#like dont . test my Real Romantic Feelings
haechanhour · 2 years
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time-woods · 5 months
this is really embarrassing to even ask even if it’s anon BUT IM LIKE REALLY STRUGGLING TO FIGURE OUT IF IM AROACE OR IM JUST THINKING THE WRONG THING ,, I dont know how to explain it but I really wouldn’t want to have a sexual stuff or anything in that manner and even being in a relationship makes me super nervous. But at the same time I really would really like to enjoy a relationship with kissing and closeness with only some intimacy. I was just wondering if you have any take on if I’m a part the that spec or I’m just delusional.
After seeing that your art with Sīdus and Carmine was kinda your way of expressing the relationship with your partner made me question myself man. Sorry if this is too much to ask I’m very bad with this type of stuff.
nono dont worry ! ! im no expert on anything queer- i dont even have real labels when it comes to being on the aroace spectrum- (and honestly i dont care too- i just know what i prefer and make that known to my partners)) but i get exactly what you mean ! ! everyone has their own parameters for 'romantic' and 'platonic' relationships and honestly any forms of intimacy can fall into both ! in my opinion i think that makes you fall into the ace spectrum, but its genuinely all about what you want for yourself and your relationships. you draw the lines in those.
for example ! im aroace(spec)- sex repulsed and have a very blurred line between whats 'romantic or 'platonic' in relationships and honestly dont get it ! but i want to get married ! have a family ! but not in an inherently romantic sense, i want to spend my life with someone, but it doesnt have to be romantic, but that doesnt mean there isnt love there. its just different, i still want to be close to my partners, let them know that i love them, but just in my own ways. and theres certain things that i dont care for and i let them both know that. you can still feel a strong connection with someone and not have those 'expectation' from them. in my books we all love in our own ways, and its ok to not know what that means for you yet, its sorta the thing you gotta test the waters with and find out what works.
long message short: most likely if you closely relate how you express/ want intimacy with my comics and art- you may be on the aroace spectrum and also autistic. cause i put way too much of myself into my art and yall keep catching on so i might as well say it
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n1k1tty · 2 years
앤하이픈 — reacting to you drunkenly confessing to them
★ . ꜝꜞ ᳝ ࣪
- you and hee originally came to the party as roommates
- and since he had to drive you home that night, he declined any alcohol that was offered to him
- even though u felt bad for not having your driver’s license, you still drank😜
- ….a lot
- “yn i think that’s enough for today yeah? come with me and drink water”
- he sat you down on the counter and you were just mumbling abt ANYTHING😭
- “yn do you want ramen when we get back?” “no hee, i want you” you poked his chest and started giggling scarily 😟😟
- “yeah? do you like me?” “so so so much!” he starts laughing
- “okay we’ll talk about this when you’re sober okay? now can you ride my back?”
- “no” 🙄🙄🙄 “i’ll be your boyfriend if you hop on my back right now~”
- *immediately hops on* “you’re so cute”
- he’s been telling you to stop drinking for the past hour cuz he knows how bad it gets😭😭
- and as expected, you were kinda fucked up
- “jay stop it! a few more shots and im done, i promise” “you’ve said that like a trillion times already!”
- *proceeds to drag you to the backyard away from the small crowd of ppl*
- sits down the edge of the pool to dip your feet in
- “you look so pretty right now, jay” he literally gets so flustered, still teases u tho “woah don’t go catching feelings on me now🤭”
- “that’s not even my fault! you’re just so cute and it’s annoying🙄” your words were literally slurred😭😭😭
- “oh no! i just confessed didn’t i? please dont remind me about it if i forget tomorrow” you literally start to cry😭😭😭
- “yeah? but what if i want you to remember?” “uhmmmmm i don’t know then”
- “i want you to remember this”
- *SMOOOOOCHHHHH for like a very long time*
- after that u were like a little breathless, foreheads still touching each other
- “oh no, i’m like really sober now” you start to panic “hey at least you won’t forget the part where i ask you to be my girlfriend”
- “what?” “will you be my girlfriend?”
- you slept over at with the hyung line and ofc, drinking was a must😜
- and while jake was cooking ramen, you went into the kitchen to get another drink
- “oooo hi jakey” he starts laughing “hi yn, you wna do a little taste test of my famous ramen?”
- obviously you agreed bcs who wouldn’t 🙄
- “you like it?” “it’s reallyyyyyy reallyyyyy good, but you know what i like more?”
- “tell me” HE LEANS INTO YOU OMG AKNEKDSNKFS AND THEN “i like you more”
- “yeah? really? how much?” and then you open ur arms wide to show him
- “only that much?” “well how much do u like me?”
- “i like you this much”
- he leans on the counter, grabs u by the waist and places his finger under your chin and KISSES U🏃🏻‍♀️💨💨
- until u heard sizzling and u remembered that there was a ramen being cooked
- u and hoon r like neighbours
- and one time his parents were out, he told you to come over and ended up stealing a few bottles of soju from his parents ☠️☠️☠️
- and while u guys were watching a romantic movie and sobbing your eyes out for a good 5 minutes
- you were already really drunk after drink a bottle and a half “we could be like that hoon”
- he literally was so shocked😭😭😭 “huh?????” - “ugh hoon, i like you!”
- poor hoon😭 he was so confused
- “it’s okay if you don’t like me back, i never really expected you to—“ “but i like you”
- u literally LOOKED AG HIM SO FAST and started crying “oh no im dreaming again aren’t i”
- “no no no you’re not, this is real” he literally had to hug u for so long bcs u kept crying abt everything 😭😭😭
- u were with your cousins and they wanted to have a cousins night and cane over to have a drink
- and u were so drunk that u started to cry and they had initially asked u to call ur best friend yunjin
- but u didnt know u ringed sunoo instead☠️☠️☠️
- “yunjin :( sunoo is so good to me, i really love when he smiles, it’s like my day is automatically better”
- he literally just listens to u just ranting about him🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️💨
- “yeah? what else do you like about him?”
- “he’s just the nicest person i’ve ever met, and i really just want to have him in my arms, watch movies together and do all that cringe stupid couple stuff”
- “well i think sunoo would want to do those things with you too” “don’t get my hopes up, he would never go for me… also yun… why do u sound like sunoo?”
- “sunoo, oh my god, pls oretend you didn’t hear that omg im gna move countries—“
- “yn, once you sober up, make sure to call me tomorrow morning and i’ll pick you up by 2 o’clock, okay?”
- u and won r like besties of the besties
- and so when u got really drunk, u got a message from jungwon checking up on u🤭🤭🤭🤭
won</3: hey yn, u up? are u still alive?
you: hi wpnie, i missed youuyuyuuu
wonie</3: BAHHAAH yn u really need to get ur alcohol tolerance up, i don’t want other people taking advantage of u
you: :( ur so goodf to mw won how am i sypposef to stpp liking you if ypu make me feel like thos all the time
wonie</3: i dont want u to stop liking me though 🤔
you: stfu stoo playung with mw 🙄😡
wonie</3: im not tho?? yn get to bed bahaha ur too drunk
you: NO👹🤬🤬😡 i wna tslk to u
wonie</3: and i want to talk to u too, but i can barely comprehend what ur saying right now😭😭🙄
we can talk again tomorrow okay?
you: okag :( night night wonie
wonie</3: gimme kiss goodnight first 🤭
you: 😘😘😘😘😗😗😗💋💋💋
yes yn i got it🤭 now go to sleep i’ll see you tomorrow
wonie</3: GOODNIGHT🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
you: GOODNIGHTGAHSHXJA ❤️❤️❤️❤️🫶🏻🫶🏻💗
*it never ended until u fell asleep*
—next morning
you: fuck.
wonie</3: well goodmorning to you too🤔
西村 力
- the hyung line had initially only let u try A SIP of alcohol
- but a sip turned into another, and eventually… u got drunk😭😭😭
- and while riki was helping you get to bed and u literally just pulled him in for a hug☠️☠️☠️☠️
- he was literally like???????🤨🫂
- “yn you said one sip and look how drunk you are now😭😭”
- “can’t really help it, it’s like the only way i can calm down when im around u” BRO IS SPEECHLESS☠️☠️☠️
- “oh really? why’s that?” “because i have a hug crush on you???? i thought it was obvious, dummy”
- “oh im the dummy now? you know now im kinda upset, i dont think i like you anymore”
- “alright im just messing with you, go get some sleep yeah?”
