#like aren’t friends supposed to mutually reach out and check in and invite each other to things
dragonheartstring360 · 5 months
where there is no proof, there is no love
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qslovebot · 3 years
Midnight Escapade: Spencer Reid
Summary: Spencer Reid and the reader have been crushing on each other since they met, but neither of them cared to admit it. When doubled up in a hotel room for the night, reader tries to convince Spencer to go with her at 12:30am to get frozen yogurt to cheer him up and it turns into much more than a snack run.
Pairing: Spencer x Fem!Reader
Warnings/Includes: Swearing, mutual pining (a long time of pining leads up to this fic), food, mention of Sept 11, 2001, self-doubt, fluff, kissing
Word Count: 4533
The case was solved, closed, and finally, your eyes could rest. The case you had just finished was particularly stressful to not only you, but your fellow BAU members as well. You all hadn't slept for nearly twenty-nine hours and Hotch decided it was best you all got the rest you deserved at a nearby hotel.
The ride there, you struggled to keep your eyes open, but Spencer Reid was on another greatly interesting rant about a show he liked, so you figured you would try to stay awake to hear it. You always listened to him because a lot of the time, the rest of the team dismissed him and his oddly accurate monologues. They grew tired of Spencer talking so much about things they didn't understand but you were rather the opposite- and that's probably because you liked Spencer so much.
The two of you met when he was introduced to the BAU. Praised for his mind, he introduced himself to you with a shaky voice and a meek handshake. You instantly admired him from his geeky personality outwards to his tall, thin self with a face sculpted by artists. Little did you know he did the same, but immediately thought of you as out of his league, so he stayed quiet.
You had been friends since then, pairing up on cases as your minds seemed to work like a perfectly oiled machine when together. Like Penelope and Derek, you two were known for the science jokes no one understood and shared looks of adoration that the both of you somehow didn't recognize as romantic. But everyone else saw it.
Derek Morgan teased a lot. He talked to Reid about working with the 'pretty girl' every day, poking him in the side and messing with his hair. The geek and the girl who was smart as hell, but didn't make it her dominant trait.
A doctor and the outgoing agent who matched the loudness of Penelope Garcia at times at karaoke night. You brought more liveliness to the BAU- more music, more spinning, more levity in dark cases. Spencer was always trying to hide a smile when you walked in, trying to pretend he hadn't been waiting for you to bring him coffee each morning. You didn't need an eidetic memory to remember his order and that, for some reason, always sent him over the moon.
But you were here now, listening to him wrap up his story as you fought the sleep that was looming over you as the car came to a stop outside the hotel.
"-And that was the end of it all. I think it's so fascinating how they wrapped everything up into this intricate timeline of interactions and moments and backtracks. We should, uh, watch it sometime." He said as he hopped out of the back, holding his small bag and yours.
You sleepily hopped out after him, hoping you didn't look like you felt, because you truly felt like hell. "Yeah, I'd like that," was all you could really mumble out. He passed you your bag and you smiled your thank you.
Emily held you up by the shoulders as Hotch sent through the check-in information. "Some case, huh?" She laughed as you rubbed your left eye. "I suppose we can't make this a girl's night of post-case celebration if you're dead asleep."
You groaned, "You wanted to do that? Damn it, Em, I'm sorry-"
"You need beauty sleep, (Y/N). I'm not mad or anything, I'll just take a bath and pull out an adult romance novel." A smirk played on her lips as she raised her eyebrows. You chuckled tiredly. "Seriously, no worries."
"Did I hear talk of a romance novel?" Derek shuffled over. "Which one are we reading? 50 Shades of Grey?"
Spencer stepped in, "Did you know that 50 Shades of Grey is actually fanfiction written about Stephanie Meyer's Twilight Saga? If you go further back, Stephanie started Twilight as written alternate universe fanfiction where the emo-slash-hardcore band My Chemical Romance were all vampires. But My Chemical Romance was started by musician and comic book creator- who published a series of comics called The Umbrella Academy in 2008, unrelated, his name was - Gerard Way, who created the band to make music that expressed the trauma he was given from witnessing the twin towers falling on September 11th, 2001."
Emily looked at him, jaw open. "So Nine-Eleven essentially created a badly-written and toxic sex novel, years later?"
Spencer nodded, eyes flickering to you for a brief moment. Derek grinned at Emily, "So you have read 50 Shades of Grey, huh?" He teased. She swat at his wiggly fingers away as Hotch walked over, brow furrowed.
"Rooms need to be doubled up tonight. Morgan, you can come with me. As much as you may hate it, I feel like (Y/L/N) here might collapse on the spot, so we can't go anywhere else." He handed Spencer and Emily a key, expecting them to make their own choices. Of course, Emily knew exactly what she needed to do when Hotch walked off. You were about to turn and go with her, but she bolted off, reaching for JJ.
You looked up at Spencer Reid who had his mouth in a shy, straight-lipped smile. You both knew what this meant, but you were glad you'd get to crash somewhere, floor or not. The room was on the fifth floor, so you took the elevator with Spencer in silence that you were sure he was granting you until you reached the door of your room.
"I will... take the floor tonight," he said, sticking the key in the lock. "You're tired and I'm just going to get dinner and um... read."
His watch read 4:34 pm- it was so much earlier than you had thought, but you were almost collapsing. "I'm sorry," were the last words you could reply with before you walked into the room, got into the bed, and you were out, cold.
You had never had such a fulfilling sleep. You woke up feeling clean, fresh, renewed and restored. There was no groggy feeling that you had accidentally travelled to another dimension while asleep. The room was dim, except for the lamp that was on in the right corner.
When you peered over the edge of the bed, there was Spencer, laying on his stomach with few pillows under his chest and elbows, a book in his hands. He looked peaceful, quiet, calm. "Spence," you whispered. He practically jumped out of his skin and you couldn't help but laugh. "Oh my god, I'm sorry." You grinned.
He smiled sheepishly, setting down his book. "You're awake."
You nodded back, "How long was I out?"
"Since 4:34, so... 8 hours and 20 minutes. It's only 12:22am." Spencer sat up and against the wall while you adjusted yourself to sit cross-legged. You were still in your clothes from earlier and it surprised you to see Spencer in less preppy clothing.
Well, less preppy for him. No cardigan, no dress shirt, just a t-shirt that read 'math is as easy as pi' with the pi symbol made of cherry pie and his regular khaki pants. "Aren't you tired?" you asked, smiling from his shirt, back to him.
"No, uh, I actually got about four hours in the middle of your eight. I usually don't dream anymore but I actually dreamt I was falling, which is a sign of..." he stopped himself, but he was with another profiler, what was the use, you could already fill in the blanks. He continued, "Which is a sign of insecurity and inferiority, but I don't believe in dream analysis..."
You furrowed your brow, watching his eyes look down at his hands. "Are you feeling insecure and inferior, Dr.Reid, because need I remind you that 99% of the time, it's your brain that leads us to solve the cases."
He shook his head, "Thinking myself over, I'd-I'd say it doesn't revolve around work." The stutter was back. He hadn't talked to you with a stutter in months, you'd assumed it was just because he wasn't as comfortable around you then, but now it was back. Spencer Reid needed to be cheered up, something was wrong.
"Well you know you can tell me anything, right? I've kept secrets about my friends since grade one, I can keep yours." You slipped off of the bed and walked to your bag on the table in the far corner. You could feel Spencer's eyes on you as you went, so you shot him a smile over your shoulder. He reverted back to looking at his hands.
Through situations and being friends, you knew Spencer was insecure. He was bullied constantly as a child, some going as far as to strip him down and beat him. Disgusting, self-esteem-ruining acts you wished you could remove from his eidetic memory.
You took off your button-up blouse to stay in your white t-shirt that lay underneath. You hadn't the time to remove it before falling asleep. Thinking about that- you probably had bedhead too. Your balled-up shirt was shoved into your bag and you pulled out a brush in exchange, to get the knots out of your hair.
"I could really go for frozen yogurt right now," you said, running the wooden brush through your hair. Spencer narrowed his eyes at you, a little confused. "I haven't eaten dinner."
"It's nearly 12:30 am..." Spencer said. It looked like he was running through his vast mind to find a scientific explanation as to why you might have wanted frozen yogurt at half-past midnight. You let him, a teasing smile on your lips as you pulled the top bit of your hair up. "Are you pregnant?" He asked, out of the blue, entirely serious. Seemed like the only logical explanation he could find. You nearly choked on the air.
"No, Spencer, I am not pregnant!" You laughed. His face tightened as he went back to searching his mind. "I just want frozen yogurt. Regular cravings, not... pregnancy cravings. Are you coming?"
He looked at you, oddly surprised he was invited. "Why?"
"Why not?" You picked up his jacket from the hook and tossed it to him. "Nobody has to see your cheesy math shirt."
He smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck, but went right back to being analytical, a mumbling rant with hand gestures.
"The average half-cup serving of frozen yogurt alone has about 17.3 grams of sugar and plus various toppings, the sugar is upped to at least 25 grams. But, versus a half-cup serving of vanilla ice cream, the sugar is only about 14 grams and with toppings can be upped to about 22. Fat-wise-"
You interrupted him because this was seemingly the only way to lift his mood and he was making excuses to stay here and wallow. "Come on, for once, let's be able to act like the youngest members of the team. Once, Spence. I don't need a play-by-play on how much sugar is in it- though I did find that interesting-I just want frozen yogurt and I would like you to come with me. I'll pay for yours if you want any, just... please?"
He met your eyes with a curl falling down his forehead and quickly looked back at his hands. You'd been friends for nearly a year and four months and he still couldn't look you in the eyes for long. He really wasn't good at refusing you at all, either.
Spencer nodded and you practically beamed. Maybe this would help to take his mind off of what was bothering him, even if the distraction was brief. You jumped on the spot and slipped on your own jacket and grabbed your wallet, ready to go and by the door.
He had a small smile when the two of you stepped out, his hands behind his back. You locked the door behind you and the two of you walked silently to the elevator, careful not to accidentally wake anyone else in case they decided to peer out into the hall.
In the elevator, you turned and looked up at Spencer who was fiddling with his hands. "You look nervous, Spence. It's frozen yogurt, not a pretty girl."
"Well I'm with-" he stopped himself again and actually started laughing his breathy laugh, squeezing his own hand so hard his knuckles turned white while his cheeks and nose went a little pink. "You..." He finished, rocking on his heels.
You scrunched your nose, shaking your head. Though you mentally disagreed with him sometimes on your appearance, you smiled and looked back up at him. "Thank you. You're pretty too."
He shrugged himself further into his jacket, hands still wildly fidgeting. "Thank you..."
You both stepped out of the elevator the moment it got to the ground floor, looking for air that wasn't filled with odd tension neither of you could explain. You two walked through the lobby and into the cool midnight air outside, where things were open, dark, and still.
You shut your eyes for a moment and opened your arms to face the gentle, cool wind that blew your hair and hit your face gently. Inhaling deeply, you opened your eyes again to Spencer in a similar state, but much less relaxed looking. Instead, it looked like he was trying to calm himself down.
"Spence, you look out of it," you said, folding your arms over your chest. You had gotten him outside, now maybe instead of distracting him from whatever it was, you could help him through it. It was part of being a friend- profiling wasn't needed to see he was thinking long and hard over something that bothered him. "You can tell me what's wrong."
He started walking down the street toward the neon lights that shone bright with the word 'fro-yo', you stepped quickly to follow. "If I like a girl.. h-how am I supposed to go about telling her?" He asked, not even looking at you. His forehead was creased and his hands in his jacket pockets.
So this was about a girl he liked. Spencer Reid had a crush. Of course, you were oblivious it was you, but Spencer Reid was romantically interested in someone!
An odd feeling of happiness came with finding this out and there was an uprising feeling within you like the first drop on a rollercoaster, but it lingered... and it was much less happy. You ignored it, of course, letting your outer emotions display themselves.
"Dr. Spencer Reid, the human encyclopedia- have you finally found a girl that puts you at a loss for words?" You teased, pressing the back of your hand to your head for dramatic effect, struggling to keep up with him.
His mouth twitched, "Maybe."
"Well, to be honest, Spence, just... tell her. Just go at it- ask to kiss her, maybe, then confess after. Or... or, you could confess, see how she takes it, then you can see if you should or shouldn't kiss her based off of if you get rejected or not." You told him, catching him by the shoulder to get him to slow down at the entrance of the frozen yogurt place.
He was much taller than you, so that came with him being that much faster, but that didn't matter now, he had stopped. Spencer looked at you, concern in his eyes, panic. You smiled kindly, "She won't reject you. I don't know any girl who would even think of it." Reassurance, because he needed it.
His eyes trailed to the ground and he ran a hand through his hair, opening the door for you. "And w-what do I say?" Spencer asked when you both went inside. You were the only two there and the cashier must have been in the back room.
You hopped over to the flavours, "I mean, whatever feels right, Spence. If you feel like going on a long, romantic, poet-written rant about how much you like her, do that. If you're afraid to bore her, you can wait for her to speak, but the truth is if she can't listen to you rant, she probably isn't worth going for."
He evaluated your words while you casually got yourself vanilla frozen yogurt. He also scanned the flavours, probably mentally shaming the company for marketing this as somewhat healthier. You giggled watching him try to figure out how to get the yogurt out of the machine as you put raspberries in yours.
"(Y/N), uh..." he said quietly, gesturing you over. The genius's mind was scrambled enough to miss the lever in front of him. You took his cup from him and pulled the lever, to which he made an 'o' shape with his mouth and nodded comprehensively.
"Chocolate mocha," you smiled, handing it to him as he stood there sheepishly again. "Good choice."
You spun back to your yogurt, adding a bit of honey over the top of it all. He followed, choosing raspberries as well, silently adding them. He still didn't seem at rest with the girl thing, you noticed by the way he was failing to open the scoop-box of cookie crumbs. He had long fingers, usually nimble ones, but not so much right now. Spencer was too stressed to work properly. Error in the system, you may have joked if things weren't so bad with him.
When you were both finished, Spencer tapped the little service bell on the desk and a little woman, maybe mid-30s came out wearing the merchandise of the shop. You both placed your cups on the scale and she weighed them for the price, but both you and Spencer pulled out your wallets.
He put his card out faster, so you swat his hand with your card and paid while he mumbled "Ow..." Of course, you checked to see if he was really hurt, but he had his small, crooked smile back on his face. He was okay, maybe he was feeling better?
Saying good morning/night to the lady, you both stepped back into the midnight air, starting to walk, but not back toward the hotel. You'd think with what cases you two had worked on you'd be a little warier, but with each other, you both felt safe. You walked a few steps, eating your yogurt, before Spencer spoke up again. "Is it a bad thing I'm so clueless as to what women like? Everything I know about women is scientific. Chocolate releases endorphins, flowers are associated with beauty and love, but... other than that... I don't know anything."
You swallowed your bite as Reid took his, waiting on your answer. Just as you always listened to him, he always listened to you. He probably valued your opinion over Derek's at times. You waved your spoon in the air when you spoke, "I wouldn't say bad. Everyone starts somewhere for everything. If anything, a man who is willing to learn is more attractive than one who wings it and doesn't ask comprehensive questions to up the relationship quality."
"Asking questions, got it. Should my confession include a gesture, though?" He spoke with his mouth full. Spencer really wanted to get this right- it was admirable. But there came that uneasy feeling again. It was more like an ache this time. Perhaps it was the awkward hours of sleep throwing you off?
You sucked it up, shoved the feeling down. "Really, Spence, it depends on the woman. Do I know her? Maybe I can help- that is unless you want to profile her to get her interests? I can help with that too-"
"No, I-I don't want to profile her, I want to stay away from that, we do that on a near-daily basis."
"We?" You questioned. Reid froze, but kept walking, looking a little petrified. He put more frozen yogurt in his mouth, maybe to shut himself up. You grinned, "We as in you and her are both profilers or we as in you and I profile others together, so you don't want to profile her with me?"
"I don't want us... to profile her," he cleared his throat. "Yeah..."
You sighed with a breathy laugh, "Good, because I was starting to think you were after Emily."
He chuckled, "Oh, no, not Emily. She's too scary for me anyway. Uh..." He swallowed hard, the way he always did was he was anxious or nervous. I saw in his face he'd come to some sort of conclusion. "Don't... don't yell at me for this, alright?"
"Yell at you? Spence, I wouldn't..." You were confused. He set his frozen yogurt down on the bench he had stopped in front of and stood back in front of you, pushing his hair behind his ears. He looked at you with his doe eyes and the wind blew his curls back in front of his face, he looked to the ground. His forehead still creased between his brows, but his eyes were soft and sweet, his nose was slightly scrunched and his mouth was twisted to the side as if he was once again mentally calculating something. You granted him back the silence from earlier, wondering what was going on in that mind of his. That was... until his eyes met yours and he looked so desperately lost and longing and like he ached inside... and you no longer wondered.
You let out another long sigh. She was you.
This girl that he was trying to understand how to win over, she was you. He asked you because he needed to know what you wanted. He was nervous because he was practically confessing to you and you, a profiler, were too blind to see that.
He watched your face for your reaction, waiting for something good, but you were too shocked to react right. He unfroze, hands flying to the roots of his hair and he spun away from you. He started rambling, obviously thinking everything had gone wrong. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, (Y/N). That- that wasn't how I had things planned and I was so certain that maybe you-hm- liked me too."
His words made it true. This was, in fact, happening at 12:56am in the middle of a foreign city. Your words spilled out, stern, focused, serious. "Kiss me then."
He spun around again, "What?"
"Confess, then kiss, remember?" You recounted carefully, looking directly at him, stepping closer.
"But I didn't get to do my whole monologue thing-" He was grinning pretty hard now, all signs of stress removed from his face. He looked brighter than the neon froyo sign, in happiness and disbelief right down at you. You were pretty sure you looked similar as all the pieces fell in place in your mind. It all fit.
"I don't care." You beamed back. "Do it after."
So without wasting another second, he grabbed your face and kissed you. He kissed you with a year and four months' worth of frustration, lust, confusion and past jealousies. His hands holding your jaw, his fingertips in your hair and your hands on his chest, holding fast to jacket. The kiss was a little messy the first two seconds, but every second after it was enjoyable and sweet and oddly powerful. He also tasted rich, like chocolate mocha, but you knew where that came from.
He pulled away first, which surprised you, but he didn't move very far, in fact, he mumbled against your lips as he tucked your hair out of your face. "I think I've liked you since you and I first met. You didn't hate my science jokes and instead of being annoyed with my informational rants, you listened to me. I wasn't expecting you to be so involved with me since you're, well... you're you and you're loud and fun and sweet and beautiful, but we worked so well together how could I ignore what I felt?"
His hand was a little shaky still, but his fingertips on your cheek were gentle. He continued to quietly ramble, "I decided maybe I'd do something with myself that wasn't devoted to the BAU so I thought maybe I'd- I'd tell you this. That I think you're beautiful and smart and talented and maybe you'd understand and feel the same way and now that I know maybe you do, I feel oddly put back to how I'm supposed to be. And... I think I'm supposed to be with you. If this is too soon or... ruins our friendship, I'm sorry and I'll slow it down, but I won't stop liking you."
You couldn't believe that in a three-minute span you had gone from painfully oblivious to so extremely wide awake. But it was in the best way possible after a year and four months of you also being painfully crushed by your secret feelings for Dr.Reid.
"It's fine, Spence," you said quietly, smiling at him with the most happiness you had found in months. "More than fine, I can't believe this is real."
He tucked the other side of your hair behind your ear, "You might have DRC, then. It stands for dream-reality confusion and is a difficulty or inability to determine whether an event or experience occurred during the waking state or whether it was part of a dream. I can assure you that you aren't dreami-"
You reached up and pulled him onto your lips by the back of the neck, smiling into it. This would be the first time you've ever shut him up. He welcomed it by kissing you back again, softer this time. Now that he was sure you wouldn't hate him for it, it felt a lot more natural, a lot more at ease. His passion was still there, as was yours, but this was how things were supposed to be. There was no longer a rush.
The two of you started laughing after it all. Both of you laughed at how painfully oblivious you both were and he went on a small explanation as to why we don't see our own tells and how feelings of romantic relation cloud the judgement. You went over every time the rest of the team had made a comment you both secretly loved or some you dismissed because it was an ache to hear.
Spencer opened up about his fear of rejection and you did the same and that too resulted in more laughing because here you were, so afraid, but you had both been in it for so long. You deserved to have each other after all this time not only because you fit, but because everyone saw it too, far before either of you did.
An innocent, fun, midnight escapade to cheer Spencer up turned into him finding a truly happy state of mind. You took that as a win and success as you tossed frozen yogurt containers in the garbage and found your way back to your room where you told Spencer it was okay to sleep in the bed as long as he was nice.
So he let you turn out the lights and lay next to him, your head on his chest in the way you had done before when it was only an achingly platonic move. He played with your hair, stared at the green walls, ranted about the history of the colour green and soon after, the both of you went right back to sleep, entirely happy.
Tagged: @ellyhotchner @softhairedhotch
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tobiosmilktea · 4 years
umpah umpah! smau
↪︎ bokuto x f!reader x iwaizumi
[008] — we meet again!
masterlist | prev. | next
a/n: i was listening to hozier while writing this which explains why both bokuto and iwaizumi is whipped for the mc ✨
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asking if you were okay was a good question. really, it is—too bad you didn’t know the answer to that very question no matter how grossly interchangeable the words were tossed around and scrambled into nuances phrases. if anything, it made your mood turn even more sour as your two best friends tried their best to calm you down. keyword: tried
kaori was too busy dying of laughter as she would tease the glaring look on your face. “you’re going to pop a blood vessel, honey.” she snickered, holding her stomach as it ached under the constant tension.
meanwhile akaashi was still profusely apologizing beneath the latter’s amusement. a sigh left your lips for the umpteenth time in the span of five minutes as your arms braided over each other in frustration. “what the fuck are you trying to get at, keiji?”
a gasp practically escaped kaori as she slapped her hand over her mouth, “(y/n) used your first name, that’s how you now she’s pissed off.”
akaashi could only roll his eyes. it was to his best bet to ignore any of kaori’s quips as she’s known to escalate things just by the power of that witty brain of hers. “nothing!” the editor exclaimed as he turned back to you, “i just figured it wasn’t a big deal since you and bokuto both said you guys ended on good terms. besides, i warned you to check the list.”
“okay, but that doesn’t explain the fact that iwaizumi is here!” it was at this moment that you were glad the music was pumping loudly through the venue speakers to hide over your shouts.
“i told you they work for the same team, but i didn’t know they were friends until i saw who bokuto wanted to invite!”
you groan, “unbelievable.”
“i just don’t think you should let their presence ruin the rest of the night, (y/n).” akaashi mentions flatly.
“i agree,” kaori suddenly cuts in, “it’s your party, you could kick them out if you want.” she suggests with an impish tone and an expression laced in provocation.
“i’m not going to kick them out, kaori—” you’re interrupted then as she swiftly elbows you in the breast, “ouch! what was that for?”
 “sorry, i was aiming for your ribs not your titty.” she laughs briefly before motioning to a familiar figure making it’s way towards you three. perhaps it was his height that triggered a response in you to cause your heart to rapidly thump against your ribcage, but honestly, it was probably his spiked hair with white tips that was the perpetrator. “is that bokuto? oh fuck, he’s coming, act natural.”
great, you thought. you had to fight the urge to just walk away a leave, but you knew it wasn’t going to end well whatever you did. knowing your luck, you were going to stumble upon this man one way or another.
“akaashi, there you are!” bokuto calls out over the crowd, serpentining his way through groups of conversating individuals to reach his best friend. but in all honesty, akaashi knew what this guy was doing. bokuto didn’t listen to a word he said in his text messages as the volleyball player ended up coming over here either way just to talk to you.
you’re over (y/n) my ass, akaashi thinks to himself, feigning from rolling his eyes again because at this point, it was just a matter of time before everything came crashing down.
it almost felt like a target was on you, perhaps a red laser shining right in the middle of your forehead the moment bokuto flickered his attention to you. “(y/n)! it’s so nice seeing you again!”
you nod as an awkwardly smile melted on your expression, “it’s nice seeing you too, bokuto.” despite your meek demeanor, what you said certainly wasn’t a lie. you would be lying to yourself if you said that you didn’t miss bokuto and his warming aura. you suppose it was the sudden meeting that caused your fight or flight response to suddenly kick in.
bokuto’s eyebrows furrow slightly, “bokuto? what happened to calling me kou?”
as if the situation wasn’t already difficult being in, it was as if he flicked another match into the burning dumpster fire of a party. “well... we haven’t seen each other in years, so i thought it was appropriate.”
“ah...” his voice trailed on as a few beats of silence ensued.
“oh shit,” kaori suddenly curses under her breath as she nonchalantly spilled his drink all over her arm. “um, akaashi could you come and help me clean this off?” she asks in faux concern, not bothering to give the guy a chance to answer as she tugged him away.
you couldn’t help but feel a faint smirk forming on your lips as you watched the two disappear into the crowd. kaori was always good at acting herself out of awkward situations that you honestly had to applaud her. maybe later you would teasingly remind her to audition for the webtoon’s live action just to spite her. it was just a little mindless payback for leaving you alone with your ex-boyfriend.
your striking gazes met again as you turned your attention back towards bokuto. at first glance, he looked exactly the same as you last saw him—then again, the last time you did see bokuto was when you two decided to break up on the day before graduation, you couldn’t remember much of him as it was dark under the midnight sky as tears blurred your vision. even when things ended up mutual with no hard feelings, you still couldn’t help but feel a tug at your heart when you recalled the way bokuto looked at you then.
it was hard to sleep that night. 
it was a bizarre juxtaposition of comparing eighteen year old bokuto to him now. rather than appearing before you with messy hair and tears streaming down his face, he was beaming in some contagious lightheartedness. it was a feeling you never thought you would feel so nostalgic in as he still smelt like fresh chamomile. he was much bigger now, more buff as one would say and not to mention taller as well.
perhaps going professional really treated this man wonders as you had to admit how increasingly more attractive he has gotten.
“you look great, by the way.” bokuto says, pulling you out of your thoughts as you realize how long you have been staring.
“thanks...” god, this is awkward. this certainly wasn’t leaving a good impression on your part, “you don’t look too bad either.”
a red tint burned at the tips of bokuto’s ears as he scratched the nape of his neck like it was some kind of nervous tic. he usually doesn’t get nervous meeting people, new or old, yet there was something about the way you look at him even after all these years that would send his heart rate into the extremes. he hated how this all ended due to your differing aspirations. “congrats on having a successful webtoon. love cemetery is amazing and i’m obsessed if you couldn’t already tell.”
“i never really pinned you to be one of my biggest fanboys, you know.”
“i’ve always been your biggest fanboy,” bokuto assured with a smirk, “how about you, are you still my biggest fangirl?”
you playfully scoffed at his statement, “um...”
“um?” he pressed, finding the amusement in your eyes adorable.
“i dunno, i haven’t really kept up with volleyball after high school.” you chuckled, swirling the contents of your drink in your hand. “besides, i think you have enough fangirls drooling over you.”
“who needs all of them if i have you?”
you rolled your eyes as you took a sip from the alcohol in your hands. “you’re flirting again.”
“isn’t that the reason why you dated my in the first place?” bokuto jested, feeling the burning in his cheeks as he couldn’t stop smiling. this was progress to him knowing that this playful banter was enough to surely get you two to reconnect again.
you peered your eyes at him suspiciously, “you’re planning something, aren’t you?”
“you’re making it sound like i’m evil!”
“well, are you?”
“of course i’m not,” said bokuto, “i just wanted us to be friends again.”
“you’re kidding.”
he shook his head, “never in a million years.”
you weren’t sure if it was his words that made your chest feel warm or if it was the alcohol in your system. regardless, you refused to let bokuto affect you so easily in a span of a couple minutes even if you took your alcohol well.
“at least you weren’t kidding when you said you were going professional.” you hummed, leaning against one of the smaller round tables as you stared into the crowd. you were hoping bokuto would do the same, but he’d rather look at you than a congregation of random strangers.
“and you weren’t kidding either when you said you wanted to become an artist.”
“i mean, becoming a webtoon artist wasn’t exactly what i thought i was going to be, but i’m glad where i am now in life.” you answered as your eyes wandered the room.
“even without me in it?” god, what a flirt.
that infamous laugh of yours emitted from your cherry-colored lips. it was the type of laugh everyone found themselves attracted to and never annoyed, in fact, it was the laugh bokuto hadn’t even realized he missed so much until the moment it left you.
his mindless attempts at flirting was catching up to you now as you couldn’t fight the feeling of the heat rising to your cheeks. “well, you’re right in front of me aren’t you?”
“things are different know, though...”
“right but—” you tried to respond, but was inevitably interrupted by yuko.
she came up to you in a slight hurry, calling out your name before apologizing to bokuto. “sorry to cut your conversation so short, but i need (y/n) to come take care of something for me.”
confusion melted upon your expression as you turned to her, “we do?”
“we do,” she huffs.
“it’s alright,” bokuto says while motioning for you to follow suit of your manager. “let’s catch up more sometime, yeah?”
you smile at him, one that’s less mediocre and awkward and a bit more genuine. “of course,” was the last thing you could say before yuko yanked at your arm once again until you were in just another body in the crowd.
despite yuko’s hand firmly gripped around your wrist to ensure you wouldn’t get lost in the sea of people, it was difficult trying to focus at one thing at a time. at first it was the worry about your manager and her sudden interruption, but now it was trying your best not to spill your drink due to all the drunken bodies bumping into yours. were there really this many people on the invite list?
grumbling to your self, you threw your head back as you finished the last bits of drink in your hand while you were pulled through the crowd like a ragdoll. having to pay for a stranger’s dry cleaning due to a spilled drink was the last thing on your mind right now.
“what did you want me to help you with?” you shout over to your manager once she slowed down.
“nothing,” said yuko over her shoulder, “i was watching you and bokuto talk and you kept getting redder and redder i thought you were going to pass out.”
embarrassment flushed through, cheeks heating up again at the thought. “ugh, was it that obvious?” you groaned as your head fell from the utter humiliation that was coursing through your body at that moment—far too distracted that your humiliation could only worsen the moment you bumped into another.
“sorry, i wasn’t looking—” the apologetic tone in your voice subsided as your eyes flickered up to whoever’s chest it was up to a yet another familiar face.
“(y/n)?” he says.
“iwaizumi?” you say.
your names were jumbled up in unison just as much as your thoughts immediately dissipated into thin air. just my luck, huh? you swore you were dreaming. nothing in the absolute world could possibly make such a ironic turn of events as if you were in some melodrama yourself. call it fate or destiny, but bumping into both of your exes within a span of ten minutes was something you never would’ve wished upon yourself.
“it’s um... fancy meeting you here.” you start the second you flicker a look over to yuko as she could only give you a pitiful smile. “it’s been a while, right?”
regardless of the confident aura you were extruding right now, you were completely freaking out for the third time this evening. you knew today was going to affect you emotionally, but you wasn’t expecting it to be like this. you were expecting to get a bit emotional due to the fact your webtoon that you poured your absolute heart and soul into has come to an end and not because two attractive dudes from your past just coincidentally came back into your life.
and yet it didn’t matter, it wasn’t like iwaizumi could see through that little façade of false confidence in your expression as it felt like he was meeting you for the first time all over again. it fit all down to a tee from the way his adam’s apple bobbed up and down in his throat to his breath hitching from the sight or to the infamous monarch butterflies tickling his gut.
