#kevin is only described to have green eyes and dark hair and this is what my brain conjured ur welcome
cryptidkreates · 3 months
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the dual sides of kevin day
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un-love · 5 months
the next time you meet them
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a/n: for my carats and deobis <3 this is entirely fictional! (that's a given) pls reblog
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🖇️ he stares at you across the table, eyes half lidded from all the wine he’s downed. the previously inviting chatter around the table is all noise to him; he can't be bothered to avert his gaze from your face. he hadn't planned on drinking at all that night, but seeing you so close to him, on another man’s arm changed that. a familiar burn rises in his throat. goosebumps line his skin, almost mocking him as he sees your fingers linger on this dude’s arm. what did you see in him? the only time his eyes leave your face is to ask for another drink. (jeonghan / younghoon)
🖇️ he smiles at you, but not before considering sprinting in the opposite direction. it's not as hard as he had imagined, he tells himself, except his heart feels like it just ran a five mile marathon and his ears are ringing. you smile back at him, oblivious to the whirlwind your presence evoked on an otherwise warm sunday afternoon, and he catches sight of the front tooth you chipped on his television set. ah. the day you had moved in together. five months after, you had kicked him out. his heart knows how to put itself back together now, after hundreds of failed attempts. (seokmin / kevin)
🖇️ you have bloodshot eyes and his hand reaches around your waist to steady you instinctively. no one bats an eye when you lean into his touch and tell him you’ve always loved how he smelled, and did he change his perfume recently? this is what friends do, isn’t it? that is what he is to you, after all? (cheol / sangyeon)
🖇️ saturdays are game nights for your mutual friend group. so the fact that you had spent the previous night projectile vomiting on your bathroom floor, or the fact that he was wasted beyond comprehension, resulting in a terrible hangover had to be kept aside to protect a previously well-kept secret. the pit in your stomach gets deeper every time the warm sound of his laugh reaches your ears, body aching to be touched by him. he leaves early. (jun / changmin)
🖇️ he has freshly bleached hair. you know this because he’s at your doorstep. he’s at your doorstep? hope is a home in your chest, immediately crumbled by the look on his face. is he not here for you? “i wanted to come get my stuff. it wouldn't be fair for you to have reminders of me everywhere.” oh. (chan / chanhee)
🖇️ standing infront of the café you’ve been avoiding for the most part of the year, you try to convince yourself you're seeing things in places they aren’t. through the glass window, dark brown eyes catch you. pretty eyes, heavy with confusion (or is it guilt on his face?) attached to a face so familiar it makes your breath hitch. the images come in flashes. hand squeezes, midnight snacks (waffles), one green apple mojito + two straws, butterfly kisses, promise rings, forgotten birthdays, muffled sobs, untouched food, promise rings taken off. too much, too fast. heartache can only be described as a knife lodged in your sternum. (soonyoung)
🖇️ years have passed. he doesn't recognize you, or simply refuses to acknowledge you. either way, your skin tingles with nostalgia when he gets into the elevator after you. they say certain scents can evoke the strongest memories. from your spot, you can trace the slope of his nose, the curve of his mouth, the apples of his cheeks with your eyes. everything is just as you remember it. silver glints on one of his fingers as he lifts his phone to one ear. well, maybe not everything. he was your first love, that's all. (joshua / juyeon)
🖇️ if someone told you the first boy you fell in love with was going to walk up to you, ten years later in the auditorium where you first kissed him, just to tell you how beautiful you look, you would've laughed in their face. but here he was now, (in a blazer, instead of a bomber jacket, but) as exquisite as ever, and after two glasses of wine, you let yourself wonder how his smile would feel against your mouth. i think i’ve seen this film before. would it be so bad to let him break your heart again? (vernon / sunwoo)
🖇️ the thing about weddings is they make you feel nostalgic about things that could poison you (namely, relationships). so when you spot him in the distance, the groom’s closest friend and your former lover, you can’t help but long for everything that once was, everything that could have been. the warmth of his skin against your cold hands, his arms around your waist as he whisks you away for a dance, the vision of his freshly curled hair between your thighs. whoops. (wonwoo / hyunjae)
🖇️ he stands at your doorstep, drenched. water drips from his hair and clothes onto your welcome mat. “i thought about you all day, about how lonely these twenty four hours can get for you. it’s almost midnight, but i had to come, even when the rational part of me advocated that i don’t have the right to do this for you, not anymore. but i wanted you to know that i care, no matter what happened between us. happy birthday. i’m sorry.” (seungkwan / eric)
🖇️ a freezing christmas eve. looks like he hasn’t let go of this habit of always waiting till the last moment to pick up christmas presents. for the years that you were together, you made sure to get it done on time. seeing him now, two winters later, borderline panicking on the other side of the store makes you laugh (and reminisce, and dream). maybe you should go over and h- you’re frozen in place when an arm slides around his waist. he pulls her closer as you watch, heart thumping against your ribcage when he presses a gentle kiss to her cheek. bells jingle as you leave the coziness of the store for the biting cold. you must've been mistaken. that's not the man you knew. (woozi)
🖇️ you bump into him the day you move into a new building. he gives you a smile that makes his eyes soften and watches as you break in two. “oh, i live here too.” what if you had loved him out loud? set free the words rolled under your tongue? what if you had hooked your fingers into his belt loops and pulled him closer? regret tastes like four glasses of wine at your own housewarming party, with eyes fixed on the door. do you believe in second chances? (minghao / haknyeon)
🖇️ the years have been super kind to him but you can see the hints of ageing on his otherwise flawless skin. his smile, velvet and butter, still floods the room with warmth. or maybe just the entirety of you, as he sits next to you on the couch. it’s silly, the effect he still has. you can't help but be jealous of all the moments of him the hands of the clock stole from you. all of the tears and smiles you weren't next to him for. his hands, once soft in yours, are now calloused and rough. his hair, the shortest you've seen it. he shifts closer to you, as if sensing the turmoil. and when his hand grazes yours, electricity shoots through your fingertips. he’s here now. maybe the thoughts can wait. (mingyu / jacob)
🖇️ you have a visitor. you open your home to him once again, leading him out to the balcony. the sky is an angry pink, the plants looking warily at who the evening brought in. “look, i’m sorry for not believing you. for pushing you out and leaving you behind. you didn’t deserve that. you're like…the fucking sun and i envy people who see that and get to be loved by you. i don’t get to be bitter, do i? i had it and i lost it. had you and i lost you. let me be yours again.” you wake up to his side of the bed still empty. was he dreaming of you too?
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kariachi · 2 months
This is the fic I wanted to write. Hitting on Kev's mom's not-technically-canon-but-could-be-with-ease polyamory. Specifically Gwen asking after shit.
She has much to learn and unlearn.
It came on what should have been a nice, relaxed afternoon, curled together on the couch in Kevin’s apartment. An easy quiet, enjoying a shared hobby in each other’s presence, with not a care in the world. With a million thoughts running rampant behind green eyes, no matter what their owner did to shut them up. Weeks upon hours worth knocking at the walls, begging for attention.
“Babe,” Gwen said, finally giving up on keeping her curiosity in check and setting aside her book, “I have a question.”
“Hm?” Resettling himself on the couch beneath her, Kevin shut his own and rested it on her back. “Shoot.”
For a moment Gwen lay silent, staring into the middle distance in front of his throat as she got her words together. If there was any lack of patience from Kevin, it was only shown with the drumming of fingers on his book.
“Remember when you and your stepdad…” There was no real way she was comfortable describing their confrontation outside her house. Probably it was for the best, as Kevin tensed at the memory.
“I remember,” he said curtly. “What about it?”
“He talked about how much your mom loved your dad,” she said slowly, each word deliberate, “and mentioned he married her when you were like, four?”
“Mm-hm. Mom’s still got pictures-” He gave a little laugh. “-I was fucking adorable.” Gwen couldn’t help a smile.
“I don’t doubt it.” He was adorable as it was. “I was just curious,” she asked, “because I thought you told me your dad died when you were five or, somewhere around there.”
“Five,” Kevin said with a small nod and a hint of roughness to his voice at the memory, “a few months after my birthday.” With a comforting murmur, she reached out to give his hair a stroke.
“So, your mom got married when you were four-”
“And your dad died when you were five-”
“And Harvey said she loved your dad more than him?”
“Supposedly.” Kevin shrugged. “I can’t really remember, but according to everybody he was her favorite. Then again to hear people talk Dad was everybody’s favorite.” Gwen had to nod at that. Her own grandfather talked about the alien- when he talked about him- like he’d hung at least the stars, and the other Plumbers in the family had about fallen over themselves when they’d learned she was dating his kid.
“Okay,” she said, “so, how the fuck did that work?” She could see Kevin’s mom sleeping around, was the thing, but everything had been so, matter of fact. And she assumed it would have made it onto the long list of the woman’s faults her grandpa seemed to have memorized. Beneath her, Kevin blinked with a small frown.
“They dated, Harvey proposed,” he said like it was an obvious thing, and now that she knew how long the guy had been in his life her heart gave a twinge to hear him call him by his name, “she said yes, they got married?”
“I know that,” Gwen said, with a laugh despite herself, “I mean with your dad.” Kevin’s brow and nose crinkled.
“They dated, Dad wanted kids, Mom said sure, they had me?” She couldn’t help but feel, looking into those confused brown eyes, his words tumbling in her head, that they were talking passed each other.
“And these happened concurrently?” He raised a brow. “At the same time.”
“Yeah,” he said, again like it was obvious. “I mean, I don’t know who she met first but, Harvey was definitely a part of things by the time Dad clutched. There’s pictures of him, Mom, and me when I was a baby.” Gwen, supposed the numbers added up? Technically?
“And, they were cool?” Harvey had just been so plain with the fact that his wife had loved somebody else more than him. She couldn’t imagine it without something dark twisting in her gut, and so didn’t even try.
“Gotta assume,” Kevin said, relaxing back into the cushions. “Harvey never seemed to have any problem with anyone else she dated, and he never had a bad word about Dad. Plenty about me, but the worst he ever said about him was that he could have done better than Mom.” Laughing despite herself- she didn’t get along with her, but the idea the poor woman’s own husband had been telling her son she hadn’t been good enough for his dad- Gwen shook her head.
“And your dad?” He shrugged.
“Not that I know about. I mean, if he knew Harvey was gonna turn out to be a dick, figure he woulda done something in the five-odd years…”
“So, his girlfriend, who he was having kids with, brought another guy around, no issues?” That seemed like plenty enough reason to have problems to her. “Another guy raising his kid, no issues?”
“Babe, he didn’t even raise me when he had custody of me,” Kevin said, shaking his head. “Before Dad died I lived with him. Was all about as standard Ossy stuff as you can get outside a proper Pack.” Huh. That was something she’d never even considered. But then, so far that was just this whole conversation. New and more than a little confusing.
“And he dated your mom the whole time?” It wasn't entirely a question, but she was having to rewire things in her mind as the conversation progressed. With a quiet and bemused snort, Kevin rolled his eyes.
“Duh. Don’t think Mom’s seen less than two people at a time in my life.” Okay, that answered that then. Gwen raised a brow as she sorted everything in her head.
“‘Don’t think’?” Kevin shrugged again.
“I met a few, but she didn’t normally bring people around,” he said. “Fuck, think she’s seeing like, three? Right now? And I only know one of ‘em.”
“Family friend from before we moved back east, nice guy. Apparently, he liked her forever and finally got himself to do something about it when she followed me out here.” Despite herself, Gwen couldn’t help a smirk.
“Are we sure you’re not his?”
“Very,” Kevin laughed. “We’re less sure that I’m Mom’s than Dad’s.” Shaking her head, Gwen heaved a sigh and draped her full weight over Kevin, cheek against his throat. There was no indication he even noticed the extra load.
She mulled in the comfortable silence that followed, even as Kevin went back to his book. His parents had been together from before his birth to his dad’s death. His mom and stepfather had been together since at least his infancy through to- she didn’t even know what exactly their status was now. Certainly, she’d never seen the man before or since the… incident. And she was dating now. But apparently she had been dating, had always dated, openly and actively. Something everyone was apparently cool with.
She hesitated to call it ‘weird’, but… But it went counter to everything she’d been taught in her life. From parents to teachers to books to television. She could practically hear, despite never having discussed it prior, her great-grandmother on the topic. ‘Even God had the decency to not intrude any further after knocking up Mary.’ Everything she had encountered prior to this that had touched on the topic of having two relationships at once had, with a big red stamp, marked it as a horrible betrayal, one of the worst things you could do to someone you supposedly loved. But, by all accounts Harvey had been cool. By all accounts Kevin’s dad had been cool. Kevin, who she knew from experience was an absolute labrador of a partner, was cool.
Something twisted rough in her gut at the fact he clearly saw it as normal.
“I’m not sharing you,” she said without a second or to be honest even a first thought. Kevin just idly dropped a hand to card through her hair.
“Ya know, I kinda figured that out.”
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ninyard · 3 years
part two of the stefan/andrew au PLEASE
WELP this might not be the part two people wanted but here’s what I wanted so~ enjoy!
(Part 1 ? is here)
((this got rly long so I had to stop but if u want a third part lmk 🥺👉👈))
Neil made his first mistake by not bolting the opposite way when Coach Hernandez told him he had visitors. An Exy racquet to the chest and a single glance at those bright hazel eyes turned Neils entire world sideways in seconds. This couldn’t be happening. Neil almost couldn’t hold back the ‘Andrew?’ that wished to escape his lips. Of course, this wasn’t Stefan’s Andrew, but Neil knew that already. Life had turned Andrew Minyard into a man of manufactured emotions, a life of violence and misled decisions landing him on Coach Wymack’s pity party guest list that was the Foxes’ lineup. Andrew didn’t flinch looking at Neil, and Neil begged the universe to have erased the memory of Stefan from Andrew mind. He hung around a motel, for Christ’s sake, how many other people would he have met before and after Stefan? Neil Josten looked totally different, with puberty, hair dye and new contact lenses on his side.
The second mistake he made was not realising Kevin Day was going to be around. If Andrew wasn’t dangerous enough, Kevin was even more so. Neil couldn’t believe his eyes the moment he looked closely at the teams lineup from the previous year. Kevin Day would have forgotten Nathaniel Wesninski, he was sure of it, but to look across to a picture of the teams goalkeeper and seeing the short blond boy he met in California? It was a sure sign for Neil to stay the hell away from South Carolina.
Neil’s biggest mistake was deciding to push his luck and take a plane there to sign with the Foxes. He was signing a death wish; but he didn’t care anymore. He was a dead man walking, living off stolen hours. It was only a matter of time before someone caught up with him. His mother was dead, god, his mom, Mary Hatford, the woman who taught him how to be. It wasn’t just like Debby, who died leaving Toronto, or Alice, who died leaving London, or Judy who died on the train between Germany and Prague. This was permanent, and Neil didn’t think he could run for much longer.
Andrew didn’t say anything during their meeting, in which he had plenty of opportunities to at least look like he recognised Neil, or the features of Stefan still left on his face. Kevin didn’t say anything either, and his words made it clear he didn’t remember Nathaniel, either. Neil was walking a thing line between life and death, with Stefan on one shoulder and Nathaniel on the other, waiting to tip him over, to expose the truth, to leave him buried like his mother.
The first night Neil slept - or more so lay on the couch in silence for hours, brain filled with noise and regret - in David’s apartment, he couldn’t stop thinking about Andrew. He couldn’t stop thinking about the kid with white-blond hair and a toothy smile, who ran his fingers so gently over Stefan’s skin, like he would break if Andrew dared get any closer. He couldn’t stop thinking about the playground, and the motel, and the kisses… and the punches, the kicks, the pulling of hair, the slaps across the face with yells to accompany them. Before Neil knew it he was stuck with his face hovering over the toilet bowl, his stomach threatening to burst at any moment. After a minute of gagging and spitting into the water, Neil washed his face and headed towards the balcony that David told him to smoke on if he needed to. This was one of those needing to moments.
Weeks went by without any indication he was going to be caught. Kevin looked at him like a stupid amateur, which was good for Nathaniel’s sake, but for Neil? Neil, who fought like his life depended on the racquet in his hands? Neil, who ran like his father was hot on his heels every single time he set off down the court? It hurt him to be insulted so often, but Kevin was leagues above him when he played. Neil was never going to be good enough. Andrew avoided him as much as possible. Nicky told him that was just how Andrew was; if you brought him no benefit, or if you made him bored, he would put you on a high shelf and never look at you again. By the way Andrew only spoke to Neil when Neil stood up to Kevin, Neil thought it was obvious that Andrew didn’t recognise him.
And then came the invite to Columbia.
“Get rid of the contacts, by the way.” Nicky had brushed off the realisation like it was nothing. It sounded like ‘you have something in your teeth’ but felt like a screaming siren above Neil’s head. It felt like a punch to the gut, like a gun to his head. “Andrew’s decision. And brown, Neil? You’re so predictable and boring it’s adorable.” He’d left a bag of clothes with Neil.
When Neil looked at his blue eyes, he felt too many feelings he couldn’t describe, or name. He felt like he was looking at his father. He felt like he was looking into the mirror like he had the last time he was Nathaniel. The last time he was in Baltimore. He’d cycled through the catalogue of contacts during his time on the run, but never once went back to blue. They were the icy eyes of a murderer, not the eyes of quiet, boring Neil. But at least they weren’t green. Neil was worried about Kevin recognising him by his eyes, but it was going to be dark out by the time they left. Neil would just have to stay in the dark around Kevin, and hope he got too drunk to notice, too drunk to remember.
When Andrew’s group came to pick Neil up, there was a change in dynamic Neil hadn’t seen before. Instead of Nicky being the middle man in their conversations, or Kevin being the reason to talk, Andrew was taking charge of their night. Neil’s heart raced every time he looked into his eyes. Every time he heard that voice it told him to run, the same voice as before, only deeper, emotionless. Neil couldn’t imagine this Andrew crying. Neil couldn’t imagine this Andrew being open, about his sexuality, or his feelings. If he didn’t look almost the same only older, he would probably doubt this was even the same Andrew.
“Oh! Oh, now, that’s interesting!” Andrew had commented as Neil left his dorm room. Nicky, Aaron and Kevin had walked ahead of the two of them. When they’d disappeared around the corner into the elevator down, Andrew turned and grabbed Neil’s face to inspect it. “What a change, hmm? Blue to brown is a bit drastic for fashion, don’t you think?”
“I’ve never liked my eyes,” Neil spoke through the fingers that rested over his lips. “I’ve worn them brown most my life.” Andrew tutted as Neil spoke, but left that thought there. His features were angry, like Neil had insulted him, but he S miled like he’d been talking to his best friend. He placed a cigarette between his lips as they joined the others in the elevator.
Before long, they were walking through the doors of Eden’s Twilight, music pumping and swirling through the air, vibrating their bodies as they walked. Andrew motioned for Neil to follow him to the bar once they’d found a table.
“Shots on me.” He’d come down from his manic high, waiting for his dust adrenaline to kick in. His smile was gone, but his tone and way of speaking was still the same. “What do you drink?”
“I don’t,” Neil answered, having to yell over the music.
“Sure you do.” Andrew waved him off. “I’m being polite. What do you drink?” He asked again, as the bartender came over.
“A coke for me.” Neil told the man behind the bar before he could ask Andrew. “Just a little ice.”
“See, now, Pinocchio, when someone offers you a gift you say thank you and accept it.” Andrew turned towards the man. “Roland. This is Neil. He’s a newbie.”
“I hear you,” Roland nodded, already placing shot glasses on the tray he’d put on the bar. “My choice, with dash for the new kid.” He poured a clear spirit into eight shot glasses, and used the fountain tap to fill a larger glass with cola. Andrew passed cash over and waved off his change as a tip. Before Neil knew it he was heading through the crowd, Andrew balancing the tray on one hand held high above his head. They reached the table and nothing has spilled, and before Neil knew it, the shot glasses were stacked in a tower on the tray as Neil nursed his coke.
“You don’t drink.” Andrew turned to Neil after watching the others take to the dance floor, coming up on their high, dusting when they couldn’t be seen. “Why?”
“Hate the taste, mostly.” That would be the truth if ‘taste’ actually meant ‘feeling of being out of control of my body’. He shrugged at Andrew’s dissatisfaction with that answer.
“You come to university and you don’t drink?” Andrew scoffed. “Do you smoke?” Neil shook his head. He’d tried an edible by accident once in some cafe in Europe, and got so paranoid they had to move on that night. He swore he saw his dad staring in the windows in the red-light district, a blunt between his lips, a smile made of murder wrapped around it.
“Not for me.” Neil took a sip from the cold coke. “Hard to find when it’s not legal and I hate the cops. Takes too much effort to roll.” Neil lied, like he knew what he was talking about, but he just remembered watching people in the cities he went to, everywhere having their local stoners, the folks who sat in the parks without a care in the world.
“You don’t drink, you don’t smoke, you won’t dust.” Andrew rattled off the options. “Is it molly you’d prefer?” And when Neil shook his head again: “Psychedelics? Benzos?”
“I’m just not interested.” Neil looked into his glass, focusing on the ice. If he kept looking at Andrew he felt like he would crack. “Don’t we get tested before games anyway? What’s the point?” Andrew didn’t answer before he heading back up the bar. Neil didn’t follow this time. When he came back, there was ten shot glasses on the table. Again, eight filled with an unnamed spirit that burned Neil’s nose and twisted his stomach. The other two were cola.
“I’d hate for the new boy to feel left out.” Aaron, Nicky and Kevin had arrived back to the table for their shots. Andrew handed Neil one of his glasses. Neil knocked it back when the others did. It was ordinary coke, no surprises, no weird tastes, no reason for Neil to believe Andrew would have given him a shot of alcohol instead. That was, until he clinked glasses with the others and swallowed the second shot in a quick movement. He felt the alcohol burn his throat. It warmed his chest, but the familiar feeling wasn’t what worried him. It was the taste of salt on his tongue when he hadn’t licked any before hand. He quickly excused himself from the table and left for the bathroom.
Andrew had drugged him. He didn’t know why, but all he knew was the crackers were already coursing through his veins with deadly adrenaline. He was sure his racing heart wasn’t helping. It didn’t help, either, when Nicky reached the stairs before he did, and pulled him in for a salty, dusty kiss. Neil pushed him off as discreetly as he could.
“Nothing?” Nicky complained as he Neil bounced up the sticky stairs two steps at a time. Neil was sure he heard him say something about Neil being too hot to be straight, but the roaring anxiety in his ears was enough to drown it out. He locked himself in a stall and tried to best to throw up. He hadn’t eaten before he’d left, and he hadn’t drank anything other than he soda, so his attempts were fairly futile. A knock at the door interrupted him, and when he answered with a quick ‘occupied!’ He heard the door unlocking from the outside. Andrew pushed his way into the cramped stall and shut the door behind him. Before Neil could even begin to object Andrew had grabbed him by the collar and shoved him against the wall, Neil struggling to keep his balance with the toilet in the way.
“You don’t like the taste of alcohol or you’re afraid of losing control? Telling your truths?” Andrew’s drug induced smile had returned with mischief and malice. “Let’s see how this does!” His voice was low as he spoke, with an enthusiasm to his words that made Neil sweat. When he went to protest, Andrew covered his mouth with his free hand.
“Shut up,” He clicked his tongue. “You have spent your entire extended stay here lying to me and lying to poor, gullible Coach. I see the way you look at Kevin, too. Either you’re lying about not swinging or there’s something deeper to that intimidation.” Neil tried to get out a ‘I don’t swing.’ Before Andrew shushed him again. “Don’t keep lying, newbie! One last chance at honesty.” He lifted his hand no more than an inch from Neil’s mouth. Neil was sweating, his hands shaky, his mind turning into fog, desperate to cling to any sort of euphoria it could find. When it’s search came up empty, it filled his stomach, his head, his hands, his feet, with anxious buzzing instead. He couldn’t ignore the nauseating feelings the drugs brought with them.
“I don’t swing,” Neil stood his ground. “I don’t.” Andrew brought his hand up to Neils hair and yanked him down to his level, hard. He kept an inescapable grip in his curls as their faces almost touched.
“Still don’t know?” Andrew pouted in fake-pity. “Ten years later and you still don’t know?” Neil’s stomach would’ve fallen from his body if it’s got the chance. His heart would’ve went with it when Andrew continued. “There better be a good reason for Neil existing, Stefan, and I can’t wait to hear it.”