- before he was abt to get up u hold his hand🤭🤭🤭 “pls dont go”
- initially wanted to leave after u fell asleep, but instead fell asleep with u😭😭😭😔😔💔
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nerves-nebula · 5 months
I’m not aromantic but I am autistic so I think about this stuff a lot and I think that the word ship often carries connotation of implied “healthiness” it because ships are usually like “end goal” stuff rather than a realistic portrayal of two characters testing the waters of their relationship and seeing where it takes them. I think your AU does an excellent job of exploring complicated relationships (both of the romantic variety and the platonic/familial variety).
I think the person who submitted that ask was probably just inquiring as to whether or not Kraang and Donnie are “end game” as in like “are they going to be together forever?” but I think from a storytelling lens, the author does not have to endorse the actions of their characters. I think it’s very realistic given his character that Donnie would have a history of unhealthy relationships.
I don’t believe that depiction is necessarily endorsement, but I do think that in this day and age it’s important for us readers to promote nuanced discussion about *why* these characters are making unhealthy decisions and why we as readers should not try to recreate them in real life. Too often works like this can be taken out of context and weaponized by people that intend to do harm and take advantage of others.
I should mention that this is not a critique of you or your work, but rather of online spaces where it is far too easy for people to get hurt and what we as readers can do to make up for the shortcomings of the lack of safety restrictions online. This is just my personal thoughts though. Feel free to disregard.
idk to me ships are like "wouldnt that be funny/fucked up" or "this is insane but how would these two end up together- lets take a journey about it" but this would be a reasonable explanation of that ask, i guess
krang and donnie are "end game", if you wanna see it like that, because they enjoy each others company and the fucked up body horror BDSM situation they share. they aren't actually bad for each other in the end, though they don't start out that way.
also i'm gonna be real for a sec, you can use literally any kind of art to hurt people. people get groomed over minecraft, not cuz minecraft is Sensitive Media being shown to kids who shouldn't see it or whatever, but because it's a popular game that a lotta people like.
people get groomed using Lolita, a book that tells you right before you start reading it that the narrator is a liar and a disgusting amoral man, but people fall for it anyway cuz that's how manipulation works. it's not really about the media being used, it's about how the abuser wants to use it.
if you wanted to abuse a kid obsessed with dinosaurs you'd probably use media about dinosaurs to gain their trust, not an obscure tmnt abuse au where a wrinkly alien and a turtle man have weird kinky not-quite-sex.
i think discussions of characters are fun and interesting, don't get me wrong, that's like one of my main hobbies. but i dont think anything about it being This Day And Age makes people particularly more susceptible to having art used against them.
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she-ismysun-archive · 3 months
do not read if you don’t want spoilers. Holy shit 100th episode started off with a BANGER. This is my live blog thread.
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Henry missed his flight???? NAAAUUU
HELLO CHASTITY AND SKIP TRACER RANDY. HE SKIP TRACER BOUNTY HUNTED PETE LOL. I literally can’t stop screaming. I can’t stop SCREAMING. I feel so feral
Chastity is teaching him how to kiss! 😆😆
Oh brother. Aaron is not as ok as I thought he was or would be. Bro is NOT ok!!! He’s still benched for a reason. Wade will not make the same mistakes he did before. He will not lose another one.
Wow healthy communication? No. Angst continues. Please help me save me save ME. He’s so mad. She’s so hurt. Pleeeease our lovers will resolve this episode I said so!
Henry missed the bullet train.
What is happening with Nyla and Celina rn. NARCOTIC POT?
MONICA?! Double fucking whammy
Friendship hugs. I said so. They’re friends. Please don’t force this romantic relationship :((
the hammer episode name drop 🫠
“No please don’t do me any favors” Angela please save us WAHH THEYRE BICKERING
Hello wedding DJ - womp womp drug dealer
BILLY BOB BENNET (the hammer)
Oh they’re scheming. Oh they’re scheming so hard
So I definitely misread this shot in the promo (they have not made up yet)
Eric Winter’s hardest fight scene of his entire career
Lucy negotiating is so fun
Tim get his shit rocked but he WINS - wait I just noticed Lucy holding his belt??
Goodnight Tim
Nyla just calling Celina “the rookie” and she gets to do her first interrogation
No flower. Almost no ring. Almost no Henry?? ENJOY GIRLS NIGHT? SHES TRYING TO GET HENRY INTO THE COUNTRY.
Randy is the florist expert now (Ty ClipTok)
Ou they’re both. Gossiping about each other at the bachelors party
Lucy: he’s the problem
Tim: how do I prove to her that I’m not the problem?
lie. detector. test.
he’s a. Lying liar. Who LIES 😭😭😭 it took a LIE DETECTOR TEST for him to ACCEPT that he doesn’t want Lucy to do UC work.
Luna’s getting her social work degree!
And of course their officiant doesn’t show up. Thank you Wade for saving the day
This wedding is so goddamn beautiful. Their vows are so fucking beautiful.
God they tricked me with all the happy promo shots of Chenford but their angst is far from over
Randy and Chastity is DJ-ing?? James saves the day with a playlist of his own.
Will Tim and Lucy make it out?? God I hope so! (I know they will but this is hurtinggg)
AARON. GOOD GOD. They were laying that on THICK. And now Celina is leaving the wedding. God Celina please be ok
I just spent last night spiraling about “dog bring a live part”
They’re dancing but they’re going to talk. Yea you DO need to deal with it Tim. YOU ARE GONNA GET THROUGH THIS
The chenford wedding kiss 🥹
Celina is in fact NOT OK. And Aaron is drunk off his ass. Of course why would Nolan have a peaceful wedding night when everything else went wrong.
Alright then. That was wrapped up quickly. Everyone quick thinking weeehh Everyone’s ok.
This is the third shot of them laying on their back? It’ll be fun to clip that together.
Well ok then.
I feel so betrayed and tricked but it was delulu of me to think they would make up that quickly!!! IT TAKES A LIE DETECTOR TEST FOR HIM TO ACCEPT THAT HE DOESNT LIKE THE IDEA OF HER DOING UC WORK? This is actually just so in character for them! This is actually just chenford being chenford because it took them going undercover as a couple to even CONSIDER the fact they have feelings for each other.
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Ranking the Xenoblade Games based on how straight they are
this is a mix of legitimate grievances about the writing and just goofing around. starting at least straight to most. Also not including X sorry I havent played it.
1. Xenoblade 2
Most of the romance in this game is light due to it being a sort of cute puppy love. Nothing actually happens between the characters and it’s mostly contained to the main characters with most side characters being free from clumsy straight love plots. There’s a couple of blushy scenes between Pyra/Mythra and Rex but most of their serious/emotional interactions are genuine and honest and don’t really get into romance or some hidden feelings they need to confess to. Even Nia’s confession is more of something for herself and she never really changes bc she’s in love or focuses on it that much. 
Beyond the main characters, sheba exists, jin and lora can be considered one sided at least romantically (she’s the one to make flirty comments in Torna and he always responds along the lines of ???) and he’s explicitly not motivated by her death, while it did obviously impact him it’s something he’d accepted and used as fuel for his ultimate goal. and of course there’s Malos, who’s own voice actor was like “cmon he was in love with Jin”. Morag and Brighid also exist. There’s even some old man furry yaoi implications with gramps and azurda in that one scene??? ngl its kind of cute. 
2. Xenoblade 3
Got a lot of points in the heteronormative category here. The main characters are paired up in m/f duos, but while 2/3 of them are romantically coded, Sena and Lanz aren’t really and Sena’s most focused relationship is probably Mio. To the game’s credit, it also doesn’t restrict them to these pairs and lets the whole group interact and have friendships and dynamics outside of the shippy ones. 
An emphasis is put on the true nature of humanity being to fall in love and have kids, but considering the context of the scene only certain parts of it really make me go “mmmmmm”. these characters are test tube babies who have never seen a real human baby and so it’s wholesome and understandable, but Monica’s wording about specifically couples later does lean towards heteronormative “everyone must grow up and have a kid.” Considering she canonically had a teenage pregnancy though and her baby daddy clearly isn’t around I expect she’s very shaped by that experience though. 
After that scene we don’t see a ton of heteronormative sentiment from city members (Ghondor, Shania, and Masha dont have any romantic sentiments, grey and rozana dont have kids and have a rather atypical but trusting relationship in general) and the focus on legacy and family is shown to have its toxic sides with Shania’s mom (who is also just. no 1 messed up lesbian in my heart).
Mio and Noah do start to have their characters focus more on romance and have their whole doomed soulmates shtick but I feel like they’re still given focus as individual characters in the main story post that revelation so I kind of forgive it, and the unhealthiest possible manifestation of their relationship is one of the main villains so. Also ngl they’re just cute, so I’m a bit biased here. I get if you’re groaning at the game pushing the main straight couple hard but at least they don’t suddenly lose all their personality when it happened. 