“it’s nice to see you too, (y/n)...” his words trailed as you couldn’t help but notice how deeper his voice had gotten since the last time you’ve seen him. granted, he was fifteen back then and had a lot of time to grow up and become this absolute adonis.
iwaizumi certainly wasn’t planning on coming across you this evening either. if anything, you two both shared that internal panic when your eyes briefly met at the start of the party. however, he couldn’t help but feel a bit relieved knowing that in the end you two did manage to cross ways. he supposes that after seeing you and bokuto talk as if you two have known each other for years created an inkling feeling in his gut.
he hates the way you distracted him the majority of the night. it wasn’t like you two were on talking terms especially after years of not seeing each other, yet it felt strange for him to even let himself feel this way.
besides, iwaizumi felt absolutely terrible knowing satomi was trying her hardest to capture his lingering attention by making conversation about anything—literally anything.
anyone who had been friends with iwaizumi in the past know he’s an absolute sweetheart, but at the same time, he’s honest. he’s not the type to hesitate in telling someone the cold hard truth even if it meant hurting their feelings, yet whenever he would look at satomi, he couldn’t bring himself to say that he wasn’t interested in the conversation.
you cleared your throat, pulling iwaizumi back from his thoughts, “so... i heard that you became the new athletic trainer for the black jackals.” the man before you nods as he was stilling taking you all in. was he staring at you for that long? “i thought were living in california, why the sudden change of plans?”
iwaizumi shrugs as he took a sip of his beer, “i ended up getting a better job offer here, so i decided to move back. why? have you missed me?”
the moment those words left his lips, he immediately wanted to slap his hand over his mouth and cringe. why was he suddenly so flirtatious with you? was it because he saw you and bokuto flirting earlier, was that it?
you chuckled in amusement as you nod. you honestly weren’t going to lie that his words did catch you off guard for a second. something like this was definitely not in iwaizumi’s handbook his (more or less) complicated personality, yet you decided to play along anyway. “of course i have, iwa! i’m not soulless, you know.”
iwa? the man before thought to himself, what happened to haji? he shook the thought out of his as he opened his mouth in attempt to speak, but he noticed your attention leaving his and onto the person beside him.
satomi cleared her throat as she looks at him innocently, waiting for iwaizumi to introduce her to you.
“oh uh,” he motions his head to the team’s physical therapist next to him, “this is yahagi satomi, she’s my—”
“—date for this evening,” she cuts iwaizumi off and answers for him, catching him a bit off guard and confused, yet he doesn’t correct her. granted, satomi was his plus one so it made sense.
you purse your lips as you took in her features. she was a bit on the shorter side with her long copper hair pulled back into a sleek high ponytail as her bangs were styled perfectly to fit her face. semi was right, she is pretty. it was then you stuck your hand out for her to shake, feeling who cold her palm was compared to yours. “it’s nice to meet you. how long have you two been together?” you ask out of the blue.
i mean, what’s wrong with a little curiosity?
“oh no, we’re not together.” iwaizumi is quick to answer, not even noticing satomi’s slight change in expression when she parted her lips to answer herself. “she’s just my plus one because bokuto told us to.”
you nod at his words, trying your best to ignore the intravenous relief that was coursing through you at that moment. you realized how long you had been standing there then, failing to notice that yuko was still by your side the entire time. if anything, she was just trying to help you out once again as she could literally feel the rising tension in the air. if you were to talk to satomi any longer, it would surely go wrong knowing your luck. luckily, she spots sugawara’s silvery hair just a few feet away.
yuko wasn’t entirely sure how in the hell she was going to get his attention to save your asses, but it was going to happen one way or another. she was just glad you were too preoccupied talking to iwaizumi and satomi that yuko was able to text sugawara to come over.
she watched sugawara feel the buzzing of his phone in his pocket, observing his every move as he pulls it out and read the text as the screen light shined over his face. he looked up then, eyes scanning the room briefly before landing upon yuko’s familiar figure standing next to yours.
the manager widens to eyes a bit at him like a warning to come over here.
she wasn’t sure what was so hard to understand from the pure helplessness in her expression, but sugawara was taking his sweet ass time.
yuko grumbled to herself. at this point, perhaps she was just trying to save herself.
it was then sugawara was finally making his way over to you and yuko. “oh hey, iwaizumi! long time no see, sorry to interrupt but i need to borrow (y/n) and yuko for a second.”
you gave sugawara a confused look as it washed over your expression. again? ugh, give me a break. however, before you could excuse yourself from the conversation, iwaizumi grabs your upper arm lightly.
“(y/n),” he stops you in place, “we should catch up sometime.”
you open your mouth to respond, but sugawara interjects before you could. “why not catch up now?” he suggests, causing all four of you to snap your head towards him, “i’m sure i’ll just yuko’s help will be enough, plus (y/n) has tons of time to talk to more guests.”
the silver haired man gives you a sly wink before taking yuko with him and leaving you behind. great.
you honestly couldn’t excuse yourself now as it would be obvious why no matter how many excuses you come up with, so you had to power through. besides, what could go wrong with talking with your first love and some random girl that somehow gives you a weird vibe?
“so how do you guys know each other?” satomi questions you, suddenly interested in your relationship with iwaizumi. it sounds suspicious, yet she was genuinely wondering if she was attempting to make moves on someone like iwaizumi was a good idea.
“we went to middle and a little bit of high school together,” you answer as a matter-of-fact. there was surely no need to lie.
her eyebrows rise in curiosity, “that makes sense... you guys must have been really close, huh.”
you flickered a look to iwaizumi, examining his reaction if he was also noticing her off words. “yeah... really close.” his expression melted into confusion then as you placed your gaze back to satomi.
iwaizumi scratched the back of his neck as the words remained at the tip of his tongue. why weren’t you mentioning that you two dated before? it wasn’t like it was a crime nor secret. he hated to think this, but could it be because you regretted your relationship with him?
he shook the thought out of his head quickly. the obvious answer was no as the breakup was mutual, yet after all these years of drifting apart, was that really the truth?
if he recalled correctly, one of the last words you said to him before you inevitably left for tokyo and never looked back was that you love him and would always be there for him no matter what. you even promised to text him as much as possible, yet after months had passed since you moved to your new life, it was as if the promise was nonexistent. however, iwaizumi couldn’t bring himself to blame you. if anything, he had himself to blame considering how many times he had written that same text over and over again, yet never had the courage to send it.
“(y/n) had to move to tokyo after our first year so we kind of drifted.” iwaizumi answers. even now with the chance open for him to mention your previous relationship was out in the open, he was still do cowardly to say it.
perhaps somethings never change.
fun facts! —
iwaizumi wasn’t really keen on using social media back in high school, which explains why he never really found out about (y/n) and bokuto’s relationship
it wasn’t like (y/n) and bokuto liked posting about their relationship either at the time
satomi and bokuto have always been homies after they have gotten closer when bokuto injuredhis knee and had to go to physical therapy, but he never really talked about his past relationships, hence satomi not knowing about (y/n)
taglist: (comment or send an ask to be added!)
@moonlightaangel @elianetsantana @k4tiepie @memorableminds @skyguy-peach @suhkusa @kitsunetea @airybby @noeminemi @truly-a-snitch @keichan @cosmicmermaid25 @bap-kingdom @saturnfarie @kwdflash @ennos-baby @dinablossom @chrisrue15 @seikamuzu @nestlevanilla @chasekudo @yammmers @pixcldust @iwaizluv @h0ngh0ngh0ng @emogril @tiredandkindaoverworked @atsunakaashi @underratedmage @bokutosuwus @kellesvt @kaiju-teeth @oh-tapeworm @scrappydaisies @alittlebitofrain @mxngy @tpwkatsumu @atsumuwoah @macchiatoast @dicerawr @kageyamasbabygorl @some-random-stranger-007 @vhskenma @wntrmn @little-plants @stargirlara @kissungjae @je11yfishwriter @sbaepsae
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Just One Night [G.W]
description: George is out for his stag party and you’re out for your hen night, but the two of you just can’t seem to stay away from each other.
pairing: George Weasley x Reader
word count: 5.8k 
warnings: very light smut, oral sex, alcohol
taglist: @p0gues4l @amourtentiaa  (let me know if you want to be added!)
“George, it’s just one night. We’ll be fine,” you said as you finished packing your bags.
“Y/N, we haven’t spent a night apart since you finished at Hogwarts,” he pouted, as he lounged across the bed, watching your every movement.
“I repeat, it is one night. I think we’ll survive.” You didn’t want to admit to George that you’d miss him this one night, even though it was the truth. If you gave him an inch of indecision, he would convince you not to go at all, and this was not a night you wanted to miss. After all, it was your hen night. 
He sulked some more and you added, “George you will have a wonderful time out with the boys tonight and you’ll forget all about me.”
“Impossible,” he smiled. You shook your head as you zipped up your suitcase. George had moved from the bed and was now standing behind you with his arms wrapped around your waist.
“Don’t leave me darling,” he whispered in your ear. You took a deep breath, finding it difficult to resist him. He started kissing your neck and you breathed in, “George…”
Before you realized what happened, George had you pinned down to the bed and his lips were locked on yours. Both your arms were wrapped around his neck as his hands caressed your torso. Before things got too heated, you pulled away.
“George I really need to go,” you whispered.
He smiled and gazed into your eyes, “You can be a little late.” You couldn’t help but smile and his lips found yours again as he began peeling off your clothing. Moments later you were both exposed and you were straddled on top of George. After some mutual foreplay, you were both ready for things to get more intimate. You positioned yourself on his shaft and started slowly rocking back and forth, planting gentle kisses on his chest and neck. You increased your pulses as your breathing quickened and several small moans escaped from your lips. George smiled, getting off on your pleasure and he placed his hands on your hips, quickening your rhythms. 
George suddenly changed the pace, pushing you backwards so that he was on top of you. Your head was just barely off the edge of the bed, giving you the feeling of lightheadedness. George sucked on your neck as he thrust deeper inside of you. You felt your fingertips starting to tingle, knowing you were nearing a climax. 
“Oh George,” you breathed, running your fingernails across his bare back. He continued at his pace as your back arched and you started to orgasm. You felt George cum inside of you as his full body weight crashed on top of you. You laid there motionless for a moment, both of you catching your breath and recovering from your intimate moment. You ran your fingers through his hair and kissed his forehead.
“I love you, Georgie.”
“You know you aren’t supposed to say that after sex, dear.”
“I know, but it’s true and I don’t want you to forget it.” He lifted his head from your chest and kissed you lightly on the lips. You let out a big sigh and said the words you knew he was dreading, “I do really need to go now.”
“I know, I know. I won’t fight you this time. Have a lovely night with the girls and don’t forget about me.”
“Now you know I could never do that. Enjoy your night out as well. I want to hear all the stories tomorrow morning.”
“Yes of course, love. Now get going before Hermione apparates over here to retrieve you.”
You magically summoned your clothes and ran a finger through your hair to gussy up. “I love you,” you smiled as you apparated.
“Love you more!” You heard him shout as you were transported to London. 
“Y/N! There you are! We thought you’d changed your mind.” Hermione said, as she embraced you in a warm hug.
“Oh no, nothing like that. Just got caught up packing,” you lied as a slight blush crept up your cheeks. You hugged Ginny and Angelina, and to your surprise, Fleur. You had invited her out of courtesy, assuming she wouldn’t be interested, yet here she was. Hermione had booked you all a suite in a luxury hotel in the center of London. Her parents had some connection at the hotel and managed to get the room for you free of charge. You told the girls you wanted to do something different for your hen party and Hermione suggested you go out in London and explore some of the muggle bars, where you wouldn’t run into any familiar faces. You were a little enamored with the idea, as it seemed like you knew everyone in the local wizarding community. Venturing into London also gave George more freedom to bar hop along the usual spots. You imagined he would spend some time with Madame Rosmerta in the Three Broomsticks before returning to some of the bars in Diagon Alley. You and George both loved having a good time with friends, but it wasn’t often that you went out without one another. You were excited to have your girls’ night, but you knew you would miss George’s presence.
“Come on now, get changed. We’ve got dinner reservations!” Ginny urged. You found an empty room in the suite and magically unpacked the bag you had brought, evaluating your options. You had brought a selection of white dresses, all of different cuts and styles. After magically curling your hair, you selected a long sleeved white v-neck dress with a twirly, skater skirt. The top was made from lace that was sheer and snug around your arms. The flirty skirt was the perfect combination of classy, yet fun. You put on long gold chain earrings and a pair of gold heels. You stepped out of the room and found your friends all dressed in beautiful black dresses. 
“Shall we save the sash and the willies for the bar then?” Hermione said, holding up a bachelorette sash and some decorative penises. You burst out laughing and nodded, wanting to save the attention for the bar scene. With that you grabbed your things and headed out for dinner.
“I wonder what Y/N’s doing right now…” George said, falling distracted yet again.
“I’d say at this point she’s probably getting a lap dance from a male stripper dressed as a bobby,” Ron stated. Harry and Lee let out chuckles.
George snapped out of his daze and responded, “Is that where they’ve gone?”
“No, you wanker. I’m only joking,” Ron replied. 
“You need another beer,” Lee added, flagging down Madame Rosmerta. “Mate, this is one of your last nights as a single man. Stop harping over Y/N.”
“I know, you’re right. I just don’t like being apart from her.”
“Then it’s a good thing you’re getting married,” Bill said, bringing a pitcher of beer for the group.
“Is this how you were with Fleur?”
“Sure. I never liked being away from her, especially when times were darker. I was so afraid that if we were separated I’d never see her again. Now I don’t have to worry so much about that, which makes it easier to be away. “
“George, if there’s one thing I know about you and Y/N, it’s that you can make it through anything. I don’t have a doubt in my mind that you two are meant to be together. Now, can you stop pouting over her and get drunk with us?” Ron commented. George couldn’t help that Y/N was his focus point of the night and he didn’t want to be a downer when his mates were all there to have a good time with him. He decided to try and shift his focus on the night ahead. He wanted to have stories to tell Y/N, knowing she would be enjoying herself tonight and would be eager to share her memories with him.
George responded to Ron’s comment by raising his glass and downing the fresh beer. All the guys cheered him on and started to get a little rowdy, preparing to finally get the night started.  
“Okay, give me a little bit of a break before the next shot,” you stated, letting the lemon drop shot settle just a bit. Dinner had ended and you had reached your first bar. It was very modern, with dim lighting and lots of sleek furniture. After some convincing, you had finally agreed to wear the bright pink sash. The girls convinced you that wearing it might get you a few rounds of drinks on the house, and so far they were correct. When the bartenders weren’t giving you free drinks, bar patrons were eager to treat you to a round after testing out their best pick up lines on the group. You didn’t hate the attention, but you would’ve preferred to be flirting with your husband to be.
You made rounds around the bar, moving between the bar itself and a comfortable table in the corner. Ginny soon convinced the four of you to head out on to the dance floor to let loose a little. You were feeling more than a buzz from the numerous rounds of shots and drinks and thus, you were easily convinced to go dance. Fleur and Angelina seemed to be willing to follow the group, but Hermione was the challenge, acting as your babysitter tonight.
“You all go dance and I’ll sit here and save the table for us,” she offered.
“Hermione….come on. Come have fun with us!” you contested
“Honestly, you all go out. I’ll come join you in a bit.” 
You were close to arguing further with her, however Ginny dragged you out on the club floor. Once again, you received looks from all the surrounding gentlemen. You couldn’t blame them, you were a group of good looking ladies. Thankfully, none of the admirers approached you, seeing as most of you were taken. It was then that it occurred to you to check on Hermione. You told the other girls you were grabbing a drink of water and would be back momentarily. Hermione seemed distracted but her face lit up when she saw you approach.
“Hi, are you having a great time?” she asked.
“I am, thank you for putting this all together for me. But I do wish you’d come have fun with us.”
She looked down before responding, “I’ll come join you in a bit.”
You furrowed your brow, “Hermione, is everything all right?”
She looked conflicted, which was unsettling. “It’s fine,” she said unconvincingly. “This is your night, I don’t want to make it about me.”
“So what if it’s my night, you’re upset about something. You’ve put so much work into this for me and I want to make sure you have a good time as well. So get on with it, what’s the matter?”
“I’m not sure it’s necessarily a bad thing, I’m just feeling a little nervous and unsure about things.”
“Is this about Ron?”
“Em, yeah a bit. I mean, things with him are great, better than I expected actually. It’s just…” she hesitated. You put your hand over hers to comfort her. She leaned toward you and whispered into your ear, “I think I might be…pregnant.”
“Hermione,” You responded with a surprised smile on your face. You instinctively wrapped your arms around her in a tight hug. “Is this a good thing?”
She giggled a little, “Yeah, I think so. You’re the first person I’ve told and now thinking about it’s made me very excited.”
“Ron doesn’t know yet?” you asked.
“I haven’t figured out the best way to tell him yet. You know how emotional he gets. I think maybe after the wedding. I don’t want to take away your spotlight.”
“Well I’m extremely excited for you. I promise I won’t tell a soul until you choose to announce it, not even George. And please let me know if you need anything at all.”
“I will, and I’m sorry that this is all coming up tonight. I didn’t mean for it to come out this way.”
“Don’t even worry about it. I just want to make sure you’re having a lovely time as well. Now come join us on the dance floor,” you took her hand and dragged her out to join the remainder of your group. The girls cheered as they saw you returning and you saw Ginny run off to fetch a round of shots.
“Oy, can we get out of here already? Madame Rosmerta’s staring me down…” Ron stated. He had just knocked over a few pints with his drunken storytelling and it was evident Madame Rosmerta was finished with the group’s antics.
“To Diagon Alley?” George suggested. The boys all agreed and they closed out the tab although their tab at the Three Broomsticks was never really settled. They owed Madame Rosmerta so much over the years. They all huddled together outside and apparated to the familiar street George called home. The boys found themselves in front of the shop. The lights inside were out and George could barely see the products lining the wall. He left the light on outside not only to assist him in getting home tonight, but just in case your plans changed and you ended up coming home.
Diagon Alley was bustling, like it had been previously. Except now it was home to more bars than shops. During the dark time, many of the shops closed down. How the joke shop managed to survive was a surprise to everyone. People seemed to need a place to escape and forget about the state of the magical community. They found solace in the joke shop, as well as the bar. Several pubs began popping up along the strip and once those that threatened the magical world were defeated, the pubs stuck around. You and George had made yourselves familiar with many of the bartenders in town, coming out for the occasional nightcap and sharing stories and laughs. It had been a while since George had been out with a rowdy group though. The boys fit right in with the weekend crowd, all witches and wizards letting loose and enjoying each other’s company. George offered to pick up the next round of drinks, despite several protests from his brothers and friends, while the guys found a table big enough to fit the group.
“Well, well, well…look who it is. How are ya, George? What can I get for you tonight?” Salvador asked. He was one of the bartenders you and George were very familiar with at this particular bar. He told you both stories about his experience growing up in the magical realm of Spain. 
“Just a pitcher of beer and a handful of glasses,” George ordered. Salvador quickly prepared the pitcher and the stack of glasses.
“What brings you out tonight? You don’t normally make an appearance on a bustling Saturday night.”
“It’s actually my stag night. The boys have dragged me out to get drunk and ogle random women.”
“You don’t say. So no Y/N tonight?”
“Sadly no. Missing her like crazy though.”
“I can imagine. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you two apart.”
“It happens very seldom. But I’ll survive without her for a few more hours.”
“When’s the wedding?”
“A few weeks from now. It almost seems silly because we basically are married as it is. But we wanted things to be official.”
“Well congratulations my friend! This round is on the house. Enjoy your night.”
“Thanks Sal,” George brought the beer back to the table and felt himself finally starting to get a little bit buzzed. Typically he held his alcohol pretty well, but it wasn’t often that he engaged in binge drinking. This was the first time he felt himself getting drunk in a long time.
After what seemed like hours of dancing and kind strangers buying rounds of drinks, you all settled down at the bar, trying to regain your balance somewhat. You couldn’t remember the last time you had been this drunk. You and George were casual drinkers. You had a drink a night, but you never got overly drunk, unless it was a special occasion. And while it was flattering to have all this male attention, you were seriously missing your partner in crime. 
Fleur was sitting next to you at the bar and while you were waiting on your next round of drinks, she put her arm on your shoulder and leaned close to you. “Come to the bathroom with me?” she asked.
You nodded and embarked, as the others flirted with the latest round of onlookers. Fleur grabbed your hand and you scurried off. This was unique for you. You and Fleur had always been civil but you wouldn’t say you were ever close. You accepted each other because you realized you would one day be related. The only things you really had in common was your involvement with the Weasleys.
Once in the bathroom, you were alone and you saw Fleur reach for her purse to touch up her makeup.
“Y/N, thank you so much for inviting me. I’m having such a wonderful time and I’m just happy to be a part of this.”
Her sentiment was sweet and your drunken state got the best of you. You gave her a hug and said “Of course Fleur. I’m happy to have you here. Thank you for coming.”
“You and George are completely perfect together. I honestly can’t wait to officially welcome you to the family.” 
‘Thank you Fleur. I can’t wait either. Honestly being apart from him tonight has been tough.”
“I understand. I miss Bill too.”
“I wonder what the boys are up to tonight.”
“Oh, they’re in Diagon Alley. At The Den or something like that.”
The Dragon’s Den. It was one of the local bars you and George frequented. You smiled, knowing he was likely having a wonderful time with the boys.
“Y/N, come with me.” She took your hand yet again and a moment later you were apparating. Before you realized what had happened, you were in The Den.  Crowds of people were lined around the bar as you stood in the vacant hallway.
“Fleur! We shouldn’t be here!” you whispered through a giggle.
“Nonsense, we’ll only be a moment. Now stay here, out of sight.” She sauntered into the room and you saw her sneak up behind Bill at a high top table. The other guys seemed to be invested in something else and didn’t notice her. She kissed him several times and then whispered in his ear. The two turned toward your direction, with brilliant smiles. Fleur snuck away from Bill as he rejoined the group of guys. You saw him pat George on the shoulder and pull him away from the crowd. Moments later you saw George head your way with a puzzled look on his face. You hid in the hallway so you wouldn’t be spotted and soon enough you felt his presence nearby.  
He turned the corner and didn’t notice you right away. He looked like a confused and lost puppy, looking without a purpose.
“Psst…” you finally said to capture his attention. He turned around and his face lit up when he saw you.
“Darling!” he smiled as he picked you up. He planted several kisses on your lips and said, “What are you doing here? You’re breaking the rules! You should be getting drunk with your friends.”
“I’m full of surprises,” was all you offered.
“I’m so happy to see you. I hope you’re having a great time tonight.”
“I am but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss you.”
“I missed you too,” he said, kissing you again. “How did you pull this off anyway?” he said, still holding you in his arms.
“It was all Fleur actually. I didn’t even know where she was taking me. Suddenly we apparated and ended up here.”
“Well I’m very glad she snuck you here.”
“Me too,” you smiled up at him. He kissed you some more and it was then you realized he was more than a little drunk. He always got very touchy when he was drinking, which you didn’t mind one bit. He kept whispering sweet nothings in your ear between kisses and you couldn’t stop giggling. You were desperately wishing you could end your night now and head home with George, but you knew soon it would be time to head back to the bar with the girls. 
He suddenly pulled away and smiled down at you, “I can’t believe you came here.”
“I didn’t mean to crash your party, but I just missed you so much.”
“I love that you crashed my party,” he said, before kissing you again. You continued kissing for what seemed like mere seconds before you were broken up by Fleur and Bill.
“Alright mate, you’ve had your fun. Y/N better get back to London before anyone notices she’s missing.”
You both pouted as you said quick goodbyes and before you knew it, you were back in the bathroom where you came from. 
“Fleur, did you have that whole thing planned?” you asked with a smile.
“Oui,” she smiled and flipped her blonde hair behind her shoulder, “Bill and I both knew you’d want to see each other at some point in the night.”
“That was very thoughtful. Thank you,” you smiled and hugged her. She had surprised you tonight. She was invited as a formality, but she had proved that she knew something about you and what would make you happy. 
You quietly returned to your friends, who had barely noticed you were gone. Hermione was perceptive though, and her lack of alcohol didn’t seem to help your case. 
“You were gone a while…” she said with a smirk.
“Oh, long line in the bathroom,” you lied with a smile. She nodded, not believing your bullshit, but she didn’t press you any further. You could see her losing steam quickly and you felt the night begin to wind down. You had another drink or two before you collectively embarked back to the hotel. Hermione helped you navigate the unfamiliar streets as you all giggled together and stumbled in your heels. Upon arriving at the hotel you ordered room service and ate your weight in pizza and chips. Hermione, being ever responsible, forced you all to drink water to minimize your hangovers the next morning. You all knew she was preparing a hangover cure for the morning, so you didn’t take her suggestions very seriously. One by one the girls trickled off to bed until it was just you and Ginny. While you had stopped drinking a little while ago, Ginny popped a bottle of champagne for the two of you, even though you hardly needed it. 
“Y/N, I can’t wait for you to be my sister.”
“Ginny…” you replied, bringing her in close for a hug.
“My whole life I’ve wanted a sister, and now I have three. Although I never felt too close to Fleur, she's growing on me. And Angelina is such a dear, but tough as nails. She’s lived through the circle of life and she doesn’t complain at all. And then there’s you. You’re so happy go lucky and you bring joy to everyone around you. You’re just so calm and level headed all the time. You handle every situation with such grace. When we were growing up, you were my role model. You were so confident and sure of yourself and that was something I struggled with. I always thought of you as an older sister, even when we weren’t super close. And now I feel like I can finally call you my sister.”
“Ginny, you’ve always been a sister to me. And you know I’ll always be here if you need anything.”
“Thanks for being so great. And thanks for everything you’ve done for George. I don’t know if you realize how happy you make him. He never would’ve gotten through everything without you.”
“That really does mean a lot Gin. I can’t imagine my life without him. He’s made me happier than I could ever imagine.”
The conversation dwindled and you both sauntered off to bed. You changed into one of George’s T-shirts that you had brought with you and crawled into bed. You thought bringing this small piece of George would help you through the night, but it only made things worse. You kept smelling his scent on you and all you wanted was to be wrapped in his arms. You tossed and turned in an attempt to get comfortable but nothing was working. You even turned on the television to try and shift your focus to whatever late night show was on, but it didn’t help. After what seemed like hours you gave up trying to fall asleep. You moved to the common area of the suite in search of something to snack on.
To your surprise, Ang was seated at the table with a pack of biscuits open in front of her and a book in her hand.
“Can’t sleep?” she asked you.
“I can’t remember the last time I slept alone. I thought I might enjoy the extra space but…” you trailed off, unable to vocalize your thoughts. “What about you?”
“I’m okay, I just miss little Freddie. I know Molly’s taking good care of him, but it’s still hard to be away.”
“I hear that…the funny thing is, I was the one who brought this up. George didn’t want to spend the night apart but I insisted because it was tradition. And now I’m regretting it because I miss him laying next to me at night.”
“You should go to him,” she said, passing you a biscuit.
“Go home and surprise him. Everyone else is asleep, they won’t mind if you sneak home.”
“It would be kind of fun to surprise him…are you sure?”
“Sure, do what makes you happy. But before you go, let me give you your bachelorette gift.”
“Ang you didn’t have to get me a gift.”
“Oh but of course I did. And now you can get some use out of it tonight.” She brought out a pink box tied with a black bow. You quickly pulled the bow loose and opened the box. Inside was a lacy black bra and matching thong. “I hope you like it. I know you like simplicity so I didn’t want to get you anything that was too much.”
“It’s perfect,” you smiled. You felt the booze come back to you again as you started to feel giddy on the inside. This was unpredictable which was something you weren’t great at. You tried on the lingerie and showed it off to Angelina. She gave you the compliments needed to increase your confidence. You threw on the long trench coat you had brought in case of rain and slipped on the gold heels you had been wearing earlier in the night.
“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” you smiled to yourself in the mirror, as you touched up your hair and makeup. The action wasn’t completely wild, but it was out of character for you. You just kept thinking about how George would react and the thought of being with him brought a smile to your face.
“Go have some fun,” Ang said as she gave you a hug.
‘Thanks for helping me do this.”
“What are sisters for,” she grinned. After one more glance you apparated to Diagon Alley. 
You landed outside the shop and unlocked the door, careful to disarm the alarms before they sounded. Once inside, you locked the shop door and walked up the steps to the apartment. You stood at the front door, wondering how to best play this situation out. Even though you had a key to the apartment, you found yourself knocking on the door. George was a light sleeper so even if he was in bed, the knocking would wake him up.
You heard footsteps across the hardwood floor and tried to maintain your composure. The door swung open and you saw George’s tired face try to comprehend what was happening. 
“Special delivery,” you said with a coy smile. His tired eyes widened as a grin spread over his face.
“How did I get so lucky,” he smiled at you. A moment later his lips were on yours, kissing you tenderly. You stayed in the doorframe for a moment before he pulled you inside.  You managed to pull away for a moment and you pushed him back into the kitchen table.
“Sit,” you instructed. He quickly turned a kitchen chair to face you and sat down. You sauntered across the room and took a deep breath. With your back turned to him you used your wand to turn on the radio in the kitchen, which began to play some slow R&B. You turned around to face George and slowly started to take off the trench coat, first untying the belt then slowly undoing every button, taking a step forward with each button undone. Once the coat was completely unbuttoned, you dropped your shoulders and let it slip to the floor.
You weren’t sure what was coming over you; perhaps it was the last few glasses of champagne you shared with Ginny. You were never one to be overly dominant and in control. But you knew George was enjoying himself. His eyes were locked on you and he was taking in deep breaths. His face gave you the confidence you needed to continue.
You continued toward George and found yourself circling around his chair. You placed your hands delicately on his shoulders and slid your hands down his chest. You planted sweet kisses up his neck, gently sucking on his soft skin. When you reached his ear you tugged on his lobe with your teeth, slowly pulling until his skin slipped through your chiclets.  
“Oh Merlin…Y/N…” he whispered.
“Shhh….” you said, placing your finger over his lips. You gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before quickly changing positions. You slung your leg across him so that you were straddled across his lap. 
You ran your fingers through his ginger hair before tracing his jawline with your knuckles. His hand was gently resting on your waist, but you casually slid it down past your hips, giving him access to your ass. Once again, you moved your lips to his neck and started slowly gyrating your hips on his lap. He tightened his grip on your backside and you moved from his neck to his lips. He quickly accepted your tongue into his mouth and you could taste his hunger, but you wanted to make sure you prolonged this experience for him. You slowly pulled away as he looked longingly at you. You failed to hide the sly smile that was slowly spreading across your face. You quickly unhooked your bra and gracefully flung it to the side. George let out a deep breath and you took that as a sign to continue. You pulled his shirt over his head and planted kisses down his neck and chest. You carefully slid down off his lap and knelt on the ground as you fished out his member from his sweatpants. You began massaging his shaft with your hand before taking him into your mouth. You heard him exhale, clearly enjoying himself as you continued to pleasure him. George was typically a giver in bed, so he wasn’t used to having all the attention on him. You only hoped he was enjoying himself and that you made him feel special. After a series of moans, George ran his fingers through your hair and pulled you up towards him. He placed you back on his lap and cupped your face in his hand.
“What are you doing to me, Y/N?” he said with a smile on his face.
“I just want to give you a stag night that you’ll never forget.”
“Well you are certainly succeeding,” he said, planting a sweet kiss on your lips.
“And now we are going to move to the bedroom where we will make love for the rest of the night.” You kissed him on the lips and stood up, grabbing his hand and pulling him up. Before you could lead him toward the bedroom, he picked you up so that you were facing him with your arms wrapped around his neck and your legs wrapped around his torso. He quickly found your lips and carried you toward the bedroom with a sense of urgency.
“That was…wild,” George said, catching his breath. Your head was resting on his chest and you were struggling to breathe regularly.
“That’s a good way to put it,” you muttered. He chuckled lightly before tightening his embrace around your bare shoulder. 
“I can’t wait to marry you,” he said, kissing your forehead.
“Just three short weeks until I can call you my husband.”
“That is entirely too long.”
“Would it be crazy if we got married tomorrow?” You were kind of spewing off without thinking, but after you spoke you started considering this more and more.
He let out a big sigh, “Y/N, we’ve had this conversation before. I know you don’t want a small wedding.”
“Okay, but hear me out. We can still have the party and the wedding we planned out with everyone. But we’ll just already be married. It’ll be like our little secret.”
“You seriously want to do this?” he asked.
“I don’t want to wait anymore. And then this way it takes some of the pressure off of the big day. Who cares if things don’t go perfectly. We’ll already be married.”
“I’m having a hard time coming up with a counter argument.”
“Do you want to marry me tomorrow?” you asked. You sensed some hesitation from him and you wanted to ensure this was something he wanted.
“Y/N, I’ve wanted to marry you since the day we met. I don’t care what kind of wedding we have, as long as you’re happy. Is this something you really want?”
“Yes. I want to marry you tomorrow and I want it to be our little secret. This is for us, not for everyone else.”
“If that’s what you want then that’s what we’ll do. Although, I will check in with you tomorrow morning to make sure you haven’t changed your mind.”
“I can tell you right now, I’m not changing my mind.” George shifted underneath you and then moments later he was on top of you, squeezing you tight. You wrapped your arms around him and planted sweet kisses on his neck.
He popped his head up and looked in your eyes, “I really love you.”
You pecked him on the lips, “I really love you too.” 
