#the day after yesterday
bombsonboard · 1 year
the day after yesterday: chapter three
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Summary: Time travel is volatile, dangerous, playing god. And then sometimes  it drops you in just the right place at the perfect time. It’s a matter of perspective. You decide.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (no Y/N)
Word Count: 4.4k
Series Masterlist | Masterlist | Read it on AO3
A/N: So my scheduled post didnt work! But i’m still uploading this on Wednesday, just a little later than planned lol. Hope you’ve all had a good week and sorry for the lil bit late chaper!
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You stood outside ‘Stillman’s Gymnasium’ feeling grateful it was a warm summer’s day and you didn’t have to brave the New York cold without a jacket. Bucky said he’d meet you here, he cleaned the gym after hours in exchange for weekly boxing lessons, promising it would be all theirs so you could work on your escape in peace. 
Turns out, jumping the turnstile to get on the subway was a hell of a lot easier in the 1940s, it just took avoiding every man with a conductor hat, which the crowds made easy, and you made it to midtown. 
All alone, you let yourself take a breath. Yes, you were stuck in the wrong time, but with the hope of getting home, it was quite an astonishing thing. This place wouldn’t even be here in twenty years, bulldozed for apartments. Having the privilege to be here was something you could hardly fathom but you tried to let yourself enjoy it, at least for the time being.
It was too easy to imagine yourself having a life here, who could be waiting for? Maybe a good girl friend, or maybe some guy was picking you up to go and see a movie, one of those old ones that are only on at Christmas or Sunday afternoons. Your dress would be a bit cleaner, your hair pinned out of your face and you would see him approaching in the distance.
In your mind he had a kind smile on his face, a few roses, not too many and he would walk up to you and say:
“Steve is gonna kill me when he finds out I took his nice sketch paper, this better be worth it.” 
You blinked out of your fantasy to see the roses had flattened into a stack of paper and the kind smile you dreamed of was replaced by Bucky’s blank frown. He looked at you curiously.
“What?” He brushed his hair back with his free hand.
“Nothing” You felt caught out.
He shrugged, slowly growing used to your strange looks, and pulled a bunch of keys from out of his trouser pocket and slid them into the door. Unlocking it and pushing the door open with a clunk.
“After you.”
The smell of sweat and floor polish hit you like a wave as you stepped inside and Bucky locked the door behind the two of you. On the bare brick walls hung dozens of pictures of men in boxing gloves, raising their arms in victory. Along the surprisingly clean wooden floor punching bags were lined up, the rich brown leather cracked and beaten from excessive use and just waiting patiently to be used again. 
The great big boxing ring was the main event, a square stage of battered cream, held together by rows of red rope. You wondered if it was red on purpose. 
You pictured one of the boxing matches happening right there in front of you, the crowd of screaming men, praying for their bet to come clean and bracing for the final take down. The champion raising his godly fists, shirtless, shining and soaking in the sounds of his glory.
So, this is what Bucky wanted to be before the army? You tried to see him there, posing for one of the pictures on the wall with his grin plastered to his face. Though, maybe thinking of him shirtless and sweaty really wasn’t the most efficient thing you could be doing at the time.
“So…” Bucky comes to stand next to you, and offers you the paper
You take it with a quiet thank you.
“Do you have a-”
He hands you a pencil.
You swallow, turn around and begin to lay out the pieces of ‘borrowed’ sketch paper out on the glossy brown wood.. 
“There’s a desk in the office, y’know” Bucky points out, watching you crouch to the floor.
“That’s okay, I’m fine here.” 
He looks at you, confused and waiting for any kind of explanation you would offer.
“I’m gonna need…quite a bit of space.”
Bucky raises his eyebrows, accepting that’s all he was getting, and goes to lean against the wall.
You start your chicken scratches, numbers in the tiniest handwriting you could manage, but the nagging sensation of his presence there itches at you incessantly. You lift your head and notice he’s just standing there, watching you. 
“Don’t you have cleaning to do?” It came out a little more spiteful than you intended.
“Looks pretty spotless to me” He kept his eyes trained on you, not bothering to look around at all.
“Okay, so you don’t need to be here then?” You didn’t mind the company really, but why did it have to be him? It was better for you both if he just left you alone.
