#they took so long to make.... many hours and much hand/wrist pain
washing some of my crocheted stuff for the first time and im Incredibly Nervous about it. what if they come undone. what if i lose my beloved soup coaster...
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lolliepopcrusader · 2 years
Calling all chronic creatives - here's how to up your crochet game!
I'm an avid crocheter, but holding the hook for long periods of time became exhausting and painful. Being chronically ill, losing the ability to enjoy my hobbies was tough for me accept.
My husband took me to the craft store and we purchased a ergonomic crochet handle. This handle needed to fit my criteria;
able to hold a variety of hook sizes
hold up to high tension crochet projects (I do a lot of amigurumi crochet, which you need to complete with tight tension)
reduce my wrist/hand pain
reduce the amount of grip strength needed to hold the hook to avoid fatigue
This ergonomic crochet handle *seemed* to tick all these boxes. It was quite an expensive purchase and to be honest, I was disappointed in it in all aspects.
The purchased handle uses small rubber stoppers to hold the crochet hook in place, but as you are crocheting the hook works loose and spins around inside it. The handle itself was too small, making it painful to hold. I had to use a lot of grip strength to keep it in my hand, which is what I was trying to avoid by purchasing the darn thing. The little knobbly bit at the end really dug into my hand and hurt. It was so annoying to use and I gave up on it altogether after three days of using it (not to mention one of the rubber pieces broke apart within hours).
I expressed my disappointment to my husband, and he decided to come to my rescue! Over the course of a week, he designed me his own ergonomic crochet handle in a computer program called CAD. He then printed it out using his 3D printer. I can't even begin to tell you how much I love this new handle - its a game changer!
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During the design process, he took into consideration all of my complaints about the disappointing handle and my criteria that I had listed. The handle he designed is bigger, so it uses less grip strength to hold it in place which also reduces my pain.
Instead of using rubber stoppers like the other handle, he designed a 'lock and key' system for keeping the crochet hooks in place and it works fabulously! The hook never moves and I'm really rough with my crochet hooks. It holds up to my high tension crochet projects and I have completed many amigurumi with it, even small, intricate items. Since it is designed with the lock and key system, my husband was easily able to print different keys to be able to hold multiple sizes. I've got keys ranging from 1.25mm all the way up to 6mm!
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I can now crochet for hours on end and I swear my crochet skills have gotten so much better.
After expressing my delight at the crochet handle my husband designed for me, both him and I want others to be able to experience the freedom that I now have when crocheting. With chronic illnesses, its important for you to be able to continue with your passions as much as possible, so we have decided to make this crochet handle a sellable physical item for others to enjoy.
Here's the link to purchase one if you would like to give it a go!
Each crochet handle will come with the hook sizes;
If you want other hook sizes, send us a message and we can design one.
The cost of the handle and keys covers the cost of the 3D printing material, we are not making a profit off of this because we want as many people suffering from chronic illness to be able to enjoy crocheting again. We are happy to post internationally as we are based in New Zealand, send us a message before purchasing so that I can get you the cost of shipping.
I hope you will love this crochet handle and hook set as much as I have!
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punkshort · 4 months
look what we've become - ch.8
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Chapter Summary: Your POV from captivity. You learn some interesting information about the Fireflies and run into an unexpected person from your past.
Chapter Warnings: language, graphic depictions of violence, blood, torture, one teeny tiny 'daddy' reference (couldn't help myself, more of a nod to the fandom than anything), infected, reader gets roughed up, description of injuries and pain
WC: 4.7K
Series Masterlist | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
"You said take the girl, so I took the girl!"
"I meant the fucking kid, not her!"
You stifled a groan, your eyes still shut tight, unable to handle the brightness from the overhead lighting. Your head was spinning, and if you moved too much, your stomach heaved, so you laid as still as possible, hoping and praying whatever was going to happen would happen quickly.
The smell didn't help, either. You had no idea where you were, but your cheek was pressed up against a cool, tile floor and the entire room smelled like rot. You heard a muffled, rhythmic thumping against a wall in the corner of the room. It felt damp and humid, like maybe you were in a cabin or a basement. And you definitely were not alone. Once you woke from whatever drug they had slipped into your neck, you did your best to still appear asleep, hoping that maybe you could find out some helpful information while your captors still thought you couldn't hear them.
The two voices continued to argue - a man and a woman - about the mix-up. Ellie. They were after Ellie, not you. That frightened you even more.
How long has it been since you've been taken? Hours? A day?
Joel would have made them leave. He wouldn't have kept her there after he realized what happened. If not to protect her, he would have moved to try to find you. As much as you didn't want him to come looking for you, to put Ellie in harm's way, you knew he would. You had no idea how many people were part of this group that took you, but it was definitely too many for Joel to handle on his own. And he wouldn't waste time going back to Jackson for help.
You needed to get out of there before Joel got himself killed trying to find you.
The voices continued to talk, the volume increasing, the words becoming clearer. They were getting closer to where you were tied up on the floor. Why did the one voice sound vaguely familiar? Did you know these people?
"We sent another crew out to fix your fuck up," the woman said, her shoes squeaking on the tile. "You better hope they find her, or it's your ass."
"Yes, ma'am," the man's voice said weakly.
"I know you're awake," the woman's voice said icily. Part of you wanted to remain still and call her bluff, but her boot was too close to your already tender head, and you didn't want to risk another hit. You allowed one eye to crack open, the light like an icepick in your brain. You brought your hands up to shield your eyes as you struggled to sit upright with your wrists and ankles tied together.
When you finally sat up, you leaned your head back with a sigh, trying to get your bearings and calm your churning stomach before forcing both eyes open to look at your captor for the first time.
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me," you croaked, surprised at how rough your own voice sounded.
Amy laughed and jumped up on a gurney behind her, swinging her legs back and forth over the edge, the motion making you nauseous the longer you watched.
Amy. Joel's ex-fiancée and the woman who helped lead the group of animals who took you both in long before you found Jackson, under the guise of it being a safe community but failing to mention that community ran on a very primitive form of currency.
"Yeah, thought you'd be happy to see me," she said with a chuckle, flicking her dirty blonde hair over her shoulder.
"Elated," you said dryly, sliding your eyes back closed.
"If it makes you feel any better, I wasn't exactly thrilled to see you, either."
"That does make me feel better, thank you," you snapped, opening your eyes again to glare at her.
"You do realize I hold the key to your release, right? Maybe treat me with a little respect," Amy said, the fake smile slipping from her face.
"You and I both know I'm not getting out of here," you replied, but she shook her head.
"Not necessarily. If we can't find the girl, you're our contingency plan."
You narrowed your eyes, the rage beginning to burn deep in your chest. Knowing you would regret it, you asked the question anyway.
"What do you mean?"
Amy smirked as she slid down from the gurney and bent down to look you in the eye.
"What I mean is, he would do anything to get you back. Including giving up the kid."
Something in you snapped. You lunged forward, swinging your head and smashing it directly into her nose. You heard the distinctive crunch right as the blood began to pour out of both nostrils. She stumbled back in shock, clutching her face while she howled in pain. Even though your head felt like it was splitting in two, you grinned. Worth it.
Once the pain subsided, she dropped her hands, her face smeared with dark red blood, her nose turning purple and swollen, clearly broken.
"You fucking bitch," she muttered. She took one step forward and swung her leg back, the toe of her boot coming in direct contact with your cheek. You squeezed your eyes shut, refusing to make a single noise indicating you were in any pain, not giving her the satisfaction. But the blood that was pooling in your mouth told a different story.
Amy laughed as she watched you spit blood on the tile next to you.
"You're gonna regret that," she said, walking backwards towards the door. "Your people really had us chasing you all over the goddamn place, even lost a few friends. I got some guys outside who would love to break a few of your bones for all that."
As the door slammed shut, you finally allowed yourself to take a shaky breath in and look around. Even though you were alone, you still heard the thumping coming from the corner of the room. You leaned forward, trying to see what was causing the noise, but all you saw was a small room with a stainless steel door sealed shut. There were gurneys everywhere, some of them broken, some not. Between you and the door there were six flat, stainless steel tables in front of what looked like refrigerators. Chancing a look up at the lights, you noticed some appeared to be the type you might see in a dentist's office or an operating room. Then it dawned on you.
You were in a morgue.
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You couldn't be sure how much time had passed. You lost consciousness a few times. Amy wasn't kidding. The men she employed were pissed, and they took it out on you with every punch and kick. Each time you woke up, you felt a new pain somewhere in your body. A new broken bone or a new cut. Eventually, Amy returned, and even in your wrecked state, you still found a sliver of pleasure seeing her nose taped up and the dark bruise blooming under each of her eyes.
"Had enough yet?" she asked with a smirk. You snarled in response and spit more blood on the ground.
"What do you want from me?"
"I want you to tell me where Joel and the girl are," she said, holding her hands out to her sides like it was obvious.
"I have no idea," you said truthfully, struggling to sit up.
"Okay, why don't you tell me where home is, and we can start there?" she offered, and you laughed.
"You should just go ahead and kill me if that's what you want," you told her, glaring at her with one eye, the other swollen shut already.
"Don't think we won't," she said, tilting her head to the side as she regarded you silently for a moment, her thoughts clearly drifting to something else.
"What?" you asked her through gritted teeth.
"Don't you think he's a little old for you?" she finally asked, her eyes raking up and down your body. You knew it would always boil down to this. You knew she could never see past your relationship with Joel. What he was willing to do for you, what he has done for you, what she lost and would never have.
"What, do you have daddy issues or something?" she asked with a scoff.
You smirked as more blood trickled down your chin, the cut on your lip refusing to heal.
"Sometimes he likes it when I call him daddy, if that's what you mean," you told her. The face she made was worth the kick to the head. You giggled and coughed, the pain and the smell and the insanity of everything happening finally hitting home.
"He's gonna kill you, you know," you said with a grin, leaning up against the cool tile wall. "Even if you kill me. Especially if you kill me, he will find you, and he will kill you."
Amy was smirking at you, but you saw the look in her eye. It was fast, but you caught it. She knew you were right.
"We'll see," she said, backing up so she could lift herself up on one of the stainless steel tables. She watched you for a moment, blood trickling out of every wound, bruises deepening in color with each passing minute. You were pretty sure your arm and a couple ribs were broken and you most definitely had a concussion, but you refused to show any weakness. You glared at her from your spot on the ground, waiting for whatever was going to happen next.
"Do you know what we do here?" she asked you. The question took you off guard.
"Other than torture people? No."
She laughed at that.
"We're trying to make a fucking vaccine," she told you, like she expected you to be grateful. You already figured that much out, but you didn't say so.
"How's that going for you?" you asked, voice dripping with sarcasm.
"It would be a lot fucking better if we had that goddamn girl," she told you. Her emotions were getting the best of her. You could hear it with every word, and it put you even more at ease. They were desperate.
"Oh, yeah?" you said. "That's a shame."
"Do you have any idea how many people sacrificed themselves for this cause?" she asked, her brows furrowed. You shrugged.
"Enlighten me."
"Countless," she said, jutting her chin towards the room in the corner. You looked over at the closed door. The thumping was fainter when you were alone, but now that Amy was talking, the noise started up again.
"There's a lot of people who are immune, you know," she began, and you felt your muscles tense. "So many of them gave their lives to help us find a cure. We are so close. Our doctor just needs one more, and that kid is the answer." You began to put the pieces together, and the noise in the corner was starting to make sense. You felt your stomach roll.
"Sounds like a really shitty doctor if they let so many people die," you told her, and she scoffed.
"He's brilliant. You have no idea how difficult it is to extract DNA in this type of setting, and - I don't even know why I'm bothering," she said, shaking her head. "The point is, that girl could save us all."
"You said it yourself. There's a lot of people who are immune," you mumbled. You could feel yourself fading but you fought to stay awake. "Find someone else."
"Fuck that," she said, jumping down from the table and crouching in front of you. "Where is she?"
"Even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you," you whispered, your good eye sliding shut.
"Don't you dare pass out!" she shrieked, slapping you across the face. The adrenaline perked you up for a few seconds, but the blood loss ultimately won, and you slipped back into darkness.
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You woke up to the sound of gunfire coming from the floors above you. The noise was faint, but it was distinctive. Pop, pop, pop. How long were you out for this time? Was it nighttime? There were no windows, you had no semblance of time other than the hunger that gnawed at your insides as more hours passed without food or water.
You blinked and looked around, confirming you were still alone before trying to sit up. The blood loss was too much, your head was pounding, and your side felt like you had been hit by a bus. Slumping back down, you took a few deep breaths before trying again. The gunshots were getting closer, and your adrenaline was spiking, giving you the little boost you needed to force yourself up. You looked down, trying to assess the damage to your body. Your upper thigh had a big, weeping gash, probably the culprit for the majority of your blood loss. Your one eye was still swollen but you could crack it open just a bit now if you really had to. Your cheekbone felt like it might be broken, and a few ribs were definitely broken, but at least your knees and ankles were good. If you could cut the ties, you could run. Or stumble.
As the gunfire got closer, the thumping against the door in the corner of the room got louder. There was no doubt in your mind at this point that they kept infected in there, and you just hoped you weren't still tied up if they got out.
Your brain was foggy, you were having a hard time staying focused, but the panic began to set in. Why was there gunfire? What was happening? Then a hazy thought drifted by in the back of your mind. Joel?
There was no way he could have found you this fast. He wouldn't have put the pieces together. You barely could keep up with what was happening. But then the door handle jiggled and a small form snuck into the room quietly and you thought you must have been dying. Surely, you were hallucinating, your brain short circuiting as it began to shut down, because there was no possible way Ellie was actually crouching in front of you, repeating your name urgently as she tugged on your restraints to no avail.
"Shit, hold on," you heard her mutter, setting the familiar looking hunting rifle on the floor next to her so she could fish her switchblade out of her pocket. Yes, you were most definitely hallucinating. Joel wouldn't have given her his rifle. Unless...
"Is he dead?" you rasped, finally finding your voice. Ellie paused with her switchblade hovering over your ankles and frowned at you.
"Joel? No," she said, shaking her head as she began to saw on the restraints, freeing your legs and then moving to your wrists.
"What's..." you tried again, but you could feel yourself fading and all you could hear was that fucking thumping in the corner of the room and the gunfire down the hall.
"We're getting you out of here," she said, tucking her shoulder underneath your arm and hoisting you up with a grunt. You muffled a cry at the pain shooting down your side, blood gushing down your leg again now that you were moving.
"Oh, fuck," she whispered, leading you over to a gurney so you could steady yourself before she dug into her pack for an old shirt. She bent down and wrapped it around your thigh as tight as she could, wincing as she double knotted it before she stood back up.
"Can you move?" she asked, her eyes wide with panic. You nodded, but you weren't sure. If Ellie had the rifle, where was Joel?
As if an answer to your question, Joel burst into the room and slammed the door shut behind him, frantically looking around before pulling a table over to barricade it. You must have looked worse than you thought because when he finally turned around to look at you for the first time, his face crumpled for a moment before he quickly collected himself and rushed over.
"What'd they do to you?" he murmured in your ear as his arms came up to wrap around your middle. You winced and leaned back, your hand coming up to your ribs to tenderly cover the spot he just squeezed.
"Fuck, I'm sorry," he whispered, his eyes raking down your body, trying to take stock of your injuries.
"It's okay," you said. His eyes flicked to the corner of the room where the noise was reaching a fever pitch.
"Oh, shit," Ellie muttered, her attention also pulled to the locked door.
"We gotta get you outta here," Joel said, seemingly making the connection much quicker than you did. "Can you walk?"
"I think so, but I can't go fast," you said, bending over and holding yourself up with your arms braced on the gurney. For the first time, you noticed the blood. He was covered in it. Splashed up his jeans and boots and all over his hands, some even sprayed on his neck.
"That's fine," he said as he began to push the table away from the door. The noises from the locked room got even louder as the table legs screeching on the tile floor.
"There's too many of them, Joel. We can't-"
"Yeah, we can," he said, cutting you off. He was turning to look at you, still in disbelief while he opened the door, not paying attention as someone pushed their way in, knocking him to the ground with the stock of a rifle.
He fell with a groan, his hands coming up to clutch the side of his face as Amy quickly locked the door behind her. She aimed her rifle at Joel's chest, and he dropped his hands to the side, staring up at her like he was seeing a ghost.
"What the fuck?" he whispered, and she smirked.
"Nice to see you, too, baby," she snarled, her nose still taped and her eyes still black.
"Who's she?" Ellie asked under her breath at your side, but you just shook your head. Amy glanced up and let out a shaky laugh when she saw Ellie.
"After everything you did, Joel, you still lost," she said. You looked between them, confused and barely holding onto consciousness. What did that mean?
"What the hell happened to you?" Joel asked her, his voice laced in disgust.
"I got with the fucking program, Joel! That's what!" she yelled at him before taking a step back, the rifle still aimed at his chest.
The door handle began to rattle violently with all the yelling. You could see it being pushed open a crack from the other side, then hands wrapping around the edge of the door until the lock broke and it finally swung open.
Joel scrambled to his feet and grabbed his revolver from his side while Ellie shouldered the hunting rifle as infected came pouring out, their screams making you wince.
Gunshots rang out, a few infected fell, but Amy's gun jammed and a runner knocked her down. She rolled off to the side and kicked it in the chest, sending it flying backwards right into Ellie, the gun falling from her hands.
You picked up Joel's rifle as quickly as you could in your weakened state, but right as you took aim at the infected's head, you watched its teeth clamp down around her arm. You both screamed, Ellie in pain, you in fear as you lodged a bullet right into the back of the runner's skull, its body falling limply to the side. You dropped the gun to the ground, too exhausted and weak to hold it anymore. Ellie scrambled up and swiped frantically at her arm, watching as the blood trickled out.
"Are you okay?" you asked, reaching out to her. She nodded and looked up at you, her eyes suddenly going wide.
"Look out!"
You ducked just in time to avoid getting hit in the back of the skull with Amy's rifle. She fell forward on her hands and knees, then scrambled to grab Ellie's ankle, yanking her down and pulling her against her chest.
You vaguely heard Joel's gun still firing behind you, taking down infected, when you watched Amy's arm wrap around Ellie's throat, her face going red while she gasped for air. You didn't even think, you just reacted. Ignoring the pain, you surged forward and pounced on top of her, yanking her arm off of Ellie's neck with every ounce of strength you had. Ellie rolled to the side, kneeling and coughing with her hand gingerly touching her red skin while your fingers gripped Amy's neck. She clawed at your hands, panic filling her eyes as she looked up at you helplessly. You put all your weight into it, squeezing with all your might and praying you didn't pass out before ending this once and for all.
In one last ditch effort, Amy dug her thumb deep into your wounded thigh, making you cry out and loosen your grip. She tossed you off of her and you collapsed next to Ellie with a loud thud. Forcing herself to her feet, Ellie stood over you protectively, her switchblade held shakily in her hand as blood trickled slowly down her arm and dripped onto the tile floor next to your head.
The room finally seemed quieter. You chanced a look towards Joel. He was standing on the other side of the room, surrounded by dead infected and panting for air. When he turned to the three of you, you finally noticed the huge gash on the side of his head from where Amy hit him. His blood dripped down his neck and below his collar, his shirt absorbing the dark red drops.
Amy grabbed the rifle you abandoned and swung around, aiming it at the pair of you as she walked backwards. Joel kept his revolver trained on her as he slowly made his way over to your side of the room.
"You just ruined all our chances at having a fucking life again, Joel," Amy seethed, her eyes boring into his.
"Should've thought about that before you took what's mine," he grumbled angrily, standing next to you now. You curled into a ball on the floor, the pain too much to handle.
"If you'd have just brought us the girl in the fucking first place, none of this would have happened and we wouldn't have touched her," Amy retorted, jutting her chin in your direction.
"The hell's so special about the kid?" Joel asked, but before she could answer, a telltale click, click, click echoed in the room, and you all froze. Your one good eye popped open as you watched a clicker stumble from the room in the corner, snapping its teeth and swiping mindlessly at the empty space in front of it.
Joel glanced down at your state, knowing he wouldn't be able to pick you up and get out of there in time. Ellie gripped her knife tightly as she watched the clicker get further into the room.
You could see the look in Amy's eye. She was glancing around frantically, trying to figure out a way to use this to her advantage. But lucky for you all, you thought of it first.
Carefully, you reached out in front of you, your fingers picking up the bullet casing on the floor from when you shot the runner. Before you had time to overthink it, you tossed the casing to the other side of the room, the metal clinking right between her feet.
The clicker turned towards her and shrieked, its arms flailing wildly. Amy panicked and backed up, but her sneakers squeaked on the tile and that was all the clicker needed. You watched as its hands gripped her shoulders to hold her steady while its mouth ripped violently into her neck. Blood gushed everywhere, puddling on the floor and causing her to lose her footing. Her screams reverberated in the room. You covered your ears, trying to muffle the sound until her screaming eventually stopped.
