tealingual · 1 year
Käärijä - Cha Cha Cha vocabulary in Finnish
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Viikko - week Päivä - day Mielenkiinto - interest Rata - nightlife, going to bars, drinking (esp. during the weekend) Ilta - evening Aika - time Ulkokuori - shell Juoma - drink, beverage Huominen - tomorrow Tuoppi - pint Huoli - worry Tuoli - chair, seat Naamataulu - face Parketti - (dance)floor Maailma - world Samppanja - champagne Silmä - eye Puhe - speech Puoli - side Arki - everyday life; weekday, working day Mies - man Rankka - exhausting, hard Pitkä - long Nuori - young Jäinen - icy Sekaisin - messed up Vapaa - free Vakava - serious Toinen - other, another Olla - to be; to have Kumota - to down (a drink) Tuhota - to destroy, to demolish Pitää kiinni - to hold Miettiä - to think Tarttua kiinni - to grab Haluta - to want  Jatkaa - to continue Pysyä - to stay Kutsua - to invite, to call Olla lukossa - to be frozen Tulla - to come Lähteä - to leave, to go Tanssia - to dance Pelätä - to be afraid of, to be scared of Kaataa - to pour Karsastaa - to have eyes that are turned in different directions Sammaltaa - to slur Saada valta - to get (power) over Paljon - a lot, much Takana - behind Vielä - still Kaksin käsin - with two hands Niin kuin, “niinku” - like Kunnes - until Ei enää - no more Muutama - a few Päälle - on Tänään - today Tämä, “tää” - this Minä, “mä” - I Se - it, that Ja - and Ei - no Kun, “ku” - when Silti - still Vielä - still Nyt - now Jo - already Ei laisinkaan - not at all
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polylingual · 1 year
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Thinking about making goals out of some of these for this year!
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evalanguages · 1 year
introducing myself
hello everyone! i came from langtwt so i’m new on langblr!! i guess i’ll also introduce myself on here 🐸 i’ve noticed posts are way longer here so i’ll sum everything up in the first paragraph but elaborate a little bit after that ☀️
— my name’s eva (she/her), i’m 22
— i’m from spain
— uni student
— i speak spanish, english and catalan 🇪🇸🇬🇧
— i’m learning french, mandarin, thai, korean and italian 🇫🇷🇨🇳🇹🇭🇰🇷🇮🇹
about me
as i said, my name’s eva and i’m a 22-year-old college student from spain :) i’m majoring in translation and interpreting so i study languages both as my degree/career and my hobby! i’ve started and stopped learning a lot of languages just for fun but i’m gonna stick with these five for a while!! that doesn’t mean i won’t put on pause/retake some of these languages depending on my situation, it just means i won’t take up new languages in the near future 🫡
note before starting: both my life and my career goals have been changing drastically lately, which means my language journey is about to change a lot too. however as i have yet to figure it out, i’m just gonna talk about how i’ve been studying languages for the last few months and update when i finally figure out my new language plan :)
having said that:
🌳 spanish— native language
🌳 english— advanced
🌳 catalan (valencià to be specific)— i used to be advanced but i stopped using it and now it’s pretty rusty 😭
now, on to the languages i’m learning
🌿 french— probably intermediate/rusty upper intermediate
🌿 chinese (mandarin)— my golden child. probably around hsk3/4 (i’d say upper beginner though) but i can’t tell exactly. working on that
🌱 thai— beginner
🌱 korean— very beginner
🌱 italian— beginner
there’s a lot of languages i’d love to learn in the future (japanese, tagalog, swahili, vietnamese among others) but i’ve decided to focus and play around with these five languages until i reach my goals in all of them before starting any others
other socials
— twitter
— instagram
i love chatting!! i’m always happy to meet new people but it does take me a while to see messages sometimes! corrections are welcome, my dms are open, if you need help with spanish let me know! and i think that’s all 🫂🤍
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andreistudies · 10 months
Hello all! I’m looking for new mutuals on langblr! Here from langtwt, so let me introduce myself:
Andrei, he/him, 19
Speak: 🇺🇸🇫🇷
Study at Uni: 🇫🇷🇦🇹🇪🇸🇪🇬(العربية)
Self-Study: 🇵🇹🇮🇹🇮🇸🇷🇺🇧🇬🇮🇷🇨🇳
Casual/Dabbling: 🇬🇷🇩🇰🇹🇷🇰🇷🇻🇳🇭🇰🇮🇳(தமிழ்)
Future Possibilities/Interests: 🇱🇺🇳🇱🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇦🇩🇵🇱🇸🇰🇧🇾🇭🇺🇹🇿🇯🇵
Like and reblog to be moots! Looking forward to studying and succeeding with you all :)
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bauhauslangs · 8 months
weekly language studies update!
