#tvd oscar
multimuseficreblogs · 11 months
side note: i also have the queue filled up with over 300 fics of pedro pascal & characters so that's the only reason why that's not an option!
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cyberghu0l · 1 year
hi my loves, just wanted to address some things i haven't before. i was going to in my 'about the writer' post but i figured why not keep it separate !
1. I do not only write for BP
It has been my primary subject, because i just rlly like writing for Shuri and Riri at the moment, but i am open to and working on more stories for different characters. if you guys would like to see anything in specific pls lmk, i am working on a couple new things so watch out for that;)
2. Please respect my boundaries
I haven't had an issue with any of my submissions being inappropriate yet, but if you are requesting anything pls do think abt it first before submitting !
i will not be writing stories that contain:
age play
mommy/daddy kinks
minor characters with smut scenes
anything involving hate crimes
eating disorders & self harm
3. All my readers are black
i always mention fem reader, but i wanted to add as well they are all black unless i say not (which probably won't happen)
4. Please do not spam
i mentioned before i use to write on wattpad before my acc got deleted after getting a new phone, besides the point i had a lot of issues with people spam liking or commenting. if you enjoy alot of my works, i don't mind a dm or even a submission saying what you liked
that's it rlly, thank you guys for all the comments, reblogs and notes ! it does mean alot to me that ppl enjoy it. any feedback is appreciated as well ! xoxo
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galvanizedfriend · 2 years
I'm really curious about the writer's room in TVD S3. They get together to brainstorm the season, someone raises their hand and suggests introducing Caroline's gay father to the story by having him put his daughter through his very own version of a gay conversion therapy torture session. The person in charges hears that and goes "Brilliant!".
I wonder if anyone dared to say 'Uhm, maybe not'?
Genuinely baffled that in the holy year of 2011 this was considered a smart move, particularly for a show that has NO LGBT characters. Bill Forbes was the first and, for the longest time, the only one (even though we never really hear much about his story ). And yet they genuinely thought it painted a nice picture, or that it was ~~IRONIC, to have him playing the part in a very strong 'gay cure' analogy, where he attempts to rewire Caroline's brain so she'll associate her very nature to pain and stop herself from acting on impulses that are basic to her survival. And Caroline says things like 'You can't change who I am', and 'He hates me for who I am'.
Just 🙃 wow.
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readingwriter92 · 2 years
I keep starting shows and then giving up after five mins only to then complain about not being into anything rn
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killiansprincss · 2 years
Netflix cancelling First Kill? Honestly not surprised, it got barely any promo before or after it aired and Netflix just hates lesbians
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daenysthedreamer101 · 5 months
TVD - Season 4 Ep 12
"A View to a Kill"
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Do I even have to say it? Elena and Jeremy killing Kol was the stupidest, most nonsensical thing I've seen on this show so far and that's saying a lot. There is no way in hell that Kol, an Original, was killed by Jeremy, a 16-year-old human (I know he's a hunter but still), and Elena, a baby vampire who's been a vampire for a couple of months at most. Kol is over a 1000 years old!
How? Like....Ughhhh! He didn't even want to kill Jeremy, just cut his arms off (ok not saying that's good but he said "I'll heal you with my blood" so...). He easily could've killed Elena, but he didn't. When he stabbed her, he stabbed her in the stomach, not the heart.
Also, it just felt OOC for Elena to be so willing to kill someone. Like "Oh yeah let's just kill him and by killing Kol we'll kill thousands of other vampires" ...Wasn't Elena supposed to be this really compassionate person because I don't see her anywhere. 😒😒😒
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.....NO! THIS SHOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE! There's no way Elena was able to hold Kol for that long. Also, very convenient for her that she saw that Kol had the white oak stake with him cause his jacket was open (smells like plot convenience to me hmm...). And ofc they put vervain in the water system the day Elena decided to kill Kol...🙄🙄🙄
DAMN IT, I LIKED HIM! I know they bring him and Finn back for TO but that's irrelevant rn. Ever since they introduced him back in s3 they just kept on nerfing tf out of him. He's an Original damn it, he is more powerful than all of them. It shouldn't be possible for Damon to snap his neck and it should definitely not be possible for a human teenager and a baby vampire to kill him!
What tf was the point of making the Originals so powerful when a baby vampire and a human were able to kill one? Like who wrote this nonsense? 💀💀💀
Klaus and the others better take some revenge! Like, there need to be some repercussions for this!!! We saw Bekah cry when Stefan told her but like, that's not enough? I need revenge!