While the clicker was still distracted, Joel snuck up quietly behind it and lodged a bullet in its head, and the room finally filled with silence again.
Joel turned around as Ellie was helping you back on your feet. He noticed the blood dripping down her arm and his body stiffened.
"You were bit," he said, staring at the blood seeping through her shirt. Ellie looked down at it and then looked back up at him, shaking her head and backing away slowly.
"N-no, it's fine, really-"
Joel held up his gun, pain flickering across his face.
"Joel, don't," you said, but he shook his head.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart. She's bit, we can't-"
"Put the gun down, Joel, and listen to me," you told him, taking a few shaky steps to the side so you stood between him and Ellie.
His arm immediately dropped when you blocked his shot, and he looked at you with despair in his eyes.
"There's nothin' we can do, I'm sorry kid, but -"
"She's immune, Joel!" you yelled, cutting him off again. He froze, stunned, as his eyes flicked back and forth between yours and Ellie's.
"What?" he finally whispered.
"It's true," Ellie said from behind you, then she pulled up her sleeve and showed him her old bite. "Got it a couple months ago. See? It's all healed."
Joel stumbled back a bit, catching himself on the edge of a table as he tried to follow what was happening.
"Wh- how?"
"I don't know, some people just... are," she said, her gaze dropping to the floor.
"It's why they wanted her so badly. They were trying to use her as a guinea pig to make a vaccine," you added.
"You knew?" Joel asked, looking at you with hurt in his eyes. You nodded, your lip trembling.
"Listen, I would love to tell you everything I know, but can we do it in the fucking car?" Ellie asked, growing impatient. You could tell Joel was still struggling with this new revelation, but he knew you were in desperate need of medical care.
"You so much as twitch -" Joel said, storming over to her now and letting himself trail off.
"Yeah, yeah, I get it. Can we go now?"
If you weren't in so much pain, you might have laughed at how cavalier she was about the whole thing.
Joel found a beat up looking wheelchair and helped you into it. He instructed Ellie to push you while he led the way down the hall. He picked up an assault rifle from one of the dead bodies as he made his way to the elevator. You glanced around at the carnage as you waited for the doors to open, then looked up at him by your side.
"Did you do all of this alone?"
He looked down at you, his eyes lingering on your one open eye for a moment before nodding curtly. As you filed onto the elevator, you tried to examine him for any injuries, but aside from the hit to his head and a few minor scratches and bruises to his knuckles, he appeared fine.
The doors opened up on the main level and you gasped. If you thought the basement level was bad, it was nothing compared to the main level. Ellie pushed your wheelchair through the blood on the floor, her footsteps and the wheels leaving imprints as you went. Joel went up ahead to push some bodies out of the way and make a clear path for you to get to the front door.
"Truck's right out front," he said.
"Joel, how did you... do this?" you asked, still hardly believing what you were seeing.
"What'dya mean?" he asked, his hand on the front door, ready to push it open. You looked up at him and swallowed the lump in your throat, unable to comprehend what you were seeing. He let his hand drop to his side so he could kneel in front of you and pinch your chin between his fingers, giving you a gentle kiss.
"I did what I had to do to get you back."
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Tag List @nana90azevedo @ninaminaromina @untamedheart81 @taz-97 @nastiasnow @amyispxnk @plz-be-solo @iloveramensm @caitlynsixxx @anoverwhelmingdin @harriedandharassed @jessthebaker @txtattoostark @merz-8 @sarahhxx03 @oscarissac2099 @motherjoel @silas-222 @b3l1nd5 @rocket-raccoon-silvie @missladym1981 @angie2274 @maried01
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angelltheninth · 1 year
Could I request NSFW of Malleus going feral over seeing his fem!s/o wearing a wedding dress?
When is not feral haha.
Pairing: Malleus Draconia x Fem!Reader
Tags: nsfw, smut, wedding night, torn clothing, biting, scratching, marking, kissing, mating mark
Word count: 1.1k
A/N: Malleus is at his best when he's being and feral at the same time.
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From the moment he was you walking down to meet him at the alter Malleus couldn't keep his eyes off you. He never could actually but there was just something about seeing you in your wedding dress that sparked a possessive and primal urge within him. Boiling in his gut, begging to be unleashed.
He could only give you kisses, longing looks and subtly run his hand up your thigh under the table. The entire time you could feel lust radiating of him like fire.
It was time for him to unleash it, finally, having you to himself.
"You're absolutely breathtaking." He has your wrists pinned above your head, your back arched down and turned to him, your ass against his clothed hard cock, "My beautiful bride. My... mine." Hot breath warmed your neck. Your body burned for him as his did for you. Your head was spinning, partially from the wine and partially from having Malleus pressing against you like this. Unable to contain his desires.
Heat crawled up and down your body as he caressed you with his free hand, revealing your bare thigh and hiking the dress up as he went, "You can't wait can you? You've been staring at me for hours now Mal."
His chuckle tickled your neck, his teeth sharp and cold, "Can you truly blame me? You're the woman of my dreams, married to me, we're gonna build a life together. Just the two of us." His hand traveled to your front, pressing against your stomach, "For now."
You shuttered at the thought of him, above you, inside you, coming inside you so many times you can't walk right afterwards, having to be carried in his arms.
"I apologize for what I'm about to do next my darling. I know you played a lot for this, but I promise I will make it up to you." He pushed his cock closer to you, and the next thing you heard was the sound of torn fabric and the sensation of suddenly being cold, being naked.
"Malleus! Pervert!" You tugged and bucked against his grip, only backing up into his cock as a result. His clothed cock felt good on your naked pussy, growing wet where it touched, ruining his wedding attire as well, "You could have just told me to strip you know." You wiggled against him deliberately. Oh the sweet revenge. And even more, you spread your legs, willing and inviting to him, "Take some responsibility."
A shaky breath left his mouth, hot against your neck, his tongue even hotter, "Anything for you darling." He kept kissing your neck, a good distraction when combined with his hands running across your front, getting your nipples hard, making your head swirl and your pussy drip, even making you fail to hear when his pants hit the floor. The warm head of his cock pushing through your folds took you by surprise, a much too welcome one. "If you would allow me the honor, I would like to become one with you tonight. Body and spirit. Would like that, my most beautiful rose?"
You nodded furiously, desperately trying to open up more, take him inside of you, soothe that burning fire, that ache in your stomach and your cunt, "I'm already yours. So go ahead, do as you wish Malleus."
Those words acted like a leash and collar to him, pulling until... "Shit, how you so wet already?" Malleus, shaking with need, bottomed out in your warm hole and stopped, adjusting to the sensation of your velvety walls taking him in, "You're perfect." He mumbled, "Need to... mmm... make you mind now." His fangs broke the soft skin of your neck, drawing bits of blood, the painful bite mixing with the pleasure of his cock moving in and out of you, slowly, his heavy balls pushing against your every time he bottomed out in your cunt.
He was in no rush at all, comfortable with taking his time, only occasionally making a sharp hard thrust, laughing against your neck when you'd gasp and clench tighter around him. All the while his teeth remained closed around the base of your neck.
The short, sharp thrusts that he surprised you with made you back up against his, craving him, almost under some wonderful thrall underneath him. Was the room spinning from the alcohol or were you just feeling that good? You don't know, you don't need to know, you only need Malleus to make you feel good.
Sharp claws dragged up your thighs, leaving little faint marks before smoothing over your shoulder. His fangs let you go, hot mouth traveling over the bite mark, a long, warm tongue soothing the pain before moving to your right shoulder, biting a less permanent mark there.
Malleus seemed determined to mark every part of your body he could.
"I think I'm getting close." You definitely were, the heat in your belly building up to a fire, a storm, threatening to tear you apart if left untended. "Touch me. Two fingers." You whined even as he obliged, rubbing down your body, his fingers finding your aching clit and rolling them over, rolling your clit between then, rubbing small, slow circles, then going faster when he'd thrust in hard, and repeating the process. "Yes, you feel so good Mal. Keep doing that!"
He was nothing if not eager to please you.
Malleus's hips started bucking wildly, sharp slaps and squelching noises mixing in with moans and growls, "Squeeze. Fuck, squeeze around me and make me come!" Malleus roared, chasing that feeling, ramming into you with newly found force.
You whispered out a gentle, "Malleus," before you felt your orgasm crash over you. He followed closely after, his orgasm nearly simulations to yours, warm cum pumping into your pussy from his throbbing cock.
"Damn. Holy fuck." You leaned your sweaty forehead against the door, "And we haven't eve broken in the wedding bed yet."
"I can change that." Malleus was still as hard as a rock inside of you. You never wanted him to leave, you wanted to keep his cock warm forever. "We can keep going all night." He wiggled his hips playfully, enjoying the way you arched into him further, humming in delight at his suggestion.
"Lose the rest of your clothes first. I think it's time for a little payback. How do you feel about being tied up with a tie?" You didn't see his eyes widen but you sure did feel his excitement at the proposal, "So yes?"
"Only if I can tie you up later, I have got some nice ideas." Oh. Oh well then, this is gonna be a... eventful night.
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neoarchipelago · 1 year
And they were Roomates (part 3)
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A/N: Wahoou... I didn't expect this to get so much appreciation. I remind everyone that i accept tips even thought my content stays entirely free for everyone as i don't really do this for money but for my horny demon persona. This is probably getting more parts at this point
accepting some headcanons, situation ideas for these two as i'm slowly running out, it might take me longer to write if i can't find stuff.
TW: violence, blood, crusing, etc.
Love ya'll enjoy.
You frowned, trying to make your laptops fit in your bag. You were heavily frustrated today. 
It didn't exactly differ from your mood for the past three weeks. THREE WEEKS. He was gone for three weeks and you had 0 news. You stopped fighting with the zipper of your bag to sigh. 
Of course, as if the situation wasn't frustrating enough, you had spent the last week on a mission with a team who's sergeant hated your guts. Sergeant Keller. You were just hoping to end this as soon as possible. Avoiding the sergeant was now your top priority. You had managed to get on his last nerve by defying him at the meeting and proposing a plan that was better than his. The furious look he had sent your way promised havok if he found you alone. Which you totally were right now.
The sound of footsteps made you freeze. Spinning around you cursed. 
You didn't have time to finish, thanks to the punch to your sternum making you drop to your knees, breath caught in your lungs. 
"You are a little bitch." 
The remark passed through you like a yawn. What bothered you the most was the blows you might receive. He wouldn't kill you, or actually hurt you badly because you were still a valuable asset to the government and the military. But he'd still make it painful. 
"You're… just… mad… I'm better than you…" you hissed through breaths.
This time the kick to your ribs made you whimper. Grabbing a fistful of your hair he lowered himself next to you. 
"Stop fucking acting like you're a hero. You're a fucking terrorist. You should be dead, a bullet through the brain. Know your damn place." 
He hissed through gritted teeth. 
"You want to kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid" you teased. 
The two other kicks, one to your stomach the other landing on your wrist were expected. 
You couldn't let yourself be spoken like that… it hurt but fuck you weren't going to let him talk down to you. 
You were hunched over on the floor, hand over your ribs, and right wrist badly hurting.  
The sergeant threw you one last glance before heading out. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. 
You took several minutes trying to calm down the pain before standing up, grabbing your things and darting out. The cold hair made you huff out little clouds. The 21st of December… you had spent many Christmases alone… but you didn't feel as lonely as you did right now. 
You bit your lip. Keeping the tears at bay… but had long lost this fight. 
The way home was spent crying. You were thankful no one was out at this Wonderful late hour. You had managed to reach your apartment door, tears blurring your vision, and your aching side and wrist throbbing. 
Your hand was shaking as you put the key in the lock. You pushed the door open slamming it behind you. You locked it, heading for the living room. You let your things drop on the couch. You spun around to the counter, flinching heavily as you sat down on one of the stools. You tried to breathe through the pain, throat burning as you tried to keep yourself from crying even more.
Suddenly your ears picked up a sound from behind. Jumping down and turning around you froze. 
The silence was deafening. Rage and pain filled your brain. How dare he? Just… what?! 
"What the fuck?!" You half screamed, tears now freely falling. 
"Sparrow." His tone now much more firm. "Are you alright?" 
You chuckled, throwing the most cynical smile you could find in you. 
"I'm amazing." You hissed. 
"Stop. What's wrong? What happ-" 
"None of your business." You spat. 
You were furious. You were absolutely broken and in pain. He walked up to you, leaving a few steps in between. 
God… you had missed his eyes… you mentally cursed yourself at the thought. 
"I know you're angry. But tell me." 
"Angry? You think I'm angry? I'm furious! You left ! Without a word! I'm in pain!" 
That was true. Physical and mentally. You were trying to keep your voice down. But his words kept repeating in your mind. 'we're not friends'. 
You took a deep breath, both staying silent for a long minute. 
"Sparrow… tell me." 
You closed your eyes for a second. 
"Why?" You asked. 
You looked at him, eye to eye for once. You were genuinely asking him. 
"Don't tell me you care… you made it clear. We're not friends." 
"No. No. Not this time." 
You felt the heavy crush of your exhausted mind and body. You wanted to escape. You needed to. You walked around him. He grabbed your bruised wrist making you whimper in pain. 
The silence after was tense. His gaze had heavily darkened. He was… furious. 
"Who?" Was all he asked. His tone was the coldest you ever heard him. 
You walked to the cupboard, your initial destination, grabbing something inside. You ignored his question entirely. You placed the black mug on top of the counter. He eyed it. A white skull was drawn on it, with the letters lieutenant Riley. You had it made for him as a Christmas present. 
"I figured, you hate Christmas. Though I read no stupid file, it was kind of obvious." You started. Eyes not leaving the object. "I still bought you a Christmas gift. And I know it's not Christmas yet, but. I don't think we'll spend it together." 
You looked up at him. "Now you can hate me as much as you want…" you whispered. 
You didn't wait for any answer at all. You simply headed to your room, locking the door behind you. You got into bed, wincing at the bruises now forming all over your skin. You cried. Letting the tears and tiredness take you to sleep. 
The morning was rough. You had called Laswell, informing her that you were unable to get to base that morning. She gave you immediate permission to work from home. You sighed. Getting up, you threw one of your signature baggy shirts that reached the middle of your thighs. Your eyes were puffy. You could see it in your bedroom mirror. The bruise on your wrist was bad but the one on your ribs was nasty. 
You made sure that your long sleeves hid the bruise. 
Your ears picking up sounds very unusual to your apartment made you frown. Multiple voices could be heard from the living room. 
You opened the door, curious. You could hear ghost's raspy voice. You also managed to hear captain price's. You walked to the living freezing at the entrance. Many eyes were now stuck on you. 
"Hum…" you tried. 
Ghost was the first to move, straightening himself as he scanned your body, wrist, down to your naked thighs. 
You blushed. You were a bit too underdressed suddenly. He was back after all. And he … had … guests? 
"Ah ! Miss sparrow!" Price smiled happily. 
His smile was so contagious you couldn't keep yourself from smiling back. 
"Good morning captain price" you answered with a smile.  
He walked to you, surprising you with a hug. A very suspicious hug as he barely squeezed you. It was more… testing the waters. As if, checking for any injuries. You still hugged him back. The rest of the men in the living room were still staring at you. They all had a giddy smile on their faces. 
"Here. Let me present to you the rest of the squad." He said, positioning himself behind you, hands on your shoulders. 
"This is sergeant John soap McTavish." He explained, pointing to the man with a mohawk. 
"Hi!" He greeted, the taint of a Scottish accent on his voice. 
"This is Kyle gaz Garrick."
The man with a cap stood and threw a wink at you. He sat down back down rather quickly for some reason. 
"And this is Colonel Alejandro Vargas. Not really part of the squad but he's here on permission for a month." 
The man stood walking to you, taking your hand delicately in his, dropping a kiss before smiling. 
"A pleasure." His voice tainted with an accent as well. 
You blushed. Sending a smile to everyone. 
"And gentlemen this is… sparrow." He said. 
He didn't have much more information to add so you did. 
"I'm a hacker. I work for the military but I was actually your enemy a few years ago… my code name is sparrow." 
The man with a mohawk, now Soap to you jumped at the information. Fear reached you, thinking that once more… this would be like sergeant Keller. 
"You're a hacker?! Fuck that's so cool!" 
You smiled, relieved. 
"We were going to have breakfast. Would you like to join us?" Price invited. 
"LT got muffins!" Soap added. 
You glanced at the man in a balaclava, eyes widening as you saw him stand against the counter, a black mug in hand. He… was using your gift. The realisation making something burn in you.
"Hum… sure." You answered, smiling at the men. 
Everyone answered at the same time a variation of happy words. Quickly interrupted by a very familiar raspy voice.
"She's going to change first."
Everyone turned to ghost.
"I..am?" You suddenly questioned his behavior. 
He walked up to you, price stepping back from you. 
"Sure, we'll wait. We'll prepare everything." Price said, with what seemed to be a signature smile on his lips. Ghost softly wrapped his fingers around your good wrist and positioned his palm at the small of your back, beckoning you to walk back to your bedroom with him. 
Once inside he closed the door behind him. You were still mad at him, even though it seemed to fade by the minute. You decided that pushing his buttons would make your point. 
"Why do I have to change? I don't want to change." You spoke, crossing your arms over your chest. 
He froze in place looking at you. You could feel his eyes traveling down your thighs. You blushed heavily. Without a single word he managed to answer. So you teased even more. A bitter feeling at the words. 
"I don't think your teammates are interested. And I don't think you'd care if they-" 
"Listen carefully." He threatened now closing in, trapping you between the desk and his body, hands on either side of your body. Slightly hunched over you to get to your eye level. 
"If Vargas looks at your thighs with that 'i want to fuck it' look again, I'm beating the fuck out of him in the living room." 
You gasped, eyes glued to him. Was he…jealous? 
"Now you do whatever you want." He said in a low voice. 
"Are you jealous…" you answered in a low voice. 
He flinched slightly. 
"No." He quickly answered. 
Of course not. Why did that thought ever cross your mind?
"Whatever… I have to get to base anyway…" you mumbled. 
"We'll take you." He said, moving back and taking a last glance at you before stepping out. 
You stood there confused for a few seconds. This man was unreadable. Terribly confusing. One moment he hated you, the other he threatened to beat up his friend because he was checking you out. You sighed, heading for your closet.
You were in the noisy car as you drove to the base with everyone. You had surprisingly spent a very pleasant morning with everyone, heading back to the base after lunch. You had to, unfortunately you needed to get back on the mission and you needed to be with the team for that. 
You weren't exactly excited to see Sergeant Keller. You just hoped you'd stay out of his radar. 
Arriving in the middle of the warehouses and building, ghost parked. Everyone jumped out of the vehicle, you following carefully trying to not wince. Ghost kept his eyes on you and it was hard hiding the injuries. 
"What time you done sparrow?" Soap asked. 
"Hum… don't really know…" you answered genuinely not knowing when you'd get out of the hell of a room you were about to get to. 
"We can wait for you, we all have time to lose." Gaz added. 
You were now incredibly sure ghost had somehow told them about the bruises he saw on your wrist. 
"I don't know…" you tried. 
"We'll wait. Text me when you're done." Ghost ordered. 
You looked at him, deliberately rolling your eyes at him before heading into the building. 
You could hear soap and gaz laughing before quickly shutting up. 
The hours flew by you, and you were pretty glad of that. You just wanted to go back home. You were also very glad that the mission was finally coming to an end. Your part would be over tonight, so you'd be far away from sergeant Keller. 
The clock showed 7pm. You watched everyone as they put away their stuff. Grabbing your phone, you texted ghost. 
-"I'm done. In case you actually waited…
- "Copy."
You rolled your eyes again. You were putting down your phone when another notification rang. 
"Of course I waited. We're out front."
You felt a ping in your heart. What was going on? Why was he so… protective all of a sudden? You stood up grabbing your things when a sharp pain to your ribs made you yelp. 
Turning around you saw Sergeant Keller behind you. The asshole had poked exactly where he had kicked you the day before. 
"You and I need to have a little talk." He threatened. 
You looked around. The room was empty. Fuck. And of course you were caged in between the table and him. The door to your right would be hardly attainable. 
"You really adore me don't you sergeant?"  you teased, a little shiver of anxiety running through you. 
"You have such a big mouth. Somebody ought to make you shut it." 
The slap across your faces stung. You had managed somehow to bite your lip in the process, little droplets of blood on your tongue. God damn it. 
"I literally didn't do shit this time Keller." You rang, rage slightly rushing through you. 
"You're right. Just thought I'd make you remember your place one last time. So you wouldn't go pretending to be part of the good guys again." 
