#like i said‚ those people weren't just confused. they were rude about something that mattered a lot in front of the wrong people
kaleidescopeghost · 15 days
Hey with the stuff on womanism, why do you think those like 2-3 white folks were say hating? On the black community, from what I saw they saw a word they never read before and were confused. Instead of educating people told them to choke and die which I don’t think helped anyone out
Well, I don't think those folks were intentionally hating on specifically the Black community as a whole, but they were definitely hating on the term Womanism (simply for,, sounding Black and being a term they never heard before, even if they didn't realize that was Why the term sounded so strange and unnecessary to them) ((probably bc they don't ever actually Talk to Black people tbh)).
However, that being said, it was Not just a case of innocent ignorance, they weren't Just Confused, they were incredibly rude and that's a Major distinction that needs to be acknowledged--Even the people who looked it up on a very surface level immediately agreed with the people who had No clue what it was Stupid and basically pointless, which was just ignorant and rude even when read with good faith. They looked at this term that wasn't theirs, wasn't even About them, and started piling up on this one Black person for calling them out on their aggressive and willfully ignorant behavior (one of those people being an open LGBTQIA+ exclusionist who has a long ass post with the phrase "inclusion is harmful" in it and the Context being they believe the queer community should be, well. Just LGBT, and they consider Q+ folk to be just,, inherently invalid which is Just nasty behavior that I want to mention because it matters who says what and what they believe in conversations like these).
Frankly, I don't mind educating. I'm very used to it and I'm good at what I do-- but this Black person showed discomfort and distress because these folks were just. Attacking a movement that is Important To Black People and Other People Of Color, and they were met with "Just Educate These Adults!!!" "Do you get mad when Literal Children don't know things?? Do you tell them to die when they have Questions???" "People don't know keywords to search for!!" And pushing all this blame for the situation on this person which wasn't fair because truthfully we live in the Internet age and marginalized communities don't Owe anyone a calm, polite, collected, gentle education when those same people are calling shit they don't even understand stupid just for existing, especially when it's culturally relevant, and we're Especially allowed to get mad about the way these people can just Say Whatever and immediately get backed up when they were just incredibly rude for no reason-- we're allowed to get rude back too! :') in all honesty, it was the call out and the disapproval that Was the education ( the lesson being What They Said Was Bad! And that they needed to go give themselves some reeducation bc their ignorance is leading them to say harmful things). It can be a tough pill to swallow, especially when you don't know the gravity of what you're even saying and then being met with harsh rejection, but the only reason that happened was because these folks looked at "Feminism But Black Inclusive" and immediately was like "this is the stupidest thing I've ever heard or seen" 😭 and they Swarmed and Ganged Up On the first person who called them out. Not okay behavior. We're not going to be nice to people who can't A.) genuinely just look things up. If you look up Womanism, you'll see your search engine literally Gives You key terms to help you in your research. And B.) be open minded and calm when hearing Black terms.
We just can't constantly sacrifice our health for these people, because it is genuinely a lot of work and pressure we're expected to just Offer Up at any time simply Because we are Black and just magically know everything and are now also expected to be spokespeople for our entire race which is unfair.
So yeah, I don't think it was completely unfair that this Black person was mad. They used ways of expressing that in a way I wouldn't have, but I'm very much against the idea that Black people need to be Perfect, Articulate, and Polite to people who are aggressors and who speak ignorance. It might not seem like it to someone who doesn't know what Womanism is, but those people dropped the ball in a Major Way. You can't just trigger marginalized people like that and expect a kind, specifically catered education from strangers just because You don't know something-- sometimes you say something fucked up and people yell at you and everybody should be able to learn from their mistakes in these scenarios.
(also, it could be the autism, but they weren't telling people explicitly to die :') just to choke lol in my mind people can survive choking lol + the whole reason it was said was to be like "you might as well be physically unable to speak because I don't care what you have to say here". Like I said, not the way I choose to express myself personally, but I get why it happened and I don't think they deserve crucifixion about it and I Definitely don't think their anger invalidates them at all.)
BIPOC, Especially Black people do not owe anybody an education. We're just people and it's really strange we're expected to be polite teachers in the face of ignorance and aggression.
Those people were willfully ignorant, called the wrong thing stupid, and then got yelled at by people who belong to a marginalized demographic where that word really matters to them. It's not nice, but it is fair.
It shouldn't be our cross to bear, to educate people who act like this, simply because we were born Black or otherwise POC. Honestly, a lot of the stuff we know, we know because we had to educate ourselves using the same internet we're asking them to use but during our time, there were way less resources. To us, it very much is a matter of needing these people to Want to put in their Own work on their Own time, using the resources that already exist. There's loads of BIPOC authors, journalists, and creators who talk loads about this stuff, and the learning process is kind of like math in the way you can't always just be given information plain and simple on a silver plate without a Lot of other context. Which is also why we have such an emphasis on educating yourself. All you gotta do, essentially, is check Who is writing what you're reading and cross reference different material to make sure you're getting a well rounded understanding of what the general consensus of the community is. I literally used a Britannica article to brush up on my knowledge before posting and it wasn't hard to find :") the article wasn't even written by a Black Person from what I can gather.
This might not be the answer you want, but I trust you to see how these people expecting an education from random Black folk They upset is presumptuous and a bit entitled. She didn't owe anybody any sort of gentleness in this situation, even if she said some mean stuff. It wasn't nice, but neither were they and the whole situation could've been avoided by Them looking things up for themselves before calling something that was heavily implied to be influenced by race stupid. It sucks for people who just Don't Know Shit, but BIPOC aren't obligated to be helpful to people who Already aren't putting in the work.
But the good thing is that there Are loads of preexisting resources from willing professionals from all across the world and all across time who are respected that teach you everything you need to know that are Free and At y'all's finger tips. Y'all just gotta look. The reason we're oftentimes so frustrated is because We also did the same research because we cared about learning this stuff, so we Know if these people cared, they'd do the same thing.
Okay! Very long post lol but I'm done now! I am still open to further questions and clarification but I hope this was helpful. We're all just people in the world, and we're all just learning, but it's good to practice just. Being polite and looking before you leap 😅 because the initial thing that started this whole mess was people saying some really rude stuff about something that means a Lot to us culturally as Black people.
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bixbythemartian · 1 month
Okay, I wasn't going to say anything, but I've seen posts about this get passed around. And it's probably too late to push back on this, anyway, but I'm so frustrated I feel the need to say to say something. This is coming from a place of love- I just hate seeing this going around, and I want to offer some perspective on the matter.
First of all, regarding that poll where the user did not know how to pronounce 'Miette'- if you look in the replies, it doesn't take long to discover that the OP was genuinely confused about the pronunciation and, when corrected, was working to get it right. That poll came from a place of innocent ignorance. I hope the OP took it down and stopped reblogs and turned notes off or whatever, because some people said some awful shit. I hope you are the kind of person who is kind and understanding, in the face of such ignorance. Or, if you can't be that, I hope you can at the very least be quiet. (And props to the people in the replies who patiently and kindly explained things to the OP.)
Second of all, I've seen a lot of posts talking about literacy rates, and I'd like to point out that English literacy has very little to do with figuring how to pronounce a French fucking word, goddamn. The OP just didn't know. The dunking, the pointing, the laughing- rude, unnecessary, not helpful.
Thirdly, in response to the complaints of 'they don't even teach phonics in schools these days'- that's bullshit. Because the odds are very good that they didn't teach phonics in schools when you went to school, either.
When I was a kid, it was called Whole Language. It was the new hot literacy technique, and a lot of schools adopted it. It used cueing techniques and sight words and was very similar.
If you're a millennial, you might remember the commercials for Hooked on Phonics, and you might conclude that teaching phonics in schools was perhaps not common, if you think about that for a bit. If it was worth it to sell a whole reading tutoring program for struggling readers based in phonics, perhaps it might lead one to conclude that phonics weren't as common as other methods, right? You might not have been taught phonics to start. What you do know about phonics, you might have picked up in the past 20-30 years, right?
Okay. Lets go back further, you know Dick and Jane? It was based on, more or less, the same sight words principle, and those primers date from the 1930s, although I don't think that teaching technique came really into vogue until the 40s.
If you are alive, today, in the United States, the likelihood that you were not taught phonics in school is well above non-zero. Especially if you're a millennial.
The notable exception is the 1970s. And during that period of time, there were probably plenty of schools that still used fucking Dick and Jane. And plenty of schools that were starting to adopt Whole Language, because while it was popular in the 80's and 90's, it was developed before. So, Gen X, you didn't get out of this unscathed either, though you had a better chance of getting a phonics-based reading program, I think.
'Kids these days' are not less literate because they were taught wrong. A great deal of us who are alive and speak English as a first language were taught wrong.
(I also think this is the common way English as a Second Language is taught and I'm sorry if you learned sight words, it's so much less intuitive than phonics, and English phonics aren't particularly intuitive. But I know a lot less about this, and I'm not sure.)
The reason some younger people struggle with language and words that I, for example, don't, is that I've been reading and speaking the language a lot longer. That's it. That's likely the same thing for you.
Please quit mocking people for their lack of information, for a start. I don't blame you for not knowing this about the literacy programs, for example. I had to do a lot of research on this. Right? Odds are good, you didn't know this.
And you are hitting people who struggle with literacy for other reasons- English as a second language, for example. The people who deal with dyslexia, there's plenty of autistic people who struggle to communicate fluently in their first language, and many more people who struggle with learning, speaking, and otherwise communicating in English for a huge variety of reasons.
Even if you're right, you're hitting people who had no choice in the language method they were taught from. They were five.
I don't think people mean to be unkind, generally (some do, but we block and move on), but it's really frustrating to a lot of snark circulate without the greater context of 'actually, a lot of English speakers of all age groups were taught English this way, especially USAmericans' and 'hey, what does English literacy have to do with pronouncing a French word, anyway?'
Okay? Okay.
Love you bye
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the-milk-monarch · 7 months
☢︎ | gender-neutral reader
☢︎ | Total Drama
☢︎ | Mal
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You had to survive in a new school.
Which was already draining enough, as you didn't have many friends. because of your lacking social skills.
You didn't really bother anyone and you were just kind of keeping to yourself passively.
It was tolerable, living like that in your previous school.
However that "comfy" style of yours quickly got disrupted when one of the most edgiest boys in your class started picking on you.
Mal, was the name of your new school bully it seems.
A lanky boy with brown bangs covering one of his eye.
"Emo?" You thought, but whatever thoughts you had about him were quickly poisoned by how he acted towards you.
You were used to hear some mean comments about you from your past classmates, so you decided to ignore it at first.
Mal wasn't really fiercely trying to bully you, but if he got a chance, he'd make sure to say some comment about you that'd make your day annoying.
"Wow, Y/N got a insert any grade here" No matter if they were bad or good, he always had something stupid to murmur to himself, but in a way you'd also hear. "Oh, did you tire yourself out?" He said mockingly, seeing you come out last of the gym. "Careful not to strain anything…"
"Aw, sitting alone?" He looked at you as he passed by, noticing you eat your lunch in some secluded part of the hallway, away from people, sitting on the ground and leaning on the wall.
All you heard were those stupid remarks of his. What was the point of them? Why did he target you??
You usually just ignored him, not wanting to waste your breath on some meaningless banter, but you finally snapped this time.
"I don't see you eating with anyone either." You respond bluntly, pausing your feasting on the sandwich.
He chuckled ambiguously, his smug aura still present. "Oh, I don't need any other company."
You looked at him for a moment, unsure what to say, but he just lingered around you for a few more seconds, before finally going his way after noticing your reaction.
You were so confused by his behavior.
Like, he didn't say any offensive things to you like "you suck." but there was just some- off vibe from him.
Was he trying to piss you off or is he just eccentric?
This question lingered in your mind for some time as his antics continued.
He was also a known troublemaker at school, so that gave you even more reason to be worried about his intentions.
You weren't really a troublemaker, or if you were, you hid it really good. You were never caught.
But Mal was the type to flaunt with his misdemeanors. He was proud of being a pain in the ass for the teachers and probably other students.
You didn't really paid attention to it, but most of the students weren't talking to him. He also wasn't keen on interacting with his classmates.
He only seemed to "pick fights" with you, which had left you with a burning question of why?
But you were also new at the school so maybe there was something else to it and you just had to wait.
And wait you did, until you landed up in detention, with none other than Mal.
You were very baffled the moment you were called for after hours at school, for allegedly misbehaving.
Of course you asked for details and why were you so unjustly taken here.
But all you got for the reasoning behind was that you were very rude to Mal, and he also made a mess in the classroom trying to blame it on you!
At first came confusion. You were rude to Mal how?? Was he really a baby about that last comment you made?
Then anger came. Was he really so petty to trash the whole classroom and then pin it on you?
You tried to explain that you were just eating lunch by yourself when that happened, but since it was a very secluded place and no one (besides Mal) talked to you, there was also no proof of your innocence, besides "he said, she said".
You were about to throw hands until you saw something familiar sitting on the desk at the trashed classroom. It was your pencil case!
Why was it there?
How did he get his hands on it??
He set you up.
He made it look like a perfect crime. You were prone to writing on the desk sometimes, but you immediately wiped it after, so no harm was done. However, your teacher didn't know that.
Your teacher knew Mal was a troublemaker though, so he took his words with a pinch of salt, but because of your newbie status you got dragged into it too.
The teacher didn't bother to check how much at fault you were, so he ultimately decided that you both were gonna spend at least an hour there until the classroom was clean.
The teacher got out of the room, leaving you both in there.
Mal was sitting lazily in one of the chairs. After he noticed you drilling a hole into him with your eyes, he smirked amused and smug.
"What?" He asked, lightly supporting his chin on his hand comfortably.
You waited a few seconds before responding to his disrespectful ask.
"What do you mean 'what?'. The hell, man??" You raised your voice a little at his audacity.
He just looked you up and down, as if very entertained by your reaction.
"Now you don't have to spend your time so alone. You're welcome." You could hear the victory in his voice.
Was he really doing it for his own entertainment?
"I-" You didn't even know what to respond, gaining you some delightfully amused raised eyebrow from him.
"Don't tell me you're not at least slightly happy to see me?" He said, leaving you even more confused. You didn't know whether he was serious at this point or pulling your leg.
"Why would I be??" You spat out without any thinking, making Mal put on slightly dramatic offended expression.
"Oof, ouch. I thought we were getting somewhere." He mocked, looking at your response after his words.
You tilted your head.
He sighed, still keeping a nonchalant and tad arrogant tone.
"You never talk to me, no matter how much I try to gain your attention." He spoke calmly, as if being the one in control of the situation.
