#this isn't me claiming they're canon btw
snekjoy · 9 months
I genuinely can't believe that the rannett windblume thing happened, like???
They get trapped in a cage together, which is just. Such a romcom trope and then while they're there Bennett gives Razor all his food because he's worried for him ANS THEN THEY WRITE A LOVE POEM TOGETHER
Like it's not even me going "Oh this is a love poem bc I say so" THE POINT IS THEY WERE WRITING LOVE POEMS, TRAVELLER SAID IT WAS FULL OF ROMANCE, AND
"You and the Mare Jivari
So close and yet so far
One at the edge of the world
The other in the center of my heart
Wolfhook and dandelion
My Windblume offering to you."
That's so fucking romantic and Bennett needed another windblume to use than dandelion so what does he do? Think of another flower himself, like his ascension mats or something? NO HE ASKS RAZOR AND PUTS RAZOR'S WINDBLUME INTO THE POEM!
People's choice of windblume is a personal thing!! Most Mondstadters have their own idea of what the windblume is so Bennett including Razor's choice (which is entirely unconventional in that it's not a flower and is only in Wolvendom) makes the poem so personalised to Razor!! He could even have said Windwheel asters or something bc those are his ascension flowers but NO! He made the poem about Razor's Windblume choice!! (And his ascension mats)
Let me ask you: if someone is giving someone else a windblume and they choose a Wolfhook, would you assume that the person receiving or giving the Wolfhook is the one character we know to live in Wolvendom, aka the only place Wolfhooks grow? Yeah you would assume that wouldn't you, so why is Bennett writing about giving someone a Wolfhook as windblume in a romantic context if it's not about Razor???
And then the most damning piece of evidence: RAZOR SAID THE POEM MADE HIM FEEL WARM AND TINGLY!! GAYASS
And don't think I didn't notice that the first few lines of the poem are about the contrast between the emotional and physical difference between the person the poem is about and Bennett. Razor lives in Wolvendom, putting him physically distant from Bennett, but they're "friends" anyway!! They hang out!! They write love poems about each other!! Bennett speaks to Razor in a way softer voice than anyone else!! They're close!!
Also, while Bennett was writing this poem he was "so close and yet so far" from Razor because they were IN THE SAME CAGE BUT DIFFERENT COMPARTMENTS. That makes them close, but unable to actually be next to each other!!
Also, after this, Venti says the poem is good and invites Bennett back to go to a bar and celebrate. Bennett declines, not because he doesn't like drinking or because he has some vague other thing to do but because he wants to go explore with Razor specifically. They then disappear and appear next in the cutscene, where Bennett is teaching Razor all about adventuring and says "WE need to bring more food next time, or you'll go hungry!" HE MEANS THEY'RE GONNA CONTINUE TO HANG OUT AND THAT THE NEXT TIME WILL BE WITH RAZOR AND HE WANTS TO ACCOMMODATE FOR RAZOR'S QUIRKS LIKE HOW HE CAN EAT LOADS AND STILL BE HUNGRY!! HE'S MAKING CHANGES TO HIS OWN LIFE TO BETTER FIT RAZOR!!
And Razor also makes changes for Bennett!! He doesn't like loud stuff or people who talk too much (which makes me think he's autistic but we move that's a different post) and the reason he was at the Thousand Winds Temple in the first place was because Wolvendom was too loud! This establishes he struggles with loud noises, or the fact that the hunters in Wolvendom talk too much.
Also, in the cutscene for that Windblume, they're headed into the city. We know the city is filled with people, especially during a festival, probably way more people than Wolvendom, but he still goes because Bennett is there. He's following Bennett into somewhere that makes him uncomfortable, which means he trusts him already!!
Also, in his voiceline about Bennett, he says he talks a lot. He acknowledges that Bennett talks a lot but he doesn't have an issue with it! He says "eat with him, never full" which could either mean Bennett keeps stopping to talk or that Razor doesn't want to stop hanging out, so he's never full because he doesn't want to be done with the meal. It could also mean that he's never "full" or sick of Bennett's talking which is just adorable.
Also, in the susbedo event, Paimon asks Bennett where Razor is, meaning whenever she sees Bennett she expects to see Razor. You realise this means they probably hang out so often people see them as a pair? Inseparable?
IN CONCLUSION they're so in love they're basically canon, they have so many signs and hints and stuff that suggests they're way closer to each other than anyone else. Basically whenever we see one of them, they're with the other or the other one is close behind. They're so in love u guys
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ruegarding · 1 month
Hey, quick question if you don't mind me asking but what are your thoughts on Drew Tanaka as a character and how she was portrayed in HOO?
canon drew...well. i rbed this post that says "drew was not written as a character but rather a human obstacle who needed to be feminine so the ‘not like other girls’ could defeat her," and i think that summarizes it perfectly. she exists exclusively to make piper look good, which is a real shame bc drew could've been interesting. as-is, drew is not only uninteresting, piper is also uninteresting by extension. it'd be like if nancy was one of percy's greatest obstacles in tlt.
more under the cut bc i'm incapable of keeping things short.
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here, in her introduction, not only is drew, a feminine girl, vain, she's also weak and unintimidating, a triple whammy right away! she has no reason to be antagonistic towards piper here, they literally just got to camp. piper's crime right now is *checks notes* not looking cute and existing next to a "good-looking guy." oh, yeah, btw drew likes jason for being hot and powerful.
this triple whammy isn't even restricted to drew, it's the entire aphrodite cabin. they all giggle when drew flirts w jason and when piper is uncomfortable being "gorgeous" and are too scared and weak to stand up to drew. the two exceptions are a guy who got in trouble for saying piper "might not be so bad" and a girl who's afraid of ugly shoes. what an uninteresting take.
anyway, moments like this
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are everywhere. now, let's remember for a moment that the aphrodite cabin (including drew!) fought in a war where they were outnumbered and won. but yeah, their biggest strength is their ability to "make an orange t-shirt glamorous" bc piper is the only one out of them who can *checks notes* uhhh run? charmspeak on a quest? carry a knife? she doesn't even know how to fight in tlh! she wasn't at camp for more than two days, she never had any fighting experience! the fact that she's being called tougher than ppl who fought in a war makes me grit my teeth. and thalia was there when it happened!
and it doesn't even makes sense bc we see aphrodite like this is ttc
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and she says this in tlh
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(also sidenote: why is aphrodite's claiming so egregious and uncomfortable then? it's like rick has a moment of clarity and realizes he's being stupid and then immediately fucks it up again.)
this is interesting! and some of these kids (including drew!) would have met this aphrodite during the solstices. so portraying drew and the aphrodite cabin as a bunch of shallow kids obsessed w makeup that need to be saved by piper "not like other girls" mclean is so contrived. and constantly bringing up how piper's so much better than those shallow and weak aphrodite kids makes piper's entire character grating. rick brings up aneaus repeatedly throughout tlh, a son of venus/aphrodite that founded rome. why are we acting like aphrodite children are weak and stupid when we could be exploring literally anything else? like, you know, how they're traumatized?