(2nd week with spanish and starting japanese)
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general goals
i’ve established a few small and atainable goals for me to reach on a daily basis. since i’m gonna start uni soon and maybe (hopefully) a job, i won’t have as much free time and this will help me maintain the language learning momentum:
one japanese duolingo lesson daily (minimum)
spanish clozemaster daily (10 words minimum)
read in spanish daily
practice a set of hiragana/katakana daily
my spanish progress has been quick yet a bit stagnated? i suppose? i’ve been reading a lot of jujutsu kaisen (almost 30 chapters in) and i do quick lookups whenever i need it, which is only every now and then, maybe 3 times per chapter? i listen to music too, the only real struggle is finding entertaining native shows or movies, so if anyone has recommendations: pls. tell. me.
however, i’ve only reached unit 4 of my textbook, but let me defend myself: it was the numbers, dates, and time section and i wasn’t really feeling it. but i did power through it and i’ve reached verbs! in the present tense. which i already know… i could just skip through it but i feel like this extra review will help seed the information in my brain.
also, just a fair warning: the reason i can read this much in spanish is bc portuguese is one of three languages that i speak daily since i was 6 years old.
i started japanese this week and it’s been an okay ride, i focused a lot on being able to recognise hiragana, which has been successful for the most part, and i have only scratched the surface of genki 1 (the literal first chapter - greetings)
also i’ve been practicing handwriting but i’m reconsidering bc, do i really need it? i just want to be able to speak and consume media, so i’m not sure. if anybody has an opinion on that, let me know!
i’ll probably start the next chapter (or officially, the first chapter) this week and i can’t wait!
the end!
QOTW: does your tl have a different writing system? how did you deal with learning this new system?
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jj-studies · 1 year
hii, i'm new here! i've just come from studytwt and langtwt
23, she/her
philology double major (cze&eng)
native: czech
learning: english, spanish, finnish
dabbling: japanese, swedish
reading (any genre really)
art, drawing (focusing on digital art rn)
gaming (survival coop, genshin, watching a lot of csgo)
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sebslanguageblog · 2 years
If you feel like you're having a hard time advancing in your language studies or finding good resources that fit your level, I suggest checking out langtwt/language learning Twitter. There will always be native speakers willing to help you and I haven't come across anyone making fun of anybody's mistakes. They'll use a much more natural way of speaking and different vocabulary than apps do and personally I find it a lot more helpful than a lot of other resources.
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kaegaeguli · 1 year
Hello everyone, I’m a native English speaking student from the US looking to reconnect with people from langtwt and others.
I like studying languages for fun so at times the languages I post about might be a bit random or out of the blue. Below are my current languages and their statues.
Proficient ㅡ Japanese
Actively Learning ㅡ Korean, Chinese
Occasionally Learning ㅡ Vietnamese, Spanish, Portuguese, Thai
Hiatus ㅡ Italian, French
Discontinued ㅡ Russian
Interested ㅡ Kreyol, Tagalog, Indonesian, German (maybe)
I’m also really interested in getting more involved with music, specifically piano, cooking, and art.
In addition to that, I also play a lot of games like TS4, Genshin Impact, Cookie Run: Kingdom, Minecraft, Phasmophobia, Overwatch, etc. Please feel free to message and add me if you ever feel like playing together.
I do treat my socials as kind of a personal/main account, so there will be a range of different topics.
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ataraksea · 1 year
short introduction
i've been in langtwt for a while now, but i'm new to langblr!
-> cei (just a nickname)
-> 26, she/her
-> currently studying translation
french (native language)
spanish (mother tongue)
english (advanced/fluent)
japanese (lower intermediate)
korean (kinda beginner)
thai (beginner)
italian (kinda intermediate, dabbling)
i'm also interested in other languages but i'll stick to these ones for now!
happy to meet y'all!
