lilietherly · 3 months
[Fanfic! Newcob]
Omega Jacob Kowalski/Alfa Newt Scamander.
Relación establecida.
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He estado tan feliz por esto que ahora tengo el cerebro seco y no sé como expresarme, solo... No puedo creer que haya terminado esto luego de tanto tiempo; de tantas quejas y tantos pensamientos sobre dejarlo ৻( •̀ ᗜ •́ ৻)
Estoy feliz por mí y por ti, cariño, por haberme acompañado a través de esto y ser la fuerza que siempre necesité ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝. Y, aunque esta más que claro todo lo que falta (como la edición, los títulos y resúmenes), aún no es suficiente para desanimarme; he terminado una de las partes más difíciles y eso nadie me lo puede quitar ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)
Entonces, sobre la historia, debo hacer un descargo de responsabilidad (?). Mira, princesa, no digo que no se trate sobre Cachorros, que es la palabra del día, sin embargo, no quise presentar a mis crías Newcob en esta historia porque ellas merecen una mejor introducción. Esta historia fue escrita con todo mi cariño y paciencia (‘. • ᵕ •. `), sin embargo, al estar regida por un guion que yo no hice, me limitó bastante, y mis fanchild son demasiado preciosos como para intentar introducirlos como si no significaran nada para mí.
Lo sé, esta bien si te parece una ridiculez ◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜, pero soy yo quien lo esta escribiendo y no me sentiría bien solo haciéndoles aparecer sin una introducción adecuada (•̀⤙•́ )... saldrán al azar una vez les de su debida presentación, no antes ◕⩊◕
Así pues, aunque esto no se trate de crías, definitivamente girará entorno a ellas, por lo que, según creo: ESTO TRATA SOBRE CACHORROS, solo, quizá, no desde la perspectiva más común ଘ(੭◉ω◉)つ
De todas formas, mi amada @drunkenelevator, espero esto esa lo suficientemente bueno para cerrar con esta pequeña historia. Lamento haberte hecho esperar tanto y juro, por mi vida, que definitivamente continuaré con los otros proyectos (つ╥﹏╥)つ
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Mirando al despejado cielo azul e intentando de nuevo calmar sus ansias, Jacob respiró profunda y suavemente. Newt le acarició los rizos oscuros con una pasividad que en diferentes circunstancias conseguían tranquilizarlo en minutos, esta vez, el silencio impuesto por el Omega en el lazo que unía sus almas y el libro al que su esposo no le quitaba la atención; le dio a Jacob la oportunidad de volver a morderse los labios, ansioso e inseguro.
Una brisa fresca lo hizo reaccionar y pensar en que debía estar aprovechando el tiempo libre que la adorada Bunty les dio, encargándose ella del cuidado de las criaturas para que, en especial Jacob, pudieran aclararse la cabeza. La razón de su estrés apenas tenía motivo, lo entendía, aun así, no podía evitarlo
Estudió la densa floresta que los rodeaba, sin dudar en que Newt eligió para ellos el mejor claro del bosque. El aroma de la yerba creciente y la danza pacífica de las copas de los árboles, en definitiva, deberían calmarlo. No lo hicieron. El miedo permanecía. La lógica poco ayudaba. Habiéndoselo repetido incontables ocasiones, cada vez tenía menos efecto.
¡Porque lo sabía, claro que lo sabía! Como Omega Sangre Impura su capacidad reproductiva estaba por encima de la de un Sangre Pura; no cumplía aún los treinta años, la década que se consideraba de mayor fecundidad, y podría, quizá o no, positiva o negativamente, influir el hecho de que su Alfa fuera un mago. Newt le hubo explicado lo que conocía acerca de las diferencias fisiológicas entre Alfas magos y muggles, concluyendo en que no habría ninguna razón por la que no fueran compatibles con Omegas mágicos y no mágicos, —en el caso de Alfas muggles. Las dudas en ese sentido, si acaso, radicaban en la cantidad de sexo que habría entre ambos antes de que ocurriera un embarazo.
Sin embargo, el número de sus encuentros era la última de las preocupaciones del Omega. Aún existía el miedo de la poco generosa fertilidad Omega, su edad y su Alfa. Habría aceptado abandonar su sueño de tener cachorros si no existiera la posibilidad de procrearlos con Newt, puesto que los datos de los hijos de Alfas magos y Omegas muggles no era de fácil acceso y ningún mago o bruja lograron darle alguna referencia de que podrían conseguirlo —lejos de anécdotas cuya veracidad sería imposible de comprobar—; Jacob esperaba, preocupado, el que la lógica ganara y que pronto quedaría embarazado, si no lo estaba ya.
De reojo, observó a Newt. Si bien Jacob cerró su lado del vínculo para que él no se preocupara por su enloquecedora angustia y no recibía sino calma del lado de Newt, por cuanto el hombre aparentara tranquilidad, Jacob lo conocía mejor. No solo por el grato y bienvenido incremento de su actitud posesiva que, desde el celo de Newt, creció al punto en que el mago no permitía que absolutamente nadie aparte de él tocara a Jacob. Mimándolo tanto que ya pocas veces salían de casa sin que rogara por la marca especial de Newt; también se trataba de las escasas tareas hogareñas y para con las criaturas que le permitía hacer. También el aumento de obsequios y un trato amoroso que pronto volvería a Jacob un Omega malcriado:
Newt se sentía tan preocupado como Jacob.
Ambos deseaban cachorros, ese uno de los primeros acuerdos que se hicieron antes de compartir un celo. Imaginarse siendo el núcleo de una gran familia con muchos niños que compartieran el mismo amor que Newt por las criaturas y que, a su vez, tuvieran la valentía, la ternura y la calidez de Jacob; se convirtió en un escenario que llevaban un año persiguiendo y que, pese a todas las buenas razones que indicaban la tardanza, el no conseguirlo tras ese lapso los hacía vulnerables y nerviosos.
Los números a favor de lograr esa gran familia, radicaban principalmente en las probabilidades de Jacob para tener gemelos o mellizos. A razón de que su abuelo tenía un mellizo y la madre de Newt una gemela, la ilusión de Jacob se elevaba hasta la luna. El solo pensar en un par de cachorros idénticos con los ojos y las pecas de Newt, dibujaba en los labios de Jacob la sonrisa más anhelante y feliz.
Girando sobre el abrigo de su Newt que lo separaba de la hojarasca, sintió una de las grandes manos acariciándole con pereza desde el hombro a la cintura y, una vez cambió de página, aquel recorrido se detuvo en su estómago, creando un punto desde donde un calorcito suave y delicado comenzó a cubrirlo. Newt siempre hacia eso, incluso antes de saber lo mucho que pudo incomodar a Jacob, cuya vida rodeada de reclamos por no ser un Omega delgado como los demás, terminó al poco tiempo de ser tomado por su hermoso hombre mágico.
Protegido, cuidado y consentido, Jacob colocó su mano sobre la de su esposo.
Reconocía que ninguna de sus preocupaciones aumentaría su fertilidad, sin embargo, tener cachorros con el hombre de su vida derretía su corazón y convertía a su cerebro en pudín. Niño o niña, Omega o Alfa, ambos o solo uno, los detalles carecían de interés; Jacob anhelaba tenerles entre sus brazos para adorarlos, amarlos y mostrarles al mejor padre que pudieran desear.
—¿Newt, bebé? —Atendiéndolo de inmediato, Newt hizo a un lado su entretenida lectura para darle toda su atención. Sus ojos verdes revisaron a Jacob buscando la menor señal de lo que pudiera molestarlo—, ¿podrías… podrías olerme y buscar algún rastro? —Su Newt le sonrió con tranquilidad, asintiendo de inmediato.
Aun si el mago lo revisaba cada día y a pesar de conocer el resultado, Jacob todavía quería escucharlo, el que Newt lo consintiera sin dudar un segundo solo para hacerlo sentir mejor, surtía siempre el mismo efecto, apaciguando sus nervios durante un par de horas.
Newt lo ayudó a sentarse, luego se hincó entre sus piernas. El collar que Jacob usaba para proteger y resaltar sus marcas de unión, hecho de delgadas tiras de cuero castaño con broches y cierre de oro, cuyo intrincado diseño entretejía pequeños rubíes y cuatro óvalos perfectos de resistente cristal para mostrar y proteger sus marcas; se encontraba ya libre de la camisa o el saco, ambos abiertos por el propio Jacob. Encontrándose el camino despejado, Newt se entregó a su tarea como el hombre que respira después de casi ahogarse.
Jacob, soltando una ligera risa, se vio obligado a asirse de la cintura de su esposo para no caer de espaldas. No planeaba quejarse, amaba saber cuán desesperado se sentía Newt por tenerlo bajo su nariz. El hermoso hombre mágico apenas guardaba la compostura, aun si pretendía esconder su necesidad cerrando su lado del vínculo, Jacob conocía cada detalle de ese atractivo rostro, y en su vida tendría suficiente de ver lo mucho que podía enloquecer a Newt.
Besos ligeros en su cuello derritieron al Omega, suaves lamidas lo hicieron temblar. Suspirando al oído de su esposo, Jacob se relajó, disfrutando de la atención y el esmero de su Alfa. Inhaló el aroma que irradiaba, se cubrió con su calor; la paz regresaba conforme reconocía a Newt como el lugar más seguro del mundo. El hombre que lo protegería a él y a sus futuros cachorros. Pronto, sin embargo, aunque Newt se negó a separarlos, dio por terminada su búsqueda.
—Bonito… —murmuró al oído de Jacob, su voz rendida anunció todo lo que ambos ya sabían.
—Esta bien, cariño, esta bien. —Newt se alejó lo suficiente para encararlo, su rostro preocupado fue sostenido por las cálidas manos de Jacob.
—¿Lo esta, realmente?
—Tanto como puede estarlo, bebé. Aún tenemos mucho tiempo para seguir intentándolo, ¿verdad? —Newt asintió contra sus palmas, dedicándole una débil sonrisa. Gesto que muy poco fue del agrado de Jacob; él se encargó de arreglarlo enseguida—. Además, ¿puedes decirme que ya te cansaste de intentarlo? —Newt lo derribó, con un gesto travieso y una sonrisa de diversión que hundió en su pecho.
—¡Absolutamente no!
Jacob le acarició el cabello, pasándole algunos mechones detrás de la oreja le provocó una ligera risa, apaciguando cualquier aprensión. Newt lo estrechó con fuerza, inhalando su aroma a través de su camisa, la tranquilidad le suavizaba las firmes líneas de los hombros y la espalda. Besándole en la cabeza, mantuvo los mimos hasta que en su hombre mágico no hubo sino los mínimos rastros de ansiedad, que ninguno eliminaría por completo.
