#probably one of my biggest drawings yet! super proud with how it turned out
arcadeplayer-nickonz · 3 months
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Happy Valentine's from us to you! - Hazbin crew ♥️
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quinncupine · 3 years
Hiiii quinn! I never realised you did requests but if it would be fine (and also because its my sole goal) could you do a boom boom boi and izubby with having their own cat or dog as a pet??? I'm seriously thinking that boom boom boi would be both a cat and dog person, don't u agree? (Ily lots and don't feel pressured to do this if you have a lot of stuff going on!)
Hi Dorki! I'm finally making my way through my requests and I was really excited to write this one! Okay, hope you like it!
Quinns Masterlist
Wanna request something?
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The Boys with Pets
Word Count: 1,750
Featuring: Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugo!
Warnings: dogs, cats, cursing
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Izuku Midoriya
Now Izuku loves pretty much all animals, but I can totally see him getting a dog. Dogs are loyal and full of energy just like a certain green-haired hero. The perfect duo.
He would probably rescue one from the pound, the one with the biggest, saddest, cutest eyes because how could he not? But someone has to go with him because he'd try to rescue them all if there was no one there to stop him. Once a hero, always a hero I suppose.
I'm thinking for names, he would definitely pick a name that reflects his favorite heroes. Don't be surprised if he names his dog something super cheesy like Mighty or Rocky…
Wait, okay, I've decided, he names his dog Mighty and that is the hill I will die on.
The life of a hero is quite busy so when he goes off on long missions, he drops the dog off at his mom's house. Inko has fallen in love with this sweet pup, so much so that she sometimes begs him to stop by with the dog for a visit. It's the closest thing she's got to grandbabies at the moment, she'll take what she can get :)
Now, this cute pup draws in the attention of just about everyone so he's gotten an influx of attention and a few numbers slipped in his hand during their walks, much to his flustered surprise.
Best wingman ever.
This dog goes on regular runs with Izuku and sometimes even helps him with training. I'm thinking a Collie or an Aussie would just be the perfect fit for him to keep up with his personality and lifestyle. He needs an active dog!
I can see it now, he goes on his daily morning runs with this cute Lil furry training buddy and they race the whole way! A few regulars on the trail know about this and it's become sort of a tradition to cheer the two on as they pass.
The morning air was crisp with the slight scent of the coming autumn, the perfect morning for a run. Izuku, dressed in his usual training wear, had a steady rhythm going for the last forty minutes, letting out even, controlled breaths. This was the easy part of the run, a warm-up if anything, and he hadn't even broken a sweat yet. The canine jogging by his side was enjoying the dewy morning air as well, tongue happily flopping out the side of her mouth. The shared morning ritual between man and man's best friend: Mighty.
Her tail picked up speed, wagging uncontrollably as they neared the bend where the giant jagged rock towered over the path. It was the place marker to start the race. A three-mile run to the top of the hill located at the center of the park. It was also Mighty's favorite part of the morning.
"Ready girl?" Izuku grinned down at the ecstatic dog who barked in reply.
The instant the two of them passed the big rock, they both broke out in full speed, leaving behind a cloud of dust. Happy barks filled the air as she gained the upper hand. Izuku laughed as the dog turned to look back at him lagging behind her. He always did these races without his quirk to assist him. It was only fair and it helped him work on his natural stamina in case he was ever in a situation where he couldn't use his quirk. Always good to be prepared.
He watched as she bounded up the first steep hill on the trail. There were a few small hills on this route, but this one was the hardest to climb and Mighty had the advantage with her four legs so she always managed to pull ahead first. She stopped at the top and barked him on before quickly disappearing over the crest.
When he reached the top, he stopped for just a second to take in his surroundings. This part of the park was a heavily wooded area with numerous trails that many people used to hike or run. It also served as a great view of the city skyline and he couldn't help but stop and admire the rising sun from between the foggy buildings every time. Then Mighty barked to pull him out of his thoughts.
"It's not over yet!" He called after her and raced down the hill, putting on an extra burst of speed to easily close the distance.
Tail wagging, she nipped playfully at his feet as they sprinted along the path, side by side. There weren't many people out this early so he usually had the trail to himself. The only sounds were the wind in the trees, the leaves crunching under feet and paws, Mighty barking beside him, and his own unrestrained glee as they ran together.
These were the mornings he loved. Just the two of them, away from the stresses that came with pro-hero work. He wouldn't trade being a hero for anything, but sometimes it got to be too much so coming here to clear his mind with a little run was always a cathartic release, only made better by the furry companion by his side.
The short bridge that arched over the creek signaled the last mile. Getting more serious, Izuku pulled ahead of Mighty, not able to hold back the giant grin as he streaked across the bridge, startling a few birds off the railings which Mighty barked at as she came up behind him.
Up ahead was a large open meadow with a small duck pond near the center. A few benches were scattered about the path and he saw the same elderly couple sitting in their usual spot with a bag of rice and seed to feed the plethora of ducks waddling around their feet.
"You got him this time Mighty!" The old man looked up as the two of them zipped down the path towards the couple.
"Show 'em what girls can do!" The woman cracked a smile, waving her hands.
"Morning Mr. and Mrs. Fujino!" Izuku waved as he passed. "Don't count me out yet!"
Mighty barked her greeting and took a detour, herding some ducks closer to the couple then with a quick lick to Mr. Fujino's hand, she sprinted back to catch up to Izuku.
The Fujino's marked the last leg of the race. The only thing left was to climb the top of the largest hill in the park to the old oak tree at the top. That was the finishing line. It was always a gamble as to who finished first every day, but Mighty sure had a competitive spirit.
Izuku pumped his legs as he steadily made his way up to the dirt trail, Mighty just behind him before she suddenly veered left and disappeared into the shrubbery. He was so focused on the tree that slowly came into view just around the curve as he neared the top that he didn't notice.
Just as the path leveled out, almost to the finish line, he glanced back to see no sign of his dog. The tree was a few feet away when a furry mass ambushed him from the side, knocking him clean off his feet. The pro hero landed in the grass with a heavy Oof. Sitting on his chest was Mighty, looking quite proud of herself.
"Cheater!" He laughed, trying his best to hold back the slobbery licks she was determined to give him. "Okay, okay, I'll call it a tie!"
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 Katsuki Bakugo
Now Katsuki on the other hand would totally be a cat person. Not that he has anything against dogs, but cats are more his style. They don't need constant attention and are pretty much self-sufficient. Just the way he likes it.
That being said, Katuski would go all out on toys and the latest gizmos to take care of his cat. Has a self-cleaning litter box, a waterfall bowl, an automatic feeder, etc. You get the picture.
Oh, and toys galore. If he has space, this cat is getting a personal jungle gym that lets him walk up to the ceiling. S.P.O.I.L.E.D.
Doesn't like to tell people just how much he actually loves this cat because he's never been one to express emotions, but this cat just gets him to his core. They share the same wavelength and he appreciates that. The cat is the only one he trusts to open up to, so sometimes you might catch him ranting to the poor thing who just stares back with big wide eyes and occasional meows. Yup, totally gets him.
I see him with a super chill cat, like maybe a Ragdoll or a Russian Blue. Something that tolerates his constant screaming and explosions.
This guy is just as bad at names. It'll definitely be something long and dramatic like Lord Cat Explosion Demon God of Furballs. Yep. He doesn't take criticism so most people call him Lord Furballs, much to his disdain.
Katsuki won't ask for attention from the cat, but the little furry feline is a total cuddler and will often find itself curled up in his lap or even on his neck if Katsuki's sitting on the couch. You better believe this guy won't be moving until that cat decides it's time to move. He's been late to meetings with friends because of this cuddly cat.
He's a hero so this cat is definitely being treated right. Katuski is no slacker when it comes to caring for his lil buddy. The vet is on speed dial should anything ever happen.
Did someone say a custom-made collar that matches his hero costume to a tee?
He's never loved anything more.
"Uh, hey Bakubro, why is your cat glaring at me?" Ejiro asked, staring down at the feline.
"What?" Katsuki didn't even bother to look up from his laptop.
"Your cat. It's giving me the evil eye. I thought it was supposed to be friendly." The red-haired hero frowned, not able to break eye contact with the cat. "I don’t think it likes me."
The small furry creature had lazily curled up in the sunspot next to Katsuki's feet, purring away without a care in the world. It seemed harmless enough, except for the heavy glare it was shooting Ejiro's way.
"Heh," Katsuki finally glanced down and crossed his arms. "He's not glaring. That's just his face."
"Ah," Ejiro nodded, "like father like son."
"What the hell's that supposed to mean!?"
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Taglist: @thecindy @peachsenpie @awilddreamerwrites @miriobaby @kiyoobi @dragonsdreamoffire @amive2567 @justscar @kenmaskitten10 @freckledoriya
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~ Douxie is a lowly street urchin. He's the lowest class you can get and he's barely considered a person none the less a commoner. He has no place being near the castle or being offered by the Merlin to learn magic at the side of Morgana. He doesn't fit into the world of Nobility surrounding Camelot or the Royal Court. And yet as Merlin puts his hand on the young boys shoulder leading him to the castle as he holds a sleeping Archie close, Douxies never felt more at home.
~ When Douxie meets you it's love at first sight. You just looked so healthy and clean and kind. Almost angelic. With rosy cheeks and a bright smile he couldn't help but stare at you as your mom talked to Merlin about something. You were in the most beautiful clothes he'd ever seen and your hair was recently brushed and done. He swallows trying to find his words but you don't seem to mind as you fill the silence with your sweet voice. Archie stirs in his arms and as you leave with your mom waving a goodbye Archie gives him a knowing look as Merlin smacks his head.
~ "Absolutely not Hisirdoux." Merlin is firm on that point. Douxie is allowed many freedoms now that he lives in the castle but there are also many new rules. One of them is that he apprentally is not to talk with the Nobel he met his first day as Merlins apprentice. Or any Nobles he meets unless he is with Merlin and they address him first. His rank may be higher now that he is Merlins apprentice but it will never be high enough to truly intrest someone of your stature or decorum. At least that's what Merlin tells him.
~ So of course he may not be able to "talk" to you but Archie can. So the ten year old Douxie comes up with a plan! While he's working besides Merlin he sends Archie off too learn more about you. The familiar seeing Douxies interest in you is quit keen on gaining knowledge for his young master. So the cat sneaks off to ask you some questions.
~ Your alone in your room studying when he finds you. You're reading and when he appears your eager to pet him. I mean he is a small fluffy cat. However when he speaks you seem hesitant to talk back at first, afraid that a fae is tricking you or you might get cursed. But a talking cat is so exciting and he seems very well mannered so you end up answering all his questions in exhange for some of your own. When Archie comes back that night Douxie learns everything about you Archie had learned. Apprentally you're the child of a Dutchess or perhaps a distant cousin of King Arthur but whoever you are Archie confirms you're way out of Douxies league. That in no way stops them however.
~ Merlin said Douxie is not to court you. But he isn't intrested in marriage (yet) he only wants your hand in friendship. After all your his age and you live in the castle and you seem super nice. He may be a middle class mage but he does live in the castle which means little Douxie often has free riegn of it. He's worried about guards spotting him near your room so he sends Archie too you with questions he has. Sometimes he's brave and he'll catch glimpses of you throughout the castle. He always gets a dopey smile on his face after he's seen you.
~ One day as he sits at his desk looking at the window waiting for Archie to come and tell him more about you he gets a surprise. His face lights up seeing his familiar and he notices something in the cats mouth. Archie smiles as he hands over a letter.
'Hisirdoux I've heard a lot about you from your familiar. Archie says you should give him more treats for his troubles and I agree he's a good cat who often visits me when I am lonely.
My name is (Y/N) and although we haven't formally met and talked alone I remember you. Merlins apprentice learning magic! That must be so exciting! Much better than my dull tasks in the court! I am always with escort or guard or parent otherwise I assure you we would've met and talked again. I often catch you in the corner of my eye and it always bring a smile to my face. You seem very kind and many of my friends sadly are not. So I have come up with a plan. For now I can not meet you in person but someday soon I will find a way.
Until then lets write letters. It'll be an adventure.
- Love (Y/N)
~ Archie doesn't mind being a messanger. He finds your friendship with Doxuie endearing and soon comes to care for you as much as the boy. Douxie immediately gets excited at the idea of writing you a letter and responds as soon as he finsihes reading yours.
~ Dear (Y/N),
Merlin said I'm not supposed to talk to you but he never said I couldn't write too you! You're brilliant for thinking of this and I don't listen to everything he says anyways. Merlin is a great teacher and I am grateful to him but he is also a hard enforcer. Learning magic under him is difficult and I do a lot more cleaning than actual magic.
But that's okay! I enjoy working under him. What must your life be like I wonder? A Royal in the Court? What do you do? What are you Royal duties? I mostly mop, sweep, and write endless hours of boring homework nothing exciting like this!
P.S I gave Archie lots of pets and treats just like you asked!
- Your friend Hisirdoux Casperan
~ Soon starts a game of back and forth. Every night or every other night you write letters to him and he writes back. You exchange smiles in the hall and nod at each other in passing. It's the biggest secret either of you have ever had and sometimes it takes everything not to giggle at the sight of each other. You may not be able to hang out properly but as you begin to get to know each other more intimately Hisirdoux takes more risks too see you and you in turn do the same.
~ A year goes by and Douxie starts adding in small things to your letters. He loves giving you little gifts and trying to catch a reaction in the hallway, as dangerous as it might be, he loves seeing your smile whenever you receive something. Pressed flowers, poetry he read in old books, and knick nacks he found in town being some of his favorites to give you. In turn you give him sweets, books you like to read, small sketches, interesting facts from your studies, pretty crystals, and anything else you think he'll enjoy.
~ As teenager's Archie had been your letterman for years. Acting as a middle ground since it was almost impossible to meet alone. You and Hisirdoux had become closer despite not being able to meet in person much and as you both were given more freedom as you got older you found ways to meet and talk, Archie acting as a look out as you snuck moments alone.
~ You both find out the castle has secret passages throughout the walls when your about 13. Douxie and you are now able to meet in secret and have free reign of the castle at night when everyone is asleep. Some nights you both sneak into the kitchens stealing tarts and other sweets, other nights you spend in the library reading together into the early hours of the morning, and other nights are spent wandering the castle learning all it's secrets. Sometimes you even sneak to the roof or observatory and stare out at the stars talking about your dreams and what you wish to be and do.
~ As he becomes better at music he finds himself sitting beneath your rooms balcony or practicing outside your room so you can hear his music. You only encourage his craft and your encouragement makes his heart soar. He loves singing silly ballads to you and has even snuck in some romantic lyrics.
~ He loves showing off his magic. He's so proud of his craft and he's proud of how your eyes light up when you watch him do a spell. He enjoys watching your reactions as he casts his latest mark and often does spells he probably shouldn't to try and impress you. His favorite trick is summoning a flower and tucking it behind your ear. Your blush is always so pretty as he places it for you.
~ He sneaks into your library or places you go throughout the day to leave you things to find. Pressed flowers became a common occurrence in your books, or bits of a song he'd wrote slip into your school notes. Sometimes drawings and other small assorted things will appear through out the day as you do your duties as well. Unknown to Casperan you keep everything he gives you in a box under your bed in your room. All the letters he's written to you are safely tucked away in a large hollow book you made.
~ It becomes easier for him to sneak into your room or you to sneak into his as you get older. There are secret tunnels in the castle walls you use to meet up.
~ As you grow older you know your hand will soon be given to some other Nobel family but you dream of a life with Douxie. One where you could be yourself and you could live a life of love, magic, and adventure. He made you happy and although it wasn't practical you often daydreamed of running away together or becoming a mage yourself just so you could marry him.
~ One night when Archie goes to check up on you and say goodnight he runs back to Hisirdoux worried. Apprentally the ball of furr had heard you crying and ran back to tell young Casperan. He of course ran to your room doing his best not to be seen. You were waiting for Archie to come say goodnight but you'd fallen asleep and then woken from a terrible nightmare. Your door opens and looking up you sniffle and stare at Casperan with scared eyes. He lays next to you and you lean against him closing your eyes and taking in his comfort. Holding you close he uses his magic to play you a song staying with you until you drift asleep.
~ You're both more than friends. You both know it but neither of you have admitted it. The Royal Court would never allow you to love each other. You could never be married officially and eventually you'd be forced into a loveless life with someone else. However tension is rising in Camelot and things are changing. Magic may soon be banned and with it Douxies passion. You're idea to run away becomes more and more appealing as the world around you slowly dissolves into choas.
~ One night while everyone was asleep you sneak into his room. Shaking him awake you put a finger to your mouth and drag the sleepy boy to the stables. Under the moonlight you both ride out of Camelot to spend one night together. One night where you can just be who you both are. You explain your plan. What you should do and although Douxie does not want to leave he agrees it's unsafe.
~ You pack. You know you can't take much but you've arranged for a carriage with two horses so you and Douxie can at least start with something. All your jewellery and valuables along with pouches full of gold, silver, and copper from the Royal Treasury are put into a large satchel you hide under your bed. You pack a few of your least fancy dresses and steal pants from the stable boy. All of your favorite books, drawing supplies, and poems are shoved into a different satchel. You hide the hollow book of letters and all the gifts Hisirdoux wrote you in the stable and you prepare to leave.
~ Packing the carriage late at night under the stars Douxie and Archie meet you. Douxie has a satchel full of potions, a purse full of magic scrolls and books no one will miss, the letters you wrote him, and his lute. He also grabbed dried meat from the kitchen, biscuits, and canteens of water.
"Love are you sure?" He's so tender so soft and so full of love. You know this is meant to be.
"Without you Douxie life is not worth living. You love me not for my riches. Not for looks. Not for my status but for me. No matter what happens I love you."
~ That's all Douxie needs to hear before he takes the reigns and you both leave. Fleeing your life from Camelot and going on a new adventure. One of adventure, magic, and love. You know things will never be the same but that's alright. You have him, he has you, and you both had Archie. As you flee under the stars avoiding trolls and traveling several towns over you know this is meant to be.
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(Comments and feedback appreciated :D)
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c-rose2081 · 3 years
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Summary: As a Father and King, Phillip helps Audrey navigate some inner turmoil after Ben announces Maleficent’s Daughter will be invited to Auradon.
Aurora, Phillip, & Audrey AU
The Brooding Tree
Coming home to a brooding wife was never a good thing. Phillip learned this early on, as his dear Briar Rose had the ability to brood with the best of them. But coming home to both a brooding wife, and a brooding teenage daughter? Well. That was just bizarre. Removing his cloak as he stepped in the door to Fairy Cottage, Rose was sitting at the table. Phillip expected as much; there weren’t many places she could hide anyway.
“Any particular reason Little Dove is up in the brooding tree?” Phillip asked her innocently, hanging up his hat and satchel next to his cloak. The large oak outside was one of Audrey’s favorite places to sit; normally when she was thinking deeply about something. Similarly, this chair at the kitchen table was Rose’s special spot, and she merely gave a little sigh into her teacup. That wasn’t a good sign at all.
“It wasn’t your mother again, was it?” Phillip asked with a grimace, “or boy issues?”
Rose shook her head, still gently tapping chipped porcelain with French tips. Phillip rubbed his smooth chin with a hand.
“It was...erm, girl trouble, then?”
His awkwardness around the subject of ‘girl trouble’ brought a smile to his wife’s face as she chuckled under her breath.
“I’m sorry, my love. It’s...it’s something I think you need to ask Audrey about.”
“Oh,” Phillip furrowed his brows slightly, “so, it’s something serious?”
“I’m not sure of that myself, to be honest,” Rose admitted lightly, “would you talk to her please? I’ll make more tea,”
Making tea was Rose’s secret code for ‘this might take a while’, so Phillip merely nodded. Before leaving to deal with Audrey, he hugged his wife from behind, inhaling the scent of her hair and skin. She merely hummed a bit in response, accepting the little peck on the lips he offered before returning to her task. Resting both hands behind his head in a subtle stretch, Phillip left the cottage to face the Brooding Tree.
He wasn’t quite as spry as he was in his youth, so it took a bit of effort to scramble his way up into the thick branches. Audrey, as he expected her to be, was nestled in the canopy. She had one leg dangling over the edge, bare foot rocking back and forth as she stroked a small squirrel which had made its way into her lap. Audrey, like her mother, had a special way with woodland creatures. She looked deeply pensive about something, though didn’t seem to be in any sort of anguish. No tears was a bit worrying.
