#stormbreak chapter 15
bbygirl-aemond · 1 year
Aemond's Full Letter to Aegon
Some of you commented on chapter fifteen that you were interested in reading the entirety of Aemond's letter. So here it is! I've noted the point at which the message was cut off, so you can more clearly see what Aemond meant to communicate to Aegon but was unable to. Unfortunately for Aegon's blood pressure, he missed out on like over half of the message, including the parts meant to placate his fears about being executed if he surrendered. You can read the full letter below:
"When you were twelve and I was ten, you stumbled into my room drunk out of your mind and asked me what I wished to be when I grew up. I told you that I was going to be your Hand, because it was true, and you just frowned and told me that wasn’t a very good dream. So I asked you what you wanted me to be, and you were quiet for a long time, so long that I began to think you’d fallen asleep.
And then you said, “You’re my brother. Isn’t that enough?”
As if that answered everything.
But I suppose in a way, it did.
I know the relationship between us and Rhaenyra has always been strained. I know that we’ve lived our lives in fear of what she would undoubtedly do to us one day. Until very recently, even after I’d spent much time at Dragonstone, I remained convinced that she was a threat to us all. She swore to me that she would see you unharmed, and still I did not waver in my conviction.
But then I tried to flee. And when I was caught, Daemon was furious, as was everyone within Dragonstone. They all called for Rhaenyra to order her spies in King’s Landing—of which she apparently had many—to murder you all. So I asked her what she would let them do to you, because surely now she would show her true colors. Now that I had disrespected her, and disobeyed her. Now that her own husband and court called for your execution.
And she just said, “He’s our brother,” as if that answered everything.
But to her, I think, it did.
I know what you and the others must think of what has happened to me. I know what you think of Rhaenyra, and that you cannot trust a woman you do not know.
But you know me, as I know you. More, I think, than anyone else ever has.
And I trust that you will know that if I’d possessed even a shred of doubt as to Rhaenyra’s conviction, I would have sooner thrown myself from the towers of Dragonstone than allowed her to wed me. If we are losing our claim, Aegon, it is only because I have allowed us to lose it. Because we can afford to lose it.
Rhaenyra is entitled. She is arrogant. She has been and still remains ignorant to so much of our plight. But she is also deeply kind, and thoughtful, and when she sets her mind on something even Daemon Targaryen himself cannot make her so much as budge. And she has set her mind on peace. On a House Targaryen, undivided.
As have I.
I know you fear for your children. For your eldest son and heir. But he, too, shall be cared for. The Valyrians hold twinship as sacred, and Rhaenyra has decided to marry Jaehaera to her own son, Aegon. Through his twin, Jaehaerys will be protected. I have also received a proposal for him to wed Grayce Arryn, the only child of the Lady Jeyne Arryn’s heir. She will rule the Vale one day, as one of Rhaenyra’s most powerful and unquestioningly loyal supporters, with Jaehaerys by her side. Through her, as well, he will be safe from those who wish to use him for their own, treasonous ends.
I know you fear for the rest of our family. But Daeron has quite ingratiated himself here at Dragonstone. And Rhaenyra remains fond of mother, from their childhood days, and she believes Helaena innocent in all of this, and the three of them are all so dearly loved that none would dare hurt them. As, too, is little Maelor. They will all be safe, and cared for, and will live beside me in the Red Keep for the rest of your days.
I know you fear for—
[Here is where the letter was interrupted]
—yourself, for all that you will refuse to admit it. I will not try to sway you with appeals to Rhaenyra’s character. We both know too well that her character and wishes factor very little into this decision. That so long as her claim is weak enough, we are doomed to be scattered about as pawns by the lords who oppose her.
Listen to me now, Aegon: Rhaenyra’s claim has never been stronger.
You know I would never harm any of our family. The lords of Westeros do not. They watched Vhagar circle Dragonstone peacefully, and watched me toast to Rhaenyra’s reign and bind myself to her before the Gods. They watched the High Septon crown us both, and declare that the Seven Themselves had sanctioned our reign. Every day, they see me rule by her side, and support her. They see Tessarion, housed peacefully in Dragonstone’s stables, and Daeron by my side, swearing fealty to me and my Queen.
And these lords are terrified.
The Baratheons and their mighty army have abandoned you. The Tullys and all their bannermen have abandoned you. The Faith, and its followers, have abandoned you. Your only significant allies are the Lannisters and the Hightowers; your Sunfyre the only true battle dragon you wield. The lords know Helaena is no soldier.
You are losing, Aegon, and handily so. There is no other reason why Otto would allow you to so recklessly call to war. Rhaenyra is gaining allies by the day, and he is terrified.
So please understand when I say that Rhaenyra’s claim is stable. Enough so that you will pose little threat to her, no matter how hard those few, foolish lords may scramble to try to use your image for their selfish ends. And imagine, Aegon, if you were to stand by her side. If you were to abdicate publicly, and bring your family to Dragonstone on dragonback, there would be no contesting her claim at all.
Rhaenyra has promised that you, Helaena, and the children may all live beside me, in the Red Keep, for the rest of your lives. We’ll have to compromise, of course—Daemon is rather insistent on taking over your current rooms—and I know there is bound to be friction at first. But is this not all you were too afraid to dream of? A life without regard for title, or politics, or wars?
I do not need you to be a King. I do not need you to suffer the Iron Throne. I do not need you to be a good ruler, or even a good man. I do not need you to secure titles, or wealth, for yourself or for your children. I do not need you to live your life in fear, scrambling to secure your family's safety.
I just need you to be my brother, Aegon. By my side.
That is enough.
It will always be enough."
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beheworthy · 1 year
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Thor Love and Thunder deleted scenes - 1 & 2  These 2 scenes show that Zeus visits Thor and Jane in the hospital to give Thor the thunderbolt. He advises him on how to use energy for thunderbolt and gives directions for Eternity. Jane makes the choice to go with Thor. Out of other options, they use the goats to travel there.
It's nice to see Thor get some fatherly interaction and behave like his former self: the smile at 'I have many sons', not speaking much but actually listening, being intelligent enough to know what was said in Roman. Little things.
However, these scenes show us an entirely different version of the film. If we go by them, Thor never 'killed' Zeus and left Omnipotent City on possibly good terms with him, given how he casually strolled directly to Jane's hospital bed to talk to Thor and they're all cool with each other.
The Shadow Realm confrontation might have happened as is because Jane is injured and Valkyrie is also out of the picture entirely. Thor is about to go face Gorr alone w no Valkyrie or Jane or Thunderbolt or Stormbreaker or even Mjolnir and not knowing how to reach Eternity perhaps (whatever could go wrong?). But with Zeus giving him the thunderbolt and Jane joining in, the entire climax of the film changes again.
Rant incoming:
Sh*t like this makes me wonder do they shoot 13 different versions of everything and 15 different movies, hoping to find the actual film in editing? That's such a massive waste of the cast and crew's time and effort. These aren't even deleted scenes. These are alternate universes from movies that could have been. Multiverses, if you will.
Deleted scenes are fun additional details the audience could do without. Like Thor returning the mug he broke or Frigga berating/begging Odin to end Thor's exile. Or they're a different/alternate version of existing scenes that may change the context of some things in the story. Like Odin freakin’ letting Frigga die. You could or could not add them but at the end of the day, they don't make a difference to the eventual story.
But in Thor4, if you add Zeus visiting the hospital, you gotta scrap out the entire confrontation at the Omnipotent City. If you add Jane just choosing to ignore Thor's heartfelt request to stay at the hospital and Thor not freaking reacting to it as well (??), you gotta change the entire climax again. I hope to god in the multiverse where this scene of Zeus showing fatherly affection to Thor exists, the scene from the theatrical cut of him ripping Thor’s clothes for fun, looking at him creepily and saying ‘pretty boy’, and inviting him to the o*gy doesn’t. Go to jail, Marvel.
I just-- it doesn't make sense. What even was the original story? Was there a story at all? This is important because Thor is the only character in the MCU to get the elusive 4th film. If you're going to continue a series against the norm, it should be because you really have a story to tell. Like Mad Max: Fury Road, Dexter: New Blood, and John Wick: Chapter 4.
Though I don't think producer Kevin Feige cares much about things like core story and character progression because Thor brings in the $$$. And director Taika Waititi doesn't either because he shot over 4 hours' worth of movie that he can surely cut out a theatrical version from - with every possibility on the cards, whatever the test audience reacts well to.
It's the cast and crew that are the real victims of this methodical merciless studio filmmaking. It's been well-documented that the VFX artists working on Marvel projects have been heavily overworked. A lot of their hard work could have been saved if there was a more definitive story structure so over half the footage they tirelessly worked on wouldn't end up on the cutting room floor. To add insult to injury, Waititi went on to mock them for giving their sweat, blood, and tears to his project. Classy.
Poor Christian Bale shaved his head to play Gorr, only to have most of his scenes cut from the film. Natalie Portman also did physical training for her role.
And Chris did the most extreme training he has ever done for this film. He already did excruciating training for the extreme physique as is. Add to it the dehydration for the shirtless scenes and not eating meat for kissing scenes - just willingly making life difficult for himself. Could have saved him a lot of torturous training by not shooting 13 different versions of every scene out of which 12 won't make it to the final film.
I'm aware that shooting movies works like that - you shoot different versions of scenes that don't make it to the final edit. They signed up for shaving their head and dying training to maintain the impossible physique. All I'm saying is that it's sad that it's all in service of material that just doesn't do them justice. It’s all vapid corporate thinking with no vision.
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icebluecyanide · 1 year
AR book fandom poll
Short descriptions of each chapter are under the cut if you need them. Feel free to add your own favourite chapter in the tags if it's not on this list!
Stormbreaker, chapter 17. Yassen: Alex has his debrief with Alan Blunt and Mrs Jones, leaves, and is promptly kidnapped by Sayle, who takes him to the rooftop where he tries to kill Alex. Yassen shoots Sayle and he and Alex talk before Yassen flies off in his helicopter.
Skeleton Key, chapter 13. Heartbeat: Alex explores Sarov's villa with his guard and attempts to escape by hiding in the boot of one of the Russian president's cars. He is caught and Sarov terrifies him by making him listen to his own racing heartbeat before cutting out the microphone.
Skeleton Key, chapter 15. Security Nightmare: Alex and Sarov land in Edinburgh Airport to refuel and Alex makes an escape attempt. He tries to call the police, but is stopped by a security guard who doesn't believe him and holds him up for long enough that Sarov and Conrad find him again, forcing him to pretend to be Sarov's son to the guard.
Skeleton Key, chapter 17. After Alex: The aftermath of the events in Murmansk. Mrs Jones and Alan Blunt discuss what happened and the (emotional rather than nuclear) fallout. Alex is depressed but goes out for a walk, thinking about how he'll never have a father. Sabina catches up with him, making the day look a bit brighter.
Eagle Strike, Prologue: Fifteen years before the current story, two professional assassins, code names Hunter and Cossack, travel through the Amazon rainforest to kill a man called the Commander. A black widow spider nearly kills Cossack, but at the last moment Hunter shoots it and the target with a single bullet, saving Cossack's life and giving him a rather distinctive scar.
