#rip her obsession with remus
enbysiriusblack · 1 year
marauders favourite music artists:
sirius- queen
mary- elton john
lily- abba
james- fleetwood mac
marlene- the runaways
peter- the cure
remus- david bowie
dorcas- prince
regulus- henry purcell
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toorumlk · 1 month
Hi I'm so freaking obsessed with your twitter.
Also what's your favorite Romione moment in the books and why?
ohohoho thank you, friend, i’m quite proud of some of the stuff i’ve posted on there B)
and as for my favourite romione moment in the books, when i read the question i first blanked out for a couple minutes, thinking of a bunch of smaller, sillier scenes. but then i remembered that i do have a favourite and it’s from chapter 11 of DH, when remus visited the trio at grimmauld place and filled them in on he goings on of the war -including the implementation of the muggle-born registry. ron’s response upon hearing this (after his immediate outrage) was
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and it’s not just the hand holding and the “‘you won’t have a choice’ said Ron fiercely” that played out so vividly in my head like this:
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but this scene demonstrates so perfectly the political weight of this pairing (muggleborn/blood traitor) which i think is the immovable narrative foundation of romione. all of their silly moments and idiosyncrasies aside, there is genuine narrative purpose behind this love. ron has always had an astute understanding of the blood supremacist politics of the wizarding world (need i remind that he was ready to curse shitco at the ripe age of 12 for calling hermione the in-universe slur) and just how wrong it is. ron is a pure-blood wizard and by design has so much privilege in this society bc of it, but by virtue of having parents like arthur and molly, he’s grown up knowing the importance of fighting against blood supremacist ideology. always.
so, after hearing about the completely horrifying muggleborn registry ("People won't let this happen," said Ron. "It is happening, Ron," said Lupin.), he immediately turns to his muggleborn best friend and love of his life and says “i’m making you a family member, i’m going to use the protection my family-name has and use it to protect you from the awful injustice of our situation, no you won’t have a choice but to let me help you”
i remember having such a… visceral reaction while reading this scene like holy shit .. these kids, THESE KIDS!!!!! this is the bone-marrow-deep love that makes me feel insane. this dynamic of the blood traitor/muggleborn always there, from CoS all the way to the epilogue. We get to see that romione is the story’s pure blood/muggleborn that finally made it (rip jily and tedromeda :(). we see it in hermione keeping her muggle last name after they get married (oh my god these two actually got married) and we also see it in the hyphenated Granger-Weasley (granger being first!) in their kids’ last names (oh my gof these two had TWO kids). they are a true symbol of change and progress in their world.
also this is one of those moments where i’m so glad that our only window to romiones relationship development is through harry’s narration because it so brilliantly shows the readers this blossoming love story instead of just telling us about it because harry obviously doesn’t have access to the inner thoughts of his two best friends, he can only witness them fall deeper in love. showing the audience acts of love is always more powerful and my god is this an act of showing your love to your beloved.
(and not to go on an unrelated tangent, but this is exactly why i could never ship my girl hermione w any DE or DE-adjacent character. no fucking way. not when the concept of a muggle-born registry exists in this universe, not when the antagonists in this story wish to eradicate people like her from their society. idk about the rest of y’all but im going to keep taking the narrative seriously bc the worldbuilding obviously has real world ties/implications and i like engaging with the canon. tangently to the tangent, i saw someone (a ron basher) on twitter say that ron, OUR RON FROM THE ABOVE EXCERPT, was “one bad day away from becoming a death eater” ohhhh ohhh i ought to beat you with sticks bc HUH? this is the same kid who said he would’ve boarded the train back to kings cross if he got sorted to slytherin, the house notorious for birthing DEs, at the tender age of 11)
anyways, all this to say is that romione is incredibly, realistically, materially romantic and i love them and i love their love <3
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jellyfishsthings · 1 year
Warnings: minors do not interact, smut, in a closet, remus eating pussy religiously while having fem!reader in his shoulders, obsessed Remus (super smelling kinda thing due to lycanthropy), fluffy at the end...
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The bell rang.
Thank God class is over.
I walk back to my dorm where Stella will be waiting for me for our study date. My pace is hurried as I want to escape the crowded halls. People bump into me as I try to navigate through them. A hand grabs me and shoves me into one of the many janitor closets.
It's so dark I can not make anything out. A tall presence looms so close that I can feel a hot breath on my face. The familiar scent that wraps around me betrays him in an instant. Remus, all 6'5 inches of him, is so extremely close. My back rests on the cold stone wall, as he dips down and tilts my chin with his fingers as he kisses me.
The kiss starts off slow and sweet but when he deems it enough, after he has turned me into a human puddle, he pushes me roughly against the wall and my mouth opens as I gasp. He takes this as an invitation, and slips his tongue inside my mouth, dominating the kiss. He bites my lip and lets it pop.
"God I missed you," he says as he starts kissing my jawline and leaving hickeys down my throat. "You saw me two hours ago," I say back.
"Don't care, want you" he whispers as he hooks his hands in my thighs and pats me gently there. So I jump and let my legs wrap around his waist.
"Stay quiet" he commands and rips my uniform open, letting both our jackets drop to the ground and popping open my shirt, letting the buttons fly everywhere. He shoots me a devilish smile that looks downright wolfish and opens the clasp of my bra, removing it and then massaging my breasts.
Breathy moans leave as he bites my nipple and circles the other. "I thought I told you to stay quiet" he whispers with a particularly harsh suck and twists my other nipple. My back straightens as he places both his hands under my tits, pushing my almost bare back against the wall, and gives them his undivided attention. My hips roll against his unconsciously and my head knocks into the wall while I bite my bottom lip to stay quiet.
"I can smell you, you know. Your arousal and I can pinpoint the exact moment you are turned on. It drives me crazy, trying to contain myself and not take you against every possible surface, even bend you over a desk. Do you know the effect you have on me? The way you drive me crazy, the way you leave me throbbing each time you argue with me?" These words were delivered directly onto her skin as he left a hot trail of kisses towards her centre.
He placed her on his shoulders with a swift lift manhandling her clothed cunt directly in his face. Winking at her and then burying his face underneath her school skirt. Kisses and long licks were delivered in her panties. Teasing her as always. "Remus", was the soft sigh that seemed to have been screamed to her roaring ears and encouraged him to continue.
"My God, you are dripping. I have to taste you now." He hummed, letting the vibrations of his voice draw out muffled moans. He bit her panties and tore them with his teeth. As soon as his tongue came in contact with her bare skin he moaned and tightly grabbed her ass, bringing her as close as possible. His tongue entered her and she fisted her hands with his soft curly locks. He pressed his tongue flat against her clit after he licked her up and down, collecting anything he got in the way. Her back arched. He started moving it in figure-eights and her hands tried to find something to steady herself. Her hands brushed the ceiling.
Her hands brushed and scratched the ceiling.
It was as if a silent conversation was happening between the two of them. Every one of his actions caused such loud reactions, making him pick up his pace.
"Rem- I … close… please". Her toes curled and scratched his back as her knees raised. The only thing keeping her in place was the wall and his hands that pushed her against his face so he could devour her. As she came he continued eating her out making her see pure bliss. As she calmed down he set her to her wobbly legs and started dressing her. When he was done he let her rest on him until she gained some of her strength. "Kiss" she demanded. He chuckled as he kissed her lips and her forehead, mouthing "bossy as always".
"Don't you-" she asked.
"No, I got all I need. Plus, I'll see you later, won't I?"
Yeah, yeah he would. She couldn't contain herself from all the things she imagined that he would possibly do to her. She shuddered and answered "See you at 10, dear" as she made to exit the closet and threw a kiss his way. Her escape though was cut short as he wrapped his hands around her middle and brought her to his front. Tickling her side and dropping kisses on her neck and shoulders. Her laugh echoed in the small room that barely fitted them both and he basked in her happiness.
I wish I will be able to hear this sound for the rest of my life.
The thought scared him but didn't catch him by surprise. He had thought about it before. She was his equal in every way. And one day… he would have the courage to propose with his mother's ring that he kept hidden in one of his drawers.
word count: 955
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Dec 11. Prompt: Boots. Word count: 195 @wolfstarmicrofic
The four boys were sitting on the floor in their dorm room, an array of snacks they stole from the kitchen in the middle, and a half-eaten cake that they had attempted to make. Sirius, the birthday queen, had a crown on their head and was ripping open presents. First was the new record from Peter and some Zonko’s products. James’ present was a picture of the four of them in a handmade pasta frame (he saw them in Lily’s bedroom when he went to visit that summer and became obsessed!) and some of Effie’s famous biscuits. Remus’ gift was buried in a box under an unhealthy amount of chocolate. Sirius looks at the four little boots then up at Remus, confused.
“They’re dog shoes, so Padfoot’s paws don’t get wet in the snow. Your hands are always freezing when you turn back.” He looked worried, about Sirius’ hands but also about Sirius’ reaction. Did he get her the wrong present?
That’s when Sirius slams into the boy next to him and they fall in a heap of limbs, Sirius wrapping their arms around him and kissing his cheek. 
“I love them, thank you Moons”
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padfootdaredmetoo · 2 years
Hi! Omg I just found your page yesterday and I'm OBSESSED!!! and I was hoping I could request a Thomas shelby/reader where the reader is a Harry Potter witch who has left the magical world for the muggle world, and ended up in Birmingham. Since she has no real muggle education or connections she's struggling and ends up bartending at the Garrison instead of Grace in season 1.
I just love the idea of a (literally) magical girl charming all the peaky boys and being an equal to Tommy, if you want maybe include The Big Reveal about her magic?
Love your writing!
Dear Anon,
This was such a fun request! The timeline is a total mess as the Marauders are my fav crew. Hopefully, it doesn't bother you. Thank you for waiting.
Enjoy XOXO
Warnings: romance - no explicit content, however Peaky Blinders does contain themes only acceptable for adults. Please consume content responsibly.
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The pain was consuming as you looked at Remus on the train platform. Years of running into his and your friend's arms every September, and now you are saying goodbye. 
Harry was ripped away from the two of you to live where your love couldn't reach him. 
The funeral ended, and Sirius was hauled off. It was glaringly clear that you couldn't find a place in the wizarding world after the war had ended. You’d suffered great losses and all that was left was you and Remus. 
He’d secured a position helping Dumbledore and you had faith he would be alright. You had job options pouring in from the ministry, even teaching positions from Hogwarts. Every time you think of either, your stomach twists. 
Last time you were at either of those places you were there with them. Going back made you feel like it would somehow become real. Any time you interacted with this world the more the pain would become real. It was agonizing. Hogwarts was your home. 
This leads to you drinking heavily to manage the remaining hours on shift at the Three Broomsticks. Every time the bell would ring on the door you felt like you would see James or Sirius. Marlene or Lily. Someone. 
You stumbled home flopping onto your bed, the thought of calling Remus crossed your hazy mind. Knowing he would worry enough to come over prevented you. He had enough going on this close to the full moon. Stumbling to grab a glass of water you sat next to the toilet knowing what was going to happen. It was just a matter of time. 
Many memories flooded your mind of Sirius holding your hair back, and James laughing at you for being a lightweight. Nights piled onto the kitchen floor, falling asleep anywhere only to wake up on some soft surface with a friend close by. 
Now your apartment is empty. Everything stayed in boxes so it couldn't creep up on you. You grabbed the newspaper off the top of the shelf. It was a muggle one and you were grateful for the stationary photos and straight lines of print. Somewhere along the way, you saw an ad for a muggle bartender. It wasn't too far away, and most importantly you’d never been to Birmingham. No reason for it to hurt. 
You smiled content with your logic. 
You thought about it and decided it was meant to be, who put that newspaper in your bathroom? You had no idea but it seemed like an excellent plan 
One call later you had an interview secured. You picked a nice deep plum-colored dress from a muggle shop in the city. 
Job and new apartment confirmed, now you were saying goodbye. 
You rested your damp cheek on the scratchy tweed jacket he was wearing. 
“After my next project is done I’ll pop by for a visit, yeah?” He mumbled in a heavy voice. Whether you stayed or not there was no way for the two of you to be together. He’d be traveling ten months out of the year. 
“Yeah.” You confirmed hating how your voice wobbled. Pulling out of his comforting embrace you felt the cold autumn wind wrap around your body, taking his warmth far away. 
“Take care of yourself, Moony.” you brushed the tears away. 
“Same goes for you.” He kissed the top of your forehead before the bell rang. You stepped onto the train and sunk into your seat. Watched him wave until the fog obscured his slender frame. You pulled out an indented stone from your pocket. You, Lily, and the boys all had matching ones. When you rubbed it they all started to glow. As far as you knew they were buried with them. You silently prayed that wherever they were they could feel your love. You couldn’t even think of Sirius. 