“Little Dove, I wish you’d choose a lower branch,” Phillip complained as he shifted into a spot close to her side, “I’m not as young as I used to be,”
Audrey didn’t say anything, merely turned to look at him. Now, face to face, Phillip could tell she was trying hard not to cry, “oh, Audrey. What’s going on?”
“Ben...he...he told me about...about what his first Kingly proclamation is going to be,” Audrey managed though hiccuping breaths, the water already brimming at the edges of her eyes. It made Phillip’s gut twist, seeing his daughter trying so hard to stay strong despite being upset. No wonder Aurora wasn’t out here. If that happened, he’d have come home to two beautiful bawling women. Cause he knew when one started to cry, so did the other. Like mother like daughter, he supposed.
“What was it?” Phillip urged her, “the proclamation?”
Audrey inhaled hard, beginning to sniffle. If they weren’t in such a precarious position, Phillip would’ve scooped her up into his big arms in a second, “I know it’s hard, but please try and tell me, Little Dove,”
It took a minute, but Audrey reeled in her composure with a few long, shaky breaths. Phillip was proud of her, being able to pull herself together so well. But there wasn’t anything wrong with being upset. Especially when he hadn’t seen her so wound up since she was little. Clearly whatever Ben had decided wasn’t sitting well with his little Princess, and Phillip wanted to wring his neck for it.
“Ben said that...he wants to bring some kids over from the Isle of the Lost. T-to attend Auradon Prep this year,” Audrey managed finally, watching the squirrel leave her lap with longing eyes, as though she wanted to follow it and vanish even higher up into the leaves.
“The children of Villains, living among us,” Phillip mused, “a bold choice for a first Kingly decision,”
“I thought so. B-but I didn’t think it was such a horrible idea; the children are innocent,”
“Yes, I suppose that’s true,” Phillip agreed, “but there was something else, I’m assuming?”
Audrey blinked nodded mutely, folding her hands in her lap. Phillip waited patiently for her to continue, shuffling into a more comfortable position in the tree. His body would be sore all over tomorrow, but he’d slay a million dragons if it would bring a smile back to Audrey’s face.
“The son of Jafar, the Son of Cruella, the Daughter of the Evil Queen...” Audrey paused for a moment, appearing to hesitate, “and the Daughter of Maleficent,”
Phillip nearly fell out of the tree, and Audrey’s composure finally shattered as she began to cry, holding an arm across her eyes as she wept quietly. The evil fairy’s name was enough to send her spiraling. No wonder Rose was so...subdued. No doubt she had her own bout of sobbing before Phillip had arrived home.
“Maleficent,” Phillip scoffed, running a hand through his hair, “and he didn’t even ask if that was ok with you?”
Audrey shook her head negatively as Phillip clenched his fists. Ben was young still, which made him stupid. He was pressing against a very fine line with a stunt like this. Auroria - a combination of the two smaller kingdoms of Rosalia (Stephan & Leah’s Kingdom) and Westminshire (Hubert’s Kingdom) - was one of Auradon’s biggest allies in trade and military power. If either Stephan or Hubert saw Audrey right now, sobbing in a tree because of Ben and his big mouth, they’d bring war on the young King’s head in a second.
“It’s...it’s not what you think,” Audrey spoke up, drawing Phillip back from his own short moment of brooding. She looked better now; a bit puffy eye’d but no longer straining to keep it all contained, “I think they should come,”
“You want Maleficent’s daughter here in Auradon?” Phillip asked her, a smidge puzzled as Audrey shrugged.
“It means a lot to Ben. And he’s right that the children don’t deserve the same judgement as their parents,”
“Wise words,” Phillip complemented her, “so what’s eating you?”
“I’m...not sure,” Audrey admitted, wiping at her nose, clearly frustrated at being unable to articulate exactly what she had on her mind.
“What is your gut telling you, then?” Phillip suggested. They did this practice a lot while riding. Relying on your eyes and your head was all well and good, but sometimes pure gut instinct was all one needed. Audrey thought for a moment, feeling herself out. 
“Nothing. It’s all just anxiety,” she said finally, “nervousness? Not...not about the idea of Isle Kids coming over. But something...something else,” Audrey pouted a bit in frustration, “I’ve known Ben forever, even if we aren’t super close anymore. He knows how badly Maleficent scarred you both, and how she hurt Grammy and Grandpas. Yet he chose her daughter anyway, out of all the other villains. Knowing full well how I’d react,”
Audrey shifted to where she straddled the branch, leaning forward on both hands as she traced the bark with her eyes. She had moved from tears to agitation, which was a good sign that she was finally navigating the mess that was her thoughts. She took medication for it, a small little pill to help things clear up, but they weren’t always enough to smooth out the wrinkles, “I bet King Beast wouldn’t have allowed it if Ben had chosen Gaston’s child to come to Auradon,”
“A keen observation,” Phillip agreed, kicking one leg over the other as the discussion turned political, “and what of the other Kingdoms?”
“Both Agrabah and Shimmervale are small compared to Auradon,” Audrey told him, “Sultana Jasmine and Queen Snow White could do little if not gripe to the crown about the decision. Anita and Rodger, as sweet and good natured as they are, don’t even have a Kingdom. Let alone an heir. The risk was low for the other three,”
“So why do you think Ben chose Maleficent?”
Audrey thought for a moment as Phillip watched. Her brilliant mind was flicking a million miles a minute; he could see it on her face. Finally her expression turned grave.
“To make a statement at the expense of Auroria,” she decided, “rather then having to deal with King Beast,”
“Very possible, yes,” Phillip agreed with her, “was this the best decision for Ben to make?”
“No,” Audrey insisted immediately, “Ben should’ve kept the risk internal, as to not threaten ties to one of Auradon’s biggest allies. I could give the word and Grandpas would turn the cannons on Auradon.”
Audrey was correct, if not a tad bit harsh in her assumptions. Phillip knew one day should would make an excellent, if not ferocious, Queen. Certainly not one to cross swords with. But such harshness could be dangerous in a ruler (Leah for instance), and so Phillip interjected.
“On a purely political level, you are correct, Little Dove. But what does your heart tell you about Ben’s decision?”
Audrey sat back, letting off a bit of steam as she pondered the new question. She was excellent at complex puzzles, and a wiz at chess. Phillip could never beat her. But if he could appeal to the soft side of her, inherited from his wife, she was able to balance out her own scales. Audrey had plenty of weak points, if one simply knew where to look.
“He probably just wanted to impress his dad,” Audrey admitted, “bringing a child of Gaston would’ve upset him. You know how infamous the Beast Family Temper can be. But making amends with an heir to Maleficent? Talk about fitting the crown,”
“I concur,” Phillip smiled, “so, what will our next move be? We could block from the front, make our displeasure with Ben’s choice known and possibly stir up some misgivings between allies. Or we allow this to go forward. Give the word and we go straight to Auradon and nip this thing,”
“I...” Audrey hesitated for a moment, pursing her lips, “I think we should allow it,” Audrey decided finally, “let Ben impress his dad. And if something goes wrong, it will be his own mistake for which he’ll have to learn. But we make direct contact with Agrabah and Shimmervale beforehand, promising protection and military aid should something go wrong.”
“And why should we do that? You said it yourself they are small kingdoms.”
“If something does happen, having strong ties with all of our allies will be beneficial. Especially if the crown becomes unfavorable. The children of the Isle deserve a chance to be here, and I know Ben’s just trying to do what he thinks is righteous. And, should he succeed, I don’t want to be the one trying to halt progress,”
Phillip grinned, overflowing with pride as Audrey’s lips finally upturned into a small, if not tired smile. She would probably need a solid nap after such mental and emotional turmoil, but making her own choice on the matter would at least bring her some peace.
“I think that is a wise and well informed decision,” Phillip agreed, “a ruler needs to be fair and impartial, but that doesn’t mean pushing your feelings away. That will leave a choice shallow, and with possible side effects. Impartiality, but still empathetic.” smiling at one another in the tree, Phillip groaned and stretched out his arms, “why don’t we head inside? Maman made tea, and you and I have some correspondence to write.”
“Ugh papa, not the scrolls,” Audrey groaned, “I don’t understand why we can’t just send emails.”
“Hey, scrolls are a tradition,” Phillip insisted, watching Audrey as she began her quick and easy clamber back down the tree, “there’s more power in one handwritten scroll then a dozen emails.”
“It’s ancient,” Audrey laughed, waiting by the base of the tree as Phillip jumped down beside her, “maybe I could convince Ben to make emails more official when he becomes King,”
“You do that,” Phillip teased, ruffling his daughters ponytail as she huffed girlishly. From the cottage window, Aurora was watching them both fondly. She was using her favorite pink tea cup, meaning she too had found some sort of inner peace while Phillip dealt with Audrey. And as the pair headed inside for some lunch and writing, the father knew that his daughter would be a wise and just ruler someday. Phillip also knew one other thing.
Never doubt the Brooding Tree.
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justsomefluff · 4 years
OMG I LOVED that reaction you did, and the scenario like thing was really good!! I loved it, thank you!! Can I request another reaction (mini-scenario)? Like ATEEZ confessing to their crush while they (ATEEZ) are drunk? (San said Yeo does aegyo/is cute when drunk I'd like to see this ^^)
This is so cute, I would pay good money to see them tipsy no lie lmao. also this is fluff and crack at the same time so...I hope you like it lmao
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(^ he’d do this during a drunk confession you cant change my mind ^)
Okay so when he’s drunk I feel like he sees himself as being really composed and cool
but in reality... not so much
and, even if he hadn’t been planning on confessing to you
oh boy, his body starts shaking a lil and you’re low-key like... 911?
like his body is telling him to ABORT MISSION but once his drunk brain has made the decision there's no going back
So, in his mind, this is what he’s saying out loud okay
“Y/n, I just wanted to let you know that I have some serious feelings for you. I know you may not feel the same way, but I just needed to tell you.”
Super awesome, everyone wishes to be that composed right?
Well here’s what he really said:
“Listen here, you cute mother-, no I shouldn’t swear at you, my bad. I’m totally in love with you right? Watchu think bout dat?”
and then he’s quiet, and smiling bc he’s proud of himself and you’re just like um????
like that’s not how you imagined this would go
But you also know that he’s gonna be super embarrassed about this in the morning so you just say
“Let’s talk tomorrow, Joongie?”
and he smiles at the nickname and nods and kinda puts his head down
You honestly cant wait to tell him you feel the same when he’s sober
and make fun of him for getting wasted
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so Seonghwa, unlike Joong, is actually pretty composed
like at first, he’s wildin’ and everything
but then he just calms down super fast
like so fast you get whiplash
and he just smiles at you and you’re like “...freak”
then he frowns and he’s like “I like to look at pretty things that make me smile”
“You make me smile too, Hwa” :)
then he just grabs you into a hug and starts swaying you guys side to side
like some awkward and forced middle school slow-dance 
“What are you doing?”
and he shushes you to preserve the moment but you're like “I want answers”
then he finally leans his head down and his lips are brushing the shell of your ear so softly you barely notice
“I think I love you”
he strikes me as the kind of person who wants to confess but also isn’t ever 100% sure he wants to confirm that he loves you so he throws that “I think” in there to cushion the blow if you reject him
but, luckily for him, you do feel the same
you just turn your head ever so slightly to the side and peck his temple
he smiles and rests his head on your shoulder and squeezes your hips before wrapping his arms around you completely
“I kinda need to hear you say it”
“I think I love you too, Hwa”
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okay this big ole baby right
I feel like he’s the kind of drunk who is crazy for a little bit but gets tired really fast
so after like an hour of insanity, his eyes are drooping and you’ve settled on a couch (or seat, wherever your location might be)
and he smooshes his cheek into your thigh and you’re totally aware that he’s gonna fall asleep on you
but you’re cool with that, I mean who wouldn’t be
and after a couple minutes of silence, you think he’s knocked out completely
he suddenly turns his head to look up at you
and you look down at him to ask if he’s okay, or if he needs anything
he just starts laughing and then this IDIOT
pokes your double chin (bc I mean why does he have to look at you from that angle) and goes “How is it that I like you so much, even your double chin is cute?”
part of you is like “omg he likes me” and the other part of you is like “...im gonna slap him. don't talk about my double chin”
so, given your inner turmoil, you're silent for a minute and he starts to pout
“you don’t like my double chin?” and he makes a double chin and grabs your hand to make you poke it
“say you like my double chin too, please”
“Yunho, I like you too... double chin and all” (you had decided that you are not going to slap him after all)
and thats kind of the end of the night bc after that crackhead confession he actually falls asleep
but you are lucky enough that he remembers it all the next morning and it becomes kind of a thing in your relationship to make double chins at each other then say “I love you” 
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drunk Yeosang and aegyo here we go
whiny baby voice and big eyes and pouting all the way
like he’s not so much into doing the cutesy actions like finger hearts and stuff
but refers to himself as “Sangie” and talks about himself in third person too
not necessarily cuddly, but always has to be holding your hand or else he’ll cry
calls you pet names like Jagi and my love and stuff
and at first you’re like aw he’s a cute drunk and tease him a little bit
but then he pouts even harder and murmurs “I'm serious”
you’re like O.O
“you mean it? you really like me, Sangie?”
nods his head furiously like you seriously think he’s gonna get a concussion for about .5 seconds
like okay I get it, you mean it, please stop doing that your head is not a maraca
“I like you too”
cue the biggest, goofiest, toothiest grin you’ve ever seen
makes big ole fishy lips at you, and points at them to ask for a kiss
so you just give him a quick peck, bc you don't really want either of you to be drunk for your first real kiss
but that satisfies him for the time being :)
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Sannie best boy, I cannot stress that enough
the sweetest lil drunk okay
tries to take care of you even though he’s the drunk one
thirsty? he’s gonna get up and get you a glass of whatever you want even if he spills half of it trying to give it to you
hungry? he’ll get you some if you agree to share
so halfway through a tub of ice cream he decides to lay some truth on you okay
“I like my ice cream like I like you”
and you, of course, having seen that meme, respond with “ugly?” and you cackle at your own joke
but he’s so offended
“apologize to yourself and this ice cream”
“wtf? why?”
“because ice cream is the second most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen after you. apologize”
literally holds the tub of ice cream up to your face, and will literally carve a sad face into the ice cream to make you apologize quicker
and when you apologize he eats the sad face and draws a smile
sentimental cheeseball is all he is in that moment okay
“you really think I’m pretty?”
he looks at you like “...duh”
“I think you’re pretty too, Sannie” and he smiles so big :’)
and both of you know that this would be the start of a really happy relationship aww
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I bet Mingi is the cutest drunk okay like if you thought he was a giant puppy before get ready you aint seen nothin yet
and you don't even get a warning before he confesses bc he says it so out of the blue
like his whole plan was to drink some liquid courage iykyk and then he was gonna confess
but he ended up getting a lil more tipsy than originally intended
and he just blurts it out and he’s stuttering and lisping and just struggling to get all the right words out
but you just think it’s super endearing
“Minnie, are you drunk?”
he starts blowing raspberries in the air and starts shaking his head “you think I’m drunk?” 
literally hiccuping after every word lmao
like yes, Mingi, I think you're drunk
still blowing incredulous raspberries all over the place
and you blow one on his cheek and he starts giggling like the baby he is
“why you do that”
“bc I like you too, Minnie! also you were starting to spit and I needed you to stop that”
he giggles and nods at you, just happy that you feel the same way
nuzzles his head into your shoulder and plays with your fingers for the rest of the time youre together
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okay he’s a crackhead already so I don't even think alcohol would be something he’s even offered most of the time lmao
but when he is all hell breaks loose
no subtlety about his confession at all
like he literally screams it at you
he had been paying extra attention to you all night, which you didn't even notice bc you liked him too and never imagined he felt the same
so you’re like he so friendly and clingy when he’s drunk
but five minutes later he’s like “DID YOU KNOW IM IN LOVE WITH YOU”
and you’re so taken aback because
1.) he just screamed in your face
2.) he just screamed that in your face
and then he’s quiet and just staring at you, waiting for a response
you’re so dumbfounded that all you say is “you too”
but thats enough for him
and thats basically the end of the conversation bc he gets easily distracted
you have to remind him the next day that that conversation had even happened actually
and he’s like “oh yeahhhhh”
then you’re able to actually talk about what you both feel and be almost normal for about ten minutes lmao
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since he’s on the quieter side compared to the rest of the group, I think this shows even more when he’s been drinking
but it’s almost concerning how quiet he is
like if you had never seen him drunk before you’d probably be really worried
and that’s exactly what happened
you went to check on him to see why he wasn't joining in the fun and he looks at you, a little teary from the alcohol
or maybe he’s just deep in his feels who knows
we’ve all been there amiright
and he’s like “just like you a lot you know that?’
you’re like “I was most certainly unaware of that, sir”
and he apologizes??? like why???
“I like you too, doofus, why are you sorry”
then he smiles and means it for the first time that whole night
he feels like he could crack all of the apples in the world he’s so happy
side-note: he probably could break all them apples fr
so basically you just made him the happiest apple murderer in the world
he’ll break all the apples for you baby
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rock-speaks · 4 years
- autistic with ADHD overlap
- Inattentive
- the longest he’s slept for was 25 hours
- Deep as hell sleeper takes him at least and hour or two to come to full control
- Has 0 filter will literally say whatever comes to his mind regardless of how mean it may be or how crazy it might sound
- Talks to himself a crazy amount
- Louie has a banging TikTok where he just flexes and makes fun of Scrooge
- Louie has a huge social media presence in general he keeps it on the down low nobody knows about it and Louie would like to keep it that way
- Louie is a picky eater but eats all the time constantly snacking if the pantry is empty it was probably Louies doing
- He probably watches shitty movies and claims it’s too make fun of them but he really just likes them
- Probably really good at impressions his favorite person too make fun of is Huey
- Definitely needs therapy
- Secretly a big sap for romance those cliche movies where lovers embrace in the rain? Louies weakness
- Him and Lena are definitely super close not as close as Lena is too Webby but they’re still besties
- Prank king
- Sometimes just too “see what will happen” he tells people fake facts they almost always believe him (except for Huey) because why would they not? He has no idea why he does this but he hasn’t shown any signs of stopping
- Whenever he’s alone with Scrooge he says oddly cryptic and strange things no body knows why, sometimes not even Louie
- I imagine all the nephews have really curly hair Louies the only one who doesn’t straighten his hair
- Excellent judge of character
- Wise ass
- autistic!!!
- Will bring up the fact that he’s the oldest sibling in conversations that have nothing to do with it
- He’s probably a big saver and is definitely a person who has a penny collection
- Big collector!!! I swear he probably uses one of Scrooge’s unused rooms too keep foliage and rocks that he found
- He’s definitely got great posture
- Huey will randomly bring up a random memory if it somehow resurfaces to his mind no one knows how he remembers half this stuff and sometimes he brings up stuff they’d wish he’d forgotten
- Has definitely never said anything he didn’t mean
- Never says “I promise” if he knows he can’t do it
- Huey really just wants to be good at everything he tries so when he isn’t he just kinda gives up on it
- So obviously Huey isn’t a “practice makes perfect” kind of kid he’s more the ��if it’s not right the first time scrap it and never try again”
- Huey probably holds himself to such a high standard and puts so much stress on himself to always be perfect
- Loyalty to the fuckin end
- Him and Lena get into “fights” all the time Lena is constantly trying to fuck with Huey and he’s just not here for it (yet another reason why her and Louie make such an insufferable team)
- Bad at video games
- Definitely takes the most after Donald in the sense that he’s so fucking rage full and I mean full Donald rage like fists flying in the air shouting with a red face type angry
- Needs fucking therapy and definitely has anxiety
- Has a bad sense of humor and laughs at everything part of the reason Dewey and Louie think they’re so funny
- Only has his one iPad and really only uses it for planning and other nerd stuff
- All fruits are Hueys favorite fruits but his favorites are blue berries
- Has a celebrity crush on Gizmoduck
- This was pretty much confirmed murder on killmotor hill but he’s bisexual
- Long Huey shows up in his nightmares
- Always the first to start a pillow fight
- Has abandonment issues needs therapy
- Secretly listens to punk music and only Donald knows and he couldn’t be more proud (I wrote this before Louies eleven came out!! Lmao canon!!!)