Eagle Strike, chapter 17. "Fasten Your Seat Belts": The nuclear missiles shoot up into space and we get a glimpse of the innocent people living in the areas Cray plans to destroy. Air Force One starts to take off, but Cray tells Yassen to kill Sabina and Alex. Yassen refuses and is shot. Cray tries to kill them, but Alex and Sabina manage to push him out the door with a trolley. Sabina disables the missiles and Alex has a conversation with a dying Yassen, who tells him the truth about his father.
Eagle Strike, chapter 18. Richmond Bridge: Alex tries to process what he learned from Yassen while sitting by the Thames waiting for Sabina. Mrs Jones stops by for his debrief but Alex is not interested. Sabina and Alex say goodbye because Sabina's family is moving to San Fransisco and Alex suspects he will never see her again.
Scorpia, chapter 20. A Mother's Touch: An assassin has been paid to kill a fourteen-year-old boy stepping out of the MI6 headquarters. Alex is shot by a sniper and falls to the ground, seeing his parents as he lies dying, and he closes his eyes.
Snakehead, chapter 12. The Silent Streets: Alex and Ash leave Bangkok for Jakarta. While on the plane, Alex asks Ash the story about his parents and Yassen Gregorovich, and learns about what happened during the mission on Malta.
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puckwritesstuff · 1 year
Love and Thunder - Chapter 3 Preview
Sigyn and the others have gone to Omnipotence City-- a meeting place of pantheons from across the galaxy-- to petition for the aid of the other gods to stop this new God Butcher and save the children of Asgard. Zeus, being, well, Zeus, considers this request with all of the patience and wisdom that he is usually portrayed with in his own mythology.
New chapter on 3/15
A great cheer came from the crowd as Zeus and his entourage stepped up onto the dais. A young-looking man offered Zeus a goblet of wine, which he accepted. Zeus held out his hand and the crowd quieted.
“I hereby open this Council of the Gods,” Zeus said. “And what matters shall be brought to us today?”
Sigyn strode out onto the platform alone, her white and gold armor gleaming and Gungnir at her side.
“Oh, great, Asgardians,” Zeus muttered.
“I am King Sigyn of Asgard,” she said. “Guardian of the Eight Realms, Goddess of Victory, of Fidelity, of the beasts of the forest and the birds of the air. I am named Gianttamer and Dragonslayer. I am daughter of Heimdall, son of the Nine, and blood of Odin, son of Bor.”
“Yes,” Zeus said. “I thought we were rid of you when Odin died, and your planet was destroyed.”
“I seek to petition this council for aid,” Sigyn said.
“I’m not rebuilding your planet,” Zeus said.
“Asgard is at war,” Sigyn said. “Against an enemy common to all who are here.”
“When is Asgard not at war, again?” Zeus asked.
Sigyn bit back her tongue.
“Will you accept or deny our request?” she asked.
Zeus slowly walked down towards the platform.
“See the once-proud Asgard!” he said. “How they are led by a child with no true domain. Tell me, young king, how is this war the business of any other than Asgard?”
“Because death stalks us all,” Sigyn said. “The Necrosword has been found, and a God Butcher haunts the night.”
That sent nervous murmurs through the crowd. Zeus paused in his descent.
“And what proof have you of this?” he asked.
“I have faced him in battle,” Sigyn said. “Only surviving due to the efforts and sacrifice of others.”
The nervous murmurs grew louder.
“Sacrifice?” Zeus asked.
Sigyn looked around at the gods on their thrones.
“Lord Freyr of Vanaheim is dead!” she declared. “Was he not known to this august body? Was his friendship and council not valued by both Odin and Zeus?”
She looked right at the king of the gods.
“More death is to come,” she said. “Unless we band together.”
Zeus finished his descent and approached Sigyn, standing close to her. Thor readied himself to call Stormbreaker, and Jane regripped Mjolnir. Brunnhilde’s hand rested on the hilt of her sword. Loki stepped forward to try and move to the platform but was blocked by the guards.
Zeus spoke very quietly, so that only Sigyn could hear.
“Blood of Odin,” Zeus sneered. “A bastard daughter sitting on the throne of one of the major pantheons, calling herself ‘king’. It is an embarrassment. And even without that, Asgard has always lusted for the heat of battle above the security of the cosmos. I will not have you warmongers come to my city and incite these people into a riot. Odin was not the only God of Knowledge; I am well-informed as to the goings on of this so-called ‘God Butcher’. I know what lurks in the shadows. He seeks Eternity, but has not the key to enter, unless you bring him your war. So I will do nothing, for I am not handing this enemy the weapon he will use to kill us all.”
“What do you mean, ‘he seeks Eternity’?” Sigyn asked.
Zeus shrugged. “If you do not know, you do not know. But all you will do, girl, if you insist on this violence, is make this city a target for him, and that I cannot allow.”
Zeus swept back up the dais to his throne.
“There is nothing to fear!” he announced. “We are safe in our city, where the light ever shines. So long as we remain in peace, no harm will come.”
Sounds of relief came from the rest of the gods. Thor and Jane exchanged concerned looks. Loki’s eyes were fixed on Sigyn. She sneered with a choking grip on Gungnir. He could see she was shaking in her rage.
“Don’t be stupid, darling,” he muttered.
“You think she’d do it?” Brunnhilde asked.
“Certainly wouldn’t be the first time,” Loki said.
He looked back at Sigyn.
“You know him,” he said. “Use that.”
The Bifrost pulled her husband’s voice to her ears, unheard by everyone else. Sigyn rushed forward and the guards stopped her from entering the dais.
“Our children were taken!” she yelled. “He has my son! Would you not ask the same for yours?”
Loki smirked as a hush fell over the Greek pantheon. Zeus cast a furtive glance at them before looking back at Sigyn. Her desperation kept her from smiling when he didn’t answer.
“I am not merely king, I am a mother,” she said. “And my son is in danger. Would the mothers of your children not ask it of you? Would Leto not ask it for Apollo and Artemis? Would Metis not ask it for Athena?”
The three gods she named started whispering to each other. Artemis gripped her siblings’ hands, her youthful face full of concern. The Greek Pantheon’s mutterings crescendoed, all while trying not to look like they were staring at a woman amongst them in royal blue, with a peacock feather headdress. The woman glared not at Sigyn, but at Zeus, and Zeus was visibly fighting the urge to meet her gaze.
“Would Leda not ask it for Helen?” Sigyn continued. “Did she not? ‘Oh Mighty Zeus, my daughter is taken from my arms. If you cannot return her then I would have you burn Troy to the ground.’ Did Clytemnestra not beg for help when Iphigeneia was taken as a sacrifice? Did Demeter not lay waste to the earth for Persephone’s sake? Did Rhea, your own mother, not seek aid when her husband was set on destroying his children to keep the throne you now sit upon?”
Zeus glared down at her, his face like marble— cold, carved, and stony. Sigyn could only laugh.
“I know my mistake now,” she said. “The Goddess of Fidelity has come to call on the aid of the one man who has never heard her voice.”
A loud commotion broke out in the room. The woman in blue seethed at Zeus. Loki gripped the handrail in front of him as he grinned at Sigyn. Brunnhilde rolled her eyes.
“Get a room, would you?” she said.
“I intend to,” Loki said.
“If you will not help, we will kill him ourselves,” Sigyn said, turning to leave.
Zeus snapped and guards moved to stand in Sigyn’s path. Loki and Brunnhilde moved to get them out of the way, but more guards came to restrain them.
“We have to help them,” Jane said.
“Wait,” Thor said. “We should not give our position just yet.”
Sigyn looked back at Zeus, raising an eyebrow.
“The God Butcher seeks the key to Eternity,” Zeus said. “I cannot allow you to bring it to him.”
“You don’t want this fight,” Sigyn said.
“If you chose to stand down, there will be no fight,” Zeus said.
Sigyn regripped Gungnir.
“You don’t want this fight,” she repeated.
“Very well,” Zeus said. “Seize her.”
The guards closed in.
“Oh, no you don’t,” Sigyn said.
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tsarinatorment · 2 years
For the book asks: 2, 15, 18, 19 <3
2 and 15 were answered here
@hadronkaleidoscope also asked for 19.
18) Do you like historical books? Which time period?
I prefer historical fantasy to straight-up historical books. While I've read a few (or at least attempted to read a few), I generally don't get on with them and find them kinda boring (blasphemous for an archaeologist who enjoys history, I know...)
19) Most disliked popular books?
Kind of following on from the previous question here, but I just cannot get on with any of Jane Austin's works. I know she's very popular (as are her storylines when adapted to screen for films), but I have never managed to get more than a couple of chapters into any of them before giving up because I found them boring as heck.
On a completely different track and genre, I also really don't like Stephanie Meyer's Twilight series. Yes, I read them all because my best friend's sister kinda forced me to, but I belonged firmly in the anti-Twilight camp at school and I remain there fifteen years later.
Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird is also firmly on my list of disliked books, but I will admit that that is because it was a book I was forced to read for school and I have always hated any of those books; perhaps if I'd read it on my own terms I'd have appreciated it more. (The one exception to my hatred of required English reading was Anthony Horowitz's Stormbreaker which was my class book in year seven; the Alex Rider series is one I actually found interesting despite the forced school situation, although if you had to ask me for my favourite "teenage kid(s) solves crimes with cool gadgets" series, I have to say it's S.T.O.R.M by E.L. Young.)
Book Asks
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taaroko · 3 years
If I Could Start Again Ch. 5 (podfic)
So I don’t entirely hate my Samuel L. Jackson impression! It was much harder to do Erik’s Swedish accent. Coulson was definitely the most fun.
If I Could Start Again
Summary: Stormbreaker strikes Thanos a couple inches to the left of where it does in canon, with much more satisfying results. However, revenge alone won't fill the voids left behind by all that Thor has lost. The Time Stone might be able to help with that.
Infinity War Thor is thrown back into his younger body on the night of the botched coronation. He's going to be doing things a lot differently this time.
Brodinsons-focused time travel AU.
The audio file is linked at the top of the chapter. For now it’s just an MP3 I stuck on google drive, but that might change if I figure out a better system.
Chapter 5: The Land of Enchantment
Length: 15 minutes.
Chapter summary: Fury sends Coulson to investigate claims that a couple of Norse gods showed up in New Mexico, while Thor angsts a bit over meeting a Jane who has no memory of their relationship from the original timeline.
Characters: Thor, Loki, Jane, Darcy, Erik, Coulson, Fury, Sitwell, Clint.
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ddagent · 3 years
A Year in Review - Writers Version
Rules: pick your favourite sentence from a work you posted / wrote during a month of 2020! if you didn’t write anything in any particular month, don’t worry! tell us what you were doing or use it as free space for runner-up sentences. after that, tag 8 people or more to do the meme!
I know I am hideously late but I’m battling this sinus infection and only just now catching up. I was tagged by the amazing @aviss, and I am tagging anyone who wishes to do it! <3
January: Head, Hand, Heart (Chapter 15)
Brienne kissed Jaime in the spot where they had first met, where they had first embraced. Where they would stand as Queen and Prince Consort to preside over the kingdoms. Where they would present their first child to the Court. Where Jaime would tell their three children for the umpteenth time how he thought their mother the Maiden when she entered this very room. Brienne kissed Jaime in that spot until they both decided to return to their bedchambers and satisfy their hunger. They left the ghosts behind them as they went and began their new life together.
