#then constantly ignore them and make a show of showering other people with love?
dragonheartstring360 · 5 months
where there is no proof, there is no love
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luvyeni · 7 months
❛THEY’RE ROOMMATE❜ ( l.jeno & n.jaemin )
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p. roommate!nomin x fem!reader w. 4.7k+
warnings? pinning, threesome, meandom!jeno, softdom!jaemin, unprotected sex
— 𖦹 ( maybe those “jokes” your roommates play on you aren’t actually jokes ) !
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You and you roommates jeno and jaemin had and strange relationship — everyone saw it, except you three, you three just thought you were close friends.
“Yeah, close friends don’t joke about fucking each other on a daily basis.” Your friends would tell you, but you just shrugged it off, maybe they didn’t, but you and the two boys were comfortable enough to make jokes like that.
You first met the two on campus when you were freshman, jaemin was in one of your classes, and you two were partners for a project where you had to go over to his apartment — the apartment he shared with his best friend jeno, and you three instantly hit it off, you began to hang out all the time; movie night, clubbing, just hanging around, you guys were glued to the hip.
Then in your sophomore year you three both made the decision to move in together, it would take away some of the stress on bills — and you get to live with your best friends, it was a win win situation.
So, you soon moved in, jeno and jaemin sharing a room so you could get your own space, which you were so grateful for.
The jokes started before you moved in, but they got bolder and bolder when you guys moved in together. You’ll always remember the time when you accidentally walked in on jaemin in the shower, and instead of yelling he just smirked at you, telling you to join him. You quickly ran out, your face was warm, but you just chalked it up to the steam and not the fact that you had just seen your best friend's cock — and you weren’t mad at it.
Or with jeno, jeno loved to use his strength against you — constantly randomly pinning you down, his obvious bulge pushing against your stomach, bringing his face close to yours, like he was going in for a kiss, just to pull away with a smirk, leaving you breathless walking away with his day.
You also had your fair share of teasing the boys, probably more than them — wearing shorts that were too short and left nothing to the imagination, purposely bending over in front of them, giving them a peak of your ass, and most recently, and you didn’t even mean to do this, but you thought they both went to the gym, and you had time to yourself.
Yeah, they went to the gym, but they returned early due to it being closed, but you weren’t aware of their return, and your mind was to focused on reaching your climax with your vibrator that you didn’t hear them come in.
They didn’t let you live it down, for the next week, they tease you, telling you how they’d be so much better than the vibrator, only to laugh when you’d whine telling them to fuck off, your face warm, and your panties damp.
So maybe their words and teasing were starting to get to you, but you’d never tell them that, you’d never give them the upper hand, so you played them right back — tighter close, leaving the bathroom door open just enough so they’d see just enough to leave them wanting a full show — at the point people were just waiting for you three to break.
“Get the fuck up.” You were jolted awake by jaemin throwing a pillow that fell off your bed while you were sleep. “Get the fuck out jaemin.” You groaned, you didn’t have class today, so why the fuck was he disturbing your peace. “It’s almost noon, why the fuck are you still in bed?”
You ignored him, trying to fall back to sleep — but you were soon disturbed once again, this time jaemin was crawling on top of you, you felt the weight of his body crushing you. “j-jaemin, you are heavy.” You groaned — and then it hit you, it was hot last night, and your air-con wasn’t doing what it needed, so you stripped naked, and you fell asleep in the full nude.
Your eyes widened, “j-jaemin.” You stuttered. “jaemin get off.” You said. “Now i’m pretty comfy.” He smiled down at you. “I’m naked you asshole.” You gritted your teeth; he kissed his teeth unamused. “you’ve gotten me with with already sweetheart.” He said.
“Look on the floor.” His eyes fell to the floor, where your clothes were spread out. “Oh shit, you really are.” He turned to you. “Can I see?” You gripped the cover. “No.” he pouted. “Come on just a peek.” He pulled at the blanket. “jaemin stop!” you shrieked, and if things couldn’t get worse, jeno walked through the door.
“What are you two doing?” he stood against the wall. “you guys fucking?” You were trying to figure out how you ended up here, you were sleeping peacefully, now you’re naked with one of your roommates were on top of you while the other stared at you both in such a compromising position.
“No but she’s ready for me.” Jaemin smirked, “she’s naked under here.” You were stressed. “jaemin get off.” You whined. “Ah you’re a lucky bastard she’s whining for you; I told you I wanted to have her first.” You could no longer tell if they were joking or not and it was messy with your mind.
“You can still have her first, if she lets you under the blanket.” You gripped the comforter harder. “Okay enough, get off.” You pushed him off, he fell on the floor, you sat up covering your body. “i’m up, you both succeeded in waking me up and stressing me out before I even had a cup of coffee.” You said, pointing at the door. “Now get out so I can put some clothes on.”
They finally gave you what you wanted, jaemin got off the floor, both of them leaving you in peace. You sighed, fanning yourself. “it’s hot.” You said, “so hot.”
After calming down you finally got up, grabbing some lounging clothes for your shower. You tried not to think about the incident, but you couldn’t help it but think about it, your best friend hovering over you, and your other best friend claiming that “he wanted you first.” What the fuck did he mean by that? You got out of the shower, putting your clothes on, there was no point of makeup of anything, since you planned on staying inside.
“Ah there she is, you were showering for a really long time.” Jeno smirked, “where you doing something naughty?” you slapped his shoulder, he laughed. “Shut the fuck up.” You grumbled, pulling out all the ingredients for an ice coffee. “So grumpy.” He said, “frustrated?” he asked.
You rolled your eyes, “wouldn’t you like to know?” you fought back. “of course, I do baby, that’s why asked, maybe this time I could help you.” You ignored him, fixing your drink. “where’s jaemin?” you asked sitting back down.
“He went to the gym.” You nodded, taking a sip of your coffee, smiling at the taste. “Good?” he asked, you hummed. “So good, why didn’t you go?” you asked. “I went this morning, you should’ve come.” You shook your head. “And why would I do that, I work out at home, and you go hella hard on the gym for no reason.”
“You gotta go hard if you want muscles like these.” You rolled your eyes as he flexes. “And besides, it would’ve been nice, seeing you in your tight little gym outfit, a little motivation.” He smirked.
“Stop it.” You said fixing the rest of your coffee putting your cup in the sink, you’ll get it later. “And stop flexing your muscles.” You said. “Why, you get turned on by muscles?” He wasn’t wrong, you could feel your panties dampening, but you weren’t about to let him win. “Not really, jaemins are much better, be careful he may end up bulking up and passing you.” You winked going to turn away and walk back to your room, but before you could even process, you were pinned against the wall.
“Jeno!” you exclaimed at his sudden movement, how the hell did you not hear him get up, and why are you current pinned up against a wall by your best friend. “What are you doing?” you questioned. “Apologize.” He said, you dry laughed. “And why would I do that?” you teased. “You really want to find out?” his face was extremely close now; you could feel his breath on your face. “Now apologize princess.” He let one of your hands go, you pushed at his chest. “i-i’m sorry.” He smirked, his eyes quickly going to your lips, then to your eyes. “Good girl.” He let you go. “Now run along.”
You wasted no time, practically running to your room, closing your door. “Fuck.” You were heavily breathing; you felt your heart pounding out of your chest, jeno really had done a number on you, by simply doing nothing. You looked at the drawer where you kept your trusty vibrator — thinking about the pros and cons, if you covered your mouth, you might be able to get away with it.
You quickly locked your door, pulling down your sweatpants, climbing into bed, with your vibrator in hand. You got rid of your panties, your air hitting your cunt, you hummed in delight as you turned on the vibrator, pressing it against your clit.
After your moment to yourself, you sat the toy down on your bed — you were gonna clean it and put it up.
You cleaned yourself up, putting your clothes back on, making your way out of your room, heading to the bathroom to relive yourself. You reached for the door, but it opened for you — you would’ve fell had the person not caught you. “jesus if you wanted me princess you could’ve had me this morning, not when i’m freshly out the shower.”
You pushed yourself off of him, stepping back look at him — he was naked, the only thing covering him was a towel hanging on his waist. “My eyes are up here pretty.” You kissed your teeth. “d-don’t flatter yourself.” You said, he smirked. “you’re the one staring at your best friend like a piece of meat.” He laughed watching your eyes widened. “It’s okay you can touch me.”
“I don’t wa-.” He grabbed your wrist, slowly moving your hand across his abs. “You like princess?” he tried to move his hand lower, you quickly pulled away, turning running back to your room. “don’t you have to use the bathroom?” he questioned, “not anymore.” You quickly closed the door, he shook his head, making his way into his bedroom.
You were losing your mind, no they were losing their minds — they were becoming even more shameless, and your poor little heart couldn’t take it, neither could your vibrator, how much could it possibly take before giving up.
“Oh, they want to fuck you so bad.” Your best friend listened to your complaints, gathering information coming to a conclusion. “Yeah, they want to fuck you.”
“What are you talking about?” you said, “they don’t want to fuck me.” You said, laying on your stomach. “Really, well then it’s you who wants to fuck them.” She said. “Nobody wants to fuck anybody.”
“(yn).” She started, “think about it, when’s the last time they brought a girl over?” you thought about it. “jaemin did about 3 months ago.” You recalled the morning you walked out into the kitchen where a half-naked girl stood, and jeno passed out on the couch. “But that was the last time I remember.”
“And when was the last time you brought a guy home?” you thought again. “Girl that’s sad.” You rolled your eyes. “Oh, haechan about a month and a half ago, almost two.” You explained. “isn’t he friends with them? Whore.” You gasped. “Hey!” she laughed. “i’m just kidding, if you want to go through the whole group go ahead, i’ll support you.” You shook your head.
“Honestly girl, it’s clear there’s something going on there, and has always been there, how many sex jokes can jaemin make about your ass before it becomes clear.” You shrugged. “And jeno has never hid the fact that he wants to fuck you dumb.” You cocked your eyebrow. “Please you can’t be that stupid enough to think it was all a joke?”
“Babe no, they want to fuck you.” She said. “Stop being so crude.” You bit at your lip. “You mean to tell me those two sexy ass men, and they are sexy are walking around your house, and you haven’t thought about jumping their bones once?” you hid your face. “i’m embarrassed.” She laughed. “I knew it, girl you better take that chance.”
“How am I supposed to approach that, I want both of you to take me to my room and fuck me dumb?” She shrugged. “Yes, basically.” She said. “Do not miss out on your chance to fuck two hot guys.” She said. “If you don’t, tell them I would.” You frowned. “i’m hanging up.” You said. “Sorry I forgot they’re yours, maybe hyuck and that cutie mark would come do that to me.” You rolled your eyes. “Bye.” You hung up, closing your laptop.
Your stomach began to rumble, you groaned climbing out of your bed, sliding on your slippers, before making your way out the room, to the kitchen for some food.
Both jaemin and jeno were out there, jaemin was cooking in the kitchen and jeno was laying back on the couch, watching an anime on the tv, your mind going back to the conversation with your best friends. “don’t miss your opportunity.”
“Ah guess who finally came out from rotting in your room.” Jeno said, you rolled your eyes, like he wasn’t the reason you were avoiding the common area. “Shut up.” You went into the kitchen, standing next to jaemin, looking at what he was cooking. “What are you making?” you asked.
“Some ramen.” He said, your tummy rumbled. “Look at you, you want some princess?” you smiled nodding. “Say please.” He smirked. “Jaemin.” You whined, stomping your foot. “You must not be that hungry.” You pouted. “Please.” You spoke. “Please what princess?”
“Please can I have some ramen?” he smiled, satisfied. “Good girl, get a bowl princess.” You clapped, grabbing a bowl — he put some noddles in your bowl, with some broth. “Thank you.” You sat down at the table, jaemin made his bowl, sitting down next to you. “Is it good.” You took a bite, nodding. “Good.”
He smiled watching you, before eating his own food. “Who were you talking too for so long?” he said. “Oh um, (y/f/n).” you answered. “What did she want?” you thought about the conversation you had. “Oh, she wanted haechans number.” You said. “For what?” he said. “She wanted his number, and she knew I had it from the time we hung out.” You said.
“You mean when you two fucked in our bathroom.” Jeno walked into our kitchen. “I hardly call that hanging out.” You scoffed. “well, if you say it like that.” You mumbled. “Anyway, and we just talked about a bunch of other random things, we’re going out tomorrow to shop for new clothes.”
“Is hyuck gonna be there?” jaemin asked, why were they both so hung up on donghyuck? You haven’t talked to hyuck since the day he left your apartment, it was literally a one-time hook up, you doubt he even remembers, he’s slept with a plethora of girls after. “of course not, why would he be there?” they both shrugged.
You put your bowl in the sink, opening the fridge to pull out a juice. “you’re like a little kid princess.” Jaemin took the pouch out your hand, “you need to drink water, these drinks are super sugary.” You pouted, “I want my juice.” You whined. “i’ll drink water after I promise.” He shook his head. “Drink water.” You open the fridge, pulling out a water. “Good girl.”
His body was close to yours as you opened the bottle, taking a sip of water. “I drunk it.” You said. “Good keep drinking it.” He spoke. “Will you back up if I drink more.” He smirked. “Why am I making you nervous?” you went to turn and walk away, but he pulled you back. “jaemin.” You spoke. “Why do you keep running princess?” he said.
“I-i’m not running.” You said, jeno scoffed. “Really? you’ve spent all day in your room for what then?” he said, jeno stood on the side, you were now boxed in, your best friends had cornered you. “Well, that’s because — because what princess?” jaemin said. “Say it?”
“Because you both have been terrorizing me all day.” You spoke. “Terrorizing?” jaemins eyebrow quirked up. “Yeah, terrorizing, making me frustrated, flustering me.” You let everything fall out. “i’ve been so sexually frustrated all day and you both aren’t making it better.”
Your eyes widened, covering your mouth to keep from saying anything else. “so, we make you horny?” jeno said, “and that’s why you’re hiding from us?” you shook your head. “i’m going back to my room.” You tried to get away again, but they just moved in closer, leaving you little to no room to move.
“Poor baby just needs to be fucked?” jaemin said, you almost let out a whimper. “St-stop it.” You spoke. “If you’re just fucking with me, stop it, I can’t take it anymore.” You pleaded, jaemin turned to jeno. “She still doesn’t get it.” Jeno shook his in faux disappointment. “she’s a little dumb, you know you gotta explain.”
“Baby you’re the only one who was joking.” Jaemin said, “this morning, I was serious, i’ve been serious for the past few months.” Jaemin said. “And I have never said I was joking baby.” Jeno chimed in. “i’ve always been quite open about me wanted to fuck you.”jaemin moved to the side, letting jeno tower over you. “I actually claimed you first.”
You couldn’t believe the sudden confession; they were actually serious. “You know what jaem, maybe we should just show her.” Before you could even process jeno was pressing you against the counter, kissing you.
His hands traveled from your waist all the way to your ass, lifting you up sitting you on the counter, not taking his lips off yours, jaemin watching on the side. “How about we take this to the bedroom.” He said, jeno picked you up, obviously trying to prove how strong he was, carrying you to your room.
He tossed you on the bed, you hit the soft foam, bouncing a bit. “You’re trying to show off your strength.” You said, he smirked. “you’re really talkative.” He said, you smiled sweetly. “let’s see if you’re still talking with my dick in your mouth.”
Jaemin sat on the bed, he felt something on your bed, as jeno began taking your bottoms off. He felt around, grabbing the object, smirking. “I see taking to (y/f/n) wasn’t all you were doing, naughty baby.” He held your vibrator in his hands. “Put that down.” You go to reach for it, jeno swiftly grabbed your hand pinning it down.
“Look at that wet cunt.” He said once he got your panties off. “you’ve must’ve fucked yourself dumb with that thing right before you came out.” You recalled covering your mouth cumming all over yourself right before your phone call with your friend. “How many times have you used that thing?”
He pressed down on the clit, you moaned. “Th-three.” You honestly answered, you weren’t ashamed. “Three times, you came three times and you’re still so horny.” He tapped your cube. “So, fucking nasty baby, you’re a little horny slut, aren’t you?” Jeno groaned, your slit had become soaked, you were ready to take his cock. “N-not a slut.”
“Really baby, you’ve already came three times today, but here you are, clenching around the air, your pussy begging to be filled.” You moaned as he slid one of his thick fingers. “So fucking wet.” He groaned.
You heard jaemin turn on the vibrator, you turned your head, he smiled, pressing it against your chests. “let’s see how good this thing is.” He traced the toy around your chest, circling the toy around your nipples. “j-jaemin, oh fuck! Jeno.” You screamed your best friends' names, as jeno added another finger, speeding up his movements. “I need to stretch this pussy out for my cock.”
Jaemin finally reached your clit with the toy, circling the toy as jeno thrusted his fingers inside of your cunt. “Oh, fuck i’m gonna cum.” You moaned. “i’m gonna fucking cum.” Jaemin turned the settings up higher, the vibration taking over your body, jeno curling his fingers, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. “Fuck i’m cumming!” you screamed, eyes rolling back into your head, your body shaking as you came.
“Fuck look at your pussy soaking my fingers.” Jaemin turned out the toy, tossing it somewhere. “Be-be careful with, s’ expensive.” You said, jaemin smirked. “Princess after today you’ll never need that stupid fucking toy again.” Your pussy clench at the thought of fucking them again and again.
“Let me get a taste.” Jaemin sipped his fingers into between your legs, wiping up some of slick, bringing it to your lips. “mhm, shit princess if you aren’t full fuck out once we’re done, i’m gonna need a taste of that cunt, you moaned out, trying to close your legs, jeno slapped them open.
