#just one little chorus sirs please maybe
numbuh424 · 5 months
so like we know alessandro juliani can sing right..... what do we gotta do for a quick verse of the game begins/the way things are from him.........
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hazbinwhoree · 4 months
OMGGGG pleaseee i need a part 2 to Adam’s sinner 😩😩😩😩 Maybe it’s the next extermination and Adam protects his darling sinner from exterminators 👀👀
Maybe more smut if you’d like 🫣
Adam’s Sinner
Part 2/3 Part 3
A/N: As much as I would love to make it smutty, I have a lot of smut requests and I don’t want it to get repetitive so this piece is just hella fluffy. I hope you enjoy anyway xox
Adam didn’t really come up with a solution to keep his promise, rather he just used his status in Heaven to come and go as he pleased, and would sneak down to Hell once a month.
His mask had demonic features, which worked in his favor staying discrete in Hell. Not that he was out and about for long, he always went straight to (Name)’s house, but still.
A year passed, and their little system was working, and before they knew it, the next extermination was upon them. “Remember,” Adam said during his last visit before the extermination. “Lock down. Stay inside. Hide.” “I know.” He kissed her forehead.
The extermination was brutal, as it always was. Adam had about a hundred and six kills under his belt and was bragging about his last kill to Lute. Then he saw something that made his blood run cold.
(Name), running from one of his exterminators.
Lute noticed Adam’s face drop, looking like he’d seen a ghost. “Are you okay, sir?” Adam didn’t answer, instead rushing towards the alley his exterminator had chased (Name) into.
(Name) was on the ground, his exterminator’s foot on her chest. She raised her spear and (Name) closed her eyes. “HEY!” His exterminator, Danni, jumped, spear faltering. “Sir?”
“This one is mine,” Adam bit back his panic. “She fucked up one of my kills last year.”
“Oh. Sorry, sir, she’s all yours.” Danni flew off, chasing an sinner. Once she was out of sight, Adam rounded on (Name).
“What the FUCK are you doing out here? I told you to stay inside! You were almost fucking killed!”
“No, you know what, I don’t even want to fucking hear it.” Adam was seething from the scare she’d just given him. “Get your fucking ass home, right now, we will talk about this later.”
They both looked around to make sure no one was watching before they each departed, Adam back to the skies and (Name) back to her apartment. Adam paused his killing spree to make sure she got home safe from afar.
Later that night, when all the exterminators had returned to Heaven, Adam made his way to (Name)’s place.
“You want to tell me why you were out on the fucking streets during the damn extermination?”
(Name) looked embarassed. “My friend–”
“No friend is worth risking YOUR life. You fucking hear me?” (Name) couldn’t look at him, slightly intimidated. Adam sighed. “...Sorry.”
He pulled her into him and closed his wings around her. She wound her arms around his waist and buried her face in his chest. For a few minutes they just stood there, Adam reassuring himself that she was there and she was fine.
“Don’t do shit like that, tits, you scared the fuck out of me.” (Name) chuckled, Adam sounding much more like himself now. She took his hands in hers.
“I’m sorry. That was stupid of me.”
Adam scoffed. “Yeah it fuckin’ was. You’re lucky I love your dumbass.”
“You love me?”
Adam’s mind was a chorus of “shit shit shit”, but he owned it. “Yeah, what’s the big fucking deal?”
(Name) smiled and yanked him down to her level by the collar, pressing her lips to his. Adam melted into the kiss, his hands resting on her hips. After a long moment, they pulled apart.
“I love you too.”
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artists-ally · 21 days
{Fake It Like You Love Me} Azriel x Reader x Xaden Riorson x Cassian
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*slowly creeps up from the depths of hell* Heeeeeeeey, glad you guys remember I still exist 😭😭 First off, THANK YOU for 600 followers. That's insane and I don't deserve you all so thank you so fucking much. SECONDDDD, here is another part of my Fuck Away The Pain series!! Sorry this has taken me so long to do, but I think you for your patience. As always, let me know what you think and feel free to drop a request if you have any!!! Enjoy! Title and series inspired by this song.
Part 1: {Show Me Where It Hurts} Part 2: {Dirty Little Curse} these do not need to be read in order to be enjoyed!
Word Count: 7,630
Warnings: Smut. Like... an alarming amount of smut. ACOTAR x FOURTH WING, Dom/Sub, MMMF, use of the nicknames "pet" and "sir", oral (M and F receiving), pet play, degrading, praise kink, choking, spanking, cum eating, unprotected sex.
Tagging: @lees-chaotic-brain @thelov3lybookworm @needylilgal022 @librafairy @cyrygher @agent-anna @blessthepizzaman @bubybubsters @highladyofterrasen7 @annabethgranger123 @acourtofbatboydreams @thatacotargirl @berryzxx @throneofsmut
Summary: It is just after the legendary snowball fight. Azriel, Cassian, Rhys and Xaden are in the sauna while you, Mor, and Feyre are inside the cabin. Once Rhys leaves, it seems that there is a vacant spot that needs to be filled.
“So, explain this to me again?”
“Every year, they have a snowball fight. They just keep going and going and going until there’s a winner,” Feyre explains. “This is the first time you and Xaden are here so I think they’re taking it easy.”
From off to the side of the cabin, we hear a shout and then a chorus of laughter. 
“Maybe not,” Mor says, peeking out the window. “Cassian just decked Riorson in the face.”
I giggled, sipping my warm tea and curling my legs under myself. “Probably made fun of Cassian’s hair or something. Called him a wet dog.”
“You know damn well that animal will come in here and shake like one too.”
“And after the sauna? Yuck, it’s going to smell for ages in here,” Mor shakes her head.
“The sauna?”
Both of them stop dead in their tracks, exchanging a knowing glance. Feyre looks at me with a twisted smirk. “You don’t know about the sauna?”
“Should I be afraid?” 
“Definitely,” Mor grins, setting down her cup. “After they get done, they all go into the sauna together.”
“Naked?” I dare to ask.
“Terribly so,” Feyre adds. “A few years ago, on my first trip to the cabin, I got Rhys kicked out because… well, he just couldn’t stop thinking of me.”
I damn near choked. Then I burst out laughing. I can imagine it. Rhys, Azriel and Cassian sitting in the sauna together. It must be some sort of rule they have. If one of them gets a little too hot and bothered, they’re out. But the thought of them all in there, Azriel and Xaden sweating… does some pretty magical things to my brain.
And the space between my thighs.
“Gods you are just as bad as they are, Yn,” Mor fake gags, coming to sit next to me. “Don’t get too excited. None of us have ever been in, and none of us ever will.”
“Really? That’s kind of shocking, honestly.” There hasn’t been one exception? “I know Cassian is a bit of a…”
“Male whore?” Mor fills in the blank. It makes me giggle. 
“I don’t quite know everyone well enough to make those assumptions, but Cassian definitely gives off a certain… aura.”
“Oh please, he’d take it as a compliment,” Mor smiles, playing with some of my loose hair. “But no, not even him. Now, what I cannot believe is how you ended up with both Az and Riorson. That is truly a work of art.”
I can’t help the smile that blooms onto my face. “Some are just more blessed than others.”
Feyre barks a laugh, “I’ll say. You got lucky with those two, you know.”
“I know. We’re not like– together together, but they take very good care of me. I honestly kind of like it. It's all the best parts of a relationship without having to worry about if everyone is getting enough attention. They give me what I need, and I give them what they need.”
“Have you ever asked for more? To be in a real relationship?” Mor asks, curiosity getting the best of her. Feyre smacks her in the shoulder. “Ow!”
“Don’t be insensitive,” the High Lady reprimands. 
“Don’t be silly,” I wave them off. “I’ve thought about it, but I don’t think that’s what I want. Sure, being in love is great and all, but why complicate it? We work flawlessly together right now, why change? If either of them brings it up, I’ll be open to the idea. But for right now I’m thriving. They are far too generous anyway. They constantly bring me gifts or invite me out to dinner. They’re doing enough for me. Far more than enough.” “Not to mention the world's best sex,” Mor wiggled her eyebrows at me. “What’s it like with the two of them? Are the rumors of the Illyrian true? What about Xaden, is he packing too? Gods I bet he is, isn’t he? Now, I am the last Fae in Prythian who’d want to be taken by two males, but… for the both of them? I might reconsider. Tell me, does Az-”
“Cauldron boil me,” Feyre sighs. “I’m getting a drink.”
“Ooh! Will you bring me-”
“No,” Feyre scolds, heading into the kitchen.
“Crony bitch.”
“I heard that!” Feyre shouts from the other room. 
Mor and I share a laugh, snuggling in close together. “This is so fun.”
“Isn’t it?” Mor says, “You’re always welcome back, Yn. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen Az so relaxed. He looks… happy. And I can’t vouch for Riorson but he looks like he needs this too.”
“Yeah it’s been a stressful couple weeks for Xaden. There was a huge issue in his homeland and he nearly lost his life. His dragon is bonded to someone else in his squad, and her dragon almost died. It was scary. I’m just glad he’s okay. On the flight up here he was giving me all his strategies on how he was going to win.” There’s a loud cackle from outside and the sound of bodies running into each other. I looked over the back of the couch, seeing Xaden at the bottom of the pile, snow being shoveled into his face. “Guess they didn’t work so well.”
“They’re probably done now,” Mor explains.
“Sauna time?”
“Sauna time.”
The door opens and the four males clamber in, shaking snow from their hair and clothes. 
“I’m gonna get you back for that Rhys,” Xaden grins, evil intent behind those onyx eyes. 
“I’d like to see you try. Hey Mor, hi Yn. Where’s Feyre?” Rhys pats the top of Mor’s head, offering me a kind smile. 
“In the kitchen!” She calls, the High Lord following the sound of her voice. 
Cassian makes a b-line for the couch, shaking his head like a mutt. Mor squeals, I just shut my eyes and take the damage. When I open them, he snickers and sits on the floor, sighing loudly. “And that makes 181 wins for yours truly.”
“Then he must have cheated,” Mor gags, wiping off Cassian’s grime with the bottom of her shirt. “For fucks sake Cass you stink.”
“I’m a hard working male,” he begs to differ.
“Only thing you’re working is gonna be my foot in your ass,” Mor chides, standing up. “I’m going to shower, I smell like a dog.”
“You wish you smelled as good as me. Sorry to catch you in the crossfire, Yn.”
“It’s all good,” I smile, rubbing the few drops I got off on my sleeve. 
But the look on Xaden’s face when he comes to sit next to me reflects anything but. He’s got a scowl directed at Cassian, but he makes quick work of masking it, planting a kiss on my cheek. A moment later, Azriel does the same thing. 
“Should you be sitting on the couch?” I ask. Xaden’s hair a soaking wet mess, his clothes more the same. 
“Trust me,” Azriel chimes in, “There have been far worse things on this couch.”
I blink at him, wondering if I would need to burn my clothes after this. He plops down next to me, slinging an arm over the back of the couch behind my shoulders. 
Cassian looks between all three of us. Clearly seeing the size difference and taking notes about it. “I should probably keep my mouth shut.”
“That would be wise, brother,” Azriel grumbles, stretching out his legs. “Where's Rhys? Im fucking freezing and I wanna go in the sauna.”
“He’s in the kitchen with Feyre,” Mor said, rounding the corner from the washroom. She clearly didn’t shower, but she smelled much better. “And we all know what happened the last time the two of them were left alone here.”
“What happened?” Xaden and I asked at the same time. 
“Nothing,” Azriel, Cassian and Mor responded in unison. 
The dragon rider and I shared a look, a silent promise to ask Az about it later. We had a nice evening planned, dinner with everyone, and then they were going to let Az, Xaden and I spend the night in the cabin. We’ve never been here before today so it was a generous offer. I can tell how much this place means to all of them. 
No one needs a vivid imagination to get an idea of what’s going to happen later. 
“Fuck him,” Cassian pushes to his feet, binding his hair back with a strip of leather. “Come on, let's get started. He can decide later if he wants to join.”
Cassian and Xaden head out the door, but Az stays seated next to me. “Having fun?”
“Of course,” I reassured, patting his thigh. “Mor and Feyre are very kind. And this is a lovely cabin.”
“Good, I’m glad.”
“Looks like you two had a lot of fun,” I smile, resting my cheek on his damp shoulder. “You smell far better than Cassian.”
“Naturally,” Az smirked. “And yes we did. Xaden needed it, you needed it. It’s always just been the three of us every year, but it felt right to have Xaden here in the mix. You too, obviously.”
“Glad I could make the cut,” I joked, receiving a pinch on my ear. 
“That’s not even close to me being a brat and you know it.” “Don’t I ever,” he grinned, covering my mouth with his. Despite the chill coming from his body, his lips were warm and soft. Full of life, vibrance, and need. “By the sound of it, Rhys won’t be joining us in the sauna. We won’t be in there long, will you bring us some towels around four?”
I looked at the analog on the wall, the hands reading 3:22pm. I nodded, “Sure.”
He curled my hair around his fingers before standing, following the other two outside. 
In the meantime, I hung out with Mor and we talked about random stuff. She tried to get more details about Az and Xaden, but I wasn’t willing to give them up. We played a few card games, had a snack and a glass of wine before she winnowed off the mountain and back to Velaris to meet some friends at Rita’s. 
Just as I was curling up with a book, I felt a cool whisper circle my wrist. A strand of Azriel’s shadow wrapped around and around in a never ending bracelet. I smiled, looking at the clock. Just seven past four. I head for the closet, grabbing three thick, soft tan towels. 
Damn, it's cold out here. How do they not freeze to death? I carefully step in their footsteps so my toes don’t get frozen off. There is a little stone path to the sauna and I gladly jump from stone to stone. With the towels under my arm, I knock on the door. 
“I brought your towels, they’ll be out here on this chest,” I shouted, unsure if they’d be able to hear me through the thick wood paneling. There was a small jut out from the roof over the door, ensuring they wouldn’t get covered with snow.
“Will you bring them in?” Xaden calls.
I skidded to a halt, damn near knocking myself over. Did he just say what I think he said? “I thought no females were allowed in the sauna?” 
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Cassian’s voice boomed. “We just need the towels so our bits don’t freeze off. You can close your eyes if you’re scared.”
Scared? I wasn’t scared, but I didn’t particularly care to see Cassian sprawled out with all his glory on display. Well, okay that's a complete lie. Ever since I first saw the Lord of Bloodshed, I thought he was… well… hot. He’s tall, all thick muscle and confidence. He knows he’s hot shit. I’d imagine if he were a closer friend that confidence might piss me off, but I think he’s funny. He knows what he’s got and he’s not afraid to show it. 
“Are you going to bring them or not?” Xaden shouts.
Oh. Right. The towels. 
I take a steadying breath and push open the door. A wave of humid, damp air blasts me in the face, instantly melting the flecks of snow on my hair and lashes. There isn’t a light save for a few windows to let some ventilation in. It's dark, but I can make out the three figures. Azriel and Xaden are to the left, and Cassian is to the right. 
I keep my eyes on my boys and place towels in Xadens open arms. “Thank you, my dear.”
“Of course,” I smile, carefully avoiding any glimpses of Cassian in my peripherals. Just before I can reach the safety of the outdoors, Azriel’s hand wraps around my wrist, gently tugging me in front of him. His other hand curls around my hip, pinning me still. “Yes, my shadow?”