The Lion and the Beauty. Oathkeeper and Stormbreaker. The Golden Prince and the Warrior Queen.
February: I Can’t Get No Satisfaction 
“How gallant of you. Let us see how long it lasts before all you think about is your want; your need to touch your clit, fill that cunt of yours.” His teeth toyed with his bottom lip. Brienne loosened her grip. “You think I want to fuck you? I have no desire to bed anyone other than my sister, but I equally have no desire to walk all the way to the capital with my cock stiff and my balls blue. I am merely suggesting, my Lady, that we give each other a helping hand to take the edge off.”
“I won’t untie you.”
“There are other ways I can touch you, my Lady. You can straddle my face; let my tongue give you the orgasm you so desperately need.”
March: Sugar
Jaime’s forehead furrowed, and those beautiful lips fell into a frown. “Can you give us a minute?” he said to the waitress and, after she took her leave, leant across to Brienne once again. “You’re not used to asking for the things you want, are you?”
She bristled at his tone. “And I bet you never have to ask; they’re just given to you.”
He grinned. “Most of the time. I was lucky enough to be born into a family with more wealth than I can ever spend. My sister’s bought vineyards; my brother a boat or three. I’d like to buy your time and your company.”
“Why me?”
April: Table for One
As she completed the last table of appetisers, Podrick returned. He was smiling. “Table fourteen said to give his compliments to the chef.”
Brienne frowned. “He hasn’t even eaten it yet.”
“He said if you cook steak as well as your scallops, he’s in for a good meal.” Podrick closed the distance between them, so the rest of the kitchen couldn’t hear what else he had to say. “He also said that if he’s lucky enough to get a third course, he’d like the chef to bring it out herself.”
“Oh.” Her cheeks flushed. “I see.”
May: Chariot
Jaime pulled his car up in front of the Tarth Limited building; the blue-tinted windows shining in the King’s Landing sun. “We’re here.”
“Thank you,” said one of his passengers; a tall, striking woman with the bluest eyes Jaime had ever seen. Her companion, a shorter, plain-looking man whose face Jaime wouldn’t be able to pick out of a line-up, said nothing. “Have a good day.”
The woman went to open the rear door, only to find the handle stuck. Not wanting yet another comment about kidnapping passengers and holding them in his back seat, Jaime flung himself out of the driver’s side and opened Widow’s back door. While some (his mother, for example) found calling his car Widow’s Wail macabre, Jaime found it suited the faulty door, rusted exhaust, and the tendency for the radio to splutter to life at the oddest moments.
“Sorry about the door,” he offered, allowing the young woman to make her escape. “Have a–have a good day.”
June: Pride
Cat grinned, and Jaime just sat, watching his daughter smile his smile. She had her mother’s eyes and nose; both of their desire to wave around a stick at other people carrying sticks. But that smile was all him. She grinned at her lion cub, who had her mistress’ eyes, and Jaime knew the exact moment his daughter settled on the perfect name.
“Sapphire,” she said; the cub sneezing in response. “Saffie for short.”
“I love it. And your mother will love it, too.” He stroked his daughter’s head, earning a content smile from his child and a bop of the head from the newest addition to the family. “Now, will my little lions finally go to bed?”
July: Sparkline
“Nineteen Reasons why Hand Jaime Lannister is the sexiest politician in Westeros,” Brienne teased as Jaime entered her office. The Sparkline article was open in her browser; a topless photograph found on his brother’s social media reason number one. “And then there’s the one about your beard.”
Jaime ran a hand over his face as he slumped into his familiar seat beside Brienne’s desk. “Ah, yes. I saw that article.”
“They suggested you should call it Ovary Killer.” A clear riff on Oathkeeper, the ancient Valyrian sword that hung in the Queen’s office. It’s sister blade hung in his own. He’d like to take it to his laptop most days. Over her screen, Brienne caught Jaime’s eye and grinned. “The press is rather fond of you.”
“As they are of you, Your Grace. You and…Renly.”
August: Score
“Touché, Ms Tarth,” Jaime said; his smile fixed in place as he chatted with her. “Manager of the Evenstar and so desperate to meet me that you did a job one of your staff could have easily done.”
Brienne snorted. “I don’t believe in hiding in my office, Mister Lannister, especially during a busy weekend. Believe me, the highlight of my day will be watching you lose, not seeing you in a small towel.”
“Oh, so you did see me in that towel?” Jaime Lannister teased his bottom lip with his teeth, and her traitorous stomach somersaulted. “I should thank you again, Ms Tarth. My lucky gloves were in my room; without that key, who knows how many of your goals I would have nearly let in.”
“I don’t think your hands are nearly as good as you think they are.”
September: Mixed Doubles
The half-penny dropped, and Jaime had the sudden urge to throw himself in front of a fire-breathing dragon. Anything other than face this realisation. As Jason re-joined Brienne and Melara in the living room, Jaime gripped the kitchen island and tried not to scream. “Oh, Gods!”
“Now, Jaime, this isn’t something to get worked up about,” his father declared; a wry smile forming on his features. “In actuality, it’s rather amusing.”
“We’re not even on the same continent as amusing! Tyrion told me to wait a day.” Jaime turned sharply towards his brother. “Wait a day, you said. Ask her then if you think it’s right, you said. Well during that day, Brienne fell for the direct-to-DVD version of me!”
Tyrion held out his hands; trying to placate his brother. “Jaime, I know you’re angry—”
“—angry; I’m not angry. I just want to hit you, wait a day, and take you to the maester then!”
October: N/A
[I didn’t write anything in October. Not even headcanons :( ]
November: Not Marriage Material
“Is she presentable?”
From behind the handmaiden, a choked snort of derision echoed out into the hallway. Jaime, Lord of Casterly Rock, just smiled. The handmaiden, short of stature but sweet of face, merely nodded and allowed him entry. Her gaze lingered on his crimson tunic and golden curls before the girl took her leave; no doubt to return to the kitchens and wax poetic about the Golden Lion. Jaime took a moment to bask in the admiration before he entered his oldest friend’s chambers.
Brienne was sat in front of the looking glass, staring unhappily at her reflection. Jaime crossed the room and pressed his lips to her freckled cheek. “Lady Evenstar.”
“My Lord.” Brienne sighed as he perched himself atop the dresser. “Who is it today?”
December: A Sevenmas Carol
“I don’t deserve this.”
“Did I deserve my end, Kingslayer? Did my husband and sons? Does your sister, after all she’s done, deserve to die in your arms like lovers from a song?” Lady Stark blinked away a tear. “Life is not given to the deserving. It is not a case of what you deserve. What do you want, Ser Jaime?”
He did not even have to think. “Her.”
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mymarvelbunch · 4 years
Different Roads... Same Destination: Part Four
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader (established). This specific chapter contains a lot of Steve x Peggy! (Also, brief mentions to Steve x Sharon)
Summary: When the Avengers went back in time to get the Infinity Stones, new timelines were created. By not delivering them back to their exact same spots, you and Steve created major changes in those timelines. What happened? (Non-American!Reader)
This is a sequel to “Be Your Own Hero”. I highly recommend you read it first, since it features many major changes in canon that are addressed here.
Notes: Y/N = your (first) name; Y/Co = your home country; Y/Ci = your home city; Y/N/L = your native language (to be ignored in case you speak English).
Part Four
Peggy was, naturally, in denial. It took a lot of time to convince her of his identity, and even then she was only fully convinced when she kissed him. “You kiss the same”, she whispered, pulling away after brief seconds (enough time for him to cup her face).
He had wanted to keep his return a secret at first, but he failed to account for Howard Stark. Soon Captain America was all over the news as ‘coming back from the dead’. Journalists gathered around him to get interviews, and for months he didn’t have a single moment of peace.
It didn’t matter much, not as he and Peggy danced to a newly released song, kissing every time the lyrics told them to.
“Kiss me once, and kiss me twice, and kiss me once again, It’s been a long, long time...”
He and Peggy got married with only Howard, Jarvis and their wives as witnesses. On their honeymoon, he told her all about alternate Steve and showed the small notebook he gave him.
“Sergeant Barnes alive?”, she nearly gasped.
“Kept prisoner by HYDRA, according to this”, he said. “Had been injected by a prototype serum when I rescued him, which enabled him to survive his fall. Makes sense in retrospect.”
She bit her lip. “I guess it’s worth a look, though we can’t do anything useful before we go back to Washington.”
They didn’t wait long after that. Sgt. Barnes was successfully rescued four months later, along with other prisoners. “I’m offended I didn’t get to be your best man, punk”, was the first full sentenced Bucky said after stepping foot on American soil. Steve laughed, and Peggy grinned.
“I hope being our child’s godfather can compensate for it”, she said, placing her hands on her belly. Steve’s attention was suddenly all on her as he hugged her tightly.
Bucky joined SHIELD soon after Howard made him a new arm. “Way prettier than the one HYDRA gave me. More functional too.”
“Of course”, Howard boasted. “Don’t compare me to that shitty corporation.”
Bucky was also very vocal about not letting Zola inside SHIELD, which reminded Steve of another thing written in The Notebook. He would not tell Howard about his alternate self - he didn’t trust the man to keep his mouth shut - but he was able to reason with him.
“Zola belongs either in jail or in a grave”, Peggy spat. Pregnancy made her more prone to anger. The scientist was found dead not much after, and no one ever found out how he died (not that anyone bothered that much).
Bucky got married in 1950 to Angie Martinelli, Peggy’s friend who was Sarah Rogers’ godmother along with him. Their first children (a couple of twins, Peter and Lyra) came to world two years later, a week before Steve and Peggy’s first son, Christopher.
Peggy was still director of SHIELD, Steve slowly fading to the background as its agent. Not that he minded, even though Peggy insisted on his importance as Captain America. “You are a symbol, Steve”, she’d say.
“Captain America is a title”, he’d reply. “It can belong to someone else.”
However, he was only able to pass his mantle when Sarah turned 20 and completed her training. All his four children (Sarah, Chris, Emily and Paul) were born with his serum on their veins, enabling them to follow their father’s steps if they wanted.
Sarah was the only one who did, much to Steve’s relief; he wasn’t looking forward to a family of spies. She officially took the title of Captain America on the week that marked Tony Stark’s birth.
It was another point of his and Peggy’s talks. The Notebook had notes on Howard’s only son; how he had not received enough love from his father, and only relied on his mother (and sometimes his family butler) for support. “If we got named as his godparents, we’ll have a perfect excuse to be in his life”, he told her, and she agreed.
It was a little odd, the time it took for Howard and Maria to have a child. By the time Tony was born, the only reason they weren’t grandparents yet was the fact that Sarah didn’t want to get married.
Meanwhile, Christopher and Emily were engaged to each of Bucky’s twins. “Reminds me of when the entire 107th though you and I were fucking”, his best friend said, laughing like it was the best joke he had ever heard.
Peggy didn’t help any. “You mean that you were ‘fondueing’?”, she asked while taking a sip of tea, like the British woman she was. Steve just groaned.