“Keep your legs open.” Both boys got off the bed, undoing their pants, taking them off. “I told you, that pussy is mine first.” Jeno rubbed himself through his underwear, hissing. “You want it, want my cock?” you nodded. “So bad, wan’ your cock so bad.”
He freed himself from his confinements, his cock sprung out, he was huge — his thick cock, his tip angry red, and dripping with pre-cum. “don’t worry princess, i’ll stuff your throat when i’m done with this slutty pussy right here.” He flipped you on your stomach, you yelped at him suddenly man handling you, your ass was up in the air, he rubbed his cocked on your folds, teasing his tip in your hole. “Pl-please put it in like.”
He pushed his cock into your cunt in one swift motion. “Fuck!” you screamed. “Fuck baby, your cunt just took my cock so fucking easily, damn slut.” He slapped your ass.
Jaemin on the other hand, undid his pants, climbing back on the, letting his cock free. He stroked it a few times, tapping the side of your face as jeno fucked into you. “Come on princess, nana needs you too.” He slapped his cock against your lips. “Open your lips for nana.” You parted your lips allowing him to slip his cock into your mouth, groaning as you bobbed your head along his shaft. “There you, suck my cock.”
Jeno kept rocking into you, his balls slapping against your clit, his hands gripping your ass as his roughly fucked you. “Look at the slut, played so hard to get, only to be drooling like a whore filled with her best friends' cocks.” Jeno slapped your ass, pushing you further on jaemins cock. “Fuck her mouth is fuck magical, m’gonna cum.” Jaemin groaned.
“Want you to swallow my cum, can you be a good girl and swallow for me?” you nodded his cock still in your mouth, he pushed your head down, grunted as you felt his cum fill your mouth. “Fuck!” he groaned, emptying his load into your mouth. “Swallow love.” You obeyed, poking your tongue out. “Good girl.”
Jeno pushed your hips down in an arch, fucking into you. “Fu-fuck i’m about to fill this cunt.” He grunted. “Pl-please.” You finally got to speak, your voice horse. “Please cum inside me.” He slapped your ass, fucking into you so rough, the headboard slapped against the wall. “jesus jeno.” Jaemin said. “You’re gonna break her poor cunt.”
“N-nah, she likes this -fuck- she likes being treated like nothing but a hole.” He cursed. “isn’t that right, tell jaemin how much of a slut you are.” He said. “I-i’m such a -fuck- s-such a slut.” You moaned out. “See -fuck- i’m about to cum.” He groaned. “Jeno!” you screamed. “jeno i’m gonna cum!”
“Fucking cum.” He growled, you screamed, legs shaking as you came, he thrusted once, twice and a third time before he came into your waiting hole, you sighed feeling his warm seed enter your womb. “Fuck.” He pulled out, watching the cum leak from your cunt. “Keep it in there, I want jaemin to fuck it deeper into you.”
He climbed from behind you, jaemin taking his place. “let’s lay you on your back princess, I know he probably did a number on you.” He was much softer than jeno. “Look at you all laid out all pretty for nana, you want nana’s cock, don’t you?” you nodded, your eyes were practically closed. “You sure you can handle it baby, you’ve been cumming practically all day today.”
You whined, reaching for his cock, stroking it. “Please, please nana.” You begged. “wan’ it so bad.” You spoke. “And you want me to believe she’s not a slut, she’s cum five times today, yet she’s still begging for cock.” Jeno scoffed, your pussy clenched. “But she’s so cute, begging for my cock.”
He pushed his tip in your cunt, you moaned. “You can have it princess.” He pushed his whole cock in, you moaned. “so-so full.” You stuttered, “yeah? You full on my cock?” you nodded, “please move nana.” He wasted no time, moving his hips. “Fuck.” He groaned. “Such a nice pussy.”
Jeno grabbed your face, making you look up at him. “Come on open up.” He slapped his cock on your lips. “Take my cock into your mouth.” He pushed himself into your mouth, grunted. “Fuck yeah, such a warm fuck hole.” Jeno held your head still, using your mouth. “Just let me use your mouth.”
Jaemin in contrast to jeno softly squeezed your boob, rocking into you. “Fuck princess, your cunt is so good, so tight.” He grunted, speeding up, you moaned around jeno’s cock. “Such a good girl, letting us use you like this, been waiting and waiting to finally fuck you.” Jaemin felt his movements faltering, his cock twitching. “i’m gonna cum, you want my cum inside your pussy too.” You hummed, jeno grunted.
“i’m gonna paint your fucking face.” Jeno pulled out you moaned. “i’m gonna cum.” You screamed out, jaemin rubbed your clit, fucking into faster. “Go ahead, squirt on my cock, make a fucking mess.” You screamed, clenching tightly as you your juices squirted out, covering jaemins abs. both the guys cursed, seeing the liquid squirt out of you.
“Fuck princess i’m gonna cum -shit- i’m gonna cum in your pussy, fuck!” he moaned, a second later, his cum was also filling your hole. “that’s it, take my cum princess, it’s all yours.” You moaned.
Jeno held your face still, jerking his cock over your face. “Fuck i’m cum, i’m gonna cum all over your face.” He tugged at his cock a few times, groaning as cum spurting from his cock, coating your face. “Oh fuck.” He groaned, covering your face in his seed. “Good slut.” He tapped his cock against your lips. “Took both our cocks like a champ.”
Jaemin helped you get cleaned up, jeno cleaned up the sheets. “I didn’t take you as a squirted.” You were too tired to come back with a rebuttal. “jesus baby, we did a number on you.”
“No you did a number on her, I was soft with her.” Jaemin helped you into bed. “Awe baby, I promise i’ll fuck you much softer next time.” He said, patting the type of your head. “But don’t beg me to fuck you like a whore when it’s not hitting right.” He left to the door. “i’m going to my room.” He walked out.
Jaemin stayed in the room with you, letting you sleep on his chest soundly, until he fell asleep in your room, next to your body.
Jeno came into your room early the next morning to eat you out as an apology for going so rough.
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iamyoubutcuter · 1 year
mad // Kylian Mbappe
warning: english is not my first language :’)
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You know that Kylian is a very hot-tempered person. He can get angry very quickly at something or start ignoring you just because he is in a bad mood. You are used to it and at these moments you are trying to calm yourself first of all, so as not to say unpleasant words to each other. You know that he is not a bad person and such a character doesn’t make a person basically bad. At first, when this happened, you were constantly crying, but after a while you realized that he didn’t want to show himself from this side and was trying to control it to the last. In general, it’s better not to make Kylian angry. But if he restrains himself with you, then with others he loses control.
This happened before the start of the match, when one of the players on the opposing team said that he will fuck you after this game because PSG will lose. And Kylian turned to the conversation. At that time, Kylian didn't care whether the broadcast was live or not. Without hesitation, he approached the guy and wanted to push him, but didn’t have time. The guys from both teams immediately ran up. "What the fuck did you say? Pray that I didn't hear it right" – you saw it all on the screen at the stadium. The guys calmed him down, but Kylian was furious and it was evident from his facial expressions. Mbappe isn’t a weak person, he can stand up for himself and for the person he loves. Unfortunately, you didn't understand what they were talking about. But it pissed you off that this guy was smirking. The match started, Kyky seemed to be in earnest, he constantly tries to make tackles to get the ball and runs insanely fast with it to score. At one of the moments when Kylian had the ball, the same guy who started talking about you before the match made a tackle. Of course he fell, but immediately got up and ran to this guy. "You're lucky we're playing because I'd kill you here," – Kylian yelled at him. Everyone immediately approached them to calm down. The referee showed a red card to Kylian. Mbappe waved his hand and left the field. The rest of the time he wanted to hit this guy harder and then kiss you in front of everyone, so they would know you belong only to him. Althroght, PSG won this match, but he didn’t feel better. Kylian took the phone to sen message to you. "Where are you?" – he was going to go to the shower, so he sat with a naked torso. "I'm waiting, let's hurry, babe," – you instantly answered. "10 minutes," – you read and flipped through the instagram feed. You saw him and smiled. Kylian took your face in his hands and kissed you on the lips, then moved to your cheek then to your neck. Your hands roamed his back. You were ticklish because your neck is your weak spot. He put his hands on your waist and started kissing your lips again. "You are my comfort" – he said and kissed you again. You felt his tongue. Kylian slowly kissed you, enjoying the fact that you are all his. His hands went down to your ass, you felt embarrassed, because you generally forgot about the people who see all this. All the guys passed you in the hallway and, of course, saw how you two are infatuated with each other. You pushed him away from you, pressing on his chest with your hands, but did not have time to say something. "I fantasized so much while sitting on the bench during the game that I want to urgently bring it to life," – Kyky whispered in your ear, savoring every word. You got goosebumps and you closed your eyes for a couple of seconds. "So what are we waiting for?" – Kylian didn't waste any time, took your hand and led to the exit.
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zamoimagines · 1 year
Women of Abbott Elementary Having a Crush on You (Headcanons)
A/N: I hope I did these ladies some justice because I love them all very dearly. If you guys would like more Abbott content, please let me know! Headcanons are under the cut
Ava Coleman
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✧・゚ The most obviously flirtatious out of everyone here 
✧・゚The moment she sees you, she knows you’re fine and she wants a piece of you
✧・゚ And whatever Ava Coleman wants, she gets 
✧・゚She’d come to the teacher’s lounge every morning just to say good morning and tease you
✧・゚Gregory Eddie who? 
✧・゚Ever since you got to the school, any time he speaks when you’re in the room she completely ignores him or tells him to be quiet 
✧・゚Calls you a whole bunch of nicknames like baby girl, princess, sugar boo, etc
✧・゚When you walk away, she’s always staring off after you and proceeds to tell the rest of the staff how gorgeous you are 
✧・゚It gets annoying and uncomfortable for them when she’s constantly like “I hate to see her leave but i love watching her walk away. That body was blessed by Beyonce herself, damn.”
✧・゚You become the first person to know any of her shenanigans 
✧・゚Always calls you into her office and says it’s important, but really she just wants your opinions on her amazon orders 
✧・゚Little do you know she’s just keeping tabs on what you like so she can shower you in surprise gifts here and there 
✧・゚You catch little moments of her being really genuine, and while she’d usually brush them off with the others, she lets them linger when she’s with you
✧・゚That’s how you know she’s got it bad for you, when she breaks that composure and shows you the vulnerability that she doesn’t let anyone else see 
✧・゚When she catches on that you’re into her just as much, she definitely doesn’t see a point in waiting anymore 
✧・゚No one’s around when she asks and she definitely hovers over you when she asks you out
✧・゚Maybe leaning up against the door frame/wall with one arm up to make sure you don’t run off, or she circles you like a vulture- anything to make sure you stay right where she wants you 
✧・゚“Look, baby, you know we got this Kate/Leo Titanic thing going on. Let me take you out. We can see where this goes.” 
✧・゚In which she takes you on the date of a LIFETIME, the rest is history
Barbara Howard
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✧・゚Barbara Howard is a lady of class. She takes her time with things, even if she wants something very badly 
✧・゚But with that, she wants to make sure that she does everything *right* and with precision 
✧・゚When you started working, she didn’t seem to notice you much. She made sure to be polite and endearing when she needed to be, but nothing more than that 
✧・゚Then, you started making light conversation. You’d even made her laugh a few times, and when you got her on a tangent about gardening or about her favorite music, she noticed something change 
✧・゚She certainly looked at you different and she was sure that she liked you much more now than most of the teachers, maybe as much as she liked Melissa
✧・゚So much so that she started to invite you to sit at her lunch table, and she’d make sure to stop by your room every afternoon to check on you while her students were at recess
✧・゚People knew it was serious when she went out of her way to do so
✧・゚Everyone whispered and drew their theories, but Melissa would be the one to ask in which Barbara Howard would admit… Yes, she liked you more than a coworker.
✧・゚When she’d realized even more what she liked about you, her affection grew stronger and she started doing little things for you like giving advice on how to deal with difficult children, offering you a hug here and there whenever you needed one, offering to join her during her nail appointments between school hours if you were feeling particularly overwhelmed, and there were even a few times that she’d stood up to people for you that caught the others and yourself completely off guard 
✧・゚And every time that happened, she’d turn right around and that hard exterior would melt. She’d immediately go soft for you and make sure you were okay and that you weren’t hurt
✧・゚Barbara would really wanna tell you at the absolute perfect time, but of course, life doesn’t really work out that way
✧・゚She’d probably save it for something big, like at the Christmas party she and Melissa always have together and she’s even planning it so that it really really means something 
✧・゚But it definitely would just go completely wrong and there would be plenty of mishaps that would get her frustrated enough to retreat back into her room 
✧・゚In which you’d seek her out and knock on her door to ask her what was wrong 
✧・゚She’d close the door behind you and the lights would be dim since it was after school hours and she’d reach for your hand very delicately to say, 
✧・゚“Y/N… Sweetheart, I- I like you very much. And in more than a professional coworker way. You are everything I’ve been looking for, and I’d like to take you out to dinner sometime.” There would definitely be a moment of silence between the two of you before she’d start second guessing herself once again and say, “I’m very sorry if I’ve crossed any boundaries. I should’ve never said anything at all.” 
✧・゚You’d have to tell her that you liked her too almost immediately or else the whole thing would be called off. When you did admit your feelings, though, she’d smile very softly and hold you closer, maybe she’d even give you a very soft kiss to your cheek 
✧・゚She wouldn’t even ask you where you wanted to go or what to do because she has had the perfect date planned out for MONTHS, but you’d love it regardless. Barbara Howard knows exactly how to make things perfect always.
Janine Teagues
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✧・゚Sweet baby angel Janine is so obvious when she has a crush
✧・゚Seriously, the minute she first saw you she was like *heart eyes motherfucker* 
✧・゚She’d be really sweet and would be the first to welcome you to Abbott, and would probably ramble your ear off about the other teachers, advice to deal with the students, and then would have a whole bunch of questions about you 
✧・゚She’s like the personification of sunshine whenever she sees you and it’s adorable 
✧・゚Every morning, she’d make sure to say hello to you and would hype you up like
✧・゚“We’re gonna have a great day today, Y/N!” and would try to high five you 
✧・゚Lots of unintentional innuendos when she’s trying to be wholesome, to which she’ll listen to herself and then immediately be like “I didn’t- Ya know what, I gotta go-” 
✧・゚Always sits next to you at lunch and tells you everything that’s going on with her day
✧・゚And vice versa, she’d listen to everything going on in your world and offer you support and validation because to her, you deserve every last bit of it 
✧・゚When Melissa had her over for cooking lessons, she’d bring you leftovers from the next day because she’s always thinking about things she can do for you 
✧・゚Jacob would finally be the one to tell her she needed to go for it, and she’d be incredibly nervous to tell you (as if you don’t already know) 
✧・゚She’d probably find you walking out at the end of the day and would pull you aside right out of the school and say something like 
✧・゚“Okay- Okay, this is scary and weird, but I’m just gonna do it, okay?” She’d take a deep breath and very quickly admit, “I like you a lot, Y/N. And it’s okay if you don’t like me back- We can just stay friends! I don’t want to ruin everything we have, but I also can’t ignore that I really *really* like you a lot, I’m just really sorry if that’s weird or overbearing-” 
✧・゚To which you would cut her off and admit that you liked her too
✧・゚She’d give you the BIGGEST, prettiest and goofiest smile you’d ever seen her wear in all the time you’d known her 
✧・゚Definitely would be kinda awkward because she wasn’t expecting to get this far, but she’d make sure to plan a very cute, personal date with you full of the fluffiest romance 
Melissa Schemmenti
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✧・゚Where to begin with Melissa Schemmenti 
✧・゚When she likes someone, she knows it and she has every intention of winning them over. Out of all the women (even Ava), Melissa has the absolute most game 
✧・゚The moment you arrive she knows that she thinks you're cute. It only gets better the longer she talks to you and the more she gets to know you 
✧・゚Definitely calls you little pet names like “hon”, “sweetheart”, “angel”, the works
✧・゚She’d always be knocking on your door during her breaks and invade your classroom while you were teaching, just smiling ear to ear to see you in your element with the kids 
✧・゚She’d also wait for you in the halls before classes, before breaks, and before it was time for the end of the day. She always insists on walking you out to your car to make sure no one tries any funny business with you 
✧・゚Whenever she got her fancy latte in the morning, she’d always bring you one just to cheer you up 
✧・゚And any time you were having a hard day, she’d be the first to find you to offer you comfort. Sometimes that meant telling you a weird Schemmenti family story that sounded unreal, other times it was cute joke, and when it was dire, she’d make sure to offer you sweet words of affection and try to let you know how wonderful you are to build you right back up 
✧・゚People would know it was getting real because Melissa would absolutely start getting territorial over you 
✧・゚If someone so much as breathed around you and it *seemed* like they were interested, she’d start that growling and pacing back and forth like a menacing linebacker 
✧・゚It would get to a point where she couldn’t take it anymore knowing that you weren’t officially hers that she’d find you after everyone was gone from school, maybe in your classroom once Mr. Johnson left for the day
✧・゚You’d ask her what was wrong and she wouldn’t waste any time making her way right up to you and kissing you right on the lips, caressing over your hair sweetly just to drive it home even more 
✧・゚She’d say something like “I like you. I like you a lot, actually, and I think you should come to my place for dinner this week… If you’re interested.” 
✧・゚And how could you say no to her after a kiss like that? FIND MORE GAY SHIT HERE
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atzaurora · 8 days
I don't know if you do headcanons, but I wanted to ask for one about what it would be like to be in a relationship with boys (ateez), I like this type of hc or imagine and I wanted to see how it would look in your writing, poly!Ot8 please, like how they would treat the reader, when it's time to sleep, and so on, can the reader be the youngest in the group and be shy please??
