#okay but... him in like those black sheer thigh highs
meownotgood · 1 year
the thought of aki in thigh highs makes me feel so… like if aki wore thigh highs id be unable to stop leaving marks on his thighs. maybe id even suck him silly. thank u for putting tht image in my mind i will b thinking abt him for the rest of the week
(also aki in cute thigh highs and garters………. drools)
- 🐙
kissing and squeezing his thighs and pulling down his thigh highs a lil so you can leave hickeys all over and when you tell him he looks cute he blushes and covers his face.....................
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chrollohearttags · 5 months
(dash)ing through the snow • e. jaeger
synopsis: not even the holidays can give you peace from your favorite headache of a DoorDash driver but honestly, you wouldn’t want it any other way!
content + themes: fem!reader (black coded), food play, lots of fluff and humor, bits of angst, heavy kissing, thigh riding, nipple play, alcohol mentions, handjob, riding, drunk sex, sub eren (he moans a lot), calls reader mama and baby, creampie
word count: 5.7K
📝: hope everybody enjoyed their holidays, whether you’re celebrated alone, with family, friends or fur babies. Or maybe not even at all..either way, I hope y’all are taking care of yourselves for the rest of the year. 🫶🏾🤍 this IS coming a day late cause mama’s got chronic pain + illness and when it hits, it’s like a truck so I was been out since 10PM yesterday on pain meds with a fever too so I’m posting now. Hopefully the Christmas spirit hasn’t left yet. I’m sorry I got y’all hopes up for it yesterday! 😭
The holidays..a time that by all accounts should invoke cheer and joy into the hearts of everyone. An occasion for celebration, love and laughter. Being surrounded by those you cherished dearly, enjoying the food, gifts and just the warmth that Christmas brought forth. However, that wasn’t the case for everyone, including (y/n) (l/n), who would be spending their day alone for the second year in a row. All but deduced to living on your own, you had only spoken to your roommate via FaceTime, where she explained that she’d be staying behind to help out the family business over the busy holiday rush and your own relatives, two states away despite not being particularly close to any of them. It still would’ve been nice to have someone around to share the day with. Growing up, Christmas was a staple in your household and it was by far, your favorite time of the year. Decorating the tree and wrapping gifts, making delicious food and even baking cookies for Santa. Now it seemed that the whimsical, childhood spark had all but dwindled..a sham of a holiday that you didn’t care for anymore..however, if your favorite nuisance had anything at all to do with it and if you knew him, you wouldn’t be left by your lonesome for too long!
“I’m so sorry, (y/n)! I thought I’d be back in time but they still need me. I swear I’ll make it up to you..”
“It’s fine, boo! Don’t worry about me..be with your folks and enjoy yourself, okay? I’m fine, trust me.” Which helped quell your best friend and roommate’s unease a little. As of late, you seemed to be in much better spirits. Genuinely smiling as opposed to the fake one you were obviously forcing. You hadn’t exactly divulged the secret to her about you and your little rendezvous with the delivery driver. Out of fear of embarrassment or the sheer fact that the two of them didn't exactly get along. Not only did they go to high school together but she used to straight kick his ass in any sport he even dared to try. Although beautiful and girly at times, she had quite the tomboy side to her. She’d first learned of his identity, the annoying DoorDasher who kept magically ending up with your orders, when she came back around Halloween. He was in for a rude awakening when the five foot eight girl with tattoos and short hair answered the door. Knowing damn well she was the last one to try with his bullshit antics!
“If you want to keep your job and your legs, you’ll hand me that bag and get your ass out of here.” A threat that was certain to come to fruition messing with her. It was the only time you’d gotten peace. Of course, the second she boarded that flight, he was talking cold hard shit! “Man, ain’t nobody scared of her. She ain’t gone’ do nothing to me..” still, it didn’t deter him from keeping away from his favorite customer and new boo. Especially because he knew that although you had told your friend that you were just fine..you were probably sulking on the couch. The feeling of loneliness setting in..and the realization that you were about to spend another holiday by yourself. That was unless he came and saved the day..it wasn’t a full five minutes after the conclusion of your call before you’d be greeted by a faint knock at the door. Followed by that of a text..
“I should’ve known..”
you’d peer down at your phone screen, illuminated with the notification and the time; ten thirty pm. Considered late by any other standards but the perfect hour for the antics you were certain was about to ensue. Having brought some liquor and eggnog earlier in the day when you finally had some free time for the holidays. Having some much needed time off. It felt good to not have to depend on someone else to deliver your items. But alas, you wouldn’t be scot free of the man who had all but flipped your mundane life upside down in these past eight months. Making these humdrum days far more exciting, whether you wanted to admit so or not. The ever so lively Eren Jaeger..your doordasher and as of late, newest fling. After what was set to be a wonderful outing with a Tinder date, you were unfortunately stood up and left with only regret and disappointment. However, rather than annoying you with his usual nonsense, he showed a much different side. One that was far more mature and nurturing than what had been previously displayed. As fate would have it, you’d find yourselves trapped inside due to a nasty rainstorm. And before the night’s end..not only were you over the betrayal by the potential date but thanks to Eren, you were also left feeling highly satisfied; courtesy of the several orgasms he invoked out of you that night! From the kitchen counter where he jolted you around on his fingers, slowly kissing and reminding you just how beautiful you were to making love underneath the sounds of pouring rain in your bedroom..a space delegated solely for yourself. Nibbling at your ear and giving you slow backshots as he pressed you flat to the mattress. You couldn’t get enough of one another and needless to say, it caused quite the shift in your once rocky dynamic. A shift that elicited more late night visits and constant texting afterwards. It made you realize that you truly hadn’t seen all of the layers of this once irritating guy who seemed to have been showing up on your step more frequently as of late. Shuffling over to the door, you’d stand to your tiptoes, peering from the small opening meant to screen guests before allowing them in.
“You gon’ let me in or I gotta stand out in the cold all night?”
“That depends. Do you have what I need?”
and of course, he would never be so foolish as to show up empty handed. Not when he was determined to woo the lady who had all but encompassed his psyche. Since the inception of your illustrious little, makeshift love affair, Eren had all but become infatuated. He was already smitten to begin with…loving the fact that you were so quick witted and matched his antics with a no nonsense attitude. Snapping at him when truthfully, you just needed someone to get rid of that stress. Regardless, you wouldn’t be worn down so easily!..if he truly wanted to pursue something with you outside of a customer-driver relationship, then he’d have to work hard to persuade you that he was worth the trouble. It was going to take more than some dick and sweet nothings to knock you off your game. For a moment, he fell silent. You figured he was back to his old antics.
“Baby, I always got what you need. All you have to do is ask. Besides, I’m not risking you whooping my ass because I forgot something.”
with that rather typical response, you’d unbolt the locks and allow him entry. “You are so aggravating.” But before he stepped over the threshold, you’d find his arm snaked around the small of your exposed back, due to the cropped tank top you were sporting and quickly tugged into an entrancing kiss. One that almost swept you from your feet. Even grasping a healthy portion of your asscheck amid the moment. You could tell that he was the type to not only capture a girl’s body but her mind and spirit as well. Despite not trusting him fully, you couldn’t pull away nor did you want to stop seeing him. Once again using the guise of needing a late night meal, you’d summon your faithful driver forth and he’d come bearing gifts. A bag filled with all sorts of delectable treats..ranging from strawberries, chocolate dip, whipped cream, ice cream and of course more of that spiced rum you both loved so much. On his shoulder, he brandished a black duffle; affectionately coined his ‘spinnanight bag’! Needless to say, he had no plans to leave for the time being and all of his devotion was on you.
“Like you’d actually be able to live without me.”
“Mmm..well I guess things would get boring without you around to get on my nerves, huh?”
flashing him a toothy beam, he’d scale your hips with gentle hands for a moment with a similar expression on his handsome face. That was the thing about Eren..despite his crass personality, he handled you with the utmost care. Something you weren’t used to…
“C’mon now, that’s my job..what I do best..” invoking chuckles from the both of you. By this time he had closed the door, securing it behind you both. Followed by the offering of a seat as you formally invited him inside of your home. “Yeah, well I paid you to bring my stuff so hopefully you got it right.” It was rather plain to see that he no longer considered himself a stranger in your life, accepting the warm invitation with open arms and acclimating himself into your space. He’d carefully observed it during the last two visits, but he truly couldn’t fathom how beautiful your apartment was. Clean, organized and so well coordinated despite the bright aesthetic with a mix of lavenders and pinks. Plants swaying and a humidifier steaming gently in the corner to help them keep warmth in the winter. The whole vibe seemed to suit you..
“Give me some credit now. I’m a professional, I don’t make mistakes..”
it was then that Eren would become interrupted in his tracks when he’d peer down at your coffee table..spotting the preset shot glasses before him. Faintly smirking to himself because it was fairly easy to see the type of time you were on!..things truly would never be the same between the two of you now..whilst you shuffled around in the kitchen, preparing some snacks, he’d begin making himself quite comfortable. Kicking off his shoes, pulling off his hoodie and and propping his feet up as if he belonged here. Your roommate would have a conniption if she saw that. He carefully observed the rest of the surroundings, including the adorable tree that you had so meticulously decorated. Lined with garland, glistening with ornaments and illuminated with bright lights..it was beautiful! He’d never seen one so carefully decorated since his own mom.
“What’s up with this tree?”
causing you to glance up, meeting his snarky expression as you chopped up some fruit. “Not too much on my tree, she’s cute. I worked hard on it.” Which only further brought him to hysterics because the thought of someone like you..someone as angry and uptight loving Christmas this much, so much so that between your already beautiful interior were gaudy decorations of snowmen and Santa. Little reindeer figurines strewn throughout the apartment..it was rather adorable, this side of you. He hoped to see it far more often. Chuckling to himself, Eren couldn’t help but to snicker at your reaction but it was purely from a wholesome perspective, not to make fun of you.
“Nah, you did a good job on it. On all of it actually.. aye, I’m even a lil’ jealous. I can’t get those dumbasses I live with to clean up sometimes, less known get a tree set up. At least somebody’s in the holiday spirit.”
he wasn’t lying either. Truth was, he too loved the holidays growing up and as he got older, Eren came to realize that many of his peers didn’t share the same sentiment. Many saw it as childish or just downright unnecessary at this age. Rather, they spent their holidays getting high and drinking, partying the nights away. It was fine to an extent but he missed the whimsical joy that this time of year brought forth. It was nice to see..
“Well I’m glad you think so. Not too bad to say I did it myself..my roommate’s been a lil’ salty with me because I put it up without her. But a Christmas tree being in my living room while trick or treaters were knocking would be insane.” To which he was inclined to agree. Although the uttering of your aforementioned roommate caused him to visibly shudder. “So, where is the she-devil? Still riding her broomstick through hell?” You had to catch yourself from laughing, not because he was poking fun at your best friend but because she put him in a headlock in the middle of the parking lot and Eren couldn’t escape. You were so hysterical, your sides hurt from laughter after she was finished. And at the time, you were so frustrated with him and his bullshit, it felt like some sort of penance for all the aggravation you had to endure. “Unt uh..I know you’re not still mad. Not when you ate half my burrito and then tried to play me in a game of rock, paper, scissors for my drink.” Reminding him of why the altercation started in the first place. “As hungry as I was that night too, yeah, you lucky a headlock was all you caught.” Swinging your knife with animated expressions as you chuckled. Naturally, he had no response whatsoever and truth be told, he couldn’t be mad that two pretty girls had bested him!
“I think you set me up, that’s what I think. But it’s all good..you wanna know why?” picking through the assortment of snacks that you had already set out with a smug grin on his face. Knowing that he was about to have you all to himself and there was nothing she could say. In truth, he felt as if he had the last laugh! Finishing up your assortment of delectables, you’d shuffle over; setting them down and then taking a seat next to him shortly thereafter. “Why’s that? Tell me..” “Because..” not even a full second before you acclimated on to the couch, you’d find your head tilted upright with his fingers underneath your chin. “I got what I wanted. I get to be with you. So I’d say I won.” Just barely grazing your lips together before you’d halt him with a gentle hand to the chest. It wasn’t for a lack of you feeling the same way about him and it certainly didn’t help matters any for you two to be sexually involved now but you were also apprehensive. What if this entire pursuit was some sick conquest for him? Proof that he could wear down the harrowing Ice Queen of Apartment Two Eighty Four. Maybe it was all a part of a bet he had made with friends that he could bag you..perhaps it was something he did all the time.
“That’s how you feel, huh?”
“I don’t think I can make it any clearer, mama. I mean, I wouldn’t wanna be anywhere else right now..”
even so, you couldn’t let your fears hold you back from happiness! You can’t recall the last time you’d smile so much. Being around him brought forth a sense of peace that seemed unattainable. And now, here you were spending Christmas Eve with a man, who by all accounts was your sworn enemy almost a year ago. Now things were starkly different and you’d never look back. Either way it went..
“Well in that case, why don’t we get us some drinks?” “Now you talking. Besides, I know you don’t play about your food, so I brought plenty.” Earning him a snarky side eye in the process. He was still that same asshole he always was, it just now seemed far more charming! “Oh, so you got jokes? I’ll remember that.” “I crack myself up from time to time. Hey, what’s that?” And the instant you turned your head, searching for the imaginary object, shifting when you realized nothing was there..you’d find yourself entrapped in a kiss as he had craftily snuck something from his pocket. A tiny mistletoe he had been saving for the perfect moment. Dangling above your heads as he shoved his tongue into your mouth. His touch warmed you to your core..it felt so nice..
“Y’know, I’ve always wanted to do that. Definitely worth the wait..” immediately, you’d find yourself flustered and unable to gather your thoughts for a moment. You’d never been kissed like that, not once in your life. “You’re so corny.” Faltering into a snicker but immediately feigning with a light touch to his cheek. “But it’s cute. So I’ll let you slide.” With that declaration, the small scale festivities would commence and you two began what would become a night forever ingrained in your memories.
an hour or so passed by, with you both indulging in all of the delicious treats he had brought over, including chocolate dipped strawberries that he’d swirl around before sticking between your lips and watching you on. Eventually taking a bite. Allowing him to lick the drinks from your collarbone with a trail of kisses that obviously turned you on. Sucking whipped cream from his fingers and vice versa..there was something rather sensual about all of it. Along with the whipped shots you took in conjunction with the several glasses of liquor..which hadn’t left either of you inebriated yet but you were slowly beginning to feel a bit of a buzz. Which in turn, had you both fawning over one another..lofi holiday tunes faintly hummed from the mounted television as the faux fireplace underneath from your mantle. You guys didn’t just engage in lecherous activity, you chatted it up quite a bit. Reminiscing on prior Christmases. Talking about life and your daily routines..it was really nice to have someone listen to you rant about the mundane. Brandishing your wine glass whilst your feet remained propped in his lap, you’d propose a rather invasive but necessary question.
“So, lemme ask you something..why did you want to spend Christmas Even with me? Of all people? And no, to fuck is not an acceptable answer.” “Well excuse me, but I think a little piece of pussy isn’t a bad gift at all. It’s quite thoughtful.” Prompting you to roll your eyes. He couldn’t be serious for once in his life and that much was certain.
“Can you not turn everything into a joke?..I was actually hoping I’d get to know you a little..what about your family?”
heeding that strict fervor in your voice that wouldn’t disappear anytime soon. With those tanned cheeks flush with red, a bit intoxicated from the Barcardi coursing his veins, as always..Eren flashed that coy smile, leaning his head back on the couch as he began to respond to your question.
“Truth is..my folks are in Germany right now. It’s where my dad’s from originally. He’s a first generation immigrant actually. He got offered a job working for their medical association and because both of his kids are grown as hell, he and my mom packed when I was nineteen. Been doing my own thing ever since. Honestly..I was before that. Skipping school, acting out..I was an asshole to them. Maybe it’s why they decided to leave me behind in the first place. They finally can get some peace. I don’t blame them though. It does make me miss them, especially this time of year. Makes you appreciate what you have when it’s not there. My mom’s cooking, seeing them open up gifts—“
just then, he’d find himself halted in his tracks and Eren would glance over, seeing that the expression on your face had shifted significantly. “My bad, guess I got carried away.” But in fact, you were happy that he had disclosed this to you. He was opening up and you were gaining a newfound respect. “Not at all..that’s really sweet, Eren. Sounds like they really mean a lot to you..” tracing a finger along the rim of your glass, peering down with a tinge of sadness. A hard lump forming in your throat that despite his ever vivacious smile, you could sense that it was a sensitive topic. Not only that, it made you think about your own family dynamic. Of course, he’d have to ask and get your dirt as well. That’s when you’d confide in him that you were twice as bad. Rather than delinquency, you threw yourself into studying..attending classes and eventually working full time. Desperate to make it out of your small town and into higher living. It was that same determination that drove you away from your family. Missing birthdays, holidays and important events, all for a job that didn’t give a damn about you and school work that could wait. After a while, they just sort of disowned you and didn’t bother inviting you at all.
“Damn, sounds like we’re both awful kids, huh?” Which could only be met with laughter because it was the truth. The hardest truth you’ve had to swallow in a long time. As quiet as it was kept, you were both one in the same. Two lonely people, lost souls yearning for comfort in someone else. His ‘friends’ were always doing their own things so he was by himself by the time he made it home. And even when they were around, he felt out of place. The girls he met were superficial and he had no interest in meaningless hookups anymore. Only difference was you coped with anger and he coped by being silly. Unfortunately, you’d end up in similar fates.
“Well, you’re not wrong..listen, Eren. I’m sorry I judged you. You just always seemed so….” “Arrogant? Carefree? Like I didn’t give a fuck about life?” All sentiments you’d be inclined to agree with. But there was a reason for it. “I wouldn’t say it was wrong. I always did have a way of getting under people’s skin and for a while, I didn’t care. But honestly, I just have fun. Doing something to keep a smile on mine and other people’s faces. Even if it does come off as irritating. Otherwise, I’d be walking around mad at the world..” “..like me, huh?” Something he hated to admit out of fear of offending you. But alas, he was right. “But it suits you. The whole ‘mean on the outside, soft on the inside’ thing is kinda cute. Deep down, I can tell you’re really a sweet girl. I guess what I’m tryna’ say is…I.really like being around you. And not just for your body. You make me happy, (y/n).”
with that declaration, you’d find yourself flush with a plethora of emotions. Tears brimming in your eyes; only mere seconds from falling. Crying because no one had ever spoken to you in such a way. So delicately and kindly. He had a way of seeing through what was nothing more than a surface level facade to protect yourself from getting hurt. Eren knew that all too well. But it was when he smiled at you..when he flashed that pearly white beam at you and leaned closer, cradling the back of your neck with such security and dominance, you wanted to melt right in his grasp. But you were also guarded. Steadfast in not wanting to let another person in only to be let down in the end. Even so, you’d take that leap and let the cards fall where they may.
“You make me really happy too, Eren..” moments later, without a single other phrase uttered, your lips would meet with a gentle crash. Both of your kids shut as you reveled in the long awaited moment. It felt like this every time with him. This invigorating, fiery spark that refused to die. Your tongues twirled around one another in a haze of sloppy pecks..lips lapping over the other and minute strings of saliva being exchanged in the midst. He couldn’t get enough..of your flavor, your essence..any of it. Shortly thereafter, your limbs would become tangled and you’d find yourself shifting onto his lap whilst he pulled you up. It was there that your hands absentmindedly roamed each other’s bodies. Scouring your frames to peel and quite frankly, tear off the binding articles of clothing. Only leaving your tank top on because he loved the way your breasts spilled from it. For the entire duration that you were being stripped down, your lips barely retracted and the heavy make out session only intensified with faint groans. Heavy whimpers even arising sporadically. Finally free of those confines, he’d plant heavy smacks and firm grasps on your ass whilst you straddled his still clothed crotch. As for his top half, you’d be met with chiseled muscles and a few tattoos sprinkled across his chest and torso. In addition to the plethora riddling his toned arms. Chewing at your lower lip, you’d break into a faint smile, admiring his body. Taking the time to delicately trace your fingertips along the outline of his pieces before running your hands to the back of his head. You’d feel his hand snaking around to grope your breasts but shortly after, he was halted when you gently clutched his wrist.
“Can I take care of you tonight?...you’ve already been so good to me..”
mouthing the phrase with a delicate and slightly higher pitched tone. Almost as to appear seductive but not in an obnoxious way..naturally, it worked and Eren would soon be left stumbling all over himself. “Would you like that?” Quivering when you’d trace your tongue around his earlobe, placing kisses on his neck right after. “Y-yeah, I would..do whatever you want to me, baby..” with his explicit consent, you were free to please him in anyway you saw fit. Rolling your hips around, lifting them by an inch to shuffle his pants down his legs. You would maneuver your own lower half so that you were now seated on his thigh. Left with only your thin panties, you’d massage that clothed slit and mound against his skin. Causing gentle friction and heavy arousal. There was something so sexy about using his thigh to get off..the sensation of your wet folds rubbing against his bare skin. Tossing his head back once more, you’d hear a breathy yet quick ‘fuck’ out of earshot. A sign that he was enjoying this just as much as you were. “That feel good?” Earning you more whimpers, which only further drove you to tease him more. You’d peer down and notice that his cock was twitching, jumping on its lonesome..twirling those nimble fingers around his shaft, (y/n) pumped it gently within your palm; slicking him up with strings of precum and saliva. It was blatantly obvious that he was becoming aroused, seeping all over your knuckles. You could even feel his leg underneath you thumping as that swollen bud continued to graze it. Your juices trailing down his flesh and between that and the subtle thrusting through your hand, he was about to lose his mind!
“Get on t—-ahhh..shit!”
that swollen mushroom tip emitting a bright red and oozing with the creamy substance as your movements sped up. Eren rested his hands against your hips, subtly guiding you along but you needed no assistance. You’d rotate your hips in a slow circular motion; grinding to bring yourself closer to a climatic peak as well. Neither one of you would be able to withstand this mounting pressure for much longer so amid toying with him, you’d question once more what it was he wanted. You wanted to hear explicitly what he wanted from you. Just the same as he did when you were feeling down. Not just pleasing him physically but healing his heart as well. Neither of you were lonely anymore..
“What was that? Tell me what you want, baby? Want me to fuck you?” Nearly babying him with that gentle voice, palm brushing against his face and that slow pace. He’d never been taken care of like this and needless to say, he couldn’t get enough! But you too were enjoying being in control; having that subtle dominance over him and being responsible for his orgasm..it was so hot. “(Y/N)…oh my God..” however, that just wouldn’t do..you wanted to hear his words, his explicit permission of how to proceed. Clutching his chin, you’d snatch it downward so that your faces could meet. “Look at me..say it. Tell me you want me to fuck you.” Although he was in by far the most vulnerable state he had ever been in, Eren was enjoying this so much more than you could ever imagine! That chiseled rising and falling with labored breaths. He couldn’t hold out, he had to have you!…
“Fuck me..please, ride this dick, baby.” Giving you the proverbial green light to take him as you saw fit. Shifting in a matter of moments, you’d propel yourself up and glide over to his lap; aligning yourself with his cock with a grasp on his shaft before slowly lowering yourself down on it. The initial sensation and slight ‘pop’ of entering your tightness caused both of you to release loud cries. Especially when you begin to bounce up and down..grazing his pecs and admiring that incredible body as you rode him with a moderate pace. The collision on that heavy ass against his pelvis, in combination with the open palm slaps to those round cheeks; the sounds of smacking resounding throughout the apartment along with his pathetic moans, that only further fueled your desire. At this point, you weren’t sure who was enjoying it more. A smile plastered on both of your lips and each set of your hands scouring the others frames. He’d even burst into a quivering chuckle. “Ohhh, my fucking gosh. This is the best fucking In the midst of that cunt clutching him, he’d make the haste decision to tug down your shirt..groping your breasts and alternating between each one to flick his tongue around those stiffened nipples. He was determined to ravage you, enjoy his fill while he was here.
“Just like that, mama..that pussy feels so fucking good. Keep going..”
soon, you’d plant your feet firmly into the mattress and amp up your movements. Showing him that a lot more lies in your repertoire. With your hands planted to his shoulder blades, you’d reacclimate and toss your head back in the midst of propelling yourself on that thick member. Stretching out that tight core and kissing the inner core of your cervix. “This dick is so fucking good..” Each thrusts touching your sensitive spot..meanwhile, Eren would enjoy the showcase that was your perky breasts bouncing with each movement. “Give it to me!..shit!” “Take it. Take this fucking dick..ohhh fuck!” His vocal pleas increase your stamina yet again and just when he thought you’d be fairly close, you’d surprise him. You’d even look back with your tongue gliding over your lips as it dangled from your mouth from being worked over. Eren was no different and with that pearlescent substance leaking down his shaft and wetness coating him, he was forced to clutch the couch’s arm as an attempt to quell his urge to release. “You gonna give me that nut, baby? You told me you’d always give me what I need..” with one more gentle graze underneath that chin, you’d bring him back to reality; only pausing momentarily to glare into his eyes. “You promise?” It truly shocked him how captivating you were and how well you commanded him. “Ye-yeah! I promise. I’ll do whatever you want..please! Just let me c-ahh!” Loud wails arising from his throat as he trembled in pre ecstasy bliss; something that felt so close yet foreign at the moment. But fortunately, you wouldn’t make him wait much longer.
“Then come for me..I’ll let you nut in it, baby..”
those words seemed to have invoked a feral energy in him and in turn, caused him to tighten his grasp on you whilst he fucked up into that dripping cunt until he emptied the sought after load into you. Letting out loud cries with tears streaming down his face because no woman had ever made him experience euphoria in such a way..it was no wonder you had him twirled around your finger. “FUCK! So good…you made me feel so good..” Filling you up with every drop from those round balls that had been slapping against your backside. Simultaneously, your own climax would come trickling down his rather sensitive member. “Good boy..I’m so glad I did. C’mere.” Rewarding him with a barrage of sloppy and passionate kisses. Kisses, touches and sensations he wouldn’t forget for a long time, if ever!
“I’m so happy I’m here with you. Merry Christmas..” his faint smile and tired glare were the only thing you could see and right there on that sofa, you’d cradle one another close. Topping his forehead with a smooch before nestling your face into his neck..obvious that neither of you wanted to let go..
“Merry Christmas, Eren. My love.”
@buddhas-bunny @violetxxvenom @miyaluvvsyou @nieceeee @mochiviewz @momobaby227 @hoesluvshanti @spaceforher @lammys-thinking @thickbihhwitdagapp @jamaicanqueenaa @simplycmr @caramelswirlwithacherryontop @themidknightguardian @invisible-888 @hyunip @prettypixigrl
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
Jungkook: By Chance
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In which Jungkook, simply by chance, meets the soulmate he didn't even believe existed.
Tags/Warnings: Soulmate AU, Idol!Jungkook, angst, fluff
Length: short
Additional Content: Short 1
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Every article seems to be the same these days.
It's true that a lot of people call his soulmate bond a curse, and he himself sometimes believes it is as well. Because he's not only unable to see color until he looks into his soulmate's eyes, he also has a mark on his wrist, suspected by specialists to be a bond. A red line reaching out for his future partner and lover. It's essentially like a thin blood vessel that sits so high under the skin it appears bright red, and it develops in teens at around 15 years old.
The only issue?
His line looks more like scribbles. It's scrambled, chaotic, broken, doesn't reach anywhere. Research and multiple doctor's visits had only given him the most dire answer there could be.
A broken bond.
His soulmate had passed away before he'd ever gotten to meet them.
For a long time, It hurt. Knowing the only one who could love you fully wasn't alive.
He tried to maybe move on, but falling in love with a person that's not your soulmate is nowadays almost impossible. It's just not the same, and it's always stressful and bound to end in bad blood. It's been seen numerous times before, from celebrities and 'normal' people as well.
Jungkook has simply accepted it.
There's no use in crying over what he can't change, so he rather throws himself into his work and deals with it by distraction rather than daydreaming. He'd done that enough as a kid.
Fans always dream of being his soulmate, and he can understand that. He himself yearns for a partner just as much, so if his existence can give them a bit of a soothing feel, then he's happy to provide it. They won't ever have to deal with watching him find someone that's not them, after all. So he just calls himself everyone's soulmate.
It's him until they find their own.
It's dark tonight, windy, snow still on the streets, making everything a bit slippery, dangerous. He wonders how many people must've fallen at this point. He hopes no one had been seriously injured yet.
Just as he thinks that, something is heard in front of him, and he can only helplessly watch as a short girl slips and crashes onto the concrete, bag of groceries spilling out. "Oh God, are you alright?" He asks eagerly, forgetting for a moment that he shouldn't be seen out as an Idol, rather occupied with trying to attend to you, who's still shaking on the ground, holding your knee. Your black and slightly sheer tights had clearly ripped, stripes of broken fabric already decorating up to your thigh and down your shin. "Hey, let's get all that back into the bag yeah? Did you hurt yourself?" He wonders, because you're clearly crying.
Or are you? Because that sounds suspiciously like laughter.
"Oh my God!" You clearly laugh out now, head thrown back, cat-shaped earrings dangling freely as you cringe with closed eyes for a second. "What a waste of eggs." You giggle, looking at the few broken eggs already spilled out.
"A few are still okay. Is your knee alright? Anything broken?" He asks, a but relieved that you're not in too much pain it seems.
"Yeah yeah, just scratched. AND I can throw those out." You huff, pulling on the broken fabric now before letting it snap back against your skin. Your hands are bloody, just a bit, but it doesn't seem to bother you. "Thanks. God how embarrassing, I hope it's caught on CCTV at least so someone's got a good laugh out of that." You grin, slowly getting up to brush your clothes off of any dust and dirt.
He smiles to himself, putting all your things back into the paper bag- but it's ripped. There's no way you can carry all that on your own. "Uhm.." he says, showing the broken brown paper to you, and you whine bitterly.
"Oh come on!" You complain, crouching down next to him. "Maybe.. ugh I don't know. God I was looking forward to eating that shitty lasagna." You mumble bitterly, probably contemplating what to leave behind.
"I could help you carry some stuff?" He asks, and you look at him for a second.
"Really?" You grin, and he looks oddly frozen now. "You- huh?" Now you notice it too. Then your gaze falls down to the ground. To the orange light from the streetlamp. The green of the bell pepper, and the red packaging of the lasagna.
That's color.
"Holy shit." You gasp out, before you hear Jungkooks quiet voice.
"Thats.. not possible." He almost whispers. "My soulmate is dead." He murmurs more or less to himself.
"I-what? No, I'm clearly alive! Okay a bit scratched up but hey, damaged goods are still okay?" You joke, but he seems genuinely confused. He shows you his wrist, his oddly shaped bonding line, and you compare it to yours.
It's tiny. Barely there. Just a single, short line.
"Oh, I think I get it now." You say.
"Huh?" He wonders, looking at you. His heart is beating out of his chest.
"I had an accident when I was younger, around 11 or 12. They had to resuscitate me four times. I was basically dead for like, I don't know, really." You explain. "Maybe that fucked up your bond? I'm really clumsy, sorry." You laugh, and suddenly, he laughs too. Because One look at you, and he knows.
Not just because of the colors-
But because he would've fallen in love with your smile anyway.
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oonajaeadira · 6 months
For the Love of Fic: December 9
I'm doing my best to get through my massive reading list by the end of the year, so buckle up, fam, you're about to get served a buffet of fic. There's so many tasty morsels here, even Mama Flores has to appreciate this feast.
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🪐 = Year of Themed Creation Fics!
Sheer Desire by @the-blind-assassin-12 Okay so imagine you're Frankie's +1 to a Millerboy wedding. And there's dancing and yearning and flirting involved. And the knowledge that after the reception, you're going to have him all to yourself. Now add in black thigh-high nylons. And the desire to see them in his hands. And his desire to have those lacy tops pressed against his ears.... IT'S HOT LIKE FIRE. DID YOU THINK IT WOULD NOT BE. GO GET IT.
2023 Summer Kiss Prompt #2: Frankie Morales - Kiss in the Hammock by @something-tofightfor I mean, who doesn't want to be cuddled up in a hammock with Frankie? Who doesn't want those soft curls and soft lips and warm arms all pressed up against you?
2023 Summer Kiss Prompt #12: Frankie Morales - Kiss in the Dark / Break Up Kiss by @something-tofightfor A little angst and a lot of love are on display here. Frankie's here to show his responsible and protective side, and while there's plenty of hurt, he does it oh so softly and I'm just glad we are left with hope.
2023 Summer Kiss Prompt #14: Frankie Morales - “I miss you” Kiss / Angry Kiss by @something-tofightfor So remember that hope I just mentioned up there? Same pairing here, and the hope pays off. It's not without some real talk, but perhaps that's what makes the love even more deliciously sincere.
The day Frankie both loves and loathes the kitchen counter by @undercoverpena This is such a wonderful domestic Frankie POV piece. The way he wants to be better for reader, to provide more, to keep promises...the way he adores everything about her, including how she loves to bundle up in his clothes... Getting a peek inside a man who is sweet and loving and seeing the motivations there is such a treat. I really got swept up in this one.
The Thing About Second Chances by @artemiseamoon 🪐 This is exquisite. The pain of walking away really hurt. But then, when they met again it is so masterfully done...there are all these little impulses of his, wanting to do everything for her that could easily be overbearing except that he's just so damn loveable and it's hard to watch two people who clearly live each other be denied. I'm not sure he can really change all that much, but I am really pulling for them. Sometimes a little time apart can really drive home how much you can miss someone. Beautiful.
The Moon in May - Full Moon by @hopeamarsu Alpha Marcus. and. sitting on lap. purring and. teasing and soft and spreading you open but requiring go slow. is a tasty treat. brain mush. purring chest at my back. yes please.
Something Wild and Unruly by @ezrasbirdie Okay, remember when I said that there was a fic that was so beautiful it made me want to quit writing? This is it, and I mean that as a high compliment. Like, I finished it and just put my head in my hands and stared out the window with a big smile on my face. It's outlaw!Joel and old west sex worker!reader with a heart of gold and a good attitude about what she does. It's got so so so much feels and yearning and softness and bathing and the ending is beautiful and full of hope...this fic is up all of my alleys and making all of my jams and is my entire life mood. It is my new official Fave Birdie Fic™️ and I need to sing that to the world.
