#negativity and bitterness
tinypigeonlord · 2 years
It forever blows my mind that people do not see the fucking irony in bullying away an autistic person to the point they stop interacting with these people, all just because they’re socially awkward. As if these neurotypical folks didn’t just prove their own social ineptitude by failing to interact with someone on the spectrum.
“I am too socially inept to understand how this person socializes, so I’m gonna bully them for failing to conform to MY standards.”
Show me you never progressed past elementary school level bully even as an adult.
Fucking losers.
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ssaalexblake · 6 months
Why is 13's regen abt a white dude and why is 15's regen abt a white dude when do we get rid of that white man that just Cannot let other people have their own moments I swear this is so old, like really, it's a tale as old as time where white dudes are the center of the narrative and universe and everyone caters to them, and I'm so bored of it being celebrated. It's not innovative, it's not new, it's not brave.
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mortysmith · 6 months
In theory i like the idea that rick is growing and developing as a person. In practice it ends up falling short though, because no one balances him out. rick is getting better while no one else is getting worse, and it causes the whole thing to end up feeling a bit stale. The biggest draw, at least for me, has always been rick and morty's shitty dynamic, but it barely exists anymore because rick has been so watered down.
The ideal solution is literally just to make morty into a bigger asshole. Essentially flipping the main characters' personalities would offer a wide variety of conflict into the show, and would also help keep it "fresh".
Instead it feels the writers are pretending that they can't possibly do anything with morty's character, that they have to keep him the same anxious idiot he was in season one. I've said this before, but it's incredibly frustrating to watch the show have no problem with expanding rick's character while struggling with keeping morty's heavily stagnated characterization consistent. Where rick has space to develop between multiple seasons, morty is constantly forced into one of two boxes (smart/stupid) depending on the episode.
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etteraths · 9 months
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isa-ghost · 5 days
words cannot describe how unimpressed and indifferent i am about the latest qsmp global teaser
are you telling me this big tease is abt getting 2 new members?? in the wake of slowly losing all the ccs i cared about since March?? and the nightmare this entire week has been???
nah. one of these two newbies would have to be sneeg to get me to care rn, i am far too jaded and demoralized after everything to be enthused atm. sorry. but not really.
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glittergroovy · 5 months
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papaiyatree · 4 months
ong seeing this wasn't even dramatic to me, i literally just let out a chuckle and thought to myself "this could've been avoided if we had her on the mission as oracle"
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owlyflufff · 4 months
haikyu's dumpster batte is only going to be around 1 hour and 24 minutes, oh it's genuinely bokuakaover
#knowing that we're likely not going to get an ova too is painful <//3#m sorry to go off on a bit of a tangent#but I can't help but feel bitter that an actually good series with coherence and amazing characters just gets treated like this#and series like jjk and demon slayer get to have such good adaptations?#I don't hate both series btw as I watch them myself but even I have more criticisms in their story and charas compared to hq#jjk at this rate is being carried by satosugu shippers and popularity the story honestly is slowly losing substance :'DD#and it's disappointing such a series manages to get to have a consistent adaptation vs a good and inspiring story#which is why I can't help but feel <//3 whenever ppl rant about the jjk animation cause it's better than the hq treatment TvT#don't get me started on demon slayer I have mixed feelings about that series as well but I love it for what it's worth xD#and if people say the hq fandom is being bitter or biased isn't it justifiable?#a consistent and amazing narrative gets butchered me thinks people have a right to feel the way they do#naturally the fandom is not downplaying the efforts of the animators and voice actors but we also have a right to feel the way we do#we feel the way we do out of genuine love for a series that inspired and helped us so much#it's just so unfair TvT#m terribly sorry again for ranting and dropping negativity but I feel really disheartened about this news#and not simply cause ofc we won't get the bokuaka match#but also because my favorite series doesn't deserve this#eli rambles#bokuaka#haikyu#haikyuu#haikyu!!#hq
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yzafre · 6 months
Roxas: Had the Halloween town kids throw bombs in his face for multiple missions in a row before finally breaking down and smacking them around a bit.
Ventus: The dwarves were rude and refused to talk to him, immediately resorted to chasing them down and whacking them.
Characterization I see frequently: Ah, yes, Roxas is the one always willing to throw hands and Ventus is a smol sunshine boy.
