic allure-  as if they held secrets she ought to have known. With each lyric that escaped her lips, a subtle transformation occurred, as though the music itself was a conduit, channeling something she felt compelled piece together. 
And I've tried and I've tried
But I haven't yet
Movement out of the corner of her eye catches June’s gaze
All at once, her heart stops and the gears that were futility catching finally seem to clunk into place. Aedes… he hadn’t left.
You walk by and I fall to pieces
I fall to pieces
The lyrics became a prophecy to unfold, as June falls to pieces. The words barely register in her mind, her lips numbly singing the words as her eyes stay locked on him for the longest second of her life. Something in her feels as though it crumbles. She’d sung the song countless times, and yet it was as if she’d never known it. The words seemed to resonate in more than just her chest. Her very being shaking under the resonance, it was as if she’d unlocked a new understanding- a whole new song. The words hadn’t changed, neither did the notes. It was something in her. 
June looks away, feigning that she was looking at something just near enough, but not him. Heart beating wildly in her chest she desperately fought to keep her face as neutral as possible. How could she bring herself to look at him after all that she'd done…
He… he was still here…
He hadn’t left…
June felt a lightness in her chest. Like a flower pushing up through the concrete, a small fragment of hope seemed to bloom from within her. 
Should she- 
No. She dismissed the idea before it could fully form. She’d done enough damage. 
But maybe she could make it right if she just- 
June chews her lip.
Just what was she supposed to do? Just waltz up and say ‘Hey I’m really sorry for scaring you- it's just that you being terrified really turned me on and I kinda thought you were into it’ ??
Embarrassment hot on her face, June flops to her bed, wishing she could just scream into her pillow, but the awareness that she had company forced her to keep some sort of decorum. Instead she reaches for her nightstand, pulling out the relic that was her childhood mp3 player. 
God, she wanted to make this right. 
He hadn’t left yet… maybe she still could. 
Aedes' heart seems to jump in his chest as for the briefest of moments he is once again trapped in her stare- captive in her overwhelming gaze. 
Or… not? 
She moves on, still singing that enchanting melody. 
He releases a breath, his body all at once relaxing. She hadn’t seen him. 
Slowly, he backs away. He’d been stupid. He’d nearly gotten himself caught, and for what? To watch some natural disaster of a woman sing? He sighed, making his way back to the far corner beneath the dresser. 
He could have sworn they’d locked eyes… 
A part of him, as terrified as he was, almost wished they had.
Her song finishes, fading off into a melodious hum as he hears her settle on her bed.
Something felt off-
No, not felt- sounded.
While his spike of bloodlust had abated for now, his ears could still pick up the faint sound of her heart beating in the distance.
It was fast.
Far too fast for someone laying down.
She had seen him hadn't she? But she hadn't said a thing- she hadn't even made a move in his direction…
Was she just waiting for her chance- wanting to catch him off guard? 
He scowled. That didn't make sense. He was cornered. If she wanted to catch him she absolutely could.
The sound of her movement makes him jolt- nearly thwacking his head off the low cover of the dresser. He watches with his heart in his throat as she pads away from the bed and towards her closet, rummaging around in boxes she had moments ago neatly stacked away. His eyes follow her as she moves to sit at her desk- back to him. 
He swallowed. 
She wasn’t acting like it but he couldn’t shake the suspicion she had seen him. He frowned, not fond of staying in the spot where she had glimpsed him. He needed a better spot, and thankfully he had quite literally been delivered one. The freshly placed laundry bin perfectly covered the once bare space between the dresser and standing mirror. Carefully, Aedes made his way out from underneath the dresser, squeezing himself between the wicker laundry bin and the wall. 
She continued to sit at her desk, idling fiddling with something. 
Aedes frowns. 
While entering the window and getting to the bed had been a quick and easy drop, the same couldn’t be said for the way back up. With no headboard to the bed Aedes found himself eyeing her desk as the only means to scale back up the window sill. 
With her back still turned, Aedes darts from the laundry bin to the mirror- peaking back to see the human still occupied at her desk. She hummed softly to herself as she sat hunched over something, her scale and his relative angle completely obscuring whatever it was that had her focus. 
Aedes sighed. Whatever it was that she was doing, he didn’t get the impression she’d be moving on anytime soon. He let him slump back against a large potted plant that sat decoratively beside the mirror. The cool ceramic felt nice against his skin. He felt his body once again start to relax, the sudden heaviness of exhaustion finally hitting him, as if he only now was bearing his full weight. 
Once again, he was back to waiting. 
Waiting for her to open the window.
Waiting for her to leave the room. 
Waiting to get away. 
The sun cast the room in a smothering warmth. Cozy, yet too much. Her hum droned on in the distance, with the occasional odd sound of her fiddling at her desk. Even in this relative calmness, the light of day was still so busy. Aedes found himself longing for the night- a cool breeze and fresh air. Peace and tranquility and freedom. He couldn’t wait to leave. To feel the crunch of dirt under his boots. The tall grass providing cover as he searched for something to feed on. A dark sky above him, stars bright and clear- the compelling song of a heart beat singing in his ears even more clear- Crystalline. A soft wordless melody filling him with vigor- resonating in his chest. The blood, sweet on his tongue, filling him with a hazy warmth. A cozy warmth. Enveloped in soft hands. Lips on his stomach. Her inaudible whispers hushed against his chest. What was she saying? He couldn’t hear her over the sound of her heart beating. Thunder in ears. So loud he could feel it- a vibration shaking him. The floor trembled beneath him
The… floor?
Aedes jolts awake.
His breath catching in his throat as her steps shake the floor. Fuck. 
He scrambles to his feet, peaking around from the cover of the plant.
There she was, in all her magnitude, walking straight towards the dresser. His throat tightened as she knelt down. 
She had seen him. 
Was she looking for him?
He held his breath, heart slamming against his chest as his body tensed, preparing to run the second she turned her attention his way. 
Only- she didn’t. 
She knelt for only a moment, and then moved on- standing up and exiting the room, a soft hum fading into the distance as she left. She hadn’t reached under the dresser, hadn’t even looked. Aedes felt as his brows knit together. She had left something. A small vaguely rectangular shape sat just beneath the dresser. 
He swallowed. There was no denying it. She had seen him. She knew he was here. 
So just what was she doing?
His eyes flicked from the strange rectangle back to the door. She had left. the air around him felt lighter. More crisp, as if the tension of her presence left some kind of haze. His relief however, was short lived, as he attention was brought back to the window- still closed. 
She wasn’t even here and he was still trapped. 
He drags his hands along the length of his face, frustration building. Think. There had to be something he could do in the meantime- someway he could move himself closer to escape. 
His eyes flicked back to the rectangle- curiosity gnawing at his focus. 
His eyes, adjusted to the daylight in the room, couldn’t quite make out what she’d left under the dresser with it obscured in the heavy contrast of shadow. The whole thing felt off, like a trick or some sort of trap, yet off in the distance he could still hear her, however faintly, humming to herself. 
Aedes scowls, eyes narrowing as he tentatively moves back toward the dresser, ready to sprint away in a second notice should he hear her return. 
Drawing closer, he makes out more details; black, soft edges, folds. Aedes’ frown deepens. The more he saw, the less sure he was of what exactly he was looking at. 
Was it… fabric?
He nudges the folded fabric with his foot- nothing feeling amiss, though he wasn’t exactly sure what he was looking for.  
Aedes pauses for a moment, considering if he should touch it- the weight of the action sitting heavy in his mind. She had left this for him clearly, in taking this he was essentially confirming that he was here…
But there was no harm in looking, right?
As he lifts it up, the fabric unfurls, and for a moment, Aedes isn’t quite sure what exactly he’s looking at. He would have thought it a blanket if it wasn’t for the strange way it hung from his hands- stitched together at seemingly random points. He turns the fabric this way and that, trying to figure out how it was supposed to be oriented. His eyes fall to something pinning two points of the fabric together - a silver stud. 
Aedes blinks, some part of his mind seeming to recognize the shape.
His heart freezes in his chest as the familiarity dawns on him,recollection drawing his face into a deep scowl.
A cloak.
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cymbelinaa · 2 years
breeding stock (chapter 2)
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shoto todoroki x cow hybrid!fem reader
CONTAINS: smut, breeding (duh), daddy (used domestically), pussy pounding (teehee), hybrids, talks of past abuse, toys, lactation kink, shouto is like in his late 20, early 30s, loss of virginity, dacryphillia, master/pet dynamics, somno, oral (both reciev.) WARNING! This chapter is a little bit dubcon-ish. It’s very fluffy and sweet though.                      
CHAPTER: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
inspiration for this one goes to @/alani-r
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Shouto wasn't aware what you were doing right now, probably wandering around the house, but he wasn't worried about that currently. Right now, he wanted to figure out how to make you more.. comfortable. You had pushed away his advance to fuck you earlier, and he was currently fighting the urge to find you bend you over, but that's not very comforting. He understood that you had just gotten here, and it was a very sudden change.