He all but purrs at the nickname. “Stay.”
Stay. Stay? As in… in here? With him and Xaden and Cassian? “You guys enjoy your time together.”
I tried to take another step, but he sat up, gripping my body to keep it positioned between his powerful legs. I trailed my eyes down his torso, seeing a bit of a surprise waiting for me. “I told you to stay.”
Heat flooded my body, a different heat than the one coursing through the sauna. I quickly glance at Xaden to see him exchanging a glance with Cassian across the way.
“I- I wouldn’t want to kick Cassian out just because you want me, Az. That’s rude,” I say, my breath hitching when he slides his hands under my thick wool sweater. He rakes his nails down my back and I momentarily forget that there is a third set of eyes watching. 
“I don’t think Cassian would mind the show, would you, Cass?” Azriel looks around my torso at the Illyrian, and I have to force myself not to do the same. 
There isn’t a verbal response from him. 
Az roughly grips my hips, forcing me to sit down in his lap. His mouth attaches to mine before I can make a sound. I flinch momentarily when he bites down on my lip, his pace fast and aggressive. The sauna is silent save for the sound of our lips meeting. 
Sweat begins to swell around my hairline, trickling down the back of my neck. He removes my sweater and tosses it towards the open door. I wasn’t wearing a bra, and the hot air coats my bare back. Azriel breaks the kiss, latching onto my neck and collar bone. 
“Az,” I say, already breathless. “Wh-What are you doing?”
“Are you telling me that you’ve never thought about Cassian before?”
Shit. SHIT.
“I- well I didn’t- not in the way you think I would’ve I was just-”
“That certainly didn’t sound like a no, Yn,” Azriel looks up at me, a knowing glint in his eye. “Did you think I wouldn’t notice?”
“I- I didn’t think… I would’ve never thought that-”
“You have five seconds to tell me to stop. One.”
“Azriel I-”
“Two.” He pushes me back to my feet. 
My knees buckle and it’s an effort to keep myself upright in the sweltering humidity. “Why would I have thought that you and Xaden would want-”
“Three.” He stands, towering over me.
I huff in annoyance. “Azriel, stop counting-”
“Four.” Az makes me take two steps back, advancing on me.
“Xaden will you please fucking-”
“Five.” His fingers wrap around my throat and push me back. Directly into Cassian. A second set of hands find their way onto my body. Cassian grips my hips, keeping me from falling. I am deathly still. I hardly breathe. I don’t dare make a noise. “You’d like it if Cassian joined, wouldn’t you?”
I don’t respond. 
“She looks petrified,” Xaden points out very matter-of-factly. 
“I like it when she’s scared, she obeys when she is. Isn’t that right pet?” 
One word. One stupid nickname and I’m under his spell. Fuck, of course I want Cassian to join. I haven’t ever seen him without clothes, but he doesn’t leave much to the imagination. “I- I umm-”
“Just admit it and I’ll let you go,” Azriel demands, tightening his fingers for emphasis. It’s nowhere near a dangerous amount, but it makes my breath hitch.
“Yes yes,” I rush out, senses on fire. 
“Yes what, pet? Come on, you know the rules. If you want Cass to join you have to tell him.”
Azriel releases me, and if it weren’t for Cassian holding me up, I would’ve keeled over. The combination of the restricted airflow and the density of the heat in the sauna was going to make a lethal combo. 
And I craved it. 
I quickly slipped under, fully ready to play with the three of them. I gently turn and look down at Cassian. His bronze skin is shining with sweat, hair still bound behind his head. I take a deep breath, swallowing. “Would you like to play with us, Cassian?”
His eyes dilate, tongue darting out of his mouth to wet his lips. “I thought you’d never ask, darling.”
Relief floods me and I smile. I am so thrilled he said yes. I look over at Az and Xaden, waiting for their command. I desperately need them to tell me what to do. This is already so overwhelming in the best way possible. 
“Why don’t you be a good girl and welcome Cassian, okay?”
I don’t need to be told twice. Like he knows what I was thinking, his knees spread apart, inviting me in. I sink down to the floor and stare up at him through my wet lashes. “Messy or clean?”
A grin spreads across the Illyrians mouth. “Oh, she’s good. Messy, darling. I want to see you ruined.”
Cassian’s finger separated my lips and I sucked on his thumb. He pressed down on my tongue, and I swirled it around his digit. Meanwhile, his other hand fisted himself, and I couldn’t help but take a glance. 
Cauldron boil me alive–
I delicately reach a hand out and replace mine with his. The warrior's head falls back and he shuts his eyes. My hand is so much smaller than… well, every part of him. I stroke up and down, gently thumbing the small slit at the tip. A few drops slide down onto my finger and I generously lick them off. He definitely tastes similar to Az, but nothing like Xaden. 
The moment my tongue circles him, he cuts loose a moan deep from his chest. 
“Fuck you’re so warm,” Cassian lifts his head, taking in the sight of me taking him in. I swallow around him, drawing more sounds out of him. 
“I think what makes it so good is she loves doing it. Don’t you, Yn? You love being stuffed full,” Azriel comes up behind me, his presence stealing my breath away. Maybe it’s the added heat that makes my head dizzy. “That’s right, work him all the way down. Get him nice and deep.”
I push and push my head all the way down his cock, taking a moment to stay still, just emphasizing exactly what I can do. Cassian laughs at me, full on laughs. A mocking sort of sound that spreads goosebumps all across my skin. He bucks his hips, really testing how far he can push me. 
“Oh, she’s good,” he grunts, head tipping back again. “Keep that perfect mouth moving, darling.”
My ears are ringing a little. Whether that be from the heat or the sheer overstimulation, it’s hard to tell, but I didn’t react right away. The next thing I knew, one of Azriel’s hands was fisting my hair, the other braced at the back of my head. I nearly choked when I was ripped away and then slammed down onto his cock a few times. 
“You heard him, Yn. Take his cock like the good slut you are,” Azriel reprimanded. He continued to overpower me, making me work up and down on Cassian. I let my jaw go slack, along with my hands braced on Cassian’s thighs. I let out a content sigh as I was fucked on Cassian’s cock. 
I rocked with Azriels movements. His grip singed my scalp and an ache formed in my jaw. It was familiar, ignorable, but present nonetheless. I was glad to have them doing all the work, it was far too hot in here to think clearly… even without the added exertion.
When Az decided I got the memo, he let go of my head and I continued the motions with steady practice. I closed my eyes, feeling every drop of sweat on my body. My thick, fleece lined leggings were beginning to soak through. Xaden’s calloused hands found their way to my waste and began to slide them off. With a pop, I pulled off of Cassian, giving my jaw a much needed break. Xaden peeled them from my legs, taking my underwear with them. But, before he let me sit back down, he laid down on his back, beckoning me to ease on top of him. 
“Surely you’ll suffocate, it’s already unbearably hot in here,” I huff, catching my breath. 
“Then I shall go doing what I love most,” the dragon rider replies. “Sit.”
I looked to Az, silently asking if this really was a smart decision. He just gave me a pointed nod with narrow eyes, a promise that if I didn’t listen he’d make working for my release miserable. So I obeyed without a second thought. 
The moment his tongue curled into me, I sighed. Aimlessly, my hand worked tentatively up and down Cassian’s shaft, drawing a few sounds out of the General. “Let me fuck your throat, darling.”
There must’ve been a sparkle in my eye because I grinned, opening wide for him to do so. His length was thick. Almost too thick. And long. Fucks sake everything about him was big. I was up for the challenge. As it hit the back of my throat, I relaxed, letting his hands fall around my ears. It was gentle at first, his thrusts long and even. I moaned in tandem with the licks I was receiving from Xaden, my mind a melted, scrambled mess of ecstasy. With a particularly hard suck on my clit, I jerked the opposite way Cassian was going.
“Ah ah ah,” he chided, clicking his tongue. “You don’t get to run away from me. Take what you’ve been given. Be a good fucking girl, Yn.”
I glance up at him, throat too full to make any noise. A third set of hands– Azriels, so experienced and commanding, settled on my breasts, plucking and pulling. I could feel everything and nothing at the same time. My entire body was numb with pleasure, numb with exploration of the three of them. 
Azriel. Xaden. Cassian. All three of them, the most powerful warriors of their respective worlds, all focused on one thing. One goal. 
Cassian picked up his pace, the thrusts less deep, but far more firm. It was clear he was chasing his high, thick veins beginning to bulge in his arms… up his chest… in the column of his throat. 
“She does such a good job at taking it,” Cassian praises. “Doesn’t gag, doesn’t complain. Look at all those pretty tears. All for me, darling? Do I fuck you so good you need to cry? It’s okay, I’ll lick them clean. Then make them spill down your neck again when I get to fuck your pussy.”
My heart thrashed in my chest, thighs shaking with the force of Xaden’s tongue against my core. I writhed my hips, breathing harshly through my nose every other thrust because that’s all Cass would allow. At some point Azriel’s hands left the mix. I couldn’t see him anywhere, but his presence remained. Those shadows replacing his skilled fingers. 
My body was wound tight. I was already anticipating a fun night with just Azriel and Xaden. But now? With Cassian? A new fire had been set ablaze inside me. And it needed– no, demanded, to be let out. I tried to warn Xaden, I tried to ask for permission, but I couldn’t with Cassian’s grip on my head. I fiercely moaned, hips shaking so badly that Xaden had to lock me in place. 
“You can let go,” Azriel commanded from somewhere behind me. I silently thanked him. 
Like a crack of lightning, my release barreled through me. I came so hard my vision whited out, a faint ringing bounding between my ears. Moans of pure pleasure spilled out of me and right onto Cassian. The extra vibrations must’ve done wonders from him because his grip faltered, as well as his pace. His head slumped forward and his eyes rolled shut. 
“Fuuuuck, whatever you’re doing to her, Riorson, you better not fucking stop. Keep her moaning like that. Fuck I’m gonna cum so hard. Want it, pretty pet? Want my cum down your throat, filling your belly?”
He released my head, bidding me to give a verbal answer. After what Xaden just did to me, I’m not sure that’s physically possible. “P-Please, sir” I sigh out, my voice in an atrocious state already. “Wanna make you feel so so good.”
The use of ‘sir’ must’ve really done something to him. He sat up, a corrupt, unforgiving smile creeping onto his cruel lips. “Sir? That’s a dangerous game, my darling.”
“She doesn’t mind a little bit of danger, does she?” Azriel grips my hair again, pulling my head back so I have to look up at him. I nod carefully, the strain in my neck almost too much. “Yes she does. Now get to it, I'm getting impatient.”
Bad things happen when Azriel is left uncared for. And who was I to make him suffer?
I stuck out my tongue, a silent beg for Cassian to slip back in. He did without further coercion. The first time my nose brushed the soft hair on his pelvis, I could’ve sworn it was an accident. The second time, I realized it wasn’t. I couldn’t breathe, a small panic settling in every crevice of my body. I tried to keep calm, but between a relentless Xaden under me and a ruthless Cassian in front, it was near impossible. 
“F-Fuck fuck fuck fuuuucccckkkk,” Cassian shouted, the muscles in his thighs and abdomen flexing. “Gonna take it all? It’s gonna be a lot, can you handle it, darling? Yeah I think you can. I’ll make you either way. Stay niiiiice and still for me- oh fuck-”
At the last second, he pulls me off about an inch and the humid, sweat filled scent of air floods into my nose. I drink his release down. It’s thick and warm, salty and abundant. I hum around him as I swallow and swallow and swallow. My eyes fill with tears yet again and they escape down my cheeks. 
Cassian shudders. With gentle laps of my tongue, I clean him up. He watches me attentively. I can’t help the smile that forms on my lips when our eyes meet. 
“You…” he breathes heavily, chest swelling and falling. “You are a little devil, aren’t you?”
The Illyrians hand wraps around my throat and he pulls me to my feet, and off of Xaden. The way our tongues met could’ve moved mountains. He was not shy in showing how much he wanted me. I melted into him, straddling his thigh and letting my arms drop to my sides. 
Azriel played with my hair, hands caressing my ass. Together, they brought me down, content to let me relax for a few minutes. 
“You did so well, pet,” Azriel cooed, dragging his tongue over the shell of my ear.
“So fucking good,” Cassian murmured against my lips. “Such a good little girl.”
I could hear Xaden climb to his feet, the sound of his hand stroking his cock loud in the otherwise quiet room. “I will never, ever, get tired of making her cum on my tongue.”
“Should I have a taste?” Cassian asked, placing small bites on my throat. 
“I actually had something else in mind,” I sighed out, getting lost in all the hands and tongues. He gave me a curious look, but I just smirked, easing onto shaking legs and turning around so my ass was in Cassian’s lap. “I want to play a game.”
“A game?” There is an obvious hint of danger in Cassian’s voice? “What kind of game?”
“I want you and Xaden to fuck me, and I want Azriel to tell you when to move and when to stop.”
I haven’t yet brought it up to Azriel and Xaden, but I’ve always wanted to do this. A game of red light green light. To give full control and power to him, making us work for our pleasure. I look at Azriel, gauging his response, but he just grabs my chin, bringing our faces level. 
“Yeah? You wanna play a game? Want to be treated like a literal pet? Taking commands and performing tricks?” His voice is thick with desire, so low only we could hear it. 
My heart skips a beat. I hadn’t thought about it like that before. But the idea is… it’s-
“Look at her face, Cass,” Xaden tilts his head mockingly. “She wants it so bad, don’t you, pretty girl? Would you like a collar, that way if you get lost they know who you fucking belong to? Gods she’s so red. Don’t be embarrassed, pet. We know just how much you love being fucked full of cock and cum.”
“Sit on his dick, Yn,” Azriel orders. “Now.”
Silently, I hover over his lap, letting Cassian guide my hips. At the first press of his tip, I gasp. A new thrill thrummed through me. 
Azriel comes and stands in front of me, cupping my cheeks. “I know he’s big, but you’re gonna take all of him. And you’re going to like it because you asked for it. So, here’s your first trick. Sit.” 
The Shadowsinger pushes on my shoulders, leaving no option but to take Cassian all the way. All. The. Way. My breath is lodged in my chest with no room to escape. I can’t think. Can’t hear. Can’t see. Can’t even begin to process what is about to happen. 
“Oh, good girl Yn,” Xaden praises, still stroking himself. “Look at how pretty she looks, Az.”
Cassian grunts behind me, hooking my legs over his knees so the others can see him buried inside me. I cry out at the shift, feeling him go deeper and deeper. Gods, he feels like he’s everywhere.
“Cassian, why don’t you play with her nipples,” Azriel instructs, walking back and forth in front of us. “Xaden, give her something to suck on.”
“With pleasure,” Xaden grins, those onyx eyes narrowing on my mouth. I go to protests, but then I realize just how hard he is. How flushed his skin is. And I need to taste it, to relieve him of his torture. 
He traces my lips with the tip, coating them in his slick. With a heady pant, I stick out my tongue to invite him in. 
A hand cracks down on my thigh. I scream out, more in shock than in actual pain. Azriel’s hand was the culprit. 
“Did I say you were allowed to taste it yet?” His eyes are swirling with lethality. I bite my tongue to keep myself from saying something stupid. “Well?”
“N-No,” I say meekly. “I’m sorry. May I taste it, Az? Can I please taste Xaden?”
