#there is probably more to be added here
d-inoxia · 1 year
so i wanted to make my own post that's based off of this post (link to my archived blog) this post was another one of those, "What should you put in your Grimoire" type of deals.
I want to make my own bc i've used this list and added to it. @the-owl-guy wrote the first post so go give them some love if you happen to see this post, as this is based off the post they wrote and still contains some items from the original post. (hope you dont mind the tag!! Just wanting to give credit!)
One thing I will start off with, if you're going to make a grimoire or book of shadows, I would recommend 1000% to put it in a binder or in a journal where the pages can be removed, rearranged, and placed in an order how you like them. This way also if you mess up on a page, you can just remove it without having to razor cut a page out of a bound journal. they make really pretty a5 journals with binders in them and refillable pages. (mine is a royal purple with gold embezzlement to make it look like a fancy book)
So this is how i'm laying out my BOS.
About You: What is your path/tradition? What do you believe? How did you get started? What keeps you on this path? What is your magic name?
About You: Who are your deities and who will you serve or not serve?
The Rede (if you follow that)
The Three-fold law (if you follow that)
Wheel of the year
Sabbats/Why we celebrate them
Esbats/Why we celebrate them
Lunar Cycle/Sun Cycle
The Four Elements + Spirit
The Four Cardinal Directions
Witch’s tool kit (Ritual tools)
Altars/How to set up an altar
Crystals you have/want 
Herbs (check your spice cabinet)
Herbal incense
Other things you can use in magic that you already have (garlic salt, eggshells, cords, etc.)
Colors/candle colors 
Days of the week
Bones/Teeth/Claws (if you'll be working with those things) 
Other "Dead" things like snail shells and sea shells. (if you'll be working with those things)
Other witchcraft stuff:
Sigils/How to make them
Planets/What do they mean/Planet Symbols 
Zodiac signs/what do they mean/Zodiac Symbols
Astrology Basics
Natal Chart
Symbolism (animals, shapes, and whatever else you wish to add)
What is a hand-fasting ceremony?
“Smudging” and why you can't do it if you're white
Closed Practices to be aware of
Circle Casting/What Direction to draw the circle/What the Four Elements + Spirit represent in a circle.
What Candle Flames Mean
Angels (if you'll be working with them)
The fae (if you'll be working with them-- also just a good idea to know of the fae.)
Other creatures of importance
The different types of religions: Asatru, Druids, Paganism, Wicca, etc.
The Difference between Baneful and Baleful 
Altered States of Consciousness (alcohol/drugs and the effects they have on magic)
Deosil and Widdershins
What NOT to do
Different types of spells/How they work/What makes a spell work?
How can you use the moon/sun cycles in magic.
How to use the Four Elements + Spirit in your spells
How do the lunar phases/planets/alignment/days of the week/day/night effect our spellwork?
Jar spells and how to make sure they dont mold (unless you want them too)
Hexing/cursing/Binding (if you're into that) and how to undo it.
What to do if you've been cursed
How to stop a ritual if things get Too Real.
A section on tarot cards and their meanings
How to use a pendulum
The ideometer effect and how it's bullshit
Meanings of oracle cards
Rune meanings and how to cast them
Throwing the bones (if you'll be working with bones)
Divining Rods
Ogham Staves (typically celtic in nature)
Cartomancy (reading playing cards)
Astragalomancy (reading dice)
Ouija Board
Mental health:
Grounding and centering during/after a ritual
Burn out care
A list of what motivates you to do your craft
Small spells for self care/motivation/creativity
Astral work:
Your astral space (a map, a description, drawings of important locations)
Your astral body, if it's any different than your physical one
A list of spirits and important information about them
Protection, shielding, banishing, wards, and safety
Manners when interacting with spirits/How NOT to interact with spirits
Methods of projection/travel that work for you
Post-astral grounding methods
General spirit work:
How to interact with spirits and how NOT to interact with spirits (similar to the Astral work section, learn how to be polite to spirits)
Protection, banishing, shielding, wards, and other safety things
How to give offerings (there's more than one way!)
Types of offerings for specific deities/spirits
Methods of communicating with spirits you have found
Signs of spirits
Ways spirits can send signs and messages (animals, dreams, and so on)
A list of different kinds of spirits you work with/have encountered
A section for research, especially if you're doing deity work.
Grounding, if it helps you afterwards
A log of interaction with spirits. This can be like a divination journal but with spirits, if that's what you do.
Etiquette at a cemetery
Cemetery dirt, grave dust, and its uses
Spirit Guides
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paxopalotls · 2 months
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stressed about chem exams so I did a ghost king doodle to cope
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copypastus · 21 days
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Poly+ ACOTAR Week - Day 3 Secrets (Feyre/Tamlin/Rhysand) @polyacotarweek
I'm weak for 'two enemies put aside their differences coz they love me more than they hate each other' trope and I was somewhat sad that's not where Feyre's love life went. Just think of the possibilities.
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legallybrunettedotcom · 7 months
youtube link
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iintervallum · 9 months
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empire siblings fanart! finally completed this wip, or to be more specific I got to a point where i'm happy with it lol.