After a while, he decided that the best course of action was paitence, and to let you feel a little more at home via gifts or just exploration. He had gotten you a pretty decorated bell that went around your neck, and would let you snuggle with him on his bed as long as you showered or didn't run around in the grass looking for butterflies in his garden. His bed was very soft, and you cried and whined at him whenever is was time to get up. After a week of being there, you felt alot more at home. You were able to get down the basic layout of the house now, so you no longer got lost. It was a very large house, and so you would wail for Shouto, so he could come find wherever you were. ... It was late into the evening now. You once again lay in Shouto's large garden tub, Shouto was also in the tub behind you, gently scrubbing away the mud on your shoulders, you were extra dirty after face planting face-first into the ground. You tripped over yourself after tried to snatch a pretty monarch butterfly. Shouto helped you with wiping the dirt of your face when he found you, but still got himself dirty in the process thanks to you swinging your muddy tail around. ... Once you were finally clean in the tub, thats when Shouto decided to advance. He pressed you back onto his chest, and placed his hand on the lower part of your stomach. You tilted your head to look at him, curious to see what he was doing. You shuddered slightly when he pressed his lips on your neck, right above your collarbone. You tensed when he started to suckle on your neck, so he used his other hand to caress your thigh, and lifted it upward to hand over the edge of the tub, he did the same with the other leg. Your legs were now draped over the tub, giving him access to your more intimate area. He stopped sucking on your neck and again placed his hand on your lower stomach, sliding down very slowly. He whispered in your ear when you started to whimper;"Shhh, I promise I'll take good care of you. Just relax for me."You started to melt in his hands, he's taken good care of you ever since you got here, so you should be able to trust him. You were just scared. Scared because of the things you witnessed back at that old barn. Looking at Shouto's different colored eyes makes everything numb, so you nodded at him. He softly smiled at you, and slid his hand ontop of your-                                                                      GOT YOU BITCH!! SAY CHEESE!!
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Sorry, I took you at a bad angle- anyway. I’m only halfway done with this chapter. The chapter will be finished by Friday 3:00pm EST. Im only posting it early is because I posted the first chapter in JUNE 20TH. Thats like almost 5 months. Im actually active and free now so Ill be actually posting on a healthy schedule. :) Enjoy this for now!!
TAGLIST: (feel free to ask in the comment section to be apart of taglist) @lazybean145​  @bakugosexplosionqueen​ @todosnow​ @pirinvxworld​ @coweringbear​ @xuuxp-12 @natkookiecat​ @maxzinn​ @hayatxlife​  @troubledwithlife. @kyukatsu​  @vaikiki. @downtoearthworm98​ @billyhargrovedeservestheworld​ @asunasimp. @emptybrain01 @stadares​ @zeida​ @craxy-gezel. @shotobaeee. @jammyys-stuff​ @katekat1864​ @hoe-biscus​
@todomorah​ @beansofskittles​ @lynn-is-sleeping.
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mariaofdoranelle · 1 year
Look at Us Now — Ch. 9
Fic masterlist
Look who’s back three days late! Thank y’all for your patience, I promise we’ll get back to our usual schedule this Thursday ❤️
I’m using @autumnbabylon’s prompt, and I’d also like to thank @renxzs for helping me with a few chapter titles (my translation was a huge mess)
Warnings: language, Fenrys (he’s on fire today)
Words: 5,7k (I’m never beating the irregular chapters allegations)
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Rowan hovered the spoon with chili sauce over the freshly-cut mangos as he wondered if he should pour it or not. Maybe he could put the sauce in a separate container, in case she reconsiders.
One month and a half being in charge of Aelin’s food wasn’t enough to prepare him for some of her cravings. This morning, she texted him asking for hot chili sauce along with her mango, and an onion.
He was still hoping she requested the onion because Aedion’s house ran out of ingredients.
His phone pinged on the counter.
Aelin: where r u
Aelin: im abt to climb on a tree and pick some rose apples
Snorting, he thought about how she made Aedion do that last week. It was June, which meant the Rose Apple trees spread across their military housing complex were bearing fruit, its smell enticing pregnant women’s senses.
Rowan: I’ll be right there.
One quick look at the clock made him rush the lunch boxes into the huge thermal bags. Every day, he prepped several meals and snacks for Aelin to eat throughout the day. Rowan only let her run out of full lunch boxes once, and her reaction was enough so he’d never let that happen again.
Earlier today, Aelin texted him a very cryptic message telling him to meet her at another address, a short walk from his place. Before leaving his house, Rowan didn’t recognize the pair of fancy sneakers beside Fenrys’ at the front door. At least they were quiet last night. He couldn’t think about that right now, Aelin was waiting for him.
Despite his current unease, the sound of children playing at the playground in front of his house made him smile. It was usual for a Saturday morning, and Rowan never gave much thought to it until he realized one day he’d have a little one squealing there too. The reminder sent a soft smile to his lips, feeling the kind of warmth he knew wasn’t due to Doranelle’s sun burning his skin.
Which led him back to Fenrys. Rowan never minded his friend’s parade of one-night stands, but he couldn’t think of raising a kid in this kind of environment. He noticed Aelin’s car parked in front of a white, bare house. He’d have to figure out this thing about Fenrys later.
The front door was open. Rowan knocked on the door, hovering over the threshold until he heard Aelin’s voice telling him to come in. This house has the same layout as his, but it was completely bare. No lighting, no furniture, just the smell of dust.
He found Aelin in the kitchen. Standing on a ladder, its hinges squeaked while she changed a light bulb. Rowan’s heart almost jumped out of his throat as he rushed her way. Careful enough to not startle her, he picked her up by the hips and placed her on the floor, not caring about her squeal of protest.
Aelin rubbed the area below her belly. “You can’t press over a pregnant woman’s bladder. It’s rude.”
“What the fuck were you doing?” Rowan had both hands on her shoulders, his breathing still fast.
“Changing the light bulb.” Aelin took a step back and opened her arms, grinning. “Welcome to my new house.”
“Huh.” Rowan looked around, taking in… nothing. The house had nothing. “When do you plan to move in?”
“I just did.”
Rowan’s eyes widened. “You did not.”
Aelin took him by the hand and started showing her arrangements. “I stole Aedion’s cooler and one old microwave Uncle Orlon had.” She led him to the master bathroom and showed one mattress and a suitcase on the floor. “I’ll sleep here until my furniture arrives next week. I bought it all online.”
Horrified, Rowan slowly shook his head. “You’re not.”
“Does Aedion know about this?”
She crossed her arms. “Why’s that important?”
“Aelin…” Rowan looked around, taking all the nothingness of the house in. “You’re not sleeping here. I can’t see one good reason for you to.”
She was glaring at him with a high chin, looking defiant from head to toe. Rowan had been doing everything he could to keep the easy friendship they built in the past weeks, but he couldn’t put his foot down on this.
“Well, it’s my house, and sleeping here won’t affect the baby, so you don’t get to say a word about it.” A pause. “Neither does Aedion, because if I look at him one more time, I swear to Mala, Rowan, I’m going to flip the fuck out.”
He flexed his jaw. “What did he do?”
“Everything!” Aelin flailed her arms around and started pacing around the room. “He’s so annoying! He making jokes about my cravings, and then he goes and steals a bite of my food, and then keeps suggesting ridiculous baby names.” She was finger-counting her cousin’s shenanigans, face reddening with each example of his teasing. “A few days ago, he said—“ Aelin stopped speaking to take a deep breath and look up, but her eyes were already wet. “He told me to name our daughter Wiggly Jiggly!” Her lips wobbled, and she looked away, hiding her teary face. “That’s such a horrible name.”
Oh, fuck. This wasn’t the first outburst of pregnancy hormones he witnessed, and Rowan was sure he’d never be ready for them.
He sat on the mattress and patted the spot beside him. “C’mere.”
Aelin obliged, laying down with her head on his lap, facing away from him. He just caressed her hair and let her be, knowing very well she didn’t like to cry in front of people, even if she couldn’t help it.
“For what it’s worth, I’d never let our daughter’s name be Wiggly Jiggly.”
She groaned. “You find this funny?”
“No,” he lied. It seemed to be all good-natured cousin teasing, but Rowan did a mental note to ask Aedion to tone down the name suggestions.
“Did I tell you he ate half of my mango yesterday?”
“That’s terrible.”
“He apologized when I started crying, but I haven't forgiven him yet. The apology mango he gave me wasn’t as juicy.”
Rowan snorted. “I have a very good mango supplier.”
She sniffed. “I know you do.”
Aelin’s puffy red nose was so adorable Rowan loved and hated it at the same time. He wanted to peck it with kisses because of how cute she looked, and then completely crush and destroy whatever threat made her cry.
“I have an idea.”
Aelin made a sound that was somewhere a hum and a purr. She was no better than a house cat when he ran his fingers through her hair like this.
“If you don’t want to live with Aedion anymore.” He trailed, pondering his words. “You can stay with me. Just until your house is ready,” Rowan quickly added the last part, before she could protest.
Aelin turned her body so she could lie facing him. Her eyes scanned his face, reading how much he meant it. “I don’t know…”
“I have a very comfortable guest room, but you can take mine if you want. Or my roommate’s, I can kick him out.” Aelin chuckled, eyes blissfully closed as he caressed her scalp. Rowan continued, “You can take a nap there, and when you wake up, we can discuss it over freshly baked cookies.”
Her lips morphed into a teasing smirk. “You’ve always been good at dirty talk, Ro.”
It should be illegal, the heat that flooded over Rowan’s body. Especially when they agreed their affair was over. Whenever he looked, scrambling his mind for a decent thought, his brain conjured the memory of Aelin’s flushed face and aroused looks.
He cleared his throat. “Is that a yes?”
“Let’s see how soft your bed is, Lieutenant.”
For Mala’s sake. Rowan let out a string of curses inside his head as he forced his gaze on the ceiling. She had to be doing this on purpose. Which reminded of the other menace he had to deal with.
Rowan: You have 3 minutes to get rid of your boy toy.
Fenrys: how do you know it’s a boy?
Rowan: The sneakers
He helped Aelin get up from the mattress, which was another reason she shouldn’t sleep here. It would kill her with back pain, considering her bump was bigger each day. He opened the chat again.
