icedsodapop · 15 days
Feel like we need to talk about the racism within bibliophile communities, the obsession with performing the acts of loving to read and loving books, the consumerism that has infiltrated these circles...
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howifeltabouthim · 2 months
But eventually I realized that when I was with him, I was always trying to present the most cheerful, entertaining, attractive version of myself, instead of just being myself.
Curtis Sittenfeld, from Eligible
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ashlynbuggy · 7 months
this twist is so bad..
why would production think that anyone would want to see this shit? its so fucking boring like nothing is happening.
also.. they have to know that everyone hates c*m and j*red right? like sure c*m has some racist facebook stans, but j*red? pretty sure everyone doesnt like that man.
they should have just had a battleback with all previous evicted houseguests instead. yeah theres a good chance that those two wouldve won anyway, but at least its not a guarantee and everyone knows its just because they were a better competitor and not some awful, boring ass twist.
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sarahvansloten · 22 days
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Decimals and Denominators (2024), photographs of found objects (ongoing series)
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Send them if you like but hopes and prayers do little to help those in a crisis.
Because best wishes and kind words don’t feed families after a flood. They don’t save homes from forest fires or shelter refugees fleeing conflict.
These problems need action, money, aid, shelter, food, water and medicine.
What use are prayers and good intentions here?
I wonder if we see this same passive in-activism for men and boys, with the numerous issues they experience being addressed through feel good platitudes such as ‘men can cry!’
The sentiment is good, but it doesn’t mean much to the homeless men starving on the street, the male survivors barred from refuges, or the fathers losing children in family court.
So, can we do better?
Is ‘men can cry’ the new ‘sending thoughts and prayers?’
ONS Homeless Deaths: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsofhomelesspeopleinenglandandwales/2020registrations#deaths-of-homeless-people-data
Congress.gov, Causes of Death: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/5986/text?r=16
Boys' education gap: https://www.theguardian.com/education/2021/aug/13/girls-overtake-boys-in-a-level-and-gcse-maths-so-are-they-smarter
Sentences disparity: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2144002
Platitudes like "thoughts and prayers" and "men can cry" are cheap and easy words. They're not intended to solve anything or do anything except give the one reciting them a sense of being a good person while keeping a safe distance from the problem. And especially, it's a way of telling men that they've just been doing things wrong, rather than that there are tangible societal disadvantages that require changes in law, policy or resources.
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underleveledjosh · 6 months
I can't believe that person is actually doubling down on the stance that it's wrong for a fanfiction website to ask for donations without making a performative monologue about how bad genocide is. Do they really need every single person and entity on the planet to step aside like Dora the Explorer to say, "Now remember! Genocide is BAD!" Yes, the situation is awful and there needs to be a ceasefire, but what do they think they're achieving by railing at AO3 Just Because and getting violent at random Tumblr users? People are just...
Yeah, exactly. There is a time and a place for everything. A site whose main goal is to maintain a censorship free site for fanfic ain't it. They focus on keeping the fics safe, and that's it. They had a pretty nasty security breach last year, so they absolutely need donations to make sure security is even better and as tight as possible.
Also, not everyone is comfortable talking about their political stances publicly, especially online, where a healthy and productive discussion is damn near impossible to come by. A lot of people prefer to keep their political beliefs their own personal business. Not everyone needs to be an activist, and just because they don't publicly state they support Palestine, it doesn't mean that they don't support Palestine. It means they keep their politics private, and I believe that people must respect that.
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dnihallofshame · 1 month
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Submission to the DNI Hall of Shame:
Who's gonna tell them they look chronically online for putting proshippers under the same umbrella as apologists for real life abuse
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introvertedlass · 5 months
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allycat75 · 3 months
I hate to say it, but I am getting there.
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girl4music · 6 months
Regarding Alan’s comment about it seeming out of character for Willow to behave the way she did in ‘Triangle’. First of all, you need to remember that Willow never shows herself as she authentically is. She’s always performing. And because of that - we never really know who or what the “true” Willow is because she’s always externally projecting an identity/persona either to be liked better or to seem more threatening or to be validated… there’s a new reason for why she behaves the way she does with every episode. She’s a very complex and layered character. Very quietly morally grey. Compelling.
So while you can say it’s “in” or “out” of character for her… the thing is that you don’t actually know who or what her character truthfully is because she’s never it. She’s never authentically her. She’s always performing/projecting her external “self”.