3. Xenoblade 1
Hoo boy. There’s just a lot of it in this game. Ngl it took me a while to properly get into Xenoblade bc while I liked the first game overall, it also just had some things that rubbed me the wrong way and 2′s general reputation didn’t make it seem much better (then I played it and fell in love and retroactively appreciate 1 more but yeah) and one of those things was how the game very quickly fridged the only female character as a love interest. Yaaaaay. 
Like yes she comes back later but at the time I was just kinda like. oh. ok then :/ and even when Fiora comes back, she’s super Shulk focused. Girl, you’ve been kidnapped and forcibly made into a cyborg and house a god who was walking around in your body but ig you’re mostly thinking about how your bf would feel. seriously when she’s fucking DYING her main concern is that Shulk doesn’t find out. like ok. Even her interactions with melia have that whole love triangle hanging over them as subtext. I greatly appreciate they didn’t got he jealousy angle and had Fiora genuinely want to reach out and be friends, but it does definitely feel like shulk is a matter constantly lingering whenever they talk.
And poor Sharla man. Seconds into meeting reyn she’s comparing him to her missing fiancé, despite still feeling he’s alive and wanting to find him. The game gives every hint that Gadolt may still be alive and rescuable, Meyneth even says smth like “I can feel this Homs still there” but not only does he die, he basically says “take care of her” to reyn like BOY you don’t know this man??? why would you say your last words to him and not your fiancé like ok. It felt like they wanted to make it “ok” for them to get together by killing him off and having him say that, even though everything until then had hinted with a hopeful tone that he could still be saved.
Ngl Melia’s unrequited love isn’t that bad but it does feel unnecessary considering how much she already suffers. Like you just really gotta rub it in huh. The fandom is wayyy worse about it than the game though, because canonically she moves on and is still surrounded by her friends and subjects and whatnot and doesn’t become some bitter scorned lover, but the fandom constantly jokes about it/acts like she is.
also some of the alt outfits, esp Sharla and Fiora’s are just...very obnoxious sexy fantasy armor. esp for flora when most of her body is supposed to be replaced with mechon parts but ig her tits were miraculously intact. They both deserve better writing ngl.
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bruh-anator3000 · 11 months
Special shout out to bae @thehistoriangirl for getting the kettle ready, we got a long story ahead of us. I actually wrote out an entire story but then realized most people dont want that, so let me break it down to the best of my ability. I hope you enjoy, and thank you to the 5 people who showed interest, I love you, like for real.
Warnings: severely unedited, Drug/substance abuse, inhumane product testing, death, probably bad writing at diseases (im working on it), child abuse/neglectance, daddy issues, crime, that should be all
Anisa Hardy was born with albinism and an autoimmune disease
Her premature birth gave both her and her mother serious issues, one that her father, a renowned surgeon and geneticist tried to undo
He tested his genetic reversal on Anisa when she was 7, trying to find the perfect formula to save his wife
He had a prophetic dream that he should splice their dna with the creature told to have 9 lives, so that if his wife did die, she could be reincarnated again
The splicing worked on Anisa but her mother died during the genetic sewing
Walter Hardy blames Anisa for lying to him that it worked
Her older sister ran away from home when Anisa was 16, leaving her the advice 'trust no one but yourself.'
Anisa stayed in school for the one reason of being better than her father
As her father went insane from losing his true love, he created a drug ring, and sold his company as he grew to become Nueva York's largest crime lord, under the alias of 'The Black Mask.'
Given her increased stealth, agility and strength thanks to the spliced cat dna, Anisa was forced to work as his number 1 robber, stealing things for him under the name of 'the Child of the Mask' (father's idea, not hers)
Got noticed by Alchemax as she entered college - the company Walter *used* to own
Met Miguel O'Hara when she interned with the lab cooperation
The typical trope of they couldn't express their care in any other way besides picking on each other
Anisa would bring Miguel his exact coffee order every morning though
He caught onto the fact she never had any real food to eat, and when he asked, she just snarked 'unless you bring me somethin else, I'll stick to my chips."
So he brought her homemade empanadas the next day
He was rewarded with one of the less noticeable stolen jewels her father made her take. Leaving it on O'Hara's desk without a word. This back and forth continued for a while
While in the labs, Anisa created a drug called 'Nine Lives.' A purple substance so strong, it could bring her back to life. It could only be used 9 times since it would slowly take over the blood stream 10% each dose.
However, Anisa made 10. Knowing full well her body would rupture if she ever took this drug ten times. She planned on it, in case one her last leg, she wouldn't be able to survive again
Miguel never really noticed, too caught up in his own research to care
The two never got to address their growing romantic feelings even after 2 years
And when Anisa thought she was ready to commit to the asshole of a coworker and finally ask him on a proper date, her father had the crazy idea that a spider's dna could bring his love back to life.
She was instructed to get Miguel alone and locked in the labs so that his men could take him out for testing. Because clearly, a healthy and strong young man's reaction to this would definitely be the same as a dead woman's
Anisa was inches away from the door when she broke down, running over to Miguel and begging him to leave. To trust her, and to walk out the lab doors and never come back
Obviously, he thought it was some stupid prank, an attempt to get him out so she could copy his work
That was until the glass behind them broke and a posion dart shot Anisa in the back of the neck, having her fall near dead asleep in Miguel's hold
Smoke filled the room, and as he tried to haul himself and Anisa out, three more darts landed on his back, knocking them both out clean
Anisa gained her vision, unable to move anything else as she helplessly watched her father's men drag Miguel away
She never returned to the labs
The next few nights, she paced, trying to figure out a way to get Miguel out of this mess
Thats when she adapted the 'Black Cat.'
She made her own suit, far different from the crappy skin tight shit her father threw at her, a mask that was inspired by Miguel's nanotechnology he tampered with, and broke into her father's labs
She found Miguel motionless, still dead asleep as a computer read how close his dna was to completing it's splicing
She ripped all her father's work apart, finally getting the revenge she's wanted for years and dragged Miguel's limp body out of the building
It was tough but she managed to get them back into the labs, where she set to work on making a neutralizer, similar to the one she had to take to contain the more... feral parts of her split blood
She created it, basing it off of her own but with spider calming elements instead and wrote it down for him. She injected him with it, watched as he sat up screaming, and disappeared, unable to face him
Guilt heavy as she wondered day and night; maybe if she tried harder, Miguel wouldn't have to live like her. Maybe if she was better, she could've saved him... and her mother
News of the black cat caught on, especially since she would steal for her father under his given alias, then take it all back a week or so later under her more fitting identity
She never talked to Miguel again, ignoring his calls, too ashamed with herself to even think of him
It wasn't until she was robbing one of the more secure banks of the city (technically un-robbing it by putting jewels *back*) that she met another vigilante, Spider-Man 2099
A ridiculous name, she taunted, her mask giving her words more confidence.
As they fought, and he told a smidge of his story, she caught on quick
She knew he was Miguel from the very beginning
I mean, who else has spider dna?
Suddenly, she didn't know what to do and nearly got herself kicked off a building and into the road
As time went on, Black cat was the only mask Anisa wore, stealing the artifacts or secret chemicals from their establishments before her father could get to them
All Walter knew was that his horrible daughter finally went missing - unaware his own creation beat him at his game nearly every heist
Spider-Man was the real issue. Choosing to fight Anisa instead of listening to her side
It was the labs all over again. Arguing without even caring who was actually right, just caring that it meant the spent more time together
Miguel would catch Black Cat just 'strolling' along rooftops where he was patrolling
He found himself sitting with his nemesis, splitting street food as they watched the city bustle beneath them
He didn't find out about her identity until he almost got her killed
Use one of nine for her concoction of 'Nine Lives.'
Miguel had found Black Mask's house of operation, and ignored the pleading of Black Cat
He refused to give up on this mission, needing to ensure Black Mask couldn't harm the world again
A failed fight later, the only way to stop Miguel from being shot dead was Anisa ripping off her mask to calm her father
But being seperated from him for so long, she forgot the rage that would boil over him everytime he saw his daughter's face - too similar to her mother, too similar to the wife she killed
He shot her 5 times in the chest without blinking, walking away as Miguel crawled over
He truly thought he lost another one to Black Mask. First, his uncle, the only one in his family who cared about him - and now the girl he ever considered close. Dare he say, a friend - maybe more.