After a minute of letting the question hang in the air, building suspense, he nods. Greedily, I take Xadens hips and bring his cock towards my mouth. 
It’s such a glorious sound to hear when Xaden curses low. A deep rumble in his chest letting me know this is exactly what he needed. Without moving– fearful I’ll get another smack– I look at Az, awaiting my next instruction. 
“Fuck her throat, Xaden,” Az says, eyes scanning out bodies. “Start fucking her nice and slow Cassian. Really savor her, make her moan just like Xaden did for you.”
At the same time, both of their bodies start sliding in and out of me. They find a rhythm instantly: Cassian fucks me forward onto Xaden, and Xaden fucks me back onto Cassian. It’s easy enough to let them do all the work, my bones and liquid at this point anyway. All I know is pain, pleasure, and unfiltered need for these males. 
I moan deeply as Cassian hits that spot inside me. Xadens hip stutter, his head tipping back as Cassian hits it over and over again. 
“Does that feel good, Xaden?” Azriel asks, gripping his hair at the root, whispering right in his ear. “To have our girls' mouths all around you?”
The dragon rider nods as best he can with Azriel’s grip. “Fuck yes.”
“Make her stop.”
“Because I told you to. Yn, stop,” Azriel demands. I instantly pull my mouth away from Xaden, even if it makes me want to scream and thrash and beg for it back. I need it, need to taste it, need to feel him cum down my throat. “See, she listens to me. Do I need to punish you too?”
“No,” Xaden shakes his head. “I’ll listen.”
“Yes you will.” Azriel gives a fake smile. “On your knees.”
Xaden sinks to his knees. 
“Suck on Yn’s clit. Make her cum on Cassian’s cock.”
The sight of Xaden, on his knees, cock leaking continuously, does something to me. It gives me ideas for later. He helps push open my legs, even when the first brush of his tongue makes me see stars. Cassian has to wind his arms around mine to keep me from sliding off. I know he’s strong, but to be able to hold me still and keep fucking me is…
“Good boy, Xaden,” Azriel praises, brushing his hair away from his face. “Just like that, make our pretty girl cum.”
It’s not going to take long. His laps are so soft, so gentle, and it works far faster than I’d like to admit. 
“Az- Az can I cum?” I ask, just to be cautious. I do not want to have this taken away from me. I can’t have it taken away from me. 
“Yes, pet. Cum as much as you want.”
It’s like music to my ears. It’s building and building. In my core, at the base of my spine. Behind my eyelids. It’s fucking everywhere. My vision goes white and an embarrassing noise tears from my soul. I writhe on Cassian, driving him further and further inside me. Sweat is dripping off me in buckets. Fuck it is so fucking hot in here.
“Very good Xaden,” Azriel says. “What a good boy, making our pet cum so well. You can stuff your cock back down her throat. She looked so sad to see it go. Go ahead and cum, fill her up nice and full. Cassian, get up.”
Suddenly I’m on my feet being steadied by several pairs of hands. The way Cassian is looking at me, the way he’s breathing, tells me I’m in trouble. The glances passed between Az and Cass worry me. The next thing I know I’m on my knees and elbows, ass up in the air.
“Sit on the floor, Xaden,” Azriel commands. “Right in front of Yn. Yup, there you go, now just let Cassian fuck her onto you.”
A shudder runs through my entire body when Cassian slips back in. I swiftly take Xaden down, mainly because if I don’t I’m going to go crazy. The delicious, sweet taste of him fills me once again and I hum in content. 
“Don’t hold back Cassian, chase exactly what you want. Fill up her pussy as much as you want, she can take it.”
“Fucking hell, Az. Are you trying to kill me?” Cassian chuckles, letting his motions pick up pace. Every snap of his body into mine sends waves of pleasure down my spine. It rolls through me and allows me to take even more of Xaden in my mouth. “I’ll never get over just how fucking tight she is.”
“Malek spare me…” Xaden curses. I get to watch Xaden fall apart and a new thrill fuels my motions. I lose all concept of time, I have no idea what is going on. All I know is Cass is fucking me like his life depends on it, and that Xaden is holding on for dear life. 
I suck as hard as I can, pressing my tongue into the bottom side of his cock. I can’t pay attention to the most sensitive areas of him, mainly because Cassian if fucking me too hard to let me. Hopefully I can make him see stars anyway. 
“F-Fuck Yn, I’m gonna cum,” he warns, knees falling open. “Oh fuck I’m gonna cum.”
“Give it to her, Xaden,” Azriel kneels beside Xaden, hand trailing over the muscles in his chest. 
I watch the muscles in his abdomen clench with every breath. He scrunches his eyes closed and I brace for him, letting his hips rut as fast as he wants. With a long, drawn out growl, Xaden releases down my throat. I do my best to swallow it all, but between the angle and Cassian's relentless thrusts, I let a few drops spill out. 
Xaden is throbbing on my tongue, his sounds of pure pleasure fill my ears, filling me with deep satisfaction. 
“Can’t fucking take it anymore,” Azriel rips me off of Xaden and takes his place. I’m hauled up onto my palms, Azriel’s cock bobbing in front of me. Before I can take it between my lips, Azriel bends down to my level, licking the droplets of Xadens cum off my lips. 
I went as still as a statue. Tingles spread from the tips of my fingers to my toes. I watched him swallow, his Adam's-apple bobbing. I was at a loss for words. If he wanted me to speak, it’d be impossible. 
Thankfully I didn’t have to. He filled my mouth, not wasting a second. 
“Xaden, will you go grab those towels?” Azriel asked, hands trailing over my shoulders. 
“When I can move,” he responded, making the Shadowsinger and the General laugh. I swore I could feel the rumble of his laughter through his cock. 
“Not gonna last much longer,” Cassian warns, adjusting his grip on my hips.
“Wait.” Azriel urges, “Give me one minute.”
Cassian stills, and I whine in discontent. A second later, his hand smacks my ass, undoubtedly leaving an imprint of his hand. “Don’t complain, pet. Or you won’t get anything at all. You should be grateful to be stuffed full of our cocks. That’s no way to disrespect a guest.”
Azriel is unforgiving as he fucks my throat, his pace fast and hard. To be fair, he has been waiting a long while for his turn. It doesn’t take long for him to start showing signs of nearing his high. He grabs both sides of my sweat-soaked head, and I feel drops from his own body–and Cassians–land on me. 
“Want my cum?” Azriel asks, pulling me off. “Want me to cum down your little throat, pet?”
“Yes yes yes,” I slur my words together. “Please gimme all of it, need all your cum. Wanna taste you so bad.”
“Yeah you fucking do,” Azriel’s grin is sinister. He knows exactly what to say to make me squirm. “Drink it all up, slut.”
When he finally gives me what I want, I don’t dare waste a drop. I leave no mess to clean up as he cums all the way down. There’s nothing I can do but swallow, swallow, swallow.
I begin to lose some consciousness, the heat and over exertion finally catching up to me. I feel Azriel slip out, praising me and telling me how good I did. I think I nod, but Cassian resumes his motion and I forget about everything. I can only focus on him pounding into my pussy, getting so deep I have to let out little noises every time he does. 
“She’s so fucked out,” Xaden says from… somewhere. 
“Yeah she is, she looks so good. Limp and used. So fucking hot, Yn,” Azriel agrees. 
I moan in response. It’s about all I’m capable of at this point. And it feels so good. Everything they did to me, every thrust from Cassian feels like I’m floating. I close my eyes and let him finish me. 
As Cassian lets go, I feel him pin my shoulders to the ground, ramming his hips as hard as he can into me, filling me up nice and tight full of his cum. There's a big stretch, and then an almost immediate release. His warm slick flows out from around him and down the inside of my thigh. Tears or exhaustion and pleasure streak down my cheeks and fall onto the wood floor of the sauna.
Eventually, I’m laid on my back. I can barely open my eyes, but I feel a tongue lapping between my legs. I try to inch away, but firm hands keep me from closing my legs. I whine. 
“Ah ah,” I hear Cassian chide. “He’s just trying to clean you up. Be still. Here, drink this.”
A cup is pressed to my lips and I hungrily drink down. The salty, briny taste is washed from my tongue and my blurry vision begins to steady. I look down, seeing Xaden between my legs, his curly head soaked with sweat. 
Cassian’s thumb brushes my cheek, collecting a small tear. “Aww, poor baby.” I watch as he licks it from his digit. It… gets me going faster than I’d like to admit. Then his tongue trails the length of my cheek. I shudder, letting out a tiny squeak. “Told you I’d lick them clean.”
“Alright that's enough, Xaden,” Azriel says from up above. “Let’s get her inside and cool off.”
“I just couldn’t help it, her pussy looked so good full of cum,” Xaden winks at me, and I can feel a flush of my cheeks and neck. “Even after all we’ve done together, I still make you blush.”
“Zip it,” I glared at him, failing to keep my smile at bay. 
Cassian lifts me up, hugging me close to his chest. We’re all covered in sweat, but I don’t give a fuck. I just want to take a nice bath, curl up with my boys, and sleep into next week. A cold burst of air greets me as we step outside the sauna. 
“Is she doing okay?” Azriel asks. I think it’s him that brushes hair away from my face. 
“Mhm,” Cassian responds, giving my body a squeeze. “She's gonna be alright?”
“Yeah,” Xaden added. “She always recovers really well. She’s not afraid to tell us what she needs. But by this point we know what she needs.”
“My only request is a bath.”
“See?” Xaden chuckles, then plants a kiss on my head. “Feeling okay? Not too lightheaded?”
I make a noise that sorta sounds like an ‘mhm’, but it kinda comes out as a garbled mess. All three of them give a laugh. 
“That was… more fun than I thought it was going to me,” Cassian sighed contently, padding down the hallway to one of the bedrooms. I'm set gently on the bed, propped up against Cassian. I am way too tired to open my eyes, but my ears track them all around the room. I can smell the soft lavender wafting from the bathroom. Hallelujah. 
“Yeah, I’m glad you joined,” Xaden agreed, his fingers beginning to braid sections of my hair. “We’re just waiting on the tub to fill up, pretty girl. Then we’ll get cleaned up and go to bed. You did such an amazing job, taking us all like that. And the game? We’re going to have some more fun with that, aren’t we?”
“Yes we are,” I nodded, peeking open my eyes to find them all huddled around me. Azriel smiles sweetly, cupping my face, stroking his thumb back and forth across my cheek. “Hi.”
“Hey,” he whispers. “Feeling better?”
“Yeah,” I nod, clenching my hands to get some of the tingling to go away. “It was so hot in there.” 
“We even turned down the heat before you got in there,” Xaden explained, tucking some hair behind my ear. “Did you have fun?”
“I always do, did you?” I asked, looking up at Cassian.
“In the beginning I was a little unsure but… now I’m hoping you’ll send word any time you wanna play again,” He grins, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. “You were unbelievable.”
“Isn’t she something else?” Azriel looks at me fondly. “Baths ready, want to be by yourself or do you want one of us in there with you? Or… well, I guess we all can fit if that's what you want.”
“Well I’m certainly not going to wash my own hair,” I grin.
They all share a look, smiles creeping onto their mouths. 
“I’ll get the shampoo,” Azriel winks.
“I call the conditioner,” Xaden stands, following Azriel into the bathroom. 
I can’t help but laugh. 
“Are they always like this?” Cassian watches as they root around in a cabinet, smelling the different bottles. 
“Yes, they’re too kind to me.”
“I think it’s well earned,” he smiles, helping me stand. “Come on, let's go.”
I let him lead me in, making sure I get a good look at his ass. Damn. just… damn.  
“I could ask Feyre to commission a painting, it’ll last longer,” he says cockily. 
I give it a smack. With a helping hand from Azriel, I sink into the tub, and let the water cool off my skin. I lean back, wondering how I got so damn lucky.
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magicxc · 8 months
Stay With You
Pairings: Trevante Rhodes x Black Reader x Aldis Hodge
Word Count: 1652
Warnings: double penetration, hand job, cream pies
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BBJ Masterlist
“Y’all when I said let's go camping, I was thinking something along the lines of smores, maybe even a cute lil bonfire,” I ranted. “But to be out here in natures ass crack, the possible meal of a grizzly bear is where I draw the line. 
“Y/N, we’re in a makeshift tent in the backyard, I doubt a grizzly is making it this far into the city,” Aldis sighed. 
“And if he does, we’ll hear him,” Trevante added. 
“Was that supposed to make me feel better?”
“This is practice Y/N, you stay complaining like this on the real campsite and a grizzly will be the least of your worries.”
“Aldi, is that a threat?” I gasped. 
“No, it’s a warning, so take heed.” 
“Ohhh Aldiii, you giving out warnings now?” Trevante mocked. 
Deadpanning Tre, I look over to Aldis to assess what the problem really is. 
“Aldi, you know I don’t do the whole nature thing, but I’m legitimately trying FOR YOU." 
“You ain’t gotta try if all you gone do is keep complaining,” he protested. 
“I AM -“
“Hey hey hey y’all enough,” Tre interrupted. “Let's put a pin in it before one of us says something we can’t take back. 
Always the peacemaker that one. Trevante is quite literally the definition of lover not a fighter, whereas Aldis on the other hand is my little hot head. We tend to clash from time to time, but we’re learning which buttons not to push. 
He’s been begging us to go camping for a minute now and I finally gave in last weekend, opting to do this only if I could work my way up there. Tre is no more keen to do it than I am, but pushed those feelings to the side for all the times Aldis has been so willing to try something for us. I guess it didn’t help that I’ve been bitching since we crawled inside here. 
Sighing, I apologized for my earlier whining and creeped over to his side of the tent to seal it with a kiss. He accepts it with a grumble, but the scowl on his face tells a different story. 
“Baby, I am so sorry for not coming in here with an open mind and if you let me, I’ll have us all making noises a grizzly wouldn’t dare interrupt.”
I get a small smile in return, but it’s not the heart melting one I’m used to seeing. 
“Please, forgive me and come morning I’ll fix your favorite breakfast.”
“There are no stoves in the woods,” Tre reminded. 
“Right, well I’ll do whatever it takes to survive in nature,” I promised. “No soap, no toothpaste, just a knife and my killer instincts.”
A chorus of woahs follows from both men, Aldis urging me to relax, emphasizing the idea that living in nature surrenders the use of modern technology not hygiene. 
“Yeah well I’ll stay clean ONLY if you forgive me,” I bargained. 
Chuckling, he leans in and pecks me on the lips, formally forgiving my prior tantrum. 
“Moving forward, I don’t wanna hear no lip and you’ll do exactly as I say,” he demanded.  
Wrapping my arms around his neck I lean in for another kiss, mumbling a yes sir. Deepening it, I feel Tre’s palm run across my ass, caressing its curves in the softest way. 
Aldis’ arms wrap around my waist, pulling me in closer as his lips run over mine, trailing down to my chin, my neck, and stopping just shy of my breast. 
“Now, tell me more about those non interrupting grizzly noises,” he says through light pecks. 
Shuffling off the floor Tre gets behind me, locking me in between them, sprinkling his fair share of kisses along my back in agreement with Aldis. 
Turning so that my body faces forward, I rest my arms on the shoulder of each man; leaning firstly into Tre and then into Aldi to swap a little bit of spit. 
“Well, for starters we’d need less clothes.“
“Like this shirt for instance,” Tre proposed as he tugged it off me. 
