#opm x child reader
gatitties · 7 months
─One Punch Man x child!fem!reader (platonic)
─Summary: a small part of the beginning of saitama's career as a hero and… you being there to annoy more than help
─Warnings: bad language for a child, typical violence in opm
so… this was going to be another of my fanfics on wattpad but I left it on hold, but I thought I would share here the little that I managed to write 👍🏻
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"Someone call a hero!"
"Evacuate the area immediately!"
You walked humming, swinging the worn wicker basket you held in your small hand, ignoring the terrified screams of the people, more focused on remembering the things you had to get to eat due to your poor memory and poor ability to pay attention to anything for more than two seconds.
"Bread, meat, milk and cookies."
You mumbled, counting on your fingers at the same time you said the food, you almost tripped over a crack in the asphalt, your attention was stolen when you saw how a small plant came out into the light from the broken cement, you shook your head concentrating on your errand.
"Bread, meat, milk…"
You frowned, putting on a sour expression at the missing ingredient, you continued muttering the now three ingredients to yourself, staring at the ground with such concentration that if you had lasers you would surely have destroyed the asphalt. So focused on remembering what you were missing while you looked down that you didn't realize you hit something hard, someone.
"Hey… aren't you lost, girl? There are monsters out there who like sweet girls like you."
You frowned, looking up to see some kind of monster with no eyes, a big toothy mouth on what seemed to be his face and he was only wearing pants, you made a disgusted face when you saw how he smiled, they always told you not to talk with strangers.
"Bread, meat…"
You began to sweat when the shadow of the monster you had ignored was projected over your smaller body, although your concern was that you had forgotten another of the ingredients again, you didn't even flinch when he lifted your arm a few minutes after you accepted that you would never remember what you had to buy again.
"Don't ignore someone when they talk to you, brat!"
"Shut up, shit, because of you I forgot the purchase."
"Huh!? You have a big mouth for a child, mmh, one of my favorites snacks…"
Your face contorted as you watched his large tongue move from side to side, starting to salivate, and you completely lost your nerve when his tongue grazed your cheek to taste you. You were going to kick him but before you could, the monster stopped, he turned away from you as if you had the plague.
"What the hell!? Bleagh- that's disgusting, you taste sour."
"Heh, die."
"What the hell are you- AAAAAHHHH-!?"
You covered your ears so as not to hear the screams of the idiot who had tried to eat you, if only he had looked closer he would have noticed your pointy ears as well as the small antennae that appeared when he caught you, antennae which you took care of hiding again. The guy's tongue started to melt as if he had licked pure acid, it wasn't really your fault, he was the one who activated your involuntary defense method.
You thought about leaving the area, since people had fled and the store you wanted to go to was just around the corner, but thinking about it again that could only mean one thing… free food! You were already struggling to get the money, either by stealing it or searching in some places where there might be money, you had been living on the streets for as long as you can remember, but it's not like you remember much of it either.
One day you simply woke up in a collapsed building, you were completely intact but covered in a slimy slime that avoided and withstood thousands of debris, how or what happened before that is a mystery to you, the only thing you know is that now you are what that people consider a monster, you don't remember being one before either, so you assumed that at some point you were human.
But you got used to it, that happened about two years ago, when you were eight years old, in that period of time you got used to wandering the streets of city Z, you found several shelters with some friendly monsters, but they always got into trouble and got caught by some hero, luckily you escaped from the social vigilantes because your appearance was still like that of a girl your age, not counting the antennae and pointed ears. For one thing, you learned to hide your antennae, and pointy ears weren't so uncommon in this world.
As for your strange viscosity, it was not a problem unless your body detected danger, if that were to happen ─like now─ your body would react immediately, covering you in that acidic and strangely hard slime when you tried to hit it, as if was a non-Newtonian fluid, you considered yourself a slippery person because of that, you always managed to escape from all the trouble you got into.
"Let's see… bread… bread and… oh! Pockys!"
Your mind completely forgetting the mental list you made once you entered the empty store, having the palate of a child, your mouth watered at the sight of all the junk food you promised you weren't going to eat, but who cares? You already forgot that promise you made with yourself.
You left a couple of hours later, taking the opportunity to eat and rest there, the night was falling when you walked with a bag of groceries, ─completely different from what you were looking for at first─ you swung your feet while humming, singing a random song in your mind until, for the second time that day you bumped into someone, this time you tripped over your feet, falling on your ass to the ground.
"Oh? What are you doing out so late? We agreed that you had a curfew." you puffed out your cheeks, hugging the shopping bag, looking away as if you were angry with the person in front of you, who turned out to be an acquaintance "Mmhh? Have you gone shopping alone? Don't tell me… have you stolen from my savings again?"
"Of course not! I have my own savings, baldy."
A vein bulged on Saitama's forehead, grabbing you by the collar of your shirt as he dragged you down the street like a scolded puppy, though your brow was furrowed by his accusation ─which could have been true another time─ you smiled inwardly.
Wandering around Z city wasn't as bad as you thought, at least not since a couple of months ago you met a man who had a bald spot brighter than your future, you became attached to him from the first day you saw him for several reasons. One, he didn't seem to care about your appearance as a monster, two, he's bald, you didn't need a justification for this reason, it was simply a plus point in your mind, three, they had a place you could stay the night.
Poor Saitama tried to get rid of you in various ways, but you seemed like a leech, clinging to him whenever you could, and deep down in his heart, he felt sorry for a child having to wander the cold streets without something to call 'home' or 'family', even though with each passing day he lost more ability to feel emotions, he was still human, and he thought that maybe some company wouldn't hurt, of course, he was grateful that you were completely independent of him most of it.
"And then I ran into a fucking ugly-as-a-bit monster-"
"Hey, hey! What did I tell you about using that language?!" Saitama choked on his ramen as he listened to you talk about what you had been doing while walking the streets, scolding you one of many times for using those types of expressions or words that someone your age shouldn't be using "Have you been watching that show again? I told you it was for older people."
"No I don't-"
Before you could continue speaking, you burped, making Saitama step back, looking at you with narrowed eyes, you clicked your tongue, pouting because you had been discovered, Saitama discovered that whenever you lie your stomach fills with gas and it usually comes out in the form of belch, there had to be something bad with being a monster.
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You got up when you noticed how Saitama was stirring on his futon, looking amused at how he seemed to fight in his dreams, you decided to leave him to go back to sleep but your stomach growled, leaving sleep aside you went to the kitchen, grabbing a stool to reach the drawer where he told you that you could leave your food.
You returned to the living room to find that he had already woken up from his exciting dream, hitting the clock that went flying, shattering against the wall, voices outside the building made Saitama spring into action, jumping off the balcony looking excited as you picked up the remains of the poor watch.
"And there goes the fifth clock of the week… rest in peace."
You mumbled, closing the trash can, making a mental note to get another alarm clock at some point, if you don't forget, returning to see a Saitama completely devastated emotionally by another easily won battle, you patted him on the back to comfort him, he went to do his morning routine while you turned on the TV, hoping to find a good show.
After a while, you saw that Saitama seemed focused on watering the plants on the balcony, taking advantage of the fact that he seemed quite focused on his thoughts, you smiled maliciously, tuning into the program that you were forbidden to watch.
"What sons of bitches…"
"They've killed Kenny!"
You spent a while watching the program, even though you barely understood the jokes, or even the meaning of most of the words, but you were only doing it for educational purposes, knowledge is power and you needed to know more words to have a rigorous vocabulary, so even though you contradictorily only repeated the insults without knowing their true meaning or impact.
"Hey little bug…" you froze feeling the anger emanating from Saitama's body, you slowly turned your head with sweat running down your cheek, used to the man giving you the nickname 'little bug' because of your antennae "pass me the spray of mosquitoes, I don't know where I put it and I'm starting to get angry."
His teeth gnashed as he heard the sound of a mosquito fluttering around the living room. You ran for the spray, sighing in relief that he hadn't noticed the TV show which you quickly switched to the news, the anchor's voice covering the noise Saitama did when trying to kill the mosquito, although he was equally attentive to the television.
"Massive mosquito plague? Yeah of course."
You shrugged, you didn't care about the mosquitoes, after all you could eat them if they were too annoying, of course, unfortunately you partially lost your taste by turning into a monster, which bothered you a little but made it so you could eat any kind of thing, not only because you wouldn't feel the horrible taste, but because your gastric juices could melt anything.
You paid more attention to how there were more and more veins on Saitama's forehead when you saw that he couldn't catch the mosquito, you let out a snort of surprise when you saw how he was unable to kill the mosquito, you rolled your eyes, getting up from the couch.
"Watch and learn!" you patted the space right where that insect was, smiling proudly when you saw that the buzzing stopped, however just a second later your smile was erased "Huh?"
Once again the persistent hum echoed through the silent house, which became a battlefield to try to kill that small animal, you reached the point where you were not able to kill it either, getting on your nerves just like Saitama, so pissed off that you even went running down the street chasing it to kill it, although the only one who ran was Saitama, since you climbed on his shoulders while pointing and shouting at the fleeing mosquito.
However, while he concentrated on continuing to run after the insect, your eyes moved upwards, seeing a large black cloud, you grimaced in disgust as you heard the humming sound emanating from there.
"What is that cloud?"
The bald man stopped as he finally noticed the large black mass in the sky, your attention now directed towards what seemed to be a robot that was already there before, his expression was serious and analytical, he spoke with a bit of concern seeping into his words.
"You! hide somewhere safe, the mosquitoes are being controlled by someone, if she sees you I'm sure she will attack you."