and the thing is, he brings up silena! and it's done terribly. piper, who never knew silena and never will, lecturing drew, someone who knew silena and was betrayed by her, has always pissed me off. piper relating to silena bc she feels like she's in the same position? good, that's fine, i have no problem w this. but acting like she knew silena to ppl who actually did and then preaching abt what silena believed should've gotten her smacked (rick didn't even addressed the actual important part, which is how the other campers feel abt silena or how they feel abt surviving a war).
then when piper challenges drew, again, drew fought in a war while piper hasn't trained for a single day, why are we acting like piper could beat drew in a fight? piper can't even use charmspeak bc drew's resistant to it! that's the one advantage piper has! writing it like this comes off like piper is only strong as long as everyone else is weak. she's not rising to a challenge, her competitor is just so pathetic that she can overpower them. she didn't earn her strength. that's not good character development! so we're throwing two entire character arcs away for this!
what really gets me abt all of this is that piper didn't need to be a counselor. piper needed a place to belong. making drew nothing more than a stepping-stone was completely unnecessary, and making the aphrodite cabin weak and vain was redundant bc we already had an example w silena (and again, all the kids that fought in a war). as it is in canon, drew's character is a great example of some of rick's biggest writing flaws.
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scoobydoodean · 4 months
I don't mean to talk out of my ass, and am saying nothing about how alcoholism works in the real world, but when it comes to the fictional world of the show I really don't think they ever meant to imply Dean has a dependency issue when it comes to alcohol. I think what the show is actually doing is using short hand for either "Dean is in a bad mental state and self medicating" or, separately and not related to that, is using alcohol as a glamorized "cowboy who can put away his liquor" shorthand. For contrast, I'm watching House right now and (regardless of if it does a good job depicting addiction, which I feel absolutely unqualified to comment on) it does want the audience to understand that House is an addict.
I think the issue is there is a lot of room to bring your own personal experiences with alcohol to interpreting the show, and obviously if those have been bad it's easy to apply that to Dean, who does drink frequently in show. As do Sam, Cas, Bobby, Rufus, Ellen, etc. I don't know why people focus in on Dean specifically, though.
I think the funniest thing about this disk horse (which I consider to be over btw—using this as a springboard for closing thoughts) is that I never said at any point that Dean has never abused alcohol. I didn't even say there's no point in the show at which he can be described as an alcoholic (Dean describes himself as one in 10.12 "About A Boy"). I didn't even say I would never believe that Dean has ever driven drunk ever in his entire life, or that headcanoning that Dean has driven drunk before at some point is somehow some horrible evil thing.
All I did was respond to mail asking me if I remembered times in the actual show where Dean was shown drunk driving, because my anon heard a claim that it is shown to us "All of the time" in the actual show, and didn't remember that, and they were looking for someone with a more recent memory who could corroborate. So I said I don't remember that happening explicitly in the show either, and invited people to provide examples if they remembered an example.
I think if the show wanted to say Dean is a frequent drunk driver— specifically—the show would show me Dean being a drunk driver. It wasn't a problem for the show to quite overtly show me Sam driving drunk in 4.09—it wasn't something they shied away from showing. If (to your point—which you are absolutely right about) alcohol is used as a signal of our characters current mental states (Bobby in 4.01, Sam in 4.09, Cas in 5.17, Dean in 10.22, etc) then there's no reason the show would refuse to simply show me Dean being a frequent drunk driver. I'd be happy to explore it if I thought frequent drunk driving was a genuine facet of Dean's character. I just don't think it is, because the show doesn't show me that. And people can say all day long that "Dean drinks a lot" + "Dean has a car and is often in the drivers seat" = "Dean is a frequent drunk driver" until they're blue in the face. I am still holding out my hand, palm up, waiting for an actual example instead of whiney voices crying and whining insisting it simply HAS to be true because they think it should be.
I think you're right at the end of the day that the show isn't worried about Dean being an alcoholic as much as the show uses upticks in each character's drinking to indicate they're going through something—you're 100% right there. I also understand and respect that some people legitimately—with well-meaning intent—want to explore Dean's relationship to alcohol, because it's absolutely in theme imo and I think there's more attention ultimately put on it with Dean than any other character (though this is not true up to season 4 in my current rewatch). I just can't say I'm sitting here wringing my hands over Dean's relationship with alcohol in the actual canon of the actual show. I'm just not. The fact is, our characters have extremely limited options in terms of coping tools, and have trauma more extensive in breadth and length and diversity than anyone in real life has experienced ever, and are almost perpetually existing in a war zone. The fact that they self-medicate in various ways in order to cope isn't remotely surprising and I don't think there's anything shameful and evil about it either especially given their circumstances and utter lack of options. I just also... don't think Dean is a frequent drunk driver.
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trickinabucket · 2 months
BTW, My AFAB*s for Yakuza are currently (Part 1?):
*assigned furry at birth
(This is a small project I have where I come up with animals that could represent the cast in a furry universe. They lean more heavily in the direction of redwall-esque. They stand and move more like humans, but their anatomy is a bit more animalistic. They also wear clothes. I'm pretty sure. I just don't draw that atm bc I suck at it lol I also try very hard to limit the animals to ones found on the continent their races "come from." It's a weird rule I impose. And, if you're curious, a child could come from a breeding pair that is a completely different species. It's more of an "energy"/features thing.)
Kiryu Kazuma:
[ Kiryu Kazuma ]
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Smooth Chow/Shar Pei/Mix of the two
Any particular notes or reasons?
Even though I try to stick to Japanese dogs for the yakuza themselves, I really liked either/both of these options because of how bulky they are. The wrinkly face can also sometimes look pretty mean - but, by the same measure, they can look like teddy bears. Not to mention; Chow Chows were bred for, among other reasons, guarding. Shar Pei are fighting dogs.
Nishikiyama Akira, AKA "Nishiki":
[ Nishikiyama Akira, AKA "Nishiki" ]
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Larger, bulkier version of Japanese Spitz (possibly some ambiguous mix?)
Any particular notes or reasons?
The breed is said to be eager to please. Not to mention, loyal! They're also regarded as a companion breed that can serve as a watch dog. Also, so, so beautiful.
Kazama and Arakawa:
[ Kazama and Arakawa ]
One of two breeds (different for each):
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Shikoku Inu
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Kishu Ken
Any particular notes or reasons?
Both these breeds are considered old and rumored to have wolf blood. (Wolves in Japan are extinct, so this is the closest we'll get to them, if that's the case.) They're also both hunting dogs. And we all know both of these men did a fair bit of hunting in their day.
Majima Goro:
[ Majima Goro ]
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Striped Hyena
Any particular notes or reasons?