—Deberíamos volver, cariño, me siento mejor ahora y la pobre Bunty necesitará ayuda. —Newt asintió a sus palabras, y sin liberarlo, buscó su reloj de bolsillo—. ¿Cuánto hemos estado aquí?
—Casi tres horas.
—Bien, definitivamente tenemos que irnos.
Ninguno se mostró reticente, ambos reconociendo que se habían tomado demasiadas libertades con la amabilidad de la pobre mujer que, si bien les dijo que se tomaran el resto del día, Newt y Jacob acordaron sin palabras ocupar solo un par de horas, a sabiendas del trabajo por hacer; en especial la atención extra para con sus recientes invitados.
—¿Estás listo? —preguntó Newt, ayudando a su esposo a levantarse.
—Por supuesto.
Newt los Apareció en el callejón más cercano a Sherringford Square. Jacob, que no lo calificaría jamás en su vida de un viaje placentero, de un modo inesperado le provocó esta vez tal nivel de nauseas, que tan pronto aterrizó sobre uno de sus pies, halló la pared para sostenerse y devolver su almuerzo con un par de arcadas. La sorpresa, el malestar y el sabor lo hicieron temblar. Un sudor frío le recorrió la frente mientras Newt se encargaba de usar un hechizo para limpiarlo y acariciarle tiernamente la espalda. Por dios, pensó Jacob, eso ni siquiera sucedió en el primer viaje.
—Estoy… Estoy bien —murmuró, intentando detener a su esposo, que ya le revisaba el pulso y las pupilas, pálido al igual que Jacob—. Fue solo —carraspeó, conteniendo una nueva arcada—, solo un mareo en un mal momento. —Él, de hecho, no mentía, su cabeza se aclaraba y los estremecimientos menguaban con rapidez.
Newt no le creyó sino luego de terminar su examen, pues tampoco es como si antes no hubiera sucedido algo similar. La preocupación, sin embargo, se mantuvo a través de su conexión.
—¿Puedes caminar, bonito? —Pero igual Newt sostuvo sus manos, Jacob se soltó y se asió a su brazo izquierdo, sonriéndole ligeramente.
—Puedo, y ahora vamos a casa, ¿sí? Quiero lavarme los dientes.
Si Newt se resistía a separarse de su lado antes, en ese momento Jacob entendió que en adelante sería el doble de imposible. No obstante, en un grado similar él tampoco deseaba que Newt lo abandonara por mucho tiempo, y aquel repentino acto aumentó la necesidad de tenerlo a la menor proximidad posible.
Al llegar a casa, Newt le ayudó a subir las escaleras y, esperando a que se lavara los dientes, ninguno dio señal de que alejarse sucedería pronto. Para ambos, ese era un comportamiento perfectamente lógico y absolutamente práctico. Con las manos de Newt a su alrededor ambos descendieron las escaleras y alcanzaron el sótano, donde una prodigiosa Bunty cambiaba las vendas en la pata de un crup, cuyas colas no dejaba de moverse bajo sus atenciones cuidadosas. El crup ladró feliz al verlos.
—¿Sucedió algo? ¿No es muy temprano para que regresen? —cuestionó Bunty, mirándolos y terminando de atar la venda.
—Todo esta bien, Bunty, gracias, me siento mejor ahora. —Jacob, siendo aún seguido muy de cerca por Newt, se acercó al alegre crup, quien le lamió el rostro y saltó sobre sus patas traseras para intentar trepar sobre él—. Hola, compañero, ¿cómo te estás? —¿Por qué la mayoría de los magos creían que los crups odiaban a los muggles? No lo entendía.
—¿Labhra y Muir salieron para comer? —dijo Newt, quitándose el saco y doblando las mangas de su camisa, Jacob lo imitó tan pronto el crup se alejó para perseguir a una pluma rosa de fwooper.
—Me temo que no, Muir sigue durmiendo, aunque la infección de su ala ha mejorado bastante, y Labhra… bueno, no puedo verla, pero su comida sigue ahí, solo he estado vigilando que nadie se la quite —respondió Bunty, guardando los utensilios del botiquín.
—Iré primero con Muir, es un hipogrifo demasiado joven y no esta domesticado, si no come a su hora algo malo podría pasar. —Tanto Jacob como Bunty asintieron a lo dicho, pues si bien no hubo antes un incidente parecido, confiaban en los conocimientos de Newt. Ya preparado, Jacob se adelantó a decir:
—Bien, entonces me encargaré de Labhra, iré a…
—¡No! —gritaron Newt y Bunty repentinamente, con tal preocupación y certeza en sus voces que Jacob se detuvo en su lugar, paralizado.
Jacob pudo haber esperado el reclamo de Newt, su esposo preocupado y siempre atento a que no volviera a ponerse en peligro, aún si él y Labhra, la dulce thestral, habían encontrado en poco tiempo una grata convivencia. Lo que le sorprendió tanto como a Newt, fue el grito de Bunty, la buena e inteligente Bunty; la Beta empática y graciosa con la que Jacob se encariñó rápidamente; tenía en el rostro gestos idénticos de preocupación y necedad que Newt.
—Yo… Yo solo… No quiero que te lastimen, Jacob —ella intentó aclarar, sonrojada y sin dar ningún indicio de que haría retroceder sus palabras, manteniendo sus gestos, ahora tercos y avergonzados. Newt, por supuesto, ni siquiera fingiría explicar su razonamiento.
—Oh —susurró Jacob. De repente nada extrañado. Oh, de hecho.
Fue como si una chispa encendiera la luz de la razón en la mente de Jacob y días y semanas de comportamiento extremadamente mimado, cercano, protector, posesivo y el último incidente antes de llegar a casa culminaran en la resolución más grande que alguna vez haría un simple Omega muggle repostero. Tembló. Su respiración se hizo pesada. Su piel se erizó, palideciendo en un segundo. Le fallaron las piernas. Newt lo atrapó entre sus brazos y Bunty invocó una silla. La preocupación de su esposo y su amiga le dieron la fuerza para hablar.
—Llama a un médico. —Su elección de palabras no facilitó la reacción a la escena.
—¡¿Gulshan o Kohaku?! —pregunto Bunty a Newt, tan agitada que parecía a punto de desmayarse.
—¡Ambos! —exclamó Newt y Bunty se Apareció enseguida, a su partida quedó Newt, que parecía a punto de morir.
Jacob sintió su agarre feroz en los hombros y observó en los ojos verdes una preocupación nunca antes vista. De no estar su mente a mitad de un colapso, habría aprovechado la oportunidad para halagar al atractivo hombre. En tanto, no obstante, las alarmas constantes resonando en sus oídos y el descubrimiento que podría darle un giro a la vida tal como la conocía, limitaba con una simpleza aterradora cualquier otro pensamiento.
—¿Jacob, Jacob? ¿Cariño, qué sucede? Por favor, dime qué pasa. —Sin el control suficiente sobre su propia boca, Jacob tomó lentamente una de las grandes manos y, envolviéndola entre las suyas, le acarició el dorso y los huesudos dedos.
—Yo… creo que…
El sonido crocante de una Aparición lo detuvo. Bunty había traído al medimago Gulshan y la sanadora Kohaku; ambos en pijama y con varitas en mano, ceños fruncidos y aromas amenazantes. Ambos, por fortuna, tuvieron el tiempo para reconocer a Bunty, no luchar demasiado para ser transportados y aceptar el trabajo en cuanto estudiaron a la angustiada pareja. El cabello castaño y liso de la sanadora fue torcido en un apresurado moño, mientras el medimago se recogía las mangas.
—Señor Scamander, por favor, vaya al pasillo, nos encargaremos desde aquí —pidió la sanadora.
—Bunty, querida, ven; procura que ninguna de estas criaturas nos muerda —dijo el medimago, con voz gruesa y amable.
Puesto que Newt se resistió a abandonar a Jacob, Bunty intentó convencerlo mientras lo llevaba hasta la puerta; al regresar se ocupó de mantener a salvo a las curiosas criaturas y de tranquilizar a aquellas que se vieron sorprendidas por la repentina aparición de personas a quienes muy pocos de ellos conocían.
Por su parte, Jacob, que apenas tuvo antes la posibilidad de ver la destreza y la habilidad de un medimago, fue rodeado, no menos de tres minutos después, de media docena de líneas ilegibles a las que de ninguna forma hallaba sentido y acostado en una camilla que se formó suavemente a partir de su propio asiento. Los dedos fríos de la sanadora apenas y lo tocaban, luego murmuraba hechizos, haciendo aparecer más de esos extraños dibujos.
—Muy bien, señor Scamander, necesitaré una lista de cada uno de sus síntomas —solicitó el medimago, ya con pluma y papel en mano.
—Aunque, por lo que se ve… —susurró la sanadora Kohaku, frunciendo el ceño al leer lo que le indicaban las vaporosas líneas y sus vívidos colores.
Jacob, aturdido, enumeró cada acontecimiento que creía relevante. Para su pesar, diciéndolo en voz alta una parte de él señaló cuánto pudo haber exagerado, cuánto pudo haber confundido un par de síntomas solo porque una parte de ellos respaldaba la existencia de uno de sus mayores deseos. Los Omegas, Puros o Impuros, no mostraban la variedad de síntomas que los Betas, por lo que incluso sus malestares aislados pudieran no ser realmente un conjunto o señal alguna. Para cuando terminó, un rubor de vergüenza le cubría las mejillas. Se llevó las manos al estómago e hizo el rostro a un lado, mordiéndose un labio pensó en las palabras correctas para disculparse por el alboroto.
Seguramente los médicos serían lo bastante maduros como para no señalar su dramático sentir o el tiempo que les hizo perder, pese a ello, nada impediría que Jacob no se sumergiera en esa emoción negativa durante un tiempo. Peor aún, durante casi tres meses la angustia de no alcanzar esa meta lo volvió susceptible a la negatividad y a la tristeza, ahora que incluso hizo llamar a los médicos para obtener la confirmación de los resultados negativos, Jacob se ahogaría.
—Todo esta bien, señor Scamander —susurró el medimago Gulshan y, casi palmeándole las manos para dale un poco de confort, se detuvo; no así la sonrisa apacible en su rostro oscuro.
—Señorita Broadacre, por favor, haga llamar al señor… —Newt abrió la puerta en ese instante—. Oh, pues bien. —Jacob obtuvo de su esposo un rápido beso.