"Oh Really…?"
Saitama sweated at the thought of the swarm, but before neither you nor he could react, the large mass of insects rushed towards the street where you were, however a great flash made you close your eyes, your body was covered in slime, although you slid off the man's shoulders because you had no hair to hold on to, ending up on the ground, admiring the robot's heroic pose, although your attention went elsewhere when you went to check if Saitama was okay, you stifled a laugh at the sight of his buttocks exposed.
"Hey, you saved me, you're great! how did you do that? Your laser is more effective against mosquitoes than the sprays I have."
The cyborg did not have time to say anything when he began to be attacked by the mosquito girl, almost destroying the poor boy until Saitama slapped the woman, killing her instantly, complaining about how the mosquitoes bothered him, leaving speechless to the blonde.
"W-Wait a minute!" you raised an eyebrow while Saitama turned his head to see what was left of the poor boy who continued talking "I'm a cyborg, I've been fighting in the name of justice! They call me Genos! Please tell me your name."
"Huh? I am Saitama why?"
"Let me be your disciple!"
"Ah… ok."
You put on a blank expression when you saw how the bald man left as if nothing had happened, stopping for a moment to see if you would follow him to return home, you sighed, shaking your head at his attitude, you knew that he had not heard anything of the cyborg's words, you already knew how was this going to end.
"Goodbye Genos, see you at home!"
You smiled at the boy, who seemed conflicted at the sight of you, his system detecting you as a monster but arguing with himself over the fact that you looked like someone harmless. He would have to look into it later, after all he wanted to eradicate evil and if you were, you couldn't be an exception.
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You hid a smile as you saw how the young adult showed up at the apartment, Saitama in disbelief as he looked through the half-open door.
"You really came… um, what's your name?"
"It's Genos, Master Saitama."
"Could you stop calling me master?"
"Don't call me that either…"
Saitama looked down at you, looking for silent help, you looked at him with a shrug, making him sigh completely exhausted, he opened the door letting the cyborg in, you smiled at his action, running towards the kitchen to grab three cups of tea, the two boys following you inside, Saitama pouring the tea into the cups while Genos analyzed his surroundings, glancing at you from time to time.
"Go home when you finish your tea, I don't want any disciples."
"Master, what kind of artificial parts do you use?"
"I don't use any."
"Huh? So what's that skin-colored armor on your head?"
You spit out the tea you were drinking, choking on laughter, coughing uncontrollably as Saitama patted your back with a blank stare.
"It's called skin…"
"But that means that you are bald even though you are young."
You spit out the drink again, choking for the second time, receiving more pats on the back a little more aggressively for Saitama's outburst at the mention of his baldness.
"So what if I'm bald?! What's your problem anyway?"
"My problem? Will you listen to me master?"
"Uh, no thanks."
Ignoring the lack of enthusiasm to hear his tortuous past, Genos gave a long sigh, beginning to tell his story, you tried to pay attention but halfway through the story your attention simply went elsewhere, ignoring his words until he was interrupted.
"You talk a lot! Summarize everything you have to say in a short sentence of about ten words maximum, you can't even get a child to pay attention to you."
Saitama pointed at you, completely oblivious to their chatter as you had grabbed some Legos to entertain yourself from Genos' boring story, the cyborg analyzed the situation, taking a few seconds with his eyes closed until he seemed to get the appropriate internal response.
"Master, summarizing this, what I want to say, please teach me how to become as strong as you."
"Yes, sir!"
"How old are you?"
"Nineteen, sir."
"You're young… I'm sure you'll surpass me easily."
"I am twenty-five but I started training at twenty-two in the summer three years ago, I have no problem teaching you… but it will be hard, are you ready for this?"
"Yes, sir!"
You blinked in confusion as you saw Genos moving quickly, crouching in the hallway of the small house as he muttered that he detected something approaching at high speed, you thought he was simply having a short circuit or something and continued building your Lego castle, unfortunately a monster shaped of mantis broke the ceiling, causing the pieces of your castle to scatter throughout the room, your antennae came to light due to your anger.
"My name is-"
You smiled as you watched Saitama destroy that monster before it could even introduce itself as some kind of villain.
"Pay my roof!"
"And rebuild my castle!"
You joined the violence by kicking the remains of the mantis corpse, angry at the intrusion that had destroyed your mood, you were prepared to spit acid at whoever had dared to destroy your work of art made of plastic pieces joined together.
"There are more of them outside."
Genos warned, they both left faster than you and when you arrived Saitama had already done all the work, kicking the butt of what seemed to be some frog and slug monsters, you sighed thinking that everything was solved, however something caught Saitama and buried him leaving only his head outside the ground.
"This feels weird… it's like I'm a plant growing in concrete or something."
You laughed at his comparison, ignoring the worried cyborg you pretended to water the bald man with an imaginary watering can, he smiled vaguely at you, the moment of tranquility was short-lived when a gorilla covered in armor appeared on the scene, without realizing it you were also buried on the ground when you were distracted watching the fight between Genos and the robot gorilla.
"Oh, a kitten."
You muttered carelessly as you saw how another Lion-shaped monster threatened Saitama with ripping his eyes out of their sockets, you also watched as a mole came out of the ground, probably the culprit for both of you being with your body underground. You enjoyed the strange sensation while the other two fought, almost falling asleep because of how comfortable it was, unfortunately Saitama and Genos finished off the enemies too quickly.
"Hey, can you get out of there alone? We are going to resolve some issues with a weird scientist."
"Yes, don't worry, can I go with you?"
The two looked at each other and shrugged, Genos did a quick analysis of your constants and abilities now that he could see your true form and knew that you would have no problem defending yourself, Saitama already knew that you were completely self-sufficient on your own. You took their indifference as an affirmation and covered your body in slime so you could better get out of the place where you were buried so you could go to that scientist's base.
After a brief interrogation of the robot gorilla, a few threats here and there to summarize the backstory of this whole situation, the boys got the exact location of that scientist called Doctor Genus. You climbed onto Genos' shoulders because at least you could hold on to his hair if you fell, it didn't take you long to reach that base of operations in the middle of the forest, although the cyborg destroyed the entire building as soon as he arrived.
"Dude, what are you doing so suddenly?"
"I found this most efficient way to eliminate them in one fell swoop."
"Yeah, well, but at least you could have given them the opportunity to try something…"
You nodded at Saitama's words, also because you felt like kicking someone's ass for destroying your Lego castle. You found a trapdoor in the floor that led to some underground tunnels and you entered without thinking twice. Your antennas began to move restlessly and the lights in the hallway began to go out while heavy, fast footsteps were heard getting closer. When you focused your sight, you saw a large beetle? With a guy in his hand, he was advancing towards you at full speed, although both you and Genos were pushed aside with a big slap.
"How rude, oh is this your right leg or your left?"
You whined even though your slime kept you from getting hurt, you were trying to pull the cyborg out of the wall but you accidentally ripped off his leg by pulling on it, his joints were twisted at painful angles if he were human, you put everything back together in place and you immediately went to the room where Saitama and the beetle were going to fight, but you couldn't care less, you knew what was going to happen so you decided to take a walk around the huge basement.
You didn't find anything really entertaining, at least not something that managed to hold your attention for more than a minute, except for a simple lava lamp that you found in a kind of bedroom, you stopped to look at the different experiments briefly and simply went back and hoping that they had ended the fight once and for all, you were beginning to feel tired and wanted to sleep if possible in a comfortable place.
"What the hell…?"
You muttered with a blank expression as you saw Genos' afro hair and how Saitama was being beaten, although it didn't take long for him to deliver his famous punch and destroy the monster into little pieces, while he screamed in frustration.
"Today is the special discount day!"
Of course, now you understand why the man's frustration, he couldn't miss a day of sales in the supermarkets, you didn't complain about the urgency when you left, leaving the doctor completely emotionally destroyed by the destruction of his most lethal creation, you walked towards Genos jumping with joy at coming home to take a nap, he looked at you in silence, crouching down since he knew you would ask him again if he could carry you on his shoulders. In this little time together he convinced himself that you wouldn't be a threat, despite being a monster, you had no evil in you, at least, not towards innocent people.
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yanderegremlin · 2 years
okay but imagine saitama and genos reaction to y/n saying that child emperor is their hero / favorite hero!! I feel like they’d be like wait what? what about us :(
Warnings: Yandere, fighting, injuries mentioned, manipulation, helicopter "parents",
Other tags: one punch man, reader insert, Child reader, Child Emperor(Isamu), Saitama, Genos, 
It was a peacefully sunny day when Genos got a phone call from the school. It shocked him to his core to hear that you got into a fight, for a moment he thought they got the wrong number until read him your file. He just doesn't understand why you got into a fight of all things.
It was a good thing Saitama was out getting groceries because Genos would have to hold him back from putting a hole through the entire school. Genos was holding himself back from tearing apart whoever thought they could hurt you and get away with it.
Genos thanked them and head over as quicky as posable, unfortunately Genos quite literally ran into Saitama, who in turn was confused as to why Genos was in such a big hurry. "Hey, slow down Genos you act like someone dead or something"
The look Saitama got from Genos didn't help, if anything it concerned him more. "She got into a fight at school, I'm just on my way to get her. I just know that little brat has something to do with it."
Genos didn't need to say any thing else, because that the mention of the Child hero and you got Saitama to drop what he was currying, weeping Genos off his feet and dashing your school in a heartbeat. Genos barely got to sign in that the front desk because of the way Saitama was dragging him towards the principal's office.