The train ride didn't take long. Honestly, you probably could have apparated, but for some reason, all the best things in your life had started with train rides, why stop the tradition now?
You doubted this would be one of those good times in your life, but James would want you to be strong, Lily would have wanted you to take care of yourself. They wouldn't want to see you deteriorating, drowning in memories. 
Your first shift wasn’t too hard. You were from a muggle family and tended to do most of these types of things by hand anyway. Pouring drinks, smiling at people that didn't know you, engulfed in the warmth of the pub, glowing lights keeping the dark fog outside at bay. You weren't happy, but you felt at peace with things.
These people had just had their own war, you could feel them trying to move on just like you were. One of the older men at the pub caught that look in your eye, giving you a hearty pat on the shoulder. 
“You’ll find your way, love.” He started with glossy eyes. You only nodded, giving him a sad smile, but it was enough. The warmth was interrupted by a group of men arriving. The mood shifted and people quieted down. 
They wore nice clothes, and distinct hats, clearly some type of gang. Memories of purebloods and death eaters caused the muscles in your shoulder to tense up as they approached. 
“Bottle in the snug '' A man called out before moving into the enclosed booth. You assumed he meant whiskey and opened the little passage from behind the bar. Happy you didn't have to go directly into the room. 
You watched as all sorts of strange company moved in and out of the snug. Wondering who those men were, and why they seemed to command the mood of the small pub. 
Eventually, it was closing time. One shift accomplished, no drinks and no tears. 
The place appeared empty except for the man still sitting in the enclosed booth. 
“Sir, we are closing. I’ll have to ask you to leave” You said in a sweet voice, trying to figure out what you found so peculiar about the man. His bright blue eyes looked up from the stack of papers he said sprawled out on the table. 
“It’s alright I’ll lock up.” He said staring at you, your face flushed in confusion. “Thomas Shelby” He stuck his hand out standing up. You introduced yourself by shaking his hand. 
“I own the place.” He clarified. 
“I apologize I only met Harry the other day -” 
“It’s alright. Stay for a drink?” There was a twinkle in his eyes that pulled you in. Looking at the bottle of whiskey your stomach twisted painfully. 
“I - I don’t really drink right now” 
“With child?” He sat down motioning for you to take a seat regardless. 
“No, it just doesn't look good on me at the moment.” You tried to give a polite smile, but it fell short. He hummed looking you over. 
“From Scotland?” 
You nodded in response, wanting to avoid thinking about home.  
“Why this pub?” 
“It was hiring.” You answered easily. 
“This part of Birmingham isn't the best, love.” He gave you a look of warning. “Best to keep to yourself, and come directly to me if you're in trouble.” 
His words were icy, but you’d experienced just about every type of horror the world had to offer. 
“Trust me sir, you don't have to worry about me.” 
“Is that so?” He wanted more information from you, his head cocked to the side. You only nodded. 
“Well, I’ll walk you home nonetheless.” You paused not sure if you wanted to give away where you lived. “You're just up the street, yeah?” 
“That would be nice thank you.” You had your wand on you, so there wasn't a real threat to the situation. 
“In the city on your own then?” He asked as you stepped out into the crisp air. 
“Yes, a fresh start was called for.” 
“Care to elaborate?” 
“Because you want to know or because it's a requirement you vet me?” 
“Sounds like this isn't your first time?” He said sharply, a visible distrust washing over his features. 
“Maybe all cities have a Thomas Shelby.” You sighed in defeat. “I lost my father in the war, my mother passed away soon after, I was involved in things I won’t talk about. Lost my closest friends. I won’t stay there, but if the position is no longer open I can move on to the next city.” You said sharply, you didn't have time for games, and judging by how tired he looked in the street light neither did he. 
He stopped, turning to face you. 
“I’m sorry.” He had the most consuming flicker of empathy in his eyes. 
“I’m sure you got your fair share. I'm sorry as well.” You murmured slightly breathless. His eyes were pricing, and suddenly you were desperate to know more about this strange man. 
“Now what exactly do you do?” You needed to know before your thoughts got carried away. 
“The same thing the rest of the Thomas Shelbys do.” He placed a hand on your low back as you resumed your walk home. “Peaky Blinders, that’s my organization. The pub is ours as well as that Betting shop over there.” 
“What are you up against?” you asked wanting to know what blood dirtied his hands regularly. 
“People that wish they were Thomas Shelbys” 
“So you keep things gang-related then?” 
“As opposed to?” 
“Innocent folks, daughters going missing - that sort of thing” You shrugged. 
“No.” He responded seriously. You nodded considering things.
“This is me” You nodded to the building. 
“You need anything you can come to me.” He said darkly, suddenly you wondered what he meant by anything, a flush covered your cheeks.
“I’ll be sure to seek you out.” You said as calmly as possible.
“I look forward to walking you home again tomorrow.” He gave you a nod and he started walking down the steps. Opening and closing the door to the stairwell you could see through the window that he’d stayed to make sure you were in the door before leaving. 
You climbed the stairs to your flat, wondering if you’d just got mixed up in another bout of nonsense. 
He was there at the end of every shift to walk you home. Which soon escalated to showing up at the beginning of your shift with your favorite pastries and tea. 
People treated you a little nicer, not from a place of warmth but moreover a place of fearful respect.
Tommy belonged to a big family, you’d met Arthur, John, and Polly so far, but you had heard of his sister Ada and little brother Finn. 
These days were long and you were often very tired. Too tired to remember or think about things making this the perfect escape. Tommy was around you frequently flirting in his own way. Other men would be warned with a single look, and you figured that meant he was interested. Perhaps he was waiting on you to make a move?
Slowly you began to trust him, enough to let him court you properly when he asked. You and he shared the same type of inner void. It was nicer to be with someone that understood it, and wasn't always trying to change it. 
You looked at him sitting in the firelight. His mind lost in the flames, there was a blanket of snow covering the ground and Christmas was inching closer. He quickly caught you staring, responding by pressing a kiss to your lips. Suddenly the yard fell away as his warm hands clasped your cheeks. 
He deepened the kiss leaving you amazed at how it warmed your body from the cold wind. Charlie and Curly suddenly found something very fascinating in the barn that needed attending to. 
The moon was bright in the sky, lighting up the whole city by reflecting on the snow. You felt the familiar feeling of need seep out of your bones. His grip on you was so inviting, your body relaxed further against him.
He pulled away, pressing a kiss to your forehead. This was where you both always left things and guilt started to bubble up in your stomach. You wanted to take things further, but you always got in your own way. 
You tried to date at school, but after your last attempt spread rumors about you throughout the school - you’d stopped. You thought back to the boys terrorizing anyone involved. It was never worth the risk, then you were swept up in a war with no time for anything. 
Tommy on the other hand struck you as the type of guy who had regularly indulged in acts of passion. You’d wanted to get it off your chest for a long time now. The fear of him getting tired or bored constantly weighing on you. 
Remus was coming and you thought it better to wait for his opinion and see what he thought of Thomas. You rested your head against his shoulder taking a deep breath. 
You had talked to Polly about this day. All week you’d been dreading it, a dark cloud of reality hanging over your head. You were grateful she had told you to stay in, to look after yourself for the day. She’d even sent you home with some dinner and muffins, her kindness lifting your spirits slightly. 
It was Lily’s birthday. 
She’d slept next to you for seven years. She was a friend from the start despite you both drifting off slightly to rival friend groups. But when Severus had hurt her you’d been the one to break his nose the old fashion way. James pulled you off of him, it was his concern for your well-being and safety that made her see him in a different way. You pulled the covers over your face and prayed that these memories would leave you to rest for a while longer.  
A knock sounded at the door close to noon. You assumed Tommy had come to check on you. The thought of his presence was enough to pull you out of your bed. 
Grabbing your house coat you opened the door. Remus’s towering figure stood over you and you let out a shout of excitement before pulling him into a tight embrace. He smelt like cinnamon and cardamom. 
You eventually let him go and took in the worn-out features of his face. Suddenly the urge to fix him took over as you got him to sit down in the kitchen.  
“Tea and breakfast.” You stated as you put the kettle on by hand before realizing you didn't have to do things the muggle way. Suddenly things were flying around the kitchen as you got the eggs on the stove. 
“Go on, tell me everything.” You encouraged him, he looked so tired it broke your heart. You made a mental note to pick him up some clothes and stitch his coat before he left.
“Not much I can say really.” He lit a cigarette and leaned into the seat. “Want to hear about all this though.” he waved his hand gesturing to your small flat. 
“Well, I like the pub. It’s mostly easy work.” You nodded not sure how to bring up Tommy. 
“Any friends?” 
“Yeah, well, about that -” You could already tell that your face had given you away. He let out a loud laugh at your embarrassment. 
“So my boss is kind of this crime lord - gangster type. I may have fallen in with his family…. Well - and perhaps fallen for him.” You poured him a mug of hot tea. 
“A gangster? Thought you ran away for a simple life?” 
“It's all guns and money - not really a threat to me. But bloody hell Remus I have no idea what I’m doing.”  You ran your hands through your hair in frustration.
“What’s he like then?” He put his cigarette out.
“He’s - very handsome. Kind to me, very attentive. He’s - well, he was in their war so he’s a bit like us now, you know. He’s very sad.” you spoke in a hectic manner fluttering about the kitchen trying to find things. 
“But you're also very sad.” He stated simply. 
“Right! So much in common.” You said sarcastically. There was another knock at the door.
“It’s open!’ you called out preoccupied with lighting a cigarette. Remus gestured to the kitchen with his hands, eyes wide. 
“Fuck” you hissed suddenly stopping all magic. Needing to tend to the eggs you dropped a cigarette into the sink diving to catch the spatula. 
“Tommy!” You said suddenly, shocked to see him. He took in the situation and gave off a colder-than-usual aura. 
“This is my best friend Remus!” You watched as they introduced each other and shook hands. 
“Lily’s -” You paused and swallowed hard. “Lily’s birthday would have been today.” You told him, before whipping around to start frantically making breakfast. 
“Are you hungry, love?” 
“No,  I’m alright.” He said watching you. Suddenly you realized you were still in your nightgown and housecoat. Remus didn't care, many summers spent skinny dipping, he’d seen more of you than most - but Tommy. 
That’s got to be where all the tension was coming from. You couldn't leave the stove on to go change so you just gave him a cup of tea. 
You and Remus started telling stories about school, ones that didn't immediately make you upset. You watched him relax as he realized he was learning more about you with Remus there. 
They both talked for a while as you got dressed, you were happy to see that everything seemed to be cleared up. Tommy gave you a kiss at the door before leaving to handle some things. 
Leaving you and Remus to gossip. 
“You're picking a rough path,” Remus said, letting out a deep sigh.
“Don’t think I ever thought I would go any other way. You and I were always caught up in trouble. It just finds us everywhere we go.” 
“Well, he’s definitely got stuff rattling around in his head. But he cares for you.” 
“You think so?” You asked. 
“What if I mess it up?” 
“Remus? - I want to um… take things - all the way?” Your face pinched up in discomfort at your choice of words. “But I uh never - ya know” you shrugged and he laughed again.
“Just take it slow, do what feels right,” Remus said, trying to contain his obvious amusement. 
“Then he better be kind to you or I’ll kill him.” He said the same way James would have. 
He only shrugged. 
Tommy seemed slightly put off by Remus’s visit. Something that was very apparent to you. 
“Tommy?” You entered his office at the betting shop later that evening. He hummed looking up from his papers. “Is everything alright?” 
“Yes” He answered tightly. 
“Is it about Remus?” You pushed and he gave you a flat expression that answered your question. 
“Look, if you’d rather go home. I wouldn't hold it against you.” He said bluntly, his eyes colder than ever.
“Don’t lie” His words bit into you.
“I don’t tell lies.” You said sharply getting up and slamming his office door. You knew there was a temper in him that scared you. Sure you could handle yourself physically as long as you had your wand. But he was too close to you now. He didn’t need to use force to hurt you, he could just open his mouth. 
The fact that you could hear Lily’s laughter floating all around you the whole day did not help. 
The night passed and you laid in bed wishing Remus had spent the night like you offered. Memories crept in and the thought of facing Tommy at work the next morning made you grab the bottle of whiskey from above the fridge. 
You’d just opened the bottle when there was another knock at the door. You opened the door in your slip uncaring of who was on the other side. You would love to fight someone right about now. 
