#kick ass Sharon Carter
asiss-s · 1 month
Something tasty to pie the taste of Civil War from your palate
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brnesblogposts · 3 months
Name a woman (bucky drabble)
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pairing bucky x fem!reader
“Name a woman.”
Bucky looked at you perplexed “what?”
“Name a woman, first woman that comes to mind,” you say expressionless
He hesitates for a second, “Sharon Carter..?” A questioning tone to his answer. He notices the change in your expression— angry? He did what you asked though, as odd as he thought it was.
“Okay.” Is all you say before storming out of the room leaving Bucky to analyse what just happened, he went over it so many times but he didn’t get why you were mad all of a sudden. He gets up and goes towards the bedroom and finds you curled up on the bed facing away from him.
“Dollface?” No answer. “Sweetheart?” He approaches the bed now, sitting on the edge and reaching a hand out to stroke your leg soothingly but you kick it away, “why are you upset?” Genuine confusion in his tone. You sit up and turn to face him abruptly seeing his wide eyes at your stern expression.
“Bucky. I said to name a woman, the first woman that came to your mind and you said Sharon.” Analysing his features because how did he not realise why you were mad at him.
“Baby-“ He went to inquire more but then it finally clicked- “fuck..” His hands came up to his face.
“Yeah, fuck.” Your arms were crossed now.
“I only said Sharon because I worked with her today on filing the latest mission report, don’t overthink it, honey” He was staring into your soul, at least that’s what it felt like, you sighed.
“But- why didn’t you- I thought you would’ve said me..” You looked down to where your legs were crossed on the bed.
“Your question caught me off guard,” He laughed slightly “I panicked! You’re the only woman I think about I swear, Sharon even had to nudge me a couple times today because I was distracted with the thought of you.” He saw the blush creep up your cheeks and reached his hands out to cup your face and make you face him.
“Sorry. I overreacted, that was stupid of me” You said softly to him watching him smile slightly.
“It’s okay, doll,” He moves you into his lap “if i asked you to name a man and you said someone else’s name i would probably be jealous too” He was cradling you now.
“It’s good you never asked ‘cause I was gonna say Steve,” A wicked grin breaking out on your face as you felt him pick you up and drop you onto the bed.
“You think you’re funny?” His tone taunting as he stood over you.
“I do yes” grinning like a chesire cat at this point. He tries keeping his expression stern but your smile makes him weak and he flops down next to you as you turn to face each other.
“You’re a pain in the ass” He retorts to which you kiss his nose and move back to look him in the eyes,
“you love me!!”
“That I do” He’s sporting the dorkiest smile before you press a kiss to his lips and curl up next to him.
“I love you, the only man who consumes my thoughts” At this he smiles and the both of you simply bask in each others presence.
reblogs appreciated :)
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literaryavenger · 6 months
Broken - bonus part
Summary: It's been a year since Bucky moved in and now it's his turn to help you, only problem is you won't let him.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Warnings: No use of Y/N. Language. A lot of fluff. Eating disorder. Angst.
Word Count: 7.8K
A/N: I made this bonus part to explore more about the eating disorder that was hinted in the first couple of chapters. I had plans to incorporated in the story when I was planning on making it longer, but with how it went it didn't feel like there was a place for it. I'd like to thank @ordelixx for giving me the idea for this additional part. Hope you enjoy it, I'm always open to more ideas so feel free to spam in my inbox or messages, know I always appreciate it! also sorry it took me so long to finish this but I started it and then kind of lost inspiration :(
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
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It’s been a year since Bucky arrived at the tower and about 11 months since his hearing.
As conditioned by his pardon he’s been going to therapy, he’s been training with the team and has been doing more and more missions, on probation, but still he’s been doing better than ever.
Even Tony had to admit that the more time he spent with Bucky the more the super soldier grew on him.
If a few months ago he begrudgingly spent time with the super soldier at your request, if anything to spend time with you too since you’re still inseparable, now Tony actively seeks him out; wanting to study his new vibranium arm, testing his gadgets since he got hurt less easily than the others. Or sometimes simply to talk about things like astronomy after Tony found out about Bucky’s interest in the subject.
They’ve even had a few conversations on Howard and his friendship with the sergeant back in the 40s.
You're proud of all the progress Bucky’s made, and you appreciate the fact that getting more comfortable in the 21st century and becoming more confident didn’t make him pull away from you.
It's a fear you had, that maybe Bucky stuck to you because you were the first person after Steve that made him feel safe, that the more people he got familiar with the more he was gonna pull away from you, not needing you as much anymore.
But, to your delight, Bucky’s still as touchy and clingy towards you as ever, if anything he's grown even more affectionate.
He never lets a day go by without telling you how much he loves you and appreciates you, kissing you any chance he gets and holding you tight every night in the room the two of you have been officially sharing the last few weeks since you’ve all moved to the new Avengers Compound upstate.
You love Bucky’s attention and you’re just as affectionate towards him as he is towards you. Everything was going great.
Until it wasn’t.
You’re on your way to your room, looking forward to seeing Bucky after a full morning of mission reports with Steve and then training with Natasha.
She obviously kicked your ass and you're exhausted, wanting nothing more than to be in his warm embrace for the rest of the day.
Thankfully, it’s friday afternoon and you have no new missions which means your weekend is wide open.
You stop on your tracks when you hear your name being mentioned in a conversation right around the corner.
You recognize one of the voices as Sharon Carter, one of the agents of Shield that lives and works at the compound the Avengers now reside in.
You don’t know why you stop to listen in on the conversation, you’re not really one to eavesdrop, but something about her tone makes your legs refuse to move towards her direction. Which just so happens to be the way towards the Avengers only part of the building.
Your stomach drops when you hear the other girl’s next sentence.
"And can you believe she got Sergeant Barnes to date her?" Sharon groans before answering.
"Of course she did, he was all broken and vulnerable and she was like the first person he met at the tower. He obviously got attached to the first person that was nice to him, otherwise how do you think a girl like her could ever have a chance with him?" she says matter-of-factly. 
"You’re right, I mean he’s probably still with her just out of habit. He’s too nice to hurt her feelings." the other girl says, giggling.
"Exactly." Sharon agrees, laughing with her friend. "I mean, he’d never go for her if he met her today. He’d probably be flirting his way through the actually pretty girls that live around here, like you and me."
You can hear their laughter growing louder as they get closer to where you are frozen on your spot and feel yourself starting to panic.
You can’t face them right now, the only thing on your mind is finding a place to hide in.
You see a door behind you and you sprint to it, reaching it, running inside and closing the door softly in record time. You press your ear up against it and can hear the muffled laughter and some more comments on you and Bucky.
When they’re finally far enough that you can’t hear them, you let yourself relax, pressing your back against the door and looking into the dark closet you’re hiding in while you let their words really sink in, your brain working overtime to make sure you didn’t misheard or misinterpreted anything.
Once you’re sure you indeed heard everything correctly, tears start to form in your eyes.
Is that really what people think? That Bucky’s just with you because he pities you?
You’ve always known Bucky was beautiful, definitely the hottest guy you’ve ever seen in your life, and you’ve always known he was out of your league.
You know you’re by no means thin, but you also don’t consider yourself fat, especially not after all the work that it took you to get to a place where you have a healthy relationship with your body.
Yes, you still have your doubts and insecurities, but that’s just in your head.
Although here you are, hiding in a supply closet, tears streaming down your face, because there are actual people outside of your head that see your flaws too.
One thing is to wonder about this stuff in the middle of the night when you can’t sleep, the voices in your head taking over, but to hear those same thoughts coming out of someone else’s mouth hit you hard.
You don’t even know how long you stay hidden, but at some point you snap out of it and dry your tears, opening the door and making the way to your room.
It feels like only a second passes and then you’re opening the door of yours and Bucky’s room. You make a beeline for the bathroom, barely acknowledging your boyfriend when he greets you as you lock the bathroom door behind you.
Bucky’s eyebrows furrow at your cold shoulder, immediately getting worried. He gets up from the bed and knocks on the door of the bathroom calling out for you. "Everything okay?"
You can hear the concern in his voice and it only makes you feel worse as you find yourself wondering if he’s actually worried or just that good at pretending.
You look at your reflection in the mirror and all of a sudden you feel nauseous but you barely have time to realize it’s not just in your head when you’re suddenly throwing up in the toilet.
Bucky’s more worried than ever as he hears you be sick from the other side of the door. "Doll, I need you to talk to me or I will break down the door."
He knows it may not be the ideal thing to say, but his concern outweighs his rational thinking when you stop making sounds as he still hasn't heard your voice and is worried you might’ve passed out.
"I’m okay." your voice is quiet, but at least you’re conscious. 
"Can you open the door for me, doll?" He can hear you sigh and shuffle a bit, probably getting up. Then he hears the faucet of the sink being turned on as you splash some water on your face.
He’s a little calmer now, patiently waiting for you and he lets out a little breath of relief when he hears the lock click.
You open it reluctantly, trying your best to look normal, but Bucky can see right through you.
"What’s wrong, baby?" he brings his hands to your cheeks and you can’t help but lean into them for a second before you grab his wrists and gently lower his hands, his face more worried than before.
"I’m fine, Bucky." you say, your voice almost emotionless.
"You were just throwing up. You’re not fine." it takes all of him not to reach for you again, not wanting to cross your boundaries.
"It’s nothing. Maybe I’m just sick. I’ll take a shower, it’ll make me feel better." You don’t give him time to respond as you close the door and lock it again, starting the shower.
Bucky feels like he can barely breathe, your behavior making him more worried than he’s been since the 40s and he had to take care of sickly little Steve.