"I AM part of the good guys for fucks sake!" You yelled. 
He grabbed your throat. Making you grab his wrist. 
"You think playing around with your little laptop after you were hunted down for multiple crimes makes you good? You think this is your redemption arc? Fucking idiot" 
You hissed as he pressed against your ribs again. He let go of your neck, now grabbing your bruised wrist and squeezing. You yelped in pain. Of course… using the already bruised parts not to add anymore evidence. 
"Fuck… stop Keller!" You yelled through gritted teeth. 
"Little bitch." He answered, a punch to your bruised ribs, this time making you cry out in pain, vision darkening at the intensity.
You barely heard him walk in. You didn't fully understand why Keller was thrown across the room. When the pain was finally slightly down you looked up, eyes widening at the sight. Ghost had Keller by the throat against the wall. He had apparently punched him already, as by the evident blood running down Keller's nose. 
"Ghost…" you tried. 
"Get out." He ordered. 
"What..?" You asked, shocked. 
"Soap and price are waiting. Get. Out!" He ordered, barking the last word. 
You flinched, but moved, hand over your ribs, running out. You heard Keller get punched one more time. 
Fuck fuck fuck. Your eyes stung with tears. Throwing open the heavy metal door, cold air biting at your skin, your eyes searched for price and soap. They were right in front, heads turning to you, instantly running as they saw the blood on your lip. 
"Sparrow!" Your heard soap. 
You breathed heavily. Ears slightly ringing. Price and soap stood next to you inspecting you. 
"Ghost…" you tried. 
"What?" Soap urged. 
"He's… he's beating up Keller… you got to stop him!" You yelled. 
Alejandro and gaz showed up running up to  price. Price cursed heavily. 
"Alejandro gaz! Stay with her, soap, with me!" He yelled. 
Soap and price rushed past you, as Alejandro and gaz surrounded you. 
"You're alright princess.." Alejandro said, a worried look on his face. 
"I'm fine… I'm fine… it's just a few scratches." You reassured. 
You turned around staring at the metal door. You were shivering. It was probably the cold… or probably the panic coursing through you. You were so thankful that he had shown up. But you were extremely worried about the trouble he was going to get into because of you. 
"Come on.. sparrow get in the car." Gaz asked. 
"N-no… I… ghost " you stumbled over your words. 
"He's coming back, don't worry. Price and soap are with him." Alejandro tried. 
"No!" A whimper escaped your lips. 
Your brain was a fuzz. You didn't know exactly what you were feeling. Any anger towards him had vanished. You were worried, you needed to see him. 
"Come on Sparrow, we're taking you home." 
You shook your head, making you even dizzier than you already were. 
"We'll bring him back, we promise." Gaz assured. 
You took a deep breath finally following them into the car. Tears fell down your cheeks, the cold hair had helped them turn your cheeks red. 
You glanced one last time towards the door before Alejandro and gaz drove out. 
@lemontails @cabreezer0117 @tomhardy41 @brxghtixghtz @shuttlelauncher81 @pinkdazelight @sirenbunnylol @snortangeldust @novausstufff @gasstationfifacard @emotion-not-hot-yes-hotel-trivago @simpforavillain @minimisthios @catied32 @poohkie90 @watermaylon-writes @thereealink @meimhem @sorryi-mtrash @gaymistakeboi @bittersw33t-lotus @gh0stm3g @freckledmuffin @itsasecrets-things @xback1021 @connierk690 @feedthefandoms995 @friendlyneighboorhoodgothicpagan @dead-noodles @friendly-reject @critter-mylo
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locker42 · 1 year
Hey hey what’s up
Just wondering if u could do one where Luke comes back and is furious that jj trashed the pills. After jj has to feel the aftermath of Lukes rage, Y/N finds  him hurt and angry and they get into a really bad  argument.  to which Y/N goes to Lukes place without JJ or the others knowing to confront Luke/ or secretly get Jjs stuff and ends up getting beaten up?
Something into that direction would be great 
Shitty Father
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Warnings: swearing, violence, abuse, injuries.
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Kook!reader.
Word count: 4702.
Sorry it took me so long, had quite a lot going on. Gonna start posting again!
It wasn’t unlike JJ to disappear for three days but it still worried you every time. Because you knew it had something to do with his dad - it always had. All the times he came to your window, face all bruised up and bloody, holding his tears in. There were too many times. You wanted to go to his house and check on him, however after remembering his warnings about coming anywhere near his house, you hesitated.
As you drove towards the Chateau the only thought in your head was if JJ was alright. You hated the feeling in your stomach, because you knew something was wrong. You haven’t seen your boyfriend in three days, and with every passing hour your worry grew.
After locking your car you walked up the stairs to the porch of the Chateau. What you did not expect to find there was JJ, sitting on the couch with his hands in his hair. You walked towards him slowly, careful not to make any loud noises. “JJ.” You called quietly, but it was enough for him to lift his head up.
You almost gasped when you saw the purple bruised around his swollen eye, the dry blood on his nose and the cut on his lip. There were dry tears on his cheeks and the sight made you want to pull him into your arms and never let go, but you knew better than that.
“Hey,” you started as you slowly knelt in front of him, “can I take care of you?”
He didn’t seem to hear your question as he stared at the floor beneath you. You could hear his rapid breathing and his hands that were gripping his hair to hide the shaking.
“JJ, please.” You tried again, gently bringing your hands to his wrists and pulling them away from his face. He didn’t object and let you lift his head, but his eyes refused to meet yours.
“Let me take care of your injuries. You don’t have to talk to me, just let me help you.”
Still not making eye contact with you he nodded, allowing you to pull him up and lead him towards the bathroom. You already had a first aid kit ready there for when him or John B or any other Pogues would get into a fight. JJ took a seat on the toilet and you knelt on the floor before him. Grabbing the slightly wet gauze you started cleaning his face.
“I’m sorry.”
He whispered, so quietly that you almost missed it.
“Sorry for what, love?”
He lifted his eyes and finally met yours. And it hurt. Because you saw how much pain and sadness were in them. And it hurt you, to know that the person you love most in the whole world was treated the way he was. If just you to see him hurt.
“For disappearing on you, again. You don’t deserve the way I treat you, Y/N. God, you’re so good to me and I’m-“
“Im gonna stop you right there.” You cut him off, stopping your work to clear your hands and to cup both sides of his face, careful around the bruises. “I’m gonna stop you right there because whatever more you are going to say is bullshit. JJ, you are everything to me, and that’s not a small amount. You are the light in my life, the laughter, the happiness. Without you, JJ, we’re all doomed. All the Pogues. You don’t need to apologize about this nor do you need to explain yourself. I love you, that’s why I’m good to you. Because love isn’t about deserving, it’s about giving. And I’m choosing to give you everything because you give me the love that matters the most to me.”
He stared at you for a few second before one tear fell from his eye and down his cheek. You quickly wiped it away with your thumb. He leaned in, placing his lips against yours in a soft yet passionate kiss that delivered all the love he felt toward you.
“I love you so fucking much, you know that?”
“I do. I love you, too, JJ.”
After you cleaned him up you laid on the bed beside him, his head on your chest and your hand in his hair, playing with it. His hand was holding your free one, tracing circles on the back of it. You could hear his breathing, no longer fast and panicked but slow and relaxed. His whole body relaxed against yours and you felt relief at that. Relief that your JJ was right there, with you, safe and protected from all harm. You pressed your lips to his forehead, a small smile rising on your face as he hummed to the little act of love. At that moment you knew that no matter what or where, everything was alright as long as he was by your side.
As the sun rose, you were already awake, drowning in thoughts. Although JJ was back you were still haunted by the thoughts of what went down with him in those three days. He’s already agreed on staying at John B’s or yours when things got rough so why was he back home? And why did it take him three days to come back?
Before you could drown yourself in your worries, JJ walked into the kitchen. He was shirtless, all the bruising on his torso exposed. His hair was a mess, part of it because you played with it all night. He walked all the way beside you and hugged you from behind. You smiled, leaning back against him and reaching to rub his arms.
“Good morning, baby. How did you sleep?” You asked, turning in his arms to face him.
“Good, only because you were beside me all night.” He answered with a soft smile and placed a light kiss to your lips. “What about you? What are you doing awake so early?”
“Noting, just thinking.” You shrugged, placing your head under his chin.
“About?” He asked, running his hand through your hair.
“What happened, JJ? When you were gone, what happened?” You dared ask him, lifting your head to look at him. He sighed, letting go of you and running his hand through his hair, leaning on the counter behind him.
“I came back home to get some clothes, but when I was leaving I saw a bottle of pills on the coffee table and I just- I don’t know what I was thinking but I just knew that I didn’t have the energy to deal with one more relapse of his. So I through the pills away and I walked out of the house when he arrived. He noticed the pills were gone and, well..”
He trailed off, and you didn’t need to guess to know what happened next. But it angered you, it angered you that he was still going back there and looking out for him. But most of all, you were burning with hatred for Luke. What kind of father beats their own child? And then he claims to love him.
“I still can’t understand why are you always going back there.” You said, and he immediately sighed, knowing what conversation was ahead. “No, I mean, seriously, JJ. And why didn’t you tell me? God, I could just kill him.”
“You’re not gonna do anything, okay?” He said sternly, grabbing you when you tried to turn around. “Look, I know it’s fucked up but, he’s my dad, Y/N. I can’t just ignore that.”
“He’s you dad? What has he ever done for you?” You challenged, letting your anger and frustration overflow.
“I’m not having this conversation with you right now.” He refused, but you were not done.
“Answer me, JJ. You say he’s your father but what kind of father does this? You keep justifying his behavior and standing up for him when any of us say something bad about him. But it’s all true. He’s a no-good, low-life, shifty asshole. I just don’t-“
He didn’t let you finish, grabbing your shoulders tightly.
“Just shut up, okay? You’re not making things better or easier by saying those things. You will never understand it, Y/N.”
You wiggled yourself out of his grip with a frown on your face. “Then help me understand, JJ. Because I can’t stand watching you get hurt all the time, and then you only come back for more.”
“We’re different, okay?” He raised his voice. “You and I,” he pointed, “were different. We come from different worlds. You’re a Kook, as much as you don’t like to admit it, you’re a Kook. You don’t have to deal with this type of shit I deal with. That’s why you will never understand this.”
“Really? You’re pulling the Kook card on me? Why, ‘cause I was born on a different side of the island?” You said, feeling yourself grow angrier.
“Yes!” He yelled. “That’s exactly why. Ever since you’ve been born you’ve been been fed everything with a silver spoon. You have parents who will do anything for you and you have a roof to live under without having to worry about who pays the bills or whether we have water and electricity this month or not. That’s not how people like me live.”
“I know that, JJ.”
At this point, you’ve created a space between you, not wanting to get close to him at the moment.
“I know that there’s an obvious difference between us. But first of all, my parent will not do anything for me, they have proven that the second I started hanging out with you. I’m not saying that we’re the same, I’m saying that I am able to understand what you’re going through-“
“No, you don’t!” He cut you off, making you jump at the raise of his voice. “You don’t understand, Y/N. You know why? Because all your life you’ve been a spoiled Kook who didn’t have a clue that in order to live you have to work. I mean, why would you? Your parents are a pair of arrogant assholes who probably fed you some shit about the low-lifers and about the fact that it’s our fault that we’re living in poverty. Because, admit it, you’ve never really gave a fuck about us Pogues until you met me, is that right?”
You were face to face, closer than you’d like. Your eyes were burning with tears of anger, hurt and frustration. You couldn’t believe he was saying those words. You really thought that he didn’t care about Kook or Pogue, that he cared about your relationship over your status.
“Well, I’m just some spoiled Kook, how would I know?” You said, your voice shaking slightly but you didn’t let it affect the glare you sent him as you moved across to the guest bedroom to get your stuff and get the hell out of there. You were sure John B had heard everything from his room but you didn’t care, all you wanted was to get out of there and far away from JJ.
You walked straight past him as he tried to talk to you, heading to the front door.
“Y/N, please, just let me talk to you.” He continued, but you ignored him. You opened the door and walked to your car, not sparing him a glance as you pulled out of the driveway.
You didn’t really believe in hate. You never believed that hating someone would benefit you. It was just intoxicating yourself to the point where you think more about the person you hate than they think about you. You found the whole thing pointless. Luke Maybank, however, was an exception. You hated that man with all your heart. Having witnessed all the pain he had caused to the man you loved most in the world. So when you walked into the small market by your neighborhood, your eyes immediately located Luke. He was standing in front of the alcohol isle, browsing through the different kinds with his eyes. His eyes, that were red from whatever drug he took this time. Unfortunately for you, you needed milk, which was right by the end of that isle. So, instead of going straight you turned right and made a detour to get to the fridge. You opened the glass door and sighed as the coolness seeping from the fridge, which was the total opposite of the weather outside. You picked up one gallon of milk and put it in your basket.
“Y/N L/N, there’s a girl I thought I’ll never see again.”
You heard a hoarse voice from behind you, sending chills down your spine as you immediately recognized it to be Luke’s. You slowly turned around, having no intention of starting a conversation with the man.
“What do you want?” You asked sharply, sending him a glare.
“Well, aren’t you a feisty one?” He said with a smirk, and you felt nauseous just by looking at him.
You moved to walked past him but he was quick to grab your arm, pulling you back.
“Where are you going? I need to ask you something about that little shit.”
You rolled your eyes.
“First let me go or I’ll scream.” You threatened, but the only response you got was a chuckle.
“Where is JJ? He hasn’t been home in a few days.”
You shuddered at the thought of him ever reaching JJ and very much possibly putting his hands on him.
“I don’t know, and even if I did why would I tell you?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re a shitty excuse of a father, Luke. Or moreover, you’re a piece of shit. You don’t deserve to have JJ as your son because all you do is hurt him. So no, I’m not going to tell you where he is.” You pulled your arm out of his strong grip and pushed past him, leaving him behind as you quickly paid for your things and walked out of there to your car, desperate to get as far away from him as possible.
You prayers weren’t answered, as Luke opened the passenger door and got inside the car. You heart started beating fast and you gasped as you saw a gun in his hand - aimed at you.
“You think you can just talk to me like that and I’ll let it happen? Who do you think I am? Some bitch like your little boyfriend?!” He raised his voice, pressing the gun to your stomach.
“Luke, this is ridiculous. Just get out of the car and I’ll leave, I promise.” You said, trying not to let your fear show.
“No, I got a better idea.” With his free hand, he put the car in drive, forcing you to press on the breaks. “You and I are gonna take a little trip back to my place, and there we’re gonna wait for JJ to come back. I bet he’ll run straight home once he found out you’re with me.”
“Okay,” you said, handing gripping the wheel tightly to prevent your hand from shaking, “I’ll go there, just put down the gun, please.”
“Why, so you could do whatever you want? Nah, this gun stays on you until you’re sitting on my couch in my living room.” He said and pressed the gun even harder against your side, making you clench your jaw. “Now drive, bitch.”
Your drive slowly, trying to stall as much as you could but he quickly noticed and aimed the gun to your head to make you speed up. You have never been more terrified in your life. This was your longest interaction with Luke, and you had no idea what he was capable of, especially under the influence.
After you parked the car in the driveway Luke got out of the car and walked to your side, opening the door and pulling you out of the car. He dragged you up the stairs and opened the front door, pushing you inside the house. You fell onto the floor, trying to get up but he kicked you, pressing his boot down on your back, making you yell out in pain.
“Where the fuck do you think you’re going, huh?!” He yelled. He then grabbed you from your hair and pulled you to the couch. “Now, you’re gonna sit there and shut up.”
He walked over to the kitchen counter, opening the cupboard and pulling out a bottle of cheap whiskey. He poured some into a glass and then turned to you. “You want anything to drink?”
You shook your head, refusing to talk to him.
“Hey, use you goddamn words.” He said sternly, grabbing two glasses from the counter and walking over to you. “You’re almost as bad as JJ.”
As much as you wanted to shut up and not make him even angrier, you had to control your own anger. Because nothing made you angrier than the man that was sitting next to you.
“Here,” he said and handed you a glass of whiskey, “be a good girl and drink.”
“I don’t want to.” You said calmly.
“Well, I didn’t quite ask you. And when I did you didn’t answer.”
You swallowed thickly before taking a small sip from the glass, feeling the burning sensation down your throat.
“That a girl. You know, I will never understand what you see in that boy.” He said and took a sip of his own beverage.
“Maybe that’s ‘cause you spend all your time with him beating him.”
You knew you shouldn’t have said anything the moment he grabbed your neck, but it was too late.
“What did you say to me?!” He asked and tightened his grip on your throat.
“What? That a surprise to you? I saw your knuckles, it’s no secret that you’re an abusive asshole.” You said, voice straining as he choked you.
“Fucking bitch.” He muttered before pushing you down go the floor, the glass falling from your hand and shattering into the wooden floor. He turned you around, and before you could comprehend what was happening he sent a punch to your jaw.
“You don’t talk to me like that, understand?!” He yelled before dragging you up and slamming your body against the wall. “There will be a price to pay.”
The sent another punch to your stomach and you bent forward from the pain, all the air leaving your body.
“Pathetic slut, can’t even take some beatin’.”
His words fueled you and you finally found the power to fight back. You used all your momentum to push him away from you, and then you tried running for the door. But he was too quick and you were too slow. He grabbed you hair and spun you to face him, his face inches from yours.
“You think you can just run away? Well then let me tell you something. You ain’t leavin’ til my son gets here. And when he does I’ll let you go, but he stays here.” He was gripping your face with his hand, making you wince as his nails dug into your skin.
“Why? So you could hit him a little more? You’re just a sad, lonely man who takes his pain out on his son - the only person he has left.” You snapped. “You think I’m pathetic? Just look at your own life, man.”
He laughed, another hand now gripping in by you hair, pulling your face closer to his. “You’re gonna regret that.”
His psychotic smile was the last thing you saw before her dropped you to the floor, slamming your head against the coffee table.
You work up at the sound of glass shuttering and yelling. You sat up, your hand going to the cut you had on the side of your forehead. You winced at the headache, looking down at your hand and seeing blood on it. You looked around the room and figured you were in JJ’s room, on the bed.
“You fucking no-good piece of shit.”
You heard from outside the room. You stood up, leaning on the wall to not fall down from the dizziness that flooded your head. You slowly walked towards the door and opened it, the noises getting louder. You peeked down the hallway, and almost gasped at the sight of JJ pinned down to the floor, Luke above him, delivering punch after punch. You started walking towards them as quietly as you could, picking up a beer bottle from the kitchen and slamming it onto Luke’s head. He stopped his punching, and you took it as an opportunity to push him off JJ. You crouched down next to him, cupping his face in your hands.
“JJ, are you okay?”
He looked at you in utter surprise, clearly not expecting you to be there.
“Y-Y/N? What the hell are you doing here?!” He asked in a panicked voice.
“Long story. Come on, we need to leave.” You said and tried to pull him up with you, but he stopped you. “JJ, come on, we need to-“
You were cut off by two arms pulling you away from JJ and pushing you against the wall.
“No!” JJ yelled, trying to stand up. “Don’t you fucking touch her.”
Luke didn’t listen to him and turned to you.
“Well, look who’s awake.” He said with a smile.
“Fuck you.” You spat, trying to get loose of his grip.
“You have a really dirty mouth, sweetheart. Time to clean it up, don’t you think?”
Before you could object he was already punching you, blood running down from your nose. He raised his hand to deliver another one but JJ caught it.
“Let her go.” He said through clenched teeth. “Get the fuck off her or I’ll fucking kill you.”
He wrapped his arms around his father’s neck and choked him. You took the opportunity the slid away from his arms. You ducked down and picked up a big piece of glass from the floor and pressed it against Luke’s throat.
“You let us both go, right now.” You demanded, but he only laughed.
“I don’t think you have the guts to kill me, baby girl.”
From behind him, JJ squeezed his throat harder. “Don’t even fucking talk to her.”
He dropped him to the floor and slammed another beer bottle to his head, knocking him out cold. He turned to you, the glass was still in your shaking hand and your face was frozen. He walked to you and took the glass out of your grip, discarding it to the floor. He pulled you into him, whispering ‘you’re okay’ over and over again and you were pretty sure those words were meant for himself. He pulled away and grabbed your hand.
“Let’s go, we can talk about this at the Chateau.”
You both walked out of the house and to your car. You let him drive to John B’s place, knowing you couldn’t drive at the moment. You were both silent the whole drive, however a hand on your thigh kept you calm. He parked the car, but made no move to get out. Instead, he moved his gaze to you. Your gaze was focused on the Chateau rather than on him, hand fiddling in your lap.
“Y/N…” he said quietly, hesitation clear in his voice. “Let’s get you inside so I can take care of you, okay?”