On the brink of death, Anisa brought his hand down to her belt, revealing a purple vial with two needles at the end. Like fangs, with a shot mechanism
Rolling her head to the side, a silent invitation to inject her with this vial, right into her major pulse point
Miguel almost didn't do it. Terrified it would make things worse, but he had to take a chance
And after watching her bullet wounds heal over with fake purple skin, Anisa shot up, gasping
They grew closer then, after Miguel snappes at her for her criminal activities, and almost dying
The Black Cat and Spider-Man, working together?! Was on every headline for a few months
Then, Miguel disappeared
Completely gone, like he had fallen off the face of the earth, and Anisa couldn't do anything
She tried every resource, every gang, every possible thing, unwilling to loose someone like that again
But she couldn't find anything. Miguel was gone
It wasn't until three months later when one of her sources notified her of his pressence back in Nueva York
She immediately ran to a museum, stealing the largest Tomb there and waited anxiously for Miguel to come after her
He did, and she nearly tackled him with excitement
She quipped on and on, teasing him for leaving, but Miguel didn't respond to a single taunt, not even a grunt
When she lowered her guard, and her mask to sincerely ask what happened, a red web caught on her midsection
Slamming her face first into the concrete of the roof, breaking her nose immediately
He grabbed her chin, unfazed by the blood streaming down her face and yelled
But he didn't exactly yell, his voice just so angry, it was cold against her ear as he told her that hes seen things she could never comprehend
That there were worlds, far greater and far less than theirs, that they meant nothing in the grand scheme of things, that Anisa meant nothing. She never did.
And that if she kept trying to steal and be a criminal, he would no longer be the one to save her from her doom. That he wasn't going to spend his life chasing a lowlife like her. That shes already wasted so much of his time, that nothing she did mattered. It never did
And then, he left
Miguel left Anisa on the roof with a broken nose, the words of her sister ringing like a bell in her head
'Trust no one but yourself.'
For a while, Anisa let it be. Angrier than ever, upset that she let herself get hurt again, she went to work with her father again
Receiving tasks under a fake identity - Walter Hardy still believed he finally killed his daughter
But she grew bored, her anger needing closure or else she was going to bash everyone's head in Nueva York against the very asphalt they walked on
Like any normal not really ex - she stalked Miguel
It was hard finding a lead at first, but what she found was astonishing. Miguel had created an entire society
A society of spider people, from apl different dimensions
Naturally, she mapped out the entire building and filled all the air systems with a sleeping gas that knocked all the spiders out, expect for Miguel
His vents filled with paralyzing smoke, leaving him unable to move, but to witness the woman he never thought to see again walk through his complex building like she owned the place
Barging into his lair, she pressed on his wrist until a red web shot out
Grabbing it, she wrapped Miguel in his own webbing, and threw him into his chair before pressing a knife to his neck
"Anisa," he gulped out, "good to see you,"
"Ohhhhh," Anisa's head whipped around. Finding other spider with a five o'clock shadow slumped over. "You know her? Veryyyy cool." Peter B chuckled, slobbering running down his face as the paralysis kept his muscles still
They eventually work it out after he has Lyla do her explainy fhingy while hes limp and tied to a chair (lyla took photos) and Anisa would eventually get over it and understand
She would later go on to finally stop her father with the help of Miguel
Later, she would take over as Nueva York's largest crime lord - pissing Miguel off until he realized that crime actually went down since her rein began
She only took over because she knew if she didn't, someone worse would, and she uses her status as a way to demand criminals to get therapy and better jobs
She would also be granted max security for the spider society, and be allowed in whenever she wanted - always to meet up with Miguel, sometimes to help him, other times to just lay around and be a silent menace
Okay! Now with her story out of the way, i get to share the smaller details!
Anisa was born a second generation immigrant on her mother's side, from what was once known as Iran
Due to her albinism, she has silver hair and purple eyes, and she's smaller than a lot of people from being born prematurely
After the dna spilce, she gained some melanin back, and was given the opportunity to be a more average height/weight from it
She had to curate her own stabilizing serum since her father gave up on it, working closely with one of his scientists who helped her understand what was going on
The cat dna improved flexibility, agility, endurance, stealth, speed, heightened senses, and oddly, her chances of luck
Has claws and fangs very similar to Miguel, on both her fingers and toes. Her pupils also gained the ability to shrink and expand like a cat's, giving her an odd slit pupil look regularly
Bc of that, and her albinism, she's very very sensitive to light, often wearing some sort of eye wear to keep her safe
Her hair grew thicker too, excessive hair growth that was darker than her normal silver. It's odd trying to explain why near her temples/roots, its darker than the rest of her hair - explaining your mad scientist father spliced your genetic code with a black cat isn't easy
Makes biscuits whens shes deep in thought, and her claws get stuck on fabric and she cant pull away unless she grabs her wrist to manually detach her claws
Her tongue is textured too, and she came to that realization after licking ice cream and it left a really concerning pattern
She has to be very careful with what she wears, anything could tick her off with her hypersensitivity
I actually can't decide if I want her to grow ears and a tail yet so its in my mind as concept design still lmao
Really close to her sister, Emelia, and Anisa listens to her voicemail of her whenever she gets sad
Grew up used to people bullying her for her different appearance, so even if she wanted friends, no one dared be near her
Ironically enough, she's actually deadly allergic to seafood, so though her feline insticts go off when she smells fish, she cannot risk eating it
Her father signed her up for any extra curricular she wanted, Martial arts, sword fighting, gymnastics, anything to keep her away from him
Got in a lot of trouble with the law as a juvenile, an act of rebellion towards her father
Ordinarily, Alchemax wouldn't have hired the daughter of the insane scientist, but Anisa forged documents and changed her last name to her mother's
People tell her that she does have a very similar appearance to her father, and it makes her go crazy, wanting to rip out every part of her
Her skin is very sensitive, even more so bc of the heightened senses, so it scars really easily - it doesn't help she's picked up picking at scabs as a habit
Was lowkey in love at first sight with Miguel until he finally opened his mouth to tell her she was wrong with her formulas
They were apart of a group of roughly 10 other interns, but the rest requested a transfer not long after Anisa and Miguel started fighting over everything
The one thing that kept Anisa's interest piqued was that whenever someone made a diss about her appearance, calling her unnatural or a genetic mistake, Miguel would get on them in an instant
He backed another intern named Mark into the cart of petri dishes, breaking them all - Anisa would've started a fight on it if Miguel hadn't used it to his advantage to get the guy fired
Miguel was also quick to notice the bruises she'd come in with (being your father's main robber, only to then rob him to unrob the banks wasn't easy)
He only knew how to argue with her but he didn't want to make her feel bad about the scars or bruises, so that's when he brought up nutrition
And he didn't hesitate to make her lunch from then on. He didn't even explain why or let Anisa question him. He would simply silently hand her a paper bag as she handed him his morning coffee
After the whole testing incident and stuff, he planned on coming back to work and to ask Anisa what she knew about it, but was devastated to find her gone
As Spider-Man, after their maybe 6th run in, Anisa stopped what she was doing to teach him how to control his claws and fangs, tired of being smacked with a handful of talons
It was awkward as she would dig her fingers into his hands and above his lip, helping him feel the motion of retracting them, but it worked
She also tried to teach him about the sixth sense, the spidery sense bc she had a cat sense
Only to find out that she could lob foam blades at him all day and he wouldn't be able to sense it
Literally could not stop laughing as she made him stand there, eyes closed, and threw fake weapons at him, and he couldn't sense where they were, grumbling
Anisa progressively got more flirty as time went on, her hidden identity making her way bolder than normal - even though she's never actually done the deed
(She didn't trust anyone enough to, especially not with how incredibly sensitive she was. Claws come out when unchecked, just saying)
While on patrol, he found Black Cat just sitting and joined her, unknowingly starting a habit of them both grabbing street junk food and watching the city together
During these times, she would joke how she knew his identity, but never had the courage to actually say it, so she would compare him to old movie stars just to see him get offended
He found out Anisa was Black Cat - or at least really started to suspect it when she responded the same to his question of eating better - "unless you make me," in the same almost forgotten tone
Their relationship did progress into a grey area of romance, both of them knowing they couldn't reveal their identities so being together outside of their little game of cat and mouse
She never did more than aggressively makeout with Miguel on the rooftops, refusing to. Miguel understood but he was always perplexed how someone could flirt so heavily then not be hot and bothered like him
Anisa is obviously very smart, and was able to copy Miguel's digital watch, the hologram aspect of it at least
Also copied his nanotech designs, obviously, and would often try messing with his to understand how it all worked
Was shocked to find out it wasn't nanotech, but a bunch of unstable atoms to create a hologram
1000% stops mid battle to follow stray cats, often making Miguel come with
Does the cat kicking litter move on him when hes late to their chase, often mocking him by asking how he was gonna let pigs beat a spider
After her whole shot in the chest and died thingy, Miguel asked about her 'Nine Lives' substance and she walked him through the process of making it and how it reacts to her blood only while laying in a web hammock he made
She explained that because she was the only one in charge of keeping her genetics human - besides the one other scientist - she was constantly trying to improve her serum, which led to the creation of Nine Lives