Peggy’s sister-in-law (who was ten years younger than her husband) gave birth to her youngest child on the same month she and Steve became grandparents. Sharon Carter was mentioned in The Notebook, but in passing; he missed it on his first reading.
“Agent 13″, he read aloud to Peggy. She already had a few white hair locks, and the difference between their aging speed was visible (though he was sure he saw a white strand on the previous week). “I suppose this means she worked for SHIELD in the other timeline.”
“It might not be the case now”, his wife replied softly. “This is Sharon who had another uncle. She probably saw you looking less than 30.” A chuckle. “Who knows, this other Steve might have even dated her.”
“Absolutely not, she’s my niece.”
“She isn’t the other Steve’s.”
A loud groan was heard. “I really don’t want to imagine it, Peggy. We’re talking about a baby. A baby who’s our grandson’s age.”
The amount of teasing Steve endured at that very moment could not be properly translated into words. You were no help, busy as you were laughing.
“Aw, I wish she was here to watch this”, Sam said. “Why didn’t you invite her, Scott?”
“I... don’t know her?”
“Where is she, by the way?”, Natasha wondered. You glanced at Steve, who huffed.
“I kiss her one time, and now I’m supposed to know all her whereabouts?” When you didn’t answer, just kept staring, he sighed. “I’ve heard she moved to California.”
“See? That wasn’t so hard.”
“I clearly have a type: women who can kick my ass and laugh at my expense.”
“I can’t kick your ass, not without Mjölnir, or Stormbreaker.”
“The mere fact that you can wield them already enables you to kick my ass.”
“Stop arguing before it gets kinky!”, Tony shouted. You two laughed.
Taking down KGB was not an easy task. Without HYDRA, the Soviets invested more on their national espionage division.
However, it got easier with the fall of Soviet Union. Following her father’s instructions, Sarah rescued many little girls training to be spies. One of them was to be brought to US, if she consented to it.
Natalia Romanova, a 7-year-old girl with dreams of becoming a ballerina, is adopted by the Starks. Tony, a 21-year-old adult, happily welcomes his little sister into the family.
“There’s someone else for us to look after”, he mentioned to Peggy. His hair was fully white now, and his ‘Adonis muscles’ had started to fade off, but he was still more energetic than most 73-year olds.
“There are many names, actually”, Peggy replied. She had just retired from SHIELD, after turning 70. She wasn’t as ‘preserved’ as her husband, but still looked younger than her age. “We only crossed Bucky’s, Tony’s and Natasha’s. There is still a lot of work to do if we are going to follow your notebook, and so far it seems to be the right thing to do.”
However, right after they took Clint Barton from the circus and had Emily adopt him too, they took a pause to mourn their youngest son.
In 1979, Paul told his parents he was gay. Although surprised, they simply told him that they’d always love and support him. He and Sarah moved out of their parents’ home and lived together, since neither of them would marry. In 1990, however, he was diagnosed with AIDS after he started coughing blood. It left the whole family terrified; Paul himself had been telling them about his other gay/bi friends who had been taken away due to that horrible disease.
Two years later, he died at home, holding his sister’s hand and gasping for breath.
Was it okay to cry for a son you never had? Because tears were falling down Steve’s cheeks for Paul. You kissed his cheek and embraced him tighter, but didn’t say a word. You tried to imagine yourself in Peggy’s place. Steve might have already been prepared for the possibility of outliving his offspring; after all, no one knew how long he’d live with the serum in his blood. But Peggy was like you, a normal human. At the age of 70 especially, she would never think she’d outlive one of her children, let alone her youngest.
You had studied a bit about the AIDS pandemic at college, but no reading would do justice to the pain you could see in the faces of those alternate versions of your friends and their beloved ones.
By the time Carol Danvers showed on SHIELD’s radar, Sarah Rogers had already passed the Captain America mantle to her 15-year-old nephew John. “It’ll be temporary”, he warned, “until any of my siblings or cousins is ready to take it.”
Still, he was there to watch over Carol and rescue her from the Kree who tried to kidnap her. He took her to her best friend, and he could swear he saw his deceased uncle when Danvers and Rambeau smiled and embraced each other.
Ten years later, he’d pass the mantle to his young brother James as he and Monica Rambeau had their first child.
Tony was still kidnapped in Afghanistan and still became Iron Man, his parents long gone (Howard had a heart attack in 1993 and Maria had a stroke in 1998). Looking back, he blamed himself for not listening to Aunt Peggy and Uncle Steve; they had always told him to shut down the weapons department of Stark Industries (but how could he? He had a duty to SHIELD).
This time, however, he had more than just Pepper, Rhodey and Happy for support. Natasha soon realized Obadiah Stane’s true intentions and unmasked him before he could do any real damage. Tony’s little sister got an iron suit of her own in her 24th birthday. 
Clint and Natasha still joined SHIELD, but with no red on their ledger to wipe out. Hank Pym still recruited Scott Lang, but years in advance, thanks to a ‘casual tip’ Peggy Carter gave him (he never left SHIELD or Stark Industries in this one). His daughter would eventually get a suit of her own, though hers would take more time.
Sam was recruited to SHIELD too, shortly after losing Riley. His new job gave him a purpose, and he was happy.
Banner never turned into the Hulk, not when he had Steve to talk him out of replicate his serum. “This is no blessing”, he told him. “Just look at mine and Bucky’s kids. Why do you think they married within our inner circle? Why do you think John married a woman who lived with a super-powered step-mom? None of us really fit in, we’re outsiders. You don’t want that.”
So, when Loki arrived with the Chitauri army, a slightly different team defeated him. James Rogers was barely 18, too young to lead, but Tony had grown up with Steve as his godfather and Sarah as his ‘cousin’ and knew how to do it. Iron Man, Iron Scarlet (there was no Black Widow alias for Natasha to adopt), Captain America (fourth of his name, as people called him), Hawkeye, Thor, Captain Marvel and Ant-Man teamed up rather easily.  (A couple years later, War Machine, Falcon and the Wasp would join the team.)
With no HYDRA, there is no Scarlet Witch, no Quicksilver. Tony is a different man here, not blinded by trauma and fear, and there is no Ultron either. T’Chaka is never killed, but this time, Wakanda is visited by the Avengers and the three former Captain Americas. Their borders are opened without a civil war, and eventually Shuri is the one added to the Avengers line-up (not in a Black Panther suit, of course; it’d be disrespectful).
Peggy passes away in her sleep in 2016. Steve is still strong enough to carry her coffin, with Bucky by his side and their sons behind them. “Did that notebook tell you that?”, his best friend asked after they left the cemetery.
“No. The notes end on ‘Thanos’ and ‘Infinity Stones’. I’m not sure what any of these mean.”
“You should pass it on to the Avengers. It’s past our time to help, punk.”
It was true. Both of them lost most of their built-up appearance, and truly looked like old men. Their third great-grandkid had just been born, and now both were widowers (Angie had died a year before Peggy, in a hospital, after fracturing her left femur). A week later, they moved to an apartment Tony bought for them, near the Avengers Tower. Steve gave the Notebook to James and retired for good.
In the end, no warning prepared them for the Decimation. In their defense, Thanos didn’t really invade Earth this time. Ebony Maw showed up to get the Time Stone and, like in the original timeline, the battle was taken to space.
The heartbreak over losing so many of his family, so suddenly, not to mention his best friend, was too much for Steve. A huge service was made for the first Captain America, and small, intimate funeral was made for the man under the helmet and uniform.
Some things don’t change, though. Three years later, you still show up at the Avengers compound with an idea to reverse things. Time travel was still figured out, and they brought everyone back without any major casualties. You still fell in love with Captain America, and he with you. It was just a different person wearing the mantle.
Bucky died less than a year later. His last words were “till the end of the line, pal”.
It was odd to see a timeline where you never met Steve. “Honestly, it was better this way”, he commented when you pointed that out. “I really don’t want to see if we’re meant to be when I’m over 100 years old. I’ll gladly let this version of you be with my grandson instead.”
“He looks better than you, punk”, Bucky added. “Must be the addition of Peggy’s genes and mine.”
“Your alternate wife also helped”, Natasha agreed.
They laughed. “That was the last one”, Strange said after they stopped laughing. “I’m not doing this again.”
You smiled anyway. “Thank you, Strange. It was fun to watch, especially among friends.”
He nodded and gave you a tiny smile in return.
We’re nearly finished! All that’s left is the epilogue. I plan on writing it to be cute <3
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I’m so glad you’re back - Chapter 12
chapter 1  chapter 2  chapter 3  chapter 4  chapter 5  chapter 6  chapter 7  chapter 8  chapter 9  chapter 10  chapter 11  chapter 13  chapter 14  chapter 15  Epilogue
We're almost there guys!! Now that I've finished it I kinda wanna upload it all at once but we've gotta be patient ❤❤
hope you enjoy!!!! let me know your thoughts!
The tunnels were dark. There was barely any light to allow Natasha to see as she ran down the halls, but thankfully her flashlight managed to light the way as she ran from the disgusting creatures called the Chitauri. The same ones she had fought over a decade ago in new york with her newly formed team. Just herself, thor, tony, bruce Clint and steve. There were tons of them chasing her, she could just about outrun them before she found an opening to the level above and the further levels above that.
She knew the opening would allow her to get to the ground outside once she reached the top. Throwing her spare grappling hook up, she managed to get it to hook onto something, allowing her to automatically pull herself upwards. She had replaced it once she had resulted to prepare for the blowback after the second snap, just in case.  At the time she didn't even realise she was replacing it, Vormir had still been fresh, her old hook swiped and used by Clint to keep her from falling off that goddamn cliff. But she had replaced it, there wasn't any reason she had too, she didn't expect for this to happen, maybe it was just an automatic response to losing her equipment, she'd done it for years, loosing and using things that needed replacing. But now she was glad she had replaced it because if she hadn't, she'd probably be Chitauri food right now.
The Chitauri tried to follow her by climbing up the walls, their claws digging in to the metal walls and curling around handrails allowing them leverage to grip against, but before they could reach her she pulled out her gun from her thigh holster, making sure to keep the gauntlet secure under her other arm, and shot at them as she spun around the cord, some were killed by the bullets and some weren't, but thankfully she had her widow bites and miniature explosive arrowheads that she had spare for client, in her utility belt. Throwing them at the creatures, they started to set off as she rode up to the cord, killing the remaining Chitauri without hurting herself, allowing her a clean getaway.
Finally reaching the top level, Natasha unattached herself from the cord and collapsed onto the floor, letting out a huff of a laugh and a huge breath she clutches at the metal glove to her chest when She can hear a sound to her right, like footsteps. suddenly she jerks her eyes open. But Natasha just sees her friend nebula walking towards her.
Letting out a sigh in relief at the sight of her friend, Natasha speaks to the woman that her son considers an aunt.
“Boy am I glad to see you neb” the redhead shoots her arms upwards, holding out the gauntlet for nebula to take, which the blue cyborg gladly does. To be honest, nebula though it might have been harder to take the gauntlet but it seemed this woman was more than happy to hand it over. Natasha was glad to finally let someone else take the responsibility for the most powerful thing in the universe but soon she would come to regret it.
