#oblivious gay
“will fell first mike fell harder” “mike fell first will fell harder”
girl they’ve both been down bad since forever, mike’s just dumber
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ssszlami · 2 years
will: hey mike can you pass the salt-
mike: im not GAY, will. i have a GIRLFRIEND!
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Charlotte & Henry: *puts a pride flag up in the man cave to subtly show their support*
Jasper: *looks at flag*
Jasper: "....."
Jasper: "What country is that?"
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chasingthestarss · 2 months
James: I’ve got a question to ask you
Regulus: as long as it’s not “will you marry me”
James: *silence
Regulus: wait
Regulus: was it?
Regulus: was it “will you marry me”
James: Well I’m not going to ask now
Regulus: no! Restart!
James: moments gone
Regulus: then bring it back!
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pigmentedrat · 10 months
A gay experience
fall in love with your best friend
she’s straight
Gay for me? Definitely gay
doesn’t turn into anything
Still best friends, no crush
Two years later I realize we have been flirting for MONTHS and she OBVIOUSLY still has a crush on me and I have one on her
I tell her
we don’t date
we have a list of date ideas, fall asleep on call, etc etc
on call one day and I ask ‘so we’re not dating right?’ ‘not unless you want to’ she responds
‘Fuck it lets date’
I have a girlfriend now????
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justifiedthoughts · 1 year
-And They Were Roommates!
Also known as “That MDZS fic I wrote right after reading the first volume for the first time, because I was high on a pining gay and an oblivious gay.” Probably OOC because it was my first read-through. 
I still don’t have any of the other volumes, but I don’t care, because...
They’re gay, your honor!
Original date of writing was January 10, 2023. It just took me a while to type it out digitally, lol.
It is only when the two of them are alone that Wei Wuxian allows the smallest of grimaces to cross his face for just a moment before settling into his usual, easy-going smile once more.
Internally, he’s warring with himself over whether he wants Lan Wangji to notice his suffering. However, externally he’s prodding and irritating the other like usual, speaking over the quiet growling of his stomach easily enough. He probably should’ve eaten his own share of breakfast that morning rather than give it to the child he had seen on the street, considering how he’s been unable to stop for lunch or dinner today, but ah well - it’s not like he can go back in time.
His stomach growls louder during his short, thoughtful silence, though Wei Wuxian doesn’t really acknowledge it, simply laughing in intentional ignorance of the sharp ache in his abdomen that accompanies the aforementioned noise.
He’s not as lucky with Lan Wangji this time, though, as the other sharply turns to Wei Wuxian - sternly staring him down as if he already knows what’s happening with the former Yiling Patriarch before him.
As if to further accentuate that point, he turns right back around and leaves the room. Wei Wuxian simply sighs, plopping down onto the floor as he just waits for that travel partner of his to return.
Meanwhile, his stomach grumbles hungrily once again, leading Wei Wuxian to absentmindedly wrap his arms around his abdomen, curling over himself quietly as he falls into a mostly-quiet contemplation of their possible future movements - all the while, his stomach continues its protesting aches and growls, emboldened by the slight acknowledgement it had received before.
What a sight he was, for when Lan Wangji returned - this time with a few dishes of hot food in hand - all that he saw was the former seemingly curled pathetically over his vocal stomach. His lips curl slightly in disapproval, striding forward and setting the dishes in front of him.
Wei Wuxian lifts his head slightly, brought out of his drifting thoughts easily by a combination of Lan Wangji’s singular word and the aroma of the food. His stomach grumbles needily, and he doesn’t even waste a second in snatching up the first plate he can, scooping it into himself at such a rapid pace that the other ends up stopping him to eat slower several times.
Though it’s been a few decades since the related time, Wei Wuxian still retains a few memories of his little periods of hunger from when he was younger, so he at least has the sensibility to eat carefully, despite his speed.
Still though, the frequent growls from his stomach are quelled swiftly and replaced with the much quieter sounds of digestion. It may have been the slightest bit awkward with Lan Wangji simply staring at him so sternly, but Wei Wuxian has long since gotten used to the other’s mannerisms.
Nodding slightly as if thanking the other, Wei Wuxian returns to curling where he sits, oddly quiet despite himself.
Frowning slightly yet again, Lan Wangji approaches to sit closely by him, using that stern expression of his until he swiftly realizes that the other has fallen asleep, already.
Exasperated, he gently picks him up, easily carrying him over to the bed so that he may rest far more easily than any spot on the floor. As he pulls away, Wei Wuxian latches onto one of his sleeves, and he resigns himself to what will likely be at least a couple hours of sitting by the bed - though, of course, when hai arrives, he will be right asleep.