You can ignore this if you want ❤
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ateez headcanons (part 1?)
member: ot8
pairing: fem!shy!reader X ateez, poly!relationship
type: preferences (fluff)
warnings: none
a/n: it's not a lot and also my first time writing headcanons so I hope this is what you had in mind and I understood the request right ^^ hope you enjoy reading! feel free to leave more requests or feedback!
here's my masterlist!
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-i think they'd all be SUPER gentle if you want it, like if you had a hard day or so, they would definitely put you to bed
-i think most of them would like to cuddle you to sleep or get you dressed for bed (everything you need and want basically!)
-i can also imagine that as the youngest member of the group, you often find yourself being pampered and protected by them
-they'd love showing you off as their pride and joy, especially since you're still quite shy around new people
-whenever it's time to go to bed, one of the older members will always volunteer to tuck you in and make sure you're comfortable before saying goodnight
-throughout the day, they'll constantly check on you, making sure you're eating well and taking breaks when needed. your favorite part about being with them though has got to be how much laughter fills every room whenever everyone gets together. Despite their busy schedules, they make sure to prioritize quality time spent as a group - cooking meals, watching movies, playing games... everything you love doing together
-in terms of romantic gestures, the boys never fail to surprise you. From unexpected kisses on the forehead to heartwarming notes left under your pillow, they always seem to know exactly how to make your day brighter
-i can also see them during concerts or performances where fans shower attention onto them, they'll bring you backstage where it's quieter and less chaotic; allowing for some intimate moments just for the nine of you amidst all the madness
-i think their affection towards each other doesn't diminish when focused solely on you – instead, it adds another layer of depth and understanding to your relationship
-when it comes to some more intimate moments i also think they'd be very loving, giving you the most pleasure possible and putting your needs first
-they'd also praise you A LOT and leave small kisses all over you while telling you how good you were doing
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inkskinned · 2 years
you grew up with a father that thinks everything can be an argument. he will willingly tell any stranger - he just likes to argue! it's fun, it keeps the kids fresh and spritely. teaches them critical thinking. anything can be a debate; any moment can turn into a lecture. that's just being a good parent.
he'd say he's playing devil's advocate. he doesn't really believe any of that stuff, he just wants to prepare you for the real world! he wants you to really expand your mind about stuff. after all, kids spend too much time in the echo chambers of the internet - he's just showing you the other side! he's giving you a hard time so when hard times come, you don't crumble. it's actually his way of being kind.
as an adult now, you have trouble letting any conversation slide, staying up late, full of anxiety, wondering what parts you got wrong and what parts you got right. you constantly need to overexplain yourself. you are terrified of any raised voices, ever, and hate any form of conflict. on dark nights in the loneliness: you worry that you've been taught love has to look violent in order to be labelled passionate.
your father had a few methods. his favorite was it's a joke not a dick don't take it so hard. he'd roll his eyes and make some kind of "gay pride parade" comment and then throw up his hands like what? everyone's thinking it, i'm just the guy that said it!
when you were younger, you used to fall for that. you used to be goaded so easily back then, trying to actually-feel-pride for what you are. you didn't get a cake or a congratulations when you came out. your parents just kind of ignored the situation for as long as they could manage. your father has spent more time making snide comments about gay people in the last six months than he's ever spent praising you in the entire sum of your lifetime with him. he'd say he's just testing you. it's not that serious, nobody actually stands against gay marriage.
you used to try, back then. you'd bristle, find yourself wrapped up in it again. having him yell over you and shoot down your facts with where are you even getting these things. ignore your personal experiences. shift topics as it fits him. fill the whole world with strawman arguments. for him, it was fun! it was a tuesday. he was bonding with his kid.
for you, you'd go to bed with your heart hammering. feel something horrible lifting wet mandibles inside of your skin. you'd think he just doesn't fucking get it. you'd spend hours murmuring into the silence, trying to narrow down your sentences; knowing that if you stumble or misspeak or even take too long to set up an argument - he's just going to talk over you or ignore you or mock you again. you'd practice all the ways you're going to stay calm next time, how you'll refuse to let him drive you away from the main point, how you won't let it get to you anymore. in truly brave moments, you'd even picture him pausing for a moment and saying - oh. that's a good point. you knew he wouldn't apologize, but it would have been a nice change if he'd just-once acknowledged your intelligence.
you wrote it down once, so that you could actually tell him. when you value the thrill of an argument more than my emotional safety, regardless of if the topic feels 'real' to you - it is, intentionally or not, causing damage to our relationship. you practiced saying it in the mirror, in the shower, in the car. you'd imagine the whole situation. you would just lock eyes with him and finally stand up for yourself. you'd finally say this isn't fun for me. you choose conversations that are emotionally fraught for me but safe for you; that is not fair debating ground. it's unlikely he'd listen, but at least you would have finally said something.
the truth that you're kind of hiding from, because it makes you feel weirdly embarrassed: you kind of suspect your father likes to upset you. that an argument is just an excuse to rile you up rather than actually spend that time getting to know you. that he gets some kind of weird kick about seeing his child so emotionally affected. that he'd rather see that kid (hurting, helpless, tongue-tied) than the one that would exist if he just tried fucking supporting you as a tactic. that he secretly believes yes, this is what love is.
he will say, if pressed and backed into a corner and in public and if there's social standing at risk - at that point he'd say he's proud of his kids. he takes credit for it, but he says you all grew up smart and capable and confident.
you think, probably, your father knows more about trump than he knows about you. and something about that - it never sits right, no matter how far you get or what you do.
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batesmotelofficial · 3 months
Asks open 𓇽
Taking a shower, be back in a bit (hopefully)
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TW: graphic violence, sadism, drinking, D.I.D., bipolar behavior, sensual behavior, matricide, obsession, drugging, mentions, death, other mental problems, Norman and Norma should be a warning themselves rip
(there's probably more but whatever you get the
Happy Pride Month to all who celebrate 🏳️‍🌈
Asks accepted:
Ms. Bates: open
Norman: open
Newman, Robert: open
Daily post limit has not been reached 💀🔪😱🚿
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This is placed around the 1st psycho movie (2, 3 and 4 don't exist, except for the occasional reference to Nathan (Norms son) Norman died in the psycho 2 book by a car lit on fire, so let's just say he died that way
(Gif by @/the-watcher-in-the-sky)
(Divider by @/ghuleh-recs)
Please don't kill off characters without permission, and please don't get mad when I point it out
Check the ask & answer hashtag before making an ask (if you've seen one more than once, I've seen one more than once)
All blogs are minor friendly, but with implications, so don't be shy
Crossovers are accepted :)
Gorey fighting asks are accepted, because we're all older than 13 here yeah? Anywho go crazy, I love gore.
The flag in my pfp is ARO/ACE and will mainly be here for Pride Month 💖
Blog hastags!!
#rp starter
#Norms art
#ask & answer
#Norms speak
#bates family photos
[More notes]
I will not answer anything I deem inappropriate or intrusive, if you want to start an rp that is completely alright
You can also ask their opinions on stuff, like movies and pop culture and etc. But politics will be ignored, because that is something I try to avoid on this page
Dms are closed.
Please don't make decisions for my characters, and if I don't know what to say in an rp please don't make fun of me, I try my best :)
Also please don't ship Norman with your character, friends are encouraged, but nothing serious, trust me, if they try Norma will kill them on spot.
I know psycho didn't give an accurate representation of D.I.D., but I'll try my best to make it as realistic as possible.
[Fandoms I'm in]
Pretty much any horror movie
Stephen king
Ghost (band)
Midnight mass
Moon knight
Lisa frankenstein
Phantom of the opera
Final fantasy
[More ask blogs stuff]
This is my main ask blog, and I won't answer asks for other ask blogs people (hannibal, Lisa, Jess, pat)
I apologize if I'm ever deemed 'out of character' when I answer something, but if it's a complicated question I will have trouble getting my point across.
Cussing is a no-no
If you have a specific question PLEASE tell me who it's for.
My yt channel is @/normanandnormabates, I mainly post edits and stuff but I mean 🤷‍♀️
(And mb if I'm dry when talking, I've got ALOT on my mind, and I don't socialize lol)
[Top 10 horror movies, constantly changes]
1. Psycho (1960)
2. Donnie Darko
3. Creature from the black lagoon
4. Black christmas (1974)
5. American psycho
6. Silence of the lambs
7. The shining
8. People under the stairs
9. Misery
10. Breakfast at Tiffany's
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ariparri · 9 months
The Ship of DieRuca
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DieRuca is a ship between Diego Caplan, a Hufflepuff who is passionate about dancing and duelling, and Veruca McQuaid, a Slytherin who takes pride in both her duelling and flying skills.
In this post, you'll get to know how Veruca and Diego are within the AUs I ship them in. To find more DieRuca content, you can look through the #dieruca tag.
It took quite a while to write out since there was a lot I wanted to add in here. But I thought it was best to keep the main AUs I like to hyper-fixate on and imagine about. Also, I used DeepL for the translations for the quote. If I’m wrong, please let me know and I'll fix it.
"You are the music of my heart"
A phrase often shared between the two in place of 'I love you.' Usually said in their native languages.
The two meet during their first year but aren’t officially acquainted until they both join the dueling club. Veruca mostly ignored Diego’s attempts in making conversation due to his constant flirting both during duels and outside of the club. After many duels ending in draws, Diego became part of Veruca’s circle and joined their adventures.
Throughout their last three years of Hogwarts, the two have gotten close to one another since the dancing competition hosted by Madam Rosmerta.
In 1993, Diego and Veruca officially started dating. The lead up to their relationship was slow with Diego taking the initiative in breaking Veruca out of her shell. Most of their dates involve picnics under the stars or walks in the parks. In 1995 they had their first child, Marisol, out of wedlock and got married some time after. In 1997, they had their second child, Carina.
Both Diego and Veruca take part in the Battle at Hogwarts alongside their friends and former professors while their children are at the McQuaid family home with their grandparents.
Veren McQuaid, the strong and silent, intimidating boy has a soft spot for the flirty, and flamboyant girl, Doria Caplan.
Unlike his female counterpart, Veren appears to be much more intimidating. He's a boy of a few words as he struggles to express himself vocally, he believes his actions will speak for him. He is self conscious of his stoic visage since it often frightens others and causes unwarranted misconceptions of his integrity. His moments of poignant silence and his tall stature scares many away from him, causing him to suffer from loneliness. The closest he has to a friend is Carly (female Carson) since they grew up together. While he doesn't mind Carly's company, Veren gets grumpy when the girl tries to make him bond with others or try to speak for him. When he can't verbally express himself on most occasions, he usually shows simple hand gestures. When he does have the courage to speak, it's usually in the form of short one liners.
Doria would be described as flamboyant, farsighted, a bit egotistical and dramatic. In smaller doses though, those traits are often spoiled by habits of being crude and impatient. A little worse than her male counterpart. She entertains people with 'high-class' etiquette and shameless flattery. While she openly expresses romantic interest, she appears to be oblivious of her own romantic feelings towards Veren. She was completely unphased by his intimidating aura. She constantly showered him with compliments and sometimes even considered him to be her 'bodyguard' due to how easily he can scare people away.
Flipped!DieRuca is a ship you might want to be worried about for Diego because Veruca is very clingy when it comes to her friends and lover.
While original Diego is a flirt, an excellent dueller and great at dancing, Flipped!Diego is quite the opposite. Flipped!Diego typically lacks self confidence. He's not as charming or flirty as the original, he is shy and sensitive and not much of a strong dueller. Flipped!Diego is always caught off guard whenever Flipped!Veruca shows up randomly. His affection for her might be questionable as he does care for her but sometimes finds her to be a bit exhausting to handle. Despite that, he appreciates how she treats him, with so much love and affection even if he's shy to openly be affectionate with her.
Flipped!Veruca is openly friendly, overly energetic, and bubbly until someone disturbs her happiness and triggers the creepier side to her happy personality. She can be extremely clingy, giving lots of hugs and holding hands. While Veruca is perfectly fine with her small circle of friends, Flipped!Veruca appears to be obsessed with making plenty of friends. A bit of an unhealthy obsession as she will force herself to be their friend by clinging onto them till they submit. She once locked herself in her room for a few days to make friendship sweaters for her and Carson. When she became close with Diego, she did the exact same thing but instead of five sweaters she made fifteen matching sweaters for the both of them.
Veruca as the Acting Queen of Spades is no damsel in distress, and is in fact a strong and independent woman. She puts her duties as a queen before anything else and has no time fooling around with trivial matters. As a dominant ruler, romance is the last thing that comes to mind for her, if not ever. Her country and her people come before her and anyone else.
Diego as the King of Hearts retains most of his original counterpart's personality. Loyal, charming, passionate and understanding. He finds Veruca's high walls as a challenge to break down, and he often interacts with her more than the rest of the officials within the other regions. He likes to tease the Queen of Spades whenever he gets the chance, and enjoys the progress of seeing her open up more to him.
Veruca at first found his antics as a nuisance more so than anything. He was always distracting her from her duties and seemed to never take his position as the King of Hearts seriously. She started warming up to him after he showed concern when she was overworking herself. Her feelings for him started showing but since they were from different regions, she tried to deny any thought of being together. She does eventually enjoy his company more openly, and a misunderstanding involving a hand crafted gift starts a few rumors within the Kingdom of Hearts. Their relationship, though starting off as a secret, is easily noticeable by the public.
In this AU, Diego and Veruca’s personalities are kind of changed. While Diego still retains his charming personality, it is mostly reserved for Veruca, his children and younger siblings. Around others, Diego is more serious, looking at everyone with a cold gaze as if he was staring right through them. When it's necessary, he can resort to ruthless violent acts. With Veruca, she keeps her witty remarks and plays off Diego's advances in the beginning of their relationship. When they get together, Veruca shows her more sentimental side. She's also aware of what Diego's family business truly is and turns a blind eye towards it, after all her family didn’t gain their wealth and fortune through legal ways either.
Veruca and Diego first met at a banquet at the Caplan residence when they were younger. Diego and Veruca’s fathers were friends so they were always invited to parties and other gatherings. Though they met when they were young, they didn't see each other again until adulthood. While Diego is slowly taking on the ropes of the family business, Veruca is a ballet instructor/administrator for a performing arts school. The two meet when Diego was late to pick up his younger sister, Mireya, after a lesson. Diego is aware that Veruca has no involvement in her family’s business and tries to keep her out of it when he’s with her. Unfortunately Veruca gets attacked by a rival gang and she’s in Diego’s care and protection.
The two reminisce about their past and enjoy they’re times together, however Veruca is often left confused and frustrated with Diego constantly switching between being sweet to distant with her. Their relationship deals with a lot of hurdles testing their trust and loyalties, but in the end they both overcome the obstacles.
Veruca: "Would you stop me, if I ever tried to leave again?"
Diego: "I would. But if you truly want to leave this place behind, then I'll follow you wherever you go."
Diego: "I think peridots have become my favorite gem."
Veruca: "Oh? What makes you say that?"
Diego: "Your eyes, love. They remind me of your eyes."
Veruca: "Goodness, you can be so corny sometimes."
Veruca: "I'm sorry, how many kids did you say you want?"
Diego: "Aha, as many as we possibly can!"
Veruca: "Yeah, we're not competing with the Weasleys. I'll settle for three, but no more than that!"
Diego: "Three is fine by me!"
Veruca: "This is the fourteenth scarf you've gotten. Are you starting a collection?"
Diego: "Oh absolutely! I'm collecting scarves made with great material and style. Here, feel this one sweetheart. The fabric used for this is quite soft and the color would look great with your skintone."
Diego: "You're as gorgeous as ever, Ruca."
Veruca: "Oh stop it—, you spoil me too much. I don’t need all these jewelry."
Diego: "You should get used to it. I plan to spoil you for as long as I live. Nothing but the best for you."
Diego: "Mi cielo, I know you wanted to teach them young… but did you really have to blow up the wall?"
Veruca: "Our daughters are naturals! But, I guess I can start training them outside by using those old trees as training targets."
Diego: “Eres la música de mi corazón”
Veruca: “Is ceol mo chroí thú”
❧ Their song is Stand By Me covered by Seal.
❧ Diego and Veruca get married on November 23rd 1995.
❧ They had their first child, Marisol on June 26, 1995. Their second child, Carina was born on July 28, 1997. Their third child, Ruairí was born February 4, 2003.
❧ Diego and Veruca enjoy slow dancing in their kitchen or garden after dinner.
❧ When Diego was traveling for dueling competitions, he would send Veruca souvenirs from the places he's been to.
❧ In both the Cardverse and Mafia AUs, Veruca is more passionate about dancing and pursuing a career in it rather than law or politics.
❧ Diego has a scarf for every occasion. His collection is big, he and his children often have little fashion shows with them. Veruca would join in by providing her brooch and pins collection.
❧ Diego had given Veruca a carnation that was enchanted to never wilt.
❧ Veruca's necklace she wears after their marriage has Diego’s initial, while Diego has a bracelet with Veruca's initial.
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multifandomfix · 2 years
Rowena MacLeod Yandere Alphabet
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A = Attachment (How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?)
Rowena showers you in gifts and makes your life easier in any way she can. If that means hexing a few people into giving you what you want, then so be it.
B = Blood (How messy are they willing to get when it comes to you?)
She doesn’t like when things get messy, but she’ll get as messy as she has to if it’s for you.
C = Clingy (Do they require your attention at all times? How do they act when you ignore them?)
She likes acknowledgement for sure, but she doesn’t need your attention all the time. It actually mildly annoys her sometimes if you’re too clingy.
D = Dependent (Are they codependent? Do they want you to rely solely on them for your care/protection?)
She wants you to turn to her first for any care or protection you may need, and will certainly feel slighted if you go anywhere else.