Closing her eyes once more, Natasha lets herself catch her breath and relax, flopping her arms down to her sides.
“Father I have the stones”
Shooting her eyes open, and sitting up Natasha is confused at first, it isn't until she looks at nebula again with confusion, that she realises she is missing her golden faceplate. now Its silver, like it was the first time they had met. This wasn't her nebula. Then it clicked. Once they had got back from the quantum tunnel and from getting the stones, she had wandered off on her own, no one had seen her when bruce had snapped. Natasha thought maybe it was because they had lost a team member and she wanted to let them mourn. But it was too much coincidence. Nebula goes missing and then the compound blows up?
Before Natasha can react to her suspicion, ‘nebula’ pulls out a gun, aiming it at her head. The spy could see the blue finger inching closer to the trigger, ready to pull it on the woman on the ground with no hesitation. The only thing that stops her from shooting is a voice calling her name, it isn't one that's familiar with Natasha, but nebula instantly knows who it is.
Shifting her eyes to see this new voice, Natasha sees green skin and red hair. Then it clicks, nebula and rocket had shown her a picture once of nebulas sister. Gamora. It was her, and she was holding out a gun, aiming at her sister.
Nebula follows the braided redheads gaze to see her sister.
“Stop” For a second, one small second, nebula actually thinks about it. But she shakes her head. The gun on Natasha still ready to fire.
“I can't.” tightening her grip on the gun nebula moves to fire but is stopped once more. But not by her sister, but by her older self.
“You're betraying us.” its all the younger nebula can think about, gamora had been loyal to their father and so had she. She just wanted the same appreciation that her sister received and if helping his cause would do that then so be it. Her sister had always been his favourite. She just wanted to be loved. Was that too much to ask?
“You don't have to do this.” it's her older self that speaks up this time. Future nebula knew she could change, she was the past nebula at one point, and in that timeline, she was a few months of joining her sister anyway. But maybe this, the change in her timeline was too much.
“I am - this.”
“No, you're not.” Gamora's heart almost breaks at her sister's thoughts, nebula didn't believe she could do good, that she could change. All she needed was a push, a little help.
“See what we'll become.” future nebula begs her past self.
“Nebula, listen to her.” gamora tells her sister, she wants to believe she will change sides but she can't take that risk just in case. Gamora is still holding the gun at her sister, and nebula still holding hers at Natasha.
“You can change.” future nebula tells her, but her pst selfs eyes darken even further, her voice becoming deeper at the realisation that she would never be allowed too.
“He won't let me”
Suddenly, nebulas gun is moved from Natasha's head and is swung in the direction of her sister, but gamora is too slow to react to the sudden act.
Nebula steps closer to pull the trigger but before she can a bang goes off, and then there's a hold in her chest. Right in her heart. Natasha and gamora stare in shock at the injured cyborg as she quickly falls to the ground, dead.
Both woman looking up, they see that it was the real nebula, the future one that had shot the past version of herself.
as Natasha sat and watched the strained look on her friends face, her nebula crouched down to be at her level and carefully checked she was okay.
“Nat are you okay? Is James safe?”
“I'm fine neb, and James is at tony and peppers don't worry. Thank you.” cannula nodded at her friend, not needing her to thank her. She would do anything to protect the ones she considered family. Swivelling on her feet, she leaned over to pick the gauntlet from the dead cyborg's arms and passed it to the redhead.
“Natasha, you need to get the stones to our friends.”
“be safe.” Natasha nodded quickly and opened her mouth.
“I will, you be safe too got it?”  giving the cyborg a quick hug, Natasha turns to look at the green woman who had a look of disbelief and surprise at her sister.
“Pleasure to meet you gamora, your sister told me all about you, id loves to stay and chat but you know.”
Gamora agreed with the redheaded woman, and let her get back to business, they both watched as Natasha left the level and made it up to the surface. Gamora just couldn't believe she had actually seen her sister hug another being willingly and had worried about another called James? Her sister really had made friends and even thought of them as a family in the future.
A violent battle immediately begins between the Avengers, their allies and Thanos' army.
Both sides collide with each other on the ground and in the air, as a giant Ant-Man punches a Leviathan to the ground, the same type of leviathan the original avengers had fought in new york in 2012. Tony and pepper were fighting side by side in the sky, repulsor beams aiming at different enemies as they fly back to back. Down on the ground below the wife and husband were steve and thor fighting off the chitauri that were trying to rip them apart, at one point they ended up with each others weapons, thor holding his classic weapon and steve with Stormbreaker.
“No, no, you have the little one.”
Steve playfully rolled his eyes at the god as they swapped weapons once more so thor could have the bigger one and so they could continue to fight the ravenous creatures charging towards them.
Suddenly in the sky, tony is ambushed by Cull Obsidian, the giant being knocking him with his weapon but swinging past to catch him was peter. The teenager then shot his webs at the monster and pulled using his strength, making Obsidion trip on his feet and fall to the ground but before the giant could get up and fight back, Scott lang in his giant form conveniently stepped on him, instantly crushing and killing him.
After watching the giant being crushed, peter instantly ran over to his mentor to check if he was okay. Tony was speechless, the kid was here. Peter was stood right in front of him after all this time, the same kid babbling on without breathing like he used to do. This kid, peter, was the reason they brought everyone back. If he hadn't of seen peters picture a few days ago, he doubts he would have made the quantum tunnel time machine.
“Hey! Holy cow! You will not believe what's been going on. Do you remember when we were in space? And I got all dusty? And I must've passed out because I woke up and you were gone. But Doctor Strange was there right. And he said 'It's been five years. Come on, they need us.' And he started doing the yellow sparkly thing that he does. Anyway…”
All tony can do is walk towards the teenager and pull him into a hug, a content smile on his face as he embraced peter. This hug came 5 years too late. Peter was hesitant at first, he didn't actually realise what tony was doing until he was hugging him, but as soon as he realised he returned the hug with a smile.
“This is nice.”
On a separate part of the battlefield, peter quill is trying to fight off the chitauri that are now beginning to outnumber him, he doesn't have enough hands or guns to fight them all off, but suddenly another blaster from behind kills the oncoming chitauri about to attack him.
Turning around to see his saviour, peters eyes land upon a green woman with dark red hair. Gamora. But he thought she died? Mantis had told him Thanos had been in grief when hey tried to stop him on titan. But here she was standing in front of him, his girlfriend. The woman he loved. His eyes widened in disbelief as he walked closer to her.
“Gamora? I thought I lost you.” Peter continues to get closer until the point he's inches away from her body and raises his arms to grab her face to pull her in for a kiss but before he can touch her, gamora lifts her knee straight into his groin, making him scream from the pain and collapse on the floor.
“This is the one? Really?” As she watches the human struggle on the floor, she raises one eyebrow in disgust and turns back round to her sister, the 2023 nebula who was stood behind her and questioned her. Nebula just shrugged her shoulders at gamora.
“It was either him or the tree.”
Running onto the battlefield, the redhead's eyes land on the countless soldiers and warriors fighting against their enemies. Looks like she missed a lot down in the tunnels. But the biggest thing that stood out to her was that every one of her friends was fighting. Not just her friends form the last 5 years, the ones she had made a team with but her friends she had lost all those years ago too. In the distance she can see red balls of energy, instantly recognising them as Wanda's powers. She was back! But it wasn't just Wanda that was back, she could see endless soldiers dressed in Asgardian armour, Thor’s lost people. She could see the young boy named peter swinging around dodging fire. She tried to look for more of her friends, but the oncoming hoard of chitauri won't allow her to stand and observe. She starts to run for it. The gauntlet still clutched in her arms.
Dodging as many creatures as she could and killing the ones that came into contact with her, Natasha ran towards the middle of the battleground, trying to find anyone that could help her but everyone is busy trying to defend themselves. Then Natasha remembered she still has her comm in, being too preoccupied with Chitauri and sister drama to notice or use it before. She stops, shielding herself behind some debree of a rock watching the battle commence.
“Tony! Can you hear me? I've got the stones, What do I do with them? Tony?”
“I'm a little busy right now red so ill have to direct your call to the man behind you. Thank you for calling.”
The redhead's eyebrows knit together at Tony's words. Confusion covered her face. Then turning around on the spot to her left, Natasha braid flips over to the other side of her shoulder. But shes stopped from moving any further by the overwhelming sense of shock she feels when she sees the man stood in front of her.
Looking the exact same he did when she last saw him. His longer darker hair and his beard the exact same. The same look of love on his face whenever he looked at her.  
Natashas eyes start to well up at the sight of the super-soldier holding his old shield and Mjolnir in his hands. Her soldier.
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rollforpersuasion · 4 years
The idiots go to Saltmarsh pt. 2
Sept. 16
Illyria glanced up from her novel, a thrilling and eyebrow raising Dwarvish saga, and said hello to the tiny stranger. The goose hissed at the interruption, furious at being woken before dawn.
The gnome, Rackham Byrnne, told them to head toward the deck and lend a hand to the sailors who were struggling to navigate through the burgeoning storm. Cleis immediately sprung to her feet and tossed her satchel around her chest. She was three steps away from the door when Len began tossing on a pair of discarded shoes and a cloak… though as she was lacing the boots she realized absentmindedly that they weren’t hers. 
In moments Illyria was at Cleis’ side, clinging to her arm as if it were a life raft. The pirate scowled and shook the larger woman off as best she could and began climbing the stairs to the deck. Illyria clung tighter and followed her into the night. 
As Len and Talia emerged they heard faintly from the cargo hold, “Where’s my boots? Wait, where’s my cloak?” Len glanced at Talia and shrugged before turning to assess the chaos into which they had emerged. Several sailors that had been sleeping below burst out behind them, one barefoot and cursing his bad luck. 
The sky was black and the waves were rising ever higher, sloshing onto the deck with frequent fury.
They were fucked. 
But the tiny gnome was yelling for them to make themselves useful. 
The wind whipped back and forth and the rain continued to pelt the deck. Illyria let out a soft hum at the sight and then shrugged .
“It’s just, I don’t know, drizzling,” Illyria said. She held up her holy symbol with a smirk, casually remarking that she would be fine before turning back toward the stairs. 
Still clinging to Cleis, Illyria inched closer. She lifted one thin, auburn hand and ran her fingers down the side of Cleis’s face. 
“Bless you child,” she whispered. Cleis stared in rising horror the longer the cheek cupping lasted. Illyria suddenly patted her cheek with a firm pop. The elf cast guidance on her still bewildered counterpart before letting go completely, turning dramatically on her boot, opening her book and descending the stairs back toward her cot. 
Cleis peered up toward the stars, or what few she could glimpse among the rolling clouds. She used her navigation tools and began to quickly calculate a course toward the still invisible shore. Sprinting to the quarterdeck (thank you very much to the roll 17) she was able to discern a familiar constellation. They were 15 degrees too far west. Pointing toward the east she yelled directions and Captain Grendanna Stormbreaker immediately shifted the wheel. Perhaps she was in awe of her confidence, perhaps she had nothing to lose. 
Talia glanced around and with a rising wave of determination she strode toward a barrel at the center of the ship. The warlock knew a riveting prayer would rally the gods toward their plight and boost the morale of the crew. She felt it in her bones. And who was she to let the crew down?