Small Joys: Wheelbug by @keldabe-kriff 🪐 The whole point of Lyr's Small Joys series is just that--joys. So it seems antithetical for Ellie to have found a bug that's big and bitey and for Joel to freak out about and try to bat it away. But the joy part of it comes from reader's reaction--to the wonder at finding a wheelbug in nature where it wasn't expected--and Ellie's, who of course will always find wonder in something new. Simple and beautifully done.
Small Joys: Leaf Pile by @keldabe-kriff 🪐 Yes, the joy here is jumping in a leaf pile, but the joy I got from it was being able to hear Joel and Ellie perfectly in this. I also love the process Ellie gets to have in collecting the leaves and talking to a neighbor. It's really delightful.
The Sun Will Shine Again by @foli-vora I can't imagine dealing with crippling depression during the years after the outbreak, how hard and crippling it would be. And yet, I think I'd be able to manage if Joel was on my side, telling me he'd carry me as long as he could just to make sure I made it through. This is just such a beautiful piece. I want to curl up in it like a blanket.
Tangled Triumphs by @planet-marz1 I think my blood sugar levels hit an all-time high with this one and I ascended into the heavens. Joel learns to do Sarah's hair and it's so sweet and precious and I love them. Please read this. I need other people to share my squeals.
Cast Iron Sunshine part 1: Think I'll Call You Sunshine and part 2: Daisy by @blueeyesatnight Color me intrigued. We got ourselves a cocky cowboy in the wild west and a female doctor reader with some determination, sass, and willingness to sport a revolver, and I want more of that push and pull I'm sure is coming. The first meeting is just enough tingle to rub my hands together with glee. HE'S SUCH A SHIT. But then comes Daisy and she's here to lay some hearts open...
What Happens in Vegas.., ...Never Really Ends in Vegas, and Forever by @wildemaven A beautiful drabble trio that encompasses the realization that you've accidentally-in-Vegas married Jack, trying to quit him, and being unable to do so. Do yourself a favor, don't think about it too hard, and give into your cowboy.
Remember Me by @toomanystoriessolittletime This twisted my little heart and melted me in so many ways. When Jack is brought back and can't remember his girlfriend? Can I just cry a river? No worries though, the ending's a happy, hopeful one.
Thought That I Was Dreaming by @haylzcyon Salty, spicy, and sweet all at once...this may just be my dream Dieter smut. I very much love a "did he really say???" but then the reason for her not asking was perfect. How does Haylz make the very filthiest filth the sweetest sweet?
Sleazy Santa by @morallyinept This what happens when Dieter's not an actor, just a tremendous sleezebag working as a mall Santa (he's respectful to the kids) and you can't stop wanting that scummy D and go bang dirty in the Grotto. There's candy cane action. It's real nasty. And written like a fkn gourmet meal. The sweatier Jett writes this slimeball, the more I want. I don't know how. It's like Christmas magic. Delicious.
Crawling Back to You by @prolix-yuy This fic is a feast and all of my favorite dishes are on the table. Monsterfkn. Demons. Blasphemy. Sexy contracts. Dieter being a menace. And softness????? This is smut and it is hot hot hot, but there's enough here that's sweetness and fondness that it's going straight to my forever faves list. HE RUINS HER SO NICELY. UGH!
Rendezvous in Reno by @theywhowriteandknowthings A Dieter with small-dick insecurities? Please and thank you, this is super cute. I'd love to get called out for describing his junk wrong in my fics and get a personal correction.
It's Never Over by @pennyserenade We don't get enough exes-to-friends fic around here, and this one is really nice. As much as I hope for them to connect again, I respect their love for each other and their need to just let themselves be special to each other. There were moments here that were bittersweet, but I really loved that about it.
Birfday--Din by @writeforfandoms Listen. Is it so wrong that I want to cook a nice breakyfast to show Din how much he's loved? Is that too much to ask? Thanks, Jen, for something soft and sweet.
Then We'll Find Out Together by @missredherring A lovely little drabble about settling down in a new home with Din, getting used to the slowness and softness and niceness of everything. And when reader can't sleep, the one thing that's familiar--Din himself--is what calms her down. A lovely little drabble that I would like to live in.
Bounty and Hunter by @never--doubt 🪐 A soulmate fic wherein soulmates can't hurt each other. How interesting then that one of you is being hunted...and makes quite a game out of it?
Significant by @softlyspector He's been calling you riduur for months and you still don't know what it means. Once you find out, that's when the fireworks start. I don't know that I've read dialogue for Din and his sweetheart that affected me the way the last two lines of this fic did...... *swoons*
Watercolor by @iamskyereads I mean, give a sellsword a bath and you may be in for trouble. But not this man. This man just needs a little care, and while he may not say much, he make good on all kindnesses. I would do anything to give this man a bath and have him speak kindly to me.
Date or Inseminate by @sirowsky Now listen. You're gonna have to read the warnings on this, because I for one get really squicked by dub-con mixed with medical malpractice. I didn't read the warnings and it came out of nowhere....but I'm telling you my eyebrows shot up and then I just giggled through the whole thing like WHAT IS HAPPENING. Sometimes fic is just there to be fun and slap you silly. IRL? No please. But this? Go in with the right mood and it's just strangely and shockingly delightful smut.
Formula 101: December to Remember Part 2: Take What Comes by @littlemisspascal There's a lot to love about Rae's F1 media fic. Even outside of the easter eggs in the worldbuilding and the lovely way Javi and Oddball's relationship develops, there are the delightful media interludes--emails, texts, instagram posts complete with character comments--that use pictures and dialogue to move the plot along in a unique way. I love how a short text chain not only sets up a later story locale, but illustrates a history and relationship between two characters so fluidly. Every chapter is a delight to see how the media enhances the storyline...a storyline that is moving in a very interesting direction...
Hiding Away from the Galaxy by @ghostofskywalker 🪐 I love a good reunion story. Here, you're an ex-Jedi who has a past with Bo and come to find her when all the wars are done. I'd agree that it's worth the wait when she takes you in her arms....
My Knight in White by @flightlessangelwings 🪐 Jey's been doing a year of protectiveness, and you know I don't mind that AT ALL. I would love nothing more than to have Marc follow me home and protect me. And then, yeah, if he let me follow him home...and into his bedroom....I wouldn't complain..... *swoon*
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imminent danger ii, m | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: Don't get Jeon Jungkook started on the technical side of making porn videos. What? It's important to him to bring high quality content! Okay... maybe he just likes acting desperate and slutty. Look, we all win, don't complain! It's the Halloween special, so put those bunny ears on and get to work!
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; sex workers!couple: JK and his internet porn writer!gf OnlyFans livestream, costume(?) edition; yes the costumes are the lowest of effort, welcome to porn logic; low-key crack, oop; smut (fem reader, filming of sex, exhibitionist kink, mirror kink, noona kink, praise kink, teeny humiliation kink, pet name (bunbun), spit and lube everywhere, m-receiving anal with glass dildo, handjob, cum-eating, f-receiving oral); non-idol!BTS - sub!JK x noona, dom!reader; Jungkook’s POV
magician wiyllt about to magic a dildo into bunny JK's ass, lmao
People didn’t realize making a porn video was a lot more than turning on the camera and acting desperate and slutty. Well, it was for Jeon Jungkook anyway (although he was very good at acting desperate and slutty, thank you very much). The hidden sex tape vibe did jumpstart the whole idea though. Originally, it was suggested as – okay, fine, fine, he suggested it because he was a horny degenerate and wanted to try it. When you have the hottest, sexiest girlfriend in the world, hell yeah, you wanna film the sex and jack off to it later.
He had needs!
And said needs included masturbating to himself and his girl fucking. Yes, it sounded vain, and it was, but Jungkook was not going to apologize for it. Besides, apparently a lot of other people wanted to watch him acting desperate and slutty while wearing bunny ears.
As in right now.
He was wearing soft, white long ears lined with pink satin on top of his long black hair (high contrast and light reflecting fabrics were important for looking good on camera) as a needy whine built in his chest when cold glass touched his hot tongue (again, light reflective), staring hazily at his smirking girlfriend who leaned down and angled her head so that the camera could catch two glistening pink tongues simultaneously licking the clear glass dildo, drenching it with saliva.
You know.
Because reflecting light was important for creating a dynamic scene.
Just kidding, Jungkook had planned for it to be a horny-inducing shot and he was right because he was getting hard, but also he was getting hard seeing his girlfriend looking sexy as fuck in that tiny black satin vest and skirt combo with thigh high sheer black stockings, matching ruffled garters, and black velvet high heels. Your classic bunny and magician theme for this Halloween season, right? No top hat though. That would be too tacky.
A dildo as a magic wand, eh?
Look, this was porn. Everyone was here to watch him get throat fucked by a glass dildo more than complain about his low-effort bunny costume.
So, anyway, back to the discussion of how Jungkook approached making his own porn videos. It was a collaborative effort. His girl was a (online smut) writer and she had all the good (cough, lewd and obscene) ideas for what to do. He was a video editor (a real day job, not sexy), so he knew he wanted to frame the shots so it would look the best on camera. They had fun experimenting on their own, and she was very supportive as he got more and more into it. He was the kind of person who always wanted to get better at his interests (sex with his girl was his primary interest in life, sorry not sorry). At first, they were only going to keep them for themselves, but, well, it seemed like they already had an audience (read: horde of dirty-minded followers from her sex blog who were very interested in her face, his face, and in paying good money to watch their faces make out and get naked, an activity he was already trying to do on the daily).
So… that escalated quickly.
The video content was mostly focused on him, because, as she said, she had the writing down and he would ace the visual side. Each of them would have their own thing, avoiding any competitiveness between them.
Okay, fine, he liked being told what to do, he liked being fucked and filmed, and he liked other people telling him that he was a good slut for his woman, so what, so what if he lived like that?
Was he not allowed to be a-dick-ted to erotica?!
What was wrong with giving into all his pleasures and doing all sins? He was the main character of his life and what was more main character energy than being fucked with bunny ears on cam? (Probably a lot of things.) Well, anyway, he wasn’t going to let anyone tell him he couldn’t do what he wanted.
Except her.
But she would eventually give in to his big peepers. Jungkook was confident about that.
She was standing behind him, holding his chin and tipping it up. Slowly sliding the glass dildo in and out between his moaning lips, pressing the white ears against her stomach and letting everyone watch him graze his fingertips over his hard cock, spreading his thighs more. He was kneeling in front of the camera, naked chest flexed with tension of trying not to actually masturbate yet.
Little bit of body oil, of course, so the camera could catch the light reflecting off his toned muscles.
“What a good bunbun.”
The way she purred his pet name, fuck, with so much love and care while thrusting into his mouth. He wanted to roll his eyes up into his head but then he wouldn’t be able to look at her face and her face was so fucking pretty, cheeks framed with a gentle swoop of her hair, mischievous eyes sparkling, plush mauve lips forming his name.
“Don’t be shy. Show them how big and hard you are.”
They always planned together, basically storyboarding the major scenes to make sure they were both on the same page. He liked some little surprises (he was a little bit of a masochist), like now, him whimpering as he held up his stiff erection with two fingers on the dark red, swollen head, even reaching over to the bottle of lube and pouring some on his hand to coat his balls, rubbing them all over, remembering everyone was watching, shuddering she leaned down to whisper in his ear.
Never mind, he was a lot of a masochist as he sucked a glass dick and held up his hard, throbbing cock for everyone to see, covering it with lube so the veins stood out, seeing himself in the mirror behind the camera.
She was the one who checked the monitor to make sure he was in frame, so Jungkook never worried about that. It was better to look at the lens so the audience could feel cozy and included. She pulled the dildo out of his gasping mouth with a slick pop, intentionally smearing his spit against his cheek, gliding her other hand down his shoulder, pointed black cherry nails pricking at his skin, tracing his nipple.
“You know our bunny is missing, chat?”
She poked his cheek with the wet tip and Jungkook shivered, knowing exactly what he was missing but pretending he didn’t, widening his eyes and biting his lower lip, the silver ring on the right side gleaming in the bright studio lights.
“W-What, noona…?”
She scratched up his chest and made him yelp, gripping his shaking chin and pressing her lips to his temple. Loving kiss and dirty words.
“His tail, of course. Ass up to receive your tail, bunbun.”
Jungkook appreciated his girlfriend for many reasons, but one of them was foresight, repositioning the bottle of lube so he had a clear path to turn around, stepping back so he could thoroughly show his embarrassment and awkwardness at positioning himself in such a way, taking the moment to grab the white bunny tail butt plug and a pillow, expertly sliding it under his chest as he bent over, spreading his ass for the camera and looking over his shoulder to check himself out in the mirror. Obviously, he thoroughly cleaned before this so he would have a cute asshole to show.
You gotta do what you gotta do for the sake of art.
Same thing.
Fuck, his reflection looked so perfectly obedient and deliciously fuckable if Jungkook was allowed to say so himself.
“Aw, look at him, chat. Handsome and a good listener. Doesn’t he deserve a reward?”
Mirror kink, praise kink, exhibitionist kink, anticipation of anal play, damn, Jungkook knew he was spoiled and he was getting hornier and hornier with that knowledge with every passing second. He wanted to tell her, you’re so good to me, noona, let me be good to you, but then she smacked his ass cheek and he gasped, trembling and seeing his stiff cock swing between his tense legs.
“See this, everyone?” she said conversationally, as if she was talking about the weather and not his bunny tail butt plug. “It’s pretty big, isn’t it? You can’t just put something like this in without some prep.” Actually, he was willing to take the challenge but he kept his mouth shut, letting her build the tension as she knelt down next to his ass, sliding the beige towel behind her with her heel, off-screen, lube bottle in front of her knees. “Thankfully, Jungkookie is a good bunbun and thinks about these things.”
In two seconds, Jungkookie was about to be a bratty bunbun if she didn’t shove something in him soon.
She tossed the butt plug behind her and it fell onto the towel. He quickly smacked it with his hand so it didn’t roll away as he heard the bottle of lube open, seeing her spread it onto the glass dildo in his peripheral vision.
“Isn’t that right, Jungkook?” she cheerfully prompted.
“Wha-ah! O… o-oh, f-fuuuuck…”
His hands immediately gripped the pillow under him as his back arched and his eyelids fluttered, sudden cool hardness massaging the tight ring of muscle, easing in carefully. His body’s initial reaction was to constrict around the smooth glass, warming it, lube adding the slip, centimeter by centimeter sliding in easily, but slowly, fuck, so fucking slow as she calmly pushed the dildo in like this was a common household chore and not his quivering asshole getting invaded for thousands of viewers to witness his whimpering cries and pleas for more, burying his red face into the pillow.
“F-Fuck me, please… please, I’m a good bunbun, aren’t I, noona, please…”
“You’re a very good bunbun. Let me show them how cute your ass looks right now.”
She held onto his ass and spread it more so everyone could see his tight little hole getting properly fucked. Her foot nudged his shoulder and Jungkook realized his face was out of frame so he twisted his body slightly and scooted back into it, now properly seeing his raised ass in the mirror and his head looking back to watch as she began to fuck his ass with the glass dildo they had previously licked all over together.
How many viewers were getting off to him getting fucked and how many were watching in fascination as his head tipped back and the wanton moans tumbled from his throat? Visible pleasure rippling through his body, bucking his hips back so each steady thrust was deeper, more fulfilling, more intense, sensual in the slow speed but carnal in sound, his deep groan, the lewd squelching, his knuckles hitting the floor, fist clenched to hold his body up as the arousal electrified him, skin hot and core throbbing, clenching around the dildo and whining at the unquestionable solidness.
He gasped her name, begging.
“Yes, my love?”
She was fucking his ass on camera and gazing at him through the mirror with a pleased smirk, lightly kissing his trembling hip when their eyes connected. Yes, my love? Holy fuck, he was going to go insane, trying to get his request out, but then she upped the pace, harder, faster, smirk growing as he sputtered, sparks in his blood and pre-cum leaking all over his tense thigh, not as hard anymore but still so desperate, ready to put on his best slutty bunny self so he could show all his fans what a good bunbun he was.
“I w-wanna cum, p-please…”
“Yeah?” She smiled at him, holding out, letting him helplessly whimper at the hesitation. “Hm, alright. Don’t forget to cum in your hand so I can eat it up for you after.”
Yeah, Jungkook had needs.
Need to grip his dripping cock and furiously jack himself off, almost too fast so he would last a little bit longer, the edge of discomfort amplifying the pleasure of the dildo repeatedly hitting him in that just right spot, his chest to the pillow and throwing his head back, crashing sparks of overbearing ecstasy clawing up his torso and down his legs, over and over and so fucking close, moaning, crying out, nerves wrung tight and every muscle hard, his sweaty black hair falling onto his face so only his open mouth was seen, so dirty, so wrong, watch me, thinking, I love it when you watch me, turning his head slightly, silver lip ring visible, biting his lower lip to expose the mole underneath, looking up at her under the mess of his hair.
Her eyes on him.
Pleased, enamored, obsessed, reaching over and correcting his bunny ears so they were nice and perky like his ass. Basking in the gaze of his lover, his lifeline, his one and only, him sliding his left hand under him as she shifted his hair so one of his eyes was visible, her sweet murmur, so sexy, look at you, racing heart, orgasm building, fast strokes, couldn’t hold back anymore, it was too much and it felt too good and everyone was watching, moaning loud, cock jerking and spilling hot strings onto his left palm, tilting his hips so the camera could catch the pool of white cum in his own hand.
Jungkook would lying if he didn’t say he didn’t like sex. But sex wasn’t sex unless he was staring into her eyes, his body shaking from exhaustion, lifting his hand and watching her lean in, pink tongue extending, and then wet heat touching his skin, noisily sucking up his cum, the softness of her lips and the intensity of her gaze getting him hard again. No, sex wasn’t sex unless it was her, describing it, creating it, in it, her stories love letters to him and his videos mere punctuation to the world of words she had created for him.
And everyone else, but Jungkook liked to think it was for him. He was her muse now, after all.
The aftershocks of orgasms shimmering in his veins. Her hand on his chin. Her tongue slid out, and so did his. Touching. Flat to flat, wet to wet, hot breath to hot breath, sensual and tainted, their saliva sliding down, collecting at the tips.
He slid his half-lidded gaze to the camera lens and her eyes followed. Both staring at the audience, spit dripping down their touching tongues.
Jungkook cocked an eyebrow and grinned.
You jelly?
Then he panicked as the glass dildo started sliding out of his ass.
She backed up and shoved the bunny tail butt plug into his mouth.
“Oh, sorry, you’re right. Wrong hole.”
Wrong hole?!
After some indignant whining (him) and some soft pats on the grumpy head (her pats, his head), the butt plug was shoved right where it was meant to be (his ass) after mild cleanup with the towel that was now set aside (plus dildo, to be washed later, of course). She even delicately patted his sweaty forehead with another hand towel, fixed his bunny ears and hair before he was told to kneel again, looking confused and expectant as she adjusted the camera, his hands on his thighs.
“You look hilarious with the tattoos and bunny ears,” she chuckled off-screen.
“Hey!” He puffed his cheeks. “I won’t be nice if you keep being mean.”
She removed her vest.
His eyes went wide.
She removed her panties.
Jungkook’s eyeballs went full big peepers mode on the monitor.
“Stop it with that reaction,” she laughed behind the camera.
“What? This is my genuine reaction seeing your nakey bits!”
She strode into frame, garter, stockings, and heels still on, elegant posture giving her that prefect hip to ass curve with her walk and straightened back. Fuck, he loved the way she held herself.
“Chat, I swear we fuck a lot off cam. I don’t know why Jungkookie is acting like he’s seeing my naked pussy for the first time.”
“This is the first time today.”
She raised her eyebrows.
Damn, what a nice ass in the mirror.
“Wait… second! Second time but, still, that’s not all the time, and you could be naked around me all the time, but you’re not, and that’s mean of you!”
He had needs!
(Also, it was quite obvious that he was being a brat for the camera because he was grinning like a fool while saying it.)
She smirked, open-mouthed and dangerous.
Oh, shit.
Sometimes there were moments when Jungkook forgot people were watching, forgot he was supposed to be a little bit of a character. Normally he didn’t talk that much during sex – there wasn’t time to fill when the angle was being adjusted or the need to voice how he felt. A lot could be communicated nonverbally, but obviously someone watching would need visual and audio cues to be aware of these shifts in headspace that he could get just by looking into her eyes or feeling the energy in the air. While Jungkook didn’t really know how to act fake or the complete opposite who he actually was, he learned to be more mindful about these particular things during the livestream, slightly more exaggerated sound, action, playfulness, immersing them in the pleasure.
And then there were times when he completely forgot and was simply entranced by the shape of her plush mauve lips and the deviousness in those eyes, hearing her say words but all of it going over his head because those perfect tits were getting closer, juicy hips swinging followed by those powerful legs in stockings and heels, that beautiful pussy getting closer his face. Time slowed down, letting him memorize every curve, every line, the way the light glowed off her skin, wow.
“I’m mean, huh? I don’t think I’m that mean. I’m so merciful that I’m even going to let you cum again while you eat me out.”
Jungkook didn’t really need to know exactly what she was saying. He had already suggested eating her out for the ending scene, and now her thighs where right beside him, so soft-looking and delicious, the scent of sex so intoxicating he simply leaned forward and started kissing her inner thighs, feeling her fingers combing through his hair, toying with the fuzzy ears, a needy moan leaking out of his chest as the tip of her pointed toe nudged his thighs and made him open his legs, forcing him to sit up a little more to get closer, closer to the heat, the sweetness, the slick lips so close he could taste it, her pretty pussy right in front of his face, and he was instantly hard just looking at it, anticipation rattling in his inhale, nothing else mattering, but.
Wanna make you feel good, noona. Wanna taste you.
She gripped a fistful of his long hair and pushed his face into her crotch.
Oh, fuck, yes.
He couldn’t really breathe but breathing was overrated anyway (also suffocation by pussy sounded and smelled amazing). Tongue out, the taste, yes, sweet and heady and dragging him into borderline insanity, who needed good judgement, not him, too busy wrapping his arms around her thighs and sinking his fingers into her soft, malleable ass, kneading it with his tongue buried into her folds, licking all over and pushing her thighs together when she readjusted and angled slightly to the side, no, his tongue finding that sensitive hard nub of electrified nerves, lapping, sucking, I won’t let you get away, ugh, the best taste he’d ever had, ramming her hips into his face, losing air, heat creeping from his head all the way down, down.
He was so hard.
He heard his name but it didn’t really register until she poured the lube down his abdomen and splashed it over his throbbing cock and balls, suddenly soaking the hardwood floor and his inner thighs. He yelped and jerked his head, feeling a rush of heat and then coolness, and then tingling everywhere the lube touched his skin.
Her wrist planted against the crown of his head, nails digging into his scalp and his head was shoved back into her pussy, her hips now tipped upward, thick viscous sweetness coating his tongue, his eyes rolling back in his head as she stepped onto his left thigh, not hard, just the sole of one shoe pressed into his hard muscle, enough to mean business, and that business was sex, tangling her fingers in his hair and fucking his face, his right hand instantly flying to his neglected cock and closing his fingers around his thick, twitching length, choking on his own cries as he struggled to lick and suck like a very good, very desperate, very slutty bunbun.
She kept the bunny headband very firmly on his head and pushed his forehead back so he could get a better angle, focusing his tongue on her clit as he once again stroked his stiff cock all over, fingertips and length tingling, gasping as he teased the head, rubbing the sensitive skin into his rough palm, looking down to see it. Purple-red and bulbous, the shaft shiny and so fucking hard it almost hurt, closing his fingers around it, o-oh, fuuuck, that felt so fucking good, achingly hot and shivering all over from the intense sensation, his ass clenching around the butt plug, causing it to hit that spot, right there, sparks flaring all over his lower belly, listening to her sigh of gratified satisfaction mix with his needy hum shimmering in his throat.
Everything, making him high and lust-drunk.
The lights, the full-body feeling, the mirror displaying his naked body, on his knees and dark tattoos rippling as he jacked himself off, strands of black hair stuck to his sweaty cheeks and forehead in wet curls, his eyes half-lidded and intoxicated by the body fitted around him, long legs and fuck-me stilettos and rolling shoulders graced with luscious hair, her looking back, his devious and naughty noona, the lens capturing every hot, obscene second.
Everyone committing sins together.
Jungkook was going to rewatch this over and over, remembering the taste of pussy on his lips.
He closed his lips around her clit and sucked harder as her legs opened more, revealing more of his face, pushing his hair out of the way, exposing whine seeping from his exhale, his cheeks heating as he looked up at her, and those alluring eyes caught him, purring his name softly, hazy and surreal, breathing heavier, his eyes closing, losing himself in it, her hand in his hair, her pussy grinding into his face, tongue and lips getting sore but pushing through sheer determination, building his own orgasm and tipping closer and closer to the edge, wet, tight, hot, wanton whines snuffed in his chest, shivers racing up and down his spine, her juices dripping down his chin, her moans wispy, climbing, spiraling, look at me, show me those beautiful eyes, his eyes opening, vision glassy, want so bad that he was doing nothing but chasing the high, hard and fast and forceful.
She bit the side of her lower lip and grinned, devilish and divine.
Then she tilted her head back and moaned, breathless and graceful, her body rippling, tits bouncing, and then her hips flinched, spilling into his mouth and onto his chin, liquid sweetness smearing everywhere, sealing away all available air, and Jungkook moaned too, right into her quivering walls and felt his hips jerk and his cock twitch, cum sliding down his hand, hot and thick and spurting, clearly visible over his hand tattoos, drenching his inked knuckles with milky white.
Cum on ink.
That was why he got the hand tattoos.
What? He was dedicated to the visual.
She let go of his head and he drew back, sticking his tongue out. Chin, lips, and silver ring reflecting light from her sticky release. He caught his reflection in the mirror. Sexy, if he could say so himself. Jungkook teasingly winked at the camera lens, cocking an eyebrow.
“Thanks for watching. Stay jealous.”
She tweaked his bunny ears, laughing.
“Dirty bunbun.”
part i jk telling the story of how they met (sort of)
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lightamp · 8 months
let's rate red hood costumes
if i forgot smth lo siento. just let me know, there are so many of these and i am one creature
this is just for fun btw. nothing serious here! <3
now these are all comic canon red hoods (except maybe two? we'll get to them). no alt universes. maybe one day.
now on to the costumes
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Hush Jason. Maybe not technically Red Hood but like. c'mon. close enough
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i'm giving the rating 6/10
I know the trench coat was probably more for mr. hush himself, but i enjoy it. i'm also a filthy pouch lover so they do get points. also in red! cute. the boots are also neat. the negatives are that ugly robin dress/tunic thing. kinda silly. still it was good for giving bruce a spook.
2. the classic. the og. red hood utrh version!
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9/10, easy. the casual outfit paired with the sleek red helmet. *mwuah* wonderful! nothing bad to say. it's recognizable. comfortable. stylish. great job all around
3. titans tower. ah.
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-10/10. i would give props for running around in the scalies BUT THE UGLY ASS YELLOW TIGHTS. disgusting. bare his legs to the world you cowards. i'm mad. this could get at least 7/10 for sheer moxy if it weren't for those hideous target brand pantyhose
4. brothers in blood.
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he's literally just copying dick, but being unhinged as hell about it.
5.5/10. he looks good. who doesn't in nightwing's fit? though he is copying, he does get points for obsessive weirdness of it all.
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???/10 i don't know how i feel. i've never known how i feel about this.
5. final crisis
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i think he had a helmet in this arc and it broke but dont quote me!!!! pay me to read final crisis again if you have an issue.
he spends most of his time in jeans + leather jacket + just the domino
this is probably the most boring but i give it a 10/10 my boring ass loves it. no dressups just a guy in a shitty little mask. clapping. bravo. there's something ~thematic~ bout it
6. final crisis pt 2
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1/10 i hate the red robin suit i hate it i hate it. we finally got tim out of the damn thing even though it came at too high a cost (he's trapped in robin purgatory). it does look okay in wfa, but usually in dc reg comics it looks like ass.
regardless jason looks bad in it too. very sweet of murdery bruce to give it to him but ugh. at least could've given him some ears on that mask. then it couldve been bumped a point
7. batman
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the first time jason decided to wear a muzzle. hm.
6/10. there's nothing wrong with it. it's just a bit generically 'what would gun batman look like'. the face part is my favorite, with the weird grater muzzle, pointy ears, and red glowing eyes. it's fun
8. batman&robin
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i need to get my first thought out. the little symbol on his chest reminds me of homestuck. i can't really unsee it. i know like theres no connection. but it looks like it could belong on a homestuck human
anyway. 3.5/10. he was willing to try something totally new, so i'm giving points. i enjoy the white. is the red hood goofy af? yes. yes it is. iconic, though? sometimes the upper black part is drawn lower, i've noticed. it doesn't change much for me.
i like the thigh highs going on here. the red guns are sexy!. he looks bad but there are good things here!!!
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there is this version, which ditches the thigh highs, gives back the classic helmet, removes the cape for a jacket, and adds belts.
6/10 i think it fixes a lot about the prev costume, though it's really just like they threw utrh's costume and his previous batman&robin costume in the blender lmfao
wow flashpoint. father todd is not a red hood, so we progress.
9. nu52
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an update on the og look. i do like the contrasting brown jacket, the prominant thigh straps. sometimes his helmet is drawn suctioned to his face so -2 for any of that cause it's so weird
8/10 not a bad update to the classic.
10. red hood/arsenal
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i dont remember when he changed into this actually. in my head it's rh/a but i could be wrong.
i see no one talking about this abomination. his new fit? yah. this one? no?
4/10 the bottom of this is fine. i HATE the jacket. sorry it's just. ugly. his arm bands are also clunky. the matching between arsenal and red hood is nice though. so it didnt get too low. roy pulls it off better :(
11. wingman
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hm. i didnt read this. this makes me not want too akdsfhsl
0/10. ugly. looks like a villain in some scifi thing in the 90s. like power rangers. sentai villain looking ass. boring grey, ugly lines and shapes, the goofiest helmet on earth......
ig willis is burdened with this curse now
12. 3 jokers (dubiously canon. i dont consider it so but since dc left it in the air we add it)
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he has a helmet for a bit. this one is interesting bc i could actually see it as a futhering of his costume had he lived. sans helmet ofc. it's hard bc i don't not like this, i just feel it doesnt fit his aesthetic in the present day. 5/10. if jason had lived and not become red hood id rank it higher but then we wouldnt be here, would we?
13. batman's gift
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i debated putting this, but it's different enough from the nu52 vers
very fun. body armor all over. i like the red arm guards here unlike w/ the prev one that had these (less bulky ?). i like the leg stripes.
it doesn't really do much to change his look, but there are differences
14. task force z
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it's like the above but more just body-armored. really all he's done is remove the jacket and get shoulder pads. 6/10. the negative point is for the lost jacket :(
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7/10 i did say if he ditched the tights i'd rank it higher (twas all a dream through lmao)
15. current
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controversial of me, but i think. i think it's fine.
now i do agree his little hoodie is.........well it's not that great. my least favorite part tbh.
the new brown pants nicely contrast, though i have seen this costume with grey pants too?
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here we are. The red bandages are fun, i think if they were white i'd hate 'em but the red is interesting. i also like when bits of them are sticking out. idk. cute detail.
i like the muzzle mask as well. that with the hood has given us delightful in shadow!jason where only his eyes glow out. i also like when artists put his white hair tuft out. adorable. probably not what he's going for but that's what the creature no face look is for
really the hoodie is the one thing i'm ??? on. it looks silly in a bad way. there are ways to keep a red hood while giving a better jacket/vest. future state's was much nicer.
this wasn't in the ratings but i do prefer any weapon beyond the crowbar sigh. it starts showing up through a lot of them so i decided to just not do anything about the score.
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ripdragonbeans · 11 months
Take Your Pick
SugarDaddy!Aegon x reader
Warnings: SMUT!!!! piv, oral (m and f receiving), semi-public s*x, slight choking, slight hair pulling, daddy kink, overstimulation (I think???)
let me know if I missed anything!!
It's my first smut! Thank you @khaleesihel for the request ❤️❤️❤️ love our conversations
Divider by firefly-graphics
The divider is a little nod to 2010ish fanfic lingo (ayyy ff.net)
Getting something from Thistle and Spire is now a dream of mine
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"Aegon, can I have this one?" You looked at him with the biggest puppy dog eyes you could muster. 
You and Aegon were at one of your favorite lingerie stores, Thistle and Spire. Aegon turned around from a set he was looking at and inspected the one in your hands. He reached out to feel the sheer, lacy fabric between his fingers. "Hmm, it's cute, kitten." Aegon took your set, and the one he was looking at earlier, and leaned in to whisper in your ear. "How about you pick out two more and you can give me a little show in the back?"
You couldn't help the shiver that ran through your body, resulting in a pool of excitement in your stomach. Even though you were very much getting turned on, your excitement of getting lingerie won and you did a little happy hop. You all but skipped away further into the store with Aegon in tow. He couldn't help but smile at your eagerness. 
Your playfulness was what caught his eye when he first saw you. When Aegon initially put out the notice for a sugar baby he just wanted a mind-blowing fuck every now and then. But, with you, he came to genuinely enjoy your company. It made buying things for you easier for him, seeing your little dances and jumps of excitement whenever he shops with you.
As you made your way through the shop you found two more sets you adored. The first one was the Freyja Bodysuit and the second was the Verona Set. You plucked them from their racks and skipped back to Aegon.
"I found these two, Aegon!" You exclaimed. You were just so damn excited about this.
Aegon handed you the two sets previously picked out, the Medusa bodysuit and the Smokin Mirrors set. All four of them equally sexy.
Aegon gently took your hand and led you to the changing rooms, "Do me a favor and model these for me, kitten." His hand slid up your back and to your shoulder as he smoothly pushed himself inside the room with you and quietly closed the door.
"Aegon, this is a public store? You can't be in here with me," you whispered. As much as you'd love for him to see every moment you were well aware of the workers and other potential shoppers. 
"Shh, shh. It's okay, my kitten. I promise it's completely private." He stroked your hair and kissed the top of your head. "Now that we're alone, kitten, what do you call me?" He gave you a sly grin.