Also, Bonnie is kind of annoying me? Ever since that stupid professor showed her expression or whatever it's called she's been on my nerves idk. Literally, everyone rn on this show is annoying me lol 😭
Why didn't Kol compel Elena to stay put when he stabbed her? Like, don't tell me she was on vervain? There's no way she drank the water or did she? Or he ofc just didn't think of it.
Klaus's reaction to seeing Kol's body on fire and the way Elena flinched when he yelled "He was supposed to suffer on MY TERMS! "...yeah someone pls give my man Joseph an Oscar cause that was acting! Klaus better keep his promise and burn their stupid house down!
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RIP MY BABY I'LL MISS YOU! YOU WERE SO CUTE AND SASSY AND CHAOTIC I LOVED YOU! 😟😟💔 (also how do we feel about the bangs lol)
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blue-sadie · 8 months
.Request Page.
A place for my different fandoms brain rots
Platonic = 🌼 Fluff = 🌺 Smut =🌹 Lime = ⚘️ Angst = 🥀 Yandere = 🍁
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(H) kakeru Sengoku - Her Little Merman 🌺
(H) Keishin Ukai - Assistant Manager 🌹
(HMC) Howl Pendragon- A Thing Of Beauty 🌺
(LOK) Mako & Bolin - Brothers Charm 🌹
(MHA) Katsuki Bakugo - Silly Nicknames 🌺
(MHA) Shota Aizawa - Villainous Love 🌹
(MHA) Shota Aizawa - Little Helper 🌹
Incorrect Quotes.
(H) Asahi Azumane - Pregnant Hungry 🌺
Different Aus.
NSFW/SFW Alphabet.
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(QFC) Garrett Touch Says All 🌺
(A&TAE) Dimitri & Cale Tucker - The Tucker Twins 🌹
Incorrect Quotes.
Different Aus.
Nsfw/SFW Alphabet.
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Hayden Christen - Yn Moment 🌺 Jamie Flatters - Admiring The Interviewer 🌺
Henry Cavill - Distraction 🌺
Oscar Isaac - Wavering 🌺
Jamie Flatters,Tedros Pendragon,Neteyam - One Room 🌹
Incorrect Quotes.
Jack Champion - Past Experiences 🥀🌺
Jamie Flatters - Attention Thief 🌺
Jamie Flatters - Bakery Girl 🌺
Jamie Flatters - When Fate Intervenes 🌺
Stephen Lang Hard At Work. Prt 2 🌺
Avatar Cast - Dream Come True 🌺
Different Aus.
NSFW/SFW Alphabet.
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(BG3) Astarion - Love From Cold Lips 🌹
(BG3) Astarion - For Your Pleasure 🌹
(BG3) Astarion - Flaunting Treasures 🌹
(BG3) Astarion - Sweet As Sugar 🌹
(BG3) Astarion - Red As Cherry 🌹
(BG3) Halinsin - Size Difference 🌹
(HL) Sebastian Sallow - Dazzling Smile 🌺
(TLOU) Joel Miller - The Tiredness 🌹
(BG3)Astarion & Halsin - Vampire And The Bear ⚘️
(BG3) Astarion & Gale - Love From The Gods 🌹
(BG3) Astarion & Harleep - Jealous Much 🌹
(HL) Sebastian & Ominus - Bros Before... 🥀🌺
Incorrect Quotes.
(BG3) Ascended Astarion - Truly Broken 🥀
(BG3) Astarion - My Darling Baker 🌺
(HL) Sebastian Sallow - Lace Me Up 🌺
(BG3) Astarion & Halsin - Lust Filldd Touches 🌹
Different Aus.
(BG3)God Astarion & God Gale -Praises From The Gods🌹
NSFW/SFW Alphabet.
(BG3) halsin - NSFW
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(HP) Draco Malfoy - A Bubbly Companion 🌺
(It) Bowers Gang - Plaid Skirts 🌹
(MR) Newt - Second In Command 🌺
(MR) Gally - Soft Spot 🌺
(RH) Prince John - Fall From Grace 🌺
(T) Paul Lahote - Second Head 🌺
Incorrect Quotes.