She hefted herself up onto the barrel and eyed the hustling sailors. At the top of her lungs she began. 
“We cal—” and immediately Talia fell through the rotten lid. (You see Talia unfortunately had rolled a three). From within the now cracked and sagging barrel she glanced around and thankfully realized no one had noticed. Though that also filled her with frustration. How dare those peons not listen to her call upon the gods?
Rotten potatoes clung to her clothes and squelched inside her shoes as she pulled herself from the wreckage. At least the rain was cleaning the muck from her. She’d have to give her socks a good washing though. 
Len meanwhile had decided her best bet at being any matter of assistance would be to ascend to the heavens. She headed toward the mainmast, determined to lower the highest sails. (Len rolls a 5) Leaping up she grabbed the first and second handles with ease. 
If only Goose could see this, she thought as pride at her own incredible acrobatic skill rose within her.
As she reached for the third peg her hand slipped on the wet wood and she fell, knocking the wind out of her lungs upon the brutal impact. 
An hour passes. Len climbs over and over and never makes it more than halfway up the mast. She was thankful Goose had stayed below deck after all. Talia prays and mutters — perhaps the words “powers that be” and “eternal darkness” slip through — she’ll never admit just who she had attempted to summon to save them. The sailors start to wonder if she is the cause of their obviously celestial damnation. 
Cleis and the Captain plot course after course and fight the wheel as they attempt to remain pointed toward Saltmarsh. Illyria discovers the next chapter has a saucy turn of events she hadn’t predicted and eagerly turns the page. The thin paper slices at her fingertip and she frowns before sucking the gently bleeding thumb and starting the next paragraph. When she reads what was oh-so-thoroughly described her eyebrow raised. 
The waves are now the size of the mast. Captain Stormbreaker yells to her crew, muscles straining to hold the wheel in place. 
“I’ll need everyone to try even harder! We have to work together in order to —”
A wave crashes over the side of the boat sending Cleis face first onto the floor. She banged her head on the wheel on the way down and saw a new assortment of stars when she closed her eyes to block the pain. Illyria went flying from her perch on the cot. Thankfully her quick reflexes shoved her finger inbetween the pages of the book so despite the tumble she didn’t lose her spot. Len and Talia luckily are able to stagger and remain on their feet. 
Captain Stormbreaker grabs Cleis by her drenched black linen top and lifts her to her feet. “Do. Something.” She growls. “Anything!”
Illyria — as if sensing someone else was touching her new favorite creature — runs from below deck up toward Cleis. She possessively rips her away from the captain and holds her face in both of her hands. Gazing into her eyes she asks, “Do you understand boats?”
Frustration wars with disbelief and Cleis glares back at the elf. Her fingers flex, itching to rip the dagger free from its holster in her boot, but when the orange elf begins speaking again she pauses. 
“Tell me what to say and I can use Thaumaturgy to project my voice across the ship,” Illyria promises with a smile as if she had suddenly solved all of their problems with one compassionate gesture.
Cleis hates the fact that she needs her. But the plan isn’t bad so she nods once and closes her eyes in an attempt to abate the murderous thoughts running through her mind. Tapping into the plethora of stressful fights against the sea she’s been a part of over the years Cleis takes a breath, glances at Illyria and turns to the rest of the crew.
“You will listen to me. Listen!” Cleis bellows. 
Illyria raises to her full height and gestures dramatically toward the crew, her voice ringing in all their ears. 
“You will all listen to me! Listen!” She echoes and sends a wink Cleis’ way.
“Sailors all over the world will be looking to us, to the Sharkfin to lead!”
“Sailors! Blah blah blah… Sharkfin! Leaders!” Illyria yells. Her hand gestures intensify. It’s obvious her years of community theatre are paying off. 
“And what will they see? Frightened bilge rats aboard a derelict ship? No! No! They will see free men and freedom!” Cleis continues with narrowed eyes glaring at the elf beside her.
“Umm are they going to see rats? Probably. Maybe free men? Freedom? Not sure how you can literally see that, but alright. You’re the director.” 
“Here’s what you’re going to do,” Cleis said. “Man the stations to which you were assigned at the start of the voyage.” 
“Do this! Actually wait, I don’t understand what she’s saying right now,” Illyria says with a finger raised to her chin. As she taps she mouths the words Cleis had just said as if attempting to solve some ancient riddle.
“Man the fucking stations you were assigned.” Cleis breaths out through gritted teeth. 
“OK, OK I see. Man the stations you were assigned! At the start of the voyage?”
“Do your fucking jobs or we will die!” Cleis says. Her nails dug into the railing as she dares Illyria with the sheer weight of her gaze to screw up such a simple statement. 
“What is fucking?” The elf asks, voice still booming. She turns to the captain. “What is fucking? I don’t know this word. We don’t use it on my island back home. What does it mean?”
“YOU’RE OLDER THAN ME BY SO MUCH!” Cleis yells. “How do you not know what I’m saying?” “You’re older than me by so much!” Illyria echoes to the now staring crew. 
“I’m ending the speech,” Cleis says as she runs her hand over her aching brow. 
“I’m ending the speech!” Illyria repeats before waving her hand and bowing to the crew. (Cleis rolls a 17)
The crew found the performance...  confusing. However, upon watching Cleis’ face turn bright red and a vein emerging along her neck and forehead they began to get the gist of the message, or at the very least the threat behind it. Lightning flashed in her eyes and Cleis’ skin began to turn green with unchanneled magic. 
To say the least they are terrified and the soaked sailors begin to work even faster at their tasks. 
“I think it worked, but you’ll have to explain what a fucking was for me later alright?” Illyria whispers to Cleis as she passes. The half elf grinds her teeth and keeps moving. 
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bbygirl-aemond · 1 year
aegon, at the slightest provocation:
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tshirtfashiontrend · 5 years
Avatar's Box Office Record Is Even More Impressive After Avengers: Endgame
Link Buys Now: https://kingteeshops.com/avatars-box-office-record-is-even-more-impressive-after-avengers-endgame/
Avatar's Box Office Record Is Even More Impressive After Avengers: Endgame
Avatar’s Box Office Record Is Even More Impressive After Avengers: Endgame
There has not been a movie event in our lifetimes quite like Avengers: Endgame. No amount of pie-in-the-sky box office forecasting or broken pre-sales records could have prepared the industry or us for the opening weekend of Marvel’s culmination film. By the time all the money was counted on Monday morning, Avengers: Endgame had obliterated the domestic opening weekend box office record by nearly $100 million and left a sea of exhausted movie theater employees in its wake.
Avengers: Endgame shot off like a rocket and the domestic opening weekend record was just the first major victim to fall to Marvel’s decade-in-the-making achievement. One by one, the Russo Brothers film climbed the box office charts, breaking records and felling many other massive movies, including those of the MCU, on its way to the top. Records are made to be broken, and like a blow from Stormbreaker, Endgame has done plenty of breaking.
But there is one record in particular left to break. One record that cements a movie as the biggest ever and the all-time box office champ. One film that stands alone. That record is for the worldwide box office gross, and it belongs to James Cameron’s Avatar.
After an opening weekend that got it over 40% of the way there, and after it sunk James Cameron’s other box office stalwart Titanic, it seemed to many like it was a matter of ‘if’, not ‘when’ Avengers: Endgame would break Avatar’s record. That inevitability might have been premature though.
Avengers: Endgame currently sits at $2.713 billion worldwide, but Forbes’ Scott Mendelsohn does not see it having enough juice to make it to the $2.788 billion and beyond needed to match Avatar and claim the worldwide box office crown. Instead, he predicts that it will top out at a staggering, but still second-place, total $2.766 billion.
It is still a monumental achievement and no one involved has anything to hang their heads over if the film has to ‘settle’ for being 2nd to James Cameron’s 2009 film. Yet, regardless of whether the MCU film ultimately claims the top spot on the worldwide charts or comes up just short, Avatar’s box office record is even more impressive after Avengers: Endgame.
I think we sometimes hand wave Avatar’s record and take it for granted because it has become a constant in our minds. We all know that Avatar is the biggest movie of all time, but the abstract nature of that fact has made it seem at times less like something that the film achieved and more like something that just is. That detracts from how impressive its run really was.
First, it must be addressed how long Avatar’s record has lasted. Avatar was released in December of 2009 and since it ended Titanic’s reign at the top, it has never once been so much as threatened until Avengers: Endgame. That’s nearly a decade of dominance where the biggest films Hollywood could muster all failed to even sniff Avatar’s record.
The Na’vi held off the reboot of the Jurassic Park franchise, a franchise whose original 1993 film once held the worldwide record before Titanic. The end of Harry Potter, the animated phenomenon Frozen and the MCU’s finest and biggest films all fell short. Even the return of Star Wars, an incredible cultural and cinematic moment, with Star Wars: The Force Awakens, wasn’t enough.
Hollywood may have become more myopically focused on tentpole blockbusters since 2009, but in that time it still couldn’t craft one that could to bring down Toruk Makto. And if Avengers: Endgame too falls short, Avatar’s long reign will continue on.
Domestically, Avengers: Endgame beat Avatar and currently sits at $815.7 million according to Box Office Mojo. That makes it the second film, after Star Wars: The Force Awakens (which made $936.7 million domestically, a record Endgame definitely won’t be beating) to best Avatar’s $760.5 million take.
Consider this though: Avatar got to $760.5 million domestically and that current Number 3 spot with a max domestic theater count of 3,461. At the height of its run Avengers: Endgame enjoyed a theater count of 4,662. That’s over 1,200 more theaters than Avatar had to achieve what it did. And according to the National Association of Theater Owners, the average U.S. ticket price was $7.50 in 2009 versus $9.11 last year.
Inflation means that movie tickets were less in 2009, which would be to Avatar’s benefit, but James Cameron’s movie was also the first, and arguably last, 3D event, and thus demanded premium ticket prices from audiences wanting the full experience. So to be fair, that issue gets a bit financially muddled. And domestically, when adjusted for inflation, the movie that sold the most tickets and remains and will forever remain the GOAT is Gone With the Wind.
Also, while Endgame started out with a massive bang at the box office that got it a lot of its haul very quickly, it also burned out faster. Whereas Avatar was a slow burn at the box office, with small percentage drops week to week that saw it methodically build its total. Avatar did also have a special edition re-release in the summer of 2010 that added $10.74 million domestically to its final tally.
Endgame debuted with a stunning $357.1 million and held on to the top spot on the domestic charts for 3 weeks. Avatar didn’t even crack $100 million opening weekend, making $77 million. That puts it in 97th place for opening weekends. But it stayed in first place for seven straight weeks and didn’t leave the top 10 until week 15. That’s crazy, and internationally Avatar’s accomplishments are just as impressive.
Avengers: Endgame has opened to a record $866.5 million overseas and to date has made $1.897 billion. Compare that with Avatar, which opened to a meager $164.5 million and went on to make $2.029 billion. And although blockbusters often make a huge chunk of their gross internationally, the foreign box office of 2009 wasn’t what it is today.