"But hey, you spoke to me today." He said, almost proud of his "achievement".
"And what did that do?? You tattled on me to the teacher that I was rude and set me up??" You asked your very valid question.
He chuckled slightly, readjusting himself to an even cockier position on the chair.
"Dear, all I did was make you talk to me. Look at that, whole few minutes and we're already having a conversation." He was a very peculiar man.
You didn't know whether to be amused or annoyed at his smooth replies.
"Well, couldn't you strike up a convo like a normal person, without setting me up for your trap?" You asked, looking at him expectantly.
He held himself off from laughing.
"Refresh your memory, I tried." He said casually.
You stop for a moment to think. It's- true. He did kind of talk to you, but how were you supposed to be sure he wasn't just fucking with you??
"Cat got your tongue, eh? It's okay. I can let it slide." He said before you could come up with a response. He acted as if he was doing you a favor.
"But you were nothing but annoying jerk to me!" You pointed out. Your words might have been a bit over-dramatic, as Mal technically never insulted you.
"Come on, I was a jerk to everyone, so why should you be left out? I just wanted to get your attention and… Well, I'm sure it worked." He said, still nonchalantly as ever, with a bit of proudful undertone.
"Besides, I could be far worse hun. That was me being nice." He said, smirking arrogantly.
"Well then… uh- Sorry?" You said, unsure of your words. You still weren't sure if you were in the wrong here, but it seemed so?
"So- What did you wanna… talk about?" You asked, still a bit in the dark why Mal chose you for a casual conversation.
Mal just looked at you in a somewhat bored expression, but it quickly softened into a light smirk.
"I'll be frank. I'm into you." He said nonchalantly, making your eyes go wider.
"So… Do what you will with that information." He leaned back against his chair a bit more, crossing his arms in front of his chest. A curious and smug expression became apparent on his face.
You didn't know what to respond to that out of the blue admission. Mal knew that, thriving on making people uncomfortable with his bluntness.
"For real?" You mustered a half-assed response, still processing the sudden flow of information.
He squinted his eyes in an amused expression.
"Yeah 'for real'." He confirmed, sizing you up with his gaze.
"And- What… What do you want me to respond to that…?" You asked, looking at him for some guidance. You were still very confused and hesitant about the situation.
"Say that the feelings are mutual, of course." He said, raising his eyebrow in an obvious and entertained way.
You looked at him with an unsure expression. Were you actually the asshole in this situation? What were your feelings towards him, now that he gave you such a hard question to answer?
"Well- What if- What if I don't know??" You responded honestly. You really didn't know what to say. You were a bit upset at how Mal tried to gain your attention, but you couldn't say you weren't a bit curious about how things will go now.
You were still suspicious of him, but now that he did get your attention, you were thinking about things.
You haven't had a boyfriend in forever (or, ever, if you were still single throughout all of your life), so his proposition was intriguing, even if not conventional in the grand scheme of things.
Mal looked away, pretending to be annoyed.
"I get it, I'm just a meanie after all..." He said in a pitiful tone, obviously trying to pull at your heart-strings. He was a good manipulator, after all.
You didn't fall for it, though.
Mal noticed that, so he waited a moment before turning his face back to you. There were no words spoken between you two for a while, until he finally continued.
"Alright then, I'll make you a deal." He looked at you halfly-serious.
You glared back at him expectantly.
"I'll clean up this whole room if you go out with me." He said, looking at you, waiting for your reaction. He had an expression that indicated he was fully assured that you would accept his offer. He didn't want to do it, but it was necessary to gain your trust.
You waited for a moment before replying, thinking about his offer.
You were curious to say yes, but you also felt a bit ripped off on the offer, since it was Mal's mess to deal with in the first place.
"...And if I don't?" You asked, looking at him slightly interested in what he had to say.
"Then I'll leave this whole mess as it is and you'll be stuck here cleaning by yourself." He tried not to smile, proud of himself. What a jerk.
"The teacher locked us both in here, remember? You're also gonna get yelled at." You brought up a valid point.
"You don't get the gist. I don't care to get yelled at. I just did this to spend time with you." He said, as if he had to explain the obvious to you.
You sighed. You were still not entirely convinced, but you also didn't wanna be the bad guy. You finally gave in.
"Fine." You said, rolling your eyes slightly, to at least restore some of your pride. It earned you an amused smirk from him. "...We can go out sometime."
"That's what I wanted to hear." He summed it up, acting arrogantly about being able to persuade you.
He got up from his chair smoothly, heading your way.
"Alright then. How about another arrangement?" He crossed his arms in a slightly cheeky way, yet still remaining composed, with a smug smile on his face.
His body language radiated confidence, and it made you wonder what keeps him so cool all the time??
You looked at him with a raised eyebrow. What more could he want from you?
He took a step closer towards you, to the point where you almost started thinking about the boundaries of your personal space.
His presence was just so- overwhelming.
"I won't get you in trouble next time..."
He raised his hand to touch your chin in a bit patronizing way.
His words almost came out like a sultry whisper, trying to get a reaction out of you.
"If you give me a kiss."
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Am I the asshole for bringing my friend to stay for the weekend?
Didn't think I'd ever make this, but here we are. So, I recently moved in with a roommate for this year of college. We never met before and we live in different parts of the country (not USA, it's a country in Europe).
Anyway, things were going great. Then I came to her one night like my friend and I wanted to go see a movie on Saturday in cinema and we'd come here afterwards to watch a show on TV since she doesn't have one in her dorm and she will likely sleep over since it's on the other side of the town and I don't want her to have to go by bus and if she wanted, she could also come with us. She said ok, but she won't join us. She will be in her room with earphones.
So, just as an fyi, the appartment has 2 separate bedrooms, huge ones, a huge bathroom (don't take this lightly, it is fit for a couple with two children and has a bathtub), the living room and dinning room are connected but there is literally space for 6 at the table and the couch can fit 4 people plus there is an armchair, the is also a spacious kitchen and a long hall and small office. When we moved, her idea was that since she has a work table she can bring, she'll take a room close to the door and put it there and I can take the room next to the office and take the office for myself. We split the bills and rent in half and our landlord told us we don't have to pay anything aside from rent the first month as a welcome gift (not unusual here).
So, Saturday, my friend asked me to help move from one dorm from one part of the town to the one in another, since it was the end of the month and everyone is coming back to college and now the one she got opened again. We went there and the lady at the desk told her she couldn't move in without a doctor's note telling them she is alright, essentially meaning she would have no place to stay untill Monday since the doctors that give those notes don't do weekends and she would have to wait. I told her that since she already is staying at my place for Saturday, she can also stay for Sunday since she had nowhere to go. We weren't paying anything except rent that month, so my roommate couldn't argue that she shouldn't pay something she didn't spend or anything. Here, it would be considered rude to say that, but people are colder to others to where she is from, so I wouldn't put it above her.
Anyway, we came to the appartment and put all of her stuff (a suitcase and a few bags) into the office only I use and I told my roommate like sorry, but there was a slight change in plans, we didn't anticipate this happening, we won't bother you etc. She said okay. I, like any well raised person here, offered my friend a drink (we had water, tea and coffee, she picked tea, I bought that, no alcohol or anything similar involved) and we went to the movies afterward.
The movie was shorter than we thought so we came back earlier and we decided to watch other stuff on TV to pass time and I made some coffee (it is custom to drink coffee in the afternoon here). Meanwhile, my roommate was showering. After she came out of the bathroom she came to me and said we needed to talk. I was like ok, confused as to what. She came to us, we were sitting on the living room floor since the couch was too far away from the coffee table and she told me that in the future that I need to tell her when my friend is coming since she has stuff to do outside of college (still unclear as to what), that this ruined her plans and that I need to tell our landlord my friend is staying over. I was like, I told you, I remeber that, and I told you she would sleep over, you were fine with it, the plus one night wasn't planned, but I can't let my friend sleep on the street and our contract says nothing about me or her for that matter letting a friend sleep over. She was like, yeah, I understand that you didn't plan that, but I didn't see what you said about her coming here on Saturday as that, and I was like what, I couldn't be clearer and then she just left to go back into her room.
Soon after, my friend and I went for a walk to discuss the situation and to see if it was just me. We came back, watched the show we planned and when to sleep in my room. We got up the next morning and steered clear of the appartment for the day as to not disturb my roommate. We came after she went to bed and went to sleep ourselves.
In the morning, Monday, I got up to get milk and breakfast for me and my friend since my roommate has her own diet because she has a sensitive stomach so I didn't get anything for her, considering that. We said hi and she went to her room. My friend came out of my room and we sat down to eat and when my roommate came out of her room she said hello, but my roommate ignored, picked her breakfast and went back to the room, which is odd considering she usually eats it at the table and that table is fit for six people, maybe more and her spot was still free, on the other side of us. She left without saying goodbye and she didn't say a single word to me after that first good morning.
I wanted to talk to her about the situation this afternoon after we both come back from the classes. I would have done so earlier, but I didn't want to have an audience aka my friend since this is a problem between my roommate and me.
She came back late, but she didn't even try to say a word to me at all since that morning and I don't want to leave this unresolved, but it's late and I have classes so I was thinking about leaving her a letter to read, but I also feel like I did something wrong, I just don't know what.
So, am I the asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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ikamigami · 4 months
Someone needs to say this.
Stop policing what is canon and what is not canon in sams or any of these shows.
If you're not a showrunner your words mean not more or less than anyone else's.
"You can't interpret that piece of dialogue like that cause it's saying this and that and not whatever you're trying to say"
Well, that's not how dialouge (I mean characters' statements) works cause imagine that everyone would take your words as your true opinion on certain matter no matter in what circumstances you said that.
For example: you're very tired and stressed out "I'd gladly kill this stupid neighbour of mine cause they're getting on my nerves" everyone else: "wow.. that person may kill someone better call 911"
How would you like that? Wouldn't it be funny if everyone always thought that you 100% mean your every word?
It would be horrible, wouldn't it?
That's why taking everything, every word at face value it's not always 100% right.
I really hope that some people in this fandom will realise that people can interpret things however they want and others can agree or disagree with whoever they want.
When you're policing the show you're acting like Karen. You're a killjoy. You're ruining fun of being a part of this fandom.
If showrunners felt the need to clarify something they would do that because many authors clarify things when confusion appears. If they're not doing that that means that people can interpret things however they want. Period.
If my words aren't convincing that much to you yet, I'll give an example of the fenomenon that is hugely known in sams fandom.
People claimed that KC loves his sons BM and Eclipse. However his love for them was never that much shown and later he did not only helped to kill one of his kids but he also was very harsh towards his other sons. He later never even called them his sons. And yet it didn't stop people from seeing KC as a dad type.
And this is the best part. No one cares about it. No one cares if it's accurate to canon or not. Probably because it's hugely accepted in the eyes of majority of the fandom.
On the other hand we have other interpretations which aren't popular and majority doesn't agree with them. And yet these not so popular opinions are making people so mad that they start policing what is canon and what isn't canon in the show.
Why? Why are you doing this?
Let people engage with these shows however they want.
But if certain opinions or certain person who states those opinions really gets on your nerves you can always block certain tag or certain person. It's completely okay to do that. And you're definitely feel better after doing so.
Also continuing this hard policing creates toxicity in the fandom. I bet that's not intentional but I want you to know that it may cause more harm than good in the long run.
I'm not only talking about Tumblr part of this fandom but also a part from Discord server.
I saw that someone stopped showing up on Discord server for sams because many people were mean them for being just a little bit odd. They weren't harming anyone with things they were saying and yet people felt the need to act rudely towards them. I felt really sorry for that person. I hope that they're doing okay.
I also stopped showing up on Discord because I felt attacked for having different opinions from majority of fans there.
At the end I'd like to add that many things that are stated in sams are vague and can be interpret differently. For example: Solar once stated that Sun may have schizophrenia. Is this true and canon? Maybe. This statement was vague. And symptoms of schizophrenia don't fit Sun's mental state that much. It's not only my opinion by the way because I've seen other people who also think that Sun doesn't have schizophrenia. But he may still have it. Or he may have something completely different. Who knows?
So does it really matter if people interpret Sun's mental state differently than majority of fans? I don't think so.
Same was with Eclipse. Eclipse's fans kept saying that he actually cares about Lunar and has remorse for his actions. And it actually seems to be true. He seems to regret things he had done. But remember how majority of fans couldn't care less about Eclipse and what Eclipse's fans were saying?
Now we can see that people start to feel sympathy towards Eclipse.
So maybe we shouldn't policing so hard about what is canon and what isn't canon in these shows.
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thesongmachine · 2 months
may i have hc's with Maki, Ryoma, Angie and/or Korekiyo with a shsl actor! reader (she/her prns if thats okay) who often doesn't think before they act.
maybe if you want to with an angst route the reader is like Tsumugi's righthand man in the killing game setting.
okay because I have SO MUCH to write for each character I'm gonna do this in parts, I'll also add some angst so be prepared 🤭🤭
TW: Threats
Maki Harukawa x Shsl Actor! Reader
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at first I kinda feel like you guys didn't really interact
like you just disnt really talk to eachother in your freetime ig 😭😭
she also found you SLIGHTLY annoying and immature with your words
ofc later on she gets that you don't rlly think before you speak and helps A LOT with remembering
especially when the situation is serious, we don't need you saying some out of pocket shit lmao 💀
BUT as the killing game goes on you just randomly start talking to her
at first it was small, like a 'hey' every morning
and ofc she would return the favor, she wasn't gonna be rude-
and then over time it developed into more
and then before she knows it you two are together
she doesn't know how she managed to pull you
especially with your opposite personalities-
but it's okay cause she loves you <33
as more and more people die she notices how much more tense and weird you've gotten
I mean she just assumes it's the trauma that you all acquired
she doesn't blame you
but she really tries her best to talk to you, even if its hard for her because she's never one to do something like that
but all good things come to an end
It was the final trial. Only a few people were left, and it was getting tense. You guys didn't know who the killer could be... That was until Tsumigi revealed herself to be the mastermind.
Everyone was shocked, mutters could be heard all across the trial room. Except yours. You were just... Silent?
Maki notices this, and she calls your name. Gently. "Y/N... Are you okay?" She says, confused. Why weren't you saying anything. I mean Tsumigi just told you all she was the mastermind!
You don't say a word, you just look down. As time goes by you speak up. "Maki.." You say, tears slightly seen in your eyes. "Im helping her. I'm the mastermind too..." You say, feeling overwhelmed. Choking on your words, tears falling from your face.
Maki doesn't say a word. Nobody does. She just stares, mouth hanging slightly open. "What?" Is all she can stutter out.