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rafecameron · 4 years
dancing on my own
request: Angst with no happy ending? How abt *insert actor/character* getting married and their ex (the reader) kinda 'forcing herself' to go to the wedding bc she really wants to see their mutual friends again but like doesn't wanna see the wedding. And reader just watching the love of their live get married and be happy with someone else and their heart silently being ripped apart? Too cruel?
pairing: ex!luke patterson x reader
word count: 2.1K
warnings: heartbreak, no happy ending
a/n: here you go cruel anon. turns out im not that great at heartbreak but hopefully this makes your heart crack a little bit. (also idk if people read authors notes but my requests are currently closed!) 
Y/N thought back on all the times she could have turned around. When she was getting into her car. When she reached the airport. When she queued to board the plane. When she checked into her hotel. When she began to get ready. Now she was facing the very last time she could turn around. Stood outside the venue, all dressed up with no one to walk her inside. But just like the times before, she didn’t turn around, she pushed on. Her heart breaking a little more with each step, she knew that surely by the end of the night there would be nothing left but crumbs. She had promised herself two things before this trip. Number one; she would not speak to him. Number two; she would not cry. She wasn’t entirely sure she would be able to keep either of the promises to herself, but repeating them in her head made her feel that little bit calmer.
She situated herself beside a table lined with drinks, helping herself to a flute of champagne. She was anxious for the doors to be opened so she could find a seat, somewhere in a corner at the back would suit her just fine. Out of sight of anyone who would surely recognise her, she had no intentions of engaging in conversation until the reception. But seeing as what was happening today she should have known it would be her unlucky day.
“Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” a voice speaks beside her and she turns, landing eyes on someone she had not seen for far too long. His suit was tailored perfectly to his body, his long hair tied in a bun at the back of his head. “I wasn’t sure you’d come.” He pulls her into a hug.
“I wasn’t sure I would either,” she admits as she pulls away, “I wasn’t going to, but I wanted to see everyone...most people.”
Willie laughs softly, “I’m glad you’re here, sit beside me?” He asks, motioning with his head towards the doors that were being pulled open.
“Oh, I was just gonna sit in the back,” she stumbles over her words as Willie takes ahold of her hand, “Aren’t you going to sit with Alex?”
“He’s preoccupied.” Willie states simply, ignoring her protests as he pulls her towards the front of the room to take a seat in the front row.
She sighs as she sits down beside him. The sick feeling in her stomach growing as the room slowly became more and more full, people lining up on the benches and getting ready to watch the ceremony.
Willie reaches down and takes ahold of her hand again, giving it a light squeeze and offering a comforting smile, “You don’t have to stay.” He whispers.
“I do.” She nods, “I want to see everyone, I won’t stay all day but I need to at least say hello now I’m here.”
Willie nods his head, squeezing her hand one last time and patting her knees before turning back to face forward, the ceremony would be starting any minute and she found that her eyes were glued to the pattern on the floor.
For the entirety of the ceremony she didn’t look up. She didn’t want to risk meeting his eyes, didn’t want to see her friends sympathetic looks and definitely didn’t want to see the bride looking beautiful in her white dress. She tried her best not to listen, she couldn’t stomach hearing the vows and knew if she heard the words I do in his voice she’d cry. So she thought about anything else but what was happening in front of her.
She finally looked up when the couple was safely past her line of sight, eyes instantly meeting that of an old blonde friend. He gave her a wave, she was sure the smile was supposed to make her feel better but she just felt more pathetic. Why was she even here? She’s sure the invite was out of politeness and not an actual invitation to come. And if her friends were going to be tiptoeing around her and treating her like a porcelain doll she wasn’t sure she could cope. The nicer people were to her about this the more likely it was she would break down.
She didn’t want to think about it, about him, sure she was at his wedding but that didn’t mean this day had to be about him. She wanted to have a catch up with her friends, avoid her ex the whole night and then go back home, cry with a bottle of wine and forget this whole thing ever happened.
“I’m glad you came.” Alex says as he reaches her, pulling her into a hug, “It’s good to see you.”
“Yeah, it’s good to see you too.” She responds truthfully, “Can we go to the reception? I think I need a drink already.”
Alex laughs, taking Willies hand in his own and leading the way towards the after party. The amount of people that were there she was sure she would be able to avoid the groom for the night. She found herself situated on a table with her friends, helping herself to a glass of wine and making sure the bottle was kept close to her.
No matter how excited she was to see her friends she found that now she was here she was finding it hard to hold a conversation. The group around her were still familiar with each other, still seeing each other and having things to talk about, she felt a little like a spare part. But still she smiled along and listened to their conversation. Something about a recent party they had attended where Reggie had drank a little too much, she laughed along with them unsure of what else to do. The more they spoke and tried to involve her in the conversation the more she realised she didn’t really know the people around her anymore. Sure she had good memories with them and she would always consider them her friends, but she didn’t really know them.
The best thing about weddings it that you can be invisible if you wanted to be. The bride and groom were always busy, everyone wanting to talk to them and congratulate them, and the drunker the guests got the easier it was to slip away from conversations and merely watch the scenes unfold. Which is exactly what she did. She watched her friends get drunk and progressively louder, not noticing anymore if she wasn’t joining in their conversation. If the night continued this way she was certain she would make it out in one piece.
She thought she was doing a pretty good job of avoiding the one person she feared seeing the most. But halfway through the night a hand landed on her shoulder and a familiar scent filled her nose. She felt her skin ignite where his fingers touched and she begged the butterflies in her stomach to go away, to fly away and disappear forever.
Turning in her seat she finally meets his eyes for the first time that night, forcing a smile onto her face as she stands up and allows him to pull her into a hug. Her heart hammers in her chest and she uses every ounce of will power within her to not shed any tears, she felt the epitome of pathetic. Wanting to cry at a wedding like she was in a bad romcom movie. Only if this were a movie she’d get the guy, or a second guy would come sweep her off her feet and make her forget the first one was ever there. She didn’t see that happening anytime soon.
“Thanks for coming.” Luke smiles, “You look great, that colour really suits you.”
She returns his smile with a tight lipped one of her own, “Thanks, you don’t look too bad yourself.” She attempts a light hearted laugh.
She looked away, she couldn’t stand looking into his eyes any longer, his gaze intense and stirring way too many different emotions inside of her. She wanted him to be horrible to her, to tell her to leave and never come back, not to tell her she looks great. How was she ever supposed to get over him when he was nothing but nice to her all the time. She wished he had done something at the end to allow her to hate him. Cheat on her maybe, or tell her he never loved her, then maybe she’d stand a tiny chance of getting over him and moving on with her life. Instead he was selfish and kept her at arms length because he knew he always could and that should have been enough for her to stay away, but she just couldn’t.
“Congratulations,” she looks back at him, eyes settling just above his to avoid his gaze, “You seem really happy, I wish you all the best.”
“Thanks,” he smiles and it’s genuine, something which breaks her heart a little more.
Of course she wants him to be happy, but a bigger part of her wants him to be happy with her and not anyone else. She knows that’s selfish, but that doesn’t stop her from trying to wish it into existence no matter how futile she knows it is.
“Have you met Jess?” He asks, placing a hand on her shoulder as though about to lead her somewhere.
“Oh, no I haven’t but she looks busy,” she quickly shrugs his hand off, the bride she could see from the corner of her eye, laughing at something another guest had said, “I’ll introduce myself later.” She lies.
The only thing she could think that would be worse than this wedding was having to actually meet the bride. To meet her replacement, the better version. The one who had stolen his heart and been worth enough to keep it forever. She forces a smile and excuses herself to the bathroom.
As she reaches the bathroom she can feel her eyes stinging, shutting herself in a cubicle she fans her face, determined not to let a single tear fall. She had made a promise to herself and the least she could do was keep it. She leant her head back against the door, letting out a shaky breath to compose herself.
Once she was sure she wouldn’t cry she exited the bathroom again, thankful to see that he was no longer at the table she had just ran from. She took her seat and no one asked where she had been or if she was okay, she was glad for that at least.
As the night wore on she thought she was doing okay, one little hiccup but no tears since, she’d even found herself genuinely laughing at a couple points. He’d spoken to her and she hadn’t thrown up on his shoes, he had no reason to try and speak to her again.
But then it was time for the first dance and she felt her chest tightening. Her calm composure being over taken by a sinking feeling of dread. She watched for a minute, watched him hold her close and smile. Watched him lean in to kiss her gently before spinning her under his arm and pulling her back in. She wished more than anything that it was her in his arms, her who he still looked at like the world shone behind her eyes. But it would never be her again, and his bride she was sure was far more beautiful than she could ever hope to be.
She watched as more dancers joined the floor, her friends among them. She tried to smile, but the sight was too much for her. Her friends laughing and dancing with their loved ones while she sat on the side lines and watched feeling like a stranger. The slow music a melancholy soundtrack to her emotions, reminding her of something she could never have.
She stands from the table, dragging her eyes over each person she knew, lingering on Luke for a moment longer before she turned and walked out of the room. She knew that this would be the last time she ever saw him, because she knew seeing him happy with someone else would be a slow form of torture. So she walked away, from him, from her friends forever, leaving whatever little pieces were left of her heart behind. By the time she exited the building she felt nothing more than a hollow shell and she finally let the tears fall.
tags: @lovesanimals @makebank @chrlsgillespie @crybabyddl @marinettepotterandplagg @caitsymichelle13 @kcd15 @kinda-really-lost @alexpjoyner @meangirlsx
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halsteadshailey · 3 years
So you are seeing someone?
upstead fluff/angst one shot
Hailey meets someone while working with the FBI in New York but when she comes home to her partner, her best friend, how long will that relationship last?
can also be read on wattpad or ao3
set at the beginning of s8 after hailey gets back from ny (i’m going with hailey being in new york for 4 weeks bcos i’m not sure if they ever told us how long she was supposed to be there but i know tracy she was supposed to be in more fbi eps but cldnt bcos of corona , sorry if this is wrong)
*slight language*
For the first couple of weeks that Hailey had been out in New York to work with the FBI, her and Jay had FaceTimed religiously. In the morning on the way to work, whenever they could both catch a break at the same time, and on their drives home, most importantly though, once they were both home and settled. It was as close to ‘their thing’ they could get after a long day of work while separated by hundreds of miles.
After about 14 days, Jay was starting to notice something different about Hailey, they were calling less, even her texting game was off. She was starting to be busy more frequently in the evenings and her texts had become rare, short and sweet.
On the Wednesday evening of her third week away, Jay decided to bring it up while they were on FaceTime.
“Hey what’s been going on over there?” he questioned “I feel like we haven’t talked in ages”
Hailey’s brows furrowed a little as she struggled to think of what to say, anything to say to avoid Jay finding out about Liam, she wasn’t ready to tell him and definitely not over the phone when she wasn’t even sure how serious things were.
“Yeah, sorry about that, we’ve had lots of tough cases, I’ve been working late” she said.
Her partner knew she wasn’t telling the truth, he could always tell. However, he didn’t want to push, it wasn’t worth it after the long day that he’d had and he knew that Hailey would tell him whatever it was when she wanted to so he settled on saying:
“Don’t work yourself too hard” with a chuckle.
The two spoke for a little bit longer after that, Jay telling Hailey about all the weird things Kev and Adam have been up to and Hailey realising how much she misses her Intelligence family, not that she would ever tell Jay that.
A few days passed and all the interaction that the detectives had had with one another was through text, but when Saturday came around Jay needed to change that.
It was around 10:30pm when he shot her a text:
‘Hey, I know it’s late but I just got home from a tough case and was wondering if you’re free to call?’
Luckily for him, Hailey replied to Jay’s text only a few minutes later by calling him.
“Hey how are you?” she said when she saw that her partner had connected to the call.
“I’m ok, just needed to do our thing i guess” the emphasis Jay put on the ‘our thing’ was slight, but it was there. “How are y-“ he paused.
“You’re wearing make-up, you never wear make-up, am I interrupting something? A date?” Jay teased.
Without thinking, Hailey replied with “As a matter of fact, you texted me just before dessert so it was actually perfect timing”
Jay froze, trying to process that words that he just heard. It’s not like he thought that Hailey wasn’t allowed to go on dates, he didn’t own her. But he was jealous, a lot more jealous that he would care to admit. Deep down he knew that it was his fault, he’d had feelings for Hailey for a long time and didn’t do anything about it because ‘nothing good comes out of a workplace romance’ or whatever bullshit he had told himself.
“Was it not going well? If you wanted to get out of there before dessert I mean” he clarified.
“No, no, it was going great. I just meant it made an ok place to stop so I could check on you” she responded.
“I’m sorry, you shouldn’t have left, if I had known I wouldn’t have texted” Jay said, in an attempt to clear the air. Their conversation had become quite stale and neither of them were willing to accept that it was just awkward.
“Jay, stop” Hailey said, causing her partner to crack a small smile. “If you need to talk to me after a bad case, that’s the only place I want to be. I’m always here for you, even when we’re this far away” the last part was delivered with a bit of scorn.
“Thanks Hailey, and you too” he said, lifting a little bit of weight off both of their shoulders as they began to flow back into normal conversation.
Another week had passed and Hailey had told Jay a little more about Liam, but only if it came up in conversation so currently all he knew was his name and his job and what his coffee order is (he’d heard Hailey getting it for him while they were on FaceTime). She quickly realised that Jay didn’t enjoy listening to her talk about him so she tried to keep it lowkey.
During her last few days in New York, Hailey and Liam came to the mutual decision that they wouldn’t take the relationship any further. They had a lot of fun while it lasted but they both knew that long distance relationships were a lot of effort and with the jobs they had, it would just but impractical.
While she was waiting in the airport for her flight back to Chicago, Hailey found herself saddened by the fact that her and Jay hadn’t texted or called for a couple of days so she opened her phone, pulled up Jay’s contact and called it.
No answer, so she texted.
‘About to board my plane, just wanted to check in’
Jay sent a response quickly.
‘Sorry, deep in a case. Have a safe flight, text me when you land’
She decided to shrug it off but Hailey knew something wasn’t right.
The journey felt like years but after her flight and a taxi ride home, Hailey was finally back in her own apartment in Chicago. It was 2am when she arrived so when she reached her bedroom she quickly changed and got straight into bed, falling asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.
The next morning she got up, easily slipping back into her normal routine and went to work. Voight had had offered for her to take a few days to get settled back into Chicago and sleep off the jet lag but she politely declined as she just wanted her normal back.
The day went pretty slowly, no major cases, but Jay was acting different and Hailey knew it. When she first showed up at work she got warm welcomes from Trudy and the whole unit but nothing from Jay, they barely said two words to each other all day that weren’t work-related and it was making Hailey a little upset.
Since they had spent most of the day doing paperwork, the team got sent home at a reasonable time. Adam and Kim left together closely followed by Kevin as Voight silently worked in his office.
Hailey entered the locker room where she knew she would find Jay, and she was right.
As she hesitantly walked through the doorway, Hailey spoke. “Can we talk?”
Jay wasn’t facing the door when his partner walked in but, upon hearing her voice, he quickly adjusted his positioning on the bench he had planted himself on to grab his stuff from his locker so he was looking at her.
“Sure” he replied softly, pretty confident he knew what she wanted to talk about.
“Come over to mine in about half an hour?” Hailey asked.
Jay nodded in response and they both grabbed their things and walked to the parking lot together.
They walked in silence but it wasn’t their usual, comfortable, silence. The air around the two was stiff. Either way, it wasn’t long before they reached their cars and headed their separate ways.
Almost exactly half an hour later, Hailey heard a knock at her door. She got up from her position on her couch and went to answer the door, knowing it would be her partner on the other side.
“Hey” Jay said with a weak smile as Hailey opened the door and he walked inside.
He set his jacket on one of the hooks by the door as he always did when he was at her apartment and made his way to her couch.
Sitting in silence on opposite ends of the furniture both detectives waited for the other to talk first and after a few uncomfortable seconds, Hailey decided that it was probably fair for her to talk first seeing as she was the one who wanted to talk to him and she invited him over.
“What is going on with you?” she asked, not wanting to beat around the bush, just getting straight to the point.
“What are you talking about?”
“Oh come on Jay, don’t give me that crap. You haven’t spoken to me at all since I got back from New York so I’m sorry for assuming my best friend would have more to say after I left for 4 weeks” Hailey rebuked at Jay’s easy response.
“I guess I figured you’d wanna catch up with the team rather than talk to me seeing as we spoke to each other so much while you were over there” he said but Hailey knew that wasn’t the truth.
She started to get angrier but did her best not to show it and kept her cool.
“Well that’s a load of bull” she snapped. “We both know that over the second half of my trip we barely spoke, compared to the first two weeks anyway”
“Oh and thats my fault?” Jay jabbed back, beginning to feel anger rise in himself. Still, they both sat in the same spots on the couch and neither raised their voice.
“Well is it mine?” Hailey replied.
“More like your boyfriend’s” Jay murmered without thinking.
Hailey couldn’t believe what he had just said.
“Is that why you’ve been weird for these past weeks?” She asked “You’re jealous of Liam?”
That word ‘jealous’ played with his head but Jay didn’t reply, still regretting even bringing it up.
“Not that its any of your business, but he wasn’t my boyfriend” Hailey hissed and moved her body to a much more upright position, but keeping their eye contact. “It was a two-week fling, it didn’t mean anything” she continued with a quizzical look on her face.
“Wait so you guys aren’t together anymore?” Jay asked, a little taken aback by what his partner had just said.
“No, we ended things the day before I left because we agreed it was just a bit of fun and neither of us had the want to try a long distance relationship.” she said while relaxing back into the couch again.
Silence fell in the room for a moment as Hailey waited for Jay to say something but instead he just stayed where he was and his brows furrowed.
“Is that really why you’ve been acting weird?” she finally asked when she realised Jay had no intention of speaking.
Still not saying a word, Jay shrugged his shoulders a little embarrassed that he had even made this into a thing, it’s not like he could control who Hailey was dating.
“Oh my god will you please say something or I’m abut to get really mad” she exclaimed with a little more volume.
Jay had no idea what he could say without confessing his feelings right there in the middle of her living room so he kept his mouth shut which really pushed Hailey over the edge.
“Jay” she scoffed “for fuck’s sake what are you doing? You’re in no place to act like this because of a guy I dated for like a minute, last time I checked this partnership wasn’t an exclusive relationship and I can date whoever the hell I want” she began to stand up and continued “Just because you’re not looking for someone doesn’t mean I can’t be”
In reality, both of them knew exactly who they really wanted to date and it was none other than the person right in front of them at that very moment but neither were ready to admit that. Or so they thought, Jay’s mind had other plans.
“Who says a haven’t already found them?” Jay whispered, loud enough for Hailey to hear.
That was the second time this evening that Jay had said something that was meant to be kept in his head. ’God I really need to think more before I speak’ he thought.
“What?” Hailey asked, sitting back down.
“I didn’t mean-“ Jay began.
“So you are seeing someone” Hailey cut in.
“What?” his forehead creased “no, I’m not seeing anyone” he said truthfully.
“But you just said you found-“
“You, Hailey” and he did it again, Jay spoke before he could stop himself. However, this time, it proved to work in his favour, as a large smile appeared on his partner’s face.
For Chicago’s best detectives, both Jay and Hailey looked pretty stupid right now. But not stupid in a bad way, stupid in a huge-smile-on-your-face-don’t-know-what-to-say way.
For a second, they both remained still, not entirely sure what had just happened and where to go from there. Then Hailey made a spur of the moment decision and launched herself at Jay.
First she put a hand on his cheek and that was quickly followed by her placing her lips to his and pulling her leg over his knees so she was sitting in his lap and they were face to face.
Without ever breaking the kiss, Jay’s hands momentarily explored Hailey’s body, mainly moving up and down her torso, whereas Hailey kept both hands on his cheeks or gently around his neck, softly touching the hair on the back of his head.
Both were very content as it felt like the whole world was slipping away and they were all that existed. Hailey could feel a huge smile on Jay’s face as they kissed and it only made hers grow wider as their tongues intertwined and they bit at each other’s lips.
Though they had exchanged no words further than Jay implying that Hailey was all he was looking for, neither of them felt it was necessary.
Since they day they had met, the two had gone from strangers, to partners, to best friends, to admitting they trust each other more than anyone else and would follow each other blind. But they had always been Hailey and Jay, and thats exactly what they were that night, nothing had changed between them apart from the enormous weight that was their unspoken love for each other was lifted off their shoulders and they were just Hailey and Jay.
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r3almellow · 4 years
Gavin’s First Time With His S/o
Thanks to the anon that requested this! I must be honest...no amount of writing from me will do Gavin’s First Time with the love of his life justice! Like...I have SOOOO MANY IDEAS! I also didn’t intend for it to be this looooong!  Make sure to hit the read more!
Warning: Smutty
Tagging: @breathe-in-spiration because I love feeding you!
Your first time with Gavin is one of the sweetest experiences of your life.
Even if you’ve had sex before, he’ll make it feel like its your very first time. 
It probably happens after a night out  with your coworkers after another successful show and he offers to take you home afterwards. 
With it being as late as it is, you invite him to stay. 
Gavin has spent the night twice, but nothing has come from it except heavy make out sessions in your couch.
With the way he kisses you, you’re not sure how you’ve managed this long without jumping his bones. Like goodness... He leaves your lips swollen and you’re practically gasping for air when he pulls away.
Gavin, tries to be the ultimate gentleman when it comes to you. He never wants to force you into anything, but it gets hard (pun intended). Especially when you start grinding on him and the tightness of his pants becomes almost unbearable! He, himself, is not sure how he’s lasted this long. Maybe it was the respect he had for you and the thought of you seeing him as the type that only wanted one thing. 
Tonight, however, the two of you make a mutual decision to take things to the next level.
It’ll start with harmless kisses while the two of you are snuggled up on the couch and end with you taking his hand and leading him into your bedroom. 
This should go without saying, but Gavin will put all his focus on you. He wants to make you feel good in every possible way.
He’s very attentive to your needs and will pay close attention to your movements and the sounds you make. He wants to learn about your body!
Loves leaving kisses along your torso just to have you writhing under him. You’ll be getting a lot of hickeys while hands caress every dip and curve of your body.  
NECK KISSES! Is all for leaving a hickey or three on your neck for people to see.
Feeling insecure? Gavin will pay extra special attention to areas he knows you find unflattering. Worried about stretch marks? Scars? Hate your tummy? You’re absolutely gorgeous in his eyes and he’ll leave a plethora of kisses just about everywhere to make sure you know you’re beautiful. 
Being someone who is really good with his hands, Gavin is a pro with using his fingers. You won’t notice his hands slipping between your legs until you feel him gently glide a finger against your slickness.
And when he slips two fingers inside of you, you can’t help but fuck yourself using his fingers. You’re a goner once he starts using his thumb to brush against your clit.
Rest assured his fingers aren’t the only things you’ll be feeling. You won’t even have to ask, Gavin will willingly eat you out.  And he is so good at it! The way his tongue swivels around your clit then slides along your folds has you losing your mind. He’ll have to hold your hips in place to enjoy his meal. 
You’re going to have to remind him that this is a two way street before he makes you forget your own name. This is supposed to be a pleasurable experience for the both of you, so you have to make that be known.
Once you get him on his back, you show him the same amount of love he gave you just moments ago. 
You kiss every scar you can find as your lips travel down his body. You’re already stroking him before your lips make it to his hardened member, precum seeping from him. 
Whether you’ve done this before or your friends are a great source of information, you’ll leave your man shook. It will take everything he has not to cum right there.
When you can see he’s close, you’ll crawl your way back up to his lips and straddle him, kissing him passionately. You love how you can taste yourself as your tongues mingle together. 
Not breaking the kiss Gavin will roll you two over, reclaiming his position on top. 
Gavin entwins his fingers with yours. His gaze falls upon your flushed body beneath him. When the tip of him presses against your entrance, your breath hitches. His cock slides along your pussy, your juices coating him. 
“Just breathe. I got you.” He’ll say this as he slowly sheaths himself inside of you, groaning as he does so.
Once you’ve grown accustomed to his size he begins moving at an  agonizingly slow pace. This is partially because he wants for you to adjust to his size and the other reason being that he didn’t want to lose himself and hurt you with his recklessness. 
The way you clench around his cock made it extremely hard to hold back. The things he wanted to do to you wasn’t how he wanted your first time with him to go. Gavin made it his mission to be gentle with you, but the way you roll your hips to meet his thrusts has him heavily reconsidering his plans.
You can tell he’s holding back and once you feel comfortable enough you’ll encourage him to give you everything. You want him to give you his all. You want Gavin to let go and enjoy this moment with you.
When you give Gavin the go ahead to let loose, there’s a switch within him that flips and that gentleness you’ve grown accustomed to was replaced with something dangerous. 
The way he fucks you with abandon is surprising but definitely welcomed. He’ll cup your ass with his hands, pulling your lower half up to meet his thrusts. You lock your legs around his waist afraid that you’d lose him if you didn’t. 
With the sound of your bed creaking throughout your room, your skin slapping against his and your moans growing louder with each passing second; you might have to apologize to your neighbors later on.
Gavin will praise you non-stop. 
“You take me so well. Keep making that face for me. You look so beautiful when you moan my name. That’s a good girl....ah...hah... You’re...ah...you’re so amazing.” 
The whole experience will be so emotional. ESPECIALLY with the way he looks down at you with a faint blush coating his cheeks and nothing but love in eyes. You can’t help but cry.  
Gavin knows the reason for your tears. He knows that the love between you was overflowing in this moment. He was sure that he too would succumb to such a powerful feeling as it was too much for his heart.
He’ll lean down, his thrusts slowing  as he kisses your tear stained cheeks. 
“I love you so much.”  He whispers against your skin.
“I-I lov...ahh...” Through soft moans and sharp gasps you try to find the words to respond, but words alone don’t seem to express your true feelings. You love this man so much and sharing such an experience with him meant more than even you realized. 
Using your body is the only way you can properly convey what would have been lost on your tongue. 
You reach for him, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into a searing kiss. Hopefully this kiss is enough. 
Gavin will apologize, afterwards, if he feels like he was too rough with you. You’ll have to remind him that you’re not made of glass and if you tell him you like how rough he is, he’ll turn super red and try to play it off. 
Gavin is a master of aftercare. He’ll have you cleaned up and a hot bath drawn for you to relax within minutes. If you’re up for it you might get a round two in the shower. 
Expect cuddles soon after. What better way to end a night like this than with the person you love holding you in their arms.
If anyone was wondering, no condoms were used. 
I don’t know how this happened! My fingers slipped and this was the result. This is the main reason it takes me 2000 years to respond to requests. I have no resolve! 
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this! 
If you want to read more of my work please check out my MLQC stuff here! 
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duelistkingdom · 3 years
you’d come back to me
chapter eleven: challenge
[first chapter] [previous chapter] [master list] [next chapter] [read on ao3]
Summary: Seto Kaiba has been presumed dead for four years after the events of Dark Side of Dimensions. His return causes both unresolved feelings of grief to be brought to the surface and the past to be dragged right back up. In hopes of helping Seto move on and reintegrate back into society at large, Mokuba asks Yugi to work on Spherium II with Seto. Never one to leave a friend hanging, Yugi agrees. Over the course of the project, Seto and Yugi both come to terms with their mutual grief and grow towards a better understanding of each other.
Rating: T
Ships: Yugi Mutou/Seto Kaiba, Mokuba Kaiba/Rebecca Hopkins, Katusya Jonouchi/Mai Kujaku
Warnings: aged up characters, grief, references to suicide
consider supporting me on kofi / battle city tiers & above get first access to chapters!
Kaiba was still fixating on what Mokuba had said about his relationship with Rebecca. A leap of faith sounded simply ridiculous, especially when it came to one’s own future. But it worked out for Mokuba. He’d seen how happy Rebecca and Mokuba were together. Could he really follow suit? The last leap of faith had left his heart shattered. And if everything Yugi’s friends had said was true, Yugi’s own leap of faith left him heartbroken too. Falling meant the risk of landing on the concrete. It was why he was grateful when there was a new thing to fixate on.
It seemed that the previous exhibition duel between Yugi and him had been popular enough to warrant another. Pegasus had personally invited both Yugi and Kaiba back to duel for the closing ceremony of the locals tournament for the summer session. Kaiba had asked Yugi if he’d wanted to do another and Yugi had shrugged. “If you want to do another Duel, I’m fine with it.”
“That’s not an answer, Yugi,” Kaiba said, annoyed that Yugi seemed so blase about this. He wasn’t sure what he was trying to ask for, anyway. “It’s a yes or no question.”
“We were both invited for this Duel,” Yugi said as he went back to writing an email to someone on the team. Once again, Kaiba wondered why Yugi didn’t seem to hate replying to emails. Every time Seto had opened up his email inbox, he was overwhelmed. “It’s something we’d both agree on. I know that I won’t Duel unless it’s against you, though.”
For a minute, Kaiba wondered what sort of game Yugi was playing. Was it a test to see if Kaiba really wanted to Duel him? It was always so hard to read Yugi’s motives. “Are you messing with me,” Seto said, once again examining Yugi for any hint of what he was thinking. “If it’s a challenge you want, Yugi, it’s a challenge you’ll get.”
“Cool,” Yugi said with a shrug as he pressed send on the email he was working on before switching tasks. This time, he was looking at a spreadsheet that even Kaiba found boring. Seto didn’t bother to try to figure out what the information being displayed was. He could always ask Mokuba what Yugi had been doing. “Then I accept.”
It wasn’t until Kaiba left Yugi’s office that he realized that Yugi was quietly laughing. Once again, he was lost as to why Yugi would react that way.
 “I take the day off for my birthday every year, Kaiba,” Yugi said with a roll of his eyes as he carefully made sure that everything he needed to be done for the next two days was done. He’d already sent off instructions on what he expected to be done when he got back. “I wouldn’t worry about it causing any problems for production. That’s the point of having a team, you know.”
“Taking off for your birthday is a pointless waste of time,” Kaiba argued, glaring at Yugi as if that would change Yugi’s mind. “You keep taking days off for your friends’ birthdays and now your own. Aren’t you worried about how many days you’re wasting by taking them off?”
“Not at all,” Yugi said as he closed up his current progress. “Thanks to you, we’re ahead of schedule. There’s no need to be worried about taking days off at this point.” The compliment was enough to throw Seto off balance and give Yugi time to shut his computer down as he got up, smirking at Kaiba. “You’re more than welcome to stay at work but for the record, you’re invited to my birthday party.”
Kaiba looked stunned and Yugi took the chance to duck out of his office. Once again, Yugi took a moment to think over Kaiba’s reactions. Maybe he was over analyzing things, but it felt good every time he noted Kaiba’s stunned expression when he smirked at Kaiba. He’d like to think it was proof he was having some sort of effect on Kaiba. It turns out that confidence when leading a production meeting or Dueling or even hosting a tournament were all a very different confidence from asking someone out. He knew what Atem might’ve said.
Yugi knew that Atem would tell him that of course Kaiba was into him. He’d always wondered if Atem’s perception of him had been skewed but maybe there was some credence to what Atem had always said. After all, he’d read the message boards that discussed him and his strategies that always seemed to devolve into mentioning how hot he was. Surely that isn’t going to my head, Yugi thought to himself with a small smile. This, of course, all assumed that Kaiba felt the same way.
He knew he could use the messages with Kaiba’s secret account to his advantage. He could figure out how Kaiba felt without ever actually taking the risk. It seemed dishonest, however. And certainly a major violation of Kaiba’s trust. He couldn’t bring himself to do so. Which is why he instead called Anzu. “Is it your birthday already,” Anzu said when she answered, sounding a little bit concerned. “Have I missed being the first to tell you happy birthday? Oh, damn timezones!”
“No, it’s not my birthday yet,” Yugi laughed as he checked his watch. It was currently 5 pm. “You have seven hours before it’s my birthday. Sorry, what time is it there? I didn’t think to check.”
“Oh, it’s three am, but don’t worry,” Anzu said, quickly reassuring Yugi before he could balk at the time difference. “I was already up. We’re doing rehearsals. I’m really sorry I can’t make it for your birthday this year, by the way.”
“It’s okay,” Yugi said for what felt like the fiftieth time. Anzu had gotten the role she’d been after for most of her life so Yugi didn’t mind that it meant less time with Anzu. As far as he was concerned, the best birthday present was the fact that she was living her dreams even if it meant that she couldn’t be here right now. “You’re making your dreams come true. That comes first, always. After all: you being far away is a waste if you aren’t succeeding at everything you do. So don’t worry about it. I can handle you not being here for one birthday.”
“I still feel pretty guilty about it,” Anzu said before she seemed to be saying something to someone else. “Hey, mind staying on the phone with me until I get home? The subway at this hour always gives me the creeps.”