"Hyena" is just perfect for Majima. Keeping that in mind, he didn't start off "clownish" as a yakuza; quite the opposite. This particular type of hyena isn't famed for cackling; that's spotted hyenas. (Though, I did hear that they can laugh from some rando on the internet who claimed to live in a region that had striped yeen territory.) They're nocturnal, perfect for "The Lord of The Night." I also think them being skinny, top-heavy alternatives to spotted hyenas is more reminiscent of Majima's body type. Striped hyenas are also canine-enough for me to pass them on as appropriate for yakuza work. (I tend to make the yakuza dogs, but I decided that dog-like "counts" because of Maji, tbh.) There's a lot of interesting symbolism and lore in mythology concerning striped hyenas. Their history is also interesting. I could pull out some things I learned, but, honestly, I worked backwards from hyena to get this guy to fit. I'm sorry to have threatened the integrity of this project.
Masaharu Kaito:
[ Masaharu Kaito ]
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Tosa Inu
Any particular notes or reasons?
Tosa Inu are courageous watchdogs initially bred for fighting. They're also lovey to their "people" that they've bonded to (described as "quietly affectionate.") Because of which, they can be somewhat aggressive to other dogs that are "outsiders." And, honestly? I've never seen Kaito even try to play nice with other Yakuza (mostly outside the family, but "mostly" is a key word here), even if they aren't having an outright war. I also know that bully, jowly dogs are considered "ugly" to some people. People in the canon have called Kaito ugly. I believe, however, those real and fake people are full of it.
Takayuki Yagami, AKA "Tak"
[ Takayuki Yagami AKA "Tak" ]
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Domestic Cat (Oriental Shorthair?)
Any particular notes or reasons?
"Whet??" you say? Well, for starters, Tak isn't yakuza. So, not a dog. Besides, playing/watching a playthrough of Judgement for like an hour will make you see: Tak has MASSIVE cat energy. He's snarky and sarcastic, cool/level-headed, (somewhat?) dignified, curious as all hell (and aggravating when he wants something, particularly answers). Plus, idk, imagine a cat staring at you, judgementally. Perfectly natural, right? I feel like Yagami's eyes make you tell the truth, or at least makes you squirm.
More to come, bc this is a big post...
( Did I honestly forget The Best Boy?? I'm sorry, he'll be in the next one. )
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acourtofthought · 3 months
I have 2 questions:
First, how bryciel shippers doing btw? I don't want to go deep in drama bc I know I'll be burnt out but I'm just curious yk... oh and I haven't read any spoilers but Hunt and Bryce were always endgame to me and I don't need to read spoilers to know that lol
And second, have you seen E/riels on sjm latest post about her website design? MY GOD they're desperate and I've been laughing for the last 10 minutes!! at this point they're manifesting so hard for that to happen lmao and I love that I see no Gwynriel or Elucien under SJM post and be petty bc we have canon... love that for us🥂
I am in a CC group on Facebook but I haven't actually checked my Facebook in awhile so I am also wondering how those that were insistent Bryceriel was endgame are doing. I'm guessing most will now just insist the theory was just for fun but they were never strongly tied to it.
And you're right, that's not a spoiler because the author herself confirmed Bryce and Hunt were mates in an interview. The question has only ever been "But Will Hunt survive?"
As far as the website design announcement, I think someone mentioned that others were saying that because it had pink on it, it confirms Elain?
But....as of SF, Elain isn't really associated with pink as she was only in shades of purple. So why is pink supposed to be Elain's color?
If we really want to get crazy here, Jurian sat on a pink couch in SF, a couch that belongs in the house Lucien lives in. Elucien confirmed!
And ACOWAR was pink so chances are, Elain's book would not be in pink regardless of when it's released (I'm thinking purple).
I'm also adding in a post @gwyns recently did because it's so true:
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How can a pink website announcement and a blue dress mean something but when in the most recent book, we have "the color black leeched the brightness" of Elain's face and "Elain in black, no matter how much she claimed to be part of this court... it sucked the life from her", it means nothing?
It's all very odd...
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avocado-frog · 5 months
Anyways ghosts in my wip since I'm thinkin about them (@steh-lar-uh-nuhs since you asked to be tagged lol)
ghost post time:
(cw for a lot of death mention. parent death)
Dylan's magic was kinda vague in forget me not (book one not series) but the general gist was something along the lines of they can control dreams to a certain extent and can sense when somebody is going to die (foreshadowed elliot) (and leo apparently???) but also when I reread it, Dylan is actually BARELY in any of the chapters at all. They don't have a line until well after halfway through even though they showed up in like chapter six
SO dahlia (book two) has a lot more Dylan in it which is great stunning showstopping i love them. Unrelated but looking back the lack of Dylan was definitely why I didn't know what I was doing with characterizing them. <3 DYLAN <3
Before this becomes a dylan appreciation post, the stuff Dylan can do is more expanded on in Dahlia, and includes: -A sort of healing magic that Cass can't do, which is why Elliot is okay even without Cass -That healing magic is that they can handle more advanced injuries (elliot's stab wound, life threatening injuries) while Cass can only do sprains and cuts and bruises -Possession -Necromancy apparently -Possession is what Dylan says is why they could hypothetically raise the dead, if they could wake up Elliot. A post for another time
I've said that Elliot's dream world thing is based on Omori, and in Omori, Mari is like. may or may not be a ghost who is real but you'll never know because Sunny hallucinates often. Same thing for Elliot. Same mechanics
In forget me not Elliot claims to see his mother in the graveyard, right by where her grave would be. There's no realistic way for him to KNOW where that was, unless he is aware that that is where dead people go. So like Mari omori it's ambiguous whether Elliot was actually seeing her or if he was just hallucinating. And in the dream world, Olivia is noted by Dylan to have a scar across her neck, even though Elliot would not want any reminders of her death in what is supposed to be a safe area, hence why the reminders of his two Big Traumas are upstairs in separate rooms. And Olivia is the most sentient of the dream world characters aside from Lucas (who is btw dream world Leo) and Cass. Everyone else is scripted by Elliot. Olivia seems to be knowing what's going on
So what I'm saying is that dream world Olivia like headspace Mari MIGHT just be a ghost. hypothetically
Also in forget me not, I think that at one point Leo claims to feel a hand on her shoulder
ALSO ABOUT LEO: she gets her own little dream section in rosemary where she sees Olivia, despite having not known her
It's still left pretty ambiguous in what I have of rosemary so far. But Jaxon witnesses several deaths, Leo's, who isn't really dead, but he doesn't know that, Maria's, a woman who he accidentally got killed in chapter four and a boy who he sees the execution of. He sees all of them, as well as a boy who he doesn't know but who IS in fact his brother. Again, whether or not they're real is vague because Leo is not dead, but he does see one that he doesn't know
My OTHER dead character is Jasmine, Logan's sister who has Not made an appearance yet but she should be allowed to. She haunts Logan's character arc at the very least. Also maybe Dylan's
tldr if ghosts were real and canon, they are in people's dreams. Dylan and Elliot might be able to raise the dead but I'm not going to dwell on that because that is a whole other plot
This post was brought to you by me wondering how Olivia would interact with the other kids, and me being sad about her death again
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cosmic-eye · 1 year
Since I got notes on that one post, here are my thoughts on how the main villains of the Psychonauts series relate to Raz. I'll try my best to be clear and succinct.