Teased her once with a fish cake, and nearly had a heart attack when she gurgled out how deadly allergic she was to it before trying ti claw it out of his grasp
He threw it in a randomw alley and had to web her to a wall to get her to stop trying to eat it
Once he caught on to the way Anisa's eyes slitted in focus whenever his webbing would first shoot out, he would use the string to mess with her until she gave into the feline urge to chase it
Same with lasers, its very embarrassing for her but Miguel loves it
His 3 month disappearance was when he switched places with his alter self, going to take care of Gabriela before her world collapsed
Which is why he was super angry when he came back, furious Anisa could be making jokes at a time like this (she didn't know what time it was, just that her super hot not really boyfriend came back)
Given her abilities to copycat most structures or devices, Anisa spent an entire month mapping out the spider society, just so she could send them all to sleep
And it worked, spider senses or not, no one could escape the sleeping smoke when it came from every vent
Peter B was very thrilled to find out Anisa was Miguel's Black Cat, unbothered by the fact he was in the lime of fire, falling to the same paralysis Miguel did
Lyla absolutely ate that shit up, barely keeping herself together as Anisa wheeled Miguel around in his chair so he could explain things better
When she finally forgave him, he took her on a tour of the society
Something awoke in Anisa everytime Miguel would get slightly harsh in tone, telling any spider that approached them that she was *his* Black Cat
Made her feel very special
When she became crime lord, Miguel didn't talk to her for weeks, feeling betrayed without even listening to why
Then he noticed he wasn't called on his Earth for missions anymore, able to focus on the multiverse a lot better
Thanks to Anisa
Who spent all her time handling actual villains for him, and helped the ones who felt they had no other option get stable jobs
I.E kicked the shit out of Green Goblin (Miguel's brother, whoops) and helped his minions find secure jobs that would financially keep them stable
The spider people love her for her ability to calm Miguel down (they have a separate training room that they use to tear into each other after 24 hours of no stabilizing serum)
She gets really heartbroken when she hears the other canon Black Cat events, and takes her time to notice them so she can discreetly derail them from happening, a silent attempt of keeping Miguel in her life
And that's all, so far! I'm sure theres plenty I forgot, I really tried to cut as much as I could so it wouldn't be a long read but... I'm a writer at heart, I couldn't help it. Please, please, please ask questions! I would love to tell more about her! Thank you to those who read it all, I hope your leftovers are heated evenly and your pillow is cold on both sides <3
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aquilaaktuk · 1 year
deathstar puss in boots last wish au? deathstar puss in boots last wish au.
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hastily doodled in a starbucks and everything. theres like way more tho
anyway i had an idea for this but it came to me at 6am after i just woke up so it’s probably REALLY eh. anyway kid is death because thats like the logical jump and blackstar is puss and tsubaki is kitty but not romantically involved at all because tsustar is. vile. anyway, they’re cat robin-hoods, steal from the rich give to the poor. one day blackstar steals something thats supposed to grant immortality and he’s like “theres no way this is real but lemme test it out anyway for personal reasons.” and then it ends up being real. and he’s totally chilling with that because this could be his shot at surpassing god ‘cept death and death jr are not okay with that at all and he looses in a really funny way to dtk and gets pretty pissed. his day is ruined more when tsubaki says she’s on her last life and wants to retire and blackstar properly freaks out. in my head i steal from the sandman a little and the thompsons are two regular twins who got killed during a robbery gone wrong and then get the chance to keep ‘living’ as presumably servants of death and they’re like ‘yeah sure whatever’ and then get passed off to his neurotic nervous wreck of a son and then also belatedly realise theyre ravens and definitely not human. they chill though theyre his literal wing-sisters. *flicks wrist*
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anyway because big daddy death is totally not chill with the idea of immortal cats wandering around he tells dtk to go and Git Him because its good training for when he succeeds him or whatever. anyway dtk goes and tries to do that and even though every time they fight he absolutely claps blackstar, b*star always gets away and its getting kinda really frustrating, so he just watches him trying to find a moment where his guard is down enough for a quick stab n go. doesnt really happen instead he just gets feelings which is really gay and lame of him everyone point and laugh. anyway eventually he goes from ‘i must kill this guy because dad said so’ to ‘i wanna be his friend and maybe also kiss him idk’ hes not very good at emotions. its just as well the thompsons are there. anyway eventually theyre on speaking terms and after much preamble they have a lil heart to heart and its very sweet.
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i imagine if ass*star was a cat he’d be a maine coon not because they’re large or particularly menacing, but because theyre one of the few breeds with enough fur to maintain that absolutely batshit hairstyle that hes got going
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anway kid is like totally freaking out because big daddy death told him to go and kill this guy and he’s absolutely not done that at all, in fact he’s done the polar opposite and romanced him instead so they’re running around trying to figure out what to do and liz is like ‘dude your dad would kill and die for you why not just be out with it’ so they do that and lo and behold, big daddy death is like. totally chill about it.
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anyway death dies and that really sucks but i also havent thought up to that point, all i know is that ass*star wont be allowed to run around like that forever and hes definitely not off the hook for becoming some fucked up god of accidentally gaining immortality. 
‘but what about the lines of sa-’ i dont care. 
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autisticlee · 1 year
contrary to my last post...how do you know if you're aromantic, or you just haven't found the mythical and elusive "THE ONE" everyone keeps going on about and promises me I will find?
every time I say i'll never date or find someone I can't stand being around or who will like me, someone always 100% of the time tells me "you have to keep looking! you will find The One™ one day! they're out there! they're real!"
i've wondered if i'm aromatic for my whole life (or at least since I learned that was a thing when I got internet as a teen) but how do you know
I feel like when I see kther aro people out there, they are so sure of themselves! they know how aro they are and aren't questioning it. it's like how I know for sure i'm asexual (being sex repulsed made that one easy lmao) but aromatic seems different and less solid.
generally, I don't care. i'm not looking for a partner and don't generally think I want one. i'm fine alone/without a relationship. it seems like tol much work and trouble. I can't even make and keep friends! why would I date?
but I feel very lonely seeing everyone in my life pair off and I have no one to rely on or lean on. I would love to have a best friend or small group of close friends, but my useless autistic ass can't even do that. but that's another rant lmao.
i always remember when someone told me once that if I want a best friend, I need to date someone. "adults don't have best friends, jnsywas they date and pair off. their partner is their best friend. you can't call another adult you aren't dating your best friends. that's only for kids."
that's so sad and lonely, yet everyone seems to believe or at least follow that dumb logic. it's times like that where I think "maybe it would be nice to have a partner," but I don't know if I just want that close relationship, or actually want a partner.
I don't know if i'm capable of being romantically attracted to someone. I know I want a really close relationship with someone where I can trust and rely on them fully. they're always there for me and I for them. we do everything together and help each other grow and live in this difficult world. but I don't want it to come with that awkward and annoying dating and romance expectation. I don't want to go on awkward first dates and have awkward "are we a thing" stage and then have the possibility of a breakup. (I can't deal with friendhips ending. a breakup would end me lmao)
I used to always say I wanted to be friends with someone first before for a while we date so I can know if I can't stand being stuck with them and them with me for a long period of time. that way I can see if if are compatible first. I think it's weird and irresponsible when people start dating before knowing who someone even is. that's just so weird (and lowkey scary) to me lmao. but I have also learned that people thinks irs wierd if you want to date after being friends because then they think you only became friends to date them and act weird about it even if it's not true. that's not the goal or reason. but no one i've been friends with passed my test anyway lmao
I remember talking about this with one friend a while back and them she suddenly a bit later accuses me of liking her and decided we can't be friends anymore. but she also didn't pass my test and wasn't the type of person I wanted. (I think she was also the person who said the quote above about adults can't have best friends)
i've never actually liked someone. when I was younger, I got aesthetic attraction mixed up with sexual attraction until I learned asexual is a thing and that's me. I also got romantic interest mixed up with admiration a d simply finding a person interesting. also both got mixed up with gender envy hahaha
but I don't even know if I could be in a relationship. I dont feel suited. I'm way too picky to like and trust anyone enough. i'm also a useless little gremlin and no one would ever like ME enough. then there's the barrier of the person would also need to be asexual because I can't deal with their sexual needs at all and would feel bad. i've met/talked to a total of like 5 asexual people in my life. we seem comparatively rare. none of them were for me obviously.
aromantic people as well. seems rare to me. I also know it's a spectrum. there's so many types. I could be somewhere in there. but I don't know if I should say i'm aromantic meaning I don't have an interest at all, or that i'm like demi and waiting for "The One ™" or whatever. where on the spectrum am I????
should I hope I find The One or try not to think about it? I don't want waiting for that mythical person to be my whole personality and life goal like most people do. that's annoying lmao. but I also don't know if i'm cursing myself to be lonely for life because I refuse to open up to the possibility...