Youìve never acted like this with him, when you were sick or even grumpy from your period you usually became clingy and wanted him around even more than you usually do. But he gives you the benefit of the doubt.
If you were sick this wasn’t the moment to think about himself. He has to take care of you first and he can ask more later you when you're feeling better.
With new resolve he heads towards the kitchen, determined to get everything you might need to make you feel better.
You stay in the shower for over an hour, trying to avoid Bucky as much as you can, but you know you had to get out and face him eventually.
When you come out of the bathroom you find him sitting in the desk chair, the desk full of things you’re pretty sure weren’t there when you entered the room.
Bucky's on his feet and coming towards you in a second, your favorite pair of pajamas in his hand.
"Are you feeling better?" he asks you softly, worry still present on his features.
You can’t bring yourself to look at him, taking the clothes and changing as fast as you can, a small ‘I’m fine’ leaving your lips. 
"What's all of this?" you ask, stepping around him and walking towards the desk.
"Oh, I just brought you some things to make you feel better." He can't help himself as he wraps his arms around you from behind while you look through the things he brought you.
He got you all sorts of pain meds, your favorite snacks and drinks, your heating pad and your favorite comfort book.
You want to cry at the sight, but part of you can't help but doubt Bucky, even with how sweet he’s being.
You snap out of it when you feel Bucky give you a kiss on the shoulder and, suddenly, it all feels fake and it’s too much for you. 
You place your hands on his and move his arms away from you, then start heading towards the bed.
"I’m not hungry. I just want to sleep for a bit." That's all you say as you lay down and turn your back on him, tears threatening to fall down again.
You hear him sigh behind you. Then he moves around and you feel him lay a kiss on your head before he walks out the room shutting the lights on his way, wanting to give you the space you clearly want.
You aren't sure if you're glad you can cry yourself to sleep freely or worried that him walking out solidifies the voices in your head that are telling you that maybe Bucky really doesn’t love you.
When you wake up the next morning Bucky’s arms were wrapped around you from behind.
Usually being in his hold makes you feel safe but right now all you can concentrate on is the feeling of his hands on your belly and how disgusted he would be if he woke up and realized the position you were in, no matter how many times you've been like this.
You slip away from his embrace and go to change into work out clothes. You went to sleep pretty early yesterday so it was still early in the morning when you woke up.
You aren’t expecting to meet anyone yet but, once again, you're proven wrong by the shuffling coming from the kitchen as you make your way to grab a bottle of water.
You approach carefully without making a sound and when you peak around the corner you see Steve, probably back from a morning run, in front of the counter with his back to you and a water bottle in his hand.
You try to move as quietly as possible, even with enhanced hearing your skills have gotten so good you're able to sneak around the super soldiers when needed.
You decide to use the stairs to get to the gym, the door leading to them squeaking lightly. Steve turns around at the sound but seems to decide it was nothing as he shrugs and makes his way to his room.
You’ve been at the gym for a couple of hours, stopping only to grab water from the mini fridge, when the door opens and you hear Bucky’s voice.
"Hey doll, I’ve been looking for you everywhere." His voice sounds genuinely concerned. You have to give him props on his acting skills.
"Yeah, couldn’t sleep." You say without looking at him, barely stopping your punching of the bag in front of you.
"I thought you were sick." he’s slowly getting closer, you’d almost think he was trying to corner a scared animal.
"Clearly I feel better." you shrug, trying to end this conversation as fast as possible.
You feel his hand on your shoulder and finally stop, taking a deep breath before turning to face him.
His face looks more worried than you’ve ever seen it and it almost makes you forget your own concerns about the reality of your relationship.
"Maybe you should go visit Bruce, make sure everything’s okay." his eyes never leave your face and you try your best to hide any emotion but it’s always been too easy for him to read you so you shrug his hand from your shoulder, trying to put a little distance between you.
He looks genuinely hurt, but, again, what would you expect from a trained assassin? Pretending comes as naturally to him as breathing. 
"I’m fine, Bucky." you turn back to the bag and resume your punching. You’re so lost in your own thoughts you don’t even notice him walking out of the gym.
You work out some more before deciding it’s enough and go back to your room, thankful for the first time that Bucky’s not there.
After you shower and change again you find yourself with nothing to do and, for once, you wish you had paperwork to keep you occupied and give you an excuse to avoid everybody.
You grab your purse and make your way out, mumbling something about having errands to run in the city when you come across some people in the living room, basically running out of there so fast you can’t even tell who’s actually there watching tv.
You spend the whole day running around the city, not really having a destination but when the sun starts coming down you decide to head back.
When you enter the living room you can see everyone sitting at the kitchen table.
"Finally, you’re here! We can eat now." Sam shouts happily and you know you can’t escape this.
"Sorry, didn’t realize you were waiting on me." You say quietly while sitting down in the only free chair that’s unfortunately next to Bucky.
"It’s okay, koala bear." Steve smiles from your other side. "Bucky said you weren’t feeling great, so Wanda made your favorite."
You try to look excited while smiling and thanking Wanda as she and Vision place the food on the table. If she notices something is off, she doesn't say anything, just giving you a smile of her own in return.
"Where were you all day?" Tony asks you.
"The city." you simply say, trying to sound as casual as possible while making no attempt to look at him, or make eye contact with anyone else for that matter.
But Tony seems satisfied with your answer, taking your lack of conversation for tiredness and going back to talking to Clint.
You manage to avoid all conversations with nods and hums and you can feel Bucky’s gaze on you almost as it burns but you can’t find it in yourself to look back at him.
When you feel his hand coming to rest on top of yours on the table you feel like something inside you snaps and you get up abruptly, making everybody stop as they give you confused looks.
"Excuse me, I still don’t feel well. I think I’m gonna go to my room and rest." and, without giving anyone the chance to say anything, you walk away.
There’s a second of silence before the team seems to dismiss your behavior as grumpiness from feeling sick, after all the rare times that you do get sick you get very irritable.
Bucky seems to be the only one to notice your untouched food. 
After less than five minutes the door to your room opens and Bucky comes in, finding you sitting on the bed staring at nothing while being clearly lost in your head.
He makes his way to you and kneels down in front of you.
"What’s going on, doll?" He tries his luck again, putting a hand on your knee. He hopes that giving space all day allowed you to come around and now you’ll talk to him.
You prove him wrong by getting up, not even sparing him a glance, and making your way to the closet to try and busy yourself so you won’t have to look at him.
"Nothing." You offer nothing more and Bucky starts getting frustrated with you. 
"What is wrong with you today?" He knows something’s wrong. He knows you better than anyone, and he’s trying to be patient with you but you’ve never acted this cold towards him and it scares him.
"Nothing is wrong." You know you’re pushing it. You know you’re doing nothing to alleviate his worries, but you can’t help the feeling that he’s the one in the wrong.
He’s the one out of line, he’s the one that betrayed your trust and hurt you and toyed with your feelings and lied to you about his own. You had every right to be short with him.
"Something is obviously wrong, why won’t you just talk to me?!" He almost whines and you roll your eyes, your own unjustified irritation coming out.
"Oh, for the love of God, just give it a rest!" you almost yell, and the surprise you find in yourself is nothing compared to the one on Bucky’s face.
"What?" he’s almost whispering and the hurt in his voice for some reason just infuriates you more.
"Stop treating me like I’m made of glass! Not everyone is as needy as you, you know. I’m a grown ass adult and I don’t need you!" You can’t stop shouting, knowing full well you don’t mean a word you’re saying. But you want to hurt him as much as you’re hurting, as wrong as that is.
"Don’t you think I know that you don’t need me?!" He’s yelling too now, and you know you pushed the right button "I know damn well how strong you are, but that doesn’t mean I can’t still worry about you!"
"I don’t need you to worry about me!"
"Well, that’s too damn bad for you, because I love you and I want you to be okay!" God, even shouting he’s still being nice to you.
"Well, that’s too damn bad for you, because it’s none of your business if I’m okay!" Not the best response, but at this point you honestly have no idea of even control of what’s coming out of your mouth anymore.
"God, why are you being such a child about this?!" Bucky barely understands what’s going on right.
The two of you have never fought before, not so much as an argument, and now here you are in a yelling match that started because he's concerned about you.
"Oh boo freaking hoo, poor Bucky having to deal with a child! If you don’t like me just say so!"
"What the hell are you talking about?!" He’s beyond confused now.
"If you don’t want this," you gesture between the two of you "just leave! Go and find someone you actually like! Don’t stay with me just because you feel like you have to!"
"When did I ever say that? Are you out of your mind?!"
"Yes, I’m crazy! Now just leave me the fuck alone!" you yell at the top of your lungs and Bucky seems to freeze in his spot.
Assuming this is over, you turn around and climb into bed, your back to Bucky once again.
When you hear him sigh and start moving you feel like you’re reliving yesterday, except this time you don’t expect him to kiss you but just leave.
He turns off the lights, but you frown when you don’t hear the door, instead you feel the bed dip behind you. You tense up when Bucky’s arms wrap around you from behind, bringing you closer to him with your back pressed against his chest.
"I will choose you over everyone. Even on the days where we don’t understand each other." He whispers in your ear after a moment of silence and you can’t do anything to stop the tears that start coming out as you feel Bucky holding you tighter without saying another word.
You want to believe him, you really do. But Sharon’s voice in your head is like a net, not allowing you to fall fully into Bucky, not being able to accept that someone like him truly loves you.
So you start spending your days by yourself, avoiding people as much as possible.
Everytime you're in a room with someone all you can think about is how they're probably judging you, making just want to run away and hide.
But isolating yourself does nothing to ease your worries as you now spend all your time overthinking and hating on yourself.
You start pulling away from Bucky too and it's killing him.
You still won't talk to him, everytime you're together you pretend that everything's fine.