We often cite the ever-growing importance of the China market for Hollywood films, but Avatar only made $204.1 million there. That’s because back then China only had less than 5,000 movie theater screens. Today the Middle Kingdom has around 60,000 according to The Washington Post. That incredible market growth has given blockbusters like Avengers: Endgame greater opportunity to make money. Endgame did just that, with $614.3 million in China so far, triple what Avatar did.
More screens equals more money, and because it played on fewer screens worldwide, Avatar had to do more with less, which makes the fact that it is still Number 1, whether it stays that way or not, all the more impressive.
Those are all just quantitative measures though and when you consider the qualitative factors of Avengers: Endgame and Avatar, the latter’s worldwide record is even more admirable.
While we sing the praises of Avatar’s record, it must be said that for all the factors like inflation and theater count, James Cameron’s film did have some distinct advantages that Avengers: Endgame did not enjoy. The most obvious of those is that Avatar released in December of 2009, years before studios decided on a year-round blockbuster season. That’s something Avatar arguably started, Disney continued with Star Wars and will soon alternate holiday seasons between Star Wars movies and the Avatar sequels.
In the weeks and months that followed Avatar’s release, Sherlock Holmes, The Book of Eli, The Wolfman, Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief and Dear John were released. It wasn’t really until March of 2010 when a true blockbuster arrived in the form of Alice in Wonderland. Endgame was given no such quarter, with Detective Pikachu, John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum, Aladdin and Godzilla: King of the Monsters all following in the month or so after its release.
Nevertheless, despite its advantageous release month, Avatar still had more work to do than Endgame to reach the heights it did. Avatar was an original movie, from the filmmaker who made Titanic sure, but it had no real star power beyond James Cameron and Sigourney Weaver in a supporting role. We’ve seen other original sci-fi blockbusters from name filmmakers and some with even more star power fail to launch, and Avatar could have easily gone the way of Jupiter Ascending.
It had to succeed by selling audiences through its marketing and in the theater, and it did so with fantastic word of mouth and repeat viewings from audiences that fell in love with the spectacle of the film and wanted to live in Pandora.
Conversely, Avengers: Endgame was always guaranteed to be huge. Before we saw the first trailer, I’d say it had a good chance to snag the opening weekend record. That’s because it was the culmination of a franchise and characters audiences have invested in for over a decade. Everyone had already made up their minds to see it a long time ago.
It has the powerful Marvel branding and is the biggest film in the MCU, which is the biggest franchise in movie history. Those factors made Avengers: Endgame a true monoculture event that everyone wanted to be a part of, and the frenzy opening weekend is testament to that.
So the fact that it had all that going for it and it still might not surpass Avatar, and if it does it will be close, throws into stark relief just how impressive what Avatar did was. That’s not to take anything away from Avengers: Endgame, which has been a monumental achievement and no matter what film holds the top spot, Disney is the winner in all of this with Fox’s Avatar now under its umbrella.
That Avatar has finally been challenged though shows just how much it takes to beat it and looks to be a truly herculean and perhaps Sisyphean task. The question then becomes, if something like Marvel’s biggest film can’t beat it, can anything?
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kingteeshops · 5 years
Avatar's Box Office Record Is Even More Impressive After Avengers: Endgame
Link Buys Now: https://kingteeshops.com/avatars-box-office-record-is-even-more-impressive-after-avengers-endgame/
Avatar's Box Office Record Is Even More Impressive After Avengers: Endgame
Avatar’s Box Office Record Is Even More Impressive After Avengers: Endgame
There has not been a movie event in our lifetimes quite like Avengers: Endgame. No amount of pie-in-the-sky box office forecasting or broken pre-sales records could have prepared the industry or us for the opening weekend of Marvel’s culmination film. By the time all the money was counted on Monday morning, Avengers: Endgame had obliterated the domestic opening weekend box office record by nearly $100 million and left a sea of exhausted movie theater employees in its wake.
Avengers: Endgame shot off like a rocket and the domestic opening weekend record was just the first major victim to fall to Marvel’s decade-in-the-making achievement. One by one, the Russo Brothers film climbed the box office charts, breaking records and felling many other massive movies, including those of the MCU, on its way to the top. Records are made to be broken, and like a blow from Stormbreaker, Endgame has done plenty of breaking.
But there is one record in particular left to break. One record that cements a movie as the biggest ever and the all-time box office champ. One film that stands alone. That record is for the worldwide box office gross, and it belongs to James Cameron’s Avatar.
After an opening weekend that got it over 40% of the way there, and after it sunk James Cameron’s other box office stalwart Titanic, it seemed to many like it was a matter of ‘if’, not ‘when’ Avengers: Endgame would break Avatar’s record. That inevitability might have been premature though.
Avengers: Endgame currently sits at $2.713 billion worldwide, but Forbes’ Scott Mendelsohn does not see it having enough juice to make it to the $2.788 billion and beyond needed to match Avatar and claim the worldwide box office crown. Instead, he predicts that it will top out at a staggering, but still second-place, total $2.766 billion.
It is still a monumental achievement and no one involved has anything to hang their heads over if the film has to ‘settle’ for being 2nd to James Cameron’s 2009 film. Yet, regardless of whether the MCU film ultimately claims the top spot on the worldwide charts or comes up just short, Avatar’s box office record is even more impressive after Avengers: Endgame.
I think we sometimes hand wave Avatar’s record and take it for granted because it has become a constant in our minds. We all know that Avatar is the biggest movie of all time, but the abstract nature of that fact has made it seem at times less like something that the film achieved and more like something that just is. That detracts from how impressive its run really was.
First, it must be addressed how long Avatar’s record has lasted. Avatar was released in December of 2009 and since it ended Titanic’s reign at the top, it has never once been so much as threatened until Avengers: Endgame. That’s nearly a decade of dominance where the biggest films Hollywood could muster all failed to even sniff Avatar’s record.
The Na’vi held off the reboot of the Jurassic Park franchise, a franchise whose original 1993 film once held the worldwide record before Titanic. The end of Harry Potter, the animated phenomenon Frozen and the MCU’s finest and biggest films all fell short. Even the return of Star Wars, an incredible cultural and cinematic moment, with Star Wars: The Force Awakens, wasn’t enough.
Hollywood may have become more myopically focused on tentpole blockbusters since 2009, but in that time it still couldn’t craft one that could to bring down Toruk Makto. And if Avengers: Endgame too falls short, Avatar’s long reign will continue on.
Domestically, Avengers: Endgame beat Avatar and currently sits at $815.7 million according to Box Office Mojo. That makes it the second film, after Star Wars: The Force Awakens (which made $936.7 million domestically, a record Endgame definitely won’t be beating) to best Avatar’s $760.5 million take.
Consider this though: Avatar got to $760.5 million domestically and that current Number 3 spot with a max domestic theater count of 3,461. At the height of its run Avengers: Endgame enjoyed a theater count of 4,662. That’s over 1,200 more theaters than Avatar had to achieve what it did. And according to the National Association of Theater Owners, the average U.S. ticket price was $7.50 in 2009 versus $9.11 last year.
Inflation means that movie tickets were less in 2009, which would be to Avatar’s benefit, but James Cameron’s movie was also the first, and arguably last, 3D event, and thus demanded premium ticket prices from audiences wanting the full experience. So to be fair, that issue gets a bit financially muddled. And domestically, when adjusted for inflation, the movie that sold the most tickets and remains and will forever remain the GOAT is Gone With the Wind.
Also, while Endgame started out with a massive bang at the box office that got it a lot of its haul very quickly, it also burned out faster. Whereas Avatar was a slow burn at the box office, with small percentage drops week to week that saw it methodically build its total. Avatar did also have a special edition re-release in the summer of 2010 that added $10.74 million domestically to its final tally.
Endgame debuted with a stunning $357.1 million and held on to the top spot on the domestic charts for 3 weeks. Avatar didn’t even crack $100 million opening weekend, making $77 million. That puts it in 97th place for opening weekends. But it stayed in first place for seven straight weeks and didn’t leave the top 10 until week 15. That’s crazy, and internationally Avatar’s accomplishments are just as impressive.
Avengers: Endgame has opened to a record $866.5 million overseas and to date has made $1.897 billion. Compare that with Avatar, which opened to a meager $164.5 million and went on to make $2.029 billion. And although blockbusters often make a huge chunk of their gross internationally, the foreign box office of 2009 wasn’t what it is today.
We often cite the ever-growing importance of the China market for Hollywood films, but Avatar only made $204.1 million there. That’s because back then China only had less than 5,000 movie theater screens. Today the Middle Kingdom has around 60,000 according to The Washington Post. That incredible market growth has given blockbusters like Avengers: Endgame greater opportunity to make money. Endgame did just that, with $614.3 million in China so far, triple what Avatar did.
More screens equals more money, and because it played on fewer screens worldwide, Avatar had to do more with less, which makes the fact that it is still Number 1, whether it stays that way or not, all the more impressive.
Those are all just quantitative measures though and when you consider the qualitative factors of Avengers: Endgame and Avatar, the latter’s worldwide record is even more admirable.
While we sing the praises of Avatar’s record, it must be said that for all the factors like inflation and theater count, James Cameron’s film did have some distinct advantages that Avengers: Endgame did not enjoy. The most obvious of those is that Avatar released in December of 2009, years before studios decided on a year-round blockbuster season. That’s something Avatar arguably started, Disney continued with Star Wars and will soon alternate holiday seasons between Star Wars movies and the Avatar sequels.
In the weeks and months that followed Avatar’s release, Sherlock Holmes, The Book of Eli, The Wolfman, Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief and Dear John were released. It wasn’t really until March of 2010 when a true blockbuster arrived in the form of Alice in Wonderland. Endgame was given no such quarter, with Detective Pikachu, John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum, Aladdin and Godzilla: King of the Monsters all following in the month or so after its release.
Nevertheless, despite its advantageous release month, Avatar still had more work to do than Endgame to reach the heights it did. Avatar was an original movie, from the filmmaker who made Titanic sure, but it had no real star power beyond James Cameron and Sigourney Weaver in a supporting role. We’ve seen other original sci-fi blockbusters from name filmmakers and some with even more star power fail to launch, and Avatar could have easily gone the way of Jupiter Ascending.
It had to succeed by selling audiences through its marketing and in the theater, and it did so with fantastic word of mouth and repeat viewings from audiences that fell in love with the spectacle of the film and wanted to live in Pandora.
Conversely, Avengers: Endgame was always guaranteed to be huge. Before we saw the first trailer, I’d say it had a good chance to snag the opening weekend record. That’s because it was the culmination of a franchise and characters audiences have invested in for over a decade. Everyone had already made up their minds to see it a long time ago.
It has the powerful Marvel branding and is the biggest film in the MCU, which is the biggest franchise in movie history. Those factors made Avengers: Endgame a true monoculture event that everyone wanted to be a part of, and the frenzy opening weekend is testament to that.
So the fact that it had all that going for it and it still might not surpass Avatar, and if it does it will be close, throws into stark relief just how impressive what Avatar did was. That’s not to take anything away from Avengers: Endgame, which has been a monumental achievement and no matter what film holds the top spot, Disney is the winner in all of this with Fox’s Avatar now under its umbrella.