Psychonauts 1 - Morceau Oleander, Raz's parallel
The first thing we really start to learn about Raz is that he feels like an outsider in his family because he's psychic. This, and that he wants to become a hero so he can prove his worth.
Cut to later in the game, where we learn that Oleander felt worthless to his family, wanting to join the army/air force/navy/etc to prove to his family that he's not worthless. This is the reason he joins the Psychonauts.
We learn through Raz's interactions with Ford how his father hates psychics and was possibly trying to kill him with all the circus training. This is later shown to be Raz's misconception, and that Augustus loves his children and is doing what he thinks is best to protect them.
And then through Oly, we find out that his dad killed his favorite rabbit, claiming that they're good for nothing but food. And Oleander understands that because of his small size, he too is good for nothing, fearing the day his dad turns his butcher's knife on him. While it's not explicitly stated in the game, it's pretty easy to infer that Oleander is wrong and his dad isn't the monster he sees him as.
Speaking of monsters... The final bosses of the game are Oleander's dad, Raz's dad, and Oleander & Raz's dad (twice). Oleander & Raz are so much the same person that their greatest fears can combine seamlessly. They both see their dads as evil caricatures of the real thing with teal/green skin and actively trying to murder them.
Oleander is Raz's future if he were unable to patch things up with his father/family.
Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin - Caligosto Loboto, Raz's fear
By now, we've already learned all we need to about Raz at this time, so there's nothing new told to us in this game. What is revealed is Loboto's backstory, specifically focusing on his parents.
We get to see a dollhouse recreation of Loboto's childhood. Here, through Loboto's eyes, it's shown how his parents feared/hated what Loboto was. They refer to him as "devil child" and "little monster." We see the parents discuss Loboto and make the decision to have him lobotomized. While his mom is initially concerned the procedure will hurt him, she ends up stating that she doesn't care.
This is always done while Loboto is within earshot, whether the parents realize it or not.
The only time his parents are shown interacting with him positively is when Loboto is only an infant and before they knew he was psychic. They like the idea of him, not who he really is. This is what Raz believed his family felt about him, and now he gets to see what that actually looks like.
Loboto's life is Raz's nightmare.
(I realize this is shorter than the others, but we don't get a ton of canon info about Loboto)
Psychonauts 2 - Gristol Malik, Raz's opposite
(I've posted about this before btw)
Now this one is especially interesting to me, because, unlike the previous villains, these two characters have almost nothing in common.
Again, by this time, we've already learned much about Raz & his past, but wait! Now there's stuff to be added. Towards the beginning of the game, we get to meet Raz's family and see their dynamic for ourselves. We also get a little more insight into how they live.
After three games total, we can easily jot down a ton of information about Raz. For starters; he is psychic, is poor, has a rough-but-close relationship with his family, is mature for his age (or at least tries to be), genuinely cares for others & enjoys helping them, highly admires the Psychonauts, and can be a little reckless but is usually trying to do the right thing.
Again, unlike with the previous two, we don't get a proper introduction to the villain until the climax. (Yes, he's there the whole time, but pretending to be someone else and we barely hear anything about his true identity, especially if you're not looking at the tiny details.)
But, in true Psychonauts fashion, when we met Gristol, we get to know everything about him. And very nearly everything we learn directly contrasts with Raz. For example; he is a non-psychic, is extremely rich, has no positive relationship with his family (or really anyone else), is immature, doesn't care about others & only cares about what he wants, despises the Psychonauts, and tries to be calculated in his decisions while not caring who gets hurt in the process.
Just about the only thing these two characters share is their Grulovian blood.
Gristol is Raz's foil and the only villain he couldn't help.
Final thoughts
Every single one of these villains is so well thought out in relation to Raz. I hesitate to say which is the "best" villain of the series because I think they all have their part and each plays it perfectly. I also have to mention that none of the villains feel like recycled versions of another villain, each having a unique role and motivation.
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leofrith · 5 months
in the mood for violence: 5 and 6?
5. worst discord server and why
in terms of servers i've actually been active in, it's gotta be the acc*ss the an*mus server. i'm sure it's still leagues better than the official ac server, which i daren't enter for anything other than checking what's in reda's item shop for the day. but i've found from personal experience (and that of some friends) that almost every big fan community for this fucking franchise will claim to be Not Like Other Girls (of the bigoted, gatekeepy, gamergate variety) before turning a blind eye to bullying, harassment, and bigotry within their own community. ata was no different, and while i did have some constructive conversations with people in there, the nastiness of some of the server members in there which went entirely unchecked made it not worth it. also, people will complain all day long about the stupid little problems they have with gameplay mechanics, etc. but the second you try to have a constructive discussion about ubisoft's many, many problems as a company, everyone is suddenly a ubisoft shill. 💀
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
randivor shippers. 🧍🏻‍♀️ i say this as a (now, only occasional, due to exactly this kind of bullshit) randivor shipper myself, and this is only regarding the specific brand of fan that insists randivor is indisputably canon and then jumps down your throat for so much as implying otherwise. if that description doesn't sound like you, then congratulations! this isn't about you! if anything i'm about to say feels like a personal attack, then perhaps you should take a look inward instead of making it my fucking problem. i did already talk about this a bit here for a completely separate question because i got ahead of myself, but i totally understand the desire, especially for lesbians, for spaces that are entirely free of men. i do truly get it! but i'm sure you can also understand why the constant comments implying or just straight up saying that eivor "ending up" in a relationship with a man is the worst thing that could ever happen might make me, a bisexual woman who sees eivor as bisexual, feel uncomfortable and unwelcome. that's not even mentioning the straight up biphobia. there is a not insignificant number of randivor shippers who seem to think they're doing activism by calling anyone who ships eivor with men lesbophobic or misogynistic—eivor, the rpg character who can romance people of any gender for a reason. this behaviour, in my own experience, is enough of a pattern that any content i was working on for the ship is pretty much dead in the water at this point. i personally don't really feel like occupying space in a fandom where i've been blocked by a number of people who i've never directly interacted with, for no apparent reason other than the fact that i sometimes put eivor in "straight" relationships (that is something bisexual people do on occasion, btw. so so sorry about that. i've tried to grow past my manfucker tendencies but it just isn't working 😔) tldr: it's not fucking hard to have your lesbian headcanons while also being normal about bisexual people. take my hand. let me show you the way.
send me a number!
