#some folks literally NEED neopronouns
nightfallsystem · 2 years
anti-neopronoun people really just dont give a fuck about people who use languages without a singular they huh.
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who-is-page · 1 year
Me, getting to be the Little Guy that edits the Otherkin Fandom Wiki page on A Field Guide to Otherkin to inform everyone that Lupa sucks, actually: ✨🐺✨
For those unaware, Lupa lied about why she took the Field Guide out of print: she originally claimed it was because she felt the book was outdated and because she was no longer a therian. She confessed later in an interview with Dr. Devin Proctor that it was actually because she disapproved that "people [were] trying to literally prove that Otherkin exist in a literal manner in the same way that for example transgender people exist," and because she didn't believe even before writing the Field Guide in otherkin as a form of legitimate nonhuman identification. She took it out of print with the goal of making it inaccessible, and making it harder for otherkin to legitimize themselves and for scholars to engage in research into the otherkin communities. She's done active, intentional harm to otherkin and the otherkin community, and she's openly admitted that that was the point.
(Locking this because it's getting a lot of reblogs and it was meant to be more of a vent post than anything; for full context of these quotes, see Dr. Proctor's dissertation On Being Non-Human: Otherkin Identification and Virtual Space on pg. 117-118!)
(Edit #2: Apparently some folks from a will-be-politely-unnamed-so-as-not-to-invite-shit-upon-them Discord want me to apologize and retract my statements, because they have been told by Lupa that Lupa was specifically referring to transspecies folks and not otherkin in the context of this interview. To that I say: What??? What??? That makes things even worse! That not only begs the question as to why she would use the term "otherkin" if she meant "transspecies," especially in an interview explicitly about otherkin for a dissertation explicitly about otherkin, but also one of my systemmates has been transspecies for literal years. I know greymuzzles who are transspecies. I have transspecies friends! Fucking hell, my partner system even did a lecture and a survey on the term transspecies in the alterhuman community. Wow. Fucking wow. I never delete posts where I make a mistake; I own up to them and apologize. But with this added information, I feel like I'm going to need to sit and digest that for a minute before I do anything else, because there's obviously WAY MORE TO UNPACK HERE IN THIS SILLY LITTLE VENT POST THAN I INITIALLY REALIZED. If she did this interview and gave answers that do not reflect her beliefs (or if she worded something so poorly that they do not accurately reflect her belief to the average reader), then she has altered the accuracy of Proctor's doctoral dissertation... if he did a dissertation and did not accurately explain her beliefs, then that calls into question the validity of the other interviews and sources he used as well, which is... well. You can imagine the terrifying individual academic consequences of that. Either way, given the initial reading of the interview in the paper made a lot of people, greymuzzles and folks who have been around longer than me included, come to the same conclusion I did, this is one hell of a bombshell to drop. Especially given how much more significant of a transhumanist and gender lean the transspecies community had at the time this interview was conducted; radqueer TransID stuff hadn't yet hit the scene (transspecies as a term predates it by quite a lot if I remember correctly), so this is full-fledged "anti-species dysphoria" and "anti-body modification" type attitudes we're likely talking about here (possibly with "anti-neopronouns" depending on the flavor of perspective). Oof. Goddamn. Alright. I'm gonna get with my transspecies friends and talk to them on this one, especially the people who were in the community at that time. Yikes on fucking bikes.)
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zootzcoinzthingz · 4 months
ᜊ.. Hi there! feel free to call me zootz! you might recognize that name, that's because this is a sideblog of @zootzbootz
Onto proper introductions now, I go by many names! like zootz as said previously. however, you can also call me drew, louis, ruyu, or lordy. I am a highly feminine transgender rosneoman with a shitton on xenos tacked on! my pronouns are rot/cae/rat/bro/he/cloud/slush/narc/star and nor/mal. orientation wise, I'm an orchidbisexual mainbi cupioromantic omniaesthetic queerplatonic vincian! I reclaim "fag" btw :3 ... oh, both myself and the body are of adult age!
I'm part of a system, though general I'm going to be the main one running this blog!
ᜊ; I made this blog because I find coining terms to be incredibly fun, and wanted a special place for my terms! so, what can you expect from me? primarily, gender and orientation coinings or things that align with such. I can also make name, pronoun, and title packs either for fun or per request. I might also coin other terms. such as things relating to plurality or alterhumanity!
quick side note: I enjoy some media lot of people consider to be "problematic" I consume my interests critically.
ʚ ideals! ɞ
instead of having a traditional dni, I've decided instead to opt for an "ideals" list. letting you all know what we believe in so you can choose to opt in or out based upon that.
we support the following
1. xenogenders and neopronouns
2. "contradictory" labels (mspec lesbians/gays, lesboys, turigirls, etc)
3. genderfucky, pnc, and gnc folk
4. all forms of systems and plurality
5. alterhumanity, otherheartedness, copinglinks, otherkin, constells, endels, transspecies in a non transid way, and new-age kinnies
6. movements like acab, blm, defund the police, stand with ukraine, free palistine, etc.
7. all those with mental health disorders. even/especially the demonized ones
8. objectum and posic identities
9. pro-kink (our blog will be sfw but we DO support y'all!)
10. religious/spiritual folk (who are pro-queer)
we don't support the following
1. pro-contact (harmful) paraphilias
2. alt-right stuff
3. radfems
4. radqueers
5. xenoids (due to the fact they are inherently anti xenogender)
6. capitalism
7. shielding bigotry with religion. (not exclusive to chritianity)
8. transid (transage, transabled, transrace/rcta)
9. narc abuse truthers
10. anything else that would oppose our ideals
ʚ want to send a request? make sure to follow my rules! ɞ
1. you cannot be against any of our ideals listed above!
2. do not request me to coin anything hateful or harmful.
3. send your request no more than one time.
4. be okay with the fact that there's a chance your request may not get made.
ʚ things I will and won't coin/post ɞ
- genders inspired by just about anything (minus a few fandoms)
- name/pronoun/title packs
- terms exclusive to conditions that we HAVE
- reclaim/remake/recoin terms made by exclusionists. (they will be given new names to avoid confusion and association)
- poc exclusive genders/terms (our body is either white or whitepassing so I'm not comfy with that ! it's not my place!)
- terms exclusive to conditions we DON'T have
- hateful/harmful terms
- terms based off of dsmp, killing stalking, or any other fanbases I end up declining (they're just not my thing and I need to feel some connection to what I'm coining. it has nothing to do with the "problematic nature" of the media. I'm literally a south park fan LMAO)
ᜊ! who can use my terms?
everyone! even if you don't fit my ideals. if one of my terms registers with you, feel free to use it. you simply can't request new ones, and I'd prefer it if you didn't interact with the blog itself, or me at all.
the only exception to the "everyone can use my terms! " thing is if it's exclusive to a certain group.
❥ about reposting our terms.
if you repost our terms on Pinterest, it MUST have a link back to the original coining post, and you must align with our ideals.
if you post our terms on any lgbt/queer/mogai, etc wikis you must assign proper credit to me ofc.
moreover I'd appreciate asking before reposting my terms anywhere, but it's not required as long as you follow my other conditions.