You look away from her, feeling slightly ashamed. She grabs onto the podium frame infront of her, yelling in a fir of rage. "You bitch! You lied to me!" She exclaims, staring dead at you.
She had trusted you, but you lied. She had really thought once you two left this nightmare you would have a life together. But in just a matter of seconds those dreams were destroyed.
Now she was just letting words spill. Not caring what she said. "I'm gonna kill you! I hate you- I mean you lied and- I just..." She says, her words falling out.
Afterwards she doesn't say a word, she just glares at you.
Making your stomach sink
Eventually when you were executed alongside Tsumigi she couldnt bare to look at you
but in the end she did, and she felt just like a wave of emotions
she didn't wanna see you die but she couldn't believe you lied
in the future she thinks about you so much
she misses you a lot but still can't believe you lied to her
She is def more careful with the people she trusts if any
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unusualfanbase · 3 months
I'm sorry my insane thirsty creatures aka pookies I have your meal ( aka chapter 2 🥰)
Five x f!reader
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SORRY IM SO SORRY POOKIES I WAS PROCRASTINATING but now I have chapter two and I hope yall like it.
Summary: You were born on October 1st 1989 and you had powers your mother forced you to go to the funeral and that's when you met him
⚠️ warning ⚠️: Blood, gore, weapons, mention of drugs, and five himself is a warning 😀
In the kitchen the boy was making a sandwich you stepped aside not wanting to intrude on a family matter. To intertain yourself you got into an argument with venom whether poptarts or waffles are better. The boy started walking up to you halfway into the argument so you paused. From what you could gather his name was Five hargreeves. He locked eyes with venom. Venom chose violence today. "You know little boy its rude to stare at your elders?". Fives face changed from confusion to irateion. The boy faced you instead "Who are you? What is that? And why are you here?" He seemed ready to throw fists but you weren't in the mood. " im y/n l/n this is venom my mother wanted me to come to this funeral.". He wasn't done yet. "How are you able to do that and how should I trust you?" You were going to start getting annoyed by his attitude. "You don't have to trust me because I have people that do and I was born on October 1st 1989 like the rest of you except I have two powers which makes me better." You finished of with a sly smile he didn't like what you had to say " if it makes you feel better im not from the commission I just read minds." He looked at you shocked after that Klaus was in the back yelling about how you were his new bestie or something.
There was tension between the two of you until Diego cut in. "Y/n can you read our minds?". You got confused for a sec " wait wait a minute. So what your telling me is that you want me to read your minds and clear you to make sure you didn't kill your dad?" Luther wasn't the happiest with Diego's idea but he thought it was worth the shot. Diego was nodding at your statement. You sighed "... fine as long as I get * your fav food*" Diego thought for a sec " deal" you shook Diegos hand. Diego looked like a kid at his first time at Disney land. You began with Luther " whos mind is she reading? Maybe Diegos right and I'm being over dramatic." You repeated what Luther had said and did everyone else . "There all done now you owe me * fav food again*" Five stepped to close to your personal space for you to be comfortable " how do we know she didn't do it?" He stated. Venom thought it was his time to shine. Still running on violence venom answered. "I can volunteer to answer she and her lonesome dumb ass didn't leave her house all week unless it was for work and spent most of her time watching dance moms and let's not forget those fan fic-" you started to panic at those last words you covered his mouth and quickly pulled away " EWW WTF DID YOU JUST LICK MY HAND--"
Hope you enjoyed sorry for the long wait hope you enjoyed 😊 ☺ see ya pookies 😚
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kaelyn-stocktonmil · 4 months
Acceptance...No Matter How Bad It Hurts...
They say there are 5 stages of grief...Denial...Anger...Bargaining...Depression...and, of course...Acceptance...
Lately...all I've been is hurt...my best friend...Abby, that's all I'll say her name is, out of respect for her privacy...though, I suppose that sort of goes out the window with this post...but I haven't got much to lose at this point...so I don't really care if she's mad at me for typing this...anyway.
We've...not been doing well. Fyre, another friend...I thought, at least...myself and Abby...for awhile, I've felt as though we'd been competing for Abby's free time...I was the one to introduce the two, because I wanted my Xbox friend to meet my best friend...and, as I'd hoped, they hit it off. So much so...they eventually started dating. I was so happy! Happy, that both Fyre and Abby had found happiness in each other! Happy, that two of my closest friends got along with each other...and then...gradually that happiness that they had, shattered...because I still wanted time with my bff...and they spent all their time with each other...jealousy, I suppose, but I never saw Abby as anything romantically, so don't get it confused...but she was like the big sister I never had but always wanted...so, of course...I wanted her attention.
Fyre and I were already experiencing a rough patch at the time...but it only got worse from there. I don't know if she was aware she was doing it...but she was...kind of controlling. At least, towards me...over time, she seemed to become more spiteful towards me...I know, I may have done some things to upset them, reading to much into things, getting upset over things that most people would probably find insignificant...I can't help that I am the way I am...I've tried to edit my behavior, to be more satisfactory so she wouldn't be mad or upset either of them...but I'm realizing more and more that I can't, because it's just a part of how my autistic brain acts and perceives things...
Eventually, I just gave up with trying to change, trying to tell them I couldn't help it...but Fyre wouldn't listen...neither would Abby...and that cut me to the core...
One night, in an effort to be more...obedient, I reached out to Fyre, asked if maybe they felt like playing Fortnite, which I know they enjoyed playing, even though whenever I played it I would get upset because I just couldn't get better at the game...I just didn't want to be alone, so I tried to do something they wanted, since Fyre was so adamant about not liking or wanting to play anything I liked...even though friendship is a 2 way street...
I was very polite about my request...and they essentially spit in my face...saying they "weren't trying to be rude, but I don't really want anything to do with you, so could you kindly fuck off"...that was the exact quote...I never messaged them back after that. That was a month ago.
Wanting a shoulder to lean on, I went to the only person I knew who had always listened...even when it came to Fyre...so, I took a screenshot of what they said, and sent it to Abby...more than anything, I just wanted her to make me feel better, to understand that I was being hurt more and more by our increasing distance, and by Fyre seemingly pushing myself and Abby further apart, and it may be petty of me to believe it was Fyre, but I know some of it was myself, and I tried to be more of what they wanted, but it either wasn't enough, or my brain fought against me...
I should have known she would have enough of me eventually...she messaged me back, saying that I was essentially overreacting by getting so hurt by those words, and that she wouldn't mediate things between me and Fyre anymore, that we had to figure it out ourselves, and that if Fyre didn't want to figure it out, I had to respect that...that she wanted to be my friend, but I needed to chill out...
I never responded to her...at least, not for awhile...I didn't want to say anything that I thought would make everything worse...I mean, that's all I've been doing recently without meaning to, can you blame me for not wanting to risk doing it again?
She hasn't talked to me since...even though I've reached out, apologized for being such a burden. I haven't apologized to Fyre, because I don't even know what I've done to her...and I know she doesn't care, she just wants me to leave her alone...that much I know...
I've never felt so alone and insignificant in my life. I met Abby at a bad time in my life...and she made everything better, everything seemed brighter. Even when my own mother fought against me out of fear I would be hacked or give away dangerous information that could put me in danger...It all felt worth it, and eventually she gave up, when Abby proved she wasn't some creep on the internet, and I was given permission to talk to her...I didn't have to go behind my mothers back 24/7 just to talk to my best friend...
And now? After, what...10, maybe 12 years, I don't even know, I've lost count...everything my mother feared came true...just not in the way she thought it would...but I did end up getting hurt irreparably in the end...
For the past month of January, I was in Denial, telling myself that we'll bounce back, just like always...I was Angry, at myself for fucking everything up AGAIN...just like with my past best friends...I've only had 2 before her...I Bargained with myself by reaching out, praying for an answer...and I've been Depressed through it all, but even more-so when she never responded...we've never gone this long without talking to each other...that's how close we are- were...
And now? After my mother asked if Abby had talked or reached out to me anytime recently this morning...and I said no...she apologized...and I said "It's fine." She responded with "No, it's not." Knowing it wasn't and seeing right through my mask that I wore, so I wouldn't cry in front of her...she said she'd been through it as well, with my Godmother, who is now miles away in another state, with an asshole of a boyfriend, that she only stays with because she believes she can change him...and while they still talk now...it still hurt my mother...
More than anything...we both lost our sisters...and more than anything, we were hurt, and we missed them...I still do...
But when she hugged me...telling me that it's a part of life, and that I'd be ok after awhile, and that she'd always be there for me...
I suppose Acceptance clicked into place, as I hugged her back.
I didn't cry. I didn't want her to know just how much Abby had hurt me, how deep she'd cut me...how a part of my heart will always be missing as a result...but now?
As I'm typing this, the tears are flowing, and it's all I can do to not sob for a years long friendship...amounting to nothing.
I've accepted that Abby is done with me...I unintentionally pushed her away, because of who I am...because of WHAT I AM.
Because of how my brain works...and while I know that was never her reason, it very well may have been Fyre's reason, because she always wanted me to do things her way, to change how I act to her liking...and I foolishly tried, at least for a little while...until I realized I not only couldn't change anything, but that I was hurting myself trying in the process...
I was never good enough...never obedient enough, for Fyre to want to put up being my friend...so I'm done trying. Done getting my heart hurt by a person I once considered my friend...
And if Abby doesn't see it...doesn't care, to look...then all I can do is respect her wishes...
And to @abbyvolleyball09...if you see this...I wish you and Fyre the best...I'm sorry I was such a burden to you...and I'm going to miss you and the good times we had more than anything...
And, @cosmictyto, I know you'll see this...I just want to thank you for being so kind to me during this hard time...I've been needing a shoulder to lean on, and you have graciously been that shoulder.
I'm glad to say that I can say I at least have one friend to see me through this darkness...even if the darkness is the pain of accepting a former friend no longer wishes to be friends...
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moonriizee · 7 months
₊❏❜ ⋮ ⌒ Chapter 1 - Gwendolyn, are you freaking stupid?
Pairing- Anton × OC
-learn about Gwendolyn Park and also see what happens when Anton gets bullied by a bunch of douchebags
: ̗̀➛ Next , Masterlist
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"Are you dumb?" "Are you freaking stupid?" "Why won't you say anything?"
Those words never left her ears, even after leaving America. The same words, but in a different language.
"Seriously why are you like this?"
But that didn't matter when she would be in a practice room, happily vibing to the beats- she didn't feel like having to conform to anyone's image of her. She could be herself.
And when she would paint, or carve a sculpture, or create origami or sketch a scene she could also be herself. She could write down what she felt- when it was difficult to say it. She found solace in art- every form of it.
"Gwendolyn, do you want others to know about you?" One of the staff asked, as a couple of them sat in a meeting room. "Um, I'll let them know eventually but um, not-not really," she kept shifting her gaze from the floor, to the walls, to everywhere else but their eyes.
"I sometimes really don't get you, when you perform it's like you're a totally different person, so confident, are you just putting up an act?" One of the male staff joked.
"No, sir, I wouldn't act like this to get bullied, people call me dumb, stupid and idiotic, why would anyone like that?" She asked, nonchalantly not realising her tone was a little rude.
In anger, one of the staff said, " seriously, you deserve to be called that, why are you so stupid? I wish we hadn't taken up the chance of debuting an autistic girl just to make our image better, god "
That night, Gwendolyn Park would be sobbing into her pillows, sniffling and trying not to make much noise as her roommate Eunryung slept beside her. "I'm not dumb!" She wished she could scream out- but she really couldn't.
"Are you alright?" Anton would ask her the next day, as they would be sitting down after an extensive rehearsal. They were still testing the group's overall chemistry and as things were going, they were positive they would debut, but maybe with another girl- one of the staff had said.
"Yes," she replied, staring back into oblivion.
"Something's off with Gwen, I know it." Anton brought up, when she had gone out of the room with one of the managers. "Yea no shit," Eunseok shrugged.
"I mean she seemed weird since we came back to the dorm yesterday, but I thought she was just tired," Wonmee sucked in a breath. "Yea, today she didn't even have the chocolate that she has every day, like every day," seunghan disclosed.
They continued, talking of her weird antics until Eunryung said, "The staff probably said something crude to her about her autism."
"What?" Confused faces stared at the eldest in the room. "Oh wait, right, you guys couldn't have picked it up..." The girl sighed.
"What do you mean?" Sungchan, Wonbin and Yuri asked in unison. "Well, for starters, she can never keep eye contact, secondly, she's always awkward- sure that could be introvertedness but she also does things in a repetitive or a routinely manner," Eunryung began.
"For example, eating that chocolate before practice everyday, or sitting in the same spot- you know, 'her spot', get what I mean?"
"Ohh," Seunghan gasped. "So then how could she perform that well? I mean doesn't autism like I don't know really effect you?" Sohee wondered.
"Yea, shouldn't she also be awkward while performing?" Shotaro asked. "Not necessarily, it is actually autism spectrum disorder, so the symptoms can really vary from person to person but maybe for her performing is like an escape, something she can just do without having to give a second thought- a lot of artists are autistic you know?" Eunryung cleared up.
"That makes sense..." sungchan trailed off.
"Also, she goes for a "routine checkup" every second week- but the hospital file shows one of the best psychiatric departments," She finally said.
"Oh so you weren't sherlock, you just saw her file," Eunseok scoffed. "Well, I didn't open her file, it was just on her table and I happened to glance at the cover," she defended.
"So you're partly sherlock?" Wonbin asked.
"People, Gwendolyn won't be there for the rest of the practice, please get on without her for the day." A sudden announcement made the group get off the ground and begin their routine once again- a cover song that would be another "chemistry-between- members" test.
Anton was the last one to leave the studio, throwing his duffle bag over his shoulder, putting in an airpod and selecting his favourite song from spotify.
He was peacefully walking back when a group of boys suddenly blocked his way. "You've been so ignorant since you were announced in the debut group huh?" One of them smirked, towering over the young boy.
"No I just, haven't had time.." Anton began to get fearful. "Yea right, then how about you give us some money to make up for it?" Another one of the three bullies spoke up, pushing anton towards the wall. They continued forcing the boy into giving up some bucks, well that was until a bottle was thrown at one of their heads.
"Who the f- oh it's this bitch huh?" He diverted his attention. "Sorry, you looked like the trash can, my bad." Gwendolyn said, standing near the vending machine.
"What did you just say?" He grew angry, steps heading towards the girl. "No- no- Hyungmin don't-" Anton tried pulling him away, alas, hyungmin shoved him away.
"Seriously you need to learn some fucking manners," he headed towards her, palms clenching into a fist. Just as he was about to hit her, the girl cleverly bend down, dodging his punch and letting his hand hit the metal of the machine.