(A) Kane - Stop Your Breath 🌺🌹
(FG) Walter Mckey (keys) - Cuter Then Puppies 🌺
(MR) Newt - Glow Of Embers 🌺
(TF) Santiago Garcia - Friend Of A Friend 🌹
(TF) Santiago Garcia & Frankie Morales - Movement Of The Hips 🌹
Different Aus.
NSFW/SFW Alphabet.
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(F) Savitar - A New Day Has Dawned 🍁
(OBX) Rafe Cameron - Uncontrollable??? 🌹
(SN) Dean Winchester - Jealous Much 🌹
(ST) Billy Hargrove - Addicted 🌹
(ST) Eddie Munson - Something A Bit More 🍁
(TVD) Stephen Salvatore - The Classics 🌺
(T) Jason Todd - Cold Stares 🌺
(TW) Derek Hale - Big Bad Werewolf 🌹
(VK) Ivar Ragnarsson - Tracing Tattoos 🌺🌹
(OUAT) Peter Pan & Felix - Princess Treatment 🌹
(ST) Billy Hargrove & Eddie Munson - High And Mighty 🌹
(TW) Stiles Stilinski & Scott Mccal - Rain Check 🌹
(ST) Billy Hargrove & Steve Harrington - You Wouldn't Dare🌹
(T100) Bellamy blake & John murphy - little convincing 🌹
(TVD) Damon and Stephen - Elana Really... 🌼🌺
Incorrect Quotes.
(911) Eddie Diaz & Evan Buckley-Something To Look At 🌹
Different Aus.
NSFW/SFW Alphabet.
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@sweetirilly @neteyamyawne @greekgods15 @laylasbunbunny
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zalrb · 5 months
Steroline shipper: „omg from never gonna happen to SC wedding“
How ironic does June wedding sound. June wedding officially means happy life after.
But that doesn’t look like it.
SCrs honour a sham wedding it was only made for to bait out Katherine 🤦🏽‍♀️
It's so funny because when TVD was on air, I remember, I made a crack about how the wedding was just going to be some way to lure Katherine out and it turned out to be an actual plot line and I was like if I was still a Steroline shipper I would be SO mad that their June wedding is Caroline wearing Katherine's necklace and having Elena's necklace wrapped around the bouquet
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Stefan looks like Leo DiCaprio losing another Oscar
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and then he dies on their wedding night after sharing this moment with the only woman he's called the love of his life
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If SC shippers love it that's good on them but I would be pissed.
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ladyxskywalker · 2 years
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July 2022 (part two)
fandoms featured on this list; moon knight, pedro pascal characters, the batman, the amazing spider man, bridgerton, oscar isaac, charlie hunnam, the originals / tvd, & misc./multi fandom 💫
thank you to the amazing fic writers for sharing some wonderful stories with all of us ! & to the kind readers for their support. 💙
please assume that all works & the blogs they belong to are 18+ only
mature adult content will be marked with a double asterisk **
be sure to check all warnings & tags before reading, feel free to skip if something isn't for you
& of course, enjoy responsibly
all the love xo A ☕
✨️ apologies for this month’s list being a little shorter than usual ! I had some things going on, so some of these are comfort reads, & repeats that I’ve read again, new things I’ve read, or various series that I’ve started. hope you enjoy ! & happy reading ! 🤗
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please send me things to read ! favorite fics or something you've written that you're proud of ! 💌
find more monthly fic recs over on my masterlist, Aug 2022 coming soon ! ✨
please let me know if you would like to be removed
✨ new authors & characters added for the first time !
✨ some authors are mentioned more than once throughout the list, check to see if your works are there !