E = Excess (Would they spoil or pamper you? To what extent?)
Oh yes! To the most extravagant extent possible. She likes to live in luxury and she wants that for you too.
F = Fatal (Would they kill you? Kill for you?)
She’d never kill you, unless in an apocalyptic scenario and with your express permission for the good of the world and all that nonsense. But kill for you? Sure, if she had to.
G = Give Up (What are they willing to sacrifice for you?)
Pretty much anything but her magic, she could reasonably see giving up for you. Her identity as a witch is where she draws the line.
H = Harsh (How do they take to you mouthing off to them or saying something they don’t want to hear?)
She finds it kind of amusing when you mouth off to her. Cute, even, when she’s in a good mood.
I = Inseparable (What are they like when you’re not with them? Do they check in on you constantly, or feel lost without you?)
She does check in on you if she feels there’s need for concern, especially if anything requires you to be with the Winchester boys. Then she’s using her magic to watch you like a hawk.
J = Jilted (How do they act when met with rejection from you?)
She doesn’t take it well. She may even cast a spell to make you change your mind, at least until you’ve changed your mind for real.
K = Kidnap (Would they ever abduct you just to have you to themselves for a while?)
Quite possibly, yes. If you had been avoiding her for some reason, or just haven’t been spending enough time with her, Rowena would take matters into her own hands.
L = Lines (Do they cross lines with you? What ones? Is it something they know they’re doing?)
No. She’d fear the pushback too much. When she gets close to crossing a line, she definitely realizes it and backs off.
M = Manipulation (Would they manipulate you? How? And would you realize that’s what was happening?)
In her early days before the Winchesters’ influence, she would have, probably without a second thought. Now, very less likely, but not entirely impossible.
N = Naive (Do they like you pliant or do they prefer you to challenge them?)
She prefers a challenge, but not too much. She wants to feel like she can win you over without completely changing you as a person.
O = Ownership (Do they feel possessive of you? How do they act when you’re around others?)
Rowena is so possessive. She doesn’t trust anyone with you, but she usually keeps her cool, assured that if they do anything she doesn’t like, she’ll be able to correct that problem.
P = Petulant (Are they moody? Easy to anger? Or are they patient and forgiving around you?)
Rowena can be moody, but she tries not to take her bad moods out on you. She’s definitely sweeter around you than most people and it frequently confuses the people who know her.
Q = Quit (Would they quit any of their behaviors for you if you asked?)
There’s no controlling Rowena, so it’s doubtful she’d change herself just at your request, but she may start making a conscious effort to behave in a certain way less when she’s around you.
R = Rules (Would they have rules for you? Brainwash you? Teach you the right way to be theirs?)
No. She wouldn’t want her independence stripped from her and she won’t do that to you, either. She doesn’t need any false affection.
S = Stalker (Would they stalk you? How far would it go?)
To a minor degree, perhaps. But only to make sure you’re safe when she has reason to suspect you’re going to do or encounter something dangerous. Then she’ll covertly tag along to cover you if you need it.
T = Target (What do they wish to do to you? How twisted are their ideals?)
At first she wants to train you, bring you into her coven, but then she just wants you. She wants you to respect and love her, be the person she’s always wanted in her life.
U = Utopia (How much effort do they put into making you happy?)
More than she does for anyone else. She wants your happiness almost as much as she wants happiness for herself.
V = Violence (Would they ever be violent with you?)
Forceful, maybe. Violent, no. She may grab you by your shirt or shove you out of the way of danger, but her intent is never that of hurting you.
W = Will (Would they ever do anything against your will?)
If she thought it was in your best interest, yeah. Is she misguided in that? Possibly, but there would be a noble intention at least.
X = Xoanon (Would they revere or worship you? To what length would they go to win you over?)
She wouldn’t worship you, but revere wouldn’t be out of the question if you treated her as an equal rather than a villain and loved her like she’s always wanted.
Y = Yowl (Do they ever make you cry? Do they enjoy your tears?)
She doesn’t enjoy your tears in the slightest. She never wants to see you cry, and she isn’t the best at handling it when you do.
Z = Zenith (Would they ever break you just so you’d stay with them?)
No. That’s the last thing she’d want. It would break her to break you.
For @marril96
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Rowena MacLeod: @beth-gallagher22, @goldenwinegirl, @danzalladaggers, @thegirlwhoistrying, @justbeingsimple, @chaos-and-food, @hc-geralt-23, @m-rae23
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markantonys · 2 years
WOT sims shenanigans: polycule wedding edition
mat flirted with faile at his own engagement party 💀 he is OUT of control! list of people sim mat has flirted with so far: rand, elayne, aviendha, faile, egwene, nynaeve. thankfully, it was only the one flirt and not enough to develop a romance bar between them. and also i’d disabled jealousy game-wide in order to minimize issues with the polycule, so mat didn’t get murdered by perrin djfkgj
the engagement party’s dresscode was Party Outfit, and for most sims i make their Party Outfit just a regular-looking outfit but certain fancy sims i will give a fancy Party Outfit. so the result here was that everybody showed up in normal clothes except for elayne who was in a freaking ballgown. canon.
aviendha dipping rand is something that can be so personal:
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gawyn shows up at the polycule’s apartment almost every single day asking if anyone wants to workout with him, so one day i finally had rand and elayne take him to the gym (mat and avi were at work) but then the two of them ended up fucking in the shower at the gym and ignoring gawyn. poor gawyn.
lan was not invited to elayne and aviendha’s bachelorette party but showed up anyway to hang out with nynaeve, bless that wifeguy
nynaeve repaid this devotion by CALLING MAT ON LOVE DAY TO ASK HIM ON A DATE god i am spraying sim mat with a water bottle! he’s out of control!!!! (i had him say no to the date ofc, don’t worry)
elayne tried to flirt with moiraine because i hadn’t bothered setting them as aunt and niece jdkjfg thankfully i caught her in time to prevent it. the problem is that very often when a sim sees their significant other they get in a flirty mood, and since i have 4 sims who are dating each other all living in an apartment together they’re pretty much CONSTANTLY horny because they love each other so much, except then they will just hit on any other sim nearby rather than only the partners who inspired that horniness (and elayne and mat are the worst of the bunch bc they both have the Romantic trait which also often puts them in flirty moods). at their core sims are slutty bisexual messes and i love it.
last year on Love Day, rand gave mat a flower and mat hated it. this year mat gave rand a flower and rand hated it! how the turn tables. rand has been waiting all year for his vengeance.
and finally we come to the wedding! here’s everybody’s outfits. yes i’m still crying over rand in his little flower jacket 🥺
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the wedding went surprisingly smoothly! the guests all showed up and watched at least the first few ceremonies, though by the end of it most had wandered off. the only hitch was that it took the literal entire 8ish-hour wedding event just to get through the 5 different ceremonies, so in the last pics with the cake cutting, the wedding had actually ended by that point and i was holding the guests hostage at the venue djfkjg
first, some pre-ceremony selfies because i foresaw it would be dark out by the time the ceremonies were over (but even so it was kinda cloudy):
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next, everybody being walked down the aisle by their sim of honor! nynaeve for rand, perrin for mat, gawyn for elayne (don’t ask me why i made their hair different colors, elayne was originally blonde but then i found a good cc red-gold hair whose base color is red so now she’s a redhead but gawyn’s still blond) and egwene for aviendha. can you tell that dark red is my go-to sims formalwear color lmao
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and finally the ceremonies! moiraine officiated some of them but then wandered off for others, and alas i didn’t get a screenshot of rand and mat’s kiss because it happened too fast, so instead here they are being dorks while exchanging vows:
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not pictured: gawyn doing pushups and lan situps during avilayne’s ceremony
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you can’t see her here but moiraine had returned to officiate matlayne’s ceremony! and then left again. actually now that i think about it i believe mat was the one i had ask moiraine to officiate, so maybe the game only registered her as the officiant for ceremonies that mat was involved in.
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rand and aviendha’s was last and the only guests who were still sitting and watching by that point were egwene, gawyn, and siuan. absolute troopers, gold stars for them.
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i had rand and elayne do the cake cutting because i figured they’re the saps who would most want to :’)
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in conclusion, you know the part in princess diaries 2 when the choir conductor has to conduct really fast to match the pace mia is setting down the aisle and then collapses against her music stand once it’s over? that was me when i finished this wedding.
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biillys · 9 months
hi. still living my 'what if billy's mum didn't fuck off and abandon him' best life becos dacre said neil moved them to hawkins to keep them apart and it refuses to leave my mind.
anyway divorce au where she fights for custody and ends up with every other weekend, which isn't the goal, but its a starting point. billy living out twelve days of hell with his dad before getting two days of peace with his mum.
shit escalating when susan and max come on the scene, billy lashing out everytime neil refers to them as his new family and neil lashing out when billy refuses to accept it. one short hospital trip two days before the wedding day has his mum finally getting increased time, custody going up to every other week, and neil getting basically just a fucking slap on the wrist.
his mum and neil not even being able to be in the same room together without yelling at each other, and billy counting down the days til he can finally have his own say on where he wants to spend his time, even though he knows it's not guaranteed.
billy's mum always wanting a big family, and refusing to let neil take that dream from her, even though she can't ever see herself marrying another man again. deciding to have a baby the new-fashion way, and starting IVF. giving billy a little half brother just after his 10th birthday, then another one after his 12th, then another after his 15th.
his mum fucking showering them all with love and affection and warmth, and billy being genuinely happy for the entire week he's there, even if the clock in his head starts counting down every second until he has to leave the moment he walks in the door. him feeling like the life's bring sucked out of him the as soon as he's back at his dads.
him and max having a fragile relationship. billy not wanting to be there and not making a secret of it, constantly stuck thinking of her and susan as outsiders, and the more neil tries to force them on him, the more billy rejects them. max getting promised a big brother, and getting a moody asshole instead. he has his moments though, sometimes after he gets back from his mums, and every time she gets that side of him, she thinks maybe if he wasn't such a dickhead, he might actually be cool.
then, a new court date looms closer, and as it approaches, neil suddenly gets a job offer he can't refuse, half way across the fucking country. billy's mum flips her shit, showing up on their front door step and raising hell. it doesn't change anything though, just seems to drag the moving out process longer, having to get lawyers involved and sign new agreements.
billy being so so so fucking angry at the entire fucking world because nothing is fucking fair, and neil being a smug asshole about it.
going from seeing his mum every other week to holidays only, and losing his fucking mind about it, taking it out on the people at school, on max, and on his car that one time.
him and max going from fragile to fucking hostile, right up until they reach their breaking point. max loses her shit at him and threatens him with a bat, and billy ignores her entire existence until he can't anymore, and has a breakdown over his entire fucking life after the oldest of his younger half-brothers calls him crying asking why he's never home anymore.
max overhearing the call cos billy took it in the car and max has never claimed to not be a nosy bitch, and giving him the third degree the second he hangs up. billy taking one look at her then punching the steering wheel, driving them to bennys diner instead of school.
billy getting some stuff of his chest becos he can't keep being this angry all the time, he feels like he's losing his fucking grip. max listening, and still keeping her distance, but also maybe starting to get shit. being slightly jealous that billy's so close with his mum when her dad won't even pick up the phone, and also being slightly fucking cut that billy barely seems to give a shit about her but apparently cares so much about a couple of half siblings that she didn't even know existed until today.
billy making an effort to try and not be such a dick after that, knows it's not her fault that their family's such a shitshow.
max getting introduced to billys mum and his brothers via facetime, and billy's mum basically fucking adopting her through the phone, even getting added to the group chat.
billys mum rolling into town for billy's 18th, bringing the boys and argyle as a surprise. billy going from thinking his birthdays gonna pass with barely even a blink, to realising max is acting suss as fuck and basically fucking demanding him to take her out that night. him being pissed that he has to chauffeur her around still, today of all days, only to feel actual genuine fucking joy the second the youngest of his brothers run up to him, argyle right behind him.
idk idk ! okay idk how divorce works or how custody arrangements happen but i would give my LIFE to see the person who promised billy five more minutes on the beach still love and care about him when he's a teenger when he's an ADULT. also sorry for pushing my billy & kids agenda but also. i just think billy being good with toddlers is something thats so important. and i think its fun to give him brothers. ALSO billy's mum and max. i just think they'd get along like a house on fire yknow. max seeing someone who married neil hargrove then fucking walked out, and took her kid as she went, and lowkey wishing that her own mum would fucking follow. billy's mum trying not to judge susan, after all she married neil once too, and she knows it takes strength to leave, but she looks at max and all she can think is why in the fucking world would you subject your child to that man by choice. so basically she welcomes max with open arms and tells max she can come to her for anything. also neil hates argyle and billys mum loves him. okay shutting up now.
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jonogueirawrites · 1 year
The in-between.
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Chapter 10 of 20 (?).
Chapter 1.
Two weeks had come and gone since the whole ordeal at Nevermore and her house. Evangeline took the time to learn. She learned how to be a demon. How to be an angel. How to be herself. 
Initially, she intended to study during the break, but her books were forgotten inside her luggage. The extra assignments ignored as well. Her phone locked inside a drawer in her room. 
Her father and brother taught her how to fly more efficiently, how to fight, and how to use her angelic instincts and powers. Telekinesis, healing self and others, and detection of malevolent intent. 
While they had a more hands-on approach, her mother was more for instinct. She took Evangeline away to spend a few days with her family. She was welcomed since the moment she arrived, and they showered her with love, gifts, and wisdom. They taught her how to feel. Feel the dark side of her. Take control and command. Not to fear the darkness but to embrace it. 
They partied and shared stories. She listened to every word they told her. Every day there was a subtle test for her to pass. All about her super senses and controlling her temper. 
Being what she was, Evangeline had positive and negative abilities from both sides. She was fast, had high stamina, and could sense someone’s presence from afar. On the downside, she was constantly famished, had trouble keeping still for long periods, and had claustrophobia. Not to mention the usual angelic and demonic weaknesses.  
Coming back home feeling more in control of herself, she spent the following days meditating and putting everything she had learned into practice. 
During one morning, when she was listening to music and playing games in her room, her brother knocked on the door with a sad look on his face. “No one can tell there was a fight here.” He plopped on her bed. “One of the perks of having a lot of money, I guess.” He looked at her with a small smile on his face. “Look-” 
“You don’t have to apologize.”  
“Evangeline, please…” He got silent when she took her headphones off. “I would do anything for you.” 
“I know.” 
“Look. I’m sorry, I really am, but I spend all my life seeing people picking on my sister because of what she is. Making her try her best to prove to them something she never needed to in the first place. How many times have I seen you crying? Or holding the tears to show how strong you are?” He sat on the bed and patted his side, signaling for her to sit. “All I ever wanted was to see you happy. And after that guy….” 
“No, Evangeline. You don’t understand. I wasn’t there to protect you. Not that you needed any, but I’m your big brother… I don’t know. I felt so useless and worthless of being your brother I just-” He was silenced by her arms around his neck. 
“You are my big brother. And I love you so, so much, Nathanael. I know that I can count on you for anything. You said you felt useless, like, what the fuck are you talking about? How could you be there?” She caressed his hair. “You were there when I needed you. You were always there when I needed you. Actually, you always are.” 
“I guess you’re right. I mean, I’m a badass, right?” He ruffled her hair.  
Evangeline tried to avoid his touch, but he didn’t let her. He made sure her hair was all tousled and messed up. “You are such a jerk.” She laughed. 
“I’m sorry,” he apologized again. 
“Nate, let me be clear, okay? If you ever fuck up, I will tell you. Deal?” 
He looked at her. She felt all the weight of his guilt and protectiveness. He wasn’t the best with words, but he always knew what to do. When he lifted his hand to play with her hair, she let him.  
“Deal.” He pushed her and laid back on her bed.  
Evangeline rolled her eyes at her brother and went back to her game. Before she could sit, his words caught her attention again. 
“Xavier, huh?” 
“This again?” 
“I don’t know. He seemed very keen on getting your attention. You two smelled close.” He pretended to read one of her books. “This is garbage.” He threw it through the window. 
“That’s mine. Go get it back.” 
He rolled his eyes, and in an instant, he opened his wings and flew out of her window, returning shortly with her book in hands. “Here.” He leaned on her table. “So?” 
“It’s none of your business. And how creepy of you to be thinking about that for over two weeks. Eew!” 
“You broke his heart, didn’t you?” 
She looked at him. “Why would you assume something like that?” 
“That’s a pretty fine bow you have there.” He stood and walked to the display beside her harp.  
“Stop smelling my shit, Nathanael. That’s gross.” 
“He was all puppy eyes your way too.” 
“Look. There was something. But it was best we parted ways.” 
“Because of who I am and what that means for him?” 
“You mean of who you were?” He looked over his shoulder at her. “You were a scared little thing.” 
“Well… It’s still best if he forgets about me.” 
“Why? Because now you spent some time with mom and learned not to give a fuck and just enjoy life?” 
“Xavier is… He deserves better.” 
“That is for him to decide. And who the fuck would be better than my sister?” He traced the glass with his fingertips. “Do you like him?” 
She looked at her brother. He had the same eyes as his father. She knew he would know if she lied. “Yes,” she said, gazing away. 
“Okay?” There was disbelief in her tone. 
“Okay.” He placed his hand on top of the display. “I mean, you can kick his ass if he hurts you. And I know what he looks like and his scent, so….” 
“Eww, eww, eww.” She shook her head. “Stop talking about that.” 
“We are hunters, little sister. Now that you learned how to control your powers, you will see that it’s not something we can control. Do you really think I want to actively remember the smell of the man my sister banged? Eww! You’re disgusting.” 
