#sagau Tartaglia
m1d-45 · 1 year
i’ve reread duality of man so many times, it’s completely captured my brain and i’m literally obsessed with it….. i’m going insane (/pos) imagining how it would feel for childe to learn that he was wrong, he was wrong and if it weren’t for foul legacy, his god would be dead at his hands!! how horrible it would be to learn that the creator trusts foul legacy over him because of his own actions!! FUCK!!!
inversion of fate
a/n: you are so right. target audience. anon is referencing this post.
word count: 1.8k
-> warnings: childe, major spoilers for his lore, imposter au things, it/its pronouns for foul legacy because it’s childe’s perspective
-> gn reader (you/yours)
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky || @valeriele3 || @shizunxie || @boba-is-a-soup || @yum1x || @esthelily
< masterlist >
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childe doesn’t really see foul legacy as much more than an extension of himself, an extra tool he utilizes in the heat of battle, so to be shown that this ‘tool’ was correct? that his bloodlust had blinded him to the one thing that matters??? OUGH
foul legacy’s emotions sort of bleed into his due to the nature of their bond, so he can feel the genuine love that legacy feels for you and it drives him mad. he can tell it’s being genuine, that the claws swiping a strand of hair from your face are only moved by care, and it’s so irritating to him. he has to just sit there and simmer in the adoration from legacy, and he can’t do anything while you’re being so lovingly cared for by a creature of the abyss, only sit in a body he no longer has control over.
when foul legacy finally urges you to stand, he thinks it’s over. he tracks your direction and hears through abyssal ears, following your movement. he’s ready to go the moment that legacy gives up control.
maybe that’s why the moment never comes.
foul legacy closes its eye, spinning quickly to a seemingly random direction. it navigates solely by its own invisible senses, one’s childe’s brain isn’t wired to receive and decode, and he’s stunned into silence.
why is it going through so much trouble to protect you? surely it knows that even if childe isn’t the one, you’ll be caught eventually, right? it has to know that it can’t control his body forever (can it?) and that eventually he’ll get his revenge. it has to.
childe tries to keep himself oriented as best he can, if only to point others in the right direction, but legacy kept stopping to spin and confuse him. it only opened its eye once the sounds of the harbor reached its ears, and even then, childe found himself near the southern end of the harbor, near where the path split to lead up to the golden house.
he’d found you somewhere near luhua pool. he couldn’t tell whether to be impressed or annoyed that legacy managed to get him here so quickly.
standing on shaking legs, childe stumbled into the harbor. maybe it would be wise to get an agent to walk with him: he was always exhausted after a transformation, and this one was more mentally taxing than most.
in the back of his mind, he swears he can hear a satisfied rumble from the devouring deep.
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it was rare that childe received a letter.
folders were common, crossing his desk to report on missions he didn’t order and announce things he didn’t ask about. orders themselves were common enough, ‘letters’ of notice in neat packages, a small box with a map and a card denoting what was to be done. he was familiar with both, as all harbingers were, but an actual letter?
childe spotted the bright blue paper from the moment he stepped into his office, slowly closing the door behind him. as he rounded his desk, he saw the bright gold wax seal shimmered under the light, taunting him from the center of his desk. the room was eerily quiet, the creak from his chair bouncing off the walls and back at him. as he picked up the envelope, the textured paper sparking a memory, the seal suddenly felt a lot more daunting.
the seal of the fatui was also a familiar thing. it was stamped on papers and issued on uniforms, badges and reports embossed with the dark four-pointed star. he had a stamp of it himself, in one of his drawers, though he’d admittedly swapped the usual black ink for a blood red. all the harbingers tended to put their own spin onto their paperwork, usually for ease of filing or to show off. signora had the corners of the seal spiked into flames, licking across orange ink. dottore had his in a variety of shades of blue, wire forming the outer ring.
pantalone had the circles in the star changed to mora.
he flipped it over just to be sure, reading the shining golden scrawl, but the writing in the corner confirmed it was from pantalone, the characteristic cursive ‘regrator’ justifying the weight of the paper. he doubted there was much more than a single page inside; pantalone was always rather concise, even if a touch flowery in the way he did it.
with a sigh, childe turned the envelope back over and fit a nail under the wax, neatly separating it from the textured paper. he pulled the letter out and turned it to the side: only one page, though it felt like three.
a laugh slipped from him. it felt forced. in the back of his mind, foul legacy chittered.
‘shut up,’ he muttered, tossing the empty envelope on his desk.
‘you will not wish for my silence much longer.’
childe paused, a finger under the flap of the folded paper. ‘what does that mean?’
‘what do you think it does?’
he shook off the cryptic response—though it’s been months since he ran into you, it’s been in a mood ever since—and unfolded the letter, beginning to read.
he almost wished he didn’t.
there’s only two paragraphs on the page—succinct as always, he thought numbly—but the paper weighed as much as a mountain in his hands.
it was a letter updating him on the hunt for the imposter. a common source of news for him, who couldn’t personally take part in it due to his foul legacy, but this…
no matter how many times he rereads the cursive scrawl, it refuses to register. the expensive paper wrinkles around where his thumb is pressing into it, his grip tightening with every passing moment in an attempt to combat the shake beginning to set in. the same words glare at him, unchanging, shimmering off the page like an oasis of poison.
he feels legacy crawl out of the cave in his head that it has sealed itself in, finally coming forward into the light of reality that childe is washed in. the abyss stares, inspecting the harsh gleam of truth, the shine that pierces into childe’s eyes and makes them water, the one that doesn’t go away even if he closes them. legacy chitters, almost like a laugh, and the paper finally falls from childe’s hands.
‘we were wrong,’ the paper says.
you were wrong, his mind repeats.
legacy reads the paper, cooing sadly at the news that you’ve been missing ever since zhongli cornered you. you’d slipped away in his shock, and he could feel the way it wanted to chase after you. the barrier between their minds was always rather thin, and he can feel it press against it, the sadness and concern bleeding into him.
legacy pawed at his mind, urging him to let it take over and find you, and childe couldn’t even find humor in the fact that a creature of the abyss was whining at him.
it was his fault. his fault, his, if he had just listened to legacy and to the call in his own heart, if he had stopped and thought like he was told, if he had recognized the fact that legacy would never turn down a fight-
something like pride washed into his mind from legacy but it didn’t register, the overwhelming realization that he’d tried to kill his god driving all thoughts from his mind.
and he would have succeeded were if not for the abyss.
the abyss itself, the liquid poison that clung to his skin and made him dream of stars fallen from the sky, the small part of it that he had to permanently take on to survive, that had been more right than his own mind. the very place known for being bloodthirsty and ruthless, that never turned down a fight and was the first to draw blood, had been kind to you. he should have noticed.
he was wrong. how could he be?
his foul legacy chittered, an equal mix of taunting him and asking to find you.
‘give up,’ it cooed, a bitter edge of false affection around its words. ‘you’ve already done enough.’
he hated that it was right.
he hated that were it not for legacy he would have hurt you further. he hated that he had the gall to try and taunt you, you, the one he’d sworn to devote his life to after he escaped the abyss. you who gave him a form strong enough to handle the devouring deep, you who gave him the strength to stand up and keep on, and he repaid you by hunting you down, claws bared.
and he hated that he would never be able to find you on his own.
‘let me find my god.’
‘my god,’ he weakly replied, but bile quickly rose in his throat. were you? did he even have the privilege of calling himself your follower if the only words he spoke to you were threats? could he call himself faithful when he pressed on after the abyss itself cried for mercy?
‘are you the one they held close?’
childe was going to be sick.
he wasn’t, he wasn’t, he was so awful that you had to turn to the abyss for comfort, his hands were so stained that even the highest of the high recoiled, weapon drawn. you, his light, the one thing that he could always rely on, the sole constant in his life, and he turned his back on you when you needed it most. he had willingly thrown it all away, blindly following a fake that took advantage of his faith. even when all the signs asked him to stop—to think—he had pressed onward, so blinded that a creature of sea and stars could see what he could not.
‘let me find them.’
he stared at his desk, at the work he still had to do, at the letter proclaiming his failure, at the wide window to his left that spanned nearly the entire wall, more than large enough for even his foul legacy, and made a decision.
ajax gave up his body, bitter in the knowledge that the only time he could only see you would be through another’s eyes, and sick in the understanding that it was all his fault.
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hypostatic-oath · 7 months
Tales Of Meropide
SAGAU!Tartaglia-centered, angst with some comfort.
Warnings: Swearing. I think it's just one but I'm not entirely sure. Written before 4.2, but finished after 4.1 - contains spoilers for the released story quest so far.
Childe had never once in his life assumed jail would be fun. He had no delusions in that regard. But he had to admit, his hopes were raised once he heard of the Pankration Ring in the Fortress of Meropide. A competition ring for those who had "extra energy" they wished to "burn out" through regular sparring matches? Sign him up!
His hopes were very quickly shattered once he was told that no, a Fatui Harbinger was not allowed to compete, because "no way anyone would sign up to fight him" and "even if he did fight with one hand behind his back, that would set the bar too high for the other matches, and the spectators would be bored." Damn it - so the ring wasn't truly for fight afficionados - it was a marketing ploy! The fight itself wasn't the focus, it was the fact that it had to look good for an audience.
Childe huffed as he sat in the bed he'd taken to occupying. Fontaine was getting on his nerves - it seemed as though everything was for show, and very little was actually real. Where were the Traveler or the Overseer when one needed them?! Oh, what he wouldn't do to fight against a decent opponent!
His boredom was made worse by the fact that the Overseer - damn them and their excuse of "immersion" - had decided to bench him until he was out of prison. So now he rusted away in the Fortress of Meropide, with no one to fight, no one to banter with...
He could try the Duke again, he figured. While at first things hadn't gone his way, after explaining his issue, Wriothesley had, once or twice, been amenable to a sparring match, and it was the one thing keeping Tartaglia remotely sane. But lately the warden had been more and more busy - and less and less inclined to indulge the restless Harbinger. Were it not for the fact that he already had an escape plan in the works, Childe was sure he would have lost his mind for real. He was getting rusty. Every day that he did not raise his weapon was one day he grew weaker, and that the competition grew stronger. And he knew he had competition, both among the Fatui - how he was the Eleventh of a group of nine still eluded him - and among the other vessels.
It had hurt, the knowledge that right after his banner would come that of the Iudex who'd promptly knocked him out and sent him to jail... and that he wasn't even there to fight him about it! He hadn't been aware of the sheer strength of Fontaine's Chief Justice, but now that he'd caught a glimpse, Childe had to admit he was intrigued. And by intrigued let it be absolutely clear that what he meant was "eager to fight him again". Hell, the judge had managed to knock him out while he was using Foul Legacy! What else was this Neuvillette guy capable of? And, more importantly... had you noticed?
It was a thought Ajax didn't like to have. One he'd been trying to drown out - hah! Drown! Now that his hydro Vision was gone, and Neuvillette was out there using hydro as he pleased - since he'd first been told he wouldn't be able to fight down here. And yet, now that the Fortress had quieted down for the night, there was no sound to overpower his own thoughts.
The thoughts of being replaced. The thoughts that told him he was no longer enough. He was growing weaker, even before being arrested. His Vision had failed him. And now, how convenient - an insanely strong Hydro user was available. It didn't matter whether or not you'd pulled on Childe's banner earlier - he knew you needed strong members on your team, and at this rate he'd be no match for Neuvillette. Not in a fight, and not in your team. What was he supposed to do without it?! The worst of all was the nagging feeling that you'd grown used to not having him with you already. He'd been imprisoned for a while now, and not a peep from you. Not for the Abyss, not for Ley Lines, not for Domains, not even for Commissions.
He missed it.
He missed you.
Childe laid down on the bed - which was only slightly less uncomfortable than the slab of rock he used to sleep on during hos months in the Abyss - and turned to face the brass wall, his fingers absentmindedly tracing along his Delusion.
If only he could use it while you were taking hold of him - if only he could use his Foul Legacy transformation, too. He had developed (and tested) the theory that due to your influence, these things would have almost to no toll on his body. That was, apparently, part of the unspoken contract between an Overseer and their Vessels - not only would they become stronger, but their injuries and exhaustion would be your responsibility instead of theirs. For Childe, it was the perfect deal, lending you control of his body to fight all kinds of opponents and having his strength increase a hundredfold. Except for the part that, try as he might - and most importantly, try as you might - it was impossible for him to use his Delusion, or his Foul Legacy transformation, or, much to your chagrin, his signature "whale toss".
