#russian calf
こんにちは 名古屋店 コジャです。
開催中の『WILDSWANS BAKER RUSSIAN CALF受注会』。 名古屋店にて明日5/3(水)から今回別注の3型のサンプルを展示致します。
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知る人ぞ知る幻の皮革『ロシアンカーフ』。 1700年代から作られていたと言われている幻の皮革があります。 そのロシアンカーフをフルグレインブライドルレザーでお馴染みのイギリスの老舗タンナー・ベイカー社が『ベイカーロシアンカーフ』として現代に蘇らせました。
今回はその『ベイカー社 ロシアンカーフ』を外装に使用します。
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広大な白樺の森を持つロシアでしか作られていなかった「ロシアンカーフ」は、 18世紀の帝政ロシアの時代よりロシアの重要な輸出品として西欧諸国に輸出されていた牛やトナカイを原皮にして生産されていた高級革です。
当時、ヨーロッパでは非常に珍重されましたが、20世紀初頭にロシア革命が始まると、 その動乱の中で製法の詳細が記載されたレシピの存在が不明となり、幻のレザーとなります。
1786年にサンクトペテルブルクからジェノバに向かう途中のイギリス南西沖で沈没した帆船「メッタ・カタリーナ号」が引き上げられました。 沈没から約200年後の1973年に発見され、その船内からは大量のロシアンカーフが見つかっています。 このロシアンカーフ見つかったことで、その存在が再び注目を集めることになります。
200年にも及び海底に沈んでいたにも関わらず、革の状態は非常に良好だったそうです。 水にも強いと言われたロシアンカーフの耐久性や耐腐性の高さやが、思わぬ形で証明されることにもなりました。 長らく製法が不明だったロシアンカーフですが、海底で発見された革を基に、その製法を紐解くプロジェクトが始まります。
この時重要な役割を果たしたのが、先にご紹介したベイカー社でした。 『ベイカーロシアンカーフ』の誕生はベイカー社が馬具で有名なフランスの某高級ブランドから依頼されたことに始まります。
ベイカー社はロシアンカーフについて様々な文献や資料を調べ上げ、さらに現存する実際のロシアンカーフを徹底的に分析し研究を重ねることで、 なめしの方法やフィニッシュに使用するオイル、表面の編み目模様などを可能な限り再現しました。 そうしてベイカー社によるロシアンカーフが誕生しました。
ベイカーロシアンカーフは、英国南西部で育てられたカーフを白樺、柳、樫と3種類の樹皮を使用して、約4カ月かけてじっくりとなめしたベジタブルタンニングレザーです。 その革の裏面から白樺のオイルをたっぷりと染み込ませてフィニッシングをします。 大昔から白樺が多く生息するロシアで行われていた伝統的な工程で、しなやかでありながらも非常に頑丈で、耐久性と耐湿性に優れた革となります。 また、バーチオイルの匂いには防虫効果も有るといわれています。 この工程によってロシアンカーフ特有の白樺の芳香が生まれます。 表面にはロシアンカーフのもうひとつの特徴でもあるダイヤ柄のクロスハッチ(網目)模様が付けられています。
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そしてフルグレインブライドルレザーと同様に長期間じっくりと鞣され、 十分な加脂を皮革内部まで浸透させることで、高い弾力性を伴いながらも、力強いハリ感を備えています。
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そして、内装に使用するレザーは、『ベイカー社 フルグレインブライドルレザー』。 先程のロシアンカーフと同タンナー、ベイカー社が伝統的な技法で丁寧に鞣したフルグレインブライドルレザーです。
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『ベイカー社 フルグレインブライドルレザー』
ベイカー社のフルグレインブライドルレザーは、 ステアハイドレザー(生後2年以上の牡牛の革)を皮革産業が盛んな英国でも唯一といわれるオークバーク(オークの樹皮)から抽出したタンニンを使用し、 伝統的な技法で1年以上の時間をかけて鞣されています。 長い時間をかけ鞣されることで、一段と堅くなり強度と耐久性が増した皮革です。 一般的なブライドルレザーは革の銀面(表層)を削って加脂、加蝋、染色を施しますが、このフルグレインブライドルレザーは銀面を削りません。 革で一番強度のある銀面をそのまま生かした「フルグレイン」仕様は一般的なブライドルレザーと比較してより耐久性が高いのが特徴です。 また銀面が削られていないため、自然の風合いを生かした荒々しく無骨で表情も魅力です。
一般的に知られているブライドルレザーは皮革の表面に白いロウ成分(ブルーム)が噴き出しております。 これは長い時間をかけて内部のあらゆる繊維にしっかりと染み込ませているためです。 実際に表面に触れてみるとヌメっとしたロウの質感を強く感じて頂けます。 強靭なフルグレインブライドルレザーは長年使用してもそのコシが抜けにくく、また適度な柔軟さにより比較的傷も付きにくいという性質を持っています。
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《WAVE (長財布) ¥148,500(with TAX)》
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《GROUNDER (二つ折り財布) ¥101,200(with TAX)》
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《CASA (ミニ財布) ¥69,300(with TAX)》
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※オーダー頂きました商品はその後、生産に入ります。 商品のお渡しは2023年12月を予定しております。 (皮革の生産状況により入荷時期の前後が予想されますので予めご了承下さい。) 受注頂きました商品はお渡しの際、税込み価格より10%OFF+ポイント2倍の特典がございます。
東京店から始まり、 東京店~名古屋店~大阪店~福岡店~阪急メンズ東京店、札幌店と全直営店で開催致します。 ※東京店は2023年4/30(日)にて終了。
東京店:2023年4/24(月)~4/30(日)・・・サンプル展示終了 名古屋店:2023年5/3(水)~5/8(月)・・・明日、5/3(水)よりサンプル展示!! 大阪店:2023年5/11(木)~5/15(月) 福岡店:2023年5/18(木)~5/22(月) 阪急メンズ東京店:2023年5/26(金)~5/30(火) 札幌店:2023年6/3(土)~6/11(日)
ベイカー社ロシアンカーフ(外装)×ベイカー社フルグレインブライドルレザー(内装)と、 内外装共にベイカー社の名作レザーという特別な組み合わせです。 是非この機会に店頭でサンプルを御覧下さい。
《WAVE (長財布) ¥148,500(with TAX)》
《GROUNDER (二つ折り財布) ¥101,200(with TAX)》
《CASA (ミニ財布) ¥69,300(with TAX)》
ウエアハウス各直営店にて、 2023/4/29(土)~2023/5/7(日)まで『ゴールデンウィークフェア』を開催致します。
店頭でお買い物の際、 ご精算の前に《登録済みのWAREHOUSEの公式LINEアカウント画面の提示》で恒例の特典で販売させて頂きます、ぜひご登録下さい。 (未登録の方は御清算前にでも御登録して頂ければ特典販売させて頂きます。)
☞ [営業時間のお知らせ]
平素よりウエアハウス直営店をご利用頂き有難う御座います。 ウエアハウス直営店では営業を下記の通り変更しております。
◎東京店 【営業時間:平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】無休 ◎阪急メンズ東京店 【営業時間:平日 12時~20時 土日祝 11時~20時】無休 ◎名古屋店【営業時間: 平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】水曜定休 ※2023.05.03(水)は祝日の為、営業致します。 ◎大阪店 【営業時間: 平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】 無休 ◎福岡店 【営業時間: 平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】 無休 ◎札幌店 【営業時間: 11時~20時】  木曜定休
今後の営業時間等の変更につきましては、 改めて当ブログにてお知らせ致します。 お客様におかれましてはご不便をお掛けいたしますが、 ご理解の程、宜しくお願い申し上げます。
☞ 『WAREHOUSE直営店の LINE公式アカウント開設』
LINE公式アカウント開設にあたり、 2019年3月26日(火)以降、提供しておりましたスマートフォンアプリはご利用できなくなっております。 お手数をおかけしますが、今後はLINEアカウントのご利用をお願いします。
ご利用されるエリアのアカウントを「友だち登録」して下さい。 ※WAREHOUSE名古屋店をご利用頂いているお客様は【WAREHOUSE EAST】をご登録下さい。
弊社直営店で行っておりますジーンズ等のリペアの受付を休止させて頂いております。 ※ご郵送に関しても同様に休止させて頂いております。再開の日程は未定です。
ご迷惑お掛け致しますが、ご理解下さいます様お願い致します。 ※弊社製品であればボトムスの裾上げは無料にてお受けしております。お預かり期間は各店舗により異なりますのでお問合せ下さい。
〒460-0011 愛知県名古屋市中区大須3-13-18
【営業時間:平日 12時~19時、土日祝 12時~19時】水曜定休 ※2023.05.03(水)は祝日の為、営業致します。
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I wish the Georgia aquarium didn't partially suck :/ I wanna see whale sharks :( but alas
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Pairing: Roomates! Stucky x Fem! Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Summary: while eating the best ice cream you’ve ever tasted, you teasingly confess to your roomates you’d let ben and jerry do anything they wanted to you. the next time you open the freezer, their names have been crossed out, and replaced with bucky and steves. be prepared for a treat much sweeter than ice cream...
Warnings: SMUT, threesum, blowjob, praise kink, degradation kink, petnames, masturbation mentioned, finger sucking & gagging, sub space, size kink/ belly bulge, small daddy kink, swearing, teasing, bucky speaking russian bc oh my god that needs its own warning
Notes: in honour of summer being near, i made this while eating some BOMB ass ice cream! if ur lactose intolerant, you arent in this fic, hop on the dairy train bb;)
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As Steve dug in his pocket, pulling out the apartment key that jangled with the little heart-shaped keychain you had made him, he was not expecting to hear a loud moan come from the other side of the door. 
It made him stop in his tracks, key halfway in the lock as he froze, eyes widening. 
It was your moan. 
He could recognise that sweet, high-pitched whine anywhere. 
Whenever you thought he and Bucky were asleep, he could hear you moan into your pillow through the paper-thin walls, hand between your legs at an odd hour of the night. He never told you could hear you, knowing you’d be too embarrassed to do anything in the apartment again. 
And that wouldn't work for Steve.
 He craved those sweet noises like a drug, often slipping his hand down to stroke his cock in rhythm with your moans. 
But it wasn't very late, and it wasn't far enough to be in the comfort of your bedroom. Was Bucky fucking you? He and Bucky had discussed it many times, often fantasying over you together, talking about every little way they’d fuck your gorgeous body, but was he seriously doing without him? 
The thought of Bucky touching your pretty little body without him present had him slamming open the door at an alarming speed, handle banging into the wall hard enough to scratch the paint. 
You jumped from the sound, stumbling back into the fridge with your ice cream in hand. Steve looked at you with a wild look in his eye, appearing to be searching for Bucky. 
“Could you slam the door open any harder Stevie? The wall told me earlier today it wanted a massive hole in it.” you grumbled, attempting to catch your breath from the scare. Clutching the carton of ice cream tightly, you padded over to the couch just as Bucky stepped out from his room, hair still wet and dripping from his shower. 
You gulped at the sight of his bare chest, abs gleaming in pretty shades of pink as the sunset spiled in through the windows. Sweatpants were slung low on his hips, a look of confusion on his face as he noted Steve shaking his head, shutting the door behind him as he slung off his shoes. 
“You okay punk?” he asked softly, making his way to you on the couch, sliding your bare legs across his lap, watching with delight as the oversized shirt you wore of Steve’s slid up to reveal your thighs. 
“Mhmm. Thought I heard something, that's all.” 
You stopped mid-bite, realization hitting you like a freight train. Turning to face him, you quickly grabbed a pillow, throwing it with all your might at the blonde. 
“Steven Grant Rogers! You came bursting through that door because you heard me moan?! You pervert!” you shrieked, making Bucky howl with laughter. “Hey you said it!” he grinned, grabbing the pillow and throwing it on the chair. 
“You boys are gross. Let me enjoy my ice cream in peace.” you sighed, adjusting yourself so that Steve could sit with you and Bucky on the couch, resting your head on his knee. “Go ahead bunny. Stevie won't bother you anymore.” he grinned, eyes filled with delight as he raised his eyebrow at the blonde, patting your calf gently.
 “Better not.” you grumbled, scooping out a chunk of cookie dough from the ice cream. “I’m not that gross. Just sometimes.” Steve smiled, his hand coming down to stroke your hair, watching your face confront in pleasure as you chewed the cookie dough.
 “All guys are gross, you all got cooties.” you grumbled, mouth full, as you rolled your eyes. A little smack on your thigh made you yelp, Bucky's hand rubbing over the bare flesh where he hit you lightly. 
“You take that back bunny!” he laughed, watching you attempting to kick his arm, with no success. “Never. Never ever.” you smiled, spooning more ice cream into your mouth. 
The chocolate flavors melted on your tongue, the traces of brownie and cookie dough still lingering as you swallowed. “This is genuinely the best thing I’ve ever had in my entire life. Oh my god, I would let the people who made this do whatever they wanted to me.” you moaned, purring in delight as Steve’s fingers began to comb through your silky strands, scratching your scalp gently. 
“Anything?” Bucky asked, eyebrow raised as he looked over at Steve. 
“Anything.” you replied, too lost in the ice cream and the feelings of Bucky's hand stroking your soft skin to notice the look of amusement on each of their faces, wicked grins and winks being exchanged back and forth. 
“I’m gonna hold that against you dolly.” Steve sang, making you laugh. 
Oh, you were in for a treat. One much sweeter than that ice cream indeed.
“Didn’t I say I’d hold those words against you honey?” Steve asked softly, gripping your chin so you were forced to look into his baby blue eyes, the mock pity etched on his face as Bucky pounded into you from behind. 
You were much too gone to speak, the snarky, quick-witted reply you had so desperately wanted to say back stuck in your throat. Only a low whimper had left your lips that were now shaped in an O-shape, eyes widened to saucers as Bucky gripped your hips even tighter. 
Although you were at a loss for words now, you were beyond thankful you weren't on that couch, spilling your guts about every little position you’d let the ice cream company hit, teasingly. 
The next time you had opened that same freezer, spoon in hand as you reached for your little carton, you froze.
 No longer was it Ben and Jerry’s, but Bucky and Steve's name written in black sharpie. 
“Oh my god, I would let the people who made this do whatever they wanted to me.” “Anything?” “Anything.” 
You had shut the freezer with a soft slam, surprise written all over your face as Bucky and Steve strolled into the kitchen, grins evident on their faces as your arms limply fell to your sides. 