“Of course,” Yugi said as he leaned against the elevator, pressing the button that would take him to the parking garage. “Would it help if I told you that I invited Kaiba to my birthday party?”
“That would indeed help,” Anzu said with a laugh. “So you’re going for it? You’re going to ask him out? Properly, that is.”
“Whoa, calm down,” Yugi said, rather alarmed by how quickly Anzu jumped to that conclusion. “I mean… I do… I do want to ask him out. But I don’t know how he’d react. What if he thinks that’s inappropriate too?”
“I’m sure Kaiba wouldn’t mind if you asked him out,” Anzu said, the sound of the subway in the background of the call. She spoke something in English to someone before switching back to him. “What are you waiting for?” When Yugi did not answer right away, she sighed. “You always wait so long to make a move. I just don’t want you missing out on something that could be great for you because you spent so long overthinking it.”
“I’m not overthinking it,” Yugi said, more reflexively than out of real belief in his words. He’d gotten in his car and stared at the concrete wall in front of him. Yugi was, indeed, overthinking it. There was so much risk involved. “The last time I took a risk like this…”
“Kaiba’s not Atem,” Anzu said, cutting Yugi off before he could even let his thoughts drift there. “I know that they’re similar but they’re not the same person. I know you see the risks but if you could accept those with Atem, you can accept them with Kaiba.”
Yugi almost laughed at Anzu getting to the point faster than Yugi ever had. Wasn’t that exactly the crux of the matter? Yugi supposed, on some level, he did see Kaiba’s attempt to reach Atem in the afterlife as proof that Kaiba might not stick around either. “I suppose there is one difference here,” Yugi said as he started his car. “Kaiba’s still alive.”
“Exactly,” Anzu said softly. “You just need to take that leap. I know it’s scary but if you don’t take that risk… you’ll never know if it would’ve worked out.”
 Kaiba was well aware it was very early in the morning. He couldn’t begin to explain himself. He didn’t even know where to start. All he knew was that Yugi wasn’t going to be at work and he wanted to see Yugi today. Maybe he would wind up going to work today. And if he did that, then he wouldn’t see Yugi at all. So the answer was to attempt to see Yugi prior to work. That was why, at 5:30 am, Kaiba was standing in front of the Kame Game Shop. The same place where everything began for him, really. He’d noted the shop was closed but that wasn’t important. He wasn’t here to buy anything, after all. He knocked on the door, hoping Yugi would answer. He wasn’t that lucky. Instead, Suguroku answered, looking surprised to see Kaiba. “It’s 5:30 am,” Suguroku said, opening the door further for Kaiba anyway. “What brings you here?”
Well there was something Kaiba wasn’t expecting to have to deal with. He shifted uncomfortably before taking up the old man on his offer to let him inside. “I… wanted to see Yugi before work,” Kaiba said stiffly. Did Suguroku still hate him for everything he’d done when he was younger? It seemed strange that the man did not bring it up. “Er… I suppose I should apologize for what I did when I was younger. It was… wrong of me.”
He was surprised when Suguroku laughed, waving him off. “Don’t even worry about it,” he said joviely, as if Seto hadn’t tried to steal a card that held deeply sentimental value to him. As if Seto hadn’t induced a heart attack knowingly with his then new technology and was only just now getting around to apologizing for it. It was strange that Suguroku did not demand compensation for it. “You came here to see Yugi, huh… Yugi hasn’t lived here in some time, you know.”
It was another reminder of the time that had passed from when Kaiba had left for the afterlife and had returned home. It seemed obvious that Yugi, now a twenty-three year old man with a high paying job at Kaiba Corp, would choose to move out of his grandfather’s home. “I’m guessing this change happened in the past five years,” Kaiba remarked as he examined the game shop. A few signed posters of Yugi decorated the walls but what really drew Kaiba’s eye was the sheer amount of Kaiba Corp games in the store. “If… If I wanted to go see Yugi, where would I go?”
Suguroku had a twinkle in his eyes. “Why, that’s information I don’t plan on giving you for free,” he said as he pulled out a deck of cards. Kaiba noted the back. It clearly wasn’t a Duel Monsters deck. “Tell you what: let’s play a few rounds of poker. If you beat me, I’ll tell you where Yugi’s apartment is.”
“You expect us to play a game,” Kaiba asked, stunned. “I would think that you wouldn’t want to play card games with me, considering what happened last time.”
“In Duel Monsters,” Suguroku said as he shuffled the deck, looking confident. “I’ll have you know that while you might have once been a Duel Monsters champion, I am a master at poker. Unless you’re scared?”
Kaiba was no coward. He gave a soft ‘tch’ before moving towards the counter. “Fine,” Kaiba said. Suguroku began to deal out the cards and Kaiba kept a close eye on what he was doing. He suspected that Suguroku might not be lying about being a master class gambler considering his Exodia deck. “I suppose you expect me to bet actual money whereas you’ll bet information?”
“You can bet whatever you’d like, Kaiba,” Suguroku said as he took a peek at his cards. There was no change in expression that could tip Kaiba off as to what was in Suguroku’s hand. Perhaps part of what made Suguroku so good at poker was that he simply had a good poker face. “However, I would recommend betting whatever you’re prepared to lose. I imagine money would be something you’d be willing to part with.”
He wasn’t sure if Suguroku was messing with him. “In that case, I’ll bet a hundred yen to start,” Kaiba said, a little hesitant to go all in when he had no idea what Suguroku’s level was. He frowned as he remembered he didn’t have cash on him. “I don’t have actual physical cash on me right now.”
Suguroku then reached behind the counter and pulled out a box of poker chips. “White is a hundred yen, red is five hundred yen, blue is ten thousand yen, green is twenty five thousand yen, and black is a hundred thousand yen,” Suguroku explained as he pushed the box in front of Kaiba. Kaiba took out a single white chip, placing it next to the deck carefully. “For me, the bet will be that I will tell you exactly when Yugi moved out.”
That wasn’t helpful information. It did not tell him where Yugi was now. “That information doesn’t help me,” Kaiba said as he examined his own cards. He noted that he had the five of hearts, two of spades, three of clubs, jack of diamonds, and the ten of spades. None of these cards would get him a win. He was certain a jack of diamonds wasn’t going to cut it. He selected the ten of spades and a jack of diamonds to return to the deck. Suguroku, for his part, only returned a single card. Kaiba’s next two cards were a four of spades and two of hearts. A pair. “I’ll raise another hundred yen.”
Suguroku looked amused. “I’ll stay,” he said, frustrating Kaiba. “Shall we?”
Kaiba gave a soft ‘tch’ before revealing his cards. “Two pair,” he declared. “What do you have?”
 Suguroku flipped over his cards with a sly smirk as he showed the full house. “I take the pot,” he said, pulling the two poker chips to him. “I suppose you’ll be wanting to try again?”
“Yes,” Kaiba said automatically. It wasn’t like he had a choice. If he wanted to know where Yugi had moved, then he had to play Suguroku’s little game. He took a moment to be irked towards Mokuba for shutting down all the equipment that kept an eye over the city. He would’ve known exactly where Yugi was by his Duel Disk. Maybe he could convince Mokuba to turn it back on. “Deal me in.”
“As you wish,” Suguroku said as he shuffled the deck and cut it before dealing out a second hand. He showed no sign of breaking yet again as he glanced at his cards. “Same bet as before. If you win, I’ll tell you when Yugi moved.”
Kaiba examined his own cards. This time he had the four of hearts, ace of hearts, four of spades, three of diamonds, and six of clubs. “I’ll start with two hundred yen this time,” Kaiba said, attempting to feel some bravado as he handed back the ace of hearts. He figured that perhaps the full house was a fluke. However, he almost had a straight in hand. A full house couldn’t beat that. “I’m guessing you’re not going to look to raise your bet?”
This time Suguroku returned no cards. Kaiba, for his part, got two of diamonds in hand. There was no way Suguroku could beat this. “Of course not,” Suguroku said with a glint in his eyes. “Why would I raise my bet? Shall we take a look to see who won?” Kaiba revealed his hand with a smug look on his face though his bravado cracked just a bit when Suguroku didn’t seem concerned. “Oh that is very nice. However,” he said as he revealed that he had a straight flush, “it seems I have won yet again.”
Kaiba spluttered as Sugoroku once again took the pot. “How are you doing that,” Kaiba demanded. Surely there had to be a mistake here. There was no way that someone could have that kind of luck. “Is this deck marked?”
“Of course not,” Suguroku said, looking offended. “But if you are concerned, you are more than welcome to examine the cards yourself. If you’d like, I’ll even get an unopened pack.”
Kaiba grabbed the deck of cards, examining each card carefully. It seemed Suguroku was telling the truth. Not one of the cards had any sign of marking and all the cards were intact. “Fine,” Kaiba said, pushing the deck back to Sugoroku to allow him to shuffle the deck yet again. “You can’t possibly win every hand.”
Unfortunately, once again, Suguroku won that round and then the next round. It wasn’t until the sixth round and almost ten thousand yen later that Suguroku finally lost when Kaiba managed to get four of a kind with the aces. “Alright,” Suguroku said, sighing as he shuffled the deck again. “Yugi moved out two years ago.”
“Why,” Kaiba asked, well aware that was never part of the deal. However, he did know that moving out of home before getting married was rare. Most people chose to stay with their family for as long as possible.
“If you want to know that, you’ll have to win another round,” Suguroku said plainly, dealing out another hand. Once again, Kaiba lost. It seemed that winning was a fluke, Kaiba thought, rather angry as Suguroku took another ten thousand yen from him. At this rate, he might as well call himself an investor in Suguroku’s shop.
Another five rounds later, Kaiba managed to pull off a royal flush. “I won,” Kaiba said plainly as he handed the cards back to Sugoroku. “Why did Yugi move out?”
“I suspect it had something to do with the memories attached to his room,” Suguroku said, a strange look upon his face. Kaiba almost suspected it looked like grief. “Yugi had a hard time sleeping in his room. He moved out shortly after his birthday and said he needed a fresh start. It broke his mother’s heart. HIs father, however, understood.”
Yugi had a mother? Even stranger still, Yugi had a father. Kaiba had never met either of Yugi’s parents. He’d assumed that Yugi was raised by Suguroku but it seemed he didn’t know much about Yugi at all. “Oh,” Kaiba said, realizing that it must come back to Atem. Strange how many broken hearts one man’s death could leave behind. It was another uncomfortable reminder that he’d ignored that Yugi was grieving too. “So where is he now?”
“You know the deal,” Suguroku said as he dealt out another hand. Kaiba was almost frustrated playing against Sugoroku. It seemed like Suguroku was right in stating that he was, indeed, a better poker player than Duel Monsters player. He wondered how much of that was luck and how much of it was skill. As far as he could tell, skill was somewhat involved because oftentimes, he’d found that he would regret returning certain cards when it led to him holding new cards that would’ve synergized better with the cards he’d returned. Kaiba wasn’t sure how Suguroku had learned such a skill. It seemed no matter what, Suguroku knew which cards to return and which to keep.
“Full house,” Kaiba said on the sixth round, almost grateful for the stroke of luck that involved the two cards that he returned to the deck being exchanged for two of the same card. “What do you have?”
“Three of a kind,” Suguroku admitted with a sly grin. Kaiba barely noted that Suguroku had a couple hundred thousand of Kaiba’s own money. “Alright. I’ll tell you where Yugi is now.”
 Yugi was awoken at six am the very next day by a very loud knock on his front door. He groaned when he looked at the clock, turning over in his blankets. He had the day off for a reason. No one should have to get up early on their birthday. However, the knocking did not stop. Yugi sat up in his bed, wondering if he should call the cops. After a brief debate, he finally got out of bed, ruffling his hair and not bothering to pull a shirt on. He opened his door, somewhat surprised to see Kaiba. “Kaiba,” he remarked, yawning and stretching. “It’s six am. What are you doing here?” Kaiba did not respond right away. In fact, he seemed tense yet again. Yugi waved his hand in front of Kaiba’s face. “Hello? Kaiba? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” he said tersely before looking away. “You’re not wearing a shirt. Nor pants.”
“I am wearing pants,” Yugi countered, gesturing to his pajama bottoms. “I’m wearing pajamas. Because I was sleeping. Why are you here?”
“It’s your birthday,” Kaiba said as if this provided an answer. Yugi titled his head, trying to figure out what Kaiba’s point was. Kaiba looked annoyed when Yugi was clearly lost. “I seem to recall that you stated that you do not like your current Dueling outfit. I figured a good birthday gift would be that I purchase you a new one.”
Yugi noted that Kaiba still sounded stiff and formal. “Are you ever going to relax around me,” Yugi asked, sighing as he held the door open further and gesturing for Kaiba to come in. It would be rude to leave Kaiba outside, he supposed, despite the urge to slam the door on Kaiba and go back to bed. “And don’t most clothing stores open at 9 am? Why are you here three hours before anything even opens?”
Kaiba entered and glanced around Yugi’s apartment. Yugi couldn’t find it in him to care that the apartment was small compared to Mokuba’s nor did he care that it was obviously just a little more lowkey than anything Kaiba would be used to. “I went to the Kame Game Store first,” Kaiba said stiffly. “Your grandfather was confused why I was there to see you. When did you move out?”
This question surprised Yugi. He hadn’t thought about the fact that he’d moved out from his grandfather’s in a long time. Exactly two years, actually. “Well, I had the funds to get my own place and felt no need to keep placing undue stress on my grandfather to care for me,” Yugi replied, raising a brow at Kaiba. “You still didn’t answer why you’re here at six in the morning.” He paused, frowning. “Wait… if you went by the shop first… Kaiba, were you going to wake me up at five thirty am?!”
“Waking up early is good for you,” Kaiba said, looking put out by Yugi yelling at him. Once again, he was sidestepping why he came by so early. “I suppose it is rude that I haven’t yet wished you a happy birthday so… happy birthday.”
“Would’ve been even happier if I had gotten to sleep in,” Yugi said as he sat down in a nearby chair, running his hands over his face. He hadn’t gotten a chance to get ready for the day and hadn’t really planned on anyone coming by this early. Last year, he might’ve prepared for Anzu to swing by at midnight. “Kaiba, do you realize the main reason I take my birthday off is so I can sleep in?”
Kaiba hesitated and then took a seat in the chair across from Yugi. Yugi noted that Kaiba seemed to look rather ridiculous in his cheap furniture. “I… I don’t know how other people work,” Kaiba admitted, sounding softer than he normally would. “I don’t know how you’re supposed to celebrate birthdays.”
Yugi’s mouth fell open slightly as he tried to think of how to respond to that. It made sense, of course. He could understand that Kaiba would have difficulty with birthdays considering what little both Seto and Mokuba had told him about Gozubora. “Oh,” Yugi said softly before realizing he’d never told Kaiba where he lived. “Hey wait. How did you find out where I lived after realizing I don’t live with my parents and grandpa anymore?”
“Your grandfather told me,” Kaiba said, as if it was obvious. Yugi’s eyes narrowed at Kaiba and Kaiba splayed out his arms, holding his palms up. “It didn’t come cheap. He had me play poker with him.”
With that, Yugi started to laugh. Of course. He could absolutely see his grandfather viewing Kaiba as an easy mark. “I wouldn’t play against him again,” Yugi said as he leaned back, stretching again. Once again, he noted Kaiba tensed him. Tentatively, he lightly flexed his arms. Once again, Kaiba tensed further. He smirked as realization set in. “Kaiba, would this conversation be easier for you if I put a shirt on?”
Kaiba’s eyes went wide. “If you feel like it,” he said, the same stiff tone from earlier appearing. The pieces clicked together: Kaiba was attracted to him. “Don’t feel like you have to change on my account.”
Yugi got up, teasingly winking at Kaiba and noting the light flush that appeared across Kaiba’s cheeks. He kind of liked the color on Kaiba. “I’ll make this easier for you and go get dressed,” Yugi said, snickering as he noted that Kaiba seemed to be trying to calm himself down. Now this was something he could absolutely take advantage of.
It only took him a few minutes to pull on a casual shirt and throw on a pair of jeans before heading back into his living room. Kaiba was still sitting where he’d left him, his fists clenched and his back rigid. Yugi leaned against the door frame, raising a brow at Kaiba. “Well, Kaiba,” Yugi asked, turning around to showcase the outfit to Kaiba. “What do you think?”
“What does it matter what I think,” Kaiba said automatically, looking away from Yugi. “It’s your body.”
Yugi laughed as he moved forward, throwing himself back onto the chair and letting his legs hang off the armchair. “I was just asking what you thought, Kaiba,” Yugi remarked, looking over at Kaiba. “Anyway. You still haven’t said why you’ve swung by so early. Were you hoping to see something?”
“Of course not,” Kaiba said, flustered at the suggestion. “Like I said, I was… just figuring that the best gift for you was to get you a new Dueling outfit. That is all.”
“Sure,” Yugi said, pulling himself upright as he stared Kaiba down. How could he have missed this? It was entirely obvious. Every single one of Kaiba’s movements pointed straight towards Kaiba’s attraction. “May I make a suggestion that will give you an out?” Kaiba did not respond and Yugi noted that he seemed even more tense. “How about you buy me a birthday breakfast to make up for waking me up this early?”
 “What is up with you and cheap places?”
Kaiba had been somewhat grateful for the out that Yugi had provided. However, it now meant that he was at yet another cheap fast food place. Yugi could easily afford the food here without Seto’s help. “Not all of us feel the need to show off how much money we have, Kaiba,” Yugi said as he took a massive bite out of the clearly American food. “Besides, Rebecca showed me these breakfast burritos and I’ve been hooked ever since. None of your fancy places could offer this. Are you sure you don’t want one?”
Of course it was Rebecca that had shown Yugi this disgusting food. It seemed like Rebecca was the route cause for most of the things Kaiba did not like, including the processed food that now filled Mokuba’s cabinet. “If I wanted crappy Americanized food, I’d go to Mokuba’s for breakfast,” Kaiba said stiffly. “Must you eat this crap?”
“Find a new word,” Yugi retorted as he scarfed the rest of the burrito down. He wondered how Yugi could be so in shape despite the vile processed food that Yugi seemed to eat by the truckload. “You could try to loosen up, Kaiba.”
Yugi was not the first to recommend that Kaiba loosen up. As far as Kaiba was concerned, he was loose enough all things considered. He was well aware that most people did not agree with that assessment, however. “I am loosened up,” Kaiba said with a scowl that softened the minute Yugi reached out to grab his hand. Yugi seemed to just absently reach out for casual touching. Kaiba didn’t understand that. “You, on the other hand, are just too loose.”
Yugi snorted. “Is that what you’re going with,” Yugi asked with a raised brow. “Maybe we could put it to a vote. Ask other people online what they think.”
Kaiba knew exactly how people online viewed him. Too intense, apparently. Kaiba didn’t understand how anyone can be too intense. “I don’t care about the opinions of strangers,” Kaiba said as Yugi swung in closer. “There’s no need to care about what others have to say.”
“Sure,” Yugi said as he checked his watch. “I believe you said you were going to buy me a new outfit. I think that the place I usually buy clothes at is open now.”
“I’m not buying you cheap clothes,” Kaiba said, imagining the place that Yugi must purchase clothes at and shuddering. “Nor am I getting you anything off the rack. If this is going to be updating your Dueling look, then I am going to make sure that it is fitting for my rival.”
“Ah, I see,” Yugi said with a playful look on his face. “This is about your ego.”
There were a lot of reasons that Kaiba wanted to help Yugi update his look. It was not really ego, per say. It was simply that he remembered Yugi seeming a little sad about the outfit, even if he couldn’t understand why. “That, and you are no longer sixteen,” Kaiba said stiffly, letting him think it was about his ego rather than genuine concern for Yugi. “You’re what, twenty-two now?”
“Twenty-three, actually,” Yugi said with a frown. “Today’s my twenty-third birthday. I suppose that’s true. No one could fault me if I wanted to look a little more my age.”
Yugi being twenty-three today shouldn’t have made Kaiba feel weird. And yet it was another reminder that time moved on for everyone else. A reminder that it was Kaiba’s fault he put space between him and everyone else. It wasn’t much, but it was enough of a difference to distract him. “Right,” Kaiba said, a little more distant than he intended. “It’s time for people to move on from that old look.”
Kaiba was grateful when Yugi did not comment on his emotions. It seemed like Yugi had the uncanny ability of realizing what Kaiba was feelin before Kaiba could name the feeling himself. It was annoying. “So if you’re not letting me buy from where I usually buy, then where are we going?”
“You’ll see,” Kaiba said as Isono drove up. He’d arranged this only yesterday and he didn’t understand why Isono had seemed a little annoyed by the request. Apparently, Isono had gotten used to having a week’s notice before being asked to drive Mokuba anywhere. Kaiba thought that maybe he should start following that example that Mokuba had set. “For now, get in the car.”
Yugi climbed in the car, almost looking vaguely nostalgic. “I see you aren’t letting me drive,” Yugi remarked, waving to Isono. “Hi, Isono. How’s the wife?”
“She’s fine,” Isono said, almost looking vaguely fatherly towards Yugi. The same look that Isono typically reserved for Seto and Mokuba, actually. Exactly how close were Mokuba and Yugi? Kaiba supposed he shouldn’t be surprised to have further proof that Yugi had been there when Seto had left. “Happy birthday, by the way. You know, Seto called me yesterday afternoon about driving you and him around. Maybe you can tell him how we do things around here now.”
“Oh, if Kaiba hasn’t gotten used to how things are done now, he never will,” Yugi said, eyeing over at Kaiba. It seemed like there was something that Yugi was trying to communicate with him that Kaiba was missing. “After all, it’s been a year.”
“I can do anything,” Kaiba huffed. Once again, it seemed like Yugi was having a private joke at his expense. “I just don’t see why it’s a big deal if I call for a ride.”
“It’s not,” Isono said as he pulled off to the shop that Kaiba had set up an appointment with. “After all, that is what I’m paid for.”
Yugi once again seemed to be sharing a joke with Isono that Kaiba was not in on. Whatever it was, he didn’t care. Maybe he could ask Mokuba later. “I’m certain you’ll find what you’re looking for at this store,” Kaiba said as he leaned back in his seat, crossing his legs and hunching in on himself. “If not, whatever. We’ll find another.”
“Should I ask how much you’re planning on spending?”
“It’s a gift,” Kaiba said with a shrug. “You can take it how you’d like.”
Yugi sighed, shaking his head before glancing at Isono again. “Fairly certain that means Mr. Kaiba isn’t taking no for an answer,” Isono said with a good natured grin. “Hey, you’ve been complaining that the outfit’s outdated for years now. Consider yourself lucky, Mr. Mutou.”
“I’ll consider myself lucky if I get to sleep in on my birthday next year,” Yugi said with a glance towards Kaiba. “Can I expect you to wake me at six am next year?”
Kaiba sniffed, looking away from Yugi. Yugi had started to smile and it was harder to maintain the facade of not caring whenever Yugi did that. It did strange things to his heart. That weird pitter patter that the doctor insisted was nothing. “If that’s what you’d like for your birthday, who am I to argue,” Kaiba conceded. “It’s your birthday, after all.”
There was a twinkle in Yugi’s eyes again. Kaiba felt like Yugi knew everything about him and it left him feeling exposed. He could feel a small bit of heat under the collar of his turtleneck forming and he wondered if he was starting to fall ill. The last time, the doctor had insisted he was fine but surely the doctor would understand now. It was the same symptoms as always: the racing heart, the feverish feeling, and the sweaty palms. “It’s my birthday indeed,” Yugi said softly with a light smirk. “Lots of things I could get on my birthday.”
Something told Kaiba there was a double meaning in this but once again, Kaiba was lost. Yugi seemed to speak exclusively in riddles. He was almost grateful when Isono pulled in front of the store, allowing Seto a chance to get fresh air. He had to get a hold of himself. He was better than this.
The tailor, Yamazaki, inside the store greeted Seto warmly before looking over at Yugi. “This is Yugi Mutou, my guest,” Kaiba said as he noted the look on the tailor’s face. “It is his birthday so I thought I might be generous and get him a new Dueling outfit.”
Yamazaki’s eyes lit up in delight. “Ah, the famous Yugi Mutou,” Yamazaki said as she held her hand out to Yugi. Yugi took it with an awkward smile and shook his hand. “I”m Hoshi Yamazaki. It is an honor to have a chance to dress such a talented Duelist. Are you seeking to keep a similar vibe to your old look?”
“Er, I’m certain my manager would kill me if I went too different,” Yugi said with a light laugh. Instantly, Seto was curious. As far as he was aware, Yugi hadn’t had a manager when he’d left. Then again, had he ever actually asked Yugi about his career? He hadn’t even known that Yugi was a talented game designer until recently. If only he’d thought to ask. “I do want to update it, though. Less a sixteen year old going through his goth phase, more of a twenty-something who is for sure goth.”
Yamazaki gave a twinkling laugh and placed her hand on Yugi’s bicep. Instantly that gut feeling that Kaiba couldn’t explain reappeared, the same one that had shown up when he’d thought Anzu and Yugi were dating. “Of course,” Yamazaki said, smiling as she pulled the tape measure off around her neck. “I’ll need to get your measurements before I can start showing you outfits. Is that okay?”
Yugi, for his part, seemed at ease with the process of having his measurements taken. He and Yamazaki had started talking about colors that he might want and fabrics while Kaiba took a seat in front of the mirror. He’d waved off one of Yamazaki’s employees who had offered him a drink. He didn’t need a drink. Not when he was clearly feeling unwell. It seemed to only get worse when Yamazaki started handing Yugi various tops and pairs of leather pants in various colors. Must he keep those godforsaken pants? He shouldn’t have been surprised when Yugi walked out of the dressing room in bright red leather pants and a mesh top over a dark blue tank top that clung to his chest. “Well,” Kaiba remarked drily. “No one could argue that you aren’t still goth.”
“You think,” Yugi asked as he examined himself critically. For what, Kaiba was uncertain. He couldn’t find a single thing to criticize in the look. In fact… Yugi looked amazing. There was that damn rapid heartbeat again. “I dunno. I don’t think the mesh top is very me.” And with that, he pulled the mesh top over his head and tossed it towards Kaiba. “Not much of a change though, is it? It’s just a new color.”
Kaiba was once again paralyzed. He clenched the top that had been on Yugi just seconds again and realized with horror what the feeling he was having was: it was excitement. Being around Yugi excited him. The prospect of Dueling Yugi again sent a thrill down his spine. It was all the feelings he’d thought for certain he’d only have for Atem. What was wrong with him? Did he have a type? Was his type someone who could kick his ass at Duel Monsters? “I suppose,” Kaiba said stiffly, throwing the mesh top aside and all the feelings it brought with it aside. “If you don’t like it, you could always try on something else.”
Yugi shrugged. “Suppose I might as well try on the other stuff before making a choice,” Yugi said as he headed back to the dressing room as Yamazaki handed him potential shoes and accessories. “Thanks.”
“I’m certain he’ll find something he likes,” Yamazaki said brightly as she sat next to Kaiba. “I can’t wait to tell my girlfriend that the King of Games was in my little shop. I mean, she knows you’re a regular, or well, used to be, but… the King of Games!”
Kaiba wasn’t certain why Yamazaki mentioning she was taken relaxed him. However, as far as  he was aware, Yamazaki was single four years ago. When did she get a girlfriend? Maybe she meant girlfriend in the way some girls referred to their friends? Would it be rude to ask? He fixated on this long enough for Yugi to walk out of the dressing room in the next outfit. He’d put on motorcycle boots with the dark leather paired with a distressed shirt with some band that Kaiba had never heard of on it. Kaiba noted that the distressed shirt gave him just the slightest glimpse of Yugi’s abs that were shockingly well toned. Yugi looked vaguely amazed and examined himself in the mirror. “Well, Kaiba,” Yugi asked with a small smirk on his face. “What do you think?”
Kaiba looked away, wondering if it was obvious he liked this look on Yugi. It was, indeed, still very similar to his original dueling outfit. Similar but not exactly like his old one. There was that mature edge that Yugi claimed he was looking for. It took Kaiba a while to note the silver earrings in Yugi’s ears and the fact that there was a slimmer version of the leather collar around his neck. Not only that, it seemed like Yugi’s sharp jawline was accented by this look. Kaiba wondered if it would be possible for Yugi to slice him open with his jaw. “It’s whatever,” Kaiba said with a shrug. “It’s your look.”
“Is that what we’re going with here,” Yugi asked as he spun around, staring directly at Kaiba with a predatory look. Kaiba had the feeling he should be running and yet he was frozen in place. Whatever Yugi had going on in his head, Kaiba wanted to find out. “You’re the one paying for it. I think maybe I should know if you like it.”
Kaiba locked eyes with Yugi and he was knocked breathless by Yugi’s intense stare. It seemed Yugi was serious about wanting to know what Kaiba thought about how he looked. How odd. As far as Kaiba was aware, Yugi had never really cared what Kaiba thought about how he looked. Kaiba examined his rival again, noting the way the shirt still managed to showcase Yugi’s well toned arms despite covering just a little more than Kaiba would prefer. “Seems like you’re attached to leather,” Kaiba remarked. “The last two pants were both leather.”
Yugi tilted his head and shrugged. “I suppose that’s fair,” Yugi remarked. “If I’m going with a new look, I might as well try a different pair of pants out.”
“I think I gave you a pair of jeans,” Yamazaki said, startling Kaiba. He’d almost forgotten that she was there. “Would you prefer a different fabric outside of denim?”
“Nah,” Yugi said as he headed back to the changing room.
Kaiba once again was left with his thoughts. He thought he’d be able to handle looking at Yugi try on new outfits that he intended on dueling Kaiba in but instead, that stupid aryhtimia had returned accompanied by an uncomfortable feeling settling deep in his gut. When Yugi had stared at Kaiba, all Kaiba could think about was how bad he wanted Yugi to choke him. Was that a normal reaction? He didn’t know exactly how he was supposed to react to his rival trying on outfits. And once again, Yugi walking out of the changing room presented yet another strange feeling. Yugi had, indeed, tried out the jeans that seemed to cling nicely to… Kaiba forced himself to look away to note that Yugi was wearing yet another short sleeve shirt that had a v-neck. Yugi seemed to like those motorcycle boots, however, as he hadn’t bothered trading them out for a different pair of shoes.
Yugi was fiddling with the silver cuffs on his wrists, a furrowed brow as he looked in the mirror. Kaiba thought that this was easily one of the best looks that Yugi had put on. However, he couldn’t bring himself to say anything. He was certain if he said something he would sound like an absolute idiot. Right now, he was very focused on rebuilding his own deck in his head. He picked apart the cards that were not working for his deck and compared it to the new support cards that were out. “You look great in those jeans,” Yamazaki gushed, breaking Kaiba’s concentration. “This absolutely looks like an upgraded version of your old outfit.” She’d gotten up as she pulled out a leather jacket from somewhere. Kaiba honestly hadn’t been paying much attention to her. “I think this could be a great finishing touch.”
Yamazaki had placed the jacket on Yugi and Kaiba’s stupid heart skipped yet another beat. He hated that it looked great on Yugi. Instead, he focused on the previous trap card Yugi had used to defeat him. How would he circumvent Fiendish Chain? “Oh that does look great,” Yugi said as he spun around, examining himself carefully in the mirror. “Kaiba, what do you think?”
Kaiba’s gaze met Yugi’s and he noted the knowing look in Yugi’s eyes. Did Yugi know what was going on in Kaiba’s head? Was he mocking him for it? The sparkle in Yugi’s eyes left Kaiba feeling unbalanced. He wasn’t sure what to say. “It’s fine,” Kaiba said, looking away yet again. “Are you done?”
Yugi had a strange look of triumph as he turned to Yamazaki. “Yeah, I think I’ll take this,” Yugi said as he examined the leather jacket with a strange look on his face. “I think the jacket might look better like this, however,” Yugi remarked as he removed the coat, turning it into a makeshift cape around his shoulders. Kaiba was stunned to note that Yugi was right: it did look great on him like that. “Yeah. That’s better.”
Kaiba handed his card over to Yamazaki wordlessly.
 Yugi wasn’t surprised to learn that Pegasus was the one hosting their next Duel. It seemed like Pegasus had a vested interest in the outcome of this duel. He supposed that was partly his fault for telling Pegasus about Kaiba’s attempt to bring back Atem. If he hadn’t said anything, Pegasus wouldn’t want to have updates on the AI. However, as of late… there really wasn’t anything much to say. Kaiba seemed to have lost interest in the AI. Mokuba swore up and down he’d checked the logs multiple times to see if Kaiba had attempted to Duel the AI again and yet, Kaiba hadn’t Dueled the AI in quite some time. Yugi found this strange, actually.