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cleradinel · 1 year
I'm really live and let live with hcs and theories, but i think i just really don't get the bi Mike thing. Because i keep seeing people say Mike is bi but when i actually see the posts explaining why (which is Really rare too, it's usually just treated as 'clearly obvious' which is also interesting) there's always scenes getting ignored. Things like Mike kissing El and obviously caring about her immensely get mentioned, but then the sibling and cousin coding (even right before their first kiss) just gets ignored. "Boys only" isn't worth analyzing, it's just wording (but Will saying "a day free of girls" is still obviously gay coding). Mike not kissing El back in s3 gets acknowledged but him pulling her hands off his face at the beginning of the season doesn't get mentioned. Everyone having posters of people they're attracted to (Nancy, Steve, etc) on their walls is just accepted as fact but Mike only having posters of buff guys still means he's into girls. And so on
What's even wilder is that I've seen multiple people claim they Don't think Mike was ever into El but still think he's bi which is just. ?. I don't get it. Because outside of El he hasn't shown anything you could even Pretend is attraction to girls. Canonically he's had little contact with girls because they "think he's gross", didn't care for Max when she showed up, didn't care for the dragonslayer princess or Phoebe Cates, doesn't have any female fictional characters he admires, AND didn't get Argyle falling for pretty girl Eden. El is really the only thing you could sort of try to justify any attraction to girls in any capacity (and even that's rocks in canon)
Bi Mike just confuses me because all posts arguing in favour of it always ignore certain scenes. And yeah obviously, they have to it's because you just can't explain them from the bi angle. It's just odd to me that so many people argue it's equally as canon supported as gay Mike when there's multiple instances that have to be overlooked for the theory to hold up. Not trying to sound rude, hcs are obviously cool, i just don't get why bi Mike is argued to be canon so much when the show contradicts it multiple times (coming from a bi person btw)
i'm a live and let live too ! i'm no headcanon police and i am nobody to tell you what to do or how to think. i like pointing stuff out i find interesting and if those things i'm pointing out (and many others have pointed out) leads me to believe wholeheartedly mike is gay, i'll allow myself to be passionate about that. (get heated ? sometimes i admit) (because i think it's an important thing to take into account when discussing him/elmike/byler/the narrative/where we've been and where we're going yadda yadda yadda)
i've seen bi mike posts that are more on the analysis side, but then those posts go on to say something like mike wasn't regretting telling will to dance with the girl (i don't think mike was like "no come back i am so consciously in love with you" at all, but more so "well this has me feeling In Ways i don't want to describe or think about) at the snowball, or that the ending of s3 is just solely about him being sad to see el and will go (i agree he is obviously sad about that, but literally what were those two back to back byler and elmike scenes about, considering their nature and content, if not mike getting confirmation he wants to date his dude bestie ? which i really, really think is the conclusion to his "i have an idea, boys only" moment) so again, even if we're both analyzing, we're truly not analyzing in the same way. i can't take those things as proof coming from a show that keeps hammering it over our heads that we have to think deeper and pull back the curtain. they don't want you to think of these scenes as nothing more than they appear on surface level. these are ga kinds of interpretations of these scenes. most of them saw a mike sad to be bidding his friends goodbye, you on the other hand, if you're trying to decipher what mike is thinking and what he's about, should probably be seeing something else.
everything you listed applying to both mike and will and definitely not to lucas and dustin (these two especially as way closer in age than like. steve and have way more scenes together) is something you should notice but alas- pretty girl eden was there to mock love at first though. even jonathan doesn't care for that haha i'll have to disagree on that being gay mike proof. if anything it's mike is a dirty little liar monologuing a lie proof.
i'll leave you with this : headcanons are cool, i don't care what you do with them. i hope you're having fun (i truly am) but *i* disagree it's as supported by canon as the gay hc. i, as in me myself and i, and if you disagree with me that is completely fine. you should be and feel free to do whatever you want with mike when you spin him around in your head for fun trying to understand who he is. but i will never not be confused by bi mike, as i think it is quite obvious he is gay.
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
what shoes the brothers would wear
-> side characters here
a/n: I have to wait two weeks for my exam results, I am too lazy to do work and I have an unhealthy shoe addiction. Put 'em together and you get this. This is just for fun and my opinion/hcs, so please don't take it seriously. Also, I didn't really look closely at their canon shoes for this, I feel like that must be said. In this post, I will be roasting some shoes. Again, this is just my opinion and it's totally okay if you do like them.
I own none of the images used, I just put them together with an editing app.
no content warnings
mostly formal shoes, one pair of oxfords and a pair of loafers
he also has this ancient pair of high-top dress shoes he rarely wears anymore
honestly doesn't own many shoes, but the ones he does own are made of high-quality material so they can last long
not much else to say
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the closest thing to a formal shoe he owns are combat boots
he owns a pair of fake jordans, but tells everyone they are the real, expensive thing and will argue with whoever claims they are fakes
also for some reason I see him wearing vans, but not the ordinary black ones
gucci slides, he brought the real ones but lost them so he went on akuzon and got dupes but the second the dupes arrived he found the real ones again, so mammon decided to throw the fakes out but he made a mistake and threw one fake and one real one away
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I'm so sorry, levi stans
he buys 99% of shoes on akuzon, so when he bought the jordans for 20 grimm, he still thinks they're the real deal
levi owns a pair of those water shoes for some reason, and proudly wears them in a jacuzzi
he also thinks the water shoes count as formal wear
he owns flip flops in multiple colors and wears them when it is hot, with gym shorts.
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look me in the eye and tell me satan doesn't wear converse
he has this pair of old hiking boots but he replaced them with timbs after the sole fell off
he owns a pair of formal dress shoes but they look like the love child of clown and bowling shoes
he, like lucifer, doesn't own many pairs as he spends his money on books
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I feel like asmo isn't somebody who would buy something a lot of others own too (like white air forces) but he still needs a pretty sneaker, so he got these fancy black and white ones
asmo surely owns a pair of heels, and they are beautiful (btw if anyone knows where to find those heels, or a look-alike in a US6/UK4/EU37, please let me know, I'm too lazy to diy them UPDATE: I found them, thanks anon in my asks)
he also owns a pair of over-the-top platforms, mostly for photoshoots
asmo also owns some oxfords he got for special occasions, but rarely wears them as he goes for the heels instead, unless he's gonna have to walk a lot
he has a lot of other shoes too
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footwear isn't his priority
he has two sneakers: one for everyday wear and one for sports, but sometimes he mixes them up
beel also owns teva knock-offs he got in the discount bin at the dollar store and I feel like he'd wear them with socks
sometimes steals mammon's gucci slides when he quickly wants to buy food
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I know almost for sure he is a dr martens owner
but, he heard the breaking-in horror stories and decided to buy second hand ones to skip the step
belphie also owns the bunny slippers mc got for him, he claimed they are dumb but is afraid to wear and accidentally ruin them
also got a pair of regular slides for ease purposes
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imaginarianisms · 7 days
okay so. this is kind of a vent ive& been meaning to talk about for a while & this isn't directed at any of my moots y'all are fine. ok @ the general majority a.soiaf rpc. take my hand. ok. good. walk w/ me for a sec. gotta have a chat w/ y'all as a native mun.
this is what most of the arctic hemisphere is for white fantasy authors & let's be honest many of the predominantly white asoiaf fandom & rpc: russia, scandinavia & iceland (& of course it's always white scandinavians or northern europeans bc ofc it is & conveniently ignoring the many, MANY indigenous peoples of russia & scandinavia, particularly the sami people who were, y'know, literally always there in norway, sweden, finland & the kola peninsula of russia & are literally Always left out).