He yelped, and his two lackeys tried to fight girl but of course, she hit the shin of the boy in front who toppled and made the one behind him stumble.
"Anton, quick run!" She exclaimed, after taking a hold of his hand and running away from the scene. The two headed inside the lift, repeatedly pressing the "close lift" button when they realised the three delinquents were following them. And just in time they made it, they escaped the bullies. As they reached the ground floor they ran off to the exit, seeing that the other lift was heading down as well.
Finally they made their way out of the building, near a convenience store. Awkward silence filled the air.
"Um, wait here," he said, going in the store. After a couple of minutes he returned, two can s of chocolate milk and a familiar sandwich in his hand.
"You like this right? You eat it often?" Anton remembered Eunryung saying that she did things routinely, so she would probably like to eat the chicken club sandwich she has from this place around this time right? And he'd seen her drink the chocolate milk quite often as well.
Her eyes lit up at the sight of two of her favourite things. "Thank you," she spoke meekly, accepting the food.
"Thank you for saving me though..." he trailed off, voice soft and hesitant. "No one should be bullied like that," she justified, opening the plastic wrap.
"What if they did something to you though?"
"Well um then, I would've told my manager and asked them to check the cctv recording- which I am gonna do tomorrow and save you from any further bullying," she looked away from him, gazing at the flower pot nearby.
"Why would you do any of that for me?" Anton suddenly asked, feeling as if he was being a "burden" to her.
"Well...because I like you." She very boldly said.
"W-what?!" Anton panicked, his cheeks reddening.
"Oh no- not like that, but like, as a person, you're sweet and caring. You always ask how I am, and try to include me, you always know if something's wrong with me, you're a good person Anton, and no one should treat you like the way those delinquents did." She finally looked at him, before pulling her gaze away few seconds later, sipping the can.
Anton just smiled, his cheeks still blushing.
"But I also would do all of that to let you guys know that even if I have autism I-I'm not dumb, or-or stupid-I am hard-working, I'm talented, I want to be an idol and I will perform on stages one day, I won't be just a publicity stunt by the company!" Gwen didn't know what happened but her tears slowly left the cornea of her eyes, staining her cheeks as she rambled. "I heard you guys while coming back to the room, but I ran away necause I thought you'd bully me like other people did...Ms.Nam understood and she let me practice on my own for the day..." she finally calmed down, taking a deep breath.
"Gwenny, we would never do that! It isn't like that! We would never think you're stupid, never, in fact, we think that you're so cool, even with a disorder you perform so well, but autism doesn't define you, it's merely a part of you, it is not who you are. You are a talented, beautiful and intelligent girl that just happens to have it. Believe me Gwendolyn Park, even if SM wants to use you to better their image or as a publicity stunt, the public will you either way because that's how perfect you are."
"...She even said "Sorry, you looked like the trash can, my bad" and then..."
"Wait so Anton, you were being bullied by who?!? Imma beat those motherf-" eunseok yelled.
"She's like Ko Moon-young!" Sohee exclaimed.
"Wait you called her gwenny?" Wonbin fixated on the tiny detail.
"Oh my god Anton you like her!" Seunghan somehow concluded.
"What? No? Why would I even like her?"
"So you hate her?"
"That's the loudest you've ever spoken!" Sungchan grinned.
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zeynatura · 1 year
Wow my brain really decided to hurt me last night huh
I had a wonderful dream, I was together with two of my best friends, we were taking a trip to another galaxy and it was great
Until I woke up and realized that one of those friends isn't my friend anymore
We were best friends in middle school and the 3 of us actually had a trip to a pueblito mágico and had a sleepover and made good memories
But then we had two big arguments because my friend was involved in 2 bullying events, first a new kid at school tried to make her stop being my friend and would have worked if I hadn't talked to her about it and the second one another new kid at school organized a massive 'prank' involving multiple people and many of my friends to attack another friend and they made her cry in the middle of recess in a day I was sick and wasn't there to stop them
So that 2nd new kid wasn't a fool, she knew i wouldn't have allow that, so the next day I go to school and find out about the whole ordeal you see me talking to everyone involved except for the new kid responsible and my friend that got involved on the 1st event.
They tried to make it a war, between "us" and "them" but I wasn't having it, they kept on trying to bully my friend and I would ofc defend her, and little by little people were learning that what they were doing was wrong and stopped .. all but 3, the evil mastermind, my friend from the dream and another dear friend whom I went to her 15 años party and was her madrina de cojín
Months passed by, we stopped having any interaction with them, and one day while on a spelling bee contest, my friend from the 15 años and I were the last contestants, so I just casually asked her why we weren't friends anymore and she said "I don't know", I asked do you wanna go back to how we were? And she agreed, so now I was missing only 1 friend
But this was the second time that something like this happened with her, the first time I took the first step to mend our friendship so I thought she should be the one to do it now, right?
But she never did, the years passed, we went to high school together too and idk what she told her family but her mom hated me and you see... our dads were co-workers and friends so I didn't tell my dad about our broken friendship and in our middle school graduation ceremony my dad approached her dad casually, making conversation and her mom was rude so my dad came back to our seat and asked about it, he got mad because I didn't tell him that I wasn't friends with her anymore but like ... just because we the kids are not friends doesn't mean you the dads can't be friends xD
But my dad is terco and wanted to stick with me so he was like: I won't talk to him anymore
So in high school we would often pass by next to each other and not talk, but I noticed she would avoid looking at me and she even seemed afraid so I was confused cause I wasn't the one that did the bullying so ... why was she afraid of me? I thought maybe she thought I was mad at her and I was at first, years ago in middle school when it happened but at that point in high school I wasn't, I was sad and disappointed because we weren't friends and I remembered all the things we promised and how none of that mattered anymore...
One day while passing by her and her new friends I decided to smile at her and the look of surprise and relief that she had when I did that it made me want to hug her cause oh my bahamut, I loved her so much, and I wish her the best
So we didn't end stuff on a sour note but it still makes me sad that we're not part of each other's lives and now my brain made me dream about her and ugh
Great way to start the day
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skzfairies · 3 years
suprise comfort
warnings: homophobia, mentions of divorce, fighting parents, unaccepting parents, disappointed parents, mentions of being homesick, mentions of missing family
time: june 2019
pairing: yuri + yeosang
summary: when yuri is upset late at night, someone comes to comfort her, and it’s not who she expected.
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the room was dark, the only light was from the little night lamp by their desk, and the dim lighting of yuri's phone. she was scrolling through tik tok, unable to sleep, unlike her snoring roommates below her.
she saw all sorts of tik toks, funny ones, boring ones, cringey, and sometimes, she would even see a fancam of a kpop idol with text over it. they were normally always about fan wars though.
but one of the tik toks she found, it made her stop. she could feel her breath hitch at this one, and she felt her heartstrings be pulled.
it wasn't the creators fault, and she would never blame them for bringing this sudden wave of sadness over her, she was happy for them, and glad they were able to share their happy memory with her.
but yuri couldn't help the intrusive thoughts came after the wave of happiness was over.
the tik tok was a video of the creator coming out to their parents, and they were really supportive. yuri was so happy for them, and she was glad that people could have supportive parents and face less hardships for something they can't control.
yuri kept on thinking about when her parents found out about her being lesbian, the disappointed face they wore was something that was still painful for yuri to remember even after all these years.
she could hear the words that she often replayed coming to her head, and the pounding of her heart rose. she could feel tears running down her cheeks, coming faster and faster and more memories came back to her.
she let out a hic up, the sound seeming very loud to the quiet room. she held her breath for awhile, hoping neither hongjoong or seonghwa heard it. after a few minutes past, and it was confirmed that neither of the boys woke up, yuri slightly made her way down the ladder, and tip toed her way to the bathroom.
she knew no one would be up at this hour, so she was able to cry freely in the bathroom herself.
she shut the door to the bathroom, and plopped herself down on top of the rug, harshly pulling on her hair.
she wanted supportive parents so bad, she wished she was straight, because that's the only way her parents would naturally support it.
her parents were over the arguing now, but they barely talked about it, never confirming if they truly supported it or not.
she wanted parents who she could gush to about a girl or bring one home to them without awkward conversations. she wished she could be herself around them, without masking one of the biggest things about her.
tears were now clouding her vison, and she could feel snot rolling down her nose.
she quickly got up and grabbed the toilet paper, blowing her down and wiping off the tears on her face, and returning to her spot on the rug.
she just wanted to cry, she wanted to throw something, give a piece of her mind, she felt like she was going crazy. she let out a slightly loud sob, covering her mouth and sobbing into it, wishing that this pain would just go away.
she missed her family so much, even though they caused her so much pain. she remembered the family vacations, the jokes, the late nights. she remembered the fights, the arguments, the tears. her family wasn't ideal, and no matter how many times she wished that they would just get a divorce, she still missed them. she wished she could just break off all ties with them and just never speak to them again because all of the emotional pain they have caused her, but it's easier said than done. the guilt always eated her alive, even when she tried to convince herself that it wasn't her fault they were like this, she always did feel like it was all her fault.
she couldn't stop the tears and the sobs that were falling now, no matter how hard she covered her mouth, or how many times she brushed the tears off her face. she could feel her body shaking, her head pound, and her heart ache.
she didn't even notice the door opening, she was too focused on calming her breathing, and trying not to scream her lungs out.
she didn't notice someone even entered the bathroom until she felt arms wrap around her, causing her to jump and try and hurriedly wipe off her tears and stand up. this didn't work, the arms help her down and softly grabbed her hands.
"stop doing that, you'll irratate your eyes."
yeosang, yuri could notice his deep voice from anywhere, but she was suprised that he was even hugging her in this moment, normally they never did any skinship.
"yeosang, what are you doing?" yuri whispered, barely able to speak in a normal voice, and her voice slightly cracking even at a whisper.
yeosang softly pulled her into his lap, leaning against the wall and brushing her hair out of her face, seeing how red her eyes and nose were, and her puffy cheeks broke his heart. he hated seeing her like this so much.
"i thought you could use a hug." yeosang softly chuckled, hoping to bring the mood up some, but it failed. yuri rested her head against his shoulder and sighed, feeling too emotionally drained to even say anything or look at him.
"could you tell me what's wrong? i'm sure it will help."
yuri could feel the genuine concern in his voice, but she needed a break, she felt like she was crying for hours, and she couldn't even find her voice in her throat, so she only shook her head against yeosang's neck. yeosang sighed, softly brushing the hair out of her face. he really wanted her to talk, he never seen her this upset before. but he knew it would only make her upset more if he tried to force her into opening up.
"okay, maybe later. do you want to move somewhere more comfortable?" yeosang gently whispered, softly patting onto yuri's arm.
yeosang heard her hum, so he slowly unwrapped his arms around her, and helped her up, standing up behind her.
he grabbed onto her hand softly, making yuri softly tense before relaxing, and walked her into the living room.
yuri never saw yeosang this soft and affectionate to her, and she appreciated it. she felt safe and comfortable around him, although still greatly bothered and upset.
yeosang sat down on the couch and pulled her down into his lap once more, and yuri returned to her position with her head on his shoulders.
they sat there for awhile, yeosang occasionally brushing his hands through yuri's hair, while she stared off into the distance, still thinking about the memories of her parents outing her and being rude to her.
yeosang didn't want her to shut down completely, so he softly called her name until she looked up at him, and sat up.
"now could you tell me what's wrong? i understand if you don't want to talk about it, but i've never seen you this upset, mimi. you don't have to go through this alone." yeosang whispered, searching yuri's face for any discomfort, or any tears.
she looked conflicted, like she was deciding if she wanted to talking about it or not, so yeosang added,
"i won't tell anyone about this, i promise. it's just between you and me." yeosang held out a pinky, and smiled up at yuri, causing a smile from yuri, and she linked her pinkie with him.
this is a step, yeosang thought, and sat back, waiting to see if yuri continued.
he heard her barely audible voice, and it sounded dry and weak, and yeosang never wanted to protect anyone more than ever.
"it's about my parents."
"do you miss them?" yeosang gently responded, knowing that she hasn't been able to see them in a very long time, and had to stay at the dorms while the others returned home for a week by herself. he would feel terribly homesick, too.
"yes and no." yuri sighed, dragging her hands across her face and shaking her head. yeosang could feel the stress radiating off of her, and began rubbing her back, hoping to ease some of the tension.
yuqi was quiet for a little bit, and yeosang waited for her to continue, slightly confused about her response.
"they, well, how do i say this. they had many flaws. many hurtful flaws. does that make sense?" yuri questioned, looking at yeosang and continuing when she saw him nod.
"my parents fought often, and most parents do that, but it was a lot, and it was almost an everyday thing. they could barely be around each other without arguing. i really wanted them to get a divorce, but we couldn't. i was thinking about that, and some other things too." yuri mumbled leaning back against yeosang, humming when he brushed his hands through her hair.
"i'm sorry yuri, that sounds very hard. you said there were other things too? do you want to talk about those?" yeosang said after awhile, he couldn't imagine the emotional stress she had to go through growing up, and wished he could solve all of these problems for her, but he knew he really couldn't.
"yeah...this is the hardest thing to talk about. um....well my parents weren't always accepting, of well, me. they were only accepting of the version that they wanted to see, you know?" yeosang nodded, understanding that feeling. it was hard and not easy to deal with.
"it wasn't about school or my dream or anything, they were proud of me for that. so incredibly proud. they weren't proud of, who i liked." yuri said fastly, holding her breath, waiting for yeosang's response. yeosang could feel her tense up, and mumbled to her that it was okay, and that he's proud of her for talking to him. yuri calmed down, seeing yeosang did not have a problem with it at all.
"i don't understand why they didn't accept it. it wasn't like i was having crushes on bad people, it was literally just girls. i don't understand why that was such a big deal." yuri huffed, feeling the anger rise into her, but quickly fall with sadness.
"i don't understand why either yu, but i'll always support you, and so will the boys, and atiny. there's nothing wrong with you, i promise. and who cares what other people think about who you like? i know it's harder when it's your parents, but it's their lose, they are being foolish for not accepting you. i'm sorry you have to go through this, mimi. i'll love you no matter what." yeosang spoke, brushing yuri's hair with his fingers again, and yuri was sure it was extremely oily by now.
yuri felt a lot better now, and appreciated. she knew that her boys would always have her back, and that they would support her no matter what. they were her family, and she was their's. nothing could pull them apart.
"thanks yeosang, i love you." yuri smiled, hugging onto yeosang and kissing his cheek. she felt so loved, and so appreciated.
she smiled into yeosang's chest and softly fell asleep, dreaming of her real family, that was ateez.