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✨ Jake Lockley
Six Stops by @lcvenderblues (gn!reader)
Love in Bloom, & Sunday Kind of Love by @egcdeath
✨ Marc Spector
Happy Birthday by @writingforcurrentobsessions
✨ Steven Grant
Spirals And Skin by @clints-lucky-arrow (artist!steven) (tattooed!f!reader) **
Tilt, Shift, & Balance by @the-little-ewok (steven x f!reader, marc x f!reader) **
Who Wouldn’t Want That? & Darling, I Fancy You by @yespolkadotkitty (f!reader)
✨ Ezra (Prospect)
Clarity by @ezrasbirdie (dentist!ezra universe) (f!reader) **
Daze by @iamskyereads (slice of life) (domestic ezra universe) (prof!f!reader) (cw: children) **
In the Dark (series) by @frannyzooey (cw: age gap) (f!reader) **
Where the Foxglove Grows by @mandoblowmybackout (plus size, neurodivergent, f!reader)
✨ Jack (Agent Whiskey) Daniels
Tangled Up (series) by @writeforfandoms (dragon rancher au) (f!reader)
✨ Marcus Pike
Desperado by @writeforfandoms (f!reader)
Starting Over (series) by @wardenparker , & @absurdthirst (f!reader) (cw: pregnancy, divorce)
✨ Oberyn Martell
Yes, I do? by @toomanystoriessolittletime (modern au) (escort!oberyn) (f!reader)
✨ Pero Tovar
Full Moon Confessions by @artemiseamoon (f!reader)
Risk by @forever-rogue (f!reader) (cw: pregnancy mention) **
✨ The Thief (Casillero del Diablo)
The Painting by @forever-rogue (f!reader)
✨ Misc. Pedro Pascal Characters
Euclidean Geometry by @leslie-lyman (modern au) (poly!relationship) (f!reader) **
How Did You Love (series) by @writeforfandoms (f!reader)
✨ Alfred Pennyworth (The Batman)
Penny For Your Thoughts (series) by @eupheme (cw: age gap, daddy kink) (f!reader) **
✨ The Amazing Spider Man (Andrew Garfield)
Approach Shift (series) by @psithurista (f!reader) **
Beautiful Distraction by @flightlessangelwings (gn!reader) **
✨ Bridgerton (Benedict Bridgerton)
Truth Unseen by @make-me-imagine (gn!reader)
✨ Bud Cooper (Oscar Isaac, Suburbicon 2017)
A Softer Side by @leiakenobi (f!reader) **
✨ Clash of the Titans (Draco, Mads Mikkelsen)
Of Gods and Men (series) by @KrystalFlare on fanfiction.net (draco x goddess oc) **
✨ Cobra Kai (Johnny Lawrence)
Challenger by @SecretSecret on ao3 (f!reader) **
✨ Duke Leto Atreides (Oscar Isaac, Dune)
The Sun on Your Skin by @writefightandflightclub (gn!reader) (touch starved reader)
✨ Joel Miller (The Last of Us)
Safe With You by @flightlessangelwings (f!reader)
Under the Cherry Blossom Trees by @flightlessangelwings (fluff, angst) (gn!reader)
✨ John Watson (Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows)
The Doctor Is In by @cinewhore (black!f!reader) **
✨ The Originals / The Vampire Diaries
An Act That Brought You Joy (series) by @Merontheshore on ao3 (elena gilbert x klaus mikaelson, elena x elijah mikaelson, elena x kol mikaelson) **
The Artist (series) (a choose your own outcome story) by @brittishmenorbust on ao3 (f!reader)
Bienvenue (series) by @Merontheshore on ao3 (klaus mikaelson x ofc) (kol mikaelson x ofc) (elijah mikaelson & ofc) **
Endlessly Enough (series) by @brittishmenorbust on ao3 (damon salvatore x f!reader)
Labyrinth: A Bonnie Bennett x Klaus centric universe (series) by @artemiseamoon (bonnie bennett x klaus mikaleson) **
✨ Raymond Smith (Charlie Hunnam, The Gentlemen)
Right Hand Woman by @autumnleaves1991-blog (f!reader) **
✨ Rick Flag (DC, Joel Kinnaman)
Motivation by @loverhymeswith (f!reader)
✨ Roswell New Mexico (2019) (Alex Manes x Micheal Guerin)
here everyone knows (you’re the way to my heart) by @catchingpapermoons on ao3 (malex) **
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** be sure to check out part one for star wars, the mandalorian, kenobi, rogue one, & triple frontier fic recs 📖
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slipnoodle · 2 years
the problem with first kill antis who are nonlesbians is that nonlesbians expect every piece of lesbian content be oscar worthy like... bae not every piece of lesbian media needs to be portrait of a lady on fire ok.. stop having these ridiculous expectations??? like if i got first kill as a 13 year old i wouldve ate that shit up, no matter how corny it is. just how the hets did with twilight and tvd. that's why first kill is revolutionary. first kill is the first of its kind and we already got critics calling it a "tired take"... please nonlesbians and nonsapphic people stfu challenge
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maidenvault · 2 years
Favorite gothic horror novels? Just finished rereading Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Finished reading Rebecca about a month ago after not being able to concentrate on books for awhile and it brought me back to the gothic genre
Hey! 😁 So I don’t have a more recent memory of many books in this category and I don’t trust my own taste from 8+ years ago lol, but these are some novels you didn’t already mention (+ some short stories and other stuff) that I’ve loved enough to read more than once and know pretty well.