Looking up at Ageon you felt the pressure start to build. You put on the sweetest face, full of innocence and lust. "Sorry, Daddy. I was just getting a little nervous."
He took your hand and brushed his lips over your knuckles. "It's okay, just show these off and we're all good, I promise." He pulled you in by the waist. "And if you're good I'll reward you when we get home."
Your knees became weak but you refused to let them buckle beneath you. "Yes, daddy," you said. Whenever Aegon pulled you close you couldn't help but breathe in his scent and get slightly drunk off of it.
Aegon crossed his arms and leaned against the door as he watched you undress. You took your time getting out of your clothes, a black skater skirt and graphic shirt knotted at the bottom with dark red thigh high socks and black vans. You slipped your shoes off and was about to peel off your socks when Aegon stopped you.
"Keep those on, kitten. You always look so damn good in those," he said huskily. 
Giving him a sly smile and looking up at him though your eyelashes, you slowly rolled your sock back up.
"Like this, daddy?" You gave him the most innocent of looks.
"Perfect, kitten. But you still have more to do."
You turned around so your back was facing him and unclasped your bra. It was your deep red lace bra with flowers embroidered on it. As it fell to the ground you slowly bent down a bit to grab the first set. Every move you made was slow and deliberate. Feeling Aegon's eyes roaming your body always gave you a rush of excitement.
The first set you put on, the Verona Set, hugged your body perfectly. It was a corset style bodice with sheer black fabric. The lining was thick and bold, outlining and extenuating your curves perfectly. Black roses bloomed from the bottom of the cups and flowered just over your nipples. The thong dipped low but came up high with the black roses.
After you clasped the back, you turned to Aegon. "Do you like it, daddy?" You asked.
"Give me a little turn, I want to see it all," Aegon softly demanded. 
He was slowly bringing in his dom voice and it did not go unnoticed by you. You complied and gave him a turn, once again making sure to go slowly so he could drink in everything.
"Gods, you look so good and you still have three more sets to show me," he grinned. 
You could see the list in his eyes and knew he was holding back. 
You carefully took off the Verona Set and slid into the Medusa bodysuit. After seeing an ad for this pop up every now and then, you made a promise to get it. The Medusa bodysuit was all sheer nude except for the four snakes that slithered up your sides and over your tits. The heads of the tallest snake on each side also hid your nipples, which were slowly getting harder. They were aching to be touched but you held yourself down.
Aegon looked at you and reached out to brush a strand of hair from your face. "Fuck, I wouldn't mind you turning me into gold if it meant touching you. Like her, you are far too beautiful to be a goddess."
Clasping your hands behind your back, you twirled a bit in place waiting for him to say more.
"This one is just as sexy as the other, kitten. If it keeps up like this you might get four new things today."
Turning around, you let Aegon help you slide out of the suit. His hands caressed the sides of your body as he pulled it down. He kissed down your neck and shoulders before reaching your back and stepping away. Aegon knew that if he stayed too close to you he'd lose it. 
Unlike the Medusa bodysuit, the Freyja Bodysuit was a little more complicated. There were side clasps but you needed Aegon to help you out. As soon as he did, he took his spot back against the door to get a better view of you. It was a delicate off the shoulder silhouette, once again with sheer black fabric. Its back was completely open and the front had two center keyholes with two rings, both connecting the opposite sides of the keyholes.
When you turned to Aegon his eyes were wide.
"I want to rip this off of you so badly, kitten," he growled. "You're being such a tease."
"I wouldn't be such a tease if I didn't have to give you a show, daddy," you countered with a smile.
"Trying to be cheeky, kitten?" He pulled you in close. You could feel his breath in your neck as he whispered, "Keep it up and see what happens." Aegon roughly let go of you and gave you a quick slap on the ass. "Last one to show me and then we can go home, I promise. Although, I'm not sure about that reward, you got a little mouthy there, kitten."
You turned around with your eyes wide, "That's not fair!"
"Tsk, tsk, tsk, that's what happens to little kittens who tease their daddy," he smirked.
You huffed as you unclasped the suit and put on the last set. As you held it you knew Aegon wouldn't be able to keep his hands off of you. The Smokin' Mirrors set had three pieces, a high waisted thong, a bralette, and a shrug. Black flames burned from the bottom of the cups to just above your perky nipples. 
As you put the shrug on you pretended to struggle and turned to Aegon. "Daddy, I think I need help," you said with the biggest doe eyes. "I just need you to do the clasp around my neck." You looked up to give Aegon room to clasp it. Every breath you took was heavy and you were sure Aegon could feel your heart racing. 
Aegon's hands rose to the base of your neck as he grasped both sides of the shrug and pulled them together. He couldn't help but run his hands over your arms and down your body.
"You are so fucking beautiful, kitten," he whispered.
Smiling at him, you leaned into his touch. You pushed your chest up ever so slightly, trying to get him to touch you where you wanted him the most.
A smile tugged on the corners of his lips as he finally brought a hand up to brush your nipple. A whimper left your mouth as he circled the sensitive bud with his thumb and gripped your waist hard with the other hand.
"And you're all mine," he growled.
Aegon's lips crashed into yours. No gentless, just pure, aggressive passion. One hand pawed at your breast while the other roughly grabbed your ass. He traced your lips with his tongue before forcing himself inside your mouth. As you pushed against him you could feel his hardness underneath his jeans.
"Don't you see what you do to me?" He said when he pulled back. "You drive me fucking crazy. You and your lingerie and your little show you put on."
The hand on your breast moved up to your neck, unclasping the shrug. Once the shrug was off, his hand gently wrapped around your neck and applied the tiniest bit of pressure. A quiet moan escaped your mouth.
"Oh, you like that, kitten? You want daddy to take you here?" He released your neck and went back to massaging your breast.
"Yes, yes, daddy please," you cried.
Aegon silenced you with a kiss. "Quiet, kitten. We wouldn't want anyone to find us, would we?" 
You shook your head as you desperately tried to grind against him. He leaned in for another kiss but turned away so you kissed his cheek instead.
"Be a good little kitten and strip for daddy. Take everything off except those thigh highs," he commanded.
You took a step back and made a show out of stripping. Swaying your hips back and forth, you ran your hands up your body to play with your breasts before unclasping it and letting it fall to the ground. Aegon grunted in approval as he saw your perky nipples, straining from the coolness of the room and the arousal taking over your body.
Stepping over the bralette, you bent over to pick it up and give him a complete view of your ass. You were about to stand up and take off the thong when a strong pair of hands pulled you so Aegon's chest was flat against your back. 
He kissed down your neck and bit down on your shoulder. 
"You're being a tease again, kitten. I think you need a reminder of who I am."
He took a small step away from you as he undid his belt. Your eyes were glued on his hands. You loved that belt, whether it was used to tie you up or to smack your ass. Even watching Aegon take it off sent shivers down your spine. Once the belt was gone you dropped to your knees and pawed at his jeans.
"Does my little kitten need daddy's cock?"
"Yes, yes, please, daddy. I want to taste you," you all but begged.
Aegon let you pull his jeans and underwear off, revealing his thick hardened length. It was red at the tip and leaking a bit of pre cum, which you happily licked up. His head got the attention first, being sensitive and all. You loved how it looked, so ready to be taken in by your mouth. Your lips circled the head as you licked the tip. 
Aegon groaned, "I already told you not to be a tease, kitten." He pulled your head away and dropped his role for a second. "Three taps on my thigh and we stop, okay?"
You nodded your head, "Yes, daddy."
He grinned. "Good, go back to my cock like the whore you are."
You put your lips around him once again and slowly started to bob your head. You couldn't take all of him in, so whatever you couldn't get with your mouth you used your hand wet with spit. 
Aegon tried his best not to thrust into you but he couldn't take it anymore. His hands grabbed your hair to steady you as he started fucking your mouth. You closed your eyes and tried to relax your jaw.
"Breathe, kitten," he reminded you.
You took a breath through your nose as he picked up speed. 
"Fuck, you take my cock so good. You're so good to daddy," he gasped. "Can't wait to feel your tight pussy around me."
You could feel him in the back of your throat, deliciously opening you wide. He pulled out of your mouth and helped you up to your feet before slamming his lips onto yours. His hands danced along the edge of the thong. You whined and moved your hips trying to get him to touch you through the thong. Instead of his fingers caressing you, you got a slap to your clothed cunt.
"Patience, kitten," he said between kisses. 
You groaned again but stopped moving your hips. Aegon smiled against you as he finally slid the thong down your legs. 
He held the soaked thong in his hands. "Did sucking me off really make you that wet, kitten? You ruined such a nice piece of lingerie," he chided.
You stood in front of him bare. "I'm sorry, daddy," you said in a small voice.
"Don't worry, daddy will make it all better," Aegon smirked as he dropped to his knees.
Grabbing your thighs, he nudged your legs apart and looked up at your glistening cunt.
"I'll make you forget your mistake, kitten, I promise."
You gasped as he laid an open mouthed kisses on your folds. His tongue darting out every once in a while to stimulate your clit. All of his attention was soon on that pearl and you had to bite your knuckle to keep yourself quiet.
"I wish I could hear those pretty sounds," Aegon said between sucks. "When we get home I'll make sure they're loud."
He slowed down just enough for you to think you'd be fine removing your hand. As it fell to your side Aegon shoved two fingers into your pussy and continued his assault on your clit.
"Daddy - Daddy, please," you strained out.
"Please, what?"
"Fuck - please - fuckkk."
Aegon pulled away from your clit to look up at you. "Finish on my face, kitten," and he dove back in.
Pleasure was building up inside you, your hands were tightly balled into fists. When your knees started to buckle, Aegon grabbed your sock-clad thigh to keep you up. You could feel him go faster, you knew he wanted to finish hard. Your head leaned hard on the wall behind you and your fist came back to your mouth. If it wasn't for the support of the wall and Aegon below you, you would've fallen with how hard your orgasm was. 
Aegon licked up the rest of your arousal the raised his fingers for you to clean them.
"You're such a good kitten, aren't you?" He praised. "Now that you've cum on my face it's time for me to fill you up." He stepped away from you. "On your hands and knees, kitten," he smirked.
Obediently, you got on your hands and knees. You stuck you ass up and wiggled it at him out of anticipation. 
"Look at you, so excited to take my cock," Aegon said as he fisted his cock. 
When you felt him rub his length up and down to gather you slick you couldn't help but whine and try to push back against. He was quick to grab your hair and lean over to you.
"You will take what you get. No one likes a greedy kitten," he whispered. 
Aegon didn't give you a chance to respond after letting you go. You felt the magnificent sudden stretch of your pussy as his cock tore you apart. He gave you a moment to catch your breath before picking up the pace. 
His hands were gripping your hips as he whispered praises. "Such a good girl, taking my cock so well. Gods you're perfect, you're perfect and you're mine," he said between pants. "Tell me you're mine."
You barely registered what he told you to do because he was hitting that sweet spot so good.
"I'm - fuck. Fuck, daddy I'm - fuck please!"
"Words, kitten. I asked you to say something."
The pressure was building. Heat continued to pool within your stomach and Aegon's balls were smacking your clit with every thrust. You couldn't think, you could barely talk. He always got you drunk on his cock.
"Daddy, daddy, daddy please! Fuck, daddy, I'm yours. I'm all yours and I love your cock," tears were starting to run down your face.
"Good kitten," Aegon grunted. "Now cum with me."
Digging his fingers into your ass, he picked up his pace, fucking you deep and hard. Nothing made sense to you, nothing except for Aegon. He kept hitting that sweet spot over and over again. You loved it when he was hard with you and loved it more when he finished inside you. Thank the gods for birth control.
With one last thrust, the coil inside you broke, pleasure raging through your body as Aegon shot his load into you. He fell forward but caught himself with both hands on either side of you. You came down your high but the small twitches of his cock kept you sensitive.
As he pulled out you couldn't help but pout and whine over the loss of his cock inside you. Aegon helped you up before putting his underwear and jeans back on. After you shimmied into your clothes Aegon hugged you from behind and rested his chin on your head.
"Guess we'll have to buy all four sets, huh, kitten?" He asked.
You blushed and melted into his touch, "I guess we will." You pulled out of his slightly to hold your hands behind your back and sway from one foot to the other. "Thank you, daddy," you said with a smile.
He picks up the bodysuits and sets, making them look nice and neat, before opening the door for you. As you walk towards the check out counter he leans in to give you a kiss on the cheek but lingers a bit longer.
"Tonight I want you to wear the Verona Set, I want to tie you up while you're wearing that."
You glanced at him and smiled, you couldn't wait to get back home.
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sweetbillwriting · 2 years
The Real Deal
Part 7 - What She Does Best
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Characters: AU Single Bill Skarsgård. A version of Bill where he becomes single 2017 and with a different timeline. AU Skarsgårds and others. The rest is my own original characters.
Setting: The story will jump from 2001 until present day. This chapter jumps between 2017 and 2020.
Warnings: 18+, alcohol, smut, sex work, slut shaming, talk about the pandemic.
Notes: It really means alot that some of you engage in this story. It's really inspiring. Thank you 💗
Cassie sat quite uncomfortably on the high chair. She was forced to sit with cross legs because of the shortness of her skirt but the chair's footrests were too low so she just balanced on a stiletto heel. It was her first date as a sugarbabe and she had picked her outfit carefully. She wore a black suede skirt with a sheer crop top over a lacy bra. She wanted to look like herself but a sexier version. She had topped it with a pair of stiletto boots with a pointed toe. The guy was just a few years older than her, working in IT. They had met at a French bistro to eat oysters and drink champagne. It felt like a thing she would do with Bill so she felt comfortable. The guy actually reminded her of him. He didn’t possess that unique beauty that Bill had but he was just as tall and pale and fidgeted with everything he could reach. He watched her like she was a goddess of sex and it made Cassie feel that it was right. That doing it wasn't so weird after all.
"Have you lived here in New York for a long time?" He asked while dragging his napkin between his fingers.
"Like four years. You?"
"Just a year. I haven't really learned the city yet…"
Cassie nodded and thought to herself that he probably was lonely, that's why he was seeing her.
"Do you party a lot?" He asked and took a swig of the champagne.
"No… It's really not my thing."
She didn't want to tell him that she didn't really have any close friends. That the ones she called friends would probably disappear when she got a new job. The only close friend she had was Bill.
"Maybe you do other wild stuff?" He asked and bit his lip. She started to understand where he was going and with some nerves she laid her hand on his knee.
"I can be wild with you."
He closed his eyes and shuddered with delight.
"What are you wearing under that skirt, bad girl?” He asked with a low voice. She moved a little, spread her legs so he could see the lace hem of her thigh highs. If he leaned down he would also see the black lace of her panties, which he did. His eyes were heavy and once again he reminded her of Bill.
"Fuck… You are the sexiest girl I've met. I just want to play with that pussy. You're shaved, right?"
"Yeah," she said and tried to be natural even if it felt odd that a guy talked about her pubic hair in a restaurant.
"What do you do?"
"What do you mean?" Cassie felt stupid. Wasn't it sex he wanted?
"Bondage, spanking, threesome, anal, water sports… You name it."
He definitely didn't remind her of Bill when he talked like that. Bill could joke about sex but he would never ask such thing and definitely not without getting pink in the cheeks.
"Oh… I don't do butt things, or pee and… those things."
The guy smirked and nodded a little. Cassie tried to hide how nervous she’d gotten but she could see that he noticed.
"Too bad but I still want to take you to my hotel room if that's okay?"
She tried to put on that sexy role again and smiled.
"That sounds good."
It was obvious what they would do in the hotel room and the guy didn't even try to hide that. As soon as they were in the room he was on her. It wasn't unpleasant but not impressive either. He wanted to show himself as sexy, dominant and a bit mean but he fell flat. Cassie was near laughter every time he tried too hard to be some sort of Mr. Gray but she faked it. Everything from the fire in her eyes to an orgasm. Maybe Bill had taught her some acting under their long friendship.
They had an awkward goodbye, the money he had already sent to her Paypal at the restaurant. She left him pleased, drained and with a confidence on fire. She went home with 800 dollars, blushed ass cheeks and a new experience. Maybe she should have felt ashamed. She was a whore now, literally and had let a guy call her that while emptied his seed on her face but she just had spa treatments and Chloe handbags on her mind. A facial for a facial.
Bill laid a hand on Cassie's hips, he didn't need to guide her because she knew what she was doing, he just wanted to feel with his hands how her hip bones moved. He was fully hard now and could see that Cassie was so wet her panties stuck to her skin.
"You're a big boy, right?" She said with a mischievous voice while crawling down to lay between his long legs. Bill didn't know what to say so he just smiled. Cassie looked at the imprint on his boxers. It was obvious he was big but not scary so, just the way it probably would fill her up better without being a struggle.
Bill watched her get closer and closer to his erection and then felt her lips through the cotton. He felt his muscles tighten up causing Cassie to look up at him while dragging her tongue over the fabric.
"You're going to tease me forever, am I right?" He said with a strained voice. He knew Cassie well so of course he knew she would tease him. She didn't say anything and instead sucked his tip through the fabric. When it was completely wet from her saliva and his precum she looked up at Bill who had leaned his head back and breathed heavily.
She dragged his underwear down and he lifted his hips to help her. When he was bare she looked at him with big eyes. It was the first time she was seeing him totally naked. Sure, she had seen his ass in the shower, even caught glimpses of his balls while dressing but never like this. He was beautiful. He was nothing like a Greek god but in a good way. His limbs were too long, his muscles too slim and his cock too big. He looked at her and took her hands in his.
"My turn to see," he said with a cute voice and dragged her up on her knees. He had seen glimpses of her naked body, like that day in the hotel room but never for a long time. She looked at him and suddenly felt nervous. She had done this with so many men yet still she got nervous when it was with Bill. The way they did it was also so foreign, never had a guy asked her to take off her clothes so softly, so respectfully. She took her top off and then her panties. She didn't succeed in doing it sexily and felt a little embarrassed but Bill didn't seem to react to it, he just watched her body but then searched after her eyes.
"You're so beautiful." He sat up just to kiss her softly and Cassie felt herself blush. All of her regular tricks were forgotten and she felt almost virginal with him. They continued to kiss while Bill softly explored her chest, long soft fingers kneaded her flesh and teased her nipples. A smack sound was created when he took a break from kissing to drag her up in his lap. He did it easily and without being rough.
Cassie smiled and dragged herself against his hairy thigh and moaned when she felt the hair tease her clit. Bill breathed heavily and kissed her chest, licked her nipples and pinched them a little when they had stiffen. He let her drag herself over his thigh but she could feel his erection twitch against her leg.
"Bill… Can you fuck me now?" She said pleaded while Bill kissed from her chest up to her neck.
"Don't you want me to play with your pussy?" He looked into her eyes. The words didn't even sound dirty when he said it, they sounded so cute she wanted to kiss his face, so she did.
"Just give me that big cock now."
Bill wasn't in a hurry but he noticed Cassie was. It felt good knowing that she was so attracted to him even if he wasn't a Big Daddy. He flipped her around easily so that she was under him. He looked down at her pussy and even if she had said she just wanted his cock he crawled down.
"Can I just taste you? Please?" He looked up at her with big eyes while taking a grip around her knees. She nodded a little and watched him push her legs back so he could look at her pussy closely. To her surprise he pushed his nose against her and breathed in her scent.
"That smells so good," he said like he just sniffed something tasty. She giggled a little but it became a moan when he used the tip of his nose to tease her clit. He laughed a little but it just made a pleasant vibration on her pussy. He dragged his tongue a few times from her opening to her clit and when he stopped Cassie became disappointed even though she had been begging for his cock before.
He crawled up again and with a boyish smile he kissed her. Cassie couldn't stop herself from tangling both arms and legs around him and when she felt his cock poke her she guided him to her opening. It was a bit of a stretch but just in a pleasant way. Cassie had slept with bigger but it had never felt like it did with Bill. She moaned loudly in his ear and she felt herself clenching at once.
"Oh god, oh god…" she said not only with pleasure but also of the shock at how he made her feel. He worked himself in and out at a slow pace because he noticed she already was close.
"Faster," she said and looked up at him. She felt so small but safe under him. Not because of tricks like dominance and spanking but because of his size, his strength and the eagerness to please her. He speeded up his thrusts but also their strength. He sucked his thumb and brought it down to her clit. He just dragged it over her for a few seconds when she came undone. Bill came just by watching her.
Arlanda. How many times had she been there now? The first time she went to Sweden she went with her aunt and then her mother got her home. She was eleven years old, dreamed about looking like a Bratz doll and refused to cut her hair. It was wild and tangled and not at all as pretty as the Bratz dolls'. She didn't play with the dolls but collected them and put them in a glass cabinet in her room. Maybe it was there her love for fashion started. That was also the year she met Bill. Wild, kind Bill. Generous and funny. He had asked her to be his girlfriend but she said no because he was too short. The irony is that he became 6 foot 4 inches tall and she now was the one that wanted him.
Cassie knew exactly which way to go out from the airport and what bus to take. Luckily for her the bus came a bit early so she didn't need to stand out in the cold winter weather. The ground was slippery like there was dish soap on it. Cassie was close to falling when she put her bag in, even if her boots' heels were thicker and lower than they used to be. She loved Sweden but the weather in winter was terrible, even worse than London's. Inside of the bus she looked out at the pine trees along the road, covered with snow and ice. She needed to call Bill but didn't dare. She came without notice and didn't know how he would react. They should have ended their friendship or it was what his girlfriend believed. They had texted a bit after their phone call so he knew she was single again. While texting she noticed how he started to get comfortable. He liked to have someone making him dinner, giving him massages and doing his laundry way too much. The girl worked hard to make him feel blessed and maybe he was but Cassie couldn't forget about her Instagram behavior or that it seemed like she was now going to lock Bill down when he was so young and just started his career. She knew a jealous monster was also behind her, smirking while she made excuses to not like the woman.
With trembling hands she called and listened to the tones. It felt like they were extra long this time and already after the second tone she thought about hanging up.
"Yeah?" Bill answered. He had borrowed his dad's office and sat making notes to a script.
"Hey, how are you?" Cassie said with a weird voice. Bill furrowed his brows and leaned back in his chair.
"I'm good. Just working a bit."
"On what?" Cassie was saying anything to keep from confessing that she was in Sweden and that she was on her way to him right at that moment.
"Eehh… Well it's something different, a dark comedy. Even a bit romantic?"
"Really? Can you do that?"
"Ha! I don't actually know. I'm not that funny but I should try?"
Cassie smiled a little and looked at her red nails.
"Sure you are funny. I love your humor and you make the silliest voices and facial expressions. But Bill…"
"Mm?" He had started to look through the script again.
"I'm in Sweden…"
He looked up like she sat opposite him.
"You are?"
"Yeah, I need to see you."
Bill was quiet and stood up from the chair. They shouldn't even be in contact and now she was here?
"I'm going to mom’s over Christmas but I came here first. To see how you're doing." She looked nervously out from the window.
"Oh… Ehh… But Cassie… Our friendship is secret right now?"
"That's why we can meet at my hotel room?"
She had thought about putting on a lingerie set, maybe that burgundy colored one patterned with smooth velvet, and seduce him. She had met three guys now and it had made her confident. She knew she was sexy and that her flexibility was impressive but she couldn't do that to Bill. She didn't want to fool him and she didn't know what to do if he rejected her.
"I'll be in Stockholm in thirty minutes. Can you come tonight?"
Bill looked out at the white Stockholm. He could see Katarina Graveyard from the window and thought to himself that he probably would end up there soon. Either his girlfriend or Cassie would kill him.
Bill sighed but in the same breath he said okay. Cassie smiled and gave him the name of the hotel and started to look forward to seeing her Bill again. It didn't matter that he had a girlfriend, he would always be hers.
They met in the Christmas decorated lobby. It looked like it could be from a romantic comedy set. Bill stood in a puffer jacket and a black beanie pushed down in his eyes. It was obvious he was trying to make himself more invisible. Cassie walked down in just her socks and dressed in leggings and a hoodie that was Bill's. She didn't really know why she put it on, maybe to show him that they belonged together.
"Hey," she said and covered her hands with the long sleeves of the hoodie. Bill didn't take his hands out from the pockets of the jacket so she knew he wouldn't hug her.
"Hey, show me the way," he just said and walked to the elevator. It felt like he was cheating and tried his best to not look like he was having an affair. He didn't mean to be unpleasant to Cassie, it just got that way.
Finally in her room he took off his outerwear and then sneaked up on her to give her a hug. She smelled like vanilla and something more expensive. It wasn't on purpose but his hand dragged over her chest and he could feel that her soft breasts were free from a bra.
"I miss you Bill," she said and played with the drawstrings of the gray hoodie he wore.
"I miss you too," he said and dragged his hands over her waist. He felt his heart beat hard in his chest but explained that as just joy to see her again.
They laid down on the bed. First they talked about regular things; Christmas, their families and jobs. After a while they got more comfortable, laid down face to face closer to each other. Cassie continued to play with his drawstrings and he dragged his hand over her hip, almost down to her bum.
He looked at her in silence, he knew why she was there. To stop him from making mistakes he couldn't take back.
"...I will end it after Christmas," he suddenly said and continued to drag his hand over her hip. Just seeing Cassie made him make the decision. He didn't know why but he felt younger with her close and knew when he looked in her eyes, her lips… He just knew it wasn't right. Cassie didn't smile, it felt off to do it when he actually would break someone's heart but she nodded encouragingly. Bill sighed and looked up at the ceiling and took Cassie's hand that had played with his hoodie and pressed it against his chest.
"But you must take care of me now, she has spoiled me so fucking much."
Cassie laughed a little and kissed his cheek. "Always. In every way."
Both of them reacted on how suggestive it sounded but none of them said anything about it.
What were they now? Not one of them asked and neither of them really wanted to know what the other felt. Bill wasn't sure if he was in love with Cassie. He had strong feelings for her, he was really attracted to her but he had always been, even when he had girlfriends and felt like he was in love with them. It was hard to know if she was just his best friend but with the rawest sexyness he had ever seen or if his feelings were deeper than that.
Cassie knew she was in love with Bill but was afraid what that would lead to. She was an escort and couldn't just stop being that, her whole life depended on that income. She didn't know how he would react to such a thing either. She didn't think he would judge her but he maybe felt it would risk his name and reputation. The gossipers would love it if it came out that he dated an escort. It was better if they didn't put a name on their relationship, then she wouldn’t need to tell him about how she earned her money.
As usual some time passed before they met again. He would visit her after he had been to Sundance. She wanted to surprise him by doing what she did best. She looked around in her lingerie drawers. Much of it was gifts from men, especially Jan Wahl who seemed to have a kink. Could she wear them for Bill or was that odd? Some of the most dirty ones were from men; see through, crotchless and patent leather. It didn't really feel like Bill or was that just what she thought? He was a good guy but he maybe had just as much a dirty mind as some of her clients. She still chose a safe card, baby pink with black laces but chose not so safe shoes. She had bought them at a tacky store in Brooklyn that mostly sold sex toys. It was the classic stripper heel, high platforms made out of plexiglass. They were awful to walk in but she hadn't met one guy that didn’t love them. Maybe all of them wanted to sleep with a stripper.
Bill's eyes were also on it's way to fall out when he saw her; dressed in thigh highs and a matching garter belt. He looked at the shoes and at the fine material of the lingerie. She had never seen his eyes so big and for a moment she wondered if he didn't like it. Bill didn't know what to say. He was a bit tired, dressed in just a knitted sweater and jeans while she looked like she was ready to film a porno. He had fantasized about her in those luxurious lingeries he had looked through but was not ready for her dressing like that for him, and especially not in those shoes.
"Hey Billy Boy," she said with that voice she taught herself. She enhanced her British accent with a Marilyn Monroe like voice. Bill smiled and looked a bit confused but aroused.
"Hey..? What is this?" He looked around the room like he didn't dare to stare at her anymore.
Cassie walked up to him and took his chin between her thumb and index finger.
"I've been horny all day… Thinking about that cock so much…" she said it whiny, like a child asking for candy. It was obvious Bill wasn't used to that sort of act but how his cock pressed against the rough denim told her she shouldn't stop.
"Can I take off my clothes first..?" He whispered and patted the dark blue peacoat.
"I can help you," she said and bit her lip. Bill looked at her still with big eyes, down at her tits and down on the shoes again. He wasn't prepared at all for this. He didn't even know if they would continue to sleep with each other. He nodded a little and Cassie slowly began to take off his jacket and helped him with the shoes. When playful fingers started to unbutton his jeans he just breathed heavily while she sat down on her knees in front of him. He was impressed she could move that way in those shoes and that made him even harder. How could she be like this? She was so sexy it felt surreal. Right in the hallway she pulled down his jeans and well manicured nails dragged over his thighs. He looked down at her and his instincts took over so he pulled off the sweater but also pulled off his boxers along with his jeans. He wasn’t thinking anymore, just followed what her eyes told him to do.
"Is this for me?" She said with a low voice and took his cock in her hand. Bill still didn't say anything, he just nodded and breathed heavily.
"I do like hard packages," she teased and started to jerk him off slowly.
Slowly she let drool from her mouth land on his shaft to use as a lube. He had started to leak precum but that she licked up with a wet tongue. Bill had a hard time standing straight and used the wall to hold himself up.
"You taste so good…" she said with a moan and dragged her tongue over his cock like she couldn't get enough.
"Do you know how wet I am?"
Bill still didn't answer, just watched her play with his cock and balls.
"Do you?" She said again and licked his tip.
"Hm? No…" he said and dragged a hand over his face.
"My panties are so soaked… I can feel it on the inside of my thighs…"
"Yeah?" He said and smiled a bit. She nodded while spinning her tongue around his tip then in one motion she took him all in. Bill moaned loudly because he wasn't prepared for her to deep throat him all at once. Most girls he had been with needed time to get used to his size. She sucked him like she did it daily. He threaded his fingers through her hair but realized quite fast he couldn't stop himself from pulling in her hair. He didn't know if she liked that but when she started to speed up her pace and at the same time played with his balls he couldn't stop himself. He was louder than he used to be and was so drunk on pleasure that he didn't even react when she spread his legs more so she could tease his asshole with her tongue. One of his ex’s had done it before but it hadn't been so special then but Cassie used the flat of her tongue to rub it and the tip to tease the rim and he felt himself get closer to an orgasm.
"I'm going to..!" He just said and Cassie looked up at his face; squinting eyes and open mouth. She continued to suck him until finally she could taste the salty essence.
She looked at the same face a few months later; squinting eyes and open mouth but this time she saw it on her phone screen. She could see his arm pumping while the orgasm took over. Cassie wasn't really in the mood to masturbate and had just helped him. Playing with her tits and talking dirty while he rubbed one out. She had been through hotter stuff but Bill seemed quite use to having his sex life over a screen and now it was even better because Cassie was so good at talking dirty and entering a role. Bill breathed out heavily then looked at her with a lazy smile through the screen. He layed in bed while Cassie sat on her sofa. He was in Sweden, she was in New York.
As soon as Bill had come Cassie felt the annoyance creep on her again and Bill could probably see it.
"Cassie girl, what is it? You know, you don't need to stay there. You can come here."
Cassie sighed. It was kind of him but she was known for her stubbornness.
"No, I have my job here."
"You lost your job?" He sounded a bit insensitive and it made Cassie even more annoyed.
"They said we would get them back when this shit is over."
"But like, weren’t they talking about a lockdown? Do you really want to be alone there?"
"So I should just leave my job because of some stupid…"
"Pandemic?" He sounded amused by her annoyance and Cassie almost wanted to hang up.
"Isn't everything closed there? Like, do you have anything you can do?"
"The whole world is closed, Bill!"
Bill sat up in bed, exposing his naked chest for the camera.
"Sweden isn't."
Cassie was quiet. It sounded nice like it always was in Sweden. Bill was out eating at restaurants, had job meetings and worked out at the gym but Cassie didn't want to leave New York. Because of stubborness, but also because she still had one job left and she needed it to pay her ridiculously high rent. She hadn't taken any clients yet because of her and Bill's relationship but he didn't seem to be rushed with putting a label on it so why should she stop working?
"It's not that easy Bill. I don't live in Sweden, I can't just stay there."
Bill was quiet and looked around the room desperately. He wanted Cassie there but at the same time he knew that meant they must have the talk. He didn't know why but it scared him. It scared him to think of Cassie as something else than his best friend.
"Can't you go to your mom?"
"Bill, I don't want to. Okay?"
Bill nodded a little.
"I should sleep now, I have a meeting early tomorrow. We can talk soon, right?"
"Of course, Billy."
The both of them hung up with a bad feeling in their stomach. Bill because he really missed her but didn't understand his own feelings. Cassie because she needed to sleep with someone else even if it felt so wrong. She thought about how Bill would react if he knew that she stayed in New York just to sell sex to rich men. Bill deserved better than a glorified hooker.
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planetdream · 2 years
Okay, so this is partially because I just got a bunch of new sets, (the dark green is my fave, so pretty~ 🤤) but what color do you think the boys partner could wear that would make them go feral? 🤔 Like, guaranteed, 100% each time. For example, I think black would work on Chan, because he also likes that color, but he could also favor a color that just looks good on them. Thoughts~? 🚪
ok ok i had to sit down and really THINK for this one...
— chan, obviously likes black lingerie. it's simple and still as hot as ever. along with him liking whatever color looks good on you as you said, i also think he likes white and pinks, too. it honestly doesn't need to be too extravagant if he's honest—a cute little mismatched bra and panty set gets the job done <3
— minho omg, i think with him, he appreciates darker colors. i think he's all about deep reds and purples, and also dark green. i think a nice dark blue could get him out of his pants really quickly too. if im honest, just you in lingerie is enough for him to go feral fr. and something about seeing you wear corseted lingerie...#yeah
— while i think changbin would prefer seeing you completely naked, he strikes me as the type to like blues and greens on you, but also is very interested in purples and redish-pinks. i also think he's a complete sucker for those panties with the crotch cut out. like srsly...wear a shirt of his and spread your legs to show what you've got on, and he's gonna lose his mind.