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nightthinker-08 · 7 months
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I couldn't sleep so I drew some Pomnies shes surprisingly fun to draw lol Oh and some doomed yuri too I guess xD buttonblossom is cute n all but calling them doomed yuri or digital yuri is a lot funnier to me
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dylan-hart · 1 year
wednesday is so fucking whipped for enid it’s hilarious. it’s a known fact that wednesday doesn’t listen to anybody. BUT the MOMENT enid tells her to do something, she goes and does it.
enid tells wednesday to go apologize to thing? wednesday instantly walks off and does exactly that.
enid doesn’t like wednesday’s crime board? fine, she’ll move it to eugene’s bee shed.
enid wants wednesday to wear the snood? alright, she’ll wear it to a murder investigation…or a funeral all because she doesn’t want to hurt her sunshine gf’s feelings.
wednesday addams is whipped and the possibility of her ever interacting with another character like she does enid is zero to none.
case closed.
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sexy-sapphic-sorcerer · 7 months
Gwen having terrible gaydar for 4 minutes 'straight'
I posted this on my tiktok but I thought I'd chuck it here as well. enjoy
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adharastarlight · 6 months
The Oblivious James Potter Chronicles P4
James, running down the corridor after Reg: hey! Regulus! Wait up!
Reg stops suddenly so James has to skid to stop, lip quirking up as he fights away a laugh
James: Reggie, hi :)
Reg: James, what's up?
James: would you like to go on a date with me?
Reg: sure, love, what's the occassion?
James: you want to go out with me?
Reg: I wasn't already?
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silverameco · 2 months
Remus is the most pragmatic and sensible out of the marauders, except when Sirius bats his eyelashes at him saying whatever he'd be like "yes😍sure😍whatever you say😍"
his mind is like no thoughts just pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty
Sirius is well aware and regularly says confidentely that he can get Remus to do anything.
James and Peter want to hit their heads on the nearest surface at least 5 times a day, they're like "there is no way they don't know they're in love"
and yet.
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juiceicicles · 1 year
Eddie having a crush on Steve in high school and Corroded Coffin finding it pathetic is funny, but I raise you:
Eddie having a crush on Steve in high school and Corroded Coffin thinking Eddie just hates him
He gets red in the face whenever Steve is around? He’s just mad at him
Eddie stutters his way through an awkward conversation with Steve when he picks the kids up from hellfire? He’s trying his best to not say anything mean
Eddie declares he’s going to pass out and/or vomit after Steve leaves? Wow he must’ve really hated interacting with them
Maybe one day one of them figures it out and the rest of the boys start teasing him. Eddie never knows peace again
Maybe they never find out and when Eddie and Steve become friends/start dating they become increasingly confused
Maybe they don’t even notice their developing relationship until Eddie tells them he’s got a date with Steve so can we maybe pack up band practice a little faster and all the boys freak out because “we thought you hated him?!”
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s-aint-elmo · 7 months
the canon of dunmeshi makes it easy to imagine farcille with marcille as the perpetually pining party ready and willing to violate the most fundamental laws of nature for the woman she is utterly, irrevocably in love with. but.
the idea of marcille doing everything she does under the impression that falin is just her dearest most special friend that she loves with the normal platonic intensity of all girl besties while newly re-resurrected falin is shaking laios in their shared bedroom at the earliest opportunity trying to spark their two brain cells together to figure out if marcille, who she has been desperately crushing on since magic school, is actually in lesbians with her and just denser than a neutron star is infinitely funnier so that's the version of reality i subscribe to
(to sweeten the pot this makes marcille being obsessed with romantic drama and effortlessly spinning a character study of chilchuck's wife based solely on two sentences, her knowledge of him as a co-worker, and the power of her own delusions so much funnier too. too busy working that maxed out delusion stat on her unfortunate partymates to look inward for two seconds)
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hairmetal666 · 19 days
NSFW; Modern AU
Eddie feels like the luckiest man alive, that he gets to count Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley as his best friends, but he wasn't sure about it at first. No matter how often his new little sheepies praised Steve, Eddie remembered high school. He remembered the Steve that was a grade-A, top-choice asshole. But then--Robin comes out to him. And Steve knows. Steve knows and he's cool about it. So, Eddie comes out to them and Steve is cool about that too.
It fucks Eddie up a little, if he's being honest. Like, Steve, objectively, is hot, but Eddie's only ever been superficially attracted to him. He thinks the whole jock archetype just doesn't do a lot for him. Too much negativity attached to their whole thing. But he'd be lying if he said part of him isn't intrigued.