Ah, yes. That had been another issue.
Ever since he'd gotten to the Fortress, he'd seen it.
In dreams, in flashes during the day, hell, he was even hearing it, its song echoing through the brass walls. And yet, no one else seemed to be able to. That in itself was a sign - this was indeed the one he'd roused from slumber... and it was beckoning him to answer its calls.
He closed his eyes. Perhaps tonight's dream would provide more insight. He'd seek it out as soon as he managed to leave, he just had to wait for a pipe cleaning day in order to make his escape. For now, though, all he could do was wait, as time passed agonizingly slow. And so, lulled by boredom and whalesong, he forced himself to sleep it off.
You were getting impatient.
You'd decided to give storyline immersion a try once Childe was arrested, thinking that it'd be pretty weird for the recently arrested Harbinger to be roaming the streets of Fontaine - and you'd been doing a lot of roaming recently, having a whole new nation to explore. By now, you were aware that your game was responsive to you, and that had been a big reason why you'd made that decision, knowing that they were aware of what you did. You did not want to stir up trouble with Neuvillette or Wriothesley... not when they hadn't come home yet. It was best to play to their interests a little bit. However... this was getting ridiculous.
"We're gonna have to break him out at this rate." You huffed, as you picked up yet another Romaritime flower. As usual, the members of your party who hadn't been so used to you seemed a little startled at hearing your voice, while the Traveler and Paimon were far more relaxed. You supposed it made sense - if a disembodied voice started talking about jailbreak out of nowhere, you'd probably be pretty spooked too.
"But, Overseer..." Paimon began. "If we break him out of jail, won't people notice he's missing? And you still want to get Monsieur Neuvillette as soon as his banner drops - are you sure we should interfere with justice right now?"
"Neuvillette will come whether he likes it or not." You said, a steely determination in your voice. You'd meant nothing threatening by it, only that he was guaranteed and near pity, but it still sent a chill down the most inexperienced members of your team's spines. "Besides, I'm pretty sure that's what the next Archon Quest will be - break Childe out of jail. He's gonna come home with us, and everything will be okay. So it shouldn't really matter... if we give him a taste of freedom early, now does it?"
"I suppose it's alright." The Traveler chimed in. They were still the vessel who was more in tune with your emotions after all these years together, and thst could be both a blessing and a curse. Now, what they felt was your eagerness to see Childe again... and concern.
You were worried about him.
With a few clicks, you opened the map. Were it anyone else, you would've teleported to somewhere nice. Maybe Angel's Share, or Liuli Pavilion, or any of the many other restaurants and cafés that dotted the regions of Teyvat that had opened themselves to you.
But you knew that after being stuck for so long, your Tartaglia would need something more than a simple apology meal.
The Golden house. Of course his dreams would take him there - he'd fallen asleep to thoughts of you. It was a respite from the other ones, but pleasant as dreams of fighting may be, they had about the same effect as dreams of a feast to a starving man. No matter how much he fought, he'd still wake up feeling empty.
"What's the matter with you? No 'Surrender is a valid option' today?" Your voice rang out. Oh, yeah. He'd forgotten his usual taunt... did it matter, in a dream? Apparently it did, because you'd commented on it. Still, he wasn't sure if he felt like going along with it. Why would it matter? It wasn't real. He'd likely never see you again, and his stupid dream was only making things worse.
"You seem out of it. Childe." The Traveler stood before him as you spoke, their weapon lowered but still unsheated. "Maybe prison put you in a worse shape than I thought... oh, I'm going to kill them. I don't care. Traveler, we're going to take this man out of there."
"Paimon's pretty sure that's illegal..."
"Illegal? Look at what they've done to him! They massacred my boy! He has no will to live!"
Tartaglia watched as you spoke with the Traveler and Paimon. It wasn't often that he got to witness such direct interactions, and he had to admit, it was a little bit funny seeing the blonde outlander and his companion arguing with the air. They usually faced the direction opposite of where Paimon hovered - mostly so the poor guide didn't feel like they were arguing with her instead - but it still looked as though the Traveler were speaking to absolutely nothing.
Even though he was sure this was a dream - of course it was, after all, you bringing him for a fight now, and within a few seconds immediately deciding to break him out and go on a murder spree for his sake? Tartaglia could recognize his own wishful thinking - the image brought a smile to his face.
"What have they done to you?" You asked, addressing him directly once more. "How bad is it? Are you eating enough? Are you eating at all? Are you sick? Bastards..."
Concern. He could almost feel your warmth. He had to remind himself that it wasn't real. He had to remind himself that, in the real world, in the waking world, he was still in bed. That you, powerful entity that you were, could pull him out any time, and yet you hadn't.
He'd started thinking this was just like last time. Just like in the Abyss.
At first, he'd wanted his parents to come looking for him. He'd wanted them to notice he was gone, and many a night had he dreamt of them finding him. Then came his master, and with her, he held even less delusions that she'd come to his aid. And then, he'd joined the Fatui, and there it was set in stone that comrades as they may be, there'd be no help whatsoever, so he might as well give up hope.
He still dreamt it, sometimes. That someday there'd be someone to reach out a hand, someone who'd give him a bright smile when he was at his worst and help him stand, so they could take on the world together. He still dreamt that for once, just once, someone would care enough to help.
But nobody came.
He needed to be strong. He loved being strong, he loved fighting. Which was a good thing, he'd many times surmised, since it was the only thing the world needed him to do. You win the fight, you live. That was that, and it was all it had ever been and all it ever would be.
There'd be no parents looking for him. No Skirk coming in at the last minute to parry the blow. No comrades to call upon. No Overseer willing to go on a murder spree to take him out of jail.
The truth, the cold truth, was nothing like the warm dreams where someone came to his aid. The truth was that once again, he'd have to break out alone.
All he could do for now was enjoy the opportunity to fight "you", even if just in a dream, so he took a deep, shaky breath, and got ready to spar.
You wondered if he knew he was crying.
It didn't last too long. You quickly opted out of the Golden House - you'd clearly overestimated his will to fight. Even as he stood at the ready, you could see the changes in his demeanor. Maybe you should've gone with Angel's Share after all.
You emptied your party - save for the Traveler - and placed Childe on one of the empty slots. Then, you quickly teleported the three of them (because the Traveler always counted as two, with Paimon beside them all the time) to your teapot. It was clear Childe needed more than just an apology fight.
"Traveler, do me a favor." You asked, once the loading screen was out of the way. "Could you get some food started, please?"
That should give you a little alone time with the Harbinger. Maybe it'd be easier, you figured, to coax information on his wellbeing if you were alone.
As the Traveller nodded and went to handle the cooking at a nearby stove, you switched to Tartaglia. It was a little odd now, controlling them when you knew they were aware of your existence. The vast majority didn't seem to mind, and you took some comfort in how responsive and talkative they were - at least you weren't some malevolent, brainwashing eldritch entity. Your characters - erm, Vessels, as they preferred to call it - seemed fine.
Childe, however, didn't.
"Hey. Ajax." You made sure to keep your voice softer than usual as you guided him towards the hot springs, sitting him down. "I'm sorry. I genuinely thought we'd get to break you out sooner."
For a while, he didn't answer.
You placed the cursor over his shoulder. By now, you knew they could feel a sort of phantom touch, and it was the closest thing you could do to offer a comforting hand.
"Whatever they did to you ends now. I'm hereby overruling your sentence. You're staying here while I'm logged off until the Traveler and I resolve this, and when I'm around, you're back on the team."
You could see Childe trying to look at you, so you did him the favor of turning the camera in such a way that it looked as though you were sitting beside him.
"Over here."
He couldn't see your expression, but you still hoped he could somehow hear the way you felt through your voice. Oh, how you wanted to be able to reach him.
Tartaglia looked in the vague direction of you, and you wished you had a way to cup his cheek and wipe away the tears threatening to spill from those lifeless eyes. You moved the cursor to rest over his pinky finger - this was the closest thing you could do to a pinky promise, after all.
"It's over, Ajax. It's done. Canon can go fuck itself. If they want to put you back in jail they're gonna have to go through me first."
Ajax had wished you were physically in Teyvat many times. Most of these times were because he wished to fight you personally, some because he wished to share some food with you. This time, feeling the unmistakable warmth of your phantom touch slide from his shoulder to his hand, before focusing on his pinky as you promised to fight for him, he wished he could pull you into the tightest embrace. What a cruel dream - couldn't his mind have dreamt you a physical body, too? One he could hold on to. One he could curl up around.
He felt your touch on his back, soothing circles of warmth rhytmically rubbed, and he would've leaned into your touch if he had any idea of which direction to lean into.
"I have an escape route planned already." He sighed. "And a few other things I need to handle, too."
"Still." You insisted. "You look terrible. No offense."
"I'm f-"
"You're not fine, Ajax. I'm not an idiot. Look, the teapot has a place for you whenever you'd like. You have the Sigil of Permission, and I'll make sure to leave an empty room, so you can come and go whenever. So you at least get food, drink, a place to sleep... I'm pretty sure that with the Shogun around you'll always have someone to spar with, too, that should keep you from boredom-"
The Sigil of Permission.
Of course.
How could he have forgotten?
A dream as this may be - and he was start to suspect it wasn't, due to the unmistakable feeling of your energy seeping into his own and, perhaps a more obvious sign, how his clothes felt against his body due to being in the hot springs fully clothed (perhaps Overseers had no concept of clothing, and you refused to remove it because you considered his outfit a part of his skin? He'd heard you refer to the Tianquan's new outfit as a "new skin" once, after all...), the water making them heavier - it had still provided him something that could help him once he woke. The Traveler had once bestowed him with a sigil of permission that granted him access to your Serenitea Pot - a sigil of permission that was still in his possession.
Childe could feel a spark of hope inside his chest, the corners of his lips curving in a discreet yet confident smile.
He'd definitely take you up on that offer later.
"That's more like it!" You sounded relieved. And, as it usually was for Vessels when you were pouring your energy into them, your energy felt relieved as well, your emotions bleeding through into his body. All that, just for a small smile? Tartaglia smiled wider, in the general direction of where you should be, and the feeling increased.
He felt that familiar sensation of your focus on his hair, and found himself thinking that maybe, if you were there beside him, you would've ran your fingers through it, and maybe he'd lean closer, perhaps to rest his head on your shoulder or your lap.
Archons, what was happening to him? He wasn't supposed to let himself go like this. This wasn't a dream at all, he couldn't simply indulge as though it were. He had to stop leaning into your phantom touch, he had to stop hoping. This sort of hope, this sort of weakness, it'd kill him. He needed to-
"What you need is rest. And to be comfortable. And to let me and the Traveler take care of you." Your voice brought him out of his spiraling train of thought. Oh, right. He'd forgotten that lately you'd gotten better at hearing their thoughts. A trick you'd picked up in Sumeru, no doubt. He sighed.
"That... would be nice. Thank you, comrade. But you really don't need-"
"I don't. But I want to, so I will. So come on, let's get you fed while I redecorate the teapot again. It was bound for a change sooner or later, anyway."
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wolfiafuntime · 9 months
About The Cultists II
How some members of the Temple of Liyue joined the cult, what they do at the cult, and where they went when they were told to leave.
Ft. Baizhu, Beidou, Childe, Chongyun, Ganyu, Hu Tao, Keqing, Ningguang, Paimon, Qiqi, Shenhe, Xiangling, Xiao, Xingqiu, Xinyan, Yanfei, Yaoyao, Yelan, Yun Jin, Zhongli, and LORE
Tw: Cults, kids being in cults, physical abuse, neglect, violence, degredation(?), and Zhongli before his Yandere Era
Published: September 4, 2023
Words: 1,860 (1,817 w/o the names)
Pages: 5.6 (5.3 w/o the names)
Baizhu Bubu: Was introduced to the cult while searching for his missing daughter, and joined them shortly after discovering they saved her life. Spends his time performing check-ups on his fellow members, and if any medicine is required, then he'll give it to them at a seventy-five percent discount. Often lets his snake, Changsheng, wander about the Temple of Liyue. When told to move, he got a two-bedroom apartment for him and Qiqi, which is not only near his job, but also near a park. Currently owns and works as the sole doctor of the Bubu clinic, and is also the owner of the Bubu Pharmacy across the street.