You knew it wasn’t what he wanted to say, your current state was probably the reason he changed his words. You nodded your head, opening the door and getting out of the car. He was by our side after only a second, wrapping his arm around you and telling you that you could lean on him if you needed. As you made your way inside the Chateau, the pain in your stomach and all the other places Luke hit you started to hurt more and more. JJ opened the screen door, stepping aside the let you walk in first. You saw John B sitting on the couch, a questioning look on his face as he saw your face. You didn’t pay him any mind and just kept walking towards the bathroom, JJ right behind you. You sat on top of the counter and waited silently as JJ began taking care of your cuts.
“I know it’s usually you who’s in this position, so I just hope I’ll do a good job.” He tried to joke with half a smile, but you didn’t respond.
He sighed. “Look, Y/N, I know you probably don’t want to talk about this but, baby, I need to know what happened. You had me so fucking worried when I saw you there.”
You took in a breath, trying to find the words to describe what happened.
“I was at the supermarket, and he was there. I tried to avoid him but he saw me anyway. He started talking to me and he mentioned you and I just-“ you paused, running your hand through your hair. “I just couldn’t let him. I got so mad, J. I told him that he was a piece of shut and walked out of there. I got inside the car and he got in after me, a gun pulled out and aimed at me.”
“Fuck.” He cursed, dropping his head low. He couldn’t believe his father did that to you - that he dared aiming a gun at you.
“He told me to drive to your house so I did, and there he told me to sit on the couch. He offered me a drink and told me to ‘be a good girl and drink’.” You quoted, noting how JJ’s face stayed still, jaw clenching in anger and eyes fixed on the wall behind you. “I drank. And then he started talking about you again and how he didn’t see what I saw in you. I muttered some response and then he- well, started hitting me. Then he banged my head against the coffee table and I passed out.”
JJ stepped away from you, running his hands through his hair and down his face, leaning on the opposite wall. He cursed quietly before leaning back and punching the wall.
“JJ.” You tried, but he paid no mind, throwing another punch to the wall. “JJ, stop, you’re just gonna hurt yourself.” You raised your voice a little, standing up and pulling him towards you. His eyes were filled with tears, reflecting the anger behind them. “Calm down, please.”
“I can’t, I can’t, Y/N. I can’t just calm down when I know what he did to you. I’m gonna fucking kill him for even touching you.”
He tried to pull away again but you didn’t let him, cupping his face to make him look at you. “JJ, I’m okay, I’m fine. He didn’t hurt me that bad.”
“But he hurt you. He hurt you and he knew how much you fucking mean to me. I can’t just let that go.” He explained, cupping your head, looking at you like you were his life. “I can’t deal with the thought of him hurting you.”
“I know, trust me I know.”
You actually did know. You knew exactly how he felt because you felt the exact same thing whenever you saw the damage Luke did. You felt the same anger and the same urge to kill him for even touching him. But you couldn’t let him spiral out of control - not now.
“I love you so much, you know that?” He said, placing a kiss to your cheek. “And I’m so fucking sorry for what I said to you. I had no right to tell you those things. Baby, I’m so sorry.”
“I know, J. It’s okay, I forgive you. And I love you, too.”
You rose to your tiptoes and kissed him gently. He grabbed your waist and deepened the kiss, running his tongue against yours. You hummed in delight, running your fingers through his soft hair. You were truly lucky to have found someone that you truly love, and that he truly loved you.
“It’s all good now, J.”
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igotanidea · 8 months
Pool party : Dick grayson x reader
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Request: by @pinkestfloyd - dick x female reader having a pool party at the wayne manor
It took weeks to convince Y/N to have a proper celebration of her birthday.
If it was up to her she would rather have some quiet event, like a nice dinner with her boyfriend, a movie and some cuddles and maybe something more.
But no……!
Dick Grayson, being the eldest son of the billionaire and head over heels in love with her just had to go overboard.
A pool party? She raised an eyebrow when he broke the news to her a couple weeks earlier “do you even know me Dick? Why the hell would I want a pool party?”
“Cause you never had any in your life obviously!” he grinned
“Do you see me mourning that terrible loss?”
“come on, baby…..” he cooed, grabbing her by the waist and pulling to him “it’s gonna be fun.. I promise! Scout’s word!”
“You were never in the scouts.”
“How about Robin’s word?” he keeps on convincing her, his tone playful
“Now that’s something I would never trust….” She snickers
“You’re breaking my heart here Y/N….” one of his hands leave her body as he puts it on his heart, faking going into a cardiac arrest. “Shall I wear my Nightwing costume to convince you?” he raised an eyebrow at her.
“I never knew Nightwing is a party goer…..”
“duh! Obviously! He’s the most popular hero in the city! Of course he’s a party animal!”
“I have one too many people who would argue with that.”
“Come on.....” he whines “Y/N….. pleaaaaaseeeeee?”
“It’s not working on me, you know?”
“I still got some time to the most important day of the year which is your b-day. I’ll keep working on it. Now can you beloved boyfriend have a kiss?”
Satisfying his words and being a stubborn pain in the ass for the next days Dick was quite literally popping out of nowhere to talk her into his crazy and irrational idea.
She broke when one day he grabbed her from behind when she was leaving shower, dragging her into the room, almost giving her a heart attack in the process. She was tired of those childish monkey tricks and fully aware he was not going give up until she said yes to that completely ridiculous idea of unnecessary pool party at the manor (that being the quote).
Thinking about her future with Dick she was kind of getting worried of what lengths he might go to, if it ever came to asking her to marry him…….
She said yes to the party and the look on Dick’s face at that moment almost made her blood freeze.
His face lit up, his eyes sparkled and he looked like a kid in a candy store. Clearly, the ideas and plans to make it the best party in her entire life clouded his logical thinking, cause when she tried to give him a single suggestion about it, he hushed her and rushed off the room, muttering some omniscient words about attractions, catering and  flamingos(!).
And that’s how she found herself here.
Here being the guest room in the manor, in front of the mirror, hesitant to do as much as peek out, let alone enjoy her own birthday party.
Everything seemed perfect. Unlike any other day in Gotham the sun was shining, no one fought anyone and even Jason and Bruce decided to let go of their unresolved conflict and bitter attitude (which made her wonder what was thing Dick threatened them with and explained the screaming she heard one day – something about no fucking fighting!).
Yes. Everything seemed perfect.
Everything except her – the woman of the hour.
And the more she stared at herself in the mirror, the more stressed she got. For no reason in particular.
“Y/n?” Dick peeked inside the room, grinning “What’s taking you so long? Everyone’s waiting.”
“I’m coming, I’m coming….” She muttered looking like a cloud storm
“Oh, no….” Dick grabbed her wrist spinning her around and putting a finger under her chin forcing her gaze up “not with that attitude. Come on…. Cheer up…. You act so much like Jason….. I promised you fun and I intend to keep that promise. Trust me?”
“You’re asking awfully a lot, Dick.” She rolls her eyes. “should know better but yeah, I do trust you.” Her hand instinctively found a way to his cheek, caressing it gently “I’m sorry I;ve been a pain about it…..”
“I forgive you, now come on, let’s party!”
The second he led her outside, her moody attitude was gone in a second, replaced by the feeling of utter shock.
Positive shock.
Contrary to her worries, Dick did not invite the whole Justice League members, Titans and whoever else. Instead, the only guests were the closest member of the Batfamily, Alfred and Bruce obviously included. And seeing them just like that – chilling and carefree from the crime fighting , even if only for a while, made her happy that she agreed to all that. For her and for their sake’s.
Stephanie, Barbara and Cass were sunbathing by the pool, laughing and talking, Damian was floating on the water on the pool  inflatable in the shape of avocado and Tim was cussing quietly at the Bluetooth loudspeaker that refused to work properly. Even Jason seemed almost happy taking care of the food and the grill, wearing his famous kiss the cook apron. Bruce and Alfred were almost in a holiday mood, casually sipping drinks and keeping an eye on everyone.
Even Titus and Alfred the cat seemed to join the party.
“Is …. Is that a slide there?” Y/N asked, completely shocked at all the decorations, balloons and attractions. And lack of flamingos, luckily.
“Of course it is! Did you really think I would do anything you don’t like?” Dick grinned “Come on, sunshine, I know my own girlfriend and it’s your day after all! HEY PEOPLE!” he yelled getting the attention of the entire family “THE BIRTHDAY GIRL IS HERE!”
“Oh, for fuck’s….” Tim mutters, kicking the stereo in a poor attempt to finally make it work. And to everyone’s surprise it actually did and the party music played from the speaker.
“Happy birthday Y/N!” Stephanie in her purple swimming suit came running and hugging her friend and everyone followed. It took way too much time for Dick’s liking and getting impatient he just swept his girlfriend out of her feet, picked her up bridal style and screaming cannonball! Jumped into the pool with Y/N in his arms causing a little tsunami, that almost flooded Jason grill.
“Dick! I’m all wet!” Y/N yelled breaking into the surface, brushing her hair out of face.
“It’s a pool party! What were you expecting?”
“I don’t know, music, drinks and sprawling on the lawn chair?”
“Not on my watch, baby. I’ll make sure to give you more entertainment than that.” He smirked
And just like that, with her favourite music playing and her favourite people around she finally got herself into a party mood, realising that it was in fact her day.
A few hours later, all his siblings, Bruce and Alfred left, leaving Y/N and Dick to have some alone time. It was quite hard with everyone running around, laughing, bantering and sliding on the slide. A lot was happening and only now they got a chance to enjoy each other in quiet.
Y/N was laying on the inflatable, facing the sky and Dick was sitting on the edge of the pool watching her.
“Thanks for this dick…” she mutters sitting so she could face him. I really did have fun.”
“Told ya!” he grinned, slipping into the water and getting closer to her. “I know better what you may need, baby. Gotta believe me more.”
“Yeah….not gonna happen you big kid…”
“Big kid huh?” she scoffed “If you say so…” without hesitation he grabbed some water into his hands and splashed it all over her.
“Hey!”  she laughed and shook “not fair, Grayson! This is a literal attack on me!” she kicked her feet trying to get her revenge without leaving her place. “Take that!”
“You’re just so cute when you’re trying to threaten me, Y/N.”
“don’t come any closer to me, you shark!” she laughed seeing him swim closer to her and leaning on her mattress, eyeing her with loving gaze.
“I’m not a shark…. I’m trying to do some Titanic impression here.” He joked referring to the position her was in. His bottom half in the water, his upper half above it, with Y/N floating on the water.”
“not a funny reference Dick. You know how Leo DiCaprio ended there right?”
“Well, I am hoping for a different outcome.”
“And what may that…..?’
She didn’t get to finish the sentence when Dick jumped out of the water pecking her lips, grabbing her waist and dragged her underwater, pulling close without breaking the contact even for a moment. The speed and agility of this gesture immediately washed away all of her anger and she kissed him back, her own hands finding a way to his shoulder and neck, not wanting the kiss to end. This time, it turned out it was dick who had to have common sense when after a few seconds he pulled her up.
“That was what I was hoping for.” He grinned leaning his forehead on his.
“You were the one to stop…..” she pointed out
“not even close to stopping….Just couldn’t risk you suffocating there….”
“How ironic would it be if I suffocate to death on my birthday…”
“And that reminds me…. I didn’t give you your present….” He murmured, grabbing her legs and wrapping them around his waist under water “thank god, my family finally left us alone…..” and with those words he leaned forward capturing her lips in his, smiling and showing her how happy those birthday were about to become.   
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supercriminalbean · 6 months
Fight Club. Part four.
Aaron Hotchner x Male!Reader.
Part: One. Two. Three.
Summary: The team finally gets a lead on location but has to much damage to you already happened? Are they going to find you alive, will you survive the curl thing called life.
Warning: Dark fic. Blood, fighting, death, killing, abuse, kidnapping, swearing, drugs, unsub violence, angst, murder, criminal minds unsub violenceness. This whole fic series is just dark and strange the ask it self is amazing and may help you know if this is something you can handle. (Any other warnings let me know xx)
Words: 6.4k
A/N: I AM SO SORRY FOR THE DELAY. But hey here you go, part 5 will be posted in a few weeks and it will be the aboustel last part do enjoy this. Love y'all so much for the support and love.
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Three more days go by, everyday there is a new livestream. You look worse and worse each time, the light in your eyes drifting away, the hope dying away. You have been forced to fight one more time, and it
ended the same way. You gave the poor boy mercy in the final moments of the fight only for him to end his life. You did everything you could to get him to stop but nothing you did made him turn the knife onto you, so you laid on the ground once more holding the young boy in your arms as he bleeded out. On the days you wouldn’t fight he would come in and take his anger out on you, trying out some new knives he had, your body is nothing but a meat sack covered in bruises and scars. You grew tired, no longer fighting against him, the sas has long left you as you wait for the impending end. 
Aaron paces the room as his mind spiralling, it's been over four days since they took you, and concentrating is getting harder with each minute passing. The team got a new lead this morning, Garcia, Reid and Morgan are sitting in the other room going through the geographic profile once more, while the rest of them map out what the next moves of the unsub could be. So far deadends keep being hit but new hope has been lit inside the team, everyone seems to be pushing through the fear of losing you, everyone but Aaron. The door flies open, making everyone's head shoot up as Morgan and Garcia stand there looking shocked. 
“We got the location, we got him” Garcia gasps breathless as she sprints into the room carrying her laptop, quickly followed by Morgan and Reid.
“What, you're sure?” JJ eyes brighten up, leaping into action.
“Positive, three hours south from here there's an abandoned underground gymnasium that has a huge pool, there's only two entrances into it” Garcia speaks quickly, Reid lays down the map, pointing it out.
“Also its a 7 hour drive from where they found (Y/n) many years ago, he could have ran from there” Reid adds.
“Let's go then” Hotch orders, and in a split second the team is sprinting out of the room.
Your energy is gone, you don’t care about staying alert anymore, when you're alone all you do is sleep. Your mind's way of escaping as your body works on healing itself. Someone yanks your head back, waking you up, a quiet noise of pain slips through your lips. 
“Morning sunshine” He laughs as he walks in front of you, his sickening smile is one thing you will never get used to. 
“What now?” sighing softly, as you stare up at him, as he kneels down staring at you with interest. 
“It's time for another fight sweetboy” His chuckles grow louder when you don't react. He’s done it, he’s broken you, there is no strength of fight left inside of you any more.
“Fine, where is he?” You groan softly as he unties your hands, giving you time to stretch, rubbing your sore wrist. 
“He’s coming” He smirks at you before removing your chair, and climbing out of the pool, setting up the camera and lights before the door opens.
“Ah Victor, you’re here” He grins at you as your face falls.
“Yes sir” A dark cold voice response, before walking closer making himself visible. He’s grown, he’s bigger than you now, a lot stronger by the looks of it too. His eyes are dead and when he glances at you, there is no look of recognition as he meets your eyes. The boy you once knew is gone, and that's your fault.
“Are you ready, Jupiter?” Ma’am giggles, your eyes glance at her, not even nothing beside Ryan before.
“I’m not fighting him” You shake your head at them.
“Making it easy for me” He smirks darkly at you before jumping down into the pool, his eyes never leaving yours. 
“Ryan you don’t have to do this” You try to reason with him, staying still.
“That's not my name” He hisses at you, his eyes narrowing. 
“It used to be, do you remember me?” You take a deep breath stepping forward.
“No, I don’t” He scoffs, he slams his eyes shut before reopening them with new rage.
“I bet you do, and you don’t want anything to do with those memories because I hurt you when I left you, Ryan” You speak calmly but firmly keeping eye contact with him.
“Bullcrap, I don’t fucking know you!” He snaps at you, his body lunging towards you, you dodge him. 
“Don’t hide from me” His smirk darkness as he watches your slow movements, focusing on your limp. 
“Why not, you're analysing me because I’m slow because I'm injured and that's the only way you can beat me” You smirk back at him, knowing his techniques, having discovered them together. 
“Oh I could beat your ass easily” He chuckles, advancing on you.
“Lies Ryan lies” You smile at him, watching as a small light appears in his eyes for two seconds. Two seconds of hope then suddenly, he’s got you. A few quick hits in your face and chest to disorientate you, blood drips from your mouth as he eases up for a moment and then you can hear his yells.
“I don’t know you, I don't know Ryan!” He screams as he goes back to using you as a punching bag. You manage to get your leg out, tripping him over as you gasp for air, climbing on top of him, doing your best to pin his arms down. 
“You do know Ryan, It's you, and I’m (Y/n), come on man we used to be best friends” You argue, watching as anger flares into his eyes.
“I don’t fucking know you” He snarls at you, and in one quick movement, he flips you both over, winding you. His hands wrap around your throat, pressing down hard as you struggle to breath, forgetting all your training. You try your hardest to find words to speak but nothing can get past your lips, soon everything starts growing darker. 
“Forgive you” You cough up, it's barely loud enough as you give up fighting. What is there to fight for anyway, no ones coming to save you anyway. Soon darkness overcomes you and you feel yourself floating.
It's cold, a cold feeling on your cheeks as fresh air fills your lungs. You gasp, your body shooting up, pushing the coldness away from you, blinking rapidly as your eyes adjust to the dark room. 
“(Y/n), (Y/n), It’s okay it’s just us, It’s JJ” A firm but calming voice calls to you, before something soft touches your shoulder. Your head spins around, your eyes landing on her, a weak smile crawls onto your face, before falling away.
“I..I'm dead aren’t I?” Yours words are barely audible as you stare at her, the new hope fading away. 
“No, you're alive, we got you” She smiles softly at you, rubbing your back gently.
“Y you came for me?” Your voice wobbles as tears start filling your eyes, a sob begging to escape.
“Of course we did kiddo” Another voice speaks beside you, moving your head slowly you spot Dave kneeling down beside you, wrapping his arm around you which you lean into.
“Th thank you” A sob leaves you as you reach a hand out to JJ, taking her hand in yours earning a soft sadden smile from her. 
“Always, we are family” She smiles at you before helping you up. You lean on them both for support, before your eyes scan the room, stopping on the body just a few feet from you.
“Ryan…” Your heart breaks as you stare at him, and the blood pooling underneath him.
“I’m sorry (Y/n)” Dave's soft voice pulls your attention to him and his guilt filled eyes. You can’t focus on that now, you just can’t, you give him a quick nod.
“Let's get the hell out of here” Gulping thickly as you let them lead you to the side of the pool, taking your time.
“Rossi, you got him?” A loud voice calls from the doorway before four agents make their way inside the room.
“Yeah Morgan we got him” Rossi calls back, beckoning him over. Morgan and Prentiss quickly make their way over, smiles of reliefs flooding their faces as their eyes set on you. 
“You are a site for sore eyes” Morgan chuckles softly, holding out a hand as you try to climb out, him and Prentiss grabbing your arm gently pulling you up. 
“Good to see you too, Morgan” Smiling weakly, leaning into him as Prentiss helps pull the other two up. His arm wraps around you as you use him for support, resting your head on his arm, earning a few back rubs from him. 
“Hey, your boss is calling for backup there's more kids than they thought” One of the swat agents speaks up, his hand on his comas. 
“Go, we’ll get him out of here” Rossi orders, nodding at Morgan and Prentiss. 
“I can get myself out, go help Hotch” You wince a little, pulling away from Morgan's support. 
“Not tonight (Y/n)” JJ smiles before wrapping her arm around you once more.
“We’ll see you on top” Prentiss smiles, squeezing your hand before following Morgan and the other agents out.
“You two should go help, I got this” You look down as you speak.
“No kiddo, we aren’t leaving you” Rossi smiles, before taking your arm, helping support you.
“We are never leaving you, ever” JJ chimes in, smiling sadly at you. You smile weakly at them before nodding.
“Then let's get the hell out of here” You declare, a small chuckle leaving you as you let them lead you out.
You never thought cold air would feel this good, you shiver uncontrollably as you sit on the back of the ambulance, watching your team and swat bring the boys up out of that hell. The normally empty field is filled with flashing lights from police cars and ambulances, your eyes scan the area as you wait for the two members of your team still yet to appear from down below. 
“We saved those boys, we saved them!” Her screeching voice causes your eyes to flash over, spotting her in the custody of Morgan. Your eyes meet his and they are filled with anger and hatred, he smiles forcefully at you. Followed behind them is the man you hate the most, he stays quite his eyes scanning the area, stopping once he sees you a gut twisting laugh escapes him as he stares daggers at you.
“You're a waste of talent boy, should have killed you when you were just a kid boy” He screams at you, making Rossi yanking him forwards, his eyes darkening on the man in front of him. You don’t take your eyes off them until you watch them get put in separate police cars and the doors slam closed and their screaming stops. You take a deep breath and the air tastes more clean, a smile pulls at your lips as your eyes meet Rossi, his are filled with sympathy as yours fill with hope. It's over, it's over for good. You turn back to watch the entrance, watching the last few agents walk out, Reid walks out carrying a young boy aged seven in his arms. Your heart breaks as you see the boy cling to Spencer, the tear stained face, but then your heart soars, leaping to your feet as Aaron finally appears. You don’t care about the pain radiating throughout your body as you push your body forward, not caring about the tears sliding down as you focus on him.