The thing that stopped them both in there tracts was the sound of your giggles, obviously you were okay and in no danger in you were having fun. What they did see was Isamu was the one who witnessed the fight you were in. Of course he stepped in to protect you, getting himself in trouble as well. It was totally worth it to send some extra alone time with you.
"haha Isamu, stop it. Of course your my Hero! You save me, when no one else would." you hugged him not knowing you might as well have carved their hearts out of them. You only let go of Child Emperor after someone patting your head, looking over your shoulder you see robo papa stand there with giving you a small smile and grandpa boldy who was patting your head with a constrained smile. 
“Ready to go munchkin? we pick up some ice-cream and your favorite meal on our way home.” Genos reached out his hand. nether him or Saitama acknowledged the young hero as they took you away and back home after replacing the groceries Saitama lost and get you a dessert as they look you over for any and all injuries.
The only problem now they have to worry about is how to tell you that you’ll be home school and finding the right people to teach you when they can’t do it themselves. 
Little did they know that this was all part of Isamu plan to slowly but surely to get you on his side. Set you up, even it was one of the hardest things he had to do and watch. he know in the long run it would be for your own good.
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sukustar · 1 year
Master List
of my content
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I don't specialize in the slightest in scenarios/headcanons and stuff but I upload a lot of anime content so I wanted to create a list to keep it in order.
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Headcanons by T. Shoto and B. Katsuki
Picture of Dabi Child and Baby Shoto
Image of Little Keigo and Enji created by Horikoshi's Assistant
Sketches of Lady Nagant made by Horikoshi
Appreciating the beauty of Bakugou (Images)
Deku vs. Shigaraki 384 (Picture)
AFO Full Face Reveal (Images)
Dabi learning to get angry without toxicity
Pictures before Dabi Dance
Dabi sketch made by Horikoshi
Baby Touya Images
Dabi Dance Images
Mha 376
Pictures of Dabi looking soft
More Images of Dabi Dance
More Pictures of Little Touya
Gentle Boyfriend Dabi (Headcanon)
386-The end.
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Maki on the cover of volume 22
The possibility of Satoru facing Megumi (possessed)
Image that makes me want to collect signatures for Akutami to release Yuuji
Imagened of Cute Toge
Image of Cute Toge ×2
Panda Icons
Season 2 Visuals
Season 2 Trailer Moments
Satoru, Suguru and Toji GIFs
Toji's official voice
Pets they would have (Various characters)
Professor Gojo and Professor Nanami (Images)
Face to Face. Toji x Gn! Reader (Drabble)
Cover of volume 23 of the manga: Sukuna and Yuuji
JJK x CSM (Images)
Appreciating Toji's beauty (Images)
My personal top 10 saddest deaths in anime/manga
Designs for the s2 of Mei Mei, Utahe, Haibara and Nanami
In this blog we support...
Father Figures (image)
Season 2 Second Trailer Moments
GIFS of the Second Trailer of Season 2
208- Kenjaku finds Tengen's face funny
212- Sukuna taking Megumi's body
214- Good night, Hana, Angel...
214- Sukuna vs. Yuuji
215- Sukuna vs. Maki and Yuuji
216- Someone is in love with Sukuna
216- Sukuna and their reunion
217 - Thief
218- Revealed face of Yorozu in the Heian Era
218- Sukuna's Shikigamis
218- Sukuna has a true love?
219 - Sukuna True Form, Uraume and Yorozu
219- Sukuna kills Yorozu. Megumi sad
220 - Sorcerers Assemble/New Gojo Panels
221 - The return of God
222- Gojo showing off his body
223 - The battle of the most powerful begins
223- My favorite trio
224- Sukuna vs. Gojo
225 - Sukuna cuts Gojo's neck
226- Sukuna vs Gojo third chapter
Image of Sukuna True Form
Image of the reason why I envy Hana
Compilation of Sukuna in Megumi's body (updated)
Drabble: The King of Curses rejected you and a thousand years later he regrets it
Playing to guess the name of Human Sukuna
Image of cross-eyed Sukuna
Compilation 2 of Sukuna in Megumi's body
Imagining Sukuna fighting with his mom (images)
Sukuna True Form Compilation
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My drawings of Saitama and Garou
Appreciating the beauty of Genos (images)
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Thank you for taking the time to get here and see my content♡♡
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poorgay · 1 year
hi! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
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this blog might just be IS where i dump my p3 headcannons (all nonsensical and mostly femc focused) *because of elon ill probs be posting more but less about fandom stuff
i also dump genshin + other fandom hcs, be warned i dont use punctuation or capitalization often (or well)
i also reblog stuff that i like, things sometimes have spoilers so be aware (fandom list + spoiler containing listed below)
i like horror so there might be some blood reblogged, i will tag for possible triggers (dm if u want me to tag anything)
i have asks open!!! ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
feel free to use it or dm me i dont mind, i probs will answer late tho
guide to tags/fandom list ♪( ´▽`):
(most of these are pretty self explanatory)
#♡ higu ♡ = higurashi no naku koro ni *spoilers reblogged
#♡ umi ♡ = umineko no naku koro no *spoilers reblogged
#♡ ciconia ♡ = ciconia no naku koro ni
#♡ gg ♡ = guilty gear
#♡ splat ♡ = splatoon
#♡ utena ♡ = revolutionary girl utena *spoilers reblogged
#♡ p3 ♡ = persona 3 *spoilers reblogged/mentioned
# ♡ p4 ♡ = persona 4
# ♡ p5 ♡ = persona 5
#♡ pq2 ♡ = persona q 2 new cinema labyrinth *spoilers reblogged
#♡ mysmes ♡ = mystic messenger *spoilers reblogged
#♡ gyaru ♡= gyaru outfits/magazines the likes
#♡ genshin ♡ = genshin impact
#♡ fe ♡ = fire emblem *spoilers reblogged
#♡ ff ♡ = final fantasy *spoilers reblogged
#♡ madoka ♡ = madoka magica *spoilers reblogged
#♡ prsk ♡ = project sekai
#♡ vocaloid ♡ = vocaloid
#♡ tsukihime ♡ = tsukihime
#♡ csm ♡ = chainsaw man *spoilers reblogged
#♡ op ♡ = one piece *spoilers reblogged
#♡ pokémon ♡ = pokémon *spoilers reblogged
#♡ sonic ♡ = sonic the hedgehog
#♡ kh ♡ = kingdom hearts *spoilers reblogged
#♡ eva ♡ = neon genesis evangelion *spoilers reblogged*
#♡ sm ♡ = sailor moon
#♡ opm ♡ = one punch man *spoilers reblogged
#♡ nana ♡ = nana (ai yazawa) *spoilers reblogged
#♡ pk ♡ = paradise kiss
#♡ chobits ♡ = chobits
#♡ xxxholic ♡ = xxxholic
#♡ ccs ♡ = card captor sakura
#♡ cg ♡ = code geass *spoilers reblogged
#♡ aa ♡ = ace attorney *spoilers reblogged
#♡ orv ♡ = omniscient readers viewpoint *spoilers reblogged
#♡ haruhi ♡ = the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya
#♡ limco ♡ = limbus company *spoilers reblogged
#♡ lobcorp♡ = lobotomy corporation *spoilers reblogged
#♡ ruina♡ =library of ruina *spoilers reblogged
#♡ aitsf ♡ = ai the somnium files
#♡ my art ♡ = my art
#♡ kny ♡ = demon slayer
#♡ touhou ♡ = touhou
#♡ mgs ♡ = metal gear solid
#♡ dunmeshi ♡ = dungeon meshi
#♡ rs ♡ = revue starlight *currently live-blogging
#poorgay headcanons hour = where all my fandom headcanons go
# ♡ ask ♡ = asks
♡ p3au rambles ♡ = where i talk about my p3 au *fucking mute this
#♡ = misc.
obscure ship tags:
#abysslillies : guizhong x skirk from genshin impact
#mitsuham : femc x mitsuru from persona 3
#rhice: rhinedottir x alice from genshin impact
#thundersnow : raiden makoto x the tsaritsa from genshin impact
#ryodon: ryōshū x don quixote frojm limbus company
childe 8+ moms au/abyss moms polycule masterpost
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lyx-writes · 2 years
Hi, call me Lyx, Lyxen, or L. I’ll use any pronouns but she/her
If you’re unsure of what pronouns to use, you may usel they/them.
I like anime, video games, art, music and of course writing.
This is a writing blog for specific fandoms I’m in.
Here’s my Masterlist
Fandoms I’ll write for:
Beyblade (burst and evolution unfortunately. However, for any of those characters that are ft in the later shows are ok)
One Punch Man (up to manga)
Brawlhalla (specific characters only)
Possibly Danganronpa (dr1 and dr2)
Carole and Tuesday
Trauma Center (UTK/SO, UTK2 only)
Telltale’s The Walling Dead Game (seasons 1 and 4)
Coffee Talk (1 and 2)
Persona 5 (not royal unfortunately, or strikers.)
Rules for requesting:
For x reader, you may request a certain set of pronouns, or gender. If not specified, will be gender neutral.
A maximum of 4 characters, please
Do not pop up in my asks with anything hateful.
I may take a while when writing since I have horrible memory but also a bit of difficulty thinking. If you believe I didn’t see your request, try to remind me.