Beidou Crux: Was introduced to the cult by Ningguang and Ganyu after her seventh time going to court, and joined shortly after losing her boating license. She spent a lot of time getting back on her feet, and mainly contributed by fishing up food for her fellow Believers. Eventually, she got her boating license back, started working on a shipping boat named the SS Alcor, and quickly climbed her way up to captain. She spends most of her time on that boat, and because of that, she's allowed to stay in the Temple of Liyue when she's in Teyvat City. Still gets in legal trouble, but oddly, her punishments are far lighter now...
'Childe Stutter': Was introduced to the cult when his team was instructed to investigate it. Originally infiltrated through a contact in the Church of Sneznhaya, and while his teammates were there, he slowly started to be swayed by the cult's beliefs. Thankfully, just as he realized this, his team leader decided to disperse the team throughout the different compounds, and he was sent to the Temple of Liyue. Currently works as a bank teller for a company named Northland Bank. After being told to get his own place, he got a house a few blocks away from Zhongli's new house.
Chongyun Yang: Was introduced to the cult through his Aunt Shenhe, but didn't join until he decided to run away from his abusive family. Spends his time trying to spread the word of Their Grace, which he mostly does by bringing peace to someplace or another. Never moved out of the Temple due to his age.
Ganyu Qilin: Was introduced to the cult by Rex Lapis himself during her college years, and joined shortly after mother did. Spends her time organizing various things, like food orders, taxes, and events, for not only the Temple of Liyue, but most of the other compounds as well. After her mother was turned into an Adeptus, she gained the title of 'Half-Adeptus'. Works as a secretary for the Keqing Yuheng at a city and urban planning company named Yuehai Industries. Due to her half-human status, she was not allowed to stay on the compound, so she moved into an apartment between her job and the Temple.
Hu Tao Wangsheng: Was introduced to the cult by Baizhu, but didn't join until after losing her grandfather. Spends her time trying to convince her fellow members to die, so they can finally meet Their Grace, planning how to convince, or just playing pranks on them. Also spends her time trying to get grieving families to join the cult. Works as the Director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. When she was told to move out, she got a suburbian house in between her job and the Temple.
Keqing Yuheng: Was introduced to the cult by Ganyu, and only joined because Ganyu did. At first spent her time trying to subtly convince Ganyu to leave the cult with her, but similarly to Childe, has come to believe in Them. Still dislikes Visions, though, unlike her opinions of Their Grace, she has been open about this from the start. Spends her time training the teens and children of the cult with various physical exercises. Currently works as the CEO of an urban and city planning company named Yuehai Industries. Currently lives next to Ganyu.
Ningguang Tianquan: Was introduced to the cult by Rex Lapis himself during her college years, and joined when he convinced her it would help her with her money troubles. After joining the cult, she dedicated all of her time to it. And after learning that Rex Lapis was looking for representatives for his children, she tried her hardest to become one of them. But bittersweetly, was only rewarded the position of High Priestess. As the High Priestess of the Temple, she did not have to leave and get her own place, so she didn't. She currently works as a Judge at the Jade Courthouse.
Payton Paimon Via: Was introduced to the cult by her Aunt Lumine, just minutes before she moved into the Church of Mondstadt. Has spent five years there, but has yet to recieve a vision, due to the elders not knowing what Vision to give her. Is currently moving from compound to compound with her dad.
Qiqi Bubu: Was saved by a Temple of Liyue sub-faction named The Adepti, but didn't join until a few months later when she was reunited with her father Baizhu, partially due to the severity of the injuries she suffered. Spends a lot of her time either around the other children, physically exorcising to improve her bodily function, or mentally exercising to improve her short-term memory. Currently lives in an apartment in Teyvat City with her dad.
Shenhe Yin: Was saved by Cloud Retainer, a member of the Temple of Liyue's Adepti sub-faction, when she was a teen. Spends her time training to become an Adepti- a task that, when accomplished, will make her the first non-original member of the cult to gain such a rank. Because she's no longer a teen and not yet an Adepti, when Rex Lapis told everyone to find there own homes, she was forbidden from living in The Temple of Liyue or the Adeptal Domain. She was only permitted a few months to get a job- and she eventually found one as a Medium. Currently lives in a studio apartment in Teyvat City.
Xiangling Wanmin: Was introduced to the cult by Beidou, who talked her into joining over the course of a few months. Spends most of her time either cooking for the cult, coming up with new things to cook for them, or foraging and/or hunting for ingredients. Also spends a lot of time with a baby bear with downsyndrome that she adopted and named Guoba. Was forced to leave him with the cult when she had to move out. Currently lives with Xinyan and Yun Jin in an apartment nearby her job, Wanmin Restaurant, which she's the Restauranteur of.
Xiao Wangshuu: Was introduced to the cult by Rex Lapis during his teen years, and joined to escape his abusive father. His fighting prowess got him rewarded the title of Adeptus, and later got him the title of Yaksha- a council of five meant to lead the Adeptus. Sadly, the his fellow members were driven mad and murdered each other, and one of them mysteriously disappeared. As an Adeptus, he's one of the few to know Rex Lapis is safe and healthy. Also as an Adeptus, he was permitted to stay on the original compound chosen for The Creator's Grace, which has now been renamed to the Adeptal Domain. Although he doesn't; opting to spend his nights in a treehouse hidden nearby the Temple of Liyue.
Xingqiu Feiyun: Was introduced to the cult by Chongyun. And not wanting his friend to be living alone with strangers, he half-lied to, half-talked his parents into letting him follow his friend. But quickly fell in love with the dedicated yet simple people of the compound, and soon started to believe in Their Grace. Spends a lot of his time reading, or hanging out with the other teens and kids. Due to his age, he never had to move out of the Temple of Liyue.
Xinyan Rock: Was introduced to the cult by her friend Xiangling, but didn't join until Xiangling convinced her it would ease the numerous troubles in her life. Spends her time making or playing music for her fellow Worshippers. Currently works as a musician on YouTube and Twitch, and makes her money by streaming concerts. Currently lives in an apartment building together with Xiangling and Yun Jin.
Yanfei Xiezhi: Was introduced to the cult by her father, but didn't join until after she befriended Eula from the Church of Mondstadt. Almost joined the Church of Mondstadt, too, until she learned of the unfair rules in the Temple of Liyue. That, combined with her father being a member there, convinced her to change courses, so she could, at the very least, advise her fellow Believers on what to do. Currently works as a legal adviser for Xiezhi & Kuki General Law Firm, and currently lives in an apartment with her friend Eula, and Eula's friend Amber.
Yaoyao Rambler: Is the second child to be born into the cult, and the first one to be born with Adeptus blood, due to her mother being Streetward Rambler. Recently got her Dendro Vision, finally making her an official member of the cult. Spends most of her time hanging out with various members of the Temple of Liyue. Was allowed to stay at the Temple of Liyue due to her age, but not allowed to stay at the Adeptal Domain due to only having one Adeptus parent.
Yelan Yansheng: Was introduced to the cult by Ningguang, after serving as an anonymous informant for some of her lawyers. Joined shortly after making a deal with Ningguang to continue helping with legal cases. Spends a lot of her time with a fake smile on, helping cultists she's slowly starting to agree with... Works as the owner of the Yansheng Casino, although is seldom recognized when she's there. When she was told to move out, she had her Casino renovated so she could live there.
Yun Jin Heyu: Was introduced to the cult by Xinyan, and joined when she convinced her it would help free her from her sheltered childhood. Spends her time either performing for her fellow members, or writing new performances, thanks to them unintentionally inspiring her. Works as the head writer and performer at Heyu Opera House. Offers a fifty percent discount to all members of The Creator's Grace, so long as they contact her beforehand. Currently lives with her friend Xinyan, and Xinyan's friend Xiangling.
Zhongli Xiangsheng: Is currently hating his life. He's managed to kidnap you, and has you trapped in his basement (why did you trust him?). Hates that he has to make you food (he gives you one half-assed sandwich a day). Hates that he has to take out your waist (the basement has no toilet; you're being forced to poop and pee in a trashbag with no trashcan). His only relief is when he takes out his anger on you-- and he's starting to hate that, too (You feel like you're going insane)...
Series Masterlist | Lamo Regular Masterlist
@yandere-city-deactivated2023081 (what do I do when someone who wanted to be tagged deactivated their account?)
@resident-cryptid (sorry this is late! My internet went out just before I pressed 'post'!)
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asexual-but · 1 year
For some reason I can clearly imagine the creator turning to Childe after he asked so much for a fight and saying "I'm a master of ten thousand ways to beat the shit out of you" and then gives a uppercut that only makes him pass out and soon the day returns to normal
Revenge for all the time you wasted getting/trying to get/farming for/crying over him before you descended.
However I think that only makes him come back for more, so have fun with that. ^^'
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SAGAU brainrot where after being hunted for being an "imposter" in Fontaine you escape to the sea, desperate for somewhere safe- or somewhere to die peacefully, the blood from your wounds seeping into the water and staining it red, then an odd glittering gold. it's blissfully silent under the waves, sea creatures flocking around and following you through the depths as you sink deeper and deeper, eyes finally having a chance to close after days of staying awake out of terror. there's a small, exhausted smile on your face, weak and dizzy from the blood loss but finally not being pursued, left alone to pass peacefully from this world you used to love so much.
but you don't die- instead you're awoken by a mournful echoing sound, the water around you sparkling and peculiar. you move your hand and the water moves with it, swirling into flowing designs like silk, cushioning your open wounds and soothing the sting. the echoing sound calls again, closer this time, and when you turn you meet the crystalline eye of a familiar face- Foul Legacy, adorned with fins and patches of scales from the influence of the Primordial Sea.
Legacy's eye widens at the site of you, his song changing from saddened to ecstatic, then fading as he takes in your wounds, just barely scabbed over and shining with gold. he whines, quickly swimming a circle around you and wrapping his tail around your legs- who dared to do this to you, the Creator? who dared lay a hand on your skin, tearing it so? he knows it's you, his Abyssal instincts soothed and calm in your divine presence, and Foul Legacy lets out a low growl at the thought of someone hurting you. but it quickly turns to a whimper when you flinch away, his claws hovering over your shoulders as he croons gently- you need rest and time to recover, and he gently wraps his arms around you as your eyes close, nudging his horned head against your cheek with a sweet purr, the first kindness you've experienced in Teyvat.
together you sink further into the Primordial Sea, away from the ignorance and hatred of the surface above, and Teyvat falls silent once more.
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acid-ixx · 1 month
moaning headcanons a.k.a how loud they moan (part 1)
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reblogs and interactions are encouraged and appreciated.
a/n: this is supposed to be crack until it became serious and I can't back out. update: i forgot this draft existed so i hope u like me posting old writing (with me expanding on it). ask for part two with specific characters (next part will contain neuvillette) if you will, i dont mind!
tags:top!gn!reader. implied yandere. implied murder. jealousy. masterbation, jerking off to thoughts of you. (no i will not shut up about how nana's (@koinotame) portrayal of childe changed my entire viewpoint of him, he's my murder baby and he knows it.
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— childe : loud. genuinely noisy especially when he strokes himself when envisioning you punishing him. ah, if you're rough enough, he whines and he sputters and chokes. sometimes, he'll increase the volume of his moans just to spur you on. he's a tease and although it's nice to be a good boy— he loves being a brat so you could manhadle him harshly. but when he's lonely and horny, he's always, always not afraid to release his desire. even gagging him with your underwear still wouldn't be enough to muffle his whines and gurgled moans of pleasure. if you hurt him for just the right amount, he'd be cumming even with his dick untouched and that's when he moans the loudest. sometimes, when he feels you don't give him enough attention, he'd be approaching you (and whatever you'd be doing wouldn't matter), latching onto your waist and whining into your ears about how you just haven't been noticing him lately. it's up to you to decide whether you want him kneeling on the hard floor giving you oral or kneading his hard-on through his jeans. just wish whoever your neighbor is a good luck because he won't certainly shut up when he pleasures himself on you. there's times when he's good, when all he does is whine and gasp, but that's only when he stabs his enemies and the crimson seeps into his clothes hard enough for him to feel it damp and stimulate him lightly, thinking of you and your complaints about him staining the carpets again— he hopes you'd use a ball gag this time, with a tight collar while you're at it, just so he could really feel the pain.