—Sí, perfectamente normal —dijo el medimago, con humor en su voz. Jacob quiso preguntarle cómo se veía tan alegre sintiéndose él tan miserable y sin fuerza. Newt envolvió sus manos con palmas cálidas y rasposas, dándole cierto consuelo.
—¿Qué es ‘perfectamente normal’? —profirió Newt.
—Usted y su Omega, señor Scamander —comenzó la sanadora—, cada uno de los síntomas que relata su esposo, en concordancia a nuestros resultados, son los de una pareja Alfa y Omega regulares.
—Nada fuera de la norma, es bastante común en realidad, considerando el aroma de su esposo; el embarazo siempre es especialmente difícil de detectar si su Omega posee un aroma tan dulce. —Bunty fue la primera en reaccionar, cubriéndose la boca y dando pequeños saltitos que hacían bailar a sus trenzas.
Las mentes de Jacob y Newt tardan un poco más en resolver el complicado acertijo pronunciado por el medimago. Las palabras tomando sentido despacio. Muy despacio. Lento y sin prisas, como si intentaran saborear el momento; aprender y recordar cada emoción; sentirse el uno al otro enviándose y recibiendo una marea de ideas imposibles, de sueños improbables que, finalmente, haciendo estallar la burbuja de los sueños, brillaba ahora con la realidad. Su realidad.
—¿Es cierto? —preguntó Newt con voz titubeante, mirando a la sanadora Kohaku. Ella asintió—. ¿De verdad? ¿Esta seguro? —El medimago, manteniendo su sonrisa tranquila, también asintió.
Las lágrimas fluyeron de los ojos de Jacob tan pronto como Newt se abrazó a su cintura, llorando en su cuello y susurrándole una alegre letanía de agradecimientos y palabras de amor. Jacob, correspondiéndole con la misma intensidad, se aferró a su espalda, usando cada gramo de su escasa fuerza para mantenerlo ahí, consigo, por el resto de su vida.
—Serán los cachorros más hermosos y amados de todo Londres —afirmó Bunty, también con lágrimas ya cubriéndole las mejillas.
Jacob sonrió al oírla, no podría estar más de acuerdo.
* * *
Ah, no obstante, lo que sí hice fue introducir dos OCs ( ≧ᗜ≦). Ellos aparecerán cada vez que lo necesite porque soy demasiado perezosa como para hacer nuevos OC, así que ya habrá tiempo de conocerlos.
También espero que esta cosa tenga sentido y no se sienta demasiado apresurada (o mal escrita o un asco en general), aunque es el capítulo con más palabras de esta pequeña historia. Y sí, ya noté que no tiene smut, pero no pensé que hubiera hecho falta aún si estaba en mis notas el hacer uno pequeñito...
En fin, he dicho antes todo lo que tenía qué decir y creo que ha sido suficiente ( ⓛ ω ⓛ ).
Muchas gracias por leer.
∧,,,∧ (  ̳• · • ̳) /    づ♡ I love you...
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Being a girl is: wanting to go to bed early but deciding to just get on tumblr/wattpad/Ao3 for a little bit and then end up finding a fic series that you really like and read until well past your usual bedtime then keeping on because it’s already past your bedtime. Then being mad when you wake up in the morning because you overslept your timer.
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findmeinasunshower · 1 year
𝑩𝒐𝒘𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒍𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝑻𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒔: 𝑵𝒆𝒘𝒕 𝑺𝒄𝒂𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓
word-count: 2k
summary: Mr. Scamander introduces you to his bowtruckle...and he may or may not be falling for you as he does.
warnings: none :)
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“You have a bowtruckle in your pocket.”
Newt halts in his fiddling with the locks on his case and looks up at you through the wispy, caramel hair that’s constantly obscuring his eyes from your view. You’re perched on one of Tina and Queenie’s dining room chairs. Jacob carried it into the living room for you earlier when you all first arrived. Newt had offered you his seat on the well-worn, but plush lounge, but you had refused, stating that you can handle having a conversation without a cushion, thank you very much. 
Your legs are crossed daintily at the ankles, and you lean forward as you consider Newt. Or, more specifically, Pickett, who has clambered up his shoulder to huddle shyly behind his neck. Only the creature’s eyes and the sprig on top of his head can be seen, and you smile sweetly when you make eye contact. Newt blinks at the way your perfectly curled hair flutters around your eyes like curtains in the breeze when you move. He can tell you’re curious, and realizes that you’ve never seen a bowtruckle before. The corner of his mouth turns up fondly at the thought.
“That I do,” he responds, shifting in his crouch as he finishes locking up his case.
Newt finds himself blinking once again at the bluntness of your question, and he tilts his head up to look at you fully. Your gaze meets his inquisitively, and he’s quick to look back down before you can see the blush spreading across his cheeks. He rolls out of his crouch with a small sigh until he’s sitting on the ground with his back against the lounge, legs spread out in front of him. “Well,” he starts, “I keep bowtruckles in my case, but Pickett has what Queenie calls ‘attachment issues.’”
You raise your eyebrows and an amused smile creeps across your face. “Attachment issues,” you repeat, encouraging him to elaborate.
Newt backtracks, eyes flicking to the ceiling as he thinks of a way to explain. He holds his hand up in front of his shoulder, encouraging Pickett to wrap his spindly limbs around his thumb and pull himself up. Once his little friend is standing comfortably on his palm, Newt runs a gentle finger over the sprout at the top of his head. “He doesn’t like his tree,” he clarifies simply.
You chuckle softly and lean forward out of your chair to get a closer look. “But aren’t bowtruckles guardians of their trees?” you ask. A pleased warmth spreads through Link’s chest at your knowledge of one of his creatures. You laugh again when he nods in confirmation. “Why doesn’t he like his tree?”
“He says the other bowtruckles bully him.” Newt shifts to cradle Pickett in both of his hands and sits up, crossing his legs. He regards you with a small smirk, green eyes twinkling with mischief. “But I have a suspicion that he’s actually just sensitive.” He whispers the last part as if it’s a secret, making you giggle and Pickett whirl around to glare adorably at his keeper. 
Newt frowns right back down at him. “What?” he asks incredulously. “You and I both know it’s true.” You’re absolutely delighted when the bowtruckle blows a raspberry, and Newt rolls his eyes good-naturedly. “Again, that behavior is so beneath you, Pickett.”
You snicker and slide off of the dining chair and to the floor so you’re sitting next to Newt on one hip, with both of your legs folded on top of each other. The magizoologist flushes bright red from the tips of his ears to his chest when you settle next to him, despite you maintaining a respectable distance between the two of you. He’s glad you’re too occupied with mesmerizing Pickett to notice his current state—The little creature had shied away from you when you first moved closer, but now he’s watching in fascination as you conjure flowers about the size of the pads of Newt’s fingers out of the tip of your wand. Pickett watches them all the way as they shoot up to the ceiling only to gently float back down to the floor. 
“So,” You shoot a baby blue flower across the room, causing Pickett to reel around in search of it, “Does that make you Pickett’s tree?”
Newt whips his head around to look at you with wide, green eyes. “What?” he splutters. You grin at his reaction and unthinkingly magick an array of tiny, yellow flowers to rain around Pickett. The soft petals tickle Newt’s hands when the flowers land in them, and he finds he quite likes the feeling.
“Like I said,” you continue, “bowtruckles live to guard their trees. And if Pickett is always with you…” You fix him with a teasing smile underneath your lashes, “...that makes you his tree.”
Newt gapes at you, jaw moving up and down as he tries in vain to come up with something to respond with. What does one say when a beautiful acquaintance compares you to a tree? He swallows to clear his dry mouth and mumbles: “I suppose it does.”
Your lips spread into a wide smile and you snicker giddily at the baffled expression on the magizoologist’s face. At this point, Pickett has clambered up the lapels of Newt’s white collared shirt so he’s perched on his collarbone. And while you look back at the creature, Newt finds it impossible for him to tear his gaze from you. You twirl your fingers in a “hello” to Pickett, and if his heart wasn’t already melting at that small movement, the way your nose crinkles when you smile warms him completely. Newt’s mouth twitches up once again, and this time a glint of his teeth shines through his smile. 
A breathy laugh escapes from his lips when you raise your wand and resume your flower shower. You look back at him at the sound, smile dropping slightly when you see the way Mr. Scamander is looking at you.
You’ve only known him for a couple of days, but from what you’ve seen, he’s never held a significant amount of eye contact with anyone. He tends to keep his head bowed, raising his eyes only for certain amounts of necessary eye contact. This close, you can see flecks of golden-brown hidden in his forest green eyes, like the first hints of autumn that appear in September. You find yourself searching for every last one of the beautiful imperfections while he maintains stunned eye contact with you. You get to see up close as his eyes soften, beholding you as if for the first time.
Newt’s eyes flick down to your lips briefly before raising back up to yours, and your cheeks flame at the minuscule gesture. You look down at your lap in an attempt to hide your flaming cheeks and notice Newt doing the same out of the corner of your eye. 
“Miss (l/n)?” Newt’s quiet, husky voice penetrates your being, and you stop tapping your knee nervously. You look back up at him through your lashes to let him know you heard him and his eyes falter from his own lap to your eyes and then back again before he smiles bashfully. “Would you like to meet the rest of my creatures?”
A soft, but still shy smile spreads across your face. “I would love to.”
A full-on grin breaks across Newt’s face and he scrambles to his feet, gently guiding Pickett up until he’s perched on his shoulder. Then, he holds out a hand to you, and you smile as you allow him to pull you to your feet. Neither of you are quick to let go of the other’s hand, and you find you quite like the feel of his worked, calloused fingers in yours.
Newt’s the one who lets go first, but it’s only to reach down and flick the locks of his battered case back open. You watch as he pries it open and lets the top end fall to the floor with a thump. He stands back up to his full height and huffs out a breath and you look at him curiously when you feel him look back at you with a subtle smile. “Ready?” he asks.
Your heart flutters, and you feel like the sudden lightness in your chest has the power to lift you off the ground. “Ready.”
Jacob steps over the Goldstein’s threshold with a relieved groan and holds the door open for Queenie. He scans the living room tiredly, and what he sees has him suddenly much more awake. His jaw drops slightly, but he schools himself enough to say, “Um…Queen?”
“Hm?” Queenie bounces clumsily into the flat after him. She catches Jacob’s shoulder to stop herself from tripping over her own two feet, and her blue eyes widen as she takes in the living room. “Oh, dear.”