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greyteagraymatter · 1 year
palavras que aprendi hoje
12.30.22 | 180 Minute Lesson
to glue - colar
to waste - desperdiçar
to threaten - ameaçar
to take over - dominar
to print - imprimir
to intervene - intervir
to interfere - interferir
to lead - levar
to wade through - percorrer
to cope - lidar
to regret - se arrepende
to borrow/to loan - emprestar
to fuck up - fazer merda/fazer estraga
to donate - doar
to hint - insinuar
to enlarge - alargar, dilatar
to invite to go out - convidar pra sair
to sound like - parecer que
interrupted sleep - sono interrompido
the flowers - as flores
the handle - a descarga
Croatia - Croácia
in case - no caso
lazy - preguiçosa
friendly - amigável
advantages - vantagens
my spine - minha coluna
often - frequentemente
knowledge - conhecimentos
understandings - entendidos
misunderstandings - desentendidos
alcoholics - os alcoólatras
all of us - todo mundo
drugstores - farmácias/drogarias
fourth floor - quarto andar
third grade - terceira série
dumb mistakes - erros estúpidos
an essay - uma redação
elementary school - ensino fundamental
citations - citações
coding - codificação
computer science - ciência da computação
briefly - brevemente
master's degree - um mestrado
at least - ao menos
was dropped/kicked out - foi expulsa
the same way - mesmo jeito/mesma maneira
hard-headed/opinionated - cabeça dura
stubborn - teimosa
how nice - que gentil
American Sign Language - língua de sinais americana
the deaf community - a comunidade surda
hearing people - ouvintes
is my window being open too noisy? - É a minha janela aberta tá sendo muito barulhenta?
I didn't say anything - não está mais aqui quem falou
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tealingual · 2 months
Comeback & re-introduction
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Hi! I disappeared around October last year, but I'm back now and thought I should re-introduce myself!
My name is Essi, I'm from Finland and I'm turning 29 (on March 6th). I'm a university student and I major in German language & culture and minor in communications and Japanese language & culture. My native language is Finnish and my target languages are English, Japanese, Swedish, German and Arabic. I'm also interested in linguistics, especially historical linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, language revitalization and (second-)language acquisition. Nice to meet you!
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kikikokonihongo · 1 year
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[๑◜▿◝๑] コンニチハ!!コチラQUIZBO™!!
💡Learn languages by asking questions!
[๑•́▿•̀๑] ✐Try using this #Japanese syntax:
[๑ര▿ര๑]📚Learn &🎧hear audio example sentences↓
📌𝐉𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐉𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐰//𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐙𝐁𝐎™ ʀᴇᴀᴅ&ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴ ʜᴇʀᴇ:✨https://wp.me/p9kdOE-25i✨
Feel free to write in the comments!
[๑•́▿•̀๑] Don’t worry if you don’t get it right the first go. To err is to learn!
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songsortales · 1 year
Hello, everyone! I’m moving here from langtwt 💕
🍒 a little about me 🍒
intj 5w6
a bit antisocial but I’m trying lol
TEFL teacher
degrees in international business and international studies
later want to work in humanitarianism and/or diplomacy
🐠 languages 🐠
intermediate level in 🇲🇽 and 🇰🇷
elementary level in 🇫🇷 and 🇲🇦
beginner level in 🇯🇵 and 🇮🇹
want to learn 🇹🇭 🇮🇩/🇲🇾 🇹🇼 🇩🇪
🌈 interests 🌈
taylor swift
the lord of the rings
animals (cats!!!)
international relations
languages (obviously)
fashion & beauty
💬 langtwt moots let me know who you are so I can follow you!
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michelle-languages · 2 years
am I back? kinda.. let's see where this will bring me.
but here's some real motivation: I am tired of Instagram. my main goal is to help people out with their language learning journey, but myself first. now that I am free from uni (your bestie is graduating in less than a month), I really want to work on myself and language learning. Instagram is killing my motivation and my energies, it's been draining me for months, of course, I won't leave, but I will slow down a bit and start to care less about numbers. At least, I will try.
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polylingual · 1 year
DELE A2 Exam Completion ✅
I’ll do a write up about my experience soon!
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bauhauslangs · 8 months
hi, i’m tina!
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i decided to make this account because i’ve been on and off learning languages for the past few years and i want to be consistent. what better solution is there than to interact with a bunch of other people learning languages and posting updates every now and then about my journey? (and all the other things langblrs do).
this blog is a mix of langblr and studyblr updates, life updates if i’m feeling it, and probably a lot of word vomit. hope u enjoy your time here!
about me:
i’m 18
i go by any pronouns
i’m studying architecture
i’m filipina
i love philosophy, games, art and learning new things
native languages:
tagalog (i’m not fluent tho, at all)
portuguese (portugal)
the language(s) i’m learning:
the language(s) i would like to learn:
greek (unsure)
finnish (unsure)
catalan (unsure)
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