“What?” He tried, but it was no use. His voice failed him, cracking as the futile attempts at lying left his lips. “I don’t know what-“
“Shut up.” Andrew repeated. His grip not relaxing. Neil was worried he was pulling his hair from the root, but that was probably the least of his worries. Probably. “Do not lie to me again.” Neil searched his eyes for a sliver of doubt. A tiny, tiny possibility that he might think he was wrong. It wasn’t there. He’d been caught.
“Andrew.” He wrapped his hands around Andrew’s wrist, the one hovering over his head, muscles tense from the grip on his head. “Can we talk without ripping my fucking hair out?”
Before Neil could react, Andrew had let go of his hair, but in doing so, had swung his head with full force into the side walls of the stall. His balance finally failed him, but Andrew caught him by the neck of the black turtleneck he’d been gifted. He heard a few stitches pop, but it didn’t matter. The sudden movements turned Neil’s stomach with a violent wave, and he gagged hard, his stomach threatening to come out his mouth. He leaned over to spit into the toilet and bared his teeth at Andrew, breathing heavily through them.
“So he lives,” Andrew smiled, his pupils blown, a white-knuckled hold on Stefan-Neil’s collar. Neil was afraid he was going to pass out. His body was on fire, his mind screaming like an emergency broadcast alarm. “Tell me you didn’t know, oh humour me! I’d hate to think you’re stupid enough to come here still in possession of the memory from there.”
“I didn’t think you’d remember.” Neil didn’t break eye contact.
“So you ARE that stupid!” Andrew pushed him back, letting go of his top. Neil tried to assess his escape routes, but it was no use. He couldn’t get out of this. “I remembered little Stefan the second Kevin showed me your file. I didn’t think it would be you, surely it couldn’t be, but our little visit to fuckport, Arizona couldn’t lie to me like you did. So is it Neil, or is it Stefan?”
“Neither.” He spat out the honesty, worried if he waited, another lie would take it’s place. “But you can call me Neil.”
“Oh, no, no!” Andrew grabbed him by the neck, holding his jaw in a way that could become a choke very quickly. “Maybe I’ll stick with Stefan. You don’t get a say. You know, I thought mommy killed you.” A knife twisted in Neil’s gut.
“She’s dead.” Neil tried to breath through his unwanted come-up. “That’s the only reason I’m here. Because she wasn’t alive to stop me.”
“Did you do it?” He held Neils face like the world would end if he let go. He held even tighter when Neil tried to pull away.
“No.” That was all he said. He thought about continuing, considering the fact he was a dead man already. But he stopped himself. How could he say it was his dad without saying he was the mafias right-hand-murderer? Was he wasting his time lying?
“Didn’t think you did.” Andrew laughed, barely even blinking as he intimidated Neil. “No balls then, no balls now.”
“I was twelve.” He spat through crushed cheeks. “We were kids.”
“Old enough to be a liar.” Andrew let go of Neil’s face with a forceful push and turned to open the stall door. “You’re going to lead us outside. If you deviate or try to run I’ll kill you. I will kill you.” So Neil did just that. He led the way in silence, down the stairs and towards the exit. When Nicky stopped and excitedly asked where they were going, Neil looked back to Andrew who waved his pack of cigarettes, a smile on his face, no essence of a lie present. Neil just kept walking, kept his head down, and tried to ignore the pain on the side of his head. When they reached the outside of the club, the brisk air biting their exposed skin, Neil turned to the first man he saw, a club-goer at the top of the queue, and swung a punch up. Andrew noticed the second his hands left his sides, balled up with a plan. The man threw a hefty punch back, shouting intimidations, knocking Neil’s short frame to the ground. As quick as humanly possible, Andrew had hoisted him up, wrapped his arms around his back and twisted his wrist in such a way that a single jolt would break it. He held him in that position with one hand, putting all his strength into keeping Neil still.
“He gets crazy on tequila!” Andrew laughed, shaking his head as he took out his wallet and pulled out a fifty note. He threw it at the guy as compensation, his friends holding him back from beating Neil’s vulnerable, ballsy ass. He continued yelling as Andrew hauled him away. He grunted in pain as he refused to loosen his grip on Neil’s wrists. He walked him around the back of the club, to an empty, barely lit parking lot. He threw him to the ground so quickly he didn’t have time to stop his fall.
“Every moment I spend around you, you prove you’re much fucking dumber than I thought.” Andrew spat down, then crouching down to Neil’s level, balancing on the tops of his feet. Neil cradled his head, arms wrapped around the nape of his neck. He was sure he had a concussion. He could barely open his eyes through the pulsing blood rushing through his head, but forced himself to, to look up at Andrew’s smiling face.
“What happened?” Spit dripped down his chin, blood slowly trickling from the busted lip he’d earned himself. “What happened to that Andrew?” Andrew froze for half a second, and Neil noticed. “The Andrew who cried because he was gay? The kid who actually fucking cared about anything?”
“Oh, you are treading thin fucking ice for someone who doesn’t know how to swim.” Andrew tilted his head. “Mention another precious memory and I won’t hesitate to actually break your wrist next time.”
“Why?” He spat blood at Andrew’s feet. “Afraid somebody might remember what you’re actually like when you’re not pretending to be a sociopath?” Andrew opened his mouth at the challenge, a smile creeping up one side of his face. “Are you afraid to actually have someone around you know anything about you? I’m a threat. That’s all you care about.” He continued. “What, do you think I’ll use it against you? You’ve been treating me like shit since we met. If I was going to stab you in the back I’d have done it already, asshole.”
“Since we met, again.” He corrected the most irrelevant part of Neils sentiment.
“Let me go now and I’ll move on. You won’t ever see me again.” Neil bargained. Andrew’s eyebrows twitched ever so slightly. “This time I’ll get a chance to say goodbye.”
“No,” Andrew stopped him. “You don’t get to arrive in to my life like a tornado and disappear. You don’t get to dig your own grave and push me into it.” He bent down to get closer to Neils shaking face. “You’re going to tell me exactly what happened first. Tell me what she did to you.”
“No.” Neil strained. “I moved on. You were dangerous. You almost got me killed.”
“Boohoo, do you hear my tiny violin, liar?” Andrew grabbed a hold of his hair again. Neil let out a cry of pain, trying to pry Andrew’s fingers from his scalp. “Talk. Talk or I will get you killed.”
“My father is a very dangerous man. He’s murdered more people than there are days in a year.” Neil wiped the blood from his lips. It stung as he did so, but it didn’t matter. He took out a small stack of IDs from his wallet and threw them across to Andrew. For a second, anyone would’ve thought they were real, but closer inspection killed that thought. Andrew was holding a driver’s license belonging to Chris Angle, 21, from New York. A European passport card signed by George Debois from Paris. A gym membership from Seattle, an employee pass from Toronto, two more drivers licenses from cities across the globe. All the names were different, but they didn’t belong to different people. They all had pictures of Neil on them. Some he had long hair, short hair, an unfortunate buzz-cut. He wore a beard in some, the baby face of a teenager in others. “You aren’t the only one I’ve lied to. Don’t think you’re special.” Andrew snapped the IDs with angry force. Neil took a deep breath, knowing the last memories of his mother were buried in the face of Christopher Hart, snapped in half, just like that. He continued searching through his wallet. Deep into the card pockets of the tattered leather. He didn’t look up when he heard Andrew drop the scraps of his identities on the ground. Neil found what he was looking for and threw it again, across the space separating them, it clattering by his feet. “If my mom found that she’d have killed me herself. We ran so she could protect me. I made that so much harder on her by meeting you.” Andrew inspected the card he’d been thrown. An under-eye twitch and a slow inhale accompanied his realisation. “You want to hate me for what she made me do, fine, but it was inevitable. You were never going to be the reason that made us stay.”
Neil had given Andrew something he couldn’t bare to part with. His old wallet stayed buried deep, deep in his belongings, so well hidden his mother hadn’t even known it existed. He usually kept his current IDs on his person, and never in a wallet. It was a ticking time bomb, but Neil needed something. He needed a reason to feel, and if that was the memory of the good day his mom had had when they finally showered after weeks of baby wipes and deodorant, it was something to hold on to. Neil had to stay grounded in some sort of reality. He was on the run, sure, but the people he met, the things he’d done? They were real. It hurt to see those memories snapped on the ground like trash, but Andrew didn’t snap the memory he held in his hands.
Andrew held the library card of Stefan Montgomery. It had a faded black and white photo on it, scratched out with time. He had begged the librarian to let him have the card without taking a picture, but she had insisted it was necessary so people didn’t have more than one. In the photo was a scared little boy, a gash on his cheek, with crispy curls and a skinny face. Neil remembered walking to the library when he couldn’t find Andrew, taking out books to help him learn any of the languages he needed to know. The library in Oakland taught him about the history of Spain, and the culture in France. There was something about Stefan that Neil didn’t want to forget. He’d kept that library card safe as if it were a lifeline, like he knew it would come in handy some day.
And then Andrew threw it across the empty parking lot like a frisbee.
“She didn’t see anything.” Neil tried, as if it would help. “We left because I made a friend. Not because… you know.”
“I was not your friend.” Andrew stood up and put a cigarette between his teeth. He lit it, one puff, two puff, three puffs until it burned red. “I was never your friend.”
“You were.” Neil struggled to stand up and join him. “Don’t lie to a liar.”
“You remember it wrong!” He took a short drag and flicked ash as he spoke. “You were a toy to play with when there was nothing else to do.”
“You could’ve went home.” Neil took the cigarette from Andrew’s fingers. “But hey, I wasn’t the only one who needed to escape heavy hands, right?” He pulled the smoke into his lungs and breathed out before flicking the barely smoked cigarette away. “You were my friend. You had Stefan killed because I cared about you when Stefan wasn’t supposed to care about anybody.”
“Be quiet.” Andrew pulled another cigarette from the packet and squared up to Neil who was standing so close he could feel Andrew’s breath hot on his face. “You didn’t care.”
“Are you listening?” Neil spat again, the heat of the cigarette having hurt his cracked lips. “We left because of you. Because I let you in, and I’m sorry you were collateral damage in our war against the world but fuck, we didn’t have a choice. Do you think I wanted to leave? I was going to leave you a note, but she wouldn’t leave my side until we were in another city and Stefan was just another name in the pile. Fuck you if you don’t want to believe that. I don’t owe you an explanation but you’ve got one anyway. Tell me to leave and I’ll go. Tell me you understand and I’ll go, Andrew.”
“I waited for you.” Andrew exhaled honestly through cigarette smoke. “Every day! The fourth day I tried knocking on the door of your motel room. Fifth day a random couple opened the door and I knew you weren’t coming back. Why should I give you another chance, hmm? When you so easily could run away before, who’s to say you won’t do it again?”
“I’m not asking for another chance,” Neil head was pounding. He felt like he could pass out, his ears ringing and body jittery. “I don’t know, maybe I’m asking you to remember what I meant to you.” Andrew pursed his lips at that. He was struggling to keep his composure, like the memory of before was chipping away slowly at this version of Andrew. He was holding himself together with twitches and small fidgets.
“I hate you.” He said, coldly. He had lit his cigarette and smoked through half of it before speaking again. Neil just stood, suddenly thinking about if Kevin were to find the IDs scattered on the floor. He didn’t even think he could lie to Nicky about that. He would pick them up in a moment, but he couldn’t afford to lose Andrew’s interest in the conversation. If Neil got distracted now he could ruin every chance he possible had at reconciling some sort of relationship with Andrew.
“I hate what the world has turned you into.” Andrew snorted a laugh at Neil’s dramatics.
“Oh, you are a pipe bomb.” Andrew started to walk away, but when Neil grabbed his arm to stop him, in a quicker movement he had twisted Neil’s arm in some sort of self defence move that hurt. “You don’t have a right to touch me anymore. Keep your lying hands to yourself or I’ll break every one of your fingers.” He didn’t let go immediately.
“Do you miss it?” Neil searched Andrew’s eyes for something, anything. “Being vulnerable? Being comforted instead of being alone, blaming the world for your problems?” Before Neil could even think to keep going, Andrew had used his free hand to manoeuvre a knife from his arm bands and hold it up to Neil’s face.
“I dare you to keep pushing.” His words were casual, but a threat nonetheless. “Stop trying to control a life you left. I won’t be a scratching post for your mommy issues, runaway.”
“What did Jakub do to you?” Neil brought a memory out from the depths. As soon as the name left his lips, Andrew’s entire body hardened and his eyes turned to glass. He slashed a cut into Neil’s cheekbone without hesitation and proceeded to let go of his arm and jam a thumb into the fresh wound. “Why did you spend your childhood alone in a playground?” Neil spoke through gritted teeth.
“If you want to keep your fantasy alive I advise you to really shut up now.” Andrew pushed him backwards, a final squeeze in the gash as he did so. Even more blood dripped down his face. Andrew wiped his hands in his pants and picked up the ignored cigarette he’d dropped in the altercation. “You are going in circles. This is your last warning.”
“My mom nearly broke half the bones in my body trying to get rid of the memory of you.” Neil took his spot back up so close to Andrews face he could practically see every one of the pores in his face. He still had freckles scattered across his face, his skin soft, with faint acne scars here and there across his cheeks. “I never stopped thinking about you.”
“You should have.” Andrew threw his cigarette at Neil. “Make your choice. Run like you’re used to.” He looked him up and down one more time and turned on his feet back towards the club. Neil didn’t follow. He started to pick up the remnants of his past and he felt his nose ache in psychosomatic pain, remembering a nose-breaking punch his mother threw when Neil dared asked if they could stay. He spat again, still trying to get the salty taste out of his mouth. His hands were shaking so badly he could barely hold onto the shards of plastic evidence of who he used to. After picking them all up he had to stop, and sit down. He was afraid he was having a panic attack, and he couldn’t tell if it was because of the drugs still ravishing his system, or if it was because of Andrew. Maybe it was both. It probably was. He didn’t think he could’ve spoken the truth if he wasn’t high, but God, if he were sober it would’ve been so much easier to run. High Neil was emotional Neil, empathetic Neil, hurt Neil. He’d only had the experience of being really, genuinely high a few times, and every single time just reminded him how much he hated the feeling of being out of control. Of his nerves, his feelings, every fibre in his being misfiring and doing the opposite to what he wanted. His brain was begging him to feel the chemicals it was pumping out, but all it did was amplifying the aching feeling in his chest. He let out a noise that didn’t quite resemble a cry, or a sigh, or a grunt. It was a noise born from pain, a mixture of anxiety and heartbreak, maybe. He wasn’t sure what that felt like. Maybe this was it.
He tried to steady his breath and he stumbled across the empty lot. The booming bass from the music at Eden’s practically shook the ground as he walked, at least, it sure felt like it did. He stumbled as he reached down to pick up the library card so carelessly thrown away. It hurt him even more looking at Stefan, feeling this pang in his stomach that wished things could’ve been different. He didn’t think he liked Andrew like that, and being on the same team was just the destruction of a childhood crush. Neil tried to come up with excuses in his head to how Andrew felt, but it was obvious he had thrown Stefan into the bad memories pile a long, long time ago. Neil showing up again just ripped through Andrew’s closure, and knowing he had feelings beneath what he showed, he was probably hurting too. It didn’t seem like it, but maybe he was. Neil had put the ID away, and looked around. He had no real idea where he was, or how to get home. Before he knew it, he was sprinting away from the club, going nowhere, going anywhere but there. His head wasn’t in a place to decide that he should stay. He’s worth it. His heart raced at the thought of Andrew’s face, looking down at the long unused library card. He’s worth it. Neil couldn’t look back. He was wondering what Andrew was telling the others, and if they would believe him. He wondered if he’d told Nicky about Neil’s Idontknow sexuality, and that’s why Nicky thought it okay to kiss him. But he didn’t feel anything with Nicky. He didn’t look at anyone in the way he looked at Andrew. He ran and ran and ran until he’d sweat out the drugs, until his head was more focused on trying to breathe than it was on Andrew, and his mom. It took a while, and he was lost when he stopped. Unfamiliar streets, him a stranger in someone else’s hometown. Maybe that made things worse. This feeling was too familiar. Lost, lost, lost. Sometimes lost became familiar, became home. He didn’t think he could be un-lost again.
Part 3
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gavin-plz-call-me · 3 years
Melted Ice Cream
TW: Internalized Acephobia, brief mentions of gender dysphoria and blood.
All Vincent wanted to do was cuddle on the couch with his boyfriends and watch a movie, but they had different plans. Them having sex without him leads Vincent to question his place in the relationship.
Fandom: Boyfriends (webcomic)
Use of Cannon Names: Prep-Vincent
Words: 3K
The movie that Adrian had picked out was surprisingly really good. It was some cute slice-of-life anime movie that Vincent was sure would be a bit boring, not that he’d ever complain when he got to be in the arms of his boyfriends, but the characters were compelling and the storyline was phenomenal. Vincent was cuddled up next to Kevin, who held an arm around Vincent, drawing mindless circles against him as the four paid attention to the movie. This, Vincent decided, was the most perfect moment he had ever lived: watching a good movie and basking in the love of his boyfriends.
That didn’t last long.
It started off subtly enough, the couch moving slightly under Vincent as someone shifted their position, the quiet sound of a peck on a cheek. They were things that were so often just the background noise to Vincent’s life, that he could easily tune them out in favor of seeing if the girls in the movie would confess or not. Kevin’s arm slowly moved away from Vincent’s shoulder, he shuddered at the loss of warmth and finally looked up to see what was happening beyond the movie. Kevin’s retreated hand found its way to Vincent’s thigh, squeezing it firmly as he nibbled on Adrian’s ear. Adrian, who was currently making out with Felix, subtle moans already starting to form in his throat.
As appealing as the scene before him was, Vincent knew already that tonight was not the night he wanted to do this. All he wanted to do was cuddle up with his boyfriends and finish the movie, but they had other plans. Not wanting to impede their pleasure, Vincent resisted as Kevin tried to pull him off of the couch. “Not tonight guys,” He said, laying down on the couch, looking up at the men currently standing up, about to move to the bedroom, “I’m gonna finish the movie, you guys have fun.”
Kevin knelt down, his warm hand brushing the hair out of Vincent’s face, “Are you sure?” he asked, “‘Cuz if you’d rather, we can all finish the movie and-”
“No,” Vincent interrupted, he could already see the hard-on blooming in Kevin’s pants as he knelt down beside him, and Adrian’s face was already his signature shade of beet red as he gazed at Vincent too, they wouldn’t enjoy the movie now anyways, “go have fun, really.” Kevin gave Vincent’s face a good look for another few seconds before pressing a kiss to his forehead and disappearing into the bedroom with Felix and Adrian.
Vincent grabbed a blanket from a nearby chair, laying down on the couch. The heat from where the other three had been sitting moments ago was still there, but it was quickly fading. Vincent could finish movie night by himself, maybe get some cleaning done around the apartment, then, when his boyfriends were finished, he could cuddle up with them and fall asleep. That would be nice. The movie was getting better and better by the second, the girls having finally confessed, went on a date, which was currently being interrupted by one of their ex’s.
A loud moan of pleasure ripped through the apartment, covering up the audio to the pivotal scene. No one was louder than Adrian, that’s for sure, and while it was hot when he was participating, Vincent felt more like an annoyed neighbor than a loving boyfriend. He didn’t dare turn up the TV, though, he wouldn’t want even more noise complaints. The moans showed no signs of stopping anytime soon, so Vincent paused the movie, grabbed his keys, and headed out the door, locking it behind him. There was no way he’d be able to concentrate, let alone hear the rest of the movie, and with his relaxing night interrupted, he didn’t have the heart to clean. A nice drive would do him good. The blonde moved down the stairs of the apartment complex, into the parking garage, and clicked his key to remember just where he had parked. His car gave a satisfying beep that echoed through the enclosed space.
Vincent climbed into his convertible, whose roof was currently up, turned it on, and quickly made his way out of the garage and onto one of the main roads. Vincent rolled down his window, letting the wind fall softly across his face. None of the stations were playing anything that interested him, and Vincent didn’t feel like hooking up his own phone, so he turned it off, basking in the silence.
Silence rarely brings good things to a mind in crisis.
Bored, Vincent’s mind began to wander to his boyfriends. He hoped they were having a good time together, but it was hard to imagine any of those three could leave the others unsatisfied, so there wasn’t too much to worry about there. Did they miss him?
A sudden red light had Vincent slamming on the break, stopping his car, but not his thoughts. Did they miss him? Of course they did, the logical side of Vincent’s head said, but the more he thought about it, the more unsure he grew. They were probably having mind-blowing sex over at home, he probably handn’t appeared in their thoughts since the second they closed the bedroom door. Why would they? He wasn’t there providing them pleasure, he almost never was. For some reason, Vincent’s sex drive was just never as high as the others, he was always turning them down, day after day. It was only a matter of time before they stopped trying to include him, it was only a matter of time before they-
“MOVE IT ASSHOLE!” A scream accompanied by a cluster of honks brought Vincent back to; the light was green. Vincent slammed on the accelerator, taking off once again. He really shouldn’t be driving if he was going to keep getting distracted, so he signaled and turned into a parking lot, rolling his window back up. He leaned back in his seat, eyes gazing up at nothing in particular. Maybe he was broken. That had to be it. There was asexuality, but Vincent was sure that didn’t describe him. He liked sex, he wanted to have sex, at least every once in a while, and he thought his boyfriends were incredibly sexy, so what was the problem?
Tears began to sting in his eyes. The problem must lie within himself. They’d see that soon, wouldn’t they? He hoped to whatever gods were out there in the universe that they’d never see the problem, but Felix, Adrian, and Kevin were smart. They’d realize it eventually, and he… where would he fit in once they realized?
Tears free-flowed down his face now. Vincent didn’t bother trying to stop them, just letting himself silently cry. Thoughts swirled around his head, too frantically for Vincent to stop them. They clouded his mind as his tears clouded his vision. A sudden buzz of his phone pulled him out of his thoughts for a moment. He picked it up and was greeted by a picture of Felix flipping the camera off. Why was Felix calling him so soon? It was only...Vincent had been in the car much longer than he thought he had. Taking a few deep breaths in an attempt to compose himself, Vincent picked up the phone.
“Vince, where are you?” Felix’s voice sounded in his ear with that slightly groggily tone his voice always got right after sex. Vincent could tell he was on speaker “Your keys are gone.”
“Yeah, I…” Vincent looked out the window, looking for an excuse that wouldn’t expose his hurt, “The movie got boring so I thought I’d get us some ice cream.”
“Ooh!” Adrian interrupted before Vincent could say more, secretly he was grateful as he could feel his throat beginning to tighten again. “Get me cotton candy please!” Kevin and Felix called out their orders, cookies and cream and mint chocolate chip respectively, after Adrian. Vincent hummed in acknowledgment, before letting out a quick “love you” and hanging up the phone. Something about their cheery attitudes made him want to start crying again, but he forcefully held the tears in, hoping his eyes wouldn’t look too blotchy when he got home.
Vincent quickly made his way through the drive-through, ordering the three ice creams, not bothering to order one for himself. His stomach was in knots, and the thought of eating made him more nauseous than anything. He turned the radio up, not particularly caring what blasted through his speakers, only wanting something to keep his mind away from dark thoughts. When he arrived back at the parking garage Vincent thanked his past self for putting concealer in his glove compartment. He quickly touched up his under eyes, masking the remnants of red that remained on his face, then finally left the car to take the elevator upstairs.
The living room to the apartment was still empty when Vincent finally unlocked the door, stepping inside. Vincent let out a slight shiver as a blast of cold air from the apartment hit him. He made his way to the bedroom. There he found Felix, Adrian, and Kevin cuddled against each other. Felix was dressed in basketball shorts and a t-shirt, Adrian in Kevin’s shirt, and Kevin in nothing but his underwear. Vincent was glad that they at least dressed before he came home, but the room, which still smelt strongly of sex with a bottle of lube haphazardly strung onto the floor, still gave away what activities they had been partaking in. Vincent handed out the ice creams, flopping into bed next to Felix when he was finally done.
Kevin reached over and stroked Vincent’s arm, “Didn’t you get yourself any, baby?” He asked through a spoonful of his treat.
Vincent hesitated for a moment before nodding, “Already ate it,” he lied.
“God,” Adrian called out from beside Kevin, “Cotton candy ice cream is the best.” He moaned in delight, savoring the sweet taste of his ice cream. Vincent slightly tensed at the moan, broken, his mind called out.
Vincent leaped out of bed, “I’m gonna go do the dishes,” he said, not facing his boyfriends. If he got one look at them he knew he’d cry again.
“What?” Adrian whined, “But cuddles? Dishes can wait.”