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#kh#kingdom hearts#these are really silly examples but the point stands!#in fact I think it expands when you look at their full screen-time#I am once again begging people to watch a full let's play of Days#don't get me wrong Ventus IS brightness and sunshine#but he also has the energy of a chihuahua ready to fight the world and I will stand by that#where as Roxas will tend to just try to avoid it until he Very Much Can't#now I think Roxas does BITTERNESS better than Ventus or Sora#but bitterness is not temper#in fact bitterness is usually negative emotions left on the backburner until the resentment caves in on itself#I suppose this is up to interpretation but from my reading...#a lot of times Ventus seems to burn out his anger then let it go#whereas Roxas doesn't do anything with the emotions until he/the situation self-destructs catastrophically so it ends up being nastier#but on the day-to-day?#yeah no Ventus is going to be the one reacting first#you can also exchange Sora for Ventus for some of these arguments#though I think he lands somewhere between Ventus and Roxas for short-temperedness#all this is more complicated than this reductive commentary of course#you have to take in how and in what orders the characters were introduced and marketed#the difficulty of getting the handheld games historically and the biases that set in before they were easily accessed#not to mention stock archetypes for fandom joke set-ups that then perpetuate the characterization...#like there's a LOT to how this came to be#but it Gets To Me sometimes#yza talks about a thing
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lenglengflames · 1 year
only hua cheng can eat/ tolerate xie lian's cooking.
but what if this was because he lost his sense of taste when he was alive?
he can only feel textures/ very strong flavours, and xie lian's cooking is the only thing that allows him to taste.
loss of taste can occur from (limited to only to what hua cheng would've potentially experienced while alive): head/ ear injuries, the common cold/ illnesses, poor nutrition and stress/ anxiety/ depression (though this impairs taste, not causes loss, and is rather rare).
though loss of taste may not be permanent, perhaps he'd hadn't gotten rid of it when he died, and this followed him into his ghosthood.
since basic human necessities does not impede him after death, there is no reason for hua cheng to eat. so he probably doesn't eat anything until xie lian offers him something.
thus, xie lian's food would be the first meal in centuries - and possibly since his childhood - that hua cheng could taste due to it's strong and unorthodox taste. he finally gets to experience what salty, spicy, sweet and bitter tastes like again through xie lian's cooking. when xie lian finds out, he promises to cook for hua cheng whenever he wants.
after dubious amounts of salt, chilli peppers, sugar, etc, they realise hua cheng has quite the sweet tooth, and xie lian finds that incredibly endearing. he takes the time to learn how to make deserts (with at least 10 times the amount of sugar than the recipe calls for), and has a new weapon to deal with fengqing's quarrels.
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faeriekit · 15 days
Shoutout to my favorite fandom: if you do crossover content, you're obnoxious and a pest to DP phans, and if you're not well studied enough in *checks notes* almost a hundred years of comics content? you shouldn't be here either. Cheers 🥂
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tinypigeonlord · 7 months
taking a shower while you're sick and your skin is all prickly and sore has to be one of the worst tortures
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widogaspmauk · 15 days
E94 spoilers ahead
Very unpopular opinion, I’m sure, but Fearne doesn’t deserve Ashton.
When Ashton fucked up, her reaction was to hit him and try to break his things.
When she fucked up, they were concerned and supportive.
She owes him one hell of an apology to start. Callowmoore was my backup ship for ash if Ashrym didn’t pan out until the shard incident. Now??? Ashton deserves better.