I will write:
Character x Character (certain ones)
Character x Reader
Poly relationships
Platonic relationships
Specific AUs
I will not write:
Character x oc
Child x character/reader (unless platonic/parent)
Characters I will not write from each fandom:
One Punch man: monster characters, C-class (other than possibly Mumen), child characters (unless specified platonic/parent), Suiryu, Charanko, Bang, Bomb, Puripuri and Suiko
Brawlhalla: every other character besides Caspian, Jiro, Jaeyun, Fait and Nix
Beyblade: Dante, anyone in Rise, background/side/not very involved characters, character’s younger siblings (Toko and Nika for example)
Carole and Tuesday: Gus, Desmond, Dahlia, every other older character
Danganronpa: Junko, Mukuro, the kids from ultra despair girls (I think?), Teruteru, Leon, Hufumi
Trauma Center: Amy, Naomi, Hoffman, and all the non-important patients
TWDG: characters from 400 days, season 2 and 3 (sorry, I couldn’t really get into it.), Kenny, Katjaa, Duck, s1 Clem (unless again, platonic for Duck and Clem), Lilly, Larry, Willy, AJ and Tenn (same rules for Duck and Clem)
Coffee Talk: Officer Jorji, Mr. Hendry, Amanda, the Agent and other Officers/detective.
Persona 5: again, no one from Strikers or Royal. Some of the adults, like Ohya, Kawakami, that one politician.
Characters I’d LOVE to write:
Silas, Wakiya, and Rantaro from beyblade
Lightning Max, Lightning Genji, Stinger and Captain Mizuki from opm
Jaeyun and Caspian from Brawlhalla
Pyotr from Carole and Tuesday
Tyler Chase, Leslie Sears and Victor Niguel from Trauma Center
Ben Paul, Aasim, Omar, and Doug (possibly Travis) from TWDG
Hyde from Coffee Talk
Yusuke and Ryuji from Persona 5
If you are ever unsure of something for a request, do ask. Whether it’s a certain character, or something about me, I’ll try to answer.
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herwritingartcowboy · 2 years
Picking A Gift For You
Day seven of Christmas special.
Fandom:One Punch Man
Character(s): Atomic Samurai, Flashy Flash, Sonic, Child emperor
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(Atomic Samurai / Kamikaze)
He was your lover for many years so you had to get him something special.But you’ve been doing that for many years too.But you all wanted to see your hero happy so in the morning once he left you made your journey. 
You started at the marketplace as you looked around writing stuff done in a little notepad.Yes you were in deep as you wanted the best for your Husband. Till you found a good gift for him. You bought the materials and went back home.
You went back home as you started to make your husband's gift and what was it that  you were making. Well you were making him a new sword. Well more of a custom katana for you.
Doing the math you were sure that they would be ready for Christmas. You hid everything for him as when he left for the day you would work on it more and more. And sometimes you would leave the house to work near a river as you smiled.
Soon Christmas rolled around as you were finally ready as you bought a pretty red bow as you brought it to the living room as you hid it behind your back. “Wacha got their angel” “Well i’ve been working on this for awhile now so here you go” “Once he shall the beautifully made Katana he smiled as he took it from your hands. “You made this?” “Yep took me forever” “Is this why i used to see you with small cuts on your hand” “Yeah well it was my first time lucky i didn’t have not-”. You were pulled into a hug as he kissed your face, “What did i do to deserve you” “Being you of course”.
The rest of the day was nice as you both cuddled together. But at night he started to kiss your hands. You giggle at his actions as when the lights turned off he cuddles close to you.
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_Flashy Flash_
You were lucky to even date this man so you had to make this special but you are a broke one. But with your now hero job you can get him a nice Christmas this year. You called many restaurants booking the number one, five star rating restaurant in Japan till it hit you he might want a great gift.
You were now starting to panic that he might not like the gift you got him. It was Christmas day as you took your lovely boyfriend to the restaurant as you booked a room just for the two of you with a nice view of the city g. 
You and him ate the food you ordered as you both talked about your jobs as you did most of the talking. Soon when dessert came you brought out your gift for him. He was shocked as he didn’t expect you to get him anything. He took the gift in his hands as he opened it, seeing a white cape. “Well i’m sorry if you don’t like it sorry for you to think-” “I like it, it looks nice” “Wait really” “The thought behind it says a lot”.
You were shocked at his words as you shall have a small smile on his lips. When both got home you kissed his face as pink dust covered his face.
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You loved your little competitive ninja so you thought you would give him a good gift this year. So you went into shops till something caught your eye.
You got home putting it into a small box wrapping it with a nice green bow. You put it under the tree as Sonic came back home he eyed his gift as he tried begging you to tell him what's inside. 
The day soon came as Sonic woke you up as he rushed you down to the Christmas tree. “Looks like someone is excited” “Wait no i thought you wanted to get to the tree faster”. You smiled as you shall Sonic eye the gift as you gave it to him. He opened the gift to see a nice purple scarf. “I thought it might get cold on your missions and to bring more mystery to you”, Sonic was happy at the thought of the gift as you both continued on with your day. 
At night he placed his head onto your lap as he thanked you for his gift as you smiled, combing your fingers through his hair.
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=Child Emperor=
Your best friend deserves everything and lucky for you, you know what to get. You went straight to the market place wasting all the money you earn doing chores around your home to see the best gifts. 
Christmas eve rolled as you rushed to his home knocking on the door greeted by his mother. She invited you inside as she called him down as you held onto your gift. He came down smiling once he shall you. He rushed over to you as you handed him his gift. C.e (Child Emperor) opened the small bag seeing nothing but treats. He smiled once he saw a chocolate robot as he brought you into a nice hug. You smiled as you waved goodbye returning back to your house.
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writerreblogger · 3 years
I can give you something to write : Child Emperor with Reader who’s his wealthy single mother
Uh oh... the Fluff Tsunami is closing in!
Raising a child alone was not easy but that won't stop you from trying... Okay, almost alone.
You hired caretakers, maids and bought several baby accessories and anything you would need to nurture a baby. It's own baby room, milk bottles, super tiny lolipop theme socks, you name it. You didn't care if it was expensive or not, if it exists, you'll take it.
Usually you would be busy attending meetings and making offers, but now that you had someone to care for, you were less active in the business department and focused more on being there for him.
When your kid knows how to walk and talk, you would take him to every beautiful places in Japan, play hide and seek with him, read bedtime stories to him.
You thought he was a normal kid, seeing that he always follows you around holding your hand while asking questions. However, you were getting concerned on how quickly he learned. As a matter of fact, too quickly.
You would see him in the grand library reading a thick book about physics next to several other science-related books stacked on top of each other, sometimes you would see him in front of the computer with multiple codes on the screen, and absolutely surprising you when he asked for his own lab.
You were very worried for him, this wasn't normal, was he sick? No, of course not. He reassured you that he was fine, he just grew up a bit too fast for a kid his age. Still worried for your baby, you made sure he tells you what he's planning to do before doing anything without your permission and he agreed.
Who would've thought your baby was a genius?
They grow up so fast! *sniffs*
But he's still a kid, you still made sure he goes to sleep for bedtime and eat three meals a day. And that he hugs you at least five times. And you'll give him a loving kiss on the forehead.
You used your wealth to build him his own huge laboratory in the city, feeling extremely proud of your son, and also making Child Emperor panic when he saw you bawling your eyes out. Ahh, your baby boy! Why did he have to grow up so fast!? *cries*
Whenever you were working, he would be there to check up on you. He would visit your office and have a conversation with you, bringing you your coffee and some sweet confections. He even made a robot specifically to help you out!
He always looks out for you. Either by using city cameras, secretly placing bots in your bag, or be right there next to you. He'll bring you somewhere safe when danger's near.
Child Emperor would get depressed when some adults don't treat him as an equal. He was just a kid. A kid will never understand an adults way of thinking! Whenever this happens, you'll be there for him. He loves it when you support him. Child Emperor will be so overjoyed and grateful to have you, his mother, by his side.
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How Dateable are the Heroes of One Punch Man?
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A note, I know these kinds of things are not the only factors that make a relationship successful, but they are large ones. This is simply my take on it. 
They are all rated on a scale from one to ten. If they receive a zero, they are considered undateable for reasons that cannot be fixed through emotional growth. 
Also, this is pretty lengthy. Be warned, and happy reading!
Hit the Lotto (8-10): 
King (9.5/10): King, in my opinion, is the most dateable hero. He’s a genuinely good guy. He also seems to have a lot of common interests, such as anime and gaming, which makes him pretty chill to get along with. He’s a homebody, which means if you get close to him, he’ll want to spend more time with you, and doesn’t mind having quiet moments. In fact, I think he enjoys them more! King is not excessively arrogant, and doesn’t appear to have attachment or trust issues. He really just wants someone to love him for being him, and not for living a lie. The fear of him getting exposed, and being surrounded by the press will probably be frequent worries in the relationship, but in both cases, it seems to be protected by King’s luck powers, and the fact that he doesn’t go out much. If you can deal with those, and help him with the anxiety that comes with it, you’re golden for a happy, healthy relationship! 
Mumen Rider (9/10): Awww, look at you! You hooked a sweetie pie! He’s kind, morally strong, good hearted, and hardworking! He will not hesitate to shower you in kindness and love. He does not seem to have any attachment issues, or trouble with building trust and a healthy relationship. The major issues of this one are he’s constantly getting hurt, so you’ll never know when he’ll be in the hospital, and he’s pretty much always working. The first one is counteracted by his indomitable spirit, and how devoted he is to making the world a better place. He also would very much appreciate if you’d visit him in the hospital, and even more when he’s discharged, and still needs a little extra care (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.).The second one’s counteraction is with the fact that when he cares about something, he cares hard. If he loves you, he’d totally work to shell out those extra minutes for you, if you’re willing to do the same.