“I won’t be able to relax knowing the dishes aren’t done, I-” He tried to get more words out, but his breath hitched slightly. Praying his boyfriends didn’t notice, he quickly escaped the room for the kitchen. There really weren’t many dishes in the sink, just a few plates, cups, and silverware lay. It could have waited till morning, Adrian was right, Vincent knew that, but he turned on the sink anyways. The rush of water from the faucet did nothing to cover up his returning bad thoughts. Why couldn’t he be more normal? He couldn’t even eat ice cream with his boyfriends, couldn’t even cuddle up with them, and relax because his brain just wouldn’t stop thinking. His throat began closing in on itself as his hands shook from the exertion of keeping the tears inside. He wouldn’t cry, he wouldn’t place that burden on his boyfriends. They were already burdened enough to have him in their lives, right?
The glass that Vincent had been washing slipped from his hands unceremoniously and fell to the ground, smashing into hundreds of pieces. A piece ground horribly into his calf, leaving an angry red mark that began to bleed, but the pain of the scratch was nothing compared to the pain in his heart. The broken cup, as broken as him, would be yet another burden on Felix, Adrian, and Kevin. Ignoring the blood, ignoring the loud sobs that had finally begun racking his body, Vincent kneeled on the ground, trying to pick up the mess with shaking hands.
Before he could satisfyingly clean up his mess, a pair of hands grabbed his, forcing the glass back onto the floor. Vincent tried to pull away, the only thing on his mind was cleaning up the mess, not being a burden on his boyfriends, maybe they’d keep him around longer if he did this. “Vincent,” A voice called out, stern and full of concern. The blonde refused to turn towards the voice, just struggling to get to the glass, “Vincent,” the voice called out again, “You’re bleeding.”
Those words caused Vincent to snap back. He looked down through still misty eyes at his own hands, which were still being held still by the wrists. Blood was leaking out of his palms from the shards of glass that had embedded themselves into his skin, the blood dripped onto the floor and onto the hands of the hands holding his. “We’re gonna get you cleaned up, okay.” The voice from earlier, that Vincent finally recognized as Kevin’s, said softly into his ear. Vincent nodded, allowing Kevin to help him up and walk towards the couch. Kevin supported Vincent as he slowly sat down, then sat next to the blonde, keeping him close. Soon enough, Adrian came running in with the first aid kit, his glasses slightly foggy from the exertion of running around looking for it.
Felix grabbed the first aid kit from the nerd, kneeling down in front of Vincent and grabbing the worst injured hand. They all sat in silence for a while as Felix fished out the glass shards from Vincent’s hands with a pair of tweezers. Vincent whimpered from the pain, hiding his face in Kevin’s neck, reveling in the warmth of his presence. Tears continued to leisurely roll down Vincent’s face; tears from the pain and because of the lingering smell of sex that permeated around him. Adrian sat opposite of Kevin, rubbing the prep’s shoulder supportively. “You’re doing so good, baby.” Kevin was the first to speak, pressing a kiss to his boyfriend’s forehead. Vincent’s tears leaked out of his eyes with renewed vigor at the simple, loving action.
When his hands and leg were properly cleaned and bandaged, Felix placed gentle kisses against his hands. “This isn’t just about the cup, is it?” Adrian asked, cuddling closer to the crying figure, “You…you were acting off for a bit there. If you wanna talk about it, we’re here for you, Vince.”
Vincent really didn’t want to talk about it. He didn’t want the burden of his own brokenness, his own feelings, to be dropped on his boyfriends, but sitting there being held by the three men he loves more than anything or anyone in the universe, he couldn’t help it. “I-” Vincent choked on a sob, “Why do you guys keep me around?”
There was silence for only a brief second before Felix bolted up grasping Vincent’s face in his shaking hands, “Why would you say that Vince?” His slightly calloused fingers wiped tears away from the prep’s face.
“I mean, I’m broken.” Vincent averted his eyes from Felix’s, looking down at his own empty palms, “Who’d want a boyfriend who never wants to have sex?” The three other boys opened their mouths to speak at the same time, but Vincent only continued, “I mean, tonight, you guys were...were together and...and I could only think about how jealous I was. About how much I just wanted to cuddle on the couch with you guys, but...but if I told you to stay, you’d find out how broken I really am. Can’t have sex, can’t communicate, hell, I can’t even wash the dishes right.”
Felix’s hand slowed to a stop on Vincent’s face, “Look at me, sweetheart,” he said softly, gently encouraging Vincent’s face to move upwards, but he refused. “Vincent, please look at me, please.” His voice cracked slightly. At that sound, Vincent finally looked back up at Felix, whose eyes were now flooded with tears to match his. “You are not broken,” he said firmly, “and I will not sit here and let you talk about yourself like that.”
“But it’s-”
“You have always been there for me when I’m feeling dysphoric. When I look in the mirror and all I see is a girl, you’re there to help me find myself again. You shut me down when I insult myself, so like hell am I’m gonna sit here and let you do that to yourself.” Felix’s forehead met Vincent’s, whispering against it, “please let me, let us, help you see the you we see.”
Two more heads made their way towards Felix and Vincent’s, tears rolling down their faces as well, “We’ll keep you around forever,” Kevin murmured into Vincent’s collarbone, “You’ve done so much for us, you’re so good.”
“I’d never have sex again if it meant keeping you by our side,” Adrian sobbed, grasping Vincent’s shirt that had long grown damp from the four men’s tears.
Vincent wanted to insist that he didn’t have to do that, but his tears stopped his words. They were no longer tears of sadness, or fear, or self-hatred. They were tears of happiness. His boyfriends, the men he loves more than anyone else in the world, were there by his side. Vincent’s eyes may only see the bad in himself, but their eyes? They saw an amazing man whom they love, who may not be perfect, but who is? The flaws Vincent saw were perfections to them, and Vincent felt all that love at that moment. So much love, it was almost too much to bear.
After a while of crying together, Vincent finally spoke again, laughing slightly through tears, “your guy’s ice cream is probably melted.”
“Who cares,” Kevin said, “Who needs ice cream when we have you?” And so the boys stayed, enjoying each other's embrace, wiping each other’s tears, while the three melted ice creams and the broken cup lay forgotten until morning.
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jemej3m · 4 years
Yo. Yo. Yoo. A Highschool musical au. Yeah you heard me.
bruh cross clique relationships are my jam
pt. 1? maybe
When they’d first met, Neil had been hiding from everyone else on the roof of the ski lodge. Wymack had brought him on holiday and encouraged him to join in with the teen party going on in the karaoke lounge with Dan and Kevin, but he’d taken one look and noped the hell out. 
Curled into a ball, he had never expected his angsty teenage silence to be broken by another short, bad-mannered boy, equally as distasteful of loud gatherings and soda-stupid teenage shenanigans. 
There had been something very familiar about him, like Neil had seen him before.
He also had a pack of cigarettes. 
Neil had yearned for one, like he yearned for his mom, and Andrew had asked for his name in exchange for the lighter. They’d sat in silence, letting the dulled sounds of music and cheers wash over them like a particularly persistent draft.
When Neil flinched away at the first pop of the fireworks, Andrew had frowned. And when Neil had explained they sounded too much like gunshots, Andrew gave him his number, scoffing at Neil’s old flip phone. 
Then he’d proceeded to bitch about his cousin, the one who had dragged him and his twin brother on a ‘bonding’ trip, and was then forcing him to move across the country so they could all live together. it distracted Neil from the gunfire overhead: whether or not that had been Andrew’s intention, Neil thought he’d never know. 
He assumed he’d never see Andrew again. 
But then school started up again.
Guess who was the new kid?
Andrew didn’t think that high school movies were actually grounded in reality till he moved to Palmetto State high. But the minute that he walked in through Palmetto State High’s front doors, he was instantly proven wrong. 
Aaron, who had already done his freshman year and half his sophomore year here, seemed unfazed. He was a generally unfazed person, expect when Andrew purposefully ignored him and then smashed his ass at Mariokart. Then he’d lose his temper but ultimately be angrier at himself, because he didn’t want to be anything like his mom had been. 
Andrew never had the chance to meet Tilda. She’d died just before they met: her will was the only reason that Aaron had found out about Andrew in the first place.
Aaron shoved his glasses up his nose and neatly ducked past a set of boisterous jocks who were bouncing a basketball to one another. 
“I already hate it here,” Andrew muttered, following after his brother. 
“It gets worse,” Aaron sighed. “Wait till you see the Exy jocks. The cheerleaders are - ” his face screwed up for a second. “Not all bad.” 
“What are you?” 
“We,” Aaron insisted. “Are nerds. Did you think you’d be able to escape the fact that we’re identical?” 
“I’m not a nerd,” Andrew muttered, shoving his hands into his pockets to hide the bracelet he wore. Bee had given it to him as a parting gift: it was the solar system, to scale, with the space between the planets made out of carbon fibre. 
“Are you kidding? The only thing you moved in with was a box of books.” 
They brushed by the office, Aaron ignoring the freshman’s offer to take Andrew on a tour of the school. Her name-tag read Robin and she was clearly unfazed by their complete disregard of her presence. 
“History first,” Aaron huffed, squinting at Andrew’s timetable. “Good, we’re together. History sucks: we have Mr Moriyama, and his shitty nephew Riko is in that class too.”
“What’s so shitty about him?” 
“You’ll see.” 
Fantastic, Andrew thought. The day was shaping up to be an absolute nightmare. 
“Mr Minyard,” drawled a nasally man who lingered by the door. When he saw Andrew, his eye twitched. “And Mr Minyard. So the attendance sheet wasn’t an error.”
Aaron just muttered something under his breath and dragged Andrew by the sleeve. The tables were set up in spaced-apart rows, but the back was already claimed by a group of delinquent-looking attention vacuums. The others were all crowded around one boy, who had his feet kicked up on the table in front of him and an uncanny resemblance to the history teacher. 
He looked between Andrew and Aaron and sneered. Before he could open his mouth to say something, his uncle clapped his hands and called the class to attention. 
Just as Mr Moriyama was about to start the lesson, what could only be described as the human embodiment of disaster. 
When Andrew recognised him, his cheeks went red. 
“Mr Josten,” Mr Moriyama said, pinching the bridge of his nose. “How is it that you are always late to my class, when your brother’s already here?” 
The brother in question looked nothing like Neil. He was taller, paler, with black hair and green eyes. He was also glaring at Neil, like that was going to make a difference. 
“My bad,” the red-head shrugged. 
“Detention,” Mr Moriyama said. 
“I have practise,” Neil retorted. And - oh, god, he was a jock. A smart-mouthed sporty boy. Fuck. Andrew thought he’d never see the boy from the rooftop again, but here they were, sitting in the same history class. 
“Should have thought about that before you were late,” the greasy man sneered, sending Neil on his way. Neil slumped his way past the desks till he saw Andrew sitting behind his brother, eyes widened with shock. 
Andrew, involuntarily, found himself giving Neil a small salute. Neil’s lips quirked up as he slid into his chair, letting the first lesson of the day finally begin. 
Neil jogged into practise late. This wasn’t surprising to anyone, least of all Wymack, who was leaning against the plexiglass with a knowing frown. 
“Could you stop antagonising Mr Moriyama’s own nephew in his class?” 
“In my defence,” Neil admitted. “Today’s detention was because I was late, not because I accidentally spoke my thought about Riko out loud instead of reciting them in my head.”
“Get on the court, you little shit,” he said, though not without fondness. Neil had been adopted by the Exy coach at the end of his freshman year, when he’d figured out why Neil was breaking into the changerooms to sleep. 
He jogged up to Kevin, who was less than impressed as he stood by the goal. 
“What the hell, Neil?” 
“The only reason I was so late was because Gordon still hasn’t forgiven you for getting him kicked off the team and he likes to hang around my locker to take it out on me!” 
Dan, Wymack’s other adopted child and team captain, was standing nearby and laughing. “Don’t try and flip this on Kevin: you just like picking fights with Seth.” 
Neil grinned at her. “It’s so easy.” 
“Oi!” Wymack called out. “We running drills or not?”
When he saw the blonde head of hair bobbing up and down, Neil’s grin faltered slightly. He was still in shock that Aaron had a twin, that the twin had moved here, and that twin had been the exact person Neil had met on the roof of the ski resort a few weeks ago. 
No wonder he’d found Andrew’s face so familiar. He was truly an idiot for not picking up on it.
Andrew sat down, high in the bleachers. Neil felt a strange prickle at the back of his neck, like he had when they’d talked for hours up on the roof. 
Practise went too fast after that. Neil stayed behind to help his coach pack up, Kevin and Dan bickering about plays as they went off to the showers. 
Coach went off with the equipment, giving Andrew a cursory glance. Perhaps he recognised Aaron’s face: the boy had nearly done tryouts for the team at the start of freshman year but chickened out. 
Neil skipped the steps, leaping up three at a time. Andrew was lounging on the bleachers, head cocked to the side. 
“So,” Neil said. “You never mentioned that you were moving to Palmetto.”
“We were in a random Colorado ski lodge,” Andrew rolled his eyes. “What were the chances?” 
“Clearly high enough.” Neil perched on the seat beside him. “So, Aaron’s brother, huh?” 
Neil grinned. “Give me some slack: it was dark. I suppose you’ll be following him around, at first?” 
Andrew just shrugged. “I don’t have anything better to do.” 
“Do you like Exy?” 
His eye twitched. “I’ve played before. Why?” 
Neil felt his grin widen. “You should try out.” 
Andrew crossed his arms over his chest. “Aaron says I’m doomed to be stuck with the nerds, so long as I look like him. Apparently that’s a big deal here.” 
Neil faltered slightly. “Well, yeah. Everyone kinda sticks to their own. I’ve always wanted to join the Olympiads, but they’d never let me on the team. I’m good at math and physics, but I’m on the Exy team. They don’t associate with jocks.”
“Olympiads,” Andrew mumbled. “Jesus Christ.” 
“This entire school is a disaster,” Andrew said, notching a cigarette between his lips and spun the lighter between his fingers. “I don’t give a shit about their stupid cliques.” 
Neil felt something warm in his chest. He’d always felt the same. “Careful. If Riko thinks you’re kicking up dust, he’ll retaliate. He likes to think he owns the place and prefers that everyone just sticks to their own.” 
Andrew trotted down a few steps before looking back over his shoulder at Neil. “Well, he can just get in line.” 
Huh, Neil thought, when he couldn’t get Andrew’s smirk out of his mind for the rest of the day. This is new.
gosh, teenagers r so melodramatic 
@filteredred don’t call me out on hypocrisy 
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Still Alive, Part III: Now We Hunt
Summary: While watching the season 7 finale of Supernatural, you’re zapped from your world to a world where everything that happened in the show is real. Sam’s real. Dean’s real. Monsters are real. And so is Purgatory–where Dean’s currently trapped, unbeknownst to Sam. Frustrated by Sam’s lack of trust and motivation, you decide to take matters into your own hands.
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: angst, cursing
A/N: the final part of this series. Thank you guys for your patience while I wrote this. Been recovering from burnout due to a toxic work environment, so that’s been making this a bit difficult writing-wise. But hope you all enjoy!
~~Read here on AO3~~
Birds trilled in the trees overhead. The breeze caused the evening light to dance through the forest as you stared at an unassuming spot on the ground. This was where Dean would emerge—whenever he emerged. But who knew how long that would take? You had already wasted a full day and night going to Target and stocking your new backpack full of supplies, getting a full night’s sleep (if things went bad, who knew when you’d have a chance to be well rested again?) and finding transportation all the way from the motel near Amelia and Sam’s to this specific spot. Then nearly another full day to get here. You’d tried to be careful and took out as much cash from Sam’s credit card as you could, but who knew how fast he would track you down?
You sighed and shouldered your backpack full of supplies as you trudged back to the motel you were staying at. It was nearing dark and you didn’t want to be caught out here after the sun set. Plus, you had to figure out a way to contact Dean so you knew how close he was to escaping Purgatory. About 30 minutes later, you let your backpack fall to the floor with a thud, pulling out your new laptop and opening your browser. The library in both towns you’d stayed in weren’t very helpful in figuring out how to astral project without being on top of old lingering magics. The second night you’d stayed at the first motel unfortunately didn’t render anymore visions of Dean. But after some Googling, you had found a YouTube link reading “Astral Projection Music *VERY STRONG*” that would hopefully at least point you in the right direction.
You settled onto your bed and took a deep breath before clicking the link. Ambient music with some strange undertones you couldn’t describe engulfed the motel room. You leaned back against the pillows and closed your eyes. You weren’t sure how long it took, but you felt yourself falling asleep. Your last thought before succumbing was a sinking feeling of disappointment as you realized this music would probably give you the best night of sleep of your life at best.
“Son of a bitch!” a rough voice barked in your ear.
You jumped and snapped upright to smack right into someone’s forehead. “Ow,” you muttered, rubbing at the spot that was sure to bruise later. You jumped as you saw Dean’s face just inches from yours doing the same. “Shit, it worked.”
“You sure you’re not a witch?” Dean asked. He was sprawled out on the ground next to you on top of his jacket, eyes bleary and hair sticking up every which way. You’d have laughed if you weren’t in Purgatory. The sky was darker than the first time you’d visited and the campfire was slowly dwindling. It looked to be a different clearing than last time; this time, he was near a stream, with two other jackets spread out around the fire.
“Um, no,” you replied. “Would’ve given a lot of assholes back home a good scare if I was. Did you find Cas and Benny?”
Dean groaned as he sat up. “Yeah. Benny’s hunting and Cas went further down the river to see if he could figure out which way this portal is.”
“You’ve got the spell ready for Benny?”
“You found them fast. It’s only been a few days.”
Dean shrugged. “Benny wasn’t too far behind you. Or maybe you showing up changed things. He says he’s gonna take us to the portal tomorrow.”
“Good. What time?”
“No idea. We’re gonna start out first thing in the morning and get there as fast as we can. But make sure you tell Sam—”
You cleared your throat and looked away awkwardly, picking some dirt out from underneath your fingernails. You sighed and steeled yourself. Better to just rip the band-aid off quickly. “I’m alone, Dean.”
Dean stared at you with a blank expression for several moments.
Before he could cut in, you continued, “He won’t be catching up to me, either. He still doesn’t believe me and dumped my situation onto another hunter that was supposed to show up at the old motel I was staying at.” You inhaled deeply. You didn’t like telling him this, but better he knew everything upfront. As big of a fan of the show as you were, you knew how he reacted to secrets. “He…seems pretty convinced you’re dead and there’s no bringing you back this time.”
Dean shifted his still blank gaze to the dying flames. “What about Kevin?”
“I don’t think he and Sam have been in contact. From what I know of the show and judging by Sam’s reaction when I brought it up, Kevin’s been trying to get a hold of him and Sam just hasn’t been answering.”
“What?” Dean looked angry now and you bit your lip, unsure how to continue. You spread your hands in an irritated gesture instead. “You’re 100% positive about all this?”
A loud crashing noise broke you out of your sleep and you cursed under your breath. You glanced around the room—now shrouded in darkness—to see that your backpack had fallen off the end table from where you’d precariously balanced it just before nodding off. The astral projection music no longer played and your laptop screen was dark, making it impossible to know how long ago it had stopped. You wiggled your mouse to see the clock read six in the morning. You weren’t sure how early Dean, Benny and Cas were planning on starting out, or if time even flowed the same in Purgatory. You quickly shot up, stuffed all your spilled belongings and laptop back into your backpack and made your way out of the safety of the motel and into the woods.
You sighed as you plopped down on the ground in the very same spot you’d stood at earlier, wondering how in the fuck you had even gotten yourself here. The campers who had originally been here in the show—and subsequently been scared shitless by Dean—trudged off in the distance, grumbling distantly as the bob of their flashlight receded further into the woods. You felt bad for pulling all the asshole-ery you did to make them move, but this really was the best spot to look out for Dean. The sky was beginning to get lighter and the sounds of the breeze and waking birds made you want to nod off again. You did your best to resist, but as the minutes ticked by with no sign of Dean, you felt your eyes grow heavier and heavier.
You hadn’t even realized you’d fallen asleep until you were jolted awake by a loud bang and a blinding white light that forced you to close your eyes again. You breathed a sigh of relief upon opening them and realizing you were still in the woods and not back in your living room. You scrambled to your feet as the figure in front of you did the same, holding your knife out in front of you awkwardly. You stared wide-eyed at the tall, green eyes and dirty face of Dean Winchester. He seemed frozen with his gun pointed at you. You scrambled for something to say but came up short, feeling equally stuck with your knife out in front of you.
“Holy shit, you’re real,” you both muttered at the same time.
You heard the safety of Dean’s gun click as he slowly lowered it, tucking it into the waistband of his pants. He looked around, his shoulders just barely slumping as he realized you really were alone. He turned his attention back to you and raised an eyebrow. “Did you help me escape Purgatory just to shank me as soon as I got out?”
“What?” You felt some of the tension leave your body and realized you were still holding your knife out in front of you. “Oh, sorry.” You tucked it back into the sheath that was attached to your pants leg, noting for the first time the glowing blue light shining from Dean’s forearm.
He followed your eyes before making his way past you. “Wait here,” he mumbled, squeezing your shoulder as he went by. You felt a small thrill go through you at the contact before plopping back down next to your backpack. You watched as he disappeared through the foliage, knowing Benny was waiting for freedom. You sat and watched the sun come up through the trees and breathed a sigh. Even sitting in these woods with no home, no job, not even a guarantee that you’d be alive this time next month, felt better than the despair that had constantly engulfed you in your shitty apartment. You felt like you were finally where you were meant to be. Just being around Dean gave you more of a feeling of home than you’d ever had. You rested your head on your knees, hoping what came next was three days of sleep. You were mentally exhausted after everything that had happened.
A hand gently shook your shoulder and looked up to see Dean crouched next to you, his arm now bandaged. You hadn’t even heard him coming. “Thanks, kid,” he said, looking just as tired as you felt. “You got a motel room near here?”
“Yeah,” you replied, gathering your legs under you. Dean stood, offering his hand. Another small thrill ran through you as you took it and Dean seemed surprised as well. You stood and stared at each other for a minute, hands still clasped. Although he looked worse for wear, you knew he’d been through worse. His green eyes weren’t as intense as before and all the energy seemed to bleed out of him as he sighed, closing his eyes before giving your hand a final squeeze. Your trance broke and you let go, leading him through the woods to your motel room.
Once away from any prying eyes, you ordered food while he showered. Although you hadn’t done anything to warrant a shower, hot water sounded divine and felt even better. You emerged from the bathroom and sighed in contentment, laughing when you noticed Dean scarfing down a hamburger while trying to fit several fries in his mouth at once. “You’re gonna choke.”
“Ihf hambuwgew ih how Ah go, ih how Ah go,” he replied around a mouthful of food, several morsels of hamburger meat falling out of his mouth in the process. He made an “mm” of surprise, quickly picking them back off his shirt and plopping them back in his still-full mouth.
You shook your head and smiled as you sat down across from him. “Is mine still there—oh, wow, it is.”
“Ah diden loof all my manners in Puwgatowy.”
You gave him a look. “You didn’t have manners before Purgatory.”
“Ey! Littlew shit.”
You laughed and although Dean’s mouth was far too full of food to smile, his green eyes danced with mirth for what was likely the first time since Purgatory. You sat in companionable silence as you dug into your own burger, just enjoying the quiet. It was suddenly interrupted by a loud GULP from Dean and you burst out laughing. “I wish I was getting you on video right now.”
“I’m glad you’re not. Okay, but listen, I’ve got something serious to say—buuuuuuurrrrrppppp.”
You threw your head back and cackled, feeling tears start to leak from your eyes.
“Shut up, kid, I’m starving!”
“I can tell,” you laughed, meeting Dean’s eyes once again. Despite the sternness in his tone, he was smiling as well. You should’ve felt nervous—you had always had a bit of a crush on Dean, although you liked Sam well enough—but everything just felt easy with the older Winchester.
“But seriously,” Dean continued as both your smiles and laughter faded, “thank you. Benny got out and Cas…um…” He went quiet, his face going solemn and his hand squeezing into a fist on the table.
“I watch the show,” you replied just as quietly. “I know. You don’t have to say anything.”
Dean nodded his thanks and you gently covered his fist to squeeze his hand. He uncurled his fingers and linked them through yours to give another quick squeeze. To your surprise, he didn’t let go and if he didn’t want to, who were you to leave him hanging? You glanced up to find him staring at you, both of you quickly looking away. Your fingers were still entwined and only separated at a series of loud, sharp knocks on the door.
Dean’s face quickly morphed in the same anger you’d seen on the show many times during hunts. “You expecting anyone?” he asked lowly.