— i think hyunjin likes reds and pinks as well. a nice creme color isn't too bad, either. ooo... maybe even a sky blue or a nice purple too. idk, he just strikes me as someone who likes brighter colors. likes cute little babydoll sets because he thinks you look the sweetest in them and he just wants to take care of you and make you cum a couple times <3
— for jisung, all shades of red just completely do it for him. he also strikes me as someone who would like to see you wear coral or some type of orange color. really, no lingerie is needed, you just have to hint at sex and he's already as hard as ever. tbh he doesn't care what type of lingerie you're wearing as long as he gets to keep your panties (and maybe put them in his mouth)
— felix just seems classic to me—he likes white lingerie. preferably a pearl type color (and if the garments have pearls on them, that's a plus). i think pastel colors—maybe a mint, a baby pink, lavender, or a nice baby blue—he's into more bright, "happy" colors. regardless, he's an absolute sucker for thigh highs and/or garters. *AHEM* MAKE HIM WEAR LIN— [TRAIN PASSING]
— for seungmin, i think it depends on the type of set you're wearing. any type of leather or anything with multiple straps has to be black or the deepest shade of red. anything with lace, and it can be dark or light colors, it doesn't matter. i think he really likes lingerie with lots of straps because it speaks to his inner sadist ahah <3
— sweet jeongin doesn't care much for lingerie—so whatever color you want to wear is fine by him, it'll be on the floor anyways. so i don't think there's a specific color that gets him going but as far as the lingerie itself goes? anything that's just extra revealing. it could be a cute sheer robe and he's over the moon bc he can tell you're not wearing anything under it.
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eijishimas · 3 years
caught red handed.
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18+ nsfw content. minors dni. all characters are aged up.
content warnings: f!reader, college!au, masturbation, mentions of alcohol, voyeurism, daddy kink, bit of a handjob, bit of oral (m!receiving), filming, slight degradation, creampie, one (1) instance of bakugou slapping your pussy.
notes: happy belated birthday to my bestie, @rekiri . you deserve the world and so much more, you’re sweet and hilarious and i fucking love talking to you, whether we’re joking or being more serious. i know you told me not to, but i really wanted to write something for you as a gift (because ya girl is a bit of a broke bitch). ik it’s not eren, kiri, or reki, but i hope you like this piece regardless. i love you, even if you annoy me to death, you whore /j. this one’s for you <3
wc: 2.6k | inspo (nsfw link): xxx
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Everyone knew college was stressful. Deadlines nearly every single week, assignments and essays, not to mention attending classes brought a whole new wave of anxieties for students every single day. Sometimes that stress was either doubled or relieved by having a partner for a project or two. Luckily for you, you and your old high school classmate Katsuki Bakugou were paired up for a project for one of your Quirk Law classes. It was a research project, one that required a forty slide presentation. You were headed on your way to Katsuki’s dorm today to work on it at the time you agreed upon: 5pm. Then you two would study together for upcoming midterms. It was all planned out down to a tee. So at around 3:50pm, Katsuki knew he had time. He figured he needed a break from his Rescue Tactics Indoors II class, otherwise his brain would begin oozing from his ears.
Pushing aside his overpriced textbook, he rolled his shoulders back, hearing the cracks of his stiff muscles while he stretched at his desk. He let out a sigh, propping his chin up on the palm of his hand as he scrolled mindlessly through his socials. Mina had posted a Throwback Thursday post, an old one of him and you back in your freshman year of college. His nose twitched in annoyance as he recalled the parties, more specifically Denki Kaminari’s birthday party, where he had gotten so drunk that the walls melted and bent before him. Katsuki’s expression changed however, as he swiped through the collection of photos to stumble across an image of you and him. Have you always worn dresses that tight? You practically had your ass out from how short your garment had been cut, tits threatening to spill out of your low hanging neckline. Not only that, but Katsuki had an arm slung around your shoulder. His smile was stretched wide due in part to the alcohol in his system, but also because you were standing next to him. You were laughing at something Mina had said behind the camera, your hand tossed against the slightly unbuttoned shirt Katsuki had worn that night. Your fingers had brushed against his toned chest and he scoffed at the thought. Slowly but surely, memories of that party flooded back to Katsuki in waves.
They were mostly recounts from Kirishima and Mina, but apparently you two had made out in front of everyone that night. He swiped left again, swallowing dryly as he saw just that. Your manicured fingers were wrapped tight around his party shirt, tongues in a deadly dance of want and desperation for each other. Katsuki’s eyes grew as he noticed that the photo hadn’t cut out the part where he had been kneading your ass through that skimpy dress of yours. Immediately, Katsuki went to Mina’s dms demanding to take down the photo. And she did, thank god, but not without sending Katsuki more than ten photos of you and him making out at the party. He clenched his jaw, anger and a low desire plaguing his conscience. Glancing to the top left corner of his phone, he noted the time. 4:10pm.
He had time.
Saving the photos to his gallery, he pushed his chair away from his desk to have some fucking breathing room. His eyes flitted down to his sweats and as he expected, there was a tent forming. He groaned, wiping the sweat from his palms off on his pant leg before languidly beginning to palm himself through his clothes. His breaths quickened, chest stuttering as he looked to his phone displaying the photos of you and him. There’s a faint recollection in the back of his head of how you taste. Like cherries from your glossy lips, like vodka from the shots you took off of Denki earlier that evening, how you moaned into his mouth the night you had drunkenly kissed.
Katsuki tugged the waistband of his sweats down, allowing his previously constrained cock to breathe. It slapped against his stomach, heavy and leaking. Shit, he didn’t remember being this horny at the beginning of this. Spitting into his palm, he lubed up his dick as best as he could on short notice. His eyelids drooped as he swiped through the pictures like a filmstrip, a montage of all the best moments he had with you at that party. You grinding on his lap, you whispering dirty ideas you wanted to do with him later, you, you, you…
Katsuki squeezed his aching shaft, fisting his cock as precum dribbled down his slippery head. His face was an uncanny shade of crimson, a testament to how horny he was all for a few old pictures of the two of you. “Y/n.” He swore he barely recognized his voice from how breathless and needy it was. He continued to pump his cock, the only thoughts replaying in his mind were perverted fantasies of you bouncing on his dick hard enough to hear the slap of your ass cheeks against his abs.
Tapping the screen of his phone twice to zoom in, he admired your curves with pursed lips. Fuck, you really were gorgeous. Everything about you radiated a sinful nature he could never put his tongue on. You were tempting him, licking flames up his body with such intensity that made him shiver. He cursed, thumb drifting over his slit as he hissed. Fuck you for being as ravishing as you were that night, fuck you for making him feel so goddamn needy for your-
“Bakugou, I was about to text you but I remembered you were studying today, so I figured it would be okay if I came a bit...” your words trailed off. You blinked rapidly in an attempt to process the scene unfolding before you. Katsuki Bakugou, holding his dick in his hand, face on fire with a deep blush, his other free hand secure around his phone with- was that a picture of you from your freshman year of college? There was a beat of silence, Katsuki’s uneven breathing the only sound in the room aside from the low drawl of the ceiling fan over both of your heads. You gaped at him, tongue darting out to wet your lips upon realizing his hand hadn’t stopped moving. If anything, you saw his hand flex around his cock, further tightening his grip as you stood right in front of him.
“What the fuck-”
“What?” he beat you to the punch, his lips twitching into a devilish smile, “Don’t like what you see?” His confidence knocked the air out of you, your bewildered attitude showing true on your features. Your body feels warm, searing beneath his gaze. “Excuse me?” you squeaked out, overcome with both curiosity and a hint of lust for the ash blond.
“Are you gonna fucking help me or not?” His pride was refusing him to be flustered, not when he was this feverish for you. He needed the upper hand, he needed control over this situation. And it seemed by how you were shifting your weight from side to side, that it was happening just as he wanted. Who were you to refuse such an offer from Katsuki Bakugou?
And that’s how you ended up here, nestled between thick, muscled thighs with your hand wrapped around his throbbing cock. He had you spit over his dick, his entire shaft gleaming in all its glory as it stood to attention in your grasp. The flash of his camera burned your eyes as you suckled on his crown, hand continuously jerking his cock while he ravenously watched you through the screen. The guttural groan that escaped him was nothing short of music to your ears, your thighs tensing as the coils of heat continued to build and knot between your legs.
“Mm. Keep going like that, take it. All the way in now, like a good little slut,” Katsuki instructed, his voice slicing through the heavy atmosphere of desire. The words make you whimper, enveloping his sensitive head in vibrations while you lick around his slit. A large hand cupped your face, forcing you to make eye contact with the ash blond behind the camera. His black tank top truly had no confines over him, since it was tight enough to see the outlines of his pecs and ripped torso. Katsuki sure worked hard to maintain his appearance, but you knew he had the strength to back those muscles up. The thought of him completely dominating you, holding you with strong arms and pinning you down with his body made your pussy even more wet with your slick than it already was. Even from how you were on your knees, Katsuki possessed an unspoken will over you. You wanted to please him, make him feel good, make him have no good reason not to give you everything he had to offer.
You took your lips off of his head with a little ‘pop’, eyes wide and expectant as a string of drool connected your bottom lip to the tip of his cock. Bakugou’s smile grew, making sure your face was completely in frame and in focus. “Dirty girl,” he hummed, thumb tracing the apple of your cheek before guiding your lips toward his twitching cock. You slowly kissed the vein on the side of it, mumbling out four words:
“Your dirty girl, daddy.”
The moment the words left your mouth, Katsuki let out a low, gravelly moan. It was as if a switch inside him had flipped. Without warning, he’s pulling you off the floor and sitting you down in his desk chair instead. He’s a bit rough, his vision clouded by the sheer want to fuck you until you were screaming his name, until his name was the only word your pretty little brain could recall. He abandoned his phone and instead had his hands drop to the armrests of his desk chair, encasing your body as he towered over you. Your skirt was immediately shucked up your waist and Katsuki’s hands went to work on your panties. He ripped them off completely, tossing them aside without a care as to where they went. He gazed down at you with fervour, licking his lips at the sight of your dripping cunt.
“Who’s pussy is this?” he coaxes with a grin, teeth shining. His hand slipped between your thighs, his index and middle finger tracing up and down your slit. Goosebumps erupted across your skin, your thighs instinctively closing around his hand. Your face bloomed with warmth, eyes darting away from his cocky demeanour, “Baku—”
Your body jolted as a firm smack was delivered to your sensitive pussy, a wet, lewd sound meeting your ears as he did. It made a high pitched, whiny moan be pulled out from your throat.
“Try again,” he ordered, tone demanding and almost condescending. His lips ghosted yours yet he never had any intention of moving close enough to seal the gap between the two of you. You whimpered, eyes meeting the dark red irises that were staring straight through you.
“‘S yours, daddy.”
“Now that’s a good fuckin’ girl.”
His lips found yours, teeth tugging at your bottom lip hard enough to make the warmth in your stomach double. The liquid heat had been building ever since you walked in, and you were fairly certain that you weren’t going to last much longer.
He hooked your knees over his elbows, biceps flexing as the muscles in his arms supported your full weight. He picked you up with such ease, your arms flying around his neck as you squeal, gasping at how little effort that took him. He was a pro-hero in training, of course he had practiced lifting people up no matter their body type or size. Either way, it didn’t matter to him. He thought you looked rather angelic clinging onto him regardless. He wasn’t even breaking a sweat with his hands spreading your cheeks, grunting as he adjusted you in his arms. He slid slowly into your slick cunt inch by suffocating inch, your walls fluttering and enclosing around his throbbing cock. Katsuki’s breathing was unsteady, eyes watching your expression intently in hopes that this new position would give you as much pleasure as it was giving him. His ego was running rapant from how you were holding onto him for dear life. You were practically shaking in his grasp, mouth open in an ‘o’ shape as all you could do was gape at how deep he reaches within you. You were keening, eyes hazed with lust and nails digging crescents into his shoulder blades hard enough to make him hiss.
When you finally catch your breath and adjust to his size, you give him a curt nod as an indication for him to start moving. Slowly, he lifted you up off his cock until his head kissed your entrance before allowing gravity to do most of the work. This position had his cock nudging your cervix and it made the knot in the pit of your stomach squeeze further, threatening to snap with every loud smack of his balls echoing through his dorm room. He pistoned into you like that, reaching deeper to rearrange your insides. It was like your entire body was being engulfed with pleasure and fire. He took in your face, how it scrunched in pleasure, hair sticking to your face as you mumble out how much you want to cum, how much you need to cum.
“Fuckin’ tight just for daddy, hah?” he cooed to you, “You wanna cum all over my cock like a little slut? You were watching me from the door jerking off for you. Dirty fuckin’ girl. Who’s making you feel good? Say it. Spit it out.”
“You!” you moaned, your head feeling light from the way the veins on the side of his cock rubbed your walls, “You, daddy. Please let me cum. I w- wanna cum!”
“I can’t hear you,” Katsuki rumbled, eyes steeled before you unmoving and unwilling to give you permission just yet. “Please!” you begged, “I’m a dirty girl. I’m your dirty girl, daddy! Please let me cum!” You were too engrossed in your pleasure to have any semblance of shame. Katsuki grinned. That’s what he wanted to hear. He let out a tiny ‘tch’ before uttering out, “Then cum, slut.”
Without another word, you let out a final wanton moan, gushing around him as the liquid heat finally expels from your body. Your orgasm hits you in waves, your body quivering with each new sensation as you hold Katsuki’s cock within your cunt. Your nails leave angry red marks along Katsuki’s shoulders, ultimately sending him hurtling towards his own release.
Cum dripped down his twitching cock, your chest heaving as your legs feel like jelly. Tingles shot down your spine as Katsuki pumped rope after rope of his sticky cum well enough to paint your inner walls white. He helped you ride out your high, delivering harsh bitemarks to your neck to leave a mural of hickeys claiming you as his. The smile he gives you is cocky, prideful, and arrogant. He placed you back down on his desk chair, your thighs still going through the aftershocks of your high. Reaching for his phone, he tapped the app icon for his camera. He knelt down, chuckling as your fingers slid between your legs to spread your lower lips for him. His cum seeped out past your slit, leaking down to your puckered asshole.
“There we go. Aren’t you daddy’s good girl, hm?”
Tiredly, you nodded.
“‘M daddy’s good girl.”
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all works © eijishimas 2021. do not reuse, modify, or repost.
@lonleyweeb77 @cynthus-no @lonelyheart-cluband @smhhyung @stoopidnekobish @kiridarling @kirislilrock @baku-deku1 @hajisuu @damnitcrowley @foruthemoon @peaxhcringe @justanotheruselessextra @izukuuarchive @katsuki-kitten @shokoarashi sorry i couldn’t tag all of you!
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2goth2moth · 3 years
Any sort of smut with a naga or feral mothman like creature please and thank you
Anon, you said "naga" and my lil scaly heart got so happy. I have no idea if this is even remotely in the realm of what you were looking for, but I just couldn't shake the idea of a human prince with a harem full of monsters. I hope you enjoy!
The Prince's Favour (M!Naga x M!Reader, NSFW)
For reference: Enéas is a Brazilian rainbow boa. I was 100% going to have a blowjob scene in this but rainbow boas have backwards hooked teeth (think fishhooks) that are designed to not let things back out, and having that near your dick sounds like a very bad time.
Word count: 3514
Includes: Power dynamics (prince x concubine), non-human genitalia, rough sex, double penetration, a little bit of crying
Being the youngest prince in a kingdom with a still-living king could be overwhelmingly boring. Matters of state were passed to your parents and eldest sister, matters of security to your next oldest sibling, infrastructure and agriculture to the next oldest, twin brothers. Your bloodline was long and vital, which was very good for the kingdom’s longevity. It was not so good for keeping you occupied. Your role, as well as your youngest sister’s, ended up being almost completely performative, with official duties being limited to keeping up a royal education and looking pretty beside your family during public appearances. The whole arrangement left you with a lot of free time to eat and draw and lounge about.
And have sex.
It was normal for royalty to have lovers or harems, if they wanted to and their spouses were okay with it. You yourself had several lovers, all of whom you enjoyed and cared about deeply. One of whom was currently lounging invitingly on your bed as you did your best to capture his likeness in paint.
“Enéas, beloved, can you hold still for me?”
The naga groaned, the muscular coils of his body shifting slightly as he did. “I’ve been sitting for hours now. When you called me, I didn’t think it would be for this.”
“Ten minutes, then we can do something else. I swear.”
The look that he shot you was long-suffering, but he settled back into the purposefully relaxed position you had directed him into earlier after taking a sip from the goblet beside him.The whole thing was mostly an act. You had been summoning him to your chambers to sit for this painting on a regular basis for the past month, and no matter where the sessions ended (often with you wrapped firmly in his powerful body), you never put on any airs about what those first few hours would entail.
Golden sunlight shone through gauzy curtains and spilled onto Enéas’ skin, setting the scales ablaze. The round black marks that lay over red scales the colour of baked clay were already beautiful, but under the sun’s rays he was cast in a rainbow sheen, every scale shimmering like an oil slick. The creamy scales of his underbelly flowed from his face all the way down, flashing like pale moonlight between his darker coils. Naga rarely wore clothing, they had no real need to, but Enéas had certainly developed a taste for finery during his time in the palace. Fine, sheer cotton, dyed snowy white and rich yellow, draped around him like woven light, held in place by gold clasps. Cuffs set with precious stones circled on his wrists and biceps, and a beautiful metal collar engraved with intricate patterns lay flat against his throat.
“You’re staring, little prince.”
The rasping taunt broke you out of your stupor, and you realized that your eyes had been locked on him, paintbrush unmoving on your canvas. You finished the stroke you had started with a careful flick. Stepping back a little, you surveyed what you had done so far. The hours spent on the portrait had been worth it, and even though it wasn’t done, you could stand to be finished for the day.
“I was distracted,” you said. “You were distracting me.”
A cheeky grin split Enéas’s face. It was hard-edged and full of sharp, hooked teeth, stretching far past what it would have on a human face, but managed to be as lovely and charming as it was frightening. “I have no idea what you mean. I was only sitting here, just like you asked me to.”
“Sitting there in a very distracting way.” You wiped your hands on the sturdy apron you wore before untying it and discarding it messily to the side. “We’re done for today, you can relax now.”
“Finally.” He stretched his arms above his head and groaned loudly before flopping back and letting his eyes close. The movement sent his whole body rippling in the sunlight, and the sight made your mouth go dry.
You strode towards the bed, closing the distance quickly to sit beside Enéas on your plush bedspread. He didn’t even open his eyes when the mattress dipped under your weight. With a feather-light touch, you traced the features of his face with a thumb. The transition from red to white around what would be a hairline was first, the gradient of the small scales dipping low on his forehead and contouring under his eye sockets, the way it pulled back on his temples. The flat bridge of his nose, his sharp jaw, the mouth stretching almost the entire way along the hollows of his cheeks. He just barely leaned into every touch, doing a very good job of pretending like he didn’t care about you sitting next to him and touching him like he was something precious. Each one of his breaths fanned upwards, over your face, and it smelled like the sweet lime cordial he drank moments before.
Your thumb continued its path around his face until it caught on the center on his bottom lip. One of his eyes drifted open, pupil an inky slit on yellow-green sclera, and he parted his lips just enough for his long, forked tongue to flicker out. It wound around the digit, brushing against your knuckles and the sensitive skin between your fingers. Cold spit cooled even further on your skin as Enéas licked over your hand. In a single swift movement he dipped his head forward to take your thumb fully in his mouth. You froze. His lips tightened around it and he sucked, tongue still working you over. You could feel your cock start to fill and you pressed in and down, putting the slightest amount of pressure on the floor of Enéas’ mouth. A low, raspy moan rumbled through him, eyes fluttering closed and back arching prettily.
Putting more pressure on his mouth, you hooked your thumb behind the bone of his lower jaw and forced it down, exposing hooked teeth and making his tongue loll. “Get me ready, beloved, and be thorough.” You leaned down to press a sweet kiss to the edge of his scaly jaw. “I want both of them today.”
Enéas’s eyes snapped open. His pupils were blown wide in excitement and arousal, and he flickered his tongue out over your skin again before pulling you down next to him with firm hands. Those same hands didn’t hesitate to begin roaming over your body, making quick work of the fastenings keeping your tunic and trousers closed before pulling his own scant clothing off.
“It would be my pleasure, Your Highness,” he said. The sound was already breathless, and sounded so beautiful that it hurt.
He stripped you of your clothing with an impossible combination of speed and reverence, each touch against your skin burning with affection. Pushing you fully onto your back, he slithered around you, smooth scales dragging against your increasingly bare skin until you lay cradled in his strong coils. A heavy tail coaxed your legs apart as large hands began mapping a path down your body. They skimmed over your throat and chest, pausing to tease each of your nipples to full hardness, and drifted lower, caressing your waist and stomach, scratching soft patterns onto your hips and buttocks, before landing on your thighs. His cool, clever mouth soon followed. A sloppy, open-mouthed kiss landed above your pulse, then the base of your neck, trailing cold saliva over your shoulders and down your breastbone. You moaned quietly, unbidden, and your back arched up off the bed, eyes fluttering closed. Your world narrowed to sensation: the chill on your skin, the plush mattress underneath you, the smooth rasp of scales around you. Enéas’ hands lovingly massaging your thighs.
Your eyes shot open with a gasp when you felt his mouth close around one of your nipples. You could feel his smile against your skin as he suckled on the hardened nub. A little jolt went through you as those wicked teeth grazed over the delicate skin, your cock twitching where it now lay fully erect on your belly. One of his hands wandered up to play with the flushed head, dipping into the pre-cum pooling under it before raising his hand and licking his fingers clean.
Gripping his chin, you dragged his face up to meet yours. “I believe I told you to prepare me, Enéas.” The way you said his name managed to land somewhere between sweetly teasing and bitterly displeased. “We may be lovers, but I am still a prince. This may have been my mistake, though, maybe I wasn’t clear enough for you.” You pulled him up further, tucking your mouth beside his ear so that you could whisper directly to him. “Prepare me, my love, and do it nice and thorough. After you’re done, you will fuck me, with both cocks, until I can’t speak or until you fill me with your cum. Whichever comes later. Am I understood?”
Enéas smiled, pupils completely dilated, and dipped his head down to kiss you. It was salty and bitter from your pre-cum, with the barest hint of the lime cordial underneath. “As you wish, my prince.”
He sat back and lowered himself so that he was lying on his front between your legs. The coil of his body that had been pressing one of your legs open dug in harder, pulling your thigh even further out, and he threw your other leg over his shoulder to get better access between your cheeks. His big hands dug in and pulled them apart, exposing your tight hole to the air of the room. He breathed over it, pressing wet, biting kisses onto the supple flesh of your ass before slipping his tongue out and running it all the way from your hole to your balls. The long, slender fork in the muscle wrapped around you, almost delicately, spreading cold saliva over your balls and the base of your shaft. The chill was a brief shock against your skin that sent sparks zipping through you, making you drop your head back onto the mattress and forcing your breaths out in stuttering pants.
Enéas continued alternating between licking at your rim, just barely breaching the ring of muscle with the tips of his tongue, and suckling gently at your sac, each motion drawing desperate little noises out of you. It felt wonderful, but it was nowhere near enough. Somewhere in your mind you had a brief argument with yourself about whether it would be worth it to abandon all semblance of power and control that you had in order to grind your hips back on his face. On one hand, you were royalty, even splayed naked on your bed, and you liked to hold onto that for as long as you could. On the other, the feeling of his cool scales and wet, fluttering tongue was very rapidly driving that particular thing down your list of concerns.
All of that was wiped from your mind when you felt the blunt tip of one of Enéas’ fingers, slicked with oil from a vial he must have hidden somewhere on him when he started moving. It circled your hole slowly, deliberately, pressing just inside every so often, coaxing the muscle to loosen with practiced care. You wanted to squirm, to tense up under the teasing touches, but you forced yourself to breathe through it and relax as much as possible. This earned you a raspy noise of approval and a kiss to your sensitive inner thigh from your naga lover.
Seconds later, it also earned you one of his gloriously thick fingers carefully worked all the way inside you. Your back curved off the bed, a quiet moan spilling from your lips. He pumped it in and out a few times, just starting to open you up enough for him to continue. As soon as you relaxed, unconscious fists unclenching from the bedspread, a second finger, thick and wet with oil, joined the first. He twisted the two about inside you. Each motion dragged the subtle ridges of his scales along your inner walls, and when he crooked his knuckles deep inside you, you arched up with a breathless moan.
“Ohhhh, fuck.”
Enéas’ head emerged from between your legs, and he smirked at you as he began scissoring his fingers, stretching your rim, brushing up against the spot of blinding pleasure on every thrust. “Well, Your Royal Highness? Am I pleasing you now?”
“You would be pleasing me more if you got on with it,” you snarked at him. He grinned back at you, the tremor in your voice and the way that your whole body had begun quivering betrayed your pleasure too much for him to ever believe that you were honestly upset.
“As my prince wishes.”
He raised himself so that he was braced overtop of you, and he rubbed the head of his upper dick over your entrance. You hadn’t even noticed him teasing his cocks erect and out of the slit that usually kept them hidden, but it wouldn’t surprise you if that was what he had been doing with his other hand while prepping you. A sweet kiss to the corner of your mouth was the only warning you got before he pushed into you with near-maddening gentleness. His cocks were more slender than the average human’s, but they were longer, and were covered with nubby barbs of flexible cartilage that caught deliciously inside you whenever he pulled back. He started rocking his hips into yours, getting deeper and deeper with each stroke, dick not close to filling you up but the barbs stimulating you plenty all on their own. You moaned slightly each time he drew back, cock leaking even more pre-cum between your bodies. Waiting until he was fully seated inside you, body flush against your ass, he began gently massaging your hole, the muscle already stretched tight around him. He moved his fingers in sync with his shallow thrusts, slowly but surely opening your hole enough for him to slip his second cock inside.
You were moaning even more loudly now, shuddering noises of pleasure leaving your lips every time Enéas fucked into you or pressed in on your entrance. His finger disappeared from your skin briefly after a particularly rough thrust left you panting and teary-eyed. You whined at the loss, wriggling further back on his dick. Another rough drive of his hips sent your back arching painfully, mouth dropping open as his index finger slipped into you alongside his shaft.
“Nngg, ah-- fuck, so-oo good,” you mewled.
Enéas started fucking into you with even more ferocity, making your whole body move every single time his hips slammed into your ass. Your cock slapped up onto your stomach with an obscenely wet sound, and left wet smears of clear fluid on your skin each time it hit you. The sounds coming out of you were starting to sound desperate, morphing from regular moans of pleasure to pitiful little whimpers and gasps. You were so overwhelmed by the way that his cock reached so deep inside you and caught so gloriously coming back out that you didn’t even notice a second fingertip tease your rim. You didn’t notice it until the smoothly scaled digit thrust into you alongside his first one. The feeling of it, the stretch of your rim definitely painful now, ripped a shattered cry from you.
Your whole body was tensed up, chest heaving with panting breaths. “Oh shit. Enéas, I’m going to…”
The hand he had been using to hold himself above you darted downwards and locked in a tight ring around the base of your steadily leaking cock. The crescendo quickly building in the pit of your stomach was stopped in its tracks, and you wailed at the blocking of your orgasm. Enéas smirked wickedly at you before lowering his mouth to graze lightly over one of your nipples.
“Patience, little prince,” he chided, “Just hold on a little longer, and you can cum on both of my cocks.”
Each word he spoke was punctuated by him driving his barbed shaft into you and scissoring his fingers wider and wider. Somewhere in the haze of your almost-climax he had stuck a third finger into your hole, and all of them were now stretching you out as far as you could go. His big arms wrapped around your back and he aggressively hoisted you upwards, forcing you to wrap your legs around his body. He slipped his fingers out of you, and almost immediately his lower cock replaced it. The shaft was thicker, the head a little more bulbous, and it filled you up so wonderfully next to his other one. Once he was fully seated, he went still to let you get used to the intense stretch inside of you. You tried to wriggle about in his arm to get him even deeper inside of you, but he used both arms to grip you tight to his body, keeping you still. That mouth of his kept lovingly licking over your chest, going slack to let saliva leak out over his lips and onto your skin.
With a firm grip on your hips and an almost painful amount of care, Enéas lifted you up until only the heads of his dicks remained inside of you. Realizing what he was about to do, you stopped writhing in his grasp, relaxing as much as the position allowed. He hissed a thanks into the thin skin above your breastbone. A slight shift of his weight so that all of his coils lay firmly beneath him, and he lowered you almost all the way down onto him. He pressed sweet kisses to the base of your sternum, then each of your nipples, then to the side of your throat. Settling his face into the warm crook of your neck, he began to raise and lower your along his shafts, using your body to fuck himself to completion.
This new position made his cocks reach impossibly deeper inside of you, spines rubbing against that sweet spot with each stroke. You dropped your head forward against Enéas’ shoulder, moaning loudly. With his previous fierce grip on your tortured cock gone, you felt your orgasm begin to build again. Clear pre-cum dripped out of your slick head and smeared between your bodies. He kept bouncing you on him, breath coming out ragged against your neck as he chased after his own climax.
“Holy shit-- that’s so good…”
Your mouth hung open as heat bubbled up in your gut. You tried to warn Enéas again, but all that came out was a strangled gasp of his name before you were cumming between your bodies with a cry. His sharp mouth curved into a grin pressed into the skin of your shoulder as you went boneless in his arms. He kept driving your body down onto himself mercilessly, paying no mind to your limp form. Your eyes filled with tears and drool leaked from your slackened jaw as you were driven to complete overstimulation from him using your body.
“Mmmmhh-hngg....AH!” You moaned desperately, squirming in his arms, trying to get away from the feeling of his cocks inside you that was quickly starting to get painful. Your hole was fluttering erratically around him, and the grip that Enéas had on your hips stuttered, betraying how close he was.
“My prince, I’m…” he managed to grunt out before he pulled you all the way onto his cocks and came inside of you, clutching your body close to his.
His twin dicks twitched against your sensitive walls as thick white cum spilled inside of you. You wailed at the sensation, your own spent cock trying fruitlessly to twitch erect again. Enéas held you against him for several minutes, catching his breath, before he carefully lifted you off of him and laid you down on the now-soiled sheets. The spines on his shafts caught on your puffy rim as he pulled out, making you wince. Your belly was still sticky from your own orgasm, and gobs of Enéas’s cum leaked from your hole, making you feel even filthier. You were completely and utterly fucked-out and content as you lay there in a warm stupor. Cold lips kissed away tears that you hadn’t noticed had fallen, and a hand rubbed comforting circles into the back of your neck. He shifted his body to wrap around you in heavy coils that felt safe and warm, despite his cold blood. You stayed there, cradled against his familiar body, being covered in soft kisses and soothing caresses, until the shaky aftershocks of both of your climaxes dissipated. Once they had, you curled onto your side so that you could nuzzle your face into his scaly neck,
“So?” Enéas whispered into your ear, peppering the side of your face with affectionate pecks. “Did I please you, my prince?”
“Mmm,” you hummed, nibbling on his jaw slightly. “You absolutely did, beloved.”
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bibblelevi · 2 years
i'd imagine kitty levi is still meticulous about cleanliness-
So what im saying is imagine dolling him up in a little maid outfit complete with thigh-high stockings
Warnings for kitty Levi, hybrids, sub Levi, impact play, anal play (plug), humiliation, maid outfit, lingerie, punishment, pet play
Fuck you. This will never leave my brain now.
God he would act so embarrassed. The frilly skirt so short that you can see the lacy fabric of his black panties and the straps holding up the sheer stockings. His leash dangles between his pecs, ribbons crossing back and forth over his back where you’ve cinched in the top half of the “uniform”.
When you’re almost finished dressing him, you give him a few scratches behind his ears. He blushes furiously.
“Over my lap,” you whisper into his ear.
He swallows but obeys, finding himself in a position all too familiar at this point. Humiliation burns brighter on his cheeks when he feels cool air over his ass—you’ve flipped up his skirt and are now tugging the thin lacy strap of his panties to the side. Two well-lubed fingers massage his tight entrance.
“Spread yourself open, Levi.”
His fingers tighten around the bedsheets, a near-squeal leaving his lips when a harsh slap lands on his ass. The sting spreads quickly, followed by a second, much harsher blow.
He fumbles but understands immediately, spreading his ass like commanded.
“Was that really so hard for you?” He feels your fingers sinking inside. You always enjoy stretching him open. You always take your sweet, sweet time.
You feel around and find that spot, and he keens forward, his body snapping taut then going completely limp. His cock, painfully hard, starts leaking in no time, until the front of his panties are completely soaked through.
“You’re so worked up, baby,” you tell him. A disappointed mew follows the removal of your fingers, but he’s quickly silenced by a new, much thicker toy entering him. It stretches him wider than anything you’ve used before, and he grunts through the insertion, trembling profusely where he lays. “Look at that. If only you could’ve seen how beautifully you sucked in that plug. It looks so pretty, Lev.”
You give his ass another slap, this one more loving than punishing, before letting the band of his panties snap back into place, effectively trapping the plug.
“Sit up.”
He does, a scowl trying to twitch onto his features. The look is overshadowed by the deep red hue of his cheeks and neck.
You place your hands on his thighs and let your finger sneak under his skirt, until you’re feeling over his cock. “You soaked through your panties, baby. You can clean those up later for me, okay? You can let them soak in your mouth while I fuck you.”
You find his balls and squeeze them harshly. Then a switch at the base of the plug is flicked and the low vibrations begin, right against his prostate. He jumps, biting back a curse.
“I want the entire place spotless by the time I’m finished with these documents, but that’s too easy for you.” He whimpers again, thighs tensing from another painful slap despite the separating layer of fabric. He can feel his cock pulse after the sting wears off, his head thick from arousal. “So, to make it harder, you’re not allowed to come. Do you understand?”
His eyes widen, and he tugs on your wrist. “That’s impossible. I’m already— “
“Find a way,” you say. “Or I will punish you, and it won’t be pretty.”
You reach for your laptop, shifting your attention elsewhere. He takes the hint. But something tells him you’re setting him up for failure—and that proves to be true later, when he fails to follow your only order.