Rowan: Aelin may or may not spend the next few weeks in our place
Fenrys: nice
Fenrys: does it mean you’ll cook for me too?
Rowan: I already cook for you.
Fenrys: i know
Fenrys: but the pregnant lady stole my chef
When he rolled his eyes and pocketed his phone, Aelin was carefully studying him.
“I was letting Fenrys know you’re coming over.
“For the nap, right?”
He didn’t answer.
Aelin slowly shook her head. “I’m going to disturb your routine.”
Rowan squeezed her hand. “I don’t mind.”
“You’re being a big Buzzard right now, did you know that?”
Rowan tilted his head. “A what?”
Aelin tried to portray a serious look, but she was clamping her lips together, trying not to laugh. “A Buzzard. Because you’re hovering.”
After that, Rowan offered to drive her to his place, but Aelin refused, saying she was pregnant, not disabled. His only response was to chuckle and stay close to her during their short walk, in case she tripped or felt ill.
Rowan didn’t mind being called a Buzzard, as long as she didn’t mind that he acted like one.
As much as Maisie deserved the best of the best on her birthday, Rowan felt like this outrageously expensive condensed milk was laughing at his face. He didn’t even pay for it, his parents did, but it was a matter of principles.
From the other side of the kitchen counter, Rory barely acknowledged her son’s distressed state. “Being cheap doesn’t look cute, Rowan.”
“Cheap?” His voice came out a pitch higher than he intended. “I’m not cheap, I just do a cost-benefit analysis before buying something, and it still ends up being expensive. But your groceries weren’t expensive, they were outrageous.”
Rory pointed a finger at her son. “Your job is to parent Maisie and teach her to be responsible.” She pointed at herself. “My job is to spoil her rotten, and that includes baking her overpriced cakes.”
“And giving overpriced gifts,” Rowan murmured to himself while organizing his shelf.
“You’re still bitter about that?”
Rowan looked at his mom dead in the eye. “You could’ve bought her a toy. You could’ve bought her a princess costume.” A dramatic pause. “You bought her an acoustic drum set.”
“It was your dad’s idea.” Rory beamed. “She’ll love it.”
“I will never know peace again.”
“Is Sellene coming tomorrow?” His mother asked, changing the subject.
Rowan resumed putting groceries away. “Just for Skull’s Bay on Saturday.”
After tomorrow morning’s surprise, Maisie had something with Aelin at Orlon’s, and on the weekend they’d go to the pirate-themed restaurant every kid in Doranelle City loved.
“It’ll be just us and Aelin, then?”
“Just us.”
“And Aelin?”
Rowan gave her a hard look, and his mother’s shoulders dropped.
“I thought things were better between the two of you.”
He ran a hand through his hair as if it’s take the frustration out of his mind. Yes, they were communicating better. It only erased one of the problems they had. And to be fair, it’s much easier to look Aelin in the face when she’s shooting daggers at him than when she’s smiling because of something their daughter did. It made him feel more at ease with his choices.
“We’re fighting less, yes, but that doesn’t mean we’re friends.”
“You’re not friends yet, that’s alright. But is the birthday yours or Maisie’s?”
“What do you mean?”
“Because you just told me you didn’t invite Aelin because she’s not your friend, but this is not your party. She’s Maisie’s mom, Rowan, it doesn’t matter if you’re friends or not.”
“Well, Aelin’s throwing another party in the evening and didn’t invite me either.”
Rory shrugged. “I don’t care about the guest list for her party. In my parties, Aelin will always be a guest.”
He raised both eyebrows. “Your party?”
It was Maisie’s party at Rowan’s house.
“I’m making the food, which means I have a say about who gets invited.”
It didn’t, but his mother was impossible to argue with.
“Fine. I’ll text her when I’m done here.”
Rowan didn’t even mind Aelin’s presence there, it was just how they operated since last year. But they were better, and maybe he should have more initiative. Rowan scrubbed the flour container clean a lot more than he needed, thinking about this over and over.
“You know how I feel about this, son.” his mother turned to him from the other side of the kitchen.
His shoulders went rigid. “I know, could you not—“
“You should’ve married her.”
Rowan spilled flour all over the counter while opening the sack.
It wasn’t the first time his mother expressed her feelings about this, but they got fewer and far between as time passed. Going from encouraging him to propose while Aelin was pregnant to… this.
“We’re seeing a therapist after years apart. Can you imagine the shitshow we’d be if we were actually together?”
His mom had to understand this. If Rowan had been telling this to himself so much he had the words memorized, it had to make sense.
She didn’t seem to, though. “Every couple has fights, Rowan. It just needs to balance out with how much sex—“
Grimacing, he felt his upper arms quiver. “Could you not?”
”Alright.” Rory sighed. “I’m just saying you chose to have just the bad end of the deal. Apart from Maisie, that is.”
Fed up with this conversation, Rowan felt his pulse faster each second. He identified the anger he was feeling and repeated to himself that he would not snap at his mother over and over as he slowly wiped his hands on a cloth.
“I know you mean well, but I don’t like it when you tell me what I should’ve done,” Rowan explained in a carefully controlled tone. At that point, he had all of Yrene’s pdfs memorized. “It makes me feel…”
“You can talk to me,” Rory insisted when silence stretched, lips pursed as she looked too concerned for his liking. “How does that make you feel?”
Resentful. Frustrated. Hurt. There was no point in admitting that, though. The worst part is that no matter how much Rowan forced his face to look neutral, his mother still read him like a book. He drew out a long breath. “I need to pick Maisie up from school.”
The kitchen couldn’t be more silent after that.
Turns out shoving his feelings down his throat was just what Rowan needed to go on with his day. His phone pinged around an hour past Maisie’s bedtime, and he already knew who it was.
Aelin: she’s still up??
Rowan: She’s too excited
Rowan: The first party I’ll be throwing for myself, *if* she falls asleep.
Aelin: lol lmk when i can come
Since they planned two separate celebrations before inviting each other, Maisie was now having two parties on the same day with both parents.
A small smile made its way into Rowan’s lips as he watched Maisie babbling in her kitten pajamas about her birthday tomorrow. She barely noticed he was using his phone, and if his little girl even suspected what was happening soon, her chances of falling asleep would be ruined.
Rowan: You don’t need to, I’ve got this
Aelin: stop fussing
Aelin: and text me when she’s out
“…I also like my birthday because I don’t have to brush teeth.”
Rowan crossed his arms. “Who told you that?”
“Mommy!” Maisie’s voice was more high-pitched than normal, and she looked a little too eager for his response, wearing a maniac smile. His daughter was such a bad liar, and Rowan hoped that never changed. At least not before teen years. She tapped the side of her head. “I have it in my rememberys.”
Rowan felt the warmth in his chest and refused to correct this mispronunciation. They got rarer each year, and he was enjoying the remains of this phase before it stayed just in his rememberys.
“Come on, Mais.” He kissed her forehead. “The sooner you fall asleep, the sooner your birthday will be here.”
She didn’t only close her eyes, but squished her eyelids together as if it’d make her fall asleep faster. “Maybe I can turn 7 and not 5 when I wake up.”
Rowan snorted. “That’s not how birthdays work.”
“But I want to be older than Charlie!”
After a lot of wrangling and lavender sleep spray on her pillow and reading books about hippos and answering that no, tomorrow isn’t Mrs. Hippo’s birthday as well, Maisie’s tiredness finally overthrew her birthday euphoria.
Rowan: She’s asleep.
Aelin: k. i’ll be there in 5
As carefully as he could, he removed himself from Maisie’s strong hold and went to the guest bedroom.
Rowan knocked on the door, even if it was open. “Everything alright there? She’s asleep.”
His parents let out a collective sigh, as if they were the ones fighting Maisie’s frenzy with their lives.
“Finally!” Rory whisper-yelled while getting up from the bed. She tapped on Rowan’s shoulders at the threshold. ”Time to do some baking.”
As loud as his mother could be sometimes, at least she understood that this preparation needed to be as silent as possible. If his daughter wakes up and sees what they’re up to… for Mala’s sake, he doesn't even want to think about it.
Crouching, his dad dragged a huge suitcase from under the bed and opened to reveal the new bane of Rowan’s existence.
Maisie’s acoustic drum set.
Rowan’s eyes widened. “Buying her drums wasn’t enough, you got one kit so big it needed its own suitcase.”
His dad was smiling so much at that thing it showed off every crinkle around his eyes. ”Nothing more than what our Maisy Daisy deserves. And it’s pink!”
Rowan crossed his arms, feeling a little torn. As much as he hated the idea of leaving a very active kid with the loudest, messiest musical instrument of them all, it could be overwhelming when his parents and Maisie were together. Rory and Owen were the kind of doting grandparents Maisie deserves, and it warmed his heart to see how much his little girl was loved.
A notification from his phone snapped Rowan out of his thoughts.
Aelin: where r u??????
He frowned at his phone, confused.
Rowan: At home?
Aelin: GREAT. could you pls answer the front door????
Cursing under his breath, he quickly dismissed himself to get the door.
“Don’t worry about me, son! Sellene sent the link on how to assemble this.”
“Of course she did,” Rowan called over his shoulder from the hall.
Rowan’s heartbeat was a little quicker than he intended while fumbling with the door handle. He didn’t want to upset Aelin tonight, but
“Gods, Rowan, I was knocking for ages!”
“Sorry,” he apologized, but then frowned. “Why didn’t you ring the doorbell?”
Aelin crossed her arms. “And wake up Maisie?”
He grimaced. Their daughter didn’t wake up that easily, but he was actually glad she didn’t take the risk.
“Sorry.” He scratched the back of his head. “Mom’s cooking, Dad’s assembling her drums, I’ll do the decoration.”