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this is what the ACTUAL entire arctic hemisphere looks like in reality. that includes not just white european scandinavia but also all of northern russia including siberia which btw russia has MANY indigenous peoples, the sami people of norway, sweden, finland & russia, iceland which has no indigenous population but there are theories supported by genealogy & anthropology studies that indigenous peoples accompanied norsemen vikings to iceland, greenland which has the indigenous population of the greenlandic inuit before danish settlers came, canada which itself has MANY indigenous peoples & alaska which Also has MANY indigenous peoples including the inuit, several first nations communities & alaska natives.
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so why is it that Every Single Fucking Blog i& see that has a northern/free folk character - whether canon or an original character - theyre literally Always white european coded, always having blonde hair with blue eyes if it's an original character "skin and hair as white as the snow and eyes as blue as the ice", all that shit. that's a rhetorical question. i& know why. you know why. it's because whiteness is considered the default in our lives & even in our stories & nonwhite arctic peoples or anywhere near the northern hemisphere are considered lesser than, considered an afterthought if even at all. bc y'all would rather have your perfect white instagram model northern characters rather than having diverse characters & actually doing & putting in the fucking work to incorporate nonwhite northern cultures into your fantasy stories despite claiming to be inclusive of everyone. to clarify, there's nothing inherently wrong with having white characters who live in the north but i& need y'all to ask yourselves Why its so overwhelmingly prevalent. bc as an INDIGENOUS mun it makes me& fucking insane.
"b-but a.rcana its in medieval europe!!!!!! :'CCCCC so of course the northerners are european northerners!!!!!" man you wont believe who lives in the arctic europe irl, it ain't white scandinavians, they aren't even indigenous to those lands, it's the sami & the karelians who're the indigenous peoples of arctic scandinavia & the kola peninsula. lmfao. now that's not to say there Aren't ANY people with blonde hair & blue eyes, but it's. really uncommon, even moreso people with red hair and blue eyes, especially historically speaking. the point of this post isn't even saying "there are no pale skinned people in the arctic so dont do that in fantasy", the point is "why are there ONLY white skinned, blue eyed, blonde haired people in fantasy arctic groups when the real arctic consists of so many more ethnic groups than that and why are there so many people just okay with indigenous erasure". the arctic is an extremely diverse place with THOUSANDS of ethnic groups in it & to keep writing & rping your character as all white characters especially if they're blonde is. extremely racist & its throwing aside indigenous folx & asians bc the arctic indigenous peoples look VERY diverse.
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above are several different nations ranging from the sámi, to northern asia to indigenous peoples of siberia like the sakha to the tuvan to the chukchi to the nenets to the mongolians to alaska natives to the métis (basically, mixed white, mostly french, english & scottish settlers & indigenous people who're their own distinct indigenous people who, while not from there originally as their homelands are very diverse, historically also travelled up to the northwest territories) & several first nations in the subarctic region like the anishinaabe & cree. hopefully y'all now see what i& mean when there's literally SO MUCH DIVERSITY in the arctic, subarctic & otherwise northern regions in our world with a variety of different skintones from different shades of brown to pale & physical features & hair colors from brown to black to blonde & eye colors to choose from from shades of brown to blue to green. there's SO MANY ideas to choose from & y'all will STILL erase nonwhite peoples.
& that's just the first men in the NORTH (which are the place with the most people who're first men & btw the north is MASSIVE & that's not even including the MANY peoples from beyond the wall so combined they're canonically the largest & oldest of the seven kingdoms), there's technically other families such as house blackwood, house bracken & the now extinct house strong in the riverlands, house dayne, house wyl & house yronwood in dorne, house redfort & house royce in the vale, house westerling in the westerlands, house gardener in the reach, the mountain clans, & the people of crackclaw point claiming descent from the first men groups that could be interpreted as OTHER indigenous groups living in westeros before the andals (aka white european people) invaded & intermarried with the first men & the rhoynar came to dorne & later the valyrians, notably the targaryens, velaryons (who, in house of the dragon, are black) & celtigars (who i personally interpret as east asian, mostly han chinese, due to the yellow god-emperors of yi ti which is ancient china in the paternal line & a valyrian noblewoman who married him but that's besides the point) came to westeros. obviously there's no 1v1 comparison & most people in southern westeros are mixed between the andals & the first men according to grrm but y'all get it.
"but a.rcana!!!! grrm said its loosely inspired by the wars of the roses!!" .... ok and? asoiaf, like our world, still has many different peoples & cultures. using that as an excuse to not include characters of color in your writing in btw a fantasy series? ew. istg y'all will use any excuse to erase or ignore any nonwhite people even in the rpc.
"but a.rcana!!!! there's not very many indigenous fcs!!!" unfortunately that's very true but like. although it's great to have 1 you don't Need a fc do you. use your imagination.
i& can't tell you how angering it is to find that the vast majority of the rpc just. doesn't even entertain the idea of their favorite (yt) stark faves POSSIBLY being indigenous. if there can be black, brown & east asian valyrians there can be indigenous first men. just like the valyrians, there's literally ZERO lore saying that the first men exclusively had pale skin & btw their skintone, just like the native valyrians was literally NEVER described. yall wanna be racist & gatekeep fantasy SOOOOOOOOO fucking bad. please unpack & discard that white supremacist ideology bc science, history & nor fantasy or literally any other genre of literature & television is compatible with it.
g-d forbid j.on s.now be brown skinned & look visibly indigenous like his mother & uncle & being an indigenous man struggling to do the right thing in a world stacked against his cultural values & trying to save his people & the world from literal ice undead (which, by the way, as an indigenous mun in some of my nations we already HAVE creatures like the others, the giants & the children of the forest in our folklore, we don't need to make it up) & having an indigenous man being one of the major heroes of the story. g-d forbid everyone's favorite l.yanna s.tark be a visibly indigenous woman who's as skilled in the art of swordplay & embroidery & be named the queen of love & beauty & being taken from her home & having to mourn the loss of her father & brother who died trying to find their missing daughter / sister & depending on the verse dying in childbirth or living to become a woods witch & warrior & fighting in her nephew r.obb s.tark's army. g-d forbid r.obb s.tark who's white presenting be the noble prince turned warrior king who slaughtered every lannister soldier he saw for the capture then murder of his father & him struggling to do the right thing & trying to be what the king of the north should be, the first movement for indigenous independence in centuries since the targaryen dynasty fell & being tragically murdered. g-d forbid s.ansa s.tark be lightskinned & have red hair & blue eyes & still be the epitome & pinnacle of femininity beauty standards in king's landing who's considered just as beautiful as any white woman, struggle with the genocide of her people & be forced to use her wits & smarts in a place that didn't value honor or kindness & being used as a hostage by the very family who slaughtered her people & being viciously physically abused & sexually harassed by a white blonde haired green eyed tyrant boy king & his mother & no one blinked an eye & then being forced to marry another member of said family to the point of being bodily dragged to the sept & being forced to assimilate in order to survive & being oversexualized & objectified by white men & she's not even treated like an actual person & finally escaping & eventually taking her homeland back as queen of the north in her own right.