But considering her identity-based insecurities/anxieties and the magical power she’s rapidly accumulating - yeah, the way she acts in the last episode is definitely in character. Whatever that is.
What I do really like about this though is that it’s because Willow is never the true her - her true identity/nature/persona - that everything IS her anyway. So it’s a bit paradoxical but in a really clever and thought-provoking way. It’s like no matter what performance she’s putting on, what character she’s playing or what costume she’s wearing - she’s still ‘just Willow’. It’s hard to explain but when you get there - you’ll get it. You’ll know exactly what I mean.
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jozefondrik · 2 years
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Terén-Field for Performing Arts. Three years anniversary.
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I fear that a large part of my personality may be based on performative outrage on topics I don't really care about. What's it called, virtue signaling? I see other people getting up in arms about something I didn't particularly enjoy, and for some reason I jump aboard the bandwagon and pile on the insults, "hey look at me, I hate this thing too! It's the worst!" No, it's not the worst. It means nothing to me. Why am I calling it the worst? Why am I expending effort to make fun of something that I honestly couldn't care less about?
Marvel movies, Star Wars movies, big budget franchise sequels, I don't care about them. I've stopped watching them, so why isn't that enough? I don't plan on watching Rings of Power, not because I hate amazon (which I do), not because it looks bad (I haven't seen any clips, I've only heard other people's opinions), not even because I want it to fail (it's success or failure is irrelevant), but because I'm not even a fan of Lord of the Rings! I've seen Fellowship twice in my life, Two Towers and Return of the King once, and the first Hobbit movie. The only books I've read was the Hobbit, and I didn't really like it. Why am I pretending to be a huge fan who is outraged? If it sucks, it doesn't concern me.
Star Wars. I'm a big fan of Episodes 4 and 5, and most of 6, and that's about it. I've seen episode 1 a few times, and didn't like it. I attended a sleepover where they had a movie marathon of all the prequels on in the background all evening, so I've seen parts of episodes 2 and 3, didn't much care for them. Never seen Clone Wars. But for years I pretended that I hated the prequels because that's what was popular to say. I don't hate them because I've never seen them. I like watching other people bash them online because they look ridiculous, but ultimately I don't care one way or the other. When episode 7 came out, I was HYPED AS FUCK, legitimately hyped, not a performance; I was excited to see my first Star Wars movie in theaters with friends who loved analyzing the originals just as much as I did. I bought and read the now non-canon Thrawn trilogy, bought and didn't read a bunch of the other legends books, and I REALLY enjoyed episode 7. It did exactly what it needed to do, and I left the theater with a smile on my face. I went into episode 8 with ao much enthusiasm, and I didn't like it at all. That was also legitimate. It's popular to bash episode 8, but my dislike didn't extend that far, I just thought it was a major dip in quality from 7. Rogue One, I was excited about the premise, didn't like the execution. Solo, didn't like it, thought it was more like walking through a Han Solo museum with a tour guide pointing out "remember when he said this line in episode 5? Here's where it came from? And that line in episode 4? That one's to your left." Episode 9 was the first one I actively hated, like passionately hated, real non-performative hatred. I love 2½, I'm indifferent about 5½, and I hate 1, so I have no real skin in this game. Star Wars excites me more as a concept than as a franchise. The idea of it excites me, but 9 times out of 10 I pass on the content. The Mandalorian and Boba Fett and Obi Wan and Andor just aren't my thing. I've never seen them, don't plan to, so what do I care if anyone else does?