I feel like this is some autistic black and white thinking coming in 😅 I know it doesn't matter much, but it drives me crazy whenever I do think about it.....
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kikimochiiiii · 2 years
My personal take on MDZS kins based on what I've seen (which is almost nothing)! Understand that this'll be very biased n uninformed, but it's just for fun and I cherish all kins! Please and thank you!💕
WWX: Fiercely protective over their homies/mother bear type; Live for the drama though, so they WILL pitch homies against each other; They will state that their opinion is ALWAYS right to assert dominance; They never feel silly enough; "What do you mean people don't have a bi panic every 20 seconds?"; The life of a party, for better or worse
LWJ: They are very accomplished and orderly; But ask them about that and they'll say that they hate how boring they are; They can recite all of their unrequited loves in detailed, dramatic stories; They have at least 1, if not multiple crushes where they hate the fact that they love them; once they hyperfixate on one thing, they'll never be able to tell you anything about anything else; Shy n sweet, we protecc
JC: "I HATE THAT I KIN THIS MAN, YOU DONT UNDERSTAND-"; Their family sucks so much and they absolutely deserve better; They always want affection but can't help but act grossed out by it; will fight WWX kinnies in a gas station parking lot; prayed to all the gods to be asexual because they hate hormones, but they couldn't be more thirsty; have killer fashion that makes everyone double-take; A fierce, chaotic beauty ppl don't forget
JYL: The mom friend; Is always the therapist/advisor/caretaker/friend/mom for everyone else; Girl, are you okay? You are overworked for real; Wishes they could be intimidating once in a while; LOVES ALL THE GIRLY FEMME AESTHETICS; "I'm so average TT TT" (is actually talented in so many areas wth); everyone is protective over them and they don't know why, but they like it💕💗
LXC: Oh my gosh, ARE YOU OKAY-; Have an emotional wall higher than Mt. Everest; The person with the most propriety; Perfectionism is their worst enemy; Have definitely dealt with toxic friends in their life, so please handle with care; the best listeners; Extremely artistic in some form or another; Are kind to all other kinnies, but will bloody take a bullet for JC kinnies on sight; No one shall ever know their music playlists...
NMJ: "I am who I am, and don't mess with me"; If people aren't genuine with them, they can't stand it; An open book at all times; Their face WILL show what they are feeling; They are just aiming to find a himbo or cute twink for their love partner (or both!); generally nice, but can whip out insanely painful insults, so don't test them; They are confident, and therefore, they are H O T
JGY: GOSH, WHY ARE THEY SO PRETTY??; Definitely were the reason for someone's bi or gay awakening; soft aesthetic e v e r y w h e r e; "A-Yao never did anything wrong!🥺"; Will 100% not snitch on you if you give them a favor or are just hot; Are all about optimizing their situation, if you catch my drift; They are the most loyal of loyal friends if they cherish you💗💕
NHS: "I was born to be petty."; They can recall everything they have a grudge against in worryingly great detail; They will exact revenge on you, so be nice; They have the absolute maddest make-up skills; Work in tandem with WWX kinnies to make chaos, but take a backseat more often; Either habe the highest standards or none at all with no in-between; Bring them to ALL of your sleepovers
WQ: Queen energy 24/7; "I fUCKING TOLD YOU SO-"; They are forever suffering from the incompetent, irresponsible people around them; They have dealt with creeps thirsting after them, and they all wound up missing, oops-; Will be a full-on bodyguard for JYL kinnies and MM kinnies on sight; They just hate men in general; Extremely smart and/or street smart
MM: Also constantly suffering from idiots around them; They are so pretty, but very modern n with the trend when it comes to fashion; They are so stable and sure in themselves, we love to see it; Definitely witnessed friends go through VERY cringe romantic relationships; Doesn't talk much in a group context, but if you start talking with them, they are an awesome friend💕💗; When protected by WQ kinnies, they'll insist that they didn't need up, but they'll secretly like it👀
WN: Classic shy and sweet TM; People were absolutely attracted to them before because they thought they fit a trope, and it was deeply upsetting to them; They are SO INDECISIVE; Their fear over making core decisions is immeasurable; They have an intense fear of emails; "Please don't perceive me..."; Can pop off when defending a friend, and it's very hot of them
XY: "Okay, but like, I'm just saying...a pocket knife would be good for self-defense because-"; They joke about concerning things in discord vcs at 3 am that everyone mutually chooses to ignore; Are adorably extroverted; "Omg you like candy too?! LETS BE BESTIES!!💕🎵"; Are oddly sweet considering they relate to Xue Yang; Definitely tried the goth look once, but they still looked like a cupcake; The hugging type of friend; Occasionally bratty for attention
SL: "Why do all these people lack common sense?"; Had 1 (one)(uno) crush and then never liked anyone ever again; Everyone calls their lifestyle dull, but they just say that they value consistency; You have to plan a meet-up with them 2 weeks in advance or else they will PANIK; Their form of love is helping you manage your finances; Are actually quite mature and wise once you get them talking
XXC: YOU ARE SO PURE, WHY ARE YOU ON THE INTERNET; Weirdly aged and ageless in personality; Also the mom friend, but they aren't burnt out, unlike JYL kinnies; Wear super cute, oversized sweaters, I don't make the rules; sweater paws HNNG; Sometimes a bit out of the loop, but they're doing their best; Jump around in a conversation; Found family is their absolute jam; An extreme empath, so they have to protect themselves from too much depressing stuff, like the news
Okay, that's it for now! I just picked out some of the MDZS people that stood out the most to me for now bc man, this is long, but lemme know if you want my take on any other MDZS character!
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Can i have a romantic matchup plz (if they’re still open im kinda confused whether matchups count as a request since they’re closed if so then u can just ignore me)
Fandom: surprise me just whoever fits me best
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: heterosexual ally
Personality: kind smart funny motherly responsible empathetic anxious emotional moody perfectionist helpful people pleaser caring compassionate nerdy curious protective polite respectful indecisive fearful nervous introvert shy awkward clumsy low self esteem low confidence soft spoken sarcastic sassy (sometimes)
Likes: animals books reading writing fantasy magic sci fi anime cartoons music video games friends alone time learning personality quizzes sweets and bread helping
Dislikes: spiders loud sounds people who harm people i care about not caring for themselves people who dont take others into consideration not being listened to math and tests weird holes and patterns
How i present myself: that’s a hard question i feel like i act differently for different people but they’re all still me if that makes sense like i may be more hyper and silly and sassy with friends but more quiet and sarcastic with my family but still try to be polite and considerate with both parties
Music taste: pop musicals and anime music
My type/what i want out of a relationship: just someone to love me and take care of me and vice versa
Extra: i pace a lot i sing when alone i talk to myself and im a picky eater
Thank you :)
first, thank you for adding the whole bit about whether or not matchups mean requests, i did change that in my pinned post! they were closed, but i liked yours so much that i didnt mind! now to it!
okay this did take me a second because you said any fandom. i had to dig in the DEPTHS of my brain, but I found the PERFECT man for you. I hope lol. I think it's pretty good though, so I hope you agree because
the character I chose for you is...
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you and him would be a little awkward at first, but in the cute way if that makes sense lol
i just thought the whole motherly thing fit for him, not because he is into MILFs, ladies, gentlemen, and everything upside down and in between, but because he himself, is a mother
y'all would become parents so fast but only to your figurative children ofc
he would take spiders out of the house for you because let's be real, he would let those suckers all over his hand
he is such a weirdo, but i love him so much
he would constantly be hugging you and telling you how much you mean to him
i mean, you're probably the first person to be this close to him
he loves you more than anything
he's a picky eater to, so mostly, y'all just get little snacks and if it's a dinner date, you usually stay in and make something you like
y'all would play videogames for HOURS dude
he loves your personality and just overall everything about you
he's a kind man, so I think he's the one for you!
"Should we play another round?" You turned around to Kakyoin, who was once wide awake playing a game with you, but was now fast asleep.
You smiled softly and turned off the console, placing both of your controllers in a safe space.