She blinked, eyes widened. “I’m sorry, drums?”
“Yes.” Rowan mimicked playing with drumsticks with the dullest face possible, to portray how unhappy he was with it. “Drums.”
“Dear Mala, this—“ Aelin cackled into her palm, shoulders trembling as she tried not to be loud. “You are so fucked,” she wheezed.
He squinted his eyes at her amusement, arms crossed. “Are you done?”
Of course she’d find this funny. The drum set was too big to fit into Maisie’s backpack when Rowan dropped her off at Aelin’s house.
“Alright, alright.” She raised both hands in surrender. “I can’t cook, and I’m not a percussion girlie. What do we’ve got?”
She was carefully silent the whole time Rowan showed his decoration plans.
“You got…” Aelin wrinkled her nose. ”Orange, pink, red and green balloons?”
“Maisie likes those colors!”
“But this is a terrible palette!” She complained, waving a hand at the packs of balloons displayed on the table, but then something about his face made her stop. “As much as I appreciate your efforts, I…” from Aelin’s furrowed brows, Rowan knew she was trying to mentally fit her unkind words into Yrene’s Guide On How To Communicate With Kindness. “I’m not a fan of the color scheme you chose. I think we can do better for Maisie.”
“Alright.” Rowan’s posture relaxed. “I’m listening.”
Rowan still didn’t know how to feel about this new technique. They were always saying how much they acknowledged each other’s efforts and feelings and respectfully disagreed. Sometimes, it made his interactions with Aelin feel too robotic, unnatural. It gave him a weird hollow feeling to see the two of them like this, but it was for the best. They were doing the best they could for Maisie.
After some explanations Rowan didn’t pay much attention to, Aelin decided the pink and orange balloons went better with the number 5 rose gold balloon he bought, and it was settled.
She rubbed her hands together. “Where’s the balloon thingy?”
“The what?”
Aelin gestured with her hands, but he could only understand a small, squared shape. “That thing we use to fill the balloons.”
Rowan tilted his head. “Our lungs?”
“Boo! Boring!” Aelin protested, but she was smirking at him.
He sat on the couch with the pink pack of balloons and tossed the orange one at her. “Come on, I’d like to get more than three hours of sleep tonight.”
They fell into a comfortable silence after that, lungs too busy to speak, being interrupted only when Aelin groaned about the smell of food coming from the kitchen.
Her eyes were full of mischief. “Do you think your mom will let me take a bite?”
“Only after Maisie wakes up,” his mom warned from the kitchen’s threshold, pointing between the two of them with a dirty whisk. Then she aimed a soft grin at Aelin. “But I’m making those chocolate hazelnut cookies.”
She sagged back on the couch, eyes closed while wearing a small, blissful smile. “Your mom is the best.”
“Thanks, darlin’!” Rory called from the kitchen.
Aelin chuckled and turned to him. “Shall we get the tape?”
Rowan shook his head. “Nope, it’ll ruin the walls.”
“Really?” She had her arms crossed and brows raised. “Are you worried it’ll ruin Maisie’s drawings? Because it doesn’t look like you care about the paint.”
Completely ignoring Aelin’s taunt, he kneeled in front of her and tapped his shoulder. “Hop on.”
Aelin narrowed her eyes at him, but he didn’t miss the way the corner of her lip twitched. “This is terrible for your back.”
“You think I can’t take you?” Rowan wore a playful smile while watching Aelin’s blood rush into her cheeks. “Be careful, you’re about to bruise a man’s ego.”
Resigned, she carefully sat on his shoulders, cursing under her breath when he got up. When Aelin grabbed a fistful of his hair to support herself, Rowan’s body immediately tingled. It brought him back to another time when she’d yank his hair the same way, but he was quick to shrug it off. His memories were a menace.
“Okay…” holding Aelin’s legs, he kicked a balloon up and she caught it with the hand that wasn’t holding his hair. “Now rub it in my hair and put it on the ceiling.”
She was quiet for a second. “You want me to do what?”
He squeezed her calf for reassurance, since they couldn’t see each other’s faces. “I need you to make the balloon electrostatically charged enough to stick it to the ceiling.”
“And that’s better than tape?” He couldn’t see her face, but she didn’t sound happy.
“For Mala’s sake, Aelin, I’m an engineer! Just rub the damn thing in my hair.”
She kicked his torso with the heel of her foot. “Where are the manners Yrene taught you?”
“His mother too!” Rory called from the kitchen.
Rowan closed his eyes for a second, embracing his defeat. He was helpless when the women in his family ganged up on him. “Please.”
“Here we go.” Aelin did as he asked, and let out a squeal of delight when the balloon adhered to the ceiling. “It worked!”
“It had to. It’s a law of physics.”
She playfully kicked him again. “Killjoy.”
This was nice. The weight of Aelin on his shoulders didn’t even cause an itch, maybe because Rowan felt so much lighter right now he didn’t even notice the extra weight on his back. Just like he didn’t notice time running, only realizing how late it was when his parents went to the living room to say goodbye.
After they finished decorating the ceiling, Aelin started on the wall while he rested on the couch for a few minutes. As much as the orthopedist beside him disagreed, there’s no running from back pain after 30. In fact, at this point in his life, if Rowan didn’t wake up in some sort of physical pain, that’d probably mean he’s dead.
“What’re you doing?” He asked her as she grabbed the pack of green balloons, after they made a half-wall of pink flowers.
She filled a small one and placed it on the corner of one balloon flower. “A leaf! You wanted more green.”
That gave him a faint, very tired smile. Rowan barely remembered their disagreement earlier about which colors they were using, but apparently she did.
She sat on the couch next to him after adding a few more leaves to the flower wall. “I can help you with your old man's back pain if you keep teaching me cool Physics tricks. How about that?”
He snorted. “That’s basic high school Physics.”
Aelin rolled her eyes. “Of course you were the nerd.”
“And you weren’t?”
“Nope. Too cool for that.“ Aelin tried to conceal a distant look on her face as she reminisced, ”I was hot and depressed. Had bigger things going on than physics.”
Rowan stared at her, wide-eyed. “How did you get into med school without studying?”
She shrugged. “I guess I’m just that awesome.”
The TV’s remote control was right by her side, so Aelin turned it on Netflix. He didn’t feel like watching TV yet, though. Rowan didn’t miss the part about her being depressed during her teenage years, especially how she tried to laugh it off. The same way she downplayed her going to therapy weeks ago.
“So…” Rowan cleared his throat. “How are you now? With the… Yrene stuff.”
Her eyebrows drew together. “We’re doing better, right? At least that’s the impression I got from the last few weeks.”
Now that he was paying more attention, he realized Aelin sometimes talked about family while answering his questions about her. Rowan didn’t know if this was intentional, so he didn’t pressure her to correct her answer, but he didn’t like it either.
“I think so too.”
“And now that we don’t fight as much and I don’t spend half of my time being angry at you, I realized I have all this energy I can focus on something else.”
“Like what?”
He glanced at Aelin from the corner of his eye. She looked calm, relaxed. Maybe she didn’t lie to him about the reason she was seeing a therapist. Maybe Rowan was just being a worrywart and worrying about things he shouldn’t.
“I’m reading more, but sometimes I think about getting back into playing the piano too.” She paused, biting the inside of her cheek. “And sometimes I think maybe Maisie could use some siblings.”
“You’re pregnant?” Rowan blurted, completely ruining the mood they were in.
“What?” She jerked at the couch, staring at him. “Why would you think that?”
“You just brought babies up!”
Why in hell was Rowan’s heartbeat so fast?
“Gods, no.” She sighed, relaxing again. “I just get pensive around Maisie’s birthdays, that’s all.”
That definitely wasn’t all. Considering having more kids just because one turned five isn’t a thing. Rowan felt his chest burn and tighten. It felt wrong to have his family fixed just so she could finally grow another, but maybe not in Aelin’s head. Maybe he was naive to think just him and Maisie would be enough for her.
Sensing something was wrong with him, she pressed play on a half-watched show on his TV. Good. His eyelids were starting to drop, but he was a trained military man. He could survive under the hardest conditions, especially exhaustion.
Rowan woke up with Fenrys Moonbeam slapping the side of his head. He was laying on the couch with his legs intertwined with Aelin’s, who apparently fell asleep with her head on the other end.
Turns out his friend crashed into his daughter’s birthday breakfast because he assumed there’d be food, but everyone just shrugged it off as Fenrys being Fenrys and went on with the party.
As predicted, Maisie was a little bubble of excitement. Rowan had no idea what kind of bribery his parents would do to take her to school after that, or why they insisted on doing it in the first place.
It was all nice and easy, but the second Fenrys got him alone in the car, the questions started.
“Did a bug bite your ass on that old couch?”
Rowan had his eyes narrowed at his friend. “What do you mean?”
“You’re too stiff for your daughter’s birthday. Spill.”
He grimaced, hoping Maisie didn’t notice that. There was one thing going on inside his head today, but Rowan decided to give Fenrys some other answer. “Did you see my parent’s present? I’ll never enjoy silence again.”
Fenrys clicked his tongue, shaking his head as he turned off the radio. “When Maisie pisses you off by being a little hellion, you do that thing where you’re making pissy faces while trying not to smile. Now you’re just full pissy.”
Rowan’s shoulders slumped, and she ignored the hollowness inside his chest as he recalled part of his conversation with Aelin last night. He was probably going to regret sharing this, but it was done now.
“She definitely wasn’t just thinking about it. She’s on the hunt.”
Rowan tilted his head. “The hunt?”