You put on a smile he knows is fake, really doing the bare minimum to keep a conversation going and when he touches you he always gets the feeling that you wanted nothing more than to slap his hands away.
But you always try to be discreet as you inch away from him with any excuse that comes to mind.
It's the change in your relationship with Bucky that starts to clue the team in on your behavior.
As much as they have fun giving you shit for it, they all admire your closeness and were happy that you found each other.
So they start paying more attention to you. Everybody can see something's wrong, but if you wouldn’t talk to Bucky about it, really what chance do they have?
It doesn't stop them from worrying though, seeing how you seem to waste away.
You spend too much time in the gym, losing weight at an alarming rate and not getting enough sleep to function, sometimes resulting in you falling asleep during meetings or on the mat at the gym.
But you refuse to let Bruce look at you. You refuse any help really, your temper shorter than ever as you end up snapping at people more often than not.
You try to keep it together, but it's obviously not working. The only thing you manage to do is avoiding meals without anyone noticing.
After weeks on end of this, the team decides to do something to try and cheer you up, taking the opportunity of your birthday coming up.
Steve manages to convince Tony to have a small party, just the team and agents of Shield, instead of one of his big parties full of strangers.
They're careful when they approach you with the subject, having taken to walking on eggshells around you. You can’t help feeling bad for the way you’ve been treating them, so you decide to be cool about the party, even knowing deep down you’ll regret it.
Natasha and Wanda offer to go shopping with you for a new dress for the occasion, but you decline their invitation.
You know they're trying to be nice, but just the thought of going from store to store, seeing all those beautiful, skinny women trying on pretty dresses you’d never be able to fit into, together with the two gorgeous redheads, it sounds like hell to you.
Which is why you ask the team to have a more informal dress code than usual, allowing you to dress as comfortable as you can be at the moment with loose fitting pants and a large hoodie.
You arrive at the party in the ballroom of the compound that Tony just had to have and are thankful to see everyone dress casually, most of the girls not even wearing dresses.
But you still try not to linger too long on their looks, not wanting to feel worse than you already do about your own appearance.
Arms wrap around your body and you hear Bucky wish you a happy birthday.
You give him a few seconds before you wiggle away from the embrace and turn around. You give Bucky your best fake smile and thank him before kissing him quickly on the cheek and walking away towards the bar to get some water.
You don't need to be getting drunk and throwing up more than you already do every time your stomach forces you to eat anything.
You spend the whole night going from person to person, trying not to talk to anyone too long and making sure to always keep moving to avoid too many questions.
You know it's only a matter of time before they start coming. Even Fury is present, worried about you ever since he had to take you off missions for passing out on the field.
Soon came the moment you’d been dreading most: Wanda comes toward you with your favorite cake with candles lit and everybody starts singing.
You know that with being the center of attention you won't be able to get away with not eating and the team would piece things together if you try, having already gone through this years ago.
Honestly, you're a little disappointed nobody had figured it out yet, but not entirely surprised as you told yourself everyone just didn’t care enough.
And why should they when you look the way you do?
Everyone cheers as you blow on the candles, fake smile still going strong. The cake is cut and everyone is enjoying Wanda’s culinary talent. You even manage to eat yours and keep it down without looking disgusted with yourself.
Everything was going great.
You're behind the bar now taking another water bottle from the mini fridge when you accidentally knock over a glass full of straws that was thankfully made of plastic so it didn’t break.
While you're picking up straws you hear footsteps getting close to the bar that hid your kneeling figure and stop what you're doing when you hear Sharon talking about you. Again.
"And did you see how she’s dressed to her own party? No wonder Bucky’s been staying as far away as possible all night." she's basically whispering, but it's still loud enough for you to hear.
"I know, he’s probably ashamed of her. Wouldn’t surprise me if he dumped her tonight." the two girls giggle the sound seems to snap you out of your trance.
You get up so fast you scare Sharon and the other girl, their startled squeals drawing the attention of the rest of the party as everybody prepares for any danger.
But there is no danger, all everybody can see is two mortified looking agents and you with tears in your eyes that you don't even feel starting to fall.
The whole team is worried sick, everybody getting closer to the bar, but Bucky is the one that's at your side before you can even think about blinking the tears away.
"What’s wrong, baby?" he looks so worried, almost like he himself is about to cry at the mere thought of you being in pain.
But that can't be it, that's not what you're seeing.
He's probably just embarrassed you're being overly emotional for no apparent reason, and that look in his eyes is him getting ready to break up with you right here and now.
At that thought you can literally feel the cake you just ate coming back up and all you can do is run as fast as you could towards the nearest bathroom with a very concerned Bucky running after you after silently agreeing with Steve with a single look that he’ll be the one to check on you.
You make it to the toilet just in time to unload, barely registering two hands taking your hair and holding it away from your face.
You finish vomiting and clean your mouth with some toilet paper before throwing it in and flushing it, shuffling your body backwards until your back hits the tub and you close your eyes while resting your head back against it.
You feel your hair falling back down on your shoulders and can make out the sound of the faucet running for a few seconds before you feel a wet towel gently brushing your cheeks and mouth.
You open your eyes and are met with Bucky kneeling in front of you, seemingly examining every inch of your face to try and understand what’s going on.
Before he can ask you for what felt like the thousandth time though, you can't hold yourself back anymore.
"Please don’t leave me." your voice is weak enough already from all the vomiting and the sobs that start coming in certainly don't help.
Tears start to fall like waterfalls but you don't let any of that stop you from going on. "I know I said I didn’t need you, but I do. I need you so much more than you could ever know."
Bucky wraps his arms around you and he's more than relieved when you don't pull away for the first time in weeks.
Instead, you cling to him as you keep pleading with him not to leave you in between broken sobs while he moves you to sit curling on his lap.
Bucky’s heart breaks for you and he wonders if this was how you felt everytime you comforted him, feeling even more in awe of you now that he knows how hard it was to see the person you love like this.
All he wants is to make you feel better and take away all your pain, but he had no idea how.
When you show no signs of calming down after several minutes he decides to try to talk you down, hoping not to make things worse.
"Doll, I need you to calm down." he tries to pull away just enough to look you in the eyes, but you just hug him tighter, almost terrified that he's just gonna get up and leave forever if you let go and you start getting more agitated by the second. 
!Baby, please try to take deep breaths." he's trying really hard not to panic himself now. "I’m not leaving, I promise. I’m staying right here with you, but you need to calm down, please."
Maybe it's because he's basically begging you, maybe it's because of the panic and concern you think you can hear in his voice or maybe it's his grip getting impossibly tight on you that grounds you, but your brain seems to clear just enough to give your body the command and you start trying to take deep breaths.
When you loosen your hold on Bucky he grabs one of your hands and puts it on his chest right over his heart, the steady beating giving you something to concentrate on as you try your best to copy his breathing. 
It takes a few more minutes but you calm down, tears still falling silently down your cheeks while Bucky rubs your back with his metal hand, his other warm hand still over yours on his chest.
"I’m sorry I’m such a mess…" Your voice sounds foreign to your own ears, quiet, full of sadness and desperation.
This isn’t you.
This isn’t the confident, strong woman that kicked ass and defended Bucky even to your own family from day one.
What happened to you?
Unbeknownst to you, Bucky's asking himself the same question.
What happened to the sweet, bright girl that offered him a hug after five seconds of knowing him? The girl that calmed him down from a panic attack and kept him company through the night even after knowing about his past?
The girl that let him hang onto her like a koala and allowed him to let it all out? The girl that was patient with him, understanding and never once judged him, no matter how broken she’d seen him?
He really can't think of anything that could've happened to break you this much, to bring you to basically have a meltdown on a bathroom floor.
But whatever it was he needs to know now, and he's more determined than ever to find out.
"Doll, you’re not a mess. You’re hurting, I can see it. We all can. And I know you’re strong, but everybody needs help once in a while. Whatever’s been happening, you don’t have to go through it alone. Just like you didn’t let me go through anything alone. You were always there for me, you’re always there for everybody." he pauses and you take the moment to spiral further.
This is the only reason why he’s still with you. You were there for him, you cared and comforted him. So he feels the need to stay with you because Bucky’s loyal, no matter what his feelings actually are.
But he’s gonna fall in love one day with someone, and what is that gonna mean for you? He’s gonna leave you to be with the person he actually wants, loyalty or not. Your fall down the rabbit hole is stopped by Bucky’s voice.
"Please let me be there for you. This is killing me, watching you do this to yourself. Please tell me what’s going on, baby, because you’re scaring me so fucking much. Please." he finishes in a whisper.
Before you can even properly process his words, you feel a tear that's not yours fall on your cheek, making your eyes widen and you look up to see Bucky already looking down at you with tears rolling down his cheeks.
Your hand goes up to his face automatically and you feel him lean into it. You sit up straighter on his lap, leaning in to rest your forehead against his and closing your eyes while willing yourself to stop the tears long enough so you can talk.
Bucky doesn't push you, finding comfort in your touch after having missed it for what, in his opinion, is too damn long.
"I’m sorry… I just…" you don't even know how to start to explain it.
Bucky can see you're having a hard time finding the words, so he tries to help by saying "You don’t need to rush it, doll. I don’t want to push you to talk about something you clearly don’t want to... But I’ve just been so worried. You’ve been pushing everyone away, and you don’t sleep and stay at the gym until you almost pass out. You think that I don’t hear you throwing up, but I do. And, even with all your oversized clothes, I can see how much weight you’ve been losing. It’s killing me, baby, I hate to see you like this. I just want to know why." he kisses the side of your head and you're on the verge of tears again.