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cuppa-chai-chatter · 1 year
the people who say that they won't respect pronouns/new names/etc because it's "too hard" are the same people who think it's "too hard" to be decent to cashiers and waitstaff.
it's literally so easy to be nice. obviously you'll mess up sometimes, but no one's gonna rip your head off for a few honest mistakes. folks get mad when you won't try, or if your mistakes are obviously intentional. if you can't find human decency in your heart, you need to do some soul searching.
my therapist has used 3 different names and 2 sets of pronouns for me in the 6 months since I met them. they use my silly little microlabels and even switch to my deadname when folks I'm not out to are around. my friend regularly checks in on what name and pronouns she should use for me because she knows I'm still flipping back and forth often. an childhood friend and I have mastered the art of seamlessly switching to deadnames when family is in the room.
practice makes it easy. sometimes it'll feel funny in your mouth at first. I recently had my first experience with it/its pronouns because of Maia Arson Crimew, and honestly? It wasn't as hard as I expected. talk about it enough and they start to roll off the tongue.
anyway. tldr, idgaf if you think neopronouns are hard, if your friend changes their name, if someone asks for she/they instead of he/him. that person's microlabels aren't the thing sapping your energy -- that's all you and your bitching.
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starrygender · 2 years
About Us
[pt: About Us]
Hi!!! Were the Shimmerstar Hive (sometimes spelled "Hiive"), also known as the Celestine Hive or Milkyway Shiver, and this is our casual coining blog where we coin gendas (genders), orientations, and other ids!! Sometimes we post personal things here as well, which are tagged appropriately.
Collectively, we use it/its and he/him, and are fine with being referred to with "you", "yall", or even "you&" and other such variants if you insist. We really like the sound of "you+", though, even though we've never seen it used before.
We switch between we/we're and I/I'm constantly, so sorry if that's confusing.
We are a median non-disordered traumagenic system with some endogenic members. with around 140+ members currently. We are pro-endo all the way.
We all work in making the flags and like to brainstorm for new genders and identities.
We are bodily 19 years old.
We have schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, ADHD, HPD, BPD, and autism, all of which affect the system. Furthermore, we are clinically cynanthropic and lycanthropic, but still use "kin", "therian", and "alterhuman" in our identities.
carrd: stardustslinger.carrd.co pronouns page: en.pronouns.page/@Starry622
We are unable to ID most flags, as attempting to do so, oddly enough, freezes our brain. Literally, it's basically only flags that we can't do, and I don't know why. Please help if you'd like to!
All other info, including a BYF below
[pt: All other info, including a BYF below]
[pt: Rules]
• I will make flags and coin identities!
• I will coin genders, orientations, alterhuman identities, objectums, and anything mogai/liom or otherwise queer.
• I will edit pre-existing flags/make my own flags for pre-existing terms, but only with permission from the creators.
• I will make userboxes.
• I will make pronoun flags.
• I will try my best to make neopronoun and name sets/help with neopronouns and names.
• I will not make DNI banners or moodboards. At least not yet.
• I will not make/edit/use terms exclusive to poc or any cultures, ethnicities, or religions I do not belong to. general ideas from open religions are usually fine, however.
• I will not touch anything about the dsmp. Minecraft in general is welcome, though.
• I will not do name/term searching/help.
Keep in mind:
That I still have the right to turn down any requests for any reason, even if it is within the rules I've laid out.
That I may take as long as I need to. You may ask about your request status, but please do not spam.
This is still very much a casual blog, made for structure, but run for fun.
Tagging System
[pt: Tagging System]
Anything I coin will be tagged with '#genda coin' (gender)/'#sexuality coin'/'#alth coin' (alterhuman, 'kin, etc)/'#id coin'* (misc identity)/'#term coin'/'#flag coin'.
I'll also tag '#new genda' on my newly coined genders
Asks and requests will be tagged with '#shiver replies' and '#shiver requests'.
Personal posts will be tagged with '#shiver diary'.
And any miscellaneous posts will be tagged with '#misc'
When I find a cool genda? I reblog it, and tag it '#cool genda' or '#cool gendas' if there's multiple. I'll follow a similar tagging scheme for other IDs*.
If we find a cool ID* and wanna add it to one or more of our hoard, I'll tag it with '#hoard'.
We occasionally sign off in the tags, and we always do so when we find it important for the context of the post.
*ID in this context is for 'identity', as in a catch-all category for things folks may identify as/with. In case there's something that's more unspecific to a certain kind of self-identification, or if it simply isn't specified at all. This can also be for miscellaneous things like pride flags for mental illnesses and neurodivergency, including symptom specific flags (i.e. PTSD, ADHD/amism, or intrusive thoughts flags) ...Or if I just have no clue, in which case, someone can hopefully help me by correcting me, and I'll promptly fix my mistake.
Heres V's pronouns page: https://en.pronouns.page/@Starry622
Feel free to ask us anything!
[pt: BYF]
•If this isn't clear, I'm radinclus (not radqueer, as stated further down).
•I believe in BLM and ACAB. I am pro-Palestine. I have anarchist views and am also a feminist (NOT to be confused with radfems/TERFs/"gender critical"s or SWERFs, as I am against those ideologies).
•I believe in systems of all kinds and origins, and I believe all trans people on their identity (transness and systemhood obviously aren't the same thing or very comparable, but I feel as if antis and medicalists of both have a lot of ideological overlap). A fair bit of our system is made up from things outside of stress and trauma (although we are traumagenic).
•And while I'm on it, detransitioners are valid, too. You tried a thing that either never worked out or can't be continued for whatever reason, and that's okay. You were never the enemy, and neither were we. TERFs turned us against each other, and that fucking sucks.
•I believe all kinds of 'kin and alterhuman identities are valid. Even KFF (kin for fun).
•I never judge sources for 'kin or system members, and I expect to have that same respect.
•I only support identities that are in good faith, like bi lesbian, lesboy, turigirl, multigender, and whatever else exclusionaries and separatists hate. TransX/TransID/PRATs can never be in good faith, outside possibly being used for those with BIID or POC in adopted families. Transspecies is not TransX/TransID because it came from alterhuman communities and is therefore good faith and valid.
•I am less than fond of anything MCYT, especially DSMP, but I'm also not gonna be an asshole about it. I will simply engage minimally with that specific content. I might like cool art posts or whatever, though.
•Obviously, I will not tolerate hate towards any marginalized group. This includes aphobia, homophobia, bi/pan/omniphobia, transphobia (I'm entirely neutral on transandrophobia/transmisandry discourse because it's still about transphobia either way and should be talked about), xenophobia, and racism.
•Obviously, I support MOGAI/LIOM, microlabels and neopronouns.
•I am generally uncomfy with proshippers, but I also know that there can be nuance and some people use that kind of stuff to cope. I can't say I get it, but it's not my business. I'm not gonna grill anyone, I'll just block. Regardless of reason, I generally don't want to see or consume media like that.
•I am pro paraphilia. I wish the 'big 3' (pedo, zoo, necro) love, support, and therapy, especially if they are strictly anti-contact (contact includes consuming media that perpetuates harm, like CP). Obviously, I don't want any folks that are neutral- or pro-contact for any harmful paraphilia interacting.