“Listen, man, Aelin’s different. The way she’s lighter when she talks, you can’t fake that shit.” Fenrys was counting on his fingers with one hand the same way they’d do on a mission, before becoming drill instructors. “She’s happier. Each year, her ovaries only get closer to the shrinking age or whatever. She’s on the hunt. She wants Mr. Right, and she wants him now.”
Rowan faked a bored look now that his friend could look at him during the red light. “Go on. Without the ovaries part, please.”
It was so frustrating how easily he engaged in Fenrys’ nonsense. But if he did, it must hold some truth, right?
“We need to avoid The Sam Mess from happening again.” Fenrys’ voice was so serious Rowan could barely believe it came out of his friend’s mouth.
He rolled his eyes. “It wasn’t a mess. She didn’t- green light!” Rowan winced when the car harshly took off. There was a reason he didn’t let Maisie drive with Uncle Fen. “Aelin didn’t tell me about him, probably to avoid said mess.”
“Nope, I’m talking about you. You were a mess.”
“What’s your point?” Rowan was definitely going to snap at Fenrys if he mentioned Lieutenant Cortland again.
“My point?” His friend raised his hand in surrender and Rowan gripped the steering wheel to save them from a car crash. Fenrys immediately got back to it, cursing. “My point is to save my best friend from endless heartbreak.”
“Not an endless heartbreak, that ship sailed years ago.” A pause. Fuck, he was too curious to shut Fenrys out now. “But what do you mean?”
“It’s a complicated plan with many, many steps.” His friend gave him a look as if daring Rowan to disagree or find it funny. “But when the time comes, you’ll need to be fucking someone hotter than her.”
Rowan pinched the bridge of his nose. Like it was an easy task.
Over the years, he had a few flings. Real flings, not the kind where people move in and have children together, since Aelin insists on labeling what they had like this. But these affairs happened sporadically, and Rowan never considered turning any of them into something serious.
Showing up with some arm candy out of the blue just to spite Aelin sounded petty and desperate. There was no way Fenrys was talking him into it.
His friend continued, “Being hotter than her next boyfriend works too, but that’s harder to control.”
“You know, I’m almost regretting telling you this.“
“You have an advantage over Aelin—“
“If you’re trying to suggest I’m near as good-looking or interesting as her—“
“Not that.” Fenrys gave him a quick apologetic look. “But you’re a dude. Dudes are like taxi drivers.”
Rowan rolled his eyes. “Not one of your theories again.”
“Not mine. Sex and the City’s.” Fenrys raised a finger without taking his hands off the steering wheel. “We see someone there who looks like they won’t kill us, and they hop in. That’s how dudes work. Have you ever put your love life on hold because you were hoping to get the right person?”
Rowan refused to answer this question. “This is so sexist I can barely believe it’s coming out of a queer person’s mouth.”
“It’s Sex and the City wisdom, man. Those four chicks just know things.”
“So, basically…” Rowan sighed, weighing the absurdity of it all. “You’re telling me that being a slut will make me feel better about Aelin looking for a new family.”
“That’s the quick fix, yes. You should really talk to Lorcan too, though.” Fenrys glanced at him, smirking like the devil. “But in the meanwhile, I can even help you with a Tinder profile.”
You can get notifications when I update by either following me on @backtobl4ck-fics or entering my (sometimes glitchy) tag list!!
I couldn’t tag the people in bold, sorry!
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drewsbuzzcut · 4 months
I love their romance feels realistic for their age as well. Although I would love to have a blurb of them doing LDR when he’s in the NHL and she’s in Paris. Alternatively a day of them spending in an Paris
So I haven’t actually decided if Dallas will live in Paris or if she turns down the offer. For the sake of this request, we’ll say she’s in Paris for a little bit during Nick’s first year in the NHL
warnings: minor angst
Dallas makes her way up to her tiny apartment, coffee in one hand and a roll of fabric in the other. She struggles with slotting her key in the keyhole, the shrill ring of her phone making her nerves heighten. She knows who’s calling her and she shouldn’t be so annoyed by it, but she is.
“Yes?” She says into the phone that’s now between her cheek and shoulder, voice short and hard.
Between the stress of finishing her first 5 pieces of her collection and Nick’s schedule not coinciding with hers, Dallas feels like she’s hanging by a single, tattered thread.
“Woah. What’s wrong?” Nick asks. She doesn’t even have to see him to know his eyebrows are furrowed and he’s biting at his lip.
“What isn’t wrong? My deadline is nearing its end and I still have one piece to work on. My fabric choices aren’t vast, so I’m literally hauling myself into any and every fabric store to find what I need. Oh! And I can’t talk to you right now,” she huffs into the phone, finally pushing her door open.
Her lips part to allow oxygen into her lungs. Her hair that was neat an hour ago, is now all over the place. Strands pulled out from her hairstyle now lay over her forehead and get caught in her mouth as she talks.
“Babe, it’ll be okay. You’re a fashion genius, you’ll figure it out. But, what do you mean you can’t talk?” He tries to hype her up, but he’s a little lackluster because she can’t talk.
“I already told you, Nick. My schedule is strict. I was available for a phone call yesterday- one that you were available for as well, but then you said that something came up. You’re the one who canceled our call yesterday, so yeah, I can’t talk today,” Dallas snaps, a hand pressing into her forehead to prevent the headache she already feels from draining her completely.
“I’m sorry, okay? I had something important that I couldn’t just cancel, but surely you can take a little break,” he says, trying to keep calm.
“I take a break every time I step away from the damn sewing machine to look for fabric, or to eat for fucks sake. I can’t do this right now. I need to let you go,” she rants and clicks the red button on her phone.
She inhales and exhales deep breaths and lets her tears drip down her cheeks. She feels bad for snapping at him, but he can’t expect her to drop everything when he won’t. You get what you give.
She stomps through the tiny layout of her temporary home, flinging herself on her bed and dialing Nick’s number.
“Hey,” he whispers.
“I’m sorry. I’m so stressed. If I don’t get this last piece figured out, then all of this will just be a waste of time and money. Money I can’t afford to lose out on. I can’t even begin to fathom what the investors will tell other companies about my capabilities. It doesn’t help that I miss you every single second of the day. I wish I was with you. Why did I come to Paris?” Dallas rants, her tears evident in the way her breathing stalls and her soft sniffles.
“Baby, I love you. You’re my wife and my wife is amazing at what she does. You’re having trouble right now, but you’ll figure it out. Once you do, you’ll be unstoppable. This isn’t a waste and those investor assholes don’t have any room to talk badly about you. I miss you so much, June bug. We’re going to be okay, though. Only a month left until you come back to me, or I can go to you. We can spend a week or two and do all the things you were too busy to do,” Nick soothes her. It feels like she’s being kissed through the phone.
She misses him so much.
“Promise?” Her voice is scratchy, but Nick can hear the vulnerability.
“I promise.”
“I love you, Nicky. Tell me about your day. Maybe I can spark up some up inspiration,” she allows herself one moment of peace, listening to her husband’s voice.
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morkofday · 5 months
Every month of 2023 ✨
Post your most popular and/or favorite edit/gifset for each month (it’s okay to skip months!)
thank you so much for tagging me zey [x] @smileytharn, mj [x] @forcebook, jessi [x] @daymork, and antania [x] @raypakorn ♥ it was so lovely to look through all of your creations! you've all worked hard during the past year and i hope i get to see more creations from all of you throughout this year ^^
i'm collecting my creations for each month under the cut but let's look at some fun statistics at first! (inspired by antania's post ♥)
i created 68 edits
additionally, there were 5 photo collabs (jimmysea photoshoots)
and 4 text post meme posts (for last twilight)
the most edits i made in may (due to our skyy 2 episodes)
most of my edits were related to vice versa (13 in total)
the second most popular ones were bad buddy (8 edits) and last twilight (10 edits)
most of my edits were either lovely/warm or angsty
i got deep into episode edits this year
and also took inspiration from other than poetry and lyrics
thank you so much for being part of all this!
my most popular edit was this vegaspete set i made for @spicyvampire ♥ i actually like it a ton! but my personal favorite from this month is my bad buddy characters + the real 5 love languages set. i like the meme a ton and i loved how the set turned out (+ for me, it's super funny).
my most popular edit this month was the toddblack differences edit i made for @i-got-the-feels ♥ it was a very different type of edit and i'm very happy ppl liked it this much. personal favorite is this jimmy(sea) set for the varitda mv he/they appeared in. i loved the aesthetic of the mv and i feel like i captured that very well.
the most popular edit in march was my akkayan + one direction piece dedicated to @fitfmybeloved ♥ i think i need to make something else with a similar style sometime. my favorites would be the puen & talay's top 10 outfits edits which technically happened in february and march. i had a ton of fun with them and i honestly adore looking at the results.
my birthday month! the most popular creation was my beyond evil edit which was interesting to make according to @nongnaos's request ♥ i had never edited this show (or any kdrama) before and i also struggled a bit with figuring out the layout. it's a very simple set but felt fitting. my favorite this month would be this puentalay set made for you antania ♥ it took a lot of time, especially all the coloring, but it was worth every second! (special mention for my sea bday set which i still cannot believe the bday boy actually saw and liked on twt ;; i love him so much!)
i think it's very deserved that my most popular edit in may was this puentalay one for my our skyy 2 episode edits series. it's for the first vice versa episode and tbh also my personal favorite out of all those episode edits i made ^^ the coloring just worked super well there. my true favorite of the month was the pran's life anthem edit i made for @pransobrave ♥
as is fitting for pride month, my most popular edit and also my personal favorite was my our skyy 2 couples edit where i tried to describe all of their different loves through the colors of a rainbow. it was a lot of fun to do!