Marvel movies. I have watched exactly 8 of the 29 movies that have been released as of my writing this. I loved the Sam Raimi Spider-Man trilogy as a kid, but other superheroes didn't really do it for me; I'd never neard of Iron Man when I was 11, or Thor, though I did know about the Hulk, I still didn't care enough to ask my parents to take me to see it. The first MCU movie I saw was Avengers 1 when I was 15, because my older sister decided out of nowhere to invite me to the movies with her friends (she'd never done that before), and Hunger Games was no longer playing at out hometown theater. I LOVED Avengers 1. I thought it was hilarious! I thought it was a perfect movie, nowhere near as bloated as people said it would be online. Next one I saw in theaters was Avengers 2, didn't really care for it. I saw Captain America 2 on DVD at a friend's house, I actually really liked it. I saw Cap 3 because of Spider-Man, and I liked it too, and I got really excited for a standalone Spider-Man movie, so Homecoming was everything I was hoping for. Not as good as Sam Raimi, better than Amazing. Next I saw Black Panther with my mom because she REALLY wanted to see it; it wasn't bad, didn't really do anything for me, but whatever. This is when I got off the marvel wagon because Avengers 3 was way too bloated for my tastes; I didn't want to watch it until I caught up on everything I missed, so i never saw it. I saw Far From Home on a date, liked parts of it, didn't really like Peter becoming Iron Man Jr. No Way Home got my bloos flowing because they brought back all the old characters from Raimi and Amazing, but the story itself didn't do it for me, and Tom Holland Peter is way to annoying for my tastes, so I've sworn off any future disney marvel movies. I don't care about the franchise anymore. I don't enjoy it anymore. I have nothing to gain from watching them, and I can vicariously make fun of the ones that suck by watching youtube reviews. Sony's Spider-Verse was great, loved it, can't wait for the sequel. I hope they make a Raimi 4, and hell, I'd even be okay with an Amazing 3 (I never saw Amazing 2, but I like Andrew Garfield). It'll never happen, but I can dream.
DC movies. I saw the original Batmen; 89 was good, Returns scratched an itch I didn't know I had (though my family hates it), Forever is a legitimate guilty pleasure of mine, and &Robin is objectively terrible but fun to watch in a MST3K kinda way. Never saw Batman Begins. I saw the Dark Knight once when I was a kid, didn't care for it (though I'd probably like it more now). Never saw Dark Knight Rises, would probably enjoy it, it looks good. Never saw ANY Superman movies. I saw Dawn of Justice because it was supposed to be DC's answer to the Avengers, which I still liked at the time, but I actively hated it and wanted Superman to stay dead. Never saw Justice League. Suicide Squad was terrible, another instance of active hatred. And that's it! Never seen any of the others. No Wonder Women, no Snyder Cut, no THE Suicide Squad, no John Cena show, nothing! I just don't care! This franchise means nothing to me! I don't have the energy to make fun of it on purpose, it just exists entirely outside of my wheelhouse.
Avatar. I saw it in 2009. Everyone in America saw it. It broke box office records. Everyone in America forgot it. It never captured the cultural zeitgeist like other big bidget sci-fi films; until disney made the theme park, the fandom was so niche that it never cropped up in pop culture. Novody referenced it except to say it was the highest grossing movie ever and jokingly call it Dances With Blue Cats. I thought it was pretty and inoffensive, but not worth a 3 hour investment to ever watch it again. I own it on DVD, which I opened and started watching once, but never finished, and the only reason I still have it is because the producer Jon Landau has a vacation home down here and visited my freshman video productions class in 2010 or 2011, and I had him sign it.
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I don't actually care that they're making Avatar 2. I think it's a soulless cash grab, but so is every studio movie these days. It doesn't interest me, so I'm not gonna watch it. I don't hate it, it's just boring. I'm sure it'll look pretty, it'll make a ton of money and win a ton of awards, but I don't care enough to make fun of it just because the plot doesn't sound interesting to me.
Video games. I'm not a gamer! I've never owned a current gen console; my parents bought me a Gameboy Advance SP when I was a kid, and a DS Lite later, but the only actual console I ever owned was an N64 I bought on ebay in high school (I didn't even Buy It Now, I won it in an auction; I was super excited). I have Minecraft on my laptop, which I play once or twice a year for a week or two at a time before getting bored and stopping until a new update comes, and that's it! I don't care about console wars! I don't care about graphics! I don't care about triple-A developers making samey games, because I don't play any! First person shooters and open world sandbox survival craft-em-ups and liberating districts and this that or the other, I just don't care! I don't care if the games are good, I don't care if they're bad, I don't care if critics love them or hate them, I just like hearing Yahtzee Croshaw make fun of them on Zero Punctuation! I don't have a steam account, I've never played a valve game, but I enjoyed watching Portal 2 walkthroughs and reading the entire TF2 wiki lore (I love the comics; will never pick up the game), never played undertale, or papers please, or the last of us, or breath of the wild, of gtav, or anything. I watched roosterteeth/achievement hunter/letsplay on youtube from like 2011 to 2016 or 17, but I fell off that wagon due to lack of interest.