“No,” you replied. The two of you quietly got up in tandem and without even speaking, you drew your knife and hid behind the door as Dean pulled his gun from his waistband. The click of the safety sounded deafening in the silence as the knocking continued. You held your breath as Dean slowly unlocked the door before throwing it open with his gun pointed at the intruder.
“Y/N—” you recognized Sam’s angry voice which was suddenly cut short as he saw who stood in the doorway. From behind the door, you saw water suddenly splash onto Dean’s face. He blinked and pursed his lips before wiping the water away from his eyes.
“Hiya, Sammy,” he said, his face a mixture of relief, warmth and resentment. He stepped away from the door to let his brother in.
Sam stared at Dean in shock as he closed the door behind him. The sound of your knife going back into the sheath drew his attention to you, the look on his face making it impossible to tell if he was more annoyed you’d disobeyed orders or impressed that you’d brought Dean back by yourself.
You glanced between the two brothers for a moment before gesturing to the door. “I’ll give you two a minute.” You slipped out and made your way to the vending machine near your room. After scouring the snacks had bored you, you pulled out your phone to look through your meagre contact list. Mainly supervisors, coworkers and a few acquaintances who wouldn’t miss you. The feeling was mutual. You couldn’t deny the satisfaction that ran through you as you deleted everyone’s number but Sam’s. Hopefully, Dean’s would soon be added to the list. You perked up at the thought.
You looked up at the sound of footsteps. Sam Winchester slumped towards you, complete with hands in his pockets and a sheepish look on his face. “Hey, Y/N.”
“Hey, Sam,” you said, not bothering to keep the annoyance out of your tone.
“Look, um…” he scratched at the back of his neck. “I’m really sorry. I should’ve at least looked into it more.”
You sighed. “Well, he’s here now, so…guess that’s all that matters.”
“Yeah…” He sighed. “Dean said he’s gonna train you to be a hunter. You’re 100% sure this is what you want? Lee said he can still get you back home if you want.”
“I’m 110% sure, Sam. I’m not going back there. It was never home for me.”
Sam exhaled sharply once more, glancing over at the now busy street.
“You’re setting a world record for sighing,” you said. “Trust me. This is what I want. If I get myself killed, I’ll only haunt you a little bit, I promise.”
Sam chuckled before nodded. “All right, then. I have to go home to Amelia. I think she’s starting to suspect that something’s up. But Dean’s still in there,” he gestured to the hotel, “and I’ll be seeing you around.”
“What are you gonna tell her?”
“I don’t know. Hopefully I will know by the time I get back home—and thank you for saving my brother.”
You nodded. “Stay safe.”
“Yeah, you too. You still have my number if you need anything?”
“Yeah. I’ll text you, keep you updated on where I am.”
Sam smiled, pulling you into a quick hug. “Welcome to the life.”
You snorted. “Thanks.”
Sam gave you a half smile and waved as he trudged back to the Impala. Dean emerged from the room and made his way over to Sam, holding his hand out. Sam dropped Baby’s keys in his brother’s hand as what you assumed was an uber pulled into the parking lot, idling in front of Sam. Sam and Dean stared at each other for a moment before embracing one last time. Once Sam climbed in, the uber sped off and you made your way back over to Dean. He gently caressed Baby’s paint before turning to you.
“What now?” you asked.
He smirked. “Now, we hunt.”
Tag list: @totallyluciferr @dr7girl @pillowjj
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currywaifu · 4 years
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𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: barbie movies as troupe plays part 1 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: sfw
𝐚𝐧: if you think i won’t do all 36 barbie movies, you’re wrong. regardless of whether people want this or not. i have barbie brainrot 24/7. i’m just separating it into parts so it’s not too long *this isn’t meant to be that serious y’all my reasons vary from legit to just jokes
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𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥: i won’t go in-depth with any plot differences from movie to play, or how the characters would work out... for now *chuckles in future ppt*
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏: nutcracker, rapunzel, swan lake, princess and the pauper, fairytopia series, magic of pegasus, barbie diaries, island princess, three musketeers 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐: coming soon 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟑: coming soon
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: mixed troupe! spring x autumn. one of the seasonal events/scouts for A3! has a nutcracker theme, and to avoid spoilers that’s all i will say :3
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: since this is based on barbie’s take on the nutcracker, changing up the cast from what tsuzuru had in plan:
clara/sugarplum fairy: sakuya. i want to see him go through a costume & hair transformation sequence, not gonna lie. 
nutcracker/prince eric: juza. obviously he has to be the ruler of the land of sweets.
mouse king: sakyo or chikage. i want one of them to wave around a sceptre and say quotes like “i’ll reduce the Nutcracker to a pile of splinters"
pimm: taichi... pimm is a spy :O who has to do dirty work :O but the real reason is i just want taichi to follow around sakyo again or maybe even chikage this time lol
major mint & captain candy: tsuzuru and citron respectively. mint is pretty serious and awkward, candy is a lot friendlier- i just think it’ll be a good way to insert some humor in the play
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: mixed troupe! summer x autumn.
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: rapunzel in this one actually is the “servant” of gothel. also, rapunzel has a magical paint brush and also there’s dragons. who are purple. 
rapunzel: kazunari. obviously. actually, kazu has a lot of similarities with her: a good artist, patient, adventurous, quick thinking, hardly ever complains- also he’d look good with long hair i think ><
penelope: kumon. a PURPLE funny and clumsy dragon- fight me, the only answer is kumon especially once you see who’s next.
hugo: juza. a PURPLE dragon who’s penelope’s dad but he’s gonna be the older bro in this one (i wonder why...) 
hobie: a passive and worrisome rabbit... Tenma.
prince stefan: he also has a couple fight scenes... ngl bc stefan has blue eyes, light brown hair + described by the wiki as “fierce”, he’s banri. 
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: winter troupe. i will stand by this forever. 
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: this is like one of the ones i’ve had figured out for a while already...
odette & odile: tsumugi. i’m just saying, tsumugi’s duality- he can do both the white and black swan because he has power. impact.
prince daniel: not tasuku bc spare him the prince roles he’s sick of it. guy. why guy? because he obviously has a good idea of how to act like a prince :3 
fairy queen: azuma. ugh just- imagining how ethereal he’d look.
erasmus: tasuku. he’s a troll that can act mean, but is genuinely kind and helpful... also, the VA of erasumus is also the VA for “unnamed burly villager” and i’m just saying-
kelly the cygnet: hisoka. there’s too many animal children, so hisoka is gonna be the baby swan. uwu. also, kelly has a quote, “I can't sleep.” and wOW THE IRONY
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: WE’RE GOING FOR THE COMEDIC ROUTE WHAT’S UP SUMMER. reason: i went “wait... no actor really looks super alike though.”
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: tafahfuoahoaf it’s my favourite barbie movie... OKAY SO THE RUNNING GAG OF THIS IS THAT THE PRINCESS & PAUPER DON’T LOOK ALIKE, BUT EVERYONE KEEPS GOING “Wow! you two look so identical!” no they don’t
anneliese: muku. first of all please look at the sprite i used in the header. anneliese = pink = muku. she’s the sweet princess archetype... but in this version she also goes on tangents about rocks and mineraLS AND HOW THE MINING INDUSTRY SUX AND THE ABSOLUTE AUDACITY OF-
erika: kumon. first of all, the sprite in the header again. erika = blue like ugh this is perfect. ALSO erika has a cat who BARKS and i just imagine kumon talking to her cat like: WOOF WOOF WOOF GRRR GRRR and the dog responding and everyone in the palace going wtf
king dominick: i had such a crush on him anyway he’s tenma. rich, young, talented king who disguises himself as a page so he can find love for realsies. im just saying. he won’t be tenma’s only role tho ><
julian: kazunari. the wiki went “he’s the only bestfriend a barbie MC ever married” really shook me like ugh friendship dynamic between muku and kazu roles??? also kazu’s genuinely smart so him as the tutor was just gucci in my eyes
preminger: misumi. FIRST OF ALL PREMINGER IS ICONIC? WHEN HE SANG HOW CAN I REFUSE I WAS LIKE UGH KING. i just wanna hear misumi play an antagonist that’s also funny and do things with his voice.
madame carp: yuki. a bossy and rich woman who owns a dress emporium. pretty much it.
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: spring troupe. i wanna see them have wings uwu.
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: just gonna combine the whole fairytopia series into one 
elina: itaru. first of all, pink motif. also i just like the idea of itaru being this recurring protagonist.
bibble the puffball played by kamekichi
laverna: recurring villain citron. for no reason other than i think it’s cool when he plays power hungry villains
enchantress: i just want sakuya to play a role that’s more of a “powerful character” but still really kind uwu. another recurring good guy.
azura & glee: tsuzuru. elina is azura’s apprentice, and glee is a friend who’s generally really happy... ngl, i wanna see tsuzuru play someone more energetic for funsies
nori: masumi. nori is kind of a stubborn and jealous person at first, him and elina won’t get along right away BUT DAMMIT THE ENEMIES? TO FRIENDS IS GUCCI!!! 
merman prince nalu & linden: chikage... yeah i just gave chikage the guy roles ngl... but i wanna see chikage as a handsome merman AND handsome fairy so *shrugs*
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: cross troupe. spring x winter.
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: partially based on the ice-skating cards (i have yet to read the event story, unfortunately).
annika: tsuzuru. i thought it’d be fun to cast tsuzuru as a more sheltered character due to annika’s parents’ protectiveness. the contrast y’all.
shiver: sakuya. shiver is a polar bear cub sidekick who’s friendly and likes shiny things and that’s just... really cute... put bear ears on sakuya...
brietta: guy. brietta is annika’s older sister... who got transformed into a pegasus by the villain... i wonder how they’d change the pegasus thing lol
wenlock: tasuku. NOT GONNA LIE- i want tasuku to play the villain for all these wonderful one-liners: "Oh, smile! You didn't lose a daughter; you've gained a pet!", and "I thank my lucky stars I didn't marry you!"
prince aidan: masumi bc i want more roomie interaction on stage i mean their friendship keeps getting cuter and cuter.
cloud queen: azuma... that’s all. i just remembered her bc her hair has a braided crown, and i went “azuma braided hair brainrot”
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: mixed troupe! summer x autumn.
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: i was gonna make it full autumn, but then the age casting felt awkward since they’re in high school...
barbie: taichi. barbie here is shy but wants to stop blending in the background! i just went “damn that do be resonating”. also i wanna hear taichi sing more y’all and barbie is a singer/guitarist here
courtney: azami. i like the idea of azami playing a spunky character who’s more of a tomboy, but still does like fashion and accessorising and... lip gloss?
tia: misumi? tenma? idk the intelligent and passionate archetype is very broad... especially in a high school setting
kevin: kazunari. just the whole best friend thing + kevin being a goofy person who loves to make ppl laugh ugh
racquelle: yuki. i know racquelle’s a bully here and say not to bullying... but sharp tongue.
todd: honestly? todd was so boring in the moving. we need someone like banri to give him CHARACTER!... yes that’s my reasoning ugh
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ro/rosella: “a 16 year old girl who can talk to animals! adventurous and brave” me: *gasps* mISUMI-
prince antonio: “prince antonio loves travelling and exploring-” okay yeah it’s kazu...
queen ariana: i just want yuki to sing to me “love is for peasants which we’re obviously not” and i’d go :O also ngl... i wanna see yuki in like darker palettes and plotting to poison all the royals
princess luciana: queen ariana’s daughter... played by muku. because i wanna hear muku counter yuki with “all the shoujo mangas books i’ve read, all the poems always said, that the heart is made to share...”
sagi the red panda & azul the peacock: honestly, just basing it off of colour matching but tenma is sagi and kumon is azul lol
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𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: AHAHAHA WHAT IS THIS CASTING? pt 2 
corrine: i keep wanting to put sakuya in these roles oops. i just... let him sword fight on stage again :>
viveca: purple musketeer, artistic, designs clothes... fights with ribbons... you know, for the sake of banri being a fAshIoNisTa... it has to be banri y’all "Don't mess with the animal print dress!"
aramina: green musketeer, fights with fans, romantic and loves ballet... pfft, for the sake of “wouldn’t it be funny-” it has to be azami. poor bby, having to swoon over romance on stage- he can’t relate
renee: chikage. purely because of that scene where she threw a feather duster (?) at a flying shard of glass and perfectly hit it. yeah.
helene: the old and strict instructor that teaches them how to be musketeers... sakyo.. duh.
philippe: the main antagonist... it has to be omi again. and since philippe has a goatee, we’re bringing back facial hair omi~
prince louis: itaru, lol. he’s like the one significant non-action oriented character in the film. he has just enough moments where itaru still looks princely, but mostly? he just wants humans to fly y’all.
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want to order again?
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 4 years
A LunaTic and Her Gunn (Part 114) "Suck My Metaphysical DICK!"
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Practice had ran long and late the night before with Casie eventually being carried to her bed as many patient joints and blunts were finally fired up. Giving So Am I a break, they goofed around with a couple different songs and chords. Mod and Colson finally being coaxed into treating everyone to their playful version of SummerTime.
With the next day starting, they're back to practicing. Luna choosing Colson, Sam and Baze to debut the new song with her. Mod proceeds to film The Movie that he had started last night of their creative process. Deanna continues to work on Casie's dresses as the younger Baker plays outside with her friends; calling her in as needed to her delight. Pete, Benny, Rook, Kevin and Slim float around the house playing video and arcade games, pool and popping into practice to offer tips or fresh beers.
"Alright, I'm done." Luna declares as she accepts a beer from Rook and rubs the back of her neck. "I think this is the most I've ever practiced a song. We either nail it or we don't." She says as a matter of fact before she takes a gulp of her beer. "What do you think?" She asks, looking over at Colson.
"We got this shit, Baby." He answers, giving her a confident nod with a soul melting wink.
"Bet." She smiles at him teasingly. "Sammy? Baze?" Luna looks over to her other bandmate's nodding heads. "That's it." She calls as she lifts her guitar over her head to the other's relief. "You think we can get a jet from Sean? It'll make tonight a WHOLE lot easier for us and Deanna" Asking as she turns back to Colson.
"You got a better chance than I do." He snorts at the idea.
"That's probably true." Luna sighs. "I'm gonna smoke a cigarette and hit him up." She goes on to tell Colson before kissing his cheek and grabbing her stuff to head outside.
"Hey!" Luna perks up as Sean answers the phone.
"And to what do I owe the pleasure, Miss Smith?" Diddy laughs at her, cutting right to the chase.
"We're performing on GMA tomorrow morning. I was hoping you had a jet in LA that we could use to get to NY tonight." Luna answers, knowing he appreciates no bullshit.
"You and Colson are on GMA tomorrow morning?" He responds in amazement.
"Shit, Sean. You sound like I do with my career!" Luna laughs at his reaction.
"Nah, nah... I knew they were looken' to book y'all, I just didn't know it had happened this quick." He answers, trying to cover his ass.
"A happy Sean means Yes to a jet, right?" Luna coaxes out the answer she wants.
"Yeah, yeah. What time you need it?" He asks as his mind starts running a hundred other ideas.
"I don't know... 5Pish?" Luna prepares to negotiate.
"No problem. I'll have it up and ready for you. Yo! Tell The Kid I said Congratulations. You two break a fucking leg. I'll be watching." Sean tells Luna.
"Thanks. I'll let him know... And thank you again for the jet. It'll be so much easier with all of our shit." She goes on to finish up the conversation to his No Problems and more Congratulations.
"We got a jet, MOTHERFUCKERSSSS!" Luna shouts with a laugh. "We just gotta be at the hanger by 5P." She goes on to inform The Gang.
As Luna and Colson head up the stairs to shower, they can hear Sam shouting for everyone to remember to grab their boards; she has a line on a party tonight that she doesn't wanna miss. Besides, no true native drives in NYC. They walk, bike, ride the subway or hail a cab. It's only the cool kids that grind their way through the Five Burroughs.
"Sean wanted me to tell you he's proud of you." Luna says to Colson as she pulls her tank top off.
"Really?" His chin cocks in her direction as he reaches into the shower to adjust the water temperature.
"Mmhmm." Luna purrs as she steps out of her black panties; catching Colson's eyes on her as she looks up.
"Fuck, you're hot." He pants as he wraps his long arms around her tiny, naked waist before sliding his two large hands up her body to cradle her head with them and kiss her deeply.
Luna can't resist Colson. There is no allowing him to consume her being, it just happens. Connecting so incredibly easily and naturally on not just a physical, mental and emotional level but out of the insane, unquenchable necessity they have for the other. The way Colson and Luna love each other is beyond intense.
Proving so as he lifts her up onto the  countertop without their mouths separating for longer than a second. Kissing each other hungrily as he slides between her bare thighs and their hands roam each other's naked, tattooed bodies. Colson sucks on Luna's neck as she wraps her legs around his waist and works him into her slowly. She gasps in pleasure as he moans during their way towards her back wall. Once he's fully in, Luna loosens up a bit as her soaked pussy engulfs him.
"Fuck, you're so TIGHT." Colson's breath tickles her ear and neck as his words directly entice her pussy into all of his Bad Things.
Grabbing her ass, he pulls her hair with his other hand. Groaning as her walls clench tighter around him, loving his assertive actions. Syncing together roughly as they both cum on the bathroom countertop.
"FUCK." Colson sighs as he kisses Luna's right temple.
"Shower?" She asks while still catching her own breath.
"Yeah... " Colson breathes out.
They rest in each other's hold for a few more moments. Enjoying the quietness of the bathroom and each other's breathing. With their chaotic lives, Colson and Luna have a tendency to hoard every stolen moment between them.
Finally they get into the steady running shower. Fucking it out again. Taking in every piece of each other before stepping out. Carrying on with their usual routine of drugs, kisses and jokes as they dress for their evening flight.
"I fucking love you." Colson slams his hand onto Luna's ass cheek with authority.
"You fucking better." She laughs as she checks her face before turning around to throw her arms around him and firmly kiss his agreeing grin.
"You know I don't ever know where I'm going." Colson tells Emma with a chuckle as he hands her Casie's bags. "We're headed to NY tonight and then I think LA but I don't know for how long until the wedding. Hit up Ash, she'll know." He advises Casie's mother of his schedule.
"YEAH... I know." Emma replies with an engrained eyeroll.
"GIVE IT TO ME, PEANUT!!" Colson shouts for his daughter as he squats down and she sprints into his open arms. "Love you!!" He declares as he attacks her with a million kisses.
"DAAAD!!" Casie squeals in laughter as she hugs and tries to wiggle away from her father all at the same time.
"Alright, alright... " He agrees after planting another loud kiss onto her cheek before letting her go.
"He's such a neeerd." Casie whispers into Luna's ear as they hug each other GoodBye.
"Yeeeeah... But he's a good nerd." Luna kisses Casie's cheek. "See you in a few?" Luna asks as she pulls back.
"Yup." Casie grins at her.
"Love you, Dill." Luna holds the young girl in for another tight hug.
"Love you, Looney." Casie replies as she squeezes her back.
The flight to NY is rowdy as fuck. During the 6hr flight, Colson, Luna, Sam, Baze, Rook, Slim, Mod, Benny, Pete and Kev get FUCKED up. Making up Ten of Them. Except Deanna, she's only along for the flight... And to watch the many antics. Smoking blunt after blunt. Pouring drink after drink. While also snorting more than a few things along the way. The trip itself could be a whole ass Hunter S. Thompson Movie.
Luna and Colson dip out to fuck each other in the bathroom. They've already joined the mile high club together but there's something about making your girlfriend coo your name as she cums for you in the air. Especially on your Boss's private plane.
"Listen... I only got a few things so far." Luna tries to prepare The Gang as she unlocks The Brownstone's front door.
Flipping on the light, the house is clean but bare. Over to the right is the only object on the ground floor. It's a drum kit.
"Is that for ME!" Rook shouts out in disbelief to Luna's happy grin.
Fuck everything else. Rook pulls his sticks out of his back pocket and begins to pound. Providing the soundtrack to their home as the rest of them run eagerly through their new spot. Some, Baze and Slim, check to see if anyone caused any damage during The Break In. They did not.
"YO!! WHERE THE FUCK YOU COP THESE MOTHERFUCKERS!?!" Slim shouts down the stairwell to Luna.
"He finally found his room." Colson laughs as he holds onto Luna and she snuggles into his warm scent.
They all have beds. In each of their rooms. Nothing else because they can decorate it themselves but there are king sized beds in each room with dark sheets and neon green double Xs on them.
Colson reaches his long leg over to kick the door shut. Catching a deviously inviting smile from Luna he eagerly devours her body. Breaking their new bed in with his mouth and oversized cock.
"Nah... We're goin' under Sutter Bridge where those old half pipes are... " Nipple tries to explain to Luna where they're headed for the night.
They're all sitting along their stoop. All Ten of Them plus now Nipple and his girlfriend Carrie. Preparing to make their way into the NYC night.
"Oh!" Luna sucks her teeth. "You're talking about the old wooden half pipes!" She exclaims once she realizes where he's describing. "Okay, yeah, I know where that's at... What are we doin'? We ready ride?" She asks as she tosses her hands up.
Nipple nods and Luna goes to find Colson. He's in the kitchen but is immediately up for an adventure. With her school bag packed, boards in everyone's hands and the front door locked; The Terrible Twelve, along with Nipple and Carrie, slip in with the NYC air. Boards and hair flowing like the wind.
There are many different kinds of parties you can find around The World. Each country or continent offering it's own type of vibe and experience. New York has no ONE vibe. Every location is different. Every party is unique. Every experience is it's own.
As the Terrible Twelve, plus Nipple and Carrie, roll over the worn down road they can hear the blasts of decks slamming, music blaring and laughter floating. Nipple's ahead of them all with Carrie close to his side. Sam follows behind as she leads Baze. Catching the feeling of home, Luna grabs Colson's hand as she plants both feet on her board and guides them into Her World.
Underneath the bridge looks like a mix of 90s nostalgia, the 70s drug scene and the repercussions of the early 2000s. Flowing together with plywood and spray paint. There's dozens of people Luna hasn't seen for months. Kicking her deck up, she grins at Colson while keeping their hands tight. Floating into exactly where she's missed.
"YO!! WHERE THE FUCK YOU BEEN GIRL!?!" Luna's friend Darnell shouts the main question of the night as he grips her into a tight hug.
"I've been falling in love." Luna smiles modestly as she introduces him to Colson.
Colson and Darnell hit it off immediately. Along with everyone else who Luna introduces to Colson. This relieves a huge weight off of Luna's soul. These are her people. Justin's people. Although Luna may not care what people think, their feelings are still important to her.
After introductions, Luna and Colson rip it apart on one of the many homemade half pipes. Grinning and busting each other's balls as they fly passed each other. Catching up with one another on the same lip, they ride down to grab a drink.
"I hate that you're so fucking cool." Colson teases her, finding more comfort under an abandoned bridge than in a multi million dollar club.
"No you don't." Luna grins as she cracks him a can of PBR and stands on her tippy toes to kiss him.
"Yo... Where the fuck you been?" Carrie asks Luna as she lays on Sam and Sam lays on Luna; all three comfortably taking up more than half of the graffitied boards to themselves.
"I don't know... " Luna answers by waving her hands around. "I've just been doing things."
"Yeeeeah" Carrie laughs. "We hear you. It's kinda fucking weird, Dude."
"Is it bad weird?" Luna asks in a moment of uncertainty.
"No. Just weird. I can't describe it... I've been listening to you for YEARS, Loons. Both live and recorded. I guess it's just weird to have you pop up on a Spotify playlist is all... " Carrie trails, regretting saying anything at all.
"I'm on fucking Spotify?" Luna asks in horror.
Normal people would celebrate this achievement. Luna. Luna wants to climb into a kangaroo pouch and never emerge. Fame is a Monster that Stephanie described and Luna wants no parts of. But it's here, whether she wants it to be or not.
"Are you fucking serious?" Carrie laughs at her. "You can't be THAT naive. You've got three songs trending and you're about to marry MGK... Not that he's Channing or anything but he's definitely hot and you're way more out there than you've ever been... You don't know this?" Carrie scoffs in slight jealousy of Luna's resistance.
"What the FUUUUUCK... " Luna doesn't respond, just let's the rumble of the boards next to her vibrate her soul from underneath.
Later, Luna finds herself sitting with Pete and Kevin on the lip of the old half pipe, sharing a joint along with a 40 of Old E. They're not fancy and they don't pretend to be. Sam's on the other half pipe with Mod and Carrie still grinding while Colson, AJ, Baze and Slim bust it up with Nipple as Rook and Benny talk to a group of girls. Luna can see them all as her happy feet swing free.