He chuckled. “Look, as I said, it’s not something we can control when we fear that we are in danger, in this case, my little sister. All I saw was a guy annoying you, and I couldn’t help it. What would you do if you thought the twins were in danger?” 
She narrowed her eyes at him and then shrugged. “Yeah, yeah. I get it.” 
“That really is a fine bow.” 
The sound of breaking glass filled her room.  
“Opsy.” His fingers were curled around the wood. A smirk on his face. 
“I hate you.” 
“Daniel will have it back with a flick of his hand. That reminds me, I need to get him a fishing rod.” 
“We are fishing buddies. Father, he and I go fishing every year, but he broke his rod last year, and I want to gift him a new one.” He shrugged. “He deserves way more but is as stubborn as father.” 
“I think it comes with being an angel.” They chuckled. 
“Let’s see if this bow is of any good.” He walked to the door. “Also, this week is the last week of your break, so we are partying every night!” 
“And where are we going?” 
“Mother gave me a list of clubs. Some of them are really shady.” 
“So, you want me to watch your back?” 
“Of course!” He shook his head in confusion. “Why else would I take you?” He winked at her, and she laughed. 
“Let’s just go and shoot something, Nathanael.” 
Xavier scrolled through his Instagram account. Trying to find something that would entertain him. With the University’s break ending in two days, he became restless. The more he tried not to think about Evangeline, the more he did. Sighing, he threw his phone on his bed and opened his sketchbook to try and do something. 
Last time, he promised himself. Standing from his chair and forgetting the sketchbook on the desk, he retrieved his phone. He looked for the messaging app and sent her one more message. 
Hey! Just reaching out to see if you’re okay or need anything? I’ve been worried after what happened and just wanted to let you know I’ve also been thinking a lot about you. Maybe we could go to Weathervane when we get back to uni? I would love to hear wh- 
Xavier rolled his eyes. He shook his head and deleted the whole message. After thinking for a while, he just wrote a quick Hey! How are things? See you back at uni? 
Going through the previous messages, he noticed they were all similar. And all of them were left on delivered. 
He sat on the bed and threw his head back. Closing his eyes and praying that she was okay.  
I love you. He typed but never sent it.  
With her in his mind, he went back to his desk. He took the pencil from the case and started drawing her by her lips. He didn’t know how long he had focused on it until the first droplets of rain wet the paper. He stood with a sigh and closed the window over the desk. He walked to his balcony and admired the stars in the sky before closing the doors. 
He still had to shower and grab something to eat but opted to finish the portrait first. As soon as it was done, he headed to the bathroom. The warm water reminded him of her touch, and he did what he had tried so hard not to since the last day he had seen her. He rested his forehead on the cold wall and cried. 
Getting out of the shower, he stared at the mirror and promised he wouldn’t be sad when she didn’t return to university.
There was a sudden pressure in his brain followed by a noise in his room, and Xavier’s instinct told him something was terribly wrong. Without many options, he decided to deal with whatever it was face on. 
The first thing he saw was wet golden wings spread in his room. The owner was hunched over his desk. Small puddles forming under him. Before he could open his mouth, the man in front of him chuckled. 
“Wow. You really are talented.” He turned with the sketchbook in hands. “And you’re a little obsessed with my sister.” He looked over the top of the pages at Xavier. One eyebrow up, making Xavier ponder if in amusement or something else. Darker. 
“Is everything okay with Evangeline, Nathanael?” He walked up to the angel and snatched the sketchbook from him. Closing it, he threw it on the bed. 
Nathanael observed him. When his inspection was finished, he smirked. “I liked that the first thing you asked was about my sister’s wellbeing and not fullish things like Why are you here?” 
Xavier crossed his arms over his chest. His eyes never left Nathanael’s. 
“Evangeline is fine. She is stronger than you and me.” His wings disappeared right before he leaned on the desk. “So let’s get to the point.” He crossed his arms as well. “What do you want with my sister? And please do think very carefully before answering.” 
Without blinking, Xavier answered, “Everything.” 
“Everything?” Nathanael tilted his head. 
“Her attention, her smile, her hugs, her trust, her kisses. Everything.” 
Nathanael stood. Something inside him shifted, and Xavier could feel the change in his bones. When the intruder walked to him, he felt his body going numb. There was heaviness in the air. “Is it an angel thing or a family thing?” Their eyes never wavering. “She tried that with me, and it didn’t work. I’m not scared of you either.” 
Xavier was surprised when the angel started laughing, but his following words baffled him. 
“C’mon then, tortured artist. Fearless soul.” He walked and patted Xavier’s shoulder. “We have a club to go to, and my sister hates waiting.” 
“What are you-?” 
Xavier never finished his question because Nathanael grabbed his arm, and soon they flew into the rainy night sky. And although Xavier should be terrified, he couldn’t stop smiling. He was going to see Evangeline again. 
I hope you liked.
Likes and reblogs are super appreciated!
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everlasting-rainfall · 10 months
Hi just wanted to say ignore the haters there acting like d.cks, I find your ocs really interesting. What inspired you to create them ? I like Arabella sounds she sounds really cute I wonder how does her devil fruit work ?
Oakleigh already deserves a hug for having to deal with Judge ( aww Sora x Zeff~) , I wonder what made him love her ? If there do have kids would there like Sanji sibling ?
I already like Lyra already XD I wonder has Lyric ever tried to convince the Blackbeard pirates to show mercy or has she failed ? How do Lyra and Lyric react each other situation with one being pregnant and the other got a lot of husbands ?
I feel like Harmony and Apoo music playlist has some songs from the book of life film (Heaven knows your name , I’ve been praying🎶 For an example)
Aww hope we get more moments with Mabelle acting like a mother figure to Luffy and Uta 🥺
I really like all your ocs , I wonder will we see more of them in the future or maybe see new ocs ~
Hey there, friend! Thanks for sending in this ask about my OC’s as it makes me really happy to talk about them like it always puts a smile on my face! Unless it’s an angst scenario of course in which case I usually just cry…
But hey! Nothing wrong with crying especially if it makes you feel better afterwards! It’s always just good to have a good cry sometimes!
OC x Canon, Image of a Syringe, Images of a Hospital, X-Ray Imagery, Horror Images, Stalking, Kidnapping, Forced Marriage, Pregnancy, Death of a Loved One
So what inspires me to make these characters is personally private information that I will only disclose to friends as I don’t feel comfortable telling people what inspires me to create these characters but I can tell you the process of how I make them
So the idea for the character hits me in one of two ways and it’s through getting lost in my thoughts or thinking about random topics while I’m in the shower
I do some working, run it by another friend of mine whose more knowledgeable about One Piece then I am to see if it makes sense in terms of the OP world, design them in Gacha Club once I have an idea of what I want the character to look like, make jokes that give way to new character traits and development, read through a long list of names to pick one out, and boom! There’s a new character!
All in all though, I have about 20+ OC’s who are meant for being shipped with canon characters with the most recent one being an unnamed one that I have named Goth Bunny who is the S/O of Penguin and Shachi while one that I still need to design is one named Ember who doesn’t have anything going for her other than that she’s Ace and Sabo’s S/O and I wanna make her be related to water in some way
Anywho, I actually do have some Aesthetic Boards for these characters too which I will include after I have finished answering your questions!
Arabella was actually my first OC x Canon and believe it or not, she didn’t actually start off as a writer or even a One Piece character as she was just a woman that I designed one day and after I didn’t like how the Admirals original wife turned out, Arabella stepped up to the plate after a dumb scenario that I had a long time ago where her Devil Fruit went out of control and she started Godzilla Rampaging only for the Admirals to be dispatched to deal with her and them seeing that she’s just a normal lady when they knock her unconscious and she reverts back to normal
As for how her Devil Fruit works, Arabella’s Devil Fruit causes her to constantly have horns on the sides of her head, eyes that resemble that of a goats, and the tendency to grow wool around her neck like a scarf. Other than that, it acts like a typical Zoan Devil Fruit would.
Not too much special about it in all honesty besides the fact that she can have those parts even as a fully fledged human and the fact that she has a much stronger skull that’s meant for ramming into things
Oh! And she actually does have a Dad whose a canon character as well and if you’re familiar with One Piece Film Z then it’s actually Z himself, he had her with his wife when he was younger so the age difference between her and the Admirals isn’t too egregious
They actually didn’t know that her Dad was Z too until much later in life as they always assumed that she was another trainee until they married her and got her pregnant only for Z to come crashing through the entirety of Marineford by himself to fuck up the people that dared to knock up his daughter
Also if you’re wondering why Arabella didn’t invite him to her wedding, it was because she had lost contact with him a year after he had formed the Neo-Marines to the point where neither had any clue on how to contact the other
They had only just figured out how to talk to each other again when Z found out that she was pregnant and went on a Godzilla Style Rampage through Marineford sending Marines flying everywhere that he went
Z did eventually calm down and talked with Arabella for a long time before the two of them exchanged contact information and parted ways with Z promising to teach her Haki after she gives birth so she can properly get revenge on Kizaru if he starts being very, very annoying
I also did give Arabella a body type shape so if she did have a body type shape then it would actually be a Strawberry and Arabella prefers to walk with her hands clasped in front of her
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Yeah, I’m not gonna lie when I say that sometimes I feel sorry for Oakleigh as well especially considering that she’s married to Judge
What caused Judge to love Oakleigh wasn’t anything on her part as she wasn’t trying to make him fall in love with her, she was just trying to make sure that the King didn’t die from sadness by giving him the best therapy that she could about every week
It was all just talking about how Sora leaving him for a cook out in the East Blue was making him feel and things that he could potentially do in order to feel better that wasn’t stalking her or attempting to make plans to get her back
Things were going quite well but way back when Judge initially woke up after losing consciousness, he did mistake Oakleigh for Sora because he had never met her before and she looked somewhat close to her but turns out that it was just Oakleigh
During the therapy sessions, he started thinking about things more and more until he finally decided on something that could really truly help him which was to get down on one knee in front of her and propose to her, she did try to refuse at first but it’s Judge so he forced her to marry him
She was a bit of a replacement for Sora but don’t get Judge wrong as he does know that Oakleigh is not Sora to an extent but he’s lonely and misses his ex and Oakleigh looks like his ex so… That’s kind of how he wound up falling for her, it’s the fact that she looks like Sora and she was so kind to him…
There are scenarios actually where Zeff and Sora meet Oakleigh like a while after they get married because Sora and Judge agreed to visitation with the kids like one week with Sora then one week with Judge but Sanji never goes to Judge’s
Anyways I’m getting off topic but when they meet Oakleigh, sometimes they decide that they like her too and want to be able to marry her as well because she’s cute, she’s great with the kids especially Sanji, she’s caring, and she’s a fairly good cook on top of that
Oakleigh really can’t catch a break especially as I have a small headcanon that Sora is rather possessive like not to the level of a full blown Yandere but close so imagine walking in on your forced husband and his ex discussing how they want to split time with you
To answer your question about the children, it’s likely that if Oakleigh ever fell pregnant then I think that Judge might try to see if the kids belong to him or Zeff as if they’re Zeff’s then he’s going to let them be Zeff’s problem but if they belong to him then those babies will definitely turn out like Sanji’s brothers
However I can also see Judge being an incredibly overprotective partner when Oakleigh is pregnant as although he did let the same thing that Sora went through happen to Oakleigh, he’s overprotective in other ways
To give you an example, Oakleigh will be walking calmly along then turn around. There’s a soldier following her. She continues on her walk and turns around again. Now there’s two and this continues until she has like ten soldiers following her all trying to be inconspicuous but failing really badly
Also just like Arabella, she actually did have a previous concept that I’ve completely dropped for her in favor of her current one. Her original one that she was actually a creature that liked to make people fall in love with her so she could eat their love then leave them heartbroken but couldn’t leave because Judge wouldn’t let her and she could never get close enough or be alone long enough to eat his love but I dropped that in favor of her current self
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Lyra was actually a character that I completely pulled out of my ass when I first made her up as I had no inspiration for her and came up with it while I was designing her as she was an investigative reporter seeking out the truth behind recent disappearances only to be led to Thriller Bark. She eventually did evolve into a Mortician after I watched the Mortuary Assistant
Lyric also was different too as Lyra and her weren’t even related at first and originally Lyric was based off of the game Changed where she had this bag of bottled liquid that when poured on her would turn her into an animal/human hybrid that could help out with things but she could also only be turned back by sea water as it would wash off the liquid that turned her but I dropped that as it didn’t feel like it quite made sense with the One Piece world and eventually she became an Acrobat
To answer your question about if Lyric has ever been able to stop them from doing bad things, she can if it’s something small but these people burnt her circus to the ground leaving her as seemingly the only survivor just because she didn’t want to go with them so there’s not much that she can convince them to not do
Lyric is very strong and somewhat intimidating for a lot of them but at the end of the day, they’re much stronger than her and if she puts up too much of a fight then they can’t easily just lock her up until it’s over
To give you an example of things that she has been able to talk them out of versus things that she hasn’t. She has been able to talk them out of just killing one random person who insulted them, she can’t talk them out of pillaging an island
As for the showing mercy part, she might be able to depending on the situation but no matter what it is. If they’ve already started doing it then it’s very unlikely that she’ll be able to convince them and if she does then Teach usually makes her give them something in return like pleasing them in some way
And although Lyric does hate doing it, she tries not to care too much as long as they keep their end of the deal on showing mercy and she doesn’t wind up pregnant as although she loves kids, she doesn’t want to have any with them as at the end of the day, she is a prisoner
If Lyra and Lyric were to meet after Shiryu takes Absalom’s Devil Fruit then the two of them would talk for a bit, they’d be happy to see each other at first but then Lyra would reveal that she’s a single parent now
Lyric would feel so sorry for her and eventually when she gets details about Lyra’s ex-husband, she’s pissed as she’d excuse herself. Go straight to the Blackbeard Pirates with her head hung low, they’d try to ask what’s wrong with her but proceed to her calling everyone to one room and going on such a long rant about what they did that they’re all sitting on their knees in front of her
Don't try to stop her either as Teach tried to and she’s now holding him tightly by his ear basically turning him into her bitch for as long as she’s on this rant
Eventually though she’ll chill and it’s after Lyra came to find her when Lyric was gone too long, Lyra followed the shouting and found her chewing out the Blackbeard Pirates
They all expected Lyra to get it too but plot twist when Lyric let’s go and gets down onto her hands and knees in front of Lyra to beg for the woman’s forgiveness in what happened to Absalom
Lyra would be pissed and would show that rage strength isn’t just something that Lyric has as Lyra goes right up to Shiryu and beats him so bad that he’s in the hospital for like two days, she just didn’t kill him because she isn’t a murderer
Lyric would do her best to comfort Lyra after that but as for how Lyra would react to Lyric’s new life as the crew wife of the Blackbeard Pirates, she would actually feel sorry for Lyric like she knows that she can’t do anything for the Acrobat though because it’s the Blackbeard Pirates
She does try to give advice to Lyric though on things that she thinks would be useful for Lyric to escape though and even tries to help her figure out what would be the best island to run away to if Lyric ever did manage to escape
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I have to say that I’ve actually never heard that song but it sounds like it will be good, I own the movie The Book of Life though so I’ll watch it the next time that I have time to kill
Here’s something about Harmony though, she actually isn’t biologically related to Lyric and Lyra as she was basically adopted by the two of them as their cousin and stuck with that story and where Harmony came from is incredibly chaotic but that’s a story for another day
As for music that I could see fitting Harmony and Apoo, I gotta say that I’m not entirely sure as I’ve never been too good at assigning songs to people but I do know that Harmony would dedicate some soft and quiet love songs to Apoo while he probably dedicates some more loud and funky sounding love songs to her that probably consist of rapping
Thing is about their music tastes as well is that if they were to ever have a child together then the child would inherit both of of their parents music styles meaning imagine either really soft and calm sounding rap that you can fall asleep to or a singer whose really loud with lyrics that would belong more in calmer style of music
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You’ll find out more about Mabelle later as there was an ask about her and I intend to speak more about her there
As for my other OC’s then I can list them all off right now with their partners!
Sleepyhead Estelle and Caesar Clown
The Snow Woman Talvi and Dalton
Infiltrator Thalassa and Magellan, Sadi-Chan, Domino
Investigative Reporter Honey and Big News Morgans
Time Traveller Paislee and Joyboy
IRL Girl Vanessa and Baccarat, Whitey Bay, Wanda, Hina
Clothing Designer Morticia and Law, X-Drake, Hawkins, Sanji
NSFW Star Nova and Oven
Travelling Selkie Lorna and Laskey
Community Leader Esther and Garling (DON’T LOOK HIM UP IF YOU DONT WANT MANGA SPOILERS)
Glass Artist Soleil and Cobra, Pell, Chaka
IRL Artist Ariel and Kalgara, Herb, Noland, Acorn (Noland’s Wife)
Something Something Water Ember and Sabo, Ace
Morticia’s Model Unnamed Goth Bunny and Penguin, Shachi
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vapemaster42069 · 2 years
Ep. 11 Angelstone
The longer Apotheosis progresses, the more concerned I am for Peter and Rumi’s relationship, and after episode 11 I’m super interested to see where their dynamic is taken. Cue Angelstone rant:
Rumi is always showering Peter with praise, telling him how he’s perfect, he’s all Rumi wants, he’s more than Exandroth, he’s destined to be great and loved and powerful. And Peter, of course, preens under the praise. He’s a normal-to-below-average dude who has been constantly ignored and cast aside his whole life, and suddenly a gorgeous, tall perfect-looking celestial figure with magical powers and a sparkly sword shows interest in him-- of course he’s going to respond! It’s understandable! But this sudden influx of praise from one person, particularly one he’s in a relationship with, can be dangerous considering his overall mental state because Peter is slowly becoming used to being appreciated. It’s easy to fall into trap of feeling like he may owe them something in return for their love-- favors, loyalty, a relationship he may not fully want or one that isn’t good for him. From Peter’s perspective, the only people who are willing to appreciate him in this way will only stay with him if he helps them, submits to their will, or spends time with them. He may try all manner of things to win their favor out of a fear of rejection by the only people who have reciprocated his love. Although this may not happen, and if they handle it right in the future, it makes their relationship more volatile to become toxic.