g-d forbid a.rya s.tark being brown skinned & being told she looks like her aunt l.yanna be genuinely angry at what happened to her people & learning about other people along the way & becoming a ruthless assassin for it & trying so hard to remove her culture from herself the further away from westeros she is but knowing deep down she'll always be a.rya s.tark & knowing that one day she'll avenge her family & her people. g-d forbid b.ran s.tark be white presenting & be a MORALLY COMPLEX PHYSICALLY DISABLED character who's literally just trying to save the world while being so far beyond the wall that everyone thinks he's dead & he & his (also indigenous) friends m.eera & j.ojen r.eed & hodor have to fight ice creatures & the undead. g-d forbid r.ickon s.tark who looks so much like r.obb being so young when all this happened & doesn't even remember what most of his family & own home looks like & all he knows is the (also indigenous) woman osha from beyond the wall who's his mother figure & his black direwolf shaggydog who's never abandoned him & he has to learn to fight & survive & thrive on the island of skagos where most don't even dare to tread bc of the supposed cannibalism & unicorns & him coming back to avenge his family as a fierce warrior even as a boy & arguably acting more like someone from the free folk than someone in the north.
g-d forbid indigenous men (rickard stark, brandon stark then eddard stark & robb stark) being brutalized & then murdered in front of crowds of cheering (mostly white) people & no one blinks an eye but ofc that doesn't mean anything (/s). g-d forbid the starks & the northmen are literally compared to literal animals & called savages doesn't mean anything race related despite the fact that savage is literally an antinative slur. g-d forbid the b.oltons (for the most part, not all of them ofc, its basically only r.oose & r.amsay) be indigenous villains bc there really aren't any native villains because we're always seen as the noble savage or these always good elf beings bc we're people just like anybody else & people can *GASP* do shitty things to each other & oppress their own people & native people aren't excluded from that. g-d forbid indigenous women being like the mormonts, dacey mormont & lyanna mormont & spearwives being strong & powerful native women & girls. g-d forbid w.yman m.anderly being a fat indigenous man be constantly underestimated by his peers but is actually a vital player in the northern restoration & his brave granddaughter green haired indigenous w.ylla m.anderly boldly standing up for the s.tarks even in front of the frey colonizers.
g-d forbid there be intracommunity issues between the northerners & the free folk bc like irl we clearly all got along so well (/s) like we didn't have enemies in the past & we had conflicts & fights like everybody else. g-d forbid there be indigenous people who look different & are just as diverse as dorne is. g-d forbid the north & dorne don't look at each other & find solidarity. g-d forbid the starks & northmen as indigenous peoples fighting to get their traditional homelands back from usurpers, traitors & colonizers to restore the north, castles, cultures & land back into indigenous hands.
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zalrb · 1 year
i loved pt.2 of your fic btw!! i always love how closely you follow the canon characterizations of the show like i was very tickled at caroline feeling on the outs with bonnie and elena. and of course i love how sexy the valentine’s day flashback was in general but even more than i love how it highlights the intimacy of stelena + how much that intimacy is built on both of them knowing each on such a deep level. and stefan’s attentiveness! like planning this entire trip based on a random conversation they had, getting jenna in on it (because he actually respects and cares for her loved ones unlike others), making it very clear how significant being in that setting was to him as well—chef’s kiss. and ofc i love damon and katherine’s interaction and it just shows how much of his infatuation with elena is just transference from katherine, how so much of his obsession with both elena and katherine is also part of his pathological need to be the “better” brother and how little it takes to stroke his ego lmaooo. last thing i promise haha!! i love how stefan and katherine’s fun little sex games are about to turn darker. like katherine knows elena is his soulmate and that he will never love her like he loves elena, but she still feels like stefan is hers so she will make his life and everyone else’s life around them a living hell just to have some sort of claim over him. i find that so deliciously delusional and entertaining lol.
thank you! (and my answer is much longer so sorry!) but that's exactly what i wanted with all of these points. doing the valentine's day thing was interesting because i was like to me, stefan isn't flashy but he's extremely intimate and attentive so if i want to do a flashy valentine's day for the two of them it has to be rooted in something particular for the both of them and because most of the time when elena hears about stefan's life in different decades, she's intrigued or she wants to know about dancing specifically
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and stefan goes through the "pageantry" of events for her
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and goes to her friends and family
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and does do grand gestures
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i can convince myself that he would do something like plan an elaborate valentine's day weekend where they act like they're at a victorian ball
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because it's still inherently about their relationship and what they mean to each other.
i also just really wanted another interpretation of the atonement scene
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the damon/katherine scene was really fun for me to write because as you probably know since you've checked in on my blog for a while lol, i talk a lot about how damon calls katherine a liar and she's never actually lied to him, he just always hated what the truth was
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there's something specific he wants to hear
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and she doesn't tell him,
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she maintains that it's always been stefan or she wants stefan more since 1864
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and i was like, what if katherine actually did tell him everything he's wanted to hear, instead of her throwing his insecurities back in his face
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which silas also did
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and instead of relying (clumsily) on sex
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what if she seduced him emotionally, i think she'd succeed and if i'm being very generous, i would at least think he'd waver.
and then katherine and stefan, which is also very, very fun to write because exactly! i really like exploring this delusional aspect of her
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but instead of her being delusional about him actually loving her, it's about how much of a claim she can have over him because there is a tension there, a spark there, and she's holding onto it but also making it grander than it actually is but, at least, the katherine i write still knows which buttons to push and how to push them, which means that stefan is going through his own shit because there is a certain possessiveness he has that has nothing to do with love but i want this katherine to be sort of what she was meant to be which is infuriating and toxic and bad for you but also intoxicating, which just leads to a lot of psychological hell and physical pleasure for him, haha, which will get even more complicated when elena goes full blown jealous ;)
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pharahsgf · 1 year
Penta I hope you don't mind me complaining to you about this for a bit but what bothers me about Cheng/Qing, for the most part, isn't even the ship itself, it's when JC fans try to pretend they're into it for WQ and it's such a good romance for her. I've honestly seen people mad about "erasing her canon relationship" or whatever when she doesn't even like him, and also those fans erase her close relationship with WWX all the time? I've seen someone say that "denying" WQ loved JC back is robbing the nuance from her story and I'm just so mad that this is still an issue
wen qing's story lacks nuance unless she falls for a man who treats her like dirt... great analysis, i'm impressed that person managed to write commentary while attending a men's rights rally. that level of focus should really help them get through joss whedon's writing class.