Tommy was there initially looking at your face then you watched his expression shift as he took in your appearance. You moved away from the door going back to the whiskey in the kitchen. 
He came towards you grabbing onto your chin.
“You better not even start!” You snapped at him. “I pay the rent on this place! If men want to show up unannounced at strange hours they can deal with this!” You gestured to your body. “If people don’t like it, then don't come over! How bout that” Part of you wanted him to react. Slap you down so you could leave. Hide away from whatever was starting between the two of you before it took its pound of flesh. 
“What do you want from this eh?” His eyes held nothing but passion and caution was getting pushed to the back of your mind. “You don’t have me over in your apartment. I don't see you like this, but he does? What am I to think?” 
“He’s my best friend, we - we know each other very well” He let out a cold laugh but you continued. “He’s the only family I have left. He’s it.” Your eyes narrowed as you got even angrier pushing his hand away. “You haven't seen me like this because - I - I've never - dated or been - I've never had sex.” You took a breath. “I don't know what I’m doing. I wanted his advice. Make sure he likes you, I don't have anyone else to run these things by - I don't have anyone left -'' Soon the items in the room were starting to float, your mind was always on the edge now trying to process everything that even something this small would push you over the edge.
You closed your eyes and tried to take a deep breath. Everything in the apartment settled eventually and you wondered if you kept your eyes closed long enough you wouldn't have to watch him run away. He pressed himself against you crushing you in his arms. His cheek pressed to the top of your head. He pulled you closer when you knew every bone in his body was telling him to run. 
“I’m a witch.” You blurted out, knowing it would get you in trouble, however, according to Remus they were still cleaning up such a mess that it was not uncommon for these types of things to go unnoticed. 
“What kind?” He whispered. 
“Erm - not an evil one?” You pulled away to look up at him more confused than ever. Eventually, you both ended up at the dinner table. You poured him a hearty glass of whiskey and was impressed that more than anything he just seemed curious. 
You told him about who you were honest and he took it in a glass of whiskey at a time.
“Things got pretty bad for you lot, for a while anyway?” 
You nodded wondering how he would know about any of it. 
“Polly’s cousins were like you. Past few years she had to stop writing because it wasn't safe. Mentioned stuff about a war and whatnot.” 
“Her cousins? How much do you know?” You asked. 
“Not as much as what you told me, but that side of the family has lots of this type of stuff.” He shrugged, lighting another cigarette. 
“So you don't - mind?” 
“No” he almost smiled. “If anything it means we don't have to tone down the usual family stuff.” 
You’d often wondered about Polly, her way of seeing things that others didn’t. 
“Well, whatever it is I doubt it will put me off.” You said honestly. “S’long as you don't take things too far with business.” 
He scoffed “I’m sure you’ll find a way to keep me in line.” 
You both stared at each other for a long moment. 
“I like Remus, Just not when you're practically naked.” He said changing the subject. He stood up and moved to your side holding his hand out. 
“I’m far from naked.” You accepted his hand and stood. 
“I disagree.” His gaze was heavy and it made you feel desperate. His hand found your low back and you let him guide you towards your bedroom. The thought of sleep sounded very appealing after everything that had gone on that day but his presence was electric. 
He lead you to the bed and pulled your quilt over you, before you could ask he slipped off his shoes and dressed down to his undershirt. You made space for him and he laid next to you. Your body was tight with anticipation, unsure of what was going on. Thinking back to what your friends had said over the years that was generally not a good thing. You rolled onto your side, ready to ask him what this was all about, but before you could ask he pulled you against his chest. 
“I’m sorry about your friend.” He whispered. 
“I told you a lot today, but I’ll tell you what happened - wh-” Your chest got tight. 
“When your ready love.” He said easily. 
“Thank you.” 
He held you in his arms and you relaxed into a safety you had never known before. 
“Did you want to um -” You took a breath and tried to explain what you really wanted to ask. “Stay the night?” 
“You’ll never feel pressure from me, love.” He kissed the top of your head. “Just rest.” 
Polly’s family was very magical and you knew some of her relatives. Now that the war was over you were able to reconnect them. 
Tommy loved it when people were around forcing you to be normal. A maid in the kitchen meant you had to struggle to reach the top shelf, meaning he would have to get it for you. Your huff of irritation was enough to bring a smile to his lips. 
He married you right away, hating the thought of things being uncertain. He knew that his place was next to you so there was no point wasting time. 
One night Remus got a bit of evidence that Peter may have been at fault, this lead to the both of you taking over the study for weeks putting everything together. You both managed to clear his name. 
Sirius being a mess but deciding to take it out on Tommy because he didn't think he was good enough for you. 
You were thoroughly bothered by the fact that you couldn't see Harry. After enough pestering, you managed to take custody of him proving you raised him in a muggle community. Something that wasn't hard with your current setup. You were initially worried that Tommy would reject the idea of raising a child that wasn't his own. You felt sick the night you broke down and asked him, only to be surprised by his own difficult feelings of knowing a child was being mistreated. Out of respect for you and your friends, he had no problem accepting the boy into the family.
Lol just thinking about Harry going up against all this stuff with background Shelby commentary & events.
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allamericanb-tch · 2 months
crimson rivers thoughts (9)
@tastetherainbow290 long (ish) one today
chapter 17
author says they’re excited for this chapter… should i be scared
yeah. i’m scared.
dumbledore mention
omg i love sybill and lily
im obsessed with lily actually
are they like district 13 or like what is this. is dumbledore president coin
poppy!!!! ok i am liking this chapter a lot
remus sacrificed himself for lily ❤️‍🩹
oh. lily thinks remus is dead. and remus thinks lily is dead?! remu and lily reunion when
i gasped
sirius pov ok
frank mention!!
evan 💔
james and reg ☹️ ugh i just feel so bad for everyone
rip fab and gid 💔
oh no molly doesn’t know
dorcas what are you doing you have to tell her
ok she’s telling her but did molly have to strangle her 😭
order mention!!
sirius pov
pandora my love <3
james talking to sirius omg i’m going to cry
regulus jump scare
“I’m just saying, maybe you'd appreciate it if I put them down yours instead” JAMES
wolfstar eeeeee
me trying to contain my happiness bc i’m in a silent classroom
oh no now it’s getting sad
oh yeah. i forgot remus has to stay here.
AHHHH FINALLY they’re kissing
“if you like you could do it again” smooth, sirius.
and they’re doing it again
“is it too soon to be sure i love you” i have goosebumps rn
ok this was a good chapter
chapter 18
remus pov!!
mary mention!!!! i hope we see her in this i love mary so much
SIRIUS LICKED JAMES 😭😭 yeah he would.
eeeee they’re kissing again
remus being sirius’ first lover 😯
and they’re kissing again
ugh i love her so much
james pov again!!! this means the game which means sadness but JEGULUS
“Oh, look at that convenient cave over there,” yeah james that’ll work
unrelated but my neck hurts really bad rn
james only surviving for regulus ugh. i love them. 
james being a hopeless romantic
“if you tell me what the mitochondria is, I'm not sure I'll be able to restrain myself” BAHA JAMES
regulus writing about james in his journals he is so me
he burned them?! he really is just like me. 
james being regulus’ first crush ahhhhh
“you made me feel” AHHHHHHH
not regulus almost killing peter and then just LEAVING
reg pov!!
regulus being…. silly
hmmm maybe these thoughts you’re having about james mean something? did you ever consider that?
not regulus thinking james ABANDONED him sweetie no james would NEVER
chapter 19
did i just predict that
regulus you do trust james don’t lie
"I'll kill them if they try it. I'll kill them all before they ever got a chance to lay a hand on you." REGGIEEEEE AHHHHH
yeah. how are the rest of them gonna die. like. aghhhh i cant think about this now
“at least no one is calling him lover boy” nooo don’t think about evan
ant juice 😭 poor vanity
oh no the fires. this is just like what happened to rue.
oh no. they’re all going to die. ahhhhhh
peter is doing it 💔
vanity is so cute im not ready to lose her
confession time (5) ive had to pee so bad for the last like 2 hours but i’ve just been reading this and i don’t want to get up 
vanity and hodge unexpected duo
vanity is so me rn
her asking james about kissing 😭
james “love isn’t even that great” potter, everyone.
i love that the harry potter lingo is used in this. like hallow, auror, horcrux. it just is so silly
vanity PLEASE do not die. i am literally begging you do not die right now.
vanity naming the hornet 😭
IRENE AND PETER 😭 jump scare but honestly good for her
oh poor james
him blatantly lying about him and reg i just know sirius knows
i live for jealous regulus
irene is an ICON i am not ready to lose her
i feel like vanity is going to try to smuggle vespa and then someone is going to die because of it
regulus calling james the sun. even as a joke im giggling rn 
ahhh kiss kiss kiss
nooo they’re leaving
should i read another chapter??
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startanewdream · 1 year
I need to rant because well this needs to be said:
I’m going to go as far as saying I don’t trust people who like Snape and hate James. Yes, he was arrogant and bullyish towards Snape, but let’s not forget James main target was the blood supremacists, and guess who was one? Snape. His best mate was a neglected boy who didn’t feel like he fit in with his own family and their views. What did he do? He opened his home as a safe space for him. His other best mate was a werewolf, and instead of being afraid of him or degrading him, he became an animugus so he wouldn’t be alone on the worst days of the month. His other friend was a reject and probably wouldn’t have been popular in any other house (including Slytherin), but James took him under his wing and looked out for him. Everyone does stupid shit when they’re young, but they learn from it and MOVE ON. You know who didn’t move on? Snape! He was bitter because the woman he loved chose the man he loathed, then he joined a group that targets/tortures/kills people like the woman he loves, then, trying to be the ultimate kiss arse to his dark lord, tells him about a prophecy of a child who will be his downfall, then begs the dark lord to spare the woman he loves when he find out the prophecy is for her child, not giving a crap about her son or husband, then, when she dies, he’s like, okay I’ll become a professor and bully little children because it’s all in the name of "love", then when the son of the woman he loves has his first lesson with him, what does he do? Bully him, then he bullies a child that had his parents tortured by his stupid friends and that child his so afraid of him that his boggart takes shape of Snape, then he promotes spoilt blood purist narcissist ferret when he bullies the child of the women he loves, then he throws a temper tantrum when a dementors kiss isn’t given to the of the men he thinks is responsible for the death of the women he loves but it was actually all Snape’s fault because he wanted to kiss his dark lords arse and become his favourite by telling him about the bloody prophecy, then he "accidentally" lets it slip that Remus is a werewolf isolating the child of the women he loves from anyone who cares for him, then he continues to bully of the child of the women he loves even though he realizes he’s different, AND then the audacity of the man to rip a photo of a happy family and take part of a letter just so he can get himself off with his right hand in secluded broom cupboard… That photo belonged to Harry and Harry only. How the fuck is that poor cabbage (in @seriouslysam8 word) supposed to touch or look at that picture again knowing what his ex professor/man obsessed with his mom did to that picture. He didn’t come to the good side or join the death eaters again because he cared for Harry. He was looking for redemption, hoping that the guilt he felt for get it the women he loved killed would lessen. Again, for purely selfish reasons. If he cared for Harry, he would have checked in knowing what Petunia was like, Snape was abused as a child, so he should have noticed the signs of an abused child when he saw Harry, he shouldn't have bullied innocent children that lost loved ones because of his and his friends' actions. We saw one memory of James bullying Snape, how many times did Snape and his friends bully the Marauders? How many times did they bully Muggle borns? What did Snape do as a death eater to innocent people before the Potters died? How many people did he torture, hurt, and kill? You can't say none, because he would have had to prove himself to be just as evil as the rest of the DE, and I'm sure there was some type of initiation to become a death eater. The main question is: if it wasn't the Potters and it was the Longbottoms who were targeted instead, would he have confessed to Dumbledore? The answer is no. which is why Snape isn't a good person.
Okay I think I’m done for now, sorry just needed to vent! 😅
#tell me you hate Snape without telling me you hate him
If you ever wanted to accuse me of sending an anon ask to myself, this was the most probable of them all.
100% agree with you, anon.
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mandoatsea · 2 years
darling, dearest | prologue
pairing: regulus black x f!reader
rating: mature but don’t worry, it’s gonna get spicy
word count: 6k
warnings: angst, mentions of execution and murder, references to cults (sorry death eaters), forced marriage, some iffy coping mechanisms (nail picking, pain), enemies to lovers, divergence from canon (just a little bc the first wizarding war is such a bummer and james deserves a baby sister), friendship turmoil, some manipulation because sirius is desperate, albus dumbledore jumpscare, tiny baby sprinkles of wolfstar if you squint ... i think that’s it, but please let me know if i missed anything!
a/n: helloooo! i was shocked at how many people saw the sneak peek and let me know they were excited for the first chapter! welcome to the first installment of the dumpster fire that is my regulus black obsession. he deserved so much better, and i’m dedicated to giving him a happy ending. i decided to start with a prologue, as this one is more of setup to the main story. i took a little liberty with the court system and marriage because they’re not super detailed in the books as far as i know. i hope you enjoy, and join the taglist if you want to keep up!