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hawksugarbaby · 3 years
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Kirishima x reader- Freezer burn
Quirk info: you have fire breath, you're always too warm because there's literally fire inside of our body. It also means when people are close to you they're really warm to, you're pretty much a radiator.
"Bro... (y/n) is eating a popsicle" Kaminari muttered to Kirishima who was unable to peel his eyes away from you no matter hoe hard he tried. "I know bro" is it wrong to be looking at her like this, I can't look away she was just perfect and- *crunch*
The boys watched in horror as you bit off the top of the popsicle and there was a very audible screech from the middle of the courtyard you and your classmates were in. you thought someone was hurt so you instinctively whipped your head around to see where the noise came from but instead, you saw sero and kaminari dragging Kirishima away to the door with bakugo holding the door open and signalling like a marshaller to hurry up and get him out of the courtyard. You shrugged and continued to much on your popsicle and made a mental note to ask Kirishima about it later.
Kaminari sat him on the couch and sat down next to him and handed him a water bottle. Bakugo knew something needed to be done, he wouldn't sit there and let his friend suffer, he stormed up to the boys and stood in front of them "OI, you need to fucking get it together shitty hair. You might as well just ask her to suck your dick dude" Kirishima choked on his water, most of it landing on his vest "BRO! I- I don't want that I just want her to... be my girlfriend and stuff you know" he said rubbing behind his neck in embarrassment "hey if it makes you feel better, think of how todoroki feels, midoriya's wearing leggings and I'm pretty sure he deepthroated that popsicle" he said though not really helping the conversation. "Why can't I just be normal around her?" he asked burying his head in his hands "just fucking go back outside and be yourself" bakugo reasoned, this time with some much better advice.
While this conversation went on inside the house you realised it was getting hotter, originally you had come outside in a white bodysuit and (f/c) shorts and a hoodie. to begin with, you had sandles on, but you had to take those off, your hoodie was who knows where and you were standing in the fountain as if it was a waterfall accepting the fact that you were being drenched with cold water, but you were still too hot. You had been through at least 4 popsicles so far, todoroki had already tried to help as much as he could but to no avail and as the sun climbed higher into the sky the temperature went up also.
"Fuck this" you shouted and ran back into the dorm not realising that your white bodysuit was pretty much see-through by now. You sprinted past the boys on the couch to the kitchen and there it was your lord and saviour... the freezer. You wandered round to the commons and asked, "hey who wants to help me get in the freezer?" they looked at you with confusion and 3/4 boys looked in the other direction while Kirishima turned the colour of his hair "d-do you want t-to change your t-shirt first?" he asked and you looked down realizing everyone could see what was underneath your top "oh no I'm wearing a bra how unfortunate, Kiri help me get in the freezer!" you said pulling him up from the couch and dragging him to the kitchen "(y/n), no I mean if your shirt's wet and you're in the freezer you'll get hypothermia" he pointed out, even though that certainly wasn't what he meant but he didn't want to be rude.
You stopped realizing he had a good point "then I'll just take it off?" you said and walked towards the closest bathroom "NO (Y/N) THAT'S NOT MUCH BETTER" he shouted after you making you stop again, he looked around for a better idea and suddenly a small lightbulb appeared above his head (in his mind) "here take my vest" he said pulling it over his head and handing it to you, he had no issue showing his abs off. Your face lit up red at the sight of his gorgeous body and you took the vest and sped toward the bathroom.
You came back with his vest on which covered your shorts since you were a fair bit shorter than him and... another popsicle? "Where did you even get that!" Kirishima asked questioning how you could have got a popsicle "hun I keep popsicles all over the dorms, I'm not going to suffer if it's a hot day" you said continuing to suck on the (f/f) popsicle not realising what it looked like to him. "Um (y/n), d-did you take your bra off?" he asked noticing there was no band showing at the back of the vest (y' know how you get those vests with the really deep backs?) "well yeah that was wet too so it just made sense," you said, making a good point 'okay Kirishima calm down. Your crush is wearing your vest, without a bra, and eating a popsicle... I wonder how far- NO'
The brilliant thing about the freezers in your dorm was how big and empty they were, you were teenagers, after all, you weren't going to put very much effort into making food so that freezer was never more than a quarter full. "So what's our gameplan here?" he asked looking in the freezer and putting down a blanket to make it slightly more comfortable for you "lift me up, and put me in the freezer, but leave the top open so I can breathe," you told him the plan and he nodded "okay 3, 2, 1, go," you said and clutched to your boxes of popsicles. he picked you up by the waist and placed you in the freezer and you sat down taking in the cold air, he looked over the side and smiled "care to join me kiri?" you asked patting the spot next to you, he thought for the second and his conclusion was, what's the worst that could happen? He vaulted over the side and landed like a gymnast in the freezer and sat down next to you.
You both sighed and shut your eyes letting the cool air surround you. The good part was that neither of you would absolutely freeze because you yourself were always too hot anyway, and you kept Kirishima warm also.
"why did you get dragged out of the courtyard earlier?" you asked checking off your mental note to ask about it and sitting in the freezer together seemed like the perfect time to ask about it "o-oh um there was- there was a wasp" he said lying through his pointy teeth. you unwrapped another popsicle and shook your head "the manly red riot is scared of wasps?" you asked offering him a popsicle that he pushed away, the way you said his hero name sounded so much better than the way he did "uh, yeah just. Don't like them. Too buzzy" "but you're fine with bees?" he looked at you with surprise, how did you know he liked bees? "I never said I liked bees" he pointed out and you laughed "Kiri yesterday you went out into the courtyard specifically to, and I quote 'water the flowers so the bees are happy'" you said remembering him walking around in a short-sleeved flannel with a silver watering can "how do you know what I said?"
you didn't feel like telling him you got distracted from your studying because he was taking care of the bees so instead you changed the subject slightly "it's the popsicle isn't it," you asked pointing to him with the frozen goodness in your hand "w-what gives you that idea?" he asked looking away "hm just something about how you keep looking at me when I eat one and you grimace every time I bite it?" you point out looking at him even though he wouldn't look back, no answer "if you want me to suck your dick just ask dude" "WHAT" you laughed at his response and it took you a minute to calm down "I'm kidding I'm kidding," you told him and he let out a sigh of relief.
"Yeah it's the popsicle," he said folding his arms across his chest "you could've just told me how you felt dummy. You know that right" you said poking his cheek with the newest popsicle stick "well (y/n)... I like you like I really like you like I want you to be my girlfriend kind of like you" he said confidently. "I like you too, and I will happily be your girlfriend," you told him and leaned your head on his shoulder "you're really hot" "why thank you" you laughed knowing that wasn't exactly what he meant but the compliment still stood.
"So how far down can you-" "KIRI!" a silence fell between you "...Full thing" and he looked at you with surprise "wanna see?" "YES"
Part 2 here
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kerie-prince · 3 years
more than enough
George Weasley x Hufflepuff!reader (fluff)
requested: (@weasleys-wizard-wap) hey there! could i request a george weasley x fem!hufflepuff!reader where she comes from a wealthy muggle family but doesn’t brag or is snobby and george gets insecure and feels like he’ll never be enough for her so she comforts him?
warnings: use of 'mudblood' again, suggestive themes at the end, sad george :(
summary: your family never had a problem financially, while the weasley's are a different story. and even though you don't flaunt it, george still doesn't think he's good enough for you
a/n: not me getting draco involved again (what can i say, i love my bf) also i hope this is good, it's shorter than what i usually write
(gif cred)
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You weren't a stranger to high class frivolities. Your muggle father owned a successful company in London that has been in your family for quite a few generations which got you into some of the finest parties, dinners, clubs and restaurants around the world. But none of that mattered to you.
The best moments took place in the summer night at the magical Burrow with George and his family. The humble Weasley family may not have been drowning in riches, but it didn't matter. They had each other and that was more than enough.
You ran through the corridors, adjusting the black and yellow tie around your neck on the way to your Potions class. You weren't usually late to classes, but last night had you caught up in George’s room late that you spent the night in the Gryffindor dorms.
By a second, you had made it into Slughorn’s class on time and took your spot between Hermione and Hannah. “Ahm, what’s that over here,” Hannah gestured to a spot below your ear. You panicked as you pulled a mirror from your bag to see what she was talking about, only to see nothing there. The girls at your table laughed at your gullible state, “Ha ha, very funny.”
Across the room, a certain Slytherin catches your attention, “Oi Y/L/N! Not still wasting your time on one of the Weaslebee’s are you?” Malfoy’s friends laughed at his comment. You rolled your eyes at him, not exactly in the mood for his rude jabs at your boyfriend or his family today. “Piss off, Malfoy.”
Ooos were heard across the room. “Oh come on, Y/N. You may be a mudblood, but surely you can do better than, what do muggles call it, Cinderella.” That’s it you thought. You pulled your wand out ready to hex Malfoy but Hermione stopped you before you could get detention and points taken from Hufflepuff.
Unlike Malfoy who always had to show everyone what newest thing daddy bought him, you valued the simplest things in life. You could easily drown yourself in the best name brand clothes, jewelry, and accessories money could buy, but none of them would have made you as happy as George does.
You flipped off the blond prat and put your attention to your potions professor. The day was dull as you waited for lunch to roll around. Missing breakfast sure built up an appetite. You went to sit with your fellow Hufflepuffs at your table to catch up with friends as you normally sat with George and his friends at Gryffindor’s table.
They all greeted you warmly. Before you could take a seat, you felt strong arms pull you back up and turn you around. Your boyfriend towered over you and had the biggest smile on his face. A face you couldn't get enough of. “Afternoon, milady,” George greeted you. You stood on the tips of your feet to give him a peck on his lips, a peck that turned into one, two, then four sweet kisses. “Milking Y/L/N for her money, are we Weasley?” a group of snobby Slytherin’s passed by the table. You had to tighten your grip on your boyfriend to keep him from going across the table.
It’s become a normal thing recently. It was known that although you were muggleborn, you came from a very well off family. One that could almost rival the Parkinson’s and Malfoy’s. The Weasley family didn’t have such privileges, and the highborns of Slytherin’s love to remind him of that. There were nights that George doubted if you were really happy with him as he had no materials to offer you.
You felt him tense in your hands and pulled his face to look back down to yours, “Hey, you okay?”
He visibly relaxed at your fingertips, “Yeah, I'm fine, love.” He kissed the top of your head and walked to his table. You took your seat next to your friends and started your lunch. The fellow badgers around you looked awkwardly at you, not really ones for conflict; getting into it or talking about it. You turned to talk to Justin and Hannah to get your mind off it.
As George sat in his shared dorm with Fred, he couldn’t focus on what his brother was saying. He sat in his bed thinking about what his classmate said about him. Milking Y/L/N for her money? George knew that he wasn’t, and his whole family and friends knew it too. What bothered him was that everyone thought it. And sometimes in his nightmares, he dreamt that you would think of him like that as well.
He never once wanted to be a part of a high class family as he always thought that they were snobby and didn’t appreciate anything. But when he met you, he saw how genuine and kind you are. George fell in love with the way you held your head high not in power but by gracefulness. People liked you because you were kind to everyone, not caring whether or not they had a profitable status. But also, people liked you because you had money. Money he could only dream of having.
George often thought if you would be happier with someone better than him; someone who could give you the world that you deserve and still have enough to buy you another world. But he was selfish in a way that he would never want to give you up.
“You’re thinking about it again, Georgie,” he heard his brother interrupt his thoughts. He had sunken shoulders, a frown on his face, and not as much energy as he usually did when Fred was thinking of what mischief they could get themselves into.
“I was just thinking if I’m-”
“Good enough for Y/N,” Fred said simultaneously with George. “Stay here.”
Fred left their shared room for a while, only to come back with you. “Alright love birds. I'll be downstairs. Don't do anything I'd do.”
You looked confused at his words, “Don't you mean ‘wouldn't’ do?” Fred just smirked, gave you two a wink and left the dorm. From outside, you could hear him casting a spell on the door to keep it locked. The whole situation was making your head scratch. When Fred came down to the Hufflepuff dorms, he didn't explain why you were being taken to Gryffindor house.
Not minding that you were left with your boyfriend alone, you looked at him with a big smile and stood yourself between his legs and gave him a hug. When George hesitated to hug you back, you realized something was wrong.
“You okay, babe?” you sounded concerned. He nestled his head into your neck and mumbled into your skin. “One more time?”
“Do you think your parents would like me?” George expressed. He pulled his head away to look at you better, his hands rested softly on your waist. Absentmindedly, his thumbs were massaging the area.
The question took you by surprise. You giggled in response and said, “Of course they would, they'd love you. Is that what this is about? Do you want to meet them?”
“Even though I don't have…” he couldn't finish what he was about to say because it embarrassed him. Not because of the financial state of his family. He was no Percy. He was embarrassed because he let all those other people make him feel less than when he was with you. He returned to his spot against your neck.
“Hey, I don't care about all that,” you caught on to what he was saying, “and neither to my parents. They just want what's best for me, and what's best for me is you.” You gently grabbed his checks and brought him up to look at you again.
“I love you,” you declared. Soon after, a deep blush crept onto your cheeks. It was the first time either of you have said the words. George looked at you with wide eyes, followed by a grin that stretched across widely. “Say that again?”
“I love you, George.” Seconds after, he pulled you in and placed his lips on yours. They moved in perfect motion with each other. You pulled away after a while, starting to lose your breath. George rested his forehead against yours and whispered, “I love you, Y/N.”
That night would be one of the best nights in your life. And seeing as you were left alone with a locked door, you climbed up to straddle his lap and kiss him more. Until one kiss turned into several, and several kisses turned into something more.
requests are open!
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sery-chan-13 · 3 years
Hi, welcome to... whatever this is.
Keep Talking
Last Boss/Takatora Samura × Reader
Warnings: Swearing, people tell you to shut up and are generally rude. As always, feel free to tell me if I missed any
"And then I went in and-''
"You're talking to much. Be quiet."
"There was a really long climb-"
"Do you ever shut up?"
"Oh! And there was a really pretty-"
"I stopped listening like... the second you started talking. Shut the fuck up for once."
You had only smiled and nodded, walking away from the people you called friends. You were just excited to talk to them about what had happened throughout the day. Of course, you weren't meaning to annoy your 'friends'. You were simply just a person with too much on their mind.
You couldn't sleep as you had a meeting in a little bit, so you decided to just start heading down. You put on a smile so no one thought anything was actually wrong, and started walking towards the meeting room. The last thing you wanted was for people to feel bad for you.