You walked over to Kakyoin and lightly cuddled in his lap, playing with his hair. "I love you, Noriaki."
He smiled in his sleep, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer. "I love you too."
You giggled and kissed his jaw. "Are you really asleep, Kakyoin?"
He just chuckled softly and curled up with you in his lap, a small smile not leaving his face for the remainder of the night.
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everybody-loves-purdy · 5 months
Is it just me or has there been no build-up to the relationships in the recent books? I'd dropped the series after PoT after my interest waned a while ago and recently picked the series back up from where I was left. CinderLion in the first few OoTS books seemed like Lionblaze having a crush on Cinderheart and Cinderheart seeing him as an acquaintance or a casual friend and they suddenly started dating offscreen in Night Whispers. In Skyclan's Destiny, Leafstar suddenly started being cuddly towards Billystorm and said that she wanted to become mates with him even though she had never considered him like that prior. Also, unrelated but why did Echosong say that female leaders could not have kits? I dont remember that at all from the previous books, so I'm choosing to believe that she made that up, because she was envious that she could not have a mate and kits of her own.
Yeah it’s gotten better in recent books but it has been, very bad lol
I think a starless clan (the currently published arc) is definitely the strongest arc in a long time for relationship building (not necessarily just romantic) between characters. And shout out to the most recent SE Riverstar’s Home for some really good friendship build up between Riverstar and Night in that. Writing relationship build up has not been a strong point in this series for most of its history. But hopefully with these recent releases I mentioned doing well in that category, we might finally be getting consistently good relationship build up writing again.
I don’t know why Echosong said that about the kits exactly but it seems to have been related to the authors own rules at the time of writing that may or may not have been retconned (back around then they had it in their minds that once a female cat became deputy she could never have kits again). But in more recent books when we return to SkyClan (I won’t spoil much because it’s after oots) SkyClan cats do express admiration for Leafstar raising kits despite being a female leader. I guess even though it’s not a part of the code it’s just not the done thing? I think Leafstar is still to this day the only female leader we know of that had kits while a leader iirc. But at least one female deputy has had kits while being a deputy. I feel like a real test of this female leader rule will be if the other four clans have a female leader consider pregnancy/fall pregnant, because they’re generally more conservative than SkyClan and so if it really is not retconned, it would absolutely be challenged then.
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vodid · 1 year
How many words do you currently have on your next chapter of Vulnerability? If you’ve started it, of course, life can get rough sometime •~•
What inspired you to make your Vulnerability and The Obsidian King fanfictions? Personal experiences or seeing some other people doing some romantic stuff or maybe another fanfiction?
What’s the best part of writing these two stories? Developing the world, the actual characters, the romance?
What are your current favorite scenes in The Obsidian King fanfiction? Mine is when Prowl requests Jazz at that festival thing to welcome Prowl as king to play a piece that Jazz wrote himself. OH and when Prowl and Jazz stole sweets, that was really cute and adorable and omg I love them so much
Was there anything like really really big that you had to research for your two books that took awhile and maybe frustrated you a bit trying to figure out how to write that one scene or chapter?
Will you ever have a full cover design for your two fanfictions? I find it really interesting and cool when fanfiction writers put a cover at the beginning of their fanfiction as if it’s a real book! Of course if you’re never going to do that, it’s cool, I love all your fanart of them anyways and will just fan over it!
Where do you like to write? Like, in your bedroom, library, coffee shop? I personally like to write in my bedroom, all snuggled up and cozy. Except when I end up getting distracted by something in my room that takes me away from my story for a good 20 minutes or so -~-
LAST QUESTION I have so many, but a few of these are pretty big questions to answer so I’ll just send some more some other time ^-^
How does it feel knowing that people all around the world are reading your fanfictions and connecting with your story? Like, Vulnerability has 316 kudos and 4340 hits, and your Obsidian King fanfiction has 151 kudos and 1959 hits. Like- that’s a lot of people man, so how does that feel knowing you are pretty popular in terms of fanart and fanfiction writing?
WAH HELLO HSDGFHSDFS anon coming in clutch with these questions ok ok oh boy here we go. long ask, long answer \o/
currently, i'm at about 1.4k words. a big portion of that is the beginning/setup of the chapter and the rest is lots of dialogue. the average word count for the chapters seems to land above 6.5k words (ch2 was over 8k!) and since this chapter is probably going to be the most important of the entire fic, it may come out to be way more 🤔 we shall see
the obsidian king was purely because ppl kept getting curious if there was a fic, which made me think about it and it got me writing <3 it's not my proudest piece but i've had fun making it! it's an expansive universe and i'm afraid i may have bitten off more than i could chew and without the right prep, so i've lost a lot of confidence for it unfortunately
vulnerability on the other hand came after i binged the biggest blitzbee fics (such as roe, omtop, showstoppers). i told myself i probably wouldn't end up writing a fic for them but a good scene eventually occurred to me and i went with it. the more i fleshed out the setting, the more i realized how much i wanted to explore the raw concept of their ship that appears in many of their longfics. i wanted to dig into and challenge the typical "enemies in a life-or-death situation they must help each other get out of and end up in a secret relationship until blitzwing leaves the decepticons" — not because i didn't like that dynamic (are you kidding me i ADORE it) but because — copying and pasting an ao3 reply of mine — i wanted to take that and put my own huge spin to it. i wanted their growth to happen willingly and not out of necessity. a test to see, can this ship happen without a dire situation they're stuck in while staying true to their core characterizations? basically, is there a pattern to this ship for a reason or can it realistically work outside of that? it's been very fun :)
favorite thing about writing obkau is just all the idiots in love scenes. had me kicking my feet and smiling like a goof writing all that. the romance may be quick in that fic (speedrun!) but its for the shits n giggles n blushes — and on that note, my favorite scene also has to be the kitchen raid or perhaps the first time they were in the crystal gardens together :)
a lot of the research that's gone into obkau was more so for the au rather than the fic itself. things about crystals and their healing properties, names for ocs, city-states, lore doors to the lore mansion that needed a lore key to unlock, only obtainable through giant rants with my buddy mag until something clicks.
now, vulnerability is The Fic where the past 3 years of practice have been coming together and finally paying off. a lot of that practice was put into jazzprowl fics that unfortunately never made it out of my wips just yet, but they caused the many hours and days i spent studying plots, characterizations, natural and unique character dialogue, hidden details that circle back around... and that brings me to the next question: research! oh man...
i've brought up that i used suna_scribble's writing advice for reference, so i'll skip that part. that research did take me about a full month to look through and apply to my fic's plot, and i continued to develop it as time went on but it didn't particularly frustrate me. it did get tedious at times having to get certain points and details to come together but it was more of a fun challenge if anything. so along with that, in between chapters, i'd spend a couple weeks (legit hours a day straight) researching bpd for blitzwing. mounds and mounds of research. i looked at clinical sites, personal blogs of those with bpd, reddit/quora for outside (albeit very stigmatized but still important) perspectives, and admittedly, i glanced at fanfics to see how it was portrayed there (while still remaining critical of any inaccuracies). it is difficult to write an experience i've never had so figuring out that aspect probably took the most amount of effort to get through — and i'm still working on it! as the fic goes on, i hope for a better and more realistic portrayal of blitzwing's bpd, as it's pretty much become the driving force of the story and his character development
also i'm sure if anyone's been closely following my blog, they'd know i started learning german solely for the fact that i was trying to find a simple german phrase for blitzwing to say in my fic. and i now use my lil studies to sprinkle some more german into blitzwing's dialogue :)
i've thought about covers, mostly for one of the j/p wips i mentioned earlier, but not so much obkau or vulnerability. HOWEVER, i have thought of inserting illustrations into the obsidian king for certain scenes. like in between paragraphs or at the very end of a chapter. i never got around to exploring that more but with vulnerability, it could be a possibility too (i did make that comic but thats not something i'd insert in the fic itself)
i don't have many options for places to write but i've tried a good few spots. where i end up most is in the basement (basically our family room) with a bird video on for my cat. i've had a hard time writing in my bedroom and at places not my house (except back in high school, i would write ALL the time when i had the chance — if i wasn't already busy reading fic) but i once sat outside with my phone when it was drizzling and wrote out a good portion of chapter 1 for vulnerability. never been able to replicate that tho besides once bringing my laptop out on a sunny day. few times, i've done some writing in bed, typically before sleep, but most of it was reading over what i had already written and making small edits since i prefer to use my laptop for writing (felt that about the distraction tho lol guess in a way, it's easier to get distracted on my phone than my laptop)
in all honesty, those numbers pale in comparison to what my art and my old old writing back on ffn (no i am NOT showing you.) garnered (as well as other tf fics), but regardless of that, those are pretty big numbers and it will always feel weird if i think too hard about it. weird in a good way. it's easy to think of kudos and hits as just numbers but those are, in fact, people. individual people who decided to give your work a shot and drop a lil heart on it. out of the millions of things they could have possibly chosen, they chose yours.
call me humble, call me oblivious, but i really am not fully aware of my influence in the fandom. i don't know how i impact others, how many truly know me and like my work, how many find me to be cool or famous in our little corner of the world, how most even perceive me, and i certainly don't know the effects of my writing. i'm just a guy making art of stupid little gays and y'all are hitching a ride
feel free to ask more :)
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sundial-girl · 10 months
vFlwoer...you know teh ourple one...