He’d never known Kaiba to be the type to give up. It wasn’t like Kaiba ever really moved on easily, either. In fact, the whole reason Kaiba was in his life still was because Kaiba was a strangely persistent dude. This led to Yugi wondering what the reason could be that he would have just stopped messing around with the AI. There was always a reason as to why Kaiba did things the way he did, even if Yugi didn’t fully understand it.
In fact, Yugi suspected that Kaiba had other motivations for buying him the new Dueling outfit even though Yugi didn’t really want to look a gift horse in the mouth. It felt a lot better wearing a new outfit that didn’t remind him of Atem. He was wearing something Atem had never worn. He ran his fingers over the tidy stitches Yamazaki had done when pulling the shirt in and examined how the dark blue shirt rested against his pale skin. He knew that if he went over to the AI, he could easily find out how Atem might’ve looked in this outfit. Yugi knew, however, that would be a bad idea.
Anzu might not have been able to fly in for this Duel but Jonouchi was there. “Nice new threads,” Jonouchi remarked approvingly as he grabbed Yugi’s hand and spun him around with an appraising look. “Kaiba bought these for you?”
“Yeah,” Yugi said with a laugh as he yanked his hand back, trying to steady himself. The motorcycle boots clanked against the concrete floor and Yugi stood back up straight. It’d taken time, but he’d finally gotten used to standing up straight. He was amazed how much he grew after he stopped hunching over all the time. The boots graciously added yet another inch to his height, allowing him to actually be the same height as Jonouchi for once. “He insisted that it was because he couldn’t have me showing up to our Duel in cheap clothes but I’m fairly certain he was short circuiting.”
Jonouchi laughed, shaking his head. “Oh, he’s got it bad for you,” he said, poking at Yugi’s stomach with a teasing grin as Yugi doubled over, swatting Jonouchi’s hand away with an embarrassed grin. “Who can blame him, though? You do look great, bud. The forums are gonna be talkin about your new look for ages!”
Yugi caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror, noting the bright red flush appearing on his cheeks. “Jou, please,” Yugi said, waving Jonouchi off as he leaned against the lockers provided by the stadium. “I’m fairly certain that they have better things to talk about over how I look, you know. I got a new deck for this.”
“Oh yeah? Not gonna make him cry with Gravekeepers this time,” Jonouchi asked with a sly grin. “Seriously, I can’t believe you made him cry like that.”
“I didn’t think he’d cry,” Yugi said with a frown. He honestly hadn’t expected Kaiba to cry. In fact, he had been fairly certain during the previous Duel that Kaiba was angry. It was surprising to realize that Kaiba had, in fact, cried. “I just wanted to make him realize that we can’t… You know,” Yugi said softly, examining Jonouchi. “Kaiba needs to accept that Atem’s gone.”
Jonouchi nodded thoughtfully. “Been a while since you talked about that, Yug,” Jonouchi said, examining Yugi with the same level that Yugi was examining him. Yugi knew what Jonouchi was looking for: to see if he was okay. “I know that you’re worried about talking about it with us cause you’re worried it’ll upset us since we cared about Atem too. But it’s okay, Yug. You don’t have to bottle it up. Kaiba comin back clearly knocked some stuff loose.”
It wasn’t fair that Jonouchi could read Yugi better than anyone. In many ways, Jonouchi was right. Yugi hadn’t expected to be knocked backwards by the mere sight of the AI. He hadn’t been expecting to feel those old, long forgotten wounds to rip open at the seams. And yet, he hadn’t been surprised to see Kaiba again. In many ways, Yugi knew things between him and Kaiba weren’t finished when Kaiba had left. “It’s just,” Yugi said, sliding down to sit on the concrete floor and staring at his shoes, trying to gather his thoughts. “When Kaiba disappeared, it… It was like I thought I’d lost two people that mattered in only six months. I was so certain at the end of that Duel that Kaiba and I… that we were…”
“Hey, it’s okay,” Jonouchi said after Yugi took a longer pause, joining Yugi and nudging him with a look of concern on his face. The same look of concern he’d had when Yugi was struggling to talk about Atem. Yugi wondered how often he worried Jonouchi. It wasn’t that he wanted to worry his friend. He just couldn’t help it at this point. “You don’t have to explain yourself if you don’t want to. I won’t make you talk.”
Yugi gave a half laugh - the kind of laugh that let Jonouchi know it wasn’t entirely real. It sounded brittle and hollow to Yugi. “I know,” Yugi said, gesturing vaguely as he tried to find the words for what he was trying to say. He sighed, staring up at the ceiling that had no insulation. The pipes and electric work were all exposed and Yugi wondered if there was a symbolism in that. “I feel like I kind of owe you an explanation for how weird I’m being, though.”
“Nah,” Jonouchi said. “You don’t owe me any explanations.”
“Thanks,” Yugi said with a wry half smile, looking away from the ceiling to really examine the dressing room provided. It was barely a dressing room. It had the feeling of a locker room and all the nasty memories associated with them. He had to assume that this was normally where a football team might dress before a match. It was easier to focus on that than on his thoughts. “I just feel like… I feel like it’s weird to say that Kaiba came back to me specifically but that’s what it feels like. Like we just have unfinished business.”
“I guess you guys do,” Jonouchi said with a shrug. “Besides, who better than you to force someone to confront their feelings?” He looked rather serious for a moment before shrugging with a grin. “That’s what you do best.”
Yugi grinned at Jonouchi before standing up and holding out his hand to him. Jonouchi took Yugi’s hand and Yugi pulled him upright. “You’re right,” Yugi said as he hugged him tight, grateful that Jonouchi had remained a constant in his life. “Let’s get going. I have a Duel to win.”
 Kaiba had not really thought through the implications of the new outfit Yugi had selected for this Duel. Yugi had walked out into the pitch with that leather jacket thrown around his shoulders with a light smirk on his face as he waved out to the crowd. He’d drowned out Pegasus’s commentary for the most part but a comment on how Yugi was sure to make Kaiba cry again made its way through Kaiba’s filter. Kaiba frowned. He supposed it didn’t matter that everyone was sure to speculate on this Duel like they speculated on the last one. Yugi and Kaiba seemed to be twined together in most of the posts that Kaiba had read. None of them knew that Kaiba and Yugi’s feud wasn’t nearly as old as they all assumed.
He was starting to accept that the Pharaoh might’ve been right. His rivalry was, indeed, with Yugi. Each of the Duels that he had with Yugi so far had relit a spark that Kaiba had sworn was gone forever. The minute Yugi called out “Duel” in sync with Kaiba, it sparked through his entire body. Even when Yugi had flipped Kaiba’s entire deck face up with a card that Kaiba had never heard of. “Now, I activate the Eye of Truth,” Yugi called out, holding out the familiar trap card. “You must play with your hand revealed to me from here on out!”
It didn’t take long for Kaiba to figure out Yugi’s new strategy. It was a new control deck but relied on knowing every single card in Kaiba’s hand. As per usual, Yugi’s backrow and frontrow was untouchable. No matter what Kaiba did, Yugi was ten steps ahead of him. At this point, Kaiba was convinced that forcing him to reveal the next card he’d draw into and his entire hand to Yugi was simply to throw Kaiba off. There was no way that Yugi actually needed to see what Kaiba had. Kaiba suspected if he’d even gotten the Eye of Truth or that other irksome card off the field, Yugi would still have the upper hand. Kaiba suspected it was more about forcing Kaiba to reveal himself to Yugi. And every second of it thrilled Kaiba in a way that he’d thought he’d never feel again.
The Duel was all over in five turns, the deciding turn a five minute long combo on Yugi’s part that Kaiba had no disruptions for. The roar of the crowd barely registered to Kaiba. Instead he was focused purely on Yugi’s triumphant look and the way he’d casually looped his thumb through one of the belt loops on his jeans. Yugi looked the part of a confident Duelist who was well aware that he had control over the board. Kaiba felt that familiar arrhythmia in his chest and he tore his eyes away from Yugi. He walked off the pitch quickly and barely noticed Yugi following after him. Yugi’s hand gripped Kaiba’s bicep, his fingers digging in as he spun Kaiba to face him with a raised brow. “Seto,” he said, tilting his head. “Are you okay?”
Kaiba didn’t bother to correct Yugi. He was a bit dizzy about how bold Yugi was. “Why wouldn’t I be,” Kaiba retorted, his eyes darting down to Yugi’s lips before forcing himself to look back into Yugi’s eyes. His mouth twitched into a smirk with the look of a predator in his eyes yet again. “What do you want, Mutou?”
“Are you distancing yourself from me,” Yugi asked, looking annoyed by the use of his last name. Kaiba was, indeed, trying to put some distance between him and Yugi. Especially when Yugi was just too damn close. He’d pinned Kaiba to the wall and Kaiba vaguely wondered how Yugi managed to keep that damn leather jacket around his shoulders. “I thought we were past that, Seto.”
How did Yugi manage to slip past his defenses like this? Kaiba felt almost dizzy as Yugi began to move in closer before closing the gap entirely. Yugi’s lips pressed to his lips as if questioning if this was okay. Kaiba gave a soft groan of approval and this was all Yugi needed to press his body to Kaiba’s, one of his hands coming to rest on Kaiba’s hips. Kaiba’s head was spinning as Yugi pulled away and all he could find in him was to say with a low, “Yugi.”
Yugi, for his part, gave a soft laugh as his other hand lightly traced out the shape of Kaiba’s jaw. “By the way,” Yugi remarked, lightly pressing a couple of kisses to Kaiba’s jawline, “You owe me dinner. See you at work.”
And with that, Yugi sauntered off, smug as could be. Kaiba wondered what sort of place he should make the reservation at.
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ambvrs · 4 years
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                𝐉𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐏𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐄   𝐀𝐘𝐃𝐈𝐍     /     𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝   𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐬.
𝒃𝒖𝒊𝒍𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈   𝒃𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒈𝒆𝒔     —     @opalsmedia​     !
𝒊.   𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆   𝒘𝒆   𝒎𝒆𝒕   𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈   𝒕𝒉𝒆   𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒔     ;     open  to  anyone  .
(  ♫  )     —     josephine’s  life  between  scotland  and  strathmore  is  vague  at  best,  other  than  she  moved  into  her  own  place  after  graduation  and  spent  a  year  working  in  london  before  her  first  year  at  strathmore  began  (  a  time  frame  that  puts  her  in  line  with  the  opals  first  year  /  immediately  pre  -  strathmore  prodigies  ).  a  bond  formed  from  a  chance  encounter  by  the  river’s  edge  one  summer  or  fall  evening,  two  strangers  simply  sharing  company  and  conversation  before  strathmore  or  the  society  or  life  had  the  chance  to  intervene.  one  meeting  turned  into  several,  someone  she  might  consider  one  of  her  first  friends  in  the  city  and  they  became  more  of  a  rock  in  her  life  than  she  would  ever  admit  to  them,  letting  her  forget  the  darkness  of  the  world  for  even  a  short  while.  perhaps  time,  and  strathmore  and  society  duties,  have  created  distance  between  them  that  they’re  not  sure  how  to  close.  not  in  a  bad  way,  of  course,  but  in  the  way  that  life  always  seems  to.
aesthetics  :  the  warm  glow  of  the  street  lamps  as  blue  skies  blossom  into  shades  of  flame,  shoulders  brushing  against  one  another  as  steps  fall  in  tandem,  quiet  laughter  that  melts  into  clamoring  of  the  crowd,  the  same  sense  of  ease  that  accompanies  picking  up  long  -  forgotten  novel,  secrets  shared  the  same  as  clandestine  smiles,  cobblestone  paths  that  lead  to  nowhere  in  particular,  the  twinkle  of  an  excited  gaze,  the  comforting  press  of  fingertips  into  the  crook  of  an  elbow,  a  collection  of  polaroids  tucked  away  like  perfect  memories.
𝒊𝒊.   𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒔   𝒘𝒆   𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕   𝒏𝒆𝒆𝒅   𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒉   𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓     ;     open  to  anyone  .
(  ❤  +  ❤  +  ❤  )     —     two  people  that,  under  any  other  (  or  relatively  normal  )  circumstances,  would  certainly  not  have  considered  themselves  friends.  but  recent  circumstances  have  brought  them  closer  and  they’ve  found  a  sort  of  solace  in  one  another.  separately,  they’ve  seemed  to  function  just  fine  on  their  own,  or  they’ve  simply  done  everything  they  can  to  keep  it  all  to  themselves.  perhaps  it’s  a  slow  -  burn  friendship,  they  didn’t  like  each  other  all  too  much  starting  out  or  simply  butt  heads  over  the  most  trivial  of  things,  but  they  slowly  grow  to  lean  on  each  other  for  small  things,  figuring  there  are  worse  people  to  rely  on.  or  perhaps  it’s  been  a  friendship  that’s  been  blossoming  slowly,  both  caring  a  great  deal  about  the  other  (  even  if  they  never  really  talk  about  it  )  &  who  they  trust  to  talk  about  secrets,  feelings,  the  society,  you  name  it  without  worrying  about  repercussions  or  what  they  may  think  of  them.  two  people  that  come  to  rely  on  each  other,  one  way  or  another,  and  will  do  anything  to  help  them  succeed.  platonic  twin  flames  who  know  each  other  almost  as  well  as,  if  not  better,  than  they  know  themselves.
aesthetics  :  pinky  promises  shared  in  an  empty  room,  waiting  with  baited  breath  as  quiet  confessions  are  offered,  hesitant  smiles,  hours  of  long  conversation  that  slip  into  comfortable  silence,  trusting  someone  to  keep  a  secret  you  would’ve  taken  to  the  grave,  arms  embraced  in  a  hug  that  borders  on  almost  too  tight,  a  knock  on  your  bedroom  door  at  two  am,  long  night  drives  with  no  destination  in  mind,  shared  blankets  under  a  starry  sky.
𝒊𝒊𝒊.   𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕   𝒕𝒐𝒐   𝒔𝒐𝒇𝒕   𝒇𝒐𝒓   𝒄𝒓𝒖𝒆𝒍   𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔     ;     open  to  anyone  .
(  ✧  /  reversed  )     —     josephine  is  truly  soft  -  hearted,  down  to  her  very  core,  and  is  often  far  too  kind  and  compassionate  for  her  own  good.  she  chooses  to  see  the  best  in  people,  even  if  it’s  not  always  there.  that  being  said,  they  aren’t  being  friendly  just  for  the  sake  of  being  friendly  and  whatever  sort  of  ‘  friendship  ‘  they  have  is  formed  for  the  sake  this  person’s  own  gain,  be  it  academically,  as  a  bit  of  romantic  payback,  or  even  because  they  feel  she  can  benefit  their  growth  in  the  society.  there’s  a  lot  of  room  for  creative  liberties  here  (  and  plenty  of  angst,  if  we  wanted  ),  but  i  think  it  would  do  her  some  good  to  face  the  truth  behind  typical  rose  -  colored  glasses,  even  if  she’s  completely  oblivious  to  it  for  now,  for  a  while  ?  forever  ?  perhaps  she  knows  but  will  simply  pretend  she  does  not  see  because  she’d  rather  live  in  the  illusion  than  face  the  truth.
aesthetics  :  smiles  that  do  not  quite  reach  the  eyes,  lies  veiled  beneath  honeyed  tones,  the  steady  rapping  of  raindrops  on  window  panes,  gifted  roses  already  on  the  verge  of  wilting,  bribes  offered  in  the  way  of  i  -  owe  -  you’s,  rain  check  texts  one  hour  after  a  read  message,  the  slip  of  smoke  through  outstretched  fingers,  large  sunglasses  shielding  disinterested  gaze,  company  offered  out  of  convenience  rather  than  genuine  desire,  the  dying  embers  of  a  flickering  flame.
𝒊𝒗.   𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕   𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆   𝒃𝒖𝒕   𝒕𝒉𝒆   𝒘𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒈   𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆     ;     taken  .
(  ♫  +  ❤  )     —    two  people  that  dance  a  fine  line  together,  and  perhaps  they’ve  been  dancing  it  since  the  beginning  of  her  first  year  up  to  joining  the  society  (  or  maybe  they  still  are  ).  push  and  pull,  always  like  two  moths  to  a  flame,  this  connection  is  the  prime  example  of  what  could  be  if  life  wasn’t  in  the  way.  the  two  have  obvious  chemistry,  but  there’s  something  that’s  keeping  them  from  being  together  -  could  be  the  society,  their  parents  or  friends,  or  some  other  outside  influence.  physical  or  emotional  boundaries  aside,  they  are  the  epitome  of  the  right  place  at  the  wrong  time  and  perhaps  they’d  be  together  if  they  could  but  instead  they  fight  against  it,  flirting  the  line  of  you  could  be  mine  and  it’s  just  not  the  time.  perhaps  they’ve  already  put  it  behind  them,  but  they  both  just  have  that  knowledge  that  in  another  life.
aesthetics  :   fleeting  glances  shared  across  a  crowded  room,  grazing  fingertips  in  a  fleeting  touch,  the  lingering  tendrils  of  darkness  in  the  break  of  dawn,  the  way  the  moon  controls  the  tides,  harmless  invitations  for  coffee  that  grows  cold  in  conversation  lapses,  knowing  coffee  orders  like  the  back  of  your  hand,  shared  smiles  hidden  in  the  crooks  of  necks,  faded  photographs  of  a  simpler  time,  handwritten  notes  tucked  neatly  between  book  pages.
𝒗.   𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆   𝒘𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒔   𝒘𝒆   𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆   𝒄𝒓𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈   𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒏     ;     open  to  anyone  /  one  -  two  people  .
josephine  tends  to  her  friendships  like  a  neat  little  garden,  cares  so  wholly  for  each  of  them  in  their  own  special  way.  but  in  light  of  recent  events  (  and  moving  forward  amidst  a  still  missing  society  member  ),  it  only  makes  sense  for  a  couple  of  her  close  relationships  to  start  fraying  at  the  seams.  whether  they  consider  them  friends  is  neither  here  nor  there,  she’s  taken  to  applying  that  term  to  pretty  much  everyone  in  the  society,  truly.  their  friendship  is  well  on  its  way  to  dissolving,  or  at  least  a  very  close  breaking  point,  whether  it  be  because  of  the  stress  of  everything  going  on  (  or  went  on  or  will  go  on  ),  or  they  feel  that  she’s  somehow  betrayed  their  trust  in  some  way  (  could  be  trivial,  could  be  completely  valid  ),  or  perhaps  they’ve  come  to  learn  that  she’s  played  a  part  in  previous  disruptive  rule  breaking.
aesthetics  :  fraying  ends  of  a  friendship  bracelet,  the  bitter  taste  of  black  coffee,  dark  bags  under  tired  eyes  (  no,  they’re  not  prada  ),  the  ache  of  a  disappointed  gaze,  the  torn  pages  of  an  old  notebook,  waves  cresting  the  shore  to  simply  retreat  again,  empty  roads  at  4am,  a  table  for  two  but  party  of  one,  the  crinkling  static  of  a  tv  left  on  too  long,  four  missed  calls  and  a  ‘  we  need  to  talk  ‘  text,  curtains  drawn  in  once  familiar  windows.
𝒗𝒊.   𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆'𝒔   𝒕𝒐   𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕   𝒖𝒔𝒆𝒅   𝒕𝒐   𝒃𝒆     ;     taken.
the  two  had  dated  previously,  prior  to  either  of  them  joining  the  society.  whether  it  happened  during  her  teen  years,  the  lull  between  life  and  strathmore,  or  right  up  to  their  time  in  the  society  -  it’s  very  much  open  -  ended.  josephine  has  always  loved  too  deeply,  and  it  could  have  been  their  downfall  or  what  had  kept  them  together  as  long  as  they  were.  i  imagine  they  didn’t  end  on  the  best  of  terms,  but  she  still  cares  deeply  for  them  and  their  well  -  being,  regardless  of  where  they  stand  now,  and  perhaps  there’s  lingering  feelings  that  they  both  simply  deny.
aesthetics  :  tba.
𝒗𝒊𝒊.   𝒘𝒆   𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒆   𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓   𝒐𝒇𝒇   𝒂𝒔   𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔    ;     open  to  anyone.
someone  that  josephine  has  history  with;  either  they’ve  kissed  or  hooked  up  a  few  times,  or  just  went  on  a  couple  casual  dates  but  there  was  nothing  ever  really  there.  no  hard  feelings  at  all,  they  mutually  decided  there  was  nothing  between  them  and  they  were  better  off  as  actual  just  friends.  they’re  probably  pretty  close  because  of  the  fact  and  it’s  just  something  that  they  joke  about  now.
aesthetics  :  tba.
𝒗𝒊𝒊𝒊.   𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆   𝒈𝒐𝒏𝒆   𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉   𝒕𝒉𝒆   𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈   𝒔𝒖𝒏    ;     open  to  anyone.
they  were  sleeping  together  out  of  convenience  at  some  point,  perhaps  they’d  turn  to  each  other  on  a  lonely  night  or  they’re  hanging  out  and  they  don’t  mean  for  it  to  happen,  but  they  end  up  tangled  together  in  one  of  their  rooms,  gone  in  the  early  hours  of  the  morning  before  the  other  ways.  or  perhaps  it  was  a  one  or  two  time  thing,  a  moment  of  weakness  or  split  decision  that  they  pretend  didn’t  happen.  truly  no  strings  attached,  neither  of  them  expecting  anything  from  the  other  because  it’s  not  supposed  to  mean  anything,  so  they’re  always  gone  by  morning,  before  anyone  can  see  them,  because  there’s  nothing  casual  about  deep  conversations  when  you’re  half  -  asleep,  bodies  pressed  together  and  hands  intertwined.
aesthetics  :  tba.
☆   𝒃𝒐𝒏𝒖𝒔   ☆     ;     aka  a  collection  of  six  -  word  stories  /  musings  that  would  also  be  fun  plots  but  i  simply  did  not  have  the  brain  cells  to  type  up  .
i.   𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍   𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉   𝒎𝒆   𝒊𝒏   𝒎𝒚   𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎𝒔   ;   ii.   𝒚𝒐𝒖   𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕   𝒔𝒂𝒗𝒆   𝒎𝒆   𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎   𝒎𝒚𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒇   ;   iii.   𝒊   𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒕   𝒎𝒚𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒇   𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈   𝒕𝒉𝒆   𝒘𝒂𝒚   ;   iv.   𝒚𝒐𝒖   𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅   𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘   𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓,   𝒅𝒐   𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓   ;   v.   𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆   𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒔   𝒊𝒏   𝒔𝒆𝒆𝒅𝒔   𝒐𝒇   𝒅𝒐𝒖𝒃𝒕   ;   vi.   𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏   𝒊   𝒔𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒈,   𝒊   𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕   𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒔   ;   vii.   𝒕𝒘𝒐   𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒔   𝒐𝒇   𝒕𝒉𝒆   𝒔𝒂𝒎𝒆   𝒄𝒐𝒊𝒏   ;   viii.   𝒊𝒇   𝒘𝒆   𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕   𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍   𝒕𝒉𝒆   𝒔𝒂𝒎𝒆   ;   ix.   𝒊   𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅   𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒕   𝒊𝒏   𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓   𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒂𝒏𝒚     .
this  +  this  +  this  +  this  +  this  .
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soranihimawari · 4 years
Constellations & Whistles
Just when you thought I was done, I am back at it again with another ficlet. This one features a Yamaguchi, Hitoka, and the rest of the Karasuno team. Heehee
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Of all things in this world, nothing brought you more peace than staring up at the skies with all their history displayed for you to study. You were often seen at the apartment complex outside of your neighborhood with a telescope and star charts because you claim the stars never shine the way they want to because they were lonely. More often than not, you chose this particular hobby over the intent of making friends. Sometimes not everyone wanted to be enamored by the heavens, yet you were fearless in your pursuit of mapping the stars. 
This course did not change the fact that you were a first year attending one of Miyagi’s powerhouse schools of old times. You were often seen in the last row of your class during your break periods reading about the stars and dreaming of the day a comet would dance across the atmosphere leaving behind an array of colours. 
“And all I’m saying is that it takes literal lightyears to reach the next galaxy,” one of your classmates says one rainy afternoon.
“Shh,not so loud, she might hear you,” the other person who sat adjacent to him said pointing at you subtly.
“Light years, huh?” you hum quietly, scratching the surface of your journal with the shorthand calculations of theories on how to actually get to the neighboring star system. Although you were alienated by your love of what lies beyond, making friends with one person in your class wasn’t so bad. Hitoka and you were close enough in age, however when you both found out you were going to be classmates in your first year, you both let out a sigh of relief. Yet, ever since she had begun her duties with being the volleyball team’s co-manager, you saw her less, but it was understandable. You still talk every once in a while in person, until one day Hitoka asks you to stop by the gym later since you haven’t been formerly introduced to any of her new friends.
“Hitoka, you don’t have to do that. I’ll be fine,” you say when you gather your books into your bag. 
“It’s no trouble,” Hitoka replies as she fidgets with her hair clip. “I already asked the other members of the team including Shizumi-senpai.”
“If you say so.”
“It’s fine, Yacchan,honest. The stars will always be there to keep us company on the walk home I suppose.“
Hitoka squealed as she gave you a hug and mentioned that you wouldn’t regret it. She let you know to wait after classes had concluded later on until she arrived at your classroom wearing her team jacket. Due to an earlier accident at the expense of the art club’s terpentine mixup  staining your uniform, you returned from the vice principal’s office wearing a boy’s uniform.
“Unbelievable,” Hitoka says when she sees you in the boys’ uniform for their school. She handed you a hair tie and watched you tie your hair back in a ponytail. 
“I knew you didn’t like the skirt option much, but isn’t this a bit extreme...?”
“I think I look just fine, Yacchan. Besides, don’t you think I look dashing in it?”
You shake your head exchanging a laugh with your friend as you sling your bag over your unbuttoned jacket. Your golden hued undershirt poked through with a cheeky grin.
“Sunflower day, huh?” Hitoka mused, poking fun at your choice of colours.
“I’ll have you know that I love sunflowers. Besides, it makes the inseam of the jacket a little more lively?”
“Yeah, it actually does. Let’s go, we’re running a little behind anyways.”
The noise was surely something ripped out of the chaotic birth of the big bang. Yelling and screaming by the team usually caused squabbles to break out between the boys. Shizum-san was already having a tough time trying to reel the boys into focus until Hitoka showed up with you in tow. Granted, you were a little taller than both of the managers by a few centimetres, but that wasn’t the only difference. 
“What did I miss?” Hitoka asked once the noise seemed to reduce by a notch or two. You stood by idly observing the room around you. It felt weird being in someone else’s universe which is the closest thing you could relate to seeing the club practice.
From left to right you were able to match the descriptions Hitoka gave you of each members of the team: the third years along with the manager had a sense of controlling their chaotic juniors with certain manneurisms, the second years were the masters of shit-talking and proud members of the protect manager-sama at all costs, and the first years were just adding to the anarchy that made the team uniquely balanced to a degree.
“Quicks being practiced and,” Shizumi paused when she glanced over at you. “I’m sure they forgot about you bringing your friend, Yachi-san.”
“If you want, I could leave?” you offered. In your defense, you didn’t seek to intrude. That and you were dressed in the wrong uniform, but it worked in your favor because none of the guys seemed to notice. 
“Wait, Yacchan brought a friend?” The silver haired senior was the first to acknowledge your presence. He waved before coming over to introduce himself to you. The rest of the team seemed to pause all further activity at the moment the vice captain name checked; suddenly you were eclipsed by the athletes. 
“Suga-Senpai, this is Delta,” Hitoka says, pushing you forward a little. “Delta, Suga-San.”
“Hello,” you greeted with a small smile. “Nice to meet you.” 
“Were you the student the art club accident happened to?�� Sugawara asked, his inquisitive stare gave you a once over. At the mention of what happened to you a few hours prior, you give a brief explanation earning you a few adoring sweet calls from the second year members. You bop your head along with the way of the flow of conversation.
“Woah, she’s really cute Hitoka,” a bold colored hair member said coming up next to his senior. “I’m Hinata, this blueberry grumpy guy is Kageyama.” 
“Little giant, right?” you whispered to Hitoka who nodded. The rest of the team rambunctiously introduced themselves to you shortly thereafter (Tanaka, Noya, Enno, Narita, Sawamura, Azumane, Tsukkishima, and Yamaguchi [the last of which you found the most intriguing to you]).
“Now you know all of us,” Sugawara began. “All we know about you is from what Yacchan told us.” 
“Ah, I see,” you said. Opening your school bag, you retrieve a small notebook with a navy color and lilac spine and a ballpoint gel pen. “Do you believe a man can change his stars?”
Shizumi and Hitoka exchanged a mutual glance with approving nods. The charming question you posed allowed a certain freckled member to speak up.
“Yes,” Yamaguchi’s shaky voice answered. His eyes darted away from you to focus elsewhere, although he did see you around campus with this calm focused look in your eyes. A few times though, he thought it was strange that you never really were spotted with any other classmates and one day he overheard a rumor about the singular first girl with an affinity to map the galaxies.
What Hitoka didn’t mention was the fact she was a bit concerned you had a difficult time making friends. You seemed so odd even the loners kept away from your genius. Hitoka made your acquaintance by sharing her sidewalk chalk with you during recess. You were a bit wild but through the years, Hitoka and you became close via summer break where you found out you were both heading to Karasuno. One person was all you needed, or so you thought. New experiences was where Hitoka took her cue to introduce you to the members of her club.
“Hey, are you guys busy?” Hitoka asked one morning right before their morning sessions were drawing to a close.
“What’s up Yacchan?” Tanaka asked his kouhai. Hitoka played with her hands for a little bit before taking a deep breath; she explained her concerns about an old friend of hers who didn’t really seem to fit in and was the occasional victim of rude conversations about her hobby. 
“So, what you’re saying is that you want to bring Delta-chan to one of our afternoon practices?” Sawamura asked, his arms folded over his chest. He closed his eyes and Sugawara nodded along. Those two would love to help your friend with cause. 
“I don’t see why not,” Shizumi spoke on their behalf. “I already spoke to Takeda-sensei so we can do it tomorrow. Ok?”
“Yamaguchi, right?” you continue with the mini-lesson. He nods as you walk up toward where he was standing (ever close to his best friend, Tsukkishima). “Then don’t be afraid to change your trajectory.” You pick up a spare ball and hand it to him. The subtlety in your manner of speaking caused your fellow first year to realize that perhaps, just this once, he might believe in love at first meeting. 
Once practice began to wrap up, you seemed glad you accepted Hitoka’s invitation. The boys were respectful and loyal to a fault; it was like all the senpais suddenly took a silent vow to protect you as though you were the kid sister of their team. If Shizumi-san was a goddess, then you and Hitoka were her compatriots from that day on.
“Thank you,” the sing-song lilt in your voice was something only you let Hitoka see. Yamaguchi and Tsukkishima were the ones close enough to hear you talk to Hitoka.  “I had fun.”
“Seems like you aren’t the only one,” Hitoka mentions off hand her eyes wandering around the gym where their senpais were having trouble separating Kageyama from Hinata. You, on the other hand, had a better idea inspired by the way Kageyama was calling Hinata out for being a dumbass.
“Mind holding this for me Yamaguchi-kun?” you asked, handing him your notebook from earlier. 
“Sure,” he says (the pinch server would tell you later he loved the way your timid demeanor took a backseat when the squabbling reached its apex).
“Good luck trying to separate them,” Tsukkishima scoffs. 
“Hitoka, cover your ears,” you instructed with an exasperated glance.
You make finger guns with both of your hands and licked your lips prior to placing them in your mouth. The high-pitched wolf whistle you made echoed throughout the gym dispelling all parties involved to separate from each other. 
“I like this one,” their captain said, clasping his hands together. “Bring her here more often, ok Hitoka-chan?”
“Y-yes sir!” Hitoka answered with a smile. “C’mon Delta, Shizumi said we were good to go on ahead.”
“Mmkay,” you said. “Thanks for holding my materials Yamaguchi. See you guys later boys.”
You give a small salute to the crows & you take your leave with Hitoka chatting about stopping by to pick up some ice pops at the convenience store down the street. 
“The Perseus constellation should be at it’s brightest tonight! I just have to get access to the rooftop again.”
“Delta, you used the fire escape last time, isn’t that a little dangerous?” Hitoka’s concern was made apparent as she walked behind you with her bag in tow.