“I’m responsible for this place, how do I know you won’t mess it up?” Bucky narrowed his eyes at you.
“Christ, I don’t need a chaperone.” 
“I’m sure you don’t, spitfire” He scoffs “but I'm not leaving, so…” He gestures for you to get back to your work “Go on.”
Rolling your eyes with maximum effort you go back to work and start to lose yourself in the math. Spread out on the floor with your ass in the air probably wasn’t the most ladylike position but who cared, Bucky didn’t seem to make a comment.
You willed yourself to stop wondering about him for just a moment so you could focus on the task at hand. If you were going to figure out the coordinates to put into the GPS, you needed a start point. It was 1943, that you knew but, the specific date was what you really wanted. There wasn’t anything that showed you today’s date in your immediate vicinity, so your eyes wandered and landed, unfortunately, on Bucky, who had his feet propped up on the front desk, head stuck in a newspaper. 
"Is that today’s?” You ask from the floor.
“Yu-huh” He mumbles from his wall of news.
Of course he had the thing you were looking for. 
“...What’s the date on it?”
He folds over one corner so you could be victim to his blank stare. “You don’t know what day it is?”
You stare back. 
“11th June.” He supersedes.
“Thank you.” 
He flips his corner back up and you go back to your work silently.
“11th June 1943.” You mumble quietly as the numbers take over your head again.
Hour One
The silence didn’t last half as long as you hoped it would.
“So, how long does something like this normally take?” Bucky wonders after a while, as if you launched yourself into the wrong time all the time, you felt yourself getting offended until you remembered he had absolutely no idea. 
Scribbling down the total days you needed to travel you hid your face from Bucky.
“A while.” You hoped he didn’t hear the small crack in your voice. 
“Great. Maybe it’s enough time for me to figure out why you’re so weird.” He chuckled lightly.
Bucky Barnes, ladies man.
“Oh you’ll figure it out…in 29,209 days” You mumble under your breath, you didn’t mean for him to hear, but when you’re the only two people in a room, it’s hard to keep secrets.
Bucky shakes his head in amusement, ignorant of just how truthful you had just been, but he was quiet for a little while longer after that.
Hour Three
Eventually grew restless of the front desk and sauntered over to the back office. You wondered who might usually be found in there, some short and stubby gym manager, dark hair slicked back with wiry eyebrows that look so much like caterpillars they might crawl off his face. A cigar permanently between his lips. 
You cracked a smile at the image until you heard exactly what Bucky was doing in there. The crackle of a gramophone interrupts your thoughts and the smile falls from your face. You had no complaints about forties music, really, but you were convinced he was doing this on purpose, taunting you with warbling jazz.
With a frustrated grumble you threw down your pencil, abandoned your work and stalked over to the back office. He was there, leaning back on a chair with his arms crossed, eyes closed and absorbing the music echoing around the room. 
Sure, he looked peaceful, but there were bigger stakes here than Bucky Barnes enjoying a record. 
You rapped on the door forcefully but he didn’t jump to attention like you wanted.
Bucky slowly opens his eyes and looks up expectedly.
“Could you…turn it down?” You mimicked turning down a volume knob, and he looked at you blankly.
“Please.” It pained you to add.
“Turn it down?” He mimics your action, eyebrows furrowing. “And what’s that?”
“The music” You impatiently pointed it out and walked over to the small gramophone, singing pleasantly in the corner. It would be a relic any other day but right now it was just annoying you.
Shoot, no volume control you realized, it seemed people were just happy to hear music here, nevermind the volume. A little joy in a somewhat bleak time in history. 
You needed your peace though, one way or another.
“Could you just turn it off?” You turned to leave.
“If this is gonna take long, I’d like to have something to entertain myself.”
You stopped, breathing in and out to stop yourself from killing him before his inevitable death date.
“You don’t even have to be here” You crossed your arms across your chest.
He smiled at your irritation “Tell you what, I’ll give you a chance.”
While you were occupied with how he just had the audacity to patronize you, Bucky stood from the chair and took the trash can from the corner and placed it at the other end of the office from you.
“What are you doing?” You watched him closely.
He walked back over to you with a self- satisfied smile, taking his time as he stopped just inches from you, the tips of his shoes touching yours just about.