- Loves to draw even though he probably sucks at it
- Dewey is totally the kid that will literally do anything for validation jump off the roof too seem cool? He’d do it in a heart beat
- Pretends not too care but he totally does
- Dewey is ADHD personalized never stops moving never stops talking something is seriously wrong when he’s quiet
- This is technically canon but he’s so petty
- Dewey is the type of guy who would NEVER ask for directions no matter how lost
- Speaking of he was probably the triplet to get lost the most
- Dewey loves robots like loves loves LOVES robots his dream is to learn to code and learn mechanics and build one him and Huey and him used to do those little “build your own robot kits” when they were younger
- Dewey has like 50 different dream jobs
- Launchpad has turned him into a hardcore darkwing duck fan
- Sort of forces himself to be an extrovert
- Webby loves to draw
- Has definitely cosplayed
- Knows about Louies secret social media accounts but he doesn’t need to know that
- You’re trying to keep something from Webby? What a joke
- Webby knows pretty much every ancient language
- Webby doesn’t know what a joke is and takes everything literally
- Definitely writes fan fictions
- Autistic
- Stims with her whole body excited jumping and screaming constantly
- Probably orally fixated out everything in her mouth
- Sometimes forgets things she literally just did or said often she asks “wait what did I just say?”
- Favorite movie? Men in black for sure
- Has always secretly wanted to be in a play
- If Scrooge says anything nice to her she thinks about it weeks after even if it’s something as small as “thank you”
- Feels really bad for glomgold and just really wants him to be happy
- Webby is cuddle central doesn’t matter when or where or who
- It kind of bothers her that Lena seems to always take Louies side
- HATES CONFRONTATION will console a friend in a heart beat but never NEVER EVER wants to fight
- Bad with social cues due to her ASD luckily she has the triplets and Lena and Violet to help her out in bad situations
- If no one stops her will talk about one thing for hours Lena always lets her
- Probably knows how to play like a shit ton of instruments
- Really likes cooking but she sucks at it Scrooge ate her cooking once to make her happy but promptly through it up when she left
- Was definitely a lego kid
- If any elderly woman tries to touch her she flips due to magicas abuse good thing she’s got two gay dads now
- Loves Violet so much and thanks her every night before bed
- After extensive therapy that was suggested by Violet had the rest of her friends she’s able to look at her own shadow again even if sometimes it really freaks her out
- Lena is a lesbian 100% open about it
- Wishes she were a vampire and definitely reads those dumb vampire/werewolf stories
- Really likes that she’s taller than all her friends uses that against her Huey fucking hates her for it
- Her favorite crime is arson
- Because she’s a rebellious teen her and officer M’ma have had a few run ins
- Shes probably never actually been to Paris but rather said that to impress Webby
- Lenas the type of emo to cover her face in every picture of her
- Has always cut her hair herself and when her friends talk about wanting to cut their hair she does it for them trying to convince them to let her dye it the whole time
- Lenas is responsible for most of the graffiti in duckburg
- Loves Launchpad she thinks it’s really fun to tell him stuff that isn’t true and he’s cool when she tells him she was just joking
- Has always secretly wanted to be a florist
- Loves licorice
- Magica probably didn’t intend for her to have a personality or a life at all really so Lena definitely picked the name herself
- Magicas not really controlling her nightmares anymore but she’s still very much in them they’ve gotten better but they still happen every so often
- Sometimes if she’s sitting on the couch and someone’s sitting right in front of her she kicks them in the head not hard but enough to bother them
- Probably can’t read
- She probably doesn’t have an official birthday so she doesn’t really understand the celebration of one one day Webby the triplets and Violet surprised her with a birthday
- in my head Duckula and Von goosewing will always be her parents
- Violets favorite thing to research is definitely trees
- Weak ass immune system probably gets sick all the time
- Definitely dresses however see feels on her off days she throws people off when she shows up ripped jeans and leather jackets
- Her biggest pet peeve is when anyone does anything loud
- Violet has been teaching things that Lena wasn’t taught since she never got a traditional education
- Violet is still a hard core skeptic despite having a sister made of shadows and a father who is a vampire
- Her hair is always a frizzy mess so she chooses never to do anything with it and just keeps it in a bun
- Really doesn’t get any memes ever
- Violet is probably a very low key germaphobe
- Pokemon is her favorite game and she knows all the originals and is a pro at all the games
-Huey and her do that thing we’re neither of you are fighting but rather both talking loudly that makes people think “oh it’s getting pretty heated over there”
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thewolfisawake · 3 years
Since I’m in this brainrot alone, of course I’m just gonna end up thinking of a Hypmic AU with muses and their friends because I’m trash like that. Anyway, to avoid spamming my discord with the ideas, I’m just writing it on here. So a couple muses and those from @arcxnumvitae and @shxtteredillusions​.
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Starting with Kesil just because he honestly doesn’t fit with the rest. His actually came first as I thought of him with his friends from a different platform. He would be rolling with his delinquent/probably doing some illegal shit friends. Their style is more like MTC with the rough and tumble, down and dirty sort of thing. His MC name is actually Shinigami because I gotta stick with his ‘thing’ no matter the AU! I do not know what his mic nor speakers would end up like. I think most of his themes are related to him as a killer as he in this verse likely only learned and became good with a hypmic just because it’s the only weapon he could have. I mean...he probably could sneak one regardless but since most weapons were phased to mics, he probably learned. His rap ability would probably be something like Death Reversal, basically he could deny himself or his comrades of being knocked out as it fits with his actual ability of death force manipulation. Of all the guys I think he’s most like, it’s probably Rio as I don’t feel he’s overly expressive. Not because of lack of feeling but just that cool under pressure sore of thing
Anyway onto the Bastion Kids because they’re my faves to mess with
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Ofc Lucien’s the easiest to think of this crap for. I do not have a MC name because unlike the creators, I have shame. But probably something wolf related. I feel his mic would be pretty old so look like a carbon microphone (because I think I’m funny) and be pretty simple. Don’t know what his speakers would be like. I think his themes are actually rather mundane when outside of battle. But in battle, cutthroat bastard. He’s like absolute annihilation of his enemy, his words are like the maw of a beast, he’d rip you to shreds. His ability is Cornered Counter, basically as his energy dwindles, his attacks get more powerful. Basically you gotta be decisive with him because the longer he lasts, the more dangerous he is. So obviously his is most like Samatoki’s as it fits his aggressive tone and no back down attitude. 
I have a feeling he probably pissed off the Party of Words and thus if they had the chance to deal with him, they would’ve. Maybe he and his fam had differing views as to how to take this change in the world. I feel like he preferred the old ways but had to adapt to using a hypnosis mic in order to survive. And survive he did. 
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Katarina’s was somewhat easier to do because she’s very clear in her presentation. I debate if she’d just straight up use her name or if it’d be something like Prima (either by itself or being Prima Donna), something denoting her regality. Her mic is likely a stand one fashioned like crystalline ice. Her speakers kind of hard to describe other than like a metallic feminine figure that kind of looks like a warlord, armed to the teeth with swords. Her themes are of betterment of the state of her surroundings, how she’ll change it with her own hands and utmost confidence of herself. Her rap ability I am still working on since while the idea currently works with her actual ability...what it ends up doing runs counter to her personality. It’d be called Dazzle and would basically redirect an opponent’s attack to someone else. However the issue is Kat can’t choose who it goes to. Since there’s not much I can draw from with the ladies of hypmic, I would go with CL for her sound although I found Chanmina while searching and thought this hits me for Kat. But if I had to choose a character, it’d be Ichijiku.
 I actually think her mother might’ve been a good soldier for the Party of Words but then she kinda sorta ended up falling in love with the enemy. Whoops. Except like the Party of Words didn’t know she did (supposedly). And so she left and went to be with Kat’s dad, who was a resistance member but wasn’t able to use a mic. So Kat is like the kid that was like...y’know we could live in peace if we’re not super oppressive. I feel like Petra taught her how to rap as it’s the only viable weapon for Kat so that’s what she uses. 
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Crowe’s is a pain because he’s a pain. I don’t have a MC name either maybe Shadow? Too basic? I dunno. His mic either a headset or futuristic kind of shades he wears. I’m sure everyone finds it odd. His speakers look more like cameras and briefcases with like a dicey looking umbrella. It’s huge frickin’ homage to spy stuff y’all. And you’ll figure out the function of them when he turns his speakers on you. Electric volt briefcases, umbrella gun, that kinda stuff. His themes are pretty pessimistic, the secrets of others, the ability to get his hands dirty and what those dirty hands can and can’t do. His rap ability I feel would be based on his gorgon blood so likely named such (Gorgon) or Eyebite and would work where he paralyzes an opponent from taking their turn. Who I draw most for him is actually Jakurai although obviously his voice is no where as deep. 
If there had to be a traitor, it’s probably Crowe. He isn’t particularly happy about it but at the same time, it’s not like he’s brave enough to deal with his overlords. Not when he knows the things they COULD do. Or maybe he’s doing spy stuff on Chuuoku and is in a continuously perilous position but can’t or won’t talk to anyone about it. Basically he still has his paranoia but for a different reason. 
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Hmmm Taylor’s giving me a lot of problems because I just can’t pin down a lot for her. I don’t have a name for her nor any idea what she’d go with. Maybe something food based? The only ones coming to mind are Red Velvet and Matcha. Her mic? I think she’d use a hand held mic. Kind of like the ones you do karaoke on in terms of shape. Her speakers? * confused noises * Her themes mmm....I think hers are rather upbeat although not without bite! Her rap ability still eludes me. If I’m thinking of sound, I would put it as something like Calliope although again her words are lighter than hers. 
I feel like Taylor’s family ended up with her parents not surviving the war and thus was left with Rhett to try to keep his siblings from being separated from him. She didn’t view a need to learn how to rap--after all a lot of the population doesn’t seem to--but her mind was changed after being kidnapped for ransom and subjected to the effects of a hypnosis mic. She ended up saved by then then ragtag kids and wanted to learn so that she was never in that position again.
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Hooo boy, Emil has that instinctual attention to tone shift going mad. Oh god. I do not have a MC name for him either. I feel Prince would be far too on the nose. So something else. I think he’d have a stand mic, I think his would be like I think it’s a certain kind of ribbon mic? Like this? Makes me think of like old school announcers that fits with his lively personality. I feel like his speakers would be more like ice fragments that feels like they should be falling but don’t. His themes are like half light-hearted and inviting, about having a good time with others. But the other times it’s about masks and charades. He is the kind that has that tone drop and you can tell it’s another ‘presence’ to Emil. One that is vicious and will have you sinking. His rap ability is Frostbite, which would essentially have any battle of his become a race against time. His ability starts sapping the energy of his opponent and of course if they drop...it’s game over for them. His sound when light-hearted is more like Hifumi in like vocal tone but with Ramuda’s flow. Yet I feel like the perfect sound for his is Gentaro’s verse in Stella (Emil, I hope you know you are the biggest pain in terms of style) in terms of like how he sounds in alternating between cutting and light. 
I feel like his mom had stayed in the Chuuoku under the Party of Words but had seen Emil’s dad while outside of the ward. And then she fell pregnant and was in love with Emil when he was born despite him being a son than daughter. And when faced with either handing Emil over to his dad or leaving Chuuoku, she chose the latter. This was her baby. Emil had grown up with both but his mom passed away...his father suspecting it to be Chuuoku’s doing, moved away far from the ward. However Emil grew curious of the hypnosis mic that his mother had used when she was alive and so he ran off near Chuuoku, where he met a...unkind mentor (basically his grandma in normal verse stuff) that did teach him but did affect his candor. 
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Cipriana I have also am having some trouble thinking things of. I do not have a MC name but I think it’d be cool if she chose one that’s like...reclaiming and being proud of her ‘runt’ status. Also am not sure about her mic. I think she’d have a handheld one though. As her mic, maybe they’re in the shape of spools with like threads all around and at least one connecting her her mic. Her themes I feel would be a bit like that somber hope? Like it sounds a little sad but it’s ultimately about a better day eventually. Which contrasts to how she is in a battle as I imagine she is very loud in presence since this is more or less a fight and she isn’t getting knocked down again (her mindset of chasing down Lucien absolutely frightens and intrigues me). I just thought of her ability being like By a Thread, where she essentially she cannot be ringed out and can be a little harder to knock out. Her set up kind of makes like a net or wrap around her to keep her from falling (also makes her look like a doll in some aspects, oooh callback). I think of her sound very much like Nemu. 
I do not know how she runs in this story except maybe that she was normal and just simply ended up in the whirlwind of hypnosis mics. Although sitting here now, I’m thinking if Arsenio had a mic and had used it against her--since it’s basically inflicting psychic damage--on her even though she didn’t have one (which is illegal btw). And Vini had it with his shit and used his own and having the same mindset as in her original verse, she actually took one of their mics and used her words against Vinicio, still causing their original rift...just worse. A lot of the same plotting from there maybe? Eventually she meets the rest of the kids.  
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Aspis has been rather hit or miss. I am still thinking on his MC name but Yaksha has been in there. I am thinking of his mic to be handheld and I can’t think of anything particular for its design. I think of his speakers looking like demon masks with the speaker part within the mouth. It’s kinda intense looking especially since you know he’s so sweet. Gotta keep his contrasting aesthetic somewhere. His themes are usually about mundane things as well. Musings about those of his past and present. I feel he’s the least biting towards others in battles? Like a lot of battles are attacking something about your opponent or about one’s own ability. I think Aspis would rely less on tearing someone down. Not saying he can’t but I feel like it’s gonna be a bloodbath if he does. His rap ability would be called Katashiro, where he links to another person (usually an opponent) where when he is injured, that damage is shared between him and the opponent. Which coupled with his odd endurance, could drop whoever he linked with before he falls. If I think of his sound, I think of Kuko’s flow but also Ichiro’s lyrical way.
I feel like Aspis gonna have all the crap things of being a war orphan for himself. Pretty self-reliant and not one to take help because he kinda doesn’t know how to. But I think music saves him, I think Daza might be a DJ who even if she didn’t have a mic, she got him understanding of flow and the like. And it was just a comfort for him. She probably helped him obtain a mic. And he was friends and the like with Yukina until she went with the Party of Words. 
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Aya’s is like Aspis’ hit or miss in terms of what I can think of. MC names are harrrrdddddd. I feel like her mic I alternate between it being the kind you see a cabaret singer use or a handheld. Maybe one of the first that does both??? I can’t think much in design other than ‘shimmery.’ Not like gaudy but like you watch her move or light hits just right and you see it shine...like her. Her speakers looks more like a theater. With like velvety curtain backdrop and everything. And her attacks look pretty until they hit you. I’m thinking like razor flower petals sort of thing. Her themes...mmm, I feel like overall it’s just ‘pop-y’ and light. It’s nothing like her battling. I feel she just sounds pleasant but then has some serious cutthroat bars. Despite this, I think of her rap ability being Renewal, being able to make others’ attacks stronger and cutting the damage they take. Super supportive skill which she probably took a while to figure out about. I actually found her sound while looking at other stuff. Which I think is Jeon Soyeon easily. 
Also not quite sure where she would be in the story other than I think Meg would’ve procured her a mic for her protection. And I think she cultivated her rapping to have a rap ability. And I feel like Meg was worried about it and wanted Aya away from eyes that would witness it. Because although it has no offensive power for Aya herself (at least not that anyone’s made her come to that point), it is useful for like...a team or ally situation. So useful for the Party of Words and what Meg wants to avoid. But she can’t really stop Aya from doing what she wants with her mic. 
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whatshername-please · 4 years
Out of the Water - Chapter III
Synopsis: You were very proud to be a mermaid, thank you very much. You didn’t want to be where the people were. Actually, you’d rather avoid it. Defending the merfolk was the biggest goal in your life… well, it was until you meet a certain pirate… it seems that your family really had a thing for humans, after all. Not that you’d ever admit it…
Pairing: Harry x reader
Word count: 3564
Part 3 of ?
Warnings: none? Possibly grammar mistakes? Also, some cuss words
A/N: English isn’t my first language, so I’ll probably mess up some tenses, grammar and stuff. Go easy on me, please. Feedback is always appreciated.
“Maybe it’s contemporary art”
You pointed at the destroyed painting on the floor which made Mal stare at you in disbelief. Ok, maybe now wasn’t the best time for light hearted jokes.
Thus, it was probably better not to say anything about the curtains being all torn up since no one took notice of them…
Ben’s castle was not very different from the rest of Auradon: dead silent and a wicked atmosphere hovered in the air. Well, it was until everyone started searching for the king.
Everyone was calling for Ben but that made absolutely no sense, you thought. If Audrey had gone to the castle, she’d have turned Ben to stone or something, making impossible for him to answer. All the noise would just draw her attention, if she didn’t already know you were there which was very likely, by the way.
Really, why couldn’t she set Ben’s clothes on fire, break his favorite clock, shave his eyebrows? It’d have been so much easier to deal with.
Humans always had to make everything more difficult, hadn’t they?
You had gone through the whole the castle and found no one and also Dude had lost the track of Ben’s scent, the best option now would be to go back to Auradon Prep since it was the last place Audrey was seen at. But of course Mal wasn’t entirely convinced that the castle was empty and you were checking the last room left: it was a large hall full of coats of arms, vitrals and armors.
Why were there so many armors? Questionable decorating choice, if someone asked you. And unless Ben was hiding inside one of them, he wasn’t there either. Coming to Ben’s castle had been a completely waste of time.
“Hey!” someone called you, way too over-excited. “We weren’t properly introduced yet, I’m Gil”
The muscular boy extended his hand smiling widely at you. You shook his hand, presenting yourself.
“Are you a princess?” he asked. While Harry called you a princess with disdain, Gil appeared to be genuily interested in you, then again, he was fascinated by everything in Auradon, from the leaves on the trees to the berries in the bushes.
“I am” you answered him.
It seemed to be physically impossible, but his smile grew even bigger than before.
“I’ve never met a princess before. Your highness” he bowed and then looked at you with gleaming eyes “Have I done it right?”
Gil looked very proud of himself and it broke your heart. It was infuriating to think how many wonderful kids were stuck and forgotten on that Isle. For 20 years no one thought or cared about them, even now most people believed that the Isle’s inehabitants were dangerous and past redemption. You dared King Beast to look in Gil’s eyes and say he was a criminal who deserved to be punished for the rest of his life.
“Yes, you did. But you don’t have to do it, really.” you said and he nodded in agreement. Ok, you decided, out of Uma’s friends Gil was your favorite.
All you wanted to do was to find Audrey and go back home, but what was an already difficult task in itself was getting even harder because of Uma and Mal incessant bickering. You tried to ignore when Mal said she wandered what fried octopus tasted like. One thing that never entered humans’ head was that mermaids and fishes were friends, one day you were hanging out with a squid or a crab and suddenly they were fished and eaten by some unfeeling human. Sebastian still had nightmares about the time he got trapped inside your uncle’s…
Oh, wait. Did that armor just move?
Everyone noticed it too, excepting Uma and Mal because they were too distracted fighting with each other.
“Girls!” Harry yelled “We have a situation here”. You wished you had a phone to take a picture of Uma’s face at this moment. She looked outraged by the audacity of Harry to cut her off.
At least now everyone was completely aware of that all the armors in that cursed place were moving towards you and ready to cut you all into tiny pieces. Drawing back wasn’t even an option since you were completely surrounded, the only chance you had to get out of this mess would be to fight.
WHY WERE THERE SO MANY ARMORS? If you survived this, you’d have a long talk to Ben about interior design.
Good thing everyone was optimistic about defeating them because, by your account, you were way outnumbered… not that Uma and Mal seemed to care since they were quarreling again. Evie was the one who got fed up with all the nonsense and stepped in and, while she tried to talk them into their senses again, you took the comb from your hair, ready to make it assume its true form. If Fairy Godmother didn’t have a rule against magic… or weapons being unnecessarialy used, you wouldn’t even bother changing your trident into a hair comb. You looked super badass carrying your trident around like the bitching sea queen you were…
Would be….
“Will you really brush your hair now, princess?”
You could either punch him right now or wait for an enchanted knight to do it…. but you had a better idea.
His eyes widened and his mouth dropped open when he saw the comb that had been in your hand the moment before become an imponent trident. You watched with delight that ridiculous smirk on his face change into a shocked face. It always amazed you the look people made when they realized that your cute hair pin could make someone bleed to death, and Harry Hook did not disappoint you.
That would answer his question about your fighting skills.
The jerk.