If you were asked what you thought about the end of the Wizarding War, you would have to say it all felt rather anticlimactic. One minute you were obsessively checking the radio for news of attacks and casting wards every hour, and the next – everything was quiet.
"It's quite eerie, isn't it?" James remarks from the end of the dining table, glasses crooked. His green cardigan hugs his shoulders – broad but thinner now after months of stress. His spitting image, Harry, is bouncing happily on his father's knee and chewing on his knuckles. You wince as drool hits the knee of James' slacks.
"It's lovely," Remus moans from the couch, an arm thrown over his eyes and his long legs crossed at the ankle. His dark gray cardigan practically swallows him as he blindly spins his wand between long fingers. "Only you could find an issue with the end of a war, Prongs."
You grin at him, fingertips tapping nervously at the grain in the wood. Your brother pouts at Remus and Harry seems to pick up on his disdain because he turns and frowns at his father until James grins at him cheerfully.  
James practically glowing as he carelessly wipes slobber from Harry's chin, declaring half-heartedly, “Don’t be a prat, Moony.” 
"Has anyone heard from him yet?" Lily asks as she glides into the room, her wand suspending four mugs of tea that trail after her. Her long red hair is tied back in a plait. The question makes you swallow nervously. Two of the mugs land in front of you and James, the other settling neatly on the floor next to Remus, and the final one settles against Lily’s palm.
"Nothing," James sighs, expression suddenly pinched as Lily settles in the chair next to him and tugs Harry into her lap in response to his grabbing fingers, tapping his nose with her finger and earning a delighted squeal. "The trial was supposed to end hours ago."
"No news is good news," you offer rather unhelpfully as your stomach continues to twist itself into knots, "maybe he took him to celebrate."
Silence hangs over the room. The chances that anyone is going to be celebrating tonight are dismally low.
Remus seems to pull himself from his dozing, sitting up on the couch and lifting his mug of tea cautiously to his lips and your fingers curl around your warm mug.
"I've cooled it, Moony," Lily calls with a soft smile, "it shouldn't be too hot." Remus smiles sheepishly in thanks over his mug, taking a healthy swallow. You focus on a rip at the bottom of his sleeve, worrying your bottom lip with your teeth and relishing the slight sting. 
More silence.
"It shouldn't be too bad," James says rather factually, though his voice is pinched with nerves. "He did help at the end–"
"James." Remus cuts him off quietly, his eyes serious. "Let's just see what happens." James sinks slightly in his seat, draping an arm over the back of his wife's chair.
You swallow, nausea beginning to stir in your gut. Remus is more knowledgeable about the Wizengamot than anyone you know, and his guarded expression leaves you feeling sick.
"Poor Sirius," Lily's normally cheerful voice is pained and Harry has dozed off against her neck, "I hope it's not too–"
The silence is broken as someone apparates into the living room with a sharp crack.
Sirius stands in the middle of the living room, hunched slightly at the waist as though he’s about to be sick. Your heart sinks like stone. Remus and James stand and Remus crosses the short distance as Sirius' knees appear to buckle. Remus gathers him in a firm hug and you stare in disbelief as Sirius hugs him desperately.
Sirius Black's usually amused expression is twisted into one of profound grief. His black robes are rumpled and his hands shake as they twist in the fabric covering Remus' back. Purple smudges of exhaustion from the war are nearly black now and his curls have gone limp and frizzy – most likely because he's been tugging at them all day.
"Sirius," James says worriedly as Remus guides him to the couch, and he crosses over to his friend, "what's happened?" Remus sits next to Sirius, his brow furrowed and his lips pursed in concern.
Both you and Lily watch worriedly as Sirius swallows a few times. His shaking fingers worry at the fraying hem of his robes.
Voice wrecked, his voice is barely a croak as he announces, "He's getting Kissed."
You suck in a gasp of disbelief. It feels like someone has wrapped a hand around your lungs and squeezed as tightly as they can. Lily's slender fingers press against her mouth, her green eyes are suddenly shiny under the light of the dining room.
Remus stares at Sirius blankly, though you can see that his knuckles are white where they're gripping the edge of the couch cushion. You watch as your brother merely shakes his head.
"That's not possible," he says, voice hollow, "he... he was the one who destroyed–“
"James," you say firmly, "stop." Sirius has begun to rub frantically at his eyes. You’re not sure how you make it from the dining room table to kneeling in front of Sirius, but you do. Your hands wrap around his wrists and pull his hands from his eyes – his skin is clammy and cool. 
Sirius whimpers quietly, brown eyes red and full of tears. He looks like he's going to be sick, his light complexion washed even paler. Your throat squeezes tightly and you lace your fingers with his, giving him a gentle squeeze as James rests a shaking hand on his shoulder.
"It's my fault," Sirius chokes, and you shake your head immediately, his figure wobbling as your eyes sting with tears, "I should have never left him in that fucking house."   
You’ve never heard the entire story of the night Sirius fled Black Manor and ended up shivering on their doorstep, stinking of Dark magic, his eye bruised, begging for James. The guilt he harbors over that night is something he rarely shares with anyone. All you know is that leaving his baby brother was something Sirius never fully recovered from.
Terror strikes you now. You’ve seen what happens when Sirius closes up, locking everyone out and weathering his emotional storms all alone. Maybe it's a skill he learned growing up – the ability to throw up walls and barricade himself deep in his subconscious. The last time – when he'd found out about the most recent legion of Death Eaters and their Dark Marks – he didn’t leave his room for days.
He’d refused to talk to anyone, even Remus.
"It's not your fault," is all you can tell him, "it's not, Sirius."
Don't shut me out, you think, squeezing his hands as he shudders, please, let me help you.
You love Sirius the way you love James – deep, undying love. Regardless of the endless pranks and infuriating overprotection, he's one of the most important people in her life. The sight of him so devastated has you breathless – floundering for anything that might stop the course he’s on.
"He took the Mark when he was sixteen!" The words break as Sirius spits them furiously. "He was a fucking child!" His head tips forward as a sob splits loose from his chest.
"We'll fix it, Sirius," Remus says quietly, "surely there has to be something we can do." He locks eyes with you as a tear makes its way down your cheek.
"The end of the week," Sirius whispers, "they're going to kill him at the end of the week with all those bloody murderers." You brush a limp curl behind his ear before James pulls him into one of his tight, nearly suffocating hugs. Sirius’ panicked heaving is muffled against James’ shoulder. 
It takes an hour and a vial of Dreamless Sleep to finally get Sirius to bed, and you lean against the wall outside of his bedroom, waiting for Remus to reappear. The door opens slowly and Remus emerges, brow furrowed as he shuts the door as gently as possible.
"Is he alright?" You ask him. Remus rubs an anxious hand along the back of his neck, his sleeve pooling at his elbow. Thin, pale scars along his forearm shimmer slightly before he tugs the sleeve back to its rightful place and his arm falls back to his side. 
"No," he sighs heavily, hand closing on your upper arm, pulling you into his chest, "no, he's not." You hug him tightly, fingers buried in the soft fabric of his robes. Your eyes sting and you press your nose to his shoulder, inhaling the smell of clean cotton and mint.
"There has to be something we can do," you whisper.
Remus knows the ins and outs of the Wizengamot like the back of his hand. After applying as an Auror, he’d been questioned for ages – hours in front of the members trying to convince them that he was still fit for training despite his “affliction.” He had practically lived at the Ministry for months.
"I'll stop by tomorrow and talk to Doris," Remus remarks quietly against your hair, referencing the advocate that had been assigned to his case, "maybe there's some way we can get him out in a few years. Sometimes it's just a matter of showing them what they want to see. I doubt he had a third-party advocate." You nod and the door to James and Lily's room opens cautiously.
"Is he asleep?" Lily asks, stepping out into the hallway as you and Remus step apart.
"Passed out," Remus tells her, James stepping into the hallway after his wife. "He didn't stop shaking for a good ten minutes, but I think the potion finally kicked in."
"Merlin," James' voice is crushed as he leans against the wall, "hasn't he been through enough already?"
"He's bound to feel some guilt," Lily states factually, "he probably thinks he would have gotten the Mark instead if he'd stayed."
"Of course he thinks that," Remus says, voice tinged with rare anger, volume raising, “that’s what his parents made him believe before he left.”
You could wake him, you realize rather suddenly, and place your hand on Remus' arm to quiet him, earning an exhausted sigh. The last thing you need is for Sirius to hear you confirming his worst fears. Nibbling anxiously at your thumbnail you vaguely recall a few books in the manor's library about Azkaban and the Dementor's Kiss – a rather morbid fascination of your father’s for a few months at the beginning of the War.
"Remus is going to The Ministry tomorrow," you announce quietly to James and Lily, "I'm going to do some research of my own. Maybe we can find ... a reason for an appeal, or a loophole. There has to be something. He helped The Order, it should count for something." James seems to perk up at the idea and Lily smiles fondly at you.
"I'll go with Remus."
"No." You and Remus say simultaneously, earning a shocked and disbelieving pout from James.
"Someone has to stay with him, Prongs," Remus says pleadingly, "I don't know what he'll do if we leave him alone. He needs a Calming Draught and about a hundred cups of tea. Please stay with him."
Almost immediately James sags, bobbing his head of dark curls once in understanding. Lily slides a hand up his back, rubbing comforting circles between his shoulder blades. 
“We should all get some sleep,” she announces and you nod immediately, stretching your arms above your head with a groan, muscles stretching taunt in your shoulders, “we can worry about all of this in the morning.” 
“Alright,” Remus agrees, slumping as though someone has cut the string holding him up, “I’m going to crash on the couch.” 
Normally you would argue, protesting about his back, but your attention is almost solely on the books. By the time you all go your separate ways, you’re so absorbed in which titles to pull first that your feet practically carry you to the library – you stay there until the sun creeps over the horizon and your hand aches from its grip on your quill. 
James catches you on your fourth trip to the library in as many days. You and Remus have barely spoken, ships in the night as he leaves for the Ministry and doesn’t return until late. Sirius has spent days pacing the living room, eyes cloudy with exhaustion, or passed out on the couch after another Calming Draught. Much to your frustration, none of the books have offered any useful information.
“Moony and Padfoot are in the study,” your brother tells you, “it seems important.” Hope flares in your chest and you nod hurriedly. 
“Yeah, alright,” you say, already turning back around to head to the study, “are you coming?” 
“I’ve got to drop off Harry,” James says with a shake of his head, “mum and dad have been dying to see him. I’ll be back in a bit.” 
“Sure,” you call, already heading down the hall to the study, “tell them I miss them, please.” 
“Sure, love.” 
 Rushing down the hall lands you in front of the study rather quickly. You knock twice before swinging the door open. Remus and Sirius are talking in hushed, tense voices at the large table in front of the fireplace. The side of Sirius’ face is illuminated with firelight, reflecting his nearly manic expression. His eyes are wide and pleading as Remus stares at him with a disappointed expression, shaking his head in disapproval every few seconds. His normally bruised under-eyes are even darker with exhaustion.
“When did you get back?” You call in greeting, hesitant to interrupt their tense discussion. Remus’ head lifts immediately, softening at the sight of you. A pleased grin lifts the corner of his mouth, pulling a very faint scar on his cheek tight. Sirius’ throat bobs before he turns to look at you as well. 
“Hi, darling,” Remus greets, “I only just arrived. I’ve been with Doris all night.” You make your way across the study to the table, squeezing Sirius’ shoulder as you settle at the table. 
“You must be exhausted,” you remark sympathetically, worrying welling as you take in Remus’ drawn expression, “are you alright?” 
“Fine, fine,” he brushes you off, “I’ll head home in a bit.” 
“Did Doris tell you anything helpful?” 
Your question seems to land like a bomb. 
Remus’ lips press in a thin line and Sirius turns to look at you, his expression open and full of hope. He looks so young that it takes your breath away. 
“Remus talked to Albus Dumbledore,” he tells you, “he said–” 
“Sirius.” Remus snips, his gaze cool. “Don’t.” Sirius deflates slightly at the reprimand but appears to steel himself before looking at you again. 