“Bucky?” You felt your heartbeat palpate, your chest go tight.
He wordlessly leaned past you to grab an old coffee mug full of pencils that sat on the desk behind you. Bucky pulled away to stand next to you and embarrassment fizzed in your stomach. Bucky smelt like leather and his mothers cooking.
“First one to get three pencils in a row in the trash can wins. If you win, I’ll turn it off and I’ll keep my mouth shut.”
You found that hard to believe and it must’ve shown on your face.
“...mostly,” He added. “But if I win, the music stays and you can’t say a thing about it.”
“Cross my heart and hope to die, swee- spitfire.”
He looked at you with his blue as a cloudy sky eyes as you sized him up. It seemed fair and you were always one for a good bet, but the way he looked at you made you feel like he knew something you don’t. Figuring that look out would have you spinning for days.
“Do you need me to move it a bit closer?” He suggested condescendingly.
“Fine.” You grumbled.
“Ladies first.” He held the mug out to you and you grabbed three pencils with a roll of your eyes.
It had to be easy right? You didn’t have the worst hand eye coordination in the world but it wasn’t one of your most notable qualities. The only thing you had going for you was a desire for Bucky Barnes to keep quiet, and you were about to find out how good of a motivator that was.
You toss the first pencil and it lands in the trash can with a happy little clang. The second pencil was subject to pressure and bounced on the edge before landing safely inside, you celebrated inwardly, trying to hide how invested you were in a game of throwing pencils, but you were so close to victory, sweet victory.
One final pencil in your hand, you looked to Bucky “Any final words?” you ask smugly.
“I’m good.”  He stared straight ahead.
The last pencil is in the air and you swear you’ve never felt this tense in your life. Maybe apart from the time you landed in the 20th century by accident. Taunting you, it bounced off the edge like the second but this time it was the wrong way. You watched in disbelief as it clattered to the floor.
“Shit.” You muttered and tried to hide how actually sad you were to miss your final throw.
“I’d offer condolences but you were a little cocky at the end.” Bucky plucked three pencils from the pot.
He effortlessly tossed his pencils in without a second thought, one, two, three, in quick succession, giving you no time to think of a plan to sabotage him at all.
Bucky looked at you with a smile “I believe congratulations are in order.”
“Best of three?” You grasped at any chance he might give you.
Bucky just laughed. In your face. You let out a combination of a grumble and a sigh and stomped out of the office.
He had won, the music stayed.
Hour Five 
“C’mon you should take a break.”
Bucky had stayed mostly in the office, humming to his music. You had migrated to the boxing ring to lay out your findings. He had been leaning against the door, keeping his eye on you for the last five minutes.
“Can’t take a break.” You didn’t look up.
“You’ve been scribbling for like ten hours” He groans.
“I’m not scribbling” You retort, but looking down at the paper ‘scribbles’ was definitely an accurate word, not that he needed to know that.
“What are you doing then?”  
“I’m working out- ugh, stop it!” You needed to be more on the ball with his incessant questions.
“It’s for your own good”  You told him as sternly as you could manage.
“Yes Ma'am” He grins cheekily.
He moved from the doorway, you cursed yourself for having half your attention on him again.
“I don’t think you’ve ever taken a break in your life, you’re so…tightly wound.”
You had half a mind to tell him why you were really ‘tightly wound’ right there and then. But then the fatal implications and so on…blah blah blah. 
“I take breaks.”
“Hard to believe, you ever been to the movies? Or a dance, maybe?” His analyzing eyes felt like they could see right through you.
“Sure, I’ve been to dances.” You brushed him off and continued writing. Maybe they weren’t the dances he would be familiar with but you had been to some. They just played the Black Eyed Peas, not Vera Lynn.
“Really? Because you haven’t recognised a single song I've put on.”
Oh. He had you there. 
“Maybe I just like different music.”
“Who doesn’t like Dick Haymes?” 
You put your head back down, ignoring his teasing and diving back into work, and hopefully convincing him that you just weren’t interested in extracurriculars. 
“Don’t worry, Spitfire, I’ll get you dancing.”
Hour Eleven 
He had run out of records a couple hours ago and was now entertaining himself by standing by the entrance and using some spare paper to fashion a paper airplane and seeing how far he could throw it.