Trying hard to hold them back, you force yourself to speak. "I heard some people talking about me…" you start, your voice still quiet, and you go on to tell him everything.
The conversation you overheard, the insecurities that it brought to the surface, the issues you had in the past and the struggle you’ve been having the last few weeks.
By the end of it Bucky he doesn't know what to feel. He's enraged, worried sick, sad at how miserable you’ve been. Just to name a few.
But more than anything he's heartbroken at how much you’ve been questioning your relationship with him and his love for you. He's devastated to think that everytime he told you how much he loves you, you doubted him and convinced yourself he was lying.
And the worst part is he has no idea how to change your mind.
Is there anything he can say that you won’t doubt? Anything he can do to show you how much you mean to him? Probably not, but he has to try and make you understand.
Your eyes are still closed, not daring to see the disappointment in Bucky’s face.
"Baby, look at me." he says firmly but gently enough to not make you think he was in any way mad at you.
He waits patiently until you look at him which, after taking a deep breath, you do and only then he continues while taking your face in his hands "There are so many things I want to tell you right now... but I’ll start with I love you, doll. I love you so much it actually hurts. Maybe we got close because you were nice and patient with me, but that’s not why I love you. I love you because you’re kind and smart and strong and dedicated. You can kick ass like no one else and you’re still the sweetest person I’ve ever met. And I’m almost 100, I’ve met a lot of people." he smiles when he finally gets you to giggle, the first real laugh he’s heard from you in weeks.
"You’re compassionate and understanding and loyal and beautiful beyond compare. I fell in love with you because of who you are, not what you look like. But that doesn’t mean I don’t think you’re pretty, I think you’re gorgeous and I love your body. I love everything about you. Every. Single. Thing." he punctuates every word with a kiss to each of your cheeks and then your nose, making you giggle more. "You think I’d ever leave you? I could never even consider being with someone else. God, you were never even supposed to mean this much to me! I was never supposed to fall so hard... But you know what? I did and that’s the truth, and that’s what keeps me holding on because it hurts like hell to let you go."
You're obviously in tears, not being able to look away from Bucky’s eyes even if you wanted because of his hold on your face, not that you're trying that hard to get away.
You have no words to describe the way you feel, not even being sure if you fully believe him. The look on his face, though, makes you want to believe. Makes you want to tell all the voices in your head to fuck off until the only one left is Bucky’s saying all the things he just said, over and over again.
But can you really let go of them that easily?
"You don’t have to carry this by yourself, doll." Bucky can see your internal struggle. "Lean on me. Let me help you make this easier."
There's nothing but sincerity in his eyes, he can't possibly be that good of an actor to be faking it, right?
So you decide to trust him.
You trust him with your life, why can’t you believe that he really loves you? 
You can. You do.
You will...
"Okay…" You’re basically whispering, still a little worried he’s just pretending and is gonna rip the rug from under you any second now. "I love you, so much. And I want to believe you love me… but it may take me a little while to accept that completely. I’m sorry…"
"You don’t need to apologize, baby. It doesn’t matter how much time it takes, I’m here for all of it. I want nothing more than to help you feel better, starting with helping you love yourself as much as I love you." he wipes your tears with his thumbs before he gives you a soft kiss on the lips. "And not worrying what jealous, unimportant, random people think of you. You’re beautiful inside AND out, don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise. Not even this." He taps the side of your head.
You wrap your arms around his neck and hug him tightly, neither one of you needing to say more at the moment. After a few minutes like this, you’re both done crying and you let go just enough to look at each other.
"Can we go to our room?" you ask him and he nods, letting you get off his lap and then getting up with you.
He doesn’t let you get too far from him while you go to the sink to try and make yourself look decent as he follows you so closely you might think you’re glued to each other.
Your eyes meet in the mirror and he smiles at you, wrapping his arms around your waist, he gives you a kiss on the shoulder before resting his head on it.
You successfully wash off all the makeup you put on for the party, your efforts now ruined by all the crying.
"You’re so pretty." Bucky tells you, his eyes never leaving yours and you smile a real smile this time, turning your head to give him a kiss on the cheek that makes him smile even more.
You get out of the bathroom and you tense up seeing everybody still at the party, your breath hitching in your throat as embarrassment crawls up on you.
You can see the team’s worried looks and the last thing you want right now is to go through the last 40 minutes all over again, in front of everybody.
You just want to go to your room and cuddle up with Bucky, but the super soldier had other plans.
"Can I have everybody’s attention?" you look at him with a frown, but he simply smiled at you and keeps going once the whole room is looking at you two. "It’s been brought to my attention that some of you have some misconceptions about our relationship."
You didn’t tell Bucky who you heard the conversation from, only that it was two agents just in case he might think it was someone on the team, and it almost looks like he's scanning every agent’s face to try and figure out who it was, but he continues nonetheless.
"I’d just like to make it clear for everyone that not only I love this woman more than life itself, but I, and everyone who knows her for that matter, think she’s the best, most caring person I’ve ever met. Not to mention the most attractive, in my ever so humble opinion." he wraps his metal arm around your waist and brings you closer as your face gets redder, and you can see the team chuckling and grinning at Bucky’s possessiveness and your flustered form. "And it’s also absolutely none of your business what happens in our relationship. But, since you’re all here I might as well give you something real to gossip about."
To say you're confused is an understatement. You turn back to him when Bucky’s arm disappear from around you just in time to see him reach into his back pocket, pulling out a ring box and getting down on one knee.
You hear gasps around the room, your own being muffled by your hand in front of your mouth as your eyes grow wide.
"Bucky..." It's barely a whisper to begin with, your hand almost not letting it escape at all.
"Baby, I meant every single thing I’ve said today. I love you so much. I’ve been carrying this around for a couple of months, looking for the right time to do this. But when you started pushing me away I thought maybe you were changing your mind about me. I was terrified and decided to wait, but I realize now if I had done this when I first wanted to, the last few weeks probably wouldn’t have happened. I could’ve saved you so much pain... I don’t know if this is the right time, but I do know that I’ve been ready for a while and right now I honestly can’t think of a better way to show you just how much you really mean to me. So…" he opens the box to reveal a rose gold ring with one big diamond at the center and two smaller ones on each side of it, then he takes your free hand on his. "Doll, will you marry me?"
He can feel you trembling, tears forming in your eyes once more as the whole room seems to hold their breath.
"Yes!" you're finally able to get out and Bucky feels like he can breathe again, happiness spreading throughout his whole body.
You basically throw yourself on him and he catches you with ease, getting up on his feet while you wraps your legs around his waist like a koala.
There's a chorus of cheers, the team immediately gathering around you to congratulate you both.
It feels like too little time when you finally detach from Bucky as he gently put you on the ground before slipping the ring on your finger and kissing it, his eyes never leaving yours, silently telling you he belongs to you and only you.
You’re about to lean in for a kiss when two strong arms pick you up making you squeal, Steve’s laughter in your ear as he says something about finally having a sister-in-law and making everybody laugh.
After a good 15 minutes of hugs left and right, Bucky intervenes.
"Okay, okay, can you please not smother my future wife?" your heart skips a beat when he says that and you're sure you're smiling like an idiot as he makes his way through the team to get to you.
"You know, he actually asked me for my blessing. I told you he cares very much about you." Tony whispers to you while he passes, giving you one last squeeze and a wink before everybody gives you and Bucky a moment.
He wraps his arms around your waist and finally kisses you.
When you pull away you both have big, goofy grins, never wanting this moment to end.
There's no separating you, and now everybody knows it.
Requested taglist: @aesthetic0cherryblossom @buchi91 @sapphirebarnes
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gingiesworld · 6 months
Last Christmas
Natasha Romanoff x GN! Reader
Warnings: Fluff
Taglist : @natashamaximoff-69 @canvascoloredin @wizardofstories @louxbloom @wandanats-goodgirl @the-ox-fan20 @ladyqueenxoxo @aemilia19 @wandaromamoff69 @mfd-101 @dorabledewdroop @marvelogic @dopeyouth @karsonromanoff
It was no secret that Natasha had feelings for Y/N, from the moment they joined the Avengers, her feelings only grew each day. But she started to lose hope when they started to date Sharon Carter, a fellow agent.
Even through their relationship, she remained Y/N’s best friend and confidant. Even through the heart break when they found out that she had cheated on them, with none other than the noble Captain America himself.
“You should tell them how you feel?” Wanda told her as the two got ready for Tony’s annual Christmas Gala.
“I can’t do that Wanda.” She told her. “They would never see me as I see them.”
“You will never know unless you try.” Wanda told her as she finished her make up.
“Let’s just have fun tonight.” Nat told her with a hopeful smile, meanwhile Y/N was already at the bar with Bruce as they watched Sharon carelessly dance with Steve.
“She’s not worth the pain.” Bruce told them as he took their attention.
“I know.” They nodded for the bartender to refill their drinks. “I just, I don’t really care for her anymore.”
“So, is there someone else?” He asked as they gave him a smile.
“There is.” They nodded. “I’m just afraid, I don’t want to just lay my heart out for it to be broken again.”
“You’ll never know unless you try.” He told them as they sipped their drink, their eyes soon catching sight of Nat and Wanda. “It’s either of the girls, and since Wanda is in some sort of companionship with Vision, it would be companionship right? I’m not used to being in social circles.”
“It is.” Y/N laughed.
“So I would say it’s Nat.” He confirmed as the two girls approached.
“What’s Nat?” Wanda asked with a raised brow and a smirk on her face.
“My best friend.” Y/N smiled before looking at the two. “You both look stunning as always.”
“Thank you.” Nat whispered as she accepted the drink Wanda ordered, both watching as Y/N disappeared through the crowd. “What’s wrong with them?” She asked Bruce who just shrugged.