Saitama (8.5/10): This relationship is very similar to King’s! They both have the same, “we veg, we read manga, play video games and stay indoors” mentality. The same pros as King. The reason he’s ranked lower is because of very obvious depression, that is slowly getting better, but I doubt will fully ever be cured (the price he paid for his training), and there will be people breathing down his neck. If you want to be with our egg, you have to check with the toaster first. He’s very close with his Sensei, and Saitama makes it a priority to make sure he is safe and happy. Fubuki may also interfere as well, but she’s most likely no threat if you mean that much to Saitama.
Tanktop Master (8.5/10): Honestly, this man is so wholesome. The only reason he’s lower, is because we don’t know too much about his personality.  He’s strong, kind, and an excellent leader! No obvious arrogance or aggression, and seems to have the ability to just talk things out with people, I realize this relationship would also have the “always having people over” thing. Except much more active.They work out, run, wear tank-tops, and have group gatherings all the time! If you’re extroverted, and like to make friends, you two will fit perfectly! He may. also have some insecurities about his skill level. Be sure to comfort him with a warm hug, because he really is a strong boy. 
Darkshine (8.5/10): Remember what I said about Tanktop Master? Same applies to him. Wholesome, but unknown. He may have more strength and power, but his ego is much more fragile. He may need some comfort from time to time, and I’m sure he’d be happy to take in a hug and some encouraging words from you! He seems to have the ability to form healthy bonds, and build trust quickly and safely, which is necessary to a happy relationship. Overall, seems like a good time for both of you! 
Zombieman (8/10): Odds are, this is going to work out. That is, if you can break down the massive emotional barriers he’s built up. While he seems pretty chill, he knows something. He knows that everyone he loves and cares about is going to die before him. He distances himself from almost everyone, simply because he doesn’t want to be put through that pain. I feel like he’s experienced it before. Unless he starts to care about you, and when he cares, he cares HARD. He’ll be in it for the long run. If you can take the time and effort to get to know him, maybe, just maybe, he’ll invite you over for dinner with him and Child Emperor. It will grow from there, maybe he invites you over, just the two of you, watch a movie, and sit on the couch. (Personal headcanon of mine, he’s got Child Emperor, and he loves taking care of him. Maybe when he leaves the nest... he’ll want to raise one or two with you?)
Won’t be the best, but not the worst (5-7): 
Metal Bat (7/10): He’s a tough boy with a heart of pure gold! He fights very passionately for what he believes in, and won’t let anyone stop him! Except Zenko. If you want this teen’s (please remember he’s young) heart, you’re going to have to go through her. You’ll also have to be okay with the fact that most of his time is going to be devoted to taking care of her, and she’ll be around you two 90% of the time. He needs someone who can give here that sibling affection, like having a second parent. He also needs someone who can be his IQ, and his books smarts. Help him with his homework, take notes for him in class, or help Zenko study, (It probably will be a good way to win her over too), it will be very much appreciated. Also, be sure you are someone who he can be a kid with. He’s 17, and has to act like an adult. He needs time to take a break, drop Zenko off with someone, and go sit in the streets at night and eat ice cream while you both watch the street lights. Somedays, he needs a shoulder to cry on from exhaustion with his job, or panic about the future. Badd’s going to need you to help him grow. He’ll be loyal and happy with you, you just have to be patient with him, his overload of responsibilities, and his sister.
Fubuki (6.5/10): I hope you like your women in charge and powerful, because that’s what you’re going to get. She’ll be with her group, making deals and looking for more underlings. You won’t be her first priority. Don’t try to hit on her, unless you’re a higher rank than she is. Otherwise, you’re going to have to catch her attention the hard way. If you even manage to get her to see, acknowledge you, and like you, you’re not even halfway done. You have to go through the Blizzard Group. If you pass that, you must pass your hardest test, the association’s secret weapon, Tatsumaki. Older sisters do worry, and intruded. She just wants to protect her precious little sister. If you can win her over, then you have secured a necessary piece for Fubuki’s heart; she values her sister’s thoughts more than she lets on. but those people will still be there to protect her. She needs to be the strong one, because softness is a weakness. Or so she’s been taught. You’ll need to get her to open up a little. You’ll see that she has a soft side. She frets whenever Eyelashes or Wild Monkey get beat up, and buys Lily a scoop of ice cream whenever she gets a high score on any test. That doesn’t mean she’s not the leader. She wants to wear the pants in the relationship. She’s the breadwinner.  Show her how strong she is, even when she isn’t large and in charge.  If you can do that, her group will notice a difference in the way she carries herself. She’ll be a bit lighter on her feet, and have more courage to take on higher level missions by herself. She’ll be pretty tough to break into, but not completely impossible, if you know how to do it. (Side note, thanks to @metalbatandzenko​ for helping me with this one!) 
Pig God (6/10): He’s mostly just here because of mystery. We don’t know pretty much anything about him, other than he’s a good guy who likes to eat. We don’t know anything about his dark side, or what he truly values. He has been seen to be helpful, and dedicated to his job, which gives him points, but not enough to make him rank higher.  
Atomic Samurai (5.5/10): I feel like he’s not the first person anyone would go after. He’s aging, he’s busy, and can get quite arrogant. His disciples are like his kids, and if you want to be close with him, you have to go through them first. You must be good friends with them, you’ll be seeing them quite often. I see him as someone who’d want to keep his hero live and private life separate. Sure, he’d introduce you to his disciples and Silverfang, maybe take you to a party or too, but other than that, he’d keep you out of the loop for your own safety, so he won’t be around too much. He just wants someone to share a futon with. Maybe make him some dinner, and talk about regular stuff. Not everything has to be about fighting. Sometimes, he just wants someone to drink tea and meditate with, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
Silverfang (5/10): He seems like a good, respectable guy. However, he’s 81. The only reason I could see someone dating him would be for a sugar daddy, because S-class makes that coin. As good as a guy he is, odds are, it’s not going to last very long. 
Yeah, this most likely won’t be healthy (1-4):
Amai Mask (4/10): This relationship seems like every fan’s dream at first. He’s tall, rich, famous, and has a great set of abs. The courting phase to his partner will seem heavenly, as the world’s biggest superstar showers them with attention. He woos them gracefully, until he deems you safe to let into his life  good enough arm candy. He’ll keep you for as long as he needs you, but still treating you like royalty in front of the cameras. In reality, he will just be throwing you under the bus for his work, and trying to cover the wounds with his money. If you (understandably) hate the treatment, and confront him about it, he’ll just tell you to leave. If you put up with it, he’ll throw you out when he needs the coverage. He just has to hope he doesn’t fall for you. He can’t let you see what lies underneath. You fell in love with Handsome Kamen Amai Mask, not [Webcomic Spoiler]. 
Genos (3/10): I don’t see this happening now. That kid is traumatized as hell, and needs to learn to cope. Losing everyone and everything is hard, which makes him cling to what he has. Right now, he’s clinging to Saitama, and coping with his past in an unhealthy way. While he is compassionate, kind, and courageous to a fault, he isn’t emotional ready to give his heart away just yet. Maybe in a couple years, when he matures and he either gets his closure on the Mad Cyborg situations, or accepts it, deals with his grief, and moves on. 
Flashy Flash (2.5/10): Yeah, no. If we’re talking about trauma, this dude just doesn’t want to accept the fact that he has it, or he knows it, and is too scared to ask for help with it. He’s arrogant, emotionally distant, downright cold sometimes. The only reason he’s higher than Tatsumaki is because I feel like he’d want a relationship in the future, if he actually admits that he needs help, and needs to let go of the past. Then, and only then, can he open himself up to other people. He’s not ready yet.  
Tatsumaki (1/10): This girl has emotional issues, is controlling, has extremely high standards, and a shit ton of trauma that all needs addressing before she enters a relationship. Also, she doesn’t cares about those kinds of relationships that much. She’s very take, and never gives. Odds are, she doesn’t want you or anyone in her life. She has a job to do, and that’s what she’s devoted too. 
Why would you? (0/10):
Watchdog Man: He’s a dude that acts and dresses like a dog, and doesn’t leave his post. That doesn’t sound super appealing at all, but to each their own, I guess.
Child Emperor: This should be obvious. 
Puri Puri Prisoner: If this guy likes you.....RUN
Drive Knight: Are y’all evil Cyborg fuckers? 
Metal Knight: He has no sympathy, empathy or compassion. He’s old, and he has a tiny dick. Why?  
This post went in so many different directions. Anyway, please feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments, I love hearing from you all!
*Requests open! Unedited*
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heroes-r-us · 5 years
One Punch Man {Monster reader Headcanons}
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I'm going to highlight the ones I personally enjoyed writing! ●▽●
Sweet Mask: He probably finds out on the down low. It was an accident. He'd merely been patrolling the area around the concert to clear his head when he saw you transform. Normally after seeing a monster, he'd kill it. But it was you. He was already attached to you. He'll probably test you. Ask you if you're hiding anything from him. If you lie and try to change the subject, you'll leave him no choice. But if you break down crying, telling him everything, explaining that yes you were a monster, but that you'd never hurt anyone… There's a better chance that he won't straight up kill you. He may even try to find out if the monster side of you can be removed. 