That was how you had ended up here, in this position, one of many you had spilled to the boys. Bucky pounding into you from behind, Steve's hands teasing you until you cried. 
“There's no point in talkin to her punk she's a goner.” Bucky chuckled, his thrusts making you cry out, your eyes beginning to glaze over from the stimulation he was giving you. 
He growled as you clenched around him, your toes curling from the way his cock prodded your g-spot, the way you could feel him bulging through your belly. 
“Oh don’t be so rough with our doll Buck. She’s just a lil thing compared to us.” Steve warned, the bulging veins from the back of his hand stroking your cheek lightly as you inched forward with every one of Bucky's ministrations. 
“S’tight I can’t help it.” he growled roughly, arm slipping under your stomach as your now shaking legs were unable to keep you up on all fours. “I gotcha bunny you just keep your eyes on Steve okay? Don’t want you passing out on us just yet.” he winked, laughing at your little ahs you let out with each movement. 
“Stevie…” you trailed off in a daze, head becoming light and cloudy as you stared at the smiling man in front of you. “Yes honey I’m right here. Open up okay sweet girl?” 
You nodded slowly, mouth opening wider as he slipped his two fingers inside, your tongue swirling around his digits with a strangled moan. “Ohhh she likes that. Keep doin that punk.” Bucky moaned, feeling you clench tighter around him the further back Steve's fingers went. 
Suddenly, his large fingers hit the back of your throat, making you cry out as you choked around him. “Shhh, I’m preparing you sweetheart. Something someone should have done before they started rutting into you like a bitch in heat.” Steve narrowed his eyes up on Bucky, in to which Bucky just shrugged as if to say oh well. 
You whined as he slid his fingers out, wrapping his tongue around them and sucking your saliva clean off them with a boyish grin.
 “Okay doll you ready?” he asked gently, beginning to gather your hair in a makeshift ponytail. The same hair he was stroking and playing with, so innocently as you ate your ice cream. 
Oh how the table have turned indeed. 
“Course she's ready, little bunny wants to be filled from both ends.” Bucky smirked, thrusting into hard and rough as you nodded in agreement, staring up at Steve as he now towered over you. “Is that right baby?” 
“Yes daddy.” you whispered hoarsely, sticking your tongue out in obedience. 
“Oh fuck…” Steve moaned, bringing his hard, aching cock to your lips. You lapped at the precum that coated the tip, moaning as he yanked your hair so you were forced to meet his eyes. 
“Eyes on me. Got it?” 
You nodded, purely dumbfounded. A sharp thrust from behind had you keening, and you wrapped your lips around Steve's cock, hollowing your cheeks as you took him down your throat. 
Fresh tears stained your flushed cheeks as Bucky slapped your ass harshly, Steve’s control of your head making you take him deeper and deeper. You moaned, the vibrations around his cock making him growl as he began to fuck your throat in perfect harmony with Bucky. 
The sight of Steve's head thrown back in pleasure, his adams apple bobbing as you pleasured him made your core tingle, flames licking down your spine as you felt release in an arms reach. 
“такой милый кролик…” Bucky moaned, his own orgasm approaching as you gripped him tightly. “Buck she's gonna cum.” Steve whispered, frantic eyes meeting your own, your tears and hiccups turning them on even more. 
“I know… can feel her squeezin the life outta me.” he replied with a grunt. “Let go, sweetheart, we’re right here with you.” Steve cooed softly. 
Those were the words you needed to hear. 
The coil in your belly snapped, your vision turning white as you came all over Bucky's cock. The sensations were overwhelming, each muscle, bone and blood cell consumed with pure pleasure as the men continued to use you, riding you through your orgasm. 
“Oh godddd-” Bucky moaned, hips stilling as he spilled inside you, his cream coating your spongy walls as you shook from under him. Steve followed suit, his cum trickling down your throat, the taste bitter yet sweet as you swallowed every last drop he gave you, his sweet praises encouraging you to lick him clean.
 “Such a good girl sweetheart, we’re so proud of you.” he smiled, slowly pulling his cock out of your mouth, watching you sputter for breath. 
“You are?” you croaked, sniffling as your arms could no longer support you either. “Yes bunny we’re so proud of you. But we’re not done just yet.” Bucky smiled, his hands slowly guiding you upwards on your knees, his cock still firmly inside your weeping hole. 
The look he gave Steve had you whimpering, the light in his eye meaning there could only be trouble brewing in that filthy mind of his. 
“Switch Stevie?”
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
The Best News of Last Week - January 09, 2023
1. Top British universities offer Afghan women free courses until Taliban lift learning ban
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Afghanistan's ruling Taliban announced last month that women would no longer be able to study at universities and higher education establishments. Institutions were told to implement the ban as soon as possible.
Now, a number of British universities have teamed up through FutureLearn to offer the women in Afghanistan free access to digital learning platforms. Girls and women with internet access will be able to study more than 1,200 courses from top institutions at no cost to themselves.
2. Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs extends protections to LGBTQ+ state employees and contractors
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Arizona’s newly elected Gov. Katie Hobbs (D) signed an executive order extending employment protections to state employees and contractors who are LGBTQ+.
As the Human Rights Campaign reports, the executive order, signed on Hobbs’s first day in office Tuesday, directs the state’s Department of Administration to update hiring, promotion, and compensation policies for all state agencies to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity and include provisions in all new state contracts to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
3. EU Carbon Emissions Drop To 30-Year Lows
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It was supposed to be a dirty autumn and winter, with European nations scrambling to replace Russian gas with high-polluting coal. But according to the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air, the cold seasons so far have been the cleanest in more than 30 years.
4. Critically endangered rhinoceros gives birth to calf at Kansas City Zoo on New Year's Eve
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The Kansas City Zoo got a special start to the new year: A critically endangered subspecies of rhinoceros gave birth to a calf on Dec. 31, officials announced. The calf is walking, nursing and even playing with its mother, Zuri, animal specialists said.
5. Cancer Vaccine to Simultaneously Kill and Prevent Brain Cancer Developed
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Scientists are harnessing a new way to turn cancer cells into potent, anti-cancer agents. A new stem cell therapy approach eliminates established brain tumors and provides long-term immunity, training the immune system to prevent cancer from returning.
link to the paper …
6. The US has approved use of the world's first vaccine for honey bees.
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It was engineered to prevent fatalities from American foulbrood disease, a bacterial condition known to weaken colonies by attacking bee larvae. As pollinators, bees play a critical role in many aspects of the ecosystem.
The vaccine could serve as a "breakthrough in protecting honey bees", Dalan Animal Health CEO Annette Kleiser said in a statement. It works by introducing an inactive version of the bacteria into the royal jelly fed to the queen, whose larvae then gain immunity.
7. Cat missing for nearly 6 years reunited with owner thanks to microchip
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West Sacramento woman got the surprise of a lifetime Saturday when she was reunited with her missing cat after nearly 6 years thanks to microchip. 
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That's it for this week. If you liked this post you can support this newsletter with a small kofi donation:
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mutant-distraction · 5 months
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M Rashid M Rashid
In 2010, after the strong thaw in some areas of Siberia, Russia, a beautiful woolly mammoth calf weighing one ton was discovered. After 39,000 years in the ice, the calf was in perfect condition and still had its fur and muscle tissue intact. Thanks to the, Russian scientists, for the first time in history, we managed to take blood samples from a prehistoric animal.
According to research, the mammoth's death occurred while crossing the swamp, and due to the low temperatures and surrounding ice, the body remained in perfect condition.
Scientists and researchers from South Korea have suggested that thanks to the DNA samples obtained from Yuka's body, they could clone this extinct species in the future, giving life again to one of the great mammals in history.
Yuka was not the first mammoth found, in 1977 an excavator accidentally found the corpse of a small mammoth but unfortunately it was not well preserved.
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racefortheironthrone · 10 months
This is probably a bad question, but who is Kraven the Hunter, why is he getting a movie, and what did they get wrong about him?
Kraven the Hunter is a Spider-Man villain: his whole schtick is that he is a Russian big game hunter who is so good that he started hunting animals with his bare hands because it was the only way to make it hard enough to be interesting, who decides that the "most dangerous game" is Spider-Man and proceeds to hunt him like an animal, because somehow that's legal in J. Jonah Jameson's New York.
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You might notice that, along with hunting and killing animals with his bare hands, Kraven's schtick is wearing their skins from head-to-mid-calf (capris pants and ballet shoes, what can you do?). Doesn't exactly mesh well with soulful emo with daddy issues who doesn't believe in hurting animals. (The daddy issues thing is particularly funny, because Kraven in the comics is relentlessly awful to his many children.)
As for why he's getting a movie, it's the same reason that Morbius got a movie - Sony has the rights to Spider-Man's rogues gallery, but under the deal they worked out with Marvel, they can't do their own Spider-Man solo films at the moment. So instead of having the villains be villains, Sony is turning them into anti-heroes, with decidedly mixed results.
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goldtippedfeathers · 4 months
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here’s a snippet to my 2019 4n4 workout routine in case yall wanna suffer with me lmao
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🐻‍❄️ 2019-core workout 🐻‍❄️
m o n d a y
- 2 hours walking
- 300 jumping jacks
t u e s d a y
- 10 squats weighted (10 lbs weights)
- 50 crunches
- 100 leg lifts per leg
w e d n e s d a y
- 100 jumping jacks
- 20 squats
- 40 calf raises
- 20 leg lifts per leg
- 1 hour walk
- 100 bicycle crunches
- 20 pancakes (arm exercise)
t h u r s d a y
- 20 jack knives
- 45 minute walk
- 100 crunches
- 40 leg lifts
f r i d a y
- 10 minutes jackknives (a BURNERRRR)
- 1 hour walk
- 100 bicycle crunches
- 30 leg lifts
- 30 leg circles
- 20 squats
- 200 jumping jacks
- 20 minutes running
s a t u r d a y
- 200 crunches
- 1300 jumping jacks
- 15 minutes stair climbing/running
- 20 minute pilates
s u n d a y
- 3 hour walk
- 200 bicycle crunches
- 20x4 workout (see archive)
- 200 jumping jacks
- 20 heel taps
- 20 toe touches
- 20 russian twists
- 20 mountain climbers
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wonderingtemples · 1 year
How to start ballet when you're in your late teens and 20s
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Hey everyone, I started ballet at the age of 22 so I wanted to make a how to start ballet post for people who didn't start doing ballet when they're younger.
My story: I wanted to do ballet since I was a child and had a poor upbringing so any social activity that required constant money was out of consideration. My passion for ballet ignited when I started watching ballet shows regularly and I wanted to try it. I first started on Ballet for Absolute Beginner series by Ballet Misfit and I did ballet with the help of it for 6 months. Then I graduated from college and got into a real ballet class for adult beginners after finding a job and getting my financial freedom. So I have been doing ballet for 2 years now consistently.
What to expect:
Passion and determination: you're an adult beginner in a dance that requires perfectionism. You'll feel like a duck during the first months, even the the first year until you get the hang of it. You need to enjoy the process and love doing ballet to survive the first months. Ballet is not a gate for slimming down or looking aesthetic ™ it's a near God damn sport and you need patience to get better at it.
Slow progress of flexibility: you're going to get flexible in time but you'll probably won't be able to do splits or an attitude in a month if you haven't been able to do them before. Flexibility is a slow process and it requires consistent effort. If you force yourself to get flexible immediately during the first months you'll sprain yourself and your progress will be even slower.
Muscle gains: doing ballet makes you gain serious muscles and you need to gain serious muscles to do ballet. You'll need core strength for that balances and calf strength for relevés. I recommend consistent practice targeting the leg and core muscles to be able to hold the balances longer.
Vocabulary: First thing first, you'll need to learn the names of the poses because it's a universal language in ballet. It's French and it's chic but learning the names of the poses is not that hard. You'll get the hang of it by time.
Online learning: Ballet Beginner series by Ballet Misfit is great to begin if you just like doing ballet don't have any ambitions to be dancer, be on Pointe or do the turns. However, it has some cons because you're most likely learn the poses wrong because there's no ballet teacher to fix your stance.
Finding a class: it's better tho find a class if you have the ambition to learn ballet. The most important thing is your teacher. You do not want a perfectionist Russian Ballet teacher when you're an adult learner. You'll need someone who is kind and patient. Also finding a class that is near you is a huge con.
Proper gear: it's everywhere and it's expensive. You can do ballet with usual tights and socks or proper Ballet clothes. The difference is that having proper Ballet shoes etc will give you more motivation to continue. The con is that it's expensive.
Caution: I am reminding again, Ballet is not an inherently pro-*na dance it's a damn near sport and an amazing dance form. Get your treatments if you have any Ed history.
Consistent practice: as always, practice makes perfect. Make sure to practice what you've learned in the class at home if you have time.
So this is all there's to expect as a adult ballet beginner. You can add anything if you're a pro or you have came across something else, I'm open to feedback.