“And these pants,” Aldis added, unbuckling them. “They don’t really serve much purpose do they?”
Shaking my head no, I help them shed the rest of the clothes by ridding myself of the remaining undergarments. Now in my birthday suit, I watch as each man's clothing finds itself in a pile next to mine. 
Tongue slipping between teeth and over my lips, I can’t help the jolt of excitement that washes over me as I ready myself for both my men. Leaning over to Tre, I sink my teeth into his skin as I suck on his sweet spot, no doubt leaving a hickey - eager to mark him in the sexiest way. 
He breathes out soft, shy pants and I reach down to grab his semi hard dick as I stroke it back and forth. Dribbles of precum ooze from the tip and I drag my thumb forward to smear it against his length, allowing me to jerk him off a little more smoothly. 
Tilting over to my left, I lean into Aldis and dip my head into the firm arch of his shoulder blade, peppering his jaw in open mouth kisses; spots of saliva left behind after each one. 
He then grabs my left breast, his mouth swirling around the hardened nipple as my head tips back at the delicious sensation, quiet mewling tumbling past my lips. Tre follows suit with my other breast, tweaking and kneading before taking the nipple into his warm mouth. 
Hand gliding down Aldis’ lap, I stop at his girthy member, tracing over each thick vein while I softly run my hand over his nuts. Bringing my hand to my face, I spit in the palm and return it back to his length, this time stroking him with ease. 
Breathy moans follow, but it comes out muffled around my nipple and I take this chance to speed up in pace on both men, hoping to see their creamy finish. 
“Tell me how good this feels,” I whimpered. “Matter of fact, cum for me so I know it’s real.” 
Heated lips run along my skin, tongues leaving wet trails in their paths while hands get entangled with limbs and moans get engulfed into the noiseless night. My body feels hot with desire, eyelids fluttering closed, and mouth ajar, I couldn’t tell who was doing what but my movements never ceased; eager to bring my men over the edge. 
Their heavy breathing becomes more erratic, my cooing and encouragement having them spill onto me as my hands come to a slow stop and I lick each fist clean. 
Grabbing the back of my neck, Aldis pulls me in for a kiss, thumbs spreading my lips open to taste himself. Pulling away, I turn over to Tre and dive in for another round of tongue twisting, saliva trailing down our chins as we pull apart. 
“On all fours Y/N, you know wassup,” Aldi directed. 
“Yes sirrrr, Tre you on the bottom baby?” 
“I’m wherever you want me,” he winked. 
Lying down on his back, he helps position me on top of him, dick in hand as he watches me slowly slide down his length. A heavy gasp leaves us both at the heated feeling of being connected. After we adjust, he gives me a lazy smile, mouthing a quick I love you to which I eagerly return it.
“Ready for me angel?”
“Go for it Aldi.” 
“I’ll be your genie, Y/N, every fucking day if you let me,” he confides, smearing his cum between my ass. 
“Your every wish would be my command,” he continued, entering first with his finger. 
“You’re my beacon of light honey,” he insisted, adding in another digit. “In an otherwise bleak and cruel world.” 
“You both reassure me that all is not lost,” he chanted, driving his fingers into me, the pace deliciously unwavering. 
“Y’all have given me the joy to call you guys family,” he admitted, removing his fingers entirely. 
“But this ass? Oh this ass Y/N is what I can call home,” Aldis ended as he thrusted to the hilt. 
No matter how many times he’s entered my backdoor, I can never get used to his sheer size. He always knocks the wind out of me and I find myself planted face first into Tre’s chest, his hands cradling my jaws as I seep back into reality. Sweet nothings are whispered into my ear but it’s the driving force of their dicks that fully reels me into the present. 
“There she is,” Tre snickered. “I got you baby girl, don’t you worry.” 
I barely recognize the sounds coming from me, my words now indecipherable, cockdrunk and drooling as they tear me apart. Aldis wraps his hand around my throat, drawing me in to plaster my lips with sloppy kisses while Tre takes a hold of my waist to drive his dick further into me, my pussy stretched around his dick as his tongue explores the shape of my neck. 
My fingers are embedded into skin, whose I don’t know, but the crescent shaped marks will reveal it sooner or later. Tongue sliding against Aldis’ while Tre’s fingers dance every which way across my waist and thighs, I can’t help the howl that escapes me; grizzly bear be damned, my body feels worked over past its limits. 
The peak that I hit seems never ending, my soul paralyzed and heartbeat accelerating, while everything around me ceases to exist. I come down just in time enough to feel them splatter my walls simultaneously which elicits a minigasm of my own. 
Loud, labored panting is all that I hear. Rough, calloused hands is all that I feel. Navy blue sky littered with twinkling stars is the view that meets me and I must admit that camping isn’t so bad after all. 
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runninriot · 2 months
God, this is bad.
The worst, actually.
Steve’s a professional for Christ’s sake. He’s never had a client have this kind of effect on him. None of the others get to him like that.
Only Eddie.
It would probably be wise to refer him to someone else, tell him to get his fix somewhere else. But Steve never claimed to be sharpest tool in the shed.
He’s being selfish and he knows it. But he can't help it, is greedy for Eddie’s little whimpers and the soft expression on his face.
Steve drinks it all up as he pours the liquid wax onto his chest, lets it trickle in long lines from his sternum to his navel, and back up again.
Eddie arches his back, pulls roughly at the shackles on his wrists and ankles as if he's trying to get away but keeps begging for more.
   “Does that feel good, yeah?” Steve asks absentmindedly, eyes caught on Eddie’s mouth as he watches him form the words sir and please again and again and-
Realises to his horror that it goes straight to his own dick.
Thankfully, his growing hardness is well hidden within his dark jeans, practically invisible in the faint lighting.
This never happens. Never. Only when he is with Eddie, apparently.
No, not with Eddie – when he’s working on Eddie.
Sure, it’s never not hot and kind of satisfying to watch his clients fall apart but Steve has absolutely no trouble keeping it in his pants when his focus is set on nothing but their pleasure.
Usually, that is.
With Eddie, everything seems to be different. There is something about him that makes it harder to separate work from the illusion of what could be if they-
    No. Absolutely not.
It’s the one rule he's never broken. And he sure as hell won’t start now.
This is a session like any other. Eddie paid him to do these things for his own pleasure, not for Steve to lose his goddamn mind over it.
Keep it together.
Steve manages to get back into the right mind-set, spends the next 20 minutes methodically teasing and torturing Eddie until he's nothing but a sobbing mess.
And if he's being extra mean just to let off some steam, no one needs to know.
Lucky for Steve - or maybe not - Eddie seems to be very much into it, comes hard with a beautiful chorus of moans spilling over his lips.
That man is going to be his downfall.
you can find another snippet here
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barry-j-blupjeans · 9 months
Arcade Carpet and Totally Chill, Nothing Can Prove Otherwise with Dealer's Choice :3
object + emotion prompt list here! send some in!
18. Arcade carpet
4. Totally Chill, Nothing Can Prove Otherwise
"Sir," said the tiny fancy boy at the prize counter, "are you using wizardly magicks to make the funky fresh carpet pattern into penises?"
The air was rich with the smell of sweat and obtrusively smelling cleaning products. Taako had been on shift for exactly four hours so far and it was not getting any better. It wasn't getting any worse, either, but who could say what would come next? The lights were just as flashy and headache-y as usual. Taako had snuck to the sound booth (read: the computer that controlled all the music that had a neon label that said SOUND BOOTH) and lowered the music to a reasonable level, but some godly power had turned it right back up.
Honestly, who could blame him for having a little fun? The worst day at a children's arcade was better than the best day at a court-ordered anger management class. Or however that saying went. He usually wouldn't revert to messing with the decor until about five hours into his shift, but he was feeling a little spicy today.
Plus, it's not like anyone could prove it was him.
"Nah," Taako said, leaning against the counter. "It's always been like that."
"It— it hasn't," the fancy boy says. He's got a light-up wand that he got from Taako's counter earlier. He'd been in here for an hour or so already, methodically going around the building and figuring out how to get the most tickets. He'd already come up to Taako four times to ask about game mechanics. "It was triangles and circles before."
"Mmmmh, nope," Taako said. "It's always been dicks."
The fancy boy frowned, looking at the carpet again. He took a few steps back towards the gaming area and then stopped.
"No, sir, it stops here," he said. "It's— it's very clearly not penises from this point onward— oh, well, now this is just rude, sir."
The floor magicked back to normal, except for about a two-foot circle around the fancy boy. When he took a step, the far superior, expertly crafted pattern followed him like a shadow. He scurried back up to the prize counter, a scrutinizing look on his face. He then glanced over his shoulder, as if someone might be watching their interaction. Honestly, Taako figured that if someone was spying and able to hear over the suddenly deep chorus of Fireflies by Fantasy Owl City, they deserved to hear every word.
But the fancy boy seemed to think the coast was clear. He leaned over the counter and said, in a low voice,
"Is magic not banned in here?"
"Read the sign, kid," Taako said, pointing the the sign above his head that read "NO MAGICKS ALLOWED IN THE ADVENTURE ZONE©." In smaller text, below it, it read, "for full Adventure Zone© magic related rules and services, please see one of our friendly PARTY MEMBERS for details."
"Yeah, but you just did magic," the fancy boy said. "So there's no like, barrier or runes to stop magic use inside the building."
Taako liked the turn this was taking. He raised his eyebrows at the fancy boy.
"You could say," he said. "And why, pray tell, are you asking?"
"Well," the fancy boy said. "If I pay the games the normal, non-magical way, it'll take me approximately nine hours to get enough tickets for the detective kit you have on the wall."
The fancy boy pointed at the wall of prizes. Near the very top, above the long plush snakes and the bin of Hot Wheels, a shiny play-pretend detectives kit was sitting, priced at 14,000 tickets, which was truly absurd.
"Only, I don't have nine hours, sir," the fancy boy said. "And frankly, I don't have the pocket money for five hours. So if, maybe, we could turn a blind eye to the rule— which seems very important and I respect that— then I could be out of here in about, uhm! Thirty minutes, tops. And then you don't have to deal with me and the birthday party that's about to start."
Both of them looked at the mom trying to wrangle her excited child through the doorway. The child had a pin on that said "BIRTHDAY GIRL". She looked like a feral cat.
"That's a tempting offer, little man," Taako said. He glanced around. No one was gonna come up to the prize counter any time soon. These kids were too sugar-powered to care about anything more than beating each other in stupid arcade games for babies. "You get me one of those fucked up bears—" Taako pointed at the wall behind him once more. Slightly below the detective kit was a poor attempt at a teddy bear, which looked more like a failed demon exorcism. "And we've got a deal."
"Deal," the fancy boy said, holding out his hand. "It's nice doing business with you Mr…" he squinted at Taako's name tag. "Tay-co?"
"You never pronounce my name like that again and we're good to go, kid."
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oatmealcrisp-freak · 2 years
Reigen stared.
“Saiki,” He said. “Did you bring your entire class with you?”
Saiki looked over his shoulder then looked back at Reigen. “No,” he said. “This is only nine people.”
“I said you could bring one person. One.”
“I did.”
Reigen looked over Saiki’s head and squinted, wondering in what world that many kids equated to one. A lot of sheepish but mostly unapologetic smiles stared back at him.
Saiki said, “They brought themselves, I had nothing to do with this.”
“Yeah,” Reigen clicked his tongue. “I am not paying for all of you.”
A blue haired girl laughed and waved her hand. Reigen squinted. Was she glowing? Why did Reigen sort of want to do anything she said? “Please don’t worry yourself on our accounts, sir, we’re paying our own way.”
“Yeah!” Kuboyasu grinned. 
“We missed him.”
“Yeah, sorry to, like, barge in on your arrangements or whatevs! We wanna spend time with our boo!”
“But we did take care of all our own arrangements,” A responsible looking redhead said, his fists planted on his hips with a smile. Was it suddenly hotter in here…? “It’s good preparation for the future!”
A cheer went up. “Yeah!”
Responsible children.
“My parole finally lifted! Whoohoo, babes in bikinis!”
Reigen’s brows went up so fast they almost hit the roof as he did a double take at Toritsuka. What?! The kid was on parole? Or?? Off parole?! 
Toritsuka was a felon?!
What on Earth was Saiki doing hanging around a felon?! Reigen, never convicted, felt abruptly overcome by a jittering urge to throw Saiki over his shoulder, Mob and Kurata on the other one, and book it after hitting the so-called monk who was apparently a felon with a facefull of pepperspray.
Aiura hit Toritsuka and the hooting teenager dropped like a rock. Reigen stared.
‘Not to throw rocks from glass houses but did I just witness an assault?’
“Like, don’t mind him,” The gyaru said, looking up from the body at her feet with a sparkling smile. “He’s reformed!”
“And he’ll stay that way if he knows what’s good for him,” Kuboyasu growled, popping his knuckles.
Yeah, uh, no. Why did that not make Reigen feel better? At all? 
Reigen swallowed and pointed. “Do I need to be concer-”
The entire crowd of teenagers said at once, “NO!”
Reigen felt blown back a little bit. His jacket dropped off his shoulder a little, even. Given how crowded the airport was, it really was something that this ruckus of kids could be so center-of-attention. Actually, was there an even bigger crowd surrounding them than usual? And a chorus of people saying “Oh wow”, everyone looking their way like they were a bunch of idols (or maybe at the glowing one in particular but whatever). Was each and every one of them a main character or something?
A shudder of horror dripped down his spine. An entire symphony of teenage main characters that he, Reigen, the only adult, would need to coral and keep track of? To supervise? To supervise with Mob?! Gullible, innocent, naive Mob? (Kurata would be fine.) All by himself? Well of course there was Serizawa and Dimple but. No. No. For all that they were also adults, there was no way Reigen would trust either of them to supervise kids. Dimple would try to  turn them all evil (the ones who could see him) and Serizawa was already hyperventilating his peopled in claustrophobia. Oh.
Oh he felt so dizzy.
Saiki looked over his shoulder, then looked at Reigen, and actually bowed his head ever so slightly. “I sincerely apologize.”
Reigen actually believed him. He set a hand on the boy’s shoulder, part in sympathy and part because he actually needed to steady himself. “I accept your apology.”
“Uhm.” Kaidou stepped forward. “I’m. Actually Saiki’s plus one.”
…Was that supposed to make Reigen feel better, or-
“We can take care of ourselves,” The redhead said again. He had pure Class Rep energy. “Our parents wouldn’t have let us come by ourselves otherwise, hahaha! Please, sir, don’t worry about it so much.”
At that Kaidou gave Saiki an accusatory look.
Reigen looked at Saiki too, and wondered exactly if he should start worrying about it.
idk if im gonna keep this chapter opener or not but jic i dont hyg
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When Will I See You Again - ARE WE STARTING WITH MARTHA???? - WE’RE STARTING WITH MARTHA. - I DONT KNOW WHATS HAPPENING IM SO LOST ARE THESE IN NARRATIVE ORDER?  - carrie sounds absolutely fantastic, 100%, absolutely gorgeous. - “then i will go from your grave” is this about thomas? i haven’t looked enough at martha historically, i’m not all that interested in her but this might be about thomas?? in which case, confusion and intrigue.  - BRADLEY??? SIR???? YOU SOUND GORGEOUS OH MY GODDDD.