But you had no time to think any further about Harry Hook and his pesky presence, the knights were near and you had a battle to face.
It was official, you hated the human world and the ridiculous armors they used as house decoration. If Belle and the Beast (did he even have a name or his name was really Beast? Whatever…) hadn’t decide that every single corner of that castle needed to have a knight’s suit, you wouldn’t have had to be dodging swords attacks coming from every single angle that you could think of. It didn’t matter how hard or fast you hit them or that they were too heavy to react because they were enchanted. They could be slow to strike, but they neither got tired nor hurt, so you could attack them as much as you wanted and it didn’t make any difference, you were just scratching the metal. They were many and you were only 8, this wasn’t a fair battle, at all
“We need magic to defeat those things” you shouted to Mal while hitting a knight right in his chest, he stumbled a little but regained his balance fast enough. At the same time that you avoided another hit, you caught a glimpse of Harry who was close to you and unaware of the armor approachinh him from behind.
C'mon Harry, turn around…
Gosh, you had to do everything.
The knight striked again, but you avoided the blow. Taking this as a cue, you ran towards Harry and, as you did so, you managed to knock down the armor that was ready to attack the pirate. The sound of metal hitting the floor made the boy turn his head, he saw the armour laying on the floor and gave you a surprised look; either the boy didn���t expect you were able to fight or he didn’t expect that you would put yourself at risk to help him.
“You can thank me later” you said already attacking another hellish knight.
Thank goodness Mal had heard you and decided to use her magic against the cursed armors and before you could blink, the knights stopped moving and fell in the middle of the room.
It was about time.
Everyone was celebrating the victory, there were no more Uma’s crew or Mal’s gang, all of them were friends and, well… it ended as fast as it started. In one second they were cheering and laughing and in the other they rememrebed they didn’t like each other. The friendliness lasted two seconds, it was a new record.
Both gangs walked away from each other, Uma and her pirates stood on one side, and Mal and the VKs stood on the other. Celia and you decided to stay away watching them from afar.
Evie, who seemed determined to make everyone to get along, proposed an icebreaker and it took all your willpower to not to laugh at your friends’ faces upon hearing this. You have never heard so many groans or seen people looking away so fast in your life: Uma was probably deliberating all the choices she did in her life and looked like she could use a drink, or five, while Gil was just confused. Carlos and Jay were clearly unconfortable and would prefer to sleep forever than to go through this, and the only reason Mal didn’t shut Evie down right at the spot was because she dind’t want to hurt the girl’s feelings. And Harry…
It was a surprise to you when he didn’t come up with some ironic comment. Actually, he looked rather astonished when Evie complimented him and it appeared he was about to reply her before Uma cut him off.
And then she and Mal restarted their usual bickering.
Maybe the icebreaker wasn’t a bad idea, after all.
“Summer School?” Harry laughed “No wonders she wants revenge”.
Not that you’d ever say it out loud, but the pirate had a valid point.
Finally, they decided on following Uma’s initial plan to the joy of the sea witch’s daughter. Apparently, Audrey was still in Auradon Prep, so the girls would go and check her room for clues, and the boys would look out for Ben.
Everyone was ready to leave, but before the team split you spoke up.
“Actually, I’m going with the guys, ok?”
“Why?” Mal questioned you, raising an eyebrow.
“Because if Audrey shows up it’s better that at least one person knows how to use magic” you explained.
“No, the amber is the only thing that can defeat her, you wouldn’t stand a chance” Mal was clearly annoyed that you were holding them back, but you ignored the whay she glared at you and went on.
“Even so, I may be able to hold her off with my trident. You, Uma and Evie got brains, strenght and magic. Jay, Carlos, Gil and Harry, on the other hand….”
Your eyes lingered on the boys in front of you who, you knew for a fact, would kill each other in the first opportunity.
“Too edgy” you pointed to Jay.
“Too pure” and Carlos.
“Too bubbly” Gil.
“Too…” you looked Harry up and down and shrugged “Honestly? I can’t even describe him.”
Mal went silence for a moment, deliberating whay you had said, while everyone else was staring at you with a look you knew too well. It was the famous “I can’t believe she actually said that” face.
“Fine, you proved your point” Mal finally declared and the ofended look on Jay’s face almost made you laugh. You’d have to apolize to him later… But right now you had a king to find before Mal snapped at you again.
You and the guys left the castle and followed Dude, who had detected Ben’s scent.
“I’m not edgy” said Jay with a pout, looking too adorable to be taken seriously.
“Didn’t you almost break your arm trying to learn R.O.A.R just for the sake of beating Chad? Or what about that time when you got into a fight with a guy twice your size because he said the only reason you won the tourney game was because everybody on the other team was scared to come near a villain kid? ” you asked him.
“Hey! You were encouraging me!” he reminded you, laughing about the incident.
“I was not” you denied, putting your hand on your chest in a mocking manner “How dare you to suggest I’d ever do something like that”. You tried to make a serious face, but broke into a smile in a matter of seconds as you remembered that day. "Did we punch him, though? I can’t recall".
“No, Carlos stopped us… he is too pure” the VK teased, and Carlos didn’t take it kindly. As he passed by the both of you, he hit Jay’s arm hard enough to make his friend yelp.
“Come back here, Carlos” Jay called and ran after him “I was only joking”.
You giggled.
Humans, what dorks.
Minding your own business, you kept walking silently. Your friends were ahead, making sure to not lose Dude from their sight. Things appeared to be safe, at least for now, so you decided to change your trident into its pocket version, and with one quick motion of your hand, it became a hair comb again.
“How do you do that?” it was Gil who asked and he seemed utterly puzzled by your trident.
“Oh, it’s magic.” you said while Gil observed with narrowed eyes you place the enchanted comb in your hair, the boy was staring so intensively at it that looked like he was wainting for the comb to burst into flames or something “It’s no big deal, really”
“Yeah, you’re probably used by it, right? But we don’t have magic on the Isle…” he looked down, ashamed of being impressed by something that was so ordinary to you, and you felt terrible. You didn’t mean to upset him.
“Oh no, I mean… I just never really thought about it…” you tried to explain.
“Of course you didn’t, why do people in Auradon would think how their lives are perfect?” Harry, who had been oddly quiet, spoke. However, if he were expecting you to ague with him, he’d be disappointed. The pirate could get on your nerves but you couldn’t be a hypocrite and deny all the privileges you had just because you were born on the “right” side of the barrier.
Of course Harry didn’t know that was how you felt about the barrier and took the lack of a response as an confirmation.
“How nice it must be to have everything, huh?” he tried to sound cynical, but you could hear the hurt and bitterness in his voice.
“King Triton has a trident too, you know.” Gil said absently, ignoring completely the tension between Harry and you “It was on the Isle two years ago, we almost got it”
“Yeah I know. I nearly killed my cousin when I discovered she messed up with grandpa’s trident” you remembered like it was yesterday. Your cousin Arabella decided she wanted to prove her worth by summoing a storm using your grandfather’s magical trident. If this wasn’t reckless enough, she also lost the trident that ended up on the Isle. Thanks to Mal and her gang the trident was recoreved before your grandfather noticed it was gone.
What a day.
“Wait, your grandfather? Are you…?” Gil’s eyes widened when he realized who you were.
“Yeap, King’s Triton granddaughter, that’s me.” you finished his sentence, very proud of being who you were.
“Then you are a mermaid!” the blond boy’s eyes moved to your legs and he frowned at them, as if he couldn’t understand what they were doing there “If you are a mermaid, where is your fishtail?”
You chuckled and explained. It wasn’t the first time someone asked you that, but you didn’t mind. Actually, everytime you had the chance to brag about being a mermaid, you did it.
“When I need to be on land I turn into a human”
“Uma is Ursula’s daughter, did you know that?” it amazed you how Gil was capable of saying anything in such a light manner. Most people would be very cautious about speaking of the former villain of someone’s family in their presence but not Gil, he definitely didn’t mind bringing the subject up.
If you knew that Uma was the sea witch’s daughter? IF YOU KNEW THAT. You have been talking about this girl for years and, in the past months, you literally hid her in your room. YOU DID KNEW THAT.
This was what you really wanted to say, but instead you laughed it off “I think I’ve heard her name a few times”.
“Is it his trident?” it was Harry the one making a question now and, for the first time, he seemed genuinely curious and not just being sarcastic or cunning.
“Oh no… it was a gift from him, actually. It’s not as powerful as his, though. But it’s good enough” one thing that never ever bothered you was to talk about your life as a mermaid. If someone ever decided to write a tale about you, people would stop thinking that every mermaids’ wish was to become human.
You just loved being a mermaid and nothing would ever change that.
“What can it do?” he inquired, taking a closer look at the comb in your hair. He was wondering about the damage that could cause, no doubt.
“It can control water, for the most part. But is also good to beat the shit out of my enemies”
He smiled.
Harry Hook had sincerely smiled at you.
Maybe people were right, maybe you were born on the Isle and were switched at birth with some kid from Auradon. It would explain your talent for befriending villain kids.
You have never made friends easily, better saying, people didn’t want to be friends with you because of your reputation of being temperamental and moody, which wasn’t entirely true. You just didn’t care about being on the spotlight or doing what people expected you to do. Did you have to to sing along with woodland creatures just because you were a princess? Your area of expertise was marine life, for crying out loud. Squirrels and mice freaked you out! Once, a guy asked you on a date and thought it would be a good idea to go to a sea food restaurant!
You weren’t moody, humans were the ones who had the emotional range of a barnacle.
Also, a lot of people in Auradon were too self-absorbed, they thought everyone had a lovely happy life like them. Everytime you brought the Isle up they said you were overreacting and that it couldn’t be that bad. You wondered if they could see the black clouds that covered the place or if they even remembered that all Auradon’s leftovers were sent there.
You tried to be patiente but sometimes -well, most of times- you could not help yourself and ended up speaking your mind. At least from now on, you could claim that you have never cursed anyone out of spite.
Thanks, Audrey.
“If we’re getting to know each other, I have a question for you” you said to Harry who arched an eyebrow, curious about what you were going to say “Is your accent real?”
He blinked in confusion, not sure if he had heard you right.
“Yes! What kind of question is that?” he was perplexed by what you asked. Harry wasn’t used to people commenting on his accent and the times someone had said something about it, it was always to make fun of him - and Harry always made sure they learned not to do it again. So, he didn’t know if you were serious or simply mocking him.
“I don’t know. I believed you were being dramatic, to be honest. The eyeliner, the coat… The accent could very well be part of your pirate aesthetic” You didn’t want to sound rude or anything, you honestly imagined the accent was only him being theatrical, but since he didn’t answer right away (not even a ironic remark), you added quickly “It’s a lovely accent, it suits you”.
At first, you expected him to shut you down or tell you to fuck off. However, as he didn’t reply anything, you thought you really had offended the boy. You were ready to apologize (you could be the sea bitch, but you weren’t rude…). Instead, he bursted into laughter and you frowned, not understanding what was so funny to make Harry Hook laugh like that.
That boy was completely unpredictable.
“It’s not an aesthetic, lass. I’m a pirate” it was the first time since you met that Harry seemed so amused and it wasn’t at someone’s expanses. “Why did you think this?”
“Well, you do walk around carrying a hook” you pointed to the sharp object he kept holding since the moment you laid your eyes on him.
“And who are you to judge? You have a magical trident in your hair.”
It was your turn to laugh, maybe Harry wasn’t that bad.
“Fair enough, I can’t argue against it” you agreed with him,
Upon hearing your words, his mouth twisted into a smug grin…
“I knew you would warm up to me, princess”
Yeah, you took back what you thought seconds before, Harry Hook was insufferable. You huffed in annoyance and walked away from him and his pompous attitude.
Humans were never worth the stress.
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edensbuttercups · 4 years
Swords and daggers - Part one
Pairing: Geralt x reader Summary: High up on the hill some mushrooms grew tall, connecting two worlds. When you stumble upon that hill one day, your world slips away from under your feet, leaving you in a foreign world that looks so similar to the one you knew so well. Word count: 2.3k  A/N: I’m not sure what I’m doing but this was born during yet another Skype lesson (I’m clearly very productive during online lessons) so here it is?? I’m not super proud of this so constructive criticism is as always appreciated ♡ Also is this initially set during the quarantine? Yes because that’s the only thing i currently know send help 
Part two Part three
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You walked through the forest next to your friend. You had decided to sneak out and go for a walk where no one would see you, and that hadn’t been hard considering that not many people were around, let alone at eight in the morning. “If we keep going straight ahead we should end up on the highest part of the hill, and we might be able to see the whole city, depending on how much fog there is.” Your friend said, jumping on some small stones that lingered on the path. “I’ve never been here before” you said absentmindedly, looking high up, where the leaves met the sky and blended together. You walked some more, going higher and higher and leaving the dense trees behind. You reached the top of the hill, where the trees had left place to the beautiful sight of the old town, smoke rising from some buildings and a train leaving from the station and heading towards the horizon. You sat on one of the many stones that rested in this area and talked about how the world was changing, how you felt about it, and how you were now a part of history, each moment being a valuable evidence for the future. Hours passed, and between drawing the scenery and singing cheesy songs, you finally decided to head back home. You started walking down the track you knew so well, before stopping on your tracks. 
“I forgot my notepad! I’ll go to get it, you head home, I’ll text you tonight.” You smiled and waved, turning around once more and walking all the way up the hill again. You took a moment to look up at the sky, noticing the big moon hidden between some clouds, before leaning down to grab your notepad. You walked around, noticing some small mushrooms that had started to grow, examining them with a careful eye, not having noticed them earlier and intrigued by the energy you felt surrounding them. Some of them had interesting patterns on them, others seemed to be tinted in a variety of colors. You passed your hand on the biggest one, feeling it lightly shake under your touch. It emanated heat, and you held it softly feeling the warmth on your skin. A thin fog had started surrounding you while you studied the mushrooms, the whole world spiraling around you out of control, the shades of green blending with the blue of the sky, before darkness enveloped you in a sweet embrace.
You opened your eyes, slowly sitting up as your head pounded. You weren’t sure how long you’d been there for, but the sun hadn’t set yet. You stood up and dusted your clothes, looking up at the city as you did so. You didn’t notice anything different and picked up your things, walking down the path slowly, holding your head, trying to somehow diminish the pain you felt. “Well, hello there.” A raspy voice said from behind you. You turned to find man, sword in hand and clothes belonging to a different time. It may have been foolish of you, but you didn’t think much of it; he was probably just a drunk that had wandered into the forest. Did that explain the sword and outfit? Partly. You nodded your head towards him as a greeting and smiled, turning away, but before you could put a step forward you felt a cold blade against your neck. “Leaving already?” You were frozen in place, your lungs filled with air they were adamant to leave. “Leave her.” A voice came from nearby. You felt a rush of adrenaline, taking the opportunity to kick the man in the shin, making him topple over and yelp in pain. You took a couple of steps away, meeting your savior’s eyes, which shone with a surreal golden color. He closed the distance between him and the man, whom was now lying on the ground, and placed his sword under his chin. “Go. Now. Or you’ll regret it.” The man looked at him and then at you, rage in his eyes as he stood up cautiously, leaving his sword on the ground and walking away, disappearing behind some trees. You picked up the sword and handed it to the man that saved you, but he shook his head. Something about him made you trust him immediately; he had kind eyes, and even though he hadn’t smiled yet, you knew he also had a kind heart. He had also just saved you from a drunk creep, which added to the whole hero part. He shook his head lightly. “You need a weapon. Where do you come from?” You said the name of your city, pointing towards the nearby buildings. He furrowed his eyebrows but said nothing. “Why do you have a sword?” you asked, still confused by the whole situation. “How am I going to fight monsters if not?” he answered sarcastically, gesturing you to follow him. “Monsters?” “Yeah. I just killed a Kikimora not far from here.” You looked at him, hoping to see any sign of it being a joke, but his expression didn’t alter. “I… monsters don’t exist. Is this a joke?” this wasn’t right, yet a feeling in your gut telling you that this was indeed real, even if this reality wasn’t your own. He looked at you, glancing at your clothes, a simple blue dress, now dirty from the fall. “Come with me to town, we’ll figure something out.” He placed a hand on your shoulder, making your breath hitch at the touch. Your heart was beating without abandon, victim of a situation you would’ve never imagined possible in your wildest dreams. You walked down together, his horse walking behind you, before he broke the silence. “My name is Geralt. I’m a Witcher.” He looked at you, waiting for you to introduce yourself. “I’m y/n.” you smiled and held your hand out, expecting him to shake it, not to bring it to his lips in a kiss after a moment of hesitation. “What’s a Witcher?” you asked after a moment, smiling at the gesture.
You reached the town and headed to the tavern, waiting for Geralt to come back. Everything was different; it looked similar to the city you were so familiar with, yet older somehow. There weren’t any cars, everything was darker, dirtier, rougher. Geralt came back, handing you a drink and some bread and sitting down in front of you. You decided it was time to tell him the truth, whatever that was. You did trust him, and so far he had been patient with you, explaining what a Witcher was, what monsters he slayed and some other facts about the area. “I know you’re not going to believe me but…” you stopped, unsure as to how to phrase the incredibly ridiculous words you were about to mutter. “I think I time traveled. This is my city, but it’s not my time. And the clothes everyone is wearing? They’re not something you’d see where I come from.” As you spoke you saw the Witcher expression change, something in his gaze held understanding as he studied you. You kept his gaze, not daring to look away, adding some more details but slowly letting your words fade out, trusting the silence.  “The hill.” He muttered.  “What?”  “The hill. You woke up near on top of the hill, right?” “I did. Why?” “There’s plenty of stories surrounding that area. I’ve heard stories about a curse that lingered in that place. It never bothered anyone, but it is said that during a full moon natural forces find a way to bring you away. You’re not the first to say you belong to the future, but it usually goes the other way round. A full moon seems to be the bridge between then and now.”  “Today is a full moon.” You said, making him nod. “So, if we go back now…” you added. “That won’t work. Unfortunately, it works only one way. This time you came here, but to leave you’ll have to wait for the next full moon. At least, that’s what the stories say. Something about the moon giving you a chance to change your life, feeding from the energy you create in a time that no longer can be changed. You’ll have to stay here until the next month.”  “I can’t do that. I won’t survive here, Geralt. I almost got killed as soon as I got here, how do you expect me to-“  “I’ll be with you.” And those words were enough, but he carried on. “Follow me and I’ll take you back at the next full moon. I’ll protect you in any way I can. What I do is dangerous, and it’s not an easy life, but I’ll do just what is necessary for our survival. I’ve got enough coins for the next week, then we’ll see. What do you say?” You nodded, aware that the next month would be hard, but you didn’t have any other choice.
Geralt had gotten a room for the two of you, and since there only was one bed, he ended up sleeping on the floor. The Witcher fell asleep after no longer that 10 minutes, yet you were still nervous and confused from the day and couldn’t fall asleep. You twisted and turned, before sitting on the edge of the bed and looking at the Witcher. As you looked at him you felt your heart beat faster and grunted in annoyance. There was no point in falling in love; in a month you’d be back in the normal world, alone, and you didn’t want to have to get over a break-up. You laughed at the idea: a big and strong Witcher like him, going out with a girl from the future that almost got killed first thing in the past? Not exactly the power couple. You glanced at him once more before lying back down in the bed and closing your eyes, trying to get some sleep.
The next morning you woke up sure that it had all been a dream. You turned around, meeting the sunlight and waking up. It took you a moment to focus on your surroundings, expecting to see your walls, your furniture, your room, not an old store house, with old furniture and a creaky wooden bed. You stretched and sat on the bed, yawning while you looked around. You stood up and looked around for the Witcher, but the small room didn’t offer any doubt that he wasn’t there with you, and that just made a sense of panic rise in your gut, fearing that he had left you alone in this foreign world. You walked towards the door, your footsteps loud and quick on the old floor, making it creak, and as you opened it you crashed into the Witcher. You started to stumble backwards before two hands caught you, stopping you midair. You gasped before muttering a thank you, hiding your previous panic behind a smile, looking at his serious face. You wondered if over the course of the month you were ever going to see him smile. He bowed his head, his eyes not leaving yours, before showing you a loaf of bread he had found. He looked proud with his find as he broke it in two pieces, handing you the bigger one. “It’s all they had downstairs. It’s not much but…” “It’ll do” you finished the phrase, earning a nod. “Thank you.” You added, trying not to seem rude. You bit into the bread, a hard core protecting a stale tasting crumb. You eat it anyway, hunger devouring you. You looked at Geralt, whom had also finished eating, and sat next to him on the bed. “So, what’s the plan?” you tried to sound cheery, masking the slight fear of spending a whole month in the past. “I’m going to teach you how to defend yourself.” He placed a small dagger in your hand, the silver blade shining in the light, the handle soft to the touch with small golden details that gave it a certain elegance. You looked at him puzzled; not sure you understood the need of it. “I’m not always going to be with you. If I’ve got to slay a monster you can’t be with me. You could end up killed. Or I could get killed. You’d be alone, without a Witcher to protect you and without any knowledge on how to kill.” “Wait, you want me to kill?” “If someone intends to hurt you in any way, you make sure that whatever you do kills them, because if you’re not successful they won’t hesitate to end you.” He stood up, his harsh words still lingering in the air, offering you a hand as you stood, packing the few things that were in the room and heading out of the tavern.