[ID: First image is digital drawing of Beauregard Lionett and Caleb Widogast together standing by a bookshelf. Beau is pictured holding an open book, Caleb is pictured taking a book out of the shelf. The next two images are close ups of each characters face.]
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definitely-jax · 1 month
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since I saw your post of frank going butterfly hunting with their skirt, it got me wondering..what if eddie too had a skirt!
I imagine frank got him into the whole flowy dress ordeal. probably wears one when going through his mail shift or while working on the garden with frank.
oh my gosh...matching skirts!
considering that apparently Eddie has done drag, i imagine that its probably the other way around!!
i gotta a little lost in the sauce w/ these and forgot what the rest of the ask said besides "FranklyDear in skirts" oopsies <3
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beastwhimsy · 1 year
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they have 97 mental illnesses and are banned from most hive sectors
(glass, sadie, and vincent from a story I'm working on [: glass is a greenbottle fly, sadie is a common blue damselfly, and vincent is an earwig)
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hejee · 6 months
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Finally introducing my inquisitor Myrella Lavellan (she/they) 🫶
also some facts about her:
ex-clan member of the lavellan clan (got exiled for arson and attempted murder lol)
sore loser
not herald of andraste
that mage who’s surprisingly great as a spy
elfroot enthusiast
the elf that always has a surprise dagger hidden somewhere
a bit vain and prideful
is out there dreadwolf-hunting with varric and cassandra
always scares the fuck out of their keeper (her sister scolds her for it)
may or may not have tried blood magic before
the template for the first pic is here:
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omaano · 1 year
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“Dank farrik!” Din shouts. “There’s a karking rancor in there!”
Boba is grinning like a kid. “Yes! And I haven’t named him yet. He imprinted on me. I spend so much time down here, you have no idea.”
The Return of the Mandalorian to the Book of Boba Fett by TranquilizedDropBear
If you ever thought "I love Boba Fett, I'd love to see him in his own damn show sometime" in regards to Ep 5 of TBOBF can I maybe very enthusiastically recommend you the above linked fic? Because it's lived rent free in my brain for months now and I've thought about it so much that as far as I'm concerned Boba was the one to fill in Din on the background lore about the fall of Mandalore and whatnot. Because we can all use a pair of maybe-Mandalorians bonding sitting on top of a rancor in our lives, no?
Also I had been dying to make this drawing for months now for @bobadinweek's AU bingo for my Canon Divergence slot.
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moongothic · 8 days
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If being weak is a "sin" in Crocodile's mind, then isn't a painful defeat and maybe even death rightful punishment for it? A punishment you deserve for your crime of "being weak"? That's an intriguing mindset from him because it makes me wonder how Crocodile might view his own past and the things he has gone through? I might not go as far as to say Crocodile "blames himself" for the things he's gone through, as he doesn't seem like the kind of guy who dwells on the past like that. But I do feel like Crocodile has accepted in his mind that things like losing his hand happened because he was weak, and it was his own fault. That he can not blame anyone else for what has happened to him. He fucked around and he found out.
It's just interesting because to some degree, One Piece thematically does agree with this sentiment, this is a world where the strong eat the weak. (One example at the top of my head; Luffy refusing Katakuri's apology when his sister intervened with their battle, saying he should've dodged the attack properly if he didn't want to get hit.) Chaka falling in this scene and being unable to stop Crocodile may lead to the deaths of so many more, including his loved ones, and if that comes to pass, it's is Chaka's own fault. For being too weak. But also Crocodile has twisted that idea; Crocodile is using his worldview here to justify himself and essentially saying he can do this (take over Alabasta and kill a million innocents doing so) and get away with it because he's powerful. When in reality "weakness is a sin" isn't about the survival of the fittest, but how this is a world where the strong are meant to protect the weak. (See: Luffy) (Also how Pell told Baby Vivi in that flashback about how he trains so he can protect the Royal Family; again, he he craves power not to oppress the weak but to protect them)
But, just to get back to Crocodile again, I feel like this worldview might also give us more insight as to how he acts in certain situations post-Alabasta. Like when we see Crocodile towards the end of Miss Goldenweek's cover story, both when he declines to escape from jail and in his Impel Down mugshot, Crocodile has a smile on his face. That really is the face of a man who has accepted his fate, is it not?
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"Welp, this is what I get for losing to a child in flipflops"
Or when we see him come collect his debt from Buggy; Crocodile seemed quite relaxed and fully admitted he had assumed Buggy would've ran away before he even got there to collect his money. Of course, considdering his trust issues Crocodile would've been mentally prepared for Buggy skedaddling anyways, but the fact that he loaned the clown money to begin with while assuming he'd probably never get that money back-- like Crocodile knew that was going to happen and he just accepted it. And just rolled with it.
Of course, when things take an Unpleasant, Unexpected Turn, he will blow a fuse. Multiple, even.
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Him angy
IDK man this is all just interesting to me
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veinsfullofstars · 2 months
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⚔️ How ‘bout a li'l training montage? 🏹
(ID: Kirby series fanart of Shadow Kirby honing his battle skills with various different Copy Abilities, feat. Dark Meta Knight and Shadow Dedede. More detailed descriptions below the cut. END ID.)