"I gotta ask you something." The tone in Pete's voice changes the air around them.
"What's up, Petey?" Luna asks, expecting ANYTHING except for what he's about to say.
"You didn't cheat on Colson, did you?" He questions her with hesitation.
"WHAT? NO. Why the fuck would you ask me something like that?" Luna immediately jerks her head towards her old friend.
"A thing he said." Pete admits, secretly regretting his question immediately but Luna is one of his bestfriends so he had to.
"What the FUCK did he say? Don't fucking play with me either, Petey." Luna threatens as she feels her soul drop through her already drunk belly.
"You remember the night you caught that late flight back from seeing Jackson?" Pete sighs to Luna's searing nod before he continues to elaborate. "Kells said something to the effect that it wouldn't be the first time you cheated. What was he talking about, Loons?"
"He fucking told?" Luna's heart breaks as it catches what Pete is saying to her. "I can't believe he would do that to me." Luna can feel her face heat up as her heart begins to race.
"He was talking about shit that doesn't concern him or you. ACTUALLY. But if you MUST know, I had an affair back in 2013. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go handle my fucking business." Luna's words are curt towards him before she slides down the half pipe.
"WAIT... 2013? That means she cheated on Justin?" Pete is so confused as he watches Luna stand up and hone in on Colson. "FUCK. What did I just start." He worries as he grabs Kevin and slides down to follow behind Luna.
Luna marches straight up to Colson and snatches his up by the arm. Dragging him away from whomever to a secluded corner under the bridge. Standing in the dark she stares up at his confused face.
"Who else did you tell about my affair with Tommy?" She asks him directly with a quiver in her angry voice.
"What?" He automatically responds after being caught off guard by the question.
"Don't lie to me Colson." Luna warns in a low voice.
"I... I didn't tell anyone really but Slim figured it out after our fight over that article." Colson admits with hesitation as he watches tears begin to drop down Luna's cheeks.
"Then what the fuck is Petey talking about?" She continues to question him.
"MOTHERFUCKER. I told him not to say shit." Colson's brain sets on fire.
"I didn't tell him anything Loons but something obviously slipped. I'm sorry." Colson apologizes as he goes to reach for her.
"No." She states as she jerks away from him. "That's not okay." She's full on crying now as the anger starts to boil. "That's not okay AT FUCKING ALL!" She finally snaps. Drawing her right fist back, she catches him on the bottom of the LeftSide of his chin. It's hard enough of a blow to knock him out of their conversation but causes no physical damage. Colson grabs his jaw in shock but not pain. "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT!?" Luna screams at Colson as she shoves him with all of her force. "IT WASN'T YOURS TO FUCKING TELL!" She continues to scream through her tears while shoving him again.
"I'M SORRY!!" He yells back at her, grabbing her by the arms to catch his drunken balance.
"Get the FUCK off of me." She snarls before kicking him hard in his shin.
"AHHHHH!!!" Colson cries out in pain as he collapses to the ground and grabs his injury.
"I DECIDE WHO I TELL ABOUT MY SHIT!! ESPECIALLY WHEN IT DOESN'T EFFECT YOU!!" She's shouting again as her head viscously snakes around and hands fly like hummingbirds. "SO FUCKING WHAT!?! I DID HAVE A FUCKING AFFAIR... AND I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK WHO KNOWS ABOUT IT BECAUSE THE ONLY PERSON IT SHOULD MATTER TO IS DEAD... You and everyone else can SUCK MY METAPHYSICAL DICK!" She screams to anyone and no one at the same time. It's been said before, Luna does not lie. "You ran your mouth on me... " She let's out with a tear drenched gasp. "I have way bigger shit than this... How can I ever trust you... Let alone fucking marry you?" Luna sighs out with a sad coldness as she looks down at him and shakes her head in disgust before walking away. Grabbing her bag and board before she disappears into the night.
The Bridge is not bothered by Luna and Colson. Only their personal entourage is truly watching what had happened. Slim walks over to Colson who's still laying on the ground. Her words strike him like lightning, stopping his heart and soul. Most of the time he knows when and when not to fight with Luna. Right now, he doesn't know what to do. Choosing not to say a word; he just lays there watching His Girl angrily stalk away from him as Sam and Carrie rush to catch up to her.
"They are ALWAYS going through some type of bullshit." Their friends think collectively. Except for Pete; he's confused and pissed but not sure at who.
It begins to pour as Luna drops her deck. Feeling the warm summer rain pelt her skin, she pushes off of the asphalt. Choosing to glide on the street's edge as she ignores Sam's calls from behind her. Losing her and Carrie without a second's thought.
"I can't believe he did that." Luna's heart growing weak with betrayal. Thinking of how Justin never knew about Tommy because he never asked. Shoving her foot hard onto the rainy street, she can't help but bawl as she pushes out her frustration, sadness and guilt.
"All you would've had to do was FUCKING notice and I would've told you!" Luna screams into the NYC streets as the rain drenches her soul.
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emeraldbabygirl · 4 years
I just watched multiple performances from both Queendom and Road to Kingdom and wow. Ok so I’ve only ever seen G-idle’s Fire and  Lion, Park Bom’s Hann and Spring, AOA’s Egotistic, ONF’s Everybody and Pentagon’s Shine & Spring Snow performances. But here’s a full list of the one’s I watched last night:
Yooa, Soojin, Moonbyul, Park Bom, Yein, Chanmi and Park Bom performing Senorita, Strip, Smooth Criminal and Power (Soojin’s performance really fucked me up)
Park Bom covering G-idle’s Hann
AOA Cream plus Jimin featuring The Rooftop Daddy (and despite my views on Jimin now, that bit she did with Seunghyub still made me hard uwu!)
Pentagon & ONF cover Kill This Love
G-idle’s Nightmare performance 
Oh My Girl covering Lovelyz’ Destiny
Oh My Girl’s Twilight performance btw, I loved their fits here absolutely gorgeous
Park Bom covering Eyes, Nose, Lips by Taeyang
Mamamoo covering AOA’s Good Luck and trust me when I say I lost my absolute shit at that whole performance, Hwasa’s part, Moonbyul, Wheein’s part literally made my soul leave my body, Solar’s part, the butt slapping, I was having a time and a half
AOA covering Mamamoo’s Egotistic
G-idle’s Lion final performance
Loveylz covering Brown Eyed Girls’ Sixth Sense (although Kei and Sujeong couldn’t hit Gain’s whistle register they still did excellent on their high notes)
TOO covering DBSK’s Rising Sun
OneUs’s Lit perfromance 
Golden Child covering Shinhwa’s T.O.P
The Boyz covering Taemin’s Danger (THAT TAEMIN HIMSELF APPROVED OF THAT CALLED POWER HUNTY) Kevin was so sassy and they looked great with those hats and husbandando #3 looked great!
Pentagon covering Block B’s Very Good. It was a trip, the fits, Wooseok’s hot pink hair, the Hecks, the way Kino, Hui and Yuto just had that energy. It was alot, Jinho looked so cute tho, my baby :(
VeriVery covering Mamamoo’s Gogobebe
Tbh, although I loved Queendom and the idea that the lineup was already chosen and they didn’t have to be eliminated and I love all the groups that performed and Park Bom I actually like RTK better. I don’t like the fact that they have to compete with each other and get eliminated just to go on Kingdom itself because Mnet did the boy groups dirty but as far as well everything I think was better. I’m in no way saying that the girls’ performances were not good but they didn’t catch my attention and they didn’t feel as exciting as the boys’. Perhaps it’s because the girls didn’t have to compete against one another for fear of getting eliminated so things were more relaxed. The camera quality for one thing was crazy good and like, the way the boy groups carried their performances, the choreo, the rap and adding this or taking this away from the songs, the costumes, the backup dancers, everything was done so well like I had moments where I was on the edge of my seat, like jaw-dropping I was in awe at the way each boy group performed.
The performances that stood out to me the most were TOO’s Rising Sun cover, OneUs performing Lit, The Boyz’ Danger cover, Golden Child’s T.O.P cover, Verivery’s Gogobebe cover and ONF and Pentagon’s Kill This Love cover. I was worried about Golden Child’s cover cause I didn’t know if they were going to change the words or not, I had a feeling that they most likely would but I was still worried that they might not. But their performance and The Boyz’ Danger performance made me tear up. 
Golden Child’s cover and performance was so gorgeous, the dance was beautifully choreographed and their voices were gorgeous and they looked like swans in those fits. I guess I was moved by how they executed it. 
I teared up and actually almost cried at The Boyz’ performance because I heard that one of the members jumped down or fell down from the table and nobody caught him and first of all that’s very dangerous. If the member got injured from the fall, like if he hurt his neck, shoulders or back, well they probably wouldn’t air the performance but that’s very scary and I guess I was so scared to see it. I didn’t tho, but they did so many scary stunts and things I got so nervous so I guess that’s why I started getting emotional? (This was actually for Checkmate which I have not seen yet.)
With ONF and Pentagon’s performance that was just scary, I didn’t think Kill This Love could have a dark image but they really pulled it off, the dancers were scary too. Like the one lady that was holding one side of a scarf and the other end was wrapped around Hui’s neck and he stopped singing for a moment I thought she pulled too tight and he couldn’t breath and I got really scared like ‘did she cut off his hair supply?’ oh gosh, and the part where I think it’s Kino at the end someone reaches into his shirt and just pulls his body back, that scared the shit out of me. I’m just really praising pentagon and ONF for putting their own twist on Kill This Love and making it so creepy.
I loved that Verivery did an Aladdin themed stage, they’re costumes were so good and the different elements they put in from the movie and their performance told a whole story and the part with them tossing the lamp around, and I really got spooked during Hoyoung’s part cause I actually thought the staff was moving. Dude, and those ladies killed it, they did amazing but it bothered me that their outfits weren’t all the same, they each had a little something different, like one of the ladies her outfit was a different color than the rest of them, more of a green than an aqua color. But I like the black outfits of the backup dancers as opposed to the white outfits that the members were wearing.
OneUs’ Lit performance was glorious. That’s all I have to say as I can’t string sentences together to describe how blown away I even was.
And each performance, you can tell how much each member put into it and they just, I actually just want to cry because these groups are just oozing with talent and stage presence and it’s so wrong for Mnet to just make them compete with one another and portray them as flops like the shit teaser they threw at them and not give them Kingdom but a ‘before Kingdom’ thing and I hate it. And watching TOO and The Boyz performances just makes me want to stan them as I kinda already stan the other groups. Like, I was just completely blown away by how each group really gave each performance their all and more and it’s upsetting to think about how they may have been disappointing after a stage if they feel they didn’t do good and it hurts to think about them beating themselves up for it when they all did absolutely amazing. I heard Shinwon cried at the end of their Basquiat performance because something about his in-ear wasn’t working and he felt he had left his members down. That shit hurts bro. These groups put on amazing performances and they all worked so hard with the choreos and the covers and who covers what and arranging things and they all seemed like they were having so much fun watching each other perform and to know that some of them feel disappointed in themselves like they didn’t do enough hurts. And the backup dancers did so well too.
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nemobookaholic · 4 years
What if…
I don‘t know if this is a mistake or not, but it feels like the universe is giving me signs to do this,… so here I go.
Recently I‘ve started to write a Loki fanfic. I was so anxios about the english grammar, that I asked a friend to check on it. She read it and told me, it‘s not that bad. But she‘s still very busy and even if I asked her, to check on the grammar and send it back to me, it feels like it takes like forever. And this happens to me with all my betas and all the storys I gave away. I‘m still afraid to do this step, but I want it out there. Today it feels, like I have to or miss the chance, so here is the first part of ‚What if…‘ I hope it‘s not that bad and I would be happy about constructive criticism.
What if... Loki where a 21st century woman?
Scene 1
‘I hate this place! Not that I haven’t seen worse, but it’s dangerous, even for me. I’m starving, this whole planet is inhospitable! It’s more than time to leave. Only that using the Tesseract to teleport, takes a lot of power... wouldn’t be that hurtful, if I hadn’t had to escape from, in my opinion, this way too annoying bastard. And he still follows me somehow. By Odin's beard, I should have killed him the time I had the chance. Stabbed him in the back, of course, just without the expected result. Since I’ve left my originally realm, a lot of things happened, mostly not to my satisfaction. Me sitting on the throne I deserve wasn’t one of it. The only higher court is this piece of stone I am sitting on. Would be utterly boring, to rule this world. It doesn’t even deserve that name, it’s a desert. Thinking about it, why not go and visit Midgard again? I haven’t seen my brother in ages and I guess that’s the place to meet him. I gain all the power the planet spare with me and use it, to start a new, different adventure. One that might bring some mischief!’
We see Loki disappear from the stone dessert. Where he sat seconds before, like it would have been the throne of Asgard, legs open and hands on the rocks that surrounded him. Eying the environment with disgust, out of a pale face and dark rings under his bloodshot eyes.
Everything he leaves behind is a blue gleaming, which last for a while, until it fades completely. In the end there is nothing left to proof his short residence.
Scene 2
We are inside a crowd. In a well known theatre, that has an open roof and reminds us of an wooden O. It’s dark outside, but the crowd standing around us, keeps us warm. We stare up to the actors on stage, who are playing a fairy tale in a midsummer night’s dream. Suddenly the people around us start to whisper and raise their heads. We follow their sight to the balcony where a man, bound in leather and with golden horns on his head, stands. Obviously he isn’t part of the cast. Voices, about some promotion gag, becoming louder. How well do we know about Loki from all those movies and comics? But this guy is new and definitely not Matt Damon. As we can see, he isn’t just playing a role and his behaviour is far from method acting. His fascial expressions are extraordinary, like a man who literarily came from another dimension. We can read from his body language, how much he enjoys the crowd cheering at him. Until a sudden change on his face shows us a second of fear, like he had just remembered something. Indeed he is hiding it pretty well, as we start to question our power of observation, thats how fast he got back control.
Loki is leaving gracefully, walking backwards and that’s the last thing we see of him.
‘Those puny mortals are staring at me. They seem pleased by my appearance. It’s joyful to have them cheering at me, quite different to my last visit. Thinking of it makes me realise, I’m not out of danger yet! How could I forget about this stupid Agency, that is somehow connected with Thor. It wasn’t a good idea to show my face to all those people. Maybe one of them is in the crowd, already calling for the bloody Avengers - this time I don’t have an army to my support. Even if I’d decimated their number last time, who can tell if they didn’t recruit more, since I’ve been gone? I’ll have to go now! I’m able to get out of here without losing my face. A god doesn’t run away, even though it would be wise to get disguised for a little while. Of course I could become an animal, but that’s what Thor would expect of me and probably figure it out quickly. No, I have to do something he would never expect. Speaking the spell, I think of all the women I know, with mother leading the way - for fathers sake am I tired! Didn’t even realise it until this very moment. I feel the darkness coming closer, as I slide down some wall, sense my body transforming right before the darkness takes over.’
We caught Loki again, sitting on a corner, head leaning against the wall behind him, eyes closed. His body looks strange. It’s difficult to see the shape of it, like you would try to see trough some fog, surrounding his skin. His hair becomes lighter every second until it reaches the colour of sand. We can’t see it, but even his body shrinks a little. The wardrobe changes from asgardian to, probably stolen out of Natashas closet. Loki wears black jeans, a green t-shirt and a also black leather jacket now. Underneath the shirt a breast starts to grow, while other ‘things’ become less until they disappear. This is so much more than a simple illusion and Loki can be happy about being unconscious, so he doesn’t have to feel the pain of his transformation.
Scene 3
As for Loki, we know he is a clever fellow. Maybe that’s what brings doom on his own occasion. We remember, he is a she now and she’s still sitting there, holding the Tesseract, which slowly slips from her hand.
To give us certainty, yes he used it as a source of power to make a true transformation, not willingly though. He was at a state of weakness, where he didn’t think much about his actions. And he needed the support, as for this world we can sense slight traces of magic. Of course every use of sorcery has it’s price and we can assume, that if Loki had seen the bill, he probably wouldn’t be willing to pay for it.
Anyway, events have been started and we will have to live with the consequences. For Loki it means, that there is an orange circle appearing out of nothing, not noticed by her mindless shell. Just a small one, producing a quiet sound, like wind howling trough grass. Out of this hole in time and space, we see a hand appearing, grabbing for the blue glowing cube. Taking it out of reach for the mischievous god.
She will sleep now, for a long while. Trying to regain some power. What she doesn’t know is the fact, that the dimension she slipped in so careless, doesn’t contain much witchcraft. What, well hopefully, will keep her busy, so the other realms can recover, at least, from her evil deeds.
And her slumber won’t be broken. Not even as two strangers cross Lokis path. For them it’s a broken, but still beautiful woman, sleeping in an unusual place. We sense the compassion on their faces. They share a long moment of silent conversation, just by expressions. The woman, a goth girl, seems to be wary about what she reads in the face of her companion. The guy indeed seems to be unafraid. He gets closer, grabbing Loki at her shoulder, shaking her. She shows no reaction at all.
‘Is she dead?! We should get help,’ the female says.
‘Still breathing. Don’t be such a chicken! I think she might be one of our kind … let’s take her home and allow her to rest,’ the guy replies.
‘You are serious, aren’t you? I can’t believe, I even consider helping you … come on then!’
The both of them take the girl between them, pulling her up, slowly starting the long walk home. It looks rather funny, for Loki is a tall woman and these strangers are smaller than her. They haul her more as you could describe it as carrying, but at least they’ll reach a house that they get into.
Meanwhile Loki still doesn’t move any bone, would have been helpful with the stairs actually. We don’t know if she realises anything of what is happening, but according to the abuse done to her body we may doubt it. Even when they drop her into a bed, she’s like a corpse.
‘Kevin, do you really think this was a good idea?’ the woman asks.
‘Come on Beatrix. Don’t you think it’s what humanity claim from us? I will sit with her and wait until she wakes, if it brings peace to you. You can go to bed if you like.’
The guy smiles at her and she can’t help herself and smiles back.
‘You are too kind for this world, you know?’ she kisses him on the forehead and leaves the room. Giving the burden of a long night’s watch to him, as he’d requested.
Scene 4
‘This must be a dream, I guess it by the fact, that mother is with me. Her soft touch, the calm voice and the love I feel while she looks at me, are far away from me these days. I miss her, knowing well what’s going to happen once I’ll return to Asgard, keeps me away from there. It isn’t my home anymore and that’s what will make her safe. We always had a strong connection, that’s why I believe her, when she tells me, to find my own way. Even if I know perfectly that it’s just a dream, her next words are predictable as she tells me to seek happiness in what I have. Only that I own nothing at all, I was promised a throne! Mothers eyes darken, like she could read my thoughts. She turns her back on me. I call out to her, knowing what’s going to happen next. As in all those dreams before, I see her dying.
No matter how hard I try, I can’t change her fate. It’s like I’m cursed, every time I come close to her, she’s dying.
“Mother …,” it’s just a whisper of disbelieve on my lips, yet it’s enough to wake me from this horrible dream. Watching myself causing her death again and again, doesn’t lose any of it’s horror. Through a shroud of tears I blink my way into reality. I can’t remember what happened. The ceiling I’m staring at, doesn’t look familiar to me. My tong licks over my dry lips, don’t know the last time I actually drank something? My stomach hurts, food seems to be even longer ago. I’m weak and I hate knowing so. I use all my senses, to get more informations about my whereabouts, as I am unable to move. There is some comfort in the way I lie, a pillow under my head and a blanket that keeps me warm. Knowing all this, doesn’t really help me to figure, where I am or how I get here. The try to sit up and have a better view got amiss, I’m far to weak. A sight of surprise escapes my throat and I fall back into the down.
‘Are you finally awake?’ a voice from my right asks and I manage to turn my head, to see who was talking. A redhead caught my sight, he looks quite young. It’s not easy to tell with those Midgardian folks. ‘How are you? Feeling a bit better?’ he smiles at me, trying to make me trust him, I suppose. NOBODY ever ask me, how I feel!
‘Am I your prisoner?’ is the first thing I need to know.
‘No, god no! Why would you think … never mind. Of course you are free to leave any time. But you are also allowed to stay, if you need help,’ is the reply.
I try to figure out what kind of game he’s playing, but it doesn’t occur to me. It makes no sense. I’m staring at him in silence.
‘Don’t know what you had to go trough till now, however I promise you’re perfectly safe with me. Uhm - maybe it calms you - if I tell you that I’m gay? I won’t touch you. And if that isn’t enough, I could call for my flatmate. She helped to bring you here by the way.’
Does that little scum really believe, I, the god of mischief, would be scared by a mortal?! And how does it make things any better, if he adds his sexual interest - oh wait - I completely forgot about the disguise I’m in. Of course he must mistaken me for a weak creature like himself.
‘I am a goddess and not afraid of your puny, gay presence!’ I tell him to demonstrate how less I’m impressed.
‘Uuuuhm, ‘kay?’ now the redhead is staring at me. Not the effect I had in mind. He seems more fascinated than afraid. There is more, even when he’s hiding it well, an expression of anger crosses his mimic for a second. ‘Listen, if I where you, I would think carefully about my next words, cause if you are one of those homophobic assholes, you can go back from where you’ve come!’ Now we have context.
‘Ehehehe. You have no idea who you are talking to, do you? Where I come from, nobody cares about the gender of your love. I didn’t meant to make an insult on that topic, you insisted on being so. I wanted to warn you, that I am dangerous. But as words seem to have no effect on you, take this!’ with these words I grab for the Tesseract in my magic pocket, just to find it isn’t there. ‘Where IS IT? Did you maggots dare to steal the stone from me? I am Loki of Asgard and you are a dead man, if you don’t tell me where you’ve put my belongings!’ I yell at him, this time pulling out a knife. The mortal keeps his hands up in defence.
‘First of all, you didn’t carry any belongings with you, as we picked you up. Second, you really believe all those shit you are saying, don’t you? That’s quite of interest to me and I may be able to help you. Third and last, threaten me with a butterknife hasn’t the impact on me, you might think. I’ve experienced worse, you know,’ he looks at me, like I’ve gone mad. I however look down at my hands to find , well not what I’d expected. What is wrong with this dimension? The knife disappears.
‘Take me back to the place where you’ve found me,’ I press the words through my lips, trying to stand up, failing again.
‘If I promise to get you back there, would you behave for the rest of the day?’ he’s waiting for an answer. As I’ve said enough already, I just mutter my approval. ‘Good. Anyway, you’ll have to wait, cause it is closed right now. We’ll be there by the time it opens, to search for your stone.’
‘Tesseract! It’s a blue glowing cube.’
‘Yeah, whatever. We’ll seek for it, I promise.’
‘Sounds like the stuff Hina keeps talking about,’ a rasping voice comes from outside the room, ‘what kind of freak did we brought in here Kevin?’ a woman appears in the door, examining me and so do I. She has a strange colour of hair, that is somewhere between grey and light blue - but not the right age for it - half of her head is shaved, while on the other side the hair grows over the shoulder. She looks skinny, not in a very healthy way. She might be a warrior. At least her clothes look like she had a fight, all black and ripped into pieces. Now that I’m on the case, I get a closer look on the redhead too. He appears neat and well-fed, nothing unusual about him. Even his style is screaming: “I’m like everybody else.” Maybe except the golden ring in his right ear. I can’t understand, how both of them can be friends, not to talk about the third party, in which room we obviously are. There are colourful pictures all over the walls, a lot of books and art supplies spread across the desk next to the window. How can anybody life here on free will?
‘Does she has a name?’ the woman breaks the silence, asking her friend but still looking at me. He seem uncomfortable with the situation, that’s why I introduce myself.
‘I am Loki of Asgard.’
‘Sure and I’m Jesus Christ! What’s wrong with you?’ she waves her hand in front of her face, I do not know for what reason.
‘I beg your pardon, daughter of Christ, everything is completely fine with me! It’s not my fault, your tiny brains can’t keep up with a god.’ If looks could kill, we would be dead by now. She indeed has something of a warrior.
‘Woah, bitchfight! Calm down ladies,’ Kevin tries to ease the situation. I don’t know if it’s him who finally breaks the ice, or my stomach, that is rumbling loudly into the silence. I’m ashamed because of the betrayal caused by my own body. My cheeks feel hot all of a sudden.
‘See? Maybe we should all have breakfast first, afterwards we can come back to the topic,’ another short silence follows to Kevins words and he must have taken it as agreement, cause he gets up, leaving the room, gently pushing the girl aside. She follows him, not without giving me a last evil look.