•I support all types of regression and believe that negative language like "impure" should be used with caution if used at all by those who are not self-identifying.
•I will not engage in discourse for my own mental wellbeing, and anyone who tries to drag me into it will be promptly blocked and ignored.
•I genuinely believe that, save for some exceptions, friends can be made and maintained despite difference of opinion and ideology. The first step to try this is to not be an ass. Hope this helps <3
I may add more as time goes on.
Tumblr media
[ID: A banner of teal blue water. On the banner, it says "I can't stop folks from interacting, so just don't be an asshole, and I'll block you if I disagree with your views too much." End ID.]
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onisia · 2 years
Selective Validation : in the Trans Community (Pt.1)
💛 ≖≖✿❁ ≖≖✿❁ ≖≖✿❁ ≖≖ 💛 ≖≖✿❁ ≖≖✿❁ ≖≖✿❁ ≖≖ 💛
An introduction to the Selective Validation rant series:
We are not referring to everyone within a community when we say these things and our opinions expressed here aren't professional or going to be sourced, this is just a rant series - feel free to suggest communities to discuss and points to make
Some folks in the LGBTQ+ community are just way too selective in what they support and validate nowadays within their own community and it shows. It's like each community within it has its own internal discrimination and/or dislike for a certain identity or community related to it, and we just wanna rant really about how shitty some parts of these communities can be
Click 'keep reading' if you're interested in the exploration of selective validation within the trans community (part 1 as there may be more posts we make on this community):
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Trans Community
(tw: fatphobia, weight, ableism)
The amount of an intercommunity mess the trans community is when it comes to some parts of it is actually sad. Just to name a few, the ableism, fatphobia, expectations to pass or transition, and also sexism and transphobia. Some of this is even more significant in the transmasc community for some reason
There's such a lack of representation of plus-size trans folks, especially transmascs
Fatphobia is definitely more rooted in the transmasc community so points here will use that as examples, this doesn't mean fatphobia isn't seen in other trans communities. The body standards put on trans folks especially trans youth by their own community are ridiculous
The amount of videos of trans folks, once again most often transmascs, of average weight calling themselves fat, using plus-size tags, or labelling themselves as being a fat transmasc is actually concerning - and it can't be all of their faults that they believe this
Yes it's bad to seep your way into plus-size tags and spaces but if you're genuinely believing that a fat transmasc is a transmasc of an average weight, maybe with some chubbiness or stretch marks, that's a problem with social expectations for trans folks
It's infuriatingly expected to be skinny, have no stretch marks or rolls, little to no boobs already, short hair, the desire to transition, to use he/him pronouns, identify as a binary man, all of that.
MOGAI genders, xenogenders, neopronouns, and people with different experiences than just 'binary trans person using he/him or she/her pronouns that wants to transition'
Some areas of the trans community have just never been accepting of these things, and it's often rooted not only in ableism, but transmedicalism, internalised transphobia, and the desire to be liked by the outside.
You see it so often nowadays, 'I'm trans and I think [xyz invalidation]' or '[xyz invalidation] - trans person'. Literally trans folks invalidating members of their own community, even if they're members who they claim aren't 'real' members. The trans community contributes to so much use of terms like 'transtrender', and to so much of the invalidation towards trans folks who are just different, and everything they use as an argument, when put into a more common situation, comes off as really toxic and often ableist
"Nobody sees their gender as a star or a cloud, that's silly, just use normal terms like feminine, masculine, or neutral" "Nobody describes their emotions like that, that's silly, just use normal words like happy or sad or angry"
"Why don't you just describe your gender normally?" "Why don't you just think normally?"
"Stop using these terms, they make the trans community look like a joke" "Stop doing what makes you happy and comfortable, it's embarrassing when you're hanging out with me"
"Nobody's going to use those for you" "Nobody's going to want to make you feel comfortable or happy"
"You need dysphoria to be trans" "You need all these symptoms to be [x thing that isn't even a disorder]"
"That was invented by trolls so it's a troll term" "The words you use to describe yourself were invented by trolls so what you're describing isn't even real"
Extra points
Lack of transfeminine representation, especially ones that don't 'pass'
Lack of representation of non-binary AMABs and a lack of support for them
Non-binary being treated like a thing for AFAB folks only
Invalidating other folk's experiences
Invalidation towards minors who are trans, especially if they use MOGAI genders, xenogenders, neopronouns, etc
Dislike towards straight trans folks, sometimes getting kicked out of LGBTQ+ spaces even
Invalidation towards pronoun-non-conforming and gender-non-conforming trans folks, or just trans folks that don't 'pass' or don't want to 'pass'
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Written by: Fever of our system
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pbscore · 3 years
There is no clever, ‘tumblr funnyman’ way for me to say this, so I’m sorry if this comes off as long, sardonic, and/or rude:
A lot of y’all care more about arguing over semantics than y’all do about like...actual activism and social issues that cause very real, harmful, and, sometimes, fatal consequences towards minorities online and in real life.
Y’all will fight over who’s allowed/not allowed to use the term queer but won’t even consider the possibility that it’s none of your business in the first place and that people are fully capable of deciding that for themselves without your presumptuous, smartass comments that you know will get you those sweet, sweet tumblr validation notes.
Y’all will fight over someone accidentally (meaning someone who isn’t purposely trying to demonize neurodivergent/mentally ill folks) using the word ‘empathy’ instead of ‘compassion’ in only one post of theirs and immediately ‘cancel’ them for being ableist but won’t even consider the fact that person can also be neurodivergent/mentally ill themselves and simply didn’t know about the differences between the two words.
Y’all will pick on a black person whose tone may not be ‘very nice’ when explaining (probably for the millionth time) systemic racism and how it’s literally killing our community but will dip and dodge through a bunch of hoops to defend some crusty ass, racist white man/woman who called someone the n-word ‘in a blind rage uwu’.
Like...I hope that my point makes sense (and I do understand if I need to clarify better in the future by using better examples, so feel free to let me know). Y’all spend way too much time just yelling at one another online, trying to reach some kind of catharsis that you’re not able to get in real life, and it’s genuinely unhealthy to witness. And a lot of times, y’all will try to excuse your rude and callous behavior by claiming to be ‘the most oppressed’ by society, while refusing to actually understand the dynamics between oppression and privilege that is far more nuanced than just ‘I have x disorder or I’m x identity, so I can’t be a bigot uwu’.
Having BLM, ACAB, ‘commie’, and other ‘leftie’ titles in your bio, while the ‘peak’ of your activism is just you getting too big for your britches and yelling at someone for using neopronouns or for someone ‘not having a nice tone’ or for someone not being up to date with the latest ‘discourse’ of the week, without understanding any of the contexts behind these individual situations, is just laughable and makes y’all look like the very disingenuous ‘activists’ that y’all claim to hate.
All it tells me is that y’all don’t know how to engage with real world issues, and instead of doing the necessary research that would help y’all experience genuine personal growth, y’all would rather stay where it’s ‘safe’ for y’all to continue acting like a big dog (a bully) online, telling everyone else who they are/are not and dictating really unnecessary situations like whether ace/aro people are LGBT...like??!? Why??