“Aaron” You scream out, and he stops spinning around to look at you, his face fills with relief as he walks towards you, faster than his body could take him.
“(Y/n)!” He exclaims, watching as you fall to your knees as you reach him, falling forward into his arms. He lowers you both to the ground gently, his arms wrapped around your body firmly as your body shakes with sobs.
“It's okay, I got you, you're safe now” He strokes your hair as he comforts you, holding you closely. He whispers words of comfort as you cry into his chest, he holds you for a long time allowing you to let it all out. 
You two sit there for a long time, even after all the tears have long dried. 
“Hey we need to get you checked out” Aaron whispers as he runs his hand over your back. 
“Stay with me?” Gulping thickly as you look up at him.
“Always” He smiles, kissing your forehead before taking your hand and pulling you up. “Always” He repeats as he leads you back to the ambulance where Emily and Rossi now wait. 
“You two going up to the hospital?” Emily smiles softly, she can’t help but feel relieved every single time she looks at you.
“Yeah” You nod, leaning into Aaron's arm wrapped around you finding comfort in his touch.
“Good, I texted Garcia she's on her way there now, she's worried about you” Rossi adds, smiling lovingly at you.
“What.. Penelopes here.. Why?” You look up at Aaron confused only to watch his face fall. 
“Because she cares for you, we all do it's why we are here” He smiles softly at you, before helping you into the ambulance, where the EMTs are waiting.
“Oh, right” You gulp a little, before sitting back down, your eyes staying on Aaron as he sits beside you.
Once you get to the hospital you don’t get time to have a break before you are wheeled straight into having x-rays and other tests. You are away from Aaron for hours, and it hurts they keep prodding you and questioning you, it's exhausting. Finally they take you to room, and you're alone, fear creeps into you as you wait for Aaron, your heart races faster every second you're alone. 
“”Oh my gosh, you're here” She squeals as she runs into the room, her eyes brightening up as she spots you, rushing towards your side being careful not to touch you.
“Penelope” You breathe out, fresh tears sprouting to your eyes as you see the queen of sunshine. “Gosh I missed you” You let out a small whimper as you reach for her hand, her eyes widen before quickly capturing your hand in hers.
“Oh my love, I’m right here” She smiles at you before sitting down, never letting your hand go.
“Where's Aar?” You whisper, feeling groggy from all the drugs.
“He’s talking to the doctor first, sweetie, but that brings us to something” She smiles cheekily at you. “WheN did you start calling him Aar?”
“Before he kissed me” You chuckle softly, closing your eyes as exhaustion starts taking over. You never saw Garcia's mouth fall open, her eyes almost falling out.
“Um Garcia everything okay?” Hotcha asks as he walks in worry filling him instantly.
“Uh yep everything is fine sir” She quickly collects herself, smiling softly as she stands up. “But I should let him rest, you staying here tonight Hotch?”
“I will” Hotch smiles as he notices you still gripping Penelope's hand tightly.
“He's warming up” Penelope comments, glancing down at your hand.
“That he is” He smiles more, moving to your side, sliding his hand over yours, so you can finally let Penelope go.
“So is that why you two kiss?” Penelope can’t hold it back anymore as she makes her way to the door. Hotch's head shot up, catching her knowing look, he can’t help but smile back. 
“Goodnight Penelope, keep that to yourself okay” 
“Got it boss” She giggles as she leaves. 
The next day goes by slowly, they keep taking you away for tests. Checking over your wounds and changing the bandages, it felt exhausting everyone kept asking you questions and dragging you away from Aaron. Why can’t they just let you rest, why can’t you just go home, all you want to do is go home and deal with the aftermath of this case. Finally the nurse wheels you back into your room, leaving you alone, you're not sure how long you have laid on your bed staring at the ceiling for. But the tears keep flooding your eyes as you realise the team now knows your deepest darkest secret, your job is in jeopardy and all you want is Aaron. Aaron to hold you, Aaron to tell you that everything will be okay, you know it's wrong to crave someone like this but you can’t help it. You aren’t ready to lose him, he won’t want you now that he knows how damaged you are, he won’t want you around his son now knowing what a cold blooded killer you used to be. You didn’t realise the machine beside you was beeping away until someone entered the room, making their way towards you urgently.
“(Y/n), you're okay” Aaron sits on the edge of your bed grabbing your hand, your eyes flash towards him. You're hyperventilating, gasping for air as you squeeze his hand, shaking your head as you try to speak.
“I can’t, can’t breath” You whimper softly, his eyes soften as he pulls you into his arms, rubbing your back gently.
“Listen to my heart beat darling, copy me okay” He speaks delicately, his voice as sweet as honey. “Deep breaths, in and hold for three seconds” He takes a deep breath, as you copy him. “And out” He blows out, smiling softly as you copy him. “Just like that darling, and again” He takes a deep breath, listening closely to you, falling silent as you work on your breathing. 
“Thank you” Breathing out slowly, as you glance up at him with a tear stained face.
“Don’t need to thank me” He smiles lightly at you, laying down on your bed, pulling you with him. To his surprise you don’t argue instead you cuddle up to him, entwinding your fingers with his. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” He murmurs, his free hand running through your hair.
“Yes, but not today” Sighing softly as you close your eyes, your mind finally feeling empty.
“That's okay, later then get some rest” He smiles a little as he takes in just how peaceful you look.
“Stay with me?” Your words mumble together as sleep takes you.
“Always” Hotch smiles, kisses your head softly. 
The doctors finally discharge you and give you permission to fly, so now you and Aaron are on your way to the jet where you're meeting the rest of the team. You haven’t seen anyone since they reduced you, you know they are going to have questions and alot of them, but you don’t want to answer them, you just can’t. You’re staring out the window, lost in thought while Aaron drives, he can’t help but keep glancing at you, worrying about what's going on inside your mind.
“You want to talk about it?” Aaron asks, his eyes focusing on the road.
“The team is going to have questions” Sighing as you rest your head on the window, watching the world go by.
“They will, but you don’t have to answer them tonight” He replies, before adding. “They will wait as long as you need”
“What about Chief Strauss?” Looking over at him, as the anxiety of her questing and debriefing fills you. 
“We will have to face that tomorrow morning” Aaron does everything in his power to keep his eyes on the road and not look at you, he doesn’t want to see that broken look in your eyes, because he knows if he does you two won’t make it to the jet. 
“We?” Your voice is lower, he can barely hear you but he does.
“Yes we, Im not letting you face her alone, whatever happens we will deal with it together” He gives you a small confident filled smile.
“Thank you” You return that smile lightly, but it doesn’t meet your eyes, other things playing on our mind.
“What else is going on inside your mind tonight?” 
“I…It’s nothing” Shaking your head as you look back outside.
“Whatever it is, I can help”
“Even if it's stupid?”
“Yes even then” Aaron chuckles softly, earning a small laugh from you. 
“I don’t want to be alone tonight, normally I love it but the thought of going back to my apartment tonight, it's unsettling…” You struggle to find the words, ending up playing with your fingers as you speak. His hand reaches out capturing your hand with his, a smile slipping onto your lips as his fingers linking in with yours.
“You can stay with me tonight, whenever you like to” Aaron's voice is soft as he pulls up to the runway.
“Thank you Aar”
The flight goes by quickly, you and Aaron get there before the rest of the team so you drag him to the couch, settling in and accidentally falling asleep with your head resting against Aaron's chest before the rest of the team arrives. You somehow woke up halfway through the flight, the rest of the team also asleep, Aaron deep asleep with his arm wrapped firmly around you. You can’t help but smile, feeling safe in his embrace as you scan the jet, seeing the team all spread out sleeping and a guilty feeling starts to eat at you. How could you ever think they would leave you there, how could you think that hiding your past from them was a smart idea when things started turning south feels wrong now. But that's behind you now, and it may seem silly but you feel so much closer with them all, and knowing that you have to answer all their questions is something you no longer dread. Smiling to yourself as you snuggle back down, falling back asleep in Aarons arms, knowing at one point you’ll have to deal with the way your heart throbs with his touch. 
“(Y/n) wake up” His voice is soft as he rubs your arm, trying to get you to wake up. Grumbling softly as your eyes slowly open, groaning quietly as your eyes adjust to the lighting, the jet is so bright but soon your eyes fall on Aaron, smiling sleepily at him.
“Hi” Yawning softly as you sit up, stretching a little. 
“Sleep well there?” Derek smirks, sitting opposite you there. 
“Like a peach” Chuckling softly as you see the team sitting opposite you.
“Sorry, we are about to land” Aaron smiles apologetically as you stiff back another yawn.
“Its fine”
“Here, It's also time for your meds” JJ adds, passing you over a bottle of water and your pills.
“Oh right, thanks JJ” You smile politely before taking them, swallowing down the pills and the water. You can feel the team's eyes on you, and the guilty feeling re enters you, slowly you pull the bottle away meeting the eyes of your team.
“Look I know you guys have questions—” You start, suddenly feeling defensive.
“We just want to know if you're okay?” Emily speaks, her eyes filled with concern that when you realise they don’t care about what you did, their looks are ones full of worry and concern a new feeling fills your chest. A small smile filled with love and affection fills your face as you think over your answer. 
“Honestly no I'm not, I got a lot of healing to do a lot of things to work through, but give me time and I’ll be okay” You lean into Aaron as you answer, smiling a little.
“If you ever need anything, we are right here okay” Morgan smiles kindly at you.
“Just give me time and patience” You smile back at him, enjoying the way Aaron rubs your back in comfort.
“We can do that,” Rossi nods, giving you a light smile.
“Are you going to be okay at home, I know you don’t have a bed and its not good for you to rest up only on a couch” Reid adds in, staring at you with concern.
“You don’t have a bed?” JJ eyes almost fall out, giving you her best mum look, causing you to feel sheepish.
“Um no but i’ll be fine”
“Bullshoot, you will stay with me. I have a spare room” Garcia speaks up staring at you firmly, daring you to argue with her.
“Um I appreciate that, but I don’t need to”
“You are not sleeping on a couch” Emily shakes her head. “Its either my place or pens so pick”
“Look I appreciate it but I already have a place to stay” You smile shyly at them.
“Wait you have other friends” Morgan gasps dramatically. “Who?”
“Me” Aaron laughs at the shocked faces of the team, everyone but Rossi and Garcia. 
“Huh, fine, can't argue with bossman then” Garcia smirks, looking away.
“That's settled then” Aaron smiles, before picking up his phone. “It's Strauss, she says we get the next few days off” Aaron smiles as his team cheers quietly. 
“Does that mean we did a great job, or are we in trouble?” Rossi jokes, turning to Aaron.
“Both” Aaron half jokes, glancing down at you, feeling you tenses up. 
You hadn’t seen the team since they all had dinner at Dave's house a few days after they got you back. It was a small celebration, you opened up them just a little bit, you all grew closer that night. Sadly the day you got back you were suspended pending an investigation, you talked with Strauss and she told you there wasn’t much she could do, because it was all out of her hands, but it didn’t matter to you because you had a plan. Today you finally found out what the decision is, and so after your meeting you head down to the BAU floor. Yes the team is out of town on a case, but luckily they are on their way home tonight and Dave is throwing another dinner tonight to celebrate the good news of yours. So you make your way to the one person you can’t wait to see anyway, because four weeks without seeing her beautiful smile is too long, you knock lightly on her door. 
“Come in” She calls out, her voice full of happiness.
“Good afternoon Penelope” You smile as you push her door open, she gasps while spinning around in her chair, smiling up at you with excitement. 
“It's youuu, you have come to see me” She exclaims, grinning up at you, climbing to her feet, holding out her hand for a small high five. It's your guys' small ways of saying hey, but instead you dismiss her hand, and pull her into a small hug.
“I missed you” Smiling softly as you feel her freeze only for her to quickly hug you back giving you a small squeeze. Penelope swears her face is going to fall off with how much she is smiling right now, she never imagined you would ever give her a hug and she can’t help but enjoy it. Closing her eyes as she soaks it in, holding herself back with the way she wants to squeeze you tightly. 
“You're hugging me” She giggles, dancing just a little before you pull away, a big smile across your own face.
“That was okay, right?” Your smile falters a little as you double check with her.
“You can hug me whenever you like my love” She grins more. “But um what brought that on?”
“Well I want to be less scared of physical touch so I thought what better way to start working on it to give in and give a hug to someone I’ve been dying to” You shrug your shoulder, trying to act like its no big deal as your body tingles with the feeling of someone's else touch.
“That's a big step, I'm proud of you” Penelope smiles more at you, her heart soaring at the look of the new you. She knows she only saw you two weeks ago but you have changed even the energy around you. You cut your hair, it's more short now, and you look like you glow, there's a shine behind your eyes. You’re clearly sleeping more and eating regularly, looking after yourself is finally starting to sink in for you and she couldn’t be more proud. 
“Thanks pen” Smiling back at her.
“So how did your meeting go?” she sits back down, as you grab her spare seat.
“It went really well, I can’t wait to tell everyone tonight at Dave's” You smile, enjoying her presents, soon you two just start catching up on everything that has been happening.
A soft knock on the door indicates that Aaron is here, smiling as you grab your phone making your way towards the door, opening it quickly glad to see both your boys there.
“Hi (Y/n)” Jack grins up at you, you can’t help but smile back as you bend down to give him a quick hug.
“Hey kiddo, oh I’ve missed you”
“You saw him the other day” Aaron teases as you pull away, smirking as you turn to him.
“What, is that your way of saying you didn’t miss me, Hotchner?” Smirking lightly as you tease him, enjoying the way he pulls you into a hug.
“Never” He chuckles softly, kissing your cheek lightly, sliding his hand into yours as he pulls away.
“Lets gooo, I wanna see Henry” Jack giggles as he leads you both down the hallway. You can’t help but laugh at him, he definitely does have his Dad's patience. 
“We coming Jack” Smiling over at Aaron as you follow the boy closely.
“So the meeting with Strauss, how did it go?” Aaron asks you, glancing at you, his concern with how quiet you have been this afternoon growing. You were meant to text him, but he never heard from you.
“It went great, I’m no longer under investigation and i’m all clear to return” You smile slides away as you reach the car, Jack gets in leaving you two outside to talk freely.
“Are you still doing what we talked about?” Aaron speaks softly, his hand rubbing your arm softly as you lean against the car.
“I think It’s time Aaron, it's just going to be hard” You can’t help but sigh heavily as you lean into his touch. 
“I know, but you need to do what's best for you and I will be right here beside you every step of the way” Aaron declares, smiling lovingly at you.
“I know, thank you and I mean it Aaron. You have been my rock the past few weeks” Smiling up at him.
“It's the least I can do, you need to know how much I care for you” Aaron smiles as he slides his hand gently on to your cheek, cupping your face gently as you lean in giving him a quick kiss.
“I appreciate it, now come on we need to go see our team” Smiling as you pull away from him, biting your lip as you climb into the car.
“You made it” JJ squeals softly as you walk in, you’re trailing behind Aaron and Jack. Jack is quick to run outside where Henry and half the team is. 
“I did” Smiling lighty you walk over to her, Emily and Reid. 
“How have you been?” Reid asks, smiling a little.
“I’m okay, so over resting all the damn time” Laughing softly, your heart melting with the comfort of being surrounded by your family. 
“I remember that feeling, but you have to look after yourself” Emily gives you a stern look before sipping on her drink.
“Im trying” You reason, biting back a groan.
“We know, but we also know you” JJ smiles, a motherly look in her eyes.
“How did your meeting go today anyway, when are you coming back?” Emily presses on to her burning question, the one thing everyone tonight has been dying to now.
“Can we just wait until everyone is around, I don’t feel like repeating myself a million times” Forcing out  a chuckle as you watch the hope and excitement fade out of your three friends eyes.
“That bad huh?” JJ sighs, turning to the others.
“No, no it's not bad” You smile, glancing behind you at the incoming footsteps.
“Here, you don't have a drink yet” Rossi speaks from behind you, turning around smiling up at the man.
“Thanks Rossi” Taking it from him taking a deep breath as your fingers brush over his, glancing up you spot the rest of the team making their way over.  
“So (Y/n), when are you getting your ass back” Derek grins up at you, Penelope and Aaron following him over. 
“That's a complicated question” Sipping on your drink as you go over your answer, grateful to have Aaron coming to stand beside you. You can do anything with him beside you.
“What does that mean?” Penelope's eyes widen, fear entering her at the thought of her family breaking up.
“Look if Erin is giving you a hard time I will talk to her” Rossi automatically defends you, everyone's mind racing.
“No, Strauss isn’t the bad guy here, in fact she has been extremely helpful” Taking a deep breath before you continue. “I’m no longer under investigation, in face I’m welcome to return but I don’t want to, It’s my turn to move on, and look I know I owe you all so much for coming to my rescue, but I can’t do this job anymore I want to do something different with my life now” Your words come out filled with regret and guilt, your eyes full of sorrow as you talk, meeting everyone in your team's eyes. You have never felt closer and further away from them as you do right now, today is the start of a new beginning. 
“You’re leaving us?” Garica's eyes tears up, her heart racing.
“Look, we understand why you want to leave, but is there anything we can say to make you stay?” Emily looks hopelessly at you, but a small proud smile pulls at her lips. 
“Nothing, but hey I’m still going to be working at the FBI just not with the BAU anymore” You sigh, the feeling of sadness squishing your heart.
“I hope you know this doesn’t get you out of team nights still” Derek smiles at you, he knows how hard this decision was for you to make. 
“Oh I know” Laughing softly.
“So what are you going to be doing instead?” Rossi smiles at you, a lovingly proud look in his eyes. 
“I'm going to be the new FBI forensic scientist, so you guys will still have to work with me occasionally” Smiling at them, joy refilling the room.
“Oh, you’re taking over for Mary?” Garcia's face fills with excitement of course, she’s the one who works closely with that team more than the others.
“I am, so you guys can’t get rid of me that easily” The room fills with laughter once more.
“So that means you’re still coming to team nights right?” Reid asks. “You can’t just leave us all”
“Of course I will, plus” Smiling up at Aaron, catching his eyes his own smile grows as he gets the hint, his arm automatically wrapping around your waist as you lean into him. “Plus as your unit chiefs boyfriend I’ll be around more often” Pulling your eyes away from Aaron you glance around at the rest of the team, everyone's faces seem to be a mix of happiness and shock.
“Oh finally” Rossi cheers, laughing at the shocked looks around him.
“Wait, wait what” Morgan's open mouth slowly turns into a grin. “Seriously, you two thats awesome”
“Oh I knew there was something going on, I told you Emily” JJ smirks at Emily, who shakes her head smiling.
“Congrats you two” Emily smiles.
“That's so great, I'm happy for you both,” Reid smiles.
“Um Penelope, you're awfully quiet” You smile over at her, meeting her mischief filled eyes.
“I have been dying for you two too finally admit, I mean after you told me you kissed him months ago I have been waiting” She squeals.
“Wait, I told you, what, when?” Your eyes widen as you rack your brain trying to think.
“At the hospital when you were all drowsy from the medication” Aaron smirks down at you.  
“And you didn’t tell me this, traitor” Smirking at him teasingly as you kiss his cheek, earning a bunch of awws and laughs fill the room as Aaron blushes deeply, which he returns with a stern glare at you. 
The night slowly moves on, all full of laughter and chatter as the team all catches up and demands all the gossip on you and Aaron's relationship. Which you don’t mind at all talking about, happily opening up with your team. The only family you will ever only need by your side.
Tagging thoes that seem interesed or asked: @xweirdo101x @alecmores @yn-addams @winter-world @xdark-acadamiax @rexspersonalhell @hunterispunk @sammy-4103 @222244445555 @spiritzofthedead @sweetnothingsvulnerability @hepbaestus @bunbunbl0gs @mrblue-kai
Happy to untag or tag people let me know.
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moodymisty · 5 months
Could you please write something with Sevatar? That man needs to get slapped around uwu
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[ 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖞'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕬𝖔3 ]
Author's Note: Wearing a shirt that says 'Number 1 Jago Sevatarion whore' on it: Yeah I'm normal.
Summary: Jago Sevatarion really likes one of the Salamander's humans.
Relationships: Jago "Sevatar" Sevatarion/Fem!Reader
Warnings: Vague references to NSFW, The consent is dubious so tw dubcon, Violence, Stalking, Predator/Prey kinda dynamics, General 40kness, Stockholm syndrome?, Kinda Yandere maybe?, If you don't know what you're getting into reading this then I dunno what to fucking tell you like it's a Night Lord I can only woobify him so much
Word Count: 1140
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It has been tense as of late, to say the least. As much as that word fails to illustrate in context, it's the only one you can think of to use.