Make sure to enjoy the process and don't hurt yourself. Have fun 💕🩰
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warehouse-staff-blog · 6 months
こんにちは 名古屋店 コジャです。
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知る人ぞ知る幻の皮革『ロシアンカーフ』。 1700年代から作られていたと言われている幻の皮革があります。 そのロシアンカーフをフルグレインブライドルレザーでお馴染みのイギリスの老舗タンナー・ベイカー社が『ベイカーロシアンカーフ』として現代に蘇らせました。
今回はその『ベイカー社 ロシアンカーフ』を内外装、共に使用します。
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広大な白樺の森を持つロシアでしか作られていなかった「ロシアンカーフ」は、 18世紀の帝政ロシアの時代よりロシアの重要な輸出品として西欧諸国に輸出されていた牛やトナカイを原皮にして生産されていた高級革です。
当時、ヨーロッパでは非常に珍重されましたが、20世紀初頭にロシア革命が始まると、 その動乱の中で製法の詳細が記載されたレシピの存在が不明となり、幻のレザーとなります。
1786年にサンクトペテルブルクからジェノバに向かう途中のイギリス南西沖で沈没した帆船「メッタ・カタリーナ号」が引き上げられました。 沈没から約200年後の1973年に発見され、その船内からは大量のロシアンカーフが見つかっています。 このロシアンカーフ見つかったこと��、その存在が再び注目を集めることになります。
200年にも及び海底に沈んでいたにも関わらず、革の状態は非常に良好だったそうです。 水にも強いと言われたロシアンカーフの耐久性や耐腐性の高さやが、思わぬ形で証明されることにもなりました。 長らく製法が不明だったロシアンカーフですが、海底で発見された革を基に、その製法を紐解くプロジェクトが始まります。
この時重要な役割を果たしたのが、先にご紹介したベイカー社でした。 『ベイカーロシアンカーフ』の誕生はベイカー社が馬具で有名なフランスの某高級ブランドから依頼されたことに始まります。
ベイカー社は、ロシアンカーフについて様々な文献や資料を調べ上げ、さらに現存する実際のロシアンカーフを徹底的に分析し研究を重ねることで、 なめしの方法やフィニッシュに使用するオイル、表面の編み目模様などを可能な限り再現しました。 そうしてベイカー社によるロシアンカーフが誕生しました。
ベイカーロシアンカーフは、英国南西部で育てられたカーフを白樺、柳、樫と3種類の樹皮を使用して、約4カ月かけてじっくりとなめしたベジタブルタンニングレザーです。 その革の裏面から白樺のオイルをたっぷりと染み込ませてフィニッシングをします。 大昔から白樺が多く生息するロシアで行われていた伝統的な工程で、しなやかでありながらも非常に頑丈で、耐久性と耐湿性に優れた革となります。 また、バーチオイルの匂いには防虫効果も有るといわれています。 この工程によってロシアンカーフ特有の白樺の芳香が生まれます。 表面にはロシアンカーフのもうひとつの特徴でもあるダイヤ柄のクロスハッチ(網目)模様が付けられています。
そしてフルグレインブライドルレザーと同様に長期間じっくりと鞣され、 十分な加脂を皮革内部まで浸透させることで、高い弾力性を伴いながらも、力強いハリ感を備えています。
《WAVE (長財布) ¥178,200(with TAX)》
《CASA (ミニ財布) ¥90,200(with TAX)》
《ARTHUR (マルチカードケース) ¥55,000(with TAX)》
今回は昨年よりリリースされたマルチカードケースARTHURを加えてラインナップしております。 もちろんWAREHOUSEで別注するのも初めての新型(ARTHUR)です。
《WAVE (長財布) ¥178,200(with TAX)》
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《CASA (ミニ財布) ¥90,200(with TAX)》
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《ARTHUR (マルチカードケース) ¥55,000(with TAX)》
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※オーダー頂きました商品は受注会後、生産に入ります。 商品のお渡しは2024年3~4月を予定しております。 (皮革の生産状況により入荷時期の前後が予想されますので予めご了承下さい。) 受注頂きました商品はお渡しの際、税込み価格より10%OFF+ポイント2倍の特典がございます。
東京店:2023年 11/3(金)祝~11/7(火)・・・サンプル展示終了 名古屋店:2023年 11/10(金)~11/14(火)・・・サンプル展示中 大阪店:2023年 11/17(金)~11/21(火) 福岡店:2023年 11/24(金)~11/28(火) 阪急メンズ東京店:2023年 12/2(土)~12/6(水) ・札幌店:2023年 12/10(日)~12/13(水)
内外装共にベイカー社ロシアンカーフという特別な仕様です。 是非この機会に店頭でサンプルを手に取ってご覧ください。
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justadeadreaper · 1 month
Man’s best friend, a creature that will be most loyal to its master, a dog, the word befitting of Makarov’s bodyguard. The only member of Konni or the Inner Circle that could be described as more loyal than Andrei to Makarov and his cause, a man who would do anything to see it come to life. No matter what was thrown at him, he always came back; no bullet or grenade could keep him down or dead for long as he would just get up again and fight once more; it is no surprise that he earned Makarov’s favour. A giant that uses his strength for the wrong cause. A man who sees what he does as a mission from God as he aims to build a new world, one that Makarov controls. A man who uses his talent to create technology to wipe out cities to forge a path to his only. A man who became the face of Konni, so at least if he was taken in, Makarov could still concoct what needed to be done. A man who smiles as he beats in the skull of his enemies. Makarov’s jackpot. 
Divider used, by: @mmadeinheavenn (Please support him as he made the amazing divider I will be using)
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ALIASES: Behemoth (by Taskforce 141), Makarov’s (sometimes attack or guard) Mutt (by Makarov, Taskforce 141, and others), Nephelim (by Makarov’s associates), Big Bastard (by Soap)
LANGUAGE(S): English, French, Biblical Hebrew, Latin, Russian
FRACTION AFFILIATION: Konni, The Inner Circle, The Ultranationalist Party, Zakhaev's Arms
STATUS: Active
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AGE: 29
NAME: [REDACTED] “Remus” Belladonna Matthew [REDACTED]
DATE OF BIRTH: 26.06.1995
HEIGHT: 7’11”
WEIGHT: 503 to 533 Pounds
BUILD: Stocky, well built
SCARS, TATTOOS, AND MARKINGS: Healed skin grafting covering most of the left side of his body -predominantly on the front of his body even if it goes onto his back- from his face to his torso to his arms to his legs with a few patches dotted around the right side of his body, missing most of his left ear, teeth marks across his right hand, scars across his back that seems to be from something like a belt, a long surgical scar above his heart, surgical scars across his body (more specifically his knees, hips, ankles, and shoulders), scars from knife and bullet wounds across his body, scars across his right arm, a scar across his lower back around his tail bone that looks like something was carved off of his skin, a scar around all of his neck that has a crown of thorns above and below it, a massive snake tattoo that loops around his right leg to his back and chest with the head resting on his chest, a tattoo of a dog on the back calf of his left leg, a tattoo of a kingfisher styled queen chess piece on his right arm, a tattoo of a spider's web over his heart that is made of webbing and flowers (specifically forget-me-nots, bleeding hearts, larkspur, and lavender) with a redback spider resting on it, tattoos of thieves' stars on his shoulder blades, a tattoo of a cathedral on his lower left back to the side of his torso, and a tattoo of the words 'Владимир Анатольевич Родион Макаров' on his V-line
HAIR: Just past his shoulders, extremely curly, ginger but with streaks of grey
EYES: Brown
COMPLEXION: Medium Beige to Medium Tan
OCCUPATION: Makarov’s bodyguard
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[REDACTED] “Remus” Belladonna Matthew [REDACTED] was born to mother, [REDACTED] and father, [REDACTED] of the acclaimed [REDACTED] family of [REDACTED]. 
An unwanted child straight from the womb. [REDACTED] was given to his [REDACTED] at the young age of five with his [REDACTED], just like his [REDACTED] before him, after suffering years of abuse. The reason given was due to the fact of him being a [REDACTED] instead of the “normal” son they wanted. An extreme bond formed between the only three people who he knew to love him as his two [REDACTED] lived under the tyrannically religious rule of their [REDACTED] even if she loved them like her own children even. An unhealthy bond formed with religion from that point acting as more of a reason to live than a lifestyle as it was one of the true comforts they could afford as he grew to develop an unhealthy view of relationships and how to act in them as none of them stopped him.
[REDACTED]. Giving him nearly all the scars that riddle his body and leading him to run away at the age of sixteen.
That was until he met the acclaimed Vladimir Makarov. A deal was made between the two, in exchange for protection, he would work for the terrorist doing any act that the leader asked of him. [REDACTED].
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Despite the eccentric, terrifying persona he plays when out in front of the public as he performs another terrorist act for Makarov whether it be blowing up another building or crushing a man's skull, when he is with his men he is known to still be terrifying but also a caring and somewhat goofy leader as neither Andrei or Makarov want to deal with every little complaint that they had.
Every team bonding activity is planned by him as Makarov sees it as a waste of time but he knows that forming strong bonds is extremely useful in the world he has found himself in where it is not uncommon to find themselves being stabbed in the back. He listens and resolves their problems as he earns their trust to seem like a genuine, caring leader, but to him, it is not as genuine as everyone thinks it to be. Yes, he cares about his men but he learnt from his family and from living this life for so long to never be attached and to always gain people’s love for when you need to use it. An optimist on the outside but a true pessimist deep down, but he has learnt to bury those feelings long ago. The only people he has ever shown his genuine true side to, the caring, soft, but funny side is what is left of his family and his best friend Infrared who knows to look past the terrifying act he puts on.
The only other notable thing that most Konni soldiers have learnt about their unofficial leader is his morals, hatred of Milena, and undying loyalty to Makarov. They have watched how he rapidly goes to defend Makarov and kill any man who has been disloyal before running off to check on their Komandir; it is why they all believe that Makarov trusts him the most out of all as he knows that Jack-Pot will be loyal to his death like Makarov is holding something against him even after all the years that Jack-Pot has so effectively served him. They have watched his side eyes and scoffs whenever Milena talks or tries to command someone and how he so easily argues with her to the point of having a game with Infrared where they throw stuff (mainly slippers or flipflops) at Milena whenever she walks by, but in the end he has to let her do what she wants as she is his Komandir’s wife -even if she is the only one who can not see that Makarov only married her for her money and not because he loved her- and he hates to disappoint Makarov as it physical pains him.
What he has left of morals has been crafted by his faith and upbringing. They all know that he will refuse to do certain things as it is against his teachings and he has rules for his soldiers based on his own beliefs whether it be to not desecrate a corpse but instead give them a proper burial or to turn the other cheek unless it is so disagreeable that violence is needed. Most do not mind as he does not force them to participate in his religion with him but they have grown to understand that he will not break his morals unless Makarov calls for it; they all know he feels enough Catholic guilt for other things and do not want to make it worse.
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-One item of clothing you will never see him without is his rosary; it is normally tucked beneath his shirt so that it will be pulled on whenever he is in a fight but when casually around base he tends to have it out on display. The rosary has been in his family for countless generations, which can be seen by how the gold and ivory have gone dull but to him, it is one of the most important items in his life that once when a recruit had made the foolish decision to steal it he had beaten their brain in with his fists before putting the rosary back around his neck. It was a warning to others who were forced to witness the twitching body of their fallen comrade as he lived through his final moments while Jack-Pot walked off to pray.
-Unlike what his size would make you believe, he is incredibly smart. He is known to even give Makarov advice when his Kommandir is concocting their next plan, but his intelligence is most clear when he relaxes in his workshop surrounded by his inventions. A savant when it comes to anything mechanical. Makarov paid for his robotics, engineering, and mechanics degrees when he saw the potential that Jack-Pot exhibited when he was able to fix up a getaway car in a matter of no time. Makarov still pays for any degree Jack-Pot requests to do that relates to machinery as it only means they will have access to more complex machinery; it also means that it keeps the giant busy even if it seems like he gets through them in no time. Nearly everything mechanical on the base is made by Jack-Pot, from the security cameras (which he watches and treats like they are a live-action soap opera) to the air conditioning and heating systems that make the base just a little less unbearable. His skills are that trusted that he was even allowed to make the robotic prosthetic for Makarov and control the device that lets the arms do certain actions.
-He has a love of orchestral music, that any song he likes he will try to find an orchestral version of it, but if he can not find an orchestral version, he will normally settle for an instrumental version. He can not explain why he does not like the vocals of a song; he just shrugs and says that he has been like it since he was a child; the only exceptions to this rule were his older brother and grandmother, whose singing he adored but they normally sung hymns and nothing more. Despite his lack of love for hearing people sing, he is a talented singer even if he does not sing often; the only few times people have heard him sing is when he thinks he is alone or when he is dragged into singing by a drunk Makarov when Konni are celebrating another victory. His musical abilities are not just restricted to singing but also are extended to the piano as he is a very talented player who can play any song he wishes too after enough practice. Although, he loves Bruno Mars. It seems to be one of the only musicians he can listen to sing and there is a joke that if you catch Jack-Pot in the middle of the night raiding the Konni fridges that you will be hearing him sing one of Bruno Mars’ songs or another guilty pleasure song on his playlist.
-Despite his size, he is impressively fast and flexible. It is common to see him do stretches before all of his workouts as he tries his best to keep his flexibility from when he was much younger and smaller. When he was a child to a teenager he used to do ballet and still knows how to do some of the routines from when he was younger as it was always something he enjoyed as it first got him into fitness. He also trains his speed as he does not want to be slowed down by his size as he has learnt from prior instances and Makarov that a few seconds can be a matter of life or death.
-Although he hates to admit it, he is quite deaf and blind with his left eye and left ear suffering the most. He wears an “earpiece” in his left ear which is actually a cochlear implant that Makarov had paid for him to have which allows for him to make use of what is left of his left ear. When he takes the outer piece off he becomes deaf to the world in his left ear with his right ear being only a bit better that most at Konni know to either use sign language or shout loud enough for him to hear. Meanwhile, his left eye is his biggest blind spot due to not bein able to see through most of it and the bits he can see being blurry; when reading or building another invention he wears glasses so the blurriness does not stop him from doing what he loves.
-If you were to look up the definition of a hopeless romantic you would see his face as the first thing that pops up. Due to his religious upbringing and the only books he had as a child being passed down fairytales where the prince and princess get their happy ending it gave him a distorted view of love where he wants the happy little family of a partner and children where he gets to adore his partner endlessly and they adore him just as much. This has also led him to be quite... obsessive when he falls in love to the point of doing anything for the person he adores as they become his drug as he always chases the happy pipe dream he was sold.
-No one has ever heard his real accent. It has been noted by soldiers higher in Makarov’s favour and rankings that he has one “real” accent when talking to Makarov but two other accents when speaking to his main “assosiate”. When speaking to Konni soldiers or any other member of the public he puts on a Russian accent but the people who have heard his other accents have described them to either be British or American. The few brave souls that have brought it up to Makarov due to their concerns have either mysteriously disappeared, been sent on suicide missions, or were left terrified that they never wanted to speak about it again.
-Apart from the professional trainers Makarov brings in, Jack-Pot also helps to train the dobermans. While the professionals train them to attack the enemies with no remourse, Jack-Pot trains them to be loving dogs towards him, Makarov, and other Konni soldiers that are not deemed as traitors. The dobermans are like his babies as he has given each one a name for when they are with him apart from ‘Attack Dog Number 7’ and has beds for them in his office and in the blank space that he calls a bedroom.
-His love of animals is not only reserved for the dobermans that Konni have on base and conventional pets but it expands to unconventional pets as well, particularly snakes. Connected to his workshop is a room reserved just for his pet snakes where he has made extremely large vivariums with his own hands for them to live in. He has dozens of different types of snakes from none venomous to extremely venomous that Makarov has let him collect over the years. He uses the venom of his snakes on people that they are torturing for information; diluting the mixture as much as he can so that it hurts but does not kill the person. He also has the horrendous habit to put the less venomous snakes into Milena’s room so they can have some exploration time even if he knows Milena is terrified of snakes as he despises the woman. But, on a more “wholesome” note, he likes to wear the none venomous and more friendly snakes around his neck like a scarf when walking around base on a sunday doing chores as the only one who does not have to work; especially his absolute favourite Big Bertie a Burmese python that Makarov gifted him for his birthday one year to keep the giant company.