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not okay, m | jjk, myg
full title: I'm Not Okay (I Promise)
pairing(s): yoongi x reader, ft. jungkook
summary: Jeon Jungkook fucked up. He talked shit about emo girls. Min Yoongi decides he's going to make him take back what he said, make him beg and plead and cry to be touched by the sexiest woman he knows. Never mind that you were a goth in high school and not an emo.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; established relationship (Yoongi/you); definitely a scheme to seduce a clueless JK; threesome smut (fem reader, D/s dynamics, m-masturbation + daydreaming, edging / orgasm denial, inappropriate (but wanted) touching in public, a lot of begging, hair-pulling, scratching / marking, thigh-riding, handjob, choking, ball squeezing, restraints, cowgirl, nipple play, handcuff and anal vibrator usage, doggy, little bit of m-receiving oral, finger sucking); tbh Jungkook is a mess, is forced to make messes, and likes it; fluff; shifts from all three POVs; black-haired, sub!JK x noona, dom!reader x blue-haired, dom!Yoongi
yes, there are My Chemical Romance references, I'm aware MCR don't like being considered emo, we know labels =/= how someone truly is; yes, it's PTD (emo for a hot second) JK and Yoongi
"Is that what you think?"
Jeon Jungkook flicked the long black bangs over his left eye, laughing. "Yeah, these are just extensions. I thought it would be funny. I don't actually think this kind of style looks good on me."
A sharp click of the tongue. "No, the other part. About women."
Jungkook blinked, bewildered. Then he slowly remembered, recalling his words. "Oh... I just meant I wouldn't be attracted to a girl with a more emo, edgy style."
The deep voice was sharp and accusatory. "You said it was cringey."
"Ah... well... a little?"
Those pointed, cat-like eyes narrowed dangerously.
"Uh... hyung?"
Min Yoongi frowned and stood up.
"We will see about that, Jungkook."
Jungkook watched him go, even more confused than before.
"Why did that sound like a threat...?"
Because it was.
The next time they went out to eat together, Min Yoongi brought his girlfriend with him. She didn't often tag along. When his friends asked Yoongi about it, he just laughed.
"It's because you guys are too fucking loud."
The few times she did come with him, she was relatively quiet. She had an unapproachable air about her, intimidating in the way that a single eye shift and locked-on attention could cause heart palpitations. Everything about her image seemed far too sleek and refined for everyday life. Her gestures, her walk, her style. Minimalist outfits, mostly white and black. It was obvious that she had a nice body, but none of her clothes implied that she was advertising it, at least when she was hanging out with her boyfriend's friends.
There was one exception.
She always smelled delicious.
Noticeable, addictive, gourmand, always making you turn your head just to smell it again. A hint of ginger to startle, followed by the warmth of marshmallow and the earthly scent of green tea. It blended with her skin, turning warmer and muskier as the evening went on, making you wish that you could smell the bedsheets that laid against that sweet-smelling body later that night.
Very troubling for Yoongi's friends for his girlfriend to smell like pure sex and then gaze at them with such intensity when spoken to, startlingly similar to Yoongi himself.
"Hello, Jungkook. Surprising that you're the only one here."
Jeon Jungkook was so stunned that his brain seemed to cease all functions. He was completely frozen, eyes and mouth wide open, not believing the sight in front of him.
His hyung was dressed normally. Black cardigan, white shirt, black jeans. His hair was light blue now, a cool-toned, steel azure. The color made his fair skin glow and his dark brown eyes stand out.
His girlfriend?
Her hair was loose and wild, partially covering the left side of her face. Dark eye makeup and dark crimson lips. Large, loose black shirt hanging off one shoulder, with a black leather choker and silver chain that clipped to the button placket of her shirt with a clasp. Her bra strap was obvious, meant to be seen, the delicate lace pattern molding around the top of the cup that was barely visible. The shirt was long enough to cover her ass, belted at the waist with a black leather belt adorned by a silver moon-shaped buckle. Sheer black stockings with seemingly intentional rips and sleek black velvet heels.
"Yoongi said you think emo girls are cringey," she chuckled, looking down at him, smirk on her plump, defined lips.
Jungkook sputtered, feeling his face burn. "N-No, noona, that's not what I meant, I–" He was attempting to restore brain function, but he was rapidly losing blood up top and it was gushing down below.
This had to be the hardest part of living.
"I had to remind him that I was a goth in high school, not an emo. They're slightly different."
She bent at the waist and adjusted the chair before sitting down next to him, giving Jungkook half a second to view her perky tits encased in black lace, her chest smelling so fucking good that he nearly passed out. He jerked his head away, glancing at Yoongi in sheer panic.
The older man gave him a completely blank expression.
Their previous conversation echoed in Jungkook’s head. We will see about that.
"The rest of them aren't coming today. I'm treating Jungkook," Yoongi was explaining.
His girlfriend tilted her head. "I thought you said Hoseok was coming."
"He was, but then something came up."
"Hmm..." She raised an eyebrow at Yoongi. He straightened his cardigan, noticing her discerning gaze, and raised one back.
It was only then that Jungkook realized they weren't sitting next to each other, but on either side of him, boxing him against the wall. Now Jungkook could smell Yoongi too, wearing a spicy, woodsy cologne that mixed with his skin to become warmer and more comforting, except right now it was scaring the shit out of him because he didn't understand why they weren't sitting next to each other.
He simply pointed to the empty chair in front of him, unable to finish his sentence.
Yoongi looked over to see what he was pointing at. "Hm?"
"You're right, I should move it so the server has easier access to our table."
And she dragged the chair to the side.
"Very considerate of you, Jungkook."
She smiled at him and he swore the proximity was causing his sanity to crumble to dust. He saw her tuck her black purse behind her perky, round ass. It had a small pin on it of a devil reading a book titled, Guide to Eternal Torture.
A cutesy yet ominous image.
At this point, Jungkook realized he was staring at her ass and the raised hem of the shirtdress, revealing the fact that the stockings were thigh-highs. The black garter straps were straining against her juicy thighs as she adjusted her long legs under the table.
He bolted out of his seat, mumbling and stumbling past her, the alluring scent of her perfume enticing him as he squeezed past.
"B-Bathroom, be right back!"
You watched Jungkook run off, clamping his hands below his stomach, raising your eyebrows as he and his tight black jeans sprinted to the bathroom.
You turned back to your boyfriend who was looking at the menu like it was the most intriguing piece of art he had ever laid his eyes on. You stuck your tongue in your cheek and breathed out, waiting for him to continue. Yoongi didn't look up. You didn’t really expect him to. You waited out of politeness.
"How long am I torturing him for?" you finally asked.
"Until he takes back what he said about you," your boyfriend responded dryly.
You laughed, shaking your head. "I don't think it was directed at me specifically. Does he even know that this is what I usually dress like? Or why you always tell me to dress simpler when I come with you to eat with all of them?"
Those dark brown eyes flickered up.
Yoongi's perfect lips curved into a small smirk.
You rolled your eyes. "Of course, he doesn't."
He lowered the menu, raising his chin defiantly as he spoke. "My reason is still valid. You saw how Jungkook acted. He a mess around you."
"I don't ooze sex, Yoongi. You're exaggerating."
He cocked a brow. "I beg to differ. I would wager he's jacking off in the bathroom right now."
He drummed the table with his fingertips, challenging you to bet on it. You waved a hand, dismissing the challenge. Wasn't like you could miss that tent. You circumvented back to the matter at hand.
"Did Jungkook actually say that? About emo girls being cringey?"
Yoongi shrugged. "Something like that."
You frowned. "Really? With his eyebrow piercing and tattoos? And his black hoodie and jeans?"
Your boyfriend went back to the menu. "Projecting, I think you called it?"
Yes, Jungkook washed his hands before throwing himself into a stall and touching his dick.
He wasn't gross.
Would be really great if his dick had calmed down on his own, but her perfume lingered on Jungkook's hoodie sleeve, just the faintest trace on his left arm, and he pressed it against his nose, inhaling.
Fuck, why does she smell so good?
His right hand was undoing his pants, his eyes and fingers closing in, focusing on his throbbing erection fighting his underwear. Maybe if he just touched it on the outside, it would be fine...
Her face popped into his head, complete with the little quirk of her eyebrow.
Jungkook shoved his hand into his boxer briefs and pushed them down, teeth biting his hoodie sleeve so he could smell her perfume as he stroked his cock, feeling somewhat dirty about it, but mostly violently horny. It wasn't like he could stop his brain. He couldn't go out there with a massive boner either, so he had to do what he had to do. It was only a few thoughts anyway, thinking about her thighs under the table and wondering how they would feel wrapped around him, wondering if she would let him rip those stockings off and bite those delicious legs, wondering if he could undo that belt and unwrap that body and press his nose against that sweet-smelling skin and taste it with his tongue, planting kisses over those beautiful breasts with her hand around his cock instead of his own, pumping him to her unforgiving pace, forcing him to moan into her skin, abusing his stiff length with her tight grip and expansive strokes, his hands gripping her soft thighs and his whines saturating the air, pleading, begging her to let him cum.
Would she edge me?
His hand abruptly stopped.
Jungkook used every ounce of willpower to avoid whimpering into his own sleeve.
His whole body was achingly tense, screaming at him to finish, but he refused, shoving his whole face into the thick fabric and breathing hard, clenching his jaw and his twitching cock, imagining her pretty face with a smug, sadistic smirk, those dark lips teasingly telling him he could finish inside her.
"What are you doing?"
The pale hand dance in the air, beckoning the waitress over.
You tilted your head. "Jungkook isn't back yet. You should wait for him."
Yoongi shrugged. "I know what he likes." His gaze flickered to you. "Meat."
You narrowed your eyes. Yoongi gazed back, unfazed. You knew that look. You knew how to read between the lines. To everyone else, Yoongi was a 3D puzzle with a million pieces, but to you, he might as well have been a children's picture book.
The side of his lips quirked upward, so faint you would have missed it if you weren’t looking for it.
He did have very nice pictures in his book. You'll give him that.
You ticked your right eyebrow so subtly that no one caught it but him. He, too, knew that to look for. His smirk grew, pleased at your wordless communication.
You were dating a real troublemaker.
You smirked back as the waitress arrived at your table, apologizing for keeping you waiting. One look from both Yoongi and you, and she nearly dropped her notepad, fumbling with the pen, cheeks flushing pink.
Trouble did tend to find trouble.
Jungkook had determined he hadn't done anything wrong. He didn't actually orgasm in the bathroom stall thinking about Yoongi's girlfriend while smelling her remaining perfume on his clothes as the said couple sat in the restaurant, awaiting his return.
Now that he mentally described it like that, it did sound kind of fucked.
He saw a blob of black in his peripheral vision and looked up to see Yoongi's girlfriend stride past him, fragrant-smelling hair drifting behind her, his head turning automatically to follow the sight, entranced by the movement of her hips and hair, only to find her glancing back at him, foxy smile dancing on those dark lips.
He swore she mouthed his name.
Maybe even said it?
Jungkook blinked and she was no longer looking in his direction, heading to the women’s bathroom and rolling up her sleeves, clearly going to wash her hands.
He was seeing things.
Just horny and delusional.
"I ordered the beef plate for you. If you don't like it, we can order something else."
Jungkook looked down at the streaming, sizzling platter of seared beef and vegetables, feeling his stomach growl as he sat down.
"No, hyung, this is great. Thank you."
"Hm, that's good. You can start eating, I'm going to wash my hands."
Yoongi began to stand up, brushing off his pants. Jungkook jerked his head up, seeing the older male push his chair back, light blue hair falling over his forehead.
"Um, h-hyung?"
Those dark brown orbs flickered to him.
Yoongi tilted his head.
"Erm... why is noona here? I thought you said… you were just treating me to a meal...?"
Yoongi tilted his head the other way, slowly, unreadable expression in those cat-like eyes.
"I am. I'm paying today."
He raised his head and smiled. Jungkook tore his eyes away from Yoongi to see her weaving through the crowd to make her way back to the table, silver chain hanging from her black choker glittering in the overhead restaurant lights, exposed shoulder and collarbone a stark contrast to her all-black outfit, body shape so exquisite that it wasn't only Yoongi and Jungkook watching her walk. Many pairs of eyes followed her wake, some shy, some unabashed and brazen.
"Besides, she is a treat, isn't she?" Yoongi purred.
She had made eye contact with Jungkook and her lips curved into a small, amused smile.
Any response he had to Yoongi’s words died in his throat.
"Too bad you think that style is cringey, otherwise you might have had a shot, Jungkook."
You sat back down as Yoongi waltzed off, gesturing to his hands, leaving you with the Korean equivalent of Steve Rogers from 1943 to 2011, complete with what you presumed to be a very nice ass if the rest of Jeon Jungkook was anything to go by. Ah, well, you trusted genetics. Surely nature would have blessed Jungkook with a good booty. You looked over to him. He wasn’t moving.
Wasn’t even blinking.
You snapped your fingers in front of his face and Jungkook started, jumping in his seat, his wide brown orbs shakily shifting to you. You made eye contact and he quickly looked away, swallowing hard.
Come on, surely, it's not that serious.
Jungkook ran a hand through his short black hair and snuck a glance at you. Or, more specifically, your chest. Ah. Was that it?
"Something wrong?" you asked, picking up your chopsticks.
"N... No...?"
You had to smile. Jungkook didn't even sound like he believed himself. You pointed to your collarbone.
"Too much?"
His brown orbs shot up. Silence. You locked eyes with him, keeping him in place. You witnessed his inner struggle now, trying to decide between what he thought was the right answer and what his instincts were telling him.
"Aren't you... uncomfortable, noona?"
You chuckled, picking up a piece from your pork belly dish and blowing off the steam. "Me? Of course not. People stare at me all the time. Might as well dress how I want." You dabbed the extra oil off on the side of the plate and brought it to your lips. Your eyes flickered to the younger man. He was still watching you, his own lips parted, wispy black strands over his forehead, accenting his dark brows and the silver bar piercing on the right side. Poor guy. Jungkook really picked the wrong man to project to, the one whose girlfriend never grew out of her goth phase.
You brought the meat close to your mouth.
Let your tongue snake out for a millisecond between your open lips.
His eyeballs nearly fell out of his head.
This is too easy.
You placed the hot meat into your tongue and closed your lips around it, chewing slowly, maintaining eye contact.
Not speaking.
Yoongi was surely overreacting to something Jungkook probably didn't think too much about before saying it, but that was fine with you because Yoongi told you to cause some trouble. You liked causing trouble. That's how you got Yoongi. Trouble attracted trouble. Still, he had something planned. You could tell. Maybe even guess.
You smiled at Jungkook and he gulped so loudly you could hear it over the sizzling meat.
Otherwise you might have had a shot, Jungkook.
What did that mean?
Jungkook was having a mild panic attack throughout the entire meal, even when Yoongi suggested they get beers. His girlfriend was driving, so only he and his hyung drank as they ate. They barely talked. Jungkook’s brain was too busy trying to break down the meaning of the mysterious phrase, replaying Yoongi’s words over and over.
You might have had a shot.
A shot at what?
What, exactly?!
Jungkook snuck a glance at Yoongi’s girlfriend and she was looking back, cocking an eyebrow when they made eye contact. He flinched and peeked at Yoongi's expression. His hyung was chewing his beef slowly, staring into space.
Have had a shot.
Maybe Jungkook needed to do shots to be a normal human being at this point.
"You're pretty quiet today, Jungkook."
His dick twitched in his pants.
Jungkook threw one thigh over the other and mashed his dick between them.
"Ah... sorry..." he mumbled, fixated on his beer glass.
Yoongi rapped his forearm with the end of his chopsticks. "Look at people when you talk to them."
Jungkook swallowed and looked up at her. "S-Sorry, noona."
She tipped her head and frowned slightly. "Is there something wrong? Did I say something to make you upset?" She looked apologetic. "I'm sorry if my presence is ruining your time with your hyung."
He jerked his head to said hyung. Yoongi prodded at something in between his teeth with the end of his chopstick and gave Jungkook a confused look, as if to say, what are you looking at me for?
"Um... no," Jungkook finally said, shaking his head and turning back to her. "No, noona. I'm glad you're here. It's really nice to see you."
"You're barely looking at her."
His ears burned at Yoongi's dry remark.
She perked up, pointing to her collarbones. "Is this bothering you? It's too much, isn't it?" she chuckled, jingling the chain on the choker and making his dick jolt between his clasped, jean-covered thighs. "You really don't like this style, huh?"
Jungkook darted his eyes to Yoongi, who pointedly stared back, giving him zero context clues except for reminding him of what he said before the meal.
A shot.
“Uh, that isn’t it, noona. Ah, actually…”
Jungkook chewed on his lip nervously, focusing on her instead of Yoongi. She turned her body, giving her full attention to him. He couldn’t tell if that was better or worse. The guilt ate away at him. Minutes passed by. So many, in fact, that it was getting awkward. His neck was on fire, his ears were red-hot, he was pretty sure his cheeks were flushed, and not from alcohol, yet he still he couldn’t say shit to those dark eyes and crimson lips, trapped by the gaze of the woman in black, feeling like he just booked himself a room in the Hotel Bella Muerte.
“Are you okay, Jungkook?” she asked, shadows of an amused open-mouthed smirk on those lips.
Was he?
“Er, yeah… I’m okay,” he croaked, coughing to clear his throat.
Yoongi snorted.
Jungkook shook his head quickly, letting out a small growl of frustration. “Actually, no, noona, I’m not okay.” He rubbed his forehead and exhaled hard, biting his lip as he faced her questioning expression. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said the style you’re wearing is cringey, because it’s not. It’s really not. You look amazing. You always have, but you look extra cool and sexy today and I feel really bad saying something like that because I should have thought about how other people could look and pull off that style, but I didn’t, I was only thinking about how stupid I looked when I was fifteen and I assumed–”
Her hand shot out and she pressed two fingers to his lips, silencing him.
“Shh,” she hummed, fully smirking now. “You assumed and thus you got yourself in trouble, didn’t you?”
She’s touching me!
Jungkook jerked his eyes to Yoongi, who was nibbling on his last piece of steak and ignoring Jungkook’s panic. He added a bit of the sauce and popped the meat in his mouth, chewing slowly. It was like she and Jungkook weren’t talking at all or, rather, Yoongi wasn’t concerning himself with it.
Her fingers slid down, pressing into Jungkook’s lower lip.
He very nearly made a noise, quickly darting his gaze back to Yoongi’s girlfriend.
“Hey, Jungkook.”
Why was she saying his name like that? Like… like she was sexing it with her tongue or something? Oh, shit, he was going crazy. He had to be. It was all in his head. She must be saying his name normally. Had to be. Yoongi’s girlfriend? Flirting with him? No, no, absolutely not. And certainly not in front of Yoongi. Even if his hyung was pretending to be deaf, he was definitely not deaf. Yoongi was the kind of guy who would smack a stranger looking at his woman funny.
It was all in his head.
Her fingertips slid to the side of his lips, tracing the shape.
R… Right?
“You think I look extra cool and sexy today?” she mused, licking her lips.
Jungkook could smell her perfume off her wrist. Sweet, musky, seductive. His thighs were so tightly clasped together that Jungkook was pretty sure his dick was pointing straight down with how erect it was at the moment.
“Ah… w-well… a b-bit…?”
Jungkook yelped as cold water flew into his lap, immediately spreading his legs as the glass tumbled onto the tabletop. Yoongi swiftly stopped it, sighing exaggeratedly.
“Ah, my bad, that was quite clumsy of me…”
“Shit, Jungkook, are you okay?”
Her fingertips left his lip and he could finally breathe, only to squeak sharply as hands planted firmly onto his thighs and crotch, bunched-up napkins dabbing the excess water away, quickly soaking it up with the paper.
“You should be more careful Yoongi, sheesh…”
“Sorry, Jungkook, here, take these.”
Jungkook vaguely registered Yoongi saying her name apologetically as well, but at the moment he was not okay, very not okay, he promised this was the most not okay he had ever been in his entire life as Yoongi’s girlfriend mopped up water from his inner thighs and crotch, molding her hands around his dick, yes, his actual straining hard-on was being touched by her hands and it was getting harder by the fucking second, her hurriedly wiping the water off, acting like this was completely normal and not like his cock was trying to rip out of his pants.
“Ack, noona, w-wait…!”
He tried to sit up and Yoongi’s hand came down on his shoulder, holding him in place.
“Good idea, get under his ass just in case.”
Jungkook nearly blacked out as her napkin-covered hands slid under him and cupped the inside of his legs and bottom half of his ass, patting around. Her palms cupped his balls for a hot second.
He was fucked.
Utterly fucked.
Jungkook whimpered in his throat.
Her hands immediately stopped.
She looked up at him, very serious. “Am I making you uncomfortable?”
Jungkook shook his head from side to side so quickly that his vision blurred. “Yes.”
She shared a glance with Yoongi. The older man sighed and stood up, squeezing his shoulder as he leaned down to Jungkook’s ear.
“You want her to keep touching you or not?”
Jungkook’s eyes widened, jerking his head to Yoongi. Those dark brown orbs looked back at him, demanding the truth.
“I didn’t spill that water for nothing.”
It was only then that it dawned onto Jungkook.
This was a set up. He was being set up. His hyung had set him up.
This whole fucking thing was a set up.
We will see about that, Jungkook.
She was cleaning his seat off and gently tapped his thigh. “It’s dry now. I think you’re okay.”
Jungkook decided that he really did not care about being set up. He did not give a single shit that he fell for it wholly and completely like a gullible idiot. He whipped his head back to Yoongi’s girlfriend, who was sighing ruefully, giving Yoongi the side-eye, muttering under her breath so only they could hear.
“What do you think he’s gonna do, Yoongi, ask to fuck me?” she hissed, placing the wad of wet napkins onto the table.
Too bad you think that style is cringey, otherwise you might have had a shot.
Jungkook’s hand shot out and squeezed her thigh.
“Can I fuck you, noona?” he breathed, chest tight.
He dug his nails into the sheer stocking, ripping new holes.
“If hyung lets me?”
"Yoongi, what are you thinking?"
Your boyfriend smiled. Very nonchalant. Nearly innocent. You knew better. This was Min Yoongi after all. His cardigan was off now. His broad shoulders in the white t-shirt were very distracting. Actually, so were his arms, now toned and more defined. Yoongi had recently taken an interest in working out.
His smile turned into a smirk. "What?"
You narrowed your eyes at him suspiciously. You noticed movement under you and smacked Jeon Jungkook's hand down so he was no longer picking at the peach fuzz in his face. He gasped in surprise, but you ignored him, completely focused on your rather troublesome boyfriend.
"You can't be serious."
You felt fingers brushing against the hem of your shirtdress, playing with the edge of the fabric. Yoongi was kneeling behind Jungkook, who was sitting on your bed, and the younger man was now messing with your outfit as you and Yoongi continued your conversation about him.
Your boyfriend leaned down and placed his hands on Jungkook's jaw, laying down his deft fingers one by one, lifting that chiseled chin up, those wide brown eyes now looking at your face, paired with the amused, cat-like ones.
"I am serious," Yoongi murmured. "You should teach him a lesson."
You pursed your lips. "He already apologized. That's enough."
Yoongi tilted his head, clicking his tongue.
"No, it's not."
Your eyes flickered down and you raised an eyebrow at Jungkook's interruption. "What was that?"
He gulped under your stern gaze. "Um..."
Yoongi smiled pleasantly, removing his hands from Jungkook's face. "See? He wants it."
"He's your friend, Yoongi. We're going to have to see him in person later. You want him to be horny every second he's around me?"
Yoongi placed his palm on the crown of Jungkook's head, drumming his fingers slowly. Light blue strands curled around his dark brows and eyes, playful smirk on his shapely pink lips. His deep voice was a low, alluring drawl.
"He already is."
Jungkook nodded very fast to agree. He was trying to hide the keen excitement in his eyes by not speaking, but his eager expression was giving him away as Yoongi slowly chipped away at common sense. You grabbed Jungkook's chin and squeezed, holding him in place. His breathing hitched in your hand, small whimper of your name leaving his lips.
"Don't look at me like that," you scolded.
"Like what?" Jungkook asked with shaking eyes and a small pout.
You kept switching from Jungkook's to Yoongi's eyes because if you looked too long into those pleading brown orbs, you might actually crack. You spoke slowly, emphasizing each word.
"Like you're desperate for it."
A low, dangerous chuckle.
Your gaze fixated on Yoongi. He was about to do something.
His long fingers worked into that short black hair and yanked back, making Jungkook gasp and shiver as he was pulled from your hand, your name falling from his lips in a breathy moan as his eyes continued to watch you, waiting, needing, begging.
"P... Please, noona..."
Yoongi's grip tightened in those black locks, Jungkook whimpering at the roughness, his own hands clutching your shirtdress, tugging at it.
"I'm telling you to do it," Yoongi purred, smokey and dark, staring into your eyes.
Jungkook was pulling your shirt now, pulling you to him, getting you to straddle his lap, you glaring at Yoongi's smirking face the entire time, annoyed that he put you in this position, and yet you knew something of this nature was coming the second he pulled you aside earlier today and asked you to dress the way you normally did because he was going to take you out to eat with Jungkook and Hoseok. Jung Hoseok already knew about your eccentric fashion sense and, while it did spook him a little the first time, he often sent you links of clothes that reminded him of you. You didn't think much of Jungkook being there. He was the youngest and Yoongi often treated him to a nice meal, although usually without you.
"Unbutton the top more."
Yoongi had adjusted the exposed shoulder himself and handed you the leather choker.
"Wear this one."
You had given him a skeptical look. "You suiting me up for some kind of mission?"
Yoongi had smiled mysteriously.
"We're going to make Jungkookie's life a living hell and he's going to like it."
Apparently, Yoongi's mission was to tempt and torture Jungkook until he was mildly insane and then subsequently draw out the younger man’s ravenous desperation so that Jungkook was now clawing at your thighs and whimpering under you, trying to get you to fuck him, shuddering every time he attempted to raise his hands and Yoongi punished him by yanking at his hair in warning.
"She hasn't said yes yet. No higher until she says yes," Yoongi snapped, not taking his eyes off you and your body.
You slapped a hand down on Jungkook's mouth and squeezed harshly, digging your nails into his cheekbones.
"Shh. I'm thinking."
You closed your eyes.
Breathed out.
"You know the only hope for me is you, right?"
"That's a little dramatic, Yoongi."
Those dark brown, cat-like eyes glittered, full of mischief.
"You always play along with my ideas."
"They're all very good. You are a genius."
You loved the way Yoongi smiled at you, endearing and sweet with a hint of cunning cleverness. He liked to invent new ways to keep your life interesting. Being with Min Yoongi was never boring.
"I doubt you'll be able to shock me though. I've seen it all." You, too, enjoyed challenging him and being challenged. That was part of the fun.
That's why you carried on with his black parade.
Yoongi chuckled. "Mmm, famous last words."
“Don’t let him move.”
His veins were on fire, chest shuddering as his head was pulled back, back, his spine arching to an almost uncomfortable position, but he didn’t care, only feeling pleasure as she leaned down, hovering over his body, her hand on his mouth, gasps trapped on his tongue while her own extended from those dark lips, down, down, her other hand grabbing a fistful of his hoodie and yanking down the neckline.
The tip of her tongue touched the space right between his collarbones.
She removed her hand.
Jeon Jungkook moaned, hot and wanton, sinfully right in front of Min Yoongi’s face as Yoongi’s girlfriend licked up his throat, tracing his Adam’s apple and scraping her teeth against it, before sliding up to his chin, stopping right before his lips.
Exactly where the mole under his lower lip was, tip of the wet muscle unmoving.
Those sharp eyes shrouded in black eyeshadow and dark eyeliner looked down on him.
“Please, n-noona…”
He didn’t care if he was being pathetic, tearing at her stockings with his fingernails, unashamedly imploring for more.
She didn’t speak. Yoongi spoke for her.
“Please what?” his hyung murmured, massaging his scalp slowly.
His cock was so hard that it physically hurt being trapped in his jeans like this. Any sanity he had left was being obliterated into pure, unadulterated lust. Jungkook didn’t care anymore about right or wrong. Whatever they let him have, he would take. He would beg and plead and cry if he had to. Whatever it took.
He whimpered, his thighs tensing with need.
“P-Please fuck me…”
I want it.
I need it.
I crave it.
She raised her tongue and flickered it over his lips. He moaned, shaking, his hands dropping from her thighs, reaching between his own legs and rubbing his painful erection through the zipper of his jeans, nearly sobbing as Yoongi’s fingers tightened, nails raking at his scalp.
“I can’t t-take it anymore… please… whatever you want to do, just do it, please, please touch me, I can’t s-stand it, I’m so h-hard…”
She pressed her knee down onto the back of his hands and Jungkook whimpered, so aroused that even that felt good, simply knowing she was applying the pressure, his balls suffocating a little against the center seam because of how thick and stiff he had become.
“Are you a little bit of a masochist, Jungkook?” she whispered, licking his lower lip gently.
Instead of answering right away, he pulled his hands out from under her knee and pressed it down onto his aching cock, his eyes rolling back and moaning deeply, forcefully raising his hips up, slightly pulling on his own hair in the process.
“Hyung, noona, please…”
The friction was almost painful, but the leaking pre-cum had soaked into his underwear, the slickness rubbing against the head, the added pressure of her knee slightly crushing his erection being his own self-inflicted pain that only added to the pleasure.
Jungkook gazed at her with half-lidded eyes, shuddering.
“Destroy me more.”
Min Yoongi liked to watch his woman work.
She was the best, she knew she was the best, and she only got better the longer she was with him. Of course, he loved her working him most. But Yoongi also enjoyed keeping things interesting. Being an assistant to the master was just as fun. And besides, they had a much more equal power dynamic and that’s what they liked.
But Jeon Jungkook.
He pulled Jungkook’s hoodie off, taking the shirt underneath with it, bare chest exposed to sharp black nails that immediately sent Jungkook into a spiraling mess of moans, falling back as those dark lips attacked the tanned skin, leaving marks all over that muscular body. Yoongi placed a hand under that sharp chin and pressed the younger male’s head to his chest.
He liked this too, this power.
Yoongi pressed his fingertips into Jungkook’s chin and raked his nails over that quivering throat.
He didn’t expect anyone to understand how or why he operated the way he did. He only needed one person to understand and she was currently yanking off Jungkook’s jeans and black boxer briefs with vicious vigor, throwing them aside before climbing off his lap.
Yoongi placed his hand over Jungkook’s eyes and wordlessly took his sight.
He liked the sounds Jungkook made. Needy, desperate, and strikingly beautiful. He had a wonderful quality to his voice, pouring all of his emotion into it. Nice cock too. Very hard, very red, a good length and girth. Yoongi chuckled, amused at the younger man’s eagerness. He lowered his head, whispering into that ear with three quivering silver hoops.
“So cringey, isn’t it?” he taunted.
Jungkook whined in his hands, trembling tone saturated with apology. “I’m sorry, hyung, I’m so sorry, I take it back, I didn’t mean it, p-please believe me...”
Out of the corner of his eyes he saw his woman remove her panties and step out of them. Stockings and garter belt stayed on though. She had style. He smirked, humming softly to mask her movement.
“You don’t have to say sorry to me.”
He removed his hand and she dropped her bare pussy onto Jungkook’s naked thigh.
Wet, hot, and sweet.
“Oooh, fuck…”
He lifted his head, eyes hazy and unfocused, greeted by the sight of Yoongi’s girlfriend straddling his thigh and rubbing her pussy all over him, the scent of her perfume mixing with the scent of her sex, thick and delicious and intoxicating, her soaked opening flexing against his hard muscle, driving him insane, disappointed that she was still mostly dressed.
Jungkook reached for the belt at her waist, expecting Yoongi to stop him, but he didn’t, letting Jungkook unbuckle it, his hands shaking badly from the pleasure of her pussy touching his naked skin. The gentle slap of her thigh against his balls and cock not enough. He wanted to be touched, but those scrutinizing eyes indicated that she would touch him when she wanted and no sooner. It was making him lose his mind, but he loved it, moaning her name deep from his chest as he struggled to undo the small buttons, flinching and shuddering with her movements.
“I’m sorry, noona…” he gasped, staring into those sultry dark eyes.
She reached up and touched his lips, tracing the shape with her nail, sending shivers all over his body.
“You gonna watch your mouth from now on, Jungkook?” she murmured, trapping him with her gaze, turning the shivers into brimming electricity.
“Y-Yes, noona…”
He undid the last button and she swiftly removed her hand from his mouth and smacked his away, shrugging out of the shirtdress and tossing it to the floor before reaching down to her ass. She opened her mouth and her tongue snaked out, shiny with saliva, using her hands to spread her ass and pussy, squelching down on his hard, tense muscle.
“A-Ah, so good…”
And now he could feel more, the inner lips of her pussy now rubbing on his skin with her clit, slick and slippery, muscles of her opening constricting and relaxing on his thigh, an indescribable feeling, sensual and dirty and raw, the control so precise that her smug expression and upper body remained relaxed, hips still moving at the same rough pace.
Yoongi’s fingers tangled in his hair again, husky voice at his ear.
“Put the fingers of your right hand in her mouth.”
Jungkook obeyed as if spellbound, raising his hand and dipping his fingers into that waiting mouth, her warm tongue wrapping around them and coating them with her saliva, pink muscle gliding between his joints and dancing around his tattoos, spit dribbling down his palm and dropping in fat plops onto his crotch, his body flinching at the contact, unashamedly whimpering his want, Yoongi’s dark chuckle filling his ear.
It must have looked so dirty.
So wrong.
“Take them out.”
Jungkook removed his fingers with a sniffle, the coil in his core so tight he thought he was going to explode.
“Touch yourself.”
His cheeks burned at the thought of his own hand wrapping around his cock in front of two people, adrenaline and thrill burning his veins.
“B… But, hyung…”
“You touched yourself in the bathroom at the restaurant earlier, didn’t you?” that deep purr accused, pulling at his hair, prickling pain shocking his scalp.
“I…” His hand lowered. “I h-had to… noona is just so…” Staring into those heavily shadowed eyes, tongue licking those dark-stained lips, his saliva-coated fingers wrapping around his aching, taut cock, so close to sobbing at the relief of being touched that his voice cracked a little. “So sexy… and she smells s-so goooooood…”
Eyelids fluttering, Yoongi rapping his shoulder, telling him to look at her, telling him to appreciate that hair cascading over her left eye, those breasts cupped perfectly in that black lace bra, that garter and stockings barely encasing those juicy legs and her pussy sliding up and down his thigh, her hands spreading her ass wide so he could feel it as he punishingly and roughly pumped his cock, trembling all over, struggling to get his words out, cheeks burning with embarrassment as he explained but, for some reason, he wanted to explain and became even more aroused by it, relishing in knowing that she was listening intently to his confession.