The boxing ring was covered in a blanket of math now, you sat cross legged in the center, surrounded by stretches of equations, statistics, and graphs, traveling along y axis and x axis, finding each coordinate you would need. You had worked this long before but after a day of exerting yourself physically, the strain was weighing heavily on your brain. 
You close your eyes for just a second but a rude and painful awakening comes from a sharp poke in the side of your head. 
“Sorry!” Bucky calls from across the room.
You sigh and stand, rubbing the side of your head “It’s fine, I needed to wake up anyways”
You were in the land before energy drinks, your go to when the numbers become squiggles in your eyes. 
“There somewhere that sells coffee around here?” You grumble.
“Um” Bucky points to the window and you see nothing but black.
How had you missed the sun going down? 
“Nevermind.” You ran a hand over your face, eyelids growing heavier by the second, but you knew you couldn't afford to sleep, not now.
But your brain was too exhausted to make sense of the final coordinates you needed and there was no point in half-assing this and ending up in the wrong time again. You had read in some study that regular breaks actually proved to help total productivity, as hard as it was for you to believe, you weren’t opposed to a little experimenting.
Tip toeing carefully over your working, you sat on the side of the boxing ring, waiting for productivity to strike.
Bucky abandoned his paper airplane to sit next to you. The air felt heavy around you and all you could feel was the incomprehensible weight on your shoulders. You had no idea what Bucky thought, you had hardly been nice to him. But the way he was looking at you made you think he just wanted to lighten your load, just a little bit.
“So, how's it going?” He asked after a minute.
“It’s…getting there.” You fiddled with your hands “Maybe.”
“You really are weird, y‘know?”
He was smiling at you, like he had just paid you a sweet as sugar compliment.
“Thanks, Bucky.” You gave your sarcastic gratitude.
With a sudden burst of energy, he practically waltzes to the back office, you watch with amused curiosity, and when he appears again, he’s carrying the gramophone with both hands, a record under his arm.
He places it happily on the corner of the ring, lifting the red rope, he slides under and stands in the boxing ring. What was he doing now?
“C’mon.” He tilted his head at you with a smile.
Waiting for you, you supposed.
Bucky began to pile up you papers covering the space and you flew into a panic, if he messed them all up you’d have to spend another hour putting them back in the correct order so they made sense, you hadn’t thought to number your pages because you thought he wouldn’t be stupid enough to touch them. You thought wrong.
“Bucky!” You shrieked with wide eyes.
He looked at you, calmly “I’m keeping them in order.” 
His habit of reading your mind was getting pretty annoying. You follow his lead and shuffle under the ropes out of curiosity. With your math tower tucked safely to the side out of harm's way, you faced him with a confused look. 
“You needed to wake up, right?” 
“Are we going to box? Because I don’t think I'm up for that right now.” 
“No, no” He takes the record out of its sleeve with a flourish and places it on the gramophone, setting the needle down, humming with excitement.
An upbeat song begins to play, filling the hall with hearty trumpets and jiving double bass. It almost felt like they were in the room somewhere, hiding under the boxing ring with their instruments. 
You stood a meter away from Bucky, no closer and no farther. He held out his hand, you looked around you as if there was any one else he could offer it to. 
“What are you doing?” You ask, you could barely hear yourself above the music reverberating around the walls.
“Dancing.” He said it like it was obvious.
You didn’t think you get stage fright in the absence of an audience but Bucky had a funny way of making you nervous. For the third time, you were stuck gawking at his open palm. The vibrations of the music sent waves through the boxing ring, an invisible hand urging you closer to him.
“I don’t think that’s, maybe not-” You splutter.
You tried to think of the ripples in time this could cause but all you could really focus on was how much you wanted to feel his hand in yours again.
When would you ever get the chance again? Never, that’s the answer. Sure, time might crumble before you but he looked so happy standing there, and he didn’t have many of those moments left.
“I swear every time you look at my hand it’s like you’ve seen a ghost.”
That’s what he had in store. Becoming the most infamous ghost story history had ever heard. You made peace with the universe in a surprisingly short amount of time and decided Bucky Barnes needed this more than anything else in this world.
“You gonna keep on staring at my hand or are you gonna take it?”