“‘Oh dear?’” Jacob parrots, closing the door behind his girlfriend. “What the hell happened in here?” When the two of them and Tina had left two hours before, the Goldstein’s living room was meticulously clean, thanks to the elder of the two sisters. Now, it looks like a meadow exploded. What seems like thousands of flowers lay scattered across the carpet and the furniture, most of them concentrated around Newt’s closed case in the middle of the floor.
Queenie’s careful as she walks further into the room, for some reason doing her best not to step on the tiny blossoms. “We’re lucky Teeny got called in,” she chimes. “I’m sure she wouldn’t be happy to see this.” She snorts softly and then giggles, returning to her examination of the sitting room-turned-field. “I just don’t know why either of ‘em woulda done it.”
Jacob turns around in a slow circle, face still scrunched up comically. “Where the hell are they?”
Queenie squints when she frowns. “I don’t know.” Her eyes flick down to Newt’s case laying inconspicuously in the middle of the carpet. She grins toothily and hums at her epiphany before scurrying over to the case and kneeling in its surrounding flowers. 
“Don’t tell Newt I did this,” she whispers as she points her wand at the case and mutters, “Alohomora.” The locks flip open with a satisfying click, and Jacob walks over to join Queenie in peering down into Newt’s garden shed.
Queenie then proceeds to tip the entire top half of her body over the side of the case so her torso is dangling over the edge and into the other world.
Jacob splutters and grabs hold of the back of her calves just as she starts to slide. “Jesus, Queen, what’re you doin’?” he hisses, keeping his voice down in case Newt is close to the shed.
“Whoops!” is the only explanation she gives. Jacob sighs tiredly.
“There are a lot easier ways to do this, you know. Like climbing down the ladder.”
Queenie ignores him and turns her head to the side, blonde curls swishing into her face as she does. She blows harshly to get them to fall back out of her eyes before stilling once again, blue eyes flicking around the shed as she searches the thoughts of the different creatures in Newt’s tiny world. 
It doesn’t take her long to find the two of you, but one, simple word reigns supreme:
Queenie smiles as the warm feeling you and Newt are taken with fills her up like a balloon. She swings herself back up into the apartment, and Jacob rips his hands off of her legs to avoid being sat on. Yours and Newt’s thoughts die down until all she can feel is Jacob’s confusion and Mrs. Esposito’s frustration because apparently Janey downstairs brought another boy in without permission.
Jacob frowns when he sees the way Queenie is smiling. “What?” he asks. She huffs and shrugs, still smiling, and Jacob raises his eyebrows at her slightly-crazed state. Her bob is now more of a frizzy pom-pom look and she’s practically twitching with excitement as what she just felt whips through her head like a summer storm.
“We best not bother those two for a while,” is her only explanation.
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captainsophiestark · 1 year
Pay No Attention to the Magizoologist
Theseus Scamander x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Requested by anon!
Fandom: Harry Potter
Summary: Y/N and Newt have been friends for a long time, and for almost as long, Y/N has also had a crush on Newt's older brother Theseus. Years and years later, after their Hogwarts days, several run-ins with Grindelwald, the death of Leta Lestrange, and the wedding of Queenie and Jacob, Newt is still subverting Ministry rules in the name of helping his creatures. And, as usual, Y/N is an accomplice in his schemes. So, when Newt goes running out the door with his creatures and Jacob in tow, it falls to Y/N to distract Theseus and keep him from following Newt's trail. And this distraction might just lead to a bigger change than any of them bargained for.
Word Count: 2,439
Category: Fluff
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"What do we do?"
"I don't know!"
I looked between Newt and Jacob as they debated, coming off as a little bit more than panicked. They needed to get out of here with Newt's briefcase, without getting held up by the Ministry of Magic. Unfortunately for both of them (and me), Theseus was on his way here as we spoke, and there was no doubt he'd slow down the boys' mission.
"Why is your brother coming after us in the first place?" demanded Jacob.
"Because technically, what we're doing here is illegal. The Ministry of Magic has specific procedures they want me to follow before releasing any of my creatures into their natural habitats, but this time, waiting for their bureaucracy to process things will take too long. My newest rescue won't do well waiting around in captivity for longer than they already have," answered Newt. Jacob looked more stressed than he'd been before.
"Oh great!"
"You two get out of here," I said, jumping into the middle of their argument after watching their back-and-forth for a while. "I'll stay here and slow down Theseus."
They both stopped what they were doing and turned to stare at me, incredulous expressions on their faces. After a few beats of silence, the three of us just looking between one another, Newt spoke up.
"Y/N, are you sure?"
"Yeah, Newt, I'm sure. I can distract him just fine, and you guys need to get out of here. You need Jacob for this a little more than you need me, and I can always meet up with you both later."
Newt stared at me for a few moments, then closed all the distance between us to clasp a hand on my shoulder. He met my eyes with an earnest look, and it made my heart warm to see my best friend like that.
"Thank you, Y/N."
"Of course. Just be safe, the both of you."
Newt nodded, his way of promising, before heading out the door, Jacob with him. I watched them go, and then just like that, I was alone in our little loft hideout.
I'd been best friends with Newt for the majority of my life. Since Hogwarts, in fact. He and I got along like wildfire, and had since our first year together at Hogwarts. I would do anything for him. Theseus and I, on the other hand, were a different story.
I'd had a crush on my best friend's older brother for basically our entire time at Hogwarts. Theseus, on the other hand, had barely noticed me beyond my role as his kid brother's friend, and our relationship had only cooled as I'd spent more time helping Newt and less time fawning over him. In the wake of Leta Lestrange's death, however, Newt and Theseus had gotten close again, and I'd done my best to be there for both of them as well. Theseus and I had gotten to the point of actually being able to call each other friends recently, and I only hoped my decision to distract him today in order to give Newt a clean getaway wouldn't ruin that new step in our relationship.
Oh well. Sometimes, there was no other option but to back your crazy best friend's crazy play, no matter the cost.
I paced around the room for a few minutes, trying to brace myself to see Theseus, but before I was anywhere near ready I heard a loud knock at the door. I couldn't help jumping, but then I did my best to quickly compose myself and went to answer it.
"Theseus!" I said, feigning surprise when I saw the serious face of the Auror before me. He kept trying to lean around me to see inside the little apartment Newt and I had turned into a temporary hideout, and I kept leaning to block him. "What a surprise! It's so good to see you, it's been so long!"
"Y/N, where's my brother?" he demanded, his eyes at last settling on me instead of the space behind me. I fought back a gulp as I forced a smile onto my face instead.
"Newt? Uh... I haven't seen Newt in a while now, actually. I thought he was spending some family time with you?"
Theseus gave me a look that clearly said he wasn't buying any of my nonsense.
"We both know he's not spending time with me. He's been hiding out with you while planning some nonsensical scheme that's going to get both him and his muggle friend into deep trouble. Now tell me where he is."
"What? I mean, uh..."
"Y/N, I'm sorry, but I don't have time for this."
With that, he stepped forward, forcing me to step back or else be run straight into. He pushed into the living room, leaving me standing by the open door behind him, then poked his head into the kitchen in search of Newt.
"Newt! Come out, we need to talk!" he called. He stopped, apparently deciding Newt wasn't in the kitchen, before heading into the living room. I rolled my eyes and closed the front door.
"Please, come right in and make yourself comfortable," I deadpanned. Theseus just shot me a look over his shoulder as he continued to move around my living room. I huffed a sigh, but got dragged back into action as Theseus made his way across the room, getting closer to the back door Newt and Jacob had disappeared out of. If he got there, to the spot they'd left from, odds were significantly higher he'd be able to track them down, especially with a little magical help.
I just needed to buy Newt a little more time. He and Jacob were catching a portkey in twenty minutes, and if Theseus couldn't get to them before that, they'd be in the clear.
"So, uh, the Ministry is still trying to prevent the release of some animals, yeah? That's uh... that's what this whole thing is about?"
"My brother is trying to release dangerous animals into the wild," said Theseus, not halting his search through my living room. I took a few steps closer to him as they spoke. "Keeping them safe in his sanctuary is one thing, but turning them loose on the world is another..."
"I've met all of those animals, none of them seem particularly dangerous to me," I countered, crossing the room all the way to Theseus now. I moved in front of him, standing between him and his search of the top of my fireplace mantle. His eyes landed on me, an exasperated expression on his face.
"Y/N, please. Newt just needs to get a permit, and go through the proper channels. Then he can release whatever animals he wants."
I couldn't help rolling my eyes. "Oh please, you and I both know the Ministry will take ages. Some of those animals will be much better off if they're released now, and not a year from now."
"All the same, I need to do my job and get my brother back. Then maybe I can help him get his permit expedited, but until then, he has to wait. So, if you're done attempting to stall me..."
With that, he turned to start hunting through the rest of my living room, following Newt's trail. I moved after him, hovering over his every step and trying to erase any trace of Newt when I caught it before Theseus.
"Actually, I'm not done stalling you. I think we should talk a little more. Now that we're back to being friendly, you know, I think-"
"Nice try, Y/N, but it's not going to work," said Theseus, a slight smile on his face as he continued to make his way through my living room. "I can talk to you and search for my brother at the same time."
I looked around the room for some sign of inspiration to slow down Theseus, but started to panic as he headed for the door Newt and Jacob had left through. He flung it open and was about to walk out, which meant I had to do something, now.
"Wait!" I cried, rushing across the room towards him. He paused with a sigh and turned back to me, wand in-hand and ready to track Newt and Jacob.
"Y/N, I'm sorry, but I really can't stick around right now. I have a job to do."
"Okay, but just one second. This is important!" I said, slipping into the doorway between him and his target. He leaned forward and into my space, and I couldn't help feeling a little giddy at his proximity. I blame that feeling for clouding my judgment and impacting my next decision.
"What is it, Y/N?" he asked. I panicked, trying to think of something, but I couldn't focus on anything beyond the handsome, wonderful man in front of me and the fact that I could NOT let him through the door. He sighed and took a half step forward, placing his hand gently on my waist to move me aside, and I did the only thing that came to mind.
I grabbed Theseus' shoulders, leaned up, and kissed him full on the mouth.
My brain short circuited all over again as we kissed, and I swear fireworks surrounded us. Then, a moment later, reality set in. I jerked away from Theseus and my hand flew to my mouth, horror sinking in at my actions. I couldn't believe I'd just done that.
"Theseus..." I looked up at him to find him staring blankly off into the space just over my shoulder, looking completely shocked. "Oh my God... I am so, SO sorry!"
Theseus didn't respond, which got rid of any of the remaining fireworks lingering around me. I couldn't believe I'd just done that. Theseus and I had just started to get to a place where we had a good relationship, and I'd probably just destroyed it.