To have Night Lords present has been nothing but a battle to keep tensions low enough in order to keep things productive, and to avoid fights between the Astartes from breaking out at seemingly every opportunity. These fights can be between the apposing legions, or even just between the Eighth themselves.
It doesn't help that the Night Lords are often times seen baiting them- taunting barking goading a Salamander to throw the first punch. They seem to crave it, most of them.
Every baseline human aboard has done everything within their power to avoid crossing paths with Astartes in deep blue armor, adorned with smatterings of blood red. Particularly when not in sight of a Salamander. There has been more than a few times where a serf or other baseline human has managed to scurry into sanctuary within a Salamander's line of sight, and in the distance a Night Lord prowls; Discontent with his prey, or toy perhaps, finding safety in the light. They will soon after find something else to occupy their time, leaving the human no longer needing to look over their shoulder. But only for the moment.
You don't have that option. Because not only have you already gotten caught, the one that caught you is smart.
He knows where you would try to hide, every single little rat hole you could try and squeeze yourself in, and he knows that even if you did flee to one of your massive protectors, he would put up a far stronger fight than any of the other Night Lords. His persistence alone sets him apart. Why did he pick you? Out of so many, why you?
It's like being hunted. But not the chase; The conclusion, when the predator decides to bat around it's prey like a toy as it squeals, begging for a mercy it won't receive.
If you screamed, would someone come? Would they be able to free you from him, or would he simply kill them and have you all alone again?
But why won't the scream leave your throat? It's like he's choking you with just his presence.
You can hear ceramite plates grind against each other as he shifts in his armor, the hissing of it's mechanics left hand pinning your right arm against the wall. It hurts bad, it'll surely be bruised and aching, radiating pain as a remnant and reminder that this isn't some sort of horrid nightmare.
He finally caught you. After so long of managing to evade the massive Astartes, him stalking the shadows outside of your safety and watching you with those void black eyes like you have something he wants, he finally sank his claws in you. He'd been toying with you for what felt like weeks, swimming around you and trying to reach out and grab only for you to pull away, and he'd laugh. Call you little. Say your name that he'd stolen after overhearing it in a way that had you swallowing a knot deep in your throat. You could only avoid it so long- for every step you took away, took he took two closer.
Many of the Astartes are currently having their five hours of designated rest- there is no one to save you in this particular hall save for the rare guard.
His other hand grips your jaw, making sure your face can't turn away from him. Your free hand paws at his wrist, and each time your fingers slip off the armor despite trying to latch onto the seams you can see the amusement cast on his face.
Is it because he likes the way your hand is too small to grip, unable to fight against someone so much larger, unfathomably stronger, or because you're squirming like sweet prey under his pitch black gaze?
You just wish he'd get on with it. To stop toying with you, making your heart pound against your ribcage. To make your skin so hot that it travels up your neck as if moving to choke you. Fear swallows you in a way that makes you freeze- even if he hadn't been holding you, you doubt you could call on your legs to run and not fall right over to your knees.
He's never gotten this close before.
His lips brush against yours like the touch of a ghost, his breath boiling hot on your skin. You can just feel the rough skin of the scar that rips across the right side of his mouth, warping the skin. It's one of many that decorate what little skin of his is visible. When he shifts, you can hear his helm hit his thigh plate from where it's attached to his belt.
He's so close you can barely see his eyes, and you don't want to. When ever he looks at you if feels like he's piercing you to the wall. His dark eyes and slicked black hair contrast with the paleness of his complexion, as he watches your every move.
"I can smell that fear on you."
His words lay over you like a hot, rough blanket.
"But don't think I'm stupid enough to not smell something else."
He's not gentle- neither with his words or the way his hands grip your arms pressing against the wall. Is this a part of the Madness of the Eighth that seems to hang over their legion? To just want and to take? You know that the Astartes always can with their raw power, but you're so used to the Salamanders and their stoic kindness.
It's your obvious, first thought to try and free yourself, or call for the help of someone not asleep. Though a second thought crosses moments later.
You know you shouldn't do it; He's going to eat you up and spit you out once he's done.
But you're an idiot. One with no options and that finds themselves almost drawn into the black hole that is him.
"W-What is your name?"
He's never said it, and you've never dared ask it to anyone. You feared that once you did, that you'd put yourself deeper into his grip like stepping into a bog- fighting but only sinking farther.
He laughs. Deep, and its gravel hits you in the gut.
"I am Jago Sevatarion."
His exhale smooths over your skin like hot steam; Rough lips once again scraping over yours in an almost kiss. His voice is heavy on your chest, he's not even yelling and it's loud, deep and makes the back of your neck tense. The cold metal of his power armor presses against the skin of your jaw.
"You can call me Sevatar."
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novafics · 9 months
l Missing l
Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: Kidnapped reader/talks of torture/talks of death.
Summary: Reader gets kidnapped and it's up to Dean to get to you in time before it's too late.
Word Count: 1.6k
You shouldn't have done it, you knew that, but all you could think about was the smile on Dean’s face when he found out you bought him his favourite pie. Dean was currently away on a hunt with Sam and from what you had heard from both Sam keeping you informed and Dean’s complaining it wasn't going too well which is why you broke the ‘don’t leave the bunker alone rule’. From the tone in Dean’s voice that morning over the phone you could just tell that this hunt had taken its toll, not only were both boys coming back with some injuries but every place that they had stopped never had any pies which was to Dean, in his own words, a “travesty”. 
All you wanted to do was to make him happy, that’s all that mattered to you, just the smile that graced his face was enough to make you jump for joy. It was just supposed to be a quick trip there and back, no stopping, however as you left the store and were putting the keys into the door of your car you felt a sharp pain to the back of your head and you were out, dropping to the floor with a thud and leaving you unconscious for your attacker to easily drag away while your belongings laid on the floor along with Dean’s pie that you had so carefully picked out.
As you woke up you found yourself strung up in a cell. The floors were covered in both dried and wet blood, something that could only mean a bad time for you was in store. You could tell that the back of you head was still bleeding from the continuous drip of the blood running down your back, your hands were raised so far above your head that your feet only just reached the floor on your tiptoes which meant all of your weight was being supported by your wrists which at this moment felt like they were about to break from the force being applied to them.
In the distance you could hear screaming, not from just one person, no, from many. You felt like you were in a torture chamber waiting for your turn, which as you heard the footsteps closely approaching meant that you didnt have to wait long.
Ever since your disappearance it didn't take long for Dean to realise you were missing, you always called him to make sure he was having a safe journey back and so when you didn't call he went to the worst case scenario and tracked your car. You knew that Dean had installed a tracker in your car as he asked for your permission to do so, just so that he could have that extra precaution to make sure you were safe.
After seeing your deserted car and your stuff strone across the pavement both Sam and Dean knew that you had been taken. Upon further investigation they had also found sulphur along with your things, which led Sam and Dean straight for you. They knew exactly who had you, it was a rogue demon that they had encountered on their last hunt who at being forced away from what he was up to was so angry with the two he left a threat for them both so that made him the obvious culprit in this situation.
It had been around 10 hours now since you were taken, those boots you heard echoing throughout the halls was indeed a warning sign for your inevitable pain and not long after hearing those sounds the demon that took you started to torture you taking all of his anger at Sam and Dean out at you. At this point your whole body felt numb. Your once excruciating wrists now felt as if they weren't there. The numerous cuts and slashes across your body that once felt like burning all over had made your body run cold. You knew that it would all go from bad to worse when you got cold, that meant that you didn't have much time left as first you go cold, then you die.
Luckily for you Dean was on his way, they had finally managed to find the place you were being held and while Sam managed to exorcise the demon their last task was to find you before it was too late. It felt like an eternity before they found your cell and upon entering found you still strung up, covered in your own blood and perfectly still. You weren't frightened or crying, no, you weren't doing anything at all.
The sight in front of Dean made his blood run cold, he couldn't lose you, not you, never you. To him you were his saving grace and you meant everything to him. Sam had managed to loosen the chains around your wrists while Dean caught you on your way to collapsing onto a heap on the floor. “Baby?” his voice was a whisper at this point, scared that you weren't going to answer him ever again. 
“Baby, I'm here, please open your pretty eyes for me, please!” The desperation in his voice was one that even Sam himself had never heard before. As Dean continued to cradle you in his arms with tears falling in steady streams down his face he was sure you were dead, your one warm skin was ice cold and he could feel his heart breaking inside of him as he stroked your cheeks. 
Before his heart could shatter entirely however he watched as your eyes slowly started to open and your hands weakly started to hold on to him, desperate for him to never let you go.
“Oh my god sweetheart, you’re ok, You’re ok!!!” he had to repeat that you were ok a few more times before he could believe it himself. “Yeah i'm here baby, im here” you replied trying desperately to snuggle closer to him trying your hardest to bask in his warmth. 
Not wanting to stay in that place a moment longer Dean brought you back to the bunker tucking you under what you could only describe as a million blankets to get your body back to being warm again, The feeling of your ice cold skin being something he never in his life wanted to feel again, and luckily something he never did.
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dreamfyrie · 1 year
Shared Scars
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Reader 
Friends to Lovers
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Your body had been littered with scars ever since you were a child. You were always clumsy. Aemond knew that since the first moment he saw you training. Being the daughter of the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard gave you special privileges, such as learning how to wield a sword and training with the princes. It wasn't exactly something your father was keen on, but he'd do anything to stop your annoying rants about how he must want you to get kidnapped and killed one day since he doesn't want you to learn how to properly defend yourself. The small scrapes and scratches from childhood eventually faded, and as you grew older, deeper, darker scars began to appear. Aemond truly didn't know that much about you other than that he had trained with you since you were both children and that you were a skilled fighter. He paid close attention to your body movements and moods, but that was only because knowing your opponent's habits and patterns was something every fighter should be aware of. It definitely wasn't because he had been in love with you since you were children and counted down the hours until every training session you two had together. Something he genuinely didn't know, though, was the number of scars you were hiding under your clothes. He didn't really know how to react when he saw them for the first time. You both stood there, undressed in front of one another, ready to take each other's virginity. Aemond had spent almost half his life insecure about his scar, aware at all times that anyone who was making eye contact with him was trying their best not to let their eyes drift to the left side of his face. It never occurred to him that someone as beautiful as you could be hiding so many marks, big and small, light and dark. You had spent a while trying to heal the insecurities surrounding your scars, knowing that the day would eventually come when someone would see all of them. Up until this moment, you thought you had accomplished that goal, but suddenly all of your hard work had vanished. You started crossing your arms over your stomach, suddenly uncomfortable, trying to hide from him. Aemond didn't know what to do, so he did the only thing he could think of—what he wished someone had done to him—and he kissed each and every scar.
He got down on his knees and started with your thighs. Kissing and licking all the way up to your stomach, he delicately took your wrists in his strong hands and moved them away. Aemond could tell that you needed him to go slow and take his time so you could adjust to being so exposed. He had never been intimate with anyone before, yet this came so naturally to him. The need to take care of and protect you was an instinct he'd had since the day he first met you. The both of you in the training yard, you barely being able to lift up the sparring swords and all the boys laughing at you. He wished he could kiss it all away—all your pain, past and present. You gave him an unspoken signal when you relaxed your arms and moved them to rest on his shoulders. He got up and carefully guided you to the bed, not wanting to make any sudden movements and frighten you. When you laid down and found a comfortable position, he continued his journey up your body and to your breasts. Aemond didn't know where all these scars came from, and he wasn't going to ask. He didn't care how long it took, all he knew was that he was going to worship every inch of your body. His fingers lightly brushed your nipples before he took them in his mouth. He was hovering over your body, not wanting to put his full weight on you. You were strong, he knew he wouldn't crush you, but in this moment, everything about you felt so delicate. You could feel his hardness resting against your inner thigh, and you couldn't help but squeeze them together. He let out a little amused breath and you could feel the blush already making its way to your cheeks. Aemond continued to praise your nipples, switching between flicking and sucking. Your skin was sensitive and his tongue felt so warm and soft, you held his head in place and he obeyed. When you were ready, you lifted his chin and he finally looked into your eyes. Until this point, it had seemed too personal, like looking into your eyes might be too much for you and would scare you away. He didn't find any fear in your eyes, only love and admiration. He went to kiss your lips, but before he could, you kissed his scar. You both stared at each other in silence, not knowing what the other was thinking. He was as still as stone when you reached up to take his patch off. You removed it slowly in case he wasn't comfortable and needed to stop you, but he didn't. Neither of you had ever felt so vulnerable in your life. He didn't look at all like what you had imagined. You had heard boys in the training yard say they had seen him without his patch before and that he looked like a monster, but all you saw was a beautiful man. The flames from the fireplace made his sapphire eye sparkle. You had never seen a gem so precious. He couldn't tell if you were staring at his eye because you were curious or frozen in disgust. He let out a sigh of relief when you cupped his cheek and gently moved your thumb across his scar. Aemond leaned into your palm and kissed it. He had never known someone touching his scar would feel so good. It wasn't just someone, though, it was you. He knew no one else's touch would ever make him feel this way, and he felt honored that his first time was going to be with someone he loved.
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hear me out: hero x villian and they’re both obviously famous right so they’re at this really pretentious high society party full of important people none of whom know that they’re together,, but they’re at that phase in their relationship where they can’t keep their hands off each other so they just end up making out in one of the rooms when the sidekick and henchman enter for the same reason (so they technically interrupt hero and villian) but neither of them knew about this so it’s just awkward silence and then someone being like “i’m not really surprised though” and just.. yes
sorry this is so long love your writing so so much
“Eyes on me, sweetheart,” the villain demanded. As always, the hero listened obediently and complied.
“Sorry, I think I’m paranoid. I don’t wanna get caught…”
“Do you wanna get on top?” the villain asked softly. “You wouldn’t see the door.”
Anxiously, the hero’s gaze jumped back to the door, glued to it. They were losing their mind. All these posh people, all these elite mannerisms, these many things to remember…those parties were nothing they enjoyed.
The hero preferred drinking themselves to the edge of passing out in a club or god forbid in front of it to avoid the expensive shots at the bar. But this was really messing with them. Even the tiniest mistake was embarrassing enough to consider fleeing the country.
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
At least the villain was here. Growing up under these strict social rules, they knew perfectly how to behave which was funny though, since they were the one to suggest hooking up in a room somewhere. They gave them a bit hope and security though.
Their lover let out a satisfied hum and switched positions as easy as anything. Being on top wasn’t new for the hero. It was just a bit unusual.
“You’re being so brave today, hm? Just a few more hours and we head home, alright?”
The hero nodded and leaned forward, their hands digging through the layers until they could touch their lover’s abs.
“Fuck, sweetheart…” the villain groaned. They grabbed the hero’s wrist carefully. It sent a shockwave through the hero. The villain’s hand was warm and reassuring, quite the contrary to the hero’s icy fingers.
“I love you.” They took the villain’s hand into their own. It was the first action that indicated a hint of control today.
“I love you too, baby.” The villain pulled them closer, readjusting them on their hips. “You’re so good for me.”
The praising was alluring. It calmed the hero down in seconds.
That was until they heard giggling on the hallway and then suddenly with one uncomfortable and terrible crack, the door swung open.
Without wanting to, the hero squeaked — the villain teased them about it for the rest of the week — and jolted. The giggling died, the hero’s face burnt and the villain…just let out an awkward “ha” which sounded awfully a lot like a humourless laugh.
“You gotta be fucking kidding me,” they said. The hero turned around slowly, ready for any kind of confrontation with their superior but it was their sidekick with their own lover. The villain’s henchman.
Oh. Oh, damn.
“Oops, wrong room—” The henchman grabbed the sidekick’s arm in a helpless attempt to wriggle themselves out of the situation. They were about to escape but the villain’s harsh tone made them stop in their tracks.
“What is this?”
“…a kidnapping?”
“Are you dating?” the hero asked.
“Are you dating?” the sidekick replied, just as stunned. The hero was pretty sure they were as red as a tomato. After all, they were still sitting on top of the villain.
No one said a thing which created an overwhelmingly painful pause.
“I knew it,” the henchman finally said. For a moment the hero was shocked. Had they really been that careless?
Thankfully their brain reminded them what kind of person the henchman was.
“No, you didn’t.”
“I knew it, didn’t I tell you?” The henchman shook their lover gently. “I told you they were hooking up. How long has it been? Two weeks?”
“Four months.”
“I knew it.”
“Oh my god,” the villain groaned, rubbing their hand over their face. The hero was nervous, sure, but somehow this eased their anxiety. The villain was so casually annoyed at their sidekick that the gravity of their situation didn’t even touch them.
They looked at their sidekick and just shrugged.
“Get the fuck out,” the villain hissed.
“Like, you weren’t even sneaky about it.”
“Please leave.”
The hero teased the villain with that for the rest of the week.
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secretwhumplair · 10 months
1,147 words | Heir apparent
Content | Captivity, kidnapping, exhaustion, broken bones, whumper turned caretaker, past parental abuse, implied: beating, whipping, sleep deprivation
Notes | New series! How exciting! Meet an unfortunate kidnapped princeling and their shitty sorcerer parent!
(To be clear, they're shitty at parenting. They are VERY GOOD at sorcery.)
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It had been days of a never-ending nightmare.
Sharru had barely hoped for his parent to come save him in any sort of a hurry to begin with, and with every hour, every blow, what hope he had faded further. It was his own fault, they would think, for being so weak and foolish as to be taken. It would do him good to learn a lesson at the hands of his captors.
His kidnappers had told him they had given their demands, but even they knew. »How long do you think their Majesty is going to leave you to us?« they’d laugh, clearly thrilled to have the son of their beloathed ruler at their mercy. »Best not waste our time together, huh?«
And they certainly didn’t.
He had at first tried to hold himself together, be as dignified as the heir apparent was expected to be, but that mask fell all too soon. He was used to pain, but not like this.
He was so exhausted - he could not even tell whether from sleep deprivation or pain - his head wasn’t working right, at any rate, so that he couldn’t figure out what it was that finally drew them away, he could only whimper in minimal relief. If only they hadn’t left him chained up to the walls by his wrists, his back bleeding from the last whipping.
There were screams, but they weren’t his screams, for once.
It didn’t last long. Someone entered the cell, and he knew his reprieve had come to an end. He couldn’t even be bothered to look up, he just attempted one more useless »Please…«, unsure if it was audible at all.
But no - he recognized that step.
He was sure who it was when he felt the pulse of heat of his parent’s magic at his wrists. The manacles fell away as if he hadn’t already tried everything to make them. He had never been able to reproduce the magic that flowed so amply through their veins, just one of the many ways in which he was a disappointment.
He collapsed.
He didn’t expect to be caught; he never had been. If anything, he would be punished for being so weak - so stupid as to be kidnapped, so helpless as not to escape, so weak as to now collapse at their feet.
Yet somehow - somehow - a pair of warm arms closed around him and prevented him from hitting the ground. His body screamed out in pain regardless.
Crying wasn’t allowed either, but he couldn’t help it, and what difference would it make now that they’d seen what had become of him?
* It had been over twenty years since Taba had held their son, before he learned how to walk.
They hadn’t expected to do it now, despite everything. They hadn’t - they shouldn’t go soft on him. But then, and they were still reeling with the violence of the realization, it hadn’t done much to protect him, in the end.
And he certainly couldn’t walk now.
There were many things they hadn’t expected. They hadn’t expected the sheer magnitude of the terror that washed through them when they heard their son was gone. They hadn’t expected the irresistible force of rage when they were sent the demands.
It took eight days to find and reach him, accompanied by their bodyguard.
They had exhausted most of their magic in the fight, but there was enough left to set this place on fire-
But no.
They would need it to heal their son.
Their precious little son now lying in their arms.
They had always found him frail, but they- they had never-
They had told themself they were teaching him to protect himself.
They had, they realized, taught him nothing.
They lifted him up into a bridal carry, getting a pained whimper in return; his back was a bloody mess, and that wasn’t half of it. He was crying. They had often forbidden him to cry, and always he would eventually fail.
They hoped he knew he wouldn’t be punished this time.
»Round up all that are still alive,« they ordered the nearest guard on the way out. »And then burn this whole place down.«
* In the state Sharru was in, he had barely managed to comprehend that it was, in fact, his parent carrying him before he was set down.
Of course he hadn’t expected it to last; he was more bewildered it had happened at all, that he hadn’t been made to crawl out after them - a valuable lesson - or at least carried by some random guard. Maybe they wanted to make sure his shredded back, his cracked ribs ached exactly the way they wanted.