My leg slips out of the bed, carefully, followed by the other one. It takes some effort to get up, in the end I stand on my unpleasant feet. Looking down, the difference isn’t to suppress. It was easy with the female voice, as I’m used to different illusions. The new point of view however, let me figure out some things. On my way out of the room I walk past a mirror. After a short glance I have to stop and walk back, to get a closer look. The spell I’ve used works perfectly, way to perfect! I can’t trust mine eyes. My hand wanders across my new face and I can’t but accept the tiny differences. Not that it would bother me, how familiar I still look to myself, it’s more the fact that everything is so damn real. I’ve tried this kind of magic more than once, it never worked quite well. So how come, I was able to work such a difficult spell on the edge of my powers? Something is going on here and I need to find out about it. Plus I need to get the Tesseract back. Thinking back, I’m already sorry, I’ve left the last planet.’
Scene 5
Loki is sitting inside a small kitchen, sipping on a cup of tea, so do his new flatmates. The atmosphere is in low spirits and all we can hear is the noise of their dishes. It’s obvious, the Midgardians don’t believe a single word she had told them, oddly enough they want to help her, for reasons we shall find out, as the story continues. Yet here they are, remain silent, until we start to wonder who’ll be the first one to talk again?
‘Do you feel better now?’ of course it would be Kevin, what did you think? ‘A nice little cupper and some beans with eggs always have been the best way to have a good start into the day, isn’t it?’ he grins like a Cheshire cat, obviously food is his guilt pleasure. Loki just sits in the corner, raising one eyebrow, while Beatrix seems to relax a bit.
‘That’s what I love you for, you know. Just that stupid grin,’ she giggles.
‘What you mean stupid? Is it a crime to be happy after some good food?’ Kevin looks puzzled and Bea starts to laugh. They fill the room with joy, but can’t pass it on to Loki, who still sits in her corner, without moving, or even showing some empathy. There is just this sad look on her face, we can only guess about. Maybe it is, because she’s reminded of all those times she saw Thor and his friends, having fun like that. Or it is, cause she never was a part of the group, but always watched from aside. Probably she doesn’t know it herself, nonetheless it makes her aware of the big gap between them and how impossible it seems, to ever be on that side of the table. To be the one who laughs with friends.
She can’t get away soon enough.
‘Is it time now to seek for my lost item? - Please,’ she adds after a short break. Must have come to her mind, that they’ve shared their food with her, so the try to be a bit more kind isn’t all waisted time. Not that it make her care.
But how can we know, by just watching the expressions on Lokis face? Well we don’t, but we know her well enough to interpret every tiny movement, ain’t we?
‘You see, it wasn’t that hard,’ Kevin smiles again and takes a look onto his watch, ‘we’ll need a bit more patience. One more hour and we can go,’ he tells Loki, who’s wriggling on her chair.
‘I probably shall not feel like it, but I’m still hungry. Glancing at the girl, who has barely even touched her food. I can’t help myself, but staring at her plate in desire. I can’t remember, the last time I have been that hungry, to forget all my manners.
‘Bea love, are you eating any of this yet?’ Kevin must have followed my sight, what makes me look away in shame.
‘Nope,’ is all she says. That’s when he takes the plate and slide it into my direction. I take the offered food and eat it as fast as possible, to not extend this annoying situation. I’m even more ashamed, that I’ve just behaved like my brother would, how pathetic!’
Scene 6
We see Loki and Kevin at the Globe, on the corner where they’ve picked her up. Seeking for the cube, while we can see on her face, how, with every second, she becomes more desperate.
‘It must be here! I’m stuck in this bloody realm if we can’t find it …,’ she mutters in distress.
‘Maybe some stranger picked it up? We can ask, if it was handed over down there?’ Kevin offers.
‘That’s impossible! It’s nothing a mortal could handle!’ she yells at him, throwing her hands in the air.
‘Fine! What would you suggest to do next?!’
‘I DON’T KNOW! I need to think,’ she turns around, walking away.
‘Take your time. I’ll be in the big building next door, if it’s of any interest to you.’
We look after Kevin, as he disappears in the Tate modern, while Loki is taking a walk along the Themse.
‘How? I definitely had escaped the guy and he can’t be that fast in tracking me. It’s impossible. Somebody else must have taken the Tesseract. But who? There is nearly no magic in this world and according to Kevin, nothing like gods or celestial beings to ever be seen. New York wasn’t attacked by the Chitauri and the Avengers are heroes out of comic books. What ever that means. Sure there are a few individuals, who would like to steal the Tesseract, but none of them could come here without it’s powers. What plan could this person follow? It makes no sense … unless … unless they want me to be stuck here. Like a very luxurious prison, I bet Thor or Odin are involved in it! Can’t stand, that I’ve escaped their judgement. To teach me a lesson, probably. Who else would want to keep me here? A world where no ‘harm’ can be done. Pah! Don’t they know me at all, they should know better. A planet with any kind of population can be ruled. Only, this time I need to be smarter. Watching the subjects, learn their habits and find a possibility to submit them. In the end, all of them are going to kneel! Ehehehehe.’
We can’t hear Lokis inner Monolog, but by her evil grin and by the fact, that she turned around and walks quickly into the direction she just came from, we can submit, she has something mischievous in mind.
Scene 7
Loki is entering the Tate, with a couple of tourists. It’s a mystery the guards doesn’t stop her, well maybe not, she must be already aware, of how to use her body the right way. Finally she’s in the building, surrounded by people, who stop, not far from the entrance, to admit the great hall. We can tell from the look an her face, that she isn’t impressed at all. No wonder, there are much bigger buildings in Asgard. Anger is crossing her face. As of course the building is still big and she’ll have to seek for Kevin. She wanders around, visibly relaxing. That’s the magic of art and maybe the place. We follow her, slowly now. Studying one painting after another, strolling through the halls. We might get the impression, she completely forgot about Kevin. She already made it through a few levels, when she spots him. He’s sitting in an armchair, in front of a big glass-wall, staring down at the people walking around downstairs. Loki slips into the chair next to him.
‘Did you find your cube?’ Kevin asks.
‘No …,’ she braces her head into her hands. They sit in silence for a while, watching the people who have the size of ants, from their point of view.
‘Why don’t you look at the paintings, instead of staring down there?’ Loki can’t find much amusement in doing so.
‘I like to study people. That’s my job and I can’t turn it off. Right before you’ve joined me, there was a couple sitting next to me and I’ve been listening to their fight. It was pretty interesting and I might had followed them, if I didn’t figure, you should be up here every minute. I saw you enter the building. Took you a while to find me, aye?’ Kevin leans back in his chair, finally looking at Loki.
‘I have been learning about the midgardian paintings. Some of them are quite beautiful,’ she shrugs her shoulders, ‘so you get payed for spying on people?’ We recognise interest flickering on her face.
‘Hahaha, no. Not in the way you might think. I’m a psychologist-to-be. People come to me and tell me their problems and I’ll analyse how to help them. Explains my manic interest into other peoples behaviour. Talking of it, I thought, you would be an interesting case. Would you allow me, to have a few sessions with you? You don’t have to do it for free of course.’
‘Now he comes to the point, about what he was hiding from me. I knew, this guy was up to something. Waiting patiently for his offer, so I can see, if it’s worth my time. He seems to think for a moment, probably about how to formulate it, before he speaks again.
‘As I’ve figured, you don’t have a place to stay for longer?’ he asks and I nod, ‘so in case you agree, we could come to an arrangement. You can stay in Hinas room, she’ll be away for a while. In return I want an hour every second day, where you will answer my questions honestly. Without any pressure, I promise. How does that sound to you?’
What an unique offer, he surly doesn’t know much about me.
‘I agree, but under one condition, you’ll have to answer my questions too. Do we have a deal?’
We shake hands, no more words needed. This was way too easy.’
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ginger-grimm · 5 years
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OC Halloween Challenge
Day 19: Straight Horror AU!
In the quaint little town of Riverdale, in the creepy and abandoned old youth reformatory-turned-mansion lived Dorothy Cahill with her mother Octavia. The mansion was what nightmares were made of and the main subject of Riverdale’s very own Urban Legend. This house and it’s two extremely secluded residents was the only case Riverdale’s own amateur teen sleuth Jughead Jones could not crack - much to his chagrin.
The kids of Riverdale were told to always stay away from the mansion from childhoods hour - so were their parents and their parents before them. The last person to disobey that rule was the local billionaires daughter Cheryl Blossom. The Blossom Maple Syrup buisiness heiress went into the house to get tutored in English and never walked out. It’s been three years since she has disappeared and since then no one had dared walking back in. That was until Jughead decided that he finally wanted to crack this case and convinced his best friend and co-detective Betty Cooper to go into the house undercover...
“Legend has it people have been disappearing into that house for centuries.” Reggie Mantle told the new girl Kippi Goode. He had gathered some of his friends in Pop’s Chock’Lit Shoppe to meet their new fellow student. Kippi raised and eyebrow. “What do you mean ‘disappearing’?” she asked. Reggie took a sip of his coke. “Isn’t it obvious? They walk in for whatever reason and then they don’t walk out, meaning their-” he dragged his thumb across his throat, making a croaking sound.
Kippi gave him an odd look. “Don’t let Reggie scare you, Kip. He’s full of shit anyways.” Veronica Lodge told her new friend. Reggie mockfully puckered his lips at her. Veronica rolled her eyes. “No worries, I’m not scared. It’s an urban legend for a reason. And anyways, don’t you think if people have been dying in that house for centuries someone would have done something? Like storm the house or something?” Kippi asked.
“People tried.” Jughead informed her. Kippi gave him a questioning look. “A few years back when Cheryl Blossom disappeared her mom and dad had a mob try and storm the house.” he went on. “And?” Kippi asked when Jughead wouldn’t go on. “Octavia Cahill grabbed her shotgun and took a few shots.” Kevin Keller said, filling in the blank. Kippi’s eyes widened. 
“She killed someone?” she asked in schock. Betty chuckled a bit. “No. But she sure scared them off. Sheriff Keller couldn’t do anything either since it’s private property and there was no concrete evidence pointing at the Cahills being involved in anyway. Their estate is surrounded by a swamp and if you don’t know your way around the are you could easily get lost - or drown.” she explained.
Archie Andrews flagged down Teddy Green as he walked into the building and past their row of seats. “Teddy, come here for a sec! Kippi, this is Teddy Green - he’s Dorothy Cahill’s cousin.” Archie told her. Teddy leaned on the seat with a sigh. “Another round of urban legend explanation for another new kid, I assume?” he asked. “This is Kippi Goode. She just moved back here and doesn’t believe in the legend. Tell her what you saw.” Kevin told Teddy. 
“Well, I can’t say much given that my mom and I barely know Dot and Octavia. But, what I can tell you is that once my mom had to get out of town for work and since we have no other relatives in Riverdale she had me stay the night at the mansion. It was creepy as all hell in there. Since it was a youth reformatory center before it was turned into a home there still are some things left. Some of the dormatory rooms were never converted, there is still a little church and the whole administrative area is still there. Dot and I went snooping around the abandoned part of the house once and we found a lot of things that were left behind by the inmates.” Teddy explained.
“Anyways, one night I woke up and heard whispering from the next room over - Dot’s room. The door was left open a bit so I looked inside.” Teddy said and took a little break for dramatic effect. “And? Don’t keep me waiting!” Kippi demanded. “I saw this little girl sitting on Dot’s bed with her but she has no siblings, other cousins or even friends.. A few years back I remembered that story and told my mom. She told me that around that time a little girl went missing from the outskirts of town and when she described her to me I could have sworn that was exactly who that girl was.” Teddy went on. 
“So you saw a missing girl in your cousins house and never said anything?” Kippi asked. Teddy sighed. “Kippi, I was six years old and staying in the singlehandedly creepiest house in this whole town. My brain was making things up. Or maybe it was nightmare. My relatives may be reclusive but they’re not crazy.” he told her. “According to you.” Reggie said. Teddy gave him an annoyed look. “Anyways, I have other things to do. Nice to meet you Kippi. Bye guys.” Teddy said, then walked away to another booth.
“Teddy’s theory is not our theory - obviously. And we also don’t share Reggie’s theory.” Archie told Kippi. “Clearly.” Veronica said with another eye-roll. “What is your theory then?” Kippi asked, ignoring Veronica’s looks of annoyance towards Reggie. “So, we think that Dorothy and Octavia aren’t killing the kids. We think Octavia takes them so Dorothy can have a friend.” Kevin explained to her. “FYI, that’s not what I think either.” Jughead chimed in. The group let out a collective groan. “Here we go again.” Reggie mumbled.
Kippi laughed a little. “Well, then what is your theory?” she asked. “I think,” Jug said, pausing to take a sip off of his milkshake. “that Octavia and Dorothy Cahill are just extremely private and reclusive people and they’re practically self-sufficient which is why they don’t have to leave their home and no, I don’t think they’re killing or keeping kids in their home.” Jug said. 
“FYI again, Jughead has a crush on Dorothy. He met her in town once and eversince then he’s been swooning at the mere mention of her name.” Veronica told her. Jughead shook his head. “Ugh, don’t listen to them. They just really dislike the fact that I don’t support their kidnapping and killing theories. And anyways, Betty and I are about to find out the truth anyways. Aren’t we, Betty?” he asked. 
Betty nodded. “What do you mean?” Kippi asked. “I booked a tutoring appointment with Dot to see what’s going on inside the mansion.” Betty explained. Kippi nodded. “By the way, we all think these two are insane and that this will be the death of Betty.” Kevin said. Betty sighed. “You’re overreacting. I’ll be fine.” Betty said.
A few days later...
Betty sat on the chair, sobbing quietly as to not anger Dorothy anymore. “I’m sorry, Elizabeth. I didn’t mean to lash out at you. I just like silence during playtime.” Dorothy said as she put a bandaid over Betty’s head wound. “It’s not to deep. It should be all healed up in a week or so.” Dorothy said. Betty almost started crying at the prospect of spending more time here.
“You should know that people know I’m here. They will come looking for me.” Betty told Dot, tears welling in her eyes. Dot smiled at her. “Don’t worry Elizabeth. I learned from the Cheryl incident. I wrote a letter in your name and sent it to your mother. She thinks you’ve run off to live with your secret boyfriend. I also wrote that you don’t want to be contacted again - ever.” she explained. 
“She’ll never believe that. My friends won’t.” Betty said. “It’s a very big estate Elizabeth. There’s even a secret tunnel system that no one knows about. They can come looking for you but they’ll find no trace of you. Just like they found no trace of Cheryl three years ago and just like they found no trace of Paisley ten years ago. We can hang out together forever.” Dot assured Betty. “Don’t you want that, Elizabeth? A friend to have fun with forever?” Dot asked.
Betty’s sob caught in her throat. “I do. I would love to have a friend like that. But what about my other friends and my family? I’d miss them so much. I could go back home and visit you every day. That would be nice, wouldn’t it?” Betty asked. Dot sat down on her bed. “You sound just like Cheryl. And I believed her. I allowed her to leave the house for a little fresh air. She tried to run and leave me - I had to do something to keep her quiet.” Dot said. “You killed her?” Betty asked with a sob. Dot laughed a little. “No, silly. I just-”
There was a knock at the door. “Come in, mother!” Dorothy called out. The door opened and Octavia pushed a wheelchair with a non-responsive Cheryl in. The red head moved about lazily as Octavia pushed her further into the room, but only her head as the rest of her body was strapped to the wheelchair. There was a small hole in the inner corner of her eye, a clear indicator of a lobotomy. Cheryl let out a subdued moan when she saw her own cousin sitting right in front of her. “Do you like it, Elizabeth? I think it’s Paisley’s best handy work yet.” Dorothy said.
Shortly after Octavia wheeled Cheryl in a girl dressed in a fancy teatime dress with her dark hair done in a up-do walked in after the two. In her right hand she held a surgical hammer. “Elizabeth, meet Paisley. The two of us roamed the abadondoned part of the roformatory for weeks upon end. The doctors left quite a lot of things there. Fun things for when they had to keep the patients in line.” Dorothy explained. “Paisley, say hello to our new friend.” Dorothy said. 
Paisley walked into the room. “Hello Elizabeth. I heard you’ve been having some doubts about staying here but I can assure you we have a lot of fun. Sometimes we even get to go outside and pet the horses.” Paisley said. Betty had been silently weeping eversince Octavia had wheeled in her lobotomized cousin. “Please. Please, let us go.” she whispered through the tears. “Aw, I think she has some reservings still. Paisley, if you would take care of this situation please.” Dorothy said. 
She got off the bed and left the room with her mother and Cheryl. Paisley walked up to a sobbing Betty, pulling an ice pick out of her sleeve. “Unfortunately, they didn’t leave all of the surgical tools here but I’m sure we’ll be fine.” she said, eyeing the tool as she rolled it around her fingers. Betty started crying out loud now. “No! Please, please don’t do this. We can leave here together. We can get help! We can!” Betty pleaded. 
“Shhh, shhh, don’t worry, sweetheart. We’re gonna have lots of fun here.” Paisley said as she reclined the chair Betty was strapped to. “And don’t worry,” she said as she put the ice pick in the inner corner of Betty’s eye. “this only went wrong one time. I’m much better at it now.” she went on. “Now hold still.” Paisley said, raising the hammer. Betty let out a blood-curdling scream that got lost somewhere in the thick woods surrounding the estate.
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twin-creeks · 5 years
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🤠 get to know me tag .
I was tagged by @matchmadeinmaxis ! thank you !!
RULES : Post a pic of your simself with your traits and answer the questions!
I’ve seen a bunch of people do this already but if you haven’t, I tag @cowconuts @seraphinabelle and @darlyssims and anybody who wants to do it. 
my traits are loner, cat lover and self absorbed (my traits change all the time though :p) 
more stuff below!!
1. what is your full name ? sora 2. what is your nickname ? sora, it’s two syllables my guy... 3. birthday ? 2nd of august  4. favourite book series ? I don’t read a lot of book series but I do remember enjoying junie b jones when i was younger 5. do you believe in aliens or ghosts ? I think I believe in ghosts and spirits however idk much about aliens but i do enjoy alien movies 6. favourite author ? donna tartt 7. favourite radio station ? theres a local radio station that plays old malay songs and they have karaoke sessions where people can call in the station and sing. it’s all elderly folks singing off-key, it’s amazing. 8. what is your favourite flavour of anything ? i love anything matcha flavoured 9. what word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful ? coolcoolcoolccoolcccollcoool 10. current favourite song? j’ouvert by brockhampton 11. what is your favourite word ? goop 12.last song you listened to ? weight by brockhampton 13. what tv show would you recommend for everybody to watch ? NATHAN FOR YOU I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH 14. favourite movie to watch when you’re feeling down ? fantastic mr fox 15.do you play video games ? yes 16. biggest fear ? losing my glasses in after being kidnapped 17. what is your best quality, in your opinion ? i like entertaining people ?? 18. what is your worst quality, in your opinion ? selfish 19. cats or dogs ? cats, im a masochist 20. favourite season ? summer 21. are you in a relationship ? nope 22. what is something you miss from your childhood ? my grandfather 23.who is your best friend ? [redacted] and [redacted] 24.what is your eye colour ? black 25. what is your hair colour ? black 26. who is someone you love ? my cats 27. who is someone you trust ?  my friends 28.who is someone you think about often ?  i think about nathan fielder everyday :) 29. are you currently excited about/for something ?  i guess the holidays?? 30. what is your biggest obsession ? sims and nathan fielder 31. what was your favourite tv show as a child ? doraemon 32. who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone ? my therapist 33. are you superstitious ? nope 34. do you have any unusual phobias ? not very unusual but i hate cockroaches and snakes. weirdly not opposed to spiders though.. i’m also a big ol’ germaphobe 35. do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it ? i wouldn’t mind either tbh 36. favourite hobby ? i love messing around in photoshop and scrabble  37. what was the last book you read ? a comic book called marbles 38. what was the last movie you watched ? i don’t feel at home in this world anymore 39. what musical instruments do you play, if any ? none, i’d love to learn the harmonica though. 40. what is your favorite animal ? cats and goats 41.  what are your top 5 favorite tumblr blogs that you follow ? @matchmadeinmaxis , @cowconuts ,  @darlyssims , @seraphinabelle @pea-milk , @fourfinefreshfishforyou , @vampireloreskill i could go on... 42. what superpower do you wish you had? telekinesis 43. when and where do you feel most at peace? with my cats 44. what makes you smile? my cats 45. what sports do you play, if any? none 46. what is your favorite drink? green tea 47. when was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? probably in school 48. are you afraid of heights? not really 49. what is your biggest pet peeve? people who only play 3-4 letter words on scrabble 50. have you ever been to a concert? ye 51. are you vegan/vegetarian? no 52. when you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? hannah montana 53. what fictional world would you like to live in? strangetown 54. what is something you worry about? my sanity 55. are you scared of the dark? depends 56. do you like to sing? yep 57. have you ever skipped school? yep 58. what is your favorite place on the planet? brighton beach 59. where would you like to live?  japan 60. do you have any pets? i have 4 cats 61. are you more of an early bird or a night owl? night owl 62. do you like sunrises or sunsets better? sunsets?? but sunrises are nice too 63. do you know how to drive? no 64. do you prefer earbuds or headphones? headphones 65. have you ever had braces? nop 66. what is your favourite genre of music? according to spotify, my most listened to genre is art pop. but i listen to many different types of music 67. who is your hero? nathan fielder 68. do you read comic books? yes 69. what makes you the most angry? 3 letter scrabble words 70. do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? i like a real book 71. what is your favourite subject in school? biology 72. do you have any siblings? one brother and sister 73. what was the last thing you bought? food 74. how tall are you? 5′5 i think?? 75. can you cook? uhh i try 76. what are three things that you love? my cats 77. what are three things that you hate? my cats 78. do you have more female friends or more male friends? i have more female friends 79. what is your sexual orientation? bi bi bye 80. where do you currently live? [redacted] 81. who was the last person you texted? my friends 82. when was the last time you cried? two nights ago while watching okja 83. who is your favorite youtuber? cody ko, noel miller, call me kevin reviewbrah there’s lots more 84. do you like to take selfies? i don’t take them very often, i don’t hate it either 85. what is your favorite app? the notes app 86. what is your relationship with your parent(s) like? it’s alright 87. what is your favorite foreign accent? any asian accent, ALL the asian accents. 88. what is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? iceland and japan 89. what is your favorite number? 7 90. can you juggle? hell no 91. are you religious? HELL no 92. do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting? outer space. i’m a trash swimmer 93. do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? i don’t think so 94. are you allergic to anything? shellfish 95. can you curl your tongue? yes 96. can you wiggle your ears? no 97. how often do you admit that you were wrong about something? i don’t know??? 98. do you prefer the forest or the beach? beaches baby 99. what is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? idk 100. are you a good liar? yes maybe? it depends 101. what is your hogwarts house? i don’t really care for harry potter sorry!! 102. do you talk to yourself? yes and to my cats 103. are you an introvert or an extrovert? ambivert 104. do you keep a journal/diary? yes but i rarely update it 105. do you believe in second chances? yes 106. if you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? i’ll probably leave it there 107. do you believe that people are capable of change? yes and yes 108. are you ticklish? yes and i hate it 109. have you ever been on a plane? yes 110. do you have any piercings? only my ears, i do wish to get more 111. what fictional character do you wish was real? all the characters from bob’s burgers 112. do you have any tattoos? no i wish 113. what is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? starting a simblr?? sounds lame but i do enjoy it 114. do you believe in karma? yes 115. do you wear glasses or contacts? only glasses my eyesight is absolute garbage 116. do you want children? maybe someday 117. who is the smartest person you know? my friends 118. what is your most embarrassing memory? i once peed at my school without anybody knowing about it. it makes a really funny story though 119. have you ever pulled an all-nighter?  too many times 120. what color are most of you clothes? white and beige, i dress like charles boyle from b99 121. do you like adventures? yes 122. have you ever been on tv? we shall not speak of it 123. how old are you? 16 124. what is your favorite quote? i don’t have one 125. do you prefer sweet or savory foods? i’m a big ol’ sweet tooth
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Repetitive Treatment: Chapter 4
Words: 2013
Warnings: Abuse
A/N: (Y/D/N) = Your Dad’s Name; (Y/M/N) = Your Mom’s Name; Also, the law enforcement part is probably inaccurate, I’m not in law enforcement, so just going off what I know. Enjoy!