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— kaveh : his moans are, well, similar to the moans of exasperations he releases whenever his wallet is empty or whenever his roommate irks him. but when it comes to you, it seemingly amplifies to a more modified, girly shriek and teary eyes. he releases high-pitched whines when overstimulated, when he's on the brink of cumming whenever you jerk him off, or when your tongue ventures through his pecs, circling his areola and ignoring the swell of his nipple; and he's begging you with drool running down his shiny lips to just suck his, his "breasts" (your words, not his!) already! he gasps needily whenever you thrust inside him, releasing airy and rhythmic "ah, ah, ah!"'s with every thrust. every time you hit his prostate, he'll be sucking in a breath and gripping on your back for dear life and begging you to slow down while he pants. his dignified voice loses composure though, whenever he rides you. it starts off with bated breaths until it continues with sharp gasping and girlish moaning. he wouldn't even be aware of his own loudness in the room with how his pleasure drowns out any sort of dignity he tried so hard to maintain. it's not his fault that it's rare for you to keep all your attention to him! and he wants it all to himself. so if that means embarrassing himself for a few days just so you could forget about the man who flirted with you days ago— then so be it! he'll look at you with droopy eyes and quivering lips, begging you for more with a slightly scratchy throat and swollen lips. despite being overstimulated, he could go on for more rounds just for you.
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yandere-3-sagau · 1 year
SAGAU x Secret!Creator!Reader Drabble
not a continuation but an alternate situation to this ask. 
imagine ur hush hush about being creator but ur still open to being close to/friends with the characters (i mean it’s hard not to especially when they’re ur main or fav character) 
so you allow yourself to befriend them 
imagine they treat you so casually that you argue and even sometimes physically fight 
or imagine they’re rough when playing around and smack you upside the head when you say something silly 
but one time they go a little bit too far and accidentally hit your nose 
you quickly cover your face hoping to stop the bleeding before they see anything 
however, too caught up in their guilt, they pry your hands away to assess the damage just to see a gold liquid dripping down your face
“you’re bleeding.” 
“it’s gold”
“is it?”
they don’t know how to feel. all this time they were playful insulting and hitting the sole creator of teyvat
you need to constantly reassure them that they won’ t be smote (smite?) or struck by lightning for hurting the creator 
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The funniest thing about the Creator having a child thing (to me anways) is that the Archons act like their poor dear deity was an innocent in the whole situation, when you just KNOW that all the potential fathers (with the exceptions of Abyss Prince Aether and maybe Childe) were the ones being seduced.
Kaeya is a flirt, but he's not the type to bed someone willy-nilly, much less a deity. Nev is the Hydro Sovereign, he would have too much respect to try anything uncouth towards the Maker of All without their express permission. Kaveh would have to be blitzed out of his mind to even THINK of flirting with the Creator, much less bedding them. Childe, well...honestly it's a 50-50 split on that imo, he might if he thought it would go well and/or get him power of some sort. Traveler Aether would be focused on finding his sister, he wouldn't allow himself to be distracted by things like that...and Xiao? Xiao would never try anything that could even be mistaken as rude towards the Creator. Heck, I think getting a kiss on the cheek would be enough to make the poor guy panic.
So uh, I guess what I'm asking is...how did the dad's initially react to learning the Creator wanted to do the horizontal tango with them?
Help you are actually so right, in most scenarios I can only picture the reader being either shameless or forthcoming enough to say it to their face that they find the boy attractive or anything close.
I know there are at least a handful who while they fantasize about it wouldn't even dreamm of telling you that .
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Their grace is so forthcoming
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WC 1,2k
Flirty banter gets misunderstood for real flirting but they exploit the bug
“Your grace, you are shivering a lot!” he exclaims loudly as he pulls his harbinger coat onto your shoulders. The tsaritsa held a kind of ‘greetings party' with her harbingers, even if the atmosphere was tense and the chatting short, each of your sides being taken by the tsaritsa and Pierro. Sooner than expected everyone left. When you notice you left an accessory behind and meet face to face with the redhead alone in the room.
“Hm, I guess I'm a bit cold”
And without missing a beat or looking up from the clasp he was trying to secure he chimes faster than he can think “cold? But you are so hot!” but after he noticed his eyes seem to lack more will to live.
“I'm inc-”
As he attempts to apologize, your hand pulls on his wrist, getting him closer, his blue eyes wide, “You yourself are quite nice on the eyes, don't you want to tell me anything else?”
His Adam's apple bobs as he swallows the spit that pooled behind his teeth, his little Freudian slip ended up better than he expected.
“Oh my, what are you doing alone here?” Kaeya sits down on the chair next to you, only a lonely drink with you
“Mhm, Venti got into a fight with Jose six fingers about who was a better bard” you sigh as you sip your drink, looking down a window at the two bards singing outside trying to get the crowd to decide who was better.
“To leave such an beautiful person alone in a bar, I wouldn't be surprised if a drunkard tried to sweep you off your feet” he sips his alcoholic drink, the burning on his tongue soon settling warmly in his stomach before letting out a roaring laugh from the bottom of his chest “I'm joking~ I doubt anyone would dare attempt”
You let out a simple ‘mhm?’ before leaning your head to the side to look at Kaeya with a mischievous grin “oh, such a shame, I would have allowed you to do something so bold and a bit more” and your hand falls on his thigh under the table and his soon follow.
Would NEVER, under No circumstances flirt first for reasons
-holds too much respect to dar think about you like that-
“Aren't you sweet?” the small apple falls on your hand, Xiao had climbed a nearby tree after hearing your stomach rumble.
“I appreciate your kind words, even then I think I'm too jaded to be considered anything akin to that” He bows his head. It's been a while since he accepted that he would never be clean of the blood he spilled during the war, but that at least managed to make him want to protect Liyue so they will be able to live peacefully.
“You may say that but isn't selflessly protecting liyue sweet? I would say it's sweet how you care about little Qiqi, I saw how you carried her up a cliff to grab qingxin. Undoubtedly pure sugar”
“Your grace…” his eyes soften as he looks down where you are.
“You are almost like candy I could eat up!”
Traveler aether
-shy/ has other things in his mind-
“I have to say aether, your house is surprisingly comfortable” the words slip past your lips before you can think about it. Even if it isn't how you would have furnished it nobody could say he had bad taste. There are lots of fireplaces and cushions and the seats and beds are quite comfortable, an odd combination of styles that sustained the idea of him being a traveler and cherry picking the most comfortable parts of each nation.
“Paimon had a hand at it too! If it was up to aether this would only be cushions and blankets! Paimon had to push for these plants!”
“Well it wouldn't be strange for a traveler to seek mostly comfort rather than looks”
Later into the night he leads you to another room on the upper floor, just a few meters away from his “how strange, I would have guessed the guest's room would be on the lower floor”
Aether just sighs, his braid swaying softly “Paimon wanted her room to be close to the kitchen so it was this or having the game room up here”
A few hours pass, there is a noise like paws on the roof but you pay no mind, Aether already explained that nobody could enter unless he allowed them to and most likely they were one of the many animals he kept inside the teapot. Softly you walk towards his door and knock on it, not without looking down the railing only to see pain passed out surrounded by a few fruits.
“Could I sleep with you?” You stand before his door wearing your piyama, as you say those words you drink in his disheveled appearance, a t-shirt a few sizes too big hanging from his shoulders down the middle of his white thighs, long blond hair usually collected in a braid now loose, some bits tangled and another flowing as they please.
“Huh…? If you are afraid of noises the cranes sometimes go to the roof and you can hear them”
“It's not that… it's more like I want to be close to you, in the same bed” his cheeks, usually milky white bloom peony red, and the last bit of hanging sleep fell from his eyes. He nods vigorously.
He has principles and openly flirting with you almost seems disrespectful
Melusines are the pride of Fontaine, with their joyful disposition and chubby cheeks even if chronologically they can be hundred if years old they can blend in with 5 year olds seamlessly. Be it their tiny huffing and puffing when things don't go their way, to their attraction to sweets and how clingy they can be with neuvillette. Especially when he misses the usual monthly visit.
“I have already apologized, work stacked up and-”
“You prefer our sisters who stay in the city! It's unfair” the melusine who took over his lap started kicking the air until Neuvillette combs her hair with his fingers.
“You know it isn't like that… could you as a group behave for their grace? they are arriving soon” he attempts to calm her down while looking at the drawing another is showing him and how two others are braiding his hair.
“Never took you for the fatherly type” as you walk inside the grotto some melusines jump on you, they only see you as mister Neuvillette's friend and someone with a gift which you soon give them, it's a small ball with glitter inside, soon the melusines focus on that and start running around chasing it “aren't they a joyful bunch?”
“They seemingly never run out of energy so they can be tiring at times. My apologies for such display, I expected them to be able to be calm by the time you arrived but as you can see…”
“I don't mind, it's adorable, attractive even” he doesn't look too taken aback by your comment other than his slit pupils being thinner and longer than usual.
Would actually flirt, holds you in high regard but still sees you as a human
Abyss aether
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firegirl888101 · 9 months
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Insatiable Madness (8)
|Sagau Yandere Fatui Harbingers x Reader|
Bedroom arrangements... You have to sort them out soon.
Reader is Gender Neutral!
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"Would you stop staring at me? It's borderline creepy." You turned behind you, seeing Dottore and Sandrone peering from the doorway.
They had been doing this since you allowed the Harbingers to get comfortable. Some of them in your opinion had been too comfortable considering the current circumstances... But other than that, everything had been going shockingly smoothly.
Well, until you realised none of them could cook using modern technology.
So here you are now, cooking for 12 people with food you definitely couldn't afford everyday.
"You won't let me delve into machines of this century, like 'The Television'. Therefore, you will allow me to study what you're doing..."
"I'm cooking, you fucking weirdo."
"I do not see anywhere that could possibly let out heat, surely a fire is required to cook food?" Dottore argued.
"Just because electricity isn't hot, doesn't mean other materials can't change the temperature."
"I see... So you have an infinite source of electricity which is cooking your food. Then conducting that electricity with a material, perhaps a type of conductive ore, to warm up that pot you placed on that flat slab. To be able to do that... You truly must be powerful and knowledgeable."
"...It's just science and mechanics bro-- and it's not a 'flat slab'! It's a hob."
"Heeeeey, when will the food be ready? I'm starving over here!" Childe whined, entering the kitchen and walking past the two peepers.
Oh my god. This is the fifth time he's said that.
"Ask me that one more time and I'll pour this boiling water over your head."
"How long do you expect us to wait?" Pantalone walked up to you.
"Taking your time as usual, mortals truly are slow." Scaramouche rolled his eyes.
...Maybe it was too early to say things had been going smoothly earlier.
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Getting everyone to sit at the table together proved to be a challenge.
The few who did so without complaint soon got up and left when you came back with more willing people, and some refusing to cooperate even when you got Pierro to help you out.
And then you had fuckers like Capitano insisting he 'guards the house' as if it's a fucking castle or private expensive estate.
"I do not see the point in sitting to eat if there could be danger lurking around every corner."
"This is my house. There won't be any danger unless it sneaks in from outside." You tried to convince him, truly you did.
You were so close to getting everyone to sit down. He's the last harbinger you needed... and the dinner is still warm too!
"Your argument is weak and insulting. I have offered to protect your home, and protect your honour. Yet, you force me to move away?" He questions you, his voice showing unfiltered offense.
Well, if he puts it that way.... I suppose he's doing me a favour, he thinks he is in his mind at the very least. If I challenge him I think he'll grow hostile and refuse further...
"Please," You said after a short while of thinking. "Please join us at the table. I promise the moment you finish eating you can return to your duties, Lord Capitano."
If I remember correctly, most if not all Fatui soldiers respected him due to his loyalty towards his soldiers, no matter what age or gender. He would spend his time for them after a battle, and would make sure everyone was healthy and ready for the next day.
Of course, this couldn't possibly be the full truth, he's a Fatui Harbinger! I doubt he got the first rank by just handing cakes to people.
Besides, this was all from memory. If things turned for the worst, you could always google some theories and knowledge. Or...! Or, you could wait for the game to update! Surely more would be revealed there?
"Even if I... joined you for dinner... I wouldn't dare eat." He sighed after thinking about your words.
"Why? Ohhhhh! It's because of your mask, right?" You suddenly realised.
You were just being insensitive all along! How did it take you this long to come to the conclusion he doesn't take it off?
"Could you please still join? I won't pressure you to eat, I promise." You smiled at him.
You heard a deep sigh, then he slowly nodded.
"When the first person finishes eating, I'll return here."
Wooohoo! Finally, that took way longer than you would have liked. You did lie a bit though, you were going to lock the front door so he couldn't just stand in the middle of it anymore.