Y’all will dog people about using Twitter because ‘uwu it’s just so toxic’, while still being fully aware of how equally toxic Tumblr is. But of course, y’all will excuse the behavior anyways because on Tumblr, you can still get away with your ‘funnyman’ jokes that went out of style five years ago and you can hide all of your internal bigotry behind some faux ‘social justice’ persona by writing a whole thesis on why Kylo Ren is actually ‘a well written villain’ and how the ‘evils’ of ‘purity culture uwu’ are ruining fandom or some other vague crap lol
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shrimpmandan · 3 years
I’ve been reflecting some on my views lately.
I wanted to give my thoughts on the MOGAI community and my perspective on it as a neurodivergent trans person, and just kind of reflect on my stance on and understanding of it. This is really rambly because it's 3 AM and I'm tired, but this is just my own perspective on the MOGAI community and its relation to transmeds. I think the issue I have with MOGAI is mainly its conflation with being transgender, and how these terms are labeled with -gender at all.
To preface for anyone who doesn’t follow me and is just scrolling through tags, I'm autistic + ADHD, and to my knowledge a binary trans man. I consider myself a transmedicalist and anti-MOGAI, just on the basis that I don't think MOGAI genders can be, well, genders. From what I understand, gender is your neurological sex. I know there's been critiques of the brain sex theory, but it's the one that makes the most sense to me. In essence, your brain can't be pupgender because pupgender isn't a sex. I'm very science-oriented and I'm not inclined to support something as a label if it does not describe a real, proven occurrence. 
Though, I understand why people, particularly people with autism, use these labels. Some of them appeal to synesthesia, a complicated experience often comorbid with autism. I understand how an autistic person with synesthesia would 'feel' their gender. Hell, I know I do. I always described my gender as a feeling. Now, gender is more complicated than just 'a feeling', but my point stands. An autistic person may think their gender is foggy due to synesthesia, though I don't think there are any existing studies discussing such a correlation yet. Other labels, such as "autigender", are simply descriptors. It's not "my gender is autism", but rather "my gender is affected by my autism". This is where I have another issue. MOGAI labels are made for neurodivergent people, so why are they named in such a way that makes it really easy to misinterpret them literally? Even neurotypicals I've met see "autigender" and infer that it means "my gender is autism". Additionally, when getting into neopronouns, a lot of neurodivergent people have difficulties using or remembering neopronouns and how to conjugate them. I literally can't use nounself pronouns because it fucks with my language processing issues so much. But again, I can understand why they're used. Some neurodivergent people have difficulties using singular they/them. I read a post about someone having standard pronouns (he/she/they) be misophonia triggers, so they use neopronouns that don't trigger such a response. My only issue there is just how many there are. Thon/thons existed as a singular neutral pronoun at one point, and I think we should bring that pronoun back for folks who can't use standard pronouns comfortably, without having this laundry list of them.
In my opinion, MOGAI would be basically harmless if MOGAI genders weren't conflated with being transgender. Simply put, most transgender people can't relate to the MOGAI crowd. And by extension, what is MOGAI fighting for? How would their activism fit into ours? I know that many people who use MOGAI labels are also transgender, but some of 'em aren't. Some MOGAI users are cis neurodivergent people who have varying difficulties understanding or describing their gender. Now, I never experienced that, so I can't relate, but I can see it. I can see why a cis ND person would think "my gender feels kinda fuzzy" and then be like "fuck it, guess I'm fuzzgender." But, that doesn't make them trans. This weird conflation between MOGAI and being trans is extremely harmful and what a lot of people in transmed/anti-MOGAI circles take issue with. A lot of us don't relate to MOGAI and feel like our issues are being trivialized by this narrative that gender is just a fun way to express yourself, which is sadly not a reality for a lot of trans people, especially the teens who are pre-transition (the ones who are typically transmeds). It feels extremely invalidating for many. 
I think this is just down to the way MOGAI is presented. MOGAI was originally coined to be a more inclusive term for LGBT after all, and MOGAI genders are branded as, well, genders. I think that MOGAI should be rebranded and adjusted to be more cohesive (so that there aren’t a billion labels that are unused or just repeats of each other) as well as better described so that they don’t necessarily conflate with being trans. I've seen some people propose calling xenogenders "xenoidentities" instead, for example. "Xenodescriptors" could also work, possibly. I'm the type of person who tries to look for compromise. While I do put labels on my stances, my opinions on issues tend to be more complex than the label lets on. There's definitely a way to make both communities happy and healthy and fulfill their intended purposes. It's just difficult to get anything done when most of the online discourse is spent shitting on each other and harassing each other. I frequently see both transmeds and tucutes be doxxed, harassed, suicide baited, et cetera et cetera. That doesn't accomplish anything. That's just bullying. Name-calling and harassment is just bullying. If we could just facilitate a respectful, meaningful discussion and work together as communities to understand each other better and come to an agreement, then this discourse wouldn't need to go on any longer. Nothing is black and white. Both sides have their reasons for feeling the way they do. This applies to literally every other major LGBT discourse going on as well, from bi vs pan to acecourse to whatever the hell else. We need to make an effort to understand each other. This post is absolutely open for discussion if it doesn't get buried. I think I covered both sides pretty well but obviously the experiences of people who actually use MOGAI labels are much more important than my views from the outside. I’m cross-tagging this since I don’t want this to just be flooded with one side. I am actively welcoming interaction from either side on this post. Please just ignore this post/block me if you don’t wanna see it. This isn’t cross-tagged with malicious intent. I simply wish to gain more perspective on why people may use MOGAI labels, and also why other transmeds dislike them so. I obviously could be missing a few things.
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just-trans-thoughts · 3 years
So I hear people talking about transmeds here a lot and I’ve literally never encountered that term before on Twitter so uh... can you explain what that means? I literally have no clue and I’m afraid to google it considering they are listed similarly to terfs and I do not like the amount of trans hate you can find from goggling terms like that-
TW: transmeds, transphobia etc.
transmeds are basically people who believe that you need gender dysphoria to be trans. which completely erases other gender experiances (like gender euphoria) and often they don't think people who aren't cis, but also aren't binary, are trans. they used to be more popular during the kalving garrah era, but i don't think rn they are that active.
beliefs of (most) transmeds can be summerised like that:
— people who don't have gender dysphoria aren't trans, are either people who are lying for attention or confused (which often ignores how complicated gender is, and is a pretty western-centric way of looking at it)
— non-binary people and everyone else outisde of the gender binary aren't trans (some transmeds believe enbies can be trans, but need to have gender dysphoria and are probably very rare if they exist)
— trans people (on the binary) have brains of the gender they indentity with (which is an often used argument by them, isn't really true)
— also that neopronouns and she/they, he/they aren't real pronouns, they often make fun of them.
there is some other stuff, generally they are assholes. most prominent transmeds are: kalvin garrah, blaire white. tbh i don't recommend looking that much into them, they are kinda like terfs. they spread a lot of harmful retoric.
also a sidenote:
i don't really like discussing this kind of topics, but i think it is important that people that are newer to the tooic or weren't that present during the trans discourse era (idk how to put it in an other way, i am talking about the time when most rhetoric about trans folks was very transmedicalist) know who transmeds are and what their rhetoric is, in order not to get sucked in to it.