Peter’s codependency from a past of emotional distance and dismissal makes him reliant on Rumi--although he genuinely loves Rumi, that love is shaped by his past and it may influence Peter more than he thinks. For instance, Charlie has said multiple times out of character that Peter is only following along because he wants to be with Thanatos and Rumi, the only people who have ever given him the time of day. (remember, he may be doing this because he feels that he has a debt to the both of them, although I’m speculating bc it hasn’t been discussed much in canon) In episode 11, he challenges their goals outright and says he disagrees with their motives, but he stays anyways. He compromises his own values for Rumi and Thanatos because he’s lonely and he won’t stand up for himself. If he’s showed a propensity for bending to others’ (especially Rumi’s) wishes, he’s definitely primed to do so in the future--and that could be dangerous, especially in a partnership, because it leads to an imbalance of power.
Plus, Rumi’s dynamic with Peter is becoming more and more concerning, especially after their relationship became explicitly romantic in episode 11. A bit after the hour mark of that episode, there’s a moment that stuck out to me: Rumi and Peter are discussing their goals with Thanatos, and Rumi makes a comment that there’s no point to arguing with him, because obviously Thanatos will never understand Peter the way that Rumi does. And later in that episode, Rumi becomes competitive with Thanatos for Peter’s attention, becoming easily jealous and giving Peter gifts so he doesn’t feel closer to Thanatos than to Rumi. Rumi, whether he realizes it or not, has a significant amount of influence over Peter because he controls a majority of his life, (leading their adventure, choosing him, claiming to have divine sight that shows him the future, which he needs Peter for, emotional stability with a lack of loneliness or dismissal, etc). By separating Peter from Thanatos, the only other one in the group, he is isolating Peter and making him more reliant on Rumi himself. He is assuring that no one, not even Thanatos, can be trusted above Rumi. These are not the only instances of this either-- a lot of Rumi’s dialogue after the Fade to Black in episode 11 is truly unnerving to watch.
tl;dr: Although they may not be trying to establish one, Angelstone is showing signs of building an unbalanced power structure in the future, with Rumi on top, that will probably lead to a toxic environment for them both down the line.
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ailendolin · 2 years
I'd be interested to hear more about why Kitty's behaviour doesn't sit right with you if you'd like to share!
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Thanks for asking! And don't worry, I didn't think your ask was mean in any way 😊
I sort of already answered this in an ask game I did for Thomas and Kitty (the relevant part is under "One aspect I wish more people understood about them") but I'll try to summarise it again under the cut.
Thomas and Kitty both cross lines when it comes to Alison. They're obsessed with her - one desperately wants a best friend while the other wants a girlfriend. The main difference is that Thomas gets constantly called out for it by the fandom and Kitty doesn't.
Personally, I think the reason for that is the fact that Thomas has a romantic interest in Alison whereas Kitty's interest is considered more "innocent". Plus one of the first things Thomas does in the show is look in on Alison while she's in the shower (with everyone else present and apparently being okay with it, mind). That one scene seems to have left a lasting impression on people.
But while his behaviour in that one scene is definitely not okay, it's also not fair to reduce Thomas to this moment. When you actually take a look at the boundaries he and Kitty cross, one thing quickly becomes apparent: Kitty is way more up in Alison's personal space than Thomas is. All Thomas really does is poke his head through the door while she showers once and walk into her room uninvited a couple of times (something the others do as well). That's it. Everything else is just him saying things - annoying, yes, but easily ignored.
Kitty, however, is literally in Alison's bed twice in series 1 alone and also watches her and Mike "trying to make babies". I'm pretty sure if Thomas did that there would be an uproar. But since this is Kitty, it gets waved away because aw, she just wants to have a friend, how cute!
But it isn't cute, and that's why I personally think Kitty's behaviour (and also Mary's in series 1 because she's just as bad as Kitty in that regard) is way creepier than anything Thomas does. I'd rather someone confess their undying love to me constantly than wake up even just once next to someone I never invited to my bed.
I think the reason I find Thomas's behaviour easier to deal with is because it's not real. He does not love Alison - we know that, he knows that and Alison knows that. It's all an act, a role he's unable to step away from. He thinks himself so unloved and unwanted that he can't stop reaching for love - but only where it can't hurt him. Alison and Lucy are safe. Nothing can ever come of him pining for them since he's a ghost and they're not. It's quite telling, really, that he only "falls in love" with unreachable women and none of his fellow ghosts.
Kitty, on the other hand, genuinely loves Alison and wants to be her friend which makes her obsessive behaviour really unsettling for me because it's real in a way Thomas's is not. Not to mention that Kitty can be quite manipulative and aggressive when she wants to be, especially when she's jealous and Alison doesn't give her her full attention. We see that pretty well when Alison can't talk to her at the party and Kitty makes a big deal out of it even though Alison actually explains to her why they can't talk that evening. Thomas would walk away in a huff in such a scenario but Kitty sort of guilt-trips people into feeling bad for her even though they've done nothing wrong.
So long story short: both Kitty and Thomas have their faults but the way Kitty constantly ignores physical boundaries and genuinely wants to be the only friend Alison has is more off-putting for me than Thomas's misguided love declarations.
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venominyourcoffee · 2 years
Love, Fangs and Burnt ash
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The world is alive and busy during the day. The modern cities are restless with people going to and from work and home and night clubs. The people of the big city are fast paced and always busy. However there are those who are restless at night. Centuries ago, creatures of the night emerged and blend into society. They hide in their human forms in the daylight. However at night, fanged teeth and clawed hands hunt and stalk the night as blood stains the smell of the stat lit sky. Our story focuses on a pack of werewolves known as Burnt Wood, a pack of 10 people who only really know each other at night. Our story takes us to a large art flat in downtown. The high rise building shows a city scape of skyscrapers, and behind them is an expansive forest. The walls are decorated in charcoal and oil paintings of city scapes, wildlife and portraits. The room was large with exposed brick with smeared paint and a gentle smell of flowers and sandal wood. Beautiful sunset eyes wearing ruined and smudged eyeliner slowly flutter open and are met by a blurry reflection of a full length mirror on the ceiling. The reflection is that of a mostly naked, and very sore woman named Veronica. A woman with a love of the retro and tight respect for those she trusted and cared for. A woman who had to hide her powers before finding a group that accepted her for her darker self. Family was everything to her.
Veronica groans as she’s met by the reflection of the mirror above her bed. The reflection shows the results of another sleepless night as Veronica laid naked, covered by a large blanket and her in a massive bed. Sadly alone as usual. Veronica let out another groan as she sat up and stretched before wiping her black and red hair away from her eyes. Her sides, spine and arms crack as she stretches and twists from side to side. Her entire body was sore as she let out a grunt as she spoke. “Fuck… never gets easier…” she groans as her sharp canines were shone as she spoke. Becoming a werewolf means a very painful transformation that is not easy for anyone and will always hurt. But with time the pain numbs itself little by little. But bones rearranging and breaking is never easy to ignore. Veronica threw the blanket off her bare body, revealing her scratches and the few tattoos she has. On of the tattoos was a slutty womb tattoo she got on her 18th birthday. She rises to her feet and slowly shuffles to the shower and get dressed. The scolding hot water stung as it woke Veronica up, while also soothing and relaxing her screaming and aching muscles. The steam also helped Veronica clear her mind as her thoughts, which of last night were blurry and red tinted. Veronica could barley remember last night, transforming and devouring a deer with her pack made things difficult to recall. However as her mind cleared, one thing struck her mind like a bolt of lightning. The same bolt that had been assaulting her subconscious for weeks. A woman who Veronica found beautiful, a woman named Zetari. Zetari was the newest omega of the pack Veronica was in. The pack was formed to keep werewolves safe and together. When Zetari joined recently, Veronica couldn’t stop staring. Her beautiful black hair, her gorgeous skin and those beautiful cloud white eyes. Zetari was gorgeous. However Veronica wasn’t the only one to notice the new beauty in the pack. And something deep down wanted to protect Zetari and help her grow. It was obvious Zetari was an introvert and very anxious. Veronica wanted to help her grow and get stronger, like a mother wolf to her young pups.
The pack leader, the alpha, was a woman named Zass. She was your stereotypical hard ass type but also the biggest and scummiest flirt type. She had lots of tattoos, worked out constantly and always stroked their ego. And Zass definitely fancied Zetari and intended to make her a Beta with more training. However Veronica always despised Zass, constantly hating how egotistical she was. Veronica herself was a beta and second in command, even if her and Zass didn’t always get along. Despite their differences, Zass knew Veronica only wanted the best for the pack and that’s why she was next in line to be an alpha. But something didn’t sit right with Veronica. She mumbled as the hot water made her naked body steam. “Why… why should you get the say? What is she even to you? Just another hot girl to flirt with…. Just like me.” Veronica sighed as she remembered how much Zass would flirt with her when she just joined the pack. Zass would flirt with Veronica constantly however she never meant for anything to form above a fuck buddy, and Veronica found out she wouldn’t be the only friend with benefits. Eventually Zass convinced Veronica to get drinks however Zass did most of the talking. In her drunk state Zass told how she basically had a piece of ass in every state, and with her day job as a lawyer it meant she could travel a lot. Veronica immediately walked home and shit Zass a text to never flirt with her again. It made Veronica upset thinking that Zetari could treated like that. Veronica wiped the water from her eyes and turned off the shower and dried off. She got dressed in a baggy band shirt, ripped black jeans and a long black coat jacket. She grabbed her phone and saw she got a text from Zetari. “Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for going hunting with me last night. I know I haven’t been in the pack long but I’m glad you and Zass are helping me adjust.” Veronica sighed as she was writing her response. “Keep your distance from Zass, she can be a little…” she hesitated and deleted the message and typed a new one. “It was fun hunting with you to. Let me know if you need anything.” She sent the message and was replied with a smiling face and a heart emoji. Veronica smiled a bit as she grabbed her keys and headed to work. Veronica didn’t want to scare Zetari from her first pack, she knew a family like this meant a lot for her kind. As she got ready, Veronica dreaded a work day with her quote on quote hangover. Veronica worked as a waitress at this fancy restaurant where she has more then once argued with a customer who was in the wrong. Veronica was very much on a zero taking shit policy.
Veronica left the busy lobby of her apartment building and went to her car, a black 1976 chevy Impala with blood red interior. Veronica laid her head on the steering wheel trying to get Zetari out of her head. Veronica wasn’t sure if she just wanted to protect Zetari or if she secretly wanted to date her herself. Veronica shook her head trying to focus as she revved her car’s engine and drove off. The rising sun made blinding reflections on the glass panels of the skyscrapers, a stark contrast to the cold and dark forests that Veronica had gotten used to in the recent years. This was obvious especially to Veronica who’s eyes had turned into a gorgeous sunset blend of red and yellow. And days like these were especially difficult since Veronica was still recovering from transforming into her wolf form. Her hearing, smell and eye sight was more sensitive and her head pounded like a jackhammer was inside her skull. Veronica parked in front of her restaurant and started her shift, after downing a few pain killers. This was standard for her at this point. Werewolf transformations were notorious in media and I’m real life for being brutal on the body. After all becoming 7 feet tall and jacked muscles with claws was nothing easy. While Veronica worked, Zetari was still waking up completely sore and in pain as she laid in bed in her smaller dorm apartment. Zetari groaned as she hugging her large stuffed possum plushie, rubbing her her eyes. Zetari wasn’t used to transforming yet, as her powers had only manifested recently where as Veronica had been training since puberty. Zetari spent her morning doing yoga and making a smoothie ti try and sooth her body. This was a stark contrast to Veronica’s morning routine as Zetari loved yoga and being flexible and enjoyed working out. Zetari was a little surprised and then a little annoyed when she saw she had a text message from Zass. “Hey, you did amazing last night. I hope your doing ok. I know you don’t turn every so often. If you wanna grab drinks and I’ll give you a message. Just let me know.” Zetari sighed as she typed a response. “I’ll be fine. Just give me a day or two before the next hunt.” Zetari sighed as she laid on her fuzzy blanket. She was very annoyed by Zass and her advances cause Zetari was very not interested.
Eventually the sun begins to set as it just passes noon, and Veronica is finishing up her shift by handling a few more tables. She wiped her face and took off her uniform and sighed as she stretched her back. One of her coworkers came up with a joking remark. “Damn you look terrible. Have a wild partner last night?” Veronica was very unappeased as she responded. “Yeah your girlfriend really needed someone competent in bed.” The coworker seemed insulted at first but took a few steps back and held his tongue as he walked away. “Fuckin moron.” Veronica mumbled under her breath. Veronica never really got along with her coworkers, especially since they changed a lot and were usually privileged and annoying teenagers. Veronica finished up and took of her serving apron and threw on her casual clothes in her locker as she put away her work uniform. She was ready to head out as she was surprised to see Zetari waiting for her. She spoke with a bit of a nervous anxiety, as she really thought Veronica was very beautiful. “H-hey V. Just wanted to check in on you. I know last night can be a little rough on the body. How are you.” Veronica smiled as she walked up to Zetari and towers over her, with Zetari being 5’8 and Veronica being 6’3 and a lot more muscular compared to Zetari’s more lean build. “Yeah, I’m good. I’ve done this a lot over the years. However how are you? I know you’ve only awakened recently so I know turning can be a little bit of a bitch.” Veronica spoke with a smile as Zetari let out a little chuckle. The two girls got into Veronica’s car and headed to get lunch. Veronica took Zetari to this adorable coffee and ice cream place, as they sat down to talk. Veronica kicked off the conversation was she sipped her very high caffeinated drink. “So, how do you like the whole… night party thing?” Zetari chuckled as she licked her ice cream. “Night party? That’s what you call it? You know werewolves aren’t a bad thing right? There haven’t been a werewolf hunt in like thousands of years. You can say we went on a hunt.” Veronica smiled and shook her head. “Yeah sorry. Where I grew up, I was told to keep my powers to myself. So, how do you like being in a pack.” Veronica sipped her coffee as she tried to rephrase her words. “Well how do you like being in a pack? Is everyone treating you ok?” Zetari hesitated a bit before she spoke. “Yeah… it’s just- Zass is a little… clingy? I don’t know if I’m just misunderstanding things or getting mixed signals but it seems like Zass is really trying to get with me?”
Veronica’s eyes darkened as she heard how Zetari felt as she mumbled under her breath “Fuckin bitch…” which Zetari heard but didn’t comment on. Veronica took a breath and spoke. “Look, I’m going to be Frank with you.” Zetari interrupted trying to lower the tension. “Frank? I thought you were Veronica but hey I’m happy you found yourself.” She said with a small chuckle. Veronica was caught off guard and smiled as she tried to hold back laughing. “God damnit… one that was horrible and two, I’m trying to give you advice you cute idiot-“ Veronica stopped speaking as soon as those words left her mouth. A deep blush burned on Zetari’s cheeks. Veronica tries to hide her slowly creeping blush as she clears her throat to speak. “Anyways…. Look. Zass is… she’s a flirt but she’s zero commitment. All she wants is fuck buddies and doesn’t want any connection. She’s a dog and I mean that in more ways then one. My advice? Just tell her to fuck off. Just cause she’s your alpha doesn’t mean you have to be some side Luna. If you tell her to back off she’ll take the hint. She’s a prick but she can take the hint.” Zetari nodded and was deep in thought as she spoke with a slightly more heavy tone. “Wow… you sound like you know from experience?” Veronica went silent for a few seconds as she sighs and takes a deep sip of her coffee. “Yeah… when I first joined the pack and was an omega. I was just looking for a place to feel like myself. Zass saw me and immediately saw my figure. And a pretty face. She thought just cause she was in charge I would fall for her. Fuck her, but not in the way she hopes.” Veronica’s eyes were a bit darker as she sipped her coffee. Zetari was quite for a while before she spoke, tripping over her words. “Hey… if it means anything, I think your an amazing member of the pack and I think you’d make an amazing alpha. And I’ve only known you for a few weeks but… I think your great.” Zetari was blushing deeply and Veronica noticed and it was obvious both girls wanted to say something. Zetari finally took the initiative and handed Veronica a piece of paper. “I- I wrote this a few nights ago… I was wondering when to give it to you…” Veronica was surprised as she took the paper and looked at it, seeing a poem written in beautiful cursive. “Your eyes like sunset, your voice feels trusted. You make me feel content, you make me feel something. Perhaps under moonlit night it was fate. I know your like super hot but would you like to date?” Veronica was taken back by the poem as she was deeply blushing. Veronica smiled and chuckled as she tried to keep up the cool facade. “Y-yeah, a date sounds great. I’ll um… pick you up.” Zetari smiled and nodded as she blushed and shyly ate her ice cream.