"Theseus, please, I'm so sorry. I know I shouldn't have done that. I just... I needed to keep you from going after Newt, and... and it was the only thing I could think to do. Oh God." I facepalmed. Then, against the rational part of my brain screaming to let me give it control again, I kept talking. "I- well, I've had a crush on you since we were kids, and we were standing so close together and it's like my mind went blank, and it was the only thing I could think of-"
My ramble finally, mercifully got cut off as Theseus wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back to his side of the doorway before pushing me up against the wall right next to it. Before I could get my brain restarted, he was kissing me, with a level of passion and emotion that I'd only ever dreamed about.
Once I got over my own shock, I wasted no time kissing him back. I tangled my hands in his hair as his grip tightened around my waist, and we stayed like that for a long few moments before finally coming up for air.
We were breathing hard as we met each others' eyes, our faces barley an inch apart. He seemed as shocked as me that we'd actually just done that, and I couldn't help the joyful laugh that bubbled out of me.
"Theseus... what was that?" I asked, a smile steadily growing on my face as I fondly ran my hand through his hair again. He smiled back at me, a slightly sheepish grin on his face even though he looked just as happy as I did.
"I've had feelings for you for a few months now," he breathed. "I didn't know how to tell you, since we'd just gotten back on friendly terms and I didn't want to ruin anything..."
"I've been doing the same thing," I said. We shared disbelieving laughs, and I surveyed Theseus fondly while he looked me up and down with the same care. Theseus leaned in and rested his forehead against mine, the smile still on his face and his voice still a little breathless when he spoke.
"So... I kind of need to go chase my brother now, but... any chance you'd let me take you to dinner tomorrow night?"
I beamed back at him, leaning up to give him a light, soft kiss before responding.
"I'd love that, Theseus."
"Good! Great. Then... it's a date."
"It's a date."
We shared another smile, Theseus still looking a little giddy as he at last stepped away from me and moved towards the door again. The sweet smile turned into more of a smirk as he took one step outside, on his way to follow the path his brother had taken not long ago.
"So... you're not going to try to stop me going after Newt anymore?" he asked, a little of the confident swagger I loved so much back in his tone and body language.
"No," I said with a shrug. "He's gotten far enough away by now that you can't catch him."
Theseus groaned and looked up at the sky, then settled his gaze back on me.
"I hope you're wrong, Y/N. But if you're not... you're buying the first round of drinks as compensation."
"You're on," I replied with a grin of my own. "Have fun on your wild goose chase! Don't let the Ministry people get you down. Newt's doing the right thing."
Theseus just sighed, although he wasn't quite able to keep a fond smile off his face. Whether it was for me, his brother, or the both of us, I wasn't sure.
He gave me one last smile and nod before finally heading all the way out the door, shutting it behind him as he resumed his work. I smiled after him and slowly sank down the wall, my fingers brushing over my lips where Theseus' had just been. It didn't seem quite real to me that the past few minutes had really happened, but I knew for a fact it was real. And that I had a date with Theseus Scamander tomorrow night.
Newt was never going to believe me when I told him the story. Helping him with his crazy shenanigans had never turned out so well.
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eveneechan · 5 months
Happy Fantastic Beasts Anniversary Day ✨
Compiling my FB fan animation that i made around 2019-2022 to celebrate the day
(Mostly focus on Tina Goldstein since she deserves better)
Wish if they can't continue the movie yet, at least they adapt it into other media like animation 🥺
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Newt: [petting a Graphorn]
Jacob: Uh... Whatcha got there?
Newt: *holds up a cup with a bendy straw* A smoothie.
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youre-a-w1zard-harry · 2 months
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madisonshoneybun · 9 months
Hello! I was wondering if you still are continuing to take fanfic request if you could possibly do one where newt and the reader are childhood friends and newt really likes the reader and is going to their house to confess his feeling to them but he is sad because they moved to New York to find a Job and after a few years newt sees the reader sitting on a bench at a park in New York but doesn’t know if that’s them because they are sitting with their back away from him so he isn’t sure if that’s really them, and they finally reunited and he confesses his feeling when the reading is working a late night shift at the department store in the first film and is about to go home oh btw if you could possibly add a bit of jealous Tina let’s say newt has kept the same necklace which he wanted to give to the reader when he wanted to confess his feeling to them when he was younger and then Tina goes into Newt’s case and finds the necklace and assumes Newt wants to give it to her so she puts it on anyway and Newt says it is not for her and she has to give the necklace back to him but at the end when she sees how happy Newt and the reader are together she is happy and accepts the fact that newt likes someone else and finds someone else to love. Omg if you do this I will be so so so happy I have just had this idea for a really long time now but honestly probably couldn’t actually write it thank you so much!
Warning - none
Pairing - Newt Scamander x Reader
Summary - Newt left you and you had no idea why. He was someone you could never stop thinking about but as luck would have it, he found you. Will he leave you again? Will he be honest about how he truly feels? Or will he hurt you all over again?
A/N - Jezz it's been a long time. I remember when I was in high school, and my only hobby was writing fanfiction. I never told a soul. But here I am, now 22 and still wanting to come back and write from time to time. Though I didn't start this Tumblr account when I was in high school. I hope you like what I've written and keep sending requests and I just might write some. Might even right a few then hop off the face of the planet again. I don't know, but enjoy :)
Words - 3555
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Your most fond memories were running round the halls of Hogwarts with Newt not far behind. Sometimes you were skipping class to be with his creatures, sometimes one would escape, and you were both trying to catch it and other times, your favorite times, it was just so you could both be alone. There was a spot, under the east stairwell, where you'd hide. Newt was never one for affection but for some reason, here, with you, he'd hold your hand. Tracing his fingers over the lines on your palm almost like he was trying to read your future. You always hoped he'd be reading them to see if your futures aligned. Maybe if the maps on your palm were identical to his, it meant you were meant to be together. Like it was destiny. He'd never let you read his though, only allowing you to wrap your fingers together, intertwining them like perfect puzzle pieces. You'd lean you head on his shoulder, and he'd mumble creature facts to you, describe their beauty with hints of passion. Unicorns and fairies were in muggle stories, always the good guys and the most beautiful creatures to them. But Newt could tell you anything about any creature in the world, and you'd fall for them without caring what they looked like. Newt loved magical beasts and you loved them too.
You sat on a bench, the cold New York air biting at your skin. You didn't mind though. It reminded you of home. You'd picked up knitting a few years after graduating from Hogwarts. Both your muggle and wizard friends teased you, saying it was so boring and it was something only old people did. You liked it though, and it was always a high when you finished a piece, whether it be gloves, a hat or a scarf, it always made you so happy. Right now you were working on a scarf. You'd come up with idea of making your own version of the house scarfs at Hogwarts. You had started with your house, seeing as it was obviously superior, and worked your way through the others. Right now, you were working on the finally one. Hufflepuff. It was bittersweet. It was almost like you were pushing it off as much as you could. Every time you saw that shade of yellow, you'd be brought back to Hogwarts. To that boy with the most beautiful green eyes. To his crocked smile and its cute fluffy hair.
You smiled gently at the half-made scarf. God did you miss him. You wondered what he was doing, if he was okay, and if he still loved beast. You laughed quietly and shook your head. Of course, he does, dead or alive, he would never not love them. Even if one were to kill him, he wouldn't blame them. You heard someone chuckled behind you. It made you jump to your feet, dropping everything you were doing on the ground. Your hand flew to your back pocket, where you keep your wand, as you spun around.
Your hands fell to my sides upon seeing him. Both beautiful eyes and that fluffy hair. "Newt?"
He looked just as surprised to see you as you were of seeing him. Almost like he wasn't expecting it at all. What did he expect laughing at a random woman in the cold? A heavy sigh left your lips. "Were you just laughing at me Mr. Scamander?" You thought, seeing as you were both adults, it might be better to address him properly. You didn't have any idea on how he felt about you, if he had moved on from your friendship from school. It only felt polite to call him by his last name. He stilled and opened his mouth to speak. You could almost visually see the sweat form on his face and the color leave his eyes. "Uh no- I wasn't" He stuttered, waving his hands in the air.
You put your hands on your hips and titled your head to the side. "I jumped so hard cause I heard you laugh. Don't try to fool me." The flustered look on his face was so cute, you almost felt bad for teasing him. You weren't the same girl you were back then, growing more confident as the days went by. You wouldn't be so easily flustered by him like when you were little, but you doubt he'd even remember though moments. Or tell you about them at that. He looked just as flustered, maybe even more as he listened to you speak. It started to make you laugh and you waved a hand at him. "It's alright Scamander, I'm just teasing you. Can't handle a bit of teasing from an old friend?" His shoulders dropped, relaxing finally. For a moment, he still said nothing. Looking you up and down for a moment before finally opening his mouth to speak properly to you. "I heard you laugh and I couldn't help it. Yours is contagious." A blush crept up your neck.
He looked the same but also so different. He was taller than you now, more built, leaner. His jaw sharp, a bit longer hair, and this aura about him. He still felt a bit shy but exuded this confidence that you've never seen in him before. What had changed? How did he still feel like that kid from so long ago but I feel so mature? How stupid could I be? He's a grown man. You looked down at your items on the floor and crouched to get them. He crouched too but soon stood back up. "What are you doing here?" You sat back down, and he took a seat next to you. "I'm passing through. On my way to Arizona to release a Thunderbird I rescued from Egypt... though..." He looked down at his hands like he was ashamed. "It appears some other creatures escaped my case, so I have to find them before anything bad happens to them."
You could feel his sadness wrap around you. It felt cold and seeing him after not seeing him so long didn't erase your memories of him. His love for all magical creatures. You took his hand, like he had done to you all those times under that stairwell, and squeezed tightly. "Let me help you." His eyes moved to yours and for a moment they looked like there were stars in them. Like hearing you say that made him the happiest in the world. Like you weren't afraid or anger at him for leaving all those years ago but it soon faded. Knowing what little he knew about what was going on in this city, he never wanted to put you in danger so, like all those years ago. He pushed you away. He pulled his hand away and rose to his feet. He refused to look at you as he picked up his case. "I've got it. I know these creatures like the back of hand. Don't worry yourself with it." and without giving you even a second to respond, he began to walk away.
Seeing his back to you, slowly getting farther and farther away, you had no idea what to do. When he left you tried to stop him, but he wouldn't open up to you about why. You could never understand it all. But you did understand was how much he hurt you. How much it hurt to have him lie to your face. And how much it hurt begging him to be honest with you, begging you to stay, and having him still leave you behind. You weren't going to do again. Not this time. You were going to let him go.