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
“The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame.” This one is so effective in how it very gradually turns into horror, opening with lush descriptions of the beauty of a garden in the first scene and then, as Dorian moves toward becoming so evil over the course of the story, taking you to darker and darker places, to depravity and decay. Basically a scathing criticism of English aristocracy and a defense of problematic art in which Wilde was also deprecating himself a bit, which seems to suggest that total innocence is the greatest sin because Dorian's inability to think for himself makes him so easily corrupted by challenging ideas.
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson 
“Hill House, not sane, stood by itself against its hills, holding darkness within.” I'm a bit of a hater of the Netflix Hill House, mostly because even taking it on its own terms it's just not that good, but also because it erases the real horror at the center of the novel, which is the harm the traditional family can do and the reality that one can never completely escape where they came from. The ending feels horrifyingly inevitable because of how incredibly well the protagonist and her weaknesses are fleshed out throughout the book. Few pieces of horror media have truly gotten to me and spoken to some of my own personal fears like this.
Interview With the Vampire / The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice
“Do you know what it means to be loved by Death? Do you know what it means to have Death know your name?” These aren't all-time favorite books of mine or anything, and I wouldn't quite call myself a TVC fan, but so much about these first two books in the series are exactly what I want when I feel like reading something moody and gothic in a historical setting. When I finally got around to reading these after a life of being exposed to stuff like True Blood and TVD, it felt like running my hands through bolts of authentic silk and velvet after only encountering synthetic imitations of those before. Somehow they still hold up as something special in the vampire genre and aren’t just laughable after angsty vampires and other things in them have become cliché. Knowing Anne Rice was, in a way, dealing with the death of her daughter by writing the first one certainly helps to still give it some real power.
Swamp Thing by Alan Moore (Saga of the Swamp Thing #20-61)
“There grows yet in Hell a flower that’s named for her.” In this run, Moore famously retconned aspects of Swampy's origin story and put him in a very Frankenstein-like state of questioning the nature and meaning of his existence as a monster. It's beautifully atmospheric and you can practically hear the insects in the Louisiana bayou in the more still and quiet nighttime moments. You get a mad scientist villain, a beauty-and-the-beast love story, truly terrifying vampires, truly terrifying occult magic stuff, and an unforgettable portrayal of Hell that Neil Gaiman would later build on in The Sandman.
“The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” by Washington Irving
“Not far from this village, perhaps about two miles, there is a little valley or rather lap of land among high hills, which is one of the quietest places in the whole world. A drowsy, dreamy influence seems to hang over the land, and to pervade the very atmosphere.” If you're not the kind of reader who can enjoy, in and of itself, being immersed in a setting through lengthy descriptions, this may not be your thing, but I just love the picture it paints of historical New England. It’s the ultimate spooky autumn vibes story, in a sort of wholesome and cozy way. I think of certain passages every year when the leaves start to turn and I start seeing pumpkins everywhere.
"The Masque of the Red Death" / "The Tell-Tale Heart" / "The Fall of the House of Usher" by Edgar Allan Poe
I mean, it's Poe. WYD if you haven't started with some of these.
"Goblin Market" by Christina Rosetti
If you were exposed to this as a kid like I was, it’s worth revisiting! A favorite poem of mine which tells a very moving and dark fairy tale.
“The Rats In the Walls” / “The Call of Cthulhu” / “The Shadow Over Innsmouth” by H.P. Lovecraft
“The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents.” The problems with Lovecraft are well known and you can absolutely live without reading his work if you don't want to take the gross stuff with the stuff that works, but the stuff that works no one else can really do quite like he did. It's not that his prose was even that great, but....his imagination. 🤯 He was consciously taking a lot from Poe, and I think his work seems to partly fit right in with gothic works of the classic canon because it was dealing with the anxieties of an increasingly secular world, perhaps during the last gasp of a time when that could still feel like a relevant theme in horror, but obviously in a very new way that was uniquely his own and came to define cosmic horror.