“You always smell so, so good, noona… I t-touched myself w-while smelling your perfume on my clothes… T-Thinking about you and my hands all over your perfect body and your hands t-touching me…”
Fucking his hand harder, tighter, faster, slipping down, down, knowing what he was going to say next, driving himself to that point, the coil inside causing every muscle to tense, staring right into her eyes, knowing his pupils were blown-out and unfocused.
“T-Touching me like I am right now, abusing my c-cock and… s-stopping right before I c-cum…”
So close, so close, so close, please, please, please…
Her hand shot out and gripped his wrist painfully, forcing him to let go of his cock.
Jungkook cried out in vain, jerking his head forward and bringing tears to his eyes from the pain of Yoongi’s unmoving grip, tugging at his own hair, the sudden denial causing his cock to twitch and slap against her thigh, smearing pre-cum and saliva onto her soft skin, knowing that he wanted it, sinfully satisfied in how perfectly frustrated she made him, reading his signals and torturing him just right.
A merciful, skilled devil in disguise.
The hand left his hair.
Her hips slowed, sitting onto his thigh, an almost unbearable weight that he welcomed.
His head lolled, scalp stinging, staring into her eyes and loving the way she said his name, like her tongue was wrapping around it and caressing it, each syllable drenched with curated possessiveness that was meant just for him.
Yoongi’s fingers snaked around his neck, four fingers fitting under his left ear, thumb pressing onto the pulse just under his right ear.
“You want to finish inside me?” she exhaled, hot and heavy and addictive.
The grip on his neck tightened, pressing on the blood vessels leading to his head.
One of her hands was still on his wrist. The other reached in between his thighs, past his stiff, purple-red cock. Fingers wrapped elegantly around his balls, joints locking, keeping him in a vise-like grip of pure power without adding any unnecessary pressure.
“Y… Yes, please…” he gasped weakly.
The grip of his wrist vanished. He was getting lightheaded, fighting to keep his eyes on her, and her free hand was now finally encircling his cock, finger by finger, making him wait, squeezing his balls a little harder, fuck, her touch, a distinctly different hand and different power, gently stroking his throbbing length as Yoongi choked him and she pulsed her grip around his balls, his breath leaving in shallow gasps and not only from the thinning circulation, but the flashes of pain and the constant pleasure of her hands and her wet pussy flush against his thigh.
“What if I make you cum like this?” she murmured, leaning in, Yoongi pressing in between his shoulder blades and pushing him to her beautiful face, dark and sultry and captivating, her lips now close to his.
“O… Okay…”
It took all of his willpower to hold himself up with his hands.
“You can do whatever you want to me, noona,” Jungkook whispered thinly. “I mean it.”
Yoongi pet his sweaty hair, pushing it away from his forehead, squeezing his neck tighter.
Jungkook choked out her name, desire so potent that he saw something in her eyes flicker. She liked it. She liked him and what she was doing to him and his reaction to it. It gave Jungkook a special kind of high, the kind of arousal that transcended past the sex.
Jungkook couldn’t get out anymore.
He knew he would crave this feeling, the feeling of power in powerlessness.
She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his.
Jungkook’s first kiss with Yoongi’s girlfriend was her forcefully jacking him off as she squeezed his balls and Yoongi choked him, his tongue sloppy and lips quivering, her sucking on it and making him moan with his tongue trapped in her dark lips, his hips twitching and shooting thick strings of cum all over her thigh, his thigh, and the sheets, suddenly slingshot into oxygen when Yoongi let go, adding to the high, his eyes rolling back, shivers racking his body, pleasure so intense that he felt nothing else, absolutely nothing but her touch, her hand leaving his balls and wrapping around his waist, pulling him to her body, her kiss stealing his breath, her cum-covered hand sliding up and down his abused cock.
Jungkook inhaled.
Her perfume invaded his nose, marshmallow sweetness, warmth of green tea, spark of ginger, and he was drunk, drunk on submission, sex, and their power over him.
Yoongi loved everything she did.
The way she looked at him.
The way her body moved.
The way she leaned over and kissed him as he pinned Jungkook’s wrists over his head while she was riding the younger man’s cock with a bruising, intense pace, her tongue curling around his, moaning softly into his mouth, lover to lover. With every moment, Yoongi fell more and more in love, addicted to orchestrating the perfect scenarios for his woman to completely ruin someone else.
She broke the kiss.
What a brilliant, satisfied, killer smile.
“O-oh, fuck, so good, fuck, your pussy is s-so good…”
Yoongi sat back and watched her hands slide over Jungkook’s chest, gripping his shoulders and fucking him hard, watching her pretty pussy clench around that cock that was begging for that tightness and that torture, the younger man rolling his hips up with every descent, destroying himself further.
The squelch and slap of skin to skin was audible, loud, and so, so sexy.
Her fingertip flicked the bottom of Jungkook’s chin, smirk on those plush lips now smeared with dark lipstick. There was something erotic about the mess though, her wild hair bouncing with every thrust, faint dark smudges now on his lips and Jungkook’s panting mouth.
“Aren’t you the perfect little fucktoy?” she teased.
There was a tension in her jaw, indicating that she was clenching around the younger man’s cock.
“A-Ah, just f-for you, noona…”
She frowned playfully, cocking a disbelieving eyebrow. “Hmm, I don’t know, sweet boys always have sweet tongues and you’ve already proven yours sometimes says misleading things…”
Jungkook whimpered. “P-Please, I s-said I was sorry… I m-mean it…”
Yoongi liked this begging, this desperate tremble vibrating from that silvery voice.
“I would n-never do something l-like this…”
Jungkook had such a handsome face, even with his cheeks flushed red and his composure falling apart.
“Unless it was y-you… and Yoongi-hyung, oooh, God…”
He raised his eyebrows, making eye contact with her.
She smirked back, dangerous and perfect.
“I-I can’t...”
“Yes, you can, Jungkook,” you murmured, arms around his neck, his arms shaking as he held himself up, moaning as you stroked his back, Yoongi behind you, still fully dressed, kneading your breasts, your nipples poking out between his long fingers and giving Jungkook the visual of your cleavage and the hard nubs poking straight out at him.
He groaned, hazy brown orbs returning to your face.
“Please, wanna make you cum with my cock so b-bad…”
You began to rock your hips again, the brief intermission stalling his orgasm over, and now he was moaning again, squirming at the oversensitivity and strained by the denial, your pulsing pussy keeping him hard until you built the pace up again, pushing him to the edge once more.
“Look at you,” you murmured, caressing his neck and back, fingers splayed over his hot skin. “You dream about this, Jungkook? Dream about hyung letting you be noona’s fuck slave?”
His teeth sunk into his lower lip, whining in his chest.
“I-I’m sorry…”
Your fingers slid up into his hair, cradling his head, smacking your ass down onto his thighs, tightening around his cock. Jungkook moaned into your face helplessly, shuddering at your sensual gesture contrasted by your fierce thrusts.
“I wanted you too,” you whispered hotly, breathing in his clean scent. “You always looked so innocent. Made me want to mess you up every time I saw that handsome, nervous face of yours.”
Your grip tensed around his head, lower half really giving it to him now, bouncing on his cock, letting his thickness and his hardness fill you up over and over again, Yoongi pinching your nipples and rolling them between his fingers, following your rhythm.
“It’s not going to be enough for him, you know,” Yoongi chuckled darkly behind you. “He’s going to come crawling back, begging for more.”
Jungkook bit his lip again, looking from you to Yoongi, already guilty.
You leaned forehead, placing a light kiss on that mole below his lower lip.
“I love it when you beg for me, Jungkook,” you purred.
You could feel it, arousal flaring at your own words, already close and getting closer, pussy pulsating around that satisfying girth.
“Are you going to be patient?” you teased, tugging at his hair, savoring the strained moans from Jungkook’s throat. “Are you going to wait on your knees and watch Yoongi fuck me until he’s satisfied and then come to take his place and show me that you can be good for me too?”
You felt Jungkook’s cock twitch inside you, already enthralled with the idea.
“Y-Yes, noona, p-please…”
You dug your nails into his scalp and moaned deeply, staring into those glazed-over brown orbs, drugged on his lust for you.
“You’re so obedient, fuck, makes me want to cum on this pretty cock of yours and reward you.”
Yoongi pinched your nipples and tugged on them.
The spark collided through you, gasping as your orgasm seized your senses and took over, your eyes rolling back as the powerful jolts made your walls spasm, tension so high that it felt as if your nerves were vibrating, Jungkook’s name tumbling from your lips with a hiss that turned into a groan in unison with his, his overstimulated cock jerking and twitching from the brutal massage of your orgasm, the condom swelling inside you from spurts of his own.
The scent of sex was so strong that even Yoongi moaned, squeezing your breasts roughly.
You inhaled sharply, feeling Yoongi’s arms wrap around you, nuzzling your neck.
“Don’t I have such good ideas?”
You grinned, seeing Jungkook’s euphoric expression before he pitched forward and leaned his forehead against your other shoulder, panting for breath. His exhale was warm, drifting over your racing heart and heating your heated skin.
“Yes, Yoongi,” you chuckled, stroking his soft blue hair and Jungkook’s sweaty black hair. “You’re a genius.”
"Sorry, Jimin-ssi, I can't–" He clenched his jaw, stifling the noise threatening to escape from his throat. "I can't hang out today. I have a deadline for work."
"Aw, that's okay Jungkookie. Do you want hyung to bring you some dinner? I can stop by!"
"I already ate, ah, just now. Thanks anyway."
"Okay, okay, I'll leave you alone. Don't forget your hyungs! You work too much."
Jeon Jungkook made an affirmative grumble. "Talk to you later."
An elegant finger reached over and hung up the call. The same hand lifted his phone from his ear and placed it back on the nightstand. Jungkook wasn't able to hold the phone himself.
He was handcuffed to the headboard.
"A-Ah, noona, fuck!"
Now that he was off the phone, she turned the toy back on, making him yelp and squirm. He whimpered, thighs shaking as his prostrate was assaulted with harsh vibrations, the connected silicone ring choking his cock and balls, flush against the base of both.
He moaned her name helplessly, looking down to see her laying between his legs, jerking forward with every smack of Min Yoongi's hips. His hard, dark red cock was sticking straight up right in front of her face. She heated it with her calm exhale, smiling at his shuddering whine.
"P-Please, touch me, o-o-oh, fuuuuuuuck..."
Yoongi smacked her ass with his open palm, making Jungkook moan at the sight of her ass bouncing from his hyung's dick.
"F-Fuck, please, noona, hyung, please, I wanna c-cum so b-bad..."
She increased the vibration setting and patted his thigh, returning to casually fucking Yoongi as he lost his mind from the jarring, rough pleasure, flexing his core and ass to make his cock jerk and swing in the air, unable to touch himself because of the handcuffs.
He loved it.
Jungkook loved every second of the torture crafted just for him.
"What a good boy for his noona."
Jungkook could only moan and whimper in response.
"Mm? Are you a good boy for her? Lying to Jimin so you can spend more time with my lovely woman?"
The younger man whimpered, biting his lip.
Yoongi smirked as Jungkook’s eyes rolled back, mouth open, gasping wail falling from his mouth as her tongue circled the head of his cock, lapping gently at the sensitive skin. The handcuffs rattled, Jungkook’s hands gripping the chain, tattoos standing out on his arm from his tense muscles. Yoongi watched her hands side up those toned thighs, up shaking hips, up to that slim waist, then drag back down, nails pricking at that skin, creating indents and red lines, visible, wet, glistening tongue toying with the throbbing cock in front of her.
He felt his own twitch inside her. Her muscles clenched around him tightly in response.
She lifted her head, gripping Jungkook’s hips and forcing him down on the bed, him whining and pleading for her to do more, but all three of them knew the way this was going to go and the one in the handcuffs wasn’t calling the shots.
“You keep coming back, Jungkook, and it’s gonna ruin sex for you.”
Her hand slid up his abused cock and balls, playing with them and rubbing the overstimulated skin as Yoongi increased his pace in power and speed, fingers spread out on her hips and sinking in, mirrored by the way she removed her hand from Jungkook’s length and grabbed his hips again, cocking her head, looking down at Jungkook.
“You keep flying high and you’re not going to want to come down.”
Jungkook’s black hair was all over his forehead, messy and sweaty, shudders leaving his swollen lips. The light caught the glint of the silver metal piercing on his trembling eyebrow.
She leaned down, hands crawling up his body, digging her nails in, scratching him up, and Yoongi hissed at the shifted angle, deeper now and more intense, her hair cascading down her shoulders, the sweet scent wafting up, sweet, warm, spicy, his favorite scents in the world melding together.
And his woman, a curator of the little, beautiful death.
She chuckled, taunting and playful, placing her forearms on Jungkook’s chest, pushing back against Yoongi and using the other male’s body as leverage, poised in front of Jungkook’s fallen composure, one hand lifting and tracing his lips, enticing that pink tongue to sneak out, begging for a taste.
She shoved her fingers into his mouth, humming approvingly as Jungkook began to suck on them noisily, moaning around her fingers as the rhythm escalated, louder and louder, squeezing his length tighter so Yoongi had to thrust harder, growling in his chest, firmly gripping her ass, faster, rougher, her fingers sliding in further, the wet sounds of tongue and lips adding to the symphony.
Her words the crescendo.
“The jetset life is gonna kill you, Jungkook.”
The fire flared to an unbearable tension and Yoongi hissed her name, clenching his jaw and scratching her back hard, causing her to let out a long, drawn-out moan, clenching around his entire length and he came, cock jerking against her punishing walls, shooting his orgasm into the condom, his fingers sliding down her back, groaning satisfyingly when she matched him, her cum gushing out and sticking to his crotch and thighs, sweet purr of his name drifting out of her lips, her fingers slipping from Jungkook’s mouth, shiny with saliva and wiping it all over his chin.
“O-o-oh, fuuuuuuuck, please…”
And she didn’t forget, not even in her ecstasy, her hand wrapping around Jungkook’s neck, choking him strongly, driving him to the edge.
It took seconds.
Your lips curved into a smirk, Jungkook’s shaking, half-lidded brown orbs saturated with lust, vibrations and visuals and now the loss of blood leaving him breathless, lightheaded, and at your mercy.
Open mouth, gasping out your name.
Then he threw his head back, airlessly screaming, handcuffs rattling, muscles standing out all over his body from the searing tension, tattoos glistening with sweat, eyes rolling back, hips jolting up and shooting cum all over your stomach and his, orgasm so intense that he arched his back and jammed his cock between your bodies, your hand releasing him, Jungkook sobbing at the relief of his aching length still flinching and twitching, the hot head of his cock throbbing against your skin, still dribbling out hot cum in between your bodies, thick and slick.
You slithered on top of him, smearing it everywhere.
“Oh, God, n… noona…”
“Asleep already?”
You petted Jungkook’s head, smoothing his hair. “He had an eventful night.”
Yoongi chuckled. “He asked for it.”
Jungkook scooted closer to your heat, burying his nose in your chest, inhaling deeply.
Yoongi kissed the top of your head affectionately and you reached for his hand, running your fingertips over his knuckles. He placed it on your bare hip, tracing his marks on you.
“So, next time…”
“You’re already planning next time, huh?” You turned your head to look at those mischievous, cat-like eyes shrouded by strands of wispy light blue.
Yoongi ticked a brow. “Do you think he’s going to stop? I made him wait a whole month from the first time to this time and he gave me puppy eyes every chance he got.”
You shook your head with a smile, turning back to run your fingers through Jungkook’s black hair. “I wonder how you survived.”
“I looked away.”
You snickered and lifted Yoongi’s hand, pressing his fingertips to your lips.
“I would make him look away from me,” you murmured, low and dangerous.
“Hmm, then I’ll let you decide when next time will be.”
“Not counting tomorrow morning, right?”
“Of course.”
You felt Jungkook’s lips press onto your skin, a soft kiss inviting you and Yoongi to destroy him more.
387 notes · View notes
rawdogmeharry · 4 years
will you write something about reader and harry having a 12 year age gap, but fans and everyone are really supportive of their healthy relationship? like they’re so in love. lots of fluff and maybe a tinge of smut? 🥺 love your writing 🥺🥰
old man
or, the one where Harry’s family loves Y/N and he loves her even more.
]part 2: old bones]
sorry for the wait, hope you enjoy babe <3 and thank you very much, that’s lovely to hear!!
requests go here:)
“What d‘ya say, baby, red or white wine?“ Harry ponders, leaning one hip against the kitchen counter and holding up the two dark glass bottles in his hands, showing them to Y/N.
“I dunno, I‘d say red but Anne‘s not really a fan of it, so let‘s just take the white,“ she shrugs her shoulders, little animated hearts dancing around in her eyes from watching Harry look so fucking effortlesly hot for no damn reason. His sheer button-up that shows his vast collection of body ink and the way his black jeans fit snugly on his juicy thighs are the reasons her panties are drenched inside out.
Little does she know, he‘s thinking the exact same thing.
She stands in the kitchen doorway, dressed in a tight, sand colored turtleneck, black bell bottomed pants and the pointed-toe nude Louboutin heels Harry had gotten her for her last birthday, looking like Harry‘s next meal. All he wants to do, is take those pants, shove them down to her thighs, bend her over their glass dining table and bury his face in her cunt and ass.
But, they‘ve got places to be and people to see at the Styles-Twist family gathering.
Dead puppies, grandma boobs, cow udders is all that circles his head because nothing else can bring his boner down.
“Hey, where‘d you go?“ Y/N waves her hand in his face, seeing his spaced out face and eyes weirdly zoned in on her tits.
“Y‘zoned out on me, Har, y‘okay?“ she slowly walks towards him with her brows furrowed, her heels making a really satisfying noise on the gray kitchen tiles.
“Oh, yeah, ‘m fine, kitty, just thinking ‘bout how pretty y‘are,“ he grins and tugs her in close by her love handles, then gradually migrates his hands down to her ass and gives it a firm squeeze once she‘s fully enclosed in his arms. And about how hard I want to fuck you, you fucking Goddess, he thinks to himself.
“Let‘s go then, bub, don‘ wanna be late. Been a while since we last saw your mum, I‘ve missed her,“ she smiles up at him. “And, wanna get home as soon as possible as well, also been a while since we used those handcuffs, huh?“
Harry watches as she bites her bottom lip and feels her dainty hands stroking up and down his back, and just as he‘s about to ram her against the wall to spank her and remind her how daddy doesn‘t like to be teased like that, she quickly slips out of his embrace and spanks his firm bum, telling him “let‘s go, Har“ and giving him a pointed look as if to silently tell him that she knows exactly what he‘s thinking.
“Oh, yeah, since ‘m on winter break right now, me ‘n Harry started re-watching Friends, but my old man can barely keep his eyes open past 11, so it‘s been goin‘ really slowly,“ Y/N giggles, and that‘s the only part of the conversation Harry hears as he‘s approaching his lovie and Gemma, the two of them talking alone on the outside bench of Anne‘s back garden.
He feels finally free after hearing his uncle talk about the new corn he‘s been growing and how the high fiber content has really helped with his digestion for the past half an hour, and all he wants to do is throw Y/N over his shoulder, go home and fuck the ever living shit out of her. Maybe they won‘t even make it inside the house, he thinks, maybe he‘ll just take her in the car in the driveway.
“Hey, is the old man you‘re talkin‘ about supposed to be me?“ he pretends to be offended with raised brows and mouth open in mock offense, throwing his arm around his lovie‘s shoulders and leaning against the side of the bench in a hunched over sitting position with his bum right at the edge.
“Well, I don‘ really have any other old men watchin‘ Friends with me,“ she shrugs, her eyes regaining the light they get whenever Harry‘s around.
“Better not,“ he says in a stern tone, expression softening once again as he feels her hand on his thigh, rubbing softly in reassurance.
Then, he hears someone else giggle beside his baby, completely forgetting that Gemma‘s been sitting beside Y/N, because all he sees, knows and breathes is Y/N.
“You guys are so cute,“ Gemma giggles again and Harry notices just how tipsy his sister is from the sparkly look in her eyes, no doubt from the delicious wine set out on Anne‘s kitchen island. “Can I tell you a secret?“
“Go ‘head, Gem,“ he chuckles, brushing his fingers through lovie‘s soft hair, “jus‘ don‘ be mad at me if y‘gonna be embarassed by it for the rest of y‘life.“
“Oh, shut up,“ Gemma rolls her eyes, “I may be drunk, but ‘m not stupid, it‘s nothin‘ embarassing. Jus‘ wanted to tell you both how glad I am you two ended up together.“
“We‘re glad too, Gem, thank you,“ Y/N smiles at her, a fond look taking over her face from the realisation at how lucky she got with her sister-in-law. Or actually, Harry‘s whole family, really, and she feels beyond grateful for how accepted and loved she feels in it.
“No, like, ‘m sayin‘ just-just how grateful I am my brother ended up with someone so amazing, so understanding and just—overall such a great person. Really, at first, me ‘n mum were a bit skeptical because of—you know—the pretty big twelve year age difference and all, and Y/N bein‘ only eighteen when y‘met. But over time when we got to know you, you‘re mature beyond your years and I wouldn‘t wish Harry any other person. ‘M really glad that all the negative comments, looks and hate y‘both got at the start of your relationship didn‘t break you up or put any tiffs between you. Y‘gained the fans‘ trust, didn‘t let them overwhelm you. Just proves that no hardships can separate you‘s, you‘re meant to be.“
And Y/N‘s got tears in her eyes at the end of Gemma‘s mini speech, because she couldn‘t imagine hearing nicer words from her boyfriends family. If everyone genuinely thinks all of this about her, she‘s quite literally the luckiest person in the world.
Harry watches as Y/N doesn‘t hesitate to give Gemma a big, fat hug once she‘s done talking and all he thinks is how right Gemma is.
How right she is by saying that Y/N is the most fucking amazing thing to ever happen to him, how nothing can separate them and how they‘re meant to be. That‘s all  Harry thinks about all day every day, and to think that his sister and probably the rest of his family have the same outlook on their relationship is like putting in the last missing piece of the puzzle.
Y/N pulls away from the hug and subtly wipes at her undereyes, “thank you, Gem. I just-I don‘ really know what else t‘say except thank y‘so much.“
“No, but seriously,“ Gemma grins at the next part she‘s about to say, “jus‘ the other day me and mum were talkin‘ about the adorable little buggers you‘d make with your good genes and all an-“
“Okay, Gem,“ Harry chuckles and takes the almost empty wine glass from her hand, “thank y‘for the kind words, but tha‘s all for tonight, I think.“
Gemma pouts, “hey, why‘d y‘take my wine?“
“C‘mon, let‘s go find Michal, he‘ll know what t‘do with ya,“ Harry smiles at his sister and helps her up from the bench and watches as she uncoordinately trots towards the door, heading inside of the warm house where the rest of his family are chatting away amongst eachother.
He stays behind and quickly leans down to whisper in Y/N‘s ear, gripping her thighs in both of his hands, “bathroom upstairs. In five minutes. Daddy doesn‘t like to wait.“ And walks away, catching up to his sister and leads her away to her boyfriend. He wants her, and he wants her now, because he physically cannot contain all of the love and absolute appreciation he has for her inside of him any longer.
Y/N just sits there with clenched thighs and an irregularly beating heart.
“Fuck,“ Harry pants against his lovie‘s neck, keeping her hands pinned to the wall above her head by her wrists, “how are you this fucking beautiful, huh?“
“Fuck, please do something, Har,“ she mewls into his ear, desperately wanting to grind against something and longing to feel his cock lodged deep into her pussy.
“That‘s not my name,“ Harry growls and grips her wrists tighter.
“Daddy. Daddy, please fuck me, just-please, do something.“
“God, bunny, y‘drivin‘ me crazy. Can‘t fuck you here, don‘t want m‘family t‘hear you screamin‘ fo‘ daddy to fuck y‘ass harder. Gonna make it home, first. Or halfway.“ He grinds against one of her thighs and his cock is leaking so much precome he‘s sure there‘s gonna be a wet stain on his dark jeans once they get out of this Goddamn bathroom.
“Just stop talking, Daddy,“ she pants out, not really caring for the consequences of talking back to daddy at this exact moment and slots her lips to his own, immediately sucking his tongue into her mouth.
And Harry thinks he‘s gonna let her off for this one, because they both need it so much that the bloody rules daddy made can fuck right off through the window.
He moans into her mouth and takes his tongue out of it, quickly pulling back and looking into her eyes, “put your hand into your panties and feel how wet y‘are for me.“ And let‘s go of her wrists.
She does as she‘s told, feeling so fucking thankful for the small amount of friction she gets from her fingers quickly brushing on her clit as she passes it to her weeping hole and rubs her her pointer finger at the entrance of it.
Taking her hand out of her pants, she shows Harry her shiny, slick fingers coated in her juices.
“Suck on them like you‘d suck my cock.“ He rasps out with his hands put on either side of her head.
She takes them into her mouth and moans at her own mouth-watering taste, sucking her fingers to the back of her throat and gagging on them like she‘d gag on Harry‘s cock.
Harry moans out from the filthy sight and locks their lips together for a final time, “five minutes to say goodbye t‘everyone and then I want y‘in the front seat of m‘car with your pants in the back.“
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closedafterdark · 3 years
Lee Saerom & Jang Gyuri x Male Reader
10204 words
categories: smut, angst, oral, mommy kink, scientist! gyuri
Read on AFF
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“S-Slow d-down.. P-please…!”
Heavy breathing and the familiar sounds of a bed frame creaking filled an otherwise empty room. A pile of discarded clothing begins from the entrance leading to the bed itself. On the bed was a woman who was currently straddling someone’s waist, bracing herself onto his chest as she rode him.
He is greeted with a harsh slap across his face, the sound echoing onto the walls around them. He isn’t given any time to process the harsh sting felt on his cheek. The woman slicks her long, beautiful chestnut brown colored hair back as she meets the man’s eyes with her own aloof expression.
“Don’t you dare tell me what to do.” she simply said, her cold tone reinforced with another slap. This time, on the man’s other cheek.
He can feel her suffocatingly tight walls constrict his shaft, causing him to feel a mixture of both pain and pleasure. The woman’s fluidity of her hip movements caused his cock to be well lubricated with her juices. Having established a somewhat enjoyable rhythm, the man raised his hands and brushed aside the white lab coat the woman was wearing. The very moment his hands rested on her waist, he was met with his neck being constricted by her soft hands.
“Who said you could touch me?” she asked. “I’m the one in charge here.”
The man’s eyes widened in fear as the woman increased her pace. Her pussy was extremely wet and tight, causing his breath to be staggered as he struggled to match her tempo. Her cute butt and dangerously soft thighs met his with each bounce of her body.
“I… I’m sorry.” the man managed to say.
“Sorry? You’re not sorry. At least, you won’t be until I’m done with you.”
The woman in the lab coat continues to ride the man - her hot, wet pussy causing him to feel a multitude of sensations at once. Her muscles gripped onto his erect cock even tighter, the pace at which she was impaling herself onto him showed she had zero regard for his comfort. It was clear she had one goal. Using the helpless man to achieve her own satisfaction.
“My pussy is too tight for you, isn’t it?” she jeered. The bed underneath them both began to creak loudly as she continued to increase the pace at which she was riding him. Her slim, long fingers wrap themselves around his neck, causing the restriction of airflow. Not enough to suffocate, but enough for his breathing to become sparse. He gulps a small amount of saliva built up as he manages to admire the woman’s body through his fear. She was slightly taller than the average woman, her slim figure complimented by the tiniest hint of muscle and soft, delicious looking thighs. Her breasts were on the smaller side, but were easily able to hypnotize whoever should be staring at them as they bounced up and down while she continued to do so on the man’s cock.
A dangerously sweet face that was anything but. Her soft features were a testament to the natural beauty she possessed. Not a single blemish or imperfection on her face, nothing to hide the alluring look presented before him. Her eyes were bright, a twinkle of a wild personality being unleashed as her body bounced up and down on the man. Had the meeting been under more comfortable circumstances, the man would easily admit he is smitten towards her. The feel of her hands that continued to hold on his neck brings him back to reality - the time to admire her appearance is short-lived as he feels her already tight pussy quickly increasing even more in tightness as it pulses around his shaft.
She knows he wouldn’t be able to last much longer, as she runs one hand through her luscious, long hair and slicks it back and continues to impale herself again and again on his cock. She wanted him to cum and she wanted him to do it now.
“I know you’re getting close… so just hurry up and fucking cum already…!”
Her hands tighten their hold on his neck as the velvety walls of her pussy do the same to his cock. The bed’s loud creaking could not be compared to how roughly the woman slammed her body onto him. He isn’t even able to speak as the orgasm finally takes over his body. His toes curl tightly from the pleasure as the euphoric floodgates are opened all at once. She feels his cock throb inside her as her thighs clenched around his waist. Goosebumps formed on the man’s body as he instinctively thrusts upwards, releasing more and more of his semen into the hot, tight walls of her pussy. He holds onto her hips - surprised she showed no effort of pushing him away as she allows him to ride out his orgasm.
She grinds herself on his cock as the man slowly descends from his pleasure-filled high. The man is panting heavily, beads of perspiration formed on his skin as he struggles to return to normalcy. Finally opening his eyes, he is met with the woman’s beautiful eye smile once more. She gives him a seductive wink before blowing a kiss. Satisfied, the man continues to catch his breath.
“That was… amazing.” he said.
He is met with the woman letting out a hauntingly soft laugh. The look in her eyes shows she is not happy, in fact - the opposite. The smile on her face disappears as quickly as it appeared. His eyes widened as he begins to process what was going on.
“I wouldn’t call cumming in less than a minute and a half something to be proud of.” she said. Despite saying that, a sultry moan escapes her lips as she raises her hips and removes the man’s softening cock from her body. A stream of semen and juices begins to flow out of her freshly fucked pussy. She looks down at where their bodies were previously connected and her frown deepens.
“A shame that such a large load was released by someone who can’t even last long in bed.” she stated. The man’s ego would have taken a hit were it not for the fact that she quite simply scared him. She gets off the bed and grabs tissues from the nearby nightstand.
“What’s worse is that I would’ve enjoyed swallowing it. Bet you didn’t know that about me, didn’t you? I love swallowing. But now I have to clean this disgusting filth out of my body.” As the woman wipes her thighs, she bends over in front of the man, shaking her butt cutely at him as she grabs and puts on the lacy fabric of her sheer black panties.
“Seriously? I shake my ass and you’re already hard again?” her unwelcoming tone drastically lowering the temperature in the room despite the heater being on. The man swallowed another amount of saliva as he opened his mouth in response. Unfortunately, no sound was able to be produced. Instead, he chooses to nod his head nonchalantly.
“That’s too bad. Now you’re going to have to go home and jerk yourself off in order to relieve that. Still such a shame, I can see your poor cock throbbing. Just dying to be inside me once more.” The woman knelt beside the bed and slowly began to lower her face onto his crotch. Anticipating her wrapping her pink, plump lips around his shaft, he closed his eyes. After not feeling himself enter her mouth, he slowly opens them and sees she is blowing hot air onto his tip, still lubricated from her juices and his own cum. She held onto the man’s crinkled dress shirt next to him and tossed it onto his body.
“Gather your things and get the fuck out of my office. Now!”
The man fumbles out of the bed, his sense of balance still lacking as evident through his shaking knees as he quickly gathered his discarded clothing and shoes before storming out of the office in tears. Luckily enough, he didn’t seem to run into a young woman who made a fist in front of where the door was. She turned her head to see what just whirled by her as her gaze returned to the woman in the lab coat who is now putting on her bra and stockings. Leaning against the frame of the door, she smirks at the woman.
“Can I help you?”
“Looks to me like this is the scene of another failed experiment. Poor bastard never even stood a chance. How many does that make it, four?” The woman replied, tilting her head slightly as she put her pointer finger on her temple. The woman inside has finally put on her dress shirt, taking the time to button it up before tucking it into her skirt and wearing her slightly wrinkled lab coat once more.
“Is there a reason you’re in my office and making fun of my unsuccessful test run, miss Nakyung?”
“Unnie, lighten up.” Nakyung said as she closed the door. She goes ahead and sits on the nightstand next to the bed, the only other piece of furniture in the room. “You’re so uptight whenever I bring it up.”
“You would be too if you had to deal with idiots in an intimate scenario on a daily basis.”
“I am. Those poor souls end up crying in my office, causing me to clean up after you. You really should take it easy, unnie.”
“Did you call the person I told you to call, miss Nakyung?” the woman said, ignoring the previous statement and easily changing the subject.
Nakyung sighed. “Yes, I did. They’re going to be arriving later today.”
“Good.” the woman nodded. Not bothering to move her head up, her eyes met Nakyung’s curious gaze. She watched as she crossed her legs and brushed her skirt before speaking.
“Gyuri unnie.” Nakyung began. An eyebrow was raised as she grabbed onto her lab coat and fixed it, her name embroidered above its left breast pocket. Despite the cold stare evident on Jang Gyuri’s face, it still maintained a soft, calming feeling.
“You said you were okay with them getting together. Saerom unnie even asked if you would be okay with her dating your ex-boyfriend.” Gyuri tensed up slightly. Nakyung knew it was a sensitive subject, trying all that she could to avoid saying the one person’s name Gyuri was not overly fond of.
Two women sit across from each other at a quaint, yet spacious cafe. The decor looked as if it was stepping into a time portal - everything from the red neon rings surrounding the various wall clocks and the ceiling above to the black and white checkered flooring. The diner tops contained chrome finishes while the chairs used a shiny form of faux leather. The fair appearance of the waitress who delivered the women’s drinks was complimented by a red and white dress, complete with clubmaster glasses, overtly red lipstick, and a beauty mark that had no business blemishing an otherwise flawless face. She bowed to the women before leaving them to their conversation.
Neither woman said a word. Both looked around, as if to find something, anything to distract them from the tension in the air before them. The moment the two made eye contact, their eyes widened slightly before taking the cup in front of them and having a small, awkward sip. To anyone viewing from the outside, it would seem the two were friends, or at the very least, acquaintances discussing some important matters. Which is true, but the context of the situation was lost to everyone except for the two of them.