Part 1 | Part 2 (here!)
So I keep thinking about how Shadow Kirby is confirmed in canon to be just as powerful and capable as regular Kirby, so long as he can push past his own reluctance and fears. Then I started thinking about the unique color palette he has for the Fighters games, if that could be a sort of visual indicator of him reaching that full potential. Then I started thinking about who was around to teach him these skills, and the differences in their techniques, and how SD’s treatment of SK might be vastly different from DMK, and how that affects the relationship that DMK & SD might have, and how it all ties in to the sociopolitical climate of the Mirror World as a whole, and oh stars dammit am I making another AU again???
On an unrelated note, screw the Mirror World for giving everyone in it just the most annoying color palettes to shade. Grays on grays on grays and sometimes red but mostly grays. I am languishing in render hell and ready to move on to the next one thank you. Too many headcanons - not enough time or hands or energy.
UPDATE 03/01/24: Changed SK's eyes to purple instead of blue, and changed DMK's cape from gray to dark red.
Started 11/7/23, finished 11/16/23. NOTE: This was originally posted on my deleted account on 11/16/23.
Image descriptions
Top left: SK in Ninja gear, facing left, looking focused and holding out his katana, imitating DMK standing beside him in a similar pose with his own sword.
Top middle: SK in Archer gear, leaping up to fire an arrow from his bow.
Top right: SK in Bomb gear - also sporting his darker swirl coloration from Kirby Fighters - winking and sticking his tongue out as he tosses a bomb towards the viewer.
Middle: SK - in Wrestler gear with KF colors - delivering a strong leaping kick to a wooden training dummy, while DMK & SD observe in the background. SD stands with arms crossed and eyes narrowed, his mouth pulled into a sinister, calculating grin. DMK stands at his side, wrapped in his cape with eyes hidden in the shadows of his mask, a pensive ellipsis over his head.
Bottom left: SK facedown on the floor with a cross of bandages on his head, exhausted from training. DMK’s hand awkwardly comes in from off-screen, placing a bottle of Energy Drink beside him.
Bottom right: SK powering up into his KF form, fists clenched, eyes squeezed shut, mouth open in a roar, an aura of purple-black flame flickering around him.)
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or if you've never played, just pick the one that seems the coolest
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sysig · 5 months
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Betty’s Wish (1/?) (Patreon)
It’s definitely weird that Betty, with all her Magical abilities, never met a Wishmaster, right? I think so
[First | Prev | Next]
#My art#Comic#Adventure Time#Prismo#Betty Grof#Oh this is much bigger than I'm used to lol - feel free to open in a new tab#My big project! Here it is! :D Or at least the first piece of it lol#I worked on quite a lot of it through Requestober - or at least the digital cleans lol#If you'll recall my ''This has gotten way out of hand'' posts about Winter and the like - yeah it was actually this lol#And that was just the roughs! This became my warmup project for the remainder of RQTR 2023 lol#It definitely worked! All the way around! I got lots of panels done in short order and got my warmups in for the day#These are mostly drawn right on top of my original sketches - other than adding Betty's kerchief#I would've gone over her hair to make her more on-model but hrnnghhh hair fun to drawww#This is my happy medium compromise lol#Prismo was also a treat to work on ♪ He's vectors as you can probably tell :)#And I still looooove working with vectors ahhhhhh <3 <3 They're so fun to manipulate and move around#I can change his expressions so quickly! Very enjoyable to work with :D#Hehe ♪ He's also not confined to the panels the same way Betty is :)#Anyhow! I have Several more of these planned but for now I'm just happy I finally have this one :D#For reference this is set before the end of Adventure Time - obvs since Betty looks like this - but also kinda not lol#Y'know how it is with time and paradoxes and stuff :)#Even Prismo knows ♪ He probably knows best of all actually hehehe
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mitzysmitzy · 4 months
sometimes i think about the dwarves from twisted wonderland and think, yea actually, i can get why gran's annoyed all the time
imagine you were born shorter than others because of your race, and people infantilize and look down on you because of it, i'd be frustrated as well.
and like, imagine, you'll always be seen as this cute little child, even though you're already a sophomore, and you'll probably always be perceived as one, even when you're an adult, because at the end of the day, all you'll ever be is an extension of someone else's image (neige) and you're whole entire identity revolves around them.
idk i just find the dwarfs to be interesting. like whats their life like outside of neige? do they have hobbies of their own? i'm sure they do enjoy performing with him, but is that all there is to it?? like, what if one of them just goes "hey singing and dancing is fun and all but i wanna pursue a career in archaeology"
probably the other dwarves are bothered by this too, but they care about neige a lot, so they don't really say anything
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strawberryteabunny · 5 months
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The new IWxPeter Rabbit collab is already killing me inside. I don’t know what it looks like beyond the few promo images but I want it so bad it hurts… and this is the order priority:
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Sooooo anyway if anything will even be in stock by the time I get to order catch me sobbing into my keyboard on Dec 22 because either I won’t be able to get my beloved bunny or I will have given all my money to IW.
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