-Due to his size and needing to eat tons upon tons of calories he has learnt to be an amazing cook if you have a spice tolerance like his. As he needs a lot of protein and carbs to keep up his physique he has learnt how to butcher all kinds of meats and cook them in all different kinds of ways so he is able to get everything he needs without getting bored of his meals. He is best at grilling the meats on a grill or frying them but tends to stick to the later as it is easier to make bigger batches that way when he wants to share with other Konni soldiers who are fed up of the base’s food or do not want to be poisoned by Milena’s slop. He even knows vegan meals with high amounts of protein and other nutrients so he can have it on a friday but these meals tend to be more relaxed and cheat meals as he loves to fry the mushrooms he uses as a replacement for chickens.
-Anyone who wants to get on his good side or bond with him knows that the best thing to do is not give him some form of alcohol like every other soldier on that base but to instead sit down with him to watch whatever shitty soap drama he has found. He absolutely adores watching them no matter which country it comes from or how shitty it is as long as it is dramatic and has the craziest of twists in the love category. His most notable favourites are some telenovelas he saw when he had been dragged along to Mexico to talk to a cartel leader to ask to make an alliance with her or some old ones he found on VHS in Makarov’s mother’s face after he stayed to help her clean up after fixing her severely outdated freezer and improving it.
-Like anyone of his size he is constantly warm which has caused him to much prefer cold environments to hot ones. He has no issue walking around base in a compression shirt and sweatpants or even going into the snow with just those clothes on to go fetch something that blew away while others at Konni have to go outside in at least three layers to walk through the Antarctic weathers of the land of the barren, snowy part of Russia where the base presides. If you are ever cold he would give you his jacket as he is always “too warm” in his own opinion and he does not mind it when others stay closer to him to keep warm from the heat he radiates. However, even if he tans impecicably and can stand the heat he still hates it. Yes, he can last in the heat without complaining outwardly but it makes him feel uncomfortable and makes his headaches worse as he is already naturally warm but if you bet him that he could not stay out in the Sun then he is staying out there tanning to just prove you wrong even if he needs to take enough paracetamol to euthanise a horse to deal with his headache.
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‘С нами Бог.’
‘I know a few cannibals we could send them too. My main associate hasn’t tried gangster flesh yet, I think. Why are you all looking at me like that?’
'Time walks in hands with the Devil as they eat all of God's children, there is no changing fate unless you want to disregard God's plans, we’ll all die in the end whether we agree to it or not. It's why we make the most with the time we have; we make the biggest impact. We let our legacy dictate how this Earth will turn out even if it means we will have thousands of corpses laying that path.'
'A dog that has only known beatings for its whole life will only know to bite. Any man that comes near will be bitten. It knows it can only fight to survive. Its maw is its weapon; it's what it knows it needs to survive. But, to muzzle it will cause it to whimper in fear.'
'Showing a beaten dog some kindness will change its life. A loving hand compared to an abusive hand that feeds seems like Heaven. It will become loyal to that hand even if it becomes abusive as that was the only thing they knew to be kind.'
'Any man that is kind enough can create a deadly weapon. His dog will be loyal to the core. It will attack anything that tries to hurt the man. Using the maw for fighting to now protect. It will give its life for its new master even if it means they will never run free again.'
‘Breathe... breathe... just breathe and calm your arse down. We’re out of it now, we aren’t going back to it. Nothing will drag us back.’
‘Did the dingo set you up for this? Sorry love but I’m not a big fan of azaleas, more of a lavender man myself.’
'You missed? Again?! Next time I'll crush your skull to use the fragments for bullets!’
‘Nice arm you have here. Pretty tattoos as well. I’m sure you don’t mind me taking this back for my Komandir.’
‘If I hear that those Brits and Scots have blown up another one of my gardens I will personally go to their base and blow up everything!’
'You think a little bullet will hurt me? Hehe, Komandir's put me through worse.' 'I’m going to go pray. I need you all to stay here for two minutes while I ask God to give me patience since if he gives me any more strength, I’m going to kill all of you.'
'Why should I pay a few thousand rubles for this crap?! I can go home and by next week I'll have it done and I'll have only paid a few hundred max. ...robbing bastards.' 'Shhhh, I need you to quieten down. Komandir is cold. He needs the world to burn to stay warm and fat burns so easily.'
'Make me a promise, okay? If you have to lay me to rest before they put us both in our final places, remember, if you bother to give me a headstone, plant an apple tree behind it and lavender around it. I want to know that when you miss me that you'll visit and I can still provide you with help to sleep and I'll still be able to feed you. I'll always l...care for you even when I'm in Hell.'
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Normal; Due to being one of the highest-ranking soldiers at Konni he wears an identical uniform to Andrei except for the fact that everything in the uniform from the groin protector to the compression shirt to the vest has been tailored to accommodate his gigantic size. The biggest difference between the two uniforms can be seen with the mask that Jack-Pot wears and the small additions that have been added. He wears a choker around his neck that holds his microphone with additional patches across his uniform apart from the Konni patch to display his rank. Meanwhile, his mask is based on the skull of a wolf as it lays on his face in two pieces, the lower jaw bone that moves with his own jaw and the upper piece, which takes more liberty in its design but looks like the face of a wolf, that is attached separately so that it can stay in place which allows him to still use his teeth when attacking enemies in close combat.
Casual; Based on what he wears when he is on base and not working as he prefers to wear something simple and comfortable which just so happens to be a very basic pair of grey sweatpants and a black compression shirt that he had Konni’s tailors personally make or he would be forced to go around naked.
Medusa; Based on its namesake, with this skin, he wears a white floor-length chiton that goes over the left shoulder and leaves the top right side of his torso exposed to show off the head of the snake tattoo as it curls around his body. Between the curls of hair now lay king cobras with some curling around his neck that will spit venom at anyone he commands as the scales on the snakes match the scales that now lay in place of the skin graft. While around his ankles and wrists are now golden chains that lead to somewhere...
Seraphim; Based on his deep ties to his religion in this skin he is the biblically accurate depiction of an Angel, specifically a Seraphim. He is dressed in a mixture of both white and red robes similar to the chiton he wears in the Medusa skin with golden chains coming from both his wrists and from under the robe. He has six pairs of wings, one main pair with a smaller pair above and below it -the top pair can be used to hide his face- as golden eyes cover the wings and cover parts of his body. His hair is replaced by flames as his tattoos are now made of golden while he cries golden tears.
The Bear; Based on his more feral side in this skin all he wears is a pair of bloodied combat trousers with no shirt at all as to show off his pecs and the tattoos and scars that riddle his chest as it is also covered in blood. Replacing his wolf mask is instead a bear skin with the paws attached to his arms with the rest of the pelt trailing down his back and the bear’s head on top of his own head which obscures his eyes.
The General; Based on what I imagine him to look like in an AU where he is a General for Zakhaev and much older, his hair is filled with more greys with more wrinkles across his face as he wears a traditional General’s uniform -the hat, jacket, shirt, and trousers- in black paired with black leather gloves and a black cloak with a gold chain and clasps that keep it on his shoulders and a gun holster on his belt.
The King; To be paired with a Makarov skin I have thought of that suits him, this skin is based on the king piece in chess. With this skin, he is decorated in ornate golden armour that is decorated with jewels and engravings and a crown upon his head as the armour is fashioned to resemble the king chess piece.
Purple Nymph; Based on the Nymphs of Greek mythology he is completely naked but sexless in this skin as his tattoos are now different shades of purple with his hair now being made up of the hyacinths and lavender that also bloom out of his skin and petals spill out from between his lips.
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sir-sunny · 1 month
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all about shino!!!!!
below is shino's background and role in the killing game >:)
SO BASICALLY on the the lucky student spectrum we've got makoto whos got rly good luck, nagito whos got rly good luck and rly bad luck, and then shino who's just got rly bad luck
shino's a very accident-prone person. in their early life, they were an adventurous kid. however, they were inflicted with many injuries nearly every time they left the house. because of this, they started to fear the world. as they got older, they became more reserved, unwilling to go outside or talk to other people.
unfortunately, shino's bad luck only followed them as unlucky things would start happening at home. like a large tree falling on the house destroying their bedroom, the entire house being flooded, blackouts occurring for days, and the list goes on.
until finally, a fire breaks out the engulfs the entire house and claims the life of shino's parents. (this fire is the reason that shino has scars all over their body)
time passes blah blah shino goes to an orphanage, bad things continue to happen, until one fateful day, shino recives a letter from a certain school (hopes peak)
at hopes peak
around school, their bad luck is notorious and their classmates lovingly dub shino the ultimate unlucky student (much to shino's annoyance)
shino doesn't really have any close relations within their class. save for one student who often goes out of their way to include them and be kind to them. and that person is lucy mitchel. shino of course is outwardly very irritated with lucy and her gifts and check ins and jokes, however maybe there's a part of them who likes the idea of having someone they can call a friend
not that that matters in the killing game, however. considering shino along with everyone else lost their school memories along with all their relations.
killing game
speaking of the killing game, shino is a killer. in the second chapter (chapt name pending im trying to think of a good name), shino drowns lucy mitchel in the school fountain.
NOW the resoning behind this killing can be traced back to the motive of chapt 2, "if a killing doesnt occur within 48 hours, a student will be chosen at random to be executed." as u can imagine this motive was particularly concerning for shino to hear.
shino firmly believes that if a killing doesnt happen, they'll definitely be chosen to die. this drives them a little bonkers. lucy notices shino's inner turmoil and has a talk with them at the fountain and well.. u know how that turns out.
(its also worth noting that evidence shows that lucy put up no kind of struggle and may have given up her life in hopes to help shino survive but its up for interpretation hhhh)
SO OKAY shino's execution is a good ol game of russian roulette. with multiple guns
a multitude of guns are each loaded with a single bullet and and the cylinders are spun. the guns are pointed at different areas of shinos body, for instance, theres one pointing at their, foot, calf, shoulder, thigh, etc. while their tied up in a chair.
theres a very long pause when suddenly the guns go off one after the other, each and every one of them go off without exception.
unfortunately these bullet shots are not fatal and shino is still faintly conscious, bleeding profusely. they watch as one final gun is loaded with a bullet and pointed directly at their forehead. the trigger is pulled aaaaand
the gun jams
suddenly the guns all lower and the lights dim and shino is left to bleed out slowly and painfully
and thats unfortunately the end of shino tokuma (unless i can figure out a way to bring everyone back to life like sdr2 did but prob not)
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okaima · 4 months
Karelian words - Fur And Leather Clothes
Tal'l'a - treated animal pelt Miehha - fur used for clothes making, especially coats and jackets Nahka - treated leather Kaža - leather or pelt that has dried hard Keččinä - rawhide Kenkäš - leather used for making shoes Šafjan - dyed decorative leather, most often blue or red, worn at the edges of children's boot shafts, collar and chest of fur jackets, married people's leather mittens and married women's shoes
Čäbry - curly haired pelt Hoveh - sheep pelt Jenotovoi - raccoon dog pelt Kalankettu - fish skin used for decorating clothes and items Kažinnahka - cat pelt Kettu - fox pelt Koirannahka - dog pelt Matikka, maehvoi - burbot skin Sagarvonnahka - otter pelt
Bašmakat, vašmakat - low-shafted or sometimes shaftless, heeled women's shoes
Belkkalakki, belkkatreuhka - fur hat made from seal skin, usually worn by village elders in white sea Karelia
Belkkakan'kat - traditional shoes made from seal pelt
Čiebalo, šiebalo - neck and chest warmer made from reindeer, bear, moose or sheep skin
Čubit - traditional leather boots worn during winter
Čuikka - fur coat, usually with cover of wool fabric, that reaches halfway down to wearer's calves and can be worn under another jacket
Čuikku, belkkačuikku - anorak or parka style jacket made from seal skin, usually worn by fishers
Hodakat - russian style dark leather shoes reaching to about knee or bit below
Holoppa - loose sheepskin fur coat
Joarat - traditional boots with shaft made from reindeer leg pelt and foot made from reindeer head pelt
Jänöihattu - winter hat made from white rabbit fur worn especially at Suojärvi area. The more decorated hats were mainly privilege of elders and married people.
Kan'kat, upokkahat - traditional shoes with low shaft. Depending on area worn with colourful weaved bands or with leather ties
Karva-alazet - fur mittens with fur facing outwards. Often made from dog fur
Kateturkki - fur jacket made from dog, sometimes sheep pelt in which the hairless side is covered with fabric
Koivikkahat - fur shoes made from reindeer, sometimes moose leg fur. Dark and white ones were traditionally most valued
Košeli - money pouch made of leather
Lippozet, stupnit - low traditional shoes worn inside during winter and outside during summer
Mahilan'e - sewing pouch
Moaličča - anorak type fur pullover with hood. Usually made from reindeer or sheep pelts. In Karelia, most if not all furs are worn with hairs inside.
Palttoturkki - straight, unpleated fur coat that is closed with buttons
Peäköt - traditional boots made from sheep's, reindeer's or cow's stomach or leg leather and which do not have the beak at the tip.
Poršnit, kurppuzet - traditional leather shoes made from single piece of leather
Prätti - fisher's leather apron
Puolisoappoat, puolruojuset - russian style leather boots with shaft that is just below calf or above ankle
Purkat - boots with shaft made of felt and foot made of leather
Pälsyt - women's fur vest with decorated fabric cover, usually worn inside or under jacket outside
Revokkahat, ketukkahat, reboikengät - shoes made from fox pelt, hair outside
Rukkazet - fur mittens with fur facing inwards. More decorated ones were privilege of married people
Sietka - tobacco pouch
Šoapka - men's winter hat, the more decorated ones were worn by grooms and married men.
��upka, šuupa - long women's fur coat with wool fabric cover and pleating on the waist
Šäpäkkähät - leg warmers made from reindeer or deer, rarely sheep pelt. Worn mainly in reindeer herding area in Viena karjala.
Toopurat - over the knee reaching boots made from cow skin.
Treuhka - fur hat. Worn either by only women or all genders depending on the area. In later times it was mainly worn at weddings.
Tuluppa - russian style men's long fur pelt. Can have fabric covering or not depending on the wearer's wealth
Tušurkka - women's half-length fur coat. Can be covered or uncovered with fabric depending on wearer's wealth
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bio1 · 5 months
Hey everyone, we final got done with act 1 of my Earthspark horror theme fan fic called "throughout a rotted oak".