“Not if it gets me to touch the sky,” you say with a dreamlike tone. 
When you and Hitoka disappeared out of earshot, Yamaguchi’s smile didn’t go away as stealthily as he had hoped. Tsukkishima and Shizumi walked a little closer to the pinch server; of all times for his best friend to form a liking was right after she let him skim through her journal. Whatever Hitoka’s intentions were with bringing Delta with her to practice that day, albeit being the subject of many campus rumors (within your year), you proved your worth all on your own.
“You like her, Yamaguchi,” Shizumi mentioned quietly to him. Tsukkishima places his hand on Yamaguchi’s shoulder knowing he needed a little encouragement.
“She reminds me of you when we were younger; a bit more louder, that’s for sure,” Tsukkishima says.
His typical smug attitude softened a bit due to the fact Delta might have also made an impression on him as well (considering the wolf whistle can be used as a threat if his teammates were getting too noisy).
“Sorry Tsukki,” Yamaguchi said. He placed a hand behind his neck and bowed. “Is this what it feels like to like someone new?”
“Probably,” Shizumi says. “This might be a good thing for you too. Let's go help the others clean up.”
Tsukkishima nodded. He adjusted his glasses. “You could ask her out to study next time we have an exam coming up...”
Yamaguchi breathed a sigh of relief, deciding to ask you for your number tomorrow (or at the very least ask Hitoka for it on his behalf).
next >Confessions & Kiss>
14 notes · View notes
allthewayforbgs · 6 years
Awkward Silence
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Word Count: 4,000
Summary: So maybe you’re in love with your best friend. And maybe telling him you hate his girlfriend isn’t the best time to tell him how you feel. 
Spearmint. Chris Bang always smelled like spearmint, clean and refreshing. It was a scent that you had become unable to disassociate from your best friend. Hours spent in his room while he wrote and you did your homework, the lingering scent of it on your clothes after a too long, too tight but somehow not tight enough bear hug. It was a comforting scent, his arm over your shoulder as he listened to you rant on his front steps, as he gave you his shoulder to cry on after an awful breakup, a college or internship rejection letter, homesickness. Spearmint was Chris Bang and Chris Bang was home.
Of course, you would never tell him any of this. You liked to believe that he knew how much you cared about him and that just being together, being around each other in the way that the two of you always were would show him how important he was. But you also believed that saying it would carry too much weight.
Your mutual friend, Woojin, had caught onto it before you had. The three of you had made a habit of meeting for coffee in the mornings before work or class or Chris’ long studio hours with the rest of 3RACHA. Chris had gone off to order you all’s drinks—he was in a good mood because their newest mixtape had gotten the most streams out of any of their other project—and you hadn’t noticed that you were watching him. Or rather, you hadn’t noticed how obvious it was.
Woojin chuckled slightly and waved a hand in front of your face to pull your attention away from Chris. “So,” he said, a knowing grin on his face, “how long have you been in love with him?”
Your breath caught in your throat and your eyes widened at the sudden question. Love? You? Chris? That was ridiculous. How could you ever love someone as loud and goofy as Chris, especially when you two had basically grown up together. There was no way. You tried to explain that to Woojin, but you were flustered and could barely put together a complete sentence. When Chris came back with your favorite drink and a few pastries, Woojin’s question was still lingering in your head.
Love? You? Chris? How long had it been?
After much pondering on your end—and a few distressed calls to your friend Minho—you decided that it would be best not to tell Chris. You had been friends for years and telling him would only ruin that. You decided that you would rather get over—you could get over it, right?—instead of possibly making your relationship with him awkward. You decided. Until you met Ava.
Chris had invited you to the studio to watch 3RACHA record a new song, partially because you were his best friend and he liked your feedback, but mostly because he liked watching how nervous Jisung got whenever you came around. Changbin was playing a new beat for you and Jisung was trying to find something to do that wasn’t staring at you or nervous rambling. Chris had been looking over the lyrics when his phone chimed. Checking the text, a large smile spread across his face.
“I’ll be right back, guys.”
You watched as he practically bounced out of the studio and laughed once the door was closed. “He has friends that aren’t us?” You asked jokingly.
“Oh, I’d say Ava is a little more than a friend,” Changbin smirked. You started to ask what he was talking about when Chris returned, arm slung around the waist of girl you hadn’t seen before. She was average height with long, black hair, brown eyes and a body most girls would kill for. When the two of them entered, they were laughing, some joke the rest of you weren’t in on.
“(Y/N),” Chris said, still laughing, “This is Ava, my new girlfriend.”
If you had doubted it before then, at that moment you knew you definitely had feelings for Chris because those words felt like bricks. They came at you in slow motion, but the impact was still rough, heavy and uncomfortable. He hadn’t mentioned anything about seeing someone, certainly no one that he liked enough to make his girlfriend. He was supposed to tell you everything; he always told you everything. You were taking too long to say something, and you were sure that the expression on your face wasn’t the one Chris had been expecting. Changbin nudged you lightly.
“Uh, wow. It’s really nice to meet you.”
“A girlfriend, Minho! He has a girlfriend!”
You were pacing around your room, kind of cleaning but mostly just moving things from one pile of mess to another. You couldn’t focus. Your laptop sat on your desk, video chat open with Minho who watched you, slightly amused and slightly concerned as you moved around your room.
“So you’ve said at least three different times,” he said. “I’m sorry, I thought we had agreed that you were just going to leave it alone. Why do you care that he has a girlfriend?”
You stopped, hanging up the jacket you were holding before plopping down in your desk chair. “This is and isn’t about me having a crush on him.”
“I wouldn’t call being in love with someone a crush, but please continue.”
“ANYWAY,” you said, rolling your eyes, it’s not just about that. It’s the fact that he never once mentioned this girl. Like, okay, am I upset that he’s with someone else? Maybe.”
Minho muttered a “definitely” under his breath, but you ignored him.
“But I’m more upset that he didn’t tell me about her when we’re supposed to be best friends. I mean, he’s never kept any of his old relationships from me, so why couldn’t he tell me about little miss Gangnam?”
“Are you mad they’re dating or are you mad that she lives in Gangnam?”
“BOTH.” You sighed. “I’m just scared that we’ll end up drifting apart whether I tell him about my feelings or not…”
Over the next couple weeks, this became less of a fear and more of a reality. Chris had started skipping your morning meetups to spend time with Ava before she had to go to class and, when he did show up, he had either brought her in tow or the conversation seemed to center around how amazing she was or their latest date. And you wanted to be happy for him, you were trying your best, honestly. But you couldn’t say you didn’t miss how things had been before.
It was Changbin and Jisung who invented you to their showcase. Chris had somehow forgot to mention it. The other boys attributed it to nerves and how busy he was getting everything together. It was nothing big since they were still starting out, a gig at a local bar, but they were all excited because it was theirs. They were headlining their first show and, even if it was a hole in the wall venue, nothing could take that excitement away from them.
You and Woojin showed up early, Woojin helping with tech and you giving your best pep talks. Jisung blushed furiously when you told him you were proud of him and ruffled his hair. Combing his hair back into place with his fingers, Jisung muttered, “Cut it out” through his smile. Chris sat on the edge of the stage, running lyrics. You could tell from his posture that he was nervous and was probably scolding himself for a slip of the tongue or skipped syllable. You hadn’t seen him like this since the high school talent show. You wanted to go over to him, give him a hug and tell him to breathe, that no matter what happened tonight he was still one of the best artists out right now and, if he didn’t believe you, soundcloud and twitter could gladly confirm. But just as you were getting ready to head over there, Ava came bounding through the door, throwing herself into his arms. Sighing, you turned back to Jisung and Changbin and told them you were going to the bathroom before the show started.
As you were heading back to the stage, you could hear laughing coming from the hallway. Ava was leaning against the wall, on her phone. “No, of course not, have you seen the kid? He’s cute, but definitely not my type.”
You froze.
“He’s getting all sorts of press because of his music, but that’s basically the only attractive thing about him. For the few weeks that we’ve been hanging out, I’ve already gained like a thousand Instagram followers. His brand goes up and so does mine.”
The realization that she was talking about Chris left you with a strange taste in your mouth. On the one hand, you were glad your intuition about her being awful hadn’t just been fueled by jealousy. On the other, all you could think about was how crushed Chris would be when he found out. Regardless of how you felt about either one of them, he genuinely had feelings for this girl. And she didn’t give a shit about him.
Being CB97 was the only good thing about him? What about his stuttered laugh when he’s embarrassed or the dimple that always forms in his lopsided smile? What about how caring he is and how he’ll do anything to make other people happy, even if it means embarrassing himself? What about his eyes and his hugs that are always too tight but never tight enough? What about him?
You were angry, but you couldn’t tell him this now, not when he was going on stage soon and this was his night. You would deal with this later. Storming past her, you could see the look of panic on Ava’s face. She knew that you had heard her. Quickly, she told whoever was on the line that she had to go and followed you.
“(Y/N), hey, wait.”
You turned on your heel, glaring at her. “What?”
She smiled but it was fake and overly sweet. “I just wanted to make sure you didn’t have the wrong idea about me.” Ava started to say something else, reaching out to hold your hand but you swatted her away.
“Thanks, but I think I’m a pretty good judge of character.”
Taking a couple deep breaths, you tried to push it from your mind. Right now, your friends needed you to be there for them.
Doors for the show opened at 6 and it was packed almost instantly, the bar filled with the low hum of people talking all at once. You managed to find Woojin and Minho at a table not far from the stage, two baskets of fries and a couple drinks spread out in front of them. You took a seat between the two of them.
“What’s wrong?” Minho asked almost as soon as you sat down. Aside from Chris, he was probably the person who knew you best in the whole world so, even though you looked completely fine to Woojin, Minho knew better. You smiled and told him not to worry about it.
“I’ll explain later. Right now..” You caught sight of Chris who was still very obviously nervous. He had turned his attention to nitpicking at the other boys clothes and microphones. “Right now, we just need to be here for them.”
Once the first few notes of Don Quixote started, the low hum erupted into cheers. You watched intently as 3RACHA performed. You had seen them in the studio several times, and you knew probably better than anyone how passionate these boys were about their music. But this was something completely different. These boys on stage were like different people: powerful, charming, flirty. They were leaving everything they had on the stage. The showcase ended with lots of thanks to the audience for attending and then a new song, the applause afterwards practically deafening. Even if no one else could see it, you knew that look on Chris’ face. That was the look of someone who’s dreams were coming true.
“I think I’m going to tell Ava that I love her.”
You had been unloading your dishwasher when he said it. It was absentminded, an offhand comment he made while scribbling in his notebook. You were caught off guard and ended up dropping the plate you were holding, the glass crashing against the floor, your hands still poised in the air as if you were still holding it.
“(Y/N), are you okay?” Chris jumped up and moved you away from the mess, sitting you down at your kitchen table before grabbing the broom. “You really have to be more careful. What if you had gotten hurt, huh?”
You watched as he cleaned up your mess and then closed the dishwasher. He sat down across from you, worry in his eyes. “Are you okay?”
Without blinking, you muttered, “You need to break up with Ava.”
Chris’ blinked a few times, confused, before asking, “I’m sorry, what?”
“I said, you need to break up with Ava.” There was more conviction in your voice the second time you said it.
“And, why would I do that?  I really like her, (Y/N).” Chris was speaking slowly, trying to get you to understand. “I think I do lo-“
“Don’t say it again.”
“I don’t understand. Why would I break up with someone who makes me happy?”
You bit your bottom lip, trying to put together your words. You needed to tell him the truth without sounding terrible. You needed him to understand that you were only trying to help him.
“She doesn’t care about the way you think she does…”
Chris laughed. “Come on. There’s no way that’s true. I mean, if she didn’t care about me, why would we have been spending all this time together? Why would she have asked me out?”
“Chris, she doesn’t care about you. She cares about CB97.”
“Ava isn’t who you think she is. She’s using CB97 for clout and I just don’t want you to get hurt because-“
Chris interrupted you, standing up from the table and grabbing his notebook. “The only person hurting me right now is you.”
“Wait, what?”
“Look, I get it. I’ve been spending a lot of time with Ava. Woojin told me you were upset that I was missing our morning coffee. I miss hanging out with you, too.” No. That look in his eyes. Was he disappointed in you? You couldn’t believe this. “But making up lies about my girlfriend just because you’re jealous? I never thought you would do something like that.”
You gasped in disbelief. “Did you just…Did you just call me a liar?” When he didn’t answer, you couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re joking, right? Chris we’ve been friends for like half our lives and I have never lied to you. Why the fuck would I start now? We’re supposed to be best friends.”
“Exactly.” He said. “We’re supposed to be best friends. So why can’t you just be happy for me that I found someone I want to be with?”
“Because she doesn’t want to be with you!” You were yelling. It wasn’t on purpose. You hated raising your voice. But you were angry and frustrated. Angry that this girl who didn’t give a shit about him was using him and coming between the two of you. Frustrated that he wasn’t able to see it. “At the showcase, she was bragging on the phone about how many followers she had gotten, how much her ‘brand’ had increased all because she knew you. Ava doesn’t care about you, Chris. I need you to listen to me.”
“You’re lying.” Chris said adamantly. “She didn’t even know I was CB97 when we met. There’s no way that’s true. Why are you so bent on getting me to break up with her?”
Twice. He had called you a liar twice. Why were you even having this argument? Why was it your job to tell him that his girlfriend was a piece of shit? Why were you so bent on getting him to break up with her? A small voice in your head said, “Because we’re best friends.” A louder voice, definitely not in your head, said “Because I love you.”
Chris froze and so did you. You had decided that you weren’t going to tell him. You were set on not telling him. And even if you had wanted to, you didn’t want it to be like this.
“Chris, I…”
He spoke over you, probably afraid that you were going to say it again. “I need to go.” And just like that, he was out of your apartment. You slid down in your chair, face in your hands. This wasn’t even close to how you had seen your day going.
Fighting with Chris was the worst feeling because, when you were upset, he was the first person you would always turn to. How could you do that when he was the reason you were upset? So, instead, you turned to Minho who asked no questions when you asked him to come over asap. A pizza, pint of ice cream and a few Disney movies later, you had told him the whole story and gotten everything out of your system. He listened and, despite a few wise cracks here and there, Minho didn’t judge you.
Once you were done, he said, “You need to talk to him. And before you say, ‘but Minho there’s no way I could’ or whatever else you’re gonna say, there isn’t an option.”
You sank down into the couch, a bag of your favorite chips in your lap. “I don’t even know what I would say to him. ‘Sorry I randomly confessed my love for you, but your girlfriend is still a piece of shit’?”
“Well, maybe not exactly like that, but basically.”
You groaned, falling over into Minho’s lap. “This is just so dumb. I can’t believe he made me out to be the bad guy because I was trying to protect him…”
“Can you blame him? I mean, if someone told you that me or Chris or Woojin were only pretending to be your friend, would you believe them right away?”
“Exactly.” He smiled down at you. “Sometimes it’s hard to listen to the truth when its something you don’t want to hear. But you need to talk to him. Sooner rather than later.”
“Yeah…But for now, I wanna watch Moana again.”
Despite Minho’s advice, it was another week before you saw Chris again. The other boys had caught onto the fact that the two of you weren’t speaking. Not in a “we’re both busy and just haven’t had time” way, but that the two of you legitimately weren’t speaking. Woojin noticed when you didn’t show up for coffee three days in a row. Jisung and Changbin noticed from the way Chris tensed up in the studio at the mention of your name. Even if they didn’t know what was going on, they knew they needed to intervene.
Jisung texted you asking you to meet him for lunch. You were hesitant but agreed to go since he hadn’t mentioned anyone else going. Of course, you should’ve known better. When you got to the restaurant, all of them were sitting together, Chris freezing midsentence when Changbin called you over. You were tempted to just leave but, between Woojin, Changbin and Jisung, you knew they would probably drag you back. The boys shuffled seats so that you were forced to sit directly across from Chris, but you looked at everyone but him.
“Jisung, I thought you said it was just going to be us.”
“Sorry…We just…We’re all worried about you two. So, we’re going to go over there,” Jisung pointed at a table not that far away from the one you all were currently sitting at. “And you two are going to talk this out.”
“And don’t even think about leaving until you do,” Woojin added. The three of them moved tables, Changbin letting you know that they were watching in case either of you tried to run. Sighing, you forced yourself to look at Chris.
“Ava and I broke up.” You weren’t sure what to say to that, but Chris didn’t give you a chance to say anything. “That same day, actually…not long after I left your place.”
His voice was ow and he sounded sad. Softly, you asked, “How come you didn’t say anything?”
Chris stared at you for a moment and, for some reason, you felt naked. Maybe because he had never looked at you like this or maybe because he never did acknowledge your confession. Even if you had gotten rejected, at least you would’ve known where to go from there.
“Do you have any idea how unfair you’re being?” he asked. Your eyes widened at the question.
“What? What do you mean?”
“(Y/N), we’ve known each other for like 7 years.”
“8, actually…” you interjected, and Chris couldn’t help but snicker a little.
“Fine. 8 years. And, in all that time, there was never any kind of clue that you thought of me as anything other than a friend.”
“In my defense, this was a fairly recent development…”
“You have no idea how unfair it is for me to have finally convinced myself that I was over my feelings for you.” Chris could see it on your face that you were going to interrupt him again, so he said, “Let me finish first. You have no idea how unfair it is for me to finally think ‘we can just be friends’ only for you to not only tell me that my girlfriend is using me but also that you’re in love with me.”
You had known that telling him that while he was in a relationship would put him in a tough spot and, you honestly hadn’t meant to say it. But it was too late now. He knew and now you both just had to deal with it.
“You were right about Ava…I’m sorry that I called you a liar and for very actively avoiding you this past week. But I had a lot I needed to think about.”
“I know…and I am sorry for just dumping that on you then. I was just frustrated and it slipped out. But we can just pretend I never said it.”
Being around Chris had always felt comforting but, right now, you had never felt so vulnerable.
“What if I don’t want to do that?” Chris asked.
“Then what?”
Chris sat up a bit in his seat and reached across the table to hold your hand. His skin was warm and soft against yours. “Then we can figure out what that means for us.” Us. The word felt weighted and a little scary, but the small grin on Chris’ face made you relax. “Although, I do have one condition.”
“What’s that?”
“I want to hear you say it again.”
It took you a second to realize what ‘it’ was. When you made the connection, you felt your ears and cheeks heat up with embarrassment at the sudden realization that the rest of your friends were still watching the two of you.
“Come on, not in front of the kids,” you whined. Chris just laughed and gave your hand a squeeze.
“Nope, definitely in front of the kids. I want to hear you say it.”
You glanced over at the other table where the other boys were grinning and watching the two of you intently. Turning your attention back to Chris and let out a deep breath.
“I love you.
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gehlien · 6 years
eremin | soulmate AU | 2,4k | fluff, mutual pining & happy ending
Eren Jaeger had a simple ‘hi’ written on his wrist, aka the blandest thing the universe could come up with for him.
He couldn’t count the amount of mini heart attacks he’d experienced every time someone introduced themselves to him. The sudden leap from being hopeful to feeling disappointed always left a dry taste in his mouth. To prevent such situations, every time he heard ‘hi’ he would respond with some stupid sayings or random facts about marine life. Thanks to this he got plenty of weirded-out acquaintances, but no soulmate, because apparently no one had ‘I sexually identify as an alien’ tattooed on their skin.
Also, his sudden crush on his best friend Armin wasn’t helping at all. Because they were never supposed to work out. At least that’s what the experts said.
As opposed to Eren, the universe cursed Armin with the most bizarre soulmate mark it could offer. Many people had snorted their noodles out of their noses upon discovering it, others had made some silly remarks about it being kinky. Their reactions were totally understandable and justified, because how many people have ‘daddy’ forever carved onto their skin? A very exposed piece of skin, on top of that.
Another discouraging thing was the fact that all of their friends had already found their soulmate. In the case of Connie and Sasha, there was no room for misunderstanding, because each one of them had a very specific message on their skin. ‘Can I have your potatoes?’ and ‘Aren’t you afraid you’ll get too fat?’ are really hard to miss. Jean’s and Mikasa’a teetered on the edge of a casual exchange (‘Your hair is beautiful!’ followed by a simple ‘Thanks’), so it was a close call, but they managed to find themselves eventually, much to Eren’s displeasure.
“Come on, Armin, everyone knows what your mark says. You should stop wearing long sleeves to school,” Eren said, tugging at the hem of Armin’s shirt while they were on the bus.
“But the teachers have no idea,” he objected.
“If you’re so worried about it then you could cover it with another tattoo.”
“I’m not over eighteen yet.”
“You could get a written permission from you grandad?” Eren was one of these people who believed that finding a solution to a problem was always possible. As long as you also wanted to find it, of course. Which Armin seemed really reluctant to do.
“Maybe I’ll do it when I find my soulmate.”
“Why? Are you worried they won’t believe that it really says what is says?” It was supposed to be a genuine question, but came out as a snicker. “By the way, who the hell would be crazy enough to call you that in the first place? Probably some twat.”
“People these days are very cautious, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they wanted to check it. Which is understandable. I’d also want to be completely sure first before deciding to spend the rest of my life with one person,” said Armin, ignoring Eren’s second comment. “And that’s why you have to be three times as certain. In your case it’s even trickier.”
“I know,” he sighed. “Hi? This system is fucking stupid.”
“But accurate.”
“Who knows? Maybe there’s another person who’s so much better than your ‘soulmate’, but you’ll never know because you settled for what your wrist tattoo told you.”
Eren just couldn’t take it all at face value. Not when the love of his life was walking right beside him. It wouldn’t take a lot of effort to reach for the other boy’s hand. ‘Why can’t this be you?’ he thought, admiring Armin’s diminutive stature, his cute button nose, regal profile, and swaying blond bangs.
He looked at his tattoo, “I wish it said ‘Why don’t you ever fight back?’”. It was the first sentence he’d ever spoken to Armin and since then they’d always been on the same wavelength, no matter the circumstances. How could fate make such a grave mistake?
“I’m staying the night at Jean’s,” Mikasa said, stuffing her backpack with pyjamas and skin care products. “You can invite Armin over.”
“Does mom know?” Eren asked, propping his head on his hand. It was a sunny Friday evening, but he hadn’t got enough rest, so there he was lying flat on his stomach and scrolling through Facebook.
“Of course.”
“Use protection,” he whispered loud enough for her to hear. In turn, Mikasa threw a towel at his face. “Ew, I hope it never had anything to do with horseface’s body fluids.” He threw it back, and Mikasa caught it effortlessly.
“You wish.”
“Dude... you’re disgusting.”
He texted Armin that he was welcome to come over if he wanted. Armin didn’t let him down and agreed without second thoughts. Eren felt his soul ascend.
No other person in the world would ever be able to make him appreciate life as much as Armin. ‘They were perfect for each other’ didn’t even fit the description of how special their bond really was. But there existed a word that could.
Remember that person you thought about in superlatives only, who met all of your expectations, understood you like no one else, and on top of that had an adorable laugh? Whose only flaw was that they were off limits? That’s how Eren perceived his current situation.
Eren looked at his wrist with burning hatred. He wanted to cry, scream, and punch, but instead he looked at Mikasa with bland expression, defeated.
“Are you happy with Jean?”
Mikasa looked at him, her expression stunned, and put down her phone.
“Yes. Why are you asking?”
“Are you sure he’s the one for you?”
“Well...” She put some stray hair behind her ear in one graceful motion. “We’ve been together for a year now... And I have no complains so far. Actually, I’m happy it’s him.”
“Hm...,” he let out a soft grunt. “Thanks, Mikasa. Have fun.”
After she left the room Eren desperately tried to look up some phrases like ‘soulmate mistakes’ or ‘wrong soulmate assigned to me’, but all in vain. The system was foolproof.
The only results that kind of answered his query were extreme cases like premature deaths, murderers, no soulmate mark or more than one tattoo. All interesting, but did nothing to calm his nerves.
Armin came into his house in a simple black T-shirt, no long sleeves in sight, and Eren sighed with relief. Also, he couldn’t deny that Armin looked like a snack with his forearms exposed and collarbone peeking from behind the material. ‘Is this what people call thirsty?,’ he thought, standing up to grab some spare pillows.
They spent an eternity deciding on a show to watch. The laptop lying on Eren’s lap generated so much heat that in the middle of the movie he had to take off his tank top.
The moment he did it Armin said, “I would kill for an iced coffee.”
Eren sent him a suspicious glare. Was it a direct comment about his bare torso? He wished it was, but at the same time he didn’t allow himself to interrogate Armin more, because in the worst case he’d be outed as a desperate over-reactor.
“I was thinking about going to a night club,” Armin said immediately after the credits rolled on the screen.
“Huh? Why?” The picture of Armin in such a dilapidated, dirty location rubbed Eren up the wrong way.
“I think that’s the place where I’m the most likely to be called...you know, daddy. God, it sounds so stupid.” The fact that Armin still couldn’t openly discuss his mark made the situation even more amusing. Frustration looked funny on his face. “Why are you laughing?”
“It’s good to see that I’m not the only one who’s desperate,” Eren said, winking at him suggestively.
Armin snorted, but let it go.
“Well, all jokes aside, it’s high time we finally found them,” he sighed.
As it turned out later, the drastic measures Armin proposed weren’t needed at all.
A distinct sound of giggles lured them both downstairs, where they found Carla and Armin’s mum sitting on the couch and visibly out of breath.
Upon entering the room they exchanged concerned glances. What was the purpose of this weird meeting?
“Why are you so shocked?” asked Armin’s mum.
“Who told you that old women couldn’t have a girls’ night?” Carla barely kept her composure.
There was a bottle of wine, half empty, and it explained everything. Eren sighed with great pain and drank straight from it; so did Armin a moment later, except he only took a gulp.
“Oi, you’re still a baby!” Carla’s motherly instinct kicked in despite her silly state.
Eren stuck his tongue out and launched himself at the pillows next to Carla. She just waved at him dismissively. Armin plopped down next to his mother and she ruffled his pretty hair. ‘They’re like two peas in a pond,” Eren thought. If you compared their looks and body type, they were almost the same: short, slim, and blonde.
Only Armin’s eyes made a difference, beautiful, deep, and ocean-like. Simply mesmerising.
“What are you doing?” Armin asked, peeking with curiosity above his mother’s arm. That’s when Eren also noticed she was holding a box full of photos.
“We were just talking about what a pain in the neck you two were when you were little,” Carla huffed, crossing her arms on her chest.
“Always ready to fight...” Armin’s mum sighed, probably remembering some vivid details.
“...and Mikasa had to save you every time...”
“because someone couldn’t stop baiting flat earthers...”
Armin let out a nervous laugh. He looked at Eren and shrugged. It really was pretty dumb.
“...and someone couldn’t contain his aggression.” Carla pulled Eren’s ear, who in turn yodelled.
“We get it!” They both said at the same time.
Carla went through the photos and took one with Eren still in diapers. She smiled fondly before showing it to others. “You were cute though,” she said. “I can’t believe you are already sixteen.”
“Muuum,” Eren whined. He couldn’t believe she had forgotten. “I’m already seventeen.” He hoped it was a joke.
Carla’s hand stopped mid-air, her eyes filled with dread. She quickly concealed it and mouthed something to Armin’s mother, who in turn paled and nodded.
“Really?” Eren raised a brow. He wasn’t offended or anything like that, he was just surprised by his mother’s forgetfulness. She always remembered about other people’s birthdays.
“As if you remember how old I am,” she said in an attempt to redeem herself.
“Forty five?” It sounded more like a question than a statement.
“You hesitated.”
“But I’m right,” Eren argued. Carla didn’t respond. Without saying a word, she got up and started rummaging through a cardboard labelled “kids”, and finally found a VHS cassette. Eren hadn’t seen one in a long time.
“What is it for?” Armin asked, out of his depth. For the whole time he was just watching the situation unfold like a complete bystander.
“You’ll see,” she said with a mischievous smirk.
Armin looked at his mother, hoping she’d give them some clue, but she shushed him. They could only watch Carla as she set up an old VHS recorder. It didn’t seem to cooperate at first, but eventually it swallowed the cassette whole.
Eren was expecting something tooth rotting and embarrassing, and his fears came true. He was now facing his ten month old self with chubby cheeks and running nose.
“Smile at mummy! Eren, look!” Grisha pointed at Carla, who was hidden behind the camera. She giggled. “Mummy’s right here!” The kid finally looked at the camera with innocent curiosity.
“Not daddy. It’s mum! M-u-m,” he said it, prolonging every vowel. This time little Eren managed to reproduce the sound with his unique, childish accent.
“Aww.” Carla was in awe.
Off-screen the door let out a soft creak, and then footsteps could be heard. Armin’s mum appeared in the frame with long fair hair and a cute baby boy in tow.
“Oh, who’s that? It’s auntie and Armin” Grisha told excited Eren, who suddenly started wriggling in his arms, probably begging to be put down on the floor. Mister Jaeger compelled and another shot showed Eren sitting in front of Armin, who seemed very interested in his thin brown hair. Eren, on the other hand, couldn’t stop staring into his big azure eyes. Some things never change.
“Daddy,” he said suddenly.
Armin, of course, didn’t understand, but replied with a word of his own.
And then everything clicked into place.
Eren immediately found Armin’s eyes. They were looking back with delight.
“Does it mean what I think it means?” Eren asked, breathless. He felt as if a certain weight had been lifted.
“I can’t believe this...,” Armin said, and for a moment Eren’s heart stopped. Was he disappointed? Unsatisfied? “I’m so glad it’s you.”
If it weren’t for their mothers’ presence, Eren would jump into his arms and smother his face with kisses. One for every time he’d wanted to do that before. Unfortunately, he had to stay civil. At least for another while.
“I guess we’ll leave you boys to yourself?” Carla asked, visibly content with the outcome of this situation.
“Yeah.” Eren nodded. “Just one thing.”
“What is it?”
“Why have you kept this a secret for so long?” The question was also directed at Armin’s mum.
“Oh, honey...,” Carla sighed. “Would you rather I had told you when you were fourteen?”
“Yes. No.” Eren hesitated. “I don’t know.”
“Children this age have better things to worry about than falling in love.”
“We were worried it would change your relationship. And you weren’t ready for romance yet,” Armin’s mother added, getting up and dragging Carla behind her. “We’ll leave you alone for a while.”
“Remember about consent. It’s important.” Was the last thing Carla said before exiting the room, and later the house.
It’s awkward, Eren thought, seeing how Armin kept avoiding his gaze. He could relate; those weren’t the best circumstances to find out someone you had already spent half your life with was your legitimate soulmate. At the same time, he understood his mother’s decision to withhold this news. It wasn’t a coincidence that 98% of people found their significant others in high school or even later.
“I’ve had a crush on you since we started high school,” Eren said to loosen the atmosphere.
“I’ve had a crush on you since you punched Floch that time.”
“Holy shit, that’s long!”
“But I think I always knew. That it’s you, I mean.”
“And are you happy about this?”
“Of course.”
“You’re lying!”
“Have I ever lied to you, Eren?”
Eren smiled. “Never.” Trying not to act too obviously, he sat a little bit closer. “So, can I kiss you?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
Armin smiled and leaned in for a kiss, meeting Eren halfway.
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jeonghanniesfool · 6 years
jun | a chance to say goodbye
genre: angst to fluff
requested by: anon
pairing: jun x reader
words: 2,049
a/n: i took the liberty to try and write this one in paragraph form, i hope you don’t mind!! Requests are still open!
There was only one thing in the world with which you were certain. It wasn’t your name, your birthday, your height, your blood type. It wasn’t your own parents, your siblings, your relatives, your own knowledge, or your place in the world. It wasn’t even the certainty that you had two eyes on your face or ten fingers between your hands, or ten toes. It also wasn’t the certainty that you were alive and real in this world.
The one thing with which you were certain was that you and Jun were meant to be. Soulmates. Never to be broken apart. Tangled together by the red string of fate. Not even the sharpest blade could sever the tie that connected the two of you to the ends of the earth.
You knew this very fact from the moment Jun told you that he loved your smile, saying this with a large dorky smile shining from his face as well. It was then you knew he was the one and that your worlds were meant to cross like this, that it was fate the two of you met.
Your heart soared the day Jun asked you to be his lover, taking your hand in his, expressing his desire to be the one at your side. Of course, you accepted and you felt that the world had immediately brightened around you, hand in hand with the one you loved.
Your relationship was far from perfect. You both were well aware of each other’s tendencies, each other’s flaws, but it wasn’t much a problem, as you both had agreed to work through these issues, to be rid of the bad and only move forward with the good. 