That Avatar has finally been challenged though shows just how much it takes to beat it and looks to be a truly herculean and perhaps Sisyphean task. The question then becomes, if something like Marvel’s biggest film can’t beat it, can anything?
0 notes
haplesshuman · 7 years
Breaking Dawn, Book 2 Part 1
In which nobody knows what they’re deailing with.
Let me tell you a little story.
In 2015, I had to do a university project on Boys’ Adventure Stories as a group presentation. As the only girl in the group, I got to look at the books from  a feminist point of view. I also had to guess which books in the library were boys’ adventure stories, took a pile out (of which sadly only three have stuck in mind - Northern Lights, the first book of the His Dark Materials trilogy, Stormbreaker, the first of the Alex Rider books, and Artemis Fowl, the first book in the series of the same name), and sadly never got to read those books. Shame. It didn’t help that I had to read Gold of the Gods, the very book that inspired this very blog.
Anyway, after looking random stuff up on TV Tropes, I decided to put that wrong right, and am now looking up the books I failed to read two years ago. I don’t think any of them will end up on Too Long; Didn’t Read. I’ve finally read the first Artemis Fowl book, and no, it’s not going on this blog.  Expect it to be referred to, though.
I would far sooner be reading that than Breaking Dawn. What you’re about to see is from the Book of Suck. I’d have hoped it to be one nice long part, but I’m afraid you’re going to be mistaken. I never finished book 2 whilst I still had Breaking Dawn. I ran out of patience at chapter... Oh, who cares? You do. Wait a second. Even the Book of Suck won’t tell me what chapter I stopped at.
I lost patience at the end of Chapter 12. Goody. That means I’ve got another... 27 chapters to go before I can wash my hands of this stuff. Well, shit.
Buckle up, kids.
And after that long intro, let’s kick this one off.
1. Preface. ‘Whiny crap’, I said. It’s mercifully short.
2. Italics for the wolf mind meld. Oh no. I took the decision to speed read those bits, and it seems nothing of value made it out of the actual page. Apart from Jacob being called out for being a horible person
3. Let’s meet Rachel Black! Yeah, Jacob’s sister has not appeared once in the story, and of course she makes her debut now. No, I know nothing about her.  I asked, ‘WHY THE HELL HAVE WE NOT SEEN RACHEL BLACK BEFORE?’ She’s not really plot-relevant, and sadly nor is she here. She just exists to be the girlfriend via imprint of some guy named Paul, so I’m just going to pretend they don’t exist from now on and just move on.
4. Reigns vs Reins. The term ‘free rein’ is spelt without a g. Whoever proofread this must have been blinded by dollar signs, that’s my only explanation for this one.
5. The Quil and Claire scene. Remember these guys from Eclipse? If you’re new to Too Long; Didn’t Read, then you’ll know that Claire is Quil’s girlfriend via imprint. She is also two, something which sent me to the Great White Telephone. I’m not sure what the point of this scene is, but Claire’s parents? Please teach Claire you can’t always get what you want, because Quil is never going to teach her.
What we do learn is that imprinting is basically mind rape. Ick.
6. Oh, the Protagonists are Horrible People. Yeah, they really are. They’re now lying to Charlie - who is blissfully aware that he is about to become a grandfather - about Bells’ pregnancy. I think he’d want to know. The story is that she’s sick - which would only DRAW A PARENT CLOSE. Jesus Christ, not only do we have protagonists who I can now no longer call heros if I ever could, but they’re STUPID AS ALL HELL.
Villain Protagonist is not a bad trope, mind you. It can work.
Here... it doesn’t work.
Also, dipping into more TV Tropes language, Did They Think Charlie Couldn’t Feel? Gaah.
9. Medical consent, people. Jacob bas even less right than Edward to force an abortian on Beells. He’s not related.
10. What has Leah done? Seriously, everyone seems to have it in for her. What did she do? Did she invent Comic Sans? She’s snarky, so no, Leah’s not letting me down in being an OK character.
11. Crazy idea. Edward comes up with one - having Jacob be a sperm donor - and because plot, it won’t work. He’s called out on this, but then it leads to the next point -
12. Jacob failing to sound his age. He does not sound like a 16-year-old. No freaking way am I buying that narration.
Again, I’m not saying this is a bad thing - if it’s justified (case in point - Artemis Fowl) . Where’s your justification, Jacob?
13. Snarky Chapter Titles. Unforunately, the snark came out wrong. The only one that vaguely amused me was Chapter 10′s title, and that’s only because it’s right - Jacob is an idiot.
14. This is pregnancy on drugs. Bella has turned into an optimist. She’s normally a really, really pessimistic whiny person. Uh, what happened? Who or what happened? (Any suggestions are to be placed in the comments)
15. A Midsummer Night’s Dream. It doesn’t go like that. I can’t remember the full thing, but whatever interpretation you used, you got it wrong.
16. More rules of science are being torn up and set aflame. Why would the ultrasound not work? And also, whilst I dropped Biology 8 years ago, I’m pretty sure chromosones don’t work like that.
17. More headdesking. I don’t know a damn thing about artificial insemination, not being a farmer. It’s not really being handled well here. If Bells wants a kid and can’t really have one, couldn’t they get a vampire to be a surrogate (Not Rosalie, though)
18. That fight will never happen. Nuff said.
19. Everyone also hates Rosalie. Is it because she’s blonde? If so, someone needs to get over themselves.
20. The narration. I’ll get this elephant in the room out of the way - this narration is worse than Bella’s. Yeah, I know, can’t be unsaid.
21. In-laws. Doc, Bells is your daughter-in-law. This means she is family. Got that? Yes? Good.
22. Exposition that must break medical rules. Doc Cullen is now telling Jacob a whole pile of stuff that, as a friend of the expectant mother, shouldn’t really be finding out from him. Patient confidentiality, just saying.
23. Robbing a bank. Robbing a blood bank. Whilst, you know, there could be a blood shortage and people could be dying due to lack of suitable blood. Do I even have to say how wrong this is?
I’ll be back next week, if not with another part read, the long awaited Why I Won’t Review entry for The Host. In the meantime, I think I shall cheer myself up with something funny.
POSTSCRIPT: Remember my review of The Princess Diaries: A Royal Disaster? Well, I expleained the plot to my mum - who said it didn’t make sense at all. Looking at the plot again, yeah, sense is something it’s lacking. Thanks, Mum.
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bbygirl-aemond · 1 year
I'm intrigued by your idea that Helaena and Aemond are somewhat genre-aware and have some knowledge of the canon, non-divergent timeline. I've been trying to comb through the fic for the instances of this but feel like I'm probably missing some. Can you please list them out?
Haha sure! This was a fun lil scavenger hunt for me because I knew I wrote this down somewhere but simply could not find it. Anyways, here's a list of the different references I made to the canon timeline, in chronological order. I managed to fit in a decent number of people, but obviously a bunch have been left out since the Dance had SO many deaths. You'll notice right away that Helaena's glimpses are all very obvious, while most of Aemond's were disguised partially or completely by their context and because he misinterprets them every single time.
(Chapter 6) Aemond foresees Joffrey's canon death: When telling Joffrey it's dangerous to ride a claimed dragon, he notes that "the dull thread of alarm wound through his belly, a flash of a broken body against the ground, rendered his tone a little more sharp than he’d intended." He's not clear on whose body it is, and since Joffrey was suggesting Aemond ride Tyraxes maybe you'd assume it was Aemond's, but nope!
(Chapter 8) Aemond foresees Rhaenyra's canon death: When thinking of her with a dragon, he feels "uneasiness, a flash of dragon's jaws and a sense of overwhelming wrongness". He dismisses it as irrational, particularly because the dragon in question was Syrax and it's not super explicit, but again we know better.
(Chapter 8) Aemond foresees Jace's canon death: "He could see it in his mind already, blood gushing from punctures littering the boy's torso." He thinks it's an intrusive thought related to him needing to fight and potentially stab Jace, but nope! Arrow wounds.
(Chapter 15) Helaena mentions Blood and Cheese: “I chose him,” she says of Maelor. “Only I didn’t, so he doesn’t know. But I do.” See how this is like super explicit compared to Aemond's portion, even though it's Aegon's POV? It's because Helaena knows what's up.
(Chapter 16) Helaena foresees the canon deaths of Lucerys, Jaehaerys, Aemond, and herself: "Rhaenyra’s boy fell to meet the sea in pieces, his dragon tumbling alongside him. Darling Jaehaerys’s body fell in one direction while his head rolled in the other and her vocal chords screamed themselves raw. Her dearest Aemond fell backwards, his beautiful eye glazed over in death, the other pierced through by a blade. Helaena herself, eyes closed against the image of her brother’s impaled face, fell happily to her death, that she might meet her boys once more." Again, like super explicit.
(Chapter 19) Aemond foresees Aegon's canon death: "Images played out within his mind of poison slipped within a glass, of his brother’s hand, limp in death against the arms of his seat." He associates this with Aegon's suicide attempt, but we know it's referencing canon. (Also, he doesn't even question how he knows it must have been poison.)
(Chapter 19) Aemond foresees Jaehaera's canon death: When he sees the spikes in the dry moat surrounding Maegor's Holdfast, he thinks of how "he'd been terrified that little Jaehaera would somehow manage to tumble out of the window and fall to her death upon the spikes below. He says this was an irrational fear, but we know better. This also proves that he's had these dreams for years.
(Chapter 20) Helaena foresees Jaehaerys's canon death again: When she's smelling Jaehaerys's hair, she thinks that "in another life she’d clutched his head to her weeping body and his beautiful hair had smelled of nothing but blood." So again, a very explicit reference to Blood and Cheese.
This should be the complete list! Happy hunting. :)
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bbygirl-aemond · 1 year
helaena's dreams
in case you can't tell from chapter 15, i love this idea that helaena knows her power but is bound by magic to never be able to tell anyone. the idea that most of the words she speaks are warnings, yet magic makes it so that none around her will ever believe her.
we see that her visions often take place in the form of brief moments that happen very shortly after her dream. we also see that she keeps telling people about them, and people keep not believing her. what does it say about her, that she continues to try to warn those around her even though they have never once listened? even though surely she must know it's futile?
i also love the idea that everyone is so used to helaena speaking nonsense and doing weird things that she can weaponize it. that if she wants to tell someone something secretly she can do it in a crowded room by using information only they would be privy to, information that she saw in a dream. that if she's caught seemingly red-handed, she can pretend to be wandering and singing and no one will think her a threat until it is too late.
helaena is a targaryen, and one of the more deeply connected to the magic of old valyria characters that we see in asoiaf. there's so much potential here for her to be eerie, to be uncanny. there's something gothic about how desperately she tries to warn those around her, how doomed they are to never heed her warnings.
i mean, let's face it: if you can see things that happen anywhere across space and time, it's bound to make you a little weird. your brain has to be wired completely uniquely just to process that sort of information. give me uncanny helaena, people!!
lastly, i'll probably put this in the fic at some point, but i love the idea that helaena is so in love with her little critters because to her that's basically what humanity seems like. in the grand scheme of things we are nothing more than ants at the mercy of fate and she is the only one who sees it. of course she has empathy for them. she knows that we share their helplessness in many ways.
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