Despite all this, he couldn’t help himself. It was ridiculous, and he would likely be punished for such a blatant display of weakness, and he didn’t want it to be them, he wanted it to be someone who actually cared about him - but he nuzzled into their arm, weeping into the fabric of their shirt.
But of course, he was set down soon enough. He tried to pull himself together, to get his wits about him, like he should.
If only he wasn’t so exhausted. His eyes were burning as he tried to focus on his parent, sitting right next to him, doubtlessly disappointed beyond measure, as usual. They were in one of the army tents. With what strength he had, he tried to push himself up, half because he was supposed to, wasn’t he, half to keep his weight off his back. »I’m sorry-«
Their hand caught his shoulder and easily pushed him down. »Stop. Rest.«
He couldn’t hold back a whine, or more tears rising to his eyes. The salty liquid seeped into the cut one of them had drawn across his cheek, burning worse. There was no point in arguing, so he laid back and tried to ignore the pain, all the pain, and give in to the exhaustion and just finally sleep.
He couldn’t. They took his hand and - most of his fingers had been broken under the cruel heel of a boot - he only didn’t wail because he hadn’t the strength any more - it hurt.
Then he felt the familiar sting of heat again. Not enough to burn him or even really hurt, but only just. It took him a moment before he realized - they were healing him.
He had never gotten more magical healing than what was necessary. His parent believed there was a lesson in suffering from the consequences of one’s mistakes.
So this could only mean - oh, no. Please, no. He would be expected to resume his duties as heir at once.
He couldn’t. He couldn’t.
But he couldn’t argue. He couldn’t even beg - it hadn’t worked on his captors, and his parent would despise it. He could only lie back, bleeding and hurting, and quietly weep.
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maddipoof · 1 year
There is nothing like staying at home, for real comfort 🌷 you saved my life." "not a big d-" "no. you saved it." With tangerine
Reader’s code name is Pomelo because i like the sound of it, and also called small once, not as like a descriptor but just like, in comparison to a pomelo and an insult. And also if you don’t like swearing this is not the fic for you, it’s Tangerine, what did you expect? uhhhh TW: Like violence, duh, swearing, and yeah WC: 1.7k and the ending is kinda lame but meh, I hope you like it <3
For only meeting them less than a year ago, you’ve certainly lost track of the number of missions you’ve been on with the twins. Lemon was always lovely, always looking out for you, making sure you were alive, not that you’ve ever been that close to death, but still. And Tangerine…Tangerine was a little less hands on with you but you still knew he cared, just as he knew you cared about him surviving.
You were a team, all three of you. You stuck together and looked out for each other, always.
But not this time.
“Pomelo!” was the last thing you heard Lemon say just as you were struck in the back of the head. The woman in all black stepped up to your limp form on the ground just as you miraculously gained the strength to put your arms around your head as a weak means of protection.
“Pomelo, is it?” She turned you over with her foot, the metallic tang of blood forcing itself down your throat. “You’re a bit small for a pomelo, aren’t you? You need your big, strong boys to do all the work for you, hm?” Her face, so close to yours, was becoming blurry as she spit her painfully forced posh accent at you. She stabbed her katana into the ground next to your head, “I could just tear you apart.” She was kneeling over you and pulled another smaller knife out of its sheath in her back, just to stick it by the other side of your head. “Eh, I s’pose I should peel you first.”
She leaned down close to you again to pull the knife out from beside your head. You were fairly certain this was it for you, and if she was gonna kill you, may as well make her work for it. She was about to push herself off her knees when you spat a horrid mix of blood and spit in her face. She dropped a knee to your stomach then and you lurched up. With half her weight on you, she was about to strike. You could follow her eyes to her lazer-like target on your face. She raised her arm but Lemon grabbed her wrist from behind. It was futile, he may have been bigger but she was much stronger. She slammed her head into him and he fell back into another of her henchmen. The blade was halfway on its descent to your jaw when it slid across Tangerine’s back. He jumped in its path and took her down with him. Him beating her face to a pulp through her balaclava was the last thing you saw. His hair a wreck if you’ve ever seen it and he’d already lost the jacket and vest an hour ago. You couldn’t help but watch, though you were fading fast, couldn’t help but stare at the thin line blooming red through his crisp white shirt.
Then it went dark.
You woke up with a throbbing pain behind your eyes and a groan. Also in a familiar bed, but not your own. Long legs stretched out next to you, cashmere socks pointed towards the tv. It took you a second to realize what it was playing. A scene from …, the one you always skipped to after an assignment went wrong and you just needed something to calm down. The one Tangerine always made fun of you for liking so much. You looked up even though the slightest movement felt like your head was filled with lead marbles. Tangerine was violently tapping on his phone with one index finger. Either he was stuck on that same level of the game he’s been obsessed with for the last two months, or he was texting Lemon.
You tugged on the side of his trouser. He looked down at you immediately, face filled with worry, “Turn it—“ it was like your throat was the nile river and the rasp was the second plague, that’s how many frogs were in there.
“Down, turn it down.”
He grabbed the remote first and held a water bottle down to you second, you didn’t have to sit up too far with the mouthpiece to sip from. You swallowed too much too fast and the coughing that followed did nothing for your headache. “Easy, easy. Breathe, love.” He led you down with one hand to your shoulder and one to your head, “There ya go.” He moved his hand to your chest and rubbed gentle circles. “Better, yeah?”
You both sat there for a few moments more, half watching the movie (or pretending to), and half watching for the other to make a move.
“Than- uh, thank you.”
“For what, Pom?”
“For saving my l—“
“It’s really—It’s not a big deal.” He brushed it off as if the prospect of you being grateful for such a thing scared him, and tried to quiet you by holding more water to you.
“No, you saved it. Thank you.”
This inadvertently sent him into a trance of contemplation, he was staring off at something towards the end of the bed.
He was about to speak when Lemon popped in.
“Oh lovely, you’re awake.”
“Sarcasm intact. I’ll take that as a good sign.”
“Ha ha. I mean I’d rather be sleeping, not dead.”
You moved to lay back down but Tangerine held you up, “It’s best you eat first, love.”
Try as you might, for the next few weeks without any new missions to distract you, sleep never came easy. And when it did it was marred by inconsistancy and horrible nightmares. Each time you couldn’t fight it and dozed off on the couch or your face on your arms on the counter, you were jolted awake by the most terrifying visions.
Both Lemon and Tangerine knew, but after knowing you this long, they knew it’d be worse to say anything before you brought it up. Even if you tried to fake it, like you did 5 weeks to the day after it happened.
Lemon went to bed early that night, and though you could see Tangerine wanted to too, he wouldn’t go if you were still up.
As exhausted as you were, everytime you closed your eyes you were faced with the same scene of red blooming through Tan’s shirt.
You were both watching some movie you insisted he pick and you let him get away with thinking you didn’t know that he picked one of your favorites on purpose. He was on one end of the couch and you were on the other, it wasn’t terribly long but if both of you were laying flat across it you still wouldn’t touch.
“Watch your movie,” he said when he caught you looking.
“It’s not my movie, you picked it.”
“You’ve been looking at me all night.”
“Have not.”
“You have. Why?”
“I haven’t— It doesn’t matter.”
“Pom,” he said sincerely, “Love, why?”
“I can’t explain it.” He moved like he thought about getting closer to you but decided against it. “Just- come here.” You waved him closer and he slid down the rest of the couch while you made room for him.
He looked understandably confused and stayed up straight next to you. He tilted his head in a silent question that you couldn’t answer with words but instead a question of your own. You reached out to him hesitantly and waited for him to nod before you went for the fourth button of his shirt, the top 3 had been undone since dinner and he followed your lead and started undoing them from the bottom but looking at your hands instead. It was like an electric shock when you both went for the same button. Both of you jumped away like you were scared of each other’s hands. He looked at you and you nodded so he continued then pulled off his undershirt. As if he knew what you wanted without having to ask, he turned around so you could see the wound. He nodded when you put a hand on his back and you pulled at the edge of the bandage, just enough to see how it was healing.
It wasn’t deep, and it wasn’t wide, but it was long. The edges were starting to come back together and he’s been wincing much less lately. It never got infected and now only the very center stripe was still red.
He was going to turn back around but you practically threw yourself against his back, careful to avoid anywhere near the bandage. He tried to quiet his groan from the force, “Sorry,” you whispered.
“No, it wasn’t you.”
It was good. Those few minutes just feeling each other’s warmth and heart and breathing. It was good.
“Tan?” Asking could have been the greatest mistake of your life.
He sighed and let his head fall back to your shoulder. “Pom.”
“You saved my life.” He straightened at that.
“And you’ve saved mine, we’re even. Don’t- don’t make it more than it has to be.”
“No, listen, please for once.” He took a deep breath and leaned back again. “It’s never gotten that close before, for either of us. And I don’t— If you weren’t there I don’t know—“
“Don’t fuckin say it.”
“But it’s true.”
“It’s not.”
“You don’t know what would have happened and it doesn’t fuckin matter cus it didn’t happen.”
“Thank you though, for what did happen.”
He didn’t say much more than a hmm and laid down on his back, kind of uncomfortably on your leg from the way the two of you were sitting. He waved for you to join him, “Here, love,” he pulled you down to his chest and you moved past the temporary awkwardness to get comfortable. “Just go to sleep, yeah?”
“Mhm.” He could hear the hesitance.
“You wanna go to your room?”
“No, here’s ok, here is good.”
“Good. Relax, alright? We’re ok.”
taglist but like, you guys are slacking, pick up the pace come on(no i'm kidding, I love all you guys do for me): @new-romqntics @sw34terw34ther   @beezywriting   @haydipoof   @avipoof  @callmyheartyours   @puppy-coded @manyfandomsfanvergent  @loving-and-dreaming @munsonsreputation @esperisdrunkinwonderlandwonderland @babyrunsforfanfic  @sp1rit-realm   @doyouknowwhoyouare13 @imshiningjustforyou @munsonsreputation  @harringtonssangel  @honeymunson @katsu28 @masivechaos @steveharringtonsleftshoe
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tastefulstars · 10 months
Of Wolf and Man 4/?
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steve harrington x f!reader x eddie munson
a/n: all 4 parts total 14.6k words and we've just gotten a kiss, we're moving up in the world lads.
w/c: 3.9k
warnings: 18+ only mdni. slow burn. r is a werewolf. body horror. mutual pining. body horror. grief. angst. hurt/comfort. pov change halfway. r is Going Through It. eddie and steve take care of r. not proof read. kidnapping. violence. murder. blood/gore + descriptions of the aftermath of torture.
part one / two /three
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tags: @steddieloverrr @cherrycolas-things @5sosjay
You've always dealt with pain, you have to being what you are but this was a new level. There wasn't a moment of the day where you weren't in agony, longing for it to stop.
Your arms and wrists burned from the chains holding you, your flesh bubbling and tearing under the silver. Your legs were adorned with cuts, varying in length and depth and the hunters sprinkled something over the wounds to stop you from healing too quickly.
Your back was a mess of torn flesh and gaping wounds from the whippings they subjected you to daily.
Everything hurt and ached, and you weren't sure how much more you could take.
It had only been a couple of days since the hunters took you. You knew Steve and Eddie and the rest of the group would be looking for you, that they'd probably gone to Hopper and Joyce for help, you just had to find a way to hold on.
"This one isn't breaking as quick as the others" One of the men mutters to his companions, his voice making your skin crawl.
"Does it matter? It'll break eventually. They always do."
"And, means more fun for us"
You wanted to hurl at their tone, at their voices, wanted to lash out and break free and go home. You waited, lost in your memories of Steve and Eddie and your parents, knowing that either they'd get bored and kill you or your boys would find you.
Another couple of days go past in a blur of blood and agony when you realize the hunters had made a mistake.
The youngest had been put on watch for the evening while the others rested, only he hadn't secured your chains properly and there was enough slack for you to slip out of them. You knew you wouldn't have another opportunity to escape them so you waited, watching as the hours ticked past and he started yawning, his eyes slipping closed.
You ignored the pain and carefully slipped your restraints. Your heart in your throat and you held your breath as you crept over to the hunter.
He barely had time to react before your hands were gripping his head tightly, twisting and snapping his neck, the noise bringing bile to your throat. It was a quick death and not one he deserved, but it was quiet.
You crept to his companions, each one suffered a similar fate - a crushed throat or suffocated with a pillow. They all died quickly and you resented it, wishing you could have taken your time - made them suffer for the pain they caused you, for the deaths of your parents and so many others.
You stumbled away from them, hands shaking and vision swimming with unshed tears. You didn't want to be the killer they thought you to be. You hated wanting to inflict pain and suffering on others - no matter how much they deserved it.
Your wounds weren't healing yet and you knew you couldn't stay here. You look around for something to cover yourself, not wanting someone seeing your flayed back, cut up body and wanting to help but you can't see anything besides the hunters jackets and the idea of putting on their clothes made you want to scream.
You grind your teeth and decide to risk it. There was so much blood covering you, so it wouldn't make much difference. You stumble out of the warehouse, distantly realizing that it was the same one that you crawled out of the upside down of all those months ago.
You walk.
Rocks and sticks tear at the soles of your feet and each step was agony. Tears seep down your cheeks, creating tracks through the blood staining your skin.
You walk.
It feels like hours, but eventually, you shuffle closer to your home. The houses of your neighbors creep closer and closer and you nearly sob in relief when you see your house.
Steve's car was parked in the driveway, and you could hear too many heartbeats and voices inside, and you know that all of your friends are there.
You steel yourself, taking a deep breath before you push open your door and walking inside.
The noise stops.
You turn, and everyone is there - Steve and Eddie and Robin, Nancy, Jonathan, Hopper and Joyce, Max, El, Mike, Will, Lucas, and Dustin. You could have laughed at their stunned and horrified expression if you weren't so tired.
"Oh my god," Joyce breathes out, and you let go of the lungful of air you were holding.
You move, hands shaking as you reach for a pack of smokes that were thrown on the table and taking one and lighting it.
"I'm gonna shower," you say, voice muffled around the cigarette stick, and you leave everyone in a stupor for your bathroom.
You keep your eyes lowered when you enter, not wanting to see the absolute carnage that was your body.
You stand under the cold spray of water, watching blood swirl around your feet and down the drain, when the door creaks open and you're overwhelmed with the scents of Eddie and Steve.
"Honey?" Eddie's voice is small and worried, and your lower lip trembles.
"Smoking in the shower was a bad idea." You choke out and Eddie slides the door open, plucking the wet cigarette out of your fingers and tossing it into the sink.
Eddie's hands grip yours tightly, holding onto you while you cry silently.
Steve moves closer and begins to gently wash your body. Fingers careful and slow, ensuring he wasn't putting any pressure on your slowly healing wounds. He peels your undies down your legs and tosses them into the sink along with the abandoned smoke.
"We've got you," Eddie murmurs, "we've got you, love."
Eddie holds onto you while Steve cleans you and when the water stops running with blood, they wrap themselves around you.
You sob into their chests and arms and they hold you through it until your breathing settles and you sway in their arms, your legs giving out on you and there's a knock at the door.
"We're comin', hang on" Eddie calls.
He gently passes you to Steve and steps out of the shower, reaching around the two of you to turn off the water. Steve lifts you easily, cradling you to his chest and hums when Eddie places a towel over your form, tucking it around you carefully to ensure you were covered.
You close your eyes and listen to Steve's heartbeat, strong and there, against your cheek. Eddie's voice soothes you as he talks to Hopper, your pain easing the longer they're with you.
"Hop, just give her a minute," Eddie's saying as he follows Steve to your room.
"It's been nearly an hour, Munson" Hopper sighs, "I need to know what happened and make sure nothing's going to cause problems."
Eddie turns and glares at him.
"No. It can wait until we've dressed her wounds and she's got clothes on" He snaps, shutting the door in Hoppers face.
You hear Hopper sigh and mutter about damn stubborn kids before retreating back to the living room with the others.
Steve sits you down on the edge of your bed, carefully patting you dry with the towel. He's so gentle with you and your heart shatters, tears welling, and you're not sure what you did to deserve it.
Eddie sits on the bed, angled behind you and begins to inspect your back, inhaling sharply.
You don't notice the desperate look he sends Steve but you feel Steve moving and his quick intake of breath.
A hand cups your cheek and it takes everything in you to pry open your eyes. Steve's face is an open book for his concern, worry written plain for you to see.
"Bug, we- your. Your back is healing which is great, but there's some. Most of the wounds have knitted back together right? But there's some skin that's - we might need to cut it off"
His voice is wavering but soft, his thumb strokes your cheek as he talks. Your mind is numb and you trust him and Eddie so you nod.
Steve's eyes are warm and filled with love and you watch him as Eddie begins cleaning up your back. Steve and Eddie murmur to you, soft nothings that wash over you and settles your brain into a mindless buzzing.
"All done, Baby" Eddie murmurs as he finishes wrapping your torso with bandages, tying it off and tucking the excess.
You glance over your shoulder and wish you hadn't. Eddie had placed an old towel behind you and it was covered in scraps of your flesh and bloody bandages.
"Here" Steve's hands gently lift your calf and you feel the soft fabric of your pants slide against your skin. They work quickly to dress you in loose comfortable clothes and clean up the mess.
"You okay to talk to Hopper?" Eddie asks, pressing a kiss against your shoulder.
"Just him, please" Your whisper, eyes on the floor. Shame fills you as you remember your actions, what you did. Your head falls and you cover your face with your hands.
You don't hear Eddie and Steve leaving, or Hopper entering the room, and you startle when a hand comes to rest on your shoulder. Your head snaps up and your heart leaps into your throat before you realize you're still safe, that Hopper wouldn't hurt you.
"You alright, kid?"
His voice is gruff and your face falls, tears welling in your eyes and you can't stop your body from shaking. You shake your head 'no' and Hopper's arm wraps around your shoulder, pulling you into his side.
"What happened?"
His voice held no judgement and you took a deep breath, pulling away from him and sitting up as straight as you could with your injuries.
"Did the others tell you everything I've told them?" You ask, not really wanting to talk about your entire life story right now and he nods, "Okay. Okay. They found me, knew where I'd been for a while I guess, took me to the old steelworks."
You absentmindedly rub at the healing burns that wrap around your wrists and forearms as you speak, feeling the raised skin under your fingertips.
"They're dead, Hop" You admit quietly, "They killed my parents and now they're dead."
"Tell me what happened" He matches your volume, keeping his voice soft.
You do, you tell him everything that had happened over the past few days, from the moment they busted down your door to stumbling back home covered in your own blood, and he listens until you're stumbling over your words and falling silent.
He sighs deeply, hand coming back to rest on your shoulder.
"Kid, listen to me" He leans forward and catches your eye, "It was them or you, alright? Like you said, they would have killed you and you ain't gotta feel guilty for doing what you had to to survive."
Hopper pauses, waiting for you to acknowledge his words with a small nod.
"Alright. Now, I don't want you to worry about this, I'll take care of the steelworks. You just stay here and heal, let those boys take care of you, okay? I'll take care of it."
You nod again and relief floods through you, making your body sag. Hopper pats your arm and grunts as he wanders out of the room. You lay down, knowing that Steve and Eddie would make their way back to you soon. Your eyes slip closed and you feel your exhaustion slam into you like a truck.
When they'd arrived to your front door kicked in and the coffee table knocked over, it took every ounce of self control to not freak out. Eddie carefully stepped through your living room, calling your name and Steve was reaching for the phone - intent on calling for Hopper because he knew what this meant and he needed help.
He's not surprised when the kids show up not too long after the phone call, El's guilty face greeting his.
"I heard you and Dad talking" She says softly, "We want to help, he'll be here soon."
Sure enough, Steve spots the cruiser pulling up behind his own car and he just sighs and lets them in. Eddie's sitting on the couch, knee bouncing rapidly as he chews on his thumbnail. Steve meets his eyes and see's his own fear reflected back at him.
Steve sits heavily on the couch beside him and hooks his fingers with Eddies, leans on him in a quiet show of support.
"Alright, what's the emergency?" Hopper asks, frowning at the gathered group.
Steve takes a deep breath, squeezes Eddie's fingers, and talks. He tells Hopper everything you had told them months ago, about the hunters, how you'd warned them of what they could do, and how they'd come over to the front door kicked in and you missing.
The kids take over once he finishes, explaining their experiments to test your abilities and ideas on what to do to find you, making Hopper pinch the bridge of his nose before growling at them all to be quiet.
There's not much they can do, besides driving around town and looking for places that you might have been taken. Hopper instructs the kids to go home, not do anything stupid, that he'd look into it and ushered everyone out.
Eddie's eyes are glassy and his lashes clumped together with tears, his lower lip trembled and Steve felt his heart break in his chest.
Steve cups his head and wraps his other arm around Eddie, cradling him in his arms and he feels his own tears wetting his cheeks.