Sheriff Keller arrives at the crime scene and walks into the open door, announcing his presence to the presumed empty home. He looks around at the disaster in the living room and he can picture you being thrown against the wall where the hole is, and Alex's fist flying into the spot where the smaller hole is. He stares in disbelief at the mess in front of him. He has never understood what possesses someone to beat the person they love to a near death. He turns and gives orders to his deputies to secure the house. As they begin to do so, Keller pulls out his cell to take pictures of the crime scene, as the crime scene technicians were an hour out. Half an hour later, Sheriff Keller has all the evidence he needs, minus the victim's statement, obviously. He hears shouting coming from the direction of the front door. He trudges over. Arguing with a deputy is Alex Arbin. 
"Sheriff, what is going on? Why are deputies milling around my home?" He demands.
"Son, you are under arrest." Keller pulls out his handcuffs from their holder on his belt and listens to them click as he carefully tightens them around Alex's wrist.
"What am I under arrest for?" Keller listens as Alex yells.
"Domestic abuse. Possibly more." This shuts Alex up, and Keller is grateful. He is still coming to terms with the fact that a kid he has known for years, hit his girlfriend.
"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say, can and will be held against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be provided for you. Do you understand these rights as they have been stated to you?" Tom asks.
 Alex answers in the affirmative, but he is in shock. He thought he had threatened you well enough about going to the cops. Apparently not. Although, this should be over fairly fast, after all, Alex has known Mr. Keller for years. So, he waits. He'll play the game. He pulls out his, "I'm a young person, what is going on, I don't understand" mask.
 Tom Keller asks a deputy to drive Mr. Arbin to the station before climbing into his own squad car and following them. When they arrive, he follows the teen and the deputy into an interview room.
"With your rights in mind, are you willing to talk about why we're here?"
"Yes, sir."
"Okay. Other than the charge, do you know why you are here?"
"No, sir. I don't. What's going to happen?" Alex asks, a slightly frightened look on his face.
Tom sighs and rubs his hand over his face, "You have accused of domestic abuse."
"What?" Alex's voice hitches, and his eyes dart to the left before once again landing on the sheriff. Tom catches this movement and starts to catch on to Alex's little act.
"Yeah. And that's the thing, I suppose. You're living room is trashed, and (Y/N) is in the hospital."
"I didn't lay a hand on her." Denial spews from Alex.
Tom decides to play along to Alex's performance. "Yeah. I thought so, but tell me, what really happened, Alex?"
"I don't know. We were watching some TV and then she made a comment about how ugly the character on TV was, and I know that behind the characters are real people, so I argued back saying that she didn't need to be rude. And then she blew up."
"Oh?" Tom knows he hit the sweet spot where Alex was going to do nothing but talk and not think about what he said as Alex continues.
"Yeah, she started throwing things are the room. Pictures of us, a vase my mom loves. Everything. I thought she was going to hit me, so I left because I didn't want to get injured and have to make a report."
"But what did you hit the wall with?" Keller doesn't hesitate on anything in the question or asking.
"My fists. Bloodied my knuckles." Alex stops for a moment, then glares at the Sheriff. "Wait a minute."
"You just admitted to hitting the wall, what else did you hit?"
Alex knew he was busted. "Damn it. Wait. Don't you have to wait for my parents to be here before you can question me?" Alex smirked. He thinks he has Tom in a corner.
"Alex, when was your birthday?" Alex tilts his head confused.
"Two days ago, why?"
"You're legally an adult. You turned eighteen two days ago, didn't you?" Tom shrugs carelessly.
"Fuck." Alex looks at the table. "Yes." He murmurs.
"What else?" Tom asks in frustration.
"What?" Alex doesn't quite understand the question that Keller is asking.
"Since you already admitted to hitting the wall, what else did you hit?"
 Alex realizes that Sheriff Keller knows what happened, and that he is lying. "I hit (Y/N)." No point in denying it now, Alex thinks. He wonders how this is going to end.
 "How long?" Tom growls, attempting not to slam his hands down on the table in anger.
"What?" Alex isn't trying to play the innocent card, but legitimately doesn't understand the question.
"How long has this been happening? How many times have you gotten mad at her, and used your fists or something more solid to express that emotion on her? How long have you been painting her skin with purples, blues, greens, and yellows? As if she's your own personal canvas." He growls in explanation.
"Three or four months. Maybe a little longer. I-I'm not sure." Alex's eyes had widened at the way the sheriff describes his act and the disgust Keller has for the young man almost seems tangible to him. Sheriff Keller thinks briefly that Alice Cooper would be proud of the word vomit. Tom feels disappointment, relief, and anger rush through him, the former two battling for being the winning emotion. Disappointment at the fact that Alex thought it okay to hit another person, much less his girlfriend. Relief that they wouldn't have to go through a lengthy trial and he could inform (Y/N) of this as soon as she woke up. And anger. Anger that Alex, a kid he's known and loved for years, did something this stupid and violent. Tom stands up from the table, and walks out the door. He can't be in there anymore without doing something stupid. It's kinda funny though, Tom thinks, he was so adamant about not being questioned without a parent present, yet he didn't ask for a lawyer. He chuckles humorlessly as he walks away from the interview room.
 He walks to the sally port, where his squad car remains. He crawls into the driver's seat and rests his head on the steering wheel for a moment. He wonders when small town life became such insanity. Children beating up their significant others, serial killers running around town. Fathers murdering their own children. Those same children solving mysteries better left to the police. Drugs running rampant due to a particular gang. Another gang that causes more violence, but avoids the drugs. The upper class of town creating those drugs and hiding them in maple syrup. The rival of that upper class family blackmailing the mayor. His life has become so chaotic, and suddenly, all Tom wants is to be young, in love, and have no worries again. Those had been the days. He wishes that he could turn time back sixteen years ago, when Kevin was little and the worst harm that could come to him was something extremely simple. When the worst thing Kevin worried about was when he'd get fed next, or what toy he'd play with next. With this nostalgia, came a stronger sense of relief. This was for the fact that he had not had to complete a death notification, and that he didn't have to notify your parents at all. He was glad that he'd not been standing on your door step telling your parents, people that he'd been friends with for years, that you were in the hospital and he was still investigating the cause. Because had someone else found you, he knows he would have arrived to the situation your best friend had found himself in. And Tom knows that would've been the final moment as a Sheriff for him. Seeing you on the ground, bleeding, limbs twisted at odd, unnatural angles. That would've been the case he solved only to walk away from the job to go hug his girlfriend. He has no doubts about it. He sits up, because he has good news for a broken girl and her parents. He did the one thing to help that he could. He caught her abuser.
 As Tom drives to the hospital, he wanders the dark path that is your case, though. He wonders why you never said anything, why you never spoke up, even to your best friend. Scratch that one. He understands why you never said a word to Sweet Pea. That kid was 6 feet of intimidation, especially when he was angry. Damn, that kid could melt an iceberg with his anger.  Tom knows the stereotypical reasons for someone to remain quiet about abuse. But you knew you were loved, and he thought your parents had taught you it was never the victim's fault. He finally arrives at the hospital. He parks the Crown Vic, and heads toward the main entrance. He's in uniform so the receptionist at the front desk doesn't question his presence. Until he stops at her desk. She looks over her dainty black glasses at him.
"Can I help you, sir?" she asks.
"Yes, ma'am. I was wondering if (Y/N) had been admitted?" He questions.
"Oh, yes. She has. Do you need the room number?" She chuckles quietly before answering her own question at Sheriff Keller's raised eyebrow. "Of course you do. Otherwise you wouldn't have asked. She's in room 118. Down the hall to the left."
"Thank you, ma'am." He tilts his hat down at her in gratitude. He subsequently pulls it off in habit. He follows her directions down to your room. When he stops in the doorway, he sees you laying in the bed, casts, bandages, and tubes running over your small expanse. He doesn't see your parents, but notices Sweet Pea asleep in the chair next to your bed. Sweet Pea's hair is messy, and sticks out in odd places. He walks quietly over to your bed and grasps your hand gently. He doesn't notice that Sweet Pea slowly awakens, having felt his presence in the room.
"Sheriff?" The young man asks, almost like he's afraid a spell's been cast over the room, and he doesn't want to break it.
"Hello, Sweet Pea."
"What are you doing here? Don't you have an investigation to complete?" Sweet Pea digs.
Tom ignores the dig, and responds, "It's done. He admitted to doing it. Didn't take much to break him." Sweet Pea doesn't respond. Tom turns and lets go of your hand, but not before gently tucking back into your side. As Tom meets Sweet Pea's gaze.
"How-" Sweet Pea cuts himself off, as if he can't stand to hear the rest of his question. Tom knows exactly what he's asking.
"Alex said three or four months. Maybe longer."
"Fuck." Tom admires the self-restraint the boy shows by not immediately storming off.
"I was surprised to find him alive and well, not to mention one piece." Tom raises an eyebrow.
"Couldn't very well just leave my best friend alone and fighting for her life. She lectures me enough on violence. Not lately, but I guess, before." Tom knows exactly what Sweet Pea means. He likes what he is reading between the lines. "Son, give her a few months and then give it a chance. Be gentle. You won't be able to be the rough and tumble type you are right now. You'll have to slow down a bit, and quiet down. But eventually, you'll both get there."
 Chapter One; Chapter Two; Chapter Three 
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ladywinchester1967 · 6 years
Hot For Teacher: Part 3
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Pairing: Professor Dean Winchester x Kelly Frazier
Characters: Dean Winchester, Kelly Fraizer, Kevin Tran, Grandmom (Kelly’s grandmother) and John Winchester.
Warnings: Age gap (Kelly is 26, Dean is 35), Jealous!Dean, John Winchester being a douche, language, angst, arguing, SMUT (I need Jesus after all this smut), Daddy/ Baby Girl Kink, praise!kink, oral (female receiving), fingering, unprotected sex (use protection folks), spanking, feels/ fluff. 
A/N: Here we are, part 3!! I know I’m posting this kind of out of the blue; but I wanted to give you guys a little something while I’m working on other projects for ya’ll. This part is a LONG one, so grab a snack and your favorite beverage! Per usual, unbeta’d, all mistakes belong to me, but the pictures do not. I found them on Pinterest and tumblr.
Seeing this for the first time? Think you missed something?
Catch up!!
Part 1
Part 2
I knocked on the solid oak door with a brass number 2145 shining back at me as I adjusted my sweater. The door swung open and my grandmother beamed back at me.
“Oh hello darling!” She greeted me with a hug.
“Hi GrandMom,” I said and hugged her back “been a good week?”
“Oh honey, you know it’s same old, same old around here.” She said.
Only a head taller than I was, my grandmother was dressed in a sky blue outfit with her pearls and a seasonal brooch on the collar of her shirt. Today it was one of my favorites; three flowers with various shades of pink and purple on them and matching jewels encrusting the flowers. GrandMom grabbed her purse and keys from just inside the door and asked
“As always.” I said and smiled at her as she locked up.
My Grandmother and I had always been close; after my parents died when I was little, she and my grandfather took me and my brothers in and raised us. When my grandfather, who I called GrandDad, passed away, my brothers had long since moved out; two of them were married, so it was just GrandMom and I. After I started college, she moved into an apartment that was within an assisted living facility. GrandMom was still independent beyond belief, but if her mental or physical condition ever deteriorated, she would be able to move into a different area of the facility.
Each Sunday we had our routine. I’d take her to church, we’d get some brunch and the I’d take her to run errands if she needed to. If she didn’t have any errands to run, we would watch her soap operas, work on puzzles together or socialize with the friends she had made since living in the home.
The facility provided a shuttle bus to church for those who wanted to go off site to a church near by. GrandMom was one of those and insisted on going to HER church.
“I know everyone there,” she had told me “I like the priests, the bishops and the people there.”
I wasn’t a religious person myself, but this was my time to spend with her and if going to a certain church made her happy, I was all about it.
When we arrived at church, I stood up first and offered GrandMom my arm.
“Kelly, you seem different.” GrandMom said as she used my arm to steady herself.
“I do?” I asked as I she stood. GrandMom’s blue eyes scrutinized me only in a way a grandmother could and it not feel like I was being scolded.
“Happier it seems.” She said as she shifted her purse to her other arm and looped her free arm through mine. “You didn’t meet a boy did you?”
I laughed as we walked toward the steps off the shuttle. I went ahead of her and held my hand out for her, which she took.
“I wouldn’t say he’s a boy,” I told GrandMom as we walked toward the church doors “he’s a man.”
GrandMom looked intrigued; I didn’t have a lot of boyfriends when I was a teenager so she knew this was a big deal.
“What’s his name?” She asked me as we climbed the stairs.
“Dean,” I told her, just me saying his name made me blush “his name is Dean.”
“Is he a nice man?” She asked and I nodded as we reached the doors.
“Yes ma’am,” I answered “very nice.”
After church, GrandMom and I took the shuttle back to the facility and made our way to the supper hall for brunch. This weekend’s buffet included French toast which I stuffed into my face in a very unladylike manner.
“This Dean,” GrandMom said and I sighed
“GrandMom!” I exclaimed as I sipped on my orange juice.
“Don’t speak with your mouth full Kelly.” GrandMom chastised me.
I swallowed before answering
“GrandMom, it’s so new that I don’t know where it’s going or what we even are.” I informed her.
GrandMom raised an eyebrow at me
“I was going to ask what he looked like, but feel free to presume.” She said and I laughed.
I described Dean, feeling a blush rise on my cheeks and GrandMom smiled knowingly.
“Ooohhhhh, he sounds like a handsome one,” she said “do you have any pictures?”
I nodded; I pulled up my Instagram, found Dean’s profile and scrolled until I found a picture I liked. He was sitting in his car looking off into the sunset. I showed it to her and said
“He only grows a beard in the summer, but that’s him.” I flicked to the next picture and in it, he was smiling at the camera, wearing a hat and holding up a pint of beer.
“He IS handsome,” GrandMom said and I smiled “how old is he?”
I put my phone away and said
“I’m not sure, if I had to guess I’d say early thirties.”
We continued the rest of our brunch, catching up and her grilling me about school.
The next day, I walked into Dean’s class and took my usual spot near the middle of the room. He hadn’t come in yet so I made myself comfortable in my seat as other students started to filter in. At precisely ten; Dean walked in, wearing a light blue shirt, dark grey pants, brown dress shoes and a cobalt blue tie. I bit my lip; the colors brought out the blonde in his hair and the green in his eyes.
“Morning people,” he greeted us as he set his things down “open your books to page two twenty nine, section three A and we’ll get started.”
During the lecture that day, I realized I had bitten off more than I could chew. On the one hand, Dean’s class was difficult and on the other, all I could think about was jumping his bones in front of twenty other people. I struggled to keep up and by the end of class, I realized I’d missed over a quarter of the notes I needed.
“Fuck.” I swore under my breath and looked around. One of the other students I’d frequently partnered with caught my eye as Dean dismissed us. “Kevin!” I yelled.
Both Kevin Tran and Dean looked up as Kevin caught my gaze. He smiled and made his way over to me.
“Hey, how’s it going?” Kevin asked
“Good,” I said “I missed a bunch of notes today, would you mind emailing yours to me?”
“Not at all,” he said “I’ll get it to you now. How was your weekend?”
Kevin and I caught up for a few minutes as he emailed his notes to me. I could feel Dean staring at me, but I pushed that thought to the back of my head.
“Done and done,” Kevin said “you wanna grab coffee later?”
“Let me see what the rest of my afternoon is like,” I told him “I’ll text you. Thanks Kevin, you saved my life. Again.”
He laughed
“Any time.” He said and we hugged.
Kevin left class just as the rest of the students did, leaving me and Dean alone. Neither of us said anything as I packed up my stuff and slung my book bag over my shoulder. I walked up to his desk, he didn’t look pleased.
“Did you want me to finish grading those papers today?” I asked hesitantly.
He nodded
“Yeah, you’re almost finished right?” He asked
“Yes,” I said “just a few more in that second stack. How does now work?”
He nodded again.
“I have a free period,” he said as he picked up his things “plus I have some stuff to get organized.”
“Okay; cool.” I said
We walked to his office together and once the door was closed, I felt him behind me, his large frame towering over mine.
“You and Kevin?” He asked, snapping his hips into my butt, his hands over mine.
“It’s nothing,” I insisted as his teeth scraped over the cartilage on my ear, a chill running down my spine “he was just giving me his notes.”
“Were you distracted during the lesson today?” He asked, his hands squeezing mine.
“Yes.” I said desperately
“Yes what?” He asked
I panted before answering him, his growing erection pressing into my ass. I tilted my head back and said
“Yes Daddy.”
I felt his lips curl into a smile.
“Gotta admit,” he said as he bit down on my ear, making me whine “I didn’t like seeing some boy having his hands all over my baby girl.”
“Only so I can pass your class.” I told him as he flattened me against the door.
“You speak when spoken to young lady.” He said fiercely. He spun me around, pinning my wrists by my head, one of his legs between mine. His green eyes bored into mine, had I not known him better, I would’ve been intimidated under a gaze like that. “I didn’t like that,” He said “at all.”
“I’m sorry,” I said with a pout “I wasn’t trying to make you mad. I just want to pass. I want to please you.”
The corners of his mouth twitched upward.
“Is that right?” He asked
I nodded
“My Daddy likes it when I do well in his class,” I said as I leaned forward and kissed his neck “it makes him happy.”
“Yes,” He said in a strangled voice as I innocently planted kisses on his neck “Yes it does.”
“I like making my Daddy happy.” I breathed as I left kitten licks over the areas I had kissed.
He let out a growl and I knew I had him in the palm of my hand.
“You want to make Daddy happy?” He asked. I pulled back and nodded eagerly, we kissed with burning passion. He pulled back, cupped my face in one of his hands, his thumb running over my bottom lip. “Tell me who you come for.” He said
“You,” I answered “and me.”
He grinned and kissed me again
“You naughty, naughty girl.” He said punctuating each word with a kiss. When it ended, he looked at me “What am I gonna do with you?”
He tugged me into his arms and walked me back to the chair at his desk. He sat down and pulled me into his lap as the phone on his desk went off.
“Be good while I answer this.” He told me, booping me on the nose as he picked up the phone. “This is Dean.” He said into the handset as I nuzzled into his shoulder, his fingers running up and down my arm. I could hear a deep, male voice on the other end but couldn’t make out exactly what was being said. I felt him tense up under me as he listened. “No,” Dean said firmly and looked down at me, giving me a fond smile “I’m in the middle of something.” The voice on the other end sounded meaner some how. “I said no.” Dean snapped and hung up.
“You okay?” I asked and he nodded, giving me a fake smile.
“I’m fine,” he said and gathered me up into his arms “I just want my baby girl close.”
“I’m about as close as I can get.” I joked, my arms were wrapped around his neck and and legs were across the arm of his chair. He smirked and kissed me deeply, his fingers digging into my skin. His tongue traced over my mouth and I opened up, letting him in. His strong muscle worked over mine, I could feel my mind fogging up from lack of oxygen. When we separated, a knock came at his office door.
“Office hours are over!” Dean shouted
“Dean Winchester!” I heard a male voice thunder, it sounded similar to the one on the phone.
“Shit,” Dean said “get up.” I got up and he walked over to the door, throwing it open. “What?!” He asked with a ferocity that I’d never heard out of him before.
“So NOW you can talk to me?” The male voice roared back.
“I told you I was busy.” Dean said through his teeth.
The door swung open further and I saw a man a little taller than Dean standing there. He had salt and pepper hair and the same build as Dean. With broad shoulders and narrow hips, the only difference between them was their eye and hair color. Where Dean’s eyes were a striking green, this man had intense hazel eyes. I shrunk under the man’s gaze, my eyes down cast.
“I can see that.” The man said.
Something in the back of my head tickled with familiarity when I saw the man, but I couldn’t place him.
“Kelly,” Dean said calmly and I looked up at him “we’ll talk later okay?”
I nodded and grabbed my bags
“Excuse me.” I said
“Wait,” the man said and then looked at Dean, who looked uneasy as the man’s eyes flicked from me to Dean and back again. Dean nodded and the man pushed past Dean. Now fully in my line of sight, I realized where I knew him from. There was a picture of this man, Dean and another guy on Dean’s bookshelf.
“You’re not going to introduce me to your friend?” The man asked, looking me up and down like he wanted to devour me.
“Kelly,” Dean said, looking annoyed “this is John, my Dad. Dad, this is Kelly, one of my undergraduate students.”
John licked his lips, oddly enough, he reminded me of Dean when he did this.
“Always did like them on the young side, right son?” He asked “How many girls have I caught you in here with?”
Dean looked furious as my heart hammered in my ears, I felt like I was going to puke.
“That’s okay sweetheart,” John said “so my son likes to sleep around? Big whoop. What do you say Dean, when you’re done with this one, give me her number?”
Now it was my turn to be furious. Finding my voice, I squared my shoulders, planted my feet and stared John directly in the eye.
“I’m NOT your sweetheart.” I snapped at him.
Both he and Dean looked taken aback.
“I’m sorry,” John said and stepped closer to me “What did you just say?”
“I didn’t stutter.” I said firmly as I shoved past both of them without looking back.
I stormed out of the building; hot, fat tears rolled down my face as I walked home and I shoved my sunglasses on my face to hide my eyes. When I arrived home, I let the tears flow, I threw my bags on the floor as my phone chimed in my bag. I ignored it as I crumbled to the floor, sobbing into my own arms. I’d never felt so cheap and disgusting in all my life. Is that all he saw me as? Just an easy hole to get off into? And like an idiot, I had fallen for it. He’d played me like a fiddle and I’d let him. The worst part was that I was starting to feel something for him, something deeper than I’d ever felt. I laid down and curled up into a ball as I continued to sob.
After a while, I peeled myself off the floor, feeling my crusted up mascara all over my cheeks. I went to the bathroom and saw I was right; I had black lines cutting through my foundation and powder.
“To hell with it.” I decided and washed off my makeup. When my face was clean, I changed into my pajamas and ambled to the kitchen. I opened a bottle of wine, pouring it into a glass and began to drink.
“To hell with that too.” I said and chugged the rest of the glass before setting it aside and drinking straight from the bottle. I could hear my phone buzzing and chiming every few seconds and I ran over to my bag. I fished my phone out and realized it was Dean blowing up my phone. I shut it off; I was too angry to deal with him, plus I knew he had class coming up so I’d have a while before I had to or could talk to him. I took another long pull from the bottle of wine and laid on the couch flipping through the channels on TV. I turned it to HGTV and zoned out while one episode of House Hunters rolled into another.
After a few minutes a loud knock came at my front door. I groaned and made my way to the door, opening it. Standing there was a frightened looking Dean.
“There you are!” He shouted and threw his arms around me, backing me into my apartment. I shoved him away, slammed the door and asked
“Don’t you have class?!”
“I canceled it, I’ve been calling you!” He yelled. In that second, he reminded me of my Dad and my brothers, who yelled at me when they were worried about me. I pushed that thought aside, my anger returning to the surface.
“What the HELL was that about with your Dad?!”
“Look, I know you’re upset-“ he started and I laughed humorlessly
“UPSET?!” I shouted at him “Upset doesn’t even fucking begin to cover it Dean!” He stood there quietly as I ranted on “Is that all I am?” I asked “just someone for you to like young? Someone for you to stick your cock in and get off into whenever you want?!
“No!” He shouted back “You stop right there!”
“Oh, THAT’S where it stops?!” I yelled “What were you gonna do? Pass me off to your Dad when you got bored? Well guess what? That’s not how this shit works. That’s not how I work! I’m not some whore you can pass around-“
He interrupted me by scooping me up and pushing me against the wall, his bulky arms and legs twisting with mine. I fought him hard trying to wriggle away from him.
“Would you fucking LISTEN to me?!” He shouted.
“Let go!” I shouted as I twisted in his limbs “You fucking let go of me right now!”
“Not until you listen to me.” He insisted. Any words I had coming up ceased in my throat, I could feel his green eyes practically drilling into me. “I’m not going to pass you around,” he said, I could feel an angry fire burning from deep inside him came out through his voice “I’m too selfish to share first of all.” He squeezed my wrists “second, my Dad isn’t any concern of yours. You made it clear he wasn’t going to talk to you like that.”
I squirmed, trying to get away from him. I didn’t want to look at him, I didn’t want to see the look on his face, nor did I want to hear what he had to say. “Thirdly,” He said, pressing his body into mine, his hand letting go of my wrist to push my face up to meet his eyes. I kept my eyes adverted, my mouth set in a defiant line. “Kelly.” He said, but I refused to acknowledge him “Kelly, look at me.” His voice was steady now, but I didn’t want to give in. Every cell in my body screamed at me to tell him to fuck off. To slap him, to do SOMETHING other than be pinned under him, completely at his mercy.