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terezicaptor · 3 months
so does anyone remember when Phil said tallulah was allowed to be mean to sunny bc her dad was gone and that she couldn't know what that was like? So is sunny allowed to be mean to everyone now
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class1akids · 11 months
Also, adding to my previous post - Touya vs Shouto, Toga vs Ochako go through roughly the same steps (though not in the same order):
Endeavor doesn't show up - Izuku rejects Toga's confession -> both Toga and Touya escalate
Both Toga and Touya ditch their hero
Both Shouto and Ochako need the help of a friend to go after them
Both Shouto and Ochako use non-lethal methods to fight back even if lethal options are available
Both Shouto and Ochako have help from sidekicks or family / pros and classmates both in stage 1 and stage 2 of the fight
Both tell their villain that their trauma is valid but they can't condone killing
Toga & Touya: "We are so different" / Ochako & Shouto: "We are the same"
Touya wants Shouto's perfect quirk - Toga wants Ochako's normal life / Shouto is inspired by Touya's perseverance to surpass his limits - Ochako is inspired by Toga's openness about her feelings
Endeavor decides that killing Touya is the only way, Hawks decides that killing Toga is the only way / the kids + family think otherwise
Both pairs see each other's child selves
Toga's trauma is everyone finding her smile and quirk creepy - Ochako tells her she has a nice smile and offers her blood/ Touya's trauma is getting his quirk rejected and feeling like a failure, Shouto tells him he's quirk is impressive and he's a masterpiece
The only diverging points are that Touya's escalation is incredibly suicidal compared to Toga's, he's way more bitter and enraged and with the Todoroki brothers there is less homoerotic imagery / language (for understandable reasons).
Like I don't see how reading the story anyone can say that Shouto didn't do everything he absolutely could.
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imreallyloveleee · 9 months
Where do you think it all went wrong with Riverdale?
honestly, part of me is like, the show's over and nothing but fandom matters. so who cares?
the other part of me loves to complain about Riverdale and will continue to do so until the day I die in the parking lot of Michael's Diner in Montgomeryville, PA at the age of 86. so, long-winded answer under the cut
I'm tempted to say it's the s4 b*rchie kiss. It was so wildly out of character for both Betty and Archie that it's laughable. You know how you can tell when something is just blatantly OOC with no justification? They...don't justify it. They find ways to dance around any interaction that might offer clarification. They mute the reactions of the characters who should be devastated by it. And then they jump ahead 7 years so it's easier to just handwave it away as something that happened a long time ago.
but the thing is, I did keep watching after that. I thought: okay, at least we should get an exes-to-lovers arc out of this, which is one of my favorite tropes. there is no way they would spend 4 seasons developing Bughead as this loving, supportive, communicative, sexy, and almost-unbelievably-compatible couple just to tear them apart and never do anything with that dynamic again. maybe it'll be even sweeter seeing them come back together after so much hurt and longing.
boy was i wrong!!!!!!!!!
so, the episode that actually made me stop watching for good, with the exception of some standalones like The Jughead Paradox and the finale, was the s5 musical. that was when i realized that this team of writers was 100% willing, maybe even eager, to completely drop storylines they themselves had been building over the course of a season - do a 180 with all of the characterization and relationships - and then act as though the buildup they wrote never even happened.
in this case, i'm specifically talking about the Bughead reunion storyline they dropped in s5. i'm not going to pretend like it was a GREAT buildup - and it was mostly on Jughead's side, Betty's character in s5 was basically an emotionless misery bot that had sex sometimes - but it was there. Jughead told Tabitha he had unresolved feelings around Betty. that's followed by an entire episode that lays out Betty & Jug's time jump relationship, and how Jughead still believes she's the one who saves him from himself. they work on a case together, they start opening up to one another. Jughead's so worried about her he can't eat.
and then...you know what happens.
(i'll also note here that there was random bts stuff that strongly indicated the musical ep storyline had a drastic last-minute rewrite: lili tweeted a blue dress, suggesting the song with that line was meant for her character; RAS said cole had to do last-minute recording sessions; supposedly crew members have confirmed this was the case, too. since none of it's 100% confirmed you can take it all with a grain of salt, but i believe it.)
it was so fucking insulting as a viewer to give my time and attention to a show made by people who would not only randomly drop the threads they set up, but torpedo them altogether, and then behave like the fans are the ones somehow at fault for expecting a story that actually follows through on its own emotional and plot beats. we're just shippers, so our opinions are dumb and biased! it's just a tv show, so who cares! get over it!
so, i stopped watching, because i knew they would continue to write without any thought or respect for their characters or their audience, and therefore inevitably write themselves into another corner. and, shocker, i was right. they did it again, whisking everyone away to the 1950s because actually resolving any of the scenarios they set up was ToO hArD. why bother when you could just make every single character Righteously Angry and Incurably Horny all the time, lecture the audience about social issues that have already been mainstream progressive for the last several decades, and call it a "love letter" to your fans?
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