You stared off as you were walking, staying aware of everyone around you. There was really no one memorable around the Beach. Everyone was mostly all the same. Worker ants for the king of the Beach. Go out, risk your life, bring back cards. It was a constant loop. All the people were dressed the same, clad in bathing suits, and some even less than that. You liked the energetic things at the Beach though. Well, the music. That was one of the things Hatter had tastes on in your opinion. The only two people you could think of other than Hatter who were interesting and different were Last Boss and Niragi. But, you also valued your life enough to stay away from them. Although, your position as an executive member didn't work out for that.
Of course, Last Boss had noticed. He always saw you stare curiously, eyes tracing over his body as if to make sure he was real. At first he was weirded out, but then realized be had a hibit of staring at you. Maybe it was the way you would talk excitedly about any topic. But he also noticed the short moments before you put on a fake smile for your so called friends. He didn't hear what they would say, but he could tell it bothered you. Observance was something he was quite good at. Although, that being said, it didn't matter how much you stared, he could see the way you avoided him. As if you were scared of talking to him. Which, in his mind was very much understandable, but also made him question you more.
You pushed open the grand doors that lead into the meeting room, to see that there was only one other person there. One of the people you tried to avoid, yet couldn't help but be drawn to. "Hi Last Boss," you greeted, sitting down in a chair, looking down at the table. You never knew his real name, and he probably would never tell you, but you very much doubted that was his real name. You heard him say something back, and looked up. "I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that. What did you say?" You asked. 'Is she mocking me or did she genuinely not hear me?' He thought to himself. He shook his head, repeating his words, "I said hello. I was just responding to your words."
You nodded, an awkward silence taking up the room. There was also a feeling of tension in the air, as if he wanted to aproach you as much as you wanted to aproach him. You groaned internally, knowing making small talk would be the only way to break this feeling. "I guess we're both quite early, no? How are you today?" You asked, trying to break the silence. "I'm ok. Not dead, so that's a good thing, I guess," he responded. It made you laugh. The sound of your laughter filled the empty quiet, and you decided to sit closer by him. You stood from the seat you had taken at the end of the table, walking over and sitting in the seat next to him.
Your laughter confused him. He wasn't trying to be funny, he just said whatever he was thinking. "You're funny. I always used to think you were kind of scary, but interesting. Like where you learned how to use your katana, how you decided on those tattoos and all. What you did bac-" you rambled, stopping yourself, remembering what other had told you. You didn't want to bore him, or talk to much. You might actually have a chance to be friends with someone. "Why did you stop? You were talking, weren't you?" He questioned. Your eyes widened. "You want me to keep talking? Um... anything you want to hear about?" You asked, smiling widely. "About yourself?" He said. This was a test of sorts for him. Would you be a total narcissist and go on and on about yourself, or would you say a little bit and move on? "Well, let's see... My name is (L/N) (Y/N), I used to be a librarian... I love books, and could talk for hours on end about any topic except myself. That's about it for me... I'm not very interesting, " you responded bashfully. You passed the test. You didn't go dragging out the conversation about yourself.
"A librarian huh? What kind of books do you like?" He asked. Your eyes lit up. "I love all kinds of books. Fantasy, non-fiction, historical books. Any book you put in front of me, I will enjoy. Books and articles where people talked about their passions and went on about them were my favorites. I love hearing about people talking about their passions, their goals, their dreams, their favorite person. I would love to listen to someone ramble for hours about whatever nonsense they could come up with. Especially if it's something they hide from others. I would love to hear about every nerdy or geeky thing they wanted to talk about. Talk to me about that period in history, talk to me about your idol, talk to me about science, mountains, oceans. I don't care, as long as long as it's something they care about, I'll listen," you said, finishing off your rant. Your eyes widened, realizing you'd rambled. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to go off on that so long," you apologized. "No... it's fine. What about your favorite book?" He asked. If you could go off that long talking about just anything, you would definitely be entertaining. He wondered if what you had said was true. Would you really listen to anyone talk about any topic?
"My favorite book? I don't have one... I've read so many, and enjoyed them far to much to pick a favorite. Every book is different from each other as humans are. Of course, they can have similar concepts, but no two books are exactly the same. I love all books. Now, my favorite genre would have to be fantasy or fiction. Everything I read one of them, I feel I'm transported from my regular boring life, into a world of excitement. A world that serves as an escape. I guess that's why I read as well... to escape. Say, do you enjoy books? Or do you not particularly like reading? Or do you prefer writing? I've always wondered what it's like to be a writer, in control of what they write. Of their own little magical escape. A place of their own making. Did you ever wonder what would happen if you died without anyone having a memory of- sorry, I've done it again, I really do-" you rambled, stopping yourself again, before getting interrupted. "Keep talking. I like hearing you talk," he interrupted. You laughed, shaking your head. "Very funny. No one likes me talking. Don't I talk to much?" You questioned. "I wasn't joking. I like you talking, and you don't talk to much. You talk just enough," he said. You looked up, into his eyes. He wasn't lying. Was this what it felt like for someone to appreciate the conversations you had? For someone to listen without being rude? Was this what it felt like to be listened to? "Thank you... It really means a lot to me. I do have one question though," you said, your hands fidgeting in your lap. "I'll answer only if you say you'll keep talking. About whatever you want," he responded. "Ok, I promise... If you don't mind me asking, what's your real name? I know you go by Last Boss around here, but I really would like to know your proper name," you asked, looking at him. "Takatora Samura. Now, we have a deal... so... keep talking please."
Sorry if it's really short!
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eryiss · 3 years
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Summary: Forced to be sociable by his so called friends, Laxus finds himself attending a five week cooking class. An insulting and stupid idea, and one he resents them for doing. He would have thrown it in their faces, if it weren’t for the smug prick teaching the class, with his handsome face, delectable body, and annoyingly enticing way of keeping Laxus on his toes. [Fraxus One Shot]
Notes: Hi. I wrote this on my phone while sitting on the beach, so who knows how it’ll turn out. But it’s got them both being cocky, both being flirty, and both being in love, so what else could you want. Hope you all enjoy it.
Links: FFN, Ao3
Set To Boil
Or: 4 Times Freed taught Laxus a recipe, & 1 time Laxus returned the favour
Week One - Pizza
"Laxus, you need to get out more."
"Laxus, there's no reason for you not to give it a try."
"Laxus, you're an antisocial brat and you need to get out more."
Fuck them all. Fuck Evergreen for her haughty sense of self belief. Fuck Bickslow for having no tact and being and coming up with good points. Fuck Makarov in particular, for being a rude old coot who threatened to change the damn lock. And when Laxus found out which of the interfering bastards had been the one to come up with this stupid idea, then fuck them too.
It was ridiculous. Yes, perhaps Laxus had become somewhat insular as of late. Maybe his friends had been putting in more effort than him as of late, but it was important. He was newly hired in his sports journalism career, and he needed to focus on his writing.
What he did not need was a five week cooking course!
Why the hell did cooking courses even exist anymore? If you wanted to learn to cook, there was this brilliant new invention called a computer. They had hundreds of step by step recipes, none of which required Laxus to trudge through a damn rec-centre at eight at night!
Seriously, fuck them all.
He was late, too. The bus had missed his stop, and as such he was now ten damn minutes late. He was half-tempted to leave the rec-centre before he found his classroom - Ever, Bicks and Makarov wouldn't find out if he didn't use the damn voucher, after all - but then he would have to spend the next five weeks thinking of ways to pass the time every Thursday night. He really needed to move out of Makarov's damn apartment; the old bastard apparently had nothing better to do than to keep tabs on him. Bastard.
He was in front of the classroom door before he knew it, and he faulted. Dammit, why had he agreed to do this? Why couldn't the bus have gotten him there on time? Why was he nervous about this?
No; he was a grown man dammit. Fuck his nerves,
With false confidence, he walked into the classroom. Eight benches, all with sinks, ovens, cooktops, an array of cutlery and equipment, and a basket of ingredients filled the space. Five people stood behind some of the benches, and Laxus somewhat guilty slinked towards the nearest bench, at the back of the classroom.
"Mr Dreyar, I presume," A voice, deliciously smooth with underlying authority, made Laxus pause.
He looked up to see a man standing at the front of the room, behind a larger and more professional looking cooking worktop, and Laxus paused. If you were to encapsulate all of Laxus' ideal qualities in a man, his new teacher was apparently as close a person could come. Tall, obviously with some muscle, tight and sharp facial features, a little pale, and with long hair. He wore a button up shirt that hugged his form, and his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, showing off a near-indecent amount of his forearms. He was quirking his eyebrow towards Laxus, and he felt ensnared by the expression.
Dammit, of course. Almost every other cooking class in the country would inevitable be taught by a homely housewife or a tedious Ramsay wannabe, but not his. He gets a stud with veiny forearms, high cheekbones, and narrowed eyes that made Laxus shiver.
He couldn't justify it, but Laxus was inclined to blame his grandfather for that.
"There's a bench up here, if you'd like to take it," The teacher said, motioning towards one of the cooking stations at the front of the room. Laxus cringed; even in school, he'd been one of the kids who sat at the back. That wasn't a habit he was ready to lose.
"I'd rather stay here, if it's all the same to you," Laxus mumbled, annoyed at himself for not speaking clearly. There was something about teachers that just… what did you call someone who intimidated you but also kind of excited you at the same time?
God, this was going to be awful.
"And I prefer it if my students arrived to my lessons on time," The teacher smirked a little, and Laxus almost stuttered in search of a reply. "And, as tends to happen with a student who shows up late on the first day, you'll likely act out further. As such, I want you close by so I can keep you on the straight and narrow," He tapped his finger on the surface twice. "This counter, please."
Though only a few steps, the walk to the counter at the front of the room was humiliating, it served to make the asshole teacher appear less hot, if nothing else. Because Laxus definitely did not like a man who knew how to be firm with him.
This was going to be hell, wasn't it?
At his assigned counter, Laxus felt a little lost. Nestled in the ingredients was a recipie - they were making pizza, apparently - and Laxus slightly found himself floundering. The cooking lessons weren't just to make him more sociable; he had no idea how to cook.
The teacher, who was looking at him from behind his work surface, sighed and approached Laxus. In his hand, he held a chopping board with what appeared to be a large mound of dough. He placed it before Laxus, who drowned down at it.
"Normally I would have taught you how to make dough yourself, but my plan's require the full hour," The teacher said, as if that was an explanation. "Rather than you lagging behind and not getting the whole experience, you should start from the same point everyone else is at. So put yourself to work and start to kneed this. It'll require a few more minutes to get to the right consistency."
Laxus looked down at the dough, grinding his teeth. Kneeding was rubbing it, right? And occasionally you punch it? That didn't sound right.
"Like this," The teacher said, pulling the chopping board towards him. He started to kneed the dough - it wasn't what Laxus thought it was - and the attraction came back with a sudden force. God dammit, why did his sleeves have to hug his biceps like that? That just wasn't fair.
The dough was pushed towards him again, and Laxus rolled up his sleeves and started to emulate what the teacher had done. The teacher didn't leave, and Laxus squirmed a little under, and found himself speaking to fill the silence.
"I ain't gonna learn, y'know," His mouth said before his brain could intercept. "Don't give a shit about cooking."
That a'boy Laxus. Turn up late, fail at a basic thing, and insult the guy's career. Real classy.
"You will." The teacher said, as if it were undeniable.
"I will?" Laxus scoffed.
"You will," The teacher repeated, smirking, "Once you realise what a good home cooked meal taste like, you'll be desperate to learn what else you can do."
"You seem awfully confident about that…" He drifted off; he didn't even know the damn guys name,
"Freed," The teacher supplied. "And I am confident. You'll love cooking by the end of it. I'm sure."
"You talk a big game," Laxus chuckled a little. He almost forgot he was kneeding the dough, but Freed looked down at his hands and grinned a little, which got Laxus to pause. Just because he was kneeding dough it didn't mean he cared; it was basically a workout. That was all, and Freed needed to know that. "If you're that sure, then I'm gonna insist you eat everything I make, no matter how shitty it turns out to be."
"So long as you don't sabotage yourself on purpose, I can agree to that."
Well, Laxus had slightly wanted to make Freed eat combinations of food that tasted like crap, but this could work. Laxus really was that bad of a cook, Freed might not be able to know the difference.
"Deal," Laxus nodded, offering Freed a hand to shake. The chef did so immediately, with a firm squeeze and… oh damn, those veins!
Week Two - Curry
Laxus had been right. Even putting in the effort and following the recipie as best he could, he was still a shitty cook. Unless, of course, a curry was meant to be accompanied by a waft of dark, burning smoke when you opened up the oven. Laxus coughed a little as he removed the dish from the oven, placing it on the counter top while shutting the oven door with his foot,
Freed was storming over immediately, flapping at the smoke with a dish towel and immediately turnoff the extractor fan on to suck up the smoke before it reached the detector. He had previously been working with a pink haired bastard, who was snickering at Laxus' failure. Asshole.
"What on earth did you do to it?" Freed demanded, more confused than angry.
"I followed her recipe," Laxus retorted indignantly. "Can't blame me."
"Everyone else has the same recipe and they've managed fine," Freed muttered under his breath. "Explain to me what happened."
Laxus bit down the instinct to tell Freed to choke on something, patronising ass that he was. He had made a deal with Freed the week prior that he would do what he could to make the most of the lessons, and he would enjoy knowing how to make a few meals, so admitting his mistakes was something that he would have to do. Even if it was to a smug, ego-centred teacher who Laxus could definitely take in a fight without breaking a sweat,
Maybe he should suggest some boxing lessons. Laxus had given up pro fighting the year before, but kept it up for fun. If Freed was acting like Laxus was stupid for not knowing the basics of cooking, Laxus would act like Freed was stupid when he didn't understand how to box.
Fantasising about punching Freed in the stomach - which was no doubt toned and sexy as hell - made talking through the process easier. Freed wore a slight frown, apparently not seeing anything wrong with what he had done. Laxus was about to boast that he was right, and that it was Freed's instructions that had gotten the burned pile of mush that filled the room with smoke, but Freed's expression turned to one of understanding when he looked at the oven,
"These work on Celsius, you set it as though you were using Fahrenheit," Freed explained. "You essentially nuked it."
Fuck. God-fucking-dammit!
He could have dealt with it if he was unable to do some cooking thing he'd never had to use before. But this? Misreading a piece of paper and setting the wrong temperature on the damn oven, how the hell had he managed to do that? It was humiliating! He was a grown ass adult, a retired sportsman who was forging a career to be respected. But an oven had made him look like an idiot who couldn't do anything for himself. Fucking brilliant.
With clenched fists, he rested against the workbench and leant on it with closed eyes. This was why he didn't do shit like this; he needed to keep in his lane and do what he was good at. Not cook, not have this weird hate-boner for his teacher. None of this.