Was going of this posted on Halloween (since the story takes place there) but we just didn't have enough time or energy for that then.
Anyway thank you to my friend @billie-jay for doing A lot of the writing and grammar checking with me. Couldn't done this without them. Anyway here's the first act, Enjoy.😊
Also warning this story contains: descriptions of graphic imagery and body horror.
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"Throughout a rotted oak" Act one: sleepy beginnings.
Despite how close to midnight it was, the sound of footsteps could still be heard throughout the dugout. A combination of caffeine and late night movie watching was keeping Twitch Malto wide awake while the rest of her terran siblings dozed off peacefully. In her defense, if Robbie didn’t want her drinking his energy drinks, he should have kept them hidden better. And the password to her father’s Netflix account should have been more secure than ‘bumblebee123’.
Though the entirety of the terrans had all stayed up to binge as many horror movies as they could think of (with the expectation of Jawbreaker, who had his eyes closed the entire time out of fear), only Twitch was still awake. As she paced nervously up and down the dugout, she looked over her sleeping siblings one by one. Thrash was in his alt mode, somehow completely upside down. His engine was repeatedly reving up and stalling in a cycle, as if he was snoring. Jawbreaker was laying facedown on the floor, a comically small teddy bear perched carefully on top of his head. Hashtag, who had tried staying up later herself by watching youtube, had eventually fallen asleep as well, her phone autoplaying what sounded like Russian dashcam crash footage. And Nightshade… Hm, actually, she didn’t see Nightshade anywhere. Not that she was really paying attention, however. Her mind was too busy replaying everything she had seen earlier in the night over and over.
The kids had essentially gone to the horror section on Netflix and watched as many movies as they could before they got tired. From goofier horror comedies like "Critters" to things genuinely terrifying physiological thrillers like "Halloween", and some striking and odd balance of the two like "Scream". What really got to her, however, was John Carpenter's "The Thing", and not just because of what happened to those poor sled dogs. That awful, morphing monster, the way it ripped the research team apart, really stuck with her. Possibly because it reminded her of a few of Mandroid’s own creations she had to fight before, epecially that bear mutant from mother’s day.
She was so caught up in her own head that she didn’t even notice Fluffy Ears right in front of her. Twitch ended up tripping right over the family’s pet cow, who decided it would be a good idea to sleep in the middle of the dugout’s hallway. She managed to catch herself mid fall by switching into her alt mode just before hitting the ground. The sleepy calf roused her head, looked at the little red drone hovering directly in front of her, gave her a quick lick, and fell back asleep. The whole ordeal was quiet enough not to wake anyone else, but it did catch the attention of Nightshade, poking their head out from around a corner near their lab.
“Oh, Twitch, I didn’t know you were still up.” They smiled. “Is everything alright? You look nervous.”
“How can you tell that if I’m in my alt mode?”
“Well, you’re shaking. Pretty violently.”
She hadn’t even realized that, but they were right. She accidentally bumped into Fluffy Ears pretty hard. Startled, Twitch switched back into her normal mode and tried profusely apologizing to the calf. Fluffy Ears didn’t seem to mind, and got up from her spot to start aimlessly wandering around the dugout.
“I’m, uh, I’m fine, Nightshade. What are you doing over there, anyway?” Twitch attempted to change the subject, making her way over to Nightshade’s lab. At the very least, this might be a fun distraction. Nightshade’s bright green optics lit up at this, clearly excited to show someone their work.
"I am so glad you asked." They tugged on their sibling's arm and pulled them into their lab. On a table in the center was a large, ominous looking metal contraption.
"Wait, isn't that-" Twitch began, before getting cut off.
"The reverse beartrap from Saw, yes!" Nightshade beamed, proudly holding it up. "The movies we watched tonight weren't particularly the type I enjoy, but I did appreciate some of the creative inventions a few of them displayed." They looked over to see Twitch with a completely horrified expression on her face. "Oh, are you wondering if it works? I am too. This is just a prototype I whipped up based on how it was explained in the film. I was actually just about to test it-" They reached under the table and pulled out a full pumpkin. Nightshade extended their arms and eagerly gestured for Twitch to take the gourd. "Since you're up, would you like to do the honors?"
"... Actually, I was wondering why you built a torture device in the first place." She finally responded, nervously looking it over. "I mean, you've built some crazy stuff in the past, but this is, uh, kind of disturbing, Nightshade."
Nightshade looked somewhat disappointed at this, shaking their head a bit. "You've got the wrong idea! A torture device implies that the victim is meant to survive."
Nightshade set the trap down and activated it themselves. Within seconds, it ripped the pumpkin open, its guts splattering messily onto the floor.
"A person wouldn't have survived that." They added, clearly happy the machine worked as intended.
Twitch flinched and stood back, her eyes growing to the size of dinner plates.
"Twitch?" Nightshade asked, concerned. "What is-oh. I get it. Don't worry, it was never my intention to use this on any living being. I just like challenging myself, and building this seemed like it would be an interesting experiment." They began scooping the guts off the concrete floor. "The thought of this device ever actually being used for its original purpose… that's something I wouldn't even have wished on Mandroid." They muse. Noticing their sister was still silent, Nightshade approached her, a worried look forming on their features.
"Are you sure you're alright? You didn't think I was really going to-" Twitch cut them off.
"No! Oh, no, I know you wouldn't, Shady. I'm just kind of on edge tonight, I guess. Probably shouldn't have stolen Robbie's energy drinks." She attempted to brush off their concern as convincingly as she could.
"You probably shouldn't have! Caffeine can worsen the hyperactive aspects of ADHD after all." They agreed, patting her on the shoulder.
"...You think I have ADHD?"
Before Nightshade could respond, a massive crunch boomed out from above them.
"What was that!?" Twitch flew out in search of the cacophony. Nightshade, trying their best to keep up with her, tiptoed as softly as they could to prevent waking the others. They found Twitch looking through the camera screens in the main room of the dugout. There was nothing unusual on live feed, just a few autumn leaves blowing past the cameras Nightshade has placed around the ranch.
"Should we-" Nightshade began, getting cut off again.
"Check it out? Yes, obviously!" She seemed a little too excited to see what was out there. Perhaps she was just looking for an excuse to feel useful, or burn off some of her energy.
Without a second of hesitation, she switched to her alt mode and flew outside, wildly darting around the sky above the dugout. Twitch changed back into bot mode as she landed on the barn's roof. With the moonlight nearly hidden behind a thick layer of clouds, it was almost pitch black outside. Nightshade caught up with their energetic sister, surprised to see her standing still as a statue.
"Twitch! There is nothing out here but the nocturnal wildlife. Perhaps it was a raccoon who made that sound." Nightshade said.
Twitch responded in a shaky tone. "Nightshade, what kind of raccoon could make a noise that loud?"
"...One with rabies?"
"Wait! Listen for a moment." She hushed, falling silent again.
Nightshade listened for something out there to satisfy their sister's paranoia. "I hear nothing Twitch."
"Exactly, Nightshade! There's nothing! No crickets chirping, none of the cows are making any sound, there aren't even moths near the lights!" She exclaimed frantically.
"Oh goodness, you're right. Now that is odd. The only time it's ever perfectly quiet outside is when there is something…dangerous around."
Nightshade glared in front of them, attempting to make out the source of the eerie calmness.
"That tree… wasn't there before." They noted, their voice shaky as they pointed ahead.
Twitch turned to see what her sibling was referring to. In the middle of the forest, several hundred meters away from the barn, a massively tall, crooked tree stood high above the rest. It only has three twisted branches, growing out of its spindly stalk in such a way to vaguely resemble a humanoid figure with bending limbs. One branch in the middle rounded out at the end to form the "head" of this horrific plant.
"Ok, so that certainly wasn't a raccoon then." Nightshade commented. Their sister began switching into her alt mode, before the younger green bot grabbed hold of her. "Twitch, wait! Going out to investigate… whatever that is right away probably isn't a good idea. We should at least think this through first."
Twitch struggled in their grip for a second before shaking herself off, but didn't immediately fly out like she wanted to. "What's the hold up? You seriously want to just head in and call it a night?" She snapped at them.
"No, of course not. I just think we shouldn't do it alone." They added, remaining calm.
"And give that tree-thing a chance to move in first? I don't think so." Twitch shifted and took off into the sky. Reluctantly, Nightshade changed into their alt mode as well, flying directly in front of her to block her path.
"Twitch! What's gotten into you?" They asked frantically. Thankfully for them, Twitch did stop on her tracks. "You clearly aren't doing well tonight. Whatever's got you troubled, I'm here for you, and so is the rest of the family."
"We clearly have bigger issues than my anxiety to deal with right now!" She shouted. "Things like… that are just more proof I haven't been doing enough to keep us safe."
"Is that what this is about? Twitch, this isn't your fault-" she cut them off.
"Well it'll be both of our faults if that tree monster gets its dirty roots on the others because we were busy screwing around here!"
Nightshade wasn't sure how to respond. Twitch’s panicked tone and expression afe it clear how stressed and out of it she was. But how were they supposed to comfort her? This entire situation was making it hard for even them to think, especially with that giant tree staring at them-
Wait, the tree was staring at them?
Nightshade slowly turned their head to get a better look, and to their horror, the tall head of the ominous tree had sprouted a pair of huge, glowing eyes.
“We need to go back inside, now!” They grabbed Twitch's arm with their talons, dragging their sister behind them. Almost involuntarily, the younger mech let out an owlish screech as they dived back into the dugout from the entrance in the barn's roof.
Switching back into their alt mode, Nightshade rushed over to the console displaying the security cameras’ feds. They displayed nothing but static, oddly enough. Nightshade, frustrated and confused, frantically tried fixing the console, but nothing seemed to be working.
After a few moments, Twitch quietly approached her sibling, meekly tapping them on the shoulder. “Shady, I need to tell you something…”
“I'm not mad at you, Twitch. Just, I need to focus right now-”
“That's not what an owl sounds like.” She continued.
Nightshade stopped what they were working on and turned to face her. “...I'm sorry?”
“I've been meaning to say this ever since you got your alt mode, but that owl screech you do isn't actually what owls sound like. The noise you make is more like an eagle or a hawk.”
Nightshade just sort of stared at her, not sure what to say.
“Oh.” Was all they could think of as a response.
“Wait, why would you bring that up now?”
“I'm sorry! I'm scared! I can't even really think straight, it feels like my brain is shutting down…” She grabbed onto her head and shook it, as if trying to forcefully wake herself up.
Nightshade tried to go back to fixing the camera system, but found that their own mind felt somewhat fuzzy as well. They've repaired similar errors on this exact console plenty of times before. Yet for some reason, the solution just wasn't coming to them now.
“It had eyes, didn't it? That's what those were, in the tree, I mean. Huge eyes.” Twitch finally spoke, her usually fast speaking voice noticeably low in energy. “Do you think… that was something Ghost made?”
“I can't imagine what use they would have with a giant, monstrous tree.” Nightshade answered, putting down the wires they were fiddling with. “We should alert the others.”
“...Right.” their sister responded. She glided over to the nearest Malto sibling, that being Hashtag. The large purple mech was still peacefully dozing off with her phone now playing, of all things, Wendigoon’s conspiracy theory iceberg. As if this whole situation wasn't ominous enough.
Twitch gently nudged the larger bot’s shoulder. “Hashtag? Get up, something happened.”
No response. She was still completely out of it.
“H-hashtag?” Twitch shook her sister a little more forcefully now.
She still didn't stir.
“HASHTAG! WAKE UP!” Twitch yelled as loudly as possible, but this didn't do much besides startle the already well-awake Nightshade.
The smaller red bot, frustrated at this point, switched into her alt mode and fired a laser several inches from her sleeping sister. This also accomplished nothing.
“Twitch! What on earth are you doing?” Nightshade called out frantically.
“I wasn't going to hit her! I… I couldn't think of anything else, I thought that would work.” She admitted, her voice shaky.
Twitch flew over to Thrash and Jawbreaker, shouting their names and firing controlled lasers inches from their bodies in a reckless attempt to wake them. The brothers were similarly out cold, however, and nothing she did had any affect on them.
“You need to stop that! If you miss and hit them…” Nightshade began, cutting themselves off as they watched the red drone revert to her bot mode, a defeated and exhausted expression washing over her face. Her large yellow optics seemed to almost wobble in place, a streaking, cold light emanating from them. Nightshade got the impression that if Cybertronians were physically capable of shedding tears, she'd be sobbing right now.
“What's going on, Shady?” She barely managed to speak, nearly choking on every word.
Seeing their usually cheerful, energic sister in such a miserable state was utterly heartbreaking for Nightshade. It wasn't her fault, but Twitch seemed to truly believe whatever misfortune her family had fallen upon somehow could have been prevented by her.
Nightshade, not being the best at emotional support, tried to go for a more practical way of comforting her. “They… they aren't dead.” The younger Terran informed her. Walking over to Jawbreaker, Nightshade gently pried his eyelids apart to reveal intact, glowing optics. They weren't responding to any stimuli, but the fact that they were on was proof that the bots were in some kind of comatose state.
“How did you…” Twitch started speaking, but seemingly lost the strength to continue partway through her question.
“How did I know?” Nightshade presumptively finished for her. Twitch nodded in confirmation. “I've installed vital trackers in all of us. If any of us were to go offline, I would get an alert.” They informed her.
“Oh, that's good. Thank you.” She seemed a little relieved, before realizing the full consequences of what her sibling just admitted. “Wait, I don't remember… when did you install those?”
“That's not really something we need to worry about now…” Nightshade mumbled, not expecting her to question their actions.
“...Nightshade, how many… things have you added to us?” She lowered her gaze a bit, inquisitively. Before questioning them further, her optics lit up, having remembered something.
“I just realized, we never saw Fluffy Ears!” She blurted out frantically. Twitch began zooming around the dugout in her altmode, looking for the baby cow.
Nightshade gave a sigh of relief that her line of questioning was over for now, and joined her in the search.
“Where was she last?” They called out, looking around their lab while Twitch scanned the dugout’s hall.
“I… I don't know, she just sort of wandered off-Oh!” Twitch flew over to a far corner of the room.
“I found her! What are you doing over here, silly cow…” Twitch nudged the calf, who seemed to be fast asleep, resting her head on her flank. Fluffy Ears didn't stir, however.