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cynids · 8 days
about me!
august virgo
xntp (depends on the week tbh)
what i mainly post about/repost:
dc (mainly dick grayson + wonder twins, teen titans and batfam, with a love for wonder + arrowfams & rouges too)
teen wolf + tvd
formula 1 (charles leclerc and oscar piastri u will always be famous)
nhl & goalie loving hours (canes fan since birth, krakens + avs)
college hockey (umich + cornell)
models (v.s and 90's models)
kpop (rare)
figure skating, ice dancing, ballet, gymnastics my beloveds
an occasional string of aesthetic posts whenever im feeling fancy
if you dig deep enough you will find a ton of mxtx and shitty teen shows tho, be warned.
movies + shows i'm currently obsessing over:
rush hour
911 + lone star
criminal minds
white collar
house, m.d.
b99 (see a pattern?)
dead boy detectives
will & grace
young justice (always + forever)
nsfw should be tagged, asks always open!
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ivycovehq · 2 months
can you list some of your MW? i'm struggling with who to apply for! my pref fandoms are twilight, marvel (comics), dc, star wars, winx, spn, tvd, teen wolf !! another q: i'm also hoping to use oscar isaac as a fc, where could you see him?
our discord says: Mace Windu, Darth Maul, Zeb, Rex, Blyth, Hunter, Crosshair, Liam Dunbar, Malia Tate, Sheriff Stilinski, Peter Hale. thor, natasha romanoff, clint barton, steve rogers, emmett cullen, rosalie hale, bree tanner! as for oscar, we don't really do that type of fc help, so hopefully he can fit one of those listd above!
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fangstv · 4 months
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welcome    to    chance    harbor,        damon  salvatore,  stiles  stilinski  &  daniel  molloy   !    thank    you    for    applying,    cody.    you    have    twenty    -    four    hours    to    submit    your    account    ,    if    you    need    more    time    please    don't    hesitate    to    let    us    know    !
› :・゚ ⧼ alperen duymaz , cisgender man , he / him , tvd. dumon söylemez ( damon salvatore ) is a thirty ( 170 ) year old vampire who’s been in chance harbor for two weeks. the unemployed / general nuisance is known for being charming on a good day and manipulative on a bad day. they're often heard listening to tear you apart by she wants revenge and can be described as a thick fog rolling in over the horizon line, engulfing everything in a pale grey; what happened to family over everything else; crimson staining a white satin shirt collar. ( cody, twenty3, est, she / her + n / a )
› :・゚ ⧼ thomas weatherall , non binary , he / they , teen wolf. mieczysław " stiles " stilinski is a twenty ( n / a ) year old human who’s been in chance harbor for their whole life. the college student is known for being charismatic on a good day and sarcastic on a bad day. they're often heard listening to circus clown by mom jeans and can be described as an oversized college branded sweatshirt, sleeves too long and build too baggy; your whole existence hinging on public image; stacks upon stacks of various occult books. ( cody, twenty3, est, she / her + n / a )
› :・゚ ⧼ oscar isaac , cisgender man , he / him , iwtv. daniel molloy is a forty5 ( n / a ) year old human who’s been in chance harbor for twenty years. the journalist is known for being inquisitive on a good day and cold on a bad day. they're often heard listening to one of these things first by nick drake and can be described as endless piles of discarded, crumpled papers and disappointing displays of literature; sometimes you question the state of your own mind; what would you give for just a taste of what they have. ( cody, twenty3, est, she / her + n / a )
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pastryleclerc · 10 months
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this page is unfinished - other fandoms/characters/people per request
charles leclerc
george russell
lando norris
oscar piastri
sebastian vettel
jenson button
daniel abt
liam lawson
stoffel vandoorne
jake dennis
maximilian günther
sacha fenestraz
mitch evans
james rossiter
john stones
julian brandt
ben chilwell
kepa arrizabalaga
mason mount
pablo gavi
alexander nübel
dominik szobszlai
mats hummels
giovanni reyna
leon goretzka
maximilian mittelstädt
movies and characters
top gun (maverick)
• hangman, omaha, harvard, phoenix, chipper
bucky barnes, steve rogers, tony stark, natasha romanoff, pietro maximoff, jack thompson, daniel sousa, peggy carter, michael carter, young!howard stark
diana prince, steve trevor, batman (ben affleck), superman (henry cavill), the flash (grant gustin), mon-el, harley quinn (margot robbie), rick flag
the abc boys (les misérables), finnegan - kenny roper (everybody wants some!!)