"How soon after the class do you need to leave?" Freed asked, cutting through Laxus' spiralling thoughts. He frowned, but answered.
"Don't have any plans after."
"If we start again, we can have you finished ten minutes after class. That way it won't be an act of futility," Freed said, and rolled his damn sleeves up again. Thankfully he was moving around the counter, turning the oven down and fiddling with appliances fast enough to stop Laxus' eyes from lingering. "I can teach you how to spice things to your own tastes, as well. Normally that's next week, but I can advance you for your troubles."
"Advance me?" Laxus frowned. "Kinda need to be good at the basics first."
"You are, everything you said was correct. You made a small mistake that I should have noticed," Freed shrugged, walking to the counter he taught from and taking a box of ingredients to place on Laxus' desk. "I thought you'd learn better left to your own devices, and while I expect that was true, I shouldn't have left you alone. That was my mistake and as such, I'll amend it. We'll make a curry suited towards your tastes."
This was an olive branch, Laxus was sure of it. Freed had apparently noticed Laxus' shift of mood, and took the blame for Laxus' mistake. He was thankful of it, but it was still embarrassing.
Thankfully, a way of saving face had presented itself.
"I don't know if I can believe ya," He said with a small, somewhat forced smirk. "I mean, you don't have a record for keeping promises, do ya?"
"Don't I?"
"You told me you'd eat some of everything I made," Laxus shrugged, looking towards his pot of 'curry' that lay stagnant in the pot. It was grey, somehow. Food shouldn't be grey. "That was a lie."
Freed sighed, but didn't back down. He pulled a dessert spoon from one of the drawers, carefully scooped up some of the ruined mush and brought it towards his lips; damn they were pretty. He openly winced at the smell, swallowing preemptively as it got closer to his mouth. He glanced towards Laxus for a split second, who was watching him with crossed arms expectantly, and let out a resigned sigh. He opened his mouth, took in the spoon, then ate.
First he gagged, then he coughed, then he struggled to swallow. Even though Laxus had worked hard, and a small part of him thought Freed was exaggerating, he laughed at the reaction. Freed was fighting to keep the burned, disgusting food down. Once completely swallowed, he turned to Laxus with a wince.
"Delicious," He lied, trying to hide how thoroughly unhappy he was.
"If that's the case, there's plenty more," Laxus smirked, and Freed actually winced. That, of course, spurred Laxus on further. This was more fun than cooking. "Eat up, I don't mind."
Freed seemed to think for a moment, before standing up straight, rolling his back, and doing something Laxus never would have expected. He pulled out a plate and a ladle, scooped a portion large enough to fill two fully grown adults would struggle to finish no matter what the taste, and placed it on the countertop as if it was something to be proud of.
"A deal," Freed proposed. "I want to teach you one on one for the rest of the session. No distractions, no changing the subject, simply me telling you how to cook. Essentially, until you've cooked something successfully, I want your full attention."
Laxus nearly scoffed, Freed already had that. Instead, he said: "What's my 'delicious' curry got to do with that."
"If you make an attempt to distract me, to get out of lessons in some way, or continue with the mindset that this course is not suited to you, then for the rest of your time learning under me, you'll stay after class and clean everyone's dishes until I'm satisfied with the result."
Laxus winced a little. "And if I don't do any of that."
"I'll eat all of this," He motioned to the plate of ruined food. "And you may watch me do it."
Thinking for a moment, Laxus grinned. "Your funeral," He then glances at the food and winced. "Possibly literally."
Freed waved off the comment, stood beside Laxus with his new range of ingredients, and began explaining the basics of how to get a flavour you desired from your ingredients. On instinct Laxus wanted to taunt the man, suggesting the best way to get a flavour was with a take-out menu, but he managed to stop himself before the words slipped out. Mainly it was to avoid four weeks of dish washing, but also because he hasn't seen Freed like this. He was passionate when he spoke about cooking, and Laxus didn't want to ruin that.
And when Freed's arm slid against Laxus' as they moved, somehow at the same moment Freed looked at him with a genuine smile, Laxus felt shivers roll over him. This was… there were worse ways to spend a Thursday evening.
Week Three - Chicken Soup
"Y'know, if you're gonna make such a big deal about-" Laxus cut himself off. Holy shit.
He had been ready to blast into Freed about puntuality. Laxus had gotten to the class on time, only to see that Freed was not there. Eight minutes into the lesson, the door had opened, and Laxus was fully intending to lambast Freed about how much of a big deal it was when Laxus was late, and yet Freed was just as bad. He only stopped when he saw the state Freed was in. Because dammit, the man was drenched to the bone.
What the hell had happened to him? Sure it was raining, but Laxus knew he had a car, and surely the walk from the parking lot to the building hadn't been that bad. He looked like he'd gotten into a fight with a lake and lost.
"Everyone to your work stations please," Freed instructed, removing his coat as he walked to the front of the class. "I apologise for being late, but it shouldn't be too much of an imposition if we all focus."
Laxus was focusing. Focusing on the fact Freed's white shirt was clinging to his chest, showing off strong pecs and the taunting glimpse of a six-pack. It was a temp tight sight, and far too indecent for a classroom setting.
He shook his thoughts away. He needed to focus, because last week's lesson had proved a lot of things. One: Freed was willing to eat a whole plate full of disgusting food to prove a point, which wasn't relevant but Laxus still thought funny to think about him gagging and going green. Two: Freed was actually a damn good teacher, he just apparently hadn't know what Laxus needed from him until the latter half of the class. Three: Laxus actually could cook, if taught well. Because the second curry he'd made was indescribable, and it had tasted just as good when Laxus had cooked it two nights prior.
So, the lessons were actually working, and Laxus decided he was going to fully allow himself to be a student. Groping the teacher with his eyes wasn't going to help that, so Laxus remained quiet and let Freed explain the lesson.
To learn how to flavour things correct, they would all be making a series of different soups throughout the hour. Five basic recipes has been placed on their workspaces, and an entire array of spices, ingredients and flavourings had been scattered through the room. The point of the exercise was to follow the recipes, but also put other ingredients into their soups while doing it so that they can experiment with flavours. It was pretty smart, and Laxus felt like he had an advantage given Freed's impromptu lesson with spices the week before.
Once Freed stopped talking, they began cooking, and Laxus felt oddly confident in himself.
About ten minutes into the exercise, Freed made his way to Laxus' workstation. Wordlessly, he picked up a plastic ladle and scooped out a small amount of the soup Laxus had cooking. Laxus watched with only a small amount of anticipation as Freed brought the soup to his lips and swallowed it, and didn't focus on the flipping of his stomach as Freed smiled at him.
"It's very good," he praised, and Laxus did not preen at the words.
"Thanks," He muttered instead. "Any advice?"
Freed smiled a little at the request, placing the ladle in the small sink. "I'd use sea salt from now on, it'll bring out the flavour of the chicken more. But your instincts have served you well, it works very well together."
"Oh, thanks," Laxus mumbled awkwardly, and Freed didn't help by leaning over the table to look at Laxus' recipe, bring their faces far too close. Thank god the heat of the room has fixed the slight transparency of Freed's shirt, because knowing about the body below the clothes was tempting enough with him this close. If he could see the man's body, he might explode.
"You've put everything you've added onto this, haven't you?" Freed asked, tapping the recipe that had Laxus notes covering it. Laxus nodded weakly. "Then, if you can recreate it as it is now,I then it's time to experiment. Pick something at random to add and see what it tastes like. If it's bad, remake what you've already done."
"Anything huh?" Laxus quirked a brow. "You know you have to eat it, right? You wanna give me this much freedom after last week?"
"So long as you choose your ingredients thinking it will taste good, I'll uphold my agreement," Freed shrugged. "Though I must admit, I'd prefer not to spend the night with stomach cramps and a bucket beside my bed again, if avoidable."
Laxus barked out a laugh. "Kinda thought I'd killed ya when you didn't show up on time. What happened?"
"My car's broken down," Freed explained, looking over the herbs Laxus had added. "It took longer to get here than I expected."
"You walked in this?" Laxus glanced towards the heavy rainfall beating down on the windows.
"Indeed," Freed nodded. "Not my smartest decision."
Laxus winced a little at a roll of thunder exploded outside, apparently trying to make sure Freed knew just how stupid his decision had been. Freed didn't seem too bothered by it, though, and instead walked towards the old woman who worked behind Laxus, tasting her version of tomato soup and giving her advice on how to give it an extra kick.
The rest of the lesson continued on like that. Freed would work his way around the room, helping where he could. Laxus experimented on his soup, finding parmasean to be the missing ingredient.
Freed actually licked his damn lips after trying that. Did he know what he was doing to Laxus?
Once the lesson was over, the storm still lighting up the sky, Laxus walked to the door of the rec-centre. Freed was lingering there, wrapped up in a large red coat and clearly not looking forward to his walk home. Laxus understood that; the rain was so hard it probably would hurt to be under it.
"I'll drive ya home," Laxus said, his tone not leaving room to argue.
"What?" Freed asked. "No, that's not-"
"Didn't give you a choice, did I?" Laxus crossed his arms.
"You intend to kidnap me?" Freed joked.
"Yeah," Laxus nodded. "If you walk out in that, you're gonna get sick for no reason other than your own stubbornness. If that happens, the. Eat I can do for you is give you the recipe for this," he patted the container of chicken soup he held, "but I kinda think driving you might make more sense."
Freed considerd before speaking. "I insist on paying for gas, at least."
"Course you will, I ain't a cheap date."
The words came before Laxus could stop himself, and a flush of worry spread through him. Freed simply laughed, murmured a teasing "I expect not," and walked towards the door. He held it open for Laxus to walk through, and with a small grin, Laxus did so, with Freed by his side.
When the rain hit them, Laxus didn't care, and it certainly didn't diminish the silly smile that he hoped Freed couldn't see.
Week Four - Meringues
"What are you looking at, Laxus?"
Freed seemed amused as he spoke, and he walked towards Laxus' working area. Laxus had been trying to catch his teacher's eye for around a minute, with probably a stupid little grin on his face. He couldn't find it in himself to be embarrassed about being caught out.
The drive home with Freed has been a long one - thirty minutes in the car; how long would it have been if he'd walked! - and they'd talked throughout. Laxus had learned that, until recently, Freed had been a professional chef for the TV show 'Sabertooth Chefs', a cooking competition watched by millions. He was off camera, making the meals that the celebrity judges claimed they had cooked to use as an example for their contestants. Apparently he quit because of a lack of passion.
That, and apparently Rufus Lore - the judge he cooked for - was obnoxious and could barely bake a loaf of bread if left on his own.
Laxus spoke about his own life. How he'd felt obligated to quit his pro-boxing career after a nasty head wound that resulted in his scar. How he was now a freelance writer who did sports analysis for some of the sports magazines and websites. Freed had seemed impressed, and claimed he'd watch out for his work.
They were closer now, and as such Laxus felt comfortable joking with him.
"I've got a question," he said when Freed was close. "You said you'd taste everything I cook, right? Well, for food, tasting something means you're experiencing it, right?"
"I suppose," Freed agreed, though seemed to know he was walking into a trap.
"Well, with meringues, you showed us that trick, right," Laxus smirked. "Where if you've made it correctly, you can turn the bowl over and the mixture won't fall out."
"Yes," Freed was wary now.
"Well, you also said for the best experience," he put emphasis on the word, "then you tip it up over your head. If you've done it right, it stays in the bowl. If you ain't, it covers ya."
"I did say that," Freed muttered.
"Well, if you're gonna experience everything I make, surely you should do it." He smirked; and pushed the bowel of mixture towards him.
Freed looked down, resignedly.
Then he perked up and reached into his pocket, pulling out a coin. He flipped it with flair and caught it, covering it before either of them could see the result.
"Heads or tails?" He requested, and Laxus chuckled.
Freed removed his hand, and Laxus let out a cry of triumph. He nudged the bowel towards Freed, grinning wide and ridiculous as Freed openly sighed. Laxus crossed his arms to hurry the man up, and it seemed to work.
With quick, resigned movements, Freed lifted the bowel. The thick white mixture jiggled slightly, and Freed turned it upside down above his head before he could stop himself.
And… it stayed in place.
For a moment, Freed seemed to be wincing in anticipation, before a look of triumph flooded onto his face. He turned the bowel back over and placed it on the counter.
"Kinda anticlimactic," Laxus said, picking up a spoon.
"But it means you did it correctly," Freed smiled. "You can take solace in that."
"Guess so," Laxus nodded. "Or I could do this."
With neither showmanship nor hesitation, Laxus used the spoon so scoop a dollop of the mixture up and flicked it towards Freed's face. For a moment, all Freed could do was blink, and Laxus burst into stifled laughter.
It had splattered over his lips, nose, and left cheek. Equal parts ridiculous and oddly attractive.
"Mister Dreyar," Freed spoke calmly, but he was trying to hide a smile. "I will be seeing you after class."
He turned away. Laxus snickered.
Although it was tempting to be a dick for the rest of the lesson, Laxus behaved himself. This was the only lesson that they did on desserts, and Laxus wanted to learn. That, and he felt Freed wasn't going to take his little prank lying down, so he probably shouldn't piss him off further.
When everyone else was gone, and Laxus was left alone with Freed, there was a moment of quiet. He motioned for Laxus to approach the desk. Laxus did so.
He was hit in the face by a spurt of ketchup.
It continued, splattering across his face. He gasped, and Freed apparently aimed for his mouth at the moment. It was a stupid moment, not helped by the noise the bottle was making, and eventually the spray died out.
Neither man spoke for a moment.
They both started laughing at the same time, and Freed handed Laxus a napkin to clean himself with.
"You're an asshole, you know that right?" Laxus said with mirth in his voice. "You still got the balls to want a ride from me again?"
"Is the offer still available?" Freed chuckled.
"Sure, just as long as you don't mind me getting some glue and those decorative feather things from a store on the way back," Laxus smirked. "There's a smug asshole who needs to be tarred and fathered."
"Perhaps I'll get the bus," Freed grinned, then frowned a little. Perhaps without thinking, he reached up and stroked Laxus' cheek to rid it of a remaking fleck of sauce.
They both halted, frozen for a moment, and Laxus' mind was set alight. In that moment he knew one thing for sure; he couldn't let Freed go.
Week Five - Solyanka
"That will be all for our time together," Freed said, standing at the front of the class. "I hope you all enjoyed your time together, and that you've all learned something. At the risk of promoting myself, I have other courses available that last longer and offer more flexibility with what you'll cook, if you want to further your culinary pursuits. If not, then it was a pleasure working with you all, and I wish you well in your endeavours."