You walked out of the city that you once called home feeling lost, afraid of what would become of you if you ended up being a killer and fearing the ping of electricity you felt going through your veins. You knew Geralt was right, and even though you longed to get home, you were happy that you got to share some time with him. You glanced up, studying the way he stood, so proud yet so disregarded against the stone walls, not earning many glances from the people that you passed. You had read kindness in his eyes on the very first day, but as time passed you wondered how he could cultivate such an emotion, seeing the way everyone treated him. You turned around one last time at the edge of the city, looking at the buildings that held so many memories yet now held none. You felt Geralt get closer to you and hesitantly place a hand on your shoulder. You looked at him and smiled, nodding. “Time to learn how to kill, I guess?”
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shaineybainey · 4 years
“Noble Intentions”
Lab Rats [T]
The Lab Rats and Mighty Med teams face off with the greatest threat to humanity yet: The Incapacitator, a supervillain bent on becoming the most powerful in the planet. …Which makes things super awkward for Leo, considering that their newest nemesis is his father. AU. Lab Rats vs Mighty Med redux.
tagging: @vcnting @serpent-princess @clockradio93 @verified-dumbass @weareoutofmaplesyrupdave @aaaaahhhhh1234 @neshatriumphs @lettersandwhiteroses
Special shout-out to @vcnting, @neshatriumphs, @clockradio93, and @verified-dumbass for the kind responses. I really appreciate you all. 
TW: mentions death of loved ones, allusions to crime
VII: The Night of Infinite Hours, Side A
Leo wonders if he should go out. It’s already late at night, about 10:49 PM, and the house lies in relative silence. Relative, because he can still hear faint echoes of tools being used down in what he assumes is the garage.
On the one hand, he has a gauge on his father’s whereabouts. If the music of a man at work stops, then he can just hurry back into the room.
On the other hand, his father has the nose of a bloodhound when it comes to things not being right. He can teleport, too. In one second, he can be up there and…
Leo doesn’t know. Before today, he used to think that although his father will hurt many, he will never hurt him. He still thinks his father cares about his safety and that he loves him, but now that thought has all turned acrid and defiled. He doesn’t know anymore if he’ll just get yelled at, get a gentle reproof, or actually get hurt.
He shakes his head. Maybe not the last one. Besides today, his father’s never laid a hand on him once. His father did acknowledge that he overdid it. He will probably never do it again.
Finding that good enough, he leaves the room, the shackle on his ankle lying on the floor with the few hairpins he’d found scattered under the rug. He looks out the door – right, left – and then comes to the hallway.
He realizes then that he doesn’t really have a destination. Where can he go? He’s free and outside. There must be someplace he could go to.
Then again, his father never showed him around the house – at least not yet. He talked about a sewing room downstairs where his uncle used to sleep in. He assumes the kitchen is somewhere downstairs, too.
From the sound of it, the garage is farther away yet still connected to the house.
He cautiously peers over the banister to check for any movement down the stairs. Nothing. He hears a song from the 70’s (Motown, he thinks, which has been playing since late afternoon). There’s also still the sound of tools being used.
Finding it safe, he crosses quickly and sticks closer to the walls.
In his wandering, he finds a locked room, a closet, the bathroom, and another room he assumes is locked also. Out of curiosity, he tries it.
He startles a little when the knob clicks open.
After checking behind him for company, he sneaks inside. There’s a light switch, but he doesn’t think it smart to call that much attention to his presence there. Straining his eyes around the dark room, he notices light from the moon shining through the window that the curtain has left exposed.
He carefully closes the door behind him, wincing as it squeaks when leaving it partly ajar. Finding it still safe, he heads over to the window then pulls it open.
“Ugh…” Leo mutters quietly as he does his best not to cough. Dust rains down the floor, and the palpable scent of mildew and mold dominates the air.
Still, the night sheds a different picture of the room. Under the silver glow, Leo sees that he’s found a nursery-turned-library. There’s a big shelf displaying photographs and a variety of books: cookbooks, story books, fiction. There are even some notebooks wedged in here and there.
Right beside it is a crib, unused for so many years.
Across the room, close to the window is a rocking chair. Sitting right beside it is the smaller shelf, a bunny stuffed toy on top, guarding the storybooks packed within.
It’s then he sees a toy flashlight. He takes a chance, and under the light of the night he shakes it then switches it on.
For some reason, it works.
Leo grins, victorious. He doesn’t know how long the battery will last so he resumes snooping.
He checks the smaller bookshelf first. He almost chuckles reading the titles: The Lorax by Dr. Seuss; Frog and Toad are Friends; The Biggest House in the World. It’s strange to imagine his father as a four year-old, sitting with his grandmother as she rocks the rocking chair, listening to her read a story to him.
He guesses it’s because it’s discordant, too - like the room. Peace versus war. Innocence versus knowing the world too much. It’s still hard to imagine that a quiet and normal life like that existed for his father before all of this.
Intrigued, he draws out The Biggest House in the World. It surprises him to see the name of the author: Leo Lionni. His mother told him that his father wasn’t present during his birth, and his father really didn’t appear in his life until he was six.
Still, he finds it a little funny that he shares the same name of the author who had some influence on his father’s childhood.
He opens the book up, intent to read, when he notices an odd spacing between the floorboards. It’s not very noticeable that he’s even surprised he caught it. It stands out, though, so much so that it presses on his curiosity until he can’t take it anymore.
So, he puts the book away then investigates.
Since the majority of it is stuck underneath, he carefully lifts the spinning shelf then moves it aside. He checks behind him for his dad, finds that the door is still as he’s left it, and then proceeds with his plan.
He sticks the nail on his right thumb in the slim space then attempts to lift it. It takes a couple of tries, but thankfully it’s loose enough that it eventually comes off.
When it does, he’s greeted by insulation foam, still firm but also yellowed with time. He pulls on it, unsatisfied.
It pays off. It comes with a soft tug and reveals a space as wide as a hand span and as deep as a hand span and a half. Tucked cozily within is a black safety box.
However, what wakes him up fully is the emblem on it: two Ms, one teal, one white.
Mighty Med.
“What?” he whispers. The hinges give the softest of squeals when he opens it.
Its contents are underwhelming yet still intriguing. There are folded pieces of paper; a couple of cards that he assumes are credentials; some photographs; and a few pins that glint under the flashlight.
He picks up a card wedged inside a folded paper. The ID has considerably yellowed under the lamination, but the print is still legible. In fact, the picture on it has been left clear enough by time that he can still see how similar he looks to the man on it.
Dr. Hezekiah Castle, the name on it says. Chief Neurologist.
The simpler but unmistakably similar symbol of Mighty Med pops out at him.
Is this really Pops? I thought his name was Harold Jones? Was he a doctor at Mighty Med? Leo wonders. From his father’s stories, he’d always gotten the impression that his grandfather worked as a desk clerk in a local office. Never a doctor.
Now he wonders if what his father told him is just something he was made to believe.
Putting the ID back, he picks up a photograph next. It shows the same man, but this time there’s a woman with him. He’s hugging her from behind, both of them smiling brightly at the person taking the picture as they lean on the hood of a sea green Cadillac.
He turns it over and sees the note: To my darling one – I love you, my love, with all my heart. You’ll forever be the ‘solstice’ of my life.
A frown furrows his brows. Solstice.
Why was that emphasized?
He pockets the picture, sure that his grandparents wouldn’t mind him keeping a picture of them as a young couple. He finds another ID in the box—but this one is sturdier, more proud and pronounced.
There isn’t a picture, just a name: Doris Snow. NASA. West Area Computers.
The information that rushes in like riptide stuns Leo. He was told that his grandfather was an office worker, his grandmother a housewife who was beloved by many of their neighbors and friends. Now he’s finding out they weren’t who they seemed? That they were actually, respectively, a respected neurologist and a genius mathematician?
Voracious for more of their life, he leafs through the box for any other interesting finds. He finds a letter from his grandmother to his grandfather a few days after his father was born. He also finds an enamel pin that looked like a ricocheting shooting star.
He glances behind him, finds no one there, and decides he’ll look at one more paper before heading back. He picks up one, tucked underneath the pile, and opens it, expecting to find another handwritten memo.
His brows furrow as he sees the typewritten letter, which comes as a shock of crudeness after all the personal documents he’s seen. He skims it, expecting nothing.
Then, ice washes over him.
He shuts the letter close.
No. He didn’t read that. It kind of makes sense, but…
His brain buzzes. There are questions, puzzle pieces, and answers that fly around like a tornado in his head.
The words stick out: proposal for a special unit; Doris Snow (codename: Solstice); for the benefit of earth.
League of Heroes.
Incredulous, he opens the letter again and reads it closely.
He was right. He read it all correctly. It’s a letter of confirmation for potential recruits.
A letter of confirmation drafted by a superhero named Solstice.
Out of panic, he stuffs everything back in and closes the box. No. He can’t look at all of this right now. Does his father even know these exist? It’s buried under the floorboard, in a place only his grandparents would know to access. And his dad never mentioned any of this.
Did he not mention because he didn’t know? Or did he choose not to mention because he deviated from the trajectory of his whole family on purpose, and he didn’t want him to know?
He does his best to remain steady, even putting the flashlight down to work faster. However, his grip on the floorboard isn’t as strong as he thinks.
It lands with a thunk!
He grimaces, hissing at his clumsiness, and continues his work in the dark. His father can’t know he’s here, can’t know what he knows. He places the board back on the slot successfully then lifts up the smaller, swiveling bookshelf back into its place.
By the time he sits back on the heels of his feet, his heart is beating so loud that it drowns every other sound.
He takes a moment to calm his nerves. Then, he picks up the flashlight, setting the snail storybook on his lap.
“How’d you get out?”
Leo gasps, spinning around. He finds his father standing at the door, light from downstairs flooding past his feet. His chest prickles at the fear. Has he seen him and the box?
Joel flicks the light switch on, and for a minute Leo doubts the anger he thinks he sees on his father’s face. Joel looks around the room, and then he smiles. “You found the library.”
“I…I-I was just…” But the words don’t come out of his mouth.
Joel sighs, the smile on his face unmoving. “If you wanted out of your room, you could have just told me.”
“Dad, you chained me to the floor and told me I was a hostage,” he points out, now indignant. “Hostages don’t get the option of requesting out.”
“Come on, Leo. You know your case is different. I would have let you go a bit if you wanted to look around the house.”
Leo resists the urge to glare. He doesn’t know if it’s because of the nerves or because he’s tired, but his father irritates him highly now.
“Hey.” Joel grins as he comes and sits beside him. “You found Uncle RT’s favorite storybook. You know, he used to ask your Nana to read that to him every night.  And Nana always did, like it’s the first time she’s reading it to him. She’s so patient. We even had the French version of this. That’s why RT is so cocky. He thinks because he can speak French that he’s better than me.”
Nana. He turns his eyes down to the storybook and pretends to examine it. “Did Nana stay here with you and Uncle RT the whole time?” he ventures to ask.
“Mm-hm. Pops thought it was better for her to just stay with us and watch over us rather than go to work.”
“Like a housewife.”
He nods slowly, halfheartedly turning the page. “It would be nice if Mom did that, too. If she stayed home with me.”
“Well, she had to take care of you both. She didn’t…well, she didn’t have me like Nana had Pops.”
Leo looks at his father and stares thoughtfully. “If things were different – you know, if people weren’t evil, and Pops and Nana lived, and you still met Mom, would you…would you have married her?”
Joel chuckles humorlessly. “I know your mom probably hates my guts for running out on you both, but I knew neither of you would have normal lives with me in it. I’ve made many enemies; there’s no way any of them would leave you alone, or alive. That’s why I had to leave.”
“You didn’t answer my question.”
His father looks at him for a long moment. Then, he smiles. “I would have,” he says. “If I have to marry her every day just to make up for how I’ve hurt her, I will. But things are different now, and there’s no undoing what’s been done.”
“Shakespeare would be jealous of this tragedy.”
Joel smirks at his son. “I still can’t work out how you got out.”
“I’d tell you, but I might need to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, so…”
Joel laughs.
With the room freer of tension, confidence fills Leo more. Still, he knows to be cautious. He makes a show of looking around the room before commenting, “With how nice this room is, I would have pegged Nana to be an interior designer or a librarian. Or, unless Pops was the one to put everything together.”
“No, they worked on it together when they found out they were going to have me.”
“Did they…” He hesitates. Will it be too direct? “Did they know you and Uncle RT might have some abilities when you grow up?”
Joel searches his face, eyes lightly narrowing. “Why’d you ask?”
Leo shrugs nonchalantly, hoping his father isn’t hearing the klaxon going off in his head. “Because, you know, you were kind of trying to see if I had them, too, when I was still, like, six.”
Joel laughs, bringing Leo some relief. “I only did that because I had them when I was young. Genetically, it was possible I passed something to you.”
“Well, maybe it won’t skip Uncle RT’s kids like it did with me.”
“Oh, I doubt you’d have any cousins. At least on my side,” Joel says, distracted by the opened window now. “That’s what absent superheroes took from him: they took away my trust in them forever, they took away his desire to have kids of his own. He’s afraid of leaving them suddenly like Nana and Pops left us.”
“Nana and Pops weren’t superheroes.”
“No. They were super basic, and super boring.” His father’s smile grows as he thinks back on his parents fondly. “But they were my favorite. Now, come on. It’s late. You have to get to bed. We’ve got a big day tomorrow.”
Leo gets back to his feet, following his father’s lead. “Big day, like…?”
“You’ll see,” Joel cryptically responds, pulling the curtain back on the window with a smirk.
Leo watches him closely. Suddenly, the same dread he felt when Bree told him Chase was attacked looms in his gut again. It occurs to him then that one of the reasons his father took him there was to use him against the superheroes.
Will tomorrow have something to do with that?
“Oh! Okay, yeah I’m coming,” he says, turning off the lights then closing the door on his way out.
His father eyes the storybook tucked between his arm and his hip. “You’re not going to ask me to read that to you, are you?” he jokes.
“I’m 17. I can read storybooks on my own now,” Leo returns playfully.
Twenty minutes later, his father is back downstairs at the garage to wrap up. Meanwhile, he sits on the bed, his feet free of any binds this time, and he stares at the book his uncle loved as a child.
However, despite the huge snail on the cover, all he can focus on is the picture of his grandparents that he hid behind the wall of the book.
Solstice. His father doesn’t seem to know about her or who she might have been. To Joel Jones, she was nonexistent.
To him, though, her identity is very much alive and sure. She was Mrs. Doris Jones to many in the neighborhood, a housewife who raised her boys while her husband went to work.
But in reality, she was a Mathematician who worked at NASA, who at one point in her life met a neurologist perhaps during her career as a superhero.
And it seems her oldest child is not fully aware that his abilities were something he inherited from her.
All of us are hiding something, he tells his grandparents as they grin at him from the photograph.
Goosebumps creep up his forearms. Secrets.
Now he wonders if their deaths were truly a result of a random act of crime.
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rkrose · 4 years
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“i’ve been trying all my life to separate the time, in between the having it all and giving it up, yeah. i wonder what’s in store if i don’t love it anymore. i’m stuck between the having it all and giving it up, yeah”  ━━  august 5th, 2020 . . . phone call with alice park ( big sister )
it’s been eight years. eight years since rose moved from her family’s home nestled in the suburbs of melbourne, away from her parents and her siblings to the big smoke of seoul, south korea. a country that was thousands of miles away. who knew that at age fifteen a girl could be so driven, so determined to pursue a dream? this dream of becoming a musician took rose across a whole ocean to a country she had never been to before. time had been kind, things had gotten easier. the early days were the hardest. rose’s lack of knowledge on basic customs expected of almost any korean to her clumsiness regarding the korean language and the honorifics that went with it. she recounts her first year as being vacant and lonely, and those feelings even followed her into her second year. no one reached out, and rose didn’t reach out either. it was easier to keep any and everyone at arms length. she wanted to do this by herself. she didn’t want to be a burden.
favouring hours alone playing guitar and piano, singing seventies and eighties songs she had heard on the radio back home. and when tucked away in her bed at her home stay’s apartment on the outskirts of the city, rose would call her big sister and tell her about her day. a part of her felt inclined to lie, to say that she was happy. but she wasn’t and alice . . . alice could tell. alice was off at university at this point, a first year, studying law. charlie was studying medicine and rose was . . . in south korea, at a music school. so she could pursue . .  music. rose always had it a little easier in comparison to her older siblings. her father hadn’t been super enthusiastic to find out that she had applied to this music orientated school across the ocean in his place of birth, but her mom had been supportive. she saw that her daughter had a dream, so she wanted her to go and pursue it, even if meant sending her youngest to a foreign country. 
favouring hours alone playing guitar or piano, singing old songs that she remembers hearing on the radio from back home. and when tucked away in the bedroom of her home stay’s apartment, located on the outskirts of the city, rose would call her big sister and try to tell her about her day, about her adventures. rose felt inclined to lie, to say that she was happy. but she wasn’t and alice could tell. she was off at university at this point, first year, studying law while their older brother studied medicine. meanwhile rose was in south korea at a music school so that she could maybe attempt to pursue music. her intentions hadn’t been to stay in south korea permanently. initially, it was her three years of high school and then maybe if things went well, a year of university. but a year after graduating and having flopped completely academic wise, and no real drive or pull to go back home to australia, rose had found herself in one of south korea’s biggest entertainment companies come winter of 2016. this was where she paved her dream, even if it wasn’t the way she had visualised it. everyone had to start somewhere, or so she figures.
rose had always had it a little easier in comparison to alice and charlie. being the youngest was probably the reason, she was used to being babied and being the favourite. her father, a branch manager of a bank chain in melbourne, had been rather disheartened to discover she had gone and applied to sopa, behind his back more or less. rose’s mother, a psychiatrist, had been much more supportive. she had saw from a young age what her daughter’s true passion was, in efforts to help rose pursue a dream she had found early on. she sent rose on her way, with no certainty of what this meant for her. and even eight years later and rose not returning as she had planned, her mother still feels the same way. uncertain but immensely proud. and even now, her dad’s a little proud too, even if he doesn’t get the whole singing dancing idol thing.
eight years on, late night phone calls still occur between rose and alice. only they’re not as often and rose lives in an apartment with her two bestfriends. rose finds herself stumbling into bed on most nights after training; life is physically, mentally and emotionally exhausting these days and the thought of talking to anyone, even alice, sounded unbearable at times. but rose always does her best to make time for the important people in her life. tonight, rose is tucked away in her bed with her long blonde hair in braids. she wears an oversized sweatshirt which rose actually thinks might belong to her boyfriend. rose stares up at the ceiling overhead with eight years of lies and it’s weight resting on her chest. the line is quiet. “something up, rosie? you don’t sound too good.” alice asks down the phone, and although chipper, she sounds concerned. “ah, it’s nothing. don’t worry, ali.” rose says, waving off her concern with a laugh. “well . . . nothing is something. what’s going on? you’re alright, aren’t you?” rose purses her lips, a clutched hand rests on her chest. would it be so awful to verbalise her feelings, what she’s felt for the past four or so years?