The Wedding -  "BEFORE WE MET I WAS A TROUBLED MAN" NO I CANT BAWL OVER THOMAS ALREADY - immediately so glad this isn’t Oliver Savile as Thomas still because I’d already be sobbing by now if it was. - OH GOD MARTHA AND THOMAS’S WEDDING I CANT DO THIS, I GET SAD ENOUGH ABOUT THOMAS AS IT IS - “AND NOW IM PROUD TO BE YOUR WIFE” I CANNOT DO IT - OH NO NOT IT BEING HAPPY, OH NO PLEASE, OH GOD THEY HAVE NO IDEA WHATS COMING -  "we will endure the storm together" NO YOU WILL NOT BESTIE The Catholic Problem - Ohhh this is a new voice, hello. I have no idea who this is. Narrator? Do we have a narrator?  - Guys we might have a narrator.  - Sorry I am absolutely obsessed with how much this song feels like an allegory for queerness.
All We Dreamed And More - assuming this song will be much the same as the version on the album- OH NEW LYRICS - NEW LYRICS GUYS, STAY CALM, NEW LYRICS. NEW LYRICS. - nO THEY TOOK OUT THE VERSE ABOUT JAMES???? WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT??? - okay they’re making me sad about thomas can we just have the- OH OKAY THEY KEPT THE JAMES VERSE THEY JUST MOVED IT FURTHER BACK - holy shit bradley sounds so good, i love this man, i love this man so much, he’s absolutely killing it. - OH HARMONIES OH THE TEMPO IS PICKING UP, OH WE HAVE INSTRUMENTS OH THIS IS AWESOME - oh shit yeah course because the other one was an acoustic version, right? oh the little triumphant instrumental oh i love this oh im gonna cry - THEYRE ACTUALLY POOR LITTLE MEOW-MEOWING THOMAS WHAT IS GOING ON. - okay really glad they’re making more references to his past, i was literally talking about this with somebody earlier, i’m super happy we’re getting these little references. 
The Promise - Immediately I’m like. This does not sound like Daniel. - It definitely is because you can hear it in the intonation and the accent but I am....not necessarily on board with the character voice? i get what he’s doing but i’m. i can’t say im a fan? maybe i’ll warm up to it. - i was gonna say this version is less camp but actually as we hit the chorus, i think it's just as camp - OH THAT LAUGH HOLY SHIT - OH GOD OKAY THIS MIGHT BE MORE CAMP - oh this is so good. oh bradley you are so good. i am a massive oliver stan first and foremost but bradley is doing a phenomenal job. - HERE WE GO COME ON DANIEL  - i heard that little laugh sir, you didn’t get away with that - NAILED IT. FUCKING NAILED IT. HOLY SHIT. I LOVE THE ENDING TO THIS SONG. AND THE ENUNCIATION AS WELL???? FUCKING PERFECTION.
The Day Elizabeth Died - Okay so I wasn’t a fan of this on the album so we’ll see how we do. - Granted I think that’s because it’s a Thomas-less song so I just wasn’t all that interested. - OOHHH HARMONIES, OKAY. - hmmmm are those the bells from Take Things Into Our Own Hands - IT IS, THATS THE DRUMMING FROM TAKE THINGS INTO OUR OWN HANDS. - yeah that’s so cool, i love that so much. i love that you can hear Take Things Into Our Own Hands building in the background, i’m assuming that’ll be the next song? either way, gorgeous detail.  - is that daniel? little bit of daniel? not sure. can’t tell. 
A United Kingdom - DANIEL SONG. DANIEL SONG. ANOTHER DANIEL SONG. OHHH THERE’S THE END OF THE PROMISE PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND, OH I LOVE ALL OF THIS. - smh James get your ego in check, there’s more important things right now than being remembered for uniting the nation. - oh i love this. i love daniel. his voice is so good. - i don’t know how i feel about the comedic tone shift? knowing what comes later, i’m unsure. i don’t like it. i guess that’s kind of the point? maybe? - "i said i'd leave the catholics alone. in fact, i sort of...promised" the fact that i can visualise the face he's making - explode? poor choice of words there james.
Burn - Oh narrator again! Hello narrator! - See yeah I’m really not being sold by the continuing tonal whiplash. this feels too hamilton-esque and it doesn’t really fit?  - i’m so confused by this song, there’s so much going on.  - oh hello is this the catholics? trying to pick Bradley’s voice out and struggling. - okay yeah i liked the narrators first song but i’m not on board with this one. it would be really good if it was separate from the other vocal parts but having the two combined in one song is kind of muddling my brain.
Take Things Into Our Own Hands - Immediately i’m excited to see if Bradley gives us that beautiful high note that Oliver does. I know I shouldn’t pit them against each other, but I’ve seen so much of Oliver’s stuff that I know what he basically always brings to a character, and having seen Bradley in only a couple things, I’m excited to see how their versions of Thomas differ. - I like this Catesby. I think this is the first we’ve heard from him all musical so far, he sounds really good. - Okay that was Thomas’s verse but that wasn’t Bradley. I’m fairly certain that wasn’t Bradley.  - OH OKAY THEY JUST CUT OUT THE ENTIRE BUILD-UP AND THE END OF THE SONG. WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT. HELLO???? WHAT.  - absolutely not a fan, i really love the build on the “haaaands” before they split off into their vocal parts and do the harmonies. bring that back. bring that back right now. bradley would have killed that high note, i know he would have. 
The Inevitable - I cried the first time I heard this song. Let’s see how it holds up.  - OH YEAH OKAY RIGHT OFF THE BAT THE VIBES HERE ARE DIFFERENT. - OH THAT LITTLE LAUGH.  - OH THIS IS SO MUCH SADDER.  - OH NO MARTHA ITS OKAY.  - i mean its not okay but its okay.  - GOD THIS IS SO GOOD.  - I have a really strong visual of Thomas during this song and this is kind of adding to it? this version doesn’t feel quite as hopeless? like, there’s an anger here where in the other version it was just, kind of an acceptance? super interested to see how this translates across towards the ending. 
The Plot - Is this Catesby? I think this is Catesby but I’m not 100% - oh i love these vibes, it reminds me of something but i can’t put my finger on what it is - i can’t hear Bradley, where is Bradley, give me Bradley. We want Bradley. We want Bradley. We want Bradley.  - ohhhh. the metronome(?) in the background. - OH NO NOT THE INEVITABLE CREEPING BACK IN. I HAD A FEELING IT WOULD BE USED AGAIN BUT I FIGURED IT WOULD BE DURING THOMAS’S DEATH, NOT THIS EARLY ON. - okay is this bradley? oh yeah that’s bradley. 
A Watchful Eye - OH A SONG ABOUT MARTHA???? - OH NO IS THIS GOING TO BE ABOUT THOMAS. OH NO. OH NO.  - oh this is going to ruin me. oh martha. oh darling martha.  - oh thomas my boy. my darling boy. my (historical) thomas percy fixation started i think a little over a decade ago? its been a long time anyway. i fucking love (fictionalised) thomas percy so much.
Digging Down Deeper - hello narrator!! i missed you!!! - oh this slaps, go narrator!!  - i might need a better name for them than “narrator” but i don’t think they have any historical basis, i think they might just be a narrator. - “someone oughta warn them, someone oughta tell, they’re tryna find god but they’re heading for hell” HOLY SHIT
Blind Faith - Okay this was my favourite song so lets go! - carrie aceing it, of course. come on bradley. - opt up? - oohhhhh no he’s sticking with the lower range from the acoustic version. yeah, i think this song is where his and Oliver’s approach to Thomas differs the most. he sounds super good though. - i think i prefer the opt ups that we get from oliver but bradley sounds gorgeous either way. - i know bradley has the upper range, i just wanna hear it. he’s a lot stronger though i think? that might be the lower notes but he feels very booming. i’m conflicted as to how well it fits with the thomas we’ve seen seen so far. and i know bradley has a different approach than this to No Happy Ending. - not sure this one holds up unfortunately. not that i’m giving out points, but if i was, it would be a point for oliver. 
The Plot Reprise - See now THIS is what i wanted to hear from bradley during Blind Faith. - oh this is super good. i love this. do i remember what the non-reprise version of this song sounded like? no, but this slaps.  - okay i just scrolled back up and checked my notes, back on board.  - sidenote, terrified to reach Caught in the Crossfire in case that’s Thomas’s death song. 
As Far as I Can Tell - OH DANIEL SONG AGAIN. - he sounds so good i’m a daniel stan fr.  - oh this is jazzy. i hope he gets some good choreo for this. i want some jazz hands, a couple of kicks maybe.  - “...oh for gods sake” Daniel you’re incredible.  - pls stop giving daniel massive notes at the end of his songs, he’s got to do an entire run of this. i have complete faith that he’ll manage it but still. come on.
No Happy Ending  - I don’t actually have that much to say about this song? This is the version they dropped on November 5th, and I’ve listened to it enough since then that I don’t have anything else to say about it really.  - “robert catesby is a man of pure intention” gets me every single time though. i am grabbing thomas and i am shaking him and demanding he listen to his wife. he is a FOOL. an IDIOT. and i love him immensely. - “but my faith in you has clearly been misplaced” BRADLEY JUST DOESNT MISS. EVERY LINE HE SAYS FEELS LIKE A PUNCH IN THE GUT. - how have we gone from The Wedding to this. Y’all sounded so happy earlier and now we’re here. - oh scream bestie, i love you thomas.  - okay i am conflicted on martha here. i love her and she’s done her best and thomas is doomed and we know that but still. be gentle with the man who has been brainwashed into a religious cult. that’s my two cents on the matter.
Caught in the Crossfire - I paused it immediately because I needed to emotionally prepare myself but I think I heard the narrator so i think we’re okay. - no, this is not the narrator. i may still need to prepare myself. - i don’t know who this woman is. it’s not martha.  - SING LADIES. FEMINISM.  - i was expecting to be sad about thomas and actually im just vibing. there’s two minutes for things to go sour before the end of the song but i think we’re good.  - wondering if the final song will be thomas then since its a reprise of the first song, which was a Martha and Thomas song.  - MARTHA GETS THE DECIDING VOTE. NO. I MEAN, BE A FEMINIST GIRLBOSS BUT THAT IS HER HUSBAND IN THERE. - IS SHE TURNING HER BACK ON HIM. I KNEW THEY OBVIOUSLY HAD BECOME ESTRANGED BECAUSE OF NO HAPPY ENDING BUT IS SHE ABOUT TO ACTIVELY BETRAY HIM. - OH NO IM REALLY INTRIGUED BY HOW THE LAST SONG IS GONNA GO THEN. 
When Will I See You Again Reprise - buckle in lads, lets go. - oh that’s martha. that is martha.  - see i’m now fairly confident she’s not talking about thomas? i don’t know. this is what has stumped me. - is this about thomas? give us a bradley line. i need some indication of something.  - oh is that the Take Things Into Our Own Hands motif again? it sounds similar. oh i think it is.  - WHAT DOES THAT MEAN.
Okay then. Uhhh, general thoughts below ig? - the lack of Cold Hard Ground did not go unnoticed. Where is that song? give me that song. i want it. i’m aware that this isn’t all of the songs from the musical, but i’m surprised it’s not on here, since it was an already released track. very intrigued. much to think about. - no actual conclusion song. again, i’m aware this isn’t all of the songs but i THOUGHT we’d get a thomas and catesby death song this time around. i hope we get one. i hope one exists. i will be really fucking bitter if not. its been set up really well. i want one. give me one. - same goes for anything post-plot actually. i am assuming the musical will continue on and explore the death of the plotters rather than cutting off when the plot fails? i am hoping it goes on until the deaths of the plotters. i think there is the potential for good songs surrounding the manhunt. and i always want another daniel song. - i need more of thomas. i always need more of thomas. again, talking about the deaths of the plotters, i want a death song for thomas. let me take a peek inside his tiny idiot brain. i want to know if he dies still believing that catesby is a good man, or if that blind faith finally starts to give way to doubt. i want to know. i need to know. give me that good thomas percy content please. 
all in all - that fucking slapped. i’m assuming we won’t get any new content until the tour releases, so i’m gonna have to be really fucking patient until it does. i think i can manage that. im lying. i can’t. i need it now. 
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omegalomania · 2 years
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/omegalomania/188644148638?source=share ;loved this post of yours, it really made me pay attention to stuff i would've missed, thank you so much for making it!!! dyou maybe have more things that stood out to you like this (basically i'm saying compilation but again UwU)? thank you again and have a nice day good sir(gn) <3
here's a nicer link for people to click on, though the post is a couple years old by now. still i'm sure i can think of few more. so here’s a non-exhaustive list of little fob things that Get Me (tm).......2!
whenever they do “hum hallelujah” live, the original lyric is "me and my plus one in the afterlife," but patrick always always always sings it as "me and my plus ones in the afterlife." it's small and sweet and i have no idea how intentional it is but its almost like he cant imagine only having one person he loves that much.
back when they’d do “the kids aren't alright” live, there was one particular show where during the whole last chorus, pete would scream alongside patrick belting and it honestly does a lot of things to me
“death valley” live. thats all. the sheer pitch and power patrick has to dedicate to belting this seriously vocally ABSURD song. and JOE. GOD JOE SHREDDING? JOE DOING BACKING VOCALS. fuck me UP.
i could give less of a shit about what “bang the doldrums” is ~actually about~ i just care about the fucking drums in that song. the ride cymbal is so FUCKING delectable on the bridge and it actually kills me how no one talks about that
anytime patrick giggles in his studio vocals and they choose to leave it in, like in “young volcanoes” or “HOLD ME TIGHT OR DON’T” acoustic. it’s so sweet to me that they just leave that in.
the way rhythm of the claps in “explode” on soul punk matches the rhythm of the drums in “(coffee’s for closers)” EXACTLY haunts me. it haunts me. i dont know if it means anything specific because i can absolutely believe that that’s just indicative of how patrick writes (he writes like such a drummer oh my god) but the fact that they have such similar messages (feeling constrained by societal expectations, fighting helplessness that swarms into rage) and that they have that exact same beat...like i said. it Haunts Me.
i think a lot of people miss how fucking infectious and powerful the guitar riffs on “novocaine” are. fortunately, they come through VERY strongly live.
also shoutout to “uma thurman” live when the sampling of the munster’s theme is replaced by joe doing the licks live. that genuinely makes the whole song pop and makes it absolutely BANGING live.
whenever they play “disloyal order of water buffaloes” live patrick and pete stand next to each other when patrick sings “what a match, i’m half-doomed and you’re semi-sweet” and sometimes pete mouths the words alongside him and it undoes me a little bit every single time.
in general it’s just really really sweet to see all the guys still doing the same rituals the way they used to. patrick and pete still turn toward each other during “where is your boy” live but they don’t have to prop each other up for support anymore. they can stand on their own, but that doesnt mean they wont still pay tribute to all the times when they couldnt.
and on the flip side, the little choreography that only started coming to bear posthiatus, like the little guitar-off joe and patrick do during sugar. like that wasnt really there prehiatus, and now they do it every time and joe makes faces at patrick every time and patrick grins every time and it is honestly everything to me.
if you’ve never sat down and really listened to the drums in “20 dollar nosebleed” do that. please do that. like i said patrick writes like such a fucking drummer so he and andy have a lot of synchronicity and it really really shows when you pay attention to the percussion in any fob song.
the matching guitar lines in “champion” and “the last of the real ones” is like an inter-album call-and-response. if you’ve never listened to those songs back to back DO THAT cause it makes them feel like they sort of complete each other.
the way you can hear patrick whispering “spin for you” on “favorite record” after each verse. the mixing on abap is SO good just in general there is a lot of little subtleties that it takes several listens to really get
the “american beauty / american psycho” title track is criminally underrated ESPECIALLY live. the instrumentation alone is fucking hypnotic.
obviously the riffs on “a little less sixteen candles a little more touch me” are catchy as hell but the little sprinkling on top...like you can hear it on the instrumental during the chorus but its just a liiiiiittle extra riffage on top of what we already got and its delectable.
the studio chatter on pax am days deserves its own bullet point. i’ve talked about how pax am days is so so so good in general but the way you can hear the guys all laughing and cheering between every song. joe swearing OHHH SHITTY CRAP SHIT at the end of “hot to the touch, cold on the inside” like it just adds this warmth and intimacy without any of the polish you usually get. it softens me up every time.