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bitegore · 3 years
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[id: a pride flag. It has seven stripes from top to bottom- light purple, black, orange, dark green, brown, very light green, and a middle green. in the center is a dark green circle, and then a circle with three mushrooms overlaid on a brown background. end id]
mushroom flag, for when you identify really strongly with mushrooms, mycelium, or other fungi in some way or another! this one is supposed to be a fungus gender flag but it’s just like, an all purpose mushroom flag, really. you can use it if you like. i just really like mushrooms lmao
you can use it if your gender has something to do with fungi, if your sexuality has something to do with fungi, if you think mushrooms are cool in any sort of queer kind of way, if you’re multigender and like being mysterious, if you have suicidal ideation or think about death a lot, and/or if you want to for literally any other reason! it’s not my job to gatekeep you away from the Mushrooms Pride, it’s my job to hand you the flag and go “go buckwild” lmao
under the cut are a picture of the flag with the words for the stripes; a version without the center part; and a transparent png of the mushrooms alone.
if you want neopronouns to go with your mushroom pride, you can try mycelium/myceliums/myceliums/myceliumself, mushroom/mushrooms/mushrooms/mushroomself, fungus/fungi/funguses/funguself or my/myce/myceliums/mycelf :D
(Don't interact if you are okay with harassment, are anti-mogai, or feel the need to comment "queer is a slur" every time queer folks like myself feel the urge to call ourselves queer without self-flagellating first.)
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[id: the flag from before, with labels on the words. purple says “mysteriousness, a lack of clarity, being hard to find or unclear in any way. also because it’s a gender color in my opinion and mushrooms have all the genders”. black says “transformation and recovery, life growing from death”. orange says “...orange because i thought two rows of brown looked silly.” dark green says “growth and tenacity.” light green says “having more going on beneath the surface than people think when they look at you; being multigender or otherwise just like complicated”, and middle green says “being alive and yourself, even if it’s in a way people aren’t used to”. end id]
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[id: the flag from before, without the center piece. end id]
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[id: just the mushrooms together, this time in a darker green. end id]
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betaamity · 3 years
i genuinely wish at this point people would stop parroting the 'your pronouns are offensive' bullshit to me, it wasnt amusing the first time and its just angering at this point
fae literally isnt even the right term for the religious figures youre saying im 'mocking' or something. fae itself as a word literally comes fom france, its. it literally just fucking means fairy. literally every record i can find online never says these pronouns were ever made to *DIRECTLY REFERENCE* what everybody claims it is to make it offensive
and in my further research, where were the claims like this in 2015 when somebody said they wanted to use these pronouns on a subreddit? the only responses they got against it was usual cringe culture bullshit, nothing claiming of offense. where was this call to arms when a shop owner named their shop after their pronouns? why is this outcry of offensive towards some religious practices not ALSO held towards gender identities that include the word fae like genderfae or faesari/faexari or faegender? or did that also suddenly spark up to make it make sense?
or did this all just start because transphobic folks needed a new claim because people were starting to widely accept neopronouns? yknow, the type of claim that would make those performative allies jump to aid a 'cause' that only recently existed for suspicious reasons
also get off my fucking ass, im literally part of one of these religions you say im offending. sorry i dont plaster it everywhere so i can suddenly be told 'no youre fine actually'
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arowrimo · 4 years
AroWriMo 2020 Writing
Here’s a masterpost of the 36 works from Aromantic Writing Month 2020 (under the cut)
Do share, like, and comment on the works you enjoy!
Screams by @exhausted-queer
Prompt: Self-love Language: English Words: 464 CWs: self harm, depression, death, grief, abuse, sex, sexual abuse
Let Me Be by Anon (via ask)
Theme: Loveless Prompt: Acceptance Language: English Words: 86 CWs: Ableism, Aphobia
Ballrooms and Waves by @aro-ace-and-hungry
Theme: Loveless Language: English Words: 655 CWs: Romance mention, Anxiety 
Loveless by @soph00bear
Theme: Loveless Language: English Words: 207 CWs: Aphobia mention, Arophobia mention
Am I A Monster? by @wish-ful-thinking513
Theme: Loveless Language: English Words: 157 CWs: Arophobia, Blood, Aphobia, Gore
Short stories:
Loveless by @kitkatt0430 Ao3 link
Original fiction Prompt: Acceptance Language: English Words: 753 CWs: Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Unhappy relationship, Gaslighting,  Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Amatanormativity Summary:
She’s never been in love.  It’s an odd realization to have as she’s packing her things and he’s given up on asking her to stay. Now he just obstructs her on occasion, arguing that things which are hers are really his.
Some things are worth the effort to fight for. Others are not.
He is not.
Two by @junietuesday Ao3 link
Original fiction Theme: Subverting romantic tropes Prompt: Community, Acceptance Language: English Words: 953 CWs: Sex References (character is aroallo), Homophobia, Brief Mentions of Racism + Ableism, Internalized Amatonormativity Summary:
The girl is a loner.
Of her own will and desire, of course. Not because she’s a little too open about her opinions (particularly about romance), and a little too closed-off when they ask her why she has them. Not because she’s terrified what her fellow ninth graders will do to her when they realize she has no soulmark. Not because she figures that she might as well just push them away first, before they can push her.
To Unmask A Witch by @agnezztealeaf
Original fiction Language: English Prompt: Friendship Genre: Fantasy Words: 4457 CW: Discussions around amatonormativity and heteronormativity, references to blood and violence
It wasn’t that the cottage at the outskirts of the village was actually run-down or dilapidated, but if you squinted and looked at it through your eyelashes in dim light, you could imagine that it could be. It wasn’t that it was a ruckle, it was that the children thought it should be one.
You see, if a witch lived in a cottage, then that cottage should be falling apart, its windows murky with mould, the roof broken and roof shingles scattered on the garden path and in the flowerbeds, and the garden a mess of weeds and rotting greens. It felt insulting, the children thought, that an otherwise perfectly scary and threatening witch should live in such a charming and well-kept little house. So, when they hid in the forest near the cottage, staking it out, or walked past it on their way to a friend’s house, they squinted and imagined what should have been there, instead of what really was.
Annie of Anglesey by @writelikeanaro
Original fiction Language: English Theme: Subverting romantic tropes Prompt: Self-love Genre: Historical fiction/folk tale Words: 4,676 CWs: Past marriage, Unwanted romantic interest, Public proposal, Grief
Annie is living quite happily alone in the mountains, when the king comes to her for aid in a competition. Hoping to get something for herself out of the situation, she agrees to help him.
Seed of A Memory by @skylights422
Original fiction Language: English Theme: Subverting Romantic Tropes, Fantasy Prompt: Friendship Genre: Fantasy, Drama Words: 1907 CWs: Brief mentions of racism and arophobia
Fiera Casales takes a stroll with her pretend boyfriend and ponders the importance of things like love and memory. 
Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot by @wellintentionedbibliophile
Original fiction Language: English Theme: Subverting Romantic Tropes Prompt: Friendship Genre: Fiction Words: 1088 CWs: Breakup, End of the World, Neopronouns
We’re not quite a gang (more like a strange family) by @amanita-cynth Ao3 link
Original fiction Language: English Category: Short Stories Prompt: Friends and Pride Genre: Superheroes/Slice of Life Words: 5232 CWs: Background romantic relationship mentioned, discussion of aphobia and amatonormativity, bomb mention
Some scars aren’t physical and can be all the worse for it. But maybe a woman brimming with her own hard-won self confidence and the new friends they pick up afterwards can help Allen overcome the hurtful words from his past. After all, if a dozen new friends think you’re great and a literal god chose you as a Champion it shouldn’t be so hard, right?
“Oh.” He blinked. “People usually say it’s weird that I don’t want people- women- flirting with me.”
“Boundaries are boundaries.” She waved a hand dismissively. From the depths of her hood, her eyes gleamed with light from a passing car and briefly lit up more details; the casual ease of her expression, her slightly lidded eyes, the soft curves of her warm, brown face. Shame it didn’t do much for him beyond the realisation that she really was that nonchalant about it, and also quite beautiful.
And A Monster Steals Your Children by @arosnowflake
Original fiction Language: English Prompt: none/belonging (loosely) Genre: Fantasy Words: 2170 CWs: heavy ableism (including internalized ableism), off-screen child murder, ableist language, mild amatonormativity.
It is said that, in a tower rising above the valley, a monster lives, and that it steals children’s souls. Netel, one of those stolen children, goes to kill it.
Untitled by @wish-ful-thinking513
Original fiction Language: English Genre: Sci-fi Words: 951 CWs: Needles, injections
This is a short story based on a prompt from @lgbtqwritingprompts. I don’t usually write sci-fi, so this was a fun change… I feel like it was obvious that science isn’t really my thing though. I tried to keep stuff vague (ie: are clones human??? The more I thought about it, the less sure I was)… well,  I tried my best!
November: The Hell Week to End All Hell Weeks by @eadrey-the-iptscray Ao3 link
Fandom: Pacific Rim (2013) Language: English Theme: Subverting romantic tropes Prompt: Community and acceptance Genre: Slice of life Words: 2,776 CWs: Bigotry mentions, light marital romance
The Shatterdome baristas meet the regulars. Teasing, pranks, and awkward small talk ensue.
Traditional by @amanita-cynth Ao3 link
Fandom: Leverage Language: English Theme: Subverting romantic tropes Prompt: Acceptance Genre: Character study Words: 1393 CWs: References to sex (aro character is aroallo), romantic relationship in the background and referred to, marriage mentioned
Eliot doesn’t so much fall in love as come to the realisation that he’s going to die for them.
Or: How Eliot learns some new things about himself and Parker and Hardison learn just how to stay with him.
February - Leap Year Sucks by @eadrey-the-iptscray Ao3 link
Fandom: Pacific Rim (2013) Language: English Theme: Subverting romantic tropes Prompt: Family and self-love Genre: Slice of life Words: 2,866 CWs: Lingering grief over a parent’s death, light marital romance
The Shatterdome baristas and regulars slog through a soggy February with all kinds of struggles. At least they've got each other to commiserate with.
Skywalker by @kitkatt0430 Ao3 link
Fandom: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Language: English Prompt: Family Words: 2,964 CWs: Major character death, indentured servitude/slavery
Rey’s family was never coming back for her.  In learning to accept this and move on, Rey builds herself a whole new family, one choice at a time.
A Place to Start by @kitkatt0430​ Ao3 link
Fandom: Supergirl (TV 2015) Relationships: Kara Danvers/James “Jimmy” Olsen Language: English Prompt: Acceptance Words: 2,993 CWs: Break up
“I’m doing that thing again,” Kara told the duck. It ignored her for the corn. “Always happens. I was trying so hard not to do it this time, but there it goes. Happening all over again.”
(In which Kara doesn’t need Alex to tell her that dating James is making her miserable.  But she does wish someone would tell her why every time she starts dating someone, her romantic feelings fizzle out shortly afterwards.)
The Only Trope for Me is You by @tommytonebender​ Ao3 Link
Fandom: The Venture Bros Relationships: Billy Quizboy/Pete White Language: English Theme: Subverting romantic tropes Genre: Supernatural, character study Words: 4,338 CWs: Discussions of amatonormativity, non-explicit sexual humor, most references are there to make fun of fanfic tropes, language, brief heavy themes.
Supernatural forces ensnare our heroes, forcing them to… have a grown-up conversation? [A fake episode B-Plot]
April - Confessions and Epiphanies by @eadrey-the-iptscray Ao3 link
Fandom: Pacific Rim (2013) Language: English Theme: Subverting romantic tropes Prompt: Friendship and pride Genre: Slice of life Words: 2,261 CWs: Martial affection and love confessions
Finally, communication!
Miss You by Dain Ao3 link
Fandom: Star Wars Original Trilogy Language: English Prompt: Friendship Words: 484
Luke huffed. “Maybe I don’t want to leave.”
“You do,” Biggs said. “You know it’s worth it. You’ll do fine.”
Baby I’m Not Made of Stone, It Hurts  by @emjenwrites​ Ao3 link
Fandom: Peaky Blinders BBC Language: English Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Character Study Words: 22.6K (only the first 1.7K on tumblr, follow the links to AO3 for the rest) CWs: romance (character is demiromantic), implied/referenced sexual content, implied/referenced pedophilia (basically the same level of implication as canon), implied/referenced suicide, one instance of antiziganism, internalized arophobia (so much internalized arophobia), arophobia, self-hatred, canon-typical language, child abuse, parentification, codependency, prostitution, kidnapping, emetophobia, PTSD, traumatic brain injuries, headaches and migraines
Things with the Russians and Section D had started bad and ended worse, and that was before Polly, Arthur, John, and Michael went and got fucking arrested. Or Tommy Shelby grapples with loneliness, guilt, health issues, and romantic orientation in the aftermath of s3.
Unease by Dain Ao3 link
Fandom: Star Wars Original Trilogy Language: English Words: 1,227 CWs: One-sided attraction, Unwanted romantic interest
Summary: Beritt was new, and not in Luke’s squadron, but you got to know people. There’d been barely anything to do for the last week but mingle.
Which would have been enjoyable, if not for the fact that Beritt was…interested in Luke.
July - Come Back Home, And Soon by @eadrey-the-iptscray Ao3 link
Fandom: Pacific Rim (2013) Language: English Theme: Subverting romantic tropes Prompt: Belonging and comfort Genre: Slice of life Words: 1,271 CWs: None
Summer break means quiet days at The Shatterdome and the same old conversations with family.
The Only Demons Here are Mine by @amanita-cynth Ao3 link
Fandom: One Piece Language: English Prompt: Belonging and Comfort Genre: Character/Relationship Study Word count: 3048 Content warnings: Mental health issues including dissociation and suicidal thoughts and ideation. Medical/bodily things discussed. Spoilers for Law’s backstory and violence therein.
But he’d said it, hadn’t he, at Dressrosa? That if it all went wrong Law wanted to die by his side. Naturally, it had been 80% about Doflamingo, but there had been a part of him screaming: he’s here and in danger because of you, because he does the right thing just because he can, because he is selfish and insanely determined about those he calls friends and you knew that and still let him get close, because he looked at you and called you a good man and the least you can do for someone like that is die alongside them.