A few days later at night, Zetari screams into her massive whale plushie as she struggles to pick an outfit. “Ughhh! Do I go cute? Edgy? Maybe go the cute bimbo look? Ah but she might think I’m just some airhead! Maybe a subtle casual business? Ugh that might be too stuck up… I wanna be fun, but not like… slutty? But… what if she’s into that!? Ugh I hate my life.” She says with a deep sigh as she falls face first into the large whale stuffed animal with a thud and a muffled scream of frustration. Zetari hadn’t gone on a date in some time, especially with her recent training to control her power. While Zetari was having her brake down on her indecisiveness, Veronica was dealing with her own demons. Veronica was trying to pick a style to go with. “Denim? Maybe vegan leather? I don’t want to come off as pushy but I also don’t want to come off as a geek…” Veronica muddled over what she would go for, however maybe less frantic. Eventually Zetari slapped herself to hype herself up as she went with a sundress with a pastel pink jacket and a pair of cute sneakers. Whereas Veronica went with a black pair of ripped jeans, a pastel blue graphic design shirt and a heavy denim jacket with lots of patches. Veronica grabbed a bouquet of flowers and chocolates and got into her Impala and drove off to pick up Zetari. As Zetari was finishing getting ready, she was giving herself a pep talk to her stuffed animals and squishmellows. “Ok. Ok… OK! Just keep it together. Yes, she’s beautiful. Yes she has a beautiful and wonderful and well spoken… but… what was I saying? Something that she’s human? Well… technically we’re lycanthrope… fuck I’m gonna die.” The pep talk wasn’t going well. Zetari jumped slightly when she heard a knock at her door. She opened her door and was greeted by Veronica handing over flowers and chocolates as she spoke with a hint of a blush. “Hey. Sorry I should have asked if you had something like allergies or something. Hope this is ok.” Zetari smiled and took the gifts and spoke without meaning to, as she thought she was thinking ti herself. “Well I won’t die eating chocolates, but I’d love to chick being between your thighs.” Zetari did t notice what she said until she heard Veronica audibly laugh out loud a little. “Honey I really hope you weren’t going to say that out loud doll.” Veronica said while holding back laughing. Zetari was a blushing mess, both at saying what she did and by being called doll, her favorite pet name.
After a few minutes of talking, catching up and Veronica reassuring Zetari things are ok, the two get into the car as Veronica revs the engine and speeds off. Zetari’s mind was swimming as she gripped the leather red seats of the car and avoided eye contact, even if Veronica was focused on driving. The radio hummed in the background playing old 80s and 90s love songs. Veronica rested her hand on the gear shift as she focused on driving. Zetari thought of a bold move as she gently placed her hand on top of V’s hand on the gear shift. This made Veronica blush slightly but she didn’t say anything. Zetari spoke up. “So, you must like 80s and 90s music? Or did you think this was the best mood setter?” Zetari laughed a little. Veronica smiled as she spoke. “Well yes to both accounts. Besides some of these songs are classics. You can’t do better, no offense to modern artists.” Zetari smiled as she squeezed V’s hand and enjoyed the ride. Veronica eventually spoke up. “So let me guess, cedarwood?” Zetari looks to Veronica confused. “Cedarwood?” “Yeah, your perfume. It smells like cedarwood. Kinda earthy and like aftershave.” Zetari chuckled. “Wow aftershave? How romantic. And for your information.… I don’t know what the fuck it is. The girl at the shop said this would make me irresistible to you. But the bottle just said A Unicorns Lust.” Veronica laughed as she shook her head. “Jesus Christ. Well I think they conned you. But you are pretty hard to resist.” Zetari blushed and smiled. The car engine roared and hummed as the car eventually left the main city streets and started going into the woods, the high beams of the car lighting up the reflective eyes of night dwelling creatures. Zetari was a little confused as she spike up. “Hey V, where are we going? Your not bringing me out here to kill me are you?” Zetari have a small nervous laugh as Veronica smiled. “Oh no, I’m not killing you. I’m taking you to my favorite place. And it’s a secret so don’t tell no one. That way no one will find your body.” Veronica said with a joking evil laugh that made Zetari chuckle.
Eventually the cars tires left the dirt and gravel road and were met by old crumbling pavement as the car pulled into a massive clearing. Zetari was amazed as she saw an old abandoned drive in movie theater. Veronica parked in one of the empty spaces that was surrounded by old abandoned cars full of weeds and moss. The massive concrete wall where the film is projected is cracked with chipped white paint and vines growing on the side. The projector and snack hut seemed like it was falling apart and boarded up with a few hints of police crime scene tape. The place looked like a scene from a post apocalyptic movie or video game. It felt like zombies would burst out any moment. Zetari loved the atmosphere and was taken back by the almost grim image of modern tech consumed by plants and vegetation. Zetari spoke with a gasp. “Holy shit. How did you find this place!?” Veronica smiled as she looked around her. “Found this a month after I moved here. One night I transformed and just ran. When I turned back I found this place. Apparently there was a murder here like 50 years ago. Case went cold. Eventually people would sneak here and watch old films or try and make it a skate park and do Ollie’s and kick flips on the old cars. Eventually the roaring 80s came crashing down and the place was abandoned ever since. However when I got here, I figured out how to Jerry rig it and get it going. No one goes here anymore so it’s my own private place. I even found an old laptop hooked up to a pirate movie site so I watch all the new releases here.” Veronica smiled and motioned for Zetari to follow her as she left the driver seat and went to the trunk, and Zetari followed. When Veronica opened the trunk, there was an assortment of snacks and booze, a fuzzy blanket, some pillows, a can of gas and a laptop. Veronica spoke as she grabbed the gas can and the laptop. “Ok follow me.” Zetari followed like a puppy as she took in the surroundings. Veronica lead Zetari to the projection hut which had a large generator outside and boarded up windows. Veronica, like a routine, poured the gas into the generator and yanked the start up cord a few times until it exploded to life. The lights around the parking lot lit up making the area a bit less spooky. That was u til a very distorted and broken recording of “let’s all go to the lobby” began humming in the background. Veronica then kicked in the door and revealed moss, plants and mushrooms growing Inside that she just stepped over. Veronica then walked over to a small simple computer setup and plugged in the laptop and began typing. Zetari was exploring the inside of the small bundling. Finding old abandoned popcorn making machines, old and rusted hot dog spinners, and a shelf of old cans Ho,ding film reels. “Rocky Horror Picture Show? Princess Bride, Casablanca!? These are ancient.” Zetari said with shock. Veronica smiled and nodded. “Yup. Probably worth a good penny but I can’t sell them. They still work on the original projector. However this laptop gives you a little bit more of a modern selection.” Veronica motioned for Zetari to come over as she showed her the pirating website, which had a lot of modern movies. Zetari scrolled through selecting and smiled. “This one! Warm Bodies. A cute zombie flic for an abandoned post zombies apocalypse drive movie theater.” Zetari said with a smile. Veronica nodded. “Cool, I’ll get it hooked up. You go get the snacks and snuggle up in the passenger seat.”
Zetari sat comfy in the passenger seat as Veronica set up the speakers and sits next to Zetari. The generator hums in the background as the film starts to be perfected on the large white painted concrete wall. The movies opening credits began to roll as Zetari’s eyes sparkled. “This is unreal… thank you for an amazing date so far V.” Zetari said with a warm and genuine smile that warmed Veronica’s heart. The movie played, as crows called out from the forest. Deer wandered around the parking lot picking away at growing grass. The stars above made a beautiful background to the movie. The subtle scent of fresh grass and cedarwood perfume made a cozy atmosphere as Zetari found herself snuggling up to Veronica, their hands intertwined as their heartbeats slowed and synchronized. Gently giggles and caresses were felt between the lovers as the movie played and nature danced. As the movie reached its romantic peek, Veronica took a chance. She hooked her black nail painted finger under Zetari’s chin and turned her head to make eye contact. Their eyes met with a sparkle and deep blushed cheeks. Zetari tilted her head and her eyes fluttered closed, as her way to give Veronica the go ahead. Veronica picked up on it and went further. Their lips were a second away, as they felt each other’s deep and heavy breaths. In one second, their lips met and a rush of passion and live swept through the two girls. Zetari leaned into Veronica, who held Zetari’s face in her palms as the kiss deepened. This feeling, the cold air, the calmness, the stars, the movie, this kiss. It was what Zetari read about in romance novels. This feeling of safety, genuine care and mutual respect and blooming love. Zetari thought this was only in books. But Veronica gave her this, and it was everything she thought it was when Zetari was a teenager. And on Veronica’s end, this what something she wished for a long time. This connection, this safety and trust. This is the type of connection she needed to warm her long frozen heart. The kiss was only around 30 seconds long, but for these two it felt like eternity, like heaven for damned souls. Like bliss. Eventually Veronica pulled back, to get more breath. Zetari had hearts in her eyes and Veronica was blushing deeply. Zetari spoke with shaky breaths. “W-wow… fuckin wow… that was-“ Veronica immediately started a fresh kiss, cutting Zetari off but in a happy surprise. Zetari melted in her touch as V took control. It was natural for Veronica, she was always dominant. And Zetari was always submissive even if she didn’t really explore that side with her. But maybe Veronica was the best person to help Zetari find that part of herself.
The movie ended, but the night didn’t. A few words escaped Zetari’s mouth in the heat of passion. “Take me. Please.” Which drove Veronica like a spark to gasoline. Veronica quickly shut down the movie theater and the Impala speed off to Veronica’s loft. Veronica lead Zetari by the hand until they were safe behind closed doors. Veronica lifted Zetari by her thighs and kissed her passionately as Zetari held on like a koala to a tree. Veronica used her overwhelming strength to carry Zetari and then pin her to the bed. Zetari breathed heavily as both girls frantically tried to rip the clothes off each other. When Zetari saw how shredded Veronica was, she couldn’t he,o but stare and drool at V’s tuned muscles and heaving breasts. Veronica saw how she was being started at and smiled as she spoke in a darker tone. “What’s wrong, never seen a girl like me before?” Zetari was blushing so hard her cheeks should have been on fire when she replied. “Umm… sorry V but your not a normal girl. Your like a goddess~” Veronica smiled as she leaned down and started kissing and gently biting Zetari’s neck, getting drunk off of her moans as Veronica’s slim fingers reached between Zetari’s legs. Zetari moans loudly as Veronica stroked between her wet folds and stimulated her clit. This pleasure was so insane as Zetari bit her lip as she heard the deep breaths of her new lover. Zetari’s nails dug into V’s back as the pleasure began building in Zetari’s aching core. Zetari spoke in broken breaths as she struggled to hold back her moans to speak. “I- f-fuck… it’s been a while since I’ve t-touched or been touched liked this. Y-your really good at this~ u-umm… I know I shouldn’t- ahhh~ shouldn’t be surprised if you do but- fuck~ d-do you own anything like a Umm… a strap on?” Veronica raised her head and brushed her long black and red hair out of her face with a swift flic of her head to throw it over her shoulder and gave a devilish smirk. “Oh? Hoping this lone wolf has brought some toys with her? Well your in luck sweetie, mommy has just the thing~” Veronica got up and swayed her naked body and hips as she walked away to a cabinet, giving Zetari a little dance and show with each step. Veronica looked through her toy drawer of various sex toys she’s bought over the years. “Ah, perfect~” Veronica slid into a strap on harness and slipped a vibrator on the inside and equipped a dildo she then turned around triumphantly and gave a devilish grin and bed eyes. Zetari looked at V with mouth a gape as she felt herself get incredibly wet and aching for more. She simply bit her lip and smiled through her flaming blush. “Holy f-fuck V~ your fuckin gorgeous!” Veronica smiled and sauntered over and pinned Zetari down and pulled out a bottle of lube as she began to finger and tease Zetari, who moaned and whimpered. Veronica drank all the beautiful sounds her new lover was making, like a starving man getting a full buffet.
Zetari moaned deeply as she surrendered to the pleasure and Vernon’s control. Veronica fully worked Zetari open until she could handle the strap before slowly sliding the tip in. The sudden full feeling in Zetari’s aching core drove her wild. Veronica only drive just the tip in before wrapping her fingers around Zetari’s neck but not squeezing, making Zetari whine as Veronica spoke. “What’s wrong doll? You want more? Beg doll, beg and make me believe you~” Zetari was practically on the verge of tears out of frustration from the slight edging. Zetari squinted her eyes as they fluttered open and with a shaky breath and a whimper she spoke. “P-please! Fuck! Please V please! Please give me more V!” Veronica smiled as her eyes were filled with lust as she suddenly thrusted deep into Zetari, as the vibe turned on, stimulating both parties. The sounds of slapping skin hitting skin, the deep scratches on Veronica’s back, the beautiful bite and kiss marks on Zetari’s back and the beautiful moans heard that night showed how much pure pleasure and love the two felt. They could both tell this was a long time coming. Zetari has admired Veronica from a distance for some time, and seeing Veronica in such a beautiful state made her heart flutter. Veronica’s thrusts we’re deep and rhythmic as the vibe made both parties moan more. Eventually as both parties felt the crashing waves of a coming orgasm hit their bodies like a storm, Veronica’s thrusts became more erratic as Zetari held her close. Zetari couldn’t stop herself from whining and begging for more. “P-please don’t stop! Please! Let me- AHH- please~” Veronica was panting and moaning as she thrusted harder. Veronica and Zetari both felt their werewolf sides scream inside them. The scent of raw sex, the sweat, the deep guttural moans that mixed with growling. This was raw, but also deep, loving and passionate. Veronica gripped Zetari’s hair, which was met by a sharp moan, and forced eye contact as Veronica saw pink and Zetari saw stars and hearts. Veronica moaned out with a commanding tone. “Cum with me! Share our orgasms! Fall deep with me~” with a few deep thrusts both girls screamed in pleasure as their orgasms crashed against their bodies, like a lighting bolt to a power station. Veronica felt the strength in her forearms weaken as Zetari’s eyes rolled back and her mouth in a lewd expression. This one night showed these two this could work, that they might have been made for each other. That was a lot to get from a first date but both parties agreed. This level of comfort, trust, and passion could only come from a sturdy love.
The next morning Zetari felt a weight next to her as she slowly woke up from a deep and blissful sleep mixed with wonderful dreams. She felt strong arms holding her naked body close as she looked up to see Veronica sleeping. Zetari smiled and yawned and cuddled V closer. She mumbled in her more raspy morning voice as she snuggled into Veronica’s bare chest. “Cuddles are the best~” the small motion was enough to make Veronica wake up as she held Zetari closer, pulling her deeper into her full bosom. “Yeah… cuddles are great. Did you have fun last night doll?” Zetari tried to speak but she was muffled by the soft flesh that covered her mouth. Veronica only felt a kiss and a smile against her as she did the same and kissed Zetari’s forehead. The girls spent at least an hour just resting, falling in and out of sleep and just enjoying the morning light through thick curtains and laying under lace sheets and a fluffy blanket. Basking in each other’s warmth and soft skin. Eventually Veronica practically had to pry herself away from Zetari to go brew some coffee and make breakfast, all while swaying her body and hips to burn the lust into Zetari’s mind and make her drool. Eventually the two girls got dressed in baggy shirts and loose underwear as Veronica made pancakes and a professional cup of coffee for her and Zetari. Zetari ate and sipped her coffee before blushing and speaking up. “So V, I guess Umm. I guess we’re dating?” Veronica smiled and sipped her coffee before responding. “Well I assume so. After all we seem great for each other. Why, getting cold feet?” Zetari’s eyes lowered as she hesitantly responded. “No no, it’s not that. It just seems… I dunno. That your just so pretty and out of my league it’s just-“ Veronica starts hearing this and stands up and walks over to Zetari, straddling her in her lap making Zetari freeze in place as Veronica speaks with love but also a serious tone. “No. None of that. I don’t want to hear you talking yourself down. Your amazing and beautiful and you deserve someone who sees that. So I don’t care if it’s with rope, edging, constant gifts or love. I will drill it into that pretty little head of yours that your gorgeous and amazing. Even if I have to fuck you so hard I break your mind and build you back up. Get me, doll?” Zetari was taken back but immediately felt the love Veronica was giving her as she just smiled all goofy and gulped and nodded. “ yes ma’am!” Veronica smiled and gave her a cheek kiss. “Good girl.” Over the next few days, Veronica and Zetari enjoyed spending time together, talking about their life, their interests and favorite songs. Zetari even noticed Veronica’s Impala still had a cassette player and even tracked down an old cassette of some of Veronica’s favorite 80s bands. Zetari was even trusted with the keys to the Impala so she could pick Veronica up from work. Eventually some other members of the pack asked if the two were dating. Getting comments of “wow you reek of her, you two must have been together a lot.” And “you alright Zet? Every time Veronica is around you get stiff.” Of course the girls were never bullied or judged. Dating among the pack was fairly common. However Zass didn’t seem to notice, as she was busy hitting on other girls.
Eventually one night Veronica texted Zet. “Hey babe. We’ve been at this for almost two weeks. I say we do something a little old fashioned. Pick out a simple outfit and I’ll pick you up at 2pm. <3” Zetari’s heart fluttered as she picked a cute but easy outfit and waited to hear the custom horn of V’s Impala. The car arrives and picks up Zetari. Veronica is wearing a baggy shirt and sweat pants as she is still listening to the cassette Zetari got her. The power ballads of Girl In The Tower and other infamous 80s love songs played on the radio as the car speed off into the woods. Zetari eventually spoke as Veronica’s hand stroked Zet’s thigh. “Soo. What’s this all about? You said something about old fashioned?” Veronica smiled as she drove. “Well, it’s an old tradition among our kind. You know, the L word.” Zetari spoke within a heartbeat and with genuine confusion. “Lesbians?” Veronica broke into a loud laugh. “No you goofball, lycanthrope. It’s an old werewolf tradition.” Zetari was intrigued especially since she didn’t grow up with her werewolf linage. “Oh wow, some old school stuff huh? Are we gonna drink blood from a stone chalice? Oh maybe we’re gonna have a sexy three way with some wolf priestess?” Zetari joked. Veronica smiled and shook her head. “First off, I don’t know what Elder Scrolls vampire side quest you got that stone blood chalice from. And second, if I knew some sexy wolf priestess who was up for a threesome, I would have told you day one. No sadly it’s nothing that fantastic. But hey if I find some sexy nude blood covered wolf witch that wants to have a threesome you and me will be the first on her front door steep.” Veronica chucked as she kept driving, listening to Zetari jokingly pout.