“caffeine cold” is legitimately one of my favorite fob songs ever. the build. the pacing. the urgency. the whole way segue into the ending. the goddamn LYRICISM. don’t breathe life into a monster then complain when he destroys it all again. i’m not a monster. just really fucked up. i’ll see you in hell.
you know what i literally never hear people talking about?? the boys of zummer remixes that fob and wiz khalifa did of each other’s songs. special mention goes out to the live rendition of “stayin out all night” wiz and fob did together, because i have a special love for the combination of wiz’s verse on top of joe’s riffage. they did the wiz remix of uma live with him too!!
THE TRANSITIONS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD THE TRANSITIONS. LIKE JUST ALL OF THEM. thriller to take over. golden to mmrs. favorite record to immortals. get busy living to xo. THE ENTIRETY OF FOLIE A GODDAMN DEUX
“alone together” live is a treat but i want to give special mention to the riffing joe does that brings it all together. all the guys have at some point referred to joe as the connective tissue of their songs, and the guy who works on the actual sonics of fall out boy the most. i think that really really comes through live especially. he’s not a flashy guitarist by nature but that is most certainly not a bad thing and his instrumentation is basically the texture we’re always hearing behind every song.
people give “immortals” a hard time as though it does not contain the line “sometimes the only payoff for having any faith / is when it gets tested again and again every day” and that’s criminal.
ive mentioned this before but “church” has a fantastic bassline and while im sad pete didnt play it live, its genuinely so fucking good how joe picked up the bassline and integrated it into his riffing when they played that song live on mania tour. probably im reading too deep into it, but i find it sweet, that level of trust and support theyll dedicate to each other in a live setting.
there’s a misconception i’ve seen floating around that the symphonic strings we hear at the beginning of “the phoenix” are samples but they are not! they were recorded by the london philharmonic orchestra specifically for the song, inspired by the fourth movement of dmitri shostakovich’s “leningrad” symphony.
it’s a goddamn shame they never released a studio acoustic version of “wilson (expensive mistakes)” because i genuinely really love the performances of it we got during mania era. all two of them sob.
in general i think people undersell the presence of guitars on fob songs a lot. the guitars are there - they just have effects all over them! just because something doesn’t contain an 80s riff doesnt make it not a guitar song. i’ve seen buzz around the possibility that fob’s next project will be guitar based because joe called it a “guitar album.” you know what he also called a guitar album? save rock and roll. don’t underestimate what these guys can do with just their instruments; young and menace was all done with guitars, bass, and drums, pitch-shifted to sound electronic.
one thing that really stays with me is the guy who did a breakdown for the raw multitracks of the 2019 “lake effect kid” release. like not only does it REALLY showcase how much instrumentation and layering goes into every song (THEY RECORDED ALL THIS SHIT IN ONE DAY), but the one thing that sticks with me the most is the moment about 10 minutes in where the guy just stops and goes “this is why these guys are so unexpected and cool.” and it’s because he notes in the mixing that andy is playing the tambourine in sync with the crash cymbals. this is something that’s found in metal, that you’d expect to find in metal, and here it is fitting snug in a pop rock song. i just. find it so indicative of who they are and where they come from, that andy still plays like a metal drummer and is still essential to a band that writes pop hits. it’s like no matter how far they’ve gone, their roots are still there for people willing to look. there’s some part of them that hasn’t forgotten where they came from. they play songs that end up on radio, but you can tell they came from hardcore if you know what to listen for.
all right thats all i can think of rn. THANKS FOR ASKING. always love to talk about these guys
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nirnrootic · 1 year
@austerulous / farkas.
Winter; she was many things. A snow-laden playground, ebbing maturity in the face of puerile joy. A vile smile, teeth sinking into flesh and spreading cold poison. A time for family, gathered in front of the swaddling warmth of the fire. A yearly trial, for those without home nor flame to free them of her gelid bite.
Erosandros would see each and every side of winter's multifaceted body. Not a day would go by without mirth contrasted against pain. Not one. It wasn't unusual to see a gaggle of children wallowing in thick dollops of snow, and then, not even ten steps away from such merriment, an unfortunate soul that'd passed during the night, swaddled by winter's cruel arms.
Erosandros was used to it. It was normal. But, occasionally, a single question would breach the surface, threatening the monotone of otherwise mundane thoughts:
His gaze landed upon a trio, a mother and father, with a baby who looked far too thin and sickly to warrant life. They sat at the flank of the snow-crusted road, the one that weaved to-and-fro to the jarl's abode further up the city's heart; silent, for breath racked down their throats like claws. He stared. Then, after a moment's pause, he plucked his pouch half full of coin from his hip, and offered it to the mother. There was hesitance in the father's face, fearing a bargain lurking in the gift like a veiled pit viper, but all Erosandros asked was for them to get some warm food and perhaps a bed for a couple of nights.
"If your little one needs help, my clinic is just a ways up along this road. Take care."
He took off before they could fully comprehend what had happened.
Other than his spurt of generosity, today proved to be a slow day at the clinic. Most individuals that dragged their boots in were looking for cures or alleviation for common ailments; stuffy noses, coughs, sore throats. Things that winter brought with her, wherever she settled.
A woman left with a few potions in tow, and shortly after, came another. The doorbell, hung above the threshold, let loose a lilted, metallic chorus upon entry. Erosandros was midway through chatter with Mirvon when it hit him—the stench. The malodour.
Lycanthrope. Specifically, the werewolf strain.
The door's maw came to a clicked close. A nord stood a step, maybe two, into the foyer. The way the nord's nares flared, the stomach-plummeting realisation washing over his features as his gaze landed upon the medical duo. There was no doubt in Erosandros' mind; he knew too.
"Mirvon, please, leave us."
"Oh? Do you know—"
It took Mirvon a beat, maybe two, before realisation, too, dawned upon that small window of his face. He glanced, nervous and nigh frightful, at the newcomer, before shambling away. Violet eyes landed upon blue.
"How may I help you today, sir?" The words were polite enough, as were his tone, but juxtaposed with the rapidly taut atmosphere, they bore a ... particularly unfriendly sharpness to them. Erosandros didn't close the distance between them, rather giving the nord wide berth.
It felt suffocating enough as it was.
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(livebloggy) thoughts about the studio versions of eurovision 2023 songs on spotify (don't judge me). also if i say something has "energy" or "vibes" it is almost always neutral/positive.
aijā: the instrumental fooled me into thinking this would be far more upbeat and Quirky. then the melody came in and it's slower than my personal liking. uh, sir are you okay? i do like the strong pulse with subdivisions, i hope that's right terms. i like the ending "please don't wake up" (ig that's the bridge) and the stripped down ending (i do mean ending this time) in latvian.
dance (our own party): i liked it until the verse lyrics came on. AND I LOVE THE INSTRUMENTALS THOSE ARE REALLY BOPPING. the chorus is neat!!!! the verse seems like dichotomy. but not in the best way. idk. i'm really enjoying like the whole song aside from verse 1. apart from that section it's great! also i acknowledge that when i write in this post format my bitchiness and criticism grows three sizes so yk
who the hell is edgar?: is it cringy? MAYBE but it's fun OH THE CHANT DAMN. like the music, even though it's upbeat and electro, suits the vibe of possession and horror. even without the chant (though that was sick). which the last song was missing in the first verse. look. early favourite tbh. thanks austria! (the 'who the hell is edgar?' at the end took me out tho ngl)
breaking my heart: it's not bad. it's cute! it reminds me of something i would do warmups to in dance class!! (not a bad thing at all). the texture drop and tight harmonies is done really well. if you described this to me i'd probably expect to hate it but i'm vibing!
so far when i looked up which country each entry was from i wasn't super surprised. idk what that says but i'm saying it.
tattoo: i know this is loreen. thing is i didn't get the hype for euphoria so we'll see. it reminds me of something? oh it's kinda got greatest showman vibes in the chorus. not really in the verse but. also the pre-chorus does remind me a little of church music (like hillsong music). instrumental reminds me of the slow part of love is blind (lithuania 2012). i think people will probably really like this, i think it's mid.
because of you: i have listened to this one before, admittedly. just dance energy. again reminds me of warmups when i did dance as an extracurricular. the lyrics aren't for me, but if they're inspired by a real person, then that's cute for them!!! i just hope they don't make the staging really basic tbh
heart of steel: i like how it's going hard on the minor key. some villain energy. which i respect and endorse wholeheartedly. like it's chill, but evil, and i think that's what we all need to embody a little bit. also reminds me of 'don't get sad, get even' in vigilante shit. idk where i was expecting to come from, but this is very cool, ukraine!!
carpe diem: i like how it starts a lot, less how it builds. OOOO GUITAR OOOOO. i am a child, but that's besides the point.
d.g.t (on and off): i can't really describe it?? it's very rocking for such a slow song, i love the snapping and the rhythm. the high parts, less so, but it really depends on how it's performed. 6/8 my beloved. my beloved. mmmmmmm dynamic interest mmmmmmm. i am not one to wish different from the high notes but uh, not my fave part of the song rn (then again i generally prefer songs sung lower)
ai coração: OOOO THE PIANO RUN LIKE IN SHREK 2. it's so danceable but non in a generic edm way oh i am in love i love her voice ohohohohoh. thank you portugal this shall be in my top.
power: GIRL WHERE WAS THE INTRO. uh very hillsong. idk what to tell you it just gives strong christian music vibes at the start. the electro undertones minimises it but still. STILL. not even just the music the metaphors too.
stay: it's too slow for my liking. it's not bad, it's just. that sort of song. parts of this are familiar, from other eurovision songs. the chorus gives very 'we are the world! world peace!' energy. not my favourite, but if you like it, i'm happy for you!!
eaea: i have listened to this before!!! i think it's neat!!! the vibes are immaculate!!! thank you spain!!! (don't love it as much as slomo but that was the top of my spotify wrapped so yk)
samo mi se spava: it's giving the 2005 dcom minutemen. no i will not elaborate.
blood and glitter: is this... rap rock?? contrast?? it's giving some form of campiness ig?? I LOVE IT. THE VARIETY. GERMANY?? damn nice work germany!!
we are one: it's a little to 'simple happiness' for my taste? but at least it's happy and uplifting!!! i don't love it but i respect it!! it does however remind me of the australian Classic 'for we are one but we are many, and from all the lands on earth we coMe'. i sang that song for like 4 years before knowing the lyrics. like damn i was really rather no thoughts head empty when i was 5. yeah ireland i'm not shocked.
cha cha cha: giving uno energy?? very high energy!! actually add this to a get psyched mix bc this slapsssssss. wooooooooo
mama šč: hey i don't get it i think it's doing A Lot!! but i'm really keen to the staging, and it's bopping
tell me more: it's very sweet and cute. like if it's this sort of slow song it can manipulate me. even if there's non-mischa bachinski rap (seeeee, rtc mutuals, i can slip the references in there!!!)
bridges: reminds me of a matter of time from 2018?? it feels very soft and a little angsty but not in the way i like?? the lyrics, while so valid, aren't what i wanna listen to to live my best life yk?
break a broken heart: ooooo i love the rhythm of this one!! dare i say believer vibes? also the disney channel movie zombies? i know this sounds bad but i'm genuinely thoroughly enjoying it!!! vibes king
what they say: it's sad deep in a way that doesn't particularly mesh with me, unfortunately. although 'i got too much on my plate' eyo same man
evidemment: feels very epic and very french. OH A DANCE BEAT OH. we're vibing now perry the platypus!
solo: it's very upbeat beach vibes. look i just really like it. it's so slay girlboss, you know???
i wrote a song: hmmmmm at least someone's taking alexander rybak's advice!!! not my personal cup of tea musically (not much melodic interest and too staccato for me) or lyrically (since i'm translating catullus, i'm not in the mood for scorned lovers who decide to write verses about how they're getting their revenge. but i don't dislike this artist!! i do hate catullus)
soarele si luna: PASHA PARFENI!!!!! i'm really enjoying this one!!!! (not as much as his 2012 entry, but i had 11 years to fall in love with that one, it'll take time, and they're very different)
due vite: not my thing, and that's okay!!
watergun: it's not my kind of ballad, i hope this person is okay!!
duje: i love the strong pulse with the native language and the violin runs and how it says hyped!!!
my sister's crown: women supporting women. i'm not the biggest fan of the english lyrics or the melody in the verse BUT THE CHORUS SLAPS like majorly so. i don't love the soft ethereal it gets in the english chorus but when it changes languages i do. i think this is a hint that i don't love music in english as much
promise: my country :) i've listened to this one already. i find it rather repetitive in the verses (particularly the first one), the music is fine!! certainly not my least favourite of our entries!!! i really like the music in "cross my heart til the sun turns red in the sunrise" (possibly aided by the brevity of it) and also when they absolutely fucking rock out in the instrumental
burning daylight: i personally don't love it, it reminds me of like 2013 indie stuff. also, to be nitpicky, there's one specific lyric that is the sorta thing that i know pisses me off so. yeah. didn't Help.
queen of kings: yeah this one was an early favourite of mine i've already listened to it. it just musically gives me dark fantasy vibes and energises me, you know?? very disappointed the studio version doesn't include the italian and latin chanting, but it's still like a great song to run to (i don't run). i was a little concerned about if she'd be able to pull of the vocals live (based only on the studio version) but when i watched her melodi grand prix version she fucking slayed
unicorn: i love the epic intro, it was kinda too much of a drop for me when the singer came in. pre-chorus feels a bit basic (***for my tastes) or is it the chorus idk but it reminds me of the circus climax of madagascar 3. the phenonamal part is a bop, and i really do like the ending part!!! the first half just wasn't my taste as much (aside from that beginning instrumentation)
if it's not on spotify, i wasn't bothered to listen to it (but ofc i will eventually!!). honestly this feels like a pretty good year (to meeeee) but not the highest quality ballads/slow songs (i know there's a difference, but for the sake of eurovision, no there's not)
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disdudedraws · 1 year
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Vaille Sommers, a Tabaxi champion fighter!
With a gun. If the DM gives you a gun you have to use a gun.
I wrote way too much about the character you can check out here~
Eight winters ago, in the land of Sadako, the crew of the navy vessel Light's Beckon found themselves a new cabin boy.
The small tabaxi was frail, and unobtrusive, and in his ten years of age he'd hardly spoken a word more than “Yes sir,” or “No sir.” Ordinarily, such a child would not be permitted to go on such a voyage, at least not without permission from a guardian. But the little kitten had no parents or siblings, and Light's Beckon happened to be short of men to clean the floors.