He doesn't develop a crush on Steve, though. Somehow, through all the charm and bitchiness and not-so-secret kindness, his heart remains unmoved. It must be the jock thing.
And then he's scrolling on Twitter. He's scrolling on Twitter and he's not looking for porn, not even in a "Oh no, I never look at porn on the internet" way, and there's this video.
The first thing he sees is the lowered waist band of a pair of 90's-style basketball shorts, Pacers logo just visible. Then it's the long fingers, the broad hands. They're skimming down a tanned, toned torso, not a six-pack but it's somehow sexier this way. Their path draws Eddie's eyes to the dot of moles, the spread of freckles. They're so kissable, Eddie's mouth waters. Those fingers, they linger against the trimmed thatch of dark hair just peaking out over the elastic, before pulling that waistband lower.
Eddie's hard. Rock hard. Fuck, he's so hard a wind gust could make him come.
The guy on screen, he's got his gorgeous dick in hand, giving himself slow strokes and thumbing at the tip to collect the obvious slickness beading there.
It's not really a decision when Eddie unzips and shoves his jeans just low enough to take himself in hand. On screen, the hand speeds up, the stomach shivering, breath coming in soft bursts, somehow almost more intoxicating than the jerking off.
Eddie times his strokes with the video, coming apart faster than he ever has watching porn. He can tell the guy is close, his grip goes tighter, his breath shorter. Eddie's about to go off like a fucking rocket.
The hand stills, the guy's cock fucking quivers, and he's ready for the money shot, will totally come at the same time, except--it doesn't happen.
The screen goes black.
Eddie comes all over himself.
"Fuck, shit, goddamnit," he hisses. He flails around trying to find something to clean himself up with and pause the video so he can read the fucking text.
As wiped up as he can be without showering, Eddie runs the video back a few seconds to see the words, "want the full experience? Subscribe to my OnlyFans."
He's never clicked a link so fast in his life. He's never really explored OnlyFans before, but he signs up for the free trial without a second thought.
The guy's username is KingJock016 and under usual circumstances, Eddie would be disgusted, but it's too late for that. He's already scrolling through thumbnails of hands and dicks and asses and butt plugs and dildos, pausing briefly at a preview of one where KingJock is bent at the waist, perfect ass--dotted with freckles-- framed by the bands of a jock strap. He's deliciously hairy, deliciously ripe, and Eddie is firming up again.
Without fully meaning to, he hits play, and the video starts with KingJock already rocking his cock into his fist. He's moaning in this one, full throated, almost desperate. And there's something about it, something that catches in Eddie's brain, but he can't focus on that when he's watching KingJock trace a finger around his own asshole.
It's insane that Eddie is this far gone without seeing the guy's face, that his toes are curling at the mere sight of KingJock fucking himself. The sounds are obscene, the slick and snap of skin on skin, the throaty moans, the creak of the bed as KingJock rocks into his fist and back onto his fingers.
Eddie's not even touching himself, and he's already standing at complete attention, a heady ache already starting in his balls.
And then KingJock flips his head back, revealing a shock of chestnut hair, the taut lines of a mole-kissed throat, the hard line of a jaw. One eye flashes open, looks directly at the camera, at Eddie.
It's fucking Steve Harrington.
Eddie comes all over himself again.
It's Steve. His best friend, Steve. His straight best friend. Making content clearly targeted for queer men? I mean, Eddie can't fault him. Like, nice work if you can get it, but Steve???
He hasn't done anything to clean up because his thoughts are spiraling too hard. How long has this been going on? Does Robin know? Should Eddie subscribe ? Leave a comment about how this video made him come untouched? Join a live? No, no, of course not. Steve was his real life friend. He couldn't hang out with him and then watch him fuck himself on a wall-mounted dildo.
He hits subscribe though. He'll hate himself for it later. It's only for the trial period, anyway.
He wipes himself off, but the come is already drying, sticky, against his skin and in his body hair. He needs a shower. He needs to practice being normal around Steve now that he--
Shit, Steve. They're going to the movies tonight. Steve's supposed to pick him up in, shit, fuck twenty minutes.
Eddie hurls himself into the shower, moves so quickly he doesn't really have time to think about Steve having an OnlyFans, about how hard he got off to his friend, about how he keeps having flashes of Steve's perfect body play through his head.
It's hard to ignore it when Steve is standing at his door in his form hugging jeans and little t-shirt and Eddie's done for, a dead man; here lies Eddie Munson. He's just standing in the doorway, smiling at Steve and he knows it's manic, but he can't slip it.
"Are you okay?" Steve asks. Eddie hears the words but all it does is remind him of KingJock's breathy moans.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" He keeps smiling.