“...Fluffy Ears?” Twitch was significantly more worried as she spoke this time, her voice getting louder. The calf didn't respond.
Nightshade looked over their sister's shoulders, noting that, thankfully, the little cow was still breathing.
“That's odd, very odd… whatever happened to our siblings seems to be affecting her as well.” Nightshade leaned down and gently stroked Fluffy Ears head, mostly in an attempt to calm themselves down. This entire situation wasn't making any sense, and that scared them. They needed to remain calm, however, if only to reassure Twitch.
The smaller bot looked to her sibling for answers.
“...Do you think it's gotten to everyone in the house?”
“Are you referring to whatever has put everyone here to sleep?” Nightshade attempted to clarify.
“Yeah, I mean, if it got to Fluffy Ears… Mom, Dad, Robbie, and Mo are also organic.”
“That's a good point, actually.” Nightshade pondered. They didn't even think of that. “Are we dealing with some kind of virus that affects both organics and bots? Does such a thing even exist?”
“Forget virus, it's obviously coming from that messed up tree outside.”
“The tree? That can't be right. How could it even…” Nightshade was at a complete loss.
“Seriously, Nightshade? This thing shows up, and suddenly, all of our family is out cold. That can't be a coincidence.” She was exasperated.
“I agree it's strange, but there shouldn't be any way a plant could incapacitate both organics and Cybertronians by just… I don't even know…” Their head was starting to throb like a migraine. Trying to think critically was physically hurting them.
The two siblings just stood there, feeling their own bodies growing weaker with every passing second. It was a sensation similar to being sedated. A feeling they probably would have given into, had Twitch not noticed a strange black tendril poking out of a nearby vent.
“Is that a rat?” Twitch asked groggily. Wouldn't be the first time a rat got into the dugout. But said rats usually weren't so long. And slithering…
“Nightshade! Get down!” Twitch jumped and pushed her sibling down to the ground, just before a huge tendril swung at their head. The tendril instead hit the monitors Nightshade had attempted to fix. A single whack caused not only all the monitors to shatter, but the concrete wall behind them to violently crack.
Nightshade's optics widened with horror. There was no question about it. If that tendril had hit them instead, their head would have been knocked clean off.
The tendril dove for the pair of them, seeming to know exactly where they were despite not having eyes. They both moved to opposite sides, barely avoiding getting stabbed. As it pulled out of the small hole it burrowed into the floor, the tendril opened up for a second, briefly revealing a crimson reptilian eye that scanned the room before closing again.
Nightshade, in an effort to get out of the way, bumped into the table they had placed the reverse bear trap onto earlier. It fell into their lap with a clattering thud. An idea came to them, and they armed the trap to go off again.
“Twitch, take this and have it drive for you again! When it gets close, have it aim for the trap! I think it only keeps its eyes open for a few seconds at a time!”
Twitch, being the faster of the two even in her groggy state, agreed with a nod and flew past the tendril, the trap in her grasp. It took the bait and launched itself directly towards her, where it got the last several feet of its body caught in the trap’s mechanisms.
The tendril squirmed and rattled as the reverse beartrap’s countdown ticked. After a few agonizingly long seconds, it finally went off. Just as it had with the pumpkin earlier in the night, it absolutely ripped its prey apart with ease. Shards of metal and some kind of fleshy material flew to all corners of the dugout.
The worst part wasn't the sight of the impact, however, it was the dreadful noise it made. Whatever the tendril was attached to screamed in pain as its appendage was destroyed. It had a cry like a nuclear siren, low, loud, and ear-piercing. It felt like something you were never meant to hear, and simply perceiving was a sign that you as the listener were at death’s door.
What remained of the tendril receded back through the vents, leaking a runny black liquid with an odd, iridescent shimmer. A few of the larger chunks that had been ripped open were still slightly animate, curling where they lay like a dying spider.
Nightshade cautiously approached what appeared to be the eye of the tendril, or atleast what was left of it.
It was a translucent, jelly-like red substance with an awful black slit for a pupil that had sort of melted into the iris due to its injury. Said pupil shuddered in place one last time as Nightshade got closer, almost as if it could still perceive the bot somehow.
“Nightshade! Are you alright right!?” Twitch said, sounding out of breath despite not actually having lungs.
“Yes, I'm just a bit scratched up. It's nothing but a bit of polish won't get out.”
Without saying anything else, Nightshade grabbed and chugged down one of the energy drinks that their sister left out. “I know I said earlier that us drinking these was probably a bad idea, but I think they might help.” Their sister nervously fiddled with the can’s lid before managing to get it open for herself.
Nightshade scooped up what's left of the otherworldly tendril and brought it back to their lab.
Pausing to consider their next move, Nightshade eventually settled on attaching the still pulsating fleshy bits to a battery hooked up to a light bulb. After a few seconds, the light dimmed before going out completely. The battery was instantly dead.
“It appears you were right after all. Whatever this thing is, it emits some kind of field that drains energy from anything it's near.” Nightshade concluded.
“So that's what makes us feel so exhausted?” Twitch looked very concerned, her optics darting between Nightshade and her unconscious siblings.
“More than likely, yes. And you might have already guessed this, but I assume it's also keeping all our organic family members asleep. My current theory is that this is a hunting tactic.”
Twitch knew immediately what they were getting at. “Sleeping prey can't fight back.”
“Exactly.” Nightshade confirmed. “The fact that we were previously awake is most likely the only reason why we aren't currently unconscious.”
An uneasy silence filled the dugout. The siblings stood in place, the air around them cold and heavy with tension. Without saying a word, both of them knew what the other was thinking: that monster would be back any moment, and they couldn't keep up the energy to fight it back for long. It was a terrible calm before the storm, a feeling reminiscent of succumbing to hypothermia. An overwhelming, intoxicating urge to close your eyes and drift into a sleep you were well aware you'd never wake up from.
And at this moment, every light in the dugout switched off.
To be continued...
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13atoms · 1 month
Arm in Arm (Count Orlo x tall!female!reader)
Thank you for the people who recommended Orlo for this! Getting back into writing fic after so long off was very difficult and very slow, but this is a first step! Reader is taller than Orlo (>5'8" or something?) and wearing a skirt.
Fluff (very light hurt/comfort) | Oneshot | 1.6k
It was a generous Russian morning, which looked to precede a deeply pleasant day. The whole world was languid and cheery, with a gentle breeze swaying through the summer drapes and sunlight illuminating patches of the rugs which ran through Orlo’s living quarters. The fire was built in its grate, but unlit, and the chaise longues had been moved to let you bathe in the warmth of the sun instead.
There was a great feast being held somewhere which wasn’t the Palace, and the whole place had breathed a sigh of relief as a great convoy of nobles and royals set off to attend it. It was, Orlo decreed, a rare day off. And the two of you were to enjoy it together.
You groaned and stretched out, wary where your legs were draped across Orlo’s lap. There’s a burning behind your eyes as you closed your book over your thumb, and extend both of your arms over your head. Hours of reading had left a tension in every part of you, yet it quickly melted away.
 Orlo closed his own book, stretching himself out like a cat with a groan so gratuitous you were sure he’d intended for the sound to make you laugh. He yawned as he set the books aside and hugged your calves to his chest, making you shout out in shock as you were pulled down in your seat.
Laying flat, you looked up at him, felt the gentle stetch through your spine as he kept a hold of your legs. Orlo was smiling lazily, in a way you hadn’t seen him do in months. You flexed your bare feet, felt the muscles of your calves move against his arms, and threw your head back to stare at the ceiling.
It was painted with great skill, depicting a scene you probably ought to distantly recognise from the Bible. You had no inclination to focus on the brushstrokes for that long. Instead, you enjoyed the settling of your back against soft cushions, and the gentle patterns Orlo was tracing on your ankle.
“You’re too long for his sofa,” he mused, finally setting your legs down and letting them hang off the end of the arm.
He was trapped in, slouched under your legs, head lolling against the cushion behind him. Looking down the length of your own body, you only felt contentment. The Count clearly didn’t have anywhere else he’d rather be.
“I’m too tall for the chaise in my apartments too, the furniture-makers ought to be more considerate.”
You had no quarrel with the chaise. Not really. You were enjoying the relaxing, hazy feeling of having your legs above your head.
“I suppose if it just means we have to be closer together.”
“Tragic,” you murmured, looking back at the ceiling.
Orlo snorted a laugh, pulling his glasses from his face and tossing them onto the side table. When you lifted your head to look at him he was rubbing at the indents his glasses left on his nose. You loved seeing him without them, it was something private. Reserved for you. He squirmed with discomfort when you said it, but he was so pretty without them.
“Does it bother you?” he asked suddenly.
You cocked your head, humming a question.
“Height, I mean?”
Entangled together, you had forgotten he was any shorter than you. Now he looked at your legs, side-by-side, as his stretched out in front of him, and you felt a flash of embarrassment.
“I suppose… sometimes I think I’d prefer being shorter. It would be easier.”
Orlo frowned at you for a moment, and then rushed to speak, his words falling over each other.
“No! That’s not what I meant at all!”
His hand was back on your calf. Orlo’s eyes were wide and sincere, flashed with panic where they had been downcast a moment ago.
“I just meant…” he thought for a moment, thumb rubbing across your calf, “I know it’s not… popular to be seen with men shorter than you are.”
You thought for a moment, that uncomfortable sting in your chest completely extinguished by the slight shine of Orlo’s eyes. There’s nothing wrong with you, you wanted to tell him. You saw how Peter looked down at him, how people made jokes. The way being measured for new clothes would put a damper on his whole day. He’s avoided the process entirely for far too long, until he began courting you.
 “Do you think there’s anything I’d want to change about you?”
“Wouldn’t you prefer it? For it to be a little more comfortable when we dance? To have someone… more?”
“All we have are the gifts we are given, Orlo. I wouldn’t trade you for anything.”
 He struggled to articulate what it was he wanted to say, and you waited, not wishing to put ideas in his head or words in his mouth. His hand found your ankle, and stroked over the delicate bone there. He brought his face to your calf, and mumbled against it as he spoke.
“I just want you to feel protected…”
“I do,” you insisted, quiet and sincere.
For a moment there was silence. You stared back at the ceiling, a maze of richly coloured stories merging into one another. Was that Eve above you, tempted by the serpent? Samson, in the next scene? With long cut locks of hair beside his sleeping face, and the glint of Delilah’s knife against the pillow?
“I’m sorry. You should never have to feel inadequate… I try to slouch. To not make it obvious. I can step further away, if you prefer…”
“I hate when you do that,” he told you plainly, no anger or malice in his voice. “You’ll hurt your back.”
The paused for a while, staring at the carpet.
“You don’t have to change yourself for me either.”
“I know I just feel bad sometimes…”
You thought about him in the moment he thought no one was watching, straining to stand up straighter, rocking on the heels of his shoes, staying seated when Peter walked up behind his desk to speak with him.
“Why would you feel bad?”
“It’s not as though you’re short, Orlo. Lots of women would look fine beside you, I’m just tall. I just know… some men don’t like being the shorter one.”
“I love that you’re taller than me.”
You ignored him. The cut on Adam’s rib was a smear of crimson against delicately painted skin, the paint so fresh it might have been real blood pouring from the ceiling.
“Catherine is tall,” he murmured, “and widely considered one of the most beautiful women in Russia.”
You hummed, and he reached for your hand, pulling it into his lap.
“Probably the second most beautiful,” he teased, and you scoffed at him.
“She’s not that tall. Peter is taller.”
“Peter is far too tall. I often think if he were shorter, he couldn’t get away with as much. He’d be too easy to punch.”
You shushed him, the sound broken by a laugh, and Orlo groaned, hiding his smile against your underskirts.
“I don’t want to make you feel bad about yourself. You have to know, that’s the last thing I want.”
“You don’t.”
He thought for a moment, and tapped his fingers on your skin in the pattern his often drummed into his desk. Finally, he spoke again.
“I love to see how tall you are. I love that I can spot you across a room, that you can do things with such ease. I envy it, sometimes. When I have to rush to keep up with you.”
You groaned as you curled yourself towards him, taking another moment to stretch. That horrid pang in your chest was now absent, replaced with something warm. Your guard was down. The palace was so quiet the outside world might as well not have existed. You indulged your insecurities a little longer, knowing Orlo wouldn’t strike if you showed weakness.
“I always worry that eventually you’ll find someone… easier. Someone shorter.”
“Why would I even be thinking about that, when I’ve got you?”
“A good point.”
It took a great amount of shuffling to lie next to him on the chaise, but it was worth it, to be beside his warm body. He pulled one of your legs over him, offered his bicep as a pillow. His dark, warm eyes staring into yours still gave you butterflies.
“If our heights bother other people, that is their problem. I’ve never known someone who understands me so well,” he murmured, “even if you take up far more of the bed than you ought to.”
“You’ve never complained about me being in your bed. You cling to me –”
“Yes, I understand. I’m teasing you, my love. I want you to take up every bed I ever sleep in.”
“I wish you saw yourself how I see you, Orlo. You’d never feel like you needed to be taller again – you’re the only person I pay attention to in any room.”
“How funny, I feel completely the same.”
You would concede, months later, when the bloodshed had ended and Orlo’s quarters grew far too big for one man, that he had been right to have a longer chaise long made. And when he crushed himself into you after long, arduous nights, his face pressed to your neck, you would both be grateful you could shelter him from the world – even for the shortest moment.
“Do you want to go out today?” he asked, when his arm was going numb from cushioning your head and the sun was high in the sky.
“Perhaps just for some air?”
“That would be nice.”
Your elbows didn’t really fit with one another, formally walking arm-in-arm as many other couples did – though you didn’t feel sorry for it. Instead you took a turn of the gardens hand-in-hand, head held high, all the closer for it.
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aloneinthehellfire · 1 year
Chapter 15: Four Chimes
Season One | Season Two | Season Three | Season Four
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[Raining Hellfire: Season Four]
Word Count: 5482 words
Warnings: swearing, mentions of death, trauma, mentions of scars
[A/N: me, the writer of this fic, being completely torn between eddie and steve? yes. hence why i got so carried away with the word count on this one whoops]
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Four Chimes
but the secret is still my own
and my love for you is still unknown
You sit outside alone, music blaring through your ears, as you shake away the goosebumps still prickling your skin.
Nancy was safe. Vecna let her go once she received his message and now she was inside, trying to collect herself before sharing the information. She looked traumatised. As she should feel; and you were no help to that.
He told you to stop, to leave. And you didn’t listen. You almost got her killed.