Sirius' voice has taken on a pleading quality when he says your name, his dark brown eyes brimming with sorrow, "Darling, you know–" his voice breaks and you suck in a breath. "You know I would never ask you to do this if I had a choice."
“Ask me to do what?” Your eyes flicker between them. 
"The Wizengamot would be inclined to pass down a more lenient sentence," Remus informs you quietly, "if it could be proven that he had a motive to help The Order." Disdain colors his tone.
"Motive." You parrot blankly. Your mind is swimming. The Wizengamot has been in disarray since the start of the war and lately, they seem to be doing all they can to move cases through the court as rapidly as possible. You’ve heard a few previous life sentences cut down to a few years in Azkaban or house arrest when new information is presented. An unsettled feeling has begun to churn in your gut as Sirius worries the edge of his sleeve between his long fingers.
"Remus thinks maybe if he had been in a relationship with someone in The Order, people would more easily believe he destroyed the locket." Sirius' voice is hopeful. "Helping The Order would get him a few years of house arrest, they probably wouldn't even hold him in Azkaban."
You shake your head, brow furrowing. You can't remember any relationships other than James and Lily throughout the entirety of the war. Maybe Frank and Alice Longbottom, but you hadn't been particularly invested in romantic drama – no one was. It was too much energy to waste when everyone was exhausted by stress and grief.
"Who was he with?" You ask, locking eyes with Remus. His expression is pinched, hair falling over his right eye, making him look boyish and haughty. "I don't remember him even speaking to anyone, but maybe if we can find some witnesses–"
"He wasn't seeing anyone," Remus says quietly, "no one in The Order would have wanted to touch a blood purist anyway." There's a bite in his voice that earns him a sharp glare from Sirius, and you feel dread crawl its way up your throat.
"I don't understand." You confess tightly. "Why are you even exploring that as an option?"
"It's the only option," Sirius says sharply, "there's nothing else we can do. This is the only way we can–"
"I still don't understand why–"
"I'm asking you–" Sirius' voice is shaky and he lifts his brown eyes to yours, "to marry him."
Static buzzes in your ears, quietly and then louder as the seconds tick by. Remus grimaces at his hands, thumb pressed against the pale scar that runs along his thumb and disappears under his sleeve. The world feels faintly tilted, and you shake your head in an attempt to rebalance yourself.
The second the statement leaves Sirius' mouth, you know you’ll do it. It’s an absent, emotionless conclusion. Anything Sirius asks of you, you'll do – because you love him. You want his trust, and to earn that trust you’ll do whatever he needs. Anything to keep him out of the unreachable place he flees to in times of grief. Losing his brother would kill him, and if you refuse he'll never forgive you – something you can't risk.
You come to the additional deduction, as you look at him, that he knows all of this. The request doesn't come from a place of clouded or misguided desperation – the look in his eye is calculating rather than manic. You realize, suddenly, that he has already added up the cost of this request and the consequences it will have on your relationship.
He just doesn't care.
You stare at him for a few more seconds in suffocating silence.
"You're asking me to marry your brother." You confirm quietly. Sirius' expression falters for a moment before he tips his chin up, emotions shuttered.
"It's the only way they'll let him out." He tells you, his voice flat. An ache opens up in your chest and you have the fleeting thought that you’re not going to recover from this for a long, long time. "I don't have any other options."
"Don't decide now. This is..." Remus starts to plead with you, openly devastated. "It's an impossible choice you have. Please, for me, sleep on it–"
"I'll do it." You interrupt him, earning you a disbelieving stare. "Assuming he agrees, I'll do it." You look at Sirius sharply. "You already knew that though, didn't you?"
The only response you get is the twitch of his jaw, his eyes falling to the table. Very suddenly, emotion wells in your throat and behind your eyes – suffocating in its intensity. In a panic, you stand from the table and make for the door.
"I'm sorry," Sirius calls out to you as you reach for the doorknob, "I hope one day you'll forgive me."
The only response you give is the violent bang of the door shutting behind you.
The wait to leave for The Ministry is passed in silence.
James' knuckles are white and his grip on your hand borders on painful. His jaw clenches furiously as he stares at the fireplace, flames flickering in his blank expression. It feels as though you’ve gone numb – unable to even summon the energy to soothe your brother. Your gaze is locked blankly on your free hand, throat tight with anxiety and dread. 
"You don't have to do this," James whispers furiously, abruptly abandoning his stewing to stare at you, "I can't believe he asked you to–"
"James." You tell him quietly. "It's fine."
"It's not fine!" He continues to whisper, turning to you fully now. "The bond is forever. It's an Unbreakable Vow. He's a fucking Death Eater. He's a blood purist."
"If you knew," you ask flatly, "that you could do something to save my life, would you?" You turn your head and meet his eyes. Surprise flickers on your brother's face before his lips press in a thin line. "Would you?" 
"Of course, I would. I would do anything." James says, the words hushed, "But–"
"I would too." You tell him, squeezing his hand. "For you or Sirius, I would do anything." Your lips quirk in a wry smile and you return your gaze to your fingers. "It's just my luck that I have to."
James doesn't seem to know how to respond to that particular conclusion, and he sinks back in his seat – squeezing your hand.
Marrying a Death Eater was, without a doubt, not part of your plan. You can't say you ever really had an image of whoever would be on the other side of the bond – but a murdering blood purist was certainly not on the table. Faintly, you recognize that it is all sort of funny. You’ve spent the last few years obsessing over how to dismantle Voldemort and his followers, only for you to marry one of them.
The urge to laugh evaporates quickly when you realize the life you wanted has gone up in flames. Your parents have always set the marriage standard since you were little. Fleamont and Euphemia have been soulmates since their first year of Hogwarts and they've never wavered in their adoration for one another – even when raising two children and through a devastating war. When James and Lily got married, it only further cemented your surety that one day it would happen for you. You believed that everyone in your family was just lucky with love.
The irony is enough to make you faint.
A light knock on the doorframe pulls you from your thoughts – which is quite fortunate, you think, as an embarrassing set of tears have begun to make their way down your face. Rapidly, you pull your hand from James' and wipe your eyes, cheeks burning from the fabric of your robes. Remus steps into the living room, gifting you with a soft smile.
"Alright?" He asks, with his natural way of conveying that he already knows. You fist your robes, nodding and giving him a faint smile. "I think we're about ready to leave." All you can do is nod again, and all at once, the room feels like it's rapidly losing oxygen. Remus seems to sense your spike in anxiety and he pads across the carpeted floor to crouch in front of you – wincing as his back pops.
"It won't be too bad, darling," he says, taking your hand and squeezing gently, "they won't make you take any Veritaserum or anything frightening. I think they all want this case to be over rather quickly, and no one wants to upset The Order." You nod, tongue feeling thick in your mouth. "They'll ask you a few questions, reach a verdict, and then we can go home."
"Will he–" your voice cracks and James' hand settles on your shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze, "will he be there?"
"Probably," Remus tells you honestly, and you take the tip of your tongue between your teeth. "He'll be sitting in the back most likely, and probably surrounded by Aurors. He won't be anything to worry about."
That's rather nice to hear, you think drily, seeing as I'm marrying him tomorrow.
Remus glances at his watch, lips pressing together in a flat line. Your anxiety begins to climb.
"We should go," Remus says quietly, and James squeezes your shoulder again before standing and helping you up off the couch. Remus retrieves a small pouch from his pocket, making his way to the fireplace as he takes a small pinch of powder between his fingers. Tossing the tiny amount of powder, the flame roars as it turns emerald green. Remus turns and offers another quick smile before he steps into the flames and disappears with a whoosh. 
You’re next, staring at the green flames with burning eyes until James drops your hand and nudges you forward. You inhale deeply, squeezing your eyes shut before stepping into the flames. The room blurs around you before you appear rather suddenly at the entrance to the Ministry. Remus is standing at the edge of the fireplace, arm out for you to take as you step out and onto the marble floor. James appears with a gust of air behind you and stumbles out of the fireplace with a cough, brushing soot from his shoulder. 
“Merlin, I hate that,” he mutters, coming to stand beside you. 
Wizards in all colors and styles of robes bustle past you, some alone and some in groups. A few carry briefcases and some wear heels that click sharply on the immaculate marble floor. Chatter bounces off the walls of dark brick that tower over your head and you marvel at the stunning statues lined down the enormous hall – a variety of glimmering witches, wizards, centaurs, and countless others. Only Remus' hand on the small of your back pulls you from your admiration and rather quickly back to reality.
"The courtroom is just a few halls down," he explains as the three of you enter the throng of movement and make your way through the Ministry, "we're just a bit early." Sweat begins to bead on your forehead and your robes feel suffocating, the fabric clinging to your arms and chest. You fight the urge to place a hand at your throat to ensure you’re still breathing as Remus continues his quick explanation. "There will be a few formalities, just some legal rubbish. You’ll give your testimony, he’ll affirm it, and then they’ll reach a verdict."
Two large wooden doors come into view, large ornate letters reading WIZENGAMOT. It would all come across as incredibly posh if you weren't on the verge of a panic attack. Remus comes to a halt a few feet away from the doors and turns to you.
"Alright?" Remus asks you, the words heavy with concern. He reaches for you, a cool palm settling on the side of your neck. The gesture is grounding. His hazel eyes are full of comfort. You manage a weak smile, nodding just once, and Remus nods back before turning to the doors. His wand raises, and with a slight flick of his wrist, the large oak doors creak open.
The courtroom is quiet, save for the low murmurs from members of the court. All at once, you feel the weight of several pairs of eyes on you. Without thinking, you cast your eyes up toward the court. 
The unsettling blue eyes of Albus Dumbledore are the first you catch, plum robes stark against his long, white beard and pale skin. His stare is curious, almost amused, but deeply unsettling. You clench your jaw, pulling your gaze away as you follow Remus to the bench. Sirius is already sitting, his posture rigid and his hair pulled back in a low bun. Briefly, his brown eyes meet yours before they flicker away. Your heart gives a pitiful, wrenching throb before you swallow it down and settle in your seat.
The minutes pass in agonizing silence. Your nerves leave you to pick at your nails, avoiding the harsh stares by keeping your focus on your lap. The cuticle of your thumb begins to bleed and you bring it to your mouth with a curse, nausea swarming as the metallic taste fills your mouth. The heavy wooden doors continue to open and shut with heavy slams. Occasionally, you accidentally meet the chilling gaze of one of the members. Every glance is welling with pity or disdain. 
You’re not sure which is worse. 
Dumbledore's clear, sharp voice startles you as it breaks the low mumble of noise. “All rise, for the opening remarks.” 
Your knees wobble as you stand and you grip the back of the bench in front of you to keep yourself steady. The remarks pass in a blur, and at some point you return to the bench, hands anxiously smoothing down your thighs. A lot of jargon you don’t understand, a summary of the charges, and a quick introduction of the appeal. Relational motive is the term they seem to prefer when referring to the appeal. You fight the hysterical urge to snort. Finally, the speech comes to an end as Dumbledore clears his throat. 
“Will the accused be brought forward for the court?” 
Heavy, black doors, that you’ve somehow missed, creak at the far end of the courtroom. Sirius straightens, his fingers clenched into fists. The low hum of muttering fills the court again. Slowly, the doors grate against their hinges until they shudder to a stop, revealing a dark hallway. 
Two tall, serious-looking Aurors step out onto the marble floor. One is taller than the other, both in the dark robes of their profession. Their wands are drawn, but relaxed. Your fingertips press into your thighs, relishing in the grounding sting.
Behind the Aurors, a tall, lean figure makes his way to the center of the room. Black, shaggy curls are limp and greasy, his head bowed and hiding his face. Broad shoulders make clear impressions against the gray uniform, the bones far too defined. Sirius lurches forward in concern as the figure’s steps falter – almost as if he wasn’t sure his legs would hold him for a moment.
Despite his bedraggled appearance, there’s a certain aristocratic air to him. It seems to be a piece of his very essence. Long, elegant fingers are clasped together tightly at his waist, silver restraints clasped around his wrists, linking them together. Two more Aurors emerge behind him, the doors swaying before slamming shut. 
Your fingernails continue to dig into your thigh.  
Dumbledore cuts through the murmuring as he announces, “The appeal trial will begin as soon as the accused is seated.”
The murmurs crescendo.
One of the Aurors mutters something to the man handcuffed in the middle of the room, his head tipping slightly as they speak to him in a low voice. Two of the wizards make their way to the chair in the center of the room, standing on either side. The Auror speaking to him seems to inform him of something upsetting – his knuckles white as his fingers clench, shoulders pulling up to his ears. 