Tatsumaki: She's definitely enraged. A monster!? you'd LIED to her!! How long? Were you just trying to get close to her so you'd be protected by the HA? Disgusting! If you explain yourself, that you'd been born this way, you had never hurt a human, that the reason she'd found you in the woods was so you'd not hurt anybody, and that you only wanted to have a normal life… She may just forgive you. But, why lie? Why not just tell her? Do you not trust her? But it's nothing like that, you were scared that the HA would hunt you down, put you in jail despite doing nothing wrong, or kill you. She'll soften over time, let her think about it. 
Kamikaze/Atomic Samurai: He's shocked. But, you're calm. You're not enraged or killing or lashing out at anything that moved. You were the same, but… Not. He won't make any harsh judgments before getting your side of the story. He had to be calm too. He will assess the situation as is and listen carefully to your explanation. That it had been secretly put into your food during the time you'd been captured by the monster association. That it'd been too late by the time you'd found out. He'll work doggedly beside you to shield you from the outside world and to help you control your monstrous instincts. 
Child Emperor: He's honestly not sure how to handle this. You were a kid. Just like him. You were quick to explain that your father had been a monster. Not an evil monster, a monster that wanted to be left alone and in peace. You explained the story of how your parents met, that your mother worried about you constantly, and how your father had been killed after accidentally encountering heroes. Heroes that didn't care that he hadn't done anything wrong. You had to hide from the world, but you saw him as a close friend, a confidant of sorts. You had total control over your monster form, but you were scared of people. He learns how to cope with the news and quickly begins to grow curious about your non-monstrous monster form. 
King: He's scared as all hell when he sees you on his doorstep. He tries to intimidate you, but it's not working. Because you know. You felt safe with him, you knew he couldn't lash out and hurt you and you knew he wouldn't tell anyone. You confide solely in him, begging him to believe that you weren't evil. He believes you. After all how many times could you have nonchalantly taken him out? It would have been so easy. But you didn't. You didn't. That's the main reason you are still together. Trust. Sometimes when other monsters find and threaten him, you become his protector, and the roles switch. You protect him from monsters, he protects you from the world. 
Zombieman: He's hurt, not because you lied, but because you thought he'd hurt you. You thought he'd turn you in. You thought he'd hate you. You were terrified, and rightfully so. You've been burned before. People had sold you out to c-class heroes who were looking for a villain to slay. You were always the dragon the knight would vanquish, the boogeyman in the closet, the thing parents would tell their children horrible stories about to keep them in line. You had always been that monster. He holds you close and assures you that there would be no way in hell he would give you up. Especially since he knows you'd never harm a soul. He tells you he trusts you. But he needs you to trust him in return. 
Drive Knight: He's tactical, and he likes to gather as much information about someone as he can before confronting them. So, when you finally reveal your secrets, teary-eyed and scared, as though you were waiting for death and had mentally prepared yourself beforehand, he only hummed slightly. He was pleased you told him, that though you were scared, you told him on you own accord. He didn't have to pry the information out of you. You were shocked at his nonchalance behavior, as though he hadn't really heard you. You tried to clarify what you meant. That you were a monster. So, he sighed and shook his head, even going as far as to chuckle under his breath. He explained to you gently, that, Darling, I know. I know that you're a monster. I also know that your record is clean. I know I have a good judgment of character. And that… I've known since three weeks after I met you. 
Watchdog man: He knew you smelled different. He could tell by your scent the whole time. It was merely a waiting game until you told him. You eventually did, and though it pleased him, he made sure to thoroughly question you. He learned a lot about you during that time. How you'd become this way, how it hadn't been your choice, and how petrified you were. Once he was completely satisfied that you wouldn't hurt anybody, he nodded, pressed his face into your lap, and continued his nap. 
Flashy Flash: He'll act calm on the outside but inwardly infuriated that you hadn't told him. Why hadn't you told him!? Similar to Tornado, he'll start to question your motives and loyalty. He'll probably break up with you until you explain everything and regain his trust. It will take a while though, and he may stalk you and watch your actions for a while to be certain you aren't lying. 
Genos: He's angry and hot-headed. He'll react. Not respond. His first and immediate impulse is to decimate the traitor. You. He forced you into hiding, becoming the worst case scenario for you. After days of trying to track you down, he finds out by Saitama that apparently a monster had bitten and somehow transferred itself into your DNA. His heart dropped when Saitama explained that it had been your idea to go to Genos to have him run a diagnostic on your body. Mind now clear and determined, he follows reports of a monster with your description through city Z. He eventually finds you, and has to make it clear to you that he means no harm. He realizes his mistake and explains to you that you don't have to trust him. He knows he screwed up. From now on he tries to make himself worthy of your trust, and he attempts to help rid of the monster in your veins. 
Metal Bat: Similar to Genos, he will be angry that you lied to him, but even in your monster form, you were adorable. In fact, it was hard to see you as a monster. Yes, you had gained animalistic attributes… But you seemed so normal. Were you even technically a monster? You weren't actually all that strong either. He's not quite sure what to make of the situation. He wants to be angry and turn you in but he can't find it in himself to do so. You weren't even a dangerous monster. He quickly learns about how you were cursed by an angry witch. Apparently, this was the curse. 
Garou: He's absolutely enthralled. A little pissy because you didn't tell him, but enthralled nonetheless. He wants to know everything. How did you get like this? Were you originally human, or were you born this way? How were you able to turn at will? Why weren't you violent? You have to give him all the details and he is very pleased that you fall under his rules of a "monster".
Sonic: He's not angry, but he is unsure. What else are you hiding from him? He felt rather secure in the relationship, so learning you'd been hiding things from (especially something so important) makes him question you. It'll take a while for him to trust you again. 
Fubuki: Straight up goes into shock. Her lackeys tried to attack you, and she doesn't do anything to stop them at first. She'll soon realize that you're doing nothing but defending, despite having multiple chances to take them out. So she calls them back. She'll need time to think. 
Saitama: He doesn't really react. He only wants assurance that you don't hurt anyone. He's quite certain you don't. Why would you tell him if you did? You knew what kind of power he possessed, you knew he could take you out with the mere twitch of a finger. There'd be no point to tell him unless you had nothing to hide. 
Mumen Rider: He's nothing short of horrified and confused. Because after all, he is a hero. At first, he has to convince himself out of the mindset of you being his significant other. He tried to see past it but he just can't picture you hurting anyone, no matter the situation. 
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cheesecakethots · 2 years
tw: mostly gonna be for yandere characters/OCs, so if you don’t like that sort of stuff stop here
I’m not a cop, but I’d feel more comfortable with people over the age of 16 on this blog. I won’t check you on it but I think young kids shouldn’t interact with this content.
you can call me cheese or something, with any pronouns
I’m not doing commissions officially right now, but if you have any ideas and would like to commission me my dms are open nonetheless.
(this is generally what i’m willing to write for, you can send me asks about them, but you can ask me about other stuff too)
OCs / general ideas
Hunter x Hunter (HxH)
My Hero Academia (BNHA)
Jujustu Kaisen (JJK)
Attack on Titan (SNK)
Genshin Impact
Honkai Star Rail
Demon Slayer (KNY) (not writing for atm)
Arkham Knight
Chainsaw Man
One Punch Man (OPM)
Seraph of the End
Obey Me!
stuff im not cool to write for:
- stockholm syndrome n stuff about darlings loving a really evil yandere back (more tame ones i can let slide)
- hard noncon. i’ll allude to it but writing it in detail i don’t think i can do
- furries, not my kind of thing, no judgement though
- poop, pee & similar bodily fluids, feet, incest, necrophilia, bestiality & similar stuff etc.
- male on male sex, im a lesbian and im not sure i’d do it right + it’s not my thing. im cool w/ unspecified gender or non-binary mcs tho
- ship stuff, not really into shipping fics, but im cool with it if it’s ship x ship x reader, eg. kiribaku x reader
- i won’t write about for instance a male yandere x lesbian reader
- if I don’t like/don’t know a particular character well enough I’ll just say if I’m sent an ask
- not going to write about characters being racist, homophobic or transphobic, shit just makes me hate the character lol
what i’m mostly interested in atm:
HxH (Chrollo, Illumi & Uvogin)
Genshin (Scaramouche & Childe)
JJK (Nanami, Gojo, Mahito)
only Shigaraki from MHA lol
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gatitties · 10 months
hello! can i ask for one punch man headcannons with mitsuri-like (demon slayer) s/o? they could be a hero with love based powers, like for example when they fight their powers make their opponents fall in love with them. of course they also have mitsuri's personality; very cheerful and full of love and admires basically everyone! (plus, the only reason they became a hero was to find a lover, just like mitsuri lol)
i'd like to request this with saitama, genos and garou please! thank youu :3
- 🫧 anon
─Saitama, Genos & Garou x mitsuri!reader
─Summary: some headcanons of you being you trying to find your loved one
—Warnings: none
ohhh more content for opm, ty 🫧 anon!
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—You met him during the entrance exams, you were only there because you thought it would be easier to find a fiancé.
—Though you ended up taking the tests and becoming an S-class hero unintentionally.
—At first you're like Genos, although you weren't looking for someone to train you because you were already someone with good resistance and fighting qualities, you liked to admire Saitama.
—The interactions were rather dry on his part, he still doesn't know why you flatter him so much if you ever meet in battle.
—Because you were so insistent, he let you go to his house from time to time for tea or coffee.
—Though whenever you start spilling information about your quest for romance, he ignores you.
—Let's face it, Saitama isn't interested in love right now, so if you ever confess, it's going to end up being a refusal on his part.
—But if he sees you too discouraged by his harshness (because this man doesn't know how to say things tactfully), he will cheer you up by saying that he will help you find husband material.