But my heart, my heart made my eyes meet his.
The expression on his face nearly brought me to my knees. It was a mix of hope and heartbreak all at the same time; in front of me was a severely hurt man that wanted, no NEEDED, me to listen to him.
I held his gaze steadily and he went on.
“You’re not some hole for me to get off into,” he said softly “you’re more than just sex to me.”
“What am I then?” I asked
He sighed, his fingers stroking my cheek.
“I don’t know,” he said “for the first time, I’m going into something without a plan. I do know that I like you, I want to be around you as much as possible and I can only hope you feel even a quarter of what I feel.”
I breathed, my heart pounding at a painful rate. I delayed answering him, rather, I let my hand slide up the back of his hand, his arm and then his shoulder. When I reached his face, he leaned into my touch, silently begging me for more. I let my fingers trace over the planes of his face; his cheek bones, the bridge of his nose and jaw line.
“Kelly,” he breathed “please say something.”
I couldn’t, I was at a loss for words. I pulled my wrist free of his grasp and let my  other hand wander around his waist. I stood on the balls of my feet and pressed light kisses into his neck. His breath hitched in his throat as I kept this up, kissing his throat and chin before reaching his mouth. When our lips met, it was like a rolling flame hit both of us. Our arms automatically locked around one another and our tongues fought for dominance.
Dean pulled me away from the wall and backed me up into my bedroom. I tugged off his tie and threw it aside, practically ripping open his shirt. He shed both layers quickly as I yanked my T-shirt off and pitched it aside, my arms automatically surrounding him. He backed me up into the bed and I sat down as we both took off our pants and shirts. Dean flattened me against the mattress and I kissed him feverishly. I wondered if this was how an addict felt before they got their next hit. He slipped my panties down and off. Without much fanfare, he slid out of his underwear and hauled me up into his lap. While I couldn’t tell him exactly what I felt, I could show him. That was a language I knew we both spoke. He, however, had other plans. He laid me down against the pillows. His mouth and hands seemed to cover every inch of me all at once; he sucked my left nipple into his mouth as I ran my fingers through his hair and moaned. He repeated this motion on my right nipple, his tongue flicking over it and making it perk up as his fingers grasped my hips. He kissed me hot and heavy, then he plowed straight into me, making both of us cry out.
“I want you,” he moaned, his hand sliding from my hip to my clit and began to rub it in slow, languid circles as I sighed loudly “I want you all for myself.”
“Oh fuck!” I cried out, my nails sinking into the back of his neck and the small of his back at the same time.
“Say it, please.” He begged, his eyes nearly piercing through me.
“I’m-FUCK! Oh my god!” I cried out, it felt like he was fucking the sense out of me “I’m yours, fuck! I’m all yours!”
He kissed me hard again as he rubbed my clit in faster, shorter circles while he continued to pound into me.
“Dean, god, DEAN!” I cried out.
I hooked my leg around his waist and flipped him on to his back, pinning his arms above his head as I moved on top of him. He looked shocked, but said nothing when he saw the expression on my face. I was still fucking angry at him and had to show him I wasn’t messing around. “If you ever, EVER make me feel like a cheap whore again,” I yelled at him “you’re gonna walk out that door and never come back. Do you understand me?!”
He nodded furiously
“Yes!” He yelled “yes!”
“Yes what?!” I asked fiercely, slamming my hips into him.
“Yes ma’am!” He yelled back.
I released him and he popped up, his lips smashing into mine as we moved together, grunting, groaning, biting and clawing each other’s skin like wild animals in heat. It felt like every muscle in my body was burning, but I didn’t care, nothing mattered in that moment besides him.
“Oh fuck,” he cried out, gripping me tightly as his movements became erratic, his hand slipped between our bodies and he rubbed my clit harshly. “fuck, KELLY!” He yelled
I screamed his name as he came deep inside me, my nails scratching down his back, leaving angry, red welts behind as I came hard. I shook, the orgasm rocking me to my core. I slumped my head on to his shoulder, both of us breathing hard. He pulled out of me and we both laid on our backs, looking in silence at the ceiling for a long time.
Eventually, we curled under the sheet together, still not talking. I laid on my back while he laid on his side, his fingertips running over my belly. I closed my eyes and I felt him kiss my temple.
“So beautiful,” he murmured in my ear “such a beautiful girl.”
I smiled without opening my eyes.
“Dean?” I asked quietly
“Hmmm?” He asked, kissing my temple again.
“How many girls ARE you fucking?” I asked
“Just one, you.” He said and I felt him place a finger on my jaw. I opened my eyes as he used his finger to turn my head to his. “It isn’t exactly a secret, I’ve had my share of girls.”
“You get around? Shocker.” I said in a sarcastic tone and he smirked.
“I like what I like,” he said “and getting laid is one of those things. But I’m no predator. What has happened between me and another party has always been consensual. I’ve never pressured a student to do something she didn’t want to and vice versa.” I listened and he went on “If I’m in a relationship, I don’t screw around. If I’m one thing, I’m a man of my word; loyal to a fault as my brother would say.”
I smiled and spoke
“Then why would your Dad say stuff like that?” I asked
“Part of me thinks that he thinks he’s being funny and the other part thinks he genuinely wants to fuck you.” Dean said with an eye roll “my Dad and I don’t have the best relationship because of how he treated my Mom.”
“And how was that?” I asked
“He messed around on her, a lot, and it hurt her. One of the many reasons I DON’T mess around.” He said “Ever since my parents got divorced, my Dad’s been in and out of my life. Now that I’m stable on my own, he keeps trying to reach out and have something to do with me but I’ve made it clear I don’t want anything to do with him.”
“Why does he want something to do with you so badly?” I asked
Dean sighed
“Because he’s getting remarried and he wants me and my brother there.” He said “The woman he’s marrying is also the woman he knocked up while he was still married to my Mom.”
My eyes went wide
“So, you have a half sibling?” I asked and he nodded
“Yep, a brother named Adam.” He said “He did everything with Adam; took him to baseball games on his birthday, went to school programs, attended graduations, he’s even in Adam’s prom pictures.”
“And he didn’t do that with you and your brother?” I asked and Dean shook his head, no.
“Not at all.” He said “Also one of the many reasons I’m angry with him.”
I nodded and said
“That shouldn’t be a problem now, he’s not getting anywhere near me.”
“Nope,” Dean said “I think you made that clear. Gotta say, I’m not sure if I was shocked or turned on when I saw you stand up to him.”
“It’s not the first time a guy thinks he can call me pet names and I’ll drop my pants for him, won’t be the last. I have four older brothers remember?” I asked
“I’m surprised guys were allowed anywhere near you honestly.” He said and I laughed.
“My brothers had friends,” I said “they didn’t pay much attention to me until after puberty, in which case, all four of the boys made it clear that their friends weren’t supposed to touch me. That didn’t stop some of them though.”
Dean looked surprised
“Did they live to tell that tale?” He asked and I laughed.
“I learned to hold my own,” I said “they taught me to defend myself and to let me handle my own problems. However, if them getting the shit kicked out of them by a tiny girl didn’t make the message clear, they’d step in. I think one guy still has trouble holding his bladder when he laughs.”
This made him crack up as he gathered me into his arms, kissing my forehead.
“Remind me not to get on your bad side.” He said
“Noted.” I told him and looked up at him. When our eyes met, we kissed.
The heat started to rebuild between us as he tenderly stroked my hair and back. I moaned against his mouth, throwing my leg across his hips.
“Can’t be sated can you?” He teased.
“When my smoking hot Daddy is laying butt naked in my bed? No, I can’t.” I said and he laughed.
“It doesn’t help when my sexy girl is pressing her hot little body all over me.” He said with a grin.
“I’ll try to be uglier.” I told him as my tongue gently grazed his lips.
“You can’t,” he told me “you’re too beautiful inside and out.”
I grinned as his mouth parted, allowing my tongue inside. He tasted faintly of mint and coffee, I noted as our tongues twisted together. He hummed in appreciation, the vibration from his chest registering to mine, which only made me want him more. When my tongue returned to my mouth, I pulled back a little and let my fingers wander through his hair. Even though it was mussed from our earlier romp, it felt soft and thick in my hands. I gently gripped the longer locks on the top of his head and kissed him again, his hands sliding down my back and to my rear end. He gripped two handfuls of my ass as we kissed and gave it a firm smack, making me yelp in surprise.
“Oh, my baby likes to be spanked doesn’t she?” He asked, his eyebrows shooting up.
“What makes you say that?” I asked, even though I knew full well I did.
“You’re practically gushing on my thigh baby girl.” He pointed out and gave me another firm slap on the ass and I whined, tugging on his hair and feeling him harden against my leg.
“GOD!” I cried out
“Answer me,” he said “does my baby girl like to be spanked?”
“Yes Daddy!” I exclaimed as I twisted against him.
“You want me to spank you sweetheart?” He growled in my ear.
“Oh god, yes. Please spank me.” I begged him
“You’ll have to ask nicer than that.” He said
I bit my lip and then asked
“Daddy, will you please spank me?” in the most innocent tone I could manage. “I’ve been a very bad little girl.”
His mouth twitched up at the corner and he said
“Let me sit up.”
I crawled off of him as he did this and grabbed my wrist. He hauled me over his lap
“Say “red” if it hurts too much baby.” he told me
“Yes sir.” I answered
“Good,” He said “three spankings okay?”
“Yes Daddy.” I said, trying not to squirm in anticipation, I could feel my nipples hardening just from his words.
“Count for me baby.” He said
“I will.” I told him, his erection poking me in the stomach. Without warning or preamble, he laid one firm smack on my ass and I cried out.
“AH! ONE!”
He kneaded my flesh in his hand before delivering another blow, the sound of his firm hand cracking over my butt sounded through the room.
“FUCK! TWO!” I cried, the delicious, painful sensation rocking my body.
“Such language.” He said “one more, you okay baby?”
“Yes Daddy!” I answered
He delivered the final slap and I cried out a strained
“THREE! Oh god, three!”
“Oh baby girl,” he growled as I sat up “you take your spankings so well.”
“Thank-thank you Daddy.” I said breathlessly, I could feel my core dripping.
He could tell I was wrecked and he gave me a devilish grin.
“You want Daddy to take care of you baby?” He asked
“Please?” I begged him “Please take care of me?”
“You took your spankings so well, you get to choose.” He told me as he sat up on his knees “What would you like baby?”
“Can you-?” I could barely concentrated, my nerves were buzzing so hard
“Words baby,” he said and tilted my chin up so that I was looking at him “tell me.”
“Will you go down on me?” I asked, even though it sounded more like I was begging him “and fuck me?”
He grinned, his thumb stroking over my chin.
“I can’t deny my baby when she took her spankings like a good girl.” He told me as we kissed, his warm lips over mine.
“You’re such a good girl for me you know that?” He said quietly as he tenderly touched my face.
“I try.” I told him, leaning into his touch.
“Since you’re so good for me, I want you to just relax and let Daddy take care of you.”
I nodded as he planted a gentle kiss on me as I nodded. He gave me a half grin and kissed me again, his tongue tracing over my lips. I opened my mouth and let him in and he seemed to lap over every inch of my mouth. He pulled back as I scraped my nails down his arms. He moaned as he kissed down my jaw and up to my ear. He took my earlobe in his teeth and bit down just hard enough to make me gasp and my back arch.
“Mh, I love those pretty sounds you make,” he murmured as he gently licked where he just bitten me “just for me.”
I nodded and he kissed down my body; licking, biting and sucking on my skin. He seemed to know which places to do each thing that made me cry out and my toes curl. He made his way to the apex of my thighs, hooking his arms under my thighs. He kissed my inner thighs and then started to suck. I propped up on my elbows, looked down and was mesmerized by what I saw. He sucked hard on my skin, his fingers digging into my thigh. I gasped and he looked up at me, a smirk forming on his lips.
“Something just for me.” He said
I bit my lip
“Do one for me too.” I told him
He pulled away, that devilish grin I’d come to love playing on his lips.
“I give my baby what she wants.” He said and went to my other thigh, sucking an identical mark in the same place. “One for you, and one for me.” He said
“Perfect.” I told him and laid back.
He spread my legs open and said
“I think you liked that more than I anticipated, you’re soaking wet baby.”
“You have that effect on me.” I told him as he licked a thick stripe up my slit making me cry out and grip the sheets.
“Do I?” He asked
“Yes.” I whined as he sucked my clit into his mouth. I arched my back, the sensation rolling over me like a wave. He licked through my folds, swirling and rolling his tongue into me as I cried out. I gripped his hair, the luscious locks tangling in my fingers.
“Deeeeeeeeeeannnnnn,” I moaned “oh my god, that feels so good!”
His fingers slid around and into me easily as I moaned louder. He lapped his tongue over my clit and his fingers scissored into me. I lost control, thrusting my hips into his mouth and fingers.
“Mhhhh, baby,” he said “be still for me.”
“Yes sir.” I said and laid back. I let him ravage me, he devoured me like a starving man, eating me out as if his life depended on it. I screamed like a woman possessed, my head rolling from side to side.
“That’s it,” he moaned “that’s it baby girl, come for me.”
With one crook of his fingers and I was done for. I came undone with a scream of his name, feeling a cold chill run up my spine. I collapsed on the bed, my legs fell open and my hand let go of his hair. I breathed hard as his adorable face came into my view, he was licking his shining lips as a stupid grin formed on my mouth.
“Feel good baby?” He asked me and then we kissed. I could taste myself in his mouth, which was strangely erotic.
“Yeah,” I breathed “better than good.”
“You sure you want me to fuck you?” He asked “I’m not opposed to it, but I want to make sure you’re okay.”
“You don’t have to fuck me,” I told him and kissed him “make love to me, like you did earlier.” My hands roamed up his back, his strong muscles dancing under my touch.
He grinned and we kissed again
“That I can do,” He said and easily slid inside me, making me cry out “your wish is my command baby.” He started to move and I threw my head back as I moved with him. His name fell from my lips like a prayer as he kissed me over and over again, his hips bucking up into mine. He sucked my lower lip into his mouth and bit down on it as I cried out for him.
“Dean, I’m gonna-GOD!” I yelled
“Let go baby,” he told me, gripping my hips hard “I’m right there, god you’re fucking tight for me!”
I cried out against his mouth as he fucked me through my orgasm, reaching his own as he sucked a dark mark on to my chest.
I didn’t remember falling asleep, but when I opened my eyes, I could smell food. I groaned and felt around for Dean, realizing his side of the bed was cold. I located my clothes and pulled them on, then walked out into my living room to find a sweet sight.
Dean has set up dinner at my kitchen table and was currently rummaging around in my kitchen for god only knew what.
I smiled and watched him as he moved; without a belt around his dress pants, they hung a little lower on his hips, his undershirt wasn’t tucked in and he was wearing his socks, his hair stuck up in all kinds of funny directions as he looked through my cabinets.
“Can I help you find something?” I asked and he turned, wearing a grin on his face.
“Hey sleepyhead.” He greeted me and turned to face me. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist as he kissed my forehead. “I was just about to come get you.” He said “where are your plates?”
“Dishwasher,” I told him “you don’t have to get fancy on me, we can eat off the take out plates.”
“I was trying to be sweet,” he said, giving me a playful pout “I wanted to surprise you.”
“Oh, I’m surprised.” I told him and gave him a kiss.
“In that case, we can dig in.” He said and we sat down to eat.
We ate in silence for a while, I glanced from my food up to him, toying with the fried rice on my plate at one point.
“What’re you thinking?” He asked
I sighed
“A lot of things.” I told him honestly
“I can tell,” he said “you’re doing that thing where you bite your lip when you’re concentrating really hard.”
I smiled
“You notice shit like that?” I asked, amused and he nodded.
“You pick at your fingers or your lip when you’re nervous,” he said “or you play with your hair and laugh.”
“What else?” I asked, intrigued
He thought for a second, a sweet, crooked smile forming on his face.
“When you’re really interested in something, your whole face lights up,” he said “first time I saw that face, I was hooked.”
“THAT’S what hooked you? Me geeking out?” I asked “You might want to get your eyes checked.”
He shook his head
“Not because of the context where you made the face,” he said “the way your eyes were sparkling and shining and that adorable smile that crosses your face. I knew I wanted to see that face more.”
I grinned as I looked down and pushed my food around my plate.
“Dean?” I asked
“Yes?” He answered
I looked up and he was holding a steady gaze at me.
“Would you want to,” I started “be my boyfriend? I know it’s kind of sudden, but I really like you and you’re the only one I want to be with.”
He gave me a half grin
“You’re a girl that knows what she wants huh?” He asked and I nodded.
“Yep.” I said
He sighed and asked
“Are you sure? Not any guys your own age you’d rather have?”
I shook my head
“I’ve done my fair share of dating,” I told him “nothing I’ve experienced comes close to what I feel when I’m with you, and that’s something I want to explore.”
He smiled and reached across the table, his hand covering mine.
“I’d like that. Very much.” He said
What did you guys think?! These two are driving me crazy because they’re SO CUTE!!! As always, kind feedback is welcome; feel free to like, share and drop a comment and if you want, Hulk smash that follow button to see more content from me. My boxes are always open; so if you have a suggestion, a request or would like to join The Squad or be tagged in this series, let me know!! See you guys for the next one!
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orderoftheavengers · 5 years
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I’ll Do You One Better--What House is Gamora?!
Summary: Gamora is from a race of Egyptian snake-women, that was massacred by the Titan Thanos. She carries the legacy of Salazar Slytherin wherever she goes, often literally.
House: Slytherin
Species: Wadjet (Egyptian snake women)
Wand: Cypress, 14 inches, Sphinx hair
Broom: Custom made, with two tails; able to power through weather most brooms would shatter in
Other effects: The Sword of Salazar Slytherin, which she often stores in her broom
Patronus: Python
Specialties: Dark Arts
Groomed for Slytherin
Gamora has the traits of both Gryffindor and Slytherin down to a T, and by a happy coincidence, her skin and hair reflect the colors of both houses. It really was a close call.
Standing up to a giant whose army just massacred your homeland takes balls for anyone, especially a child. That was a pretty damn Gryffindor thing to do. But Thanos decided to adopt Gamora for the Slytherin traits he sensed in her. He hand-picked all of his children for the same reason, but Gamora had an ambition, cunning and stubbornness that blew the others out of the water. Taking her aside, so she wouldn't see the massacre of her people, he showed her a tattered old green hat, once worn by Salazar Slytherin, and told her to reach inside. The green child pulled out the Sword of Slytherin faster and more smoothly than any of his previous "children" had before. That was when Thanos decided Gamora was his favorite daughter.
Thanos "adopted" (kidnapped and brainwashed) Gamora, and applied the the most extreme versions of the traits of Slytherin House in her upbringing. He taught her to be cold and calculating, mercilessly cunning, and to stop at nothing to achieve her goals. He used the Cruciatus Curse as both discipline and to "build character" in all his children, and pitted Gamora against her adopted sister Nebula.
Her Slytherin traits of self-preservation and determination were more apparent than her Gryffindor courage and chivalry, in that it took years for her to finally realize how evil her "father" was and disobey him. And it never even occurred to her to think about what every fight did to her adoptive sister Nebula, because she was so focused on her own survival. But Gamora eventually learned to retool her Slytherin traits to blend with her Gryffindor heroism, and broke free of Thanos.
Wherever she went, Gamora was judged as a "villain" before she even did anything, simply because of her connection to Thanos and her House. Not only did she prove herself a hero, Gamora wound up being the most tempered, wise, and noble member of Peter Quill's crew. It was usually she, with her Slytherin pragmatism, tempering Quills Gryffindor rashness, in the relationship. (The whole crew learned their Houses while visiting the Collector, who temporarily had possession of Hogwarts' Sorting Hat.)
Gamora was courageous and chivalrous, but there's a reason Peter Quill was the Gryffindor and she was not. When the time finally came, Peter was willing to kill Gamora to stop Thanos, as she'd requested of him. But hypocritically, Gamora was not willing to do the same when it was a choice between her sister Nebula and the Soul Stone.
Gamora's worst fear was dying alone with only her evil "father" near her, and by a cruel irony, that was not only exactly what happened, but it was all for the sake of Salazar's legacy. Each of the Infinity Stones had been hidden by a powerful wizard throughout history (Merlin had the Time Stone, obviously). Salazar Slytherin had surrounded the Soul Stone with an incredibly dark curse, testing the seeker's ambition, forcing them to sacrifice the person they loved most to obtain it. On the ruins of Salazar's home castle, where the Stone was hidden, Gamora tried to commit suicide with Salazar's sword before Thanos could kill her to obtain the stone; but using the Reality Stone, he turned the Sword of Slytherin into bubbles. Then he tossed her off the tower, and obtained the Soul Stone.
To Thanos's surprise, the Sword of Slytherin returned in the later battle at Hogwarts, when Tony Stark pulled it from the Sorting Hat. But that is another story entirely.
For My Real Parents 
Through a combination of Time Travel and Priorie Incantatem, Gamora returned both in spirit and body. While Tony Stark dusted Thanos’s minions, the Titan resisted the spell, until two Gamoras jumped him: one, the ghost of the “daughter” he’d murdered, that had emerged when Thanos and Tony’s Infinity Wands had clashed; and the other, a version of Gamora from the past, that followed Nebula back to the present-day. 
Past-Gamora stabs Thanos through the heart with the Sword of Slytherin, and says just loud enough for him to hear, “For my real parents.” Before he dies, Thanos sees himself in a field, facing a young Gamora, the child he orphaned and kidnapped all those years ago. “You love nothing,” the green child says locking eyes with him. “And so you have nothing. You are nothing.” She, the field, and Thanos’s entire universe disintegrate, as the Titan crumbles into a pile of ash. You Promised When the dust settles, there is only one Gamora. The Infinity-Ghost has merged with the past body. She shakily rises to her feet, tears falling down her green face. “Gamora!” Peter Quill, who hasn’t had a chance to speak to her yet, tears across the field to her. For a moment, it looks like they’re about to kiss. Gamora chokes, “Peter…” and then knees him in the balls. She finishes with a hiss, “You promised!” Clutching his shattered bludgers, Quill retorts in a strained voice, “Hypocrite!” He is referring to the fact that Gamora couldn’t sacrifice her sister to keep the Stone from Thanos. Gamora makes an admitting face, helps him up, and now they kiss.
FACT: In Ancient Egypt, Muggles living in the city of Dep worshiped a local snake goddess named Wadjet. (Source: real history.) In fact, the Wadjet were a whole magical race of reptilian snake-like women. (Source: my ass.)
These were Gamora's people. They resembled reptilian humanoids, and were often considered the better-looking cousins of Goblins. As a Wadjet, Gamora has enhanced strength, durability, speed and senses. Harry Potter didn't learn much about the Wadjet at Hogwarts, because their society was on the brink of collapse by that time. Thanos "saved" them by killing off half the population. He considered it a testament to his "fairness" that he made no exception for the race held in high regard by his ancestor and idol, Salazar Slytherin.
Naturally, Peter Quill--lacking in any education, Magical or Muggle--had never heard of the Wadjet. Gamora was confused when he asked if she was related to the Wicked Witch of the West. She didn't understand why she should fear a house falling on her, or why she would need the protection of glittering shoes when she already had a dragonhide coat armed with several protective charms. Wand: "Wands of cypress find their soul mates among the brave, the bold and the self-sacrificing: those who are unafraid to confront the shadows in their own and others’ natures." (harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Cyp…) Remus Lupin's wand was a Cypress. The sphinx hair may seem like an odd choice, with Gamora not particularly specializing on riddles or puzzles. But sphinxes are overall associated with wisdom and ferocity, both of which describe Gamora. And of course, the Sphinx is from the same part of the world she is. Patronus:
Pythons are "ambush predators," fitting for Gamora. Naturally, Quill took one look at her Patronus and dubbed it "Monty." Monty Python, he explained, was the name of a band of Human minstrels, from around the same era as the hero Kevin Bacon. Pythons are adaptable snakes, that can make their homes in a variety of environments, as long as they are left to their own devices, as they are solitary animals. They are agile, and some species are able get up into trees. (www.livescience.com/53785-pyth…)
AN: Gamora was hard to sort. Like so many others, I made the decision based on her dynamic with other characters. And the Slytherin legacy worked so well into her story, that I had to use it. While the Egyptian connection was partially a homage to her actress Zoe Saldana, who has African ancestry, it was also inspired by her eye-shadow and cyborg facial markings, which have a vaguely Egyptian look to them.
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