Or: dealing with a pirate war and a sudden lack of life goals is bad enough without trying to figure out confusing new feelings.
Chapter 2 of The Coffee Shop AU by @theinvisiblegurlz
Fandom: Assassin’s Creed Movie Language: English Theme: Subverting romantic tropes Genre: Coffee shop AU CWs: Amatonormativity mention Summary:
A non-romantic coffee shop AU.
To Our Future by Dain Ao3 link
Fandom: Star Wars Original Trilogy Language: English Word count: 999 Content warnings: Grief, Anxiety
Luke couldn’t keep the smile off his face.It was such a simple expression; the flexing of a few muscles, and not nearly enough to give full voice to his soaring, unrestrained joy, the lightness and fullness of spirit that made him ache until he thought he might burst with the strength of it.
Rain by @wellintentionedbibliophile​
Original fiction Language: English Genre: Science fiction Word count: 319 CWs: none
The Crystal Heart  by @twilight-lukos
Language: English Theme: Fantasy Genre: Speculative Fiction / Fantasy
Excerpt 1

Word Count: 931 CWs: Feeling pressure to choose a romantic partner
Prince Haraq visits Princess Chareith, who has a reputation for being difficult to suitors. The two bond over a legend Chareith loves about the lost Crystal Island. Haraq expresses interest in her opinions but shows no romantic interest.
Excerpt 2
Words: 695 CWs: none
After Chareith expresses her frustrations, Haraq suggest the two sneak out for a day and do some exploring. Chareith agrees, thinking to find some interesting relics in the nearby desert and marsh, maybe in relation the legend of the Crystal Island.
Excerpt 3
Words: 587 CWs: feelings of forced romantic normalcy or amatonormativity
While on a secret outing, Chareith is abducted by a sorcerer and taken to an isolated tower with a mysterious history. The sorcerer tells Chareith that she has magical potential. Finding this to be true, she wonders what this means for her now.
Excerpt 4
Words: 846 CWs: none

While on a secret outing, Chareith is abducted by an invisible, flying creature. Haraq sets out to find her. The stone fragment he and Chareith found has led him into a strange place, bordered by mist. A/N: this occurs before Excerpt #3; I wasn't going to post this but I've had it all nicely prepped to go since early February and I did want to share it, even if it's vaguer about the aromantic angle in-story
Aromantic Writing Month! by @anonymousaroace​
Language: English Theme: Acceptance Words: 487
Kricket’s First Zine by @autcore​ Direct link
Language: English
Super short aro perzine about questioning and being lonely whilst aro
To Be Aspected (WIP) by @anonymaceally​ Latest update itch.io game link
Ally submission Language: English Theme: Fantasy Prompt: Mythos, fables Genre: Friend sim/Fantasy CWs: Some unwanted flirting. Discussions about gender and sexual identity. Adult language and situations like taxes. Content might be unfinished.
The reader walks into a tavern owned by a squad of Aces called “Queen Anne’s Ace” . The reader stays for a week and enjoys has interesting conversations with the patrons there.
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itsbricks · 3 years
okay. i’m mad. please feel free to skip this rant because it’s not very positive. it’s just me being angry about lgbt+ rights and dumb classmates and shouting into the void. it’s also nonsensical and wandering and really fucking long, but i’m not going to edit it. just not very pleased at the moment. 
today i cracked down on some classmates who were talking shit about omnisexuals and people who use neopronouns. they were saying omnisexuality wasn’t valid because “it’s literally the same as bi or pan; they really just want to be different” and people who use neopronouns are fake because “it just doesn’t make sense. you’re a boy, you’re a girl, or you’re nothing [referring to nonbinary folks]. you can’t identify as anything else.” they were including the pronoun “it” in this, too, reasoning that if you identify with it pronouns, you essentially identify as a rock because rocks are objects and have the same pronouns. 
like!! no!! stop!! these people didn’t know anything about it! they hadn’t done research! they told me, “we don’t need to do research. it’s just logic and common sense.”
common sense, you say? logic, you claim? if someone using the pronoun “it” identifies as a freaking inanimate object, you, Carol, identify as my fucking cat because my cat is a girl and we use she/her pronouns for her. if omnisexuality is the same as bisexuality or pansexuality, Michael, you’re effectively saying bisexuality and pansexuality are also the same. so why don’t you condemn pansexual or bisexual people, too? if they’re the same, only one of them is right, yes? one of them has to be making it up for attention, right? one has to be fake! right?
why? why don’t they see it like that? the answer is obvious yet saddening. they were raised in an “accepting” but not very educational environment. because of this, they knew the “defaults,” (bah) such as bi, pan, gay, lesbian, trans, nonbinary, aro, ace. not much beyond that. so neopronouns and omnisexuality (and everything not conforming to the previously stated sexualities and gender identities) were foreign concepts to them. and we all know what most people’s first response to a foreign concept is like.
so, deny it all you like, but if you claim to be “accepting of LGBT+ rights,” but don’t support people who have the courage to step outside pre-existing and outdated gender and sexuality boundaries? people who don’t conform to what you see as convention? 
that’s not accepting. that’s not supportive. that’s “let me stand here and invalidate thousands of people around the world under the pretense of woke but logical.” you aren’t. you really aren’t. people deserve to identify with the pronouns they feel ring true inside them, the sexualities they feel fit them right. who’s to say bisexuality is right? this is what it boils down to: tradition. that’s just the way it’s always been. 
do you know who you sound like right now?
gender and sexuality are fluid, abstract, and ever-changing concepts. they’re moving targets. they’re transforming and adapting and being transformed and adapted by everyone, constantly. trying to pin certain names or titles (bisexuality, pansexuality, he/him, she/her, they/them, etc.) and excluding all other ones (omnisexuality, sapiosexuality, ae/aer, xe/xem, ze/zir, etc.) is impossible. some titles may withstand the test of time, with a number of people identifying with them, but having a set definition which condemns all other titles is invalidating and wrong. stepping outside of convention is valid and necessary when considering gender and sexuality. i can’t possibly understand how someone could still feel differently after putting one’s need for conventionality and comfort zone aside.
if you respond this way to something you don’t understand, consider how you would view any and all LGBT+ people had you been raised in an incredibly homophobic environment. would you think, millions of people identify as something other than straight and cis. could there be something going on there? it’s worth doing some research, right?
or would you think, i’m right about this. i have to be. i know this because it’s logic. common sense. we were made one way; it’s unnatural and attention-seeking to claim anything different. because we’re all the same. 