“i’m thinking . . . about . . . i’m thinking about moving back to australia.” rose says slowly, softly, in hopes she doesn’t draw attention. lisa and jisoo are home, and although one of two knows, she doesn’t wanna talk to them about that now. “y-you’re what? no. what? what happened?" alice’s reaction was as rose had thought: genuine surprise, shock and perhaps a little bit of disbelief. very alice. “you didn’t break up with chris, did you? i thought you were still at royal.” the mention of chris was enough to remind rose of her first real argument with her boyfriend ( of almost two years now ). “no, no. we’re still together and i’m still . . . at royal. my contract ends in december, though. i meant . . . instead of signing it again, i could just . . . come home, and be with you and charlie, and mel and charlotte, and mom . . . dad too, i guess.” 
the line goes quiet again. alice must be trying to wrap her head around the suddenness of the topic. “ali, y-you there?” rose asks, pushing herself up onto her elbows. she furrows her brows. had she said something wrong? “what brought this on all of a sudden, rosie? last time we spoke you seemed so . . . so happy and certain of everything. are you okay? is there . . . something else going on?” last time they spoke. the last time rose and alice spoke was months ago. rose was still coming to terms with what this all meant, what feeling this way meant. “no,” rose mutters quietly, shaking her head. “i . . . i just . . . “ and so she starts from the beginning, all the way back when rose first landed on the tarmac in seoul, south korea as a bright eyed fifteen year old.
"i wish you had of just been honest with me, rose. about everything.” alice admits quietly. rose wishes she could of been honest from the beginning too, but thinking about the consequences of her honesty frightened her. the lies hadn’t been any better, though. “i was scared you’d tell mom and that she would force me to come home.” having to give up her dream though honesty, to be defeated because of her own feelings had been a fear of rose’s at that age. it still rings true now to some extent. trainees shouldn’t show their weaknesses, they become easy targets in the eyes of their company. “mom always wanted what’s best for you, as she does now. and charlie does, and dad . . . in his own, weird way. and i want what’s best for you.” rose bites at her lip, trying to hold the tears that well at her eye at bay. “and if you think that coming back home to australia is what that is, then so be it. but i don’t think that’s what you really want.” 
i am so passionate about singing and performing. nothing makes me feel more whole than when i sing, i truly feel alive . . . as cliche as it sounds. and i was shy, so i hid behind my guitar and my company forced me to step forward and become this . . . this person. after all this time i came to love dancing, i’m actually somewhat good at it although coaches disagree. but . . . i realise that even though my dream was to debut in a band, in reality, an idol group was what i was destined for. and these past three years i’ve worked so hard, tirelessly, so i can one day debut with my friends. i’ve cried so much these past few months. i’m so tired, ali. i feel so up and down about my future. am i selfish for thinking about myself? is it selfish to stay in the company when a much better person could be in my place? i’ve never wanted something more in my life than this. i can’t believe i’m admitting that. i, roseanne park, want to be an idol. i want to debut so badly but the stagnancy makes me nauseous. is four years going to turn to six years, and will six turn to eight? i see these young idols train for a year and then debut the following year. am i not good enough? am i doing something wrong? and the fact that you all are so far away makes me wonder if all of this is worth it. i just . . . i want to go home. i mean, i think i do. 
"you’re growing restless, rosie.” alice concludes rather firmly. here was the tough love rose had avoided hearing but needed, so badly. “but don’t give up on your dream because you’re restless or because you’re tired.” and by this point, the tears are running down rose’s cheeks, they’re red and warm. she wipes at her eyes with the sleeve of the sweatshirt. alice pauses and rose swears that she hears a sniffle on the other end of the line. “i know you’ve been lying to me all of these years, telling me how happy you were and how you loved korea. i know that things must of been so tough for you, rosie . . . and yet you stuck it out because you didn’t wanna disappoint mom . . or me, or charlie. that’s so . . . so you.” alice chuckles and rose mirrors, sniffling. she was right, after all. rose was too afraid of admitting that she had maybe made a mistake in going to korea so young, but she was still too prideful to give up. “you’re so stubborn, roseanne. you’ll try and make anything work.”
“and it’s because you’re so stubborn . . . that you should make this work. make this crazy, once in a life time opportunity work out, just follow it through.” rose picks at a stray thread on her pyjama pants, still listening intently to alice, hanging onto every word. “because i think . . . that if you do end up coming home, and not signing that contract again, that you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.” there’s another pause. “and people like you rosie, people like you need to be where they can shine. and if you can’t do this for you, then do it for me. do it for mom, and charlie and dad. do it because we believe in you and love you more than anything.” there’s more sniffles between both sisters. rose hasn’t shared a moment like this with her sister in . . . forever, perhaps ever. she’s been reminded of how she’d put on a brave face whenever duty called. “i don’t want you to give up on this dream, rosie. just keep holding on. everything will make sense soon. i know it will.”
   to be continued . . .
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Weird Questions that say a lot
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? Teacups!
2. chocolate bars or lollipops? Lollipops
3. bubblegum or cotton candy? Cotton candy
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you? We call elementary school primary school. It depended which teachers you asked, my favourites always said I was “conscientious, kind, and a pleasure to have in class”.
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? Glass cups or bottles.
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? I have like 4 looks, pastel, boho, and goth/witchy/grunge, also vintage-inspired which wasn’t mentioned but I love it.
7. earbuds or headphones? Depends on the shape, I love my Razr headset because it doesn’t squash my ears, and I like galaxy bud shaped earbuds, the ones with the little rubber doo-dads that fit actually in your ear. Apple or a lot of older flat earbuds cause me a lot of pain.
8. movies or tv shows? TV shows. Movies are getting longer and longer and my focus is getting shorter and shorter
9. favorite smell in the summer? Rainy days!
10. game you were best at in p.e.? The game of queue-ducking (where you go to the back of the queue to avoid your turn), or dance, or the less strength intensive parts of gymnastics. Or crying, always been great at that xD
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day? Muesli, or nothing.
12. name of your favorite playlist? I prefer to listen to full albums rather than playlists, but I have a few favourites on Spotify. Born to Run 150BPM, Infinite Indie Folk, Irish Folk: Jigs and Reels, All Out 80s/90s/00s. I also love scene/pop-punk playlists.
13. lanyard or key ring? Key Ring
14. favorite non-chocolate candy? Message Hearts (or anything with that texture), the red pack of starbursts (the UK version is vegan). Does Turkish Delight count because if so then that is my fave. I also like gummies if they’re vegan.
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment? To Kill a Mockingbird (high school), or The Bloody Chamber (uni), or Hamlet (uni)
16. most comfortable position to sit in? One foot under me, the other foot out to the other side, but both in the same position (if the surface is flat), or knees up.
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes? I own a lot of shoes so there isn’t really a single pair I wear the most. Recently my Air Force 1s, I’m trying to wear them in because the previous owner didn’t so the cause blisters.
18. ideal weather? Cold, overcast, rainy, still. Or without the rain. or snow (as long as I’m not going in the car and I can go crunch my shoes in it xD
19. sleeping position? Either side, but my body is kinda rotated towards the bed so it’s like half way between on my stomach and on my side. 
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? Notebooks
21. obsession from childhood? Animals, dinosaurs, goddesses, magic, crystals, neopets, sims. I still love all of these things, I am a rotating door of obsessions, usually a bunch of the same obsessions on repeat.
22. role model? I don’t have one particular role model, I do have tons of people that I love and respect.
23. strange habits? I have so many strange habits that I have become one myself. Nothing actually stands out though because 99% of it is because of my brain.
24. favorite crystal? rose quartz or moonstone.
25. first song you remember hearing? Maybe Dancing Queen by ABBA, definitely the first I remember dancing to, but my dad loves music so I grew up with a constant stream of it.
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather? Suffer xD when I’m able to do so comfortably I’d love to go out looking for pretty stones, and nice sticks with my fiance, also would like to go on picnics with him, or a friend if I had one.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather? Baking, drawing, crafts, standing in the rain. Everything.
28. five songs to describe you? 6/10 - Dodie Robert Frost - Mal Blum Caught in the Middle - Paramore Side Effects - Jade Bird Snitches Get Stitches - Onsind  Bonus track: The Seed - Aurora I wish I still had the playlist I made of songs I relate to, several of these were on it though.
29. best way to bond with you? Oversharing, or telling me about things you’re into.
30. places that you find sacred? Nature. My favourite spots are little creeks/rivers in wooded areas, but just like, all of it is special and should be treated as such. Also bedrooms.
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? I think maybe I’m not gutsy or whatever enough, but also unpredictable. I wear whatever I like, and I’m just as likely to cry in all of them as I am to accidentally get in a fight.
32. top favorite vines? I feel so basic because I never really did the vine thing.  There was one that nearly killed me because I literally started to choke that was in some kind of office and the bit like can you run this past me again, and they just fucking legged it past them holding a folder up, Saw it once, never saw it again. Road work ahead. Why you can’t lift a house (might be a tok?) Brass dad and oven kid Look at this graaaaph Never learned how to read I can’t sit I have hemorrhoids The one with the people in blankets bobbing the nana nanana song Fr esh avo ca do Look at all these chickens
33. most used phrase in your phone? I love you - if I had to guess
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? right now, nothing. I often get the old Super Liquor jingle lodged in there though.
35. average time you fall asleep? 6am?
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing? Charlie the unicorn or that one Noodles video by Cyanide and Happiness. Are those even memes?
37. suitcase or duffel bag? Depends. I mostly use a bag though since I never go anywhere for long.
38. lemonade or tea? Tea? Usually if you ask for lemonade here you get Sprite which is not lemonade.
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie? I had a vegan lemon meringue pie once, so good. Cake is easier to make though, and I can eat more in one sitting without getting sick xD
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? Um, the principal in my last year of school got caught for being a peeping tom a few years after I left.
41. last person you texted? My Fiance.
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets? Jacket pockets
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? Depends on the rest of the outfit and the weather. I wear Jean jackets most though.
44. favorite scent for soap? I love lavender, or vanilla/candy/fruity/baked goods type scents. I still have a bottle of Sugar Fairy spray from lush from a year ago and I love the smell of that.
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero? Fantasy I think.
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in? Nekkid?
47. favorite type of cheese? As a kid it was feta. Now I only eat vegan cheese. I was never a huge cheese fan tbh.
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? Rotten xD um probably a cranberry or something because I’m small, and I’m not a fan of cranberry.
49. what saying or quote do you live by? An it harm none do what you will. Or treat others as you wish to be treated.
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? Probably one of the vines I listed above, either “run it past” or “can’t lift a house” because both of those resulted in crying and choking.
51. current stresses? My cat has been throwing up and having diarrhoea the past week or so, she’s been to the vet, it got better for a bit, but tonight suddenly got worse. Living with my parents who I have a very toxic relationship with. Living in a single very overfilled room. Trying to not spend money so that I can save up to move next year. Nightmares about my trauma. Either the house is haunted or there’s a build up of negative energy (probably that).
52. favorite font? I always liked the look of all of the script style fonts (freestyle, french, lucida, lucida calligraphy, Edwardian, Palace) but they’re not accessible so for anything people will actually see (which is literally nothing) I always go with arial.
53. what is the current state of your hands? Slight rash on one finger because I’m sensitive to what is in a lot of hand washing products apparently (never an issue until the pandemic), one broken finger nail that is a bit shorter than the rest. Not painted nails because energy. I always wear my engagement ring, usually I wear several other rings but with how my skin is being I thought I’d better not for a while.
54. what did you learn from your first job? Bakeries are hell, my circadian rhythm will not adjust to anything besides its natural state for longer than a couple of days at a time no matter how long or hard I try. I can absolutely fall asleep standing up.
55. favorite fairy tale? Ugly Duckling
56. favorite tradition? I don’t have anyway... Yet? Hopefully when I move this can become a thing.
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome? I’m interpretting overcome loosely here, meaning “I have not died from this” - Suicide of my first love - Bullying - 3 different jobs that all nearly killed me
58. four talents you’re proud of having? Literally can’t think of one. I’m not talented. I’m passable at a couple of things, but I worked for those things and I’m still not good enough for anyone to confuse me for being talented xD Those things I care about that I’ve worked on a lot are singing, art, languages, crafts? I still struggled to come up with 4. My bad.
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? Aw jeez xD
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? Magical Girl! This is an easy one, give me the powers and the clothes yessss.
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.? Literally sitting here drawing a blank, so instead of favourite here is the first one that came into my head “eyes are the genitals of the head” (may have that wrong, I’m watching the Office for the first time rn)
62. seven characters you relate to? Clementine from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Amelie from Amelie Matilda from Matilda Quasimodo from the Hunchback of Notredame (also my favourite plush as a kid) Iris - The Holiday Jess - New Girl Amelia Shepherd - Grey’s Anatomy Struggled with this because suddenly I drew a blank and also couldn’t remember who my Fiance was talking about every time he’s watched a character and said “that’s you” repeatedly.
63. five songs that would play in your club? Starlight - Superman Lovers Pump It - Black Eyed Peas I Bet that You Look Good on the Dancefloor - Arctic Monkeys All the Things She Said - tATu Doctor Jones - Aqua Bonus: Push Up - Freestylers These are ones  I have memories of dancing to when I was younger so that’s how I picked, but I’d absolutely be a themed night club with different music on different nights.
64. favorite website from your childhood? Neopets, which I still play daily. The first I played was MaMaMedia, then Bubblegum Club.
65. any permanent scars? That’s a SORE subject heh get it heh
66. favorite flower(s)? Lavender, rose, peony
67. good luck charms? I usually carry gemstones if I’m needing to be particularly lucky, or sigils.
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? I hate anything spicy. I had rootbeer candy that tasted like literal dirt. I can’t eat banana stuff without gagging and getting a headache. I hate anything that is artificial blackberry or blackcurrant, tastes like shitty cough syrup.
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? Sea Monkeys breathe through their feet, but I remember where I learned that.
70. left or right handed? right
71. least favorite pattern? depends entirely on the colours, I like patterns. but certain stripes do make my eyes feel funny.
72. worst subject? If PE counts, then that. If not, math.
73. favorite weird flavor combo? I love pineapple on pizza but that’s not weird. Iused to eat cheese and jam sandwiches as a kid though.
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen? I operate on how long it has lasted instead of how bad it is, essentially I get so desperate so I’ll try it even though it probably won’t help. I have the resistance of a rhino to most meds.
75. when did you lose your first tooth? No idea, like 4 I think? I did keep them in a weird little box for no reason though because they never got taken away from under my pillow.
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? I’m a fan of a good mash if it has lots of flavour (like gravy). Otherwise, crisps or fries.
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill? I grew a radish once! Something cat safe though these days, also maybe something heavy, and hard to knock over?
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store? Grocery Store sushi, if it’s just veg.
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo? My only ID is my passport, and it is BAD.
80. earth tones or jewel tones? Both.
81. fireflies or lightning bugs? Fireflies (ten million of them to be precise)
82. pc or console? Grew up with PC. Now play my switch mostly.
83. writing or drawing? Both. Wrote more as a kid, draw more now.
84. podcasts or talk radio? Podcasts.
84. barbie or polly pocket? Both. But I prefered pollies as a kid
85. fairy tales or mythology? mythology
86. cookies or cupcakes? cupcakes
87. your greatest fear? Based on my nightmares, stairs.
88. your greatest wish? To live in a comfy house, in the country, with my Fiance, I have travelled the world, we have pets, I can function, we are free.
89. who would you put before everyone else? My Fiance and out animals.
90. luckiest mistake? Can’t think of any, most of my mistakes have been more like bad choices, also never turned out well for me.
91. boxes or bags? Depends what it’s for?
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? lamps, or fairy lights. Unless I’m particularly anxious, then overheads.
93. nicknames? None.
94. favorite season? Winter
95. favorite app on your phone? LINE, it has my fiance, and animated stickers.
96. desktop background? Little Twin Stars
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized? My own.
I never get asks and needed to distract myself so I’m going to just answer these anyway, like a survey or something. Original post by tr33-g1rl 
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rpgmgames · 5 years
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May’s Featured Game: Cadeau
DEVELOPER(S): HALFWORLDstudios ENGINE: RPG Maker VX Ace GENRE: Horror, Fantasy, Puzzle WARNINGS: Blood, Mild Gore, Suicide Mentions, Death SUMMARY: Cadeau is an RPG Horror game about a lonely, yet stubborn, young woman named Charlotte-- who finds herself in a world unknown to man, wearing clothes that do not belong to her. Wonderful and tragic events are to follow suit, as all of her greatest wishes come true. However, as these things often go, her happiness does not come without consequence...
Play the beta here!
Our Interview With The Dev Team Below The Cut!
Introduce yourself! Macdev: Greetings and salutations. I'm Mac, writer, artist, and programmer for Cadeau, as well as the founder of Halfworld. I've loved Rpg games since I was about 10, and have been creating them since! Bruno: My name is Bruno and I'm the music composer. I got into game music approx 2 years ago and I've currently made music for a couple of games and other projects, and Cadeau was the first one of them. Aidan: I'm Aidan/kanteramcneil on Tumblr! I'm one of the voice actors, and I'm super excited to be able to follow Cadeau's progress! I've been in the RpgMaker community for a few years now and I adore being able to watch all the devs progress and grow Rindre: Hi I'm Rin! Currently, I'm on an indefinite hiatus, but Big Mac managed to catch me, chain me up to a chair, and make me say stuff about myself against my will. So... I make games, I guess. - Note from macdev: Erm, not true? These accusations are SLANDER and I will not stand for it. WariA: Hello! I’m WaraiA, one of the voice actors of Cadeau — A pleasure to meet you! I will be voicing the oh so mysterious ‘Your Admirer’, so please look forward to listening to my antics ☆〜(ゝ。∂) I am a Japanese/Chinese Australian born citizen, with a tendency to speak in an American accent. Any pronouns are fine for me My most notable role so far has been Harpae from Pocket Mirror, so some of you may be familiar with my voice already! Nothing much has changed — I enjoy cosplaying, role playing, drawing every once in a blue moon, Final Fantasy XIV, and most importantly, catboys (Nael, I’m coming for you, boy) As ‘Your Admirer’ is a rather elusive character, I cannot disclose much. But I do suggest always keeping one eye open throughout your journey
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What is your project about? What inspired you to create your game initially? *Macdev: Cadeau is a game about a troubled young woman named Charlotte Émile-- who is a "tomboyish" and bold individual who has been unfortunately presented loneliness by a series of disastrous events. After giving up on companionship, she miraculously receives an affectionate letter from a mysterious person aliased as her "Admirer". This "Admirer" character beckons poor Charlotte to visit them at a mysterious well in the woods, and to come armed with nothing but a strange golden coin. From there, madness ensues. Our protagonist must learn of her past and the events that lead to her misfortune, all while becoming entangled in a family drama rooted in witchcraft, raging years before her unexpected arrival. It is a story about self-love, friendship, acceptance, magic, and all that corny-ness. Sounds fun, right? My initial inspiration was The Witches House. The game was originally meant to be simple, and maybe an hour or 45 minutes long. A simple story, and a straightforward 2-ending path.... How have we managed to get here from that?
How long did you work on your project? *Macdev: Two years, I believe! Its anniversary is April 8th. In the beginning, it was very off and on-- because I was having a difficult time with school and-- as I mention-- organization. So not a whole lot of progress was made then. I'm proud to say I've been chugging quite a bit faster than my previous pace!
Did any other games or media influence aspects of your project? *Macdev: My inspiration would probably lie in Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts, and Alice returns to madness. As for RPG games? The Witch's House, Havenfell, and Pocket Mirror. As well as many other beautiful artists and creators in the video game community. Overall, my biggest inspiration for this game has got to be the stop-motion movie: Coraline. I even reference the movie once or twice in Cadeau. The tone of Coraline, and the whimsical yet eerie people and creatures within it give me inspiration for this game. It was very much a favorite of mine when I was younger, and that still applies today!
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Have you come across any challenges during development? How have you overcome or worked around them? *Macdev: The biggest problem I've run into has been a lack of structure. In the beginning, I hadn't even written out the story halfway. I was just pulling ideas from thin air, going back and forth, and deleting entire concepts-- only to bring them back and re-arrange them as I went. Characters weren't fully dished out; the game didn't even have an ending. This state of creating is fine, but not when you have other people expecting things from you. Thankfully, things are sailing much MUCH smoother than before.
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Did any aspects of your project change over time? How does your current project differ from your initial concept? *Macdev: It's absolutely taken a turn from what it was originally! As I say, it was meant to be an extremely short game in the beginning, and now obviously that’s not the case. The goal for Cadeau now is: around 2-3 hours long in playtime, and full of many diverse character types! As well as a storyline that extends far more than face value. Which is in high contrast to the basic, short, immemorable experience that it was going to be.