“I am going to say hi to Helen.” He told the two women before walking away.
“What is going on?” Nat asked Wanda who shrugged.
“Go and talk to Y/N.” Wanda pressed on as Nat sighed, finishing her drink before taking the leap. Finding Y/N stood out on the balcony away from the people dancing.
“Y/N, are you ok?” She asked as she stood beside them.
“Yeah.” They told her as their eyes never left the skyline.
“If it’s them two, I can kick their asses if you want.” She told them, making them chuckle.
“It’s not that.” They told her as they looked at her. “I know I should feel pain and hatred towards them but I don’t. In fact I feel free from her.”
“That’s a good thing right?” She questioned as they nodded.
“It is a good thing, but I am scared.” They confided in her. “There is someone who I have had feelings for, for a while. Maybe before I got with Sharon but I am afraid of getting my heart broken again.”
“It’s not really living if we live in fear, is it?” She asked them. “So maybe you just need to take the jump.”
“Yeah.” They nodded as they looked back out again. “You’re right.” Nat was confused the moment their lips collided with hers, but she kissed them back nonetheless.
“I.” She tried to speak when they pulled away.
“It’s you Natasha.” They whispered. “It’s always going to be you.” Nat smiled as she leaned in to kiss them once more, smiles on both of their faces.
“You have no idea how long I have waited to hear those words.” She whispered as their foreheads pressed together. “I have loved you for the longest time, and I am so in love with you.” They pulled her into their arms as they held her close, watching the stars in the sky as the party went on behind them, feeling like it was just the two of them.
Last Christmas, Y/N found themselves heart broken and this Christmas, they found themselves with the one they should have been with all along.
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midnightmayhem13 · 10 months
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me and you from the night before
a morning with the ladies/sleeping with them❕🩶
enjoys my fellow single fucks🩶
carol danvers
carol doesn't accept it but she snores. she wakes up at the ass crack of dawn but is a heavy ass sleeper. she'll put her full body weight on you. she'll hold you close and lay on your boobies/chest. she'll drool on them too. you'll wake up when you feel the bed dip or the warmth of her body gone. but if you don't wake up with her or be there before you're fully conscious, she'll make sure to leave note. but if she sleeps in she'll let out the cutest a and mildly loud snores. she'll be getting that good sleep. her pajama pants will be on her calves and her hair will b a mess. but she'll always look stunning. if you try to leave before her, she'll let out a little 'noooo' and try to keep you on the bed. but sleepy carol will melt with the sweetest little facial kisses.
sharon carter
sharon freaking squeezes you to death while sleeping. you're her teddy bear. for her i feel like she be big spoon but she won't deny being little spoon. she also hold you by the waist and you wrap your arms around her neck. you will literally be tangled in your sleep. and if she gets up before you she'll have hot coffee (or tea) ready. and you guys definitely cool breakfast together. but when she doesn't have anything to do that morning she'll sleep in as long as she wants, and you better stay with her. she gets whiney if you try to leave her on a lazy saturday morning. and she's a calm sleeper, she'll pull you closer occasionally and mutter 'i love you' while unconscious. she doesn't know that but you're okay with it.
darcy lewis
it's very clear that darcy's the biggest cuddle bug ever. she'll wrap her arms and legs around you as if she was going to get blown away if she didn't. she'll nuzzle her head into your neck. omg since she can't see when she wakes up she'll be all dramatic, like she'll rub her hands all over your face and say "where are your lips babe?" and you just laugh and kiss her all over her face. she stares at you and slightly squints if your saying something while having your small morning or late night conversation. i feel like she's a blanket hog too. and she also sleeps on top of you. she's your blanket. she also demands you carry her anywhere when she wakes up. and she'll demand coffee, but sweetly. many kisses
you have no idea when but nebula is always up before you. and she's staring at you. like directly into your soul. she also strokes your hair and just stares at you lovingly while you sleep. but when you're both knocked out she always has an arm around your waist. she'll make sure it's her "real" arm and not the metal one. while sleep though she's very at peace. some times when she can't sleep she'll hold you realy close and wrap your arms around her so you can hold her. she'll knock out if your rub her head softly.
maria hill
big spoon little spoon position 100%. a rather calm sleep but when she's especially tired she'll snore. if she moves in her sleep you'll move with her, bc she's holding you so tight. omg and she always wakes up before you and leaves you a cup of water on your bed side stand so you can drink it first thing in the morning. when she doesn't need to get up early she'll wake you up with kisses so you two can have a date day. she'll love to take a steaming shower with you in the morning. she's also loves when you run your hands through her hair while you try to calm her down after a mission or nightmare
kate bishops
i feel like kate starfishes in bed. like you two sleep all over the bed but are still touching in some kinda of way. blanket thief fs. she also rolls in her sleep and will end up on top of you. her hair gets messy while she sleeps and you two wear matching pajamas. lucky sleeps with you two adding to the tangled mess on the bed. when it gets hot it's tank tops and shorts and a bunch of fans. even luckyy gets hot. sometimes both of them kick you. and when luckys on top of either of you that person cannot move no matter what. and the other person just gets up and laughs while going to prepare lunch, bc you guys sleep in. but in the mornings kate gets up very hesitantly and a little grumpy.
a/n wrote this after getting up at 2pm🩶
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sosa2imagines · 6 months
I know where I belong part 2
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----------------------------------------------------- Warning- Angst and flashbacks ----------------------------------------------------- Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 -----------------------------------------------------
Flashback- Steve was over the moon when he got his dance but when Peggy told him she has moved on, even though he knows he was still angry. She asked him about his present life and he truthfully told her everything and she was happy for him. Steve was angry his mind played tricks on him, if he was still single or chose a different path maybe he could have been with Peggy but sadly he was still Captain America and your boyfriend. So when he came back he was angry. That is until one day on his stroll he bumped into Sharon who was quick to bat her lashes and apologize and Steve's mind dick forgave her. They started to meet daily. For the first few days it was harmless glancing at each other, touching and holding hands. Later on it turn into flirting and finally one day Sharon kissed him and one thing led to another. So he did got a Carter to start his life with though not Peggy but Sharon. As for Sharon? Steve was the stepping stone to rise in her career. So he started avoiding you hoping you'll break up with him. What he didn't expect was for you to find out and to his surprise slap him and break Sharon's nose. Everyone warned him not to enter the tower especially with his side chick.
Present time- All the pent up emotions were out the moment you saw Bucky. He held you tight in his brace while you cried your heart out. "How can he do this to me Bucky? Did I do something wrong? Why Buck why?" you broke into his arms as he held you tight. "No doll you didn't do anything Steve is an idiot I'll kick his ass and bring him back to you." "No Bucky" you shook your head and Bucky looked at you in confusion rubbing your back to comfort you. "Doll?" Struggling somehow you manage to talk "H..he..he said he l..loves her and she is a Carter" "What?" Bucky looked down at your head, eyebrows furrowing as he tried to make sense of the situation in disbelief that his friend actually said something so disgusting to you. "Did he really said that?" "Yes" you whispered too tired to talk. After crying for hours in Bucky's arms he finally managed to put you to sleep Bucky's own eyes were teary. Looking at your sleeping form Bucky's heart broke completely. He felt guilty for not being there for you when you needed him the most. He was angry on himself, on Steve and fucking Sharon! It was painful for him to see you like this. You were the light in his life, he hated to see you hurt and in pain.
His mind wandered to the day when he had met you for the first time. Steve had introduced you both. He remembers how your small hand fit in his large one. How soft your skin felt and so beautiful. You didn't looked at him like he is a vulnerable person, you were just you. For you he was Bucky, not Sergeant, not Winter Solider, only Bucky. As you both got to know each other more, you both became best of friends, almost inseparable. You both would even joke about Winter Solider without being offended. You would hold his metal hand with ease and he didn't mind a bit, in fact you made him feel more confident. Even when some were scared of him or just made sure not to piss him off, you were carefree not giving a damn, and he would happily comply to you. Slowly he was becoming the old 40s confident womanizer Bucky, except the fact that the new him was shy. So he was no longer a womanizer only a confident but shy Bucky. And he would never forget how you stood by him during the fight and when he was in Wakanda. Your smile, laughter and the positive vibe was what kept him going on.
And now it was his turn to look after you. He vowed he'll do anything to make you happy again, to protect you at all cost especially from Steve. He would do anything to make you smile and laugh, he silently promise to bring the light back in your life.
So next day he decided to pay a visit to Steve. "Bucky?" Bucky didn't say anything just barged inside, he also ignored the look Sharon was giving him. "When did you come back?" Steve asks surprised seeing him. "Not long to know you have started thinking with your dick" "She told you huh?" Steve scoffed. "Yeah if only she was in that condition! Do you even realize what you have done?" Bucky yelled. "Oh please Barnes it's not like she's your girl" Sharon roll her eyes "Shut up I'm not talking to you in fact I don't talk to trash at all" Bucky growled when Sharon tried to speak up, Sharon's face screwed up in an ugly scowl. "Don't talk to her like that" Bucky was shocked furrowing his brows to see Steve defending her, has he completely lost it? "Then tell her not to interfere" Steve looked at Sharon silently pleading her to go inside and she did throwing her arms up in the air. "Do you even know what she is going through? she is blaming herself you idiot" Steve felt bad but he quickly diminished the feeling shaking his head. "Because of her I couldn't be with Peggy" Steve whined and Bucky looked at Steve like he has grown three heads. "What the hell are you talking about?" "No it's not about Peggy I knew she had moved on but I was angry that she accepted my present life without being upset" "So is it Y/n's fault?" Bucky asks in disbelief looking at his friend. "I know it's not her fault! Look I'm still trying to figure out what I want ok? You can understand" "Understand what Steve? Sharon cheated on you!" Bucky reminded him. "You don't know her like I do!" "Are you sure?" Bucky scoffed. "We clicked ok. I know her better after all she is a Carter!"