Newt had been keeping himself occupied in his case all night. The others had no idea what to do. Something must've happened but none of them were close enough to him to ask. Jacob was the first to try, but all he got was one-word responses. Queenie tried to but Newt didn't even bare her a glance. Tina was the only one absent from this whole ordeal. She was inside the shed, while Newt was taking care of his creatures and Jacob followed him like a lost puppy. She was looking through his things, trying to find anything about him. They had gotten close, and had bonded through this while ordeal, even though it wasn't entirely over yet. She could feel her feelings growing for him the more they interacted with him. When Newt saved her, looked her in the eyes and promised her that'd he'd catch her, she felt something. She had felt so safe and cared for. She had a slight worry that he might leave her. Save himself and then go save his case. But he stayed and the look in his eyes felt like a silent promise that he wasn't going to leave her.
She opened up drawer after drawer. Not really rummaging through, just moving a few things around. She eventually came across and small velvet box. It was a beautiful royal blue. It was so soft and light. When she opened it, a soft glow illuminated her face. She took it out of the box, setting it aside and hold a beautiful silver necklace. It was short, like it would rest perfectly in-between a person's collarbones. These last few days, maybe he felt the same way? It felt too soon for something like this but everyone knew how awkward, yet charming Newt was. He was never very good with words. There was this tiny whisper in the back of her mind that said to ask him who this was for. Confirm with him first before she thought it belonged to her but the love she felt for him drowned out that voice. Slowly, as to not make a sound, she put it around her neck. Clasping it in place. She felt silly for being so quiet. No human on this ear could hear the sound if a necklace clamping in place but her nerves got the better of her. She closed the box, setting it back inside the drawer, and left the shed.
You couldn't believe your boss called you in so late. You weren't a security guard; this wasn't in your job description. You were reading about everything going on, and you can't lie and say it didn't make you nervous. There was no denying it wasn't something more than normal muggle things. It had to be something you'd read about in school. Or some witch or wizard who was after something. You knew all this but could do nothing. You weren't with the Macusa, like you'd ever want to do anything like that, you were just a normal witch. The best you were good at was making positions and remembering wizard history. And of course, a butt load of creature facts. You also felt confident that the Macusa were handling it.
Never mind that. You had to be "keeping an eye out" as your boss had told you to do. This store had never been broken into at night, you never understood why. Shoplifters though? That has happened a few times. Since you didn't think anyone would dare try to break in, you brought you scarf to finish. It was almost done. Just a few more rows to go. Glancing down at the fabric in your hands, you remembered the park. How you were literally just looking at this stupid thing and thinking about him. Then he popped into thin air. Almost like you were granted a wish from the gods but now? Just looking at it stung. What did you do to deserve this treatment from him? Did he figure out your feelings and just had no clue on how to turn you down? If he didn't like you back you would've respected that decision, but he didn't even respect you enough to tell you why he was leaving. Before you could get too into your head you heard something fall to the ground. Luck truly wasn't on your side huh? First you wished for him and now you somehow jinxed this whole break in thing.
You stood, making slow, gentle movements around the front desk. Making your way over to what had dropped, you felt like there were eyes on you. And in an instant, you were grabbed from behind, a hand over your mouth. You went to scream but once your back met the person's chest you stared ahead. You saw Newt, holding a finger to his lips. Just looking at him made you anger. How could he treat you the way he did and then randomly show up here and have whoever was holding you touch you like this? What would he even need here? Then it hit you. His creatures.
You nodded and the person behind you let you go. You turned to face them and saw a man, he quickly whispered an apology to you, and two women. Then women were like polar opposites of each other, visually speaking. Nothing to do with their beauty, no, they were both probably the prettiest women you had ever met. They just looked different. Once blonde wearing pinks and a cute face of makeup, the other a brunette wearing darker clothes. After scanning the group your eyes fall back to Newt. "What's here?" he pointed past me, a floating purse making its way through the store. "Dougal, my Demiguise." You nodded slowly. You've heard a lot about those creatures. Newt always thought they were the most difficult to catch, or save even.
"Demiguise are fundamentally peaceful, but-" "they can give a nasty nip though." You shrugged. The room fell silent. You looked up at the other, who you still hadn't gotten the name of. They looked at you like you were crazy but Newt had this slight smirk on his face. "I learned from the master himself." You whispered and gently nudged Newts arm. After the interruption Newt was giving out orders. "You two, head that way. And try very hard not to be predictable. Y/n?" You hummed softly. "Stay with them?" You could tell by the look in his eyes that he was worried for them. These people obviously knew little to nothing. But you knew everything, you knew what to do and what not to do. You keep these people safe. And Newt trusted you so deeply with that task. You smiled and nodded, leading the way.
We were in some kind of attic and Newt was describing the beast to everyone in the room. Once you realized it was babysitting and that Newt "must have miscounted" you knew we were in for it. A huge and beautiful Occamy came forward. Staring straight into Newt's eyes. You felt a smile creep onto your face, you'd never seen one before but like you'd always thought, no matter the creature, it was a wonderful thing to see. Seeing how gently Newt was, you thought for sure he had it, that was until the blonde walked forward, almost like she was in awe, and accidently kicked a Christmas ordainment. It rang and the poor thing got spooked. Its body got moved around the room, almost snake like. Your first immediate thought was to get Dougal, something so big could easily kill him while it was startled like this. But once you made your way towards him, he made his way towards the other man and blondie. Now in the center of the room, Newt was gone, riding on top of it. Before you could even think to start looking around for something small or an insect, one of its wings came flying towards you. Hitting you square in the chest and making you slam into the floor. You head hurt the most, and you blacked out while gasping for air.
We had just gotten the Occamy in the tea pot and for a spilt second everything left so calm. It felt like the weight he had been keeping on his shoulders had vanished, but it all faded when he saw you, the literal light of his light, laid limp on the floor. Tina had both hands on the tea pot and the lip so Newt ran to your side. "Y/n? Hey, wake up!" He shook you gently and then realized that was probably the worst thing he could be doing to you right now. His only other thought in mind was to take you into his arms and bring you into his case. He had put a cot in the shed, right by the entrance. Sometimes he just preferred to be asleep near his creatures. The sounds they made throughout the night were like little lullabies. He brought you down, the other following close behind, and laid you gently on it. Taking off his coat and laying that on top of you too. It was particularly cold but he still worried.
"Can you put my Occamy back and Dougal on his tree?" He didn't spare anyone a glance. But Jacob nodded, leading Queenie out of the room. But Tina stayed. She took a seat next to you, looking you over. It seemed she didn't snoop enough, or she was just blind as a bat because once she looked up towards Newt, she was a photo. A moving picture, of you, smiling so bright. Her hand slowly went to the necklace. She felt this ping in her chest. Over these past few days she thought her and Newt were becoming closer. Like they could be something more. Maybe not this soon, but over time, maybe something. It genuinely hurt more than she thought it would. While Newt was still distracted, making something to help you, she took off the necklace and gently placed it around your neck. Seeing it on you, it felt like it just belonged there.
She stood to her feet and gave Newt a gently pat on the back and left the room. Leaving the two of you alone.
You slowly opened your eyes, your head heavy and throbbing. Your back also just completely bruised. You sat up slowly, touching your hand to your head. It was wrapped in gauze and a foreign cream over your collarbones, along with a necklace. You knew you weren't wearing it before but besides that, you were in so much pain. You glanced around the room and saw Newt, setting on the floor beside you, holding your free hand. You squeezed it and he opened his eyes, standing so quickly to his feet that he fell back a bit, leaning fully on the work bench behind him. "Are you alright?" you asked him with a chuckled. "Are you alright?" he made his way back to your side. His hand finding its way to the back of your head. He leaned down a bit, giving you a once over. You nodded. "I'm fine, though I will say that hurt more than when we tried to ride that Hippogriff we found in the forest." He moved away and went back to his work bench, grabbing something that must've been sitting there, waiting for you. He handed it to you and drank it without a second thought. Your body felt cool all of a sudden and like the pain was fading away.
He sat beside you, fiddling with his fingers. You grabbed his hands, like you'd done all those years ago but for the first time, he flipped his hand, allowing you to see the maps on his palm. He glanced at him, but his eyes were laser focused on your fingers as you ran them over the lines. Your eyes went back to his hands, much larger than yours. As you traced the lines they felt familiar. It felt like the same pattern he would trace onto you. Your heart was beating so fast. All this time you wondered why he was so fascinated by it, but he knew all along that you futures were aligned. You continued to stare and trace with a smile permanently etched on your face. "I love you."
Your eyes shot up. "I love you, y/n. I've loved you for so long and I've been terrified to tell you but..." He clenched his jaw. "When I saw you there, I was more terrified than ever. The thought of you not loving me back couldn't compare to the thought of you dying. So I knew I had to tell you. I'm sorry I never told you, and I'm sorry I left." Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes. His beautiful green meeting your calm (y/e/c). His hand went to your cheek, thumbing rubbing your tears away. You hand went over his, and gently rubbed your thumb over his knuckles. A chuckle left your lips as the tears fell completely. "I love you too. I always have."
He smirked and you could see his shoulders relax. He was looking at you so intently and then down at your lips. Your eyes met again and he leaned forward, ever so slightly, then stopped. It was a silent way to ask permission. Then you leaned forward to, inviting him in. He took the invitation and slowly kissed you. It was soft, gentle and the best thing you've ever felt in your life. The happiness you both felt filled the room. This might be your new, fondest, moment.
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theaskywalker · 1 month
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Imagine being Jacob's sister and Newt asking you to help your brother feed the Mooncalves
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Incorrect quotes
Part 3, bit shorter today I’m afraid.
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James : How did none of you hear what I just said?
Sirius : I’ve been zoned out for the past two and a half hours.
Remus : I got distracted about halfway through.
Peter : Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
Tom riddle : Jail is no fun. I’ll tell you that much.
Y/n: Oh, you’ve been?
Tom riddle : Once. In Monopoly.
Tom riddle : I can explain.
Y/n: Can you?
Tom riddle : If you give me thirty seconds to think of a lie.
Store Worker: Would a Mx. Jacob please come to the front desk?
Jacob , arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem?
Store Worker: points to Newt and Y/n
Store Worker: I believe they belong to you?
Newt and Y/n , simultaneously: We got lost :(
Jacob : I didn’t even bring you guys here with me-
Jacob , driving Newt and Y/n : So how was your day?
Newt : We almost got surprise adopted!
Jacob : What?
Y/n : We almost got kidnapped.
Jacob : Oh, okay.