tv shows and characters
pretty little liars
aria montgomery, emily fields, spencer hastings, hanna marin, alison dilaurentis, ezra fitz, wesley fitz, jason dilaurentis, wren kingston, darren wilden, gabriel holbrook, marco fury
anthony bridgerton, benedict bridgerton, colin bridgerton, prince friedrich (daphne, eloise and francesca bridgerton/penelope featherington and others on request)
gossip girl
nate archibald, carter baizen, tripp van der bilt, serena van der woodsen, blair waldorf
hawaii five-0/magnum pi/other cbs shows
steve mcgarrett, thomas magnum, juliet higgins, adam noshimuri, nick torres, eric beale
dean winchester, michael (young john winchester), ruby, jack, claire novak, adam milligan, mick davies
eddie diaz (9-1-1), kai parker (tvd)
glen powell
sebastian stan
callum turner
austin butler
margot robbie
corey mylchreest
luke thompson
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pcrfectillusicn · 1 year
mobile muse list
Angela Grimes. 43. ex-psychiatrist fc: evangeline lilly // fandom: twd/tlou - zombie ap.
Belinda Callohan. 43. emergency room nurse fc: emily blunt // fandom: fandomless
Brody O'Conor. 40. tattoo artist/ex-boxer fc: tom hardy // fandom: fandomless
Callum Murphy. 42. mechanic / vp of mc fc: charlie hunnam // fandom: fandomless
Cassandra 'Cassie' Donovan. 41. bartender/bar-manager fc: sophia bush // fandom: fandomless
Charlotte 'Charlie' Schmid. 40. homicide detective fc: olivia munn // fandom: fandomless/cm/svu
Dante Walker. 42. defense attorney fc: charles michael davis // fandom: fandomless
Dean Fuller. 54. therapist fc: jeffrey dean morgan // fandom: fandomless
Declan Kentala. 43. farmer / ex-bounty hunter fc: jason momoa // fandom: fandomless
Delilah Martinez. 37. elementary school teacher fc: ana de armas // fandom: fandomless
Gregory Gonzalo. 46. mafia don / jazz club owner fc: oscar isaac // fandom: fandomless
Hazel Monroe. 42. criminal defense attorney fc: jessica chastain // fandom: fandomless
Isadora sanchez. 33. personal assistant fc: priscilla quintana // fandom: fandomless
Julieta Ortega. 38. fbi agent fc: martha higareda // fandom: crime
Katalina Chavez. 31 318. vampire fc: nathalie kelley // fandom: to/tvd/supernatural
Lily Donovan. 39. investigative journalist fc: phoebe tonkin // fandom: fandomless
Lucian Gambino. 44. hitman fc: daniel gillies // fandom: fandomless
Lydia Dononvan. 48. cafe owner fc: holly marie combs // fandom: fandomless
Madison Moss. 42. biochemist / novelist fc: bethany joy lenz // fandom: fandomless
Mateo Santiago. 46. drug dealer for Cardenas Cartel / gentleman's club owner fc: edgar ramirez // fandom: fandomless/crime
Matias Jimenz. 41. Bar Owner & Lieutenant of Cardenas Cartel fc: peter gadiot // fandom: crime
Nathaniel Donovan. 42. fbi agent fc: jensen ackles // fandom: fandomless
Noah Matthews. 46. assistant district attorney fc: john krasinski // fandon: fandomless
Olivia Prentiss. 42. medical examiner fc: rachel mcadams // fandom: fandomless
Pilar Sanchez. 35. special victims ada fc: adria arjona // fandom: crime
Rachel Combs. 39. hunter fc: aj cook // fandom: supernatural
Rosa Nunez. 35. money handler for cartel fc: lindsey morgan // fandom: fandomless
Ryder Valdez. 40. con-arist / serial killer fc: jon michael eck // fandom: fandomless
Samara Romanovski. 39. hired cleaner for mob/cartel/criminals fc: megan fox // fandom: fandomless
Taleen Datyan. 35. event/wedding planner fc: angela sarafan // fandom: fandomless
Tristan Fowler. 45. college professor / archeologist fc: tom hiddleston // fandom: fandomless
Victor Arturo. 39. private investigator / bar owner fc: octavio pisano // fandom: fandomless
Wyatt Williams. 41. mechanic / ex-con fc: pablo schreiber // fandom: fandomless
Xavier Cardenas. 41. Bodyguard & Son of Cartel Boss fc: alfonso herrera // fandom: crime
Ximena Cardenas. 33. Weapons Trafficker & Daughter of Cartel Boss fc: eiza gonzalez // fandom: crime
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