For over a year past that, Vaille cleaned the floor dutifully, almost mechanically. He never spoke up or out of turn, and it was impossible to tell if anything you said to him took root – he just gave the same, quiet, thousand yard stare whether you were bringing him a feast or threatening to toss him overboard.
But one thing did catch his attention, betrayed his inner self. When the navy vessel set siege to a pirate vessel, he was always listening from his hiding place below the deck. Tabaxi have very good ears, and to him, a sea battle was like an orchestra. The muskets were like cellos, the screams of dying men, a chorus singing out their souls, the clashing of steel, the strings of violins.
These battles brought fear and horror to his young heart. But they always tempted his curiosity and drew out his inner artist. What was it like, to be in the grand concert of war? Maybe in another world, little Vaille would have made himself into a performer, one who sang his heart out on a real stage.
But one day, the pirates got on board.
He watched crewmembers fall beside him, and the blood painted musket at his feet was his only defense against the encroaching threat. He'd never fired before, but he knew how to adapt. In that moment, he leveled his new gun and took his first life, played his first note from a cello.
The world was a stage he'd only ever watched from below – but for once, in that moment of blood and tears, agony and terror, he was a singer, a dancer, a player.
Next battle, he took the musket again, not out of desperation, but out of need. The captain wasn't pleased to see this, but couldn't waste men escorting a child away. The captain got to be Vaille's first audience – he got to watch as Vaille managed to pull off two more kills with his musket.
He gained a rank after that, a badge. It wasn't a glamorous one, but it was one he was happy with. The show would go on.
To count the lives he took would be to count the beats of a heart, the footsteps of a dancer. But it was enough that, at the age of sixteen, he'd earned himself enough rank and money to buy a boring, quiet house on the port, to get a perfect, boring, well paying, meaningless job in the city.
It wasn't so bad at first. But then, the shakes began. How could a master performer like him go without his cello? Without his gun, he felt like a drinker without ale, a gambler without dice. He needed to shoot. He needed to play.
He didn't return to the navy – their performances were too methodical, too calculated. But others desired his steady aim and artistry. People who were willing to pay much, much more for a well placed bullet.
So with shaking hands and the choice to throw aside his morals, Vaille Sommers set out to play again.
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momobani · 2 years
P1Harmony Harmony: Set In album review
Unsolicited album review (p3!!)
I’ve been a p1ece since debut and I just get so excited about new music, no one asks for these nor cares, but I have fun doing it, so there. Hope everyone’s enjoying the album!!
Warning: long post [1.4k], I got carried away lmao.
Note - this is the first time P1Harmony has done the showcase first, then dropped the MV and then the rest of the album, the order does feel a little funny but it was actually really nice to hear two of the songs yesterday (they sang Better Together at the showcase as well as the title).
As always, I did keep up with the teasers, so it definitely won’t be a total surprise listening to the album. I feel like instead of spoiling it though, I got so hyped so I guess the teasers did their job alright. I also watched the showcase yesterday and heard both songs and I really liked both. 
Bonus: Jiung helped write Better Together!!! Intak and Jongseob always have their rap writing credits but to see a composition credit is just such a joy, especially because we know how much Jiung likes writing music and how much pride he takes in it.
Back Down (+MV)
Alright first things first - holy shit the visuals!!!!! I loved the underground idk ‘lair’ or whatever you can call the hang out spot since they dropped the prologue. It’s amazing, the detail, the decor is perfect. I immediately thought of the Ninja Turtles when I saw it, and I had a good look around on the bird app and found other people had a similar thought so I guess maybe FNC was going for it? If it’s so obvious lol. But I love it so much; the guys said this album is about friendship and I totally see why there’s a sort of reference to the ninja turtles - they’re a cute bunch (of brothers) but also friends and they go on cool missions and stuff so the vibe is perfect.
Okay the song: I could tell from the few seconds we got as teasers that this was going to be a bop but omg it’s so much better than that, it’s a whole banger! (Keeho’s intro, sir, do you have something to say?) There’s something so satisfying about Jongseob’s hard ‘rr’ sound and I love the bass boom in the instrumental. (also the MV - they got super powers or something from getting electrocuted? fun!) Intak’s “bro!” took me out (actually his whole verse did but yea), then the MV transition where they jump up from the sewers to the metro was just so neat omg. I love the sort of New York setting they’re emulating, it really keeps up the reference to the Ninja Turtles. Keeho with those glasses and earrings, he actually looks like he time travelled from the 90s lol. The backpacks make them look like turtles I’m sorry I said it but I find it adorable.
RA TA TA TA!!!!!!
Tag yourself I’m the pizza person looking down in the sewer.
Jiung is out for my life, he serving too hard this era, everyone say thank you to the stylists. But also the styling is as usual so incredible and everyone looks amazing!!
Soul throwing the pizza at us, the trio against the moonlight and standing on top of the buildings? So very Ninja Turtles, my heart is happy haha (i love the ninja turtles, can you tell?)
Omg the little captions too, comic book feel, it’s fun. BUT THEN
Jiung driving (Jiung driving me insane, p1eces sound off if you’re alive)
SOUL LINES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY
The pre-chorus is so long, what a build up, it’s like 3 different phrases? It’s dope.
The suits the suits the suits the suits also the little video game style thing when they’re “fighting” each other is so cute
Also I had this thought when I saw Keeho with this hair at the showcase yesterday - it really reminded me of something then I got it: he’s in his Rockhopper Penguin era, duh
Keeyang bridge - I love the way the instrumental gets so minimal, like yes, please we want to hear the vocals (ft Jiung losing his mind around the table lmao).
Intak’s ‘time to change it now’ - change what dude???!!! Also he looked like a cute school kid with that backpack lol I feel like I’m taking my kids to school when I see them with those massive bags haha.
The chorus of this song is so full of energy it’s definitely one of their biggest hype songs and that’s saying something.
I just checked how long the song is and it’s only 2:48?? It feels so much longer than that not just cuz of the video but like so much happens in it? anyway, interesting since it’s their shortest title track (all of the others are at least 3 mins long)
The instrumental touched my soul for a second. Speaking of which, SOUL LINES???!!!!!! YESSSSS my kid getting something after how long omg. The build up is beautiful. This is Yes Man’s younger, more playful sibling. That guitar? riff is ingrained in my heart now, no going back. Jongseob’s shimmy shimmy ah haha cute! This song is an instant serotonin boost I’m smiling so much. It’s so short though I need more!! So I’ll listen to it again sskskskskjdn
The ‘by your side’ harmony!! I want to dance, it’s so fun and cute omg. Jongseob’s singing yesss.
Secret Sauce
The intro????? i’m-
Beat is sick omg, the build up too. “future’s coming” interesting you should mention that.
Chorus took a totally different turn then I expected lol. The adlibs!!!! The gang vocals!!!! The whispering in the background behind the rapper’s verses holy shit, that’s cool.
Shimmy shimmy count x1000 aosfousduf
Taeyang please, have mercy, also that little ‘sauce’ adlib (i think it was actually Soul for some reason) before Keeho’s lines. What is that noise?? It sounded like an electronic xylophone or something wtf that was so cool
(in conclusion shimmy shimmy has me in a chokehold)
One and only
What????? The teaser didn’t do this song justice I say that like 20 secs in.
Funky lil instrumental, my beloved. Okay if BFF was related to Yes Man, so is this one, it’s like the funky cousin that is so loud but you love them anyway. Life of the party type of thing. BOOM! ZOOM! (i promised I’m not possessed by the music). SOUL LINESSSSSSS I’LL NEVER SHUT UP ABOUT THIS, KID’S DOING SO WELL!! The bridge, there’s so much going on in the instrumental holy shit. NANANANANANAANANA - you know a song is good when it has that.
Look At Me Now
(I really liked the Korean title, it’s something like “the child who swallowed the sun”?) just from the teasers I thought this might be one of my super all times favourite in the piwon catalog, let’s see if that’s true lol.
Jiung I’m on my last straw
Jongseob pop off my child :’)
“I’m on the top floor” - I’m somewhere in space, speeding toward the sun while listening to this song wbu (this is going to be my new 3am psychosis song lskdjosidsds)
This is p1eces’ boxer/WWE theme song, y’know when they announce the contenders and stuff, and they come out to epic music? This is the song
Better Together
(heard this yesterday watching the showcase, it was lovely as a performance)
I love the rapper’s vocals!!
I feel like Taeyang really owns this for some reason - like in the chorus especially.
Piwon’s medium pop ballads are always top notch, they all have that softness and upbeat chord progression that’s like sunshine on a rainy day.
I want an acoustic performance for some reason - I totally see this with a bunch of guitars and maybe around a camp fire?
Piwon harmonies!!!!!
In conclusion, Piwon have a god tier, no-skip discography and when kpoppies find out about them it’s over for everyone. I don’t know how they do it, like every album they put out is consistently brilliant and they manage to stay fresh and do different things while keeping that distinct p1harmony flavour, I really wonder what they put in the fish cake water.
I’m not a person who likes the obsessive fan culture with voting and streaming but honestly I would hope that there’s some way to give piwon a win, they more than deserved it for this whole year, every album/title was incredible and they’ve done so much, I’m so proud of them.
I really hope the guys can have some time off since they really had such a busy year, 3 albums, a tour, extra performances and all the harmony forest stuff too, holy shit, it’s really insane, but it was also so amazing and I hope they’re proud of what they’ve accomplished so far.
anyways, I love p1harmony and I hope you do too <333
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First Impressions part 1
Getting started on the right foot! This first group is ALL GOOD
Hoping for a strong start....
H-huh? Opera....? O.o
This....wasn’t what I was expecting.....It’s unique! I like her voice too!
This vocal style......folk-y, is it? That’s the word that comes to mind, at least.....The combination of it and the synths is COOL
That felt too short! I wanna listen again! But I can’t....
Uhhhhh.....y-yeah, strong start is right! Cuz it’s the first song, I can’t call it a potential favorite right away, but I definitely enjoyed that a lot! That was COOL!
This is gonna be a GREAT opener for the show!
Better than last year?: Tough one.....their last entry was, as everyone knows, a masterpiece.....but I THINK I like this one more.....? Sorry....I suck.....
Liking the energy right off the bat!
I’m gonna guess there’s gonna be nothing else like this
Um.....I-I can’t dance, sir.....
The verses are fun. The instrumental is fun. FUN! Even if it doesn’t end up a favorite, I can easily see myself learning all the words to this
My god, the instrumentals-
OK, OK, OK, FINE, MAYBE I WANNA DANCE- j-just a little....? D-dang it.....
Super fun song! Was rocking along at the end, which means I was getting into it XD This has some serious potential!!
Better than last year?: Gonna say no for now, since I was in the minority in loving “I Am What I Am” to pieces, but.....let’s just say that, with the kind of song this is, things are able to change....?
Serbia are gonna have a HARD time topping last year....
Whoa, what-
Excuse me-?
Uh.....this is- is it gonna- There it goes!
OK, the instrumentation is good......I’m paying attention to that rather than what he’s saying for the most part, oops.....Remember, only my first impression!
OK, this is getting REALLY good! Do-do-dodo-do-do~
Norway’s entry is better to me right now, but I still like this is a lot!
Wh-why’re you laughing-
Aaaaaand done
Uh.....super neat song! I need more listens to understand it more, but for now, it sounded great! His voice was.....OK, but the music? Heck YEAH!
Better than last year?: Probably no
Pretty rockish! I can dig this!
Another one I need to pay attention to the lyrics to.....It’s hard to do that while typing, tho.....Uh, gonna stop for a moment
Um....it’s over now, so.....What I got of the lyrics was....a lot of “Please don’t wake up” and I think I heard something like “I’ll try to say the right things”.....? I-is this another song about desperately trying to fix things as they’re going wrong, and “don’t wake up” refers to not wanting to face the reality that....it’s ending...?
......That kinda thing hits h-harder now......I-I’m pretty sure if “Fade To Black” was released this year, I’d have ranked it a lot higher.....And this is just a good song with a good beat on top of that. MAYBE I’m wrong about what it’s about, but like I said....first impression. *shrug*
Better than last year?:  YES, because I like this one unironically XD
H-huh? What’s this?
Is it gonna-
OK, WHAT???? HUH????
I-I.....I don’t dislike this? It just wasn’t what I expected XD I get the feeling this one will stand out a lot for a lotta people.....but I’m not sure if it’s MY thing....? I still LIKE it enough to call it a potential grower! And good for Portugal standards!
....But my least-favorite so far
Good voice BTW!
Better than last year?: I think this one’s a yes, but not by too much
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thaoilations · 1 year
It wasn’t much of a job, honestly. Mimi worked every single day and the money she got for it still was only just enough to cover her bills. Working at a saloon was a boring time, the travellers passing through were quiet, pensive. Luckily, Mimi had a wild imagination. She’d begin deciding on their backstories the moment they stepped through the wooden doors, kicking up dust in the old diner. What were they searching for? What did their drink say about them? What were they running from?
She kept herself occupied, it was a busier day— low, southern voices creating a mumbled chorus through the saloon. Mimi wiped her hands on her corset, smiling kindly at one of the patrons and tucking the money he’d shed into her brassiere. She wasn’t able to flirt money out of the guys the same way the other girls that worked would. It felt icky, wrong— and she found she had a hard time feigning attraction to people. It seemed to come to the other girls so easily, maybe that’s why they made so much more than she did.
The bell above the saloon doors rung and Mimi barely paid any mind, glancing— and then glancing again at someone not so familiar. A girl walked in, must have been a few years Mimi’s senior. She had red hair, and not red in the same way some of the girls at work had red hair — to be sexy and mysterious like a pin up— moreso red hair that felt dangerous, like she tamed dragons in her spare time in some other world. This was aided by the scar on her jawline, suggesting she’d been in some kind of gnarly fight some time back. The girl was masculine, in a way women can so pull off and walked like she had something heavy between her legs. Her stride was intentional and slow as she looked around, taking her hat off and carrying it at her centre. The shadow had hidden her immaculate bone structure and laser focused gaze. Mimi almost felt frightened that she’d catch her staring, wiping an already clean table down to double her subtleties. The red haired traveller approached a table of men, and they quietened at her approach. She must’ve had some kind of pull to get a group like that to be at a loss for words.
Mimi walked behind the bar, trying to be sneaky in following the newcomer— almost like in a trance at her unfamiliarity. Mimi’s bare arm grazed another saloon girls, who was pouring beer from a tap for a customer.
“Who is that?” Mimi nodded secretively towards the girl, who was speaking to the group in a quiet voice which caused them all to lean in just ever so slightly. The ginger girl beside Mimi glanced up from the pint glass, very little interest on her face.
“Uh, text book bounty hunter.” She answered quickly, distracted by another customer approaching. Mimi tilted her head slightly in interest as she continued watching, her brown ringlet curls falling across her arm. She wondered why she was so intrigued. Where did her scar come from? She gazed out of the dusty windows. Mimi wondered what horse was hers. One brown horse was unfamiliar and stood taller than the others, and that was the one she placed her bet on.