Jacob : *slams on the breaks* WAIT WHAT?!
*Hermione 's helping Harry out after they get injured, while the others are watching*
Ron : How does Harry look?
Y/n : A little better than you, actually.
Hermione : I think Y/n was right.
Harry : I'm surprised they haven't marched in here to say 'I told you so.'
Ron : They wouldn't do that.
Y/n : You're right, Ron . For once in your life, you're 100% right. I would never say that.
Y/n : *turns around, the shirt they're wearing says 'Y/n Told You So' on the back*
Draco : Blaise , I'm sad.
Blaise : *Holds out arms for a hug* It’s going to be okay.
Pansy : Y/n , I'm sad.
Y/n , nodding: mood.
Draco : Y/n and I have the kind of easy chemistry where we finish each other's-
Y/n: Sentences.
Draco : Don't interrupt me!
Mcgonagall: Favorite horror movie?
Dumbledore: It
Snape : Saw
Y/n : Annabelle
Pomfrey : High School Musical. after watching it I spent all my middle school years terrified that the entire school would start singing something and I’d be the only one who didn’t know the lyrics
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sourceallthingscinema · 6 months
My favorite Fantastic Beasts characters:
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lilietherly · 6 months
[Fanfic! Newcob]
Omega Jacob Kowalski/Alfa Newt Scamander.
Rule 63. AU!Fem. Femslash.
Lindo y tierno, pero con resultados sexuales.
Los resultados sexuales ocurren luego de la narración.
Inspirado en fanart.
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¡Y ese fanart es este! Que no pudo haber sido dibujado por nadie más que por mi amada y siempre dulce @drunkenelevator 🥰, a quien yo espero no le moleste mi atrevimiento de escribirle una historia a su arte uwu, ¡pero juro que no lo pude evitar! Así como tampoco pude evitar que esta historia fuera ridícula y asquerosamente dulce. Estaba pasando por un mal momento y NECESITABA con mucha urgencia algo todo bonito-todo lindo, y así nació esta cosa; que es, además, el día 23 del reto Omegacember. No sé si seguir enfatizando en que esto es realmente cursi, porque no puedo hablar lo suficiente de eso jajaa, entonces, solo te desearé suerte, cariño, si decides leerlo uwu
* * *
Artemis salió de la tienda sin arrepentimientos luego de lo sucedido. Su buena señora, que seguramente la esperaba en casa con una comida caliente y una hermosa sonrisa en sus labios perfectos, nunca dio una señal que alentara la reciente acción de Artemis. Cierto es que, tal vez, le pedía hacer lo contrario.
A sabiendas, Artemis no se detuvo, permitió que el anhelo y su imaginación enamorada tomaran las riendas. Entró en esa tienda lujosa, hizo alarde de su apellido y, manejándose como las buenas Alfas solían hacer, sin dedicarle una mirada extra al hombre que le preguntó si debía esperar a su Omega, fue directo al hermoso vestido que se exhibía detrás de las cortinas espesas. Ella entregó los galeones, tomó la caja y salió de la tienda conservando los altivos gestos de quienes por mero deporte gastan su tiempo oliendo flatulencias.
Su rostro cambió unas calles después, conforme las dudas hacia su estado mental iban en acenso. No por completo arrepentida, —en realidad no se arrepentía en absoluto—, las dudas eran dirigidas a la reacción de su querida Omega. Mucho le había costado a Artemis el que le permitiera mantener las luces medio encendidas cada vez que hacían el amor, lo que ahora llevaba en esa ostentosa caja exigiría de la amada esposa un salto de fe muy lejos de sus límites.
Paciente como lo sería nunca con nadie más, Artemis jamás haría nada para evocar sentimientos negativos a su venerada mujer, no obstante, la simple idea de verla usando la prenda que resguardaba la caja, casi hizo desmayar a la Alfa. Jackie Scamander, de soltera Kowalski, a pesar de Artemis y el amor descarado que nunca tuvo la intención de esconder una vez resultó demasiado obvio, guardaba complejos irracionales, cuya fuerza, presencia temprana y escasa voluntad para luchar contra ellos una vez perdió a su familia, la volvieron susceptible, desconfiada, no merecedora.
Siendo en realidad preciosa, dulce y valiente; Artemis mucho tardó en comprender los motivos por la que su adorable Omega pretendía ocultarse bajo ropas indignas de su hermosura o porqué se removía incómoda entre los amorosos abrazos de Artemis. Jackie, sin saber explicarlo, y Artemis sin tener la menor idea, llevó antes a que la ignorante Alfa buscara prendas y otros obsequios para adornar, como lo merecía, de pies a cabeza a la hermosa diosa que aceptó su marca de unión. Apunto del llanto, la diosa le preguntó cuál era el objetivo de su burla.
Artemis lo entendió entonces, y desde entonces, dio inicio la cruzada de la Alfa para colocar en las alturas esa cabeza de suaves risos castaños, justo en el lugar a donde pertenecía. Hacía tan solo un año de eso, recordarlo disminuía de las peores formas la fuerza en la decisión de su última compra. La imagen de la forma en que se podría ver su Omega, no obstante, aún retenía cualquier señal de arrepentimiento.
La Alfa tenía un plan, por supuesto.
Difícilmente la Omega aceptaría su obsequio si llegara a entregárselo directamente, Artemis lo sabía. Evitándolo y habiendo aprendido de los errores, previo a la inevitable compra, hizo un par de adquisiciones extra y luego una reservación para el día siguiente en el restaurante favorito de su buena señora. Lugar en donde servían exquisitos postres y que carecía de la tendencia a darle los peores lugares a Omegas Sangre Impura, siempre que sus Alfas pagaran adecuadamente o tuvieran tras sus nombres el apellido correcto, detalle que Artemis seguiría feliz de ocultarle a Jackie.
Dicho el anuncio sobre el lugar de la cena de mañana, y tras el incansable trabajo de Artemis para convencer a su Omega de que bajo ninguna circunstancia la haría repetir un vestido en cada visita, dejaría a la linda esposa sin opciones. Ella lo comprendería de inmediato, reconocería que su Alfa ya guardaba en algún lugar un nuevo vestido, la besaría y, con suerte, harían el amor antes de revelar el contenido de la caja. Los nervios provocarían que Artemis le entregara primero los complementos que, esperaba, reforzaran el ánimo de su Omega, suavizando el impacto del protagonista y dándole mayores oportunidades de un visto bueno.
Suspirando, Artemis se detuvo en un callejón, mirando hacia los lados procuró que nadie la observara y, caminando al fondo, abrió la maleta marrón, con un suave movimiento de la varita guardó en él la caja, justo a un lado de las otras. Se acomodó los cortos risos, se alisó el abrigo azul y tomó un respiro profundo, con todos los pensamientos positivos en la mente, se Apareció justo frente a la puerta de su piso.
No abría la puerta y ya los encantadores aromas de la comida y su amada esposa colmaron sus sentidos, erizándole la piel. Pequeños tacones, que resonaban paseándose en la cocina, la recibieron nada más entrar; se detuvieron al escuchar la cerradura y poco tardaron en caminar hacia ella. La señora Scamander recibió a su Alfa con una sonrisa de delicados labios rojos. Artemis se abrazó a su cintura, inclinándose a su altura la besó tiernamente, aunque sin el cuidado necesario para no mancharse con el labial.
—Lamento haber tardado tanto, bonita, los clabberts sí estaban en época de apareamiento y capturarlos fue doblemente complicado —se excusó al ver a la Omega usando su bata por encima de los hombros, lo que hacía de extrañar el aroma de su Alfa si llegaban a separarse un lapso mayor a lo planeado.
—Esta bien, cariño, lo supuse después de que lo mencionaste —dijo Jackie, sosteniendo la mano de su Alfa y llevándola a la cocina—. Casi nunca te equivocas con los cálculos de las épocas reproductivas, así que comencé con la cena un poco más tarde.
Artemis la siguió tras colocar en su lugar la maleta, les dio suficiente comida a los recién llegados, así que los dejaría descansar esa noche, pues si se mostrara de nuevo ante ellos, luego del estrés de la captura, provocaría reacciones que mucho le costaría tranquilizar. De camino a su propia cena, Artemis se maravilló con el vestido midi de Jackie al haberse deshecho de la bata. Los sueltos pliegues, que si bien lograban esconder las generosas nalgas de su señora y a su vez casi el total de sus piernas hasta los tobillos, aún podía apreciar debidamente el vaivén de sus caderas, lo perfeto que andaba en sus tacones y, arriba, el cómo la tela suave arropaba esa cintura. Inevitablemente le provocó un suspiro.
Sin poder resistirlo, Artemis se abrazó a su Omega, lo que dificultó el avance de las dos a la cocina. Jackie sonrió cantarina, acariciándole la nuca al sentir la punta de una ávida nariz olisqueándole el cuello. Artemis repartió pequeños besos en cada centímetro de piel descubierta por el amplio escote, maravillándose a su vez de la vista en el interior que le entregaba su favorable altura.
—Te extrañé.
—¿Demasiado público? —preguntó Jackie con sabiduría.
—Demasiado ruidosos también, y todos tenían un consejo experto sobre lo que debía hacerse con los clabberts.
—Ya veo, ¿debería quitarme los zapatos? —Artemis aumentó la fuerza de su abrazo.
—No, eres adorable en ellos, además, hacen un sonido reconfortante.
Ellas tenían un comedor, por supuesto, aun así, siendo únicamente dos, solían comer siempre en la mesita de la cocina, en donde al ser uno de los lugares predilectos de la Omega, su aroma resaltaba incluso en su ausencia. Ocupando su respectiva silla, Artemis se preguntó cuánta influencia tuvo el estresante día en su decisión de comprar aquella prenda para su esposa, lo que regresaba una parte de las dudas. Es decir, pese a que el vestido llamó su atención desde un par de semanas atrás, consideró que resultaba en exceso atrevido para el nivel en que su diosa era consciente de su divinidad. Quizá, si bien no se arrepintiera de la osadía, aún nada la disculparía por tomar esa decisión impulsada por el estrés.
La comida y la charla afable, espléndida como siempre, llenó el estómago y el corazón de Artemis, colmando los pensamientos inquietos de paz; de nuevo agradecía en silencio la oportunidad de compartir un momento tranquilo con su Omega. Al terminar, usó un hechizo simple para lavar los utensilios y platos sucios.
—¿Vamos al sofá? —Jackie le sonrió, asintiendo al reconocer la petición indirecta para abrazarse y hablar un poco más.