Tumblr media
My favorite song of theirs
ok i'm actually gonna be real i don't listen to that much flower 😭😭😭 SORRY. but the songs i have listened to are good she slays
i think given my blog theme though it's pretty obvious which is my fave flower song
Who I ship them with
ig(??) i do still for the most part think she's sapphic/has a preference for girls, and b/c of a friend my main thing was flowerin. i do like them v much and think abt them, they're cute. BUT a different friend of mine ships fukaflower and that's also really grown on me. BUT b/c of the internet and other mutuals too i've seen pikase and that's cute as hell too. so my mind somehow condensed that into the THREE OF EM (flower, fukase, piko) but i dont even know what tf i'd call that; its not entirely romantic but also not entirely platonic, something is going on and its made infinitely more complicated w/ how they all interact differently depending on what fucking timeline story thing we're in. and again flower & rin is also cute and flower has other cute ships too and AJKSDKJKJKJ 😭
i'll just say tho that the good thing about having several different story things where different things happen is i can do whatever i want and everyone can b happy. the bad thing is i end up overthinking it and also i have a tendency to not give the characters in my stories happy endings
My favorite part about their design
well for one i like how she has so many designs i think its funny lmaoo
v3 and v4 are my faves sooo... i do like the dress & longer hair of v3 actually, i feel its more like, actual flower-like so it fits (and maybe im a bit based b/c that's the design she had when i first vaguely knew abt her). but v4 is iconic, undoubtedly. its the first design that pops into my head when people say flower. i really like how its more ourple since her v3 is more like... black? hksjghkj. i like her striped armwarmer thing its quite funky. solid designs but theyre hard asf to draw imma be real 😭 i can never get them quite right
ALSO i know people dont like ci b/c she doesn't look like flower, but funnily enough i do kinda like that. the sorta uncanny valleyness, b/c u know its supposed to be flower and it vaguely does have some resemblance but its also not and something feels wrong. again though that might just be me b/c of how i twist that for narrative purposes and i have a lot of fun w/ angst shit regarding ciflower but sjkjdhjkshkjhakjhg
A random headcanon I have of them
you know those memes about people cutting/dying their hair after a mental breakdown? yeah that's her 😂😭
i don't think she actually dyes it, it's naturally that peppered white/black color sorta, but she does impulsively do shit to her hair sometimes, not necessarily when she is distressed but she has def done it as "distraction" from negative emotions going on. luckily there's some sorta thing going on that lets her grow her hair back really fast in case she fucks up, so she can test out as many hairstyles as she wants whenever basically. she does think fucked up hairstyles are really funny tho. probably once shaved her entire head just b/c she could
name a vocaloid in my askbox and i'll tell you stuff
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mothbagel · 9 months
For "send me series" meme
2001 ASO
ayy thank you! time for some epic color-coding skillz
Favorite character
It's a veryyyy close tie (between all of the portal characters) but I love the turrets. They're just lil guys
Second favorite character
AUG look I love them all but I'm gonna have to say GLaDOS because she was the main reason I wanted to get into portal (robots are cool I like robots) but also shes so cool and JUST AAAAAAAAAAAAA
Least favorite character
The character I’m most like
Favorite pairing
I haven't really gone down the rabbit hole of portal ships and I dont really ship characters outside of a few exceptions, but Ive always loved the relationship between -robot and their sad babygirl- so chelldos (is that what its called?) but not necessarily romantic (nothing against the romantic shippers, yall are great and romantic chelldos is also fun)
Least favorite pairing
No shade nothing against it, but I don't really ship wheatly/chell as a romantic ship BUT NOTHING AGAINST THOSE WHO DO
Favorite moment
Either cave johnsons combustible lemons, wheatly telling chell to kys or the entirety of test chamber 16 (I think) in portal, idk the turrets are just silly guys
Rating out of 10
ALRIGHTY SO I am really bad at platformers/platform adjacent games and they stress me out typically, so the actual gameplay is gonna be a 7/10 but the story/characters/voice acting all 10/10
-2001: A Space Odyssey-
Favorite character
Second favorite character
the concept of halman is so cool and I love it and also everyones designs for halman are just so amazing so im gonna say halman
Least favorite character
The character I’m most like
HAL, I could go on and on about how amazingly autistic coded he is without the -I am a robot therefore I do not feel- but this post is already long enough
Favorite pairing
queer platonic halman and queer platonic crew (Bowman/Poole/HAL)
Least favorite pairing
Theres really not many ships in general and everything I can think of is a character outside of ASO being shipped with HAL so none
Favorite moment
the way the stargate scene is written is just so cool and it makes me so happy the way Clarke combines unrealism with space horror.
alrighty so one of my main interests is old vocal synths, so having HAL sing daisy bell (what is considered the first harmonized song said by a computer, the IBM 704/7094 part of the MUSIC-N series) was just so cool and we love it when the dying robot serenades his babygirl before death
Rating out of 10
10/10 by far one of my favorite things ever used to be the only thing I would ever make art of (but now its ASO and portal)
thank you for asking dude, this was really fun :D
If you've made it this far, remember, you will be baked, and there will be cake (/ref)
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clonehub · 2 years
Listen ever since you revealed Hahkin I have been thinking about her on a loop. Rotating her in my mind if you will. I love how she loves Kiki, and Kiki loves her back, but if I'm interpreting their relationship correctly, Kiki isn't in love with her, the way Hahkin is. And Hahkin is never going to bring it up, because Kiki is happy with Jax. I also love the idea of her constantly moving, constantly reaching out and interacting with the world-- the parts not necessarily good for a monk. (1/2)
I love that to the other Jedi, so many of them are focused on being the 'luminous beings' but Hahkin interacts with the 'crude matter' on a daily, regular basis. She is a real person, with vices and virtues and flaws, and not just a stone statue the way the Order tried to be in later years before its fall. But at the same time, Hahkin is a Jedi. She has passed every test put before her, and she's part of the main corps. She is everything they said she could not be, and she is more besides. (2/2)
omg...omg an analysis about one of my OCs? yo i appreciate this so much, while I'd been aware that she was more grounded in a way, it ever occurred to me that she was so because she's the "Crude matter" side of things. Compaired to Hahkin, Kiki (from Hahkins POV) is the "luminous being"--she's strong in the Force, she can wield it almost however she wants. she's always doing something grand, something magnificent--whether for the war or outside the war or even in personality .
i dont want hahkin to put kiki on a pedestal, but you know how sometimes you have a friend that almost exists beyond your comprehension? they're cool, theyre epic, and so you look up p to them. kind of like "how did i manage to be friends with this person"? thats hahkin @ kiki. she loves her dearly. although hahkin never exploring those feelings or confiding them to kiki is more a result of her Jedi training--Jax doesn't come into the picture years later, when Hahkin is unfortunately already dead. Hahkin respects where their friendship is now. She likes that they can be as close as they are. She's still following the "no attachment'" rule of the Jedi (at least, the TCW interpretation of the rule) but in all honesty, if Hahkin and kiki were to start a relationship, I think neither would struggle with letting the other person go if they had to, at least not for the majority of the war. If they were to break up, they'd still love each other very much. But yes, the slight romantic feelings Hahkin has for Kiki are unrequited.
(if Hahkin were to die, well then that would be a different story altogether)
But Hahkin looks up to Kiki because Kiki always believed in her, right from day one. She didn't care that Hahkin was weak in the Force, she didn't care that Hahkin wasn't as academically smart and for a while was kind of a slow kid. Kiki didn't care about any of that, and she frankly didn't notice the difference in their Force abilities in terms of strength--Hahkin couldn't form a deep connection with it, and Kiki couldn't comfortably connect with it. Hahkin's persistence inspired Kiki. They've always pushed each other.
And for that, Hahkin was ready to go wherever Kiki went, up to and including leaving the Order entirely. But she left too late and ended up getting killed in Order 66.
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