Mimi decided to build up the courage to offer them a round of shots, pulling down the nicest and cleanest shot glasses in the house. She filled them with whisky, and was placing the shots individually onto a tray when a scrawny man slid up beside her. She’d seen him a few times, always one drink away from being kicked out, bald and behaved strangely. Mimi grimaced a smile and he smirked lazily.
“Now please, please tell me you’re one’a them girls that lahk’ to drink on the job.” He slurred, accent thick as his eyes ran down Mimis tight fitted clothing. She shook her head, placing another shot on the tray.
“I do not. Why?” She regret asking.
“Cuhs those girls are the sleaziest an’ let you do whatever.” He barked out a laugh, displaying his blackened teeth as he stepped closer making Mimi’s shoulder on his side raise defensively as if to shield herself from his deadly breath.
“No sir.” Mimi shy’d away. He reached for her and at this, a hand reached past Mimi and shoved the man backwards. His drunken self struggled to catch his footing although it wasn’t much of a push, and he managed to stand up as straight as he could.
“Who you pushin, girl?” He hoarsely chastised.
“Can do more than push. If that’s what you want this to be.” Mimi widened her eyes hearing it wasn’t a man’s voice. Her voice was calm, level and dangerous. When Mimi followed the man’s wide gaze, she saw that the red headed traveller was peaking a small revolver out of her jacket, aimed at his chest from below. The man tried to act like he had no interest, yet he all but scurried out the door as Mimi turned to the girl, staring up at her bored expression as she pocketed the gun again.
“Y’know you’re not allowed to draw in here.” Mimi scolded but her voice came out softer than usual and the newcomer wanted to laugh at her attempt at authority.
“Yeah?” She chuckled, reaching past Mimi as someone passed her a cigarette over the brunettes shoulder.
“Could get me in trouble. If that wasn’t the case though I’d probably say thank you.” Mimi smoothed down her corset and the girls eyes followed where her hands were. She leant against the bar, clearly choosing this was where she wanted to stay for now. Mimi cleared her throat. “What’s your name?” She broke the very short silence and then cringed. She was a bounty hunter, she probably didn’t go by any name. Not a name she’d give to a stranger anyways.
“T.” She replied without skipping a beat, pulling the cigarette up to take a drag. She blew the smoke away and eyed the brunette. “What do I call you?”
“Mimi.” She replied with a curt smile. She desperately wanted to know more about T, but she didn’t want to push her luck— it was odd enough that she had attracted her attention in the first place.
“Suits you.” T acknowledged and Mimi tilted her head to the side questioningly, letting her eyes flutter over the girls face as she smoked. “Y’look like you wanna ask me somethin’.” T’s voice strained slightly having just inhaled, letting the smoke burn comfortingly at her chest. Smoking was a nervous habit, she didn’t need to tell Mimi that though.
“I ask a lot of questions, I’ve been working on not doing that anymore. Makes people think m’weird.” She spoke softly in the loud room but T was standing close enough to hear her loud and clear.
“Nothing wrong with that in my books. If I don’t wanna answer a question I don’t answer it. No harm in being asked.” The bounty hunter shrugged, urging her to ask. In all honesty, she didn’t love being questioned— but Mimi’s intentions seemed pure and plus she was trying to keep the conversation going for as long as possible.
“Are you married?” Mimi fiddled with a coaster shyly and T couldn’t help the smirk that grew on her face. She never got asked that, of all things.
“Am I married?” She repeated, brows raising amusedly. Mimis eyes shot up at this, pink warming her cheeks. “To who would I be married?”
“Anyone. I don’t know.” Mimi turned in the direction of the group of men T had stood with previously. “One of them?” Mimi averted her eyes constantly, feeling embarrassed at her question that so clearly revealed her weird needy crush on the stranger.
At the suggestion T nearly burst out laughing, but she didn’t want to mortify the poor girl so she held it back as much as she could, composing herself. “No, I uh— think it’s fairly clear to anyone with eyes that I don’t exactly prefer the company of a man.” She sarked and Mimi flushed even darker, trying to nod casually but the red head didn’t miss the lump she swallowed down.
“Which horse is yours?” The brunette was quick to change the subject, turning her face to the direction of the window as to avoid T’s searing eye contact.
“Wanna meet him?” T stubbed out the cigarette on the bar top, which would usually make Mimi tut in annoyance but she just stared at the girl instead, not caring what her boss might say and followed the T through the crowd toward the door. It was a busy day, and Mimi never stepped a foot out of line, realistically her boss wouldn’t notice or give a shit.
T whistled as they approached the tall brown horse, coat glistening in the sunlight. A few other horses turned and watched them approach before becoming quickly disinterested and T’s horse perked up at the two approaching.
“He’s huge!” Mimi marvelled, clasping her hands together excitedly and T watched her, stuffing her hands in her pockets.
“Yeah.” She responded, tearing her eyes away to her horse.
“Does he have a name?” Mimi stroked the horses cheek and he nuzzled into her palm.
“He does. Guess.” T proposed and Mimi pursed her lips, thinking seriously. She scratched beneath his chin like a dog as she hummed before coming to a definitive answer.
“Cookie!” She exclaimed as her guess. T raised an eyebrow, staring at her.
“Right. Try again.” She deadpanned, not sure whether to laugh or cry at the fact she thought her horse could have such a juvenile name.
“Hmm. Fernando.” She dragged out again and T sighed with a chuckle.
“Ah, so close. Zach.”
“Zach! It suits you! You look just like a Zach!” She spoke kindly to the horse as she continued petting it and it lapped up the attention, it was clear she had handled more dogs than horses in her life.
“Y’ever ridden a horse?” Thao asked, patting Zach’s side and Mimi shook her head sadly.
“No. My mama said I’m too clumsy so I was never allowed.” She sighed and T nodded in gesture towards Zachs saddle.
“Climb up, now I don’t trust you to ride him just yet but you can sit on him. See if you like it.” She crossed her arms and Mimi beamed, excitedly — sticking her foot in the stirrup and carefully swinging herself onto the saddle. She wriggled and got comfortable before turning to look down at the red head.
“How’d I look?” Mimi smiled sweetly and T squinted up, sun in her eyes.
“Like you were born to ride a horse.” T teased and Mimi giggled, stroking Zachs mane and staying for a few moments before turning to climb off. T thrust her hand out for Mimi to take and she did so, helping her jump down and landing with a bounce directly in front of her. Mimi held T’s hand a second longer than necessary before letting go, not making any effort to step back. T put her cowboy hat on Mimi’s head who giggled uncontrollably at this.
“Your hands are rough.” Mimi thought out loud, speaking quieter now.
“Supple skin isn’t really part of the job.” T shrugged and Mimi nodded thoughtfully, wondering what she even meant by that. They walked back towards the saloon doors, T coming to a slow before them.
“I was just dropping by, I’m actually heading off now. It was nice to meet you though.” She nodded courteously and Mimi’s face fell for a moment, feeling like their fun had only just begun. She glumly plopped the hat back on T’s head before her face lit up.
“Stay there, just for one moment. Please.” She urged before bursting back through the saloon doors, leaving them swinging in her wake. T awkwardly kicked up sand as she waited and spotted a tumbleweed roll past in the distance making her snigger. Mimi burst back out, out of breath and wielding an apple.
She took T’s hand and pressed the red fruit into her palm, looking into her eyes with a satisfied smile. “For Zach!” She explained and T chuckled, chucking it once in the air and catching it before pointing at her.
“And what if I get hungry?” T challenged teasingly.
“Then you come back here.” Mimi matched her tone, making T’s eyebrow raise, caught off guard. Mimis eyes widened at the accidental innuendo and was quick to correct herself. “We serve food all day, so…” Even in the shade outside the saloon her rising blush was again visible. T grew to like this about Mimi.
“Right.” T nodded as she began to back off with a knowing smile. “I’ll be back soon then… you know, to eat.” She flirted and Mimi smiled, nervously playing with her fingers.
“I hope so.”
Mimi let herself back into the saloon and exhaled, feeling like she hadn’t been breathing throughout the whole encounter and T chuckled happily to herself as she fed Zach the apple before riding off across the sand. Maybe a companion wouldn’t hurt.
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imagineimpact · 3 years
Caught (Scaramouche x Reader)
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I got you!  ♥
Scaramouche x Reader
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It wasn’t like you had expected for it to happen but there you were, tied back by your wrists and locked up in some sort of cell. There were strangers around, all masked, keeping a keen watch on you. The fabric stuffed in your mouth kept you quiet. No one had said anything to you, but they most certainly were watching you. Every passing second made you feel worse, the hard clump that you felt in your chest tightening and making it hard to breath. You wanted to cry, you wanted to scream, but you knew that it might have gotten you in trouble if you did. You weren’t sure what exactly you had done to deserve such a thing.
You didn’t want the tears to leak out of your eyes, but they did. It felt like you were a kid in a timeout corner, locked and without being able to do anything. You had no choice but to let the quiet choking sounds escape you as you tried to calm yourself down and drastically failed. It was dark enough. Maybe the candlelight wouldn’t show it to those guarding your cage.
It was a pretty enough lie, at least.
The masks were watching you. You tried to drown out the sounds - the scoffs and the laughs - of mockery that they had made. Maybe the sounds were in your head, but maybe they were real. It was hard to tell, but it wasn’t your main concern; Making it all stop was the thought that hovered above everything else.
The door swung open. The person was backlit, only a silhouette in the distance of your blurry sights. Being unable to wipe the tears from your eyes, you tried to focus more, and to little avail.
The figure - with a familiar enough red scarf around him being the only identifying piece - stepped into the room; You had never seen a group of people come to attention so fast, restoring their manner as if they had been drawn to a magnet. He was looking at you, curious.
“Well, isn’t this a curious sight.” Childe’s words are simple.
“Sir, we found-“ one of the Fatui underlings begins, but with a wave of his hand and a quiet “shh” sound, they scuttle back into their place.
“No no.” Our eyes meet, and he squats down to meet my eye level. “Tell me dear, does he/ know you’re here?” The words feel like a whisper, spoken like a secret.
You go to speak but you can’t. You slowly shake your head.
“Is that the truth?” He asks, softly again.
You nod. He nods back, slowly. Assessingly.
He stands back up, straightening out and looking around the room. “Where did you find them?”
“Sir, they were loitering around our business. We suspected that they may be a spy for-“
“A spy?” Childe laughs, quite outwardly. The fatui agents are surprised. “Oh, wow.” He looks back at you, eyes dancing over you. “Such a forlorn conclusion to be drawn. But, nonetheless, this is a serious matter.” He spins back around, facing the door and striding toward it. “Everyone in this room is to remain here.” He orders. A chorus of “yes sirs” ring out across the room, and he stalks out, closing the door behind him.
There’s a moment of silence for us all, and it lasts a few minutes. Then, a sense of forbode disperses like a gas through the room, leveling over everyone. Everything feels like energy has been released and no one wants to be in it, and everyone tenses, watching the door.
And there he is. Your heart pounds faster than it had before, and you are washed over with a sense of relief.
You are the only one.
“There you are.” He barely acknowledges anyone one in the room as he stalks over, clearly pissed off. He snaps his gaze to one of the fatui, murderous. “You. Tell me why the one person who never should have step foot in this place is locked up in front of me.”
“Talk faster.”
The fatui agent, terrified of the electricity basically flying through the air, shakily explains that you had been lingering around the commerce center in Liyue, the one where Scaramouche had happened to be visiting for the time. You were both a long distance from where you were supposed to be. The agents had suspected that you were hanging around in order to steal information.
“And you were all responsible for this arrest?” His voice lowered dangerously. There was a slight hesitancy across the room, but everyone owned up to it. 
You’d never seen him like this before. Not to this extent. You felt cold, not wanting to make any sounds.
“You must all have a death wish to do such a thing. Get out of my sight.” He demanded. When there was a slight hesitancy, he narrowed his eyes and turned more directly to them.
They scattered like scrambling mice, all heading toward the door.
He took the key off the table and held it tight, circling to the back of the cage and silently untiring your hands. He reached around and pulled the fabric from your mouth, then rested himself on the ground in a kneel.
You turn around and face him. His expression is resting, neutral. It hits you: a thought that maybe he could murder someone with such a calm gaze.
You don’t want to think it. You shrink back slightly, his gaze tilting to the side slightly as he watches you.
He says your name softly. You meet his gaze as he straightens his head once more. “You’re shaking.”
His words are simple, but you hadn’t realized it before. You also hadn’t realized, until this moment, that you had backed away from him when he untied you.
“You’re scared of me.” He says quietly.
It might be true. You can’t really tell.
He calls your name softly again, trying to draw your eyes back to him. You do. “Look at me, please.” You meet those eyes again as he takes his hat off and rests it on the table behind him. “Are you alright?”
It’s a simple question. You know it’s purpose and you give him what he’s beckoning for, “I’m...” It’s a more difficult question to answer than you had expected. “I’m scared.”
“I see.”
“Not you... this.” Your eyes wander around the cage, and you pull your knees to your chest. You let the remaining tears fall on the fabric of your clothing, and you stare back at him.
“Alright. Alright.” He takes a deep breath, and his eyes crease. “Why don’t you start by telling me if those putrid guards were telling the truth?”
“I wasn’t spying. I just... Yes, I was lingering.” You sigh, deeply, and shift up to be closer to him, resting on your folded legs in front of him. “I just wanted to see you.” It’s a quiet admission of thought. You’re not quite sure what to even think about it.
“You wanted to see me.” His voice is soothing. He stands up from his place on the ground and walks over to the other side of the cage, unlocking it and stepping in, standing over you. You shift to face him, keeping silent. He places a hand on your head, then kneels right there, is front of you, and let’s his hands rest on your waist instead. “You risked your life, do you understand that? If they were competent they would have just killed you right there.”
You blink. You don’t know if you ever stopped shivering, or if it started again, but you feel that sense of panic return. “Killed me?”
“Yes.” He pulls you into his chest, tightly. “You are unbelievably lucky right now.”
“I’m sorry.” It’s the only think you can choke out. “I didn’t think-“
“Shh.” He sighs, running his hand through your hair. “You didn’t know.” The softness gives you whiplash from the sudden switch. 
You’re not sure what to say. For a few moments, he just holds you close to him, and really you’re not quite sure whether he expects you to say anything else.
The sigh he lets out is deep, exhuming through the air as if it could push walls. You feel his chest puff back up after a few seconds as he regains all of his air. The way he holds you, you can tell that the situation is exhausting for him. His grip on you tightens quickly, suddenly.
“What am I going to do with you?” The question is quiet, strange. It doesn’t feel like something he would say.
As if realizing that very fact, he pulls away and stands up quickly, taking your hands and pulling you up. “You should be returning home by tonight.” He turns away. “You are never to go near the other Harbingers or the fatui again, do you understand?” He wanders over to the other side of the cage again to retrieve his hat, gently swaying it so that the fabric eases itself out of any folds before placing it upon his head. “You would be foolish to try and hurt yourself like that again.”
You step out of the cage, closing the door of it as you do. He steps around once again and lifts your chin, gently pushing you against the cage and giving you a kiss. It was not the kind of kiss that was given for a long-distance goodbye. It was the kind that you gave a lover to tease them, to tell them that you would see them that night. The kind that, when parted, isn’t enough. 
When he steps away from you, pulling you by your hand toward him and resting a hand on your waist, a glimmer of that softness that he has when you’re alone together shines to you.
It’s the one reassurance that you have, that he truly loves you.
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