You take a few tentative steps towards him and slide your right hand into his left. He directs your other hand to rest on his shoulder and he slips his hand behind you. He tucked you closer to his chest with a shy smile and a gentle pull, you gazed up at him with bright eyes, a smile hiding in the corners of your mouth just waiting to blossom.
The next ten minutes, Bucky spends teaching you how to swing dance after coming to the conclusion you had never danced with anyone in your life.
“I have!” You insist after you step on his toe for the seventeenth time.
“Do they still have feet?” He asks in fake concern. 
“Ha Ha.” You poorly cover your genuine laughter, but you couldn’t hide the smile that had crept up on you anymore.  
Dancing with Bucky was a whirlwind in the most literal sense, you spun like a pinwheel in and out of his arms. You spent half the time spiraling into danger and he would be there to catch you as if there was no risk at all. 
When he kept you close, you could just about hear him counting to the music under his breath. It was an endless night of numbers for you, but you were convinced you had never been as dizzy as this before, dipping in and out and twisting up and down but you knew he wouldn’t let you fall. There was something transporting about it, bringing truth to your daydreams.
Dancing with him felt more like time travel, than well, actual time travel. 
You were glad he wasn’t enhanced yet, or he would hear your heartbeat picking up speed. For a moment he was all you could think about, and you finally had no complaints. 
Until you saw your papers topple and scatter on the floor, the jolting of the enthusiastic swing dance lesson had your precious work falling all over the floor. 
Quickly, it all got too much, heat rushed through you and the music was thumping in your head. He was too close to you, chests stuck together that should never have touched in the first place, Hands glued to his, you were trapped in his time and you were losing yourself by the second. If you didn’t let go now, who knows what you could cause. 
“Stop, stop!” You pulled away, ripped your hand from his, stumbling back and catching yourself on the ropes. 
“You alright?” Bucky spoke cautiously behind you.
“Yeah, yes I’m okay, I just-”
You swallowed down the bile rising from your stomach, and turned to see him standing there with concern in his eyes. Damn him. Damn him for helping you.
“I need to get this done.” You hurried to pick up your work and put it back into the correct order, scared to even look at him again.
“Okay.” He sighed quietly.
Hour Fifteen
Bucky had fallen asleep sometime ago.
The sun had come up again, the cloudless sky left the blinding beams of sunlight to burst through the windows.
His gentle snoring was the only sound as you held your breath,staring at the coordinates. Double checked, triple checked. All you had to do now was put them into the GPS and go.
But something was keeping you here, just for a few moments more. If it had anything to do with the man sleeping a couple meters away, you weren’t sure. All you could do was keep your eyes on the key to your exit.
“You worked through the night?” 
Okay, so he wasn’t asleep anymore.
You could disappear right there in front of his eyes and leave him questioning everything for the rest of his life, even though you thought it would be a little funny and maybe he deserved it, it was just too risky. 
“Done it before” You shrugged.
“Well my sleep was great, surprisingly sound” He began to walk over “Oh, and if my Ma asks where I was all night, do me a solid and say the recruitment center, something about long queues i don’t know.”
Hang on.
“You haven’t enlisted yet?” 
“Haven’t been to the recruitment center at all?”
“Been a bit busy” He chuckles
“Well you should go, go do it now”
You thought he had gone by now.
“I’ll do it later, suppose” He shrugs
You looked at the coordinates. You could go home. But you couldn’t. Bucky hadn’t enlisted. And if he doesn’t join the army then, then Steve probably wouldn’t either and Captain America wouldn’t exist and maybe we didn’t win the war, maybe we lost all of the wars, the battle of new york, the battle of the earth.
Him not becoming a sergeant . you couldn’t begin to think of the implications.
Was it all your fault? 
“Been thinking about it a lot and I know my dad did and all that, but…I don't know”
You had currently beaten your record for amount of shits in a twenty four hour span ten times over.
Getting home, All of this means absolutely nothing if Bucky doesn’t go to war. 
He needed to enlist, he had too, you were to blame for this, and you were damn right gonna fix it.
You had to make him join the army, no matter the cost.
Maybe you could afford a couple more days here, you supposed.
“You figure out all your math?” Bucky asks. 
You turned to him and stood.
“Not quite.”