It was beginning to get a bit cold in the house, and you didn't feel like hearing extra complaints from a certain banker...
You led him towards the dining room, and when you finally arrived, every single harbinger was looking at the two of you with boredom present on their faces.
"Took you long enough." Scaramouche scoffed with his arms crossed. "Why did you even make us sit together anyway?"
"When you go hungry, don't expect me to make you food then."
"They're kidding right? I don't have to eat to survive, unlike some of these mortals." He rolled his eyes.
"It's still polite, show some etiquette." Pantalone lightly scoffed in his direction, a smile present on his face.
"This all looks rather lovely." He complimented you, watching you sit down at the head of the table, opposite of Pierro.
"Thank you, but please don't compliment my cooking. This is the first time I've actually cooked a proper meal."
You didn't actually cook this. You just took all the noodles you had left in your personal cupboard and combined them into one boiling pot.
You were surprised Dottore and Sandrone didn't notice, especially since they were focusing so intently on you.
"Seriously? You're one talented chef! The noodles you made are perfect, just as good as the ones I've tried in Liyue!" Childe praised you, taking the fork on the side of his plate and dragging the noodles up to eye level.
"Wait a minute... Why has everyone else got chopsticks besides me!?" He suddenly realised.
"Because I need to get rid of them, I'm sick of my cupboards piling up with these shit ones. Plus, I'm aware you still can't use them."
Speaking of your personal and reusable chopsticks, you left them in the kitchen.
"I'm excusing myself from the table to get my own chopsticks since I forgot to grab my personal pair. If I come back and see any of you out of your chairs, I'm kicking you out of my house.
"You're not in any position to say--"
"Alright, alright! Psh, they can't take a joke."
"If you don't want to use the chopsticks I've provided, you may use the forks I placed in the middle of the table." You added in, almost forgetting that part.
Some harbingers let out a sigh of relief.
...I'll not question that.
You stood up and pushed your chair in, walking to the kitchen and grabbing your chopsticks with a special pattern.
Now is the time to take a deep breath, relax, prepare a couple questions you want to ask and get these Harbingers out of your house.
You've gotten too fearful. They killed your family, your neighbours, your friends. You should never forget that fact, you can't fight them or resist in fear of being killed. But, you can learn how to survive with them.
Take another deep breath. Hide your fear as best you can.
"I'm back!" You announced, a smile present on your face as you sat down where you left off.
You watched each Harbinger eat the food you prepared respectfully, some with small smiles and others looking as bored as earlier.
"So...." You started, nervously stirring your noodles.
"You want to ask questions, correct?" Pierro interrupted your collected thoughts, a sigh erupting from his lips.
"It's obvious that's why you grouped us up together, it's downright clear you know some of us can't eat or don't like to."
"Well, now that you've told me it was obvious, I won't beat around the bush."
"Beat around the... excuse me?" Arlecchino raised an eyebrow after eating another.
"Figure of speech."
"Ah, understood. Continue."
"Actually, before you get down to business I'd like to ask a question of my own." Signora raised her hand.
"And... what would that be? Don't you think I've earned the right to ask my questions first?" You turned your attention to her.
Now that you think about it, she hasn't spoken much at all. This is the first time she's directly addressed you since you first got captured.
...Apart from calling you a child of course, you could never forget that of all things.
"The noodles are a little plain, too plain for my liking. Do you have anything extra to add to it? Perchance some condiments? Your bowl looks... different to our own bowl's. What did you add to it?"
"I forgot you don't know how pot noo- I mean noodles work in this world! Sorry, I keep forgetting how you came from another place entirely different to this planet." You gasped, running to the kitchen and returning with different coloured packets.
"What... are they?" Sandrone pointed at the plastic packs.
"They look like poisons my clone's deliver for me to test out." Dottore thought outloud.
"Not at the table, please." Pantalone cringed.
"These, Harbingers, are a miracle in the making." You began, catching the attention of all of them.
'They look like puppies... It's cute.' Is what you would think if you forgot these are bloodthirsty monsters.
"Allow me to introduce you to the world of Sauce Packets. Each colour and size represents a flavour in the packet, and what garnish you'd like on top of your noodles!" You explained, placing all the packets you could find next to the pile of forks which had been unused.
"Amazing! You just get to pick like that?"
"And... There's nothing else to it? No storing the packets in a cool area so they don't go off?"
"Incredible... How does the food not become moldly or uneatable?" Dottore muttered.
"They're sealed really well. No air can get in or out until you rip the packet open."
"I want these two." Scaramouche rolled his eyes, grabbing two packs from the pile and holding them above his bowl.
"Be careful not to grab them too tight or they'll--!" You tried to speak as loud and quick as you could. But, unfortunately... "Burst..."
"What the actual shi--!?"
"There's a lot of sauce in those packets... Luckily for you, you held them above your bowl so the majority went in it! Thanks for not wasting any." You struggled to hold your laughter, grabbing a couple tissues from your pocket.
"Did any get on you?" You let a small giggle pass you lips.
He stared at you for a moment, his eyes burning through yours. After a couple moments, he came to reality and noticed all the harbingers laughing, giggling and chuckling at his previous actions.
"...No." He snatched the tissues from your open hand.
"How amusing and childish Scaramouche." Dottore commented, covering his mouth which hid his grin.
"I don't want to hear that kind of comment from you of all people." The puppet shook his head with a snarl, wiping his lap with the tissues.
"Alright, I only have these two flavours left, the red packet on your left being a really spicy flavour. The orange packet on your right being chicken. Oh, and, the smaller packets I have contain either basil and garlic, as well as coriander here."
The Harbingers, after hearing your explanation, picked which packets they wanted and put them in their bowls of noodles. Except Capitano, he hadn't touched anything since he sat down at the table.
Once demonstrating how to mix the noodles with the cutlery, the Harbingers began to eat once more with happier smiles than before and light chatter.
"So, you wanted to ask some questions?" Pierro coughed into his hand, his expression soon turning stern and distant.
"Yes! Thank god we're back to this topic." You shook your head, a wry smile on your face.
"...What exactly are you planning to do next?" You asked the first question.
"What do you mean by that?" Columbina smiled eagerly at you.
"You're stuck in my world, thanks to Dottore's compass breaking... which looked oddly close to an illegal chest compass - but I won't judge the design."
"Yes, thank you for adding the 'DOTTORE'S COMPASS' breaking in your reasoning." Sandrone nodded with a satisfactory smile.
"Anyway, what do you plan to do next? You can't just hideout in my house until Dottore somehow creates a new machine, with materials he won't ever get his hands on since you're all no longer in Teyvat."
"You mean you don't have the same minerals here as in Teyvat?" He questioned you, tapping the table to form a little tune.
"Did you really think an ore called 'Magical Ore Chunk' would exist here?"
"...We didn't name it."
"I suppose the one thing you could say exists would be Iron. But I have no idea whether they work the same, they could very well have different effects when mined due to different adaptations to their environment."
"Do you use Iron to craft weapons?" Capitano spoke for the first time since entering the dining room. Too bad he sounds so excited, the answer won't please him too much.
"We do... or, we did. In the past hundred years, we've developed new weapons using different minerals and... chemicals." You grimaced.
"Oooh, this is getting interesting!" Columbina laughed, finishing her noodles with a pleasant sigh. "Sooo good."
"Glad you like them." You nodded at her, before returning your attention back to Dottore.
"Don't ask me about the chemical part. It's illegal for those to know how the dangerous substances are made, unless they're working for the goverment or a specially trained company."
"How dangerous could they really be...?"
"Again," You sighed. "Don't question it."
"I'm still traumatised when you put on that surgery channel earlier this afternoon."
"Back to my question?" You asked them again, tone sounding hopeful for a proper answer.
"Truthfully, we don't know what's going to happen. Haven't had a meeting to discuss it yet." Tartaglia shrugged, finishing also and putting his fork in the bowl.
"Tartaglia." Capitano scolded.
"Yes, Captain!" Childe saluted. Capitano and Pulcinella just shook their heads as a reply.
"Tartaglia is right, we don't know what to do."
"By chance, did your parents happen to know anything revolving machinery and world travelling?"
This is unwelcome territory now.
"Maybe. However, we wouldn't be able to ask them anyway." You shook your head, resisting the urge to lash out.
"Why? Are they out of town? Or perhaps they're at work someplace else?"
"You killed them."
Silence then took hold of the Harbinger's, not one person touched the food in front of them nor moved a centimetre.
"What?" Childe broke the silence, his voice as quiet as a mouse.
"You murdered my family in cold blood, butchered their bodies when you found they had no use to you and then dumped them to the side."
They all continued to stay silent, some closing their eyes, while some's faces showing an ounce of guilt.
Like you believed that guilt though.
"Fuck this." Scaramouche rudely announced, pushing his chair out and walking out of the room.
"I wanted to ask a few more questions, but you know what, I'm not in the mood anymore. Enjoy what's left of dinner, I know I won't. With my bruised body, I'm surprised I've lasted this long without collapsing in pain."
And with that, you left the table for the final time that evening. Carrying your bowl with you, you ascended up the stairs to your bedroom with tears threatening to spill from your eyes.
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A bit sad, isn't it? Well, they've got more coming to them so I wouldn't get sad just yet. You wouldn't believe what I've got planned lol
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Please don't expect too many happy, nice and generally fluffy scenes.
This is Yandere, a genre which should never, under any circumstance be considered normal. It's abusive, unhealthy and leads to a lot of victims facing awful conditions which they never should or ever have to endure no matter who they are.
This is fiction that I'm writing, meaning it's all taken light-heartedly IN A FICTIONAL SENSE.
If anyone, by chance, is currently in conditions where a loved-one or yourself has suddenly become distant and/or being hurt when away from eyes please get help. Talk to them, or if it's you, talk to someone you know you can trust.
If you can't talk to anyone, find authorities who can help you. Call 999, as it is in the U.K, or your local emergency service. They will always help you, and will never deny your rights or freedom.
Thanks for reading this, I hope all who's reading knows this information already, but I thought I'd include it since who knows when it comes to where you are in the world and whether your education programs taught critical information like this.
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On to more happy stuff!:
Thank you all so much for the support, I hope you'll stick with me for the rest of the parts in this series until I get to the finish line. :)
Back to the fluffy stuff convo... I'm really trying to squeeze them in, because if Y/N isn't showing kindness or anything nice to any of them, none of them will begin to grow feelings for them. It may seem out of place, but Y/N is coping right now. It's not like they can leave the house to run for help.
They saw what the Harbingers can do without thinking of other's lives being a consequence.
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✨Elusive✨ Taglist!:
@valeriele3 @pale-value @pix-stuff @yumi-genshin-writer @yuii-v @itz-luna @annoying-mary @etherisy @khalhaimdad @haikyuusboringassmanager @magica-ren @sweatyexpertdeputyduck @booksandteaplusart @9140 @whatamidoing89 @raesleepyhead @nasidibakar @shikanosn @purpleamethystsblog @chihawari @esthelily @stuffyfrenchflowers @conspicuous-mayonnaise @sielt @katsumikumo @greyhoundwires707 @carminerin @raidendeeznuts123 @angelofdarkness2 @conspicuous-mayonnaise @ginnxy-galaxy @clara-maddenlin @bk-4-trash-fire @uniqaal @tnsophiaonly @vianitry @dottoreandcolumbinaslovechild
Quick Reminder Here! If you no longer want to be on the taglist that's completely fine; I take no offence whatsoever so please don't hesitate to tell me. ^^
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themissinghand · 21 days
Mind if I could have a SAGAU request? So the player is burnt out from the game. Like completely. Some characters find a way to your desktop and ask "Why haven't you entered Teyvat lately?" After explaining that you still like/love them, they are disappointed but understandable. Problem is, they can't go back until you launch the game. So the characters sort of become desktop buddies (Showing my age aren't I?) and perhaps helping you out in the various other games the player would play or just vibing as you surf the web, make arr, write stories, etc. As for the characters... Aether and Paimon at least, though adding Kazuha, Yanfei, Freminet, Bennett, Fischl, Childe, and Collei would be cute too.
Genshin Impact Desktop Buddies
Summary: In which your favourite Genshin characters miss you. 
Or now you have them as your desktop buddies until Genshin Impact is fixed.
Pairings: Aether & Paimon, Kazuha, Yanfei, Childe and Fischl x Neutral! Reader! 