What was your team like at the beginning? How did people join the team? If you don’t have a team, do you wish you had one or do you prefer working alone? *Macdev: I do have a wonderful, beautiful, talented team working with me on Cadeau. - A composer! (Bruno Buglisi), - As well as voice actors! (WariA as Allete, Aiden/kanteramcneil as The Botanist, and Rindre (who I have definitely not kidnapped...) as The Maiden) I met everyone in the team through volunteer posts-- and I had never done that before-- but it worked very surprisingly well! We worked very quickly together, and we had a very mutual understanding of what each other wanted. It feels good to know I have such talented people helping this game come to fruition. I owe a whole lot to them for helping the game become what it is now.
What was the best part of developing the game? Macdev: Being able to make the world in your head interactable, for sure. Since I was 8, maybe even younger, I have loved writing stories and making art. Webcomics were my main thing as a kid, so story-telling is something I’ve always loved. So, the fact that I can turn my ideas into something someone can experience and interact with is a wonderful feeling. There's nothing more fulfilling, honestly!
Do you find yourself playing other RPG Maker games to see what you can do with the engine, or do you prefer to do your own thing? *Macdev: Very often, actually! I try not to ride too close to the material I see in other games, but I do gain lots of inspiration from my fellow creators! One thing I am laser-focused on, though, is making Cadeau quite unique content-wise. I want it to have very interesting, uncommon puzzles and mechanics that you may not expect from this type of game-- or one of this engine. So far, I think I've achieved this-- so look out for that!
Which character in your game do you relate to the most and why? (Alternatively: Who is your favorite character and why?) *Macdev: My favorite character has got to be The Botanist. At the beginning of the game he has no dialogue, yet still presents such a strong personality. They are kind, thoughtful, and absolutely adorable. Look at that foofy hair! I'm a sucker for it. Their character arc is something I'm excited for. It's been a blast writing it so far-- and I won’t spoil anything-- but you guys will love him. I'm sure of it. Now if we're talking character design, Naël has got to be my favorite. He recently received a “tune-up,” as I would like to call it, and I think everything works together very cohesively in his design now. It's probably one of my favorites out of all of them, at this point.
Looking back now, is there anything that regret/wish you had done differently? *Macdev: Thankfully, things worked out perfectly-- and the universe blessed me with a wonderful team in the end-- but it was very stressful once I realized I had asked for help way too early. I essentially made a single map, and a little character sheet-- then asked for a whole team to help me out. As I said, it luckily worked out in the end. Now we have so many amazing people helping us-- but we also lost a few in the madness-- and that's a mistake on my part, 100%. If you don't know what you want, it's hard to ask for help. It will lead to confusion, lots of back and forth, frustration, etc... Just wait until your way further in development. Trust me. I know it’s easy to jump the gun and shoot for the stars, but sometimes it won’t work out as well as it has for the Cadeau team!
Do you plan to explore the game’s universe and characters further in subsequent projects, or leave it as-is? *Macdev: I won't say as of now! The idea of a sequel/prequel has floated around, but if it does come to fruition, it won't be until way after the release of Cadeau. We'll just have to see. (This isn’t to say I’m not hopeful!)
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With your current project, what do you look most forward to upon/after release? *Macdev: I have so many amazing project ideas lined up for after the release of Cadeau. I won’t spill too much, so they'll be more of a surprise-- but they range from classic, adventure-themed true RPG's-- to 3D teenage-thrillers. I'm honestly stoked, there's so much in store for Halfworld.
Is there something you’re afraid of concerning the development or the release of your game? *Macdev: I think my biggest fear is letting people down. Also, I worry about losing interest or having people form the idea that the game is never going to be completed. It’s just going to take some time, is all, and that’s okay!
Do you have any advice for upcoming devs? *Macdev: I already mentioned above not to jump the gun and ask for help too early, so some more advice I'll give: is to keep all your material, all your ideas, and all your concepts in one concise place. I would say do it digitally from the get-go, but if you would prefer to write it down physically that's fine! Just make sure it's only one or 2 notebooks, and not 13. The information for Cadeau is spread throughout my hideous mound of notebooks, as I get up during ungodly hours of the night to scrawl a sudden idea down. So, I'm currently in the process of moving them to one digital spot-- and while it's generally easy-- I would have been able to avoid it if I had just put everything in one spot in the beginning. Oh, and back up your progress regularly! I have separate backups of Cadeau from months in 2 different years, and in 4 different places. So, I take backups very seriously—and so should you!
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Question from last month's featured dev @atlasatrium: What's your favorite RPG Maker game and why? *Aidan: I love End roll, Ib, OFF, Prom Dreams, From Next Door, and Aria's Story! Bruno: Mm, definitely Long Gone Days (though it’s not being made on rpgmaker now) Midnight Train, Heartbeat and Glitched! WariA: I don't really have any :0 the devs I've worked with so far have all been really sweet (´꒳`);; Macdev: This is a tough question! I have a lot of favorites. Probably Stray Cat Crossing overall, but I also love Home and Starboy. Starboy brings a lot of memories, and Stray Cat Crossing was what inspired me to start making games! Oh, and Home is just very cute.
We mods would like to thank HALFWORLDstudios for agreeing to our interview! We believe that featuring the developer and their creative process is just as important as featuring the final product. Hopefully this Q&A segment has been an entertaining and insightful experience for everyone involved!
Remember to check out Cadeau if you haven’t already! See you next month! 
- Mods Gold & Platinum
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fairestevies · 5 years
home isn’t a place, it’s a feeling | evie x doug
A few sweet moments in the months leading up to graduation, including Evie’s fashion business, “starter castle,” and Doug’s new band.
Evie sighed as she hung up the gowns she was working on for the night. She loved making dresses for everyone, but it was beginning to get a little overwhelming with graduation only a few months away. Not only was she focused on the gowns, but she still had a couple exams to study for, and had to figure out how to bring some of the other VKs over to Auradon. Needless to say, she was exhausted by the end of each day.
She flopped onto her bed, looking gloomily at Mal’s side of the room. It had been pretty empty recently, with Mal being just as busy as Evie. Being a lady of the court was no joke- she usually had a meeting of some sort every day, in different parts of Auradon. She hadn’t used her spell book once since the whole cotillion incident, and Evie was proud of that. Not to mention, Mal was getting to spend a lot of time with Ben.
Evie pulled out her notebook and added another thing to her to-do list: Talk to Doug about the proposal
Ben was planning to propose to Mal after graduation and asked Evie and Doug to be a part of the musical arrangements. Evie smiled to herself, she was so happy for her friends. Mal was going to love it.
She reached over to put her sketchbook back on her desk, but a few scraps of paper fell out. She knew exactly what they were before she even opened them. Her name was written neatly across each folded piece of paper, which she kept inside her notebook for whenever she needed to be cheered up. They were her notes from Doug, ranging from poems to inside jokes to silly stick figure drawings.
Evie smiled sadly as she opened up one of the poems. Along with Evie being busy with her business and school, Doug had been practicing late with the marching band most nights.
Evie turned to look at her clock- 9:55. Doug was usually finished around 10, so she should have a chance to talk to him as he walked back to the dorms. For now, she turned back to the poem she held in her hand. This was one of her favorites, but they were all really good. Not many people knew it, but Doug was super talented. He had a way with words, could play almost any instrument, ace a chemistry test in his sleep, and was the perfect business partner (and boyfriend, of course).
Just as she finished reading the note, her phone rang.
“Hi!” Evie chimed, as she answered Doug’s call.
“Hey Eve,” Doug smirked from the other end. “What’s up?”
Evie told him all about the dresses she was working on, and how she had crunched most of the numbers, which of course he offered to help with. Doug told her about his practice and the routine they were working on for the upcoming family events and graduation ceremonies. They liked to talk things out like this, as the other often had good ideas of what could be added or amended.
“I’m back in my room now, so I’m gonna go shower,” Doug explained. “I’ll come by tomorrow, and we can work on Evie’s4Hearts stuff?”
Evie agreed, chewing on her lip as they said goodnight. She got up and changed into her pajamas before laying back down on her bed. She couldn’t fall asleep yet, as she knew what was going to happen next.
A few moments passed before she heard a knock on the door. She answered to see a squeaky clean Doug with a smile on his face.
“You know it doesn’t count as a surprise if you come to kiss me goodnight every night?” Evie teased, gesturing for Doug to come in.
“Oh, so you want me to stop?” Doug teased back, grabbing her hand as he walked in and pulling her close.
Evie shook her head before hugging him back and burying her head in his chest, “Of course not.”
Doug smiled as he kissed the top of her head, something he could only do when she wasn’t wearing her usual heeled boots. They stayed like that for a minute, winding down after a long day.
Doug had noticed how Evie had been a little more down than usual. He sensed it had something to do with the talk of graduation starting to rise, but he wasn’t sure. What he was sure of, however, was that he was going to be there when she needed him. His nightly visits were his way of making sure she knew this.
Evie finally looked up and pressed her lips to his. “You should probably go before Fairy Godmother catches you out past curfew,” she mumbled.
Doug sighed and kissed her back one last time. “Goodnight Evie,” he said as he started to move towards the door.
“Night,” she followed, closing the door behind him.
She turned back towards her bed, noticing a new folded piece of paper on the floor, her name written across the front in the same familiar handwriting.
She rolled her eyes, and her smile widened as she picked it up.
She felt so lucky.  __________________________________________________________________
Evie sat upright on her bed as Doug strummed his guitar from her desk chair. She couldn’t help but smile as she watched him, so focused on the notes. Ben had wanted them to take the song that he performed for Mal when he was spelled and slow it down for the proposal. Doug had been working on the arrangement for a while, and he was playing it for Evie’s approval before he taught it to the band.
“It’s perfect,” she admitted as he strummed the last note. “Doug, you’re so talented. MIT (Magical Institute Training) is so lucky to have you as their Drum Major.”
Evie’s smile fell slightly after she spoke. Graduation was approaching faster each day, and everything was changing so fast. Jay and Doug were heading off to separate colleges, Mal and Ben were embarking on a tour of the kingdom, and Lonnie was going to play R.O.A.R. as a professional, but thankfully Carlos and Jane would still be attending Auradon Prep.
Evie wasn’t exactly sure what her future was going to look like. She and Doug had spoken about this a little, but she didn’t really have a place to go. She wasn’t sure if she had enough money to buy a castle yet, but she wanted to stay in Auradon and continue working on Evie’s4Hearts and getting more VKs into Auradon Prep. She saw college as a possibility in her future, but for now, her top priority was getting kids off the Isle.
“And Auradon is lucky to have you as their number one fashion designer,” Doug added, moving to sit next to her.
Evie nodded, her smile back in full effect. “And the number one council member in support of the VK initiative.”
Doug smirked, “And you called me talented?” He threw his arm over her shoulder as they both giggled. “I was gonna wait and tell you next weekend.... but I have a surprise.”
Evie turned to look at him, curiosity dazzling in her eyes.
“I know you’ve been worried about having a place to stay next year, but I looked over the numbers again and Evie, I think we can make it work. I found this one place that I think could be really great-“
Evie cut him off with a kiss. “Thank you,” She exclaimed, hugging him tightly.
Doug pulled her over towards the computer, and as he typed, pictures of Evie’s perfect “starter castle” filled the screen. She stood behind him, arms hugging his chest and chin resting on his shoulder as they looked through the pictures, smiling and imagining the purposes for each room.
“I can’t believe it!” Evie cheered, standing up and twirling around her room. “I’m finally gonna have my own castle!”
Doug spun around and grabbed his guitar, strumming some notes and creating a silly “Evie’s getting a castle” song. They both laughed and continued to mess around until they heard a “Knock it off!” come from the hall. 
They felt so alive.
“Okay so that’s 6 new dresses,” Evie spoke aloud as she scribbled the orders furiously in her notebook. With much of her money going towards a castle, her and Doug had been putting in extra work with Evie’s4Hearts to make up for it. 
Doug stood by the clothing rack, tagging her recent creations with one hand and calculating the numbers in the other.
“Eve, you still have a month,” he reminded her, hoping to alleviate some of her stress.
“I know, I know,” she responded, even though a month really wasn’t that much time. She moved away too quickly, accidentally knocking her notebook onto the floor, sketches flying everywhere.
Evie let out a frustrated groan as she started to gather her sketches, Doug rushing over to help. She sighed and sat on the floor, back against her bed. “Maybe I need to take a lunch break...”
Doug smirked and sat on the floor next to her. “I think that might be helpful.”
She finally let out a small laugh and looked over at him, “When did our lives get so crazy? I swear just the other day our biggest responsibility was studying for Chemistry!”
Doug laughed. “It has always been crazy since you, Mal, Jay, and Carlos arrived to liven things up,” he joked. “Plus, you’ve always been crazy about your sketches,” he added, pulling one out from the pile he had in his hands.
“That turned out to be a pretty nice dress, huh?” She smirked, admiring her old design.
Doug nodded, “But this one has always been my favorite.” He pulled a sketch of Evie’s cotillion dress out of the pile.
She chuckled, her cheeks blushing when she remembered how much fun they had dancing that night. “Making it short was the perfect call considering the amount of water that ended up on the boat!”
They continued to reminisce over some of Evie’s old designs until Doug pulled out one of the poems he’d written. He smiled to himself, knowing she kept them in her sketchbook.
“Now we can admire your work,” she beamed, picking up her favorite one.
“Oh, it’s really nothing-“
“Doug come on, this is really good,” she urged as he looked over it. “Have you ever... have you ever thought about writing songs?”
Doug pondered her question for a second. “Not really, but a few of us were thinking about starting a band this summer, you know, to stay in practice before we head off to school...”
Evie’s eyes widened. “Doug that’s amazing!” She exclaimed, searching for more poems. “Here, take some of these. I know you could turn them into great songs!”
Doug couldn’t help but smile as Evie rambled on about what the band’s look should be. She was so excited to be able to support him in something, just as he had supported her these past few years. He took her hand and continued to listen, reading over the poems. Sure, they were some of his best work, but it’s who inspired them that really mattered.  
He felt so loved.
“Wow, all that castle for such a small price!” Evie exclaimed as she faced her new purchase.
“And it’s not that far from MIT,” Doug added, taking the “For Sale” sign out of the yard and joining her to admire the starter castle.
“Now I know why it was your favorite,” Evie teased grabbing his arm. “But it is perfect, really.”
“I think Dizzy will like it too.”
Evie beamed just thinking about having Dizzy and other VKs staying with her here in only a few months, not to mention how excited she was for Dizzy to meet her friends at Auradon Prep, including Doug. “Oh, she’ll love it.”
Evie honestly couldn’t believe she was here, about to graduate Auradon Prep and now the owner of her own castle in Auradon. She had dreamed of this ever since she was little, although, at that point, she expected to marry a prince to get her there.
“I’m so proud of you.”
Evie looked at Doug, snapping out of her own thoughts and processing his words.
“I love- it!“ she started before catching herself, laughing off the word she almost said. “Let me show you my favorite part!”
Doug allowed himself to be dragged through the side door by Evie. There was a wing on the side of her new home with glass walls, letting in so much natural light.
“It’s the perfect new spot for Evie’s4Hearts,” she marveled, admiring the space.
“I can’t wait to see what you create in here,” Doug gushed, walking up to her from behind to put his hands on her shoulders and give them a squeeze.
Evie blushed, turning around to face him. “I can’t thank you enough for believing in me,” she blurted, almost unaware of the words that had come out of her ruby red lips.
“You don’t have to,” Doug soothed, pulling her close. “I’m your biggest fan!”
Evie giggled. “Mal might argue with you on that one,” she teased, “but I’m your biggest fan.”
Doug kissed her quick as they swayed in the middle of her new fashion studio. Evie’s friends would be arriving soon to check the place out, but for now, they enjoyed the peace and quiet that they knew wouldn’t last long in this house.
Evie was so excited, looking around the room and the halls beyond it. She could see the new VKs running through the halls, full of excitement and energy from trying ice cream for the first time. She could see Doug coming to visit for one of their movie nights, the two of them snuggled up on the couch.  She could see Carlos and Jane coming over to share what’s new at Auradon Prep. She could see Jay coming to visit after one of his tourney games, and Mal coming over for girl time when she needed a break from being Queen. She could see this room full of her designs and creations that were still to come.  
She knew this place was going to be special, but she didn’t know it would be where she would have to wake Doug from a spell with true love’s kiss later this summer, or where he would play her his first song from the poems he’d written in just a few weeks. She didn’t know it would be where they came to celebrate after Doug’s band’s first show, or where she received a school acceptance letter a few years down the line.
Although her starter castle allowed her to stay and make many new memories in Auradon, she knew it wasn’t just the house that made her feel at home, and for that, she was grateful.
They were home.
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orenonahaichigoda · 4 years
I had a rough day, and came to a realisation. I will say a bit about my own experience, and then, after having to lay the groundwork of explaining 400 things about Japan because American schools and media think the whole world is the US, Western Europe, and places to blow up, making explaining necessary, will tie it to Ichigo, or at least how I portray him.
I'm Post Dankai Juniors, growing up in Japan. So's Kubo, actually. The boundaries of this Japanese generation are roughly '75 to '85, Yutori, the following generation that's always translated and localised as Millennial, pretty solidly set as beginning at '86. These things are always fuzzy because you can't vivisect living brains and find the part that likes char siu buns and the part that likes jazz fusion. I *majored* in Social Science. You'll have teachers who say "it is absolute that we date people who are similar to us because we're all actually narcists." (It *might* be because they're like our beloved family or community. Narcistic Personality is not universal) But it really just is fuzzy, and that teacher/book author is an idiot. Anyway, Yutori is always translated as Millennial. I don't know the end boundary. Post Dankai Juniors covers almost totally a debated throe for Germanic nations (I know Britain, Germany, and Nederland use the same generations as America, and their languages are Germanic) because of how fuzzy it all is, though.
Anyway, so since coming to the US, my interactions with other Asians, again, how is this defined when China, Mongolia, Japan all border Russia and West Asia includes Jordan and Saudi Arabia, South Asia is India's area, Southeast Asia is Laos, Thailand's area, I mean, find the Arabic kanji. I don't think Thailand even uses soy sauce. What the heck IS Asia, really? (Or "Middle East" when half of that's Africa and the other half shares plate with Europe? )
Anyway, my experience with Asians that are Boomer ages tends to be people who immigrated as adults, who more identity with a generation like "Dankai" or "Sirake." My experiences with Latinos older than me... I've never actually asked if the generational labels are even the same.
The thing about that is that when the name is the same, it means enough cultural traits are shared.
My biggest experience with people who grew up under the term "Boomer" are Black and white.
I've noticed a unifying trait.
If they're something oppressed (Black, gay), their attitude tends to be"it is mandatory to stand up for *my* demograph...but kicking the person behind me on the ladder in the teeth is wholesome, pure, and fun."
Outing me to large groups and saying I "speak Asian" seem to be the most common two. Calling me "Chinese" long after I've cleared this up for them is a close third.
I mean, don't get me wrong--my experience with Italian Americans past GI generation has been that now acquiring the "white" label, just like biphobic/aphobic/transphobic cisgays, they're more often staunch priveledge defenders than cishet people of Anglo descent! And it's just as true for X and Y as it is for Boomer (for the latter, one need only look at NYC destroyer and trump defender Giuliani) I actually don't really identify with my Italian side at all because I was kinda locked out of making any meaningful connection.
But back to my point that even in so-leftist-it's-almost-not-America Bay Area, Boomers are still like this!
The kind of stuff that flows out a X/Y TERF's mouth, or the mouth of an X/Y person with a Confederate flag on his wall, American-raised Boomers say with ease regardless of their alignment! It's banananas.
(Please note that I also just have not met a whole lot of Native Americans, period, nor enough people significantly older than me from any one place in Africa, that was an omission of lacking data, not intended as erasure)
How I tie it to Ichigo--
So Kubo avoids specifying birth years for anyone.
When I see something like this, I generally assume date of publication, as do most people in most fandoms (which of course gets screwy when you have something endlessly rebooted like Superman or Batman or something eternally unchanging like Detective Conan)
Anyway, the first Bleach something published was the comic in '01.
I generally assume it was supposed to be the start of a new school year, as Ichigo doesn't know many of his classmates until at least the first test scores come out. So it's probably April or something.
If Ichigo was 15 then, he'd also be Post Dankai Juniors, just barely. If Ichigo TURNED 15 shortly after, during his adventure, he'd be undebatably Millennial.