“Have you given my request some thought?” one of the women finally said, breaking the silence. The other woman coughs, not expecting that to be the first statement either person would say. She takes a moment to compose herself and gather her thoughts before speaking.
“Remind me again what it was?” she asked, a hint of a feigning innocence in her voice.
“I wanted to know if you’re okay with me asking out oppa. You know, your ex-boyfriend.”
The mere fact that she reiterated her point, and made sure to mention that it was her ex-boyfriend at that, rubbed the woman the wrong way. She placed her cup back onto the plate serving as a coaster below, albeit a bit louder than expected. She glared at the woman before her, though it was not one with the intention of malice. Instead, it contained pain, a longing sadness in her eyes.
“Does it really have to be him, Saerom?”
“It does.” the woman known as Saerom replies, sighing. “I know you two didn’t break up on the greatest terms. Trust me, I get it. I’ve tried so hard to get rid of my feelings by going on dates with other people. But somehow, I always found myself gravitating towards him. He has my heart, Gyuri.”
Gyuri’s eyes began to glisten at what Saerom had told her. It was true - Gyuri and her ex-boyfriend broke up because their careers were going to take them in completely separate paths. Rather than end up not having any time for each other at all, it was Gyuri who suggested they mutually part ways. Despite some time having passed, it was still a sensitive subject for Gyuri.
“I’m sorry.” Saerom said softly, taking Gyuri’s hand into her own. Placing her other hand on top, she began rubbing it gently, an effort to calm the abundance of emotions Gyuri was likely experiencing all at once. “I know what he meant to you. But I have to listen to my heart. The heart wants what it wants.”
Tears begin to stream down Gyuri’s face. Despite having heard something so devastating, she managed to keep a smile on her lips. She knew everything Saerom said was true, but it didn’t make it any less heartbreaking.
“Ah, why am I feeling this way?” Gyuri said, doing her best to wipe the tears out of her eyes. Regardless, they continued to flow freely down her cheeks. She was sorrowfully beautiful - a modern day tale of a woman who chose her career over her true love. And now to hear someone else, someone she was close to in particular, wanting to give love in a way she never could breaks her heart. It didn’t matter that they were in a public place. Years of built up longing and regret were finally released as Gyuri continued to cry.
All Saerom could do was continue to comfort Gyuri by rubbing her hand tenderly as she let it all out. Eventually, Gyuri manages to calm herself down once she realizes she’s all cried out. Her face is flushed, and her once bright, shining eyes are glistening with an overwhelming sadness. She initially wipes her eyes with the back of her hand before grabbing the napkin on the table to properly fix her appearance.
“You’re right. The heart does want what it wants.” Gyuri said after several minutes of relative silence.
“I hope you two are happy together.”
“They do seem pretty happy together...” Nakyung could be heard saying, bringing Gyuri out of her daydream. She glares at Nakyung slightly before turning away and putting on her heels.
“You know, ever since you dyed your hair and got those horrible excuses for extensions, you’ve changed a lot.” Gyuri said, staring out the window that overlooked the city.
“My boyfriend seems to like them, so they can’t be that bad.” Nakyung replied. “Can’t say the same about you, unnie.”
“Hey!” Gyuri whined. Nakyung got off the nightstand and linked arms with Gyuri, causing the older woman to scoff in fake annoyance before smiling as Nakyung batted her eyes and turned up the charm. She knew Gyuri was always soft for her.
It was a day like any other.
That is, since most days began looking down as you felt a sharp pleasure from between your legs as your girlfriend Lee Saerom’s head was currently bobbing up and down. A soft moan escapes your lips as your hand guides her rhythm. Saerom gives you a hauntingly sexy stare as her plump lips are parted by your cock. You felt her hollowed cheeks that are accompanied by her tongue running across the underside of your shaft.
Saerom’s pace was slow, wanting you to feel the pleasure gradually build up as the wetness of her mouth and the suction-like hold her lips have on your cock caused you to release steady moans of satisfaction.
She kept her eyes on you the entire time, smiling through them as she hears you enjoying the pleasure she is giving. Your girlfriend was extremely beautiful by every means possible, but there was something alluring whenever she had your cock in her mouth. Giving you one final bob of her head, she flicks her tongue back and forth on your base before withdrawing you from her mouth inch by inch. You let out a soft whine once she fully released your cock with a loud pop. She giggles before opening her mouth and flicking her tongue on your tip. She then strokes you before focusing her attention on your balls, lathering each one as she gently nibbles on them, causing you to shiver as they are particularly sensitive from her having squeezed them with a bit of pressure. 
Saerom smiled sweetly as she continued, giving the tip of your cock a long, deep kiss before taking your cock back into the familiar warm and wet feeling of her mouth.
“Oh fuck, mommy…” you moaned out as Saerom resumed bobbing her head up and down. Despite having a mouth full of cock, she let out a giggle, causing her tongue to vibrate on the underside of your shaft. You felt her lips tighten around your cock as she played with your head. No matter how many times she has done it, it always seemed like she found a new way to cause pleasure to be felt throughout your body.
Saerom loved giving the sloppiest of blowjobs, and why would today be any different? Her eyes formed inverted crescents as she smiled at you while swishing around her built up saliva and thoroughly lubricated your cock. With your hand still guiding her rhythm, it was eventually joined by your other one as it ran through her voluminous, shiny black hair before resting on the back of her head.
Feeling the end was near, you began increasing the pace of her bobbing her head. Her eyes were filled with pleasure, wanting nothing more than to see you fully satisfied by her actions. Sounds of Saerom gargling on your cock and her saliva entered both of your ears as you relentlessly put more and more of your cock inside her promiscuous mouth. It couldn’t have been more than a dozen or so bobs of her head for you to finally reach your orgasm.
Unable to say anything besides moaning loudly, both of your hands grabbed onto the back of Saerom’s head and pushed her all the way down as your cock began to deposit hot, thick semen down her throat. Your body shakes from the aftershocks of pleasure as you curled your toes and continued pushing her head down. Saerom’s wet lips maintain their tight hold on you as she takes your balls into her hand and gently squeezes them, wanting to make sure she has drained you of every last drop.
You struggle to catch your breath as your knees have not fully recovered from the intense orgasm Saerom gave you. She regretfully removes her head from your cock inch by inch as some of your cum begins to leak out and drop onto the bed sheets below. She opens her mouth to show you the massive volume of semen you released for her. Giggling slightly, she plays with it, twirling it inside her mouth and tongue before tilting her head up and giving you a good view of your load slowly descending down her throat. Letting out a hum of satisfaction, Saerom cleans up the small amount of cock dribbling from your slit before smiling at you sweetly.
“You always cum so much for mommy, baby.”
One almost scalding shower and intense round of sex later, you make your way to the living room and see Saerom on the couch. There she sat, crossing her long legs for your viewing pleasure thanks to the extremely tiny boy shorts she wore. Her skin tight black tank top left little to the imagination as it showed off her wonderful midriff, the result of many hours at the gym which resulted in abs that you were a bit embarrassed to admit you enjoyed worshipping a bit too much. The outline of her breasts made you want to do nothing more than rip off the restrictive clothing from her body.
“... so yeah, he and I just finished moving into this place about a few days ago. You should totally come by when you have time.” Saerom said as she waved at you sweetly. She puckered her lips which soon met yours as you sat down next to her. “Nakyung” she mouthed to you when you asked who she was on the phone with. Despite the television being on, she paid little attention to it as she was currently engrossed in her conversation with Nakyung. She placed her legs on top of yours, something she has done plenty of times. While it wasn’t out of the ordinary, your hand began to rub them and admired how smooth and soft they were. It seemed Saerom had been using a new lotion, the fragrant aroma of lilac perfumed the air as you saw her wiggling her freshly pedicured toes. You teased her by squeezing her big toe, causing Saerom to playfully hit you.
Feeling a bit more bold, you sneakily wrapped your arm around her waist and pulled her onto your lap. Saerom yelped, having been caught off guard.
“Saerom unnie, are you okay?” Nakyung asked.
“Ah, ah. Yes, I’m just exercising at the moment.” Saerom yelled a bit loudly as you softly laughed while running your hands up her creamy thighs.
“Oh, what are you doing?”
“I’m… ah, about to do squats.” She moaned as one of your hands began to fondle her clothed breasts while simultaneously planting tender kisses on her neck. Her eyes grow half-lidded as lust quickly takes over her body. You helped Saerom out of her shorts and panties as she turns around and faces you. Her face is flushed as she cutely glares at you. Giving her a tender kiss on the lips, you smacked Saerom’s ass softly. She helps you remove your shirt, all the while still on the phone with an unsuspecting Nakyung.
You grabbed Saerom’s toned arms and pushed her face first onto the couch. Her long, beautiful hair was beginning to grow damp as she moved it all to one side for you to admire her neck.
You slapped her soft butt cheeks a few more times with your cock, teasing her. You slid yourself between them, causing her to have to restrict her moans before entering her. Your initial penetration caused you to moan as well, Saerom lost strength in her arms as her phone fell onto the couch. Giving her time to adjust to your cock, she fumbled around before placing the call on speaker.
“Fuck…” she moaned into the couch while covering her mouth.
“You’re so tight, mommy.” you said as you slowly thrusted in and out of her hole. Her velvety walls squeezed your cock painfully, arousing you even more. You thrusted into her slowly, yet deeply. Her asscheeks rippled from the force each time it collided with your lower body. Saerom bit down on her panties hard to prevent her moaning from being heard by Nakyung as you held onto her arms while you fucked her.
“Unnie, are you okay? You sound like you’re out of breath.” Nakyung’s voice could be heard through the phone. It was slightly alarming that the two of you quickly forgot Saerom was having a conversation. But that thought quickly faded as the two of you were being consumed by lust and passion.
“I-I’m fine!” Saerom panted heavily. “Harder, baby.” She whispered to you softly. You picked up the pace, causing her to bite even harder onto her panties as the sounds of your skin colliding with each other filled the spacious living room.
“Can I join you, unnie?” Nakyung curiously asked, causing your cock to throb inside Saerom. She turned her head back and rolled her eyes at you.
“N-Not… right now…” Saerom moaned, her voice trailing off as you held onto her hips and continued to thrust inside your girlfriend. Saerom was extremely wet, her juices coating your cock as you did your best to roughly fuck her quietly. Her moans fueled you to keep going. The two of you could feel every inch of your cock rubbing against her velvety tight walls. The sensation is becoming too much for Saerom to bear, her orgasm steadily building.
“Ahh, baby...” she moaned when she felt you pull out and re-enter her pussy. She wasn’t even given time to whine over the temporary loss of your cock as your tip finds a very sensitive spot.
“Awh, that’s too bad unnie. I wanted to wear the new sports bra and leggings I bought.”
“B-Baby! Slow down… Oh fuck!”
The feeling for Saerom is slightly painful, yet wonderful at the same time. Though she felt your cock throb once again by Nakyung’s statement, she doesn’t care. Each of your thrusts are filled with vigor, causing her to grit her teeth hard. Her toes curled from the pleasure, she knows your firm hold on her hips is the only thing supporting her at this point.Your pelvis meets hers, her soft flesh jiggling from the force. Despite wanting to spank her loudly as you know she loves it, you do so quietly so as to not let Nakyung hear. The effort seems moot, however, as Saerom’s moans and cries of pleasure are unexpectedly louder than usual. This position gives you full access to Saerom’s wonderful body, the result of a strict regimen and discipline. Saerom arches her back and her knees buckle as her body reacts to yours. She tries to find something to hold onto, anything that can act as an outlet from the consecutive bursts of pleasure. But each slam of your cock inside her means Saerom gets closer and closer to reaching her orgasm.
“N-Nakyung… can you… hold on a moment?”
You continue to thrust into her to the point of no return. Not caring that her phone was on speaker, all that mattered was the euphoric bliss of reaching her orgasm. Saerom screams as she finally climaxes. The pressure of her cum is so strong, it pushes your cock out of her pussy. Her body shakes as you watched her juices stained both of your thighs and the gray leather. Knowing you weren’t going to last much longer yourself, you entered Saerom’s still quivering pussy once more as your cock disappears between her ass cheeks with each thrust. A light layer of perspiration misted her beautiful backside as the pheromones being released caused an almost animalistic sense inside of you to awaken. Your left hand squeezes Saerom’s breast while your right tightly grips onto her wide hip. No longer caring that Nakyung could hear you both, Saerom releases a steady stream of loud moans and telling you to fuck her harder as the sounds of you penetrating her deafened the sounds of anything else.
“I’m… I’m gonna cum, mommy.”
“Fuck, fuck… fuck! Fuck mommy harder, baby! Keep fucking me hard just like that!”
With Saerom’s vulgar encouragement, you pushed your hips against hers until you felt your orgasm finally arrive. Thrusting into her deeply, your body shook - unloading into your girlfriend’s tight, warm pussy. Your cock throbbed inside her as you felt Saerom tighten around your shaft, milking you of rope after rope of semen into her wanton body. She flexed her beautiful back muscles for you as her moans of satisfaction could be heard. After giving you a bit of time to come down from your orgasmic high, Saerom slowly removed her body from your own.
You watched as thick gobs of your semen and her juices slowly dripped out of her freshly fucked pussy. You rubbed your tip against her hypersensitive clit, eliciting another mini orgasm and several violent aftershocks from her. Her lips quiver slightly from the amount of pleasure she was given. When the two of you are finished, you both catch your breath as Saerom turns around and pulls you down, causing you two to share tender, passionate kisses. Saerom breathes a sigh of relief, her eyes full of content and happiness from you.
“Unnie… when you and oppa are done sexercising, can you guys drop by the clinic?” Nakyung said while the two of you were still indulging in each other’s mouths.
“Sure thing, Naky.” you said without realizing, causing Saerom to smack you in the leg.
“Hi, oppa! I’ll be waiting for you guys. Seems like you fucked unnie good!” Nakyung teased as she ended the call.
Saerom’s big, beautiful eyes glared at you intensely as you leaned down and gave her another kiss. Despite her best efforts not to smile, she looked away as you peppered her face with quick pecks. Saerom then wraps her legs around you before flipping you over so that she is now on top. As you wrap an arm around her head and the other on her body, Saerom softly hits your chest.
“Want to go again?” you asked.
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The location Nakyung sent to Saerom’s phone was easily obtainable by GPS. Surrounded by many high rise buildings, the clinic stood humbly sandwiched in between a residential complex and what you believed to be one of the biggest dance studios you have ever seen. Needless to say, you were a bit intimidated by the estimated value of the area. Saerom drags you by the hand - her carefree attitude a fierce juxtaposition to the woman who loves sex she becomes whenever you two were alone in private.
“Oh baby, this is where I go every week for dance class. Never realized there was a clinic next door.” Saerom said to you as the two of you stood between the two buildings.
“Is that so?” you said, raising an eyebrow. “So who do I have to thank there for giving my girlfriend such a nice body?”
Saerom giggled as you squeezed each cheek before giving her butt a firm smack. She hit your shoulder, a hint of shyness on her face at your sudden aggressiveness while in public. Her reserved nature was something you could never get used to, but it was nice to know your girlfriend had her soft moments. She chose to wear a skin tight, all black colored outfit. Her long sleeved top ended just before her abs and cute belly button you always teased Saerom about. Her black leggings left little to the imagination as you admired her long legs that showed off her well sculpted thighs and her round butt your hands were currently on. Completing the look were black clear heeled boots that almost blended in with her leggings.
“Why don’t you go inside first, baby? I want to ask the teacher what this week’s dance would be.” Saerom said. She tried breaking free from your embrace, but was unable to as you squeezed her butt harder and pushed her towards you. Saerom laughs, hitting your chest while you move your hands above her lower back and hold her tightly. The two of you stay in each other’s embrace for a few minutes before Saerom finally manages to escape. Heading towards the entrance to the dance studio, she is stopped when she feels you gently holding onto her wrist. You turned her around and placed both hands on her face before giving her a deep, long kiss. When Saerom opens her eyes, she blinks them several times repeatedly and has the biggest smile plastered on.
“I love you.” you said.
“I love you too, baby. I won’t be gone long.” Saerom replied before giving you one more peck and pressing the outdoor button to enter the studio.
Once Saerom was out of sight, you admired the clinic before you. It was a simple two story building. Despite still appearing in good condition, it was obviously on the older side compared to the modern architecture surrounding it.
“Okay Clinic…” you said, reading the sign aloud.
With uneasy steps, you entered the clinic alone. The receptionists’ desk and waiting room were barren - it was hard to believe there would be no patients in the middle of the day. Admiring the minimalist decor, you scan the area trying to find Nakyung. While doing so, you were unaware of the person sneaking up behind you.
“Guess who?” the person says while covering your eyes.
“You can’t just say guess who when I know it’s you instantly from your voice, Nakyung.” you said, turning around and extending your arms out for a hug. The two of you have been friends for many years - first meeting each other on a blind date and deciding it would be better to keep things platonic.
“You’re no fun, oppa.” Nakyung replied, pouting as you pinched her cheek. For as long as you have known her, Nakyung had short, bobbed hair. Despite the brief period she went pink, it was easy to spot her out in a crowd due to her blonde hair. You question how long it has been since Nakyung is now sporting longer, darker colored hair. Her eyes were big and bright like Saerom’s, which often made it easy to read her facial expressions.
“Sounds like you and unnie had a good workout.” She teased, nudging you slightly.
“I’m never going to hear the end of this, will I…” you said, sighing.
“Nope! Just like you let me hear the end of you and unnie’s session, I will tease you about it until the end of time.”
Covering your face with your hands, you were embarrassed about the whole situation. It wasn’t like you or Saerom to be adventurous at all. Nakyung patted your shoulder before telling you to come with her as she led you to a plain white room with two comfortable looking chairs and a bed with fresh, unwrinkled sheets. You tilted your head and looked at Nakyung confused before she winked at you and headed for the door.
“Just wait here until the doctor is ready to see you. I hope you like the surprise, oppa.”
There wasn’t much to look at - well, nothing to look at really. You didn’t want to be on your phone, knowing you would dive far too deep into random videos and get distracted. You noticed the bed itself would have blended right into the walls were it not for the wooden bed frame and nightstand right next to it. The room seemed a bit too perfect, nothing out of the ordinary. Wanting to clear your head and not overthink things, you approached the nearby windows and stared off into the distance at the view of the surrounding buildings and cars passing by below.
“I thought I closed this door…” a slightly deep, feminine voice behind you could be heard saying. It was one you knew all too well. Surely this was a mistake. How is it possible that she is the doctor Nakyung forewarned you about? With hesitant steps, you slowly turned yourself around as your eyes focused on a pair of black heels. Moving up slowly, you saw a pair of long, creamy legs that were slightly covered by a lab coat and beautiful chestnut brown hair with blonde highlights. The woman had her hand on the doorknob, almost about to close the door when she raised her head and her eyes met yours.
You still aren’t sure what’s going on. Meeting up with your ex-girlfriend certainly wasn’t on the list of things to do today. The only thing you could think of in that moment was to get out of the room. Seeing an ex again usually never ends well. While the thought of jumping out of the window occurred to you, being on the second story and the resulting hospital bills that would come out of it proved to be not worth the trouble at all.
“I uh… Just remembered I left the stove on at home. I should get going.”
You quickly walk to the door to exit the room but are stopped as you feel a pair of hands wrap themselves tightly around you from behind. Gyuri tilts her face to the side as she refuses to let you go. It was the same tactic she used whenever you two had an argument and she knew it was her fault. Your shirt began to get stained with Gyuri’s tears as she sobbed. Despite all that has passed and the terms in which your breakup happened, it always hurt you seeing her cry. You could feel her entire body reacting as you managed to loosen the grip she had on you. The moment you did so, Gyuri hugged you once more while crying into your chest.
“O-Oppa… don’t leave me. Please.”
“Gyuri, I don’t think…”
“Oh, Saerom unnie! You’re here!”
Hearing Nakyung and Saerom’s voices close by, you removed Gyuri’s hold on you once more and sat down on one of the sofa chairs. Gyuri’s eyes were slightly puffy, but she was able to quickly compose herself as the two women finally entered the room.
“Baby!” Saerom exclaimed as she ran towards you and jumped onto your lap, giving kisses all over your face before wrapping her arms around your neck. You smiled at her, but your eyes couldn’t help meeting Gyuri’s. They lost the brightness they usually had, sadness filling them up as she continued to see how happy your girlfriend was.
“Unnie, you’re here too. I was looking all over for you.” Nakyung said to Gyuri. 
It seemed to fall on deaf ears though, as Gyuri continued to stare at you and Saerom. Despite her claims of having never been jealous, you used to always tease Gyuri whenever she gave you one word answers or pouted after you talked to another female. More often than not, there was always silent treatment until you cooked for her or tried to do a cute, yet embarrassing dance for her to lift her spirits.
“So… Why did you call us here, Gyuri?” Saerom asked. Gyuri’s eyes widened as she felt all the attention on her before shaking her head and assuming a formal expression.
“I called you both here today because I need your help, miss Saerom. I’m conducting an experiment and would like you two to be volunteers.”
“What experiment exactly?” you asked, as Saerom dismounted your lap and sat on the adjacent sofa chair. You weren’t sure, but you could have sworn you saw a slight smile on Gyuri’s face from said action. Clearing her throat, she continued.
“Miss Nakyung.” Gyuri said to her cute assistant. Getting the hint, Nakyung waved to the both of you before closing the door. The situation gets a bit more tense once Gyuri locks it. You and Saerom looked at each other - confused, yet beginning to get suspicious.
“Oppa. Do you remember that day we had a date in the library?” Gyuri asked you, a haunting smile on her face.
“Um…” The awkwardness of being in the same room as your current and ex-girlfriend was something you hoped would never happen. You were a bit hesitant to answer, especially with Saerom sitting next to you. “We had a lot of dates at the library.”
“Yes, but do you remember the one where I wasn’t wearing any panties and told you I wanted to study how to stimulate the human body… So I sucked your dick and you fucked me in that one area no one ever went to? God, I can still remember the feeling of your cum leaking out of me as we left.”
You turned to Saerom and saw she was gripping onto one of the sofa chair’s armrests quite tightly. Her large eyes could probably pierce pure steel with how focused they were on Gyuri. You moved your hand slightly as you wanted to place it on top of hers and reassure her, but second guessed yourself as Saerom finally spoke.
“Is there a reason why you brought up ancient history and have my boyfriend and I locked in an empty room with you?” Saerom asked coldly.
“I’m glad you asked.” Gyuri said, smirking. Taking her phone out of her lab pocket, she scrolled briefly before turning it landscape mode, pressing play and handing it to Saerom. You leaned towards your girlfriend as the two of you watched Gyuri naked on top of a man. The two of you winced slightly as the sounds of Gyuri slapping his face could be heard.
Saerom’s hands were on her thighs as she grabbed handfuls of the skin tight leggings covering them. It was strange seeing her so nervous - you were used to the radiant, confident girlfriend who seemed like she feared nothing. But as the two of you watched the man in the video being used by Gyuri, you could do nothing to help as Saerom’s facial features easily transitioned into fear and doubt.
“That was p-p-pretty hot… but why did we just watch you h-have s-sex with a guy?” Saerom stuttered. Gyuri smirked, knowing she had gotten into Saerom’s head.
“My experiment is what parts of the body or techniques are the most effective in getting as much cum out of a man as possible.”
Grabbing her phone from Saerom’s lap, she bends just enough for her face to be near your ear. She blows a puff of air near you, causing the hairs on the back of your neck to rise. “I imagined that it was you I was riding. How hard your cock always got inside my mouth. The way it throbbed in me whenever we had sex in public places. Just so you know, my pussy is even tighter now, baby.”
“A-And you want us to be your test subjects?” You asked after clearing your throat.
“That's correct. Unless… your girlfriend here is scared that that loose pussy of hers isn't able to get you to cum?” Gyuri suggested to Saerom, crossing her arms.
It seemed Saerom had had enough. Her hands firmly hold on Gyuri’s slim wrists as she throws her onto the sofa chair next to you. She heads for the bed, but not before making a show of it, running her hands through the curvature of her butt before they make their way to her abs. She flips her hair in a seductive manner, as she bites on her lower lip and flashes you fierce bedroom eyes.
“You.” Saerom said, summoning you by pointing her finger towards her as she removes her boots. “Sit on the edge of the bed and put your cock in my mouth. Now.”
You were never one to keep a woman waiting, especially now with you and Saerom having another pair of eyes as an audience. The ferocity in her eyes scared you, yet aroused you at the same time as Saerom got on her knees. Not even a second after you sit on the edge of the bed like she asked, Saerom makes quick work of yanking your pants down to your ankles, hurriedly removing them before you see they are tossed to a faraway corner of the room. 
Saerom pulled on the hemline of your boxer briefs and freed your cock from its cotton confines. You moaned softly as she peppers your cock with kisses, starting from the base until she reaches the tip. Gripping your shaft with her hand, you watched your girlfriend’s wet tongue swirl around in a counterclockwise motion. From the initial contact, your head is sensitive. Her large, round eyes remained focused on yours as she prepared you for oral sex.
You have had the pleasure of being inside Saerom’s mouth many, many times. It was one of the first things she did once the two of you agreed to be mutually exclusive to one another. While many were filled with raw lust and a race to get you to reach your orgasm quickly, you enjoyed whenever Saerom wanted to spend the day in bed having lazy, sensual sex. There were some days she would just tease you by spending the morning edging you with her mouth. She was never opposed to risque or public sex: it just was something that was never brought up.
Saerom then tugs on your balls and brings them downwards, spitting a large amount of saliva onto your shaft. Normally, Saerom would take her time. Teasing you as a means of building up the intimacy and lust inside you both. But it seems Gyuri’s mocking tone and the fact that you had history with her has awakened something inside Saerom. Perhaps it was always there, never needing to be released. Until now.
You let out a fully content sigh as Saerom finally takes you inside her mouth.
It was as if a large amount of pressure had been released all at once. Her tongue attached itself onto the underside of your cock as she made wave patterns on your length. She made sure to swipe your leaking slit each time, knowing it was one of your favorite things she does. The pleasure causes you to close your eyes, with your hands finding the back of Saerom’s head on their own. You felt a sharp pain quickly course through your body as you open your eyes and see the teeth marks Saerom has left on your cock.
“Mommy is in charge, baby. Which means no touching me while I suck your dick.” It seemed Gyuri really angered Saerom, with your girlfriend wanting to prove she is much better at pleasing you. You nodded slowly as Saerom resumed bobbing her head between your legs. You certainly weren’t one to challenge her. Especially while her hot, wet mouth was providing a wonderful feeling.
All you could do was close your eyes and savor Saerom’s mouth on your cock. She bobs her head and takes an extra inch each time, as you feel more of your shaft covered with her saliva. The feeling of her tongue drawing random shapes and even letters on the head of your cock is blissful. Saerom massages your thighs in order to get you to loosen up as she pleasures you like she did earlier this morning.
Saerom’s eyes are filled with heavy desire as you look down once more and think about how beautiful your girlfriend was, and how lucky you were to call her yours. Her eyes formed crescents as she managed to form a smile at you. Bobbing her head a few more times, Saerom removes your shaft painfully slowly from her mouth, much to your disappointment. You watched as your cock was thoroughly covered in her saliva, several thin strands were connected from your tip to her red lips and chin.
“Mommy wants to ride you, baby.”
Saerom immediately pounces on top of you, pushing you onto the bed as the two of you exchange in fierce kisses. You wanted to be the dominant one, but that notion quickly fails as her tongue overpowers yours while she roughly bites on your lower lip.
She continues kissing you as the two of you managed to help strip each other. Buttons fly off your shirt as she almost rips it off your body. You wanted nothing more than to reciprocate the favor and rip a hole in her leggings, but Saerom muscular thighs keep you locked in place. You were helpless as your girlfriend has you under her spell. Once she removed the last few pieces of clothing, one of which being a very skimpy thong, your eyes were graced with her wanton body. She was the perfect mix of toned and curvy, not an imperfection in sight. Saerom plants her chest against yours, the feeling of her nipples beginning to harden as she gives you a final, pleasure-filled kiss.
You could have stared at her wonderful proportions all day long if possible. But the thought of being inside Saerom caused your cock to throb with excitement. Saerom giggled, giving you a few strokes before placing her hands on your chest and turning herself around. Long hours at the gym were now on display as you were met with her muscular back. Saerom’s round, full cheeks were enticing - you wanted to squeeze each one and give them firm smacks. But she was the one in control. You knew there was nothing worse than an already angry woman being even angrier.
“Oooh, baby…” Initially thinking the words came from Saerom’s lips, you looked nearby at the sofa chair and saw Gyuri’s legs spread open as her hand descended down her body. You almost forgot she was in the room with you both, Saerom’s control over you making it easy to only focus on her. Her skin was just as smooth and creamy as Saerom’s - a trait you were slightly worried you were able to easily recognize. Forming the letter v with her fingers, she places her lips in between them. A dangerously erotic moan escapes her rosy pink lips as you watched Gyuri touching herself. Her eyes were half open, as they began to ascend upwards towards the back of her head.
While Saerom would have normally teased you by hitting the tip of your cock on her lips, or rubbing them against you to get you lubricated, she wasted no time by raising her hips and lowering herself onto you.
“Fuck…” the two of you moaned out at the initial penetration. Your eyes immediately closed as Saerom let the pleasure of you being inside course through her. Her hips grinded against your body as she quickly finds a comfortable pace, the lubrication from her saliva and natural juices making it easy to be welcomed inside Saerom’s tight body. Her wide hips which you enjoyed so much moved in a circular motion, allowing you to feel all of her. It was safe to say both of you loved her body.
“Oh baby, fuck… you feel so good inside mommy.” Saerom moaned, throwing her head back as she moved her body up and down your cock. A thin layer of sweat began to form as the temperature of her body began to increase. Sounds of her pussy being sheathed by your shaft and her plump, round ass against your thighs filled the room as Saerom gave into her lust-filled moans, letting out erotically charged laughs as well.
“Fuck her harder, baby.”
You managed to move your eyes slightly as you saw your ex-girlfriend fingering herself. Her face is flushed - you aren’t sure if it’s more from her own self pleasure or the fact she was watching you fuck another woman. Whatever the case may be, Gyuri has stuck another finger inside herself while her other hand is busy rubbing her sensitive nub.
The temporary distraction is short lived, as Saerom continues bouncing herself repeatedly on top of you. A bit disappointed you weren’t able to fondle her breasts or slap them, her tight, hot, wet pussy makes all of your troubles go away. The only thing the two of you could focus on is the pleasure emanating from between both of your legs.
“Baby, do you love how tight mommy is?” Saerom asked, knowing full well what your answer would be.
Gyuri’s moans were a slightly lower register than Saerom’s, yet no less erotic. The background noise of her pleasuring herself while moaning out your name proved to be motivating, filling you with motivation to extract as much desire from both women in the room, albeit in different ways.
You were going to assist Saerom in whatever way you could in order to prove Gyuri wrong. Her plump ass slams down against your body as she uses all of her energy into getting the most amount of pleasure from you both.
“Fuck…!” Saerom screams as she continues bouncing on your cock. Her hands make their way to your chest as she braces herself. Your normally vanilla girlfriend had a new side awakened in her - a lust filled vixen who probably wouldn’t care if the room was currently filled full of people. All that mattered was the pleasure gradually building up inside her, letting it be known by the increasing volume of her heavy moans.
“Baby, fuck… I’m gonna cum. Mommy’s gonna cum so hard on your cock!”
Saerom lets out an ear shattering scream as the orgasm hits her all at once. Her body quivers as she feels the pleasure shoot upwards in her spine. Her toes curl while she holds onto your chest for support. Her juices liberally coat your cock as you feel the hot, tight, wet flesh grip onto your length. Her orgasm is so intense that it begins to coat both of your thighs.
Heavy breaths and a heaving chest are what Saerom does as she recovers from her intense orgasm. With your cock still inside her, she turns her body around so that you were both facing each other. Exhaustion painted on both of your faces, you smile at each other as you can feel her pussy having smaller pulsing aftershocks. As Saerom lowers her face and is about to capture your lips once more, she suddenly screams as you feel her being forcibly removed from your cock. The sensation is slightly painful as you regain your senses and see that Gyuri has tied your girlfriend’s wrists behind her back.
“What the fuck are you doing? I was just about to kiss him and keep going!” Saerom screamed in anger.
“I couldn’t just sit back and watch you fuck him. Now, it’s my turn to finish this experiment.” Gyuri replied, grabbing Saerom’s thong and stuffing it into her mouth. Taking off her lab coat, Gyuri straddles your lap and repeats Saerom’s initial action. She uses all of her strength and flips you both so that her back is now on the bed and having you on top of her.
“Fuck me, baby. Please. Fuck me like you used to. Fuck me like you fuck her now.”
Gyuri doesn’t give you much time to process what is currently happening as she grips your still erect cock and lines it up with her drenched lips. Almost as if it was drawn to you, her pussy requires little effort in order to part itself and allow you entry.
You might have been feeling nostalgic, but there was something about re-entering Gyuri’s pussy after years being away from it that felt familiar. Tight, wet, velvet-like - all words you could use to describe Gyuri, but just as easily Saerom.
She closes her eyes, the feeling of you being inside her overwhelming all of her senses at once. Wrapping her legs around your waist, she pulls you down towards her and kisses you. Moaning inside your mouth, you surrender yourself to the woman you once loved.
Her pussy was tight, almost not wanting to let go of you as you began to withdraw yourself until only your tip remained. Pushing your hips forward, you re-enter her once more. Gyuri is drenched from teasing herself earlier, likewise you are lubricated from being inside Saerom. Relief is evident on her face, her entire body loosening up and relaxing as she moans due to your cock.
“Baby… fuck. I missed having you inside me.”
You have had the pleasure of being inside Gyuri many, many times previously. Each time was just as wonderful as the last. The two of you continued kissing each other as you continued thrusting inside her.
“Baby… keep g-going.” she panted inside your mouth.
She interlocks her fingers with yours as Gyuri’s body bounces below you as you continued fucking her. It doesn’t take long until she orgasms, you feel her walls quivering slightly until they tighten around your cock and another set of juices coating you once more. It seems it is just as intense as Saerom’s, her thighs holding onto your waist for support as she pulls you closer to her. She gives you another kiss, this time much softer. It was almost as if she was thanking you for helping her achieve bliss.