—Poor bald man, he's going to lose his eyelashes trying to help you, but at least he made you happy knowing you'd have help.
—Extra points because he will make comments about your physical appearance affect you less.
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—You met in a meeting with all the S class, Genos being the new one greeted you without knowing that inside your mind you were fantasizing about marrying him.
—Just look at him! He's a cyborg, what more could you ask for? He sounded perfect and his steadfast and peaceful demeanor only made you fangirl more.
—He definitely doesn't understand your occasional blushes when you look at other heroes, he will ask you on more than one occasion if you're sick or something.
—He admires your strength and sometimes he asks you to train with him, you don't need more, as long as you can spend time with a possible future fiancé you will be there.
—Unfortunately, Genos isn't focused on love, his only goal is revenge.
—Although that will not prevent you from continuing to admire him, filling him with praise in your mind.
—He is much softer than Saitama with words, but his problem is that he can express himself badly.
—It's okay, he'll also promise to help you find the right person, he'll register you on all the existing dating apps before you know it.
—Don't worry about what other people think about your appearance either, Genos will be throwing his worst look at them and he will tell you that external appearance is not a determining factor when it comes to maintaining a love relationship.
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—He was looking for S-class heroes and he ran into you, with the bad luck that he had fought and been badly off before.
—You defeated him and he became unconscious, despite being a villain, you felt bad so you decided to take him to the hospital at the very least.
—Garou is an attractive guy and despite being on the opposite side, you were not going to underestimate his beauty and fighting style.
—He will look for you after that because he feels that he has been humiliated by someone not as recognized as some other heroes.
—You won't take his evil character seriously because you saw him interact with a child in a completely peaceful way the day before.
—You will play cat and mouse constantly, you started fantasizing about a 'forbidden romance' because of that.
—Garou will soon notice how you actually like seeing him, confused as fuck because you look happy that he's spending another night trying to hunt you down.
—You feel admiration to see how determined he is with his goals despite not being your same ideals, seeing someone so passionate makes your heart race.
—Unfortunately you know that Garou isn't that interested in you, let alone romantically for now, but that doesn't stop you from fantasizing about him.
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yanderegremlin · 2 years
Not a request but how does saitama feel about y/n and child emperor being inseparable? (From the platonic genos story)
good question! I feel he would be more upset then angry at the fact you don't spend your free time with him anymore, like he got ticket's to the Zoo you have always wanted to go to telling you all about it all excited for you. You unfortunately have to tell him that Child Emperor buy you, your own Zoo last week. Poor Saitama, he feel not good enough to take care of you, because of all the time you spend at that little brat's house.
but the one thing both Saitama and Genos has that Child Emperor doesn't have, is they're YOUR Heroes, that the one thing you always tell them before and after missions, because they're are the ones that saved you in the first place.
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g4rous · 3 years
Masterlist <3
One Punch Man:
headcanons and one-shots
Sunlit memories (Garou x Reader fanfic series)
Pride and buffoonery (Garou x Reader)
Garou general (fluff) headcanons
Garou shared apartment headcanons 
Garou x Psychic! Reader (headcanons)
Garou at the beginning of the relationship
Garou having a crush (headcanons)
Morning after (Garou x Reader)
Garou x confident s/o (headcanons)
Garou with a humorous s/o (headcanons)
Genos x Strong!Reader (one-shot)
Comforting s/o (Genos x Reader)
How to make Genos blush
Amai Mask x Male!Reader (one-shot)
Under the cherry blossoms (Garou x Reader one-shot)
Garou x Reader (fluffy moments!)
Kabedon! (Garou x Reader)
Anticipation (Garou x Reader)
More fluff (Garou x Reader)
Garou x chubby s/o aftercare hcs
Locking eyes (Zombieman x Reader)
“You’re the breathtaking one” (Amai Mask x Male!Reader)
Just Garou things ✨ (random hcs)
Garou with s/o who wants kids
A matter of trust (Garou x Reader one-shot)
Cooking for Garou (hcs)
Garou x Artist!Reader (headcanons)
Garou x Reader who likes music (headcanons)
Self-care day with Garou (headcanons)
Garou taking care of sick reader (and vice versa)
In a quarrel with the reader (Garou x Reader)
Saitama with s/o who likes to wear his hero outfit (hcs)
Under the sakura (Lightning Max x Reader)
Insomnia (Garou x Reader)
“A nightmare too realistic” (Garou x Reader)
Dr.Genus x scientist s/o
randomness ( no x reader inserts)
Garou and Tareo appreciation post
The esper sisters taking in a child
OPM zodiac headcanons
Garou’s music taste (hc)
Tatsumaki random hcs
Just Garou things ✨(again but no x Reader insert)
Garou high school headcanons
If Garou had a diary 
Garou’s dojo days
Garou’s cooking skills
Garou and daydreaming
Martial arts movies Garou would like?
Dr. Kuseno (and Genos) random hcs
Drive Knight random hcs
Demon Slayer:
headcanons and one-shots
Kyojuro Rengoku under the stars ( Rengoku x Reader one-shot)
Kyojuro Rengoku x Reader shared apartment headcanons 
Kyojuro Rengoku with grieving s/o
Kyojuro Rengoku general (fluff) headcanons 
Tired! Kyojuro Rengoku x reader hcs
“Like a lullaby to me” (Rengoku x Reader)
Dad Kyojuro Rengoku headcanons
Kyojuro Rengoku x self-conscious Reader
Kyojuro Rengoku x Artist!Reader
Kyojuro Rengoku x sleepy!s/o (hcs)
Kyojuro Rengoku x Tsundere!Reader
Kanae Kocho x Reader modern au headcanons 
Tomioka Giyuu x outgoing!Reader headcanons
Kyojuro Rengoku x Reader (Valentine’s day hcs)
Pillow fight! (Kyojuro Rengoku x Reader one-shot)
“I think your cooking is pretty nice” (Genya x Reader one-shot) 
Genya with s/o who wants children
“You caught our attention” (Tengen and his wives x Reader)
Kibutsuji Muzan x Reader Valentines day (headcanons)
Yoriichi Tsugikuni getting comforted by Reader (hcs)
‘‘About time you two idiots said something.’‘ (Genya x reader)
randomness (no x reader insert)
Q: Why is Genya your fave character from kny?
Jujutsu Kaisen:
headcanons and one-shots
Jealous Kento Nanami x Reader (one-shot)
Yuuji, Megumi & Nobara comforting s/o on a bad day (hcs)
Yuuji x Reader (fluff) headcanons
Nanami Kento x Reader (fluff headcanons)
Yoshino Junpei x Reader (fluff headcanons)
Nobara Kugisaki x Reader (fluff) headcanons
Megumi Fushiguro x Reader (fluff) headcanons
“His name was Yoshino Junpei” (Itadori x Reader one-shot)
Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure:
headcanons and one-shots
“Nightmares again?” (Noriaki Kakyoin x reader one-shot)
Noriaki Kakyoin x Reader (general fluff headcanons)
Noriaki Kakyoin x Reader (after school headcanons)
Noriaki Kakyoin x Artist!Reader (headcanons)
Kakyoin and Giorno taking care of sick s/o (headcanons)
“Care for a dance?” (Noriaki Kakyoin x Reader one-shot)
To rewind time (Noriaki Kakyoin x Reader one-shot)
Hope delicate as a feather (Noriaki Kakyoin x Reader one-shot)
A ray of light which I held on to (Noriaki Kakyoin x Reader one-shot)
Giorno x Reader general (fluff) headcanons
Bucciarati Squad x Reader (fluff) headcanons
‘‘Welcome newbie’‘ (Giorno x Reader)
Comfort after a nightmare (Josuke x Reader)
Comforting Narancia (Narancia Ghirga x Reader)
“Strange people” (Josuke x Reader)
randomness (no x reader insert)
Movies & Kakyoin
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oreosmama · 4 years
Hey! I would like to request yandere garou from opm hcs or scenario whichever you feel comfortable doing, if your not taking request right now you can just ignore this. I love your garou x Reader stories btw.
(Soft) Yandere Garou Headcanons 
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*GIF not mine*
A/N: I’m glad you like them! Also, b r u h, tysm for this request bc ugh, I forgot how much of a babe Garou is. Honestly, I could talk about this boy for hours bc he’s so friggin’ 🥵 (aka this shit’s a lil long). Hope you enjoy! (Side note: It’s a lil more fluffy than anything. Lemme know if you want something darker 😐)
Word count: 1280
He’s definitely a stalker. 
I mean, what else can he be? He’s the feared Hero Hunter, how the hell is he gonna attract you straight up?
Speaking of, this means he totally kidnaps you. You’re, honest to God, terrified of this mf. 
“Please don’t kill me.”
“Angel, I would never. You don’t have to be afraid of me.”
(Side note: any and every guy you’ve ever talked to and/or are close with have mysteriously disappeared for some reason… I wonder why🤔)
He’s addicted to you in almost a childlike way (bc mind you, this fucker’s 18💀)
He’s always looking to please you while you’re locked in his home, since he’s gotta convince you to fall in love with him. Sadly… he’s got like zero experience in that arena.
Aka he won’t touch you often, not unless you explicitly state that you want it, and his idea of romance is just loading you up with gifts. 
Garou loves spoiling you, but I’m gonna be upfront when I say he likes seeing things that claim you as his. 