Then, Lillian. Finding out the truth to her death. The memory had haunted you for years and yet, you never had the full picture.
You murdered her.
All the threats you ensued, being shipped away to Hawkins, it all made sense now. They all knew you were a murderer.
Tears slipped down your cheeks and you hastily wipe them away. You were sure you would have let Vecna kill you if Eddie wasn’t there.
When you awoke, you found yourself falling into Eddie’s arms as he held on tightly to you, pressing his cheek to your forehead as you cried. He had crossed through the gate, with the tape he had kept with him for years, and he had saved your life.
As if by magic, Eddie appears by your side, sitting beside you on the steps and staring out at the scene around you. Luckily, Max’s trailer was situated so that her neighbours wouldn’t be able to see anyone out the back. As long as you didn’t travel further than the steps, Eddie was hidden away.
“Hi.” You reply with a small voice before you take a breath. You go to speak when his eyes widen, a small whistle sounding from his mouth.
“How many of those bad boys do you have?” He raises his eyebrow in interest and concern.
You look to where he’s pointing, noticing that your over-sized jumper, borrowed from Steve, had slipped just off your shoulder, revealing a nasty bite.
“Uh…” You furrow your brows, pulling the jumper back into place. “There’s the one on my calf from the Demogorgon, this shoulder one is from a younger one, and… oh, and there’s a smaller scar on my thigh where a Russian stabbed me.”
“Jesus.” Eddie comments, sitting beside you. You merely hum a response, closing your eyes.
“Thank you.”
When he frowns, you shift yourself to face him, nodding. “Thank you for saving my life.”
“I-” He starts and when you hold out the Walkman in your hand, showing the tape, he sighs. “They tried to play the other tape.”
“What?” You frown and he nods slowly.
“You weren’t- it wasn’t working.” He ran his hands down his face, leaning forward, “Wheeler- when she woke up- she was saying how Vecna had you and we were all panicking again. You didn’t wake up. We tried the tape but… nothing. Then I remembered that one.”
He gently taps the case of the Walkman with a small smile. “You let me borrow yours a while ago but you left a tape in it. Someone called i-Ten or something. I- I was going to return it but I guess I just… forgot. Then we, uh, we broke up and I was trying to find a time to give it back but I just kept forgetting.”
“I’m glad you kept it.” You finally say and he smiles.
“Of course.” He clears his throat, sitting back. “So, this whole thing… this is just normal to you guys?”
“No.” You let out a breathy laugh. “Honestly, nothing that’s happened has been normal.”
“So, what have I missed?” He asks and you raise an eyebrow. “Well, I know about the human flesh monster and, uh, Russians, was it?”
“Yeah, last year was pretty crazy.” You nod, your fingers twisting the headphone wire. “The year before that, we had to deal with demodogs.”
“Demodogs?” Eddie raises his brows in disbelief and you laugh.
“Yeah, don’t ask, Dustin named them.” You say and he nods, “The Mind Flayer was possessing Will and we needed to break that connection fast. El closed the gate while me, Steve and the kids all set fire to the tunnels the demodogs had built. All of that and the craziest thing that happened that year was my sister coming back to town. And Billy.”
“Oh, and the year Will disappeared?” You look to Eddie who merely nods for you to continue, “He was dragged into the Upside Down. So was Barb. I went with Jonathan and Nancy to try and figure it out and ended up in there myself. Got a few scars from that one.”
Once you finish talking, you watch Eddie blink at you, a worried frown on his face. “Why… why did you put yourself through that?”
You sigh, taking a moment to consider it. “I guess… these people are my family. After the first year, I didn’t really get a choice with the whole Vecna thing but… I knew I needed to protect them. To help fight. They’re just kids.”
“So were you.” He points out and you shrug.
There’s a moment of silence before Eddie speaks again.
“Wow.” He smiles. “I guess I had you right the whole time. You really are Hawkins’ very own hero.”
You try a smile before everything snaps, gnawing at your lip while your eyes fall to the ground.
“I’m not a hero.” You say, voice wobbling until tears started to fall.
“Hey, hey.” He places his arm around you, a worried frown on his face, “You’ve saved so many people, Y/n. Hell, you-”
“I killed her.” You sob quietly and Eddie shakes his head.
“Wheeler’s fine. Physically. Mentally, you know, probably not-”
“What?” He asks and you swallow your tears, realising that this was the first time you had told anyone about Lillian.
Max knew since she was was your sister; it was hard for you not to tell her. But she didn’t know what really happened, only the lie you had created in your mind. And now Eddie was going to know the truth. The only truth.
“She… she was my best friend. Back in California.” You nod, slowly raising your head. “She was… my person. We grew up together. She, uh, she was there for me through everything. Even my first boyfriend. If- if I could even call him that. And when it got bad, she did what she always did best; she tried to save me. But… I-I wouldn’t listen and it led to this fight and…”
“… she died?” Eddie’s voice is small and you nod, squeezing your lips together to bite back the sobs wanting to escape.
“I thought it was an accident.” You cry, “But this… thing inside me. It- it made me do something horrible. That’s what Vecna showed me.”
Eddie’s silent for a moment, brows furrowed together. His hand suddenly reaches over to grasp yours. “Then it wasn’t you.”
You raise your head, sniffling, “What?”
“Possession?” He raises his eyebrows and you continue to look confused, “It’s a classic textbook deal that it’s not someone’s fault if they were possessed. You didn’t have that urge to kill her, the Mind Flayer did. I know you, Y/n, and I know for a fact that you are the most selfless, badass, and, most of all, least murder-y person I have ever met.”
You laugh at his words, and he reaches forward to wipe a tear from your face.
“It is not your fault.” He reiterates, nodding, his voice thick with so much emotion you almost believed him.
As he wipes the tear, his hand travels down to cup your chin, thumb almost brushing against your lip. You both find yourself creeping ever so slightly closer to one another, close enough to-
“Hello?” Dustin pokes his head out of the trailer, eyes widening once he sees you both and in an instant, you scramble away from eachother. “Um, I- uh… I didn’t see… anything-”
“Just-” Eddie raises his hand to stop the boy’s ramble, “What do you want?”
“Nancy’s ready to talk.” He sighs and you immediately stand up, Eddie right beside you.
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“He showed me things that haven’t happened yet.” Nancy’s voice was hoarse, shaking from the memory. “The most awful things.”
You sit between Eddie and Steve, leant forward with your head resting on top of your hands. Everyone was listening intently.
“I saw… a dark cloud, spreading over Hawkins. Downtown on fire. Dead soldiers. And this… giant creature with… a gaping mouth. And this creature wasn’t alone. There were so many monsters. An army. And they were coming to Hawkins. Into our neighbourhoods. Our homes. And then… he showed me my mom. And Holly. Mike. And they… they were all…”
As Nancy cried, your own tear slipped down your cheek. Vecna didn’t just want El. He wanted complete, and total, destruction.
“Okay, but…” Steve’s voice broke the silence and you wiped away your tear, tilting your head to look back at the boy next to you. “He’s just trying to scare you, Nance. Right? I mean… it’s not real.”
“Not yet.” Nancy’s simple response send shivers down your spine. “But there… there was something else.”
You sit back, feeling Eddie’s hand brush against yours slightly as he brought his to his mouth.
“He showed me gates. Four gates. Spreading across Hawkins. And these, gates, they looked like the one outside of Eddie’s trailer, but… they didn’t stop growing. And this wasn’t the Upside Down Hawkins. This was our Hawkins. Our home.”
“Four chimes.” Max suddenly said, all eyes on your sister. “Vecna’s clock. It always chimes four times. Four exactly.”
“I heard them too.” Nancy adds and when eyes shift to you, you merely nod.
“He’s been telling us his plan this whole time.” Max declares with a whisper and you let out a shaky sigh, noticing the slight tremor in your hand.
“Four kills. Four gates.” Lucas catches on, looking over to her. “End of the world.”
Your chest begins to tighten and you squeeze your eyes shut. Not now.
“If that’s true…” Dustin’s eyes shift between yours and Max’s. “… he’s only one kill away.”
“Oh, Jesus Christ.” Eddie mutters beside you and Max clears her throat.
“So, it’s me or Y/n.” She slowly nods, fear shaking her voice.
“Try ‘em again.” Steve orders to no one in particular, pointing to the phone, “Try them again.”
Since Max is the closest, she picks up the receiver and dials the number. You had all been trying to get in touch with the Byers for a while now, praying that they could shed some light, or, at least, help you fight. But there had never been an answer. And, judging by the pit in your stomach, you knew there never will be.
“What else?” Eddie speaks up and looks to Nancy, “What… did he say anything else?”
“He mentioned a name.” Nancy says quietly, squeezing her eyes shut. “Not El.”
“Who?” Robin asks and Nancy slowly brings her head up, tears pooling in her eyes. And then she stares at you.
Your blood runs cold.
“What- why Y/n?” Eddie frowns, looking to you and you take a deep breath.
“Because it’s been happening for a while now.” You admit, leaning forward again and focusing on a spot on the floor. “Ever since we got Will back… I’ve been hearing his voice, sometimes seeing him. It was small at first but… I think he’s gotten stronger now. And he won’t leave me alone.”
The confession struck shock on your friends' faces, their reactions only making you want to curl up and pretend like nothing was happening. Even as you spoke, you felt your world compressing around you, close enough to not breathe.
It was only the subtle touch of Steve's hand on the side of your knee that slowed your heart rate. Comfort.
“But why?” Robin shakes her head, “You only moved to Hawkins a few years back, how could you possibly be on his radar?”
“He showed me why.” You whisper and you close your eyes. “The night at the Creel House, when I- when he cursed me. He showed me why.”
Everyone is silent once again, waiting for your answer. It was time.
“I saw my parents.” You breathe out, “My, uh… my biological parents.”
A few shocked faces crowded the room and Max raises her head, setting back the phone after yet another disappointing attempt.
“Really?” She widens her eyes.
You weren’t sure who in this room knew you were adopted but Max had been by your side ever since you found out. She even helped you look for them the first couple of months until you hit a dead end and went to Hopper for help instead.
“Yeah, they…” You swallow your pain, closing your eyes. “They died not long after I was born.”
“What happened?” Robin asks, reaching across from her spot on the floor so you could take her hand in yours.
“Vecna killed them.”
Exchange of glances filled the room, communicating more meaning than words ever could.
“How is that possible?” Steve questions and you sigh.
“I didn’t know until Nancy told us about the visions. About who Vecna really is.” You lean forward, “Brenner, the guy behind all the experiments, the one El was running from, he found them. They were visiting the Creel House, thought it would be… spooky or something. And then she went into labour early and were rushed off to the hospital.”
You tighten your lips, the scene replaying in your mind. Their happy faces turning to terror.
“Brenner found them later, and there was a boy with them.”
“Henry.” Nancy widens her eyes in realisation and you nod.
“Brenner wanted the baby- me. He wanted me, to test me. And when they didn’t agree to his terms, he made Henry kill Michael, my…” You stop, unable to say it. You only ever had one true father in your life, you couldn’t just award someone else the title without knowing them.
“So you were born with powers?” Max asks and you shake your head.
“I don’t know.” You wipe away a tear you didn’t realise had fallen. “But what I do know is that whatever Brenner saw in me, it annoyed Henry, upset him somehow. And he wants me dead.”
Murmurs of shock filled the silence, everyone shaking their heads at the idea of you dying. Your eyes drift to Nancy, the girl avoiding everyone’s stare, and you frown. The way Nancy had looked when saying your name made you believe she knew more than she was letting on.
“So… what’s the plan?” You finally say, bringing the attention back to the situation at hand.
“We’re going back to the Upside Down and we’re killing Vecna.” Nancy said so matter-of-fact-ly that if you weren’t so numb to the situation, you’d be concerned.
“Hold on, wait, let’s think this through!” Steve objected, standing from the couch to face her.
“What is there to think through?” She countered, stubborn as ever.
“We barely made it out of there in one piece!” Steve stresses and you watch as they argue, unsure of whose side to take. “I got bitten, you got, like, traumatised. And Y/n was almost killed! Twice!”
“Three times, actually.” You mutter, silently surrendering when they both shot you looks.
“Because we weren’t prepared!” Nancy replies. “But this time, we will be. We’ll get weapons and protection. We’ll go through the gate, we’ll find his lair, and we’ll kill him.”
“Or he’ll kill us.” Steve says and across the room, Robin raises her eyebrows at you. “The only reason you survived is because he wanted you to. I almost died. Y/n was this close to losing her life. He’s not scared of us.”
“And for good reason.” Robin interrupts, stepping forward, “We were wrong about Vecna. Henry. One. Sorry, what are we calling him now?”
Robin looks to you as you fiddle with your headphones and you whip your head up. “Me? Oh, I don’t care.”
“Right.” Robin breathes out, continuing. “We’ve learned something new about Vecna/Henry/One. He’s a number like Eleven, only a sick, evil, male, child-murdering version of her with really bad skin.”
“It’s bad.” You agree and she nods at you.
“But, my-my… my point is, he’s super powerful. He could turn us inside out with a snap of his fingers. It’s not a fair fight.”
“Then why fight fair?” Dustin intercepts and you turn around to look at him. “You’re right. He’s like Eleven. But that gives us an upper hand. We know Eleven’s strengths. And weaknesses.”
“Weaknesses? Vecna got a Mike we don’t know about?” Erica asks and under any other circumstances, you’d have laughed.
“When El remote-travels, she goes into this sort of trance-like state. I bet the same is true of Vecna.” Dustin explains and you nod.
“He’s vulnerable. Well, his body is anyway.” You add and Dustin points at you, happy someone is proving his point. “All his energy is focused in his mind, meaning he’s practically harmless on the outside when he’s trying to kill someone.”
“That would explain what he was doing in that attic.” Lucas comments and when he meets your eyes, your mind drifts back to your first curse.
“Exactly.” Dustin nods. “When he attacks his next victim, I’ll bet you he’s back in that attic, physical body defenceless.”
“Defenceless?” Steve raises his brows, gesturing to his neck. “What about the army of bats?”
“True. We’ll have to find a way past them.” Dustin accepts, “Distract them somehow.”
“And, uh,” Eddie leans forward, “How do we do that exactly?”
“No idea. But once they’re gone, he doesn’t stand a chance.” He smiles, “It’ll be like slaying sleeping Dracula in his coffin.”
“That all sound good in theory, but there is no pattern to Vecna’s killings. I mean, at least not one that I can decipher.” Robin comments, “We don’t know when he’s going to attack next. We don’t even know who he’s going to attack.”