“K-Keep fucking me, baby. D-Don’t stop until you cum in me.”
It seems her walls also refuse to let you go as you resumed fucking Gyuri. You held onto her delicious looking hips as the tightness of her pussy is almost overwhelming. It squeezes every inch of your shaft in a way that Saerom’s hadn’t.
“Oh my god… baby.” Gyuri cooed after a deep thrust inside her.
Every entrance and exit out of her wanton body caused her inner muscles to tighten around you. Even though you were the one mainly in control, you could have sworn you felt Gyuri’s body pushing back against you.
“A-Are you close, baby?” Gyuri asked, exhaustion in her voice.
You knew it was only a matter of time, your own orgasm was fast approaching. You quickened your pace, both of your bodies colliding with each other as skin smacked against skin in a satisfying way. The bed below you both creaking loudly as you felt the friction between the two of you from how fast you were both fucking each other. Gyuri’s repeated moans along with her telling you to fuck her harder and faster are all that it takes for you to reach your tipping point.
One final deep thrust inside Gyuri causes the two of you to moan loudly as your shaft throbs and her walls pulsate and tighten around you as you release thick, hot semen inside her. The orgasm causes you to give several slightly weaker thrusts as she drains you. Feeling a bit lightheaded and exhausted from having to fuck two women back to back, you wipe the sweat on your forehead with the back of your hand and look down to see Gyuri - fully content, her dark brown eyes almost amber-like in color from the satisfaction you have given her.
You catch your breath as she smiles through her eyes like she always did after the two of you were intimate, her soft hands gently cupping your face as you kiss each other once more.
Gyuri stands alone in the balcony, the slightly chilly night time breeze a cool relief on her still slightly flushed face.
She admires the lights of the nearby buildings and cars passing by below. As she tries to read a fluorescent sight of a business far away, she feels a blanket draped over her shoulders as you appear next to her, smiling and handing her a hot beverage cup with a sleeve.
“It’s your favorite. Hot chocolate with a bunch of marshmallows.” you said.
“You always did know how to take good care of a woman.”
Both of you sipped on the hot liquid, a satisfied hum coming from Gyuri as your bodies begin to warm up.
“Where’s… Saerom?” She asked, a bit hesitant. Through all of your years knowing her, Gyuri was never one to be timid or shy.
“She’s talking to Nakyung. Something about the both of them wanting to get massages or something. You know, girl talk. Guess Nakyung knows someone.” you said, shrugging your shoulders while taking another sip.
“Oppa, I…”
“It really was nice seeing you again, Gyuri.” Despite you interrupting her train of thought, she turned to you and listened intently. “After you broke up with me, I had so many questions. I couldn’t understand why. Was it my fault? Did I not give you enough love?”
“But reminiscing on the old days, us having sex again. I’m… thankful. We can’t go back to how things were. But the nostalgia - how your skin felt. The lotion you still use. How your kisses gave me butterflies each time. How you made me feel comfortable around you. It was… nice.”
Gyuri was smiling, and despite her face not being that visible in the dark, you were able to see tears streaming down her face.
“Am I… getting rejected by you?”
“You’ll find someone better than me.”
Gyuri grabs onto your shirt, tiptoeing and pulling you down towards her as she gives you a kiss. You stood there, stunned, as you felt her pour her emotion through the connection of your lips. Both of you opened your eyes when her lips left yours, a soft sadness in her eyes betraying her warm smile. She fixes the knot on your tie and returns to looking out at the city skyline.
“I’m glad you’re both happy together, baby. Hopefully she shows you as much love as you gave me.”
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viastro · 3 years
two missions [REMAKE] | yoon jeonghan
ミ★ synopsis: in which you and jeonghan go on an undercover mission to a gala to get info on one of south korea’s largest drug cartels.
ミ★ genre: undercover agents!jeonghan and reader, previous assassins!jeonghan and reader, humor, some fluff, some suspense 
ミ★ warnings: spiked drinks, mentions of drugs, implications of murder, slightly suggestive
ミ★ word count: 6,469
ミ★ pairings: yoon jeonghan x female reader
ミ★ notes: hi guys! in honor of my one year here on tumblr, i decided to remake my very first oneshot. i was originally planning to just delete the previous version of two missions, but it’s the first oneshot i posted and i feel like that makes it have some value. i will not be linking the original as i actually dislike it a lot so AJKGBRK i tried to make this more inclusive than it used to be as i feel that was a big problem in the first version, so i hope you guys enjoy this! happy one year of viastro !!
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“So you’re telling me that your next mission is to be Jeonghan’s wife again? How do you survive when you have a raging crush on the man...” Mingyu whispers rather loudly through his mouthful of french fries. You immediately turn to glare at your pretty friend, smacking his arm. “Bitch! Why would you say that so loud? While you’re still chewing your fries no less.”
Mingyu giggles in response, putting a fry into your mouth to try and calm you down. You chew it nervously, glancing over at Jeonghan talking to one of your coworkers as they stare up at the menu. Your heart pounds against your chest as your eyes trail over him. His blue dress shirt is tucked into black slacks, and you take notice of his new undercut.
“I honestly don’t know how I survive. The time he slept at my apartment? I almost fucking died because of how nervous I was. My heart stutters whenever he smiles at me, I don’t know why Cheol keeps making me be his partner on our undercover operations.” You mutter absentmindedly, watching as he tilts his head while he tries to decide what to order. Mingyu rolls his eyes, now slapping your shoulder, making you let out a whine.
“You know exactly why Cheol keeps pairing up the two of you. Not only because he knows of your little crush, but the two of you were both assassins before you became secret agents. Not to mention the fact that you look good together. That’s why Cheol makes you both a married couple whenever the operation calls for it.” Mingyu explains, and you purse your lips, turning back towards Jeonghan.
Jeonghan was transferred to your department last year, and the first time the two of you met was rather humiliating to say the least as you’ve never seen a man as beautiful as him. Not to say that your coworkers aren’t pretty, but Jeonghan was the only one to make your normally composed demeanor crumble. Mingyu still likes to make fun of you for it to this day.
“Everyone, this is Yoon Jeonghan. He’s the new recruit in our team, used to be a trained assassin but now he’s with us. He’s one of our strongest next to yn.” Seungcheol announces, eyes trailing over the eleven guys, squinting when he doesn’t find you among the crowd.
“Where’s yn?”
Joshua points towards the restrooms, “Yn went to the bathroom, you know how she always flosses after lunch.”
Seungcheol sighs, knowing very well how much you care about your dental hygiene. He’s about to dismiss everyone when the door to the bathroom shuts, and everyone turns to glance at you.
“Guys, we can’t ever have jajangmyeon for lunch again. Do you know how many times I just had to brush my teeth? Because it wasn’t pleasant-”
“No, Cheol. You have to hear this cause I know how much you enjoy your jajangmyeon. Also, we have to talk about using the mini before you go spray bottles I got each of you for Christmas because I’m sick and tired of walking into the restroom just to have it smell like absolute as-'' You halt your movements when you finally look up from the floor, only to lock eyes with the most ethereal man you’ve ever seen in your life. His blonde hair is parted down the middle, falling a bit past his sharp eyes. His cheekbones are prominent, pairing well with his delicate nose and lips. He’s sporting an amused smile, and you audibly gulp at the sight.
“Yn, this is Yoon Jeonghan. He’s the new recruit.” Seungcheol introduces, holding back his own laughter at how shellshocked you appear. You realize that the rest of your coworkers are also trying to keep their composure due to their shaking shoulders, but you continue to stare at the angel in awe. Jeonghan finally raises his hand up and waves,
You smile awkwardly and wave back, before hurrying over to Minghao and hiding behind him and Jun. You hear the two begin to snicker, and you slap their backs, feeling warmth flood your face.
“This is fucking humiliating.”
You find yourself smiling subconsciously when Jeonghan laughs at something Eunhee said, heart warm from the angelic sound. Jeonghan feels a pair of eyes on him, and he turns his head, only to lock eyes with you. Your breath hitches and you immediately turn away and rest your forehead onto Mingyu’s shoulder, making the latter laugh as he waves towards Jeonghan.
Jeonghan’s eyebrows furrow a bit at the affectionate gesture, but grins and waves back at Mingyu when the tall man greets him. His attention is demanded once he hears his order being called, and he turns back to the counter, attention suddenly focused solely on filling his empty stomach.
“You know you’re just humiliating yourself by avoiding eye contact each time he catches your eye, right?” Mingyu asks through his smile, and you squeeze your eyes shut, knowing that it’s true.
“Shut your whore mouth.”
“That was unprovoked?!”
You lift your head up once you hear the door open, catching Jeonghan leaving the McDonalds with Eunhee. “He’s so pretty I just never know how to act when we’re not on a mission.”
Mingyu chuckles and rolls his eyes, “How are you gonna survive tomorrow night this time, yn?”
You glance at the door Jeonghan just walked out of, sighing to yourself.
“I won’t.”
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“You look so good!” Seulgi squeals as you step out of the stall of the restroom. You grin shyly, fixing the gun holster on your right thigh as you stare at yourself in the mirror. “Thanks for doing my makeup Seulgi, this is so much better than anything I could’ve done.” You tell her and she chuckles.
“Pfft, it was no biggie. I’m glad you asked for my help instead of Hyoon, honestly. Her makeup can be scary sometimes. I’ve been meaning to tell her that her eyeliner should at least touch the outer corner of her eye…” Seulgi trails off at the thought of Hyoon’s poor decisions in makeup. You giggle at her antics, before turning back to the mirror to look at yourself.
You eye the sheer corset of the top of the dress, trailing down towards the high slit of the silk emerald green skirt. You tilt your head to the side, adjusting the gun strapped to your thigh so that it won’t be seen. The bright crystal under each of your eyes reflects as it catches the light, and you let out a smile at the sight, thinking this might be too over the top for the gala.
“You know Seulgi, this is a mission to get more information on a drug lord. Don’t you think this is too much?” You ask, gesturing to your whole get up, putting a pause to Seulgi’s rant about Hyoon’s poor makeup decisions. Your friend smirks at you, causing you to raise an eyebrow at her.
“There’s actually two missions, yn.” You squint at her, and she narrows her eyes back at you.
You watch as Seulgi’s eyes brighten when a smile forms on her face, and she raises her arms up in the air. “To seduce Jeonghan so that the two of you will finally go on a date!”
You roll your eyes, shoving her slightly, causing Seulgi to let out a laugh. You open your mouth to tell her that she’s crazy, only to hear your phone beep in your clutch. Taking out the cool metal, you turn on your screen to find a text from Jeonghan.
“Ooo~ it's loverboy.”
“Shut your whore mouth.”
“You gotta stop saying that, yn.”
jeonghan: yn, i’m ready to go when you are. are you in the restroom on the eighth floor ?
you: yes i am !
jeonghan: okay i’ll be right there :)
Jeonghan puts his phone in his suit pocket, turning to glance at himself one more time. His emerald green blazer is over his velvet black turtleneck, paired with fitted black slacks. He eyes the silver necklace around his neck, looking at the charm that holds the tiny camera. Running a hand through his hair, he lets out a puff of air before leaving the restroom, heading towards the bathroom you’re at.
He turns the corner, seeing Seulgi walk out of the bathroom. He’s about to wave at her before he sees you step out and jesus fucking christ are those crystals under your eyes?
You’re giggling at something Seulgi said as you make sure your earring is on properly. Once you’re sure it’s secure, you turn your head, only to lock eyes with Jeonghan. You feel heat rush to your face as you take in Jeonghan’s appearance, finding him to be even more attractive than usual.
lord, i am not your strongest soldier.
“Hi.” You greet after a moment of silence passes between you three, and Jeonghan blinks out of his awed state, making you smile wider.
“You look beautiful.” Jeonghan blurts out, only to immediately turn away and bite his fist when he realizes he didn’t even return your greeting. Your eyes widen slightly, and you look down at the floor as warmth floods your face.
“Jesus Christ, just make out already. I’m taking my leave, I feel weird.” Seulgi announces, simultaneously making you and Jeonghan’s faces incredibly warm. She lets out a small, worried smile, “Make sure to be safe tonight guys, the target is at the top of the Cheol’s list for a reason.” Seulgi says, making sure to point at the both of you.
Jeonghan and you look up, giving your pretty coworker a thumbs up and saying you’ll be fine. Seulgi shakes her head a bit more urgently this time, and grasps your hand.
“I’m serious! This guy has eyes and ears everywhere, you have to make sure you’re at the top of your A-game. Look real husband and wifey, yn’s real identity is still unknown in this world of undercover agents and no one knows that Jeonghan joined hands with Seungcheol! Don’t mess up. I love you yn, you too Jeonghan.” You nod, making sure to look more determined. Jeonghan nods his head as well, giving Seulgi a thumbs up. She smiles softly, before finally walking off.
“Well, are you ready?” Jeonghan turns to ask you, and you glance at him. You take notice of the caramel colored eye contacts he has on, feeling yourself get lost in them as you nod your head.
“Let’s bust down this joint.” You say once you turn away, mustering the most determined look you can. Jeonghan chuckles into the back of his hand with a quiet, “So cute.”
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“You make sure you stay beside me at all times yn. I know you’re fully capable of protecting yourself, as am I, but we work best when we’re together, okay?” Jeonghan tells you in the backseat of the SUV, staring at your gold dangly earring against your complexion.
she’s so pretty I can't believe this.
“You’re right. We should come up with a game plan though. What do we do if we end up having to be separated to learn more info? Or one of us gets caught, what happens then?” You ask, glancing up and finding the driver biting his lip nervously as he drives.
“Mingyu, I’ll be fine.” You say softly, and your friend stops biting his lip, only for a frown to take over his face. You let out a soft smile, before turning to look back at Jeonghan, who is still staring at your earring(?)
“Is there something wrong with my earrin-”
“We shouldn’t have to end up being separated, but if we do, make sure that the other is always in the other's peripheral vision. If you could, stay within an arm's distance.” Jeonghan cuts you off, snapping out of his mini trance in which he hopes you didn’t notice him blatantly ogling you. You nod slowly before he adds, “And neither of us will get caught. We’ll be okay yn.”
“We’re here.” Mingyu says from the front and you and Jeonghan glance out the car window to see that you’ve arrived at the hotel. You give Mingyu a reassuring smile, muttering, “We’ll be okay. I’ll see you later.” Before turning to find Jeonghan already stepped out of the vehicle, hand outstretched towards you. You smile and take a hold of it, letting him help you out of the expensive car. He flashes you a grin as you both head inside.
The walls are practically dripping in gold, and you find yourself in a slight trance at the sight of it. While you may have had many missions by this point, your reaction to these types of events has always been the same. You could never get used to the views you’ve seen.
Jeonghan glances over at you, letting a fond smile take over his face as he notices the look of pure awe on your face. Your mouth is slightly open as you let your eyes wander a bit, before remembering what you’re here for, promptly regaining your composure. Jeonghan turns his head to face forward, seeing the security check. You smirk slightly when Jeonghan hands them the fake invitation from his blazer pocket. The guards give the two of you a bow, letting you enter the gala after Jeonghan gets a quick pat down.
“You’re not armed right now?” You ask him in a small voice, eyebrow raised as you look at him. He lets out a sly grin, squeezing your hand.
“I snuck it past him, don't worry sweetheart- Hello!” Jeonghan quickly changes the subject as he greets an older couple. You let out a smile when you lock eyes with the target, letting Jeonghan take you over to their table. The couple smiles at the two of you, and you both bow before continuing to greet them.
“Hello Daehyun, how have you been?” Jeonghan asks the older fellow and he grins, “Business has been a bit slow as of recently, but it should pick up soon. I hired some new runners and I think their looks will persuade the customers to buy more. How about you? How’s business”
Jeonghan and the older couple begin some small talk while you glance around the room. You notice a few brooding looking characters at the table near the dance floor, staring at the female and male waitresses handing out drink assortments to all the guests.
“So, yn. Has Jeonghan here been a lot to handle?” Haeun asks you mid-thought, and you turn to glance at the older lady. Her hair has a few strands of white, but other than a couple wrinkles you wouldn’t be able to tell that she’s reaching the age of 68. You also wouldn’t be able to tell that this couple owns one of the biggest underground drug cartels in South Korea either, but that’s a problem you’ll take care of in a bit.
You giggle before shaking your head no, reciting the fake life you and Jeonghan had to memorize. You both quite literally had flashcards, quizzing each other on these fake identities and quirks you both have. He ended up crashing at your place that night since you both studied until 3 am. Mingyu and Minghao teased you later on about how that was basically a date, it took two weeks for them to quiet down on that matter.
“Would any of you like wine?” A waiter comes up to ask, and you turn your head to look at him. You see Daehyun and Haeun reach out for a glass, but the waiter maintains eye contact with you specifically. You notice something flash through his eyes for a second, and you raise an eyebrow. His lips quirk up in a small smirk, to which Jeonghan shakes his head.
“My wife and I would not be interested in a glass of wine.” Jeonghan answers with a sense of finality, his tone laced with a bit of venom that only someone who’s known him long enough would be able to tell. The waiter lets out a grin, bowing his head before stalking off to the next table. Jeonghan turns to look at you, and you give him a tight-lipped smile.
“Yn, would you please accompany me to the bar? That waiter gave me a horrible glass of wine. I quite literally can’t swallow it down.” Haeun requests, and Jeonghan immediately intervenes.
“I’ll accompany you Haeun-” She raises up her hand, cutting Jeonghan off.
“I want to get to know yn. You boys keep talking about… boy stuff and I’m bored. It’s time for a girl chat.” Jeonghan looks at you and you send him a reassuring smile, patting his arm as a way to say, I’m okay.
“Well, alright then.” Jeonghan agrees hesitantly. He grabs your arm before you go, leaning down to whisper into your ear, “Remember what we talked about in the car. If you need me just shoot me a glance, I have a clear view of you from the bar.” He moves back, kissing your cheek and giving you a warm smile.
Your heart stutters in your chest, and it takes a moment for you to smile back at him, remembering that you’re in the middle of a mission right now. However,
“You lovebirds are still in that honeymoon phase, huh?” Haeun asks as you both walk towards the bar. You grasp your face since you feel your cheeks getting warmer, and she laughs at your reaction as you both reach the bar.
“I’ll have a glass of Moët & Chandon.” Haeun tells the bartender as she takes a seat on the high chair.
You take the seat beside her and glance over at Jeonghan who is chuckling at something Daehyun said. His eyes lock with yours and he raises an eyebrow at you, to which you simply shrug back in response. He smiles before turning back to Daehyun. You look around a bit more before Haeun gets your attention.
“You know yn, I really love your dress. I remember when I was younger I wore that type of dress except it was a dark purple.”
“That must’ve looked so pretty on you Haeun. Do you have any pictures?” You ask and she sighs, shaking her head no.
“I wish I had some on me, they’re probably somewhere at home if you and Jeonghan would like to visit.” You simply smile as a response, knowing damn well you’d never attempt to go to their house.
“Your Moët & Chandon, and here is your Laurent-Perrier.” He hands Haeun her drink, while also handing you a glass. You raise an eyebrow at the beverage in your hand, “I didn’t order anything?” You tell him confusedly.
“On the house.” He answers with a charming smile, before turning around and walking to the other side of the bar.
“Well, thank you?” You say quietly, voice turning up at the end as if it’s a question. Haeun looks between you and the glass of champagne, before letting out a small chuckle.
“I’m taking that out of his paycheck.” Haeun jokes, and you grin in response. You turn your head to look over to the other end of the bar, finding the man making drinks for another couple.
“Surprised he didn’t see the ring on your finger though, it’s huge.” Haeun points out, distracting you from through thoughts. You chuckle, and take a glance at your left hand. The diamond glimmers back at you and you smile at it.
if only it were real, you think to yourself as you take a sip of the drink, finding yourself surprised at how light it tastes.
“This is actually really nice, he has good taste.” You say, gesturing over to the bartender, to which Haeun simply flashes you a close-lipped smile. What you are unable to notice as you continue to take sips of the alcohol, is the malicious intent behind the old woman’s smile.
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“Where are we going?” You ask groggily.
you really don’t feel good.
“To the restroom dear, I think you need to wash up a bit.” Haeun responds, hand pressed to the small of your back. She guides you to another hallway that you haven’t seen yet, and you find yourself even more confused.
“W-What did you do to me?” You ask, trying to push the old woman away, but you’re so weak that Haeun doesn’t even stumble. She doesn’t respond, continuing to drag your limp body down the hallway.
You enter a room that doesn’t resemble a bathroom at all. The room has dim lighting, there’s only a couch and a drink cart. It doesn't match the rest of the gala at all. You pout when Haeun sets you down on the sofa. She pulls out her phone and you cock your head to the side.
“This isn’t a bathroom.”
Haeun smiles at you, placing her phone back into her pouch. She reaches out and grabs your chin harshly, making you wince slightly.
“You think I wouldn’t know who you are, yn yln? Or should I say, Dahlia?” Your blood runs cold when not only your real name is spoken, but your alias as well. You stare up into her eyes, finding a dark smile on her face. “I can’t believe Jeonghan fell for your deceit. I imagine he’ll be heartbroken when you disappear, but alas. He’s a handsome man, he’ll find someone else.”
Haeun lets go of your chin, and pats your head before turning and preparing to walk out of the room. You stand up after her, but quickly stumble and fall to the floor. Groaning, you lay there for a moment as you try to force yourself to sober up.
“What are you going to do to me?” You slur out, and Haeun simply sends you a cold smile as she begins to close the door.
“You’ll find out.”
You lay on the floor for a few minutes, squeezing your eyes shut and opening them to try and fight whatever is in your system. You let out a groan, wondering how you could be so stupid to accept a drink on a mission. Your internal self hatred ends when the door opens, gaining your attention.
“Well, what a sight this is.” You look up to see one of the guys from the table you glanced at earlier in the night. Your vision turns fuzzy as he helps you up off the ground and places you on the sofa, both of his hands remaining on your shoulders.
“My, my, my. What a pretty thing you are. Tragic that you have to die.” He mutters, tucking a stray hair behind your ear.
“No.” You whisper, reaching up to move his hand away but he only catches it, pressing a kiss to the back of your wrist. You try and snatch it back but your body won’t let you move as strongly as you’d want.
“Any last words, pretty?” He asks, stroking your cheek. Flinching back in disgust, you finally manage to push his hand away, reaching through the slit of your dress to grab the gun.
“Oh? This is a surprise-”
He’s cut off once you kick him in the crotch with as much strength as you can manage, which isn’t much by the way, and he screeches at the impact of your heel. You stand up, wobbling a bit, before pointing the gun at his head.
“I may h-have gotten drugged. However, I won’t hesitate to shoot you in your goddamn ugly face if you touch me again.” You threaten, tone ice cold as you hit him with the butt of your gun. He immediately falls back, muttering obscenities at you due to the pain in his head. You make your move to escape, taking an abnormally long time to unlock the door. However, once you do, you wobble down the hallway, putting the gun back into its holster.
You know that in your current state, you won’t be able to escape the man if you don’t find Jeonghan. You only have a few minutes to get back to the main gala, but you can only hope that Jeonghan is already trying to find you.
“Jeonghan, please help me.”
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Jeonghan is in a state of panic. He looked around for you when he realized you were no longer at the bar, excusing himself from his conversation with the target to search for you. He walks into the middle of the dance floor, pushing past the couples who are dancing. He doesn’t care about the mission anymore, all he wants is to find you.
yn, where did you go?
Jeonghan turns his head to see Haeun laugh with a group of men, feeling his breath hitch when he realizes you’re not with her. His instincts kick in, and he dashes towards the restrooms, opening the door to the women’s bathroom.
“YN! YN!?!” When no response from you comes, he curses, running out and going to another hallway.
You stumble, grabbing your head as you walk with your hand holding the wall. Your head is pounding and you want nothing more than to just lay down on the floor and sleep. You look around, seeing the color gold surrounding your vision and it makes you want to throw up. Groaning, you attempt to walk faster but it feels like you’re in quicksand.
“HEY!” The guy’s voice resonates through the hall, and you feel panic settle in as you try your best to walk faster. You hear the sound of running feet and you reach for your gun, only to hear a second pair of footsteps. You hear a grunt and the sound of two bodies colliding onto the floor. You turn towards the sound, seeing a head of midnight black hair hovering over the guy from earlier.
“Leave her the fuck alone Gwan, she’s mine.” Jeonghan growls, hand wrapped around the other’s throat. The man looks into Jeonghan’s eyes with a mix of fear and hatred, “She’s not yours Jeonghan. You’re not fucking married last I heard-”
Jeonghan lifts up his left hand, the gold of his wedding band shining brightly back at the piece of shit. The man’s eyes widen, and they practically bulge out as Jeonghan's grip on Gwan’s throat tightens.
“That’s my fucking wife. Know your place, Gwan. You know what I’m capable of, I can kill you in a heartbeat. You wouldn’t have the time to blink and your neck would be snapped.” Jeonghan hisses and the man coughs.
“I was just doing what Haeun told me to do.” Gwan wheezes out, and the black haired beauty bites the inside of his cheek. After a moment, Jeonghan lets go and gets off the man. Gwan stands up and sucks in a deep breath, face bright red from the lack of air. Jeonghan points at the man with dark eyes, “You tell Haeun none of this, I’ll handle her later.”
Gwan does nothing but nod, before running down the hallway. Once he turns the corner, Jeonghan turns his head to see you passed out on the floor. His eyes widen and he runs over to you. Kneeling down to check your pulse, a wave of relief washes over him once he feels your heartbeat respond back to him. Jeonghan reaches into his pocket and takes out his phone, sending a text to Mingyu that he found you and needs him to come pick you both up at the west entrance.
“Yn… I’m so sorry.” He whispers to your sleeping form, furrow to his brow as he thinks of how anxious you must’ve felt. He reaches out and softly pats your head, wishing he was paying more attention to you so that this whole ordeal could’ve been avoided.
“Alright yn, I’m gonna have to carry you outta here. I hope that’s okay.” Jeonghan says to your sleeping form, placing an arm under your knees and another arm under your upper body. He lifts you up, and walks towards the west exit.
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You open your eyes, only to shut them right away once the pounding migraine registers in your head. You let out a groan, rolling over and grabbing your pillow to cover your face. You sigh,
so comfy. i love my bed it smells so nice-
You sit right back up, eyes wide open as you take in your surroundings. You’re in your apartment, but how in the hell did you get here? You do another double take once you realize you’re no longer in your dress, but in your Pikachu pajama bottoms and a t-shirt.
“Why can’t I remember anything?” You mumble, climbing out of bed to go and grab acetaminophen from your kitchen cabinet to ease your pounding brain. You step out of your room, rubbing the back of your neck as you walk towards the kitchen. Still a bit sleepy, you reach up into the cabinet to grab some medicine, only to halt your movements.
Acetaminophen in hand, you step backwards out of the kitchen and glance over towards your living room, only for your eyes to widen when you see the head of black hair laying on your couch.
“Jeonghan?!” You gasp and he stirs in his sleep, rolling over to lay on his side. You immediately cover your mouth with your hands, as if it would erase the fact that you practically just yelled the man’s name.
“What the fuck happened last night?” You whisper to yourself as you back up into the kitchen once again. You lean against the counter, taking the medicine and drinking water to swallow it down as you try to think about the events that occurred the night before.
You went to the gala with Jeonghan and almost peed your pants because of how handsome he looked. Then the two of you met with the target and Haeun later took you to the bar. You ended up receiving a drink from the bartender for free, and then you vaguely remember holding a gun towards the man’s head?
“Holy shit. Did I get drunk and beat up a man?” You mutter to yourself, tilting your head as you try your best to remember last night’s events. You purse your lips with the knowledge that you’re not a lightweight. “I only remember having one glass though, so how could I have gotten drunk-”
“Your drink was spiked, yn.” You squeak from the sudden deep voice beside you, only to groan from the throbbing getting stronger in your head. Jeonghan gives you a small smile, running a hand through his disheveled hair.
He’s wearing the white t-shirt and gray sweats that Mingyu left at your house from the numerous times he’s fallen asleep on your couch. It’s a bit baggy on Jeonghan since Mingyu is tall, but it suits him so well. How does he manage to look so good in everything?
“I was-I was what?” You’re absolutely dumbfounded at his statement.
“Haeun found out who you were. She thought you were tricking me so that you could make an arrest, as no one knows that I’ve joined hands with Cheol. You retired from being an assassin long before me, so Cheol thought no one would remember you. He was wrong.” Jeonghan explains, reaching out and swiping away the dried drool at the corner of your mouth with his thumb. Warmth immediately floods your face from the contact, and you glance down at your feet. “Minghao and Joshua took care of it this morning, so they won’t be coming for you anymore.”
You stay quiet for a moment, wondering how it was possible that Haeun could’ve figured out your true identity. In your years of being a secret agent, no one has been able to discover who you were. Even when you were an assassin, you never showed your face or used your real name.
So how did Haeun know?
“Seungcheol is already trying to find out how Haeun knew who you were.” Jeonghan answers, seeming to have read your thoughts due to the worried expression on your face. You bite the inside of your cheek, before turning and walking over to the fridge, seeming to not want to discuss what happened any further. Jeonghan watches as you search your fridge, before you turn your head and hold up the box of Eggo waffles towards the pretty man.
“Want some?” Jeonghan smiles softly before nodding his head, holding up two fingers when you ask him how many he wants. You take out two eggs from the fridge afterwards.
“How do you like your eggs?” You ask and he shrugs, “However you make it is fine with me.”
It feels oddly domestic, all of this. Jeonghan thinks to himself as he sits himself up on the kitchen counter. He watches as you cook the eggs over-medium, quietly humming to yourself as you add salt. He cocks his head to the side when you suddenly freeze, watching as you turn to look at him with a questioning look in your eyes.
“Did you change me out of my dress?” You ask and he chuckles before shaking his head no. He lets out another laugh when he sees you visibly relax, before beginning to explain what happened.
“Seulgi was waiting here, so when we arrived she did all the cleaning up for you. She left afterwards since she had a mission in the morning, but she told me to take care of you once you wake up.” You smile at the thought of your best friend being so caring.
“Love that woman.” You mutter, turning back to the eggs. Jeonghan grins, feeling his heart warm at the sight of your smile.
He steps down from the counter once you put the last egg on the plate and turn off the heat of the stove. You wipe your hands on the towel, only to pause when you find yourself trapped between a pair of rather nice arms. You stare at your hands wrapped in the towel with wide eyes, unsure of whether you want to die or puke.
“C-Come here often?” You ask with a nervous laugh, turning around to face Jeonghan, only to immediately regret it because you just rubbed your nose against his. “You’re quite close.”
“I can tell that you’re bothered by how Haeun knew, but it’ll be okay. Seungcheol and the rest of the guys are on the case, you’ll be fine.” Jeonghan tells you in a soft voice, and you purse your lips, before nodding your head. The black haired beauty stares at you for a moment longer, finding you to be one of the prettiest people he’s ever seen, even if you’re wearing Pikachu pajama bottoms at the moment.
“I care about you a lot.” Jeonghan states after a moment of silence passes between the two of you, and he watches in amusement as your eyes visibly widen at his confession. You open your mouth, only to close it, then open it again, before deciding to just bite the inside of your cheek.
“I know that you’re perfectly capable of handling yourself, but next time we have a mission, please be more careful, yeah?” You only nod your head as you’re unable to form any words due to the close proximity between the two of you, and Jeonghan smiles softly. He pulls away and grabs his plate, but not before pressing a kiss to the top of your forehead, giggling at how shellshocked you appear from the endearing action.
“Do you like me?” You finally blurt out, and the black haired beauty simply sends you a mischievous grin.
“Perhaps… I wouldn’t just kiss anyone’s forehead, ya now? However, the real question is, do you like me?” Jeonghan asks in return and you bite the inside of your cheek. He tilts his head as he awaits your response, about to lean in close to your face once more when-
“Oh, the waffles are ready!” You exclaim, shoving Jeonghan out of the way so that you can reach the toaster oven. You take out the four waffles, dusting some powdered sugar over them, while Jeonghan stares at you in disbelief, plate in hand as he does so.
“Did you just shove me?” Jeonghan asks with a laugh, and you give him a smile as an answer, turning away and walking towards your dining table, plate of waffles in hand.
“Okay, but do you like me though?” Jeonghan presses as he follows after you, and sits down in the seat across from you. You quietly take a bite of your waffle, finding too much enjoyment in the fact that Jeonghan is acting like a lovesick puppy.
Oh how the turns have tabled.
“Is that a yes or a no?” He asks once again, and you smile.
“Perhaps.” You respond teasingly, taking another bite of your waffle. He rolls his eyes at you and leans back in his chair.
“If I asked you on a date for this Saturday, would you say yes?”
You visibly halt your movements, making Jeonghan grin at the sight. Your brain is running a million miles a minute. Even though it was confirmed that your longtime crush likes you back, hearing him ask you out on a date makes you want to pass out.
“Yes.” You finally answer after a moment of you screaming internally, and Jeonghan smiles. He nods his head, taking a bite of his waffle as the feeling of warmth floods him.
“It’s a date.” Jeonghan states, cutting out the yolk from his egg and placing it onto your plate, knowing that that’s your favorite part. You hold back a squeal, nodding your head in response.
What Seulgi told you the night before rings in your head as you eat the yolk Jeonghan gave you, and you roll your eyes at the thought of it. You can’t believe the mission was accomplished.
“You know Seulgi, this is a mission to get more information on a drug lord. Don’t you think this is too much?” You ask, gesturing to your whole get up, putting a pause to Seulgi’s rant about Hyoon’s poor makeup decisions. Your friend smirks at you, causing you to raise an eyebrow at her.
“There’s actually two missions, yn.” You squint at her, and she narrows her eyes back at you.
You watch as Seulgi’s eyes brighten when a smile forms on her face, and she raises her arms up in the air. “To seduce Jeonghan so that the two of you will finally go on a date!”
Smiling to yourself, you glance up into Jeonghan’s kind eyes and say,
“It’s a date.”
The bright smile that forms on Jeonghan’s face from your response almost makes all the worries you hold in your heart disappear.
key word: almost.
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