"Can't loose her again" Eddie's voice trembles, wet and broken, "Stevie, I can't- we can't loose her. Not again, we just got her back."
"I know, honey" He murmurs into Eddie's hair, "She'll come back to us."
They cling to each other for a few moments before Eddie pulls away, wiping at his eyes and sniffing.
"We need to go find her" He says, standing and pulling at Steve's hands.
They drive for hours, Eddie practically hanging out the window like it could help him see better, with no luck. They stumble back into your home in the early hours of the morning, collapsing into your bed with aching hearts.
The following days pass in much the same manner, driving around town trying to find you and collapsing in bed together - wrapped around each other with clinging hands.
The group gathers again, Hopper bringing Joyce into the fold and updates everyone with what he's found - a couple of new face's had been seen around town but there wasn't many more leads when the door creaks open and you stumble in, looking like you'd stepped in a shower of blood.
You were practically naked, skin cut open and torn all over, and you take one of Joyce's smokes and mutter about a shower and limp down the hall.
Steve and Eddie shoot up and follow you, acid rising up the back of their throats as they take in the mess that was your back. They hold you as you sob and clean you, Eddie nearly throws up when he gets a better look at your back.
His hands shake as he lays out a towel behind you and puts on a pair of gloves. He dry heaves as picks up a pair of scissors taken from your first aid kit, and gently lifts a piece of skin that was hanging off you and begins to cut.
You looked like you'd been shredded. Your back torn apart and knitted back together with bits of flesh hanging. Anger burns hot through his veins at the men who tore you apart like this and he clenches his jaw, not wanting to accidently hurt you.
By the time he's done, there's a small pile of your skin on the towel and he drops the scissors onto the mess - intending on throwing the whole lot out once he's done.
He continues to patch you up, wrapping you in gauze and bandages until every inch of the still healing wounds were dressed and covered.
It takes a while but he patches you up and helps Steve dress you and you talk to Hopper, and then everyone's gone again.
Steve's standing in the doorway to your room, watching you sleep when Eddie's arm encircle him and his chin rests on Steve's shoulder.
"Should we wake her? She'll need to eat" He murmurs, staring at you unblinkingly.
"Let her rest for a bit," Steve whispers back, stepping towards you and pulling Eddie along with him.
They gently climb into bed with you, putting you securely between them. Steve's arms wrap around you and Eddie, who tangles his legs with yours. You snuffle, snuggling deeper into their embrace.
Eddie and Steve quietly hold you and each other while you sleep, taking comfort in your soft breathing. They lay there for hours, watching you, watching the wounds still visible close and fade into light scars, until you sniff - nose scrunching and a soft groan slips from your lips.
"Baby?" Steve whispers and your eyes open, flickering between them.
"Stevie" You answer, just as quiet, "Eds"
"God, Honey" Eddie breathes out, "no more disappearing okay?"
"Yeah, I think I can do that"
Your lips twitch into a small smile and Eddie's chest grows three sizes and he's leaning closer, pressing his lips against yours in a soft kiss. You make a little noise of surprise before pressing back into the kiss, your hand sliding up Eddie's arm and tangling in his hair.
Eddie presses a couple of quick pecks against you before pulling away and Steve's hand is cupping your cheek and then he's kissing you. He's not as soft as Eddie, kissing deeper and messier.
He pulls away when your stomach growls loud enough to hear and you groan.
"'m so hungry" You mutter, realizing just how long it's been since you ate last and how much energy you were burning through while healing.
Eddie springs up from the bed, gathering you up and wrapping his hand around Steve's.
"Should we order in or cook?" Eddie asks as he leads you and Steve to the kitchen, "what do you want, Baby?"
"Don't care, Eds" You say, peering into the fridge.
"How about you two go relax and I'll put something together for us?" Steve offers, soft smile gracing his face and Eddie smiles back before pressing a kiss against Steve's lips and pulls you to the couch.
You practically climb into Eddie's lap, almost purring in contentment when he wraps his arms around you and holds you tightly. You let your eyes slip closed and press your nose against Eddie's neck, breathing him in and listening to Steve in the kitchen.
You relax, the sounds and smells of your boys filling you with a complete sense of safety and home that you feel yourself going limp, your heart slowing, matching Steve's and Eddies.
Steve's hand gently strokes your arm and you lift your head, eyes half closed and feeling a little drunk from Eddie's scent. He sits flush beside Eddie and you slide over to his lap, wanting to bury your face in his neck and drink him in as well but you're stopped with gentle but firm hands on your waist.
"You gotta eat first, Bug" Steve tells you, voice fond and warm and you want nothing more than to just crawl into them and live there forever.
You look at the food and realising just how hungry you were, you practically inhaling the food much to the boys' amusement. Steve rubs your back, hand warm against your newly healed skin.
"Still hungry?" He asks, already slipping you back to Eddie's lap and moving back to the kitchen to fetch more food for you.
"Need lots of food" You mutter around a mouthful, "takes a lot to heal like this"
"I'm going to order something" Eddie states, sliding out from under you and joining Steve in the kitchen.
You're not really sure how much exactly you eat but you watch your boys faces go from amusement to incredulous, their eyebrows creeping higher the more you eat. You sigh and lean back into the couch, hand patting your stomach.
"Alright, I feel better"
Eddie laughs and you feel your lips curling into a smile and Steve kisses your temple, murmuring a quiet 'good' against your skin.
"I- You don't have to worry about this happening again" You admit, knowing they would want answers but not pressuring you into talking before you were ready, "They're um, I. They're dead."
Eddie takes your hand and Steve holds your thigh, their touches grounding you and you nod.
"Yeah, I. I don't think I'll have to worry about hunters again"
"Are they the only ones?" Steve asks quietly, not wanting to upset you.
"Probably not" You concede, "but they were the only ones who seemed intent on y'know, hunting I guess. I've never heard of any issues with any other groups."
"Either way," Eddie starts, squeezing your hand, "we'll be with you."
"Hmm, yeah." Steve agrees, "we're not letting you out of our sight ever again, Bug."
Something settles inside you and you're overwhelmed with how much you love them, how much you feel like you belong with them. You feel your wolf simmering under your skin and you know you'd need to shift in the next day or two after so violently suppressing the change over the past few days.
Your knee starts to bounce without you noticing and Steve gently holds it.
"You okay, honey?"
"Yeah. I just-" You don't finish your sentence, feeling like you had ants crawling under your skin and memories of the hunters voices flash through your mind, "I. It's a lot, I don't know."
"Do, would changing help?" Eddie asks, resting his cheek against your shoulder.
"Yeah, I think so," you admit, "everything's always simpler when I'm a wolf. Easier."
"Then, let's go downstairs, yeah?"
"Wait-" Eddie's voice stops you in your tracks before you reach the basement door. He starts rushing around the room, collecting pillows and blankets and snacks until his arms are full and he can barely see over his load.
"Might as well make it cosy," He says, voice muffled behind a pillow. Steve laughs softly and pulls a few items from him, helping carry the items.
Your stomach flutters at their easy acceptance, and you knew that you'd never love anyone the way you love these two. Completely and all consuming. They were a balm to all your agonies and a light in the dark.
Your throat closes up, chest tight with the weight of your emotions.
They worked together to create a little nest of blankets and pillows while you strip, letting the change take over and its the first time in a very long time that the shift doesn't have you screaming in pain.
You shake out your fur and huff, trotting over to your boys and sticking your nose into Steve's neck, making him yelp and Eddie laugh.
You wait for them to sit, curled into each other before you wrap your large form around them and settle in for the night.
Your mind and body settles, and the only thing that runs through your thoughts was home love mine home safe home home home.
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suddenlybambi · 11 months
as long as you stay here [6] ♥ kyle broflovski
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pairing : kyle broflovski x reader
college AU - 18+
tags : strangers to friends to lovers, slow burn, fluff, angst, alcohol, afab reader, she/her pronouns, eventual smut
words : 2.8k
chapter 6
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a/n - 2.8k words for this one 💀 i need to catch up writing because i simply can't refrain myself from posting a chapter a day
fortunately i am british and we have a long bank holiday weekend so the next 3 days are gonna be full of writing
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“Wait!” Kyle called out as Y/N started walking towards the diner after saying her goodbyes and thank yous for dropping her off.
He pulled her apron, neatly folded over and cleaned, out of the trunk of his car. He began jogging over to her to hand it over, but his foot managed to catch on something. Before he could register what was happening, Kyle flew through the air. He landed on the ground, one hand on the apron, which helped cushion his fall, but the other wasn’t so lucky as it slid across the gravel of the car park. “Shit, that hurt….” 
“Oh god, Kyle,” Y/N ran over to him, he wanted to tell her not to in case she tripped as well, but she was next to him within seconds, his injured hand cradled in her own hands, inspecting the damage. “We need to get this cleaned! Are you okay to walk? Did you hurt your legs at all? Is your back okay?”
“Just my hand,” He sighed, looking down at the now-soiled apron that he had spent about an hour making sure was perfectly clean for Y/N. “I hope I didn’t scuff your apron up.”
“Fuck my apron!” She shook her head, flicking the apron to the side. “I don’t give a shit about that, but I do give a shit about you! Come on; there is a first-aid kit in the diner.” She carefully pulled him to his feet and walked him towards the door. One arm was looped around his waist as she held the wrist of the hand that was injured out in front. She didn’t need to support him as he walked, he was perfectly fine aside from his hand, but he saw the determined look on her face and realised that even if he insisted he was okay, she wouldn’t believe it until she knew for certain. 
The warmth of the diner was a stark contrast to the cold October air of Denver. “Finally letting us meet your-” Doris had perked up as soon as she saw Y/N guiding Kyle in. She had been begging to meet him since day 1.
“Not right now, Doris!” Y/N interrupted, leading Kyle behind the counter to the small break room next to the kitchen. It was just a square room with two chairs and a table, barely bigger than a supply closet, really, but it was out of sight from the rest of the diner. “Grab the first-aid kit for me.” Without another word, Doris disappeared for a second and reappeared with a little green box.
“It’s really not that bad,” Kyle mumbled, but Y/N wouldn’t listen as she gently took his hand and started to wipe it down with an anti-septic cleaner. He hissed at the pain but tried to suppress it as he worried she would think he was weak. Doris decided she couldn’t do much to help, so she left the two be and went back to the front counter to continue serving customers, though there fortunately weren’t many. 
Kyle and Y/N sat in silence while she cleaned and bandaged up his hand, the only noises being his occasional hiss of pain. Each time, she would gently soothe him by stroking her thumb across his wrist, which worked wonders in distracting him. Unfortunately, it just flustered him.
“I think that is the best I can do with what we have,” She broke the silence after inspecting her work to ensure everything was bandaged properly. “Oooh! I can do one more thing!” She picked his hand up and drew it close to her face, placing a feather-light kiss on the bandage. If Kyle wasn’t blushing before, he definitely was after that.
“Did you just…” He paused as he tried to comprehend what happened. “Did you just kiss it better?”
“Hopefully!” She grinned at him, placing his hand back down on the table. “How does it feel? Can you hold anything?”
“Uh… Not sure…” Kyle looked around for something to hold to see if he could do it without pain, but Y/N beat him to it by slipping her hand in his. He would have enjoyed it if it didn’t hurt so much.
“I hope that face is because you’re in pain and not because you hate holding my hand,” Y/N laughed, letting go. She froze, her own words processing in her mind. “I’m so sorry! That completely came out wrong! I didn’t mean to say that I hope you’re in pain; I hope you’re not in pain, but you clearly are, and I am just making things worse by talking….” Kyle surprised himself and her when he leaned over and used his good hand to pull her into a hug. Up until that point, she had initiated every hug as he didn’t want to make her uncomfortable.
“Thank you for taking care of me,” He whispered, pulling away and settling back down in his seat. He froze as he saw a man in the doorway. His expression was unreadable to Kyle, possibly somewhere between annoyance and anger, but it was really difficult to tell. “I don’t mean to alarm you, but there is-“
“Jay, I’ll be out in a minute!” Y/N groaned, not needing to look around to know her boss was in the doorway. He grunted and turned back around to go back to the kitchen. “Sorry, he gets grumpy when people don’t work to his standard… and when they do… He’s always grumpy… Do you want me to call someone to come and get you? You can’t drive with your hand like that.” Kyle didn’t want to leave. Y/N was only working for 4 hours, and he didn’t want her making her own way home late at night when he wouldn’t even have a car to drive to get her if she needed him because it would be stuck in the car park.
“Do you mind if I stay here?” He asked. “I’ll sit back in the diner and study until your shift is over.”
“That’s not for another 4 hours!” She shook her head, leaning back in her seat as she looked at him. “Wouldn’t you be more comfortable at home?”
“I’d be more comfortable here with-“ He almost said he’d be more comfortable with her. It was true, but he didn’t want to make things weird between them. “I’ve got my books with me, so I can just study, which is what I would be doing anyway.”
“You’ll get all the crappy free coffee and food you want,” Y/N smiled, giving in. “Come on; I’ll sit you in the best spot. The window has a great view of the dumpster, and sometimes a raccoon will pop out. His name is Big Dave, and he is a single father raising two little girls.” 
Kyle didn’t pay much attention to studying while he was in the diner. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of Y/N as she worked. She had an answer to every question from every customer, and she delivered them so confidently. Even when a customer was rude, she had a smile on her face that seemed genuine.
The only exception was when a woman kicked up a fuss after paying for her burger and fries.
“Here is your change, ma’am,” Y/N handed over the cash after the woman paid at the register. She seemed to be in her late 40s or early 50s, and her scowl was one that rivalled Cartman’s when he didn’t get his way.
“This is the wrong amount,” She scoffed. “I gave you two $20 bills.”
“You gave me one $20 bill, your total was $15.67, and I gave you $4.33 change. You didn’t give me a tip,” Y/N calmly explained. “I can ask my manager to double-check my math if you want?”
“I gave you two $20s!” The woman repeated herself, crossing her arms and stamping a foot on the floor. “You need to give one back.”
“Ma’am, it has been a slow evening so far,” Y/N had taken a deep breath before speaking. Kyle watched from his booth, absolutely mesmerised by how poised she was able to stay despite how aggressive the woman had already become. “There is one singular $20 bill in this register. It is the first one we have received tonight. It is lonely, and if you listen close, you can hear its cries for companionship. If you had given me two $20 bills, it wouldn’t be sat in this register as single as me on Valentine's Day stuffing three boxes of chocolate in my mouth while watching true crime and reminding myself why it’s better that I’m painfully alone because I can never truly trust another living soul.”
“I don’t-” The woman was about to argue back, but Y/N wasn’t done.
“If you’re so insistent that you gave me two, then where do you think the missing $20 bill has gone? Has a portal opened to another dimension where the magical pixies have taken it to turn into a blanket for the needy? Have the $10 bills murdered it and disposed of the body in a gang-related crime? Did the other $20 bill develop a sudden fetish for cannibalism and eat it? Or do you think that maybe, maybe, you lied in an attempt to get free food and steal money from this poor little diner?” Y/N held the woman’s gaze for what felt like an eternity for Kyle but was really only 10 seconds at most. The woman, without saying another word, turned around and left the diner. “Have a wonderful evening, ma’am!” Y/N called out after her, a small little smug smile tugging at the corner of her lips.
“Attagirl!” Doris patted her on the back. “Taught you well!” Y/N laughed, turning her attention over to Kyle and giving him a dazzling grin. He couldn’t help but smile back at her with the same enthusiasm.
The next hour passed by uneventfully. Y/N took orders, cleaned tables, and chatted with the few regulars, but the diner was next to empty. Kyle managed to get a little bit of studying done, but each time he looked down to focus, he caught the smell of Y/N’s perfume as she walked past and got distracted again.
“Y/N, hun, the diner is as dead as my grandpappy,” Doris patted Y/N on the shoulder as she cleaned the same table for the fourth time in a row. “Why don’t you two head off early?”
“You sure?” Y/N looked around for anything that needed to be done. “What if there is a sudden rush?”
“At 9pm on a Thursday?” Doris let out a short little laugh. “Honey, if that happens, I’ll call you. But we’ve never had a late Thursday rush in the twenty years we’ve been running this shithole.” Y/N took this into consideration before making up her mind with a nod.
“Should I get us an Uber?” She slid into the booth seat opposite Kyle, taking his injured hand to examine it and make sure the bandage was still in place.
“It actually doesn’t hurt that much anymore. I should be okay to drive,” He smiled, tapping the wound and holding back the winces of pain that threatened to escape and betray his composure. “It’s not far to yours or mine, and I’d rather not leave my car here overnight.”
“Security camera is broken,” Jay added from the other side of the window to the kitchen. “Ain’t safe leaving it here.”
“Are you sure you’re okay to drive?” She was absentmindedly tracing her fingers around the bandage, making Kyle shiver a little. He hoped Y/N hadn’t noticed, but the knowing look that Doris gave him from behind the counter said that the older woman definitely had.
“I’m sure, come on,” He grabbed his bag as well as hers since he had been keeping guard over it at the booth, swinging both over his shoulder. Y/N immediately took them from him before he could take a single step, grumbling something about him being injured. “Thank you for the food and coffee!” He called out to the two owners of the diner. Jay grunted, and Doris responded by saying he was welcome whenever he wanted.
“She loves you,” Y/N smiled once they were outside. “And he may not show it, but Jay likes you too. He plated you up way more fries than he usually does for people. That’s the equivalent of a fatherly hug in Jay's terms.” She opened his door for him and chucked their bags on the back seat before getting into her usual spot in the passenger seat.
“You dealt with that horrible woman really well,” Kyle complimented while starting up the car, being careful with his hand on the wheel. “I’ll have to start watching you more. I think I could pick up some tips for being a more assertive lawyer.”
“Watching me more suggests you already watch me a little?” Y/N teased. Kyle’s face heated up. He was about to stutter out some excuse, but she saved him the embarrassment by changing the subject. “Are you sure you’re okay to drive?”
“I’m sure,” He insisted again. “My hand barely hurts anymore.”
Unfortunately, he couldn’t say the same when he finally pulled up to Y/N’s apartment. He had accidentally gripped the wheel a little too tight when Y/N reached over to fix the collar of his shirt while at a red light. Fortunately, they were only a block away from the apartment at that point.
“Come on; you’re staying over. You can’t drive like that,” His poker face was poor and had given away his pain in an instant. She didn’t give him any other options this time. She just pulled him into the apartment and straight to her room. They hadn’t stayed overnight together since that first night. Kyle was somehow more nervous now that he knew her better. “Happy to wear these again?” She held up the clothes he wore to sleep the last time he was round.
“Of course,” He nodded, taking them from her. “I’ll get changed in the bathroom again.” He turned to the door, but she caught his arm.
“Clyde is in there; you won’t want to go in for another hour at least,” She sighed, having heard the music he played out loud every time he was in the bathroom when they entered the apartment. “Just get changed in here. We can face the walls if you’re uncomfortable?” He didn’t trust his voice to not crack as he spoke, so Kyle just nodded, turning to face the wall and getting dressed.
“Ready,” He announced, once changed. She confirmed she was too, but when Kyle turned around, his eyes widened as he realised she wasn’t wearing pants, just a long t-shirt and underwear. “Are you going to be comfortable in that?” Y/N looked down, confused. It took her a second to realise what he was referring to.
“Ah shit, sorry, I didn’t even think about that. It’s hot in here right now, and this is how I would usually sleep,” She looked around her room. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I have some shorts somewhere-”
“No! It’s fine!” He hadn’t meant to sound eager, but he was worried it had come out that way. “Uh- I mean, if you’re more comfortable like that, then I’m okay with it.”
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“I didn’t think anyone could be worse than Stan and Wendy, and I share a wall with them,” Kyle mumbled, turning his head to look at Y/N as she settled against the pillow next to him. “I can’t believe they’re that loud from across the apartment.”
“This is my life,” She sighed, suppressing a laugh at the ridiculousness. “It’s honestly impressive; they go for an hour straight almost every night.”
“Next time, you’re sleeping around mine,” He exhaled softly, closing his eyes.
“Already planning another sleepover with me?” His eyes widened at her words, despite her teasing tone. “Good, you smell nice. It’s very comforting to be next to you.” Kyle thought his heart would stop beating when he heard that, but when Y/N rolled over towards him and wrapped her arm around him while she rested her head on his chest, he was sure it had stopped, and he was dead. “Is this okay?”
“Yes,” He answered without thinking, his uninjured hand resting on her waist before he could register what he had just agreed to. There was no way she couldn’t hear how heavy his breathing had suddenly become as he tried to calm himself down.
Then again, Clyde and Bebe’s moans had somehow increased in volume. It was hard to hear his own thoughts over that.
“Goodnight, Kyle,” Y/N managed to get out through giggles. Her laughter soothed him more than anticipated.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
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