Bucky was in a dilemma whether to beat the shit out of him or not. He wanted to hit him but the things Steve did for him made Bucky not to hit him. Bucky was annoyed, angry as hell, he shook his head and punch the wall next to him with his metal hand. But than his mind flashed your image the hurt and pain you were in so he turn around and broke Steve's nose with his flash hand. "You'll regret this Steve and stay the hell away from Y/n." All Steve could say was sorry and he is happy with Sharon, Bucky chuckled at his stupidity "one cheater got another cheater no wonder you two make quite the couple or rather 'one broken nose got another broken nose'" yes he had seen Sharon's broken nose. And with that he left Steve alone.
As for Bucky his only mission was to heal your heart, protect you and fill your life with happiness and love?
---------------------------------------------------------------------------(Part 2 is here lovely people hope you guys enjoy and feedback is as always appreciated. I know I'm taking time with this one but I really want it to be good for Bucky he deserves lots of love and I have planned nice things for him 😘❤️) ----------------------------------------------------- Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 ----------------------------------------------------- TAGLIST- @sapphirebarnes @vicmc624 @cjand10 -----------------------------------------------------
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agentofteamvaliant · 9 months
Feminist Quotes From Marvel, Harry Potter, and the Arrowverse:
"I know my value. Anyone else's opinion doesn't really matter." - Peggy Carter
"I'm a doctor, not a dame." - Jemma Simmons
"I'm stronger than you know..." - Daisy Johnson
"How about I do you a favor and not tell anyone that a tiny little Asian woman kicked your ass?" - Melinda May
"Even if the whole world is telling you to move, it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye, and say 'No, you move'" - Sharon Carter
"I have nothing to prove to you." - Carol Danvers
"It's time we stand up for what's right." - Gamora
"I'm sorry. Did I step on your moment?" - Natasha Romanoff
"I can't control their fear, only my own." - Wanda Maximoff
"No, I'm not. I'm hoping to do some good in the world." - Hermione Granger
"Being different isn't a bad thing. It means you're brave enough to be yourself." - Luna Lovegood
"Anything's possible if you've got enough nerve." - Ginny Weasley
"Even if it's hard, if you face it you can conquer anything." - Alex Danvers
"If the government wants to stop me from helping people, let them try." - Kara Danvers
"The greatest gift we can give each other is our authentic selves and sharing that. Sharing our truth is what makes us strong." - Nia Nal
"I can absolutely be the hero of my life." - Felicity Smoak
"(The) Future isn't always what it seems. We decide what it gets to be." - Iris West-Allen
"I've got a diploma to prove it." - Caitlin Snow
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imposterogers · 1 year
you obviously don’t have to answer because I’m not trying to stir anything but I’m just curious what did Hayley Atwell do to Emily VanCamp? I’ve never heard about this before reading your tags 😬
first off -- I am not an expert on this. I just heard about it a few years ago, and have been side-eyeing her since -- but essentially hayley just had a huge issue with the character of sharon carter (but only after emily was cast) and was VERY vocal about it. in interviews, on twitter, during cons..... in this interview someone asked if sharon will have a bigger part in marvel and she replied: "NO absolutely not", and then said peggy would crawl out of her grave and kick steve's ass for kissing sharon (and later called it incestuous). obviously none of this is a direct attack on emily, but it did make emily's experience in the fandom a Lot worse from backlash. 
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supercap2319 · 1 year
Tony when his son tells him that steve cheated on him and bucky
Tony: “That Bi bitch! Who is he? Let’s kick his ass, then we kick Steve’s ass. No one breaks my son’s heart and gets away with it.”
Y/N: “It’s Sharon Carter.”
Tony: “Good. Let’s go kick her ass.”
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super-hero-confessions · 11 months
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Excellent comparison for the whole Sharon Carter 'situation' and why Hayley Atwell was dead wrong to react how she did.
Outrageous Fortune.
The actual situation between Cheryl, her daughter Pascal, and her then boyfriend Judd.
Pascal sleeps with Judd while her mom is in jail. And it's not something they think about in depth, it's not something done because they want to hurt Cheryl. And because Judd is actually supposed to be her boyfriend at the time, she's reasonably upset.
Reasonably, she blames Judd more than Pascal and  while upset with her she never goes out of her way to villainize either of them in the end or try to control what they do. You know why? Well, for one, she's a grown adult woman as are they who even when being stubborn and petty, still acts for the most part as a mature adult.
And because Pascal is her daughter who she raised and cares about, more so than some guy she dated despite the fact that she's a hot mess and shared a stillborn with said guy.
A guy who lots of people would write off as being a scumbag, the show actually makes it clear that no one is purely good or bad. It's from 2006 initially, and has more nuance and empathy about actual toxic and trash people than anything I've seen in a long time. Which is saying something because some would say certain aspects are dated and some certainly are but I think they definitely add appropriately within context and the expectation of imperfection.
Pascal. When I saw this event, I was immediately reminded of Sharon Carter and the way Hayley Atwell reacted (despite having no legitimate reason to react that way at all) and how she encouraged an already toxic fandom that was targeting hate and bullying towards people who didn't deserve it over literally nothing and no claim (so basically misogyny over Sharon existing and not being played by her, cause she loved Staron if she got to be Sharon so its not just a Steggy 'entitled to her opinion' thing).
Except the show did something different. It makes it clear they did the wrong thing. It makes it clear they understand this and are sorry for it, but in actuality still have feelings for each other. And Cheryl, being a sometimes reasonable mother first and foremost doesn't encourage people to hate them or bully her daughter or even try to get back with Judd.
She lets them go.
Judd leaves and Pascal goes with, and Cheryl accepts it and moves on because her number one priority isn't whether she gets to be with the guy. It's whether her kids are happy. Which is how a mother or just any good family member would feel about an even remotely similar situation. Or just a good person in general. You can't force someone who has chosen to move on to love you, and more importantly, why would you want to?
And that's something, because we can recognize that Judd and Pascal actually did do something wrong and still got to be humanized in the end, by the person they'd wronged.
But Steve and Sharon never did a single damn thing wrong. Steve never dated her aunt and was single. Sharon pretty much just existed, was a kick ass Agent, and got Steve's attention. But they weren't allowed to breathe let alone be viewed as human within context or not. Emily especially who got interview warranting hate with the encouragement of fans to be nasty and spiteful in Peggy's name, for Hayley Atwell, still continuing.
People got hurt in real life because this woman couldn't accept that Steve wasn't her slave to control, or that he could find love well beyond her just as Peggy was supposed to have done.
Oh, and because she didn't get to play Sharon. With her in a blonde with as Sharon? Staron was perfectly acceptable and 'true love'. But with Emily as Sharon? Hmm.
Unjustifiably obviously biased.
Sharon and Steve were never the problem. Them being together wasn't a problem. Not even Peggy was a problem.
Hayley Atwell. Is the problem.
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mthofferings · 8 months
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See uofmdragon’s existing works here.
Preferred contact methods: Tumblr: uofmdragon Discord: yooperdragon
Preferred organizations: - ALA "Unite Against Book Bans" Campaign - Clean Air Task Force - Coalition for Rainforest Nations - National Network of Abortion Funds - Room to Read (See the list of approved organizations here)
Will create works that contain: I love writing AUs (except Coffee Shop) and mixing AUs, Happy Ending! Get together! Self-Esteem issues, A problem to be solved, Realistic Deaf!Clint, Kickass Women, a bit of angst, Found family
Will not create works that contain: Permanent Character Death, Rape, Abuse, Not great at writing sex, I’ll try, but nothing really kinky; Mpreg; Dark Fic, Coffee Shop AU, Fury is Evil, genderswap, non/dub con, water sports, scat, etc. mpreg, Any villain randomly being good. Dumb/Child!Clint or any character being dumb, Character Bashing of any sorts
  -- Fic or Other Writing --
Auction ID: 1043
Will create works for the following relationships: Carol Danvers/Jessica Drew - 616, MCU Peggy Carter/Natasha Romanov - What If..? Kate Bishop/America Chavez - 616 Wanda Maximoff/Natasha Romanov - MCU Daisy Johnson/Jemma Simmons - MCU Pepper Potts/Natasha Romanov - MCU Peggy Carter/Angie Martinelli - MCU Carol Danvers/Valkyrie - MCU Maria Hill/Natasha Romanov - MCU Sharon Carter/Natasha Romanov - MCU
Work Description: Want some a fic with one of your favorite Marvel Women? Want two of your favorite Marvel Women to kiss? Just want them to kick ass? This is your chance for a woman centric fic! Women are going to be the primary characters. Which women? What ships? That's up to you! Well, mostly up to you, because there's some ships I don't want to write, so please check with me if its not on the above list. I'm most familiar with the MCU and some of the cartoons. I love writing AUs. I will guarantee 1k words, though this will be the third year I'm offering this and I have yet to go under 3k. I'm going to do your prompt justice and if we find one that tickles me then it could be much longer. Please check my do not wants list as well. Max rating will be mature and will be along the cut to black. If you're not sure if your idea is something that I would write, please feel free to contact about an idea before bidding. Winning bidder will get access to fic before posting and will have one week to request changes, before being posted to public.