btw let's not forget that jiang cheng's vision of a romance with wen qing involves her losing her identity and becoming completely isolated so he doesn't have to risk anything defending her. even if you somehow fervently believe that she was hopelessly attracted to his lack of morals and overall mediocrity, you absolutely cannot claim that he respects her or has her best interests at heart, and there is a zero dot zero percent chance that a romance between them would have been anything but miserable for her. that's why i'm a little ??? at the people who really love jiang cheng but also try to push cheng/qing - his advances highlight his absolute worst traits and ruthless betrayal of a woman he knew to be innocent. it makes him look soo bad
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dommarhooober · 6 months
DISCLAIMER: Do not interact with misschidouin (keiangels' new @) person if you don't abhor me. They are a part of the forces that harassed me and continue to randomly bully me to this day. Said side has also repeatedly targeted the people I hang out with online if they don't agree that I'm a miscreant to be avoided. They will start harassing you too. Read here for more details:
@keiangels said my Perfectheart isn't LORE ACCURATE cuz she touts her perfection like she just 2 million⁰ no hands no scoped someone in COD. Well, she's right, but in her claims she used the fact she ain't calling herself Imperfectheart. Which AKTUALLY THERE'S A GOOD REASON FOR THAT IMMA RANT ABOUT NOW CUZ MISSCHIDOUIN CRINGE-
(Big spoilers for the Conscience Navigators Omori AU below)
So, Aubrey and co reveal that Perfectheart was torturing em after their fight in Humphrey. Now, if she lost, she probably wouldn't try this cuz like, they'd just beat her ass again. But since they're actively planning to kill her, and HAVEN'T done so yet (they would if they could cuz torture unpog), it means one thing.
PERFECTHEART CANONICALLY WON AGAINST THEM (and that before Omori meets MC he does some post blackspace Omori route stuff).
So she'd have no reason to call herself Imperfectheart, ESPECIALLY since she's all... well... her in this AU.
Soooo misschidouin you should think twice before you give me ammunition in our Twitter arguments-
Btw she posts her art there go check it out she's remaking her AU's Mari's reference sheet:
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beepboop358 · 2 years
hey!! not sure if you saw the article about the duffers confirming they did forget will’s birthday, but do you think this means they might not have put as much thought into other things with will and mike’s storylines like we’ve been theorizing about? love your account btw!!! ❤️
hey anon!
aw thank you!! ❤️ Yeah I did see the article and I am still not sure what to make of it 🥴 It hasn't decreased my faith in byler because of how season 4 vol. 1 went LOL, and I know that the duffers only wrote about 4/9 episodes this season (I think?) They typically write the first 2 and last 2 episodes of the season, and other writers write the middle episodes. And I know that they have teams of people who design and pick the clothes, background details, sets, and all that who just know there the plot is going, so they're able to hide little clues into the story that way. Basically it hasn't decreased my faith in byler because I know that they are not a singular force executing it.
My first thought as I was reading it was 'oh this has to be a joke, like they HAVE to be trolling us, right? To hide some kind of spoiler about whatever is going on with time being stuck or being manipulated, that will be revealed in vol. 2, or to hide the significance of Will's birthday in general because maybe that will be addressed in vol. 2 also and is some kind of spoiler?' and I think that's a possibility, because it gets a good amount of traffic & makes more people talk about the show...but they also spoiled some stuff for vol. 2 in the article which REALLLLYYYYY suprised me because there's no way Netflix would be cool with that and I can't imagine how they would be either? and the fact that they did that kinda makes me doubt that them saying they forgot Will's bday was just a PR move.
I am kind of flabbergasted that they just FORGOT Will's bday was March 22... It's the only date that's said out loud in the show and confirmed to be canon in duffer brothers world...even November 6 isn't said out loud the first 3 seasons, it's only on a title card in season 1...But they mentioned nov. 6 in season 4 so they clearly managed to remember that date and not a very important scene from an episode they supposedly wrote??? Them forgetting the only birthday that's mentioned in seasons 1-3 also realllllyyy makes me doubt that they write for the show as much as they claim... But no one who edited the scripts, or was in the writers room, or in the cast mentioned it to them before the season got released???
One of my friends goes to Chapman film school, which is where the duffer brothers went, and they have had some really interesting things to say about what people there who knew the duffers have told them about them and the more I learn about the duffers the more my opinion of them goes down. I don't think the show is an homage to 80's movies/movies in general anymore like I once thought... My friend told me that one of their professors who taught the duffers said that a student at Chapman film school wrote a script called Montauk during their time there, when the duffers were also there (keep in mind film schools like chapman are very small), and It was basically about exactly what stranger things season 1 was about. And Stranger Things in the original pitch was even originally called Montauk. and actors have confirmed that too. They didn't even bother to change the name...The student actually sued them over it a few years ago too, but ideas aren't patentable, so the duffers can't legally be blamed for stealing the other students ideas. When I watched the st4 trailer for the first time, all I could think was how EVERYTHING in it was just from another movie. And it started all clicking with me that that's why they use movies to build the DNA for the seasons, they're just taking other people's ideas and using them, so no wonder they forgot Will's bday... Idk the whole thing just really makes me like them less and less. (also guys please don't send me angry messages about this last paragraph here, no one is obligated to feel the same way I do about the duffers this is just how I personally feel.)
Sorry if this was too much anon, but thanks for the ask and I hope you're doing well! xx
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scarlet--wiccan · 1 year
Not sure if you talked about her already in a past ask but who and how is Zala Dane related to Lorna and Max? How can she be Lorna's sister? Was the Max/Suzanna affair long enough for her to get pregnant twice and that other baby (Zala) ended up on the Savage Land? How can she be a Dane if she was never adopted by the Danes? So many questions about this character. She is giving Luminous. You can totally ignore or take your time if you decide to answer this btw. Take care queen. ❤️
Luminous is just a weird little Wanda/Pietro clone that the Evolutionary cooked up in his lab. That part's not really a mystery. The really weird thing about Luminous is how she's allegedly able to use chaos magic, even though that's not a genetic quality, it's not something Wanda was born with, and technically the Evolutionary shouldn't even be aware of it? Even if he was, he wouldn't be able to give it to her.
Anyways, Zaladane.
Zaladane was a Savage Land antagonist who showed up periodically throughout the 70s and 80s. She was a sorceress who served as priestess of the Sun People, which were an Atlantean tribe who lived in the Savage Land. She allied herself with the High Evolutionary during his time in the Savage Land, and later joined up with the Savage Land Mutates, who helped her conquer several of the Land's native peoples.
As far as I'm aware, there's no canon explanation as to where Zaladane was born, or how she came to the Savage Land. In Uncanny X-Men #249, Zaladane abducts Lorna and claims to be her sister, but she offers no further explanation. It's worth noting that this was several years before Lorna was officially confirmed to be Erik's daughter, so her own parentage was something of an open mystery at the time.
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Anyhow, Zaladane uses some of the Evolutionary's tech to transfer Lorna's magnet powers to her own body. I think the implication here is that they share some sort of genetic connection, which makes them "compatible" for such a power transfer-- this is later confirmed by Moira MacTaggert. When Zaladane died in X-Men #275, Lorna's powers were restored and she pretty much just went back to normal.
As far as I'm aware, the mystery of Lorna Dane and "Zala Dane's" connection was never really brought up again. No part of this story makes sense to me, not least because Lorna isn't even related to the Dane family by blood! They're relatives of her mom's husband, so if "Zala" is part of the "Dane" family, she's not actually genetically connected to Lorna at all.
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