Note: Desktop buddies are ancient now lol, but honestly such a cool thing to have back then. Hope you enjoy! 
Warning: None, just fluffy goodness. 
You’re tired. Like really tired. 
Grinding for artifacts, ascension and weapon materials has worn you out. That includes your wallet too.
They were worth it, no doubt about that, but staring at a screen all day every day could tire anyone out. 
And yea, you need sleep. 
For the first time in a long time, you decided to shut down the game, and take at least a few day break. 
It’s not like it would make a big difference right? 
Little did you know, it most definitely would. 
Just a few days later, not only did your laptop started acting weird to the point where you thought of buying a new one, Genshin also disappeared from your desktop. 
Before you knew it, you see little figures that look oddly familiar on your screen…
“Why haven’t you entered Teyvat lately?”
Aether & Paimon
The player spun around, eyes widening at the sight of Aether and Paimon now out of the game, and...hopping around on your screen.
"Aether? Paimon? How... how are you here?".
Aether stepped forward. 
"Our Creator, we've missed you. The others are worried. Why haven't you been to Teyvat?"
You sighed, has it already been a couple of days? Also, since when were you their creator? 
"I'm just a little tired-” There was a dramatic gasp from Paimon.
“Tired of us? Aether! Our Creator is tired of us!” 
“No! I mean, I still love Teyvat and all of you, but I needed a break and I will go back soon." You quickly responded with reassurance, which luckily appeased the floating companion. 
Paimon floated closer, which was like a weird zoom on her face, her eyes softening with understanding. 
"We get it, but... we can't go back to Teyvat until you' launch' the game." She says robotically, but appeared confused right after.
“Ah, okay. Give me a minute.” 
When you tried to download the game via the Genshin website, it stated that there was a website maintenance. 
“Creator! What is happening? The world is changing!” While you were frustrated, Aether and Paimon were jumping and flying everywhere around your screen, exploring how tabs open and following your mouse as you click and hover.
Their curiosity made you smile, and you slowly explain how everything works slowly as with each passing second, they marvel at how advanced your world is. 
“No wonder you’re our Creator!” 
“What’s this!?” Before you knew it, you pulled up multiple websites, and the one you landed on was Disney+.
“Do you want to watch a movie?” 
“What’s that?” Aether asked, curious, followed by Paimon’s cute little head tilt.
(You wished you could just squeeze those cute little cheeks-)
“It’s like telling a story, but you get to see it unfold right before you. Here.” You pull up ‘My Little Mermaid’ and they jump seeing the video move, with everyone inside move. 
“Woah…it’s like another world!” 
Aether seemed to marvel over it, and for a moment, he wondered, maybe, you could traverse worlds too. 
Seeing the stars in their eyes made you feel guilty, as if another misunderstanding arose, but you let them be, as their cute little figures sat down and watched the movie. 
You too, watched it with them, and for the first time in a while, you didn’t feel lonely. 
Throughout the movie, you patted them on the head with your mouse, which the two seemed to like very much. 
(And yes, you did pinch those cute little cheeks)
“I’m glad that you didn’t abandon us, Your Highness.” 
Never in your wildest dreams did you expect to see THE Canadian Aether, Kazuha, on your screen, bowing respectfully to you.
“Let me know if I can help you in any way. Although my form is…not in the most helpful form, I will do my best.” 
You held back a giggle when you saw a shy little Kazuha looking at himself and then at you shyly, and you really wanted to tease him, but you chose not to. 
Instead, you pull up your incomplete art project. 
Might as well since you can’t download Genshin now and might have to wait for a few days.
“Actually Kazuha, I was hoping you could help me finish my art.” He immediately perked up, a serious expression overtook his shy one.
“Of course, Your Highness, let me know what you want to draw and I can help you!”
“Great! I’m trying to draw a handsome and cute man, he has platinum blond hair…” Slowly, you list one by one, the characteristics of the person you want to draw. 
Kazuha learns fast. Soon, he was able to figure out how your art platform worked. 
At first, he hesitated, and didn’t want to interrupt your drawing, but slowly, he learned to add in his thoughts and feedback, and guided your mouse to smooth out the lines, and perfect the colouring.
“He has red eyes…” 
Calming and soothing, his voice made you feel at peace, just like how you would hang out with him at the top of a mountain somewhere and listening to the game music. 
But this time, he was a little closer, where he felt more real albeit still in your screen. 
“Your Highness…isn’t this…me?” His little cheeks was dusted with pink as he quickly covered it with his hands. 
“It is you.” 
“But why…”
“Because you’re one of my favourites, Kazuha.” 
It was all it took for him to become shy again, and he began to cough awkwardly as if to mask his embarrassment. 
“Thank you…Your Highness.”
“Phew! We were so scared that you left us Your Eminence! But…I suppose we can’t do anything until you open up Teyvat again, until then, let me know if I can help you!” 
Yanfei's cheerful voice made you smile as you leaned against your palm. 
Then she turned around, as if taking in her surroundings before looking back at you. 
“Your Eminence, if I may, may I help you organize your…space?”  You blink, and that was when you notice the amount of files littered across the desktop screen, and you realized that from Yanfei’s view, it must’ve been very unorganized.
Yanfei brightens at your acceptance, and hopped a little to show her excitement. 
“Okay! I’m good at this, so leave it to me! Just follow my lead.” 
You were gonna clean up your PC eventually, though you did not expect it would be today. 
Either way, Yanfei was like a referee and a police, asking questions but also making sure everything was organized correctly. 
In a way, Yanfei felt like a Mom asking her child to clean her room.
Even so, it was so cute to see her marching everywhere like a soldier and asking you to organize it in a neat manner.
“Okay, next, let’s organize this folder!” 
“Okay-” Before you knew it, you immediately hit backspace. 
“Your Eminence…who was that-”
“Let’s move on.” But Yanfei stared at that folder with an intense stare. Did she see it? 
With a little nudge and push with your mouse, Yanfei eventually moved on, but she constantly had a smile on her lips. 
It was you cosplaying as her for an event. 
Yanfei would be sure to tell her friends back home. 
“Well, I’m happy to hear that, Your Highness! But…what were you doing? Away from Teyvat?”
Childe’s smile was a little bit menacing to look at, so you pull up what you were doing before to distract him.
And it did, surprisingly. 
“What is this?”
“It’s a game called Valorant.” 
You start the game, and once you get prepared, he too was locked in. 
With each attack and maneuver, Childe slowly became hyped up by your skill and admired it. 
“Your Highness! Why didn’t you tell me before?!” He became to gush, albeit trying to remain civil as he looked between you and your character in game. 
“Again.” In the end, he asked (begged) for another show. 
This time, you changed your agent to someone else, and once again, showed how skilled you are even in melee, which Childe initially advised against. 
But you blew his expectations away. 
“Your Highness, can I duel you?” 
You blink, before you laugh jokingly, but you knew in real life, Childe would absolutely crush you.
But you leave him be, and instead start another game. 
Honestly, Childe would be a great hype man. 
“Ah, of course! How the stars seem to be against us this time…regardless! With me, Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort here, there is nothing you need to worry about!” 
As expected, Fischl is quite the actor and storyteller as she spews on about how she faced something similar before, something just as interstellar as this. 
You don’t mind it, after all, if you did, you wouldn’t have Fischl on your team the entire time would you? 
Fischl deserves more love is what you find in the fandom, and while she may be annoying at times, you found her passion admirable, and even a little sad when you think this is her way of happiness. 
So you respected that, and listened as she rambled on, and moved as if she was on the stage. 
Perhaps…she would do good on stage with Furina in Fontaine. 
“Fischl, I do need your help on something.” You asked when she finally finished, and she straightened herself with grace as expected from the Prinzessin der Verurteilung. 
“I need your help with my stories. I want you to create elaborate and dramatic narratives for everyone to love.” She froze for a moment, but her grin immediately hid her surprise. 
“Why of course, I would be delighted. Allow me!” With just a few seconds to think, she immediately began her storytelling. 
With her little graceful steps and hops, she almost dances away, but she doesn’t stop sharing her fantasy story full of magic, fate, and stars. 
It was hard to keep up, but you didn’t want to disappoint her, so you did your best to type her word by word. 
Luckily, she seemed to slow down to match your pace, as if the two of you were a duet with the piano and violin. 
When she stops, you end off the story with a dramatic click, and you match her prideful smile. 
Truly, Fischl is a character not everyone can handle, but that’s alright.
After all, you love her for who she is, and maybe, Fischl appreciated that more than anything else.
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m1d-45 · 2 years
duality of man
summary: foul legacy only bends to childe’s will, he isn’t fully controlled by him.
a/n: foul legacy speaks in bold, childe speaks italicized. internal/mental speech is quoted ‘like this’ rather than simply italicized for the sake of childe, as tumblr does not have underline capabilities :/
word count: ~2.1k
-> warnings: spoilers for childe lore / liyue archon quest, childe is his own warning (and is frequently bloodthirsty and strange), violence and gore, it/it’s pronouns for foul legacy because it’s childe’s pov and also i said so, imposter sagau things. technically isn’t 100% canon compliant according to wikipedia.
-> lowercase intended!
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky
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childe stalked through the forest, the foliage tinted by foul legacy’s vision. this form wasn’t the best for stealth, but it would help him find you faster.
he could hear your heavy breathing from the corner you backed yourself into, and grinned.
“surrender is a valid option,” he purred, voice warped and distorted through the heavy mask. your breath hitched, and his smile only grew. he had you. all he had to do was reach, reach with the clawed hands of his abyssal form and drag you out of wherever you’d hidden and he’d earn his place at his gods side. to be the one to find and kill you was an honor, one he was not keen on giving up.
he could imagine it now. dragging you along with his claws sunk deep into your neck, whatever blood left in your body staining his hands. your corpse would fall, lifeless, at his god’s feet, and he’d be the one to reap the rewards of their love.
you would not escape. he would not leave empty-handed.
he couldn’t.
childe tried to reach for the bush you were hiding behind, but his arm wouldn’t move.
no, not his arm, he realized. it was disobeying.
‘what are you doing?’ he hissed into his mind, pushing with all his might. still, the arm of foul legacy wouldn’t move. it was strange; it had never disobeyed before, and aside from the initial period to get used to piloting a body, he’s never had any issues.
‘i cannot allow you to kill them.’
‘what? why? if you want to have a hand in it, i’ll let you have a while to-‘
‘no. they are not to die.’
his arms moved of their own will, moving aside the branches much slower than he would have.
‘i refuse to allow the death of the one who made me.’
the leaves eventually reveal you, tucked in as small a space as you can manage, holding a broken-off spearhead. your clothes are tattered, leaves caught within the creases. your hand is shaking so badly childe doubts you could hurt anybody but yourself with it.
your mouth opens like you want to say something, but nothing comes out. a thrill runs down childe’s spine at the fact that they’ve scared you from words, but it’s quickly overrun by the concern coming from foul legacy.
wait… concern?
“your grace… how ruined you have become.”
your eyes flick between the pearl of its eye and the hand, likely trying to decide which is a better target, and childe wants to laugh. he wants to urge you to strike, to watch as you fruitlessly spend your energy bashing that spearhead into foul legacy’s armor, blunting the steel against it.
the devouring deep doesn’t let him speak.
“please… i’m sorry.”
normally, hearing somebody beg for their life would make childe’s day, week if they do it prettily enough, but this… some part of his heart, as beaten and rotted it is, hurts.
whatever sadness he feels quickly burns into rage. what right did foul legacy have over his emotions? making him pity this imposter, as if you weren’t fit to die the moment your treacherous tongue claimed you were somebody you weren’t.
“i know, i know.” legacy’s claw extends and you flinch, feet kicking up dirt as you press yourself further against whatever rock you’re against.
“stay away from me!”
foul legacy hums a low note, and childe wants to scream as his hand falls to the dirt. what power did you have over it? why didn’t it just take whatever it was it wanted from you?
‘why are you hesitating?’
‘you wouldn’t understand.’
the first sensible thing it’s said. he didn’t understand.
“it is alright. i am not the one you fear.“
“yes you are! i… i know you, childe.”
childe allowed himself a smile. no matter how much foul legacy pushed aside his commands, it would always have to deal with his reputation. the fact that he disrupted its plans just as it did his brought him a little joy from the situation.
“i am not him, leading light. please… do not be afraid.”