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
-- Fic or Other Writing --
Auction ID: 2029
Will create works for the following relationships: Clint Barton/Phil Coulson - 616, AvAc, AA, EMH, MCU Bucky Barnes/Natasha Romanov - 616, MCU Clint Barton-centric - 616, AvAc, AA, EMH, MCU Phil Coulson-centric - 616, AvAc, MCU Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov - 616, AvAc, AA, EMH, MCU Clint Barton & Kate Bishop - 616, MCU
Work Description: 5k minimum for an AU of your choice. With one main Friendship and/or Relationship to be focused on and other side friendships/relationships to be discussed. AU must be something I’m familiar with. I have ideas for a lot of ClintCoulson stuff, which include - Dinosaur Western, Star Wars: X-Wing, and College Football. If any of these strike your fancy, I guarantee it'll be well over 5k. Main relationship is limited to those listed above, but I’m willing to discuss alternative side relationships (no incest, no villain/hero). Max rating to be determined by the winning bidder, but author reserves the right to go under that rating based on pairing/tropes/if it works for the story. If you're not sure if your idea is something that I would write, please feel free to contact about an idea before bidding. Winning bidder will get access to fic before posting and will have one week to request changes. **ClintCoulson with any of the above AUs will mostly likely be more than 5k. Other AUs and pairings may go over as well.**
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
-- Fic or Other Writing --
Auction ID: 2026
Will create works for the following relationships: Clint Barton/Phil Coulson - 616, AvAc, AA, MCU Bucky Barnes/Natasha Romanov - 616, MCU Carol Danvers/James "Rhodey" Rhodes - 616, MCU Lucky-centric - 616, AvAc, MCU Goose-centric - MCU Jeff the Land Shark-centric - 616 Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov - 616, AvAc, AA, EMH, MCU Avengers fandom any gen - MCU Clint Barton-centric - 616, AvAc, AA, EMH, MCU Phil Coulson-centric - 616, AvAc, AA, MCU
Work Description: This is for a series of ficlets that will range from 1-3k. It could be a bunch of random prompts, it could be a string of connected fics. It could focus on only one pairing/character or it could be multiple POVs. I am willing to expand beyond what's listed above, but the majority should come from the above unless you speak with me first. For $10, you get three ficlets. For every additional $5 between $15 and $40, you get another ficlet (So 4 for $15 and 9 for $40) For $50 you get 10 ficlets and every $10 after you get another ficlet up to 16 ficlets for $100. Possible ideas: -One situation, Multiple POVs -A relationship through the year -Stages of a relationship -Same pairing, different AU -5+1 idea (would most likely require 6 ficlets) Each ficlet will be delivered to the winner only. The winner will have one week to request changes before posting. Podbidding is allowed for this one, but all in the pod should be in agreement on the prompts. All members of the pod will included on each ficlet when posted to AO3.
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
The auction runs from October 22 (12 AM ET) to October 28 (11:59:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
Complicated ❤
Set after The Winter Soldier.
Summary; Steve and y/n are thrust into a new world together. All they have is The Avengers and each other for the first three years but with Peggy alive, Bucky back and their feelings for each other growing stronger things are way too complicated.
Warnings; Angst with a happy ending.
Request by; @golden-wander
Likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated ❤ I do not give anyone permission to copy my work. ❤
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Steve Rogers was the only person in the world who had been through the same things she had.
They both lost Bucky, who was her fiancee back in the '40s and Steve's best friend.
Both of them were thrust into a world that they didn't know. From the '40s to the year 2011. For three years they became close, all they needed was each other.
Peggy was still alive, y/n had been to visit her with Steve a lot and to make things more complicated Bucky had come back.
He was an asset to the team after turning on Hydra and joining The Avengers. Her history with Bucky though was very well known among the team.
When Bucky fell from the train she was devastated, she had no idea he was captured by Hydra and brainwashed and tortured into being The Winter Soldier.
When they met again she was confused by her feelings, she was ecstatic that he was alive but at the same time he treated her like he barely knew her, even when his memories did come back.
She was his fiancee once upon a time. Did she mean so little to him?
Then there was Steve. Steve who had been her rock. Steve who she was falling in love with but he still loved Peggy and had a fling with Sharon.
Carter women were hard to forget. She should know, Peggy was one of her best friends back in the 40s and she adored her still.
Today she was visiting Peggy and her mood was low, Bucky was making eyes at Natasha who looked like she wanted to kick his ass at every moment and Steve was being a sweetheart which caused her feelings to deepen.
As much as she kept her spirits up Peggy was always able to tell when she was upset and takes her hand.
"Darling what's wrong?". Tears roll down her cheeks and she can't meet Peggy's eyes. How does she tell Peggy that she loves Steve? It would feel like a betrayal wouldn't it?
"You'll hate me". She whispers and Peggy softens squeezing her hand.
"I could never, ever hate you, love. Tell me?". She sighs and begins to explain how she and Steve have gotten so close over the last three years, about Bucky and how he is making eyes at Natasha.
"It doesn't even bother me that much Peggy because I... I've fallen in love with Steve". She expects Peggy to yell at her, be mad, and tell her to get out but she doesn't.
No, she just looks at her with those kind brown eyes and softens.
"Oh, darling, why don't you tell him?". This makes her cry harder because Peggy is being so lovely.
"I can't Peggy, I'm scared. He still loves you. He doesn't love me. I know that". She tells her and Peggy frowns.
"I think you should tell him, we all need someone in this unknown world, someone to love us".
He doesn't feel the same though so what is the point in telling him and ruining their friendship?
Speaking of Steve he comes in staring between her and Peggy, looking at the tears in her eyes.
"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" Shit! She didn't expect him to be here, she knows he visits Peggy but she didn't realise it was today.
"I'm fine". She kisses Peggy on the cheek and hurries out away from Steve.
"What are you doing you, idiot! Go after her!". Peggy snaps to Steve who moves into action.
Steve follows her inside as she heads into the compound.
"You should have stayed with Peggy Steve". She tells him and he shakes his head.
"Peggy told me to go after you, I'm worried sweetheart. What's wrong?". Fuck, was he really going to make her say it?
"Steve, you know what's between us. You can feel it. I'm sure you can because I do. I'm in love with you".
"I know you will never reciprocate my feelings but even if you do I will never be your first choice Steve. Peggy is, how the hell can I compete with Peggy?".
He moves closer to her and cups her cheeks, wiping away the tears.
"Yes i did love Peggy and I still love her. Believe it or not y/n even you love Bucky a little even now. You know why, because it's not possible for anyone to erase the love they felt for a person who was so special to them".
Steve moves closer to her and his eyes settle on her lips, she's mesmerized by him.
"But you know what else is possible?". She's confused and wants to know what he means, moving closer to him.
"What's possible Steve?". His blue eyes fill with reverence and it makes her heart skips a beat.
"To fall in love once again. To love someone even if you are unsure if they will ever feel your love. Unsure If they will ever love you back".
Her mind is racing does that me he loves her? He still loves Peggy though. Was she just some sort of rebound?
"So you'll always love Peggy?". He groans and runs his hands through his hair.
"Seriously y/n? I pour my feelings out to you and that's what you get from that? Shit, do you know how hard it is to hide my feelings from you? How guilty I feel because you were Buck's girl back in the day and I wrestle with not telling you what you mean to me".
"What do I mean to you?". She asks him and he hesitates for a minute which makes her heart sink. Just as she is about to give up and turn away he pulls her back.
Then he kisses her fiercely.
"I love you, I'm in love with you y/n and I want to be with you". He tells her and then he kisses her again.
Unbeknownst to her and Steve, Bucky and Tony are watching. Tony agape.
"Well about time and hey Capsicol has a girlfriend now, honestly thought he would still be a virgin forever".
Bucky shrugs.
"I thought that back in the day but once he became Cap he was a ladies magnet, only had eyes for Peggy though, so they weren't serious".
Tony sighs.
"Better leave the lovebirds to it, Barnes, come on". They leave Steve and y/n kissing, both of them happy that the two of them have finally admitted how they feel.
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themculibrary · 1 year
Fics With Titles That Start With K Masterlist
Links Last Checked: May 22nd, 2024
part two
Kaleidoscope Heart (ao3) - sheron steve/tony T, 16k
Summary: Two years after their Civil War, the Avengers are reconciled, and Steve and Tony have made it work together. But it seems even as they look to the future, the past isn't done with them yet.
Karma's A Fake Orgasm (ao3) - daisymondays steve/bucky E, 51k
Summary: There’s another abandoned mug, festering with mould in the living room — Steve offically has the world's worst roommates. And complains about them. Often. Bucky, tired of his lack of action, decides it’s time to avenge Steve's sleepless nights and unsanitary conditions once and for all. They’ll pretend to be the world’s most annoying couple: excessive PDA, loud fake sex, and general repugnance. The plan sounds easy enough; it will be strictly platonic. Or will it?
keeping me keeping you keeping me warm (ao3) - ghoultown wanda/vision T, 6k
Summary: The Vision wakes up in a field, someplace. His skin is white. He knows what he’s meant to do.
It is hard to warm up your wife when you seem to be made of ice.
Keep Me Warm (ao3) - celeste9 T, 1k
Summary: Clint and Natasha end up stuck in an Austrian safehouse when their evac is delayed due to inclement weather.
keep me warm when Mondays and Tuesdays grow cold (ao3) - OriginalCeenote sam/steve, clint/barton E, 19k
Summary: Sam could never deny Steve Rogers anything. Help interrogate a HYDRA mole inside SHIELD? Check. Fly as Steve’s wing man to stop three Helicarriers? Check. Give the Captain and his partner a place to lay low while HYDRA is trying to kill them? Check. Cover Steve’s six after an assassin rips out the steering wheel of his car while Sam’s driving it? Check.
So  maybe instead of making Sam look good in front of the girl at the VA reception desk, Steve decides to cover for Sam when they run into his ex while they’re running errands. Because maybe Steve Rogers couldn’t deny Sam Wilson anything either.