Jun clung to you. He always wanted to make sure you were okay, that you were never hurt, that you were never sad, never stressed, never worried. But in turn, he took all of those worries and hurt and sadness onto himself, something didn’t want him to do, but nothing you said could prevent him from doing so. It only made you worry for him more. You knew that the stress would eventually overwhelm him, and his ever positive, never ending optimistic smile would eventually be shattered. That was the last thing you wanted to happen to him.
“Jun, one of these days this is going to kill you.”
“It’s okay, Y/N, I’m strong, you know that!! I just want to always see a smile on your face.”
“I always want to see a smile on your face too, Jun...”
At that, he smiled brightly at you, his puppy smile beaming from the sunken hollows of his face, worn from lack of sleep and stress. He squished your cheek and rubbed his hand against it affectionately.
“See? I’m smiling, I’m always smiling, you know that babe.” You smiled at him in return, but you couldn’t ignore the worry lines on his face and the strain behind his eyes.
You noticed that the stress was changing him. He wasn’t as patient as he was before. He was less willing to work through your problems, snapping at you, before immediately feeling guilty, apologizing profusely, then retreating to his room where he said he wouldn’t want to leave for fear of hurting you.
“I’m supposed to be the one preventing you from getting hurt, not the one hurting you.”
“Jun, it’s okay to have fights every now and then but we have to talk about it... Junnie, you’re tired and stressed, please share some of it with me, there’s only so much you can handle alone.”
“No, you go on living a happy life Y/N, that’s what I’m here for.”
But you knew that he was nearing his breaking point, he couldn’t go on for much longer like this. 
You were very close to Jun’s friends as well, as they always heard endless tales about you prior to you dating Jun, as Jun would gush about you 24/7. As you and Jun went your separate ways for school that morning, your classes started later, so you had arranged to meet with Jun’s best friend Minghao to express your concerns about Jun. 
“Y/N! We don’t talk very often, what’s going on that you needed to speak with me?” Minghao’s face was etched with concern. He knew that your trouble was with Jun, why else would you have invited him out for breakfast to have a chat? He loved his best friend endlessly and loved you just as much for giving Jun such an amazing life.
“It’s Jun... he keeps on taking on all my burdens, refusing to let me handle them on my own or at least sharing his own burdens with me so that I might help him lighten the load. He insists that he’s strong enough to handle all of them and that he can get through it and just wants me to be happy. But Minghao, he’s breaking, it’s becoming way too much for him. I want to make him see that or else he’s just going to self destruct. He’s going to harm himself in some way!” 
Tears had begun to roll down your cheeks as you expressed your worries to Jun’s kind best friend. Minghao didn’t like to see you cry. He reached out and gently wiped the tears from your face with a napkin.
“Jun really does love you, but he needs to see that you love him enough to care for him too and that he can’t handle everything by himself. A relationship is about mutual trust and effort...”
“Yeah... do you think you could talk to him for me, Minghao?”
“I could try, but I don’t know how much he’ll listen to me...”
“He’s at the end of his patience nowadays, barely keeping his emotions and temper in check when he speaks to me. Oh, I wish he would just tell me what’s wrong sometimes.”
Minghao took your hand and squeezed it reassuringly.
“I’m sure you can get through to him, Y/N, he loves you a lot.”
In one swift move, someone had grabbed your hand and pulled it clear from Minghao’s. You looked up in surprise to see your own boyfriend standing there, book bag in one hand, your hand in the other. His eyes looked back and forth between you and Minghao furiously, his face a mixture of anger, fear, annoyance, and betrayal. His hand slipped from your wrist to your hand and his fingers intertwined with yours.
“What is the meaning of this?”
He addressed no names, said no other words. His question hung in the thick air with purpose, his voice straining to keep calm, straining to keep from bursting out in anger, causing a scene in the restaurant. 
“Jun, sit down and calm down. We need to talk to you.” Minghao tried to get his best friend to sit and chat, but Jun would have none of it.
“About what, Minghao?? What do the two of you need to tell me?” He turned to you, his eyes full of sadness. “Y/N? What is the meaning of this? Why are you here with Minghao, my best friend? What are the two of you doing behind my back??”
“Jun, listen it’s not what you think-” You tried to get your words in but Jun tugged you to your feet and nodded curtly at Minghao.
“We’re leaving, I’ll talk to you later.” All you could do was send a helpless glance back at Minghao and hurry after Jun as he stormed out of the restaurant. The ride back home in his car was silent. 
Your thoughts were running a mile a minute, trying to come up with something, anything to say to Jun to make him calm down and listen to you explain that everything that was in his head right now was a misconception, a misunderstanding, that his emotions were getting the better of him. 
Upon entering the apartment you shared together, Jun dropped down onto the couch, staring at you with a look of defeat, of betrayal.
“Jun...” You reached out to take his hand but he wouldn’t let you.
“I love you so much, Y/N, you know that? I try my best to make you happy every day and to show you how much I love you by giving you the happiest life you could ever live. I never complain about how much I suffer because I would never ever want you to be upset or hurt. But you... you... Why did you hurt me like this? With my own best friend?? I- I love my best friend too and... I have always been happy that the two of you got along, and I was scared, I was so scared that you might one day love him more than me because he was always better, always smarter always stronger always more perfect. Day by day, all I could think of was that I wasn’t enough for you, so I kept trying to do more and more for you, and even though you told me you were happy, I-”
You reached out and pulled his larger frame into your arms. Reflexively, his arms wrapped around your waist. His sobs caused his staggering breaths as he held onto you tighter, his fear of losing you overwhelming him.
“I never wanted to tell you how much I feared losing you because I trusted you not to leave me, but as I sunk more and more into the feeling that I could never be good enough, I thought it was better that you should leave, even though I didn’t want you to...”
“I was going to let you have a chance to leave me tonight, Y/N... I don’t know why... I thought maybe you’d want freedom from someone like me... so I thought that if I loved you so much, I had to let you go, I had to let you have a chance to say goodbye....”
You smiled into Jun’s hair, your own tears dripping down. You hugged him close to you, loving the feeling of his body against your own, his warmth at your side was always a welcome thing. He felt so right in your arms, you knew that you were meant to be.
“Jun, there’s no one who is as perfect for me as you are. You’ve been carrying too much on your own, Junnie. I’m so so glad you’re finally talking to me about this.”
“You- you aren’t seeing Minghao, are you?”
“Jun, I want no one but you. Please let me carry some of your burdens, your feelings. I want to help you too. You want me to be free of struggles and burdens but you know that’s impossible. The most we can do for each other is lessen the burdens by sharing them between the two of us. And that means you too. I want to hear more about your struggles, I don’t want you to be carrying all these burdens inside of you as you have been doing up to this point.”
“Y/N.. I’m sorry for worrying you...”
“I love you. So please please promise me that you won’t keep all these things to yourself? Let me share your burdens and your troubles with you?”
Jun took a long shuddering breath, his mind finally clear of his fears as he held you in his arms. He knew that you were meant to be his till the end of the world, and that his fears would disappear as long as you were at his side.
“I love you too. From now on.. I promise, I promise we can share our troubles.”
He tangled his fingers in yours and pressed his forehead to yours. His eyes searched your face.
“I love you, Y/N, I’m sorry for being like this. I’m sorry for accusing you of cheating on me, you know I didn’t mean to...”
“I know, Jun, I know.”
“...do you think Minghao will understand?”
“He understands. You’ve been under a lot of stress, Junnie, but don’t do this to yourself anymore, okay?”
He smiled at you, his smile full of gratitude and love.
“What did I do to deserve you?” He laughed. He gently caressed your cheek and pressed a loving kiss to your lips.
“You were yourself, Junnie. You were yourself.”
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kpopeo-blog · 6 years
Prompt: He was your strength, your power. He was your soulmate, the one you were fated to be with, and you stuck to him until you couldn’t anymore.
oneshot // fluff // angst // 5k words // unedited
a/n: a silly little thing i wrote while also trying to cram my other requirements. it’s pointless, but i decided to post it, anyway. inspired by namjoon’s letter, even if i forgot about the main idea. i just remembered, “be that ‘him’, who is also strong.”
freshman year
“Yah, yah, stop it, Yoosung,” you said, swatting the boy away when he tried to feed you mushrooms, something you despised with your very being. He dropped the mushroom, thankfully, on his bowl. Your other friend, Hwaein, looked at you two with a big grin.
You got distracted by her suspiciously large grin, and when you opened your mouth to say something, some slimy thing was placed in your mouth, on your tongue, right where you can taste it. Almost immediately, you spit it out, trying to mask the taste with some coke. Hwaein and Yoosung burst out laughing at your reaction, and you glared at them.
“Ah, you guys are so annoying...” you muttered, wiping your mouth with a napkin.
“What was that, (Y/N)ie? How did the mushroom taste?” Hwaein asked in a teasing tone. You rolled your eyes at them, and stood up. The girl stopped laughing and her mouth formed a pout. “Aww, don't be so down. We were just joking.”
“I'm going to the comfort room,” you announced, and when you were halfway through the diner because for some reason, the comfort rooms were at the back, you collided into someone. Your face immediately hurt, and you rubbed your face while stuttering out apologies of your own.
“I'm so, so sorry, oh no... ” you said, checking if he had any spills on his body or any food he dropped. When you checked that there were none, you had looked up into his eyes. They were a gentle dark brown, and you could see that he was checking if you were injured or anything. You felt a slight spark when he met your eyes as well. “Are you okay?”
“I'm supposed to ask if you're okay,” he said, a small twinkle of something in his eyes. The words sounded familiar, and, when your brain was trying to remember, your sleeve rode up, the same words plastered on your wrist. His eyes shifted to your arm, and you followed his gaze. And suddenly, you remembered.
How could you even forget your own soulmate's first words to you?
“Ah—I...” you felt heat creep up your neck, and in no time, your cheeks were red. He probably memorized the words that were plastered onto his own wrist, unlike you. “I'm (L/N) (Y/N).”
“I'm Yoon Jeonghan,” he told you, a small smile adorning his face and making your heart flutter. You smiled back at him, and somehow, you knew that memories with him would be priceless. He seemed to be thinking of something else, until he finally spoke again. “Would you... like to get coffee this Saturday? Are you free by then?”
“Yeah, I would like that,” you said. Once the two of you exchanged numbers, you went back to your seat after going to the comfort room. Jeonghan was nowhere to be seen, and you conluded that he left. Yoosung prodded at you.
“You're glowing. What, did something happen?” he asked. Of course you looked like you were glowing, you just met your soulmate. And it was so...
“Dreamy. That's what I'll use to describe his eyes,” you said, taking a seat and looking out the window. Your mind drifted back to his eyes, his face, and the way he smiled. The butterflies in your stomach were making a mess again, and this time, it was finally because of your soulmate.
“What's gotten into you?” Hwaein asked, reaching from across the table to place a hand on your forehead. She raised an eyebrow at you. Your temperature seemed fine, but your eyes had a faraway look in them. And you were just describing someone's... eyes. She gasped. “No way. You met your soulmate, didn't you? Oh my god, she's not responding... Yoosung, she met the one!”
You met with Jeonghan that weekend as promised, in the cafe that served the best cinnamon rolls and had the best ambiance for meet-ups. It was like a dream-come-true, and your soulmate looked dashing. Apparently, he was a trainee at PLEDIS, and he even invited you to watch a show called Seventeen TV. You giggled at his advertisment.
“Okay, I'll be sure to watch it, Jeonghan-ssi,” you said, deciding to humor him and go along with it, but even you knew that when you got home, you'd be opening your laptop and looking for a show like that. It was somehow so easy to forget he was your soulmate, and you treated him like a new friend.
“You'll like seeing me on screen,” he said, once again shamelessly promoting himself. Under that gentle and caring demeanor, there was really just a guy who wanted to be pampered, too, and it made you feel special now that he was showing this side to you so quickly. Maybe it was because you were his one and only soulmate. “Hey, this is awkward... but I gotta go. I'll see you next week, maybe?”
Your freshman year ended with you and Jeonghan in giggles, with him presenting some gifts during Valentine's and you presenting him chocolates that weren't too sweet, as he liked, on White Day. By the end of the spring semester, you two would walk around with hands linked together and small, shy “I love you”s that were accompanied with blushes and the two of you would promise to see each other, despite the clashing schedules.
sophomore year
“How was class today?” Jeonghan asked as soon as you got beside him, smiling at you with those gentle and caring eyes that you grew to adore. You found his hand and squeezed it.
“It was alright, thank you,” you said, giving him a smile that rivalled his. You played with his hand while walking to your apartment, and you were suddenly confused as to why he was here. “Wait, aren't you supposed to be training right now? Why are you here? How did you pick me up at school? And why are we walking to my apartment?”
He stopped walking and he tapped on your nose. “Too many questions, (Y/N)ie. I'm given off-days from time to time, too, you know,” he said. He started walking again without warning, and you had to catch up to him by running. You tugged on the sleeve of his jacket that was perfect for the crisp autumn weather.
“I know this is such a downer, but it's almost midterms for the fall semester, and... I wanted some help, you know? Could you... help me some time?” you asked. You knew it was such a boring activity, and you immediately regretted asking him. Jeonghan was your boyfriend, not your classmate! You could've asked Hwaein, or--
“Of course,” he said, tilting his head that made him look so cute and endearing, but you also knew that he was probably curious about your expression right now. You had a tendency to display your feelings and emotions, and he might've sensed your hesitation. “What's wrong with that?”
“It's just that it's so boring, and it's probably a burden, anyway,” you said automatically, and you almost wanted to curl up into a ball. You didn't mean for your thoughts to get out, especially those ones. “I, uh, meant...”
He gripped your hand tightly. “Don't say that,” he said, a sad tone in his voice but you didn't really notice it. You were still too busy mulling over your mistake and his words startled you. “You're not a burden to me, and I enjoy being with you. Even if it's just studying. You have to study for your midterms, anyway. You enjoy that 4.0 GPA, and if you still want to, you have to study.”
“Thank you,” you said in a hushed tone, still too embarrassed to say anything else. He heard it, and he just held your hand tighter. He never wanted you to feel that you were a burden to him, or even just think about it.
A week after you asked him about, they were thankfully given more free time. The why always lingered in Jeonghan's thoughts, but he knew better than to question it. After all, it was more time to see you. He texted you, telling you that he was free and ready to review with you. You replied with a “Hannie! Oh, thank you so much! Let's meet up in front of the apartment, okay? I love you!” and he mentally read it with your voice.
As much as he was shy about it, your confessions made his heart pound and his words get all tangled up together, but he loved everything about it. He loved everything about you, he decided. He bought some food from the convenience store, and patiently wait for you in front of the apartment, like what you told him to do.
You eventually showed up, panting and gasping for air. He stood up from the bench he was sitting on, and he coaxed you into sitting with him. “I...ah! Ran all the way,” you confessed, giving him a proud smile. “'I'm fit now! I didn't want to keep you waiting.”
“Aish, you're not fit, you're exhausted,” he said, waiting for you to breathe normally before handing you a drink from the bag of food he had bought. “Here, drink some. When you're ready, let's go and study, hmm?”
During that study session, you told him about the annual Halloween party at your friend's house, and invited him. You two figured you would go in a couple costume, and the two of you were still thinking of what to wear after studying for midterms. A brilliant idea popped up into your head as Jeonghan was cooking dinner for both of you.
When you arrived at Sunhee's party, your friends couldn't help but applaud your choice: you were a blanket, and Jeonghan was a pillow. A concept that both of you appreciated because your love of sleeping was overwhelming. Saeyoung, a mutual friend of Yoosung and yourself, approached the two of you.
“Well, if it's isn't (Y/N)!” he greeted, a bag of the chips he loved so much in his hands. He recently came back from schooling abroad, but now that he was here, you were genuinely excited to see him. “Oh, it's your soulmate, too! I've only heard about him in calls with Yoosung.”
“Ha! He's even better in real life,” you said, momentarily forgetting that your boyfriend was right there. You were about to give him more comments when Jeonghan cleared his throat.
“I never knew you thought of me that way, (Y/N),” he teased, and you turned red from embarrassment. “Thank you.”
“Ick, don't do this in front of me,” Saeyoung said, feigning a disgusted face. “Chanmyeonnie hasn't arrived yet, so excuse me if I'm bitter,” and waltzed away, leaving you and Jeonghan alone in the crowd.
The sophomore year drew to an end when you studied for the spring midterms again, of course with Jeonghan, and you maintained that 4.00 GPA that you worked hard for. While you were proud of yourself, you were proud of Jeonghan, too, for sticking with you and tolerating you and your existence. Some soulmate he was.
junior year
You and Jeonghan spent less time with each other now, since he had officially made his debut with a group called Seventeen, and in no time, you were a fan. You always loved Jeonghan's voice, and now that he was becoming an idol himself, you felt as if you two had come a long way. You snapped out of your thoughts when Jeonghan's voice brought you back to life.
“Jagi?” he called out, his sleepy voice bringing you of out your own sleepy trance. “It's getting late already. Why don't I meet with you tomorrow, hm? You should get some sleep. I love you.”
You barely processed the words he had just said, but you did hear the last three words. You were on the verge of falling asleep again before you mumbled out a thick “I love you,” that was barely recognizeable. Jeonghan smiled at you fondly before saying “I love you” back and hanging up. Just as the screen of his laptop turned off, Joshua came into the room, lookking confused as to why Jeonghan was still awake when the latter was usually asleep.
“Jeonghan?” Joshua called out, making Jeonghan's head turn to his direction. “Was that (Y/N) just now?”
Jeonghan's mood darkened, knowing how Joshua would react to him talking to you. The company always urged Jeonghan to break up with you, pressuring him because it was always either you or his career. It just so happened that even Joshua would also tell him to stop seeing you. It hurt his heart everytime, but he always wanted to push the idea away and focus on both his career and you.
“You know what PLEDIS always says, Jeonghan,” Joshua said, crossing his arms and giving the boy on the bed a disappointed look. “And I don't know how I'd react to them kicking you out of the group because... because of her.”
“You don't understand, Joshua,” Jeonghan said, slowly getting his frustration and anger to build up. Angry at the company, angry at Joshua, and angry at the circumstances. “(Y/N)'s my soulmate. Even now, we have to see each other every now and then or else we'll get soulsick. She's my everything, can't you see? I love her, and you know that.”
“But you also love your career. You can't keep on avoiding it, Jeonghan. One day, the head will personally come here and tell you everything I've reminded you about,” Joshua retorted, turning his back on Jeonghan and finally exiting the room again. Jeonghan huffed. Why did he even come in there, anyway?
He thought back to Joshua's words. No. He did not want to stop seeing you, especially when you were a year closer to graduating. He wanted to be there when you graduated. He wanted to be there when you reached a milestone in life, and he wanted to be there to support your life after school. He wanted to continue being with you, his soulmate.
You were his soulmate after all, and he was yours. But was there a way to stop being soulsick when the two of you were away for so long?
Jeonghan shook his head, not even wanting to know the answer to that question, and quickly willed himself to sleep. Joshua hasn't even gotten the chance to meet his soulmate anyway, who was he to judge how it would feel to have a soulmate?
“(Y/N)ie! How are things going?” Saeyoung exclaimed, his arms linked with Chanmyeon's. The girl greeted you silently with a nod of her head, but she still smiled at you. Chanmyeon was an odd girl, usually quiet but she had the strangest things to say. Nevertheless, you took a liking to her, since she got Saeyoung out of a bad mood and always made him happy. The two were clearly soulmates.
“I'm fine, and I could see that you and Chanmyeon are doing well, too,” you cooed. You were waiting for Hwaein and Yoosung—they always took too long, damn it, but they'd always show up late with ruffled clothes and unruly hair. Saeyoung and you rolled your eyes at them, but Chanmyeon just blushed. “Huh, look at these two lovebirds. C'mon, we're going to miss the Christmas marathon the cinema is holding.”
“Why? Where's Jeonghan, anyway?” Hwaein asked. You felt your heart drop at the mention of the name, and the answer was stuck in your throat. He bailed out, said he was too busy, you wanted to say, but you knew better than to antagonize him in that way.
“He had to take care of some things,” even you cringed at the words, but you were quick to cover it up. “Don't worry, he said he'll be home by Christmas eve. He wouldn't miss Christmas with me for anything, you know.”
“You can always tell us if he's ignoring you, (Y/N),” Yoosung said. “Hwaein gets real angry whenever I ditch her, so I feel like you're angry and hurt, too. Our presence isn't as good as a soulmate's, but hey, at least we're here to cheer you up.”
You smiled at his offer, but you waved your hand as if to dismiss the topic. “It's really alright. Now, let's go see those movies!”
Jeonghan did appear on Christmas eve, but he seemed to be more distracted than ever. You didn't nag him about it, even though you were concerned, because you didn't want to be that clingy girlfriend. Eventually, though, you had to ask him about it.
Junior year ended with a faraway look in your boyfriend's eyes, and a doubting look in yours. However, you're not supposed to doubt him, since you were soulmates after all. The two of you were fated to be together, and you weren't as unlucky as the people who had soulmates that had passed away or had fallen in love with the wrong people. You were thankful for that, and you hoped he was, too.
senior year
To say you were stressed was an understatement. You were beyond just frazzled, and you were so close to pulling all your hair out when your professor squeezed in just another presentation last-minute the day before your oral defense for the thesis. You were close to tears, and even if Hwaein and Yoosung tried their best to console you, all you wanted were Jeonghan's comforting words.
Speaking of Jeonghan...
He still hasn't replied to your text that you sent a couple of hours ago, which was slowly becoming normal for both of you. Surprisingly, you weren't starting to get soulsick, unlike that time you didn't see him for two days and suddenly you felt sick. It was like your connection to Jeonghan was being ripped apart, piece by piece, and the worst thing was it wasn't even on top of your priorities now.
After all, it didn't seem like you were on top of priorities either. Seventeen was growing in popularity, and it would only make sense he's busy promoting and trying to balance a lot of things in his life. Not that he couldn't, but you knew it was hard being an idol. Still, you wished he would sometimes spend time with you, even call for at least 3 minutes before leaving again. But now? He wouldn't even talk to you, and this had been going on for, you don't know, weeks?
Your phone buzzed just as you finished the presentation, and your eyes widened at the time: 1:05 am. And your jaw dropped when you saw that Jeonghan texted you back, even at an ungodly hour.
From: Hannie
Hey, I'm sorry I wasn't able to reply. Can we just talk tomorrow morning?
You tried your best not to cry, but you were tired, stressed, and ready to bitch to him when he just... rejects it? You felt hot tears well up, and you guessed that it was better if you didn't reply, anyway. You were too drained for this, for dealing with him.
You would just take what you can get from Hwaein and Yoosung.
The next day wasn't any better. Your presentation had gone well, and so did your oral defense, but Jeonghan's message still left you feeling empty. Hwaein was busy, too, especially with all the stress and requirements from her even worse professors. Yoosung was your best bet right now, but watching him play LoLoL was starting to get boring, as well.
You settled for watching dramas on your laptop, sick of your own drama and life. You watched as a couple's love bloomed, and when it withered, they tried their very best to revive it. Alas, the guy got tired, and left the girl for good. After the short 5 episodes, you were crying your eyes out for the girl, and it got you thinking, what if this happened to me and Jeonghan? Will he, too, leave me alone for good?
You wiped your tears, and cocooning yourself with your soft throw blanket, you stayed in bed like that for a while. The thought of Jeonghan leaving you made you feel numb, and it made you wonder if you could ever live without him.
He barely isn't here anymore, anyway.
“You still haven't broken up with her?”
Jeonghan didn't want this. He didn't want to feel forced to look at the head of PLEDIS, and he didn't want to be forced to choose between his soulmate and his dream. Sure, he wasn't able to see you at all because of his dream, but he knew that even in the middle of all this chaos, he still loved you.
“You know you are jeopardizing your position in Seventeen, yes?” the man asked again. Jeonghan nodded, too anxious to say anything. “Well, I don't want to be that person to make you choose, but what will it be, Jeonghan?”
Jeonghan wanted to screw his eyes shut and drown everything out. Everything boiled down to this moment; everything he worked for and hoped for and he would throw one away just to save the other. And he knew that even if he missed you dearly, he knew that you wouldn't feel proud of him if he chose you over his career. He imagined your sad smile, your eyes that would try and mask the disappointment, and his voice almost faltered when he spoke.
“I'll make sure to leave her as soon as tomorrow.”
You were nervous. Jeonghan had called later that night, after your little drama session, and asked you to meet with him in the park tomorrow morning. You almost didn't reply, but managed to get out a “yes” before he hung up. He hadn't called you or anything until now, and he hadn't especially asked you out on a long time.
Was this it? Was he finally making an effort to revive this withering relationship? You wondered as you walked to the park that morning, hands inside the pockets of your hoodie. From a distance, you could see his figure on a bench. His form was a shape you'd recognize anywhere, and it automatically brought a smile to your face.
You would still be smiling if you hadn't noticed the morose look in his eyes. And finally, you were able to name that distant look you've been seeing since last year. Your mood sank, matching the expression that his eyes had.
“Hannie? What's wrong?” you asked, resisting the urge to place a hand on his shoulder. “'You know you can tell me anything, right?”
“(Y/N),” he started, and you had inkling of what was he going to say. You wanted to avert your gaze, but as if you wanted to play a cruel joke on yourself, you wanted to see his expression when he said it. “I... I want to break up.”
There was it. The slow, but sure breaking of your heart when you heard those words. You wondered why you didn't look away at first, but it hurt to see when he wasn't even crying and you could feel the first few drops on your face already.
“Why?” you heard your voice crack, but you were somehow still steeling yourself for the answer. Jeonghan's eyes finally broke contact with yours, and you knew that it wasn't going to be such a nice answer.
“I fell out of love with you, (Y/N),” he said. “I don't know when, but... I did.”
You bit your tongue, trying to not answer back. You realized you wouldn't be able to get any words out other than an “okay”, anyway, especially with that lump that formed in your throat. You sniffed, bowing and leaving the park before you could cause a scene. It was so anticlimactic, so disappointing, and you wished your relationship didn't end like this with him.
When you had disappeared from Jeonghan's sight, though, he finally let out a small sob, and then the huge drops of tears came rolling down his cheeks. He didn't mean to hurt you, or to tell you that. He had meant to tell the truth, but for some reason, his words didn't match with the ones he wanted to say. He wanted to scream your name, call you back and hold you in his arms, and then reassure you that he would never fall out of love with you.
He knew that you were probably out there, beyond stressed and not knowing what to do anymore, and he felt even guiltier. He didn't deserve you. Why was he your soulmate? He ruined you a month before your graduation, too. A milestone he said he'd celebrate with you, and be proud of you when you finally finished. And the thought made him cry harder, not caring about the stares of strangers in the park.
He promised to love you forever, and even if you were convinced he didn't anymore, he knew that he would still continue to love you.
You sat in a booth of the quaint cafe that sold not only the best cinnamon rolls, but they also mastered the art of making banana cakes. Everytime you came here, you'd remember when you and Jeonghan first had a date. You smiled sadly at the memory, which was a long time ago and was only just a memory now. You couldn't relive it anymore even if you wanted to.
It was midnight, yet the cafe didn't close until the wee hours of the morning, open for the people who were nocturnal or the people who needed a quiet place to think. There were at most three or four customers inside, with you included. A young couple was sitting in the back, talking to each other, and another man was sitting in a booth, engrossed in a book that was in his hands.
The usual night shift waiter, Gayeon, brought you a plate of a cinnamon roll that you didn't remember paying for. “Don't worry, it's on me,” he said, winking at you and sliding the cake to you. “You stay here sometimes, and until such hours, too. I bet you needed this food.”
“Thank you,” you told him, and he walked away, leaving you alone once more. You stared at the food, ready to eat it. As soon as you cut a piece of it, though, the bell of the cafe tinkled, and you automatically looked up to see who it was.
You didn't even think twice about trying to seclude yourself from his view as much as possible, squeezing in deeper into the booth. You heard that voice order something, and there was a soft patter of feet that stopped at your booth.
“(Y/N)-ssi,” the voice greeted, and you felt obligated to look up and stare at those same gentle eyes that held the somber look two years ago. “Can I sit here?”
You stared at him, not trusting your voice to speak, and yet he sat across you. His gaze was powerful this time, though, and he was able to hold yours. And suddenly, you felt the anger rise within you. You were even shocked when he had the audacity to even greet you as if nothing ever happened between the two of you.
“How are you--”
“How dare you,” you spat out, and you desperately wished you would stop before you caused a scene, but you needed this. The proper closure that Jeonghan neglected to give you was going to be wrenched out of him. “How dare you come here and think you can do whatever the fuck you want?”
“I...” his soft voice trailed off, leaving you more frustrated and confused.
“You—you were supposed to be my soulmate,” you said, this time the one to have a strong gaze. “And you tell me you fell out of love? Tell me, what was it? What made you fall out of love with me?”
“You won't understand, (Y/N)-ssi,” Jeonghan said, flinching when you scoffed.
“Like hell I would, Yoon Jeonghan!” you said, your words dripping with venom. “You left me! I couldn't think straight for weeks, and when it was time for graduation, I was barely happy. This—this is all your fault! You don't leave someone with an explanation, Jeonghan, it'll make them think they've done something wrong their whole lives!”
“You haven't done anything wrong, (Y/N)!” he finally retorted. You immediately shut up, startled by the sudden outburst. You were still quietly fuming, but you thought it's be better if you listened to him now. “I was the one who was in the wrong. They forced me to choose between you and my career! I wanted to choose you, but I knew you'd be disappointed that I never got my dream because of you!
“Even for months after we broke up, I couldn't stop having nightmares about you. They'd start out sweet and innocent, but then they'd turn horrifying. The members... they keep on saying that I'd sometimes scream your name in my sleep, too. If you thought I wasn't suffering, then you're... wrong.” he said. He took in the tears that were rolling down your previously rosy cheeks, and he wonders if he's the reason why there weren't any colors left.
“I have never stopped loving you, (Y/N). No matter what the company makes me do, because in the end, I'll always be yours. Falling out of love with you was a lie, and I didn't even know why I said it,” Jeonghan confessed. “I love you so much it hurts. It felt incredibly numbing when I thought I'd lost you, my soulmate, forever.”
As you cried, you felt his arms wrap around you in a warm, comforting embrace. You cried harder in his arms, and he just held you tighter. It was as if the spark that you felt when you first met was there again. “Yoon J-Jeonghan, I hate you so much.”
He felt his heart drop again, and the unwelcomed heaviness settled in the pit of his stomach. “I'm really sorry, (Y/N). I promise I'll be better,” he said. He would take whatever you'd give, even if you didn't want him back. “... will you take me back, (Y/N)?”
You choked on a sob before punching his back lightly. “God, you're such an idiot. I... don't know if I have the energy to let you, Jeonghan,” you said. “You're still an idol, and one with growing popularity. PLEDIS won't agree to this.”
“I know, but this time, I want to make it work. An effort to make it work,” Jeonghan said. “PLEDIS saw how much it affected me, anyway. We are soulmates after all.”
You smiled at him, despite the runny nose and the tear streaks on your cheeks. “I'm willing to let you try again, Jeonghan.”
The night ended with you in his arms again, hanging out in your apartment after the cafe had to close down for the night. The two of you were emotionally and physically drained, and resorted to just lying down on your bed. You didn't care if the two of you weren't together again yet, you just wanted to feel safe in his arms again.
He was your both your strength and weakness, after all.
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saveme-ruinme · 7 years
Jealousy & Relief
Time Travel AU pt. 4
Jeongguk x Reader
Word Count: 5.4k
Summary: the one where Jeongguk is a petty asshole and Seokjin cooks everyone dinner
Jeongguk wasn't jealous.
He had no reason to be. The newfound friendship between you and Yoongi didn't make him jealous or anything. Even if it did seem like you were spending most of your time with Yoongi, Jeongguk observed, not at all bitter at the thought. He was not jealous, not when the two of you barely knew each other, after all it had taken you a full month to remember that Yoongi's name wasn't 'the scary hyung' even though Jimin talked about him non-stop for that entire month.
Jimin was also not at all the least bit unhappy at you and Yoongi hanging out anytime you guys had any free time together. And if Jimin wasn't ridiculously jealous about it, then Jeongguk figured he would have nothing to worry about. Jimin sometimes got incredibly jealous over Yoongi that it shocked Jeongguk considering Jimin was the kindest person he knew, and he would barely consider Yoongi and Jimin friends. You had explained that it's because he was a Scorpio in Venus that made him jealous like that - whatever the hell that meant. The point was, if Jimin was happy with it, then he should be too.