La ayudó a descalzarse los zapatitos y a que el vestido no se arruinara al acostarla contra el respaldo del sofá, donde fue tras ella al deshacerse de sus zapatos y calcetas. La acorraló con su cuerpo y el brazo derecho alrededor de su cintura, ofreció el brazo izquierdo como almohada y acercó su rostro para besarla lenta y tiernamente. La hermosa Omega suspiró, correspondiendo, sintiéndose segura en el apretado abrazo de su Alfa; que como cada noche le recordaba el lugar a donde pertenecía, que la cuidaría y besaría y que cumpliría sin dudar su responsabilidad para con su Omega.
—Hay algo que no me has dicho —aseguró Jackie, leyendo una travesura en los ojos de su Alfa.
—Es… Yo… Creí que… —tartamudeó Artemis, evitando la mirada inteligente de su esposa. Ella la besó un par de veces, apaciguando su nerviosismo de la manera más efectiva—. Lo adivinaste en cuanto llegué, ¿verdad? —Su Omega le sonrió tímidamente, aceptando la acusación.
—Lo siento, quería esperar hasta que estuviéramos en la cama. —Artemis frunció los labios, suspirando derrotada.
—Esta bien, dulce, es mejor hacerlo ahora. Pensé en invitarte a cenar, como celebración por una captura sin víctimas. Mañana, en… —no completó la frase a propósito, dedicándole a su Omega los gestos suficientes para que ella lo adivinara, y naturalmente, su preciosa esposa lo comprendió al instante, agitándose alegremente entre sus brazos.
—¡Claro que sí, amor! —Jackie hizo llover una ráfaga de pequeños besos en el rostro de su esposa, deteniéndose no mucho después, su rostro cambiando a un gesto de duda—. Oh, pero no tengo nada que… —Nuevamente, Artemis respondió sin decir nada, obteniendo el mismo resultado de ojitos brillantes y una sonrisa que podría detenerle el corazón—. Tú… Alfa maravillosa…
Los besos se renovaron con especial ternura y agradecimiento. Jackie le acariciaba las mejillas, los hombros y la espalda, suspirando y susurrando su nombre como si Artemis fuera digna de sus mimos o de siquiera encontrarse bajo la atención de sus ojos enamorados. Una vez los exquisitos labios de su esposa lograron hincharse y casi todo su color rojo terciopelo se debía a las atenciones recibidas, Artemis le preguntó:
—¿Quieres verlo? —Jackie asintió, riendo.
—¿Qué clase de pregunta es esa, cariño?
Con piernas temblorosas, Artemis bajó del sofá y caminó hacia la maleta, conforme se alejaba de su esposa las dudas regresaban. Extrajo los obsequios cuidadosamente, colocando la caja principal en la base de la pila, así, aún si se trataba de lo que llamaba toda la atención, la buena señora Scamander examinaría primero las demás. Inhaló cuanto pudo y regresó a la sala, casi conteniendo la respiración, gritos internos advirtiéndole que su Omega leería de inmediato si algo iba mal a menos que controlara su rostro y el probable aroma a estrés que comenzaría a dispersar. Al final, ya que su esposa no lo mencionó, supuso que lo había conseguido.
—¿Bebé, por qué hay tantas cajas? —Le cuestionó la Omega, sin fingir que la cantidad de obsequios no le agradaba.
—Puede que me haya emocionado un poco... —Tras una amorosa mirada de reproche, Jackie esperó impacientemente a que las cajas fueran instaladas en la mesita para café—. Aunque no es mi culpa en absoluto, solo pensé en ti y..., cuando me di cuenta, ya estaba hecho. —Eso último le ganó un beso y una dulce promesa contenida dentro del abanico de espesas pestañas.
Sentándose a su lado, Artemis le entregó a su esposa la primera caja, antes de ceder a sus impulsos. Pequeño y rectangular, de color dorado, no precisaba de un pensamiento complejo para saber lo que contenía, ello no redujo la sorpresa en el adorable rostro de Jackie. El collar, de apariencia simple, fue acariciado de manera reverente. La Omega sostuvo la banda recubierta de oro que abrazaba en el centro una brillante piedra roja como el fuego. No era un collar creado para ensalzar la marca de unión, sin embargo, desde que lo vio, Artemis supo que nadie sino a su Omega sería capaz de lucirlo.
—A-Artemis, esto es…
—Hermoso, como tú, y serás feliz de usarlo mañana —completó Artemis, acariciando la cintura y la cadera de Jackie. Ella, sonrojada, devolvió el collar a su caja, asintiendo sin decir palabra.
Los siguientes obsequios, para fortuna de Artemis, tuvieron reacciones similares. Lo que advertía a su vez el positivo avance en la confianza de su esposa y la aceptación del innegable lugar que merecía como la Omega y la esposa de Artemis Scamander. No es que importara, al fin y al cabo, si decidía no vestir con la ropa lujosa que la Alfa adquiría para ella, siempre que la hermosa mujer fuera consciente de su belleza, cualquier prenda con la que deseara cubrir su cuerpo sensual, Artemis estaría feliz de complacerla hasta el final de sus días.
En tanto alguna decisión ocurriera, la señora esposa continuaría, como ahora, abriendo pequeñas cajas de pendientes, brazaletes y anillos; o cajas medianas, con medias de ceda, atrevidas bragas y sostenes, zapatos, guantes y sombreros. Cada pieza seleccionada para hacer resaltar lo que resguardaba el último obsequio.  Llegado el momento, pese a que el rostro de Artemis ya había sido limpiado cuidadosamente por el sedoso pañuelo de Jackie luego de cubrirlo con marcas de besos, tal parecía, las muestras de afecto apenas resultaron suficientes para ayudarle a controlar cualquier señal de estrés que pudiera reflejarse en su aroma, su rostro o en el lazo que unía su alma a la de su esposa.
La caja grande, admirada por ojitos de dulce chocolate derretido, hizo latir el corazón de Artemis, dándole la fuerza necesaria para no arrepentirse. Lentamente, esas manos que nunca se cansaría de adorar, retiraron la pesada tapa. Artemis tragó con fuerza ante el inusitado silencio que ahogó la habitación. Intentó leer alguna emoción que la alcanzara a través del aroma o el lazo de unión, y al igual que mirar el dulce rostro o el movimiento de su cuerpo: nada obtuvo. Cierta sensación desagradable comenzó a nacer en el fondo de su cráneo al verla levantarse, despacio y sin apartar su atención del vestido.
Vestido rojo como sangre fresca, de seda tersa y falda que permitiría un arrastre distinguido, de tirantes y pronunciado escote, que fue sostenido por las cuidadosas manos de Jackie. Paralizada en su lugar, Artemis comenzó un silencioso golpecito de su pulgar contra el asiento vacío a su lado, sin notarlo, mordió su labio y agitó un pie. Pronto, el corazón se le saldría por la garganta.
—Yo…yo. Oh, Artemis.
—Puedo devolverlo, si lo odias, no tienes que… —Silenció al instante lo que pretendía ser una disculpa, advirtiendo cómo sus primeras palabras hicieron que la Omega abrazara su vestido. Ella, sonrojada y estudiando la repentinamente interesante alfombra, tardó un largo minuto en hablar.
—Me encanta, cariño, es hermoso, y no quiero que te lo lleves, pero… —Artemis supo enseguida lo que debía hacer. Siempre que a su esposa le gustara, tenía las herramientas para detener los malos pensamientos y que lo aceptara al cien por ciento. Una de ellas serviría muy bien para la ocasión.
Renovado su ánimo por su buena compra, Artemis atrajo a su hermosa Omega abrazándose a sus amplias caderas. Le dejó en el estómago un tierno beso y, restregando ahí su mejilla, miró hacía arriba con los ojos más grandes y brillantes que una Alfa podía lograr. La respuesta, casi inmediata, resonó en la habitación en la forma de una risa maravillosa y cálida. El feliz aroma de espeso caramelo se expandió como una nube, aturdiendo los sentidos Alfa de Artemis, que reaccionó a lo feliz que hacía a su Omega, cumpliendo su papel de Alfa; se esforzó en mantener los gestos y no devorarla como lo merecía.
—Esos ojos de cachorro deberían ser ilegales —susurró Jackie antes de sellar sus labios contra los de su Alfa. Artemis, una clara ganadora en todos los sentidos habidos y por haber, no pudo contenerlo otro segundo, dirigió el beso a una dirección que su linda esposa comprendió y que no dudó en aumentar.
—Pruébatelo —gruñó Artemis, ahora de pie, masajeando la espalda de Jackie, obligándose a no ir hacia abajo—. Por favor, Omega, pruébatelo… —Jackie, que no estaba mejor, deteniendo todo intento de guiar sus manos a esa zona que declaraba con firmeza cuánto la deseaba, negó la orden de su Alfa.
—Así es como has arruinado la mitad de mis vestidos… —Artemis comenzó a lamer la piel de su cuello—… ¡Mmh! No…, no te dejaré hacerlo… No con este… Oh, Alfa…
Aquellas últimas palabras suspiradas derrumbaron el poco autocontrol de Artemis.
El vestido salió ileso…
Al menos esa noche.
* * *
Amor, sabes que soy una puerca, una puerca romántica, pero una puerca al fin y al cabo, por lo que no pude y nunca podría haber evitado darle a esta pequeña historia un final ligeramente sexi 😏... Además, ese smut con una Alfa femenina esta cada día más cercano y, creo, debo tener más experiencia escribiendo Alfas femeninas antes de lanzarme a una tentación como esa 🥴 Entonces, por mucho que me haya costado, terminé aquí esta historia y solo dejaré lo que sucede luego a tu imaginación 🌈 Me voy, gracias por leer, ¡te amo muchooooo! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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afrenchaugurey · 4 months
So... I quit my WIP yesterday, just the time for a little fluffy soothing Yule fic. I wrote that short OS in a couple of hours yesterday and posted right away on an impulse because I missed and needed them.
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"A soft Yule"
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I hope you'll enjoy and Happy Holidays no matter what you celebrate (or don’t).
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herwold · 2 years
Leta: My boyfriend is the head of the British Auror's office
Tina: My boyfriend is a magizoologist and he published a book
Queenie: My boyfriend has his own bakery
Dumbledore: My boyfriend yells at me in German and kills Muggles, but still you all should envy me
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Bracket 2: Round 1, Match 6
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Propaganda under the cut! Please be aware that some may contain spoilers.
No propaganda was submitted for this character :(
Jacob Frye:
Feel free to add your own in the tags!
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drunkenelevator · 6 months
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hello again 💞
hope a little doodle with my boys helps me (and probably you)
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