Eventually the car comes to a stop in an old abandoned camp parking area. Veronica smiled as Zetari made another joke. “You know, I didn’t know there was this much abandoned stuff around the city in the woods. You really know your way and your the person I’ll follow in the apocalypse. You would look good in-“ Zetari was cut off as when she looked back to Veronica, she was standing outside the car stripping until she was naked. Zetari blushed as she gave a nervous laugh. “Wow… so what we are just fucking in the woods? That’s a tradition I can get behind~” Veronica chuckled. “Well if you can stop staring and drooling on my seats, I can tell you.” Zetari nodded and got out of the car and began stripping as she listened to Veronica explain. “It’s called Liebesjagd. That’s German. A rough translation is Love Hunt or Jagdliebhaber for Hunting Lovers. It’s an old werewolf tradition from Germany. Two werewolves who are lovers go on a hunt together. They find a beast and hunt it down. They then transform back and do something called roughly Herzbindung. Or a very rough translation to Heart Bonding where I drink blood from the heart and we kiss, each swallowing some blood. I know it seems a bit more vampiric but werewolves have been doing this for years. And we strip so when we transform we don’t rip our clothes.” Zetari nodded. “Ah I see. I brake a creatures heart so ours never brake. That’s actually kinda sweet. And your right, very old fashioned. Sounds like something the Vikings would do… you know this is the first time we’ve transformed since that first pack hunt. When I saw you, it was… I dunno… it was like watching a master at work.” Veronica blushed a little as she smiled and joked “and kinda hot?” Zetari chuckled. “Yeah a little bit.” Veronica chucked as she shut the pairs clothes inside the Impala and did a small stretch as she sighs. “God this never gets easier… you ready?” V asked. Zetari sighed deeply. “Yeah… god this is so uncomfortable… thankfully the more I do it the less longer the soreness lasts. Ready when you are.”
The two girls got on all fours and flicked that internal switch that started the transformation. The two girls felt their bones rearrange and grow as clawed paws replaced their feet and claws replaced their fingernails. Their canine teeth grew large and sharp. Their skin gives way to a thick coat of fur. After a few very painful moments, the two girls were in their werewolf forms. Zetari was a little smaller and her fur coat was a cool white color as her eyes were a deep yellow. Veronica’s form was a lot larger and more muscular and her coat was a deep black. Her eyes were fully red and her teeth were razor sharp. The two monstrous creatures of the night stood tall and proud of their forms as they began to snarl and bark at each other, still able to understand each other. Veronica snarled and barked as she sniffed the air worth her snoot. “Ok… lots of dear nearby… ooo I smell a bear. Wanna go bear hunting?” Zetari yipped and whined as she joked. “Veronica what is wrong with you!? What did hairy gay men do to you?” Zetari’s ears went up and her tail wagged as of very proud of her joke. Veronica growled and shook her head. “Deer it is…” the two ghoulish girls of the night started tracking before they picked up a scent, and took off full sprint on all fours. Their large paws and claws making terrifying prints in the grass and mud as they sprinted through the woods as if it were no problem to them. Eventually the girls picked up the scent of a deer and tracked it down, eventually ripping it apart with their teeth and claws. However each bite and rip was punctuated by the loud clap and low rumble of rolling thunder. Eventually the deers shrieks of pain died away as the girls transformed back, covered in blood. Veronica with zero hesitation bit into the deers heart and got a mouth full of blood and locked lips with Zetari. Their kiss was primal and animalistic as the thick taste of copper and crimson life force. The kiss was oddly passionate and loving.
Veronica and Zetari swallowed the blood and pulled away from the kiss. Zetari breathed deeply as she spoke with a deep blush and a bitten lip. “Wow… aside from the metallic taste this was really fun… and hot.” Version chuckled as she wiped her mouth clean of the blood. “Yeah that was pretty fun. I loved watching you rip into that. And blood is a good look on you~” Zetari smiled and blushed deeply as the two girls held hands and stared into each other’s eyes. Then like in classic cartoon timing, and a hint of foreshadowing, it began heavily raining with a low rolling boom of thunder. The two girls, now more wetter then they already were, looked at each other and both said “FUCK!” as they ran naked back to the car. Eventually the girls, drenched and freezing and naked jump back in the Impala shivering and laughing. Veronica fumbling with the keys ti start the car and warm it up, however as the car revs to life it stutters and only the lights and radio start. “Fuck! It’s the damn transmission I bet… shit I’m freezing.” Veronica exclaimed. Zetari chuckled and held herself to try and warm up, however she suddenly had idea. “Hey V? Roll your seat back.” Veronica seemed confused but did just as asked. Without warning Zetari straddled Veronica a held her close as their naked bodies rubbed against each other. “There, now we can warm each other up~” Zetari said with a cheeky smile. Veronica gave a small chuckle as she bit her lip and started letting her hands roam, much to Zetari’s joy. “Oh we can warm each other up alright~” said Veronica in a lustful tone. The song Desert Plains by Judas Priest played in the background as the sound of heavy rain echoed throughout the woods. The steady drums and guitar and dragging notes of the singer lulled the girls as they instantly started feeling each other up. The cold rain rand made their skin sensitive and nipples hard due to the cold. Veronica could feel Zetari shiver a little, however she didn’t know if it was cause if the cold rain or her hands stroking Zet’s thighs and ass and up the middle of her spine.
Zetari closed her eyes and relinquished control as Veronica used gentle touches and fleeting kisses to arouse and pleasure Zet. Let out a horse moan and a deep sigh of euphoria as she felt Veronica kiss and gently bite her breasts and hardened nipples. Veronica’s icy cold digits wandered and caressed Zetari’s body as her tongue did it’s wicked lustful work. Zetari moaned as she spoke. “G-god! Yesss! More please more~” Veronica smiled as she released Zetari’s breasts from her mouth as she reached into the glovebox and pulled out a magic wand vibrator, much to Zetari’s shock and joy. “What you just keep a vibrator in the car?” Zetari joked with her face ablaze with a deep blush. Veronica chuckles. “Hey, some nights I just drive out and listen to the radio and just wanna vibe, pun intended~” Veronica smiled as she slipped the toy between Zet’s and V’s legs, resting comfortably on their clits. Zetari bit her lip in anticipation as Veronica threaded her fingers into Zetari’s thick black hair and forced the two into an amorous deep and loving kiss. Their tongues danced an erotic ballet as Veronica triggered the vibe to come to life. The deep and intense vibrations sent shivers and bolts of pleasure to light up the girls bodies. The two girls moaned into each others mouths as their bodies and minds were stimulated intensely. Between the kisses and erotic breathing, Zetari placed the palms of her hands on Veronica’s face as the two make out and Zetari speaks in ragged breaths. “F-fuck! Veronica~ god yesss~” Veronica pulls Zetari back into the kiss as she places the vibe on its highest setting. The girls moans were muffled to the outside world as the sound of rain and rolling thunder echos in the empty forest, as the windows of the Impala fog and give the girls their privacy.
It had officially been a month and a half of Veronica and Zetari officially dating. Gifts were exchanged, lots of sensual words were whispered, beds have been shared and lots of kisses were exchanged. Veronica had just gotten off of work and was at home, working on her nails and binging podcasts as music played in the background on a Bluetooth modern boombox she was gifted by Zetari. Veronica had just tried her hand at nail art, drawing tiny flames in a black background. Eventually her phone buzzed, it was a text from Zetari. “Hey V. Can you come pick me up? I’m at this address.” Veronica was confused. “Don’t you have a moped? Are you ok did it crash?” Zetari was silent for a few moment before replying. “No, my scooter is at my house. I got a ride, from Zass. Just- just come get me please.” Veronica’s heart dropped as situations and possible ideas flooded her mind. Veronica jumped to her feet and ran to get dressed and got into her car and speed off. At every stoplight she checked the text log to make sure Zetari was ok. Eventually as Catherine hit the gas she felt the fear and anger building as she screamed in frustration at the fear of what happened. “Fuck… fuck! FUCK! God damnit Zass if you fuckin touched her I swear to fuck!” Veronica cursed as she hit the gas. As the Impala pulls up to the address, it’s a hotel, with Veronica standing outside. Veronica immediately parks and gets out to look at Zetari. Zetari’s top is undone and her bra is half undone, her left hand has bloodstains and she has a facial expression half of anger and half of fear. As Veronica got close to her, something made Veronica furious. Zetari smelled like Zass, that cheap smell of cigarettes and burden was not mistakable. “Zetari! What the fuck happened are you ok?!” Zetari nodded as she breathed deeply. “Yeah, can we just go? I’ll explain at your place.” Veronica was about to agree when she saw Zass standing in the doorway of the hotel. Her face scratched and bleeding and she seemed like she had seen a ghost. Veronica ran past Zetari and grabbed Zass by the collar of her tank top that showed her tattoos. “What the fuck did you do to her your bitch!?! Fucking answer me right fucking now or I swear-“ Zass didn’t respond, in fact she was silent and looked afraid. Zetari ran up and pulled V off of Zass and spoke. “V! I’m fine! Nothing happened can we just go?” Zetari saw Veronica’s eyes were blood red and her fangs started to show, but Veronica agreed and calmed down and lead Zetari to the car and drove off.
Veronica drove Zetari back to her place where Zetari sat on V’s bed and sighed deeply. Veronica was hesitant to say anything cause deep down she was boiling with anger and didn’t want to make anything worse. Almost like she sensed it, Zetari looked up and have a small smile and spoke. “If it helps you calm down, nothing really happened. If it did I would have let you rip her apart. Trust me V, you’ve taught me to be tougher. If Zass tried anything she would have more then a slash to her cheek.” Zetari sat up and stretched and Veronica breathed a sigh of relief. “Jesus… what the hell happened?” Zetari spoke after a deep stretch. “Well, I was at home, and Zass texted me to talk stuff about becoming higher in the pack. She picked me up and we talked. She brought up you asking why we were together. I told her it was none of her business. She said she could give me more, something better. I told her the warnings you gave me, that pissed her off. She tried to pull me close, saying how I’d be happier with a real alpha… something took over. My wolf side came out, I formed a claw and slashed her fucking face, punched her and texted you as I walked out. I don’t think younger me would have done that. But you taught me to be a big girl and take no shit. You didn’t fear Zass, and you were completely right about her.” Zetari smiled softly as if to reassure V and show that their time together made her stronger. Veronica pinched her nose bridge and breathed deeply as she calmed down. “Wow… guess I’m a good influence I guess. I’m just proud you stood up for yourself. But babe you give the word and I’ll fucking rip her apart for you, I should do that anyway…” Veronica said with a sulk. Zetari smiled and stood up, holding Veronica’s face in her palms. “Babe. Relax. You taught me to be better and take no shit I don’t need to. Trust me if she got any further then undoing my blouse, I think I would have gutted her myself. But thanks for coming to get me.” Zetari smiled as she gave Veronica a caring kiss. Zetari smiled and joked “personally the way you were about to rip her head off? Kinda hot.” Veronica chuckled and smiled. “You know doing lewd things and flirting right after you were assaulted? Kinda makes you sound like a psychopath and I’d be a dick for taking you up on it. Shouldn’t I be the caring and supportive girlfriend?”
Zetari chucked and stole another quick kiss before she spoke. “Well I wasn’t assaulted. Some selfish, whiny bitch ripped my second favorite blouse and almost broke my favorite sports bra. And she couldn’t have done anything I did t want her too. For an aloha she backed down real quick. Zass may be a dick, but even she realizes she just fucked up. And hey, if anything I think I just gave you some great ammo against her to become the next big alpha and I’ll become your Luna~” Veronica smiled and giggled a little as she nodded and placed her hands on Zetari’s hips. “You sure your ok babe?” Zetari smiled and kissed V’s nose. “Babe. If I wasn’t you think I could hide that from you? I’m perfectly fine. Now, if you excuse me I’m going to steal your hoodie and boxers and shower so I can get the stench of bitch off me. I’ll leave the door open and if you wanna join.” This sudden boost I’m confidence was surprising to Veronica as she watched Zetari strut around the loft before heading to the bathroom. Veronica was definitely taken back, but if she just cut the alpha of her pack and told her to fuck off, Veronica would be pretty damn confident too. So it made a lot of sense that Zetari would be filled with confidence and a bit horny. Veronica was conflicted as she heard the shower start, but then her phone rang with a text message. Veronica looked at it and a wave of rage hit her as she saw it was from Zass. Veronica was annoyed as she opened the text but was then surprised by what the text said. “Hey Veronica… look I know I fucked up. You had every right to kill me tonight but you didn’t. Tonight was a wake up call…” Veronica was furious as she texted back while biting her tongue. “Listen bitch you might be in charge but I’ve known for a while you pull shit like this. If Zetari hadn’t stopped me, I would have made you hurt bad.” A few seconds passed before Zass responded. “Your right. You showed a lot of control tonight, control and will. Something I lack. Tonight made me realize if I’m this bad with people, I shudder to think how I’ve been running the pack… that’s why next month I’m holding a vote to see if the pack wants you as the alpha.” Veronica was surprised at this comment. “Really? That’s… very big of you.” Another reply from Zass came pretty quickly. “Jesus am I that much a piece of shit that it’s that surprising? You know what don’t answer. Have a good night V.”
Veronica shook off her feelings and smiled knowing she’d finally get to be with Zetari without any obstacles, but she was troubled with what would happen if she was mad alpha and how she would teach Zass a lesson. Veronica was troubled but she calmed when she had one thought. “Well, my hot girlfriend is naked in the shower and clearly lonely. She’ll help me forget about this.” Veronica thought with a smile as she made her way to the bathroom while stripping. Veronica stepped inside the bathroom and was met by a thick steam that blurred the vision of Zetari through the glass shower door. Zetari spoke up. “Well we’ll well, did someone want to give me some company?” Veronica smiled wickedly as she opened the door to see the hot water stream down and hug Zetari’s naked body, showing her curves. This made her look divine. That coupled with the hot steam and dim light, it looked like a love scene in a beautiful Greek play…. or porn video with a really high budget. Veronica walked up to Zetari and pinned her against the cold shower wall that made Zetari bit her lip and smile. Veronica spoke in a deeper, more sensual tone. “Well your talking to your potential future alpha doll, so show some more respect~” Zetari’s eyes widened and sparkled as she smiled. “Wait, really? That’s amazing babe! I told you that bitch would get what’s coming to her!” Veronica smiled and abruptly kissed and harshly bit Zetari’s back, drawing a little blood and a deep primal moan from Zetari. Zetari felt her legs go weaker as she gave control completely and felt her heart pound out of her chest when she made eye contact with Veronica. “Now doll, I just told you that I’m your alpha. And you just shook your tail at me a little while ago. Your girlfriend just got one hell of a promotion. Now given the context, I think you know how to congratulate me doll~” Zetari blushed deeply and nodded. “Oh yes mistress~” Zetari got on her knees and Veronica swing one of her legs over Zetari shoulder and shaved her face into V’s cunt. Zetari immediately started licking between V’s folds and sucking on her clit. The warm water washed over the girls as Veronica moaned, playing with her sensitive chest and tightly gripping Zetari’s hair. Zetari looked up at Veronica with lust in her eyes as her hands trailed up V’s thighs and giving her ass a quick slap.
Veronica moaned at the stimulation to her clit and the sudden slap to her ass. Veronica gripped Zetari’s hair tighter. “Carful doll, you’ll be a good girl for mistress won’t you?” Zetari only responded by eating Veronica out harder, rolling, twisting and flicking her tongue ti drive Veronica mad. Veronica felt her legs get weaker as her hight of pleasure was quickly approaching. Zetari could feel Veronica nearing her climax and intentionally slowed her tongues motion to edge her lover. Veronica felt the building sensation dull and slowly die off, as she gave a frustrated sigh and removed her leg from Zetari’s shoulder. “Oh doll you shouldn’t have done that!” Veronica grabbed the detachable, high pressure shower head and made Zetari sit in her lap on the showers floor. Veronica then used her legs to force and lock Zetari’s legs open. “Hands behind your back, now.” Veronica said in a firm tone. Zetari obeyed and suddenly felt the water stimulate her aching heat which made her moan loudly. The rhythmic and high pressure of the water felt like thousands of soft kisses that landed between her thighs and made her mind go blank from the pleasure. Zetari started begging as she realized what was happening. “F-fuck! V! I’m s-sorry! P-please don’t edge me!” Veronica used her free hand to play with Zetari’s chest and started kissing and biting Zetari’s shoulder and neck as she whispered into her ear. “Aww don’t worry babe. I’m not a brat like you. I’ll let you cum, and you’ll cum over and over and over again. I’ll let you cum until your an adorable little fucked out slut~ and when you have had enough orgasms that I believe you deserve, I’m going to cuff you to the bed and ride your pretty face until I cum all over you. So relax baby doll, cum whenever you feel like, and you’ll keep cumming until I see every thought fucked out of your brain~” Zetari’s eyes widened in shock and slight erotic fear as she tried to beg. “N-no please V! I’m sorry! Please don’t overstimulate me so much! M-my mind will break!” Zetari immediately felt a harsh slap and sharp nails drag and scratch her inner thighs, leaving a forming bruise. “Oh no doll, you’ve had a long stressful day. And you’ve been so good for me~ so I think breaking your mind is a great way for us to destress~ So go on doll, cum your sanity and stress away for me!” Zetari knew she was in for hours of torturing and who knows how many orgasms she’s in for. And Veronica was very serious about face riding her new favorite lover and adorable fuck toy.
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