‘leading light’?
childe had heard many names and titles for the divine creator in his time, and knew that that one in particular was favored by abyssal creatures. he’d heard it shouted and screamed, people slaughtered in the name of the light that they claim leads them from the abyss. he even adopted it himself, at one point, for the first few years after he was freed from it himself. he’d killed with the title on his tongue, and ripped out others’ that dared to dirty it.
all of this to say that foul legacy was claiming you were the divine creator.
you. you.
you, who dared to walk with a face that wasn’t yours, to gaze with eyes that didn’t belong to you. you.
he could admit that he didn’t sense the aura of the creator—with a bitter, sour tongue, but admitted nonetheless—due to his time spent in the abyss. his soul was too rotten to resonate with theirs, only able to find solidarity in their violent retribution cast down on those that dared cross them. he acknowledged that he was beyond saving, that even the highest of the high could barely begin to fill the gaping maw of the abyss inside of him. he’d… not accepted, but come to terms with it.
but even he did not dare to call another by their name.
“you’re… you’re what?”
“i can hear him.” foul legacy’s hand extended once more, slower, gentler, with much more care than any other action childe had seen from it. “he is in my mind, but we are not the same. i can promise, while i am here, no harm will come to you.”
you didn’t trust it. good, as childe was starting to distrust foul legacy as well.
“you… you’re saying you’re…?” the spearhead in your hand lowered, some of the fear—regrettably—fading from your eyes. recognition flooded instead, and childe was confused as to how you found comfort in a creature of the abyss. he knew he had a reputation, one stained with violence and blood, and surely that would extend to it as well, right? foul legacy… it couldn’t be more trustworthy than him.
“i am his foul legacy. i am the devouring deep.”
its clawed hand finally reached yours, and you let it close around your wrist even as hesitation shone in your eyes. your lips parted, but whatever you had to say died before it spoke again. “please… can you find it in your heart to trust once more? if only for me, if only for a moment?”
childe tried once more to take over the form, and was again met with the stone of foul legacy’s will. he huffed; it shouldn’t be getting this close to you, and he shouldn’t have to watch as it did. it shouldn’t have even disobeyed in the first place.
“why don’t you hate me?”
foul legacy sighed, the sound warped and roughened by its mask. “this world- no, these people are fools. do not hold the mistakes of the many in your heart. they do not understand the weight of their actions. they are being pushed, puppetted by another.”
‘what are you talking about?’
‘hold your tongue.’
childe was in shock. first it went against him by taking over his actions, then it claimed you were the sacred creator, then told him to shut up?
you were sitting up, carefully daring to come closer, and childe beat at the boundaries of his will with all his strength. he couldn’t let this go on any longer. he could take being disobeyed, he could take his anger out on some innocents with its hand once it was tired enough to give him control, but for it to disrespect his god?
he could not- he would not let that go so easily.
childe pushed at his arm with all his might as foul legacy sat itself on the floor, tugging you closer. he sent the command to move at least a thousand times, begging his own hand to squeeze, to snap the bones in your wrist, to show any sign that he still had control in this body.
the most he got was a twitch of the ring finger.
he refused to allow foul legacy to take him over like this. he could not let it shatter his reputation and attack his beliefs like this. it could not say that you were his god, it could not say that it was in control, it could not say that childe was wrong. it should not hold you will claws that should kill, and you should not gaze so deeply into the pearl of a monster’s eye.
it was almost as if you could see him within it, your searching eyes piercing right into his. he hoped you could, that you could see how much he hated the situation he found himself in. how much he hated you, you for warping his foul legacy’s mind, you for making it think you were it’s god.
“how long do i have?”
“before he comes back.”
childe tried again to assert his presence. he failed.
you shifted closer to foul legacy, sitting against its side. part of childe wanted to laugh at you, at the fact that you dared to lean on a creature of the abyss. part of him wanted to sneer and call you pathetic for it.
the same part that knew it was fruitless even as he tried to follow through on it.
foul legacy put its arm around you, pulling you into its side. the glass of its eye bumped against the top of your head, words of reassurance buzzing in its head.
childe huffed to himself, feeling his anger start to bubble again. there was no reason for this behavior. there was no reason for foul legacy to try and influence him by bleeding their thoughts together, nor for it to subject him to this. even it should recognize the creator, even if by context clues from the people around it.
and if this was all a trick, childe could accept it. if foul legacy had whispered into his mind, told him that yes, it knew, it believed, then he could tolerate the attacks against his god. he could bite back his words and let legacy do what he did best: follow orders.
if this was a ploy, childe would be fine. but foul legacy’s claws never dug into your side, and the whispers it spoke were not of retribution, but of reverence. how he wished it would just obey, even if not his orders but theirs.
follow the orders of the true god, who was in their palace, waiting for their trusted followers to capture and kill you. sitting, waiting for your corpse to be tossed at their feet, waiting for their loyal followers to carry out their word. the true creator, their god, not you. not you, not any other fake that dared to imitate them, and not those that behaved as foul legacy did here, following the impersonators and claiming they were real.
foul legacy hissed in his mind. ‘still your traitorous tongue.’
‘i won’t! if you took a moment to even think-’
‘and if you paused to allow yourself to do the same, you would agree.’
he did think, he had plenty of time to think when foul legacy was- was almost cuddling you, the warp of its voice doing nothing to mask the affection within it. he can’t move, he cant take control, and it has the gall to say he should think? all he’s able to do is think! he could sit here for an eternity, listening to the quiet rumble of legacy’s voice, mulling over every action he has or could taken, and he still wouldn’t be convinced. he wouldn’t agree. all he would be is sore, tired, and angry.
and of all the ways he could spend his time… he could fight for eternity, he could hit at the boundary between their brains with mental fists that never tired, he could give himself a headache with how hard he tried to dig his hand into your side. he could plan out his revenge against foul legacy, he could start to draft the prayer of repentance he’d surely have to raise to his god, he could do so much and yet precious little.
and that beast wanted him to think?
inside a body that wasn’t his, childe screamed.
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hypostatic-oath · 7 months
So I found a draft of mine from when Fontaine was first released and Say Don't Go (Taylor's Version) (From The Vault) is stuck in my mind permanently. While I figure out a decent ending, here's a little bit from the beginning...
Childe had never once in his life assumed jail would be fun. He had no delusions in that regard. But he had to admit, his hopes were raised once he heard of the Pankration Ring in the Fortress of Meropide. A competition ring for those who had "extra energy" they wished to "burn out" through regular sparring matches? Sign him up!
His hopes were very quickly shattered once he was told that no, a Fatui Harbinger was not allowed to compete, because "no way anyone would sign up to fight him" and "even if he did fight with one hand behind his back, that would set the bar too high for the other matches, and the spectators would be bored." Damn it - so the ring wasn't truly for fight afficionados - it was a marketing ploy! The fight itself wasn't the focus, it was the fact that it had to look good for an audience...
Childe huffed as he sat in the bed he'd taken to occupying. Fontaine was getting on his nerves - it seemed as though everything was for show, and very little was actually real. Where were the Traveler or the Overseer when one needed them?! Oh, what he wouldn't do to fight against a decent opponent...
His boredom was made worse by the fact that the Overseer - damn them and their excuse of "immersion" - had decided to bench him until he was out of prison. So now he rusted away in the Fortress of Meropide, with no one to fight, no one to banter with...
He could try the Duke again, he figured. While at first things hadn't gone his way, after explaining his issue, Wriothesley had, once or twice, been amenable to a sparring match, and it was the one thing keeping Tartaglia remotely sane. But lately the warden had been more and more busy - and less and less inclined to indulge the restless Harbinger. Were it not for the fact that he already had an escape plan in the works, Childe was sure he would have lost his mind for real. He was getting rusty. Every day that he did not raise his weapon was one day he grew weaker, and that the competition grew stronger. And he knew he had competition, both among the Fatui - how he was the Eleventh of a group of nine still eluded him - and among the other vessels.
It *had* hurt, the knowledge that right after his banner would come that of the Iudex who'd promptly knocked him out and sent him to jail... and that he wasn't even there to fight him about it! He hadn't been aware of the sheer strength of Fontaine's Chief Justice, but now that he'd caught a glimpse, Childe had to admit he was intrigued. And by intrigued let it be absolutely clear that what he meant was "eager to fight him again". Hell, the judge had managed to knock him out while he was using Foul Legacy! What else was this Neuvillette guy capable of? And, more importantly... had you noticed?
It was a thought Ajax didn't like to have. One he'd been trying to drown out - hah! Drown! Now that his hydro Vision was gone, and Neuvillette was out there using hydro as he pleased - since he'd first been told he wouldn't be able to fight down here. And yet, now that the Fortress had quieted down for the night, there was no sound to overpower his own thoughts.
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thegnomelord · 1 year
Devotion in Steel
How They Worship You After The Hunt: Dottore, Childe, Zhongli.
So this is based off This idea I had about a cyberpunk reader in a cult!Sagau genshin, so this is just me testing the waters. I spent wayyy too much time on this one lol but this brainrot is still going strong.
CW: Suggestive themes, cult/yandere characters, reader is GN, mentioned gore for Zhongli part. First time writing Yandere's so tell me how it goes lol.
Dottore: Silent Curiosity
He does not worship you openly; he doesn't sing hymns about your mercy or your cruelty, nor does he press his face into the ground whenever you pass, like certain archons wishing for redemption. His worship is quiet. To the unworthy, the way he touches you — with clinically cold hands, examining every gear, and bolt, and piston with the same calculating gaze reserved for one of his machines — may as well be the highest form of sacrilege. Who is he to act as if you are just another of his toys? Who is he to not even say a single word to you? Who is he to touch and pull on your mechanical components like some urchin child toying with an object they do not realize is precious? But they can't do anything, because You do not see it their way. You do not stop or punish him, you encourage him; it isn't rare to find you two alone, him on his knees with your arm held in his hands, silently watching the moving mechanisms beneath your plating as you explain the intricacies of your mechanical form to him in that synthetic voice of yours that makes his bones tremble. His touch is clinical, precise, but it is by no means cold; His worship is conveyed through his actions. With reverence he cleans the dirt and grime from the seams in your armor, happy to stay on his knees for hours, days even, so long as not a single speck of dirt is left to mar your perfect body. With piety he polishes every gear, with admiration he oils every piston, worshiping even the smallest piece in your body like it is a holy relic. To Dottore, being able to see technology millennia ahead of his own and learn of knowledge yet undiscovered would have been bliss. But to feel it beneath his fingers? To feel it in his bones as that artificial voice of yours reveals the world's secrets? Heaven.
Tartaglia: Eager Veneration
Once, Tartaglia had only known of you from the stories his parents had told him; of a loving creator, a place of safety and solace in this harsh world. Later, when he fell into the Abyss, Skirk told him new stories of you, passed down to her by the denizens of the Abyss — ones his parents wouldn't have dared to utter lest they tempt Celestia to punish them for heresy. So when you descended, full of harsh edges and your body geared for battle, he embraced you as you were. He would have loved you regardless of your appearance, but something about the mechanical version of you made sense to him; Children resemble their parents after all, why should you have appeared like the demure little thing the tapestries depicted you as when Teyvat could be harsh, and cruel, and cold? He remembered his parents teachings, tried to be respectful like the other acolytes, on their knees, with their heads pressed to the ground. He would have done so happily, would have kneeled before you until he was nothing but bones, would have slaughtered countries in your name... yet the abyss gnawed on his bones, needing your attention like a babe needed a parent. So when you showed him favor? When you offered him to touch the divine metal of your cybernetic body? He couldn't stop himself. Anxiety tempered his eagerness, he did not seek more than what you offered him, yet his hands still glided over your skin and metal with the same energy as the little gears beneath your outer shell. Trembling fingers traced old dents and scratches that ripperdocs had neglected to fix, words of absolute devotion leaving his lips as he put his head to your chest, listening to the tik tik tik of mechanical organs beneath your chassis. But your weapons enchanted him the most. It reminded him so much of the Foul Legacy hiding under his skin; the promise of danger and death lurking beneath the surface, ready to be used as soon as a threat appeared — a similarity between you two that no one else could claim. He could spend days simply kissing and lavishing the seams in the armor, feeling where fake skin transitioned into metal which hid your weaponry from the world. Though you never allowed him more than a look, he yearned to touch them, to kiss the sharp blades, to feel his bones bend under your mechanical strength, to feel the monowire burn through his skin... Please, won't you let him? He survived the Abyss, he promises that he's tough, he can handle the pain... just this once, let him worship you, all of you, please?