Now, there is still something up with Dankai and Sirake. PM Abe is the latter, b. 1954. A lot of his age-peers are behind him. This is the guy who supports remilitarisation and was caught funding a private militarist/fascist high(?) school that teaches that people from countries Japan conquered during its brief phase of trying to beat colonial Europe are less than dogs.
Now, I left there as a teen. Clinton was US president. Scandals still got people kicked out of public office in Japan. I hadn't figured or come out yet. Sure, I got bullied for being mixed, but kids will pick if you like different singers than the "cool" ones. They'll pick based on what's in your lunch. That data is sausage.
I'm not 100% sure what Ichigo would face day-to-day sociopolitically as he grew up/aged. I haven't had living family since'95 there, and friendships don't get deep enough to ever last distance until at least high school. For me, adulthood.
But I've kept/caught up enough (you try keeping up in the South before the internet was more than ten University sites!) that I know he'd face fascists (c'mon, the guy takes on a martial law government to save a new friend--that's anarchist, he just doesn't seem anarchist in his own world. He only fights humans in defence) I'm not sure how he'd feel about the JSDF, but he only fought the sinigami's war out of feeling like it was his responsibility because the adults around him kinda made it so. I super don't see him being for *starting* wars. In a human war, I see him actually being like Sugihara Chiune, a historical figure who died when I was a kid who I majorly admire. He worked at a Japanese embassy in Nazi territory, and when the embassy was evacuated,he continued throwing passports to Jewish people to go to Japan from the train he was departing on,and is hidden from Americans in the same spirit that Martin Luther King is...pulled the teeth out of. (PS, speaking of,go Google Steven Kiyosi Kuromiya)
Also, Ichigo's whole schtick is defending those worse off than him. He's not someone I see defending Yamato Japanese priveledge. Heck, I could see him joining Uchinanchu efforts to get Parliament and the US base to leave them alone. I can easily see him sticking up for a Filipino domestic worker he met thirty seconds ago.
To this end, I think regardless of what he is, he'd have a large rub with Japan's equivalents of Boomers.
Not to mention that Abe supporters tend to be very sexist and queerphobic, which isn't even homegrown but imported from Américanisation. I mean, there were female warriors--assasins, which is what Yoruichi and Soi-Fon are styled after, and go look at some Ukiyoe, like Utagawa Kitamaro. Quite a few artists in the 200-ish years of the Edo period depicted life in the queer districts. I've also had people posit that Noh might've been a welcoming draw for trans people the same way drag was all over the US in the twentieth century and still is in rural areas, where there's less cisgay gatekeeping. But this isn't something I can reasonably research without access to plenty of older and not well known dusty documents, and lots of time, and I live in the US many years now. And do you know how much round trip airfare alone is!? Also, the language changed so much and I can't read anything before Meiji without dropping words. Rukia, Byakuya, Yoruichi all have made for TV old-sounding Japanese like period dramas. Actual 18th Century Japanese would be unintelligible to the unspecialised.
So this stuff isn't really native, but Abe and a lot of people his age support all these -isms.
I super don't see Ichigo being happy about this.
(I also feel like Issin's old enough to remember before these -isms, but that's my own thing. In my project, he was in those districts, but that's me)
At the same time, I'm still writing this through my own lens. Also, not still being there, I just don't have enough data on Yutori in adulthood, or the grown Yutori lens. Honestly, even most other immigrants I meet are older than that. Or older than that and their adorable three year old children. So I have no clue.
In the early 2000s, I got myself from the South to CA and began to reconnect, but began to is the key phrase. I can tell you right now that Abe is as much of a second phase of Nakasone as trump is of Nakasone's buddy Regean. But what shifted when, I can't say. I'm not entirely sure how Koizumi ran the ship, as it were. I know some things, but not enough to say.
But whenever things shifted however, and whichever year Ichigo was born, I just cannot imagine him being any more on board with current events than really anyone in my area not born between 1946-1964 and raised in America.
I feel like he'd probably be too tired or self-effacing to fight for himself, but he'd take on, loud and proud, any bigotry against *others.*
I...also can't really say I'm much different, except my joints are held together by the power of wishes, so I'm more like "get the victim to safety" than "give the attacker plenty of regret." So, I can only do anything in limited ways.
Ichigo is also entirely fuelled by the power of love. Lost his ability to protect and feels like his sinigami friends ditched him? Mondo depressed, however much he wants no one to notice--which most do a great job of ignoring! Everyone in his world turned against him for a guy who has attacked people close to him? Terrified, and murder can now be an answer. (Fullbring Arc)
I was going somewhere with that. I've forgotten, but I'll leave it.
But anyway, I feel like he really only comes close to fighting for himself when others are taken away from him in a way that's also wronging them.
So yeah, I super don't see him happy with current events or Sirake gen.
I'm not sure how much I see him fighting for himself as mixed panromantic grey-ace. I mean, we know he fights people who are about to punch his face in for his looks, but what else can you reasonably do at that point? Get your head bashed in? I'm not sure how much I see him fighting hateful words pointed at him versus resigning himself to "people are the worst." I mean, when he talks about being picked on, he kinda seems resigned, or at least like it's a fact, like shoes being for outside or something.
I guess I tied it to Ichigo a lot better than I thought!
But also, the struggle against people born just after the war is not just you, and not just America. It's a major problem.
And it's likely that Ichigo would agree.
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Ninjago headcanons
So i decided to make some ninjago headcanons just because.
Burned the floor once when he was mad
Listens to rock
Bragging about everything he does untill someone does it and does it better than him (also upsets him so the ninja usually dont attemt to beat him (except Nya))
Total flirt
Hates sleeping with socks
Can't speak other languages than english (he really tried to learn spanish and french but he's just really bad at it)
"uhh Je suis kai and je ne parle francais"
Drinks beer (sometimes a little too much) and watches football/soccer
Skylor wasn't his first kiss (already kissed a girl he met on the streets when he was hanging with his friends. After a few times of hanging together they became closer and she kissed him. He really liked her but she had to move to another part of ninjago)
Hates reading (he has dyslexia)
"you still haven't finished that book huh?" "yea im not planning to do so"
Sensei never asks him to read out loud either because he knows kai hates it and it takes a while and he says 'uhh' a lot
Super protective over everyone (even Cole and sensei
Makes jokes like "go make me a sandwich" not because he actually means it wrong but because he knows it annoys the hell out of Nya
Bites his nails
"Kai your hands are discusting"-Nya
Would probably get slapped a lot if he would say what he thinks
Is afraid of spiders
Dorito adiction (not only the hot ones)
Has 0 patience
Once slapped jay because he asked for the salt after being incredibly anoying to him (not a really hard slap just enough to scare him)
More hot than handsome (he kind of has the atitude that matches his face)
Big buff n cake luff
Tallest out of the ninja
Also has the biggest hands
Can't propperly hold knife and fork when at a restaurant because of this
Loves going outside and just laying there (preferably on grass or dirt but because they're on the bounty a lot he lies on wood planks a lot)
Gets sea sick
Isn't afraid to try new food
Hates breaking things (most of the time including rules)
Once he jumped belly down on his bed and broke it (he was devistated)
Speaks english and a little spanish
Looks like he could kill you but is actually a sinamon roll
Loves drawing (mostly with pencil)
He kind of has a hate-love relationship with rain (he loves watching it and going outside and just the feeling of it and the smell, but it turns the eath into mud and it gets a mess when he uses his elimental power)
Never kissed before
Can play the piano
Can sing a little (not amazing but hey its something)
Loves reading mistery books
Has trouble starting a new book (usually isn't over the old one yet)
Can't put a book down when he finally starts in one and takes it with him EVERYWHERE (a lot of times sensei has to take it from his hands so he can focus on training or actually eating breakfast)
Loves animals but is hella scared of them at first
"Cole come pet/hold this (animal)!" nahh im good i'll just watch from over here"
Is good with kid's but doesn't especially like them (i mean like they are okay but sometimes he finds them anoying and just needs some quiet)
Does groceries (with nya)
Likes to watch while Jay is playing video games (he's not really good at them but he does like them so win-win)
Jay is his best friend evenrhough they fight all the time
"Cole your cooking is shitty" "not as shitty as YOUR FACE"
Does his own laundry (well, half of it. The ninja have a rule that they can only have one laundry basket full and since cole is a lot bigger then most of them his clothes take more space)
Has a crush on Nya but won't make any moves because he knows how Jay feelf about her and Jay would never forgive him if he would
Looks hella good in a suit but hates wearing one because it's always to tight around his arms (and pretty much everywhere else)
Not really a softy but really cares about the emotions of other people and can't stand it when they're feeling bad
Is very proud of himself because together with zane he is the only one that doesn't cry when Mufasa dies in The Lion King
Really likes thay/chinese food
Never gets angry because he feels like he is really intimidating (what is true)
Doesn't really talks about his feelings until someone else shares theirs first
Keeps a cookiejar on top of the kitchen cabinets where no one can reach it (except Zane but he wouldn't do that)
Pretty patient and will warn you if he gets angry
"Jay stop i can't do this right now" "but-" "Jay no stop you are really annoying me right now"
Can whistle pretty good
Acts like he doesnt care but cares
Gets really upset when someone eats his chocolate (he still doesn't know who eats it but he's determent to find out)
Watches to much youtube
And vines
He's the one true meme lord (he held a meme competition with Lloyd but Lloyd lost so he is the meme prince)
Not a picky eater but just has a love for certain meals so he prefers to eat that over everything else (like way worse than normal people)
When he's nervous he can't stop talking
Always finishes last with diner because he spend most of the time talking to the others
Can't whistle
Has a huge ass crush on Nya
Really dislikes spiders (he's not really afraid but he still can't sleep if there is one making a web above his bed)
Cries the most in public out of all ninja (mostly fake because of a prank or to make a lie seem more real)
Finds everything funny
"Jay wth why are you laughing?" *jay points at scandal on the ground while laughing*
Shortest male ninja out of the group
Hates cole that cole hang the mirror in the bedroom because it hangs just a little too high for him (like he can see himself, but just his face when he stands up straight
Probably hetero
Nya was his first kiss
Kai still doesn't know because they think he'll flip
Had a little gay crush on Cole but like a really small one (probably more because he's really close to Cole and Cole always listens to him when he needs to rant about something and because Cole's pretty hot)
Doesn't drink at all (mostly because he knows Nya hates it when he or her brother drink, but he also thinks beer a little too bitter for his taste. he does still drinks 0.0% sometimes, but only when he ate a lot of sweets for a long time and he craves something else)
Actually hates rain but pretends to like it because he knows Nya loves it
Has a lot of inside jokes with different people
Couch hogger
His fav fruit is banana (is more of an veggie person tho)
Really loves spinach
When he was little and didn't want to eat his food his parents told him it was spinach)
He always eats to much snacks before diner so he eats a small portion
Everyone thinks he has ADHD but he hasn't
He does have light insomnia and it takes him atleast an hour and a half to fall asleep if not more
Knows a lot
Likes reading (reads more comics that actual books but also likes reading normal books)
His favorite genre is sci-fi
Loves fixing Zane together with Nya
Sometimes tends to react on non-serious things serious
Loves it when Jay and Nya are repairing him because there is a lot he doesn't know about his robo-body
Sometimes wonders if his emotions are real or that the computer part of him is just telling him this is how he should be feeling
Really quick reflexes
2nd tallest out of the ninja
Enjoys meditating with sensei sometimes
Feels misunderstood and sometimes left out because there are somethings that the other ninja do that he just doesn't understand
He can push away his emotions easy tho because he mostly relies on his head instead of his heart
The only time they saw him cry was when jay called him cold-hearted once (no pun intended). Jay really regrets it and later went to Zane's room to apologize and cried a little too
Doesn't really know what his sexual preference is. He kind of likes girls like the others, but he doesn't make a big deal of it.
Does not like being in the rain (spoiler season 5 i think) before he became the titanium ninja because he was afraid he would rust. After that he loved it and goes oustide a lot when it rains because he doesn't have to be afraid of that anymore
Drank beer before but he doesnt like the idea of being drunk so he doesn't drink. It's fun too without alcohol
Doesn't talk much during diner but really enjoys listening to everyone else talking and laughing
Usually does the laundry if sensei is sick (then he also washes Cole's clothes)
Let's Nya paint his nails because ot makes her really happy. He doesn't really understand why people care so much about 'what is for boys' and 'what is for girls' and he actually kind of likes it afterwards too and he thinks its a shame it already starts crumbling after a day. His favorite nail polish is the one with silver glitters.
Was the first one who knew Cole was bi
Was really cool about it ofcourse (pun intended hehe)
Has a small bed for his falcon
Also goes to talk to the falcon when he is upset
"whatever i'll go to talk to my falcon or something"
Has a lot of patience like A LOT
Doesn't talk much but says the best things and really says the things you need to hear at the moment
Likes Kai the least out of the ninja because he thinks Kai can be mean without a reason
Together with kai he is the only one who enjoys spicy food out of the ninja because it is a really extreme taste and as a nindroid he can have it
His face is perfectly symmetrical so you could say he is handsome
Body temperature depends on the weather
Nya once burned her hand on him when it was really hot outside (Zane felt really bad about it even if he didn't do something wrong)
Oldest but they don't excactly know how old (but somewhere between 25 and 50 years)
Talks to himself a lot
Loves plants (but only has cacti because he always forgets to water them and cacti dont die easy)
Loves drawing (he mostly makes pen drawing because he always looses his pencils and usually draws when he is bored
He is pretty good actually
He LOVES disney and they sometimes watch disney movies together
He has a disney playlist and he always sings disney songs
"i can show you tha world" "Lloyd stop no"
"Iiiiiiitts supercalifragilisticexpialidiocous" "supercali-what?" "omg Kai how do you not know that even Jay knows that"
Cries the most out of the ninja
Doesnt like being seen crying but if you ask him a second time if he is okay just to be sure he'll snap
Really insecure
Has no idea if he is handsome or not (he kind of thinks he is but then he looks in the mirror for a while and he is like 'nevermind im ugly lmao' but he is actually pretty darn handsome, but has like an unique face. He askes the others what they think about him when he gets in a 'brave' mood and they think he looks handsome (except for kai who actually has no idea) but he kind of thinks they are saying it because they know thats what he wants to hear and because they don't know his face as well as he does)
"kai do you think i'm handsome?" "sure dude" "but like average handsome or handsome handsome?" "wtf i don't know"
Doesn't like being put in a box (like clothing style or sexual preference or highschool stereotypes)
If you say something mean to him he will think about if for atleast a month
He hates giving presentations even tho he doesn't mind standing in front of a group of people when he is fooling around
Loves rain and snow
Really mature or really childish. There is no inbetween
Can whistle but really bad
Has never kissed and is convinced that girls don't like him (they do they REALLY do)
Meme prince
Out of the ninja the most shy about his body (what is a shame because he loves swimming. He still does go swimming with them and soon reallises that no one cares. Everytime this repeats itself)
Is really good with people but prefers to be alone or with a small group of friends (he kind of likes meeting new people but he is afraid he'll say something wrong or that they don't really like him but just don't say that to his face because 'that's rude')
Loves wool for some reason
Is a morning person. He doesn't need a lot of sleep (unless he's not feeling well mentally/physically) so he can scroll through instagram at 12:30 and be up at 6 without any problems
When he isn't feeling well he can actually sleep for like 12 hours a day
First one up on christmass day
Always hot or cold
Has like 6 blankets (one is fuzzy, one is really big, one is thin, one for when he's in the livingroom watching tv and it gets cold, one for on the floor next to his bed so his feet won't touch the cold floor in the morning and one that he takes with him to the diningtable for breakfast
When he's hot he gets cute little pink cheeks and tries to cool his face down (he sometimes asks zane to put his hands on his cheeks to cool them)
Can cook but not as good as Zane. He can make simple meals but sometimes does burn the hamburgers or adds to much salt
Mostly because he eats a lot of salt himself. The others hate it because they cant eat his food because of this
Really is a hugger but only with certain people. He won't admit it tho because he thinks everyone will find it weird but he really craves physical afection. (Also because his mom and dad weren't there when he was a kid and he didn't have a lot of friends or a girlfriend and he is to shy to ask for a hug)
Shuts everyone out when he is stressed (not before a battle tho, then he tries to be with everyone as much as possible)
He kind of understands why is mom left him and is kind of glad she is there for him now, but still doesn't understand some things... (Like why couldn't she come back earlier. He was already capable of taking care of himself so that couldn't have been the problem)
He doesn't really like it that his mother was together with Wu before his father became good (even tho he was happy for her and he did understand her choice) but he feels like it's none of his buisiness
Tearable at math (unless you make a story of it with things that interest him like 'if fritz donnigan would jump off a building that is 20 meters high with a rope atached to the pole that is...' Etc.)
3rd tallest out of the ninja
The youngest but the oldest (if you don't count Zane)
Really loves bordgames
Has ADD (ADHD without hyperactivity for those who don't know)
Loves animals a lot
"look a dog" "look horses!" "OMG is that an alpaca!?"
Loves strawberries the most. Also really loves pineapple but doesn't eat it too much because it hurts his mouth (does anyone else have that too?)
A fruit eater (he would love to eat like 4 pieces a day but because fruit still contains a lot of sugar he can't (sensei says so))
He is a very picky eater, so the ninja usually eat the same seven meals every week.
He hates vegetables (except green ones, he still kind of likes the green ones like spinach, broccoli, lettuce, endive and peas)
If someone cooks something he doesn't like he won't eat it.
He usually doesn't eat a dessert (sensei hates this because he can't say 'if you don' t eat your food you won't get a dessert' because Lloyd literally doesn't care and replies with 'pfft okay')
Listens to all kinds of music (can go from 3 days of grace to ariana grande)
Lets Nya paint his nails green sometimes but not on weekdays. He is afraid that other people will think its weird.
Sweet tooth (he once ate so much candy that he was really darn sick for a good three days)
Badass like really badass
"what do i get if i win? "
Still likes girly stuff tho
Loves painting her nails (and Zanes and sometimes Lloyds)
Actually doesn't like rain (pretents to love it because 'jay loves it'). When they found out they both don't like it they die with laughter and everytime it rains they joke about it
Loves repairing Zane with Jay
Does groceries (with Cole) and really enjoys that, because she feels like she and Cole hang out way too little
Has light dyslexia but its not really noticeable for others
Has a secret little sweet tooth and is the one eating Cole's chocolate
Not really competitive, but when Kai is bragging she has to beat him
Loves tropical islands (she has imaginairy planned a lot of trips for her and the ninja but she knows that they'll never happen)
Loves kai so much that she would die for him but he'd better not touch her charger or he's the one dying
Kind of clumsy (she breaks at least one thing a week and always ends up with a lot of bruises from walking into things)
Hates when kai makes sexist jokes
Definetly gets angry a lot (and looks really cute when she is)
Loves the sea (when they land the bounty in the sea she'll always sit on the edge with her feet in the water)
Wants to dress up as a mermaid with one of those tails
Has atleast broken 3 noses (one guy was trying out the wrong girl, one time when they were younger Kai was bullied by older kids and one time she accidentally broke jay's nose. He was sneeking up on her, trying to be funny and her instincts took over. She felt really bad and apoligized non stop for two weeks)
Jay and her also had their first kiss somewhere in those two weeks (it was really awkward tho because Jay had this thing on his broken nose)
Would definetly dress sexier if her brother wasn't around
"what the hell are you thinking you are not going out like that"-Kai
Will take every chance she has to wear a gala/cocktail dress
Loves men in suit
Had a crush on cole before and in the beginning of joining the team and had a hard time figuring out if she was over Cole and really liked Jay now, but she is over him
Really likes Jay but is annoyed by him. He also really needs a lot of attention and can sometimes make jokes on the wrong moments. But no one is perfect and she knows that and accepts him for who he is
Really likes popsicles
Eats a lot but doesn't get fat (even if she doesn't train)
Loves eyes (she is obsessed with Lloyd's eyes because "mostly they have like this REALLY green color but when he gets angry they are red and when he got his holden powers there was like this golden line in them and urg they're so pretty")
Loves horror games
She really enjoys playing it with Jay around because he DEFINETLY DOESN'T like horror and she finds it hilarious when he actually jumps at jumpscares
Could be a morning person but stays up too late so she is always tired and getting up is the hardest thing ever for her
Loves fashion and makeup (but her skin sometimes reacts really bad on some makeup so she doesn't wear it very often)
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