Steve's eyes narrow. He leans into Eddie's space. "Did you drop acid again? We told you not to do it alo--"
"I didn't! Nothing's wrong."
"Your face is all flushed. You feeling okay? You could have a fever."
Before Eddie can react, Steve's resting the back of his hand on his forehead. Eddie flinches, swatting Steve away, which devolves into a brief slap fight.
"I don't have a fever, man. I'm fine. Hot shower, is all."
"If you say so. Ready to get going?"
Eddie nods. He can totally do this. He can pretend he doesn't know about the OnlyFans and the face Steve makes when he's about to come.
The drive is quiet. Too quiet. He thinks his bones are trying to rip through his skin.
He starts talking, isn't even tracking what he's saying. Dnd and then suddenly it's hobbits and then Star Trek for reasons even he doesn't comprehend. He glances over at Steve, and he's burnished golden from the light of the setting sun. He's so beautiful. How did Eddie miss it all this time? Why did he--
"Get any new subscribers lately?" He hears come out of his mouth.
Steve slams on the breaks, sending Eddie careening into he dashboard.
"Jesus Christ, what the fuck," Eddie shrieks. The car behind them lays on the horn, then speeds past when it's clear they aren't moving.
"Why are you saying what the fuck at me?" Steve hisses back. He hits the gas, pulling the car to the side of the road. "Eddie--what the fuck?"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he chants. He hides his head in his hands. "I didn't mean to--I'm so fucking sorry."
"How'd you find it?"
Eddie snorts. "One of your videos showed up on my TL. That's the algorithm for you."
"Jesus christ," Steve mutters. "You weren't supposed to--it's--"
"What are you even doing, man?"
"My Family Video salary won't cut it, if we're moving to Indy."
"You're not even gay."
Steve mumbles something, but he's looking out the window and not at Eddie at all.
"What was that?"
"Maybe I am!" Steve doesn't shout, but it's forceful.
Eddie's mouth drops. "Does Robin know?"
Steve stares forward, hands tightening on the wheel.
"And you didn't tell me?" It hurts, he's surprised how much, so much it takes his breath.
"It wasn't like that, Ed."
"Oh, no? Then what was it like?"
"It doesn't matter."
"The fuck it doesn't! I'm the first person you should've come to! I know exactly what it's like."
"No, you don't." Steve explodes. "You don't because you made me realize. And I couldn't talk to you about it because I like you. And, yeah, maybe starting an OnlyFans as part of my gay awakening is weird to you, but it's done a lot for me, okay?"
Steve said a lot of stuff just there, a lot of important things, but Eddie's glitched out on one part. "You like...me?"
"Yeah, like. Have you met you?" Steve slumps in his seat, like he's defeated. "You're fucking beautiful, dude. And smart and funny and passionate. Nerdy as hell. I didn't stand a chance."
"But I'm--" Eddie shakes his head. "I mean, look at me."
"I have." Steve nods. "A lot. I really like what I see."
"When I realized it was you in those videos, I came all over myself. Untouched," Eddie blurts. He flushes deep crimson immediately. "Oh my god, I can't believe I just--"
Steve is laughing, hands pressed over his mouth.
"Shut up, shut up," Eddie swipes at him. "It's not funny, oh my god."
When Steve gets it together, he finally looks at Eddie, and there's pink in his cheeks and a shine to his eyes. "That might be the most gratifying thing anyone has ever said to me."
"Yeah, well. It was humiliating."
"It's hot, Eddie."
His blush hasn't cooled even a bit. "Yeah?" His voice comes out deep, husky.
"I wouldn't mind, uh--that is, if it's cool with you--seeing it for myself?"
Eddie giggles. "You wanna make me come untouched, sweetheart?"
Steve shifts in his seat. "I'd really like that. Will you let me?"
"Uh-huh, absolutely, definitely. If you don't put this car in drive and get us back to my place, I'm going to literally die."
Steve laughs again, a bright, free thing, and he swings back onto the road. "Not yet, you aren't."
That sends a shock of pleasant shivers down Eddie's spine, right to his dick.
"Maybe we can even make a video together sometime."
Eddie, much to his deep embarrassment, whines, hips shifting with the sudden need for relief. "Oh, you didn't want me to die before because this is how you're planning on killing me."
Steve turns to him, a smirk on his lips and a devilish glint in his eye. "You have no idea what I'm going to do to you."
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chasingthestarss · 4 months
James hyping himself up in a battle: If I die now I’ll never meet my soulmate
Regulus: Maybe you just don’t have one.
Remus looking around: who’s gonna tell him?
Sirius: which one?
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kisasan · 3 months
Shigaraki after seeing all of Izuku's memories with kacchan:
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