“Yeah, we do.” Max speaks up and your stomach drops. “I can still feel him. I’m still marked. Cursed.”
“Vecna won’t give up once he’s decided who he’s gonna kill.” You confirm, shutting your eyes. “He’s made that pretty clear.”
“I ditch Kate Bush, I draw his focus back to me.” Max suddenly says and you stand up to face her.
“Max. You can’t. He’ll kill you.” Lucas whispers out and she shrugs.
“I survived before.” She reminds him and Lucas frowns.
“Yeah, because Y/n was there!”
“She would have made it out on her own.” You say and they both look confused. “I know it.”
“I can survive again.” Max decides and you shake away your thoughts, returning to your original debate.
“No, wait, you can’t put yourself in danger like that.” You protest and she holds your stare.
“I just need to keep him busy long enough so that you guys can get into that attic.” She says, eyes shifting to the faces behind you. “Then you can chop his head off. Stab him in the heart. Or blow him up with some explosive Dustin cooks up, I honestly- I don’t care how you put this asshole in his grave, just… whatever it is… whatever you do… try not to miss.”
Everyone seems to start accepting this and you shake your head.
“Really?” You object, waving your hands, “Are we really letting her do this?”
“It’s our only choice.” Max moves away from the wall to face you and as you look at your sister, you realise she’s all grown up.
“If he wants me dead, then let me do it.” You insist but, like any younger sibling, she argues with you.
“It’s decided.”
“No. No, I’m not letting you do that. You could die, Max.”
“Y/n, come on.” Steve sighs, running a hand down his face. “I don’t like it either but maybe...maybe putting you into another situation like that isn’t a good idea, considering everything that’s happened.”
“Steve.” Robin warns and his face drops when he realises what he said.
Nancy almost died. Because of you. Steve knew that.
Rather than speak, you decide to walk away, seeing dots in your vision as you were losing air. You needed to calm yourself down, fast.
“Y/n-” He rushes after you as you reach the bathroom door, pulling it open. He manages to catch your eye.
“You should have let the Demogorgon kill me.” Your voice was barely a whisper, only loud enough for Steve to hear. “Maybe… maybe we wouldn’t be in this mess if you did.”
That’s all you say before shutting him out.
Tears fall as soon as you slam the door, hugging your body tightly as your breathing became jagged. You didn’t mean to snap like that at him. He was right, after all. You almost got Nancy killed because of your stupid mistake. But your anger towards yourself was blinding, and he didn’t deserve that.
Slowly muttering numbers under your breath, you clutch the side of the sink, taking a mental note of random objects in the room to calm your mind, and your panic attack.
Once your breathing slowed, you wipe away your tears. You needed to apologise to Steve for what you said. And to Nancy, for what you did.
Another tear fell. You couldn’t stop screwing up.
Raising your head, your eyes met a figure behind you in the mirror and you freeze before a frown etches onto your forehead. A girl looked back at you, dressed in a strange white outfit, her hair buzzed just like the day you met her.
“El?” You question, but when you blink, she’s gone. “Shit. I’m really going crazy now.”
Shaking your head, you move to the door, pulling it open and finding Steve leant against the door frame, straightening once you appear.
You both talk over eachother and then with a nod, Steve moves you back into the bathroom and shuts the door.
“I’m sorry.” You blurt and he looks confused as to why you’re the one apologising. “I shouldn’t have snapped like that, I- I was just panicking about the whole ‘Vecna wants to destroy everything’ talk and I… I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.”
“I didn’t mean what I said.” He shakes his head, frowning with worry, “I’m… I’m scared too. And I don’t blame you, or- or anything like that. I just… I don’t want to see you get hurt. Or anyone, for that matter.”
You take a deep breath, nodding. “You’re right, though.”
“Hm.” He agrees before tightening his lips. “Uh… what was I right about?”
“It has to be Max.” You slump against the edge of the sink, bracing yourself with your hands behind you. “Vecna wants me dead, that’s for sure. But… his connection with me is a lot stronger than I think. He’ll know it’s just a distraction.”
“We’re gonna win, Y/n.” Steve nods, moving closer. “He’s not hurting her. Or any of us. And he sure as hell isn’t gonna hurt you. That one I’ll make sure of.”
With a small smile, you shake your head before finally meeting his eyes. “How are you so certain you’re protecting the right person?”
There’s a wave of confusion that floods his face and you swallow your guilt with a shrug.
“I’m just… the more Vecna shows me everything. My past. My family. I… I’m not so sure I should be the priority on your list right now.”
“Bullshit.” He states simply and you frown. “And that’s not a word I use lightly, so listen.”
His hands slip into yours, ensuring you’ll stay and hear him out, and he takes a breath.
“You are worth it. Whatever he showed you, whatever you did… it doesn’t change the fact that you are literally the only person here I would die without.” His voice cracks, making you squeeze his hands involuntarily, “I… when Nancy woke up and you were still stood there, I- I froze. Just like I did last time. Because, the more I imagine the idea of you being gone, like really gone, I… I just can’t see myself ever being happy ever again. No ‘time will heal’ crap. Nothing. We all fuck up sometimes, okay? And nothing you can say or do will ever change the fact that you’re stuck with me. You and me.”
You prop yourself up on your toes and lean your forehead against his, the grip of your hands tighter than it had ever been before. As you let out a shaky breath, some kind of weight makes your chest feel feather light. He always knew exactly what to say to make you feel human.
As you pull back, your lips curve into a smile. “I’m not going anywhere. Just like you said. You and me.”
Steve goes to open his mouth but is interrupted by a knock at the door. You gently let go of his hold and wipe a stray tear, nodding. He looks hesitant, like he desperately wanted to continue the conversation, but he knows there’s a world outside that door that could never be put on hold.
With a sigh, he walks over and swings it open to see Dustin staring back.
“Oh.” Dustin blinks, looking between you two, “Am I… interrupting something?”
“Seriously.” Steve deadpans, rolling his eyes. “We’ve talked about this.”
Dustin holds his hands up in surrender. “Sorry, sorry. Got it. Nothing between you two. Cool. Anyway, we’re getting nothing from the Byers again and Eddie thinks he has a plan.”
“A plan?” You speak up, walking to the door.
“Yeah.” He nods before frowning, “Well, like, half a plan. Eddie thinks he knows a place with guns and- Oh, just go use your eyes or something.”
“Jesus. Would it kill you to be nice for once?” Steve pushes past him and you go to follow.
When you notice Dustin hasn’t moved, you turn back around with a raised eyebrow. “Uh... was there anything else?”
He squints his eyes at you, moving closer.
“What?” You let out an uneasy laugh and he suddenly shrugs.
“I guess I didn’t realise you were such a boy magnet.”
The nerves in your chest flutter and you tighten your lips. “It’s not like that.”
But Dustin is already deep in thought now.
“It kind of makes sense. I mean, you are pretty cool. And smart. Can’t deny that you are physically attractive but I never saw that cause you’re not really my type.” He throws you a look, “No offence.”
“None taken.” You sigh, hoping to walk away from the situation when he continues.
“Lucas always saw it, hence why he fell for Max cause you two are so similar it’s scary.” He drones on and you place your hands on his shoulders.
“Dustin!” You look at him as he shuts his mouth, waiting for your response. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“Have you kissed a lot of guys?” He questions and you groan.
“Okay, we’re dealing with an alternate dimension wizard that wants to destroy Hawkins and that’s your burning question right now?” You start to move away from the boy, but he’s much more persistent on the matter than you expected him to be.
“I assume it’s more than I thought.” He says and you slump your shoulders in defeat, almost coming into view of the others.
Then, with a pang of your heart, you understand why he’s so intrigued in the topic. He’s seen you with Eddie and then with Steve all in one day. And it wasn’t a one time thing. He was there during your relationship with Eddie, consistently interrupting you both. Just earlier, stopping... whatever was happening. Which, part of you was glad for. After the Upside Down, you hadn't been thinking clearly.
And he’s had suspicions about you and Steve for a while now, especially since last summer. Even with your constant denial, Dustin could see something that you and Steve couldn't.
Both boys were ones that had taken him under their wings and you had no doubt Dustin looked up to them, as he did you.
He was making sure your feelings were true. He didn’t want to see anyone get hurt.
“Okay, Dustin.” You sigh with a slight smile. “I haven’t kissed that many guys.”
He raises an eyebrow, “How many?”
“Three.” You reply, not having to think about it for a second. Technically four, but your black-out drunk mistake with Tommy shouldn’t be counted.
“That was quick.” Dustin comments, raising his eyebrows. “Why are you keeping count?”
“I-” You take a deep breath. God, this kid had good intentions but he was insufferable about it. “Because they were special to me, I guess.”
“So you don’t just kiss random guys?” He asks and you try one more time to run from the conversation before you decide to stop and settle this.
“No, Dustin. I don’t just go around kissing random guys.” You deadpan and he stares back at you expectantly. With a sigh, you cross your arms. “Look, it’s special because… I need to have a connection with them. If I kiss someone, it's because it actually means something, like-"
There’s a cough behind you and slowly turn to everyone staring at you, overhearing your last sentence. Your eyes widen as you realise both the boys you've kissed were sat in the same room, staring at you with curious gazes.
"Would you like to finish that sentence?" Robin smirked beside you and you purse your lips.
"No. No I would not."
“We were just talking about…” Dustin’s voice trails off when he sees unamused faces staring back at him. “It was my fault.”
“We figured.” Steve comments and you clear your throat.
“Anyways…” You walk up to the table, noticing a phone-book had been placed on it. “What are we looking at?”
“War Zone.” Eddie grins at you and you have to pretend to look interested in the paper before any kind of embarrassment shows on your face. “I’ve been there once. It’s huge. They got everything you need for, uh… well, killing things, basically.”
“You think fake Rambo has enough guns there?” Robin asks and you let out a breath.
“Definitely.” You say and she raises an eyebrow. “What? I went there with Hopper once. He was looking after me and had to go check something out there. Now that I think about it, he wasn’t the greatest babysitter.”
As you think through your visit, Robin lets out a brief laugh before focusing on the image in front of her.
“Is that a grenade?” She points to the page, “I mean, how is any of this legal?”
“Well, lucky for us it is, so..” Eddie points out, “This… this place is just far enough outside of Hawkins. As long as we steer clear of main roads, we oughta be able to avoid cops and, uh, angry hicks.”
“If we’re trying to avoid angry hicks, maybe we shouldn’t go to some store called the War Zone.” Erica emphasises and you squint. She had a point.
“Normally, I’d agree, but we need the weapons so… I think it’s worth the risk.” Nancy says, nodding.
“Me too.” Lucas agrees.
“Yeah, but is it worth the time?” Dustin asks, “It’ll take all day to bike there and back.”
“My car won’t fit all of us in.” You sigh before frowning. “Speaking of, I really need to find my car.”
“It’s probably been taken in for police investigation since you left it at the lake.” Dustin suggests and you purse your lips.
“Yeah, that’s just what I needed to hear.” You retort and he rolls his eyes.
“Who said anything about bikes?” Eddie smirks and you smile involuntarily.
“You got some car we don’t know about?” Steve questions.
Eddie straightens, standing tall, smiling. “It’s not exactly a car, Steve.”
Noticing the glint in his eyes, you sigh. “Let me guess… it’s not exactly yours, either?”
“You know me so well.” He grins before nodding, “But, uh, it’ll do.”
“Okay, but if we’re going outside,” You step forward with crossed arms, “We need to cover you up. The whole town knows your face now and if someone catches one look at you, we’re toast. You’re not exactly hard to miss.”
“I will take that as a compliment.” He remarks and looks to your sister. “Hey, Red, uh, you got a ski mask or a bandana, something like that?”
Max thinks about it for a moment before an idea pops into her mind. “I got something.”
Looking back down at the page, you take a deep breath.
There was no way this trip was going to go smoothly.
Chapter 16: Grand Theft Auto ->
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of-mutts-and-men · 5 months
do u have a workout routine...
Since multiple people have asked… I might as well make one. DISCLAIMER: I am not an expert or knowledgeable about anything gym or health related, I’m currently going to physically therapy because of a workout injury lol so do with my advice what you will.
- 10 pound dumbbell
- 5 pound dumbbell
- 30 pound weighted bar
- Regular piano type bench (should probably get one made for working out)
I try to workout every day I can, but usually end up doing about 4 days a week. According to google, it takes about two weeks to start actually losing any gains so even if you only get one really good workout a week and go up from there that’s a good start. Also make sure you eat and drink water, and stretch beforehand.
If I’m feeling unmotivated or when I just started out, I followed 20 min workout videos on youtube by chris heria and bullyjuice.
Form is SUPER important, make sure your back is always straight(unless required otherwise) and you’re flexing or stabilizing your core, and you’re not relying on one side. And focus on doing good reps not a lot of reps. Once you start losing your form you should probably stop. I usually go until exhaustion or around 15-25 reps per exercise. I try to repeat a routine a few times over, but sometimes I just finish after doing one set.
Here’s what I generally do (not in a specific order and I probably forgot some, when in doubt, google it):
- Standing press with 30 pound bar
- Hammer curls
- Bicep curls with my arms facing straight and then facing kind of diagonally
- Overhead tricep extenders
- Bicep curl into shoulder press with dumbbell
- Side curl
- Isolated bicep curls (sitting down with your elbow balanced on your thigh)
- Bench dips
- Standing dumbbell flyes
- Forearm curls with 5 pound dumbbell (or just kind of moving my forearms around with the weight until I feel the burn)
Chest: (some of the previous ones work the chest too, I struggle finding chest exercises that I can do effectively)
- Pushups (regular and then knee pushups when I get tired)
- Bench press with 30 pound bar or one side at a time with dumbbell
Abs: ( I rarely do ab days which is pretty bad, build up your core. This is when the youtube videos would come in handy)
- Planks
- Russian twists
- Boat hold
- Boat crunches
- Lying leg raises
- Mountain climbers
- Wall sits and then start doing squats against the wall basically after a certain amount of time (feel tha burn)
- Regular squats (sometimes with bar)
- Sumo squats
- Standing calf raisers in multiple positions
- Squat holds in various positions
- Lunges
- Supported pistol squats (rarely those are god damn hard lol)
- Floor hip thrusters
- Jacking off can give you some pretty good muscle definition if you’re the type to go for long periods of time. But that’s also how I made a lot of my muscles uneven without realizing for a while😣 (it takes so god damn long to try and even sides out please alternate hands/whatever you’re moving or flexing a lot)
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