the most popular edit this month was the pran set i made for @punpunsutatta ♥ i had a lot of fun with this one bc i got to try some new things with it. personal faves and my peak as an editor (in my own opinion) were the two puentalay edits i made this month. this sam smith song inspired one i made for you zey ♥ i adore the layout and the colors, it makes me think about vintage images and letters. and this other one was born bc the quote haunted me. i love the pink in it a lot, it's so soft.
for august, i felt like i was making a ton of things even if i didn't have the energy or the time. in reality, i didn't make that many but i made a couple of very big sets. one of them and the most popular one this month was my winteam set made for @jimmysea ♥ making it took some research and then i had to go through the episodes a little while i searched for the fitting scenes. personal favorite was this akktheo set bc it turned out looking very cute. i think it captures their feeling as a couple and their story well. special mention for my jimmy bday set bc i poured my heart into it ♥ i love this man so much (and i currently wish he is fine and gets well soon, he's apparently in the hospital ;;)
things got hectic in september as i started my internship and had to travel around a lot. i was too tired to do much else but work and study and watch dramas without any brain. that's why i only made two edits. my most popular set was my last request edit for my event. it was patpran with the lyrics from ford arun's song come closer and made for @celestial-sapphicss ♥ i love the colors in this so much. personal favorite, only barely, is still my puentalay + 8 types of love set. i had a blast making it as a kind of collab with @dimpledpran who made the patpran version!
made only two edits (or well, one cut into two parts) in october too due to being very busy and tired. they were quite big tho bc i used a long while gathering material for them. it was its own type of research project when i wrote down all the times puentalay told each other 'i love you' without saying those exact words to each other. i struggled with the layout too as mimi can probably remember :'D but i love these sets a lot so they're both my favorite and most popular ♥
finally in november last twilight came to save all of us and so it's no wonder i created a lot for that during this month :'D i honestly wished to make more but i was still mostly busy with my internship and with starting my thesis. my most popular one was this last twilight trailer edit. i think it was fun to kind of make it similar to my mock trailer edit all that time ago. my personal favorite is the mork + linkin park edit that probably caters to only myself lol. am honestly obsessed with each song mentioned in this bc i can see it with mork so well. it was a relief to get that one out.
haven't really had the time to dive as deep into last twilight and make as many edits for it as i'd wanted due to using most of december to catch up on sleep and all the studying i couldn't do during my internship, but hopefully now i'll have more time to devastate yall ♥ the most popular post was this last twilight + random tweets thing and my personal favorite is the only morkday quote edit i've managed so far. i love the colors and the whole concept to bits, and cannot wait to make more ^^
thank you if you read this far! i'm not sure who hasn't been tagged yet bc i'm a bit late with this one but if you have done this already, you can always send it my way! i almost demand you do. i love appreciating all your art ♥
tagging: @dimpledpran @jimmysea @moonkhao @chinzillas @khaotunqs @pranink @dengswei @taeminie @psychic-waffles (i'd love to see your art!) @yilinglaozu @eohachu @difanghua @mooninagust @namchyoon ♥
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Neon Hearts - Chapter One
This is just a teaser to see if anyone would be interested. I've had this story rolling around in my head for a while and now I am giving it a go.
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Eddie Munson x Oc Reader Story Summary: In 1996, Hollywood's "it girl," Lettie, moves in next door to rockstar Eddie Munson. After discovering her cheating ex, Lettie finds solace in Eddie's unexpected kindness. As their bond deepens, they navigate fame, love, and personal demons, discovering unexpected connections and a shared journey of healing. Warning: Infidelity, emotional abuse, toxic relationships, trauma, drinking, smoking. No use of y/n. Warning will be chapter-to-chapter based.
Chapter One - The Meet
June 15, 1996 The air crackled with tension as Lettie stood in the dimly lit living room, her fists clenched at her sides as she confronted her soon-to-be ex-boyfriend, Craig. The weight of his betrayal hung heavy in the air, a bitter taste lingering on her tongue as she struggled to contain the storm of emotions raging within her. "You lying bastard!" she spat, her voice laced with venom as she glared at him with tear-filled eyes. "How could you do this to me?" Craig's expression remained infuriatingly calm, his handsome features twisted into a smirk of indifference as he shrugged nonchalantly. "It was just a mistake, babe," he replied, his voice dripping with insincerity.  "You know I love you. It won't happen again." But Lettie wasn't buying it—not for a second. She had heard the whispers, seen the knowing glances exchanged between his friends and even some of her own. And now, confronted with the undeniable truth, she refused to let him gaslight her into believing his lies anymore.  He had already made her look like a fool.
"You expect me to believe that?" she scoffed, her voice rising in disbelief. "You've been cheating on me for nine months, Craig! With multiple women!" His smirk faltered for a moment, replaced by a flash of irritation as he took a step forward, invading her personal space with a menacing glare. "So what if I did?" he shot back, his tone turning vulgar as he lashed out with cutting words. "You're gonna leave me? And what? Find someone else who will put up with your shit" He was towering over her now. "Who even wants a broken person like you, huh? You'll burn out and become a nobody D-list actress that everyone will forget!" “Fuck you!”  Bathed in the soft glow of his porch lights, Eddie's attention had been pulled from the guitar in his hand to his neighbor, whom he still had yet to meet since returning from tour. He couldn’t hear much of the conversation, just a few words here and there spoken loudly in anger in what he could only assume was her kitchen if her layout was any similar to his own home. He listened as her voice rose, as she confronted the man before her. Eddie’s guitar was long forgotten on the bench next to him. "I'd rather be a nobody and alone than be with someone like you!" she spat, her voice trembling with anger as she seized a nearby vase of flowers—flowers he ironically sent her just the other day with a note professing his love, hurling it across the room with a resounding crash that echoed through the very open windows. Eddie jumped from his spot at the sound. “Get the fuck out!” Her voice carried once more, her fury palpable. “I don’t want to see you-” her voice cut off as Eddie watched the man whose back was to him; Craig cautiously approached the woman, hands raised like he was approaching a timid wild animal. He couldn’t hear what the man was saying but it was clear it did the opposite of whatever Craig was hoping for. He watched as the woman took a step back and slapped the man clean across the face, the echo almost as loud as the shattering glass. She followed it up by pulling what Eddie assumed was a ring off her finger and throwing it at him. “I said GET OUT!”  Eddie couldn’t help but keep watching, Normally, he was the one confronted by a raging woman, accusing him of infidelity. It was a strange relief to be on the outside looking in for once. “Go back to whatever slut you’re fucking this week!” Eddie winced at the revelation, that detail not having reached his ears on the breeze. Perhaps Craig deserved that slap. He lost sight of them as they moved through the house, a few moments later he heard a “Go!” followed by a door slam. Not long after, a screeching car could be heard speeding away before his neighbor reappeared in his line of sight.  He lit a cigarette, observing her staring at the spot where the vase had landed. He briefly considered offering to help clean up the mess but hesitated, not wanting her to realize he had overheard their tumultuous encounter. Instead, he turned back to his quiet night. His guitar beckoned him away from the window, diverting his attention from the somewhat voyeuristic act of watching his neighbor tidy up the debris.
Just a teaser so please let me know what you think!
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k1ll3rh0rr0r · 3 months
Uhm I saw a need for kappa requests. Bro. I need the most mond bottling toe curling smut for male reader
oh hell yeah, i can finally use an idea i’ve been thinking about for the past 3 hours😎
incorporating my hometown into a fic. sadly don’t live there anymore.
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𝓑𝓸𝓷𝓷𝓲𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓒𝓵𝔂𝓭𝓮
kappa x male!reader
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mdni, nsfw below the cut
warnings; reader is a literal psychopath which is fair because kappa is too, masochism/sadism, dom/sub undertones, degradation + praise, dom!reader because why not.
tag list; @iiheartsai
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It was sunny that day, June 12th 1969. Warm as can be. It was unusually muggy than what you were used to, as Kappa insisted to drive down to good old Louisiana to find more of his ‘special ones,’ his followers called themselves that at least. It’s just kind of catchy to say, Kappa would say whenever you’d ask.
Driving down an interstate known as I-10, heading away from New Orleans and towards Baton Rouge, you had to drive over the Bonnet-Carre Spillway. Kappa seemed to know where he was going, you thought to yourself. Which was weird, you never would have guessed he knew the small town you were in this well.
“What town’re we in again? ‘Lay-pause’?” You asked, feet on the dash. Kappa burst out laughing as you pronounced the town’s name.
“Doll, it’s pronounced ‘Luh-Plass’. I own a small place down here.” The raven-haired man explained, turning on to the off-ramp to actually enter this small town.
LaPlace was in a parish known as St. John the Baptist, a population of only 18,439 people throughout the 229 square mile providence.
Driving down the off-ramp, the pair made a right, proceeding to drive until they hit an old gravel road. There were sudden sounds of cicadas, Kappa quickly started to roll up his window on the van. You, not noticing, kept the window down. Too busy admiring the view of the swamps to notice why your partner rolled his window up.
Suddenly, giant cricket-like creatures tried jumping in through the window. Freaking out, you quickly rolled it up as Kappa laughed his ass off. “Why the fuck didn’t you warn me?”
“It’s not my fault you didn’t roll up the window when you heard the chirping.”
“Yeah, well you knew!” You huffed, folding your arms. Then it caught your eye.
There was a small cabin overviewing the lake that you had just driven over, Kappa said it was Lake Ponchatrain. You looked at the sign under the stop sign, “Peavine Road”
“Weird ass fuckin’ name for a road,” you muttered with a snicker. The both of you quickly pulled into the driveway, Kappa seemingly happy. He usually was, or at least, had a facade of happiness. But this seemed genuine. Snapping out of your thoughts, Kappa had exited the van and was opening the door for you to get out. “Thanks,”
“No problem, Doll. I unlocked the door while you were in La-La land.” He smiled softly, lifting your hand to his mouth and pressing a soft kiss to your knuckles. You exited the vehicle and grabbed your backpack out of the back, turning to walk inside of this seemingly nice lake house.