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Tag-list: @emily-roberts @enchantedbarnes @marygoddessofmischief @nickangel13 @elxvrr @pixiesbored @skittle479 @sweetwritingfanficfriend @curlycarley​ @acceptedbyace​ (bold means I couldn’t tag you)
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isjasz · 14 days
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Stellar death
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talaricula · 6 months
Things I've seen tumblr memeing about James Somerton doing à la "How did no one see how bigoted he was!" as if those things haven't been a significant part of tumblr culture for over a decade :
Presenting untrue and bordering on conspiratorial versions of (queer or otherwise marginalised) history without any sources
Completely disregarding and disrespecting any expertise on socio-cultural topics/humanities and distrusting academics and historians (incl. acting as if no academics or historians could be queer or marginalised)
Downplaying the role misogyny played in the historical oppression of queer women and concluding that queer men must have been more oppressed than queer women
Bi women are, at best, not as queer as "real" queer ppl, and at worst, simply equivalent to straight women
Despite nominal trans inclusivity, transmasculine ppl are functionally women when convenient (combined with the above, bi transmascs are functionally straight women)
Despite nominal trans inclusivity (bis), shamelessly attacking, threatening and actively endangering any trans woman who questions them or smth they find important (often by unfairly presenting her as violent or as a threat)
Having absolutely fucking wild and reductive takes about ace ppl, the oppression they face and their place in the queer community
Stating that marriage equality is an assimilationist fight while completely ignoring its direct roots in the horrifying consequences of the AIDS crisis for partners of ppl who died of AIDS
Praising western media creators from the past for queer coding even under censure and in the same breath condemning current non western media creators for being homophobic bc their representation isn't explicit enough
Blaming China for all existing homophobic censoring in western media
Assuming all queer media would be better told by western creators and by western standards
Only out queer ppl get to tell queer stories
Heavily criticising almost all queer media created by women or ppl they see as such (see above points about trans ppl) or involving/starring a significant amount of women for any perceived or real amount of "problematicness", but fawning over and praising and negating criticism of queer media created by and starring mostly or even functionally exclusively men (even when it could be argued that, you know, not involving/seriously sidelining women is a pretty clear example of misogyny which should probably be considered "problematic")
And I'm probably forgetting stuff or there's stuff I have internalised myself and don't recognise as an issue
Like idk but I feel like the takeaway from Hbomberguy and Toddintheshadow's videos should maybe be "be aware of such patterns in your communities bc they definitely exist" and not "this guy is uniquely awful" and I feel like a lot of the discussion I've seen surrounding this has been severely failing at that. Most ppl who've spent any significant amount of time on tumblr prob either have internalised at least one of those thought patterns, have had to de-internalise them, or have had to be extremely vigilant to not internalise them (which is done by, you know, seeking out other sources, which also seemed like an important takeaway from the videos)
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tallgh0st · 5 months
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good morning ☀️
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elisaenglish · 10 months
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One day your wings awake, and they’re stronger than before...
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noecoded · 21 days
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ur favorite employee :3
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tapakah0 · 6 months
@somerandomdudelmao TheDoodleBug on YT DID IT AGAIN
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The animatic belongs to TheDoodleBug on youtube, go watch it if you wanna see quality Raph angst content because he's underestimated ;;~;;;
Original Song: Need You Here - I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME
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wistfulwatcher · 15 days
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muffin-snakes-art · 5 months
Happy 10th Anniversary to the Japanese release of Kirby Triple Deluxe!! I animated a Taranza. Turn the sound on to hear him go yippee!
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sillyahhchana · 2 years
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gerard way in a nutshell
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bombsonboard · 1 year
okay this is really unplanned but i might have to take a break this week/delay just because I'm so so busy and I have zero time to edit,, I will try my very best but if it's not there on Wednesday, that's why
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nothingbizzare · 4 months
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Hello !? Can u open the door !?
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viktormaru · 6 months
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congrats on them for getting back together
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fairydrowning · 1 year
"I dream. Sometimes I think that’s the only right thing to do. To dream, to live in the world of dreams."
– Haruki Murakami, Sputnik Sweetheart
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akechisstinkyfoot · 1 year
way of life
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available as a print
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kidovna · 6 days
made an instagram for my grad film If I Raised My Mother! I’ll be posting behind the scenes and more on there 🫂
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