It was weird seeing Freed using his teaching voice; the things he said weren't Freed-like. It was kind of funny.
Laxus hung back when the rest of the class funnelled out. Some of them spoke to Freed before leaving, orbits just left, but Laxus decided to hang back and wait. As he did, he pulled out a small plastic tub from a bag he'd brought with him, waiting for Freed to take note. Once everyone was gone, Freed saw him still standing at the end of his cooking surface.
"Laxus," He said, and he seemed pleased Laxus was still there. "Is everything alright?"
"Yeah, just wasn't ready to leave yet," Laxus passed it off as a joke, but the stopped himself. "I, Erm, well, there's this recipe my family's been making for years. Generations, actually. Just wanted to know what you think."
"You want me to critique a family recipe?" Freed frowned.
No. No he didn't. He wanted to share something with Freed that was important to Freed. It was ridiculous to think, but this old Russian dish was something he had loved for his life, and he wanted Freed to love it too. It seemed stupid now he was thinking about it, but they only really had food in common right now, and Laxus felt like it was his turn to add something to the conversation.
"It's called Solyanka," Laxus said instead of answering the question. "It's a soup. For sausages, olives, cabbage. A lot of things, really."
Laxus didn't say anything else, and picked out a pot from the cupboards to place on the stove. He emptied the contents of the container into the pot and stated to bear it up.
"It tastes better when it's not been reheated but-"
"It smells beautiful," Freed said, cutting through Laxus' backtracking. "And I'm sure it will taste just as good."
"Thanks," Laxus mumbled a little.
As they waited for the soup to heat, there was a comfortable quiet between them both. Freed seemed engrossed in the cooking - the growing scent, the occasional stirring - and it gave Laxus the chance to watch him. He had known Freed was hot from the moment he'd seen him, but he was also fucking beautiful. His hair was pulled out and flowing over his shoulders, and his expression was calm and relaxed.
Laxus was glad he had done this, suddenly. He would have regretted it. This couldn't be the end of his relationship with Freed; it just couldn't.
He went to speak, but Freed went first.
"I think it's time to take it off the heat," He said gently, as if wanting to avoid offending Laxus by telling him how to cook his meal. Laxus quickly removed the pot from the heat.
With now familiar movements, Laxus pulled out two bowls and poured them both a portion. Laxus sat on one of the stools, waiting a little nervously as he saw Freed spoon some of the soup up and take it into his mouth.
"Wow," Freed whispered. "It's incredible."
Pride bloomed inside Laxus, and he didn't tamper it down. This piece of Laxus had pleased Freed. It had made Freed smile such a brilliant smile that it was like a shot to the heart. He was speechless, and Freed spoke again.
"You're incredible, Laxus," he said with equal sincerity.
"What?" Laxus frowned slightly.
"You're incredible, Laxus," Freed repeated, smiling now. "You've made these five weeks remarkably fun for me, and I'm sad to see you go."
"I'm sad to be going," Laxus mumbled, unused to speaking honestly about these kinds of things. "These have been… the best part of my week."
"Mine too," Freed admitted, and the words sent lighting throughout him.
There had been a small part of Laxus that had thought it had been in his head. He felt like he and Freed had been steadily growing closer and closer, in a way that couldn't exactly be called platonic. It felt like this was the moment where a choice had to be made. Laxus could either hide from his feelings, as he had often done in his life, or he could take the dive. Just like he'd done when he had quit his job. Just like he'd done when he'd come to the class in the first place. Just like he should have been doing all his life.
Freed was going to speak, but the urge to act overtook Laxus and he moved before it could dwindle. He launched himself toward, took Freed by the back of the neck, and kissed him.
It wasn't perfect, but the imperfection made it better.
The feeling of the desk jutting into his hip might have been a bother, but it was nothing compared the the brilliance of soft lips moving against his own.
The lingering spice on Freed's tongue could have been a distraction, but it only added to the searing sensation flying through him.
The scent of Laxus' Solyanka might have drawn focus, but instead it nudged with Freed's cologne and created a beautiful feeling of mingled familiarity and uniqueness.
This was the type of kiss that was unforgettable.
Freed's hand was grazing the back of Laxus' neck, scratching at the usually untouched skin in a way Laxus was tempted to put at. He smiled a dopey smile, leaning further into the kiss.
When they pulled apart, breathless and smiling, they couldn't look away from each other.
"Don't know how this works with a chef," Laxus began in a whisper. "Don't wanna offend your sense of pride, but d'you maybe wanna get a bite to eat some place?"
For a stagnant second, that felt like an eternity to Laxus, Freed didn't say anything.
"I'd love that," Freed nodded a little, though his head still rested against Laxus'. "So long as you don't mind me critiquing everything?"
The joke was trumped by the honesty in his voice. Freed really wanted it!
"I can deal with that."
They shared a quiet, private smile. One that promised excitement, passion, and if Laxus allowed himself to be optimistic, perhaps a future as well.
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youbloodymadgenius · 4 years
Yours (Vampire!Ivar x reader)
A/N: This is my entry to @geekandbooknerd​‘s Birthday Challenge. Happy Birthday, Hayley 💝
The prompt We are all someone’s monster (Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows) is in bold.
@bluearchersstuff​ - Thank you for beta reading this for me 💖 It was the first time, it won’t be the last 😉
Let me know if you want to be tagged 😊
Moodboard made by the talented @gearhead66 ♥️
Summary: You hate Halloween and of course you hate Halloween parties. But who’s this handsome guy who’s looking at you?
Warnings: not my best work, I’m sorry.
Words: 1821
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You roll your eyes, sighing at your own stupidity. For the umpteenth time tonight, you're wondering what you were thinking about when you agreed to come. Of course, Sofia is your best friend, and she is the one who asked you to go with her.
 Yet, you should have known better.
 You dislike Halloween. Scratch that. You hate Halloween and everything about it with a passion. You hate dressing up. You hate cobwebs, fangs, zombies and skeletons. You even hate squash soup, and that's saying a lot!
 But yeah, your friend can be convincing when she has a mind to be. And that's why you're here – almost against your will, so to speak – at Ben's house. Ben with whom Sofia slipped away over an hour ago. Probably upstairs. You don't even want to think about what they're doing right now.
 Anyway, you're here, and that's all that matters…
 The pounding music is too loud, the people too drunk, the place too crowded. If it wasn't for the handsome stranger who hasn't stopped looking at you since you showed up, you wouldn't be here anymore.
Nervously pulling and tugging on the little black dress borrowed from Sofia – oh no, not a simple black dress, a black dress with fucking skeleton print – you make up your mind and head toward the makeshift bar. You need a drink if you intend to stay. Something strong, possibly.
 A 'Vampire Cocktail' in hand, you slowly cross the room. With every step, you can feel the stranger's gaze upon you; and you know with unsettling certainty that if you look back at him, he wouldn’t lower his eyes.
 He was apparently alone, does not talk to anyone, or dance, and didn't look at anyone but you.
 You should feel embarrassed, or even upset, but you aren’t. Knowing that his eyes are staring at you like that is surprisingly pleasant. And you can't help but feel hopelessly drawn to him, almost magnetically, or magically. Because strangely, wherever you are in the room, the man is there, never more than a few steps away from you.
 The room may be dark, but you still can see the otherworldly blue of his eyes. You're entranced, fascinated, mesmerized.
 Giving him a shy smile, you quickly avert your gaze, blushing. As you raise back your head, the man is gone, but when a gloved hand brushes against yours, you know it's his, without a doubt.
 "Shall we go out?" He asks with a sultry voice that sends shivers down your spine. Even if he gives you a questioning look, his hand gesturing toward the large patio door, you know it's a rhetorical question. You don't have a choice and you don't mind it. The stranger wraps a strong arm around your waist, leading you toward the backyard.
 You follow him willingly, almost obediently, a small smile playing on your lips. He leads you without saying a word, and as soon as the patio door closes behind you, the only sound you can hear is the thud of his cane on the gravel.
 "Better here, right?" He takes a seat on a porch swing, inviting you to do the same.
 "I have been dreaming of this moment for so long." His voice is hoarse as he slightly leans toward you, boldly resting a hand on your knee.
 Confused, you want to ask him what he means. After all, you met for the first time less than two hours ago. But you don't get the chance, since he speaks again. "Very nice dress, by the way."
 Scrutinizing you in the bright moonlight, he looks at you shamelessly, his gaze stopping first on your neck, then your cleavage, your breast and finally your fishnet stocking-clad thighs.
 Intimidated, you blush and say the first thing that pops into your head. "Your… your Halloween costume is a piece of art. It's so… real…"
 "My… what?" Quirking a brow, the man looks at you in disbelief.
 "Your…," your shaky voice gives away your nervousness, "Your Dracula costume is… magnificent."
 You're not lying. His clothing is stunning. From his three-piece suit – obviously made of luxury fabrics – to his silk cape of extremely high quality, everything suggests that his complete outfit is undoubtedly very expensive.  As for his cane, you're willing to bet that its snake-shaped handle is made of… gold, no less. In any case, it's impressive and the handsome stranger makes a vampire truer than nature.
 Visibly taken aback by your last assertion, the man just stares at you with wide eyes. It's as if what you just said didn't make sense to him. When an icy wind swirls suddenly around you and makes you shiver, he eventually speaks sternly, almost as he were scolding you, his jaw tight. "This is not a costume."
 You're baffled, puzzled, confused. 'This is not a costume?' What does he mean?  
 "What… I don't… Wha–" You sputter, unable to gather your thoughts. Your heart hammering in your chest, you feel a knot growing in your stomach. Something feels wrong. Something feels very wrong.
 His piercing blue eyes staring into yours, you want to avert your gaze, overwhelmed and slightly scared. But when he speaks again, it's with a velvet like voice that soothes you immediately, erasing your discomfort. "Shh… It's okay…"  You wonder for a brief moment how someone can change their mood so quickly. You don't dwell on it though, because when he gives you a closed-lips smile, gentle and sweet, it melts your heart and you realize that, as if by magic, your fear is gone, replaced by desire and attraction.
 What strange power does this man have over you?
 Slowly, one finger at a time, the stranger takes off his gloves and places them on the swing next to him, while staring at you the whole time.
 As he reaches out, his hand just inches from your face, you can't resist, and you don't want to. The pull is too powerful, the longing too strong. You want him to touch you. You need him to and so you lean forward, craving for his skin against yours.
 But as soon as his fingers graze your cheek, you freeze, bemused and appalled.
 They are cold. Abnormally cold. Ice-cold. Colder than… death. You swallow loudly and then get up hastily. "I… I sh… should… go…" You stammer, panic flooding your body. You want to run away but the man doesn't give you the chance as he grabs your wrist, squeezing it tight. " That would be extremely rude when we've only just met, don't you think?" His voice is a whisper, his tone soft but you know you don't really have a say, nor a choice.
 Slowly getting up, he leans on his cane, wraps his free arm around your waist and draws you closer. He's so unnaturally strong, you can't even move as a cold wave washes over you. "I'll be gentle if you do as I say." He mumbles, his mouth against your ear.
 Questions plague your mind suddenly. Why is he so pale? Why can't you feel his breath on your face? Why are his eyes bloodshot? Why didn't you notice anything earlier? You're terrified now, aware of the danger with absolute certainty.
 "Who… Who are you?" You don't even know how you manage to babble those words. You feel weak and unsteady on your shaky legs. If it wasn't for his firm grip, you would certainly have fallen down by now.
 "It's okay, Y/N…" He says once again, and you want to believe him, despite your fear, despite the… cold. A little voice in your head whispers that you never told him your name, but it doesn't matter, not when he's looking at you with so much tenderness.
 What is he doing to you?
 "I'm Ivar." His reassuring voice is gentle, as is his smile. "Ivar Ragnarsson." He doesn't say anything else but it's enough. That's all you need to know. You're relieved. He's Ivar. Of course. Who else – what else – could he be? You've been so silly. All those strange things… The cold, his eyes, his breathing – or his lack of – there is necessarily a pragmatic explanation for each of them. The truth is you don't care. He's Ivar. A handsome and very considerate stranger that you want to get to know better, and that's enough. Everything is fine. It's okay, he's right.
 "Ivar…", you eventually repeat softly, and you love the way his name rolls off your tongue. Chuckling, you can feel yourself relaxing in his embrace. "You're going to think I'm dumb, you know? I wondered for a moment if you weren't a…", you gasp, feeling shy and embarrassed, but Ivar just looks at you, patiently waiting for you to carry on, and that's what you do. "… A vampire, you know. But obviously you're not. You're just a guy my age, with a fantastic Halloween costume, and it seems that I can't think properly, because who would think you're some kind of monster? That's insane, and I'm so sorry, and now I'm going to shut up because I'm pathetically rambling and if I continue I'm sure you won't want anything to do with me and that would be a shame because I– Oh my god, sorry!!" Covering your mouth with your hand, you blush as you realize what you were going to say. 'Because I'd love to kiss you, touch you, feel you…'
 What is he doing to you?
 Ivar keeps quiet, a semi-amused smile on his face. Eventually, he closes his eyes and then tilts his head back. "So, you thought I was a… how did you say?... a monster…" You can almost hear his grin.
 "I know," you say shamefully, "that's stupid! You're allowed to laugh at me, you know? I won't get mad, really. I don't know what went through my head. A monster! What a ridiculous thought!!"
 Ivar giggles while keeping his eyes shut. "Maybe not. You know what they say… We are all someone's monster…"
 And then, he opens his eyes. And everything goes faster.
 His eyes turn black. A feral growl escapes his lips. His smile is a predatory one.
 You can clearly see his pointy fangs.
 And you feel weirdly calm. You're not surprised, and you're ready. You need him, all of him.
 "I don't know if it's true…", you don't recognize his voice, hoarse and raspy, but you don't mind, as you don't mind when he pushes your hair away, his teeth already grazing the delicate skin of your neck.
 "However,” He mutters as you arch against him unwittingly, "there is one thing that I can say for certain. I'm definitely yours."
 And right after that, sharp fangs piercing down into the flesh of your neck, a burning pain lances through you, fading soon into an aching pleasure. You release a gasp, bucking your hips.
 "Please, unravel me, Ivar."
 What did he do to you?
@geekandbooknerd​ @waiting4inspiration​ @honestsycrets​ @lisinfleur​ @saldelys​ @gearhead66​ @readsalot73​ @milkkygirls​ @xbellaxcarolinax​ @shannygoatgruff​ @zuxiezendler​ @a-mess-of-fandoms​ @hecohansen31​ @lonewolf471​ @ivarthebloodyking​ @fuckindiva​ @tgrrose​ @didiintheblog​ @inforapound​
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