You stepped in, setting your bag on the floor. It seemed you had entered through the kitchen door. It was a nice little house, but looked like it hadn’t been touched in nearly 30 years, as photographs dating back to 1940 hung on the walls. Walking into the living room, there was a baby picture on the wall. It hit you like a brick, this was the home that you’d been born in.
You were only able to recognize this as the house because of the living room layout. It struck you as odd, you remember when the house caught fire when you were five. You looked at Kappa, who was standing behind you, furrowing your brows.
“After you told me about it I did some research,” Kappa began. “I wanted you to feel at home. With me.” The blue-eyed man smiled softly, tears welling up in your eyes.
“Kap, I’d always feel at home when I’m with you, wherever we are.” You muttered, your lover placing his hands on your waist as he approached.
“I know, Sugar. Just thought you’d feel more at home here.” He hummed, pressing his lips to yours.
It was a soft, sweet kiss that quickly turned heated; teeth clashing against teeth. Kappa pushed you back on to the couch, straddling your lap. He could still taste the stale whiskey on your breath from the night before, it drove him wild.
Within moments, you had Kappa pinned under you as he rutted his hips against your own, the friction driving you both wild. You unbuttoned his pants, his hard cock now free and throbbing. With a smirk, you sat up. “Why don’t you help me out here, huh, Kap?”
Kappa sat up as far as he could, his eyes glossed over as he fiddled with the button on your jeans. After a minute or two, he manages to get your own cock free from the confines of pants.
You sat back, pulling the cult leader to your lap and spit on your hand to lube yourself and Kappa up, making sure it wouldn’t hurt too bad at first.
Guiding him by his hips, he rode you slowly; grunts and whines escaping his throat like a symphony. “Good boy, takin’ me so well.” You praised.
Kappa reached a hand down to take himself in his fist, nearing an orgasm already. You yourself were feeling the coil tighten in your stomach. “Damn, Kap, since when are you this quiet? Not talkin’ back for once?” You teased.
“Shut up and let me cum, asshole.”
“Hm, I guess I could. Then again, you’re being a dick.”
“You’re the one who wanted me to!” Smack. You got him with enough force to not actually bring any harm to him, but it shut him up.
“If you’re gonna be a smartass, I can just finish myself off and make you sit there with a hard on for the rest of the night.” You grunted. Kappa replied with a quiet ‘yes, Sir’ at some point, his eyes rolling back as you hit his prostate.
“Fuck, Kap- Can’t hold it, cum with me.” You panted. With a cry, Kappa painted both of your stomachs with his seed, you filling him up at almost the same time with a moan.
He collapsed against your chest as you both sought to catch your breath. “There better be a round 2.”
“Catch your breath, Babe. We’ll be here all night.”
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asnowfern · 1 year
Why Do My Gods Look Just Like You?
Summary: Turns out, the statue that Mor has been confiding to isn’t just a statue. Emorie. Modern AU.
Read on AO3
A/N: This has been bouncing around my head for a while and June seems like a good time to finally write it🌈🌈🌈
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The night was quiet as Mor sneaked a final glance at the distracted guard, slipping past the counter. She easily navigated through the familiar layout of the exhibition entrenched in darkness, breathing out a shaky sigh of relief as she exited out of the building's back exit. Her lips automatically pulled up into a smile as she spied the white stone statues peeking through the gardens behind the pasty yellow Victorian buildings. 
Her head swivelled left and right to look out for any patrolling museum personnel as she quietly ran towards the trees, reaching her destination without any hiccups. 
She looked up at the three statues, identified via the small rusty gold plaques at the bottom. The Valkyries from ancient Pyrthian myth. 
Gwyn of Song
Nesta of Flame
Emerie of Flight
She passed the first two statues, silently admiring the beauty carved out of stone. She eventually landed on Emerie. Because it was always Emerie that Mor was drawn to, like a moth to a flame. 
Emerie of Flight. Her face was turned away to look in the distance as her wings spread, ready to take flight. Mor would stare longingly, wishing for her own set of wings that could lift her up and out of her life. Away from her family's impossible expectations and controlling nature. Being the daughter of the governor meant that she was constantly scrutinised. From her grades and after school club activities to trivial nonsense like her appearance and her dating life. 
It was the thought of the latter of the two that had Mor sighing once more as she crumbled downwards and hugged her knees on the ground. 
"I told him," she said in the barest of whispers, "I told him I'm not marrying Vanserra."
She looked up into the fierce determined face of the winged warrior, willing the courage of the famed Valkyries to flow into her as she confessed the words that she never dared to voice out, not even to herself, "Because… I like girls and it might crush me to marry him." 
The words seemingly bounced around the statues and settled into the leaves and branches of the nearby trees. 
Because there it was. The truth she denied herself for so long. 
"I like girls," she whispered again, slightly louder this time, relishing in her newfound honesty. 
She breathed in deeply, a small incredulous laugh bubbled out in the exhale. 
It was like she could breathe.
She felt free.
"Is that so?" Asked a teasing voice that was so angelic, so lilting. 
Mor snapped her eyes open. When did she even close them?
"Wha-" the word remained incomplete, stuck in her throat as she registered the ethereal belle before her. 
Her brown skin glowed gently in the moonlight as luscious ebony locks swept into a simple braid rested against her chest. Her wings flexed outwards before tucking in behind her, drawing attention to the leathered armour that hugged every dip and curve of her body. Mor wondered dimly if they were comfortable.
"So is that so?" She questioned again as playful brown eyes twinkled at her. 
"So what?" Mor felt her face flushed slightly as the words escaped her. 
Emerie tilted her head slightly, "That you like girls"
"Yes," she breathed, still amazed at how natural it felt.
A smile enveloped the Valkyrie's face and Mor thought she had never seen a more beautiful vision in her life, "Good."
Mor stood up numbly, slightly trembling hands reached out on their own accord, pausing a mere inch before the brunette's face. 
Are you real?
A soft warm hand covered hers and closed the narrow gap between them. The blonde gasped softly, relishing the feel of the soft skin. Even in the dim light of the night, she could see the specks of gold dancing within the deep brown pupils of Emerie's eyes. 
"Have you been listening the entire time?" She whispered, afraid that anything louder would break the spell cast over them, "All those nights too?" 
Emerie's playful expression melted into a softer, tender one, "I've been here the whole time." 
Mor's face lit up. Somehow, the knowledge that she was never alone with her struggles lightened a weight inside. She impulsively tugged Emerie's hand downwards, holding it in a firm clasp by the side of her waist.
"Let's go!" She exclaimed and pulled her Illyrian angel with her, jogging towards the museum.
Emerie snorted but let herself get dragged away, "Where are we going?" 
"Anywhere!" Mor shouted, her face still split in a white smile. 
She froze as Emerie circled one arm around her waist, holding her tightly. Mor looked back with wide eyes, her heart hammering away wildly.
"I have a better idea," Emerie told her, her eyes glittering with mischief, "Fancy a flight?" 
Brown eyes met brown eyes as the agreement slipped out of her lips. Without another second, Emerie's grip on Mor tightened and they took off into the sky. 
Mor opened her mouth but no sound escaped, cut off as she got lost in a myriad of sensations. The wind in her hair, the cool air against her face, the light mist that gathered at her fingertips as she ran them through the clouds. Beneath them, Hewn City got smaller and smaller, dissolving into nothing more than dots of lights. 
Mor giggled as the exhilaration built up, turning the giggle into a joyful laugh. Beside her, Emerie grinned widely, "Let's take it up a notch."
The blonde yelped as the Illyrian dived them into a near freefall before launching into a series of loops. The shock quickly turned into elation. 
Eventually, Emerie landed them on top of the Moonstone Manor, the both of them perched precariously on the sloped roof. Just above the window of Mor's room.
"Thank you," Mor said breathlessly, her chest still heaving from the thrill of the flight. 
Emerie replied with a smile so tender that her heart skipped a beat. She leaned in, her eyes asking the question her mouth wasn't ready to voice. 
With a soft puff of air, Emerie closed the gap between them, pressing soft lips together in a kiss so light and gentle. Mor sighed, sucking on the bottom lip and swiping a tentative tongue. She felt the brunette's smile before hands entangled in blonde tresses and pulled her in closer. Lips parted in an exchange of tongue and teeth. 
If Mor had accidentally found herself in heaven, she knew that she never wanted to leave. 
When they broke apart for air, their foreheads pressed together, chest rising and falling in unison. Behind them, a sliver of gold peeked over the horizon, announcing the arrival of dawn.
"Get yourself out of here," Emerie said somberly, the words seemingly breaking the magical spell they've been under. 
Mor shook her head as the world swayed beneath, her body swaying with it. "No," she protested weakly, "What's happening?" 
"Velaris, Mor" 
Emerie's voice bubbled from a distance as an unimaginable weight bore down on her eyelids, forcing them shut. "Go to Velaris."
The next time Mor opened her eyes, she was back in her bed. She rolled back on her back, faded visions of flying and kissing literally the woman of her dreams flashed across her mind. 
She held onto them as she grabbed for her phone and dialled a familiar number, "Rhys, it's Mor. Wake up. I need a favour." 
Mor stepped out of the train and onto the crowded platform. Almost immediately, a rushing commuter rammed into her causing her to fall back a few steps. Horror streaked through her as she felt her back roughly hit a soft surface. Warm fingers wrapped around her shoulders to steady her. Mor turned, her apology poised and ready. 