He lifts his head, light hitting his face, and a pit of dread opens in your stomach as you meet the flat, dark gaze of Regulus Black. 
taglist: @coffeeaddictednymph @wbellab @houseofblackbaby @ainasadge
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exactlypinkavenue · 2 months
She has a sister P3
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angst and fluff to come. Please do not copy this. (James potter has always been Lily Evans. But what if lily’s sister, Rose Evans, was obsessed with James)
Remus POV:
I haven’t been able to sleep well lately. I worry James is going to make a bad decision that will affect not only him but a kind girl that I’ve come to know amongst the years. Rose Evans, she is the polar opposite from Lily. While Lily fights fire with fire, Rose prefers to turn the other cheek. While Lily often takes on leadership roles, Rose prefers to be an observer. But our peers are wrong about Rose. She has something in her, tucked away yes, but it’s there. And when I look in her eyes I know she hides the beast on purpose. But this is not what I wanted to talk about. I feel James thinks that since Lily rejected him, he’ll go for the sister and have atleast some form of Lily. I know this doesn’t sound good and you might be thinking “oh, James is an awful person” but who here hasn’t thought “oh, they have a brother/sister.” So please let’s not judge to quickly. But he can’t do this to Rose. I won’t allow it, I CANNOT ALLOW IT. Rose is such a kind person that does not deserve this. I know I sound repetitive but I can not think and have not thought of anything else. I don’t know what to do, though. And it scares me.
Rose POV:
Ever since James had talked to me at dinner on Tuesday night, he has started to notice me more. In the halls he says hello to me, during class he responds when I tap him for an extra quill, and he actually invited me to sit with him and the maurders. Although, they kinda just had their own conversations and talked over me whenever I tried to add something BUT.. but he still asked me to sit with him. I am so happy, do you think we might get married? I mean this is what married couples do they say hello, lend each other quills, and most importantly sit together at lunch. Just you wait soon enough I’ll be Rose Potter.
Lily POV:
“is Rose sitting with James?” “Um, I think so, yeah it looks like it Lils” Thomas agreed “do you want me to go get her” “No, it only call unwanted attention” I replied. When lunch was over I basically sprinted out of the Great Hall. James and his smug friends were taking their sweet time but if I wanted to be discreet I had to meet them at the entrance hallway to divination. “JAMES” I yelled when the finally arrived. I saw his friend, Sirius black, whisper something into James’s ear before entering the classroom. “Evans, have you reconsidered” “No, you twat, I’m here to set something straight.” “Oh and that is” “you are no longer allowed to be near or interact with my sister” “frankly I don’t think that’s your decision Lily” “it’s my decision if I know you have wrong intentions” “I believe Rosey-poo has a good enough judgment to decide for herself if my intentions are ill minded.” “You asshole, James potter” just as I was about to lunge I felt a pair of strong arms pull me back “it’s okay lils, he’s not worth it. Just leave it” it was Thomas. “Listen Potter, you heard her stay away from Rose or you’ll have me to deal with” “I’m not afraid of you Thomas, as I said Rosey can make her own decisions so until she tells me to back off, I won’t” then he just walked away. He walked straight into the classroom without another single word. I felt like ripping him apart, the only thing that was keeping me grounded was Thomas’s comforting presence.
James POV:
“Are you alright mate” Sirius asked. “Yeah, Lily was just yelling at me, telling me to leave her alone, can you believe that” “I agree with her” “what, what do you mean Remus” “you don’t have any actual interest in Rose. Be honest James, you’re just using her as a substitute for Lily” “so?” “SO… SO? Are you that cruel. YOU DO NOT DESERVE HER” “and you do?” Sirius asked, atleast someone was defending me. “FUCK YOU, ALL OF YOU. BUNCH OF PRICKS” “WHY ARE YOU BEING LIKE THIS REMUS, YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE MY FRIEND” “NO, I don’t want to be friends with people who can’t see how wrong this” he declared with so much venom it made my heart hurt. “ forget you Remus” Sirius said. Remus then walked away to the other side of the classroom and did not speak to us for the rest of the day. The next morning, Remus was already down way before the lot of was awake. I guess, he really didn’t want to see us. When we arrived for breakfast, we saw that Remus wasn’t sitting our usual spot. He was sitting with Rose. Fine, he chose his side, they all chose their side, I’m not stopping. “Why is Remus sitting with Rose” asked Peter. “I don’t know Peter, I don’t know” we decided to just forget about him and sit like we usually do. Like Sirius said who needs him.
Rose POV:
“Remus, not that I mind but why are you sitting her. Don’t you usually sit with your friends” “well I decided to sit with my other friends” “were friends?” “Of course we’re friends. We’ve always been friends, haven’t we?” “Yeah we have!” For the first time in a long time, I feel seen. “Good morning my little rosey- poo” “oh hello James” “Rosey-poo (Remus scoffs) what kind of name is that” James then turns his focus to Remus and replies “the nickname I have chosen for Rose” “why do you not like it Remus” “I don’t actually” “well why don’t I make one for you, my friend” I noticed that he changed his tone while saying friend. Do you think something is wrong with their relationship? Oh yes of course there is, that’s why Remus decided to sit with me he was no longer welcome at his table. While I was lost in my thoughts the argument had escalated. I Had to stop this “you’re no longer a maurder, Remus” “well-“ “ STOP” “rose” “No Remus it’s my turn to speak” “ all this bla bla about Remus betrayal and you both no longer being friends, needs to end” “well, the reason that remus and I are no longer talking is becuase he said I should no longer talk to you.” Remus said James should no longer talk to me. Remus is not mean for fun. He must have a reason to say this, but why James is harmless. He likes me. “Remus thank you for looking out for me all these year but I need you to know that I can take care of myself” “I know” “okay” “ okay” Remus solemnly said. “(James cleared his throat) Rose darling, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me, Saturday, at hogsmeade.” “Sure, yes james I would love that” “okay, how about we meet up at 6 pm and we make the walk together from the commen room” “yeah, okay” “okay, until then” “until then” with that he turned on his heel and walked back to his seat. “Did you see that Remus. I landed a date with James Potter.” “I saw but I think you’re making a mistake” “Remus, please stop I don’t want to talk about this” “I mean, don’t you think it’s a little weird how right after Lily dumps him he starts to show interest in you” “maybe he saw how nice of a person I was and gained interest” “that fast, look all I’m saying is it’s probable that he is using you as a substitute for-“ “NO.. no that’s not true. James likes me for me. Right?” Remus answered with silence. I felt sick to my stomach. Tears started welling in my eyes, I couldn’t blink them away no matter how hard I tried. “Excuse me” I r couldn’t stand to be there for another second I had to get out.
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I find it amusing that you hate James when we don’t even know his pov. We only got to see Snapes memories and since he hated James his memories would have been the worst thing James did. What James did was wrong and there’s no excuse for it but we don’t even know all the stuff Snape and his friends did to all the other students. Snape wasn’t innocent and neither was James. James at least grew up but Snape never did and stayed a bitter arsehole that bullied children until the day he died. Yes he did some good but it was all for Lily (his obsession with her was creepy and not romantic at all). Now let’s compare Sirius and Draco. Sirius came from a similar family as Draco with similar beliefs. Yes he was a bully to Snape but he went against his family and their believes and chose good over evil. Draco on the other hand has been put on a pedestal by fandom probably because they haven’t read the book and liked the actor who played him in the movies. He was a coward, blood-ist, narcissistic bully who thought his family status gave him the right to look down upon everyone. The only good thing he did was lie about Harry being Harry Potter. After that though what did he do in Room of Requirement? If Harry hadn’t saved his ass he would have been a fried ferret. Now Remus, the worst thing he did was not stop James and Sirius from bullying Snape but Snape wasn’t always innocent. Are you telling me that once Snape found out about Remus being a werewolf he didn’t shove it in his face? If someone made fun of my friend for disease you better believe I’m going to stand up for them and take this bully down. The Marauders may come off as bullies but they fought for the light until their last breath. You’re forgetting all the good things they did and letting one memory shape their entire lives. Snape was the reason Harry lost his parents so he should have done everything to protect Harry it was the least the slimy git could have done. Lily and James missed out on Harry’s life because of Snape. Hell Snape should have gone and checked on him when he was the Dursley’s since he was the reason Harry had to live with them but no he chose to bully a child instead because he looked like his father and then ripped a picture of Harry and Lily and a letter she wrote for Sirius. Real mature. And really creepy.
Funny how marauder stans can never defend James without bringing the things that Snape did.
See, that might work on a Snape stan, but someone who proudly loathes both of them, it ain't working on me.
(Now I'm gonna go with this point wise cuz I love organizing shit)
We only got to see snape's memories...the worst thing that James did.
In swm, James and Sirius literally tried to choke him on soap, hung him upside down in the air, showed his underwear to the jeering crowd and then sexually assaulted him. If that is the worst thing james can ever do, then why would you support his actions?
James grew up and snape stayed bitter
That's called fucking victim blaming. James grew up from what? Bullying other people? Sexually assaulting others? Ruining someone's life because they exist? That's literally the most basic thing he could have done to not be a fucking jerk. And as for Snape, you cannot expect someone to just "grow up" when they have been traumatized for the most part of their lives??? You cannot go and tell a trauma victim "it's been years, just get over it" because they can't. They fucking can't.
Also, please tell me when exactly did James grow up? He continued to bully snape, even behind lily's back, till 7th year. And then? If James grew up, he should have apologized to snape. Where did he do that? I don't support snape's treatment of students at all, which is why I hate him, but James was a bully till he died, and he never grew up.
Comparison between sirius and draco
If you compare someone with draco, 9/10 cases they come out looking good. Cuz it's fucking draco. He's a typical "high school bully" stereotype. That's it.
Just because sirius was not a bigot when it came to wizard classism and bloodism, doesn't mean he was a good person. That's called being a decent human being. Yall marauders fans always praise them for doing the literal bare minimum. Nothing changes the fact that sirius was a bully and was just as bad as James. So don't come and tell me he's a good person, cuz he doesn't even fall in the category of decent. Also he literally tried to MURDER snape. USING remus. He had no problem sacrificing his friend's life so that he can kill another person who did nothing. In his teens. What the fuck.
Defense of remus shit
"Snape tormented remus about his lycanthropy" show me where. Cuz what I see is that he kept it a secret (bare minimum, shouldn't be appreciated) and also gave potions to him so that the transition is better. If you can find a single place where snape bullied or even insulted remus for his condition. Secondly, nothing snape does can justify him getting hung upside down, choked on soap and getting sexually assaulted in front of a jeering crowd. And remus supporting it is pretty much the same as doing it.
The marauders did good things
The marauders did good things for each other. They fought in a war. So? Does that cancel out their bad, which is much more than the good? No. Snape fought too, even tricking voldemort, does that cancel out the bad he did? You have already said it doesn't for you, so. Just because someone does a few good things doesn't mean that it erases out the millions of bad things they did.
And the rest is you shitting on snape, which idgaf about cuz I hate him.
Now go fuck yourself.
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heartofspells · 1 year
Hi ❤️✌️
May I inquire further about 'you'?
Of course you can! I think you're going to like this one (if i ever manage to finish it; we're staring down a very endless-looking barrel here help)
For those that have seen the Netflix show and are in The Know, yes it's based off that. If you haven't seen it...no big deal! I've changed things anyhow! But it's all very stalker Remus, trying to be good Remus, desperately in love (obsessed) Remus a la Joe Goldberg. And then we've got Sirius, who is perfect and flawless and can do no wrong whatsoever (lies) a la Love Quinn (you know, with the family and the money and the working for a living and the SUPER co-dependent relationship with her brother (James)). There is stalking (duh) and spying and Inner Monologues and manipulation and Murder along with Creative Body Disposal.
Not everyone's cup of tea, but for those that are interested, I cannot WAIT to share it. This is becoming my new baby (co-parented by @narcissa-black-supermacy because she said so).
"Worst decision of my life," remarks Benjy, working his crossword again, but he smiles, and Remus is forced to admit that it lightens him. For the first time, Remus feels like he's catching a small glimpse of what Sirius sees in the other man, his friend, there by his side, filled with a deeply ingrained camaraderie built from years of a forming and solidifying relationship, no matter what infatuations might stand directly behind its walls.
Sirius huffs out a laugh. "And if I ever believe that, I'll eat my right foot. I'll even carve your name into it."
"Oh, well," murmurs Benjy, eyes flickering up to Sirius, "I was going to say that's going overboard, but if you're going to brand me with your name, by all means."