Kestrel in Distress (ao3) - bioloyg sam/bucky E, 17k
Summary: There’s a price to pay for being friends with the former Winter Soldier, but Steve was unavailable for comment so Sam’s ass is the one that ends up being kidnapped. And if that’s not bad enough, these guys expect Sam to roll over and give Bucky, and all his secrets, up without a fight. Sam may hate the way Bucky sticks his spoon in the sugar after it’s been in his coffee, but he’s not about to throw a fellow vet under the bus. Not for his own life or anyone else’s. ~ "Sam lets a sharp breath out of his nose and squeezes his eyes shut until phosphenes explode behind his eyelids. He needs to keep a positive attitude. The moment he shows weakness to anyone, even himself, is the moment this all goes downhill. As if it isn’t downhill already, Sam grumbles internally."
Kick at the Darkness 'Til it Bleeds Daylight (ao3) - NyxEtoile, OlivesAwl sharon/steve M, 6k
Summary: Sharon Carter finally drew her gaze away from whatever spot in the middle distance had interested her so. She gave her partner a look as if she'd scraped him off her shoe, then turned to Steve and her face went blank again. She held out her hand, showing Steve a very official looking piece of paper. "Orders from the UN Security Council. We need to confiscate the listed Avenger related weapons."
He didn't need to take it to read it. "You want my shield?" he asked. Also Sam's wings. Not, he noticed, Stark's suit.
"All listed weapons," she repeated neutrally.
Kick Off Your Sunday Shoes (ao3) - leiascully natasha/steve M, 38k
Summary: Natasha thought it was a shame that Steve had never been dancing (among other things).
Kids Will Be Kids (ao3) - GoringWriting loki/tony, steve/bucky N/R, 64k
Summary: The Avengers have been invited to Asgard to a feast in their honor. Too bad they don't know a feast on Asgard lasts for several days. Days that Loki spends vanishing to places unknown. Will the avengers care enough to find out where their unwanted member is or will Loki manage to keep his kids a secret from them.
Kingdom Come (ao3) - soniclipstick (veriscence) clint/phil, steve/tony, past clint/bobbi E, 85k
Summary: Clint can't let go of his guilt, Phil knows something isn't right about his resurrection, and everybody knows Nick Fury lies.
There's an epic love story in there somewhere, if only Clint and Phil could look up from their wallowing and see what they have right in front of their eyes.
Hawkguy-616-MCU mash up. Beware the continuity.
Kings of Everything (ao3) - glittercake sam/bucky M, 6k
Summary: Twenty-five years after the events at a popular New York Bistro, Timothy DumDum Dugan tells the true story of infamous mobster Jimmy Buchanan and the man he gave it all up for.
Kings Of Treason (ao3) - shatteredhourglass bucky/clint E, 27k
Summary: Top-tier SHIELD agents Clint Barton and Bucky Barnes are benched for the foreseeable future. Hijinks ensue, resulting in terrible hipster cafes, spilled orange juice, a distinct sense of loneliness, jealousy, laser tag, and a truly terrible idea to bet on who can seduce that hot redhead from Stark Industries first.
Kissed by a Muse (ao3) - iam93percentstardust bucky/tony E, 62k
Summary: Two years ago, Bucky returned home from the war, disillusioned, injured, and angry. Two months ago, he started working at Rogers Records, recording other bands when all he wants is for his band to be the one performing. Two minutes ago, he ran into a mysterious stranger at the grocery store who argued with him over the last box of Eggos, kissed him, and ran off with the waffles.
And now he can't stop thinking about him.
Bucky sees him everywhere: on the album cover he's recording, walking by his sound booth. And then, as he's staying late at work one night, he hears someone singing down the hall. But that can't be right - because that's his song, one that he's never performed for anyone. He isn't really surprised though to find that it's the stranger who kissed him in the grocery store that night. Only someone who can seemingly appear and disappear like this stranger can could possibly be singing a song he's never sung for anyone.
The stranger offers him a chance: a chance to get his life back on track, to perform for the owner of the biggest record company in the world, a chance to get his band back and make it big. With an offer like that, how could Bucky refuse?
kisses make everything better (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor steve/bucky G, 816
Summary: When Bucky comes home from work early one evening, ranting about how much he hates alpha's, Steve knows there's only one way to shut him up...
Kiss Her Once For Me (ao3) - perfectlystill mj/peter T, 11k
Summary: “Why would you want to pretend to be my boyfriend?”
His smile grows. “I really like those cheesy holiday movies. Always wanted to be part of one. So really, you’d be doing me a favor, too.”
Kiss The Girl (ao3) - mzkokie sharon/steve G, 5k
Summary: Steve and Sharon go on their first date, but with the music playing and two birds whispering in their ears, will it turn into a disaster?
Kittens and Puppies (ao3) - Daretodream66 steve/bucky T, 5k
Summary: Steve saves a kitten and Bucky is the vet that he takes her to. Clint and Natasha are matchmakers.
Kludged Together (ao3) - Veldeia steve/tony T, 13k
Summary: When he cut his morning jog short to join Tony Stark on a reconnaissance mission off the East Coast, Steve sure wasn’t expecting to end up stuck on a life raft in the middle of the ocean, his hand knuckle-deep in Stark's chest.
know you like an inside joke (ao3) - spidermanhomecomeme mj/peter E, 7k
Summary: “You know what I think we should do?” MJ suddenly asks, propping herself up on her elbow—albeit, still unsettled, looking dangerously close to flopping forward.
“What?” Peter dares to ask, his stomach flipping.
“I think we should make out,” she says as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
Which, yes, Peter can wholeheartedly agree with that.
As far as he’s concerned, it’s the greatest idea that anyone’s ever had. Ever.
know your devils and your deeds (ao3) - irnan pepper/tony T, 3k
Summary: fifteen simple rules for dating Pepper Potts.
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midnightmayhem13 · 10 months
hi midnight!! 💜💜 I love ur hcs and I was hoping (if u have the time) u’d write something for Dress, who’s wearing the dress and who’s taking it off 👀 reader or one of the ladies + if u want cause I love a flustered woman 😍 how they’d react to helping you get dress whether they’re helping zip up the dress or putting a necklace on for u
love this idea enjoy❕🩶 ladies helping w a dress or necklace
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carol danvers
carol isn't very used to seeing people in such fancy clothes. other than maybe royal alien she's never been around such elegancy. but when she see yours putting on the most beautiful dress she's probably ever seen, her jaw drop. big bold captain danvers will turn into a pile of mush. she feels as if she's standing before a goddess when shes watching you get ready for a gala. when you ask her to help you zip up your dress she's gets nervy omg. she'll respond with a breathy "y-yeah" and she's so gentle with the zipper and you. she knows how strong she is so she doesn't want to break the fragile zipper. she make sure non of the fabric gets caught too. she'll be very focused. when she's done she'll wrap her arms around you and tell you how beautiful you look.
sharon carter
sharon buys you jewelry because she got the money and she loves showing you off. and when she sees you get ready for a date or a night out she literally almost drools. she craves you and your body and your moans. but she also cant help but think you look absolutely beautiful. she'll watch you change (she's a lil perv) and just smirk until you huff and ask for her help. she'll get up from her spot where she was watching you from behind, and let out a chuckles and "of course baby" she'll kiss your kick while she does it and leaves hickies as if to mark you as her own. and sharon can't wait to rip the dress off of you later that night.
darcy lewis
when she sees you wearing a dress darcy's gonna be all over you bro. she's gonna be like "you're so hot babe" and she'll definitely hold you tight nd be like "alllllll mine" and smirk. if you ask for help she'd be so excited to be up close as if you were a celebrity, to her you are. and like if you give her affection while you're dressed so beautifully she gets so flustered. she'll hold your face and attack you with kisses saying how hot and gorgeous you look. she also cannot help but smack your ass while being behind you. then she turns you around and fixes your necklace or adjusting your neck line.
nebula watches you like a hawk. she'd deff get a little jealous. in the sense that you're just gonna go out looking like that?? so beautiful for no reason my god. and if you ask for help she'll be glad you asked her. and omg she'd struggle doing it, especially hooking a necklace bc of her metal fingers. she'd be letting out frustrated little grunts and huffs. she'll definitely mumbles some things like how you should stay with her all night, and that people are gonna be looking at you when you're hers. and while she'll be a little grumpy, she'll smile when you peck her lips and promise her to let her have to tonight.
maria hill
maria might be distracted you while you're getting ready, but when she turns to face the goddess of her girlfriend, her jaw will drop and she'll do a double take. she'll rush over to you and just stare. like a pervy teenager. she actually offer help just so she can be close to you. and if you ask for help with your dress she zip it down instead. she'll kiss your back and shoulders until you collect yourself enough to tell her to actually help. she'll hesitantly zip it up and whisper sweet nothings into your ear. then maria turns you around and makes out with you really passionately, ruining your lipstick in the process.
kate bishop
she'll try to be like all respectful and not look at you when you're putting on you're dress but she'll turn around just wanting a peek. then katie gets super flustered and turns super red. she'll definitely turning mush. when you ask her for help zipping up your dress she's be nervous for no reason. smelling your sweet scent and hearing you're soft breaths makes her so happy. she just feels like she's living her dream and she couldn't be happier. she'll keep repeating praises too. just lost in the thought of you. you're beauty makes katie go mush.
a/n yalls request are so fire and i'm getting to all of them but HERE YOU GO BABIES also i'm going to be trying to pump out a lot of writing rn
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jelevision · 3 years
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hightownquccn · 2 years
That moment when your friend tries to set you up with your mark while you are undercover...
"What about the nurse who lives across the hall from you? She seems kinda nice." ―Black Widow to Captain America
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