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scoldinghotsoup · 3 years
i decided to make a post to pin cause i just need to make a post about who i am so you know and all that funky jazz
yo, i’m juno but i also go by captain and jupiter
i’m a trans masc who uses it/he/they but have a very big bias for it/it’s and i will feel legitimately hurt if you refer to me as human like i will be genuinely upset
i am an infp-t or an enfp-t cause i’m an ambrovert so-.......i also use the - to much so-
i’m aroace but i say limited edition cause i’m demiaromantic and sex favorable grey ace and my attraction is funky in general i think i’m bi but i’m just gonna say gay as an umbrella thank ya gerry much
i have adhd and am on the autism spectrum i also got that ✨extreme anxiety✨ but anyway that’s just my mental health i also have some physical shit like the fact my ears just start randomly ringing and my ankle is just permanently in pain and my tics like to go brrrr
this is a safe space for literally anyone that isn’t a bigot or just an absolutely awful person
you use neopronouns? nice, you use a micro label? sounds pretty cool dude, you have a really odd special interest? tell me about it i’d love to hear what you have to say
i literally never stop talking about my special interests uh......those include
my mental health
random horror history (true crime,love craft, and things like frankenstein and dracula)
the magnus archives
stellar firma
the mechanisms
the penumbra podcast
folk punk
and uh.....hmmmm well uh i’m really tall and i’m not the skinniest bitch so i’m like what i call “friend shaped” or “an alive body pillow”
anyway, i’m juno your lovely captain and i’m checking out till next time, see ya!
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system-splintered · 4 years
I might lose some followers for this, and I'm okay with that.
Dysphoria is a symptom of being trans. But it does not define the experience. And it absolutely is not a requirement to be trans(*).
This blog supports ALL LGBT+/queer people, yes that means aspec/arospec folks, yes that means mogai peeps, yes that means people whose genders and sexualities I neither know nor understand. If you aren't allosexual, cisgender & heterosexual, you belong in the queer community.
This blog supports those who use neopronouns and pronouns not typically associated with their gender identity.
This blog supports the right of every individual to be the one to say definitively what their sexuality and gender is, without being doubted, judged, or ridiculed.
Even if I don't understand you, I will respect you.
I understand that this is quite a jump from what I used to believe in the past. That is because I have learned a lot since then.
First and foremost I had to understand that there was a reason I believed the school of exclusionist thought.
That reason was internalized homophobia, internalized transphobia, and the misguided idea that if the LGBT community was pared down to the most "respectable" people, we would be targeted less by bigots.
That's not true. People who don't respect us for being queer won't respect us regardless of whether we exclude people, so in effect the only thing exclusion does is alienate members of our own community, and foster resentment. It makes those with less common identities feel like they are worth less than other queer people.
Secondly, The strategy of those who want to destroy us is divide and conquer. Separating us makes us weaker, makes us easier to silence, and minimize, and discriminate against.
Now, more than ever, we need to embrace all members of the queer community.
And finally, I have learned that there is no one, absolutely no one, who can know what your identity is better than you yourself.
No one has any right to tell anyone else who they are or aren't.
If you don't understand how a mogai identity relates to gender, that's okay!
Something a very wise individual taught me is that often, these gender microlabels are more of a metaphor than a literal description. Some people have an incredibly complex relationship with gender or sexuality, and for some of the people with that trait, it's important that they express it. It can be easier for the gist of some of these relationships to be understood through metaphor than literally.
If you really, really want to know, ask! You are by no means entitled to an explanation, nor is it ever okay to misgender someone purposefully, even if you don't understand their gender or don't like their pronouns. They're not your decision, and if you don't want to use them, don't interact with that person, they're better off without you!
Try to learn, try to understand. It's never too late to better yourself. And it's never too late to rid yourself of hate.
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ominousperson-blog · 5 years
A bit of a rant for the trans community
(Small trigger warning to those who may get easily dysphoric)
I am transgender (ftm)
I have dysphoria.
And constantly online, I see things that are posted for trans people, and god forsake we aren't all the same.
Yet I feel so much pressure, all the time.
I am not a tucute, but I am not a transmed or truscum either.
I personally myself believe that you need dysphoria to be trans.
However, I feel like a majority of us get that message embedded in us, every time we log onto the Internet. And sometimes it's overwhelming. I get it. I get that if you make a mistake, you're stuck with it for the rest of your life, if you decided to medically transition without having dysphoria.
a lot of people here, 
on this website,
on twitter, instagram, facebook, reddit, whatever platform you decide to use,
are kids, 
are teens,
and are human beings.
You may not agree with how they express themselves but that does not mean you have the right to bully them or disrespect them.
It’s one thing to disagree, and I know 
it can or will be frustrating.
Maybe that one kid you see who says that they are genderqueer is still searching themselves, and maybe they do have dysphoria but can't seem to figure it out.
And maybe they could change and find out that they're a trans guy.
Or maybe that one kid who used a nonbinary label for a while realizes that she's a trans girl.
or maybe that one kid who uses neopronouns will learn more about themselves and use he/him pronouns down the road.
But the thing is, we seem to have a culture of just bringing other transpeople down just because they don't seem to be able to conform to this cis-heteronormative society.
Why are we doing this?
Is it because we want to be taken seriously?
Because trans people, lets say binary trans people who are fully transitioned still have a huge stigma in this society that is being run by cis people.
We have brothers and sisters and siblings who are still denied rights.
But you're mad because this one self proclaimed trans male is wearing a dress? Or being more comfortable in their own skin?
Not all trans people will medically transition.
Some literally can't. Some medically can't, or because of religious ideals or because of their family, or because it’s not safe, or because they can't afford to.
Some won't because that is also their choice.
Transitioning can be a scary thing for some. It can be anxiety inducing, it changes your life.
And it is also hard to do. I don't want to talk over certain people as some places in the world it is more accessible than others, but from my experience it took me three and a half years just to get my first shot of testosterone.
Three and a half years of endurance, violence, tears of sadness and joy, counseling, therapy, lab tests, and hard work. It’s not easy but for me it was worth it.
And not all trans people will feel the same. You don't have to hate yourself everyday, but to those who do, brothers, sisters, and siblings alike, I feel your pain.
But there are trans people who don't feel dysphoria all the time.
Some of us has fully transitioned, and are feeling alright. 
Others have dysphoria that fluctuates, depending on the person.
And not all nonbinary people are afab sjws with died hair and weird makeup.
There are a lot of us, around the world, and we have been here for centuries.
And when you attack another transperson for not conforming to the way the gender binary is made, 
you're giving transphobic people another reason to attack us as a whole.
By throwing non gender conforming trans folks under the bus you also validate transphobic people’s attacks on our community.
All those anti sjw compilations videos on youtube that mock (mostly pre transition) trans people, or trans people that can't pass that well,
or trans people that look different or act or sound different,
that's harming our community.
When people tell us that we are lying to others when we pass well and they find out that we’re trans 
that’s harming our community.
When trans people are getting murdered for going out and wearing the clothes they wanted to wear for so long
those people who murdered them are harming the community.
But when some emo kid who's thirteen years old wakes up and realizes that they're a boy or non-binary 
And you decide to yell at them for wearing makeup or something feminine 
you’re helping the people who wants to harm our community.
Please, instead of policing the way we want to dress, or talk, or walk, or feel,
address growth.
People don't understand that others change.
Sometimes for the better too.
Some of us will realize that we are not trans and that’s okay
Some of us will realize, perhaps, our true identity.
And if it wasn't the same as the one you started out with, that is okay. 
Just please remember,
before you hit that comment button 
that people can grow and change,
so let’s just at least tolerate each other, even if you disagree with them.
Respect isn't about your pride, it’s about being a decent person.
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