Zhongli: Desperate Absolution
Zhongli is afraid; to touch, to breathe, to even exist near you. How can he not be, when he is the reason for your missing parts? Your aching joints? When he was the one who harmed you, who tainted your holy body with his hate and prejudice? When he was so prideful as to forsake his creator because they did not fit his own imagination? When the truth was revealed, the real impostor laying dead and your mechanical frame speckled with drops of your golden blood, he understood he was in no place to anything but bow and pray your fury would be swift and merciful, though he did not deserve it. Yet even as he knelt before you, head bowed so low it was flush with the ground and eyes shut tight, not daring to even glance at your metallic feet, a part of him still yearned for a chance at redemption; to earn back the chance to worship you, to earn your forgiveness through devotion. He would do anything for it; Kiss and lick the dirt off your mechanical feet, be at your beck and call till the end of time... If you wished to regain your lost parts — he would scour the far reaches of Teyvat until he found all the metal pieces you had lost, and those that were permanently damaged? He would carve his bones into shape, until they fit... If you told him to forfeit his flesh like you had done — he would claw at his skin until not a single scrap of meat hangs off his bones. He would happily wander the earth as a skeleton, grafting pieces of old Khaenri'ahn technology to himself until he resembled you, just so you could inflict the same wounds he had done to you... Yet you did no such thing. Even as his thoughts gained a voice, escaping his mouth through muffled whimpers, all you did was watch him, your mechanical gaze racking over his shivering form as he tried to stop his hiccupping cries. Truly pathetic. Then your fingers found his chin, gripping him in a bruising as you raised his head to look at you. Your mechanical eyes reflected in the tears running down his cheeks, the metal joints in your fingers nipping at his skin. His eyes met your cold gaze, and he wondered what you will ask of him — His eyes? His tongue? His arms? The impostor would have demanded all that and more... He would give it in a heartbeat. But please, find it in your cold heart to forgive him.
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asexual-but · 2 years
Worship Styles
Tartaglia- The Ambitious
Warnings: cult behavior, obsessive thoughts, religion, childe
Gender Neutral. I will always use "The Divine One," "The Original," and "The Creator" as terms for the reader along with They/Them pronouns unless specified otherwise by a requester
Tartaglia, Childe, Ajax, there's two ways I see him worshiping, thankfully a number less than both his names and the number of times I've beat the shit out of him
In one way, is his day-to-day prayer. The Tsaritsa requires it as a part of the daily routine, Tartaglia isn't one to complain about it
He also offers his thanks for every meal, and prays for your blessing before he sleeps
But that's the boring stuff, sure he may be super into the prayer and all, but the real fun begins on the battlefield
Each drop of blood, every splinter of bone, the cacophony of screams and tearing flesh
That is his grand symphony played to your ears, or that's what he thinks at least
In Tartaglia's mind, you are as much a destroyer deity as you are a creator
You may have made all of Teyvat, but you also made the abyss, you also reign in the dead to your loving arms
A silent prayer before battle, and a pleased bow after
Tartaglia has done this for you
When he fought the Traveler, he felt it
Your presence so near to him, facing him in the one way he's been proving his devotion to you all this time?
In Tartaglia's wildest dreams he never saw this
He's a little hurt that the Traveler was chosen as the first vessel and not him
After all, he's been worshiping you for far longer, working twice as hard to please you since he met them
And when you decend he tells you straight out
Tartaglia will raise hell for you, for you he'd rip apart the world again and again with bare hands
Make sure you remember that when you give your attention to anyone else
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kirosai · 1 year
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❦ a shining beginning.
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content warnings!: sagau, yandere themes, some ooc for the harbingers, cult au, original sagau (reader teleported into genshin), gn!reader
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❥The fatui are the ones to fear. The enemy, the antagonists, but, even then you’ve always taken a liking to them. the heartbreaking stories of the harbingers, the motive of the tsaritsa and even the short world quests of the Fatui agents.
❥It was a faraway dream for you, and anyone else to meet the harbingers. They were fictional of course! So… what exactly do you do when you wake up in the shining walls of the Zapolyarny Palace?…
that doctor. dottore. he always prayed upon you in his experiments, hoping they were successful as can be. a man of ice they would call him. but naturally, he’d bow to you. How utterly ironic the man that wants to detest the seven would bow to you. though, you were the light that guided him throughout all of those tireless nights filled with despair. as did you with everyone else. so it’s only natural, right?
so if you could see under that mask you’d see nothing but amazement and respect towards you. i’d bet money on him removing his mask if you wished him to. he’d halt any experiment, any mission, all for you. technically he could say that it’s.. a way of worshiping you, yes? not even her majesty the tsaritsa deserves an ounce of the worship he gives to you on a daily.
tartaglia, or childe as we know, we’ve all met him! you understand don’t you? he’s nothing but loyal, following you around like a guard dog, taking whatever praises he could get out of you!. except. it was all through a wall. a wall he couldn’t break.. you could only think about his reaction to you here. here! right in front of him! The light that guided him through the abyss, the reason for living! you.!
all of his life, until you was pure darkness, you gave him the push he needed! the blood he sheds is all in the name of sacrifice for you. the effort, the tears, the lives, all for you! so please treat him kindly! all he wants is your love and he’ll do anything to get it! although, don’t push him too hard, won’t you grant him the mercy oh kind, enchanting creator?
pantalone. that banker with his smile, his words, sugarcoated for others, but pure sickeningly sweet honey for you. he bought the most expensive gifts for you, diamonds, sapphires, rubies, all that you could imagine. his demeanor to many is nothing but fake, sugar coated lies to make them shut up. but.. you. you were different. you had the one thing he searched for all his life; warmth from this mean, cold world.
your heart was pure gold. at least, as he saw it. nothing he’d seen before. your presence was unexpected, yes, but he secretly hoped that you wouldn’t leave. all he wishes for is to bask in your ever so divine presence. although, yes you deny any sort of yourself being a god. he brushes it off as just a simple test of loyalty, it pushes him more to keep accommodate you to the best of his abilities so you feel the need to stay. oh dear what have you gotten yourself caught into?
with his act of.. er. of trying to understand divine knowledge. scaramouche had missed your first appearance. He felt guilty, and more so angry. not at you of course, but at himself. do not fear. he’ll be back, after hearing the news about your return to teyvat, he’ll be running back like the puppet he is. afterall, you are his true creator.
he might beg for forgiveness, or he might just bow, no matter who’s he is in front of, he’s at your beck and call. and the others respect that, one thing they can all agree with is you. after all, this is just the bare minimum of what they will and can do for you. he just wants you as much as everyone else. being one of the lucky ones meeting you first in the story, he got self awareness sooner than the others. 
arlecchino, we’ve heard of her i'm sure. her loyalty to the tsaritsa is… questionable. although to you, it’s undeniable. something that the others may have a more difficult time of letting go of would be nothing but child’s play for her. she holds no true loyalty for the tsaritsa. and her majesty probably knows so, though she does nothing, because she knows how much you love arlecchino. to upset you would be a death wish.
so being able to see you in all your light and glory was eye-opening for her, looking back she never understood how she could’ve lived without you. as a child she dreamed of meeting you in person, now it’s finally happening! even a regular person could see it in her eyes. oh her eyes! how beautiful they are, she’s heard about you denying being the creator of teyvat, the god of gods, the beginning and the end, oh how she could go on and on! but, going forward, there is no reason to deny the absolute truth your grace!
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“Wake up.” a gentle voice whispers.
A shame, you were having the best dream.
A bed, unknown at the least, although it was comfortable. It felt safe, oddly enough. Laying on your mattress, it was lined with white silken sheets, the soft smell of lavender filling your nose, it had the softest place you’ve ever slept on. it felt.. Unfamiliar. 
Ah well, might as well keep sleeping. Maybe your bed was just extra comfortable today..
Muffled speaking outside the door, the whispers were untranslatable. In a foreign language you guessed. Observing your space, you realized you were in a large room, palace-like, the soft crackle of the fireplace to your left seemed to be the only warmth of the room. not your own room, or even house to say so. It was cold, but beautiful.
Oh! Of course. You must still be dreaming haha. Why else would you be here? Might as well just go back to sleep and wake up. right?
Which is what you do, but the horror of finding out you couldn't, you tried everything you could.. In the span of 3 minutes you tried, going back to sleep, pinching yourself, closing your nose, then just closing your eyes really, really hard.
But, none of those worked, so it must be.. you were actually here. In real life. D-did you get kidnapped? Oh my god you got kidnapped! You have to find a way out, it’s just like those wattpad fanfictions!- holy crap your-
“Your grace? ah, you’re awake. Is everything alright? You gave us quite the scare there. Hmmh.” an all too familiar face.
Staring in awe, realization settles in. Wait… WAIT. That's Pantalone, from genshin impact?? this can't be real! And did he just say “your grace” is he talking about you??
“W-wait? huh? Where am I? and, what do you mean “your grace” ” you can only imagine what you look like right now.
“You’re in the Zapolyarny Palace in Snezhnaya of course. and why else would I be calling you your grace? you are the creator of Teyvat. Though, if you prefer another name, I'll be happy to oblige. ” a soft smile rises to his face. 
Gosh.. his voice is so euphonious. He walks closer to check your temperature, removing his glove and placing a hand on your temple. 
“Seems like your fever is gone.” his smile deepens. Dimples.
And before you can say anything someone else walks in.
All and behold another harbinger, Tartaglia!
“You seem to be getting comfortable. You were sent back to check on their grace, not to hog their attention.” the ginger says.
Flabbergasted, jaw probably hitting the floor, you still cannot understand what in the world is going on.
Pantalone turns to him. “Their grace’s fever has gone down. I’m just doing my duty, no need to be jealous.” his oh so perfect banker smile is put back on, but it seems a little less genuine towards Tartaglia.
“Uhm.. excuse me? But I think you have the wrong person, I'm in no way a god, just a regular person, also, what is happening??!”
the two stare at you, then each other, and back at you again, and then stare at each other.
“Ah... It seems as if the fever has contracted memory loss. Alert the second about this Tartaglia. Other than that. I will help their grace meet the others. maybe that will run their memory right.”
Tartaglia opens his mouth, but whatever he has to say never comes out, curiosity of what he was planning to say plagues you. Though he walks out before the thought can get any further. He’s most likely going to Dottore as told by the ninth.
“Now your grace, I understand your confusion, but let's go to the others. and I'm sure Her Majesty the Tsaritsa would just be delighted to know you are awake.”
a small nod comes from you, excitement spreads through your body, oh my gosh oh my gosh!! You’re going to be meeting The Harbingers and The Cryo Archon!! Although, it seems you're unable to look at the bigger picture of what your story has in store for you.
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repost from old blog!
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had some SAGAU thoughts this merry night
there's an old rumor that floats around the circles of the divine, that the Creator god will eventually and inevitably fall to the whims of the Abyss, consumed by the darkness forevermore. it terrifies the Archons and other divine beings to know that the one they worship and adore so much would have to endure such agony, so as all the devoted do, they try to prevent it. every law and order that is passed prepares only for the Creator's arrival, in hopes that the combined power of Teyvat will be able to keep their god safe and sound, sparing no expense to eradicate the Abyss' presence from the above world.
in their madness, they lay their eyes upon the one they worship and declare them- you- a heretic.
it was like a dream come true when you first woke up in Teyvat, the setting of your favorite game, but the dream quickly twisted into a nightmare as you found yourself hunted by every nation, seemingly every person yelling for your head on a platter. an imposter, they called you- a decoy sent by the Abyss- and for that, you deserved execution and death.
and execute you they did, when they inevitably caught you after weeks of running, your blood running a deep red on the pavement, speckled with nearly invisible stars.
when you wake up again, you first only feel pain, pain everywhere, from your head to the tips of your fingers. you want to cry out, but your throat is bone-dry, only faint, raspy coughs coming out. then suddenly you're surrounded by warmth, a pair of arms grasping your broken body gently with a soothing purr. Childe- Foul Legacy- cradles you lovingly, helping you sit up slightly to sip water before settling you back down with a soft croon, the entire Abyss silent and peaceful in your presence. Legacy traces the scar that runs the entire circumference of your neck with one delicate claw, letting out a quiet hiss at the thought of those foolish gods and mortals who hurt you before holding you closer and giving your head a comforting pat.
you smile, weak and faint, at the action, and Legacy rumbles in delight as the Abyss wraps around you; a dark, starry blanket of warmth and peace.
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