And just like that, so instantly it twists his stomach, Remus is restraining himself from ripping Benjy's lips from his mouth as it spreads into a leading smirk. Sourness bubbles inside of him as Sirius continues talking, not acknowledging the expression on his friend's face, Remus no longer hearing his words.
You'd like that, wouldn't you? Having him branded into your skin, or better yet, you branded into him so that everyone will know he's yours. You're just sick enough to do it, too. You'd look down your nose at anyone else who even thought of doing such a thing, but you'd carve those letters into his flesh, tattoo him in the empty spaces he still has, but I won't let you. He's mine, Fenwick, and he's perfect as he is. I wouldn't need the proof of claim to know that, and I'd never worry about anyone else taking him from me. He'll never want to leave me, whereas you'd bore him to tears in no less than three hours.
"…and Reg was always adamant about it, no matter how well he convinced everyone else to the contrary, so I count that as a win in the book of Black." Sirius is still speaking, jostling Remus from his thoughts as he shifts in his chair, gaze sliding over Remus, his mouth quirking upwards. "You just did it again," he announces. "What is that, the drifting? You're like James. He's got focus problems, too, but his is a bit different. He doesn't tune out; just jumps when you're not expecting it. Bit jarring until you get used to it."
Oh, great. Potter again. So much for escaping him, but at least he's apparently missing lunch this afternoon. It's better than nothing, and I'll take what I can get.
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sammyjhand · 2 years
Written for @wolfstarmicrofic Sept 7... I haven’t had time to do one of these in a while. This is a little college aged marauders AU
James takes a long pull from the joint, batting away Sirius’ hand lazily as he tries to snag it back. 
“The saying is ‘puff, puff, pass’, James. Not ‘puff, puff, puff, keep puffing until Sirius is pissed off, pass’,” Sirius heckles, wrangling the joint from James’ fingers into his own. 
James sits up, hands propping himself up in the cool grass. He sticks his tongue out at Sirius who rolls his eyes in response. 
“You’re particularly annoying tonight,” James comments casually, ripping a blade of grass from the ground. “Care to share why?”
Sirius grumbles, pressing a spit-wet finger around the tip of the joint to stop it from burning too fast. “Not being annoying,” he huffs. 
James peers past Sirius, to the cottage that he and their friends rented off Airbnb as a getaway from the city. The weather had just began to turn, a slight chill now present in the air. The boys (plus Lily and Co.) felt it necessary to escape to the countryside for a long weekend to appreciate the beautiful change of season. 
The soft, warm light shines from inside the cottage, Remus and Lily just visible through the kitchen window. Remus says something out of the side of his mouth, and Lily puts a hand on her abdomen as she laughs. They’re baking a pie of sorts; Sirius and James can’t be arsed, because who the hell knows how to bake a pie?
Sirius follows James’ line of sight and sighs, deep and heavy as Remus joins her laughter. They watch silently through the window, joint burning quick between Sirius’ fingers.
“Oh, mate. You’ve got it bad.”
The weekend passes quickly, and with many longing stares and sighs out of Sirius Black himself. James has half a mind to shove Remus and Sirius into a broom closet and force them upon each other, but they’re already sharing a bedroom, and if that hasn’t do the trick then the broom closet probably won’t work either.
The night before it’s time to head back to dreary, bleary London, it’s Sirius and Remus who sit in the grass behind the cottage. They pass a joint back and forth before laying down, close enough that Sirius can feel the warmth radiating from Remus beside him. 
“I don’t want to go back,” whispers Remus. Sirius turns his head to the side, taking in the way Remus’ eyes are closed, face tilted toward the twilight sky. 
“Why’s that? You love uni, you big bookish nerd,” Sirius teases. A light smile graces Remus’ mouth before his eyebrows turn down slightly again. 
“Because it’s autumn.”
Sirius puzzles. “Autumn is the best, though? Sweaters without coats, being cool but not cold, the color of the leaves? Everything looks warm in autumn. Everywhere feels like home in autumn,” Sirius comments, struck deep with a pang when he realizes. 
Remus is autumn. 
“Yeah, but autumn is fleeting. It goes as fast as it comes. Everyone says autumn is their favorite season, but it’s really the shortest. It gives you a taste of just how romantic life can be before ripping it away,” Remus sighs dreamily. “Then it’s cold and miserable for months. Autumn,” Remus states clearly. “Is a tease.”
Maybe it’s the weed. Maybe it’s the romance of that exact moment. Maybe it’s the fact that Sirius feels drunk when he gets this side of Remus all to himself.
“That’s you,” he says, not looking at Remus but feeling it as the boy turns his head to take in Sirius this time. 
“You’re autumn.”
Sirius has dug himself in too deep, and he’s so sick of pretending he’s not completely obsessed with Remus that he simply can’t go back to a time before this moment. He’ll go mental if he doesn’t get it out right this moment. 
Sirius sits up and looks down at Remus, who props himself up on his elbows with a furrowed brow in confusion.
“You are autumn. Every time I get close enough to feel your warmth, to feel comfortable enough to relax, you bolt,” he accuses lightly, garnering the beginnings of protests out of Remus who’s clearly surprised by Sirius’ words. 
“You,” he charges on. “Are autumn, because you give me a taste of what it’s like to be near you, to be the only one you share yourself with. You make me feel warm. You make me feel at home. But it’s always fleeting, you always leave too quickly. You, Remus, are a tease!”
Remus is stunned. He looks up at Sirius in awe from where he leans on his elbows, and slowly, a grin takes over his face, pink on his cheeks. 
“Sirius Black,” he breathes. “You’re in love with me,” he says, jokingly accusatory. 
Sirius’ face lights up like a firetruck. 
“What?!” He splutters, neck, cheeks, and ears growing increasingly hot. “That’s not what I said!”
“It’s exactly what you said,” he teases, rising to Sirius’ height. 
When Remus ghosts his lips over Sirius’, he can feel his heartbeat in his ears and his vision goes all swimmy. 
“You’re autumn, too. If I’m your autumn, then you’re mine.”
And as Sirius finds himself being pressed into the cool earth, surrounded by the warmth that is Remus Lupin in a cable knit jumper, he can only think one thing. 
Sirius loves Autumn. 
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rose-pearls · 2 years
Take a chance on me
Summary: Sirius has been asking you out for about two years and he suddenly decides that the best way to woo you is to serenade you. (listen to the song if you can!)
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James Potter and Sirius Black were like brothers, that’s what everyone has said since the first time they came to Hogwarts. They did everything together and were often the same person, like scary twins, what you didn’t think was going to happen is for Sirius and James to both be obsessed with one girl and going after her relentlessly. James had been trying to get Lily Evans to date him since third year and Sirius started asking me out in fourth year. Now you may ask how did I ever get the attention of Sirius Black, well he asked my friend Lucy on a date and then decided to leave her standing there in the cold, so I went to rip him a new one and since then he is apparently in love with me.
The guy is a player so of course I don’t believe him, but I have to give it to him the guy is determined, we are now in sixth year, and he is still asking me. He is quite cocky, but I have seen him be kind and considerate, so it’s difficult to make the difference. But back to what I was saying, if Potter is asking Evans out, Black isn’t far away.
Breakfast was quiet and everyone was enjoying the calmness of it before the big storm that are the Marauders all came in laughing and making too much noise for a Saturday morning. I was hoping that they were just going to sit down and eat but of course that would be too good. Next thing we know Sirius Black is on the Gryffindor table.
“Everyone! Can I get your attention?”, all the students in the Great Hall turn to look at him and Professor McGonagall looks like she didn’t sleep at all, which with these four is certainly possible.
“Now, we all know that the Yule Ball is in two weeks and even after asking 15 times, was it 15 times Moony?”, Remus looks done with him but still answers.
“It was twenty times Padfoot.”, Sirius gives him a bright grin before turning to the students with a sad smile, that looked incredibly fake.
“I was rejected twenty times, and I think I finally know why darling.”, Sirius is looking right at me, and I feel my cheeks getting redder by the second, this man really has no limits.
“You wanted to be serenaded!”, he exclaims it for everyone like he just found the solution to every problem in the universe.
I start shaking my head no but Sirius nods solemnly.
“Don’t worry I know you, so this is for you.”, my friends are laughing next to me, but they send me sympathetic smiles.
James hits a button on a machine, and the Marauders join Sirius on the table, to all strike a pose before starting to sing.
If you change your mind I'm the first in line Honey, I'm still free Take a chance on me
If you need me, let me know Gonna be around If you've got no place to go When you're feeling down
My mouth drops just like the rest of the students of Hogwarts and the Marauders continue to sing with Sirius starting to walk the whole Gryffindor table.
If you're all alone When the pretty birds have flown Honey, I'm still free Take a chance on me Gonna do my very best And it ain't no lie If you put me to the test If you let me try
Take a chance on me That's all I ask of you, honey Take a chance on me
The Gryffindors all join the Marauders and sing the chorus, the rest of the Marauders friend group like Marlene and Dorcas join them on the table.
We can go dancing (oh) We can go walking (yeah) As long as we're together (long as we're together) Listen to some music (oh) Maybe just talking (yeah) Get to know you better (get to know you better)
Sirius points to James and he starts singing the next part while spinning Remus who is laughing at his friends’ antics, and I can’t help but smile.
'Cause you know I've got So much that I wanna do When I dream I'm alone with you, it's magic You want me to leave it there Afraid of a love affair, but I think you know That I can't let go
Remus grins and sends me a sorry smile before singing the next part with Peter while pointing towards me.
If you change your mind I'm the first in line Honey, I'm still free Take a chance on me If you need me, let me know Gonna be around If you've got no place to go When you're feeling down
Sirius jumps of the Gryffindor table while the rest of his house starts going on the table to sing and dance. Sirius takes pink heart glasses from his pocket and starts to dance around the Professor’s table and starts singing again while looking at me.
If you're all alone When the pretty birds have flown Honey, I'm still free Take a chance on me Gonna do my very best And it ain't no lie If you put me to the test
The rest of the houses also start singing to the song and I feel my cheeks burn from the attention. 
Oh, you can take your time, baby (oh) I'm in no hurry (yeah) Know I'm gonna get you (know I'm gonna get you) You don't wanna hurt me (oh) Baby, don't worry (yeah) I ain't gonna let you (I ain't gonna let you)
Let me tell you now My love is strong enough To last when things are rough, it's magic You say that I waste my time But I can't get you off my mind, no, I can't let go 'Cause I love you so
Sirius is now in front of me and takes my hand while giving me a blinding smile, the pink sunglasses are in his hair, and he looks at me like he is trying to make me understand his love for me.
The Marauders continue to sing the song with the rest of the Great Hall, and I think that I even hear the Professors join in. They must be near the end of the song, but I can’t tell as I look into Sirius’s grey eyes and his loving smile. He then starts to sing again, the last lyrics of the songs while climbing the table to sit next to me.
Honey, I'm still free Take a chance on me Gonna do my very best Baby, can't you see Gotta put me to the test Take a chance on me
He sings it while looking me right in my eyes and as he finishes the last line, he puts the pink sunglasses on my head and gives me a bright, hopeful smile.
The Great Hall has erupted in cheers, and I can see in the corner of my eyes James picking up another pair of heart-shaped sunglasses and putting them on Remus’s face. Everyone is talking around us, and Sirius takes the opportunity to come closer to me and he suddenly looks nervous.
“I know you may think I’m not serious about you, no pun intended.”, he chuckles at his own joke, and I let out a small laugh while feeling emotional after all this.
“But I can’t stop thinking about you, every day I think of you. So, I wanted to show you how much I care for you and ask you if you would take a chance on me?”, my breath hitches at his words and I feel the butterflies flutter in my stomach and the only thing I can think about is him and how much I care about him.
“You are an idiot Sirius Black.”, he looks at me confused before starting to look sad, but I stop him by taking his tie and bringing him closer.
“But you’re my idiot.”, I just have time to see Sirius smile before kissing him. The feeling of his lips against mine is indescribable and I feel at home in his arms as he brings me closer to him with his arm around my waist and his other hand holding my cheek.
I hear cheers and catcalls in the distance, but I can only think of Sirius and the feeling of him and the smell of his cologne and cigarettes. 
“Alright you two as cute as you both are, quit it, there are still children here!”, Sirius breaks off the kiss but still kisses me softly before turning to James and sticking his tongue out to him like a child.
Sirius then turns to look at me and a soft smile takes over his features.
“So, are you free this afternoon for a date?”
“I am definitely free.”, Sirius’s smile gets even bigger before kissing me shortly on the lips.
“Can’t wait, I will give you the best date of your life beautiful.”, I laugh softly at that and put the heart-shaped glasses back in place on his nose.