"I'm sor-"
The words died at her lips as her breath hitched. The ambient noise of the train station faded to the background, overtaken by thundering heartbeats. 
The wings might be gone, the leathered armour replaced with a black leather jacket, graphic tee and jeans. But there was no mistaking the Cupid's lip, the high cheekbones and glowing brown eyes. 
"Hello, Mor. You made it."
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mythaura-blog · 1 year
Development Update - December 2022
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Happy New Year, folks! Miyazaki here with our December 2022 update. We take a look at everything Mythaura accomplished in 2022 as well as what we’re going to be working toward in 2023.
Key points covered:
2022 Year in Review
Beast Design Contest Winners
Quarter 3 (2022) Concepts
Ko-fi Shop: Q2 Companions/Glamours
Ko-fi Sponsored Items
New artist introduction
Beast Creator Demo update
Coming in 2023
More info available under the cut!
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2022 Year in Review
2022 was a big year for Mythaura! From the change of ownership in May to the newest addition to our team hired in December not a month went by without something new happening. Here’s a general recap of what the dev team got up to this year:
Koa and Sark became the new Mythaura owners in May
Completely new site server and layout
Fully rebuilt Beast Creator Demo & Breeding Predictor
Onboarded both new (Kymara, Miyazaki, Munke, Sashie) and existing (Luci) staff
Tint Special
50 new colors added to the color wheel
Ko-fi Sponsor system
Infrastructure and security upgrades
Gear, Glamorous, and Apparel
New NPCs
It was a productive year for us, and with some solid groundwork laid we’re really digging into the gameplay and story, and are excited to share more with you in 2023!
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Beast Design Conest Winners
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Thank you for all the great submissions to the Beast Design Contest! You all never cease to impress us with your creativity. For the December 2022 Beast Creator Contest we’ve got our three winners: KCDragons, Eclipsesalign, and Aina!
Our three winners will each have the rewards automatically applied to their accounts, and these three beasts will be featured on the homepage for Quarter 3 (January through March).
Keep an eye out for our next Beast Creator Contest–we’ll be gathering entries in March to display on our site for Quarter 4 (April through June).
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Quarter 3 (2023) Concepts
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It’s the first day of the new year and also the first day of Quarter 3 (2023), which means we’ve got new Quarterly Rewards for Sponsors to vote on on our Ko-fi page!
Quarter 3 features some popular concepts from past Quarters as well as some new additions. Which concepts would you like to see made into official site items? Sponsors of Bronze level or higher have a vote in deciding. Please check out the Companion post and the Glamour post on Ko-fi to cast your vote for the winning concepts!
Votes must be posted by January 31, 2023 at 11:59pm PDT in order to be considered.
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Ko-fi Shop: Q2 (2022) Companion and Glamours Available
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All Quarter 2 (2022) Rewards are now listed in our Ko-fi Shop for individual purchase for all Sponsor levels at $5 USD flat rate per unit. As a reminder, please remember that no more than 3 units of any given item can be purchased. If you purchase more than 3 units of any given item, your entire purchase will be refunded and you will need to place your order again, this time with no more than 3 units of any given item.
Hopefully in the future Ko-fi will offer the functionality to limit purchases per user, but for the time being we will be reviewing orders manually and reaching out to those who disregard these instructions.
Familiar: Wishing Tree Spirit
Glamour: Phantasmal Plasma
Glamour: Solid Gold Hippogriff
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Ko-fi Sponsored Items
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Necrophagic Talisman
Sponsored by: Alanna
Necrophages scour battlefields and cemeteries in search of trace magical energy from the dead. The consumed magic can be stored in this festering talisman, but comes at a cost to the wearer.
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Rosy Maple Llamoth
Sponsored by: Bug
A solitary creature, velvet-soft to the touch. It rubs its wings together to release a sleep-inducing spore on its would-be predators, then extracts their life essence to light its lantern.
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Flamebrush Boar
Sponsored by: Bug
The grass tendrils along its back flicker and sway like flames even without the presence of wind. Birds make home in the dense brush, eating ticks and fleas in exchange for shelter.
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Sponsored by: Alanna
Lily Twintail
A resilient two-tailed dragon. It inspects all lilies in its territory with equal care and attention, making it a prolific pollinator.
Lotus Twintail
A serene two-tailed dragon. During mating season these gifted swimmers make moonlit ponds glow with dancing blue lights.
Rose Twintail
A tempermental two-tailed dragon. Rose gardens are the sites of fierce territory disputes as these dragons claw, bite, and spit embers to attain dominance.
Sakura Twintail
A graceful two-tailed dragon. It entwines itself in the branches of sakura trees to keep hidden from the swarms of tourists visiting during the height of spring.
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Meteor Melon
Sponsored by: Kitty
A hard-skinned fruit that cannot be cultivated by traditional means. Patches of Meteor Melons sprout from the impact sites of fallen stars.
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Alpine Strawberry Ice Cream
Sponsored by: Bug
A delicacy crafted by Dragons from the alpine mires. Strawberries are a hardy fruit that can withstand the cold, and thus are commonly incorporated into Dragon cuisine.
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Introducing: Sashie
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This past month we welcomed a new artist to the team, Sashie (she/her)! She will be working on several different Mythaura projects, including bringing things to life with her professional animation experience.
Sashie is a huge bug fan: she loves entomology, finding bugs outside, and has pet tarantulas. We’re excited to have her on board!
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Beast Creator Demo Update
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The Beast Creator Demo has gotten a bit of an update!
When creating a Beast, users now have the option between either a solid color background or a Mythaura setting background (as of right now we have two: Spryhawk Mountains and Fledgling Forest; more to come in future updates). Users also have the option to have a drop shadow on their beast or not.
We hope that these changes will provide a more customizable Beast Creator Demo experience!
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Coming in 2023
We’ve taken a look at what we did in 2022, but how about what you can look forward to in 2023?
More Specials
Battle Demo (May 2023)
More NPCs
Astrology system & Mythaura lore
World map & starter town map
Exploration/Wild Areas
All that and more–we’re looking forward to sharing everything with you!
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Code Updates
All Mythaura items now have alt text
Color locking issue on Beast Creator Demo now fixed
Safari iPad issue on Sponsor page now fixed
Beta Keys now automatically set to recurring
Contact Us page/Support Ticket system created
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Thank You!
From all of us here at Mythaura: we wish you a very happy 2023! May this be a happy, healthy year for you. Thank you for coming along on our journey with us so far and for being such a supportive, engaged community. We appreciate you all!
See you around the Discord!
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btstwtarchive · 2 years
Welcome to the Archive!
This blog is dedicated to archiving and perserving bts_twt and bts_bighit. Here you will find a comprehensive log of BTS' twitter history. Posts are loaded into the queue to avoid overcrowding the dashboards of users who choose to follow the archive.
~Keep an eye on this space for updates~ 22-11-23: Began adding to the archive. 22-11-28: BTS_bighit has been fully backed-up. -Began adding direct links to tweets. 23-02-05: bts_bighit, june, and 2cool4skool directory links activated. 23-04-07: July link activated. 23-07-06: August Link activated. 23-07-06: The ask box has been opened. Please see information regarding the ask box at the bottom of this post. 23-08-13: ORUL82? directory link activated. 23-8-25: Layout changes, September & November directory links activated. First time with the archive? Please expand this post.
While the archive has a soft goal to gather as many translations as possible for the tweets, it's primary purpose is make BTS' history easy to access for as many ARMYs as possible; so you will find many untranslated tweets.
This archive is very image heavy, for the best experience it's recommended that you view it's contents through a larger screen (perferrably a computer).
In a browser the archive's directory can be found by tapping the navigation button. If you're viewing on the app/ default tumblr interface you can find the directory by clicking here.
How to read this Archive
Every post is tagged appropriately based on the year, date, approximate era and account it was posted on. Additionally every post is tagged based on it's contents (images, video, and misc), and whether the content is translated or untranslated.
Every tweet contains: -A screencap of the bts_twt tweet or thread at the top of the post, as the tweet looked in November of 2022. If there are multiple tweets in an image, the time and or dates of the tweets are in reverse chronological order from top to bottom (meaning the bottom tweet is the oldest in the picture). [NOTE: due to admin archiving error, the bts_bighit account's tweets from 2013 were not fully screencapped until August of 2023] -The date the tweet or threads were posted in KST (formated: YYMMDD) -The Korean text in the tweet or thread (marked [Text]) -Raw images or video that was posted in each tweet. So that the images are savable, and the video is viewable right here on the archive should twitter actually collapse. (ALT Image descriptions are available).
Where possible and to the best of this admin's ability, tweets may also contain: -The English translation of the text (marked [Trans]) and the translation source. -Contextual information about the content such as: identification of people in images or threads with the BTS members, reference information, content that is being linked in the original tweet, and background information relevant to the time the tweet was originally posted to BTS' accounts (marked ARMY NOTES)
The Ask Box -As of July of 2023 the asks has been opened here on the archive to allow communication between the ARMYs using/reading the archive and the admin. Please only use the ask box to notifiy the admin of the following:
A mistake in a post's text, tags or information (please provide a link to the tumblr post)
Missing archive information that needs to be added (please provide a link to the tumblr post and missing information if you can.)
Missing alt text for an image in a post (please provide a link to the tumblr post)
Broken links in a post (please provide a link to the tumblr post)
Broken videos in a post (please provide a link to the tumblr post)
If you are a translator and you would like your translations removed from this archive. (please be patient removal may take time. Admin will contact you via personal acct when removal is complete.)
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