I am apathetic above anything else, and I need to stop acting like every new installment to such and such franchise I'm not involved with is important to me when it's not. I need to stop hopping on the bandwagon. I don't gain anything out of letting people know how much I love/hate a movie/game I've never watched/played. Maybe I get some notes on tumblr? Whoop dee doo. Number go up! Who cares? I don't.
I'm sorry for being a jerk. The media I do or do not consume should not influence my personality. It's dumb to act like it's important to me when it's not. If I really like something, I can be excited! When I really hate something, I can say so and move on. When I'm indifferent, I can just ignore it. Why do I let myself get up in arms like this?
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I agree with the other anon, the baptism was performative. Was this how she lured Ryan back in? Did she tell him that finding God would change her as a person and she would be better? She seems the same in that she has gotten comfortable with Ryan probably sticking around. She won't change! Once a user, always a user.
I agree with you as well anon.
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“When you are studying any matter, or considering any philosophy, ask yourself only, what are the facts, and what is the truth that the facts bear out? Never let yourself be diverted either by what you wish to believe, or by what you think would have beneficent social effects, if it were believed. But look only, and solely, at what are the facts? That is the intellectual thing that I should wish to say.” -- Bertrand Russell
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“Progress isn’t achieved by preachers or guardians of morality, but by madmen, hermits, heretics, dreamers, rebels and sceptics.” -- Stephen Fry
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‘Wokeness’, the new catch all term thrown in the faces of “the liberals” to malign and undermine who they are.
In many ways it has become the same as ‘the patriarchy’, another ghoul in the closet, intangible and meaningless, used to simply fling mud at ‘the other’.
But what is it to be ‘woke’?
How has a term that was embraced by so many, worn as a badge of honour to signify social awareness, slowly become a term of ridicule, and a finger with which to point and laugh at others?
I must admit, I once considered myself ‘woke’, but have slowly grown to see how those like me, and around me, have become enamoured with a set of political ideas, that, well, really make little sense.
To be woke today, in my view, is the political prioritisation of looking good, over doing good.
It is to wear political opinions like fashion accessories; caring little about utility or objective truth, and more about seeming virtuous in front of your peers.
And so arrives a plethora of mugs, t shirts, and tote bags, that ram our self righteous political beliefs into the faces of others, with little care for what’s right.
Because, and I hate to say this – what’s right, is rarely what is popular.
And to be progressive, is not to blindly pick up the most en-vogue political ideas in front of you, and wave them above your head.
To be progressive is often to rock the boat and throw stones at popular convention, to lift up and advocate for evidence based truth, regardless of the personal cost.
To be a progressive is to lie down on a bed of nails, and endure what comes next, in support your beliefs.
To do what is hard, not what is easy, or popular, or what your friends do.
I no longer consider myself as ‘woke’, and have since joined the cynical crowd that stands opposite them.
Instead, I have done the work to understand the nuanced and often contradictory nature of social issues, to swallow my pride, and change my mind when I need to, and confront those around me when I must.
So what is woke to you?
DV Murray Straus: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/233717660_Thirty_Years_of_Denying_the_Evidence_on_Gender_Symmetry_in_Partner_Violence_Implications_for_Prevention_and_Treatment
UNESCO Education: https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/what-you-need-know-about-unescos-global-report-boys-disengagement-education
Stranger Violence: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/articles/thenatureofviolentcrimeinenglandandwales/yearendingmarch2020
I still like Wilfred Reilly's definition:
the belief that (1) all of society is currently and intentionally structured to oppress, (2) all gaps in performance between large groups illustrate this, and (3) the solution is 'equity' - proportional representation w/o regard to performance.
But I would add to it that:
(4) these beliefs must be publicly and repeatedly declared as a primary personality trait.
You can't simply be "born again," you have to announce to the world that you were saved by Jesus Christ.
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A simpler explanation would be: left-wing social illiberalism in denial of material reality. In a manner shockingly similar to right-wing religious illiberalism in denial of material reality.
“Luxury beliefs are ideas and opinions that confer status on the upper class, while often inflicting costs on the lower classes.” -- Rob Henderson
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missworld1994 · 2 years
seeing the damage men have caused and how cruel they are only to be told i should adjust my feminism so i don’t hurt men because they have feelings too……… what that gotta do with me tho
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