“We will see about that. Now go eat breakfast Romeo.”, we are both smiling at each other like idiots before Sirius kisses my cheek and leaves to go eat with his friends. 
“Bye beautiful.”, I blush at his smirk, and he winks while leaving to the Gryffindor table where James is placing an enormous number of pancakes on his plate.
Dumbledore suddenly gets up and smiles at all of us but particularly to the Marauders.
“After quite a show, I have to say congratulations to mister Black for finally being able to woo miss Y/L/N, it was impressive.”, Sirius has a large grin on his face, and he looks incredibly proud.
“Now I hope that this is the last time that this happens because it shouldn’t become a daily occurrence, mister Potter remember that.”, James has a mouth full of pancakes but still manages to look offended while Sirius, Remus and Peter are laughing hard.
“Enjoy your weekend everybody, you deserve it.”, a lot of students start to get out of their seats and my friends start to talk about what just happened.
I catch Sirius’s gaze and he sends me a wink before starting to talk to his friends and I can’t wait to see what he has in store for us this afternoon.
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laryfairy · 1 year
Get to know your blogger
Thank you for tagging me @esolean <3
Share your wallpaper: I'm only using my phone at the moment where I got this mystical forest
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Last song you listened to: The Masterplan - Oasis
Currently reading: The Cadence of Part time Poets 💜
Last movie: Austenland
Last show: South Park, Bridgerton
Craving: cookie dough ice cream
What are you wearing right now: a wild combination - pyjama top with teddy bears all over it + culottes + cardigan
How tall are you: 5'5 (165cm)
Piercings: ears, nose, bellybutton, nipple (got this one yesterday hehe)
Tattoos: in order I got them - the golden snitch (rips), 3 triangles (sibling tattoo, left wrist), lion (right thigh), flowers (left thigh), a woman reading with a cat on her lap (right forearm), sunflower (right arm, over elbow)
Glases? Contacts? Glasses all day everyday because I'm blind af
Last drink: white wine
Last thing you ate: corn 🌽
Favorite color: pink + purple
Current obsession: hogwarts legacy
Any pets: 2 cats!!! Say hi to Kasimir and Wanda :)
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Favorite fictional character: ufff that's hard. Remus Lupin + Sirius Black are top on the list but I also lovelovelove Ian O'Shea (The Host by Stephenie Meyer) and Bryce Quinlan
The last place you travelled: Egypt
Tagging: @shiinzhon @zyuyea @holisticpearliegeek @ceridwenannywl @extracrunchymilk @ominisgauntlet (and everybody who wants to do it or not haha)
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enbysiriusblack · 1 year
top 5 fav things you've written
1. these are just the lyrics, but i wrote them for my brother who makes music but sucks at lyrics (very inspired by nirvana since he's obsessed with them)
fill my brain with silicone, as i swim with the fishes and steal their fins. i want to breathe under- water; stop drowning and rip my soul away. im a blank canvas im a blank canvas im a blank canvas nothing matters im a blank canvas im a blank canvas bite my head off and eat my lungs stella gave her gills away to push through; onto the other side. stella worked hard in the coral department, till she stabbed her boss with a runaway knife, and now she's caught in nets again. im a blank canvas im a blank canvas im a blank canvas nothing matters im a blank canvas im a blank canvas bite my head off and eat my lungs stella is a friend of mine, you know stella is a friend of mine, you know stella is a friend stella is a friend but she stole my skin so i ripped off her gills and now i think she may be dead but hey, it's just a fish im a blank canvas im a blank canvas im a blank canvas nothing matters im a blank canvas im a blank canvas bite my head off and eat my lungs pray for me and maybe soon I'll be a fish, and away from you
2. the devil wears an angel's face (lil snippet as an example)
"People can't be friends with a vampire!" 
A voice came from directly behind him, "Well that's rude. I have many friends." 
Remus swivelled round, turning to face the vampire, 'Sirius'.
They grinned in an obnoxious manner, a humorous glint in their silver grey eyes. They wore a tight, black suit with a silk red shirt. The buttons were barely done up, revealing most of their pale chest. Half of their black hair was piled up into a small bun, revealing an old bite wound on their neck. As they smiled, their sharp teeth visibly popped out. 
And they had just killed someone; judging by the bright red colour decorating their lips. 
"Pleasure to meet you", Sirius said, holding out their hand for Remus to shake. 
Instead of shaking their hand, he grabbed his dagger and swiftly threw it at Sirius. The vampire moved out of the way, the dagger piercing into their upper arm. 
Sirius hissed in pain, "Wow. That was a very welcome greeting." 
James snorted in humour, grinning widely between the two.
Remus reached for his gun next, pointing it right at Sirius who stood still with a cocked eyebrow and a small smirk. He clicked the trigger; about to pull, when James stepped in between them. 
"James", both of them hissed. 
They caught each other's eye and Sirius lifted up their hand in a quick, mocking wave. Remus had a stake in his hand in a second, roughly pushing James out of the way to bodily slam into Sirius and knock them to the floor.
He lifted the stake about to pierce it into Sirius' chest when he felt something wet going up his arm.
Remus looked down, gaping aimlessly between the wet mark left on his arm and a laughing vampire with their tongue still hanging half out. 
"Did you just lick me?" 
3. lil poem (inspired by both anger at my mother and regulus' relationship with walburga)
You wrap around my throat;
The air sucking life away,
Then holding me close
To comfort yourself
As I bleed a little darker
Again and again and again.
An echo of yourself,
I have nothing more to be
Than the perfect
Reflection of you.
To caress my cheek
While my mind turns
Black and blue
I think I was made for you;
An empty shell of flesh and skin
For you to shape and mold
And break as you please.
You fix my cuts and wounds,
Healing me with precision
While the rest of me snaps
And bleeds at every turn
Maybe if you pull a little harder
I'll finally snap a little faster.
4. the survivor/when all is said and done (lil snippet of the survivor as an example)
He was a wolf. Small, warm, and soft. Tame and the nicest person you'd ever meet to those he got to know, but he could be sharp and full of claws and teeth and fury. It was always in defence though- he defended his pack.
So where was his pack? I questioned. My old friends. I didn't run to him and ask. In fact, I didn't say a word to him. And neither he to me. I guess we both knew better.
He, empty beer bottle in hand and trudging down the pavement, turned to me startled, eyes wide and heavy. His pace stopped slightly, and he staggered on his feet.
I, too, from across the road had stopped at the familiar face.
But less than a second passed and off we both were, to new lives without the other. He knew I wanted nothing to do with the past, and allowed me that continued freedom by the absence of talk. I am thankful to him for such.
But I'd be foolish to pretend I didn't lay awake that night, wishing he had ran after to me, clutching my hands and speaking of everything that had passed in each other's absence. Something drastic and horrible had happened, I knew. Of course I knew.
And yet, I, selfish as always, refused the pain knowledge would bring.
5. my fantasy novel (still can't think of a name for it yet) (lil part of it as an example)
Everything felt fresh, new, to Pandora. The entire world glimmering in a new light. And it all centered around one tiny, little revelation.
She wasn't, and never will be, a saviour.
 And the sky rose and fell, and the plants grew and died, and the people went on, moved on. Because she didn't matter. Because she never mattered. And her death was what brought peace and freedom to the kingdom. All she had to do, all along, was kill herself. And she even failed at that for nineteen years.
Nova called her from across the garden, a teapot in hand and a peaceful smile on her face.
And Pandora wanted nothing more than to be the one to have put it there, to have actually made someone happy by her presence. But that wasn't what she was for, was it? The king had lied to her; she was never there to bring happiness, she was, and always has been, a weapon.
And why ever would a weapon stare at the sunset, grow flowers, and cower in a cottage with a fairy made of pure gold and light.
Weapons were meant to be used. And shed blood.
She turned back towards the cottage, ignoring the sunlight burning against her back in fury of what she had to do.
And Nova screamed in delight, thankful Pandora had a reason to live now. The fairy's blood scattered around her own cottage, Pandora finally trekked outside of Nova's tiny plot of land for the first time in her new life.
A vial hung from Pandora's neck, filled with Nova's blood. It was fairy's blood, useful, Pandora knew, but it served a greater purpose. It was romantic, she could almost hear Hephaestus say. And wouldn't that show them.
I kissed someone else, she imagined saying with her sword to Hephaestus' throat, while you stole my destiny. 
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charmsandtealeaves · 2 years
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Ministry of Magic Monthlies | October 2022: Fall and Spooky
Prompt: [dialogue]  “So…this doesn’t bother you?”
Read it on AO3
Summary: Lily Evans has finally started dating. There’s just one problem. She’s not dating him. 
Words: 797 
Photo by Yousef Espanioly on Unsplash
Benjy Begone 
It started as rumour. There was no confirmation or denial by either party that Lily Evans and Benjy Fenwick were officially dating. But now there was absolutely no denying the fact after what Peter Pettigrew had just witnessed in the defence against the dark arts corridor, Lily and Benjy walking hand in hand as he showered her cheek with brief kisses. Peter had relayed this information first to Remus and then to Sirius. James was bound to find out eventually, but the question was who would be the one to tell him and soften the blow. It was decided it was best Sirius tell him after quidditch practise, but in case he decided to throw himself off his broom into the Black Lake. 
James entered the boys locker room in good spirits, they’d had a cracking practice and were bound to grind Slytherin into the dirt at the start of November. He’d slapped each of his players on the back, hit the showers and came out feeling refreshed. The changing room was empty bar Sirius, who as yet hadn’t even taken his kit off and was sitting on a bench brooding. 
“James… I need to tell you something” Sirius started wearily. 
“Yeah?” James replied, towelling his sopping wet hair vigorously. 
“Evans is dating Benjy” best just to rip off the bandaid Sirius thought. 
“Oh yeah, I know.” said James nonchalantly, which took Sirius by surprise. He’d expected a lot more curse words to come flying out of James' mouth. 
“Pete saw the two of them together in the dark arts corridor. It’s not a rumour. Like they’re dating-dating.” Sirius said, making sure his meaning had been clear. 
“Yeah, I know.” James repeated again, as he walked straight past Sirius and started loading his dirty gear into his kit bag. 
“So… this doesn’t bother you?” Sirius asked, whirling around to face James who still had his back to him. 
“Nope.” replied James, popping the ‘p’. 
“Seriously? You’ve been like… obsessed with her for years.” Sirius responded incredulously. 
“Yeah, don’t get me wrong. I still like Evans. But I’m not bothered that she's seeing Benjy. I’ve dated other girls, it won't last.” James shrugged off Sirius' concern. 
“That may be Prongs but it could take months, years even. Look at bloody Frank and Alice.”
“But it won't,” said James confidently. 
“What makes you so sure?” questioned Sirius, concerned there was an unfortunate series of events shortly in store for poor Benjy unless he intervened. 
“Well for a Ravenclaw he’s not the brightest. He asked me at the start of term if he could ask Evans to Hogsmeade.” James was smug. 
“Well what did you say? What’re you gonna do to him?” asked Sirius. 
“Absolutely nothing. I don’t have to. He’s already dug his own grave; he just doesn’t know it yet. Evans isn’t property. As soon as she finds out he asked for my permission to take her to Hogsmeade he’s Benjy Begone. Evans won’t stand for that sexist shit. I told him what he did was his and hers business and has nothing to do with me. Besides it’s ol’ Snivelly he ought to watch out for I heard he’s come up with a good set of jinxs over summer break” 
“Yeah, there’s just one flaw in your logic there, Prongs. How’s she gonna know unless Benjy tells her, which he won’t if he has half a brain. Or alternatively you tell her, which she won’t believe.” said Sirius warningly.
“Ah but you see dear Padfoot I won’t have to tell her. He asked in front of a group of Hufflepuff fourth years. I give it til Halloween before wind gets back to Evans and he’s out on his arse. Besides, it’ll irk her to know I apparently didn’t give a shit when he asked. I’m working this one out the mature way. Isn’t that what she’s always banging on about? I’m an immature toerag.”
Sirius couldn’t find fault with that one to be fair. The Hufflepuff fourth years were notorious for gossip, especially amongst the girls. Benjy may not know it but his days were numbered if Evans did have a problem with it. Which as James predicted, she did. Lily Evans came thundering up the boys staircase and into their dormitory especially to shriek at James for ‘giving Benjy permission to ask her out when she didn’t need his bloody permission’. James had exchanged a knowing look with Sirius when he told her he’d done no such thing and it was none of his business who she chose to date. Which had left her flustered and stuck trying to find a suitable scathing retort. In the end she had just walked out and slammed the door behind her. Benjy was dating a new girl by Christmas. 
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