Unfortunately, did nothing to smother the ugly feeling that erupted in his stomach, making his insides twist anxiously at the thought of you and Yoongi doing things that just friends shouldn't. It did nothing to stop the way that same ugly feeling would close his throat every time you blew him off for Yoongi. Well, that was a strong way to put it. But Jeongguk wasn't a very happy man when he would call you wanting to hang out only to find out that you were already with Yoongi, and it would be rude to just ditch him, saying that you guys could hang out some other time. However, some other time never came, and Jeongguk was left to himself and the ugly bitterness toward Yoongi that festered the longer he went without seeing you.
Taehyung had also felt very left out from the strange threesome you, Yoongi, and Jimin had created, as Jeongguk learned. Without you around, Jeongguk was left to spend more time with his hyung, and the two of them spent more time discussing conspiracy theories about the three of you. Taehyung also had more information concerning the activities the three of you engaged in since he lived with Jimin and could just ask him, not that he was told much. Taehyung had suspected that three of you were hiding something from the two of them, as he had known Jimin for a number of years and could tell when he wasn't being forthcoming with information. Tae had told him that Jimin was jumping around the question, giving vague answers before changing to subject completely, which was something very out of the ordinary for him.
Jeongguk wasn't used to knowing things about you. Actually, that was lie, he spent so long barely knowing anything about you because you were always from different points in your time stream. He had gotten selfish with you since you two had met in your natural point in the time stream, and there were few things you hadn't told him. It was strange, albeit uncomfortably familiar feeling knowing that you were keeping things from him. He tried to give you the benefit of the doubt that you simply hadn't gotten the chance to tell him yet, but it almost seemed like you weren't trying. Jeongguk had been the one reaching out to you for a while, much to his annoyance. He didn't know exactly when it started, just that it was pissing him off.
"Why don't you just ask?" Seokjin suggested, as he stood at the stove, cooking dinner for them.
Seokjin was Jeongguk's roommate, someone whom he was thankful for - not that he would ever say so. Jeongguk would only begrudgingly admit that he was probably still alive and healthy because of Seokjin. He was five years older than Jeongguk, a medical student who still made time to cook decent meals because he knew that the young idiot would not. They had a mutual agreement that if Seokjin fed him, Jeongguk would make sure their place stayed clean. A simple enough arrangement, and one that had kept their home in order.
Hoseok, Jeongguk's other roommate, also pitched in with the cleaning. Together, they split the chores and swapped them around every week. Hoseok was Taehyung's friend who was three years older than he was, and was apparently a dance major, after being undecided for so long. He was also the one who had offered Jeongguk the room in his first year, which he would have eagerly taken, if not for your begging and insistence to live in the co-ed dorms together so he could cover for you when you disappeared from this point in the time stream. After that first year in the dorms, Jeongguk had taken Hoseok's offer that fortunately still stood, and now here they were a year later, laughing at his time travelling girl problems.
"Don't you think I've tried," Jeongguk exclaimed, ignoring the way Hoseok laughed at him. "But I can't seem to get her attention long enough to ask."
"I have tried asking," Taehyung told them, having escaped his lonely apartment without Jimin to be fed by Seokjin. "It doesn't work as well as you think."
"It's probably nothing, maybe you guys are just reading too much into it," Hoseok tried to reassure.
"But why won't they just tell us?" Jeongguk questioned, pouting. "Why don't they invite us to hang out with them?"
Seokjin sighed. "Invite them over," he decided.
"What?" all three males had said at the same time.
"Tell them to come over for dinner, I'm not taking no as an answer, I made too much," Seokjin explained, looking down at pots and pan over the stove that was too much for just the four of them. Not that he doubted they couldn't eat it all, because boy did they love to eat, but it seemed counterproductive somehow. "And invite Yoongi too, I haven't seen him in a while."
Taehyung and Jeongguk glanced at each other before pulling out their phones and frantically attempting to contact you and Jimin. Jeongguk decided that he'd leave it to Taehyung to invite Yoongi along, quietly hoping that he'd forget to ask so that he wouldn't come and he would get to properly hang out with you again, without the distraction of Yoongi. Jeongguk got sweet satisfaction at the thought of Yoongi being bitter about being left out.
Maybe he was a little jealous.
The group was over for dinner, you observed as you walked into Jeongguk's apartment. Taehyung and Jeongguk were sitting on the floor in front of the tv playing Call of Duty while Hoseok had stretched out on the couch, laughing every time they died on screen. Seokjin was still in the kitchen, fussing around all the food he made. Namjoon sat at the table with Jimin, laughing about something as they placed cutlery on the table.
"It's a whole party," Yoongi noted, stepping out of his shoes.
"Should've bought alcohol," you said, stepping past him.
"Not too late," he murmured behind you.
"This is actually supposed to be a nice dinner," Hoseok informed the two of you, being the first one to notice that you had arrived.
Everyone else glanced at the two of you, just noticing you had arrived. You met Jeongguk's gaze and smiled at him, happy to be hanging out with him again. However, you smile dropped when he turned to glare at Yoongi before going back to his game, barely sparing you a glance. You frowned, wondering what his problem was.
"We can drink wine," Yoongi suggested. "That's what people do at dinner, right?"
"Here I only thought you drank hard liquor," Hobi laughed.
"Hyung!" Jimin shouted, gaining the attention of everyone in the room. "You're here!"
You watched Yoongi's ears turn pink as Jimin easily wrapped his arms around him, giving him a good squeeze. When he let go, you noticed that Jimin's cheeks also had a faint blush to them, as he smiled so wide his eyes almost disappeared. Seeing Jimin this happy was one of those things that always cheered you up, no matter what. It was very energising to be around Jimin when he was that happy, as it was very infectious, and he gave really good hugs. Perhaps that's why he managed to get along with Yoongi so well. Even though Yoongi seemed tough and serious, he wasn't immune to Jimin's cute eye smile.
"There was free food," he mumbled, trying not to smile so wide.
"Y/N! You're here too!" Jimin said, turning his attention to you.
Unlike Yoongi, you had no problem returning the bear hug that Jimin wrapped you in. "I saw you yesterday," you chuckled.
"Lucky you," Jeongguk muttered snidely, unknowingly pressing the buttons on his controller with more force than necessary.
No one acknowledged Jeongguk's petty comments, instead choosing to focus on the enticing smell of dinner that Jin was serving up. You glanced over at him, observing how he played with a frown on his face even though he appeared to be winning, wondering why he was being so rude and dismissive towards you. The two of you hadn't gotten the chance to hang out in a while because you had been busy, and now you guys have the chance to at least talk to one another, Jeongguk decides you aren't worth his time. You couldn't help but roll your eyes at him, deciding that you weren't going to entertain his petty behaviour. If he's got a problem with you, he can tell you himself instead of trying to make you guess and scramble to fix it.
"Is dinner ready yet? I'm starving!" you asked, heading over to the kitchen to see if Jin needed any help.
"You just got here," Jin observed, checking on the various pots and pans perched over the stove.
"I haven't had much to each all day, and you know I love your cooking!"
"Help me take it to the table."
"Yes sir!" you salute before pulling the oven mitts on your hands so you wouldn't burn your hands on anything.
As you did that, you vaguely heard Jeongguk mocking you by copying what you had just said in an exaggerated higher pitched voice. That made you frown, as once again you wondered why he was being so rude to you. You tried to recall what you had done wrong, but considering the two of you hadn't had much chance to hang out you didn't think there was even anything to be mad about.
Whatever, you thought as you helped place all the food on the table. I'll worry about that later.
Dinner was a relatively quiet affair. As quiet as it could get eating with seven males, which meant it wasn't all that quiet, it's just that you weren't participating in all the conversation, and that was predictably because of Jeongguk. He had glanced at you gesturing for him to come to sit next to you, and had taken the seat at the opposite end of the table, childishly refusing to acknowledge your existence. You couldn't help but gawk at him, moving past tolerating his behaviour into getting pissed off at him.
"What's his problem?" Yoongi asked, having witnessed the silent exchange between you and Jeongguk.
"Absolutely no idea," you pouted.
"Maybe he's jealous?" Jimin whispered conspiratorially into your ear, taking a seat next to you, winking at Yoongi who sat across from you.
"About what?" you asked dumbly, wracking your brain to figure out what he could possibly be jealous about.
For a moment, you thought it was because you were spending more time with Yoongi, after all he had been Jeongguk's friend first. But he'd never minded you hanging out with his friends before. Not when you'd ask Namjoon to tutor you - for all that it was worth because tutoring with Namjoon was just him reciting the textbook at you. Not when you'd go over to play Overwatch with Taehyung to help him beat Jeongguk because he was just too damn good.
Jeongguk never really minded when you'd do things with his friends without because as he had told you multiple times his friends were your friends too. Well, there was that one time when Seokjin had driven four hours to an amusement park completely of a whim because your exams had just ended and it was a good way to get rid of all the stress that had built up. Jeongguk had gotten jealous over that, offended that you didn't wait for him because he wanted to go to, which led to him telling the rest of the group, and all of them purposely planning to go without the two of you. Though, in the end they let you and Seokjin go because they were weak and Seokjin threatened to stop cooking for everyone if they didn't take him. They were like brothers to him, and you were his best friend so why shouldn't you get along without him?
You turned to look at Jimin, hoping he'd give you answers. Instead, he just smirked deviously at you before turning his attention to the food Seokjin had made for the group. Confused, you looked at Yoongi, silently pleading him to tell you something, but the other time traveller just shrugs, paying attention to Jimin as he reached over to put food on his plate. Defeated, you slump back in your chair.
"Oh come on! Don't be like that! I'm sure whatever is going on will sort itself out eventually," Jimin encouraged as he started to pile food on your plate as well. "Now eat! Hyung is going to be offended if you don't eat."
"Who's not eating?" Seokjin called from the other side of the table.
Scrambling to shove food in your mouth, you squeaked out a 'no one', pretending to glare at Jimin who had the audacity to laugh at you. You weren't going to risk offending Jin. If you did, he probably wouldn't feed you for the next year, and his cooking was something you'd never live without.
Once dinner had ended, Seokjin had assigned chores to the rest of the group to clean up the kitchen and the huge mess that was made when making all the food you all had consumed that night. There was some mild complaining, as cleaning required physical effort which no one seemed to possess as they all sat around waiting for the food to settle. With the exception of Jeongguk, who had shut himself in his room after he finished clearing the table in record time. You had been exempted from cleaning duty since you helped with serving the food - which apparently was not a real job according to Taehyung who had been stuck with washing all big pots and pans that wouldn't fit in the dishwasher.
You were pacing around in the hallway outside his room, trying to work up the courage to go in and confront him, but afraid to face his anger. You don't remember ever being this nervous to talk to him about something that was bothering either of you. Usually, the two of you were upfront about it, or you could easily pinpoint the cause of whatever had upset him. But this time you were blank. You had no idea why he was upset, and it scared you if you were being honest because it meant that you had done something to upset him, and you couldn't for the life of you figure out what it was.
Taking a breath, you knocked twice of his door. "Jeonggukkie?"
You paused for a moment, straining to hear for any sort of reply. When there was none, you knocked again, more insistently this time. When you realised that he probably had headphones in and wasn't going to answer the door, you opened the door, taking the chance to sort this out now.
"Jeongguk?" you called out as you stepped inside his room.
Startled, Jeongguk turned to glare at you from his computer where he was predictably playing Overwatch. It was much better than accidentally walking in on him watching porn.
"What do you want?" Jeongguk demanded, turning his attention back to the game.
You frowned at the back of his head, stepping further into his room and carefully shutting the door behind you. It always surprised you that Jeongguk's room was clean, but then you were reminded that it was partly because he spent so much time at your place. Today, his room actually looked lived in somewhat, there was dirty laundry in the hamper, and the bed in the middle of the room wasn't made, and the space around the desk he was sitting out had a few empty bottles and wrappers that hadn't been thrown away yet. Other than that, Jeongguk's room was rather clean for someone of his age, his various figurines were still in perfect order on the shelf above his bed.
"Why are you so mad at me?" you asked, moving to stand next to him.
"I don't know what you're talking about," he bit out, eyes staring intently at the screen in front of him.
The screen was displaying the stats for the last match, he wasn't even playing yet he still wouldn't look at you. That hurt more than you thought it would. Standing in front of your best friend who wouldn't look you in your eyes, you felt your heart crack slightly, fighting to blink back tears.
"Why won't you look at me?" you breathed, sounding a little more broken than you intended.
With an annoyed sign, Jeongguk finally averted his gaze to you and immediately regretted it. The only reason why he could stay so mad for so long was because he hadn't been around you, and even tonight he refused to acknowledge you, knowing that he'd very quickly lose his resolve to stay upset if he started hanging around you again, and he wasn't ready to give up his anger yet, as childish as the sounded. Unfortunately for him, you had decided that you had had enough of is petty game, and with you standing in front of him, he realised that it had taken a larger toll on you that he thought. Jeongguk thought he wanted to hurt you out of spite, but looking at the dejected expression on your face, his plan was very quickly crumbling.
There was a silence between the two of you as you waited for the other to say something. Jeongguk was holding on the shreds of his stubbornness and refusing to admit to his actions. You were waiting for him to say something, anything, that would give you any hint as to why he was acting the way he was. So you were stuck in a silent stand-off.
A knock at the door broke the endless silence that stretched between the two of you. The both of you turned your attention to the door handle that creaked from being opened. Yoongi's blond hair caught piqued your attention as he stuck his head through the door, with a very uncomfortable expression on his face, obviously feeling awkward at interrupting.
"Uh- I'm going home, and Jimin's catching a ride. Was wondering if you needed a ride back to your place?" Yoongi questioned, nervously jiggling the door handle.
Before you had the chance to answer, Jeongguk scoffed and turned his back on Yoongi, his anger returning with a vengeance. Yoongi looked to you, looking slightly alarmed at the sound.
Suddenly very angry at him, you grabbed the back of Jeongguk's chair and pulled him away from the desk, pushing him around to look at you and ignoring his sounds of protest. "What the fuck is wrong with you tonight?" you demanded, voice rising in volume.
"Nothing, geez, calm down," he rolled his eyes at you, attempting to wheel his way back to his desk.
You stopped him easily by grabbing the sides of his chair, and leaning in close. "Stop lying to me! Will you just tell me what your fucking problem is so we can go back to being friends!"
"Oh, so now you want to be friends," Jeongguk said sarcastically, pushing your arms off his chair but not moving away from you.
"The fuck is that supposed to mean?"
"It means leave me the fuck alone and go hang out with your new best fucking friend instead," he spat, gesturing angrily toward Yoongi, who stood awkwardly in the doorway, unsure on whether he should leave.
You were shocked. He was upset that you were hanging out with Yoongi a lot more these days. You almost felt like laughing if it didn't seem so utterly ridiculous. You didn't condone his petty behaviour but you understood why he was so upset, and why it caused him to act that way.
"You're honestly so fucking stupid," you sigh, feeling lightheaded.
"No, I'm fucking not," he defended.
"Y/N-" Yoongi said from behind you.
You turned around, and found that he was much closer than the doorway. You were about to ask what he wanted when grabbed your arm, not that you could feel him grabbing it. If you could move your limbs to look at them, you would. Unfortunately, you were too far gone at this point. You were so annoyed at Jeongguk that you hadn't felt the usual tell-tale signs that you were about to pass through the time stream.
"Fuck my entire life," you cursed, feeling gravity slip away from you.
"Goddamn it, you're taking me with you," Yoongi informed, not very happy at that.
"What?" Jeongguk accidentally said, confused as to what was happening.
He couldn't do anything but watch as he watched the both of you disappear. Yoongi was still holding onto your arm as the two of you vanished into the time stream. All his anger and annoyance had disappeared, replaced with shock at watching Yoongi travel alongside you. As far as Jeongguk knew, you couldn't take people into the time stream with you, and that wasn't from his lack of trying. He had vivid memories of clinging to you as you slipped from that reality, leaving him very alone, and falling over once his pillar of support had gone.
"Have you seen Yoongi?" Jimin asked, peeking into Jeongguk's room for his hyung.
"I- they- he-" Jeongguk was unable to form words, pointing to the spot where yourself and Yoongi had been standing just minutes before.
"Are you okay, Gukkie?" Jimin crossed the room, affectionately ruffling his hair.
"Yoongi can fucking time travel?" he exploded, staring up at his hyung with wide eyes.
Jimin did not seemed at all phased at that information, grinning sheepishly. "So, you found out huh?"
"They just fucking disappeared. Both of them. Y/N and Yoongi. When the fuck- why- who else knows?"
Jimin shrugged. "Hyung didn't want anyone to know about him because he thought he was the only one. But then Y/N met up with him in a different point in the time stream and he figured it out. Then hyung told me, and I told him we all knew. They've been meeting up a lot to talk about it since there isn't like a club or whatever of other time travellers, you know?"
"So that's why they've been hanging out so much. Because they're both time travellers?" Jeongguk suddenly felt stupid. And incredibly self-centred. He knew that you sometimes struggled with being the only person like yourself. You could talk to him about it for hours on end, but he'd never really understand what it was like. Now you've found someone like yourself. "Why haven't they told everyone else?"
Jimin sighed at sat down on his bed. "Hyung isn't comfortable with it yet. He knows that everyone knows about Y/N but he's afraid to admit that he's one to the group. We've been trying to convince him to tell everyone else. Would make our lives a lot easier, I don't like hiding things from Taehyung."
"Wait- why do you know?" Jeongguk narrowed his eyes.
Finding his figurines more interesting, Jimin shrugged and refused to look at Jeongguk. That didn't stop Jeongguk from seeing the way his cheeks went very red. "I guess hyung just trusts me the most," Jimin murmured, playing with the rings on his fingers.
"Uh-huh," Jeongguk acknowledged, very suspicious of his hyung's behaviour. Whatever was going on between the two of them, Jeongguk decided that he wasn't going to ask. He really didn't want to end up with Jimin ranting at him about how great Yoongi-hyung was for the millionth time.
"Don't use that tone with me!" Jimin exclaimed, pointing an accusing finger at Jeongguk. It was difficult to take him seriously when his fingers were so small, and the blush that stained his cheeks hadn't disappeared. "You're still an asshole for being mean to Y/N. She things you hate her."
"I don't hate her," Jeongguk muttered, feeling guilty.
"I know, we all know you don't hate her. Quite the opposite really," Jimin giggled, ignoring the glare from the maknae. "But Y/N is stupid and doesn't know. So you have to apologise when they get back. And then tell her how you feel."
"I can't just tell her how I feel!"
"Yes, you can! You just make her look at you, and you tell her 'Y/N, I'm stupid and ugly, and you're honestly way too pretty for me, but I'm in love with you. Like I would sell my Overwatch account for you, in love with you.' It's easy!"
"Like I'm going to take advice from the idiot who can't admit he has feelings for Yoongi-hyung."
"Who are you calling idiot? It's hyung to you, brat!"
Jeongguk rolled his eyes. "I still can't just admit it like that-"
"Admit what?" you asked, coming out of the closet on the opposite side of the room from him, accidentally knocking over his laundry hamper.
There was an explosion of sound as both Jimin and Jeongguk yelled in fright at the sudden intrusion. There was the sound of the chair clattering as Jeongguk had fallen out of his chair, he had gotten scared that bad. Then the rest of the group who had gotten alarmed at the yelling came clambering through the door to find out what all the fuss was about. Taehyung was holding a soapy frying pan in his hand, waving in around and getting water everywhere. The other three had shown up right behind him, with Hoseok narrowly avoiding being hit in the face with a wet frying pan. Jimin - once recovered from fright - had collapsed back on the bed, full-belly laughing at Jeongguk falling out of his chair, while you and Yoongi pushed your way out of Jeongguk's full closet, accidentally taking half of the contents with you as you stepped out.
"What the hell is going on?" Namjoon questioned. "Why are you two in the closet?"
"Uh- well- you see-" you stuttered, trying to find an excuse.
"We just got back from four years ago," Yoongi calmly explained.
You hid your shock pretty well, if you did say so yourself. "Yeah, turns out this apartment belonged to someone else four years ago, so we had to hide in the closet so we wouldn't get caught."
"We?" Namjoon repeated, looking between you and Yoongi.
"I'm the same as her," Yoongi said, gesturing to you. "I can time travel time."
There was a brief moment of silence as everyone in the room stared at Yoongi, who stared back at everyone, silently willing someone to say something, or to look away from him.
"So, are we still getting dessert?" Taehyung asked, looking back at Seokjin, breaking the awful silence in the room.
Another pause as Seokjin struggled to comprehend the situation, before shrugging. "Yeah, why not. I'm craving something sweet."
There were numerous sounds of agreement throughout the room, as everyone had started throwing out suggestions on what to get. You couldn't help but laugh at Yoongi's shocked expression, who glanced around the room frantically, trying to understand the situation.
"Wait- that's it? I tell you I'm a time traveller and you guys just carry out like it was nothing?" Yoongi sounded just slightly distraught.
"It kinda loses its shock factor after the first time," Hoseok shrugged. The other boys in the room all murmured in agreement.
"I hide this secret my entire life, and this first time I tell my group of friends they're more worried about dessert," Yoongi commentated.
"Makes sense when you think about it. You're always disappearing when we least expect it," Namjoon observed. "We should get a cheesecake."
"And ice cream!" Tae added.
"You still have to finish washing the dishes," Seokjin scolded, pointing at the wet pan.
One by one, the boys all shuffled out of the room, arguing about who was going to go out and get dessert. Even Yoongi and Jimin left the room, Jimin puling a mildly shell-shocked Yoongi out of the room while delightfully retelling watching Jeongguk fall out of his chair. That left you and Jeongguk, who sat on the floor, nervously fidgeting with the wheels of the desk chair that hadn't been propped up yet.
You moved to step closer to Jeongguk, desperate to end the feud between the two of you, but found yourself face planted on the floor with your foot throbbing slightly from hitting whatever it was you tripped over.
"Are you alright?" Jeongguk asked, scrambling over his bed to get to you, having heard you thump on the floor.
"Yeah, just tripped over that box. Why do you have so much shit in your closet?"
Together, the two of you started putting the contents of his closet back where it belonged. An awkward silence stretched between the two of you as you both struggled for something to say. Jeongguk was embarrassed with himself. He was still a little bit upset over you not telling him about Yoongi, but he understood that it wasn't your choice. You were unable to determine where this left the two of you, as you wondered if your best friend was still angry at you.
Taking a breath, Jeongguk looked at you. "Listen, I'm sorry about my behaviour tonight. I was acting stupid and I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I apologise."
Tears had started to well up in your eyes, and Jeongguk silently panicked. You didn't know why you were crying exactly, only that you were happy that you hadn't lost one of the most - if not the most important person in your life.
"Thank you for apologising," your voice broke as the tears threatened to fall.
"Why are you crying?" Jeongguk asked desperately, scrambling for the box of tissues that rested on the side table next to his bed, gently dabbing at the few tears that had fallen.
"Because I'm happy I didn't lose my best friend," you laughed, grabbing the tissue off Jeongguk after he almost poked you in the eye.
"You'll never lose me, I was just mad that you were ditching me so much. I got jealous you were spending so much time with Yoongi-hyung, I'm sorry."
You gave him a watery smile, forcing the rest of your tears back. You felt pathetic, crying on Jeongguk's floor after face planting from trying to get out of his closet. Satisified that you weren't going to cry anymore, Jeongguk picked up the remaining things and stuffed them back inside his closet.
"Next time, I'll make time for you," you sniffled, noticing how he had paused and stared at a book in his hand. "What's that?"
"An old book," he told you quietly, turning it around in his hands.
The book was an old black notebook, one with his initials on the top corner. The gold engraving had long faded, and now looked like indents on the worn, black faux leather. The pages of the book weren't straight and new like you expect a notebook to look, they were slightly wrinkled and the pristine white had become discoloured from its age.
"Is it a diary?" you teased.  “I didn’t think you kept a diary."
“I don’t know what it is.”
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Why do you own a book you don’t know anything about? Where’d you get it?
Jeongguk turned to stare at you, a serious expression marring his boyish features, making him look older. "From you. When I was 7."
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redditnosleep · 7 years
My Mother Always Taught Me That Baked Goods Were The Best Way To Make A New Friend
by D0nutblink
Remember growing up watching sitcoms where these young, broke twenty-somethings lived in glamorous apartments and managed to eat out every other day? I do too, which is why I felt a little bit jaded when I first started apartment hunting and realized that the places within my budget were much less chic. The building I finally settled on was older than my grandparents, and still overpriced, but the freedom of having my own place to live that I hardly minded.
I managed to spruce up the place, first by throwing every cleaning product I could afford into every nook and cranny. Then with my meager budget I found a few cool older pieces of furniture and art at goodwill and garage sales and went full on pinterest DIY at decorating my new home. At the end of the day, it still wasn’t the movie set of a rom-com about a spunky young girl, making her way into the real world, but it did feel a lot more like home.
Even though I had moved to the city, my suburban sense of neighborliness was instinctual, so not long after settling in I found myself wanting to reach out to those who shared my floor. My mother always taught me that baked goods were the best way to make a new friend, so I pulled out my Betty Crocker cookbook and set to whipping up a batch of ooey gooey chocolate chip cookies.
After coating my newly cleaned kitchen and myself in flour, I had three batches of cookies, one for each apartment on my floor. I cleaned myself up and took my first batch to the place right next to mine, Apartment C.
I had barely tapped on the rotting door, rust making use of the knocker impossible when it swung open quickly. I had to look down to see who stood in the opening. The old woman was tiny, the top of her head barely coming up to my breasts. Her snow white hair was curled into elegant but dry and frizzy curls. She wore a floral housecoat that looked far too thick for the warmth of spring, creeping through the hallways.
“Hello?” Her voice crackled like a bonfire as she spoke, “Who are you?”
“Hi there!” I put on my best pageant smile and held up the tray of cookies, determined to win over my new neighbor. “I just moved in next door and I thought I’d come to introduce myself.”
The woman stared at me, her expression unreadable. My smile was unwavering as I held up the cookies.
“I’m Molly.” I reached out a hand to shake.
“Molly?” She parroted back to me.
“Yes, I brought you cookies!” My voice was coated with sugar, sweeter than the cookies, hoping to warm her up. I guessed that no one had come to see her in quite a while, she seemed confused and even though I’d found her in her own apartment, she was lost. “What’s your name?”
“Agnes” her voice was so soft and gravely that it almost sounded like a rusty door hinge opening.
“Hi Agnes, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” I lifted the foil off of the cookies, the smell of chocolate and vanilla wafting off of them. “I hope you enjoy chocolate chip!”
Her lips spread into a hesitant smile, the skin around her lips cracking as she did so. She reached out and took the plate of cookies before abruptly shutting the door.
The whole interaction struck me as odd and it wasn’t just the woman’s demeanor. Something just felt wrong. I opted to go home instead of visiting my other neighbors just wanting to be alone. I don’t know why I felt so offput, sure Agnes was strange, but usually nothing could make my friendliness and extroverted nature waver.
Back inside my apartment I felt much more comfortable, lighter. I spent the rest of the evening relaxing. I took a nice long bath, soaking in epsom salts and peppermint oils. Afterwards I wrapped myself in a fluffy robe and snuck a few cookies off the top of the other neighbors’ plates as I flipped through the channels.
As I snuggled into the cushions of my cheap couch, one of the only new things in the apartment, I settled on a rom-com I’d seen a few times before. I couldn’t hear the dialogue through the music coming from next door. A loud waltz played through the wall. I tried turning up the tv but I just couldn’t tune out the music.
Eventually, irritated, I decided to head next door. I plastered on my award winning smile yet again and walked into the hallway. The music was so loud that the knocker on Agnes’ was shaking. I nervously lifted a fist to knock on the door when it stopped. Silence rung heavily in my ears, louder than the music had been. Although irritated, the cause of my frustration was gone and I no longer had a reason to complain.
The next day I decided to stop by to see my other neighbors. Taking my tin foil covered plates I knocked on the door of Apartment A, but no one was home. Heading over the Apartment B I met Roger. Roger was in his late twenties and well put together in a cardigan and pressed slacks. He invited me in for coffee and we shared the cookies.
“It’s nice to finally have another person living on this floor.” He mused, pouring the coffee. “It can get a little lonely here.”
“The other neighbors aren’t very social?” I asked, accepting a mug.
“What other neighbors?” He laughed, “Cream or sugar?”
“Yes, please to both” I nodded and he turned to the cupboard, “Well I haven’t met whoever lives in A, but I brought cookies to Agnes.”
“Agnes?” Roger raised and eyebrow, setting down the cream and sugar and taking a seat.
“Yeah, the little old lady in Apartment C?” I supposed that she kept to herself and that he’d maybe never seen her. She certainly looked like she never stepped outside.
“Nobody lives in C” his brow furrowed. “You and I are the only two on this floor”
“Maybe she’s just moved in?” I pondered, “or perhaps she just rarely goes outside and you’ve missed her? She certainly did seem like a shut in”
Roger’s brow had furrowed deeper, his demeanor changing from friendly to concerned.
“Molly, I’m not sure who you met,” He shook his head, “My brother-in-law, Jason owns the building, he bought it cheap because of all the renovations that it needed. This entire floor and part of the second was damaged by a fire. It wasn’t liveable. Jason has been having it fixed but this apartment was only finished about six months ago, and yours he finished last week. He didn’t even have time to clean the place before you applied for it.”
“Well then maybe he’s just finished Apartment C, and Agnes moved in?” I took a sip of my coffee, my explanation seeming thoroughly logical.
“No,” Roger shook his head again, “He’s starting A this week, but it will be awhile before he gets to C, that’s where the fire started. It’s going to take months to repair and replace everything in there.”
“Well then who did I see?” I asked, growing concerned, “there was a woman who answered the door.”
“Most likely a squatter,” he shrugged, although I could tell that he too was unnerved, “I’ll call Jason tonight and have him check it out.”
I agreed with Roger that his plan was solid, although I wasn’t exactly comfortable with living next door to a squatter, I’d only lived in the city for a week, I really wasn’t ready for that.
“So I suppose you thought that I was the one playing music so loudly last night.” I laughed, “I’m surprised you’re being so kind, assuming I caused such a nuisance.”
Roger tilted his head to the side slightly, his features wrinkled in confusion. “What music?”
I laughed assuming that he was messing with me, but his expression remained.
“You know, the waltz that was playing last night, you have to have heard it!”
“No, I didn’t hear a peep.” He shook his head.
I didn’t press the matter, maybe he had an odd sense of humour, maybe his walls were thicker than mine were. Not wanting to overstay my welcome, I thanked him for the coffee and made my farwell. He was polite in his goodbye, telling me to stop by whenever I liked. He was nice, and cute, and I found myself thinking that I may just have to do that, and maybe give him my number as well.
Back in my place I sat down at my computer and opened up facebook. Roger had introduced himself with his full name, and I figured that I might be able to do a little snooping to see if he had a girlfriend, or whatever.
I searched for a while, scrolling through page after page of Rogers with similar last names. As I was about to give up, I remembered that he was related to the landlord, if I could find him then surely I’d be able to find Roger. He popped up right away, it even looked like we had a few mutual friends, which wasn’t surprising, the building is close to the college I attended.
Jayson’s page didn’t list him as married, which I found odd, but guessed that maybe Roger used “brother-in-law” as a catch all term for “guy my sister is dating.” I scrolled through pictures looking for a girlfriend that would link him to Roger. I found vacation photos, family reunion pictures, etc. but no girlfriend. As I clicked through an album I reached a photo of Jayson all dressed up, next to an older woman in a housecoat, Agnes.
Her grin was the same as it had been the other day, her dark eyes looking right through me. I don’t know what came over me, but I had to show Roger. Grabbing my phone, I snapped a picture of the screen and ran out into the hallway in my pajamas. I marched right to his door and knocked as loudly as my shaking hands would allow.
The door creaked open and I expected to see Roger standing there, looking at me like a crazy person. Except he wasn’t there. No one was. I pushed the door open a bit further, looking inside. The apartment was empty. The table I had sat at only a few hours earlier was gone, the tastefully decorated living room barren.
I’m sitting on my apartment floor as I write this, shaking. I turned around almost immediately after seeing what I saw in Roger’s apartment, as I rushed down the hallway, Agnes stuck her head out of her door to smile at me . . . and wink. I don’t know what any of this means, or what’s even real. All I know is that I’ve locked the door, and put on earplugs playing the loudest music I could find but I still can’t drown out that waltz.
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