Deadass, he threatened a jewelry store into making you a necklace with his name on it. (Ofc he makes you wear it, but the only “punishment” you get for not wearing it is him putting it on you anyway while you’re distracted)
Though his main priority is becoming strong, Garou begins to realize that he’s losing will to become strong for himself. Now, he wants to become stronger for you. 
There were a couple times where he almost got his ass reamed by some Class S heroes, but that only made him realize that there are dangers out there he might not be able to protect you from. 
Sometimes you’re just sitting in the abandoned barn Garou hides out in and you can hear him training. Groans and grunts level 100 😳
In all seriousness though, Garou definitely treats you with utmost respect. He understands that you might not like him because he kidnapped you and forced you to stay with him. There are times where you scream and smack at him, and of course deep down he’s hurt, but he would never retaliate. 
Everytime he comes home, it’s always the same greeting. 
“I’m home, angel!”
“Go to hell, asshole!”
Eventually-- eventually-- you start to warm up to him, though, and Garou can see it. He’s an extremely observant person; he notices all your ticks and can read your face like a book, so he can easily tell when you’re starting to… well, at least not hate him as much.
For example, his heart almost burst with joy when one day you almost smiled at the sight of him. He came home from tracking down and researching more heroes to see you staring at your newest gift: a collection of your favorite books from before you were kidnapped. (He had gone to your old home and taken your bookshelf). 
“Hey, angel, do you like it?” he asks excitedly.
Your mouth twitches, and he waits and waits for more, but that’s all he gets. “Yes. Thank you, Garou.”
He went to bed with the biggest grin on his face that night. 
While we’re on the subject, I should note that he doesn’t make you sleep with him. Like I said earlier, he’s not great with romance, and he definitely knows he doesn’t wanna force himself on you and have you hate him forever. 
Garou wants you to fill the hole in his heart. He’s got no family or friends, but he knows he doesn’t need them as long as he has you. He wants you to love him unconditionally, like he never was as a child. 
All righty, let’s hop to it. 
So. Months after he’s taken you, you finally feel yourself falling for him, and seeing how lovingly he treats you, you don’t exactly resist. 
Once again, you’re just sitting in the barn, waiting for him to come home, and when he does, you jump him. 
One small kiss, then he stares at you in surprise. Then another, longer kiss, passionate and filled with want. Then another. Then another. All the way until… 😳 (see “when you hear this mf train” for more info😏)
Ok y’all, don’t get pissy at me, but *cough* breeding kink *cough*
Honestly! You can’t tell me this guy isn’t gonna want kids as soon as he finds his darling.
Can, like, can y’all just humor me for a sec? Okay.
Imagine this: Tareo babysits your kids when he’s older 😌
Akneeways, after he feels like you’ve fallen for him enough that he can trust you, he’ll take you outside. 
(One time, a guy accidentally bumped into you on the street but didn’t apologize. You held Garou back from beating the shit out of him at the time, telling him “it’s fine, it’s fine, I’m okay.” Later, however, Garou comes home with blood splatters in his hair.) 
At one point, he brings you along to meet Tareo. Ofc the boy talks smack, like “Wow, your gf’s as old as you” or “how does someone so pretty fall for your ugly mug.” 
Tbh, you thought Garou was gonna explode on his ass, but your heart warms at the sound of Garou’s snicker and the sight of him ruffling the boy’s hair teasingly. “Shut it, you little runt.” 
Now, Garou’s told you he loved you countless times at this point. He often tells you he loves you before y’all go to sleep, and he even used to do that before you slept in the same bed as him, back when you hated him. But in this moment, it’s the first time that you’ve ever felt something akin to love while watching him. (His face and voice didn’t exactly show it, but there was a sparkle in Garou’s eyes that told you he was excited for you and Tareo to meet.)
And now, it’s time for a lil story. Once again, Garou’s only 18, but it’s questionable whether he even went to high school. Keep that in mind. 
Blood was everywhere. 
Garou had only just woken up to find you, still sleeping with the red liquid slowly pooling around you. 
Oh God.
“YN!” Garou shouts in alarm. 
“Mm, what?” you groan, annoyance tinging your tone at the sudden awakening. 
“What?” You glance down while Garou jumps out of bed, dashing from the room before returning just as swiftly with his homemade first aid kit. 
“Oh. Garou, it’s fine-”
Your eyebrow twitches in irritation and you squeal when he rips the sheets right off your bare form. With trembling fingers, he prods at your thighs, searching for the wound.
“There’s no wound.”
Finally, you smack his hands away and clamber out of bed, hobbling over to the bathroom while clenching your thighs together. 
“I’m on my period, dumbass.” 
As soon as the door shuts behind you, Garou scratches his head. “What’s a period?”
So yes, although Garou loves you deeply and has the body of a Greek god, you have to keep reminding yourself that he kinda dropped out of school just to beat up heroes. It’s okay, you have plenty of time to teach him the ropes of being with you because you’re not going anywhere anytime soon.
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igzsatelier · 3 years
If you are into requests, I would like a OPM request with Badd x S-Class elementalist female superhero! Reader
Like avatar, master of four elements type elementalist? That sounds awesome!
• Whether you're a civilian or a hero, he won't bat an eye at you. Unless you were in the same hierarchy as him, he might check up on you. The S-Class heroes are weird, but they have unique powers- including some asshole heroes *coughcoughTornadoandFlashcough* that Badd thinks are impressive.
• Zombieman having crazy regenarative powers, Badd freaked out when Zombieman shot his own head to prove it, but eventually got over it. Badd thinks it was sick as hell. Pig God exterminating monsters by eating them? Isn't that fucking gross?? And he won't admit it, but Child Emperor being a genius made Badd slightly jealous. He's a bit salty about it but respects that.
• He heard rumours of you. Rumours said that you could control elements and use it to your advantage against enemies. You even made a makeshift rock shelter to prevent acid from hurting the citizens once, and you could even spawn fire from your very hands! You certainly caught his attention.
• He would pretend to ignore you, but you could see him lurking around you not too far away. He wants to see you use your powers. Is it true? Can you really bend elements to your will? He's aware that some rumours can be overly exaggerated that are so ridiculous, Badd couldn't even pretend to believe it. Llike rumours about King for example.
• When he sees you waterbending a nearby river for transport, he was amazed. Shit, that was cool. To be honest, he wants to see you do that again.
• Wherever you are, he would stalk stare at you from a distance, and he would definitely take a video of you fighting. Then send it to Zenko, she also thinks you're cool. Even better, he'll help you out! Saying that he was patrolling nearby and he saw you fightin' and stuff. He might as well give you a helping hand.
• Chances of being friends with him are slow and dismissive. He denies that he was ever watching you do your element-thing training in the first place! You knew he was lying(because you literally saw him hiding behind a pole holding up a phone in your direction with a wide grin on his face), but you decided to not mention it.
• If you offered him to train with you, he'll be ecstatic. But at the same time he doesn't want to hurt you. He drinks respect wamen juice everyday, and even if you're as strong as him, he still won't land a hit on you. If you suggest that he should counterattack your elements then he'll most likely comply. It could improve his agility.
• He'll show you off to his sister, no questions asked.
"Make an ice sculpted Amai Mask, big sister (Y/n)!"
• You both would develop ultimate moves together, and it would be incredible. Nowadays, you and Badd would be seen together in almost every city. You're his bestie, and nothing's gonna change that. You both are officially partners in crime!
• This delinquent hero would be extremely worried and enraged when you're injured. He will-- He WILL AVENGE YOU. If you're bedridden, he'll make sure to visit you and hang out with you as much as he can. He'll also bring junk food because hospital foods suck.
Thank you for reading this, and thank you to those who really liked my previous Badd hcs! I didn't expect it to have such positive feedbacks.
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huicitawrites · 4 years
Hello, could I have Tatsumaki from OPM with a fem or gender neutral reader? Really appreciate it if you feel okay doing it. Thanks!
“A tad crazy”
Yandere! Tatsumaki x Reader
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a/n: No worries love! I am pleased to write for you :3. I’ve made it rather short thou, so tell me if you want a re-write! (ps: i didn’t know wether you actually preferred female reader so next time please be more specific!! i don’t want to disappoint you :/ )
warning: stalking (?), possesiveness, overprotective attitudes, yandere theme.
How to put into words... she is a bit intense
Picture a spoiled brat running a tantrum.
Now, add the child sea-weed hair and mad psychic powers, and the fact she is an S-Rank heroine positioned second plus a ghostly dark dress.
Yep, you’re fucked.
Outright protective; will absolutely curse the hell out of whoever approaches you with hostile intentions -what she deems it- and proceed to apply her powers.
Depending what they’ve done, sometimes it is just a scare. A toss around the streets. Other times, she reduces them to dust.
Don’t let us begin with her possessiveness, it uneases you. but don’t blame her, you at her side brings her relief
How she glares at your friends and how you can feel the room drop by many degrees as the tension soars. To add on the intimidation, her eyes shine a vibrant green and her hair floats.
You had dreamt of escaping from her clutches, of walking freely without a care.
However, that is the realm of fantasies and unfortunately for you; you live in the realm of nightmares.
Not a day goes by that you cannot feel her gloomy presence around yours.
Almost as if she posses your mind.
For she does not need to stalk you because she knows where you are at all times. She knows what you are doing and what you are thinking. A little trick from her psychic powers.
You cannot escape her- and you have tried enough to probe the hypothesis.
Changed your full name and ID. Died your hair, cut it, put on lenses, damn you even considered plastic surgery.
Nonetheless, she found you every single time and talked to you as if nothing happened.
As if she is not crazy in the least.
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